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AP Assembly Archives
# \ / Y.w.V t 24Lh March, MoC. (Thursday) Chaitra, 1888 S. E. ANDHRA PRADESH LE(HSLA'HVE ASSEMBLY DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT CONTENTS PAGES. A^'avrr.^ {p (^K siionK* Sh^t ; and Ayww, ^ !iifi a ' 32 Questions. .. 39 .. 45 .. 46 .. 48 ^ndina t^adr^ Oii^mi hatr^a^eHit!, M M . (MiH withdmwn) .. 49 The Andhh^ i'tad^h ,, 55 ** 38 of informations: ^ ^a^nti^a to nt ' (^f u^ent importance; ^f t!<e (LwrnnKn! ia gumtinp, remission to the AyanHtdar' under ^dn-M ta^b in Kam^ot District K* r ms through t!nr Mo)'t.gngc Banks to the taadfh^tders nf K^bwiuenh, Ac^ious pa!wane contrary to the direct ions of the HupKHM ^bnrt ia aspect ^f under t!^ AtuH^a Pradrsh (Additional) Land Revenue Assess- HhDt Act. eul thou ^r Hn Anhnj) ^rt of the Select CommHtee on the ha^un^e Hi!!, ht tiuH'ni (Budged) far the year ih, (fo Produced) : t S !h*a<h uf State Miaistrs and adquayters ^ {! H u s s i o n not concluded) J Hfm^uJ^ for t^ard^ 103 the Heportoft!^ Administrative Reforms Commit (Mot ttdnH ^ W ^^^ Rtma)0R or GOV^HM^Nf OP 108 THE L K C f S M T ^ H ASSEMBLY HKBATMS IMHCfAf, Km'OR'r HHPHSH LKCfSLVUVM ASSMMBr.Y T h u ' t h y . tin-'.'l ^ l!ar<-h, !<Mt(i. Th. Hnt!<r (.fitlC fa ^^ ('/wr] HHAL \NSWH!{S Tn QUESTIONS H.U,tMH!,Al*K()JH("r, (irni??:; atn! s}h'<'ifi<';t!!tnr; of H*ydm-K!ee!rie at Hathar!;; air n atty ;aatt TAf f ^ / r / and(b) A Sevre^ntNt f^) Thr H^a! '4 r^dny ^f thr i w ; TAiu^^ or i n n !f<n!sn< am! speeifh^dham of Pro]-e!, are at ra! Water and !*<nv<T fomnds^i^;^ ndin^f the sendiny of H^e Pr<^}rei Report by Central Wafer Power the Coatro! M^wd authorised the Odef CfatMhoeti^a ^ proeeed with w^rks aceordm^ Lo the Project; The Pre^resM ^f w^rk^ in given h e ^ w : - (!) eon^dehd. FH^r Cfh of ^nrth work stnppmg has been aueh M 83,01,^00 Cfh of sand and (i) 2 24th March, ^ Anwe^ base 13,31,700 e(t nfrnek ii!! and r^r!, Ln t j ;rsH n t h ,n (, -I. (2) Dfw.sf^^ ?twA': (3) Survey and investigation hndndin^ ^ ^ ^ , has been and a m s ot jnn^dr r!. o . d i (</,) Stripping the I w t ^ d ' i i ^ r . Fih,erntat^ria)sfordykr\ r^m^non, n a .t t.imd t.nn inn; eft. Rnbb!es for spreading ov^r d ^ r s ha^r i*.. * rh J (4) : Tia^ ibttowin^ r<s!({cnt!a! and nun !r adroH d eo!istrnet.(-datditn'rrntiad<adt'h: (A) hr n giififhfw ; I.'A'&ypet{narRer?* , , IIt'M*t.y})enHarters ** l i t ' C ' type quarters IV. ({barters . . V. 'I)'t,ypeqmtri,ers VI. ' E ' type qnarter^ , , VII. ' F ' and ' ' type ^n^rtern 1* Temporary I.R, II. Hospital ,, ,, .< < ,, ,, ,+ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, < . . H , . JM , , , , mm ,, ,, H I - Ctdef Construe tnm K n ^ i n e e r ^ OHbe (t'< :)tr*;t (MHe, ), , ^ IV, Finaneia! Advi^ r w d Chief Aee<a;nt* V, SebodbMiMing ,, VI, Stare ** ,, VII* Open-air threatre*. ,, ! No. Further construetioa vf emergency. h^ ,, ,, ,, . ,, ,, ,, ;K**. xh^nned due ^ ^ Ota) A n w n s to (^estioM* 24th March, l&di;. 3 n^/Js /^//r I. i^.ai innu Sd<m J^n^i^n tn j^.d^nu i,{ t^ !h kr Xn. H Pan* Site .. h^rrnai mad hy i)n;n S^r Sii^ ,, .. ., K.M. „ 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ ISCc^dD Moisb ijtj ..-r -M - "r.) ^ . dmrd tin re a! ? : -^pK'r* eOO)*^ ^ j j S ^ ^ y ^ ^^s^ ^ , r x ^ t j d n ^ ^ M.Ws. of dam sih* tdtimatcty. ^ ^A^o x b ^ pro- " P ^ a d h ^ ^hf scrutiny of the Project Report by Contra! W^hT^ndPow^T C ^ n m ^ i a n , the Control Hoard Authorised the t'!m-f t Fng ae^r T^odo^ ^ 2624thMarch, 1966. Oral Answers to Questions. 4,78,000 eft. of aggregate have been eoHt(^ted !md spread over dam base 18,31,700 eft. of rock fill and rotdc toe work he* been <^o!np)et(*d. (2) Dww'o?? 65,00,000 eft. soil and 10,00,000 eft* reek h a # been exeavated. (8) D t / ^ : Survey and investigation inelndingexeavation of iria) pits in dykt^ has been completed and 400 acres of jungle eleartd. The following earth work in dykes completed : (%) Stripping the base of dykes .. (&) Exeavation of eut-off trenches , Excavat!on of drainage channel .< 1,00,00,000 eft. S0,00,0()0 eit, 7*00,000 eft * "Filter materials for dykes such as 3,00,000 eft. of s tnd and 3,00,000 eft. Rubbles for spreading over dykes have been coHectcd* (4) : The following residential and non*rcsidt*ntiat bnddtngs have been constructed at different colonics : * (A) E^&T^aZ y i w ^ f F : I. ' A ' type quarters . . II. ' B ' type quarters . . III. ' C ' type quarters IV. S.D.O.'s quarters . . V. ' D ' type quarters . . VI. ' E ' type quarters . . VII. ' F ' and ' G ' type quarters 4 Nos.. , 10 Nos 11 Nos. Nos^ NoR. 307 860 Noa. B. I. Temporary I B. II. Hospital III. Chief Construction Engineer's O&ee (Central OHlce) IV. Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts OfRcer's OHlce V. School building VI. Store .. VII. Open-aJir threatre . . iNe, INo* 1 No. 1 No. iNo, 1 No, INo. Further construction of buildings i w be^n etopped du^ to Ora! Answers Q"estions. 24th Match, 1&66. j .1. t. Lmk nnnt h«!tt S'h rtt Juncttun to Dam Site H. Htdttnt !a Jtnu-Mon tt* No. H H!. t h ^ - n t n D a m S ' t t ' IV. Interna! rtw) to Htmt Stt,. J. gjgSb 6A H^ 15 K.M. 20 „ 3 „ oa^. ^S*. ^ F* ^Sox, Trusts ? ^ M d & ^ a v o ^ *3tr* ? (J^ :—ver* voo)^ ^ e^a- dMtsgaga* w-alson-* a c ^ ^ S&y duced t h ^ n ^ ^ ; W M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ i c h <h!R ^ WaaMys ^ , maf bepro- W Centra! authorised t h e a aeoXrr ^o^) 26 24th March, L s^y.o 1966. ^ r Oral Answers to Questions. ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ .lar. (^oan^r.b) ^ J ' l S j o ^ F ^ ^Pending scrutiny tty(-t-mt;d Water ami Power ^oinmission" ^o^ ^^oa." ^ojoa* 70,80 Sri For this ^endmv - arc 6*^63, qux* ^th ignt^ Mr. !deputy Speaker : t!.an ^ ^ ooj^g). He has n^t got any o t M r i n f o r m a t i o n he has a!rcady placed on the TaMc of tM abRa nn^ S i K. B r a ^ h a n a n d a Iteddy : I do not think so, Sir, g ^ W sj^y^A^ tF^^Sb^ ^ g g ^ MOM(9-* ^ ^ Ora! Answers to Questions. ^ 2 Kh Murcl), 1066, 60: 50 220 ^ n ^ - s r ^ A t r ^ ^ e . j^d -^dr^ a ^ (V) ^o*^ 44-0 ^ r r ^ a f ^ ^ ^ ^ ir-X) ^b^ tpXr^ tpo-cr^ e ^ ^ ^ 3 es ^CRsa* ^05. -^O OL 70—71 eb g ^ ) ^ ^^e^^o^g —3 ^Xb :—^o ^^oA. ^ J J ^ o crr-sr*^. 24 d/fd'-^ 24 - s ^ S ^ o A , 80 ^ocy v^^oA S3 ^ 12 6 24th March, 1066. o). (jrai Answers t o Questions. ; — s)&13je> R o ^ c f o ijod^j ^ex) SiMpggjo^a l§&)gjT3r° b MATHS DUK TO Kn-XTROCUTIO^, 1008— * 1 6 Q . ^ ^^ Wilt iVm^ the Chief MinisttT he pleased to state, (%) t!!e mnnhcr of deaths due to the electrocution in the year NM4-63 ; and in the State (&) t)^c Covemm<M)t is contemplating !,o provide rrhef toLhefandhes<)fperso!iSwiio()i(M}(iucp){,i)(:lj)U])()erh(^fsY . —The matter relates to the Andhra Pradesh State Mteetrieity Board* As ascertained from them the reply is as follows:— (a) 117. (&) No, Sir. There is no such proposal pending with the Government. tpooj^ (b) edo oRr^ ^gc^ -3^65 Ocal Answers to Questions* 24th March, 1966. ^ dr^sSo^ eg". 7 ^^(b? 28 25 sbo8 M ^ ^ x o ^ ^ Rg* ^ ^^gur^^oHJca o^g) eo^ I cannot surmise. Sri, K. Brahmanandu Reddy;-The question is whether the Government is contemplating to provide rehef' 'There is no such proposal pending with th^ Government. For this reason, they aye governed under the Compensation Act and according to the rules of the Compensation Act they will be paid. ^ o ^ l S ^ a ^ oRytg^K) 26 24th March, 1966. Oral Answers to Questions. Sri RimaehRJidlinb R i o Drshpandc: - I would like to know w ' i e t h e r t h j compensation shal!!)^ p u d only to the workers or to non-workers aiso. Mr. Deputy Spaftk^r;—Ttut is tlte sa^no !hin^ he hag answered previously. Sri R a n - - h a n d ' L Rio De-ihpmd^:-T!ie reply i^ not (dear hcr'n.usc he s.iid non-dcpartmen!al and departmental. There is noqtiestion of iL The matter i v v ! t c t h c r they are wirk rs or non-workers, w l ! the non-workers be also paid ? Sri K. Brahman\nda Re Idy -I think so, Sir, subject to correction, ^ o d -s^-o^)^^^" e^o^^CfSb ^ a b o ^ f Oral Answers to Questions. 24th March, 1966. 9 MtRAWanaUATn^ W F r \ n s TIV THF, XATroxAr, SMALL Pox KKA DICATJ 0N OpFJCER. 1004— Q.-^i for Health f.nd Medie.al f p!easel to Will the hon. MinJ^cr whether it is a, fact that the OfRcey-in-CharR-e of the National SmaH-Pox Mradicntiim Proo-i-arnme, Gantui\ has niis-ap]3ropriated Covernnr.'nt bnids and hh.-tl a fats:,' eoniph*hU: arw-jlnst Ins subradhiate on lUtli February ^ad wl^ethe!' it is also fart tb-di the Distri-c Cmrt has acquitted the s:!)nrdinafe niheer a!al pn^s-J strietui'-^: agaif^st th.- H - ^Lh OilL'-er eoiicemed; if so, ^hi action tjj<en gainst the Health OfAcc-r^ (r/) and(^) H isafa-'tthat, t h j ofn-'cr-in-charg:\ N^io-arJ San.H-pox Eradication Programme. Cnntur hied a eomplaint against a st^aotypist of his oHire t,iia,t had mis-appropriated Certain monevs (trt rnsted t ) idtn. The Additional First Class M-^ish'at<\ G m! ar, eo ivifted the a.(<aised and senteaeed hi.n to i n i r l s n m n n t tiil th" rishtg of (])e Court and to pay a ha^ of Rs. withiY<:;orons impri^onnK-nt for (i n^onfhs in def^nlt, On an ap^e.'d prr-haiiYt hy the acetucrh Hie (yunfur, aequitfed hiai th" benefit of doubt. No strietai'^s have boon passed against, the Hadfh OiHeer eota^eraed. !h^vever. as there is a. lass to the ( ^ e m i n e n t , the responsibility has been hxed i<pon the Oihe^r and the mitLn' ha; been entrusted to the Ttibuual fnr Disciplinary ProeMeliito--; for enqairy. :— a date 3 refer If the hon. Minister cannot have the date, the members wiH be dissatished. Sri Y. Sivarama Prasad :—The actual date on which tha Board referred to the Tribunal is nqt here. But it was referred to the Tribunal. ^ W R - u ^ ^ ^ :— t07—2 a^o^ tp^og e ^ ^ 26 24th March, 1966. XM^f Oral Answers to Questions. : — -gif ^eb-sTT^ e^e^go After ai! they are ihe responsible Secretaries. feel the importance. They should CO Mr. Deputy Speaker :— We will take this qu- stion next time. By that time we can have some more information. Day after tomorrow we shall have this question again. DlHTiTIOXS IN THK STA/1T., 1005— and Mcdieal he pleased to sta/^ : number nfdi^fj^o'tsia the SLtteihjw: (6) t h e p . t y s e a i e o f a d i e t i t . i o n n o w n x ^ l t a t i d fc) the places at whi^h they are worldn^; exird, it ? Lit;. 1. Government General Kumoih 2. Government General IIosj)i'.ah (r u)tur, 3. Kin<?Gf))rf)Mil)--;j)itt'l, Osmtnia ^ eieouragement r^ .k yeach Vist!<hi,;)i,ti-t,'n. H wp:t;th — Hyderahmh ^ g ^ ? , enr* cadre ^ * ej^ -srOS ^^^xo&S* oooot^RKi ir^o Oral Answers to Questions. g4th March, 1966. RSjgXio^ opportunities oooa ^ districts gj ^j^jo yepresent ^v^o. patients gb ^^^cr" ^a u^e^o improvement CO 0— li (J^j 3 . : — sag) - s ^ Sb^ POSTING OF A DOCTOR TO KOTIIAGUDEM HoSplTAL* 1006^ Q.-^n! ^ Aw / Wiil th3 hon. Minister for Health und Medical he pleased to state : whetlK^r it is a fact that a hospital building has been compl'-ttd at 9 incline (Aoid Ali Chowk) of Koth^gudem by Singarcni CoHiciics Company it^ the year 1964, and (&) if so, the reason for not posting a doctor at the hospital so fay y. F/w^/ No, Sir. (&) Decs not anse. ^Ocd)^. ej ^ -^ureo ^^^v^Sg) : — ^ ^ ^ g o 0008. "g^c^jd) ^o^ov^d?* e>er*o63 irresponsible ^ ^ taTTd^o -sr^s&g ^ o ^ r r ^ d ) c e o ^ ^ T ^ information ^ gram eorrespondenee, information u^DS doctor & D^ M. 0. gj telegram ooo^, reply tele, corresponds ee Trd) ^ ^ d ^ ^ o ^ o post !2 ^ Marchy Oral Answers to Quest ions. —Tetcgram a n ! reply telegram ^ rcj)ly t?lograin Jo Kb 3b ^ ^ o d j ^ ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ o ^ 9 ^ Inuli: e ^ area ^ Hospital doctor eo ^^ ^g^RK) —^^^ISoo^rr'^, Hwspda! Departn^nt n^K) Mr. Depaty Speaker:—Hive you g-^t the information t h a t the Government c o n s t r u e d the hospital. ^ ^o^ : — y b o ^ H^^^oA* The question is quite clear, Whether tt is a fact that a hcspital has completed at 9 incline (Abid AH Chowk) of Ko^ha^ud(^ n hy Collieries Company in the year SriPUlalamrri Venkateswarlu trueted a hospital or not. " ^ o ' b b Whettaa' the Company eon* ^X) categorical ^ R Mr. Deputy Speaker: -Wc will p^istpone this que^thn:. Sri Pillamarri Venkateswarlu : Clear rr* black and white ^ Mr. Deputy Speaker :— We will postpo!W thin q u e s t s h ^ ^ apes^ Reply M j g ^ o : ^ find no improvement. Electricity Department We TyR-g^g answer er most inadequate, information ^ Ales g^^er* e x u ^ o a ^ o a , ments ^gg diseusBion ^ o ^ ^ o ^oiy^^ ^a ^^^ Heads of D e p ^ t ! O'a! Answers to Questions. ^-yoR'Bd 2<ith March, (966. t r u M ^ r ' o ^ ^ d S j Electricity Hoard answ That is atso a mo't p^int. the question is c l w . Mr. Deputy S p e a k e r / - W e will po^tpo^e inf< rniation, Sri Satyanar^ya^ a The do with the d ^ y t o d a y administration. broad polices. ^ o ^ - a ^ R ) Sri V. Visweswara Rao 13 tli^t and get tho vcnument othing ta They are concerned with Question On a p ii ! of order- ^ ^ . g ^ o ^ r r ^ d ) [jr^ cooe^oR ruling ooo^^e^)^ e^^^do -^dcso W j arcailotii g funds t<^ the Electricity Board and Singarcni Collieries. SingareniCoLieries proOt and los.^ a c c o u n t s ^ ^ ^o^. Separate organisation jjoa* ^o^ OJJT Ananees ^ i o ^ o ^ o ^ ^ c ^ o^oo^^ ^ f D ^ -OSb^eo^^ooo. There are some difficulties th-tt. It its not as if t!iey are directly a department of the Government, oftheGove:nmcntdirect!y. ^ o ^ b ^ o - ^ information " ^ o - R a ^ M It i^ not a department bB^o^^dgb V ^ ^ M ^ y w f ^ ; — Ton mn.cti generalisation indulgeCa-egoricalrr^ Mr. D ^ p ^ CO fuse the House. ^ He is saying about the genera! dilRculties. Why should he generalise and He is not trying to help his own Ministers. JMf. Dtypt^y ,.—What Sir, Visweswararao says is, when a question is allowed and sent to the Minister, it is for the Minister t o get what possible information he can. In this particular question the information is not fully sought. Possibly the information has not reached the department, *4 24th Match, 1^66, (!ral Answers to Questions. A i Y, My depa,rtm:-nt must have mistaken ^hat the hospital is baiit by t!ie €^overmm nt, ! witi get the replies Tr^^y/ /—I will submit Jiey wid e^a' mar to lakeurde sUi( Chief Minishr lakes Interest, Wr. wiH get the i -format'on. Ro^ Department ^j&o^) 8 -n^^^o a n j ^ ? M*^. Dt.'p?^^/ get the information. We wili po.;tpo!)e ' qeestam and he Categorical n^ ^ o a , is ry . a y. Hierhieity ^^ ^^^^^^^ - s ^ d o ^ d ) . ^ o l b b ^'goO*. Yes, No ^ ^ information Aho eS^boca^ justify g e ^ ^ o ? —We are postponing the question. He wiH Rn Y. Y s Sir. I will get the information* As I yaid, my Department must have mistaken that the Government buiit the ho pital. ^ D ^ ^ ^ ' o :—tgoSM—the. depart,tnent. musthav taken trhatthe Government had buiit the hospital " d ^ y b . T^^e Chief Minuter mast take interest ; otherwise they continue t<* mistake. TRAINING CEXTHES FOa MATERNITY 1007^ GUI Q . — D . y. L. ^V. (C!e'.l1) y . F^Mz'^.' Will i.he hon. Minister fur Health and Ah-dieal be phased to state : (<?) when th( M demity Assistant inin^ Ct-nttos in ment Hospitals of Timpathi, Iiindnpni', Nandyah Tenali^ Kinunnam were started; - (&) whether (h^ Assistant Director of Mhlieal Services (Nur^in^) has inspected these centres siiiee tlu ir inecp!i(m for tin* purpose of recognition ; (c) if not, the reasons therefor; (f^) how many Maternity Assistants are not re^isb^-d by tt^e ^msen Council of Andhra Telangana for want of an inspection rej^nrt by thu under (c) wb.ether it is a fact th-rt th^' M Lt ;r:diy Assistants who have passed in the above training ee-tres en!ploy(^] in Ponmn^ Sannthi (Gaatar disiriet) and other Samithis are paid then* s darit-s for waat of registration eertiheates to be issued by Xm^es' C^ana-ii; and ( / ) if so, Hie arrangements proposed certificates immediately? for iltc issue of such Orat Answers to Questions, 24th March, 1966. 15 ^r/ y . Thetrainingccntrcsin the Government Ihspd Is Tirupethi, Hindupnr, Nandyal and Tcnaii, which were previously Mdcmity Assistant Centres wc?e convcit^.d into Anxihary Mithvivrs Training Centres in mtd started fuuc^ionhig si'tee The training centre in the Government Rospitnl at IUtaniman*hasn<)t, tccn^ouvertcd. No, Sir. Th ^sc centres hive not been inspected by the Assistant Di oe[-, r of'Mctli -id Sci'vie.(S (Nursing) so far in view of the fact that Yndhra Pradrsh Midwivcs Auxili?oy Nurse Midwivts and He^h!^ s Counci: h'ns p^s .cd a resolution that Assistant Director ^f Me !i< a! Services should inspect the Institution only on (r/) As no ic of institutions havo been inspected by the Assistt D r.'et^r of Me (jcal S ervices (?-Nursiitg) the trained Auxiliary Nurse Midwiv.s fm!U theic eentrcs have not been permitted to register thems dv: s it^ ( he s, !d Murs< s Couaeil for want of Inspection Report. (r) Yes, Sir. The Director of Medical Services h^s issued instructions to the X 11a Paris]tads in the State to draw salaries of snch of those bailed candidates from the above irhsijjtutions pending registration of th.< ir certificates in the srid Council. ( / ) In virw of the difficulties expciicnced by the candidates it is report-d tird th< Director of Medical Services has granted permission to regis} cr th ir nantes ia th- Andhra Pradesh Nurses and Midwivcs Oaua :1 p 'ttdicg'inspection !)y the Assistant Director of Medical Services (Nursing). inspect-^o&g^^d)? 1966 ^ ^ i. spe^t inspx'l ^'^o^io practicc MijTR) : .Nurses and Midwives council cerdiieate ^^rr^ Inspect 1^2^65 resolution pass eomnuudcjte ^oaogoa. 3b ^S* ^ ^ ^ ^ScXb^j " g g s ^ d ^ e Ro s^spen^ion^ posi: ^eRgo insj^eet 26**2*.e8R) ^ o o o ^ go^o-a s^^^r 66^ i^^p^ion report ^ ^ Oral Answers to Questions. 2624thMarch, 1966. ^ / ^ ^ e ^ ^ r ^ g :—epRex) a tministration g^ M ^ X b o E r - , 1-2-65 tetter po t 26-2^.65 So eomnuinicate Commame te ^ooo^ oooo^ ^bo^ trai e s tr^&jo*^ course es course gb 0 0 0 ^ D . M, S. Alb departm'^ t ^gb ? Why this iitsthu'ionat ?dl why this inco ive. ierce ? ^ : (iifRculty s^ojonn ^od^gjoc^ ^ ^s^rr* ^^-o^^o^og :—1965 So inspect, c o o ^ ^ orders ^a Inspect ^^ i^J : e^^o^jo inspe ct ige^-e^ rule ^^^(fo Nurses council g ^ e ) ^ ) resolution pass i g o & ^ o ^ ^ ^ T^a^) susp-ndo- ^ Re eR ^ ^ ^ ^ c A . ^ ^ D. :—emeo ^e 4 ^ R.' 7 auxiliary mid-wi^es gj registraaon (J^t pass ^ ^ ^ ^ ^o-S) training ^ list ^Nurses couneii insprct ^ooogo^. oojo^ sSa'g^ ^ 0 ^ ^ inspect Jo^^e "why lias he n o t i spe:ted till now'* pass ^00008, o ^ o ^ O D "go^cs-^ ^ 0)0. traiiUn^ ^ ^ ^ eo^go ^ocooa suspens'oa ^ ihspetainn Qncb^^ga : — ^oRT* maternity assistants auxiliay nurses mid-wives eoarse r ^ ^ u ^ ^ i y ^ i R . Oral Aaswefs to Questions^ ^4th March, 1966. 17 oR^a^^ different D-ff^rent Maternity Assistants 176 eso&y&gR dispensary g sanction ^ 13_. —Different cadres g). EfX)?3o co ^a^xrt^-g-rt, Q— ^gr^ V ^o*^ oooA : — n u r s e s sb ^8 ^ ^ gea^^ ej issue CO Mr. Deputy Speaker :—They have a!r6ady issued orders. ^ e ^ e o ^ g coja^^*^ Sri V- K. Adinarayana Reddv: —My speciS^ question is when that order was issued. ^gjosr* X j o ^ o ^ ^ o ^ ) ^o^^-^oj ^Tjr^^ -nr opinion Mr. Deputy Speaker:—His information is that orders already been given. ^ 13_. RoSbosxTRM. Registration ^ have N x AMN-M-65 dated 22-9-65 :—automatic ^ Mr, Deputy Speaker:— It shows the arrangements proposed to be made. Have you got any information ? ^ 13_. h^dinn -s-f^*^ E§-8r*ex) automatic r ^ information Regis^ Sri D. Seetharaminh :—What are the arrangements made? y. F w ^ r i ; The arrangement is that they are registered and paid automatically. D. / According to the information I have got, the registration is still pending and the Minister is not expediting the matter. Y, ^ i t w a m ^ V people have already been registered and number of others might have been registered. Correspondence is going on, 107—1 !8 24th March J 966. Oral Answers to Questions* SCALES oF PAY OF HEALTH VISITORS* 1003*223 (39^2) Q.-,SW F . f P n t bv Sri Vnvilala Gopalakrishnaiah]:—Will the hon. Minister for Health and Medical he pleased to s t a t e : (%) whether it is a fact that the scales of pay of ccrtain Health Visitors working in Medical Department of Srihaknlam District were reduccd from Rs. 125 to Rs. 80 from 1st June 1963 O!) the ground that they arc unqualified; (5) whether it is also a fact that the nntrained H c d t h Visitors working in the Public Health Department in the sam^ dist*iet to be paid the original scale of pay namely Rs. 125 ; (%) whether it is also a fact that similar rednetion of scale of pay of Health Visitors under the same category in other districts has not been affected; whether the Government have examined the position and rc* stored them the previous scales of pay on par with their counts parts in Health Department in Srikakulam District and all others in other districts ; and (e) if not, the reasons therefor ? iSM Y. F r ^ ^ d r—(a) The scale of pay attached to the posts of Health Visitors working in the Medical Department w^s Rs. 125-180. Since trained Health Visitors were not available certain untrained candidates (Auxiliary Nurse Midwivcs) were appointed in the vacancies of Health Visitors in Srikakulam district. These unqualified candidates were previously paid the minimum of the scale of pay, Rs. 125. In the revised scales of pay sanctioned in G.O. No. 426, Finance, dated 15thNovember 1961 a lowers calc of pa.y of Rs. 80-185 was fixed for unqualified Health Visitors in the Medical Department. In view of this, the initial pay of ccrtain Health Visitors in Srikakulam district was reduced from Rs. 125 to Rs. 80 from 1st June 1963. (5) Yes, Sir. (<?) No, Sir. (<%) The Government have examined the matter in detail and issued orders in G.O. Ms. No. 2486, Health, dnicd 8th December 1965 to the effect that the Auxiliary Nurse Midwivcs temporarily appointed as unqualiRed Health Visitors in the Medical Department shouhl also be paid the minimum pay of Rs. 125 without increments in the scale of pay of Rs. 125-5-150^-180 on par with the scale of pay of the Auxiliary Nurse Midwivcs appointed in the Public Health Department, (e) Does not ar;se, Oral Answers to Questions, 24th March, 1966. 1$ ^ -*r>g)ern9 :—Health Visitors Public Service Commission -sr°8 ig^ s^^^g 0&tXb63 ? bd) 20 <9 3§§;3o Security o^ scrviec ^^bocr^ ^ — M ^ o ^ g o , qualifica* tions ^g^g^eom^ooo. ^odg'F" training Tj-^8 126 85 go 126 ajT>3-°cR)<K> ^er^"^ ooo^^o^e Public Health Department arcr* e^ej-l^ ^ o t r ^ e ^ a X^go ^ esSoj8 —125 ooo^o^^^oD The question is it restored to the original scale 126 ^ ^ maximum ? —Minimum 125 ^ coo^nr^^b. —Supplementary 125 d y . o ^ a^) ^ V i r * ^ ^ Dog &3rg43 ? — ^^ ^ restore — P a y restore Intial salary 126 art.eigj restore — 1 2 6 Oj^.e —^8 increments 10 24th March, i960. restore Oral Answers to Questions. <g beneAt ooo^r^ycr* ? Sd Y. Sivarama Prasad:—Automatically it goes without saying. t^t orders —s^ ? Mr. Deputy Speaker :—Both the hon. one time. Sri PiHalamarri Venkatcswarlu:—When standing. Members cannot stand at t am qoestioni^ g, he is Sri Y. Sivaramaprasad:—How many times can I sit and stand? Double qualifications e Mer^l^ FISH FLOUR. 1009— Q.—R'r?' & Will th^ hon. Mini d-er for Health and Mcdical be pleased to s t a t e : (%) whether the Government are aware of the fact that the iish Aour supplements the protein deficiency in the diet; and (&) if so, the action taken by the Government to start a factory to produce the fish ilour in our State Y ^ f i Y. Yes, Sir. (&) At present there is no proposal to start a factory to produce fish Rour in the State. CHEAPER EDITION OF SAKHHI. 1010— * 259V Q . — P . 0. [ Put by Sri Vavdala Gopalaknshnaiah]Will the hon. Minister for Excise and Prohibition be pleased to state : (<%) whether it is a fact that the Government is considering to publish a cheaper Edition of "Sakshi'* written by Pa,nttga,nti Lakshnnnarasiniha Rao Pantulu ; Ora! Answers to Questions. March, i960, 2i (6) if so, when it is likely to be released ; and (c) what would be the cost of each set ? No, Sir. (5) and (#) Do notarise. ^ edition —Permission cheep ^^ ^ —Ch&ap Edition g b ^ B ^ ^ t T * § Kr^^pSoeX). We couldnO^pnblishbeeausetheeopy-rightisheld bv Sri Vavilla Ramaswami Sastrulu. But they are avaiiaMe in th^ market at Rs. S per edition. PROHIBITION STATIONS, 1011— * 2608 Q . — P . O. R ^ [Put by Sri Vavilala Gopalakrishnayya") : --Will the hon. Minister for Excise and Prohibition be pleased to state: (%) the number of Prohibition stations abolished and No. of posts abolished in various categories in Prohibition Department during the recent reorganisation; and (6) whether surplus staff have been absorbed in other places ? Af. R. Rao;—(%) 111 Prohibition stations were abolished. No. of posts abolished under various, categories are:— Deputy Commissioner District Prohibition OlRcers Sub-Inspectors .. Petty OHicers .. Prohibition Guards OHi.ce Superintendent Upper Division Clerks Accountant .. Lower Division Clerks Typists Stono-Typist .. Attender .. .. .. -. .. .. ., .. <* *< .. .. .. ,. — .. .. - .. .. .. .. Total .. 1 9 US 215 1.362 1 22 I 39 10 I I 1,780 22 24th March, 1966. Oral Answers to Questions. (&) Some of the staff have been absorbed in other departments aad action is being pursued for the absorption of the remaining staff. ^ a. Rja^oRg : — *r>8X) ^ ^ ^db. -sr*& supernumerary ^er^l^ ^ Jo. eggr. : — 1780 ^ o O ^ ^ o ^ absorb ^ocjur^Cb. Police Department, Chief Conservator of Forests cooovo ^ "3, esS*. ^ ^ ( ^ d r ^ e ^ ) : — Absorb ir^&x^oaS Categories ^ e ^ ^ o ^ s S ^ ^ o ^ M Ej^o^eo Prohibition implementation ^ ^ Jo. egg", help ^ b r ^ e D ^o-s^ 1,159 ^ ^^jb^b^b^ : ^S^^jg^^S Cabinet recommendations s3o&o 1780 ooood^^ 621 ^o^K) absorb absorb ^ o ^ g ) . ir^OT^d) ^xSborr* — ^er^^ooaX) ^ a o ^ c j b . Excise en Efficiency Department ^b Jo. ^ Hxbep^Rb. :—- BSicicncy ^ W c o o o u ^ ? ^ Jo. e f . ^ Jo. ^ — . - Jart^oiSr* oeo^dSj^ ; — i g d ) . : — Department & Oral Answers to Questions. ^ ^ suCb^j <3o. 335". 24th March, 1966. :— ^ocR)^ ? — e S i c i ^ 23 eiRcient ^ e ^ n t (J^j -sj^Der^o ^ ^ e ^ g o ^ g : — Prohibition policy Administration cadre gycr* e^o^ ^ly^g^orr^ ^ ^ o ^ o ^ o b . sales lax staff ^ ^Cb-sr*^ police oooTy^eb, prohibition ^ cadre e c o n R r m n ^ ^o^do. Deputy Superintendent ^oo^bsb orphan regularise ^ ^ ^bo^j cD^-cn'^):— Pellmell Revenue Secretary, ^^Sb ^ ^o^o 7Y*!& ? surplus ^ appointments -go3b;3g& ooo^^ ^ ^ d^^^oo^ H o u S E - S l T E S TO H^RIJANS, 1012— * 281 (3824) Q . — J l i . L ^ / w ^ M W ^ m ? / — W i l l the hon. Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Harijans of Penamakuru and Godavarru villages in Vijayawada taluk, Krishna district are not provided with house-sites ; and (&) if so, the reasons therefor ? Action is being taken by the Collector, Krishna to provide house-sites to Ilarijans of Penamakuru village. The Harijans of Godavarru village have already been provided with house-sites, and pattas have also been issued to the Harijans, Does not arise. house sites ^^o&X) ^ ^ 24 24th March, 1M6. ^ s M 43. ^ 3. Oral Answers to Questions. at^oig^:— 1 JS^O 15 : — 1 J. 15 Hio&xR Jia. 2 J^t^o ^oo^gj objection petition "^o^ e^od^) §0 Hio&A^ offer ^odo s^e J . 1. 15 GOVERNMENT HlOR SCHOOL-, MALAX PET. 1018— ^ 1781 (X) Q.—gM P. ^ M y (Nandikotkur):—Will the hon. Minister for Education be pleased to state: (%) whether it is a fact that no accounts have been maintained in the Government High School, Malakpct Colony, Hyderabad in respect of the special fees received from the students and spent; (&) if so, when was it noticed and what action has been taken against the headmaster responsible for this grave irregularity; (c) whether the amounts collected from the students were remitted in the Post OfRce as and when collected, if not, why not; and (d) what steps have been taken in general to prevent such recurrence in other Government institutions? 27?% A f w ^ y ybr (RW ,4. BaZamw 2M<%y)— A statement is placed on the Tabic of the House. STATEMENT PLACED ON THE TABLE OF THE HOUSE. L. A. Q. No. 1013 (* 1V81 X)]. Accounts have been maintained but they are not up to date, No entries have been made in the cash book for the last two years, (&) On receipt of complaints against the then Headmaster, Sri A* Venkateswarlu, he was transferred from the school and on #lst, August 1965 the District Educational OIKbcr, Hyderabad visited the school and found certain irregularities committed by the Headmaster. (c) Separate Cash Books were maintained for each special fee fund and all the special fee funds remitted in one pass book at the post ofRce, From the last 2 years the amounLs collected under special f&§ iyer§ not remitted in the post Ora! Answers to Questions. 24th March, 25 Rules have been issued in GO. Ms. No. 1633, Education, dated 14th Mty 1963 .regulating the levy of Special Fees and administration of special fees and administration of special fee funds and the maintenance of accounts thereto. The inspecting OfRcers have aiso been given necessary instructions to see that these mles are followed by all the managements of the Secondary Schools. (J^) 2 3o*3^u-*e?33S'gb Cash Book ^ entries Oncers ? 3380-^. CI misappropriate ^ooo^a? ^^-y^Inspectin $5 He^d master 18 ^^cja ^ misappropriate special fees Mur^Ob. ^o^nnsapproprmte^^ special fees Savings Bank Pass-Book ^ aXb^^^oiS — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ xb & ^ ^ Tr-aa transfer ^ o ^ ^ o igo^^o Special Audit M O^g^ A3 cooa Parhy 3 ^ ^ ^ o t ^ ^^gT^-tr-o^ca:—12 ^dSb Rrst audit misappropriate (nojogbo Special audit ^ a 20; 25; sSeTgg'g) S'^o^^oa. 12 lieo misappropriate ^o^bo ^ ^ information j^^-^o ^ ^ misappropriate ^ooo^^ misappropriate ^ eA^ 0 0 e^^^oa—^o^r^ta reply ^ r ^87^ —30ir* Accountant General atidit ^ e&F* 107-4 8 ^ remarks 26 24th March, 1966. Oral Answers to Questions. ^j^oo assert audit It is heing proved he has defalcated nearly Rs. 18,000. Ho was simply transferred. Sri A. Balarami Reddv.'—If iti i^ proved, certainly we will take action. We do not have any soft corner for bim. I say, we have not received the audit report.' If it is received, I will look into the matter and see that pi oper action is taken. ^ 43. "^eo^oa. : — 8 } o T r * information g)^ ^A^ As a matter of policy—misappropriate ? S)&M3o43 LOGOUT' (J^ ^o&^o Ml38 Mfsappropriation ^o^bRe information MISAPPROPRIATION cases ig^ ^^^dg OF FUNDS IN ENOINEERING COLLME HOSTRL 1014— *** 124^5 Q . — ^ ;—Will the hon. Minister for Education be Pleased to state: whether any case of defalcation to the extent of a lakh of rupees in one Engineering College Hostel has been discovered recently? (&) whether any investigation has been made; (c) if so, what is the result; (<%) who are the persons concerned, where are theY serving now and (e) what action has been taken against them? *SM JL Rg&Zy.*--.(%) Yes, Sir. (&) Investigation has been taken up by the Grim^ Branch o the Police Department. (c) Investigation has not yet been completed. (d) and (/) Do not arise, as the investigation has not been con pleted. 24th March, 1966, Oral Answers to Questions. Mr. Deputy Speaker :—Who are the persons concerned ? where are they serving now ? No-tr'ao"^:—Investigation OJJ^^JJ. ^ :—'Who are the persons responsible' "Who are the persons concerned' tsa^R). Over a Actual c^o^? ^a lakh ^ ^go^^ a8Roa? ^ ^ ^ ^ investigation a). 1964 ^ :—T^er^ O^aw priation investigate ^ ^ o i y ^ ^ . accounts audit 1960 3ot! xbo-D o— -T*a63 M misappropriate investigation ^e misappro^ Director of Technical Education ^ syre ^ ^ ^ c o o ^ ^ ^ ) C. I- D g CJ.D* investigation ^ Ron ^ o ^ ^ o ^ [px^o ^o^ ^ ^ ^ -B^og, 60 ^cuR 64 e a ^ ^ ^ g j eo ej ' B j o ^ ^ misapprop i^tion SL^M misappropriation e^^gj eo m'sappropriation ^ol^^oco^, G^ooci^, urcoo Anti corraption Department so ^o^o^o&^-Special Minister foi Misappropriation g^oomr ^^ ^ o ^ d * ^ deal :go3osr=&§ cdl—" Special cell to deal with all the cases of n ^appropriation " (gtP^-ao-^oa. sSxr^^^,investigation 26 24th March, 1966. R)&rr*&, Oral Answers to Questions. ^o^rr^d) ^ ^ — ^ gb^ a ) ^ ^ ) —ea o&r^^A^ :§y**3& gr><%2bS* irna e^a ^V^tSb? ^ ^ ^ u-abod Oral Answers to Questions. 24th March, 1966. <3 — . <3— ^ __ "CO ^ i9 ej Q PROMOTION OF SECONDARY GRADH TEACHERS 11016 — ^ Q. P. -V^ill the ho!h Minister for Education be pleased to state : ((%) whether the Government iiave decided to promote the Secondary Grade Teachers appointed as Higher Grade Teachers in various Samithis; (&) whether difference in pay is stiH existing; and (c) whether Government have decided to remove the anoma!y in pay of tins grade of teachers ? J.. JMJ//.'—(<vj No, Sir. (&) As th^ posts are diflcrent, the scales of pay are also different, (a) Does not arise, in view of (&) above. 6 go. f Question Nos. 1013, 101.7 to ION) and 1021 together with the r answers are included in the proceedings under ' Written Answers to Questions '. 26 Oral Answers to Questions. 24th March, 1966. <Lr>}3§ ^a^^^orr* ^ ? ^ev^Sb^A s^^Jeo ^o^J^o Tr^^X) ^a cur* o^^ej^^J oar* "s^o^ TS^gel^ L. ^ ^ojo^^-u-^ ^"o^oN'd^ 00 a). :—esa L-AQ. No. 1020 (Sri A. Balarami Rcddy rose to answer the qutstion) Mr. D ^ p ^ ^ p ^ e r .-—IIow is it he is answering this question ? tSri Cheiichurama Naidu ^has not written to me that tlic Education Minister bas been authorised to answer this question. Generally, it should be conveyed to mc. KbS* ojo 13^9 eod^*^^ ooo^)^ ^oSbo^T^d). ^j^jr^^ Oral Answers to Questfors. 24th March, 1966. 3! Is it in'-umbent, Sir ? Aff. ^ f ^ / j r r ; -All the Ministers are doing it. it is the duty to inform. TZ^ddt/.'—If they arc here, if it is possible, But it does not mean boSo ^^jCo. D^Yy^p^rr."— authorised/' He can tell the House "I luve been .*—This is stH! worse. FoRHST INDUSTRIES 10^0— * 2668 Q * — F . ^yM^r^ytxM/—Will the hon. Minister for Municipal Administration be pleased to state: (%) whether the Government have made any survey of the potential of thcraw materials in Forests to encourage the establishment of Forest based Indust ries in the State: (&) whether any forest based industry has been started by the Government or a private party has been encouraged to start such industries in 1965-66; and (c) if so, what and where they are ? —{<%) Yes, Sir. (5) No, Sir. (c) Docs not arise. ^ :—-u^o^ ^-qr^d'^dg 32 24th March, 1966. Short*notice Questions and Answers. noJ*^ ^o^ S^ ^o^^^soj^ ^ ^ €J ^ijf 60, 70 ^ o eo n ^ ^ ^cj SHORT NOTICE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. ENHANCEMENT OF AGE LIMIT OF SUPERANNUATION. 1021-A—S.N. Q.No. 3 7 4 6 - 0 — R f . hon. the Chief Minister be pleased to state : (Anakapall!):—Will (%) whether there is any proposal to enhaence the age limit of superannuation from 55 to 38 years for technical personnel hi our State ; and (&) if so, when ? j?. R ^ d J y r — T h e question of raising the ape of superannuation irom 55 to 58 years for technical porsone! hi this State is not under consideration of this Government* There is however a general question regarding raising of the age of superannuation from 55 to 58 years. (5) In view of (cz) above this does not arise. "3. ^o^r^^t. :-3o<gir*oo &>b3 c o n e i d ^ t i o n ^ ^ ^ ^ finalise ! Short-notice Questions and Answers. divided opinion ep^^bo^n) 24th March, 1966, ^ o ^ e ^ ) S^oRR), ^ 33 ^^^-sr^^Sb In due course eSbct decision ^ D^^^ir^^ Sjoo^^^b divided opinion ^^ ^bur^Ob. 63 divided opinion Cabinet ^ ^^ Cabinet decision tp^^^o divided opi: ion ^o & divided opinion. Cabinet Services With equal weight we can argue on both sides. (j^t gie e^Sjtg CD ^ ^ ^ 0— : - E q u a l weight argue argue ^d^^-^bv Centra! Government ^ I. A. s* Sb 58 years <9000^60008, sections ^ Medical District Judge^ ^b Judiciary ^ tg51 ^^g^ojSrr"^ District Judicial cadre gr*, medical people ePTT^ab, categories gb ^^^o&o g^Ro sections enh: nee e:)tire question will be considered, Sir. ^ "313^63 Council ^ ^ 107-5 oootr^dx) aS'&rrCb ^^^C^b. ^ ^ ^ Zonal oooo"s^ ^er^l^ Zonal Council 0006 Southren States^^s^e^ l33b Governments ^b enquiry 34 2Ath March. 1966. Short-notice Questions ami Answers information i n d ) . Judges gb "Bo^g J" ^ ^ information. ig^^^r^ ^o-sr^ ^ D i v i d e d ()pinion A s a Chief Minister -sr^amx)^^ optnion ^ tf aei^a. ^ ^o-E^ ^ p-*c3bea "S, ^ ^ov^ Rga^tforv* opinion : opinion g^? nr^ opinion osciHatc : Oscillation ^p^^b^S. ^^sj^eorr^ ? ^ Higher cadre : objections ccoR promotions ^ g b ^ ^ Employment 9b M^-s^^o s^^, indiifere t record of service automatic extension ^ S b e H l e i e i c y - ^ ) ^ ^ M^a rules ^-sroRorr* very competent very efficient extend ^ ^ ^ o points ^ g ) ^v^^b. Promotion expect Tr^^sb deifer ^ o o o ^ ^ b o ^ ^ service B^^bTy^^b. For instance, some associations also, I understand, have said against this. Unemployment acuterr^ "Bagao&MoR, Further cansideration is that if every man with a colourless record is to be given automatic extension, how does it improve the efficiency of the services <98 as* point s^ib^ balance ^xbg^D cansider aaoRo. ^ ooo c§ D^-sr^o: important question 3,4 XooR suspense ^ ^o-^a, ^ SjjR) ultimate ^ ^ ^ o b g^o^sSboa retire -sr^^ <&2b They cannot be brought back* Admiru* Strative Reforms Committee ^^sbocy recommend igM&y^ T^Sb decision ^ suspense ^ o ^ Short-notice Questions and Answers. 24th March, 1966, 33 (J^j (jo^RoR : — Suspense RDo rules retire o ^ g i s - r g b retire a^/Sb^x} Administrative Reforms Commttee ^ ^v^cb -Kr^d). Administrative Reforms Committee report &o<3 Kigbgao -cf^ex) ^ ^ ^ e^^^^b ! RXboR. :— decision sb ^sS^^o&M ocoo-sr- OiRcers -sr*8 decision ^jo^p commit decision ^bo^g^j^^jj ? ^ F*. R^dy 61b As the Chairman of the Adminstrative Reforms Committee along with others, he might hold different opinion ? What is there ? The Government may ultimately agree with that opinion or may disagree. ^-sT'DeT'e) ^ ^ e g ^ R o R t g : sjRy^) efBcient people selectpromotions cco^ju^^^jo. IneRicient people ^o /(g isy^^Sb extension o o o ^ ^ ^ ^ b o . (90^-cr*, general r ^ OSces Xbo^p ^ o cadie gb eonfidene^ create suspense -s^gboc^ Individual ease ^X) service coox^v^eb. -sr^n^ igo3bo&. e a S ' ^ ^j^o^pge)^ "gdbsb^'g a<3bex), atmosphere "gsbo^ oooa § Ro^Tyro cooer^ igo&^o -cr*R4A32$o63 sections i s r ^ ^ o ^ e S ^Sri. it flatly and squareiy. ;—That is wrong impression. I deny e>a -5^8 ^a^dsb ooo^Ob ^^-uncb. ^ list eois^ bo W e a a h v c r y e a s i i y make it out, Sir, that oulv ogioicut peop!e in t!te interest of puhhc service are granted extension hcro-somctimcs two months, three months etc. When they are in a spreifh Job, for the c^mpledon of the Job also, they are given some extension and it is a good thing, Sir, that only ef&cieut people should be given in d e inter, st ofh'crviccand in the intrest of efficient functioning of that particular work. 36 24th March, 1966. EiHcient people ^b 1021-B— Short-notice Questions and Aaswcfs -sr°;r* IIiGH COURT JUDOHS. S.N. Q.No.27-.!.8-P—^yw-svA JC. M^m Rr^J;/ (Rajampet), P. —Will hon. the Chief Minister be pleased to state : the number of High Court Judges retired, or transferred or eleA^ated during the last two years ; (&) the number of vacancies Riled up till now ; and (c) what are the reasons for not filling up all the vacancies ? — R e t i r e d : Nil, T w ^ w ? ^ - One. Sri jUsLiee P. Chandra Reddy transferred to Madras State as Chief Justice? High Co^rt of Madras. E^ua^d—One. Sri JusticeP. SatyanarayanaRaju appointed as Judge, Supreme Court of India. (6) One* Sri JMRticeMohdi Mirza AddiLien;J b^m as permanent Judge of High CoU^; of Andhrn, P r a d e s h , S r i Justice P. Satyanarayana Rajn appointed as Chief Justice(c) The matter is under the consideration of the Government of India. ^ ^ o a ) 0 ) "ggMXSy^, ^er^-s^oo JT. j R ^ y ; —Tite Chief Justice made his recommendations. Government also agreed with those recommendations, They are now pending with the Government of India. Short-notice Questions and Answers. 24th March, 1966, 33 /For how ioig have they been pending? iSW B m A w ^ M J ^ R^&Z//—.'For abo^t a month, I think. ^^ —For how long were the vacancies kept unfilled ? Their recommendations seem to have gone only a month back. iSM JC. FmAiM^M;^ R^M//:—According to the rules, it is the Chief Justice of the High Court that ahouhl initiate the recommendations, and then they come before the Gov<*rnment. ^ 6'r/' J^. Court is 14. asfgnr^o : — aosoo$o-a ^oe^e^e) etch ? R^rM^/:—The sanctioned strength of the High ^o^b^eg ^ ^ b ^ o e^-aXboir*? ^fjK. :lt is not a matter for me. Pendency and alt that, depends on various reasons. The appointment of Additional Judges may also be out.- of the reasons to reduce pendency but that alone does not remedy it. I t all depends on variou s factors. ^ 63. "3. 3ao<3jr Tac sanctioned strenght of the High Court is 14. There seems to be oniy one vacancy. igo^^o ^gug^g ^ ^ ^ -u-^-u^ ^^o-^^grr*^ ? ;— t have already said that reccomme^dations are made and they are ^ n d i n g with the Government of India. SEIZURE OF Mu.K POWDMR AT VlJAYAWADA CUUCK POdT. 1021-C S.No. Q.No RW. V. for KdueaLiott be phased to s t a t e : Will the inm. Minister (<;) wi!e!her it, is a fact tiud^ ^f m!!!< powdei' was seized, at Vijayawada Cheek Post on 10th February ItMki; ^S 24tli March, 1966, Short-notice Questions and Answers (&) if so? who was exporting this milk powder and what is the number of the lorry and the name of the owner; and (c) whether any case was registered on the exporters or on the deliverers and if not, the reasons thcrelbr ? ^ Yes, Sir. (?j) The milk powder donated by Gdholie Retief Organisation of U.S.A. was exported from Machihpatnam to Vijayawada in Lorry No. APK. 2462 belonging to Sri Jayalaksluni Lorry Service, Vijayawada with its Head Ollice at Maehilipatnam. The name of the lorry owner is Sri K. Rama Seshaiah of Machilipatnam. (c) It is reported by the Collector that police are being asked to investigate the case and launch a prosecution against the offenders. ^ a* — as ^OodDSb^TJ^^O, OJ05 T3-*a ^ ^ ^ ^'B^gb, oco^^.^ ^^o^gb ^ ^ e?^ S). so. -Rcfg ? ^dorr* Written Answers to Questions. U —o co Tyco 24th March, 19f6. 39 L. e ^ ^ ^ a . <3 633b ^ S b -ur^D WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS WHERE ENGLISH WAS INTRODUCED. 1015— *405 (51CC) Q. X. itf/zr^ T.iLR. Will the hon. Minister for Education be pleased to state : — (%) number of Elementary Schools where English was introduced in third standard till now; and (&) is it a fact that all these Elementary Schools are not yet provided with Secondary Grade teachers who were trained to teach English ? A:— (<?,) 20,194. (%?) All the above schools have been provided with Secondary Grade teachers. MUNICIPALITY TO KoTHAGUDEM. 1017— Q. -iSM^. —Witl the hon. Minister for Municipal Administration be pleased to state: (%) whether a Municipality is going to be constituted for Kothagudem to look after the Civic Amenities; and (?;) what is the stage at which the issue stands ? A:— (a) No, sir. Does not arise. ^O 24th March, 1966, Written Answers to Questions. Fi^DiNC OF CoATs TN Ummshn^VK 101S— ^1817 Q . — W i i t !he !ton. Minister for Municipal Adminislratsoii be plcnsc'ito s t a t e : Wiijbh-r a, r j p r by the An Hn'i, Ya/!a.va. K i'.a. S:mghamofSalnr, (iis'ii'iet, has been received by the (h)\frat;ie!i! re^'jrdin,"; i'.teiliU^s for feeding goats hi unreserve Forests; (5) if so^Lttc actio!) Lakett thereon? A:— No,. Sir. (A) Docs not arise. TuATirnmn!'is!ut,voin. 1019Q, jK*. :^WiH t&e eipal Administration be pleased to s t a t e : Minister for Muni^ whether it is a fact that tile progress oi' tti.e execution of t)te Thatipudi Reservoir scheme is being t^^.mled to some exteti!^ due to the non-supply of ccment to the tndian Ilmne Pipe Comj).my Limited, Kothavalasa, Visakhapatnam district; and (6) if so, what are the steps taken to arrange for the supply of cement ? A:— (%) Yes, Sir, (&) The Chief Engineer (Public Health) has reported that the Ccment Marketing Company of India Limited, who have been addressed by him have sinee issued instructions for the release of auppties to the Thutipudi Reservoir Seiiesne to ti^c extent desired, snbjeef, to avaiiabiiity of cement. Rl5SOLt?TtON BY TUB \?IJAYAWADA MUNICIPALITY REGARDING HOUSING SCHRME 1021— * 1293 Q . — P ^ / ^ ^ M r / i Wi!t the Minister for MunieipLtl Administration be pleased lo s t a t e : hon. whether any resolution pas'cd by the Vijayawada Municipal Council regarJing the Housing Scheme (Trust) under the Town P)ann ing Act was communicated to the & c o m m e n t ; $nd Point of Information; ^ : Fiim Awards 24tb Ms,rch, I9CC, 4t (&) if so, the action taken by the Government thereon ? A.— (n.) A resolution requesting tl-.e Government to a City Improvement Trust was received by Government. constitute (6) The proposal to constitute Town Planning Tru^t instead of a City improvement Trust for Vijayawada was consid ered but it was decided ^o dehr the])ropo;al for eonsid ration to better thnes, in view of the financial implications involved in it. POINT OF INFORMATION Film Awards Sri V. Visvcswara Rao On a pomt of order Sir. ^X) ^ ^-u^^o ^^C^S" /^cx) ^c^ TC* ^ o o j o F a^* ^ ^Sgb^o^- ej ooodow^ 1) igfTer* ^^^^ l^o^l^^ ^^{Trr^, CO ^ oojRo ^ ooo^e. e - ^ d ) e^^CbTT*^ O eo (3 ^ oxr^ S^orr* ^ o ^ ^ j aa^oa! ^iT Sri K. Brahmananda Reddy.-—Let him give amotion: and on that let him raise it. Let us not go into merits now, 42 24th Match, 1966. DoR^r Point of Information : : Film Awards. ' — t f u ^ . bod) Let him give amotion. Let him rair.e !ha(. Sri K. Brahmananda "Reddy.*-Let us no!. <j;o in!o the merit ; now. Ry!) eo t) ^ gj-r' ax)"*?) —^ H ' C i n (jive a short iiotiowjnsetirm, (*!c. How the Governor comes overd Sri K. Brahmananda Roddy: raise it in a proper w^y. ahove the S^at^. He m,%y say that. But let him tp^gboR. ooj^g. W e n w l ; ot send any qu?SL;oi, or eaH a' ten'i/M m)' on. H. is a eonsthntio'a! issue. Wh.Lt is the Siate ? What is the pisitioii of Chief Minister there ^ What, i s l h e position of the Governor there ? Are they above the State ? That is a eon titUhional qaesihm, that we are raising. Mho is Greater Is the State greit or t he Chief Minister is great or the Governor is over and abov^ th" Shato ? !tr ia orly the Chief Executive; he cannot be ab.ve the State. Mr. Deputy Speaker : -That question would Mine only. Sri K. Brahmanada Reddy: A point of order under Ru!c 2-M may be raised in relation to the business b 'fore the AnHetnbty at the moment. <g6jr ig^ocs"^ ^ ^o/S'^ 9bocr^ ^ o j j o ^ f ^ o a , ^ ^ xbov^c^r^a -Joub^oo"^ xif ooj-^ojoo^ ax)^ 63$* tscfo*' ^eaoa. Point of information : : Fi!m Awards. 24th March, I96G. 43 e^S n j ^ f J ' ^ t he has given notice of it to the House, :aid also the Chief Minister. He can take note of it and see that it is re .tiRcd' Sri K. Brahmananda, Reddy .' —That is a different matter. Now that it has been raised—I do not know how it has been raised. It should not have been raised. Because it is raised Sri Pilialauiarri V^nkateswarlu :—It could be raised. Sri K. Brahmananda Rcddy/--Under the Rules, a Order cannot be raised in a casual way on any subject. point of Mr. Deputy Speaker:-There you are right; hut sometnnes, what happens is, some clariiication will be sought. It has happened like that; tln,t way, they could elicit information. SriK. Lrahmananda Redly;—But not on matters not before the Assembly mid the business of the Assembly. — Ma gbS' M E) g}^ a.^ ** — ^ o <90^ ^oX ej Mr. Dcpity Speaker;—Therefore, he can answer that Uke "T have no informatioi^\ Sri Pillalamarri Venkateswarlu ;—It is left to you. Mr. Deputy Speaker;—-Wo are involving into many questions. SM g" A ^ p g ^ ^ -ssionSir, —s^so^ But we are doing i t ^ i o S ' l ) ^ : — ^ o ^ e TB-*<3g^ with your permi^goooo^^ ^ g ^ Those privileges are right. Even th Chief Minister cannot deny them. 44 24th March, 1966. foiut of Information: re : Deafness altowance to N.O.G.Os, d^rg^ ^ ^ ^ ^ c o o o ^ f esq) tg^R) TT-&. ^o^b ^ ^ ^ Mr. Depvity Speaker .-—You have not miderstood, what the Chief Minister says. Under 'point of order' w cannot miseH. Ho can say 'I have got some point to clicit'.- He ea 1 raise it that way. ?-<?Dearness Allowance to N. (X 0 . Os. ^ J. : ^ 8^ ^ ^ Sri Yav!MaGopalakrishnayya/—G S. 8. scheme—Grain, sard nd stone scheme . . Mr. Deputy Speaker;—Please give me your question* If it is sent to me I will have it replied and given the answer, inatcad of giving it offhand. eX) a ^ & ^ R - ' & g ? &o Mr. Deputy Speaker .'—I will get the information and then decide. ^ a&rbgbaa. "§, ; — ^ ^ S b D J^Ob^ ^g^^gb, tailing attention to matters of urgent 2l<th March, i960. public importance .* ?<?; Failure of the Government in granting remission to the Ayaculdars under rain-fed tanks in Kurnool District. 4$ CALLING ATTENTION To MATTERS OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE :—Failure of the Government in granting remission to the Ayacutdars under rain-fed tank^ in Kurnod LUsLrict DSloBJo ^ ^ ^ ooo^ ojo^ ^S) ^— Q ^^^ ^cy^ ^ ^ a ^ "s^^^o CI, oX ^cr^ ^ s i F * ^ ^ b i s n ^ ^ g^Ob&nr^^). TA^? N. ^^Mf/) : —Sir, the Collcett r, Kurnool has reported that in drought cfle< t( d ru'e le uission is granted under G.O. Ms. No. Revenue, daded 7tii Djcembcr 1965 and land revenue is not being collected in respect of ayacut lands under any sourees including r a i n - M tanks where there was complete failure of rrops due to adverse seasonal conditions. As regards the ayaeut lands U!ider the rain-fed tanks in the non-affected taluks of this distiict rule 17 under the head ' Seasonal Remissions ' in the integrated remission ruleh wili apply. Prema tank referred to in the calt-nttention motion is in Kadamalakalva viltage of Ni ndyal ttdtd^. There was no failure of erops under Proma t:mk or un(ier any other sourees in Nandyal taluk this year. The yield under the Prema tank is between a and 11 annas and as such there was no ease for grant of remission to the ayaeutdars under theprema tank or any other sou ec in Nandyal taluk under the normal remission rules. The prema tank is classilied as III Class source as per R 'settlement Register and the total registered ayacut under the tank is 179-15 acres. Tire entire ayacut under the tank was brought under irrigation. In view ^f the above facts, land revenue including water tax is being eolleetcd from the ayacutdars under this tank. 46 i^ith March, 1D6& Calling attcntmn to matter of urgent pubhe importance.* ^Jrant of toans through the Land Mortgage Banks to the land holders of Endowment. ( x ^ drex)^ "b^^xiJ el*) 0^ ? Sri N. R-:mac!iandara He('dy: ) e},!,riJi d o many tin e-i. There are no specific ruics asregaMs the Andtraaica. ' regards the Telangana area there ate f-pecdlc ru!es. V/hctt the rutes are extended, the conception wit) be given to the Andtn-a area atso. gb*g ^^^onr^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ b ^ ^ How can we question the ajma*shi report witeit the crop was existing then? ^ Grant of loans through (he Land Mortgage Banks to the land holders of Endowments, reclamation loans s^-ar^gb* ^^t ^^[p^L . 4 e ^ o 50 ^"^-^-s^eoi^ (V) O ^0000^0 ^ ^ S b o ^ ^o^^n) l^sf ^goSbejo g igc^ 10 v^^o CO ^a-o^^g) 8b. ^ ^ Q^o^o^) ^^^ beo ao^JoS. CaHing attention to a matter of urgent public importance: rr Grant of loans through the Land MortaagT Banks to the landholders of Endowments. 24th March, 1966. l<7 : —According to para 3 (&) of Chapter 3 of Exeeu^.iv^ Tntsirnednos contained in i!{e Manuah mav bf- grained oi^ the f-.cori^v i!*ain lands and resumed and r. ^riqU^jin^j v?:!a,gc service if!a,!nswhiehareon the same footi-e^ as ryotwari lands. Unenfranchised inam lands should not be accepted as seenrity and {rhe ina.mdars of these lands should therefore be required i.o fn^aish (Nill^h^real se^'uriiyitiuler theLandIm})rovement Loans to eov^r i.he fnh amount of tli^ loan. But wliere an uacnfyanchiscd inam is es:' aLe under section of the Estate Land Ac^ Hn- {.e.'-ipawy rigiit therein may be acee)died as security. In 0 , 0 . No. 15 Revenue, dated 1 (hhM.iy 1OGO, it was ordered thai, hian uj^to a, m ;ximn:n of Rs. may be granted to a tenant in Agrdsaram Anil snbject to t!te ns!!al (tondition^, on the basis of a certificate fnrais'a'd by the 1'ahsihJa.r ooueerned that so much extent of land withitt tho bt)nadaries spes^ih^d by is under the occupancy right of Uhe tenant. Under Prttdesh (Telangana Area),\boliLionof Inams Us!! it shah be lawful. for a person !n,vi!^g a Permanent right of ocenpancy in any land in resj^ect of which a, ryotwari. patta has been granted to a!!^ i-tsr.ituf.ion, to ereat(^ a clntrge on his interest in the land in favonr of th ^ Government or (!o-o})erative Society in consideration of a, loin a,dvane-d to him for the improvement of the land. Similar provision is als^ p r o o f e d to be made by amending the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Fnuns Aboli^ioai Ac!. Under the above proposed a neodm,'nL to the o.^sons hiving a, right of permanent oceupa!te.y in !he laut it^ th- e!i^re An^thra, Pradesh SttLto, in respect of wtiiei) an ins!ifn!,ion is e!{titled to ryotwari patta whi be <digi!)le to create a charge oa iott rest if: flu- land in fa,vottr c^f GoVerunaatt a Co-operative Soei^t.y in <ams!deration of a- loan advanced to him* Aceordiag to the prese)^t h^!^^- term loans will be granted throngh Land Mortgage* Hanks. Loans for reclamation of lands which t<a t be eoitsi(!er/d a ^ l^ng Lerm hmns )^ave to be graated through Land Mir.g. g/ H -n!-^ eatu\med. As at present Liu- inamxtars nave no uC '!;pa,:r',y over tne landi in respeet ofR^, o wariand Jamindari viHage^ wnieh Wereg^v. ;tfor tlteh services for tmiples and etubwm. at. s, those lands can lot be accepted as security but'tiu^ inmndars can be granted !oa,ns oi) L!)ec*)lla,tera,t Soctu'iiy to toe full extent of the loan ,uuouni;. After !ho two proposed enactments referred to above are passed into taw. the in nndtrs having the rig U, of perm.mjnt oeeu})any on the lands will be eUgit^e for loans for improvement of lands. Anyway, a m e t i n g at t h j instimce of ^ri G ipalakridmayya has also been convened on Lint t ^ t h itistant a!id the matter will be discussed between the representatives of the Hndovyments, ReVeutu 48 24th March, 1966. Calling attention to matters of urgent public importance: .* Actions of patwarics contrary to the directions of the Supreme Court in resprct of Revenue Collections, under the Andhra Pradesh (Add'tiona!) Land Revenue Assessment Act. and Co-operative Departments, which Sri Copal aht'ishna.yya. has also been requested to attend. The matter wi)l be discussed tin'ead))are at. the meeting and a decision taken. Actions of Patwarie-: contrary to the directions of ihe Snpremc Court in respect of Revenue Collections, under the Andhra Pradesh (Additional) Land Revenue Assessment Act. c a ) ^ 33^0 ^n^o*^ ceo-^^^) Be^^bxb. 5$joa writ ir^^^o .(ilb^oT^ Additionat assessment so ^ o ^ o ^ g ) ^ ^Xo st^ge 6s'orr* writ dispose ^ ^ o S ^ TV. ^ R ^ M / / : -Thi Andtira Pradesh Laud Revenue (Additional Assessment) and Cess Revision Aot, HMM, was stmck dawn by the High Court as unconstitutional. Tile Government, itave preferred an appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgment of the High Court and also requested for stay till the disposal of the appeal* The Supreme Court by its order dated 16th December H)GR in C.M.P. No. of 1965 while granting interim cx-parte st:^y, ordered: (&) that the Government should is-me separate receipts for the additional payments which witl be charged a aler the impugned provisions ; that in ease tlie appeal faih, t!m amount cohcetcd under the head of the additional charge should bereturnedor set oil'according to the further orders of the Supreme Court. The Board of Revenue was accordingly instructed in G.O. Ms. No. 2061, Revenue, dated 24tn December to issue suitable instructions to all the Collectors to collect the land revenue a!id cesses under the provisions of the A.P. Land R j v j u u j ( A d h J j t d A^essmen*' Presentation of the Report of the Select Comm tfee on the Ar,dhra Pradesh Official Language Bill, 1964. 24th March, 1966. 49 . and Cess Revision Act, in strict conformity with the orders of the Supreme Conrr, namely, that separate r e c e i p t shall be issued for the additional amounts collected nndcr the impugned provisions of the Act. The Board of Revenue had also issued instructions to all the Collectors that in respect of land revenue collectinos two separate receipts should be issued viz., (?!) one for the amount of land revenue to the commencement of the Act of 1962 ; a n d cesses payable prior (ii) another for the balances, that is, the additional land revenue and cesses collected under the impugned provisions of the Act. The above instructions are being followed by the Revenue Officials ^ It has been brought to the notice of the Government that the Village OfRecrs in Thimmapct, Tammadapalli, Viswanathpnr, Koonoor, Pecchara, Tatikonda, Malkapnram and Mupparam etc. villages of Warangal district have not- been following the Supreme Court's directions. A specific report has been obtained from the Collector of Warangal in this regard. The Collector has reported that in none of these villages the Supreme Courts' directions have been violated in the matter of collection of land revenue and passing of separate r e c e i p t s . Separate receipts are reported to have been issued in all the villages. In Mupparam village single receipts in the beginniug were issued in about 56 cases indicating separately in each receipt the amount collected under the old rates and the amount collected under the impugned provisions of the Act. Subsequently, the Patel of the village began issuing separate receipts. "R^RT'R-oT'g) : — < g a 6 stage PRESENTATION 03? THE REPORT OF THK SELECT COMMITTEE O^ THE ANDHRA pRADRSH OFFICIAL LANGUAGE RlLL 1964. Sri Teaneti ViswanaRham :—Sri Vavilala GopalaMshnayya will ask for leave to withdraw the Bilh AW N. RffMy .'-—I beg to present the Ripu'tof t h ; Select Committee on t he Andhra Pradesh OHicial Language 1Mb 1064. ^Sp^Jw —Report Mr. D ^ ^ Presented The report is presented to the House. Please sec the penultimate paragraph of the report . " In the sitting held on 1M-1961, the.Committee de(ule(l that if the Government do not introduce their Ofhcial Hi!! on the 107-7 So 24th March, 1965. Presentation of the Report of the Select Committee on the Andhra Pradesh OJBcial Language Bill; .961). 27th March thr present BillwiHba^hen up fo; di'.cu^sion r thcAssmbly Rul -s. " ^cS. 'TueAnHira Pradcsit Official Language Bill &oa, R&^r'our^ ^ . . a ^ ^ T h - House should give leave. (J^j "BoS^^Co stage ooaa^^^. M)^) Tnovc \s so )n as iho ia^'ndu '!.ion Bill is ?nade it can b^vu^idrawn. ment iutroduee tlrar Bill. n^gCTc^ withdraw ^Rjg^R'oo, .-—I shall h'* asking for ? -av ^ ! ) iatro ) theo:}ie:-Bi!land thcBrsiue^s th't! it shonl(i come up o t the instant -Irepre-sMtr! o-r? a n ! T.ti! n^!, see th^ aspect represented hv Sri Vanbt Sdv.marav.uu, on the 27th instaat when tht G wcrnnm!* Bill t up f ir di^,- isaoa, th^ohTBtllcanhcwithdrawiL So^ there will ho two hill, bif —Sri Yavilala (h)p.dakrishn *,yya.'s and a!so th ^ o'lrdd BiiL ^ ^ ^ ^ t^T^^o : introduce ^cr^ ^o^ t h j fact that a Bi!t is introduced is no ^anuunte} t h a t i t w d i he unless a separate notice is S-p^^en^h^aaH! ! took it for granted. But h is r use 1 th^ poiat, h i-i o dy (he pie that s!iould be apprcei ned. . . . . . . . moljoa, Sir, because it; is D^pzv^ motions. ;—Then, i^ow can I m ^vc Lite Y i ;—Ou Lhc satn ! suhjeet t!^rec cannot ^SW —When will it b^ taken up for discus,);) t ? He has got to give notice, Presentation of the Report of the Select Committee on the Audhra Pradesh OtHeial Language BiiL 24th March, 1966, —Hie House cannot entertain leave for introduction when one sabjeet is pending. —II j lias t^keute.tveto iutroduee the Biil. It wiH be published. When can we sty thn,t u matte: is pei^Ung before the House ? Si npiy bc.-auso lie as!^ed for leave, you cannot say th-H two things are pending. er*oK>8o;) Tiie mi(ter peitding b.i'ore the Housy—when does it arisj? He !)as si:uply asted for le.-tve to int oiuee. He has not introduced the A//'. Drp/^// ^pfrJ^r;—Can we also give leave when one question is pending ? jS'ri P f H & ^ / w n ll^^r/^^o.r^^.;—Yes^ we can give. Air. D^p?^,?/ .-—How ? ^rt I^/Jjr/^-M;?,;'^/—Wh(!ii the olheial Bill is ttiere automatically the no:^ohicial Bill lapses. lie has simply taken bave to iutroduee uow. "3. : — p r o l o n g ^oSj^eR^o^) ro o— eJ The Bi!l is a!ready placed on the Table of the House. Now if hon. Member Sri Vavilata Gopalakrishnayya withdraws the Hid, then I wdl ask for leave for introduction of the Bill. On the 27th it is being moved. Sri G. Latchanna ( S o m p e t a ) P o i n t of order Sir, s^tpg^o^ rr-8b ^ e ^ o o o - O ^ ^ j e^^^ey ^J^sf move ^ouoo^ leave gr>a> ^^ ^ o d r - ^ d ^ ^ o c r - ? ggs&t^ ^ ^ ^ leave of the House to move the bill aRj&nS^oS si'Ma'g) subject -s^^g ^ ^ y ^ ^ocr*? — S a m e matter eannot b^. taken up together. subject and same Sri Te^neti Viswan^thamr—-Any nu nber of Bills can be moved. Only Government Bill will take precedence. A number of members may !uwe given notice. We d i ::ot check beforj hand whether thosa have given notice, b^t Govemm *nt Bill takes precedence. In this cane as soon as h^ know s that notice has b jon given to you that it wid be introduced on H7t,h he will move the motion for withdrawal, 24th March, 1968. Presentation of the Report of the Sehct Committee on the Andhra Pradesh OlRcial Language BiH, !96A* SriK. Brahmananda Reddy;—It is not so nimp!e as !t looks* It hon. Sri Vavilalu Gopalakrishnayya is not p i e p a n d t o withdraw the Biil, let it go on in the usual courno. The responsibility is not Government's. Let me make it cent percent clear, Sir. Mo^i^ca. Am I right, Sir? Sri. K. Brahmananda Reddy ^rgb No, No, Sir, Sb^b ^ ^ ^P^xi ^ ^ b ^ & B ^ g & o TT^Omind aKb ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ mind^ v-Oj^^rr^ and the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Wc have already laid the Bill on the Table of the House. ^^d-cr^^);—ta^gss?, b o c b ^ ^ ^ withdraw ^ey Bnalise ^dA^^^ocr* prolong g?3r*3"g ^ —House Sir, ^ g b prohmg ^ 275$ "ga ^o l l ^ g O ^ ^ e prolong ^^ ar^g^ta ^o^j^ ^^ 27 sS o ) ^ SbRbBMboa. . gr*83'.-sr'a& ^Do ^^ <s?a /(o. 1-30 ^XSe SriK. Brahmananda Reddy.*—No Sir, it is not in our It is in the hands of the House and the Speaker.^R 27^ House X^^ob once when it comes before the House. ^ l a ^ T r ^ . — x b a b j pass ^ o ^ o ^ hands. ^ v^g^o^tr^^. Sri K. Brahmananda Reddy/—His fears are unfounded. Sri Tenncti Viswanatham:—As usual ? Sri K. Brahmananda Reddy .'—As usual (laughter) Presentation of the Report of the Seiect Committee on the Andhra Pradesh OScipl Language Bill, 1954. l^j e ^ 24th March, 19^6. §3 ^ooo^ ^o^ ^^ —^ M^) disc^sion ^ooo^-xr'g). s^e^ — ^r* ^ ^ e unders'randiigg "sLRta ^^ With the co-op oration of the House and Speaker, ^ House" ^-DjoS. ^ ^ a ^ ^ d R g : — " W d h the co-operation of the Mo^ S^o'a. e ^ ^ j g j e s & R r ^ ^ He is holding the majority. SriK. Brahmanada Rxldy:—Majority wU certainly carry. ^ ^ o ^ R ^ g u ^ o & M : — N o n - o H i e i a l bills T^O a30-aaTr*R). ^er* <6 70 ^ time ^ w^o^^gs^) -p^ooocr^ ^ c ^ g ^ ^ g^Mg'gisf . . ^ CO igcaoX)^). Sri C. Kulas^kttara Reddy (T^dpatri).'—Are we not sending this Bill tothc Select Committee, Sh? Sue]^ an important Bid as this? S'i K. Brthmtnanda Reddy.'—So far as the Government is concerned they are not proposingtorefer it to a select committee. Mr. Deputy Shaker:—Not even to public opinion? Sri K. Brahmananda R'^tldy: -No, Sir. ej eo^d^TO That is quite evident. u 63 o Yoa can not do OiRcial Language Bill it in one side, important biH^ 54 24th March, !96e. Presentation of the Report or the Select Committee on the Andhra Piadcsh OfRcial Language BiH, S^^^TS-tca CO Prolong ^Do ^^^oo. You should not suppress the oH.cr nnauba-s iike to speak en that*,. Sri K. Brtdim nanf{a Reddy:—No, Sit*. If eviry hisri^ht it b?eomcs difBcuh. d o ^ ^ ^ (p:(-s(,ioas ^suhject ^o^e^ wcu!d ks to S?^ a) ej ea of view express ^ c S o ^ j . Mr. Deputy Spakerr—SriGopa!akns!uiayyaean witiLdraw tus Bill now, He need aot eatxrtam any doubts. ^ ^ sj^ anderstanding^oa :—Lcuvc of the IIoi!se Sb^g" drawal motion. : — L Sri Vaviiala Gopaiakdshnayya we will have the Bilh e t l^m move the with- With the understanding that Don't htbve that half-mind ^ Tjraer-e) : — - s ^ o R o R , ^a g)ex) ^ r ^ g o ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ o ^ o a I move that the Andhra Pradesh OHicial La guagc Bil), 190^ be withdrawn. Mr. Deputy Speaker '—Motion nmved. (Pause) Mr. Deputy Speaker The question is .* " Tha-t the Andhra Pradesh OlReial Language BiH, 1964 be with* drwn. " Th^ motion was adopted, Government Bill; The Andhra Pradesh OfBcial Language Bill, 196b. 24th March, 1966. 55 The Andhra Pradesh OfBcial La guage Bill, 1966. Sri K. Brnhmnnanda Reddy :—I beg to move for leave to in trod ice the Andhra Pradesh OlRcial Language Bill, 1966. Mr. Deputy Speaker ;—Motion moved. (Pau^e) Mr. Deputy Speaker:—-The questio n is : '- That leave be grafted to introduce the Andhra Pradesh Ofhcial Language Bill, 1966 he introduced The motion ^ adopted. T^^sr^o ' SbRf ^ — ^ S o d : — ^ ^ ^ -sr^^er^o ^ ^ o ^ g o ^ J g L CO ^ ^ ^ : — (T) L / ^ ^ e ^ ^ o & g :—bod) ^n^oc&o IbJ^o s ^ ^ 56 f 4th March, 1966. Government Bin: The Andhra Pradesh Official Language Bill, 1966. 3o;3&* r — s p ^ - r r ^ ^ e ? K all members feel that it should be printed Sri K. Bramhananda Reddy : No time, Sir. Mr. Deputy Speaker;—Any time before the House is Sri Vavilala Gopalakrishnayya DoX)&* -No, No, Sir. Before 2?th Sir* : — ^ o ^ ) 27^ Sri VavilalaGopaltkrishnayya ? Yes, Sir* Sri K. Brahmananda Reddy :—No, Sir. Not possible now. But it can be pri ited later. ^en*? Isit ourmisfortu' eorat'e we going b'tck? ^ r T ^ o ^ ^ o ^ g :—.<gD bg&joar* Mr. Deputy Speaker : —As I say it is not possible* ^ ^^oa / ^ ^ e ^ ^ o & g :—bo fbiTKxf ^o&^d^? Why can't it be printed? Mr. Deputy Speaker :—That is all right. Yon will be supplied printed copies, if not en 27th, later on. ^^^^ epb^ ^ o ^ o o j . cy in that. , I do not see any Government Bill; 24th March, 1936. The Andhra Pradesh OfEcia! Language BiU, 1966. 57 Mr. Deputy Speaker.*—You have got the copy now. Sri Yaviiala GopaM-a-ishnayya, —If it is the intention of the Government not to get it printed, I think it is injustice. Mr- Deputy Speaker .*—It is not possible. Mr. Djputy Speaker.'—A copy of the Bill isryieocd. He will get the printed cop e; later. ^jo^d). : — ^ S b ^ - ^ o We will get them printed, ^gj t§) — a y ^o&xr" -o^^ Mr. Deputy Speaker .'—Afterwards. L. 63 gb^g" ec^xiT^d&^a^i^^JO. —o :—boo ^o^o^^b. I t i s not possible tr-9 Mr. Deputy Speaker ; - D o e s he want me to say; -If it is possible give'. SriVavilala Gopalakrishn.iyya;—They must make it posible is it a crime for us ? Mr. Deputy Speaker; -They will ?gct printed copies but not before the discussino. 64 3 1 t h March, 1966. Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. Sri Vavilala Gopalakrisnayya.'—It must have t o come before wo take up discussion. Sri K* Brahmananda R^ddy.'—It cannot be done. Mr. Deputy Speaker .-—He says it cannot be done. ej So^g" will get the BilL : — j o l r ^ ) . We ilfr. AS^^/^r.'—As far as possible v/!!! tyc!. pri^h^d mni^s or the Bill but not before 27th. After al) 1 nnr;' ih^ <'<,.:\-t nicnce of t!ie Governments ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Budge ) FOR THE ycar!9C6-67. VOTING OF DEMANDS FOR, GRANTS. DP-MAND NO. IX- HRADs OF STATE; MI^rsTKUM AN!) HEADQUARTERS STAKF- Rs. X. —I he^ to move; ^ That he Government, he granted ^ sum not. excicdin,^ Rs. under Demand No. IX—Heads of State Ministers and Headquarters Staff." M?". / —Motion moved. C o p / y ^ A W ^ ^ ^ ;-As a protest I am ^oin^; awn,v, Sir. D^pnYi/ ^p^Tcfr .—Please don't do that,. —Please dirert th^ Govcuundith) ^et it at the time of the discussion or if is nnL possible 1 nms! have to protest and go away. Afr. ^ I am going away now. —It is your dis:cre!ijn. /—That is all ri^ht, thanl< you, Sir [(Sri Vavilala Gopalakrishnayya then left the Assembly Chambers)] .My. D ^ p ^ .*—We shall now take up the cut-motions. A N ote ^n Demand No. I X is printed at the end as appendix Annual Financial Statement (budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. 24ih March, 1966. 39 AH —I beg to move : To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,84,90,000 for Heads of state etc by—Rs. 100. For the failure of the Government to take effective steps in granting D.A. to neutralise the abnormalrise in the cost of living to the Govern^ mcnt and Quasi Government employees. To reduce the allotment of Rs. 84,2,90,000 for Heads of State etc by—Rs. 100. To reduce the allotment, of Rs.* 2,84,90,000—for Heads of State etc by—Rs. 100. For the failure of Hie Govrnment to scrap prohibition and thus serve the wastage of Government funds. itir. .*—Cut motions moved % .Eao —I beg to move : - To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,84,90,000—for Heads of State etc., by—Rs. 100. For not reducing the expenditure on travelling of Ministers. Mr. .-—Cut motion moved. /SM F.V. —I beg to move: To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,84,90,000—-for Heads of State etc. by—Rs. 100. Failure to give replies to the Cut Motions given by the Legislators cxccpt the Revenue Department. —Cut motion moved. N. 1 beg to move : To rduec the allotment of Rs. etc by - Rs. 100 j^ff. 3,34,90,000—for Heads of Sta'e Cut motion moved r B. D^^f ^ M ^ W ^ ^ .* - I beg to move : To reduce thcallo^me't of Rs. 2>84,90,000--for Heads of State etc by Rs. 100. ^oF^ 64 31th March, 1966. Af-,'. D^^fv/ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. Cut motion moved.* ;—1 beg to move : To reduce the allotment of Rs 2,84,90,000—for Meads of State etc by—Rs, 100. ^-u^^o -o^^o To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,R4,90,000—for Heads of State etc. by—Rs. 100. ^ ^ ^ ^^aK) To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,St,90,000- for Heads of State etc by—Rs. 100. ^ (2) Mf. Dcp^t/ ^ri D. -Cut motions moved : —I beg to move : To reduce the allotment of Rs 2,84,90,000—fur Heads of State etc. by—Rs. 100. To utilis^thcGovcrnment on its stupendous failure to concede to the just demands of the N.G.G.Os. IV Class employees and teachers in.'thc State a? d in faili g to secure aid front the Central Government for this purpose and to urge them to meet their%demandswithout further delay. To reduce the allotment of Rs. 2,34,90,000—for Heads of State etc by—Rs. 100. To critise the action of the Tahsildar and R.IXO., Madanapall^ (Chittoor distric t) who have met t factioually rejected the twenty four (24)applications for continuing their retail dealeraship of food grain,s which have been commended by the local M.L.A. and for imving conferred the same on new entrants, who have indulged in black-n&arketmg and smuggling of food grains and to urge the Govrnmcnt to enquire the me and do justicc. This happended in Deccniber, 1905. Annua! Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. 24th Mbrch, 6t To reduce the alio!meat of Rs. 2,84,00,000—for Heads of State etc by—Rs. 100. To criticise the Government for failing, to sanction Rs. 71- to each of the 34 Yerukula families of Madanapahi taluk, Chittoor district as recommended by the Collector, Chittoor, now peding with the Pinnace and Revenue Department of the Secretariat and to t.rge them to sanction the same immedaitely, JJr. :—Cut motions moved : -y^e^^jeX) ^ogj^rr^ ^dj^^orf" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ cr°cr'S3) 4, 5 ^ ^tfo ^ j ^ b ^ ^^g^bex^ <ger° ^o^^j. ^^ oeoS) ^^ -n^X) ^ M o r v " ^ , e^o [d^g^o ^Mcr^ oooa sSbe^R'g'orr' ^S^orr^^ (Srimati Kumudini Devi in the Chair) ^ 64 31th wage March, 1966. earners Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. -a-*8§a ^ ^ 5 political ^ 8 s^cz^ ^ s s e o i ^ ^^ ^g^gKT'tOe ojj*^ 4, -T^c) 5 ot^e* ^^tjc^^ -^8 ooooR'gR'Sb ^^bSbo^oS^ e ^ ^dex) 6385 5300^ e S ' & ^ ^ ^ g o cr^Dg ^gorr^ ^ ^ ^ ^ c ^ =a-*3b a ^tbar^^ar* 4 SO § dr^.ex) stores tr^ir" l^o-^ 3R)3b00 ^ 8 ^(brr- j^^^o 30 ooo^^Ji^^d). 60 en&o9b ^ r ^ u ^ ^ o O . v^^) ^o^ ^ ( b ^ ^ g o lioR 6 8 80 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t^o-3 w ^ g ^ S S Ob. § ^ ^ d), 8 RTS'Cfgo Cb. 8 ^^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. coo6 24th March, 1966. -5^8 §^8 ^^^.-Kr^^b^) 63 ^bo^pg Principle 6 80 l^^b^o h)6b oco^c^^^ OOJ^^O^KT'^dD. 000^ 8 ^^^boicr^? coj^ 8, 4 ^Sejoo M ooj^ ^do^b g)u3bgo Controlled commodity -s^sjg 79 j^Rex) oor^ ^^od^ ^ tsRb^^ X5& es^^o ocJ^ f ^ a g o ej^*^^ bod) dr^.ex) ^^^o^borr^ e^j gj^ cxxr* ^'(feo permanently^), ^e 4, 5 ooo^,3bjo<3b coucessim^c^ o c e ^ ^ e ^ S&06JJ06. ^deo ^(b^^go o ^g) ^ ^ S ^ o ^ o a T , t r - M compensate 8a(a$TB-*go9b ^ ^ ^ao^o&R eao^V^ over drafts cor*<?tfex> 64 31th March, 1966. Tr^cr'&g a^-s-fg'o Scheme Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^SoR) control ^ ^ m^o^^ Railway i ^ d ) o c o ^ c ^ scheme c^o^^olb ^ ^ ao^e scheme ^ t p b ^ o eo^tf scheme rr* 8xb ^ d o ^ do^o^ -cnM ^d^b^ oco^c^o^ ^^b^osb ^^^"tS^odr* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o -s-^^-^^j^geo ^ ^ ( ^ r ^ a^-Oo-db scheme bod -y^oor^ j ^ v ^ o ^ -u^gbocs^ ^Mtfgb oor" daD^ o o o ^ ^ a * ^ TY^a general discussion ^ -ge - c r ^ ^ o ^ gj-far* tP0<38& }j6v*otK>orr° ^b^^b D^Ro^R), ca^^o^S 38rb3&e8b ^ o ^ o tPoRa'eo-d^RD, ^^oQ. ^rr-cr* ^db. ^ ^ g o gr^^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1936-6 r. Voting of Demands for Grants. 34th March, 1^63, 3S ^ ^ ^ ^ tr*^ ^-U-^^OOJ ^^JT^^Tr'^ eo o o— R)o<3D -s^en'jg). eo ^g^^go^^d). ^ S)o3bgo ration cut ^ ^ g b . ration cut iSjS ^oo^boo^cr'rpO. "3 ci c— v ^e ^O^go ration ^gw, Bor^J*^gnex) ^ a)^ <9R\i<%b OMOTr* enquiry ^ ^ ^ esS^^o jgi^^o^rrd) Mtf^sb leaders 6H 24th March, 1966. o— S/ 63 Annnat Financial Statement Jhtd^et) for tite year l^Mi-n?. Voting of Demands for Crants, (T Uo^ opposition ^ ^ ^ ^otb^ ^(fecoo^^ <3 ^^O^OTT" u^c^^^^jj e^^o a) ^ spg^nrSjcd 3 ^Sbe^d). ^^r-o^eO 2 ao -y&er^^ ^g scheme:-; scheme igv^^b, Qj —a ^^o^b & er-o33 ^^tr^^o^ ^^ X^fYO, air'Y.^a^X) ^ij ^o^^y^b experim-nt 33<%d3* tiJ^ er*o63-a**8b ^ ^ oooo-s^ <9<3%*3b Ah) ^^b^o Annurd Financial Stateu:e^ t (Budget) !or t-Je year Voting of Demands for Grants. j^^b^o jj^^b^o ^ d ^ u ^ ^ j^j g j ^ ^ ' ^^o . 24th March, i96<l. ^^o, ^^f^o ^ d no §0 ej ar* 6/ ^d), ^a — 80, 40 ^ooe"^ co tsS^eSb L -d^s^o^^, ^^g^oo^, oxr° st r rr^ str.'n^ma'i Home Mini, ^coO Strong -s^^) er^o^ strong strong o x ) ^ * ^ ^ " ^ , opposition f rm oojtf strong army Mditary ^^(^^jo^D f^rm ^o&^-d)) ox><3 esc^o*^^^ ^ ^b ^ er^o^ ir>8§ 0 f) ^o^d^gdo ^ 0 nr* opposition^ aher tdivj ^ ^ e x ) a) w ^ 64 31th March, 1966. ^d) Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^d^^b ^ Rr'Roe^ ^^c&d). eppowhiion ^ ^ tsoRRr' oo)o3) 10 ocoa (jj^eo^d)^ ^^^ e?oR8§ ao McjoeM ooo^, T. C. -sreb ^ ^ ,1b8o-0 S'Kr^ ^SS^^eM gbR ^ M tr^^ ^^^ -u^^sSo tgern^ XSe^eX) ^ ^ j^O-^O^^ a 250 -g^? ^^ ^^^boSb, con t r a c e s X$J*°<3&§forr* g y ^ o o j ) ^ ^ a. ^ a? ^ S' -J* ^geo v^^iy^d), Tr-cb Annual Financial Statement (Budget for the ye^r 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. 24th March, 1966. ^o^^eo, ^ ^ t p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b ^^^ ^^g^r^^cr* Collectors^eports i r ^ o ^ §0 e ^ o T^OJ Mur^Cb. 7 ^ ^ g cash programmes ^^o^o^rdh. e^^^nngeD surplus. 1, 2 s^^^o^^d'^jo^^rr'^ u^ocoiy^oo ^ g o o ^ ^ "(BoOb^eo ^ ^ o ^Cf a T^d) rr^ ^^b^or^a grammesrr^, ^oOj^o e ^ R c f o . Crash Pro- ^RowR beooo^o^ ^ o ^ ^ r r - ^06. ^ ^ 50, 60 4a T^rrg)^ ^^^ ^ ^ a^^^b^O^, eb^ ^oo^boa. 0 vR) ^o^b^^a) ooo^Rb. ^ y ^ ^ o ^gMjjo jjd "geo^bd). eg) 000^)0^, dr^.oj w^g ^^ So^go v ^ g ^ 70 24th March, 1966. ^o&eiRb. v^goo ^^g^o^/vd) 26 ;3ooaa DRoRe igo^eX) ^(foooo^S ^Moo. atMeiR). ^ R ^ batch ^ ^ c e^ay&^gr* -^ooocr^ g^io^^d). ^ a r ^ j g t b g ^ g ^ crg-o*^ ^ g^d^rr^ ^^^^ ojj"- sg. ^^g ^v^^Sb. g^^^Rb. -p-*a§o3b ^ d c y ^ o ^ e ^^^jg^bg ^ ^cb^r*^ ^oROb K)<3bRe) ^o^ba)^) A ^jRy^Ro ^ j o R D ^ x r ^ a)e?s3Rar*<0§ ^sSj^gOfdb x S e ^ ^ d o ' ^ a ^ T y D , ^ooOOv^R). o^r^ - ^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-07. Votiag of Demands for Grants. -sr^a ir^^c^b g^oo^ ^^g^o^rr^d) e^Re^Co. RjRa^a. v^g ^ —e^^g^ R ^ ^ o R r * , ^ ^ 15 ^ etRsryo ^ ^ ag^ a-O^HS ex$gt&)ggb ^ ^ ^ cur^ A^o^^j ^ o ^ c f o r r ^ aeSMa&rT Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting oi' Demands for Grants. eo IgextXb—Sj^Ax^^j^ SO ^^^JoO 24th March, 1966. 71 ej ^^joo ^i^eo^^, ^eu^ -o^S^dSo ^ ^ b ^ o -uf^yn^ ^^^ ^ReM AKr^* ^^Sb^o 64 31th March, * rr°<a<33& ' 1966. MX) a^iEr-Ro Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. igv^Ob. ' * ^o^ ^go =cr°<9 Qo^ ^oRbSb ^ ^ b ^ o a . ^ M&R)^, e o - R ^ o ^ ^ o , ^^L^ eger'F'* ^b^S^ ^ -sr-a 6)oRb<$^ ^B dJ^do^o^^) J* a ^ r ^ ^ ^ sb Ryogd -ge ^ Ry^o "Boos) is^M, ^ ^^g^ agb^o 1 dr^^ooo, tpg^ig asb^ "^cb^^b^R^a R^ex) ^ c R o ^ ^ o ^ ^ dr^^o^ ooj^ ^einrRb 6 S^orr^ J^*a,,e> ^a eta a a ^ g e a ^a. ^ Annua. Fmancial Statement (Budget) for the year M366*-67. Voting of Demands for Grants* ^ CI 24th March, 1983. 73 ^ ^ ^ —O ^ M*<3sb. ^ ^ a) v^^orr* -O^r&X), gj ej 83(jb<)^boa. oj MAjo. c^^^o a) s^a)^ j^^eo 74 2!thMarch, l f ) 6 . Annua! Financial Statement (Budget) for the yrar Voting of Demands for Grants, - CO —JO (V) CO ^ linrn?', Q — M a/gjRto c 3 CO b ^oRl^R), <*- 38M TyrR* ^d). igc^^^^ e o ^ ^ ^^ bod) eoooUSa, gov* ^grr" ^ tgoST* ^^r^D, M&o^ir*? Q^TT^d). ej ^ ^ ^ Xr*gr* ^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1986 67. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^^^ b)d) 6 ) ^ - 3 8 oxr^ ^ o d d r ^ 28 3 V. Os. ^080^) bod) bod) ^a^rr* L D-p^Ru. a,^ adoR-DS ^rg^ex) ^ ^odd ^SSo? -s^dbo^, g^d). S}3 ^ ^ ^ ^o^^o^g^Ob sS^d). M "BaRrg ^r-d) i r 8 Ef<%JS$) ^o^S) ^^d). eo bod) ^o^e^jo, -5^8 ^ g o o s r * bo/^8o^ 8 ^ deo) *3c&il3 8$^%) ^ ^^b^o Ro^ia'd) ^^d)? bod) 5 boSo 8S^d) % -y^ob igcKbS' ? a? e 24th March, 19^6. bod) <§%<3d ^cre>2)g^3oo -sr?8§ (rr*&r°§ ^ T^d) bod) i g o ^ ^ e ^ ^orr ^ ^ Ulth March, Annual financial Statement (Rndgct) for she year Voting o^ Deiaands for Grants. 0 o 5a V, Os- cp^-^d). X)<$cr\T ^ ^ ot. ^o-uf^^^^cY ^ g e o ^ ^(tied). G-s t^l eo^eS ^^O'o&o^^. Ji.j^' rr^dbHiegal attachments ^ ^ o r ^ e notice attachments "5 ^ ^ g s3oo(j'4rt"*83 attachment ^'^Sxb attr.chm< nt notice oco-^^e. ^s^j^o^o attachment; i j ^ u ^ ^ d ) . cooo^ ^X) attachment i g x b ^ d ) . 10 $^ aMjR, ^ ^ o s ^ a ^ e S B 100 § 80 attachments a^Re, e^ehu^ai). (g^sSoo. d^D^do dou^do attachments 100 § attachments e^ea^oo). ^en^cn). ^^tr^ag attachment n^M attachment g^d^^o g'Me^ attachment 10 ^ <gp8 attachm- nh grS^Q ^O^ r^<$go -S^SJO^ do. ^^u^as Local rr° Civil Court ^ ^ grS+yrg) ^Xb^oc^^o Annual Financiat Statement (Budget) iur the year Voting of Demands for Grants. 24th March, 1965. det^rr" ^s^od^ -^^d Ot^ 2) 7/ qXrj)^ ^ M ^odx^o. —^ o ro G. 0. i^ue ^cr^ ^o^eD ^-j^cajo'^JiD g'&j^eM ^^Sex) ^Vd). ^^^ ^ o ^ ^^Rbj U^'P^tM ^-^d). eb^ iro^da drought viitage de^Lrc ^j^d). -o^o^do 28 ai^e attachment M^ifSlY"^ ^ s b eado ^^d^^u^o ^ o ^ i r ^ ? ^ ^ j ^ g e D eo^v^? drougtrtvilia^e ^od deeiareg^,... (inteiruption) eicb. so^io ^T^d) drought ^od declare eooo<3 attachment ^ gj^or^ attachments ^dosb^o^ ad^&r* ^ - ^ o c o . MtMdb. is^ue ^o^db. -u^aS ^ 0. ooo^g instructions a instructions ^ ^ ^ Dsy^do 3s tdkgram telegram ^ ojo^^^ 62A) ^osjodo RoR^R hmcnt ^ cn)^ ,^ B^o-s-^. ^ ^ &3 T3-*X)§ ^ ^ pmndmient ^ g j punis rnent c u ) ^ ^ urd) e§)o3b 64 31th March, 1966. Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. demand !!otic(^s (p eo o )j3i3-°do i g ^ n r ' ^ ^ * cojo63§ ^ o d ) attachment rrf& L. Tsr-&gr=*8b. ^dj^o^dj. s^^a €J ^a K^-ar^rra L, —*a nr^Ob CJ §**<Ro-3b notice "gsbo^^ <ssp8§ TR-rgb a ) ^ ^ ^v^o^bcs^Sb h^d ^odr^&rr^ ^o&jrf^ e^f^oA. ^^oo dcdr>3brr° -^db. ooo^^ ^ a o ^ o ^ — <asr* ^ a oooa ^od^dgb ^ ^ ^ d j ^ r r * Aur^^u. xj^^db j*$dr> ^db, fa,ile?oooo(51§ ^bo^^oo plan eRrnb. Reserve Police ^a bj 38X>a ir^sbo^ ^o^o^r^^oo. esX) ^a^^co. eooood^) ds^^^rr" Sbdi ^Do Plan ^o^b prestige planning ^e^olg. a^eo Annua! Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 196(1-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. -s-Tg'&'S^ Rgir-ago M j 18 15 panning - c r ^ g c ^ o^bex) 24th March 1966. ^ab-syrg, ^"g^b, a8Ro3 ^ building gb 79 gl 3 <36 ^aso^b ^Do o^^ d0 ^ a0 ^ 200 spcq) <98 d^rr* &0RR3. g ^ j R o a^Cb^^ M Electricity dcprbrtmont R^Sf 30 dr-^o&ex) eR^orr" M&y cr^^g proposal ^iS^^oo^o. 20 ^ ar*^ ^R^beD s^R^) electricity quo.aeait ^v^Ob. 8 0 ^ cut 7 0 ^ ^o^b cloctficity ^ R boR double surcharge e^) ST^Xbex) February ^ er°§ ^ ^ ^ 8 a^^^ cut ^ n r ^ e b . ^ ^ notify gv^-^o, .)oRbgb c o o ^ a ? notice notice ^oR^gb ooo^db ? Individual notice coo-ayS ^^o-u^? ^ a^^^b authority Gazette^ g b o ^ ^ , GnZ)tte^ notify ^ ^ ^e^e^&o^ ^o^iy^ab. MO^iy^^b. ^e^eo Rb^^-u^! D^orr* S^R^e^ Rsx^ Tsr"<S eo^Cb. 'BP'&S' hext^ab ^ ^ 8 - s r i €5000 ^^o^^c^M ^ ^ ^ <90^-3. 80 24th March, ooo^^d^ Annua! financial Statement (Budget) for the year itKiMiT^ Voting of i)cniands for Grants. ep^ao "dub. ^'V^brj o o)a Yl) a.) M, & SO or^^) ^ ^ e^o ea ^^^^rr*, ^^ ? c^d*^ e.oco^ l i s g).,). ^aD o ^ . A , ^ m 2&0I3 M, 60 J^ ojodd) ^uoo^ ^ o ^ o n r ^ d b S^ar^ i^Sb 320 e ^ ^oR s§a<3o M ^ g o d o ^ ) 0000^ i&TXSo RRe^ ir^a^o ^fded.). 3e d^for^ Dj^ex) ^er^oM Sbv^^ S ^ r ^ o jjod ; eo-do ^ol) c R r ^ oX — ; o&eo 0— a—+ ^ 530^ ^ S ^ f ^ J ^ B ^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. PA^gO^Sb R^J* ^eaoa. oooo^d^ors^ ^ 34th March, ? ^rodoN" ; - R^o^^r^g ^ -JO -y^T^eH) ^ O Q o e o ^ ^ ^ ^ b 1959 Mooos^^o m^a^^Rb d ^ ^ b r ^ R o , easpdbsb ' g'KSbd ^^^^^ -nr^SS ^ ^ ^oi! )jo% ^ ^ 6 a^lM jbdor^ 81 ^S^o&D ^^gdo j j r ^ t b . -doer* oco ^ ^Ar^ir^o ^ -g, ^ex) "gS^o^ Jo^d) 32 24th March, HM6. Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year Voting o ^ i^.tna^ds for GranL^ OJJ- IT'O^I) M r^ ? ^^rJd^^ —a o— t) ^^j^o^ as Ybrt)^ ^^ ^ ^ oo^b??^^. < & 3 aw ? A^^BJC^SJ oooor*^ ^o^c^a-Q^if Roaogo d^^xbo^D ^Sjoc^^oojcS Annual financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67, Voting of Demands for Grants. 54th Maxell, 1966. 88 3303b ^ y ^ o R ) . oouK). ^ ^a^dsb ^Roboeb ^^ ^Sjd^^c^ ^d) ^oar* o o r ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S b 63 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o^^iS* v^Ro. (V) ^ ^ ^^o^do^gb^R ^n^go^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ oco^db? ^od)^ (Jgboco^ o— ^bo^r^d) ^ La ^ ^ ^Kbg^^oX) ^ a a3b<3M ssog aupgxbt^arr^ e93;33"a)3 eoRdr* ^Xo^o-R^o^^oa. ^d^X) ) si t^4th March, 1901. grebes, e^a Annua! Financial Statement (Budget) tor the year 1966 67. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^b^^b^g, ^d^b^o, eod8§ Kbo*c§ ^ n e o ^ ^ ^ ^oO. ^ ^ ^ ^ IjS^jg^j ^ ^ ^ ^ wRlg^ba CO ro d o r ^ H ^ d ) oooRD^ ^ ^ ^ d b . ^v^^oo, ^ ^ ^ e^eaoa, esS^oO ooj^ 4 o ^ o Kia^ e^^do -s^db, ^ov^ :—RR^ex) er ^ ^ ooo^* ^ e a o a , 60 e^e&^oS Dv^^o Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. 24th March, 1966. eo o)^*. ex) ^ ^ s^a^^^j, Sbo^r^O ^^^jorr tpRsaao gr^d) grr^sj ^-u^xbsb ^ SiO^rS* §0 P.W. &>o)jarr'8e. D^xc^o ^ ^ ^ representations ojj^cb. 19GG. Annua! Unancia! Stahmcnt (Budget) for the year ()?. Voting o)' Demands ior (hunts, Food t-enrcity s ^ ^ g - o M ^ 1968 / t i ^ e ) ^o^o^" ir'^do. 10 dr^^o&e <90&$r<bj3j suffer ej x?^^) foundation R^^cS.Yio, 5 e - iR^^M epa. 8 ibDo ? ^ a o ^ e o spOo^^^ 8 ^ "gjgb ? aadRo gooa ^ ^ ^ o)'. eo ej 000 ^ ^ o ^ :—8 e^Bxe) tpRbj^ 800 information *gex>a>. e <^558^ ^XbeoF^M nr*^ a ^ atMgbosr* "^o^cr&r^ continue ^ ^c^o^i ^^^^^(fo ^ ^ ^ So&en ^ebj .r!^ HOt) o^-^ StJO ^ ^ ^r^N'^r, euqu'ry i J ^ o D suffer ^ & 700 transfers *)o<±)gJ meet v^ejocr* '^o^ MV^o s;^ a^^T^aRR Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-67. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^ ^ gr.-mts ep^ IS e^nx) c^)^) Avorh <rdcr r^o&^d) 16 ndd iS^ ^^ ^ork order Committee ^ ^-^g^ 2Ath March, 1966, W ^jo^^ Hood Kr*a& misuse 40 e ^ e Ryr^-°o3be)gb i ^ ^ R r ^ ^S^b^o oco^ 6"5o<3b ^o^ ^od ^ ^ ^ ^ ^TB^geX) Finance ^ ^ s^d ^^.ybo, Rx>o<5b$a g^co) S^d^&X) ^^ ^X) demands M reasonableness "g^o -nr'gc^ question ^oub^o^d) inconvenient ^ o o o ^ ^ ^ C^go ^ ^Ospgsboj^r^^ t ^ f ^aS* Xb^o ^oMao^o^o^j ^ ^ qnit work ^Ob-^^ iesser evil T r a g ^ J - ^ corruption A^^^o^o 64 31th March, 1966. Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. 630^ fashionable r^ ^ ^ ^ ^o^ooa aX) mind ^ ^ ^ ^o^. ^ a— ^ ^ apply ^o^^f ^^g^^ ^ I b o ^ democracy -y^eo pj ^ ^ ^soo^biy^^. N:^tioaa,l Malaria Eradication Prograoco. mme^ oversight ^n^ooo^ H?o<% serious irregularity ^ ^ ^ ^ <*orrnption Aty^&M rj^^Ob. lleJ^e ^ ^ o ^ j ^ Anti Oorrupti n Bureau ^oBo ^ Sg7 cases R^dS sg^d^X) Anti Corruption Bureaus ref--r ^(Sb 68 g^b^o 8^^ H^j ro Anti Corruption Biueau ^ncjb, e?^^) staff ^^ ^s^^ff , RoR) taclde ^o^cs^X)^ eb^ XS^ Jc^ i!oRsr°a6 gjS* ts B scrousnr.ssRj ao^ ^oxuS"* L o— 0 Bureau ^o^ ^ ^ r^SB^ Anti Corrup^^bo MR & a,^ & o ar^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19 6 67. Voting of De,rands for Grands. ^ ;3a'esr°a§ ^ o ^ divert ^^orr^ a8Ro<S^ 24th March 1966 89 ^^-vo^o ig^o^. ^ed^^og a conSdence ^S^^&o xbojjgbex) acknowledgement c c o ^ ^ d ) . up ^rrgr^^ ^ ^ j r o ^ o ? ^ s i r ^ g ^aie^o foMow ^^bSb-^d) ? CO !3&o3b<3b oo^^-^Sb shuttle nyrerr serious prestige § Short noti e question c o j ^ ^ j . rrC^b ooo^S^^ J^r*? ^i^^o ^^g -^^g 107-42 ^bospg ^o^p R foreigner u^DX) check ^cRRoRR Adence ^ ^ ^ g b ^ a ^d^o^boex) aao&o. R^i^o coleur discrimination R^RgeXb vehicle a cfs'on-* ^ ^ ^ cor^^o&xncr*^. 90 24th Mtpch, Annual Financial Statement (Budget for the yea^ Voting of Demands for grants. Services Law and 0!der, ooja^d^) Q C- ri Scrv^cs n RJ L. a— ^ t-n ^^^o Igoorrtrsr* ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ 8 (V) ^^g^orr^ ^j^c^jo V^^W^iSD ^ujju^.o ? OA)73-* MXbooer* ^^ ^ ^ ^ J O ^ J O ^ gj f ^ o v 'S)^^ ^ {3. o o o ^ og)^— & & ^o^b^ ^jy g) A a^gr^oAjo^ A aab^gboda oco^g 3a;;;!) t§. a^^g^j^ ^^JTr^d), c ^ ^ g ^ o ^ ^ o a*^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year lt)G *07. Voting of Demands ibr Grants* Ming 24th Match, 1906, ^"^ajo/Y* 01 ^p^b^^jj Ty^t)^ rectify ^30)^ e)^) qo'3" ^ o ^ v ^ e ? ^ ^e "^eorr^ca ^b^o-^d). -ge administration a^s Roac^o-R^a, At the cost of somebody el^e if t he Andhra people arc going to be paniphered, the Telangana people are not goin^' to to!e!atc its^r law and order h w ^a) ^ ^ ^n) 5&0&* eo&Dm^^Oj. I am also part and parcel of .his Oovcr iment. and party and when peop!e talk ill of it I cannot tolerate. ^o^onr^d^. abv* rs^oo j ^ ^ ^ e x ) ^Sbocs^ manufacture ^ c b -^83 ^o^Rx), ^ ^oooit'egal graliRcatiu) g^ds^ gn^j^^boa. Law a d order ^o^nr* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 6 K)o^ycr*e) ^ o ^ ^ JSb^ ^ao-aTr*. Law and order maintain ^p^^b^ty^ ? Law and order maintain ^ c a b ^ n g ^ continuous 7Y<* ^ o ^ ^ o o ^ smuggtcrs N. G Os igoxT* ^ j c a p g ^ o ^ ^ C b ^gboo^ ey&Rr^^ ^Ty^egb ^o^r^' liberal n^ 88 J^d) ^g' & ^^sr^S* Black marketeers ^ s b ^ ^ N. G, Os ^ o ^ b ^ ^n^c^^o strike ^ c & ^ ^ o u r ^ . appoint -iS^th 4 s ^ 10 ^ o ^ ^ t ^ ' o ^dsb appoint a ^ b w ^ appoint principle RX 244h March, 19(30. apo'eb Annual Financial Statcmettt (Budget) the yen* it)(?(M,7. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^c^b^brr* a9Tj?38b&> ^u^b ;36b9b s.^ c o m p l e x ^jg^b d^j^g^S ^r-'^bS eo ^X) young I, A. S ORiecr retire ^ ^ j g appoint d^o^)^ ^Oc&ig^^r^^. Roar's) v^-X) A 2,8 ^ o ^ ^ ' t ^ e Msb er^^^ ^o^ a^ab^r* gir*^^ ^o^^d*^^ ^/(^o^^) N.C.Os ^ ^ ^ g ^ o ^ u e 8 ^ Boo^Aljo spdb^d^b ^oAr; ^ 8 dr^o&^o N.G.Os § ( M ^ ' ^ p ^ ^ g e R a o ^ n ^ i r * ^^jger N.G.Os - u ^ ^ o ^ i g ^ leakage R ^-q^lsbX) ^dgeo N.G.Os § S tks tax ^ooo^^Xb ^f&^^g^ Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year lOGC-tiT. Voting of Demands for Grants. 24th March, Ant^corrapiion Department gb g^O^o^eo 19G6 sboR ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ d c e o ^ Rep rt A7 4700 -g^eb aooRK) ^b^c^ ^ C g ^ ^ o S . ^s "Bo^o Cities Anticorruption DepatUnent staff o^r' Anti corruption D- partment ^o^^o corruption corrupted otHcers Anti-corruption Department "^^j^^bo n ^ t r * ^ ^ o ^ d-i^^o ^ ei^ ^ P n b * ic Service Commission ^ o a . a)^ ^o^'on" ^y^^-cJ" Service Commission Pub!ic Scrvicc R^s^ hotels ^ o ^ PuMi^ Servicc Commission inteiview gb ro e) promotion ^o^cs^iDS rr^a) beoo^Doa prom<^tion ment A. C- F, posts ^ promotion ooo^j ^-^eSJdr;^ ^-Qjoa—eg e^^eo n p c a t ^ S b - ^ d ) . ^ Service Comrtu sion^) r e c o m e n d ^ o ^ e ) ^ & ) o ^ n appoai ^o^&o^Djo-O W ^ ^o^ Forest Depart cr^ ro Publi^ appeal 6) m CO eo r^db. ^^Xb ooj^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ n ^ ^ b discipiin^ry action quarries ^ RoMp;3b ^ ^ro^^e) ^^go&r^^ ^ a g P t f w r ^ ^b^g ^ 2'Mh March, 193C. Annua! l^nancia! Statement (Budget) for the year !tMKM 7+ Voting of Demands for (Irai^t^. orders ^ ^ jjv^&^o^o^&eD (Community Radios i g o ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ xb^e 6 private r^ rules ^orj^j-^^d). ooj^u^ ^bOo-S) 10 CV) 6*^3 ^ :npp)y efocoio** l^jo^^o^^o^ _ (iJ schools D*cr°gKbo8b D^g ^o^X) -^enaicS^ transfar ^ ^ S b . ^ooj^ eoci ^ —# ^o^X) ^ o). ^ne ^ e ^ ^ S o :— ^ro^&g oeo^j^a ^b^Sb^bS ^gnr" 3 ^^ J ^ ^o^lrbo^ -i"-:/^Aj ^ J - o Potitica! S hool ^ ^ groups sb J ^ Sj^g Transfar \3oojot3 Tcaehcrs ^ ^ o r ^ n u ^ qcErtg- —^^g0 g^e^eo-^^ Ty^O demand 3y*er* almost tPo^^eoM Annua! Financial Statement (Budget) fbr the year 1966*67. Voting of ! *emands for Grants. 24th March, 1966. viHa.^e ofHcers ^ ? ? oils ^ subsidy o o o ^ ^ ^ d S , gb^os) MaekmaAct^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ g o viHage oncers & 3 8 S^^^bogj^, 93 ir^g^. subsidy ^o^sbocs^ basic pay ax)-^^ relief ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^oa^? ^^^ B. A. ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 nbo-ar^ ? clarify ^o^m^^ ^o^SbSbo-S) ? b83 MSSRd^o) ^ 0 6 . 8!m relief ^Sonye)^ XD^odjSb ^bev) -D^eR) "80%) ^d^^^oa^ ^o^ c o j e r ' ^ Producers gj, Story-Writers^ A ^ ^ D ^ y ^ d ) * Directors gb, Story-Writers gbR-u^ybo information ^bo^rr^db, czr^^S" ^ ^ ^s^^ocr<933% &J06. Minimunt number of Filnn ^ ^ ^ ^ number^ ^ ^ o^ st^Rn ^o^^d^b ^^sbo^o-K^^^. ^oRba'D minimum standard M standard ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ -sr^c ^^ number ' 60 Rr^o'RpD subsidy ^ ^ g^a^^rr^^^ ^od^ ^ ^ ^ ^ State g) ai^^^bex) a^ Picture ^CT^^S ^V^^on^ ^ ^ ^ artistic r r ead^-Ro'cr+a, ^ s ^ ^^^^ 96 2Atn Match, 1966. Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year Voting' of Demands for Grants. gjr^g^a ^d&sSefb ^T^cr^or^ a ^ b ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ S producers pietures & ^sb subsidy Tytgcaoorr* Box OOices deo ^ ^ subsidy Studios ^ ^ ^ r j ^ n f . sanction ^v^^L-Ty^Ob. sti'dio sets&n^D .Ir^D ' ^ ^ ^ ^ r J g e^aj a.) Jo^^^^i ^'o^ ^ o ^ -4 <x. St!idi(S^) 5 ^on*^ ^od^^b ^-cr^e^jj 65 "SodsL) Films ^ - o ^ ^ o ^ . ^ ) . e)&) o^g^r^ax). producers ^ o ^ d i bot^) Films Education ir'^X) a** 0 s i ^ st-mdards ^o^J^) iD^J^)^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a es^ro^b, ^^T^^^o&^oa. Studio Studio r v ^ o D ^odR) J ^ ^Cb^^^oQ^^ a/? studio^ oxro 8!ms ^Tr-eo^ K^K* Fi!m Producers 3b Mms q 6 Information Minister rr*3b Minister 7va>7Y*a ooj- quota Aim Studio {Du^w^D! raw u o t a - ^ r e X ) es quota a^^bsb^boa. Quota ^ ^ ^ j^^g^orr' concessions C!de? ^c&^^x) MSa-gr^. Cens )r Boa"d ooj^ Subsidy Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 196(1-67. Voting of Demands for Grants* 24th March, !96<3. 97 (po-Mo^cf^) censor Fiim Producers Demand, a Board Colnur Films =n-rer° s j ^ ^ n r ^ d ) . Tamilnad colour films coo. 15^8^ a y e Foreign Exchange ^o^Oo-^b^^^o^o ea ^Pe^g^bo ^jg^b Foreign Ma.ket ^ s b ^ ^ . ^^^ ^^^^rr^s)^ quota r'g'gb centre ^ ^ tpgxia'au fib 8 colour Rims -o-f^cyr&g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b o o & o o a . censor hoard ^o&^xix), ^ o ^ o n ^ j^^b^g^ studio g-goT^^bo, ^^gorrraw-fi!ms colour Rims aacRb^Sbog** ^ ^ ^g^oo oAr° Aim (R^cTtS^ ofHee ^b ^ ^ ^ igX)3i3-*a'3bo ^^-Br-^bo. <&Jp3b ^ ^ oisxpgegb artistic e^ce!!ency box ^ ^ ^ o ^ c s ^ ^ g ^ o ^ ^ ^ o o igM^j xbo^t ^^i^^o&g:—Budget ^g) ^DoSb'giTy-'Bb. ^gpgors^ general discussions^ 20 O^e^eo ^ooo^oojoa. $f8b$) s^&ex) reports ^o^os^Cb. Mo^n-rgbocr' g^r-^coo. ^ *3e> 107-13 8 sjboapgorr^ SieU^^, ly^^bo 64 31th March, 1966. syrer* Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^Rnot^ oooo^g ^^b^^b. RD'gs' <33^(2,5^ ^ ^ ^ b * ^^g^^rcr^ acA'^f ^obstarvations R^M ration ^ ooi^a a^oSb ration o ^ ^ T j ^ d ) . S a ^ o o ration ooo^Sbosr* ly^eoro ^X) ^ar^-^gb ^eo^o-^) ^ ^ o o y Orr^ ^^b 139o&)o<a town ^ eo^j^e supply quo:-,a supply igg'R* gi eoTarr'gbocs'* ^ e^-Oo^^ Roao-^cyTM town^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ mob rationing shop ^^^eo&o^X) ^o^b^ooSbogX) 3&o8. 'Bob'g ^^Tr-do^ ag* R3o(97v8 R ^ S ^v^^^bo ^o^o^^^a -o-^DD ^gb^djb^o -a^y^ N. G. Os. ^RoRoty* oco^^o ^ v g ^ o ^ n ^ d ) , (Rsf^R ^ ^ essential commodities supply ^v-gg ^eSb Ob^. 6 ^oo/^ ^o^X) N. G. Os. 4 70 dr-. 26 e>g)gboa. dr^, 50 coo^ ^ear^^oo^D T^cTo^ dr*. 35 o&eo T^er^ revolutionary scheme oR ^ ^ g ^ o ^ r r ' O b most reactionary scheme axr* scheme ^^ supply Ri, jR^^ou^^ fail Whete ^he Central Government has failed this State ^ n n ^ t heye to ^d. Goveimmei^ ^ Annua! Financial Statement (budget) for the year 1966*67. Voting of Demands for Grants. 24th March, 1966, §9 Ryr. 156 ex^ex) Tr^^ocs^ RSfS *r*8§ ^ ^ 4 D . A. ^ ^deo cjg' gsSb^g D-s^Cfca-^d). hod) S58 ^^ c ^ ^ y -5-od). 000^)^8 ^Sbj^ ^^b^jgo con DT^^X)^ R)<3?$s3& Ty^ex^s^, - D ^ d b Collator gger^ tion ^TSTd) ^ ^ ^ source OM^ar^Dg repair^ rr°8 demand ^r*^ sane Minor irrigation ^sno ^c^gorr^ axr^N.e.O. DA. o c o ^ o^r^cco. Rooapg Al^gorr* 1. 2. ^ ^ ^ T^8§ 8* DRg ^gpg /{go' ^008 N.G.O. e)o 38rr° c^do ^ X b ^ ^ ^ ^ o g o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d g ^ oojCb g M P ^ g ^ o a . N.G.O. €)3bTradc Union Congress l&O 24th Marcii, Annua! Financial Statement (Budget) for the year l!)f;(M;7. Voting of Dcmnnds for Gran s. condemn igo3o<%o, ^ ^ ^ faii K ^ n r * ^ sumorsstorcsod^ rr-8 approach ^ ^ Rajiway ^ d b !'ait approacti ^ g^sr* R^oaRorrS&oQ, ^ ^ ^^g^boje ^b^o^^ n*^^) a^RD. ^ t f o ^ N , G . O . strike ^a^^ooi^^^d). ^ 33)ar*3b. ^ o s t o r e s ^ Con* etb tpxr^oabo -Demands ^ strike ^-u-^-yooo ju&^o ^Mon"^ N.G.O. luxurious Opposition ^ ^ scheme R ^ f ^ o r r * ^Jbejo SfBor^ Tr*e§ ^ ^ ^ c ^CbTr^^ S ^ j s p g ^ ^ Regional Committee ooj8 ^ ^ RxbRgKb ouo^ Sex) ^o^cr^o&^gjg D^o&o. ^ EkiosSe "3eo7TT-Hr*Sb ^eorr^r^ dry ar.a ^ jjj^^g^ ^^^^ ^ ^^a. ^^or^r^ ^do^s^o MoReg^jSb Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 1966-07. Voting of Demands for Grants. (aoRg 24th March, 1§66. development ^c&r^oD MoocoR^ industries M,LA- ^ ^ o ^ d ^ 161 ^ d o ^ S b ig*^ ^gsb deputation e^e^oa. i j T ^ spindles 6 -^o^ credit facilities o ^ a ^ c r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^og^gX) ^ ^ O D O . ^cbiy-^ industry a -s^D a ^ admiidstrative ^ny^oco- e administrative ^'^o 8b supply ig"^) s^g e aS"^ Moco^ e^b supply igcdr^o^ e o&rD. fair price bod supply ^o&rJ^ ^^g^! ^Tr^oo), S^e^Sb 40 a^oo ^ ^ ^ ^upply ^wrr^ ^ o (ggbgb?^ Scheme ^ d ^ C b ^ b o ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^Sb^oO^^ooo^ oooov* ^/Ibo&joo^D ^^ ^b 28 industries ^^^^bobJ ccoo^ ^ o ^ eiRD development activities igM^ooo^ s S d o ? ^ o v e d o o k ^ c X ^ e ^ Rov^ ao3beo^8oa 1 gdo^J* ^ e o m v ^ ^ ger*, education ^ g b ^ . ^ ^b^^o^ overlook ^ o ^ o ^ o t L o ^ S ^ ^ o 643 1 t hMarch, 1966. Annual Financial Statement (Budget) for the year 19<i(b<l7. Voting of Demands for Grants. ^ ^ o ^ ^(fo^o e^Ob^^ ^ M.L. A: ^eoA^^oo) e ^d) Moocur* ^^ooo*^ s^^boS. eaS oooa ^ e r " ar°s3gorr*, a. a. coo3y<%J DjRi^^lM, dr^^^bg d ^ ^ ^ o ^ i^d) a,!f Sehemc. ^ C g ^ ! oo^o^Sb ^ood) Xb)j3beM e^* 13^80 000^)^0^ Sehrmo 'g g^o^ v^oo effective rr- function ^ o ^ b ^ g ^ ^ 0 ^e ^ooo^ boo RtR'Ra "Sbo!^^ B^Ob, Sbcfoddr* nyer* X)aiorr oSb ^epg^o)^ rr°Cb appeal ogj oco^^^ u^^od^^xr* gynr* oooa -sr^odX) iSo^bj ^ implement ^ ^ ^ S)o3bgo /^^b^), edible oils ^e 3D ^^^^b. 5 6 benefit RxboRR B^^^X) cMd^M^p^b ^ hotel e^o oooo^ 6 ^ojjn^ ^ a u ^ o ^ ^ 79 g)^ 5 ^o^ 9b cxu^j^boboT^^. 96 M2&3boa B ^ao-D 91 oco^-u^? 74 ey dagriReation o o o o ^ ^ ^ ^^Sbo oooa^^ ocoa 0000^ ^oo ^.eD ep^c^ ^rnysS contingency staBF gb, workers gb apply ^^^botr^? Village OScers so ^000^^8 & ^pply ^^^botn'? ViM^g^ QB&ccrs gb § C ^ ^ o & e j D iscussion on the Report of the Administrative Reforms Committee. csoRatfo^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v^^od) Mox^ 24th March, 1966- ^D^o, T3r*<pg^ ^nr^O^ 103 Village OScers -^^Sb Security Reaabo^ D^onr^ ^ 3a a . ^YiHage OfRcers^ X$o636 -KngoSoorr* ^o^ooS^ Mr, Deputy Speaker;—The House is adjourned to meet again today at 4 p. m*. The House then adgorncd. The House reassembled after lunch at Four of the Clock. Mr. Deputy Speaker in the Chair. DISCUSSION ON THE REPORT OF THE ADMINTSTRATiVe REFORMS COMMITTEE (The Quorum Bill was rung.) Mr. Deputy Speaker.*—laspite of continuous ringing of quorum M l there is no quorum in the House. Hence I adjourn* the House till n-30 A. M. tomorrow. The House then adjourned tilt half .past eight of the Clock on Saturday, the 25th March 19(16. 104 24th March, I960. Appendix, APPENDIX CHIEF MINISTER'S NOTE ON DEMAND No. IX WHILE MOVING THE DEMAND IN THE ASSEMBLY HON'BLE SPEAKER, S l R , I am moving Demand No. IX in the Assembly for consideration. Demand No. IX concerns the expenditure relating to the Governor and his establishment, the Ministers of the Government, the Secretariat Departments, and some Heads of Departments and attached oHiccs at the State Headquarters. Secretariat is the main body and the principal seat of authority for all Governmental activity. It is responsible for the enunciation of the policies as approved by the Legislature, to watch the execution of the policies and to have an administrative control over the executive departments under the State Government. It is the final Government authority and is responsible for carefully handling the finances of the State, and to ensure the implementation of the Plan Schemes, and the rapid progress of the various projects undertaken by the State Government. The policies of the individual departments will be explained in detail by the Ministers concerned while moving the Demands of the departments under their control. The 6tate Administration Report 1965 prepared by the Chief Secretary has been distributed to the Members of the Legislature separately. It contains a succinct review of the activities of the State Government and the progress achieved during the year 1965, The report serves indirectly, as a basis for the Demands for grants now being moved in the Assembly for the year 1966-67. The General Administration Department is mainly responsible for the administration of the following Departments: — sion; (1) The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commis- Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 (2) The Andhra Pradesh Vigilance Commission; (3) The Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings; (4) The Anti-Corruption Bureau; (5) The Civil Defence Training Institute; (6) The Information and Public Relations; (7) The Government House Department; and (8) The Agent to the Government of Andhra Pradesh at New Delhi. MAJOR HEAD N o . 19 Read of the State.—The institution of the Governor is established under Articles 153 and 158 of the Constitution of India, which lays down that the Governor shall be entitled without payment of rent to the use of his official residence and also be entitled to such emoluments, allowances and privileges as may be determined by the Parliament by Law. The States Reorganisation (Governor's Allowances and Privileges) Order, 1957, which was passed by the President under Section 73 of the States' Reorganisation Act, 1956 specifies the items of expenditure that are to be provided for the Governor and his establishment, etc., which have been provided for in the Budget Estimates for 1966-67 as follows: — R& Salary of the Governor ... 59,400 excluding (voluntary cut) Secretariat staff of the Governor ... ... 96,500 StafE and household of the Governor 1,36,500 Expenditure from contract allowance ... ... ... 54,000 Tour expenses or sidings ... 80,000 Medical facilities to the Governor, his family and his staff ... 26,200 Entertainment and hospitality expenses ' 18,000 Total 107-44 ... 4,70,600 122 24th March, 1966, Appendix. The above expenditure has been provided for, with reference to the States' Reorganisation (Governor's Allowances and Privileges) Order, 1957, and taking into consideration the expenditure in the previous year 1965-66. The provisions arc fixed by the President under the Governor's Allowances and Privileges Order taking into consideration, the size, population, etc., of each State and they cannot be altered by the State Government. The provisions made in. respect of the Andhra Pradesh Raj Bhavan, with reference to the Governors' Allowances and Privileges Order, are not high. The Governor has also voluntarily surrendered an amount of Rs. 6,600 from his salary. (i) MINISTERS (Voted ... Rs. 8,93,400) The provision under this head covers the expenditure on pay and allowances of the Ministers and the staff working under them and the contingent expenditure. Article 164 of the Constitution of India stipulates that the salaries and allowances of Ministers shall be such as the Legislature of the State may from time to time prescribe. The Andhra Payment of Salaries and Removal of Disqualifications Act, as amended, provides for the payment of salaries and allowances to the Ministers. Each Minister is entitled to the services of a Personal Assistant (of Section Officer's or Tahsildar's grade), one Stenographer and one Assistant, Some Ministers have been allowed the services of a G a z e t t e Private Secretary in the place of" a Personal Assistant. ' ; CIVIL SECRETARIAT A J . ( ^ S ^ t A L ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT " The prov%sa?on' under this*-head includes the pay ajad allowances of officers, establishment, contingencies, telephone charges ahd ' e t h ^ relating to me' General Administration ^paM!tneAt This Department is mainly,concerned with the defence measures, service mattef^ Sections, organisation and Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 methods work, establishment matters relating to Judges, Collectors, I.A.S. and I.P.S. Officers in this State, Law and Order, States Reorganisation, the Southern Zonal Council, National Integration, Regional Committee, Vigilance Commission, and the Official Language work and the safeguards for the linguistic minorities in the State. ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS WING The Administrative Reforms Wing in the General Administration Department is functioning with the addition of a Work-study Team. The more important items of work done by them during 1965-66 and their future programme of work are indicated below: — (1) ^ d m w M ^ r a ^ ' u e R e j w - m x C o m m i t t e e : The Administrative Reforms Committee under the Chairmanship of Sri N. Ramachandra Reddy, Minister for Revenue, has submitted its report on the 15th November, 1965. Copies of the Report of the Committee have already been supplied to the Hon'ble Members of the State Legislature during the last meeting of th Legislature in December, 1965. The Report contains as many as 123 recommendations covering various fields of administration. These recommendations are under consideration of the Government. (2) WoWc-sttt(% Tea*m.: There were two work-study teams in General Administration Department, each consisting of one Assistant Secretary, one Assistant, one stenographer and two peons. Due to economy measures in view of emergency, one study team except the Assistant attached to it was retrenched with effect from 20th November 1965 and the existing study team consisting of one Assistant Secretary, two Assistants and one steno has completed its-report on the work study of the Stores Purchase and industrial Marketing Department. The draft report has yet to '9oe discussed with regard to the suggestions? contained ;iHMrem sgiid' when finalised <it wotdd result in an economy of Rs. 60,000 per annum. < . 108 Mth March, 1966, Appendix. The work-study team has now taken up the Organisation and Methods survey of Revenue Department of the Secretariat. The work-study of the oflices of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the Director of Industries and Commerce will be taken up by the team later. (3) Stt-ggestiows Ce^: Under the 'Incentive Awards Scheme' introduced by the State Government, Advance Increments ranging from one to three and cash awards totalling nearly Rs. 3,000 were given to certain gazetted and non-gazetted employees in recognition of their exceptionally good and outstanding work in their respective Departments. The Suggestions Scheme introduced providing for the grant of awards for suggestions emanating from Government servants for improvements in office and administrative procedures, has been extended to retired Government servants a]so with a view to utilising their ripe experience and accumulated wisdom. There is a good response from the Government personnel to the Scheme. (4) Studies CeH: The Studies Cell in General Administration Department has taken up the study of the following items: — (a) Fixation of yard-stick for Assistants in Secretariat. (b) Standardisation and simplification of fortns; (c) pruning of periodicals; (d) larger delegation of powers; (e) matters relating to duties and functions of financial advisers in certain departments of Secretariat; (;f) house-keeping jobs in the Departments of Secretariat, uia., internal ofRce administration relating to staff matters and contingencies; and (g) introduction of Tottenham System of office procedure in the offices of Heads of Departments etc., where it is not being followed. Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 The Government of Indiu in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Administrative Reforms has been conducting courses on Appreciation Course on Administrative Reforms; and the Course in techniques of work study. (i) A p p r e c i a t e Cowse Administrative Reforms: The course is intended for officers of and above the level of Under Secretary, Senior Deputy Collectors and Deputy Heads of Departments who are called upon to arganise programmes of Administrative Reforms in one shape or other. The training course subjects relate to work study, administrative analysis and same practical application of the method of administrative analysis to live problems of administration. A beginning has been made for having officers trained in this course. An ollicer of the rank of the Deputy Secretary to Government and three officers of the rank of Assistant Secretaries to Government have so far undergone this course. Some more officers will be deputed for future courscs so that adequate number of trained officers will be available for effecting reforms in administration. One such trained officer is working in the Organisation and Methods Division of General Administration Department and he has completed the inspection of one of the oflices of Heads of the Departments. (ii) Course in techniques of tuork studt/: This is a special one useful to officers who are actually required to conduct work study of the various Directorates. It is proposed to depute officers for this course also so that officers with the necessary training would be availabe for the work-study in connection with the reforms in administration in the State. (5) Administrative CeM: This cell has attended to the following:— (a) The Organisation and Methods Survey of the Industries Department has been completed and the report sent to them for necessary action. (b) A simplified system of preparing indices was evolved and orders issued for its introduction. 110 34th March, 1966, Appendix. (c) A clear-cut procedure has been hud down by which Deputy Secretaries in each department of the Secrttariat will inspect the sections in their charge once in every six months and the General Administration (A.R. Wing) will also conduct a survey of the Departments of Secretariat once in a y e a r from the 0 &-M ar^gle to study the scope for the improvements of the procedures followed, causes for delay e^c. (d) Refresher course in the Secretariat Oi!!ce procedure has been started and employees are presently undergoing training. Arrangements are also being made to start training classes for the employees of the oHicer of certain Heads of Departments in the working of the District OHlco Manual. (e) -The O. & M. Survey of the Revenue Department has just begun. A similar survey of the Public Works Department is programmed to be taken up shortly. Similarly such surveys wiH be con aimed in respect of each Department, Ojf^cicd L a ^ g i m p e : The Government have decided to introduce Telugu as the Official Language of Andhra Pradesh State. In pursuance of this policy, Telugu has already been introduced as medium of correspondence with the public in the oflices at Taluk level and below in twenty departments. The scheme has since been extended to four more Departments during October 1965 making the total number of Departments in which Telugu has been introduced for correspondence as 24, In order to meet the immediate requirements in furtherance of the scheme, it has been decided to purchase 300 Telugu type-writers with Keyboard approved by the Government. Orders have been placed for the supply of 150 typewriters with one of the standard firms and steps are being .taken to purchase the remaining 150 machines. The following steps have been taken by the j&ovamment in furtherance of their policy, A Telugu Shorthand Manual with its key has been printed and released for sale thr&ngh the Government Publication , Bureau. Arrangements will be m,a3#; tpLtmin typist? !when typ w i t # r § Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 proved keyboard become available. A booklet contaming co^nmonly occurring official phrases with their Telugu equivalents has been printed and supplied to all the oillces in which Telugu has been introduced as medium of correspondence with public. Another booklet of sample drafts of letters, memos, etc., in Telugu has also been printed and supplied to various oflices. This book is being reprinted to meet the huge additional demands. A supplementary Glossary containing terms peculiar to the various departments, is being prepared as the existing Telugu Glossary does not contain certain terms peculiar to the departments. Material to bring out a booklet of designations of all the posts with their Telugu equivalents is being collected. The Telugu Translation Committee under the Chairmanship of Minister (Law and Prisons) is finalising the Telugu versions of the several State Acts prepared by the "Transition Coll" set up in the Law Department. The various forms in use in offices of the State, are being translated into Telugu for being printed in diglott (in English and Telugu). It is likely that the Bill to introduce Telugu as Official Language, under Article 345 of the Constitution, will be introduced soon in the Legislature. RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR EMPLOYEES OF STATE GOVERNMENT The Deputy Secretary (Accommodation) is the controlling authority to allot Government quarters to the employees of the State Government in the twin cities. The following are the details of Government quarters under the occupation of Government servants in the city of Hyderabad; — Name of Cotony. J.O's Superintendent Chrks Peons 4RTs. Quarters Quakers Quarters Total. 3RTs. 2 Ms. SRTs. Mabkpct Irrum Manzi! Panjagutta Domatguda (Ta'.en from H o s i n g Beard temporary on kasc).. Kaladera 70 200 92 40 644 272 32 — - — !2 — 80 213 86 70 489 232, - 48^ 4% 112 March, 1966, Appendix. Further 40 SRTs constructed by the Housing Board at Yakatpura under slum clearance scheme, have been taken over by the Government on lease basis and allotted to the employees working under State Government. In addition, 512 State Government employees are residing in Sanatnagar quarters. These quarters are meant for allotment to eligible industrial workers but, in view of the inability to provide alternate accommodation to all State Government employees, the Government are contemplating to take out all the 512 quarters from the "Industrial pool". About 108 2RTs, 36 3RTs, 20 4HTs and 60 SRTs are under construction at Bcgumpet. The following are the number of Government employees on the waiting lists as on 31st December, 1965: (1) Senior officers drawing pay more than Rs. 1,000 ... ... ... i,.* 43 (2) Junior Officers drawing pay between Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 ... ... ' ... ... 130 (3) Junior Officers drawing pay less than Rs. 400 and N.G.Os. drawing pay above Rs. 230 per mensem ... ... ... 392 (4) N.G.Os. drawing pay less than Rs. 230 per mensem ... ... ... ... ... 5,000 (5) Last grade employees 1,500 Deputy Secretary (Accommodation), G<A.D. is also the oHicer authorised under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1960 to whom notice of vacancy of private buildings under the purview of the Act is to be given by landlords. Fifty buildings for ofHce purposes and fifty-nine buildings for residential purposes have been allotted so far during the current financial year. The number of requisitions for allotment of office accommodation on the waiting list is 300 and the number of applicants for residential accommodation is 350, Mth March, l9tie. Appendix. H3 K. ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLJC SERVICE COMMISSION (Charged ... Rs. 9,02,300) The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission is established by virtue of the provisions in the Constitution of India. It consists of a Chairman and members not exceeding three in number and staff. It carries out all the functions allotted to it under the Constitution of India, matters relating to the methods of recruitment to Civil Services and Civil posts, advising on the principles to be followed in making appointments to Civil Services and posts and in making promotions and transfers from one service to another and on the suitability of candidates for such appointments, promotions and transfers, advising on all disciplinary matters aHecting Government servants including memorials and petitions relating to such matter, etc., except to the extent excluded from its purview by regulations made under the Constitution. The Commission also helps the Union Public Service Commission and other selecting bodies in the State on occasions. The necessity for its existence cannot be questioned. ANDHRA PRADESH VIGILANCE COMMISSION (Voted ... Rs. 1,04,900) Broadly following the pattern of the Central Vigilance Commission, set up by the Government of India on the lines recommended by the Santhanam Committee, the State Government have set up a one member Vigilance Commission. Sri M. Scshachalapati, a retired Judge of th? High Court of Andhra Pradesh, was appointed as Vigilance Commissioner. He assumed charge on 27th June 1964 and was engaged in the preliminary work of evolving the pattern of functions and duties of the Commission. Even in that period the Vigilance Commission received complaipt^ and was referring them to the Anti-Corruption^ Bureau or to the Department concerned for and report. Eventually, the scheme powers and functions of the Vigilance, was issued in September 1964. H4 34th March, 1966. Appendix. Under the scheme, the Vigilance Commission has jurisdiction and powers in respect of matters to which the executive power of the State extends, to make or cause an enquiry to be made into any transaction or complaint relating to corruption, misconduct or lack of integrity or other kinds of malpractices or misdemeanour on the part of the Pubiic Servants including the members of the A.I.S., through the appropriate agency. On receipt of the reports of enquiry, the Commission will advise the concerned authority as to the further action. Such cases include those in which the Anti-Corruption Bureau recommends that the Public Servants concerned may be prosecuted in a Court of Law under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The Commission advises the Government in all cases enquired into by the Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings, in respect of the penalty to be imposed on the Government employee concerned both before arriving at a provisional and the final conclusion. It has the power to review the procedures and practices of administration in so far as they relate to the maintenance of integrity in the administration at suitable intervals. As required under the scheme, Chief Vigilance Officers in the Departments of Secretariat have been appointed. Vigilance OMcers have been appointed in 52 offices of the Heads of Departments and undertakings. In the remaining offices also they will be appointed. The Commission has been given the necessary staff, including a flying squad (since January 1966) consisting of one Deputy Superintendent of Police, two Inspectors of Police, etc., under the administrative control of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, to carry out the urgent and immediate instructions of the Vigilance Commission. The first annual report of the Commission for the period ending with 31st March 1966. about its activities, is expected by 15th July 1966. Under the scheme, the report has to be placed before both the Houses of the State Legislature. During the period from June 1964 to December, 1965, the Vigilance Commission had received 557 com- Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 plaints, including anonymous and pseudonymous petitions against gazetted and non-gazetted officers and others. One hundred and twenty-two complaints were referred by the Vigilance Commission to the AntiCorruption Bureau for enquiry and report, and reports were received by the Commission in 68 cases. One hundred and iifty-nine complaints were referred by the Commission to the Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments, Collectors, etc., and reports were received in 76 cases. The rest are pending enquiry and report to the Commission. In 93 cases, further action was dropped after inquiry, as the allegations were not substantiated. In 13 cases, the Commission had advised the departments to drop further action for the same reasons. In 41 cases regular enquiry by the AntiCorruption Bureau has been advised. In 13 cases, the departments were advised to pursue further action. In 125 cases, complaints were lodged without action, as the allegations were vague and general in character and were not capable of verification. One hundred and twenty-four complaints were sent to the Central Vigilance Commission, and the departments concerned, as they were not within the jurisdiction of the Vigilance Commission. Of the 18 cases in which the Anal reports of traps laid by the Anti-Corruption Bureau were received by the Commission, the Commission has advised the departments concerned to sanction criminal prosecution in 9 cases, enquiry by the Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings in 2 cases and departmental action in four cases. The comments of the departments were awaited by the Commission in 3 cases. In addition to the above, the Commission received from the Anti-Corruption Bureau, the reports of regular enquiries in 68 cases. It has advised enquiry by the Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings in 24 cases, departmental action in 22 cases and exoneration or dropping of further action in 15 cases. In the remaining cases, it had sought from the Anti-Corruption Bureau further particulars. The Commission also advised a Secretariat Department in one oase to sanction enquiry by the Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings, 24th March, 1900. Appendix. During the period ending 31st December 1965, the Vigilance Commission tendered advice to the Government in 30 out of 44 cases of enquiry by Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings referred to it. In 15 cases of enqiury by the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings, c^c., the Commission has suggested taking remedial measures to check administrative delays on irregularities in procedures, The Commission participated in the conference of the State Vigilance Commissioners held in June 1965 in Bangalore at the instance of the Central Vigilance Commission, in which it has taken due part in the deliberations of the conference and had made several important suggestions to the conference. The Commission has engendered a sense that complaints received will be duly attended to and enquiries initiated through proper channels. It has been tendering advice to Government and the local oHicials wherever necessary, not only in cases of corruption but even in cases of delays and administrative inefficiency. It has duly assisted the Government in the drive against corruption and lack of integrity. T. TRIBUNAL FOR DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS (Voted ... Rs, 93,900) In pursuance of the recommendations of the Corruption Enquiry Committee, 1947, the Composite Madras Government constituted with effect from 1st January 1949 a Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings consisting of two oilicers with judicial experience not below the rank of District and Sessions Judge. This Tribunal continued to be in existence in Andhra State, The Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Disciplinary Proceedings Tribunal) Act, 1960 provides for the constitution by Government of a Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings to enquire into allegations of misconduct on the part of the Government servants and for other matters connected therewith, The Tribunal of this State now consists of one Chairman and a Member both the Status of a District and Sessions Judge. The Tribunal deals with: — (1) Cases of Government servants on a monthly salary of Rs. 180 and above in respect of matters involving corruption; Appendix. S4th March, 1§66. U? (2) all disciplinary cases in which the Government propose to revise, the orders passed on the advice of the Tribunal; and (3) any other case or class of cases, which the Government consider, should be dealt with by the Tribunal. Cases arising in the Judicial Department will not, however, be referred to the Tribunal. The Tribunal relieves the Heads of Departments of formal enquiries in disciplinary matters of a serious nature against Government servants. It not only ensures impartiality but also thoroughness and uniformity in procedure. During 1965, the Tribunal completed enquiry in 48 cases and sent its reports to the Government for necessary further action. There is an imperative need for the continuance of the Tribunal. M. ANTI-CORRUPTION BUREAU (Voted ... Rs. 11,16,000) The Anti-Corruption Bureau, which came into existence from 2nd January 1961 as an independent Department, deals with cases of corruption against Government servants excepting the Judiciary. The Bureau takes up regular enquiries against Gazetted Officers under the orders of the Government or the Vigilance Commissioner while cases against nongazetted oilicers can be referred to the Bureau by the departmental heads concerned also. The Bureau is empowered to conduct preliminary enquiries ^ o wot^ and if such enquiries reveal that the allegations are prima facia true, reports are sent through the Vigilance Commission to Government in respect of Gazetted Oilicers for orders to conduct regular enquiries and to the Heads of Departments in respect of non-gazetted officers. 2. The Director, the Joint Director and the Deputy Superintendents of Police of the Bureau are vested with the ordinary powers of a First Class Magistrate under Section 5-A of the Prevention of Corruption Act. 3. On completion of investigation and open or regular enquiry, the Bureau sends the final report through the Vigilance Commissioner. The Bureau also lays traps against notoriously corrupt oRicials, 118 24bh March, 1^33. Appendix, 4. During the year 1965, corrupt practices of (Liferent types and degree such as demand and acceptance of illegal gratification including attempts and abetments, possession of disproportionate assets, causing pecuniary advantage to contractors mid suppliers and departmental misconduct, on the part of Government servants of various departments of the State came to light. Enquiries disclosed that there is corruption prevalent both in lower ranks as weH as higher ranks by way of receiving bribes, mamools and supplies. 5. It is becoming increasingly difhcult to eradicate corruption due to (1) lack of civil consciousness among the public and the resultant absence of co-operation, (2) the devious methods which are being adopted by corrupt officials in their endeavour to foil the attempts of the Bureau to catch them red-handed, and (3) a false sense of sympathy on the part of public (and more so on the part of witnesses) for the officials who are booked. 6. During the year 1965, reports were sent up in 103 cases of which in 69 cases, the allegations were substantiated and either enquiry by the Tribunal for Disciplinary Proceedings or criminal prosecution or departmental action was recommended. Of these 103 cases, 40 relate to Gazetted Officers, 60 to non-gazetted officers and 3 to others. t 7. Besides 106 preliminary enquiries of 1964 pending as on 1st January 1965, 112 were taken up during the year 1965 of which 47 are st^o mottA enquiries and the others at the instance of the Government, the Vigilance Commission - or the Heads of Departments, In 47 cases, orders were requested for regular enquiry and in 10 cases the concerned departments were asked to pursue further action. 8. Traps.—The Anti-Corruption Bureau laid 19 traps successfully against Government servants, 3 of whom were gazetted officers, during the year. Investigations in 8 cases were completed. Criminal prosecution was suggested by the Bureau in 7 cases and departmental action in one case. The other cases are pending completion at the end of the year. Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 9. PMmshwe^is.—During the year 1965, the following punishments were ordered: — Nuture of punishment. Number of ofHcets punished. A Gazetted. Non-Gazetted. Tota!. , 1. Dismissal 2. Removal from service 3. Discharged from service ,. 4. Conpulsory Retirement .. 2 4 6 — 2 2 — 1 i 1 3 2 3. Reduction in mnk 6. Re taction in time s:ale < ^ fay. 7. Prstponcm nt of increment,. ,— 3 ! 8. Cut in j ensign 10. 2 1 3 Fin j and punishments by Courts , 7 7 Censures paid other punishments 7 3 10 17 30 47 Total .. In spite of the strenuous efforts of the Bureau, the pendency of Regular enquiries could not be reduced, though ' the pendency of preliminary enquiries was reduced to a great extent. This was due to the fact that in most months more number of regular enquiries were being received by the Bureau than the number of cases disposed of. The strength sanctioned for the Bureau at the time of its inception in 1961, and the temporary staff sanction in 1963 are found to be quite insufficient to cope up with the increasing work. Proposals for sanction of additional staff sent to Government were deferred, in view of the National Emergency. However, the Bureau with its existing officers and staff is making every effort to reduce the long pendency as far as possible. 120 24th March, 1966. Appendix V. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Voted ... Rs. 33,02,400) This department is intended to keep the pubHc constantly informed of the programmes and activities of the State Government and also function as their Public Relations Agency. The work of the department is handled through the press, radio, stage and screen, platform, exhibitions and tourism,. PRESS 2. All news emanating from the public is released to the Press through this department. It also arranges Press Conferences, publication of articles and photographs in the newspapers, etc. A special reference and research section has been created in the department, so as to build up reference and research material not only for the use of the Government but also for the Pressmen in general. A News Digest of important events is issued to all accrcdited correspondents, editors of newspapers and Government oflicials. In addition, backgrounders and feature articles are issued for the use of the press. 3. At the district level, the department maintains one Information Centre at the district headquarters. A large number of people visit the centre every day to read newspapers, bulletins, etc. 4. Both at Hyderabad and Vtjayawada, there is a State Information Centre with a Reference Library attached to it. The Government of India give 50 per cent subsidy to both of these two centres. 5. The Department publishes a monthly journal entitled 'Andhra Pradesh' in four languages, MX., Telugu, English, Urdu and Hindi to publicise the Governmental activities month by month and the Plan progress in the several sectors of development. Till September, 1964, the total circulation of the four editions was about 18,000 only. In order to popularise the journal certain new features were introduced, as a result of which its total circulation has now reached 90,000 copies per month of which the Telugu edition acounts for 75,000 copies. It has thus become the most leading journal of its kind in India, Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 6. In addition, the department also brings out a fortnightly folder giving the programme of film shows for the fortnight in the city and also a number of ad hoc publications from time to time. The department' is also publishing a quarterly journal known as 'Grama Vani' dealing with the Radio Rural Forums in the villages, RADIO 7. Sound Broadcasting has an increasingly purposeful role to play in a developing economy in the fields of education, social services and agricultural production. 8. In order to enable the rural population to listen to the radio broadcasts from the A.I.R, transmitters in the State, community radio receivers are installed in the rural areas and maintained by the department. At the end of the Second Plan period, there were 8,760 community radio sets installed in the villages in the State. By 1966-67, the installation sets may go up to 18,000. With a view to encourage the production of community listening sets all over India, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting have agreed to allow the State Government to purchase these sets from the Government Radio Spare Parts and Receivers Manufacturing Unit, Sanatnagar. By the end of Third Plan period the Department will cover 15,000 villages out of 27,004 villages in Andhra Pradesh. 9. A scheme for 'Rediifusing or redistributing the Radio broadcasts of A,I.R.' through overhead lines to the loudspeakers installed in private homes on rental basis is proposed to be implemented in the Fourth FiveYear Plan, The State Government have already introduced the system of Radio Rediffusion of A.I.R. Broadcasts programmes for community listening in ten municipal towns, It is proposed to extend this facility to cover 3,500 listeners on subscription basis in the State during the Fourth Five-Year Plan. The scheme, however, is not to be taken up during 1966-67. STAGE AND SCREEN 10. The Plan and developmental activities of the Government are also being publicised to the village folk through Burrakatha parties and song and drama 107-16 122 24th March, 1966, Appendix. festivals. In addition, the District Public Relations Officers arrange for Alms shows whenever they go on tour to villages. PRODUCTION OF FILMS 11. The Department produces some documentaries every year. Some of them are produced departmentally, while some are produced on a cost sharing basis between the Films Division or the Zilla Parishad and the department. Documentary Alms on the districts of Nalgonda and Khammam have been produced during this year on a cost sharing basis with the con cemod Zilla Parishads. Documentary Alms on Nollorc and Chittoor will be released shortly. The districts of Hyderabad, Mahboobnagar, Nixamabad and Wtnan^al have been included for 1966-67. ENCOURAGEMENT TO FILM INDUSTRY 12. In order to encourage the Film Industry in the State, the Government have decided on the following measures: — (a) Grant of loan of Rs. 2.50 lakhs each to Messrs. Sarathi Studios and Southern Movietone for putting up additional floors. (b) Acquisition of over 200 acres of Government land for allotment to Film industry on payment basis. (c) Grant of a loan of Rs, 5,00,000 to a new Aim concern for putting up a new studio in the land earmarked for the purpose. (d) Payment of subsidies at Rs. 50,000 per Aim produced in the State for the next two years, (e) Grant of annual awards to the extent of Rs. 50,000 per annum to the best Alms produced in Telugu language which are of cultural or educational value and of a high aesthetic and technical standard, Feature Alms in Telugu language produced anywhere in India and documentary, educational and children's Alfns produced within the State of Andhra Pradesh are eligible for the Award. (f) Grant of suitable Awards tp the best actor, actress and story-writer, Appendix. 24 th March, 1966. 119 The first Film Awards function was held on 15th August 1965 at Ravindra Bharathi, on the recommendation of the Andhra Pradesh State Films Awards Committee. EXHIBITION 13. Participation in the Industrial and Cultural Exhibitions is one of the functions of the department. Whenever exhibitions are held in the districts, the District Public Relations Officers are authorised to participate therein by exhibiting the photographs of the developmental activities and also arranging for films shows to the visitors. The department also participates in the All India Industrial Exhibition held every year in Hyderabad. TOURISM 14. The Department is also in-charge of development of Tourism in the State. The Government of India attach great importance for development of Tourism as a means of earning foreign exchange. 15. The Director of Information and Public Relations has taken over charge of 17 Tourists Rest Houses which were under the control of the P.W.D. 16. In the Fourth Five-Year Plan, the Government of India are contemplating to spend as much as Rs. 25 crores for development of tourism in the country. In order to step up facilities and provide other conveniences for the large iniiux of tourists to our State, consequent on rapid industrialisation, the Government have put up schemes costing nearly Rs. 1.00 crore during the Fourth Five-Year Plan. Of this cost, the State's share will be Rs. 50 lakhs, the balance being the share of the Government of India. It is proposed to establish First Class Tourist Homes at several places particularly in and around Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam. Rest Houses are also proposed at pilgrim centres and places of scenic beauty. It is also proposed to establish hotels of the most modern type at a few places, and provide boating and other facilities in important lakes and rivers. 17. The Government of Andhra Pradesh have communicated their willingness to the Government of 12!. 2AUi March, HKH3. Appendix. India to collaborate with the India Tourism Hotel Corporation to establish a Five Star Deluxe Hotel at Hyderabad. 18. The department has been running for some years past a luxury coach by name 'Manorama' for the convenience of tourists to Hyderabad to take them in and around the city every day except on Fridays, and on Sundays to Nagarjunasagar also. This has since been supplemented by an air-conditioned coach by name 'Apsaras'. During the Fourth Five-Year Plan, the Department is contemplating to participate in the two Corporations set up by the Tourist Department of the Government of India and obtain air-conditioned luxury cars for the use of foreign tourists in particular. CIVIL DEFENCE AND CIVIL DEFENCE INSTITUTE, HYDERABAD (Voted Rs, 1,08,000) C M Defend: A token grant of Rs. 100 each under Air Raid Precautions and Works was provided in the Budget Estimate for 1966-67 to meet the expenditure that might be required for implementing Civil Defence measures in vulnerable towns in this State. Consequent on the recent Indo-Pak hostilities, full Civil Defence measures had to be undertaken in Visakhapatnam. Full use of the Press and Radio was taken for publicity of Civil Defence measures to make the people Civil Defence conscious and Civil Defence .minded and to keep up their morale. Manpower to man the various services of the Civil Defence Organisations is the foremost requirement. Reliance was placed on voluntary workers, except in a few cases. The Civil Defence volunteers, however, had to be paid out of pocket allowance of rupee one each per day during the period of their training in Civil Defence. Further, for the purchase of Civil Defence equipment and meeting other charges in connection with implementation of Civil Defence measures which could not be foreseen, some additional expenditure had to be incurred. Appendix. 24th March, 1966. C w ^ Defence I^tit^te^ 123 Hyderabad: The Civil Defence Training Institute, Hyderabad, has been functioning from June, 1963 with the twin objects of training sufficient personnel to man the Civil Defence Services during the emergency and also to train officers and staff of Government in emergency relief measures to deal with situations arising out of natural calamities like floods, Are, cyclone, earthquakes, epidemics, etc., during peace times. The institute has so far trained about 475 officers in 18 batches. The training lasts for 30 days and each batch has about 30 officers. In addition, the lecturers of the Institute have conducted classes in Civil Defence, firefighting and first-aid in various camps organised by the N.C.C., Home Guards, Village Volunteer Force and Bharat Sevak Samaj. The Institute has also proposed to start Ave centres in Hyderabad and Secunderabad for training the citizens of the twin cities in Civil Defence measures. One of the Ave centres is proposed to be shifted to Vijayawada for the bene&t of the people there, as they were reported to have shown enthusiasm and zeal in Civil Defence measures. There is also a proposal to purchase Aim for the Film Library of the Institute. All these proposals are under the consideration of Government. h.B. GOVERNMENT HOUSE AND GOVERNMENT GARAGE (Voted ... Rs. 4,78,800) The Government House Department has two Guest Houses at Hyderabad under its control. The two Guest Houses are (1) Lake View Guest House and (2) Greenlands Guest House. The expenditure incurred in connection with the visit of VJ.Ps. and State Guests for their stay as well as conveyance is debited to the head of account referred to above. The entire expenditure for furnishing the residences of Ministers and for holding State functions is also debited to the Head of Account referred to above. ItM! Mth Marc!), Appendix. A.III. AGENT TO THE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH AT NEW DELHI (Voted ... Rs. 75,300) The Government of Andhra Pradesh have appointed a senior I.A.S. ofHcer with status and responsibilities attached to the cadre post of the Secretary to Government with a view: (1) to keep in close touch with the Central Government and pass on useful information of prospective developments of importance particuiariy in regard to plan schemes to this Government; (2) to follow up action initiated by tins Government; (3) to represent oHicers of this Government at meetings, conferences and committee work at Delhi where the Agent of this Government at Delhi would be competent to take their place with the assistance of a brief; (4) to keep this Government informed of tht* visits of foreign technical teams, representatives of International Organisations and Foreigners of importance, direct contact with whom may possibly help the industrial and economic development or other interests of this State; (5) to look after the interests generaHy of this Government in so far as they are affected by activities in all fields of the Union Government and All-India Organisations with economic, social and similar nonpolitical activities; and (6) to act as Agent of this Government in all miscellaneous matters where so specifically instructed by any Department of this Government. 119 24 th March, 1966. Appendix. ^ o . IX a ^ o ^ o ^ ^gb^o ^e v^gpo^) gj^c^ ea ^ ^ ^ ^es^ojo^x ^ ^ ^ ^-cya-sr- vrspagb 1966 ^^bqogb 19R6 ^ o ^ ^ o r r " ^bo&xb^R. (1) e o ^ (gj (7) (8) ^S^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1966-67 ^ rr*^ 128 24th March, 1966, Appendix obasoj Do 1968^67 ^ 19 (jSoQ ^ o r r ^ ^gt^ab M ^ o o l b ' <so&g '^auo^oo 96,500 1,86,600 - s r ^ o ^ ^ ^^go^JoO 64,000 gar* l^&oRbeM 80.000 B^dg 26,200 18,000 ^ ^e 4 T T ' ^ ^ ^ o 4,70,600 o a&c&o<y* ^ 129 34h Match, 1906. Appendix. (S3) S & O ^ O ) cr. 8.93,400) ^ ^ ^ ^Toa^ L CO ^ ^ ^ - ^ g o J^eao^) D ^ o ^ ^ ) oO (C LO T ^ ^ oj^*^ ^ot^e) ^^Tor-^^d) C ^D L. ^ ^^r-oooo^)^ ^eao^ ^^^oo^^g ige^o^ooo. -srod'g 14,18,400) a^ca^Rgex), ^^.o^ex), S^jO, so- ^(Sxc^eD-.^ ^bo^gnrr^ ^Ty-tRM C5 107—17 D^r^o 130 2ith March, 1336. m^bgego ^ Appendix. ^^boo ig^)^ 12^ 2. ^o^o: ^ - eo ^fdg 20-11-65 to L o L ^od)^ err^o^^b gj ci ej eo ^ocr^^ L —* gxba^a^ ^r^^ca. ^jj^ojoc^ vod) ^^C^o^ ^o^ <98 MoBaiRr'go c^D^r-oon^ Rr>. 60,000 gb^eyjooo. Rp^e S^^o: 24th March, 1966. Appendix. Ra^os* 131 agr^o: eo \ / L- r3 ^o^ ej aao3bs38T3o3b ^o^^^cso (It) -s^dg -s^dg^^o^j ^g^be;^ &o&x>oa. :— 132 24th March, 1966. Q - CO Appendix* 0 CO ^ a^b^^g)^)^ ^ g ^ ^ d c s , T=r*3ga-qr'(3r°(9 L eo o3bo(5^X) v^apo^ —^ ^ cs ^^ooS ^^^gj^cs^ ^^ -s-*cr*ge<o3J D ^ u ^ e tyRS dr^^oao^adoa. T^^ogb 1965 24; aoojoa, °— °— ^ 150 S o ^ ^ e ^ b S) g^^ao-Rsr'ag e^ao-D^ ^o3bGr°K)§ ^docoo^adoa. ^^ca 800 ^od^b aj <3 Appendix. 24th March, 19 6, ^O^o 133 a^a^ca. CO TyTTyex) ^^o u^go^ ^ ^ ^ tpaSg' i r ' ^ i ^ ^ e x ) :gcSja)a3 '^^-sy^^ ^ i ^ o g b lu^go^b, ^o^^o ^^g^^^ u^^oF^iO "^o^go (^o^ oRrog^ §45 ^ ^^rn- 0000^) ^^cTo^ ^gtf aa^aXAt^ - . ^ s^b X^Rlho^ . to ^ ^ ^ gg ^ L sj^ Xa "goo 40 6M 272 52 2t5 86 70 1,089 489 282 — 12 — 80 48 — 48 92 CO Roa^b^ — 3-3 70 200 ^Jo^t TiPT-gr^as'orr* ^e^sk^ — — 134 24th M^rch, ^^o^) Appendix, r^a M ^ o ^ ^ 40 108 20 nr^eo^ 60 ^ ^ g o 86 s S ^ r ^ ^dbo ^dje ^(a 5330 ej 1,000 (2) ab-°. 500 ... ... 1,000 e ^ d g ^ ^ o (g) 400 e S b ^ ^ g ^ ^ o 280 e^b . ... c3J3b (4) Sbo^) ^ ^ o .. ^ 13eeb 280 ego ^ ^ 120 ^ ... 1380, $30^^*39' ^a^g^^ ... ... ( ^ e x ) , 3913, ^e.^o^^) ^^^ 850 °— 8,000 1,500 Sj-Tgrr g g ^ ^ e ^ j d ) . - ^ o eo §92 ^ ^ ^ g . a,. 0 3 . . . - ts:p8b 43 -^^o ^igj R^a co Appendix. 24th M r d : , 1901 RgSbgex), ^ o D ^ ^ o ^o^^^rb ^ ^ o ^ a d ^ ^odr^^o^ ro ^^^be^j Q ^ ^odr^^c-s^ex) ^ ^ c ^ o O ej ^ ' L e) e (^^o i^gcdS ^^ oi R^gRj SJ ^ ^ d?-. 1.04,900 ) 81b ^ Jo. ^o^g^beo 8&*<$g' v^^Sbrr^^ M B ^ S'J^ge&t ^^^o -^-croeoo^r'ojo. -^dg^-cr^^^^do 1984 122 Appendix. 24th March, 1966, - co <9 tfbjRRigj 1966 fb^oa 1966 81 ^bosi^j X)8o-33 ty^ 15^7-1966 <3-°63§ 1964 a^g* Rod 1966 A^oa^^cfsb Q ooood)^ ig8 S'gb oJ a8a, g^ 122 v^^^b ^ b c s i ^ Ro^oa 68 ^"Sag'eo e?oiy°OK>. S'bo^^ ^-^-^ocd) g'BK'R'sb, 159 ^ ^ o ^ o ^ ^ o ^ o a . 76 MotyTojo. S^a^gb ojo-^ca. 41 "^^op^ ^ b a ^^g^oa. Dgs^a^ ^ctb^ 125 ^O^^^ex) ^cf^^oar^ ^^osiorr^, ^ o g j S j p ^ o a8Roa. H7 2ith M^rch, 1966, Appendix. tpa^a ^"gadoo epoa^ 18 9 ^g^^o D^^cs, 4 V^^ ^d^o?^, v^^&cd ^ ^bo^^So a 8 M ^o^bo^ ^o^dcs ^"ga^eo ^ocr^c^. 24 ed^ 2 Rd 68 ^ ^ 81-12-1965 i%3gb 44 v^fp, ^o^^b^g 80 ^g^^-orpe) "gRien^R) ^br^^ SSg^^cr^e ^^^b^D e^^ge^b, - ^ d g D - ^ ^ e ) ^ D g B ^ dSb^^ E o ^ b ^ e o ^ 1865 1947, Sb^yrxb [^^b^go 1949 ^-cn^^o ^ o a . 107—18 ^^dca e?8 ir^ -s**Sbocr°, ao^gex), 43. 15 D^cdr^ ^sDg^eo ^b^d^oo^b 15$ ^er^ SSg^^^o ^Sb^-^ 122 24th March, 1966, Appendix. D^y^ca ^ i r ^ ^ i g ^ o ^ S b 1960, ^gSS^iy^o XiDex) ^ g ^ ^ - s ^ e jjpax>g;3ex>) ^ (1) D^o^o^ -y^cn^D 13e)Sb dy^. 180eo ^ o ^ o ^ ) ^gMgo ^Do^g ^ ^ ^ jjfsMtgLcs e^o-^^or^ D ^ d c a beooa, ^e 6SaogRex> 48 tgaiaa a3*R 1965^ D^dc? 2-1-1961^ s^^^^a. —A ^ TT*—^ a— CO ^^^ CO"— rr^q-u^ coo X5\K3b <xf ^a a.^ Appendix. 24th March, 1936. 8. 139 ^o3b<%o esd^ MS^on^ a^egboaggTyT'ip* 4. 1966 D^lo^jo^ oo-^^od^n^M a^^aogr^ d-^ex), co <=*- eo ^ o ^ ^ o ^ o , ^^e^orr^ ^ ^ ^ d o 6. 1968 108 ^ e ) ^ 69 ^"ga^co 3oaag-°ox>. ^gSS^u^o ^s 108 CO D^dc^ 40 ^^ooo T^g^^o CO 1^1^1965 1964 3 106 1965 6^ ^ ^ y r " :ga&i<go 47 ^ so^o^^on^ 19 8 g^d^o 8^8^08. ^^Cb 10 122 24th March, 1966, 9. Cubans 3co : eo : 1966 Appendix. ^ CO 2 1. 4 6 2. — 2 2 8. — 1 1 2 1 8 1 2 8 2 2 4. 6. — ' 7. 8 7 10 8. 2 1 8 7 7 7 8 10 17 80 47 9. 10. {^o ^xbo^j ooo^e^ XkupgR) V^Q) s^eorr^ ^ ^ ^Ma 52,02,400) ^ ^ Appendix. ^ ^^r^orr 24 th March, 1966. 119 ^o) v^Q) a^eo, Dnj^o, 8. eger* ^ 0 0 0 6 ^ v^ap ^ ^ ^ ^ 1964 18,000 g8T3-*<9j/^b coc-^^ 75,000 a.^ 90,000 So ^)8Roa. ^ ^^o^ "Sw^^b^ 6. ^Xdo^ e ooo6jj2$o63 ^dsb 224thMarch, 1966, 12 Appendix. ^ ^dg^r^^a. ^ 8,760 d s ^ g ^ ^ 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 a o s p g 18,000 gb ^^^o^c-a. ^ a ^ e ^ R ) 15,000 9. o eao^^^f^K) 27,004 ^s Q o—. ^ eJ cn eT^b 88R lyesg R o ^ ^ d j^^^a^^ ir^aooRg) ^o^^u^ooo. ^^bodo^^ §,500 ^ooa ^ ^ e x ) ^ e ^ S ' o 1966. 67 ^ ^ ^ <ro v^eo^ i^dgijfa^eRj ^ e ^080^0 ^e v^sp a-eiX) D cr^ ^ o ^da^od ^o-^^o Appendix. 2ith March, 1966. ^ex^ext, egoRr 143 ^g^hcR 1966-37^ ^ d o ^ ^er^e^b CO CO ^o^a^^^^do, ^^o^ooioS^ e G ^b^&egb do. 2,50 e ^ e ^ o fOO 200 \/L—oej (5 P)8-)o^cs-°a§rr*;3o G L ^ ^o^ ^ d). 50,000 5) ^^ (c)^") Co oo^a ^ o ^ o . d). SO,000 e) "godsb ^bod^b, ^^d^ooo^Sb Q— Co ^ 5,00,000 s 1965, es^Xb !6 ^ ^ ^ €0 dhofR* L- 18. ^ ^ ^ra'aoERog aod)^ ^ ^ ^ ^ cr^ ^^{rr^e&t ^ j ^ a g ^exgA^eo ^^o^oa. 122 24th March, 1966, 14i Appendix. ^ d g ^ ^ ^ ^o^Toeolg ox L co Rrg'u-ngeo ly-^^^&j^ ^e ^ eo ^ ^ ^ ^ 6b. 50 ^^ "^o^^^b^o Rxupgorr* ^j^u^^-^b, ^8^08. D^^^^cso ^lg3o-^a)aoS. M ^ g ^ 17. &xr>8aS) 18. R-a^R* ^^s^^o^ aTTtg^gbe ^^-u^g^o ^^orr^ CO Ro^g ^a^^go ^ocog' S3 ^ ^ gr*oRsr>a§ ^ v^sp Appendix. 24th March, t936. ^Ma 14S 1,08,000) — U^g^o^ ^p^g^^o J 986-87 ^^^^ gj-^c^e) -^dcsorr* t r d d ^ c a -^tfgeo M^co be^o^R ^o2)o$o-0 ^gr^o M^onr" ^o-^ RR^Xb^a. 3<gxca ^TdQ^ca 3tgLt3 ^B ^ o ^ d ) 476 Xb3b ^^^raSO^e^e^^J^o^oa. 18 a) * 1968 ro gyro^ v^go^ed^ eny-T>g33Sbex> e ^ ^ ^ o , ao^^-u^g^X) ^P^osb gt^csX)^ 83<3b ^a^o^b-^^ CO Mo^^^ j^do^o^e^SJ^c^ ojj^ ^o^ ^Td^^ca ^ ^ g o ^ b j V ^ ^ ^ e o ecp L ^ ^ 122 24th March, 1966, Appendix. 4,78,800) ^ ^ ^ TT'g'&Sg'e) ^^oer-^ III. ^O^o-^ ^-u^^o^b, ^"Ag ^ O ^ ^ ^O^J dr. 75,800) (1) (4) [ ^ ^ g ^ -^^Sb, 3oao%o 3oao<?o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ip^d^or^