Strata DK40 Demo Kit Guide - ASAP Business Communications
Strata DK40 Demo Kit Guide - ASAP Business Communications
Demo Kit Guide Publication Information Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division, reserves the right, without prior notice, to revise this information publication for any reason, including, but not limited to, utilization of new advances in the state of technical arts or to simply change the design of this document. Further, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division, also reserves the right, without prior notice, to make such changes in equipment design or components as engineering or manufacturing methods may warrant. Version A, August 1997 Version B, October 1997 © Copyright 1997 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Telecommunication Systems Division All rights reserved. No part of this manual, covered by the copyrights herein, may be reproduced in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including recording, taping, photocopying, or information retrieval systems—without express written permission of the publisher of this material. Strata and Stratagy are registered trademarks of Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. 726+,%$ Telecommunication Systems Division Strata DK Demo Kit Guide Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2 Description .......................................................................................................................... 2 Physical Characteristics.......................................................................................................3 What’s Included................................................................................................................... 3 Keystrips .............................................................................................................................. 4 Setup Check......................................................................................................................... 5 Handset Off-Hook Call Announce ..................................................................................... 6 DNIS and ANI Incoming calls ............................................................................................ 7 Lost Call Auto Dial ............................................................................................................. 8 Call Park & Page and Park Pickup ...................................................................................... 9 Call Park Orbit Display ..................................................................................................... 10 Do Not Disturb .................................................................................................................. 10 Call Forward Fixed ........................................................................................................... 11 Call Forward Busy/No Answer ......................................................................................... 11 Ring Pickup ....................................................................................................................... 11 Release and Answer .......................................................................................................... 12 Alert Signaling................................................................................................................... 12 Multiple Directory Number Message Waiting .................................................................. 13 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Telecommunication Systems Division 9740 Irvine Blvd., Irvine, CA 92618-1697 (714) 583-3700 Introduction Introduction This guide describes the Strata DK Demo Kit and contains instructions for demonstrating Strata DK features. Description The Strata DK Demo Kit is a portable sales tool designed to help you sell Strata DK systems more easily and efficiently. You will be able to conduct professional live demonstrations right in your prospects’ offices. This provides convenience to the customer, builds credibility, portrays a more professional image, and helps illustrate that the installation and use of the system is easy. The Strata DK Demo Kit does more than take the place of the previous DK16 Demo Kit. The Strata DK40 has most of the same capabilities as the Strata DK424, Release 3. This enables you to demonstrate most Strata DK features on the DK, regardless of which model system you are actually proposing. You can also demo CTI capabilities with your Strata DK Demo Kit because an RPCI-DI is included. It is installed on one of the telephones included with the kit. You can even add the Stratagy DK Voice Processing system to your Strata DK Demo Kit as an option. The demo kit includes an expansion cabinet so you can install the Stratagy DK into card slot 15. This will enable you to demo an entire Strata DK system with Stratagy voice processing all in one compact and portable, yet comprehensive demo kit. The Stratagy DK contains a hard disk drive. All hard disk drives, regardless of manufacturer, are susceptible to mechanical shock damage. Therefore, use extreme caution when transporting a Strata DK Demo Kit with a Stratagy DK voice processing system installed. See the Stratagy DK Installation Guide and Seagate® Video for more details. CAUTION! Always carry the demo kit up and down stairs to avoid shock damage. The kit was designed so it cannot be rolled up or down stairs to avoid such damage. Designed to be compact and easy to transport, the DK Demo Kit is self-contained in a strong, lightweight case with compartments to store and protect the equipment during travel. The material used is of excellent quality and its construction reflects a high level of craftsmanship. It has an attractive, impressive appearance. For transportation in airplane baggage compartments, we recommend an outer suitcase or container be used. We do not recommend that the Stratagy DK system be transported in airplane baggage compartments. The case exterior is a heavy, durable, black canvas material. It has high-quality snap fasteners with complete access to the contents from the top; the Toshiba logo is imprinted inside the top cover. Built-in wheels and a collapsible pull-out handle make the Strata DK Demo Kit easy to transport to your prospect or customer’s site. Internal pouches provide compartments for telephone sets with protection against scratching. An extra telephone pouch is provided so you can add a Toshiba cordless digital telephone to the kit. For your convenience, the Strata DK Demo Kit comes completely pre-assembled. All you have to do is plug the KSU into AC and start your demo. Your Strata DK demo system also comes pre-programmed. It even has loop-back cords on the DID card, pre-installed to simulate dial tone, so you do not need live CO lines to demonstrate ANI and DNIS. The system is ready to use right out of the box! 2 Strata DK October 1997 Physical Characteristics Physical Characteristics Height Width Depth 23.5” 23.5” 10” Weight 5 lbs. empty case; 24 lbs. with equipment, including telephone sets What’s Included Your Strata DK Demo Kit Includes: ♦ 1 DK40 Base Cabinet ♦ 1 DK40 Expansion Cabinet ♦ 1 TDDU DID CO Line Interface Unit ♦ 1 K4RCU3 DTMF Receiver/ABR ♦ 2 DKT2020-SD Digital Telephones ♦ 1 DKT2010-SD Digital Telephone ♦ 1 RPCI-DI Personal Computer Interface ♦ 1 Carrying case (includes an extra pocket for a Cordless DKT2004-CT telephone) ♦ 1 Special modular-to-amphenol cable with 12’ cords ♦ 2 Loop-back modular cords - plug/plug ♦ 1 DB25 to DB9 modem cable ♦ 1 Strata DK General Description ♦ 1 DKT User Guide ♦ 1 DKT LCD User Guide ♦ 1 Personal Computer/Data Interface User Guide ♦ This Demo Kit Guide Strata DK October 1997 3 Keystrips Keystrips Custom keystrips are installed on the telephones to make the demo easy to use. This helps you demonstrate Multiple [DNs] and other important Strata DK features. Note that speed dial buttons programmed on station 13 make ANI and DNIS calls with display information an easy, automatic process. Of course, you can customize the contents and programming to meet your specific needs. DKT 3 (Sta. 202) Bob DKT 2004-CT Cordless Telephone 202-2 4 202-1 502 503 Strata DK October 1997 Setup Check Setup Check Make sure the DK40 custom cables DKT1, DKT2, and DKT4 are plugged into the DK40 system and to telephones as shown: NANCY DATE DAY 200 TIME 20-key LCD telephone. First button (bottom left) labeled as 1DQF\ DKT 1 BRIAN DATE DAY 201 TIME 10-key LCD telephone. First button is labeled %ULDQ . DKT 2 DKT2004-CT cordless telephone. BOB 202 DKT 3 DEMO CALLER DATE DAY 203 TIME 20-key LCD telephone. First button (bottom left) labeled as '1,6 1DQF\ . DKT 4 Strata DK October 1997 5 Handset Off-Hook Call Announce (OCA) Handset Off-Hook Call Announce (OCA) 1. On the Brian telephone, press %ULDQ . Dial to call Nancy. After dialing, 1DQF\ telephone. 2. Take the Nancy telephone off hook to answer 1DQF\ . Nancy and Brian are connected. 3. On the Demo Caller telephone, press . Dial to call the Nancy telephone. After dialing 200, 1DQF\ Nancy telephone. 4. On the Demo Caller telephone, press the TALK Soft Key (or press ) to OCA the Nancy telephone. 1DQF\ stops ringing and receives OCA warning tone. Nancy can hear Brian and the Demo Caller telephones. Brian can hear Nancy, but not the Demo Caller. 5. On the Nancy telephone, press and hold-down 0,& to talk back to the Demo Caller telephone. The Brian telephone does not receive the OCA conversation. The 0,& button is push-to-talk and must be held down to provide a talk path between the Nancy and Demo Caller telephones. There is no MOH to the Brian telephone, when the 0,& button is pressed. ...or press and release +DQGVHW 2&$ to talk back to the Demo Caller telephone. 6. Press +DQGVHW 2&$ again to toggle back to the Brian telephone. 6 rings on the Nancy mute rings on the The +DQGVHW 2&$ button is push-ON/push-OFF and must be pressed once to provide a talk path between Nancy and Demo Caller telephones. The Brian telephone receives MOH when the button is activated, if MOH is connected to the system. +DQGVHW 2&$ Strata DK October 1997 DNIS and ANI Incoming Calls DNIS and ANI Incoming Calls Use the procedures below to demonstrate Automatic Number Identification (ANI) and Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) calls to any Primary/Secondary or Phantom Directory Number on the demo telephones. For more information about DNIS and ANI demo calls see the notes following the two examples. ➤ To make a DNIS/ANI call with DNIS priority ➤ On the Demo Caller telephone, press '1,6$1, 1DQF\ . ➤ To display the calling number ANI “CN:8187773789”, press 3DJH under the Nancy telephone LCD while the call is ringing. 1DQF\ rings on the Nancy telephone and the DNIS tag “Call for Nancy” displays. If you answer the call, the DNIS tag displays - you cannot toggle to the ANI of the calling number. CALL FOR NANCY LINE 2 RINGING CALL TRNS FOR NANCY CONF PGE ➤ To make a DNIS/ANI call with ANI priority rings on the Brian telephone and the ANI calling number displays on the ringing telephone’s LCD. 1. On the Demo Caller telephone, press $1,'1,6 %ULDQ . %ULDQ 2. To display the DNIS tag of the called number, press 3DJH under the Brian telephone LCD while the call is ringing. If you answer the call, the ANI of the calling number displays - you cannot toggle to the DNIS tag of the called number. CN:2137363839 LINE 4 RINGING Notes DNIS and ANI calls are originated from the Demo Caller Telephone. The Demo Caller telephone has speed dial buttons programmed to access DID lines outgoing. The outgoing DID lines are looped back to incoming DID lines which then ring as an incoming DNIS/ANI call to the appropriate directory number. ● ● ● ● Buttons labeled ANI/DNIS on the Demo Caller telephone generate calls with ANI as a priority. To display DNIS while an ANI call is ringing, press the 3DJH button (below the LCD) of the ringing telephone to toggle between ANI and DNIS displays. Buttons labeled DNIS/ANI on the Demo Caller telephone generate calls with DNIS as a priority, to display ANI while a DNIS call is ringing, press the 3DJH button below the LCD of the ringing telephone to toggle between DNIS and ANI displays. Buttons labeled DNIS on the Demo Caller telephone generate DNIS only calls. ANI an DNIS call demos can be used to show CTI applications using the RPCI-DI interface unit installed on the Brian10-button telephone. Strata DK October 1997 7 Lost Call Auto Dial Lost Call Auto Dial 1. On the Demo Caller telephone, press the $1, '1,6 %ULDQ button. rings on the Brian telephone and the ANI calling number displays on the Brian telephone. %ULDQ CN:2137363839 LINE 4 RINGING 2. Do not answer %ULDQ . 3. Hang-up the Demo Caller telephone (if on-hook, press 6SNU on the Demo Caller telephone to disconnect). 4. After Brian stops ringing, on the Brian telephone, press 0RGH + . The lost call generated in step 1 is displayed. DATE TIME CN:2137363839 You can press 6FUROO to view more lost calls. 5. To dial out the displayed ANI number from the Brian telephone, press %ULDQ , then dial to access LCR, then press the /RVW &DOO $XWR 'LDO button. 8 You will see the number dial 12137363839 out on the LCD, but you receive busy tone because there are no outgoing lines available in the demo system. Note that the digit “1” is inserted in front of “21337363839”. Strata DK October 1997 Call Park & Page and Park Pickup Call Park & Page and Park Pickup 1DQF\ rings on the Nancy telephone. 1. On the Demo Caller telephone, press '1,6 1DQF\ . 2. On the Nancy telephone, to press answer the call. 1DQF\ 3. On the Nancy telephone, press to automatically Park the call and access the Paging system. &DOO 3DUN3DJH The Nancy telephone is connected to the Paging system. LN 3 ORBIT 900 RLL RTRN 4. On the Nancy telephone, talk on the Page and tell Brian to pick up Orbit 900. 5. On the Nancy telephone, press the RLS Soft Key or to disconnect from the Paging system. The call is parked on Orbit NANCY LN 5833200 HOLD 900. You can use the button to view the parked call orbit number. 6. On the Brian telephone, press and dial to pick up the parked call. The Brian telephone LCD NANCY LN 5833200 displays “NANCY LN TRNS CONF PAGE 583200” and a talk path exists between the Demo Caller and Brian telephones. 5HOHDVH $QVZHU 3DUN 3LFNXS Strata DK October 1997 2UELW 'LVSOD\ 3DUN 9 Call Park Orbit Display Call Park Orbit Display 1. On the Demo Caller telephone, press and then press . 7HFK 6YF +ROG '1,6 2. On the Demo Caller telephone, press and then . press '1,6 :HVW 6OV +ROG 3. On the Nancy telephone, , then press , then press . press 7HFK 6YF &DOO 3DUN3DJH 5HOHDVH $QVZHU 4. On the Nancy telephone, press , then press then press . :HVW 6DOHV &DOO 3DUN3DJH, 5HOHDVH $QVZHU 7HFK 6YF rings on the Nancy telephone. :HVW 6DOHV rings on the Nancy telephone. 7HFK 6YF is Parked on Orbit 900 and the Nancy telephone is connected to :HVW 6DOHV . :HVW 6DOHV is Parked on Orbit 901. 5. On the Nancy telephone, press to view parked calls on the telephone LCD. The LCD shows that a Technical Support call on Line 3 is in Orbit 900. 6. Press the to view more parked calls. The LCD shows that a Western Sales call on Line 1 is in Orbit 901. 3DUN 2UELW 'LVSOD\ 6FUROO TECH SUPPORT LN 3 ORBIT 900+ WESTERN SALES LN 1 901+ You may wait for the parked calls to recall on the Nancy telephone to demo the park recall operation. The recall timer is set for 60 seconds on the Nancy telephone. Do Not Disturb 1. On the Nancy telephone, . press The Do Not Disturb LED lights red. 2. On the Demo Caller telephone, press the button. The Nancy 200-1 LED flashes red on the Nancy and Brian telephones. 3. On the Nancy telephone, toggle the button to show the Do Not Disturb ON/OFF ringing control After three rings the ringing on the Brian telephone. 'R 1RW 'LVWXUE $1, 1DQF\ '1,6 'R 1RW 'LVWXUE 10 1DQF\ button starts Strata DK October 1997 Call Forward Fixed Call Forward Fixed 1. On the Nancy telephone, press &DOO )ZG %ULDQ . The Call Fwd Brian 201-1 LED lights red. 2. On the Demo Caller telephone, press the '1,6 $1, 1DQF\ button. %ULDQ rings on the Brian telephone. CALL FOR NANCY LN 2 CALL 200 LCD shows Line 2 came in for Nancy’s Directory Number 200 and forwarded to the Brian telephone. Call Forward Busy/No Answer 1. On the Nancy telephone, press &)%XV\ 1R $QVZHU and dial . The CF-Busy No Answer LED flashes red. 2. On the Nancy telephone, press &)%XV\ 1R $QVZHU. The CF-Busy No Answer CF-BN 200-203 DATE DAY TIME LED lights red steady. The Nancy telephone LCD shows that Directory Number 200 is Call Forwarded-Busy/ No Answer to Directory Number 203. 3. On the Brian telephone, press %ULDQ and dial to call the Nancy telephone. After dialing 200, 1DQF\ rings three times on the Nancy telephone and then forwards to on the Demo Caller telephone. Call Forward-Busy will only happen if and are both in use when Directory Number 200 is called. Note Ring Pickup 1. On the Demo Caller telephone, press '1,6$1, 0LG: . 0LG:HVW 6DOHV 2. On the Nancy telephone, press 5LQJ 3LFNXS. The Nancy telephone LCD MID WEST SALES displays the DNIS tag. On the TRNF CONF PGE Brian phone, 0LG:HVW 6DOHV stops ringing and the call is connected to 1DQF\ on the Nancy telephone. rings on the Brian telephone. Ring Pickup applies to ringing calls to any Directory Number, but not to Held calls. Note Strata DK October 1997 11 Release and Answer Release and Answer 1. On the Demo Caller telephone, press . 2. 1DQF\ Press +ROG. '1,6 1DQF\ rings on the Nancy telephone. 3. On the Demo Caller telephone, press the button 4. $1, 1DQF\ Press +ROG. '1,6 5. Go off hook with the Nancy telephone. 1DQF\ rings on the Nancy telephone. 1DQF\ is answered and 1DQF\ mute rings. 6. On the Nancy telephone, and dial press to to transfer the Brian telephone. &QI7UQ 1DQF\ 1DQF\ is released and transferred to Brian. 5HOHDVH $QVZHU. 1DQF\ is answered. 7. On the Nancy telephone, press Alert Signaling Alert signaling assumes there is a pre-arranged meaning for the Alert Signal between two people. Example: Nancy’s telephone is in DND because she has a meeting in her office. The Alert signal could be used by Brian to override Nancy’s DND and notify Nancy that the important visitor she has been waiting for has arrived. The Alert signal can also be used to signal telephone users that are busy talking on their telephones - in which case the alert signal is two muted rings. 1. On the Nancy telephone, . press 'R 1RW 'LVWXUE 2. On the Brian telephone, press . $OHUW 1DQF\ The alert signal sounds on Nancy’s telephone to let Nancy know the visitor has arrived. Nancy can acknowledge that she received the signal button on the Nancy by pressing the telephone. $OHUW %ULDQ 12 Strata DK October 1997 Multiple Directory Number Message Waiting Multiple Directory Number Message Waiting This demo shows that a telephone can have message waiting (0VJ) indications for more than one directory number (maximum five). Each 0VJ button could also have a unique voice mail box if the optional Stratagy VM system is added to the demo system. 1. On the Nancy telephone, press 1DQF\ and dial and then press 0VJ. The Msg 501 LED flashes on BRIAN 201 the Brian telephone. The LCD CALL 501 - 200 on the Brian telephone shows that Directory Number 501 has a message from station 200. 2. On the Demo Caller telephone, press and dial and then press 0VJ. The Msg LED flashes on the BRIAN 201 Brian telephone. The LCD on CALL 501 - 200+ the Brian telephone shows that Directory Number 501 has a message from station 200. “+” means that the Brian telephone has multiple messages. 3. On the Brian telephone, press the 6FUROO button under the telephone LCD. The LCD shows that the Brian Directory Number 201 has a message from station 203. 4. On the Brian telephone, press the flashing 0VJ and 0VJ button to retrieve the messages. The called stations must answer to cancel the message indication. BRIAN 201 CALL 201 - 203+ ➤ To cancel a message, dial from the directory number that received the message. Strata DK October 1997 13 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Telecommunication Systems Division 9740 Irvine Boulevard, Irvine, CA 92618-1697 Item Number: 4 0 1 1 0 1 9