the Temporary TEC Catalog.
the Temporary TEC Catalog.
Welcome to the Temporary TEC Catalog. TEM’PORARY, a. [L. temporarius.] Lasting for a time only; existing or continuing for a limited time. Temporary TEC Distributing Catalog updated on March 21, 2005 This Temporary TEC Distributing Catalog was added to the website to show the progress of things to come. Although it is very accurate, it has not been completely proofread so be sure to check all numbers with TEC when ordering. 1 All Balls Products: Starters Starter Drives Battery cables Alto Clutches Alternators: CompuFire Spyke USA Air Box Mini Breather Air Cleaners: Doherty K&N Air Filters: Emgo K&N UniFilter American Wire Wheel Ancra Soft Hooks Andrews Belt Sprocket Andrews Cams: Twin Cam Evo XL Shovel/Pan/Knuckle Andrews Pushrods: Twin Cam Evo XL Shovel/Pan/Knuckle Andrews Tranmissions: Big Twin 5-Speed Big Twin 4-Speed Sportster Evo XL Ironhead Assembly Lube, Crane Autolite Spark Plugs Axles Balance Plus PJ1 Banjo Bolts & Fittings Barnett Products Base Gaskets Batteries, Spyke Battery Cables Battery Tenders Bearings: Bearings Quick Look Page Fork / Neck MainShaft Inner Cam Outer Cam Race Roller bearings Throw out Wheel bearings Belt Drives, Primo Belts, Panther Dayco Belt Sprockets, Andrews Bendix Brakes 99 100 99 117 106 103 101 34 116 120 118 120 118 138 152 43 35-36 32 35,36 34 37 39 41,43 39 44 45 47 48 161 201,202 138 159 140-141 121-125 9 104 99 109 17 127 132 43 134-135 Black Diamond Guides Black Diamond Spring Kit Black Diamond Valves Blue Seals by TEC Blue Streak Blue Job Blue Dot Kits Bosch Spark Plugs Bosch Relays Brake Fluid Brake Hose & Assembly Brake Switches Brake Pads & Shoes Breather Bolts, Doherty Breather Gears Breather Kits B.S.A. Misc. Bushings Bulbs Bungee Nuts (chrome) Cables, Barnett Cables, Custom Sizes Cable Lube Calipers, Brake Carburetor Adaptors Cams: See Andrews See Crane Cam Bearings Cam Bushings Cam Cover Chrome Cam Gears Cam Gear Install Kit Cam Shims Carburetors: Mikuni Cargo Nets Cases, Transmission Delkron Jims TEC Champion Spark Plugs Chains Chain lube Charging Systems: CompuFire Spyke Chemicals Chrome Hardwaree Pages Chris Lights Circuit Breakers Clutches: Alto Barnett Import Clutch Hubs Kits Clutch Release Cover Clutch Springs: Barnett KibbleWhite Import 19 26 18 14 100 167 147 201,202 100 161 139 149 134-136 116 74 34,104 1 78-80 144 124 Call Call 160 136 112 77 78 65 37,40 37 20 111 152 52 53 53 201,202 133 151 106 103 157-161 164 146-147 148 125-126 121-125 130 130 54 121-125 123 130 Clymer Manuals 152 Coils: Andrews 43 Crane 86,92 CompuFire 105 DaytonaTwin Tec 108 Spyke 103 TEC 101 CompuFire Products 105-106 Collars: Andrews 37-43 Crane 85,89,94 Kibblewhite 26 Compression Release Jims 62 Spyke Call Connecting Rod Sets 34 Conversion Kits, Points 100 Countershafts: Andrews 38,40 Jims 40 Countershaft Sprockets 123 Crane Cams: Twin Cam 83 Evo 87 Shovel/Pan/Knuckle 93,94 Crane Coils 86,92 Crane Plug Wires 90 Crane Ignitions 86,91 Crank Case Breather Kits 34 Crank Pins & Nuts 73 Crank Pin Keys 75 Cruise Control 112 Cutting Fluid 153 Cylinders 34 Cylinder Head Breather 34 Cylinder Studs 34 CV Tuners Kit Keihin 117 Dampers, Fisher Dampers, Handlebar Daytona Twin Tec Delkron Products Diamond Chains Doherty Products 130 142 106,107 51,52 133 116 Echo Quick Release Exhaust Systems Exhaust gasket Emgo Filters Emgo Petcocks End Caps, Supertrapp 152 150-151 13 118 117 150 Flasher, Signal Fly Wheels Flex Hones Filters, Cleaner & Oil Fisher Dampers Fork Oil Fork Seal kits 144 65 163 149 130 160 7 Fork Stem Bearing Foot Shifter Pegs Frame, Prowler Fuel Additives,Catalyst Fuel Filters Fuel Line & Oil Line Fuel Injection Control Fuel Injection Parts Fuel Injection Systems: Daytona Twin Tec 77 131 50 161 117,124 141 148 148 107 Gaskets: Base gaskets Blue seals TEC Cam Cover Carb gaskets Chain gaskets Circuit breaker Complete Set Clutch gaskets Engine Kits Exhaust gaskets Generator Head gasket HI-TEC 6 James Metal Main Drive Primary Top End Gasket Cement Gauges Gear Sets Andrews Spyke Gloves, All Styles Goggles Guides, Valve: Black Diamond Rowe TEC 23 28 20 Handlebar Controls Hastings Rings Heads, Delkron Head Gaskets Headlights Heat Shields Helicoil Hi-TEC Gasket Hones Hose Clamps Hose, Fuel & Oil 142 29 51 8 144 150 162 14 163 141 141 Ignitons: CompuFire Crane Daytona Twin Tec Spyke Ignition Actuator Ignition Advance Ignition Switches Inspection Cover gasket Internal Seal Valve Guide 96 100 149 10 22 Jackshafts Jackshaft Kits: All Balls 1 Piece Spyke Jets: Mikuni Keihin 99 Call 102 115 115 Jims Tool Section Keith Black Pistons Keepers: Black Diamond Crane Keihin Ken Sean Mirrors Kerker Products Keys, Crank Pin Kick Shafts & Bushings K & N Products Page Krank Vent System 160 149 44-48 104 156 156 105 86,91 108 103 Labels, Inventory Lens Levers: Barnett Emgo Lights Aircraft landing Bullet Lights Maltesse Cross Marker lights Sealed Beams Liquid Gasket Locks, Rotor Lock Lock Rings Loctite Maltesse Cross Items Manifolds: Mikuni Jims Stroker Marker Lights Manuals Mainshafts: Andrews Jims Mainshaft Bearings Maindrive Seal Kits Master Cyl. Rebuild Kit Master Links Mega Nut 33 25,26 115 147 151 75 80 120 104 152 146,147 124 142 147 143 147 144 160 138 33 160 143 112 62-64 147 152 46,48 46 17, 7 136 133 53 Mikuni Carburetors Mikuni Jets Mikuni Manifolds Mirrors Emgo Ken Sean Mist N Shine, Wizards “Moly Rings” Hasting Mothers Products Mufflers 111 115 112 143 147 159 29 158 150-151 Nasty Wheel Rims Neutral Indicator Switch Norton Spring Kits Norton Valves Octane Boost Oil Pressure Switch Oil Pumps Oil Pump Bushings Oil pump gears Oil pump shaft O’ Rings page 138 149 154 155 161 149 81 80 74 80 15 Pads, Brakes Paints Panther Belts P.B.I. Sprockets Perf-Form Filters Petcocks: Emgo Pingel Spyke Pillion Pads PJ1 Products Pingel Products Pinion Gears Pinion Shafts Pinion Shaft Bushings Pistons & Piston Kits: Keith Black TEC Wiseco Polish: Mothers Wizard Point Cover Chrome Points & Condensers PowerPacc , Doherty Powermax Chains Primary Chains Primary Covers Chrome Primary, Inner Primo Pro Clutch Prowler Frames Pushrod O’Ring kit 134-136 159 132 132 118 103 119 103 143 159 119 82 72 79 33 29 30-32 158 157 65 100 116 133 133 45 53 127,129 50 7 Pushrods: Andrews Crane Jims Titanium Taperlite Pushrods Covers Jims Pulleys: Andrews Front Jims Rear Quick Stick Weights 37,39,41 84,85,95 68 49 68 43 130 137 Ratchet Tie Downs 152 Ratchet Top Assembly 1 Reamers 102 Rear Pulleys, Jims 130 Regulators, Voltage Bosch Crane 92 Compufire 106 Spyke 103 TEC Regulator 101 RK Chains 133 Rims 138 Rim Strips 137 Rings: Hastings 29 Wiseco 32 Ring & Pinion Conversions: Compufire 106 Rivera 129 Spyke 104 Rivera Pro Clutch Rod Races Rocker Arms & Shafts: Jims Crane TEC Rockerbox Covers Roller Bearings 100pk Roller Retainer Cages Rotor, Ignition Rotors: Stainless Steel Pro Polished Rotor Locks Rowe Guides Rowe Valves 127,129 67 84,88,96 49 49,66 19 18 96 137 137 138 28 27 Saddle & Tool Bags Scorpion Clutch Kits Sealed Beams Seals Quick Look Page Seals, Teflon Shift Bushings Shift Clutches Shift Forks Shift Fork Components Shims, Valve Shocks Shoes, Brake Signal Assembly Signal Kits & Lenses Slinger Air Products Softhooks, Ancra Solenoids Spacers, Doherty Axle Chrome Spark Plugs Spark Plug Wires: Crane Spyke Taylor Speedo & Tach Guages Spring Kits: Andrews Black Diamond Sprockets, Countershaft Sprocket Shaft Sprocket Shaft Spacer Kit Sprocket Oil Seal Spacer Sprockets, PBI Sprockets, Belt: Andrew Front Jims Rear SprocketShaft Shim Spyke Batteries Spyke Frames: Spyke Products Spyke Transmissions: 159 121 144 16 20 80 46 46 80 20 131 136 145 145-147 117 152 92 138 179 201-202 90 103 98 149 37-43 25 131 72 75 75 131-132 40 130 20 104 50 102-104 104 S & S Air Filter, K&N S & S Carb Adaptor S & S Cruise Control S & S Gaskets: Air Cleaner Starter Actautor, Spyke Starters: All Balls Compufire Spyke Starter Clutch Drives: All Balls Spyke H-Duty TEC Starter Ring & Pinion: Compufire Rivera Spyke Starter Relays Starter Selenoids Stators: Compufire Spyke TEC USA Stroker Kits by Jims Swing Arm Bearings Switches Switch Housing, H-Bar “Super Cleaner” PJ1 Super Glue SuperTrapp Super Nut by James Tach Adaptors Tail Lens Tail Light Assembly Taper Lite Pushrods Tappets: Jims Crane Tappet Blocks: Jims Import Tappet Rollers Tappet Screws Taylor Wires 120 112 112 13 102 99 105 102 99 102 100 106 129 104 100 100 106 103 101 101 62-64 77 149 142 159 160 150 14 96,106 147 147 49 69-71 84,90,95 66 49 68 68 98 Teflon Seals TEC: Blue Seal Kits HI-TEC gaskets Pistons Regulators Valves Valve Guides Valve Shims Valve Stem Seal Threadlock Throw Out Bearings Tie Downs Titanium Pushrods Jims Tool Section Tool Bags Total Fuel Systems Trap Door, Billet Jims Trans. Belt Sprocket Transmission Gaskets Transmisson Cases Delkron Jims TEC Transmission Gear Kits Transmissions: Andrews Jims Prowler Spyke Transmission Pulley Nut Transmission Roller Kits Transmission Rebuild Kit Trans Sprocket Spacer 20 14 14 23 93 16 17 16 16 160 77 152 68 110 54 37 6,9 52 53 53 46 44-48 48-58 50 53 53 18 60-61 55 Triumph Section Tubes Tune up Kits Turn Signal gaskets 137 100 13 Uni-Filter 118 Valves: Black Diamond Rowe TEC Valve Guides: Black Diamond Rowe TEC Valve Springs: Andrews Crane Valve Spring Shims Valve Stem Seals 24 27 20 23 28 21 37-43 85,89,94 20 20 VHT Paints VOES Voltage Regulators: Bosch Crane Compufire Spyke TEC Regulator 159 148 101 92 106 103 101 Washers, nylon, copper 14 Wheel Bearings 77 Wheel Chocks 119 Wheels Nasty 80 Spoke Wheel Weights Wires: Crane Spyke Taylor Wire Ties Wiseco Pistons Wiseco Rings Wizard Products Wrist Pins: Keith Black Wiseco Wrist Pins Bushing 3 Bond Products Page 138 137 90 103 98 152 30-32 32 157 33 32 78 160 Top End Kits *88120 88128 88130 88125 88153 88154 88152 88151 88150 88149 88148 88147 88160 88161 88162 88163 88164 88167 Twin Cam 88 Big Twin w/ Metal Big Twin Big Twin w/Metal BigTwin Big Twin 3 5/8 Shovelhead Shovelhead PanHead 74" & 61" Knuckle 74" & 80" Flathead 45" Flathead Sportster 900cc Sportster 1000cc Sportster 1000cc Sportster 1000cc Sportster XL 883-1200cc Sportster XL 883-1200cc '99+ JGI '92+ JGI '92+ '84-91 JGI '84-91 '84-91 L78-'84 '66- E78 '48-65 '63-47 JGI '36-48 JGI '40-73 JGI '57-71 '72-E73 L73 - 77 '78-E85 '86-90 JGI '91+ JGI 17052-99 17040-92 17040-92 17033-83A 17033-83 17033-83S 17034-78 17034-66 17034-48 17034-38 17033-36 17031-40 17030-57 17030-72 17030-72A 17030-72 17030-86 17030-91 *Top End Kit #88120 comes with both 88" & 95" Head Gaskets JAMES Gaskets indicated by JGI Complete Gasket Kits 88129 88126 88175 88174 88173 88172 88171 88170 88178 88159 88180 88181 88182 88183 88184 88185 88186 88188 Big Twin w/ metal '92+ Big Twin w/ metal '84-91 Shovelhead Complete Set 5 Speed Shovelhead Complete Set 4 Speed Shovelhead Complete Set '70-'78 Shovelhead Engine Only '70-84 Shovelhead Complete Set '66-69 Panhead Engine Only Set '48-65 74" & 80" Flathead Engine only 74" & 61" Knuckle head Sportster Complete set '57-71 Sportster Complete set '72-E73 Sportster Complete set L '73-76 Sportster Complete set '77-85 Sportster 883cc Complete '86+ Sportster 1100cc Complete'86-87 Sportster 1200cc Complete'88+ Sportster Complete '91+ JGI JGI '80-84 '78-84 JGI JGI JGI JGI JGI JGI JGI 17041-92 17035-83B 17029-80B 17029-70B 17029-70 17029-79 17029-66 17028-48 17027-36 17028-36 17026-71 17026-72 17026-73 17026-79/82 17026-86 17026-86A 17026-88 17026-91A JAMES Gaskets indicated by JGI Transmission Kits 88190 88191 88192 88193 88194 88195 88196 88197 Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set Gasket & seal set '41-64 '65-79 4 Speed '80+ 5 Speed '80+ 5 Speed '85+ Dyna '91-98 FLT '93-98 FLT '99+ JGI JGI JGI 33031-36 33031-65/70 33031-80 33031-82 33031-85 33031-91 33031-93 33031-99 JAMES Gaskets indicated by JGI 6 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. Rocker Box Gasket Kits 88119 88135 88155 88156 88157 88158 88134 88168 88169 Twin Cam 88 Twin Cam 88 Metal Big Twin cam-rocker set Big Twin cam change set Big Twin Rubber Big Twin Rubber Big Twin Rubber/HITEC XL Rubber XL Rubber ‘99+ ‘99+ ‘84-91 ‘93+ '84-91 '91+ ‘84-91 ‘86-90 ‘91+ JGI JGI JGI JGI 17099-99 17033-99 TEC 25225-93K 17038-90 17042-92 TEC 17030-89 17030-91 JAMES Gaskets indicated by JGI Pushrod O’ Ring Kits 88900 88901 88911 88902 88906 88904 88915 88916 88907 88906 88903 TEC Blue Seal Kit TEC Blue Seal Kit Twin Cam Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Cork Kit Sportster Cork Kit Sportster Sportster Sportster Upto early 1979 1957-E1979 ‘99+ L79+ '84+ ‘79-83 '41-78 '57-78 ‘91+ '86-90 ‘79-84 Oil Pump Kits 88138 88139 88140 88141 88142 88144 88146 88145 BigTwin 1340cc Kit '92+ Big Twin S & S Kit Pre-1992 Panhead Kit '48-67 Big Twin Kit '68-79 Big Twin Kit '80+ Sportster Kit '77-90 Sportster Kit '63-71 Sportster Kit '52-62 & '72-76 Big Twin Sportster TEC 11133FL 11133V2 11133FLH TEC TEC 11190V2 11133V2 11101XL JGI TEC JGI TEC TEC JGI TEC JGI JAMES Gaskets indicated by JGI Fork Seal Kits 88273 88275 88277 88278 88279 88280 88286 88287 88317 (pairs) Showa FX/FXS/XLH/CH ‘75+ FL/FLH, FLH-80 ‘77 WG/ FL/FLH ‘49-77 Kayaba FX ‘72-75, XL‘72-74 FXST/ WG '84+ FXRS/RT ‘84+ FL/H '49-E77 WG/FL '77-84 FXR / Dyna / XL '87+ JGI 45400-75 45843-77 45852-77 45927-73 45875-84 45387-83 45849-49 45849-77 45849-87 JAMES Gaskets indicated by JGI Main Drive Seal Kits Big Twin 88908 88909 88910 Main drive seal kit '36-79 Main drive seal kit '80-81 Main drive seal kit '82-84 James 35230-39K 37741-67K 37741-82K James Head Gaskets Rivera Head Gaskets Head Gaskets by JAMES (JGI) 88860 88861 88862 88863 88368 88364 88369 88360 88356 88357 88359 88367 88366 88355 88363 88350 TC 88" Teflon '99+ TC 88" Teflon '99+ TC 95" Teflon '99+ TC 95" Teflon '99+ Big Twin Teflon '84+ Big-Twin Grey '84+ Big-T 3 5/8 Silicone '84+ Evo Graphite '84+ Big Twin Teflon '66+ Big-T Head&Base 3 5/8 '66+ Big Twin 3 5/8 Teflon '66+ Big Twin Fire-Ring '66-84 Big Twin Fire-Ring '48-65 Panhead Teflon '48-65 Knucklehead Teflon '36-47 XL 900cc Teflon .045 .036 .045 .036 .045 .062 .045 .030 .045 .045 .036 .045 .045 .045 .045 .045 16775-99 16775-99X 16787-99 16787-99X 16773-85T 16773-85 16773-85TS 16770-84X 16770-66A 16770-66S 16770-66SX 16770-66X 16770-48X 16770-48 16770-36 16769-57 88351 88352 88353 88362 88364 XL XL XL XL 1100cc XL 1200cc .016 .016 .030 .045 .062 16769-72A 16769-73 16769-73T 16665-86 16773-85 Std 3 5/8 Std 3 5/8 948164 948164 948338 948338 Copper Copper Black Teflon Grey Evolution Gaskets by Rivera 33700 33701 33704 33704 Head gasket Head gasket Base gasket Base gasket Cam Gaskets 88440 88441 88442 88450 88443 88451 88845 88444 88446 88447 88445 '72-E73 L73+ L73+ '86+ '84+ Copper/Rubber Copper/Rubber Steel/Rubber Steel/Rubber (10 packs) Cork strainer gasket Cam gear cover gasket Cam gear cover gasket Cam gasket Thick Cam gear cover gasket Cam cover gasket Cam cover gasket Cam gear cover gasket Cam gear cover gasket Cam gear cover gasket Fiber washer gear stud XLH/C ‘57-76 24978-57 XL ‘57-81 25224-52A EL/FL/H ‘41-69 25225-36C Big-T ‘70-84 25225-70 Big-T ‘84-92 25225-70A Big-T ‘93+ 25225-93 TC 88 '99+ 25244-99 XL ‘82+ 25263-81 XL Evo ‘89-90 25263-86 XL ‘91-99 25263-90 FL/XL ‘32-73 25811-11 Oil and Gas Cap Gaskets 8 88680 88681 88682 88683 88684 88685 88686 88687 88688 Gas cap gasket rubber Gas cap gasket rubber Left gas cap FL/FLH Gas cap gasket FXR Fuel valve gasket Gas line seal Oil tank cap gasket Brass drain plug washer Gas tank grommet rubber ‘37+ ‘65+ '85+ '50+ ‘66+ ‘52+ 61111-77 61114-48 61114-65 61109-85C 62172-75 62360-50 62628-66 62702-52 11444 Base Gaskets 88835 88960 88376 88750 88751 88930 88943 88932 88933 88379 88755 88373 88375 88940 88941 88942 88380 88372 88374 88944 88945 88378 88931 88956 88370 88371 88753 88377 Twin Cam Base O'ring 1999+ 11256 Twin Cam 4" Jims HT 1999+ HI-TEC Big Twin Front & Rear '84+ 16777-83A Big Twin Metal w/ Sil. JGI '84+ 16777-94 Big Twin 3 5/8 Metal w/ Sil. JGI '84+ 16777-94S Big Twin HI-TEC '84+ 16777-83HT Big Twin 3 5/8 HI-TEC '84+ 16777-83XHT Big Twin 3 13/16 HI-TEC '84+ HI-TEC Big Twin 4" S&S HT '84+ HI-TEC Big Twin 3 13/16 Axtell HT '84+ HI-TEC Big Twin Metal w/ Sil. JGI '63-84 16774-63X Big Twin Front .020 '63-84 16776-63 Big Twin Rear .020 '63-84 16777-63 Big Twin Front HT '63-84 16776-63HT Big Twin Rear HT '63-84 16777-63HT Big Twin 3 5/8 F&R HT '63-84 16776-63BHT Big Twin 3 5/8 F&R .020 '63-84 16777-66S Big Twin Front .020 '48-62 16776-48 Big Twin Rear .020 '48-62 16777-48 Big Twin Front HT '48-62 16776-48HT Big Twin Rear HT '48-62 16777-48HT Big Twin F&R .020 '36-47 16774-21 XL Std HT '86+ 16774-86HT XL Std HT '70-84 16774-72HT XL 900cc Front & Rear .032 16774-57 XL 1000cc Front & Rear .032 16774-72 XL '86+Evo Metal w/ Sil. JGI .020 16774-96 XL '86+Evo Front & Rear .020 16774-86 HT indicates HI-TEC .015 material. See page 10 for full description. Transmission Gaskets 88579 88581 88582 88583 88578 88584 88585 88586 88587 88588 88589 88593 88594 88598 88599 88601 88595 88607 88602 88609 88603 88600 88606 Washer - Seal Inspection w/rubber I.D. Neutral switch cover Nylon Shifter cover gasket 4-Speed Kick cover gasket 4-Speed Washer - Shift Leather Shifter cover gasket FL/FLH/FX Adapter plate gasket FL/FLH/FX Shifter peg stud boss gasket XL Trans top cover gasket EL/FLH Trans top cover gasket FL/FX Trans top cover gasket FL/FX Thick Trans top cover gasket FLT/FXR/S Trans top cover gasket 5-Speed Gasket oil seal plate XL Washer - Main drive Cork Trans. bearing housing FLT/FXR/S Trans. bearing housing Twin Cam Countershaft end plate gasket 4-Speed Trans. right side cover gasket FLT/FXR Trans. right side cover gasket FL/FX Side cover plug gasket FL/FLH Speedo plate gasket FX/FXE Speedo drive gasket 4-Speed Base Gaskets Transmission Gaskets '84+ 80+ '79-86 '41+ '26+ '52-79 ‘52-79 '77-90 ‘36-79 L79+ L79+ ‘79+ '87+ ‘52+ ‘36-77 '79+ '98+ '36-64 ‘79+ '87-01 '68-69 ‘73-77 '36+ 31433-84A 33043-80 33196-79 33295-36 34459-26 34552-52 34565-52 34624-77 34824-36 34824-79 34824-79T 34904-79 34904-86C 35169-52 35231-36 35652-79 35653-98 36025-36 36801-79 36801-87B 36821-68 35607-73 67141-36 9 Primary Cover Gaskets Primary Cover Gaskets 88677 88671 88652 88672 88673 88660 88674 88662 88663 88661 Primary w/ Sil* Primary w/ Sil* Primary gasket Primary gasket Primary w/ Sil* Primary gasket Primary w/ Sil* Primary gasket Primary gasket Primary gasket Big Twin FLT/FXR FLT/FXR FLT/FXR ST/Dyna ST/Dyna 9 Hole 9 Hole FL/FX FL/FX Big-T ‘94+ ‘80-93 ‘81+ ‘89+ '89+ '82+ ‘65+ ‘65-E82 ‘65-E82 ‘36-64 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .030 .060 .060 34901-94 34901-79/85 34901-79A 60539-94 60539-94 60538-81A 60538-81C 60540-65A 60540-65A 60540-36 * Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Inner Primary Gaskets 88653 88654 88668 Big Twin Primary gsk Inner (L) FLT/FXR Primary gsk Inner (S) FLT/FXR Primary gsk Inner FL / FLH ‘79-85 ‘79-85 '55-64 Special Inner Primary to Engine Gasket 88675 Inner Primary to Engine Primary Cover Gaskets 88656 88657 88658 88676 Primary gasket* Primary gasket Primary gasket Primary gasket Sportsters XL ‘57-69 XL ‘67-76 XL ‘77-90 XL 1991+ Inspection Gaskets 88655 88678 88648 88649 88670 88679 88667 88666 Left Case Lip Insp. cover gasket Insp. cover gasket* Insp. Steel w/ Sil* Insp. cover w/ Sil* Insp. cover gasket Inspection gasket Inspection gasket Inspection gasket* .030 .030 .030 34902-79A 34903-79 60629-55 Developed by TEC .015 TEC .030 .030 .060 .030 5pk 10pk 10pk 10pk 34952-52 34955-67 34955-79 34955-89 FLT/FXR ‘79+ FLT/FXR ‘79+ FLT/FXR '85+ FLT/FXR '85+ FLT/FXR '85+ FL Oval '65-98 FL / FX ‘65-83 EL/FL/H ‘36-72 .030 .060 .060 .060 .060 .060 .030 .030 34906-79 34906-79A 34906-85X 34906-85 34906-85 60567-90 60567-65 60567-36 * Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Clutch Gaskets & O'rings 10 88650 88244 88850 88665 88604 88605 88224 88633 88634 Clutch Derby cover O'ring Clutch cover O'ring Clutch cover Clutch Derby cover Clutch hub gasket Clutch hub cover O'ring Alternator O'ring Clutch/Insp Cover O'ring Chain/Insp Cover FL/FX ST/Dyna Twin Cam Cork Flathead & XL Sportster FLT/FXR Sportster Sportster '70-83 '84-92 '99+ ‘36-64 '52-53 '52-70 '82+ '91+ '91+ 25416-70 25416-84 25416-99 60565-36 37536-52 37762-52 11147 11187 11188 Rocker & Valve Train Gaskets 88855 88856 88131 88132 88382 88383 88384 88385 88386 88387 88388 88389 88410 88411 88412 88413 88934 88935 88392 88415 88416 88393 88394 88390 88289 Rocker cover* Lower Metal Rocker cover* Upper Metal Rocker cover Lower Rubber Rocker cover Upper Rubber Rocker cover Lower Rubber Rocker cover Upper Rubber Rocker cover Center Rubber Rocker cover Lower Cork Rocker cover Upper Cork Rocker cover Center Cork Rocker cover Right Rocker cover Left Rocker cvr *w/ Silicone Right Rocker cvr *w/ Silicone Left Rocker cvr *Metal/Rubber Right Rocker cvr* Metal/Rubber Left Rocker cover HI-TEC Right Rocker cover HI-TEC Left Rocker cover Rocker box* w/ Silicone Rocker box* Metal w/ Sil. Rocker cover Thick Cork Rocker cover Thin Rocker cover Felt Rocker box Top & Drain washer Big Twin '99+ 16719-99 '99+ 17386-99 '92+ 17255-92 '92+ 17355-92 '84-91 17355-84 '84-91 17356-84A '86-99 17358-84A '84-91 17355-84 '84-91 17356-84 '84-91 17358-84 '84+ 16778-84 '84+ 16779-84 '84+ 16778-84A '84+ 16779-84A '84+ 16778-97X '84+ 16779-97X '84+ 16778-84HT '84+ 16779-84HT '66-84 17540-69 '66+ 17540-99X '66+ 17540-99X Panhead 17541-48 Panhead 17541-48B Panhead 17507-48 63858-49 Rocker & Valve Train Gaskets * Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Rocker & Valve Train Gaskets 88391 88955 88400 88401 88402 88403 88404 88405 88384 XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover XL rocker cover Gasket Gasket Lower Upper Lower Upper Upper Lower Center Sportster Paper '57-85 HI-TEC '57-85 Cork '86+ Cork '86+ Rubber '86+ Rubber '86+ Rubber '91+ Rubber '91+ Rubber '86-99 17536-70 17536-70HT 17353-86A 17354-86A 17353-86A 17354-86A 17354-89 17353-89 17358-84A * Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Tappet, Valve Guide & Pushrod Gaskets 88840 88398 88399 88947 88948 88397 88395 88396 88898 88899 Lifter Cover gasket Tappet Block gasket Tappet Block gasket Tappet Block gasket Tappet Block gasket Valve guide gasket Pushrod Corks Pushrod Corks TEC Pushrod Blue Seal TEC Pushrod Blue Seal Twin Cam Rear '48-99 Front '48-99 Rear '48-99 Front '48-99 '48-84 Small 100pk Large 100pk Sm. 100pk Large 100pk 18635-99 18633-48A 18634-48A 18633-48HT 18634-48HT 18196-51 17955-36 17955-48 TEC TEC ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 11 Circuit Breaker Gaskets Generator and Starter Gaskets 88425 Mag cap gasket* '55+ each 29550-55 88560 88561 88562 Breaker stem gasket* Point cover gasket 4-hole Point cover gasket 2-hole '37-48 '80+ '70-79 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 32522-37 32591-70 32588-70A Generator Mounting Gaskets 88551 88552 88553 Gen. mounting gasket* Gasket Standard Gasket Thick Starter Gaskets (10 packs) 88669 88659 88664 88554 88555 88556 88557 88558 88559 Starter Solenoid gsk* Starter cover gasket * Starter motor mountgsk. Starter cover gasket* Starter housing gasket * Starter plate gsk Cork" Starter housing gasket* Starter motor gasket* Starter motor gasket* (10 packs) FL/XL '30-'57 FL/XL '58+ FL/XL '58+ 30143-30 30143-58 30143-58 Foam Big-T ‘65+ FL/FLH ‘65-69 FL/FXST‘80-85 FLH-80 FLH-80 XL 70-'80 XL '67-'80 XL '77-'80 XL '81+ 3 60645-65 60518-65 60559-80 31320-80 31321-80 31461-70 31471-67A 31488-77 1488-81 * Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Oil Pump Gaskets, etc Oil Pump Gaskets 12 88492 88493 88458 88459 Body Cover Cover Body gasket gasket gasket gasket Big-T '92+ Big-T '92+ S&S Pre-'92 S&S Pre-'92 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 26273-92 26276-92 HI-TEC HI-TEC 88480 88481 88483 88484 Body Body Cover Cover gasket Mylar* gasket Mylar* FLH '80-91 FLH '80-91 FL/H/T '80-91 FL/H/T '80-91 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 26273-80B 26273-80AM 26276-80A 26276-80AM 88464 88465 88473 88474 88470 88462 88463 Body Body Cover Cover Cover Body Bottom Mylar* gasket Mylar* gasket gasket* gasket* gasket FL/H/T/FX FL/H/T/FX FL/FX ‘68-80 FL/FX ‘68-80 FL/FLH ‘50-67 E/FL/H ‘41-67 U/L/H '37-73 ‘68-80 ‘68-80 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 26246-68A 26246-68D 26258- 68B 26258-68C 26257-50A 26245-41 26246-37 88486 88485 88461 88472 88476 88471 88475 88467 Mounting gasket* XL '91+ 10 pk Mounting gasket* XLH '77-90 10 pk Side mount gasket XL ‘60-73 10 pk Cover gasket* XLCH ‘62-71 10 pk Cover gasket* XLH '62-71 10 pk Cover gasket* K‘52-E62 & XL '72-76 Cover gasket* K'52-E62 & XL ‘72-76 Body gasket* K/XL ‘52-76 10 Pk 26495-89 26495-75 26244-60 26258-62 26259-62 26258-52 26259-52 26256-52 88201 88200 88203 88202 88460 Retaining ring, oil pump* Big-T '70+ Ball 3/8", oil pump* B/T XL '41+ Snap ring, oil pump* Big-T '41+ Key, oil pump* Big-T 1915+ Teflon cap washer, oil pump*FL/FX '54-80 11002 8866 26348-36 26348-15 26321-78 * Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Air Cleaner, Carb & Intake Manifold Gasket and Seals 88514 88515 88536 88537 Seal - Carb to Manifold* CV '89+Ev Seal - Carb/Manifold/Head* CV '89+ Ev Seal - Manifold to head* Evo Seal - Man. to head Metal* Evo 88518 88519 88520 88521 89693 88522 88540 88523 88524 88525 88526 88528 88529 88531 88532 88533 88535 88538 Carb gasket set* Carb gasket set* Carb to manifold gasket Carb to manifold gasket Keihin Overhaul Kit Keihin Overhaul Kit* Carb gasket Kit* Linkert bowl nut gasket Linkert float bowl gasket Fiber washer drain plug Linkert bowl gasket Fiber washer main jet Fiber washer idle jet Manifold gasket* Float bowl gasket Air cleaner plate gasket Air cleaner gasket Float bowl gasket / o'ring 88250 88251 88252 88694 88543 O’ring intake mani to head* FL/FX '55-77 Intake manifold Band* FL/FX '78-84 O’ring main jet Bendix '71-76 Manifold Compliance gasket '83-85 Air Cleaner to Carb Gasket S & S E 10 pk Linkert Bendix Bendix Keihin Import Keihin Keihin Linkert Linkert Linkert Linkert Bendix Bendix Tilitson Bendix Keihin Keihin Keihin 10 pk Kit (3) 10 pk 10 pk Kit Kit '71-E78 10 pk '78-89 10 pk '76-86 Kit '76-86 Kit '88+ Kit '28-65 10 pk '52-56 10 pk '56-65 20 pk '36-65 10 pk '71-76 20 pk '71-76 20 pk '57-65 10 pk '71-76 10 pk '77-87 10 pk '88+ 10 pk '78-83 5 pk 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk 10 pk TEC 27002-89 27002-89K 26995-86A 26995-98 Linkert Bendix 27023-71 27077-78 27006-76 27006-76 27006-88 27376-28 27376-52 27378-57 27391-36 27403-71 27404-71 27410-57 27646-71 29058-77 29059-88A 27889-78 27060-55 27062-78 27326-71 29242-83 ** Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Exhaust Gaskets 88692 88693 88696 Exhaust gasket* Fire Ring BigTwin '66-83 Exhaust gasket* Wire Type All ‘84-91 Exhaust gasket* Graphite All '92+ 10 pk 10 pk 5 pk 65834-68X 65324-83 65324-83A 88690 88697 Crossover gasket* Crossover gasket* FX/ XL '82-90 FX/ Dyna '91+ each each 65781-82 65826-90 88695 Muffler clamp Copper FLT '85+ 10 pk 65721-85 ** Indicates JAMES Gaskets JGI Tail light & Turn Signal Gaskets 88724 88726 88725 88727 88728 99149 Tail light Lens Gasket Tail light Mounting gsk. Tail light Mounting gsk. O'ring Turn signal O'ring Turn signal lens Screw, Signal Lens FLT/FX '73+ 5pk All Models '73+ 10pk K/FLH/XL '55-72 10pk FX / XL '86+ 10pk FLT/FX '86+ 10pk 1986+ 10pk 68027-90 68123-73 68123-55 68455-86 68451-86 68452-86 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 13 TEC Blue Seal Kits Special replacement seals for the pushrod tube corks. Wont get hard and crack causing leaks. The end of a long time problem. TEC Blue Seals are made from a special compound of silicones and other brand name compounds put together for this application. They are blue which indentifys the real thing. Packaged for peg board display in kit form. 88900 88901 TEC Blue Seal Kit Big Twin TEC Blue Seal Kit Sportster Upto early 1979 1957-E1979 88898 88899 TEC Pushrod Blue Seals TEC Pushrod Blue Seals 100pk 100pk Small Large TEC TEC "HI-TEC" Gaskets (10 Packs) Developed by TEC Distributing These gaskets incoporate a Special Black coating and are installed Dry with no sealers. "First time" operating temperature HI-TEC coating becomes sealer. 88960 88930 88932 88933 88934 88935 88943 88940 88941 88942 88946 88944 88945 Twin Cam Base gasket Evo Base gasket Evo Base gasket Evo Base gasket Evo Head cover gasket Evo Head cover gasket Big Twin Base Big Twin Base Big Twin Base Shovelhead Base Big Twin Rocker Big Twin Base Big Twin Base Jims 4" Std 3 13/16 S&S 4" Right Left 3 5/8 Front Rear 3 5/8 Std Front Rear '99+ '84+ '84+ '84+ '84+ '84+ '84+ '63-84 '63-84 '63-84 '66-84 '48-62 '48-62 HI-TEC 16777-83HT HI-TEC HI-TEC 16778-84HT 16779-84HT 16777-83HT 16776-63HT 16777-63HT 16776-63HT 17540-69HT 16776-48HT 16777-48HT 88947 88948 Tappet block gasket Tappet block gasket Rear Front '48-98 '48-98 18633-48HT 18634-48HT 88931 88955 88956 XL Evo Base gasket XL Rocker cover gasket XL Base gasket Std Std Std '86+ '70-84 '70-84 16774-86HT 17356-70HT 16774-72HT 1984+ 1995 1975+ 1926+ 10pk 5pk 10pk 10pk 20pk 10pk 6114 63859-95 45406-75 34459-26 6410 35231-36 Misc. Washers 88199 88293 88315 88578 88705 88599 Rocker washer Inner cover Softail Fork / Damp bolt Copper Shift washer Leather Nylon washer seat mount Main drive washer Cork James Super Nut 14 88204 88205 ‘36-77 "Super-Nut" James Replacement seals for "Super-Nut" 35211-36DL 35211-85DL O'Rings for Big Twin 88207 88210 88295 88610 (listed by OEM Number) Rocker / Pushrod '57+ 11101 Oil pump drain plug 11105 Tillotson carburetor '66-71 11107 SPECIAL O’RING Stops oil leak 11114 thru 4th Gear spacer early 4 Speed 88212 88608 88214 88218 88219 88220 88221 88223 88224 88225 88597 88619 88620 88629 88835 88836 88837 88838 88841 88839 88844 88847 88244 88247 88304 88303 88864 88865 Transmission countershaft Shift lever sleeve Pushrod cover Top o'ring Alternator o'ring Pushrod Middle o'ring Tappet Block o'ring Tappet Block o'ring Pushrod Lower o'ring Alternator o’ ring Pushrod tube Top o'ring Mainshaft Right end o'ring Mainshaft bearing o'ring Main drive gear o'ring Transmission cable o'ring Cyclinder base Rocker cover / cyl hd TC dowel cyl. / head Oil pump Pushrod tube Cam support plug Oil pump / engine case Primary drain plug o'ring Derby cover o'ring Oil pump stud o'ring Head gasket o'ring Head gasket Hi-Temp TC 95” Cyl. head .045 TC 95” Cyl. head .036 11115 11117 11118 11125 11132 11133 ‘79+ 11133A '84+ 11145 ‘82+ 11147 '84+ 11157 5speed 11162 5speed 11165 '85-86 11166 '84+ 11179 ‘99+ 11256 ‘99+ 11270 ‘99+ 11273 ‘99+ 11286 ‘99+ 11293 ‘99+ 11298 ‘99+ 11301 '04+ 11324 ‘84+ 25416-84 '84+ 26432-76A ‘84+ 26432-76B '84-87 26432-76X ‘99+ 26432-99 ‘99+ 26432-99X 88250 88251 Intake manifold Intake manifold '55- 78 27060-55 '79+ 27062-78 88502 88506 88252 88507 88508 88509 88511 88541 88542 88538 Fuel mix screw - Keihin ‘76-E78 Float bowl o'ring Keihin '83-89 Bendix main jet o’ring ‘71-76 Carb mount o'ring Keihin ‘76-78 Float bowl o'ring Keihin ‘76-78 Accelerator pump Keihin ‘76+ Diaph / Pump o'ring Keihin '76+ Float bowl Keihin CV ‘88+ Float bowl Keihin CV '92+ Float bowl Keihin ‘78-83 27312-76 27324-83 27326-71 27336-76 27358-76 27360-76 27361-76 27577-88 27577-92 27889-78 88565 88566 88262 88292 88314 Starter shaft o'ring Sstarter motor o'ring Shifter shaft o'ring Fork tube plug o'ring Fork cap bracket o'ring ‘90+ 1989 '81+ ‘77-80 '87+ 33340-90 33345-89 34036-80 44845-77 45443-86 88728 88727 Signal Lens o'ring Turn Signal Lens o'ring '86+ '86+ 68451-86 68455-86 o'ring band O'Rings '65+ '84+ ‘84+ ‘70-80 '84+ O'Rings for Sportster 88206 88208 88209 88211 88213 88215 88222 88621 88622 88632 88625 88633 88634 88626 88627 88248 88249 88487 88274 (listed by OEM Number) Tappet guide o'ring ‘57+ 11100 Timer base mount o'ring 66-69 11102 Clutch gear o'ring ‘57-69 11103 Tach plug, tappet screw o'ring 11110 Starter housing o'ring ‘81+ 11116 Clutch gear o'ring ‘67-70 11119 Oil filler cap o'ring L78+ 11139 Tappet guide Upper ‘86-90 11167A Tappet guide Lower ‘86-90 11168A Inspect. starter housing airfork o'ring 11171 Tappet anti-rotation pin '91+ 11176 Clutch inspection cover ‘91+ 11187 Chain inspection cover ‘91+ 11188 Pushrod cover Top ‘91+ 11190 Pushrod cover Bottom ‘91+ 17944-89 Check valve o'ring ‘77+ 26433-77 Oil pump cover o'ring ‘77+ 26434-76A Sportster Oil pump o'ring ‘91+ 26434-91 Fork cap o'ring '52-70 45780-52 Mikuni & Misc. O'Rings 85979 85981 86036 86088 96859 89678 Float bowl drain plug o'ring Needle & seat fuel inlet o'ring Spray nozzle o'ring Adaptor plateo'ring Foot Peg o'ring Large O’ replacements for kit #89677 HSR 40/42/45 HS40 40/42 HS42+45 TEC 725 Jims 15 Seals for Big Twin 88231 88214 88221 88299 88619 88226 88227 88228 88198 88229 88230 88408 88232 88233 88407 88407 88236 88237 88238 88240 88241 88242 88256 88613 88611 88612 88846 88298 88850 88296 88297 88243 88246 88536 88537 88514 88515 88251 88509 88406 88253 88294 88255 88579 88259 88261 88265 88290 88270 88271 88285 88685 88288 88289 88630 88631 88257 88258 (Listed by OEM numbers) High gear seal L66-E81 10222 Quad seal Top pushrod 11118 Quad seal tappet block 11133A Quad seal shift ‘82+ 11148 Quad seal ball bearing ‘84 11165 Generator seal '61-73 12002 Shift shaft seal L'79 12010 High Gear seal 4-Spd 12013 Main drive gear seal ‘85+ 12013A Clutch hub nut seal ‘65-84 12014 Inner Chain cover seal ‘80-84 12018 Clutch release rod 12021 Pushrod seal ‘68+ 12023 Engine sprocket seal ‘70+ 12023A 5th gear mainshaft seal ‘91+ 12035 Seal 5th gear ‘91+ 12035B Starter shaft seal 80+ 12043 Main gear seal ‘80-E84 12044DL Shift shaft seal ‘80+ 12045DL Mainshaft seal ‘84+ 12050 Trans/starter seal ‘85+ 12051 Inner chain housing seal '85+ 12052 Starter shaft seal ‘89+ 12053 Starter shaft seal ‘89+ 12053A Jack shaft seal ‘94+ 12066 Seal Big-Twin ‘94+ 12067A Sprocket shaft seal ‘99+ 12068 Sprocket shaft seal ‘55-65 24031-55 Cam cover gasket seal ‘99+ 24516-99 Chain cover seal ‘39-58 24931-39 Check valve seal 52-65 24990-52 Rear wheel seal ‘82+ 25414-82DL Oil pump seal ‘58+ 26227-58 Intake manifold seal '89-98 26995-86A Intake manifold lip '84+ 26995-98 Carb to Manifold seal ‘89 27002-89 Seal Kit to manifold '89 27002-89Kit Band Intake manifold ‘78+ 27062-78 Accel. pump seal Keihin '76+ 27360-76 Umbrella valve seal ‘91+ 28656-89 Breaker stemseal ‘58-65 29603-48 Generator gear end ‘46-81 30145-46A Starter seal ‘80+ 31341-80DL Seal washer insp. ‘80+ 31433-84A Starter / Crank seal ‘37+ 33076-37 Shift shaft seal '37-E79 34036-36 Main Drive gear seal ‘36-78 35230-39DL Clutch Release lever seal 5Speed 37101-84 Main Drive gear seal ‘67+ 37741-67 Main Drive gear seal ‘82+ 37741-82DL Shift shaft seal '74+ 60641-74 Gas line seal '50+ 62360-50 Sleeve oil line '57+ 63529-57 Washer EV Rocker box 63858-49 Seal & ferrule 63528-92 Oil feed seal 63525-92 Camshaft seal ‘70-98 83162-51 Circuit breaker seal ‘70+ 83162-51DL Seals for Sportsters (Listed by OEM numbers) 88216 88217 88409 88234 88235 88239 88627 88635 88245 88246 88254 Cam shaft seal Cam shaft seal Seal 5th gear Oil pump seal (rubber) Oil pump seal (metal) Mainshaft seal Pushrod seal Lower Clutch cover seal Pinion shaft seal XR750 Oil pump seal Generator seal '71+ '71+ '91+ 77-82 ‘83+ '84-90 ‘91 ‘94+ ‘75+ ‘58+ '82+ 11124 11124DL 12030 12036 12036A 12049DL 17944-89 25463-94 25535-74R 26227-58 29911-82 88260 88263 88264 88266 88598 88290 88267 88268 88269 88270 88288 Shift shaft seal ‘52+ Engine trans shaft seal ‘52 Eng-sprocket seal ‘74+ Mainshaft seal & retain Kit Main plate gasket seal ‘52+ Clutch Release lever seal 5Speed Release gear seal ‘53-70 Clutch gear seal ‘56-69 Clutch hub seal ‘57-69 Main Drive gear seal ‘67+ Sleeve oil line '57+ 34035-52 35151-52A 35151-74 35150-52 35169-52 37101-84 37339-53 37531-56B 37740-57 37741-67 63529-57 Fork Seals 88291 88280 88273 88275 88277 88279 88316 88278 88301 88310 88276 FXR/XL (39mm) 1987+ FXR/XL (35mm) 1983+ Showa 1977-83 WG 1977+ WG 1948-77 FXST/WG (41mm) '84+ Air control seal 1984+ FX/XL Kayab 1972+ FX/XL 1971-72 Fork-Dust seal FX Fork Tube Cap FLH Wheel bearing seals 88272 88281 88282 88283 88284 88730 FX/XL FL/XL FL/XL FX/XL FX/XL FX/XL '55-72 ‘58-72 ‘72-84 ‘84-85 L‘85+ L‘85+ ea. pr. pr. pr. pr. pr. ea. pr. ea. 1987+ 1948+ 45378-87 45387-83 45400-75 45843-77 45852-48 45875-84 45849-84 45927-73 45975-71 45401-87 45733-48 41210-55 47519-58 47519-72 47519-83DL 47519-83A 47519-83A Pinion Bearings: 1987 up Quick Look Bearings: Cam Bearings: 71125 71165 71166 71130 Big Twin Big Twin Inner Big Twin Outer XL Cam Gear Clutch Hub Bearings: 71250 71251 71162 71247 Big Twin Big Twin Sportster Sportster 1958-98 1999+ 1999+ L’58-90 9058 9198 8990 9057 1984+ 1991+ 1954-70 1971-84 9025A 37906-90 37722-52 37722-71 Rod Bearing Set 1987+ Set with cages '99+ Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Sportster Sportster Sportster Sportster Pinionshaft Bearings: 71129 Sportster Pressure Plate Bearings: 71126 Connecting Rod Bearings: 71115 71114 71121 71122 71123 71124 71133 71134 71135 71136 Sportster Inner Primary Bearings: Big Twin 1984+ Big Twin 1970-84 Bearing for Dry Primary Bearing for Wet Primary 9135 9040, 9061 9135 9135 71159 71160 Main Drive Gear Bearings: Big Twin 4-Speed '79-81 8905 Mainshaft & Countershaft Bearings: 71150 71151 71250 Big-T - Main 1937-86 Big Twin - Main '84+ 5-Speed Sportster - Main ‘54-90 9020 8996 9025A 71153 71152 71155 Main & Counter 2K+ 5-Speed Main & Counter ‘80+ 5-Speed Main & Counter ‘80+ 5-Speed 8992A 8998 8876A 71261 71158 71260 Big Twin - Counter ‘77-85 Countershaft Left ‘80+ 5-Speed Sportster - Case ‘54-90 35961-52 8977 35960-54 Neck Bearings for Big Twin 1960+ & XL '82 up: 71105 71106 Bearing & Race Kit Cup/Race only Needle High Gear Bearings: 71156 Big Twin 4-Speed 48300-60 48315-60 ‘82-86 8906 Big Twin Left Big Twin Right Shift Drum Bearings: 71249 71157 24626-87A 24628-87A 24641-87A 24643-87A 24659-87 24660-87 24650-87 24637-87 1977-86 24648-77 1971-84 9073 24346-87A HD-RB-01K Shift Cam Bearings: 71140 71141 71138 71139 White Green Red Blue White Green Red Blue Sportster 1987-97 1987-97 9114 9115 1991+ 9151 Sprocket Shaft Bearings: Timken 71119 71120 71126 71127 71137 Big Twin Big Twin Sportster Sportster Sportster ‘55-68 ‘69-99 ‘52-76 ‘77-90 ‘77-00 9029 9028 24729-52 24729-77 48302-85 Starter Shaft Bearings: 71144 71145 Big-T '65-88 & XL '67-80- Inner Big-T '65-88 & XL '67-80- Outer Swing Arm Bearings: 71100 71212 71210 Big Twin Big Twin Sportster Throw Out Bearings: 71149 96920 Big Twin Kit Big Twin Heavy Duty Wheel Bearings: 71100 71101 71102 71103 1958-86 1984-99 L’74-81 9062 9063 9052 9076 47521-74 1970+ '37-74 1973+ FL/FX ‘52-72 FL & ‘52-78 XL Softail 2000 + & FLT Rear '00-01 FLT Front '00 + & FLT Rear '02+ 37312-75 37130-39 9052 9009 9267 9247 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 17 Transmission Roller Bearing Kits: Main & Counter Shafts Big Twin ‘41-77 (uses 88) Size Std TEC # 89000 +0004 89001 +0008 89002 +0010 89003 OE# 9085 9086 9804+1 +0004 89006 +0008 89007 9084 Sportster ‘57 + (uses 23) Size TEC# OE# Std 89005 9084 9085 9086 Rod Bearing Retainers / Cages 89010 89011 89416 Roller retainer set (3) Aluminum Roller retainer set (3) Aluminum Roller retainer set (3) Steel ‘41+ Big Twin ‘57+ XL ‘41+ Big Twin Connecting Rod Bearing Kits: (sold as each) Big Twin ‘41-77 (Set of 17 Long & 34 Short) Std 89018 +0002 89019 +0004 +0006 89021 89022 +0008 +001 89023 89020 Sportster ‘54 + (Set of 17 Lomg & 34 Short) Std 89012 +0002 89013 +0004 89045 +0006 89016 +0008 89017 +001 89014 +002 89065 +002 89064 Right Case Bearing Kit (Set of 13) Big Twin Right Case Roller Bearing Kit 1930-54 Size TEC# Std 89059 +0002 89060 +0004 89061 +0006 89062 OE# 9261 9262 9263 9264 Big Twin Right Case Roller Bearing Kit 1955-57 Size TEC# Std 89030 +0002 89031 +0004 89032 OE# 9421 9422 9423 Big Twin Right Case Roller Bearing Kit 1958 up Std 89045 9220 +0002 89046 9221 +0004 +0006 89047 89048 9222 9223 +0008 +001 89049 89050 9224 9225 Sportster Right Case Roller Bearing Kit 1957 up Std 89024 9421 +0002 89025 9422 +0004 +0006 89026 89027 9423 9424 +0008 +001 89028 89029 9425 9426 Left Case Bearing Kit (Set of 28) Big Twin Left Case Roller Bearing Kit 1930-54 Size TEC# OE# Std 89035 9220 +0002 89036 9221 +0004 89037 9222 Wheel Bearing Roller Kits Size TEC# 18 OE# Std 89052 9220 +0002 89053 9221 +0004 89054 9222 +0006 +0008 89038 89039 9223 9224 +0006 +0008 89055 89056 9223 9224 +002 89051 9220+2 +003 89066 Roller Bearings 100 Packs 70910 70911 70912 70913 70914 70915 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9101A 9102A 9103A 9104A 9105A 9106A 70920 70921 70922 70923 70924 70925 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9171A 9172A 9173A 9174A 9175A 9176A 70930 70933 70931 70932 70935 70936 70937 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9084 9804 +001 O/S 9085 9086 9095 9096 9097 70940 70941 70942 70943 70944 70945 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9150A 9152A 9154A 9156A 9158A 9160A 70951 70952 70953 70954 70955 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9180 9181 9182 9183 9184 70950 70956 70957 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9186 9186 +002 O/S 9186 +003 O/S 70960 70966 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9220A 9220A +002 O/S 70961 70962 70963 70964 70965 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9221A 9222A 9223A 9224A 9225A 70968 70969 70970 70971 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9261 9262 9263 9264 70974 Roller Bearings 9321 70947 Roller Bearings 9417A +002 O/S 70980 70981 70982 70983 70984 70985 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9421 9422 9423 9424 9425 9426 70991 70997 70998 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9441A 9441A +002 O/S 9441A +003 O/S 70992 70993 70994 70995 70996 Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings Roller Bearings 9442 9443 9444 9445 9446 70999 Roller bearings 9540A (clutch hub) ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 19 TEC STAINLESS VALVES are “one piece” made from the finest available stainless steel. These are lighter than stock to respond to performance cams. Head design increases flow along the swirl polished backs and include stellite tipped intake and exhaust. Performance features make this a very economical, standard good shop valve. TEC Sportster Valves: 87100 87101 87102 Intake Std Intake Std Exhaust Std TEC Big Twin Valves: 87104 87105 87106 Intake O/S Intake Std Exhaust Std ‘58-69 ‘70+ ‘58-84 18070-58 18070-70 18080-58A ‘48-65 (1 13/16”) 18071-48 ‘66-84 18074-66 ‘48-84 18082-57 TEC Evolution Valves: 87110 87107 87109 87108 87115 87116 87112 87114 87113 87117 Intake Std Intake O/S 1.900 Intake O/S 1.940 Intake Branch Intake Hi-Tulip 1.900x 4.416 Intake Hi-Tulip 1.940x 4.445 Exhaust Std Exhaust O/S 1.700 Exhaust Branch Exhaust Hi-Tulip 1.625x 4.488 18074-83 18074-83A HD-113-X Branch Hi-Tulip Hi-Tulip 18082-83 TEC Branch Hi-Tulip Valve Stem Seals 87083 87088 87084 87086 87284 87822 87820 87821 87823 83181 CRANE Valve Shim Kit Evo Kit Includes 4 each of .015", .030" & .060" TEC# 87830 87831 87832 Fits Size Evo Shim .060 Evo Shim .030 Evo Shim .015 TEC# 87836 87837 87838 87833 87834 87835 80” Shim .060 80” Shim .030 80” Shim. 015 *Shims Sold as 20 Packs 20 Fits Size 74" Shim .060 74" Shim .030 74" Shim .015 4pk 4pk 4pk 4pk 4pk 12pk 12pk 12pk 12pk Teflon Seal Guide Cutting Tool 87089 87085 87087 Shovelhead Tool Evolution Tool .415 Evolution Tool .531 Cam Shims 70820 20-2002 20-2001 20-2009 20-2011 20-2015 18000-48 18000-81 18001-83A 99018-1 99016 Big Twin 1939-98 Cam Shim Master Assortment Includes 33 pieces ranging from .050-.100 TEC# Size OEM# 70821 .050 25550-36 70822 .055 25551-36 70823 .060 25552-36 70824 .065 25553-36 70825 .070 25554-36 *Shims Sold as 3 packs TEC# 70826 70827 70828 70829 70830 70831 Sprocket Shaft Shims Big Twin 1969+ TEC# Size OE# 70841 .090 9110 70842 .092 9120 70843 .094 9121 70844 .096 9122 70845 .098 9123 70846 .100 9124 70847 .102 9125 70848 .104 9126 *Shims Sold as 5 Packs TEC# 70849 70850 70851 70852 70853 70854 70855 70856 70840 Valve Spring Shims 74" Big Twin Shovelhead Evolution Std Evolution .531 Evo Viton Sportster ‘57-85 Big Twin ‘48-79 Big Twin ‘80-84 Big Twin L84+ Size .075 .080 .085 .090 .095 .100 OEM# 25555-36 25556-36 25557-36 25558-79 25559-79 25559-80 Sprocket Shaft Shim Master Assortment Includes 48 pieces ranging from .090-.120 Size .106 .108 .110 .112 .114 .116 .118 .120 OE# 9127 9128 9129 9130 9131 9132 9133 9134 TEC Cast Iron "Must Ream" Guides US made cast guides with high nickel content for long service life. These are “MR” (must ream) guides; the ID bore is undersized so that the engine builder control the valve to guide clearance. Twin Cam 2005 Up 7mm Std + 001 Intake: 87860 87861 Exhaust: 87865 87866 + 002 87862 87867 + 004 87863 87868 + 010 88764 87869 + 002 86782 86792 + 003 86783 86793 + 004 86784 86794 +004 87264 +010 87268 + 002 87242 87252 + 003 87243 87253 + 004 87244 87254 + 005 87245 87255 + 006 87246 87256 + 008 87247 87257 + 010 87248 87258 + 025 87249 87259 + 002 87222 87232 + 003 87223 87233 + 004 87224 87234 + 005 87225 87235 + 006 87226 87236 + 008 87227 87237 + 010 87228 87238 + 025 87229 87239 American made quality guide at an economical price. Sized and ready. Std + 001 + 002 + 003 + 004 + 006 + 008 Intake 87300 87301 87302 87303 87304 87306 87308 Exhaust 87320 87321 87322 87323 87324 87326 87328 + 010 87228 87230 80” Evolution Std Intake 86780 Exhaust 86790 ‘84-99 + 001 86781 867921 80” Evolution ‘84-99 Intake / Exhaust Combination Std +001 +002 +003 87260 87261 87262 87263 80” Shovelhead ‘79-84 Std Intake 87240 Exhaust 87250 + 001 87241 87251 74” Shovelhead ‘48-79 Std Intake 87220 Exhaust 87230 + 001 87221 87231 Sportster ‘57-83 Std Intake 87360 Exhaust 87370 +001 87361 87372 +002 87362 87372 +003 87363 87373 TEC Bronze 90 Guides 80” Big Twin ‘79-83 Intake / Exhaust Combination Std +001 +002 +003 87350 87351 87352 87353 Sportster ‘57-83 Std Intake 87200 Exhaust 87210 +001 87201 87211 +002 87202 87212 +004 87354 +003 87203 87213 21 TEC Special Internal Seal Guide For Evolution 700 Lift “AMPCO” Internal Seal Valve Guides Std Intake 87187 Exhaust 87193 + 001 87188 87194 + 002 87189 87195 + 003 87190 87196 "Cast Iron" Internal Seal Valve Guides Std Intake 87280 Exhaust 87290 + 001 87281 87291 + 002 87282 87292 + 003 87283 87293 + 004 87191 87197 + 010 87192 87199 + 004 87284 87294 + 010 87289 87299 Ampco Must Ream “High Output” Sportster Guide These “High Output” guides are made for racing applications. The guide top is shortened for High Lift cams, the mid section provides normal contact surface and the in-port section has a 5 degree taper for increased flow Sportster ‘57-83 "High Output" Guide Intake / Exhaust Combination Std + 001 + 002 + 003 + 010 87030 87031 87032 87033 87036 22 AMPCO “Must Ream" Valve Guides by Precision Ampco-45 “MR” guides are designed to compliment horsepower. When you make horsepower, you make HEAT. Ampco is the best material to pass heat away from the valves. The Ampco-45 used is Certified high nickel Ampco45, which adds longer wear and life. "MR” stands for must ream or hone. The ID bore is small on purpose so that the builder can better fit the guide to the valve and not be stuck with the stock clearance. “MR” exhaust guides are counterbored at the port to allow for normal carbon build up. Twin Cam 2005 Up 7mm Std + 001 Intake: 87850 87851 Exhaust: 87855 87856 80” Evolution + 002 87852 87857 + 004 87853 87858 + 010 88754 87859 +004 87024 +005 87025 ‘84-99 Intake / Exhaust Combination Std +001 +002 +003 87020 87021 87022 87023 +006 87026 +010 87028 80” Evolution ‘84-99 (.200 shorter for ported heads) Intake / Exhaust Combination Std +001 +002 +010 87040 87041 87042 87048 80” Evolution Shouldered, 600 Lift, Must ream Guide Std Intake: 86760 Exhaust: 86770 + 001 86761 86771 80” Shovelhead ‘79-84 Std Intake 87000 Exhaust 87010 + 001 87001 87011 80” Shovelhead Std Intake: 86880 Exhaust: 86890 +002 86882 86892 74” Shovelhead ‘48-79 Std Intake 86980 Exhaust 86990 + 001 86981 86991 74” Shovelhead Std Intake: 86850 Exhaust: 86860 Sportster ‘57-83 Std Intake 86800 Exhaust 86810 +002 86852 86862 +001 86801 86811 + 002 86762 86772 + 002 87002 87012 + 003 86763 86773 + 003 87003 87013 + 004 86764 86774 + 004 87004 87014 + 005 87005 87015 + 006 87006 87016 + 008 87007 87017 + 010 87008 87018 + 025 87009 87019 + 008 86987 86997 + 010 86988 86998 + 025 86989 86999 Thin Stem Silicon "Bronze" Guide +004 86884 86894 +010 86889 86899 + 002 86982 86992 + 003 86983 86993 + 004 86984 86994 + 005 86985 86995 + 006 86986 86996 Thin Stem Silicon "Bronze" Guide +004 86854 86864 +002 86802 86812 +010 86859 86869 +003 86803 86813 +010 86806 86816 23 Precision “Black Diamond” Valves The Precision BLACK DIAMOND valves are on piece stainless steel with stellite tips on both intake and exhaust. Valves are precision ground then impregnated with the “Black Diamond” coating from .002” into the steel, out to the finish of .0002 thick. This coatingreduces friction, wear & allows for closer guide tolerances. BLACK DIAMOND valves are designed to increase air flow, even in stock heads. Twin Cam 2005+ 7mm Std O/S Std O/S Head Dia. 1.805 18074-05 1.900 18074-05 O/S 1.575 18085-05 1.630 18085-05 O/S Twin Cam 1999-2004 O/S Head Dia. 1.565 20-20057 Std O/S Race Std Race Branch Head Dia. 1.840 18074-83A 1.940 20-4169 1.900 20-4171R 1.615 18082-83 1.630 20-4170R .060 20-B101 87840 87840 87844 87844 86923 Intake Intake Exhaust Exhaust ‘05+ ‘05+ ‘05+ ‘05+ Exhaust Evolution Big Twin 86900 86901 86903 86904 86907 86921 Evolution Sportster 1200 86919 86920 Intake Exhaust Std Std 1.710 1.475 18023-87 18024-87 Evo Sportster Conversion Valves 883 to 1200 86916 86918 Intake Exhaust Conv Conv Evolution Sportster 883 86927 86928 Intake Exhaust Std Std 1.715 1.480 1.710 1.475 Evolution Sportster 1100cc (‘86 Only) 86910 86911 86914 Intake ‘86 Intake ‘86 Exhaust ‘86 Std O/S Std Sportster 900cc & 1000cc 86832 86833 86834 86835 86836 86837 86839 Int. 900cc ‘58-69 Std Int. 1000cc ‘70+ Std Int.1000cc ‘70+ O/S Intake XLR Std Exhaust ‘58+ Std Exhaust ‘58-84 O/S Exhaust XLR Std 1.840 1.900 1.615 20-2010 20-2012 20-20090 20-20092 18023-86 20-4250 18024-86 ‘84+ ‘84+ ‘84+ ‘84+ ‘84+ Evo Blank Extra Long Stems 86902 86906 86922 86908 86909 Intake Intake Intake Exhaust Exhaust Shovelhead 74” & 80” 86825 86826 86828 86829 86830 Intake Intake Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust ‘66+ ‘66+ ‘48+ ‘48+ ‘48+ O/S O/S O/S O/S O/S 2.100 2.000 2.250 1.715 1.750 20-4171B1 20-4171B 20-4171B2 20-4170B 20-4170B1 Std O/S Std O/S O/S 1.950 2.000 1.750 1.812 1.780 18074-66 20-4256 18082-57 20-4195-1 20-4195-S Shovelhead Thin Stem 74” & 80” 86840 86842 Intake Exhaust 1.950 1.750 Shovelhead Blank Extra Long Stem 1.825 1.935 2.000 1.950 1.570 1.630 1.750 18070-58 18070-70 20-4196-1 18080-65R 18080-58A 20-4197-1 18080-70R 86844 86846 Intake 3/8” Stem Exhaust 3/8” Stem Panhead 74” 86824 86828 Intake ‘48-65 Exhaust ‘48-83 Knucklehead 86847 86848 24 Intake Intake Intake Exh. Exhaust Exhaust Intake ‘36+ Exhaust ‘36+ 2.100 1.850 20-4265 20-4166 20-4194B 20-4195B Std Std Head Dia. 1.750 18071-48 1.750 18082-57 Std Std Head Dia. 1.750 18071-36 1.750 18081-36 Valve Spring Kits Spring Kits by Precision Include Chrome Silicon Springs, Lower Collars, Keepers & Specified Retainer Twin Cam 2005+ Spring Kits TEC# 87848 87849 Application Twin Cam Twin Cam Seat Pres. / Lift 170-180 / 600 170-180 / 600 Twin Cam 1999-2004 Spring Kits TEC# 87271 87272 87275 87276 Application Twin Cam Twin Cam Twin Cam Twin Cam Seat Pres. / Lift 170-180 / 600 170-180 / 600 190-210 / 650 190-210 / 650 Evolution 1984-1999 Spring Kits TEC# 86965 86966 86967 86969 86970 86972 86973 86974 Application Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution Evolution Seat Pres. / Lift 150-160 / 550 150-160 / 550 150-160 / 550 170-180 / 600 170-180 / 600 170-210 / 650 170-210 / 650 170-210 / 650 Retainer Titanium Steel Kit # 20-20360 20-20364 Retainer Titanium Steel Titanium Steel Kit # 20-20122 20-20132 20-20060 20-20081 Retainer Aluminum Titanium Steel Titanium Steel Titanium Aluminum Steel Kit # 20-2093 20-2080 20-2085 20-20110 20-20120 20-2140 20-2141 20-2142 Shovelhead, Panhead & Sportster Spring Kits 86937 86949 86962 74” 80” Shovel 160 / 600 74" Panhead 160 / 600 Sportster ‘57-83 160 / 460 Aluminum Titanium Aluminum 20-2110 20-20100 20-2210 25 Keepers, Collars, Springs & Basewashers 26 86977 86975 86976 86929 86930 86931 86932 86933 86934 86945 Evo Evo Evo Evo Evo Evo Evo Evo Evo Evo 86939 86968 86936 86941 86940 86947 74"& 80" 74"& 80" 74"& 80" 74"& 80" 74"& 80" 74"& 80" 86942 86943 86963 86960 XL XL XL by Kibblewhite Retainers Titanium 210 / 800 20-2143 Keepers Steel 210 / 800 20-2146 Springs Chrome Silicon 210 / 800 20-2147 Keepers Stock OEM 18229-83 Keepers 15 degree Centered shouldered 20-2095 Keepers Steel 180 / 600 20-2091 Retainers Aluminum 180 / 600 20-2092 Base Washer Steel 180 / 600 20-2094 Springs Chrome Silicon 180 / 600 20-2090 Insert Cylinder head Springs Chrome Silicon 160 / 600 Titanium Retainers 160 / 600 Keeper Steel 160 / 600 Keepers 15 degree forThin stem valves Retainers Offset .070 Special Basewashers Retainer & Keeper Set Springs Stock Silicon Springs Race Version 1970-'83 160 / 460 High Lift Cam 20-2000 20-2116 20-2100 20-4275 20-4248 20-2111 20-4276 20-2214 20-2215 Rowe Valves Rowe valves are American made, drop forged, the precision ground and finished. Intake valves are SAE “NV-5” Inlet steel, Exhaust valves are SAE “EV-12” stainless steel stellite tipped. Both valves are fully heat treated. TEC stocks, Rowe standard, Hard Chrome, Special Black as well as High Performance Black Tulip. Sold as Each. Flathead 45” 87147 87148 87149 Intake ‘32+ Exhaust ‘32+ 80” Flathead Std stem Std stem Std In/Exh 18070-32 18080-32 Std stem Std stem 18071-36 18081-36 ‘66+ ‘48+ ‘66+ ‘48+ ‘48+ ‘66+ ‘48+ ‘66+ ‘48+ Std stem (1.75) Std stem Hard Chrome Hard Chrome O/S 5/32 Spec. Blk Std Spec. Black Std Spec. Black Hi-Perf Tulip w/ Blk Hi-Perf Tulip w/ Blk 18074-66 18082-57 18074-66 18082-57 ‘48-66 ‘48+ ‘48-66 ‘48-66 ‘48-66 Std stem (1.75) Std stem O/S 1.810 O/S 1.810 Spec Blk O/S 1.810 Spec Blk 18071-48 18082-57 Std stem Std stem Hard Chrome Hard Chrome Std Spec. Black Std Spec. Black Hi-Perf Tulip w/ Blk Hi-Perf Tulip w/ Blk Std stem Std stem Std stem Std stem Machined Spec. Blk Machined Spec. Blk 18070-70 18033-80 18070-70 18033-80 18070-70 18033-80 Knucklehead 87145 87146 Intake ‘36-47 Exhaust ‘36-47 Shovelhead 74” & 80” 87130 87131 87133 87134 87135 87160 87161 87180 87181 Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust Exhaust Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust Panhead 87132 87131 87162 87163 87164 Intake Exhaust Intake Intake Exhaust Sportster 87140 87141 87150 87151 87156 87158 87185 87186 87126 87127 87165 87166 87174 87175 Intake ‘70-84 Exhaust ‘58-84 Intake ‘70-84 Exhaust ‘58-84 Intake ‘70-84 Exhaust ‘58-84 Intake ‘70-84 Exhaust ‘58-84 883 Intake ‘86+ 883 Exh ‘86+ 1100 Int. ‘86only 1100 Exh.‘86only 11/1200In ‘87+ 11/1200Ex ‘87+ Evolution 1984-99 87120 87121 87169 87170 87171 Intake Exhaust Intake Pro Intake Pro Exhaust Pro Rowe Valves 18074-66 18082-57 18031-86 18030-86 18023-86 18024-86 18023-87 18024-87 Std stem 18074-83 Std stem 18082-83 O/S 1.940 Machined w/ Blk Melonite Machined w/ Blk Melonite ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 27 Rowe “AMPCO 45” Guides Evolution ‘84+ Big Twin & Sportster Intake / Exhaust Combo Std +001 +002 87800 87801 87802 80” Big Twin Intake 87750 87751 87752 87753 87754 87755 87756 N/A Std +001 +002 +003 +004 +005 +006 +008 Rowe “Cast Iron” Guides Evolution ‘84-99 ‘79-84 Exhaust In Ex 87770 87771 87772 87773 87774 87775 87776 87778 87700 87701 87702 87703 87704 87705 87706 87708 87710 87712 87740 Std +001 +002 +003 +004 +005 +006 +008 +010 +012 Wayover Intake 87460 87461 87462 87463 87464 87465 87466 87468 87470 87472 Exhaust 87720 87721 87722 87723 87724 87725 87726 87728 87730 87732 87741 Sportster ‘58-82 Intake Exh. Std +001 87600 87601 87610 87611 Intake Exh. 28 +001 87621 87631 Std +001 +002 +003 +004 +005 +006 +008 +010 +012 Knucklehead Std Intake 87500 Exhaust 87510 +001 87501 87511 Intake 87780 87781 87782 87783 87784 87785 87786 87788 1936-47 +002 87502 87512 +002 87622 87632 +003 87603 87613 +003 87623 87633 Flathead 45” Std Intake 87650 Exhaust 87660 Exhaust 87790 87791 87792 87793 87794 87795 87796 87798 +004 87504 87514 +006 87506 87516 +006 87546 1932+ Intake / Exhaust combo Std +001 +002 +004 87530 87531 87532 87534 Sportster +003 87503 87513 Std +001 +002 +003 +004 +005 +006 +008 1930-48 Intake / Exhaust combo Std +001 +002 +004 87540 87541 87542 87544 +002 87602 87612 +005 +006 +012 87555 87556 87558 87575 87576 87578 80” Shovelhead Exhaust 87480 87481 87482 87483 87484 87485 87486 87488 87490 87492 Flathead 74”/ 80” Sportster ‘83-86 Shoulderless Std 87620 87630 Std +001 +002 +003 +004 87550 87551 87552 87553 87554 87570 87571 87572 87573 87574 74” Pan/Shovelhead 74” Big Twin ‘48-79 Intake ( Finished Honed) +001 87651 87661 +006 87536 1957-83 +002 87652 87662 +003 87653 87663 +004 87654 87664 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. Piston Sets TEC OEM Includes 2 Standard compression pistons, pins, clips & Hastings 3 piece oil rings. Evolution ‘84-99 Std 98149 +005 98150 +010 98151 +020 98152 1340cc Big Twin ‘79-83 Std 98100 +010 98101 +020 98102 +030 98103 1200cc Big Twin ‘41-79 Std 98120 +010 98121 +020 98122 +030 98123 1200cc Sportster '88-03 Std 98159 +005 98160 +010 98161 +020 98162 1000cc Sportster '72-85 Std 98130 +010 98131 +020 98132 +030 98133 900cc Sportster '57-72 Std 98140 +010 98141 +020 98142 +030 98143 883cc Sportster '88-03 Std 98169 +005 98170 +010 98171 +020 98172 Piston Sets +030 98153 +040 98104 +050 98105 +040 98124 +050 98125 +030 98163 +040 98164 +040 98134 +060 98126 +070 98127 +050 98135 +060 98136 +070 98137 +040 98144 +050 98145 +060 98146 +070 98147 +030 98173 +040 98174 +080 98128 +080 98148 Hastings “Barrel Face Moly” Piston Ring Sets Premium American made product, rings are harder and more durable than cast rings. Set is for 2 pistons, includes compression rings and 3 piece oil rings. Moly rings are now Original equipment. Std +005 +010 +020 +030 +040 +050 +060 +070 Twin Cam 88” 86680 86681 86682 86683 86684 Twin Cam 95” 86690 86691 86692 86693 86694 KB Piston 88” 86676 86677 KB Piston 95” 86665 86666 86667 Evo '84-99 86708 86707 86709 86710 86711 86712 3 5/8 '84-99 86700 86701 86702 1340cc '79-83 86715 86714 86716 86717 86718 86719 86720 86721 Big-T 1200cc 86723 86724 86725 86726 86727 86728 86729 XL 1200cc 86708 86707 86709 86710 86711 86712 XL 1100cc 86748 86749 86750 86751 XL 1000cc 86731 86732 86733 86734 86735 86736 86737 86738 XL 883cc 86740 86739 86741 86742 86743 Hastings Cast Iron Piston Ring Sets Set is for 2 pistons, includes compression rings and 3 piece oil rings Std +005 +010 +020 +030 +040 +050 Evo '84-99 87942 87941 87943 87944 87945 3 5/8 '84-99 87935 87936 87937 1340cc '79-83 87949 87950 87951 87952 87953 87954 1200cc Late* 87956 87957 87958 87959 87960 87961 1200cc Early* 87964 87965 87966 87967 87968 87969 1000cc 87971 87972 87973 87974 87975 87976 900cc 87978 87979 87980 87981 87982 87983 *Early 1200cc Rings are Early original style Thick OEM rings. *Late 1200cc Rings are Late Style Thin rings. +060 87955 87962 87970 87977 87984 +070 87963 87986 87985 29 Wiseco Forged Pistons (Made in the USA) WISECO forged pistons are the result of extensive R&D. “Hi-Silicon” aluminum alloy provides a quiet long lasting superior strength in high performance. 1200cc Sportster 2004 12:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83xxx Wiseco: K1737 Bore: 3.498 +010 83xxx +020 83xxx K1738 3.508 K1739 3.518 1200cc Evo Sportster thru 2003 9:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings 1200cc “74” Panhead Shovelhead 1948-78 9:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std +010 +020 +030 +040 +050 +060 +080 TEC 83820 83821 83822 83823 83824 83825 83826 83828 Wiseco Bore K1606 K1606 K1607 K1608 K1609 K1610 K1611 K1612 Std TEC: 83840 Wiseco: K1660 Bore: 3.498 +010 83841 +020 83842 +030 83843 +040 83844 K1661 3.508 K1662 3.518 K1663 3.528 K1664 3.538 10.5 :1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings 3.437 3.447 3.457 3.467 3.477 3.487 3.498 3.517 Std TEC: 83845 Wiseco: K1685 Bore: 3.498 +010 83846 +020 83847 K1686 3.508 K1687 3.518 883-1200cc Evo Sportster thru 2003 9.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings 1340cc “80” Shovelhead 9.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83810 Wiseco: K1623 Bore: 3.497 1979-84 +010 83811 +020 83812 +030 83813 +040 83814 K1624 3.507 K1625 3.517 K1626 3.527 K1627 3.537 TEC: Std 83956 Wiseco: K1655 Bore: 3.498 +010 83957 K1656 3.508 +020 83958 K1657 3.518 K1658 3.528 10:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83960 Wiseco: K1682 Bore: 3.498 +010 83961 +020 83962 K1683 3.508 K1684 3.518 1000cc Ironhead Sportster (‘72 up) 10:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83830 Wiseco: K1600 Bore: 3.188 30 +030 83959 +010 83831 +020 83832 +030 83833 +040 83834 K1601 3.198 K1602 3.208 K1603 3.218 K1604 3.228 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 1340cc Evolution Big Twin 8.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings TEC: Std 83794 Wiseco: K1640 Bore: 3.498 +010 83795 K1641 3.508 +020 83796 K1642 3.518 +030 83797 K1644 3.538 +005 83951 +010 83952 +020 83953 +030 83954 +040 83955 K1675 3.503 K1666 3.508 K1667 3.518 K1668 3.528 K1669 3.538 11:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83944 Wiseco: K1690 Bore: 3.498 +040 83798 K1643 3.528 10:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83950 Wiseco: K1665 Bore: 3.498 1985-99 +005 83945 +010 83946 +020 83947 +030 83948 +040 83949 K1691 3.503 K1692 3.508 K1693 3.518 K1694 3.528 K1695 3.538 Twin Cam 88 1550cc Big Bore Kit (95”) (‘99-’02 requires Screamin Eagle Ignition Module) 1340cc Evo 3 5/8” Big Bore Kit (88”) 9.25:1 Compression Flat Top w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83965 Wiseco: K1670 Bore: 3.625 +005 83966 +010 83967 +020 83968 +030 83969 K1671 3.630 K1672 3.635 K1673 3.645 K1674 3.655 10:1 Compression Domed w/ Hasting Rings Std 83941 TEC: Wiseco: K1676 Bore: 3.625 10.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83980 Wiseco: K1709 Bore: 3.875 +005 83981 K1710 3.880 Twin Cam 88 1550cc Big Bore Kit (95”) (‘99-’02 Ignition module change NOT required) 9:1 Compression Flat Top w/ Hasting Rings Std TEC: 83985 Wiseco: K1719 Bore: 3.875 +005 83986 K1720 3.880 1340cc Evo 3 3/4” Big Bore Kit (93.4”) 10:1 Compression Flat Top w/ Hasting Rings Std 83975 TEC: Wiseco: K1699 Bore: 3.740 1340cc Evo Big Bore Stroker Kit (103”) 10.5:1 Compression Flat Top w/ Hasting Rings V-Rod Big Bore Kit w/Sleeves 1320cc Cases must be bored to accept big bore sleeves 12:1 Compression Reverse Dome w/ Wiseco Rings Std TEC: 83785 Wiseco: CK139 Bore: 4.250 Std TEC: 83780 Wiseco: K1708 Bore: 3.740 31 Wiseco Replacement Pistons Twin Cam 95” Compression 10.5:1 Domed (Sold Each) Std 83990 +005 83991 +010 83992 TEC: Wiseco: 4522PS 4522P1 4522P2 Wiseco Replacement Piston Rings Twin Cam 95” (XK Rings) TEC: Wiseco: 3875XK Twin Cam 95” Compression 9.5:1 Flat Top (Sold Each) Std +005 TEC: 83995 83996 Wiseco: 4688PS 4688P05 +005 83890 Shovelhead ‘79-84 Compression 9.5:1 +010 83871 +020 83872 +030 83873 (Sold Each) +040 83874 TEC: Wiseco: 4522PS 4522P1 4522P2 4522P3 4522P4 Shovelhead ‘79-84 Compression 7:1 Std 83930 +010 83931 +020 83932 +030 83933 (Sold Each) +040 83934 TEC: Wiseco: 4239PS 4239P1 4239P2 4239P3 4239P4 Shovelhead ‘48-78 Compression 9:1 Std +010 +020 +030 TEC 83876 83877 83878 83879 Wiseco 4012PS 4012P1 4012P2 4012P3 1000cc Sportster Std 83885 +040 +050 +060 +060 Compression 10:1 +010 +020 +030 83886 83887 83888 (Sold Each) TEC Wiseco 83880 4012P4 83881 4012P5 83882 4012P6 83882 4012P8 (Sold Each) +040 83889 TEC: Wiseco: 4011PS 4011P1 4011P2 4011P3 4011P4 Wiseco Wrist Pins 83922 83923 83924 83926 83927 83928 32 Wiseco Wrist pin Wiseco Wrist pin Wiseco Wrist pin Wiseco Wrist pin Wiseco Wrist pin Wiseco Wrist pin 95” Piston 883-1200&1200XL 3 5/8” Piston Big-T, 1200 & 1000XL 1340 Shovel 1340 Evo S594 S530 S548 S521 S535 S534 +005 83977 +010 83978 3880XK 3885XK +020 83979 3895XK Evo 1340cc & 1200cc (XC Rings) 3504XC Std 83870 Std 83976 +010 83891 3514XC +020 83892 3524XC +030 83893 +040 83894 3534XC 3544XC Evolution 3 5/8” Big Bore (X Rings) Std TEC: 83970 Wiseco: 3625X +010 83971 3630X 80” Evo & Shovelhead & 1200cc Std 83900 3504X +005 83899 3497X +010 83901 3507X +020 83902 3517X Shovelhead 1948-78 Std +010 +020 +030 3437X 3447X 3457X 3467X TEC 83906 83907 83908 83909 Wiseco 1000cc Sportster Std TEC: 83915 Wiseco: 3188X +040 83904 TEC 83910 83911 83912 83914 Wiseco 3527X 3537X 3477X 3487X 3497X 3517X +010 83916 +020 83917 +030 83918 +040 83919 3198X 3208X 3218X 3228X Wiseco Circlips 83921 83925 83929 +040 +050 +060 +080 +030 83903 Wiseco Cir clip Wiseco Cir clip Wiseco Cir clip 95” Piston W5752 All HD Wiseco CW20 Piston Top-Marked W5731 KB Pistons (Made in the USA) KB Pistons are made of high-strength, heat treated, hyperutetic aluminum alloy. KB Pistons offers a broad range of pistons from covering applications from 1941 and up. KB Pistons can be installed tighter than any other performance piston. 88” Twin Cam ‘99+ (KB 343) 10.25:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings 1340cc Evolution TEC: TEC: Std 33080 +005 33081 +010 33082 95” Twin Cam ‘99+ (KB 448) 9.25:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings TEC: Std 33090 +005 33091 +010 33092 Std 33095 +005 33096 +010 33097 (KB 374) 74” Knuckle/Pan /Shovel ‘41-79 (KB 263) 8.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std +005 +010 +020 +030 33146 33147 33148 33149 33150 +040 +050 +060 +070 +080 Std 33114 +005 33115 +010 33116 +020 33117 9.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings (KB 305) Std 33106 +005 33107 +010 33108 +020 33109 +030 33110 33151 33152 33153 33154 33155 Std 33100 +005 33101 +010 33102 +020 33103 +030 33104 1200cc Sportster 1986+ 9:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std 33130 +010 33131 80” Shovelhead ‘80-84 (KB 297) 9.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings TEC: +005 33140 +010 33141 +020 33142 88”-98” Shovelhead ‘48-84 10:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings TEC: Std 33187 33200 33201 98110 Wrist pin Lock ring Wrist pin clip +030 33143 +040 33144 (KB 294) Conversion (KB 272) Std 33124 +020 33127 +005 33125 +010 33126 +030 33128 1000cc Sportster 1972-85 9:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std 33156 +010 33157 +020 33158 +030 33159 +040 33160 900cc Sportster Std 33190 883-1340cc 883-1340cc KB Piston Accesories 092x216K RRN-81 22588-78 (KB 295) 883cc to 1200cc 1957-72 9:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings +005 33188 +040 33105 +020 33132 9:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings Std 33139 +040 33111 10.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings (KB 266) 10.5:1 Comp. w/ Hasting Rings TEC: ‘84-99 8.5:1 Compression w/ Hasting Rings (KB 258) 33202 33203 +010 33191 +020 33192 Wrist pin Lock ring +030 33193 +040 33194 KB 95" KB 95" +040 33129 (KB 292) +050 33161 (KB 340) +050 33195 927x216K PRJ100-3 33 Connecting Rod Sets Economical replacements for stock applications 98193 Big Twin 1941- 73 98194 Big Twin 1974-E'84 98196 Big Twin 1980-E'83 98195 Big Twin Late 1983+ Evo 24281-41A 24281-74A 24281-80 24281-83 98198 98199 98200 24275-75 24275-80 24275-86A Sportster Sportster Sportster 1957- E81 Late '81-E85 Late '85+ Cylinders & Studs 96882 96864 96865 Evo Big Twin 1340 Evo Sportster 883 Evo Sportster 1200 Front & Rear Front & Rear Front & Rear 16510-83A 16446-86 16447-88 96870 96871 Knucklehead 1200 Knucklehead 1200 Front Cylinder Rear 16483-41 16491-41 96872 96873 Panhead ‘48-65 Panhead ‘48-65 Front Cylinder Rear 16483-48 16492-48 96874 96875 96880 96881 Shovelhead ‘66-80 Shovelhead ‘66-80 Shovelhead ‘78-84 Shovelhead ‘78-84 Front Cylinder Rear Front Cylinder Rear 16485-74A 16492-74A 16494-78 16495-78 86925 86926 Stud Evo Big Twin Stud Evo Sportster Set of 8 Set of 8 20-2098 20-2097 Cylinder Head Breather Kits 60604 60605 Fits: Fits: Big Twin Sportster Emgo Emgo Crankcase Breather Kits & Filters 96901 96902 96903 Crankcase Breather Kit Breather Element only Breather Element only Emgo Emgo Emgo 73511 73510 73509 Crankcase Breather Kit Breather Element only Mini Breather 5 / 16" K & N Chrome / Chrome K & N Rubber Top K & N Chrome Top 73400 73402 Mini Breather 5 / 16" Air Box Vents Uni Uni Allows more air flow throw airbox 34 07-16081 07-16080 Chrome / Chrome Chrome Top Rubber Top Black Black Andrews Twin 88 camshafts are available with S & S gear drives. Engines with gear driven cams show gains of 4 hp over cams with chains. If less power is needed to run the camshafts, more power gets to the rear wheel. For all out drag motors, there is another advantage: With gear drive cams, very high lift cams can be used without interference between front and rear cam lobes. With the gear drive cams, lobe angles are different so lobe interference cannot occur. The gear drives are so smooth that ball bearings are used on both camshafts instead of a rear roller bearing. Also, gear drive cams do not have chain tensioner shoes to wear out. TEC # Andrews Grind Timing # Duration .053 .020 Valve Lift @ Lift TDC Springs RPM Range 84008 288121 TW 21 84010 288126 TW 26A 11/35 84015 288137 TW 37B 14/42 236 272 .510 .151 Stock (2200-5800 RPM) 48/12 240 276 .510 .140 Twin 88’s with this bolt in cam grind have shown 80+ at rear wheel HP. Smooth idle, broad torque. 84012 288131 TW 31S 10/46 236 272 .510 .151 Stock (1800-5800 RPM) 52/08 240 276 .510 .140 Got a super charger for your TC88? This is a 37b cam w/supercharger timing. When too much is just about right. 84018 288144 TW 44 84020 288150 TW 50 20/48 248 283 .510 .184 Stock (2500-600 RPM) 54/18 252 287 .510 .168 Designed in ’99 for easy installation in 95" motors w/9.25 C.R. and stock heads. 84023 288155 TW 55 84025 288160 TW 60A 24/56 10/30 220 255 .498 .134 Stock (1750-2000 RPM) 40/08 228 264 .498 .121 Bolt in Cam. More torque for all around riding Similar to #23 Cam for EV80 226 262 .490 .129 Stock (1800-5500 RPM) 41/09 230 276 .490 .112 Bolt in Cam. Low torque for 2 up touring, this cam will add torque and HP at lower and middle RPM. 21/41 242 279 .495 .182 Stock (2500-6000 RPM) 49/17 246 283 .495 .158 For 88” or 95” and 9.25C.R. or higher. Maximum torque and HP at middle and upper RPM ranges. 22/46 248 283 .550 .197 Hi-Lift (2600-6300+ RPM) 52/20 252 292 .550 .181 High lift variation of the TW-50: Cam is best for 95” with 9.5+ C.R. Max torque and HP at mid-high RPM 260 296 .560 .205 Hi-Lift (2700-6500+ RPM) 58/22 260 296 .560 .250 For well prepped street engine with 95 inches and head work, 100+ HP is within reach. 35 Andrews Twin 88 camshafts are available with S & S gear drives. Gear driven cams use less engine power than stock chains. Dyno tests show gains of 4hp over cams with chains. If Less power is needed to run the camshafts more power gets to the rear wheel. TEC # Andrews Grind # Timing Duration .053 .020 Valve Lift Lift @ Spring RPM RAnge TDC 84081 288021G 21G 84082 288026G 26G 11/35 226 276 .490 .129 Stock (1800-5800RPM) 41/09 230 272 .490 .112 Bolt in Cam. Low torque for 2 up touring. This cam will add torque and HP at low and mid RPM. 84083 288037G 37G 84084 288044G 44G 84086 288050G 50G 84085 288055G 55G 840X 288067G 67G 84090 288060G 60G 84089 288059G 59G 84091 288064G 64G 36 10/30 220 255 .498 .134 Stock 40/08 228 264 .498 .121 More torque for all around riding. Similar to #23 Cam for EV80 (1750-2000RPM) 14/42 236 272 .510 .151 Stock (2200-5800 RPM) 48/12 240 276 .510 .140 Twin 88’s with this cam grind have shown 80+ atrear wheel. TW37b but with gear. 21/41 242 279 .510 .182 Stock (2500-6000 RPM) 49/17 246 283 .510 .158 For 88” or 95” and 9.25C.R. or higher. Max torque & HP at mid and upper RPM. TW44 but w/ gear 20/48 248 283 .495 .184 Stock (2500-6000 RPM) 54/18 252 287 .495 .168 Designed in ’99 for easy installation in 95" motors w/9.25 C.R. and stock heads. 22/46 248 228 .510 .197 Hi-Lift (2400-6200+ RPM) 52/20 252 392 .510 .181 Great cam for 95 inch engine with 9.25C.R.Max HP and torque at mid and upper RPM. 24/48 252 287 .570 .209 Hi-Lift (2600-6300+ RPM) 58/22 260 297 .570 .187 Performance Cam for 95” to 103” with minimum 10.25 C.R. & heads set up for high flow. 24/56 260 296 .560 .205 Hi-Lift (2700-6500+ RPM) 58/22 260 296 .560 .205 For well prepped street engine with 95 inches andhead work, 100+ HP is within reach. 29/57 266 303 .590 .238 Hi-Lift (2400-6200 RPM) 63/27 270 307 .590 .218 Great for drive gear 95 inchers with 10:1 or higher. Max torque and HP at mid and upper RPM ranges. 30/62 272 307 .640 .262 Hi-Lift (3000-6500+ RPM) 68/32 276 312 .640 .232 High lift cams for modified 95" running 10:1+. Heads must be set for .700 lift & modified for air flow. Andrews Cam Gears & Gear Drive Installation Kit Andrews Cam Gears TEC # Description 84094 Complete kit of all four cam drive gears with installation bolts. Crank and Cam Drive Gears Andrews 288905 84096 Gear Drive Installation Kit Gasket and bearings shown are necessary to complete the installation of gear drive camshafts. 288906 84095 Outer Drive Gears This kit includes the crankshaft and cam drive gears for a gear drive installation. Both bolts for the gears are also included. 288903 Too much Play in your gears...heres a solution to quiet cam noise. 84322 84323 84320 84321 Gear Drive - Twin Cam Gear Drive - Twin Cam Pinion Drive - Twin Cam Pinion Drive - Twin Cam Oversize Undersize Oversize Undersize Gear Drive Installation Kit 334272RZ 334272RX TWIN 88 PUSHRODS, SPRINGS and COLLARS Twin 88 pushrods are available with EZ-install ends or standard adjustable tips. Both types are made in anodized aluminum or chrome moly steel. EZ-install pushrods can be installed without removing gas tanks or rocker boxes. If you are installing bolt-in cams, this is a big plus! TEC # Description Andrews 84032 Standard Aluminum pushrod 292388 84032 Standard Chrome moly pushrod 292288 84030 EZ-install Aluminum pushrod 292188 84031 EZ-install Chrome moly pushrod 292088 TWIN 88 PUSHRODS, SPRINGS and COLLARS TEC # Description Andrews 84283 High Lift Spring Kit 294150 Spring Kit includes (4 inner and 4 outer springs) For valve lifts up to .560. Installation does not require head machining. TEC # Description Andrews 84288 Titanium upper spring collars 293110 Titanium upper spring collars Designed to fit all Twin 88 engines. Provides .050” more spring travel than stock collars. Collars are stronger and 50% lighter than stock collars. TWIN 88 CAM DRIVE SPROCKET KITS Andrews heat treated steel cam drive sprockets fit all 2000 and later rear camshafts (with involute splines). Kit includes three spacer shims and one grade 8 bolt and hardened washer. New sprockets can be set up to the same length specs as original stock sprockets. If you’re into performance riding with a Twin 88 engine, steel sprockets are a must even with stock camshafts. TEC # 84002 84001 84000 Description 34 tooth splined cam sprocket kit: 17 tooth steel crank sprocket: 34 tooth steel keyed cam sprocket kit (with square key drive; ‘99 style): Andrews 288015 288020 288010 TWIN 88 CAM DRIVE SPROCKET KITS 84001 84000 84002 37 Andrews Evolution Camshafts Performance Cams means extra power for Evolution engines. TEC # 84216 Gear 84217 No Gear 84240 Andrews Grind # 291117 EV-SC 291123 EV23 Timing Duration Valve Lift @ Spring .053 .020 Lift TDC 10/46 220 255 .498 .134 Stock (1750-2000RPM) 52/08 228 264 .498 .121 Bolt in Cam. More torque for all around riding. Similar to #23 Cam for EV80 10/30 40/08 226 276 230 272 .490 .490 .129 .112 Stock (1800-5800RPM) Bolt in Cam. Low torque for 2 up touring. Cam will add torque and HP at low and mid RPM. Gear 84218 291113 EV13 15/31 45/13 236 272 240 276 .510 .510 .151 .140 Stock (2200-5800 RPM) Twin 88’s with this cam grind have shown 80+ at rear wheel HP. Gear 84219 No Gear 84241 291127 EV27 20/36 46/14 242 279 246 283 .510 .510 .182 .158 Stock (2500-6000 RPM) For 88 or 95” and 9.25C.R.& higher. Max torque & HP at mid and upper RPM. Gear 84220 No Gear 84242 291130 EV3 21/37 43/15 248 283 252 28 .495 .495 .184 .168 Stock (2500-6000 RPM) Designed in ’99 for easy installation in 95" motors with 9.25 C.R. and stock heads. Gear 84221 No Gear 84244 291146 EV46 22/46 52/20 248 228 252 392 .510 .510 .197 .181 Hi-Lift (2400-6200+ RPM) Great cam for 95 inch engine with 9.25C.R. Max HP and torque at mid and upper RPM. Gear 84223 No Gear 84246 291151 EV51 24/56 58/22 260 296 260 296 .560 .560 .205 .205 Hi-Lift (2700-6500+ RPM) For well prepped street engine with 95 inches and head work, 100+ HP is within reach. Gear 84228 No Gear 84247 291159 EV59 24/48 56/24 266 303 270 307 .590 .590 .238 .218 Hi-Lift (2400-6200 RPM) Great for drive gear 95 inchers with 10:1 C.R. or higher. Max torque & HP at mid-upper RPM. Gear 84226 291172 EV72 30/54 60/28 264 298 268 302 .560 .560 .246 .230 Hi-Lift (2800-6000RPM) Upgraded EV7 for 92”+ motors. For use w/ Andrews springs and titanium collars. CAMS FOR DRAGS AND HIGH PERFORMANCE For big engines (96+ cubic inches) or highly modified smaller motors and running compression ratios of 10.5 or higher, Andrews Products has high lift cams available which will put more usable power at the rear wheel than anything else going. These grinds are specially designed for highly modified motors Gear 84233 291581 EV81 32/60 272 306 .610 .262 Hi-Lift (6500+RPM.) 66/30 276 310 .610 .244 For 80-88 inches, 10.5+ C.R., head work. Broad nose, quick ramps for wide torque band. Gear 84234 291584 EV84 32/64 276 310 .640 .269 Hi-Lift (6500+RPM.) 70/30 280 314 .640 .246 Quick ramps, broad nose type design means more power for 90-100 inch motors. Gear 84235 291588 EV88 34/70 284 318 .680 .288 Hi-Lift (6500+RPM.) 76/32 288 322 .680 .264 Same as above but more stuff for 100+ inch motors. Expert installation knowledge required. 38 EVOLUTION 80 PUSHRODS, SPRINGS and COLLARS Evolution pushrods are available with EZ-install ends or standard adjustable tips. Both types are made in anodized aluminum or chrome moly steel. EZ-install pushrods can be installed without removing gas tanks or rocker boxes. If you are installing bolt-in cams, this is a big plus! TEC # Description Andrews 84266 Standard Aluminum 292110 84268 Standard Chrome moly 292140 84252 EZ-install Aluminum 292215 84253 EZ-install Chrome moly 292245 TEC # Description 84283 High Lift Spring Kit Kit includes 4 inner and 4 outer springs Andrews 294150 TEC # Description 84288 Titanium upper spring collars Provides .050” more spring travel & are stronger and 50% lighter than stock collars. Andrews 293110 EVOLUTION 80 PUSHRODS, SPRINGS and COLLARS SHOVELHEAD PUSHRODS, VALVE SPRINGS and COLLARS Andrews Products pushrods are available for all Shovel engines using stock diameter tubing so there is no cover tube interference. Extra long or short pushrods can be made up to order. Call us if you need them TEC # Description 84260 Standard Aluminum Pushrod 4 aluminum pushrods and adjusters Andrews 240055 84262 Standard Chrome moly Pushrods 4 steel pushrods and adjusters 240030 84283 High Lift Upper Spring Collars: 294150 H/D 74/80 motors. Used with high-lift springs, cams with .600 lift can easily be accommodated. MAde from T6 Aluminum 4 high lift spring collars 84288 High Lift Springs: for 74/80 inch motors; 272110 will provide correct spring force for any of our performance cams. Installation does not require complicated machining. 4 high lift springs. 84284 Medium Lift Upper Spring Collars: for 74/80 inch motors; For stock springs and add .060” spring travel. 84286 Low Profile Lower Spring Collars: 273120 for 74/80 inch motors are similar to stock 1980 style parts but are lower profile for easier installation of higher lift cams. Heat treated steel. 4 low profile lower collars. SHOVELHEAD PUSHRODS, VALVE SPRINGS and COLLARS 276150 39 Whether you want a better street cam for a stock motor, a big lift cam for a dragster or something in between, Andrews Products can supply it. All of our cams for these engines are computer designed and precision ground from alloy steel billets Andrews Cams for Shovel, Pan, Knuckle TEC Andrews Year Grind Description # 84100 84101 84102 # 212011 212020 212030 (48-69) (70-77) (78-84) J Cam Mild street: Pans and Shovels, smooth idle, more power through RPM range. Bolts in with no head work. 84114 84115 84116 212270 212280 212290 (48-69) (70-77) (78-84) A Cam Street/drags: Bolts into Shovels (except ‘80-’81) with no head work More midrange and high end power. Idle unaffected. (Head setup req’d on ‘80 & ‘81). 84134 84135 84136 212130 212140 212150 (48-69) (70-77) (78-84) #1 Cam This is the low compression piston version of an “A” grind cam for 74 - 80 engines with 7.5 to 1 pistons. 84138 84039 212340 212350 (70-77) (78-84) #2 Cam Back in our catalog by popular demand. Low compression version of a “B”grind cam. More power for engines with 7.5 pistons. 84118 84119 84120 212360 212370 212380 (48-69) (70-77) (78-84) B Cam Street/drags: Much more mid-range and high end power. Idle smoothness unaffected. THE cam for modified 74/80 inchers and small strokers. Spring spacing required. 84126 84127 84128 212510 212520 212530 (48-69) (70-77) (78-84) 6 Cam Hotter version of B grind. Great street cam especially for 84/88 inch strokers: maximum torque available from 2500 to 6500 rpm. 84130 84131 84132 212600 212610 212620 (48-69) (70-77) (78-84) C Cam Best production cam made for big street engines. Strokers from 84 to 96 inches will really turn on this cam. Broad torque range pulls from 2000-7000+ rpm. 84169 212965 (36-47) N (2) Stock Knuckle Replacement cam. For Stock replacements or restorations 84170 212970 (36-47) S (2) Bolt in Knuckle cam for Stock motors. This cam is the equivalent of the “B” cam in Shovel motors 84172 212980 (78-84) K (2) Knuckle performance cam for stroked motors. This cam is the equivalent of the “C” cam in Shovel motors. Cam Gears Too much Play in your gears...heres a solution. 84324 Early Big Twin Oversize 212088 84325 Early Big Twin Undersize 212044 84326 84327 84328 40 Big Twin '77+ Big Twin '77+ Big Twin '77+ Standard Oversize Undersize 212055 212077 212033 Sportster Cams (Iron Head) TEC Andrews Year Grind Description # 84050 84051 84052 84053 # 214010 214014 214020 214025 (57-70) (71-80) (81-84) (84-85) P PB+ 4/1 kit; exhaust cams only for use with stock P intakes. Bolt-in power for all iron head Sportsters with no head work. (Stock P exhaust is .380 lift, 242 deg. duration) 84055 84056 84057 84058 214040 214045 214050 214055 (57-70) (71-80) (81-84) (84-85) PB+ Bolt-in replacement cams stock ‘P’ or ‘Q’ cams ; more power and torque thru RPM range with this great street grind. Stock springs will rev. to 7000 RPM 84060 84061 84062 84063 214075 214080 214085 214090 (57-70) (71-80) (81-84) (84-85) Y Street 900/1000: Biggest cam available for no headwork installation. Stock springs OK. Great mid-range and upper end power. Needs 9.0 or higher C.R. pistons for best output. Ironhead Pushrods & Spring Collars Andrews suggests aluminum pushrods for the street and Steel pushrods for Strokers and the the strip. 84274 Pushrods Aluminum 240060 84276 Pushrods Steel 240040 84287 4 Lower Spring Collars 277160 Lower spring collars are similar to late style H/D parts and will provide .060 more spring travel over stock collars. High lift cams are easier to install with these collars. UL80 Big Twin Cam Kit 84080 Modern cam design for UL80 Engines ‘28-49 214380 41 Sportster Evolution Cams TEC Andrews Year Grind Description 84202 84040 84070 298120 298125 298130 (86-90) (91-99) (2K-up) V2 N2 N2 Bolt in cams for stock 883, 1100 or 1200 engines. More duration and lift means extra power thru RPM range. Stock springs and hydraulic lifters recommended. 2000-6000 RPM. 84204 84041 84071 298140 298145 298150 (86-90) (91-99) (2K-up) V4 N4 N4 Street/drags: Stock or modified 883/1100/1200. Slightly higher idle speed but stock springshydraulic lifters are recommended. RPM range: 2000-6000. 84208 84043 84073 298180 298185 298190 (86-90) (91-99) (2K-up) V8 N8 N8 Modified 1100-1200, stroked 883’s with stock springs and hydraulic lifters. Same intake cam as N4 but more exhaustcam duration. Great mid-range power: 2000-6500 RPM. 84206 84042 84072 298160 298165 298170 (86-90) (91-99) (2K-up) V6 N6 N6 Modified 1200s to 80 inches and/or high comp. pistons. Stock springs and hydraulic lifters are recommended: RPM range: 2500-6800. 84209 84044 84074 214210 214215 214219 (86-90) (91-99) (2K-up) V9 N9 N9 Med. lift cams for stroked engines from 80-88 inches. Broad torque range to 6000+ RPM with hydraulics. Andrews springs,collars and pushrods required. (1991-up need long pushrods). 84210 84045 84075 214265 214268 214272 (86-90) (91-99) (2K-up) BV NV NV Hi-lift cams for 88+ inches. Andrews pushrods, springs and collars required. BV/NV cams start easy and run strong; 2000-6000+ RPM with hyd. lifters. (1991-up need long pushrods.) CAMS FOR DRAGS AND HIGH PERFORMANCE For big engines (96+ cubic inches) or highly modified smaller motors and running compression ratios of 10.5 or higher, Andrews Products has high lift cams available which will put more usable power at the rear wheel than anything else going. These grinds are specially designed for highly modified motors TEC Andrews 84211 84046 298880 298885 Year Grind 84212 84047 298830 298835 XL ‘86 XL ‘91 V83 N83 For 80 to 96 inch motors with head work and 10.5+compression. Quick ramps for 6500+RPM. 84213 84048 298870 298875 XL ‘86 XL ‘91 V87 N87 Still more stuff for 100+ cubic inches. Quick ramp,broad tip design will pull strong to 6500+RPM. 42 XL ‘86 XL ‘91 V80 N80 600 lift for Sportsters with 10.5+ C.R. a nd head flow work will pull strong to 6500+ RPM. 61-77 inches. Evo Sportster Pushrods TEC # Description 84270 Adjustable Aluminum 84272 Adjustable Chrome moly 84254 Adjustable Aluminum 84255 Adjustable Chrome moly 84277 Fixed Aluminum 84278 Fixed Chrome moly 1986-90 1986-90 1991+ 1991+ 1991+ 1991+ Andrews 292020 292090 292030 292085 292025 292095 Evo Sportster Spring & Collars High Lift Evolution Springs used with titanium spring collars, cam lifts of .550+ can easily be accommodated. Installation does not require machining of heads. 4 inner and 4 outer springs TEC # Description 84283 High Lift Spring Kit (4 inner, 4 outer) Andrews 294150 Titanium Upper Spring Collars will fit all Evolution Sportster engines. They are stronger than stock, have more spring travel, 50% lighter and install with stock keepers. 4 titanium upper spring collars TEC # Description 84288 Titanium Spring Collars (4 upper) Andrews 293110 Andrews High Performance Ignition Coils Replacement coils for Harley Davidson engines. Andrews SuperVolt Coils deliver 30,000+ volts. Models are available for both electronic (pointless) systems as well as earlier conventional battery and point ignitions. All of these coils will produce more voltage than stock coils. TEC # Description Andrews 84310 Black coils fit all H/D bikes thru 1980 #237230 with point type ignition sets. Black color coil, 4.8 ohms 84314 Red coils fit 1985 and up engines. #237240 Red color coil, 2.8 ohms Big Twin Transmission Belt Sprockets by Andrews Andrews sprocket pulleys match 1994 style design. This arrangement has the advantage of 50% longer internal spline length compared to the early design. New style pulleys will fit both early (1985-1993) and late transmission shafts. 84529 84537 Front 29 Tooth Front 29 Tooth '85-93 Power ‘94+ 290290 290294 84530 84538 Front 30 Tooth Front 30 Tooth ‘85-93 Power ‘94+ 290300 290304 84534 84539 Front 34 Tooth Front 34 Tooth ‘85-93 Overdrive ‘94+ 290340 290344 84531 84540 Front 31 Tooth Front 31 Tooth ‘85-93 Power ‘94+ 290310 290314 84533 84541 Front 33 Tooth Front 33T ‘85-93 Cruising ‘94+ 290340 290344 43 Evolution 1340 : 5-Speed Transmission Gear Sets 1st Gears: 84499 84500 3.24 Stock Ratio Counter 1st Counter - 31Tooth Main 1st Main - 18Tooth Replaces OE# 35622-79A Replaces OE# 35025-79 296120 296120 1st Gear Set: 2.94 Close Ratio 84501 1st close ratio gear set (2 Pieces) Close ratio 296110 *2.94 1st gears provide close ratio shifting into 2nd gear. 2.94 gears run +5 mph over 3.24 ratio 2nd & 3rd Gears: 84503 84502 4th Gear: 84505 84504 Stock 2nd counter & 3rd main 2nd main & 3rd counter Stock 4th Main gear 4th Counter gear ‘87+ Main Drive Gears: Stock (Belt) 84507 84509 84508 Main Belt Drive Main Belt Drive Center Drive Gear Main Drive Gears: Stock (Chain) 84506 Main- drive Chain Transmission Shafts 84510 84512 84515 84516 84514 Chain drive mainshaft Belt drive mainshaft Belt drive mainshaft Belt drive mainshaft Countershaft ‘81-84 ‘85-89 ‘90 only ‘91+ ‘84+ Replaces OE# 35027-79A Replaces OE# 35026-79A 296330 296220 Replaces OE# 35028-79 Replaces OE# 36525-79 296445 296440 Replaces OE# 35029-85 Replaces OE# 35029-91 Replaces OE# 35029-91 296585 296591 296555 Replaces OE# 35029-79 296550 Replaces OE#35042-79 Replaces OE#35042-85 Replaces OE#35042-90 Replaces OE#35042-91 Replaces OE#35632-79 296800 296850 296900 296910 296700 5-Speed Complete Gear Sets 44 84523 Complete Belt drive gear set ‘85-89 5-Speed Close ratio *Includes counter and main for first, second, third, fourth & 5th gears. Also contains 1 countershaft and 1 mainshaft. 296085 84525 Complete Belt drive gear set ‘91+ 5-Speed Close ratio *Includes counter and main for first, second, third, fourth & 5th gears. Also contains 1 countershaft and 1 mainshaft. 296091 Big Twin: 4-Speed Transmission Gear Sets TEC # 84400 Andrews # 201105 84401 Years Description 1959-84 Part # 1st Gear Set (2.44) 201145 1959-84 1st Gear Set (2.60) Best choice for E-glides and heavier bikes. Installation on ‘81-84 FX requires TEC#84403 with this 1st Gear. 84393 84392 201090 201094 1959-84 1936-58 1st Gear Set (3.00) Stock Stock replacement 1st cluster & counterhaft gear. Cluster gear has 15T & 20T; counter has 26T. ‘36 version has not countebore & requires short length 3rd main gear TEC#84420. 84402 201020 1959-84 2.24 1st - 1.65 2nd Combo Gear Set For peak performance thru the 1/4 mile. Provides super close ration, For street/drags with any motor. 84403 202160 1941-79 2nd Gear Set (1.82) Stock Replaces HD#35751-36. Stock 2nd gear. This 21T gear fits ‘41-79. Also fits later transmission but requires one specified 1st gear set. 84405 84406 203365 203375 Early thru - ‘76 Late - post ‘76 3rd Gear Set (1.35) Close Ratio Early thru ‘76 fits trans. with loose needle bearings. Late fits transmissions with caged needle bearings. 84404 84420 84408 84409 206220 206215 206330 206330 1936-58 1959 + Cluster ‘36-76 Cluster ‘76-86 3rd Gear Set (1.23) TEC# 84404 Mainshaft 3rd (rep. #353306-59) TEC# 84420 Mainshaft 3rd (rep. #353306-36) TEC# 84408 Cluster (replaces HD #35700-36) TEC# 84409 Cluster (replaces HD #35700-76) 84410 84412 204260 204280 1936-76 1977-86 Stock Main Drive 4th TEC# 84410 (replaces HD #35065-65) TEC# 84412 (rep. #35067-77 裻-84) Replacement 4th are made with wider drive slots and steeper lead ins for more positive 3-4 shifting. The O’ring groove addition is a design update for all chain drive ‘77-84 4th gears. Best choice for Superglides, choppers or lighter bikes with stock motor or transmission sprockets. Installation on ‘81-84 FX requires TEC#84403 with this 1st Gear. 45 Shift Clutches by Andrews 84450 1-2 Shift Clutch (replaces OE# 35665-36) 205120 84452 3-4 Shift Clutch (replaces OE# 35440-38) 205340 *Replacement clutches are specially heat treated for super durability. *3-4 clutches are face milled with longer lead in ramps for better shifting. Shift Forks 84456 1-2 Shift Fork (replaces OE# 34159-36) 209750 84458 3-4 Shift Fork (replaces OE# 34159-36) 209760 *One piece cold forged forks. Heat treated and black oxidized coated. 73588 1-2 Shift Fork 4-Speed Big Twin 34159-36 Transmission Mainshafts Replacement mainshafts for all versions of big twin boxes. Made from aircraft alloy steel. Heat treated and finish ground to ensure maximum durability. 84464 Andrews 1937-65 (replaces oe# 35040-50) 208500 84465 Andrews 1965-69 (replaces oe# 35039-65) 208650 84470 Andrews Late ‘70-85 Chain (replaces oe# 35039-70A) 208700 84471 Andrews Late ‘84-86 Belt (replaces oe# 35039-85) 208800 90001 Jims 1970-85 4-Speed mainshaft 35039-80 Transmission Countershafts Three types of countershafts fit transmissions thru 1985. They are not interchangeable, so make sure before you order. 84460 Andrews '36-Early 76 (replaces OE# 35614-65) 207650 84462 AndrewS L'76-79 (replaces OE# 35614-77) 207770 84463 Andrews 1980-86 (replaces OE# 35614-80) 207800 90002 90003 90004 Jims Jims Jims 1936-E76 L'76-79 1980-86 Transmission Gear kits 4-Speed countershaft 4-Speed countershaft 4-Speed countershaft 35614-65 35614-76 35614-80 *Gear kits must be ordered by part numbers listed which specify year along with 1st and 3rd ratios. Each gear kit includes 6 gears, 2 shift clutches and 2 forks. Shafts and small kits must be ordered seperate. 84476 2.44 - 1st & 1.35- 3rd 1936-76 Kit #210150 84477 2.44 - 1st & 1.23- 3rd 1936-76 Kit #210250 84478 2.60 - 1st & 1.35- 3rd 1936-76 Kit #210350 84479 2.60 - 1st & 1.23- 3rd 1936-76 Kit #210450 84480 2.44 - 1st & 1.35- 3rd 1977-84 Kit #210550 84481 2.44 - 1st & 1.23- 3rd 1977-84 Kit #210650 84482 2.60 - 1st & 1.35- 3rd 1977-84 Kit #210750 84483 2.60 - 1st & 1.23- 3rd 1977-84 Kit #210850 46 SPORTSTER GEARS (EV 5 SPEED) All 5 speed Sportster gears are made from high nickel alloy steel. Gears are then heat treated and shot-peened to give maximum durability and strength. Also, where applicable, drive dogs have milled lead-in ramps to improve shifting and reduce wear on drive dogs and slots. EV SPORTSTER 5 SPEED GEAR SETS 1991up TEC Andrews Description 84665 299900 5 speed EV Sportster transmission gear sets are available as complete kits. Each kit includes the parts as pictured: 1st, 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th gears, mainshaft and countershaft. 2.61 CLOSE RATIO 1ST GEAR SET TEC Andrews Part # # # 84650 299110 1st Gear Set (2.61) Description (2 pieces) 2.61 1st gears provide true close ratio shifting into 2nd. Plus 7 mph of usable 1st gear STOCK 2ND AND 3RD GEARS 84652 299102 2nd main/3rd counter 84653 299103 3rd main/2nd counter (H/D #35771-89) (H/D #35772-89) STOCK 4TH GEARS 84654 299104 84655 299144 4th main gear 4th counter gear (H/D #35773-89) (H/D #35775-89) STOCK MAIN DRIVE GEARS 84657 299105 84658 299155 main drive counter drive gear (H/D #35034-89) (H/D #35633-89) TRANSMISSION MAINSHAFT 84661 299180 mainshaft (H/D #35640-89) TRANSMISSION COUNTERSHAFT 84660 299170 countershaftt (H/D #35641-89) 47 SPORTSTER GEARS (4 SPEED) The gears listed on this page will fit Sportster 4 speed transmissions made from 1956 through 1990. All Andrews 4 speed Sportster gears are made from high nickel alloy steel which is heat treated and shot peened for maximum durability. Shot peening greatly improves the wear resistance of drive edges and slots. All Sportster gearboxes run better with Andrews gears. STOCK RATIO 1ST GEAR SET TEC Andrews # # 84611 251050 84612 251060 Part # main 1st (27T) counter 1st (17T) Description (replaces 35277-52A) (replaces 35760-73 late only, 1973-1985). To fit 1986 and later requires early countershaft #259010 WIDE RATIO 1ST GEAR SETS Changes 1st from 2.52 ratio to 2.68 for more low end torque with 21T or 22T trans sprockets. (late only, 1973-1985). To fit 1986 and later requires early countershaft TEC Andrews # # 84610 251010 STOCK 2ND GEARS. TEC Andrews # # 84616 252020 84618 252040 Part # 2nd main (23T) 2nd counter (20T) (replaces 35296-56 & 56A) (replaces 35750-58 & 58A) STOCK 3RD GEARS. 84620 253050 84621 253030 3rd main (20T) 3rd counter (23T) (replaces 35305-56 & 56A) (replaces 35709-54A & 54B) Description TRANSMISSION SHAFTS. Replacement transmission shafts for standard H/D part numbers. Our shafts are made of super alloy material for maximum strength and durability on this most critical part. 84604 84606 84607 84608 259010 countershaft (1956-mid-84) 258080 early mainshaft (1956-’69 kick start) 258120 late mainshaft (1971-mid-84) 258190 mainshaft (alternator) (mid-84-’90) EVOLUTION / ALTERNATOR “C” RATIO GEAR SET 84625 254850 (mid 84-90) (26T and 18T) (replaces H/D# 35613-58) (replaces 35044-56, Drilled through for clutch rod) (replaces 35046-71, Solid shaft; no through hole) (replaces 35036-84A, Solid shaft; no through hole) This gear set fits all 1984-1990 alternator engines. All 19871990 4 speed Sportsters have “C” ratio main drive gears as stock parts “C” RATIO MAIN DRIVE GEAR SETS 84627 254720 (1971-1978) 84626 254740 (1979-mid 84) STOCK RATIO MAIN DRIVE GEARS (17T & 27T) 84632 254710 Clutch gear (1971-1978) 84630 254730 Clutch gear (1979-mid 84) 84635 255580 Countershaft gear (27T) 48 (replaces 37448-71) (replaces 37448-79) (replaces 35695-58) Taper-Lite Pushrod Sets by Rivera High-RPM valve train components need to be lightweight and strong! Rivera Engineering’s high performance Taper-Lite push rods not only exceed these basic requirements, but can be shortened for quick, installation or removal without removing the rocker covers. Made from aircraft quality 4130 Chrome-moly, lightweight Taper-Lite push rods help to reduce costly wear & tear on other valve train components! Tec # 33650 33652 33654 33655 Description Taper-Lite Twin Cam Taper-Lite Evo Big Twin Taper-Lite XL 4-speed Taper-Lite XL 5-speed ‘91+ TAPERLITE PUSHRODS Rivera # 1-TL-100-TC 1-TL-100 1-TL-110 1-TL-110-91 Convert your Harley Davidson “Shovelhead” hydraulic lifters, and old-style (heavy) pushrods to solid lifters with Rivera Engineering’s new Taper-Lite pushrod lifter conversion kit. Refresh your valve train with these lighter, stronger components, your motorcycle will love you for it! Includedare Rivera Engineering’s Taper-Lite pushrods, lifter conversion caps/0-rings, and lifter body plugs. The plugs and 0-rings keep the lifter bodyfrom filling with oil, for a lighter valve train. Pushrods and converters are easily, conveniently installed without removing the heads. For streetand high-performance applications. Tec # 33656 Description Taper-Lite Shovelhead Rivera # 1-TL-120 TEC Import Rocker Arms An economical way to replace Stock Rocker Arms Tec # 73190 73191 73195 73196 Description Shovelhead Rear Exit-Front Intake Shovelhead Front Exit-Rear Intake Evolution Rear Exit-Front Intake Evolution Front Exit-Rear Intake Replaces 17360-66 17375-66 17360-83 17375-83 TEC Import Chrome Tappet Blocks An economical way to replace Stock Tappet Blocks 73197 Evolution Chrome Tappet Blocks (includes hardware) 73198 Shovelhead Chrome Tappet Blocks (requires hardware) EMGO Chrome Evolution Rocker Box Covers 96886 96916 96893 Rocker Box Set for '84-91 (1 Head) Rocker Box Set for '92+ (1 Head) Rocker Box Covers Finned Style (1 Set) 49 Halfmoon Chopper Frame Halfmoon Chopper Frame Features: • 42º Rake, 6” Up, 4” Out • Fits Tire Sizes 240-250 • Includes Swing Arm • Weld-On Gas Tank Mounts • Internal Fork Stops • Neck With Built-In Bearing Cups • Splash Guards • Oil Tank • Shot-Peened Undercoat, Ready For Powdercoating • Integrated Transmission Plate • 1/8” Tubing Wall Thickness • Tube Diameters: 1 3/4” Down Tube, 1 5/8” Backbone, 1 3/8” Frame Rails, 1 3/8” Swingarm• Axle Diameter: 1” Length: 15 1/4” • Optional Seat Pan Prostreet Style Frame Prostreet Style Frame Features: • 38º Rake, 3” Up, 0” Out • Fits Tire Sizes 240-250 • Includes Swing Arm • Weld-On Gas Tank Mounts • Internal Fork Stops • Neck With Built-In Bearing Cups • Splash Guards • Oil Tank • Shot-Peened Undercoat, Ready For Powdercoating • Integrated Transmission Plate • 1/8” Tubing Wall Thickness • Tube Diameters: 1 3/4” Down Tube, 1 5/8” Backbone, 1 3/8” Frame Rails, 1 3/8” Swingarm• Axle Diameter: 1” Length: 15 1/4” • Optional Seat Pan Prowler 6-Speed Transmissions Quality built 6-speed Softail Polished Transmissions by Prowler. Available in both Left and Right side drives. Prowler transmissions have Close Ratio first gear and a .86 to 1 sixth gear. Polished cases with chrome side and top covers 50 73734 73738 Prowler 6-Speed Transmission Prowler 6-Speed Transmission Left Side Right Side 73735 Prowler 6-Speed Transmission Left Side Black DELKRON Cylinder Head Kit for Twin Cam Engines Delkron's 2-Cam heads are made from 20% stronger permanent mold castings and CNC machined for the highest possible quality. These have 2" intake valves and 1.625" exhaust valves. Head kit comes with seats, valves, springs, collars, guides, intake manifold, manifold rubbers and head gaskets. 35185 35186 35187 Twin Cam Head Set with 3 3/4" Head Gasket Twin Cam Head Set with 3 7/8" Head Gasket Twin Cam Head Set with 4" Head Gasket D3055-60 D3055-61 D3055-62 Billet Twin Cam Engine Case with Races & Studs Twin Cam case designed for high performance...on the strip or the street. Machined from solid pieces of 6061-T6 billet aluminum.This case is designed after the Dyna "A" style motors and some parts of the "B" motor will not fit in this case. All stock components fit in this case. 35144 35146 35148 35150 Twin Cam Case with Races & Studs Standard Bore Twin Cam Case with Races & Studs 4"Bore Twin Cam Case with Races & Studs 4 1/8" Bore Twin Cam Case with Races & Studs 4 1/4" Bore D1220 D1222 D1224 D1226 Billet Cam Support Plate Fits all Twin Cam motors 1999 to present includes Pressure Regulator Valve, Pinion Shaft Bushing, Viton O'Rings, Mounting Hardware and instructions. 35175 Delkron Billet Cam Support Plate D2140 Delkron Evolution Big Twin Motor Cases Cases come with bearings, races and studs installed, line lapped to standard size.QS 9000 Certified Castings. . Cases are cut out for late model "midshift. Accommodates stroke up to 5" 35112 35124 35130 Evolution 1984-1991 Evolution 1992 to present Evolution 1992 to present Standard Bore Standard Bore 3 13/16" Bore D1022 D1042 D1050 Delkron Shovelhead Motor Cases Cases come with bearings, races, and studs installed. Spigot bore is stock. QS 9000 Certified Castings. Accomodates stroke up to 5". Cases use Stock oil pump 1973-1980. 35102 Shovelhead 1970 and up Standard Bore D1002 51 Softail Style Transmission Cases 1990 and later Softail Style transmission cases are permanent mold cast from 356-T6 aluminum for strength and durability. All OEM softail transmission components are compatible with this case. 35200 Case Bare D4000 35202 Case Bare with Speedo hole D4004 *35206 Case Upgraded Version D4012 *This Softail Style case comes with the Trap Door which includes ball bearings, main bearing, main seal, as well as snap rings, hardware, etc. The Countershaft bearing is also installed in the trap door along with the shifter bushing. Installed with Races, Studs & Speedo hole FXR Style Transmission Cases 1990 and later FXR Style transmission cases are permanent mold cast from 356-T6 aluminum for strength and durability. All OEM FXR 1990-94 transmission parts fit this case. 35208 Case Bare D4020 35210 Case Bare w/ Speedo hole D4024 *35212 Case Upgraded Version D4028 *35214 Case Upgraded w/ Speedo hole D4032 *Upgraded case comes with the Trap Door which includes ball bearings, main bearing, main seal, as well as snap rings, hardware, etc. The Countershaft bearing is also installed in the trap door along with the shifter bushing. Inner Primary by Delkron These precision Inner Primary Cases are manufactured from aircraft quality aluminum from a permannet mold. Added matterial makes these cases thicker for added strength making for the best fitting inner primary available. Cases come with main bearing and seal, the starter shaft oil seal, the starter shaft bushing and chain adjuster installed. 52 35230 35232 Softail Inner Primary 1990-93 D5000 Softail Inner Primary 1994-present D5015 35234 35236 FXR Inner Primary 1989-93 FXR Inner Primary 1994-present D5030 D5045 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 5-Speed Transmissions & Gear Sets 73721 Spyke Complete 5-Speed Transmission 5-Speed Close Ratio Gears Black Case with Chrome 73720 Spyke 5 Speed Gear Set These sets feature 2nd through 5th close contact gears with a close ratio 1st gear. Close contact gears create a constant mesh. These back cut gears provide a smooth transfer and quieter transmission. 5-Speed Softail Transmission Cases 32120 32121 32122 5-Speed Case 5-Speed Case 5-Speed Case Softail Softail Softail Bare Plain Case Bare Polished Case Bare Black Case 32123 32124 32125 5-Speed Case Softail w/ Speedo Hole Bare Plain 5-Speed Case Softail w/ Speedo Hole Bare Polished 5-Speed Case Softail w/ Speedo Hole Bare Black 4-Speed Transmission Cases 32100 32102 4-Speed Case 1965-84 4-Speed Case 1965-84 Ratchet Type Bare Plain Ratchet Type Bare Polished 32104 Rachet Top Assembly Complete Chrome Chrome Primary Covers 50394 50395 50396 50397 Primary Cover Primary Cover Primary Cover Primary Cover (Includes Hardware) FX ‘71-85 60507-77 FL ‘71-84 60508-70 Softail/Dyna ‘89-93 60543-89 Softail /Dyna ‘94+ 60543-94 MEGA Nut A cure for the loose pulley nut. The JIMS® Mega Nut has a lock plate built in. The Mega Nut can also be secured in several additional places by an easy drilling and tapping operation. 89501 Use on all Big Twin and XL, 1985-present, with belt drive. Twin Cam88™ and JIMS® 6-speed 1708 Transmission Pulley Nut 89500 1 - 1/2” - 24 Thread 35211-91 Use on Big Twin 1936-present (Check for inner primary clearances on 4-speeds) 53 Billet Clutch End Release Cover Billet clutch end release cover is precision machined and designed to reduce the amount of flex as seen in most end covers when using a stock or high compression spring. 89522 Billet Chrome Clutch End Release Cover 2371CH *Fits all 5-Speed models (except ‘87 FXR with mid control) *Includes gaskets and screws. *Maybe used on some 6-Speeds Billet Trap Doors Billet trap doors by Jims are manufactured from 7075-T651 aluminum for 100+ horsepower motors. Transmission door will accept early or late transmission end covers. This door is 5X stronger than the stock door. 89520 Billet Polished Trap Door Jims 2347-7 89521 Billet Chrome Trap Door Jims 2347-7C *Fits Big Twin 1980 to present, 5-speed transmissions. *Early style clutch release, trap door will not cover unchromed area. 96701 XL 5-Speed Trap Door Racing - Billet 25238-90 Billet Transmission Top Cover Billet aluminum transmission top cover comes with gaskets and chrome allen screws. 89524 Billet ChromeTransmission Top Cover 8999CK *Fits 1998-99 FLH & Softails and most 6 speed models 54 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. NEW! 6-SPEED TWIN CAM COMPLETE TRANSMISSION LINE 6-Speed Clean-Cut Gears for Softails 1990-99 TEC# 89554 Jims# 8000C6 Case Finish Plain Aluminum 89556 8002C6 Black Wrinkle 89558 8004C6 Polished Aluminum JIMS® Clean-Cut 6-Speed transmissions include chromed billet covers, trap door and are shipped complete with bottled transmission oil and instruction sheet No.8000C6-IS. JIMS® is proud to offer 6-speed transmission gears made in the U.S.A. by JIMS®. Imagine riding the road at 75 MPH in 5th gear and by shifting into 6th you reduce your engine RPM by almost 500 RPM.’s. It’s now possible to have this option with the strength and reliability of JIMS® quality gears and shafts. All gears are standard width for performance and strength, with first gear being close ratio 2.94, and the last four being the same ratio as a stock 5-speed. 6th gear goes to .86:01overdrive. 6-Speed Pro-Cut Gears for Softails 1990-99 TEC# 89557 Jims# 8002P6 Case Finish Black Wrinkle JIMS® Pro-Cut 6-Speed transmissions feature increased lead-in ramping on all engagement dogs for quicker shifts during heavy acceleration. Transmissions include chromed covers, trap door and are shipped complete with bottled transmission oil and instruction sheet No.8000C6-IS. Transmission Sprocket Spacers 89502- Use on Big Twin Late 1984-Early 1994 . 33334-85 89503 - Use on Big Twin Late 1994-present. 33344-94 89504 - Use on Big Twin 1980-Early 1984. 33334-79 55 6-SPEED OVERDRIVE FOR A...4-SPEED FRAME JIMS® turns back the clock on traditional 4-speed transmissions (1970-early ‘84) with the newest release of the JIMS® 6-speed transmission for a 4-speed frame. JIMS® has taken the experience of over 30 years in high-performance parts and tools and encapsulated them into a compact design that enables custom builders and 4-speed owners to create cutting edge machines. Using only the highest standards and materials, JIMS® once again fuses performance and reliability. These transmissions are shipped fully loaded with the finest components available by JIMS®, such as: forged and shot peened gears with lead-in ramping and back-cut engagement dogs, close ratio 1st gear, precision machined & heat-treated counter & main shafts, chrome billet trap doors, chrome billet top and side covers and JIMS® performance gaskets. JIMS® 6-SPEED IN A 4-SPEED FRAME CASE TEC # 89545 FX & FL 1970 early ‘84 Pro-Cut 4/6 Speed Jims # Description 8028P6 Plain Aluminum TEC # 89544 Clean-Cut 4/6 Speed Jims # Description 8028C6 Plain Aluminum 5 & 6-Speed In a 4-Speed Frame Application Requirements (For use on FX & FL style frames, 1970 - Early 1984 ) 1. Dry clutch as used on 4-speed tapered I.D.clutch hubs. 2. Chain final drive (Transmission to rear wheel) 3. Late style clutch cable. 4. Electric start only (No provisions for kickers) 5. Designed to use OEM style forward controls and aftermarket mid controls. 6. May be used with either primary belt or primary chain drive 5-SPEED FOR A 4-SPEED FRAME JIMS® 5-SPEED IN A 4-SPEED FRAME CASE FX & FL 1970 early ‘84 Clean-Cut 4/5 Speed TEC # 89542 56 Jims # Description 8028 Plain Aluminum Jims 6-Speed Transmission Super Kit Just like our popular 5-speed transmission super kits, Jims 6-speed kits are made with the same aerospace quality steel and precision machining. These kits are carefully assembled and ready to slip into your transmission case without removing it from your motorcycle. Comes with detailed instructions and gasket set. 89550 - Use on all 1990-present Big Twin . Note: Must use 1998-present neutral switch and top cover for pre1997 application. Will bolt in any 5-speed case. (if used with a late starter motor, inner & outer primary, clutch etc...) Jims 8085 Tec # 89550 - Use on all 1990-present Big Twins Jims # No.8070CA No.8067 No.8066 No.8061 No.35026-79C No.35027-79B No.35028-79B No.35029-91A No.8062 No.8064 No.35626-79B No.8876A No.8977 No.8996 No.6003 No.11067 No.11161 No.803 No.34091-85 No.8063 No.8065 No.35078-79 No.1297 1 trap door, 6-speed w/speed hole 1 mainshaft, 6-speed 1 countershaft combo 6th gear 6-speed 1 gear 1st M/shaft close ratio 6-speed 1 gear, mainshaft second 6-speed 2 gear, mainshaft third & countershaft 2nd 1 gear, mainshaft fourth 1 gear, mainshaft fifth 1 gear, 1st C/shaft close ratio 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fourth 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fifth 5 bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 1 bearing, countershaft end 1 bearing, transmission case 7 thrust washer, main shaft & countershaft 6 retaining ring, main shaft & countershaft 1 retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 1 gasket & seal kit, Dyna, FLH,FXST 1 race, mainshaft inner primary 1 gear, 3rd C/shaft 6-speed 1 gear, 6th M/shaft 6-speed 2 locknut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 screw, button head Jims # No.8081 No.8071AL No.8076 No.2226 No.8079A No.2528 No.8068A No.8069A No.8077-1 No.8077 No.1241 No.1258 No.8075 No.1114 No.1117 No.1291 No.8042K No.8085-IS No.34191-79E No.1215 No.2135 No.34193-79E No.34088-87 1 thrust washer (main shaft 6th gear) 1 shift drum 6-speed (late) 1 rod clutch release 6-speed 1 throw out bearing kit 1 pillow block billet right side, 6-speed 1 pillow block billet left assembly 1 shift fork, 1st gear M/shaft 6-speed 1 shift fork, 4th gear C/shaft 6-speed 1 thrust washer shift drum .025 as needed 1 thrust washer shift drum .030 as needed 4 screw shcs chrome (door) 2 screw shcs chrome (door) 1 rod shift fork, 4th 6-speed 6 washer an chrome end cover 4 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 2 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 1 speedo hole cover w/gasket & screw 1 instruction sheet 1 fork shift 3rd gear C/shaft 3 washers an plain 3 screws shcs 1 fork shift 2nd gear M/shaft 1 shaft shift ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 57 6-SPEED PRO CUT GEARS The ultimate 6-speed transmission super kit. Same as our No.8085 and No.8085E 6-speed super kits, but with JIMS® Pro-cut gears. Comes with detailed instructions and a JIMS® gasket set. 89551 -Use on all 1990-present Big Twin *Note: Must use 1998-present neutral switch and top cover for pre-1997 application. Will bolt in any 5-speed case. (if used with a late starter motor, inner & outer primary, clutch etc...) Jims No.8085P NO.8085P Tec # 89551 Fits 1998-2000 Big Twins Jims# No.8070CA No.8067 No.8066 No.8061P No.8058C No.8058E No.8058G No.8058D No.8062 No.8064 No.35626-79B No.8876A No.8977 No.8996 No.6003 No.11067 No.11161 No. 803 No.34091-85 No.8063P No.8065 No.35078-79 No.8081 58 1 trap door, 6-speed w/ speed hole 1 mainshaft, 6-speed 1 countershaft combo 6th gear 6speed 1 gear 1st M/shaft close ratio 6-speed pro cut 1 gear, mainshaft 2nd 6-speed pro cut 1 gear, mainshaft third pro cut 1 gear, mainshaft 4th pro cut 1 gear, mainshaft fifth pro cut 1 gear, 1st C/shaft close ratio 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fourth 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fifth 5 bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 1 bearing, countershaft end 1 bearing, transmission case 7 thrust washer, mainshaft & c/shaft 6 retaining ring, mainshaft & c/shaft 1 retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 1 gasket & seal kit, DYNA, FLH, FXST 1 race, mainshaft inner primary 1 gear 3rd C/shaft 6-speed pro cut 1 gear 6th M/shaft 6-speed 2 locknut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 thrust washer (mainshaft 6th gear) Jims # No.8071AL No.8076 No.2226 No.8079A No.2528 No.8068A No.8069A No.8077-1 No.8077 No.1214 No.1258 No.8075 No.1114 No.1117 No.1291 No.8042K No.8085 IS No.34191-79E No.1215 No.2135 No.34193-79E No.34088-87 No.8058B No.1297 (excluding 2000 softails) 1 shift drum 6-speed (late) 1 rod clutch release 6-speed 1 throw out bearing kit 1 pillow block billet right assembly, 6-speed 1 pillow block billet left assembly 1 shift fork, 1st gear M/shaft 6-speed 1 shift fork, 4th gear C/shaft 6-speed 1 thrust washer shift drum .025 as needed 1 thrust washer shift drum .030 as needed 4 screw shcs chrome (door) 2 screw shcs chrome (door) 1 rod shift fork, 4th 6-speed 6 washer and chrome end cover 4 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 2 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 4 speedo hole cover w/gasket & screw 1 instruction sheet 1 fork shift 3rd gear C/shaft 3 washers an plain 3 screws shcs 1 fork shift 2nd gear M/shaft 1 shaft shift 1 gear counter shaft 2nd pro cut 1 screw, button head ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 6-SPEED PRO CUT GEARS 89553 - Use on all 1990-97 Big Twin. 2000-present Twin Cam 88™ FXST models, and 2001-present Twin Cam 88™ FXD and FLT models. Jims 8085EP Tec # 89553 Fits 1990-97 Big Twins 6-SPEED CLEAN CUT GEARS 89552 - Use on all 1990-97 Big Twin, 2000-present Twin Cam 88™ FXST models and 2001-present TC 88™ FXD and FLT models. Jims 8085E Tec # 89552 Fits 1990-97 Big Twins Jims # No.8070CA No.8067 No.8066 No.8061 No.35026-79C No.35027-79B No.35028-79B No.35029-91A No.8062 No.8064 No.35626-79B No.8876A No.8977 No.8996 No.6003 No.11067 No.11161 No.803 No.34091-85 No.8063 No.8065 No.35078-79 No.8081 No.8071AE No.8076 No.2226 No.8079A No.2528 No.8068A No.8069A No.8077-1 No.8077 No.8092 No.1261 No.8075 No.1114 No.1117 No.1291 No.8042K No.8085-IS No.34191-79E No.1215 No.2135 No.34193-79E No.34088-87 No.1297 1 trap door, 6-speed w/speed hole 1 mainshaft, 6-speed 1 countershaft combo 6th gear 6-speed 1 gear 1st M/shaft close ratio 6-speed 1 gear, mainshaft second 6-speed 2 gear, mainshaft third & countershaft 2nd 1 gear, mainshaft fourth 1 gear, mainshaft fifth 1 gear, 1st C/shaft close ratio 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fourth 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fifth 5 bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 1 bearing, countershaft end 1 bearing, transmission case 7 thrust washer, main shaft & countershaft 6 retaining ring, main shaft & countershaft 1 retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 1 gasket & seal kit, DYNA, FLH,FXST 1 race, mainshaft inner primary 1 gear, 3rd C/shaft 6-speed 1 gear, 6th M/shaft 6-speed 2 locknut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 thrust washer (main shaft 6th gear) 1 shift drum 6-speed (early) 1 rod clutch release 6-speed 1 throw out bearing kit 1 pillow block billet right side, 6-speed 1 pillow block billet left assembly 1 shift fork, 1st gear M/shaft 6-speed 1 shift fork, 4th gear C/shaft 6-speed 1 thrust washer shift drum .025 as needed 1 thrust washer shift drum .030 as needed 4 screw shcs chrome (door) 2 screw shcs chrome (door) 1 rod shift fork, 4th 6-speed 6 washer an chrome end cover 4 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 2 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 2 speedo hole cover w/gasket & screw 1 instruction sheet 1 fork shift 3rd gear C/shaft 3 washers an plain 3 screws shcs 1 fork shift 2nd gear M/shaft 1 shaft shift 1 screw, button head JJims # No.8070CA No.8067 No.8066 No.8061P No.8058C No.8058E No.8058G No.8058D No.8062 No.8064 No.35626-79B No.8876A No.8977 No.8996 No.6003 No.11067 No.11161 No. 803 No.34091-85 No.8063P No.8065 No.35078-79 No.8081 No.8071AE No.8076 No.2226 No.8079A No.2528 No.8068A No.8069A No.8077-1 No.8077 No.1214 No.1258 No.8075 No.1114 No.1117 No.1291 No.8042K No.8085-IS No.34191-79E No.1215 No.2135 No.34193-79E No.34088-87 No.8058B No.1297 1 trap door, 6-speed w/speedo hole 1 mainshaft, 6-speed 1 countershaft combo 6th gear 6-speed 1 gear 1st M/shaft close ratio 6-speed pro cut 1 gear, mainshaft second 6-speed 2 gear, M/shaft third & C/Shaft 2nd pro-cut 1 gear, mainshaft fourth pro cut 1 gear, mainshaft fifth pro cut 1 gear 1st C/shaft close ratio 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fourth 6-speed 1 gear, countershaft fifth 5 bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 1 bearing, countershaft end 1 bearing, transmission case 7 thrust washer, m/shaft &c/shaft 6 retaining ring, m/shaft & c/shaft 1 retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 1 gasket & seal kit, DYNA, FLH,FXST 1 race, mainshaft inner primary 1 gear, 3rd C/shaft 6-speed pro cut 1 gear, 6th M/shaft 6-speed 2 locknut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 thrust washer (m/shaft 6th gear) 1 shift drum 6-speed (early) 1 rod clutch release 6-speed 1 throw out bearing kit 1 pillow block billet right side, 6-speed 1 pillow block billet left assembly 1 shift fork, 1st gear M/shaft 6-speed 1 shift fork, 4th gear C/shaft 6-speed 1 thrust washer shift drum .025 as needed 1 thrust washer shift drum .030 as needed 4 screw shcs chrome (door) 2 screw shcs chrome (door) 1 rod shift fork, 4th 6-speed 6 washer an chrome end cover 4 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 2 screws shcs chrome (end cover) 2 speedo hole cover w/gasket & screw 1 instruction sheet 1 fork shift 3rd gear C/shaft 3 washers an plain 3 screws shcs 1 fork shift 2nd gear m/shaft 1 shaft shift 1 gear counter shaft 2nd pro cut 1 screw, button head 59 4-Speed Transmission Rebuild Kits Big Twin 1936 to Early 1976 TEC # 89510 Jims 33031-36 Big Twin Late 1976-Early 1977 TEC # 89511 Jims 33031-76E 1 set 800 - JIMS® Gaskets (Includes all seals) 2 ea. 33082-16 - Lockwasher, starter crank 1 ea. 33288-37 - Bushing, kick cover 1 ea. 33393-50 - Key, starter clutch 1 ea. 33396-39 - Lockwasher, starter clutch 1 ea. 33438-502 - Bushing, mainshaft start gear 2 ea. 34168-39 - Roller, shifter finger 2 ea. 34180-33 - Lockwasher, shifter fork 1 ea. 34186-76 - Fork shaft kit 1 ea. 35050-40 - Lockwasher, mainshaft bearing 1 ea. 35094-65 - Bushing maindrive gear 1 ea. 35125-37 - Main case race 1 ea. 35129-36 - Retaining ring, outer race 1 ea. 35175-38 - Key, drive gear spacer 1 ea. 35216-36 - Lockwasher, mainshaft sprocket 1 ea. 35322-38 - Bushing, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35337-36 - Retaining ring, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35614-65 - countershaft 1 ea. 35789-36 - Bushing, countershaft 1st 1 ea. 35791-36 - Bushing, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 35810-36 - Ret. ring, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 37503-41 - Lockwasher, clutch nut 1 ea 37523-15 - Key, clutch 1 set 800 - JIMS® Gaskets (Includes all seals) 2 ea. 33082-16 - Lockwasher, starter crank 1 ea. 33288-37 - Bushing, kick cover 1 ea. 33393-50 - Key, starter clutch 1 ea. 33396-39 - Lockwasher, starter clutch 1 ea. 33438-502 - Bushing, mainshaft start gear 2 ea. 34168-39 - Roller, shifter finger 2 ea. 34180-33 - Lockwasher, shifter fork 1 ea. 34186-76 - Fork shaft kit 1 ea. 35050-40 - Lockwasher, mainshaft bearing 1 ea. 35094-65 - Bushing maindrive gear 1 ea. 35125-37 - Main case race 1 ea. 35129-36 - Retaining ring, outer race 1 ea. 35175-38 - Key, drive gear spacer 1 ea. 35216-36 - Lockwasher, mainshaft sprocket 1 ea. 35322-38 - Bushing, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35337-36 - Retaining ring, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35614-76 - Countershaft 1 ea. 35789-36 - Bushing, countershaft 1st 1 ea. 35791-36 - Bushing, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 35810-36 - Retaining ring, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 37503-41 - Lockwasher, clutch nut 1 ea 37523-15 - Key, clutch Big Twin Late 1977-Early 1979 TEC # 89512 Jims 33031-76L Big Twin Late 1979-1986 TEC # 88192 Jims 33031-80 1 set 800 - JIMS® Gaskets (Includes all seals) 2 ea. 33082-16 - Lockwasher, starter crank 1 ea. 33288-37 - Bushing, kick cover 1 ea. 33393-50 - Key, starter clutch 1 ea. 33396-39 - Lockwasher, starter clutch 1 ea. 33438-502 - Bushing, mainshaft start gear 2 ea. 34168-39 - Roller, shifter finger 2 ea. 34180-33 - Lockwasher, shifter fork 1 ea. 34186-76 - Fork shaft kit 1 ea. 35050-40 - Lockwasher, mainshaft bearing 1 ea. 35094-65 - Bushing maindrive gear 1 ea. 35175-38 - Key, drive gear spacer 1 ea. 35216-36 - Lockwasher, mainshaft sprocket 1 ea. 35322-38 - Bushing, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35337-36 - Retaining ring, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35614-76 - Countershaft 1 ea. 35789-36 - Bushing, countershaft 1st 1 ea. 35791-36 - Bushing, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 35810-36 - Retaining ring, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 37503-41 - Lockwasher, clutch nut 1 ea 37523-15 - Key, clutch 1 set 801 - JIMS® Gaskets (Includes all seals) 2 ea. 33082-16 - Lockwasher, starter crank 1 ea. 33288-37 - Bushing, kick cover 1 ea. 33393-50 - Key, starter clutch 1 ea. 33396-39 - Lockwasher, starter clutch 1 ea. 33438-502 - Bushing, mainshaft start gear 2 ea. 34168-52 - Roller, shifter finger 2 ea. 34180-33 - Lockwasher, shifter fork 1 ea. 34186-76 - Fork shaft kit 1 ea. 35050-40 - Lockwasher, mainshaft bearing 1 ea. 35094-65 - Bushing maindrive gear 1 ea. 35175-38 - Key, drive gear spacer 1 ea. 35216-36 - Lockwasher, mainshaft sprocket 1 ea. 35322-38 - Bushing, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35337-36 - Retaining ring, mainshaft 2nd & 3rd 1 ea. 35614-76 - Countershaft 1 ea. 35789-36 - Bushing, countershaft 1st 1 ea. 35791-36 - Bushing, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 35810-36 - Retaining ring, countershaft low & 2nd 1 ea. 37503-41 - Lockwasher, clutch nut 1 ea 37523-15 - Key, clutch 60 “A Cut Above™” Time Saver Transmission Master Kits We use JIMS® proven transmission parts to start with, then top it off with aJIMS® Gasket set, together in one convenient package. This is a big timesaver. Big Twin ‘91-98 5 & 6-Speed Transmission Big Twin 2000 and up 5 & 6 Speed Transmissions TEC # 89516 TEC # 89509 (Jims 1021) Kit Includes the following: 1 Mainshaft, inner primary race 1 Spacer, mainshaft door side with shoulder 2 Spacer, mainshaft & countershaft 2 Lock nut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Spacer, countershaft 2 Bearing, 5th gear 1 Retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 5 Thrust washer, mainshaft & countershaft 4 Bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Bearing, countershaft end 1 Bearing, transmission case 2 Bearing door 2 Retaining ring, door 6 Retaining ring, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Gasket & Seal kit (JIMS®) 34091-85 35064-79 35076-79 35078-79 35629-79 35051-89 11161 6003 8876A 8977 8996 8998 11020 11067 803 Kit includes all of the following: 1 Mainshaft, inner primary race 1 Spacer, mainshaft door side with shoulder 2 Spacer, mainshaft & countershaft 2 Lock nut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Spacer, countershaft 2 Bearing, fifth gear 1 Retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 5 Thrust washer, mainshaft & countershaft 4 Bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Bearing, countershaft 1 Bearing, transmission case 2 Bearing door 2 Retaining ring, door 6 Retaining ring, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Gasket & Seal kit (JIMS®) (Jims 1035) 34091-85 35064-79 35076-79 35078-79 35629-79 35051-89 11161 6003 8876A 8977 8996 8992 35087-99 11067 804 Big Twin 1980-Early 1984 5-Speed Transmission Big Twin 1984-1990 5-Speed Transmission TEC # 89514 TEC # 89515 Kit includes the following: 1 Spacer, mainshaft door side with shoulder 2 Spacer, mainshaft & countershaft 2 Lock nut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Spacer, countershaft 1 Lock washer, clutch hub 1 Key, clutch hub 5 Thrust washer, mainshaft & countershaft 4 Bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 2 Bearing, main drive gear 1 Bearing, countershaft end 1 Bearing, transmission case 2 Bearing door 2 Retaining ring, door 1 Retaining ring, main drive gear 6 Retaining ring, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Gasket & Seal kit (JIMS®) (Jims 1019) 35064-79 35076-79 35078-79 35629-79 37503-41 37523-15 6003 876A 8904 8977 8978 8998 11020 11057 11067 802 Kit includes the following: 1 Mainshaft, inner primary race 1 Spacer, mainshaft door side with shoulder 2 Spacer, mainshaft & countershaft 2 Lock nut, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Spacer, countershaft 1 Key, clutch hub 5 Thrust washer, mainshaft & countershaft 4 Bearing, mainshaft & countershaft 2 Bearing, main drive gear 1 Bearing, countershaft end 1 Bearing, transmission case 2 Bearing door 2 Retaining ring, door 1 Retaining ring, main drive gear bearing 6 Retaining ring, mainshaft & countershaft 1 Gasket & Seal kit (JIMS®) (Jims 1020) 34091-85 35064-79 35076-79 35078-79 35629-79 37523-85 6003 876A 8904 8977 8996 8998 11020 11161 11067 802 61 New Twin Cam “B” Model Softail Stroker Kits Introducing the all new Jims “B” Model Softail stroker kit for balanced Twin Cam Engines. This quality upgrade allows you to transform your stock 88 cubic inch balanced softail motor into either a balanced 113” or 116” high perfomance machine. Each kit is built with CNC machined flywheels with integral pinion and sprocket shafts and pressed with OEM style crank pins. Each kit also contains Jims forged and shot peened “H” beam connection rods, Jims aluminum stroker pistons and hardened steel wrist pins matted with solid bronze connection rod bearings. 113” Twin Cam “B” Softail Stroker Kits Tec# 89653 Jims# 1957 Cylinders Wrinkle Black Application Beta Softails 2000+ Stroke 4 1/2” Bore 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Stock Heads Comp. Ratio 9.94:1 Tec# 89654 Jims# 1958 Cylinders Plain Application Beta Softails 2000+ Stroke Bore 4 1/2” 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Comp. Ratio 9.94:1 116” Twin Cam “B” Softail Stroker Kits Tec# 89655 Jims# 1959 Cylinders Wrinkle Black Application Beta Softails 2000+ Stroke 4 5/8” Bore 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Stock Heads Comp. Ratio 10.19:1 Tec# 89656 Jims# 1960 Cylinders Plain Application Beta Softails 2000+ Stroke Bore 4 5/8” 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Comp. Ratio 10.19:1 Compression Release Valves by Jims Give your starter a hand by installing these handy compression release valves for high compression engines and large displacement engines. These release valves make sarting your engine effortless by venting cylinder compression with just a push of a button. Simply drill in and tap each cylinder head and thread in these selfsealing release valves. 89165 62 Compression release valve kits. 727K * Use on all Big Twins, Sportsters & Buells * Sold in pack of 2 Twin Cam88™ Alpha Motor Stroker Kits *Alpha refers to FL & Dyna models Only The new 3-piece Twin Cam flywheel assemblies feature an integral pinion shaft and sprocket shaft for maximum stability and resistance to flywheel distortion. Each kit ships pre-balanced and is assembled witha press fit hollow crank pin. Cylnders for these kits are available in plain alimunim or black wrinkle finish. The combination of a 3-piece flywheel assembly, forged connection rods and aluminum cylinders equates to unbeatable performance. 113” Twin Cam Stroker Kits -Alpha Tec# 89664 Jims# 1937 Cylinders Wrinkle Black Application Alpha 1999+ Stroke Bore 4 1/2” 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Stock Heads Comp. Ratio 9.94:1 Tec# 89662 Jims# 1938 Cylinders Plain Application Alpha 1999+ Stroke Bore 4 1/2” 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Comp. Ratio 9.94:1 116” Twin Cam Stroker Kits - Alpha Tec# 89666 Jims# 1941 Cylinders Wrinkle Black Application Alpha 1999+ Stroke Bore 4 5/8” 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Stock Heads Comp. Ratio 10.19:1 Tec# 89667 Jims# 1942 Cylinders Plain Application Alpha 1999+ Stroke Bore 4 5/8” 4”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/4” Comp. Ratio 10.19:1 Gaskets for Jims Twin Cam Stroker Kits Manifold for Jims Carbureted TC Stroker Kits 89670 Head & Base Gaskets Twin Cam 4” 857 89675 89672 For 113” or 116” Stroker Kits, 100” Big Bore 4” bore. Also for TC88 Softail & Dyna. 858 Use with Mikuni carburetor, Stock CV or Screamin Eagle CV carburetor. 700 89677 89673 For 113” or 116” Stroker Kits, 100” Big Bore 4” bore. Also for TC88 FL Models. 859 Head to Manifold spacer. Use on taller than stock motors. Use to fill gap between head and manifold. Comes with O’rings. A must for EFI manifolds. 63 89” Evolution Carbureted Stroker Kits These kits are the ultimate performance enhancement for your Evolution engine. Each assembly comes pre-assembled and pre-balanced at 60% with precision Jims Pistons, performance H-beam forged connection rods, new forged flywheels, Jims pinion and sprocket shafts and 2 hole crank pin. Tec# 89580 Jims# 1900A Application Evo ‘84 + Stroke 4 5/8” Bore 3 1/2”std Flywheel Dia. 8 1/2” Comp. Ratio 9.25:1 89581 1900A5 Evo ‘84 + 4 5/8” 3 1/2”+005 8 1/2” 9.25:1 89582 1900A10 Evo ‘84 + 4 5/8” 3 1/2”+010 8 1/2” 9.25:1 Jims 100” Twin Cam Big Bore Kit Use your existing stock flywheel with the new Jims Big bore kit to build a 100 inch motor. This kit includes the all new Jims 4” flattop piston and Jims aluminum 4” big bore cylinders. Kit is designed to work with your stock rods and flywheels with only minor modifications that require you to bore your case 4.210” x 1.650” for proper cylinder clearance. End result will be 100” with 9.56:1 C.R Cylinder gaskets are not included. 64 89650 Jims 100” Big Bore Kit: Plain Finish Cylinders. 1501 89652 Jims 100” Big Bore Kit: Black Wrinkle Cylinders. 1501B *Use on 1999 to present Twin Cam 88™ Alpha & Beta *Use on 1999 to present Twin Cam 88™ Alpha & Beta Jims Precision Flywheels Jims is proud to introduce improved Big Twin flywheel. These fly-wheels are just not a copycat flywheel with a different stroke, but a flywheel redesigned and engineered for todays motorycles. 89585 Flywheel Set: Big Twin ‘58-99 * 4 5/8” Stroke x 8 1/2” O.D. For single cam 89588 Connecting rod set: Big Twin ‘41-99 O.H.V with a standard .792 wrist pin bushing 1900RL 4000 Connecting rods at their finest. Forged from 4340 chromoly steel blanks then the rods are CNC machined, heat treated, magnafluxed, shot peened and completely inspected with a hardness test for each rod. Each set has Jims rod races and wrist pin bushings installed. Jims Billet Rocker Covers Twin Cam 88™ “Alpha & Beta” Billet Rocker Boxes Billet rocker box kits made from 6061-T6 aluminum, hand polished or chrome plated. Designed to make rocker arm and shaft removal or installation easy without removing rocker arm support plate. 89605 89606 Jims Chrome Rocker Box motor set. Jims Polished Rocker Box motor set. 1385C 1385P *Sets fit all TwinCam 88, 1999 to present *Sets Include gaskets and chrome hardware Jims Billet Cam & Point Covers “A Cut Above” Polished & Polished Chrome Billet Covers Billet Cam covers with a 2 piece design. Front and back are machined to maintain factory centerlines for perfect cam/pinion alignment. Includes gaskets, points cover and solid bronze bushing. 89428 89430 Cam Covers Cam Covers Chrome Polished 1973-92 1973-92 2413 25258-80A 89429 89431 Cam Covers Cam Covers Chrome Polished 1993-99 1993-99 2414 25254-93A 89432 89433 O'Ring for above Cam Covers O'Ring for above Cam Covers 89434 Point Covers Polished Small Large 2170 2171 2239 65 Twin Cam Tappet Block Kits Jims Billet Lifter Block for Twin Cam Covers for Twin Cam 88™ “A or B” The ultimate in lifter block covers with extra smooth lines. CNC machined from billet 6061-T6 and chromed to guaranteed to precision tolerances. Covers include gaskets and chrome hardware. 89608 Jims Chrome Lifter Block covers TC88 ‘99+ *Standard Length Hydrosolid & Powerglide tappets 1043 89609 Jims Chrome Lifter Block covers *For Long Hydrosolid tappets 1043L TC88 ‘99+ Jims Evolution Tappet Blocks Standard Evolution Tappet Block Kits Billet Evo Tappet Blocks are designed to accomodate a gross valve lift of .655” at the valves. Will clear most small base circle cams having a lift of .600” or more. Jims tappets are recommended for these blocks. Use on Big Twin Single Cam only. Includes 1 Front and 1 Rear Block 89404 Jims Billet Tappet Blocks Evo ‘84 to present 1094 89409 Jims Billet Tappet Blocks *Chrome Evo ‘84 to present 1094C Jims Evolution Big Bore Tappet Block Kits Use this kit on all Big Bore cases that have the cam case area moved out 1/4”-3/8”. Supplied with Jims performance hydrosolids. 89384 Pan/Shovelhead Tappet Block Kits Big Bore Evo Tappet Block Kit 1092K Pan & Shovelhead Big Axle “Powerglide” Billet Tappet Block Kit. Includes Front and Rear Tappet Blocks, 4 Big Axle “Powerglide Tappets, Jims Tappet Block gaskets. .761 are not interchangeable with stock diameter tappets or blocks. Polished *Fits Panhead 1953-65 and Shovelhead 1966-84 89424 Pan/Shovelhaed Big Axle Powerglide Tappet Block Kit 1029-53B 89425 Tappet Assembly Only - Fits above Blocks Std 89426 Tappet Assembly Only - Fits above Blocks +.002 89427 Tappet Assembly Only - Fits above Blocks +.005 Shovelhead Tappet Block Kit. Includes Front and Rear Tappet Blocks, 4 Big Axle “Powerglide Tappets, 89405 Shovelhead “Powerglide” Tappet Block Kit Polished 2411P 89412 Shovelhead “Powerglide” Tappet Block Kit Chrome 2411C Shovelhead Tappet Block Sets 66 89410 89411 Shovelhead Tappet Block Set Shovelhead Tappet Block Set Polished Chrome 1095P 1095C Jims Roller Rocker Arms Produced from aerospace quality 4340 chromoly steel. These roller rocker arms are heat treated using Jim’s special technique to that provides a lighter and stronger rocker arm. Features full oiling of the roller tip, valve springs and pushrod tip. Roller Rockers: 89420 Roller rockers stock ratio 1.625 For Big-T’s ‘84+, XL ‘86+, Buell ‘87+ Also fits Twin Cams and S & S motors 1045RR 89421 Roller rockers 1.745 ratio * Bolt in roller rockers that may require modification of the heads and rocker boxes. For Big-T’s ‘84+, XL ‘86+, Buell ‘87+ Also fits Twin Cams and S & S motors 1731 89422 Roller rockers Shovelhead 1.50 ratio For Big-Twin ‘66-84, aftermarket and S & S motors 1732 Rocker Arm Bushings: 89375 Early rocker arm bushing. (w/ Mill slot) *Set of 8, Ream to fit *Use on Big-T ‘66-84 & XL ‘57-85 17428-57K 89372 Early rocker arm bushing. (no Mill slot) *Set of 8, I.D. is .557” intended for hone *For Big-T’s ‘84+, XL ‘86+, Buell ‘87+ Also fits Twin Cams and S & S motors 17428-83K 89423 Rocker arm bushings for custom applications. *Set of 8, Ream to fit, O.D. is .790” *Works in Crane rocker arms with I.D. .785” 17428-CCK Rocker Shafts: 89374 Rocker shaft Evolution Std O.D. .554” For Big-T’s ‘84+, XL ‘86+, Buell ‘87+ Also fits Twin Cams and S & S motors 17611-83 89414 Rocker shaft Race Application (grease hole-1 end) Grease hole fitting thread is 1/4”-20 Designed for bikes using a dry top end 17611-83H 89373 Rocker shaft Shovelhead Std O.D. .937” on big end, smaller end is .434” For use on Big-Twin 1966-84 17611-66B 89392 Rocker shaft Ironhead XL Std O.D. .937” Std O.D. .937” on big end, smaller end is .434” For use on Sportster 1957-85 17435-57B ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 67 Titanium Pushrods (Jim Thiessen Signature Series) These pushrods are the latest in valvetrain technology from Jim’s. Titanuim alloy pushrods are just as strong as chromoly but just as light weight as Jim’s© Pro-Lite aluminum pushrods. Does not require removal of top end for installation. Also works with Jim’s© tall cylinders. Work savers. 89619 89618 89617 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ Use on Evo Single Cam Use on XL & Buell Pushrod Covers ‘99+ ‘84-99 ‘91+ 2493 2492 2504 (Chrome) Billet aluminum push rod covers will accomodate all pushrods. These covers feature a unique clip thats looks like a complete tube while retaining the simple push-pull spring type function. 89610 Covers for Big Twin, single cam only ‘84-99 89612 Covers for Twin Cam (will not work on strokers) *Note: These covers will not clear dual plug heads. 3002 3004 96750 Sportster Pushrod Tube Conversion Kit *Note: Allows Push rod adjustment on '91+ Sportsters Chrome Tappet Screws & Rollers *Note: These rollers are intended for use on all small axle tappets. The Big Axle tappet rollers cannot be rebuilt 68 89387 Tappet Rollers Use on all models 1929-84 83364 Tappet Rollers 89381 Tappet screw (no holes) Big Twin Set of 4 3/8” ball end, 9/32”-32 thread 18555-36K 89380 Tappet screw Sportster 5/16” ball end, 9/32”-32 thread 18554-57K 89403 Tappet screw Chromoly for extreme use Screw has oil hole, Set of 4 3/8” ball end, 9/32”-32 thread 1855-36HK 89379 Tappet screw 9/32”-32 thread Set of 4 For adjustable tappet using 9/32”-32 thread 18570-38K Big Twin '84+ & XL'86-90 Set of 4 18534-29A Crane ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. Tappets/Lifters by Jim’s The “Hydrosolid” (Is it Hydraulic or is it Solid? ...... Its Both!) Twin Cam 88™ Hydrosolid Tappet This amazing tappet performs like a hydraulic tappet from start up to about 5500 r.p.m. and then turns into a solid after 5600 r.p.m and adds 3-6 more usable horsepower. Must Use with Adjustable Pushrods. Twin Cam 88™ Hydrosolid Tappet 89624 Use on all Twin Cam 88™, standard O.D is .8425 Sportster & Buell 2000-up 1802 Twin Cam 88™ Long Hydrosolid Tappet 89628 Use on all Twin Cam 88™, standard O.D is .8425 1802L *Note: These are special application tappets 1/4” longer for high lift cams. Evolution Hydrosolid Tappet Big Twin Evolution Hydrosolid Tappet Solid Steel Billet Bodies, Big Axle roller design, Hand fit hydraulic bore. 89376 89377 89378 Use on Big Twin ‘84-99, XL ‘86-90 & Buell ‘87-90 Std O.D. .8425 1800 Oversize + .002” Oversize + .005” 1800-2 1800-5 Big Axle “Powerglide™ Hydraulic Tappets For both performance and stock cams. The “Powerglide” eliminates shock absorber action and is as close to a solid tappet as possible and is still able to compensate for heat expansion. Jims Hydrosolid Tappets Twin Cam 88™ “Powerglide™ Tappet Solid Steel Billet Bodies, Big Axle roller design, honed hydraulic cavity. 89620 Use on all Twin Cam 88™, standard O.D is .8425 1806 Sportster & Buell 2000-up ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 69 Big Twin EVO Tappets by Jims Big Twin EVO Tappets by Jims Stop tappet noise forever with Big Axle “Powerglide” tappets. For Evo performance and stock cams. (Also works with solid style cams) Evo Big Axle Powerglide™ 89464 89465 89466 Big Twin Hydraulic Tappet Use on Big Twin ‘84-99, XL ‘86-90 & Buell ‘87-90 Std O.D. .8425 2456-1 Oversize + .002” 2457-1 Oversize + .005” 2458-1 Evo Big Twin Hydro-Solid Tappet 89376 89377 89378 Use on Big Twin ‘84-99, XL ‘86-90 & Buell ‘87-90 Std O.D. .8425 1800 Oversize + .002” 1800-2 Oversize + .005” 1800-5 Evo Big Axle Solid Tappet (must use adjustable pushrod) 89467 89468 89469 Use on Big Twin ‘84-99, XL ‘86-90 & Buell ‘87-90 Std O.D. .8425 2465-1 Oversize + .002” 2466-1 Oversize + .005” 2467-1 Panhead & Shovelhead Tappets by Jims Stop tappet noise forever with Big Axle “Powerglide” tappets. Hydraulic tappets for Panhead & Shovelhead performance cams. (Also works with solid style cams) Big Axle Powerglide™ Panhead & Shovelhead Tappets by Jims 89470 89471 89472 Pan & Shovel Hydraulic Tappet Use on Big Twin ‘53-84, aftermarket and S & S engines Std O.D. .731 2459-1 Oversize + .002” 2460-1 Oversize + .005” 2461-1 Big Axle Hydraulic Tappet 89476 89477 89478 Use on Big Twin ‘53-84, aftermarket and S & S engines Std O.D. .731 89 grams 2462-1 Oversize + .002” 2463-1 Oversize + .005” 2464-1 Big Axle Solid Adjustable Tappet 89473 89474 89475 70 Use on Big Twin ‘48-84, aftermarket and S & S engines Std O.D. .731 86 grams 2474-1 Oversize + .002” 2475-1 Oversize + .005” 2476-1 Knucklehead Big Axle Solid Adjustable Tappets Knucklehead Tappets Use on 1936-47 Knucklehead, aftermarket and S & S engines Standard O.D. is .731” 9/32”-32 thread 89397 89398 89394 89395 Exhaust Standard Exhaust Oversize +.005 Intake Standard Intake Oversize +.005 ‘36-47 ‘36-47 ‘36-47 ‘36-47 2607 2608 2609 2610 Sportster & Buell Tappets by Jims “Powerglide™” Hydraulic tappets for Sportster and Buell performance and and stock cams. Billet Steel Powerglide™ Hydraulic Tappets 89620 1806 89630 Use on Sportster 2000+, Buell 2000+ & Twin Cam 88™. Standard O.D. is .8425” Hydrosolid Tappet XL '91-99 89391 Sportster Billet Tappet Guide Polished 18607-57A Sportster & Buell Tappet Blocks 1803 Billet Steel Powerglide™ Hydraulic Tappet Standard O.D. is .9035” Weight 143 grams 89460 Use on Sportster & Buell ‘91-99 89461 Oversize +.001 89462 Oversize +.002 89463 Oversize +.005 18526-PG 18526-PG1 18526-PG2 18526-PG5 Big Axle Powerglide™ Hydraulic Tappets Standard O.D. is .8425” Weight 149 grams 89464 Use on Sportster ‘86-90 & Buell ‘87-90 89465 Oversize +.002 89466 Oversize +.005 2456-1 2457-1 2458-1 Sportster & Buell Tappets Solid Tappets (must use adjustable pushrods) Standard O.D. is .8425” Weight 109 grams 89467 Use on Sportster ‘86-90 & Buell ‘87-90 89468 Oversize +.002 89469 Oversize +.005 2465-1 2466-1 2467-1 Big Axle Solid Adjustable Tappets Standard solid tappet. O.D. is .731” 9/32”-32 thread 89479 Use on Sportster ‘57-85 2471-1 89480 Oversize +.002 2472-1 89481 Oversize +.005 2473-1 71 Sprocket & Pinion Shafts Sprocket Shafts 89311 89316 89317 89326 Sprocket shaft Sprocket shaft Sprocket shaft Sprocket shaft 45” XL XL XL ‘29-73 ‘57-76 ‘77-E81 L81-86 24000-29 24000-57 24000-75 24001-80 89318 89319 89320 Sprocket shaft Sprocket shaft Sprocket shaft Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin ‘30-54 ‘55 only ‘56-64 24001-30 24001-55 24001-56 89312 89321 89325 S/Shaft Left Flywl Big Twin Sprocket shaft Big Twin Sprocket shaft 80” Big Twin ‘65-69 ‘65-69 ‘65-69 24001-65/80 24001-65 24001-65/72 89322 89323 89313 89314 89315 Sprocket shaft Sprocket shaft Shaft plus .250 S/Shaft plus .750 Sprocket shaft ‘70-71 ‘72-82 L81-85 L81-85 L81-85 24001-70 24001-72 23909-80 23909-80 23909-80 89324 Sprocket shaft conversion 80” fly wheels to panhead cases Pinion Shafts 89339 89328 89330 89337 89338 89331 89332 89333 89334 89335 89329 72 Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Pinion shaft Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin 45” K Model XL XL XL Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin Big Twin 24001-56/72 ‘37-73 ‘52-57 ‘57-76 ‘77-E81 ‘81-85 ‘39-53 ‘54-57 ‘58-72 ‘73-E81 ‘81-86 ‘87-99 24005-37 24005-52 24005-57 24008-75 24005-80 24006-35 24006-54 24006-58 24006-73 24006-81 24006-87 Crank Pins & Nuts by Jims Early Model Crank Pins 89306 89307 89308 K Model 61/74/80” 45” Model Sportster Crank Pins 89301 89302 89309 89310 XL XL XL XL Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin ‘52-53 ‘37-48 ‘37-73 3 Hole 3 Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 3 Hole 2 Hole 3 Hole ‘54-E81 ‘54-E81 L‘81-99 L‘81-99 Big Twins 1941-Early ‘81 89282 89284 89303 89285 89283 Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin Crank Pin 180 Offset Crank Pin .025 Shorter Big Twins Late ‘81-99 89300 89278 89299 89293 89295 89298 89286 Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin Crank pin 2 Hole 1 Hole 3 Hole 3 Hole 3 Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 3 hole Std 3 hole O/S +001 3 Hole O/S +002 3 Hole 180 w/ Nuts 180 Offset 3 Hole Chrome Moly Crank Pins 100” Case Hard ACA 89287 89288 89289 B/T Chrome-Moly C-Pin ‘41-E81 B/T Chrome-Moly C-Pin L81-99 XL Chrome-Moly C-Pin L81-99 Nuts for Crank Pin, Pinion & Sprocket shaft 23960-52 23962-40 23960-29 23960-542 23960-543 23960-80A2 23960-80A 23961-412 23961-41 23961-413 23961-41S 23961-41ST-3 23961-80A1 23961-80A2 23961-80A3 23974-87-3 23975-87-3 23961-80AS 23961-80AS 23961-41 23961-80 23960-80 89280 89281 89304 89305 Crank pin nuts for Jims XL Crank pin nuts Big-T Crank pin nuts XL Crank pin nuts ‘81+ ‘81+ ‘54-81 ALL 23969-83 23901-81 23966-54 23967-54 89265 89266 89271 Sprocket shaft nuts Sprocket shaft nuts (belt) Sprocket shaft nuts ‘30-54 ‘55-94 ‘72-85 24003-30 24003-55 23909-80 89272 89273 B/T Sprocket/Pinion nut ‘31-81 XL Sprocket/Pinion nut ‘81-85 24023-36 24902-81 89267 89274 89269 89270 XL Pinion shaft nut B/T Pinion shaft nut B/T Pinion gear nut B/T Pinion Gear shaft nut 7913 24023-54 24022-90 24016-80 ‘77-90 ‘54-89 ‘90-92 ‘81-99 73 Breather Valve Gears by Jims Breather Valve Gears Jims now offers a steel replacement breather valve gear for Big Twin. Made from the finest aerospace steel and CNC machined to Jims highest standards for precise control of exhausting crank case pressure. 89443 Breather Valve Gear: Standard Big Twin ‘48- Early ‘77 2338S 89444 Breather Valve Gear: Oversized +.030 Big Twin ‘48- Early ‘77 2338 89441 Breather Valve Gear: Big Twin ‘77-99 Standard Size * For Single Cam Only 2337S 89442 Breather Valve Gear: Big Twin ‘77-99 Oversized +.030 * For Single Cam Only 2337 Breather Valve Gears with Elongated Oil Hole This steel replacement breather valve is for Big Twins and has an elongated rear hole to aid in better crankcase flywheel cavity vacuum. 89455 Breather Valve Gear: For Big Twin ‘77-99 Elongated Oil Hole Standard Size * For Single Cam Only 2337ST Oil Pump Gears Oil Pump Drive Gear. Billet steel replacement driver gear, made to fit stock and replacement shafts. Precision machined and heat treated to far outlast stock part. 89449 Oil pump drive gear. For Big Twin ‘54 to present *Single cam only, 24 tooth. 89450 Oil pump drive gear. For Big Twin ‘54-99 *Pinion shaft 26345-73 26349-84 Oil Pump Gears. These gears are made from solid billet steel. For Big Twin 1968-99 Just by installing Jims gear will give you an increase of over 5% of pressure and an increase of over 5% in Volume. 89445 89446 \89447 89448 74 Oil Pump Oil Pump Oil Pump Oil Pump Return drive gear Return idler gear Feed idler drive gear Feed drive gear 26315-68A 26317-68A 26326-62A 26328-74A Keys: 89110 Crank Pin key “Early” 10pk replaces oe#23985-18 For Big-T late ‘41 through early ‘81 Keys: 89111 Crank pin & pinion shaft key 10pk replaces oe#11218 “Late” Crank pin key for Big-T ‘81+ single cam only. Use on XL crank pins ‘81+ & Buell ‘87 up. Also for Big-T pinion shafts ‘81-89 & XL ‘81-85 89115 Pinion gear key 10pk replaces oe#23985-54 Use 2 keys on BT ‘54-E75 & 1 key L75-89 89116 Sprocket & Pinion flywheel key replaces oe#23985-12 For Big-T ‘12-80 pinion & ‘12-55 sprocket shafts Sold in packs of 10 89117 Sprocket shaft flywheel key 10pk replaces oe#23985-56 For Big-T ‘56 to present single cam only sprocket shafts. 88202 Oil pump drive shaft key 10pk replaces oe#26348-15 *Use 2 keys on Big-T pinion & oil pump drive gear late ‘75-89. Also Big-T oil pump drive shaft ‘36-67. *Use 3 keys on Big-T oil pump shaft ‘68 to present single cam only. *Use on K Models ‘52-59. Use on XL ‘72-76 89363 Pinion Gear Shaft Screws. Sold in packs of 10 *Left hand screws for early pinion shafts. Sprocket Shaft Spacer Kit 89440 Sprocket Shaft Spacer Kit 24029-Kit For Big Twin ‘55-69. Spacers are machined to a 32 finish and burr free. This kit is made to fit rubber sprocket shaft seal. Kit contains one each of thickness: .336”, .621”, .516”, .546” .574”, .606”, .636”, .666” Sprocket Shaft Oil Seal Spacer 89327 Sprocket shaft oil seal spacer Use on Big Twin 1970 to ‘96 Spacers are machine to a 32 micron finish. 24002-70 75 Bearing Race by Jims Big Twin Right Case 1993-99 Big Twin Right Case 1979-92 74” & 80” Sidevalves 1940-48 Big Twin Right Case 1958-78 74” & 80” Left case 1940-54 K & XL Right Case 1954-76 45” 1939-73 Bearing Race with 360 degree oiling hole. 89418 Std O.D. 2.1270” 24599-58B 89419 Oversize +.002” 24600-58B Bearing Race without locking detents. 89226 Oversize +.032” 24601-58A32 Bearing Race with locking detents. 89205 Std O.D. 2.1270” 89223 Oversize +.002” 89225 Oversize +.010” Big Twin Right Case 89204 89221 Std O.D. 2.015” Oversize +.005” Big Twin Right Case 89203 89218 89227 Std O.D. 2.015” Oversize + .005” Oversixe + .010" 1955-57 1940-54 Mainshaft Bearing Race XL Right case 1954-83 89212 89213 89215 89217 Std O.D. Oversize +.005 Oversize +.010 Oversize +.032 24599-58 24600-58 24601-5810 24599-55 24601-55 24599-40 24601-40 24601-40 76 Std O.D. Oversize +.002 Oversize +.010 Std O.D. 2.0015” Oversize +.005” 24595-40 24597-40 Also for 74” & 80” sidevalves ‘40-48. 89206 Std O.D. 2.0015” 24621-40 89219 Oversize +.002” 24623-40 89235 Oversize +.010” 24623-40 89236 Oversize +.032” 24623-40 89202 89220 89229 89190 89191 Std O.D. 1.7515” Oversize +.005 Oversize +.050 Right case Std O.D. 1.753” Oversize +.005” 24585-57 24585-57 24585-5750 24585-39 24587-39 35105-52 35105-52 35105-52 35105-52 Mainshaft Bearing Race 4 Speed High Gear 1937-E77 89208 89216 89222 89162 89163 35125-52 35125-37 35125-37 Rod Race Sets 89180 89180 89415 Fits; Sportster Fits: Big Twin Fits: Big Twin 1954-89 1941-89 1941-99 Jims 24341-54A 24345-36A 1046-36A Cam Bearings 71165 Inner Cam Bearing for Twin Cam88™ Sold in pairs. All TC 88™ 1999-present 9198 71125 Inner Cam Bearing for Big Twin ‘58-99 Use on Big Twin ‘58-99 Single cam only 9058 71130 Inner Cam Bearing for Sportster ‘57-90 Use also for Buell 1987-1990 9057 71166 Outer Cam Bearing for Twin Cam88™ Sold in pairs. All TC 88™ 1999-present Outer cam bearing Spacer 8890 86349 Throwout Bearings 71149 96920 Big Twin fits 1970 to present Big Twin Heavy Duty fits '37-74 41196-73 9020 37130-79 Fork Stem Bearing with Race 71105 71106 Fork stem bearing with race. Replaces oe# 48300-60. Use on Big Twin 1949 to present. For G, GE, 1945’s, 1960-73 Use on Sportster ‘82 to present & Buell ‘95 up. Neck cup Only Wheel & Swing Arm Bearings 71100 Wheel and swing arm bearing. Bearing replaces oe# 9052. Use on Big Twin ‘73-99 front and rear wheel. Use on XL ‘79-99 front and rear wheel. Also for ‘58-80 FX, FL swing arm. 71102 Wheel bearing. Bearing replaces oe# 9267 Use on Softails 2000+ front and rear wheel. Use on FLT 2000-01 rear wheel. 71103 Wheel bearing. Bearing replaces oe# 9247 Use on FLT 2000 front wheels. Use on FLT 2002+ rear wheels. 71101 Wheel bearing 71212 Swing arm bearing with clip. Use on Softails '84-99 K/FX/XL '52-78 9009 Bearing replaces oe# 9076 Pinion Shaft Bearings Use On Big Twin 1987-99 Single Cam Only 77 Bushings by Jim’s Piston Pin Bushings (Wrist Pin Bushing) Wrist Pin Bushing for Big Twin ‘36-99 single cam only. Sold as 2 pack. 89201 Std O.D. .8955” 24334-36 89198 Oversize +.005” 24335-36 89199 Oversize +.010” 24335-36 Wrist Pin Bushing XL & 45” models 1936-present. Use on Buell 1987 and up. Sold as 2 pack. 89200 Std O.D. .8955” 89196 Oversize +.002” 89197 Oversize +.010” Cam Bushings 24331-36 24332-36 24332-36 Inner Cam Bushing for Right Case. Big Twin ‘36-57 Cam Bushing for Rear Intake Sportster ‘57-90 89248 89249 89252 89253 Std O.D. 1.0035” Oversize +.005” 25597-36 25597-365 Std O.D. 1.3775” Oversize +.005” 25588-57 25588-575 Cam Bushing, Rear Intake in Cam Cover. Sportster '91+ Sportster & Buells 1991- present 89264 Std O.D. 1.3775” 25588-91 Cam Bushing for Inner Cam Cover. Big Twin ‘70-99 Single cam only. Sold each. 89242 Std O.D. .8955” 89243 Oversize +.005” Cam Bushing, Inner Cam Cover. 25581-70 25581-705 Big Twin ‘36-69. Use on Overhead valve Big Twins. Sold each. 89240 Std O.D. .8955” 25581-36 Cam Bushings for 45”, Sidevalves, Buell & Sportster 89250 Std O.D. .9405” 25586-37 89251 Oversize +.005” 25568-375 Use on Sportster 1954-present & Buells ‘87-present. Use on 74” & 80” sidevalves 1937-48 Use on 45” models 1937-73. 78 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. Pinion Bushings Pinion Shaft Bushing 89259 Big Twin ‘93-99 Pinion shaft bushing Std O.D. 1.0035” For ‘93-99 Big Twin Single cam only 25582-93 Pinion Shaft Bushing with hole and slot for Big Twin ‘54-92 89246 89247 Pinion shaft bushing Std O.D. 1.0035” Oversize +.005 25582-54/73 25582-54/735 **Use the the hole side of bushing for motors ‘54-72, with side feed oil shafts. Use slot side for end oiling pinionshaft motors ‘73-92. Pinion Shaft Bushing 89244 89245 Pinion shaft bushing Oversize +.005 Big Twin ‘36-53 Std O.D. 1.0015” Pinion Shaft Bushing for Sportster ‘77-present 89256 89257 Pinion shaft bushing Std O.D. .815” Oversize +.005 **Also for Buell 1987-present Pinion Shaft Bushing for Sportster ‘57-76 89262 89263 Pinion shaft bushing Oversize +.005 Pinion Shaft Bushing for 45” 89254 89255 Pinion shaft bushing Oversize +.005 Main Drive Gear Bushing 84414 Std O.D. .8775” ‘37-73 Std O.D. .8775” 25582-36 25582-365 25593-74 25593-745 25593-57 25593-575 25593-37 25593-375 Big Twin 4th Gear Bushing unhoned Andrews# 204004 OEM # 35094-65 79 Kicker Shafts & Bushings 89232 89233 Kick start shaft bushing Kick rachet gear bushing 89260 Kicker gear bushing O.D. .907” Domestic *For Big Twin 3 & 4 Speeds 33438-501 89261 Kicker gear bushing O.D. .925” Import *For Big Twin 3 & 4 Speeds 33438-501 90021 90022 Bushing & Seal Kit 4-Speed kick shaft Oversize +.005 33288-37 33288-375 90030 90031 Kick Starter Shaft Big-T 4-Speed '37-85 33096-54B Kick Shaft 3/4" Longer than above \33096-54AL Shift Fork Components XL ‘54-84 XL ‘73-85 89367 Shift Fork Shaft Kit: * Kit contains clips. Big Twin ‘37+ 34186-76 89366 89368 Shift Fork Shaft only Shift Fork Shaft only 1936-76 1987+ 34140-36 34088-87 Sportster ‘79+ 40520-63 Shift Shaft Bushings 89371 Shift Shaft bushings: *Sold in 2 Packs. Oil Pump shafts and Circuit breaker Studs 89340 89341 89342 89345 89357 89358 89359 89360 89361 Idler gear stud FL/FLH ‘41-69 Circuit breaker gear stud ‘41-69 Oil pump drive shaft ‘41-68 Oil pump drive shaft ‘68+ Idler gear & stud bushing kit ‘36-69 Circ. breaker stud-bush. kit ‘39-53 Oil pump idler gear shaft B/T ‘62-66 Oil pump idler gear shaft B/T ‘66+ Oil pump idler gear shaft B/T ‘41-E62 Oil Pump Bushings 89457 89458 89344 80 33099-52 33442-73 Oil pump cover bushing XL ’77-90 Oil pump body bushing XL ‘75-90 Oil pump Shaft bushing 1936-present 25791-36 25856-36 26346-36 26346-70 24005-80 24006-35 26327-52 26327-68 26328-41 26431-76 24489-75 26441-36 Oil Pumps by Jims Jims Fully C.N.C. machined Polished Billet Oil Pumps. Jims Oil pumps will give an increase in oil return (scavenge) volume over stock oil pumps. Increase horsepower by decreasing drag on the flywheel and other rotating parts. Available for late ‘73 to present Single Cam Big Twin, 74” to 140” motors. ‘81 to present bolts on with no modifications Polished Billet Oil Pump Kits 89178 Oil Pump Assembly. For Big Twin ‘73-91 Has Top feed and return connections. 1754 89177 Oil Pump Assembly. For Big Twin ‘92-99 Has Bottom feed and return connections. 1753 89179 Oil Pump Assembly. For Big Twin ‘73-91 Has Bottom feed and return connections. 1755 89176 Oil Pump Assembly. For Big Twin ‘92-99 Has Top feed and return connections. 1752 Polished Billet Oil Pump - Body with Gears & Shaft 89170 Billet Oil Pump Body Kit. Big Twin ‘73-91 1711E 89171 Billet Oil Pump Body Kit. Use on Single Cam only Big Twin ‘92+ 1711L Polished Billet Oil Pump Covers *Designed with the late oil relief pressure to return excess oil to feed side of oil pump. For all aluminum pump bodies. 89172 Cover, Use on Jims Billet Oil pump bodies & Big Twin ‘73-91 1698E 89173 Cover, Use on Jims Billet Oil pump bodies & Big Twin ‘92-99 1698L Polished Billet Oil Pump Covers *Designed for models not having oil tank under transmission. Also designed with the late oil relief pressure to return excess oil to feed side of oil pump. For all aluminum pump bodies. 89174 Cover, Use on Jims Billet Oil pump bodies Big Twin ‘73-91 1699E 89175 Cover, Use on Jims Billet Oil pump bodies Big Twin ‘92-99 1699L 81 Pinion Gears Jims offer 10 different sizes for early gears and 7 sizes for late style gears. Jims pinion gears are made with the finest American aerospace quality tool steel. Precision machined to exact tolerances. Pinion Gears for Big Twin 1954 to early 1977 TEC # 89483 89484 89485 89486 89487 89488 89489 89490 Jims # 24010-OR 24010-BLK 24010-RE 24010-BLU 24010-GR 24010-WH 24010-BR 24010-YE Color Orange Black Red Blue Green White Brown Yellow Gear Size Over .105 pins 1.4490 - 1.4485 1.4485 - 1.448 1.4480 - 1.4475 1.4475 - 1.447 1.4470 - 1.4465 1.4465 - 1.446 1.4460 - 1.4455 1.4455 - 1.445 Cam Gear Over .105 pins 2.7665 - 2.767 2.767 - 2.7675 2.7675 - 2.768 2.768 - 2.7685 2.7685 - 2.769 2.769 - 2.7695 2.7695 - 2.770 2.770 - 2.7705 Pinion Gears for Big Twin 1977 to 1989 TEC # 89491 89492 89493 89494 89495 89496 89497 82 Jims # 24040-78 24040-78 24040-78 24040-78 24040-78 24040-78 24040-78 Color Orange White Yellow Red Blue Green Black Gear Size Over .105 pins 1.4751 - 1.4756 1.4745 - 1.4751 1.4737 - 1.4745 1.4729 - 1.4737 1.4721 - 1.4729 1.4715 - 1.4721 1.4710 - 1.4715 Cam Gear Over .105 pins 2.7324 - 2.7334 2.7334 - 2.7344 2.7344 - 2.7354 2.7354 - 2.7364 2.7364 - 2.7374 2.7374 - 2.7384 2.7384 - 2.7394 Our cams are computer designed for lobe-to-lobe profile accuracy and cam-to-cam consistency. Our cam profiles are also dynamometer, race and street tested using “real world” bikes to insure that each Crane Cam is capable of producing maximum torque, horsepower and rpm for its application. Crane Twin Cam 88® Camshafts TEC # 83276 Duration .053” Valve Lift @TDC Open/Close 1.65:1 Rocker Ratio Crane # Grind # Intake Exhaust Intake Exhaust 1-3000CL HTC-300-2 226°/236° 505”/.505” 13/33 42/14 (.147”/.152”) Mild Street, Cruising, Towing Bolt-in cam, low-end torque and mid-range HP. Good for heavy bikes. Stock compressionratio. Uses stock valve springs. Idle to 5,000 RPM TEC # 83278 83226 (w/gear) Crane # Grind # 1-3001CL HTC-310-2 236°/242° .505”/.505” 1-3001GD 20/36 47/15 (.185”/.157”) Moderate Street, Cruising Bolt in. Mild performance for Dynas, Softails or single riders. Stock comp. ratio or up to 9.5:1 Uses stock valve springs. Idle 1,500 to 5,000 RPM TEC # 83280 83227 (w/gear) Crane # Grind # 1-3002CL HTC-316-2 242°/252° .505”/.505” 1-3002GD 19/43 48/24 (.178”/.205”) Street Performance, Some Engine Modifications Bolt-In. OK with stock compression but works best with up to 10.1:1 compression ratio. Best power with performance air cleaner and free-flow exhaust. Uses stock valve springs.1,800 to 5,800 RPM TEC # 83282 83228 (w/gear) Crane # Grind # 1-3003CL HTC-290-2 240°/248° .570”/.570” 1-3003GD 18/42 46/22 (.173”/.198”) Hot Street Performance, Modified OK with stock cubic inch or big-bore kits (95 c.i.). Best power with increased compression ratio, 9.5:1-up, head mods. Must use Crane valve springs, clearanced for .570” lift. Great low-end and mid-range torque with added upper RPM power. Must use performance air cleaner and free-flow exhaust.1,800 to 5,800 RPM TEC # 83283 83229 (w/gear) Crane # Grind # 1-3005CL HTC-296-2 246°/254° .619”/.619” 1-3005GD 20/46 52/22 (.188”/.193”) Hot Street Performance, Modified For modified engines with 10.25:1-up compression, big bore kits, head mods. Must use Crane valve springs, clearanced for .600” lift. Must use performance air cleaner and ex haust. Designed for use with Edelbrock Performer RPM Twin-Cam cylinder heads. 2,000 to 6,000 RPM TEC # 83284 83230 (w/gear) Crane # Grind # 1-3004CL HTC-304-2 254°/260° .600”/.600” 1-3004GD 25/49 56/24 (.211”/.206”) Max Hot Street , Modified For modified engines. Higher compression, 10.5:1-up, big-bore kits, head mods, etc. Must use Crane valve springs., clearanced for .600” lift. Strong mid-range torque with upper RPM power. Must use performance air cleaner and free-flow exhaust. 2,000 to 6,200 RPM 83 "Time-Saver” Adjustable Pushrods for Twin Cam Crane Time-Saver pushrods are made from 7/16” diameter, aircraft grade, 4130 alloy, seamless chromemoly tubing. Genuine Crane TimeSaver pushrods are the strongest available! Our ends are 40% larger than our competitor’s. Time-Saver pushrods adjust from 8.750” to 10.750”, and allow removal of the lifters and lifter covers up to 75% quicker! TEC # 83289 Description Time Saver Pushrods. Set of 4 Crane 4-0031 Twin Cam Adjustable Pushrods • Ultra-lightweight, high-strength aluminum or chromemoly steel! • Heavy-wall tubing reduces pushrod flex and deflection! • 7/16” diameter, .065” wall thickness. • Fits all Twin-Cam 88® engines, 1999 and up. Set of 4 TEC # 83287 83288 Description Adjustable Aluminum Pushrods Adjustable Chromemoly Pushrods. Crane 4-0022 4-0021 Crane Hydraulic Roller Lifters for Twin Cam Body manufactured from alloy steel billet using precise CNC machining techniques. Heat treated for improved strength and wear resistance. High precision, hardened ball-type check valve system provides superior sealing and lash control. TEC # 83197 Description Hydraulic roller tappets fit Twin Cam 1999 up & 2000 up Sportster & Buell Crane Rocker Arms Crane 3-2200 Twin Cam 88 Our rocker arm design has the strongest cyclical strength available. This rocker arm reduces the friction in the valve train, thereby increasing acceleration and engine RPM. The roller tip reduces valve guide wear and galling of the valve stem. TEC # 83368 Description Bushing Roller tip Rocker arms Stock ratio Install on your original rocker shafts Crane 4-1015 83373 Bushing Roller tip Rocker arms 1.75 ratio Install on your original rocker shafts 4-1020 83372 Needle Bearing Roller tip Rocker arms Complete kit contains new shafts 4-1010 Crane Rocker Arms Replacement Parts Twin Cam 88 83375 83376 83378 84 Front Roller Kit (4) - Fits needle & bushing O’Ring Kit (8) - Fits needle & bushing Shafts (2) - Fits needle & bushing 4-1100 4-1101 4-1104 Crane Valve Spring and Retainer KitsTwin Cam Nominal Diameter Inside-Outside Description Seat Pressure & Installed Height Nominal Open Pressure & Height Coil Bind Height TEC # Crane # 83170 5-1102 .800 1.460 Steel Springs (155#) & Steel Retainers 155#@ 1.800 352# @ 1.280 1.080 83172 5-1002 .800 1.460 Steel Springs (155#) & Titanium Retainers 155#@ 1.800 352# @ 1.280 1.080 83174 5-1004 .800 1.460 “Thermo-Cool” Springs 155#@ 1.800 (155#)& Titanium Retainers 394#@ 1.180 1.080 83171 5-1101 .800 1.460 Steel Springs (175#) & Steel Retainer 175#@ 1.700 394#@ 1.180 1.080 83173 5-1001 800 1.460 Steel Springs (175#) & Titanium Retainers 175#@ 1.700 394#@ 1.180 1.080 83175 5-1003 .800 1.460 “Thermo-Cool” Springs 175#@ 1.700 (175#) Titanium Retainers 394# @ 1.180 1.080 480-485# @ 1.150 1.080 Premium Valve Spring Only 83178 *5-0002 .800 1.460 Steel Valve Springs for 180-185# Performance & Racing. @ 1.800 Use with up to .650” Valve Lift. *Springs Only. Use Crane Part Number 5-1005 or 5-1103 retainers and Keeper Kit. Note: All kits contain valve springs, retainers (upper collar), lower collars, and valve locks. Crane Cams Machined Steel Keepers NOTE: Crane Keepers can only be used with Crane retainers TEC Crane Keepers 83176 5-1300 155 lbs. Spring Pressure (1.800” Height) 83177 5-1301 155 lbs. Spring Pressure (1.800” Height) Valve Spring Shims TEC Crane Description 83181 5-1200 Shims-12 Note: 4 each .015”, .030” & .060” thickness Application 1999-2005 Lower Spring Seat, Retainer, & Valve Keeper Kits TEC Crane Description 83179 5-1005 Titanium Retainers Kit 83180 5-1103 Steel Retaine Kit, Above number for use with Crane part # 5-0002 valve spring kit 85 Crane FireBall® HI-4 Twin Cam Performance Ignition Fits Twin-Cam 88®, 1999-2003, carbureted engines. Easy to install! Mounts in place of the stock module with plug-in installation. True Single-Fire! Crankshaft position sensor is used to establish accurate firing. Rear cylinder timing can be offset from -5° to +4°. Initial timing is set from -5° to +4°, both via easily adjusted, rotary switch. Ten advance curve families! Easily selected via rotary switch. Lets you select the exact advance curve you want for factory-stock to wildly modified engines for maximum horsepower, torque and reliability! TEC # 83310 Description Crane Single-Fire Ignition 8-3170 Fits 1999-2003, carbureted engines 83309 Programming Software & Wire for above Twin Cam Performance Coil by Crane Performance Coil for 1999 and Up Twin-Cam 88® Carbureted Engines. Increased secondary current to the plugs for easier starting and better acceleration! TEC # 83342 Description 1999 -2003 Twin-Cam 88® Carbureted Engines. Crane 8-3010 Crane FireWire® Twin Cam Race Plug Wires Fits Twin-Cam 88®, 1999-2005 The ultimate 8.0 spark plug wires for all-out racing or serious street performance. Large 8.0mm size with double silicone layer for protection from extreme temperatures! Pure silicone, double jacketed, reactive core specifically engineered for high output competition ignition systems! Easily installed universal kit allows you to tailor wires to fit your engine! TEC # 83328 86 Description 8.0mm FireWire® Race Plug Wires, Universal Set Crane 8-5009 CRANE EVOLUTION FIREBALL & CRANE HI ROLLER SERIES CAMS TEC # Crane # Grind # Duration .053” Open/Close Intake Exhaust Valve Lift @TDC 1.65:1 Rocker Ratio Intake Exhaust 83200 83201 no gear 1-1100 FireBall 300-2B 226 236 12/34 41/15 .490”/.490” .146”/.157” 83202 83203 no gear 1-1103 FireBall 310-2 236 242 19/37 & 46/16 .490”/.490" .184”/.162” 83204 83205 no gear 1-1101 FireBall 316-2 242 252 19/43 & 48/24 .490”/.490” .176”/.203” 83206 83207 no gear 1-1102 FireBall 326-2 252 262 23/49 & 56/26 .490”/.500” .200”/.206" 83212 1-1000 Hi-Roller H286-2B 242 252 19/43 & 48/24 .490”/.490” .176”/.203” Hi-Roller H290-2 240/248 17/43 & 46/16 .581”/.581” .166”/.192” Hi-Roller H296-2 252/262 19/43 & 48/24 .490”/.500” .198”/.206” Hi-Roller H304-2 254/260 23/49 & 56/26 . 600”/.600” .205”/.203” Hi-Roller H306-2 260/266 12/34 & 41/15 .600”/.600” .216”/.181” Hi-Roller H310-2 262/272 19/37 & 46/16 .490”/.490” .184”/.162” Hi-Roller H316-2 266/276 19/43 & 48/24 Mild street, cruising and touring. Bolt in cam low end tourque & mid range HP. Great for heavy bikes Use stock rings. Moderate street and cruising Bolt in cam. Mild performance. Use stock springs. Street perf. Engine modification needed Bolt in cam Ok with stock but works best with 10:1 c/r. Use stock springs Hot Street performance. Use on stock TC88 or 95” kits. Best with 9.5:1 c/r. Use Crane springs cleared for .570” lift Hydraulic Bolt in cam. For speed & touring. Does not require valve spring change. works best 9.5:1 c/r. Use stock springs. 83214 1-1004 Hydraulic performance cam. Must have headclearance for .581” lift. Strong low & mid range. Upto 88” 83216 1-1001 Hydraulic performance cam. Works bestwith 10:1 c/r., performance carb & exh.May require valve spring change. 83218 1-1005 Hydraulic performance cam. Designedfor High compression and/or increased c.i.Must have head clearance for .600” lift. 83220 1-1002 Hydraulic performance cam. Works best with 10.5:1 c/r. Can be used with stock heads. Clearance and spring change req. Excellent stroker cam 83222 1-1003 Hydraulic Street-Strip cam for large c.i. andincreased c/r. engines. For 88”, 10.5;1 c/r and up. Heads must be cleared & high performance springs installed. 83224 1-1006 . . 550”/.550” 202”/.229” Hydraulic Street-Strip cam for larger c.i. bikes with performance heads. Clearancing and valve spring required for .600” lift. 87 "Time-Saver” Adjustable Pushrods for Evolution Timesaver pushrods eliminate the need to disassemble the top end and remove the rocker arms to change pushrods or camshafts. This is a 75% savings in installation time! The Timesaver pushrod is larger in diameter than the original equipment so it is much stronger and will eliminate any valve train “flex”. The single adjuster end can be changed from 9.5” all the way to 11.5”. The single adjuster end is a large 9mm diameter and provides superior strength and durability. TEC # 83382 Description Time Saver Pushrods. Set of 4 Crane 4-0030 Crane Adjustable Pushrods for Evo Adjustable pushrods allow the engine builder to set the identical preload for each tappet. Proper tappet preload will prevent tappet noise and tappet “pump up”. Each set of adjustable pushrods contains two exhaust and two intake length pushrods for the correct valve train geometry. This kit requires top end disassembly or camshaft removal to install. TEC # 83380 83381 83384 83383 83387 Description 1984 and up Evo® Big-Twin® 1984 and up Evo® Big-Twin® with long Stroker cylinders 1986-90 Evolution® Sportster® 1991 and up Evo® Sportster® using aftermarket collapsible tubes Crane 4-0018 4-0019 4-0020 4-0023 Aircraft quality aluminum push rod tubing. 4-0017 7/16” x .065 wall. “Lightweight” Fits: 1984 up Evo® Big-Twin® Crane Rocker Arms for Evo Our rocker arm design has the strongest cyclical strength available. This rocker arm reduces the friction in the valve train, thereby increasing acceleration and engine RPM. The roller tip reduces valve guide wear and galling of the valve stem. TEC # 83368 Description Bushing Roller tip Rocker arms Stock ratio Install on your original rocker shafts Crane 4-1015 83373 Bushing Roller tip Rocker arms 1.75 ratio Install on your original rocker shafts 4-1020 83372 Needle Bearing Roller tip Rocker arms Complete kit contains new shafts 4-1010 Crane Rocker Arms Replacement Parts 83375 83376 83378 88 Front Roller Kit (4) - Fits needle & bushing O’Ring Kit (8) - Fits needle & bushing Shafts (2) - Fits needle & bushing 4-1100 4-1101 4-1104 Crane Valve Spring and Retainer Kits For Evolution Nominal Diameter Inside-Outside Description Seat Pressure & Installed Height Nominal Open Pressure & Height Coil Bind Height TEC # Crane # 83170 5-1102 .800 1.460 Steel Springs (155#) & Steel Retainers 155#@ 1.800 352# @ 1.280 1.080 83172 5-1002 .800 1.460 Steel Springs (155#) & Titanium Retainers 155#@ 1.800 352# @ 1.280 1.080 83174 5-1004 .800 1.460 “Thermo-Cool” Springs 155#@ 1.800 (155#)& Titanium Retainers 394#@ 1.180 1.080 83171 5-1101 .800 1.460 Steel Springs (175#) & Steel Retainer 175#@ 1.700 394#@ 1.180 1.080 83173 5-1001 800 1.460 Steel Springs (175#) & Titanium Retainers 175#@ 1.700 394#@ 1.180 1.080 83175 5-1003 .800 1.460 “Thermo-Cool” Springs 175#@ 1.700 (175#) Titanium Retainers 394# @ 1.180 1.080 480-485# @ 1.150 1.080 Premium Valve Spring Only 83178 *5-0002 .800 1.460 Steel Valve Springs for 180-185# Performance & Racing. @ 1.800 Use with up to .650” Valve Lift. *Springs Only. Use Crane Part Number 5-1005 or 5-1103 retainers and Keeper Kit. Note: All kits contain valve springs, retainers (upper collar), lower collars, and valve locks. Crane Cams Machined Steel Keepers for Evo NOTE: Crane Keepers can only be used with Crane retainers TEC Crane Keepers 83176 5-1300 155 lbs. Spring Pressure (1.800” Height) 83177 5-1301 155 lbs. Spring Pressure (1.800” Height) Valve Spring Shims for Evo TEC Crane Description 83181 5-1200 Shims-12 Note: 4 each .015”, .030” & .060” thickness Application 1999-2005 Lower Spring Seat, Retainer, & Valve Keeper Kits For Evo TEC Crane Description 83179 5-1005 Titanium Retainers Kit 83180 5-1103 Steel Retaine Kit, Above number for use with Crane part # 5-0002 valve spring kit 89 Crane Evolution Tappets Body manufactured from alloy steel billet using precise CNC machining techniques. Heat treated for improved strength and wear resistance. High precision, hardened ball-type check valve system provides superior sealing and lash control. Exclusive high-strength pushrod seat employs precision edge metering for positive oil control. Rugged one-piece design for reliability and impact resistance under all conditions. Premium full-engagement snap ring retainer provides positive control under the most severe operating conditions. TEC # Description Crane 83195 Hydraulic Roller Tappets 8-2000 1984-up Harley-Davidson® Big-Twin® and 1986-1990 Sportster® 83193 Big Axle Tappets 1984-up Harley-Davidson® Big-Twin® and 1986-1990 Sportster® 8-2050 83191 Hydraulic Roller Tappets 8-2100 1991-up Harley-Davidson® EVO Sportster® Crane Roller Tappet Kits High quality roller and axles for replacement on all Evo® Big-Twin® and Sportster’s®. TEC # Description Crane 83364 1984-up Harley-Davidson® 3-0105 Big-Twin® and 1986-1990 Sportster® FireWire® Race Plug Wires The ultimate 8.0 spark plug wires for all-out racing or serious street performance. Large 8.0mm size with double silicone layer for protection from extreme temperatures! Pure silicone, double jacketed, reactive core specifically engineered for high output competition ignition systems! Easily installed universal kit allows you to tailor wires to fit your engine! TEC # 83330 83332 83333 83334 83335 83336 83337 83338 90 Description 8.0mm Universal Set with 90 Degree Boots 1986-98 XL 1979-85 XL, XLCH, XLX 1985-86 FXWG, 1979-85 FXEF, FXSB 1984-90 Softail®, 1991-98 Dyna® 1980-84 FLT, FLHT, FLHTC, FLTC 1985-95 FLT 1979-82 FLH 1982-95 FXR, FXRT, FXRS 1991-99 Softail® Crane 8-5000 8-5002 8-5003 8-5004 8-5005 8-5006 8-5007 8-5008 HI-4 Single Fire Performance Ignition. The entire unit fits in the nose cone with no inconvenient external module. Adjustable advance curve, adjustable rev limiter and independent rear cylinder timing are included to maximize performance. The static timing LED provides easy installation with no guesswork. There is a kickstart/electric start mode that will eliminate kickback upon start up. TEC # Description Crane 83345 Single Fire Ignition Race 8-2100 3 Adjusters for more tunability 1970-98 and some 99 Big-Twin® w/Evolution® Engine, (Non Fuel Inj); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) TEC # 83346 Description Crane Single Fire Ignition Race 8-2200 2 Adjusters Fit 1970-98 and some 99 Big-Twin® w/Evo® Engine, (Non Fuel Inj); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) HI-1 Single Fire Performance Ignition. Mechanical Single fire ignition systems require the use of a single fire ignition coil like the Crane Hi-Intensity single fire performance ignition coil, (Crane Cams Part Number 8-3001 or 8-3005.) The HI-2 requires the use of a mechanical advance assembly that is not included. Can be used with dual plug heads, in which case two dual fire ignition coils are used (Crane Cams Part Number 8-3002 or 8-3006). This system will require a tachometer adapter (Crane Cams Part Number 8-2050) if your bike has an electric tachometer. TEC # Description Crane 83351 1970-98 and some 1999 Big Twin® 8-2000 w/Evolution® Engine, (Non Fuel Injection); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) 83353 Replacement Rotor 8-2001 HI-4 Dual Fire Performance Ignition. This is a high performance replacement for the factory ignition. The unit fits in the nose cone with no inconvenient external module. Adjustable advance curves and rev limiter allow fine tuning to match the requirements for race or street performance use. The static timing LED allows easy installation with no guesswork. Kickstart/electric start mode eliminates kickback. TEC # Description Crane 83344 1970-98 and some 99 Big-Twin® 8-1100 w/Evolution® Engine, (Non Fuel Injection); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) HI-1 Dual Fire Performance Ignition. Mechanical The HI-1 requires the use of a mechanical advance assembly that can be serviced easily and quickly. This Ignition is a high energy inductive storage system that replaces the original equipment point and condenser type ignition. The installation is as easy as removing the point plate and replacing it with the new plate and rotor. Mechanical advance assembly is not included. TEC # Description Crane 83350 1970-98 and some 1999 Big Twin® 8-1000 w/Evolution® Engine, (Non Fuel Injection); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) 83351 Replacement Rotor 8-1001 91 Single Fire Coil by Crane This HI-Intensity Ignition Coil is two coils in one. Designed for single fire ignition applications that have a current limiting feature. The coil is compact and fits under stock coil covers with no bulky extra brackets. When matched up with Crane’s HI-4 single fire, your ignition system will out power any other! TEC # 83343 Description Crane New Lightweight Design fits; 1970-98 8-3005 and some 99 Big-Twin® w/Evolution® Engine, (Non Fuel Injection); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) TEC # 83348 Description Crane Stock Replacement fits 1970-98 and some 8-3001 99 Big-Twin® w/Evolution® Engine, (Non Fuel Injection); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) Dual Fire Coil by Crane Fits Stock Mounting Brackets & Most Aftermarket Dual-Fire Ignitions! Designed for Max-Output with Crane HI-4 and HI-4E Ignitions! Greater Spark Energy Increases HP, Torque & RPM TEC # 83347 Description 1970-98 and some 99 Big-Twin® w/ Evo ® Engine, (Non F. I.); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) 2.9ohm TEC # 83349 Description Crane 1970-98 and some 99 Big-Twin® w/ Evo ® Engine, (Non F. I.); 1971 and up Sportster® (except XL 1200S) 2.9ohm Crane 8-3006 8-3002 Crane Voltage Regulators Chrome-Finish, Perfomance Replacement Voltage Regulators Performance-Designed as direct bolt-on replacement for stock HarleyDavidson® voltage regulator. Delivers full-range of normal operating and charging with stock HarleyDavidson® charging system or any 26-32 amp alternator. Attractively finished in bright nickel-chrome double-plating. Comes complete, ready for bolt-on installation on any stock chassis. Traditional Crane Cams quality, performance and value in a budget priced, performance replacement voltage regulator. 83320 Voltage Regulator 22A Big Twin ‘81-88 Chrome 83321 Voltage Regulator 32A Big Twin ‘89-99 Chrome 92 SHOVELHEAD/PANHEAD HYD./MECH SERIES Duration .053” Open/Close Intake Exhaust Valve Lift @TDC 1.65:1 Rocker Ratio Intake Exhaust 262 262 29/53 & 53/29 .450”/.450” .200”/.200” TEC # 83260 83261 Crane Years Grind # # 1-0057 ‘70-77 Mechanical 298B 1-0058 ‘78-84 Orig. equipment replacement hydraulic. 83263 83264 1-0100 ‘70-77 Mechanical 310B 266 266 .525”/.425” 1-0101 ‘78-84 29/57 & 53/33 .217”/.217” Hydraulic bolt in. Broad power range for Streetable performance. For both stock & performance parts Valve spring change not required. 83265 83266 1-0103 ‘70-77 Mechanical 304B 268 268 .485”/.485” 1-0104 ‘78-84 32/56 & 56/32 .217”/.217” Mechanical bolt in. Broad power range for Street performance.For both stock & performance parts. Valve spring change not required. 83268 83269 1-0107 ‘70-77 Mechanical 320B 276 276 .490”/.490” 1-0108 ‘78-84 36/60 & 64/32 .184”/.184” Mechanical performance cam. Can be used with stock, works well with 10.5:1 c/r. Heads must be clearanced and valve springs changed. 83271 83272 1-0107 ‘70-77 Mechanical 330B 286 286 1-0108 ‘78-84 41/65 & 73/33 Mechanical Race cam. Drag cam Race only. Head work required 83248 83249 1-0021 ‘70-77 Hydra-H228B 244 244 .450”/.450” 1-0022 ‘78-84 22/42 42/22 .178”/.182” Hydraulic bolt in. Broad range for streetable performance. Can be used with stock compression but works well with 10.:1 c/r. Valve spring change not required. 83251 83252 1-0024 ‘70-77 Hydra-H228-2B 244 254 .450”/.450” 1-0025 ‘78-84 18/46 51/23 .157”/.188” Hydraulic bolt in. Dual pattern cam delivers broad power range. For both and street and performance. Valve spring change not required. 83254 83255 1-0027 ‘70-77 Hydra-H298-2B 254 264 .450”/.450” 1-0028 ‘78-44 25/49 62/22 .192”/.182” Hydraulic performance cam. Headsmust be clearanced. Works well with increased compression upto 11:1. 83257 83258 1-0054 ‘70-77 Mech-228B 256 256 .450”/.450” 1-0055 ‘78-84 24/48 48/24 .177”/.177” Mechanical performance cam. Can be used with stock compression but works well with 10.5:1 c/r. Valve spring change not required. .575”/.575” 274”/.274” 93 Shovelhead® - Mechanical Series Cams TEC # 83260 83385 83386 Crane Years # 1-0057 ‘70-77 1-0010 ‘70-77 1-0011 ‘78-84 Grind # Mechanical 298B OE hydraulic Duration .053” Open/Close Intake Exhaust Valve Lift @TDC 1.65:1 Rocker Ratio Intake Exhaust 262 262 220 Front 245 04/40 53/12 233 Rear 245 04/40 53/12 .450”/.450” .389”/.391" .076”/.131” 390”/.391” .076”/.131” Orig. equipment replacement hydraulic. Stock spec's for restoration. Front & rear have seperate cam profiles. 83235 83236 83237 1-0100 ‘66-69 Fireball 300H 248 248 .455”/.455” 1-0101 ‘70-77 24/44 & 53/12 .180”/.180” 1-0102 ‘78-84 Hydraulic bolt in. Broad power range forStreetable performance. For stock & performance parts. Valve spring change not required. 83239 83240 83241 1-0103 ‘66-69 Fireball 296A 244 244 .455”/.455” 1-0104 ‘70-77 20/44 & 44/24 .154”/.154” 1-0105 ‘78-84 Mechanical bolt in. Broad power range for Street performance. For stock & performance parts. Valve spring change not required. 83244 83245 1-0107 ‘70-77 Fireball 308B 256 256 .490”/.490” 1-0108 ‘78-84 26/50 & 50/26 .184”/.184” Mechanical performance cam. Can be used with stock but works wellwith 10.5:1 c/r. Heads must be clearanced and may require valve spring change. Shovelhead® - Valve Springs and Kits Crane valve springs are manufactured from the finest quality spring wire and precision wound. The highest quality and reliability is assured with rigid quality control procedure. We also offer the Thermo Cool spring. Thermo Cool coating reduces the friction between coils and rapidly disperses heat, it runs cool and allows your valve train to operate smoothly and efficiently. The chromemoly 4140 steel retainers are the strongest and most durable steel retainers offered. They also eliminate inaccurate assembly heights and retainers that pull through with lesser quality steel retainers. Our titanium retainers reduce weight and add strength to a performance valvetrain assembly. The reduced weight of a titanium retainer allows the valve to move more easily and will require less spring pressure to operate. This makes your motor rev quicker and will produce more power. TEC # Crane # 83188 5-1100 83189 5-1000 Description Steel Retainer Titanium Retainer TEC # 83184 83185 83186 83187 Nominal Diameter inside .982 outside 1.635 inside .982 outside 1.635 Seat Pressure & Installed Height 140# @ 1.500 Open Pressure & Height 296# @ 1.080 Coil Bind Height .890 140# @ 1.500 330# @ .980 .890 Valve Spring Component Parts Crane # 5-0000 5-0001 6-0100 6-0000 Description All Sold in sets of 4 Performance valve springs Springs 5-0000 with “Thermo-Cool” coating Chromemoly steel retainers (upper collars) Titanium retainers (upper collars) Shovelhead® Conversion Convert your existing hydraulic tappets to mechanical for weight savings and high RPM operation. This kit will relocate the pushrod seat height for better valve train geometry and less tappet guide block wear. This kit does not require machining to install and includes our adjustable pushrods. Requires the removal of the top end or the camshaft to install. Mechanical Tappet Conversion Kit TEC # Description 83394 Mechanical tappet conversion kit with adjustable pushrods. 83395 Mechanical tappet conversion kit with stroker length cylinder pushrods. Crane 3-1100 3-1100 Shovelhead® Adjustable Pushrod and Mechanical Tappet kits. Precision machined and heat treated steel tappet bodies reduce the weight and improve the valve train geometry. The pushrod seat is relocated to decrease the tappet guide block wear. Oversize tappets are available to recondition worn tappet blocks. Mechanical Tappet & Adjustable Pushrod Kits TEC # Description Crane 83396 Mechanical Tappet & adjustable pushrod kit. 3-1000 83398 .005” Oversize mechanical tappet and 3-1000OS adjustable pushrod kit. Mechanical Tappet & Adjustable Pushrod Kits TEC # Description 83397 Mechanical tappets only. Kit of two. Use with Crane Cams adjustable pushrods. Crane 3-1010 Tappet Roller Kits TEC # Description 83363 Shovelhead® Big-Twin® and 1957-85 Sportster® engines Crane 3-0101 Shovelhead® Non Adj. Pushrod/Adj. Mechanical Tappet kits. Adjustable mechanical tappets with non adjustable pushrod kits. Eliminates the need to remove the top end or the camshaft to install this kit. Higher pushrod seat makes installation easy. The threaded adjuster allows you to adjust the valve lash at the tappet. Does not require machining to install. This kit does not require the removal of the top end or the camshaft to install. Adjustable Mechanical Tappet & Pushrod Kits TEC # Description 83390 Adjustable mechanical tappets with non-adjustable pushrod kit. 83391 Adjustable mechanical tappets with stroker length cylinder non-adjustable pushrod kit. TEC # 83388 Description Non-adjustable pushrods only Fits 1966-84 Big Twin® Crane 3-1005 3-1006 Crane 4-0014 95 Shovelhead® Adjustable Pushrods TEC # 83392 83393 Description Crane Adjustable pushrods only. (Kit of four) 4-0009 Can be used with Crane Cams or original equipment hydraulic tappets. Stroker length adjustable pushrods only. 4-001 (Kit of four) Can be used with Crane Cams or original equipment Hydraulic tappets. 1 Shovelhead® Hydraulic Inserts TEC # 83360 Description Crane Shovelhead® Big-Twin® hydraulic insert. 3-0150 High quality replacement for original equipment or Crane Cams hydraulic tappets. Shovelhead - Rocker arms Crane roller tip rocker arms have a bushing fulcrum for long term performance and reliability. These rocker arms use the original equipment rocker arm shafts. Made from 4140 alloy steel, precision investment cast for greater strength, truer rocker arm ratio, and improved rocker geometry. TEC # Description Crane 83366 1966-84 Shovelhead® 74-80 cu. in. 4-1005 Stock Ratio 1.425:1 Bushing Style Stock Ratio Replacement Rocker Arm Shafts TEC # 83379 Description Crane New Rocker Arm Shafts (kit of two) for 4-1105 all the bushing roller rockers and needle bearing rocker arms produced after late 1995. Replacement Front Roller Kit TEC # 83375 Description Front Roller Kit (kit of four) Will fit both needle and bushing style rockers Replacement “O” ring Kit TEC # 83376 Description “O” ring Kit (kit of eight) for the needle bearing style rockers. Crane 4-1100 Crane 4-1101 Crane Cams Single Fire Tachometer Adapter This adapter will allow the use of any electronic tachometer. The tachometer adapter is quick and easy to install. Will work with Crane HI-2, Rev Tec®, Compufire® and a wide range of other single fire ignitions TEC # Description 83350 Single Fire Tachometer Adapter Ignition Rotor TEC # 83351 96 Description This Harley unit replaces OEM number #34202-83. Comes with Bolt. Valve Guide Machining Tools Crane Cams valve guide machining tools are used to machine the valve guide OD for Crane Teflon® valve stem seals. These shop quality cutters can be used for full size aftermarket guides. TEC 87089 Crane 99018-1 87089 99016-1 Cam Installation Tool TEC 83361 Crane 9-0020 Description 1948-84 Harley-Davidson® 61-80 cu. in., cuts 3/8” valve guides to .531” OD. (arbor included) 1984-up Harley-Davidson® EVO® 80 cu. in., cuts 5/16 valve guides to .531” OD. (arbor included) Description The Crane Cams cam installation tool will hold all of the tappets while you remove and reinstall the camshaft. This will prevent the tappets from falling out of the tappet blocks. Oil Pump Pressure Relief Spring Harley-Davidson® engines operate at extremely low oil pressure, both while at idle and during upper RPM operation. This premium quality, steel alloy, heat set oil pump pressure relief spring actually increases engine oil pressure by 2-3 psi and does not interfere with critical bearing lubrication needs. This added oil pressure is necessary when using aftermarket cams and valve train components and is highly recommended for extended engine life. TEC Crane Description 83362 7-0200 1966-98 Big-Twin®, incl Evolution® TDC Piston Stops Top dead center piston stop. This tool is used for finding “true” top dead center. The experienced engine builder uses this tool for degreeing the camshaft and marking the flywheels for the most accurate cam and ignition timing. TEC Crane Description 83359 99412-1 14 MM TDC Piston Stop 83358 99410-1 12MM TDC Piston Stop for TC88® Spring Seat Machining Tools These valve spring seat machining tools will let you lower the spring seat for high lift cams. All of our machining tools are job shop quality. TEC Crane Description 99411 99405-1 1948-84 Harley-Davidson® 61-80 cu. in., cuts spring seats to 1.630” OD, .635” ID (99028-1 arbor required) 97 Spark Plug Wires by Taylor Taylor Custom Made “Pro-Wire” Sets These sets are pre-assembled to custom fit each motorcycle. They Feature 8mm silicone wire your choice of resistor or solid wire and every wire has the famous “drag boot” end for positive double lock connection. Use with electronic ignitions To be used with electronic ignitions Color Early FL XL & FXST Side mount coil Taylor Thunder Volt 50 FAT Wires Certified Dyno Testing shows a definite horsepower gain using the Thundervolt-50® spark plug wires over OEM wires. The fat 10.4mm wires also feature three layers of pure Zimplex® silicone, 600 degrees of heat protection, 102,000 volts dielectric strength with a tightly woven, heat treated fiberglass braid, and black “pro boots” bonded to the black. To be used with electronic ignitions 33370 33371 33372 33374 33375 Shovelhead & Softail Sportster & FLT Evolution FXR Twin Cam 88 FXD Twin Cam 88 FLT 50031 50033 50035 52031 52033 Black 99050 Red 99052 Orange 99054 Yellow 99056 Blue 99058 Hot Pink 99022 Hot Green 99023 Hot White n/a Hot Orange n/a Stainless on Black 99060 Stainless on Red 99061 Stainless on Blue 99063 EVO FLT FLHT & XL 99075 99076 n/a 99074 99077 99029 99031 99028 99030 99078 99079 99080 To be used with points ignitions Black 99051 Red 99053 Yellow 98057 The same top quality wire and “drag boot” ends in a universal set. Great for custom built bikes and many other applications. Wires come as a set and are 24” Long. To be used with electronic ignitions Color Black Yellow Blue Purple Pink Green 90 Degree 99036 99039 99040 99035 99033 99034 180 Degree 99044 99047 99049 99046 n/a n/a FX Models 33350 33351 33352 33353 33354 33356 33358 Color Black Red Red Yellow Blue 98 Black White Red Purple Yellow Blue Orange Blue 98059 Taylor Universal 24" Spiro Pro Wire Sets Taylor Universal 24" Metal Wire Sets FL Models 33360 33361 33362 33363 33364 33366 33368 99065 99066 n/a 99067 99068 99025 99027 99024 n/a 99069 99070 99071 Taylor Custom Made “Pro-Wire” Metallic Core Sets Taylor Twin Cam Spiro Wire Sets To be used with electronic ignitions FXR Front mount coil To be used with points ignitions 90 Degree 99085 99037 99086 99087 99088 135 Degree 99095 99043 99084 99092 99091 180 Degree 99090 Taylor Universal 24" Carbon Wires To be used with electronic ignitions Color Black Red 90 Degree 99081 99083 180 Degree 99044 99042 Starters by ALL BALLS New 1.6+kw Softail Starters. 100% New Design to optimize the use of 300cca batteries. These new Starters feature wire wound fields that are more efficient. 32208 Starter 1.6KW Black Softail ‘89-05 3220 Starter 1.6KW Chrome Softail ‘89-05 All Balls 1.4kw & 1.7kw starters are stock size and fit without any modifications. 32218 Starter 1.7KW Chrome Big Twin ‘89-05 32217 Starter 1.7KW Black Big Twin ‘89-05 32216 Starter 1.4KW Chrome Big Twin ‘89-05 32215 Starter 1.4KW Black Big Twin ‘89-05 32204 Starter 1.4KW Black Sportster ‘81-05 32206 Starter 1.4KW Chrome Sportster ‘81-05 Starter Motor only by ALL BALLS 32210 32211 32212 32213 1.4KW 1.4KW 1.4KW 1.4KW replaces Prestolite replaces Prestolite replaces Hitachi replaces Hitachi Black Chrome Black Chrome Starter Parts 32221 32222 32220 73594 73594 73633 73634 Starter Clutch Big-T ‘91+ & XL ‘94+ Starter Clutch Big Twin ‘89-90 only Solenoid rebuild kit All ‘89 & Up Jackshaft Big Twin ‘65-69 Jackshaft Big Twin ‘70-82 Jackshaft Kit Big Twin ‘89-93 Jackshaft Kit Big Twin ‘94 & up 31663-90 31544-90 79-1101-1 31482-65 31482-65 465040 465047 (Jackshaft kits include coupler, springs & clips) Battery Cables by ALL BALLS HD 4-GA Flexible cables available in Black & Stainless Clear. Black 32225 32226 32227 32228 32229 32230 32231 32232 32233 32234 32235 32236 32237 32238 32239 32240 32241 32242 32243 32244 7” 8” 9” 10” 11” 12” 13” 14” 15” 16” 17” 19” 21” 23” 25” 27” 29” 30” 32” 33” Stainless Clear 32250 32251 32252 32253 32254 32255 32256 32257 32258 32259 32260 32261 32262 32263 32264 32265 32266 32267 32268 32269 99 Starter Solenoids & Relays Quality Stock replacement Starter Solonoids available in Chrome or Plain finish 97718 Starter Solenoid 1965+ 4-Speed 71469-65B 97750 Starter Solenoid Chrome 1965+ 4-Speed 71469-65C 97719 Starter Solenoid 1980+ 5-Speed 31489-79B 97751 Starter Solenoid Chrome 1980+ 5-Speed 31526-81C 97708 97709 97710 97711 31142 Starter Relay Starter Relay Starter Relay Starter Relay Starter Relay 2002+ w/ Diode ‘93-96 FL/FX/XL ‘80-E93 FL/Dyna/XL ‘73+ 1982-92 Bosch Starter Drives / Clutches 34440 60570 97715 34441 Fits: Fits: Fits: Fits: ‘91+ Big Twin & ‘94+ XL ‘91+ Big Twin & ‘94+ XL '65-88 Big Twin & '60-87 XL ‘81-93 XL 31522-00 31504-91A 31506-79B 71463-73A 31506-79B 31663-90 31663-90 31443-65 31567-81 Advance Unit Assembly & Point Conversion Kit 97736 97745 Complete point conversion kit - advance unit 48-98624 “Short Kit” (no plate, points, condensors) 97742 97737 97739 97741 Shaft & Plate Ignition advance Circuit breaker plate only Sold each. Breaker weight springs Sold 10pk. Timing screw Sold 10pk. 97716 97717 Amature - Generator 12v FL / XL Brush Set - Generator 12v FL / XL 97730 97733 97734 97735 Points - cover stud Points - Ignition Early Points - Ignition Late Condensers 32629-70 32577-70A 32605-70 3570 ‘65+ ‘58+ 1970+ Pre '70 1970+ ‘30-78 Ignition Advance Spring Sets (1 pair) Made in the U.S.A Standard 96716 50% Stronger 96717 Blue Streak & Tune up Kits 97756 97754 97755 97712 97713 97714 100 Blue Streak kit Point Set Condensor Tune up kit Tune up kit Tune up kit 30851-65A 30426-58 32601-78 30605-48 32661-70 32726-30A High-Performance Weights Only 96718 96715 ‘70-78 FL/FX & ‘71-78 XL ‘70-78 FL/FX & ‘71-78 XL ‘70-78 FL/FX & ‘71-78 XL ‘70-78 FL/FX & ‘71-78 XL ‘50 K & ‘48-69 FL & ‘70 XLCH ‘58-69 XLCH with magneto Transpo Regulators USA Made 34320 34322 34324 34326 34328 34329 34330 34332 34334 34350 34352 34354 34356 34358 31140 34336 34338 97707 US Regulator 38A & 45A fits: ‘97+ FLHT & ‘99+FLHR, FLTR / CI US Regulator 38A Softail ‘01-03 US Regulator 38A Softail 2K only US Regulator 38A Dyna 2K + US Reg. (Black) 32A Big-T ‘89-99 US Reg. (Chrome) 32A Big-T ‘89-99 US Regulator 22A Big-T ‘81-88 US Regulator 17.8A Big-T ‘76-80 US Regulator 15A Big-T ‘70-75 US Regulator 32A XL ‘94+ US Regulator 32A XL ‘91-93 US Regulator 19A XL ‘84-90 US Regulator Generator 12V XL ‘82-84 US Regulator Generator 12V XL ‘77-81 Bosch Reg. XLH '65-66, XLCH '65-77 Reg. End cap style 12V Big-T ‘65-77 Reg. Generator 12V B/T ‘65-69 & XL ‘66-77 Reg. Delco Type B/T‘65-69 &’67-80XL 74505-97 74540-01 74512-01 74518-99A 74519-88 74519-88 74513-82 74510-75A 74510-70A 74523-94 74523-91 74523-84A 74504-82 74504-78 74511-65 H615 H614 74510-64 83055 Regulator Retainer Plug 13275 Stainless Steel Stators & Rotors for Evolution 34410 34412 Stator Stator Big Twin Big Twin 22A 32A ‘81-88 ‘89-99 34414 Stator 34420 34422 Rotor Rotor 34432 TEC Conversion Kit: Includes Stator & Regulator * Converts 1984+ Big Twin to 38 amp 3 Phase Delivers 15 Amps @ 800rpm, 33 Amps @ 1800rpm 29665-81B 29770-88 Big Twin 38A ‘01-03 30017-01 15Amps @800rpm, 25Amps @1000rpm & 38Amps @ 2000rpm Big Twin Big Twin 22A & 32A 38A ‘81-96 ‘95-03 29957-81B 29981-95 Quick Look Coils (See Manufacturer Section for specs) 84310 84314 83342 83343 83348 83347 83349 83093 34207 34208 73655 73656 73150 73153 97749 73154 Andrews-Black Single Fire Andrews-Red Single Fire Crane Single Fire '99+ Crane Single Fire '70-84 Crane Single Fire '70-99 Crane Dual Fire "Light" '70-99 Crane Dual Fire Stock '70-99 Compufire Dual Fire '70-99 Daytona Twin Tec Single Fire '99+ Daytona Twin Tec Single Fire '70-99 Spyke Single Fire '70-99 Spyke Dual Fire '70-99 TEC Import Stock Electric '84+ TEC Import Stock Points 12v '65+ TEC Import Heavy Duty Points '65+ TEC Import Stock Points 6v '48+ 237230 237420 8-3010 8-3005 8-3001 8-3006 8-3002 30650 2008 2008 477010 449010 31614-83 31609-65A 31609-65A 31604-48A 101 Spyke Starters Starters feature a gear reduction design allowing for Superior tourque. 73607 1.8KW Chrome ‘89-93 Softail 402210 73608 1.8KW Chrome ‘94+ Softail 405210 73611 1.4KW Chrome ‘89-93 Big-T (exc FLT) 400215 73612 1.4KW Polished ‘89-93 Big-T (exc FLT) 404115 73614 1.4KW Polished ‘94+ Big-T (exc FLT) 404215 73615 1.4KW Chrome ‘94+ Big-T (exc FLT) 404215 73616 1.4KW Pol. ‘86-88 FLT/HT/ST & FXR/ST 407110 73618 1.4KW Pol. ‘80-85 FLT/HT & FXR 409110 73620 1.4KW Pol. ‘80-85 FXWG/SB & FXST(B) 408110* 73622 1.4KW Pol. ‘79-85 FLH,FXE/ST/WG (C) 410110* 73624 1.4KW Polished ‘65-E79 FLH/FXE 411110 73625 1.4KW Black ‘65-E79 FLH/FXE 411410 73626 1.4KW Polished ‘81-03 XL 413110 73627 1.4KW Polished ‘67-80 XL 414110 73628 1.4KW Chrome ‘67-80 XL 414210 73629 1.4KW Black ‘67-80 XL 414410 *(B) Primary Belt (C) Primary Chain Starter Clutch 73636 Fits: Big Twin 1990+ & XL 94 31663-90 Starter Jackshaft Kits (Includes coupler, springs & clips) 73633 73634 Fits: Fits: Big Twin 1989-93 Big Twin 1994 to present 465040 465047 Push Button Starter Selenoid Caps (Manual push button actuator) 73630 Push Button Cap 73631 Push Button Cap 73632 Push Button Cap 102 Fits 1.8Kw Fits 1.0-1.4 Fits 1.6-2.4 400227 400117 400217 Spyke Charging Systems Features forged steel rotor with thicker spine for the biggest of motors. 73681 73682 Stator/Rotor/ Black Regulator Stator/Rotor/ Chrome Regulator 32amp 425410 32amp 425210 Spyke Stators & Rotors Fits Big Twin Spyke Voltage Regulators 1989 + Big Twin Spyke Ignition Systems 1970 + Big Twin & XL 73684 73685 73683 73690 73691 Rotor Rotor Stator 32amp ‘70-99 32amp ‘91+ 32amp ‘70-99 Voltage regulator 32amp Voltage regulator 32amp Black Black Big-T (exc TC) Black Chrome 432410 432410 429010 437410 437210 Programmable Advance Curve/Rev. Infinitely programmable. 73657 73665 73666 73660 73658 Ignition System Single & Dual Fire Ignition System Single & Dual VOES Ignition System Dual fire VOES Ignition Igniter Kit for low crank volts Distibutor Pan Chrome 444010 442010 444010 Spyke Spark Plugs Wires Spyke Coils Mounts under stock covers. 80,000 volts/3ohms. 73655 73656 Coil Coil Single Fire 80Kv Output Dual Fire 40Kv Output 477010 449010 Spyke Universal High Flow Chrome Petcocks Unique swivel design allows for universal positioning 73640 73641 Multi Positions Multi Positions 1975+ Metric with nut Pre ‘75 3/8"NPT 454310 454210 103 Spyke Batteries 34100 34102 34104 34106 34110 (Sealed & Maintenance Free) FXE/FXST '71-90 & XL'71-96 18A- 300 CCA Softail "96+ & XL '97+ 18A- 300 CCA FLT/FLHT/FLHR '80-96 20A- 350 CCA FLT/FLHT/FLHR 1996+ 30A- 475 CCA Custom Size 6 7/8" x 5" x 3.25" 13A- 250 CCA Krank Vent System by Spyke 416011 416010 416012 416014 416013 Large displacement engines will benefit as the Krank Vent allows piston rings to seal better and helps to reduce oil blowing out the breather 73645 73649 73648 73646 73647 73650 73651 Big Twin '93+ Pre ‘93 Big-T & Pre ‘91 XL XL '91+ S&S head breathers Screamin Eagle In-Line clamp on In-Line with Mount tab 459230 460230 456232 456230 456231 461230 462230 Ring & Pinion Conversion Kits These Kits convert 102 Tooth to 66 Tooth 73638 Fits: BigTwin ‘94-97 73639 Fits: BigTwin ‘98 + 468040 468041 Spyke 5-Speed Transmissions & Gear Sets 104 73721 Spyke Complete 5-Speed Transmission 5-Speed Close Ratio Gears Black Case with Chrome 73720 Spyke 5 Speed Gear Set These sets feature 2nd through 5th close contact gears with a close ratio 1st gear. Close contact gears create a constant mesh. These back cut gears provide a smooth transfer and quieter transmission. Compu Fire Products Compu-Fire Starter Motors Generation III The new design features 6:1 planetary gear reduction and 6 pole field design to eliminate starter stall-out. A super heavy duty clutch with polished and chrome finish makes the Gen II starter ideal for starting high compression, big inch, and fuel injected engines. 83101 83102 Starter motor 6:1 ratio Starter motor 6:1 ratio Ignition Modules 83128 83129 Sportster Ignition Sportster Ignition Ignitions 83140 83141 83142 Street Race Big Twin ‘70 + & Sportster '71+ HDE-1 20500 HDE-2 20550 HDE-3 20600 Big -T ‘70 & XL'71+ Single & dual fire plug 10:1 Street Single & dual fire plug adjust retard 10:1 Race Single & dual fire plug 10:1 Kick Ignition Module Only 83154 83155 53011 53002 21850 21860 Dual fire Single & Dual plug Single fire Single & Dual plug Single & Dual fire Single & Dual plug Ignition 10:1 Compression 83143 83144 83145 Big Twin '90-05 XL ‘81+ (mechanical advance) Ign Module only: Dual Fire / Single plug Ign Module only: Single Fire / Single plug Ignition Plug in Module - Adjustable RPM 21835 20835 21835 20100 20200 83080 83081 83082 83083 Single & Dual fire Single & Dual fire Single & Dual fire Single & Dual fire Big Twin ‘91-93 Big Twin ‘94+ Sportster ‘91-93 Sportster ‘94+ 25000 25010 25020 25030 83084 Harness: adapts single & dual fire ‘91-93 BT & XL to ‘84-90 BT & ‘86-90 XL 25040 Single Fire Dual fire coil Dual fire coil 30552 30551 30650 Coils 83090 83091 83093 Tach Adaptors 83163 83354 Late Tower Late Tach Adaptor for Single Fire Tach Adaptor for Single Fire CompuFire Crane 51105 8-2050 105 Compu-Fire Alternators, Stators & Regulators 83067 83068 83071 Stator Stator Stator 40 amp 40 amp 32 amp Twin Cam Big Twin Big Twin 55532 55531 55515 83070 83073 Rotor Rotor 32-40 amp 32-40 amp Big Twin S & S shaft 55600 55650 83069 Series Regulator 40 amp Big Twin Charging System complete by Compu-Fire 83072 83109 83074 83075 Stator, rotor, regulator Stator, rotor, regulator Stator, rotor, regulator Stator, rotor, regulator 32 amp 40 amp 32 amp 40 amp Big Twin Big Twin S&S S&S Compu-Fire Generation II Parts 83097 83098 83095 83096 83099 Clutch Assembly ‘89-93 Clutch Assembly ‘94+ Selenoid Chrome Brush holder assembly Pinion Shaft Adaptor: **Adapts Gen II starter to BDL Clutch Compu-Fire Voltage Regulators 55150 55520 55515 55540 55550 001-95300 001-95301 00090003 019-90016 53507 TEC # 83060 83061 83062 83063 83064 83065 Amp 32A 22A 17.8A 15A 19A 22A Color Black Black Black Black Black Black Fits Years Big Twin ‘89-99 Big Twin ‘81-88 Big Twin ‘76-80 Big Twin ‘70-75 Sportster ‘84-90 Sportster ‘90-03 Compufire # 55120 55121 55122 55123 55124 55125 83058 83069 83122 83123 83124 83125 83126 83127 38A 40A 32A 22A 17.8A 15A 19A 22A Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Twin Cam 1999+ Big Twin 1999+ Big Twin ‘89-99 Big Twin ‘81-88 Big Twin ‘76-80 Big Twin ‘70-75 Sportster ‘84-90 Sportster ‘90-03 55150 55210 55130 55131 55132 55133 55134 55135 Coil Mount System by CompuFire *Bolt on mounting for Compu-Fire Compact coils using O.E. Covers TEC # Description Compufire # 83015 Softail single fire 2 Rear 32100 83019 FXD single fire 2 Rear 32200 83023 FXE single fire 2 Rear 32300 83025 FXR single fire 1 Right & 1 Left 32400 83029 FLT single fire 1 Right & 1 Left 32500 106 Daytona Twin Tec Fuel Injection Kits *For 2001 and up Twin Cam 88 with Delphi 34244 Twin Tec Fuel Injection Kit with LCD 34245 Twin Tec Fuel Injection Kit 34235 Twin Tec Fuel Injection Controller TCFI * For 2001 and later Twin Cam with Delphi Systems 34237 Wide-band Exh. Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface Non LCD * For TCFI Fuel Injection 34238 Wide-band Exh. Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface with LCD * For Fuel Injected Systems or general engine tuning 34239 Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Kit * Includes sensor and weld nut for pipe. 34241 Weld Nut for Exhaust Pipe 34242 Plug for Weld Nut 34236 Twin Tec PC Link Interface Cable * For TCFI Fuel Injection 34240 Twin Tec TCFI Power Adaptor * For Bench Top Programming * 12 Volt Power Supply 34xxx TCFI View Software for Palm OS PALM-TCFI * Use Palm OS hand held organizer (PDA) to view engine parameters on motorcycles with TCFI Fuel injection controllers. Displays Status and allows manual overide of the TCFI user output *Includes TCFI plug-in Fuel injection controller, PC link interface cable, WEGO wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface with LCD Screen , 36531-PHM-A01 Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor and Weld nut. *Includes TCFI plug-in Fuel injection controller, PC link interface cable, WEGO wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface , 36531-PHM-A01Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor and Weld nut for exhaust pipe. 18 x 1.5mm TCFI-C TCFI-ADAPT 107 Daytona Twin Tec Ignitions 34215 Single "Plug In" Adjustable Ignition * Fits 2004-2005 Twin Cam * Fits 2004-2005 Sportsters 34205 External "Plug In" Adjustable Ignition Carbureted * For Twin Cam 1999 through 2003 34206 Twin Tec Software and Cable TC88 * Allows uploading of custom advanced curves 34210 Twin Cam Bench Top Power Supply Daytona Twin Tec Ignitions Carbureted Single Cam 34200 Adjustable Ignition, Cam Cover-Internal * Fits in Nose Cone * For Big Twin 1970-99 * For Sportster 1971-97 1005 34202 Same as above for Kick Start 1005K 34211 Adjustable Ignition, Cam Cover-Internal * Fits in Nose Cone * For Sportster 1998 and Later * Plugs directly into wiring harness 1005S 34203 Adjustable Ignition External "Plug-in" * For Big Twin 1990-94 * For Sportster 1990-93 * 7 pin Cannon plug 1006 34204 Adjustable Ignition External "Plug-in" * For Big Twin 1995-98 * For Sportster 1994-97 * 8 pin Deutsch plug 1007 34201 Twin Tec Cable and Software 1005C * Allows uploading custom advance curves * PC Link Interface cable for above Ignitions 34209 Evolution/Shovel/Sportster Bench Top Power Supply Programmable Ignition with "2 Stage Rev Limiter" Exclusively sold by TEC Distributing, these Special Ignitions were developed for Drag Racing applications. Software included. Set the Stage RPM Limit for the line and Maximum RPM limit for the Strip. 34220 Fits: 1970+ Nose Cone 34222 Fits: 1999+ Twin Cam 34227 Fits: 1990+ Plug In 7 Pin Cannon plug 34228 Fits: 1994+ Plug In 8 Pin Deutsch plug Daytona Twin Tec Single Fire Coils 34207 34208 108 Fits: Fits: Twin Cam Shovel & Evo 2008 2005 Battery Tenders by Deltran The worlds most advanced battery chargers. Theres a Battery Tender perfect for every need. The Three phase system keeps any style battery in tip top shape. Deltrans micro chip technology qualifies the charge, charges the battery and then switches into "float mode" to maintain a full charge indefinitely, never over charging or over heating the battery. Charge any sealed, maintenence free, AGM or flooded lead acid battery. 34149 Battery Tender Waterproof 800 12V@800mA Sealed Waterproof, great for carports, bikes, ATV's & Boats. 34150 Battery Tender Junior Compact design for easy use. 34151 Battery Tender Plus [email protected] 5 year warranty, built in 72hour timer, 4.88" x 3.25" x 2.88" 34152 Battery Tender International 100-240Vac 50/60Hz Worldwide usage with no adjustment necessary. 34160 34162 Onboard charger Standard for lead acid Onboard charger AGM Sealed / Hawker 34164 Battery Tender Portable Power Tender [email protected] or 2.5A Bi-Level Output Current Power 34165 Battery Tender Power Tender Plus Lighweight for either portable use or permanent mounting. 12V @ 6mA 34170 Battery Tender 4 bank shop size charger Unit consists of 4 encased 1.25mA chargers 34172 Battery Tender 5 bank shop size charger 12V@2mA Charge or maintain upto FIVE 12V batteries at once. 34173 Battery Tender 10 bank shop size charger 12V@2mA Charge or maintain upto TEN 12Volt batteries at once. 34175 Jump N Start Yellow Power Pac & Charger 450 Design features make Safety #1for this portable unit. 12V@750mA 109 Total Fuel Systems Whats Different about the Total Fuel Sysytems from TEC Distributing? Total Fuel Systems has written a special code for TEC to allow its unit not to turn on until the "Black Box" feels the pulse increase when the bike pulls away. What this means is that the "Black Box" unit offered by TEC allows for Cold Starts and doesnt foul plugs. - Primarily for Electronic Fuel Injected Motorcycles with High Velocity Air Flow Exhaust Systems - Works with Magneti Marelli and Delphi Systems - Economical, Easy to Use and Easy to Install! - Tune your EFI like a carberutor with threed simple adjustments. The product has three simple fuel adjustments; 1) - Slow speed/cruise fuel. when pulse width is narrow, we independently tune this range just like a combination of the slow speed mixture screw and the straight part of the needle. This gives the best combination of cruise and fuel economy, while dealing with excessive emissions leaness. 2) - Acceleration fuel. when pulse width is changing, we add additional fuel on top of the slow speed fuel adjustment to optimize the throttle response, improving performance, but perserving fuel economy. Many times when you tune the emission leaness out of stock map, you can override the factories acceleration fuel. 3) - Topend/load fuel. when pulse width is approaching maximum values, you know the engine is trying to achieve maximum power and simple adjustment of that fuel (exactly the same as the mainjet) will suffice. 110 73100 73101 73104 73106 Total EFI Control Module Total EFI Control Module Total EFI Control Module Total EFI Control Module Fits: Fits: Fits: Fits: 88" Twin Cam 95" Twin Cam V-Rod Victory 73110 73111 73114 73116 Total EFI Control Module Total EFI Control Module Total EFI Control Module Total EFI Control Module Fits: Fits: Fits: Fits: 88" Twin Cam with plugs 95" Twin Cam with plugs V-Rod with plugs Victory with plugs Mikuni Carburetors & Parts TEC Offers Mikuni HSR Series Carburetors in Multiple Kits as well as component form. TEC stocks all tuning and modification parts for these highly tunable carburetors. Mikuni Carburetor and Carburetor Kits All kits are supplied with Plain Finished Carburetors. Kits may also be ordered with Polished carburetors, ask TEC for details. Mikuni Carb’s are designed to be used with CV cables. 85899 85900 85901 85905 85915 85898 85891 85892 * 33720 42mm Carb Body only 42mm Carb Body only Plain Polished 42mm Kit TC88 99+ Plain-Total Kit 42mm Kit Big-T ‘84-99 Plain-Total Kit 42mm Kit TC88 ‘99+ Plain-EZ Kit 42mm Kit Big-T ‘90-99 Plain-EZ Kit 42mm Kit XL ‘94+ Plain-EZ Kit 42mm Kit Buell '94+ Plain-EZ Kit 42mm Kit Shovelhead Plain-Total Kit * Kit made by Rivera (See Page xxx for details) * Requires CV cables 85894 85895 45mm Carb Body only 45mm Carb Body only 85893 85896 45mm Kit 45mm Kit 85904 48mm Carburetor Kit: * Kit includes Polished 48mm carburetor, rubber flange and various jets for tuning. 85902 48mm Carb Body Only Plain 86112 Mikuni Chromed Top Cover 42/45/48 TC 88 Big-T Mikuni Carburetor Kits Mikuni Easy Kit's EZ Kits: Uses stock cables, manifold and chrome covers. *** 1984-89 Bikes Must change to CV cables Polished Plain ‘99+ ‘84-99 Plain-Total Kit Plain-Total Kit Mikuni Carburetor Rebuild Kit Includes all parts necessary to rebuild Mikuni Carbs 85919 Mikuni 42/45 Carb Rebuild Kit 85995 Mikuni 40mm Only Carb Rebuild kit Mikuni Air Cleaner Covers 86081 86082 86083 86111 Chrome Air Cleaner Cover stock Chrome Air Cleaner Cover Element only - K & N Hi Flow Element only - K & N Mikuni Total Kit's Total Kit includes: manifold, rubber flange, chrome cover K&N filter, breather kit and manual. Uses stock cables. 42/45/48 Full Round Big Twin Big Twin Mikuni Crankcase Breather Kits Allow installation of a 40mm or 42/45 Mikuni "Smoothbore" carb. kit on Big Twin '93-05 & Sportster '91-05 with breather system. 85917 Breather Kit Twin Cam 42/45mm 1999+ 85918 Breather Kit Big Twin Evo 42/45mm 1993+ 111 Mikuni Carb Adaptors 86106 86086 85908 33444 Mikuni - Adapts Carb to backing plate Mikuni - Adapts Carb to backing plate Mikuni - Adapts Carb to S & S Doherty - Clamp on style adaptor Adapts Mikuni carb to S & S E&G, CV Chrome Metal Chrome Billet 86087 86088 Screw for adaptor plate O’ring for adaptor plate 42/45/48 42/45/48 31230 31232 Cruise control adaptor kit: Mikuni Cruise control adaptor kit: S & S E/G (uses 3) Each Manifolds, Flanges & Clamps 86027 86028 86029 86030 86084 86085 85903 86092 Manifold Hi-Flo Big-Twin Manifold Hi-Flo TC w/ MAP Rubber Flange Hi-Flo 42mm Rubber Flange Hi-Flo 45mm Rubber Flange Std 42mm Rubber Flange Std 45mm Rubber Flange 48mm & "G" manifold Clamp for rubber Flanges (above) Cable & Air Cleaner Brackets 85986 85987 86006 86005 86007 86089 86070 86101 85998 83654 Cable Bracket Big Twin Cable Bracket Sportster Throttle Cable Bracket Choke Cable Bracket Lock Tab Plate Bracket Air Cleaner to Head Z Bracket Back Plate Mounting Kit Chrome Bracket Support Shovel Flange Mounting Bracket Cable Bracket Single Bendix 42/45 Evo 42/45 TC Evo & TC Evo & TC Evo & TC Evo & TC Evo & TC 42/45/48 New Style New Style OLD Style New Style 42/45 42/45/48 42/45/48 HS42 Screamin Eagle Carb Bendix Mikuni Cables These cables are specifically made for the Old style Mikuni. Please see cable applications book for New style Mikuni. These cable are Black only. 112 85961 85962 85963 85964 86107 86108 86109 86110 85985 Throttle cable by Mikuni Stock Idle cable by Mikuni Stock Throttle cable by Mikuni +9” Idle cable by Mikuni +9” Throttle cable by Mikuni Stock Idle cable by Mikuni Stock Throttle-Mikuni FLT,FLH +9” Idle - Mikuni FLT,FLH +9” Throttle assembly Push-Pull ‘96 ‘96 ‘96 ‘96 ‘81+ ‘81+ ‘81+ ‘81+ 42/45 42/45 42/45 42/45 42/45 42/45 42/45 42/45 Components for 40 / 42 / 45 / 48 See next page for Exploded Diagram View 85919 Mikuni Carburetor Rebuild Kit 42/45/48 85960 86019 86020 86040 86041 86037 Spring - Accelerator pump Lever Spring - Accelerator pump Plunger - Accelerator pump Rod - Accelerator pump Boot - Accelerator pump Rod Screw - Accelerator pump M12F/46 VM14SC13/89 TM36/60 TM36/441A TM36/64 MC-0316-B 86008 85978 86009 85979 85996 86070 86071 86072 86073 86074 Float Bowl Float Bowl Screws - (4req’d) Float Bowl Drain Plug Float Bowl Drain Plug O’ring Float Bowl Vent Hose Float bowl Gasket Float bowl Gasket top Seal - Spigot to carb body Seal - Slide to plate (Throttle valve) Float assembly TM42/05 C2-0412-B TM32/41 VM28/254 N122.028 616-94028 TM42/04 616-94029 TM42/10 859-32027 86094 85916 85994 85992 Choke cable “Short Choke” Rubber Cap Nut VM28/254 TM40/07 VM12/43 640-12001 86093 86096 Plunger - Enrichener Spring- Starter plunger Enrichner N189.192 VM14/241 86926 86098 86099 86100 Idle Air Screw Kit Idle screw Solid Short Idle screw Flex Long Stock Idle screw parts Kit (seal,spring,etc) VM20/584 990-605-065 TM42/32 P11 85922 85990 Pin, Return lever for 42mm Pin, Throttle Bell Crank Pin BN38/43 N138.019 85991 85993 85984 Backing Plate Air Cleaner RS36/47 Center Screw Air Cleaner RS36/54 Rings, Adapts O’ring to band style RS36/58 86000 86001 86002 Lever link pin E-Ring for link lever Link lever packing 834-23041 B40I/56 B40I/10 86038 86039 86036 Screw - Inlet Fuel plate Fuel Inlet plate (holds swivel) O’Ring for spray nozzle C2-0410 TM42/15 N124.063 86023 Spring - Throttle Return TM42/19 86113 Needle retaining clip & screw clip 42/45/48 Choke Choke Choke cable Choke cable 113 TEC Mikuni Diagram To See a Full Page Exploded View of MIkuni Carburetor with matching TEC Part Numbers Please See the Mikuni Section on the website and click on Link. Mikuni Jet Assortment Kit HSR42/45 Mikuni Jets for 40 / 42 / 45 / 48 86042 86044 86046 86048 86050 86052 86053 86054 86055 86056 86057 85936 85937 85938 85939 85940 85941 85942 85943 85944 85945 85946 85947 85948 85949 85950 85951 85952 85953 85954 85955 85956 85957 85958 85959 85999 85970 Main Jets Include 2 each of the following main jets 160-170, Pilots Jets 22.5-35 #60 a/p nozzle and needles 95,96,97. 85921 Jet Kit HSR 42/45 85929 Idle Air Screw Kit 42/45/48 Pilot Jets Main 105 85930 Pilot 15 Main 110 85931 Pilot 17 Main 115 85932 Pilot 20 Main 120 85933 Pilot 22.5 Main 125 85934 Pilot 25 Main 130 85935 Pilot 27.5 Main 132.5 86058 Pilot 30 Main 135 86059 Pilot 32.5 Main 137.5 86060 Pilot 35 Main 140 86061 Pilot 37.5 Main 142.5 86062 Pilot 40 Main 145 86063 Pilot 42.5 Main 147.5 86064 Pilot 45 Main 150 86065 Pilot 47.5 Main 152.5 86066 Pilot 50 Main 155 86067 Pilot 52.5 Main 157.5 86068 Pilot 55 Main 160 86069 Pilot 57.5 Main 162.5 Main 165 Jet Needles HS42 Main 167.5 86075 Richest 95 Main 170 86076 Rich 96 Main 172.5 86077 Stock 97 Main 175 86078 Lean 98 Main 177.5 Main 180 Jet Needles HS45 Main 182.5 86015 Richest 95 Main 185 86016 Stock 96 Main 187.5 86017 Lean 97 Main 190 86018 Leanest 98 Main 192.5 Main 185 Main 200 Main 202.5 Main 205 “Pocket Tuner” Main Jet Calculator Main Jet Extender 42/45/48 Mikuni HS 40mm Only 85995 85907 85906 85911 85909 85910 85975 85974 85981 85976 86037 86036 85977 86097 85983 86004 85997 Carburetor Rebuild Kit HS40 Chrome Cover Air cleaner HS40 Element only w/ clamp (K&N) Choke Cable assy HS40 Float bowl gasket HS40 Top Cover gasket HS40 Needle & Seat Assembly HS40 Screw- needle & seat HS40 O'Ring-needle & seat HS40 Pump spray nozzle HS40 Seal - spray nozzle HS40 O’Ring for Spray nozzle Screw- Pilot fuel & spring HS40 Spring - Starter plunger HS40 Flange mount H-Duty HS40 Bracket, head to filter Short HS40 Idle screw & spring kit HS40 Pilot Air Jets .09 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 Needle Jets 85924 85925 85926 85927 85928 86024 86025 86026 Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot 85965 85966 85967 85969 85971 85972 85973 86021 86022 Starter Jet 45 Std Starter Jet 50 Needle Jet Y4 Needle Jet Y6 Needle Jet Y8 Needle Jet Z0 Jet 2.970 Std Jet 2.950 Rich Y02 Jet 2.960 Mid Y03 Keihin Jets Main Jets 73265 73266 73267 73268 73269 73270 73271 73272 73273 73274 73275 73276 73277 142 150 155 158 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 Main Jets CV 73281 73282 73283 73284 73285 73286 73287 73288 73289 73290 73291 73292 73293 73294 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 Pilot Jets CV 73227 73228 73229 73230 73231 73232 73222 73223 73224 40 42 44 45 46 48 50 52 54 73233 73234 73235 73236 73237 73238 73239 73240 73241 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 65 68 Pilot Jets 73242 73243 73244 73245 73246 73247 73248 73249 73250 73253 73254 70 72 74 75 80 82 85 88 90 98 100 All Keihin Jets are Sold in 5 Packs 115 Doherty Machine Doherty Machine PowerPacc Air Cleaner Polished Features Polished Billet Aluminum backing plate with Velocity stack for increased air flow. K&N Element fits Tear Drop or round 7" cover. 33412 Twin Cam 88 Carbureted 1235 33416 Twin Cam 88 Carbureted w/ Vents 1235-TK 33413 Twin Cam 88 Fuel Injected '01+ 1240 33417 TC 88 Fuel Injected w/ Vents '01+ 1240-TK 33418 TC 88 Fuel Injected w/ Vents '99-00 1261-16 33419 TC88 Fuel Injected '99-00 1261 33410 Evolution 1234 33415 Evolution Fuel Injected 1260-16 33414 Evolution with Vents 1234-TK 33429 Replacement Filter for Powerpacc 1757 33411 Bolt & Spacer Kit for Pre-1992 PowerPacc 1020 Doherty Machine Power Vent Crankcase Breather Kits Polished Billet Aluminum kit includes breathers, hardware & Fittings 33402 Twin Cam '99-05 1122TC 33401 Big Twin Evolution 1993+ 1122E 33403 Sportster '91-03 1122S 33400 Big Twin Inline Kit '70-92 1116 Doherty Machine Breather Bolts CNC polished stainless steel bolts includes washers. Sold in pairss 33436 TC 88 5/16" Hex Bolts 1999+ 1717 33438 TC 88 5 /16" Buttonhead Bolts 1999+ 1737 33435 Evo 1/2" Hex Bolts 1993+ 1707 33437 Evo 1/2" Buttonhead Bolts 1993+ 1727 33439 Breather bolt washer only kit 10pk 1167 Doherty Machine Air Cleaner Covers 116 33450 33451 Doherty Air Cleaner Cover Doherty Air Cleaner Cover 33444 Doherty Carburetor adaptor Billet Aluminum 1797 Adapts Mikuni carburetor to S&S E & G, CV 33446 Doherty Choke Knob 33430 33431 33440 Polished Phantom Oil filter kit Bolt In 1057 Polished Phantom Oil filter kit Weld In 1058 Doherty Shoulderless Oil line fittings (3) 3/8 x1/8 NPT . Smooth 1200 Grooved 1201 Fits: S & S E &G 1777 No Hassle CV Tuners Kit By Slinger AirFlow Werks Recalibrate your stock CV carb to bring out its Potential! No Drilling Required...Designed to your model Bike. 89759 89760 89764 89761 89762 89763 Twin Cam 88™ Big Twin 1340 All Sportsters 2004+ Sportster 1200 thru '03 Sportster 883 thru '03 XL Sport & Buell Emultion Tube / Needle / Jets Includes: Main Pilot / Needle Includes: Main Pilot / Needle Includes: Main Pilot / Needle Includes: Main Pilot / Needle Includes: Main Pilot / Needle 40mm CV Vacuum Piston by Slinger AirFlow Werks 89758 CV Slide w/diaphragm 40mm oe# 27585-88 Carburetor Recalibration Kits for 40mm Kehin CV Carb High Quality kit for CV carbs have all the components for dialing in a CV carb with or without an accelerator pump. Drill bits included 73200 73201 CV Recalibration Kit (with or without pump) Jet Assortment for recalibration kit. Box of 70 Jets Emgo Petcocks Chrome *Direction based upon looking down on tank from seat. 96887 Face Down 1975+ Late style w/ Nut 96888 Face Right 1975+ Late style w/ Nut 96889 Face Left 1975+ Late style w/ Nut 96890 96891 Face Down Face Right 3/8 npt Early Style 3/8 npt Early Style 5/16 Fuel Filters by Barnett 98060 98061 98062 98063 Aluminum Black Red Blue 98065 98066 98064 98071 Purple Chrome Gold Filter Element 96904 Emgo Fuel filter 5/16 Glass - Chrome ends Spyke Petcocks Spyke Chrome Universal High Flow petcocks allow for multiple positioning. 73640 73641 Universal Universal 1975+ Late style w/ Nut Pre ‘75 Early Style 117 Emgo Oil Filters 60606 60607 98094 98096 98095 98084 98082 98083 Twin Cam Twin Cam All Dyna All Dyna Evo Softail ‘84-99 FX/XL Evo Softail ‘84-99 FX/XL Big T ‘82-84, XL’79-83 Big T ‘82-84, XL’79-83 Emgo Air Filters 60610 60611 60612 60614 Big Twin Sportster S&S B Element S&S B Kit 3.5” 3.5” 5.5” 5.5” 4.125” 4.125” 2.25” 2.25” 63798-99 63731-99 63812-90 63813-90 63805-80C 63805-80B 68810-80 63782-80 ‘90-99 ‘88-03 Tear Drop Style Tear Drop Cover & Element Perf-form Oil Filters 98099 98090 98097 98098 98091 98089 98093 98088 98081 Chrome Black Black Chrome Chrome Chrome Black Chrome Twin Cam Twin Cam All Dyna All Dyna ‘80-98 5-sp, ‘84-99 FX/XL Big T ‘82-84, XL’79-83 Big T ‘82-84, XL’79-83 Drop In Style V-Rod Chrome Black Black Chrome Chrome Black Chrome HD-1 Black 3.5” 3.5” 5.5” 5.5” 4.125” 4” 2.25” 4.5” 3.5" HD-2CI HD-2 HD-4 HD-4C HD-2C HD-2L HD-3C HD-1 63793-01K Uni Filter Foam Elements Top quality polyurethane replacement elements for your Motorcycle. 73412 Big Twin ‘41-66 29036-41 73403 Big Twin ‘67-E75 29036-72 73408 Big Twin L ‘75-76 29086-73 73405 Big Twin ‘77-E78 29086-75 73415 Big Twin L ‘78-84 29255-78 73420 Big Twin ‘84-85 29259-83A 73421 FLT / FLHT ‘83-85 29259-83 73423 Big Twin ‘86-88 29259-86 73425 Big Twin ‘89-92 29259-89/91 73426 Big Twin ‘93-01 Carb & FI ‘01+ 118 73403 73408 73405 73415 73422 73424 Sportster ‘66-73 & ‘83-85 Sportster ‘73-E75 Sportster L ‘75-78 Sportster ‘79-82 Sportster ‘86-87 Sportster ‘88-03 29036-72 29036-73 29086-75 29255-78 29036-86 29036-86 73413 73414 73416 S&S Super B & D S&S Super E & G S&S Dual Throat 73401 Air Box Breathers, pair Designed to add air to any O.E. backing plate or air cleaner kit. Simply drill a hole and snap filter in place. Black Power-Flow Chrome Petcocks 1976-Present * Nozzle outlet direction is based upon seat position 98040 98041 98042 Smooth Round Smooth Round Smooth Round faces rear faces forward faces in 4311-CR 1311-CR 6311-CR 98045 98046 98047 98048 98058 Hex Design Hex Design Hex Design Hex Design Hex Design faces rear faces forward faces in faces down Dual Alum. 4311-CH 1311-CH 6311-CH 6391-CH 3311-D-CH Power-Flo Chrome Petcocks Pre-1975 3/8" NPT 98059 98056 98057 Hex Design 3/8" faces down Hex Design 3/8" faces in Hex Design 3/8" faces forward 6291-CH 6211-CH 1211-CH Vacuum Operated Chrome Petcocks by Pingel These fuel valves have the same safety feature as an OEM. When the valve is left in the “On” position, with the motor off, the fuel flow will be shut off automatically 98024 Hex Design faces forward 1311-CHV 98025 Hex Design faces rear 4311-CHV 98026 Hex Design faces down 6391-CHV Pingel “The Guzzler” Petcock For the hard core. Designed for performance and delivery. 98049 The Guzzler (1.5 GPM) 3/8” x 3/8” npt GV16G Pingel Products 98055 98030 98035 98036 Pingel Chrome adaptor All Models ‘75+ Rear Motor mount XL ‘70-81 Pingel Petcock Rebuilding tool kit Ea. Pingel Petcock rebuild seal kits 5pk A2001C RM2 VRK1 VRC2 Pingel Wheel Chock Kits Designed with unique T-Bolt hold-down for quick and easy removal. Kits include 8 bolts, nuts, washers and stainless steel mounting brackets. Chrome finish. 73303 Fits Tires upto 3.5” Width WC350 73304 Fits Tires upto 6.5” Width WC550 119 K & N Air Filter Elements 73531 73532 73528 73527 73526 73525 73524 73529 73521 73530 ‘99 Twin Cam Carb, ‘01+ Carb & F.I. Softails & 2002+ FL Fuel Injected FL Fuel Injected ‘99-01 Big Twin Fuel Injected ‘96-98 FX / FL ‘90-99 FX / FL ‘86-89 FX / FL ‘78-83 FXR / FXST ‘84-85 XL ‘88-03 Eagle Iron Teardrop Element Buell (not S2) ‘97-99 HD-1499 HD-8899 HD-1395 HD-1390 HD-2086 HD-2078 HD-2084 HD-1388 HD-0500 BU-1297 73518 73517 73518 S&S Super B & D S&S Super E & G S&S Super E & G E-3225 E-3226 E-3210 73535 73536 Screamin Eagle Screamin Eagle 86083 86111 73522 73523 Mikuni Element Standard 42/45 Mikuni Element Hi-Flo 42/45 Mikuni 6” Cover & Element Mikuni 6” Element only Std Std Wide 3.5” Height 2.75” Height 3.25” Billet Air Cleaners 73543 73542 73541 73540 Round Grooved Billet Round Mirror Smooth Teardrop Grooved Teardrop Mirror Smooth K & N Oil Filters 73460 73459 73458 73457 73462 73464 K&N 73509 73510 73511 Twin Cam Twin Cam Evo Softail Evo Softail FLH ‘82-84 Dyna ‘92-98 Breathers Mini Chrome top Standard Plain top Std. Chrome w/ Stud K & N Accesories 120 73504 73505 73506 73506 E-3227 E-3228 HS42/012 HS42/012-300 ML-092B ML-0920 Evo 1340cc Evo 1340cc Evo 1340cc Evo 1340cc RK-3902 RK-3912 RK-3901 RK-3911 Chrome Black Chrome Black Chrome Chrome KN 171C KN 172 KN170C KN 170 KN 172C KN 173C 5/16” 3/8” 3/8” 62-2470 62-1000 62-1090 (sold each) Filtercharger Oil Aerosol Spray Filtercharger Oil Aerosol Spray Air filter Cleaner/Degreaser Air filter Cleaner/Degreaser 6.5oz 12oz 12oz 32oz 99-0540C 99-0516 99-0606 99061 Barnett Scorpion Clutch Kits Barnett Scorpion™ Billet Clutch features over two times as much friction surface area compared to stock clutch. In addition to the 6 heavy duty spring coils included, these kits come with a second set of springs with a different spring rate to allow for tunability...go Mild to Wild without the removal of the primary cover. 97600 97610 97620 97674 97630 97632 Big Twin Kit Big Twin Kit Big TwinKit Clutch Pack only Big Twin Kit Clutch Pack only 1936 to Early ‘84 1986 to 1989 1990 to 1997 Carbon Fibre '90-97 1998 & Later 1998 & Later 97640 97650 97660 XL Ironhead XL 4-Speed XL 5-Speed 1000cc 883/1100/1200 883/1200 Barnett Scorpion Clutch Kits Scorpion Kit 38220 Scorpion Kit 38320 Scorpion Kit 38420 Scorpion Kit 38420 Scorpion Kit 38520 Scorpion Kit 38520 1971 to ‘83 '84 to ‘90 1991 & Later Kit 37220 Kit 38220 Kit 38420 Barnett Clutch 1998 & up Big Twin, 1999+ Twin Cam Models 97470 97469 97471 Kevlar clutch kit Kit contains 9 friction plates Carbon Fiber kit Kit contains 9 friction plates Steel drive plates (8) required 97465 97466 Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Standard (1) required Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Heavy Duty (1) required HDP-13K HDP-13CF HDP-14 MT-4 MT-8 97472 *Extra Plate Kit: Kevlar, consists of 10 friction plates & 9 steels. Can be used with Std, Heavy Duty springs or “Conversion kit” No modification required. Direct bolt in. HDP-13EPK Barnett Clutch 1990-1997 Big Twins 97454 97468 97491 Kevlar clutch kit Kit contains 8 friction plates Carbon Fiber kit Kit contains 9 friction plates Steel drive plates (6) required HDP-11K HDP-11CF HDP-12 97492 97495 Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Standard (1) required Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Heavy Duty (1) required (Heavy duty spring is 25% stronger than standard) MT-81 MT-77 *Extra plate Kits: Consists of 9 friction plates & 8 steels. Adds 12% more surface area to cluch pack. 97458 Extra Plate Kit Kevlar HDP-11EPK 97473 Extra Plate Kit Carbon Fiber HDP-11EPCF 97484 Billet aluminum pressure plate. Fits ‘90-97 Evo. Exact replacement-no modification required 201018 121 Clutches by Barnett Barnett Clutch 1984-1989 Big Twins 97457 97467 97507 Kevlar clutch kit Kit contains 6 friction plates Carbon Fiber kit Kit contains 6 friction plates Steel drive plates (7) required 97494 Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Heavy Duty (1) required MT-73 (Includes adjuster plate, suitable for street applications) 97534 Adjuster plate - Heavy Duty (1) required MT-84 97482 Clutch spring conversion SR-5 (see “conversion”) HDP-9K HDP-9CF HDP-10 Barnett Clutch 1941-Early 1984 Big Twins 97474 Carbon Fiber Kit contains 5 friction plates. HDP-5M Single clutch kit for all applications. Suitable for street, high performance and adapts to both wet and dry clutchs. Note: On 1967 and earlier models an extra steel plate (TEC# 97505) is required 97456 *Extra plate Kit: Carbon fiber consists of 6 friction plates, 1 steel and a set of heavy duty springs. This kit adds 20% more friction Pre-‘68 models require an extra steel plate. HDP-5EPK 97516 Sintered Iron friction plates (6) required (For race) 97506 Clutch hub liner / Backing plate (Complete with rivets for mounting to clutch hub) 97505 Steel drive plates: Thru ‘67 (3) required Post ‘68 (4) required 97525 97526 97533 Clutch Spring Clutch Spring Clutch Spring ‘41-67 Standard Orange ‘68-83 Standard Blue ‘41-83 Heavy Duty Grey HDP-4B (10) (10) (10) Barnett Clutch 1991 & Later Sportster & Buells 122 HDP-089 MT-41 MT-68 MT-69 97454 97468 97491 Kevlar clutch kit Kit contains 8 friction plates Carbon Fiber kit Kit contains 9 friction plates Steel drive plates (6) required HDP-11K HDP-11CF HDP-12 97492 97495 Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Standard (1) required MT-81 Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Heavy Duty (1) required MT-77 (H-duty spring is 25% stronger than Std. for race only) *Extra plate Kits: Consists of 9 friction plates & 8 steels. Adds 12% more surface area to cluch pack. 97458 Extra Plate Kit Kevlar HDP-11EPK 97473 Extra Plate Kit Carbon Fiber HDP-11EPCF Barnett Clutch Sportster1984-1990 Clutch Kits fit all 883/1100/1200 models 97453 Kevlar clutch kit Kit contains 7 friction plates 97477 Carbon Fiber kit Kit contains 7 friction plates 97522 Steel drive plates (5) required SK-9K SK-9CF SK-10 97464 Clutch Spring Diaphragm- Heavy Duty (1) required MT-78 97497 *Extra Plate Kit 9 friction plates & 8 steels. Adds 28% more surface area to cluch pack. SK-9EPK Barnett Clutch Sportser 1971-1984 97453 97476 Kevlar clutch kit Kit 8 friction plates & spacers Carbon Fiber kit Kit 8 friction plates & spacers SK-3K SK-3CF 97520 97517 Outer Drive plate Sportster Drive plate SK-8 SK-6 97535 Clutch Spacers (used to assist in adjusting the pres. plate) SK-3S 86956 Clutch Spring Barnett Clutch (8) required (1) required Heavy Duty Red Coated Kibblewhite Sportster Thru 1970 97453 Carbon Fiber clutch kit. Kit contains 7 friction plates bonded to steel core. Perfect kit for all wet or dry applications. SK-1M 97511 Drive plate (1) required .047 Steel, key hole slots SK-5 (Also in extra thick plates: See Below) Sportster Backing plate (1) required. Fits models thru '70 SK-7 97517 97450 *Extra plate Kit: Carbon fiber consists of 8 friction plates, 1 steel and a set of heavy duty springs. This kit adds 14% more friction SK-1EPK 97485 Sintered Iron friction plates: For the serious racer, the answer for hot strokers. Designed to run dry but if become contaminated with oil, they can be easily cleaned and reused SK-4 97527 97528 Clutch Spring Standard Set of 6 Clutch Spring Heavy Duty Set of 6 MT-52 MT-53-6 *Extra Thick Drive Plates are made of heavy guage steel for use in Drag Bikes in conjuction with sintered plates TEC # 97485. 97486 .059” Thickness SK-5-16 97487 .075” Thickness SK-5-14 97488 .089” Thickness SK-5-13 97489 .119” Thickness SK-5-11 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 123 Barnett Clutch Spring Conversion: Billet pressure plates eliminate diaphragm spring and allows use of coiled spring for more tunability. 97480 Fits 1998 & later Big Twin Models SR-4 97482 Fits late ‘84-89 Big Twin Models (use w/ steel hub only) SR-5 Clutch Tools by Barnett Scorpion Hub Puller: 97690 Scorpion Hub Puller. Fits all hubs except ‘71-83 Ironhead Sportsters. Made from billet aluminum with 7/16” hex bolt. Easy to use-wont damage mainshaft. 201016 Diaphragm Clutch Spring Compression Tool Barnett 97459 97460 Makes it easy to remove and re-install retainer ring. Tool for: ‘90+ Big Twins & ‘91+ Sportsters HD-1 Tool for: ‘84-90+ Sportsters Barnett Levers & Throttles 96951 96991 96959 96955 96956 Clutch lever assembly Standard Throttle Dual Pull Throttle Clutch Lever BrakeLever 1" bar 1” bar 1” bar. 1” bar 1” bar 96950 96957 96958 Brake Lever assembly Clutch Lever assembly Clutch Lever assembly Early ‘74 Models XL & ‘74 Models Sportster '71-83 96994 96965 97383 Black Grips 1” x 4.75 Handlebar reducer sleeves. Knurled Slotted brass pin with nylon bushing. Clutch ‘68-87 Barnett Fuel Filters 98060 Alum 98061 Black 98062 Red Barnett Valve Caps 96799 Black 96800 Red 96801 Blue 98063 Blue 98064 Gold 96802 Gold 96803 Chrome Barnett Chrome Bungee Nuts 124 96961 3/8 - 16 96962 3/8 - 24 Requires Grip 98065 Purple HD-2 81-68 71TG 71-1 207PA1-L 207PA1-R 81-65RH 81-65LH 81-71 98066 Chrome PVC1-0 S-79 81E Alto Carbonite Extra Plate Kits ALTO CARBONITE Clutches are designed for Hi-Performance Bikers! 10 % Extra Surface area for greater holding power. Made with Carbon based friction material to withstand higher coefficients of friction and higher temperatures than any product available. Big Twin 1998+ TEC # Fits: 69726 Big Twin ‘98+ Big Twin ‘90-97 # Plates Replaces (10) 37913-98epk TEC # Fits: 69724 Big Twin ‘90-97 Big Twin ‘84-89 Big Twin ‘41-83 Picture to Come TEC # Fits: 69722 Big Twin ‘84-89 # Plates Replaces (7) 37931-84epk Spring diaphragm Standard TEC # Fits: 69747 Big Twin ‘98+ Standard 37871-98S 6 # Plates Replaces (10) 37911-90epk TEC # Fits: 69720 Big Twin ‘41-83 Spring diaphragm Heavy Duty TEC # Fits: 9748 Big Twin ‘98+ Heavy Duty 37985-71HD # Plates Replaces (6) 37930-41/68epk Clutch spring diaphragm TEC # Fits: 69763 Big-T ‘84-89 Standard 37871-84 125 Alto Clutch Kits (USA Made) TEC # Fits: 69745) Big Twin ‘98+ Plates 9 Replaces 37913-98 TEC # Fits: Plates 69765 Big Twin '90-97 8 Replaces 37911-90 TEC # Fits: 69762 Big-T ‘84-89 Plates 6 Replaces 37931-84 TEC # Fits: 69755 Big-T ‘41-83 Plates 5 Replaces 37930-41/68 TEC # Fits: Plates 69757 Anti Rattler Each Big Twin ‘41-83 Replaces 37975-41 TEC # Fits: 69765 Sportster ‘91+ Plates 8 Replaces 37911-90 TEC # Fits: 69769 XL Late ‘84-90 Replaces 36788-84 TEC # Fits: Plates 69770 XL ‘71-early ‘84 8 Replaces 37985-71 Plates 7 Steel Drive Plates for Alto Kits TEC # Fits: 69771 Fits XL ‘71-E84 Plates Each (8 req) Replaces 37992-71 Spring Seperator plate TEC # Fits: 69767 Big Twin ‘90-97 Sportster ‘84-96 Replaces 37977-90 Rivera Pro-Clutch 4-speed Knucklehead, UL, Panhead, & Shovelhead Big-Twin HarleyDavidson owners now have the option ofinstalling Rivera Engineering’s new “Pro Clutch.” Rivera’s Pro-Clutch for pre-Evo (PC-1000-A) quickly & easily convertsany early style clutch to modern diaphragm spring function. Pro-Clutch is perfect for restored Harley-Davidson motorcycles with either early model “tin” primary covers, or early model aluminum primary covers. External appearance remains unchanged, while clutch function & horsepower potential is improved dramatically! TEC # Description 33500 All pre-Evo Big-Twin 1936 to 1984. Use on Primary Belt Drive 4 Speed Rivera # PC-1000 33502 4 Speed Pre-Evo Big-Twin 1936 to 1984. Use on Primary Chain Drive PC-1000A 33504 1984-89 Evo with chain drive PC-1100C 33506 1990-97 Evo with chain drive PC-1200CA 33508 1998+ Big Twin with chain drive PC-1298CA Replacement diaphragm clutch springs for Primo Belt Drive TEC # Description 33515. Standard Black for use with stock motors. 33516 Medium Silver, for most street performance 33517 Competition use only, Gold in color. Rivera # PC-011 PC-011-M PC-011-C Barnett Clutch Replacment Packs for Pro Clutch and BDL TEC # 33501 33503 33505 33507 33509 33511 Fits Application Pro Clutch '36-87 Belt Pro Clutch '36-84 Chain Pro Clutch '84-89 Pro Clutch '90-97 Pro Clutch '98+ Classic Brute 3 & 4 Psack Includes 7 Frictions / 8 Steels 7 Frictions / 8 Steels 7 Frictions / 8 Steels 9 Frictions /10 Steels 8 Frictions / 9 Steel 7 Frictions / 8 Steel 97555 97556 97556 BDL Competiitor '90-97 7 Frictions / 8 Steels BDL EVO & EVB, Quiet 7 Frictions / 7 Steels BDL Race /Super Street 9 Frictions / 11 Steels 127 The Brute Classic belt drive system For pre-Evo Big-Twin motorcycles with 4-speed transmissions. The Brute Classic quickly &conveniently converts an existing OEM chaindriveprimary to smooth, reliable belt drive operation. Belt drive advantages include low maintenance requirements, smooth shock absorbing operation, and long dependable belt life. This 1½” belt system fits inside all pre-Evolution OEM aluminum or tin primary cover assemblies TEC # Description Rivera # 33540 Classic Brute ‘65-74 Belt drive 8mm Kevlar CP-41-61K 33541 Classic Brute ‘79-84 Belt drive 8mm Kevlar CP- 41-61-AK Taper-Lite Pushrod Sets by Rivera High-RPM valve train components need to be lightweight and strong! Rivera Engineering’s high performance Taper-Lite push rods not only exceed these basic requirements, but can be shortened for quick, installation or removal without removing the rocker covers. Made from aircraft quality 4130 Chrome-moly, lightweight Taper-Lite push rods help to reduce costly wear & tear on other valve train components! Tec # 33650 33652 33654 33655 Description Taper-Lite Twin Cam Taper-Lite Evo Big Twin Taper-Lite XL 4-speed Taper-Lite XL 5-speed ‘91+ Rivera # 1-TL-100-TC 1-TL-100 1-TL-110 1-TL-110-91 Convert your Harley Davidson “Shovelhead” hydraulic lifters, and old-style (heavy) pushrods to solid lifters with Rivera Engineering’s new Taper-Lite pushrod lifter conversion kit. Refresh your valve train with these lighter, stronger components, your motorcycle will love you for it! Includedare Rivera Engineering’s Taper-Lite pushrods, lifter conversion caps/0-rings, and lifter body plugs. The plugs and 0-rings keep the lifter bodyfrom filling with oil, for a lighter valve train. Pushrods and converters are easily, conveniently installed without removing the heads. For streetand high-performance applications. Tec # Description Rivera # 33656 Taper-Lite Shovelhead 1-TL-120 Primo’s Big-Fix Kit Eliminate the prehistoric caged roller bearings found in all OEM pre-Evo clutches. The Big-Fix includes 52 American made roller bearings, special high temperature, high-load grease, the retainer, and 3 springs for the clutch hub. TEC # Description 33520 Primo Big Fix Shovel clutch hub bearing kit 128 Rivera # PP-105 Ring & Pinion Kit Converts 102-Tooth to 66Tooth Ring & Pinion Kit by Rivera Today’s big inch or modified Big-Twin motors with exotic or altered ignition timing occasionally cough or backfire during startup. This an cause broken or chipped teeth on the existing 102 tooth starter ring-gear (94 & later Harley-Davidson Big-Twin Models). To avoid this problem, Primo now offers a quality, high performance, easy to install starter-pinion gear. This pinion when installed in a 93 or later starter extension mechanism, allows the use of an early (66 tooth) ring gear. Primo’s pinion-gear, ring gear kit consists of both ring gear (66 tooth) & pinion gear, & ring gear mounting hardware. TEC # 33529 33530 33531 33532 Description Ring & Pinion Kit Fits ‘98 up Ring & Pinion Kit Fits ‘94-97 66Tooth Ring gear only Pinion gear only Rivera # PP-118-RF-L PP-118-RF PP-118-HD-66-AY PP-RF-66 Mikuni 42mm Kits for Shovelhead Exclusively made by Rivera Mikuni 42mm Kits for Shovelhead Exclusively made by Rivera. Mikuni 42mm for Shovelhead carburetor kits complete with Hi-Flow MIkuni air filter assembly (Chrome Cover), Rivera intake manifold (cast finish) & all required brackets & mounting hardware. This Kit does Requires CV cables...Call TEC for cables. TEC # Description 33720 Shovelhead kit for 42Mikuni RE-SHV-MK Rivera Tools 33525 Tapered Shaft Clutch Hub Puller Quickly attaches to most Pro-Clutch or Primo Belt Drives diaphragm-spring style clutch hub to allow quick easy removal Rivera # PC-2000 33526 Clutch Hub tool Engages & holds clutch hub splines to allow correct torque specification to be applied to the clutch hub nut (left-hand thread) when installing a Pro-Clutch or Primo Belt drive. PC-3000 129 Clutch Kit 97593 86953 86954 97592 Import Import Clutch Kit Big Twin '84-89 37931-84 Clutch Springs Big-Twin 20-0789 Clutch Spring Sportster CS-0004 Lining, Clutch Hub Kit with Rivets 37855-41 Clutch Hubs 96884 96885 73593 73180 96721 96720 Clutch Hub Kit 3 Stud Clutch Hub Kit 5 Stud *Kits include bearings, studs, release plate Clutch Hub Steel 1984+ USA Clutch Hub Steel 1984+ Import Clutch hub support collar fits oem number Clutch hub support collar fits oem number Vibration Mounts USA Made 96705 96706 96707 96708 Standard replacement Super Heavy Duty H-Duty 1/2 & 3/4" Studs H-Duty Dash Mount Fits: Fits: Fits: Fits: Fits: 37550-84A 37550-84A 35550-84A 35550-84 62563-65 62563-65 62563-65Long 50225-63 Fisher Damper with Sprockets 73600 73601 73602 73603 73604 37550-41X 37550-41D Shovelhead & Softail Softail, Rubber mounts Sportster Sportster Big Twin 25Tooth 1970-90 1991-93 1991+ 1977-90 1994+ Chrome Rear Pulleys by Jims These forged aluminum rear pulleys are complete originals, designed inhouse by JIMS® Product Development Team. Each pulley is CNC machined from 6061-T6 forged aluminum blanks. JIMS® means optimum belt and pulley life as well as quiet operation. Windage Lightning Solid Style Classic Style 90100 90102 90112 90114 130 65 Tooth 70Tooth 65 Tooth 70 Tooth 90108 90110 90104 90106 65 Tooth 70 Tooth 65 Tooth 70 Tooth Countershaft Sprockets by PBI American made sprockets are machined, not stamped from the finest certified carbon steels available. Machining assures perfect fit and concentricity which provides less vibration creating a smooth ride and longer lasting life to both chain and sprocket. Countershaft Sprocket 5-Sp Chain .810 OFFSET 21T 85785 22T 85786 23T 85787 24T 85788 Countershaft Sprockets by PBI Countershaft Sprocket 5-Sp Chain 1/2” OFFSET 21T 85791 22T 85792 23T 85793 24T 85794 25T 85795 26T 85796 Countershaft Sprocket 5-Sp Chain 1/4” OFFSET 22T 85782 23T 85783 24T 85784 Countershaft Sprocket Big Twin ‘37-79 22T 85800 23T 85801 Big Twin ‘80-85 22T 85805 23T 85806 Sportster ‘91+ 19T 85814 20T 85815 Sportster 4-Speed 21T 85816 22T 85817 20T 85829 Sportster ‘54-Early ‘79 18T 19T 85836 85835 21T 85845 24T 85807 Late ‘84-90 17T 18T 85826 85827 Sportster 24T 85802 20T 85837 21T 85830 21T 85838 26T 85804 25T 85808 23T 24T 25T 85818 85819 85820 22T 85831 22T 85839 26T 85821 23T 85832 23T 24T 85840 85841 Late ‘79-84 22T 85846 23T 85847 Foot Peg & Accesories 96915 86390 86391 96859 25T 85803 Shifter Peg Black Rubber Support-Foot Rest Left Support-Foot Rest Right Foot Peg O'Ring Large 34611-65T 50948-75 50949-75 TEC Shocks 131 PBI Aluminum Rear Drive Sprockets Made in the U.S.A. Each sprocket is made from aircraft alloy and polished to a chrome like finish. Big Twin 1973-04& Sportster Dished Polished 48 Tooth 85875 49 Tooth 85876 51 Tooth 85877 Big Twin 1973-04 & Sportster '79-81 Dished 85879 85880 85881 85882 85883 85884 85885 85886 45 Tooth 46 Tooth 47 Tooth 48 Tooth 49 Tooth 50 Tooth 51 Tooth 52 Tooth 85887 85888 85889 85850 85851 85852 85853 53 Tooth 54Tooth 55 Tooth 56 Tooth 57 Tooth 58 Tooth 59 Tooth Sportster 1986-92 Flat Polished Sportster 1986-92 Flat 85861 85865 85866 85867 85868 85869 48 Tooth 45 Tooth 46 Tooth 47 Tooth 48 Tooth 49 Tooth 85870 85871 85872 85873 85874 50 Tooth 51 Tooth 52 Tooth 53 Tooth 54 Tooth Chrome Steel Sprockets by Emgo Big Twin 1973-04 & & Sportster 1979-81 48 Tooth 47950 49 Tooth 47951 51 Tooth 47952 Sportster 1982-85 & 1986-92 47955 47957 47958 47959 48 Tooth 47 Tooth 48 Tooth 49 Tooth 1982-85 1986-92 1986-92 1986-92 Panther Belts by Dayco 60104 60105 60103 60106 60100 60102 60112 60101 60108 60111 132 ‘97+ Touring ‘85+ FLT / FXR 2000+ Softail ‘91+ Dyna ‘86-92 & ‘94 Softail ‘95 + Softail ‘91-03 Sportster 1993 Only Softail ‘80+ FXB & ‘82+ FLH ‘91+ XL International 139T 136T 135T 133T 132T 130T 128T 128T 126T 125T 1.5" 1.5" 1 1/8" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1 1/8" 1.5" 1.5" 1 1/8" 40024-97 40001-85 40307-00 40015-90 40023-86 40017-94 40022-91 40012-90 40003-79 40038-91 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. Diamond Chains **Diamond Standard** The “Standard” for years. **Nickel Plated** Bright nickel plating adds the custom look and resists corrosion adding to the chains life. **XDL-Self lube** XDL chain retains factory applied lube for longer periods less maintence...longer life. **O’Ring Chain** The Diamond “XLO” is recognized as one of the toughest chains available today. O’ring seal in the lube and keeps dirt out, stable and quite. The 9600 tensile strength make this “The” Stroker chain. 530 STD Nickel XDL O’ring 102 86250 86298 86299 Master Links for Diamond O'ring Chain Master Link Spring Clips 86270 86280 106 108 86252 86262 86272 86278 86282 86288 110 86253 112 86254 86273 86283 86274 86284 120 86255 86265 86275 86286 RK Chains 530KS STD XSO’Ring 51125 51126 51128 106 49826 49841 110 49830 49842 112 49832 49843 120 49835 49844 102 n/a 51152 106 n/a 51156 110 n/a n/a 112 51149 51159 Drag/Race non O’Ring Drag/Race non O’Ring Master Link non O’Ring Diamond Primary Chains 86290 86289 86291 86292 97541 97546 Master Links Box of 20 86295 86296 86297 Sold Each 10 Pack PowerMax Chains 530 102 STD 49822 O’Ring 49840 Chains Master Link Sold each 49836 49845 Primary Chains 120 51150 51160 530 x 130 530 x 150 530 Each Big Twin 4-Speed Big Twin 4-Speed Big Twin 5-Speed Sportster All Primary Pad Chain Adjuster Primary Pad Chain Adjuster 1948+ Extra Links 1980+ 1954+ Big Twin XL'80-90 428-2x82 428-2x84 428-2x76 35-3 x 94 39976-65B 39966-80 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley 133 Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. Bendix Brakes Pads Bendix Brake Pads For Harley Davidson 51110 51111 51105 51103 51107 51104 51106 51100 51102 51101 51109 51108 51115 Front Metallic All HD 2K+ MA 250 Rear Metallic All HD 2K+ MR 250 Front All HD ‘84+ 43957-86 Rear FX 1982-86 44209-82 Rear FX 1987+ 44209-87 Rear FLT 1981-86 44957-80 Rear FLT 1986+ 44209-82 F & R ‘73-84 B/T & ‘73 XL banana caliper 44005-78 Front 1980-83 FLT/FLHT 44031-79 Rear 1977-81XL Dual Disc 1973-83 FX, XL 44098-77 Set w/ Rivets 1973-77 FX,XL MA 179 Large “PM” Dual action caliper MA 9 Front/Rear Triumph 650/ 750 not shown Bendix Brake Pads For Indian, PM and Jaybrake TEC# 51070 BENDIX # MA 9 TEC# 51070 BENDIX # MA 9 Fits: Performance Machine 2 Piston 162 x 2 TEC# 51072 BENDIX # MA 12 Fits: GMA 2 Piston Caliper, Large “A” Model TEC# 51072 TEC# 51074 BENDIX # MA 12 BENDIX # MA 59 TEC# 51074 BENDIX # MA 59 Fits: Performance Machine 125 x 2 Performance Machine 125 x 4S Performance Machine 125 x 4SL JayBrake 2 Piston Caliper, Small TEC# 51076 BENDIX # MA 60 Fits: GMA 2 Piston Caliper, Small “B” Model JayBrake 2 Piston Caliper, ADC/ADCS TEC# 51076 BENDIX # MA 60 TEC# 51078 BENDIX # MA 66 Fits: RevTech Wilwood Caliper JayBrake 1 Pin 4 Piston Caliper, Hawg-H 4 Piston Wilwood Caliper TEC# 51078 BENDIX # MA 66 TEC# 51080 BENDIX # MA 131 Fits: JayBrake 1 Pin 4 Piston Pro-1 4 Piston Caliper 134 TEC# 51080 BENDIX # MA 131 TEC# 51082 BENDIX # MA 158 Fits: Performance Machine 125 x 6 Performance Machine 137 x 6 JayBrake 2 Pin 6 Piston Buell 1200 1993 only Buell 1994-1997 TEC# 51082 BENDIX # MA 158 TEC# 51084 BENDIX # MA 162 TEC# 51088 BENDIX # MA 178 TEC# 51084 BENDIX # MA 162 Fits: Performance Machine 124 x 4HR Performance Machine 137 x 4 (11mm) TEC# 51088 BENDIX # MA 178 Fits: Indian 2001 up Performance Machine 125 x 4R (8mm) Performance Machine 125 x 4RSPH Performance Machine 137 x 4B TEC# 51090 BENDIX # MA 183 Fits: Performance Machine 125 x 6QC Performance Machine 112 x 6RSB Performance Machine 112 x 6SSB JayBrake Rear 2 Pin 6 Piston Caliper TEC# 51090 BENDIX # MA 183 TEC# 51092 BENDIX # MA 186 Fits: JayBrake 1 Pin 4 Piston Caliper A4 P/L Brembo 1 Pin 6 Piston Caliper TEC# 51092 BENDIX # MA 186 TEC# 51094 BENDIX # MA 229 Fits: Performance Machine 112 x 6B Performance Machine 112 x 6QC Chrome Horse II 6 Piston Buell 1998-00 TEC# 51094 BENDIX # MA 229 135 Emgo Brake Pads 86460 86459 86455 86454 86453 86457 86458 86450 86452 86451 86456 86463 Front & Rear All HD '2K+ "Organic" Front & Rear All HD ‘2K+ "Metallic" Front All HD models '84+ Rear FLH/FLT ‘81-86 Rear FXR ‘82-86 Rear FLH/FLT ‘86-99 Rear FX/XL ‘86-99 F & R ‘73-84 B/T & ‘73 XL banana caliper Front 1980-83 FLT/FLHT Rear 1977-81 XL Dual Disc 1973-83 FX, XL Set w/ Rivets 1973-77 FX, XL Front/Rear Triumph 650/ 750 Calipers 60578 60579 60580 Dual Disc Single Disc Rear Brake Shoes 86464 86465 86466 86467 Front Rear Rear Rear Brake Repair 73210 96905 86405 88640 136 90-48801 90-48851 44063-83 44579-80 44209-82 43957-86 44209-87C 44005-78 44031-79 44098-77 44281-74 not shown Front Right ‘84-99 44047-83 Front Left ‘84-99 44046-84B FXST,FXR,FXD, XL ‘87+ 44050-87 Big Twin ‘49-71 & XL ‘54-78 BigTwin Mechanical ‘37-57 Big Twin ‘58-62 & ‘58+ Sidecar BigTwin Hydraulic ‘63-72 Master cylinder rebuild kit '87+FXR/FXST Master cylinder rebuild kit '58-E79 Rear Caliper stud & bushing repair kit ‘73-80 Master cylinder gasket Front ‘73-81 44401-49A 41805-38 41801-58A 41801-63 42382-87A 41762-58A 44331-73 45012-72 Russell Rotors: 47997 47998 47996 47995 47994 47992 47991 Pro Polished Pro Polished Pro Polished Pro Polished Pro Polished Pro Polished Pro Polished Front 11.5” Rear 11.5” Rear 11.5” Front 11.5” Rear 11.5” Dual Disc 10” Fr.&Rear 10” ‘2K+ ‘2K+ ‘92-99 ‘84-99 ‘81-91 ‘78-83 ‘78-83 44156-00 41797-00 41789-92 44136-84 41791-79 44137-77 41813-79 47987 47988 47986 47985 47984 47982 47981 47983 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Front 11.5” Rear 11.5” Rear 11.5” Front 11.5” Rear 11.5” Dual Disc 10” Fr.&Rear 10” Front 11” ‘2K+ ‘2K+ ‘92-99 ‘84-99 ‘81-91 ‘78-83 ‘78-83 ‘74+ 44156-00 41797-00 41789-92 44136-84 41791-79 44137-77 41813-79 41807-84 47977 47975 47976 Floating Rotor Floating Rotor Floating Rotor Rear Front Rear ‘92-99 ‘84-99 ‘79-91 Tubes: 48190 48191 48192 48193 48195 48196 48197 48198 48199 48200 Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube 500 / 510 500 / 510 500 / 510 500 / 510 400 / 450 500 / 530 325 / 350 325 / 350 275 / 300 325 / 350 Rim Strips: 48039 48040 48041 48042 48043 Rim strip Rim strip Rim strip Rim strip Rim strip 16” 16” 18” 19” 21” Wheel Weights: x 16” x 16” x 16” x 16” x 18” x 18” x 19” x 19” x 21” x 21” Offset Center Center Center Center 72110 72111 72112 72114 72115 72116 Quickstik weights Quickstik weights Quickstik weights Quickstik weights Quickstik weights Quickstik weights 99135 99136 99137 99139 Spoke type .270 Spoke type .270 Spoke type .270 Spoke type .270 11.5” 11.5” 11.5” Metal Center Metal Offset Rubber Offset Rubber Center Metal Center Metal Center Rubber Center Metal Center Metal Center Metal Center 10pk 10pk 10pk 10pk 10pk Plain Black Chrome Plain Black Chrome balance weight balance weight balance weight balance weight 6 strips 6 strips 6 strips 30 strips 30 strips 30 strips .5 oz .75 oz 1 oz .25 oz 137 Nasty Wheel 80 Spoke Axle Kits 50212 50215 50216 50217 50241 50241 50220 50225 50229 50230 50231 50232 50233 ‘84+ FX & '91 XL FLSTF FLST/C/F FLT/FLHR FLT/FLHR FLT/FLHR FLT Large flange Custom 5” Wide ‘84+FX & ‘91+XL FXST/FXDWG '84+ FXWG '80-83 FXD/FXR/XL '84+ FXSTS ‘88+ Rims 40-Hole 50200 50201 50205 50270 50502 Single/Dual Front Fat Boy Fr. Single/Dual Front dual Front dual Rear Rear Rear Single/Dual Single disc Dual disc Single/Dual Single disc Rim Disc hub 1973-present Rim Drum Pre-1973 Rim Front Rim, Excel Chrome Stem for Tubeless Wheel application 3.50 x 16 3.50 x 16 '92+ 3.50 x 16 ‘84+ 3.50 x 16 ‘84-99 3.50 x 16 ‘00-03 3.50 x 16 ‘00-03 3.50 x 16 5.00 x 16 2.50 x 19 2.15 x 21 2.15 x 21 2.15 x 21 2.15 x 21 3.50 x 16 3.50 x 16 2.15 x 21 3.50 x 16 Chrome Front Axle Kit 96930 Emgo Front Axle Kit 43346-83 Fits: FL‘81-84 & ‘84+ FXSTDWG & ‘83+ FLT/HS/HT Doherty Axle/Wheel Spacers Billet Polished Aluminum 33455 33480 3/4" Master Kit Contains 23 various size spacers 1" Master Kit Contains 23 various size spacers 33460 3/4" x 1/4" 33461 3/4" x 3/8" 33462 3/4" x 1/2" 33463 3/4" x 5/8" 33464 3/4" x 3/4" 33465 3/4" x 7/8" 33466 3/4" x 1" 33467 3/4" x 1 1/8" 33468 3/4" x 1 1/4" 33469 3/4" x 1 3/8" 33470 3/4" x 1 1/2" 33471 3/4" x 1 3/4" 33472 3/4" x 2" 33473 3/4" x 3" ** All Individual spacers come as 4 Packs 33485 33486 33487 33488 33489 33490 33491 33492 33493 33494 33495 33496 33497 33498 1" x 1/4" 1" x 3/8" 1" x 1/2" 1" x 5/8" 1" x 3/4" 1" x 7/8" 1" x 1" 1" x 1 1/8" 1" x 1 1/4" 1" x 1 3/8" 1" x 1 1/2" 1" x 1 3/4" 1" x 2" 1" x 3" Wheel Locks Simply attached these locks in the rotors of your bike to help protect against a rolling theft 60565 60566 60567 138 Rotor Lock & mount Rotor Lock & mount Rotor Lock & mount Red Black Chrome Front Brake Hose Kit for 1994 to present Fits: Dual Disc FLH & FLT. Front Brake Hose Assembly Stainless Kits include Junction block with 3 Fitted hoses. Fitted hoses include 2 Lowers and 1 Upper hose. All oversize kits are based upon extra length added to the stock top hose only. TEC # Description 28400 Stock Length Top Hose 28401 +2 inches over Stock Top Hose 28402 +4 inches over Stock Top Hose 28403 +6 inches over Stock Top Hose 28404 +8 inches over Stock Top Hose 28405 +10 inches over Stock Top Hose Stainless #3 Brake Hose Assembly - Straight Precision Performance offers universal Stainless Hose assemblies in Lengths from 9” to 80”. All hoses are pre-assembled with crimped ends and ready for fittings. DOT Approved. TEC# 28150 28152 28154 28156 28157 28158 28160 28162 28164 28166 28168 28170 28172 28174 28175 28176 28177 28178 28179 Length 9” 12” 15” 17” 18” 19” 21” 23” 25” 26” 28” 30” 32” 34” 35” 38” 40” 42” 43” TEC# 28197 28198 28180 28181 28182 28184 28185 28186 28187 28188 28189 28190 28191 28192 28193 28194 28195 28196 28199 Brake Lines Stainless Length 44” 45” 47” 50” 52” 54” 56” 58” 60” 62” 64” 66” 68" 70" 72" 74" 76" 78" 80" Russell Rear Brake Hose Stainless Clear 28220 ‘91FXDB & FXD/S ‘94-98 28221 FXD/B/C/L/WG ‘92-98 28350 Dyna ‘91-99 28351 Dyna ‘00-03 28355 FLST ‘87-99 28356 FXST ‘87-99 28357 Softails ‘00-03 28370 XL L’87-99 28371 XL ‘00-03 28363 FLHR / FLT ‘92-96 28364 FLHR / FLT ‘97-99 28365 FLHR / FLT ‘00-03 Russell Rear Brake Hose Stainless 08226 08827 08836 08833 08839 08837 08838 08834 08835 08842 08843 08844 139 Brake Tee Brake Tee 28129 23130 28141 28142 28143 28144 28145 28146 96842 96843 96844 Universal Front Tee Chrome 3 way Narrow Universal Front Tee Chrome 3 way Wide Front Brake Tee Round Chrome 3/8-24 Front Brake Tee Round Chrome 1/8 NPT Front Brake Tee Bar Style Rounded Front Brake Tee Bar Style Flat Universal Brake Tee Rear - Early Style Universal Brake Tee Rear - Late Style Ness Brake Tee 3/8"IF Front TEC Ness Brake Tee 3/8"IF x 3/8' IF x1/8"NPT Ness Brake Tee 1/8"NPT Rear Banjo Fittings & Bolts Banjo Bolts #3 male #3 male #3 male #3 male #3 male #3 male Chrome 28100 28101 28102 28103 28104 28105 Banjo Banjo Banjo Banjo Banjo Banjo 10mm 10mm 10mm 12mm 12mm 12mm 28135 28132 28133 28131 28137 28134 Banjo Bolt Hex Banjo Bolt Hex Banjo Bolt Hex Double Banjo Bolt Hex Double Banjo Bolt Hex Banjo Bolt w/ brake light switch 28147 28148 28149 Rear Master banjo w/ switch block 35degree Rear Master banjo w/ Switch block 90degree Rear Master banjo w/ switch block Fwd control Brake Fittings Rear TEC Straight 35 Degree 90 Degree Straight 35 Degree 90 Degree 4047C 4050C 4051C 4052C 4053C 4054C 10mm 3/8-24 7/16-24 3/8-24 10mm 10mm 40506 40509 40515 40517 40507 40505 Various Brake Fittings 28110 28112 28125 28115 28116 28117 28118 28126 28106 28127 28128 28139 28140 4306C 4307C 4290C 4291C 4295C 4295C 979 297 1/8” NPT #3 Male straight 1/8” NPT #3 Male 90 degree 1/8” NPT #3 Male 45 degree 3/8-24 IF x Male short 45degree 3/8-24 IF x Male short 90degree 3/8-24 IF x Male long 90degree 3/8-24 IF x Male short 150degree #3 Male Tee IF x #3 Tee Chrome union #3 hose to hose straight Junction Block to Master Cylinder hose Chrome 3/8-24 male to #3 male (2 card) straight Crush washer for banjo 3/8 10 pack Seal washer for banjo 7/16 10 pack 140 ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 4300C 4301C 4302C 4244C 4279C 4293C 4281C 4282C 4283C 4284C 4298C 6033C 4380C 4396C 49005 49006 Russell Pro Series 28300 28301 28302 28305 28306 Pro Banjo Bolt Pro Banjo Bolt Pro Banjo Bolt Pro Banjo Bolt Pro Banjo Bolt 28310 28311 28312 28313 28314 Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Straight 45 degree Tight 90deg Wide 90deg Master cylinder Junction 4281C 4382C 4384C 4385C 4385C 28317 28318 28316 28319 97372 28320 28322 28325 Pro Hose end Straight: use univ. fittings Pro Hose end 90 degree: use univ. fittings Repl. ferrules for TEC #’s 28317, 28318 Pro System Replacement ferrules 10pk Brake Line adaptor Pro System stainless hose 10ft Pro System stainless hose 20ft Pro System stainless hose 50ft 2013C 2044C 5pk 49008 Each 3180 3182 3182 3/8-24 IF 3/8-24 IF 3/8-24 IF 3/8-24 IF 3/8-24 IF 10mm - Straight 10mm - 35 Degree 10mm - 90 Degree 12mm Straight 12mm - 35 Degree 4390C 4391C 4394C 4392C 4393C Hose Clamps & Splices 83608 83605 83607 83609 83611 83600 83625 83601 83603 Crimp Clamps 5/16” Black Crimp clamp 1/4” Stainless 10014 Crimp clamp 5/16” Stainless 10038 Crimp clamp 3/8” Stainless 10080 Crimp clamp 1/2” Stainless 101241 Crimp Assortment Stainless (splices & tool) Crimp Tool for OE-Style hose clamps Crimp clamp Chain oiler FL/FLH/80 ‘65-79 9992 Crimp clamp Chain oiler FL/FLH/80 L‘79-84 9996 83615 83616 83617 99000 99001 Hose splice Hose splice Hose splice Hose Clamps Hose Clamps 1/4” to 1/4” stainless 5/16” to 5/16” stainless 3/8” to 3/8” stainless 3/8" Screw type 1/4" Screw type ea. ea. ea. Fuel & Oil Hose-Lines 28201 28204 28208 28212 28205 99125 99126 99127 99128 28320 28322 28325 1/4 inch Stainless fuel line 3ft 33010 3/8 inch Stainless fuel line 3ft 33080 3/8” Oil line stainless 10 ft 30180 3/8” Oil line stainless 25 ft 33190 Kit Fuel crossover hose 1/4” outlet 11.5 L 54315 1/4” Black rubber hose 25’ 25062 5/16” Black rubber hose 25’ 25080 3/8” Black rubber hose 25’ 25090 3/8” Black rubber hose 25’ (Heavy Duty) 31616 Pro System stainless hose 10ft 3180 Pro System stainless hose 20ft 3182 Pro System stainless hose 50ft 3183 141 Handlebar Wiring Harness Set 52" Long '96 up color coded wiring, handlebar Wire Harness set complete with Switches, long black sheath and extra connectors. 60597 60598 Chrome Handlebar Switches (R&L) with wires Black Handlebar Switches (R&L) with wires Also Available while Supplies Last.. 99995 Original Replacement 1982-1995 Wiring harness with Black Switch housing and Black Switches Handlebar Control Set 60590 Handlebar Control Set: 1996+ Master Cylinder, Clutch Covers: Single Disc 60591 Handlebar Control Set: 1996+ Master Cylinder, Clutch Covers: Dual Disc Handlebar Switch Housing EMGO Chrome Sitch housings are stock replacement for 1996 to present switch housings. Available in right or left side. 60592 Fits: Right Side 1996+ Sold each 60593 Fits: Left Side 1996+ Sold each Front Master Cylinder Kit 60594 Front Master Cylinder Single Disc *Includes Lever & Clamp Clutch Lever Perch 60595 Clutch Lever Perch Set w/ Clamp 1996+ 1996+ Damper Kits 96897 142 Handlebar damper kit '74 Fits: Big Twin & XL 56157-85T EMGO International, Ltd. is a major worldwide supplier of quality aftermarket powersports products. American management and quality control, plus over 30 years experience in international markets, ensure you of the best product lines for today’s motorcycles TEC # 60556 Description Maltese Cross Thin Billet Right Side Emgo 20-34861 60557 Maltese Cross Thin Billet Left Side 20-34862 60555 Maltese Cross Universal Mirrors fit 20-21708 Stock Harley Davidson Mount Sold as Pair 60550 Stock Harley Davidson Mount Sold Each 0-21708 60554 Short Stem Replacement Fits Stock Harley Davidson Mount Sold Each 20-21706 60552 60557 60554 60555 60550 Bullet Style Mini Directional Lights Stream line, low profile lights looks great on any bike. Lights also come with Clear lenses. Sold as Pairs 60516 Maltesse Cross Chrome Dual LED Sold as pair 60517 Maltesse Cross Jr. Chrome w/ Amber LED 60518 Maltesse Cross Jr. Black w/ Red LED 60515 Ball Milled Bullet Dual Filament Sold as pair 60514 Smooth Bullet Dual Filament Sold as pair 60519 Bright Light Halogen Custom Lights Rabbit Ears The Insta-Pad" Black Pillion Pad Quality constructed seat pad for the rear fender held on by 6 Suction cups.Measures 6" x 9" with 2 inches of Foam Pad. Easy on, Easy off. 73301 Pillion Pad Black ***Use of the word Harley Davidson, various model designations and Harley Davidson numbers are for general reference. There is no affiliation between TEC Distributing and Harley Davidson Motor company. None of the parts in this catalog were manufactured by Harley Davidson or under their control or supervison. Use of numbers is to show fitment only. 143 Sealed Beams 99016 60620 60621 60624 60625 Sealed Beam 8.2amp 110 Candle power Sealed Beam Very Heavy duty 30/30W Sealed Beam Halogen 30/50W Sealed Beam Hi-watt Heavy duty 50/60W Sealed Beam Halogen Heavy duty 40/65W Headlight Kits with Removable Bulbs 99015 99014 Headlight conversion kit Headlight conversion kit 60655 Headlight conversion kit 5 3/4” This kit is +50% Brighter - Super Bright Blue Headlight conversion kit 7” This kit is +50% Brighter - Super Bright Blue 60657 Bulbs 144 5 3/4” 7” 4” 5 3/4 5 3/4 7” 7” 402212 702212 402212 702212 60630 60632 60662 60629 60631 99018 60636 60652 60637 60653 99005 60635 99017 99004 99006 99007 99008 99009 99020 Bulb, Speedo, Front fender touring #194 Bulb, Front fender Extra Bright #H194 Bulb, Tail-Lamp Late 2003 Softail Bulb, Tail-Lamp Heavy duty #198 Bulb, Front signal lamps #199 Bulb, Halogen signal light 12V 50W Bulb, Amber Bulb, Red Bulb, Amber Bulb, Red Bulb, Tail light Bulb, LED Tail light bulb Bulb, Halogen Tail light 12V 50/15W Bulb, Directional single filament Bulb, Dash & High Beam single filament Bulb, Dash FL/FLH/FLT/XL Bulb, Bullet lights Bulb, Speedo #1816 Bulb, Mini Tach & Speedo (twist base) 60642 60643 60644 60645 60646 Bulb, H3 for passing lamp conversions Bulb, H3 for passing lamp conversions Bulb, H3 for passing lamp conversions Bulb, H3 for pass. lamp conv. Xenon Bulb, H3 for pass. lamp conv. Xenon 99010 99011 99002 99003 60658 98999 99021 99019 60650 60651 Bulb, H4 Standard Bulb, H4 Heavy Duty Bulb, H4 6 Volt each Bulb, H4 12 Volt each Bulb, H4 50 % Extra High Output Bulb, H4 Xenon Gas Extra bright Bulb, H4 Xenon Gas Extra bright Bulb, H4 Rainbow strobe multi color Bulb, H4 for 7” Tri-Bar headlight conv. Bulb, H4 for 7” Tri-Bar headlight conv. 60638 60639 Bulb Cap-Blue, Snaps to H4 to change color Bulb Cap-Green, Snaps to H4 to change color 60628 Flasher Fits 1965+ 12 Volt 12v 12v 12v 12v 12v (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) each (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) 53439-79 53439-79 68167-88 68168-89 68168-89 H1156 1156 1156 1157 1157 1157 1157 H1157 68572-4A 1145 68462-64 67 71090-64 17051 (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) 12V 55W 12V 100W 12V 130W 55W 100W 48321 48351 48381 4350 4830 60/55W 60/55W 60/55W 130/90W 60/55W 60/55W 100/55W 4270 4270HD 7760 4900K 4720 4720 4730 RSH4 48884 48884 60/55W 100/55W Blue Green 68543-64B Duece Style Turn Signals DOT Approved Duece Style Lights Fits: All FXSTD & Duece Style Turn Signal Kits Fits 1986-2005 FX/XL’s. Dual Filament TEC # Description 99180 Complete Dual Filament Kit Includes 2 Fronts, 2 Rear Signals Amber Lens and mounting studs 99178 99179 Front Signal Assembly (Sold each) Rear Signal Assembly (Sold each) Duece Style Replacement Lenses 99181 99182 99183 99184 Amber Red Clear Smoke Replaces OE# 68973-00 Replaces OE# 68973-00 Replaces OE# 68973-00 Replaces OE# 68973-00 Deuce Style Black Nickel Bullet Light Assemblies New From Chris Products, these light assemblies fit front FXSTD Duece models and stem mounted rear fenders. TEC # Description 99190 Black Nickel Front Signal Assembly with Amber Lens (Sold each) 99191 Black Nickel Front Signal Assembly with Red Lens (Sold each) Turn Signals Kits for Late Model FL DOT Approved Front & Rear Kit Complete with turn signal assemblies, standoffs, Bulbs and red lenses. TEC # Description 99163 Fits ‘86-05 Dual Filament 99164 Fits ‘86-05 2 Dual Filament & 2 Single Turn Signals for Late Model FL Sold Each TEC # 99165 99166 99167 99168 Description Amber Assembly Red Assembly Amber Assembly Red Assembly Dual Filament Dual Filament Single Filament Single Filament Replacement Lenses for above Late Model FL TEC # 99145 99146 99175 Description Amber Red Clear Replaces OE# 68440-86 Replaces OE# 68440-86 Replaces OE# 68440-86 145 Complete Turn Signal Kits with Amber Lens. Includes 4 turn signals, front & rear mounting brackets. Red Lenses included. TEC # Description 99161 Fits ‘73-85 Single Filament Sold Each 99162 Fits ‘86-05 Dual Filament Sold Each Complete Turn Signal unit with Chrome housing & amber lens. TEC # 99121 99122 99123 99123 Description Fits Late ‘73-Early ‘84 FX & ‘82-’83 FXR’s & ‘73-83XL’s Fits ‘77-80 FX/XL & Late’85 XL’s Fits ‘86 883cc & FXR Fronts Fits ‘86 FXWG, FXRS & 1100cc XL Front Replacement Lenses for above Turn Signals TEC # 99115 99116 Description Amber Lens Red Lens Replaces OE# 68483-73 Replaces OE# 68483-73 Flat Lens Turn Signals DOT Approved Fits: ‘63-84 FL/FLH & ‘84-85 FXRT Fits most FX/XL Designed to use 1156/1157 bulbs Complete unit with Chrome housing and amber lens. TEC # Description 99174 Flat Lens Signal Kit 2Dual & 2 Single 99170 Flat Signal with Amber Lens Single Filament 99171 Flat Signal with Red Lens Single Filament 99172 Flat Signal with Amber Lens Dual Filament 99173 Flat Signal with Red Lens Dual Filament Replacement Lenses for above TEC # 99147 99148 99175 Description Amber Lens Red Lens Clear Lens Replaces OE# 68571-63 Replaces OE# 68571-63 Replaces OE# 68571-63 Rear Turn Signal Stems, Rear Studs, Spacers & Nut TEC # 99157 99152 99159 99155 99158 99154 99153 99188 99187 Description 5/8” Stud Hollow screw & nut Kit Sold each Signal Stud with spacer fits: ‘77-80 FX & ‘86 XLS Rear Signal Stud fits ‘93 Dyna, XL‘94-95 OE # 56104-94 1 1/4” Stud Hollow screw & nut Kit Sold each Signal bracket fits ‘93 Dyna, XL ‘94-95 OE # 68480-93 Signal bracket fits: ‘84+ FXST & ‘73-98 XL OE# 68480-73 1 7/8” Stud Hollow screw & nut Kit Sold each Deuce Mounting Bracket Short Replaces OE #68821-00 2K Up FXST/FLST Bracket Long OE #68480-02 Front Turn Signal Swivels, Standoffs & Clamps TEC # 99156 99160 146 99156 99151 Description FL Turn Signal Stand off for Front Signal 1968-2005 Replaces 68519-68 Chrome Swivel Signal Mounting Kit/ Fits FX 1998 up & Sportster’s ‘88 up. Replaces oe# 68185-00 Signal Handlebar Clamp. OE# 68486-82 & 68487-82 Directional Lamp Bracket Replaces oe# 68477-73 Tail Light Lenses fits 1973-90 TEC # 99114 99134 60510 Description Tail light Lens Only 1973-90 Tail light Lens only with Blue Dot installed 1973-90 Tail light assembly LED 1973 + Replaces 68008-73A 4.5" Spot Light Housing Clear Non-Flute Lense 60640 60641 Spot Light Housing Req's H3 Bulb Clear Spot Light Housing Req's H3 Bulb Tri-Bar Metal Marker Lights (fork tube clamp on) 60511 60512 “Amber” “Amber” single filament dual filament pair pair Ken Sean mirrors are the best of what’s available in the world of motorcycle and special vehicle mirrors, and are designed by experts for optimum function, safety and good looks. Ken Sean mirrors are crafted from high quality glass plated with either silver or duplex aluminum. All mirror edges are perfectly cut and then robotically polished to give you a sharp, clean-edged field of vision. Ken Sean mirrors are convex in design utilizing ultra-flat radii lenses to give the widest possible field of rear vision with a minimum of object distortion. However, like all convex mirrors, objects are closer than they appear. Never rely on your mirrors alone, always visually check traffic. TEC # 51130 51131 51132 51133 Description Stock Harley Davidson Mount Mini Chrome HD Mount Billet Style HD 5” Short Stem Billet Style HD 6” Long Stem Ken Sean 94130 94140 94150 94160 147 Fuel Injection 31250 31251 31255 31252 31260 31265 31268 Fuel Injector Fuel Injector Fuel Injector Hi Flow Injector Pressure Regulator Temperature Sensor Barometric Sensor Evo ‘95-98 '99-01, FLH '97 Delphi '01+ M Marelli ‘95+ Fuel Inj. ‘95+ Fuel Inj. ‘95-98 FL/H/R/T 27218-95 27135-97 27609-01 MC-INJ4 27219-95 27270-95 32424-95 VOES (Vacuum Operated Electrical Switches) 31233 31234 31235 VOES (USA) VOES (USA) VOES (USA) '84-90 FXST, '86-9 FLT, '86-93 XL 26558-84 '84-90 FXR, '83-85 XL 26557-90 '91-95 FX/FL 26556-91 VOES Universal Switches with Bracket 31236 31237 31238 31239 VOES (USA) VOES (USA) VOES (USA) VOES (USA) Circuit Breakers 83705 83706 83707 148 Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker 3" Mercury 4" Mercury 5" Mercury 6" Mercury 12 volt 15 amp 12 volt 30 amp 12 volt 15 amp MCVOS4 MCVOS5 MCVOS6 MCVOS7 74589-73 74599-77A 74587-94 Replacement Ignition Switches (Complete with Switch & Key) 96909 "Fat Bob Type" 96911 "Fat Bob Type" 96914 "Fat Bob Type" 96912 FX/FXE/XL 96917 FXR/FX/XL 96913 FX/FXE/XL 96910 Universal Style Electronic 6 Post 71501-73T 2 Caps - Blade Key Mechanical 5 Post 71500-36TA 2 Caps - Blade Key Fits Dyna 1996-97 71313-96 Electronic Round Key '73-77 70124-75 Face in 3 Post Blade Key '75-93 Side Igntion 3 Wire with Boot - Round Key '78-85 71425-77 Blade Key 3 Screw Bottom Blade Key 3 Screw Bottom Universal Ignition Sensor Pick ups 31240 31242 31244 Fits: 80+FLT, FXT, XL & '84-95 FXST Fits: '90-95 Dyna Fits: '94-95 FLT, '96-97XL, '98+ 1200XL Brake Switches (Hydraulic) 97760 97761 Early Late Screw in Style Spade Push in Style Oil Pressure Switches & Guages 97765 97766 97767 Switch Switch Switch FL/FX ‘41-84 XL ‘77-94 5-speed ‘84-93 73340 73341 73342 73343 Guage Guage Guage Guage White face Black face White face Black face Neutral Switch Indicator 97769 97770 97771 97772 Fits:: Fits: Fits: Fits: 1965+ ‘59+ BT/XL ‘71-E73 FL/H ‘79+ FL/FX Speedo & Tach Guages VDO 73330 73332 Mini Tach 8K Mini Speedo 120mph electrical Universal 96909 96912 72002-51 72002-51A USA USA USA 0-60 lbs 0-60 lbs 0-100 lbs 0-100 lbs 32400-80A 32404-90 32400-94 96914 26522-72 26524-77 26561-84 VDO VDO VDO VDO 71507-65 33900-59C 71507-71 33901-79 Polish/Stainless Polish/Stainless 149 Super Trapp Muffler Systems with Heat Shields 50589 50591 50524 Fits: 2:1 FLH/FLT Fits: 2:1 Softail/Dyna Fits: 2:1 Sportster ‘85-03 ‘90-04 ‘04-05 828-71453 828-71451 828-71200 Super Trapp Muffler Systems with 4” Megaphone 50525 50526 50527 50551 50552 50546 50547 Fits: 2:2 Fits: 2:2 Fits: 2:2 Fits: 2:1 Fits: 2:1 Fits: 2:1 Fits: 2:1 FL/FXST FL/FXST FL/FXST FL/FXST FL/FXST FL/FXST FL/FXST 50536 50537 50540 Fits: 2:2 Dyna Fits: 2:2 Dyna Fits: 2:2 Dyna ‘93-98 ‘93-98 ‘91-96 50535 Fits: 2:1 FX ‘71-84 Chrome 828-77470 50583 50584 50587 50586 Fits: 2:1 Fits: 2:1 Fits: 2:2 Fits: 2:2 ‘86-03 Satin ‘86-03 Polished XR1000 Satin XR Style Satin 825-70883 826-70884 825-71001 815-70883 XL XL XL XL ‘86-99 ‘86-99 ‘86-99 ‘86-99 ‘86-99 ‘86-99 ‘86-99 Satin Polished Chrome Satin Low Polished Low Satin High Polished High 825-71330 826-71331 828-71331 825-71342 826-71343 825-71346 826-71344 Satin Polished Chrome 825-71338 826-71339 828-71339 Heat Shield Sets by Super Trapp 50555 50556 50557 50562 50563 50558 50559 50560 50564 50569 50561 86551 50532 50600 50601 Fits: FLH/T Fits: FLH/T Fits: FLH/T ‘95+ ‘95+ ‘95+ 4” Tapered 4” Disc 4” Slash 628-78055 728-78053 728-78054 50594 50595 50596 Fits: FLH/T Fits: FLH/T Fits: FLH/T ‘85-94 ‘85-94 ‘85-94 Turn Outs Fish Tail Tapered 628-78050 628-78051 628-78052 50520 50521 50522 Buell: Buell: Buell: ‘94-95 S2 Thunderbolt ‘97 Cyclone & ‘96-98 S-1 Light ‘98 S-3 & ‘99+ X1, M2 Dual Staggered Systems by Super Trapp 50593 50576 Fits: FXD/B ‘91-92 Tapered 2” Inlet Muffler 3” Disc Requires Tips 825-71211 825-71221 825-71230 628-78091 328-2019 50570 50571 50572 50573 Satin Muffler Polished Muffler Satin Muffler Polished Muffler 1 3/4” 1 3/4” 2” 2” Super Trapp Cores Fits: 2:1 Muffler Fits: Centerbolt Types Fits: Late Systems Super Trapp Tips 86568 86569 86570 86571 86572 End Caps 86559 86560 86562 86556 86557 86552 4” Systems 3” Systems 3” Systems (For 3” Muffler) 308-3635 308-3608 308-3750 308-3560 308-3340 (for 6 bolt patterns) Aluminum Cap Open end Cap Polished Cap Aluminum Cap Open end Cap Fits: 4” Systems Fits: 4” Systems Fits: 4” Systems Fits: 3” Systems Fits: 3” Systems Super Trapp Disc Packs 86553 86573 425-17500 426-17510 425-20000 426-20010 3.5” Turn Out Tip 1 3/4” Turn Out Tip Fish Tail Tip Slash Cut Tappered Tip 402-3046 405-3046 406-3046 304-3033 304-3034 (sold as 6 Pack) 4” Disk Pack for 4” Muffler 3” Disk Pack for 3” Muffler Fiberglass Re-Pack kits 150 408-7331 408-7338 408-7334 408-7357 408-7355 408-7332 408-7344 408-7348 408-7470 408-7800 408-7884 405-2120 Super Trapp Mufflers 4” Megaphone (sold each) 86554 86555 86576 Super Trapp Slip-On Chrome Muffler Sets Fits: 2:2 Softail ‘86-99 Fits: 2:2 FXD ‘93-98 Fits: 2:2 FXR ‘84-94 Fits: 2:1 FXR/FXST ‘84-94 High Fits: 2:1 FXR/FXST ‘84-94 Low Fits: 2:2 FLST ‘86-99 Fits: 2:1 FLST ‘86-99 Low Fits: 2:1 FLST ‘86-99 High Fits: 2:1 FX Shovel ‘71-84 Fits: 2:1 FX Rear Y Type ‘71-84 Fits: 2:1 XLH ‘86-99 120 Degree Heat Shields Each 404-6506 304-6506 Fiberglass Re-Pack Kits for Super Trapp Mufflers: 50387 50388 50839 Cigar Style Turn Out Turn Out 25.5” 27” 32” 50390 50391 Classic Fishtail Classic Fishtail 28” 33” FL ‘50-66 FLH ‘58-84 FLH ‘58-84 Kerker Muffler Systems 50498 50507 50508 Fits: 2:1 FL/FXST “90-03 Fits: 2:1 FLST ‘89-03 Requires Tips Fits: 2:2 FLST ‘89-96 Requires Tips Kerker Muffler Sets (pair) 80-75140 80-75142 80-75144 80-75100 80-75120 128-71450 128-78065 128-78082 50501 50502 FLH/T ‘85-94 FLH/T ‘85-94 Includes Fishtail Tips Includes Tapered Tips 128-78051 128-78052 50504 50505 50514 50515 FLH/T ‘85-94 FLH/T ‘95-02 FLH/T ‘95-02 FLH/T ‘85-94 Set requires Tips Set requires Tips PAT Baffle, requires Tips PAT Baffle, requires Tips 128-78010 128-78020 128-78045 128-78040 50506 50516 FLSTS ‘97-03 FLSTS ‘97-03 Set requires Tips PAT Baffle, requires Tips 128-78030 128-78035 Kerker Tips (each) 50509 50510 50511 Baffles 50490 50512 50513 Turn Down / Out Fish Tail Style Tapered Style Fits: 1 3/4” Pipe 4” Long 700-00 Updates HD/Kerker Slip-On to Late Baffle K3 Updates Kerker Slip-On to Mikuni Tour Pkg.100-7857 Muffler Clamps 50392 50393 86506 86503 86502 86567 108-8022 108-8023 108-7257 Chrome Clamp to Muffler Body 3 1/4” Clamp Muffler to Pipe 1 7/8” P-Clamp Offset 1 3/4” Exhaust Clamp 1 3/4 x 4” Muffler Clamp 1 3/4” Header Clamp for 2:1 SuperTrapp 80-62370 80-62343 TEC 65276-63 65276-62 094-2000 Brackets & Hardware (Super Trapp & Kerker) 86564 86566 86558 6 Bolt Kit for 1-20 discs Super Trapp 6 Bolt Kitfor 1-34 discs Super Trapp 3 Bolt Kit for Late 3” Core Super Trapp 404-7206 404-7306 304-7203 50549 50550 86563 50517 Rear Mount Fits: High 2:1 Super Trapp Rear Mount Fits: Low 2:1 Super Trapp Rubber Grommet for 2:1 bracket Trapp Screws for Kerker Tips 407-7340 029-7354 020-1904 304-7400 151 Tie Downs, Cargo Nets & Wheel Chocks 73307 73308 73310 73312 73313 73314 73315 73325 73326 73320 96898 96906 Ancra "Ratchet Style " w/ Soft hooks Ancra "Ratchet Style" Standard Ancra Tie-Down Sets “The Originals” Ancra Tie-Down Sets “The Originals” Ancra Built in Soft hooks "Integra" Ancra Soft Hook extention 18” Ancra Soft Hook extention 12” Soft Hooks Super Heavy Duty w/ mid pad Soft Hooks Super Heavy Duty w/ mid pad Ancra Bolt on, Tie Down Ring, Fitting Kit Emgo Tie Down Set Sold as Pair Cargo Net 15” x 15” 6 Hook Black Black Red Black Black Black Black Red Black Each Black Black Echo Quick Release Fast and convienent way to buckle and unbuckle your helmet chin strap. 96804 Quick Release Buckle Sold Each Manuals By Clymer 86114 86119 86120 86121 86122 Sportster 1991-94 883-1200 Sportster ‘86-90 883-1100-1200 Big Twin, FLT, FXR 1984-91 Big Twin 1948-65 Big Twin Touring Models 1999-02 Wire Ties Muiltiple Colors Display pack of 20 99201 99202 99203 99204 99206 (4 Inch- 99205 Black Red Blue Yellow Orange Black M429 M428 M442 M418 M431 8 Inch Shop Pack of 100 99210 99211 99212 99213 99215 99214 - 4 Inch) 99200 Pistol Grip Tool for above Tie’s Tensioner & Cutoff Shop Inventory Labels 31200 152 Label parts with these 3.5" x 15/16 Identification l abels. 5000 per box - Pin fed T01 T50 T40 T41 T42 T58 Primary Cover Gasket Primary Cover Thick Primary Cover Gasket Primary Cover - Thick Primary Cover Gasket Primary Cover Gasket Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 500 Triumph 500 Triumph 250 BSA 57-1770 57-1770T 70-4156 70-4156T 70-7856 70-1723 T15 T25 T61 T19 T56 T57 Head Gasket Head Gasket Head-Manifold Gasket Manifold Gasket Manifold-Carb Gasket Valve Cover Gasket Triumph 750 Triumph 650 Triumph 650 Triumph 650 & 750 Trident Trident 71-3681 70-4547 70-6772 70-5660 71-1446 71-1445 T11 T43 Base Gasket Base Gasket Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 500 70-6309 70-3798 T02 T07 T18 Rocker Box Gasket Triumph 750 Rocker Box Gasket Triumph 650 Rocker Inspection Gasket Triumph 750 71-2599 70-9348 70-5660 T03 T04 Tappet Cover Gasket Tappet Cover Gasket 71-3673 71-3673 T54 T55 Gear Box Gasket - Inner Triumph 500 Gear Box Gasket - Outer Triumph 500 CD-551A CD-551 T12 T53 T59 T60 T14 T17 Timing Cover Gasket Timing Cover Gasket Timing Cover Gasket Timing Cover Gasket Point Cover Gasket Rotor Cover Gasket Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 500 BSA 250 & Tri 500 Triumph 250 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 CD338/68 CD550 71-1420 71-1421 71-1457 T21 T28 T26 T16 T39 T38 Oil Pump Body Gasket Oil Drain Plug Gasket Oil Manifold Gasket Oil Screen/Filter Gasket Oil Cap Gasket Gas Cap Gasket Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 71-1461 57-1738 71-3754 83-2829 82-4047 82-4048 T29 T49 T48 Crankcase Breather Gasket Triumph 650 & 750 Engine Sump Gasket Triumph Pre-Unit Sump Gasket BSA 71-1460 70-0487 71-1724 T13 T20 T09 Trans. Door Gasket Trans. Cover Gasket Kick Cover Gasket Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 71-3096 71-1419 71-1448 T33 T45 T10 T32 T30 T37 T34 Float Bowl Gasket Float Bowl Gasket Carb Flange Gasket Carb Insulator Dampener Carb Flange O’Ring Carb Flange O’Ring Carb Set O’ring Screw Triumph 650 & 750 Monoblock Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 750 Late Viton Triumph 650 & 750 622/073 376/078 71-3573 70-6772 70-9711 622/101V 622/082 Triumph 750 Late Triumph 750 Early Triumph, Norton & BSA Gaskets Triumph Head & Base Gaskets Triumph Gaskets 153 O’Rings & Seals For Triumph O’Rings & Seals For Triumph T23 Rocker Shaft O’Ring Triumph 500 upto ‘71 Triumph 650 upto ‘72 Triumph 500 1971-74 Triumph 750 1973+ 70-3253 70-3253 60-3548 60-3548 T24 Rocker Shaft O’Ring T31 T46 Tappet Block O’Ring Tappet Block O’Ring Triumph 650 & 750 Viton 70-7563 70-7653V T08 T35 Push Rod Tube O’Ring Push Rod Tube O’Ring Triumph 650 & 750 Viton 70-7310 70-7310 T05 T06 T22 Push Rod Tube Seals Push Rod Tube Seals Push Rod Tube Seals Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 Triumph 650 70-4752 70-3547 70-1496 Spring Kits Springs, Lifters & Blocks 87059 87066 87095 Performance Spring & Collar Kit Collars & Keepers Valve Spring kits Pushrod Sets for Triumph 87057 Pushrod Set Triumph 650 Lifter Blocks for Triumph 87058 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Norton Ampco Lifter Blocks Triumph 650 Clutch Parts for Triumph 500-650-750cc 97518 97519 97531 Clutch Plates Steel-Bonded Drive Plate Steel Clutch Spring Set (3) Barnett (6 required) Clutch Cables for Triumph Barnett Clutch & Brakes for Triumph 97330 97332 97336 Clutch Cable Clutch Cable Clutch Cable ‘63-67 ‘68-72 1973+ Triumph Brakes 51115 86463 Pads Pads Front & Rear Front & Rear Barnett Throttle and Levers 96990 96992 96948 96949 154 Throttle Single Pull Dual Pull Throttle Adjustable Clutch Lever Adjustable BrakeLever 522 522-1 MT-75 Triumph 650 Triumph 650 Triumph 750 N1362 N1993 N3925 Bendix MA23 90-48811 7/8" bar 7/8” bar. Requires Grip 7/8” bar 7/8” bar 71TG 71-1 207PA1-L 207PA1-R Black Diamond Stainless Valves for Triumph 87050 87051 87054 87055 Intake Valve Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Exhaust Valve Std O/S 1.600 Std O/S 1.375 Triumph 500 Triumph 500 Triumph 500 Triumph 500 87060 87061 87064 87065 Intake Valve Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Exhaust Valve Std O/S 1.660 Std O/S 1.500 Triumph Triumph Triumph Triumph 87070 87074 Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Std Std Trident - Early Trident - Early 87078 87080 Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Std Std Trident - Late Trident - Late 87068 87069 Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Std Std BSA BSA A65 A65 87090 87091 87092 87093 Intake Valve Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Exhaust Valve Std O/S 1.560 Std O/S 1.360 Norton Norton Norton Norton 650 & 750 650 & 750 650 & 750 650 & 750 Black Diamond Stainless Valves 650 & 750 650 & 750 650 & 750 650 & 750 Rowe Valves for Triumph Rowe Valves for Triumph 87890 87891 Intake Valve Exhaust Valve Std Std Valves Guides for Triumph Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 87400 87402 87404 Intake Valve Guide Intake Valve Guide Intake Valve Guide Std +002 +004 ‘63-79 ‘63-79 ‘63-79 Triumph Triumph Triumph 87420 87422 87424 Exhaust Valve Guide Exhaust Valve Guide Exhaust Valve Guide Std +002 +004 ‘63-79 ‘63-79 ‘63-79 Triumph Triumph Triumph Bronze Valves Guides for Triumph 87900 87902 87904 87906 Intake & Exhaust Guide Intake & Exhaust Guide Intake & Exhaust Guide Intake & Exhaust Guide Std +002 +004 +006 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 Triumph 650 & 750 87920 87922 87924 Intake & Exhaust Guide Intake & Exhaust Guide Intake & Exhaust Guide Std +002 +004 Triumph T140 Triumph T140 Triumph T140 Valves Guides for Triumph 155 Engineer Style: Small 50726 Med. 50727 Large 50728 Lined Gauntlet X-Large 2XL 50729 50730 Police Style: Winter Gauntlet w/ Thinsulate Small 50731 Med. 50732 Large 50733 X-Large 2XL 50734 50735 Touring Gauntlet w/ Rain Mitt & Thinsulate Small 50736 Med. 50737 Large 50738 X-Large 2XL 50739 50740 Gauntlet: Unlined & Long Naked Leather Small 50746 Med. 50747 Large 50748 X-Large 2XL 50749 50750 Riding Gloves Driving: Small 50688 Med. 50689 Fingerless: Small 50700 Med. 50701 Fingerless: Small 50708 Med. 50709 Top Cowhide Open Adjustable Leather & ExpanFlex Adjustable Padded Palm Black Large 50690 Large 50702 Large 50710 X-Large 2XL 50691 50692 X-Large 2XL 50703 50704 X-Large 2XL 50711 50712 Deerskin Gauntlet: USA “Sturgis” Black Deerskin Gloves: USA “Rider” Black Flyer Style Goggles Adjustable Anti-Fog Small 50760 Small 50765 96894 96895 96896 Med. 50761 Med. 50766 Large 50762 Large 50767 X-Large 2XL 50763 50764 X-Large 2XL 50768 50769 Clear Split Lens Clear Split Lens "Over Glasses" Style Black Chrome Black Saddle Bags & Tool Bags 156 3XL 50705 86185 86186 86155 86156 86160 86161 86171 86172 “Softail” Saddle Bag Set “FatBoy” Saddle Bag Set Sportster Size Saddle Bag Sportster Size Saddle Bag Saddle Bag, Slant w/ Concho Saddle Bag, Slant w/ Concho Saddle Bag, Slant Braid & Fringe Saddle Bag, Slant Braid & Fringe Leather - Plain Leather - Plain/Braid Cowhide - Plain Cowhide - Fringe Leather - Medium Leather - Large Leather - Medium Leather - Large 86163 86164 86165 86168 86169 86170 86173 86174 86175 Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Tool Bag, Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Leather Plain w/ Concho Plain w/ Concho Plain w/ Concho Studded w/ Concho Studded w/ Concho Studded w/ Concho Braid & Fringe Braid & Fringe Braid & Fringe - Long Small Medium Long Small Medium Long Small Medium 01208 Power Clean™ 01214 Mist-N-Shine™ 01216 Shine Master™ Paint & Polish breathable sealant Safe for fresh paints, clear coat & lexan. Use as wax replacement and as finishing glaze. Easy on, easy off. Protects without washing away. 16oz. 01217 Metal Renew™ Liquid Polish for All Metals. Brightens & renews chrome, aluminum, stainless steel, etc. 8oz. 01218 Vinyl Shine™ Dressing & Protectant. Anti-static forms a dry shield to guard from dust. Great for seats and tires. Adjustable gloss. 8oz. 01219 Metal Polish™ Treated cotton cloth in the band aid tin brightens & protects all metals. Removes tarnish, tar, oxidation, corrosion, etc. Safe for coated wheels. 3.3oz 01220 Multi Fiber™ Detail towel is non-linting, non-smearing, non-scratching and can be washed hundreds of times. Highly recommended by everyday riders. You’re really going to like these! 16” x 24” 01221 Power Seal™ Provides acrylic shield to stop air & moisture while protecting against rust and corrosion. 8oz. 01222 Black Renew™ Cleans and renews faded trim. Instantly removes embedded wax and compound. 22oz. 01223 Leather Plus™ Contains moisturizers & lanolin oils to preserve & protect. Use on leather, naugahyde and vinyl surfaces. 8oz. 01224 Clay Mate™ “The Contamination Eraser” in the band aid tin makes paint smooth for easier polishing. Removes overspray, tar, tree sap, etc. Prepares paint for easier polishing. 01225 Finish Cut™ 01226 Finish Cut™ One step compound buffing levels 1200 grit or finer sand scratches & paint overspray. Brightens dull finishes. Easy clean up. Available as 4oz. Same as above available as 32oz. 01228 01229 Turbo Cut™ Turbo Cut™ Removes 1000 grit or finer sand scratches. Fast cut on dead paint, gelcoat or fiberglass. 4oz Same as above available as 32oz. All Purpose Cleaner & Degreaser. Dissolves oil, road grime and brake dust. Non acid, safe for tires and highly polished wheels. 22oz Professional Detailer. Anti-static, great protectant against road dust. Perfect for spot cleaning or dry washing to remove oily fingerprints, dust, etc. Brightens paint, glass and chrome. 22oz Wizard Metal Buffs 1231 1232 1233 1234 3” Mushroom Buff 2” Tapered Buff 1.5” Barrel Buff 3/4” Point Buff Soft, finishing polish. Sold each. General use cutting, use in tight and uneven areas. Sold each. General use cutting, oxidation and scratch removal. Sold each Cutting and oxidation removal in small areas and very tight corners. Sold each 1230 Metal Buff Kit Contains one each of the 4 above metal buffs. 157 05101 Mag & Aluminum Polish Mag & Aluminum Cleans polishes & protects. The secret formula is world renowed providing for the easiest, brightest shine for aluminim wheels, manifolds & alloy parts. Sold as 5oz. Polish. Same as above in economy size. Available as 10oz. 05208 Chrome Polish Gives that extra sparkle and protection to wheel and all chrome accessories. Great for mirrors and glass. Mild and effective in one application. 8oz 05300 Preserves Protectant 05301 Preserves Protectant Preserves & protects for 30 days. Blocks out the harmful effect of UV rays. Great for tires, rubber, vinyl, plastic & fiberglass. Sold as 8oz Same as above in ecomony size. Available as 10oz 05400 Upholstery Cleaner Safely removes dirt from and stains from most fabrics including vinyl and cloth. 13oz 05500 Gold Original Wax Original Formula paste wax is created with carnuba wax. The original quality polish 12oz 05550 Natural Paste Wax 05750 Natural Liquid Wax Natural Formula Paste wax contains the highest quality #1 yellow carnuba wax. Apply, remove the light haze and enjoy the most spectacular shine. 12oz paste. Same as above in liquid form. Available as 16oz 05600 Car Wash The ultra sudsy car wash contains detergent strong enough to wash away contaminants yet will not remove wax and resists water spotting. 16 oz 05701 Gold Liquid Wax The Original Formula Liquid wax. The alternative to paste wax is this fantastic liquid wax made with Brazilian carnuba for that spectacular shine. 16oz 05822 Wheel Mist Rusty rims? Oxidized bumpers? Simply spray on and hose of dirt, rust, brake dust & grime One step formulated for chrome, wire wheels and rough cast aluminum. Red bottle 22oz 05922 Wheel Mist Multi purpose wheel mist is one step and designed to clean all wheels. One step formulated for chrome and rough cast aluminum. Yellow bottle 22oz 00618 Back to Black Renews and protects all exterior trim. Perfect for rubber vinyl, flat finishes. Surface does not need to be black obtain superior results. Available as 4oz. 06208 Plastic Polish The most intense plastic polish available. Hairline scratches disappear on clear plastic. 8oz 07100 Pre Wax Cleaner Prepares paint for glazing or waxing by removing oxidation, dirt, old stains and wax. 16oz 08100 Sealer & Glaze Fills & hides scracthes, swirl marks and spiderwebbing. Can be used over existing wax. 16oz 09300 Leather Lotion Enriches & replenishes natural oils that may be lost from light, heat & everyday wear. 8oz 09400 Leather Cleaner Safely removes surface contaminants as it softens and moisturizes leather. Spray on. 8oz 05100 158 PJ 1 Super Cleaner 49630 PJ 1 Super Cleaner & Contact Cleaner “The Mechanics choice” 1001 uses. ea. 20oz Popular PJ 1 Products 49613 49633 49632 49614 49631 49612 49634 PJ 1 Carburetor & Injector cleaner PJ 1 Foam filter cleaner PJ 1 Spray & Wash degreaser PJ 1 Penetrating Cable Lube PJ 1 LPC-3™ Penetrant/Lubricant PJ 1 Octane Plus™ Gas additive PJ 1 Re-New & Pro-Tect PJ1 Paint 49650 49645 49646 49851 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. PJ 1 1500 deg. exhaust paint flat black ea. PJ 1 Engine & Case Paint Gloss Black Ea. PJ 1 Engine & Case Paint Satin Black Ea. PJ 1 Wrinkle Paint Satin Black Ea. 12oz 20oz 20oz 16oz 16oz 20oz 8oz VHT Paints 49700 49701 49705 49710 49711 49715 49716 49717 49718 49719 49720 49725 VHT 1350 Flameproof paint Flat Black VHT 1350 Flameproof paint Flat White VHT Flameproof paint Clear VHT Wrinkle paint Black VHT Wrinkle paint Red VHT Oxidized Case paint Black VHT Epoxy Frame paint Gloss Black VHT Engine enamel paint Gloss Black VHT Universal eng. enemal Aluminum VHT Barrel paint Gloss Black VHT Sandable primer Light Grey VHT Barrel paint Semi-Gloss Black 16oz 11oz 11oz 11oz VHT Products PJ 1 Balance Plus for Tires Protects against flats, stops wheel hop & wont clog valve stems. Approved for tube & tubeless tires. 49615 PJ 1 Balance Plus ea. 8oz 49616 PJ 1 Balance Plus Economy shop size ea. 6G 49617 PJ 1 Pump for 6 Gallon Balance plus ea. 20oz 49751 49730 49740 49749 49750 49760 49755 VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT VHT Strip Fast Paint Remover Assembly Lube Night Shades Gasket remover Anti Sieze compound 8oz LPC Ultra penetrating lube Torque-Tite© Copper Gasket cement SP575 SP701 SP999 SP 20 SP990 SP 2 SP21 159 SP102 SP101 SP115 SP201 SP204 SP903 SP650 SP124 SP127 SP905 SP304 SP906 Fork Oil 49606 49607 49608 49610 PJ 1 Fork Oil PJ 1 Fork Oil PJ 1 Fork Oil PJ 1 Fork Oil 15 Weight 20 Weight 30 Weight ATF Red Heavy Duty Chain Lube Blue Label O’Ring Chain Lube Blue Label O’Ring Chain Lube Hypoid Gear Oil 49620 49621 160 PJ 1 Gear Oil PJ 1 Gear Oil 3 Bond Products 10124 10126 10127 10145 Liquid Gasket #1104 Semi-dry Grey Liquid Silicone #1270D Silver Grip Lock Seal-N-Air 60T00 Motorcycle size Super Glue Chain Lube 49601 49602 49603 ea. 16oz ea. 16oz ea. 16oz ea. 16oz ea. ea. ea. 17oz 8oz 18oz 10140 10141 10142 Liquid Gel Gel 3.5oz 3.5oz 1oz 6oz #1742B Super Glue #1762B Super Glue #1762B Super Glue Shop Size 2ml 2gm 20gm 10130 10131 10146 Thread Lock #1303 Green Hi-Strength Thread Lock #1303 Green Hi-Strength Thread Lock #1303 Green Hi-Strength 10ml 50cc 250cc 10132 10133 10147 Thread Lock #1333B Red Bearing & Stud Thread Lock #1333B Red Bearing & Stud Thread Lock #1333B Red Bearing & Stud 10ml 50cc 250cc 10134 10135 10148 Thread Lock #1342 Blue Low-Strength Thread Lock #1342 Blue Low-Strength Thread Lock #1342 Blue Low-Strength 10ml 50cc 250cc 10136 10137 10149 Thread Lock #1360 Red High Temp Thread Lock #1360 Red High Temp Thread Lock #1360 Red High Temp 10ml 50cc 250cc 3 Bond 90 Weight 85W140 ea. 32oz ea. 32oz Threadlock 01215 Blue Job Chrome Polish & Blue Remover. 8oz Exhaust pipe de-oxidizer. Will not sratch or dull chrome. Great for Chrome, Stainless, Copper and brass. 01212 HI-TEC Bike wash. 32oz Economical and wont leave white spots. Safe for use on polished aluminum, paint, plastic and decals. Fuel Additives 31225 49859 49860 Spirit Octane Booster Fuel Catalyst (in tank) Torco Octane Booster (upto 107) Unleaded 32oz Wizard Octane Booster & Fuel Catalyst 16oz Brake Fluid 49850 49851 49852 49855 DOT 5 DOT 5 DOT 5 DOT 4 Brake Fluid Brake Fluid Brake Fluid Brake Fluid Sold Each Sold Each Sold Each Sold Each Foam Filter Oil Spray 49814 49815 Foam Filter Oil spray by Uni Foam Filter Oil spray by Uni Cable Lubricant 49865 Dri-slide cable Lubricant with needle Assembly Lube 83199 Crane Engine assembly lube Cutting Fluid 99430 Cutting fluid for cast & bronze guides 8oz 32oz 1gallon 8oz 5.5oz 1.25oz 5.5oz 4oz 16oz 161 Kits Master Thread Repair Kits 83400 83401 Helicoil Inch Helicoil Inch Coarse Master Thread Kit Fine Master Thread Kit “Coarse” Inch Kits 83420 83421 83422 83423 83425 83426 83429 8-32 x .246 10-24 x .285 12-24 x .324 1/4-20 x .375 3/8-16 x .562 7/16-14 x .285 5/8-11 x .938 Helicoil Inserts Packs of 12 83500 83501 83502 83504 83505 83506 83515 83516 83517 83518 Helicoil Kits 8-32 x .246 10-24 x .285 12-24 x .324 1/4-20 x .375 3/8-16 x .562 7/16-14 x .565 10-32 x .285 1/4-28 x .375 5/16-24 x .469 3/8-24 x .562 “Fine” Inch Repair Kits 83448 83451 83452 83453 83457 10-32 x .285 1/4-28 x .375 5/16-24 x .469 3/8-24 x .562 5/18-18 x .938 Spark Plug kit Spark Plug kit Spark Plug kit Save-A-Thread Packs of 6 83507 83509 83519 83520 83521 162 1/4-24 x .500 3/8-20 x .375 7/16-16 x .656 1/2-13 x .375 1/2-20 x .375 5/8-18 x .325 5/16-18 x .469 5/16-18 x .469 83488 Shovelhead Head Bolts Kit 7/16 x 20 1/2-13 x .750 5/8-11 x .930 7/16-20 x .656 1/2-20 x .750 5/8-18 x .938 83545 83546 83547 83548 83549 83550 83551 Harley 12 pack Harley 6 pack Harley 6 pack Harley 6 pack Harley 6 pack Harley 6 pack Harley 12 pack 1/4-24 x .500 3/8-20 x .375 7/16-16 x .656 1/2-13 x .375 1/2-20 x .375 5/8-18 x .325 5/16-18 x .469 83552 Harley Lock Inserts (6) 5/16-18 x .469 Packs of 4 83553 3/8-16 x .938 10mm 12mm 14mm 14mm Spark Plug Inserts (Packs of 6) 83530 83531 83532 83534 83535 83536 83537 83538 83540 83541 83542 Cam Cover Tappet Guide Kit Front / Rear Brake drums Kit Knucklehead Head Bolts Kit Drain Plugs Early XL Kit Drain Plug Big Twin Kit Timing Plug Kit Case Bolts / Generator Kit Transmission cover Big Twin Kit Helicoil Inserts Helicoil Spark Plug Repair Kits 83470 83473 83475 83477 83480 83481 83482 83483 83484 83485 83486 83487 10mm x 1/2 12mm x 1/2 12mm x 3/4 14mm x 3/8 14mm x 7/16 14mm x 1/2 14mm x 3/4 14mm x .472 Save-A-Thread inserts 14mm Short Save-A-Thread inserts 14mm Std Save-A-Thread inserts 14mm Long Helicoil “Drill Out” 83570 83571 “Drill Out” Stud extractor Kit “Drill Out” Micro extractor Kit 80-401 80-450 83572 83573 83574 83575 83576 83577 83578 83579 Micro #5#6M3 Micro #8#M4 Micro #10#12M5 Micro 1/4”M6 1/4”M6 5/16”M8 3/8”M10 1/2”M12 80-125 80-164 80-190 80-236 80-250 80-312 80-375 80-500 Other Inserts 83554 83555 Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Ea Head Bolt Inserts (5) 7/16-20 x .875 Shovel Exhaust Stud (12) 5/16-20 x .625 Master Cylinder Hones (Grit 320AO) 14mm 99570 5/8” 99572 18mm 99574 3/4” 99576 Precision Reamers for Valve Guides 1 3/8” 99593 Grit 180SC Hones 99510 99594 Flex Hone .787 (20mm) 41mm Fork bushing 1 5/8” Flex Hones Grit 240SC 99500 99502 99507 n/a n/a n/a n/a 99587 n/a n/a n/a 99598 99601 99605 99609 99613 99615 99617 Size .522 (14mm) .630 (16mm) .709 (16mm) .315 (8mm) .354 (9mm) .375 (9.5mm) .394 (10mm) 1/2” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 2 3/4” 3” 3 1/4” 3 1/2” 3 3/4” 4” 4 1/8” Valve Guide Brush 99580 1/4” Nylon Brush 99581 5/16” Nylon Brush 99582 3/8” Nylon Brush Grit 320SC n/a 99503 99508 99553 99556 99559 99562 n/a 99590 99591 99592 n/a 99602 99606 99610 99614 99616 99618 For Cast Valve Guides 99300 99302 99304 99306 99308 99310 99320 99322 99324 99326 99328 99330 99332 99334 99336 99338 99340 99342 99344 99346 Size .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .340 .341 .342 .343 .344 .373 .374 .375 .376 .377 .378 .379 .380 .381 For Bronze Valve Guides 99350 99352 99354 99356 99358 99360 99370 99372 99374 99376 99378 99380 99382 99384 99386 99388 99390 99392 99394 99396 Accesories 99585 99410 99411 99415 99416 99417 99424 99425 99660 Coil Socket Brush Cutter, spring seat pocket (no pilot) OD 1.476 Cutter, spring seat pocket (no pilot) OD 1.635 Cutter, Valve guide (no pilot) OD .562 Guide for Pilot & Pocket cutters 3/8” Guide for Pilot & Pocket cutters 5/16” Speed reducer 5 to 1 for reaming guides Driver adaptor, driver reamey by Elec/Air Drill Flex - Hone Honing Oil Quart Cylinder Washing Brush 99623 99624 3.5” USA Made 4” USA Made 163 HARDWARE KITS Complete Motor Sets (Twin Cam 88®) 25503 25504 25505 25506 25507 25508 1999+ 1999+ ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up Sofrtail Sofrtail Dyna Dyna FLT FLT Rocker Box Sets (Twin Cam 88®) 25520 25521 ‘99-up ‘99-up Rocker Box Kit Rocker Box Kit Lifter Block Sets (Twin Cam 88®) 25522 25523 ‘99-up ‘99-up Lifter Block Kit Lifter Block Kit Knurled Allen Smooth Allen Knurled Allen Smooth Allen Knurled Allen Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Side Cover Sets (Twin Cam 88®) 25510 ‘99-up Cam Cover Kit Allen Head 25511 ‘99-up Cam Cover Kit Smooth Allen 25514 ‘99-up Clutch Cover Kit Button Torx® 25515 ‘99-up Inspection Cover Kit Button Torx® 25518 ‘99-up Cam Position Sensor Kit Button Torx® 25524 ‘99-up Inner Primary Kit Allen Head 25525 ‘99-up Inner Primary Kit Smooth Allen Torx® is a Registered Trademark of Camcar Textron, Inc. Transmission Allen Sets (Twin Cam 88®) 164 25532 25533 25534 25535 25540 25541 ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up Trans Top Cover Trans Top Cover Trans Top Cover Trans Top Cover Trans Top Cover Trans Top Cover Softail Softail FLT FLT Dyna Dyna Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen 25542 25543 25538 25539 25536 25537 ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up Trans Side Cover Trans Side Cover Trans Side Cover Trans Side Cover Trans Side Cover Trans Side Cover Dyna Dyna FLT FLT Softail Softail Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Complete Allen Head Motor Sets 21100 21101 21102 21103 21107 21106 21104 21105 21110 21108 21109 21111 21114 21112 21113 25503 25504 25505 25506 25507 25508 23125 23127 23126 23128 23129 23130 23131 23132 23133 23134 ‘48-57 ‘58-64 ‘65 ‘66-69 ‘70-76 ‘77-84 ‘82-83 ‘84-85 ‘84-85 ‘86 ‘87-88 ‘87-93 ‘87-93 ‘89-99 ‘89-99 1999+ 1999+ ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘99-up ‘57-66 ‘57-69 ‘67-70 ‘71-76 ‘77-E84 L84-85 ‘86-90 ‘86-90 ‘91-03 ‘91-03 Panhead Panhead Panhead Shovelhead Shovelhead FX + FLH FXR 4-Speed 5-Speed (exc.FXST) FXST Softail FXR + FLT FXR + FLT Smooth Allen Softail + Dyna Knurled Allen Softail + Dyna Smooth Allen Sofrtail Knurled Allen Sofrtail Smooth Allen Dyna Knurled Allen Dyna Smooth Allen FLT Knurled Allen FLT Smooth Allen XLH XLCH XLH + ‘70 XLCH XL XL XL Ev XL Knurled Allen Ev XL Smooth Allen XL Knurled Allen XL Smooth Allen HARDWARE KITS Side Cover Allen Sets 25514 1999+ Clutch Cover Kit Button Torx® 21233 ‘36-64 Panhead Cam/Primary/Clutch 21238 ‘58-69 Big-Twin Cam + Generator 21237 ‘65-69 Big-Twin Cam/Primary/Inspect. 21234 ‘70-86 4-Speed Cam/Primary/Clutch 21235 ‘80-84 FLT/FXR Engine + Trans 21231 ‘85-86 5-Speed Engine + Trans 21230 ‘87-88 Softail Engine + Trans 21232 ‘87-95 FLT/FXR Engine + Trans 21236 ‘89-90 Softail Engine + Trans 23160 ‘57-66 XL Cam/Primary 23161 ‘57-69 XLCH Cam/Primary 23155 ‘67-70 XLH Cam/Primary 23156 ‘71-76 XL Cam/Primary 23157 ‘77-85 XL Cam/Primary/Sprocket 23158 ‘86-90 XL Cam/Primary 23159 ‘91-99 XL Right Side* *includes Cam, sprocket cover, & rear master cylinder mount 165 HARDWARE KITS Primary, Inspection & Derby Cover Allen Sets 21198 21197 21195 21194 21200 21189 25516 ‘65-85 ‘80-84 ‘85-93 ‘85-93 ‘95-99 ‘95-99 1999+ 4-Speed 5-Speed FLT/FXR FLT/FXR Softail/Dyna (EV) Softail/Dyna (EV) FLT Insp. Cover Kit Smooth Allen Knurled Allen Smooth Allen Buttonhead Torx Primary Cover Only Allen Sets 21199 21196 21164 25524 25525 25526 25527 25528 25529 21192 21193 21205 21206 21207 21208 23162 23163 ‘36-64 ‘65-69 ‘70-85 1999+ 1999+ 1999 1999 00+ 00+ ‘89-99 ‘89-99 ‘99-05 ‘99-05 '99-05 '99-05 ‘91-99 ‘91-99 note: FL/FLH FL/FLH Flat Head Screws 4-Speed Inner Primary to Case Softail/Dyna Inner Primary Cover Softail/Dyna Smooth Allen Inner Primary Cover FLT Inner Primary Cover FLT Smooth Allen Inner Primary Cover FLT Inner Primary Cover FLT Smooth Allen Inner Primary Cover Softail/Dyna (EV) Allen Head Softail/Dyna (EV) Smooth Allen Softail/Dyna (TC) Allen Head Softail/Dyna (TC) Smooth Allen FLH/FLT Allen Head FLH/FLT Smooth Allen XL Allen Head XL Smooth Allen ‘86-90 use 24414 or 24415 smooth (10 pk) Inspection / Derby Cover 21152 21191 21201 21190 25515 ‘36-64 FL/FLH ‘89-94 Softail/Dyna ‘95-99 Softail/Dyna (EV) ‘95-99 Softail/Dyna (EV) 1999+ Inspection Cover Kit Cam Cover Allen Sets 166 21157 21241 21242 21239 21240 21243 21249 25510 25511 25518 23140 23141 23141 ‘36-69 ‘70-84 ‘70-84 ‘87-92 ‘87-92 ‘87-92 ‘84-99 '99 '99+ '99+ ‘71-85 ‘86-90 ‘91-99 FL/FLH Big-Twin Big-Twin FXR/FLT FXR/FLT Softail/Dyna (EV) Softail/Dyna (EV) Cam Cover Kit Cam Cover Kit Cam Sensor Kit Sportster Sportster Sportster Allen Head Button Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Button Torx® Button Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Smooth Allen Allen Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Button Torx® Allen Head Allen Head Allen Head HARDWARE KITS Rocker Box Sets 21185 21186 21229 21226 21224 25520 25521 23144 23148 21226 21224 ‘48-65 ‘48-65 ‘66-84 ‘84-99 ‘84-99 ‘99+ '99+ ‘71-76 ‘77-85 ‘86-99 ‘86-99 Panhead w/o D-Ring Panhead with D-Ring Shovelhead Big-Twin (EV) Big-Twin (EV) Twin Cam Twin Cam XL XL XL XL Rocker Shaft End Plug Sets 21228 ‘66-70 21227 ‘71-84 Shovel / Shovel / ‘57-70 XL ‘71-85 XL Lifter Block Sets 21184 ‘36-E76 Big-Twin 21182 L76-99 Big-Twin (EV) 21183 L76-99 Big-Twin (EV) 21181 ‘36-E76 Big-Twin 21180 L76-99 Big-Twin (EV) 21179 ‘36-E76 Using Late Blocks Oil Filter Housing 25512 1999+ 25512 1999+ FLT/Dyna FLT/Dyna Oil Pump Mount Sets 21175 21176 21177 21178 ‘79-91 ‘79-91 ‘92-99 ‘92-99 Big-Twin Big-Twin Big-Twin (EV) Big-Twin (EV) Cylinder Base Sets 21248 ‘36-84 23149 ‘57-85 23150 ‘57-85 Big-Twin Sportster Sportster Allen Head Allen Head Acorn Nuts Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Allen Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Allen Head Oval Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Acorn Nut & Stud Acorn Nut & Stud Allen Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Allen Head Smooth Allen Acorn Nuts Acorn Nuts Hex Nuts 167 HARDWARE KITS Transmission Allen Sets (Big Twin) 21250 21252 21251 21255 21256 21253 21254 21257 ‘64-78 ‘79-86 ‘36-86 ‘87-99 ‘87-99 ‘89-99 ‘89-99 ‘89-99 21258 ‘89-99 Top Cover Flat Head Screws Top Cover 4-Speed Side Cover 4-Speed End Cover FXR/FLT (EV) Allen End Cover FXR/FLT (EV) Smooth End Cover Softail/Dyna (EV) Allen End Cover Softail/Dyna (EV) Smooth End Cover + Bearing Support Softail/Dyna (EV) Allen Head End Cover + Bearing Support Softail/Dyna (EV) Smooth Allen Oil Pump Top Plug Sets (Allen Head) 21170 21171 21168 21169 21172 21173 21174 ‘70-80 ‘81-99 ‘66-69 ‘70-80 ‘81-99 ‘41-80 ‘68-80 Plug Set (3) Plug Set (3) Screen Plug Screen Plug Pump Plug (ea) Check Valve Plug (ea) Relief Valve Plug (ea) Oil Filter Mount Sets 21166 21167 ‘95-98 ‘95-98 Big-Twin Big-Twin Timing Plug 21246 21247 ‘36-up ‘36-up All Models All Models Exhaust Mount Sets 21163 89730 89731 89732 ‘66-up ‘66-up ‘66-up ‘84-up Kicker Arm Set 21165 168 Shovel Shovel Shovel Ev All Models thru ‘76 Allen Head Smooth Allen Button Head Acorn Allen Head Stage 8 Stage 8 w/Gaskets Stage 8 Allen Head HARDWARE KITS Head Light Mount hardware 21162 All Narrowglides Point / Timer Cover Sets 21188 ‘70-78 21187 ‘79-99 All Models All Models Generator Mount Hardware 23147 ‘71-E84 XL 21238 ‘58-69 Big-Twin Rear Fender Rail 21225 ‘71-85 21218 ‘86-98 21219 ‘86-98 FX w/Sissy Bar Softail Softail Allen Head Button Head Button Head Allen Head Cam & Gen Mount Allen Head Allen/Flat Head Smooth Allen Air Cleaner Cover (Allen Head) 21244 S&S Carb Air Cleaner Only 21245 S&S Carb Air Cleaner and Float Bowl Screws Handlebar Top Clamp 21270 ‘74-81 All Models 21271 Pullback and FXWG Risers Rep. HD#348 Handlebar Lever Mount/ Switch Housings Includes master cylinder cover 21160 21159 21143 21142 21141 ‘73-81 ‘82-95 ‘82-95 ‘96-99 ‘82+ All Models All Models All Models All Modells All Models Throttle Mount Hardware 21161 ‘74-81 All Models Allen Head Button Head Smooth Allen Button Head Flat Screws Allen Head 169 HARDWARE KITS Brake Rotor Sets (Rear) 21290 21292 21154 21293 21300 21297 21155 ‘92-99 All Models Spoke Wheel ‘92-99 All Models Cast Wheel ‘73-80 FL/FX Spoke Wheel ‘78-91 Big-Twin Cast Wheel ‘79-81 XL Spoke/Cast ‘82-85 FLT Cast Wheel ‘81-91 FX/FXR & Softail ‘91 FXDB; ‘79-91 XL Spoke Wheel Brake Rotor Sets (Front) 21154 21291 21298 21297 21299 21295 21296 ‘73-84 ‘74-77 ‘77-83 ‘80-81 ‘80-83 ‘84-99 ‘84-99 FL FX/XL FX/XL FLT FXWG All Models All Models Spoke Wheel Spoke Wheel Dual Disc (10) Cast Wheel Spoke Wheel (10) Spoke Wheel Cast Wheel Button Head Button Head Button Head Flat Head Flat Head Flat Head Flat Head Button Head Flat Head Flat Head Flat Head Flat Head Button Head Button Head Brake Mounting Sets 21153 21156 ‘77-83 FX/XL Front Caliper Mount Dual Disc ‘73-84 FX/FLH Rear Brake Arm Support Bracket Hex head with slotted nuts, cotter pins and washers. Swing Arm Bracket Sets 21210 21211 21214 21215 ‘82-88 ‘82-88 ‘89-99 ‘89-99 FXR/FLT Allen Head FXR/FLT Smooth Allen FXR/FLT (EV) (w/ Hole Plug) Allen Head FXR/FLT (EV) (w/ Hole Plug) Smooth Allen Rear Fender Struts 21210 21211 21212 21214 21215 21216 21218 21219 21220 Seat Mount 170 21279 '02+ FLST '02+ FLST '02+ FLST '02+ FXST '02+ FXST '02+ FXST '86-99 FXST '86-99 FXST '86-99 FXST ‘84-up Softail Rep. HD #868 Allen Polished Allen Buttonhead Allen Polished Allen Buttonhead Allen Polished Allen Buttonhead Button Head HARDWARE KITS Sprocket & Belt Pulley Sets (Laced Wheel) 21140 21151 21144 21148 21150 21149 21147 21145 21146 25550 25551 25552 25553 ‘73-99 ‘73-99 ‘73-99 ‘73-E86 ‘79-96 ‘73-E86 ‘79-96 ‘73-E86 ‘79-96 L86-99 ‘97-99 L86-99 ‘97-99 L86-99 ‘97-99 Big-Twin & ‘91-99 XL Big-Twin & ‘91-99 XL Big-Twiin & ‘91-99 XL Big-Twin XL (Exc.80-84 FLT) Big-Twin XL (Exc.80-84 FLT) Big-Twin XL (Exc.80-84 FLT) Big-Twin XL, ‘80-84 FLT Big-Twin XL, ‘80-84 FLT Big-Twin XL, ‘80-84 FLT Pulley Hardware Pulley Hardware Pulley Hardware Pulley Hardware Motor Mount 23170 23171 23172 23173 23174 ‘89-99 “ ‘89-99 “ ‘89-99 '01+ '01+ '00+ '00+ Softail / Dyna “ “ Softail / Dyna “ “ Softail / Dyna Fuel Tank Mount 21158 21216 21217 ‘85-90 ‘91-99 ‘91-99 Coil Cover 23345 ‘78-up Hex Bolts Allen Head Smooth Allen Hex Bolts Allen Head Smooth Allen Hex Bolts Allen Head Smooth Allen FLH/ FLT Allen FLH/ FLT Smooth Allen ST/FX Allen ST/FX Smooth Allen Front &Rear Smooth Allen Front, Rear & Top Smooth Allen Top Only Fat Bob Softail Softail Allen Head Allen Head Smooth Allen Big-Twin Replaces HD #347 Front Fork Sets 21261 ‘73-88 35mm 21260 ‘87-99 39mm 21262 ‘73-88 35mm License Plate Mount Triple Tree Pinch Bolt Triple Tree set Triple Tree Side Button Screws 21280 All Models License Plate Mount 21281All Models License Plate Mount 21282All Models Plate Bracket to Fender Acorn Head Button Head Allen Head 171 CHROME HARDWARE Allen Head Screw Assortment 1/4-20 & 1/4-28 24400 Allen Head Screw Assortment 24401 Allen Head Screw Assortment Smooth Assortments include 180 pieces and tray 24402 24403 1/4-20 x 1/2 24404 24405 1/4-20 x 5/8 24406 24407 1/4-20 x 3/4 24408 24409 1/4-20 x 7/8 24410 24411 1/4-20 x 1 24412 24413 1/4-20 x 1 1/4 24414 24415 1/4-20 x 1 1/2 24416 24417 1/4-20 x 1 3/4 24418 24419 1/4-20 x 2 24420 24421 1/4-20 x 2 1/4 24422 24423 1/4-20 x 2 1/2 24424 24425 1/4-20 x 2 3/4 24426 24427 1/4-28 x 3/8 24428 24429 1/4-28 x 1/2 24430 24431 1/4-28 x 5/8 24432 24433 1/4-28 x 3/4 24434 24435 1/4-28 x 7/8 24436 24437 1/4-28 x 1 Allen Head Screw Assortment 5/16-18 Coarse 24600 Allen Head Screw Assortment 24601 Allen Head Screw Assortment Smooth Assortments include 105 pieces and tray Allen Head Screws STD 24610 24612 24614 24616 24618 24620 24622 24624 24626 24628 24630 24632 172 SMOOTH 24611 24613 24615 24617 24619 24621 24623 24625 24627 24629 24631 24633 10 Packs 5/16-18 x 1/2 5/16-18 x 5/8 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 7/8 5/16-18 x 1 5/16-18 x 1 1/4 5/16-18 x 1 1/2 5/16-18 x 1 3/4 5/16-18 x 2 5/16-18 x 2 1/4 5/16-18 x 2 1/2 5/16-18 x 2 3/4 CHROME HARDWARE Allen Head Screw Assortment 5/16-24 Fine 24650 Allen Head Screw Assortment 24651 Allen Head Screw Assortment Smooth Assortments include 100 pieces and tray Allen Head Screws STD 24652 24654 24656 24658 24660 24662 24664 24668 24670 24672 24674 24676 SMOOTH 24653 24655 24657 24659 24661 24663 24665 24669 24671 24673 24675 24677 (10 packs) 5/16-24 x 5/8 5/16-24 x 3/4 5/16-24 x 7/8 5/16-24 x 1 5/16-24 x 1 1/4 5/16-24 x 1 1/2 5/16-24 x 1 3/4 5/16-24 x 2 5/16-24 x 2 1/4 5/16-24 x 2 1/2 5/16-24 x 2 3/4 5/16-24 x 3 Allen Head Screw Assortment 3/8-16 & 7/16-14 24700 Allen Head Screw Assortment 24701 Allen Head Screw Assortment Smooth Assortments include 95 pieces and tray Allen Head Screws STD 24706 24708 24710 24712 24714 24716 24718 24720 24722 24724 24726 24728 24730 SMOOTH 24707 24709 24711 24713 24715 24717 24719 24721 24723 24725 24727 24729 24731 24735 (10 packs) 3/8-16 x 3/4 3/8-16 x 1 3/8-16 x 1 1/4 3/8-16 x 1 1/2 3/8-16 x 1 3/4 3/8-16 x 2 3/8-16 x 2 1/4 3/8-16 x 2 1/2 3/8-16 x 2 3/4 3/8-16 x 3 3/8-16 x 3 1/4 3/8-16 x 3 1/2 7/16-14 x 1 7/16-14 x 1 1/2* *not included in assortment 173 CHROME HARDWARE Allen Head Screw Assortment 3/8-24 & 7/16-20] 24750 Allen Head Screw Assortment 24751 Allen Head Screw Assortment Smooth Assortments include 90 pieces and tray Allen Head Screws STD 24754 24756 24758 24760 24762 24764 24766 24768 24770 24772 24774 SMOOTH 24755 24757 24759 24761 24763 24765 24767 24769 24771 24773 24775 (10 packs) 3/8-24 x 3/4 3/8-24 x 1 3/8-24 x 1 1/4 3/8-24 x 1 1/2 3/8-24 x 1 3/4 3/8-24 x 2 3/8-24 x 2 1/4 3/8-24 x 2 1/2 3/8-24 x 2 3/4 3/8-24 x 3 7/16-20 x 1 Allen Head Screw Assortment 8-32, 10-24, 10-32 24550 Allen Head Screw Assortment 24551 Allen Head Screw Assortment Smooth Assortments include 180 pieces and tray Allen Head Screws STD 24552 24554 24556 24558 24560 24562 24564 24566 24568 24570 24572 24574 24576 24578 24580 24582 24584 24586 174 SMOOTH 24553 24555 24557 24559 24561 24563 24565 24567 24569 24571 24573 24575 24577 24579 24581 24583 24585 24587 (10 packs) 8-32 x 1/2 8-32 x 7/8 10-24 x 3/8 10-24 x 1/2 10-24 x 5/8 10-24 x 3/4 10-24 x 1 10-24 x 1 1/4 10-24 x 1 1/2 10-24 x 1 3/4 10-24 x 2 10-32 x 1/2 10-32 x 5/8 10-32 x 3/4 10-32 x 7/8 10-32 x 1 10-32 x 1 1/4 10-32 x 1 1/2 CHROME HARDWARE Button Head Screw Assortment 23551 Button Head Screw Assortment Assortment includes 240 pieces and tray Button Head Screws 23552 23553 23554 23557 23560 23561 23562 23564 23565 23566 23567 23568 23569 23571 23572 23578 23579 23580 23582 23583 23584 23588 23589 23593 23594 (10 packs) 8-32 x 1/2 8-32 x 5/8 8-32 x 3/4 10-24 x 1/2 10-32 x 1/2 10-32 x 3/4 10-32 x 1 1/4-20 x 1/2 1/4-20 x 5/8 1/4-20 x 3/4 1/4-20 x 7/8 1/4-20 x 1 1/4-28 x 1/2 1/4-28 x 3/4 1/4-28 x 1 5/16-18 x 1/2 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 1 5/16-24 x 3/8 5/16-24 x 1/2 5/16-24 x 1 3/8-16 x 3/4 3/8-16 x 1 3/8-24 x 3/4 3/8-24 x 1 Chrome Hole Plug Assortment 23250 Hole Plug Assortment Assortment includes 300 pieces and tray Chrome Hole Plugs 23252 23253 23255 23256 23258 23259 23260 23261 1/4” Retail Display Pack 1/4” Bulk 5/16” Retail Display Pack 5/16" Bulk 3/8” Retail Display Pack 3/8” Bulk 7/16” & 1/2” Retail Display Pack 7/16” & 1/2” Bulk (10 pack) (100 pack) (10 pack) (100 pack) (10 pack) (100 pack) (10 pack) (25 pack) 175 CHROME HARDWARE Hex Bolt Assortment 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 Coarse 23850 Hex Bolt Assortment Assortment includes 215 pieces and tray Hex Bolts (10 packs) 23852 23854 23856 23858 23860 23862 23864 23866 23868 23876 23878 23880 23882 23884 23886 23888 23890 23892 23900 23902 23904 23906 23908 23910 1/4-20 x 5/8 1/4-20 x 3/4 1/4-20 x 7/8 1/4-20 x 1 1/4-20 x 1 1/4 1/4-20 x 1 1/2 1/4-20 x 1 3/4 1/4-20 x 2 1/4-20 x 2 1/4 5/16-18 x 5/8 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 7/8 5/16-18 x 1 5/16-18 x 1 1/4 5/16-18 x 1 1/2 5/16-18 x 1 3/4 5/16-18 x 2 5/16-18 x 2 1/4 3/8-16 x 3/4 3/8-16 x 1 3/8-16 x 1 1/4 3/8-16 x 1 1/2 3/8-16 x 1 3/4 3/8-16 x 2 Nylon Insert Nut Assortment 23600 Nylon Insert Nut Assortment Assortment includes 105 pieces and tray Nylon Insert Nuts 23604 23608 23612 23616 23620 23623 176 10-24 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 7/16-14 1/2-13 (5pk) 23609 1/4-20 23613 5/16-18 23625 3/8-18 (10 packs) 23606 23610 23614 23618 23622 23624 23626 10-32 1/4-28 5/16-24 3/8-24 7/16-20 5/8-18 (5pk) 1/2-20 (5pk) Thin Hex Chrome Thin Hex Chrome Thin Hex Chrome (10pk) (10pk) (10pk) CHROME HARDWARE Hex Bolt Assortment 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 Fine 23700 Hex Bolt Assortment Assortment includes 215 pieces and tray Hex Bolts 23710 23712 23714 23716 23718 23720 23722 23724 23726 23734 23736 23738 23740 23742 23744 23746 23748 23750 23760 23762 23764 23766 23768 23770 (10 packs) 1/4-28 x 5/8 1/4-28 x 3/4 1/4-28 x 7/8 1/4-28 x 1 1/4-28 x 1 1/4 1/4-28 x 1 1/2 1/4-28 x 1 3/4 1/4-28 x 2 1/4-28 x 2 1/4 5/16-24 x 5/8 5/16-24 x 3/4 5/16-24 x 7/8 5/16-24 x 1 5/16-24 x 1 1/4 5/16-24 x 1 1/2 5/16-24 x 1 3/4 5/16-24 x 2 5/16-24 x 2 1/4 3/8-24 x 3/4 3/8-24 x 1 3/8-24 x 1 1/4 3/8-24 x 1 1/2 3/8-24 x 1 3/4 3/8-24 x 2 Acorn Assortment 23350 Acorn Nut Assortment Assortment includes 110 pieces and tray Acorn Nuts 23351 23352 23356 23360 23364 23366 23368 23372 23346 8-32 10-24 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-24 7/16-14 1/2-13 (5pk) 12-24* (10 packs) 23354 23358 23362 23365 23367 23370 23374 10-32 1/4-28 5/16-24 5/18-18 (5pk) 5/8-11 (5pk) 7/16-20 1/2-20 (5pk) *not included in assortment 177 CHROME HARDWARE Hex Nuts, Flat & Lock Washers Assortment 23300 Hex Nuts, Flat & Lock Washer Assortment Assortment includes 1200 pieces and tray Hex Nuts, Flat & Lock Washers Assortment 23302 23304 23306 23307 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 Lockwasher Lockwasher Lockwasher Lockwasher (100pack) (100pack) (100pack) (50pack)* 23312 23314 23316 23317 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 Flat Washer Flat Washer Flat Washer Flat Washer (100pack) (100pack) (100pack) (50pack)* 23322 23324 23326 1/4-28 Hex Nut 5/18-24 Hex Nut 3/8-24 Hex Nut (100 Pack) (100 Pack) (100 Pack) 23328 23330 23332 1/4-20 Hex Nut 5/18-18 Hex Nut 3/8-16 Hex Nut (100 Pack) (100 Pack) (100 Pack) 23333 7/16-14 Hex Nut 23334 7/16-20 Hex Nut * not included in assortment (50 Pack)* (50 Pack)* Flat Washer Assortment AN, SAE, USS, Fender 23400 Flat Washer Assortment Assortment includes 475 pieces and tray Flat Washers 23401 23402 23403 23404 23405 23406 23407 23408 1/4 AN 5/16 AN 3/8 AN 7/16 SAE 1/2 SAE 9/16 SAE #10 USS 1/4 USS (25 packs) 23409 23410 23411 23412 23413 23414 23415 23416 5/16 USS 3/8 USS 7/16 USS 1/2 USS 1/4 x 7/8 1/4 x 1 5/16 x 1 1/2 3/8 x 1 1/4 Small Outer Diameter 1/4" Flat Washer 23301 178 Special Small 1/4" Flatwasher Fender Fender Fender Fender CHROME HARDWARE Special Nuts & Washers 23310 1/4 Evo Rocker Box Washer HD #6736 Chrome (25 pack) 88199 1/4 Evo Rocker Box Washer HD #6114 Copper (10 pack) 23301 1/4 Primary Cover Washer HD #6099 Chrome (100 pack) 23337 5/8-18 Axle Nut (5 23346 12-24 Acorn nuts HD #7651 (Windshield) (10 pack) pack) Chrome Spacer Assortment 25100 Chrome Spacer Assortment Assortment includes 90 pieces and tray Chrome Spacers (5 packs) 25107 25108 25109 25110 25111 25112 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 25113 25114 25115 25116 25117 25118 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 25101 25102 25103 25104 25105 25106 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 x 1/8 x 5/8 x 1/4 x 5/8 x 3/8 x 5/8 x 1/2 x 5/8 x 3 /4 x 5/8 x 1” x 5/8 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1/8 x 5/8 1/4 x 5/8 3/8 x 5/8 1/2 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 1” x 5/8 1/8 x 3/4 1/4 x 3/4 3/8 x 3/4 1/2 x 3/4 3/4 x 3/4 1” x 3/4 Note: Bolt Size x Thickness x Outside Diameter Also See Page xxxx for Billet Polished Axle Spacers 179 CHROME HARDWARE Torx® Head Cap Screw Assortment 24780 Torx® Head Assortment (Smooth) Assortment includes 240 pieces and tray Torx® Head Cap Screws 24781 24782 24783 24786 24794 24796 24798 24802 24803 24804 24805 24806 24807 24808 24814 24815 24816 24824 24825 24826 24832 24833 24844 24845 (10 packs) 8-32 x 1/2 8-32 x 5/8 8-32 x 3/4 10-24 x 1/2 10-32 x 1/2 10-32 x 3/4 10-32 x 1 1/4-20 x 5/8 1/4-20 x 3/4 1/4-20 x 7/8 1/4-20 x 1 1/4-28 x 1/2 1/4-28 x 3/4 1/4-28 x 1 5/16-18 x 1/2 5/16-18 x 3/4 5/16-18 x 1 5/16-24 x 1/2 5/16-24 x 3/4 5/16-24 x 1 3/8-16 x 3/4 3/8-16 x 1 3/8-24 x 3/4 3/8-24 x 1 Torx® is a Registered Trademark of Camcar Textron, Inc. Hardware Racks Heavy duty steel construction, Stackable to form multiple units, telescoping drawers. Standard color: Gray 23298 23299 180 2 Drawer Assortment Rack 4 Drawer Assortment Rack INNER CAM BEARING REMOVER TOOL Designed like our popular EVO cam bearing tool, removes the bearing easily without any damage the crankcase. This precision built tool will also keep the pin rollers from accidentally falling into the crankcase. TEC # Jims 98800 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1279 OUTER CAM BEARING TOOL Once the camshafts are removed from the support plate, this specialty tool will remove bearing from the camshaft TEC # Jims 98803 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1280 CAM CHAIN TENSIONER TOOL This tool will unload the pressure on the primary and secondary chain tensioners to assemble and disassemble cams. This tool also checks spring loads on chain tensioners. TEC # Jims 98804 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1283 INNER CAM BEARING INSTALL/REMOVER TOOL Use to install the two inner cam needle bearings on the Twin cam. TEC # Jims 98801 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1278 CAM SHAFT REMOVER & INSTALLER This multi-function tool will remove and replace front and rear camshafts and the ball bearings in the new Twin Cam 88™. It provides the precision alignment of the camshaft to ensure a smooth press in and out of the support plate. TEC # Jims 98802 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1277 CRANKSHAFT BEARING TOOL This quality tool is designed to remove and replace the right crankcase bearing. Precision made and piloted using delrin, a non-marring material, to press bearing in and out straight with no damage to the case. TEC # Jims 98811 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1275 181 COMPRESSION RELEASE VALVE TOOL Guide Fixture For Drilling Compression Release Use this tool for machining all Twin Cam heads 1999 & later, for preparing heads to install JIMS® compression release valves. Install on the front or rear head, with or without the valves installed. Drill, spot face, tap & install release valves. TEC # Jims 98810 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1169 CRANK SHAFT BUSHING TOOL This tool will remove and install crankshaft bushing in the support plate on a Twin Cam 88™. This tool is piloted for accurate operation. TEC # Jims 98812 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ 1281 BALANCER SHAFT RETENTION PINS Use this tool to secure the engine balancers on Twin Cam 88™ “B” engines when servicing the flywheel assembly. This tool locks into the balancer’s sprocket pin holes to prevent the balancer from turning out of sync with the flywheel. TEC # Jims 98720 Twin Cam 2000 up “B” model Softails 1163 BALANCER SHAFT BEARING REMOVER & INSTALLER Performs like JIMS® other bearing removers by simplifying bearing removal. This tool will pull the bearings from the “B” motor case in one easy smooth motion preventing any damage to the bearing bores. The installing portion of this tool is designed to push on the outer diameter of bearings preventing any damage to the bearing or it’s bore. TEC # Jims 98797 Twin Cam 2000 up “B” model Softails 1167 BALANCER SHAFT ALIGNMENT TOOL This tool is a must have for maintaining a long life of your balancer’s drive chains and bearings. Take all the guess work out of setting up your sprocket and chain alignment on a “B” Beta Twin Cam Softail engine. TEC # Jims 98796 Twin Cam 2000 up “B” model Softails 1166 182 CAM/CRANK SPROCKET LOCK TOOL This precision tool allows the technician to lock the cam shaft and crankshaft sprockets to properly remove, replace, and torque the sprocket bolts. This tool is made from non- marring delrin. 98805 Use on all Twin Cam 88™. Jims 1285 CAM SHAFT REMOVER & INSTALLER This multi-function tool will remove and replace front and rear camshafts and the ball bearings in the new Twin Cam 88™. It provides the precision alignment of the camshaft to ensure a smooth press in and out of the support plate. 98802 Use on all Twin Cam 88™. Jims 1277 CRANK BEARING REMOVER & INSTALLER 98837 Use on Twin Cam "B" Softails 2000+ Jims 1146 CRANKSHAFT GUIDE This tool will spread crankcase pinion bearing rollers while reassembling right side engine case on to flywheel assembly. 98813 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ A and B Jims 1288 CRANKSHAFT BEARING TOOL This quality tool is designed to remove and replace the right crankcase bearing. Precision made and piloted using delrin, a non-marringmaterial, to press bearing in and out straight with no damage to the case. 98811 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ Jims 1275 CRANK SHAFT BUSHING TOOL This tool will remove and install crankshaft bushing in the support plate on a Twin Cam 88™. This tool is piloted for accurate operation. 98812 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ Jims 1281 183 VALVE GUIDE DRIVER SET Use for guide removal and installation on all models. 3 piece set. Manufactured from 1144 stress proof steel. 98949 Use on all models. (Note: includes Twin Cam 88™ and all aftermarket heads.) Jims 1001 COMPRESSION RELEASE VALVE TOOL Guide Fixture For Drilling Compression Release Use this tool for machining all Twin Cam heads 1999 & later, for preparing heads to install JIMS® compression release valves. Install on the front or rear head, with or without the valves installed. Drill, spot face, tap & install release valves. 98810 For all Twin Cam “A” or “B” model engines. Jims 1169 WRIST PIN BUSHING REAMER TOOL (Use with rods in or out of motor) Use this kit to ream your wrist pin bushings to H.D.® specifications. These reamers are made to exact tolerances,piloted to locate from the I.D. of your newly replaced JIMS® wrist pin bushings. Reams are easy to use with theirdesigned lead in taper at the start of each ream. Use JIMS®No. 1148 Connection rod clamp. 98702 Use on Twin Cam 88™. Jims 1726-3 TWIN CASE LAP TOOL USE ON 1958-PRESENT SINGLE CAM. This tool allows the engine builder to achieve the best of both worlds: removal of more material in less time with greater accuracy than a conventional lap. Guided on both sides of the pinion bearing race. This additional support on the cam gear side of the bearing race is achieved by means of a bolt on base plate that precisely locates a drill bushing in which the lap turns. This base plate is located on the same engine case pins as the cam cover. 98895 Twin Case Lap Tool Jims 96710-TL 98875 4 Speed tranmission case Tool Jims 1023-TL Required to do a 4-Speed transmission case TWIN CAM CRANKSHAFT BUSHING REAMER Use this tool when replacing crankshaft bushings. Tool will ream bushings for proper size, and align crankshaft to cam support plate. 98807 For 1999-present All Twin Cam 88. Jims 1101 184 HEAD HOLDER (VALVE GUIDE REMOVER AND INSTALLER) Comes with adapters to fit all H.D.® and aftermarket heads. Adapters are supported by a support stand. Makes pressing valve guides in and out simple. A special guide alignment shaft is designed into this tool. This shaft holds the right angle for the best possible guide installations. Save time and money by installing the guides, in line, with the valve seats, time and time again for much less seat grinding. 98815 For multiple applications. Jims 2240 CAM GEAR REMOVER / INSTALLER / ALIGNMENT TOOL This tool is designed to index the cam gears position while removing or installing the cam gear. It will also allow you to accurately position the cam gear from one camshaft to another. 98828 Use on Single Cam 1970-99 Jims 1290 CAM BEARING PULLER 98892 Big Twin 1958+ 98894 Sportster 1957-90 Jims 95760-TB Jims 95760-XL INNER CAM BEARING INSTALL/REMOVER TOOL Use to install the two inner cam needle bearings on the Twin cam. 98801 Use on all Twin Cam 88™. Jims 1278 89773 Use on Twin Cam Motors 98984 Big Twin 1958-present single cam only. 97272-60 98985 Sportster 1957-90 & Buell 1987-90. 97273-60 CAM COVER HOLDING TOOL A Must For Chrome or Polished Covers Use to hold cam cover for removing and installing bushings. Clamps in vice or Bridgeport® mill. Holds cam cover flat and keeps it from being scratched. 98882 For Big Twin 1970-present single cam only. Jims 1041-TC INNER CAM BEARING INSTALLATION TOOL This tool easily presses the inner cam bearing smoothly into the right case with the cases assembled to the proper depth. 98897 For Big Twin 1958-present single cam only. Jims 2188 CAM BEARING GAUGE Inner Cam Bearing Go & No Go Gauge. The only accurate and easy way to check the size of the inside diameter of your inner cam bearing. Use these pins to check if your cam is too tight or too lose. Some cases and or bearings have too much, or not enough press fit. If the cam is too tight it can eat up the end of the journal, and cause other problems with the cam. If the cam is too lose, it can rock fore and aft causingnoise and unnecessary cam, bearing and roller wear. Sold in a set of 2. 98898 Big Twin 1958-present single cam only. Jims 2249 185 CAM BUSHING LINE REAMER TOOL Use to line ream cam cover bushing to size from inner cam bearing, for a true centerline between the two dimensions. Finish size will be about .0008”- .0015” over the cam journal. 98928 Big Twin 1970- present single cam only. 1023-70 WRIST PIN REMOVER & INSTALLER This new JIMS® tool will cut the time it takes to remove wrist pins. This simple tool can be used easily by one person. No need to get another technician to hold the piston while you drift the pin out. 98817 Use on all models. Works on all pistons. 1276 89772 For Late Type Clips WRIST PIN BUSHING REAMER TOOL (Use with rods in or out of motor) Use this kit to ream your wrist pin bushings to H.D.® specifications. These reamers are made to exact tolerances,piloted to locate from the I.D. of your newly replaced JIMS® wrist pin bushings. Reams are easy to use with theirdesigned lead in taper at the start of each ream. Use JIMS®No. 1148 Connection rod clamp. 98702 Use on Twin Cam 88™. 1726-3 98701 XL 1957 to present & Buell 1987 to present1726-2 98700 Big Twin 1973+ with late diameter wrist pins 1726-1 CAM BEARING & BUSHING ALIGNMENT TOOL Use to check the alignment of cam bearing to cam cover bushing to well within .0003” of centerline. Any binding of this tool indicates misalignment of cam cover, and or bushing. A must for engine builders! 98717 Big Twin 1970-present single cam only. 2280 VALVE GUIDE PUSHER TOOLS This tool lets you push the guide into the head rather than drive it in with a punch. Power driving with air wrench may break the stud. 98900 Tool for Evolution Rowe 09-5000 98902 Tool for Shovelhead Rowe 09-5038 186 BREATHER REAMER TOOL Repair a damaged breather hole with JIMS® Breather Reamer Tool. No need to disassemble the cases. Using JIMS® reamer tool will repair a damaged breather hole to use at .030”oversize breather gear (see breather gear section in this catalog), and repair a bad breather hole in less than an hours time. 98836 Big Twin Single Cam 1936-present. Jims 1706 VALVE SPRING COMPRESSOR TOOL The last spring tool you will ever need, GUARANTEED! Necessary for removing or installing valves. Hardened ball bearing style tip at valve head end eliminates damage to valve. Comes with new valve collar receiver for safer tool usage, and can be clamped in vice. 98971 For all O.H.V. Big Twin, Sportster & TC’s. Jims 96600-36B EXHAUST STUD DRILL PLATE This tool is designed to guide and keep alignment of drill bit in order to completely drill out broken exhaust stud. A follow up with a tap is all that is needed to clean up threaded hole. This tool can be used with motor in most frames. 98835 Use on Big Twin 1984-present. Jims 1705 Use on Sportster 1986-present. Use on Buell® 1987-present. PILOT JET TOOL KEIHIN 89770 Use to remove and install Keihin Slow Jets 187 FLYWHEEL SOCKETS BIG TWIN 1954-EARLY 1981 98877 1-5/16” x 3/4” drive Jims 1037-TS BIG TWIN LATE 1983-PRESENT - SINGLE CAM ONLY 98878 1-1/2” x 1/2” drive Jims 1030-TS BIG TWIN LATE 1981-1989 98879 1-1/4” x 1/2” drive 98874 1-3/16” x 1/2” drive Jims 1031-TS Jims 2265 BIG TWIN 1972-PRESENT - SINGLE CAM ONLY 98880 1-5/8” x 3/4” drive Jims 1032-TS SPORTSTER 1954-EARLY 1981 98876 1-5/16” x 1/2” drive Jims 1028-TS SPORTSTER 1981-PRESENT & BUELL® 1987-PRESENT 98881 1-3/8” x 1/2” drive Jims 1033-TS PINION SHAFT NUT SOCKETS 98874 Fits 1981-89 Pinion shaft nut 1 3/16 Jims 2265 ALTERNATOR ROTOR REMOVAL & INSTALLATION TOOL. This tool is a must have for 45 AMP charging systems. This tool will protect the threads on the sprocket shaft from damage while pullingthe rotor free from its magnetic hold. 98715 For FL and Ultra models, 1997 to present. Jims 1147 BRAKE CALIPER PISTON REMOVER This tool will support the brake caliper pistons for removal by holding the pistons square to their bores. This prevents any damage to the pistons and the piston bores so seals & wipers can be replaced. 98708 Use on all H-D®, 4 piston brake calipers 2000-present. Jims 1162 189 ROCKER ARM BUSHING INSTALLER Rocker rebuilding in 1/2 the time. Use to install rocker arm bushings in rocker arms with or without a press. This tool will install each bushing to the correct depth for best oil control. 98926 Use on Big Twin 1966-present, and TC88™. Use on Sportster 1957-present. Jims 2357 Use on Buell ® 1987-present. ROCKER BUSHING & ROLLER BEARING PULLER Use to remove rocker bushing or bearing in one easy operation. 98896 Use on Big Twin 1966-present, and TC88™. Use on Sportster 1957-present. Jims 95760-57 Use on Buell ® 1987-present. ROCKER BUSHING LINE REAMER Use to ream rocker bushings to a factory fit of .0007”-.0012” in line with each other. Precise line reamer is capable of a 24 finish or better. 98927 Use on Big Twin 1966-present, and TC88™. Use on Sportster 1957-present. Jims 94804-57 Use on Buell ® 1987-present. CYLINDER JIG TOOL 98707 For case thread repair 98825 Use these 4 bolts when using torque plates with EVO Sportsters & Buell ®. Jims 2144 98823 Use on all Twin Cam 88™, JIMS® T/C Big Bore Cylinders, and all Big Bore Cylinders up to 4 1/8”. Jims 1287 CAM BUSHING INSTALLER DRILL JIGS 98859 Big Twin 1936-1969 1011-36TB 98860 Big Twin 1970+ Single cam only 1012-70TB 98862 Use on Sportster 1957-1990 1014-57TB 98865 XL ‘54-present & ‘37-48 Sidevalves 1017-37TB Jims 1000A NO.31 DRILL - JOBBER H.S.S. 98867 Use with all JIMS® drill jigs that use JIMS® 2201-P dowel pin. These drills are ultra sharp for the safest possible drilling. Jims 1097 190 CYLINDER TORQUE PLATES EVO & TWIN CAM Late model aluminum cylinders cannot be accurately honed without using torque plates! The JIMS® torque plates are drilled for multiple application use, and can accommodate up to a 4” bore with stock EVO bolt pattern. Torque plates are made to fit on cylinders without removal of the ring dowels. 98824 Use on Big Twin 1966-present single cam only Use on Sportster 1986-present. Jims 1073 Use on Buell ® 1987-present. PINION BUSHING INSTALLER DRILL JIGS 98866 Use on Big Twin 1936-1953 1018-37TB 98863 Use on Big Twin 1937-48 Sidevalves 1015-37TB 98861 Use on Big Twin 1954-92 1013-54TB 98864 Use on 45” 1937-1973 1016-37TB PINION GEAR NUT SOCKET Use to remove or secure pinion gear nut to pinion gear shaft. 1/2” Drive. 98950 Use on Big Twin 1954-92 94555-55A PINION BUSHING PULLER Use to remove pinion bushing from cam cover. 98893 Big Twin 1954-present single cam only. 95760-TP PINION BUSHING LINE REAMER TOOL Use to line pinion bushing in cam cover from right case race. 98941 Big Twin 1954-present single cam only. 94805-57 PINION GEAR INSTALLER & PULLER Use to install pressed on splined pinion gears on Big Twin 1939-53. Use to remove pinion gear 98961 Use on Big Twin 1939-89 and Sportsters 1957-76 96830-51 EARLY PINION BUSHING LINE REAMER TOOL Use to line ream pinion bushing from right case race for a true centerline between the two dimensions. 98834 Big Twin 1936-53 O.H.V. & 1024-36 Big Twin 1937-48 Sidevalves. 98889 Sportster 1957-76 & 45” 1937-73 94812-37A PINION GEAR LOCKER TOOL Use to lock pinion gear, necessary to torque the pinion nut. Tool is simple to use, just align underneath gear and screw into case. 98959 Use on Big Twin 1954-present singlecam only. Jims 2237 LATE SHOVEL & EVO TAPPET BLOCK ALIGNMENT TOOL 1/4”-20 threads Use to align oil hole from crank case to tappet block. Get two, and use to align rocker boxes on Evo style heads including, XL Buell® & Buell® Blast. 98940 Big Twin L1976- present single cam only. 33443-84 PINION GEAR INSTALLER COLLAR This tool makes it easy to set pinion gear position on shaft. Use to install pinion gear to correct position on shaft, use with JIMS® tool #96830-51 Pinion Gear Installer and Puller. 98967 Use on XL 1957-1984 and K Model 1952-1956. Jims 1718 TAPPET GUIDE PULLER TOOL Use to remove press fit tappet guides from crankcase. 98891 For Sportster 1957-78. 95724-57 191 OIL PUMP SEAL INSTALLER Installs oil pump seal perfectly below gear surface for a no leak fit. 98851 aluminum Big Twin pumps single cam only. 1053 PISTON LOCK RING TOOL 98936 Big Twin and XL 1973 and earlier. Jims 96780-58A Use to install lock ring in piston having .515” I.D. wrist pins. 98937 pins. Big Twin and Sportster 1973-77. Jims 96781-72 Use to install lock ring in piston having .535” I.D. wrist OIL PUMP DRILL JIG TOOL Our incredibly easy to use crankcase oil passage jig allows you to modify Big Twin 1973-80 crankcases to accept the later 1981-91 style oil pump. This includes JIMS® Oil Pumps, stock H.D.® and other aftermarket oil pumps 1981-91. 98858 Big Twin style crankcases 1973-1980 2286 PISTON PIN BUSHING TOOL Use to remove and install wrist pin bushings without removing rods from crankcase. 98956 Use on all models Jims 95970-32C OIL PUMP SNAP RING INSTALLER Easily install outer snap ring on oil pump shaft, without over stretching the ring. Just apply oil to ring expander, slip ring up to the big end of ring expander, hold up to the end of the shaft, then push ring onto the shaft with sleeve. 98850 For all Big Twin oil pumps single cam only. 1052 PISTON PIN KEEPER TOOL Use to install retaining ring in piston. 98979 Big Twin 1983-present single cam only. Sportster Late 1985-present. Buell ® 1987-present. Jims 34623-83 98994 Use on Big Twin 1932-72 Jims 96780-32A TAPPET OIL FILTER SCREW PLUG TOOL Use to remove tappet oil filter screen plug without removing exhaust pipes. 98852 For all Big Twin single cam only. 2233 192 ROD RACE TOOL Supports both sides of rod as races are removed or replaced, minimizing the possibility of distortion to female rod or race. 98964 For all Twins that have replaceable races. 1003 ROD LAPPING SET Arbor assembly includes 1-1/2” and 1-5/8” laps. 98976 For all Twins that have replaceable races. 36 CRANK DISASSEMBLY REMOVING TOOL Use to press flywheels from cases (Will also press cases apart and break sealant bond). Some case pressing will require a hard cap. On Twin Cam 88™ “B Motor” - This tool can only be used for removing the flywheel from the left case. 98973 Big Twin 1955-present & TC 88 “A” Jims1047-TP 96740- ROD HOLDER TOOL Use to keep connecting rods in place and eliminate twisting or bending of the connecting rod while reaming or honing the wrist pin bushings. 98716 Big Twins, Twin Cams & Buell®Blast. 1284 ROD ALIGNMENT TOOL Use to check rod straightness without removing rods from case. 98966 For all Big Twin single cam only 4.5" 1010 MOTOR SPROCKET SHAFT SEAL INSTALL TOOL Use to press oil seal over sprocket shaft into case. 98988 For Big Twin 1969-present & TC’s Jims 39361-69 SPROCKET SHAFT SEAL INSTALLER Use to install the sprocket shaft seal to the proper depth. 98847 Sportster & Buell 1995-present. Jims 2324 98848 Sportster 1986-94, Buell 1987-94. Jims 2387 183 Driver handle sold separately. HARD CAP Use to protect sprocket shaft when using JIMS 1047-TP, or a press. 98819 For Big Twin 1955-present & TC’s Jims 1048 COMPENSATING SPROCKET SHAFT NUT WRENCH Use to remove and install compensating nut. 1/2” Drive. 98910 Big Twin & XL 1955-70. Jims 94557-55A 98911 Replacement Tips (1pair) for above. Jims 2015 SPROCKET SHAFT BEARING NUT WRENCH Use to install and remove bearing nut. 98975 Use on Big Twin 1955-68. 97235-55B SPROCKET SHAFT HOLDER Use to hold the flywheel assembly in vise, with or without left case attached. 98818 For Big Twin 1955-present & TC Jims 1034 SPORTSTER TIMKEN® BEARING REMOVER Use to remove Timken® bearing from sprocket shaft without removing shaft from flywheels. 98883 XL 1977-present & Buell 1987-present.1044-TS 98886 Use on Sportster 1957-76. Jims 2305 OUTER RACE TOOL - BIG TWIN 98974 For 1955-68 to remove Timken® bearing outer race. For 1955-present to install outer races. Jims 97194-57 EARLY BIG TWIN TIMKEN® BEARING REMOVER Use to remove Timken® bearing from sprocket shaft without removing shaft from flywheels. 98885 Big Twin 1955-85 stock 1045-TS BIG TWIN TIMKEN BEARING REMOVER This tool will remove the sprocket shaft Timken® bearing on late Big Twins, 1986-present, with an integral sprocket shaft. 98838 All Big Twins 1955-present & TC’s. Jims 1709 TIMKEN® BEARING RACE INSTALLER Use to install bearing races in left crankcase. Use this precision tool to press in bearing races straight time after time (A must for the later engine case). 98816 Use on Big Twin 1969-present & TC’s. Use on Sportster 1977-present. Use on Buell ® 1987-present. Jims 2246 TIMKEN®BEARING SIMULATOR This tool is designed to allow quick and easy removal and replacement, of flywheel assembly in the left side crankcase when checking rod to case, piston to flywheel, or cylinder to flywheel clearances. 98814 For Big Twin 1970-present & TC’s. Jims 1745 194 TOOL DRIVER SPACER This spacer applies outward force on the bearing race tool to grip the race better, allowing easier removal of race. 98998 Use on all bearing race tools. Jims 2388 SPROCKET SHAFT BEARING RACE TOOL Use to remove and install Timken® bearing race from motor case. 98982 For Big Twin 1969-present & TC’s. Jims 94547-80A 98983 For XL 1977-present & Buell ‘87-present.Jims 94547-80B SPROCKET SHAFT BEARING INSTALLATION TOOL Use to install crank shaft assembly into crankcase Timken® bearing. 98955 Use on Big Twin 1955-present & TC’s. 97225-55 98954 Use on all Sportsters and K 1952-76. 97081-54 98965 CLUTCH HUB PULLER Use to remove wet and dry clutch hub without removing clutch release rod. 4 bolts included for dry clutch removal. 98944 Use on Big Twin 1936-90. Jims 95960-52C 98960 Jims Universal Clutch Puller Tool Jims 1004A *All 3, 5, 10 finger Studs and many more Replacement bearings and washers for above tools. SPROCKET SHAFT BEARING INSTALLATION TOOL Use on Sportster 1977-present & Buell1987-present. 98943 2.500” long. Jims 37047-91-6 98942 2.060” long. Jims 37047-91-5 RACE & BEARING INSTALL TOOL HANDLE 98981 Approximately 12” long. Jims 33416-80 CLUTCH HUB, STUD & PIN TOOL Use to replace clutch hub stud. Hold tool in vice, insert new stud, put clutch hub over pin and peen over pin. 98953 Use on Big Twin 1941-84. Jims 1002 STEERING HEAD BEARING RACE INSTALLER Use to install steering head races, stock and custom, as well as install cups in the frame. This tool pulls the races and cups in, straight and true, without any damage. 98826 Use to install cups and races on all models. Jims 1725 STEERING HEAD BEARING RACE REMOVER TOOL Use to remove and install steering head bearing race. 98853 Use on Big Twin 1949-present. Jims 2232 Use on Sportster 1978-present. Use on Buell 1987-present. 195 PRIMARY LOCKING BARS Use to lock primary for service work. 98710 For 4-Speed Big Twins, and 5-Speed FXST Big Twin models. Use on Twin Cam 88 A and B. Jims 2316 98711 Use on 5-Speed FXR, FLT and FLHT Big Twin. Jims 2317 98712 Use on Sportster and Buell ® 1991-present. Jims 2318 ALL PRIMARY DRIVE LOCKING TOOL Use on all primaries between front primary chain and motor sprocket. 98831 Locking Tool Jims 2234 OUTER PRIMARY COVER STARTER BEARING TOOL 98832 For Covers that use bearing No. 9063. Jims 2235 CLUTCH SPRING COMPRESSOR Use to release clutch spring for ease of removal & installation. 98996 Use on Big Twin 1990-97. Jims 38515-90 98970 Use on Sportster 1971-84. Jims 97178-71 NUT FOR CLUTCH SPRING COMPRESSOR TOOL Use to release clutch spring for ease of retainer ring. 98997 Use on Sportster & Buell 1991-present. 38515-91 CLUTCH SPRING TOOL Use to release the clutch spring tension for disassembly. 98992 For Sportsters 1984-90 & Buell ® 1987-90. 34761-84 196 MAINSHAFT BEARING RACE TOOL Remove & install the bearing inner race on the mainshaft. 98977 For Big Twin Late 1984- present & TC’s Jims 34902-84 MAINSHAFT SPROCKET LOCKNUT WRENCH Heavy-Duty tube. Extra long two piece design, inner collar will retain wrench to nut for service work. 1-7/8” hex, 1/2” Drive. 98993 For Big Twin 1936-present & TC’s. Jims 94660-37A BIG TWIN SPROCKET LOCKER Use to lock final drive sprocket. Remove and install sprocket nut. 98840 For Big Twin 1980-present Belt Driven & TC’s. Jims 2260 CASE MACHINING TOOL 96743 Twin Cam High Lift Cam - Dual Spindle MAIN DRIVE GEAR SEAL INSTALLER Use to install the main drive gear oil seal to the proper depth with transmission assembled. Comes with a protective sleeve for seal. The sleeve can also be used when installing transmission assembly to protect main drive gear inner bearings. 98845 Big Twin 5-Speed models & TC’s. Jims 2256 5-SPEED MAIN BEARING REMOVER Forget that block of wood and hammer to remove the main bearing! Introducing JIMS® Main Drive Gear Bearing Remover. This tool will remove the old bearing straight without possible damage to the transmission case, and without removing the transmission case. 98945 Big Twin 5 and 6-Speeds & TC’s. Jims 1720 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION MAIN SEAL TOOL Use to install and remove main seal in all 1936-76 4-Speed transmissions, as well as installing all other Big Twin main seals. This tool will push the seal in as flat and straight as possible to .050” below housing for a no leak fit. 98890 Big Twin 1941-79. Jims 95660-42 SEAL DRIVER LATE 4-SPEEDS Use to install the main seal in transmission. This tool will press in the seal as flat and straight as possible to.050” below housing for a no leak fit. 98842 Big Twin 1982-86 4-Speeds. Jims 95660-77 98843 Big Twin Late 1980-81 4-Speeds 2.400” O.D. seal. Jims 95660-79 5-SPEED TRANSMISSION MAIN DRIVE GEAR TOOL Use to remove and install the main drive gear. Also installs the main bearing without removing transmission case. This tool will NOT damage bearing or main drive gear during installation. 98978 Big Twin 5 and 6- speed 1980-present & TC’s. Sportster & Buell ® 1991-present Jims 35316-80 COUNTERSHAFT BEARING TOOL Use to install countershaft bearings to the proper depth. 98990 For Big Twin 1977-86 4-Speeds. 34733-77 MAIN DRIVE GEAR BEARING & SEAL INSTALLER Use to install both bearings and the seal on the clutch side. 98991 Big Twin 5-speed 1980-90 34734-80 SEAL DRIVER EARLY & LATE 5-SPEEDS Use to install the main seal in transmission. This tool will press in the seal as flat and straight as possible to .050” below housing for a no leak fit. 98841 Big Twin 1980-84 5-Speeds. Jims 2346 98844 Big Twin 1985-present 5-Speeds, 6-Speeds & TC’s. Jims 95660-85 197 TRANSMISSION MAIN DRIVE GEAR BEARING TOOL Use to install main bearing to the factory depth. 98989 Big Twin 1979-86 4-Speed. 33428-78 MAIN DRIVE GEAR BEARING TOOL Use to install inner and outer 5th gear bearings to factory depth. New bearing depth incorporated, will still work on early depth. 98888 Big Twin 5 & 6 speed models 1991-present & TC’s. Sportster & Buell 1991-present. 37842-91 5-SPEED DOOR PULLER Use to remove Big Twin 5-Speed transmission door. Jims 2283 98718 Big-T1980 up 5 and 6-Speed transmission doors. 4-SPEED MAINSHAFT CLUTCH GEAR PULLER (Gear No.’s 33381-39 & 33560-75) This tool was designed specifically to remove the starter clutch gear successfully, every time, without damage to the gear or shaft. This toolworks, will not slip off gear. Jims 1700 98833 Big Twin 4-Speeds 1936- 86, with kick starter. 5-SPEED TRANSMISSION SHAFT INSTALLER Allows installation of shafts without the use of a hydraulic press. 98705 All 5 and 6-Speed trans Big Twin & TC’s. Jims 2189 4-SPEED TRANSMISSION RACE LAPPING TOOL Use to line lap main race on the same centerline as the mainshaft ball bearing, after installing new case race or fitting oversized rollers. This extremely rigid tool can be powered by a low speed drill motor from the ball bearing side. 98875 Big Twin 1937-Early 1977 Jims 1023-TL TRANSMISSION ACCESS COVER PULLER TOOL To remove trans access cover which is press fit on two dowel pins. 98972 Use on Sportster 1954-85. Jims 95560-57 TRANSMISSION GEAR SPACING TOOL Align main and countershafts when checking gear spacing. 98995 Sportster 1986-90 & Buell 1987-90 35820-86 SHIFT FORK GAUGE Use to set and align shift forks on drum-type shifters. 98952 Big Twin 1939-78 4-Speeds.Jims 96384-39 98957 Big Twin 1979-86 4-Speeds.Jims 96385-78A TRANS. COVER BEARING REMOVER AND INSTALLER This tool will remove and replace the transmission door bearings. It can also be used to remove the transmission door for replacement without removing the complete transmission assembly. Door bearings must be replaced if using this tool to pull door off case. 98719 For Big Twin 1980-present 5 and 6-Speed transmissions. Jims 1078 198 MAIN DRIVE GEAR BUSHING TOOL Use to remove and install the main drive gear bushings, 98962 Big Twin 1936-86 4-Speeds. Jims 1005 FORK SEAL & CAP INSTALLERS Use to install fork seals, dust seals, and chrome caps. 98913 39mm slider with Delrin plastic indestructable cap. 2 piece kit. Jims 2044 FORK SEAL SLIDERS 98914 35mm Slider 98915 39mm Slider 98916 41mm Slider Jims 2045 Jims 2046 Jims 2047 DUST SEAL FORK INSTALLING TOOL (Cap Only) 98917 Cap only Jims 2048 35MM HEX TOP FORK NUT SOCKET 3/8” DRIVE Use to remove or install top fork nut on glide forks. Has rubber protector on inside to prevent damage to chrome nut 98854 Use on all Sporsters & Big Twins. Jims 2244 FORK NUT SOCKET Use to remove and install top fork tube plug. Eliminates possible burring of plug caused by wrenches. 98912 For 1948 and later Wide Glide models. Jims 2043 SPOKE WRENCH 98905 Spoke wrench fits 6 nipple sizes. By Rowe Jims 1059 199 CLEVEBLOCK SPREADING TOOL Use to install the swing arm in a 5-Speed rubber mount frame. When cleveblocks are replaced they need to be positioned to install in the rear of the transmission. This tool will spread the swing arm cleveblocks allowing for installation of the swing arm. 98820 Use on Big Twin 1980-present & TC’s Jims 1707 (CLEVEBLOCK) BUSHING ASSEMBLY REAR SWING ARM ASSEMBLY TOOL Use to remove and replace swing arm cleveblocks. 98821 Use on FLT 1980-present. Jims 1743 Use on FXR 1982-94 and all aftermarket FXR style frames. LATE SEALED WHEEL BEARING REMOVER & INSTALLER KIT Use to remove and install “new style” sealed wheel bearings. 98706 Use on all 2000-present Twin Cam models. Jims 1042 All 2000 Sportsters, Buell®, and Buell Blast models. WHEEL BEARING RACE REMOVER & INSTALLER TOOL Use to remove and install bearing cups in cast wheels includes 1 spacer. 98980 Use on Big Twin 1973-99. 33071-73 Use on Sportster 1973-99. Use on Buell 1987-99. “TALLER” BIG TWIN ENGINE STAND This powder coated finished stand is now 1-1/2" taller to fit all Big Twin cases for engine repair. New notch for crankcase breather fitting. 98986 Use on all Big Twins single cam. Jims 1006T Includes Aftermarket and S & S® motors. TWIN CAM 88 ENGINE STAND This steel powder coated finished stand is now available. It will simplify your engine repair. 98978 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ “A” Only. Jims 1022 98799 Use on all Twin Cam 88™ “B” Only. Jims 1668 XL ENGINE STAND Top-quality steel bench stand simplifies engine overhaul. 98868 Sportster 1957-present & Buell 1987-present. Jims 1007 5-SPEED TRANSMISSION STAND 98869 Big Twin - Fits all rubber mount 5- Speed transmissions Except 1993-present, FLT and all DYNA Models. Jims 1008-5 4 & 5-SPEED TRANSMISSION STAND Use to clamp transmission in vice. 98870 Use on Big Twin 4 & 5-Speed FXST 1984-present. When using stand for 5-Speed, use washers to space stand. Jims 1008-TS COMPLETE CYLINDER HEAD WORKSTATION 98908 Head stand workstation 9401 CAM TO CASE CLEARANCING TOOL SET 96740 For Evo Big Twins 98906 For 74” and 80” Big Twins 200 Spark Plugs Application: TEC# Twin Cam Evo XL Autolite Champion # 97918 4164 / 8pk 1999+ 1986-02 # 99110 RA8HC / 8pk TEC# Evo XL non resistor Dyna Ign. 97919 4153 / 10pk Application: Autolite Bosch Champion # 97912 4265 / 8pk #31120 (fine wire platinum) WR8DP/ 4pk # 99101 RN12YC / 8pk TEC# 80” Evolution 80” Shovelhead 74” Shovelhead 1984-99 1980-81 1975-80 (electric ign.) TEC# Fine Wire Display Pack ShopPack “Party Pack” #97941 MP 4265 / 2pk TEC# One Range Colder #97930 64 / 8pk # 99117 RN12YC / 24pk #31121 (fine wire platinum) WR7DP/ 4pk TEC# One Range Hotter # 99141 RN14YC / 8pk TEC# Platinum Plugs TEC# One Range Colder Platinum +4 #97914 (black) AP65 / 4pk TEC# 5/8” Hex right side dual plug #97913 3924 / 8pk TEC# 5/8” Hex right side dual plug Platinum #97915 AP3924 / 4pk Application: TEC# 80” Shovelhead FL 80” Shovelhead FX #99103 RN11YC / 8pk Autolite Late ‘82-84 1980-84 # 97916 2585 / 8pk 2585 / 8pk 201 #31130 (platinum +4) 4478 / 4pk #31131 (platinum +4) 4477 / 4pk Champion # 99102 RN13YLC / 8pk RN13YLC / 8pk Application: TEC# Shovelhead with Points One Range Colder TEC# Shovelhead Electric Ign. Autolite Late ‘75-81 # 97928 55 / 8pk Late ‘75-81 #97930 64 / 8pk Application: TEC# 1200 Big Twin Display Pack Autolite 1948-Early ‘75 TEC# 1200 Big Twin resistor for Electric ignition Application: # 97920 4275 / 8pk # 97945 MP4275 / 2pk Champion # 99098 N12YC / 8pk #99104 N11YC / 8pk Bosch #31125 (fine wire platinum) WR9FP / 4pk Autolite TEC# Sportster 1980-85 ShopPack “Party Pack” # 97922 4123 / 8pk TEC# Sportster w/ points ‘80-85 Sportster ‘79 only One Range Hotter TEC# XL 1000cc Display Pack # 97926 996 / 8pk # 97946 MP4316 / 2pk 1972-78 XR 1000 # 97927 4252 / 10pk Application: Autolite 1936-47 Application: Autolite TEC# Special 10mm dual plug Triumph Applications: Triumph 500cc-750 Twins One range Hotter One range Colder # 97932 2795/ 8pk TEC # Champion # 99106 RL82YC / 8pk # 99118 RL82YC / 24pk Autolite Plug Gapping Tool Copper Plug spacing washers Champion Spark plug viewer # 99108 H8C / 8pk # 99100 H10C / 8pk Champion # 99111 D16 / 6pk Champion # 99120 Z9Y / 8pk Champion # 99109 # 99099 # 99138 N3C / 8pk N4C / 8pk N5C / 8pk Accesories: 97933 99142 99143 # 99144 RJ12YC / 8pk #99107 L82YC / 8pk L82YC / 8pk #99097 L87YC / 8pk One Range Hotter TEC# Knucklehead Champion # 99105 J12YC / 8pk 25pk Each Each ** This chart is intended for reference only. Engine modifications may effect which plug is needed. 202 Please Use TEC # to Order
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