JRT slide cylinders
JRT slide cylinders
Slide Cylinder DG-16,20,25,30 C haracter Linear actuator of tool plate moving type (1-piston rod + 2-guide rod) Possible to choose the SB,DB-type (Ball bushings) or N-type (Dry bushings) Cantilever type linear actuator with internal two parallel guide rod Plate transfer type Cylinder body Positioning of Sensor created aluminum alloy with anodized for magnetic sensor Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round bar Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Movable plate Guide rod connection to customer specific application www.jrtfa.com hardened, polished steel shaft 304 DG E x pl oded v i e w Snap Ring E n d C o ve r G ui de R od O-Ring O-Ring P i ston C yl i n d e r B ody Wear R i n g P l a sti c M agnet P i sto n P a cki n g L.M B ear i n g P i sto n R o d O- R i ng Rod C over Rod Pac k i ng Damper Ring Snap Ring Spac er Collar Mov able Plat e www.jrtfa.com 305 DG O r der i ng C od e Stroke DG16 - 15 to 75mm DG20 - 20 to 100mm DG25 - 20 to 150mm DG30 - 20 to 175mm Product Name Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) DG - Standard LHDG - Low hydraulic type (Operating pressure : less than 10 bar) DG 16 DB - 150 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 Bore Size Sensor Quantity 16, 20, 25, 30 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Bush N - Slide Bush RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type SB - Ball Bush 2EA DB or Nomark - Ball Bush 4EA The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 306 DG Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name DG16 DG20 DG25 DG30 Unit Max Stroke 75 100 150 175 mm Min Stroke 15 20 20 20 mm Push Power 19.62P 30.80P 48.07P 69.65P N Pull Power 14.72P 23.05P 37.28P 50.03P N Max. Speed 200 200 200 200 mm/sec Min. Speed 30 30 30 30 mm/sec Weight of N, SB Type 0.27+0.004St 0.42+0.026St 0.66+0.008St 1.07+0.012St kg Weight of B, DB Type 0.33+0.004St 0.55+0.026St 0.84+0.008St 1.38+0.012St kg M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 0.04xSt 0.05xSt 0.09xSt 0.12xSt Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 307 DG DG-16N,SB STROKE+10 STROKE+46 STROKE 6 2xSTROKE+58 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+17 DG-16DB STROKE+10 STROKE+55 STROKE 6 2xSTROKE+67 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com STROKE+17 308 DG DG-20N,SB STROKE+10 STROKE 5.3 STROKE+48 2xSTROKE+62 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+18 DG-20DB STROKE+10 STROKE 5.3 STROKE+65 2xSTROKE+79 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com STROKE+18 309 DG DG-25N,SB STROKE+10 STROKE+52 STROKE 2xSTROKE+68 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+19 DG-25DB STROKE+10 STROKE+70 STROKE 2xSTROKE+86 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com STROKE+20 310 DG DG-30N,SB STROKE+10 STROKE+60 STROKE 2xSTROKE+78 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+20 DG-30DB STROKE+10 STROKE+80 STROKE 2xSTROKE+98 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com STROKE+21 311 Slide Cylinder GC-20,30,40,50 C haracter Linear actuator of tool plate moving type (1 usual cylinder + 2 guide rod) Linear ball bushings allow the shafts to move smoothlyGG Internal floating joint provide smooth moving at long travel Magnetic sensor is available for open-close sensing Plate transfer type Shock absorber adjustable and position absorbency Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Stop damper direct flange position inquiry Cylinder body Movable plate created aluminum alloy with anodized connection to customer specific application www.jrtfa.com 266 GC E x pl oded v i e w A bsor b e r S topper P l ate S topper C y linder Body G ui de R od C yl i nder B a ck P l ate F r o n t Pl ate www.jrtfa.com L.M B ear i n g 267 GC O r der i ng C od e Stroke GC20 - 22 to 300mm GC30 - 25 to 300mm GC40 - 50 to 300mm GC50 - 50 t0 400mm Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Absorber Cap Product Name Nomark - No Cap (Standard) C - Cap type (Option) GC 20 N - 200 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA C Bore Size Bush 20, 30, 40, 50 B or Nomark - Ball Bush N - Slide Bush 2 Sensor Quantity Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type ぜ Note GC20 - M10 x P1.0 GC30 - M14 x P1.5 GC40 - M20 x P1.5 GC50 - M20 x P1.5 The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 268 GC Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name GC20 GC30 GC40 GC50 Unit Max Stroke 300 300 300 400 mm Min Stroke 25 25 50 50 mm Push Power 30.41P 73.58P 123.61P 154.02P N Pull Power 23.54P 54.94P 98.1P 129.49P N Max. Speed 300 300 300 300 mm/sec Min. Speed 50 50 50 50 mm/sec 1.45+0.005St 1.96+0.007St 5.26+0.01St 10.46+0.077St kg Fitting size PT 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/4 PT 1/4 Air consumption quantity 0.06xSt 0.13xSt 0.23xSt 0.36xSt Weight cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 269 GC GC-20B,N M10x1p ABSORBER (OPTION) 2-PT1/8AIR PORT AIR CYLINDER (Ȱ20x<STROKE + 5~10>) STROKE STROKE+182 REED SWITCH GC-30B,N M14x1p ABSORBER (OPTION) 2-PT1/8AIR PORT M8 DP15(OPPOSITE SIDE) AIR CYLINDER 60 (OPPOSITE SIDE) TCM2BZ-32-105-AC73K STROKE STROKE +230 REED SWITCH FRONTSIDE VIEW www.jrtfa.com BACK SIDE VIEW 270 GC GC-40B,N (OPPOSITE SIDE) 2-M8 DP15(OPPOSITE SIDE) OEM 0.5MB OEM 0.5MB M20x1.5pABSORBER (OPTION) AIR CYLINDER TCM24RB40-(STROKE+5) - C73 2-PT1/4AIR PORT STROKE STROKE+330 REED SWITCH (OPPOSITE SIDE) FRONTSIDE VIEW GC-50B,N 4-M8 DP12(OPPOSITE SIDE) 2-M20x1.5p SHOCKABSORBER (OPTION) AIR CYLINDER 50x(STROKE + 5~10) 2-PT1/4AIR PORT REED SWITCH 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER (Basic attachment parts) STROKE STROKE+360 FRONTSIDE VIEW www.jrtfa.com BACK SIDE VIEW 271 ROD (25) (OPPOSITE SIDE) BACK SIDE VIEW Slide Cylinder JC-12,16,20,25,30 C haracter 2-rod linear actuator of tool plate moving type Table moving possible as fasten tool plate at moving with short stroke Possible to choose the B-type (Ball bushings) or N-type (Dry bushings) The JC12, JC16 structure sensor fixation rail is fixed in the plate side and when of body fixation the sensor is transferred to pay attention Plate transfer type Stop damper Cylinder body direct flange position inquiry created aluminum alloy with anodized Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Movable plate Piston rod connection to customer specific application in polished, hard chrome round steel www.jrtfa.com 278 JC E x pl oded v i e w O - R i ng R o d C o ve r R od P a cki n g S to p p e r R i n g S nap R i ng S topper B ol t Cy l i nder Body S pacer C o l l a r M ovabl e P l ate P i sto n R o d P l asti c M a g n e t P i sto n P acki ng P i sto n R o d P acki ng www.jrtfa.com 279 2 JC O r der i ng C od e Stroke JC12 - 15 to 50mm JC16 - 15 to 75mm JC20 - 20 to 100mm JC25 - 20 to 150mm JC30 - 20 to 200mm Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name JC 20 B - 150 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 Bore Size Bush 12,16, 20, 25, 30 B - Ball Bush Sensor Quantity N or Nomark - Slide Bush 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 280 JC Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name JC12 JC16 JC20 JC25 JC30 Unit Max Stroke 50 75 100 150 200 mm Min Stroke 15 15 20 20 20 mm 8.34P 14.72P 23.05P 37.08P 49.54P N Max. Speed 300 300 300 300 300 mm/sec Min. Speed 50 50 50 50 50 mm/sec Weight of N Type 0.16+0.002St 0.34+0.003St 0.6+0.004St 0.9+0.007St 1.45+0.01St kg Weight of B Type 0.28+0.002St 0.48+0.003St 0.88+0.004St 1.24+0.007St 2.2+0.01St kg M5 M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 0.02xSt 0.03xSt 0.05xSt 0.08xSt 0.10xSt Push Power Pull Power Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 281 JC JC-12N 2xSTROKE+52 11 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+40 STROKE+2 Opposite Side M4 DP8 2xSTROKE+60 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 JC-12B 2xSTROKE+80 11 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+2 STROKE+68 2xSTROKE+88 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 www.jrtfa.com 282 Opposite Side M4 DP8 JC JC-16N 2xSTROKE+64 11 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+50 STROKE+2 Opposite Side M5 DP8 2xSTROKE+74 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+12 JC-16B 2xSTROKE+94 11 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+80 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+104 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+12 www.jrtfa.com 283 Opposite Side M5 DP8 JC JC-20N 2xSTROKE+71 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+55 STROKE+2 Opposite Side M5 DP10 2xSTROKE+83 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+17 JC-20B 2xSTROKE+115 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+99 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+127 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+17 www.jrtfa.com 284 Opposite Side M5 DP10 JC JC-25N 2xSTROKE+78 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+60 STROKE+2 Opposite Side M6 DP12 2xSTROKE+92 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+18 JC-25B 2xSTROKE+124 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+2 STROKE+106 Opposite Side M6 DP12 2xSTROKE+138 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+18 www.jrtfa.com 285 JC JC-30N 2xSTROKE+90 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+70 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+106 Opposite Side M6 DP13 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+20 JC-30B 2xSTROKE+148 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+2 STROKE+128 2xSTROKE+164 Opposite Side M6 DP13 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+20 www.jrtfa.com 286 Slide Cylinder JO-12,16,20,25,30 C haracter 2-rod linear actuator of tool plate moving type Possible to choose the B-type (Ball bushings) or N-type (Dry bushings) Main purpose is fixing the plate and body transfer Plate or body transfer type Stop damper direct cylinder body position inquiry Cylinder body created aluminum alloy with anodized Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Support frame stability at mount by support plate www.jrtfa.com 328 JO E x pl oded v i e w Cy linder B o d y Sn a p R i n g L . M B ear ing C o n n e ctor Rod Cov er O-Ring Rod Pac k ing O- Ring S u p p ort Frame S pacer C ol l ar P i ston R o d R od P a cki n g We a r R i ng P i sto n P acki ng P i sto n P l asti c M a g n e t St o p p e r Bolt www.jrtfa.com 329 2 JO O r der i ng C od e Stroke JO12 - 15 to 50mm JO16 - 15 to 75mm JO20 - 20 to 100mm JO25 - 20 to 150mm JO30 - 20 to 200mm Sensor Cable Length Absorber Quantity 1M - 1m (Nomark) 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name JO 20 B - 200 TM - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA 2 Bore Size BUSH 12, 16 20, 25, 30 B - Ball Bush Sensor Quantity N or Nomark - Slide Bush 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Transfer Sensor Type Shock Absorber TM or Nomark - Table Moving RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) PM - Plate Moving *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type ぜ Note JO12 - M5 x P0.8 JO16 - M8 x P1.0 JO20 - M10 x P1.0 JO25 - M12 x P1.0 JO30 - M14 x P1.5 The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 330 2 JO Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name J012 JO16 JO20 JO25 JO30 Unit Max Stroke 50 75 100 150 200 mm Min Stroke 15 15 20 20 20 mm 16.68P 29.63P 46.21P 74.16P 99.28P N Max. Speed 300 300 300 300 300 mm/sec Min. Speed 50 50 50 50 50 mm/sec Weight of N Type 0.16+0.002St 0.34+0.003St 0.6+0.004St 0.9+0.007St 1.45+0.01St kg Weight of B Type 0.28+0.002St 0.48+0.003St 0.88+0.004St 1.24+0.007St 2.2+0.01St kg M5 M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 0.02xSt 0.03xSt 0.05xSt 0.08xSt 0.10xSt Push Power Pull Power Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 331 JO JO-12N 7 4 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+2 STROKE+40 2xSTROKE+64 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M5x0.8p STOPPER STROKE+10 2xSTROKE+52 JO-12B 7 4 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+68 2xSTROKE+92 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M5x0.8p STOPPER STROKE+10 www.jrtfa.com 332 JO JO-16N 7 4 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+50 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+80 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M8x1.0p STOPPER STROKE+10 2xSTROKE+64 JO-16B 7 4 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+2 STROKE+80 2xSTROKE+110 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 2xSTROKE+94 www.jrtfa.com 333 2-M8x1.0p STOPPER JO JO-20N 7 4 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+2 STROKE+10 STROKE+55 2xSTROKE+83 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M10x1.0p STOPPER 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 2xSTROKE+71 JO-20B 7 4 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+2 STROKE+10 STROKE+99 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M10x1.0p STOPPER 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+17 2xSTROKE+115 www.jrtfa.com 334 JO JO-25N 74 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+60 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+92 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M12x1.0p STOPPER STROKE+10 2xSTROKE+78 JO-25B 74 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+106 2xSTROKE+138 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M12x1.0p STOPPER STROKE+18 2xSTROKE+124 www.jrtfa.com 335 JO JO-30N 74 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+2 STROKE+10 STROKE+70 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 2xSTROKE+106 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+10 2xSTROKE+90 JO-30B 74 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+2 STROKE+10 STROKE+128 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 2xSTROKE+164 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+20 2xSTROKE+148 www.jrtfa.com 336 Slide Cylinder LMT-12,16,20,25 C haracter Tool plate moving type (internal L/M guide) linear actuator Stopper allows precious travel adjustment L/M guide provide the shafts to move smoothly Magnetic sensor is available for open-close sensing L/M guide type Linear guide with ball circuit and wiper precise and stiff ball circuit guide for high force and moment intake Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Movable plate connection to customer specific application www.jrtfa.com 338 LMT E x pl oded v i e w S topper P l at e S topper B ol t U p p e r P l a te L /M B l ock L/M R ai l Pis ton P acki ng Rod Pac ki n g O - R i ng E nd C over Snap Ring C yl i nder B ody M a g n e t B r acket P l asti c M a g n e t P i sto n P i sto n R o d Spac er R o d C o ve r R o d P acki ng Fr ont Plate Collar J oint Bar www.jrtfa.com Snap Ring 339 2 LMT O r der i ng C od e Stroke LMT12 - 40,60,80,100,120 LMT16 - 50,75,100,125,150 LMT20 - 60,100,140,180 LMT25 - 60,100,140,180,220 Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name LMT 20 - 140 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 Bore Size Sensor Quantity 12, 16, 20, 25 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 340 LMT Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name LMT12 LMT16 LMT20 LMT25 Unit 40,60,80,100,120 50,75,100,125,150 60,100,140,180 60,100,140,180,220 mm Push Power 22.17P 39.24P 61.61P 96.33P N Pull Power 16.68P 29.43P 46.11P 74.16P N Max. Speed 200 200 200 200 mm/sec Min. Speed 30 30 30 30 mm/sec Fitting size M5 M5 M5 M5 0.04xSt 0.07xSt 0.11xSt 0.17xSt Standard Stroke Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 341 LMT LMT-12 2x(STROKE/20+2)-M4 DP6.5 1.The product's strokes are 40(min),60,80,100, and 120(max), and increase by the increment of 20mm. 2. When a medium stroke is necessary, select an upper stroke and use it to adjust (0 to 20) the stopper. 3. Although the location of the tab of the slide table on the upper side could be adjustment, you should consult with us first. STROKE STROKE+50 0 to STROKE STROKE+50 For backward adjustment 2-M5 AIR PORT For forward adjustment STROKE+12 STROKE+40 STROKE+2 STROKE LMT-16 2x(STROKE/25+2)-M5 DP7 STROKE 0 to STROKE STROKE+62 1.The product's strokes are 50(min),75,100,125, and 150(max), and increase by the increment of 25mm. 2. When a medium stroke is required,the upper stroke is selected to adjust the length of the stopper for the range from 0 to -18, and the stopper bracket's location is adjusted for the range from -18 to -25. 3. Although the location of the tab of the slide table on the upper side could be adjustment, you should consult with us first. For backward adjustment 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+2 STROKE+14 STROKE+50 STROKE www.jrtfa.com 342 LMT LMT-20 1. The product's strokes are 60(min), 100, 140,180 (max), and increase by the increment of 40mm. 2. When a medium stroke is required,the upper stroke is selected to adjust the length of the stopper for the range from 0 to -20, and the stopper bracket's location is adjusted for the range from -20 to -40. 3. When the stroke is selected at 60, the range between 20 and 60 is feasible, but the range between 0 and 20 is not. 4. Although the location of the tab of the slide table on the upper side could be adjustment, you should consult with us first. 2x(STROKE/40+1.5)- M5 DP10 STROKE-20 STROKE+68 2-M5 AIR PORT For forward adjustment STROKE+68 For backward adjustment 0 to STROKE STROKE+22 STROKE+2 STROKE+54 STROKE LMT-25 2x(STROKE/40+1.5)- M6 DP12 STROKE-20 STROKE+72 For forward adjustment 1. The product's strokes are 60(min), 100, 140 and 180 (max), and increase by the increment of 40mm. 2. When a medium stroke is required, the upper stroke is selected to adjust the length of the stopper for the range from 0 to -20, and the stopper bracket's location is adjusted for the range from -20 to -40. 3. When the stroke is selected at 60, the range between 20 and 60 is feasible, but the range between 0 and 20 is not. 4. Although the location of the tab of the slide table on the upper side could be adjustment, you should consult with us first. 0 to STROKE STROKE+72 For backward adjustment STROKE+22 STROKE+2 STROKE+56 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE www.jrtfa.com 343 Slide Cylinder MPC-06,10 C haracter Linear actuator of tool plate moving type (internal cross roller guide) High reliability and long life by internal rigid body and parts Small and slim body allows parallel mount many slides Magnetic sensor is available for end position sensing (MPC10 only) Miniature precision cylinder Guide roller precise and firm roller guide for high force and moment intake Cylinder body created aluminum alloy with anodized Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder www.jrtfa.com 344 MPC E x pl oded v i e w Wr ench B o l t R o l l e r G ui de C yl i n d e r B ody Roller Pis t on Rod Sl i d i n g P l a t e M a g n e t B r a cke t M a g n e t C over P i ston P acki ng Damp e r O-Ring R od C o ve r R o d P acki ng S pacer Wr e n c h Bolt S nap R i ng D am p e r www.jrtfa.com 345 2 MPC O r der i ng C od e Stroke MPC06 - 5, 10, 15 MPC10 - 10, 20, 30 Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name MPC 10 - 20 NO - RS 2 - Q8 F8 Bore Size Sensor Quantity 06, 10 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA PRODUCT TYPE Sensor Type Nomark - Dual Action type (Standard) NO - Normal open type (Option) NC - Normal close type (Option) RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 346 MPC Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name MPC06 MPC10 Unit 5, 10, 15 10, 20, 30 mm Push Power 2.45P 6.87P N Pull Power 1.86P 5.20P N Max. Speed 300 300 mm/sec Min. Speed 50 50 mm/sec Fitting size M3 M5 0.01xSt 0.03xSt Standard Stroke Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 347 MPC 2-M3 AIR PORT MPC-06 STROKE+5 STROKE+17 STROKE+17 STROKE+3 STROKE+22 STROKE+6 STROKE+22 MPC-10 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+6 STROKE STROKE+24 STROKE+32 www.jrtfa.com 348 REED SWITCH JRT - 02 Slide Cylinder NE-16,20,25,30 C haracter Linear actuator of tool plate moving type (1-piston rod + 2-guide rod) Table moving possible as fasten tool plate at move short stroke Attention to move together air tube and sensor cable Attention to sensor attach rail fasten at tool plate (NE16) Possible to choose the B-type (Ball bushings) or N-type (Dry bushings) Plate transfer type Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round steel Cylinder body created aluminum alloy with anodized Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Stop damper Movable plate direct cylinder body position inquiry connection to customer specific application www.jrtfa.com 288 NE E x pl oded v i e w Snap Ring L. M Bear ing C yl i nder B ody St opper Ring Rod Pac k ing Rod Cov er O-Ring S pacer C ol l ar G u i d e R od P i ston R o d P l asti c M agnet P i ston P acki ng Wear R i n g Mov able Plate P i sto n R o d P acki ng St o pper Bolt He x a g o n Nut www.jrtfa.com 289 2 NE O r der i ng C od e Stroke NE16 - 15 to 75mm NE20 - 20 to 100mm NE25 - 20 to 150mm NE30 - 20 to 200mm Sensor Cable Length Absorber Quantity Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name NE - Standard LHNE - Low hydraulic type (Operating Pressure : less than 10bar) NE 16 B - 150 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA 2 Bore Size Bush 16, 20, 25, 30 B or Nomark - Ball Bush Sensor Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA N - Slide Bush Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type ぜ Note NE16 - M8 x P1.0 NE20 - M10 x P1.0 NE25 - M12 x P1.0 NE30 - M14 x P1.5 The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 290 NE Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name NE16 NE20 NE25 NE30 Unit Max Stroke 75 100 150 200 mm Min Stroke 15 20 20 20 mm 14.72P 23.15P 37.08P 49.54P N Max. Speed 400 400 400 400 mm/sec Min. Speed 50 50 50 50 mm/sec 0.39+0.004St 0.68+0.007St 0.9+0.01St 1.6+0.016St kg M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 0.03xSt 0.05xSt 0.08xSt 0.10xSt Push Power Pull Power Weight Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 291 NE NE-16(N,B) STROKE+10 STROKE STROKE+50 2xSTROKE+74 REED SWITCH 2-M5 AIR PORT 4 JRTM 2-M8x1p STOPPER STROKE+12 NE-20(N,B) STROKE+10 STROKE STROKE+55 2xSTROKE+83 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M10x1p STOPPER STROKE+17 www.jrtfa.com 292 NE NE-25(N,B) STROKE+10 STROKE+60 2xSTROKE+92 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE 2-M5 AIR PORT 2-M12x1p STOPPER STROKE+18 NE-30(N,B) STROKE+10 STROKE+70 2xSTROKE+106 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+20 www.jrtfa.com 293 Slide Cylinder NF-16,20,25,30 C haracter Table moving type 1-piston rod +2-guide rod linear actuator High stability at mount by L-type support plate Possible to choose the B-type (Ball bushings) or N-type (Dry bushings) Attention to direction air tube and sensor cable Body transferGtype Cylinder body Support frame created aluminum alloy with anodized high stability at mount by L-type support plate Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round bar Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Stop damper Guide rod direct cylinder position inquiry hardened, polished steel shaft www.jrtfa.com 322 NF E x pl oded v i e w S nap R i ng S topper R i n g R od P a cki n g R o d C o ve r O - R i ng L.M B e a r i ng Cy linder Body We a r R i ng P i ston P acki ng R o d P acki ng P i sto n P l a sti c M agnet Guide Rod P i sto n R o d Spac er C o l l a r Suppor t Frame Stopper Bolt www.jrtfa.com 323 2 NF O r der i ng C od e Stroke NF16 - 15 to 75mm NF20 - 20 to 100mm NF25 - 20 to 150mm NF30 - 20 to 200mm Sensor Cable Length Absorber Quantity Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name NF - Standard LHNF - Low hydraulic type (Operating Pressure : less than 10bar) NF 20 B - 200 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA 2 Bore Size Bush 16, 20, 25, 30 B or Nomark - Ball Bush Sensor Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA N - Slide Bush Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type ぜ Note NF16 - M8 x P1.0 NF20 - M10 x P1.0 NF25 - M12 x P1.0 NF30 - M14 x P1.5 The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 324 NF Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name NF16 NF20 NF25 NF30 Unit Max Stroke 75 100 150 200 mm Min Stroke 15 20 20 20 mm 14.72P 23.15P 37.08P 49.54P N Max. Speed 200 200 200 200 mm/sec Min. Speed 30 30 30 30 mm/sec 0.5+0.004St 0.82+0.007St 1.1+0.01St 1.9+0.016St kg M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 0.03xSt 0.05xSt 0.08xSt 0.10xSt Push Power Pull Power Weight Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 325 NF NF-16(N,B) 2xSTROKE+40 4 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+50 STROKE 2xSTROKE+84 2-M8x1p STOPPER AIR HOSE 2xSTROKE+8 NF-20(N,B) 4 ( JRTM ) AIR HOSE www.jrtfa.com 326 NF NF-25(N,B) 2xSTROKE+48 4 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+60 STROKE 2xSTROKE+94 2-M12x1p STOPPER AIR HOSE 2xSTROKE+14 NF-30(N,B) 2xSTROKE+58 4 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+70 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE 2xSTROKE+114 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER AIR HOSE 2xSTROKE+18 www.jrtfa.com 327 Slide Cylinder NO-12,16,20,25,30,40 C haracter Table moving type 2-rod linear actuator High stability at mount by L-type support plate Possible to choose the B-type (Ball bushings) or N-type(Dry bushings) Attention to direction air tube and sensor cable Body transferGtype Cylinder body Stop damper created aluminum alloy with anodized direct flange position inquiry Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round steel Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Support frame high stability at mount by L-type support plate www.jrtfa.com 312 NO E x pl oded v i e w S nap R i ng S to p p e r R i ng R o d P acki ng R o d C o ve r O-Ring Cy linder Body P i sto n R o d Snap Ring We a r R i ng P i sto n P acki ng R od P acki ng P i sto n P l asti c M agnet Spac er Colla r Suppor t Frame Co n nec t or St o p p e r Bolt www.jrtfa.com 313 2 NO O r der i ng C od e Stroke NO12 - 10 to 50mm NO16 - 15 to 75mm NO20 - 20 to 100mm NO25 - 20 to 150mm NO30 - 20 to 200mm NO40 - 25 to 250mm Sensor Cable Length Absorber Quantity Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name NO 40 N - 200 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA 2 Bore Size 12, 16, 20 25, 30, 40 Bush Sensor Quantity B - Ball Bush 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA N or Nomark - Slide Bush NO40 - only 'N' Type Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) ぜ Note NO12 - M5 x P0.8 NO16 - M8 x P1.0 NO20 - M10 x P1.0 NO25 - M12 x P1.0 NO30 - M14 x P1.5 NO40 - M20 x P1.5 *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 314 NO Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name NO12 NO16 NO20 NO25 NO30 NO40 Unit Max Stroke 50 75 100 150 200 250 mm Min Stroke 10 15 20 20 20 25 mm 16.68P 29.63P 46.21P 74.16P 99.28P 92.41P N Max. Speed 200 200 200 200 200 200 mm/sec Min. Speed 30 30 30 30 30 30 mm/sec Push Power Pull Power Weight of N Type 0.23+0.002St 0.45+0.003St 0.72+0.004St 1.04+0.007St 3.25+0.02St 3.2+0.012St kg Weight of B Type 0.39+0.002St 0.59+0.003St 0.99+0.004St 1.38+0.007St 2.47+0.01St ؊ kg Fitting size Air consumption quantity M5 M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 0.03xSt 0.06xSt 0.09xSt 0.15xSt 0.20xSt 0.19xSt cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 315 NO NO-12N Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+32 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE STROKE+10 STROKE+40 2xSTROKE+70 2-M5x0.8p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+22 NO-12B Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+60 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE STROKE+10 STROKE+68 2xSTROKE+98 2-M5x0.8p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+50 www.jrtfa.com 316 NO NO-16N Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+40 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE STROKE+10 STROKE+50 2xSTROKE+84 2-M8x1p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+28 NO-16B Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+70 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE STROKE+10 STROKE+80 2xSTROKE+114 2-M8x1p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+58 www.jrtfa.com 317 NO NO-20N Airport Standard sensor affix direction. 2xSTROKE+45 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE STROKE+55 2xSTROKE+89 2-M10x1p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+33 NO-20B Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+89 STROKE STROKE+10 STROKE+99 2-M5 AIR PORT 2xSTROKE+133 2-M10x1p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+77 www.jrtfa.com 318 NO NO-25N Airport Standard sensor affix direction. 2xSTROKE+48 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE STROKE+60 2xSTROKE+94 2-M12x1p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+34 NO-25B Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+94 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE STROKE+106 2xSTROKE+140 2-M12x1p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+80 www.jrtfa.com 319 NO NO-30N Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+58 STROKE 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE+70 2xSTROKE+114 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+44 NO-30B Airport Standard sensor affix direction. REED SWITCH JRTM 2xSTROKE+116 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+10 STROKE STROKE+128 2xSTROKE+172 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+102 www.jrtfa.com 320 NO NO-40N 2xSTROKE+50 STROKE+62 STROKE 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+50 STROKE+74 2xSTROKE+132 REED SWITCH JRT-02 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER 2xSTROKE+32 Note www.jrtfa.com 321 Slide Cylinder NT-12,16,20,25,30,40 C haracter 2-rod linear actuator of tool plate moving type Possible to choose the SB,DB-type (Ball bushings) or N-type (Dry bushings) Cantilever type linear actuator with internal two parallel piston Plate transfer type Cylinder body created aluminum alloy with anodized Stop damper direct flange position inquiry Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Positioning of Sensor for magnetic field sensor Movable plate connection to customer specific application www.jrtfa.com Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round steel 294 NT E x pl oded v i e w S n a p R i ng E n d C o ve r O - R i ng Bearing Housi ng L.M Bear ing M ov able Pl ate S topper B ol t S pac er C ollar P i sto n Wear R i ng P l a sti c M agnet R o d P acki ng O-Ring D am p e r R i ng P i ston R od www.jrtfa.com 295 2 NT O r der i ng C od e Stroke NT12 - 15 to 50mm NT16 - 15 to 75mm NT20 - 20 to 100mm NT25 - 20 to 150mm NT30 - 20 to 175mm NT40 - 20 to 200mm Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name NT 20 N - 150 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 Bore Size Bush 12, 16, 20 25, 30, 40 N - Slide Bush Sensor Quantity SB or Nomark - Ball Bush 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA B or DB - Ball Bush 4EA Sensor Type RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 296 NT Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name NT12 NT16 NT20 NT25 NT30 NT40 Unit Max Stroke 50 75 100 150 175 200 mm Min Stroke 15 15 20 20 20 20 mm Push Power 22.17P 39.24P 61.61P 96.33P 138.32P 246.24P N Pull Power 16.68P 29.63P 46.11P 74.16P 99.08P 184.92P N Max. Speed 200 200 200 200 200 200 mm/sec Min. Speed 30 30 30 30 30 30 mm/sec Weight of N, SB type 0.13+0.002St 0.3+0.003St 0.51+0.004St 0.8+0.006St 1.34+0.01St 2.6+0.014St kg Weight of B, DB type 0.20+0.002St 0.45+0.003St 0.73+0.004St 1.12+0.006St 1.87+0.01St 3.5+0.014St kg Fitting size Air consumption quantity M5 M5 M5 M5 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 0.04xSt 0.07xSt 0.11xSt 0.17xSt 0.24xSt 0.44xSt cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 297 NT NT-12N, SB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+50 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+60 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+11 NT-12DB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+14.5 STROKE+69 2xSTROKE+79 STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+11 www.jrtfa.com 298 NT NT-16N, SB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+60 2xSTROKE+72 STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+16 NT-16DB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+22 STROKE+84 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+96 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+15 www.jrtfa.com 299 NT NT-20N, SB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+70 2xSTROKE+84 STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+18 NT-20DB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+28.5 STROKE+99 2xSTROKE+113 STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+18 www.jrtfa.com 300 NT NT-25N, SB STROKE+10 STROKE+75 2xSTROKE+91 DP2.5 +0.1 +0.1 DP2.5 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+19 NT-25DB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+30.5 STROKE+105 2xSTROKE+121 STROKE+2 2-M5 AIR PORT STROKE+19 www.jrtfa.com 301 NT NT-30N, SB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+2 STROKE+90 2xSTROKE+108 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 15 54 STROKE+21 NT-30DB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+38.5 STROKE+127 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+145 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+20 www.jrtfa.com 302 NT NT-40N, SB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+10 STROKE+102 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+124 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+23 NT-40DB REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+53 STROKE+144 STROKE+2 2xSTROKE+166 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+23 www.jrtfa.com 303 Slide Cylinder RH-20,30,40,50,63,80 C haracter Main linear actuator of the low cost automation unit Possible to make the double speed than the usual cylinder speed In addition to the standard type (RH), there is cover type (RHC), wide type (RHW) & slim type (RHS) Saving the mounting space by moving stroke is same with the almost cylinder length General type double speed Movable table for connection to application specific adapter plate Stop damper Air cushion needle direct cylinder body position inquiry state of the art air cushion Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Support frame high stability at mount by L-type support plate www.jrtfa.com Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round bar 232 RH E x pl oded v i e w Ti e R od C u sh i o n N e e d l e Sn a p R i n g O-Ring L.M Bear i ng C ushi on P a cki n g Slide Bloc k S lide Shaf t C yl i n d e r Tu b e R od co ve r Cov er Plate Snap Ring Rod Pac k ing S p r ocket Wheel DU- Bu sh P i sto n R o d O-Ring P i sto n Joi nt Connec t or R a d i a l B al l B ear i n g Tensi on B o l t Su pport Fr ame P i ston S t o p per Bo l t A d a p ter Chain We a r R i ng P i ston P a cki n g www.jrtfa.com 233 2 RH O r der i ng C od e Stroke RH20 - 50 to 200mm RH30 - 200 to 600mm RH40 - 200 to 1,000mm RH63 - 200 to 1,500mm RH80 - 200 to 2,000mm -For more than 1,000mm of stroke, consult JRT Sensor Cable Length Table Quantity Nomark - 1EA (Standard) BT - 2EA(Option) 1M - 1m (Nomark) 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Absorber Cap Product Name Nomark - No Cap (Standard) C - Cap type (Option) RH 40 - 400 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA C Bore Size 20, 30, 40 50, 63, 80 2 - BT Sensor Quantity Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) GGGGNote. RH20 - M12 x P1.0 RH30 - M14 x P1.5 RH40 - M20 x P1.5 RH50 - M27 x P3.0 RH63 - M27 x P3.0 RH80 - M36 x P1.5 GQOptionG - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 234 RH Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name RH20 RH30 RH40 RH50 RH63 RH80 Unit Max Stroke 200 600 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 mm Min Stroke 50 200 200 200 200 200 mm 11.58(P-1.8) 24.53(P-1.5) 51.01(P-1.2) Max. Speed 1,000 1,000 1,000 800 500 500 mm/sec Min. Speed 300 300 250 250 150 150 mm/sec 1.1+0.004St 1.4+0.01St 4.7+0.015St 7.8+0.018St 9+0.02St 11.5+0.035St kg PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/2 0.02xSt 0.05xSt 0.11xSt 0.16xSt 0.26xSt 0.43xSt Push Power 80.44(P-0.9) 127.53(P-0.7) 210.92(P-0.7) N Pull Power Weight Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 235 RH RH-20 REED SWITCH JRTM STROKE+126 2-M12x1p STOPPER STROKE 11 STROKE+136 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT REED SWITCH JRTM RH-30 STROKE+168 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER STROKE 11 STROKE+180 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com 236 RH REED SWITCH JRTM RH-40 STROKE+194 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER STROKE STROKE+208 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 298 REED SWITCH JRTM RH-50 STROKE+208 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE STROKE+226 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com 237 RH RH-63 STROKE+228 REED SWITCH JRTM 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE 12 STROKE+244 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT REED SWITCH JRTM RH-80 STROKE+298 2-M36x1.5p STOPPER STROKE STROKE+320 2-PF(G)1/2 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com 238 Slide Cylinder RHC-30,40,50,63,80 C haracter Main linear actuator of the low cost automation unit Possible to make the double speed than the usual cylinder speed In addition to protect cover type (RHC), there is standard type (RH), wide type (RHW)& slim type (RHS) Saving the mounting space by moving stroke is same with the almost cylinder length Cover type double speed Movable plate for connection to application specific adapter plate Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Safety cover for the protection Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Support frame high stability at mount by L-type support plate www.jrtfa.com 240 RHC E x pl oded v i e w D a m per P l ate L .M B ear i n g Chain Brac ket Slide Block C onnecto r L o ck N u t Upper Plate P i sto n Cover Plate We a r R i n g P i ston P acki ng A dapt er Jo i n t P i ston R od Slide Shaf t St o p p er Bolt Cushi on N eedl e S p r ocket W heel R a d i a l B al l B e a r i ng S pr o cke t G ui de Chain Tensi on B o l t Ti e R od C u sh i o n P acki ng R od C over D U - B u sh R o d P acki ng www.jrtfa.com 241 RHC O r der i ng C od e Stroke RHC30 - 200 to 600mm RHC40 - 200 to 1,000mm RHC50 - 200 to 1,000mm RHC63 - 200 to 1,500mm RHC80 - 200 to 2,000mm -For more than 1,000mm of stroke, consult JRT Sensor Cable Length Table Quantity Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) Nomark - 1EA(Standard) BT - 2EA(Option) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name Absorber Cap Nomark - No Cap (Standard) C - Cap type (Option) RHC 40 - 400 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA C Bore Size 30, 40 50, 63, 80 2 - BT Sensor Quantity Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) ぜNote RHC30 - M14 x P1.5 RHC40 - M20 x P1.5 RHC50 - M27 x P3.0 RHC63 - M27 x P3.0 RHC80 - M36 x P1.5 *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 242 RHC Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name RHC30 RHC40 RHC50 RHC63 RHC80 Unit Max Stroke 600 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 mm Min Stroke 200 200 200 200 200 mm 24.53(P-1.5) 51.01(P-1.2) 80.44(P-0.9) 127.53(P-0.7) 210.92(P-0.7) N Max. Speed 1,000 1,000 800 500 500 mm/sec Min. Speed 300 250 250 150 150 mm/sec Weight 3+0.012St 8+0.020St 11.6+0.025St 15.7+0.03St 21.0+0.04St kg Fitting size PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/2 0.05xSt 0.11xSt 0.16xSt 0.26xSt 0.43xSt Push Power Pull Power Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless RHC-30 STROKE+168 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+31 STROKE+180 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM www.jrtfa.com MAGNET 243 RHC RHC-40 STROKE+194 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+29 STROKE+208 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+208 RHC-50 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE+30 STROKE+226 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM www.jrtfa.com MAGNET 244 RHC RHC-63 STROKE+228 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE+33 STROKE+244 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET RHC-80 STROKE+298 STROKE+40 2-M36x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+320 2-PF(G)1/2 AIR PORT STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM www.jrtfa.com MAGNET 245 Slide Cylinder RHS-30,40,50,63,80 Char acter Main linear actuator of the low cost automation unit Possible to make the double speed than the usual cylinder speed In addition to slim type (RHS), there is standard type (RH), protect cover type (RHC) & wide type (RHW) Saving the mounting space by moving stroke is same with the almost cylinder length Slim coverGtype double speed Movable plate Drive for connection to application specific adapter plate double acting pneumatic cylinder Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Positioning of Sensor for magnetic sensor Safety cover Support frame for the protection high stability at mount by L-type support plate www.jrtfa.com 254 RHS E x pl oded v i e w Lock N ut C onnecto r O - R i ng L.M Bear i n g Upper Plat e Joi nt Side Plat e P i sto n Co v e r P l at e We a r R i n g C u sh i o n R i n g P i ston P a cking A d a p ter S l i d e B l o ck R o d cover C u shi on N e edl e Slide Shaf t Suppor t Frame St opper Bolt O -R i ng St opper R i n g Rod P acki ng C u shi on P acki ng D U - B ush Te n si on B ol t R o d C o ve r S p r ocket W h e e l Radi al B a l l B ear i n g S p r ocket G u i d e C hai n www.jrtfa.com 255 2 RHS O r der i ng C od e Stroke RHS30 - 200 to 600mm RHS40 - 200 to 1,000mm RHS50 - 200 to 1,000mm RHS63 - 200 to 1,500mm RHS80 - 200 to 2,000mm -For more than 1,000mm of stroke, consult JRT Sensor Cable Length Table Quantity Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) Nomark - 1EA(Standard) BT - 2EA(Option) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name Absorber Cap Nomark - No Cap (Standard) C - Cap type (Option) RHS 40 - 400 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA C Bore Size 30, 40 50, 63, 80 2 - BT Sensor Quantity Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) ぜNote RHS30 - M14 x P1.5 RHS40 - M14 x P1.5 RHS50 - M27 x P3.0 RHS63 - M27 x P3.0 RHS80 - M27 x P3.0 *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 256 RHS Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name RHS30 RHS40 RHS50 RHS63 RHS80 Unit Max Stroke 600 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 mm Min Stroke 200 200 200 200 200 mm 24.53(P-1.5) 51.01(P-1.2) 80.44(P-0.9) 127.53(P-0.7) 210.92(P-0.7) N Max. Speed 1,000 1,000 800 500 500 mm/sec Min. Speed 300 250 250 150 150 mm/sec Weight 3+0.012St 8+0.020St 11.5+0.03St 15.7+0.03St 21.0+0.04St kg Fitting size PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/2 0.05xSt 0.11xSt 0.16xSt 0.26xSt 0.43xSt Push Power Pull Power Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless RHS-30 STROKE+118 STROKE 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+30 STROKE+154 REED SWITCH JRTM www.jrtfa.com 257 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT RHS RHS-40 STROKE+150 STROKE 2-M20x1p STOPPER 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT STROKE+33 STROKE+186 REED SWITCH JRTM RHS-50 STROKE+48 STROKE M27x3p For Absorber 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE+208 STROKE+226 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT REED SWITCH JRTM www.jrtfa.com 258 RHS RHS-63 STROKE+51 M27x3p For Absorber STROKE 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE+228 STROKE+244 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT REED SWITCH JRTM RHS-80 M27x3p For Absorber STROKE+65 STROKE 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE+298 STROKE+320 2-PF(G)1/2 AIR PORT REED SWITCH JRTM www.jrtfa.com 259 Slide Cylinder RHW-20,30,40,50,63,80 C haracter Main linear actuator of the low cost automation unit Possible to make the double speed than the usual cylinder speed In addition to wide type (RHW), there is standard type (RH), protect cover type (RHC)& slim type (RHS) Saving the mounting space by moving stroke is same with the almost cylinder length Wide type double speed Movable table for connection to application specific adapter plate Air cushion needle state of the art air cushion Stop damper direct cylinder body position inquiry Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Wide rod holder for high speed Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Support frame Safety cover high stability at mount by L-type support plate www.jrtfa.com for the protection 246 RHW E x pl oded v i e w Slide S h a ft S l i de B l o ck L.M B e a r i ng S nap R i ng S topper B ol t Ro d Ho l d e r Su p p o r t Frame C u sh i o n N eedl e P i sto n R o d P i ston P acki ng P i sto n Joi nt Wear R i n g Connector O-Ring Cov er Plate Radial Ball Bear i n g Ti e R od Spr oc k et W heel C yl i n d e r Tu b e S nap R i ng S to p p e r R i ng R od P a cki n g D U - B u sh www.jrtfa.com 247 S procket G ui de 2 RHW O r der i ng C od e Stroke RHW20 - 50 to 200mm RHW30 - 200 to 600mm RHW40 - 200 to1,000mm RHW50 - 200 to1,000mm RHW63 - 200 to1,500mm RHW80 - 200 to2,000mm -For more than 1,000mm of stroke, consult JRT Sensor Cable Length Table Quantity Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) Nomark - 1EA(Standard) BT - 2EA(Option) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name Absorber Cap Nomark - No Cap (Standard) C - Cap type (Option) RHW 40 - 400 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA C Bore Size 20, 30, 40 50, 63, 80 2 - BT Sensor Quantity Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) ぜNote RHW20 - M12 x P1.0 RHW30 - M14 x P1.5 RHW40 - M20 x P1.5 RHW50 - M27 x P3.0 RHW63 - M27 x P3.0 RHW80 - M36 x P1.5 *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 248 RHW Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name RHW20 RHW30 RHW40 RHW50 RHW63 RHW80 Unit Max Stroke 200 600 1,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 mm Min Stroke 50 200 200 200 200 200 mm 11.58(P-1.8) 24.53(P-1.5) 51.01(P-1.2) Max. Speed 1,000 1,000 1,000 800 500 500 mm/sec Min. Speed 300 300 250 250 150 150 mm/sec 1.43+0.004St 2.4+0.01St 19.7+0.035St kg PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/4 PF(G) 1/2 0.02xSt 0.05xSt 0.11xSt 0.16xSt 0.26xSt 0.43xSt Push Power 80.44(P-0.9) 127.53(P-0.7) 210.92(P-0.7) N Pull Power Weight Fitting size Air consumption quantity 7.3+0.015St 10.84+0.018St 14.6+0.02St cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 249 RHW RHW-20 STROKE+126 2-M12x1p STOPPER STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+136 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT RHW-30 STROKE+168 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+180 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com 250 RHW RHW-40 STROKE+194 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+208 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT RHW-50 STROKE+208 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+226 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com 251 RHW RHW-63 STROKE+228 2-M27x3p STOPPER STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+244 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT RHW-80 STROKE+298 2-M36x1.5p STOPPER STROKE REED SWITCH JRTM MAGNET STROKE+320 2-PF(G)1/2 AIR PORT www.jrtfa.com 252 Slide Cylinder SC-20,30,40 C haracter Linear actuator of tool plate moving type (1 usual cylinder + 2 guide rod) Linear slide bushings allow the compact size and low price Internal floating joint provide smooth moving at long travel Magnetic sensor is available for open-close sensing Plate transfer type Cylinder body created aluminum alloy with anodized Stop damper direct flange position inquiry Guide rod hardened, polished steel shaft Movable plate connection to customer specific application www.jrtfa.com 272 SC E x pl oded v i e w Guide Rod S to p p e r B o l t DU-Bus h B ack P lat e C yl i nder C yl i n d e r B o d y Float i ng Jo i n t Front Plat e www.jrtfa.com 273 SC O r der i ng C od e Stroke SC20 - 50 to 300mm SC30 - 50 to 300mm SC40 - 50 to 300mm Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Product Name Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA SC 30 - 300 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA 2 Bore Size 20, 30, 40 Sensor Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type Shock Absorber RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type ぜ Note SC20 - M10 x P1.0 SC30 - M12 x P1.0 SC40 - M20 x P1.5 The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 274 SC Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name SC20 SC30 SC40 Unit Max Stroke 300 300 300 mm Min Stroke 50 50 50 mm Push Power 30.41P 73.58P 123.61P N Pull Power 23.54P 54.94P 98.1P N Max. Speed 300 300 300 mm/sec Min. Speed 50 50 50 mm/sec 0.84+0.002St 1.58+0.003St 2.6+0.013St kg Fitting size PT 1/8 PT 1/8 PT 1/4 Air consumption quantity 0.06xSt 0.13xSt 0.24xSt Weight cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless SC-20 REED SWITCH JRT-02 4-M10x1p STOPPER 2-PT1/8 AIR PORT OPPOSITE SIDE STROKE STROKE+15 www.jrtfa.com 275 SC SC-30 SC-40 ]Y 58 www.jrtfa.com 276 Slide Cylinder TL-20,30,40,50 C haracter Tool plate moving type high rigidity (JRT manufactured cylinder + 2-guide rod) linear actuator Air cushion provide adjustable smooth deceleration at the ends of travel Four linear ball bushings allow the shafts to move smoothly Magnetic sensor is available for end position sensing Plate transfer type Air cushion needle state of the art air cushion Stop damper direct cylinder body position inquiry Piston rod in polished, hard chrome round bar Drive double acting pneumatic cylinder Movable plate Guide rod connection to customer specific application hardened, polished steel shaft www.jrtfa.com 260 TL E x pl oded v i e w Rod H ol der We a r R i ng C ushi on P a cki n g Rear Cov e r P l ate Bear ing Hous in g Tie Rod P i ston F r o n t C o v e r P l ate C yl i nder H e ad C over Guide Rod L.M Bear ing P l ast i c Magnet Pis t on Ro d P i sto n P acki ng Cus hion N e e d l e Mov able Plat e R od C over O-Ring St o p p e r bolt R o d P acki ng C yl i nder Tube www.jrtfa.com 261 2 TL O r der i ng C od e Stroke TL20 - 50 to 200mm TL30 - 105 to 300mm TL40 - 130 to 600mm TL50 - 135 to 800mm Product Name Sensor Cable Length Nomark - 1m 3M - 3m 5M - 5m Q8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin male Length 0.15m ) F8 - quick connector ( M8-3pin female Length 3m ) Absorber Cap Nomark - No Cap (Standard) C - Cap type (Option) TL - Standard LHTL - Low hydraulic type (Operating pressure : less than 10 bar) TL 30 - 300 - RS 2 - Q8 F8 - DA C Bore Size 20, 30, 40, 50 2 Sensor Quantity Absorber Quantity 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA 1 - 1EA 2 - 2EA Sensor Type RS - Reed switch : 2 wire N - Solid state type, current sinking (NPN) : 3 wire P - Solid state type, current sourcing (PNP) : 3 wire RT - High temperature type (+120 ) : Option ( Reed switch only ) *Option - Sensor : Normally Open(NO) is Standard and Normally Close(NC) is option - For NC Type, add ordering code end "C" ex) RTC - High temperature type, Normally Close(NC) type Shock Absorber Nomark - Stopper (Standard) DA - Adjustable Type (Option) N - Non Adjustable Type (Option) ぜNote TL20 - Absorber or Stopper is not attachable in case of TL20 TL30 - M14 x P1.5 TL40 - M20 x P1.5 TL50 - M20 x P1.5 The delivery of * mark option is longer than a standard, So inquire of JRT www.jrtfa.com 262 TL Specification P=Air Pressure[bar] , St=Stroke[mm] Products Name TL20 TL30 TL40 TL50 Unit Max Stroke 200 300 600 800 mm Min Stroke 50 105 130 135 mm Push Power 30.80P 68.67P 123.61P 192.28P N Pull Power 23.05P 58.27P 103.01P 161.87P N Max. Speed 150 150 150 150 mm/sec Min. Speed 30 30 30 30 mm/sec 1+0.004St 3.73+0.015St 5.5+0.023St 8.5+0.041St kg M5 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/8 PF(G) 1/4 0.05xSt 0.12xSt 0.23xSt 0.36xSt Weight Fitting size Air consumption quantity cm3 Repetition Accuracy ±0.1 mm Operating pressure 3 to 7 bar Ambient temperature -5 to 60 Lubrication Needless Note www.jrtfa.com 263 TL 5 TL-20 STROKE+24 2xSTROKE+85 STROKE+46 REED SWITCH JRTM OPPOSITE SIDE STROKE+16 STROKE+12 STROKE 2-M5 AIR PORT TL-30 REED SWITCH JRT-02 STROKE+32 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 2-M14x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+16 STROKE+252 www.jrtfa.com 264 TL TL-40 REED SWITCH JRT-02 STROKE+50 2-PF(G)1/8 AIR PORT 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+18 STROKE+306 TL-50 REED SWITCH JRT-02 2-PF(G)1/4 AIR PORT 2-M20x1.5p STOPPER STROKE+18 STROKE+316 www.jrtfa.com 265
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