PDF file - Mayor Max
PDF file - Mayor Max
2016 Mayor Max and the Mayors of Idyllwild They’re amazing! From the Offices of the Mayors of Idyllwild Welcome to 2016! W e are so happy to be entering another wonderful New Year this 2016. The world seems so full of possibilities and great things. We love to see you and be in communication with you. We wish you all the happiness in the world and that you achieve every goal you write down on your New Year’s resolution list! Make that list, too, and think big!! This 2016 calendar has been prepared by Phyllis Mueller and Glenn Warren, the Chiefs of Staff for the Offices of the Mayors of Idyllwild, and it is our holiday season and 2016 New Year’s gift to you. It has been prepared with our love for you and the wonderful community of Idyllwild, and we hope you enjoy this calendar. We certainly have tremendous joy in preparing it for you. The first six introductory pages provide additional information about the charter of the Offices of the Mayors of Idyllwild and also Idyllwild’s fabulous 55th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. What a wonderful event this is, and it happens every year because of the tremendous support of so many people and businesses. Thank you for all of your love and support. We love you very much, dearest friends!! The Charter, Goals, and Purposes of the Offices of Mayor Max T he goal and purpose of the Office of Mayor Max is to convey unconditional love and to do as many good deeds for others as possible. Every action we take is guided by that mission, and we have now completed more than 450 public service events in three and a half years and conducted thousands of in-person “visits with visitors” as we like to say. Our outreach is now worldwide, and even Facebook has turned Mayor Max into a public figure because he has so many friends. We believe we can make the world a better place by bringing joy, happiness, and fun communication to as many people as possible. We believe that positive energy leads towards life, and no matter what happens, we always do our very best to remain positive and flow as much loving energy into the world as possible. It is our intention to help and to increase the well-being and longevity of every person we reach. When we are asked how a Mayor’s office works when a dog is the Mayor, we explain that the Mayor’s office is not issue-based and taking sides, but concentrates solely on doing nice things for people. We conduct in-person visits with people. We help promote businesses and organizations by attending events. We help promote the events of worthy causes. We respond to requests for help. We go out of our way to “Share the Mayors” with as many people as possible and work to schedule downtown visits with the Idyllwild community members every day. We also do off-Hill visits and events upon request. We have received thousands of responses from people thanking us for the joy we have brought to their lives and “for everything we have done for Idyllwild.” The Mayors of Idyllwild and the Chiefs of Staff, Phyllis Mueller and Glenn Warren, each work long hours to provide joy to people, and we shall continue to do so in 2016 and the years to come. Idyllwild’s 55th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony I dyllwild’s 55th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony was held on Saturday, November 28, 2015. This is a wonderful all-day event for thousands of people, and it is made possible through the efforts of over 400 individuals and organizations that work tirelessly for days and even months in many cases to make it possible. On the Saturday after Thanksgiving every year, the day begins for visitors at 10:00 AM and culminates in a onehour Christmas musical program at the end of the day. So many people have told us this year’s event was the best of all and that the tree looks so beautiful. We sincerely appreciate all the kind comments. They are very greatly appreciated. The Tree Lighting Ceremony Management Team— For the past four years, Phyllis Mueller has been the Head of the Idyllwild Tree Lighting Ceremony, managing Idyllwild’s largest event of the year along with Marge Muir and Karen Doshier, Co-Chairs of the event. The event is planned over three months. Other 2015 Management Team members were Diane Burt, Sandii Castleberry, Ted Cummings, Ken Dahleen, John and Denise Edmiston, Kathy Lewis, Virginia Lumb, Oscar Ramirez, Paul Riggi, Beth Severance, and Glenn Warren. Thank you for all your hard work. We appreciate your dedication of time and energy to help make this year’s Tree Lighting Ceremony a wonderful event for everyone. Tree Lights 2015—This year, there were 5000+ lights on the 100-foot-tall Sequoia, making this year’s tree the brightest ever once again. The tree lights remain on the tree for approximately seven weeks. The lights went up two days later than originally planned due to a rain delay. We were very appreciative of the rain, though, so it was all OK with us! We want to acknowledge some special groups and people without whom this event could not occur. The Idyllwild Fire Department Career Firefighters and the Idyllwild Volunteer Fire Company Volunteer Firefighters—These wonderful firefighters do all the preparation for underground electrical cabling that needs to be installed and de-installed every year. Paul Riggi leads this team for this phase of the project. This involves digging a trench to install the electrical cable and bringing electricity to the tree from the power pole in the back of Jo’An’s Restaurant. The electrical spider box is installed in the tree. There is a tremendous amount of preparation done by these individuals each year before a single light can be put on the tree, and we thank everyone for their efforts! Getting the Lights On and Off the Tree—As always, getting the lights on and off the tree is a daunting all-day task on both days. It’s the most difficult for the man that has to climb our 100-foot-tall Sequoia! Oscar Ramirez was our brave tree climber on November 10th. Oscar was assisted by the ground crew of another eight individuals. This year’s team included Enrique Sanchez, Hal Dahlstrom, Joe McNabb, Kevin Hernandez, Mim Andrews, Oscar Cordero, Oscar Ramirez, Paul Riggi, and Phyllis Mueller. Thank you, team. You were marvelous once again! Keeping the Tree Lights Lit—Paul Riggi continues to be the most important person regarding getting the tree lights to all work well and then keeping the lights so they stay on. This year, the wind and some power surges gave us some trouble, but Paul masterfully handled each repair crisis, keeping the lights on. Thank you, Paul, for your daily monitoring of the tree and repairing tree lights as needed. Santa and Mrs. Claus, Their Workshops, and Their Top Elf—Santa and Mrs. Claus and their Top Elf arrived from the North Pole to Idyllwild to visit an estimated 400 children again this year at Santa’s Workshops on Tree Lighting Day. The Idyllwild Fire Department brought Very brave tree climber! (L to R) Paul Riggi, Hal Dahlstrom, Enrique Sanchez, Phyllis Mueller, Mim Andrews, Oscar Ramirez, Joe McNabb, Oscar Cordero, Kevin Hernandez Photo by FrazierDrake Santa, Mrs. Claus, and their Top Elf to the Workshop and Ceremony by fire engine. We sincerely appreciate the Idyllwild Fire Department and Chief Patrick Reitz for giving Santa the use of the fire department’s fire engine for this important event. We sincerely thank Santa, Mrs. Claus, and their Top Elf for adding so much joy to Idyllwild’s annual tradition. We also want to acknowledge the time and effort of Marge Muir and her team of volunteers who work tirelessly to create a beautiful and fun Santa’s Workshop environment for Santa and Mrs. Claus every year. Marge and her team decorate the workshop trees, wrap packages, set up the workshop Christmas lights, and work it out so this is a delightful experience for all of the children who come to visit Santa. They also manage the cookie-decorating event for the children. What fun!! We also want to give a very special thank you to Joe McNabb, Emily Pearson, and Martha Pearson for their tremendous contribution to the community by enabling children and adults to experience the true spirit of Christmas. Your participation is so greatly appreciated and by so many. Event Promotion—Phyllis Mueller and Glenn Warren handled the creation and implementation of the promotional programs to promote this year’s event. Promotions included email campaigns; a nationwide press release that was picked up by television, radio, and newspapers; communications to Mayor Max’s private database of contacts; personal outreach to Mayor Max’s special media contacts; radio advertising and PSAs; creating, copywriting, and distributing 5000 copies of this year’s Tree Lighting Ceremony Program; frequent promotion of the event on Facebook to Mayor Max’s 5000+ friends; advertising in the Desert Entertainer; and more. (L to R) Paul Riggi, Santa Claus, Santa's Top Elf, and Mrs. Claus The Musical and Entertainment Program—The musical and entertainment program was created by Phyllis Mueller and Diane Burt with Diane Burt being the musical program director for the event. Sandii Castleberry did a superb job as the emcee. Grammy-nominated The Caroling Company sang beautifully and lead the Christmas carols with the audience being encouraged to sing along for the majority of songs in the program. Kathy Lewis did another fantastic job leading the Idyllwild Children’s Choir (ages 3-6) in three songs. Everyone loved their performances! Stage and Sound—Ken Dahleen and his team did another great job setting up the stage and handling all of the sound for the event. This year, they had to do their job under very cold-weather circumstances. Ken and his team are a vital part of Idyllwild’s Tree Lighting Ceremony team that makes the Ceremony possible every year. Thank you so much. The Volunteers and Contributors—In 2015, the Tree Lighting Ceremony was made possible by the efforts of the volunteers and contributors to this event. We had the highestever involvement of the community. On the following pages are over 400 organizations and individuals that contributed their time or money or both to make this Tree Lighting Ceremony a successful and tremendously fun event for everyone. Thank you for all of your help. If you helped with this event this year, please take a close look at this list to see that you are mentioned on it. If you are not listed, let us know, and we will publish an update with your name in our next promotion about the event. Photo by Donna Elliot Thank You 101.3 FM The Mix Audrey Brown Castle Farms 88 Far East Gifts Barb Reese Celinda Allert A Cut Above Barbara Rayliss Charles Fojtik Advance One Tax Service & Enterprises Barry Zander Cheryl A. Borunda Becky Frazier Chester N. Roistacher Beth Severance Chris Martin Beverly Johnson Chris Ramone Bluebird Cottage Inn Chris Singer Bob Hinkle Chris Titus Bob Muir Christine Rheaume Brad Siedschlag Cid Castillo Debbie D. Cooper Beckler Bryan Tallent Cigar Box Debra Norton Doron Ofir Bubba’s Books Cindy Gray Delaine Hack Doron Ofir Casting LLC Buckhorn Camp Cindy Ifould-Dahlstrom Dena Barmore Doug Austin Café Aroma Cindy Light Alfonso Denise Edmiston Doug Sheppard Caine Learning Center Clay Helgren Douglas Berthelotte Callie Wight Coco Dahlstrom Denise Van Herpen Philippi Candy Cupboard County of Riverside / Riverside County Treasurer Dennis J. Little Earth ‘N Fire Agnes Wilkerson Alpha Media News Department Amanda Allen Amber Booth Amber Robertson Andrew Balendy Angela Colson Ann Bonk Annamarie Padula Anonymous Donor Antoinette Berthelotte Arriba’s Restaurant Art Alliance of Idyllwild Ashley Stewart Astrocamp Carole Herman Coyote Red’s CR&R Environmental Services Crystal McCaughey Dave Butterfield Dave Robb David Briefman David Jerome David Schnalzer David Shannahoff-Khalsa Dennis Kieferdorf Dennis Woodard Deputy Mayor Mikey Edward Donohue Forest Folk, Inc. Deputy Mayor Mitzi EJ Weiler Forest Lumber Desert Entertainer Elaine Balkman Latimer Forest Whispers Diana Kurr Elizabeth Kelly Fratello’s Diane Burt Ellen Anderson FrazierDrake Domino’s Pizza Don Doshier Donna Elliot Donna Hummer Dora Dillman Doris D. Ferguson Dr. Judi G. Milin, DC Emanuel M. Rider Emily Pearson Enrique Sanchez Ethan Sheppard Garner Valley Fire Department Station 53 EveningStar Gary Budnick Kennels, Inc. Gary Mckee Fairway Market Gary Weber Fern Creek Medical Gary’s Deli Center Gene Nichols Fern Valley Emporium Geoffrey Caine Fern Valley Inn Gerald Baccaire Fern Valley Water Glenn Mueller District Glenn Warren FERRO Restaurant Ed Hansen Fireside Inn Eduardo Santiago Florist in the Forest That's good advice, Max. Thank you. Friends of San Jacinto Mountain County Parks Guided Discoveries, Inc. Hal Dahlstrom Harold Hochberg Harvest Festival Higher Grounds Coffee Hilltop Realty Hubert Halkin Idyll Awhile Wine Shoppe Bistro Idyllwild Actors Theater Idyllwild All Year Resort Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends (ARF) Idyllwild Art in the Park Idyllwild Association of Realtors (IAOR) Idyllwild Community Acupuncture Idyllwild Bake Shop & Brew Idyllwild Fire Department--Career Firefighters Idyllwild Barber Shop Idyllwild Beauty Salon Idyllwild Board of Realtors Idyllwild Garage Idyllwild Garden Club Idyllwild Gift Shop Idyllwild Chevron Idyllwild Herald Idyllwild Children’s Choir Idyllwild Ice Cream & Jerky Idyllwild Church of Religious Science Idyllwild Inn Idyllwild Nature Center Idyllwild Pharmacy Idyllwild Pines Camp and Conference Center Idyllwild PTA Idyllwild Realty Idyllwild Rotary Idyllwild Spiritual Living Center Idyllwild Town Crier Idyllwild Tree Lighting Ceremony Booth Idyllwild Vacation Cabins Inc. Janice Murasko Joan Morrow Jay Pentrack JoAnn Graham Jayne O. Davis Joanna Gleisten Jeannie C. Sprenger Joe McNabb Jeff Smith Joel Bryden Idyllwild Water District Jennifer Mckee John & Linda Denver Jade Mountain Asian Bistro Jerry Art Artists Gallery, LLC John Alfonso James J. Ferguson Jim Crawford Jane Woodard Jim Fulcher Janice Lyle Jo’An’s Restaurant Idyllwild Village Market Idyllwild Volunteer Fire Company--Volunteer Firefighters John Brown John Drake John Edmiston John Huddleston John Mathys Marcia Gawecki Mona Lee-Taggart Patrick Day Rotary Club of Idyllwild Singerton Gallery Tarrah Pritchett John Simpson Marcia Waldorf Monique Zander Patrick Reitz, The Chief Sky Island Organics Ted Cummings John Stonitsch Marge Muir Mountain Center Market Patti Berg Morgan Rough Riders Sporting Goods Teresa Frey Johnson Construction Maria Lehman Paul Riggi Jon Beckler Marianne Day Mountain Chiropractic of Idyllwild Sons of the American Legion Post 800 Jon Millhouse Mark A. Davis Judi G. Milin, DC Mark Boettger Judy Begin Mark C. Spehar Mountain Footwear and Sock Shop Judy Telander Mark Gumprecht Mountain High Escrow Phyllis Brown Karen Doshier Marlene Pierce Mountain Paws Phyllis Mueller Mountain Community Patrol Kasaan Hammon Paul White Pearson’s Wood Yard Perry Emery Pete Capparelli Pine Cove Fire Department Katherine Garver Runways and Raceways Ruth Fountain Sandi Fulcher Sandi Mathers Sandi Wilkes Sandii Castleberry Sandy Browning Sandy Swett Santa and Mrs. Claus Pine Cove Market Schnalzer Electric ServiceMaster Kathleen A. Masey Pine Cove Property Owners Association (PCPOA) Kathy Campbell Pine Cove Water District Kathy Lewis Popular Productions Inc. Kathy Muir Prairie Dove Kelly Martin Printing Division Inc. Kelly Wills Quilt Town Ken Dahleen Rainbow Inn on Strawberry Creek Katherine White Kathie Doyle Ken Hinkle Ray Frey Kenneth C. Browning D.O. Kevin Hernandez L J & J Enterprises, Inc. La Casita Mexican Restaurant Lea Deesing Lee Putnam Photography & Gallery Marsha Kennedy Marsha Lytle Martha Gurwitz Martha Pearson Martha Provenghi Martha Sanchez Lemon Lily Festival Marty Krieger Let It Shine Mary Lou Prosin Linda Mueller Mary Morse Linda Rider Matt Gurwitz Little Max Frey Mattioli Weber Consulting Living Free Animal Sanctuary Maureen Rose Living Free Kennel Staff Mayor Max Lois Ann Basiger Melanie Gromov Lois Sheppard Merkaba Lou Padula Michael Wangler Lou Padula’s Famous Hot Dogs Mike Pearson Luis Solis Miles M. Thomas Lupita’s Cleaning Service Mim Andrews Lydee Scudder M & K Biker Shop Man Cave Mile High Café Mimi Lamp Mitch Minert MJ Feyder & Associates Mountain Quilters of Idyllwild Mountain Top Liquor Mueller Worldwide, Inc. Muirs Mountain Realty Nancy Bryden Nancy Matson Neil Jenkins Neill Bell Nick D’Amico Nicole Moore Norm Deesing Norma Romano Office of Mayor Max of Idyllwild On Time Home Repair Oscar Cordero Oscar Ramirez Pam Allen Pamela Fojtik Pamela J. Goldwasser Pat and Janet Boss Pat Ruffner Patricia Mathys Patricia Runions Ray Frey Auto Center, Inc. Shane Stewart Shanna Robb Shannon Erskin Sharon Aeder Sharon Caughron Sharon Lawrence-Apostle Shaves Barber Shop Shawna Risnes Shawna’s Boutique Sheila Zacker Ray Johnston Shirley Baas Reba Coulter Silver Pines Lodge Renate Caine Restaurant Gastrognome Revin Muir Richard N. Allert Richard P. Mueller, Jr. Richie Garcia Rick Shahan Ridgeway Vision, Inc. Right to Life Rightway Riverside County Fire / Pine Cove Station 23 Riverside County Fire Department Rob Muir Soroptimist International of Idyllwild Spark of Love Toy Drive Spirit Mountain Retreat Center Stephen Rose Terri French The American Legion of Idyllwild The Caroling Company The Cigar Box The Deesing Family The Grand Idyllwild Lodge Steve Moulton Steve Provenghi The Johnson Family Steve Robertson The Lumber Mill Bar and Grill Stratford Players Sue Anderson The Olde English Theatre Players Sue Capparelli The Red Kettle Susan Klaine The Rustic Theatre Susie Weber The Sage and the Butterfly Suzanne Avalon Suzi Schumacher The Spruce Moose Tara Sechrest Tarah Jade - Idyllwild Tarah Jade - Old Town La Quinta Tarah Jade - Palm Desert (El Paseo) Tarah Jade - Solana Beach Thomas Apostle Tim Wurtz Tom Pierce Tony Vernon Tracy Philippi Valerie M. Crane Vickie M. Little Village Centre Shopping Center Village Hardware Village Nail Salon Virginia Lumb Waldorf Crawford Waste Management Wayne Clark Wendy Read What’s New Buy You Will Lowry William Cochran Woodland Park Manor Wooley’s Yvonne Smith Robert Bush Robert Hewitt Robert Muir Robyn Donohue Rodger Hughes Ron Campbell Ron Norton Hi. I am a buddy of the Mayors of Idyllwild. The Mayors love you, and so do I. Hello Everyone! Happy New Year to You! W e Mayors of Idyllwild are very excited about the New Year. We have decided to really think big and put all our goals for the year on a list. We are having brainstorming sessions to make sure that we have thought of everything that we want to accomplish. After all, this list is like a blueprint for our lives. If we think it, and we plan it, and we stay focused on it like a Golden Retriever, we’re going to get it! Oh my, that’s so exciting when you think about it! Don’t forget to make your goal list and have a plan. That way, you won’t drift through your life wondering what it’s all about. It’s all about whatever you plan it to be. You’re the architect of your own universe! Isn’t that great?!! Think Big and Plan Big with Total Intention and Never Give Up! The acronym for this secret-to-success formula is: T.B.P.B.T.I.N.G.U. This is pronounced “Tee Bee Pub Ting You” with the emphasis on Ting. Say that over and over. Write it down. Focus, Focus, Focus. I will make sure that Phyllis quizzes you on this when we see you! Learn your acronym!! This year, Mayors Mitzi, Mikey, and I have decided to work together as a team to accomplish our goals! We Mayors have over 100 goals, and we’re just listing a few here so you get the idea. Goal: We’re going to eat more, and we have lots of plans for how to make that happen. 1.I’m going to bark even more until I am fed some treats, and I will teach Mayors Mikey and Mitzi to do the same. That way, we will all get more food. 2.Mayor Mikey is going to teach Mayor Mitzi and I how to do what he calls “the sad-faced-dog-look-at-the-refrigerator technique” whenever he’s in the kitchen. This look has proven to get Mikey even more food, so we’re all going to perfect this technique. 3.I’m going to teach Mayors Mikey and Mitzi how to look really disappointed when Phyllis and Glenn come out of a restaurant without a snack for us. That gets them every time, and they immediately find me some food. I’m the best at this! I’m training Mayors Mitzi and Mikey in this technique as we speak. 4.We’re thinking, too, of putting an ad in the Idyllwild Town Crier alerting all of the restaurants’ staff to remind Phyllis and Glenn to place the order for three sides of bacon whenever they’re in. Yes, this is brilliant! I’ll get Advertising on it immediately. Hopefully this goals list has been helpful to you. Most importantly, of all of our goals, please know that we love you very much and look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in 2016 and all years to come. Our #1 goal is to create and share joy, love, affinity, and fun with you as much as possible. Take the time to think and be. It’s best to avoid too much TV. Focus on productivity. That’s where life is, you will see! Love always, Mayor Max Your dear and devoted friend forever! January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat New Year's Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Martin Luther King Day Hello Dear Friends! It’s Mayors Mitzi and Mikey! T he charter of the Office of the Mayors of Idyllwild is to convey unconditional love and do as many good deeds for others as possible. This is a really fun job, and it certainly keeps our morale very high. We highly recommend this charter as a way of life. We love to spend time thinking about how many nice things we can do in a day to elevate the spirits and happiness of the people around us. Then, we’ll make a plan and do it. It doesn’t have to be complicated. We have learned that a smile, a friendly conversation, and spending some time with people can raise their spirits, happiness, and well being tremendously. It is really fun to just get creative and think about what we could do. It’s so much fun to do the unexpected. Here are a few ideas of the simplest things you could do to raise the spirits and emotional well-being of anyone around you. Who knows?! You could even save a life by emanating loving and caring communication. To mention only a very few, here are some things that you can do: • A smile • A hug • A thought “I love you” (spoken or unspoken) • A thought of admiration, taking the time to notice and admire some thing or things about a person • A positive communication of appreciation • A thank you • A letter • A conversation Just think of the positive impact you can have on your environment and even mankind by getting active in increasing the quality and quantity of positive communications to others. Imagine if everyone did that! We recommend as a rule for happy living to take time every day to think of some nice things to do for others and set about to getting those things done! Every individual can have an important part in helping to make the world a kinder, safer, and happier place for everyone. The greatest solutions are always the simplest. Make every day a good deed day! We love you very much. Love always, Mayors Mitzi and Mikey Here under the chair Being close in this space Is one way that we share February 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 Presidents' Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 7 14 Valentine's Day Fri Sat Hello Dear Friends! It’s Me, Mayor Mikey! I ’m Deputy Mayor Mikey, and I really love being a Deputy Mayor in Idyllwild. I take my job very seriously, and always try to make everyone happy that meets me. My favorite thing to do is flip over on my back for petting and belly rubs. This belly rub triggers my nibble reflex, so while you’re petting me, I will be nibbling on your clothes a little bit. I don’t usually make too large a hole in your shirt or coat, but it could still happen. Phyllis says I remind her of a mighty lion, and I do feel like I have recollections of being out in vast spaces, lying under a giant shade tree, and rolling around on my back letting the tree roots give me a nice back scratch. While I’m snoozing under the tree, I do keep half an eye open for anything interesting that might be occurring. One day, a big ant was ambling on by, and I just kept watching him as he got closer. His eyes eventually locked onto me, and he decided he wanted to have a conversation. He came on over and crawled up my fur to my head and then my nose. Once on the end of my nose, he faced me and looked into my eyes. I went cross-eyed trying to keep him in focus, but I did it nonetheless. him and put him back on the ground where he gave me a nod and went on his merry way, still laughing. I could hear him laughing for over a mile. This made the ant burst out loud with laughter, and we started giggling about how funny this was. Eventually, the ant was laughing so much that he was rolling around on his back on my nose hysterical with laughter as I continued to hold my crosseyed gaze. I love to laugh and laugh and be And hold a smile for eternity. When I cross my eyes, I still see two. Thanks for the belly rubs; I do love you! The longer I held my gaze, the funnier this became. With all his rolling around, he started tickling my nose so much that I sneezed, and off my nose he flew. I held out my paw and caught I think that was the funniest conversation I have ever had, and it makes me laugh every time I think about it. Love always, Mayor Mikey Your dear and devoted friend forever! Photo by Jon Millhouse March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 20 March equinox 21 22 23 24 27 Easter Sunday 28 29 30 31 Hello Everyone! It’s Me, Mayor Max! W e have something new in our life this year that’s just amazing, and it’s our pond. We moved to a home that has a giant pond in our front yard. It’s about 160 feet long, 30 feet across, and about 5-8 feet deep in the middle. We are all focused on the pond about as much as we’re focused on a plate of bacon. We love swimming in the pond, and we pretty much go swimming in it every day. It doesn’t matter how cold it is either. We’re up for a swim every day and every minute. We call this “ponding.” After swimming, we like to “shake and roll” on the dirt to help dry our fur. For some unknown reason, now Phyllis thinks she has to give us a few more baths than before because of a fragrance we now have she calls “Eau du pond.” We think it smells good, but she prefers just plain old “Eau du dog” with no additives. We used to have six nice green chairs around the pond… But we also have a video of Mayor Mitzi pulling a chair into the pond. As of this writing, three chairs are missing. We’re blaming that on a wind storm that happened the other day. We’re pretty sure Mitzi is off the hook on this one since she was out of town at her vacation spa when the chairs disappeared. One thing we Mayors find perplexing is that Phyllis keeps throwing tennis balls in the pond, and this makes we Mayors feel compelled to retrieve them. This is quite perplexing, and we think Phyllis is being mischievous. Still, if we didn’t retrieve these balls, the entire pond would be filled with them, and then how would we swim? Another great feature of our pond is the visiting ducks of all kinds and a persistent heron who comes to eat our fish. We chase the ducks and heron, but they’re very fast and observant. We haven’t been able to get in range of catching them, but we chase them anyway. Mayor Mikey is practicing a jump and mid-air catch maneuver if he ever gets in range… Please know that as much as we love our pond, we love you even more! Love always, Your Loving Mayor Max With All the Pond Facts! April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Thomas Jefferson's Birthday Hello Everyone! It’s Me, Mayor Mitzi! P hyllis says I am “Pretty in Pink”! Whenever Phyllis sees this photo of me, she starts singing, “I Am Woman.” She taught me to sing it too, and if you would like to see and hear me singing “I Am Woman,” here’s the link to my song: https://www.youtube.com/c/mayormax. I hope you like it! Mayors Max and Mikey know that I am the true Alpha Dog at the Offices of the Mayors of Idyllwild. There is no longer any debate about this. I am also the Head of Mischief Making. In fact, one of my nicknames is Miss Chief (pronounced “mischief”). This is just another proof that I’m the boss! My mode of operation in any moment is to assess the situation and make an instant plan for how to create mischief. I can find something to do immediately! •On shredding and chewing, I’ll shred and chew everything including pillow cushions, bedding, clothes, towels, wood siding on the house, window and door frames, the inside of our cars, etc. There is so much to chew and shred and so little time, I have to keep active to get the job done! • On snagging, the second I see you, I’m assessing what items of yours I can snag. I can smell things in pockets, and I’m a great pickpocket. I’m definitely going to try to snag your cell phones, hats, baseball caps, scarves, jewelry (I love sparkly necklaces), coats, purses, and any package you may be carrying. If your package has food in it, it’s definitely meant for me or why else would you bring it over to me, right? So, of course, I’m going for the food. I love to run and chase Mayors Max and Mikey, and I love it when they chase me. I’m a great runner, and I will take off at lightning speed to chase something real or imaginary. My brother, Mayor Mikey, is just like me, by the way. In fact, Phyllis has come up with the answer to the age-old question: Why did the chicken cross the road? Answer: Because Mitzi and Mikey were chasing it! I’m always the most excited to see you because I have such a spark of life in me. I squeak exciting squeaks as you approach. This is because I love you so much and am so happy to see you. I’m the only squeaking Mayor of Idyllwild! Love always, Mayor Mitzi May 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Mayor Max’s Birthday 8 Mother's Day 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mayor Mitzi’s and Mayor Mikey’s Birthday 29 30 Memorial Day 31 Hello Everyone! It’s Me, Mayor Max! W elcome to the month of June. June 7th is an international holiday at the Office of the Mayors of Idyllwild. It’s Phyllis’ birthday!! Don’t tell anyone though. I wouldn’t want to let that secret get out! In case you were wondering, Phyllis likes tennis balls and bacon for her birthday. I’m sure that’s all she has ever wanted or would ever want. Who could imagine wanting anything else?!! Oh, and it’s just a coincidence that I am the Mayor that is obsessed with retrieving tennis balls or any kind of ball that can be thrown far and that bounces. I really love jumping up and catching the ball midair! I have also trained Phyllis and Glenn to constantly throw the balls for me. We have about 100 balls in our yard, so I retrieve these balls and place them around the entry doors to the house. Then, when Phyllis and Glenn come out, I greet them with a ball in my mouth and a really cute bouncy action move that I have perfected, and they know what it means. Throw the ball! “Wake up, Mom!” I have learned that I will retrieve the ball but I won’t let it go. So to make sure they keep throwing the balls for me, I already have 10-15+ balls by each door, so they are always good for as many throws as there are balls to throw. I’m not saying they’re lazy ball throwers or anything. I’m just saying I have to make a lot of balls appear to overcome my problem of refusing to release the ball. You see, in a Golden Retriever, the desire to chase the ball and retrieve the ball is equal to the desire to hold on to the ball and never release it. Thus, I have created my own solution to the problem, and this should let you know how really smart I am. I am amazing!! And that must be true because Phyllis says it all the time. Please know that as much as I love playing ball, I love you even more! Love always, Mayor Max With the Ball-Throwing Facts! June 2016 Sun Mon 5 Tue 6 Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 7 Fri Sat Chief of Staff Phyllis Mueller’s Birthday 12 19 26 13 Father's Day 20 27 June Solstice Hello Again! It’s Mayors Max, Mikey, and Mitzi! W e Mayors are taking the time to reflect upon this wonderful month and the extreme gratitude we have for our Founding Fathers and their bravery and clear thinking that lead to the creation of our great country as it was originally conceived. Phyllis always reflects upon the meaning of words from The Declaration of Independence, IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security… You can view the entire document at this link: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration_ transcript.html On July 4th in any year, we take special time to think very deeply about what we are celebrating on this day and the actions since then that have lead us to today where we can still live and aspire to attain the vision for mankind that was held by the Founding Fathers. We are grateful for every moment of our existence. We do not take it for granted, and we endeavor to stay focused on what’s most important. We strive for peace, freedom, and the well being for all mankind, and it is our intention to help as much as possible in this endeavor. Love always, The Mayors of Idyllwild and Staff July 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 Independence Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hello There! It’s Me, Mayor Mitzi! I hope you like this baby picture of me in my Lion King hat! I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with an updated report on our SAVE THE SEQUOIA five-year plan and initiative to save our 100-foot tall tree on Jo’An’s property that we light every year at Christmas. As many of you know, the Sequoias on Jo’An’s property began struggling to survive due to California’s severe draught conditions and a disease the trees caught that is exacerbated by drought. John Huddleston of Precision Tree Experts is the local expert and arborist that is hired to lead the testing, analysis, monitoring, and tree-care plans to save the trees. John and Phyllis then discuss what needs to be done based upon all the analysis work, Phyllis raises the money to get it done, and then the plans are put into action by John and Phyllis. So what needed to be done? Watering for sure! To date, Idyllwild Water District, Pine Cove Water District, and Fern Valley Water District have all generously donated water to the tree, and have OK’d continued water. So the availability of water is now solved. We also have to get that water from the water districts to the tree. The Idyllwild Volunteer Fire Company lead by Paul Riggi provides the water truck and the pick-up and delivery of water to the tree. So the delivery of water to the tree is now solved as well. In 2015, the property was watered manually with donated water from the water districts. This year, we are installing a new water tank, pump, and water delivery/sprinkler system that will provide optimum ongoing watering of the tree. Treatments for the tree disease begin in February 2016 and will be implemented throughout the year. In 2015, we also tested the soil; prepared and added special supplements for the soil; aerated the soil; replaced the old mulch with new and better mulch; continued to add new mulch on an ongoing basis to preserve soil moisture; added tensiometers to the property to measure soil moisture; watered the tree when it was thirsty; monitored the tree twice a week; collected pine needle and branch samples for testing by several laboratories; identified the disease (Botryosphaeria) that’s damaging the trees; fund-raised to get the funds necessary to put the plans into action; secured a grant from the County of Riverside to help with this project; and more. We continue to implement the plans and monitor the tree. 2016 is the second year of our SAVE THE SEQUOIA plan that we are now implementing. We are seeing improvements in the Sequoias including new needle growth, but we have a long way to go. If you can help, please send your tax-deductible donation to Soroptimist, c/o Karen Doshier, PO Box 1176, Idyllwild, CA 92549. Write “SAVE THE SEQUOIA” in the bottom left corner of your check. Thank you so much for your help. We welcome donations in any amount. It sure does please to save the trees for you and me and the birds and the bees! Love always, Mayor Mitzi August 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hello Everyone! It’s Mayors Mitzi and Mikey! W e wanted to take a moment to share with you some information about Idyllwild so you can let people know a few reasons why they should come to visit! We love traveling around Idyllwild. What a great place to visit and live. In fact, Phyllis’ and Glenn’s visiting Idyllwild turned into living in Idyllwild. We Mayors have lived our entire lives in Idyllwild since leaving our moms when we were 8 weeks old (Mikey and Mitzi) and 11 weeks old for Max. We think it’s the perfect place to be. Here’s why! raccoons, deer, funny lizards doing push-ups on the rocks, the occasional bobcats, and more. Phyllis particularly enjoys the red-headed woodpeckers that are usually pretty smart but then some have low-IQ moments by pecking on metal which makes a loud drum-like sound. Then she thinks, what came first? The woodpecker pecking on metal and getting brain damage resulting in low IQ or the egg? She’s still thinking about that! The people and pets are friendly and fun! It’s a pet-friendly town, so bring them along. We local residents are very proud of our town, and we are always interested to meet you! It’s a great place for any and everyone that enjoys the outdoors for hiking, climbing, biking, running, walking, or sitting in a comfy chair and snoozing or reading a book! When was the last time you took a moment to read a book? The pristine-clean fresh-air beautiful mountain environment creates a wonderful daily joy at every moment. No matter where you visit, live, or just gaze, it is beautiful. We Mayors love to run around and try to catch the wildlife, and there’s plenty of it including birds of all kinds, rabbits, squirrels, Dining in Idyllwild is also fabulous with so many world-class restaurants. You will be able to enjoy any type of food that you love. There are so many wonderful options from which to choose, and so many of these venues have musical entertainment as well. Idyllwild abounds with artists and musicians. Idyllwild’s art galleries and merchants offer so many unique shopping experiences, you can spend several days trying to visit every location, and we highly recommend that you do. We have lots of great camping areas and lodging places from cabin-simple to luxury. Enjoy nights by the fireplace! The more time you spend enjoying Idyllwild in its beautiful mountain surroundings, the more you will feel the liveliness of your soul return. Remember how alive and magical every experience is as a child? If you have lost any of that, you can get it back in Idyllwild. Come for a tune-up. It’s magic, and you will love it! We love you more than chasing squirrels In Idyllwild, your soul unfurls Let yourself return to living You’ll find sweet hearts are full of giving! Love always, Mayors Mitzi and Mikey SQUIRREL!! September 2016 Sun Mon 4 5 11 Tue Labor Day Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 September Equinox 30 Hello Everyone! It’s Mayors Max and Mitzi! W e Mayors hope that you know that we love to see you and be in communication with you. There are so many ways that this can happen. When you’re in Idyllwild, look for us. We try to come out every day to visit with you, and we are often at many locations throughout the day, especially on weekends. So that you never miss us, please write down this telephone number: 949.525.0100. That’s Phyllis’ mobile number. You can call that number any time, and find out where we will be. We will then arrange the meet-up location, date, and time! We can’t wait to see you! We love visiting with you more than anything else in the world, and this is a completely true statement. When we Mayors know we’re going out to visit, we are jumping around for joy! We are also available to visit your special events, birthday parties, business events and grand openings, and more, if you would like us to stop by. Or, if you just need cheering up, we will make time for you. We will always have time for kindness, and we like to respond kindly to all communications whenever possible, and it’s usually possible. We fully believe that positive energy leads towards life and negative energy goes in the wrong direction. So we endeavor to be positive about everything! No matter what happens, we try to think of a positive-energy way to handle the situation. We might have to give ourselves our own timeout, but if we think about it and give it enough thought until we figure it out, we have found we can handle almost any situation with kindness and positive communication. It can take discipline and willpower, that’s for sure. It might even take days to figure it out, but it’s worth the wait and worth the thought! Try to always be friendly and kind It can take some time to change your mind Find the positive and let negative go away You’re in charge of the happiness you create every day! Love always, Mayors Max and Mitzi © 2013 Gina Genis October 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Columbus Day Halloween Hello Everyone! It’s Mayors Mikey and Mitzi! G uess what?!! We mayors like to have fun, fun, fun!! One of our favorite games we call Bitey Face. We play this game for hours at a time, and it always makes us laugh. We have lots of videos of us playing this game which can also turn into a fun-loving game of Bitey Foot, Bitey Leg, Bitey Rump, Bitey Neck, and Bitey Tail. We’re just playing—even though it looks pretty Goofy, it’s fun! We make a policy of deciding that life will be fun, and we make sure that it is fun every day by planning fun into it. When you get really good at this, every minute of every day can be fun! For example, if you LOVE your job or your studies, that’s fun all day! We certainly love our jobs as the Mayors of Idyllwild. What could possibly be more fun than visiting with you! Another thing that’s fun is emanating fun thoughts out into the universe, and we call these love beams. You can emanate any kind of energy, so we like to keep the positive energy flowing in fun and loving thoughts and communications. The smile is so important too! Phyllis loves Mother Teresa’s quote, “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” This is so true! When I’m chasing Mayor Mikey (Mitzi talking here), I like to catch up to him and bite his tail in a “tag, you’re it” signal. Mayor Mikey knows what it means, and then I have to turn around and run as fast as I can with Mikey now chasing me. Then, Mikey will eventually catch me and bite my tail with a “tag, you’re it.” And I turn immediately and give him the chase. This is indeed fun! For Mayor Max, his most fun thing is chasing tennis balls, and he finds this so fun, we think he can run about 60 MPH and go from 0 – 60 in about 4 seconds. He could race a car. Maybe he was a cheetah in a past life. Either way, this is awfully fun for him! So plan your fun, so fun there will be, and you’ll have fun for infinity! Love always, Mayors Mikey and Mitzi Always Feisty and Frisky Max’s Extreme Yoga Position—Can Hold for Hours! November 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 18 19 25 26 Election Day 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 Fri Thanksgiving Day Sat 5 Veterans Day 12 Idyllwild Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony 27 28 29 30 The Gift An angel came to visit me It gave me quite a lift And as we talked, my spirits soared Then I received her gift A spirit so light and kind and free Her heart was made of gold And in her eyes, I saw her soul ‘Twas neither young nor old The gift she gave astounded me And brought my soul to tears Of happiness for all mankind And then she came quite near She caused me to realize There was something I then knew For I was looking not at her, But I was seeing you Love always, Photo by Chris Martin The Mayors of Idyllwild and Staff Mayor Max, Mayor Mitzi, Mayor Mikey Phyllis Mueller and Glenn Warren Photo by Sandy Swett December 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Christmas Eve 27 28 29 30 31 New Year's Eve 25 Christmas Day 26 Christmas Day Observed December Solstice O n April 21, 2015, our beloved darling rescue girl, Pookie Louise Mueller, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Pookie had been rescued by ARF and Marty Krieger. For this, we are eternally grateful as she brought so much joy to our lives and the lives of so many others. She had a special spirit that communicated to the hearts and souls of everyone with whom she was in communication. We think of her as a little angel that came to visit us. She did a marvelous job of making us very happy. work at the ARF office for a few hours a week, and (4) fosters—individuals that can take a dog into their home and care for it until we get the dog adopted. ARF covers all the costs of fostering the dogs, including food and medical care. We always need more fosters. The more fosters we have, the more animals we save. Donations are fully tax-deductible and can be mailed or made online. Please help if you can. Here is the contact information for ARF. Mayor Max Phyllis Mueller Chief of Staff Office of the Mayors of Idyllwild Mayor Max and I, on behalf of our sweet rescue dog Pookie, would like to request your continued support of Idyllwild’s wonderful rescue group, Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends (ARF), so that they can continue to bring as much joy to others through all their hard work in rescuing wonderful pets in need of new and loving forever homes. Your help is so greatly needed in any of four ways: (1) financial contributions, (2) donations of pet food and/or pet supplies, (3) volunteers to come in and Mailing Address: PO Box 719, Idyllwild, CA 92549 January FebruaryMarch July August Idyllwild Animal Rescue Friends We thank you so much for your help and support of ARF. We love you. Love always, Location Address: 26890 State Highway 243, Idyllwild, CA 92549 951.659.1122 [email protected] www.idyllwildarf.org April May June SeptemberOctober November December Contact Us Y • • • • • • • ou can contact the Mayors of Idyllwild at any time for any reason. To find out more about the Mayors of Idyllwild or to arrange a visit with the Mayors, please contact the Offices of the Mayors of Idyllwild via any of the following: Send an email to [email protected] Call the Mayors’ office at 951.659.0283 Mail your request to Mayor Max, PO Box 1848, Idyllwild, CA 92549 Send a private message or a friend request on Facebook to Phyllis Mueller Like and follow on Facebook the Mayor Max Public Figure page Visit the Mayor’s website at www.mayormax.com Call the Chief of Staff, Phyllis Mueller, at 949.525.0100 From the wild dogs of Idyllwild, we hope you love this calendar. We love you! We will get back with you right away. The Mayors are available to attend special events or make visitations on and off the Hill, time permitting. © 2016 Office of the Mayor of Idyllwild, California. All rights reserved.
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