Deed Restrictions Phase III - Mill Creek Homeowner`s Association
Deed Restrictions Phase III - Mill Creek Homeowner`s Association
DECLARA'1'XON OF COVENANTS, COND%'1'IONS « BASEMENTS AND RESTRXCTXONS OF MXLL CREEK SUBDXVISXON, PHASE 1:%X 327903 '1'HXS DECLARA'1'%ON XS MADE this day of , 1989, by PURSLBY, XNC., a Florida corporation, (hereinafter re£erred to as wDeveloper"', being the owner of all of the real property lying and being in MXLL CREEK SUBDrvISION, PHASE lXX, a subdivision as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book-2~ , Pages ~ 9 through .-i'Jh, inolulJive, of the Public Records -or-Manatee CoWi'ty, Flori~ WIT N E SSE '1' He ---------'l'HAT in order to promote the uniform development of MILL CREEK SUBDIVISXON, PHASE III, to insure that only Single family residences of high quality are construoted therein, and to insure that the quality of the neighborhood will be preserved and maintained, Developer hereby makes this Declaration of Covenants, Conditione~ Easements and Restrictions, (hereinafter referred to as "Declaration", , the terms of which Declaration ehal.l. constitute covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of all preeent and future OWners of any Lot or parcel. of l.and lying within and forming a part of MILL CREEK SUBDXVISION, PHASE IIX, as hereinafter defined. The Developer has previously established and formed MILL CREEK In ASSOCXATXON, XNC. and the Association has adopted order to assure the uniform and orqanized devel.opment of MILL CREEK, each Phase shall. be inol.uded in and lot owners wil.l be members of the Association. However, each Phase of MILL CREEK shal.l have a separate Declaration to meet the specific needs of each Phase. ARTICLE I R£CORD vmlAm R.a SHO~ OFC~IT COOt'" BY::> ~¥~~fin.itiO"S The fol1owin.g words, when used in this Deolaration (unless the context shall prohibit), shall have ~he following meaningst (a) "Assooiation" shal.l mean and refer to MILL CREEK ASSOCXATXON, XNe., a Fl.orida corporation not-far-profit, its successors and assigns. (b) "Nature Preserved shall. mean and refer to that area as shown on the plat of the Subdivision, and designated "Nature Preserve". (c) -MILL CREEK SUBDXVISION, PHASE IlI n shall mean and refer to t!le_ Single family residential subdivision recorded in Plat Book~, Pages ~ through~, incl.usive, of the Public Records of Manatee County, Florida. (d) "Developer" ahall be construed in the and pl.ural, as is necessary. and shall mean and refer to Pursley. Inc." its nominees, successors and assigns. (e) "Lot" shall mean and refer to the residential lots designated on the plat of MILL CREEK SUBDIVXSION, PHASE III. (f) "Lot Owner" or "OWner" shall mean and refer to the record fee simple title hol.der, whether one or more persons or entities, of a Lot in the Subdivision. (g' "Subdivision" shall mean and refer to MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, P~~E III, a~!r plat thereof recorded in Plat Book ~~, Pages ~ through ~. inclusive, of the Public Rscords OliManatee County, Plorida. , . C' ~~~;.: - '!,-." - ; r.' ", ":i;~~""~' -'-""""':-";t.';i.~""'~ . . ~~~:~~~~:~~ ~!?~~~~~,~S::~~:~~~;;I~;,;": :~:~r~~~"~ ~~~ ~~~~ . . -.,.--: ~~.~.~ -.-:=-=~: -.~ ARTICLE II Proper~y Subjec~ to ~his Dso1aration ~he real property which is and shall be held. ~ransferred. sold, conveyed and occupied subjec~ to the provisions of this Declaration is all of the property forming and being a part of MILL CaBER SUBDIVISION, PHASB III. ARTICLE lIt Res~rictive Covenants In order to establish and maintain an exclusive residential subdivision of the highest quaU..ty for the maximum bsnefit and enjoyment of its reaiden~a, ~he following covenan~a, conditions, easemen~B and restrictions sba11 constitute covenants running with ~be land and sbal1 be binding upon and inure to ~he benefit of all owners of Lots lying and being in the Subdivision. 1. ReBiden~ia1 Lo~s. All Lots shall be known and described as resIdentIal io~s and shall be used solely for single family residen~ial purposes. No building shall be erected, al~ered, placed or permit~ed to remain on any Lot other ~han one (1) detached single-family dwelling (no~ exceeding ~hirty-five (35) fee~ in heigh~) which dwelling must have a minimum two (2) car enclosed garage. The permitted dwelling shall be in a style, form and appearance which shall be harmonious with the nrehitoctural motif Of the Subdivision and shall be aesthetically complimentary thereto. No construction of any kind shall be permitted until the approval of the Architectural Committee has been obtained in writing, as hereinafter provided. 2. Compliance with AP~licable Governmental Regy1ationa. Any and all constructionn the SUbdIvIsIon shall be n compliance with all applicable state and local governmental regulations, including but not limited to, building codes, zoning regulations and setback requirements, which may be in effect from time to time. 3. Minimum Floor Space. No dwelling which haa a livable f100r space of less than 1,500 square feet, exclusive of open porches, terraces, lanais, garages or other like Lmprovemen~e shall be constructed or maintained upon any lot in the Subdivision. 4. Outbuildinl1. No de~ached outbuildings, including aluminum sheds or port le structures shall be placed or constructed on any lot at any time except one detached outbuilding up to 500 square feet (25 x 20) will be allowed on each lot provided construction materials and colors for each match those of the main house and further, provided each buildinq has Architectural Commit~ee approval prior to commencement of conetruction or installation of said structure. variances may be Lssued by the Architectural Committee. 5. Recreational Vehicles. No boat, travel trailer, recraationsl vehIcle, motor horne, camper or similar vehicle shall be allowed or stored on any Lot unless it is appropriately garaged. No travel-trailers, boats, tents, temporary structures or like improvements shall be used ae a residence in the Subdivision at any time. 6. Mobile Homes. No trailer, mobile home (single or double wide), outbui1a!nq or similar structure shall be placed or constructed on any Lot at any time, either temporarily or permanently, except as provided under the provisions o£ Paraqraph 15 of this Article III (Temporary Structures) below and Paraqraph 4 of this Article III (Outbuildings) above. 7. Motorcycles. No motorcycles, motorbikes. four wheel drive vehiCles, minibikes, trail bikes or other similar motor driven vehicles shall be operated upon any Lot or parcel of land in the Subdivision. Trails or tracks for such power driven -2- O.B. 1264 PO 3903 bikes a~e speoifically prohlbi~ed from all Lots or parcels wl~bln the Subdivision. Any such veh10les must be garaged or otherwised stored in such a manner that they are not visible from any other Lo~ or from the streets. Main~enance work, except for waehing or minor repairs, may not be undertaken on any vehioles of any nature whatsoever except inGide a garage. D. Siqns. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to public View on any Lo~ in the Subdivision, except as herewith provided. ~he (a) For Sale By OWner Signs. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot except one (1) sign of not more ~han six (6) square feet or 2'-0" x 3'-0" in size, advertising the Lot for sale or ren~. All signs shall be erected on wooden Sign posts obtained through the Homeowners' Association. No metal sign post shall be allowed to advertise any Lot, house or service for sale. Cb) Realtor's For Sale Signs. One realtor sign may be displayed on each Lot on the above-described wooden post. The realtor sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet or 2'-0" x 3'_0" in size. One trailer sign not larger than 6" x 3' may be displayed above the post's arm or attached below larger sign indicating sales associate' s name, whether the Lot is sold, an open house, etc. (c) Builder Signs. Any general contractor licensed in the State of Florida may display to the public view, his company sign, but only on a Lot which he owns or upon which he is currently constructing a building, provided, however, he may display only one (1) siqn of not more than six (6) square feet or 2'-0" or 3'-0" in size, advertising his company only. This sign shall be erected on a wooden post obtained through the Homeowners' Association. All other subcontractor signage ahall not be permitted to be displayed in the Subdivision. (d) open House Signs (owner). owner shall obtain one (ll sign post from the Homeowners' Association, for advertising an open house, which sign post shall be place only upon the owner's Lot or such other place as may be designated in writinq by the Homeowners' Association. No metal sign posts or other siqnaqe advertising an open house shall be permitted. (e) Open House Signs (Realtor). Realtor shall obtain one (l., sign poat from the Homeowners • Association for advertisinq an open house. No metal siqn posts or other signage advertisinq an open house shall be al.lowed. Realtor shall be all.owed to display the opsn house sign from 1.00 p.m. \.mtil 5,00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays only. Two (2) pole flags advertising the open house may be erected at the driveway entry. No other types of flags, banners, streamers shall. be placed around the Lot, house or any other location \l1ithin the Subdivision. Realtor shall not display arrow signs within the Subdivision, directing traffic to the open house. (f) Sign Post. The Hom.:o.nlers· Association available to the Owner, the builder, and the fol.lowing sign postz shall mcke realtor the A 4" x 4" wooden post of sufficient height as to hanq one (1) six (6) square foot sign with -3- O. R. 1284 P8 3904 t\ 4- K 4- waoden horizontal tn:m attached to the vartical post. The wooden horizontal arm shall be equipped with two (2' hooks for securing a slvn. -J- Each OWner, builder or realtor obtaining a sign post shall deposit the sum of Twenty-Five and 00/100 Dollars ($25.00) with the Homeownars' Association prior to receiving the Sign post. The deposit shall be refunded upon return of the sivn post in voad condition. (v) No more than one (1) post with signage shall be displayed on any Lot at anyone time. (h) All signs must be professionally lettered. U) Display of all other signs shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Board. The Developer is excluded from eomplying with the provisions of this paragraph 7 and may place signs throughout the Subdivision in the manner it deems proper. 9. Mailboxes. No mailbox of any kind shall be constructed or maintained on any Lot in the Subdivision, except as hereinafter providedl (a) For so long as the Developer is a Class B member of the Aeeociation, only those mailboxes which are approved by the Developer shall be used in the Subdivision. Subsequent thereto, the Architectural Committee ehall approve the type, design and color of mailboxes which may be used in the Subdivision. Until Developer gives notice to the contrary, Developer shall provide, at owners expense, a mailbox and post for each Lot, which mailbox shall be of a common design and calor and shall be \tsed throughout the Subdivision.. such mailbox and post shall be installed at the individual Lot Owner's expense and shall be located on his Lot at the location as directed by the Developer to insure uniformity throughout. Such mailbox and post will be provided by the Developer upon receiving a request therofore from a Lot OWner. (b) Maintenance of the mailbox and post shall be provided by the Association to insure the continued acceptable appearance of the Subdivision. 10.. SW1mmi~ Pools. No swimming pools constructed on a n y t in the Subdivision, except provided, shall be as herein (a) All swimming pools shall be designed and constructed so that the deck and surrounding patio or walkway, if any, is at ground level. This provision is intended to prohibit the installation of any above-ground swimming pools on any Lot in the Subdivision. (b) The Architectural Committee shall have the power and the authority to allow for some deviation in this restriction in cases where existinq conditions prohibit construction of such an improvement at absolute ground level, but in no case shall it allow the construction of an above-ground swimming pool. 11. Clothes DrYin~ Area. No portion of any Lot ehall be used for dryIng or hang nq clothes or laundry <>f any ki.nd, unless such area is adequately hidden from the view of the street and any neighboring lot. 12. Refuse. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping qround for trash, rubbish or garbaqe. Trash or garbage containers, oil tanks, or bottled gas tanks must be underground or placed in walled-in areas so they shall not be visible from the adjoininq properties or from the street. -4- O.R. 1284 P8 3905 13. Animals. No livestock or poultry of any kind shall be placed, kept or maintained on any Lot or part of the 8ubdivJ.aion, except that Lot OWners may keep usual house pets, provided that they do not become a nuisance or an annoyanoe to the neighborhood and provided tbat they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes. All animals permitted purauant to this soction shall be shall be kept on a leash except when they are within an enclosed area. All pet ownera ahall be fully responsible for the actions of their pets. 14. Mining. No refining, quarrying, barrowing or mining operations of any kind 8hall be permitted on any Lot or any part of the Subdivision. 15. Temporary Structures. No structure of a temporary character shal1 be placed upon any Lot at any time, provided, however, that this prohibit1..on shall not apply to construction tra1..1ers or construction off1..ces used by the Developer and/or Lot Owners durinq the construction of the residential dwelling on a Lot owned by the Developer or Bucll Lot OWner, it being clearly understOOd that these latter temporary shelters shall not, at any time, be used as residences or permitted to remain on the Lot after completion of construction. 16. Unused Eguipment. No unused equipment, such a9 car bodies, materIals or unsIqhtly debris shall be allowed to remain on any Lot unless under roof and unless the same is concealed from public view. 17. subdivided. No Further Subdividing. No Lot shall. be 18. Time Limit on Construction. The exterior for all residential dwellings and other accessory structures shall be completed within one (l) year after the commencement of the construction, except where such completion is made impossible or would result in great hardehip to the Lot Owner or builder due to strikes, fires, national emergencies, natural calamities, or the impossibility of obtaining necessary materials or reasonable substitutes therefor. 19. Sales A~enCY. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein conta ned, the Developer may construct and maintain a sales agency office or offices, together with a sign or Signs, on Lots of its choosing in the Subdivision. 20. Commercial Vehicles. Commercial vehicles shall not be allowed to remaIn on the streets within the Subdivision, except when conducting business. 1':f an OWner has a commercial vehicle, it must be appropriately garaged or screened ao aa not to be an unsightly nuisance to the neighborhood. 21. Nature Preserve. Portions of some Lots in the Subdivision lie wIthIn the Nature Preserve. The Nature Preserve is a naturally wooded area and it is intended that this area be protected so that its natural character will not be destroyed or disturbed. To insure the continued existence of this area, no structures shall be permitted to be built within any portion of the Nature Preserve, and there shall be no tree removal or clearing of such area which would destroy the natural character of that area. 22. Utility and Drainage Easements. (a) Easements for the installation and maintenance of utilities and drainaqe facilities are shown on the recorded plat for the Subdivision. No structures, planting or other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain within these easement areas which may impair the intended use of such easement areas, including but not limited to, chanqinq the direction or flow of drainage channels in the easements, or which may obstruct or retard the flow of water throuqh drainage channels in the easements. The easement areas on each Lot and all improvements thereon shall be maintained continuously by the OWner of the Lot -5- O.R. 1264 PO 3906 on whioh ~hey are located, except those improvements for whicb a pub1io authori~y or utility company is ~eaponsible. ~he Developer reserves the right for itse1f and for the benefit of the Association, publio or p~ivate utility agencies, authorities or franchises, to enter upon any Lot or ths Nature Preeerve for the purpt)l!~e of installinq, maintaininq, repairinq or replacinq any utility or drainaqe faoility wi1:hin the easement area without notice to or consent from any Lot OWner or the Association and without compensation to any Lot Owner or the Association. Suoh entries ahall be deemed lawful entries and not trespasses. (b) All utility lines and lead in wires, including but not limited to those for electrical and telephone service located within the confines of a Lot, shall be located underground at a depth of not less than twelve (12) inches from t.he surface, provided, however, nothinq cont.ained herein shall prevent an aboveqround temporary power line t.o a residential dwellinq durinq the construction thereof. 23. Maintenance of Lots. Each Lot OWner shall keep his Lot free of all accumUlatIon of trash or other mat.erial Which may present an unsiqhtly appearance or constitute a fire hazard. Xn the event a Lot owner fails to keep his Lot free of such accumulated trash and other like materials, then t.he Aesociation may enter upon said Lot and remove such refuse and charge the Lot. OWners for such services, and every such entry on the part of the Association or its employees or agents shall be deemed to be a lawful entry and not a trespass. Absolutely no burninq of any material of any nature shall be permitted on any Lot at any time. Xn addition, each Lot Owner shall mow the Lot periodically to ensure that qrass and weeds do not exceed twelve (12J inches in heiqht. 24. Lawful Conduct. No unlawful or immoral use shall made of any Lot or any part thereof, and no noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any Lot nor shall anythinq be done thereon which may be may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighboring Lots or to the subdivision. be 25. Antennas. No outside antenna, receivinq dish or other similar radio or television receiving apparatus whatsoever shall be placed, maintained or constructed on any Lot. 26. Front Yard Buildincr Setback. There ahall be a minimum front yard buILdIng set baCk of fIfty (50) feet. On lots where a Nature Preserve, lake or conservation easement exists, the Architectural Committee may reduce the front yard buildinq set back line by an amount equal to the distance the preservation or conservation Area or the lake occupies in the rear of that particular lot, however, the Architectural Committee is not required to allow this variance and in no case shall the front yard buildinq setback be less than that required by the Manatee County Zoning Code. 27. Draina~e. All impervious surfaces on a Lot including but not 1 mlted to driveways and roofs shall drain directly to the street adjacent to said Lot. Compliance with the foregoing shall require a mini.mum of the use of roof qutters along ths rear of the home and downspouts directed toward the street. The Architectural Committee may in its discretion impose additional requirements as necessary to ensure compliance with the drainaqe requirements. 28. Lakes, Maintenance Easement. The riqht to pump or otherwise remove any water from the lakes now existinq or which may hereafter be erected either within the subdiVision or adjacent or near thereto, for the purpose of irrigation or other use, and the placement of any matter or object. in such lakes shall require the written consent of the Developer or the Association. The Developer and the Association shall have the riqht to control the level of all lakes and to control the growth and irriqation of plants, fowl, reptiles, animals, fish and fungi and in on such lakes. The Owner of each lake lot -6 O.R. 1284 PI 3907 recognizes ~ha~ the plan~s and fauna on ~he lake are necessary ~o fil~er ~he stormwater runoff from ~he Bubdivision and ~e owner shall not disturb or al~ar ~he plan~s or fauna wi~hou~ the consent of the Developer or Associa~ion. The owners of lO~8 upon which a lake is si ~ua~ed shall be responsible for ~hs cos~ of main~aining the lake as provided for in Article V, Section 6 excep~ ~ha~ all members of ~he Association shall be responsible for ~he main~enance of the littoral zone improvements aud plants and ~he ou~fall structure as par~ of the assessments. No docks, bulkheads,. moorings, pilings, boat shelters or other struo~ure shall be constructed on any embankments adjacen~ ~o such lakes or within such lakes without ~he wri~ten consent of ~he Association or archi~ec~ural con~rol commit~ee ~hereof. No gas or diesel driven boa~ shall be permi~ted to be opera~ed on any lakes. Lake Lo~s Bhall be main~ained by the OWners of suoh 10~B and any embankmen~s shall be main~ained by the owners so that grass, planting or o~her la~eral support to prevent erosion of the embankment of the lake and the height, grade and con~our of the embankmen~ shall not be chanqed without the prior wri~~en consent of ~he Association or archi~ectural control committee thereof. The area along- the water' s edg'e of any lake shall also be maintained by ~he owner of said Lake Lot as if said area were a por~ion of ~hs Lot owned and shall be landscaped and/or sodded by said owner. If the OWner of any Lake Lot or the Association fails to maintain such embankmen~ or area as par~ of the landscape maintenance obligations in accordance with the foregoing,. the Developer or its agent or representa~ive shall have the right, but no obliga~ion, to en~er upon any such Lake Lot or area to perform such maintenance work Which may be reasonably required, all at the expense of the OWner of such Lake Lo~ or ~he Aasociation. The Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of any portion of ~he lake(s) which are located on Developer's property and have not been subdivided. Owners shall have the rig-ht to reasonable use and benefit of the lakes now existing or which may hereafter be erected, either within the Subdivision or adjacent thereto, subject ~o the rig-ht of Developer or Aasocia.tion to adopt reasonable rules and regulations from time to time in connection with use of the l~kes by OWners and Developer' B deSignees and assignees. The Assooiation or the Developer shall have the right to deny such use ~o any person who in the opinion of the Developer, or in the opinion of the Association may create or participate in the disturbance or nuisance on any part of the lakes. The right to reasonable use and benefit of the lakss may be subject to SUch other persons as may be deSignated by Developer or the Association from time to time. 29. Right of Entr~ and Maintenance bI: Count". Manatee County shall have the rlgh, but no obl1gat on to enter the subdivision to maintain the lakes located therein. In the evant the County enters the subdivision and incurs expenses in so maintaining-, it shall have the riqh~ to charge those expenses to the Association. These rights shall be in addition to those riqh~s Manatee County has under law. The Manatee County law enforcement officers, health and pollution control personnel. emergency medical service personnel and firefighting personnel, While in pursuit of their duties, are hereby granted authority to enter upon any and all portions of the area under the management or control of the Association as may be necesoary to perform their duties. 30. Conservation Area. Areas on the plat designated "conservation area" or areas designated on the Plat as subject to an Easement in favor of ei~her the Dspartmen~ of Environmental Regulation or the Manatee County Po11ution control Department are subject to rsstric~ions containsd in said sasement (s) • No Lot owner shall violate said restrictions. 31. Sou~hwest Florida Water Manaqement District Regulations. :It shall be the responsIS!lIty of each property owner wIthin the Subdivision at the time of construction of any building, residence or other structure, to comply with the construction plans approved and on file with the Southwest Florida Water Management District as part of the stormwater O.B. 1264 PI 3908 management system for development of the Subdivision pursuant to Chapter 40D-4 of the Plorida Administrative Code. No owner of property within the subdivision may oonstruot or ma1nta1n any building, residence or struoture, or undertake or perform any aot1vity 1n the wetland and upland oonservation areas desoribed in the reoorded plat of the subdivis10n exoept for mulohed pathways or boardwalks unless prior approval is received from the Southwest Plorida Water Management Distr1ct pursuant to Chapter 40D-4 of the Florida Administrative Code. 32. Street Lights. 'i'he Deve1.oper, at its init1a1. expense, sha1.1 install eight (8) street light posts in the subdiviSion. Florida Power and Light haa agreed to reimburse the Deve1.oper for the cost of the 1.ight posts over a ten (10' year period. Once the Homeowners • Association is turned over to thc Homeowners in acoordanoe with Artiole XV, The Homeowners' Association shall forward the reimbursement from F1.orida Power and Light to Developer. Further, the cost of electricity for the street lights shall be an assooiation expense and shall be paid to the Developer prior to turnover of The Homeowners' Association to the Homeowners and thereafter paid directly to Florida Power and Light. 33. Arohitectural Control. (a) APs;roval of Plans. '1'0 further i.nsure the development of the su dIvIsion as a res1dentia1. area of the highest quaU.ty and standards and in order to insure that all improvements constructed upon each Lot in the Subdivision shall present an attractive and pleasing appearance from all sides of view, there sha1.1 be an Architectural committee to review a1.1 plans and specif1cations prior to commencement of construction of any Lot in said Subdivision. 'i'he original Architectural Committee shall be composed of three (3) persons appointed by the Developer who shall serve on said committee so long as the Developer is a member of the Association. At such time as the Developer is no longer an OWner of any Lot in the Subdivision, then the Associat-.lon shall appoint an Arch1tectural Committee to replace the committee originally appOinted by the Developer. (b) Power of Architectural Committee. (1) The Architectural Committee J.s hereby given and qranted the power and discretion to control and approve all buJ.ldings, structures and other improvements to be constructed upon each Lot in the SubdJ.viaion in the manner and to the extent set forth herein. No residence, building, or other structure and no fence, walled utilJ.ty area, driveway, swimming pool or other structure or improvement, regardless CJf size or purpose, whether attached to or detached from the main residence, shall be commenced, placed, erected or allowed to remaJ.n on any Lot in the Subdiv.i.sion nor shall any addition to or exterior change of alteration be made to any existing residence building or structure un1.ess and until building plans and specifications coverinq the swne, showing the nature, kind and shape, height, sJ.ze, mat.erials, floor plana, exter;ior col-or r.chemes, location and orientation of Lot and apprOXimate square footage, construction schedule, front side and rear elevations, and such other information as the Comm;ittee shall require, including, if so required, plans for the grading and landscaping of the Lots showinq any changes proposed to be made in the elevation or purpose contours of the land, have been submitted to and approQud in writing by the Committee. (2) Front elevations of all residences, buildinqs or structu~es vJ.sible from a right-of-way sha11 be constructed of either bl.· ~ck, wood, stone or sJ.milar material approved by the Committee. All architectural, remodeling and p1ans must be accompan1ed by site plans which show the location of home on each site of the residence under consideration. The Committee sha11 have the absolute and exclusive riqht to refuse to approve -8- O. R. 1264 PI 3909 any such buildinq plana and specificat.ions and lot. qradinq and landscapinq plans which a~e not. suitable or desirable in it.s sole discret.ion and opinion for any reason, includinq pu~ely aest.hetio reasons. In t.he event. t.he COmmit.tee rejects any proposed plans and spsoifioat.i.ons as submitted, the Committee shall so inform the propert.y owner in, stating wit.h reasonable det.ail t.he reasonCs) for diaapproval and the Committee's recommendat.ion t.o remedy same if, in the sole opinion of the Commit.tee, a sat.isfactory remedy is possible. In passing upon suoh building plana, the Commit.tee may t.ake int.o oonsiderat.ion t.he suitability and desirabilit.y of the proposed construct.ion and of the mat.eriale of whioh the same are proposed to be built, the building plot where ths proposed oonstruotion is erpcted, the quality of the proposed workmanship and materials, the harmony and exterior design with the surrounding neighborhood and existing st.ructures therein and the effect end appearanoe of such oonst.ruot.ion as viewed from neighboring properties. In addition, there shall be submitted to the Committee for approval such eamples of building materials proposed to be used as the Committee shall specify and require. (c) Method of Approval. As a prerequisite to consideration for approval, and prior to beginning the contemplated work, the Lot Owner shall submit two (2) complete eets of plans and speoifications to the Committee for review. Upon the Committee giving written approval of t.he plans and epeci£ications, construction shall be commenced end proceed to oompletion promptly end in strict conformity with suoh plans and specifications. The Committee shall be entitled to enjoin any construct.ion in violation of t.hese provisions and any suoh exterior addition to or change or alterations made without application having firet been made and approval obtained as required shall be deemed to be in violations of this covenant and may be required to be ~estored to the original oondition at the Lot OWner' 8 cost.. Xn the event the Committee fails within thirty (30, days of receipt of proposed plans and specifioations to approve or disapprove the same, approval will not be required and this paragraph shall be deemed to have been fully complied with .. (d) All structures must be built to comply eubstantially with the plans and speCifications as approved by the Committee and before any house can be ocoupied, i t must be oompletely £inished and a Certifioate of Completion must be issued by the Committee. 34. Enforoement of Restrictive Covenants. Xf any Lot Ownsr or future Lot owner of any Lot In the SUbdivision shall violate anyone or more of the oovenants and restriotions or attempt to violate any ane or more of the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Article IXX. it shall be lawful and proper for any other Lot Owner or Lot Owners owning Lots within the Subdivision or the Assooiation to bring and proseoute any proceeding at law or in equity against the person or persons violating or attempting to violete the same" either to prevent. such violation or to reoover damages by reason thereof.. The prevailing party to each action shall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses. including Court costs, from the losing party or parties and reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by the prevailing party in bringing such action, same on appeal. AR'l':ICLE :IV Homeowners' Assooiation 1.. Xnoorporati.on. The Developer has caused MILL CREEK ASSOCIAT:ION, :INC., a Florida corporation not··for-profit, to be incorporated pursuant to the Florida Statutes. 2.. Purpose s .. The purposes inolude, but are not limited to, of the Association (a' Promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE III, -9- O.B.. 1264 PI 3910 Cb, Const¥ucting, in8ta11ing, improving, maintaining an4 repairing any propertiee lying within the Nature Presoawe which viva common benefit to 011 reaidenta in tha Subdiviaion, Cc) Adopting such guide1ines and ru1es as it deems necessary to contro1 the over-a11 appearance of the Nature Preearve, as wa11 ae tha uses thereof, (d) purchasing, insta1ling and maintaining any which the Association deems necessary for the ~provament of the SubdiVision, inc1uding, but not limited to tha installation and maintenance of median and entry-way landscaping, entry-way sign, pub1ic street 1ighting throughout the Subdivision and other 8~ilar improvements, improvements (e) owning, constructing and maintaining any recreationa1 facilities which the Association deems to be in its beat interest, (f) Maintaining any easement areas within Subdivision which are not deemed properly maintained by individua1 Lot OWUere. the the (g) owning, operating and maintaining the surface water management system as perBIitted by the Southwest Florida water Management District, including all lakee, retention areas, culverts and related appurtenances unless otherwise provided herein. Alterations to the perBIitted system will require a permit from the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 3. Membershie. Each Lot owner of any Lot lying wi thin MILL CREER SUBDXVISXON, PRASE XXX (notwithstanding how such ownership interest was acquired) sha11 be a member of the Association and, by acceptance of any ownership intorest in a Lot, agrees to comp1y with and abide by the terms and prOVisions set forth in this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Association, as they may be amended from time to time, together with such aulss and Regu1ations as may be adopted and amended by the Association from time to time. 4. Voting Classification. two (2) classes of votinq membershIp. The Association shall have (a) CLASS A. Class A members sha11 be all Lot OWners, with the exceptIon of the Developer, and there shall be ons (1) vote for each Lot, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws. (b) CLASS B. The sole Class B member shall be the Developer, and It shall be entitled to cast euch number of votes, on each and every matter coming before the membership for Q vote thoreon, equal to the product obtained when multiplying the number of C1ass A votes entitled to be cast times four (4). Ths Class B membership shall cease and be converted to Class A membership on the happeninq 0 f any of the following events, whichever occurs earlier: (1) When Developer has sold and conveyed all Lots to third parties, or (2) When Developer elects in its sale discretion to transfer contro1 of the Association to the Class A membership, or (3) On January 1, 2010. (c) Notwithstanding anythinq to the contrary contained herein, upon conversion of the Class B memberShip to Class A membership, the Developer shall become a Class A member with reqard to each Lot owned by it, and shall be entitled to one -10- 0.1. 1264 P8 3911 (1, vo~e for each such Lo~ on all questions and matters comIng before tho membership of the Association for a vote thereon. ARTICLE V Covenants for Assessments aus 1. Creation of Llen and Personal Obii ation of Assessments. Each OWner of any LOt lyinq with the division. (reqsrdiess of how titIe is acquired, including- without limi~ation, a purchaee at a judicial sale), by acceptance of such ownership, shall hereafter be deemed to covenant and agree to pay ~o the Association any annual assessment or charqes and any special assessment which the Association shall from t~e to time fix and establish in accordance with terms hereinafter set forth. All such assessments, toqether with interest thereon from the date due at the rate of fifteen percent (15i) per annum and costs of collection thereof including attornoy's feos, shall be a charge on the OWner's Lot and shall be a continuinq lien upon the Lot aqainst which each such assessment is made. The liability for asssssments may not be avoided by waiver of the use and enjoyment of the Nature Preserve, or by abandonment of the Lot aqainst which the assessment was made. In a Volu"tltary conveyance, the buyer shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller for all unpaid assessments ag-ainst the latter for his share of the common expensss up to the time of such volun~ary conveyance without prejudice to the riqhtlll of the buyer to recover from the seller the amounts paid by the buyer therefor. 2. Effective Date of Lien. Notwithstandinq the foreg-oing. a lien for unpaid assessments shall only be effective from and after the time of recording in the Public Records of Manatee County, Florida, a Claim of Lien sta~ing the description of the Lot, the name of the Lot owner, the amount due and the date whsn due, and the lien shall continue in effect until all eums secured by the lien shall have been fully paid. 3. pur*ose of Assessments. The assessments levied by the Association s all be used to promote the health, safety. welfare and recreation of the residents of the Subdivision, and in particular for effectuatinq the purposes of the Association from time to time, including- but not limited to those set forth in Article IV above. In addition, the assessments shall be used to pay the Association's costs of taxes, insurance, labor, equipment, materials, manaqement, maintenance, and supervision of the Association area and any other areas within the SubdiVision which are of common benefit ~o the Owners, as well as for such other pe~issible activities undertaken by the Association. 4. Annual Assessments. The annual assessment, including funds for specIal Lmprovement projects, shall be determined on a yearly basis by the Board of Directors of the Assooiation, including reasonable reserves. Annual assessments shall be payable in adVance of such times as the Board of Directors shall determine. 5. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments. The annual assessments provIded for hereIn shail commence on the first day of suoh month determined by the Board of Directors of the Association be the date of commencement. The due date of any special assessment shall be fixed in the resolution authorizinq such assessment. 6. Assessment Apportionment. The Owner (s) of each Lot shall be responsIble fo~e payment of its prorata share of the Assoc~ation expenses based on the number of platted lots in the subdivision. The prorata share shall be levied by the Board of Directors of the Association for all qeneral assessments. The Owner (s) of Lake Lots shall in addition bear its proportionate share of lake maintenance costs with other Lake Lot owners in the for.m of assessments, whether annual, dpecial or otherwise, which is levied by the Board of Directors of the Assoc~ation related to the maintenance of the lakes except that all members of the -11- O.B. 1284 PO 3912 ASBocla~ion ahall be responsible for the maIntenance of the littora1 aone improvamants and plants and the outfall structure. 7. Enforcement of ADsessment Lien. In the event a Lot CMner fai1s to pay any sums, charges, or assessments ~equired to be paid to the Assooiation within thirty (30) days from thei~ due date. the Assooiation, acting on ita own behalf or through ita MAnager, maya Cal foreolose the lien encumbering eaid Lot in the same manner provided for the forecloaure of mortgages by the rlorlda StatuGa, or (b, bring an action at law or in equity aqainst the Lot owner personally obligated to pay such a8aesamBnt without waiving the lien securing the same, or (c) maintain such other and further action as may be permissible by the laws of the State of Florida to rocover the full amount of the unpaid assessment. s. Costs, Atto~neys' Fees. In any action, either to foreclose its lIen or to recover from eaid Lot OWner, the Aseociation shall have the rJ.ght to recover .i.nterest, Court costs, and a reasonable attorney's fee, includ.i.nq any fees J.ncurred on appeal, J.t may incur in collect.i.nq the assessment from the Lot owner, which shall be added to the amount of any assessment due. Fa.i.lure by the Association to brinq such action J.n any .i.nstance shall not const.i.tute a waiver of the riqhts created hereJ.n. No Lot OWner may or escape liab.i.1lty for assessments by non-use of the Nature Preserve or abandonment of h.i.s Lot. 9. Subordination of L.i.en. Where a mortgaqee of a first mortqaqe of record or other purchaser obta.i.ns tJ.tle to a Lot as a resu1t of foreclosure of the first mortgaqe, or where a f.i.ret mortqaqee accepts a deed to said Lot .i.n of foreclosure, such acquiror of title and .i.ts successors and ass.i.qns shall not be for assessments pertaininq to such Lot which became due prior to acqu.i.s.i.t.i.on of t.i.tle as a result of the foreolosure, or acceptan~e of such deed in lieu of foreclosure, unless such assessment is secured by a cla.i.m of lien for assessment that is recorded prior to the recordinq of the foreclosed mortqage. The holder of a first mortqaqe or other purchases acquirinq t.i.tle to a Lot as a result of foreclosure or a deed J.n lieu of foreclosure may not, dur.i.nq the period of its ownersh.i.p of such Lot, whether or not such Lot is unoccupied, be excused from the payment of assessments due the per.i.od of such ownersh.i.p. As used here.i.n, the term "f.i.rst mortqage N sha11 not include a purchase money mortqaqe g.i.ven by a buyer to a se11er upon acquisit.i.on of title to a Lot. ARTICLE VI' ._. General Provisions Amendment • (a' Developer reserves the right to amend, modify, or resc.i.nd sucb parts of th.i.s Declaration as it, in its sole discret.i.on, deems necessary and appropr.i.ate so long as it is a Class B member of the Association without the jo.i.nder of, consent of or notice to Lot OWners. (b) After Developer ceases to be a Class B member of the Association. the Board of Directors and the membere of the may mod.i.fy or amend th.i.s Declaration if notice of the proposed chanqe is given in the notice of the meeting at which such act.i.on will be cons.i.dered. An amendment may be proposed e.i.ther by the Board of Directors or by not less than ten percent (lOt) of the Nvotinq representatives N as such term is defined .i.n tbe Bylaws. Unless otherwise prov.i.ded, the resolution adopting a proposed amendment must bear the approval of (1) not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors and two-thirds (2/3) -12- O.B. 1264 PO 3913 of the voting representatives who case their vote, or (2) not less than seventy percent (70a, of the voting repreeentatives who cast. their vote. Directors and members not present at the meeting considering the amendment may express their approval, in writing, given before auch meeting to an officer of the Allllociation. (c) Any amendment of these documents which affects the permitted surface water management system, including the water management portions of the Association Area must have the prior approval of the Southweet Florida Water Management Dietrict. (d) An amendment, other than amendments made by the Developer, shal,l, be evidenced by a certificate certifying that the amendment was duly adopted and including the recording deta identifying the Declaration, which certi.ficate shall be executed by the proper o.fficers of the Association in the same focmality required for the execution of a deed. Amendments b L Developer must be evidenced in writing, but a certificate of the Association is not required. Any and all, amendr-~nts shall become effective only when properly recorded in the Public Recorda of Manatee County, Florida. 2. Duration. The covenants, condi tions , easements and restriction set forth in this Declaration shall be covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon all, parties and all persons having an interest in any portion of the land lying and being within the Subdivision, for a perioci of twenty-five (25) years from the date this Declaration is recorded among the Publ,ic Records of Manatee County, Fl,orida, after which time the same shall be automatically extended for successive periods of twenty-five (25) years, unless terminated in accordance with the terms of this Declaration. 3. Termination. This Declaration may only be terminated upon wrItten consent of ninety percent (90%) of all of the voting representatives in the Associat.ion, which written consent must be duly recorded among ths Public Recorcis of Manatee County, Flor.ida, subject, however to any prior governmental approval required by the Manatee county Comprehensive Zoning and Lanci Development Code, Ordinance 81-4, as amencied from time to time. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, so 1,0n9' as the Developer holde any Lot in the Subdivision for sale in the ordinary course of bus.iness, this Declaration ahall not be term.inated without its consent. 4. Enforcement. In addition to the enforcement prov.isions otherwise contained .in this Declaration, the Association or any Lot Owner shall have the right to proceed at law or in equity against any person or persons or other legal entities v.iolating or attempting to violate any of the prOVisions set forth in this Declaration or to recover ciamages for such violation, and failure by the Association or any Lot Owner to enforce any provision set forth therein shall in no way be deemed a waiver of the riqht to do so thereafter. 5. Incorporation of Declaration. Any and all deeds conveying a Lot or any portIon of the Subdivision shall be conclus.ively presumed to have incorporated therein all of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Declarat.ion whether or not such .incorporation is specif.icall,y set forth by reference in such deed, and acceptance by the grantee of such deed shall be conclusively deemed to be an acceptance by such qrantes of all the terms and conditions of this Declaration. 6. Construct.ion. Whenever the context so permits or requ.ires, the use of the singular shall inClude the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender shall be deemed to include all genders. covenants, 7. Severability. Invalidation of anyone of these restrIctIon, cond.itions or easements by jUcigment or -13- O.R. 1284 PI 3914 Court" ordell:' ahall in no way effect any other provieion, which shall zamain in full force and effect. 8. Binding B£fec~. This Declaration shall be binding upon and inu~e to the benefit of the Developer, the Association, and eaoh of ~he Lot OWners, thei&' respcetl",e heire, personal representatives, successors, assigne and grantees and any and all persona claiming by, through or under any of said parties. The Association is a party to this Declaration so as to assume the obli9a~ions and responsibilities 8st forth herein. 9. Effective Date. ThJ.s Declaration shall effective upon recordation of this Deolaration in the Records of Manatee County, Flo&'ida. become Public IN W:tTNESS WHEREOF, PURSLEY, INC., a Florida general partnership, and MILL CREBK ASSOCIATION, :tNC., a Florida corporation not-for-profit, have caused this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Basements and Restrictions of MILL CREEK SUBDXVISXON, PHASE IIX, to be executed the day and year f.t.rst above writtsn. Siqned, Sealed and Delivered in the presence ofl ~d PURSLEY, INC. MILL CREEK ASSOCIA'rXON, INC. aa'M4{ _ By. A'r'rSST. / i r c r e ary STATE OF FLORXDA COUNTY OF MANA'I'EE ../~ ~~I If N~· I I I HEREBY CBRTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowl.edqements. personal.l.y appeared LiUlRY J. D' URSO. JR., and Q!eryl Duncan • being th... President and tltsis5nt SecretarY • respectivel.y, of PURSLBY, INC., and aCFno~dged before me that they executed the foregoing Oeclaration o£ Covenants. Cond1.tione, Easements and Reetrictions, that as such of£icers they are dul.y authorized by said Corporat10n to do so, and that the foregoing in is the act and deed o£ sa1d corporation and the general. WITNESS MY hand and o£ficia1 seal 1n the a£oreeaid, tb18 30th day of June ~ ," ?_, """' -" I "(j rJ i ~ ~~,.. ~d<r'tr1~O~( ! \. ",- , \ -. -14 0.R.1264 PI 3915 A·,..s. STAll'S OF PLORIDA COWT'lt OF MANA.'l'EE • • an offlcer take aoknowledgments. peZ'aonally appaaZ'ed ~ .."'~ B Mazp.el • and (herxl Duncan , being the Pietiident anI SC'!e~Qrv • respeo£ive1y • o~ Ml:LL CURK ASSOCIATiON. XNC~, and acknowledged before me t:.hat:. they exeouted. i:he foregolng Deolarai:lon of Covenant:.s, Conditions, Basements and Restrlotions, that as suoh offioers they are duly authoZ'iae4 by sald Corpo:rat:.lon to 40 ao, and that the £o:rsgolng In.t:.~nt J.8 the aot and deed of gald co~ratlon. duly I HB8Sn1t CaRTIE''lt thai: on i:hls day. befoZ'e me. authorized to WITNESS MY hand and o£fiaial seal in the aforeaald. this 30th day o£ _...:£J~un~e=-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ o aa:y P c My Commission Expire\~ HotII\' PuYe.. Stat. 01 RoricII . ", Mv &pires Ard 30. 19VO Com.' ...... ,....";,., 'M 7 J \'.: ., "·~'.'''C" t.c.. ~ f!j:;;! ;z tn :Do ..c.. ~ -4C1'11J:o> r<1:C;z ..... ,""ClOG n:::D:::D til s: ;Z:!"fT1 - I ("Jon :<'--0 - 1'11:0 m P O.B. 1284 PI -15 ..... :::DG r-lI"Il'f'I 3916 G " n "49~.4 U'\I .. ":I CRST ANBNDMBNT TO DECUBATION or COVENANTS. qONDITIONS, EASBHENTS AND RBSTRICTIONS OR! lULL eBEEK SUbDIVISION. PHASE IXI ,g.dI.A THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made thia 1989, by PURSLEY, INC., a Florida day of 6tt-OSI::t2 corporation , (hereinafter rcaferred to as "Developer"'. RECI'1'ALSI tmEREAS, Developer Assooiation, Ino., SUBDIVISION, PHASE is a clasa the homeowners' a III, B member of association subdivision as Mill Creek for MILL CREEK per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 25, Pages 19 through 26, inolusive, of the Public Records of Manate. County, Florida, and WHEREAS, Developer caused that certain Declaration of Covenants, conditions, Easements and Restrictions of MILL CREEK SUBD:tVl:SION, PHASE III (hereinafter referred to as I'Declaration") to be recorded in Official Records Book 1264, Pages 3902 through inclusive, 3916, of the Public Records of Article VI of Manatee County, Florida, and WHEREAS, provides that Paragraph the 1 of Dev.loper reserves the said right D3claration to amend the Declaration so long as it is a class B member cf tho Mill Creek Aaaociation, Ino. NOW THEREFORE, the Developer hereby amends that certain Declaration of Covenant, Conditions, Easements and Restriotions of MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE III recorded in Offioial Record Book 1264, Pages 3902 through 3916, inolusive, of the Public Records of Manatee County, Florida, in the following manner: 1. entirety Paragraph 28 of Artiele III is hereby deleted in it:;; and the following paragraph 28 of Article III is substituted in its place: "28. Lakes, Maintenance Easement. The right to pump or otherwise remove any water from the lakes now existing or which may hereafter be erected either within the Subdivision or adjaoent or near thereto, for the purpose of irrigation or other use, and the placement of any matter or object in such lakes shall require the written consent of the Developer or the Association. The Developer and the Associat:lon shall have the r~qht to control the water level of all lakes and to control the growth and irrigation of plants, fowl, reptiles, animals, fish and fungi and in on such lakes. The Owner of each lake lot recognizes that the plants and fauna on the lake are necessary to filter the stormwatar runoff from the subdivision and the owner shall not distur;..;,b__o..,r ....._a.;:.::l;.,:t....:..¥'=- the plants or fauna without the RECOItDVERIFlED '" R.D.5HOR£~~ &'I: ;:>~ D. O.R~ 1213 P8 2154 ," , ~:~ t> .. ~ ~ : . '.I:..... ,. ~ ....' .. ',..... ~,~ !.. ~.. _, . ..1<' • w. .. .~...,;.~ .. : : consent of the Developer or Association. The Owners of lote upon which a lakQ is situated shall be t'Qsponsible for the coat of maintainin9 the lake as provid.ed for in Article V ~ Section 6, except that all members of the Association shall be responsible for the cost of the maintenance of the littoral zone illiprovemente and plants~ the outfall structure and any other lake maintenance detorminec1 by the Directors of the Association to be for the common 9'Ood of the Subdivision as part of the assessments. No dooks~ bulkheads, mooringB~ pi1ings~ boat shelters or other structure shall be oonstruoted. on any embankments adj acent to such lakes or w1.thin suoh lakes without the written consent of the Assoo1.ation or architectural control oommittee thereOf. No gas or diesel driven boat shall be permitted to be operated on any lakes. Lake Lots shall be maintained by the owners of such lots and any embankments shall be maintained by the Owners so that qrasa~ planting or other lateral support to prevent eros1.on of the embankment of the lake and the height, grade and contour of the embankment shall not be ohanged without the prior written oonsent of the Association or architectural oontrol committee thereof. The area along the water's edge of any lake shall also be maintained by the owner of said Lake Lot ae if said area were a portion of the Lot owned and shall be landscaped and/or sodded by said Owner. 7f the Owner of any Lake Lot or the Associat1.on fails to maintain suoh embankment or area as part of the landscape maintenance obligations in accordance with the foregoing. the Developer or its agent or shall have the right ~ but no obligation, to enter upon any Such Lake Lot or area to perform such maintenance work which may be reasonably reqUired. all at the expense of the Owner of such Lake Lot or the Aseociation. 'rne Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance Of any portion of the lake(s) which are located on Developer's property and have not been subdivided. Owners shall have the right to reasonable use and benefit of :h~ lakes now existing or which may hereafter be erected~ either within the Subdivision or adjacent thereto, subject to the right of Developer or Association to adopt reasonable rules and regulations from time to time in connection with use of the lakes by Owners and Developer's designeeb and assignees. The Assooiation or the Developer shall have tne right to deny sucn use to any person who in the opinion of the Developer, or in the opinion of the Assooiation may create or participate in the disturbance or nuisance on any part of the lakes. The right to rlooJ.I.sonable use and benefit of the lakes may be subj eot to such other persons ~s may be des1gnated by Developer or the Assooiation from time to time." 2. entirety Paragraph and 6 the of Article V following is hereby deleted paragraph 6 of Article in i.ts v is substituted in its place: "6. Aasesament Apportionment. The Owners of each Lot shall be responsible for the payment of ita prorata share of the Assooiation expenses based on the number of platted lots in the subdivision ino1uding lake maintanance for the common good as set forth in Article I7I: Paragraph 28. The prorata share sha1l J)e levied by the Board of Directors of the Association for a1l general assessments. The Owner(s) of Lake Lots shall bear its proportionate share of general Lake Maintenance as set forth in Article XIX paragraph 28, oosts as set forth in Article IX! paragraph 28 with other Lake Lot Owners in the form of assessments, whether annual, special or otherwise, which may be levied by the Board of Direotors of the Association related to the maintenance of the lakes." 7N WITNESS WHEREOF, PURSLEY, XNC., a Florida corporation, and MILL CREEK ASSOCXATXON, XNC., a F10rida corporation not-for profit, have caused this First Amendment to Declaration O.B. 1273 PI of 2155 :'1:" • covenants, Conditions, BUBDIVl:SION, Easaments and Restrictiona of MZLL CREEK PHASE XXl: to be executed the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in t:ha presence of. A~Srt PURSLEY, :INC. __-=~~~_____________ BY'~ YJ:DIu:RSOIJR;, president ATTEsr: __ ~~~~ ______________ BY~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ seven R. Mazze president ~ ;;!l :;z rv,... ~QJ"" -c..,C:II r'1:r:to> !i «.t..1l W ""0:;' (,)::u Q 0"'::0 c::. t"h ;rno S'I'ATE OF FLOR:IDA COUN'l'Y OF./Yl4A1Arel! : -<r-(') :<,..,~ ;!!~:;: , c X HEREBY CER'l'XFY that on this day, before me, an· officer duly authorized to take acknowledgements, personall.y appeared LARRY J. D'URSO, JR., and , being' the Seftio~ V~ee President and , respeotively, of PURSLEY, :INC., one of the general partners of PURSLEY, INC., and acknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, conditions, Easements and Restrictions, that as such officers they are duly authorized by said corporation to do so; and that the foregOing instrument is the act and deed of said cO~9~etion and the general partnership. ;~j ....,." ..,,,,,,,:~ ~ :.I!] .:1 WI'I'NBSS MY hand and c.C?~~~~"nd-'.: s:t:at:.e aforesaid, this 9 . . 4 l . f ) . . J ' ! .,' J §:. 1 9~~' _ . , \\~. ,.1", " f , :;-" :j -:' ;1 ') .. : . ,! ' ='''t.' <'. I No ' " "! " ', •• i.~ . .'! 9 ,: :.: , My Commission Expir;fsiVriri.43·' ..;:;":.:, " ...... -'..;/''''Ii:}:~:.:'::-;:I~Y~E"~~,~:..···-' STATE OF FLORZDA COUNTY OF ..t . It""111~'"·\ ...... ':; ...., ~{-:" me,"'~ Ian officer Z HEREBY CBR'I'IFY that on this day, before dtAlY authArized to take acknowledgements, personal.iY~1'appeared ~~!l8tJ ~ itMzz e I and , being the president and , respectivel.y, of MZLL CREEK ASSOCZA'I'ION, INC. and acknow1edged before me that they executed tbe eoregoing First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions: that as such officers they are dul.y authorized by said corporation to do so; and that tbe foregoing instrument is the act and dead of said corporation and the general. partnership. ..f:;' WI'I'NESS MY aforesaid, this ~_ '~/' count~,~JO~~~ ha:~,rnd -=-Ua.zJ=WI'.G.J~___-:-:~·~·'~;:":19 ~ ~:' ., ~ .' f· .~::\·\""'IC'I ': ,_ N My .... I SECOND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE m THIS AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION is made this ,n#day OfktJ:,u..,o± ,2001, by MANATEE JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership (the "Developer"), e DEVELOPER of all real property in MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE II, a residential subdivision as per plat thereof. recorded in Official Records Book 1264, Pages 3902 through 3916, inclusive, of the Public Records of Manatee County, Florida (the "Plat"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Developer caused that certain Declaration ofCovenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions of Mill Creek Subdivision, Phase II (hereinafter referred to as the "Declaration") to be recorded in Official Records Book 1264, Page 3902 ofthe Public Records of Manatee County, Florida; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article VI, Paragraph I of said Declaration, Developer reserved the right, without the joinder or consent of or notice to the lot owners to amend the Declaration so long as the Developer shall retain Class B membership of Mill Creek Association. Inc. (the "Association"); and WHEREAS, Developer is the sole Class B member ofthe Association and desires to amend the Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, the Developer hereby amends the Declaration as hereafter set forth. l. ModifY and restate Article III, Paragraph 4 as follows: "Paragraph 4, Outbuildings. No detached outbuildings, including aluminum sheds or portable structures shall be placed or constructed on any lot at any time except one detached garage with a maximum of 1,000 square feet and/or one detached outbuilding up to 500 square feet (20 x 25) will be allowed on each lot provided construction materials and colors for each match those of the main house and further provided each building has Architectural Committee approval prior to commencement of construction or installation of said structure." 2. Modity and restate Article III, Paragraph 5, as follows: Paragraph 5, Recreational Vehicles. No boat, travel trailer, camper, recreational vehicle, motor home, or similar vehicle shall be allowed or stored on any Lot unless it is appropriately garaged, hidden or screened from the street and neighboring Lots 3. Modity and restate Article Ill, Paragraph 8, as follows: Paragraph 8, Sj~. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot in the Subdivision, unless said sign has prior written Architectural Committee approval. or complies with the provisions contained within: ( a) One ( I ) temporary sign not to exceed six ( 6 ) square feet or 2'-0" x 3' 0" in size, utilized in connection with the sale of a Lot or improved Lot, may be displayed on such Lot. ( b) During the course ofconstruction on a lot, a general contractor licensed in the State of Florida and a financial or mortgage institution funding the construction may display to the public view, his professional company sign, but only on a Lot upon which he is currently constructing or financing a building, provided the one sign not exceed six ( 6 ) square feet or 2'-0" x 3' -0" in size. Such sign shall be promptly removed upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. No other contractor or subcontractor signage shall be permitted to be displayed in the Subdivision. ( c) Two ( 2 ) pole flags advertising an open house may be erected at the driveway entry during the period oftime that the residence is open to the public. No other types of flags, banners or streamers shall be placed around the Lot, house or any other location within the Subdivision. Arrow signs, directing traffic to an open house Q! house for sale are specifically prohibited. ( d) All signs must be professionally lettered. Signs not in conformance with this covenant may be removed by the Developer or Association. The Developer, and any builder with written approval by Developer, are excluded from complying with the provisions of this Paragraph 8 and may place signs throughout the Subdivision in the manner either deems proper. Executed this27J.Lday of ~ 2001. WITNESS: MANATEE JOINT VENTURE, a Florida general partnership BY: By:.~~~~~__~____~_ Name: Title: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNlY OF MANATEE Notary Public I Printed Name: My Commission Expires: Diann Woodfield MY COMMISSION # CC830831 EXPIRES June 17, 2003 BONDED THRU 11<OY FAIN INSURANCE, i.\C