Thank You!!! - Hospice North Hastings


Thank You!!! - Hospice North Hastings
Newsletter of Hospice North Hastings
“caring when there is no curing”
Volume 14
Winter 2013-2014
Inside this issue:
From the Chair
Heather’s Highights
Volunteer Profile
What Have We Been Up To
Thank You
Memorial Donations
Additions to the Tree
Hospice Businesses
Thoughts for the Day!!
Upcoming Events
Giving Back
Hospice Gala
Donation Cut Out
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Hospice North Hastings
27 Bridge St. E.,
Box 875
Bancroft, ON
K0L 1C0
Tel: 613-332-8014
Fax: 613-332-8014
[email protected]
All Occasion Event Rentals
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Board of Directors
Betty Coutu - Chairman
Tim Baragar- Vice Chair
Regitze Calder - Treasurer
Marcella Christiansen - Secretary
& Fundraising
Noel Lobe - Director
Kim Trolley Director
Ron Emond - Director
Monica Walker - Director
Karen Bonokoski Director
Heather Brough - Program Coordinator
Virginia Plunkett - Office Administrator
Lenna Minnie– R&R Program Assistant
Registered Charity
BN. 89267 1561 RR0001
The Hospice 2013 Chili-Fest and Hike for Hospice was a great success!! Over 12 varieties of Chili
were available and wonderful homemade cookies for dessert!! The brave ones walked the
beautiful grounds of the River’s Edge Golf Club and the sun came out!!!
See you all next year!!!
A word from your Chair …..
This past year has been a successful one for Hospice North Hastings. With help
from our businesses, All Occasion Event Rentals & The North of 7 Film Fest we
have continued to grow and fund new programs.
A new storage facility to house medical equipment and to protect the equipment
from the elements was built with the support of a Foundation Grant,
TIM-BR MART & Steve Huzarik and his crew. Our new R & R Day Program
which runs each Thursday morning provides respite for caregivers and persons
facing a life changing condition. This program is offered at no charge to anyone
registered with the Community Care Access Centre and provides yoga, therapeutic
touch, massage therapy, reiki, and lunch.
All of our growth is a result of the dedication of our Board of Directors, Staff &
Volunteers and with the help of businesses and individuals in this area. We
continue to run all of our programs…including our home visiting program and the
residential hospice without any government funding.
The new electronic signs in Bancroft and Maynooth have garnered positive
feedback from the community. We use the signs to generate income and to keep
everyone informed of any special events or public Announcements/emergency
I would like to thank Kelly Soanes for her many years of volunteering with
Hospice and for her tenure as Chairman of the Board of Directors. I have big shoes
to fill.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!!
Heather’s Highlights ….
“..birth is a beginning….death is a destination...and life is a journey”
Rabbi Alvin Fine
The phone rings …. and there is another referral to Hospice. Another individual in our community and their family
are facing heartache and a difficult journey ahead. We at Hospice, would not be human if we didn’t think of our own
families at this time and count our blessings. We breath deeply and grab hold a little tighter to those we love.
But we also realize….that this is coming to us all….at some point we all must say farewell to those we love.
What we hope for is a quiet passing, a soft farewell, a gentle sleep for
those that we love.
We are so proud to be able to offer the many Hospice programs to you our “community”…to provide you with options
for care. Whether it is support for a caregiver as he/she’s energy flags, medical equipment for your home or caring for
someone in the last days of their life at our residential hospice….
it is a privilege to be of service.
On behalf of our entire team of staff and volunteers at Hospice North Hastings,
“thank you” for entrusting us with the care of your loved ones.
How long have you been a
I have been a volunteer with Hospice
North Hastings since May of 2011.
mini lights that are returned from their
rental business, to helping set up for the
Hospice Gala. There is always something
that needs to be done!!
Why did you select the Hospice
to volunteer?
I had heard many wonderful things about
the work that Hospice was doing in our
community and I wanted to become part of
that. I had recently cared for my wife at
home when she was ill and I realized how
helpful it could be to have support
Any special moments in your time as a
volunteer that you would like to share?
I really enjoy going into the homes….often
I can stay with someone while their spouse
takes a bit of time for themselves and goes
to our R&R Day Program!!
What has being a volunteer meant to
I have really enjoyed my time with
Hospice. There are not a lot of male
volunteers and some of our male clients
really enjoy talking about hunting or fishing with another guy for a change. I have
been involved in many different aspects of
Hospice care...everything from visiting
clients in their own homes, to checking the
A word from the Coordinator:
Mike is part of our Hospice family!!!
Even when he is just walking into Hospice
he is picking up the recycle boxes, when
we are busy with the All Occasion Event
Rentals he is packing orders up and lord
knows….saving our mini lights!!!
Virginia and I enjoy his time at the office
and his Words of Wisdom!!
Thank you Mike – you are a treasure!!
Hospice North Hastings would like to thank Kelly Soanes, our past Chairperson and Dawn Denneboom a past
Director for their years of service to Hospice and to our community!!
Hospice would like to welcome our new Board Members…..Ron Emond, Karen Bonokoski and Monica
What Have We Been Up Up To ???
We love our new coloured electronic signs at The
Bancroft Village Playhouse and at the HH Centre!! I f
you have an Hospice for advertising details!
Oh...Oh...Basement spring flood at Hospice!!
Thank you to David Pitts from Bancroft
Restoration Services…...for such fast and
excellent service!!
How about that new
storage building for
No more moving
everything twice to
get at it!!
The AAC has Box Office Bancroft up and
running!! Please check out for tickets to
our movies and many other local events!!
Thank you Steve
Huzarik for a great
building job!!
GALA 2013!!!!
What a party!!
Thank you Tim
Baragar and Tim Leveque
for being such good
What will we get up to
next year??
Congratulations to Annie
Hollister...the oldest walker at our Hike
for Hospice!!!
Way to go Annie!!
Dove Trees
were again
around town
over the
Thank you
to all who
Thank You!!!
Thank you to The
Royal Canadian
Legion District F
Hospital Trust
for donating $8600.00
to Hospice for new
medical equipment for
our loan cupboard
and for the R&R Day
Thank you to
Choices Thrift
Shop and all of
volunteers for
their continued
support of
Thank you to the
amazing students from
York River Public
School ... Miranda
Burke and Trinity
Thrower who
donated $429.10 from
their fund raising
efforts for
Hospice House….can
you believe it!!!
Thank you
to New
Horizons for
funding a
new training
program for
Jim Amos continues to astound all with
his wonderful woodworking skills and we
thank Barb and him for their donation
of this beautiful liquor cabinet for the
Hospice Raffle first prize!!
Thank you to Community Futures for again supporting Hospice
through their Community Initiative Program!!!
You are great to work with!!!
Our continued
THANKS to all at
DPM for the donated
snow plowing and
grass cutting!!!!! The
Hospice sure wouldn’t
look the same without
your support!!
Thank you to the Carlow Mayo for
supporting Hospice programs in their area!!
Thank you to Scotia Bank for donating to our rental
business All Occasion Event Rentals….we will continue Thank you to all at Hastings Highlands Municipal Office and
all at the Public Library for allowing Hospice’s electronic
to rent out what we purchased and continue to have funds
sign to be installed there!!
flowing in! Smart!!!
You have been great to work with!
continues to
lead the way in
donations to
Thank you!!
Thank you to the RJ Brooks Tenants
Association for donating to
Hospice Programs!
Thank you to “Sew From The Heart”
for continue to donate items to us for
our small gift shop!! Come and see
what we have for Christmas!!
The Across The
Lake Swim for
Hospice at Coe
Island Lake was
another great
Thank you Judy
and all the
Thank you to
Kawartha Credit Union who donate
through their Community
Program and continue to
Support Hospice!!
November 2,2013 - November 12. 2013
Abrams, Patty
Adams, Arthur & Wilma
Adams, Gary, Sharon &
Adams, Hoarce & Bonnie
Aikins, Ted
Aikman, Shawna
Allison, Claude & Mae
**Amos, Jim
**ANAF Ladies Auxiliary
Anderson, Barbara
Anderson, Jennifer
Anderson, Lorraine
Anderson, Robert & Penelope
Antoni, Kim
**Archambault, Kathy
Armstrong, Doug
Armstrong, Ian & Aileen
Armstrong, Kathy
Armstrong, Lyle & Donna
Armstrong, Marvin & Eva
Armstrong, Paul & Maureen
Ashton, Laura & Ken
Austin, Edith
B & K Outerwear
Babb, Carol
Bailey, Lois
Bakker, Dan & Sandra
**Baldock, Don
Bancroft Curling Club
Bancroft Fish & Game Club
Bancroft Flying Club
Bancroft Home Hardware
**Bancroft Pentecostal
Bancroft Rentals
Bancroft Restoration Services
Bancroft Towing & Recovery
Bancroft Trophies
Bandy, Louise
Baragar, Ted & Mary Lou
**Baragar, Tim
Barker, Robin & Wilf
Batchelor, Margarete & Ben
**Batty, John (Estate)
Beaubien, Shirley
Beauchan Family
Beaumont, David & Betty
Beaumont, Evelyn
Beecham Family
Behnke, Nelda
Bertrand, Marianne
Best, Cathie
Best, Claude & Gwen
Best, Libbie & Bill
Best, Perry & Sylvie
BG Martin Enterprise Ltd
Bierworth, Carl & Lila
Bierworth, Stephen
Bigelow, Charlotte
Bird's Creek Developing
Bishop, Kim
Black, Mary Ellen
Blackburn, Lori
Bongard, George & Dorothy
Bonnar, Elizabeth
Bonokoski, Karen
Borutski, Allan & Kathleen
Bowers, Cheryl
Bowers, Ed
Bowers, Joe
Bowers, John & Sherry
Bowers, Murray & Carol
Bowers, Sean
Bowman, Marilyn & Ron
Boyle, Charles & Annette
Boyle, Mae
Boyle, Meryle & Bev
Boyle, Nan
Bradford, Jozsef
Bradley, Percy & Florence
Brett, Betty
Brewster, Garry & Lucille
Broadworth, Doug & Joyce
Brooks, Bard
Brose, Brian & Isabella
Brose, Barry & Susan
**Brough, Elwood
**Brough, Heather
Brough, Jim & Haylena
**Brough, Joan
Brough, Norm
Brown, Faron & Mary Ann
Browning, Rita
Brownson, Cecil & Eunice
Bruce, Nancy
Bruce, Sheldon
Bruce, Agnus & Tom
Brummell, Roger & Marilyn
Burbidge, Vivian
Burchat, Shirley
Burke, Patricia
Burke, David & Lucille
Burkitt, Ruth & John
Burnett, Karen & Earl
Burnett, William & Jo-Anne
Burtenshaw, Garth & Marilyn
Butler, Edith
Butson, Pat
Butt, Darlene
Byers, Larry & Liz
Byrd, Robert & Lorena
Calder, Doug & Regitze
Caldwell, William & Donna
Callow, Fran
Campbell, Derrick & Shelley
Campbell, Verna
Canadian Tire Corporation
Cannon, Bob & Shirley
Cannon, Lori
Card, Brian & Judith
Card, Leona
Cardiff Community Club
Cardiff Country Store
Carley, Krista
Carlow Community Center
Carlow Recreation Committee
Catholic Women’s League
Caverly, Karen
CAW Social Justice Fund
Chalk, Bunny
Chartrand, Vivian
Chateauneuf, Mariette
Chidley, Merrick & Betty
Chisholm, John & Wanda
Chmielewski, Susan
**Choices Thrift Shop
Chow, Kathy
Christiansen, Henri &
Christopher, Rosemary
Churchill, Muriel & Lloyd
Ciana, Marjorie
Clair, Marlene
Clark, Fran
Clark, Marlene
**Clark, Russell
Clegg, Howard & Eleanor
Clegg, Lynette & Ronald
Coady, Nick
Coe, Leon & Marlene
Coe, Norris
Colbourne-Wells, Vanessa
Cole, Ernest
Collins, Bruce & Mary
Communications Energy &
Paperworks Union of Canada
**Community Futures
Development Corporation
Concrete Ltd
Connell, Bill
Connell, Linda
Cook, Elaine
Cooke, Patricia
Cooney, Becky
Cooper, RJ
Cordes, Ron
Corin, Pat
Corporation of Township
Coulas, Jake & Sam
Coulas, Dave & Katrin
Couldry, Dianne
County of Wellington Solid
Waste Division
Courtney, George & Susan
Coutu, Denis & Betty
Cox, Alisha
Cox, Basil
**Crackerjack Palace
Crawford, Wanda
Cudmore, Judy
Cullen, Kevin
Currie, Daphne & Family
Curtain, Marilyn
Cwalino, Lucy
D’Aoust, Paul
Dagenais, Diane & Ovila
Davidson, Art & Rita
Davis, Francis
Davis, Gwen
Davy, Don & Libby
Deboo, Art & Debbie
Delport-Hannah, Diane
Denneboom, Dawn
Dermott, Josh
Deshane, Arnold
Dimitrakopoulos, Kathy
Dimou, Konstantina &
Dinsmore, Jacqueline
Dodd, Rick
Donahue, Patty
Donaldson, George
Donaldson, Linda
Donaldson, Lorraine &
Doney, Audrey
Doney, Edith & Family
Doney, Mervin & Diana
Doucette, Eric & Sue
Douglas, Monty & Brenda
Douglas, Paul
Drennan, Dave & Nora
Dureault, Melissa
Dysart, Mac & Angela
Eakin, David & Jeanne
Eastman, Kimberly
Easton, Bob & Phyllis
Easton, Roger & Margaret
Eaton, Lori
Edwards, Harriett
Elliott, Alsie
Ellis, Fred
Ellis, Glen
**Elsley, Mark
Elson, Marilyn
Emerson, Edna & Raymond
Emond, Ron & Sonya
English, Vieno
Evans, Lori
Evans, Paul & Lisa
Ewing, A
Eymann, Garry
Fallis, Donna
Farnsworth, Erin
Farrell, Robert
Farrer, Betty
Farthing, Tom & Gwen
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Flynn, Mike
Foster, Doug
Foster, Glenn & Elizabeth
Foster, Joan
Fowler, Allan Jr
Foxcroft, Cathy
Franks, Larry & Marion
Fransky, Al & Family
Fransky, Barb
Fransky, Cecil & Marlene
Fransky, Janet
Fransky, Reatta
Freeman, Dan
Freymond, Andre & Arlene
Freymond, John & Lorna
Freymond, Leeann & Louis
**Freymond, Maurice
Freymond, Paul & Ann
Freymond, Robert & Krista
Freymond, Ron, Colleen &
Freymond, Stephen
Fritsch, Tony & Gail
Fry, Neil & Rayna
Fulford, Cathy
Fuller, Bob
Fults, Austin
Fults, Margie
Gabourie, Brenda & Dan
Gaebel, Dorothy
Galaxy Barrie Management
Gallagher, Bev
Gallagher, Pauline
Gallant, Lois & Joe
Garrett, Nora
Gaunce, Glen & Elizabeth
Gilbert, Don & Aileen
Gilbert, Muriel
Giles, Agness. J
Giles, Gwen
Gingras, Larry
**Glenn, Debbie
Goguin, Dista
Gordon, Graycee
Gouche, Diane
Goulet, Tana
Graf, Betty & Remi
Graf, Remi & Family
Graham, Casey
Graham, Dana
Graham, Danielle
Graham, Merv
Graham, Mike &
Graham, Ron
Graham, Russell & Doreen
Graham, Stacey
Grant, Marie & Emerson
Gray, Caroline
Gray, Edith
Green , Margaret
Greenfield, Dorothy & Lee
Grief Talkers
Griffin, Dan & Jan
Griffith, James & Sigrun
Guerrisey, Brenda
c/o Plumbing Plus
Guilbeault, Jeffery &
Gulick, Glen & Betty
Gunter, Lil
Gunter, Wanita
Gushie, Steve
Hales, John & Edith
Hamm, Grace
Hammond, Herb & Diane
Hannah, Shirley
Hansen, Erma
Hargrove, Patricia
Harley, Wayne & Sherry
Hart, Elizabeth
Hart, Faye E
Hart, Ronald & Keva
Hartkorn, Elfie
Harvey, Greg
Harvey, Tyler
Harwood, Nancy
Havelock Baptist Church
Hayton, Delinda
Head, Aldine
Heasman, Marion
Helm, Vera
Hendry, Barry
**Henrickson, Mike
Henry, John & Fay
Herb's Siding
Hickey, Frank
Hillcrest Dental Centre
**Hillis, Faye & Bill
Hillis, David
Hillis, Pam
Hilts, Shirley
Hintergberger, Leah
Ho, Albert
Hoagle, Rob
Hoar, Ron & Nancy
Hoelke, Daryl
Hogan, Lois
Hogarth, Jack & Shirley
Holbrook, Lloyd & Linda
Hollingsworth, Robert &
Hollister, Annie
Holmes-O’Hara, Maureen
Home Hardware
Hoover, Adam & Virginia
Hopkins, WB & Mary
Horst, Ken
Horton, Cathy
Hosta, Tommy
Howarth, Jerry & Smitty
Howe, Janet
Howson, Jeanette
Hubbeard, Ken & Val
Hudson, David
Hughes, Jayne
Hughes, Muriel
Hughey, Audrey
Hughey, Dale
Humen, Taras
Hunt, Diana & Clint
Hunt, Susan
Hyde, Kitty
Hydro One Employee
Inglis, Glenn
Ingram, Dale & Darlene
Ink N' Things
Ireland, Anne
Irwin, John
Jack Hinze Family
Jacklin Family
Jackson, Amelia Beryl
Jackson, Norah & Russ
Jacobs, Albert
Jago, Michelle & Frank
Jan ,Lloyd
Janjik, Phyllis & Family
Jardine, Muriel B.
Jared, John
Jeffery, Faye
Jenkins, Bernice
Jenkins, Glen & Shirley
Jenkins, Rosemary
Johns, Heather
Johnston, Jack & Doris
Kall, Rose
Kapitain, Ron & Patsy
c/o Karson Group
Kathy, Tripp
Kattouw, Josephine
Kavanagah, Mike & Debbie
Kavanagh, Sheila
**Kawartha Credit Union
Keeler, Ralph & Shirley
Kehoe, Betty
Kellar, Diane
Kellar, Gary
Kellar, Maude
Kellar, Sharon
Kelly, Con & Joan
Kelly, Joan
Kelly's Fuel
Kelusky, Edward & Muriel
Kennedy, Davine
Kerr, Rita
Kirkaldy, Dave & Michelle
Kirkaldy Family
Klein, Peter & Joyce
Knight, Eric
Knight, Jim
Knight, Leland & Linda
Knight, Nancy
Knight, Vera
Knop, Ms
Knott, Bonnie
Kochler, Cindy
Kornic, Kenneth & Gail
Kouba, Alan
Kravchenko, Barb
Kuno, Marilyn & Murray
Kunz, Janice
Labrum, Torun
Ladygina, Alla & Vladimir
Laginskie, Viola
Lake, Evelyn
Lake, Frank
Lalonde, Lois
Lalonde, Robert
Lapalne, Thelma
November 2,2012— November 12, 2013
Lawrence Electric
Layman, Nancy
LBR Contracting
Leavitt, Dave & Lisa
Lebow, Dorothy
Lebow, Edean, Barry, Brian
& Wendy
Leduc, Helene
Lee, Beryl
Lee, Brendan
Lee, Lily
Leedy, Dave & Lorraine
Leeson, John
Legault, Sandra & Sue
Lehinant, Herta Estate
Lentz, Philip & Shelby
Letwin, H
Leveque, Gloria & Jerome
Leveque, Tim & Kelly
Lewis, Evelyn
Liberty, Sharron
Liedtke, Bernie & Darlene
Little Mississippi Hunt Club
Little, Sheila
Liverseed, Earl
Livins, Ivar & Lyla
Lobb, Mr & Mrs. Charles
**Lobe, Noel & Katie
Lobe, Paul
Logozar, Stefania
Lohnes, Ev
Loney, Tom & Lauraine
Long, Francis
Lord, Dr. Wayne
Lott, Jamie
Lott, Linda & Durl
Lough, Mr & Mrs Harvey
Lucas, Edgar & Gerri
Luella Smith Family
Lukiew, Michael & Julia
Lum, Winnie
M & M Meat Shops
Ma, Jackie
MacDonald, Margaret
MacDonald, Sharon
MacIntosh, M
Mack, John
MacKenzie, Doug & Lynn
Mackey, Audrey
MacLennan, Carol
MacLennan, Kenneth &
Madill, Brian & Darlene
Maliborski, Gaylna
Malloy, Leona
Manion, Gail
Maple Leaf Snow Skimmers
Markland, Jackie & Kim
Markland, Ron & Joan
Marlowe, Larry & Dolly
Martin, Andrea & Ruth Ann
Martin, Eileen
Martin, Gary & Marie
Martin, Scott
Martin, Tammy
Mason, Chuck & Pam
Mason, Wayne & Cindy
Mathers, Mary Pat
Matuszek, Carla
Maxwell, Dennis & Wendy
Maxwell, Jenna
Maxwell, Vern
McAlpine, Cindy & Pat
McAlpine, Steve & Kathy
McArthurs Mills Christian
McAuley, David
McAuley, Lois
McBean, Kevin
McCabe, Georgina
McCallum, Dorothy
McCalpine, Delphine
McCann, Mary
McCausland, Joan
McClelland, Jennifer
McClelland, Lynda
McClelland, Phil
McComb, Bill
McCormack, Hazel
McCracken, John & Sharon
McEatheron, Elaine
McEatheron, Vida
McEatheron, Wesley &
McFadden, Arlene
McGhee, Nan
McKay, David
McKenzie, Doug & Lynn
McLaren, Pam & Steve
McLeod, Don
McLellan, Mabel
McMunn, Vivian
McMurray, Muriel
McPhail, Betti
McWhirter Reunion
"Bob's Bunch"
Meitz, Walter & Audrey
Melnyk, Pamela
Messham, Sandra & Keith
Metelnick, Margaret
Mielke, Dan
Miller, Ron
Minnie, Lenna
Mississippi Hunt Club
Mistysyn, Ainslie
Mitchell, Dorothy
Moffat, Wes & Peggy
Moran, Evelyne
Moore, Barry & Debbie
Moore, Doris
Morris, Norm
Mountney, Allan
Mullett, Charles
Municipality of Highlands
Munro, Alex & Wendy
Munro-Leeson, Crissy
Murchinson, Barb
Murphy, Mike
Musclow, Marlene
Myles, George & Leslie
Neuman, Diane
Neuman, Jeff
Nicholson, Sandra
Nickle, David, Sherry &
Noble, Alice
North Hastings Family
North Hastings Quilt Club
Northern Healing
Nunn, Brenda
O.P.P Association
OCWA Staff
O'Donnell, John
O'Donnell, Kim
O'Donnell, Pauline
Ogilvie, David & Shirley
Ogilvie, Ruth
Oliver, Pat & Fred
O'Neil, Patsy
O'Neil, Penny
Ontario Federation of
Snowmobile Clubs Dist 6
Ontario Provincial Police
Association Branch 9
**Ont Trillium Foundation
Oram, Laura
O'Reilly, Neil & Connie
Osmond, Yvonne
Park, Brock & Brenda
Parks Foodland
Parks, Nancy & Gary
Parsons, Dorothy
Partridge, Ola
Paterson, Tara
**Patricia Dafoe Insurance
Pattinson, Jake & Tricia
Paul Price Ford
Pearson, Helene
Pearson, Mr & Mrs Bob
Peaver, Hilda & Stan
Pepin, Beth
Pepins No Frills
Peters, Lloyd & Jennifer
Peters, Tracy
Pettifer, Carol & Glenda
Phair, Haroldine
Phillips, Donna
Piehette, Martin
Pilatzke, Joyce
Pilgrim, John & Betty
Plowright, Rae
Plunkett, Betty
Plunkett, Gavin & Owen
Plunkett, Sherwood & Morna
Plunkett, Trevor & Virginia
Poff, Tom
Posies Flowers & Gifts
**Potter, Charles
Prentice, Edgar & Ramona
Prentice, Kayla
Price, Linda
Price, Morris & Annette
Price, Rob
Price, Warren & Mary
Quderkirk, Alice
Ramsbottom, Pauline
Rasmussen, Lillian
Raymond, William & Betty
Rawal, Dr. Jerry
Reed-Lewis, Dennis
Rehinhardt Ed
Reid, Della
Reid, Joanne & Bob
Reid, Kathy
Remax Country Classics
Reuser, Michael
Reynolds, Deborah
Rezac, Milan
Richardson, Karen
Rickard, Gord
Rivers Edge Gold Course
Riverstone Residence
RJ Brooks Tenants
Association Centre
Roach, Linda
Robb, Mr & Mrs Dave
Robbins, Joan
Robbins, Robin
Robbins, Wayne
Robert, Lois
Roberts, Greg & Petra
Robinson, Bob & Nancy
Robinson, Bryce & Laurel
Robinson, Glenn
Robinson, Mr & Mrs Elton
Robinson, Randy & Sandra
Robinson, Sadie
Robinson, Tom & Mary
Rogers, Mr & Mrs. Charles
Rollins, Beverley
Ronholm, K
Roosman, Arnie
Rosenblath, Ruth
Rosnuk, Greg & Marie
Ross, Rejane
Rowden, Barry & Sandy
Rowe, CT
Roy, Annette
**Royal Canadian Legion
District F Hospital Trust
Ruch, Elizabth
Rupnow, Claire & Mavis
Rupnow, Wayne & Betty Ann
Rusaw, Erin
Rutledge, Cam & Pam
Rutledge, Dennis & Tracy
Rutledge, Diane
Rutledge, Fern
Rutledge, Norman & Sharon
Ruttan, Elizabeth
Ryan, Kim
Sansom, Tom
Sargeant, Brent
Sargeant, Doug
Sarginson, Brian & Janie
Schafer, John
Schmidt, Edgar
Scott, Brad & Delores
Sears, Bonnie
Sears, Brian
Seaward, Sharon
Sellars, Betty
Semple, Jamie
Semple, Jim & Alice
Semple, Stewart & Janice
Shaver, Steve
Shining Waters Smocking
Shouldice, Bob & Karen
Shufflebotham, William
Shukster, Marty
Simpson, Bonnie
Simpson, T.G & Audrey
SKS Plumbing
Slater, Lorraine & Bill
Slater, Peter & Cheryl
Slawski, Mark
Small, Burrell & Phyllis
Smith, Diana
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Karen
Smith, Mike & Kari
Smith, Stephen
Snefjella, David
Snider, Laurie
Soanes, Mark & Kelly
South Bentley Lake Cottagers
Southern, Herbert & Ellen
Sparkes, Nick
Spence, Colleen
Spence, Gary & Rochelle
Springer, Troy
St Croix, Greg
St John, Guy
St Pauls United Church
Women Auxiliary Bancroft
… continued
Stapley, Carolyn
Steele, Leonard & June
Steenburgh, Ron & Kathy
Stein, Barry & Colleen
Stein, Leonard
Stephens, Melissa
Stewart, Doris
Stewart, Jeff
Stewart, Mr & Mrs Bob
Stirling Primary Junior
Stone, Betty
Stone, Faye & Rick
Stonebridge, Ed
Storey, Don
Storing, Diane
Stoughton, Craig, Karen &
Sullivan, Michael & Mary
Sunstrum, Garry & Lenora
Suter, Brian
Sutherland, Connie
Sutherland, Norm
Sutherland, Wayne & Eileen
Switzer, Brent & Valerie
Tanner, Dave
Ten Hoope, Tina
November 2,2012 - November 12,2013
Tenthorey George & Donna
Tenthorey, Barbara
Terra Sun
Teskey, Doreen
Teusink, Hilda
The Auto Clinic
The Granite
The Healing Cycle
Therrien, Ross & Olwen
Thompson, Carol
Thompson, Clayton & Carla
Thompson, Don & Yvonne
Thompson, George
Thompson, Shirley
Timmerman, Lynda
Todd, Art
Todorovski, Lorrine & Kosta
Tonack, Claire
Towle, Dick & Fran
Township of Tudor Cashel
**Township of Wollaston
Toye, Gail
Trimble, Mike
Tripp, Kathy
Tripp, Kirk
Trolley, Eldon & Emily
Trolley, Ken & Rhonda
Trolley, Kimberly & Steve
Trolley, Laurie & Lana
Trolley, Lloyd
Trolley, Richard
Trotter, Uena
Tryon, Arva
Turnbull, Miriam
Turner, Derek & Ruth
Umpherson, Michael
Unger, Shirley
United Way
V & S Stedman's
Vader, Bill
Vader, Ella & Family
Valanne, Irma
Van Dyk Meier, Loni
Vance, Jack & Judy
Villeneuve, Teri
Wadsworth, Diane & Harry
Wadsworth, Mr & Mrs Kerry
Wagg, Lorne
Walker, Brian & Susan
Walker, Frank & Mazie
Walker, Jeffery & Rebecca
Walker, Joel & Cathy
Wallace, Margaret
Walsh, Larry & Wendy
Waltenbury, Lynn
Wannamaker, Barry & Lorie
Wannamaker, Orval
Ward, Betty Anne
Ward, Jean
Ward, John & Betty
Ward, Lois
Watson, Anita
Watson, Norm & Mary
**Watson, William & Lynn
Weaver, Grant & Deanna
Weichenthal, Douglas &
Welch, Robyn
Wellington, Margaret
Welsch, Elaine
West, Martin & Ingard
Westlake, Sharon
White, Anna
White, Bill
White, Jeanne
Wiechenthal, Nancy
Wiggins, Bill & Joyce
Wilcox, Paul
Wilkinson, Marcella
Wilkinson, Willie
William D. Watson Barrister
William, Betty Lou & Lionel
Williamson, Cheryl
Williamson, Wynne
Wilson, Anna & Frank
Wilson, Edith
Wilson, Steve & Barb
Wilson, Sylvia
Woodcox, Norma
Woods, Paula
Woodside, Wayne & Leslie
Wootton, Janet & Frank
Wright, Madelaine
Yan, Jim, Yvonne, Matthew,
Julian & Trystan
Yantha, Diana
Yaskalski, Lori
Yaskalski, Theresa
Yonemitsu, Dennis
Yonemitsu, Mr & Mrs George
Young, Anna
Young, Art & Marg
Young, Bonnie
Young, Don & Family
Young, Robert
Yvette, Ross
Zihua Clothing Boutique
**Zolad, Greg
** Indicates donations
of $1,000 or more.
We apologize if we have
missed anyone’s name.
Memorial Donations were made in loving memory of:
Margaret Allen, Gregory Anderson, Lorna Irene Archambault, Elvin Armstrong, Don Baldock,
Karen Barchand, John Batty, Vera Beach, Helen Bierworth, Esther Brooks, William Butterworth,
Jack Card, Larry Connell, Brenda Coplen, Earl Dillabough, Loretta Dillon, William Duncan,
Vicki Land-Dynes, Kimberly Louise Bowden-Elsley, Allan Fowler Sr, Muriel Freymond,
Rene Freymond, Richard Godfrey, Helen Gould, Terry Graham, Pearl Greenly,
Raymond Howard Gunter, Edward James Ted Hannah, Marjorie Henrickson, Hazel Hughey,
Helena Johnson, Art Kehoe, Leonard Keizer, Edward "Ted" Kelusky, Paul Michael Lavigne,
Marc Legault, Herta Lehinant, Patty Levick, Kathleen-Reed Lewis, Glenda Lockwood, Nellie Loney,
Reta Ann Mason, Irene Maxwell, Delphine McAlpine, Jean McAuley, Ronald & Catherine McBean,
Ron McCormack, Helen McCormick, John Mercer, Kenneth Moore, Mike Novak,
Mildred Catherine O'Brien, Evelyn Jean O'Malley, Marvyn Lewis Parkhurst, Tena Parks,
Marilyn Peacock, Stanley Peaver, Gisella Pecile, Bill Pesch, Patricia Phair, Margaret Potter,
Elsie Regan, Donald Reid, Irvin Robbins, Farrell Robert, Lawernce Rosenblath, Doris Rutledge,
Manley Rutledge, Jack Skinner, Glen Slater, Luella Smith, Gertrude Stein, Harold Stewart,
Sharon Rodgers-Stone, Patricia Sutherland, Albert Thompson, Shirley Thompson, Jean Tout,
George Unger, Gary Vardy, Bernice Wagg, Gordon Wallace, Carl Wannamker, Lorraine Watson,
Duanne Welsh, John Wilson, Kenneth Wishlow, Penny
and all of the people named on the Memorial Doves.
Those named for plaques on the Donation
Tree at Hospice House have donated or
have had donations me in their name
which total over $1,000.00, $5,000.00 or
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Community Futures & Development
Royal Canadian Legion District F
Hospital Trust Account
Russell Clark
Patricia Dafoe Insurance
Choices Thrift Shop
Choices Thrift Shop
Tim Baragar
CAW Social Justice Fund
ANAF Ladies Auxiliary
Kawarth Credit Union Community
Involvement Program 2013
Township of Wollaston
Greg Zolad
Joan Brough
Bancroft Pentecostal Tabernacle
William & Lynn Watson
Lorna Irene Archambault, In Loving
Memory from Cathy Archambault
Margaret “Peggy” Potter, In loving
Memory Charles & Pat Potter
Muriel Freymond, In Loving
Memory from Maurice
Muriel Freymond, In Loving
Memory Faye & Bill Hillis
Muriel Freymond, In Loving
Memory from Friends and Family
Kimberly Louise Bowden-Elsley in
Loving Memory from Mark Elsley
Marjorie Henrickson, in Loving
Memory from Mike Henrickson
Carl Wannamaker in Memoriam
from Friends & Family
Larry Plunkett in Memoriam from
Family & Friends
Jack Card in Memoriam from
Friends & Family
Rene Freymond in Memoriam from
Friends & Family
Terry Graham in Memoriam from
Friends & Family
Irvin Robbins in Memoriam from
Friends & Family
Ronald McCormack from the Estate
of Ronald McCormick
Things We Can Do to Help Ourselves
Through the Holidays
Plan ahead!
You set the tone for the holidays.
Simplify your life as much as possible.
You decide what kind of celebration is best for you.
Set realistic limits for yourself.
State your needs clearly to others.
Feel free to express your emotions.
Allow others to grieve differently than you do. No two people will grieve alike.
Recognize the importance of your feelings and then deal honestly with them.
Learn all you can about the grief process.
Cry when you need to cry.
Expect the best.
Hospice Business Updates!!
This year we purchased a new large tent and
more tables and chairs!!
100% of profits fund the
Hospice House
North of 7 Film Fest
continues to show the
TIFF movies at The
Bancroft Village
Playhouse the second
Tuesday of the
month. Shows are at
4:15 and 7 pm and
the cost is $10. If you
would like to receive
an email with the
movie trailer of what
is being shown the
next week just call
our office!!
PS. Movie gift
Certificates make
great stocking
Hospice’s Coloured Electronic Signs
located at the Bancroft Village
Playhouse and at the Hastings
Highland Centre are available for non
profits and churches for event notification!!
We will put your event up on the big screen
the week before your event. Because of our
monthly sponsors...who we say a big
“THANK YOU” to...there is no cost to the
non profits!! If you are a for profit
business and have an event coming up...the
cost is $100 for a single frame of signage
on both signs up for the entire week before
your event!
If you would like to sponsor the non profits
please call our office and if you have an
event coming up….we do need some time
to get the information on the sign so call
early or send an e-mail to
[email protected]
Did you get a Christmas gift that you can’t use?? How about giving it to
Hospice to use for door prizes or in our silent auctions!!
Give us a call!!
Are you talented or gifted!!! We would gladly accept donations of your artistic endeavors or
of your homemade goodies!!!
Give us a call!!
Are you handy around the house!!! There is always something that we need repaired or fixed
or just taken to the dump!!
Give us a call!!
Do you have extra time?? Would you be interested in taking our volunteer training program
which will run in the spring? You could work with clients in their homes or at The Hospice
House or participate on event planning committees or do gardening!
Give us a call!!
Because You Are
Whether you’re ninety years old, or
seventeen years old, or forty-five
yours of age, you have the exact
same time available to you. You
have this moment.
You have the opportunity to live
with all the richness you can
imagine. You have the chance to
start something new, to
experience joy, and to give love.
No one has more, and no one has
less. This moment is now here for
all to live,
especially including you.
Any pain or sadness you may feel is
only near the surface. Go deeper,
and experience the magnificent
beauty that lives at the heart of you.
From the timeless perspective of
that beauty and goodness, worry is
just plain silly. As urgent and
compelling as the issues of the
moment may seem to be, the value
that your life encompasses is so
very much more.
You cannot lose, because you are.
Right now, fully live all the beauty
and wonder of the
miracle that is you.
Ralph Marston
Feeling run-down? You’ll turn up the
energy in five minutes if you……
REFUEL. Snack on fiber-rich munchies
such as dried apricots, celery sticks, an
apple or a few pistachio nuts. Benefit: The
fibre helps control the release of glucose
( a sugar) into your bloodstream and may
prevent energy dips.
BREATHE DEEPLY. Every 1-2 hours,
spend 5 minutes inhaling and exhaling
deeply. It will help you feel calmer and
more mentally focused, with
renewed energy.
your eyes and mentally escape by
imagining a peaceful scene on an island,
in a meadow or by the ocean. “Seeing”
yourself relaxed can be rejuvenating.
SNAP OUT OF IT. Splash cold water on
your face or pop a breath
flavours are stimulating.
At the end of the day, write down all of the
good things that happened. You’ll be
surprised at how much went right. Plus,
you’ll set yourself up for a
good night’s sleep…
Upcoming Events: Mark your Calendars!!!
December 10/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...Cas & Dylan
January 14/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie… Blackfish
February 11/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...Amour
March 11/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...The Hunt
April 8/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...TBA
May 3/14 Hats Off To Hospice Gala
May 13/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...TBA
June 10/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...TBA
September 9/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...TBA
October 5/14 Autumn Colours Chili-Fest & Hike for Hospice
October 14/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...TBA
November 11/14 North of 7 Film Fest Movie...TBA
November 27 & 28/14 Memorial Doves
“ You don’t get ulcers from what you eat.
You get them from what’s eating you”
how can you help?
Hospice North Hastings suffers the impact of our economy as “donor fatigue” which in the
charitable sector is rampant. Hospice continues to help people “live until they die”,
cloaking them with the care and compassion they all deserve.
Please continue to help us make a difference.
Celebrate your loved ones with a memorial donation.
Donate stocks and bonds that you already own.
Leave a sum of money to Hospice North Hastings in your will.
Establish a charitable trust.
Name Hospice North Hastings as beneficiary on your life insurance policy.
Thanks to Canada’s income tax legislation these charitable donations can provide you with
substantial tax savings. If you would to learn more about how you can make a difference,
please contact your financial planner or our friend...Patricia Dafoe at
The Co-Operators 1 866 455 9747 or [email protected]
Join us for an evening in Jolly Old London, England!!
Yes ladies….you can wear your “fascinators” and men ...bring your walking sticks!!
We have an exciting new location this year !!! This enables us to increase our seating so for the first time
in years we do have tickets and tables available...CALL TODAY!!!
Date: Saturday May 3, 2014
Place: North Hastings Community Centre
Time: Doors open at 4:30 with Drinks, Appetizers, Silent Auction,
Live Music and Games
Dinner: 6:30 catered by Bruce Kellar
Dancing: and more games with great prizes to be won for the rest of the evening!!
Tickets $60.00 each and tables are available for 8-10 persons
Join up in the biggest party of the year!!!!!
Making Gifts to The Hospice House for North Hastings
We are often asked:
When I make a donation in memory of someone do you send the family a card?
Yes, we notify the family of all donations made in memory of someone. Our dedicated staff and volunteers work hard to make the connections
between donors, residents and the next of kin seamless.
Ways to Donate
We appreciate each and every gift made to The Hospice House and have made the process as user friendly as possible.
PHONE To make a donation by phone using VISA or MasterCard. Call 613-332-8014.
We can accept your cheque and credit card contribution (MasterCard/VISA) by mail. Hospice North Hastings,
Box 875, Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0
We can accept your credit card contribution (MasterCard/VISA) by fax. Please include all credit card info & your address,
amount and the name of the person in whose memory the donation is being made. Sign the paper and fax to 613-332-8014.
EMAIL Make a secure donation online. Be sure to include the name of the person in whose memory the donation is
being made, also include all credit card information and your address. [email protected]
I want to help the Hospice continue to provide end of life care in my community!
 Enclosed is my
cheque made payable to Hospice
North Hastings
 I prefer to use my: 

I would like to contribute a donation of:
 $30  $50  $75
 $100  $200  Other ___________
Card No. _______________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Expiry Date: ________________ Amount: ____________________
Signature: _______________________________________________