SErVODRIVE SDBseries Servo-amp Iifier for DC-motors urnberAs Descriptionand technicaldata Technicaldata Brief description oftheSDBserieshavebeen servocontrollers Thetransistorized thespeedof DCservomotors. for regulating developed consistsof a singlePCBin double Thecompactcontroller thepowersupplyaswell formatandaccommodates euroboard asthecontrolandbrakingcircuits. thereis a PCBblockwithintegralconnecting Forwallmounting terminals. to a 3-phaseor DCpower maybe connected Thecontroller suppry. voltagesneededareprovidedon thecontroller. Allauxiliary too. suitablefor batteryoperation It is therefore hasLEDsindicating Thecontroller - Controller switchedon - Tachometer signalfailure - Currentlimitreached - Standby - Temperature exceeded Type SDB 5 S D B1 2 Cont. currenl In (A) 5 12,5 SDB20 20 Rated Max. current power P at 150VDC lmax (A) (kw O Speedcontrol by pulse-widthmodulation(9 kHz)with or without tachometerfeedback O Analogreferenceinput (mH) 10 n'78 3,0 25 1,9 1,2 40 3,0 0,8 Supplyvoltage Max.outputvoltage voltage Max.reference + 10o/o 3x40-115VAC 50/60Hz or 48-160VDC 15OV DC + 10v Max.admissibletachometervoltagel00V range temperature Operating Controlrange Specialfeatures Min.armature inductance Controlaccuracy Weight, incl.PCBblock 0-45'C 45-65'Cwithreduced oower:2o/ofK (with >1:20'000 feedback) tachometer <0,57oat nr"* 2.250k9 Dimensions O Adjustablereferenceintegratorfrom 015 to 1,5s (optional) O Opto-isolatedinputsfor controllerenable,two limit switches, reference0 O + 15V and -15 V outputsfor feedingexternalcircuits (max.20mA) O Relaysignallingcontrollerready O Protectioncircuitsand monitors - Continuouscurrentlimit - Peakcurrentlimit - RPM-dependent currentlimit - Tachometersignal - Controllertemperature - Overvoltage - Short circuitand earth fault - Automaticpower limitationwhen ambienttemperature exceeds 45'C BulletinME 140e- 8B0BCAR Subject to change 23, CH-8105Regensdorf AntriebstechnikAG,Pumpwerkstrasse , Telefon01/84058 13,Telex825 829,Fax01/84058 30 Contraves Tel.+ Fax07215/2377 Althellmonsödt B,A-4202Hellmonsödt/Linz, AntriebstechnikAG,BüroÖsterreich, Contraves 42-50, 6000Frankfurt/M90, Tel.069/78992-0,Telex416416 EschbornerLandstrasse ContravesGmbH,BereichIndustrie-Antriebstechnik, ContraveslndustrialProductsLtd., ElectronicDriveSystems,MansionClose,MoultonParklndustrialEstate, Telex312471 1RU,Tel.0604/493201, GB-Northampton/NN3 ProdottilndustrialiContravesS. p.A., ViaGiovanniBovio6, l-20159Milano,Tel.2/688 62 31 - 688 69 41,Telex333 259 -8609, Telex212930CSR UR ContravesGoerzCorporation,2600LibertyAvenue,Pittsburgh,PA 15222IJSA,Tel.412/26]-8600,Fax 412/261 Telex 24 24 686 61 41, Tel. 03/436 Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 1-9-15, Kaigan, Btdg,, FloorTakeshiba CodixK. K., 2nd in: Reoresentatives Singapore,SouthAfrica Australia,Brasil,Canada,Corea,Denmark,Finland,France,Greece,lndia,lsrael,Netherlands, SouthAmerica,Spain,Sweden,Taiwan contreEs