Oxford Healthcare Solutions


Oxford Healthcare Solutions
Partners in Life
Confiden'ality The informa,on contained herein is strictly confiden,al and any recipients of this Informa,on Pack agree to keep all of its informa,on confiden,al. No informa,on contained herein may be copied or distributed or otherwise made available to any person other than the recipient without the express wri@en consent of the management of Oxford Group Holdings Limited. By accep,ng delivery of this Informa,on Pack, each recipient expressly agrees to the foregoing. 2 Company Overview Oxford Healthcare Solu,ons Limited (“OHS” or the “Company”) is a limited liability company incorporated in England with company number 7298898. OHS is a specialist healthcare company exclusively dedicated to the provision of World-­‐class healthcare globally. With our principle partner, Oxford University Medical School, OHS operates in three cri,cal areas of healthcare, namely: (a) the wholesale and distribu,on of pharmaceu,cals and medical supplies (b) the design, build and management of Specialist Hospitals and Primary Care Centres and (c) the design, build, equipping and opera,on of diagnos,c tes,ng laboratories. OHS is structured around these three divisions with each division having a series of opera,ng companies and, where relevant, strategic Joint Venture Partners. 3 Management Neil Stafford – Chief Execu've Officer Neil joined American Cyanamid as a graduate trainee ini,ally working in field sales and marke,ng. Over the next eight years Neil held posi,ons of increasing responsibility in Europe, the US and Asia culmina,ng in his posi,on of European Marke,ng Director. Following the acquisi,on of American Cyanamid by American Home Products, Neil was promoted to Global Commercial Director and took responsibility for the sale of the nutri,on business to Roche. On comple,on of the transac,on Neil was offered the role of Marke,ng Director EMEA, India and China (Roche Products) and moved to Switzerland to run all commercial ac,vi,es within the region. Neil is also a Principal Fellow of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Oxford. In 1997 Neil joined the Monsanto global life science team as Managing Director of the La,tude Global business team based in Brussels. With revenues of US$3 billion and a team of 3200 people, 8 manufacturing plants and 12 research opera,ons in 3 countries, Neil was responsible for a core part of the business opera,ons and spent a significant amount of ,me briefing ins,tu,ons. In late 2000 Neil lee to develop his own companies within healthcare and life sciences, ini,ally in the US but la@erly in Europe. Among others he founded the leading work place healthcare data management system in the US, the UK market leading drug and alcohol screening company (Medscreen) and a urology business (Plethora Solu,ons (Holdings) plc). Other investments include property, oil & gas, automo,ve and shipping. Neil also holds the degrees of MA (law) and MBA. Neil established the Oxford Group in 2004. 4 Management (Cont’d) Graeme Muir – Commercial Director Graeme read History at Durham University and qualified as an English lawyer in 1994 and a Hong Kong lawyer in 1996. Un,l March 2007, Graeme was the Interna,onal Managing Partner for the Middle East of Interna,onal Law Firm, Norton Rose, having established the Dubai office in September 2003. As a lawyer in private prac,se, Graeme worked on a wide variety of corporate finance transac,ons, including lis,ngs (on several stock exchanges, including London, Hong Kong, Luxembourg and Kuala Lumpur) secondary issues of securi,es (both equity and conver,ble instruments), joint ventures, interna,onal cross-­‐border M&A (involving both listed and private companies) and private equity transac,ons. Graeme also spent three years working for the Japanese investment bank, Nomura, in its London office. His responsibili,es at Nomura covered both the legal and business aspects of capital markets and private equity transac,ons. Graeme joined the Oxford Group in 2007. 5 Management (Cont’d) Douglas Kearney – Chief Financial Officer Douglas is a member of the Ins,tute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and has over 25 years experience in private equity investments. He worked for Charterhouse Development Capital, and was a founding director of Royal Bank Development Capital where he worked for 7 years, turning it into one of the leading private equity firms in the UK. Douglas has been involved in many successful investments across a wide range of industries, is FSA registered for investment management and has a degree in Accountancy, Law and Economics. 6 Pharmaceu'cals OHS is a leading supplier of pharmaceu,cals and medical products. The company has partnerships in place with a number of the world’s leading companies and provides a fully integrated wholesaling, distribu,on and retail solu,on for industry, Governments, healthcare professionals and the general public through their retail, warehouse and distribu,on fleet. The company, through its joint venture partners, stocks over 42,000 products and delivers to 90% of pharmacy’s and hospitals twice per day, allowing efficient and ,mely management of pharmaceu,cals and medical products. Technical assistance and services are also provided through a sophis,cated IT plaoorm allowing a fully integrated ordering, pa,ent and physician data management. 7 Pharmaceu'cals (Cont’d) Hospital pharmacy management is a growing part of the business interna,onally and with saving in excess of 10-­‐20 percent being achieved we expect this to become a significant part of our business across the region. We also an,cipate with the move to more home care for chronic disease management across the region our home care ac,vi,es will con,nue to prosper, par,cularly for the management of diabetes and associated secondary indica,ons. In Saudi Arabia, for example, OHS has a Joint venture partnership with the Saudi Chemical Company, through it’s wholly owned subsidiary, SITCO, which is one of the largest distributors of pharmaceu,cal products in Saudi Arabia. The forecasted revenues for this joint venture arrangement in 2013 are in excess of US$200 million. Addi,onally, OHS has a similar joint venture arrangement in Oman with the Bahwan group. 8 Medical Devices / Supplies stake in VacuTrust, the first facility in Saudi On the medical devices side, OHS has a strategic Arabia to be producing and expor,ng medical devices. This venture is currently expor,ng blood draw tubes and petri dishes to the European market, including providing supply to Biomnis, a leading European independent provider of laboratory medical tes,ng services. In addi,on, OHS is in the process of finalising new purchasing contracts in Bulgaria and Libya. Vacutrust has already established itself as a top 3 global supplier in blood draw technology and is currently developing new products through the Oxford R&D programme. 9 Specialist Hospitals OHS, through its joint venture vehicle, Oxford Beacon Hospital Group is a leading owner and operator of specialist hospitals. Our Hospitals provide World-­‐Class care across the healthcare spectrum but are par,cularly renowned for their Cancer and orthopedics. OHS offers a fund, design, build and operate business model to Governments and the private sector in several jurisdic,ons. 10 Hospitals in Saudi Arabia Management of Government Hospitals OHS, through Oxford Beacon, is in the process of finalising a transac,on to manage 4 exis,ng Government hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Specialist Hospital / Medical City -­‐ Riyadh OHS has formed a joint venture with the Al Mosa group, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Our joint venture company, OHS (Middle East) Limited is the 50% stakeholder in a proposed Medical City in Riyadh, to be called the King Abdullah Medical City. As part of this development, OHS will build and operate a hospital and a primary care centre. The an,cipated gross development value of the King Abdullah Medical City will be US$1.2 billion. 11 Primary Care Centres Our pilot primary care centre in Ireland was opened in January 2010 and has already become the leading centre in Europe. In less than 2 years the centre has grown to over 45,000 sq. e.; containing 91 suites, 120 prac,oners, and over 42,000 registered pa,ents and is being operated as an innova,on centre prior to full roll out in the Middle East, Europe and America. With the assistance of a highly a trained concierge service, the consumer is able to find world class healthcare provision within a single building whether this be den,stry, GP’s, physiotherapy, home care, nutri,on or a pharmacy. In fact, over 27 disciplines are available . 12 Diagnos'c and Laboratory Tes'ng Personalized medicine will revolu,onize how we treat pa,ents over the coming years and the provision of state of the art laboratories will be a prerequisite for a successful healthcare system. OHS and our joint venture partner have come together to offer a unique solu,on to Governments, private hospitals and healthcare professionals. Whether this is one off esoteric test on a cancer tumor or a full-­‐scale build, manage and operate regional laboratory, we are able to provide a cost effec,ve solu,on. OHS provides a full fund, design, build and operate business model, which provides Governments with na,onal solu,ons. All our laboratories are integrated into global programs and provide full interna,onal public healthcare consultancy and repor,ng. OHS are currently developing two new substan,al laboratory projects, one of which is based in Oxford, UK and the other in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Oxford laboratory will be developed in partnership with the Na,onal Health Service and the Riyadh laboratory is being progressed with the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabian, as explained in more detail overleaf. 13 Reference Laboratory in Saudi Arabia OHS is the preferred bidder with the Ministry of Health in Saudia Arabia to build and operate a reference laboratory in Riyadh, to provide diagnos,c tes,ng for the Government of Saudi Arabia and the private sector. OHS’s joint venture partner in this venture is Roche Diagnos,cs. The Government element of this transac,on is es,mated to be worth approximately US$1.5 billion per annum (for 25 years). In addi,on, OHS has been granted the right to do blood tes,ng for all applicants for Saudi work permits in 3 Saudi Embassies, namely in India, Sudan and Ethiopia. This contract will entail approximately 400,000 tests per annum and it is an,cipated that we will be granted addi,onal Embassies in due course. Although the tes,ng will ini,ally be undertaken in the UK, all tests be re-­‐directed to the Saudi reference laboratory when it is completed. 14 Banking Partners OHS’s bank accounts are held with HSBC in the UK, but the Company has strong rela,onships with the following people/en,,es in rela,on to its corporate banking ac,vi,es: • 
Jamal Al Kishi
Managing Director and CEO Deutsche Bank AG, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
[email protected] • 
ScoT Le Flour
Senior Director Standard Chartered Bank [email protected][email protected] • 
Alan Thomas
Head, Global Banking, Asia-­‐Pacific HSBC, Hong Kong [email protected] • 
Paul Allen
President, Private Banking Cou@s & Co, Jersey paul.allen@[email protected] 15 Professional References Investment Banking / Corporate Advisory Mark Brady, Founding Partner, Spark Advisory Partners [email protected] Accoun'ng / Tax Structuring Richard Thornhill, Director, Deloi@e LLP rthornhill@[email protected] 16 Government / Industry References 1. University of Oxford Professor Sir John Bell, Regius Professor of Medicine at the University of Oxford and Non Execu,ve Director of Roche AG. John is also a Non Execu,ve Director of OHS. 2. Government of the United Kingdom Daniel Kawczynski MP, Member of Parliament (UK) and member of the Bri,sh Government. He is also Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Groups for Libya and Saudi Arabia. 3. Beacon Medical Group Michael Cullen, CEO. Beacon Medical are OHS’s joint venture partners in respect of Hospitals and Primary Care Centres. 4. Quest Diagnos'cs Inc. Robert Quinn, Director of Interna,onal Business Development. Quest are the largest laboratory tes,ng company in the world and are one of OHS’ preferred joint venture partners in this field. 17 Previous Track Record In the past 10 years, the Management Team individually and / or collec,vely have been directly responsible for the following (all of which has been previously independently verified by Deutsche Bank): }  Circa US$30 billion of funds under management }  Circa US$20 billion of M&A transac,ons }  Circa US$20 billion new pharmaceu,cals and science product launches }  Circa US$5 billion of PPP/PFI projects }  Extensive Mixed Use & Business Park Developments / Investments }  Successful Commercial Exploita,on of IPR 18 Management Team Experience The Management Team have also previously held the following senior posi,ons: Managing Director of La,tude Business Team – Monsanto Regional Director of Astra Zeneca Commercial Programme Director to UK Na,onal Health Service Board of Directors of Wellcome Trust Managing Partner, Middle East for Interna,onal Law Firm Norton Rose Director, Corporate Finance, for Nomura Bank in London Board of Directors of Pruden,al Property Investment Management -­‐ largest property investment manager in Europe }  Founding Director of Royal Bank of Scotland Development Capital -­‐ a leading UK Private Equity Company }  Chairman of ING Real Estate Fund } 