in his new book “ Let`s Ride – Sonny Barger`s Guide to Motorcycling” “


in his new book “ Let`s Ride – Sonny Barger`s Guide to Motorcycling” “
Quote from Sonny Barger on Motorcycle Safety (in his new book “ Let’s
Ride – Sonny Barger’s Guide to Motorcycling”
“I’m going to provide you with the basics of motorcycle riding in the following
pages, but first I’m going to give you the single most important piece of
advice in this entire book - complete the MSF Rider Course. Riding is an
extremely high-risk activity and even if your bad habits haven’t caused you
problems so far, sooner or later your luck will run out. It’s best to rely on luck
as little as possible; one of the best
ways to do that is to get formal
training. It’s the most important
thing you can do to avoid getting
maimed or killed.”
This coming from the “bad-ass”
of the motorcycle world.
CMC065 Greater Victoria
Group Riding
For New Members
Make sure your ride ready for the ride
Check over your bike…..
Come to the ride ready to ride
With an
And a Full Tank
of Gas
Who Are The Key Players?
•Road Captains
•Plans The Ride
•Leads The Ride To The Destination
•Mid Captains
•Act As Intermediate Road Captain
• Act As Intermediate Tailgunner
•Steers The Group By Coordinating All Movements
•Keeps The Group Safe
•Blocks Traffic As Required
•Stops To Assist Members That Fall Out
•Two Road Captains Forward
•Two Tailgunners in the Rear
•At least One Mid Road Captain
•We now ride with communications
•Cobra GMRS
•Channel 21
•Riders are encouraged to get their own radios
•Listen but not talk
• Reminder of handsignals
– Start your engines and let’s roll
• With your right or left arm
extended, move your index
finger in a circular motion.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Raise your left arm
horizontal with your
elbow fully extended
• Reminder of handsignals
– Raise your left arm
horizontal with your
elbow bent 90 degrees
• Reminder of handsignals
– Extend your left arm at
a 45 degree angle with the
palm of your hand facing rearward.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Extend your left arm at
a 45 degree angle and move
your hand up and down.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Extend your left leg and
point towards the hazard.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Extend your right leg and
point towards the hazard.
• Reminder of handsignals
• With your right or left arm
extended, move your index
finger in a circular motion.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Position your left hand with one finger extended
upward. This indicates the leader wants the group
in a single file formation. Usually this is done for
safety reasons.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Extend your left arm upward at a 45 degree angle
with your index and pinkie finger extended.
This indicate that it is safe to return to staggered
• Reminder of handsignals
– Raise your left arm and repeatedly open and
close your fist, extending your fingers. This is when
the leader wants the group to close ranks.
• We will ride tight while in town!
• Reminder of handsignals
– Place your left hand on top of your helmet. Move
up alongside the rider ahead of you. He will pass
this forward.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Turn your left hand backward and open and close
your fingers.
• Reminder of handsignals
– Turn your hand flat and make circular motion
• Reminder of lane positioning
– We ride staggered
Road Captain front left
SO front right
Mid Road Captain
New riders in the rear
Two R/C’s in rear
• Reminder of lane changing
Road Captain signals change but does NOT change
Signal is passed back
Tail Gunner secures new lane
Road Captain changes lane
All riders follow the Road Captain
You do not change lanes BEFORE the Captain
Keep assigned lane
The best scenario is when the group has space to motor into a parking lot and
park side-by-side to conserve space. Riders should pull up to the left of each
rider ahead, so that everyone can immediately back into the parking space
without waiting. When the group pulls into a parking lot, don’t try to be
creative. Follow the parking drill with everyone.
Don’t ride up behind the next rider, but pull alongside to the left, and
immediately roll your machine back into the parking space.
The “creative” rider slows the parking process and
becomes a parking lot hazard to other motorcycles.
You don’t want half the group off the road, and leave the other half stranded out there
in traffic like sitting ducks. Look professional and do your part!
The “secret” to parking is so simple
• Follow the leader
• Keep to left
• Keep moving
If you look like you know what you are doing, you
will be parking like a professional group.
If one person fails, it will screw up the parking for
*** if some one “hotdogs it”, leave them out and
continue like they were not there. They will have
to go around and find a place in.
• If a Member Falls Out
– The rider in same lane moves
– We do NOT ‘dance’
• Leaving the Group
– If you plan to break off from the group,
the polite thing to do is let the Ride
Captain know so that he does not have
wait and interview the whole group to
find out that you are safe and have
decided to break off from the group.
– Tap out and leave when safe
Some “Do’s”
• Do Be Proud Of Who You Are
– Wear your Madison
• Do Ride Your Own Ride
– If you feel the pace is going too fast slow down
– Let a Road Captain or Tail gunner know ASAP
– They will place you back in the rear where it will be more comfortable
• Do Make Yourself Visible
– Wear day-glow vests
• Do Keep Hydrated
– Use a camel pack or other hydrating method
• Do eat a good meal / snack BEFORE the ride
Some “Do Nots”
• Do not come to a ride after you have had a drink or one at lunch
– You won’t be riding with us!
• Don’t turn the key until you have turned off the noise
– If you are late, hurried, upset or whatever – check it before you get on the
– Put on the “game face” and get into the ride
• Do not bring a passenger unless you have been cleared PRIOR to the ride
• Do not ride with 4-way Flashers on as this is distracting to others.
• Rider’s headlights are to be on dim not bright.
• Do not ride with your running lights (spots) on.
Some “Do Nots”
• Don't pass other riders of the group while riding in a group formation
– If you want to ride in close proximity to a friend, or you have a preference as
to which side of the traffic lane you wish to ride during staggered riding, then
use the opportunity at a rest stop to arrange yourselves accordingly or better
yet – inform the Captain PRIOR to the start of the ride.
– Once on the road, stay in the order you started in.
• If you should lose something on the road, do not stop until it is safe
• Don't crowd the rider in front of you
– We're all going to get where we're going at the same time, and you can make
the other rider nervous if you're riding too close.
– If he/she has to swerve to miss an obstacle, you will want him/her to have
room to do so without endangering you or other riders.
– Make sure you keep your interval!
Some “Do Nots”
• Don't lag too far behind the rider in front of you.
– Each rider needs to pay attention not only to what's in front of him, but also be
aware of the rider following him.
– If you're falling too far behind, you could be giving a signal to the rider in front
that you're in some kind of trouble.
– If you do experience trouble or become separated, stop
– Turn your signal on
– Shoulder check
– Indicate with hand on helmet that you need and emergency stop
– Move over when safe
– Tail Gunner will join you
– Each rider must be aware of the riders following, and upon noticing that there
are no riders in sight behind must stop also.
– Get close to the rider ahead of you
– Honk horn to get his attention
– Tap hand on helmet to indicate emergency stop
– This message will be passed forward until Road Captain stops group in safe
– Road Captain will send runner back to stopped riders
Some “Do Nots”
– No need to beep those horns unless there is an
Misc Ride Info:
• We will not turn right on red lights
• We use blockers on take off and lights (not on highways)
• If we get split up, the R/C will slow down the ride to allow riders to catch up
• If riders can not catch up, the ride will pull over when safe to do so
• Or we will meet up at the designated location
• If we get separated and there are turns, the last person will remain behind to show the
rest where to go
•He will leave just before the first person of the separation
•Repeat as required
When you join the group, you will be
placed in the rear of the pack, just
ahead of the Tailgunner who will
continue to evaluate your riding
CMC065 Greater Victoria