Deformations between African and Euroasian plates from the
Deformations between African and Euroasian plates from the
Deformations between African and Euroasian plates from the methods of space geodesy Zeman A. (1), Kostelecký J. (1,2), Kostelecký J. (jr.) (2), Ryšavý V. (1) (1) Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thakurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6, Czech Republic (2) Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby 98, Czech Republic SUMMARY On the basis of the results of GPS observations in the EPN network and the results presented in the frame of the coordinate system ITRS2000 and using the apparatus of the mechanics of continuum, the regions of possible mutual interactions of the Euroasian and African plates are detected. 1. INTRODUCTION In (Zeman et al., 2005) the GPS data of 143 sites of the EUREF (EUropean REference Frame) permanent network (EPN) realized in time interval 1996-2002.8, i.e nearly 7 years interval, were analyzed. Horizontal shifts were analyzed relatively to specially defined coordinate system of 10 sites at stable part of central Europe, which would have to represent zero motion with respect to the Euroasian plate. The sites were chosen to fulfil certain criteria, which were described at above mentioned paper. Analyzed horizontal shifts so represent the relative values just to system defined like this. In present contribution the zero motion is defined other way according to criteria from paper (Kenyeres A., 2004). From these criteria follow partly possibility of more universal comparison with the results of other analytic centers, partly it is apparent that the result of analyses of horizontal shifts are rather different from previous paper (Zeman et al., 2005). Not to be fixed to subjectively defined systems we used as in previous paper so in present analyses the computations following from the theory of continuum mechanics giving invariant values of tensors of deformation, even if we kept in mind – see (Kostelecký J. (jr.), 2000) that we commit the great geodynamic simplification because Europe can not be as continent considered as a continuum from the point of view of continuum mechanics. Tensors of deformation were computed for 143 sites of the EPN in (Zeman et al., 2005). Figure 2 In previous paper (Zeman et al., 2005) we also applied continuum mechanics theory to the sites of ITRF2000 (current reference realization of the ITRS). Realizations of the ITRS (International Terrestrial Reference System) are produced by the IERS (International Earth Rotation Service) ITRS Product Center (ITRS-PC) under the name International Reference Frame (ITRF). Results of this analysis which include new sites in Alpine region were compared with older model ITRF97. Greater changes in this region based on ITRF2000 were detected due to these new GPS stations – see Fig. 4. Figure 4 In present contribution there are the data of EPN sites, which can be find at previous paper and new sites to the year 2006 were analyzed. Analysis is concentrated on the region of Mediterranean Sea with aim to obtain information on basic geodynamic activity of the region of contact line between African and Euroasian plate (horizontal shifts and tensors of deformation). Plate tectonics borders between these elements are defined from the results of geodynamic, geophysical and other observations as estimated contact line – see following figures. Dynamic of this line given from the results of analyses of geodetic methods is just the main aim of this contribution. 2. NEW EUREF EPN In the paper (Zeman et al., 2005) 143 sites were analyzed, in present contribution there are 165 sites used, but it is necessary to know that 11 sites were eliminated and 33 added. The reason for elimination of the sites is either problems with quality or removing of the GPS antenna of the station. The stations added see Fig. 5. BOGI DARE INVE MORP PRAT SMID VLNS BUDP GANP JOZ2 MSEL QAQ1 SPTO WARN BUTE HERT KATO NEWL REDU SULD ZOUF CAGZ HOER KRAW NYPR SASS THU3 MIKL SKEO TUC2 COMO IENG OBET Figure 5 The coordinates of EUREF permanent network (EPN) sites were analyzed to find the secular time changes. Analysis is based on weekly combined solution of EPN using method of finding jumps, trends and periodicities. The input data was read from weekly combined SINEX solutions of the EUREF permanent network (EPN) as quasi-observations. All network stations which were included provided their time series at least half year long (26 weeks). During the processing of combined SINEX solution by CATREF software short period effects of ocean loading and daily change of atmospheric pressure were averaged and removed. Findings and conclusions in this contribution are based on discrete values of interpolated annual horizontal shifts and interpolated tensors of deformation. These two quantities depend on annual horizontal shifts of each station in EPN, which are a partial results of analyses and are distributed in N/E/Up system. Every interpolated annual horizontal shift was computed by special procedure from all annual horizontal shifts within the 20° radius. Interpolated tensors of deformation were obtained by basic relationship: ε jk 1 ∂u j ∂uk = + 2 ∂xk ∂x j , where • ∂u j is partial derivative of interpolated annual horizontal shift ∂xk component u with respect to xk , j • the range of the indices is 1,2. Partial derivatives of interpolated annual horizontal shifts were computed from field of discrete values numerically. Because of the size of the area of interest, the curvature of reference shape could not be neglected and tensors of deformation had to be transformed to spherical coordinates. 2.1 EUREF EPN FOR THE WHOLE EUROPE Fig. 6 informs about basic tendency of global horizontal shifts of the sites of EUREF EPN shared with Euroasian plate. Shifts are in principle at NE direction and reach the values greater than 20 mm per year on the average. It is interesting that only several sites in region of contact between African and Euroasian plates (Turkey, Greece) show different (predominantly) tendency of horizontal shifts. Figure 6 After filtering of average value of horizontal shift of Euroasian plate residual vectors of horizontal shifts witness still more prominent about fundamental (regional) tendencies of the EPN sites – see Fig. 7 . Surface information give interpolated values in Fig. 8. Figure 7 Figure 8 Independent on subjectively defined average horizontal shift of the Euroasian plate is derivation of tensor of deformation for EPN sites (including new sites). Fig. 9 gives information which is not at variance with the information on horizontal shifts. Significance (accuracy of determination) of the analyzed values follows from the fact that not even their testing with 10 sigma error ellipses bring (except for the stations in western Europe) their elimination. Figure 9 2.2 EAST MEDITERRANEAN PART OF EUREF EPN More detailed information on fundamental horizontal movements tendencies in East Mediterranean at the contact regions of African, Euroasian and still Arabic plates show Figs. 10, 11 and 12. Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 2.3 EAST MEDITERRANEAN PART OF EUREF EPN WITHOUT TUC2 SITE To emphasize significance of one station for correct interpretation of movement tendencies, the analyses were performed without the station TUC2 on Crete. This site is on the list of new stations and its parameters of stability, observations and others are on high quality level – see Figs. 13 and 14. Figure 13 Figure 14 Moving tendencies of this site significantly complete information about the rotating movements at the region of east Mediterranean – see Figs. 15 and 16. As it is clear from these Figures, important role would play stations on the northern regions of Africa if they would be at disposal. Figure 15 Figure 16 3 CONCLUSIONS Significant are above all following findings: • significant shifts of the sites with tendency of counterclockwise rotation in the region of East Mediterranean represented by the stations inland of Turkey, Crete, Israel, • significant tendency to residual clockwise rotation in the region of Apennines peninsula (Italy) and Adriatic sea, • demonstrable is also moving tendencies of the sites in western Africa, Spain and Azores toward to west and in northern Atlantic towards to east, • middle and north Europe is the region without significant tendencies of horizontal shifts. Comment: Of course it is necessary to consider possible false residual information following from the definition of the system, which fix whole movement of Euroasian plate. REFERENCES • Zeman A., Kostelecký J., Kostelecký J. (jr.) (2005): Detection of the Deformations on the Contact Line between African and Euroasian Plates from the Methods of Space Geodesy. Presented on EGU 2005 General Assembly, 24-29 April 2005, Vienna, Austria. •Kenyeres A. (2004): Contribution of the Time Series SP to the European Velocity Field Project. EUREF 2004 Symposium, 2-5 June 2004, Bratislava, Slovakia, REFERENCES • Kostelecký J (jr.), Kostelecký J., Zeman A. (2000): Relative Changes in Station Position on the Territory of Europe Derived from the Results of Space Geodesy Techniques and an Attempt of Geodynamic Interpretation. Reports on Geodesy, No. 6 (52), WUT Warsaw, 111-117, 2000. • Kostelecký J., Zeman A. (2004): Horizontal and Vertical Displacements of the Stations within the Frame of the Individual Plates Based on the ITRS2000 Reference System. Acta Geodyn. Geomater. Vol. 1, No. 3(135), 133-143, 2004.
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