Development and promotion of a transparent European pellets market
Development and promotion of a transparent European pellets market
Development and promotion of a transparent European pellets market – Creation of an European real-time pellets atlas Dr. Alexander Hoeldrich WIP GmbH & Co KG 16th European Biomass Conference, Valencia, Spain 1 • Main objective Development and promotion of transparent market structures for trade facilitation • Work description European data collection from pellet producers, traders and consumers on prices, quantities and qualities by quarterly surveys • Geographical coverage EU 27 (plus CH, NO) • Project Duration Jan 2007 – Dec 2009 2 Consortium • plus subcontractors: • SVEBIO, Sweden • CARMEN, Germany • proPellets, Austria • to be selected 3 • • • • • • • • Target Groups: All pellet actors, mainly: Pellet producers Pellet traders Pellet consumers Barriers Information gaps Supply bottlenecks, production surpluses Uncertainties in quality assurance management • Lack of market confidence 4 Phase 1 Project management and coordination WP1 Development of a methodology WP2 Phase 2 Wood pellets data collection WP4 Mixed biomass pellets data collection and feasibility studies WP5 Phase 3 International pellets trade WP6 Pellet markets WP7 Phase 4 Internet platform, dissemination and communication WP3, WP8, WP9 5 Activities and Outcomes • A web-based information platform on important fuel pellet market data • Recording and evaluation of the acceptance and implementation of CEN quality standards • Four pre-feasibility studies for mixed biomass pellet (MBP) utilisation in PL, SK, GR, DE • A handbook in five European languages (Danish, English, Polish, Italian and French) • 5 Workshops 6 Methodology • Collected data consists of the following items: • The contact data, • the business operating area,(i.e. whether the actor is a producer, trader, retailer or a large scale end consumer), data for production e. g the production capacity, • data about the storage, • data for sales, e. g. Total sales (tonnes), loose to small consumers (< 3000 tonnes), bags (< 25kg to small scale consumers), large scale consumers, etc., • data for purchases, and • harbour prices for large-scale bulk deliveries, the CIF ARA (Cost, insurance and Freight, delivered to the Amsterdam. Rotterdam and Antwerp region) price. 7 Methodology • Query with a questionnaire • A data base • Wood pellets (industrial/non industrial) • Mixed biomass pellets 8 The former 9 Also prod. Volumes & prices. Most recent 2 month protected Incentive for full access: Participate in survey! 10 11 €/tonne wood pellets Natural gas Heating oil Wood pellets €cent/liter oil or 10 kWh gas Results: Price Comparison Germany Not the same in all European countries! 12 [%] VAT Various VAT in Europe 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 a rk ny en aly nd nd ain in nd ary m lic ia ce ce via ia ds gal ia i r t a a d It la la p ita la g iu b on n e at an n tu ak s e m n Po S Br Ire un elg pu st Fra re L hu rla or ov i Au en ermSw F G t it the P Sl H B Re E a D G L e e h r c N G e z C 13 The Oil price Source: German weekly newspaper: Die Zeit 14 tonnes wood pellets Developed wood pellet markets in Europe 2007 2.500.000 Production [tonnes] Production capacity [tonnes] 2.000.000 Consumption [tonnes] 1.500.000 1.000.000 500.000 0 ria t s u A um i g el B ce n a Fr y n a m er G n e ed w S e h T s d n la r he t e N About 9 million tonnes production capacity in all EU 27+2 15 wood pellets [tonnes] Consumption wood pellets 2007 2.000.000 1.600.000 1.200.000 800.000 400.000 0 a e m d ria c t u s gi na an u l r a A F C Be s d n d n e n d la a l r e m r e w e z er t S h i t G e w S N e Th in a Sp y an 16 wood pellets [tonnes] Comparison Production Consumption 2007 2.000.000 1.600.000 1.200.000 Consumption Production 800.000 400.000 0 s rt ia iu m ada nce a in any and nd de n s lg n ra Sp rm erl rla e u a A Be C F e itz th e Sw G w e S N e h T 17 Wood pellet prices in Europe (1) 280 Pellet price (€/tonne) 260 240 Strong Wood pellet demand in Italy affected Austrian & German markets in winter 06/07 (but not in 07/08) Austria Germany Italy 220 200 180 160 140 120 jan-05 Loose delivery of 5 tonnes wood pellets to households, max. distance 50 km, incl. VAT jul-05 jan-06 jul-06 jan-07 jul-07 jan-08 18 280 Sweden Pellet price (€/tonne) 260 240 220 Denmark Austria Germany Italy Scandinavian prices remained unaffected at high levels… 200 180 160 140 120 jan-05 Loose delivery of 5 tonnes wood pellets to households, max. distance 50 km, incl. VAT jul-05 jan-06 jul-06 jan-07 jul-07 jan-08 19 280 Pellet price (€/tonne) 260 240 220 Sweden Denmark Austria Germany Italy Greece Poland 200 180 160 140 … while southern / eastern producing countries show low price levels Loose delivery of 5 tonnes wood pellets to households, max. distance 50 km, incl. VAT 120 jan-05 jul-05 jan-06 jul-06 jan-07 jul-07 jan-08 20 Wood pellet price range Europe D enm ark 300 Netherlands 280 G reat B ritain 260 Italy Pellet prices (€/tonne) > Factor of 2 price difference between some northwestern and southeastern countries S w eden 240 S w itz erland S lovenia 220 Hungary 200 Aus tria Ireland 180 S pain 160 140 120 100 17-Jun-07 P oland L o o s e d e live ry o f 5 to n n e s w o o d p e lle ts to h o u s e h o ld s , m a x . d is ta n c e 5 0 k m , in c l. V A T Latvia G reec e Lithuania E s tonia 24-S ep-07 01-Jan-08 09-Apr-0 8 R om ania 21 Harbour prices wood pellets CIF ARA spot prices (excl.VAT) for bulk delivery of 5000 tonnes wood pellets by oceanship, prices according to pellet actors from: Latvia Pellet price CIF ARA (€/tonne) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 Greece 120 Great Britain 110 Netherlands 100 Jul 07 Sep 07 Nov 07 Jan 08 Mrz 08 22 First Workshop in the UK in 2007 23 First Workshop in the UK in 2007 • A Pellet Fuel Production Workshop (Task 8.4) organized by NEF took place in Milton Keynes in the UK on 22nd November 2007 • As well as a being an informative event the day provided opportunities for the delegates to answer questions and to network, which NEF has from past experience found to be an important way for individuals and organisations to find potential partners for pellet production. • More delegates would have attended the workshop if there had been space. 24 Mixed Biomass pellets – an increasing market 25 Straw Germany 2007 Straw Germany 2008 Germany Denmark Greece Poland Lithuania €/tonne MB pellets Comparison MBP prices Jan 08 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 26 MBP Market • Small starting production in: Poland, Czechia, UK, The Netherlands, Greece, France, Germany • Producing capacity around 10.000 tonnes per year • Mainly used raw material: straw • Other material: residues of the oliveoil harvest; coffee husk etc. 27 MBP Obstacles The market for MBP is small but developing • Factors that hamper the market: legal aspects and technical aspects for the heatingsystems like the emissions NOx, dust or aspects of the combustion efficiency, the corrosion, the ash melting points, lower energy content than wood pellets etc. • Development of logistic systems for the production of agro-pellets is necessary too. 28 Discussion • Data quality from survey differs between welldeveloped and developing markets • Especially large-scale industrial pellet prices are hard to determine • Difference in EU price levels illustrate nontransparancy of markets and importance of pellet logistics 29 Conclusion • pellet markets differ from country to country • pellet prices for end-consumers can vary over a factor of two in different European countries • pellet trade flows are not transparent • With the public dissemination of wood pellet production, consumption and especially price data, we expect that this situation will improve greatly. 30 Special thanks to the associations EU Germany Italy EUBIA DEPV; CARMEN eV AIEL - Associazione Italiana Energie dal Legno Sweden AFAB; PIR; SVEBIO France ITEBE Switzerland Spain Finland Norway Canada USA Canada Belgium Denmark Austria Holzenergie Schweiz ESCAN Finnish Pellet Energy Association NOBIO Wood Pellet Association of Canada Energex Pellet Fuel, Inc. Granules Combustibles Energex, Inc VALBIOM FORCE Technology proPellets Austria 31 Outlook • Establishment of a permanent market monitoring system for all pellet actors Long-term objective: Continuation of monitoring platform after 2009 Next Pellets@las workshop: • 17th June 2008, Utrecht, the Netherlands on the global wood pellet trade: markets, barriers and opportunities, see -> news 32 Thank you for your attention! 33