reparto de desponsabilidades en los filtros de pasajeros
reparto de desponsabilidades en los filtros de pasajeros
División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING Simón Ramos Sierra AVSEC trainer certified Jefe Departamento Formación División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit 1: PURPOSE AND REFERENCE NORMATIVE 1.1. Purpose of the Airport Security 1.2. Reference Normative Unit 2: AIRPORT SECURITY 2.1. Definition 2.2. Elements Unit 3: UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE ACTS 3.1. Definition 3.2. Airport Security against unlawful interference acts 3.3. Security inspections and surveillance 3.4. Importance of communication and teamwork between all the entities involved. Unit 4: ENTITIES INVOLVED IN THE CIVIL AVIATION SECURITY 4.1. National and International Unit 5: DEFINITION OF AIRPORT 5.1. Definition of all the security areas and all the requirements when accessing to each area 5.2. Moving through the airport to fulfill airport security obligations Unit 6: ACREDITATIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS 6.1. Definition 6.2. Types and aims. Validity areas 6.3. Rules of usage. Non-compliance and outcome. Unit 7: SECURITY CONTROLS 7.1. Types 7.2. Human Resources 7.3. Material Resources. 7.4. People who must go through them. Unit 8: FORBIDDEN OBJECTS 8.1. Forbidden objects list 8.2. Exemptions (tools) Unit 9: COLLABORATION WITH THE AIRPORT 9.1. How to act in case of bomb alert or personal threat. 9.2. How to act in case of suspicious object on the ground. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 1 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 1: AIM AND REFERENCE NORMATIVE 1.1. PURPOSE OF THE SECURITY The main purpose of the Airport Security is to ensure protection to passengers, crews, general public, ground staff, aircrafts and its setting-ups against unlawfull interference acts done at ground or airborne by keeping national and international air traffic regularity and efficiency. In order to achieve this goal a group of rules are stablished and are intended to do all the needed meassures, methods and proccedures. These rules are mandatory, with all the corresponding responsabilities and limits, for every national airport and heliport with commercial flights, for every aiprort setting-up, for all Air Navigation units, for all the companies and for all the staff related to aircrafts. Although many unlawful interference acts had been done before this date: On the 11st of September 2001 the most important assault in World aviation history was made. • 3.021 deaths. • About 6.000 wounded. • More than 55.000 people involved in the rescue mission. • 7 buildings were destroyed and 25 suffered severe damage in Manhattan. • Economic impact: around 63.000 millon euros. • Maximum loss in Stock Market: ↓ 14,03% • Just 19 terrorists acted directly. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 2 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Source: ICAO DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 3 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 1.2. REFERENCE NORMATIVE They are the different group of mandatory laws, rules, proccedures and so on. They can be classified in: • International Normative • European Normative • National Normative DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 4 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 1.2.1. International Normative: • ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization. They establish mandatory standards. All the contracting countries must notify any difference with their National normative. a) Annex 17: Standards and recommended practices about Civil Aviation Security. (Amendment 11, April 2006). It is the Worldwide framework in Security and it designes a structure and worlwide meassures. b) DOC. 8973: Security manual to protect Civil Aviation. Proccedures and training texts about Aeronutic Security (It consits of 5 volumes) –RESTRICTED- 1.2.2. European Normative: • EU: European Union. It establishes mandatory rules. a) Regulation (CE) 300/08 Common Rules for Civil Aviation Security. (Framework Regulation) b) Regulation (CE) 185/10 It establishes detailed meassures for basic common rules. c) Other Regulations: 357/10; 358/10; 573/10; 334/11; 983/10; 72/10, and so on. d) Contracting countries decision: Regulation 185/10 Restringed rules. • ECAC: European Conference for Civil Aviation. It establishes recommendations. a) DOC. 30 Part I. Aviation facility recommendations. (edition 11, December 2009). Based on Annex 9 of ICAO, it develops all the recommendations in order to improve the Facility by collaborating between all the contracting countries. b) DOC. 30 Part II. Recommendations to avoid unlawful acts (edition 13, May 2010). Based on the Annex 17 of ICAO, it develops all the reccomendations to avoid unlawful acts by collaborating between all the contracting countries.–RESTRINGED- DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 5 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 1.2.3. National Normative: a) Security National Program (PNS). Aproved by Gabinet Council Agreement on 5th of May 2006. It establishes all the needed organization, methods and procedures to ensure protection to passengers, crews, general public, ground staff, aircrafts, airports and its setting-ups against unlawful protection acts. b) National Training Program (PNF). It establishes all the requierements needed in training that allow the Authority to control all the staff involved in the Airport activity. c) National Quality Program (PNC). It checks that all the the security measures for aviation are correctly applied according to what PNS explains. d) Royal Decree 550/2006. The competent Authority is appointed. e) Air Security Law 21/2003 DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 6 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 2: AIRPORT SECURITY. 2.1. DEFINITION It is the protection of Aviation against unlawful interference acts by means of a combination between a group of measures, material and human resources. (Definition from Annex 17 of ICAO). In order to achieve this AIM (avoid unlawful interference acts), it is neccesary to conflate all the elements involved in an efficient way. (NORMATIVE – HUMAN RESOURCES – MATERIAL RESOURCES) DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 7 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 2.2. AGENTS INVOLVED IN THE AIRPORT SECURITY ESPECIFIC NORMATIVE QUALIFIED STAFF SUITABLE PROCEDURES AND PROPER MATERIAL RESOURCES INVOLVEMENT AND TEAMWORK BETWEEN ALL THE AIRPORT EMPLOYEES DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 8 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 3: UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE ACTS 3.1. DEFINITION It is the act, or just intention, of endangering the civil aviation and air tranport security. Its main target is any aircraft or airport installation. Unlawful interference acts against aircrafts ashore or airborne, Kidnappings in the aircrafts or at the airports, Attacks and sabotage of installations, Forced intrusion in an aircraft or airport, Inserting guns or dangerous devices in an aircraft with criminal purpose, Giving false information that endangers safety. 3.2. AIRPORT SECURITY AGAINST UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE ACTS Airport security tries to avoid unlawful interference acts against aircrafts or airport installations by using all the available means (human and material). When planning an airport installation, all the airport security requirements should be taken into account in order to prevent anybody uncontrolled access to this place, and specially to any aircraft. It should be taken into account: a) Perimeter fence: It must clearly determine the operations area and endow it with all the neccesary technical means in order not to be gone through (alarms, CCTV, access gates and so on). DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 9 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria b) Access controls: for passengers, airport staff and aircraft crews. They should be endowed propertly in an effcient way. c) Vehicles controls: In order to inspect all the vehicles, all the occupants and its load. d) Surveillance and security patrols: They must continuously and random patrol all the airport units indoor and outdoor. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 10 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria e) Aircrafts security: All the aircrafts must be protected with special measures in order to prevent any intrusion who may introduce any forbidden object or try to threaten the aircraft safety while airborne. All the ashore aircrafts that are empty must have all their doors closed. The companies must ensure their aircrafts from any unauthorized person who tries to enter. f) Baggage control: Hand baggage as well as checked-in baggage that will be carried in the plane cellar must be inspected as each one corresponds. g) Baggage and passengers protection (controversial passengers): There are specific procedures in order to ensure passengers and their belongings when they are waiting for boarding. There are some other specific procedures for controversial passengers who may endanger a flight. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 11 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria h) Mail and cargo: Air goods and airmail have special procedures to ensure civil aviation as well. i) Provisions and supplies: those provisions and supplies on board the aircrafts have also specific procedures for inspection so that any forbidden object may be introduced camouflaged. j) General aviation and Executive aviation: Non commercial flights, private flights, sport flights, air taxis and so on. They have to pass security measures as well although in some cases are a bit different from commercial flights. They usually operate in specific airports or specific areas of the most important airports. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 12 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 3.3. SECURITY INSPECTIONS AND SURVEILLANCE The main purpose of the Security inspections is allowing people, who just really have a reason, to access to Restringed Area (passengers, crews, police who have their jobs at the airport, employees and authorized visits and so on) and avoid them to introduce any forbidden object to this area as stated in the normative. In Spain, that is Guardia Civil responsibility. In order to carry out this task, they have the support of private Security engaged by the managing airport. 3.4. IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION AND TEAMWORK BETWEEN ALL THE ENTITIES INVOLVED How can the airport employees help to avoid these kind of acts? It is really important the good communication and teamwork between all the entities involved in Security and the rest of staff. Every employee must be aware of the importance of communicating to Security Office or Security staff any suspicious act or behaviors. Obeying the airport rules, Being aware of any suspiciuos act, Finding out any vulnerability that could be taken advantage in order to do unlawful interfecence acts, Dissuading anybody from doing these acts. Special caution to suspicious objects DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 13 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 4: ENTITIES INVOLVED IN THE CIVIL AVIATION SECURITY 4.1. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL a) International: ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). It was created in Chicago agreement in 1944 and it is based in Montreal (Canada). It is composed by 190 countries (included Spain). Its basic structure is all the Annex and Manuals. USAP Program (security audits) that are mandatory for every contracting Country (Madrid- Barajas received it last one in 2007). Its main purpose is to to study the international civil aviation problems and propose all the international rules. ICAO LOGO ICAO IN MONTREAL DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 14 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference). It was created in 1955 by European Council initiative. Its main purpose is to promote the continuous development of the Air transport in Europe in an efficient and safe way by creating common standards and agreements with other countries. Nowadays, it is composed by 44 European countries. They do audits in order to check the compliance degree of the Recommendations from DOC 30 volume II, which is voluntarily firmed by every country that wants to be done an audit. Once the audit has been carried out, all discrepancies found out are communicated. Any decision taken is not binding but advisory for the Governments. Nowadays, its tasks are carried out by the European Union by Common Right Laws. ECAC LOGO EU (European Union). It is a political community of Law created as an International Organization in order to promote the integration and common Government of all the European countries. It is composed by 27 countries and started on 1st November of 1993 when the European Union Treaty came into force. This Treaty is integration, not an adherence, which is the reason why all the member countries give part of their sovereignty to European common entities in order to legislate about sectorial policies, air traffic among them. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 15 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria European Commission (EC). It is the European Union Executive body, in charge of Legislation proposals, implementation of decisions and defending all European Treaties. This commission proposes laws and both European Parliament and the Council approve them. Types of European normative: o Regulations: They are mandatory for all member countries once they have been published in the EU Official Journal as national law status. o Directives: They are binding for all member countries, but they give freedom to achieve these goals. o Decisions: They are mandatory, but not in general (administrative acts). o Dictum: Not binding. EUROPEAN COMMISSION HEADQUARTERS IN BRUSSELS (BELGIUM) MAIN EUROPEAN NORMATIVE ABOUT AIR TRAFFIC SECURITY: Regulation (EC) 300/2008, It modifies all the existing laws about Air Traffic Security in order to simplify and clarify them as well as raising security levels. It sets common basic standards about: o Access Control points, o Baggage and passengers inspection and control, o Provisions, mail and cargo controls, o Security measures in the flight, o Recuitment and training, o Security equipment. Regulation (EC) 185/2010, It establishes detailed measures for common basic security rules a accomplishment. All member countries have elaborated a Security National Program for Civil Aviation Security (SNP). On the other hand, every airport operator, every airline and any entity that applies air security rules, must have, and keep updated, a Security program to comply with the previous regulations. Additionally, every DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 16 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria member country must develop a National program of Civil Aviation Quality Control and enforce it, in order to monitor the measures implementation. Regulation (EC) 72/2010, It checks that the Security measures contained in the European Regulations are correctly applied. Under this regulation, the EC performs periodic audits. There are two kinds of audits: o Organizational, where the National Authority in terms of Security is audited, and o To airports, those are carried out without notice. In case that common basic rules established are not complied with, the EC will apply the “Article number 15” which means that that airport is considered airport unsafe and this facts is communicated worldwilde and specially to the rest of EU airports in order they can take appropriate actions to the flights flying from that airport. b) National: AESA (Air Security National Agency). It was created with the Royal Decree 184/2008 with the approval of the legal status of Aesa. It holds its own legal personality different from countries status, management autonomy, legacy and own treasury. It has inspecting and sanctioning power in terms of civil aviation. It is run by Transport General Secretary of the Development Ministry. It may act directly or by means of other public entities (For example SENASA). It is regulated by Common Administrative procedure. Types of Aeronautic Inspections: o Normative Control: It checks the normative compliance, It warns and requests to make up for any deficiency or breach detected, It initiates disciplinaries files or administrative procedures. o Supervision: It checks that all requirements are fulfilled in order to get and renew licences , authorizations and certifications. AESA LOGO DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 17 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria AENA AEROPUERTOS. Aena was created by Law 4/1990 in General State Budgets and started to work in 1991. It is a Public Business Entity run by the Development Ministry with own legal personality, with public and private capability and own legacy. On behalf of the State, it manages the operation, the direction, coordination and administration of the airports of general interest and it has competence in air traffic and air navigation services supplier. By the Royal Decree- Law 13/2010, the function of airports management passed into Aena Aeropuertos SA, and air navigation management into Aena Ente Público Empresarial (although nowadays Tower Air Control services are shared with private operators). Among some of its functions, they develop security and order services in the installations they manage. AENA EPE LOGO AENA AEROPUERTOS SA LOGO State Security Forces (FFCCSE). In Spain, the military institutes of the State General Administration are the ones in charge of the public order and safety, and the investigation and prevention of crimes as well. They are run by the Home Ministry. Their functions are regulated in the Organic Law 2/1986. They are composed by: o Police National Force: They main function is to protect the free rights and ensure the citizens security. They have the responsibility of the security in the public areas of the airports, and documents and immigration control of the passengers. o Civil Guard: They are also in charge of protecting the free rights and ensuring the citizens security. They have the responsibility of the security in the Restringed areas of the airports, and customs control and fiscal control of the passengers. POLICE NATIONAL FORCE LOGO CIVIL GUARD LOGO In terms of Airport security, it is really important the cooperation between the Airport Management and the State Security Forces. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 18 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria The airport authority regarding airport security is the Chairman of the Local Security Committee, a position that falls on the Director of each airport. The Local Security Committee has decision-making in the field of local competencies (within its airport), and is responsible for coordinating and implementing the security measures contained in the PNS between all organizations and entities present in the airport area. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 19 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 5: DEFINITION OF AIRPORT 5.1. DEFINITION OF DELIMITED AREAS BY SECURITY AND REQUIREMENTS TO ACCESS TO EACH ONE An airport is the group of installations and ground surface ready for aircrafts landing and takeoff, for national and international air traffic where all necessary paperwork and procedures are carried out (customs, immigration, public health and so on). Depending on the security measures applied on each area, an airport is composed of: LANDSIDE PUBLIC AREA AREA OF OPERATIONS (ZP) •CONTROLLED ACCESS AREA (ZAC) •RESTRICTED SECURITY AREA (ZRS) •CRITICAL SECURITY AREA (ZCS) a) Public Area (ZP). An area in an airport where everybody is able to access. For example check-in hall, areas before security controls. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 20 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria b) Controlled Access Area (ZAC). Areas where only authorized people may access and it is not necessary to inspect them. For example, offices, some maintenance installations, arrival halls where passengers wait for their baggage and so on. c) Restricted Security Area (ZRS). Every area of an airport where in order to access you must be inspected. When this fact is not possible, a randomized security control will be carried out instead to people and their belongings and to every vehicle. For example: • Areas where passengers are waiting for boarding, once they have passed the security control • Areas where the inspected checked-in baggage are going round and about to board. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 21 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria • Aircrafts operations area (boarding or disembarking). d) Critical Security Area (ZCS). It is a particularly sensitive area belonging to the Restricted Security Area except the security controls and the boarding gates. 100% INSPECTION OF PEOPLE, OBJECTS AND VEHICLES It is really important to obey all the security regulations and to respect every single access. Every control check point is established in order to ensure the safety of all of us and to comply with the regulations. 5.2. GOING ROUND THE AIRPORT WHILE COMPLYING WITH SECURITY REGULATIONS. Who is authorized to access and who not? All the airport employees and crews must access to the different parts od the airport where they have authorization depending on the existing controls: Accesses to ZAC, only the indentification will be checked. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 22 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Acceses to ZRS and ZCS, in addition to checking everybody indentification, and inspection will be carried out to every person and his belongins at the Security controls. In ZCS the 100% will be inspected. Access Control + Security Control At the vehicles access controls, in addition to inspect and control people and their belongings, they will be registered with the load they transport. 100% in ZCS. Borderland of an airport: All the different parts or areas of an airport must be delimited and separated with security physical barriers. The security controls that allow access to differents areas must be delimited and signposted as well. Trying to reduce them as lowest as possible. The entire airport sirte must be fenced with a perimeter fence complying with specific requirements and periodic inspections. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 23 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria OUTLINE OF THE SECURITY AREAS OF AN AIRPORT ZP ZAC ACESS CONTROL ZRS/ZC SECURITY CONTROL + ACCESS CONTROL WHEN PASSING THROUGH AN ACCESS AND CHECKING THAT NOBODY PASSES THORUGH WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, IT IS A WAY OF COLLABORATION WITH THE SECURITY AIRPORT. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 24 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 6: ACCREDITATIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS 6.1. DEFINITION Airport accreditations are for people and airport authorizations for vehicles. ACCREDITATIONS AUTHORIZATIONS 6.2. TYPES AND PURPOSE. AREAS OF VALIDITY. 6.2.1. Accreditations. Any element (card, cardboard or sticker) that is used to identify that a person is authorized to access to some areas of the airport. It is granted and issued by the airport authority. They are just granted for the airports areas where the person must access because of his job, and not because os his rank. Types: RED: It authorizes to stay and access to Public areas and offices which are not in the ZRS of an airport. BLUE: It authorizes to stay and access to the established routes to established areas considered as controlled access. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 25 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria YELLOW: Public areas and offices in controlled areas (baggage collection halls, parkings and so on...) Security Restricted Area located in the aeronautic zone, except for the baggage handling area and the operations area. WHITE: Public areas and offices in controlled areas (baggage collection halls, parkings and so on...) Security Restricted area located inside the terminal buildings. GREEN: It authorizes to stay and access to the entire airport except for the baggage handling areas (when it is determined in ZRS) and the operations area. WITH RED BAND: The green or yellow accreditations, in order to allow to stay in the baggage handling areas they must have a red band (in case they belong to the ZRS of an airport). This kind of authorization will be only given to staff whose job is specific of this zone. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 26 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria PROVISIONAL: It authorizes an employee the access for maximum period of 6 months. It is imprinted with the letter P in the color whose access authorization corresponds. Accreditations for people accompanied (visits and operational reasons): Those persons who do not have an airport accreditation and must access to Controlled area or Restricted Area due to a visist or an operational reason, they must be ALWAYS accompanied. Visits: This accreditation will have a maximum validity of one day. These visits must be always accompanied by an authorized and accredited person. The visit accreditation will show the letter V. It will authorize to stay and access to those areas where the authorized companion can access. Operational reasons: This accreditation will always show the validity date. These people must be always accompanied by an authorized and accredited person. This accreditation will show the letter A. It will authorize to stay and access to those areas where the authorized companion can access. Companions must have a valid accreditation, being authorized by the Airport Authority, not to lose sight of his visit and to ensure that his visit meets the security measures. 6.2.2. Authorizations: Any element (card, cardboard or sticker) that is used to authorize a vehicle to access to some airport areas. It is granted and issued by the airport authority. Besides this authorization, it is also necessary that the driver has a special driving license for apron (PCP). Types of authorizations: GREEN: It is exclusively for Government agencies and the airport service provider use. It authorizes to access to the Aeronautic area of an airport except for the area of operations, unless it is authorized with the letter P (runways). DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 27 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria BLUE: It is exclusively for Government agencies and the airport service provider use. It forbids the access to the area of operations and the apron (its service ways included). YELLOW Letter R: It authorizes to access to the aircraft parking apron and the service area. Those vehicles which need access to the area of operations should take printed the letter P. This authorization to the area of operations will be restricted as much as possible. RED Letter S: It forbids the access to the Area of Operations and to the Apron (service runways included) PROVISIONAL: It is a provisional authorization for a maximum period of 24 hours. Letter P with the corresponding colour of the authorized area. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 28 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 6.3. RULES OF USAGE. RESPONSIBILITES OF THE ACCREDITATIONS: It is untransferable and must be always visible. It does not authorize to drive vehicles. Every access must be closed after passing through. You must only access through the established ways. BANS ON THE ACCREDITATIONS: Accessing to areas where there is no authorization Facilitating the access to other people Accessing while trying to avoid a security Using an expired accreditation To fake an accreditation or using anybody´s one The accreditation must be always shown, even with the National Identification Card (DNI), whenever the security forces and or the Security staff demand it, and in case of irregularity might be kept it in order to deliver it to the Security Office. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AUTHORIZATIONS of vehicles: It is untransferable It must be placed in the front of the vehicle It has nothing to do with the occupants accreditations BANS ON THE AUTHORIZATIONS of vehicles: Accessing to areas where there is no authorization Using it with another vehicle Using an expired authorization To fake it The Non-compliance of the rules may result with the temporary or permanent withdrawal of the accreditation/authorization, and even economic fines according to the Law 21/2003 of Air Security DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 29 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 7: SECURITY CONTROLS 7.1. TYPES OF SECURITY CONTROLS. What are they? And what do they consist of? “Security Control” is the use of different technologic and human means in order to avoid introducing forbidden objects that could be used for damaging people, aircrafts and any installation. Control Access: It is a point equipped with technical and/or human resources in order to allow access just to authorized people and vehicles. It may consist of an automatic card reader or, it may consist of a person in charge of checking the accreditations, o even both measures. Security Control: It is a point equipped with technical and human resources in order to avoid that any forbidden object will be introduced for making an unlawful act. Those airport employees (crews included) whose offices or places of work are situated in ZRS/ZCS, in addition of an access control, they must pass through a security control as well, and to allow that all his belongings are inspected. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 30 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Different types of security controls: a) Security controls for passengers. b) Security controls for employees and crews. c) Security controls for vehicules. 7.2. HUMAN RESOURCES Who makes the screening? The security controls are carried out by staff belonging to National Security Forces (Guardia Civil) and they are helped by Private Security Staff hired by the Airport Management. The responsibility always falls on Guardia Civil because any act out of the rutinary task belongs to National Public Security. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 31 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 7.3. MATERIAL RESOURCES (Equipment in the security controls) There is a variety of technological equipment in order to detect forbidden objects in the Security controls. There is equipment for people, for hand-baggage, checked-in baggage, for vehicles for cargo and so on. The common ones are: Walk-through metal detection (WTMD): By means of electromagnetic impulses, they are able to detect metals carried by people. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 32 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria X-Ray equipment for hand baggage: analysis equipment by means of x-rays for hand baggage that is transported in the cabin of an aircraft. Metal detector for shoes (SAMD): It is the same technology than the arches for people bus specific for shoes and the bottom part of the legs. Explosives trace detectors: Equipment able to analyze the particles emitted by objects and detect whether the objects have been in touch with explosive substances. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 33 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria X-Ray equipment for freight: It is the same technology than the equipment for hand baggage but these machines are adapted for large cargo. Equipment for checked-in baggage: Some of them are based on tomography technology and are used for checked-in baggage inspection. They are able to detect explosive substances. Future equipment: Liquid inspection machines “Personal Scanner” is able to inspect without physical contact DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 34 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 7.4 PEOPLE FORCED TO PASS THROUGH A SECURITY CONTROL. In order to access to ZCS, 100% of people must pass through the security control (passengers, crew, employees visits and so on), their objects, 100% of the vehicles and their occupants and the load they carry. Besides, the 100% of checked-in baggage, 100% of cargo and 100% of mail transported in commercial flights. The only exception are the staff who belongs to National Security Forces and Police, but just when they are of service. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 35 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 8: PROHIBITED ITEMS: Those terrorist attacks carried out on the 11th of September in 2001, changed definitely the Air Safety and Security. After this date, new regulations were approved. These regulations put a ban on flying with some objects, some of them might be harmless in any other place different from an airport or an aircraft; some other objects had been carried without any problem till that moment, but nowadays, they are considered a real threat. Due to this reason, we must get used not to carry them when we fly on an aircraft or get used to let them be inspected when we pass through a Security control. Nowadays in Europe, the Regulation (EC) 185/2010 published a detailed list of all the objetcs that are considered forbidden and which cannot be introduced in ZRS/ZCS and in the aircraft cabin (some of them cannot be carried even in the aircraft hold). The airport employees are only authorized to carry tools in just some necessary and indispensable cases in order to carry out their jobs. They are responsible of their custody. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 36 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 8.1. LIST OF FORBIDDEN OBJECTS a) In the aircraft cabin: • Firearms, guns and any device which fires projectiles, or any object that might cause harm by firing projectile or even it looks like. • Devices for stunning. • Sharpened or cutting objects. • Tools (passengers). DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 37 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria • Devastating instruments. • Explosive and arsonist substances or devices. • Liquids, gels and similar substances. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 38 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria c) In the aircraft hold: Explosive and arsonist substances or devices. • Ammunition, fulminatings, blasting caps and fuses, • Mines, pomegranates, and other military explosives, • Fireworks and pyrotechnic articles, • Canisters and smoke generators, • Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives. 8.2. EXEMPTIONS (AUTHORIZED PEOPLE TO CARRY TOOLS) Many airport workers need to access with tools or professional elements due to their jobs. Their accreditations must show the letter H with an alphanumeric code which means the specific tools they are authorized to carry with them. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 39 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria This authorization to introduce tools in ZRS/ZCS involves that the worker knows perfectly that these objects are forbidden for the rest of the people in these areas and they are responsible of their custody. In case they do not comply with this rule, their airport accreditation might be permanently withdrawn and in some cases erring against the Air Security Law 21/2003. APPLICATION FORM FOR H AIRPORT ACCREDITATION WITH H DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 40 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria Unit 9: COLLABORATION WITH THE AIRPORT In terms of Security, a responsible behavior means knowing all the rules that we must comply with when we are working at the airport and reporting inmediately to our managers or to the Airport Security Office or to the National Security Forces and Police when we notice any dubious fact in the airport environment. SECURITY IS EVERYONE´S Apart from the Security staff and the technological systems, in order to reach the highest levels in security we need that the thousands of airport employees be aware of collaborating with the airport so that the thousands of people and passengers can travel safely. We all must be aware that security rules protect everybody and due to this reason, we all are responsible for them with no exception. Since we are working at the airport, we must set an example and comply with the rules and help those people who do not know them. It is really very important that all people who work in the air traffic sector be aware of collaborating We all must: • Know the different parts where we move and how to do it, • Know and comply with all the Basic Security rules, • Properly use of our accreditations, • Close all the doors and gates to Restricted Areas after having passed through, • Report to Security staff any dubious fact, • Report about any intrusion to ZRS/ZCS of an unauthorized person, • Report about any technological mistake that may affect the safety. Here let’s see some of the most frequently cases that may happen in the airport environment. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 41 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria 9.1. HOW TO ACT IN CASE OF BOMB ALERT OR PERSONAL THREAT It is common sense that many airport security procedures must not be publicized in order to safeguard some information. However, there is some information that must be known by every airport worker in order to collaborate with the Airport Security. One of the most frequent incidents is the bomb alert either at the airport or on a plane, airborne or on the ground. These alerts are usually received by any phone of the airport. For this reason, let´s see a few tips that may any person help when they receive the call. It is really important to get as much information as possible about: - Scheduled time of the explosion. - Origin of the call: From a public or a private place. - Identity of the person who is calling: Man or woman, old or young and so on. - Language spoken (any accent we could identify) - Characteristics of the voice - Modes: If it sounds coherent or not, if it looks like a joke and so on. - Write down the information obtained: It si really important to transmit the exact information to the Security staff. Many times it happens that a small detail is really valuable. - Other characteristics: if it sounds like he knows well the airport, aircrafts and so on. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 42 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria It is critical to get as much information as possible about: - Scheduled time of the explosion, - Location of the explosive, - Type of explosive, - Reason. PERFOMANCE IN CASE OF THREAT: • Keep calm, if possible, • Try to get as much information as possible, • Memorize as much information as possible in order to transmit it to the responsibles for security, • Pay attention to any irrelevant data, • Report inmediately our person in charge. IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT ALL THE INFORMATION YOU CAN PROVIDE WHEN THERE IS A THREAT, IN ORDER TO EVALUATES THE THREAT. 9.2 HOW TO ACT IN CASE OF SUSPICIOUS OBJECT ON THE GROUND In case we find any abandoned package, object or baggege and that it looks like suspicious, we must act as follows: • Do not touch it, • Check if the owner is on site, • Report immediately about its existence and location, • Keep away from its vicinity, • Do not use any device which emits vibrations close to it, • Evacuate people next to the object without alarming. DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 43 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria A threat should never be underestimated, although most of cases they are false alarms. Although it could be a joke, a threat is always a crime and it is punishable by law, and that is the reason why security professionals must finally evaluate it. THE AIM IS TO AVOID CASES SUCH AS THIS … Car bomb attack in the parking P4 at Madrid-Barajas (29/12/2006) DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 44 División de Seguridad Aeroportuaria SECURITY IS EVERYONE´S It can be get it by… • KNOWING THE RULES AND OUR WORK AREA • HAVING A RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR • COLLABORATING • REPORTING Simón Ramos Sierra Formador AVSEC certificado Pablo Iglesias Fernández Técnico de Seguridad DEPARTAMENTO FORMACIÓN AVSEC ADOLFO SUÁREZ MADRID-BARAJAS Page 45