renewable energy for hot water and heating
renewable energy for hot water and heating
Product- and Pricecatalogue 2016 SONNENKRAFT RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR HOT WATER AND HEATING SAY YES TO RENEWABLE! + SOLAR HEATING + HEATPUMP = SOLAR ELECTRICITY ENERGY INDEPENDENCY ErP-Label Your Partner for the energy label. Your future is renewable – with us since 1993 SONNENKRAFT: RELIABILITY SINCE 1993! SONNENKRAFT has been one of Europe's leading specialists for renewable energy for many years. Only SONNENKRAFT provides an extensive range of products in top European quality that ensure optimum energy efficiency depending on the individual requirements profile. • • • Solar heat (solar thermal energy) for hot water and heating Solar electricity (photovoltaics) incl. energy storage Heat pump solutions for heating and cooling The most comprehensive services With SONNENKRAFT you obtain everything from one professional source. From the comprehensive customer service from our committed field service team through technical support and system installation, up to customer-friendly after-sales service. Just ask your SONNENKRAFT customer advisor! ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Renewable energy is clean, effective and silent. It prevents the exploitation of nature and helps to preserve our planet - for our children and grandchildren. ECONOMICAL After installation, the energy of the sun will be free forever. The higher oil and gas prices increase in the future, the higher your savings will be. INDEPENDENCE With renewable energy; we ensure the greatest possible independence from fossil energy sources. 2 SAY YES TO RENEWABLE! 2 4 5 6 7 INTRO INTRODUCTION SONNENKRAFT Everything from a single source Renewable energies Solutions for large-scale projects NEW: Heat pumps Page 2-7 SOLAR HEAT SOLUTIONS COMPACT E COMBI E COMBI PB COMFORT E COMFORT E Plus We are the European specialist for renewable energy that allows you to actually use this inexhaustible potential for free renewable energy. 8 10 12 14 16 Page 8-17 SOLAR HEAT SOLUTIONS XL COMFORT E PLUS XL COMFORT E XL COMFORT E MAXI 18 20 22 Page 18-23 HEAT PUMP SOLUTIONS SOL+ SPLIT SYSTEMS COMPACT SYSTEMS Accessories / collector sets HOT WATER HEAT PUMP HEAT PUMP TANK 25 26 27 28 29 30 Page 24-30 SOLAR COLLECTORS SKR500 SK400-AL SCE250 GK-HP VK25 32 38 42 44 48 SK500-ECO-AL SCE202 GK-AR IDMK-AL 36 40 43 46 Page 31-47 TANK TAP THE HIGH SAVINGS POTENTIAL OF WATER HEATING AND ROOM HEATING DHW DHWP DHW/ELB PSW PSR-E PSC-E PS-E 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Page 48-55 HYDRAULIC MODULES HOT WATER STROM RAUMHEIZUNG RLGHE, PSKR18HE FWM15i/30i FWM30i cascade FWM60/80, FWM160 SLM50HE, BM25HE SLM80HE/SLM80HE-TW, SLM120/200/300HE HKM20HE, RAS20 Additional hydraulic modules & accessories 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Page 56-64 ACCESSORIES Generally, 2/3 of the energy costs of a household are from water heating and room heating. With the stateof-the-art renewable SONNENKRAFT systems, you secure the most efficient energy solutions and thus an enormous savings potential. Controllers Heat exchangers Solar circuit accessories Accessories Components Page 65-69 SERVICE Gen. terms and conditions Price list valid from 1 January 2016. All other price lists are thereby void. All prices are stated in euros excluding VAT; we reserve the right to modify prices (prices stated without quantities are unit prices). The right to make technical changes is reserved! The illustrations are representations of sample products. Errors and omissions excepted. Quotations without obligation. All specifications without guarantee. 65 66 67 68 70 Page 70-71 3 EVERYTHING FROM A SINGLE SOURCE ENERGY INDEPENDENCE (photovoltaics) SOLAR ELECTRICITY HEAT PUMP SOLAR HEAT (solar thermal energy) Only SONNENKRAFT provides such an extensive range of products for renewable energy solutions in top European quality. 4 With innovative solar thermal energy packages, SONNENKRAFT offers individual solar energy solutions designed for maximum economic efficiency and the highest operating convenience. From a simple hot water system up to powerful large-scale installations. SONNENKRAFT heat pumps set new standards in relation to energy efficiency, control technology and design. They can be used as a selfcontained system as well as ideally in combination with solar energy. From solar generation of electricity for one's own consumption up to complete energy independence - SONNENKRAFT makes it possible. The surplus energy produced can be stored in a PV battery storage set and retrieved at a later time. This relieves your wallet and gives you supply security and energy independence. Our solar electricity range is found in a separate PV price list. Just ask your SONNENKRAFT customer advisor! The energy future has already begun! With a modern system solution from SONNENKRAFT, consisting of solar thermal energy, solar electricity (PV) and a heat pump, your future is completely oriented to energy independence! INTRO RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR EVERY DEMAND At SONNENKRAFT, our goal is to cover all demand areas with our product range – from a simple hot water supply in a single-family home up to complex large-scale installations in multi-storey residential buildings. THE SONNENKRAFT SYSTEM SOLUTIONS AT A GLANCE COMPACT E The sophisticated hot water solution. Covers up to 70% of the hot water demand. Hot water Energy Lab el bel y La erg En COMBI E COMBI PB The economical solar heating solution. Covers up to 70% of the hot water and up to 25% of the heating demand. COMFORT E The efficient solar heating solution. Covers up to 80% of the hot water and up to 30% of the heating demand. Ene r gy Label ting Hea bel La Ene rgy La be l gy er En Energy Lab SOL+ el i llat nsta Large scale i COMFORT E Plus E rg y La be l s on ne La be En l Energy Label gy er at He p m pu The sophisticated solar thermal energy solution. Covers up to 80% of the hot water and up to 40% of the heating demand. The self-contained solar thermal energy solution with solar heat pumps in split and compact design. With the SOL+ solution, more than 90% of the hot water and 75% of the heating or cooling demand can be covered with solar energy. COMFORT E XL COMFORT E PLUS XL COMFORT E MAXI The optimal solar thermal energy solution for largescale installations such as residential buildings, hotels, camping sites, sport facilities etc. ACHIEVE THE HIGHEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASSES WITH SONNENKRAFT! SONNENKRAFT 1) A 4) A 2) 3) 1) VdZ1442498159078999000 A+ XL X X 2) 3) 4) Hot water boiler Solar collector Hot water tank Energy efficiency class with solar The EU regulation for the labelling of energy systems with the energy label opens new horizons for regenerative energy systems. The time for solar installations has now come - because the highest energy efficiency classes (A+ / A++ / A+++) can only be achieved in combination with a solar installation. SONNENKRAFT actively supports you in implementing this new directive: XL A+++ X Example: Oil boiler with PSR1000E 6xSKR500 • Product label automatically with each SOL+ heat pump and each tank • All corresponding data in offers, price lists, data sheets and manuals • Help with calculating solar network systems using an online solar calculator, Polysun simulations as well as with the website of the VDZ Do not hesitate and ask your SONNENKRAFT customer advisor! 5 SOLAR HEAT SOLUTIONS FOR LARGE-SCALE PROJECTS Regardless of whether a building is used for residential, leisure, educational, health-care, business or industrial purposes as well as process heat – SONNENKRAFT plans and supplies the optimum and extremely profitable solar heat solution – for your large-scale project as well. Labelling for products suitable for large-scale projects. GK-AR: η0 up to 86%, 13.5 m2 collector surface area, double anti-reflective glazing SONNENKRAFT offers a wide range of thermal solar collectors. Especially the large-area collectors GK-HP and GK-AR are optimally suited for buildings. The extra-large collectors ensure maximum efficiency and economy through quick, simple mounting and maximum power. ! NEW For large-scale facilities, we have an extensive range of large-volume hot water and back-up tanks. In addition to the standard sizes from the price list, we also offer tanks that are planned for specific buildings. TANKS COLLECTORS XL EW! Back-up tank with up to 15,000 l with connections as desired. N ACCESSORIES MODULES The free solar energy produced by a building is used further by hydraulic modules that we have developed ourselves, e.g.: 6 ! NEW Stratification module 100 m2 Fresh water module 60/80 l/min - Stratifier lance modules for large collector surface areas -Large fresh water modules and fresh water module cascade solutions for hygienic and Legionella-free water heating with high output capacities -Home stations in different versions (on request) for hygienic water heating and room heating using the extremely economical 2-conductor network technology. A wide range of accessories rounds off the XL product range. - Project-specific high-performance heat exchangers -Solar and heating control program incl. accessories, specially oriented to the needs of large installations (installation monitoring and remote control, data logging, automatic error messages etc.) -General accessories (pressure sensors for installation monitoring, large Pressure sensors for system series tanks and expansion tanks, valves, etc.) ! NEW monitoring etc. INTRO NEW: SPLIT HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS Hot water Heating Photovoltaics USE THE RENEWABLE POWER OF NATURE! Cooling function Regardless of whether heating, cooling or hot water production – SONNENKRAFT offers you the optimum solutions with the newly expanded portfolio of SOL+ heat pumps in split and compact designs! THE SONNENKRAFT HEAT PUMP RANGE COMPACT SYSTEMS SPLIT SYSTEMS ENERGYINDEPENDENT WITH THE POWER OF THE SUN SONNENKRAFT is the specialist for the optimum combination of efficient air/water heat pump technology and free solar energy for hot water preparation, heating and/or cooling. 35 kWh 17,5 kWh 55 °C 60 °C 1000 l buffer storage 300 l hot water tank 25 °C 10 °C r la city So tri c e el Air ENERGY MANAGEMENT & STORAGE Free solar electricity of a PV installation can be converted into heat with the SOL+ heat pumps and stored for hot water and heating. SERVICE WATER PUMPS OPTIMISATION OF OWN SOLAR ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION The SOL+ heat pumps, which are smart-grid ready, allow you to make optimum use of the free solar electricity from your PV installation and maximise the economical consumption of your own electricity. SMART GRID READY INSTALLATION MONITORING The integrated web interface ensures an unlimited overview of and access to your heat pump system at all times simply and conveniently via smartphone or tablet. 7 SOLAR HOT WATER COMPACT E It doesn’t have to be expensive to become energy efficient. SONNENKRAFT offers you the easiest high efficiency solution to utilise solar energy in residential housing. COMPACT E can cover up to 70% of a household's total hot water demand. 200 L 200 L Persons (Middle/North Europe) Pers. 1-3 2-4 Persons (Southern Europe/Middle East/Africa)* Pers. 1-4 2-4 Number of collectors Stk. 1 2 Collector surface area (SKR500, SK500-ECO-AL, IDMK-AL / SK400-AL) m2 2,5 / 2 5,1 / 4 € 2.570,- 3.210,- SKR500 Item no. 153 601 153 608 SKR500L Item no. 153 602 153 609 € 2.470,- 3.010,- Item no. 153 606 153 613 € 2.570,- 3.210,- SK500N-ECO-AL Item no. 153 603 153 610 SK500L-ECO-AL Item no. 153 604 153 611 € 2.610,- 3.290,- Item no. 153 605 153 612 € 2.570,- 3.210,- Item no. 153 607 153 614 SKR500 sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing SK400-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing SK400N-AL SK500-ECO-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing SPECIAL COLLECTOR FOR COASTAL REGIONS and CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT It is your guarantee for a high efficiency solution in premium European quality that ensures long lasting energy supply and a positive environmental impact. SK500N-ECO-AL-M IDMK-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK25-AL See section "Collectors" for on-roof mounting systems and in-roof mounting systems/sheet metal flashings CORRUGATED PIPE CONNECTION SET (DN16-20*, 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to pump unit and to collector) € Hot water or ct le l Co Backup heater Hot water tank 440,- for SKR500 Item no. 141 801 141 801 for SK400N-AL Item no. 141 805 141 805 for SK500-ECO-AL Item no. 141 805 141 805 for IDMK-AL Item no. 141 803 141 803 *) Collector surface area < 10 m = DN16, Collector surface area ≥ 10 m = DN20 2 FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMPACT E 440,- 2 SET COMPONENTS COMPACT E tank (EEC C) Type DHW200PR2 DHW200PR2 High efficiency pumping station solar and flow fitting with non-return valve Type RLGHE RLGHE 2-circuit control unit, incl. 2 sensors Type SKSC2HE SKSC2HE Domestic water mixer Type TBM20 TBM20 Expansion tank incl. tank mounting kit Type AG18S AG25S l 15 15 Antifreeze RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES: HE Pumping station Cold water HIGH EFFICIENCY PUMP EASY INSTALLATION The high efficiency pumps of the pump units reduce the electric power consumption needed for running the solar system considerably. Easy to set up and install due to "Plug & Flow" (pre-installed pumping station RLGHE at DHW200-500PR2). Thanks to the slim design, the COMPACT E takes up very little space. Optional RLGHE-VFD 8 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 300 L 300 L 400 L 400 L 500 L 500 L 500 L 750 L 750 L 1000 L 2-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 4-6 4-6 5-7 5-8 8 - 12 12 - 20 2-5 3-6 3-6 3-8 4-8 4-8 5-9 5-9 8 - 15 12 - 20 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 4 5 6 5,1 / 4 7,5 / 6 5,1 / 4 7,5 / 6 5,1 / 4 7,5 / 6 10,1 / 8 10,1 / 8 12,5 / 10 15,1 / 12 3.390,- 4.090,- 3.745,- 4.575,- 3.760,- 4.690,- 5.490,- 6.410,- 7.690,- 8.750,- 153 615 153 622 153 629 153 636 153 643 153 650 153 657 153 664 153 671 153 678 153 616 153 623 153 630 153 637 153 644 153 651 153 658 153 665 153 672 153 679 3.210,- 3.790,- 3.380,- 3.970,- 3.560,- 4.130,- 4.740,- 6.010,- 6.580,- 7.440,- 153 620 153 627 153 634 153 641 153 648 153 655 153 662 153 669 153 676 153 683 3.190,- 4.090,- 3.539,- 4.260,- 3.760,- 4.375,- 5.090,- 6.410,- 7.195,- 8.160,- 153 617 153 624 153 631 153 638 153 645 153 652 153 659 153 666 153 673 153 680 153 618 153 625 153 632 153 639 153 646 153 653 153 660 153 667 153 674 153 681 3.320,- 4.210,- 3.710,- 4.450,- 3.840,- 4.590,- 5.415,- 6.570,- 7.565,- 8.600,- 153 619 153 626 153 633 153 640 153 647 153 654 153 661 153 668 153 675 153 682 3.390,- 4.090,- 3.595,- 4.395,- 3.760,- 4.590,- 5.310,- 6.410,- 7.345,- 8.340,- 153 621 153 628 153 635 153 642 153 649 153 656 153 663 153 670 153 677 153 684 440,- 440,- 440,- 440,- 440,- 440,- 525,- 525,- 525,- 525,- 141 801 141 801 141 801 141 801 141 801 141 801 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 805 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 803 141 803 141 803 141 803 141 803 141 803 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 DHW300PR2 DHW300PR2 DHW400PR2 DHW400PR2 DHW500PR2 DHW500PR2 DHW500PR2 DHW750R2 DHW750R2 DHW1000R2 RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE * RLGHE * RLGHE * SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 TBM25 TBM25 TBM25 AG25S AG25S AG25S AG25S AG25S AG25S AG33S AG33S AG50S** AG50S** 15 20 15 20 15 20 20 20 20 25 SOLAR SOLUTIONS COMPACT E SOLUTIONS RLGHE-VFD (130 600), optional measuring distance incl. Grundfos sensor VFD 1-12l/min, for heat quantity measurement; SKSPT1000S (141 107) - Additional temperature sensor for tanks with PT1000 characteristics Ø 6 mm, 45 mm *) RLGHE not pre-mounted, **) Excl. tank mounting kit, AGS floor mounting CONTROL UNIT RELIABLE TECHNOLOGY The preconfigurated, user-friendly control unit makes using of COMPACT E solution easy. This control unit makes a heat quantity calculation (in combination with the optional RLGHEVFD) and is maintenance-free. All components are of premium European quality, thoroughly tested and perfectly matched. We use only proven technology to ensure durability and efficiency. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 9 SOLAR-HOT WATER SOLAR ROOM HEATING COMBI E The COMBI solution by SONNENKRAFT is the cost-effective solution for everyone who needs both, hot water and room heating. This solution includes the combi tank PSW with integrated corrugated stainless steel pipe for the production of domestic hot water. COMBI E can cover up to 25 % of a household's heating demand and up to 70 % of the hot water demand. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMBI E or ct le l Co Hot water Backup heating Combi tank Heating flow Heating return Pumping station Cold water 10 WATER HEATING IN CONTINUOUS FLOW MODE EASY INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING The Hot water preparation in the combi tank PSW is carried out easily and hygienically with the integrated corrugated stainless steel pipes. The pre-assembled high-efficieny solar pump station, as well as the pre-configured control unit allow an easy and fast installation and commissioning. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 800 L 800 L 1000 L 1000 L Persons (Middle/North Europe) Pers. 2-5 3-5 4-6 4-6 Persons (Southern Europe/Middle East/Africa) Pers. 2-6 3-6 4-7 5-7 Number of collectors Stk. 4 5 5 6 Collector surface area m2 10,1 12,5 12,5 15,1 SKR500 sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing € 6.750,- 7.600,- 7.800,- 8.600,- SKR500 Item no. 150 368 150 371 150 374 150 377 SKR500L Item no. 150 369 150 372 150 375 150 378 € 6.350,- 7.100,- 7.300,- 8.020,- SK500N-ECO-AL Item no. 150 360 150 362 150 364 150 366 SK500L-ECO-AL* Item no. 150 361 150 363 150 365 150 367 € 6.470,- 7.250,- 7.450,- 8.200,- Item no. 150 370 150 373 150 376 150 379 SK500-ECO-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK25-AL SOLAR SOLUTIONS COMBI E SOLUTIONS Special collectors for coastal regions and corrosive environment on request *) Set expansion arch (max. 4 pcs. in series); Mountingsystems see section "Collectors" Corrugated pipe connection set (DN20**, 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to pump unit and to collector) € 525,- 525,- 525,- 525,- for SKR500 Item no. 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 for SK500-ECO-AL Item no. 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 for IDMK-AL Item no. 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 1000 L 1000 L **) Collector surface area ≥ 10 m2 = DN20, Attention: Pressure loss calculation for cables longer than 15 m required! SET COMPONENTS COMBI E tank with 1 Solarregister (EEC C) 800 L HE-Pumpstation Solar 2-circuit control unit, incl. 2 sensors 800 L RLG2-B RLG2-B RLG2-B RLG2-B SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE Expansiontank incl. Wallmountingset l AG33S AG50S AG50S AG50S Antifreeze (for Linelength up to 10m) l 20 20 20 25 800 L 1000 L 310,- 350,- OPTIONAL PRODUCTS (via Setchange) Surcharge for COMBI E tank with 2 solarregisters (delivery time - approx. 4 weeks), 3-way motorvalve DWV25 and temperature sensor SKSPT100S for tank RECOMMENDED ACCESSORIES (OPTIONAL) TBM20 (120 013) - Thermostatic domestic water mixer 3/4", incl. non-return valve 85,- ZIRKSET (130 333) - Screw-in recirculation with corrugated stainless steel insert lance fo COMBI E tank. Use only in conjunction with TBM20! 125,- DWV25 (130 008-2) - 3-way motor valve 1" incl. actuator with spring return, for switch solar register or increase heating return 90,- SKSPT1000S (141 107) - Temperature sensor for tanks, with PT1000 characteristics 16,- FS05 (140 004) - 5 l additional antifreeze for bigger pipe diameter 39,- FS10 (140 005) - 10 l additional antifreeze for bigger pipe diameter 69,- IWS50 (141 520) - Corrugated stainless steel tube (expansion bend), 50 cm 25,- HIGH-QUALITY FLEECE INSULATION The fleece insulation is easy to install and fits perfectly to the tank surface and connections. Therefor the heat loss is minimized because of the avoided chimney effect. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT EFFICIENT TANK TECHNOLOGY AT A REASONABLE PRICE The COMBI tank is also available with two solar heat exchangers. Together with the 3-way valve this results in a simple and reasonable priced external solar stratification technology. 11 SOLAR-HOT WATER SOLAR ROOM HEATING COMBI PB The COMBI-PB solution by SONNENKRAFT combines a hot water tank and a buffer tank with high efficient pump groups when solar energy should be used for hot water preparation as well as for room heating. It can cover up to 25% of a household´s heating demand and up tp 70 % of the hot water demand. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMBI PB Hot water or ct le l Co Hot water tank Backup heating Pufferspeicher RLGHE Cold water Heating PSKR18HE-O 12 HIGH EFFICIENCY PUMP EASY INSTALLATION The high efficiency pumps of the pump units reduce the electric power consumption needed for running the solar system considerably. Easy to set up and install due to "Plug & Flow" (preinstalled pumping station RLGHE at DHW300-500PR2). Thanks to the slim design, the COMPACT E takes up very little space. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 800 L 1000 L 1300 L 1500 L Pers. 2-4 2-5 4-6 4-6 Stk. 4 5 6 7 Collector surface area m2 10.1 12,5 15.1 17,5 SKR500 sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing € 7.690,- 8.840,- 9.720,- 10.840,- Persons Number of collectors SKR500 Item no. 153 261 153 262 153 263 153 264 SKR500L Item no. 153 265 153 266 153 267 153 268 € 7.290,- 8.340,- 9.120,- 10.140,- SK500N-ECO-AL Item no. 153 269 153 270 153 271 153 272 SK500L-ECO-AL Item no. 153 273 153 274 153 275 153 276 € 7.410,- 8.490,- 9.300,- 10.350,- Item no. 153 277 153 278 153 279 153 280 525,- 525,- SK500-ECO-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK25-AL SOLAR SOLUTIONS COMBI PB SOLUTIONS See section "Collectors" for on-roof mounting systems and in-roof mounting systems/sheet metal flashings CORRUGATED PIPE CONNECTION SET (DN20, 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to ø 22 nozzle and collector) € 525,- 525,- for SKR500 Item no. 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 for SK500-ECO-AL Item no. 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 for IDMK-AL Item no. 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 *) Collector surface area < 10 m2 = DN16, Collector surface area ≥ 10 m2 = DN20 SET COMPONENTS COMFORT E tank (EEC C) Type PSR500E PSR500E PSR1000E PSR1000E COMPACT E tank incl. premounted RLGHE (EEC C) Type DHW300PR2 DHW500PR2 DHW300PR2 DHW500PR2 High efficiency pumping station buffer tank (without controller) Type PSKR18HE-O PSKR18HE-O PSKR18HE-O PSKR18HE-O High efficiency pumping station hot water tank Type RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE RLGHE 2-circuit control unit, incl. 4 sensors Type SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE SKSC2HE Expansion tank incl. Cap valve KVAG20 Type AG50S AG50S AG80S AG80S l 25 30 35 35 Type TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 TBM20 Antifreeze Domestic water mixer IMPROVEMENT OF STRATIFICATION HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE FEETS The solar register is encapsulated; resulting in faster loading of the upper part of the tank and a higher temperature difference in the tank and a better performance for heating support during the colder months of the year. The insulation fits perfectly and reduces the heat loss about 20%. Due to the height adjustable feets a perfect placement of the tank is possible, even if it is installed on uneven surfaces. The plastic covers of the feets prevent damage to the floor during the tank installation. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 13 PLUS X Award achieved for module FWMi SOLAR-HOT WATER SOLAR ROOM HEATING COMFORT E The COMFORT E solution is the sophisticated solar thermal solution for hot water and room heating with the highest energy output. This solution can cover up to 50% of your heating and 80% of the hot water demand. It consists of our highly efficient PSC-E tank with an intelligent fresh water module, a highly efficient stratification module, and an optional high efficient heating circuit module. All developed to fit perfectly together. If an additional efficient control of up to three heating circuits as well as a heat boiler (e.g.existing boiler without heating circuit controller) is required, you could use our solar pumping station PSKR18HE-C3 with the included controller SKSC3HE and the heating circuit module with SKSCEM1 controller (when placing your order please use the relevant set-item number with ending "-H"). COMFORT E can also be used for pool heating. or ct le l Co Hot water FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMFORT E Backup heater 3x Cold water Heating flow Heating return HE Pumping station 14 Backup tank Fresh water module Fig. COMFORT E version PSKR18HE-C3 with up to 3 optional heating circuit modules FRESH WATER MODULE FWMi SOLAR STATION PSKR18HE-C3 Fresh, hygienic hot water by means of hot water preparation on demand. The intelligent circulation system (optional) delivers based on past hot water consumption - exactly the quantity of hot fresh water, exactly when needed. The high efficiency pump of the pumping station reduces the electrical power consumption of a solar system significantly. EXTRA: For a surcharge (Set-Item no + ending -"H") pumpstation PSKR18HE-CE with controller SKSC3HE is available. The controller SKSC3HE controls up to 3 heating circuits as well as a heat generator (e.g. condensing boiler). Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 500 L 500 L 800 L 800 L 1000 L 1000 L Persons (Middle/North Europe) Pers. 1-3 2-4 2-5 3-5 4-6 4-6 Persons (Southern Europe/Middle East/Africa) Pers. 1-5 2-6 2-6 3-6 3-6 4-7 Number of collectors Stk. 3 4 4 5 5 6 Collector surface area m2 7,5 10,1 10,1 12,5 12,5 15,5 € 6.650,- 7.460,- 7.660,- 8.500,- 8.630,- 9.460,- SKR500 Item no. 153 215 153 222 153 247 153 229 153 253 153 236 SKR500L Item no. 153 216 153 223 153 248 153 230 153 254 153 237 SKR500 sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing € 6.350,- 7.060,- 7.260,- 8.010,- 8.140,- 8.870,- SK500N-ECO-AL Item no. 153 219 153 226 153 249 153 233 153 255 153 240 SK500L-ECO-AL Item no. 153 220 153 227 153 250 153 234 153 256 153 241 € 6.570,- 7.350,- 7.550,- 8.380,- 8.510,- 9.310,- Item no. 153 243 153 244 153 251 153 245 153 257 153 246 € 6.440,- 7.180,- 7.380,- 8.160,- 8.290,- 9.040,- Item no. 153 221 153 228 153 252 153 235 153 258 153 242 525,- 525,- 525,- 525,- SK500-ECO-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing SPECIAL COLLECTOR FOR COASTAL REGIONS and CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT SK500N-ECO-AL-M IDMK-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK25-AL See section "Collectors" for on-roof mounting systems and in-roof mounting systems/sheet metal flashings CORRUGATED PIPE CONNECTION SET (DN16-20*, 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to pump unit and to collector) € 440,- 525,- for SKR500 Item no. 141 801 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 for SK500-ECO-AL Item no. 141 805 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 803 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 PSR500E PSR800E PSR800E PSR1000E PSR1000E for IDMK-AL Item no. *) Collector surface area < 10 m = DN16, Collector surface area ≥ 10 m = DN20 2 2 SET COMPONENTS COMFORT E tank (EEC C) Type High efficient solar pumping station with cap valve KVAG20 Type PSR500E PSRK18HE (oder PSKR18HE-C3 bei Set-Item no + Endung "-H") Fresh water module FWMi Type FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU 2-(3-)circuit control unit, incl. 4 (5) sensors (+GF-sensor) Type SKSC2(3)HE SKSC2(3)HE SKSC2(3)HE SKSC2(3)HE SKSC2(3)HE SKSC2(3)HE Expansion tank Type AG25S AG33S AG33S AG50S AG50S AG50S l 20 20 20 20 20 25 +€ 290,- 290,- 290,- 290,- 290,- 290,- +€ – – 160,- 160,- 160,- 160,- Antifreeze COMFORT E Solutions with PSKR18HE-C3 (control of up to 3 heating circuits and a heating generator -> set-article-number with ending "-H" COMFORT E Solutions with FWM30i-CU (*only for 800l and 1000l sets) Item no + addition "-30CU" OPTIONAL PRODUCTS (via set change) Surcharge FWM15i-VA 760,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA 1.100,- FRESH WATER MODULEE FWMi WITH PREMOUNTED CIRCULATION PUMP Surcharge FWM15i-CU-CFK 595,- Surcharge FWM30i-CU-CFK 755,- Surcharge FWM15i-VA-CFK 1.355,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA-CFK 1.695,- ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS HKM20HE (131221) 990,Note: more info about modules see section "Modules" NEW CONTROL UNIT: SKSC3HE IMPROVEMENT OF STRATIFICATION With SKSC3HE (for surcharge set-article-number with ending "-H") it is possible to control up to three heating circuits as well as a heat boiler (e.g.existing boiler without heating circuit controller). More features are possibility of integrated heat quantity measurement, date logger and software update by SD-card as well as visualization via The solar register is encapsulated; resulting in faster loading of the upper part of the tank and a higher temperature difference in the tank and a better performance for heating support during the colder months of the year. The insulation fits perfectly and reduces the heat loss about 20%. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 15 SOLAR SOLUTIONS COMFORT E SOLUTIONS PLUS X Award achieved for COMFORT E Plus and module FWMi SOLAR-HOT WATER SOLAR ROOM HEATING COMFORT E PLUS The COMFORT E Plus solution is the sophisticated solar thermal solution for hot water and room heating with the highest energy output. This solution can cover up to 50% of your heating and 80% of the hot water demand. It consists of our highly efficient PSC-E tank with an intelligent fresh water module, a highly efficient stratification module, and an optional high efficient heating circuit module. All developed to fit perfectly together. COMFORT E Plus can also be used for pool heating. E is M50H The SL ntrol the o c able to lar system so entire o 3 optional t p u d n a odules 0HE m HKM2 or ct Hot water FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMFORT E PLUS Backup heater le l Co Boiler return Heating flow HE Stratified charging module 16 Backup tank Cold water Heating return Fresh water module FRESH WATER MODULE FWMi 20% REDUCTION OF HEAT LOSS Fresh, hygienic hot water by means of hot water preparation on demand. The intelligent circulation system (optional) delivers based on past hot water consumption - exactly the quantity of hot fresh water, exactly when needed. The fleece insulation fits perfectly to the PSC-E tank and is easy to remove and put on again. Together with the patented insulation caps it reduces the heat loss significantly and keeps the valuable solar yield to heat the household. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 800 L 1000 L 1600 L 2000 L Persons (Middle/North Europe) Pers. 3-6 4-8 4-8 4 - 10 Persons (Southern Europe/Middle East/Africa) Pers. 3-6 4-8 4-8 4 - 10 Number of collectors Stk. 5 6 8 10 Collector surface area m2 12,5 15,1 20,1 25,5 € 10.240,- 11.160,- 14.410,- 16.170,- SKR500 sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing SKR500 Item no. 153 301 153 308 153 315 153 322 SKR500L Item no. 153 302 153 309 153 316 153 323 € 9.740,- 10.570,- 13.620-, 15.180,- SK500N-ECO-AL Item no. 153 305 153 312 153 319 153 326 SK500L-ECO-AL Item no. 153 306 153 313 153 320 153 327 € 10.110,- 11.010,- 14.260,- 15.920,- Item no. 153 364 153 365 153 366 153 367 € 9.890,- 10.750,- 13.860,- 15.480,- Item no. 153 307 153 314 153 321 153 328 525,- 525,- SK500-ECO-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing SPECIAL COLLECTOR FOR COASTAL REGIONS and CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT SK500N-ECO-AL-M IDMK-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK25-AL SOLAR SOLUTIONS COMFORT E PLUS SOLUTIONS See section "Collectors" for on-roof mounting systems and in-roof mounting systems/sheet metal flashings CORRUGATED PIPE CONNECTION SET (DN16-20*, 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to pump unit and to collector) 525,- € 525,- for SKR500 Item no. 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 for SK500-ECO-AL Item no. 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 for IDMK-AL Item no. 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 Type PSC800E PSC1000E PSC800E +PS800E PSC1000E +PS1000E Fresh water module Type FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU FWM15i-CU Stratification module Type SLM50HE SLM50HE SLM50HE SLM50HE 3-circuit control unit, incl. 5 sensors and 2 GF sensors Type SKSC3HE SKSC3HE SKSC3HE SKSC3HE Expansion tank and cap valve KVAG Type AG50S AG50S AG80S AG100S l 20 25 30 30 +€ 100,- 100,- 100,- 100,- *) Collector surface area < 10 m2 = DN16, Collector surface area ≥ 10 m2 = DN20 SET COMPONENTS COMFORT E Plus tank (EEC C) Antifreeze COMFORT E Plus Solutions with FWM30i-CU Item no + addition "-30CU" OPTIONAL PRODUCTS (via set change) Reduced price SLM50HE-O -460,- Surcharge FWM15i-VA 760,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA 1.100,- FRESH WATER MODULEE FWMi WITH PREMOUNTED CIRCULATION PUMP Surcharge FWM15i-CU-CFK 595,- ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS Surcharge FWM30i-CU-CFK 755,- HKM20HE (131221) 990,- Surcharge FWM15i-VA-CFK 1.355,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA-CFK 1.695,- RAS20 (131 325) 735,- Note: more info about modules see section "Modules" INTELLIGENT SOLAR HEATING STRATIFICATION MODULE The RAS20 increases the temperature of the heating return line only as much as necessary. It’s intelligent controller takes only as much solar energy as necessary to reach the desired flow temperature. Combined with the perfect stratifying PSC-E tank the efficiency of the total heating system will increase significantly. The SLM50HE guarantees optimal stratification in the storage tank. The high efficiency pumps are working speed controlled based on the daily particular sunshine. They reduce the electricity consumption significantly. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 17 SOLAR HEATING FOR HIGH HOT WATER DEMAND COMFORT E PLUS XL The COMFORT E Plus XL solution from SONNENKRAFT is the optimum solution for apartment buildings, hotels, camping sites, sport facilities and other large installations with high hot water demand. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMFORT E PLUS XL XL Boiler flow Heating flow Boiler return Heating return HE Stratified charging module All system solutions exclusively with highefficiency pumps! 18 2 x Fresh water module Cold water Hot water Co l le ct or (HIGH HOT WATER DEMAND) PLUS X Award achieved for module FWMi BENEFICIAL INVESTMENT HYGIENIC HOT WATER High energy savings for heating and hot water reduces operational costs. Furthermore the sustainable, environmental friendly investment increases the value of the building. The fresh water module cascade FWMi-C provides hygienic hot water only if needed and very reliable via instantaneous hot water production - even at high hot water demand up to 120 l/ min. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COMFORT E PLUS XL SOLUTIONS 1500 L 1600 L 2000 L 3000 L 3000 L Stk. 6 8 8 10 15 20 Collector surface area m2 15,1 20,1 20,1 25,5 37,5 50 SKR500 sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing € 9.480,- 11.650,- 12.870,- 14.690,- 20.750,- 24.690,- SKR500 Item no. 153 801 153 807 153 813 153 819 153 825 153 831 SKR500L Item no. 153 802 153 808 153 814 153 820 153 826 153 832 22.720,- SK500-ECO-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing € 8.890,- 10.860,- 12.080,- 13.700,- 19.270,- SK500N-ECO-AL Item no. 153 803 153 809 153 815 153 821 153 827 153 833 SK500L-ECO-AL Item no. 153 804 153 810 153 816 153 822 153 828 153 834 € 9.330,- 11.450,- 12.665,- 14.435,- 20.370,- 24.180,- Item no. 153 805 153 811 153 817 153 823 153 829 153 835 € 9.069,- 11.100,- 12.320,- 14.000,- 19.720,- 23.310,- Item no. 153 806 153 812 153 818 153 824 153 830 153 836 525,- – – SPECIAL COLLECTOR FOR COASTAL REGIONS and CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENT SK500N-ECO-AL-M IDMK-AL sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing IDMK25-AL SOLAR SOLUTIONS XL 1000 L Number of collectors See section "Collectors" for on-roof mounting systems and in-roof mounting systems/sheet metal flashings CORRUGATED PIPE CONNECTION SET (DN16-20*, 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to pump unit and to collector) € 525,- 525,- 525,- for SKR500 Item no. 141 802 141 802 141 802 141 802 - - for SK500-ECO-AL Item no. 141 806 141 806 141 806 141 806 - - for IDMK-AL Item no. 141 804 141 804 141 804 141 804 - - *) Collector surface area < 10 m2 = DN16, Collector surface area ≥ 10 m2 = DN20 SET COMPONENTS COMFORT E Plus tank / Backup tank (EEC C) Stratification module Type PSC1000E PS1500E 2 x PSC800E 2x PSC1000E Type SLM50HE SLM50HE SLM50HE SLM50HE 2 x PSC1000E 2 x PSC1000E 1 x PS1000E 1 x PS1000E SLM50HE SLM50HE Cap valve Type KVAG20 KVAG25 KVAG25 KVAG25 KVAG25 KVAG25 3-circuit control unit, incl. incl. 5 sensors and 2 GF sensors Type SKSC3HE SKSC3HE SKSC3HE SKSC3HE SKSC3HE SKSC3HE Expansion tank Type AG50S AG80S AG80S AG100S AG200S AG200S l 25 30 30 30 40 40 Antifreeze ADD ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FRESH WATER MODULE CASCADE SETS for wall mounting Delivery rate 2 x FWM30i-CU 2 - 60 l/min for Tank mounting (on PSC-E) Delivery rate 2 x FWM30i-CU 2 - 60 l/min Compact module for wall mounting (alternative for 131 121 and 131 124) 1 x FWM60 (FWM-individual module) incl. 1 recirculation pump without recirculation pump € 6.050,- 5.525,- Item no. 131 121 131 124 incl. 1 recirculation pump without recirculation pump € 4.490,- 3.965,- Item no. 131 127 131 130 incl. 1 recirculation pump without recirculation pump € 4.790,- 4.095,- Item no. 131 141 131 137 Delivery rate 1 - 60 l/min Note: For a accurate dimensioning of FWMi cascades please contact the SONNENKRAFT Sales Team OPTIONAL PRODUCTS (via set change) Reduced price SLM50HE-O 460,- Surcharge 2x FWM30i-VA 2.200,- Surcharge 2x FWM30i-VA-CFK 1.190,- Surcharge 1x FWM60VA 855,- Surcharge 1x FWM60VAZ 870,ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS HKM20HE (131221) 990,- Note: more info about modules see section "Modules" Recommendation: Also products of high quality have potential wear parts. Therefore we recommend you to store specific spare parts on site, to guaranty the function of large installations at any time. We will be pleased to help you by the selection of relevant spare parts. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 19 HOT WATER / HEATING SYSTEMS 3000 L COMFORT E XL Collector surface area 30 m2 40 m2 € 9.600,- 12.800,- Hot water requirement (50° C) I/d 2.000 2.500 Solar coverage % 36,4 38,4 MWh/a kWh/m2/a 18,8 698 24,1 667 kg/a 6.695 8.526 I/d 2.000 2.500 Approximate price indication for collector field (without mounting system) Solar Yield (Middle and North Europe) SONNENKRAFT’s COMFORT E XL system guarantees maximum solar yield for large-scale systems. Areas of application are many, such as tourism, hospitals and care facilities, in public buildings as well as for industrial applications like food production. Solar yield CO2 emission savings Solar Yield (Südeuropa/ Mittlerer Osten/ Afrika) Hot water requirement (50° C) XL Solar coverage Solar yield CO2 emission savings Approximate price indication for set components % 52,6 55,8 MWh/a kWh/m2/a 28,2 1,041 36,2 1,002 kg/a 9.986 12.814 € 13.000,- 13.500,- Recommended tank Type PS3000E Fresh water module set* Type 2 x FWM30i od. 1 x FWM60 Stratification module Type SLM50HE SLM50HE Expansion tank Type AG140S AG200S I 30 40 Antifreeze All system solutions exclusively with highefficiency pumps! PLUS X Award for FWMi Modul HIGHLY EFFICIENT POOL AND / OR BACKUP HEATING High efficient stratified charging of the backup tank with a compact stratified charging module for large-scale solutions. Ideally suited for integration of solar swimming pool heating and / or backup heating. 20 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COMFORT E XL SOLUTIONS 5000 L 10000 L 15000 L 50 m2 60 m2 75 m2 120 m2 150 m2 200 m2 250 m2 300 m2 16.000,- 19.000,- 23.500,- 37.000,- 46.000,- 60.000,- 75.000,- 90.000,- 3.000 3.500 4.000 5.000 7.500 10.000 15.000 20.000 39,8 40,6 43,5 50,4 46 44,3 39,1 34,3 29,4 651 34,2 630 41,2 608 59 544 76,4 564 100,6 557 128,8 571 150,1 554 10.401 12.095 14.585 20.876 27.034 35.600 45.611 53.095 3.000 3.500 4.000 5.000 7.500 10.000 15.000 20.000 58,7 60,1 77,4 73,8 69,8 67,5 61,7 55,3 44,5 986 52,1 961 63,2 932 89,3 823 118,5 874 156,1 863 205,1 908 242,9 896 15.756 18.441 22.356 31.581 41.933 55.208 72.560 85.909 15.000,- 20.000,- 21.000,- 24.000,- 35.700,- 35.700,- 45.300,- 45.600,- 2 x PS2000E PS5000E 2 x PS5000E SOLAR SOLUTIONS XL 4000 L 3 x PS5000E 2 x FWM30i-CU od. 1 x FWM60 3 x FWM30i-CU od. 1 x FWM80 3 x FWM30i-CU od. 1 x FWM80 4 x FWM30i-CU od. 2 x FWM60 4 x FWM30i-CU od. 2 x FWM60 4 x FWM30i-CU od. 2 x FWM60 4 x FWM30i-CU od. 2 x FWM60 4 x FWM30i-CU od. 2 x FWM60 SLM50HE SLM80HE SLM80HE SLM120HE SLM200HE SLM200HE SLM300HE SLM300HE AG200S AG300S AG300S AG500S AG500S 2 x AG300S 2 x AG500S 2 x AG500S 40 50 60 80 100 140 180 200 Hot water Existing boiler Circulation Reheating Boiler flow Hot water or ct le l Co or ct le l Co Cold water Boiler return Stratification module Backup tank Fresh water module Cold water Stratification module SLM120/200 Backup tank Pre-heating USE AT NEW CONSTRUCTIONS RETROFITTING APPLICATION Fresh, hygienic hot water by means of hot water preparation on demand (fresh water module). Prevention of legionella formation in the domestic hot water system. Optimal solar energy use through hot water preparation on demand (pre-heating-phase). Low retrofitting costs through simple integration into existing systems. Higher efficiency than pre-heating systems with hot water tanks. NOTE: CALCULATION BASES ON: • Highest possible system efficiency is the main focus of above system dimensioning • These dimensioning tables are in no way replacing professional planning, which is a mandatory requirement • Verify the table results with simulation calculations ( area) • COMFORT E XL building sets can also be used for partial-solar space heating systems and solar swimming pool heatings • Collector surfaces are rounded • Regional climate details: Graz, Austria / Rome, Italy Please use the SONNENKRAFT planning data sheet for your request. The SONNENKRAFT engineering team will assist in the detailed system design. Recommendation: Also products of high quality have potential wear parts. Therefore we recommend you to store specific spare parts on site, to guaranty the function of large installations at any time. We will be pleased to help you by the selection of relevant spare parts. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT • Collector field: SKR500, inclination 45° • Water heating with fresh water module, incl. 25% circulation • Multi family house hot water requirement profile, 50°C • Basis of CO2 savings calculation: Oil-fired system 21 HOT WATER / HEATING SYSTEMS COMFORT E MAXI The COMFORT E MAXI solar heating system from SONNENKRAFT with central backup and 2-line-networktechnology with apartment stations guaranties a maximum of efficiency. XL All system solutions exclusively with highefficiency pumps! FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM COMFORT E MAXI Energy supply flats r to ec Net-flow l l Co Boiler flow Home station Home station Home station Home station Net-return Boiler return Stratification module Backup tank Cold water 2-LINE-NETWORK-TECHNOLOGY The decentralized apartment stations produce on demand fresh, hygienic domestic hot water by hot water preparation with flow control principe The apartment stations produce decentralized hot water on demand, therefore more economic as conventional central domestic hot water systems. Because of not required hot waterand recirculation lines the heat losses are extremly reduced. Net flow HYGIENIC HOT WATER Boiler flow Home station Home station Home station Home station Net return Boiler return 22 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COMFORT E MAXI SOLUTIONS The most important parts of the COMFORT E MAXI solution are: Collector field Solar thermal stratification module central, large backup tank Dual pipe system Apartment station SOLAR SOLUTIONS XL - - - - - SONNENKRAFT assists you with the choice and the planing of the right system. Detailed specification, tender text, product documentation and prices upon request. Features of our apartment stations at a glance: - Compact, space-saving and high-quality apartment stations for decentralized hot water preparation (15,2 to 22,5 l/min) and room heating (floor heating, radiator heating - 10 to 15 kW) - Innovative controller with: - Porportional volume control at hot water tapping - Exact thermostatic control of the tapping temperature also at low hot water withdrawal - Differential pressure control heating/hot water preparation - Zone valve and thermal actuator for individual, convenient and energy-saving heating control - High-performance plate heat exchanger - Injection-Type system for flow temperature control - Return temperature limitation - Heat quantity measurement - Summer bypass - Heat insulation at rear side and front plate Recommendation: Also products of high quality have potential wear parts. Therefore we recommend you to store specific spare parts on site, to guaranty the function of large installations at any time. We will be pleased to help you by the selection of relevant spare parts. INDIVIDUAL ENERGY COSTS ALLOCATION OPTIMIZED USE OF SOLAR ENERGY Decentralized apartment stations enable a very exact energy billing per apartment based on the actual energy consumption. The dual pipe technology reduces the heat losses in the distribution system and increases the efficiency of the solar systems because of low return flow temperatures. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 23 SOL+ HEAT PUMPS HP HPSM HP2DHW/HPHW High efficient, fully modulating heat pump compact system with an exclusive, easy and intuitive control concept for a complete system consisting of heat pump, solar system and heating. Efficient, fully modulating heat pump-split-sytem with a compact indoor- and outdoor unit, flexible placement. Cost efficient production of domestic hot water with hot water heat pumps - for "plug and flow" installation via flange on the hot water tank (HP2DWH) or already integrated on the top on the tank (HPHW). NEW! 24 NEW! Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT preparation via heat pu m ater tw p o H SOLAR-HEAT PUMPS re rici ty la So SOL+ Domestic toring icity s elec t r lect Solar electricity En rg y r rp p te um a w p ot eat g/ H i a h n i t v Hea e Together with the innovative energy management and storage of solar electrical power a very large part of the energy demand of a household could be covered almost entirely with free renewable energy. ep ar at ion The future of energy supply goes completely in the direction of energy independence! With the solar-heat pump-solution you take a great step in this direction. Ma na ge me nt HEATPUMP SOLUTIONS SOL+ is the optimal combination of the efficient technology of air-water-heat pumps and free solar energy for domestic hot water preparation, heating and/ or cooling. Degree of energy independence r la city So tri ec el 1 3,7 Energy storing Heating/hot water preparation via heat pump Heat pump COP 4,7 1 kWh electricity converted to 4,7 kWh heat Hot water preparation via heat pump Buffer tank Energymanagement Air Domestic electricity Reduced sound pressure level with silent mode EFFICIENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT ENERGY STORAGE The availability and the consumption of solar power will be coordinated in a optimal way. Therefore the profitability of the PV-system will be maximized because of the higher selfconsumption of solar electrical power - especially due to the domestic hot water preparation and heating with the heat pump. The free solar power could be transformed into heat and be stored for hot water and heating. 55 °C 60 °C 35 kWh Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 17,5 kWh 1000l boiler 300l hot water tank 25 °C 10 °C 25 NEW! SOL+ HEAT PUMPS - SPLIT SYSTEMS MODULATING HEAT PUMPS (Outdoor unit) Middle temperature model (55° C) HEATING / COOLING € 3.790,- Item no. 132 120 132 121 Type HP9SM HP14SM kW 5,6 - 9,0 8,8 - 14 Air-water heat pump Heating capacity + 6.490,- combined with: HYDRAULIC SETS (incl. integrated e-heater, web-system controller, sensors and tank) Heat pump hydraulic module (wall mounted) HM-V2 for SPLIT-SYSTEMS + Heat pump backup tank 1000 L (PSH1000E, EEC B) + Fresh water module FWM15i-CU Heat pump hydraulic module (floor mounted) HM-PSV1DHW for SPLIT-SYSTEMS with integrated backup volume 50 L and hot water capacity 200 L Heat pump hydraulic module (wall mounted) HM-PSV1 for SPLIT-SYSTEMS with integrated backup volume 50 L and external heat pump hot water tank 300 L (DHW300R1-HP, EEC B) € 6.670,- 6.930,- Item no. 151 335 151 338 € 6.490,- 6.690,- Item no. 151 336 151 339 € 5.380,- 5.540,- Item no. 151 337 151 340 Note: Planning and accordingly selection of sets/components must be made according the SONNENKRAFT planning guidelines for heat pumps (general dimensioning guidelines, system diagrams, etc.)! OPTIONAL PRODUCTS (via set change) Fresh water modules WITHOUT recirculation pump Surcharge FWM30i-CU 160,- Surcharge FWM15i-VA 760,- Fresh water modules WITH Surcharge FWM15i-CU-CFK 595,- recirculation pump (pre-assembled) Surcharge FWM15i-VA-CFK 1.355,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA 1.100,- Surcharge FWM30i-CU-CFK 755,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA-CFK 1.695,- ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS Heating circuit modules and accessories HP-RR (141 194) 215,- ZP-HP (132 214) 550,- MF-HP (132 215) 189,- MAI25 (130 703) 129,- Heat pump Backup tank PSH300E (121 453) 590,- HKM25-G (131 227) 650,- HKM25-UG (131 229) 430,- HKM25-VM2 (130 682) 269,- HKM25-WH1 (130 684) 21,- HKM25A-G (131 228) 730,- HKM25A-UG (131 230) 480,- HKM25-VM3 (130 683) 505,- HKM25-WH2 (130 685) 69,- SPECIFICATION AIR-WATER HEAT PUMP, SPLIT, MODULATING Type HP9SM HP14SM Heating capacity variable kW 5,6 - 9,0 8,8 - 14 Heating capacity (A7/W35) kW / COP 9 / 4,1 14 / 4,3 Heating capacity (A2/W35) kW / COP 6,9 / 3,3 10,9 / 3,3 kW 6,2 - 9 12,3 - 16,7 kW / EER 9 / 3,3 15,5 / 3,3 A /A A++ / A+ L/A L/A mm / kg 840 x 990 x 400 / 74 1380 x 990 x 400 / 123 V 1~ / 230 3~ / 400 3 x 16 Cooling capacity variable Cooling capacity (A35/W18) EEC space heating with flow temp. 35°C/55°C ++ EEC water heater with HM-PSV1DHW - Load profile/EEC Dimensions (H x W x D) / Weight heat pump Supply voltage heat pump (50Hz) Fuse protection heat pump* + A 1 x 20 Sound power level dB(A) 63 67 Sound power level in 5m/10m distance dB(A) 38 / 32 39 / 33 Limits water temperatures (flow) °C +20 to +55 +20 to +55 Limits ambient temperatures °C -20 to +30 -20 to +30 Dimensions hydraulic module HM (H x W x D) Weight hydraulic module HM HM-V2/ HM-PSV1 HM-PSV1DHW 940 x 607 x 505 2051 x 607 x 725 mm HM-V2 HM-PSV1 kg kg 50 69 54 73 HM-PSV1DHW kg 212 216 Connections hydraulic module " 1 1 Heating water flow min./max. l/h 800 to 1500 1000 to 2400 - / kg R410A / 1,9 R410A / 2,98 Refrigerant / filling weight *) Fault-current circuit breaker type B 26 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SOL+ HEAT PUMPS - COMPACT SYSTEMS MODULATING HEAT PUMPS (incl. system controller SKSCHP and sensors SKSAFR and RSHP) only HEATING HEATING / COOLING € 12.835,- 13.275,- 13.685,- 13.980,- Item no. 132 108 132 109 132 110 132 111 Type HP12M HP12M-C* HP10MR HP10MR kW 4,5 - 12 4,5 - 12 4,0 - 10 4,0 - 10 Air-water heat pump Heating capacity + Middle temperature model (55° C) *) with coated heat exchanger lamellae, for installations near to coastal or corrosive environment combined with: TANK SETS for Solutions WITH solar thermal Solutions WITHOUT solar thermal COMFORT E 800 consisting of PSR800E (EEC C), PSKR18HE-O, FWM15i-CU, CPHP, 2x DWVHP COMFORT E 1000 consisting of PSR1000E (EEC C), PSKR18HE-O, FWM15i-CU, CPHP, 2x DWVHP 4.680,- Item no. 151 331 € 5.150,- Item no. 151 332 € 5.290,- Item no. 151 333 € 6.580,- Item no. 151 334 € 2.120,- COMFORT E Plus 1000 consisting of PSC1000E (EEC C), SLM50HE-O, FWM15i-CU, CPHP, 2x DWVHP SOLO 300* consisting of DHW300R1-HP (EEC C), CPHP, DWVHP Item no. 151 330 € 3.990,- Item no. 151 341 SOL+ PSH1000E consisting of PSH1000E (EEC B), FWM15i-CU, CPHP, 2x DWVHP HEATPUMP SOLUTIONS € COMFORT E 500** consisting of PSR500E (EEC C), PSKR18HE-O, FWM15i-CU, CPHP, DWVHP Note: Planning and accordingly selection of sets/components must be made according the SONNENKRAFT planning guidelines for heat pump HP12M and according the SONNENKRAFT diagram manual (general dimensioning guidelines, system diagrams, etc.)! Hydraulic according scheme *) COMPACT E 1,8 and **) COMFORT E 1,8 (500). Direct room heating via PSR500E is not recommended! Please note that there are different system diagrams for different set sizes (see diagram manual or heat pump installation manual) OPTIONAL PRODUCTS (via set change, only possible for COMFORT E 1000 and COMFORT E Plus 1000) Fresh water modules WITHOUT recirculation pump Surcharge FWM30i-CU 160,- Surcharge FWM15i-VA 760,- Fresh water modules WITH Surcharge FWM15i-CU-CFK 595,- recirculation pump (pre-assembled) Surcharge FWM15i-VA-CFK 1.355,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA 1.100,- Surcharge FWM30i-CU-CFK 755,- Surcharge FWM30i-VA-CFK 1.695,- Surcharge Hydrobox HBHP (132 045) 375,(instead of single components CPHP & 2xDWVHP for easy installation - only for COMFORT E 800/1000 and COMFORT E Plus 1000) ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS Heating circuit modules and accessories HKM20HE-O (131 222) 860,- El. immersion heater EHP25SET (120 169) 665,- HKM25-G (131 227) 650,- HKM25A-UG (131 230) 480,- HKM25-WH1 (130 684) 21,- Heat pump Backup tank PSH300E (121 453) 590,- RAS20 (131 325) 735,- El. immersion heater EHP45SET (120 170) 705,HKM25A-G (131 228) 730,- HKM25-UG (131 229) 430,- HKM25-VM2 (130 682) 269,- HKM25-VM3 (130 683) 505,- HKM25-WH2 (130 685) 69,- SPECIFICATION AIR-WATER HEAT PUMP, SPLIT, MODULATING Type Heating capacity kW HP12M(-C) HP10MR Type 4,5 - 12,0 4,0 - 10,0 Supply voltage controller (50Hz) V Device connections for heating system " R 5/4 Sound power level (silent-mode) dB(A) 63 (57) Sound power level in 5m/10m distance (silent-mode) dB(A) 41 / 35 (30 / 29) Heating water flow min./max. l/h 500 / 1560 Limits water temperatures (flow) °C +20 to +60 Limits ambient temperatures °C Nominal heating capacity at A7/W35 according EN14511 (50% of max. load) kW / COP 8,0 / 4,7 Nominal heating capacity at A2/W35 according EN14511 (50% of max. load) kW / COP 6,8 / 4,0 6,5 / 3,8 kW - 4,0 - 9,0 kW / EER - 7,5 / 3,8 Cooling capacity variable Nominal cooling capacity at A35/W18 according EN14511 (50% of max. load) Dimensions heat pump (H x B x T) Weight heat pump (without panelling) Dimensions (H x W x D) Supply voltage heat pump (50Hz) Fuse protection heat pump* / controller* mm 7,5 / 4,5 1642 x 951 x 965 kg 215 (155) mm 500 x 400 x 180 Refrigerant / filling weight Smooth start (inverter technology) V 3~/PE 400 1~/PE 230 EEC, application room heating with flow temp. 35°C A C16 / C10 C32 / C10 EEC, application room heating with flow temp. 55°C Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT *) Fault-current circuit breaker type B HP12M(-C) - / kg HP10MR 1~/PE 230 -20 to +40 R410 / 5,8 A R410A / 7,7 < 3,5 A++ A++ A+ A+ 27 ACCESSORIES / INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS HP12M, HP12M-C AND HP10MR System controller for SOL+ solutions with weather-controlled, multi-lingual system controller with full graphic touch display. Control of up to 2 heating ciruits with 3-waymixing valves, 1 direct heating circuit, 1 solar station (PSKRHE-O or SLM50HE-O), 1 eastwest collector charging or swimming pool heating, electrical auxiliary heating system and command of external auxiliary heating (bivalent boiler). All pumps must be high efficient pumps with PWM-signal. SKSAFR Outdoor temperature sensor PT1000 49,- RSHP Room temperature sensor PT1000 49,- DPSHP Dew point sensor for HP10MR, for humidity and temperature 295,- EHP25-SET Auxiliary electrical heating set 2,5kW for tube integration, consisting of electrical heating element 2,5kW, 6/4" male thread, built-in tube for e-heater, electric contactor and terminals. Works as instantaneous hot water heater and provides temporary auxiliary heating of the water for the heating circuit of the heat pump 665,- EHP45-SET Auxiliary electrical heating set 4,5kW for tube integration, like EHP25 Set, 120 169 but with 4,5kW electrical heating element 705,- CPHP HE circulation pump UWP GEO for HP12M, 230V, max. delivery height 8,5m, pipe connections 6/4", built-in length 180 mm, control signal PWM 350,- DWVHP 3-way diverter valve for operation modes heating/hot water, DN32 (Rp5/4"), incl. actuator 285,- 141 183 Main features controller SKSCHP - Touch screen - Intuitive menu navigation - Commissioning wizard - Automatic season identification 2.290,- SKSCHP - Cement flooring bake out function - Holiday function - Energy balancing - Software update via internet/USB 141 127 132 046 132 201 120 169 120 170 132 043 132 044 HBHP Components of HBHP ball valve with thermometer and gravity brake 132 045 ball valve with thermometer circulation pump CPHP filter 3-way diverter valve DWVHP for heating- or DHWoperation Hydrobox for HP12M, consisting of circulation pump and 3-way diverter valve for operation modes heating/hot water, filter, 2 check valves, connection to possible external auxiliary heater and insulating shell 1.290,- ACCESSORIES / INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS HP9SM AND HP14SM ball valve connection for external heater HP-RR Room controller for measuring and adjusting the room temperature, communication via bus-system ZP-HP Electrical board for system extansion (thermal solar system, cascade up to 8 heat pumps, 2 mixed heating circuits) 141 194 132 214 MF-HP 132 215 215,- 550,189,- Magnetic filter for heating systems SOL+ COLLECTORSETS SOL+ COLLECTOR Sets WITHOUT mounting/flashing, incl. AGS/FS Number of collectors / Collector surface Stk. / m2 area for tank content L SKR500 € 2 / 5,1 3 / 7,5 4 / 10,1 5 / 12,5 6 / 15,5 500 500 500 - 800 800 - 1000 1000 113 220 1.740,- 113 221 2.550,- 113 222 3.360,- 113 223 4.209,- 113 224 5.029,- SKR500L € 113 225 1.740,- 113 226 2.550,- 113 227 3.360,- 113 228 4.209,- 113 229 5.029,- SK500N-ECO-AL € 113 230 1.545,- 113 231 2.259,- 113 232 2.969,- 113 233 3.720,- 113 234 4.439,- SK500L-ECO-AL € 113 235 1.545,- 113 236 2.259,- 113 237 2.969,- 113 238 3.720,- 113 239 4.439,- SK500N-ECO-AL-M € 113 240 1.689,- 113 241 2.479,- 113 242 3.259,- 113 243 4.079,- 113 244 4.875,- € 113 245 1.605,- 113 246 2.349,- 113 247 3.089,- 113 248 3.865,- 113 249 4.615,- IDMK25-AL Expansion tank / Antifreeze Type AG25S / 15 AG25S / 20 AG33S / 20 AG50S / 20 AG50S / 25 See section "Collectors" for on-roof mounting systems and in-roof mounting systems/sheet metal flashings Corrugated pipe connection set* for SKR500 / SK500-ACO-AL / IDMK-AL 28 € DN16: 440,- DN20: 525,- Item no. 141 801 / 141 805 / 141 803 141 802 / 141 806 / 141 804 *) 15 m, incl. connections from EWRID to pump unit and to collector. Collector area < 10 m2 = DN16, collector area > 10 m2 = DN20) Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT HOT WATER HEAT PUMP HP2DHW COST EFFICIENT OPTIMAL RETROFIT SOLUTION ADDED VALUE Minimum costs for hot water auxiliary heating. Up to 75% saving compared to an electrical auxiliary heater. The HP2DHW can be installed very easy on existing DHW tanks and is an optimum add-on for an existing solar thermal system. Besides preparing the hot water the HP2DHW cools down and dehumidifies the room and ensures so an comfortable indoor climate, especially in warm regions. SPECIFICATIONS HEAT PUMP DHW Heating capacity (electrical heater = active) Power consumption (electrical heater = active) W 1830 / 3180 W HP2DHW 550 / 1900 COP (EN16147, A15/W10-W55) 132 106 2,8 R134a / 450 g Diameter flange / Built-in length mm DN 180 / 500 Max. DHW temperature °C 60 Min. room space m3 15 Permissible ambient temperature °C 7-35 1.450,- HEATPUMP SOLUTIONS Refrigerant Sanitary hot water heat pump (230V), for "Plug and Flow" installation on DHW tanks with flange DN180 (DHW300-750R2, SKL300-500, ELB300-500R2E, etc.), weight: 31 kg, HxWxD: 880x470x330 mm EEC on request (depending on memory and load profile) HOT WATER HEAT PUMPS WITH HOT WATER TANK HPHW NEW! OPTIMAL INTEGRATION OF SOLAR ENERGY INTEGRATION OF EXISTING HEAT SOURCES ROOM COOLING The hot water heat pumps HP260HW enable the use of free solar electric power (PV) which helps to increase the self-consumption (all models) as well as the integration of solar thermal systems (HP260HWR1/R2). An existing heating boiler could be connected to the heat pump tank as an additional heat source. The production of domestic hot water will be made prior with the more efficient domestic hot water heat pump - especially during the summer. In addition to the preparation of domestic hot water the HP260HW cools and dehumidifies the room where the supply air is taken from. This provides a comfortable room atmosphere. m ro st ar l So 1 1 kWh electricity converted to 3,6 kWh heat 2,6 Luft Heat pump COP 3,6 with hot water tank HP260 SPECIFICATIONS HW HWR1 HOT WATER-HP WITH TANK HWR2 Heating capacity (electrical heater = off/on) W 1820 / 3320 Power consumption (electrical heater = off/on) W 530 / 2030 -/g R134a / 900 °C 62 m3/h 350 - 500 °C 5 - 38 dB(A) 60 l 260 mm 2000/600 (650) COP (EN1647, A15/W10-55) Refrigerant Max. hot water temperature Necessary air-flow (at - 7 to + 38°C) Permissible ambient temperature Sound power Lw(A) (EN ISO 3471-2010) Tank volume Dimensions incl. insulation H/D (D covering hood) EEC water heater with load profile XL Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT HP260HW 132 122 3,6 A HP260HWR1 132 123 HP260HWR2 132 124 Air-water-heat pump unit consisting of 260 l tank without heat exchanger, integrated heat pump and electrical heater 2.200,- Air-water-heat pump unit consisting of 260 l tank with 1 m2 heat exchanger for solar, integrated heat pump and electrical heater 2.300,- Air-water-heat pump unit consisting of 260 l tank with 0,6 m2 heat exchanger for auxiliary heating and 1 m2 heat exchanger for solar, integrated heat pump and electrical heater 2.400,- 29 SOL+ HEAT PUMP TANKS NEW! DHW-HP, PSH-E SPECIAL TANKS FOR HEAT PUMPS ENERGY EFFICIENCY COMBINABLE WITH SOLAR The appropriate tank for each heat pump system solution (hot water, cold water). Direct foamed insulation or 140mm thick fleece insulation. Optimized usage of solar power with PSH1000E and heat pump. SPECIFICATIONS DHW-HP Type Volume Diametre, insulated/ without insulation Height, insulated/ without insulation HOT WATER TANK PSH-E 300R1 400R2 80 300 1000 l 278 348 80 302 913 mm 700 - 700 - 480 - 700 - 1070 790 mm 1295 - 1591 - 749 - 1295 - 2180 2038 Tilted height, insulated mm 1441 1672 - 1441 2080 Weight kg 145 189 25 104 110 Max. operating pressure water /heating bar 10 / 10 -/6 - / 10 -/3 Max. operating temp. water /heating °C 95 / 110 Area / Volume heat exchanger heating Performance indicator NL heat exchanger heating m2 / l 3,2 / 24 3,2 / 27,2 - - 15 / 64 - - - Area / Volume solar heat exchanger m2 / l - 1,4 / 11,3 - - - Performance indicator NL solar heat exchanger NL/kW - 9,1 / 40 - - - Float air vent DN10 with automatic locking system AG 3/8" 9,- SE10-AA15 Float air vent DN10 with automatic locking system AG 1/2" 10,- LAI20 Continuous air using i-rings, 3/4" female thread, for horizontal installation 85,- LAI25 Continuous air using i-rings, 1" female thread, for horizontal installation 99,- LAI32 Continuous air using i-rings, 5/4" female thread, for horizontal installation 130 700 SAI25 130 701 SAI32 130 702 ble availa il pr A MAI25 m o r f ble Availa il pr A m fro 30 130 703 MAI32 130 704 Continuous magnetic dirt separator using i-rings, 1" female thread, for horizontal installation DHW-HP tank 300 l with 1 register for heatpumps (EEC B) 1.490,- DHW-HP tank 400 l with 2 registers for solar and heat pump (EEC C) 1.790,- Tank set DHW400R2-HP (EEC C) with pump unit solar RLG2-B 2.520,- BOILERS Heatpump tank 80 l (EEC C), suitable for closed cooling circuits 665,- PSH300E Heatpump tank 300 l (EEC B) 590,- PSH1000E Heatpump tank 1000 l (EEC B) 1.390,- EXPANSION TANKS HEATING SE10-AA10 130 699 121 253 121 450 HEATING ACCESSORIES 130 698 DHW400R2-HPSET 121 453 NL/kW 130 697 DHW400R2-HP 121 252 182 631 11,5 / 68 130 696 121 247/B PSH80C - / 95 - DHW300R1-HP For closed heating and cooling water systems, max. operating pressure 6 bar, max. operating temperature 70°(at the membrane). AG25 wall mounting, AG50/80/100 standing units. AG25 141 331 129,AG50 95,- 141 332 AG80 Continuous magnetic dirt separator using i-rings, 5/4" female thread, for horizontal installation 129,- Magnetic separators with I-Ring, debris packing, 1 " female, fitted horizontally 129,- Magnetic separators with I-Ring, debris packing,5/4 " female, fitted horizontally 165,- 141 333 AG100 141 334 AG140 141 335 25 l, admission pressure 1,5 bar, connection R 3/4“ 55,- 50 l, admission pressure 1,5 bar, connection R 3/4“ 125,- 80 l, admission pressure 1,5 bar, connection R 1“ 165,- 100 l, admission pressure 1,5 bar, connection R 1“ 235,- 140 l, admission pressure 1,5 bar, connection R 1“ 285,- Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COLLECTORS COLLECTORS SKR500 SK500-ECO-AL IDMK-AL GK-HP The unique and exclusive SONNENKRAFT collector combines the latest technology with established know-how. It is the most efficient Modules collector in our product range. The versatile SK400N-AL collector can be installed either on-roof or in-roof, offering total flexibility. IDMK-AL in-roof collectors are optical attractively integrated into the roof. The brand new GK-HP with improved efficiency is the best solution in large scale installations for roof-mounted or freestanding collector arrays. For facade- and in-roof collectors with special dimensions please contact your client advisor! Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 31 ROOF-MOUNTED COLLECTORS SKR500 The unique and exclusive SONNENKRAFT SKR500 collector includes a mounting system which makes the installation even easier, faster and better-looking than before. The SKR500 is the first collector with a frameless glass design and combines the latest technology with established knowhow. An efficiency h0 of 82% makes it one of the best performing collectors on the market. PLUG & FLOW EASY MOUNTING & HIGH FLEXIBILITY GREAT DESIGN For all main applications you can mount the SKR500 with very few tools. The plug-inconnections and sensor sleeves are already integrated in each collector. The SKR500 has the widest range of mounting systems of all SONNENKRAFT collectors and is so the best solution for every roof. The high quality mounting systems makes an easy and flexible installation possible. The frameless flat collector looks great in all installation variants. The mounting system for parallel roof mounting allows a perfect and harmonic integration of the collector area on the roof. The distance between roof and collector has been reduced to a minimum. adjustable tilt 35° - 50° COLLECTORS SPECIFICATIONS SKR500 111 181 Solar Keymark Reg. No. Dimensions H x W x D (mm) Weight SKR500 SKR500L 011-7S 1277F 011-7S 1284F 2079x1240x95 1240x2079x95 38 kg 38,5 kg Gross area 2,57 m2 Aperture area 2,26 m2 Absorber area 2,30 m2 Max. operation pressure Collector incline SKR-HV* 2 x hydraulic SKR quick connectors SKR-SA 1 x Rp 1" male flat seal quick connector for system connection 13,- SKR-WA 1 x 90° elbow Rp 1" male flat seal quick connector for system connection 52,- SKR-EV 1x end cap quick connector with air vent for SKR collector, 1 x per collector field 23,- 110 095 110 075 4x 185,- Hydraulic connection set for 25 m2, for connections with IWS (see section "Accessories"), consists of 2xSKR-RV 80,- SKR-RV 1 x SKR repair connector; for collector or SKR-HV connector replacement 37,- BBALGK/SKR 1 pc. concrete ballast, weight: approx. 285 kg 110 076 HVS25-IWS 110 092 110 049 50 mm mineral wool 0,82 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,821 Temperature depending heat transfer a2a SKR-HV* coefficientSKR-HV* 1240 mm 40 mm 0,0108 1240 mm SKR-SA* HVS25 SKR-ES* HVS25 SKR-ES* HVS25 SKR-SA* HVS25 SKR-HV* 111 851 235,- 0,794 3,514 RECOMMENDED CONNECTION SKR-SA* (Option:0,0147 SKR-WA) SKR-HV* SKR-HV* SKR-ES* (Option: SKR-EV) SKR-SA* (Option: SKR-WA) Sensor sleeve in each collector NOTE! The black marked connectors (*) are included within the roof-mounting systems, the orange/bold ones must be ordered separately (see next 3 pages)! 2079 mm Conversion factor η0a 2079 mm 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass Collector glazing 26,- Hydraulic connection set for 25 m2 (4 SKR-SA + connections DN20-1” female thread + 4 sealings) HVS25-EWRID 95 % / 5 % Heat insulation 32 max. 10 pcs. parallel SKR-HV* Deep-drawn, salt water resistant SKR-ES* aluminium tray (Option: SKR-EV) Collector housing SKR-HV 21,- 2 Meander Absorption/Emission 2 x end cap quick connectors for blanking off unused SKR connections 110 054 Full surface aluminium absorber, highly selective vacuum coating Hydraulic design 795,- SKR-ES 110 055 4 x Cu18 Absorber Landscape format mounting ACCESSORIES/SPARE PARTS Minimum 15˚, Maximum 75˚ Connections 795,- 110 050 10 - 35 l/h per m max. 12 pcs. parallel Collector field piping 40 mm 111 182 10 bar Recommended throughput 1240 mm SKR500L Portrait format mounting SKR-ES* SKR-HV* 1240 mm SKR-SA* SKR-ES* 40 mm SKR-SA* (Option: SKR-WA) SKR-HV* 1240 mm 40 mm 1240 mm HVS25 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT HVS25 SKR500 TILED ROOF TILED ROOF Roof bracket for high profile tiles Roof bracket mounting systems tilted 20˚ DBA20R parallel DBPR height adjustable (125 - 165 mm) fixed height (165 mm) parallel DBPR-H parallel DBPR-R No. of mounting supports2) No. of mounting supports2) No. of collectors1) ROOF-MOUNTING SYSTEMS FLAT ROOF Concrete ballast3) WALL MOUNTING tilted 35-50˚ BBALSKR35-50 tilted 45˚-60˚ WA45-60R Note: Please choose the mounting system that fits to your roof type. In case of increased snow loads or different rafter spacing additional mounting supports are necessary! 1 2 112 831 279,- 112 843 299,- 112 831-H 499,- 112 831-R 390,- 2 111 852 765,- 112 766 305,- 2 2 112 832 335,- 112 844 355,- 112 832-H 555,- 112 832-R 445,- 2 111 853 825,- 112 767 365,- 3 4 112 833 589,- 112 845 629,- 112 833-H 1.040,- 112 833-R 825,- 3 111 854 1.235,- 112 768 549,- 4 4 112 834 645,- 112 846 689,- 112 834-H 1.095,- 112 834-R 880,- 4 111 855 1.625,- 112 769 699,- 5 5 112 835 815,- 112 847 869,- 112 835-H 1.350,- 112 835-R 1.115,- 5 111 856 2.035,- 112 770 885,- 6 6 112 836 959,- 112 848 1.025,- 112 836-H 1.640,- 112 836-R 1.315,- 6 111 857 2.425,- 112 771 1.035,- 7 7 112 837 1.125,- 112 849 1.205,- 112 837-H 1.920,- 112 837-R 1.540,- 7 111 858 2.835,- 112 772 1.220,- 8 8 112 838 1.265,- 112 850 1.359,- 112 838-H 2.169,- 112 838-R 1.745,- 8 111 859 3.225,- 112 773 1.375,- 9 9 112 839 1.435,- 112 851 1.540,- 112 839-H 2.455,- 112 839-R 1.975,- 9 111 860 3.635,- 112 774 1.559,- 10 10 112 840 1.575,- 112 852 1.690,- 112 840-H 2.710,- 112 840-R 2.175,- 10 111 861 4.025,- 112 775 1.715,- 11 11 112 841 1.745,- 112 853 1.875,- 112 841-H 2.990,- 112 841-R 2.410,- 11 111 862 4.435,- 112 776 1.895,- 12 11 112 842 1.795,- 112 854 1.930,- 112 842-H 3.050,- 112 842-R 2.460,- 12 111 863 4.825,- 112 777 2.050,- Additional mounting supports SKR500 112 875 84,- 112 876 94,- 112 875-H 195,- 112 875-R 142,- 111 874 329,- 110 089 99,- SKR500L 1 2 112 855 289,- 112 865 310,- 112 855-H 510,- 112 855-R 402,- 2 111 864 780,- 112 778 325,- 2 3 112 856 480,- 112 866 515,- 112 856-H 815,- 112 856-R 655,- 3 111 865 1.220,- 112 779 530,- 3 4 112 857 675,- 112 867 720,- 112 857-H 1.129,- 112 857-R 909,- 4 111 866 1.655,- 112 780 735,- 4 6 112 858 945,- 112 868 1.010,- 112 858-H 1.615,- 112 858-R 1.295,- 6 111 867 2.415,- 112 781 1.035,- 5 7 112 859 1.135,- 112 869 1.210,- 112 859-H 1.915,- 112 859-R 1.545,- 7 111 868 2.850,- 112 782 1.240,- 6 8 112 860 1.329,- 112 870 1.415,- 112 860-H 2.219,- 112 860-R 1.795,- 9 111 869 3.600,- 112 783 1.540,- 7 10 112 861 1.595,- 112 871 1.705,- 112 861-H 2.715,- 112 861-R 2.175,- 11 111 870 4.365,- 112 784 1.840,- 8 11 112 862 1.790,- 112 872 1.910,- 112 862-H 3.015,- 112 862-R 2.429,- 12 111 871 4.805,- 112 785 2.040,- 9 12 112 863 1.980,- 112 873 2.110,- 112 863-H 3.325,- 112 863-R 2.680,- 13 111 872 5.235,- 112 786 2.250,- 10 14 112 864 2.250,- 112 874 2.405,- 112 864-H 15 111 873 5.995,- 112 787 2.550,- Additional mounting supports SKR500L 112 877 77,- 112 878 88,- 112 877-H 111 875 325,- 110 090 95,- 3.810,- 112 864-R 3.065,189,- 112 877-R 1) All listed installation sets also contain the appropriate number of hydraulic connections SKR-HV, two end caps SKR-ES and two system connectors SKRSA. Possible options: 90° elbow connector SKR-WA instead of SKR-SA via set change (price difference see SKR500 Accessories) or end cap with air vent SKR-EV instead of one SKR-ES (to be ordered additionally). 2) The listed installation systems are designed for a maximum snow load from 0.72 up to 2.57 kN/m2 and a wind load from 104 of up to 143 km/h. The loads require the stated number of support members and a rafter spacing of 90 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the appropriate installation manual! For snow loads higher than 1.25 kN/m2 metal roof tiles are Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 135,- recommended! For snow loads from 2,5 - 3,75 kN/m2 on each rafter a mounting support has to be installed. 3) Weight per concrete ballast element: approx. 285 kg. The concrete ballast elements shall be mounted only on sufficiently load-carrying roof surface and roof sub-construction. The check of the load-carrying capacity by an expert is mandatory! Please ensure that the mounting systems fit to the roofing - particularly for special roof types like very flat tiles, etc. 33 COLLECTORS SKR500 SKR500 No. of mounting supports2) No. of collectors1) ROOF-MOUNTING SYSTEMS UNIVERSAL ROOF SHEET METAL ROOF Bench screw mounting systems Support plate mounting systems tilted 20˚ SSA20R parallel SSPR tilted 35°-50˚ SSA35-50R tilted 20˚ BDA20R parallel BDPR tilted 35°-50° BDA35-50R Note: Please choose the mounting system that fits to your roof type. In case of increased snow loads or different rafter spacing additional mounting supports are necessary! SKR500 1 2 113 601 245,- 113 613 255,- 113 625 295,- 113 530 690,- 113 542 685,- 113 554 725,- 2 2 113 602 300,- 113 614 310,- 113 626 349,- 113 531 745,- 113 543 740,- 113 555 780,- 3 4 113 603 530,- 113 615 555,- 113 627 630,- 113 532 1.410,- 113 544 1.410,- 113 556 1.489,- 4 4 113 604 590,- 113 616 610,- 113 628 690,- 113 533 1.470,- 113 545 1.470,- 113 557 1.545,- 5 5 113 605 750,- 113 617 780,- 113 629 875,- 113 534 1.850,- 113 546 1.850,- 113 558 1.940,- 6 6 113 606 875,- 113 618 910,- 113 630 1.025,- 113 535 2.195,- 113 547 2.195,- 113 559 2.300,- 7 7 113 607 1.035,- 113 619 1.079,- 113 631 1.210,- 113 536 2.575,- 113 548 2.585,- 113 560 2.700,- 8 8 113 608 1.165,- 113 620 1.215,- 113 632 1.365,- 113 537 2.920,- 113 549 2.920,- 113 561 3.065,- 9 9 113 609 1.325,- 113 621 1.379,- 113 633 1.545,- 113 538 3.295,- 113 550 3.295,- 113 562 3.450,- 10 10 113 610 1.449,- 113 622 1.510,- 113 634 1.695,- 113 539 3.645,- 113 551 3.645,- 113 563 3.825,- 11 11 113 611 1.609,- 113 623 1.679,- 113 635 1.879,- 113 540 4.025,- 113 552 4.025,- 113 564 4.225,- 12 11 113 612 1.665,- 113 624 1.735,- 113 636 1.939,- 113 541 4.080,- 113 553 4.080,- 113 565 4.275,- 113 667 71,- 113 668 77,- 113 669 95,- 113 596 292,- 113 597 292,- 113 598 310,- Additional mounting supports for SKR500 SKR500L 1 2 113 637 255,- 113 647 269,- 113 657 310,- 113 566 700,- 113 576 700,- 113 586 740,- 2 3 113 638 435,- 113 648 455,- 113 658 515,- 113 567 1.100,- 113 577 1.100,- 113 587 1.160,- 3 4 113 639 615,- 113 649 640,- 113 659 719,- 113 568 1.495,- 113 578 1.495,- 113 588 1.575,- 4 6 113 640 855,- 113 650 899,- 113 660 1.019,- 113 569 2.175,- 113 579 2.175,- 113 589 2.295,- 5 7 113 641 1.035,- 113 651 1.085,- 113 661 1.225,- 113 570 2.575,- 113 580 2.575,- 113 590 2.710,- 6 8 113 642 1.215,- 113 652 1.269,- 113 662 1.429,- 113 571 2.975,- 113 581 2.975,- 113 591 3.130,- 7 10 113 643 1.459,- 113 653 1.525,- 113 663 1.725,- 113 572 3.665,- 113 582 3.665,- 113 592 3.850,- 8 11 113 644 1.639,- 113 654 1.709,- 113 664 1.925,- 113 573 4.050,- 113 583 4.050,- 113 593 4.260,- 9 12 113 645 1.809,- 113 655 1.895,- 113 665 2.129,- 113 574 4.445,- 113 584 4.445,- 113 594 4.680,- 10 14 113 646 2.050,- 113 656 2.149,- 113 666 2.425,- 113 575 4.905,- 113 585 5.125,- 113 595 5.405,- 113 670 64,- 113 671 71,- 113 672 279,- 113 599 285,- 113 600 305,- Additional mounting supports for SKR500L 1,2 &3) 91,- 113 596-L Please note the general advices on page "SKR500 roof-mounting systems, Universalroof/Sheet metal roof". MOUNTING SYSTEMS FOR ROOF-MOUNTED COLLECTORS SSPR Bench screw parallel 34 SSAR Bench screw tilted DBPR Roof bracket parallel DBAR Roof bracket tilted BDPR BDAR BBALSKR35-50 WA45-60R Support plate Support plate Concrete ballast Wall mounting parallel tilted MH Module holder Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SKR500 NEW! ON-ROOF MOUNTING SYSTEMS WITH MODULE HOLDER Module holders allow an optimal collector fixation in regard of snow-, ice- and wind loads and guarantee high load capacity and maximum safety in avoiding brick fractures. High corrosion protection due to the combination of hot galvanization and powder coating. MODULE HOLDER MODULE HOLDER Metal roof plate systems with module holder at option parallel MHPR Mentioned set article numbers apply to MH-FRP-ZR tilted 20˚ MHA20R (other module holder via set change) 35,- MH-FZA-RB Module holder for grooved tile A in red-brown 35,- MH-FDP-RB Module holder for flat pantile in red-brown 35,- Module holder for Frankfurter interlocking tile (Frankfurter Pfanne)/“Alpendachstein“ in brick-red 35,- Module holder for Heidelberger roof tile in brick-red 35,- 110 420 110 421 110 422 MH-HBD-ZR 1 2 113 701 385,- 113 723 380,- 2 2 113 702 440,- 113 724 440,- 3 4 113 703 810,- 113 725 809,- 4 4 113 704 870,- 113 726 865,- 5 5 113 705 1.100,- 113 727 1.095,- 6 6 113 706 1.295,- 113 728 1.290,- 7 7 113 707 1.525,- 113 729 1.520,- 8 8 113 708 1.725,- 113 730 1.715,- 9 9 113 709 1.950,- 113 731 1.940,- 10 10 113 710 2.150,- 113 732 2.140,- 11 11 113 711 2.385,- 113 733 2.370,- 12 11 113 712 2.440,- 113 734 2.430,- 113 745 141,- 113 747 140,- SKR500L 1 2 113 713 395,- 113 735 395,- 2 3 113 714 645,- 113 736 645,- 3 4 113 715 895,- 113 737 895,- 4 6 113 716 1.275,- 113 738 1.275,- 5 7 113 717 1.525,- 113 739 1.525,- 6 8 113 718 1.775,- 113 740 1.775,- 7 10 113 719 2.159,- 113 741 2.150,- 8 11 113 720 2.400,- 113 742 2.400,- 9 12 113 721 2.650,- 113 743 2.655,- 10 14 113 722 3.040,- 113 744 3.040,- 113 746 134,- 113 748 134,- Additional mounting supports for SKR500L Module holder for Biber-tile in brick-red 110 419 MH-FRP-ZR SKR500 Additional mounting supports for SKR500 MH-BIB-ZR Please note the general advices on page "SKR500 roof-mounting systems, Universalroof/Sheet metal roof". 1,2 &3) Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 110 423 COLLECTORS No. of mounting supports2) No. of collectors1) Advantages: no angle grinding, no damage of the roof, no danger of hairline fractures, saving of time during the installation, high load bearing values because of no existing leverage effect. More types and colors of the modules on request. COLOURS AVAILABLE Brick-red (ZR) similar to RAL 2001 Chestnut brown (KB) similar to RAL 8015 Red brown (RB) similar to RAL 8004 Dark brown (DB) similar to RAL 8014 Anthracite (AN) similar to RAL 7016 c Load characteristics a Load-carrying vertical b Load-carrying in slip direction c Load-carrying at wind suction 3,61 kN 1,30 kN 2,16 kN 35 ROOF-MOUNTED COLLECTOR SK500-ECO-AL The SK500-ECO-AL is the best solution in it´s class! For roof mounting as well as for freestanding collector systems. LONG LASTING DURABILITY HIGH EFFICIENCY SEVERAL MOUNTING OPTIONS Use of weatherproofed materials ensures that the SK500-ECO-AL will provide solar energy for many years. Note: Mediterranean version for coastal regions. The SK500-ECO-AL reaches high water temperatures very fast because of the highly selective vacuum absorber coating. The flexibility of SONNENKRAFT mounting systems enables you to use the collector on almost all roof types and roof angles. SPECIFICATIONS COLLECTOR SK500N-ECO-AL Portrait format mounting 695,- SK500L-ECO-AL Landscape format mounting 695,- Portrait format mounting, for installation in corrosive environments (e.g. costal regions) 769,- IWS50 Corrugated connector tube; 50 cm long, 1” male / female screw connection 25,- IWS100 Corrugated connector tube; 100 cm long, 1” male / female screw connection 35,- SDD EPDM sealing collar for diameter 6-70 mm with roof mounting flange 30,- 111 137 Width incl. connection 011-7S190 F 011-7S1568 F 2079 x 1239 x 100 1239 x 2079 x 100 1257 mm Weight ACCESSORIES 2,57 m 2,3 m2 Absorber area 2,2 m2 Max. operation pressure Collector field piping Collector incline Connections Absorber Collector glazing 141 521 15 to 40 l/h per m2 max. 6 pcs. in series 140 085 max. 4 pcs. in series To compensate for thermal linear expansion, expansion bends (e.g. IWS50) are needed starting with 4 pc. SK500L-ECO-AL respectively starting with 6 pc. SK500N-ECO-AL in series. Minimum 15˚, Maximum 75˚ 1“ male + 1" female connection top left and top right Full-surface aluminium absorber, highly selective vacuum coating SK500N-ECO-AL SK500N-ECO-AL Harp Absorption/Emission Heat insulation 141 520 10 bar Hydraulic design Collector housing 111 153 2 Aperture area Recomm. throughput SK500N-ECO-AL-M 2098 mm 40 kg Gross area 111 150 95 % / 5 % F F Deep-drawn, salt water resistant aluminium tray 50 mm mineral wool 2079 Dimensions (mm) HxWxD SK500L-ECO-AL 2079 Solar Keymark Reg. No. SK500N-ECO-AL 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass Conversion factor η0a 0,763 0,759 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,322 3,365 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,018 0,020 22 1239 22 SK500L-ECO-AL SK500L-ECO-AL F 1239 F 1239 36 2079 22 2079 22 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SK500-ECO-AL ROOF-MOUNTING SYSTEMS No. of collectors1) No. of mounting supports2) Note: Please choose the mounting system that fits your roof type. In case of increased snow loads or different rafter spacing additional mounting supports are necessary! UNIVERSAL ROOF TILED ROOF Bench screw mounting systems Roof bracket mounting systems parallel SSP tilted 20˚ SSA20 parallel DBP tilted 45˚ SSA45 tilted 20˚ DBA20 SK500N-ECO-AL 1 2 111 501 165,- 111 531 275,- 111 549 320,- 111 601 235,- 111 631 325,- 2 2 111 502 195,- 111 532 315,- 111 550 359,- 111 602 275,- 111 632 375,- 3 3 111 503 305,- 111 533 465,- 111 551 540,- 111 603 415,- 111 633 559,- 4 5 111 504 435,- 111 534 705,- 111 552 825,- 111 604 629,- 111 634 855,- 5 6 111 505 535,- 111 535 855,- 111 553 989,- 111 605 775,- 111 635 1.045,- 6 7 111 506 645,- 111 536 1.025,- 111 554 1.189,- 111 606 925,- 111 636 1.195,- 111 567 39,- 111 572 92,- 111 576 119,- 111 649 77,- 111 654 122,- Additional mounting supports 1 2 111 507 189,- 111 537 265,- 111 555 280,- 111 607 255,- 111 637 305,- 2 3 111 508 325,- 111 538 425,- 111 556 459,- 111 608 419,- 111 638 479,- 3 5 111 509 515,- 111 539 645,- 111 557 699,- 111 609 655,- 111 639 755,- 4 6 111 510 635,- 111 540 809,- 111 558 855,- 111 610 799,- 111 640 965,- 111 599 41,- 112 507 70,- 112 508 80,- 111 672 73,- 111 673 98,- Additional mounting supports No. of collectors1) No. of mounting supports2) COLLECTORS SK500L-ECO-AL FLAT ROOF Concrete ballast mounting systems3) tilted 35˚ BBALSK35 tilted 45˚ BBALSK45 SK500N-ECO-AL 1 2 111 807 635,- 111 813 640,- 2 3 111 808 910,- 111 814 915,- 3 4 111 809 1.190,- 111 815 1.195,- 4 5 111 810 1.490,- 111 816 1.495,- 5 6 111 811 1.790,- 111 817 1.795,- 6 7 111 812 2.020,- 111 818 2.025,- 1) Included within each mounting systems are 2 pcs. Cu22 - R1" brazed unions per collector array. 2) The listed installation systems are designed for a maximum snow load sk from 1.25 up to 2.3 kN/m2 and a wind load from 102 of up to 150 km/h. The loads require the stated number of support members and a rafter spacing of 80 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the appropriate installation manual! For snow loads higher than 1.25 kN/m2 metal roof tiles are recommended! 3) Weight per concrete ballast element: 215 kg. The concrete ballast elements shall be mounted only on sufficiently load-carrying roof surface and roof subconstruction. The check of the load-carrying capacity by an expert is mandatory! Please ensure that the mounting systems fit to the roofing - particularly for special roof types like very flat tiles, etc. SK500L-ECO-AL 1 2 111 819 585,- 111 819 585,- 2 3 111 820 855,- 111 820 855,- 3 4 111 821 1.090,- 111 821 1.090,- 4 5 111 822 1.360,- 111 822 1.360,- Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 37 ON/IN-ROOF MOUNTED COLLECTOR SK400N-AL This handy collector with its 2 m2 collector area can be used flexibly either on any roof or integrated into the roof cladding. The compact design enables an economic match of collector area and storage tank volume. LONG LASTING DURABILITY HIGH SOLAR YIELD SEVERAL MOUNTING OPTIONS Use of weatherproofed materials ensures that the SK400NAL will provide solar energy for many years. The SK400N-AL reaches high medium temperatures very fast because of the highly selective vacuum absorber coating. This versatile and easy to handle 2 m2 collector can be installed either in-roof or onroof; offering total flexibility. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (mm) H x W x D Width incl. connection Weight 011-7S1708 F 2039 x 1039 x 90 1058 mm 2,12 m2 Aperture area 1,78 m Absorber area 1,77 m2 Max. operation pressure 10 bar 15 - 40 l/h per m2 Collector field piping Onroof: max. 6 units in series Inroof: max. 2 units in series Collector incline Minimum 15˚, maximum 75˚ Hydraulic design Absorption/Emission Collector housing Heat insulation Collector glazing 141 520 screw connection Harp Corrugated connector hose; 100 cm long, 1” male / female screw connection IWS100 141 521 25,35,- ACCESSORIES IN ROOF CUASB 110 021 SDD 140 085 Copper corner connection for hard soldering roof inlets of collector field flow or return 11,- EPDM sealing collar for diameter 6-70 mm with roof mounting flange 30,- To compensate for thermal linear expansion, expansion bends (e.g. IWS50) are needed starting with 6 pc. SK400N-AL in series. 95 % / 5 % Deep-drawn, salt water resistant aluminium tray 40 mm mineral wool CONNECTIONS 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass Conversion factor η0a 0,779 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,914 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,012 SK400N-AL F 1039 38 Corrugated connector hose; 50 cm long, 1” male / female IWS50 1“ male / female screw connections Full-surface aluminium absorber, highly selective vacuum coating 570,- ACCESSORIES ON ROOF 2 Recomm. throughput Absorber Portrait format mounting 111 174 32 kg Gross area Connections SK400N-AL 2039 Solar Keymark Reg. No. COLLECTOR 22 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SK400N-AL ON-ROOF MOUNTING SYSTEMS No. of collectors1) UNIVERSAL ROOF No. of mounting supports2) TILED ROOF Bench screw mounting systems Note: Please choose the mounting system that fits your roof type. In case of increased snow loads or different rafter spacing additional mounting supports are necessary! parallel SSP tilted 20˚ SSA20 Roof bracket mounting systems tilted 45˚ SSA45 parallel DBP tilted 20˚ DBA20 SK400N-AL 2 112 903 2 2 3 3 4 139,- 112 909 245,- 112 915 112 904 179,- 112 910 285,- 112 905 279,- 112 911 435,- 5 112 906 395,- 112 912 5 6 112 907 495,- 6 7 112 908 111 570 Additional mounting structures SK400N-AL 295,- 112 637 225,- 112 643 112 916 325,- 112 917 495,- 659,- 112 918 112 913 805,- 599,- 112 914 39,- 111 574 112 638 269,- 112 644 345,- 112 639 405,- 112 645 545,- 775,- 112 640 605,- 112 646 825,- 112 919 940,- 112 641 745,- 112 647 999,- 985,- 112 920 1.145,- 112 642 855,- 112 648 1.165,- 109,- 111 578 129,- 111 652 72,- 111 656 127,- 1) Included within each mounting system are 2 pcs. Cu22 - R1" brazed unions per collector array. 2) The listed installation systems are designed for a maximum snow load sk from 1,25 up to 2,3 kN/m2 and a wind load from 102 of up to 150 km/h. The loads require the stated number of support members and a rafter 305,- COLLECTORS 1 spacing of 80 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the appropriate installation manual! For snow loads higher than 1,25 kN/m2 metal roof tiles are recommended! Please ensure that the mounting systems fit to the roofing - particularly for special roof types like very flat tiles, etc. SK400N-AL INDACHBEFESTIGUNGEN Flashings for No. of collectors1) High Profile Tiles Shingle / Slate Tiles Note: Select the flashing system that matches to the type of roof. Other mounting options on request. Included within each mounting system are 2 pcs. Cu22 - R1" brazed unions per collector array. Contents of in-roof mounting systems: complete flashing, wooden wedge(s), screws, mounting brackets, sealing strips. 1) Flashing colour: RAL 7016 (graphite grey) 1 112 107 629,- 112 108 529,- 112 109 439,- 2 112 110 739,- 112 111 629,- 112 112 525,- Note: The listed installation systems are designed for a maximum snow load sk up to 2.3 kN/m2 and a wind load from 110 km/h up to 135 km/h. The loads require the included number of support members and a rafter spacing of 80 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the installation manual! Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 39 ON-ROOF COLLECTOR SCE202 The SCE202 represents a small sized solar thermal collector with 2m2. Its tough construction of aluminium frames enables a large application area in nearly every climate region of Europe. For coastal regions or harsh environments the sealed collector version SCE202-M avoids penetration of dust, sand, salt and corrosion. DESIGNED FOR HARSH ENVIRONMENTS STAGNATION TOLERANT DESIGN MOUNTING SYSTEMS FOR DIFFERENT DESIGN LOADS The sealed collector SCE202-M avoids penetration of dust, sand and salt in sea-/desertenvironment. Easy draining and good stagnation behavior due to special collector field piping. Low pressure loss due to harp design. SONNENKRAFT has the appropriate mounting system for every region - standard, medium or high loads. SPECIFICATIONS SCE202-M SCE202-S COLLECTOR Solar Keymark Reg.-Nr. 011-7S2245 F 011-7S2229 F SCE202-M Dimensions WxHxD: 1730 x 1170 x 73 mm Width incl. connection 1730 x 1170 x 83 mm 1170 (1215) Weight leer SCE202-S 28 kg 31 kg Gross area 2,02 m2 Aperture area 1,92 m2 Absorber area 1,85 m2 Max. operation pressure 10 bar Collector field piping max. 6 pcs. in series 15 ° - 75 ° Connections 4 x Cu22 4 x Cu18 Aluminium full surface absorber, highly selective vacuum coated Aluminium full surface absorber, selective black paint coating 40 mm mineral wool 0,755 0,729 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,745 5,459 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,015 0,027 KRV-22-SSR (KRV-18-SSR) KRV-22-SR (KRV-18-SR) 1170 55 1170 KRV-22-SR (KRV-18-SR) 55 6,- KRV-22-ES Compression fitting blind stop Cu22 (2pcs.) 10,- KRV-18-ES Compression fitting blind stop Cu18 (2pcs.) 10,- KRV-22-EV Compression fitting blind stop Cu22 with air vent 11,- KRV-18-EV Compression fitting blind stop Cu18 with air vent 10,- KRV-22-AG25 Compression fitting connection Cu22-Rp1" male flat seal 13,- KRV-18-AG25 Compression fitting connection Cu18-Rp1" male flat seal 8,- Connection set: corrugated pipe DN16-Cu22/Cu18 connection (2 pieces) 48,- ASCU16 141 831 To compensate for thermal linear expansion, expansion bends (e.g. IWS50) are needed starting with 6 collectors SCE202 in series F KRV-22-SR (KRV-18-SR) 1730 40 55 Compression fitting coupling with locker disc Cu18 150 688 KRV-22-ES (KRV-18-ES) KRV-22-EV (KRV-18-EV) 1170 KRV-18-SSR CONNECTIONS F KRV-22-ES (KRV-18-ES) 8,- 110 066 HYDRAULIC DESIGN SCE202-M (SCE202-S) KRV-22-SR (KRV-18-SR) Compression fitting coupling with locker disc Cu22 150 687 Conversion factor η0a KRV-22-AG25 (KRV-18-AG25) ASCU16 KRV-22-SSR 110 194 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass Collector glazing 5,- 150 686 95% / 91% 30 mm mineral wool Compression fitting coupling Cu18-Cu18 110 193 Aluminium frame Heat insulation KRV-18-SR 150 689 4-way-harp (diagonal) Collector housing 399,- 6,- 110 196 4 ° - 75 ° 95% / 5% On-roof collector, portrait format mounting, black paint coating, Cu18 Compression fitting coupling Cu22-Cu22 150 654 Collector incline Absorption/Emission 499,- KRV-22-SR 63000146 30 - 60 l/h per m2 Hydraulic design 111 180 On-roof collector, portrait format mounting, mediterrano sealing, blue vacuum coating, Cu22 ACCESSORIES SCE202-M (Cu22) AND SCE202-S (Cu18) Recomm. throughput Absorber 111 179 1170 KRV-22-SSR (KRV-18-SSR) KRV-22-AG25 (KRV-18-AG25) ASCU16 Diagonal flow. Sensor sleeve for 5,5 mm temperature sensor (F) installed upper left. Observe flow line side! Note: All hydraulic connections need to be ordered additionally to the mounting system. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SCE202 ROOF-MOUNTING SYSTEMS No. of collectors1) No. of mounting supports1) Note: Please choose the mounting system that fits your roof type. In case of increased snow loads or different rafter spacing additional mounting supports are necessary! UNIVERSAL ROOF TILED ROOF Bench screw mounting systems Roof bracket mounting systems parallel SSP tilted 20˚ SSA20 tilted 45˚ SSA45 parallel DBP tilted 20˚ DBA20 STANDARD DESIGN LOADS FOR SNOW AND WIND (TABLE 1) 1 2 2 2 113 302 159,- 113 308 255,- 113 314 255,- 113 402 155,- 113 408 275,- 3 3 113 303 259,- 113 309 405,- 113 315 425,- 113 403 285,- 113 409 435,- See medium design loads below (table 2) 1 2 113 319 140,- 113 325 225,- 113 331 255,- 113 413 205,- 113 419 285,- 2 3 113 320 199,- 113 326 315,- 113 332 345,- 113 414 249,- 113 420 365,- 3 4 113 321 299,- 113 327 465,- 113 333 515,- 113 415 385,- 113 421 545,- 4 5 113 322 415,- 113 328 665,- 113 334 755,- 113 416 585,- 113 422 785,- 5 6 113 323 515,- 113 329 825,- 113 335 925,- 113 417 725,- 113 423 965,- 6 7 113 324 615,- 113 330 1.005,- 113 336 1.090,- 113 418 855,- 113 424 1.115,- 112 512 75,- 112 529 119,- 112 510 135,- 111 675 73,- 111 694 132,- ADDITIONAL MOUNTING SUPPORT No. of collectors1) No. of mounting supports1) Note: The flat roof mounting sets contain mounting brackets with adjustable height. Screws (e.g. rawl bolts / expansion bolts) are not included. Therefore mounting screws need to be ordered separately depending on the roof surface/coverage. In case of increased snow loads additional mounting supports are necessary! Table 1: Standard design loads according to EN1991 FLAT ROOF Mounting system Height adjustable bracket mounting systems parallel (4°) FD0 tilted 20˚ FD20 tilted 45˚ FD45 2 2 2 3 3 113 523 169,269,- 113 525 113 526 190,309,- sk [kN/m2] v [km/h] SSP/FD0 0.75 150 SS20/FD20 0.75 116 SS45/FD45 0.75 90 DBP 0.75 138 DB20 0.75 90 Mounting system See medium design loads below (table 2) 113 522 Design wind gust speed Table 2: Medium design loads according to EN1991 STANDARD DESIGN LOADS FOR SNOW AND WIND (TABLE 1) 1 Design snow load 113 528 113 529 Design snow load Design wind gust speed sk [kN/m2] v [km/h] SSP/FD0 1.85 150 SS20/FD20 1.25 116 200,319,- MEDIUM DESIGN LOADS FOR SNOW AND WIND (TABLE 2) SS45/FD45 2.00 101 1 2 113 501 139,- 113 507 199,- 113 514 169,- DBP 2.00 150 2 3 113 502 189,- 113 508 239,- 113 515 229,- DB20 1.25 101 3 4 113 503 289,- 113 509 339,- 113 516 329,- 4 5 113 504 405,- 113 510 435,- 113 517 445,- 5 6 113 505 505,- 113 511 535,- 113 518 545,- 6 7 113 506 609,- 113 512 635,- 113 519 645,- 110 363 39,- 113 513 55,- 113 520 55,- ADDITIONAL MOUNTING SUPPORT 1) The listed mounting systems are designed for a maximum snow load up to 2.0 kN/m2 and a wind load up to 150 km/h. The loads require the stated number of support members and a rafter spacing of 80 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the appropriate installation manual! For snow loads higher than 1.25 kN/m2 metal roof tiles are recommended! Please ensure that the mounting systems fit to the roofing - particularly for special roof types like very flat tiles, etc. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 41 COLLECTORS MEDIUM DESIGN LOADS FOR SNOW AND WIND (TABLE 2) ON-ROOF COLLECTOR SCE250 The SCE250 represents a large sized solar thermal collector with 2,5 m2 collector area. The solid, qualitative and cost efficient construction of the collector with aluminium frame makes the collector SCE250 especially for large installations (>30 m2) very competitive. XL LONG SERVICE-LIFE HIGH EFFICIENTY MOUNTING SYSTEMS FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS The weather resistant material of the SCE250 collector ensures the supply of solar energy for many years. Optimal price/performance ratio due to the cost efficient Aluminium-frame-construction The mounting systems for universal-, tiled- and flat roofs are especially designed for the cost-optimised mounting of large installations. SPECIFICATIONS SCE250 SCE250L Solar Keymark Reg.-Nr. 011-7S1919 F 011-7S2516 F Dimensions (H x B x T) Width incl. connection 2150 x 1170 x 83 mm 1170 x 2150 x 83 mm 1170 (1221) 2150 (2202) Weight empty 38 kg Gross area 2,52 m2 Aperture area 2,39 m2 Absorber area 2,31 m2 Max. operation pressure 10 bar Recomm. throughput NEW! COLLECTOR SCE250 111 188 SCE250L 111 189 Collector field piping Collector incline 625,- On-roof collector, Landscape format mounting, highly selective vacuum coating 625,- ACCESSORIES Corrugated connector hose; 50 cm long, 1” male / female screw IWS50 141 520 141 521 max. 4 pcs. in series SDD 140 085 Minimum 15 °, Maximum 75 ° 25,- connection IWS100 15 - 40 l/h per m2 max. 6 pcs. in series On-roof collector, Portrait format mounting, highly selective vacuum coating Corrugated connector hose; 100 cm long, 1” male / female screw connection 35,- EPDM sealing collar for diameter 6-70 mm with roof mounting flange 30,- Connections 1“ male + 1" female connections top left and top right BBALGK/SKR 111 851 1 pc. concrete ballast, weight: approx. 285 kg 235,- Absorber Aluminium full surface absorber, highly selective vacuum coated ALU FR60X30X3 Aluminium shaped pipe 60 x 30 x 3 mm length 995 mm 15,- VKS M24DIN436 Square washer M24 DIN436 galvanized 1,50 Hydraulic design 110 372 Harp Absorption/Emission 90% / 5% 110 417 frame with aluminium rear panel Collector housing Heat insulation Collector glazing 40 mm mineral wool SCM-BRN* Ballast frame for concrete plates 50 x 50 cm for FD45N 209,- 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass SCM-BRL* Ballast frame for concrete plates 50 x 50 cm for FD45L 169,- Conversion factor η0a 0,769 0,759 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,847 3,48 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,0103 0,0161 110 392 110 393 *) The calculation of the required ballast weights has to be made by a structural engineer! (Delivery without concrete plates) Permissible loads in accordance with EN1991 Speed of wind gust To compensate for thermal linear expansion, expansion bends (e.g. IWS50) are needed starting with 4 collectors SCE250L and 6 collectors SCE250N in series Mounting system No. of collectors FLAT ROOF 1) No. of mounting supports Bracket mounting systems SCE250 tilted 45˚ SCM-FD45N v [km/h] kN/m ² Snowload sk [kN/m2] SCM-FD45 101 3 SCM-FD45 144 2,5 No. of collectors No. of mounting supports SCE250L FLAT ROOF 1) Bracket mounting systems tilted 45˚ SCM-FD45L 1 2 113 673 259,- 1 2 113 680 265,- 2 3 113 674 415,- 2 3 113 681 445,- 3 4 113 675 580,- 3 4 113 682 625,- 4 5 113 676 735,- 4 5 113 683 805,- 5 6 113 677 890,- 113 684 85,- 6 7 113 678 1.035,- 113 679 95,- Additional mountingsystems 42 Additional mountingsystems 1) Screws for fixing on the roof/underground are not included. The flat roof mounting systems FD need for example concrete ballast (111 851) with the related fastening screws (110 329, toothed lock nut M12-A2 and 110 416, threaded bolts A2 M12x150). Additionally elements for height adjustment are available (110 372 and 110 417). Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT NEW! LARGE SIZE COLLECTOR GK8-AR/GK13-AR The GK-AR collector is specially optimized for freestanding installations of large scale solar systems. Because of the fast mounting it is the ideal collector for large collector fields. EASY MOUNTING The especially for large scale installations developed mounting systems (piling sections, in-situ concrete and concrete foundation connection elements) allow an easy collector orientation and a short mounting time. XL MAXIMUM COST EFFICIENCY The reduced amount of hydraulic connections and mounting structures needed per m2 collector surface, saves time and money during installation. Due to the glazing with an anti-reflective coating and the new absorber welding with the manifold the GK-AR reaches very fast a high performance. COLLECTORS - PALLET PACKAGING GK8 AR2 011-7S 2565F Dimensions H x W x D (mm) Weight (kg) 2224 x 3557 x 135 141 Gross area m2 232 333 7,91 13,17 2 Aperture area m 7,42 12,37 Absorber area m2 7,41 12,35 Max. operation pressure (bar) 8 pcs. large size collector of 8 m2, double glazed 22.650,- GK13-AR1 8 pcs. large size collector of 13 m2, single glazed 28.950,- GK13-AR2 8 pcs. large size collector of 13 m2, double glazed 34.750,- 111 192 111 193 Minimum quantity surcharge for areas < 2000 m2 per order/project Recomm. throughput 10 - 25 l/h per m2 Collector field piping max. 105 m2 je Feld ACCESSORIES Flexible connection set, containing one length compensator of 100 mm 1 1/4“ female and 2 flat gaskets 1 1/4“ 135,- GK5/10-ABS 2 x end caps 1 1/4“ (incl. gasket) for unused connections 25,- GK5/10-ASS Connection set, 1 1/4 “ female and 1 gasket for 28 mm 15,- Immersion sleeve 1 1/4 “, for accurate temperature measurement (1 pc. per field) 125,- 1 x flat gasket 1 1/4" 2,95 GK8/13-VS 182 168 Minimum 25˚, Maximum 75˚ Connections 4 x 1 /4“ male 1 Aluminium full-surface aluminium 110 155 absorber, highly selective vacuum coating Collector housing Aluminium Heat insulation 110 191 GK5/10-TH 70 mm mineral wool 110 156 Hydraulic design Meander Collector glazing 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass with Anti-Reflexcoating 0,857 0,814 0,857 0,814 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,083 2,102 3,083 2,102 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,013 0,016 0,013 0,016 CONNECTIONS GK13-AR GK8-AR 244 ±15 5920 110 158 TYPES OF INSTALLATION GK-AR Tilt mounting system Conversion factor η0a KLINGER32 3557 GKA-O Set in-situ concrete 95 % / 5 % (2m, further lengths on demand, pile-driving depth depending on soil and has to be determined by customer) Absorption/Emission GKA-R Set pile-driving profile Absorber on demand Deliverytime: approx. 6-8 weeks 10 Collector incline GK8-AR2 111 191 2224 x 5920 x 135 202 19.100,- Snow load sk kN/m2 Solar Keymark Reg. No. AR1 8 pcs. large size collector of 8 m2, single glazed Wind gust km/h AR2 GK8-AR1 111 190 GKA-B Concrete ballast set AR1 GK13 COLLECTORS SPECIFICATIONS REDUCED INSTALLATION COSTS kN/m ² GK5/10-TH GK5/10-ASS GK5/10-ABS GK5/10-ABS GK5/10-ASS 2224 F GK8/13-VS 2059 1187 5605 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 2300 628 The following prices are per collector 30° 45° 60° 429,- 229,- 569,- 182 169 182 172 182 174 182 170 182 173 182 175 - - 449,- 489,182 171 249,- 589,- 150 4 137 4 112 4 43 LARGE SIZE COLLECTOR GK-HP The GK-HP collector is specially optimized for big scale installations. This is the ideal collector for the installation of large collector fields because of fast mounting. XL GOOD PRICE/ PERFORMANCE RATIO REDUCED INSTALLATION COSTS The price/performance ratio of the GK-HP is ideal for the installation of large scale solar systems. The reduced amount of hydraulic connections and mounting structures needed per m2 collector surface, saves time and money during installation. SPECIFICATIONS Solar Keymark Reg. No. Weight GK10-HP 2065x4870x113 87 kg 168 kg 5,04 m 10,06 m 4,64 m2 9,28 m2 Absorber area 4,63 m2 9,26 m2 2 10 bar Recomm. throughput 10 - 25 l/h per m2 Collector field piping max. 70 m2 per field Collector incline Connections Absorber 111 155 GK5-HP-VE2 111 156 Aperture area 2 Number of collectors packed on one pallet GK5-HP-VE1 011-7S1878 F 2065x2443x113 Gross area Max. operation pressure Minimum 25˚, Maximum 75˚ 4x 1 1/4“ male Aluminium full-surface aluminium GK5-HP-VE3 111 157 GK5-HP-VE4 111 158 GK5-HP-VE5 111 159 GK5-HP-VE6 111 160 GK10-HP-VE1 111 161 GK10-HP-VE2 absorber, highly selective vacuum coating 111 162 Absorption/Emission 95 % / 5 % 111 163 Collector housing Aluminium Heat insulation Due to the absorber welding with the manifold the GK-HP reaches very fast a high performance. COLLECTORS - PALLET PACKPACKING GK5-HP Dimensions (mm) H x W x D HIGH EFFICIENCY 50 mm mineral wool Hydraulic design Meander Collector glazing 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass Conversion factor η0a 0,809 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 2,858 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,015 GK10-HP-VE3 GK10-HP-VE4 111 164 GK10-HP-VE5 111 165 GK10-HP-VE6 111 166 1 x large size collector of 5 m2 2.190,- 2 x large size collectors of 5 m2 3.290,- 3 x large size collectors of 5 m2 4.890,- 4 x large size collectors of 5 m2 6.390,- 5 x large size collectors of 5 m2 7.990,- 6 x large size collectors of 5 m2 9.290,- 1 x large size collector of 10 m2 3.490,- 2 x large size collectors of 10 m2 5.990,- 3 x large size collectors of 10 m2 8.890,- 4 x large size collectors of 10 m2 11.790,- 5 x large size collectors of 10 m2 14.900,- 6 x large size collectors of 10 m2 17.300,- Delivery time approx. 4-6 weeks. COLLECTORS - PACKING FOR CONTAINERS Pallet packaging for 40 ft high cube container loading GK5-HP-VC3 111 167 GK5-HP-VC4 111 168 GK5-HP-VC5 111 169 GK10-HP-VC3 111 170 GK10-HP-VC4 111 171 GK10-HP-VC5 111 172 3 x large size collectors of 5 m2 5.090,- 4 x large size collectors of 5 m2 6.590,- 5 x large size collectors of 5 m2 8.190,- 3 x large size collectors of 10 m2 9.090,- 4 x large size collectors of 10 m2 11.990,- 5 x large size collectors of 10 m2 15.100,- Delivery time approx. 4-6 weeks. 44 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT MOUNTING OPTIONS BBALGK/SKR ACCESSORIES GK5/10-VS 110 186 GK5/10, 60° GK5/10-ABS 110 155 GK5/10, 45° GK5/10-ASS GK5/10, 30° 110 191 GK5/10-TH 110 156 GK5/10-VW B C D KLINGER32 110 158 BBALGK/SKR 111 851 CONNECTIONS 130 2443 2 x end caps 1 1/4“ (incl. gasket) for unused connections 25,- Connection set for GK5-HP and GK10-HP, 1 1/4 “ female and 1 gasket for 28 mm 15,- Immersion sleeve 1 1/4 “, for accurate temperature measurement (1 pc. per field) 125,- 1 x aluminum profile for horizontal fitting of mounting support and support angle 39,- 1 x flat gasket 1 1/4" 2,95 1 pc. concrete ballast for GK-HP, weight: 285 kg 235,- GK10-HP GK5-HP GK5/10-TH F 61,- 4870 COLLECTORS A 110 157 Flexible connection set for GK5-HP and GK10-HP, containing one length compensator of 100 mm 1 1/4“ female and 2 flat gaskets 1 1/4“ GK5/10-ABS 1892 2065 GK5/10-ASS GK5/10-ABS GK5/10-ASS GK5/10-VS GK-HP GK5 up to 1,25 kN/m2 GK5 up to 3 kN/m2 GK10 up to 1,25 kN/m2 GK10 up to 3 kN/m 2 3 5 112 901 112 902 245,- 379,- 3 6 No. of mounting supports1) Bench screw parallel No. of mounting supports1) Snow Load sk kN/m2 No. of mounting supports1) ROOF-MOUNTING SYSTEMS Roof bracket parallel 182 151 182 152 291,- 582,- 1) The listed installation systems are designed for a maximum snow load sk from 1.25 up to 3 kN/m2 and a wind load up to 150 km/h depending of the roof incline. The loads require the stated number of support members and a rafter spacing of 80 to 120 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the specific installation manual of this product! For snow loads higher than 1.25 kN/m2 metal roof tiles are recommended! Flat roof tilted2) 30° Flat roof tilted2) 45° 2 112 590 205,- 112 592 209,- 2 112 595 259,- 112 597 275,- 3 112 591 269,- 112 593 275,- 3 112 596 355,- 112 598 379,- Flat roof tilted2) 60° 112 594 295,- 112 599 409,- 2) The flat roof mounting sets contain mounting brackets with adjustable height. Bench screws are not included, therefore mounting srews must be ordered seperate, depending on the type of roof surface/coverage. The flat roof mounting systems FD need for example concrete ballast (111 851) with the related fastening screws (110 329, toothed lock nut M12-A2 and 110416, threaded bolts A2 M12x150). Additionally elements for height adjustment are available (110372 and 110417). Note: Weight per concrete ballast element: approx. 285 kg. The concrete ballast elements shall be mounted only on sufficiently load-carrying roof surface and roof sub-construction. The check of the load-carrying capacity by an expert is mandatory! Please ensure that the mounting systems fit to the roofing - particularly for special roof types. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 45 IN-ROOF MOUNTED COLLECTOR IDMK-AL The SONNENKRAFT IDMK-AL in-roof collector is directly integrated in the roof cladding and particularly suited for roofs with southern exposure. The collector is available in five different sizes and offers mounting options for any kind of roof tiles. PERFECT INTEGRATION INTO ROOF DESIGN CAN BE SOLDERED OR SCREWED HIGH EFFICIENCY The different Modules sizes and the option of combining roof collectors next to and above one another, provides the ideal solution for every roof. The connections are suitable both for screwing and soldering. The IDMK-AL reaches high water temperatures very fast because of the highly selective vacuum absorber coating. COLLECTORS (MANUAL MOUNTING) SPECIFICATIONS Solar Keymark Reg. No. IDMK12/25: 011-7S1551 F IDMK50/75/100: 011-7S1714 F Max. operation pressure 10 bar Recomm. throughput 15 - 40 l/h per m Collector field piping IDMK12/25 max. 6 pcs. in series IDMK12-AL 111 214 IDMK25-AL 2 Collector incline 111 213 2 x 1“ female oder Cu22 IDMK50-AL 111 215 Full-surface aluminium absorber, highly selective vacuum coating Absorber Hydraulic design Harp Absorption/Emission IDMK75-AL 111 216 95 % / 5 % Collector housing Wood Heat insulation IDMK100-AL 50 mm mineral wool 111 217 3,2 mm toughened, low iron solar safety glass Collector glazing IDMK 12 25 50/75/100 Conversion factor η0a 0,765 0,776 0,765 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 3,951 3,293 3,951 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a 0,011 0,011 0,011 485,- In-roof Modules collector with 2,52 m2 (Aperture area: 2,32 m2; Absorber area 2,28 m2), weight: 49 kg, H x W x D: 2058 x 1227 x 105 mm 725,- COLLECTORS (CRANE MOUNTING) Minimum 20˚, Maximum 65˚ Connections In-roof Modules collector with 1,25 m2 (Aperture area: 1,10 m2; Absorber area 1,08 m2), weight: 25 kg, H x W x D: 1015 x 1227 x 105 mm 1.490,- In-roof Modules collector with 7,57 m2 (Aperture area: 6,96 m2; Absorber area 6,84 m2), weight: 147 kg, H x W x D: 2058 x 3681 x 105 mm 2.290,- In-roof Modules collector with 10.1 m2 (Aperture area: 9,28 m2; Absorber area 9,12 m2), weight: 196 kg H x W x D: 2058 x 4908 x 105 mm 2.990,- Delivery IDMK50-100-AL only in connection with an order made for SONNENKRAFT crane mounting. Metal flashings for all IDMK and mounting and hydraulic sets for IDMK12 and IDMK25 must be ordered separately. The collector backside must be adequately ventilated! Using a roof foil is mandatory. ACCESSORIES For optional soldered connections CONNECTIONS Copper corner connection, for connecting adjacent collectors by hard soldering Attention: for IDMK100 absolutely use CUFVB370! 11,- Copper corner connection for hard soldering roof inlets of collector field 110 021 IDMK100 flow or return 11,- CUVB 110 006 To compensate for thermal linear expansion, expansion bends (e.g. IWS50) are needed starting with 6 collectors IDMK-AL in series CUASB IDMK12 F IDMK25 F IDMK50 IDMK75 F F KVB25 1015 F F IDMK100 IDMK100 3681 DM50-70 46 3681 3681 4908 4908 18,- 2 pcs. sealing collar, 42-55mm, for roof inlet 45,- 2 pcs. sealing collar, 50-70mm, for roof inlet 55,- The pipe collar is made of acrylic adhesive with a permanently elastic EPDM socket. Suitable for indoors and outdoor application. CUFVB370 110 083 2454 2454 4908 140 031 2058 2058 2454 1227 IDMK75 IDMK75 2058 2058 F F DM42-55 140 030 2058 2058 1227 IDMK50 IDMK50 Copper corner connection for screw connection of 2 collectors mounted next to each other 2058 2058 2058 2058 110 019 F XL In-roof Modules collector with 5,05 m2 (Aperture area: 4,64 m2; Absorber area 4,56 m2), weight: 98 kg, H x W x D: 2058 x 2454 x 105 mm, Flexible corrugated pipe connection, for connecting IDMK100 collectors by hard soldering 42,- Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT IDMK-AL INROOF-MOUNTING SYSTEMS No. of collectors Mounting and hydraulic set Note: Select the mounting system that matches the type of roof. Sheet metal flashing colour: RAL 7016 Mounting brackets, screw connections, sensor tube extension, flashing connection strips, roof battens, screws, seals, wooden wedge(s) Tile Roof shingle Plain tile / Slate Mounting and hydraulic set Mounting brackets, screw connections, sensor tube extension, flashing connection strips, roof battens, screws, seals, wooden wedge(s) High profile tile (15-65° pitch) RAL 8004 IDMK25-AL Single-row collector fields 1 111 975 115,- 111 922 369,- 111 940 330,- 111 958 325,- 112 141 139,- 112 117 465,- 2 111 976 120,- 111 921 430,- 111 939 385,- 111 957 385,- 112 142 159,- 112 118 609,- 3 111 977 195,- 111 923 530,- 111 941 465,- 111 959 465,- 112 143 249,- 112 119 789,- 4 111 978 269,- 111 924 635,- 111 942 540,- 111 960 540,- 112 144 349,- 112 120 969,- 5 111 979 359,- 111 925 740,- 111 943 625,- 111 961 625,- 112 145 445,- 112 121 1.159,- 6 111 980 425,- 111 926 835,- 111 944 699,- 111 962 699,- 112 146 545,- 112 122 1.370,- +1 112 100 85,- 111 909 125,- 111 912 99,- 111 915 99,- 112 140 99,- 112 114 185,- 1 111 975 115,- 111 933 405,- 111 951 355,- 111 969 365,- 112 141 139,- 112 129 610,- 2 111 987 135,- 111 933 405,- 111 951 355,- 111 969 365,- 112 153 165,- 112 129 610,- 3 111 988 215,- 111 935 509,- 111 953 435,- 111 971 435,- 112 154 269,- 112 130 770,- 4 111 989 299,- 111 936 615,- 111 954 510,- 111 972 509,- 112 155 385,- 112 131 970,- 5 111 990 389,- 111 937 719,- 111 955 595,- 111 973 595,- 112 156 485,- 112 132 1.170,- 6 111 991 479,- 111 938 805,- 111 956 679,- 111 974 679,- 112 157 599,- 112 133 1.310,- COLLECTORS IDMK12-AL Single-row collector fields Dual-row collector fields (2x IDMK25) 1 111 981 225,- 111 928 559,- 111 946 519,- 111 964 519,- 112 147 275,- 112 123 670,- 2 111 982 240,- 111 927 615,- 111 945 569,- 111 963 575,- 112 148 365,- 112 124 800,- 3 111 983 385,- 111 929 745,- 111 947 675,- 111 965 679,- 112 149 475,- 112 125 1.010,- 4 111 984 530,- 111 930 879,- 111 948 785,- 111 966 779,- 112 150 659,- 112 126 1.240,- 5 111 985 679,- 111 931 995,- 111 949 879,- 111 967 889,- 112 151 840,- 112 127 1.440,- 6 111 986 815,- 111 932 1.139,- 111 950 995,- 111 968 995,- 112 152 1.040,- 112 128 1.670,- Dual-row collector fields (1x IDMK12 and 1x IDMK25) 1 111 981 225,- 112 017 539,- 112 018 499,- 112 019 499,- 112 147 275,- 112 134 640,- 2 111 992 249,- 111 997 615,- 112 003 565,- 112 008 565,- 112 158 309,- 112 135 800,- 3 111 993 399,- 111 998 735,- 112 004 669,- 112 009 669,- 112 159 499,- 112 136 1.010,- 4 111 994 565,- 111 999 875,- 112 005 785,- 112 010 789,- 112 160 699,- 112 137 1.210,- 5 111 995 719,- 112 001 995,- 112 006 885,- 112 011 889,- 112 161 889,- 112 138 1.440,- 6 111 996 879,- 112 002 1.130,- 112 007 995,- 112 012 995,- 112 162 1.079,- 112 139 1.670,- The listed installation systems are designed for a maximum snow load sk up to 2,7 kN/m2 and a wind load of up to 150 km/h. The loads require the included number of support members and a rafter spacing of 80 or 90 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the installation manual! Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SPECIAL FLASHING IDMK - Price on request Special flashing BLXX125, 112 403 for IDMK12 / IDMK25 Note: For your special order, please send us • a sketch of the collector layout • the type of flashing (tile, roof shingle, plain tile) Delivery time: Approx. 4-6 weeks 47 VACUUM COLLECTOR VK25 Evacuated tube collectors ensure high output at low outdoor temperatures, particularly when used with heating systems. Collectors are delivered as prefabricated modules for roof mounting. The collectors consist of a base frame, manifold housing, CPC reflector, heat exchangers and evacuated pipes including absorber. WORKS WELL EVEN AT LOW TEMPERATURES SIMPLE MAINTENANCE The vacuum insulation ensures high output and high temperatures – even in poor weather conditions with low outside temperature. It is possible to change the tubes of the VK25 without having to empty the solar loop. SPECIFICATIONS 011-7S115 R Dimensions HxWxD VK25 Note: For Collector areas > 20 m a professional planning by SONNENKRAFT is required! For Collector areas > 30 m2 the commissioning by SONNENKRAFT is mandatory! 2 42 kg Gross area 2,57 m2 Aperture area 2,22 m2 Max. operation pressure ACCESSORIES SKVR1 111 403 10 bar Recommended throughput 15 to 30 l/h per m2 Collector field piping CPC-VK25 111 405 Max. 6 units in series Collector incline Minimum 15°, maximum 75° Connections SKSPT1000V 141 108 3/4” male/female screw connection Absorber Aluminium absorber Hydraulic design IWS100-VK25 64150063 Harp Absorption/Emission 96 % / 6 % Collector housing Aluminium Replacement tube for vacuum collector 59,- Replacement CPC-mirror for 2 tubes 35,- Temperature sensor for vacuum collector 49,- Corrugated tube connecting hose, 100 cm long, 3/4” male/female screw connection 28,- To compensate for thermal linear expansion, expansion bends (e.g. IWS50) are needed starting with 6 collectors VK25 in series Standard design loads according to EN1991 Tube: evacuated Collector: mineral wool Heat insulation evacuated tubes (1.5 mm borosilicate glass) Collector glazing Efficiency (Aperture) η0a 0,605 Heat transfer coefficient a1a 0,850 Temperature depending heat transfer coefficient a2a Mounting system 0,010 Note: Per unit, the fastening system includes 1 pc. screw connection set 3/4" x C18 No. of mounting supports1) Note: Please choose the mounting system that fits your roof type. See the article numbers in this table. Additional mounting options on request 1.350,- Roof mounted evacuated tube collector 111 401 1647x1560x107 mm Weight empty Design snow load Design wind gust speed sk [kN/m2] v [km/h] SSPVK 1,25 125 SSA20VK 1,25 116 SSA45VK 1,25 111 DBPVK 1,25 125 DBA20VK 0,75 116 UNIVERSAL ROOF TILED ROOF Bench screw mounting systems Roof bracket mounting systems parallel SSPVK tilted 20˚ SSA20VK tilted 45˚ SSA45VK parallel DBPVK tilted 20˚DBA20VK 1 2 111 525 149,- 111 543 249,- 111 561 269,- 111 625 215,- 111 643 265,- 2 3 111 526 229,- 111 544 379,- 111 562 415,- 111 626 329,- 111 644 405,- 3 4 111 527 319,- 111 545 509,- 111 563 595,- 111 627 475,- 111 645 555,- 4 5 111 528 399,- 111 546 645,- 111 564 725,- 111 628 595,- 111 646 695,- 5 6 111 529 495,- 111 547 789,- 111 565 885,- 111 629 699,- 111 647 845,- 6 7 111 530 579,- 111 548 915,- 111 566 1.025,- 111 630 815,- 111 648 995,- 1) The listed mounting systems are designed for a maximum snow load up to 1.25 kN/m2 and a wind load up to 125 km/h. The loads require the stated number of support members and a rafter spacing of 80 cm. For detailed information and requirements please follow the appropriate installation manual! 48 The VK25 has a high output due to exploitation of diffuse and oblique radiation via CPC reflector and circular evacuated tube absorber. COLLECTOR Solar Keymark Reg. No. No. of collectors1) HIGH EFFICIENCY Please ensure that the mounting systems fit to the roofing - particularly for special roof types like very flat tiles, etc. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT TANKS TANKS DHWP PSR-E PSC-E PS-E The DHWP is an easy to install hot water tank with pre-installed HE pump unit and controller. It’s provided with proven technology to ensure durability and efficiency. The PSR-E tank ensures optimum stratification in the tank and fits perfectly to the series of modules from SONNENKRAFT. With the PSC-E tank you get the best possible temperature layering during charging and discharging due to various stratification plates and external stratification via SLM50HE. The optimal solution for storing energy at high temperatures in larger installations. It can work alone or as backup heating together with PSR-E/PSC-E. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 49 COMPACT E TANK (WITHOUT PRE-INSTALLED HE PUMP/CONTROL UNIT) DHW The DHWP is an easy to install hot water tank. High quality components ensure durability and high efficiency combined with a modern design. “PLUG & FLOW" PROVEN TECHNOLOGY UNIQUE DESIGN The entire tank is produced to make mounting fast and easy. The components and the technology of the DHW meet the familiar high standard of the SONNENKRAFT-products. The design of the DHW speaks for itself. We have made every effort to create an fantastic looking tank - and all to save as much space as possible. DHW200 Capacity l DHW300 DHW400 DHW500 TANK (1 REGISTER) R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R2 on demand 190 186 292 287 373 366 451 TANK (2 REGISTERS) Diameter, incl. insulation mm 540 600 700 700 DHW200R2 DHW tank, 200 l with 2 registers (EEC C) 880,- Height, incl. insulation mm 1432 1794 1591 1921 DHW300R2 DHW tank, 300 l with 2 registers (EEC C) 1.090,- DHW400R2 DHW tank, 400 l with 2 registers (EEC C) 1.250,- DHW500R2 DHW tank, 500 l with 2 registers (EEC C) 1.670,- Tilted height without lid 1514 mm 75 1876 82 104 1713 115 117 2022 130 152 121 214/C 121 216/C 121 218/C Weight kg Max. domestic water pressure bar 10 Max. solar circuit pressure bar 10 ACCESSORIES Max. operating heating pressure bar 10 EHP20ADHW Max. operating water temp. °C Max. operating temp. solar circ. °C 110 Max. heating system temp. °C 110 Surface area solar heat exchanger m Surface area upper heating register m2 121 220/C 120 171 95 EHP25ADHW 120 172 EHP50DHW 120 164 0,8 2 Solar heat exchanger capacity l Heating system heat exchanger capacity l – 1,16 0,69 – 5,59 – 1,53 0,75 – 8,12 4,86 – 1,95 1,00 12,90 5,18 – Performance indicator NL Solar heat exchanger NL / kW 2,8 / 27 Performance indicator NL Upper heat exchanger NL / kW – 2,4 / 25 – 2.5 / 27 – Electrical heater kW 2,0 – 2,0 – 2,5 4,1 / 36 1,28 13,62 6,97 8,92 DHW-AGVS 141 323 DHW500-AGVS 141 324 14,7 / 60 EHP25S-FP 5,7 / 31 8,9 / 40 EHP45S-FP – – 9,4 / 43 120 134 120 166 Electrical heater 2,0 kW for permanent heating, adjustable temperature range from 30-86°C (230V) 295,- Electrical heater 2,5 kW for permanent heating, adjustable temperature range from 30-86°C (230V) 305,- Electrical heater 5,0 kW for permanent heating, adjustable temperature range from 30-86°C (400V, 3 phases) 459,- Connecting kit for expansion tank to DHWP200-400-tank, incl. corrugated steel pipe, cap valve and bracket 59,- Connecting kit for expansion tank to DHWP500 and DHW750R2-tank, incl. corrugated steel pipe, cap valve and bracket 65,- Electrical heater 2,5 kW, 6/4", for non permanent heating, for DHWR2 only (max. 100h/year), incl. flange plate and sealing 325,- Electrical heater 4,5 kW, 6/4", for non permanent heating, for DHWR2 only (max. 100h/year), incl. flange plate and sealing 369,- FITS WITH: RLGHE 50 See section "Modules" Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COMPACT E TANK (WITH PRE-INSTALLED HE PUMP/CONTROL UNIT) DHWP l “PLUG & FLOW" HIGH EFFICIENCY UNIQUE DESIGN Quick and easy "Plug and Flow" installation thanks to premounted high efficiency solar pump station RLGHE and pre-set control unit. Using high efficiency pumps reduces the electric power consumption considerably. The design of DHW speaks for itself. We have made every effort to create a fantastic looking tank - and all to save as much space as possible. DHW200P DHW300P DHW400P DHW500P TANKS (2 REGISTERS WITHOUT ELECTRICAL HEATER) R1-EHP R2 R1-EHP R2 R1-EHP R2 R2 190 186 292 287 373 366 451 Domestic hot water tank DHWPR2 with pre-installed HE solar pump unit and pre-programmed controller. Diameter, incl. insulation mm 540 600 700 700 Height, incl. insulation mm 1432 1794 1591 1921 Tilted height without lid mm 1514 1876 1713 2022 Insulation thickness mm 45 50 86 90 115 123 128 138 160 DHW200PR2 DHWP tank of 200 litres and 2 registers (EEC C) 1.520,- DHW300PR2 DHWP tank of 300 litres and 2 registers (EEC C) 1.720,- DHW400PR2 DHWP tank of 400 litres and 2 registers (EEC C) 1.890,- DHW500PR2 DHWP tank of 500 litres and 2 registers (EEC C) 2.050,- 121 227/C 121 229/C 121 231/C 121 233/C Weight kg Max. domestic water pressure bar 10 TANKS (1 REGISTER WITH PRE-INST. ELECTRICAL HEATER) Max. solar circuit pressure bar 10 Max. operating heating pressure Domestic hot water tank DHWPR1 with pre-installed HE solar pump unit with pre-programmed controller and electrical heater (230 V, 65° C fixed thermostat temp.) bar 10 Max. operating water temp. °C 95 Max. operating temp. solar circ. °C 110 Max. heating system temp. °C 110 Surface area solar heat exchanger m2 Surface area upper heating register m2 Solar heat exchanger capacity Heating system heat exchanger capacity DHWP tank of 200 litres and 1 register, with pre-installed electrical heater 2,0 kW (EEC C) 1.825,- DHWP tank of 300 litres and 1 register, with pre-installed electrical heater 2,0 kW (EEC C) 2.050,- DHWP tank of 400 litres and 1 register, with pre-installed electrical heater 2,5 kW (EEC C) 2.250,- EHP20ADHW Electrical heater 2,0 kW for permanent heating, adjustable temperature range from 30-86°C (230V) 295,- EHP25ADHW Electrical heater 2,5 kW for permanent heating, adjustable temperature range from 30-86°C (230V) 305,- EHP50DHW Electrical heater 5,0 kW for permanent heating, adjustable temperature range from 30-86°C (400V, 3 phases) 459,- DHW-AGVS Connecting kit for expansion tank to DHWP200-400-tank, incl. corrugated steel pipe, cap valve and bracket 59,- DHW500-AGVS Connecting kit for expansion tank to DHWP500 and DHW750R2-tank, incl. corrugated steel pipe, cap valve and bracket 65,- EHP25S-FP Electrical heater 2,5 kW, 6/4", for non permanent heating, for DHWR2 only (max. 100h/year), incl. flange plate and sealing 325,- EHP45S-FP Electrical heater 4,5 kW, 6/4", for non permanent heating, for DHWR2 only (max. 100h/year), incl. flange plate and sealing 369,- DHW200PR1-EHP 0,8 – l 0,69 – DHW300PR1-EHP 121 237/C 1,16 – 5,59 l 121 236/C 1,53 0,75 – 8,12 4,86 – 1,95 1,00 12,90 5,18 – 8,92 Performance indicator NL Solar heat exchanger NL / kW 2,8 / 27 Performance indicator NL Upper heat exchanger NL / kW – 2,4 / 25 – 2.5 / 27 – 5,7 / 31 8,9 / 40 Electrical heater kW 2,0 – 2,0 – 2,5 – – 4,1 / 36 9,4 / 43 121 238/C 1,28 13,62 6,97 DHW400PR1-EHP 14,7 / 60 ACCESSORIES 120 171 120 172 120 164 141 323 PRE-INSTALLED MODULE 141 324 120 134 RLGHE See section "Modules" Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 120 166 51 TANKS Capacity The DHWP is an easy to install hot water tank - now with pre-installed high efficiency pump unit and pre-set control unit. High quality components ensure durability and high efficiency combined with a modern design. HOT WATER XL TANK DHW/ELB The DHW is a special hot water tank for special system designs, e.g. for large sized systems. The removable high effective fleece insulation jacket simplifies transport into the boiler room. XL EASY INSTALLATION PROVEN TECHNOLOGY HIGH EFFICIENCY The DHW tanks allow quick and easy tank installation of the new RLGHE pump unit with high efficiency pump and presetted control unit. The components and technology of the DHW is of the usual high standard of SONNENKRAFT products. The large heat exchanger surfaces make the tank perfect for using solar energy. TANKS DHW750 DHW1000 R2 R2 l 733 866 Diameter, incl. insulation mm 970 970 Diameter, without insulation mm 790 790 121 235 Height, incl. insulation mm 1816 2101 Tilted height without insulation TANK SETS mm 1777 2052 Consisting of tank DHWR2 and Solar Pump unit RLGHE kg 235 254 Capacity Weight Max. domestic water pressure bar 10 Max. operating heating pressure bar 10 Max. solar loop press. bar 10 Max. operating water temp. °C 95 Max. heating system temp. °C 110 Max. operating temp. solar loop °C 110 Upper heating / reheating register m Heizfläche bottom / Solarregister m 2,20 Solar heat exchanger capacity l 15,6 Volumen Upper heat exchanger l 14,2 Performance indicator NL top NL/kW 12 / 59,5 Performance indicator NL bottom NL/kW 37 / 63 FITS WITH: RLGHE 2 2 DHW750R2 121 234 DHW1000R2 DHW tank of 750 litres and 2 registers, incl. insulation (EEC C) 2.650,- DHW tank of 1000 litres and 2 registers, incl. insulation (EEC C) 2.950,- DHW750R2-SET tank set DHW750R2 (EEC C) with RLGHE 3.190,- DHW1000R2-SET tank set DHW1000R2 (EEC C) with RLGHE 3.490,- 121 243 121 244 TANK WITHOUT REGISTER ELB1000* 1000 l, height 2120 mm, Ø 790 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB1500* 1500 l, height 2285 mm, Ø 1000 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB2000* 2000 l, height 2550 mm, Ø 1100 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB3000* 3000 l, height 2980 mm, Ø 1200 mm (incl. insulation) on request 2,00 TANK WITH 1 REGISTER ELB1500R1* 1500 l, height 2285 mm, Ø 1000 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB2000R1* 2000 l, height 2550 mm, Ø 1100 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB3000R1* 3000 l, height 2980 mm, Ø 1200 mm (incl. insulation) on request TANK WITH 2 REGISTER ELB1500R2* 1500 l, height 2285 mm, Ø 1000 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB2000R2* 2000 l, height 2550 mm, Ø 1100 mm (incl. insulation) on request ELB3000R2* 3000 l, height 2980 mm, Ø 1200 mm (incl. insulation) on request * All tanks on request. Delivery time 4-6 weeks. Available insulation fire classes: M3, M1, B3 Available max. operation pressure: 8 and 10 bar. See section "Modules" 52 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COMBI E TANK PSW The PSW tank is a combination tank for solar thermal heating and hygienic domestic hot water preparation via an integrated corrugated stainless steel pipe. This tank is part of the cost-effective solution COMBI E, which can cover up to 25 % of a household's heating demand and up to 70 % of the hot water demand. 20% HEAT LOSS REDUCTION SOLAR THERMAL STRATIFICATION HYGIENIC DOMESTIC HOT WATER PREPARATION Insulation fleece fits perfectly to the tank surface and the connections, which eliminates chimney effects. The tank version with two register allows a better stratified charging via installation of a solar station and a 3-way-motor-valve in solar flow line. Domestic hot water preparation via a tank integrated corrugated stainless steel pipe without additional external units with heat exchanger. R1 Capacity Diameter, incl. insulation PSW1000 R2 R1 794 l R2 PSW800R1 121 620/C 912 990 mm TANK PSW800R2* 121 622/C Diameter, without insulation mm Height, incl. insulation mm 1930 2120 Height, without insulation mm 1925 2115 Tilted height without insulation mm 1980 2160 790 PSW1000R1 121 621/C PSW1000R2* 121 623/C PSW tank, 800 l, 1 register incl. insulation (EEC C) 2.550,- PSW tank, 800 l, 2 Register incl. insulation (EEC C) 2.750,- PSW tank, 1000 l, 1 register incl. insulation (EEC C) 2.750,- PSW tank, 1000 l, 2 Register incl. insulation (EEC C) 2.990,- Weight, without insulation kg Max. operating water pressure bar 6 Max. operating heating pressure bar 3 PSW800R1-SET tankset PSW800R1 (EEC C) with RLG2-B 3.340,- Max. solar circuit pressure bar 6 PSW1000R1-SET Max. heating system temp. °C 95 121 627 tankset PSW1000R1 (EEC C) with RLG2-B 3.540,- Max. operating temp. solar circ. °C 110 Consisting of tank PSWR2 and Solar Pumpen group RLG2-B with external 3-way motor valve DWV25 for stratification Solar register heating surface top m2 Solar register heating surface top m2 ca. 175 - ca. 205 ca. 185 2 121 626 2 PSW800R2-SET* tankset PSW800R2 (EEC C) with RLG2-B and DWV25 3.650,- PSW1000R2-SET* tankset PSW1000R2 (EEC C) with RLG2-B and DWV25 3.890,- 121 624 121 625 3 Note: Deliverytime approx. 4 weeks l Volume Solar heat exchanger bottom l 19,5 m2 4,7 l 32,5 Content stainless steel pipe TANK SETS Consisting of tank PSWR1 and Solar Pump unit RLG2-B - Volume Solar heat exchanger top Heating surface stainless steel pipe ca. 215 - 13 - 13 ACCESSORIES ZIRKSET 130 333 recirculationset for COMBI tanks with corrugated immersion lance made of stainless steel. Only in combination with thermostatic domestic water mixer TBM20! 125,- FITS WITH: RLG2-B Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT See section "Modules" 53 TANKS PSW800 COMFORT E TANK PSR-E The PRS-E tank guaranties - due to an ingeniously innovative stratification system fast availability of solar thermal energy. To increase the tank volume, the PSR800E can be connected to a PS800E and the PSR1000E connected to a PS1000E. 20% HEAT LOSS REDUCTION IMPROVED STRATIFICATION RETURN LINE STRATIFICATION Insulation fleece fits perfectly to the tank surface and the connections, which eliminates chimney effects. Together with the patented fleece insulation caps for unused connections this results in a better performance, compared to standard foam insulations. With the encapsulated solar register the loading of the top of the tank will be reached faster. The optimized inflow sheets on the tank nozzles ensure best possible stratification in the tank. With the vertical stratifying lances the heating return is always layered into the appropriate temperature zone of the tank. No separate connections for radiatoror floor heating systems needed. PSR500E PSR800E PSR1000E Capacity l 492 744 912 Diameter, incl. insulation mm 850 990 990 Diameter, without insulation mm 650 790 790 Height, incl. insulation mm 1720 1780 2135 Height, without insulation mm 1664 1688 2038 Tilted height without insulation mm 1710 1740 2080 Weight, without insulation kg 110 135 160 Max. operating heating pressure bar Max. solar circuit pressure bar 10 Max. heating system temp. °C 95 Max. operating temp. solar circ. °C 110 Solar register heating surface m2 1,7 2,3 3 Solar register volume l 11,5 14,6 20 TANKS PSR500E PSR-E tank of 500 litres, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.560,- PSR800E PSR-E tank of 800 litres, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.760,- PSR1000E PSR-E tank of 1000 litres, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.890,- 121 527/C 121 528/C 121 529/C TANK SETS Consisting of tank PSR-E, fresh water module FWMi-CU and Solar Pump unit PSKR18HE PSR500E-SET 3 121 538 PSR800E-SET 121 539 PSR800E30-SET 121 540 PSR1000E-SET 121 541 PSR1000E30-SET PSR-E incl. patented insulation caps 121 542 Tank set PSR500E (EEC C) with PSKR18HE and FWM15i-CU 3.990,- Tank set PSR800E (EEC C) with PSKR18HE and FWM15i-CU 4.190,- Tank set PSR800E (EEC C) with PSKR18HE and FWM30i-CU 4.350,- Tank set PSR1000E (EEC C) with PSKR18HE and FWM15i-CU 4.330,- Tank set PSR1000E (EEC C) with PSKR18HE and FWM30i-CU 4.490,- Note: FWM15i-VA and FWM30i-VA modules with stainless steel heat exchanger and FWMi modules with pre-installed circulation pump available via set change. FITS WITH FOLLOWING MODULES PSKR18HE/-C3/-O See section "Modules" 54 FWM15i/30i See section "Modules" Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT COMFORT E PLUS TANK PSC-E With the new PSC-E tank you get the best possible temperature layering during charging and discharging. The PSC800E can be connected to a PS800E and the PSC1000E connected to a PS1000E. MOST EFFICIENT TANK OPTIMAL WITH HEAT PUMPS Insulation fleece fits perfectly to the tank surface and connections, which eliminates chimney effects. Together with the patented fleece insulation caps for unused connections this results in a better performance compared to standard insulations. Combine the PSC-E-tank with the modules FWMi and SLM50HE and the energy-optimizing module RAS20 and you get the most possible efficient solution nowadays available. The PSC tank has been approved for heat pump systems, thanks to the integration of the additional connection for optimised hot water charging via heat pumps. PSC800E PSC1000E 776 912 l TANKS PSC800E PSC-E tank, 800 l, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.490,- PSC1000E PSC-E tank, 1000 l, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.590,- 121 444/C Diameter, incl. insulation mm 990 Diameter, without insulation mm 790 Height, incl. insulation mm 1860 2140 Height, without insulation mm 1778 2058 TANK SETS Tilted height without insulation mm 1830 2100 Weight with insulation kg 136 150 Consisting of tank PSC-E, fresh water module FWMi-CU and stratification module SLM50HE Max. operating heating pressure bar 3 Max. heating temperature °C 95 121 445/C PSC800E-SET 121 442 PSC800E30-SET 121 448 PSC-E incl. patented insulation caps PSC1000E-SET 121 443 PSC1000E30-SET 121 449 See section "Modules" HKM20HE See section "Modules" FWM15i/30i See section "Modules" Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 5.950,- Tank set PSC800E (EEC C) with SLM50HE and FWM30i-CU 6.110,- Tank set PSC1000E (EEC C) with SLM50HE and FWM15i-CU 6.020,- Tank set PSC1000E (EEC C) with SLM50HE and FWM30i-CU 6.180,- Note: FWM15i-VA and FWM30i-VA modules with stainless steel heat exchanger and FWMi modules with pre-installed circulation pump available via set change. FITS WITH FOLLOWING MODULES SLM50/80HE/ BM25HE Tank set PSC800E (EEC C) with SLM50HE and FWM15i-CU TANKS Capacity 20% HEAT LOSS REDUCTION RAS20 See section "Modules" FWM30i Cascade See section "Modules" 55 BACKUP TANK PS-E The PS-E tank is the optimal solution for storing energy at high temperatures for larger installations. It can work as backup heating or together with stratified charging and fresh water modules. XL 20% HEAT LOSS REDUCTION PERFECT FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS NEW COMBINATIONS Insulation fleece fits perfectly to the tank surface and the connections, which eliminates chimney effects. Together with the patented fleece insulation caps for unused connections this results in a better performance compared to standard insulations. With the ability to be set up in a parallel installation, the PS-E tank is the best choice for larger installations. The PS800E can both be combined with PSC800E and PSR800E, and a PS1000E can be combined with PSC1000E and PSR1000E. PS800E PS1000E PS1500E PS2000E PS3000E PS5000E l 776 912 1424 2013 2695 4979 Diameter, incl. insulation mm 990 990 1200 1300 1490 1840 Diameter, without insulation mm 790 790 1000 1100 1250 1600 Height, incl. insulation mm 1860 2140 2150 2410 2535 2915 Height, without insulation mm 1775 2058 2097 2358 2435 2815 Tilted height without insulation mm 1830 2100 2200 2450 2590 3050 Weight without insulation kg 121 134 170 245 295 585 Max. operating heating pressure bar 3 Max. heating temperature °C 95 Capacity ACCESSORIES TANKS PVS40 Storage tank connector hose 26 cm for PS800E - PS1500E, 2x 1 1/2" male thread 89,- PVS40-500 Storage tank connector hose 50 cm, for PS800E - PS1500E, 2 x 1 1/2" male thread 79,- PVS50 Storage tank connector hose for PS2000E PS5000E, 2x 2" male thread 149,- ISOV-KAP40E Insulation cap 6/4", square, for PSR-E, PSC-E and PS-E tanks up to 1500 l 120 026 120 181 120 135 121 970 6,- Note: PVS with cylindrical thread G, max. operation pressure 3 bar PS800E PS-E tank, 800 l, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.350,- PS1000E PS-E tank, 1000 l, incl. insulation (EEC C) 1.390,- PS-E tank, 1500 l, without insulation (EEC C with ISOVPS1500) 1.390,- PS2000E PS-E tank, 2000 l, without insulation 1.590,- PS3000E PS-E tank, 3000 l, without insulation 2.190,- PS5000E PS-E tank, 5000 l, without insulation 4.590,- 121 433/C 121 434/C PS1500E 121 435 121 436 121 437 Can be used as an extension of COMFORT E and COMFORT E Plus systems. FITS WITH FOLLOWING MODULES 121 438 INSULATIONS ISOVPS1500 121 957/C FWM60/80/160 See section "Modules" SLM120/200/300HE See section "Modules" 56 See section "Modules" SLM50/80HE/ BM25HE See section "Modules" 720,- ISOVPS2000 Insulation for PS2000E, insulation 790,- ISOVPS3000 Insulation for PS3000E, insulation 890,- ISOVPS5000 Insulation for PS5000E, insulation 1.390,- 121 958 121 959 121 960 FWM30i Cascade Insulation for PS1500E, insulation thickness 100 mm thickness 100 mm thickness 120 mm thickness 120 mm Note: Custom specific tank up to 15.000 l on time approx. 4-6 weeks after technical release. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT PLUS X Award achieved for module FWMi PSKR18HE FWM15i/30i SLM50HE RAS20 The PSKR18HE with high efficiency pump is used in combination with the PSR-E-tank for charging the tank using solar energy. It can produce fresh hot water in combination with the FWMi and can support heating systems. NEW: With the PSKR18HE-C3 up to 3 heating circuits and an external heat source can be controlled. Tomorrow's solution is here today. FWMi, the fresh water module is intelligent, with high effiency pumps and works with any type of water quality. No hot water storage required. Hygienic solution that prevents development of legionella. EXTRA: Pre-mounted cascade for wall mounting for up to 120 l/min. The SLM50HE is used in combination with PSC-E-tank for stratified charging of the tank using solar energy. HE-pumps and heat metering are already included. RAS20 is a heating module which supports the oil/gas condensing boiler with solar energy, and improves the efficiency of the heating system. It works especially well with retrofit solutions, when installing solar in combination with traditional heating solutions. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 57 MODULES MODULES All solutions with high efficieny pumps and ErP ready! PUMP STATIONS RLGHE SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions WxHxD Flow solar circuit The RLGHE will be used in combination with the domestic hot water tank DHW for the preparation of solar hot water. QUICK INSTALLATION EASY OPERATION NICE DESIGN The HE-solar pump station and controller are pre-assembled and the module has reduced tubing and connections. New: pre-installed on the COMPACT E tank! The factory preset controller is very user-friendly. The module is compact and in a modern design that fits every home. 1-13 l/min Delivery height of solar pump 8,5 m Collector area up to approx. ˜25 m Operating pressure max 6 bar Operating temp. (Flow/ Return) PUMPING STATION RLGHE 600 x 180 x 200 mm RLGHE-VAS Flow fitting with non-return valve (for all collector configurations except 1 - 2 SKR500/L) 35,- 130 592 The PSKR18HE is a modern solar pump station with a high efficiency pump. It´s used for charging the PSR-E tank. HIGH OPERATING RANGE HIGH EFFICIENCY PUMPS The SKSC2HE control unit has an very intuitive user interface for simple and fast commissioning. The PSKR18HE ensures perfect flow rate at all times, up to 12 l/min. The PSKR18HE comes with a high efficiency pump and reduces the power consumption significantly. PSKR18HE/-O/-C3 570 x 465 x 275 mm PUMPING STATIONS 1-12 l/min 8,5 m Collector area up to approx. 25 m2 max. 6 bar Operating temp. (Flow/ Return) max. 140° C / max. 95° C Collector connections Compression fitting ø 22 mm 58 45,- USER-FRIENDLY CONTROL UNIT Delivery height of solar pump Tank connections Flow fitting with non-return valve, incl. fitting for flushing and filling (for 1 - 2 SKR500/L) 130 591 max. 140° C / max. 95° C External thread G 3/4 flat seal Operating pressure RLGHE-VAS-KFE 130 600 Tank connections Flow solar circuit 165,- RLGHE-VFD Compression fitting ø 22 mm SPECIFICATIONS Measuring section incl. Vortex sensor VFD 1-12l/min, for optional heat measuring in combination with RLGHE (131 326) 131 326 Collector connections Dimensions WxHxD 599,- RLGHE 2 PSKR18HE 1-line solar station consisting of: high efficiency solar pump Grundfos Solar PM2 15-105, 1 ball valve incl. gravity brake (40 mbar) and thermometer, safety valve (6 bar) and manometer, flush-connections, flow indicator, venting unit, 2-circuit solar control unit SKSC2HE incl. 2 sensors PT1000 External thread G 1 flat seal PSKR18HE 131 327 PSKR18HE-O 131 328 PSKR18HE-C3 131 329 2-line solar station consisting of: high efficiency pump Grundfos Solar PM2 15-105, 2 ball valves incl. gravity brake, safety valve (2x 20 mbar), 2 thermometers and 1 manometer, flow indicator (VFD sensor, 1-12 l/min), air vent, 2-circuit solar control SKSC2HE unit incl. 4 PT1000 sensors, cap valve 3/4” female, testing or emptying 895,- Like PSKR18HE, but without controller and with VFS1-12 sensor 795,- Like PSKR18HE but with controller SKSC3HE for controlling up to 3 heating circuits and an external heat source, eg. boiler (in conjunction with SKSCEM1, 141 185) 1.185,- Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT FRESH WATER MODULES FWM15i/30i (Single modules) Tomorrow's solution is here today. FWMi, the most intelligent fresh water module on the market with high effiency pumps works, with any type of water quality. No hot water storage required, which prevents development of legionella. HIGH QUALITY PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER HIGH EFFICIENCY PUMPS INTELLIGENT CIRCULATION PUMP Copper brazed for “normal” water qualities. Stainless steel brazed for harsh water qualities. The intelligent flow control insures resistance to corrosion and scaling. The Grundfos Alpha Pump is the brain of the module. It collects input data from all sensors and controls all basic functions in the fresh water module. The optional circulation pump can learn when the household needs fresh hot water and adjust automatically the circulation period. You can safe energy in a considerable degree. FWM15i FWM30i Dimensions WxHxD 568 x 465 x 312 mm Weight without insulation 11,9 kg 15,7 kg 1-15 l/min 2-30 l/min Delivery rate Temperature range 30-65 (80)°C 2) FRESH WATER MODULES (WITHOUT RECIRCULATION PUMP) FWM15i-CU 131 120-C FWM30i-CU 131 118-C Maximum allowable water temperature in tank 90°C Maximum allowable pressure in tank 3 bar Maximum allowable temperature of fresh warm water 65 (80)°C 2) Minimum pressure in cold water supply line 2 bar 1) Maximum allowable pressure in cold water supply line 10 bar 1) The minimum pressure of 2 bar is required to achieve the specified delivery rate 2) In case of thermal disinfection. Thermal disinfection; max. 1 hour; activated manually FWM15i-VA 131 119-C FWM30i-VA 131 117-C If the concentration of one of the indicated water-contents is higher than mentioned to the right, the FWM15i/30i-VA has to be used. Free Chlorine Cl2 > 1 mg/l Total water hardness > 30 °dH Sulphate SO42 > 70 mg/l free CO2 > 5 mg/l In case of uncertainty please look at the detailed tables in the technical data sheet or contact your SONNENKRAFT® service center. All concentrations in mg/l or ppm. 2.450,- 30 litres module incl.: 4 insulation parts, pipe connecting kit, hygienic perfect continuous flow principle, VAbrazed PHE for harsh water qualities 2.790,- FWM30i-CU-CFK FWM30i-CU with recirculation pump FWM15i/30i-CFK 2.445,- FWM15i-VA-CFK FWM15i-VA with recirculation pump FWM15i/30i-CFK 3.045,- FWM30i-VA-CFK FWM30i-VA with recirculation pump FWM15i/30i-CFK 3.385,- 131 119-C-CFK 131 117-C-CFK FRESH WATER MODULES - ACCESSORIES FWMi-WMS 130 501 FWMi-WMS-CFK 130 572 FWM15i/30i-CFK 130 456-C-VM Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 15 litres module incl.: 4 insulation parts, pipe connecting kit, hygienic perfect continuous flow principle, VAbrazed PHE for harsh water qualities 2.285,- Chloride Ionen Cl > 300 mg/l pH-value < 7,5 or > 9,0 1.850,- FWM15i-CU with recirculation pump FWM15i/30i-CFK OR If the concentration of two of the four indicated water-contents is higher than mentioned to the right, the FWM15i/30i-VA has to be used. 30 litres module incl.: 4 insulation parts, pipe connecting kit, hygienic perfect continuous flow principle, copper brazed PHE FWM15i-CU-CFK 131 118-C-CFK For a quick material selection (CU- or VA-soldering of the heat exchanger plates) use the following selection (for a detailed overview please use the product data sheet FWMi): 1.690,- FRESH WATER MODULES - INCL. PRE-INSTALLED RECIRCULATION PUMP 131 120-C-CFK RECOMMENDATION 15 litres module incl.: 4 insulation parts, pipe connecting kit, hygienic perfect continuous flow principle, copper brazed PHE Wall mounting set for FWM15i/30i without recirculation pump, consisting of wall insulation, wall mounting bracket and corrugated pipe connectors 450,- As FWMi-WMS (130 501) but for FWMimodules containing a recirculation pump 480,- Hot water circulation pump for retrofitting for all FWMi versions, wireless communication to the FWMi-module, operating modes: self learning mode, 24 h on, thermostatic controlled tapping + 5 min, manual timer programming. Delivery height adjustable in 6 steps from 1 to 6 m. 525,- 59 MODULES SPECIFICATIONS FRESH WATER MODULES XL FWM30i-CASCADE With the FWMi-Cascade up to 4 FWM30i modules can be installed in parallel. Therefore SONNENKRAFT has the optimum solution for the hot water production up to ~120 l/min for all middle to large scaled projects. XL EFFICIENT SIZING PRE-MOUNTED FWMI CASCADE SETS SECURITY OF SUPPLY The sizing of a FWMi cascade can be done very precisely to reach the real hot water demand very exactly and to achieve the highest level of economic efficiency. The pre-mounting of the fresh water module cascade-sets make the installation on site much easier and faster. The FWMi cascade ensures security of hot water supply also during maintenance work on one single module. The optional alarm module ensures additionally security of supply. PEFORMANCE DIAGRAM FWM30I FRESH WATER MODULE CASCADE - SETS (PER SINGLE MODULE) Required butter tank temperature for various tap performances and hot water setpoint temperatures. pre-mounted modules: • FWMi + FWMi-WMS • FWMi + FWMi-WMS-CFK + FWM15/30i-CFK Delivery rate (65 °C) 80 Tank temperature [°C] 70 60 50 WALL MOUNTING (incl. mounting rail and rear insulation) Hot water = 45 °C 2 x FWM30i-CU 3 x FWM30i-CU 30 20 Return flow primary [°C] 10 Cold water [°C] 0 4 x FWM30i-CU 5 10 15 20 2530 Tap capacity [l/min] RECIRCULATION PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE FWM15I-CFK/ FWM30I-CFK 14 Delivery rate [m3/h] 12 4 FWMi-CFK 6 3 FWMi-CFK 1 FWMi-CFK 0 FRESH WATER MODULE FWMi-CU CASCADE, Wall mounting set for FWM15i/30i without recirculation pump, consisting of wall insulation, wall mounting bracket and corrugated pipe connectors FWMi-WMS-CFK As FWMi-WMS (130 501) but for FWMi-modules 130 572 containing a recirculation pump FWMi-C-USB-IF USB-GlowPan Stick for commissioning of FWMi cascades - necessary for commissioning of FWMi-cascade 130 580 131 122 131 125 11.090,- 10.565,- 131 123 131 126 4.490,- 3.965,- TANK MOUNTING (on PSC-E) 2 x FWM30i-CU 2 - 60 l/min 3 x FWM30i-CU 2 - 90 l/min 4 x FWM30i-CU 2 - 120 l/min 131 127 131 130 6.390,- 5.865,- 131 128 131 131 8.290,- 7.765,- 131 129 131 132 FWMi-C Cascade set consisting of cascade valve, mounting rail, ball valves and accessories for mounting one FWM30i without recirculation pump 690,- FWMi-C-CFK As FWMi-C (130 570) but for FWMi-modules containing a recirculation pump 750,- 480,- FWMi-C-V Cascade valve (1 pc. per FWM30i, for cascade self-installation without wall mounting sets and cascade sets, max. 4 FWM30i per cascade) 249,- 245,- FWMi-C-AM Alarm module for FWMi cascade systems for connection to BMS, with 2 potential free outputs. on demand Commissioning of Cascademodule on demand 130 570 450,- 130 571 RECIRCULATION UPDATE FWMi-C-EXT 131 124 8.225,- FRESH WATER MODULE CASCADE - SINGLE ITEMS ACCESSORIES 130 617 131 121 8.750,- Note: For a profound dimensioning of FWM30i cascades please contact the SONNENKRAFT Sales Team Commissioning of FWM CASCADE sets: Please contact your SONNENKRAFT sales team 0 1 2 3 45 6 7 Delivery head [m] 130 501 2 - 120 l/min 5.525,- Surcharge per FWM30i-VA 1.100,Surcharge per FWM30i-VA-CFK (module incl. recirculation pump unit) 1.695,- 4 FWMi-WMS 2 - 90 l/min 6.050,- All cascade sets (see above) are available on demand also with fresh water modules with stainless steel brazed heat exchangers (via set change)! 2 FWMi-CFK 2 60 2 - 60 l/min FRESH WATER MODULE CASCADE - SETS WITH FWM30I-VA (via set change) 10 8 Without recirc. pump Hot water = 55 °C Hot water = 35 °C 40 Incl. 1 recirc. pump Wall mounting extension set, for upgrading existing wall mounted FMW15i/30i (131 117-C – 131 120-C) modules with a recirculation pump (order recirculation pump 130 456-C-VM separately) 130 589 130 620 FWM-IBN 160 415 350,- Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT FRESH WATER MODULES NEW! The FWM60/80 is a compact fresh water module for the production of domestic hot water via the continuous flow principal. For applications with a very high water demand it could also be used cascaded. HIGH QUALITY PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER HIGH EFFICIENCY FAIL-SAFE LARGE SCALES INSTALLATIONS Copper brazed for "normal" water quality, stainless steel brazed for "poor" water quality. The intelligent flow control ensures resistance to corrosion and scaling. The high efficiency of the module is based on the speed controlled and high efficient buffer charging and recirculation pumps, the heat exchanger with optimal profiling of the exchanger plates, the temperature stratification in the buffer tank and the intelligent MOD Bus compatible controller. The FWM60/80 enables a cascade connection which ensures a very high security of supply for projects with high hot water demand. SPECIFICATIONS FWM60 Dimensions WxHxD FWM80 646 x 530 x 190 mm Weight, without insulation ca. 60 kg ca. 65 kg Delivery rate 2-80 l/min 2-100 l/min Temperature range 30-65 (80) °C 1) FRESH WATER MODULES - WITHOUT RECIRCULATION PUMP FWM60 Fresh water module for hot water preparation, 60 l/min, CU-soldered PWT 4.095,- FWM80 Fresh water module for hot water preparation, 80 l/min, CU-soldered PWT 4.640,- FWM60VA Fresh water module for hot water preparation, 60 l/min, VA-soldered PWT 4.950,- FWM80VA Fresh water module for hot water preparation, 80 l/min, VA-soldered PWT 5.410,- 131 137 131 138 131 139 Maximum allowable water temperature in tank 95 °C Maximum allowable pressure in tank 10 bar Maximum allowable temperature of fresh warm water 65 °C 1) Min./max. pressure in cold water supply line 2 bar / 10 bar 1) In case of thermal disinfection. Thermal disinfection; max. 1 hour; activated manually 131 140 FRESH WATER MODULES - INCL. PRE-INSTALLED RECIRCULATION PUMP FWM60Z 131 141 FWM80Z 131 142 FWM60VAZ 131 143 RECOMMENDATION For a quick material selection (CU- or VA-soldering of the heat exchanger plates) please use the selection table from the fresh water module FWM15/30i (or the product data sheet). FWM80VAZ 131 144 5.410,- FWM60VA with recirculation pump 5.660,- FWM80VA with recirculation pump 6.180,- HIGH EFFICIENCY GOOD HYGIENE EC0NOMIC OPERATION The module has rapid reaction times without over- or undershooting the preset dispensing temperature. The fresh water module ensures hygienic fresh hot water. The speed controlled charging and high efficiency circulation pump saves energy. SPECIFICATIONS FRESH WATER MODULES FWM160 Delivery rate FWM80 with recirculation pump The freshwater module ensures hygienic hot water without scaling and with minimal stand-by losses for large systems. NEW! Weight, without insulation 4.790,- Cascaded solution with fresh water modules FWM60/FWM80 on demand. FWM160 Dimensions WxHxD FWM60 with recirculation pump MODULES FWM60/80 XL 746 x 1176 x 306 mm ca. 125 kg ca. 160 l/min (bei 60/45/10°C, prim. 9 m3/h u. Restförderhöhe 250 mbar) Temperature range 65 °C Maximum allowable water temperature in tank 95 °C Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT FWM160 131 145 Fresh water module for hot water preparation, 160 l/min Maximum allowable pressure in tank 3 bar Maximum allowable temperature of fresh warm water 95 °C Min./max. pressure in cold water supply line 2 bar / 10 bar 11.800,- 61 STRATIFICATION MODULE / CHARGING UNIT SLM50HE CONTROLLER WITH MANY FUNCTIONS HIGHER EFFICIENCY EASY INSTALLATION The innovative controller has a full graphic display and an easy operating panel. SD-card can be used for data logging. The SLM50HE guarantees an optimal stratification. There is an automated hydraulic balance of the solar system and integrated heat quantity measurement via flow sensor. The placement of the hydraulic connections in the bottom and the “click system” makes the SLM50HE very easy to handle. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (H x W x D) The stratification module SLM50HE is used in combination with PSC-E-tank for an external, solarthermal stratified charging the tank using solar energy. SLM50HE mm 850 x 470 x 285 kg ca. 25 Weight Entry temperature 60 °C (Glycol) / 29 °C (Water) Output temperature 35 °C (Glycol) / 54 °C (Water) Flow l/min 2 - 40 m 50 Collector area up to approx. 2 Suitable for drinking water STRATIFIED CHARGING MODULES SLM50HE 131 223 SLM50HE-O 131 219 Stratified charging module with high efficiency pumps, high performance heat exchanger, diverter valve for optimum stratification, for PSC tank and wall mounting, solar pump: Grundfos Solar PM2 15-75, controller: SKSC3HE 2.850,- like SLM50HE, but without controller 2.390,- no SOLAR PUMP / BUFFER LOADING PUMP MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE Collector circuit / Buffer circuit bar max. 6 / max. 3 SENSOR TYPES (PRIMARY/SECONDARY) SLM50HE Nominal output W 4 - 70 Max. delivery height m 0,3 - 7,5 230 / 50 VFS2-40 / VFS2-40 BM25HE ! NEbW le from Availa 016 April 2 The charging unit BM25HE is a cost saving solution for external solar thermal charging of storage tanks. UNIVERSAL USE ALTERNATIVE TO SLM50HE COST SAVING STORAGE CHARGING For all applications which do not require the high-class and on high-performance focused equipment of the SLM50HE (stratified valve, high performance heat exchanger). The charging unit allows the cost saving external charging of storage tank up to 25 m2 collector surface. SPECIFICATIONS BM25HE mm 850 x 470 x 285 kg ca. 22 Weight Entry temperature 60 °C (Glycol) / 29 °C (Water) Output temperature 35 °C (Glycol) / 54 °C (Water) Flow, prim./sek. VAC/ Hz VFD2-40 / VFD2-40F SLM50HE-O Dimensions (H x W x D) Nominal voltage The wall mounted charging unit could also be used for charging of already existing storage tanks. CHARGING UNIT BM25HE 131 233 Charging unit for approx. 10 - 25 m2 collector surface, with high efficiency pumps and heat exchanger, without charging valve, for PSC-E tank- or wall mounting, incl. 2-circuit-control-unit: Yonos Para HU 25/7.0 l/min 2 - 16 m2 25 SOLAR PUMP / BUFFER LOADING PUMP no Nominal voltage VAC/ Hz 230 / 50 MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE Nominal output W 3 - 45 Collector circuit / Buffer circuit Max. delivery height m 7 Collector area up to approx. Suitable for drinking water bar max. 6 / max. 3 2.090,- SENSOR TYPES (PRIMARY/SECONDARY) SLM50HE 62 VFD2-40 / - Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT STRATIFICATION MODULE XL SLM80HE/SLM80HE-TW The new stratification module SLM80HE for Collectorareas up to approx. 50 to 80 m2. NEW! HIGH SOLAR YIELD MODULE FOR "SMALL LARGE SCALE INSTALLATIONS" Optimal charging of a storage tank due to a high efficiency heat exchanger, speed-controlled pumps and a high qualitative thermal insulation for minimum heat losses. The SLM80HE closes the gap between SLM50HE and SLM120HE and saves money. SOLAR CONTROL UNIT FOR LARGE SCALE INSTALLATIONS The control unit is especially designed to meet the requirements of large scale installations and contains different, preset system configurations, special functions, the possibility of data reading, remote maintenance and integration into a building control system (BACnet) with SKSRDL3 data logger. STRATIFICATION MODULES SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight mm kg Entry temperature SLM80HE SLM80HE-TW 829 x 676 x 298 829 x 674 x 298 41 42 60 °C (Glycol) / 20 °C (Water) Output temperature 29,4 °C (Glycol) / 55 °C (Water) Flow, prim. / sec. m3/h 1,23 / 0,99 Pressure loss, prim. / sek. kPa 12,2 / 8,8 Capacity kW 40 Piping prim. / sek. " Permitted operating temp. °C Permitted operating pressure bar SLM80HE-TW 131 232 4.790,- like SLM80HE, but also useable for charging of domestic hot water tanks 6.990,- PUMP SPECIFICATIONS Rated voltage 1 120 (prim.) / 95 (sec.) Suitable for drinking water 131 231 Note: 3-way valve for SLM80HE not included, see chapter accessories (DWV25) 1 / 1 /4 1/1 SLM80HE Stratification module for approx. 50 - 80 m2 (at max. 25 l / (h*m2) resp. up to 100 m2 (at max. 15 l / (h*m2)) collector surface, with high efficiency pumps and high performance heat exchanger, for wall mounting, solar circuit pump: Solar PML 25-145. 6/3 6 / 10 no yes SLM80HE V / Hz SLM80HE-TW 230 / 50 Power consumption W 140 / 45 140 / 140 Max current consumption A 1,18 / 0,48 1,18 / 1,16 Max. delivery height m 14 / 7,5 14 / 10 XL SLM120/200/300HE DIRECT CHARGING OF DRINKING WATER TANKS HIGH SOLAR YIELD SOLAR CONTROL UNIT FOR LARGE SCALE INSTALLATIONS Now also direct charging of a drinking water tank is possible, which results in a very simple and inexpensive system design. Optimal solar tank charging by high-performance heat exchanger and speed-controlled pumps. All components are 100% thermally insulated. The control unit is especially designed to meet the requirements of large scale installations. It contains different, preset system configurations, special functions, the possibility of data reading, remote maintenance and integration into building control systems (BACnet) with SKSRDL3 data logger. SPECIFICATIONS SLM120HE SLM200HE SLM300HE Dimensions (H x W x D) SLM120HE: 691 x 1086 x 291 SLM200/300HE: 746 x 1119 x 356 Weight mm kg 90 115 Entry temperature 60 °C (Glycol) 29 °C (Water) Output temperature 35 °C (Glycol) 54 °C (Water) 120 kPa 2,3 / 1,6 Capacity kW 60 120 180 6/4 2 2 " °C Permitted operating pressure bar 6,9 / 6,2 5,83 / 7,07 7,36 / 8,62 max. 110 / max. 90 (prim./sec.) Suitable for drinking water Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 131 224 131 225 Pressure loss, prim. / sek. Permitted operating temp. SLM120HE Stratification module for approx. 80 - 120 m2 collector surface, with high efficiency pumps, high performance heat exchanger, for wall mounting, solar circuit pump: Stratos Para 20/1-12 9.150,- like SLM120HE, but for approx. 120 - 200 m2 m3/h 2,37 / 2,05 4,6 / 4,2 Piping prim. / sek. STRATIFICATION MODULES SLM200HE collector surface, solar circuit pump: Stratos Flow, prim. / sec. MODULES The SLM120/200/300HE pre-installed stratified charging module is the ideal solution for the highly-efficient stratified charging of backup tanks and also (NEW!) the direct charging of drinking water tanks. It is the optimal supply of thermal solar energy to multifamily houses, hotels, camp sites, sports facilities and other large-scale facilities. 9.790,- Para 30/1-12 like SLM120HE, but for approx. 200 - 300 m2 SLM300HE collector surface, solar circuit pump: Stratos 131 226 11.590,- Para 30/1-12 PUMP SPECIFICATIONS Rated voltage Power consumption SOLAR V / Hz PUFFER 230 / 50 W 16 - 310 8 - 130 10 Max current consumption A 0,16 - 1,37 0,07 - 0,95 yes Max. delivery height m 12 8 63 HEATING MODULES HKM20HE The HKM20HE is used to support the floor heating and/or radiator heating system with solar heat. UNIQUE MOUNTING OPTIONS HIGH EFFICIENCY PUMP The HKM20HE can be mounted directly on the PSC-E tank or it can be wall mounted. The high efficiency pump of the The powerful pump enables HKM20HE reduces considerbridging over larger pressure ably the electrical power losses in the system. consumption for the operation of the heating circuit. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions H x W x D Heat output (vmax 1 m/s) Delivery height of circulation pump Kvs HEATING CIRCUIT MODULES 635 x 255 x 225 mm 9 kW (∆t 10K) - 18 kW (∆t 20K) 990,- 131 222 Like HKM20HE, but without control unit 860,- HKM20/ RAS20-WMS Wall mounting kit for HKM20/RAS20 95,- 131 221 4 max. 3 bar Operating temperature max. 115° C Tank connections Heating circuit module for one weather controlled heating circuit, incl. high efficiency pump Grundfos Alpha 2, mixing valve and SKSCEM1 control unit with 1 outdoor sensor, 1 supply line sensor and 1 V-Bus cable HKM20HE 6m Operating pressure Heating circuit connections MORE DELIVERY HEIGHT HKM20HE-O Compression fitting ø 22 mm 130 522 External thread G 1 flat seal More heating circuit modules please see next page "additional hydraulic modules & accessories" RAS20 RAS20 is a heating module which supports the oil/gas condensing boiler with solar energy. The mixing valve and the controlled operation make the solar energy last much longer. It works especially well in retrofit solutions, when installing solar in combination with traditional heating solutions. UNIQUE MOUNTING OPTIONS OPTIMAL EFFICIENCY COMPENSATED RETURN INCREASE The RAS20 can be mounted directly on the PSC-E tank or it can be wall mounted (for retrofit systems). The RAS20 guarantees the optimal efficiency using solar energy for the heating system. The stratification in the tank is not disrupted. The oil/gas condensing boiler is only supplied with exactly as much heat as needed. The result is a minimum fuel bill. SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions H x W x D Heat output (vmax 1 m/s) Kvs Operating pressure / temperature Heating circuit connections Tank connections 64 635 x 255 x 225 mm 9 kW (∆t 10K) - 18 kW (∆t 20K) 4 max. 3 bar / max. 115° C Compression fitting ø 22 mm External thread G 1 flat seal EFFICIENCY IMPROVING MODULE RAS20 131 325 HKM20/ RAS20-WMS 130 522 Heating module to increase the efficiency of condensing boilers through solar energy, incl. 3 sensors 735,- Wall mounting kit for HKM20/RAS20 95,- Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT XL ADDITIONAL HYDRAULIC MODULES & ACCESSORIES SOLAR PUMPING STATION, WITH CONTROLLER PUMP SETS Consists of: high efficieny solar pump, 2 return line ball valves with integrated gravity brake, safety valve 6 bar, thermometer and 1 manometer, flow indicator 1-13 l/min, air vent, 2-circuit solar control SKSC2HE unit incl. 4 PT1000 sensors, for mounting on wall, cap valve 3/4” female, testing or emptying Consists of: circulation pump, pump ball valves including screw pipe joint, check valve, thermometer and clamping ring screw connections Cu22 (or 3/4“ female threads for PS209HE), incl. insulation 131 336 795,- 131 334 415,- PS209HE Pump set with pump UPM3 Solar 15-75 620,- Drinking water pump set with star pump UPML 20-105N (C signal) 690,- 131 414 PS25TWHE 131 411 Consists of: high efficiency solar pump, return line ball valve with integrated gravity brake, solar safety valve 6 bar, thermometer and manometer, 1 flushing and filling valve, flow indicator 1-13 l/min, expansion tank connection set, connections with clamping ring screw for Cu22, for wall mounting with HE-solar pump Yonos Para 15/7.0 Pump set with Yonos PARA RS 25/6-3 131 402 SOLAR PUMPING STATION, WITHOUT CONTROLLER, 1-LINE INSULATED RLG1 PS2570 LARGE-SCALE PUMPING STATIONS* Consists of: energy saving circulation pump, pump ball valve incl. union and non return valve PS3010S Pump set with Stratos 30/1-12 EM pump 1.275,- PS30TWS Drinking water pump set with pump Stratos Z 30/1-12 EM 1.875,- 131 407 450,131 408 SOLAR PUMPING STATION, WITHOUT CONTROLLER, 2-LINE INSULATED Consists of: high efficiency solar pump, 2 return line ball valves with integrated gravity brake, solar safety valve 6 bar, 2 thermometers and 1 manometer, 1 flushing and filling valve, air vent, flow indicator 1-13 l/min, expansion tank connection set, connections with clamping ring screw for Cu22, for wall mounting RLG2 131 335 mit HE-Solarpumpe Yonos Para 15/7.0 HEATING CIRCUIT MODULES FOR WALL MOUNTING HKM25-G 131 227 495,HKM25A-G 131 228 ACCESSORIES FOR PUMPING STATION RLG1/2 RLG-ES 130 663 Connection set for 2 collector fields or 2 tanks, for RLG1 (131334) and RLG2 (131335) 45,HKM25-UG 131 229 SOLAR PUMPING STATION FOR LARGE INSTALLATIONS* RLGZ100 182 326 RLGZ200 182 333 HKM25A-UG 131 230 2-line pumping station DN25, HE-pump SOLAR PM2 25-105, incl. ball valves, manometer, thermometer and air vent unit. 1.090,- 2-line pumping station DN32, HE-pump SOLAR PML 32-145, incl. ball valves, manometer, thermometer and air vent unit. 1.290,- HKM25-VM2 130 682 130 683 HKM25-WH1 * Deliverytime on demand 130 684 ACCESSORIES SKBRLG 130 003 ZWV20 130 004 ZWV25 130 089 HKM25-VM3 HKM25-WH2 Gravity brake 20 mbar for system heights > 11 m 52,- MAG-SK 2-way motor valve 3/4”, closed when power is off (not shown) 95,- 2-way motor valve 1”, closed when power is off (not shown) 99-, Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 130 685 132 205 KSG25 132 206 Heating circuit module DN25, for mixed heating circuits, with pump Yonos Para RS 25/6 RKA, nominal capacity at vmax 1 m/s ΔT 10K (20K) 14 kW (28 kW) kvs mixing valve 6,3 650,- like HKM25-G but with pump Alpha 2 25-60 with autoadapt. function RKA, nominal capacity at vmax 1m/s ΔT 10K (20K) 14kW (28kW) kvs mixing valve 6,3 730,- Heating circuit module DN25, for modulated heating circuits, with pump Yonos Para RS 25/6 RKA, nominal capacity at vmax 1 m/s ΔT 20K 40 kW 430,- like HKM25-UG but with pump Alpha 2 25-60 with autoadapt. function RKA, nominal capacity at vmax 1 m/s ΔT 20K 40 kW 480,- Distribution module for 2 heating circuit modules HKM25(A)-U(G) 269,- Distribution module for 3 heating circuit modules HKM25(A)-U(G) 505,- Wall mounting unit for 1 heating circuit module HKM25(A)-U(G) 21,- Wall mounting unit for 2 heating circuit modules HKM25(A)U(G) and 1 distribution module HKM25-VM2/VM3 69,- Quick connect for expansion tanks G with emptying 25,- Security unit for closed heating systems according DIN EN12828, with manometer, safety valve and air vent, incl. insulation 49,- NEW! MODULES RLG2-B solar pumping station Yonos Para 15/7.0 with high efficiency pump, up to approx. 50 m2 collector surface, for wall mounting or installation directly on PSW-tanks. 65 SOLAR AND HEATING CONTROL UNITS ACCESSORIES 220,- 3-circuit control unit, 3 speed-controlled and 1 floating output, 8 sensor inputs, 2 outputs to control high efficiency pumps (PWM-signal), SD memory card, 2 inputs for flow sensor, 2 integrated heat meter, graphic display, 13 selectable installation programs (included in delivery; 6 sensors) 510,- Heating circuit module for SKSC3HE control units, for a weather-controlled heating circuit (with a weekly timer switch and HW priority, max. 3 pcs. per SKSC3HE control unit). Incl. flow and outdoor sensor, 5 outputs for recirculation pump, 3-way-diverter valve, external auxiliary heating for hot water and heating and 1 floating output; 6 sensor inputs (included in delivery: outdoor sensor, supply line sensor, V-Bus cable) V-Bus connector conductor and V-Bus cable 295,- SKSCRAS 2 outputs to control a 3-way valve, 3 sensor inputs, VBus, (included in delivery: 2 sensors) 350,- SKSRTA11 Remote control unit for SKSCEM1, for adjusting heating curves 45,- SKSLAN-A Interface adapter VBus-LAN for SKSC2HE and SKSC3HE incl. software programming and visualisation of the system data 189,- SKSGFR Solar cell for SKSC3HE, for recording the current solar irradiation 85,- SKSRDL2 Data logger for SKSC2HE, SKSC3HE and SKSWMZ2 incl. software and system monitoring. 395,- BACnet functionality for BACnet-conform transmission and reception of data for SKSC3HE. Note: remote system visualization via possible 650,- SKSC2HE CONTROL UNITS 141 182 SKSC3HE 141 190 SKSCEM1 141 185 SKSC2HE SKSC3HE SKSC2HE SKSC3HE HE pump drive Speed-controlled semiconductor relay units 2 3 Floating standard relay outputs (additional) 1 Sensor inputs 4 8 Digital GF Vortex Sensor inputs 1 2 141 186 141 192 141 187 141 112 Inputs for irradiation sensor 1 Impulse input for volume measuring instrument 1 141 147 SD Card slot SKSRDL3 Heat quantity measurement/-bilancing SK-V Bus communication interface / / Languages 182 482 SKSCAM 3 141 140 Alarm module for SKSC2HE and SKSC3HE 119,- SKSSD3 Smart display for SKSC2HE and SKSC3HE D/GB D/GB/I/F/E 295,- Heating circuit module (optional) Data logger / PC reading (optional) Requirement function external heater 141 171 PSW-B Pump signal converter for the connection of speed controlled high efficiency pumps running with PWM- or 0-10 V to control units without corresponding output signal (e.g. change to high efficiency pumps, transformation of speed controlled 230 V outgoing signal to PWM- or 0-10 V signal. Min. temp. for heat sources Max. temp. for heat consumer Excess temp. for heat sources Emergency shut-off Recooling SKSPT1000K Antifreeze 141 106 Temperature sensor for collectors with PT1000 characteristics Ø 5,5 mm, 27 mm 19,- Legionella protection SKSPT1000S Temperature sensor for tanks with PT1000 characteristics Ø 6 mm, 45 mm 16,- Reheating/circulation Operating days counter for control unit SKRTH Immersion tube, chromed, incl. cable gland, inner diameter 6,5 mm 12,- SBATHE 141 193 89,- GENERAL ACCESSORIES 141 107 141 109 Operating hours counting for relay Common circuits with priority logic 141 110 Immersion tube for swimming pools, stainless steel, for use in chlorinated water 95,- SKSRÜS Overvoltage protector for collector sensors 29,- Stainless spring steel hose, for UV-resistant coating of the sensor cables and as protection against damage from animals, 1m, inner diameter 15 mm 32,- Parallel operation of relay outputs 141 113 PRESSURE SWITCHES / SENSORS DS0-10-S 130 667 DSRPI0-10 130 668 66 XL 2-circuit control unit, 2 temp. difference outputs, 2 outputs to control high efficiency pumps (PWM-signal), 4 sensor inputs and 1 input for GF Vortex-sensor, 10 selectable installation programs (included in delivery; 4 sensors; V-bus connector conductor Pressure switch 0-10 bar, for pressure control of solar systems (minimum pressure control for the system protection), incl. 1 m cable with free end, output switch signal 24 V DC and 250 V AC at 7,5 mA to 3 A Relative pressure sensor 0-10 bar, for constant pressure monitoring resp. for system protection (minimum pressure) for solar systems, incl. 2 m cable, supply voltage 12,5 - 30 V DC, output signal 4 20 mA, G 1/2, incl. shielded four-conductor sensor cable with cable ending M12x1 NEW! 99,- FSE 141 867 HEAT VOLUME METERS Heat volume meter, bus connection to SKSC3HE and SKSRDL, up to approx. 150 m2 collector surface area incl. display module, 2 temperature sensors, 2 immersion sleeves SKSRV25 and volume gauge 2,5 m3/h 495,- SKSRV06 Volume measuring instrument V40-25 for SKSWMZ2 up to approx. 25 m2 collector surface area 225,- SKSRV25 Volume measuring instrument V40-25 for SKSWMZ2 up to approx. 150 m2 collector surface area 225,- Heat volume meter up to approx. 30 m2 collector surface area, incl. display module, 2 temperature sensors, 2 immersion sleeves and volume gauge 1,5 m3/h 265,- SKSWMZ2 141 146 141 114 215,- 141 115 SKSWMZ-ECO 141 122 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS ACCESSORIES HEAT EXCHANGERS PWT20I 141 230 PWT30I 141 231 PWT40I 141 232 435,- Up to 40 m2 collector surface area 465,- 470,- PWT30SI Up to approx. 30 m2 collector surface area 525,- PWT50SI Up to approx. 50 m collector surface area 570,- PWT70SI Up to approx. 70 m2 collector surface area 590,- PWT120SI Up to approx. 120 m2 collector surface area 730,- 141 234 • PWTI and PWTSI with high-quality directly foamed PU insulation, diffusion proof and recyclable 141 235 141 236 • Complete solar heat exchanger portfolio for every field of application - PWTSI long heat exchanger design for low flow solar systems, stratified charging, etc. - PWTI short heat exchanger design for system separation solar/heating, etc. - Swimming pool heat exchanger SBPWT in stainless steel for chlorine water, SBPWT-S in titanium for saltwater 141 237 2 ACCESSORIES PWTI/PWTSI PWTA Connectors for plate heat exchangers, 4 pcs., suitable for Cu22 95,- Connectors for plate heat exchangers, 4 pcs, 1" female threat (union nut) - 1" male thread 90,- PWTH Holder for plate heat exchanger PWTI 49,- PWTHS Holder for plate heat exchanger PWTSI 50,- 141 221 • Wide assortment of individually designed heat exchangers on request PWTA-1/1-SET CONNECTION 141 228 HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH WEIGHT EMPTY mm mm mm kg kW " PWT20I 346 175 105 4,7 11 G1-G1 PWT30I 346 175 135 5,9 17 G1-G1 PWT40I 346 175 179 7 22 G1-G1 PWT20SI 582 175 105 4,7 11 G1-G1 PWT30SI 582 175 105 5,66 17 G1-G1 PWT50SI 582 175 105 6,3 27 G1-G1 PWT70SI 582 175 105 7,26 38 G1-G1 141 219 PWT120SI 582 175 135 9,5 60 G1-G1 SBPWT20-ISO SBPWT20 296 125 96,4 5,9 11 G1-G5/4 SBPWT50 532 125 147 14 27,5 G1-G5/4 SBPWT20-S 460 200 220 27 12 R5/4-R5/4 SBPWT50-S 460 200 220 30 30 R5/4-R5/4 SBPWT100-S 460 200 220 33 60 R5/4-R5/4 141 222 141 238 SBPWT20 141 217 SBPWT50 141 218 SBPTW50-ISO 141 220 SBPWTA 141 226 PWTA-1/1 141 229 SWIMMING POOL HEAT EXCHANGER SBS20 Installing a plate heat exchanger before the chlorine feed of a swimming pool circuit. For aluminium pools and saltwater exclusively swimming pool heat exchangers SBPWT-S are suitable. Attention: Avoid overheating the swimming pool side! Limit the solar side temperature with a fixed value control (55°C) or else switch off the solar pump by means of a safety thermostat (55°C) in the plate HE. Never allow the solar pump to run with the swimming pool pump switched off! 141 403 SBS50 141 401 RIPPED TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS Up to 20 m2 collector surface area 470,- Up to 50 m2 collector surface area 770,- Insulation for SBPWT20 125,- Insulation for SBPWT50 125,- Connection for SBPWT plate heat exchanger, 2 pcs, suitable for Cu 22 (connectors on pool side not included) 49,- Connectors for plate heat exchangers, 2 pcs, 1" female thread (union nut) - 1" male thread (connectors on pool side not included) 45,- Swimming pool set, up to 20 m2 collector surface area, consisting of swimming pool heat exchanger SBPWT20, pump set PS2570, three-way valve DWF25, non return valve and thermostat 1.390,- Swimming pool set, up to 50 m2 collector surface area, consisting of swimming pool heat exchanger SBPWT50, pump set PS209HE, three-way set value control DWF25 1.790,- SWIMMING POOL HEAT EXCHANGER (TITANIUM) Note: ripped tube heat exchangers incl. screw connectors and electrical insulations are available on request! SBPWT20-S 141 742 SBPWT50-S DIMENSIONING 141 743 1 m2 ribbed tube heat exchanger suffices for approx. 4 m2 collector area, 1m2 smooth tube heat exchanger for approx. 6 m2 collector area. Electrical insulation is essential when ribbed tube heat exchangers are used as they safeguard the functioning of the protective anode. SBPWT100-S 141 744 SBPWT20/50/ 100-S-ISO Bolted titanium plate heat exchanger, for saltwater, up to 20 m2 collector surface 3.090,- Bolted titanium plate heat exchanger, for saltwater, up to 50 m2 collector surface 3.390,- Insulation for SBPWT20-S 5.290,- Insulation for SBPWT50-S 890,- 141 745 Deliverytime approx. 4 weeks 67 ACCESSORIES SWIMMING POOL HEAT EXCHANGER *) Performance rating in kW at: 50/42-36/44 °C (PWTI), 60/35-29/54 °C (PWTSI), 35/24-22/26 °C (SBPWT), 42/32-22/30 °C (SBPWT-S), measurements and weights PWTI/PWTSI inclusive and SBPWT(-S) exclusive insulation Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT Up to 30 m2 collector surface area Up to approx. 20 m2 collector surface area • High-quality stainless steel heat exchanger plates with highly efficient plate corrugation (SOLARSECONDARY) 395,- PWT20SI 141 233 POWER* Up to 20 m2 collector surface area Low Flow: for stratified charging or tank to tank transfer FEATURES PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER TYPE XL Stainless steel plates, copper soldered, including highly efficient, directly PU-foamed insulation High Flow Types: for solar in the heating return or system isolation. ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES SOLAR CIRCUIT SKR500 connection set, transitions to 2x1” female and 2x CU22 IDMK connection set, transitions to 2x1” female and 2x CU22 SK500 Connection set, transitions to 1" female/ male and 2 x Cu22 Collector connection set or ct le l Co DN 16 VK25 Connection set, transitions to 3/4" female/ male and 2 x Cu22 Expansion tank connection set ASAG Clamp set consisting of 4 oval pipe clamps, anchors and bench screws Buffer tank with connection to expansion tank and collectors FLEXIBLE STAINLESS STEEL PIPES Quick pipe laying for solar systems for indoor and outdoor usage. 2 corrugated stainless steel pipes including sensor line, fully insulated in closed-cell rubber. stainless steel corrugated hose set 10 m stainless steel corrugated hose set 15 m stainless steel corrugated hose set 20 m stainless steel corrugated hose set 50 m DN 16 DN 20 EWRID16-10 EWRID20-10 250,- 295,- EWRID16-15 EWRID20-15 360,- 430,- EWRID16-20 EWRID20-20 EWRID25-20 490,- 570,- 695,- EWRID16-50 EWRID20-50 EWRID25-50 1.090,- 1.290,- 1.590,- 141 809 141 810 141 811 141 815 DN 25 141 812 141 813 141 814 141 816 MAG connection set for expansion tanks (AGS), transitions to 2 x 3/4” female, 1 x bow 3/4” female/male Coupling set consisting of 2 couplings DN 16 - DN 16 for extending EWRID Copper connection set Cu2: ERWID to KR22 (2 pieces) SK500N-ECO-AL IDMK25 (connected in series) ASIDMK-20 141 820 57,- 72,- ASSK500-16 141 821 ASSK500-20 141 822 57,- 72,- ASVK25-16 141 823 ASVK25-20 141 824 59,- 75,- ASAG-16 141 829 ASAG-20 141 830 39,- 48,- EWRIDM16 141 825 EWRIDM20 141 826 EWRIDM25 141 853 25,- 26,- 26,- EWRIDK-16 141 827 EWRIDK-20 141 828 EWRIDK-25 141 854 42,- 55,- 75,- ASCU16 141 831 ASCU20 141 832 ASCU25 141 855 48,- 52,- 32,- AS16-CU22 141 835 AS20-CU22 141 838 AS25-CU22 141 850 22,- 22,- 31,- - - - - AS20-IG25 141 836 AS25-IG25 141 851 - 23,- 31,- 31,- Connection EWRID x 1" male thread, flat sealing AS16-AG25 141 834 AS20-AG25 141 837 AS25-AG25 141 852 22,- 23,- 25,- 141 848 141 849 Ø LENGTH COLL. DN 16 10 m 5 pcs. DN 16 15 m 5 pcs. DN 16 20 m 5 pcs. DN 20 10 m 6 pcs. DN 20 15 m 6 pcs. DN 20 20 m 6 pcs. DN 16 10 m 4 pcs. DN 16 15 m 4 pcs. DN 16 20 m 4 pcs. DN 20 10 m 6 pcs. DN 20 15 m 6 pcs. DN 20 20 m 6 pcs. NEW! PROTECTION FOR STAINLESS STEEL PIPES Note: Please use ALUFLEX-tubes or aluminium sheet metal cover for a longer UV-resistance of EWRID! EWRID-SSL Design data in the table are based on 30 l/m2/h, ST 20/6 pump, max. level, water/FS antifreeze concentrate = 60 %/40 % at 40°C. 30 % of the regular (straight) pressure loss is used to compensate the pressure loss in pipe bends and 50 mbar for the solar station and tank. 68 ASIDMK-16 141 819 AS16-IG25 141 833 DIMENSIONING SKR500 72,- Connection EWRID x 1" female thread, flat sealing Maximum possible collector surface areas per collector field - the number of collectors can be increased by wiring the collector fields in parallel. (connected in parallel) - 57,- - 141 844 (connected in series) DN 25 Connection EWRID ø 22 mm cylindric joint Delivery time for EWRID16-50 and EWRID20-50 is 15 days SK500L DN 20 ASSKR500-16 ASSKR500-20 141 817 141 818 ALUFLEX60 141 861 ALUFLEX70 141 862 PET-braided sleeve for single pipes EWRID16-25, 50 meters, for additional protection against UV-radiation (2 years guarantee) and mechanical caused damages (for example birds) 116,- Flexible aluminium spiral duct diameter 60mm, 10 meter spiral duct with grooved structure to improve the UV resistance of outdoor mounted single EWRID pipes diameter 16-20, limited also for diameter 25 (up to max. approx. 2-3 meters) excl. aluminium adhesive tape for pipe ends and cut off pieces (on site). 182,- like ALUFLEX60, but with diameter 70mm and for EWRID single pipes diameter 25 189,- FLEXIBLE PIPE FOR UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION Flexible insulated copper pipe for underground installation. To avoid risky underground connections please order always the exactly required number of meters! Price per meter NEW! CUFLEX22-DR 141 856 Double copper pipe Cu22 x Cu22 x outer diameter 90 86,- CUFLEX28-DR 141 857 Double copper pipe Cu28 x Cu28 x outer diameter 90 106,- CUFLEX22 141 518 Single copper pipe Cu22 x outer diameter 65 47,- CUFLEX28 141 519 Single copper pipe Cu28 x outer diameter 65 58,- CUFLEX22-SEK 141 858 End cap for CUFLEX 22 (weather and UVprotection) 52,- CUFLEX28-GEK 141 859 End cap for CUFLEX 28 (weather and UVprotection) 21,- CUFLEX-DR-GEK Rubber cap for CuFlex 22/28 DR (Weather39,141 860 and UV-protection) Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT ACCESSORIES ANTIFREEZE FOR FLAT PLATE COLLECTORS COMPONENTS Note: Set dimensioning AGS/FS based on approx. 10m statical height, approx. 20m EWRID/CU tube, safety valve 6 bar, optimal system pressure, good stagnation behavior of collector field, 40% glycol. Propylene glycol, food safe and bio-degradable, with corrosion protection. Concentrate for flat plate collectors, white, clear liquid. FS05 140 004 FS10 140 005 FS200 140 021 ANTIFREEZE FOR FLAT PLATE AND VACUUM TUBE COLLECTORS Coll. surface area Antifreeze FS* (l) Antifreeze FSV** (l) 2,5 m 5 15 5m 10 25 7,5 m2 15 35 2 10 m 20 40 15 m2 25 60 30 m2 30 75 40 m 35 90 2 2 55,- Capacity 8l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 3/4“, male thread 39,- AG18S Capacity 18l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 3/4“, male thread 49,- AG25S Capacity 25l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 3/4“, male thread 59,- AG33S Capacity 33l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 3/4“, male thread 95,- AG50S Capacity 50l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 3/4“, male thread 159,- AG80S Capacity 80l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 1“, male thread 199,- AG100S Capacity 100l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 1“, male thread 249,- AG140S Capacity 150l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 1“, male thread 360,- AG200S Capacity 200l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 1“, male thread 485,- AG300S Capacity 300l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 1“, male thread 590,- AG500S Capacity 500l, admission pressure 2,5 bar, connection 1“, male thread 1.390,- 141 321 141 303 Up to coll. surface area AGS VSG 5m 18 5 7,5 m2 25 5 10 m2 33 8 12,5 m 50 12 15 m2 50 18 80 18 100 50 30 m 10 l container AG8S 141 302 flat plate collectors: 2 1.250,- For solar hot and cooling water systems, max. operating pressure 10 bar, max. operating temperature 70°C (at the membrane), wall mounting up to AG25S included, from AG33S with support bracket SELECTION TABLE FOR EXPANSION TANKS 22,5 m 200 l container EXPANSION TANKS SOLAR 141 301 2 69,- ANTIFREEZE FOR VACUUM TUBE COLLECTORS 140 007 ** Ready mixed solar fluid 2 10 l container Readymixed fluid for evacuated tube collectors. FS10V *Required concentrate volume when mixing 40% vol. antifreeze FS with 60% vol. water (up to n.a. 24°C) (values apply for approx. 30m Cu22) 2 39,- Tab. applies for approx. 30 m Cu22 and ∆h = 5 - 15 m / pipe sizing according to SONNENKRAFT manuals. VSG are needed especially for low system heights (<5m) 141 320 141 305 141 306 141 322 141 307 141 308 141 314 MAG connection, corrugated stainless MAGAS-1500 steel pipe, uninsulated, length 1,5m, DIMENSIONING OF EXPANSION TANKS 141 531 - The dimensioning has to be according the latest technical standard - the effective volume of the expansion tank has to be as large as -that it is able to bear the heat expansion of the liquid heat transfer medium as well as -the steam volume in the case of stagnation (steam volume collector) connection 3/4“, female thread 35,- KVAG20 Cap valve 3/4“ female, Test unit with drain valve 33,- KVAG25 Cap valve 1“ female, Test unit with drain valve 49,- 140 011 140 012 - in case of doubt always select the next bigger size of the tank SOLAR SYSTEM INTERMEDIATE TANK Setting pre-pressure of expansion tank/operating pressure Height difference (height collector field height expansion tank) Pre-pressure expansion tank (setting at valve, behind cover cap. Operating pressure at 20 °C (0,2 - 0,5 mbar above pre-pressure) <5m ~ 1,5 bar ~ 1,8 bar < 10 m ~ 2,0 bar ~ 2,3 bar < 15 m ~ 2,5 bar ~ 2,8 bar > 15 m required specific dimensioning of the safety unit VSG5 Intermediate tank 5 l, connection 2 x 3/4“ male 39,- VSG8 Intermediate tank 8 l, connection 2 x 3/4“ male 45,- VSG12 Intermediate tank 12 l, connection 2 x 3/4“ male 75,- VSG18 Intermediate tank 18 l, connection 2 x 3/4“ male 59,- VSG50 Intermediate tank 50 l, connection 2 x 3/4“ male 125,- VSG105 Intermediate tank 105 l, connection 2 x 1“ male 235,- VSG200 Intermediate tank 200 l, connection 2 x 1“ male 950,- 141 325 141 326 141 316 141 327 141 328 141 329 141 319 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 69 ACCESSORIES 2 5 l container ACCESSORIES COMPONENTS ACCESSORIES TBM20 Thermostatic domestic water mixer 3/4“, incl. backflow inhibitor 85,- TBM25 Thermostatic domestic water mixer 1“, incl. backflow inhibitor 155,- 120 013 120 014 ELECTRICAL HEATING CARTRIDGES SOLAR FLOW VOLUME METER Immersion heater with 6/4“ male thread use only for secondary heating EHP25 120 001 EHP45 120 002 EHP6 120 003 EHP9 120 004 DMS20 2,5 kW, 400 V reconnectable to 230 V, 390 mm fitting length 259,- 4,5 kW, 400 V, 470 mm fitting length 305,- 6,0 kW, 400 V, 620 mm fitting length 325,- 9,0 kW, 400 V, 780 mm fitting length 349,- 130 005 DMS25 130 006 DMS20-HT 130 336 ELECTRICAL HEATING INFORMATION Selecting the electrical cartridge: Using a 2,5kW cartridge, approx. 100 l water can be heated in approx. 1,5 hrs from 10° up to 40°C. Observe local connection regulations. The electrical cartridges are only intended for auxiliary heating and horizontal installation (not for continuous operation). Table for Electrical heaters DMS25-HT 130 337 Flow volume meter 3/4” female thread, 2-12 l/min (~30 m2 coll. area), max. 130°C 159,- Flow volume meter 1” female thread, 10-40 l/min (~30-120 m2 coll. area), max 130°C 169,- Flow volume meter for high temperatur applications, 3/4” female thread, 2-12 l/min (~30 m2 coll. area), max. 185°C (long term) or 195°C (short term), incl. sealing plug set 195,- Flow volume meter for high temperatur applications, 1” female thread, 10-40 l/min (~30-120 m2 coll. area), max. 185°C (long term) or 195°C (short term), incl. sealing plug set 205,- TANK DHW200PR2E* DHW300/400/500PR2E* DHWB300PR2* DHW750/1000R2E* PSR500E PSR800/1000E PSC800/1000E PS800/1000E PS1500/2000E PS3000E PS5000E MOTOR VALVES WITH SPRING RETURN 230V EHP25(-FP*) THREE-WAY SET-VALUE CONTROL EHP45(-FP*) Can be set between 40°C and 70°C for limiting temperature, incl. thermal actuator and capillary tube. Install according to instructions. EHP EHP6 DWV20 130 007 EHP9 DWV25 130 008-2 PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT KP 141 603 NWM 141 631 FSP 141 601 PHMS 141 602 PMM 141 604 FPE 141 606 PRKO 141 630 TGSK 141 607 TGSKR-E 141 629 MSSK500 141 608 SK500AP 110 031 SKR500AP 110 097 70 Compass with inclination angle meter DWV32 85,- 3-way motor valve 1” female thread 90,- 3-way motor operated valve 5/4”, incl. electric actuator 130 449 395,- DWF20 3-way distributor valve 3/4” incl. actuator 205,- DWF25 3-way distributor valve 1” incl. actuator 229,- DWF32 3-way fixed-value controller 5/4”, incl. drive and 2 m capillary tube 520,- Sealing disc for bench screw ø12 mounting sytems on sheet metal roofing 4,50 130 009 130 010 95,- 3-way motor valve 3/4” female thread 130 088 Inclination angle meter 25,- Antifreeze tester for propylene glycol 125,- Litmus stripes for pH between 4 and 10 (for checking older systems), 100 pcs. 25,- STAINLESS STEEL CORRUGATED PIPE, INSULATED Test manometer for expansion tank 99,- Stainless steel corrugated pipe with 1” female/1” male thread screw connections allows solder free and flexible pipe laying into the house and accommodates heat expansion (fitting sealing collar see IDMK-AL). Filling pump with barrel, hose and pressure pump, 230 V, 50 m delivery head 615,- Test kit for solar power system maintenance 305,- Collector strap for SK500 105,- ACCESSORIES SS12350DS 182 101 IWS50 Corrugated connector hose; 50 cm long 25,- IWS100 Corrugated connector hose; 100 cm long 35,- IWS300 Corrugated connector hose; 300 cm long 75,- SDD EPDM sealing collar for diameter 6-70mm with roof mounting flange 30,- 141 520 141 521 141 522 140 085 Collector strap for SKR500 69,- Installation wrench for SK500 10,- ETI18 Air vent 18 mm, weatherproof insulated 75,- Cover for SK500 189,- ETI22 Air vent 22 mm, weatherproof insulated 79,- Cover for SKR500 169,- ETI28 Air vent 28 mm, weatherproof insulated 85,- AIR VENTS 140 001 140 002 140 003 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SERVICE NOTES Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 71 NOTES 72 Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT SERVICE NOTES Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 73 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS 1. General information 1.1. These terms and conditions shall form an integral part of every quotation of the registered company Sonnenkraft Solar Systems GmbH (hereinafter SONNENKRAFT) and of every purchase contract concluded with the company. Any general terms and conditions of whatever kind conflicting with these terms and conditions shall be deemed non-enclosed and void. 1.2. Any deviations from these conditions shall only be effective if expressly agreed to in writing by the contractual partners. 2.Quotations 2.1. Our quotations are without engagement. They are subject to technical product changes or advancements. All technical documents remain the intellectual property of SONNENKRAFT; they must neither be copied, nor disclosed to third parties without the express approval of SONNENKRAFT. 2.2. Public statements made by the presenter or manufacturer or any other involved third party, particularly in advertisements and information enclosed with the goods, shall only become contractual contents if they form a written basis of the quotation or if they are expressly referred to in the quotation. 3.Prices In the absence of written agreements to the contrary, all prices are net prices ex works or ex warehouse, excluding packing, loading, mounting, insurance and turnover tax. All stated prices are merely orientation prices. Should any material cost increases occur or should any circumstances outside the reach of SONNENKRAFT result in increased performance or additional costs between contractual conclusion and contractual performance, the respective prices will be increased accordingly, unless the period between order placement and contractual performance amounts to less than 3 months. Prices without indicated quantities are unit prices. 4. Performance periods and dates All stated delivery periods are non-binding, unless a fixed date is expressly specified. SONNENKRAFT shall be entitled to specify a new delivery date in case of agreed contractual changes. SONNENKRAFT shall not be liable for any delivery delays not attributable to SONNENKRAFT or delivery delays negligently caused by SONNENKRAFT. In such cases, the client shall waive the right to withdraw from the purchase contract and the right to enforce any claims for damages. In case of performance delays or interruptions caused by the client, the client shall bear all additional costs caused by such delay or interruption and SONNENKRAFT shall be entitled to accelerate settlement of its performance and expenditures by means of a partial invoice. 5.Payments Unless otherwise agreed, goods shall only be delivered against advance payment net without discount. Collection and discount fees shall be borne by the client. SONNENKRAFT shall be entitled to reject payments by check or bill of exchange without stating any reasons for such rejection. Offsetting of counter-claims or retention of payments for whatever reasons on part of the client shall be impermissible without express agreement. Payments shall be effected in full satisfaction of the debt for the benefit of one of our accounts or handed over to a person holding a collection authorization. The turnover tax on the total price shall be fully paid after receipt of the invoice, unless other payment conditions were specified for adjustment of the purchase price. In case of default in due payment or acceptance as well as in cases where the acceleration clause applies, SONNENKRAFT shall be entitled to invoice default interest at the legal rates. In case of default, the client shall be obliged to also reimburse dunning costs, intervention costs and costs incurred due to consultation of a lawyer in addition to the default interest. Any warranty claims asserted by the client shall not entitle the client to withhold agreed payments. 6. Acceleration clause If the client is in default with a contractual payment or part of such payment over more than 14 days, 74 SONNENKRAFT shall be entitled to accelerate settlement of the entire residual purchase price (residual invoice amount) for immediate payment. Moreover, the entire residual claim shall immediately fall due for payment if execution is unsuccessfully levied against the client’s assets, if the forced sale of the client’s real property or the sequestration of such real property is approved or if the client’s financial soundness and creditworthiness deteriorate in any other way. Cases qualifying for this acceleration clause shall entitle SONNENKRAFT to immediately withdraw from the contract. 7. Shipping and acceptance conditions, exchange, recision 7.1. The client shall inspect and accept the goods at the specified place of acceptance immediately after receipt of the goods or shall have the goods inspected and accepted by an authorized person. If the client expressly or implicitly waives such inspection, the object of purchase shall be deemed duly delivered and accepted. Shipping is always effected for the account and at the risk of the client, also in case of deliveries with freight paid. SONNENKRAFT has met its contractual obligations upon transfer of the goods ordered by the client to the carrier (mail, railway, airplane, ship or forwarding agent) and the risk shall pass to the client upon such transfer. The shipping type is selected at the discretion of SONNENKRAFT and shall be approved by the purchaser in advance. 7.2. Exchange or recision of the contract despite due performance by SONNENKRAFT shall only be possible with the consent of SONNENKRAFT. In any case, the client shall be obliged to pay the full purchase price, including full reimbursement of costs (delivery, etc.) or – at the discretion of SONNENKRAFT – shall pay a lump sum which covers the costs to be regularly expected, however, at least 15% of the order value. The goods shall be returned to SONNENKRAFT in undamaged state in their original packing. Any exchange of goods whose delivery dates back to more than 3 months shall be excluded. Any exchange of special goods (unstocked goods) shall also be excluded. 8. Reservation of title 8.1. SONNENKRAFT reserves the title in the goods delivered by SONNENKRAFT until full settlement of all claims resulting from the business relationship. Such goods must only be sold in the normal course of business as long as the client is not in default in payment towards SONNENKRAFT. 8.2. The following provisions shall apply to resale: • The client shall, already upon contract conclusion, assign all claims resulting from the sale to SONNENKRAFT and shall be obliged to make respective proper notes in his books. • The client shall, upon request by SONNENKRAFT, be obliged to inform the third-party purchaser on the assignment of the respective claim and shall provide SONNENKRAFT with all documents and information required for assertion of the assigned claims. • Should the goods subject to reservation of title or the claims assigned to SONNENKRAFT be attached, SONNENKRAFT shall be informed on all measures required to assert or enforce its claims. 8.3. The client’s right to sell reserved goods in the normal course of business shall, at the latest, expire upon cessation of payments on his part or upon application for commencement of insolvency proceedings against the client’s assets. In such case, the client shall be obliged to return the reserved goods upon first request by SONNENKRAFT. The request for returning reserved goods shall generally not be deemed as withdrawal from the purchase contract. 8.4. The returned goods’ pledging or transfer by way of security or any other disposal of the assigned claims shall be impermissible. 8.5.The securities to which SONNENKRAFT is entitled to in accordance with the above-specified provisions shall be released by SONNENKRAFT at its discretion in so far as their value exceeds the claims by 10% in consideration of the value added by the customer. 8.6. SONNENKRAFT shall be immediately informed on any pledging Prices 2016 - all prices indicated in EUR VAT validity. Prices valid from 1.1.2016 Allare other price listsexcluding lose their 9. Warranty and guarantee Both the warranty as well as the guarantee periods shall respectively commence upon the issue date of the SONNENKRAFT invoice. 9.1.Warranty 9.1.1.SONNENKRAFT generally offers a warranty for the purchase objects’ faultlessness faultlessness (except downgraded items which are sold particularly declared as “downgraded - B-item”) for a period of 2 years as follows: Warranty shall, at the discretion of SONNENKRAFT, be effected by means of repair of the purchase object or replacement of the faulty parts, exchange or price reduction. The client’s conversion right is waived by common consent. The replaced parts shall pass into the ownership of SONNENKRAFT. All incurred wages and costs for installation and disassembly shall be borne by the client. The replacement of faulty goods by faultless goods of the same kind shall lie in the discretion of SONNENKRAFT. Any claim to contract cancellation shall expire in such case. 9.1.2.The client shall, on his own behalf and on behalf of his legal successors, expressly waive assertion of any indirect or direct damage (defect damage or consequential damage) and losses of profit caused by a defect in the purchase object as a result of ordinary or plain gross negligence. 9.1.3.The special recourse of an entrepreneur offering warranty to a consumer (§ 933 b ABGB Austrian civil code) shall be limited to the legal warranty periods (§ 933 ABGB Austrian civil code) by common consent. Compliance with the obligation to submit a notification of defects as specified in § 377 UGB (Austrian enterprise code) shall form a prerequisite for recourse in accordance with § 933 b ABGB (Austrian civil code). No warranty is offered for any cases of damage which are attributable to improper or negligent treatment of the purchase object. Warranty claims shall only be enforceable if they are notified in writing immediately after detection of the defect – at the latest within 5 working days. Only then is the obligation to submit a notification of defects as specified in § 377 UGB (Austrian enterprise code) complied with. The obligation to submit a notification of defects cannot be satisfied by oral information or information via telephone. In case of delayed notification of defects, also the claim for compensation of the consequential damage shall expire. § 377 section 5 UGB (Austrian enterprise code) shall not be applicable in case of slight or plain gross negligence; the purchaser waives his right to a respective defense. 9.1.4. Application of § 934 ABGB (Austrian civil code) shall be excluded. 9.2. Guarantee (towards direct customers, not against third parties): 9.2.1.For collectors (except for glass breakage after a period of 6 months and collector accessories, e.g. fastening, sheet frame), SONNENKRAFT offers a 5-year guarantee for free replacement of materials which demonstrably failed to meet the requirements of the standard EN 12975. Part 1 and Part 2. The option right in accordance with section 9.1.1 shall apply analogously. SONNENKRAFT shall, however, not be held liable for any damage caused by mechanical stress and/or alterations due to weather influences. Minor color deviations and/or surface impairments which have no economically relevant influence on the collector’s function shall also be excluded from the guarantee. Liability for damage caused by force majeure and malfunctions attributable to improper mounting and/or installation of the products shall be excluded. SONNENKRAFT does not accept any liability for possible consequential costs. 9.2.2. For tanks, SONNENKRAFT offers a 5-year guarantee against corrosion with demonstrably implemented maintenance works (protective anode in intervals of max. 2 years). However, this guarantee does not cover lime deposits, corrosion caused by creepage current or oxygen diffusion and/or damage caused by force majeure and attached components. The option right in accordance with section 9.1.1. as well as the exclusion of liability for consequential costs in accordance with section 9.2.1 shall apply analogously. Prices 2016 - all prices are indicated in EUR excluding VAT 9.2.3. The following conditions form prerequisites for the guarantee offered by SONNENKRAFT: • Installation according to the respectively valid mounting instructions by a concessionary specialized company (heating engineer or installer). • Commissioning and regular maintenance by the SONNENKRAFT distributor; maintenance interval max. 3 years (or 1 year with commercial systems); documentation with test report. • Opportunity granted to SONNENKRAFT or its agents to examine complaints on site immediately after occurrence of the complaint reason. 9.2.4. All guarantees offered by SONNENKRAFT shall only be granted to its clients. 10. Company transfer / objection For the case of a transfer of the purchaser’s company, SONNENKRAFT in advance rejects the (automatic) assumption of the contractual relationships by the transferee; such assumption shall require a separate agreement (subject to written form requirement). 11. Place of performance and place of jurisdiction 11.1. The place of performance for both parties shall be the domicile of SONNENKRAFT. 11.2. Any and all disputes arising indirectly or directly from a contract concluded with SONNENKRAFT shall – also with regard to the lawfulness of the contractual relationship itself – be subject to the jurisdiction of the court respectively competent for Klagenfurt. 11.3. All contractual relationships shall be subject to Austrian law – with the exception of the uniform UN Sales Convention (UNCITRAL) and international private law. Prices valid from January 1st 2016. All other pricelists lose validity from that date. Price in EUR excluding VAT. Prices subject to change (prices without indication of quantity are prices per piece). Subject to technical changes! Figures and illustrations used as examples. Formatting and printing errors might occur. Range of products is not binding. SERVICE or other attachment by third parties as well as on the name of the attaching creditor or attaching third party. 8.7. Immediately upon cessation of payments on part of the client, the client shall be obliged to provide SONNENKRAFT with a list of the still available reserved goods as well as a list of the third-party debtor claims, including credit notes. 75 RESIDENTIAL We offer the widest assortment of solutions for your house and swimming pool. COMMERCIAL We have extensive experience in developing individual solutions for hotels, schools, apartment buildings, hospitals, etc. NOW YOU ARE ENLIGHTENED, IT’S TIME TO BE SMART We at SONNENKRAFT provide you with a variety of product and installation information to help keeping you well informed about our products and developments in the field of renewable energy. Visit the partner section of our website Prices subject to change (prices without indication of quantity are prices per piece). Subject to technical changes! Figures and illustrations used as examples. Formatting and printing errors might occur. Range of products is not binding. Your future is renewable – with us since 1993 SONNENKRAFT SOLAR SYSTEMS GMBH • Industriepark • 9300 St. Veit/Glan Phone: +43 (0)4212 45010 - 400 • Email: [email protected] © 2016 SONNENKRAFT Solar Systems GmbH SONNENKRAFT is one of the leading solar energy experts in Europe. We offer solutions that can provide hot water, room heating and electricity for any need. From individual homes to large process heating.
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