April, 1963 LIMNOLOGY VOLUME AND OCEANOGRAPHY TRACE ELEMENTS Orrin Department IN RECENT H. Pikey of Geology, 1 MOLLUSK NUMBER VIII 2 SHELLS and H. G. Goode11 Florida State University ABSTRACT Analyses were performed for iron, magnesium, manganese, strontium, barium, and mineralogy in the shells of 7 species of marine mollusks collected over much of their presentday environmental range. Correlations between the shell composition and water temperature and salinity were determined. While a number of significant relationships were observed, these are generally too weak to be used for paleoecological determinations and are not consistent between species. Differences in salinity cause greater changes in shell composition than differences in temperature, but salinities above 25% do not greatly affect the shell composition. make possible a clearer delineation of environmental effects. Specific level studies The chemical composition of invertebrate skeletons has long been of interest to geolo- have been performed by Pilkey and Hower ( 1960), Krinsley ( 1960)) and Rucker and gists because of the importance of biologiValentine ( 1961). The latter two studies cally derived sediments in the geologic utilized intertidal mollusks wherein environrecord. Recently, attention has been focused mental parameters are highly variable and on the possible determination of ancient endifficult to estimate. The first mentioned vironments based on ecological effects on specific level study involved analyses of skeletal composition. Early studies of shell composition are re- diagenetically unstable echinoid tests which limit the geological value of the results. viewed by Vinogradov ( 1953). Large-scale The purpose of this paper is to delineate studies of the composition of calcareous the ecological effects on the composition of skeletal material include Chave ( 1954), mollusk shells in order to evaluate the Thompson and Chow ( 1955), and Odum feasibility of a paleoecology tool. Seven (1957). The distribution of skeletal strontium species of mollusks were collected over and magnesium among the different phyla much of their present-day environmental is fairly well understood, but data on other range and their shells were analyzed for elements are scarce. Temperature, salinity, water composition, phylogenetic level, and magnesium, manganese, barium, strontium, shell mineralogy among other factors have and iron, as well as mineralogy. The effect of temperature and salinity on these combeen observed to affect skeletal composition. Studies of shell composition on the positional variables was then statistically analyzed. specific level should reduce organic variables which affect shell composition and The species chosen for this study are Crepidula fornicata Conrad, Crepidula 1 Present address: The University of Georgia plana Say, Oliva sayana Ravenel, Busycon Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Georgia. 137 INTRODUCTION 138 ORRIN TABLE Annual mean temp. (“C) Annual mean salinity (%*) 1 2 21.5 25 30 32.5 3 25 Nun+ ber _ ----- Summary AND of locality G. GOODELL data for recent shells - it 6 8 9 10A 25 23.5 24 8 11.5 12 11 12 13 15 16 19 20 16 16 16 20.5 19 21 26 16.5 23 27 35 35 33 36 21 27 35 ~----- 2. =z ~-z~z------____- Total no. of specimens No. of normal salinity specimens Temperature range ( “C ) Salinity range ( % ) ____ --________- Bay mouth bar at mouth of Alligator Harbor, east of Carrabelle, Florida. 2 miles N of Boca Grandc, Florida in vicinity of Three Sisters Key, west of Fort Myers, Florida. N end and seaward side of Gasparilla Island, west of Fort Myers. Small reducing lagoon adjacent to locality no. 3. Vicinity of Cabbage Key, south of Pass-a-Grille, St. Petersburg, Florida. Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Florida at foot of 15th and 16th avenues south. Tidal inlet near Prouts Point, Portland, Maine. Woods Hole, Massachusetts within town limits just south of Quissett Harbor. Bay mouth bar at Barncgat Lighthouse, Long Beach Island, New Jersey, north of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Hammock Point, Jersey Island, Crisfield, Maryland. Adjacent to breakwater, Cape Charles, Virginia. Tip of Cape Charles, south of Kiptopcke (20 miles south of location 12). Tip of island just south of Hatteras, North Carolina. Mouth of Murrels Inlet near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Vicinity of inlet at N end of Sea Island, Georgia near Brunswick, Georgia. Tavernier Key, seaward from the town of Tavernier on Key Largo, Florida Keys. Vicinity of Mayaquez, Puerto Rico. ---.--_ -~_---__--- contrarium Lamark, Polinices duplicatus Say, Tagelus clivisus Spengler, and Anemia simplex Orbigny. The last two named are pelecypods and the remainder are gastropods. All are shallow water forms, but Polinices duplicatus is the only species collected which lives primarily in the intertidal environment. The writers gratefully acknowledge the co-operation and assistance rendered in various forms by Drs G. W. DeVore, D. S. Gorsline, and J. K. Osmond. Mr Norman Weisbord was most helpful in confirming species identification, and Mr Robert Harriss assisted in the field collection of specimens. This study was supported by a grant from the petroleum research fund of the American Chemical Society. A grant-in-aid from the research council of the American AssoTABLE II. Lcxatlon 35 35 35 26.5 30 32 30 .- 1. H. PILKEY Sample size and observed - - --.-A. simplex 33 28 11.5-27 23-36 __.__-- C. fornicata 38 32 8-25 16.5-35 __.--- ciation of Petroleum Geologists provided travelling expenses. Partial support for computer time was from a National Science Foundation grant to the computing center of Florida State University. PROCEDURES The collection of shells was accomplished mainly by shallow water dredging at a number of stations between Mainc and Puerto Rico. The majority of the shells were collected alive. Table 1 gives a list of collecting localities together with the available data on annual mean temperature and salinity. Annual mean temperatures and salinities were established from data published by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and from unpublished manuscripts. Because of environmental ranges for each species - - -------- C. plana 0. sayuna 26 22 22 8-25 26.5-35 - 22 19-25 30-35 - --- P. duplicatus 28 B. contrarium 18 24 18 11.5-25 19-26 27-35 30-36 .___-________ - _ T. dioisus 9 5 21.5-27 26.5-35 TRACE ELEMENTS IN RECENT MOLLUSK 139 SHELLS TABLE 3. Summary of observed compositional-temperature relationships. Significant relationships denoted by Direct and Inverse, depending on the nature of the trend. NS = non-significant (9570 level of confidence) .- -_ _.-A. simpler C. fornicata C. plana 0. sayana P. duplicatus Mn/Mg NS NS NS NS NS Mn/Ba Mn/GFe/Mg Fe/Ba Fe/Sr Mg/f+ WMg Ba/Sr Mn+Fe Mg+Ba+Sr Mn+Mg+Ba+Fe -Sr Mn + Mg + Ba Sr Mn Fe NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Inverse Direct NS Direct NS Inverse Inverse Invcrsc Invcrsc NS Inverse NS NS NS NS Inverse NS NS Mg Ba Sr “/o Calcite NS NS NS NS Inverse Direct B. contrariunt are T. divisus NS Inverse Inverse Invcrsc Inverse Inverse Inverse NS NS NS Direct Direct Direct NS NS NS Inverse Inverse NS Invcrsc NS Inverse NS NS Inverse NS Inverse NS Inverse NS Inverse NS Inverse NS NS NS NS NS Direct Direct NS NS NS Direct Direct NS NS Inverse Inverse NS Direct NS NS Inverse Inverse Inverse NS NS NS Direct NS NS NS NS NS the necessity of extrapolating regional environmental data to specific localities, the figures used must be considered approximations. Table 2 lists the number of specimens analyzed and the temperature and salinity ranges within which each species was collected. Large shells were boiled to remove soft parts and small shells (most of the spccimens ) were air dried. The shells were then powdered and heated to 350°C to remove organic matter. Analyses of shell materials before and after heating showed that no alteration in shell mineralogy had occurred. Analytical precision figures in the following discussion are presented in terms of the amount present and arc calculated at the 95% confidence level. Analyses for strontium were determined by X-ray fluorescence utilizing fixed count with a precision of -t- 3%. Analyses for the magnesium, manganese, iron, and barium contents were accomplished by an emission spectrograph technique. Calcium was as- NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Inverse sumed to be constant and was used as the in ternal standard. External standards were mixed using spectrographically pure calcium carbonate. The analytical precision of the iron and barium concentration is + 24% of the amount present, and the manganese and magnesium contents were determined to within -c-34% and 2 19%, respectively. The mineralogy was determined by peak intensity of X-ray diffraction patterns. Six out of the seven species are primarily composed of aragonite and contain barely detectable amounts of calcite. The limit of detection of calcite by this technique is not known, hence the calcite figures reported herein are meaningful only in a relative sense. However, it is believed that the true concentrations are at the most 1 or 2% higher than the reported concentrations. Below what is reported as 1% calcite, the precision of the determinations is + 30%. This rapidly improves to + 15% above 1% calcite. The percentage of calcite in Anomin simplex is precise to * 10% of the amount 140 ORRIN II. PLLKEY ANOMIA AND II. G. GOODELL SIMPLEX . FIG. 1. The relationships between shell composition and annual mean water temperatures. Least squares regression lines were calculated only on the basis of shells collected from normal salinity locarelationships. tions. Dashed lines designate non-significant Open circles = annual mean salinity < 25%,, x I annual mean salinity between 25 and 30%,, dark circles = salinity > 30 go. present. A total of 174 Recent shells was analyzed. RESULTS Table 5 presents the analytical results. The figures reported arc average conccntrations of all the shells collected from each locality. Wherever possible, at least three shells from each locality were analyzed in order to obtain a reasonable mean compositional figure. The results of the statistical analysis of the relationship between shell composition and temperature are presented in Table 3. The element ratios in the table are atom ratios. Figures 1 through 7 are plots of composition US. temperature for the 7 species studied. Since only 5 Tagelus divisus shells from normal salinity waters were analyzed, the 4. Summary of non-linear (cubic and quadratic) relationships between composition and annual mean water temperature. NS = nonsignificant, C = cubic, Q = quadratic (95% level of confidence). TABLE Temperature effects In order to facilitate the study of the effect of temperature on shell composition, correlation coefficients between temperature and composition were determined. These were computed on the basis of shells from waters of annual mean salinity greater than 30% (considered normal salinity for the purposes of this study) in order not to confuse temperature and salinity effects. Correlation coefficients are an indication of the degree of inter-dependency between two variables assuming a linear relationship. Mn PC Mg Ba Sr % Calcite C NS NS NS NS NS C NS Q Q C NS C NS NS NS C NS NS NS C Q NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS C C Q NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS TRACE ELEMENTS IN RECENT CREPIDULA T “C MOLLUSK SIIELLS FORNICATA T “C T “c o 6 4 2 x 2ood 11 15‘ T “C 19 23 1 27 See Figure observed trends between temperature and composition will not be considered for this species in the following discussion, The composition of the shells of Polinices cluplicatus exhibits fewer significant linear relationships with temperature than any of the other species studied. Only the percentage of calcite is related to temperature. This is probably due to the intertidal nature of this species in which situation environmental factors vary widely and are difficult to estimate. The only species studied that deposits a primarily calcitic shell, Anomia simplex, exhibits only two significant trends with temperature. The most numerous significant compositional-temperature rclationships are observed in Busycon contrarium and Oliva sayana shells. No compositional variable is related to temperature in more than 4 species. The strontium content of shells is most consistent in this respect. The atom ratios Mg/%, Mn + Mg + Ba + Fe/Sr, Mn + Mg + Ba/Sr, and the percentage of calcite are related to temperature in 3 species, while other ratios or percentages are related in two or less instances. Every compositional variable exhibits a significant trend with tcmpcraturc in the shells of at least one species. 1 1 1 %23 7 T “C T ‘C FIG. 2. t- 1. With two exceptions, the nature of the relationships between temperature and any single compositional variable are consistent. In other words, the correlations are always inverse or always direct. The exceptions arc in the variables strontium and the per cent calcite. Strontium is inversely related to temperature in calcitic Anomia simplex, but directly related in 3 of the aragonitic species. This difference is probably a mineralogical effect. Pilkey and Hower ( 1960) noted a similar inverse relationship between temperature and strontium in the calcite tests of an echinoid species, The percentage of calcite is directly related to temperature in Anomin simplex and Crepidula fornicata shells, but inversely related in Polinices duplicatus shells. Basically, changes in the composition of recent shells must bc related to crystal growth rate and composition of external ( sea water ) and internal ( depositional tissues ) depositional mediums. Explanation of the temperature effects on skeletal composition observed in this study is complicated by the fact that the shells of each species react uniquely to temperature. Thus, it would be necessary to hypothesize on each case sepa- 142 ORRIN TABLE -. ~-. Lot. NL;s’‘ . Mn 1 4 : 5 6 8 9 10A 11 12 13 15 16 19 21 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 ii 1 9 10A 12 13 15 16 19 20 21 1 3 9 10A 13 15 19 5. Summary -~. 4 4 4 4 3 4 1 4 4 4 3 2 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 Pe Crepidula 9 25 2 1 11 4 9 19 78 21 26 5 7 16 13 56 187 157 63 100 135 232 21 438 4 1 2 24 17 4 86 Mg Ba fornicata 267 7 I-1. PILKEY Sr Anomia simplex 84 2,350 10 183 2,758 17 265 2,097 7 38 3,093 24 72 2,620 16 141 2,353 10 139 2,483 22 1,059 3,114 10 91 2,653 21 298 2,240 5 1,965 1,960 1,917 2,467 2,210 1,901 1,992 1,857 1,875 1,540 Polinices 22 14 17 47 37 63 69 duplicatus 237 6 218 3 192 3 285 5 236 4 254 5 278 6 G. GOODELL % calcite Lot. !&a?; Mn Fc Mg -. - Ba Sr .___.~ %* calcltc - Oliva sa yana 73 6 6 3 8 4 26 11 11 7 10 10 287 323 323 451 392 315 247 2,050 285 300 166 199 349 II. of the mean composition of shells from each locality _ -----.- __ ~ - ~_.~-~ .~- 2,615 2,870 2,525 2,750 2,850 2,398 2,216 2,521 3,260 3,260 2,890 3,064 2,717 3,047 5 2; 36 34 56 97 620 77 179 140 22 325 AND 2,060 1,957 2,125 2,266 2,263 2,335 2,300 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.3 1 3 4 5 15 16 14 13 4 9 74 47 3 3 2 3 4 3 2,511 2,645 2,693 2,700 2,855 2,393 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.4 7 11 6 10 4 8 4 8 11 10 2,610 3,400 2,740 3,240 2,092 2,207 2,545 2,497 2,605 2,877 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 147 133 142 123 157 183 ::i ;-ii 0:5 1.1 Ei 1:o 93 88 94 83 85 96 94 95 94 95 0.6 0.2 1.2 1.5 0.8 0.8 1.1 rately. However, some general statements can be made. The composition of sea water is probably not an important factor to be considered as far as the normal salinity temperature effect is concerned, because the composition would not bc expected to change progressively Crystal with latitude and temperature. growth rate cannot be the only factor involved because all the elements would increase or decrease simultaneously if this was the case. However, there appears to be some relationship bctwcen the nature of the temperature effect and the lattice stability contribution of a particular clement. Wray and Daniels ( 1957) and others have prescnted evidence that the large strontium ion Crepidula 1 2 5 6 8 9 10A 13 16 19 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 2 3 17 3 9 7” 28 36 24 21 17 35 49 5 21 70 253 56 34 65 659 plann 354 300 307 395 310 250 195 212 409 236 Busycon contrarium 1 2 4 4 2 1 11 45 132 174 3 4 z 16 20 32 2 3 1 : 1 16 3 304 12 210 137 365 194 3 4 3 2,719 2,789 2,770 2,793 2,700 2,590 1 6 21 3 4 2 8 3 29 48 12 15 4,097 2,995 3,318 Tagelus 111 45 55 divisus 262 311 323 adds to the stability of aragonite. In the aragonitic shells, the cations inversely related to temperature are those smaller than calcium, while those directly related to temperature are larger. Barium and strontium, the larger ions, also exhibit higher heats of formation and free energies of carbonate formation and percentages of ionic nature of oxide bonds than do the other 3 impurity ions. Hence, from a strictly inorganic standpoint, it is possible that a more stable crystal is formed with increasing tcmpera ture. The calcium in aragonite exhibits ninefold co-ordination with oxygen, while in calcite the calcium is six co-ordinated. Thus, in aragonite, the large nine co-ordinated TRACE ELEMENTS IN RECENT CREPIDULA MOLLUSK 143 SHELLS PLANA T ‘C 1: ‘C T ‘C T ‘C T “C T “C FIG. 3. See Figure site is more favorable for the large strontium ion while the smaller co-ordinated site in calcite would be rendered unstable by the large ion. In fact, recrystallization of aragonite to calcite always results in a lowering of the Sr/Ca ratio (Odum 1957). The OLIVA 1. inverse relationship of strontium to tempcrature in the calcite shells of Anon& simpZex perhaps indicates that a more stable crystal is attained in warmer waters in this instance also. In the foregoing discussion, it has been SAYAN 16 i 8’ P H 9 I k . 16 0 . . 14 . ‘2 LislL 1 4 20 T-C T ‘C T “C T “C FIG. 4. See Figure 1. 144 ORRIN II. PILKEY AND BU5YCON I-1. G. GOODELL CONTRARllJM T-C T % T “C T FIG. 5. Set Figure assumed that the dependency between water temperature and shell composition is linear. This assumption may not be valid. The composition of shells is at least in part due to a vital effect of the organism secreting the shells and since most biological rate processes are not linear over the entire range of tolerated environmental tempcratures, the compositional-environmental relationships may be complex. Because many details of shell secreting mechanisms arc not fully understood, the meaning of nonlinear relationships would be difficult to evaluate and for this reason, only the linear trends are discussed in detail. Quadratic (Y = A + BX + CX2) and cubic (Y = A + BX + CX2 + DX3 ) regression analyses were performed on the data and statistically tested for significance both as to the curve itself and as to whether an additional significant reduction of the variability of the data was accomplished by the fit of the higher over the next lower polynomial. Both the polynomial and the additional reduction of variability must be significant for a given polynomial curve to be accepted. Table 4 presents the results of this statistical analysis and significant quad- T “C ‘C 1. ratic and cubic curves are drawn in Figures 1 through 7. Within the limits of the accuracy of the available environmental data, it is apparent that annual mean temperature is only one of several other unknown factors involved in determining changes in shell composition That is, observed correlations with temperature are generally weak. Since shell growth is not a year-round constant, some of the correlations might be improved if seasonal temperatures were used, but such data are not available. Comparison of temperature trends Figure 8 is a plot of the linear rcgrcssion lines of temperature vs. composition for each of the species studied. The Anomin simplex and Tngelus clivisus trends are not shown in some cases for reasons of scale. The regression lines are extended only over the range of temperatures from which the shells were collected. Since many of the trends are statistically insignificant, these are only intended to give some idea of general concentration levels of the clemcnts in the shells of each species. From these plots it is apparent that a strong generic effect is present. That is, dif- TRACE ELEMENTS IN RECENT TAEGULUS MOLLUSK SHELLS DIVEUS 25 T ‘c T *C T OC T ‘C T ‘C T ‘C FIG. 6. Set Figure 1. creases in salinities of 27%0and lower (Fig. 1) . A similar relationship was suggcstcd by Lowenstam (1954). The percentage of calcite radically increases in the predominantly aragonitic Crepiduln fornicatn shells collected from 16.5%0 salinity, but no significant increase was observed in shells collected from waters of 23%0 (Fig. 2). A strong salinity effect was observed in only two species and specimens collected Salinity effects from a wide range of salinities were obThe effect of low salinity on shell eletained only from Chesapeake Ray. Hence, mental composition, wherever observed, is the gcncral applicability of the observed to increase the minor element content of the salinity effect is not known, although Rucker shell. However, salinities above 25%0 have and Valentine ( 1961) noted a similar inlittle effect on shell composition. Ano,min crease in trace elements in low salinity simplex and Crepidula fornicata specimens shells of Crnssostrea uirginica. Also, since which were collected in waters of 23%0 the water composition at these low salinity salinity exhibit increased barium and stronstations is unknown, the effect of the comtium contents (Figs. 1 and 2). Crepiduln position of the external medium cannot be fornicata shells from location 11 of an anevaluated. nual mean salinity of 16.5 exhibit a radical Two possible explanations of the salinity increase in all trace elements (about 50 effect are presented. From a growth-rate dwarfed Crepidula fornicata shells from this low salinity sampling location were standpoint, the increase in minor elements needed in order to obtain sufficient sample is reasonable if it can be assumed the rate of growth is fast. The reasoning is that for analysis ) . In the predominantly calcitic Anomia sim- rapid crystal growth rate traps impurities. plex shells, the percentage of calcite dc- Growth rate is difficult to evaluate, howferent genera exhibit different fractionation rates of trace elements from sea water. The concentration levels of magnesium, barium, and strontium in the two species of CrepiduZa are statistically indistinguishable. However, the levels of manganese and iron concentration arc distinctly different in the two species, indicating a fractionation effect at the specific level. 146 ORRIN I-1. PILKEY AND FWNICES II. G. GOODELL DUPLICATUS T ‘C T ‘C T ‘C T ‘C T ‘C T “C FIG. 7. See Figure 1. ever, because growth rate of the individual crystallites forming within the shell is the important consideration, and not growth rate of the whole shell. Perhaps the argument used by Odum ( 1957) with regard to strontium uptake can be applied to other elements. Odum states that as strontium is excluded from the crystallite during its initial growth, the surrounding tissues become strontium-rich. If restricted free exchange exists with the surrounding environment, then the strontium/ calcium ratio of the crystallite ultimately is forced to higher values by the concentration of strontium in depositional tissues. In the cast of the salinity effect under present consideration, let us assume that exchange bctween low salinity waters and depositional tissues is restricted. This may not be unreasonable, since the conchiolin content of the Crepiduln fornicnta shells is considerably higher in low salinity waters relative to the normal salinity environment, which means that the thickness of tissue between shell material and sea water is increased. Thus, as deposition proceeds, the element/ calcium ratios increase in the surrounding tissues, ultimately increasing the same elc- ment/calcium ratios in the calcium carbonate crystalline phase. Element-element relationships When the amount of one element is directly related to the amount of another elemcnt, the two are probably following a similar sea-water-to-shell cycle. In order to determine element-element relationships, correlation coefficients were computed for element ws. element in individual shells of each of the 7 species. The meaning of these correlations, however, depends upon where the elements are held in the shell. Elements such as barium, manganese, and iron which are found in relatively small amounts could, conceivably, be held within the organic matrix. This is particularly true of iron and manganese, which, because of empty 3 d electron orbitals, show a strong tendency to form covalent bonds and to complex with organic molecules ( Goldberg 1957). On the other hand, the 5 elements determined in this study are sufficiently closely related geochemically to calcium to account for their presence in trace amounts within the crystal structure. Furthermore, analyses of conchiolin do not report any of these elements as being present in significant TRACE ELEMENTS IN RECENT MOLLUSK 147 SIIELLS T "C T 'C T lC T ‘C FIG. 8. Comparison of composition-temperature trend lines of the various species. Non-significant relationships are designated by dashed lines. Some Anomia simplex and Taegulus divkus trends are not illustrated for reasons of scale. amounts. It is assumed, therefore, that all 5 elements are incorporated in the crystal lattice. The elements in Polinices duplicatus, Tagelus divisus, and Anomiu simplex shells show no significant inter-relationships. In the remaining species, most of the significant correlations are weak and lack consistency between different species. All relationships are direct. In Crepidula fornicata shells, significant inter-dependencies exist bctwecn manganese and iron, strontium and iron, and strontium and barium. In Crepidula plana shells, barium and iron, and strontium and barium are related. The barium and iron contents of Oliva sayana shells are related, an d in Busycon contrarium shells, magnesium and manganese, magnesium and iron, and iron and manganese are intcr-dependent. The barium and iron, strontium and barium, magnesium and manganese, an d iron and manganese contents exhibit intcrdependencies in 2 out of 7 species each. As a general conclusion, it is apparent that the elements follow independent water to shell. paths from sea CONCLUSIONS Changes in the composition of the shells of the 7 species of mollusks studied are related, at least, in part, to the environmental conditions. Differences in salinity are more important in this respect than differences in temperature. Within the limits of analytical precision, and the accuracy of the environmental data used in this study, these compositional-environmental relationships are too weakly defined to be of use as paleoecological tools. REFERENCES CHAVE, K. E. 1954. Aspects of the biogcochemistry of magnesium 1. calcareous marine organisms. J, Gcol., 62: 266-283. Go~numx, I?,. D. 1957. Biogeochemistry of trace metals. Geol. Sot. Amer. Mcm. 67, 1: 34% 357. KRINSLEY, D. 1969. 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II. 647 pp. WRAY, J. L., AND F. DANIELS. 1957. Precipitation of calcite and aragonite. J. Amer. Chcm. Sot., 79: 2031-2034.