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LAB HISTORY Ac Ad Ap Aw Br Dm Em Ev Ex Gr Ic Id Im Ml Nw Pk We Fb Tw Li Mc Cl Ac Ad Ap Aw Br Dm Em Ev Ex Gr Ic Id Im Ml Nw Pk We Fb Tw Li Mc Cl ENTER CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2013 marks ten years of Chemical Code - ten years of delivering a vast array of marketing artwork, literature, ad campaigns, branding and web based projects that get tangible results. We’re taking a trip to back to explore the work and the team that made Chemical Code the versatile agency it is today. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2003 2003 SARA NA Back in the heady days of Quark Xpress, Sara Na was one of Chemical Code’s first clients - a producer of deluxe toe rings. Heavy retouching and various brochures and leaflets helped kick-start Chemical Code Ltd as a fully fledged business. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE M">A: ().#.. ,%%*I+^"WZVb Vaadn[gVbZ $bVgodXX]^ &%%bbigVkZa boXdbe[dg` $igjkVi^k7aVoZ XgVc`l^i] WVh]g^c\$ ZmigZbZg^bh dc'#(*I^gZh$ h]^bVcdVXZgV H]^[iZghgZVg bZX] '#H>M= )..#.. CZlig^Vah heZX^ÒX,%%* i+[gVbZ$ dkZgh^oZY Xgdbdan[dg` $h]^bVcdhdgV GZVgbZX]$ Zm"YYdjWaZlVaa g^bh$bV\jgV ]nYgVja^Xg^b WgV`Zh$''iYjgd 8gVc`hZil^i] WVh]g^c\$dh WVg$hiZb ;G:CON -..#.. 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We produced their stationery, exhibition graphics and a short corporate video for them amongst other work. lll#`eZfj^eZ#Xdb GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2006 (/.$!#2%80%24 0RODUCT 9EAR 0ART.O 2ADIATOR3HROUD$ECAL 3EAT#OVER 320 2ADIATOR3HROUD3EAT#OVER+IT (/.$!#2%80%24 (/.$!&/2+'5!2$$%#!,3 (/.$!&/2+'5!2$$%#!,3 -ODEL !IRBOXANDBACKGROUNDGRAPHICSNOTINCLUDED #2 9EAR 0ART.O 320 #2 #2& 2006 APICO INTERNATIONAL (/.$!37).'!2-$%#!,3 (/.$!37).'!2-$%#!,3 -ODEL 9EAR #202/#)2#5)4 #2&02/#)2#5)4 0ART.O 320 #2&02/4!0%2 One of the biggest jobs of 2006 was the Apico International Hard Parts brochure. 204 pages, 354 cutouts, all done in 14 days of sweat and graft! (/.$!&%.$%2$%#!,3 (/.$!&%.$%2$%#!,3 -ODEL #2 (/.$!#2%80%24 0RODUCT 9EAR 0ART.O 2ADIATOR3HROUD$ECAL 3EAT#OVER 320 2ADIATOR3HROUD3EAT#OVER+IT (/.$!#2%80%24 9EAR 0ART.O 320 #2 #2& #2& #2& !IRBOXANDBACKGROUNDGRAPHICSNOTINCLUDED !PICO$EALER/RDERLINE (/.$!5.)6%23!,$%#!,+)4 %DITION (/.$!5.)6%23!,$%#!,+)4 TFESALES APICOCOUKWWWAPICOCOUK -ODEL 0ART.O #2#2& 320 !PICO$EALER/RDERLINE GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2007 2007 RUSH RACING New branding work for Rush Racing quickly led to their first retail catalogue, featuring 200 pages of expertly shot and cut out products, product information and the usual ordering info... As is the norm with this type of work, it was all designed and wrapped up in a 5 week period. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2008 R DR :EEHRPA>>ELPBMAMRK>L SEE STAFF FOR OUR LATEST PROMOTIONAL OFFERS TYRES w w w. m oto r - wo r l d . co . u k L>MH?-K>:=RMH?BM E AK UGH! 15” +02'2/ 17” ,22'2/ +02'2/ with 195/45-15 Tyres ,+2'2/ h 205/40-17 Tyres ,22'2/ with 195/50-15 Tyres KWUXTM\M KWV\ZWT ),ZQ^M ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Silver Finish =KB?M. ;,ZQ^M EELS WITH TYRES shed Finish th 195/50-15 Tyres 205/40-17 Tyres )L^IV;< ,22'2/ .22'2/ h 215/35-18 18 Tyres A DRIVE: GET A GRIP! FREE Locking Wheel Nuts worth £14.99 ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Silver Finish 5/50-15 es 6.5 x 15 with 195/50-15 £299.96 £499.96 Tyres £299.96 I:FHG: 6.5 x 15 with 195/50-15 Tyres 7 x 16 with 195/45-16 Tyres 7 x 17 with 205/40-17 Tyres Tyres £379.96 7 x 17 with 205/40-17 Tyres £499.96 £299.96 £379.96 :I>QK ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Silver Finish £499.96 6.5 x 15 with 195/50-15 8 x 18 with 215/35-18 or 225/40-18 Tyres £699.96 Exclusive to Tyres 7 x 17 with 205/40-17 Tyres Exclusive to IKHLIKBGM WAS £436.96 SAVE £87 Tyres £349.96 £299.96 £499.96 MHDRH<BMR ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Shadow Chrome Finish E:<DB<> Tyre Size 13” 145/70/13 71T 155/65/13 73T 155/70/13 75T 165/65/13 77T 165/70/13 79T 175/65/13 80T 175/70/13 82H 14” 165/60/14 75T 165/65/14 79T 165/70/14 81T 175/60/14 79T 175/65/14 82H 175/70/14 84H 185/60/14 82H 185/65/14 86H 185/70/14 88H 195/60/14 86H 195/65/14 89H 15” 175/55/15 77T 175/60/15 81H 175/65/15 84H 185/65/15 88H 195/50/15 82H 195/60/15 88H 195/65/15 91H 195/70/15 97T 205/60/15 91H 205/65/15 94H 16” 205/55/16 91H 7 x 16 with 195/45-16 ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Silver Finish WITH TYRES sh Get a Grip’ and rediscover what ‘Driving Enjoyment’ is all about! LN@H :L<:KB WITH TYRES Silver Finish es Designed for drivers not willing to compromise on quality. A-Drive offers outstanding traction, excellent performance and superior handling for new levels of Grip. No matter whether the rain just never seems to stop, or the asphalt is croaking in the heat. 022'2/ ve to 40-17 ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Black/Polished Finish 6.5 x 15 with 195/50-15 Tyres £299.96 6.5 x 15 with 195/50-15 Tyres £380.96 7 x 17 with 205/40-17 Tyres £449.96 7 x 17 with 205/40-17 Tyres £545.96 £640.96 7.5 x 18 with 215/35-18 or 225/40-18 Tyres £856.96 7.5 x 18 with 215/35-18 or 225/40-18 Tyres LMK>>MH<M:G> WAS £474.96 SAVE £85 Tyres £389.96 WAS £686.96 SAVE £137 Tyres £549.96 WAS £959.96 SAVE £210 5/40-18 es £749.96 2008 MOTOR WORLD MKB:= ALLOY WHEELS WITH TYRES Black/Polished Finish 6.5 x 15 with 195/50-15 Tyres £329.96 7 x 17 with 205/40-17 Tyres £499.96 Price Each £23.00 £27.00 £23.00 £29.00 £27.00 £33.00 £27.00 £32.00 £31.00 £30.00 £34.00 £38.00 £35.00 £34.00 £38.00 £36.00 £41.00 £41.00 £63.00 £54.00 £46.00 £43.00 £34.00 £52.00 £42.00 £46.00 £56.00 £66.00 £68.00 )! 8IZILI;XMK S DRIVE: • Computer optimised directional tread pattern • Excellent surface water drainage • High speed stability • Assured cornering capability • Available in 14” to 20” Tyre Size 15” 195/45/15 78W 195/55/15 85V 205/55/15 88W 16” 195/40/16 80W 195/45/16 84W 205/55/16 94V 215/40/16 86W 17” 195/40/17 80W 195/45/17 85W 205/45/17 88Y 215/45/17 91Y 225/35/17 86Y 225/45/17 91Y 235/40/17 90Y 18” 215/40/18 89Y 225/40/18 92Y 255/35/18 94Y 19” 215/35/19 85Y 235/35/19 91Y 20” 225/35/20 90Y Price Each £47.00 £70.00 £72.00 £76.00 £50.00 £89.00 £83.00 £99.00 £125.00 £128.00 £106.00 £146.00 £108.00 £124.00 £126.00 £128.00 £199.00 £165.00 £201.00 229.00 We produced Motor World’s 2008 catalogue - the biggest catalogue we’d handled to date. We managed the production over a two month period, producing around 600 full colour pages. ADVAN ST: Flagship SUV 4x4/tyre • High speed capabilty and driving pleasure A539: The asymmetrical dual-angle pattern was identified as offering the ideal balance of “performance” and “comfort”. The A539 - just one example of advanced technology that went into the creation of this new generation of performance tyres. Tyre Size 12” 165/60/12 71H 13” 175/50/13 72V 175/60/13 77H 185/60/13 80H 14” 185/50/14 77V 185/60/14 82H 195/45/14 77V 15” 195/45/15 78V 195/50/15 82V 16” 195/45/16 80V 225/40/16 85V 225/45/16 89V 17” 205/40/17 84V Price Each £42.00 £54.00 £41.00 £43.00 £58.00 £35.00 £60.00 £47.00 £35.00 £48.00 £84.00 £111.00 £68.00 • Designed for the new generation of high perfomance SUV’s PARADA SPEC 2: • Impeccable performance on both wet and dry surfaces Defines tuner performance standards by exceeding expectations for performance & looks. • Available in 17” to 24” Raises the bar on the premium performance offering for street tuners, giving 1. Massive diagonal tread blocks 2. Helical long grooves and 3. Low void shoulder. Tyre Size 16” 205/40/16 87V 205/45/16 87V 17” 205/40/17 84W 205/45/17 88W 215/40/17 84W 18” 215/35/18 84W 215/40/18 85W 225/35/18 83W 225/40/18 92W 19” 215/35/19 85Y 225/35/19 88Y Price Each 80.00 84.00 71.00 126.00 86.00 120.00 132.00 165.00 120.00 176.00 193.00 Tyre Size Price Each 17” 225/55/17 101W £115.00 255/50/17 101W £138.00 18” 235/50/18 101W £144.00 235/60/18 107W £157.00 255/55/18 109W £141.00 285/50/18 109W £149.00 285/55/18 113W £157.00 19” 245/50/19 105W £151.00 255/50/19 107W £154.00 285/45/19 107W £169.00 20” 265/50/20 111W £196.00 275/40/20 106Y £200.00 295/40/20 106Y £230.00 295/45/20 106Y £238.00 315/35/20 110Y £247.00 22” 275/30/22 96Y £261.00 295/30/22 103Y £257.00 305/40/22 104W £264.00 Each genre of products had its own design style and internal department to liaise with and get content amended (some more than others!!) and approved. We also created various email campaigns and seasonal mailers over the next couple of years. ct to fitment and availability. .@QFDRS+MCDODMCDMS%@Q2@QSR #BBDRRNQHDR4DS@HKDQ1UDQ5SNQDR0@SHNMVHCD 64 THE UK’S LARGEST INDEPENDENT CAR PARTS AND ACCESSORIES RETAILER OVER 240 STORES NATIONWIDE GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2009 2009 HENLEY COLLEGE 2009 was the year we started work with Henley College Coventry, firstly tackling their full time prospectus, producing yearly enrolment campaigns and all their literature ever since. We initially gave their brand a little facelift, progressing it steadily each year. Our campaign lines, creative and high quality artwork have helped to shape the college, who are now one of the leading colleges in the West Midlands. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2010 2010 KNIGHT&RENNIE Knight & Rennie approached us to produce all their printed collateral. Within a couple of months we conducted a full rebrand – logo, stationery, sign boards and website. We have recently refreshed the brand along with developing their responsive website as Knight & Rennie continue to lead the Leamington property market. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2011 2011 UNILINE Globally recognised as a technical leader in permanently installed fall protection products and systems, we have worked with Uniline for nearly 10 years, producing everything from creative product launches to multi-lingual brochures and datasheets. Following a rebrand and product restructure we carried out in 2011, world leading fall protection company, Capital Safety bought Uniline. Based in the USA, Capital Safety had acquired other brands in Europe and South America, acquiring Uniline on the strength of it’s products and brand position in the market, which we helped create. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2012 2012 CAPITAL SAFETY Impressed with our creative work and understanding of Uniline, Capital Safety asked us to deliver their EMEA marketing needs, helping assimilate Uniline into the Capital Safety family in the process. This resulted in us producing a 300 page, 7 language product catalogue, which was subsequently adapted to cater for a further 8 languages. We continue to handle their day to day needs, designing multi-lingual brochures, datasheets, product launches as well as designing and developing their Resource Centre - an essential web based media database and toolkit for their global customers, installers & distributors requirements. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE @ what you’re looking for BUY RENT SERVICES NEWS ABOUT US CONTACT LOGIN I’m looking to BUY great city centre properties RENT See more Postcode SEARCH Read our customer’s testimonials Get a FREE valuation of your property today Join our Mailing List for latest proprties Featured properties what you’re looking for BUY RENT SERVICES NEWS ABOUT US CONTACT LOGIN get the right price in your sights FREE valuation South Avenue Mickleton Road Coundon Road 9 Lower Holyhead Road Stoke, COVENTRY CV2 4DQ Earlsdon, COVENTRY CV5 6PQ Lower Coundon, COVENTRY CV1 4AW City Centre, COVENTRY CV1 3AX £394,950 £164,950 £320.00 £450.00 Offers in region of Per Month Coventry’s leading estate agents Selling and letting property across Coventry Coventry Estate Agents Payne Associates are leading Independent estate agents with three offices across Coventry. Our branches are in busy locations at 20 New Union Street, Coventry, 165 Daventry Road, Cheylesmore and 221 Albany Road, Earlsdon. As Licensed NAEA and ARLA agents we pride ourselves on our personal commitment and enthusiastic professional approach. We work on a No Sale - No Fee basis including prominent local advertising and extensive internet coverage. We offer a complete residential sales and letting service, RICS surveys, energy performance certificates and have links to local independent mortgage advisers and solicitors. With a proven track record and a wealth of experience we are the perfect choice whether you are buying, selling or letting your property. If you are thinking of selling or renting your property we offer free valuations to potential landlords and sellers. Call us now for professional advice. City Centre Office 20 New Union Street Coventry CV1 2HN Daventry Road Office 165 Daventry Road Cheylsemore Coventry CV3 5HF I’m looking to Per Month BUY RENT SEARCH Postcode 024 7622 2022 [email protected] Earlsdon Office 221 Albany Road Earlsdon Coventry CV5 6NF 024 7667 7000 024 7650 3070 [email protected] [email protected] ©2012 Payne Associates Ltd. Payne Associates is the trading name of MTP Estate Agents Limited. Regulated by RICS. Registered in England No. 4972165. Registered office: 20 New Union Street, Coventry CV1 2HN Get a FREE valuation of your property today Read our customer’s testimonials Ask us about Auction Plus Featured properties South Avenue Mickleton Road Stoke, COVENTRY CV2 4DQ Earlsdon, COVENTRY CV5 6PQ £394,950 £164,950 Coundon Road 9 Lower Holyhead Road Lower Coundon, COVENTRY CV1 4AW City Centre, COVENTRY CV1 3AX £320.00 Per month £450.00 Per month Connect with us Follow us on Twitter Connect with us on Facebook 2013.1 PAYNE ASSOCIATES A rebrand and responsive website for Payne Associates brought us into 2013. Impressed with our work for Knight & Rennie, they initially asked us to look at their brochure and email signature. This escalated to defining their business proposition, a full blown rebrand and a full suite of collateral, including their website. Now with 2 web developers on board, we were picking up more and more online projects, keeping abreast of the changing online landscape. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE 2013.2 BLUE ARROW Having worked with Blue Arrow since 2005, as well as other companies within the Impellam Group, we’ve catered for their design and artwork needs – from internal campaigns to e-marketing and press ads. As a result of our recent work, Blue Arrow asked us to develop the brand and create a new set of guidelines, which was rolled out this year. GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE CHEMICAL CODE X TEN YEARS OF APPLIED DESIGN SCIENCE Now with a six-strong team of dedicated artworkers, creatives and developers, we’re full steam ahead into 2014 and our 10,000th job. Along the way we’ve produced iPhone apps, videos, created hundreds of brochures, thousands of items of marketing collateral and countless websites. Big or small, we’ve delivered them all! GET IN TOUCH BACK TO WEBSITE © 2012 CHEMICAL CODE LTD. COPYRIGHT EXISTS ON ALL PRESENTED IDEAS. THIS APPLIES TO ALL CREATIVE CONCEPTS, ARTWORK, STYLES INCLUDING THE ‘DRAWING OF INSPIRATION’ FROM SUCH CREATED CONCEPTS, ARTWORK AND STYLES. BACK TO START