WebTouch User Manual


WebTouch User Manual
WebTouch direct user guide
Overview .................................................................................................................2
About WebTouch.........................................................................................................2
Accessing WebTouch ..................................................................................3
System Access: ...........................................................................................................3
Account Information......................................................................................4
Invoices ...................................................................................................................5
View Inventory ...................................................................................................9
Inventory Reports ...............................................................................................11
Activate ..................................................................................................................15
Deactivate ............................................................................................................20
Edit Options .......................................................................................................23
Swap Handle ......................................................................................................27
Suspend ................................................................................................................29
Unsuspend ..........................................................................................................32
View Phone History ......................................................................................35
View Handle History ....................................................................................37
PageNet WebTouch User Manual
WebTouch direct user guide
About WebTouch
WebTouch allows you to access your account via the Internet at any time. The
WebTouch application displays real-time account information and allows you to make
real-time updates the equipment in your account.
As a business account you will be able to perform the following tasks:
View the account status of your accounts(s)
View & print your historical invoices
Suspend and unsuspend (reactivate) your devices.
Active and deactivate your devices.
Swap devices
View and export your inventory
View handle and telephone number tracking
Edit Options
The instructions for the above tasks are presented in the following sections of this
If your customer account is ever terminated or suspended, WebTouch will display an
error at login and you should contact your local PageNet office immediately.
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Accessing WebTouch
You may access your account via WebTouch using your existing login, or contact
Customer Service at 1-800-216-0888 to obtain a login to the WebTouch system.
PageNet will provide you with one user ID for your account. One user ID may be used
to access multiple accounts, or each account may have their own user ID.
System Access:
Click the link from the PageNet home page, or go directly to the WebTouch login at
Once you have a WebTouch login, you can use the User ID and password to login to the
1. Enter the User ID and press ENTER.
2. Enter the Password.
For Example, MX99999999
For Example, PASSWORD
If you forgot your user ID, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-216-0888.
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Account Information
You may view your account status online.
The account information window will appear displaying:
• the account number
• the account balance
• the last payment date and the amount of the last payment.
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You may view the 13 most recent invoices in PDF, HTML, or text format.
Note: The invoices are displayed in a similar manner to the original hard copies that
were mailed to you.
1. Click Invoices from the menu bar to start viewing invoices.
2. The invoice numbers, dates and amounts will be displayed on the screen.
3. Select an invoice by highlighting it and click PDF, HTML or Text. Note: you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed if you want to view the invoices in PDF.
4. The invoice displays in the format that you selected.
5. Clicking [BACK] from the browser returns you to the account information page.
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See below for a sample invoice in PDF Format.
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See below for a sample invoice in HTML format.
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See below for a sample invoice in Text format.
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View Inventory
You may view the inventory in your account by telephone number or by handle.
1. Click [View Inventory] from the menu bar. The [View Inventory] window will
2. Type the telephone number or the handle.
3. Click [View Inventory] to view the inventory, or click [Reset] to clear the fields.
4. The telephone numbers, capcodes, and telephone options will be displayed on
the screen.
5. Click [New Inventory Check] to view the inventory of another telephone number
or handle.
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Results Screen.
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Inventory Reports
You may run reports on the inventory of a current account. You may run a report on:
The available handles that have no telephone number attached to them;
The active handles that have telephone numbers attached to them;
The suspended telephone numbers; or
The entire inventory of the account.
The report can be downloaded to your PC and open in Excel, or be saved as a comma
delimited file.
Generating a report:
1. Click [Inventory Reports] to run a report. The Get Inventory Report window will
2. Select the report that you would like to generate:
Available Handles
The available handles that have no telephone number on them
Active Handles
The active handles that have telephone numbers on them
Suspended Numbers
The suspended telephone numbers
Full Inventory
The whole inventory of the account
3. Click [View Inventory] to print the report, or click [Reset] to cancel the selection.
4. The file download window will open.
5. Click [Open] to open the file from its current location or [Save} to save the file to
6. Click [OK].
If you selected save this file to disk, the Save As window opens and allows you to
choose a location where you would like the file saved. If you selected Open this file from
its current location, you may open the file in Excel.
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Selection Screen
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File Download Screen
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Results Screen
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You may activate handles by adding a telephone number and telephone options to the
telephone number. This option is used to add the first and additional telephone numbers
to a device.
1. Click [Activate] from the Menu Bar. The Activate window will appear.
2. Type the handle that you want to activate, for example A01-X1280879.
3. Click [Next] to proceed, or click [Clear] to clear the field.
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The Choose Geographic Region of the Telephone Number window will appear.
This window will allow you to choose the region from which you would like to assign a
telephone number.
4. Enter the region. For Example, Quebec (QC)
5. Click [Next].
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The Choose Local Area of Phone Number window will appear.
This screen will enable you to choose a local number with the selected geographic
6. Enter the telephone number region. For example, Montreal Local DID (MTL)
7. Click [Next].
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The Choose Options window will appear.
This window will allow you to specify the options that are available for this type of
telephone number and this type of device.
8. Select the telephone options that you want to program to the telephone number.
9. Click [Next].
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The message [Phone successfully added] will appear along with the telephone number
and the telephone options.
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You may deactivate a handle by removing the telephone number and telephone options
on the handle. The telephone number will be removed from the pager immediately and
billing for recurring charges will be removed at the appropriate interval. The pager will
also be flagged for return.
1. Click [Deactivate] from the menu bar. The Deactivate window will appear.
2. Type the telephone number or the handle that you want to deactivate. For
example handle: A01-X1280879
3. Click [Deactivate] to deactivate, or click [Clear] to clear the field. The Deactivate
Phone Numbers window will appear.
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4. Select one telephone number or all of the telephone numbers for which you want
to deactivate the handle.
5. Click [Deactivate Phone Numbers] to deactivate the phone numbers that you
selected, or click [Clear] to clear the fields. Clicking [New Deactivation] brings
you back to the Deactivation window to enter another telephone number or
PageNet WebTouch User Manual
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The message [The following phone numbers were successfully deactivated on handle
A01-X1280879: 514-801-7180] will appear along with the handle information.
6. Click [New Deactivation] to deactivate another telephone number or handle.
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Edit Options
You may edit the telephone options of a telephone number. You may add telephone
options and change or delete existing ones.
The programming type and channel of the handle determines which coverage options
are available for the handle.
1. Click [Edit Options] from the menu bar. The Edit Options window will appear.
2. Type the telephone number or the handle whose telephone options you want to
edit. For example: A01-X1280852
3. Click [Edit Options]. The Edit Options Phone Numbers window will appear.
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4. Select the phone number whose options you want to edit.
5. Click [Edit Phone Number] to edit the options, click [Clear] to clear the check
boxes, or click [Edit Another Phone] to edit the options on another telephone
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The Edit Options window will appear.
6. Edit telephone options.
7. Click [Change Options] to apply the changes, or click [Clear] to reset the fields to
what they were.
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The Edit Options Results window will appear displaying the revised options on the
telephone number.
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Swap Handle
You may exchange one handle with identical programming characteristics with another
handle. This provides a quick and convenient method of taking one pager out of service,
such as a malfunctioning device, and replacing it with another device from a spare pool
of devices.
When a swap is performed, the telephone numbers and billing are automatically
1. Click [Swap Handles] from the menu bar. The Swap Handles window will
2. Type the take-back handle. This is the handle that will be taken out of service.
For example: A01-X1280852
3. Type the replacement handle. This is the handle that will go into service with the
telephone number and options that were active on the take-back handle. For
example: A01-X1280879
4. Click [Swap] to perform the swap, or click [Clear] to clear all of the fields.
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The program displays the message [Handles successfully swapped: A01-X1280852 and
A01-X1280879]. The take-back information will appear followed by the details for the
replacement handle. In this case, the telephone number and options were swapped
from the take-back handle to the replacement handle.
All pagers associated with the take-back handles must be returned promptly to PageNet
to avoid any loss equipment charges.
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You may suspend and unsuspend (reactivate) telephone numbers. When a telephone
number is suspended, the system immediately disables paging terminal service to the
telephone number. The telephone number is not removed, and the recurring charges
are NOT stopped.
When you unsuspend a telephone number, it is reactivated in the paging terminal.
1. Click [Suspend/Unsuspend]. The Suspend / Unsuspend window will appear.
2. Type the telephone number or the handle that you want to suspend.
For example: A01-X1280851.
3. Click [Suspend] to suspend, or click [Clear] to clear all of the fields.
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The telephone numbers will be displayed if you typed a handle in the handle field. If you
typed a telephone number in the Pager Number field, that number is suspended when
you click [Suspend].
4. Select the telephone numbers that you want to suspend.
For example 514-230-5431.
5. Click [Suspend Phone Numbers] to suspend the telephone number that you
selected. Click [Clear] to clear the fields. Click [New Suspend/Unsuspend] to
return to the Suspend/Unsuspend window and enter another handle or telephone
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The message [The following phone numbers were successfully suspended on handle
A01-X1280851: 514-230-5431] will appear.
6. Click [New Suspend/Unsuspend] to suspend another handle.
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Unsuspend (Reactivate)
1. Click [Suspend/Unsuspend]. The Suspend/Unsuspend window will appear.
2. Type the telephone number or the handle that you want to unsuspend.
For example: A01-X1280851.
3. Click [Unsuspend] to unsuspend, or click [Clear] to clear all of the fields.
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The telephone numbers will be displayed if you typed a handle in the handle field. If you
typed a telephone number in the Pager Number field, that number is unsuspended when
you click [Unsuspend].
4. Select the telephone numbers that you want to unsuspend. For example 514230-5431.
5. Click [Unsuspend Phone Numbers] to unsuspend the telephone number that you
selected, or click [Clear] to clear the fields. Click [New Suspend/Unsuspend] to
return to the Suspend/Unsuspend window and enter another handle or telephone
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The message [The following phone numbers were successfully unsuspended on handle
A01-X1280851: 514-230-5431] will appear.
6. Click [New Suspend/Unsuspend] to unsuspend another handle.
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View Phone History
You may view a historical tracking of the selected telephone number. Tracking displays
the dates when the telephone number was connected to a handle or disconnected from
a handle, as well as the account the handle was in at the time.
1. Click [Phone History] from the menu bar. The Phone Number History window will
2. Type the telephone number whose tracking you want to view.
3. Click [Get History] to display telephone tracking, or click [Clear] to clear the field.
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The tracking for the telephone number will appear on the screen.
4. Click [New Phone Number History] to view tracking for another telephone
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View Handle History
You may view handle tracking to see the movements of a handle within your account.
Account tracking displays the movement of the handle from one account to another.
1. Click [Handle History] from the menu bar. The Handle History window appears.
2. Type the handle whose tracking you want to view.
3. Click [Account Tracking] if you want to view the account tracking of the handle.
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The tracking of the handle will appear on the screen.
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