VC Andrews SuperFan Magazine


VC Andrews SuperFan Magazine
First Quarter 2016
V.C. Andrews
SuperFan Magazine
V.C. Andrews SuperFan Board
Volume 1, Issue 1
Special points of
Lifetime brings Audrina
to life in this new original
movie adaptation.
We highlight and celebrate some thought
provoking, quirky My
Sweet Audrina‟s theories,
discussions , role-play
and fan fiction.
We take a look at the
latest offering- Sage‟s
SuperFan Nehal Khan
interviews Andrew Neiderman.
Special guest writer E.
Van Lowe informs us of
the importance of character development.
We take a look at how
The Complete V.C.A
Website transformed a
fandom and preserved a
Special Issue
Inside this issue:
My Sweet Audrina Movie
My Sweet Audrina Theory
My Sweet Audrina Theory , Fan 14-15
fiction & RolePlay
Sage’s Eyes Special Feature
V.C. Andrews’ Fan News
Special Interviews & Awards
Coming up in the next issue….
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Page 2
The V.C. Andrews SuperFan Board by Amanda Jensen
Credits :
Cover artwork “My
Sweet Audrina” by
Lorraine Elgar
Cover design by
Neisha Chetty
Editor: Christopher
Editor in Chief :
Neisha Chetty
Copy editing Kathryn White and
Lorraine Elgar
Magazine design and
layout by Neisha
For over thirty seven years, V.C.
displaying V.C.A inspired fan art,
Andrews‘ novels have captured
authors and fan fiction,
the hearts and imagination of so
many dedicated and passionate
fans. There are several websites,
forums, and groups dedicated to
the works of V.C Andrews. Now
there is a new group dedicated to
you...the V.C. Andrews fans. The
VCA Superfan Board celebrates
the achievements of all devoted
fans who have been following
VCA's career for years, and even
the new fans just discovering her‘s
and ghost writer‘s Andrew Neiderman's talent. The board intends to honor these fans with the
induction into the ―V.C. Andrews
Christopher Bentivegna
Amanda Jensen
The V.C.Andrews Superfan
Board consists of the following
Candace Marie Butler
Neisha Chetty
Tabatha Williams
Carmen Carreras
Lorraine Elgar
book page
Jessica Zinder
Jennifer The Complete VCA
Ryan Michael Coe
(edited by Neisha Chetty, Christo-
Laura Jane Jones
Jennifer Clarke
If you‘d like to learn more about
The V.C. Andrews SuperFan
Board, you can find them on face-
pher Bentivegna, Kathryn White
and Lorraine Elgar).
SuperFan Hall of Fame‖, awarding
and recognizing Super Collectors,
Thank you to Kathryn White who Assisted in the Copy Editing Process
Kathryn White was born in 1981
explore new concepts, dysfunc-
Kathryn also runs a successful
and grew up on the south coast of
tional relationships and viewing life
book review website titled Kath-
Adelaide. A passionate writer, she
was first published at age 17 and
from the perspective of people
who do not quite fit in with their
ryn‘s Inbox, which is updated daily.
later graduated from Flinders Uni-
world in one way or another.
versity with a BA (Hons.) Kathryn
Kathryn has been a fan of V.C.
has independently published a
Andrews since she was in her
variety of novels and is happiest
teens and now owns all of her
when she is using her writing to
You can follow Kathryn on :
Inside this issue:
Lifetime’s Original Movie ―My Sweet Audrina‖
Carmen & Ryan Discuss the Lifetime MSA Movie
Special Guest & Amateur Director Ted Ryan‘s M.S.A Movie Review
My Sweet Audrina Theory Section
Jessica Zinder‘s My Sweet Audrina Color Theory
Damian Adare by Lorraine Elgar
Mystery of Mercy Marie Solved (?) M.S.A Theory Fanfiction by Neisha Chetty
Lost Angels Of VCA : Was My Sweet Audrina Written before Flowers in the
Jennifer Clark‘s First and Best Audrina Quote : Explained By Neisha Chetty
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Page 3
Inside this issue: continued
Rachel Kapila - Vera !
Fanfiction and Roleplay
Vera by Ty Kovac
Whispered Dreams Theatre : Tuesday Teatimes RolePlay
Featured Book : Sage’s Eyes Special
Sage‘s Eyes Excerpt from The Complete VCA Site
Laura Jane Jones‘ Sage‟s Eyes Review
Amanda Jensen‘s Sage‟s Eyes Review
Jessica Zinders‘ Sage‟s Eyes Review
Keshena Booker‘s Sage‟s Eyes Review
Crossword Puzzle : Cross Over With Sage‘s Eyes
Making a date with A-dare.
Manip by Neisha Chetty
V.C. Andrews News and Fan News
AtticSecrets : FITA The Stage Play Wins numerous awards by Lorraine Elgar
Lost Angels of VCA‘s Jessica Zinder On The Move
Teatime with ―Uncle Andrew‖
Salome Meyer -Lowrens from Woodhurst Library, Durban South Africa
The Purple Grass
Rachel Swanson Shares Her New Acquisition
Julianne Hannes‘ Audrina Movie Poster
Lorraine Elgar‘s Recipe For a Vera-tini
Fan Special
Andrew Neiderman Interviewed by Nehal Khan
Andrew Neiderman Receives The Golden Raintree Award
Whitefern by V.C. Andrews Synopsis
The Incident by Andrew Neiderman Synopsis
E. Van Lowe : Advice for Aspiring Writers
About E. Van Lowe
Synopsis of Moondancers by E.Van Lowe (The Beautiful Creatures of Beverley
Our Challenge to V.C. Andrews Fan Fiction Writers
Jennifer The Complete VCA Interviewed by Lorraine Elgar
SuperFan Awards : Lifetime Achievement and First Hall of Fame Inductee
Super Collector : Nehal Khan shares his passion for Virginia Andrews
Nehal Receives First Super– Collector Award
One to One with Richard Maurer by Neisha Chetty
Coming up in the Next Issue
Because we simply love
Audrina. Manip by Neisha
Page 4
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Carmen Carreras & Ryan Michael Coe Discuss the Lifetime MSA Movie
Carmen Carreras is a well-known
ance for me is the aunt of
room scenes from the book
member of the VCA fandom, she is
Audrina. She always seemed like
adapted to screen, though. Faces
originally from Venezuela but now
she would have been a little like a
and voices in the pictures in the
lives in the United States. Carmen is
mother hen, Corrine, from the
library! Movies made from books
popular for sharing her insights into
"Attic" series. She may not have
always take a much quicker route.
„‟V.C. Andrews‟ books‟ and movies.
had a lot of scenes in the movie
I thought the film adaption of "If
version, but the actress portrays
There be Thorns" was perfect! It
her character perfectly!
is exactly the way I envisioned it
Ryan Michael Coe runs the „V.C.
Andrews House Of Flowers' facebook
page for fans, which is a place to
Was there any scene in the
post your thoughts about the movies
movie that stood out?
being made from V.C. books, and
also where you can share your collecScene with Ellie and
Audrina from the Lifetime
Movie : My Sweet Audrina
tions! Ryan makes a lot of his own
memorabilia and art pieces inspired
by V.C. Andrews!
In this great interview, Carmen and
Ryan offer their thoughts on the
Carmen : India was awesome on
her wedding night, acted very well
as a traumatized young bride who
wasn‘t able to perform.
Were you upset when Billy
and Sylvia were left out?
while also reading the book!
Do you think Lifetime should
adapt more V.C. Andrews
Carmen :Yes, Heaven will be a
good choice for them.
Ryan : I hope Lifetime can greenlight the "Casteel" series into movies next! I also wouldn‘t mind a
recent Lifetime film adaption of My
Carmen: It was expected. Sylvia
movie made of the "Runaways"
When it comes to V.C.
Sweet Audrina.
was a very important part of the
the book trilogy of a group of
Andrews‟ movies, nobody
What did you think about the
story and I am sure that VC An-
orphan girls reuniting to find hap-
drews meant for Sylvia to be more
does it better than
movie My Sweet Audrina? Was
that we really perceived of her.
it good/bad ? How would you
Ryan : Not all events from
rate it?
piness! The Dollanganger series
adapted by Lifetime Films was a
Carmen and Ryan. Join
them as they chat to the
SuperFanBoard about
My Sweet Audrina, the
Lifetime movie.
Carmen : It was good, remember
LifetimeTV had limited time to
show everything that happened in
the book. I will give a 4 out of 5.
Many important items were missing but for a person who didn‘t
read the book was easy to under-
Sweet, sweet Audrina
movie still (Lifetime My
Sweet Audrina)
―Petals on the Wind‖ novel got put
actors, actresses.
―Audrina‘s‖ movie didn‘t get eve-
For more movie news, views,
rything from the creepy novel,
videos, and artwork check out
either. Significant characters were
Carmen and Ryan‘s Facebook
left out from both movies I have
pages and follow them on twitter.
noticed as well.
Not all scenes from the book
Ryan : I watched the film of "My
were in the movie. Is there
Sweet Audrina." It is good! At least,
any particular scene you feel
it is to me after having read the
novel! The style from the novel is
should have been included in
the movie ?
translated and brought to life on
Carmen : Oh, we all missed the
the film quite nicely! I rate it a 7!
Tea sessions with aunt Mercy! I
Was there any performance
personally missed the scenes
that stood out for you?
when Arden betrayed Audrina. In
Carmen : All the actresses that
sweet ,devoted husband but we all
Ryan : The stand out perform-
novels read like, setting, costume,
into the film, a lot often like
played Audrina were awesome.
fairly reasonable take on what the
the Lifetime movie Arden is a
know the truth.
Ryan : I would have liked the tea-
Page 5
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Special Guest & Amateur Director Ted Ryan‘s My Sweet Audrina Movie Review
The story of a young girl born to
Audrina the most, feeling like she
takes a dramatic turn as Audrina's
replace her dead sister, haunted
has to live up to the expectations
mother collapses in a pool of
by nightmares of rapists in the
woods and physically and emo-
of her dead sister who was attacked and murdered in the
blood and Audrina rushes in to
see her mother glare up at her
tionally abused while being kept
woods as a child before Audrina
tearfully as she cries "You went
isolated in a Victorian mansion is
2.0. was born. Audrina lives with
into the woods... Why did you do
brought to life - Virginia Andrews'
her creepily obsessive father Da-
that?" - I didn't like how this
standalone novel published in
mien (James Tupper) , her heavily
caused a premature labor and
1982 was a really compelling
Gothic thriller and has inspired
pregnant mother Lucietta who
seemed emotionally detached
Audrina to be ridden with blame
and guilt. This certainly didn't
both this movie and a sequel writ-
(Kirsten Robek), the uncharacter-
happen in the book and I certainly
ten by Andrew Neiderman (V.C.
istically quiet and obedient Aunt
didn't like what happened next...
Andrews' Ghostwriter)
Ellsbeth (Jennifer Copping) and the
Audrina's sister Sylvia died. They
"Whitefern" - so It is safe to say
manipulative cousin Vera (Kacey
killed off a main character within
that 2016 is Audrina Adare's year.
Rohl) in the secluded Whitefern
twenty minutes who actually survives to the end of the book, but I
As some readers will know from
India Eisley as adult
Audrina. (Lifetime Movie)
still courtesy of Carmen
shall get back to that later.
my previous blogs about this film, I
Vera enjoys taunting Audrina as
have been optimistic about it and
she struggles with remembering
India Eisley, Tess Atkins and Wi-
looked forward to this film adap-
the date or events from her past -
liam Moseley take on the roles of
tation as I enjoyed the book and
it doesn't really help that the cal-
Audrina, Vera and Arden as the
was overall, I was impressed with
endars and clocks make no sense
narrative jumps seven years - Vera
the casting choices.
whatsoever and she is given sleep-
has become increasingly sexually
ing pills that knock her out for
active and brags about her lovers
hours - and Damien has the delu-
in explicit detail which enrages
sional mission to give Audrina "the
Damien, Arden has become a
the playroom or woods
memories of her dead sister" and
Disney Prince in comparison to
forces her to sit in First Audrina's
his very flawed character in the
were very sinister with
old bedroom and rock in her
rocking chair to embrace her dead
book and Audrina has grown into
a polite and modest young
sister's essence, but instead
woman, but the visions of First
However, after watching this film I
was slightly disappointed with
certain elements of the film and
although I did like the dark cinematography and settings, I felt like
the narrative could have been
improved to make this film so
much more faithful to the book.
Audrina is traumatised by visions
Audrina still haunt her and she is
“Living in her family's secluded man-
of the First Audrina being chased
absolutely terrified of any inti-
sion, Audrina is kept alone and out of
and raped in the woods by three
sight ; haunted by nightmares of her
older sister, The First Audrina, who
attackers. As far as The First
Audrina goes, The Second
was left for dead in the woods after
Audrina is forbidden to ask about
an attack. As she begins to question
her sister (which is odd although,
her past and her disturbing dreams,
she's constantly being told to be
the grim truth is slowly revealed.”
more like her sister, but God
The film starts with the Adare/
forbid she ask if her older sister
was a good piano player) or go
The cinematography in this film
into the woods. However, when
loved Mike Rohl's filming style that
she sees the boy next door, Ar-
brought a very Gothic feel to the
den, (Seth Isaac Johnson) and a
film. Each shot was perfectly
brief conversation in the woods
framed and the flashbacks scenes
Whitefern clan gathered around
the First Audrina's grave (Imogen
Tear) as the Second Audrina
(Farryn VanHumbeck) reflects on
how her parents loved The First
“Each shot was
perfectly framed and
the flashbacks scenes in
both the colouring being
The sinister playroom has now
become a place of sanctuary as
Audrina slowly starts to discover
that those closet to her have very
dark secrets.
was gorgeous and I absolutely
Another creepy Lifetime
movie still with the family
gathered at the cemetery
visiting the First Audrina’s
Page 6
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Special Guest & Amateur Director Ted Ryan‘s M.S.A Movie Review cont...
Vera entices Arden in the
Lifetime Movie My Sweet
Audrina. (courtesy Carmen Carreras)
colouring being darker and the
nervously over the colours from
by Hannah Cheramy in one
creative camera angles that made
the stained-glass window singing a
flashback scene, she did well in her
the story work effortlessly. Rohl
creepy nursery rhyme. Imogen
scene with Imogen although it felt
was by far one of the best direc-
Tear was outstanding in her
a little too nice. It basically lead
tors to take on a V.C. Andrews
flashback scenes. She portrayed
into the sinister climax of the film.
adaptation and I thought his direc-
such depth in her performances
There needed to be a dark shot of
tion worked really well. The set-
and was absolutely heartbreaking
Evil Vera walking through the
ting of this film seems to be 1970s,
in her role. All three actresses did
woods before the other flashback
judging by the characters' clothes
extremely well as Audrina at dif-
to confirm Vera was responsible
and cars and the basic mise-en-
ferent stages of her life:- brilliant
for the attack.
scene on the sets which stays true
castings there.
to the book - but we only see two
bit of a let down. His acting was
in her most shocking and vindic-
decent but his character was com-
tive moments as a young adult, but
pletely different from the novel
India Eisley was definitely a perfect
casting choice for Audrina. Her
the writing for the role felt very
one dimensional in this film and
and I believe this is to do with the
death of Sylvia. Judging Moseley
portrayal of her character's shy
could have been a lot more in
purely on his acting, I thought he
innocence was very believable and
depth. Andrews spent great detail
gave a pretty good performance
seeing her making that transition
in writing Vera as a complex an-
and apart from one slip up, his
into a stronger and independent
tagonist and the reader got to see
American accent wasn't consis-
woman was great to see. Eisley
really captured her character's
how years of neglect, abuse, and
rejection turned Vera into the
tent . Overall, I was impressed
with his performance. Arden
personality and I believed in her
woman she would become: so
seemed to be without fault and
performance that really brought
the screenwriter had some good
even when his darkest secret was
Audrina's complex character to
material to work off. Atkins did
revealed, he came up smelling of
houses and some greenery outside
to go on.
“India Eisley was definitely
a perfect casting choice
for Audrina, her portrayal
of her character's shy
innocence was very
William Moseley as Arden was a
Tess Atkins did very well as Vera
the screen - My only criticism is
great with her scenes, but some of
selfless roses. My problem with
believable and seeing her
that her British accent did come
her dialogue was a bit off (I have
Arden was not the acting because
making that transition into
across in her voice during quite a
few of her scenes. It's commonly
no idea why this was even added,
but Vera randomly turned around
I thought Moseley was a good
choice; it was the direction the
a stronger ...”
known she has a bit of a British
and said "There's something so
character was taken. I felt Moseley
tone in her American accent
erotic about babies, they suck on
could have played his character as
which was not really an issue for
your boobs all day long." She had-
a much darker anti-hero instead of
me and I thought she gave a terri-
n't said anything like that in the
the perfect romantic lead if he had
fic performance overall. Farryn
and Imogen who played the
book and it sounded utterly ridiculous!) and I wanted to see the
the right material. Alas, without
Sylvia there for Audrina, Arden
younger versions of Audrina did
different sides that explained
was written in a much nicer and in
immensely well in the flashbacks -
Vera's true motivation for re-
an appealing light and the contrast
Farryn had Audrina spot on as the
venge. Kacey Rohl (who is also
between his personalities in the
nervous girl who wanted to be the
director Mike Rohl's daughter)
book and film were apparent.
obedient daughter, but secretly
was spectacular as teenage Vera.
longed to be given the freedom
She gave a fantastic performance
her cousin Vera always had. Her
as the delusional and bitter girl
scenes being trapped in the man-
and it was a bit of a shame she
sion reminded me of a folklore
only had three scenes but she did
fairy-tale, especially her skipping
brilliantly. Little Vera was played
Whitefern as seen in the
movie Lifetime’s My Sweet
Audrina. Still courtesy of
Carmen Carreras
The younger versions of Arden
were both good. I think Cory
Gruter-Andrew did a brilliant job
in the flashback scene and Seth
Isaac Johnson was okay, but his
scenes were very brief.
Page 7
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Special Guest & Amateur Director Ted Ryan‘s M.S.A Movie Review cont...
James Tupper as Damian Adare
well in her scenes though. Al-
and characters have to be cut
characters and themes. This
was extremely intense and creepy.
though her scenes were brief, I
when adapting a 400- page book
was a decent film, but could
Some scenes were a bit uncom-
absolutely adored her acting in the
and condensing it into a 120 page
have been better and I am
fortable to watch. He really com-
climax flashback scenes. She did
script, but cutting a central charac-
looking forward to reading
mitted to this sinister role. He's a
terrific in those scenes and the
ter like Sylvia really affected the
the sequel Whitefern this
very obsessive character and defi-
emotion she portrayed was flaw-
narrative of the story. Anyone
nitely tries to control each of his
less. The only thing which was
who read the book knows Sylvia is
family members by cruel means of
very disappointing was how she
autistic and her disability played a
manipulation. This is seen in the
was killed off (which was quite
huge part in this story as Audrina
emotional abuse of Audrina as he
different from the book) and also
became her caretaker and guard-
tries to make her into the replace-
the fact that Sylvia also died during
ian from a young age, thus keeping
ment of the First Audrina and is
the childbirth scenes.
her in this twisted home for the
physically violent towards Vera.
His relationship with his sister-inlaw is another thing entirely. I feel
like this was a very well-cast role.
Tupper seemed very well suited
and portrayed a very sadistic and
dark role while showing subtle
hints of humanity.
Matthew Kevin Anderson as
Lamar did an okay job, but could
have been developed a bit more. I
had a more Daniel Giles style in
mind, the noble and smartly
dressed gentleman like his character on The Originals . Instead,
Anderson looked more like a
Jennifer Copping as Aunt Ellsbeth
was another good casting choice,
wannabe rocker in his first introduction scene and his perform-
but I felt like the character herself
ance was lacking in something. I
was written too timid and obedi-
understand that there are time
ent , whereas in the book she was
limits to further develop his char-
fiery and always spoke her mind.
acter, but he was in a total of
Copping did well as the character
three scenes and although he gave
and visually she looked how I
would picture Ellsbeth but her
a good performance I would have
liked to see the darker under-
characteristics in this film re-
tones of his character - especially
minded me more of Lucky from
in his relationship with Vera.
the book Towards the end of
story of this novel was the sisterly
bond between Audrina and Sylvia
and the maternal love Audrina had
for her younger sister. So many of
the sibling relationships in this
story were damaged beyond repair and yet Audrina was very
protective of Sylvia and likewise.
Sylvia was the one to save Audrina
from the murderous Vera. Casting
this character for the screen
would be difficult as Sylvia's dis(although it's been confirmed that
she had autism) so they could
have cast a Down‘s Syndrome
actress to play this role if they
could not cast an autistic actress there are many talented Down‘s
actors and actresses on TV these
Lacey is a great screenwriter from
days and casting a young actress
with Down‘s Syndrome to play
her work on The Royals and did a
Sylvia would have been a much
decent job writing this adaptation,
better alternative than killing off
but it felt like the filmmakers
her character as the relationship
Kirsten Robek as Lucietta was a
played it too safe taking on this
between these two sisters was the
similar situation - great casting but
adaptation. There are many dark
heart of the book.
very out of character. Instead of
and mature subject matters that
being the compassionate and gen-
they portrayed very well, but the
tle mother, she was quite harsh
changes made with regards to
and abrupt in one scene with
Sylvia and Arden, made the film
young Audrina, which was admit-
lack the true emotion present in
tedly quite surprising. Robek did
the novel. Understandably, scenes
to see and captured more of the
Ellsbeth from the novel.
Super creepy dad, Damien
Adare played by James
Tupper in the Lifetime
movie, My Sweet Audrina.
Poster designed by
Amanda Jensen.
ability is never actually stated
could have been brilliant. Scarlett
Ellsbeth start to stand up to and
challenge Damian. This was a treat
next fifteen years. The true love
Overall, this was a good film but it
Copping's character arc, we saw
If you have read the book, you
may be a little disappointed and if
you have just seen the film I recommend reading the book - it has
so many more layers to it's
Lifetime being Lifetime,
did include Sylvia...well
sort of. They turned her
into a statue.
Page 8
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Jessica Zinder‘s My Sweet Audrina Color Theory
Color plays an important role in
black." Sound odd? Remember
The golden raintree, where
My Sweet Audrina. Jessica
Whitefern falling into disrepair?
Audrina lay under to die after
Zinder of the Lost Angels group
gives us her theory about use of
color and the special meanings
that can be found between the
pages of My Sweet Audrina.
Stained Glass Window
throwing colors
Step on Green never be clean
Step on Blue work will never
be through
Step on yellow hear the world
shabby this house really is." It's
stated that Damian was trying to
fix it up but never did. ―Live for-
I want to get my two cents in here
ever in a shack.”
that colors play a HUGE part of
the story.
When Vera returns she is wearing
“Step on Black live forever in a shack
green feathers...her green shoes
Step on Green never be clean
Step on Black live forever in a
"You claim to love the gaslight but
otherwise it might show Damian how
green, "Smart hat of many shades of
matched her very expensive-looking
green suit." She might be physically
being raped somewhat resembles
the color yellow. The intense pain
subsequently lead to her intense
rage . The word bellow is associated with a deep, loud roar typically in pain …well, ―hear the world
One quote I like best is about
Billie's cart "I love red best. Nothing shy about me darlin'" Well,
she‘ll ―soon be dead.”
Step on Blue work will never be
clean but water cannot wash away
Audrina's hair, prisms, the lights
her bad deeds. “Never be clean.”
from the stained glass window are
Step on yellow hear the world bellow
Eilsbeth's favorite color was blue.
Step on red soon be dead” My Sweet
The following quote best illus-
Audrina - V.C. Andrews
trates that,:-
Let‘s look at some of the colors
"Her best outfit, a navy-blue suit..."
and how they play a major symbolic role in My Sweet Audrina.
For an example, Damian has black
hair, "Papa's hair was the darkest
all multicoloured maybe it represent ambivalence. While Audrina
wears white which usually represents purity. "You wear white...still
Papa's pure, little darling."
Wasn't she always pictured as
something of a slave only working
and cleaning all the time? ―Work
will never be through.”
Step on red soon be dead”
My Sweet Audrina _
Damian Adare by Lorraine Elgar
Manipulative, narcissistic,
Damian‗s history is hinted at
his obsession been bought up
weak , charismatic, conniving
throughout My Sweet Audrina and
bitter about the it tells us he‘d
piecing it all together gives us the
been brought up by Julianne
readers a great insight into his
This was the man who drove a
wedge between two sets of sisters, his charismatic charm man-
Lorraine Elgar’s poster
during the My Sweet
Audrina premier.
―The civil war hit Damian‟s great
aging to have a hold over the
Damian‘s family were supporters
grandparents hard and they did not
women in his life even when they
of the Confederates during the
fare well in the Southern Reconstruc-
wished to flee him. So, what is the
Civil War, the losing side, the
tion, and then more than likely,
deal with daddy dearest? What is
family‘s money would have been
Damian‟s parents got hit hard by the
his obsession with his daughters
wiped out once the Unionists
Great Depression ...”
purity ? Why does he have such a
gained power and Damian‘s ex-
Madonna/Whore complex ?
pensive taste hints that he had
AND why do these women fall for
come from a family of stock prior
to the war. He himself wasn‘t even
Despite his horny toenail ?
born when the war was fought but
Damian, I suspect, knows about
poverty. Poor with expensive
tastes is not a good combination….He‗s ―Yankee born‖ but he
asserts himself as a Southern gen-
Page 9
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Damian Adare by Lorraine Elgar cont...
-tleman .
Damian was from somewhere
are still bitching about the civil war in
I agree with Rachel Champions on
1970 like it just happened……”
the whole Madonna-whore complex
and how he segregated his daughters
upstate near New England , most
So, now married with a baby on
likely Salem -if his tales about
the way in a rotted mansion full of
Witches as ancestors are to be
fake antiques, Damian has inher-
I definitely think Damian had ―mommy
believed , but he married into the
ited more than just a ruin …. Ells-
issues” which the whole Madonna-
beth returns with their one year
whore complex stems from.
Whitefern is Lucky and Ellsbeth‘s
old daughter in tow , Vera.
into those roles.
I believe he adored his mother and
family home and Damian is the
Concerned with keeping up ap-
thought of her like Madonna; yet was
gold digger husband.
pearances . Damian and Lucky
disappointed with the fact she was
pretend to society that Vera is
most probably a whore and didn't
their daughter, a confusing decep-
love him unconditionally …. this fil-
tion as surely the townsfolk know
tered down into his personal life …..
the truth ?
with Audrina she was, to him, a true
He obviously had to work hard
during his earlier life, having been
in the navy, but then he met the
Whitefern sisters – Unionist sup-
porters and extremely wealthy; or
so it appeared.
Weren't they at the wedding ?
An intense , passionate affair with
the eldest of the two sisters, Ells-
What's the excuse for Ellsbeth‘s
disappearance ?
beth resulted in an unplanned
And here starts Damian‘s
pregnancy and also the revelation
Madonna-whore segregation. To
that she wasn't the heir of White- him, Ellsbeth is the Whore who
fern. Quite the blow I imagine, as I tricked him , became pregnant to
suspect Damian was up to das-
try and get him into marriage.
tardly deeds here in his seduction
So, what does he do ? Sends her
away in disgrace to have the baby
sister and legitimate heir to
Whitefern – Lucietta.
Of course, he marries this sister
love before her rape. Her rape took
that away from HIM.
The unconditional love aspect seems
to be a driving force behind Damian‘s
actions – Ellsbeth no longer had it
due to his ill treatment of her, Vera
the same story, and Lucietta knew
his failings. The only person who
didn't know who Damian truly was,
Lucietta , as he sees it at first , is
no limits.
his Madonna , his chaste love who
That was her ‖ special gift ‖that he
won‘t entertain him until they are
was so desperate for her to regain.
married. She will give him everything he craves or so he be-
It‘s interesting that Damian does this
lieves…especially in the bedroom ,
but soon discovers Whitefern isn't and feels especially in the bedthe little gem he had been expect-
room, and feels its his right to
ing . I‘m liking Lucky a lot for play-
beat her for any misdemeanor.
ing him at his own game – no
disgrace for her
Rachel Champions states :
Julianne Hannes states
Madonna who gave unconditional
was Audrina and she loved him with
of Ellsbeth.
from the moment he knew she ex-
family mansion they can‟t afford to
isted, I‟d bet.. As for Audrina, he‟s
upkeep, are secretly hated by the
obsessed with her purity, and takes a
town they deem as ―serfs‖, and they twisted patriarchal ownership of her
Damian‘s actions – Ellsbeth
no longer had it due to his
ill treatment of her , Vera
the same and Lucietta
knew his failings , the only
person who didn‘t know
Damian truly was Audrina
and she loved him with no
limits . ―
Notice how when Audrina displeases
him she is no longer favoured ?
sistic trait.
from the city living in a rotted old
driving force behind
of a narcissistic parent to do so.
whore complex ever, applying it even
designated whore daughter and was
aspect seems to be a
good , the other bad. It‘s a huge trait
Around the time Vera burnt his shirt
and blamed Audrina – another narcis-
10miles from the ocean and 30miles
―The unconditional love
separation with his daughters – one
―He has the strongest Madonna-
―For some reason they‟re in the south to his daughters, and Vera is the
Profile of Damien Adare
done by Lorraine Elgar
Same with the purity thing … a narcissistic parent doesn‘t see their child
as an individual, more of a representation of themselves. Damian couldn‘t handle what happened to Audrina,
any more than she could. His whole
Scene from the Lifetime
movie .
Page 10
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Damian Adare by Lorraine Elgar cont...
behavior was more of a cure for
“You know, Damian never struck me
jealousy, and rivalry. None of which
him as it was for her .
as a mastermind. He is in the same
he deserves on his own merits. Quite
category as Bart snr, a guy who relies
fascinating. Almost like a trickster or
on the gullibility, idiocy, and depend-
vampire type character.
Damian, I do believe was a master
manipulator, especially with his
women. I mean the man practically
had a harem. And he ruled them
all by divide and conquer. Two
sets of sisters both at war over
him. Please! But he managed that.
Front Cover of My Sweet
Audrina by V.C. Andrews
courtesy of The Complete
V.C. Andrews website.
his wealth, leisure, ego, and sexual
gratification. He uses his daughter to
create wealth to enhance his own
ego. He is a usurper, a parasite,
Throughout the history of the world
there has never been people more
willing to be enslaved than womankind.”
hijacking the talents of the female
THAT I believe really could be
Lulabel Johnson gives a fantastic
line. Keeping the women divided
Damian‘s life motto
character summary of Damian:
against one another through lust,
Mystery of Mercy Marie Solved (?) M.S.A Theory Fanfiction by Neisha Chetty
Deep within the V.C. Andrews fandom lies … insightful and hilarious
fan fiction! This hilarious piece offers
us this funny tribute to those Tuesday
―Aunt Mercy Marie,
Teatimes that were held by Lucky
did you really get
and Ellie in My Sweet Audrina …
boiled in a pot and
Good reasons why I SHOULD
eaten by cannibals in
ency of the women around him for
money while fucked her half sister,
“Aunt Mercy Marie, did you really get
boiled in a pot and eaten by cannibals in Africa?" asks Audrina, and
then reaches for a dainty ham
sandwich, taking a small nibble.
and it went dark. Then my ghostly
spirit watched as your as your father
came home and ordered your mother
and aunt to chop me up into little
pieces and boil me in a pot to get rid
of my body. I was horrified. As I was
a rather large woman, they kept
"No, my story is so much more inter-
some of me in the fridge, some of it
esting!” Aunt Mercy Marie replies.
they cured to make „ham‟ and ..."
“Lucky and Ellsbeth have no imagination at all. I got boiled in a pot that
"Did you say ham?” Audrina asks
Africa?" asks
write a V.C. Andrews novel,
Audrina, and then
Tuesday Teatimes are held on a
part is true. But here's what really
reaches for a dainty
Monday morning because time
happened. I was having tea with your
ham sandwich, taking
means fuck all when you don't go
mother and aunt when I decided
"Yes,” Aunt Mercy Marie answers.
to school, and when you don't
enough of this foolery! If your parents
―I taste good, don't I? Got to hand it
have a job. Tea is served with
didn't have the balls to tell you the
to Lucky, she can sure cook, and
BOURBON as per the book be-
truth, I would. I started to mention
Ellsbeth can sure eat," added Aunt
cause Anna Walker -Smith is a
that awful day in the woods. You
Mercy Marie bitterly, as Sylvia
book purist. Toasted rolled ham
didn't want to hear it and threw one
throws the photograph of Aunt
and cheese sandwiches replace
of your childish temper tantrums. You
Mercy Marie into the fire.
those ridiculous cucumber sand-
ran upstairs while Lucky and Ellsbeth
wiches because well, I'm a book
shouted, warning me to stop. I stupidly followed, determined to finish
a small nibble.‖
Audrina sits calmly down and
starts playing "three blind mice"
out of tune on the piano. This is
Lets scare the doughnut to
Death—picture from
the only tune she has ever learnt
to play because Lamar Rensdale is
a pervert who didn't have time to
teach her anything else, and
needed to waste her father's
what I started and put an end to this
disbelievingly as she spits out the
ham sandwich.
Luckily for Audrina this was just a
bad dream; it never happened, not
to her anyway.
charade. You screamed something
Cue rocking chair and creepy
about hearing windchimes and
nursery rhyme
prisms flashing colours blinding you.
And then just as I was about to do
shake some sense into you, you
pushed me down the stairs. Over and
over I rolled ... until I heard a "snap"
Page 11
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Lost Angels Of VCA : Was My Sweet Audrina Written before Flowers in the Attic?
Tom Casteel writes. ―Okay,
FITA. If she did, it could possibly
maybe I'm crazy here, but I've often
support my (purely speculative) the-
wondered if MSA wasn't partly, or
ory. Or maybe she just dreamed it up
“When I met Virginia, she had two
even completely, written before the
while writing POTW and ITBT, and
other novels I knew of. One was
Dollanganger books that got pub-
wanted to do something a bit differ-
Gods of Green Mountain, which was
lished before it. The writing style and
ent from those. Not part of a series,
science fiction and was finally pub-
the tropes she touched on in MSA
a bit darker and heavier and self-
lished by Pocket as an e-book a few
feel more raw and formative com-
contained. I also wonder about Dark
years ago. The other was an 800-
pared to the Dollanganger books. It's
Angel, and how it covers so many
page novel called The Obsessed.
also a more complex story with a
plotpoints, and many of them not
Some websites claim Flowers in the
heavier use of symbolism (imo). I
really connected. Surely she was tying
Attic came from The Obsessed, but it
could see MSA being a hard sell to a
up any loose ends started in Heaven,
didn‟t. The two have nothing to do
publisher. That is, until she had huge
given her diagnosis. But I suppose
with one another -
success already and the publisher
that's for the Casteel board lol.”
would be more willing to take a
Anyone else notice/wonder about
this? I guess in the end it doesn't
really matter if it was written first or
not, but if it were it would explain a
bit about her style and it's progression, especially since (to me) it really
does feel more formative than the
Dollanganger books.
Dwight Responded
DeadGirl : “According to Patty Ann
the Editor of Flowers in the Attic she
said VC. Andrews when she first meet
her had two transcripts one was the
Obsessed and the other was My
Sweet Audrina so it was probably
fully finished and Andrews waited to
Ann Patty From The Toast
Then there was My Sweet Audrina,
which I think she had already written
when I met her. Or had written at
least part of it. But we definitely
wanted a sequel to Flowers in the
Attic to be the next thing published,
and we wanted it fast, so we had to
speed up the process “ End Excerpt
has been stated, that she wrote FITA
then called The Obsessed and sent it
in and told to rewrite it and that's
how it came to be FITA but it wouldn't surprise me if VCA herself had
started MSA (it came out in 84 * if
memory serves right) since it's been
said she
The Dollanganger series is definitely
ing it and it worked out fine Pub-
higher in themes, theory and symbol-
lished the year I was born so yeah it
ism than MSA . MSA is more a pessi-
was finished. Dwight. It's really touch-
mistic novel whereas the Dollan-
ganger series more optimistic”
Patty Ann the Editor of
said VC. Andrews when she
first meet her had two
transcripts one was the
Obsessed and the other
Compiled by .- Neisha Chetty
Deepthought : “ I think MSA is a
far more complex novel definitely-
Lost Angels of VCA :
much more darker novel. Definitely, VC/
my view of the Dollanganger series is
that they were all plotted together-
was My Sweet Audrina …”
and were part of a puzzle. Ann Patty
mentions she thinks MSA was done
prior to the Dolls. But I think Virginia
truly kept things from Patty and
was always writing ideas down and
didn't really trust her or many people
stories. It could very well have been a
for that matter.
novel she wrote first.
Tom Casteel
DeadGirl : “According to
Flowers in the Attic she
have a huge success before publish-
―Never thought about it but it could
be quite possible. All we know is what
Scary as hell, Twin images
…. Picture courtesy of the
Complete VCA Website.
Patty mentions that she knew of two
novels - the Obsessed and Gods of
“Good points! They make me wonder
Green Mountain.
if she had to rewrite and resubmit
MSA in much the same fashion as
(Excerpt the toast)
Windchimes and a Golden
Raintree. Picture from
Page 12
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Jennifer Clark‘s First and Best Audrina Quote : Explained By Neisha Chetty
―The snow danced in the
wind, whirling around like tiny
ballerinas, bouncing up, drifting down, floating sideways,
On one level, the wind is the controlling force for the snowflake.
Lucky, and father to Audrina, he
controls them. Even when they try
to escape he catches them.
Although the snowflakes escape
On a higher level this actually is
the drafts, once in a while; floating
about destiny. No one can escape
up, down, or sideways, they're
their destiny. This quote may actu-
caught again by another draft. The
ally give us a glimpse of the
wind is a bigger force that the
themes carried in ―All the Gallant
snowflakes and it controls their
Snowflakes” (an unpublished Vir-
fate as they fall to the ground.
ginia Andrews manuscript)
Honestly, there were so many
In a smiliar way, Audrina and
If you‘d like to learn more about
quotes to choose from, but this
Lucky could never be free of
“All The Gallant Snowflakes”, please
one for me is a gem. The quote
Damian, who is a bigger force. As
reference this link http://
was found and posted by AtticSe-
the man of the house, husband to
In no particular order, definitely
4) When she miscarried all over
10) She was an underaged artist‘s
not in chronological order, and
the floor and threw blood clots at
model in New York.
without picking up the book, I‘m
going to list the best/Vera-est
her mother. (Aside: Ellie just
changed her apron and made a
Vera moments/facts in the book,
pie. May have to make an Ellie list
not including flashbacks. I came up
making pictures, telling me,
always telling me that I was
never, never going to be free,
anymore than Momma had
been free."
My Sweet Audrina
Lifetime’s My Sweet
Audrina movie still showing
crets‘ Jennifer Clark.
Rachel Kapila - Vera !
―I came up with
30 just off the top of
my head, y‘all.‖
with 30 just off the top of my
head, y‘all.
making no secret of the fact that
he‘d rather be boning her
5) When she pretended a bee
waaaaaay underage little sister,
stung her on the boob so she
and there is no excuse for him, so
So here we go, before the movie
could wriggle around flashing Mr.
it‘s kind of awesome that she
inevitably disappoints us, one last
Rensdale during Audrina‘s piano
drove him to alcoholism and sui-
look back at our adolescent rage
cide, then just shrugged and got a
hurricane, the one, the only: Vera
Whitefern Adare.
1) When she masturbated in front
of Audrina that time, and when
Audrina revealed herself,
Vera didn‟t stop.
2) When she cut pics out of porn
mags and coated them with glue
so that they‘d stick to Audrina‘s
Vera knows how to charm
the pants off any man. If
only one of them could just
stay long enough to love
her best … (Lifetime’s My
Sweet Audrina Movie still)
11) An adult man slept with her
and took her to New York while
3) When she spied on Tuesday
Teatime with Aunt Mercy Marie,
while playing with the detachable
penis out of the medical book.
6) She kept her fingernails filed to
nursing degree.
sharp points so she could scratch
12) That time when they were still
you but good if she wanted.
kids and she was all wide
7) She installed a lock on the inside of her closet because she is
the smartest person in this fucked
up family.
eyed ―What happened to all the
male dolls, Audrina?‖
13) The green feathered hat!
14) When she threatened to stand
8) When she put on an Audrina-
in the middle of town and shout
voice to drive their pedo-piano
that she was for sale so come and
teacher to full lust overdrive.
get your Whitefern daughter!
9) When she tackled Audrina and
15) When she almost actually did
knelt on her boobs while describ-
that before Damien dragged her
ing said piano teacher‘s hairy body
home by her hair. Damien ruins
and the precise length of his penis
Page 13
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Rachel Kapila - Vera !
16) Back in the medical book days,
love her. And that‘s why it‘s one
boom, bounce all the way to her
when she told Audrina that she
of the Vera-est things, and there-
death at the bottom of the stairs,
was going to learn all about bodies
fore on the list.
where she still managed to one-up
so she could be the seductress
and not an idiot seductee.
23) All the times she refused to
pretend things were different than
17) When she declared herself
they were and screamed and
almost too old to have a chance at
screamed about how no one loved
life, when she was like, 24. Possi-
her (see above)
bly younger. I can‘t remember and
I‘m making this list without
checking things in the book.
18) When she came home and
managed to somehow work a
will straight up destroy you. But
she is one of my all time favorite
thing she made up right on the
fictional characters. She is the only
one reacting in any sort of rational
19) OK, this may be her master-
26) When she banged Arden in
piece of bitchiness: When Billie
front of his comatose wife. (aside:
died, and Audrina ran around
fucking Arden Lowe, y‘all. You can
crying in the rain, Vera, while the
body just stayed there at the foot
do better, Vera. I know it‘s this
big, symbolic victory, but it‘s still
of the stairs, called Arden at the
Arden Lowe. Gross)
20) When she confused the cops
investigating Billie‘s death by invoking the mysteries of nail polish
and flashing her cleavage.
21) After Lucky died, and she
crawled in bed with Audrina to
describe what was currently happening to Lucky‘s dead body complete with how they‘d be stuffing
cotton into Lucky‘s vagina.
22) This one‘s kind of sad, but
when she begged Audrina to be
her friend, and it was part of a
long term scam, but I also think
I would not want to know Vera in
shirt, which has got to be some-
coma, and Vera did dirty things
with catheter placement
see what would happen. Damn.
Take that, Audrina!
a ―silk mender‖ to fix Damien‘s
person in the room while still just
straight fucking with Audrina‘s
tion. Just set that up and waited to
ferring to their illicit relationship.
real life, because damn. That girl
25) When Audrina was in the
him to come home, no explana-
Audrina‘s husband‘s lap while re-
24) When she said she‘d gone to
different game on every single
office, and just - left a message for
Audrina by dying with her head in
27) When she washed comatose
Audrina‘s hair and did her makeup
while singing slightly altered lyrics
Take that, Audrina ! Vera
sures know how to make
Audrina cry. (Lifetime’s
My Sweet Audrina Movie
way to the weirdness of Whitefern. If only she hadn‘t also been
under its spell, she could have
been a contender. R.I.P. Vera, and
may the movie not completely
fuck this up.
―I would not want to know
Since the movie already aired, if you
Vera in real life, because
want, the last line can read “R.I.P.
Vera, I assume the movie did not do
damn. That girl will straight
you justice”
up destroy you. But she is
one of my all time favorite
fictional characters.”
to ―Wash That Man Right Out of
My Hair‖ from South Pacific.
28) That time she yelled about
vengeance while shaking her fist in
the air.
29) When Damien talked shit
about her unknown parentage and
she screamed that everyone
knows he‘s her father, and they
know he knows it what is this
bullhshit? GOD.
30) When she came into the cuppola with her lesser magic hair
powers on full electric effect.
she really meant it in a way. She
31) Her final moments as she
just wanted one damn person to
ricocheted off the banisters bang,
Julianne Hannes fan art.
Page 14
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
FAN FICTION : Vera by Ty Kovac
My stupid half sister sat in her
Only thing is, he only had eyes for
Didn't work for me." I bragged.
bedroom for the first week. Ever
sweet little Audrina. I had to wear
Lamar hated blowjobs. He only
sinc,e I told her the truth she has
been playing the victim card. Poor
one of her stupid frilly dresses and
her perfume for him to ―take‖ me.
wanted my sex. The blond looked
up over the magazine at me.
He was a total waste. I had moved
"Oh really? And you are?" The
on to bigger and better things.
other one. The twin opened her
More specifically Arden Lowe. I
eyes and turned towards me.
little Audrina, sad, sad Audrina.
Forget the fact that when her
damn mother slapped me I broke
THREE of my fingers.
Ty Kovac’s Fan Fiction
bit in the woods. You know,
Doctor, and I'll show you
attention. Stupid, naive Arden has
ways thought it was odd that he
been by her side ever since. I al-
invited Arden. Everyone knew he
ways wondered if he did the deed.
had a crush on her. So I figured he
The blond smirked. "They have
I told Spencer about her being in
would rat them out. But it's been
plenty of puzzles to do." Her
the woods. He was always looking
over FIVE years and he's kept his
friend snickered. I waved my hand.
at the same magazines I did.
mouth shut. He must have done
the deed just like the rest of them.
"Nah, I need something more-
Unlike my dear sister who insisted
show you mine; if you show me
on wasting away on the third
looked once more at that card
yours. But Spencer wanted more.
floor, I went downstairs and
table. Nope not happening.
I was saving myself for someone
started mingling with the others.
Finally the blond spoke up. "Come
I could tell right away who I would
get along with and who I would
to my room tonight. Bring some-
end up loathing. Immediately, as I
"Second floor. You'll figure it out."
special. Not ugly, big-nosed
Spencer Longtree. I made him a
deal. I gave him something he felt
But Spencer wanted more. I
ever wanted me when they could
big nosed Spencer Longtree.
I made him a deal. “
have the girl with the violet eyes
and chameleon hair.
Audrina was beautiful, even I
couldn't deny that. A pretty face, a
gorgeous body. It was a waste on
that stupid girl. I was the other
Whitefern daughter. The one no
one talked about. I had apricot
hair and dark eyes. I was tall and
voluptuous. Any man's dream...
until they saw Audrina.
Vera doing what Vera does
best … Still from Lifetime’s My Sweet Audrina.
to sound cool.
woods. You know, Doctor, and I'll
was better. Of course. No one
someone special. Not ugly,
something fun to do." I said, trying
interesting." I turned away and
looked around once more. I
mine if you show me yours.
was saving myself on
"Vera. Just got here. Looking for
me who was coming along. I al-
We had played around a bit in the
“We had played around a
knew he was there. Spencer told
She was pathetic. Anything to get
went into the rec-room, I saw two
girls sprawled on one of the
couches reading a magazine I en-
didn't want anybody to notice my
limp. I hurried up stairs to figure
Then, I saw a group of boys and
Lamar had given me some weed. I
girls at a card table doing a puzzle.
Lame. The guys were hot, I could
tell they could use a good romp in
the sack. I bet these girls were not
putting out. Turning towards the
corner, I saw a gorgeous blond girl
looking at a magazine with a ballerina on it. She shared the loveseat
with a smoking hot boy in a
lessons with her. I hated the pi-
leather jacket. A little ways behind
ano, I just wanted to be close to
them, sat another really hot blond
her teacher. I decided the first day
boy watching them carefully over
I saw him that he was the one I
a medical book. Interesting. I de-
had been saving myself for.
cided to check out the girls on the
Rensdale was everything I wanted.
I nodded and walked out slowly. I
joyed. It was all about sex.
After her birthday, I started piano
Tall, dark and handsome Lamar
thing- interesting."
couch. I walked over to them."I've
read that issue already. That article on how to give oral is a crap.
out what to bring. Before we left
could take that. Or any of my
magazines. I also took out Daddy's
bottle of bourbon. When he discovered that it's gone I'm sure
he'll throw a fit! But now he can't
get me. I'm free to do whatever I
want here; and I want two things.
To be with the popular crowd,
and Arden Lowe. I decided on
TWO things within the hour. I
would be bringing my Daddy's
bourbon, and I would start with
the girls. Arden would come later.
I chuckled to myself thinking about
how literal I meant that.
Page 15
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Whispered Dreams Theatre : Tuesday Teatimes RolePlay
Grab your cucumber sand-
cance to that particular stare? She
create a diversion, open the door so
wiches and bourbon laced tea;
quietly took her place.
Arden could gain entry to the house.
To help celebrate the release of
Lifetime's "My Sweet Audrina"
Amanda Jensen: “Thank you
Thank goodness aunt Ellsbeth reacted
to Aunt Mercy Marie‟s obvious slight.”
movie adaptation Whispered
Dreams Theatre held their own
tea times with Aunt Mercy
Marie. They held two live
events where people could actively role-play the different
Adare/Whitefern characters
during the favorite Tuesday
pastime. Here are a few snippets of conversation that occurred.:-Amanda Jensen
Ellie,” Lucky said, taking the tray
from her sister. She caught the
look her husband gave her sister
Patty Nieves: “I have plenty of
and she scowled audibly.
cleaning to do after picking up after
everyone in this house I would not
Patty Nieves: Vera finds the
slave myself in the kitchen too (I would
perfect spot to hide and listen to
not admit that i'm a terrible cook, “
the conversation, and secrets that
Ellsbeth thinks.)
start coming out after a few cups
of tea, and thinks “What is this like
the 3rd time they're having this tea
party and for what, just to keep their
sweet Audrina in her little bubble.
Jennifer Pruitt: Ellsbeth took the
teapot off the stove and placed it
on the tray alongside a bottle of
bourbon. That was her 'special
ingredient' during these tea times.
A bowl of sugar cubes was already
on it. She enjoyed these times, but
hated having to use this as a ruse
to hide the truth from her niece
Audrina. Taking the tray, she
headed upstairs.
Anna Walker-Smith: Audrina
smoothed out her silk white
dress, straightened her waist bow,
and headed down the hallway for
Manip done by Neisha
Chetty using the Lifetime
Movie still.
NeishaChetty: ―Ellie, really you
should try cooking sometimes. They
say a way to a man's heart is through
his stomach, isn't that so Aunt Mercy
Amanda Jensen: “Audrina, honey,
―Well, Lucietta if a man had to eat
you look lovely,” Lucky told her
Ellsabeth's cooking it may just punch a
daughter, as she walked over and
hole all the way to his heart,” An-
If you're interesting in
smoothed her chameleon colored
hair. She spotted Vera watching
swered Aunt Mercy
joining one of WDT's
them from around the corner and
―Aunt Mercy stop now,” I smiled, Not
went over to her. “Vera, I know we
all of Ellie's cooking results in indiges-
they plan new ones
don't usually allow this, but hurry up
every month https://
“Vera stop stuffing yourself with that
cake and contribute something useful
and go put on a nice dress. You're
invited to this one,” she said, deciding on the spur of the moment to
invite her niece and not caring
what her sister would think.
to the conversation.”
Amanda Jensen: Audrina slowly
opened the door for Arden and
Anna Walker-Smith: Audrina
quickly snuck in. “Thanks Audrina,
wondered what Aunt Ellsbeth
I've always wanted to attend one of
would think about Vera's skipping
these,” he said giving her a wry
classes again.
smile. “Where would be the best
events, join their page
place for me to hide so I can still hear
Renee Benson: “Well if you ladies
About a week later, or maybe
don't mind, I think I will have a glass
sooner it's so hard to tell time
of tea with you.” Damian sits in his
favorite chair, wistfully staring at
in that house, WDT held one
more tea-time. Here's what
was overheard this time.
Anna Walker-Smith: Audrina
Lorraine Elgar:―Sorry mother,” I
entered the room and caught her
replied as Vera stuffed a fancy cake
father's stare. She wondered what
into her mouth, “Soon there would
it meant. Was there any signifi-
be nothing left for me. I needed to
We had two very different stories
play out. In the first, both Vera
and Damian got to attend the
tea time and in the second Arden
was going to eavesdrop on the
mysterious tea times he had
heard so much about.
Poster by Amanda Jensen
(courtesy of Lorraine Elgar)
Page 16
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Feature Book : Sage‟s Eyes Special
Sage‟s Eyes Excerpt from The Complete VCA Site
My parents watch me obses-
about who she really is. For Sage
sively for signs of evil. They
and the alluring new boy at school
don't let me out, they keep
me away from other people.
share many things in common.
Perhaps, they'll learn, far too many
And I'm beginning to think
maybe they're right to.
Sixteen-year-old Sage is a lonely
child, dreaming of hemlock and
mysterious ancestors she knows
nothing about. Her adoptive parSage’s Eye Front Cover
ents keep a close eye on her,
studying her for warning signs of...
something. But Sage has to admit
that even she can't make sense of
the strange things she sees and
hears. She possesses knowledge
Original Cover:
January 26, 2016
Copyright © 2016
Vanda Productions,
Cover design by Anna
that other teenagers don't, that
neither her parents nor teachers—no adult—possibly could.
Hypnotic Voices
"Take it off," the voice whispered.
"You'll never know the truth
about yourself if you let them
control you. Take it off."
There was something hypnotic
I started to take off the necklace,
"Take it off. Don't wear it all the
but it was as if there was someone
standing behind me grasping my
fingers to stop me. I stared at
myself in the mirror. I was totally
naked except for the necklace.
Although it wasn't tight, it felt very
warm against my skin.
I started to reach back and
stopped. ― And then, as if a spotlight had hit it, the shadow evaporated, and the room was silent.
I went to bed with the necklace
on, but I couldn't help but wonder
I heard my voices telling me to
leave it on, but then, for the first
time, I heard another voice, a
So when Sage finally makes a
different-sounding voice, deeper,
friend who understands her alarm-
darker. It was coming from the far
ing gifts, he becomes her confi-
right corner of the room, where
there was a shadow that shouldn't
dant, a precarious link to the truth
be there because it was so lit up.
if the voice in the shadows was
the one I should have obeyed.
stopped. And then, as if a spotlight
had hit it, the shadow evaporated,
and the room was silent.
I went to bed with the necklace
on, but I couldn't help but wonder
Laura Jane Jones‘ Sage‟s Eye Review
Yesterday I received my copy of
build up, and the anti-hero nature
Sage‟s Eyes… at last. I started
of the guy, but not in the usual
Cover photo © Terry
reading thinking "just a couple of
way. It did break away from the
chapters . . ." and by 2.30am, I was
mold in that sense.
Images :
I actually really enjoyed it. Finally
didn't actually see that coming. I
you got the sense that the pro-
stayed away from reviews and
tagonist was indeed in some kind
spoilers because I had some pretty
Anyone feels like breaking that
of danger other than her jealous
high hopes for the book merely
down and applying it to the book,
friends. Although Summer isn't in
because it had a supernatural ele-
I'd be interested in reading that.
it for long, he does make an im-
ment to it, and I wasn't disap-
But do give the book a chance.
pact. I was like "Whoa, this guy . .
pointed. If I'm still up at 2.30am
Complete VCA
." Not wanting to spoil it at all, but
reading it, then obviously I wasn't
SPOILER I did love that there was
disappointed. My copy had a lack
very little "oh, Rio Grande, should
of preview for the next book,
I cross thee?" in it. I liked the slow
which made me sad, but oh well . .
Source of Cover
Information : The
And the twist, I‘ve got to say, I
Personally, I think it's worth the
Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor
Coleridge is also pretty interesting
(It's mentioned in the book).
Page 17
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Amanda Jensen‘s Sage‟s Eyes Review
Parents with secrets, a mysterious
long, for their friendship to suffer,
ters and their back-stories, but
new boy at school, and strange
as a new boy., Summer Dante
this is a stand -alone book, so I
memories are just some of the
themes in Sage's Eyes, the newest
(terrible character name- by the
way!) comes and whisks Sage off
will never get my answers. I think
a lot of the story from the middle
addition to the long catalog of VC
of her feet. Surrounded by se-
of the book could have been cut,
Andrews' books which has been
crets from her parents, Summer
because it got a little repetitive
added to over the years by ghost-
and Sage must uncover the hidden
and muddled. With that cut, there
writer Andrew Neiderman. Sage
truth behind those secrets to find
would have been more space to
is a sixteen-year-old girl who has
her true identity.
expand on the ending and keep it
always been different; it doesn't
help that her adoptive parents are
so strict.
going. I think this story could have
Overall I liked this book, though I
did find it a bit predictable. My
She sees memories she shouldn't
main complaint with the book is
have, and knows things about
that the middle was hard to get
people without being told. After
some trouble with this at school,
through, and then when everything started getting very interest-
Sage's parents decide to enroll her ended with no sequel! I
into a private school. By this time,
think that Mr. Neiderman could
she has gotten better at keeping
have went a lot further with all
her words to herself, though she
the revelations and how Sage dealt
ends up sharing some of her insights with her new best friends to
with them rather than just tying
them up so neatly at the end. I still
their confusion. It doesn't take
have questions about the charac-
been better executed as a family
saga. It would be interesting to see
the history of Sage's parentage ;
both her paternal and adoptive. I
will say I thought that the epilogue
was a nice touch to Sage's story
and I found it quite sweet. Out of
five stars, I'd give this book a
Amazon rating : 4/5
stars (39 customer
Jessica Zinder‘s Sage‟s Eyes Review
I finished the book last night and
retelling of it, but better. The one
Darkness but both scenes in Sage‟s
there were as few surprises. Read-
person in her family that seems to
Eyes are better rewrites.
ing this book reminds me why I
understand her is her Uncle
continue reading V.C. Andrews
Wade ,who is a magician.
books. Once in a while, a gem like
At the risk of not picking it apart
as us fans usually tend to do, it is a
Sage moves from her public to a
wonderful story...finally. Granted
private school and her ―gift‖ is
our beloved GW does do his
kept ―under wraps ― , at first until
shameless promotion with Ruby,
she is hearing voices and seeing
unlike Celeste where he doesn't
shadows where there shouldn't be
mention the name Dawn. In Sage's
any. When a new boy shows up
Eyes , Ruby is blatantly obvious.
Sage is an adopted girl with ex-
named Summer, he seems to
He has done this previously sev-
tremely secretive and supersti-
know what she is and displays
eral times and I recognize this as
tious parents. By either looking,
some of the same powers as
more like an Easter egg then a
talking, or, touching a person , she
this comes up and renews my faith
in the GW. Virginia Andrews always wanted to write a book on
someone with clairvoyance; and I
think ―she‖ has.
is able to know their deepest secrets , or see their future. For
some readers, this will sound like
the short story, The Little Psychic.
The prolog almost sounds like a
There are few scenes that seem
reworked , like a party that she
goes to is similar to one Phoebe
goes to but ends up better. The
end is reminiscent of Daughter of
Goodreads : Rating:
3,5/5 - 167 votes
The Little Pyschic painting
courtesy of The Complete
Page 18
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Keshena Booker‘s Sage‟s Eyes Review
My favorite V.C. Andrews novels
fying her smothering concern for
proaches the Gone With the Wind
are the Dollanganger novels, and
her…and giving her more magical
fabulous domestic horror of V.C.
My Sweet Audrina. Most of the
protective bling .
Andrew‘s original work, in which
novels written by the ghost writer
Andrew Neiderman, simply don‘t
interest me because I feel they
lack the two key elements of Andrews‘ brand of horror: the setting of her native Virginia, and the
constant menace of parental attention turned into suspicion and
surveillance. Both are utilized to
palpable effect in Audrina and the
Dollanganger novels. As well as the
staid morals of the old south facilitating tales of families, who criminalize their daughters for showing
nascent sexual maturity.
Just as the book is taking on impressive shades of Stephen King‘s
Carrie, the difficult situation with
Sage‘s classmate is quickly swept
aside in favor of a romance that
follows all the beats of Twilight. A
new boy in town who is mysteriously sophisticated and witty captivates all the girls, but only has
eyes for Sage. This romance really
brings the story down. Sage‘s supernatural powers literally go
dormant, and rather than solving
the mystery of who her adoptive
parents are, what the source of
The generic suburban setting
her abilities are, and who her
strips the characters of any re-
biological parents are, she spends
taking on impressive
gional/cultural motivation to be so
prim and condemnatory towards
about four chapters sneaking
around to see Summer Dante and
shades of Stephen
the growing girls in their lives, but
exchanging forced and hackneyed
this cultural isolation sort of
―flirty‖ dialogue. They fight, they
works in Sage‟s Eyes. As an
confide, they kiss, and the Edward
adopted child, Sage feels distant
and Bella act is suddenly stopped
from her adoptive parents, and
in its tracks when Sage‘s parents
they seem distrustful of her. Her
adopted parents reveal very little
reveal who Summer really is to
Sage (think Chris, Sr. and Cor-
about themselves and their pasts,
rinne -if that‘s not too big of a
and nothing to Sage about her
“Just as the book is
King‟s Carrie, the
difficult situation with
Sage‟s classmate ..”
biological family. They have no
patience for her clairvoyant abilities, memories of past lives, and
ability to talk to protective spirits.
While they discourage these abilities, it seems every other chapter,
they are gifting her with some
protective New Age talisman. The
sprinkling of New Age philosophy
and magical talismans added to the
If you loved Sage’s Eyes,
then you’ll love Daughter of
Darkness. (Cover Picture
courtesy of the The Complete VCA Website)
book‘s initial mood of paranormal
mystery. As Sage learns a dark
secret about a classmate and intervenes, her parents are intensi-
That‘s it. They just tell her the
truth, and she just accepts it.
None of the fire and blood of
Cathy Dollanganger‘s quest for
vengeance against the mother who
falsely imprisoned her, or the
genre bending bonkbuster melodrama that sent every female
member of the Whitefern family
tumbling down the stairs in My
Sweet Audrina. Even when dealing
with the supernatural, nothing in
the ghostwritten books ap-
sexual maturity is a one woman
revolution perpetrated against the
keepers of childhood, who fight
back with unfair weapons only
parents can turn on a child: the
restriction of freedom, and the
denial of affection. Despite some
spooky moments and inside jokes
referencing the Ruby series and
Neiderman himself poking fun at
his own image with a male character who writes female geared
books under a feminine pen name,
Sage‟s Eyes is, like its heroine,
lacking roots. Sage‘s conflict with
her parents would have been
more effective without the Dante
character taking up so much of
her time without driving the conflict in a real or necessary way. I
enjoyed the book, though, and I
would rate it maybe a C plus.
Page 19
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Crossword Puzzle : Cross Over With Sage‘s Eyes
Sage picture https://
Puzzle compiled by
Amanda Jensen and
designed by Neisha
Picture from https://
Page 20
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
V.C. Andrews Fan News Special
FITA The Stage Play Wins numerous awards by Lorraine Elgar
AtticSecrets is thrilled to reveal
such a production as he did and
their ratings and general response
that Christopher Bentivegna‘s
the results showed this.
would have been drastically im-
wonderful adaptation of FITA: The
Stage Play has won numerous
awards from
for the whole of Louisiana.
attention, place an
interesting sentence or
quote from the story
Christopher Bentivegna will be
widely recognised for his role in
nominated for, it walked away
successful run of sold out shows
making the stage play a success
with four of including Best Play Of
but have now won these awards.
and with his sensitivity and insight, is as the
Best Play : Flowers in the Attic
to what is picked up to run on
Broadway, This is wonderful news
Best Actress In A Play: Rebecca
Elizabeth Hollingsworth (Corrine
for The VCA Estate and Neider-
the Big Apple
Bentivegna was initially chosen
after numerous interviews with
be achieved when a passionate fan
and passionate.
VCA adaptation whether its for
Bentivegna had a challenge, not
only to produce something that
would honour the legacy of VCA
to Broadway but also nationwide
with the same cast who per-
Best Set Design : Matthew Collier
This just goes to prove what can
were initially against the produc-
trusted to take this play , not only
(Christopher Dollanganger)
the USA. They were impressed
with his vision, which was heartfelt
He brought the heartbreaking
into the work and would be en-
Best Actor In A Play: Levi Hood
potential directors from all over
disliked by many fans and who
Picture courtesy of AtticSecrets.
The Awards won were :
name suggests is very influential as
book to a script which had been
Hollingsworth as Corrine.
AtticSecrets truly wishes that
photo‘s -all resulted in not only a
beauty and haunting tone from the
Rebecca Elizabeth
audience IN THE ATTIC with the
children, fantastic promotional
man who are hoping to bring it to
“To catch the reader's
proved and not an embarrassment
to everyone.
Out of the five categories it was
The Year.
Picture : Courtesy of AtticSecrets.
A talented cast and crew, an
amazing set design which had the
is given the task to produce a
theatre or movies adaptations. In
fact, if the Lifetime movies had
been entrusted to a director of
Christopher‗s caliber, perhaps
formed their roles beautifully and
had more insight into their characters than the Lifetime actors.
Photo credits: Alexa Kinigopolos
All pictures courtesy Of Lorraine
but also to win around a fandom
Elgar (AtticSecrets)
that was wary and hostile .
With charm, honesty and com-
plete candidness, not only did
Christopher patiently explain his
vision, but he listened to the fandom; explaining he was a fan himself. No one else could have
poured their heart and soul into
Page 21
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Lost Angels of VCA‘s Jessica Zinder On The Move
Look closely at the white
heart creamer … Can you
see it ? Manip by Neisha
Here‘s Jessica outside the Old Marquer Theatre in
New Orleans (yup Ruby Country) which hosted
the first ever stage production of ‗Flowers in the
attic‖. Jessica is pictured here with a copy of
―Gods of Green Mountain‖.
Teatime with ―Uncle Andrew‖
Pictured here is Carmen Carreras (VC
Andrews Movies FanPage) and Lorraine
Elgar (AtticSecrets)
having tea with their
uncle Andrew during
the premier of My
Sweet Audrina. These
girls definitely had
some fun
V.C.A Fans get out and
about or just have fun
staying in … if you‟ve
got something for our
next issue please send it
Salome Meyer -Lowrens from Woodhurst Library, Durban South Africa
As a worldwide challenge to fellow V.C.A fans,
I recently donated two books carrying messages to other V.C.A fans. I‘d like to thank our
favourite ghostwriter, Andrew Neiderman who
wrote a special message to fans in South Africa
and AtticSecrets‘ Lorraine Elgar for her lovely
message as well. Remember fans keep the
passion and love alive by connecting with other
fellow fans. It‘s the little things like this that can
make someone‘s day.
Neisha Chetty (head of the SuperFan Board).
Your next diary appointment is …. Manip by Neisha chetty.
Page 22
N ew s le tt er T i t l e
More Fan News
The Purple Grass….
Yes, we are still trying to find
it…. The book keeps eluding
us. So we‘re asking fans out
there… if you come across
the book written by T.M Ellis
about star-crossed lovers,
Lily and Raymond, please
send us an e-mail and put us
out of our misery. [email protected]
When the V.C.
Andrews fans get
together it‟s always a
major event …Fans
keep the dream alive
by expressing their
V.C. Andrews fan, Rachel
Swanson posted her copy of
V.C. Andrews : A Reader‟s Checklist and Reference Guide, on
our Facebook page. Thank you
for sharing this with us, Rachel. I‘m sure many V.C. Andrews fans will be ordering it
now !
-Neisha Chetty
Page 23
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
The Best Audrina Movie Poster
Best Audrina movie poster
has to go to V.C.Andrews
SuperFan Julianne (Jules)
Hannes. Notice the shadowy shape of Vera ! That
ought to keep our Rachel
Kapila happy
Follow Jules on instagram
One fan asked for
“Vera, Vera, Vera.
Lorraine Elgar created the
Give me more Vera !”
vera-tini. Cheers !
Hopefully we‟ve
granted her wish...
Page 24
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Andrew Neiderman Interviewed by Nehal Khan
Andrew Neiderman had his
Warner Bros. television for a
71 V.C. Andrews publication,
television series. Neiderman has
The Unwelcomed Child, pub-
two novels in predevelopment as
lished in January, 2014. It
feature films, I am also working on
went immediately to the Pub-
a new Neiderman novel and finish-
lisher’s Weekly bestseller list
ing a three-book series for V.C.
and remained for there for
Andrews that begins next fall with
three weeks. Most of the nov-
The Mirror Sisters. That's followed
els Mr. Neiderman has writ-
with Broken Glass and then Shat-
ten as V.C. Andrews have
tered Memories.
been on the New York Times
best sellers list. In September,
When did you start writing as
the 70thV.C. Andrews novel,
a profession? How did you
Roxy’s Story was on the NY
start writing for V.C. An-
Times list. Capturing Angels
was published in hard cover in
AN: In 1987, I left teaching high
What was the hardest part of
writing Terrorist's Holiday and
the UK. It was published in
school English and began living on
Christopher's Diary?
paperback in the UK in Au-
my writing income only. I began
gust. Neiderman continued to
writing V.C. Andrews because we
The Global Appeal of
make publishing history with
had the same agent and editor at
V.C. Andrews is
his latest projects Sages Eyes
by V.C. Andrews released in
the time she was losing her battle
with cancer and I completed Gar-
evident when Superfan
January 2016 along with Lost
den of Shadows and have continued
in His Eyes by Andrew Neider-
it for over 28 years.
and VCA Book
Collector Nehal Khan
Andrew Neiderman released a
that you wrote and your fa-
got a chance to review
romantic thriller in the style of a
Hitchcockian movie, that was
vorite character.
AN: PIN, because it started my
released in the UK on August 28,
career and was adapted into a
2015 and in the U.S. December 1,
feature film.
Picture courtesy of Nehal
Andrew Neiderman.
Name your favorite novel
2015 (Lost in His Eyes, Severn House
publishers). This will follow with a
Picture courtesy of Nehal
[and your favorite character.]
film and a classic tale.
AN: The hardest part of any novel
is keeping the characters real and
the story moving along so the
reader is not bored or distracted.
These are two completely different types of fiction. The Terrorist's
Holiday gives a complex view of
the "bad" guys and even has some
humor in it. Christopher's Diary,
two volumes followed by Secret
Brother had to be loyal to the Dollanganger series and yet introduce
new characters, ideas, and plot.
Tell us about Sister, Sister and
Terrorist's Holiday.What's the
second title, The Incident, to be
released on 1 July 2016, a roman-
AN : Leon in PIN.
tic thriller about a young woman
How would you describe The
AN: Sister, Sister is a unique tale
who was physically attacked as a
Devil's Advocate to someone
about conjoined twins, one of
teenager and begins to wonder
who has not read any of your
whom has special powers. It re-
about the man with whom she has
previous novels?
lates to multi-personality themes
now fall in love. Currently, An-
AN: This is a novel about a law
and in the part of their tutor, a
drew Neiderman's novel, Judge-
firm that represents ONLY guilty
narrator who makes the discov-
ment Day, the prequel to The
people and never loses. It's a
ery. The Terrorist's Holiday is about
Devil's Advocate, the novel turned
thriller with supernatural under-
a plot to blow up a major Catskill
into a successful film starring Al
pinnings and today is consider a
Mountain resort in upstate New
Pacino, Keanu Reeves and Char-
morality play, a battle between
York in order to kill an important
lize Theron, is in development at
good and evil. It's become a classic
Israeli general and financial
idea behind these?
Page 25
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Andrew Neiderman Interviewed by Nehal Khan cont...
supporters of Israel, but it pre-
regrets it, is drawn to the same
have been adapted for screen-
sents the terrorists as human and
situation. As a remake film, it
play? In which countries?
driven by conflicting emotions.
broke Lifetime Network's viewer
How different is your own
writing style from V.C Andrews?
AN: Very different. My novels are
far more graphic, violent, alluring.
V.C. Andrews is a very special
record at 6.1 million in one night.
What are you reading right
now? Are there any authors
(living or dead) that you
would name as influences?
AN: Seven. Adapted in the U.S,
but seen in all of the UK, France,
German, Italy...over 25 countries.
What else do you want your
readers to know? Consider
point of view with family problems
AN: I am reading two novels at
here your likes and dislikes,
and character development in a
once, which is what I often
your interests and hobbies,
special setting. The syntax, vo-
reading interest is varied, as I like
your favorite ways to unwind
cabulary and dialogue are much
to see different styles and themes.
― whatever comes to mind.
My favorite American author right
Which part of researching
The Christopher's Diary, was
the most personally interesting to you? Were there any
facts, symbols, or themes that
you would have liked to include, but they just didn't
make into the story?
now is James Lee Burke who
writes about the Cajun world
outside of New Orleans.
Name 1 book from a different
writer, you wished you had
AN: Huckleberry Finn, but a
the spirit of The Dollanganger se-
What are the things you feel
ries, Flowers in the Attic, but the
lacking from the novels these
most interesting thing was how
Christopher (the point of view of
the boy) viewed what was happen-
AN: Character study...most nov-
ing to them and why he tolerated
so much.
Dollanganger series includes
an unusual graphical element,
what can you tell us about
AN: This is different, but it has
been depicted in novels, just not
as sensitively as in Flowers in the
Attic because it shows us a young
girl's emotional, physical, and mental development and how the only
outlet for it was incestuous...her
brother is also going through maturity and although he
AN: I am a physical exercise
freak. It's important to do something physical when you are working with your mind so much. I love
reading, seeing good television and
film, and enjoying good food. I
love to travel and have been to
AN: “I am a physical
many beautiful places in the world
and met interesting people.
exercise freak. It's
Message to your readers?
something physical
modern American version.
AN: It was important to keep to
Picture courtesy of Nehal
AN: If you want to be a writer,
read. And remember, writing is
rewriting...nothing is finished ever.
els are two flippant when it comes
to their characters. They deal
Don‘t forget to visit Andrew Nei-
mainly with plot.
derman facebook pages :-
What are the common myths
important to do
when you are working
with your mind so
about being a successful
screenwriter in Hollywood?
AN: That once you succeed in
getting something done, you'll
never have to worry. It's hard
every time and nothing is until it
is. And it changes so much that
what works today might not work
next week.
How many novels of yours
The cover for the new
Andrew Neiderman novel,
The Incident
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Page 26
Andrew Neiderman Receives The Golden Raintree Award
Lorraine Elgar designed the first
authors because he is more con-
the modern VCA works, I guess
ever award we handed out as
nected to the fans.
for me, Andrew Neiderman is
―The V.C. Andrews SuperFan
Board‖. We called it “The Golden
Raintree Award”.
the Golden Raintree is a complex
one. At that time, I‘d been writing
Andrew Neiderman has been a
an essay to explain ―What the
prolific writer. He is probably the
Golden Raintree Symbolised‖ to
most successful ghost-writer in
SuperFan Candace Marie Butler.
history, having written over seventy titles under the V.C. Andrews name. At times he is heavily
criticised and times he is highly
Picture courtesy of Nehal
The explanation as to why I chose
praised but there is no doubt that
It‘s a lengthy essay, Perhaps the
lyrics from this Nat King Cole
song from the movie Raintree
County will explain it better:-
his contribution towards continu-
―They say in Raintree County
ing the V.C. Andrews legacy is
extremely valuable.
there‘s a tree bright with blos-
He is an extremely approachable
individual, always willing to help us
constantly challenging us to open
our minds, and sometimes many
of us resist, but maybe if we do
and consider other possibilities,
another dream may unfold.
I just want to thank Andrew Neiderman on behalf of The VCA
SuperFan Board and so many of
his fans out there for keeping the
dream alive.
soms of gold, But you will find the
Raintree‘s a state of the mind, or a
dream to unfold.‖
fans and answer our questions. It
Although I do not see eye to eye
truly sets him apart from other
with some of the new aspects of
The Golden Raintree Award created byLorraine Elgar
-Neisha Chetty
Page 27
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Coming Soon : WhiteFern by V. C. Andrews
We‘ve had a long wait. THIRTY-
will reveals that Audrina herself
will control fifty-one percent of
Audrina style, it‘s only been seven.
the family brokerage—the halls of
-Neisha Chetty
Whitefern again don't feel safe.
―Whitefern swallowed
Audrina’s childhood—and
now the sprawling Victorian
mansion threatens her adult
life too…
frantic, nearly violent. And while
Audrina didn't anticipate running
Don‘t forget to pre-order your
copy from :-
the family business, she's curious
to do so. And she can't help but
wonder what had made her father
change his will at the last minute?
What did he know about Arden
young man with a heart filled with
that she didn't?
this cruel. But then, the death of
Audrina's father changed a great
many things.
When the reading of her father's
Whitefern release date : 26 July
when her husband, Arden, was a
to be this ambitious, expansive...
Synopsis from The Complete VCA
Arden's protestations become
Audrina remembers a better time,
devotion for her. He didn't used
Whitefern may have returned…‖
Trapped in the middle of it all: her
fragile, simple sister—the beautiful, trusting Sylvia. Audrina promised her father she'd watch over
the young woman. But after years
of relative quiet, the dark days of
“Whitefern swallowed
Audrina‟s childhood—
The Incident by Andrew Neideman Synopsis
hometown to confront her trou-
Not everyone is happy about Vic-
bled past in this absorbing novel of
toria and Brad's developing rela-
romantic suspense. Six years after
'the incident' that no one will talk
tionship -and what is it that Brad is
keeping from Victoria? Is she still
about, Victoria Myers returns to
in danger?
her small hometown in the Catskill Mountains. After years in therapy, she is determined to start
living life to the full once again particularly when she starts dating
handsome Bart Stonefield, son of a
wealthy local businessman. But the
past has not yet been laid to rest.
No one has ever been brought to
justice for the crime committed
against the teenage Victoria - and
at least one person within the
community is concealing the truth
A young woman returns to her
and now the sprawling
about what happened that night.
Release date : 1 July 2016.
You can pre-order your copy now
Victorian mansion
threatens her adult
life too…”
Page 28
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
E.Van Lowe : Advice for Aspiring Writers
If you‟ve read Nehal Khan‟s interview
cently that in J. R. R. Tolkien‘s The
(his conundrum) eats at him until
with Andrew Neiderman, you'd learn
Lord of The Rings, it isn‘t elves,
it finally brings him down. Yes,
that Neiderman stresses the impor-
and orcs and ring wraiths that
Danny‘s ability to see ghosts who
tance of character development.
make the story so engaging—it‘s
might harm him scares the hell out
Here‟s author E. Van Lowe explaining
Frodo‘s moral dilemma, or what I
of us, but it‘s his father‘s moral
to us why we should pay more atten-
call his moral conundrum that
conundrum that propels the story
tion to character development.
propels the story forward. When
- Neisha Chetty
E. Van Lowe and The
Creature. Taken at the
past fall’s Horror Book
Fest, Hesperia, California.
E was the guest speaker.
with the ring, he doesn‘t want
published novels that proliferate
it. It‘s the weight of this and how
today‘s literary landscape, one
he handles this and other respon-
glaring flaw that jumps out at me is
sibilities that really moves the
the lack of character develop-
story along. It‘s not the plot, but
ment. Many newbie authors
the characters choices that makes
The Lord of The Rings so engag-
spend much of their time on the
plot not realizing that plot should
ter. Plot, to me, is like a car,
substitute as a
Mentor to aspiring
authors merely
because he is... a
character !
sponsibility he‘s been entrusted
When I read many of the self-
always be secondary to charac-
We got this guy to
Frodo comes to realize the re-
while character is the driver. You
need the driver to get the car
where you want it to go--where
you want to go. It‘s the driver‘s
choices that make the trip pleasurable or harrowing. The car is just
the vehicle.
a seasoned vet who may have
forgotten, characters and their
choices are the key to creating
engaging work. It‘s great having a
Ferrari (plot) but without a good
driver (character) it‘s just another
In Stephen King‘s The Shining, Jack
Torrance surmises his family (wife,
Wendy and son, Danny) are the
reason he‘s in the position he‘s
in—a broke, struggling, alcoholic
writer. Taking the job at the
Overlook is Jack‘s desire to fix his
life, but his secret belief that his
family is the reason for his woes
I noted for a fantasy writer re-
About E. Van Lowe
vision writer/producer who has
worked on such TV shows as
"The Cosby Show," "Even Stevens,"
“Knight Rider,” and "Homeboys In
Outer Space." He has been nominated for both an Emmy and an
E with his pet, Godzilla, his pet
E. Van Lowe at the 2012
pre-Emmy party.
If you‘re a newbie writer, or even
who sits in his office while he
E. Van Lowe is an author, and tele-
the four books of the Falling An
gels Saga. The Beautiful Creatures of
Beverly Hills is his latest series
creation. The first book is
Academy Award. His first YA
E is also horror author Sal Conte,
Paranormal novel, "Never Slow
dubbed by readers ―The modern
Dance With A Zombie," was a selection of The Scholastic Book
master of the surprise ending.‖
Club, and a nominee for an
with his spouse, a werewolf, God-
American Library Association
Award. His Amazon #1 Teen
Horror novel “Boyfriend From
Hell,” along with “Earth Angel,”
“Heaven Sent,” and “Falling” are
E lives in Beverly Hills California
zilla, several zombies, and a fairy
godmother who grants him wishes
from time-to-time.
Page 29
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Synopsis of Moondancers by E.Van Lowe (The Beautiful Creatures of Beverley Hills :Book One )
ent from all the summers that
have come before.
That summer Josh will meet his
one true love.
That summer there will be an
amazing and romantic adventure
That summer one of them is going
Amazon #1 Teen Horror
novel ―Boyfriend From Hell”
That summer the girl of Josh Butters‘ dreams is right before his
eyes. But the price for loving her
may be far too high.
Do you believe in soulmates ?
Josh Butters didn‘t until the summer of his sixteenth birthday. That
summer a creature began haunting
the pools of Beverly Hills, and a
beautiful girl moved next door.
Does Josh see a secret connection
between the girl and the creature?
The summer of Josh Butters‘ sixteenth birthday will be very differ-
From the author of #1 Teen Horror novel Boyfriend From Hell and
The Falling Angels Saga comes a
new paranormal series that asks
the question ―Do you believe in
Book 2 : Frostfellows– Coming
soon !
You can pre-order Frostfellows
from here :
some of the most
Our Challenge to V.C. Andrews Fan Fiction Writers
―Here‘s a list of all the characters
Adare, sister of Sylvia and half-
in My Sweet Audrina from the
sister of Vera, wife of Arden Lowe
Complete VCA website. Next
to each character describe how
unique they are (character traits)
Aunt Mercy Marie - aunt of
Lucietta and Ellsbeth Whitefern
and how Virginia Andrews used
Billie Lowe - mother of Arden
these characters to steer her plot.
I‘ve included the My Sweet Audrina
Curtis Shay - one of the boys who
family tree which will come in
handy for your next exercise develop NEW characters for a
Whitefern sequel. Have fun!‖
Neisha Chetty
Characters in My Sweet Audrina:
Arden Nelson Lowe - son of Billie
Lowe and an unknown father,
husband of Audrina
Audrina Adelle Adare Lowe daughter of Damian and Lucietta
raped Audrina
Damian Jonathan Adare - husband
Lamar Rensdale - Vera's lover
Lucietta "Lucky" Whitefern Adare
Billie and Arden's cottage
Spencer Longtree - one of the
boys who raped Audrina
and Lucietta Adare, sister of
who raped Audrina
Ingmar Johanson - Lucietta's piano
can too !
Mr. Willis - former resident of
Sylvia Adare - daughter of Damian
Hank Barnes - one of the boys
characters. And you
Audrina and Sylvia
Audrina, Vera, and Sylvia
Lucietta Adare, mother of Vera
- sister of Ellsbeth Whitefern, wife
of Damian Adare, mother of
of Lucietta Adare, father of
Ellsbeth Whitefern - sister of
V.C. Andrews created
Audrina and half-sister of Vera
Vera Adare - illegitimate daughter
of Ellsbeth Whitefern and Damian
Adare, half-sister of Audrina and
The WhiteFern-Adare
Family Tree from The
Complete VCA Website
Page 30
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Jennifer The Complete VCA Interviewed by Lorraine Elgar
Since 1995, The Complete V.C.
"young adult" audience (Virginia's
ground and the graphic titles, mak-
Andrews website has been the
original books--Dollanganger,
ing the website more functional
one stop shop for any Virginia
Casteel, and My Sweet Audrina--
on portable devices and printers.
Andrews fan wanting to know
were written for adults). I found
I've simplified by trimming the
more. If there‘s anything Jennifer,
myself simply outgrowing the new
number of pages, I consolidated
the webmistress and queen of
books. With that said, I'm a loyal
content, and re-organized. I've
VCA, doesn‘t know then it isn‘t
fan of Virginia Andrews herself,
gone through every page and did
worth knowing!
and the books she wrote. She
some editing--I added new info,
was an amazingly talented woman,
deleted outdated info, and re-
and I created The Complete V.C.
worked layout. There are still a
Andrews website to honor her.
few things that need to be done,
Hey Jennifer, again, thanks so
much for agreeing to this interview.
Jennifer: Thanks for asking!
This is a picture of Virginia
(born Cleo Virginia Andrews), in her early 30's
(source the Complete VCA
“They were my teenage
girl escape. I was
Firstly, Can you tell us a little
bit about yourself and how you
Your site was first published in
1995. What inspired you to
create it?
like the international cover galleries. That's a huge project that,
unfortunately, keeps getting put
off. I also need to re-do the family
trees and do some other fixes
discovered V C Andrews?
Jennifer : in the early 90's, the
Internet was still fairly new. At
Jennifer: Well, my name is Jenni-
that time, I had been "modeming"
fer and I turned 40 last December
it all done by the end of summer.
and participating in online bulletin
(yikes!). I live in a small resort
I hope my visitors enjoy the
boards--a very early form of
town in the Wasatch Mountains of
changes, and I always welcome
online chatting--for a few years.
Utah. I've been a junior high
Then the World Wide Web appeared and I had to be part of it!
here and there. My goal is to have
As previously mentioned, it is a
hugely vast and respected site
hooked all the way
school secretary for 10
years. Before that, I was a busi-
through the Landry
ness manager and gemologist until
author, and I wanted to create a
the U.S. economy tanked.
fan website devoted to her and
I've been married for 13 years--
her books. I taught myself HTML
How did your contacts come
my husband is a talented musician
code and the rest is history. For a
about? Through your extensive
by night, and a tech nerd and British car enthusiast by day. We
long time, people thought The
Complete V.C. Andrews was an
research or did they contact
don't have any kids of our own,
official website, which was super
but I do have four beautiful nieces.
flattering! Twenty years later, my
I started reading V.C. Andrews in
website is still free of ads, and I
series. But then I
started to lose interest
during the Logan
the mid 80's, when I was about 12.
don't receive any payment to run
My friend told me about
it. I do get a teeny tiny commis-
"Grandmother's rules," and I was
hooked. For the longest time, her
website via Amazon Associates,
books were the only ones I would
read... and I'd read them over and
over and over again. They were
Photo credit : The Complete VCA Facebook page.
V.C. Andrews was my favorite
sion from selling books on my
and that helps pay for the web
hosting and domain fees. When it
comes down to it, The Complete
all through the fandom but also
from people close to Virginia
and in the publishing world.
My goal has always been to be
respectful of the Andrews family.
I respected their privacy and I
worked really hard to keep the
site factual, so as to not upset
them or the publisher. I didn't
actively look for contacts, they all
found me. Whether it be to correct something on my website, to
offer new information, or to help
my teenage girl escape. I was
VCA is my hobby and I do it sim-
hooked all the way through the
Landry series. But then I started
ply for the VCA fans' (and my
own) enjoyment.
to lose interest during the Logan
I'm getting ready to unveil a huge
who used to work with Virginia,
series. That's when the books
update of The Complete V.C.
suggestions and comments and of
seemed to change to a more
Andrews. Gone is the black back-
course, Andrew Neiderman.
promote the books. I've heard
from Andrews family members,
Simon & Schuster contacts, people
Page 31
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Jennifer The Complete VCA Interviewed by AtticSecrets Lorraine Elgar cont...
Not to mention lots of fellow
bies is to read the books in publi-
that I was putting way too much
VCA fans who have provided my
cation order, starting with Flowers
effort into policing other people's
website with tons of great infor-
in the Attic. Start with HER
websites, into being the first and
mation. I am so grateful to every-
books, then move on from there.
best. I wasn't spending enough
one who has contributed
Does that make me a VCA snob?
time making my website a place
where all VCA fans could come
How do you feel about the resurgence of interest in Virginia's
You’re known to be incredibly
supportive to other fans and
Jennifer : When I first started
reading V.C. Andrews, the books
were very taboo. I was very care-
also new groups appearing
online – how do you feel about
these new groups and forums?
ful to not let my mom know what
Jennifer: With social media, fans all
the books were really about (even
across the globe are getting to-
though she was an avid Stephen
gether to discuss all things VCA.
King reader). V.C. Andrews
seemed like my own little secret.
And that's wonderful! Sadly, with
new fans and new groups comes
But now with over 70 books in
competition. Everyone wants to
the "franchise" (I hate that word)
be the first to post something, to
and an increasing number of mov-
have the most Likes, the most
ies, the secret is definitely out!
members, etc.
For the most part, it's great. But
to be honest, I do have mixed
feelings. Being part of the "old
school" fandom, I worry that new
readers who are discovering her
through the ghostwritten books
and the Lifetime movies aren't
getting the full V.C. Andrews Experience.
My one word of advice for new-
I admit, in the early days, I was
very possessive of the information
and pictures on my website. If I
saw them used on another site, I
wrote passive-aggressive emails
and posted messages on my website about stealing. It was so frus-
for information and to share.
Sure, I still get frustrated when I
see my stuff out there, but I'm
more relaxed now.
A look at the VCA Trivia
Section on the Complete
VCA website.
It's all about respecting others and
their opinions, about citing
sources and giving credit where
credit is due. There shouldn't be
any competition when it comes to
V.C. Andrews fans. At the end of
the day, all VCA fans are important, they all serve a purpose... to
promote our favorite author. We
all love the late, great Virginia
Andrews and her unparalleled
legacy of novels. And that is
“With social media, fans
all across the globe are
something we can all share.
getting together to
Links : http://
discuss all things VCA. and
trating to see my hard work out
And that's wonderful!
Sadly, with new fans and
new groups comes
there with other people's names
on it. Then, one day, I realized
SuperFan Awards : Lifetime Achievement and First Hall of Fame Inductee
Jennifer the Complete VCA is the
shop for everything VCA. In fact,
award our SuperFan Board can
first SuperFan to be inducted into
most journalists, bloggers and
offer a SuperFan: The VCA Life-
the Hall of Fame. It was her pioneering work over twenty years
researches often list The Complete VCA as their source. I just
time Achievement Award.
ago that has laid the foundations
want to mention to Jennifer how
for fellow SuperFans to continue
proud and truly honoured we are
to research and discover more
to have you in our fandom, and
about the enigmatic Virginia An-
we truly appreciate all the hard
drews. For me personally, I reference the site a lot especially dur-
work and effort you put in to
ensure that the V.C. Andrews
ing debates and theory discus-
legacy is preserved. This is why
sions. It is as I call it, my one stop
you should receive the highest
Please accept this Lifetime
achievement Award as well
as This Hall Of Fame Star.
It‘s a small token of our appreciation
Jennifer The
Page 32
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
Page 33
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
Super Collector : Nehal Khan shares his passion for V.C Andrews
other things I had bought.
When the package arrived, There
was a book named "Flowers in the
attic" by V.C Andrews. I was to-
about yourself? Where you're
from ?
I have a total of 70-75 books including couple of doubles and
tally new to the author and had no
4. Where can fans get VCA
knowledge about her writings. I
books from in Pakistan.
finished reading the book within a
1. Hi, Nehal, tell us a bit
except for the most recent ones..
week and fell in love with the
writing style and the imagination,
the author has created.. The story
clicked me so much that i felt
In Pakistan, most of the books i
bought were from Sunday markets
that sells variety of books from
around the world. Sometimes, I
find them on online shops and
My name is Nehal, I am student
compelled to search for other
majoring in business and econom-
sequels of the story.. That was the
ics and I was born and raised in
beginning of me being V.C An-
Nehal Khan is our first recipient of
drews fan.. Now I have almost all
the series of V.C Andrews.
the V.C. Andrews‟ SuperCollectors
became a fan of V.C. An-
3. Tell us a little bit about
If you‟d lik to be recognized as a VCA
drews ?
your collection.
SuperCollector by the VCA Superfan
I remember back in 2013, I con-
Well, my collection keeps getting
tacted a girl from craigslist for
bigger, every time I go to the
buying old text books and magazines, She told me she also has
book shop and find first edition of
V.C. Andrews books.
2. Can you tell us how you
novels that she could sell for
cheap prices.. She randomly sent
me the novels along with the
Some of Nehal’s incredible
book shop in the nearby areas..
Board, please send us an e-mail with
“When the package arrived,
a little bit of yourself, a selfie and
There was a book named
pictures of your collection to [email protected]
"Flowers in the attic" by V.C
Andrews. I was totally new to the
I started off with just 2 series
author and had no knowledge
(Dollanganger and Casteel) back in
about her writings. I finished
2013. But now I have all the series
reading the book within a week
and fell in love with the writing
style and the imagination, the
author has created.”
More of Nehal’s prized
Page 34
V. C . A n d rews Sup er Fa n M ag a z in e
One to One with Richard Maurer by Neisha Chetty
Most fans are aware of the recent
resurgence of Virginia Andrews
first in the novels being turned in
the lifetime movies and recently
Lifetime has green lit My Sweet
I'm glad my path crossed with
that ended rather abruptly.
Richard Maurer‘s. I had planned
Damian. Now, every teen whose
small industrial town of Portsmouth,
life was touched by Virginia An-
drews is going back to reading
She was writing her first book which
ies. Everyone is re-reading My
Sweet Audrina….
If you‘ve just happen to diligently
“When I first met her
―Acknowledgement to Richard W.
(Virginia Andrews) she
Maurer, who dauntlessly supplies
lived in a little
me with lists of misdemeanours
concerning stock market activities,
bungalow with her
herein committed by Damian
mother in the small
Jonathan Adare.
industrial town of
Neisha Chetty has another AtticSecrets exclusive and t
he immense please of communicating with Mr. Maurer and chatting to him about Virginia.
Richard W. Maurer
Financial Advisor , Vice President, Wealth Management
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
ment Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney LLC
young and talented had a brief life
little bungalow with her mother in the
Credit Wealth Manage-
Neisha states :
(Audrina) and Jonathan Tupper as
name mentioned. Richard W.
Richard Maurer : Photo
It truly was a shame that someone
When I first met her she lived in a
read the dedication page of My
Sweet Audrina, you‘ll notice a
Portsmouth, Va.”
track of her.”
Audrina starring India Eisley
those old tattered and torn copThe dedication that appears in the My Sweet
Audrina novel. (Photo
Credit : Lorraine Elgar)
stages of my investment career.
she knew would become very successful, even though at that time no
one had ever heard of V. C. Andrews.
Because of degenerative arthritis,
Virginia was confined to a wheelchair,
but she was very disciplined about
setting aside a portion of every day to
As I said, she anticipated that her
manuscript would be accepted and
serious works that will help improve humanity and raise the human conscious through the written word.
After chatting with Richard
Maurer, I reconsidered.
I felt that I could do both, guide
Lorraine here on the forum and
still pursue my own individual
Of course it would mean less time
in the VC Andrews fandom but I
will still be around.
After all VC Andrews is still telling
Simon & Schuster Publishing in N.Y.
agreed to publish her first book.
the human interest story and humanity is what I‘m interested in.
She quickly sold the bungalow in
Neisha Chetty went on to form
Portsmouth and moved to a far more
the V.C. Andrews‘ Superfan Board
spacious home on the water in Vir-
which celebrates the achievements
ginia Beach.
of V.C. Andrews Fans all over the
Being in my early 30‟s at that time,
and still single, I used to go to her
house some evenings to play chess
and look out at the waterfront view.
She was a very interesting person to
talk with, as her mind didn‟t function
Here‘s what he had to say and
share for you , her fans :-
about writing romance novels but she
would always correct me and refer to
“She would be very pleased with your
them as human interest stories.
interest in her writing.
Her mother took care of her and the
She always said her books were
two were very devoted to each other.
human interest stories.
After Virginia died I believe her
years ago, this was during the early
months time to take on more
wasn‟t in the least bit surprised when
Since she passed away almost 30
on leaving the fandom in a few
like most people. I used to kid her
mother, who by then was in her 80‟s,
moved to Florida to be near her two
sons(Virginia‟s brothers) and I lost
world citing ―it‘s the fans that play
an instrumental part in preserving
the V.C. Andrews legacy.‖
Page 35
Volum e 1, I ssue 1
In our Next Issue ….
Connecting the V.C. Andrews‘ Fans as One Family
V.C. Andrews SuperFan
The V.C. Andrews SuperFan Magazine is a free publication. It brings together fans
all over the world, showcasing the talents and achievements of fans. It includes
theories, discussions, fan art. fanfiction, movies news and reviews, book features
and reviews, inspiration from authors, Superfan and Super Collector Awards, as
well as fan news.
If you‘d like your work to be included in our magazine, please send us an e-mail: vcasuperfan-
V.C. Andrews
[email protected]
SuperFan Board
Neisha Chetty (head and
Jennifer The Complete
Christopher Bentivegna
the Director of the first
ever FITA: A Stage Play
Lorraine Elgar - timelines, artwork and blogger
Laura Jane Jones & Jessica Zinder from Lost
Angels of VCA
Carmen Carreras from
V.C Andrews movies
Ryan Michael Coe from
V.C Andrews movies &
V.C. Andrews House Of
Andrews-MoviesJennifer Clark from At- 525062257591212/
Amanda Jensen & Candace Marie Butler from
Whispered Dreams
Theatre Roleplay
Tabatha Williams from
V.C.A Roleplay