pdf - Baltimore Community Foundation


pdf - Baltimore Community Foundation
What feels urgent to you?
As a community foundation, we are perennially concerned with this
question. We ask our donors what feels urgent to them, and we help them
build and carry out a philanthropic plan that aligns with their answers. And
on behalf of the donors who have entrusted us with charitable resources to
do what’s best for Baltimore we ask and answer the question through our
strategic plan, which currently directs us to invest in neighborhoods and
The No Boundaries Coalition is a residentled advocacy group building a unified and
empowered Central West Baltimore across the
boundaries of race, class and neighborhood. In
a listening campaign, they asked residents: “what
feels urgent to you?” They heard residents talk
about safety, jobs and youth opportunity. Thanks
to (L to R) Rebecca Nagle, Vivien Gardner, Tiffany
Welch, Melissa Kelly, Robin Boston and Dianne
Schwartz for helping us illustrate their community
building efforts.
We hope that in reading this annual report, you will consider your own
answer to the question: What feels urgent to you? We’d like to know, and
we look forward to learning with you as we carry out our current strategic
plan and begin to craft our next one.
Raymond L. Bank
Thomas E. Wilcox
Chair, Board of Trustees
President and CEO
We gratefully acknowledge the
generous donors who support
BCF’s civic leadership, our
grants, initiatives and advocacy,
either by creating endowed
funds that are invested to
provide support in perpetuity,
or with current gifts which we
apply to immediate needs in
We regret that we cannot name
all of our contributors within
these pages, but you can find
complete lists on the web at
Lewis Baer Fund
Baltimore Community Foundation Fund
BCF Civic Leadership Endowment Fund
Mary Ellen Ruff Brush Endowment for Education
Children’s Fresh Air Society Fund
France-Merrick Foundation Endowment for
Civic Leadership
France-Merrick Unrestricted Fund
Goldseker Foundation Endowment for Baltimore
Harry Z. Isaacs Fund
Levi Family Fund for Civic Leadership
McCormick Fund
Oscar G. Murray Fund
William Donald Schaefer Civic Fund
Marian and Laurence Sullivan Endowment Fund
$500,000 - $999,999
Baltimore Neighborhood Grants General Fund
Children and Families Fund
Community Leadership Fund
Goldseker Foundation Fund for Baltimore and
Civic Leadership
Invest in Baltimore Endowment Fund
Joseph Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
Ensign C. Markland Kelly Jr. People’s
Emergency Fund
Robert H. and Ryda H. Levi Unrestricted Fund
Robert E. and Jane B. Meyerhoff Fund
Clementine Peterson Fund
Roberta Polevoy Fund
Rosenberg Family Fund
Thalheimer Family Fund
$250,000 – $499,999
Stephen and Renee Bisciotti Endowment for
Early Childhood Advocacy
Blaustein Family Fund for Basic Human Needs
Earl and Frances Clem Fund
Developing Arts Fund
The Eaton Fund
Eurich Fund for K-12 Public Education in
Baltimore City
Fidler Fund for Civic Leadership
Jeanne and Tom Gildee Endowment for
Harry Z. Isaacs Scholarship Fund
Anne Homer Martin Fund for Civic Leadership
Elizabeth K. Montell Scholarship Fund
USF&G Foundation Fund
Emma Belle and Carl Wagner Fund
This annual report is a small snapshot of BCF’s activity. More
information and updates are always available at www.bcf.org.
2014 Gifts to BCF...............................$33 million
2014 Grants to community...................$29 million
Number of funds comprising BCF..........769
Assets at 12/31/14............................$170 million
Allied assets.......................................$102 million
$100,000 - $249,999
The William L. and Victorine Q. Adams
Foundation Endowment for Civic Leadership
Angelica Peale Allan and Warde B. Allan Fund
William G. Baker Jr. Memorial Fund
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Fund
Ray and Day Bank Family Fund for
Civic Leadership
Baum Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
E. Read and Zabelle S. Beard Fund
Blaustein Family Fund
Booker T. Washington Middle School RAISE Fund
Bozzuto Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
Alex. Brown Partners Fund
Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown Fund for Education
Cordish Family Endowment for Early Childhood
Hildebert F. Criste Fund
Digital Harbor High School College Scholarship
Chet and Dorothy Duke Charitable Foundation
Unrestricted Fund
Dunn Family Fund
Maggie Feiss Endowment for Baltimore
Maggie Feiss Scholarship Fund
Fund for Mental Health
Glick Fund for Education
Morris Goldseker Endowment Fund
Denise I. Griffiths CPAM Scholarship
Hall Hammond Fund for Human Needs
Howard Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
Jackie and Freeman Hrabowski Fund
Investing in Neighborhoods
As the nationally certified
community foundation for
Baltimore City and County,
BCF represents hundreds
of donors. For some, we
facilitate charitable giving and
permanent legacies based
on their individual areas of
interest in education, the
arts, human services and
more. Many donors prefer to
provide BCF with financial
resources to be applied to
focus areas identified by our
board of trustees. Currently
we focus these philanthropic
investments in neighborhoods
and in education.
BCF invests in strengthening
resident leadership and
community organizations, helping
neighborhoods to become and
remain safe, clean, green and vibrant.
Neighborhoods Grants Program
Providing grants to neighborhoods
across Baltimore City and County
to get residents involved in a
community project, build new
leadership or strengthen existing
leadership. Special grants are
available for projects that focus
on youth leadership, and for
community arts projects.
Target Neighborhoods
Making focused, long-term
investments in two specific city
neighborhoods to build trust and
solid working relationships among
residents and community-based
organizations, and increase the
neighborhoods’ qualities of being
safe, clean, green and vibrant.
Measuring this work to help the
target neighborhoods learn and
continue to grow, and to help BCF
bring successful tactics to other
Neighborhood Sustainability
Our Neighborhood Sustainability
program is a collection of projects
that together engage residents,
communities, nonprofits and
government around clean water,
energy conservation, clean and green
neighborhoods and schools, healthy
food access, and climate change.
Investing in Education
Our work in education focuses on
getting children ready for school
and the schools ready for students.
We organize our efforts around
school readiness, school leadership
and school effectiveness.
School Readiness
Increasing the number of children
ready for school at age five to 90
percent, by growing the number of
early childhood resource centers
in Baltimore City, known as Judy
Centers, from two to 11, and by
advocating for expanded access to
and funding for pre-kindergarten
for children across Maryland.
Francis N. Ike and Harriet S. Iglehart Fund
Sally C. Kearsley Endowment for Education
Kent Family Fund for Civic Leadership and
Mary Patricia Howard Lang Fund
Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation Fund for K-12
Public Education in Baltimore City
Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation Endowment for
Civic Leadership
Robert H. and Ryda H. Levi Fund for the Arts
Joseph Meyerhoff Memorial Fund
One Step Up Scholarship Fund
Reeves Family Endowment for BCF
Bruce P. and Laura M. Wilson Fund for Baltimore
UP TO $100,000
Abell Foundation Fund
Vincent Adolfo Scholarship Fund
Alban Family Endowment for Baltimore
Artemis Fund
Mayer and Will Baker Endowment for Baltimore Fund
Baker, Watts & Company Fund
Charles M. Balder Memorial Fund
Baltimore City Public Schools Endowment Fund
Bank of Baltimore Fund
BCF Endowment for Arts and Culture
BCF Endowment for College Scholarships
BCF Endowment for Education
BCF Endowment for Human Services
BCF Endowment for Neighborhoods
BCF Endowment for the Environment
BCF Endowment for Youth
BCF Fund for K-12 Scholarships
H. Norman and Jeanne Baetjer Fund
The Baltimore Uprising of late April
raised a number of urgent questions
about structural and institutional
racism, lack of opportunity for
many in our community, the role
of the police in neighborhoods and
the long-simmering frustrations
just beneath the surface of civic
discourse. We created The Fund for
Rebuilding Baltimore to provide
a way for the thousands of people
who care about these questions to
join with us in repairing the damage
done during the Uprising and
strengthening our community for
the future. The latest information
about the Fund is available online at
The Fund for
Rebuilding Baltimore
School Leadership & Effectiveness
Increasing the number of Baltimore
City students enrolled in effective
schools, by defining and assessing
school effectiveness and by
supporting effective principals and
identifying and nurturing those
with the potential to become great
school leaders.
Stephen and Renee Bisciotti Fund for Baltimore
Breezy Bishop Scholarship Fund
Black & Decker Manufacturing Company Fund
Bonsal Family Fund for Baltimore
Brooks Family Fund for Baltimore
George L. Bunting Jr. Endowment for Baltimore
CANUSA Corporation Fund for Baltimore
Constance R. Caplan Fund for Arts and Culture
Suzanne F. Cohen Fund for Youth
Mildred M. Coughlin Scholarship Fund
Laurie and Bill Crosley Fund for Baltimore
Sandra K. Dalsheimer Fund
Alonzo G. Decker Jr. Fund
Janet E. and Edward K. Dunn Jr. Fund for
Civic Leadership
Arthur W. Elder II Scholarship Fund
Equitable Bank Fund
Everyman’s Fund
Farmer DeGraffenreidt Endowment for Baltimore
Farmer DeGraffenreidt Endowment for
Civic Leadership
Samuel M. and Gretchen V. Feldman Unrestricted Fund
Walther H. Feldmann Scholarship Fund
First National Bank Fund
Fund for Substance Abuse Treatment
Gamble Gillison Fund for Civic Leadership
Sandra L. Gerstung Fund for Arts and Culture
Shelley and Sheldon Goldseker Endowment for
Michael Conrad Graebner Fund
Erwin and Stephanie Greenberg Fund for Baltimore
Robert Greenfield Fund for Civic Leadership
Benjamin H. Griswold III Fund for Education
Willard and Lillian Hackerman Fund
Odessa Hampton Endowment for Baltimore
Hathaway Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
Heller Stiller Fund for Civic Leadership
Dr. Janet Horn and Alan Yuspeh Fund
David W. Hornbeck Education Fund
Irvin Ricardo Horne Scholarship Fund
Joel and Carolyn Hutzler Fund
Mary Ellen Imboden Fund
Stephon A. Jackson Fund for Civic Leadership
JAS Endowment Fund for Baltimore
Harry and Janet Johnson Endowment for
Civic Leadership
W. Alton Jones Fund
Samuel S. and Ann H. Kahan Fund
Susan B. Katzenberg Endowment For Baltimore
Joseph S. Keelty Fund
Kent Family Fund for Baltimore
Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Fund
W. Wallace Lanahan Jr. Fund
W. Wallace Lanahan Jr. Unrestricted Fund
Legal Services Fund
Earl and Darielle Linehan Unrestricted Fund
Malkmus Scholarship Fund
Bernard Manekin Fund
Maryland National Bank Fund
Christa McAuliffe Scholarship Fund
Harvey M. Meyerhoff Endowment Fund for
Civic Leadership
John Meyerhoff MD and Lenel Srochi-Meyerhoff
Endowment for Human Services
MIEA Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
Monumental Corporation AEGON USA Fund
Moore Flythe Fund for Civic Leadership
Noxell Fund
Offit Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
PHH Group Fund
Walter D. Pinkard Jr. Civic Leadership Fund
Pinkard Fund for Youth
Michael P. Pinto Fund for Civic Leadership
Piper and Marbury Fund
Provident Bank of Maryland Fund
Reeves Family Endowment Fund for Education
Reeves Family Endowment Fund for
Richman Family Fund for Youth and Families
Rodgers Family Endowment for Baltimore
Rollins-Luetkemeyer Foundation Fund
Carol Frank Rosenberg Neighborhood
Improvement Fund
Rebecca Rothey Fund for Baltimore
Jim and Patty Rouse Fund
Al Sanders Foundation for Music Studies
Jacques T. and Suzanne J. Schlenger Fund
Schmoke Family Endowment for Civic Leadership
Ralph Serpe Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Albert Shapiro Fund
Share the Season Fund
Pam Shriver Fund for Youth
Signet Bank Maryland Fund
Hilda Mae Snoops Endowment
Struckhoff Philanthropic Fund
Honorable Basil A. Thomas Unrestricted Fund
Thompson Fund for Civic Leadership
S.G. and A.C. Walsh Fund
Weinberg Fellows Giving Circle Fund for BCF
Wilcox-Ransome Fund for Baltimore
WJZ-TV Jerry Turner Broadcast Scholarship Fund
Calman J. Zamoiski Jr. Fund for Arts and Culture
Investing in
Minority Youth
“Young African American and Hispanic men are an
endangered species,” declares Dr. Carlessia Hussein.
“Too many populate juvenile justice facilities, circulate
through local jails and detention sites, are expelled from
school, and survive on the streets. We must find ways to
remove the obstacles that block opportunities for these
young men.”
Hussein, a health equity expert and consultant, has
embraced this commitment. She has established the
donor-advised Carlessia Hussein Minority Opportunity
Fund at BCF to support programs to guide minority
middle school students toward success. She views
her emphasis on male youth as “a gift for females”
as well, balancing a cohort who can “travel the same
path toward becoming productive citizens, supportive
parents, and outstanding leaders.”
She has a deep well of experience on which to draw,
having provided health care for 50 years as a nurse,
public health educator and policy expert in California,
Maryland and Washington, D.C. “I tracked minority
diseases, published reports, and influenced policy,” she
recalls. “I worked with Maryland elected officials to pass
the first law to reduce minority health disparities, which
are multigenerational and require sustained, systemwide
Considering starting a family or corporate foundation? Find out why a
charitable fund at BCF is an economical, tax-advantaged and convenient
alternative for your family or business. Funds at BCF can help you give
back to your community, provide scholarships to worthy students, support a beloved organization or focus on a particular field of interest.
Now she relies on BCF to extend her mission. “I
searched far and wide to find a foundation with a focus
on building communities and the people in them,” she
says. “The Baltimore Community Foundation has the
right vision, the right location, and the right staff and
She hopes that her fund will not only inspire youth
but also donors who can help further her goals.
“Ordinary people with big hearts can do a lot to make
this world a better place,” she says. “Maybe others with
a similar commitment will join me.”
$100,000 OR MORE
Baltimore Ravens
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bernard
Mary Ellen Ruff Brush Endowment for Education at BCF
Anne and George Bunting
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Fund for Populations at Risk at BCF Ms. Suzanne F. Cohen
Ben and Zelda Cohen Charitable Foundation Richard and Rosalee Davison
France-Merrick Unrestricted Fund at BCF
Glick Fund for Education
Goldseker Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Goldseker
Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc.
The Shelter Foundation - Mark and Patricia Joseph
Estate of Anne Homer Martin
Estate of Robert N. Riley
George and Betsy Sherman Fund for
Early Childhood Education at BCF
Town Creek Foundation, Inc.
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Lewis Baer Fund at BCF
Baltimore Community Foundation Fund at BCF
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation
Clayton Baker Trust
Mrs. Worth B. Daniels Jr.
Janet E. and Edward K. Dunn Jr. Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Josh E. Fidler
Harry Z. Isaacs Fund at BCF
Kaiser-Permanente – Kaiser Foundation Health Plan,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Kent Jr.
Lockhart Vaughan Foundation, Inc.
McCormick Fund at BCF
PNC Foundation
William Donald Schaefer Civic Fund at BCF
Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Venable Foundation
Robert E. and Jane B. Meyerhoff Fund at BCF
Clementine Peterson Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Pinkard Jr.
James S. Riepe Family Foundation
Rosenberg Family Fund at BCF
Ms. Marjorie B. Roswell
T. Rowe Price Foundation
Thalheimer Family Fund at BCF
The Aber D. Unger Foundation, Inc.
The Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for Children of
Baltimore City
$20,000 - $49,999
$10,000 - $19,999
Dr. James Albrecht
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Baltimore Neighborhood Grants General Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Bank
Stephen & Renee Bisciotti Foundation
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
Children and Families Fund at BCF
Community Leadership Fund at BCF
Cooper Family Fund at BCF
Ms. Ann O. Daniels
Pierce B. Dunn and Barbara L. Hoyt Fund at BCF
Mr. Mark Fetting and Ms. Georgia D. Smith
France-Merrick Foundation
George Mason University Foundation, Inc.
Goldseker Foundation Endowment for Baltimore
at BCF
Goldsmith Family Foundation
Mr. Robert E. Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hess
Robert H. and Ryda H. Levi Unrestricted Fund at BCF
Ms. Joan A. Aleshire
American Trading and Production Corporation
Blaustein Family Fund for Basic Human Needs at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanley Brager Jr.
Mr. Richard W. Cass
Earl and Frances Clem Fund at BCF
Developing Arts Fund at BCF
Betty Lee and Dudley P. Digges Memorial Fund
at BCF
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Fancy Hill Foundation
Fund for Change
Gallagher, Evelius & Jones, LLP
Ms. Laura L. Gamble and Mr. Robert Gillison
Ms. Sandra Levi Gerstung
Jeanne and Tom Gildee Endowment for Baltimore
at BCF
Ms. Ellen Heller and Mr. Shale Stiller
Dr. and Mrs. Freeman A. Hrabowski III
Invest in Baltimore Endowment Fund at BCF
The Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund
M&T Bank
Ober Kaler
Carolyn S. and Donald F. Obrecht Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Walton D. Pearson
Ms. Marsha Y. Reeves
Alison and Arnold Richman Fund at BCF
Rosemore, Inc.
Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, LLP Continuing Fund
at BCF
The Honorable Samuel I. Rosenberg
The Philip and Beryl Sachs Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Shea Sr.
Stone Family Foundation, Inc.
Thalheimer-Eurich Charitable Fund, Inc.
USF&G Foundation Fund
Mary Frances Wagley Fund at BCF
Emma Belle and Carl Wagner Fund at BCF
Mr. David Warnock and Ms. Deidre Bosley
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wright Family Foundation
Mr. Alan R. Yuspeh and Dr. Janet Horn
$5,000 - $9,999
Alex. Brown Partners Fund at BCF
ALH Foundation, Inc.
Angelica Peale Allan and Warde B. Allan Fund at BCF
Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bair
Baltimore Equitable Insurance Foundation
Blaustein Family Fund at BCF
Bonsal Family Fund at BCF
Louis and Frances B. Booke Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Bozzuto
Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown Fund for Education at BCF
Getting to
the Starting Line
“To invest in our future, we need to invest in our
children,” insists Betsy Sherman. “We have to give every
child the opportunity to have a great start in life.”
With a background in early childhood education,
she is determined to act on that imperative. As
engaged philanthropists in Baltimore, she and her
husband George have become devoted supporters and
champions of Judy Centers, which prepare children
for school by connecting them and their families to
educational, health, and social services that will facilitate
early learning.
“We were trying to find ways to help improve early
childhood education in Baltimore City, with limited
success,” notes George. “BCF introduced us to the Judy
Center concept, and it was exactly what we wanted—a
comprehensive public-private partnership that was
sustainable. BCF opened an opportunity for us that we
couldn’t reach on our own.”
Investing in early childhood education helps narrow
socioeconomic disparities and pays big dividends as
children progress in school. With that in mind, the
Shermans directed part of their philanthropic support
to the Judy Center at Commodore John Rodgers
School in East Baltimore.
“We’re focusing on schools in neighborhoods with
the highest concentration of poverty and the lowest
level of school readiness,” says Betsy. “Each Center is a
sterling example of how a community can rise up and
offer parents who don’t have resources the opportunity
to get their child in the game—never mind ahead of
the game. If we can get these kids to the starting line,
their chances of successfully getting to the finish line
dramatically increase.”
Support BCF’s grants, initiatives and advocacy focused on building
a better Baltimore, one with a growing economy where all have
the opportunity to thrive. Support current needs in education and
neighborhoods, or help us build a civic endowment to address evolving
community needs—today and for generations to come.
Ms. Ann K. Clapp
Mary and Dan Dent Fund at BCF
Mr. Chester A. Duke Jr.
Morris Goldseker Endowment Fund at BCF
Hall Hammond Fund for Human Needs at BCF
Mr. Stephen S. Howard and Mr. Walter M. Howard
Mr. Stephen J. Immelt
Johns Hopkins University
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. E. Christian Kiehne
Robert H. and Ryda H. Levi Fund for the Arts at BCF
The Linehan Family Foundation
Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation
Ms. Amy Macht and Mr. George R. Grose
Doris K. Marlow Memorial Fund at BCF
Joseph Meyerhoff Memorial Fund at BCF
Miller Family Gift Fund
Mr. Wes Moore and Ms. Dawn Flythe Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Rienhoff
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sigmund Shapiro
Mrs. Norma Struckhoff
Ms. Harriet Stulman
Mrs. Margaret Taliaferro
Mr. Kenneth L. Thompson
Veolia Transportation
The Ellen W.P. Wasserman Foundation
Mr. Thomas E. Wilcox and Ms. E. Whitney Ransome
WMS Partners
Wolman Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Wolman
$2,500 - $4,999
Alban Family Endowment for Baltimore at BCF
American Public Transportation Association
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baum
Ms. Diane Bell-McKoy and Mr. Richard McKoy
Mr. Scott C. Borden
Mr. Walter W. Brewster
Eddie E. and C. Sylvia Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Cestello
Mr. David Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cryor
Alonzo G. Decker Jr. Fund
Farmer DeGraffenreidt Endowment for Baltimore at BCF
Maggie Feiss Endowment for Baltimore at BCF
J.E. Gardner Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Gonya
Michael and Ann Hankin Family Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hardiman
Jackie and Freeman Hrabowski Fund at BCF
Francis N. Ike and Harriet S. Iglehart Fund at BCF
Ms. Susan B. Katzenberg
Sally C. Kearsley Endowment for Education
Joseph S. Keelty Fund at BCF
Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Fund at BCF
Earl and Darielle Linehan Unrestricted Fund at BCF
Ms. Betty B. Meese
John Meyerhoff and Lenel Srochi-Meyerhoff Fund
at BCF
Ms. Mary Page Michel and Mr. Michael N. Morrill
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Miller
National Multifamily Housing Council
Dr. Arnall and Ellen Patz Donor Advised Fund at BCF
Dorothy L. and Henry A. Rosenberg Jr. Foundation
Ms. Rebecca Rothey
Ms. Wendy H. Samet
Margot Shriver Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Terrill
Dr. Georgia B. Vogelsang
Bruce P. and Laura M. Wilson Fund at Baltimore
A.A. Windesheim Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Steven G. Ziger and Mr. Jamie Snead
$1,000 - $2,500
Abell Foundation Fund at BCF
Mr. David W. Allan
Anonymous (2)
H. Norman and Jeanne Baetjer Fund at BCF
Mayer and Will Baker Endowment for Baltimore at BCF
Baker, Watts & Company Fund at BCF
Charles M. Balder Memorial Fund at BCF
Bank of Baltimore Fund at BCF
Stephen A. Bank Fund at BCF
BCF Endowment for Arts and Culture at BCF
BCF Endowment for Education at BCF
BCF Endowment for Human Services at BCF
Ms. Sally Benoist
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Blue
Mr. James D. Blum
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bond Jr.
Bonsal Family Fund for Baltimore at BCF
The Boston Foundation
Stuart Bowers Philanthropic Fund at BCF
Dorothy C. Boyce Fund at BCF
Ms. Ellen Brown
Mr. Charles Bryan and Ms. Julia Nickles
Cavanaugh Family Fund at BCF
Mr. Brett Clifford
Mr. Robb Cohen and Dr. Gail F. Schwartz
Suzanne F. Cohen Fund for Youth
Mr. and Mrs. David Coombs
Sandra K. Dalsheimer Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. H. Chace Davis Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Dayton
The Honorable and Mrs. E. Stephen Derby
Ms. Nancy L. Dorman and Mr. Stanley Mazaroff
Edelman Family Foundation
Eliasberg Family Foundation
Equitable Bank Fund at BCF
FAHOLO Foundation Donor Advised Fund at BCF
Jean and Redmond Finney Family Fund at BCF
First National Bank Fund at BCF
Mr. Ronald L. Fishbein
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ford Jr.
JoAnn and Jack Fruchtman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Glick
Shelley and Sheldon Goldseker Endowment for
Baltimore at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kyle Gore
Ms. Clare M. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Kingdon Gould Jr.
Benjamin H. Griswold III Fund for Education at BCF
Mr. Harry S. Gruner
Willard and Lillian Hackerman Fund at BCF
Halle Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant Hathaway
A.C. and Penney Hubbard Foundation
Joel and Carolyn Hutzler Fund at BCF
Mary Ellen Imboden Fund at BCF
Les and Lori Ireland Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Jackson
Jacob William, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford G. Jacobson
The Jaguar Fund at BCF
W. Alton Jones Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Karpay
Mr. Herbert M. Katzenberg
Kent Family Fund for Baltimore at BCF
Mrs. Frederick W. Lafferty
W. Wallace Lanahan Jr. Unrestricted Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lebow
Legum Foundation
Lewis Windall Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lewis
Ms. Lila Lohr and Mr. Robert Ittmann
Ms. Cristina M. Lopez and Mr. David H. Sachs
Activating the
Value of Service
“Public service is in our law firm’s DNA,” says John
Wolf, a principal at Ober|Kaler. “As part of our 100th
anniversary in 2003, we decided to build on our pro
bono legal work and make a concerted effort to become
more active in community organizations—particularly
in Baltimore, where most of our people are located.”
He joined the board of Business Volunteers Maryland,
where he met BCF President and CEO Tom Wilcox
and became acquainted with BCF.
As a result, Ober|Kaler has become a steadfast
supporter of BCF’s Civic Leadership Fund, which today
focuses on improving education and neighborhoods.
“A lot of Ober’s volunteer efforts are aimed specifically
toward children,” observes Darlene Davis, also a
principal with Ober|Kaler. “BCF’s Fund is aligned with
our civic objectives, including support for Judy Centers
and educational programs. BCF brings contributions
together with skills and contacts that make everything
we do more effective. When we make a contribution
through BCF, it has greater impact.”
The Civic Leadership Fund gives BCF the resources to carry out its
core work: investing in Baltimore, inspiring philanthropy, and building
community knowledge.
Ober|Kaler encourages leadership and supports
community engagement. Its attorneys and staff deliver
food to the hungry, nurture aspiring artists, encourage
children to become active through athletics, and teach
adults to read. They hold leadership positions with
civic and municipal organizations and serve on state
task forces and commissions. Through membership on
various boards, they provide governance and direction
to organizations whose missions benefit others.
“We think it’s the right thing to do,” says Wolf
simply, “and BCF provides a better, more holistic view
of Baltimore’s needs and opportunities so our efforts
produce positive results.”
Bernard Manekin Fund at BCF
Maryland National Bank Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McBride
Mr. Patrick McCarthy
Richard E. McCready Foundation Fund
at BCF
Carolyn and Michael Meredith
Merrick Family Fund at BCF
John Meyerhoff MD and Lenel SrochiMeyerhoff Endowment for Human
Services at BCF
Dr. David L. Meyers and Ms. Roberta
Ms. Mary John Miller
Monumental Corporation AEGON USA
Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Morris
Ms. Elizabeth K. Moser
Mount Vernon Stable and Saloon
Ms. Katharine Mountcastle
Mr. and Mrs. Jamshed Mulla
Mr. Keith Novak
Noxell Fund at BCF
Thomas F. and Carol M. Obrecht Family
Mrs. Linda Hambleton Panitz
PB Foundation, Inc.
PHH Group Fund at BCF
Piper and Marbury Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. James Piper III
The Baltimore Community Foundation recognizes
legal and financial professionals who demonstrate
a commitment to the community by working to
advance philanthropy and encourage charitable
giving across Baltimore.
Provident Bank of Maryland Fund at BCF
Richman Family Fund for Youth and
Families at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riehl III
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Rodbell
Ms. Pamela A. Roeming
Rollins-Luetkemeyer Foundation Fund
at BCF
Romita Fund at BCF
Carol Frank Rosenberg Neighborhood
Improvement Fund at BCF
Jim and Patty Rouse Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Sachs
Mr. Kurt L. Schmoke
Albert Shapiro Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Shapiro
Signet Bank Maryland Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart O. Simms
Skillforce, Inc.
Hilda Mae Snoops Endowment at BCF
Mr. Stefan Strein and Mr. Kevin Jordan
Struckhoff Philanthropic Fund at BCF
Susquehanna Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck G. Tildon III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Waldman
Mr. W. Daniel White
Jay M. Wilson Fund at BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Woloson
Mr. Joseph Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wyskiel
Robert G. Blue
Royston, Mueller, McLean &
Reid, LLP
J. Darby Bowman
Attorney and Counselor
at Law
Eddie C. Brown
Brown Capital Management, Inc.
Martin P. Brunk
McGladrey, LLP
Nancy Bryant
Bryant Financial Advisory
Sandra P. Gohn
DLA Piper
Jeffrey K. Gonya
Venable, LLP
Charles B. Jones
Thomas & Libowitz, PA
Frederick S. Koontz
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP
Cristin C. Lambros
Cristin C. Lambros, LLC
Lynn B. Sassin
Gordon Feinblatt, LLC
Natalie B. Sherman
Gallagher Evelius & Jones, LLP
H. James Smith III
RBC Wealth Management
Shale D. Stiller
DLA Piper
Robert Louis Waldman
Venable, LLP
The Baltimore Community
Foundation’s Legacy Society
honors those who have
generously provided gifts
to and through BCF in their
estate plans. If you have
included BCF in your plans,
please contact us so that
we may recognize you as
a member of the Legacy
Society. To explore the many
options for legacy giving,
visit BaltimoreLegacy.org or
contact us by email or phone:
[email protected] /
410-332-4171 for a
confidential consultation.
One Fund Links
Three Generations
“A BCF fund was appealing because of how involved
my father was in Baltimore City,” says Mary Loker.
“It has been 20 years since he died, and part of me was
feeling that I needed to start my own giving back.”
Loker did just that, creating the endowed, donoradvised Tom and Kaki Guidera Family Fund in honor
of her parents. She and her son Christopher and
daughter Alison all serve as advisors, making the fund a
multigenerational legacy.
The fund especially recognizes the contributions of
Loker’s father, a real estate developer who championed
affordable housing. He helped low-income families
obtain below-market rate loans to repair and buy
homes, and he helped end “steering,” a practice
of directing black homebuyers away from white
neighborhoods. For those efforts and more, the city and
Mayor Schmoke honored him with a namesake street.
The BCF fund will continue his legacy of community
involvement. When all advisors are gone, Loker’s estate
plan directs annual grants to three Baltimore entities—
the Institute of Notre Dame, Cristo Rey, and Catholic
Charities—although she is leaving options open for her
children’s own charitable interests.
Loker, an attorney, first learned of BCF when she
served on the Planned Giving Advisory Board of
Catholic Charities. She used the information to help a
client set up a BCF donor-advised fund as part of estate
planning. “As I got involved and learned more about it,”
she recalls, “it seemed like a no-brainer to do something
like that myself. BCF was a perfect choice.”
At BCF, we have lots of options for your giving, and we can
help you create a plan that fits your unique situation. Explore
at www.bcf.org/giving, or contact us for a confidential
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atkins
Mr. Alexander C. Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bair
Mr. Stephen A. Bank
Mrs. Carlyle Barton Jr.
Dr. Emile A. Bendit
Ms. Breezy Jude Bishop
Ms. Nancy Patz Blaustein
Mrs. Catherine S. Boyan
Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bryant III
Ms. Deborah Winston Callard
Ms. Constance R. Caplan
Mr. G. Cheston Carey III
Ms. Saralynn T. Clark
Suzanne F. Cohen
Laurie and Bill Crosley
Mr. John A. Daskalakis
Chet A. Duke Jr., C.L.U.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fisher
Ms. Susan Sachs Fleishman
The Fund for Change
Ms. Carol Gilbert
Mr. Wilson T. Gildee
Ms. Eliot Girsang and Mr. Richard Wilson
Ms. Susan K. Goering
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Goldseker
Mr. Andrew C. Goresh
Ms. Emily R. Greenberg
Mr. Robert E. Greenfield
Mrs. Ann B. Greif
Ms. Anne B. Hancock
Ms. Susan Hartt
Ms. Sandra D. Hess
Ms. Susan J. Horne
Mrs. Richard E. Hug
Mr. Kurt Jakobson
Ms. Martha K. Johnston and
Mr. Raymond E. Suarez
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnston
Mr. Herbert Katzenberg
Ms. Susan B. Katzenberg
Mrs. John G. Kovach
Ms. Faith J. Lanphar
Ms. Mary Ann Lechowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Linehan
Kevin S. Lowery and Joey L. Lowery
Ms. Irene Mansfield
Ms. Jonnie Kay McLean and
Mr. Norman Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney K. Meier
Mr. Edward L. Muniz
Ms. Marie Murray
Mrs. Stanley I. Panitz
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Pardoe
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger D. Parker
Mr. W. James Price IV
Ms. Rebecca Rothey
Ms. Amalie R. Rothschild
Mr. Henry N. Sanborn
Mr. Gilbert Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Sapperstein
How do you want to be remembered? We can show you how to plan
your legacy to support the causes you care about for generations to
come, while providing you with tax savings and, in some cases, income
for life. Our business is to make your philanthropic vision a reality.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Schaefer
Mr. Ralph M. Serpe
Mrs. Margot Shriver
Ms. Pam Shriver
Mrs. Jean Silber
Mrs. Margaret C. Taliaferro
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Thomas Sr.
Dr. H. Mebane Turner
Dr. Georgia B. Vogelsang
Ms. Charlotte Wanner
Mr. Thomas E. Wilcox and
Ms. E. Whitney Ransome
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney B. Wilson
Mrs. Rosella M. Wimmer
Gigi and Bob Wirtz
Ms. Suzanne Wolff
Ms. Susan A. Wolman
Dr. Barbara Young
Mr. Alan R. Yuspeh and Dr. Janet Horn
Mr. Steven G. Ziger
And 30 donors who prefer to
remain anonymous
We remember with gratitude these
members of the Legacy Society who
have recently died, but who live on
through their estate gift for Baltimore
through BCF:
Ms. Bernice Childs
Ms. Maxine L. Saunders
Ms. Carolyn N. Stafford
The following four types of bequests direct your gift to
the Baltimore Community Foundation. You may restrict
the bequest using additional language.
"I devise to the Baltimore Community Foundation, a
nonprofit corporation of the State of Maryland, located
at 2 East Read Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, ____% of
my estate."
"I devise to the Baltimore Community Foundation, a
nonprofit corporation of the State of Maryland, located
at 2 East Read Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, "
(Choose one)
1. The sum of $__________."
2. __________ shares of stock in __________Company.",
3. My real property commonly known as ____________."
"I devise to the Baltimore Community Foundation, a
nonprofit corporation of the State of Maryland, located
at 2 East Read Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, all the
residue of my estate, including real personal property."
"In the event of the death of any of the beneficiaries,
"I devise to the Baltimore Community Foundation, a
nonprofit corporation of the State of Maryland, located
at 2 East Read Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, (percentage,
specific, or residual language as above)."
Message from
the Treasurer
Combined Statement of Financial Position
Contributions receivable
I am honored to succeed Josh Fidler as
treasurer of BCF, knowing that the Community
Foundation’s ability to serve Baltimore today and
in the future depends upon our good stewardship
of the funds entrusted to us. That means depending
upon a highly qualified staff and a dedicated and
experienced set of volunteers on our Investment,
Audit and Finance committees. Both independent
and internal audits confirm the quality of our
financial controls and our adherence to best
practices. Under Patti Baum’s new leadership of
the Investment Committee, we will continue to
structure our portfolio to moderate volatility and
focus on long term growth.
Other assets
$ 170,172,499
$ 163,383,462
Endowment funds held for benefit of others
$ 170,172,499
$ 163,383,462
Net assets
Combined Statement of Activities
I am pleased to report that BCF’s financial
position continues to be strong, and our ability to
invest in the Baltimore community promises to
increase, thanks to attention to and the acceleration
of growth of endowment, the keystone of future
success for BCF and for Baltimore.
Donor contributions
Investment income
Other income
Grants and charitable expenditures
Operating and other expenses
Tedd M. Alexander III
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
$ 146,284,687
$ 136,156,375
Raymond L. Bank
Raymond L. Bank & Associates
Laura L. Gamble
PNC Bank
Vice Chair, Treasurer
Tedd M. Alexander III
T. Rowe Price Associates
Vice Chair
Josh E. Fidler
Chesapeake Realty Partners
Marsha Y. Reeves
KIPP Baltimore
Thomas E. Wilcox
Baltimore Community Foundation
Thomas S. Bozzuto
The Bozzuto Group
Wes Moore
BridgeEdU, author
Juliet A. Eurich
Alvin & Fanny B . Thalheimer Foundation, Inc.
Calvin G. Butler Jr.
Baltimore Gas & Electric
Walton D. Pearson
Brown Capital Management, Inc.
Mychelle Y. Farmer
Audrey J. S. Carrion
Circuit Court for Baltimore City
Kurt L. Schmoke
University of Baltimore
Redmond C. S. Finney
Community Leader
Richard W. Cass
Baltimore Ravens
Stuart O. Simms
Brown, Goldstein & Levy
Sandra Levi Gerstung
The Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc.
David S. Clapp
Rowland Ventures
Marc B. Terrill
The Associated: Jewish C ommunity Federation
of Baltimore
Wilson T. Gildee
Kids-R-VIPs Foundation
Ronald J. Daniels
Johns Hopkins University
Kenneth L. Thompson
Venable, LLP
Sheldon Goldseker
Goldseker Foundation
Paul C. Wolman Feats, Inc.
Vicki Gumtow
CyberPoint International, LLC
Eddie C. Brown
Brown Capital Management, Inc.
Edward K. Dunn Jr.
Herbert M. Katzenberg
Community Leader
E. Robert Kent Jr.
Alex. Brown Realty, Inc.
Walter D. Pinkard Jr.
Thomas E. Wilcox
President and CEO
Arnold I. Richman
The Shelter Group
Patricia A. Chandler, CPA
Vice President, Finance and Administration
William C. Baker
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Theo C. Rodgers
A&R Development Corporation
Danista E. Hunte
Vice President, Community Investment
Harry S. Johnson
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP
George L. Bunting Jr.
Blue Jar Private Trust Company
Pam Shriver
PHS, Ltd.
Patricia H. Joseph
The Shelter Foundation
Constance R. Caplan
Caplan Family Foundation, Inc.
Lenel Srochi-Meyerhoff
Community Leader
Suzanne F. Cohen
Nathan and Suzanne Cohen Foundation, Inc.
Calman J. Zamoiski Jr.
Independent Distributors, Inc.
Ellen M. Heller
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Patricia P. Baum
RBC Wealth Management,
Baum Jackson Investment Group
Ellen N. Bernard
Community Leader
Stephon A. Jackson
T. Rowe Price Associates
Susan B. Katzenberg
Goldseker Foundation
Steven G. Ziger
Ziger/Snead, LLP
Michael D. Hankin
Brown Advisory
Diane Bell-McKoy
Associated Black Charities
Freeman A. Hrabowski III
University of Maryland, B altimore County
Patrick McCarthy
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Ralph M. Serpe, CFRE
Vice President, Development
Amy T. Seto, CPA
Executive Vice President and COO
Deborah Winston Callard
Benjamin S. Carson Sr.
Louis R. Cestello
J. Owen Cole ¤
William Cowie
Michael E. Cryor
Owen Daly II ¤
Alonzo G. Decker Jr. ¤
Donald L. DeVries * ¤
Tilton H. Dobbin ¤
Mark R. Fetting
H. Louis French ¤
Walter Gray *
Jack S. Griswold
Sandra D. Hess
David Hirschhorn ¤
Alan P. Hoblitzell Jr.
LeRoy E. Hoffberger
Mary Ellen Imboden ¤
William L. Jews
James C. Johnson
Edward J. Kelly III
W. Wallace Lanahan Jr. ¤
Robert H. Levi * ¤
Earl L. Linehan
Maria Welch Martinez
Adrian L. McCardell Jr. ¤
Joseph Meyerhoff ¤
Sally S. Miller
Judy Jolley Mohraz
Ioanna T. Morfessis
Jack Moseley ¤
Douglas W. Nelson
John M. Nelson III ¤
J. Stevenson Peck ¤
Michael P. Pinto ¤
Margaret K. Riehl
Bishop L. Robinson ¤
James W. Rouse ¤
Timothy C. Scheve
Jacques T. Schlenger ¤
Benjamin Shaw
Robert Sherwood ¤
Bernard C. Trueschler
William F. Ward Jr.
David L. Warnock
Donn Weinberg
Robin Williams Wood
Bruce P. Wilson * ¤
Jay Wilson
* Served as board chairman
¤ Deceased
2 East Read Street, 9th floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
410-332-4171 • www.bcf.org
Cert no. SW-COC-001530
Photos: Bill Denison
James C. Alban III
James C. Alban IV
H. Furlong Baldwin
Carlyle Barton Jr. ¤
Richard O. Berndt
H. Lee Boatwright III
H.J. Bremermann *
Andre W. Brewster
Thomas H. Broadus Jr. ¤
William R. Brody