Sailing - ANZ Ship Register
Sailing - ANZ Ship Register
I J 197 SAILING; CENTRE OF LATERAL RESISTANCE. Tltli cent'l"e of lateralnsistanc~ is the centre of application <i resistance of the water; and as this varies in position with ~lit spee<;l of the ship, &c., it is not determinate, but a -POint_is gene.rally taken at the centre of the immersed longitudinal verHcal middle plane of the vessel as sufficiently accurate. CENTRE OF EFFORT. The point in the longitudinal vertical middle plane of a vessa which is traversed by the resultant of the pressure of the wind on the sails is termed the centre of effort; its position varies according to the quantity of sail spread, &c., but its position is determined approximately for purposes connected with design· ing the sails, all plain sail only being taken- that is, the sail• that are more commonly used, and which can be carried with safety in a fresh breeze (see table, p. 200). They are a.; follows : In square-rigged vessels : the fore and main courses, fore, main, and mizen topsails, fore, main, and mizen topgallaol 11ails, driver, jib, and sometimes the fore topmast staysail. ! < In fore and aft rig-ged vessels : the main sail, fore sail, and sometimes the second or third jib. · In calculating the position of the centre of effort by'tlte following rules the sails are taken braced right fore and aft. To fi·n d the JI~)JC!uiimtlan- lteigltt of the Cfmtre of ejfm-t aborl tlte r.ent'l"tl of late'l"al remtance. RULE.-Multiply the area of each sail by the height of its centre of gravity above the centre of lateral resistance; take the sum of those products (or moments) and divide it by tlte ' total area of sail: the quotient will be the required result. To find the lateral po$ition flj' the cent1•e of tfforl Telat!'l!ely fl tlte cent'l"e oflat~al ?'eristance. ·':, RULE I.-Multiply the area of eaeh sail whose centre lies~ one side of a vertical axis passin~ through the centre of lateral resistance by the perpendicular distance of its centre from thai axis, and add the products (or moments) together. RuLE 2.-Treat the other sails whose centres lie to tilt other side· of the axis of moments in the same way as before. and add their products together. . , The difference between the two sums added together, and divided by the total are;~o of sail, will give the perpendicu!JI distance of· the centre of effort from the given axis. "; Note.-The centre of effort will lie to that side which ill' the greatest moment of sai!: ~ . The following tahle shows the method in which the centle of effort is calculated. · noo TABLE'SHOWING METHOD OF CALCULATING THE POSITION OF THE CENTRE OF EFFORT RELATIVELY TO THE CENTRE OF LATERAL RESISTANCE. .:1 Distances Moments ot Centre Areas Name of Sail of ""' eB c..; ~..;a Vertical Moments BeforelAbaft Before Abaft ~ ~ - ; - - -1- - - -1- - - - - - - f - - - - - 1 Jib 2040 0 Fore course " • 4050 • 4330 t opsail " topgallant sail • 1 llain course " topsail . " top(!:allant sail • Driver , lli.zen top•ail . 1500 5488 544 0 78 117000 12·5 14·0 67600 76160 15·5 100·5 78·0 1881 2831·5 2646 topgollant sail 87·3 178092 5G·O 226800 109·5 474185 281520 315900 837840 1S8 1 78 ° 78 158·8 288200 68•3; 815:!86·4 117·31 638112 29155·5 172·01 324532 2845G5·71 62·5: 176968·7 206310 99·!i,26<Hii·5 79·5-=- -~~~-}36·0 122672 902 3102i'5 12951975• 105226·y35500·21 . ; 5. Hght. of Centre ofEtrortabove} Centre of Lateral Resistance moment 2957975~ = 9 3• Dist. of Centre of Effort before} CCI)tr& of Lateral Resistance moments 1052260-735500·2 &rea 81027·5 area. 31027·5 10.2. 1'. ARDENCY. Ardency is the tendency a ship has to fly up to th~ wind, thus showing that the position of her centre of_ ~~ott__ 1s abaft the C61ltre of lateral resistance. ;:· SLACKNESS. q : - ·~ Slackness is the tendency a ship has to fall off from the wind, thus showing that the position of het centre of effort is before the centre of lateral resistance, _ I SAILING; ~AILING~ "I ,REL.oi.TIVE POSITION. OF .CEN.T RE OF. EFFOll.T AND . CENTmt...ol LATERAL ltESISTANCE. I r of centre of efforu before centre of lateral re. '1 '· · D=dis~ance .T • • • • s1stance. • . !_Dt =distance .of ..centre of effort l sistance. l .. ,L~length of load water-line. • - · JG above. centre.of JateiJil...Je, I .A=area of load water-line. " I. h~m•Jf d=distance of cent re of buoyancy of ship below load watell line. · ., d 1 =distance of centre of lateral resistance abaft the mid of the load water-line. .lit d2 =distance of centre of buoyancy before the middle of load water-line. · · · ··• · · r ., I ., D = ~.±.!-.) for"'ued vessels. · IQ(d,+dJ oo • , .. 1 1 L , - ·- j1 ,4 • • l tf' {ltJ .,. i ,. " ... r T 4 triAll ,. = - - - for cutter and fore and aft rigged yesse • 10(d,+d2 ) 1. . •. · 4A -~ I . •. 1'1·/· D, = 5{i' ~ . "" ,,_•si! D " • ut.lh'J<t l , 1 Noto.-The centre of effort of the sails, to produce the ' .effect, must be higher or lower according as the ship is more ot less full at the load water-line compared with the fulness of th4 body at the extremities below the water. Ships that are full a t the load water-line and clean below at the extremities req~· · the higher masts• ., ' . :1 , ;'i . I i . ' . REAL AND APPARENT MOTION OF THE WIND. . ";a . By the real mot.ion of the wind is meant its motion ~elati~el to. the. earth, and. b.)<- its apparent. motion its. motion relati:WI to the ship when she is sailing. . . The apparent motion being the Iesulta.nt of the real motion of the wind and of a motion equal and directly opposite to that of the ship. , • In fig. 147 let ·A B reptesenl · Fm. 141• in magnitude and direction tbt _ _:._....:....____ • real motion of the wind; alit --:------"~ • AC the direction and velocity \. of the motion of the ship; through B draw BD parallel · ~ , r . ,. .. • • 0 --:--:-___:: B and equal to AC ;-join DA :..then ·D~ will represent , in magnitude and direction the : a~pai;e~ motion of the wind. . ·· • · ..-.r:..t~ n ..f..;'l;;JtJ( l~ ,'l~Tn~ ~~ E St -- In algebraical symbols let:= " , •. ., ·l . ·: . •1 .. , :· ';'IT I le ADB made by the point from w~lch the apparent a.-_ang 'nd blow~ JVitb.. the course..of .th~sh~p. .- ----:-~=18~~=supi_>lement of ADB, the correspondin~. ~gle}o j the real wmd. AD r=-=ra.tio of v~1oc1' t Y of apparent wind to that ~f th . J DB . 'J'i! . .~()· l ship. ' ' , = AB ~ratio of velocity of real wind r 1 l \: DB " h I ''· } -l.v'(r•-1+ cos a)+ cosa}. ~hen a obtt{se, r= l.../(r,•- ~+ _cos' a)- co~ :. • r= .J(1+?•12 +2r 1 .cos K). • . · When is obtuse, r= ._/(1+r,·-~, cos '1' = .../(1 +r'-2v.. cos a. , I '~hen a 1.'s obtuse, r= .../(1 +r'+ 2r ·cos a): ls K K?· " K r · • s10 · a= -:;:,., sin r =- s1n a.. ~ EFFECTIVE • '7 I "l I ~PULSE 1 { K . OF WIND, .:P· h' to that of .~ e s 1 2 Sin ~:- ni)(l• (! 1 0 !l 'H lL 'd t; t l:I .rr -1 t I . . . lb I -~ •:r D=direct impulse of wind on sails _m. s. :· :. ' I•'! ' . . · · ulse of wind on sa1ls m 1bs. , E=effectne 1mp . . ulse which produces leeway c-oomponent of effect1ve 1mp . , and tends to heel the ship over. . h .. h i c, =component of effective impulse which moves t e s pi l ahead. ·• · · · f · d 'th by direction of apparent motiOn o wtn ~1 . . e=a.ng1e mad e ( fi 148) • the plane of the sails see g. : . h h' , ; b the plane of the sa1ls, w1th ..t e s _1p s , a=angle -rnad e Y I 1 ... · course (see fig. 148). v~ E=D sin' B• . c:=E cos a. c,=E sin a. j .. . . . d FIQ. 148. ·: In fig. 148 let PC represent in mag01tu e 1 and direction the pressure of the apparent 1 wind on the sail AB ; through P draw PR e 1 pa.."allel to AB . through c draw en. per· Ill ~pendicular to 'pn and cutting PB m B: ~ then BC is the effective pressure o_f the 1 .& B ~ wind on the sail AB, and BN perpe~dlc~~ r \ · P: • : t.o Kll: is the component 0~ RC w_ln~! component of BC wb4ch; duces heel and leeway, while NC lS · · • · propels the ship along. .. j I ---- 1 ( 200 .201 _BAILIN(}, TABLE OF DIRECT IMPULSE OF WINDS IN Lns. PER SQUAJIJ FooT, AND SAILS COMMONLY SET BY THE WIND. ..elocity in Knots Impulse J per Hour in lbs. 1 2 3 ·0067 Nnme of Wind JC.,. d.n Sails commonly set by the Wlod _}_1/___ . _1_ _ 1 1 I , 14 1·11 1·5o 1·93 2•16 2·41 2·67 } 22 24 3·23 3·84 } Moderate gale 26 4·51 5·23 6·00 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 28 30 f } ~0 .5 13·5 60 . 16·7 . 60 24·0 70 32·7 80 100 } } 38 42·7 54·0 66·7 { 8 mg . 1e-reefed topsails and topgallant sails in much Strong breeze se~ two reefs in the top.· sails to taking in topgal· ' lant sails. . . _ V=cJ~ ~c,J~· { topsails to topsails, reefed spanker and jib. · J Close-reefed topsails, reefed Fresh gale . courses to taking in span· ker, J_'ib, fore and mizen I · topsails. · • { Reefed courses, close-reefed t Strong g. ale . main topsail, fore stay· sail, mizen topsail to tak· ing in the main sail. Close-reefed main topsail Heavy gale to storm staysails,or close· { , reefed main topsail onl)". treble-re~ed l: I } Storm } Homan: ' ' r .a ,,. til :,c,= • lit ./v~!t. ' K=V'X=~. i' . .... c2 '-' T ct1 T.!.B1E OF THE RATIO OF A SHIP'S SPEED UNDER SAIL 1 TO SPEED OF REAL WIND. ·moot .A.rca of' Sails to Aug· m•nted Surfo.ce Relation between Course and Wind Course 5 points near wind Wind 2 points abaft beam Course 6 points near wind Wind abeam. ' Wind astern • Course 5 points near wind : . !l Wind 2 points abaft beam Course about 6! points near wind Wind on quart er { 1 { 1! { Double-reefed • .l l v =velocity of ship. , D=displacement of ship. x=area of midship section. A= area of sails. c ·and e 1 =constants obtained froni similar vessels. lf 1 32 34 36 90 ; SPEED OF SUULAB VESSELS UNDER SAIL. 16 15 17 18 19 20 5 6 y2 D= - =v2 ·006667. 1p0 tl ~~ 1 -, _ _ _ _ ____j ·027 Light air r: •060 107 } Courses, topsails, topgal:167 Light wind ~ . lant sails, royals, spanker 2 40 } jib, flying jib, and all • Light_ bre~ze light sails. ·327 . ' J'tl •427 } Moderate ' breeze J '· -~ ~ ·540 1 •667 "' •807 { Royals and flying jib taken ·960 Fresh breeze in in a sea way to two 1·13 . reefs in the topsails. 1·31 .4 1 JM,!o'ULSE OF WIND. y ... v~locity of wind in knots per hour. D =direct impulse in lbs. on. one square foot. 2 . { 2l Probable {atll) o Speed of Ship to Sp. of Real Wind t t I t TABLE OF THE RATIO OF THE PROBABLE SPEED OF VESSELS UNDER STEAM A!\'D CANVAS TO THOSE UNDER STEAM. :'~ wtder can· raa + speed under steam •4 ·5 ·6 •7 ·8 ·9 1•0 1•1 1·2 Probable speed under steam and canTM + speed under steam 1·02 1·04 1·07 1'10 1'15 1·20 1·26 1·33 HO Speed under can· va.s + speed under , .,. sf.eam l'robo.ble speed t111der steam and canvas + speed under steam 1·3 1·47· 1·4 1-55 1·5 . 1·6 1·7 ·,·r 1·8 . 1·9 2·0 1'64 1•72 1·81 1·90 1•99 2·08 •j 202 BAILING. SAIL mG. . HEELING MoMENT OF' SAILS. . • 1 IF= etfective impulse of wind on sails in lbs. (see p;·19~ · D =displacement of vessel in lbs. . " • ;:;, J, .. a...,. o =height of centre of effort above centre of Ia~ resistance. . •·· 1 G =height metacentre above c~ntre of gravfty. L =length of arm of righting couple at a given angle ci heel. . . . · M=neeling moment of_· sails. l -~ 1 ~ ,r<~7= · a =angle made by plane of sails with cou'rs~· of ship_(lllll fig, 148), I ' ' ' I . .. ' . " · ' • l.,; I =angle of heel of vessel. , ·\;-~ ....'\ = M.., C • E . cos a . cos 8. ,>' '/, . The steady angle of heel of a vessel due to M will be that II which M=D. G. sin 8 (for small angles cif heel)t ' r--T:"·-·---·- M_::_!! :_.P____Q~!..~PY ~_ogl~_of heel). __ ---. 1 _, In-the two last formulre the reduction in the effective-hee!inf power of the wind due to the sails being- inclined from U. 'upright position. has been neglected, but if necessary the ~ :Out-ion of the effective pressure of the wind may be takeJ!j vary as the sine squared of the angle of incidence of the viiDil . ,w ith the plane _of th_e ship's sails, or as the cosine squared of!!; flngle of heel. . . ,. · . 1· ' :1 1 Note.- In a gel\eral sense the moment of sail is usnallJ :understood to qe thE! proQ.uct pf th.e area of all plain sail inlil the height of the \)entre of .effort above the centre of lateral ~esistance, as fhe p):essure of wind is generally taken as 0111 pound in the square_foot; and the product of the weight of ilhip in lbs. into the height of the metacentre above the centl'l of gravity, divided l:)y th,e moment of sail, is taken as a measwt t: ~f-~er_ ~~C.i:.~~! r~i~~? ~~r,~-v_a.s~---- : ~l l -<J::JI::<: J f . t_f [(I ' l ,;o ,] r .1-:1_ AllEA OF' SAIL. , . :. •• l .(..;] 1 If '· t 11:.J C) ....JAfj r ' _ l:o determine accurately the quantity of sail suitable for.JIJl! . esse! to carry, make the moment of sail equa1 ·to the momeDI iof stability at a definite angle of heel; but the following mit jmay generally be taken as sufficiently approximate : - . 1 A =quantity of sail suitable to a given vessel. 1-· •. D =displacement of ¥essel ij:J.lbs. •· t:· · M =height of metaeentre abpve centre of gravity. l\· H '= height of centre of f tiort above centre of lat esi:itance. ~ r P. • ,- I· I 1 . e! =angle of h eel in circular measure suitable to given v Jtakenfr~.m the follow in.~ table./ :: ~- ( •,. ! ~ [------------------~-~A~~~~~~~~~~-~r--'<1- - Dx:Mx8 '.l,l I T.iBLE Ok' ANGLE OF STEADY HEEL FO)'t DIFFERENT . . ,CLASSES OF VESSELS. ClW!s of Vess~ 1 Angle frigates and large merchant ships Corvettes ~chooners and· cutters -~·') -: Yachts of Heel Circular ;Measure 40 -Q70 ·087 ·105 ·1-05 to ·107 I'J!ll so 60 6° to 9° T!.BLE OF THE AREA ' .A.ND MOMENT OF SAILS OF SOME 0.1>' HER MAJESTY'S _l::iCREW VESSELS. A 30~33 B c D E ~ ;.;;- 3·ll 95·99 23·33 . .\chilies Bellerophon . 2379219·34 3·15 85·6-126·1 2-1 . 16206 20·62 5•0110.)-4 21·2 21 Favourite Hercules. • 28882 21-62 3·26 118·42 18·9 2-lo Inconstant · 12603! 27·574·61,147·9 15-1 23 Iron Duke • 25054 23·92 4·25•128·96 17·3 22 llonarch . 27700 22·5213·35 129'1217·3 24 llinotaur .: 32377 24·23 3·10 74-50130·0 26 Penelope 17168 22·3213·\)3 8!·35i26·6 16 Prince Consort 22459 18·85 3:36 43·28,ii1·7 25 ~ultan 28258 20·!213-07 ll2·8!119·8 26 Swiftsure 250!:)5 21·9513·82 116·0 119·3 24 Valiant 21426 17·4r·18 59·10,37·9 25 Vixen 7860 22·98 6·39 74·67:29·9 11 Warrior 28809 2:!·07 :!•16 63·22135·4 26 '"J; I G I •· F {()• 1•51 7 3·088 8! 2·03 3·28 4 l ·OO 3-40 Oi 1·38 2·69 101 1-42 2·80 0 •66 3•012 1~ ·76 2·37 8~ 1·999 3·879 r 6~ 5 2·15 6·01 0 135 2·35 2·64 10~ 1·8 3·05 8 1·89 4-61 2 ·95 !'21 . 2·285 4-678 5t fl t In the above table- .:! r m " A"'area of plain sail in square feet. H -- '• > _ in.. m't B"'proportion of s; to one foot of midship section a~ load dzaught. . . ·. .. , · ·' c =proportion of. sail to one ton of displacement - ~ lo~ draught. • -r, 'l . i ~ -" • l• • r f, D;;, moment of sail about centre' of latera.J.''resistance divided by displacement in tons· into the distan~e between ,~he metacentre and the centre of gravity in feet. ' . . '.'~ E= weight of the ship: in lb·s: in.{itipli'ea by .the distance between the metacentre and the centre of graVIty, and the product divided by the moment of sail about the centre of later:J.l resistance. SAILING. 1-Note..--=This .. is a measure· of the power of a ship--ta,_ !inclination under her canvas. u,!~ ! I_F =mean load-draught oCwater jn f~e~'and,es. G,; ·distance of centre of gravity below load water-line in feel .!l •'/.·! : ~;= height of metacentre above centre of gravity in f~~~~' ~~~;: .];FFECT OF GusT oF. Wnm o~ A Sm~·~ SA~~''}!3J - "The effect of a sndden gust of wind upon a ship's sail& Y..i a ~'9-le, to heel her over to an extreme angle of heel of alm! ,tv:ice the steady angle at'\vhich . the sanie constant preSSlltl!:lt \wmd would keep her: , · , _ . Jill>! • ~ ·In fig. 149 let ABC be the ship's curve of stat ical ,stll!>ilil! 'and DE her curve of varying moments of sail-that is, tllt ordinates which express the moment of sail at the differei .angles vary as the cosine • of the angle of heel . •.• r ~~ i I '· ... "I ' l"'G.l49. . . 1.· a:! . I1 the wind is .steadily applied the ship will re~ ,inclined at a steany angle of heel of 20°, determined by droppi!C ,an ordinate at the point of intersection E of the two cune: but in the case of t.h e same pressure of wind being suddeel! applied she will heel over beyond the steady angle of heel, alii she will oscillate for a time about that angle, the reason l}eillf that an amount of mechanical work has been done in heelil{ her over to 20°, which is represented by the area ADEH wheN~ the work absorbed is only equal in area to AEH; hence ~echaci cal work bas been accumulated equal to the area AED. '1!11 ship will therefore continue to heel over till this work has bee absorbed; this will occur at 40°, when the area EKL is equal• the area AED, or, in other words, when the area .ALM-t)r dynamical stability at 40°- is equal to the area ADKM jl will commence a return oscillation under the influence of.a righting moment, represented by KL. .. J/1. '} •!i! .. ' l "' I~ .s I~ ..,_,., OF SOME SCHOONEU·RIGGED ~CREW TABLE GIVING THE DIMENSIONS OF MASTS AND Sp•nc 81'EA:MERS. I..en~th , l~O Breu.tlth, 26 J.ength, 130 n. Breadth, :lU ft: ft. n 1'onnu~r~::,4.~: Fore lfut --- Yarcl a.rm::t each• Ya.rd arms, each Topga.lle.nt yard. Wbole length Yard arms, ellch Gaff. ;;note ,langtb, tly includetl Spanker ~om • · · · B.owsprit, exclu;ive ~f ho~ini J1bboom D\ate.nco befon rudder pos~ t : - :1 • ~""'-••&) 14~ 39 0 80 16 0 10 0 4 0 46 0 . 2 0 34 0 41 0 14 8028 0 7 40 0 0 0 0 0 15 10 440 10 0 36 6 3 6 9 10~ 8 140 2 0 5! 61 114 0 ut MalnMut Lgth. I>iu. Lgth. Di n. Lgth. l Hn. n. in. fn. n. in. in. fl. in. ln. n." in. in . ft. in. in. -n. in. 3~ 0 2 0 53 0 2~0 ~~~ HoW:lng . " . Main :Must Fore :P.tnst -- · - - -- ForeMtLst J..gtlt. Diu ·-·-- ---- Lg~h. in . 11 13 0 0 10 0 "''~o~.r . ·-~ 15 7 92 6 87 7 26 3 0 6 0 0 41 0 2 6 24 0 8 G 0 6 0 0 ]I) 45 0 ,___ 6i 2 21 1 19 2 Dia. ~th._IDia. Aft Schooner ft. m. in. 4 29 2 31 2 , Main Moat 110d ln. 12 6 3 0 60 0 s0 44 6 Topsail yard. Whole length Ge.II topsail yard. Whole length : Fore Fore ft. in. 42 a 10 0 21 0 From deck to hounds Head. . Topmast. Length to stops • · Pole . Topgallant I.engtb to ;tops: Pole . . Lower yard. Whole length Main Mud ---- ~ Tounuj,!e, so. Lgth. Dia.. Lgth. Ditl. ·-- - Lower mast. Tonnn~c . 1!1~1 Schooucr-rj~:ged Schoou.crHri,u;ed 0 t1 I..en£!th, 76 n. Dre•ulth, 1~ rt., 108 n. B reatlth, 17 ft. 6 in. 'l'ontu'lo:'c, :!!II.' Schooucr· rh:~cd • SPBCI E8 OP MASTS AlfD SPAlla >I'c.:; lb 0 I 6 2 0 27 0 2 0 45 0 25 0 2 6 10 12 21 0 38 0 7 6 27 u - 3 0 14 - 13 26 3 12 11 28 6 20 0 s0 9~ 20 0 4 0 s~ 19 0 2 0 7~ 26 6 3 0 28 0 11 11 7~ 11 0 1 0 4 13 0 I G 4~ 170 1 3 5l 18 6 2 0 28 0 5! 146 9 6 .) 0 84 8 81 8 t 24 0 57 0 1.»_.~ :'~ ~-ki.I' · Uu• TADLE OF FACTORS USED TO DETERMINE THE LENOTHB OF MABTB AND SrAI\8 J,'OR l_CULL-Jnoo:E o Srrn·s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &:r~w v ~~--- Clipper Sbips SPKClKB OJJ MASTS AND SPARS ..,...,..--,..,----.-.-----c---;-;;--;;--..-- - - -- -l·"EX.T --"EX. 2 Ironclad ]'rigntes JlX. 1 ~ Main mast hounded =breadth of vc••el x ·1:339 -1·4Uil T14f , , beaded =hounded length • x ·254 ·282 '302 Fore , hounded =main mast bounded x ·910 ·911 ·908 ,. headed =hounded leng-th . x ·281 ·309 ·315 Mizen , bounded =main mast bounded x ·905 ·911 ·823 beaded . =bounded length x ·246 ·239 ·239 , , Main topmast hounded. = brelldth of vessel x 1·086 1·!2.'i ·987 headed , =hounded length • x ·211 ·185 ·155 , hounded, =main topmast hounded x 1·000 1•000 1·000 be11ded =hounded length • x ·211 ·185 ·155 , , Mizen , hounded • = m11in topmast hounded x ·803 ·827 ·777 , , h eaded ' =hounded leng-th x ·238 ·194 ·154 Maio topgallant mast hounded =breadth of vessel x ·632 ·958 ·5-13 , royal x ·426 ·500 ·3G2 , , :: pol~ . =hou'~ded'tength x ·379 ·191 • • x ·3G1 , sl<ysail , hounded = breadth of vessel • ,. , , pole . = hounded length • • • x ·077 1·000 Fore topgnllant hounded = main top~allant mast hounded x 1·000 1·000 1'000 , royal , , , royal ma.~t hounded x 1·000 1·000 ·191 , , pole • = houuded lenp;th • • x ·379 1•000 , skysail , hounded =main skysail mast bounded x ·077 , , ,, pole . = honmled le.n~th • . • x ·82\i Mizen top;;nllant. , hound~'(). = main tupgalluut mnst hounded x ·500 •778 nwal ro.vnl mnst hounded x ·32D Jlx. 2 .~~~;d Troop- Merchant Corvette ship Steamer 1-::i:i!ll.-::rrf ---r44o ·288 ·904 ·298 •875 ·219 1·000 •155 1·000 ·155 ·774 ·1f>4 ·595 ·369 ·096 ·273 ·89il ·222 ·945 ·172 1·000 ·172 ·736 ·156 ·511 ·305 ·178 ·248 ·958 ·2u9 ·843 •215 ·976 ·167 1·000 ·167 ·732 ·183 •548 ·286 •208 1-000 1·000 ·364 1-000 1·000 ·096 1•000 1·000 •178 1·000 1•000 ·208 ·7ti9 ·818 ·780 ·774 ·798 ·786 ·333 ·944 ·353 ·889 ·2GO ·808 ·141 1·000 ·141 ·739 ·147 ·456 ·289 ·364 ·259 ·9~6 ""z Ul 8 z Ul TABLE OF FACTOllS U~ED TO DE'f ERMINE THE LENGTHS OF MASTS AND SPARS FOR FULL·UIGGED SHIPS (continued). l\1izcn royal mast pole • • , sk,•sail mast hounded ; , ·., , pole · • Main yard. Whole lengt.h • Yard arms, each Fore yard. Wholtllcngth • Yard arms, each Mizen yard. Whole length • Yardarms,ench Main lnwer topsail yard Yard arms, each Fore lower topsail y&rd. Yard arms, each • • Mizen lower topsail yard Yard arms, ench Main u,rper yard 1: urd arms, each • Fore upper topsail yard Yard nrms, each •. Mizen upper topsail yard Yanl '"''""' each - _ Main topl':nllnut yard • • 1 I. Yurd nrnu~, each . l, Hc~eiBCI• I -;-;:~~~~~~-WtHHI- ; - ·;~-,!J-arot Yrlgutcs shcutl.ocd r;p- Steamer 1--:cllc-"- 1.,--,-1""E-"....,2- Jlx. 1 i J&:-2 Corvette ~ x ·4~-! ·l~U ·auu -o~a ·Hili x ·846 x ·090 x ·353 ·358 ·278 ·284 ·291 ·238 :268 ·056 x ·037 ·036 ·0-!1 ·044 • ·0-!2 ·050 1•000 x 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 ·056 x ·037 ·036 ·041 ·0-!4 ·042 ·050 •755 x ·78!! ·857 ·676 ·744 •701 ·750 ·067 x ·038 ·038 ·04:.! :OV4 ·042 ·100 x ·843 ·877 x ·024 ·052 x 1·000 1·000 x ·024 ·Oii2 x ·770 ·829 x ·026 ·053 •762 x ·9tn• ·9aa• ·705 •744 ·750 ·800 •082 x ·052 ·032 ·OBI ·O!J.! •085 ·078 1•000 x 1·000 l·UOO 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 ·082 x ·052 ·032 •081 ·0~1 ·085 ·078 ·738 x ·803 ·794 ·696 ·67'.! •729 ·G87 •100 x ·038 ·040 ·Ot!2 ·Oul ·osa ·079 UllpJICr Hill II" !li'KClllll 011' .MAS1'8 AllfV l!t•AII8 -hounded length ·. =main skysail mast hounded =hounded length =length on water-line ·• =yard • ·• ·• =main yard =yard • =mnin yard , ·• =yard • ·• =main yard ·• =yard . • . • =main lower topS&il y&rd. =yard • • ·• =mnin lower topsnil yard =yard ·• =main ynrd _ ·• =yard • • • • =mnin upper topsail yard =yard • • . =mnin upper topsail yard =yard • • • ~-=mnin upper topsail yard .x ·816 ·81!i ·G22 ·672 ·G78 ·641 x ·0·10 ·0H9 ·0411 ·Ofil •0·12 ·O(il • 1 =y nrd •· • >.1"\n luwor ' Jlo • ... •~ ...~ t..•~ll ,)'.._I'd. r,.. ..,. ........ .. H l •-'l..t.t SP.ECIES OF MABTB AliD SPARS .J:"ui~l....- L~ I:I• 11 :j.JL[I'H Clipper Ships Merchant ~~~.,~~~~•·j1;'~~~~JI[I,I~u~t~JG·~un~l~~--~~~-~L;~~~~~--~-----l ~~. J Ri.1f lurd arms, e"eJI =llla Jn U'it>gu.ililll~ J'~M ~ =ynrd . . • Mizen topgullant ynrd =mnin topgallant J·ard Yurd arms, each Main royal ynrd • =yard • • • Yurd urms, euch =mnin topgnllnnt vard Fore ro.Y"l yard • =yard • • • • 1:nrd arms, each :;nn/J roy_ru yn.rd Mizen roynl yard • = mnin ro\'ru \'nrd Yard urms, each =ya•·d ·• • . 1\f:lin skysuil yard. , Ynr•lllruls, each • ':; ~.i~ roynl ynrd Fore skysail ynrd • • =main sky~nil y'nrd : d . Ynrd urrns, each M12en skysHil yard • =ya~ • . • • Yard h • = mnlll &kysn•l vard • S nrms, eac • • = ynrd • pankcr gaff. Whole length =spanker boom ,. lloorn. 1 U f now•prit, outside sten:' = eng 1 0 ve>sel " " • Jiulloom, housi"g excl~ded : H 0using _ " ~~'t:sprit • For_cmastbefureaftcrst~rnp~t:; "Jl lOrn • .Mam " " " wnter-line ·U72 ·0(11 X --:uij l Steau1cr J.Oi:iio x ·04V ·03V •7()2 x ·035 ·040 x ·818 ·7 ., x · ·047 ·0-10 x 1:000 I ·OOU x ·0-!7 ·040 x ·737 ·76 x ·045 ·031 x ·773 x ·031 x J•fiOU x ·03-J x •"no vo " ·Nl7 x 677 ·785 ·700 •700 x ·216 ·216 ·184 •JV!J x ·103 ·102 •129 ·W:l x t·768 1·909 1·000 1·415 x •527 ·524 ·3B7 ·348 x •7il •779 ·675 •774 -11~~~ x ·774 061 '561 •045 ·u!iil •045 l ·OCO ·0-15 ·500 •071 :~~~ .075 2 .250 .466 ·8:t6 ·660 ·166 ' 0 09 1' 813 :~,£,~, ' ~~f-;~,"~·'----~~--. .~----~--~~--~,~--~----~--~~x~·i4~52[l~·i4fG,~a~·I4[25LL~·i4~30tt.-J'4~4ll_j~'f33~ - c.~ ·1Z4 ·161 .164 _x · •190 ·161 •117 v ·6c9 ·188 ·112 2·015 •496 ·809 •450 ~ c.,:) TAllLE OF FACTORS USED TO D ETERMINE TIIE LENGTIIS OF MASTS AND SPARS FOR B ARQUES AND BRIGS, !::icrcw titcnm v e55c s ¥~nclnd 8PRC11!1S OF MAiml AND SPARS Sa-iling ~~rch~nt Troop- Merchant Merchant ship. Vco;sel. Vessel. ~-:E1gged 13~~~~·11\l_~•l BarqueBligBarqueEx. 1 llx. 2 Ex. 1 Ex. 2 ril!geol rigl'ed ngged n gntes. esses. Main _ m_a- s7t-'h_o_u-n'de-d.-. •---=-.--b-re-=a-,d"thr-o•r""v-esse·""1r------::xh-1~·'1..,;,~5 Fi~; i·410 1-UOG ., , heaucd .• .. =ho11nded length • .. x ·254 ·317 ·264 ·245 Fore , hounded .. • =main mn8t hounded .• x ·913 ·90f> ·927 ·898 , , headed ., = hounded length • .• x ·278 ·351 ·282 ·272 x ·873 ·873 ·837 ·979 Mizen , hounded ., • = main mast hounded , , headed , • =hounded length .• x ·230 ·228 •231 ·167 Main topmast hounded • • =breadth of vessel x ·6~7 ·857 1·000 1·000 , henued • • =hounded length • x ·179 ·167 F~:.e , hounded. • =mnin topmast hounded x 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 =hounded length . x ·179 ·1 67 , headed M~en , hounded. =mnin topmast honnded x 1·2-!7 1·000 ·821 1·5G7 , ,. pole • • =hounded length x ·188 ·188 ·344 ·086 Main topgallantmosthounded =breadth of vessel .• • x •393 ·250 ·615 ·623 , , , pole • =hounded length • • . x ·11 4 ·071 ·500 -Fore , , hounded =main topgallant most hounded x 1·000 1•000 1·000 1·000 , , ,, pole =hounded length x ·114 ·071 ·500 Mnin royal mast hounded =brendth ofvesse1 • x •475 -hotmdeu len,;th • x .• ·310 , , , pole • Fore , ,. hounded -= mnin royal mase pole • • x 1·000 , pole , =hounded length • . • . • x ·3 10 M'~iny~rd. . Wholelcngth. -tengthofwater:liu~___,_ _, x YnT<l nrmo. ea~h -yard l'ore)"l''d. • '1A..1JLJJ; O..t' l'A.ct·on.t:J UtjED :co l.JJ~;l.'E UAUNll ·825 ·01\0 ·224 •OGG ·0·13 ·04·1 ·:;:;;r.+U:~ " 1·0nu 1·oon I ·oou t ·oou J·noo "\"1\t'f\ ""'"'• tuu•h -vat'•\ ' ·205 ·OG7 x Whnlohm~th • -mllinynrd 1·llli - 1·305·278 ·2G4 ·90H ·!)43 ·286 ·280 1·05G •175 ·820 1·052 ·1 34 ·175 1·000 1-000 ·13-1 ·175 1·093 ·159 •459 ·G31 ·667 1·000 1·000 ·GG7 ·286 ·143 1·000 ·143 ·Ill! •217 •260 x :t'Llll: L... MNO:t'JIH ·hH7 ·f,!'lf l ·Ol\fJ Ob" MAB1'B AND ·OI H •o.J I ~577- •OM ·271> ·928 ·298 ·928 •211 1·2G7 ·1117 1·000 ·1G7 1·289 ·207 ·690 1·000 ·408 ·138 1·000 ·138 ·882 •047 t·nun l·ouo •OflS •017 SrA.ns Fou DAUQ.UEri AND lln:ros (concluded) . - - - ~'CW .=tciUIO VL·a.clil~-- ' SailbJg Troop- Merchnnt ,ll<'rcll~n• I n;ncla.l ' Al<>rell<llnt Frigntcs. Vessels. slrlp. Vessel. Ve>sel. ,~~~mild flarq>w.-riJ."l!"'l [liLr<IILI' BrigBarque.:;'l';:<.:::::;:::o;;-:.-::::;;r-----~====--------- l~!:=_a_::-;·.x;. ~l!l'~_..,.x. 'll E• . l t::;)(.ll ~I 'l 'c•l r4.~1 rigge(! - 8PJICIES OF M.!.BT8 AND SPARS H ;Ju top~11il y~l . 'l: nrd arms, each }'ore topsail yard . Yard nrms, each • Mizen gaff topsail ynrd . Yard nrms, each • Main t<>p((nll:mt y:trd Y urd nrms, cnch Fore topgallant ynrd Yard arms, each Main royal yard . Yaru nrms, each Fore roynl y11rd . -Yarclnrms, each . . Spanl<er gaff. Whole length " boom , , B_owsprit, ouh!i<le stem • ' • J1bboom, housing excluded . Hou"ing . . F ore mast before rud<ler p~st Muin , , -main yard x ·71'9 •';":ftf - -71i(f •71':J - : ·[t ----:;-4;1- --lt;2 =yard • • x ·055 ·07-! ·105 ·071.) ·077 ·086 ·078 = main topsail y ard x 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·1100 1·000 1·000 =yard • • x ·055 ·074 ·105 ·073 ·077 ·086 ·078 =spnnker gaff x , ·5!0 •5-!13 - • - • ·5V\ - • - • =yard . . x ·100 •100 ·095 =main topsail yard x ·628 ·657 ·u31 ·690 ·700 ·GR9 ·656 = yurcl . . • x ·OGS ·OtiS ·0!13 •06~ •045 ·050 •0-!8 -main topgnllnnt yard x 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 1·000 =yard . • • x ·OtiS ·OtiS •083 ·Oti6 ·04ii ·050 ·O.J.8 =main topgallant yard x ··684 ·791 ·714 =yard • • x ·058 ·041 ·042 =main royal yard x 1·000 1·000 1·000 =yard . , x ·058 •0-!1 ·042 =spanker boom x ·661 ·661 ·G25 ·700 ·670 ·133t •145t =.length of vessel >< ·191 ·200 ·155 ·187 ·J-!7 = ., , , • x ·081 ·08V ·097 ·1t0 ·056 ·143 ·16:1 = , , bowsprit. x 1·306 1•181 l •OGl ·900 1·300 _ ·944 = , , jil>boom • x ·782 ·5-lil ·943 ·9-l!i ·461 •471 = , water-line x ·817 ·t>18 ·770 ·787 •79G ·706 ·793 = ;; , , x ·431 ·42G ·43 1 ·436 ·ll7-! •287 ··130 -.;.;l\;:;Ii::z:::en::._;.._:.:"---''it.'"="'=-=-.:::,..,.o•~··.--J-J:'~-....l'::.'_ _ _.;__.:..,;x~_·:_:2~0~4.L~·2~0!1 159 ·151 ·141 •1 60 • Jj~ ~·il, t TJJUilW g~- k!JgUI ot \'111!!01" t T.~DT.Jo: O.k' FACTORS USED TO DETEUMJNE THE LENGTHS OF MASTS AND SPARS OF SCHOONERS AND BRIGS. SPICOIES Ol' AfAS'rB AND SI~AR8 ' Fore ma' t hounded ~breadth of vessel , ,, , headc<l =hounded length , Moin , hounded =fore mast hounded , ' , hended = houn,led Ieng Ih ,· Mizen , hounded ;=fore most hounded • =hounded length , , haadej Fore topmast hounded =l>rendth of vessel headed =hounded length pnle . " Main hounded ;=fore 'topmn:.;t hounded hendcd • =hounded length , , pole , , • Mizen , hounded =fore topmast hounded , , pole . . . = hounded length . . Fore topg. mast hounded = breadt.h of vessel • ,, , pole. • =hounded length . • Main , , hounded • =fore topg. ma..t hounded Fore royal ,, , =breadth of vessel . • , ,, , pole . • =hounded lengt.h . . Main - , - -, hounded ..--fore royal mMt hounded u ~·ore .. zt ~ole . . who.o lon:tth. n yard, == honnc..le O lcn~!lh ~Jen~lh Ynrt\ nNn", eru:h - ynrcl of v.._l . x x 1·125 x 1·089 1-127 ·237 1•125 ·204 ·211 1-634 ·235 t·035 ·230 ·iG ·807 ·222 x x ·911 x ·til x x ·Giii x x 1·-126 x x ·170 x 1·148 x x x 2·11lll 1·753 ·202 t·on 1·057 1•500 1·3l33 •200 1·740 •218 t·17:l ·186 1·368 ·140 ·HiO HliO 1·7ll8 ·185 ·1 00 1'608 •146 ·](){) 1•000 1·75 I •200 ·H3 ·200 I ·&il3 ·500 •312 ·400 ·394 ·111 1·368 ·140 ·600 x x x x x •noo • ·(V,O Muin yard. w ·hole length fore yard Yard nrms, ench =ynrd FoYe topsail yard. Whole length • = fore yard • . · Y nrd nrms, each =yard Main topsoil yard. Who!(\ length . = fore tops. yard Yard nrms, each =yard . 1\ialngafftopsailyard. Whole length = main gnff • Mizen , , , =mizen gnff . Fore topgallant yard. Whole length = fore tops. yard Yard arms, ench = ynnl . . Main topgallant yard. Whole l~n,:th =fore topg. yard Yard nrm,, each =ynrd . • Fore royal yard. \\'hole length . =fore topg. yard 'Yard lltOlS, each = VllrU • • Main royal yaru. Wl1ole length =fore royal yard Y nrd lll'lns, each = ynrd • . .Fore gatf. Whole length. = lgth. of vessel Mnin , ,. = fore gaff • .M.izen " H • " , Spanker boom. Whole len~;~lh · = mizen gnff · ' t 1 · f housmg = lgth. of vessel B owspn , e.xc us1ve o • " llll Jillboom ,, , , . · Jl · · vessel Distance of fore mast llef. rudder post main = ·161 ·3-!0 ·185 1"467 1·950 ·280 I ·205 t·OG8 I 1•051 ·213 ·J95 •848 ·173 ·850 ·800 " x x x x x - - ·683 •Oi3 '647 ·7-ll ·i5-l ·7a9 ·OIG ·090 ·092 ·Oi4 ·585 ·OlS3 ·690 ·617 ·412 ·642 ·lii4 ·667 ·109 ·683 ·063 ·683 ·014 ·655 ·Oiil ·661 ·C>53 ·Oil x ·14:i x 1·000 ·121 1·214 ·:l06 1·100 1·53 •105 1'560 ·187 ·721 ·7ti0 •303 ·152 1•117 •811 1•415 ·105 1·000 ·7u7 •433 ·Ht x x x x x ·[)~3 ·Oi:l ·702 ·705 x x x X >< >< x ·M37 l xx 1:4 6 0 0 x 2.56o 2 x ·705 x ·3nO X •lJf> ·298 ·HG 1'14:l ·231 1·060 ·223 1·088 1·700 ·HIO 1·056 1·513 ·191 •200 I - t •213 1·n11 1·~30 ·ill ·315 •01)5 1·04.0 ·OU5 ·75u •050 1•12!! ·0;)0 ·317 1·000 ·754 ·317 •750 ·al6 ·7f>u ·3-15 - 348 ', I TA.BLE OF FACTORS USED TO DE:rERML'IE THE DLA.Mlm:lls OF SHIPs' MAsTs AND SPARS. • Length X r ! ., Ships', brigs', and barques'. j j ·025 to ·028 - • ·020 , ·021 •. ·020 , ·022 1 1 l Luggers' ·020 , ·021 2"' Ships', brigs', and barques'. ·023 , ·025 g_ Cutters' and schooners' ·020 , ·0:?2 ~ { Luggers' • • Topgallant masts ·~. r . , ·020 •. Ships', brigs', and barques'. ,; ' · · ~ Cutters' and schooners' , • · · Lower yard : : :' • Topsnii yard ~ Topga_llant nnd royal yard. • • • . :; Crosspck yard • >o { Cutters'andschooners'squaresail Cutters' nnd schooners' topsail • • • . Luggers' yards • ·rDriver boom • • • l Ma.i n and cutters' booms l . ~ ~ Jibboom ~ Flying Jibboom • " Rake in Twelve Feet • . Ships' and brigs'. 1·Cutters' and schooners' 0 Trysnil gaffs • • ,. , { - - ·O:ll ·040 , ·050 { ~!:~ {heel • ·040 , ·050 head . ·020 ·025 yard arms• ·Ot7 :: ·020 , ·017 , ·018 , ·020 , ·025 , ·Ot4, ·017 , _ ·017 , ·020 ·018 , ·02o :: ·017 , ·020 { f:!:~ e:d t ·017 ·020 { ?u er " " mner " • • . Lugger : ,:~~_i61·. ·020 , ·025 Jib and flying jibboom in one s1 Line I {heet • I. ·833 hounds • ·8<•i Before Abaft Inch"" head • • ·;;..) {heel • ,, ·!l:i:l hounds • ·;,'1) {main mast • ·062 to ·061) 6to5 head • · " ·.100 2 to 1 {heel • • ·!W • frigate fo~e , . • ·37 to •39 ·3H to ·404 10 to 9 bound• • ·to«\ I mizen " · head • l• ·6i0 {main ·096 to ·06 6 to 10~ he~! · • -!l.i3 "·r f or.e ·3·72 to ·399 w ve t t e• • ," 2 to I! bounds • ·j,. ·375 to ·356 10 to 10! head . • .;;x:; mizen , { • •• ·1'(01 hounds '0!7 1 . 1;~ l'lipper mam " { head . ·274 •1 b. fore · , 9 ,·;, s 1p {hounds . ·309 15 head . .• ..1uu mizen , {hounds • ·;;t pole . · -.~(Kr hounds · :. ·i71 ·020 , ·021 { skysail pole ·;J(1.1 •. J , MAsTs Distance from )Iiddle of '\Vater Line in Fractions of the Length of that - Schooners' " X 1 RIG .L'ID N A>IES OF ~ Cutters' " ... ~ TABLE OF PosiTION L"l'D RAKE OF l\!Asrs FOR SAILING VESsELs. Given Diamr. . End Di.e.meten =Whole . = Given Di•IDCIII' SPECIES OF M..\.Sl'B AND SPARB 349 RELATIVE POSITION OF MASTS AND SPARS. PROPORTIONATE DIA'blETERS OF MASTS AND SPARS. if~!:; " 1''-"'' • J~ · ·5·1! '.-51.•• l· :;:: • .;01) ·.:.',ill' l' t- ·:~ outer :,, inner ·026 { outP.r . · " Inner ,, ·018 , ·022 outer end • ·018 , '()22 ., . ·030 , ·040 , ain 'lf mfmiZen o:e " " ,;ted {main , schooner fore , mizen , c~mmon { . schooner mf am " ore , Bermuda {main , schoonerfore ;: ~ '• ·7.\ .·,1 B· {main '• .;; l'lg of \var fore ; :1~ •G17 , ·020 ·022 Barque ... {main , fore ., • mizen , racht as · .;; bri"' o : ~ «etch ·-06· >&· • ,50 !'• _;.,.61, lle1 main { fore " " " ,, , fmaill , )._mizen , ·enne } main :..: cutter .~ Cut ter yacht main " - - . ·04 . ·396 ·12 ·6 ·24 •300 . ·067 . - . ·349 13 11 17 ·396 ·295 •03.3 - ·366 27 24 30 - :046 - 24 15 •338 - ·279 to ·31 ·331 to ·323 ~ ·!OS to ·OS± 2! to 33 16 to 36 ·147 to •138 10 to 9 - 3 to 2 - ·14! - 10 ·323 ·n - 12 - 2~ •395 18 ·13 to ·104 - H . to 13 ·112 to ·14 - 12 to 15 . " ·f""-----------.:.... ____.:....____.._____,J .Vote.-The fa.ct.or• in the aoove table will apply eqna!ly weU whetbermasts and spars are of wood or of iron. • 35i OF TRESTLE - .AND CROSS TREES. GIVING THE GIRTHS OF HEMP AND WIRE ROPE EQUIVALENT STRENGTHS. TABLE OF THE WEIGHT OF VESSELS, MASTS, SPARS, Rl:GGL'IO, AND S.AILS IN TONS. Win; (ins, Kind of Vessel 52•6 37•1 !6•5 22·0 18•1 12•2 6•9 4•2 Lower masts and bowsprit• Topma.sts and yards Spare gear and booms Standing riggingt R unning Blocks to Ship's so.ils Spnre , Kind of Vessel Sailing Ship Tonnage (B.M.) :;oo 61·9 36·0 16·0 21·2 17•2 11•1 7'3 4'4 36•7 27·5 12'6 20'2 16•9 10'6 6·0 S·7 B. ngs I 380 26·5 12·0 19'1 16•3 10-G 6·1 4i 4t 3·4 _ WlLE Scbo::J I 230 180 1 Cutter ISO 6'4 1•9 1'2 1•9 1'4 ·3 1•3 Lower roosts and bmvsprit Topmasts and yards Spare gear and booms Standing rigging t Running Blocks to Ship's sails • The runst• and span are all of wood. t i Standing rigging of wire. g] .,::; A~ --Ins. "' 8 ~~ pi i { ~~ 1~ Ins. (~ 11~ 12 65 3 6 I2~ ll pa a r~ H~ I .c5 t:~ Weight of . - cs~ - - - -Cwt.Qr.Lb. Cwt. Qr.Lb. Ins. !""· Cwt. Qr. Lb. r10 2 9 29 0 17 15! 110 0 I4 112 0 26 1! 13 3 16 !6 . 8~ 1 I5 2 25 I~ { 16! !36 2 10 39 I 21 17 0 22 17 J19 0 21 { 17i !55 0 { 10 9 60 0 14 121 0 20 Ii 18 c3-s - ---- t .1 ., ]:3.j SI 3 12 94 0 7 r r32h 01 27 29 { 32 36 0 1~ 1 23 3 3 1 19 0 7 137 2 4 40 1 12 1i 2 2s rs~ IV 20 { 21 22 r23 - 24 (25 ISO 3 14 190 0 2I6 0 I4 0 0 I TaBLE 01" THE RELATIVE PROPOR'riONS OF IRON AND H£MPEN CABLES, TOGETHER WI'rH THEm WEIGHT. Weight of 100 Fathoms ~~ 20 Hemp Cbe.ln i:Oi'O ~I 2 S ·s , 4! 4! 8-l.•l 1--------1----;- - Spare li 5 Tonnage (B.M.) ioo FathoiDI Hewp. Cwt.Qr: J.!' { 43 0 I 45 3 !7 48 3 u { 51 s t 56 I 0 { 68 2 e GI 3 IS { 65 2 I 69 0 11 76 a I { ~4 1 1{ 92 j I& rO! 2 I 110 2 I 119 3 ' lfr 1h 1 4 3! 1~ 3~ 1! i i l1 4! 3/r 3!f 97 -n 1~ 4~ la THE~ SHOWING FROM WHAT NUMBERS OF CA.NYAS DIFFERENT SAILS ARE l\1ADE. Spocics of Sails made of the given Number of Canvas I Courses, lower stnysails, trysails. Courses, lower stnnails, trysails, awning~. Courses, topsail•, lower staysail.:!, trysails, spankers, awnings. Course~, topsails, spankers, jibs, lower and topma;t staysails. Topsails, topgallant "nih;, spankers, jib•, topmast staysails. Topsails, lower nnd topmast studding sails, spnnkers, jibs, { upper staysai!s, ge.ff topsails. I Top~rul.ont sails, studding s:Uls, jibs, flying jibs, upper $h\.V- • eail·, gaff topsail•, cutters' and schooners' crossjack ~r~s and square topsaHs, sails of boats. Top;::;,;l4uat sails, studding sails, flying jibs, royal st:tysnils, { ~uUel'!l' and schooners' topsails, sails of boats. Royals, skysnils, topgallant and royal stndrling sails, eu ttr~' { and schooners' topgallant sails, sails of boats. { Nott.-For the weight of the several numbers of canvas sec p. 303. WEIGHT OF SHIPS' RIGGING AND BLOCKS. ~~:1.1 of ~ Rhip's runnin,.. 1ig!!ing =weight of { sniling ships · 1·534 ~re standing rigging x". ". • • • ba;qnes bngs · 1·~il2 . . 1· 119 t~ght of a ship's blocks = weight of running { soiling ships · ·369 barques ·302 0,:;_.. · ~blt1,:; x • • • • • • · brigs • : ·254 .lote.-Tbe above constants must only be taken a.e ronsll approximations. ~l'OR'rJOYS OF TRESTLE AND CROSS TREES IN SHIPS' TOPS. Leng-th of tr•stle-trees = hounded length of topmast Breadth of ditto = length • • • . Depth of ditto =breadth • . • . Length of c ross-trees = hounded length of topmll.St Breadth of ditto = breadth of trestle-trees . Depth of ditto = breadth • . • . Length of lubber's hoi~ = length of trestle-trees . Length of tid =diameter of lower must . x x x x x x x x ·22 ·11 ·f.7 ·81 1·0 ·6i ·41 1·50 [f tA 31f 1 2 ~~ 2 l !I• 1 1 2 ~~ 8 ~ 3u ~~ ~ <I 3 11 :1 3 31 2 !I 2 ll I a 61 • ~~ H •l n a 3 •l 4 3 ~~ 3 il li ~~ ., fl !I !I• il 1. 2» 8 ~~ 3 ~ 1 •6 ~ I ll ll u li 1 I! •I 3f 21 21 3f ~~ 6 ~ 1 i! at ll .,:. 9 I y';,;l~::l~fhi ~t~.: ~fhe~r;,o!th li~ir~~a~~;rq;;tst: ~~~cii~"~!~~~r,i~;~~fa~~ ~~; 1d~;:S9d~~ =~~t~~n;eers~;~~~!\~.t l~~d~~1'ire~rtc e~~~i~~~.e~:~~=~~ r~~~~nbil<~!es~ ~~~J neither i11 It linUie to those sudden o.lteratiOne of len goth to whicl\ hemp is eUbject by ehwge in the atate of moisture of the atmosphere, a01.l which .::ive dee lo lnconve nienct~ and great l11.bour in 1elting up the rJ,gglng. · on !d ~ en ~ :3"54 PKOPORTIONS OF RIGGING TO TBE MASTS AND l!PAliS. - ' ·- . . . - -- PROPORTIONS OF RIGGING TO THE MASTS AND SBARS. · 3.).) i TABLB FOR SAILING SHIPS, SHOWING THE PROPORTIOJI WElCH THE DIAMETER OF CHAIN RIGGING .U.'D THB GmTHS OF HEMP OR WIRE RIGGING. SHOULD BEAll TO THE DIAMETERS OF..THE MAST~ YARDS, '&C:j WHICH THE RIGGIXG LEADS.* · . • ~~ ~ • !!BLE FO;R S.AILJ..'I'G SHIPS, SHOWL'I'G . TH"E PROPORTIONS OF: CHAIN AND HEMP AND WIRE- ROPE RIGGING'' IN RE.LATION TO THE MASTS AND SPARS (concluded).• . no•Lt-::---:-----;::--,..;._---':"""'------;-- lRntio. P.1RTB OF RIGGIXG ~ • ( Pendant\ '"E- Shrouds t · f ~ ~ Stay• t . ~'i·' ~ - \ Ratlines • - - · ... rFoot-ropes ._, Stirru I..ifts ps : • Bnees • ~ Taeb ; • Sbeeb! • •· ·· f-E Ckw garnets. :0 &...lines • ., • Bridles • _ ~ - . . • :; Buntlines .,? -:: . • § ~ Lftchlines • • ~ 1Sabline. • • Fore staysail stay t ~ I Halliards ·-; ·. a I I I ::-1 a[ ~ ! ~ts . . . .. Tat:k lashing. • . Downbaul , • -· Lower studding sail.:Halliards • • • Inner halliard~ . · • I l ~ ~sh:;stnd tack. :a Ratlines .._;. .~ ..,-•- ,. !lad. • _I. t I 1 e ":z j 'lo: :!L i! :~~~ ~ I ~~::el rdpes • ·065 Back.stavs -· .-;;;• k= [ Burton penda~ts ·• - ·186 : ·290 • · , _ .• ·186 ;; ~ Futtock shrouds • • ·1.53 e r Ratlines . . . -:--·:- ·OG5 f.: . Stanail hnlliards . . ·193 ;; ~~ Downhaul. ·161 2 Pendants • ~·290 ~ l ~ts • -· • ••• - .. ·226 ~ =-~ j Tops_ail tyes t .. •. ·050 ~ .S ~ Hal bards .•. • .• ·2[)0 • Foot-ropes •291 ~ ~;; StirTups . : · · ~: ·167 F:o E J Flemish horees ·1·208 : t Stays t • :;; PARTS OF RIGG!XG '375 "':' rBraces . ;:; !:_·2.50 •16fl ::=l Lifts . t 191 ·227 ~ Parrel rope • ~ ~; : 'S38 •057 5 Cle.wlines • • ;. ·1 . '!91 ·281 -:;: Buntlines , • I . 750 •187 '2 Bowlines ;c; ~ · I . '2.10 •250 ~ Reef tackles . ; ; 1 • :250 ·250 .,.: Sheets t . . . : r' ~ '030 ·1tl2 ~ Studding-sail hulliard& . '291 ·312 §' Sheets . • : '272 ·218 ~ Tacks. • ~ :I .. '291 ·250 ·;;; Downhanl • ;: ~ l;: '16i ·250 :: Boom j iggers. . ~ ..::.! ,;.. 'I'; ·187 .;;~ Heel lashing . , I , .'2511 ·156 Boom-.brace pendant ~ '29~ ·125 ~ l Whtp. • ';: j'!' '!~: ·149 ., ·. i:l Shrouns t ·~ . ': :J,;;.: ·187 "' "' Bacbtayst - :! 7:;'; ·187 ~·a::; ~ St.ay t. : . J; ·1~ •125 !;: S ~ E Roval stay t 'Ill ·1f>6 f"' .E . · Backsray t ·, • i rHallinrds and strnp~ing 1':-:: ·187 ., Foot-ropes • • ,:;: !;: 1 •187 » Braces and strapping .1 i ·~· ~"o £1 = : Glewlinee ---. • ! !i; :~~ -.:-q ~ -2~" Bowl!nes -.7~ ~1~ Brrdles • • - " 1.;~ Sheets , ..... • ~ ~ • _'4• Studding:_Sl@ halli~.~d! · : !~ f<! Sheets • .' , ' • .;~ ~ Tacks · •· • ~ l Dow'!'haul • . ! .., • •If : (Halhnrds • ;. · ~. '§ ~ Foot-ropes • ·. ~· . ~ B~n.ces and Btrappii ::1 Lrfts . . • ._ • I';'; "-;;; Parrel la~hing • · ~ ·!: ~ ~ Clewlines & lio'!lines "" Sheets • .•· • •• ;; :: :'_ 1:! J·;: I :!; j _ ~_.___ : ._ _ _ . .,._ -~ :....- A A Shrouos f~ Burton pendants ~ Ratlines • • ; Stayt . ·• _i . <:1 j Seizings f '· . ! 1: . Foot-ropes .. ~'2 Stirrups. •. '· .;~ { Lifts • • ·• Braces & strnppiug • jShrouds t . . -. ; Stay t , .• . .~ 1 !Ratio.; P.urrs· OF IRatiot ·14G F t ·250 ~ B~~~o~~~ 'strapping· ·OG9 §'., Parrel lashing , • ·174 : :0 Lifts • . ; '; '()27 ~ ;>.. Halliards • ·; t ·231 Sheets • :; • ·200 Clewlines . , :,; : ·200 ={Topping lifts. : ., ·200 Falls and strapping ; ·167 p Boom sheet . , , ·167 ;;; Outhnuler • ~ ' !:§ g 1 ~~Dsp~n.dnnt~ ~ ~~~~:~ys t . ~: ~~~ - Futtock shrouds t rTop,ail tyes t ; Halliards for do. ' Foot~ropes ,. ;. i Stirrups. '--.~·.,- ; Flemisll horses , ·: Parrel rope t ·.• ·• ; Lifta ~ , • ., ~ Braces 1 r . • i' ·156 en J 3~e~~~J~ RIGGI~G. -o50 ·2/4 ·211 ·274 ·211 ·316 ·316 ·274 ' . -.· :~~~ :, Stmpping to do. • {Thront h •1llrnrds • Peak halliards • V ang pendants ~ ': Falls nnd strapping ::3 Peak brails • . Throat brails .: Middle braih , Hook brails . • ~{~l~~~d~ningl. . 200 :;00 ·IOO ·300 ·400 ·200 ·200 -Jc50 ·BOO ·&JO ·iliiO ·~ :~~~ ·250 ' ·400 ··!00 ·1:160 ·200 ·200 , •250 , ·200 ·200 ~~~ :: .:· Buntlines • : •211 ; llobstays t . '()33 r Span • • , •211 Man-ropes • ,., ·' •150 I Bowlines ' ,. " ·211 rJibstay t • • . :1 ·152 Bridles • , ..• ,.. ,., ·211 Guy.s, single t ,. ·143 lReef tackles ~ ~· " • ·237 _ Foot-ropes • • ·214 = jShro.udst ~ .• ·179 § Martingalestav t. • ·205 ~ ~ Backstays t ·179 _g-j Marting :ole baokcopes t ·134 S Stay ~17.9 -9 Halliards .- --~- ... ·• · -232 ~" Royal stay t ;. '144. r>lDownhaul • • . ·214 ~ Backstnys t . , ·144 Sheets • ; - :~ · , ·178 Foot-ropes • l!. '231 Pendants . , ·. ; • ·821 Pnrrellashing • :231 S {Flyingjib stay t . , ~ ·150 Lifts . • • 30~ g Guys t . ·~; ., . ·1~5 " Haliiards • ' "'46 .o Foot-ropes , • , ·2o0 ~ . Sheets • · . ·308 t;§, l\Iartingnle stay t. · • ·175 ' · l' Clew lines • • • • ·231 to.o Halliards and strnppm" ·2.')0 Bowlines • .• • ·231 ·? Downhaaland str~ping ·200 Bridles • • ''" - 231 f2 Sheets . . . ·1·250 Strapping, :l-bloeks ~. •308 lf'<' Heel lashing.•- -.. •150 fl I t: 1 I I.-.. J -;"!: a1 • All the rigging is of hemp, except that marked otherwlsa. t w~~pe rlg~n~:, ~.. _ ,,, _ _ : _?hain rigging. _.:::....._..._ PARTS 011 RIGGL"G ...J'..... ~ ..... ----~ 1 • .All the rigging is of hemp, except that marked otherwise, t Wir&-rope rigging. : Chain rigging. .Nou.-Girtb of any lanyard= girtb of rope set up bv it x ·s. ,_ - 11 .A.'A"2 ~ •a ~ :r .• ~ .,.___. - - - '356 ~, A'l T.!liLE oF ,. ' 'DIMENSIONS OF sHiPs' BLOCKS. THE DrMENSIONS OF -' I' 1"1' I"TI . ~ 1~ :; .c8 .8 ..... ...,_.,~~.flo ...,,~ ~ !!:!1 .l<" ~g g .S:!i:a ~~ !;@ .£'i3 a :l! It 31. 2 4• 2f 4t 5t 64 7 7~ 11 81 I2 \)1 13 IO! a 101 15 u. I6 I•H ~. 6;! 71 Bf 11 9 12 93. • 13 101 8 9 10 H u. 15 16 17 18 12 12" 13I 5 3.1. 4t 6 7 8 9 10 14~ '# s! 5 5i 5' 6 6.1. 1• 3~ 3· :i 414 5 5.! 51 a1• & 6 2;f 3j 4 5 ot 6f 7 .5. 11 7f 6 61! 1~ 8 • 5 7 -. ~~~~ ,;; ...,:ll - o ,.c& 0 Inche~~). ls:IHI·= ~ " .. ~s ~ ~ . g .:2 55 ~ 6 ~ ~ -. t * 1-lt t t· .,. 3 3~t 3! .4 7! 19 8 20 H~ 8~ 3~ 21 I5~ 9 4t 11 9.!4 5 I TIT 22 I6 j 23 I6 .~ 9a 7t 5~ 1 Jl 24 17f 10• 7i 6i I, 25 I7i! 10~ Bt 7 Ii 91. 73. 26 Is! IO~ • 81:0 10 1 27 19 28 19:/ IOi 9 1 11 29 20:f 11~ 9! }R I2 10 2 1, 30 21 12 CaJm>wn SinrJle-tltilt Blocks. sa8 .1.8 19 I5 6 1 20 I5;! ~i T Jl 21 614 8 16i 614 22 I7. 6J. B! 'I 1-. 23 18 6;!• 8. 9 2.4 1 8~ 61 It 11! g;t V- 1 25 119! 7• t }i 1l 26 20i 7 12 10j: 123. n. 1· q. 27 i 21 7 } .!. 1, 12 II } .l.." ~~ 1 21~ 1 14,, 12t " Bwr.ks. 13 9 7-!, 21 1s.1.1 3l 14 9~ 8 15 10 5~ 4 : 1-k 8~ 6 16 lOt 1~ 6!. 4t 4 lj 17 1 ~ • 51 2 1 18 11 9 2k 1 Hl nt 9t 4 B'i 6.1 2t It 20 12 I 10 • ' ClewZine Bwcks. 2!.11!. : . 4 ' .! • 71!.1 10Bl 91. 3 1 3! 1. !f 11 10f b ~~ !l .::I 1,Z -o o ° o~ . ., "' 1"' 0 'li ~ ..,of ~ ~ i~ .= A-o ~'0 ~~ ~~ ~s ~~ ~:a ~o ~Q : i~ Cammon Single-tltick Blocks. •)J. 1~ 17 J·>a 71- 13 10~ 4 ' 7 18 2~ I 11 1:3:+ • 13~ 2 ll ~?a ~~ ~'0 ~~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SHIPS' BLocKs (in lU li ) if ~ ~1 ~~~ it ~t llt ll" i i 1* !i ~t J. l i I* ~t. u. 14~ 12 15t 12~ I5~ 161 17t 18 4 19 I3 I4 14~ IB 15i! I9~ Isl 20~ 17 21~ I7i 22 18, 22~ 12 I5113} I6 14 16~ 14! 17 15 17t -15! 18f 1 • 19! 17j 201 18! 21 Hl! 221 20t ~~ 6~ 2 1i ;t a 2'1 li 21 at3 2 ~ 3t3 22 " ~ 714 8 iiJ Bt 3 11] S! 3 12 9 12a 9i 13 10 10~ 10~ II 33! I! 1 3! I 2! DIMENSIONS · OF SHIPS' BLOCKS.· 359 SHIPs' BLOCKS (in lnches)c.ontinued. THE DIMENSIONS OF 12 13 H 15 .16 17 18 - HI 20 "- 21 2:& 23 - 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ~ -. - 13! 13t ~~ ,· 36l. ._. rc.,, 3_60 DIMENSIONS OF SHIPS' BLOCKS. i r· TABLE o-F THE DIMENSIONS OJ!' SHIPs' BLocKs (in Inche5)- concluded. ,, •t Dead-eyes. ..~ t~ .~~..,~ '~" ,s "i 6. 10 ,s -'1 Jl !.,· ~ ~ ,s . f. .§ ~ ;I ·l '-ia -5-~~-1-::3 -:9-=-96T l3- l3_1_8_ 171-17 1To -6 7 8 .7. s. 4 4t I) 10 11 12 11 12 6~ 14 7 15 7t . 16 8~ 9 14 15 16 !l! 1 18 , 18 19 19 . 10! 11 TABLE OF THE VALUE OF THE BELGIL'i G.A.UGE ::Ilf I • DECIMALS OF A~ INCH. ;; ; I ~ 1 -Size ·OO! 2 3 4 5 6 ·006 ·008 ·009 •011 ·013 )\ark 7 B 9 10 11 12 Size •015 ·017 •019 ·022 '026 ·030 1-fark 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~i7.e ·0!!4 ·037 ·OH ·045 •052 ·0.1!l " ENGLISH-FRENCH. C..l 1 .~ ~- ! ~ .. ... ' VOCABULARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN ,.1oae !e::l SHII'BUILDING. 1. lL!&O s.·· . !""'"~ -~[ark r.<J- /"661' 25 I ·lll 20 21 22 23 2-! ~ ·OH I ·082 lI ·O!l7 ·OSH ·1M 26. ~ ·120 -- . - . ::-;: · - .. .,- ,. ~'Jttl;i r~;l) Bitts, bittes en arriere of a screw, aile d'Mlice ~ bor" • ;; Blister steel, acier poule amiral Block, poulie, moutle Umiralty, amiraute . · · · •ll3, Block and fall, pa)an WI*. herminette :Boarding pike, piqued'abOYdage lf4a.t, ~ tlot ·'" Boat, bateau, canot . ·• lit, arriere, de l'arriere' Boatswain, maitre d'equipage ') lir pump, pompe a air Bobstay, sous-barbe .· W!e, sons le vent . ltti«lhipa, au milieu du navire Body plan, plan vertical Boiler maker, chandronnier IDtllor, ancre logl~ il'on, corniere; fer d 'angle Boiler plate, tOle lpu.r:t, r,idier, contre- etrave, Bollard, corps mort Bolt, cheville, bou lon pla.tine Bolt rope, ralingne ,. lilt, frene ll'!srn, a l'arriere, de l'arriere Boom, bout dehors, arc-boutant Bow, l'avant d'un vaisseau :. · l:~w&rt, par le travers Bower-anchor, anere du bossoir bniog, tente . lli! compass, compas .de Bowsprit, beaupre !:>Brace, bras variation · bet of stem- post, contre- Bracket, com·baton ]!rail, cargne etambot Bread room, soute an pain hell: tay, galhauban : Breadth extreme, plus grande ~se, grand canot, allege largenr \: iron, fer en barres Breaker, brisant, baril de galere latque, 1):-..rque-, bateau lrtl'el of the capstan, meche du Breast-plate, conscience Brig, brig cabestan · ', ' ltn-el of the steering · wheel, Brigantine, brigantin ' tambour· de la roue du gou- Bucket, baille Builder, constructenr · vernail Bulk head, cloison tten, liteau Bunker. soute lDl, O:lU I Bunt-line, cargue,fond b., h@tre .."J. lf:!ding press, machine A. cin- Buoy, bouee, balise Buoyant, lflger, Gmerge l tter lcs t oles Burton, petit palan · . ., ~ween-decks, ent repont Butt, about, tete d'nn couple ~?~u:~~~ oblique, angle Butt cover, plaque de jonctJon d'ecart d e tOle e, petit fond d'un navire Cabin, cabine, chambre, lit . ge pump, pompe de cale Cable, cable ge ways, coittes Cable tier, fosse ~ux clbles J ~cle, habitacle , 434t STRENGTH .Of COLt)'IDl$-, BIVETE;D JOI-NTS, ETC. TABLE OF THE STRENGTH OF LONG. COLUMNS WHOiil!i: LENGTH EXCEEDS THIRTY l'IMES THEIR DIAMETER. w =breaking weight in diameter in inches. toM. L =length in feet. D =external '· a= internal diameter in inches.. ...Kin!~ of Colnmn. Both En"" Bounded ns-'•-tr·'• Both Ends~ - u-"":.:d'• ' Hollow cast-Iron ey!lndiical_} pillars • • • • • w=I3---y:;:;--:· w= ·¥·3t , L'" ~ S<>:~arscas~iron W=l4:9Ds"'J• W= 44•16n~·~• -·- Ll '' ~lin~ri~ } Solid wrought-iron eylindrlcal } pillars , , , , , SoJ~ square pillars o: ~ } Solid square pillars of• Dantzic oak • ~ Ll .., J.!. w=42·8~ ,..a. 'i. ,. L• W= 1 , , d;,jJ • .- dry.} • ii f. w=I;a··76~~~ L2 • f1n:} I . 11 7·81~ L "' =~ W= lo-9~ ! L" lf l ll f>JTUil•[ STRENGTH OF SHORT COLUMNS. w = breaking weight of long column of same diameter. 1 1 1!l - breaking weight of short column·. l V c ·= ·c rushing force of materials in tons x sectional a.rea of column. ,,; · · ,,_.;~ I ' ,•I :1 ,a 1:: "l!,. I i ·~ '11 i ~~ ! i i .1. 9 l .Jt! P. ·~ 1. k M ! t ¥. :I. t t· .t 1''7·' 8 · 1 J t t Til' 11') ",;, ii., I 1· ! ! t f :'IH r ·;ro riJIUT l Jl'JJ.~l I - t "tbickne!l!l of plaw in lnclres. d = diameter of rivet i~ iitcbos:' t p = pitcll o;.. distance from centre ~. cen~ of rivet. " ••. """'.:.\ :.:·1! /il> at 1 - I .. ·- .;, .f'-v\\ ~~u~ Note.-;taohplate is ~ ·:or~.· t " n "' (p - d)t •7864d' "' ,._,h <g - _ .,.,.;z+ ·~ I -lnllo ,,.\u\\ ;.ia(\ ·'~ n;. ~+ :'t:H/z=·• ¥: - ·,n~~ "1:\:nP.f)\\~.a we~kened. by the ri~~ holes p.,~~a.~i ,• p- d _ •jl:\i~·h·d I J!! I I 1 h\ !t 1} It ! ! t It i t I It I11 ru f, t t ]' t 1 \j, I . lt 1 .lt I 2A 18 ij I!· ~ r ·•H It . ..2 2y'l;'1ft .zt 2! ·'· . 2! ·2t ! ' 2f 2i 2j u ··~ 2i i 3 3j I S.l• Nott:.-Lloyds reqnire a spaaing of 4! diameters. _ · 1 Liverpool Registry require a spaeing of 4 diameters. . Admiralty require a spacing of 4! to 5 diameters in '· _ edges and butts of bottom plating and bulkhead plating, and 6 to 6 diameters in water-tight work ...--elsewhere.~· - - · Veritas require a spacing of 4 diameters for singlerivet ing and 4! diameters for double-riveting. ' 7 I NOTES ON RIVETED JOINTS. <JAo.l 1. .A closer pitch of rivets should be adopted in t han in blc-rivclcd butts and in double- than in t rel;lle-riveted butts. 2.. With a -!-diameter pitch the efficiency of single-riveted t 18 very small. · . · .• , 3. With a -!-diameter pitch the strength of ~ · d~uble-riveted t-t is about at the maximum when the plates are not more n ! in. thick. . '" . T • "~ • • • ~ ~ • 1, 4. When plates are more than ~ in. thick larger rivets should put iJl than those generally in use. ~10 !' ~ttJjP.i"VT I ~ f a ·TA n .. number of rows of rivets. !1('," ~ i----a.I UIT 'IU :r•1 ·RIVETED JOINTS. .P.3WJ f . • ~ p-- t + ·1&64.Ml t •u a '7. 1 :;ttttfoJ•l1/l n'W 1 ':·l . .WJ!:J<~ FIG. 163. .-~