Council Member Awards - Home Builders Association
Council Member Awards - Home Builders Association
CouncilMemberAwards PWBC– “GoodforYou”Award Angie Cassidy, ABF Security REM– Aleto‐LumleyCouncilMemberoftheYear John Shea, Shea Construction & Design LLC SMC‐HughPettus Award Jessie Chall, Fischer & Frichtel Custom Homes SMC–DavidF.Eppler Jeff Griege, Paramount Mortgage Company SMACAWARDSCEREMONY SMC–AssociateoftheYear Laclede Gas Company SMC–BuilderoftheYear Kim Hibbs ‐ Hibbs Homes HomesoftheYear DisplayHomesoftheYear DisplayHomeoftheYear:(SFD2,700‐3,299sq.ft.– SmallBuilder) Bridgewater Communities, Expanded Warson at Ohmes Farm DisplayHomeoftheYear:(SFD2,100– 2,699sq.ft.– LargeBuilder) Consort Homes, The Windsor at Hawkins Ridge DisplayHomeoftheYear:(SFD3,300‐3,999sq.ft.– LargeBuilder) Lombardo Homes, The Rainier at The Estates at Talbridge DisplayHomeoftheYear:(SFD4,000– 4,999sq.ft.– LargeBuilder) Lombardo Homes, The Villanueva at Cranbrook StagingProjectoftheYear StagingProjectoftheYear:(SFA$200,000andBelow) FLAIR Home Stagings & Displays LLC, Bramblett Hills Apartments StagingProjectoftheYear:(SFD$300,000‐ $399,999) FLAIR Home Stagings & Displays LLC, Rehab Project on Arsenal St. StagingProjectoftheYear:(SFD$500,000‐$749,999) FLAIR Home Stagings & Displays LLC, The Muirfield at Wyndemere Estates StagingProjectoftheYear:(SFD$750,000‐$999,999) FLAIR Home Stagings & Displays LLC, The Mont Blanc at The Villas on Mosley StagingProjectoftheYear:(SFDAbove$1million) FLAIR Home Stagings & Displays LLC, The Bentley at Enclave Bellerive RemodelingProjectoftheYear RemodelingProjectoftheYear(Kitchen) Liston Construction Company, Phillips Kitchen Renovation BEFORE BEFORE After After After RemodelingProjectoftheYear(Misc.Project) Liston Construction Company, Butler Lower Level Finish Before RemodelingProjectoftheYear(OutdoorLivingSpace) Liston Construction Company, LeClair Detached Garage/Pool House RemodelingProjectoftheYear(OverallRedesign) Roeser Home Remodeling, Watkin’s Home – TEAR‐IT‐UP‐STL Before After CustomHomeoftheYear CustomHomeoftheYear Hibbs Homes, Infill Project in Kirkwood MostAdvancedHome oftheYear MostAdvancedHomeoftheYear Hibbs Homes, Proud Green Home Marketing&Advertising Awards BestBrochureDesign‐ Builder Payne Family Homes “Our house. Your Home.” BestNewFloorPlan Payne Family Homes The McKinley BestPrintAd‐ Builder Payne Family Homes “Because you make it home.” BestSocialMedia‐ Builder Hibbs Homes BestSocialMedia‐ Remodeler Mosby Building Arts Best YouTube Commercial ‐ Associate BestYouTubeCommercial– Associate Metro Lighting Energy Star Partner Best YouTube Commercial ‐ Builder BestYouTubeCommercial‐ Builder Payne Family Homes Journey One Take Lip Dub for St. Jude Dream Home CommunityRevitalization Payne Family Homes Huntleigh Ridge SalesOfficeDesign Payne Family Homes Hawkins Ridge Website‐ Builder Consort Homes www.Consort‐ Website‐ Remodeler Mosby Building Arts dba Exteriors by Mosby Website‐ Associate Critical Mass Web Design SalesCircleAwards‐ Certificates Bronze Level: Up to $3.9 million in sales Silver Level: $4 to $7.9 million in sales Gold Level: $8 to $11.9 million in sales Platinum Level: $12 million and above in sales SharonBehlmann PayneFamilyHomes ScottBlakely Fischer&FrichtelCustomHomesLLC TinaBock PayneFamilyHomes StephenBogart LombardoHomes MelissaClark PayneFamilyHomes DonnaCusumano PayneFamilyHomes JeanEwell,MIRM ConsortHomes JohnFister Fischer&FrichtelCustomHomesLLC AndrewFox ConsortHomes KristenGotham PayneFamilyHomes KariGreen Pulte/CentexHomes LisaHarris McBride&SonCompanies CarrieHelldoerfer LombardoHomes JimHorton Fischer&FrichtelCustomHomesLLC MattJohnson Fischer&FrichtelCustomHomesLLC StephanieKlein LombardoHomes MelodyKuehl PayneFamilyHomes HollyLillis LombardoHomes CoreyLivers Pulte/CentexHomes LindaMcCarthy PayneFamilyHomes LizMueller Pulte/CentexHomes BethNiehoff Pulte/CentexHomes JenniferNolan LombardoHomes ToddOliphant Pulte/CentexHomes SallyPratt PayneFamilyHomes ShannonQuick McBride&SonCompanies CharRichards PayneFamilyHomes KristyRoderick Fischer&FrichtelCustomHomesLLC StephanieRusso PayneFamilyHomes LilySchonert McBride&SonCompanies LisaSeely McBride&SonCompanies RachelSellmann PayneFamilyHomes KristineSewing LombardoHomes MarianSextro Pulte/CentexHomes KatieStarkey LombardoHomes MaryStieffermann Fischer&FrichtelCustomHomesLLC AmyStuart Pulte/CentexHomes GregoryTate ConsortHomes DebbieTerwilliger PayneFamilyHomes ErinWhitehead ConsortHomes SalesManagerCertificates ErinWhitehead ConsortHomes LifetimeSalesPlaque LisaSeely McBride&SonCompanies Pacesetters NewHomeCommunitySalespersonoftheYear Debbie Terwilliger, Payne Family Homes HighestCloser– DollarVolume Jennifer Nolan, Lombardo Homes HighestCloser– NumberofUnitsSold Lisa Seely, McBride & Son Companies AssistantCommunitySalespersonoftheYear Grace Rodgers, Payne Family Homes NewHomeSalesManageroftheYear Cyndie Roche, Payne Family Homes MarketingDirectoroftheYear‐ Builder Cyndie Roche, Payne Family Homes ConstructionManageroftheYear Dave Haverstick, Consort Homes RealEstateSalesAgentoftheYear Linda & Kelly Boehmer – The Boehmer Team MortgageProfessionaloftheYear Jeff Griege, Paramount Mortgage Company