TRUSTHOUSE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Trustees’ Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2013 Registered charity in England & Wales number: 1063945 CONTENTS Page REPORT 1. Chairman’s Introduction 3 2. Legal and Administrative 4 3. Trustees’ Report 4. Organisation 5 Review of the Past Year 8 Financial Review 13 Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities 14 Independent Auditors’ Report 15 ACCOUNTS 5. Statement of Financial Activities 16 6. Balance Sheet 17 7. Notes to the Accounts 18 8. Grants Awarded 2012/13 22 Front cover photos, left to right: Summer activities at Skipton Extending Learning for All, who received a grant of £6,500 from Trusthouse towards their programme for children and young people with disabilities. Skipton Extended Learning for All (SELFA) delivers activities to vulnerable, disadvantaged and disabled children in the Skipton and Craven area of North Yorkshire. Photo by Malcolm Storey Joining in Bake Off Fun at Greenlight Gateway in Ballycastle. The charity provides young people and adults with learning disabilities meaningful work, training and social opportunities and an alternative to traditional care services. Ballycastle is a small town on the Causeway Coast Route: a beautiful but remote and isolated district with no local industry or tertiary education facilities. Greenlight Gateway provides a recycling service, horticulture project and charity shop which in total offer 30 work placements. The charity approached Trusthouse for help in setting up and opening 'Country Kitchen': a sustainable coffee shop and training enterprise, offering an additional 20 work places. Trusthouse awarded a grant of £9,300 towards catering equipment. A still from Krazy Kat Theatre Company’s new production of the traditional Japanese folk story, The Waving Cat . Krazy Kat creates theatre incorporating Sign Language Arts which is accessible for Deaf children/young people and their hearing peers. Performers are Deaf or deaf-aware and the company itself is hearing led but Deaf directed. Besides providing high quality Arts to Deaf children who have very little access to theatre experiences appropriate to them, Krazy Kat aims to be an advocate for the Deaf community and to offer career chances for Deaf creative artists. Trusthouse has given a grant of £6,000 towards The Waving Cat which combines puppetry and live actors and shows Deaf characters to be the providers of solution to conflict, encouraging Deaf children to see their potential as catalysts for change and to make their views heard in a positive way. Performances are followed by related practical Sign Language drama workshops. 2 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION During the course of the year to 30th June 2013 the Trusthouse Charitable Foundation made grants of £2.26m to organisations which are working to further the Foundation’s charitable objectives. This total was made up of 327 grants selected from 1,328 applications. Our endowment at the start of the year stood at £61.9m and finished the year at £67.9m after the grant -making described above and all other fees and expenses. This performance, which was broadly in line with a rising market, enabled us to confirm the continued use of a 4% distribution rate calculated on a 3-year rolling average value of the endowment. A particular highlight of the year was the one day dissemination conference, Hope Inside, which concluded our three-year themed grant of £600,000 addressing mental health issues in the criminal justice system. We are very grateful to Revolving Doors who produced the evaluation report carried out by peer reviewers which highlighted the extent of the need and how five of the organisations we supported help this very vulnerable client group. If there was one theme emerging it was the value attached by the clients to the individual support workers from these independent voluntary organisations willing to give them the time and space to listen sympathetically and provide non-judgmental support and guidance. We awarded ‘super-grants’ in the year to two hospices. We gave £125,000 to Claire House Children’s Hospice on the Wirral and £100,000 to Norfolk Hospice Tapping House. The first will provide a teenage ‘den room’ to enable life-limited teenagers to enjoy some of the activities which so many are able to take for granted. The Norfolk hospice is a new build which will help to serve the needs of one of the last areas in the country without a dedicated in -patient hospice. In the course of the year we undertook a review to bring our governance procedures up to date and in line with current best practice. We also took the decision not to accept unsolicited applications for overseas grants due to the real difficulty in ascertaining their impact and ensuring they reach their correct destination. We will continue to support HART whose detailed knowledge of specific projects in developing countries makes them an efficient and effective means of ensuring our funds are used to the best effect in some of the most needy areas of the world. During the year we said goodbye to Jeremy Beecham who served twelve years as a trustee and made a huge contribution to the charity, in particular with his powerful advocacy for and knowledge of the North East of England. Richard Hopgood also retired as the Director after giving ten years of much-valued service to the Foundation and support to the Trustees. Our sincere thanks to both who have made such distinctive and significant contributions to the foundation. In their place we were pleased to welcome George Hepburn as a new trustee, also with great knowledge of and affinity for the North East and Nick Acland who took over as our Director from Richard. We also said goodbye to Assistant Grants Officer Jo Waller, whose hard work especially on the Fast Track and Trustees Personal Nomination Grants has been very much appreciated. We expect, in the coming year, to be faced with a need that is as great as ever, a charitable sector under pressure from public expenditure cuts and thus an ever increasing need to focus our grant-making on those areas of rural isolation and urban deprivation where we can make the most impact. The Hon Mrs Olga Polizzi CBE 3 LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE The Trustees present their report along with the financial statements of the Trusthouse Charitable Foundation for the year ended 30 June 2013. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in Note 1 and comply with the charity's trust deed and applicable law. Constitution and Objects The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation was formed in 1997 under a High Court Order when the Council of Trust Houses Forte plc sought its direction for the creation of a Charity to manage the proceeds of the sales of its share in its mother company to Granada, made on the 26 June 1996. The Foundation had sold its investments to Granada Group for £50,252,883.80 Unsecured Floating Rate Loan Notes and 33,384 ordinary shares in Granada. The loan notes were redeemed at par during the period to 30 June 1997 and the proceeds were divided between three investment managers. Since then however, there have been several asset re-allocations and the Foundation now has a mix of current investment managers. The Trustees also employ an Investment Consultant, Cambridge Associates, to advise them on their investment policy and on the monitoring of investment managers. The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation was registered with the Charity Commission on 13 August 1997, registration number 1063945. The governing document is a Scheme made in the High Court on 12 June 1997. Prior to this date, the Foundation operated under charitable purposes following the court order 20 June 1996. In the course of the financial year 2012-13, the Trustees took legal advice on amending the Scheme and agreed a number of changes on 5th June 2013 regarding: general governance; the remit of the Grants and Finance Committees; the appointment and removal of Trustees. These amendments have been approved and registered with the Charity Commission. The objects of the Foundation are such general charitable purposes as the Trustees in their discretion from time to time determine. The Trustees have power to apply income and capital to fulfil their objects. TRUSTEES The Hon Mrs Olga Polizzi CBE (Chairman) The Lady Balfour of Burleigh CBE The Lord Beecham (retired 28th November 2012) Lady Anthony Hamilton Ms Philippa Hamilton Mr Howell Harris-Hughes CBE Mr George Hepburn OBE (appointed 21st February 2013) The Baroness Hogg The Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin The Duke of Marlborough DL Sir John Nutting QC Mr Anthony Peel MBE Sir Hugh Rossi REGISTERED OFFICE Sixth Floor, 65 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 2AD PRINCIPAL OFFICER Nicholas Acland BANKERS The Royal Bank of Scotland (Child & Co), 1 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1BD SOLICITORS MacFarlanes, 10 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1BD Radcliffes LeBrasseur, 5 Great College Street, Westminster, London AUDITORS BDO LLP, 55 Baker Street, London W1U 7EU INVESTMENT ADVISERS Cambridge Associates, 80 Victoria Street, Cardinal Place, 4 INVESTMENT MANAGERS Blackrock 12 Throgmorton Avenue London EC2N 2DL Colchester Global Investors 20 Saville Row London W1S 3PR Nyes Ledge Capital Mgmt LLC 155 Federal St. Suite 502 Boston, MA 02110 USA Royal London Cash Management 55 Gracechurch Street London EC3V 0UF Sarasin & Partners Juxon House 100 St Paul's Churchyard Schroder & Co Limited 100 Wood Street London EC2V 7ER PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland) Ltd C/o BBH Fund Admin Services Ltd Styne House Upper Hatch Street Dublin 2 Standard Life Investments (Mutual Funds) Ltd 1 George Street Edinburgh EH2 2LL Veritas Funds 1 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2 Republic of Ireland The Trustees have appointed investment managers who have discretion to invest the funds within guidelines established by the Trustees. ORGANISATION The Trustees who served during the period are set out on page 4. The Trustees were first appointed from the board of the Council of Forte plc and the Trustees have the power to appoint additional Trustees. The minimum number of Trustees is four and the maximum is twelve. In considering the appointment of new Trustees, the Trustees consider how best to strengthen the range of expertise, experience and interests needed for the Foundation's work and future development. The Trustees meet as a general body twice a year usually in June and November. They operate through two committees each of which is concerned with a different sphere of activity, as follows: Grants Committee Finance Committee. The Grants Committee meets four times a year and has delegated authority to award grants up to a value of £30,000. (Grants above £30,000 are subject to the final approval of the Trustees in General Meeting.) The Committee is responsible for framing the grants policy and the consideration of all eligible appeals. Eight Trustees sit on the Committee, which is chaired by Lady Balfour of Burleigh. The Finance Committee has previously met twice yearly and is responsible for investment policy, the monitoring of investment performance, the selection and discharge of fund managers, general matters of financial policy and budgets of income and expenditure, including the determination of the income available for distribution and overseeing the annual audit process. Five Trustees sit on the Committee, which is chaired by Baroness Hogg. A subcommittee previously met between Finance Committee meetings to review the Investment Portfolio in conjunction with our Investment Advisers, Cambridge Associates. In the course of the governance review this year, it was agreed that the Finance Committee would meet four times a year. Sub-committee meetings may be convened as and when required outside these times or to discuss a particular issue. Induction and Training New Trustees have induction meetings with the Chairman and the administrators upon appointment and third party training courses are offered to Trustees from time to time. Speakers are occasionally invited to the General Meetings. Administration From inception as a charity, the Trustees decided to appoint a third party to administer the charity and keep its financial books and records. The Henry Smith Charity succeeded SG Hambros Trust Company Limited as administrator on 16 July 2003. The day to day management is overseen by the Director of the Henry Smith Charity (Nicholas Acland). The finances are managed by the Finance Manager (Rob Foord) and the grants procedure is managed and administered by the Grants Manager (Judith Leigh). The Foundation benefits from the volunteer visitor network of the Henry Smith Charity. The Trustees are also grateful to the various community foundations who have provided informative assessment reports and helpful local knowledge throughout the year. 5 Grant Making Policy The grants policy agreed in 2008 focusses the Foundation’s main grants programme on projects throughout the UK which address Rural Issues or established projects of especial merit in areas of extreme Urban Deprivation. Within these two foci, the Trustees continue to consider applications under three broad priorities (Community Support, Education & the Arts, Healthcare & Disability). The Small Grants scheme (for appeals up to £10,000) and Large Grants scheme (for appeals up to £30,000) is augmented by the Super Grants programme, where the Trustees proactively select one or two projects annually for a substantial capital grant. The budget for the Super Grants programme in 2012-13 was set at £125,000, later increased to £200,000 as there were unallocated monies from the rest of the grants budget at the end of the financial year (see page 9). During 2012-13, the Trustees continued to offer grants for eligible projects in developing countries (where the funds raised are from charities based in the UK). Following the decision made in June 2010, half the annual budget for overseas grants (equating to 10% of the budget for Small and Large Grants) was made in a single grant to the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART), for HART to support a number of local projects in particularly challenging locations in the developing world with whom HART has established partnerships. This arrangement is reviewed on a yearly basis. The grant making policy of the Foundation is reflected in its published Guidelines for Applicants, which are on the Foundation's website and available on request from the office. The charity has an application form that it requests all applicants to complete prior to consideration of their appeal. Members of the Grants Committee are sent summaries of all eligible appeals received with advice from the office and from these select those appeals they wish to consider at their meetings. An accelerated process for grants of £5,000 and under enables decisions to be taken by the Grants Committee between meetings in order to reduce the time which applicants have to wait for a decision. Aims and Objectives The Foundation is primarily a reactive funder and seeks to attract a wide range of applications and to fund a relatively diverse range of projects which reflect the breadth of the Trustees' interests (as embodied in the Guidelines); are undertaken by sound organisations doing effective work; and where the kind of grants offered by the Foundation make a real difference. Most of the Foundation's grants are for sums of less than £10,000 and many are to smaller organisations and for smaller projects where a grant from the Foundation supplements local fundraising (where it is unrealistic to expect the whole of the cost to be raised locally) and enables equipment to be bought and/or activities to happen which might otherwise not come to fruition. The Trustees' bias towards smaller organisations and projects reflects the Trustees' preference to offer a large number of relatively modest grants which are nevertheless significant in relation to the scale of the applicant's financial needs and can be seen to make a discernible local impact. All grantees report back on how grants have been used and what they have achieved within six months of receipt. A pro forma report form for grants applicants is successful in providing careful monitoring and enabling greater understanding of potential achievements and issues grantees may encounter. The form is sent to all applicants as a hard copy when payment of a grant is made, and can also be sent by email in electronic format, on request from the grant recipient. Larger grants are only released when a project is certain to proceed and a grantee provides proof of purchase or of building works carried out. Public Benefit The Trustees have had regard to the guidance of the Charity Commission on public benefit and its reporting. The Foundation’s broad main aim is to fund charitable or not-for-profit organisations in the UK and the developing world, which enhance the life chances, living environment and well being of the general public, especially within the priorities of the grants policy. The Review of the Past Year, on page 8, and the list of grants (pages 22 to 42) demonstrates that this aim continues to be achieved. Investment Policy and Performance There are no restrictions on the charity's power to invest and the Trustees have the power to delegate discretionary powers of investment. The charity's investments are managed by a mix of investment managers with different approaches to constructing portfolios. The Trustees have given the investment managers listed on page 5 discretionary management over the funds they hold in their nominee name within agreed guidelines established to control risk (including ranges for different asset classes). The guidelines are reviewed annually. Their performance is measured against set benchmarks on a quarterly basis and discussed at the meetings of the Finance Committee. 6 At the General Meeting in June 2006, the Trustees agreed that the distribution policy should be brought into line with the investment policy and operated on a total return basis, funded from capital as well as income where necessary. Upon the advice of Cambridge Associates, the Trustees agreed to adopt an initial rate of distribution of 4% of the average value of the assets over the preceding twelve quarters, which is intended to optimise distributions whilst maintaining the real purchasing power of the Foundation’s assets over the medium to long term. The rate of distribution is subject to regular review. Auchencairn Initiative Auchencairn Initiative (AI) undertakes regeneration projects in the small rural community of Auchencairn, on the south coast of Dumfries & Galloway. The village has a total population of 450 and is 'a place of two halves' - the original village being occupied by retired people and the newer portion by younger families on low incomes. It is an attractive village which visitors enjoy and there is a significant tourist market, but it is isolated and remote with a very limited bus service and therefore reliant on itself. AI took heed of the lesson of another village which has virtually died out with the loss of its amenities and taken steps to ensure that there are sufficient facilities within Auchencairn to give access to education, fresh food, community events and social interaction and thus continue to attract long term residents and visitors. As a consequence Auchencairn has kept its school, shop and post office (run by the community), garage, pub and church. AI applied to Trusthouse for help in addressing the problem that the new and old parts of the village (the latter contains all the facilities mentioned above) are divided by a burn and field with the only access between the two being via an extended route along the main A711 trunk road. AI has bought the intervening field to construct an allweather footpath and footbridge across the field and burn to create a shorter, safer route. Children will be able to walk to the primary school, and the path and bridge have been designed to be accessible by wheelchair and for those pushing prams. This project will only use part of the field and it is intended to create a park, conservation planting area and allotments (with surplus produce being sold in the shop). Trusthouse provided a grant of £20,000. The photo shows the new footbridge being lifted into place. 7 REVIEW OF THE PAST YEAR Grants Awarded during the Year The Trustees received 1,328 applications during the year. This was a small increase on the previous year (1,311 applications) but remains a lower number than applications received in 2010-11 and 2011-12 (1,543 applications received). This reduction in applications remains in line with the experience of peer grantmakers, as the current funding climate continues to cause a significant number of smaller organisations to close altogether or reduce costs (and thus the number of applications made) through re-structuring staff and operations. However, we believe we have started to address this decline in application levels by the decision made at the beginning of the financial year to raise the annual income top level threshold for Small and Fast Track grants from £300,000 to £500,000. This addresses the difficulty that medium sized organisations are finding in raising funds for running/salary/project costs. A total of 327 grants were made, an increase of 63 grants on 2011-12 (284 grants made). One reason for this increase was due to the change in the income threshold: 37 Small and Fast Track grants were made to organisations which would have been ineligible under the previous income criterium. The second reason was the introduction in August 2012 of a form-based application system. This new system addressed the problem of the poor quality of applications, enabling smaller organisations without dedicated fundraising staff to better present their project and its relevance to Trusthouse funding criteria. This has, in turn, enabled the office to assess more fairly across the board and identify not only immediately appropriate applications but also promising projects about which applicants are requested to provide additional information on their work, clarification of their fit to and/or need for Trusthouse funding. It is estimated that some 25% of applicants are asked to provide additional information and of these, approximately half will proceed to receiving a grant. During 2013-14, the office will produce an additional guide for applicants providing help in understanding the thrust of Trusthouse grants and in writing applications. The guide will be trialled in locations which we know have high levels of deprivation, but from which we receive a lower than expected number of applications or applications of consistently poor quality. This will be combined with work with local community foundations and voluntary services to raise awareness of Trusthouse grants. The office continues to provide comprehensive feedback to failed applicants: this is rare in the grant making sector and applicants are grateful. The total amount awarded in grants was £2.258m, an increase of £200,000 on the previous year (£2.05m). The majority of grants continue to be for under £10,000, with an average value of £6,507 (£7,247 in 2011-12). The current grants policy means that, where possible, applications under the Large Grants scheme are awarded the full amount recommended by the Visitor, with Small Grants being allotted funds from the remaining budget for each meeting of the Grants Committee. The Large Grants scheme again saw a fall in the number of grants awarded: 24, compared with 29 in 2011-12. Application numbers were particularly low in this grant programme with only 171 applications received compared with 224 in 2011-12. We again believe that this is due to the decision by many organisations not to embark on capital projects in the challenging funding environment. The average Large Grant in 2012-13 was £17,472 (£26,405 in 2011-12). Two grants of £30,000 were awarded under the Large Grants scheme as compared to seven in 2011-12. Once again, the Large Grants awarded covered a varied and interesting range of projects and included: Helmsdale & District Community Association: £30,000 towards the cost of building four units of social housing in the Helmsdale area of North Scotland Annalong Community Association: £23,700 towards the purchase cost of a minibus to be shared between three community groups in a rural community in N Ireland Ufton Court Educational Trust: £20,000 towards the cost of building cabins for an outdoor activities charity, providing residential experiences and targeted personal and life skills training for young people from deprived areas of Reading. 145 Small Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 were awarded compared to 105 Small Grants in 2011-12. The average grant value was £7,488 (£7,195 in 2011-12). The lower number of Large Grant applicants and grants meant we were able to give higher grants to a larger number of Small Grants. Small Grants are available for available for both capital and running costs – including salaries and overheads – and applicants have expressed their thanks for this, as such costs are proving difficult to fund, especially with the reductions in statutory funding. 8 Grants for running costs enable organisations to continue on-going work which has a demonstrable track record of success. However, Trusthouse also funds new work which is a development of existing work, and funds finite projects. In June 2012, the Trustees decided to open up the Small Grants programme to hospices (for capital works only) which had previously been restricted to the Large Grants programme. Two grants were made to hospices (St Margaret’s Hospice in Taunton and Weston Hospicecare in Weston-super-Mare) under this change of eligibility criteria. The Trustees’ interest in supporting hospices was also reflected in this year’s Super Grants programme, with two grants made: £125,000 to Claire House Children’s Hospice on the Wirral and £100,000 to Norfolk Hospice Tapping House. The Trustees were highly impressed by the work of both hospices. Claire House offers respite and end of life care for any child or young adult from ages 0 to 23 years. A ‘home from home’ ethos with top of the range care and support for all the family gives Claire House an outstanding atmosphere. Trusthouse’s grant is for the building of a new teenage den to give an age-appropriate space to young adults to chill out and do many of the activities their able-bodied peers enjoy – whether it be ordering in a pizza or having an all-night Eurovision Song Contest party. Norfolk Hospice Tapping House is building a new hospice with an in-patient facility to serve the needs of the community of West Norfolk who currently have only hospice beds in the local hospital, which is acknowledged not to be the best solution. The new hospice will be situated in a small village, able to supply the rural location the majority of its patients are accustomed to. The grant from Trusthouse will go towards a transition unit for young adults who are progressing from respite care at a children’s hospice, but are not yet quite ready to make the full move to an adult hospice environment. The transition unit will enable family members to stay with the young adult until they have built sufficient confidence to stay independently in the unit or move to the adult wing. The Trustees felt that both Claire House’s and Norfolk Hospice’s projects will significantly improve the quality of life to young people who face many challenges. In the year, the Super Grant of £50,000 to Truro Cathedral, which had been agreed in principle by the Trustees at the end of 2011-12, was confirmed. The grant will contribute towards the restoration of the old Cathedral school and its redevelopment as a community and visitor centre. There was a large drop in applications for the ‘Fast Track’ Accelerated Grants scheme, for grant applications of £5,000 and under, with 397 applications received compared to 524 in 2011-12. However, an increased number of grants were awarded: 68 compared to the 57 made in 2011-12. The average grant was £2,941 (£3,455 in 201112). The new application system has seen a general improvement in the standard of applications, but presenting the impact of a project and its relation to the problems of an area does still remain difficult for the smallest organisations. There was a noticeable number of ineligible applications (97) and applications from very small community groups asking for amounts of a few hundred pounds, which would not usually be practicable. These small groups are vulnerable as the statutory funding sources on which they have relied dry up and their organisers have particularly poor fundraising abilities. The new guide to writing applications should help to address this problem. The office has also recommended a number of projects to Trustees for funding under the Trustees Personal Nomination grants, which have a broader remit. Once again, there was an underspend on the grants budget at the end of the financial year of £158,738 as compared to £108,836 for 2011-12. This was caused by a) the lower number of applications and thus the lower number of grants awarded than anticipated b) a number of grants being returned during the year due to the inability of the beneficiaries to complete the intended work either because they were unable to raise the rest of the funds or because circumstances beyond their control meant that a project was unable to proceed c) prudent allocation of grants during the year by the Grants Committee in light of the ongoing difficult financial market situation. The Trustees decided to allocate £100,000 of this underspend to the Super Grant scheme to enable two grants to be made. Grants were also made to ECF Links in Co Armagh (£9,999) and Warwickshire Association for the Blind (£7,500) which had been of interest to the Trustees during the year but which it was felt sensible to defer a decision on until such time as the Trustees could be certain money was available to give support. The Trustees decided that the remainder (£41,239) should form part of the budget for 2013-14. These are not additional funds for an increased budget, but enable the budget to remain at the amount calculated on a 4% total return on investments, given the continued uncertainty for investment returns in 2013-14. The second year of funding by Trusthouse for the apprentice at The Reader Organisation (TRO) completed successfully with the apprentice showing continued progress in working with primary and secondary school children in Merseyside who need reading support. The apprentice’s empathy with the problems faced by the children and her 9 caring attitude is very encouraging, and the Trustees were also pleased to see that she is taking part in other TRO work, such as travelling to the Netherlands to explain TRO’s work to interested Dutch groups. This represented a major advance in the apprentice’s confidence and commitment. The Themed Grant programme for Mental Health Projects in the Criminal Justice system ended with a dissemination day in February at which presentations and workshops were made and run by a number of grantees: the Educational Shakespeare Company, WISH, New Pathways, HOPE Scotland, Plymouth & District MIND and The Reader Organisation. The event provided powerful personal testimonies and evidence of the extraordinary impact timely and appropriate intervention can have in breaking the cycle of offending and prison. The event was organised by Revolving Doors, whose peer forum carried out an evaluation of a selection of the projects funded under this programme and produced the report Hope Inside. The report provides a clear case of the critical need for mental health projects providing a range of support and activities, argued from the first hand statements of beneficiaries and workers in the projects. The report was sent to stakeholders and interested parties throughout the criminal justice system and is available for download from the Trusthouse and Revolving Doors’ websites. We are pleased that we were able to give small exit grants to all the projects who took part in the evaluation and dissemination day and to Prison Fellowship Northern Ireland who had received a three year grant under the programme. The Trustees discussed over the year the potential topic of the next Themed Grant and during 2013-14 will look into the possibility of working with projects which support young families, and which provide low cost, local solutions that could be replicated by other communities. The aims and criteria will be finalised during 2013-14 with the programme probably opening to applications in mid-2014. Most of the grants awarded by the Foundation are for relatively modest amounts and therefore it is not practical to attempt a detailed analysis of impact either for individual grants or across sectors. The tables on pages 11-12 show the amount of grants paid by category and the proportion of funding within each region and overseas. The largest categories by value were Youth (20%), Community Support Services (14%), Hospices (10%) Disabilities (7%) and Arts (5%). The high position of Hospices was due to the two Super Grants awarded to this category. It is noticeable this year that, below the top three categories, there was a broader spread of categories (Arts, Heritage, Community Centres, Homeless, Family Support, Overseas and Rehabilitation of Offenders) receiving fairly equal shares of the total funding amount. Previous years have seen a sharper difference between the top five categories and the rest. It is pleasing to note that Arts projects engaging disaffected young people or people with disabilities, have been strong this year. However, it is of some concern that grants to Refugees and Asylum Seekers have dropped back to just £2,500 from £31,000 in 2011-12. Applications from such projects have been of lower quality and have often failed to provide a sufficiently strong link to Trusthouse’s overarching themes of Rural Issues and Urban Deprivation. The geographical incidence (by value of grants awarded) was highest in the North West. The Foundation does not set budgetary limits on particular categories or regions (apart from overseas, where the maximum is 10% of the total budget) but looks for a reasonable spread of grants with a bias towards regions containing the most deprived areas. The Trustees have noted the relatively low numbers of applications from the Midlands, especially the West Midlands, and will target this area as a trial for the new application writing guide. The Trustees took the decision in June 2013 to cease accepting unsolicited applications from overseas projects. This decision was taken in the light of: Trustees’ confidence in ensuring that grants were spent appropriately; the level of UK need; the disproportionate amount of administration that overseas grants require. The Trustees decided to make a further one year grant to the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust for 2013-14 for its work with some of the most deprived and forgotten communities in the world including Burma and Nagorno Karabakh. The Trustees may make grants to charities working overseas whose work is known to them personally under the Trustees Personal Nominations grants programme. This programme allots individual budgets of £20,000 to each trustee during the financial year to award to the projects of their choice (subject to the approval of a quorum of the Grants Committee). reflecting their personal interests and local knowledge, which may fall outside the guidelines for the standard grants schemes. All grants awarded under this scheme during 2012-13 are listed at the end of the list of Grants on page. 10 Grants Awarded 2012-13 by Programme Category Churches £2,000 Refugees & Asylum Seekers £2,500 Ex-Service £4,785 Other £6,000 Carers £12,500 Medical £15,000 Ethnic Minorities £26,250 Domestic Violence £29,000 Counselling £34,199 Substance Misuse £36,500 Themed Grant £43,500 Education £49,350 Aged £54,550 Sport £56,173 Rehabilitation of Offenders £70,550 Overseas £90,178 Family Support £92,000 Homeless £109,500 Community Centres £117,250 Heritage £120,500 Arts £120,845 Disabilities £166,505 Hospices £247,500 Community Support Services £305,612 Youth £445,097 £0 £50,000 £100,000 £150,000 £200,000 11 £250,000 £300,000 £350,000 £400,000 £450,000 £500,000 Grants Awarded 2012-13 by Region Grants Awarded 2012-13 by Fund 12 Financial Review Investments The Trustees are advised by Cambridge Associates on their asset allocation policy and appoint a range of investment managers to handle the different elements of the portfolio. They operate within guidelines set by the Trustees, reviewed annually, which control risk and set ranges for different asset classes. Performance is measured against set benchmarks on a quarterly basis and discussed with managers at the meetings of the Finance Committee. Investment Assets The value of the investment portfolio at 30th June 2012 was £67.9m (2011-12: £61.9m). This represents an increase in value of £6m - after allowing for movements in cash and working capital - derived from a return of 16.6% against the portfolio’s benchmark of 15%. Over the last five years, the portfolio’s performance has lagged its benchmark by an annualised rate of 2.8% partly because of decisions taken to protect against more significant downside risk. During the year, the Trustees took some reallocation decisions to improve performance. Investment allocations During the year, the Trustees made new investments in the Charities Property Fund, the PIMCO Unconstrained Bond Fund, the Standard Life GARS Fund and Veritas Global Equities Fund. Investment income Investment income for 2012-13 was £1.284m (2011-12: £0.979m) and increase of £305k (31%). This was a result of a shift in asset mix towards assets providing higher income. Charitable Expenditure The Trustees apply a total return approach to their annual distributions. The means that they aim to spend 4% of the average market portfolio based on the preceding 12 calendar quarters; that amount is funded by investment income received and topped up as necessary from capital. Grants awarded during the year were £2.258m (an increase of £200k, 9.7% on the previous year) and was in line with the distribution policy. Reserves The Trustees have reviewed the reserves of the charity; the reserves are wholly unrestricted. The charity’s net assets increased to £68.849m from £61.374m during the year (an increase of £7.474m). The Trustees consider that, in conjunction with their distribution policy, the current level of reserves is appropriate to enable them to continue to fund grants, investment management fees, support and governance costs without eroding the longer-term real value of the Charity’s investment capital. The Trustees monitor liquidity to ensure this is sufficient to cover on-going expenditure. 13 STATEMENT OF TRUSTEES’ RESPONSIBILITIES The Trustees are responsible for preparing the Trustees' annual report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). Charity law requires the Trustees to prepare financial statements for each financial year that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources of the charity for the year. In preparing those financial statements the Trustees are required to: select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; observe the methods and principles in the Charities SORP; make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business. The Trustees are responsible for keeping accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the charity's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act 2011 and regulations made thereunder. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Trustees are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the financial information included on the charity's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of the financial statements and other information included in annual reports may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 14 15 Statement of Financial Activities For the Year Ended 30th June 2013 Note 2013 £'000 2012 £'000 5 1,284 5 5 979 40 1 1,294 1,020 424 449 Incoming Resources Investment Income Other incoming resources Gross bank interest Total incoming resources Resources Expended Cost of Generating Funds Investment management costs Charitable Expenditure Grants Payable Cost of grant making 6 2,243 163 1,970 160 Governance costs 7 37 30 2,867 2,609 (1,573) (1,589) 9,047 (2,337) 7,474 (3,926) 61,374 65,300 68,848 61,374 Total Resources Expended Net outgoing resources for the year Other recognised gains and losses Gains and losses on investment assets 2 Net movement in funds Reconciliation of funds Balances b/f Balances carried forward at 30th June 2013 The results shown above have been derived wholly from continuing activities The notes on pages 18 to 21 form part of these accounts. 16 17 Notes to the Accounts for the Year Ending 30th June 2013 1 Accounting Policies Basis of Preparation The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of certain fixed asset investments, and in accordance with applicable accounting standards, the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting by Charities, revised 2005 and the Charities Act 2011. Incoming Resources Incoming resources are recognised when the Charity has entitlement to the resources, it is certain that the resources will be received and the monetary value of the incoming resources can be measured with sufficient reliability. Dividends are recognised as receivable when a security is listed as ex-dividend. Resources Expended Liabilities are recognised as resources expended when there is a legal or constructive obligation committing the charity to the expenditure. Grants, both single and multi-year, are recognised in the accounts as liabilities after they have been approved by the Trustees, the recipients have been notified and there are no further terms and conditions to be fulfilled within the control of the Charity. Cost of Generating Funds Costs of generating funds comprise those costs directly attributable to managing the investment portfolio and raising investment income. Charitable Activities Grants payable are accounted for in the year they are approved. A list of grants awarded in the year to 30 June 2013 is analysed commencing on page 22. Governance Costs The cost of governance consists of statutory audit and legal fees, insurance costs and Trustee expenses. A proportion of the Henry Smith Charity management and administration charge is also included, because Trusthouse Charitable Foundation does not employ any staff. Cost of Grant making Cost of grant making relates to a proportion of the management and administration charge and other costs directly attributable to grant making based on time spent. Any irrecoverable VAT is charged to the Statement of Financial Activities. Investments Investments are included in the accounts at market value at the balance sheet date. Realised and unrealised gains or losses are taken to the Statement of Financial Activities. The valuation of the unquoted investment is based on figures provided by the managers. Foreign Exchange Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling and recorded at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transactions. Balances and investments denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange gains or losses are taken to the Statement of Financial Activities and are included within gains and losses on revaluation. Cash Flow Statement Under Financial Reporting Standard No. 1 the Charity is not required to produce a cash-flow statement. Funds All funds are unrestricted. 18 Notes to the Accounts For the Year Ended 30th June 2013 2 FIXED ASSET INVESTMENTS 2013 2012 £000 £'000 Market Value at 1st July 59,907 63,990 Purchases/Additions 23,607 18,515 (24,168) (19,598) Fees* (106) (428) Realised and unrealised gains* 8,623 (2,572) 67,863 59,907 27 2,038 Total assets under management at 30 June 67,890 61,945 Historical cost of investments at 30 June 49,527 56,605 Quoted investments - UK 16,430 16,591 Quoted investments - Foreign 40,162 30,504 Property Unit Trust 3,332 - Alternative investments 3,675 1,219 Unquoted investments 3,627 6,421 664 7,210 67,890 61,945 Sales Proceeds/Disposals Market value at 30 June *Relates to fees/gains deducted from/added to investments only. Cash held by Investment Managers Market Value Cash investments Investments in individual entities held at 30 June 2013, which are over 5% of the portfolio value, are: Nyes Ledge Capital Horizon Ltd 3,627 Sarasin Equisar - Global - Sterling Hedged 4,236 Sarasin Equisar - Global Income Fund 9,476 Sarasin Equisar - Global Thematic Sarasin International Equity 4,416 9,903 Schroder UK Alpha Plus Fund 16,429 Standard Life - GARS Fund Veritas Funds 3,675 6,443 19 Annual Accounts 2012-13 Notes to the Accounts For the Year Ended 30th June 2013 3 BANK ACCOUNTS 2013 2012 £'000 £'000 62 59 1,293 352 1,355 411 2013 2012 £'000 £'000 592 1,062 20 98 612 1,160 2013 2012 £'000 £'000 193 1,029 59 3 - 161 750 68 1,284 979 Balances held at 30 June 2013 were as follows: Investment Managers' Income Accounts Child & Co Accounts 4 CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year Grants payable Professional fees 5 INVESTMENT INCOME Income from quoted investments - UK Income from quoted investments - Overseas Income from alternative investments Interest from cash balances Income from Property Unit Trusts 20 Notes to the Accounts For the Year Ended 30th June 2013 6 GRANTS PAYABLE Grants awarded Less: Repayment of grants made in previous year 7 GOVERNANCE Auditor's fees: for audit services Other Professional Fees Insurance Trustees Expenses 2013 £'000 2012 £'000 2,258 (15) 2,058 (88) 2,243 1,970 2013 £'000 2012 £'000 15 14 4 4 15 9 4 2 37 30 8 TRUSTEE EXPENSES During the year, five trustees (2011-12: three) were reimbursed expenses relating to travel and associated costs in respect of their attendance at meetings totalling £3,551 (2011-12: £1,752). No trustees are paid for their services. 9 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS During the year, donations of £35,000 (2011-12: £336,995) identified by an asterisk (*) in the grant listing commencing on page 22 were made to a number of other charities with which one or more Trustees of the Foundation were associated non-financially. 10 TRUSTEE INDEMNITY INSURANCE During the year the Trustees purchased indemnity insurance. The cost to the year ended June 2013 was £4,293 (2011-12: £4,293). 21 GRANTS AWARDED IN 2012-13 SUPER GRANT PROGRAMME Claire House Children's Hospice £125,000 Towards the cost of building an extension to a children and young people's hospice on the Wirral to provide a teenage den room. Norfolk Hospice Tapping House £100,000 Towards the building costs of a new hospice in West Norfolk. Truro Cathedral £50,000 Towards the second phase of the Inspire Cornwall Appeal - the restoration of the Old Cathedral School. TOTAL VALUE OF SUPER GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF SUPER GRANTS £275,000 3 THEMED GRANT PROGRAMME Educational Shakespeare Company Ltd £7,000 Exit grant for Second Chance for Change following Themed Grant. New Pathways £6,500 Exit grant following Themed Grant for counselling for ex-offenders who have suffered abuse. Plymouth & District MIND £6,500 Exit grant to the Bridge the Gap project following Themed Grant. Prison Fellowship Northern Ireland £6,500 Exit grant following Themed Grant for the Mind Yourself programme Revolving Doors Agency £10,000 For the cost of arranging a conference on 26 Feb 2013 on Mental Health Projects in the Criminal Justice System to disseminate the findings of projects funded by Trusthouse as part of the Themed Grant programme Revolving Doors Agency £6,500 Towards the general running costs of Revolving Doors, especially the peer forum. TOTAL VALUE OF THEMED GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF THEMED GRANTS £43,000 6 AGED Action Foundation £7,000 Towards the salary and on-costs of a Volunteer Coordinator for a befriending project for elderly and isolated people in Newcastle upon Tyne. Annan & District Day Centre £7,500 Towards the core costs of a Day Centre for older people from Dumfriesshire. Cascade Theatre Company £9,000 Towards the cost of training facilitators to run reminiscence groups for older members of the community in rural Cornwall. Claremont First Step Community Care £8,000 Towards the salary costs of a co-ordinator of older people's activities at a charity in Blackpool. Rushmoor Healthy Living £5,000 Towards the salary costs of a Fuel Advisor to support older people in debt through fuel poverty in Berkshire, Surrey and NE Hants. Ryders Green Methodist Day Centre £2,500 Towards running costs of a day centre for older people, increasing the number of places available, increase BME community involvement and activities for those living with dementia. Time and Talents Association £8,000 Towards the salary costs of the co-ordinator of a befriending scheme for older people in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe, south London. TOTAL VALUE OF AGED GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF AGED GRANTS £47,000 7 22 CARERS Bath and North East Somerset Carers Centre £3,000 Towards the cost of a project giving carers the opportunity to take a break from caring in leisure, learning or fitness opportunities. Brentwood and District Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme £5,000 Towards the cost of providing a free after school club for children with disabilities to give carer parents and siblings respite time. Stirling Carers Centre £2,000 Towards the costs of monthly activities for adult and young carers to give a chance for respite, friendship, information and fun. Torfaen Carers Centre £2,500 Towards the running cost of the complementary therapy and counselling service at a Centre in South East Wales that provides information and support to carers. TOTAL VALUE OF CARERS GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF CARERS GRANTS £12,500 4 COMMUNITY CENTRES Brandon Carrside Youth & Community Project £3,000 Towards the running cost of a community centre based in County Durham. Garth Village Hall £9,000 Towards the cost of repairs and upgrading the facilities at a village hall approx 20 miles from Llandrindod Wells. G-Force £8,000 Towards the cost of providing a range of activities at a community centre on Broomwood Estate nr Altrincham, Cheshire. Highway Church £9,000 Towards the purchase cost of a building for use as a community centre in Penryn, Cornwall. Kilve Village Hall £2,250 Towards the costs of starting a luncheon club for a charity based in Somerset which provides space for groups and events in the community. Lenton Centre £8,000 Towards the cost of installing play and game facilities at a community centre in Nottingham. Oasis Centre £10,000 Towards the salary and activity costs of a community support and training project for marginalised and vulnerable people in Gorton, Gtr Manchester. SLAM CDT £3,000 Towards the cost of refurbishing the toilets, showers and plumbing at a community leisure centre at Crook in County Durham. St Breward Institute and War Memorial Hall £10,000 Towards the cost of repairs and improvements to a rural village hall near Bodmin, Cornwall. St John's Cleckheaton PCC £20,000 Towards the cost of creating a new multi-purpose hall and ancillary facilities from the existing church building. St Paul's Community Partnership £4,500 Towards the salary costs of the Community Development worker at a community centre in Newcastle upon Tyne. Strathglass and Affric Community Company Ltd £9,000 Towards the cost of renovations to a village hall in Inverness-shire. Wacton Village Hall £3,000 Towards the cost of the second phase of building a new village hall in Norfolk, midway between Norwich and Diss. West End Impact £10,000 Towards the cost of extending and fitting out a community centre in Morecambe to provide additional space. 23 West Hill Community Services Ltd Towards the running costs of a community centre on a social housing estate in Bridlington. TOTAL VALUE OF COMMUNITY CENTRE GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF COMMUNITY CENTRE GRANTS £2,000 £110,750 15 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Annalong Community Association £23,700 Towards the purchase cost of a minibus to be shared between three community groups in a rural community in N Ireland. Ashington Community Development Trust £9,000 Towards the running costs of a charity providing activities to support the regeneration of a deprived town in Northumberland. Auchencairn Initiative £20,000 Towards the cost of creating a community park linking two parts of a Scottish village, to include a play area and allotments. Bengali Women's Group £6,500 Towards the cost of a programme of healthy living activities for older women of any race in Southwark. Black Country Food Bank £3,000 Towards the cost of purchasing equipment for a new larger warehouse for the charity which provides emergency food parcels to people facing poverty from the Black Country. Blyth Resource & Initiative Centre £3,200 Towards the salary costs of an Employment Support Worker at a centre for unemployed people in Blyth. Bournemouth Citizens Advice Bureau £3,200 Towards the cost of a part-time Benefits Adviser dedicated to working with residents of deprived areas in Bournemouth. Bridge Community Education Centre £9,000 Towards the salary costs of a charity in Brighton providing a range of learning and training activities to people on a deprived estate. CANWe Solutions CIC £6,500 Towards the salary costs of a trainer at a project providing people who have been long term unemployed in Blackburn with the life skills and basic job skills to move into employment. Chittlehamholt Village Shop Association Ltd £9,500 Towards the cost of electrical fittings in a new build village shop in a Devon village. Cornwall Hospital Broadcasting Network £500 Towards the cost of creating a fully disabled accessible training and production studio to enable the network to train new volunteers. Cyrenians FareShare North East CIC £9,600 Towards the running costs of a food distribution scheme to community groups and people in food poverty in Newcastle, Sunderland, Gateshead, Stockton, Middlesbrough and East Durham. Denny & Dunipace Citizens Advice Bureau £5,000 Towards the salary cost of the Volunteer Development Worker who recruits, trains and develops volunteer advisers at the Bureau. Devenish Partnership Forum £7,000 Towards the salary and running costs of a community project providing a range of support services and activities to four deprived housing estates in Enniskillen. Disability Services (Blackpool Wyre & Fylde) Ltd £1,750 Towards the cost of additional minibus services to provide weekly day trips to people with disabilities or older members of the community. FareShare Yorkshire £3,000 Towards the running costs of an organisation that takes surplus food from the food industry and redistributes it to projects working with the vulnerable in some of the most deprived parts of Yorkshire. Lambeth Mediation Service Towards the cost of a community mediation service for social housing tenants in South London. 24 £9,400 Learning First Ltd £15,000 Towards the cost of repairs and improvements to a building in Newcastle upon Tyne which houses a charity providing a range of courses for people finding it difficult to access mainstream education/training. NewServol £12,500 Towards the cost of developing a coffee shop, cafe, internet cafe, kitchen and commercial offices for use by the community, local business and social enterprises from Birmingham. North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Service £7,000 Towards the volunteer expenses of the charity. North Glasgow Community Food Initiative £9,000 Towards the running costs of a community food hub providing low cost fresh fruit/veg together with practical advice and training in healthy eating. North Holderness Community Transport £2,500 Towards the cost of installing windows and doors at new offices for a community transport service in East Yorkshire. O Ddrws i Ddrws £10,000 Towards the running costs of a community transport scheme on the Lleyn Peninsula in Gwynedd. Phoenix Garden £25,000 Towards the cost of a new building in a community garden in Covent Garden, London. Release (Financial) Charitable Trust £6,000 Towards the cost of a budget buddy scheme in two villages in Derbyshire. Solihull Action through Advocacy £4,262 Towards the cost of a part-time advocacy worker supporting older people with learning disabilities in Solihull. South West Community Cycles £6,000 Towards the salary costs of the project manager at a charity providing a range of bike-related services in South West Glasgow. Spires £8,000 Towards the cost of a project in Lambeth supporting women involved in the sex trade or other vulnerable situations. St Chad's Community Project £2,000 Towards the salary and on costs of the Family Support Worker at a charity that provides support and advice to the community from a deprived part of Gateshead. Totnes and Dartmouth Ring & Ride £5,000 Towards the salary and running costs of the charity. Transition Town Forres Ltd £10,000 Towards the cost of building and fitting out a permanent home for a charity in Forres, Inverness-shire, to deliver work to the community on growing food and healthy living. Traveller Space £2,000 Towards the cost of purchasing a people carrier vehicle to help alleviate isolation among the female traveller community in Penzance, Cornwall. Vauxhall Community Law and Information Centre £8,000 Towards the running costs of a charity in Liverpool providing advice on benefits, debt, housing and utility issues. Vineyard Arches Trust £3,000 Towards the cost of creating a Community Garden in the grounds of the support centre used by those in need across the city of Nottingham. Wor Hoose Community Project £3,000 Towards the running costs of a project providing a range of services and activities to people from a deprived estate in Newcastle. Ykids Ltd £25,000 Towards the cost of refurbishing a building in South Sefton to create a community cafe with training opportunities for all ages. TOTAL VALUE OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES GRANTS 25 £293,112 36 COUNSELLING Beachy Head Chaplaincy Trust £10,000 Towards the salary costs of a charity providing crisis intervention to people contemplating suicide at Beachy Head. Bedford Open Door £6,000 Towards the salary and on costs of a part-time Information Support Worker and Volunteer Manager at a charity that provides free and confidential counselling to young people between the ages of 13 and 25 from Bedford. Mediation Herefordshire £7,325 Towards the costs of a counselling project for children of divorced/separated parents exhibiting behavioural challenges. Think Children £6,000 Towards the cost of providing early intervention counselling to children with behavioural/ attitude difficulties at a school in Worksop. Transitions Counselling and Training Towards the running costs of a charity that provides bespoke counselling and training to families, individuals and couples from the Welsh Valleys. TOTAL VALUE OF COUNSELLING GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF COUNSELLING GRANTS £1,500 £30,825 5 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Devon Rape Crisis Service £5,000 Towards the costs of volunteers' travel expenses to deliver one-to-one support in rural areas of Devon. Walsall Domestic Violence Forum Ltd £7,000 Towards the running costs of the charity. West Cumbria Domestic Violence Support £8,000 Towards the cost of a project for victims and perpetrators of domestic violence to provide coping techniques and anger management skills, to alter attitudes and behaviour. Zero Centre £8,000 Towards the salary costs of a Volunteer Coordinator at a domestic abuse support service on the Wirral. TOTAL VALUE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE GRANTS £28,000 4 ETHNIC MINORITIES EFA London £1,000 Towards the cost of English language and critical analysis classes for members of the Bengali community who have mental health problems in Tower Hamlets. Hackney Bangladeshi Cultural Association (HBCA) £5,000 Towards the cost of a life and employment skills project for marginalised young women aged 16-30 from the Bangladeshi community in Hackney. Sahara in Preston £3,250 Towards the running costs of a charity in Preston providing a range of support and activities to women from the BAME community. Somali Advice and Development Centre £6,000 Towards the salary costs of an Advice, Information & Guidance Worker at a charity in West London. St Peter's Project £6,000 Towards the cost of a weekly drop in session for members of the London Italian community, held in Kings Cross. TOTAL VALUE OF ETHNIC MINORITIES GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF ETHNIC MINORITIES GRANTS £21,250 5 FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES 3D Drumchapel £7,000 Towards the salary cost of a Children and Family Worker at a project in Drumchapel, Glasgow providing activities and support to families. 26 Barnet Lone Parent Centre £9,000 Towards the salary and running costs of a charity in North London providing a range of support to single parents. Hartlepool PATCH £8,500 Towards the running and salary costs of a home visiting service in Hartlepool, supporting families in crisis, and a home safety equipment/advice service. Home-Start Craven £10,000 Towards the salary costs of two Co-ordinators at a Home-Start project in North Yorkshire who recruit, train and support volunteers. Home-Start King's Lynn & West Norfolk £8,000 Towards the salary cost of a Co-ordinator who manages the service to families in crisis living in the rural southern part of the charity's catchment area. Home-Start Wyre Forest £3,500 Towards the running costs of a charity that supports parents from Kidderminster who are experiencing difficulties and have a child under five or are pregnant. Meeting Place £6,500 Towards the running costs of an organisation that specialises in supporting families from Scarborough with regard to child contact issues following parental separation. Mr Hoggle Doggle £500 Towards the running costs of an organisation that distributes donated toys, books and games to deprived and disabled children in Yorkshire. Open Door Young People's Consultation Service £9,000 Towards the cost of expanding a course for parents of teenagers with challenging behaviour in Haringey and Tottenham. Pro-Contact £7,500 Towards the salary costs of a Sunday supervised contact session for non-resident parents and children, each or both of whom have Additional Needs, in Salford. St Ninian's Stay and Play Family Support £6,000 Towards the recruitment and salary costs of a Group Leader for a family support project in Dundee. St Pauls Newpin Ltd £1,000 Towards the salary costs of a parenting project in Westminster. Station House Community Association Ltd £8,000 Towards the salary costs of a nursery for 2-4 yr olds in Thurnscoe, South Yorkshire TOTAL VALUE OF FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES GRANTS £84,500 13 HOMELESS Helmsdale & District Community Association £30,000 Towards the cost of building four units of social housing in the Helmsdale area of North Scotland. Access Community Trust £30,000 Towards the cost of renovating and fitting out a disused pub in Lowestoft to be used as a wellbeing centre for homeless and vulnerable people. Basildon Community Resource Centre £6,500 Towards the running costs of a charity providing a range of support to homeless people in Basildon and its environs. CARIS Camden: C4WS Homeless Project £8,000 Towards the salary costs of a charity providing support and shelter to homeless people in Kings Cross, Somers Town and St Pancras. Emmanuel House £8,000 Towards the salary costs of an initial assessment worker at a project for homeless people in Nottingham. Freedom Social Projects £9,000 Towards the running and salary costs of a charity in Barnstaple providing a variety of support to people who are homeless, socially excluded or have substance misuse problems. 27 Northampton Hope Centre £6,000 Towards the salary and on costs of the training coordinator at a day centre for the homeless in Northampton. Off The Fence Trust £9,000 Towards the purchase cost of a building in Hove used as a drop in centre and base for other support for people who are homeless. St George's House Charity £3,000 Towards the running costs of a drop in centre for homeless people and those at risk of homelessness offering meals, advice, tenancy starter kits, support groups and life skills courses in Wolverhampton. TOTAL VALUE OF HOMELESSS GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF HOMELESS GRANTS £109,500 9 OVERSEAS African Mission £2,000 Towards the costs of providing education to children within the Fatima Mission in Zimbabwe. African Vision Malawi £4,978 Towards the cost of building a new Maternity Unit at M'bang'ombe in Malawi. AIDS Orphan UK Trust £5,000 Towards the cost of a project to reduce the rate of HIV infection in the Kibera slums in Nairobi. Bugbrooke East Africa Trust £5,000 Towards the cost of building a health clinic at Olmotoni Village in Northern Tanzania. Faraja Support £6,000 Towards the cost of building an orphanage in the Arumeru district of Tanzania. Giving Africa £2,500 Towards improving the quality of and access to educational and vocational facilities at a secondary school in Gourcy, Burkina Faso. Music As Therapy International £8,000 Towards the cost of developing two music therapy projects for disabled children in Cyangugu District, Rwanda. Nehemiah Construction Ministries UK £5,000 Towards the purchase of a rotary drilling rig and supply vehicle to dig clear water boreholes in Kenya. Our Sansar £3,000 Towards the cost of a teacher training programme in Nepal. World Medical Fund for Children £7,500 Towards the cost of buying malaria testing kits for children in Malawi. Zambia Orphans of AIDS UK £5,000 Towards the cost of supporting pupils at a school in Kasama, Northern Province, Zambia. TOTAL VALUE OF OVERSEAS GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF OVERSEAS GRANTS £53,978 11 REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS Ask Big Dave CIC £5,000 Towards the cost of a physical and mental fitness training programme for young people aged 16+ on probation in the West Midlands. Bounce Back Foundation £9,000 Towards the running costs of a project training ex-offenders in London in painting and decorating skills. Footprints Project £8,000 Towards the cost volunteers' expenses and training at a charity in Dorset providing mentoring to ex-offenders. Matthew 25 Mission £6,000 Towards the costs of a horticultural training project for ex-offenders in Eastbourne. 28 Prison Advice & Care Trust (Pact) £11,300 Towards the cost of producing a guide for mums in prison to support them in maintaining a positive relationship with children. Switchback £8,000 Towards the salary cost of a project in Tower Hamlets providing young offenders with intensive mentoring support, training and employment opportunities. Synergy Theatre Project £6,000 Towards the cost of a drama project working with young people at risk of criminal behaviour in the London Borough of Brent. Trailblazers Mentoring £7,000 Towards the salary costs of the Project Manager at a through the gate mentoring and development programme for young offenders at HMYOI Brinsford in the West Midlands TOTAL VALUE OF REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS GRANTS £60,300 8 SPORT Ability Bow £4,000 Towards the running costs of a 12 month exercise programme for frail older people in Tower Hamlets, London. Burnley Tennis Club £25,000 Towards the cost of refurbishing the club house and courts to expand use of the facilities to more groups and individuals in a deprived area of Burnley. Crusader Foundation £4,000 Towards the cost of sporting activities for young people in Coventry. South London Special League £6,000 Towards the cost of providing football, cricket and tennis for young adults aged 16-24 with disabilities in Greenwich. Sporting Futures £1,000 Towards the cost of providing sports sessions to young people in three deprived districts of the Derbyshire Dales. Sportszone Northeast CIC £3,500 Towards the cost of purchasing a compact street soccer cage for an organisation that provides diversionary activities for young people from Northumberland. Street Soccer Academy £4,500 Towards the cost of weekly football sessions for deprived and disengaged young adults in Accrington. Tavistock Specials FC £1,000 Towards the running costs of a football team for children, young people and adults with physical and/or learning difficulties/Special Needs. United Initiative £2,800 Towards the running costs of the Kickz project for young people aged between 12 and 19 from deprived parts of Sheffield. TOTAL VALUE OF SPORT GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF SPORT GRANTS £51,800 9 SUBSTANCE MISUSE It's Your Choice £2,800 Towards the cost of extending a dedicated drug and alcohol service for young people aged 12 to 25 from the New Forest. New Hope Leeds Towards the salary costs of a Support Worker helping people with addiction problems in Beeston, Leeds. 29 £8,000 One North East London £8,700 Towards the cost of a project in Woodford Green providing support to children and young people affected by drug addiction either in their family or directly. Orkney Alcohol Counselling & Advisory Service £9,000 Towards the salary costs of the Intake Worker who makes the initial contact with potential clients. Stirling Family Support Services £8,000 Towards the salary cost of a Family Support Workers at a charity providing assistance and activities to families affected by substance misuse in Stirling. TOTAL VALUE OF SUBSTANCE MISUSE GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF SUBSTANCE MISUSE GRANTS £36,500 5 YOUTH Acorn Computer Recycling CIC £5,500 Towards the salary costs of a Youth Worker at a project in Wallsend, Tyne & Wear, providing training opportunities to NEET young people in computer recycling. Adventure Unlimited £5,000 Towards the running costs of a charity in Brighton providing a range of activities and volunteering opportunities to deprived and disadvantaged children, young people and young adults. Annie Macpherson Home of Industry Incorporated £8,000 Towards the running costs of a project working with young people excluded from mainstream education in Bethnal Green. Ashburton Rollers £7,500 Towards capital costs of a skate park for young people to replace an existing skate area in Ashburton Recreation Ground, Devon. Aspatria Dreamscheme £3,000 Towards the running costs of the Aspatria Dreamscheme Youth club for children aged 11 to 19 from Cumbria. Benwell Young People's Development Group £7,000 Towards the salary costs of a youth worker at a youth project in Newcastle upon Tyne. Birmingham PlayCare Network £4,000 Towards the cost of providing a Play in Parks scheme in the Nechells areas of Birmingham which offers play opportunities, volunteering and intergenerational workshops. Bonny Downs Community Association £2,000 Towards running costs of a Young Leaders Development Programme in East Ham, London. Cara Trust £5,700 Towards the salary and running costs of a project for children of parents with HIV living in deprived areas of London. Carefree Fostering Independence Cornwall £3,500 Towards the cost of summer activities for young people in and leaving care in Cornwall. Castle Vale Tenants and Residents Alliance £2,500 Towards work supporting young NEETS in Castle Vale, Birmingham to access training and employment. Centre 33 £10,000 Towards the cost of upgrading space at a young people's advice, support and guidance centre Choysez £6,000 Towards the cost of a project in Bedlington, Northumberland, to enable NEET young people to gain qualifications. Community Growing Solutions CIC £7,500 Towards the running costs of a horticulture project for young people who are long term unemployed in the Fife region. Coventry City Mission £7,000 Towards the running costs of an after school cafe/youth project for young people from the Wood End district of Coventry. 30 DASH - Disability and Self Help £8,000 Towards the cost of social activities for young people aged 12-18 in Ceredigion. ECF Links Ltd £9,999 Towards the salary cost of a youth worker at a project working with deprived and disadvantaged young people in Lurgan, Co Armargh. ENYP (East Norwich Youth Project) £7,000 Towards the salary costs of a charity providing support and activities to young people. Family Action in Rogerfield & Easterhouse £21,340 Towards the purchase cost of a minibus and outdoor equipment to enable young people in Glasgow to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. Focus Charity £6,000 Towards the costs of a leadership programme for young people to encourage community volunteering n Leicester. Fraser Street Project £8,985 Towards the salary cost of a youth worker at a project for young people in Burnley. Genesis Leeds £8,000 Towards the salary costs of the Isis project, supporting young girls at risk of sexual exploita- Great Commission Ministries £2,500 Towards the cost of providing employability skills training to young people in the London boroughs of Newham and Dagenham. Great George Street Community Cultural Project £8,800 Towards the cost of an arts programme for young people in Liverpool providing a range of different activities. Greater Easterhouse Alcohol Awareness Project £8,000 Towards the cost of delivering the Booze Busters programme which promotes alcohol awareness and understanding to primary school children in Glasgow. Green Team (Edinburgh & Lothians) Ltd £2,000 Towards the running costs of the annual Green Shoots programme to encourage positive behaviour in young people from Edinburgh. Heads Together Productions £8,000 Towards the cost of running informal learning opportunities in radio broadcasting skills, journalism and film-making for young people in Leeds. Hessle Road Network £4,000 Towards the running costs and the costs of a part-time project worker for a young people's centre in Hull, Yorkshire. Ieuenctid Tysul Youth £6,000 Towards the cost of a programme of activities for young people at a charity in Llandysul, Ipswich Community Playbus £6,000 Towards the cost of taking a playbus for sessions at a deprived social housing estate in Ips- Just Another Dance Event Ltd £8,000 Towards the cost of a youth activities and development project in Dinnington, South Yorkshire. Kidz Klub Leeds £3,500 Towards the running costs of a weekly after school club for children in the LS11 area of Leeds. Mentoring Plus Ltd £8,000 Towards the cost of a programme of evening activities for young people in deprived or difficult circumstances due to their home life in Bath and N E Somerset. New Life Trust Milnrow £2,300 Towards the running costs of a youth project in Rochdale. North Breckland Youth for Christ £6,000 Towards the salary costs at a project providing social, community and sporting activities for young people in a rural area of Norfolk 31 Own It Ltd £9,000 Towards the salary and running costs of a charity in Newcastle supporting disaffected young people into employment or training opportunities. PlayPlace Innov8 CIC £18,500 Towards the cost of alterations to a building to provide a single venue for a project providing a range of services across Croydon. SE1 United Limited £4,000 Towards the running costs of a homework and mentoring project based in Lambeth, London. SHINE (Great Yarmouth & Waveney Contact) £10,000 Towards the building costs of a centre for children with Additional Needs and their families in Great Yarmouth. Skipton Extended Learning For All £6,000 Towards the cost of providing activities for children who are disabled, vulnerable or disadvantaged from rurally isolated families in the Skipton area. Special Educational Needs Advice Centre (SENAC) £7,000 Towards the cost of providing an advocacy service to children in N Ireland to enable them to make their voice heard in discussions/decisions on their educational needs. Springfield Community Flat £10,000 Towards the salary costs of a project in Lambeth, working with girls aged 13-21 affected by gang involvement. Stepney Bank Stables £6,000 Towards the salary and running costs of a riding stables in central Newcastle which offers a variety of activities as well as riding for young people from deprived areas of the city. Superkidz Community Trust £9,520 Towards the salary costs of a project working with young people in gangs or at risk of gang involvement on the Kidbrooke estate in Greenwich, London. Teen Talk (Harwich) £9,000 Towards the running costs of a drop in centre for young people in the Tendring area of Essex. Tiverton Market Centre Co Ltd £2,000 Towards the running costs of a drop in centre for young people in Tiverton, Devon. Trinity Family Centre £9,000 Towards the running costs of an after school and holiday club for children and young people in Westcliff-on-Sea. Trinity Youth & Children's Project (TYCP) £6,000 Towards the running costs of a programme of activities for 5-13 year olds from North Ormesby and surrounding areas of East Middlesbrough. Twinkle House £9,000 Towards the running costs of a charity in Skelmersdale providing support and skills improvement to children with physical and/or mental health disabilities or Additional Needs. Ufton Court Educational Trust £20,000 Towards the cost of building cabins for an outdoor activities charity, providing residential experiences and training for young people from deprived areas of Reading. West Kent YMCA £8,000 Towards the capital costs of setting up a social enterprise business in Tunbridge Wells to provide work and training opportunities for disadvantaged young people. Westminster Bangladeshi Welfare Trust £2,000 Towards the cost of a project providing basic skills training for young NEETs in deprived wards of Westminster. Willowfield Parish Community Association £8,000 Towards the salary costs of an after school club for primary school age children in inner east Wirral Toy Library £6,000 Towards the cost of fitting out an unused room to provide additional space for play therapy sessions to children with Special/Additional Needs on the Wirral. Woodhouse Close Playgroup £4,500 Towards the running costs of a pre-school playgroup in Bishop Auckland. 32 Xtrax Young Peoples Centre £8,000 Towards the costs of the Breakfast Club coordinator at a drop in and advice centre for young people in Hastings. Yellow House £9,000 Towards the running costs of a project using formal and informal learning to give marginalised young adults aged 18-25 in Liverpool a range of living skills. TOTAL VALUE OF YOUTH GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF YOUTH GRANTS £407,144 57 ARTS 20 Stories High £7,500.00 Towards the cost of a new production by young actors from the BME community in Liverpool which will also involve an Iranian youth theatre company. Access All Areas £7,430.00 Towards the running costs of Rainbow Theatre Company in Hackney, for adults with learning Action Space London Events Ltd £8,000.00 Towards the cost of a creative arts project for people with profound and multiple learning difficulties in Camden. Cahoots NI £7,200.00 Towards the cost of creating a theatrical piece especially for children who are blind or visually impaired in Belfast. Choices Community Trust £8,500.00 Towards the cost of providing music workshops for 11-16 yr olds in Gorton, Manchester. Dance House £6,500.00 Towards the cost of an arts project for young people from three deprived areas in Glasgow to produce public art/performances. Hinge Centre £7,000.00 Towards the costs of an arts therapy project for older people and people with learning disabilities on a social housing estate in Bridlington. Ignite Trust £7,000.00 Towards the cost of the Elevate projects - a creative arts programme, for young people aged 13-19 from Harrow. Krazy Kat Theatre Company £6,000.00 Towards the cost of two new Deaf inspired sign language theatre productions. Project Art Works £5,000.00 Towards the running costs of visual arts projects for people with profound learning and/or multiple disabilities in Hastings. Projects Galore £3,500.00 Towards the salary costs of the Creative Director to provide a range of creative and heritage activities for all ages in Benwell, Newcastle upon Tyne. Royal Birmingham Society of Artists £4,000.00 Towards the cost of sessions for a primary school in Birmingham to enable them to participate in the work of the Gallery, especially a craft exhibition called Down Your Street. Small World Theatre £6,000.00 Towards the cost of creating an intergenerational play for young people and older members of the community of Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion, to break down barriers of misunderstanding Studio 3 Arts £6,000.00 Towards the salary costs of a Community Engagement Associate for an arts project in Dagenham & Barking. The Men's Room £7,300.00 Towards the running costs of a charity in central Manchester, providing creative and social care sessions for young men with experience of homelessness, criminal justice system or street UP Projects £10,000.00 Towards the cost of building a narrow boat to serve as a floating cinema and venue for community arts projects in East London. TOTAL VALUE OF ARTS GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF ARTS GRANTS 33 £106,930.00 16 EDUCATION Charnwood Learning Centre £2,000 Towards the running costs of an after school homework club in Leicester supporting refugee families and those new to the UK. Clio's Company £4,000 Towards the costs of a drama-based education project for primary school children in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. Hallmoor Parents Teachers Friends Association £15,000 Towards the cost of equipment for the developmental playground project at a school in Birmingham for children with learning disabilities. Liverpool World Centre £4,850 Towards the salary costs of an project in a primary school in Liverpool which re-engages children with mainstream education. Red Balloon Learner Centre Merseyside £8,000 Towards the running costs of a charity providing alternatives to mainstream education coupled with counselling for children who have suffered severe bullying at schools on Merseyside. TOTAL VALUE OF EDUCATION GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF EDUCATION GRANTS £33,850 5 HERITAGE Bletchley Park Trust £15,000 Towards the cost of creating an exhibition of the decrypt process in codebreaking in World War II using the Bombe and Enigma machines. Prickwillow Engine Trust £20,000 Towards the cost of extending a museum housing a Fenland pumping station to enable more educational and community use. Swinton and Pendlebury Angling Club £1,000 Towards the cost of creating a monument/garden area with an outdoor mining museum in a deprived area of Salford. Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums Development Trust £15,000 Towards the cost of creating a new gallery at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle telling the stories of past and current migrant families who have created contemporary Tyneside. TOTAL VALUE OF HERITAGE GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF HERITAGE GRANTS £51,000 4 DISABILITIES Better Understanding of Dementia for Sandwell £5,000 Towards the running and salary costs of a minibus to collect people with dementia for weekly meetings. British Wireless for the Blind Fund £5,000 Towards the cost of providing specially adapted Concerto 2 radios to elderly blind or partially sighted people living in the most deprived urban areas in Cornwall. Cumbria Youth Alliance £9,000 Towards the cost of a project to train young people with learning difficulties to act as peer mentors/trainers on health related issues. Disability Cornwall and Isles of Scilly £9,800 Towards the salary costs of the manager of an advice service for people with disabilities in Cornwall. Disability Equality (NW) Ltd £4,800 Towards the running costs of an information and advice service at a community group for disabled people in Preston, Lancashire. Disability Shetland £8,000 Towards the salary and running costs of social and sporting activities for children and adults with disabilities on Lerwick and Unst. Greenlight Gateway £9,300 Towards the cost of kitchen equipment for a community cafe and training kitchen for people with learning disabilities in Ballycastle, Co Antrim. 34 Hands That Talk £8,000 Towards the salary costs of the Development Manager at a charity in Co Londonderry supporting the deaf community. Key Changes (Islington Music Forum Ltd) £4,100 Towards a mental health support service for people with a history of offending in North and South London. Learning Library £6,000 Towards the cost of developing an outreach project at a toy lending library charity for people with learning disabilities in Co Durham to enable the toys to be geared towards helping the users achieve particular aims. Lighthouse Ireland £7,000 Towards the cost of extending community health services at a charity in Belfast providing support to people at risk of suicide or other self harm. Links £8,000 Towards the cost of an Art Tutor for a charity in Llanelli providing creative opportunities for people with mental health problems. Powerhouse for Women £9,445 Towards the cost of Zest Life, a healthy living and exercise programme for women with learning disabilities in Canning Town, east London. Rock Social Enterprise £3,560 Towards the salary of a Support Worker at an organisation that provides practical employment and life-skills workshops to adults with learning disabilities from Grimsby. Royal Free Cancerkin Breast Cancer Trust £9,800 Towards the running costs of a free lymphoedema clinic in East London. Rural Community Link Projects CIC £8,100 Towards the running costs of six self- help groups for people with mental health issues in mid Cornwall. Southwell Care Project £8,000 Towards the costs of a project in Mansfield, Notts, providing training and activities to adults with learning disabilities. Sussex Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus £7,000 Towards the running costs of a social enterprise providing volunteer work and training for young people under 25 with spina bifida or hydrocephalus in Sussex. The Roby £2,500 Towards the cost of a timebanking project for the community, including those with mental health support needs, in Longsight, Manchester. Voluntary Support Scheme £6,000 Towards the salary costs of the Co-ordinator of a charity in Tiverton providing befriending and support groups to people with mental health difficulties. Warwickshire Association for the Blind £7,500 Towards the cost of a home visiting service for older people with sight loss. TOTAL VALUE OF DISABILITIES GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF DISABILITIES GRANTS £145,905 21 HOSPICES St Margaret's Hospice £6,000 Towards the cost of installing a bereavement lodge in the grounds of a hospice in Taunton. Weston Hospicecare £6,500 Towards the cost of changing 7 en-suite bathrooms into modern wet rooms at a hospice in Weston-super-Mare. TOTAL VALUE OF HOSPICES GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF HOSPICES GRANTS 35 £12,500 2 MEDICAL SUPPORT Ronald Mcdonald House Bristol £2,000 Towards the running cost of accommodation for the families of critically ill children receiving treatment in Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, specifically to replace mattresses. TOTAL VALUE OF MEDICAL SUPPORT GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF MEDICAL SUPPORT GRANTS £2,000 1 TOTAL VALUE OF GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF GRANTS £2,017,344 225 TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS Trustees are allocated a personal budget each year to allocate to the projects of their choice. Such projects may not be a sufficiently close fit to Trusthouse's standard grants scheme criteria but are of interest to individual trustees. AGED Ferguson Lane Community Association £1,500 Towards the running costs of the association that caters mainly for the needs of older people from Newcastle. M C T Club Terza Eta £1,550 Towards the running costs of the club including provision of regular meals to elderly in the Enfield area of London. *National Association of Almshouses £1,000 Towards the Association's Rolling Fund which provides interest free loans to member almshouses to improve accommodation and make repairs. Pendower Good Neighbour Project £1,500 Towards the cost of providing social activities for older people from a deprived estate in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Search Project £1,500 Towards the running costs of a charity that provides support and advice to older people and their carers from the five inner west wards of Newcastle upon Tyne. Tuesday Friends £500 Towards the cost of arts and crafts materials for a voluntary organisation providing a weekly social contact and activities group for older members of the community of Church, near Hyndburn. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR AGED TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR AGED £7,550 6 CHURCHES St Vincent Church Caythorpe Lincolnshire £2,000 Towards the cost of urgent repairs to the roof and spire at a Grade 1 listed village church near Grantham. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR CHURCHES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR CHURCHES £2,000 1 COMMUNITY CENTRES Birsay Community Association £1,000 Towards the cost of crockery, cutlery and other small items to fit out a new village hall in Orkney. Blean Village Hall £3,000 Towards the cost of extending a village hall in Canterbury, Kent. Woodstock Community Centre £2,500 Towards the cost of fitting out the newly restored building which houses a variety of groups and activities for residents of Woodstock. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY CENTRES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY CENTRES 36 £6,500 3 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Benwell Christian Shop Project £1,500 Towards the cost of renting a storage area for a furniture recycling project in Benwell. Golden-Oldies £3,500 Towards the salary costs of an administrator/fund raiser at a charity in Somerset providing popular music and singing sessions to older members of the community. *Oxfordshire Rural Community Council £1,000 Towards the general running costs of the Council. Riverside Community Health Project £2,000 Towards the salary and on costs of a bi-lingual worker to work with people from the Czech and Slovak Roma communities who are experiencing poverty. Scotswood Natural Community Garden £1,500 Towards the cost of the backyard allotment and medicinal herb garden project. Share Discovery Village £1,000 Towards the cost of replacing the canvas on the tippee on the island campsite. Ykids Ltd £2,000 Towards the cost of a commercial dishwasher and other catering equipment for a community cafe with training facilities in South Sefton. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES £12,500 7 COUNSELLING Richmond's Hope £2,000 Towards the cost of creating a dedicated waiting area for families, to improve confidentiality and use space more effectively. Transitions Counselling and Training £1,374 Towards the running costs of a charity that provides bespoke counselling and training to families, individuals and couples from the Welsh Valleys. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR COUNSELLING TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR COUNSELLING £3,374 2 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Oxford Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Centre £1,000 Towards the costs of the support group service, helping survivors of sexual violence throughout Oxfordshire. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE £1,000 1 ETHNIC MINORITIES St Peter's Project £5,000 Towards the cost of a weekly drop in session for members of the London Italian community, held in Kings Cross. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES £5,000 1 FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES *Community Foundation Serving Tyne & Wear and Northumberland £2,500 Towards the cost of providing breakfast clubs in primary schools in inner city Newcastle. Sing & Grow UK CIC £5,000 Towards the cost of providing 7 music therapy programmes for families with pre-school children who have complex needs in Northern Ireland. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES 37 £7,500 2 OVERSEAS *Anglo-Israel Association £1,500 Towards the cost of a conference in January 2014 called Ambassador Round Table to discuss food security worldwide. Breadline Africa £5,000 Towards the cost of purchasing a used shipping contained to convert into a soup kitchen for the purpose of feeding a large number of children from the Limpopo province in South Africa. Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowship Scheme £1,000 Towards the cost of medical research fellowships in London for young researchers from Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt, to enable them to learn new techniques and develop collaborative contacts with other researchers. Hospice Africa £2,500 Towards the construction of a palliative care unit for children in Mbarara District in Uganda. *Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) £7,000 Towards the cost of providing emergency food aid for internally displaced civilians in Blue Nile State, Sudan. *New Israel Fund - NiF £5,000 Towards the cost of supporting capacity building programmes for Israel's Arab, Bedouin and mixed communities. Prospect Burma £3,000 Towards the Adopt-A-Scholarship sponsorship programme to train/educate Burmese Students in specific field such as teacher training, nursing, social work and the environment. *S.P.I.C.M.A. (Special Projects in Christian Missionary Areas) £6,200 Towards the cost of water tanks, mattresses and blankets to support work with children being looked after in the Kibera slums of Nairobi. St Mary's Hospital Isle of Wight - Juba Hospital Link £5,000 Towards the costs of a project providing postgraduate training to doctors in South Sudan, to enhance their skills to district level giving them the skills to work effectively in community hospitals and health centres. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR OVERSEAS TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR OVERSEAS £36,200 9 REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS *Jewish Council for Racial Equality £2,500 Towards the cost of a mentoring scheme for refugee doctors, pairing them with UK trained doctors to help them retrain and qualify in the UK. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM £2,500 1 REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS Prison Advice & Care Trust (Pact) £8,250 Towards the cost of producing a guide for Mums in prison to support then in maintaining a positive relationship with their children. Prisoners' Advice Service £2,000 Towards general running costs and core costs. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR REHABILITATION OF OFTOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR REHABILITATION OF OF- £10,250 2 SPORTS Frensham Pond Sailability £2,000 Towards the cost of providing Saturday morning sailing sessions for young disabled sailors from Surrey and Hampshire. 38 *Oxford Sailability £1,000 Towards the cost of providing sailing opportunities for people with disabilities on Farmoor Reservoir in Oxfordshire. Sporting Futures £1,373 Towards the cost of providing sports sessions to young people in three deprived districts of the Derbyshire Dales. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR SPORTS TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR SPORTS £4,373 3 YOUTH 1st Flimby Girls Brigade £500 Towards training for volunteers in first aid and food hygiene as well as the cost of materials for activities such as sewing at a Girls Brigade group in Flimby, Cumbria. ARC Healthy Living Centre Ltd £2,500 Towards the cost of a summer holiday diversionary activity and life skills project for children with Downs Syndrome. Benwell Young People's Development Group £1,000 Towards the cost of running drop-in sessions and support for young people in CV writing, job searching and interview skills. British Hospitality Association £1,000 Towards the costs of the 26th National Restaurateurs' Dinner Patrons Scheme to raise funds for training projects. Lorna Young Foundation £3,500 Towards the running costs of a project in S and W Yorkshire running workshops for young people on ethical trading business and to give support to them to set up small companies. Loundsley Green Community Trust £2,000 Towards the cost of alterations to a community centre in Chesterfield to enable it to provide activities for young people with learning difficulties. Marine Society and Sea Cadets £5,000 Towards the cost of build a new tallship to enable young people to train and experience life at Monte San Martino Trust £5,000 Towards the creation of an endowment fund for the charity. Robert Levy Foundation £5,000 Towards the cost of the annual community event and the summer programmes for young people from Hackney. St James' Heritage and Environment Group £1,000 Towards the cost of providing activities/events for children and young people from Whitley Bay covering a range of historical and environmental themes. St Mary's Cathedral Workshop £2,000 Towards the cost of four tool boxes for apprentices at a workshop teaching traditional skills through restoration of the cathedral's fabric. Trefonnen Community Centre £2,000 Towards the running costs of a holiday activities project for children aged 4-11 in Llandrindod Wells. Woodstock Youth Centre £2,500 Towards the general work and costs of the Centre. Youth Skills Network £4,953 Towards the cost of an e-commerce project to equip 12 young individuals with skills to design their own range of branded clothing which they will market and retail online. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR YOUTH TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR YOUTH £37,953 14 ARTS Black and Ethnic Minority Arts Network £3,000 Towards the cost of a volunteer-led event offering opportunities to volunteer with Arts organisations in Hackney as well as with the Black and Ethnic Minority Arts Network in administrative and development roles. Chickenshed Theatre Trust £2,500 Towards the cost of enhancing facilities for the disabled. 39 Educational Shakespeare Company Ltd £1,215 Towards the cost of developing the script and music for the film Prospero's Prison, a version of The Tempest, to be filmed at Crumlin Road Goal museum, with ex-prisoners. Hereford Police Male Choir £1,700 Towards salary costs of the Musical Director and musical accompanist to provide performances in rural communities around Hereford. Music Theatre 4 Youth £1,500 Towards the cost of providing bursary support to disadvantaged young people to enable their participation in an advanced training programme, leading to a production of Fame, Royal Lyceum Theatre Company £2,000 Towards the cost of a project working with schools in Edinburgh to enable pupils to experience a production at the theatre and take part in a post-performance exploratory workshop. Scottish Stained Glass Symposium and Trust £2,000 Towards the cost of scanning and archiving materials held by the Trust to relieve the space problem within the Secretary's house. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR ARTS TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR ARTS £13,915 7 EDUCATION Charles Darwin Trust £2,000 Towards the Darwin Inspired Learning project, which uses Darwin's life and work as a means of interesting pupils in natural history and promoting excellence in science teaching. Haslemere Museum £1,000 Towards the cost of creating a play area in the grounds of the educational museum based in St Catherine's College, Oxford £2,000 Towards the Catz/fivezero project. The Royal Society of Literature £5,000 Towards a series of afternoon workshops fronted by Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature to encourage creative writing in schools in London, Nottingham and Oxford. TRAX - The Oxfordshire Motor Project £1,000 Towards the costs of an alternative education for 9-13 year olds in Oxfordshire, based round pushbike recycling and repair. Whitechapel Gallery £2,500 Towards the Gallery's programme of artists in residence at primary and secondary schools. Woodstock Exhibition Foundation £2,000 Towards the provision of bursaries for young people living in Woodstock to supplement their grants for further and higher education. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR EDUCATION TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR EDUCATION £15,500 7 HERITAGE Caledonian Railway (Brechin) Ltd £3,000 Towards the cost of restoring a locomotive on a preserved heritage railway line running between Brechin and Bridge of Dun in Angus. Kettlethorpe with Fenton Parochial Church Council £3,000 Towards the cost of the refurbishment of the church organ. Markfield Beam Engine and Museum £2,000 Towards the cost of running six steaming days in summer with free admission for visitors to the Museum, located in South Tottenham, London. National Library of Scotland £1,000 Towards the salary cost of a temporary curator to assist with the preservation and cataloguing of rare items of film making as part of the Library's Scottish Screen Archive. *Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust £1,000 Towards the provision of grants to churches in Oxfordshire for repairs. Scottish Church Heritage Research (SCHR) £2,000 Towards the Place of Worship in West Fife project which will record all places of workshop in the area on a web site for use by groups and individuals. 40 *Soldiers of Oxfordshire Trust £1,000 Towards the cost of a museum at Woodstock to house the collections and archives of the county's regiments. Ulster Historical Foundation £3,000 Towards the capital costs of a project using volunteers who are serving life sentences at HMP Maghaberry to digitise N Ireland church records to enable people to search on-line for their family roots. West London Floating Classroom £3,000 Towards the cost of a project using a barge on the Grand Union Canal to teach deprived and disadvantaged children about the Canal's heritage. Wooley Banner Restoration Group £500 Towards the cost of restoring the Wooley Lodge Banner and making a replica TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR HERITAGE TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR HERITAGE £19,500 10 DISABILITIES Buddy Bear Trust Conductive Education School £2,000 Towards the salary and running costs of the school, providing for 1 Peto trained Principal Conductor full time, 1 special needs full time Classroom Assistant. ENRYCH Oxfordshire £1,000 Towards the cost of providing befriending support to adults with physical disabilities in Oxfordshire. *Heart UK £1,000 Towards the work of the charity in promoting awareness of the affect of high cholesterol on maintaining a healthy heart and supporting people to control their cholesterol levels. Kent Association for the Blind £1,000 Towards the costs of an adaptive technology project. Listening Books £1,000 Towards the core costs of a charity which provides a postal, minilibrary and internet audiobook service to anyone who suffers from an illness or disability. My Sight Nottinghamshire £1,000 Towards the cost of a home visiting and befriending service to reduce social isolation for visually impaired people. Northumbria Calvert Trust £2,000 Towards the cost of building additional self-catering provision for families with disabled children. PACE Centre £5,000 Towards the cost of installing training facilities at a building being redeveloped in Aylesbury to provide an early years and independence training centre for children and young people with motor disorders. Positive Futures - Lakeland Families £1,500 Towards the cost of a cinema club for young people with moderate learning disabilities. South Hams Lifestyles Project £800 Towards the costs of an allotment project for people with disabilities in Totnes. *Trinity Centre (Dalston) £4,300 Towards the cost of 12 sessions of weekend play and activities for disabled and able-bodied children to enjoy together in a safe and secure environment. The sessions will run once a month on a Saturday and will also offer respite for parents and carers. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR DISABILITIES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR DISABILITIES £20,600 11 EX-SERVICE Household Cavalry Foundation £1,000 Towards the work of the Foundation. Irish Guards Appeal £2,785 Towards a fund which provides welfare support to any serving or former Irish Guardsman and their families. 41 SSAFA Forces Help - Oxfordshire Branch £1,000 Towards the costs of providing support to any present or past member of the Armed Forces and their dependents resident in Oxfordshire who are in need or suffering distress. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR EX-SERVICE TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR EX-SERVICE £4,785 3 HOSPICES Helen and Douglas House £3,000 Towards the cost of refurbishing the kitchen and dining area at a charity in Oxford providing palliative care to children and young adults. St Wilfrid's Hospice £2,500 Towards the cost of equipping and furnishing a new hospice in Eastbourne. Sue Ryder Care £2,000 Towards the cost of building a new hospice in Peterborough. *Katharine House Hospice £1,000 Towards the costs of a music therapy project for patients at the Hospice. Northern Ireland Children's Hospice £1,500 Towards the cost of providing complementary therapies for children/young people and their families at the hospice. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR HOSPICES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR HOSPICES £10,000 5 MEDICAL SUPPORT Friends of EORTC £3,000 Towards the work of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer. Kent Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust £3,000 Towards the cost of ultrasound units for use on the helicopters. Leprosy Mission Scotland £1,000 Towards the cost of producing an educational children's picture book, Bela, which explains leprosy for distribution in the UK and India. Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service (L.I.V.E.S) Laughterton Group £3,000 Towards the running costs of the volunteer Medic service, providing emergency care in Lincolnshire. Prostate Cancer UK £3,000 Towards the cost of a specialist nurse providing emotional support and expert medical knowledge to men and families affected by prostate cancer via the charity's free and confidential helpline. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR MEDICAL SUPPORT TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR MEDICAL SUPPORT £13,000 5 OTHER CATEGORIES Peace Direct £3,000 Towards the cost of an awards programme for peace building organisations in areas of conflict, helping to support their first stage of growth, raising awareness of the organisations and enabling them to exchange ideas with other organisations. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust £2,000 Towards the general work of the Trust. Woodland Heritage £1,000 Towards the Acute Oak Decline Appeal to raise funds for the research into the decline of the English Oak and to try and secure these trees for the future. TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR OTHER CATEGORIES TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS FOR OTHER CATEGORIES TOTAL VALUE OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF TRUSTEE NOMINATION GRANTS GRAND TOTAL VALUE ALL GRANTS GRAND TOTAL NUMBER ALL GRANTS £6,000 3 £240,000 102 £2,257,344 327 42 Focussing on Youth: The majority of Trusthouse’s grants go to Youth projects which offer a wealth of support, information and activities for young people in deprived circumstances. Three of the grants made in 2012-13 are shown below. Overall, youth projects received £445,097 in 2012-13. Ieuenctid Tysul is based in Llandysul, about 20 miles west of Cardigan. It provides a range of support and activities to enable young people grow into responsible citizens, breaking down barriers between generations and helping the area through youth centred environmental and regeneration projects. Trusthouse gave a grant of £6,000 towards the cost of a programme of activities for young people at a charity in Llandysul, Ceredigion. The photo shows Tysul Youth's Samba band and carnival procession. Ufton Court Educational Trust provides outdoor activities for young people in the grounds of an Elizabethan Manor in Ufton Nervet about 9 miles west of Reading. Over the past three years, UCET has piloted residential camps for disadvantaged children and young people from Reading and has created 'Ufton Adventure'. Young people take part in a series of residential stays which involve activities such as shelter building, survival skills, night time orienteering and raft building. Leadership, team building, problem solving and communication aree learned as a result of these activities, and there is also time for quiet reflection on personal and group achievements, led by experienced mentors. Trusthouse has given a grant of £20,000 towards log cabins which provide sleeping quarters. Centre 33 provides information, advice and counselling to around 4,500 disadvantaged and deprived young people aged 8 to 25 in Cambridgeshire. At is premises in Cambridge, the charity provides free and confidential information and sexual health services; information to young people sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness due to problems with money, drugs or family; confidential counselling for those with mental health issues; support to young carers through respite groups, one-to-one counselling, trips and holidays. Centre 33’s premises needed refurbishment and enlarging and Trusthouse was pleased to give a grant of £10,000. 43 Cahoots NI is a theatre company in N Ireland producing work specifically for children aged 4-11 in a variety of traditional and innovative settings. The charity uses a mixture of theatrical spectacle, magic and illusions, physical theatre, contemporary circus, live music and drama, aiming to expand the imagination and stimulate creativity, encourage appreciation of the arts, provide inspiring theatrical experiences and develop links with the communities where Cahoots works. Trusthouse has given a grant of £7,200 towards a new work, In The Dark, for children who have mild to full visual impairments, and their seeing peers. The photo shows the company working with pupils at Jordanstown School for Children with Auditory and Visual Impairment, Newtownabbey, to create the piece. Adventure Unlimited (AU) provides outdoor education activities to young people who are socially disadvantaged for various reasons and in various ways in Brighton. AU works with over 6,000 young people annually, providing a range of fun and accredited activities designed to build self-confidence and self-esteem. As well as adventure programmes for children and families, AU runs a steering group for children in care, developing their skills and conferring with other agencies to influence the care system. Recently, a young care leaver on a volunteering scheme with AU enjoyed it so much that he gave up drugs, moved back in with his family and continued volunteering with AU after the end of his placement. A further success is an Employability training programme for young people and adults to become outdoor leaders. Trusthouse has given a grant of £5,000 towards running costs. Photo by Amanda Bibby. 44