Asp.Net Dating Software Administration Guide


Asp.Net Dating Software Administration Guide
Administration Guide
Copyright (c) 2008. All rights reserved.
Administration Guide
Table of Contents
Login and Home page
User Management
Browse Members
Browse Photos
Browse Messages
Browse Spam Suspects
Browse Video Uploads
Approve Photos
Approve Salute Photos
Approve Videos
Approve Video Uploads
Approve Audio Uploads
Approve Answers
Approve Blog Posts
Send Announcement
Spam Check
Abuse Reports
User Levels
Manage Contests
Contest Entries
Manage Classifieds Categories
Approve Classifieds
Administration Guide
Group Management
Manage Categories
Browse Groups
Approve Groups
Site Management
Edit Languages
Edit Topics & Questions
Edit Topic
Edit Question
Edit News
Manage Polls
Edit Bad Words
Edit Templates
Email Templates
Miscellaneous Templates
Edit Google Analytics
Edit Banners
Upload Site Logo
Edit Content Pages
Edit Content Views
Edit e-card types
Text Management
Themes Manager
Abuse Reports Settings
Affiliate Settings
Classifieds Settings
Community Face Control System
Community Moderated System
Credits Settings
Error Logging
Group settings
Mailing settings
Administration Guide
Miscellaneous settings
Photo Settings
Profile Settings
Rating Settings
Search Settings
SEO settings
Third Party Services
User Settings
User Scores and Levels
Change Your Password
Admin Management
Browse Admins
Payment Management
Billing Settings
Credits Packages
SEO Management
Edit Meta Tags
Affiliate Management
Browse Affiliates
Payment Requests
Payment History
Affiliate Commissions
Affiliate Banners
New Users Stats
Online Users Stats
Sideshow Gadgets
Administration Guide
Administration Guide
1 Overview
User Management (
see page 4)
Contests (
ASPnetDating gives you complete control over your users. With this set of features You can easily
manage users' accounts, photos, messages, videos, answers. If You need to send an
announcement to all the site members the easiest way is using this section. It allows You to keep
them up to date with the latest updates and features. Spam check helps to better manage and
prevent the spam messages and the users that send them. Site members help you keep your site
clean! If the site members find that a photo, a profile or a message is inappropriate they can report
it as an abuse.
see page ASPnetDating software now allows a better way for rating the users’ photos. The contests
creation provides a flexible way to define the terms and conditions for each one. They can be
restricted by gender, age or time duration. Easy to manage and browse all contests’ entries.
Group Management Group Management features allows you to organize the site groups in categories, provides full
control over the existing groups. Along with the approve answers, photos and videos, this feature
( see page 30)
helps you keep your site clean. Before any of the user created groups can be seen on your site,
first it must be approved by you.
Site Management (
see page 33)
This set of features gives you full control over your site functionality and features. ASPnetDating
provides Multilanguage support. Casual dating, adult, etc - configure your site the way you want it.
Using our site manager you have the ability to define each and every aspect of your users’
profiles. Gone are the days when you had to edit those HTML files in order to add the latest news!
Our news manages does everything for you - automatically. Edit e-mail templates to include that
special catch that will make your users eager to visit your site again and again. Do YOU prefer the
Front End to contain YOUR own LOGO? The system provides you an easy way to change the
default one. A flexible way to edit all content pages and views.
Admin Management Often there is the necessity of more than one person for administrating the different site contents,
options and features. In this section YOU can create users and set the corresponding rights for
( see page 71)
the site administration.
Management (
page 73)
Choose any of the available payment processors. Define your own payment plans in terms of
see price and duration. Your users will be able to pick one payment plan and subscribe to it. Non-paid
users will be able to register and browse/view profiles but will be unable to send messages.
SEO Management (
see page 75)
ASPnetDating helps you with the search engine optimization for your dating site. This tool
provides the means needed for meta tags to be generated automatically depending on the users’
Affiliate Management This set of features allows you to mange the affiliates details, payment request, view affiliate
payment history and commissions and uploads your banners that will be available for them to use.
( see page 76)
page 82)
Extras (
see ASPnetDating software now provides statistics to monitor users' activity. Just select the time
period to view the new registrations and the number of online users online at any given time.
see page Our software now supports Vista Sideshow Gadget. It shows the pending photos and answers
waiting for approval and number of new users.
Administration Guide
2 Login and Home page
Use ”admin” as login and "admin" as password. Click on “Settings (
change your password.
see page 54)” in the Site Management section and
Home page shows a diagram for the new registration for the past 30 days:
Administration Guide
3.1 Browse Members
Administration Guide
3 User Management
ASPnetDating gives you complete control over your users. With this set of features You can easily manage users' accounts,
photos, messages, videos, answers. If You need to send an announcement to all the site members the easiest way is using
this section. It allows You to keep them up to date with the latest updates and features. Spam check helps to better manage
and prevent the spam messages and the users that send them. Site members help you keep your site clean! If the site
members find that a photo, a profile or a message is inappropriate they can report it as an abuse.
3.1 Browse Members
ASPnetDating gives you complete control over your users. You can easily edit accounts, photos, delete, suspend, restore,
mark as paid/unpaid, delete users.
The “Browse Members” page is divided in three sections:
3.1 Browse Members
Administration Guide
This panel provides various criteria for searching and finding the definite user.
1. In this field the username should be filed if search by username is required.
2. In this field the name of the user should be filed if search by name is required. Filling his/her name when registering is
optional for the user.
3. This drop-down menu provides a filter by gender: a male or a female.
4. The user can be found by email provided when registered. This filter helps when searching for more than one account per
5. The filter is more flexible with the option for searching by IP address. By itself or combined with other criteria search for
blocked or duplicated users can be performed.
6. This one provides search by photo available for the account.
7. This options helps searching for activated or not activated accounts.
8. “Deleted” drop-down menu provides opportunity for searching for already deleted users in the database. This helps for
viewing all data related with the user including payment history.
9. This filter shows if the user is a paid member or not.
Users per page
From the drop-down menu the number of shown users per page can be selected.
Found users table
The table contains the following information fields for the accounts: username, name, gender, signup date, signup IP,
email and edit.
3.3 Browse Messages
Administration Guide
1. Displays the username for the account.
2. The name of the user if entered, if not it remains blank.
3. Shows the user’ gender.
4. This is the date when the account was created.
5. The IP address of the user for the account.
6. The email address provided by the user for this account.
7. The Edit filed gives YOU three options for operating with the account :
• Profile: use this section to edit profile
• Photos: use this section to edit user's photos
• Manage: here you can manage the settings for a particular user
3.2 Browse Photos
Any photo is automatically resized to fit your design and preserve server space. Photos are automatically watermarked with
YOUR logo. You may set the limit of photos per account.
From “Browse Photos” Section YOU can preview the pictures for a user by four criteria: username, primary, private or
explicit status of the picture. The photos available for browsing are only the ones already approved for the user.
3.3 Browse Messages
This feature allows the site administrator(s) to keep under consideration all users’ messages. It provides a flexible way to
maintain the site rules and block the unacceptable and spam ones.
3.4 Browse Spam Suspects
Administration Guide
The filter for the messages has three search criteria:
• Sender: the user who sends the message
• Recipient: the user who receives the message
• Keyword: a message/s can be search by a keyword – this is a helpful tool to find all the messages contain a specific
word or a phrase
All the messages matching the criteria are displayed sorted by timestamp.
3.4 Browse Spam Suspects
The new spam protection feature in AspNetDating detects multiple (configurable) similar messages from the same user and
blocks the user from sending more messages. The administrator can review the alert and take the appropriate action
(unblock, ban, warn, etc).
3.5 Browse Video Uploads
Administration Guide
3.5 Browse Video Uploads
Use this section to browse the user video uploads, see their status (approved, private) and delete it if needed.
3.6 Approve Photos
Administration Guide
3.6 Approve Photos
Administration Guide
3.6 Approve Photos
Of course, any uploaded photo stays in "pending" state until it is approved or rejected by the administrator.
This section contains all the photos pending for approval. The result table contains the username, photo name (if given
such), Photo description (if available) and a photo thumbnail. When the thumbnail is clicked a new “Approve Photo” window
This section gives you several options to manage the photo:
• Explicit Photo: When a photo is set as explicit, it cannot be viewed from logged off users. Also it is shown as censured in
the new users’ area.
3.6 Approve Photos
Administration Guide
• Approve: The photo is approved and added to user’s account
• Reject: The photo is rejected. A text area is provided for describing the rejection reason. If no reason is provided, the
default one is used (it can be edited from “Edit Templates” section). In both cases the user receives it as a message.
There is an alternative ajax-enabled version of Approve photos that allows to you to approve multiple photos at once:
3.8 Approve Videos
Administration Guide
The page shows 50 photos at a time. You can preview their thumbnails and if one is questionable can be viewed in full size
by clicking on it. Then just click on "Approve all" button to approve all photos on page.
3.7 Approve Salute Photos
In order the users to be verified, they must upload a photo of them holding a paper with the site name and their user name.
This section contains all the salute photos pending for approval.
3.9 Approve Video Uploads
Administration Guide
3.8 Approve Videos
This feature allows you to approve user's personal videos recorded from the front-end.
3.9 Approve Video Uploads
The video converter plug-in automatically converts from most video formats to Flash Video (FLV). Flash Video (FLV) is a
proprietary file format used to deliver video over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player (formerly known as Macromedia
Flash Player) version 6, 7, 8, or 9. Flash Video content may also be embedded within SWF files. Notable users of the Flash
Video format include YouTube, Google Video,, Yahoo! Video and MySpace. The BBC have recently begun
using .flv based media on their news portal.
With the video converter plug-in AspNetDating can utilize the "Video Upload" function. Your users will be able to upload their
videos and they will be converted to web-playable format.
Users’ videos are not going to be visible to the other members until they are approved by administrator. To browse pending
users’ videos select “Approve Video Uploads” from User Management section.
The username and corresponding videos are displayed. The administrator can use the player to watch the video and
depending on if it conforms to the site specifications it can be approved or rejected.
3.11 Approve Answers
Administration Guide
3.10 Approve Audio Uploads
Users can upload MP3 files to their profile. You can define if the uploads should be approved and the number of allowed
audio uploads based on the user level or billing plan.
In this section You can listen to the uploaded file and approve or reject it.
3.11 Approve Answers
Administration Guide
3.11 Approve Answers
Trying to keep your site clean? Photo approval alone is usually not enough. If you want to remove profane/offensive or
otherwise not appropriate profiles you'll need content filtering. Luckily, ASPnetDating provides full control over profile
answers. Just pick the questions that need approval (e.g. the "Tell us about you" or "What are you looking for" questions)
and any answers will be held "pending" until approved by you. It is also possible to edit before approve - helps stripping a
bad word of otherwise clean profile.
The preview table contains six columns as follows:
1. Displays the username for the account.
2. Displays the Profile Extra Information Questions / Extra Information /
3. Displays the Answers to the Profile Questions / Extra Information /
3.12 Approve Blog Posts
Administration Guide
/ Extra Information /
4. Approve the corresponding answer
5. Reject the corresponding answer
6. Provides a flexible way to edit the answer
The answer can be edited and approved in case only some of the words are not appropriate or it can be rejected at all.
3.12 Approve Blog Posts
Users can post blogs to their profile. You can define if the blog post should be approved and the number of allowed posts
based on the user level or billing plan.
3.13 Send Announcement
Administration Guide
In this section You can read the blog content and approve it, reject it or edit it.
3.13 Send Announcement
If YOU need to send an announcement to all the site members the easiest way is using this section. It allows YOU to keep
them up to date with the latest updates and features.
3.13 Send Announcement
Administration Guide
The filter gives you option to select the target users for the announcement.
The users can be selected by Gender (1) - Male, Female or a Couple, or the announcement can be send to the members
that are Paid/Not Paid (2).
A flexible and User-friendly Interfaced Text editor is provided for writing the announcement:
3.14 Spam Check
Administration Guide
The formatting of the text is the same as in the common text editors used by most of the users.
3.14 Spam Check
This feature is an option. It can be enabled or disabled from “Settings ( see page 54)”. It helps the administrators to better
manage and prevent the spam messages and the users that send them. The first user’s mails (the exact number of
messages can be specified in settings option “Message Verifications Count ( see page 69)”)
3.15 Abuse Reports
Administration Guide
1. This section shows the username of the message sender.
2. Contains the usernames of the receivers.
3. The entire message content is displayed in this section.
4. If the messages are not a spam they can be approved from here.
5. If the message is not a spam one (but still not an appropriate one or send to more users) or the administrator is not quite
sure yet if this user sends spam messages the messages can be rejected in order to observe this user more, the
messages can be rejected from here.
6. If you are sure that the user sends spam messages you can delete his/her account from here. This will delete all the
information and messages related with this user.
3.15 Abuse Reports
Site members help you keep your site clean! If the site members find that a photo, a profile or a message is inappropriate
they can report it as an abuse. This feature allows you to see all the reports and take the necessary actions.
3.16 User Levels
Administration Guide
Use the filter to show only certain reports or preview all without entering a criteria. The result table shows the report detailed
1. Date Reported – the date the user have posted the report;
2. Reported By – the user who have posted the report;
3. Reported User – the user that has been reported for an abuse;
4. Report – the report content which include the abuse and a description why it is considered as such;
5. Type – the type of the reported abuse – for now three types of abuse can be reported: Photo, Message and a Profile;
6. Actions – the actions which can be taken depending on the report type:
• Mark as Reviewed (same for all types) - if you think that the report is not an abuse, or need more reports, you can
mark it as reviewed. This way it will disappear from the results table and can be previewed anytime setting the filter
option “Reviewed:” to True;
• Delete Photo (only for type Photo) – if you are agree the reported photo is inappropriate you can delete it from here;
• Delete User (same for all types) – this option is for deleting not only the reported abuse type but the reported user’s
• Delete Message (only for type Message) – if you are agree the reported message is inappropriate you can delete it
from here;
• Delete User and Their Messages (only for type Message) – this option is for deleting not only the reported message
but the reported user’s account and all the messages they have sent.
In case of more reports for a single abuse (in example: a photo is reported as an abuse from more than 50 users) if you
mark one of the reports as reviewed the others will stay in the table, but if you delete one of the reports all others will be set
as reviewed (for future statistics and information).
3.16 User Levels
Administration Guide
3.16 User Levels
Users can have different rights depending on their level. The user level is defined by the score they have. For each user
action a set of points is given. The number of points can be defined in "User Scores and Levels" section in Settings ( see
page 54).
You can create new user level by clicking "Add New Level" button or delete and edit existing ones from Actions. The options
for a level are as follows:
3.16 User Levels
Administration Guide
4.1 Manage Contests
Administration Guide
4 Contests
ASPnetDating software now allows a better way for rating the users’ photos. The contests creation provides a flexible way to
define the terms and conditions for each one. They can be restricted by gender, age or time duration. Easy to manage and
browse all contests’ entries.
4.1 Manage Contests
ASPnetDating software now allows a better way for rating the users’ photos. The contests creation provides a flexible way to
define the terms and conditions for each one. They can be restricted by gender, age or time duration. Easy to manage and
browse all contests’ entries. To create or manage contest select “Manage Contest” from Contests ( see page 24) section
A filter is provided if you prefer to view only active or inactive contests. To view all contests just click search without
specifying the contest status.
For each contest several information fields are displayed:
1. Name – this is the name of the contest;
2. Gender – shows if the contest is restricted by gender;
3. Age Range – shows if the contest is restricted by age range;
4. Date Created – specify the date the contest was created, this is also the contest’ start date;
5. Date Ends – shows if the contest is available to a specific date;
6. Actions – actions available for each contest:
• View Entries – shows all entries for the corresponding contest;
• Edit – allows you to edit all contest terms and data;
• Delete – deletes the selected contest;
To create a new contest – click “Add New Contest” button. When you create or edit a contest several fields are provided:
1. Contest Name – enter or edit the name of the contest;
4.2 Contest Entries
Administration Guide
2. Description – provide more information for the contest purpose or requirements;
3. Restricted to Gender – here you can specify if the contest will be restricted by gender – only for females, males or
couples. If a user from different gender than the one selected tries to enter the contest a message describing the reason
they cannot participate appears.
4. Terms – specify the terms to enter the contest;
5. Age Range – here you can specify if the contest will be restricted by age. If a user from different age range than the one
selected tries to enter the contest a message describing the reason they cannot participate appears.
6. Date Ends – if you want the contest to be for a certain period of time you can set end date. After it expires the contest
can be viewed in past contests.
4.2 Contest Entries
Contest entries can be filtered by Contest Name or user name. To view all contests entries click search without applying a
4.2 Contest Entries
Administration Guide
For each entry several info fields are provided:
1. Username – the name of the user who participate in the contest;
2. Photo – a thumbnail of the photo selected by the user to enter the contest;
3. Contest Name – the name of the contest in which the user participates;
4. Actions – you can delete the entry if it is not appropriate or does not meet the contest requirements. The photo will be
removed from the contest but it will not be deleted from the user’s photos.
5.1 Manage Classifieds Categories
Administration Guide
5 Classifieds
When enabled the features allows your users to post classified ads. Each classified ad has name, description, a few photos
and an expiration date. You can also organize all ads by categories. There are settings allowing you to restrict the posting to
users above certain levels or only to paid users or to specific billing plan. For spam prevention reasons ads can require
approval before they are posted live.
5.1 Manage Classifieds Categories
In this section you can create new categories or modify existing ones:
For each category You can specify its details and add sub categories:
5.2 Approve Classifieds
Administration Guide
5.2 Approve Classifieds
You can browse through the users added adds and approve, reject or edit them.
To edit an add click on Edit button on the right side. You have a full control over its details and content.
5.2 Approve Classifieds
Administration Guide
6.1 Manage Categories
Administration Guide
6 Group Management
Group Management features allows you to organize the site groups in categories, provides full control over the existing
groups. Along with the approve answers, photos and videos, this feature helps you keep your site clean. Before any of the
user created groups can be seen on your site, first it must be approved by you.
6.1 Manage Categories
ASPnetDating software allows you to organize the site groups in categories. This feature provides their management.
The table shows:
1. Name – the names of the existing categories;
2. Order – option to change the categories order;
3. Edit – here you can edit the category name:
4. Groups – shows the groups contained in the corresponding category.
A new category can be created by clicking the “Add new category” button:
6.2 Browse Groups
Administration Guide
You can delete one or more categories by selecting them from the table and clicking the “Delete selected category” button.
6.2 Browse Groups
This feature provides full control over the existing groups. You can preview, edit or delete them.
A filter is provided if you want to preview only groups by certain criteria. The preview table contains:
1. Name – the name of the group;
2. Owner – the user who has created the group, or the user to whom the group ownership has been transferred;
3. Category – the category to which the group belongs;
4. Created on – the group creation date;
5. Access level – shows the access level set by the user, there are there possible levels:
• Public – the group is visible to all site members and everyone can join it without invitation by the group owner;
• Moderated – the group is visible to all site members but in order to join the group the user have to send request which
must be approved by a group administrator;
• Private – the group is visible only as a thumbnail and short description in the groups list but it cannot be previewed if
the user is not a group member. A user can join a private group only if they have received an invitation from a group
6. Edit – you can delete the group by selecting “delete” link or edit its information:
6.3 Approve Groups
Administration Guide
6.3 Approve Groups
Along with the approve answers, photos and videos, this feature helps you keep your site clean. Each group must be
approved by the site administrator before it is visible on your site.
The approve groups feature shows the group icon and full description. You can approve it, reject it or edit its content if
7.1 Edit Languages
Administration Guide
7 Site Management
This set of features gives you full control over your site functionality and features. ASPnetDating provides Multilanguage
support. Casual dating, adult, etc - configure your site the way you want it. Using our site manager you have the ability to
define each and every aspect of your users’ profiles. Gone are the days when you had to edit those HTML files in order to
add the latest news! Our news manages does everything for you - automatically. Edit e-mail templates to include that special
catch that will make your users eager to visit your site again and again. Do YOU prefer the Front End to contain YOUR own
LOGO? The system provides you an easy way to change the default one. A flexible way to edit all content pages and views.
7.1 Edit Languages
ASPnetDating provides Multilanguage support. Use this section to edit your website languages.
1. Shows the language name
2. Shows the status of the selected language. The admin can deactivate the languages that will not be available for the
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Administration Guide
Edit Topic
3. The languages can be ordered in the drop-down menu as desired. Every language can be moved up or down in the list.
4. The corresponding language can be edited:
The language name or the active status can be changed. Or it can be deleted
5. A new language can be added at any time:
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Casual dating, adult, etc - configure your site the way you want it. Using our site manager you have the ability to define each
and every aspect of your users’ profiles. You can set the topics, columns, questions, possible answers, define if any answer
is required or if should be approved first. It's all up to you.
7.2.1 Edit Topic
In order to customize the aspects of the user profiles for your site first the topics must be edited:
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Administration Guide
Edit Topic
1. Shows the Profile Topic Title
2. The numbers of columns in which the topic is displayed for Edit Profile state
3. The numbers of columns in which the topic is displayed for View Profile state
4. The topics can be ordered as desired. Every topic can be moved up or down in the list.
5. The details for every topic are the topic name and the numbers of columns in which the topic is previewed in Edit/View
Profile state. The “Topic Questions” table displays the questions included in the corresponding topic, the description (if
available), is it required or not and the order in the topic.
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Administration Guide
Every question can be edited. Each field and option available is descried in detail in Edit Question (
Edit Question
see page 36).
6. Adds a new topic with default Name, Description and Required fields. After added the topic can be edited as explained in
Edit Question ( see page 36).
• Name: “NewName”
• Description: “New description”
• Required: “Yes”
7. Deletes the selected questions
7.2.2 Edit Question
When a new topic is added the fields for every question have default values:
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Administration Guide
Edit Question
1. First is the “Name” of the question, it is previewed when the users creates or edit his/her account
2. The “Alternative Name” is previewed when other users see your profile
3. The “Description” and “Hint” gives the general information about the question and hits for filling it the appropriate way
4. “Edit Style” customizes the question preview in edit profile mode
• Hidden – the question will be hidden for the user when editing the profile
• SingleLine – the question contains answer that can be written in a single line:
• MultiLine – the answer to this type of question is a multiple line text description:
• SingleChoiceRadio – the answer to this question has only one option that can be checked or not in a radio button:
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Administration Guide
Edit Question
• SingleChoiceSelect – There is only answer that can be selected from a single drop-down menu:
• MultiChoiceCheck – A several options can be selected:
• MultiChoiceSelect – a question that contains several answers that can be selected from a drop-down menu:
When one of the styles are selected (except Hidden, SingleLine and MultiLine ) a new panel appears for adding answers to
the corresponding question:
5. “Show Style” customizes the question preview when showing the user profile
• Hidden – the question will be hidden for the user when editing the profile
7.2 Edit Topics & Questions
Administration Guide
Edit Question
• Slogan – only one question must be previewed as slogan, it is showed at the top of the user’s profile and usually it is the
user’s title:
• SingleChoice – display the information entered as answer to a SingleChoiceRadio or SingleChoiceSelect question:
• SingleLine – the question contains answer that is written in a single line:
• MultiLine – the answer to this type of question is a multiple line text description:
• MultiChoiceSmall – previews the answers to a SingleChoiceSelect or a MultiChoiceCheck question:
• MultiChoiceBig – it is the same as MultiChoiceSmall but in this case the number of answers is bigger and they will be
previewed in a larger area:
6. “Search Style” customizes the question preview in Custom Search mode.
There are five styles available:
• Hidden – the question will be hidden for the user when editing the profile
• SingleChoice – display the information entered as answer to a SingleChoiceRadio or SingleChoiceSelect question:
• MultiChoiceCheck – A several options can be selected:
7.3 Edit News
Administration Guide
• MultiChoiceSelect – a question that contains several answers that can be selected from a drop-down menu:
• RangeChoiceSelect – a question that contains range of values of type from … to …:
7. The “Required” checkbox gives the option for making this question obligatory
8. If “Requires Approval” is checked, the question will be previewed in the user’s account only after it has been seen and
approved by a site administrator
9. “Applies To” checkboxes gives the option for the question to be customized only for a determinate gender or couples
7.3 Edit News
Gone are the days when you had to edit those HTML files in order to add the latest news! Our news manages does
everything for you - automatically. Just add those news, click "Save" and they appear instantly on your site. The news box
itself is a native ASP.NET component and you can place it on any page you wish.
7.4 Manage Polls
Administration Guide
The formatting of the text is the same as in the common text editors used by most of the users.
7.4 Manage Polls
You can easily create Polls from the administrative tool and let your users vote. Multiple polls are supported and a random
one will show on each page load.
7.5 Edit Bad Words
Administration Guide
7.6 Edit Templates
Administration Guide
Email Templates
7.5 Edit Bad Words
Bad words filter for profile, messages, group topics, group posts, blogs, comments:
7.6 Edit Templates
Edit e-mail templates to include that special catch that will make your users eager to visit your site again and again. Feel free
to customize each e-mail type sent to your users.
7.6.1 Email Templates
1. New password confirmation template – the default email content that will be sent to the user when new account
password is set. The e-mail is sent to the e-mail address entered by the user when registering.
2. Registration confirmation template – the default email content that will be sent to the user when registered. The e-mail
is sent to the e-mail address entered by the user when registering.
7.6 Edit Templates
Administration Guide
Email Templates
3. Message from member template – the default email content that will be sent to the user when other member sent
him/her a message. The e-mail is sent to the user‘s inbox.
4. Invite a friend template – the default email content that will be sent to the recipient when the user wants to invite him/her
to check out the site. The e-mail is sent to the recipient’s e-mail address provided by the user.
5. Send to a friend template – the default email content that will be sent to the recipient when the user wants to send
another user’s profile to a friend. The e-mail is sent to the recipient’s e-mail address provided by the user.
7.6 Edit Templates
Administration Guide
Miscellaneous Templates
7.6.2 Miscellaneous Templates
1. Approve photo message – the default email content that will be sent to the user when a photo he/she uploaded was
approved by administrator. The e-mail is sent to the user‘s inbox.
2. Reject photo message – the default email content that will be sent to the user when a photo he/she uploaded was
rejected by administrator. The e-mail is sent to the user‘s inbox.
3. Show interest message – the default email content that will be sent when the user sends interest to another subscribed
user in the site. The e-mail is sent to the recipient’s inbox.
4. Pre-Written Message Responses – the default email content that can be chosen from a drop down menu and can be
sent to another subscribed user in the site. Each line represents single pre-written message response. The e-mail is sent
to the recipient’s inbox.
7.7 Edit Google Analytics
Administration Guide
5. Subscription Completed Text – the default email content that will be sent when a member completes the subscription
process. The e-mail is sent to the e-mail address entered by the user when registering.
6. Subscription Cancelled Text – the default email content that will be sent when a member cancelled his/her subscription.
The e-mail is sent to the e-mail address entered by the user when registering.
7.7 Edit Google Analytics
You can easily add google analytics tracking code:
7.9 Upload Site Logo
Administration Guide
7.8 Edit Banners
Google AdSense and other banners support.
You can easily insert your AdSense or other banner code right from the admin tool. There is also an option to show
advertisments only to free users.
7.9 Upload Site Logo
Do YOU prefer the Front End to contain YOUR own LOGO? The system provides you an easy way to change the default
one. With user friendly interface in only three steps YOU will customize the system to looks the way YOU want!
7.10 Edit Content Pages
Administration Guide
If YOU receive the following error
The application does not have file permissions to overwrite the image
That means a write rights must be set to folder “Images”, located in the AspnetDating installation folder.
7.10 Edit Content Pages
This is a very easy way of adding new pages to the site. No need of knowing html! You only have to enter the page name
and content using the user-friendly text editor provided.
A flexible and User-friendly Interfaced Text editor is provided for writing the page content. The formatting of the text is the
7.11 Edit Content Views
Administration Guide
same as in the common text editors used by most of the users.
After saving the changes it will be added immediately to the site right after “Home” page:
7.11 Edit Content Views
A flexible way to edit all content views: Agreement, LoginBoxNotes, RegistrationInfo, ReportAbuseMessage,
ReportAbusePhoto, ReportAbuseProfile, UploadPhotosGuideLines, UploadPhotosNotes, UploadVideosNotes. To edit any of
the content views click on “Edit Content Views” from Site Management section on the menu.
1. Agreement – here you can specify the terms and conditions that will be displayed in user registration page when click on
“I ACCEPT the terms and conditions”.
2. LoginBoxNotes – specify the registration text in login box – “Join us! Registration is 100% free and easy. Once
registered - you have the opportunity to browse thousands of profiles with photos and to answer those you find
7.11 Edit Content Views
Administration Guide
3. RegistrationInfo – description provided in registration page – “All you have to do is fill in the information. After the
information is received we will send you a confirmation e-mail on the e-mail address you specify. You must click on the
link in that e-mail to activate your account. After you activate your account you'll be redirected to a page where you can
create your profile and upload photos.”
4. ReportAbuseMessage – Info message provided when a user reports message as an abuse:
5. ReportAbusePhoto – Info message provided when a user reports photo as an abuse:
6. ReportAbuseProfile – Info message provided when a user reports profile as an abuse:
7. UploadPhotosGuideLines – gives extended information to the users for the photos requirements:
7.12 Edit e-card types
Administration Guide
8. UploadPhotosNotes – Set the terms and conditions for a photo upload:
9. UploadVideosNotes – Set the terms and conditions for a video upload:
7.12 Edit e-card types
This feature allows you to add static and animated e-cards.
To add new e-card select " - Add new - " from the drop down menu. To edit existing one select it's name.
7.13 Text Management
Administration Guide
You can type/change the e-card name from the "Name" field. To upload the e-card use "File" field. The e-card can be set
active from the "Active" checkbox.
7.13 Text Management
This section provides the system flexibility for Multilanguage usage. It has never been easier translating the whole site to as
many languages as YOU want. All YOU have to do is write down the equivalent of the string in the language table on the
corresponding language. The system will automatically replace it everywhere on the site where it has been used.
7.14 Themes Manager
Administration Guide
7.14 Themes Manager
Themes Manager provides an easy way to preview and select through the variety of themes.
Three main pages (default, home and user profile) are chosen in order to give a better view and help in selection of the
theme that best matches the notion of customer page.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
There is also an option to download new themes from the ones available on our web site or to install a unique theme created
for your site by our designers.
7.15 Settings
Casual dating, adult, etc - configure your site the way you want it. Using our site manager you have the ability to define each
and every aspect of your users’ profiles. You can set the topics, columns, questions, possible answers, define if any answer
is required or if should be approved first. It's all up to you.
This section contains nine main areas. For each option there is a hint provided explaining in more details what this option is
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Classifieds Settings
7.15.1 Abuse Reports Settings
• User can report profile abuse – if checked the users will be able to report abuse for profiles.
• User can report photo abuse – if checked the users will be able to report abuse for photos.
• User can report message abuse – if checked the users will be able to report abuse for messages.
• Abuse Reports per Page – sets the number of reports that will be displayed per page.
7.15.2 Affiliate Settings
• Check to enable affiliates – if checked supports affiliates.
• Username minimum length – defines the minimal affiliate’s username length. DO NOT change on a running site!
• Username maximum length – defines the minimal affiliate’s username length. DO NOT change on a running site!
• Password minimum length – defines the minimal affiliate’s password length. Recommended value is 3.
• Password maximum length – defines the maximum affiliate’s password length.
• Minimum sum to request payment – defines the minimal sum to request payment.
• Percentage for affiliates – defines the affiliates’ commission in percentage.
• Fixed amount for affiliates – defines the affiliates’ commission in fixed amount.
• Check to enable recurrent payment for affiliates – if checked the affiliate will recurrently receive commission for each
payment of the user. If unchecked the commission will be received only once for the first user’ payment.
For more information about affiliate please refer to “Affiliates Guide”.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Community Moderated System
7.15.3 Classifieds Settings
• Check to enable classifieds - enable/disable classifieds.
• Only registered users can browse classifieds - When it is checked only registered users can browse classifieds.
• Maximum group photo width - Specify the maximum width of group photo.
• Maximum group photo height - Specify the maximum height of group photo.
• Maximum number of photos per ad - Specify the maximum number of photos per ad.
• Ads per page - Specify ads per page.
• Classified comments - Check to allow members to post comments.
7.15.4 Community Face Control System
• Enable community face control - Check to enable community face control.
• Minimum photos required for face control - Specify the minimum photos required for face control .
• Minimum scores to allow profile moderation - Specify the minimum scores users must have to allow profile
• Show only gender of interest - Check to allow showing only gender of interest.
• Required number of votes to determine whether the profile will be approved or rejected - Specify the required
number of votes to determine whether the profile will be approved or rejected.
• Required percentage of votes to approve the profile - Specify the required percentage of votes to approve the profile.
• Scores for correct opinion - Specify the scores user receive for correct opinion.
• Penalty for incorrect opinion - Specify the penalty user receive for incorrect opinion.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Credits Settings
7.15.5 Community Moderated System
Community Moderated System allows your users to participate in managing your site.
• Enable community photo approval - if checked users can approve the new photos.
• Required number of votes to determine whether the photo will be approved or rejected - specify the number of
votes necessary a photo to be approved or rejected.
• Required percentage of votes to approve the photo - specify the percentage of votes necessary a photo to be
• Required percentage of votes to reject the photo - specify the percentage of votes necessary a photo to be rejected.
• Scores for correct opinion - specifies the score amount given for each correct approval.
• Penalty for incorrect opinion - specifies the score amount taken for each incorrect approval.
• Minimum scores to allow photo moderation - specify the minimum scores a user must have to participate in photo
• Enable Top Moderators - if checked users with maximum scores participate in Top Moderator chart.
• Top Moderators count - specify the number of top moderators shown in the chart.
• Maximum time away to be listed as top moderator (in days) - specify the number of days away the user can be listed
in top moderator chart. If the user has been offline longer than this period even if he/she has the necessary score will not
be listed.
• Maximum photo abuse reports after which the photo will be manual reviewed by admin - if a photo is approved but
later receives a high number of abuse reports then the photo will be marked for manual approval by the administrator.
• Maximum photo abuse reports after which the photo will be deleted automatically - if a photo is approved but later
receives a high number of abuse reports then the photo will be deleted automatically.
7.15.6 Credits Settings
The site can work with either monthly payments or credits packages.
• Require credits - if checked enables Credit Packages.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Group settings
• Charge credits one time per member - if checked the user will be charged only the first time he/she sends a message
to an user. The next messages to the same user will be free.
7.15.7 Error Logging
Manages the errors logging and handling.
• Log errors to file – if checked all the errors are written in a log file, placed in Logs folder.
• Send errors to the developers – if checked the errors are mailed to the developers.
• Save detailed IP log – if checked save detailed information with the user IP activities.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Group settings
7.15.8 Group settings
• Enable Groups – if unchecked all groups feature for the site will be disabled.
• Automatically delete a group after XX days of inactivity - specify the maximum days of inactivity for a group after
which it will be deleted automatically.
• Enable Group Announcement – if checked enables group announcement.
• Enable Ajax Chat for Groups – if checked Ajax Chat will be available for all groups.
• Users must be logged on to browse groups – if checked only logged in users will be able to browse the groups
• Users must be paid to browse groups – if checked only paid members will be able to browse groups
• Allow users to create groups – if checked all the signed in members will be able to create groups. Before appearing on
the site, the group must be approved by administrator first.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Mailing settings
• Users must be paid to create groups – if checked only paid members will be able to create groups. Before appearing
on the site, the group must be approved by administrator first.
• Users must be paid to join groups – if checked only paid members will be able to join groups.
• Groups per page – sets number of groups that will be displayed per page (front-end).
• Group photos per page – sets number of group photos that will be displayed per page in the group gallery (front-end).
• Number of new groups – sets the number of groups that will be listed in new groups section (front-end).
• Maximum number of topics on group home page – sets the maximum number of topics that will be displayed on
group’s home page (front-end).
• Maximum number of group members on group home page – sets the maximum number of groups that will be
displayed on group’s home page (front-end).
• Maximum number of group photos on group home page – sets the maximum number of photos that will be displayed
on group’s home page (front-end).
• Maximum posts to delete topic – sets the maximum number of posts for a topic after which this topic cannot be deleted.
This restriction applies to all group administrators, moderators and the site admin.
• Maximum groups per member – sets the maximum number of groups that a user can create and/or join.
• Maximum invitations – sets the maximum number of invitations a user can send.
• Maximum topics per group – specify the maximum number of topics a user can create for a group for period of 24 hours.
• Maximum topics for all groups – specify the maximum number of topics a user can create for all groups for period of 24
• Maximum icon width – sets the maximum width a group icon can have.
• Maximum icon height – sets the maximum height a group icon can have.
• Maximum group photo width – sets the maximum width a group gallery photo can have.
• Maximum group photo height – sets the maximum height a group gallery photo can have.
• Maximum group event image width - specify the maximum width for group event image.
• Maximum group event image height - specify the maximum height for group event image.
• Maximum members to delete group – specify the maximum number of members per group after which it cannot be
deleted. This restriction applies to all group administrators, moderators and the site admin.
• Group topics per page – sets the maximum number of topics that will be displayed at “Message Board” page (front-end).
• Group posts per page – sets the maximum number of topics that will be displayed per page (front-end).
• Enable moderated group invitation – if checked enables invitation for moderated group.
• Enable public group invitation – if checked enables invitation for public group.
• Maximum number of group events on group home page - specify the maximum number of group events shown on
group home page.
• Maximum number of group events on home page - specify the maximum number of group events shown on home
• Maximum number of poll choices in group polls - specify the maximum number of poll choices in group polls.
7.15.9 Mailing settings
In case an email was not sent these settings render the number of attempts and the time period for resending it.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Miscellaneous settings
• Retry count – defines the max number of resending the email.
• Retry interval (in hours) – defines the time interval before the new attempt occurs.
• Enable address book importer - if checked this feature allows users to invite their friends by importing e-mail addresses
from yahoo, gmail, hotmail accounts.
7.15.10 Maintenance
• Not activated user deletion time interval (in days) – this option specifies the time interval (in days) after which the
system will delete accounts that have not completed the e-mail confirmation.
7.15.11 Miscellaneous settings
Groups different types of settings.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Miscellaneous settings
• Enable Spam Detection - if enables this feature detects multiple messages with the same content.
• Enable Profile Topics&Questions translation – if checked Profile Topics and Questions can be translated in other
• Enable Flash Instant Messenger Integration (valid subscription required) – if checked the Integrated Flash Instant
Messenger is enabled. Only available on subscription bases!
• Enable Video Profile Integration (valid subscription required) – if checked the users can record their own video
profile. It will be available for the other members to see when browsing the profile. Only available on subscription bases!
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Photo Settings
• Enable Ajax Chat – if checked enables ajax chat.
• Enable Blogs – if checked the users can post blogs. They can be viewed when viewing their profile.
• Elapsed days of blog creation - specify the maximum elapsed days since the blog is posted to appear in the popular
blog posts box on home page.
• Number of new blogs - specify the number of blogs shown in popular blog posts on home page.
• Enable Video Upload (Video Converter plugin required) – if checked enables video upload for users.
• Maximum Video Uploads - specify the maximum number of videos an user can upload.
• Enable YouTube videos - if checked users can add YouTube videos on their profile.
• Max YouTube videos - specify the maximum number of YouTube videos an user can add on his/her profile.
• Enable Audio Upload - if checked users can add upload audio files on their profile.
• Maximum Audio uploads - specify the maximum number of audio files an user can upload on his/her profile.
• Enable Video Broadcast on Profile - if checked users can record videos for their profiles using Record video section in
the front-end.
• Flash Server for Video Broadcast - specify the flash server connection string for the video broadcast feature.
• Enable bad words filter for blogs – if checked enables bad words filter for a user’s blog.
• Enable bad words filter for groups – if checked enables bad words filter for groups.
• Enable bad words filter for comments – if checked enables bad words filter for a user’s comments.
• Enable bad words filter for messages – if checked enables bad words filter for a user’s messages.
• Enable bad words filter for profile – if checked enables bad words filter for a user’s profile.
• Enable Captcha – if checked enables Captcha for registration page.
• Enable Vista Gadgets – if checked enables vista gadgets for users.
• Enable CoolIris (formerly PicLens) feeds - Check to enable CoolIris (formerly PicLens) feeds.
• Enable MySpace Integration - Check to enable MySpace Integration.
• Enable Facebook Integration - Check to enable Facebook Integration.
• Enable e-mail and phone filtering in messages – if checked e-mails and phones in messages are replaced with “******”
• Maximum number of same messages - the maximum allowed number of same messages that a user can send. If this
number is exceeded then the user is blocked and put in queue for review from administrator.
• Time offset – this option is provided to fix time differences if the hosting of the site and the area it is used are placed in
different time zones. The values that can be entered are in hours. They can have a negative quantity.
• Site title – the site name must be entered here.
• Site email – the site email must be entered here. This is the email that is used for sending messages to the users.
• Number of news – specify the number of news that will be showed on the home page.
• Bad words replacement – enter the string that will be used instead of bad words if bad words filter is enable.
• Days of inactivity to send reminder e-mail - specify the days of inactivity after which a reminder e-mail is send to the
• Stop users with ad blockers - Check to stop users with ad blockers.
• Lock inner home page layout - Check to lock inner home page layout.
• Show polls on inner home page - Check to show polls on inner home page.
• Do not show banners to paid members - Check to disable banners for paid members.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Photo Settings
7.15.12 Photo Settings
Contains the main settings for formatting the photos for the site.
• Enable auto approve photos – this option specifies if the user photos must be approved by an administrator before
showed on the page. If this option is checked all the photos will be showed on the page immediately without waiting for
• Maximum photos on main page (in rows) – specify the maximum number of rows for new members photos showed on
both the home and user’s home page.
• Maximum videos on main page (in rows) - specify the maximum number of rows for new videos showed on home page.
• Maximum photos per user – specify the maximum number of photos that a user can upload for his/her profile.
• Maximum photo width – specify the maximum photo width that will be used in the site. If the user uploads a photo with
larger width, it will be resized to fit the set one and then stored in the data base.
• Maximum photo height – specify the maximum photo height that will be used in the site. If the user uploads a photo with
larger height, it will be resized to fit the set one and then stored in the data base.
• Minimum photo width - specify the minimum photo width that will be used in the site. If the user uploads a photo with
smaller width, it will be resized to fit the set one and then stored in the data base.
• Minimum photo height - specify the minimum photo height that will be used in the site. If the user uploads a photo with
smaller height, it will be resized to fit the set one and then stored in the data base.
• Apply watermark on photos – if this option is check a watermark will be applied on the user photos with size larger than
the required one.
• Watermark transparency level – specify the transparency level of the watermark. This option works only if “Apply
watermark on photos” option is enabled.
• Watermark position – specify the position of the watermark on the picture. You can select the required one from the
drop down list. This option works only if “Apply watermark on photos” option is enabled.
• Minimum picture width to apply watermark – specify the minimum photo width a watermark to be applied. This option
works only if “Apply watermark on photos” option is enabled.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Rating Settings
• Minimum picture height to apply watermark – specify the minimum photo height a watermark to be applied. This
option works only if “Apply watermark on photos” option is enabled.
• Enable explicit photos – checking this option will allow administrators to tag explicit photos. Those photos will only be
displayed to the registered users. Visitors will see censored image.
• Enable private photos – checking this option will allow users to upload private photos. Those photos will be visible only
to members chosen by the person who uploaded the photo.
• Make explicit photos private – checking it will mark all explicit photos as private and the user cannot remove the private
• Show Thumbnails in Mailbox – check this option to show thumbnails next to each mail in the mailbox.
• Find faces in photos (FaceFinder plugin required) – if FaceFinder plugin is installed check this option to enable it.
• Photo comments - if checked users can post comments on photos.
7.15.13 Profile Settings
Sets the maximum topic columns in which the profile will be previewed.
• Maximum topic columns – specify the maximum number of columns for edit, search and view topic that can be set by
the administrator. For more information about topics please refer to “Edit topic ( see page 34)" chapter.
• Number of profile comments to show - specifies the number of comments shown on the user profiles. If there are more
comments the software will add a "more" link.
• Number of photo comments to show - specifies the number of comments shown on the user photos. If there are more
comments the software will add a "more" link.
7.15.14 Rating Settings
These settings relate to voting, rating, user and photo count.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Search Settings
• Minimum rating – determines the minimum rating that can be given when voting.
• Maximum rating – determines the maximum rating that can be given when voting.
• TopUser count – determines the number of users that will be showed in the top users page.
• TopPhoto count – determines the number of photos that will be showed in the top photos page.
• Minimum required votes for TopUser list – determines the minimum votes a user must have to be considered for the
Top Users list.
• Minimum required votes for TopPhotos list – determines the minimum votes a photo must have to be considered for
the Top Photos list.
• Enable Profile Ratings – if unchecked the voting for users will be disabled and the Top Users page will be hidden.
• Enable Photo Ratings – if unchecked the voting for photos will be disabled and the Top Photos page will be hidden.
• Enable Profile Voting – if checked enables “vote up” and “vote down” for users’ profiles.
• Enable Photo Contests (
see page 24) – if checked enables photo contest.
• Minimum number of entries to start photo contest – specifies the minimum number of photos needed for a contest to
• Number of favorite entries to use for comparison – specifies the number of entries of the user’s favorites.
• Number of entries to show in the top entries chart – specifies the number of entries shown in the top entries chart.
• Disable voting for IP if accounts are more than – if the number of accounts created from one IP is more than the
number specified in the text field, the users with profiles created from this IP will be unable to vote for other members. If
the value is “0” the number of accounts for IP is unlimited.
• Enable voting after specified period (in days) – determines the time period (in days) after which the users will be able
to vote. This option can be combined with others from this section to define the rules for users’ voting.
• Enable voting after specified logins – determines the number of logins after which the users will be able to vote. This
option can be combined with others from this section to define the rules for users’ voting.
• Enable voting after specified profile views – determines the number of user’s profile previews after which the user will
be able to vote. This option can be combined with others from this section to define the rules for users’ voting.
• Enable voting for comments – if checked the users can vote for posted comments. Next to each comment there are two
options (thumbs up and thumbs down), represented with the corresponding icons. The voting system is similar to the
DIGG’ voting system. The rating can be -1(thumbs down) or +1 (thumbs up). If a comment reaches rating -5 or lower the
software casts invisible to the comment.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
SEO settings
7.15.15 Search Settings
Here the search options can be configured.
• Users per page – specifies the number of users shown per page for the search results preview (Show as Profile List).
• Videos per page - specifies the number of videos per page.
• Users per page (grid) – specifies the number of users shown per page for the search results preview – shows only the
users’ thumbnails (Show as Photo Grid).
• Enable filter for online users – if this option is checked a filter for online users appears in the “Who is online” page. The
online users can be filtered by gender and age.
• Distance Search enabled – if this option is checked a custom search mode by distance is enabled in the users search
• Show distance from user – if this option is checked when a logged in user browses other member’s profile the distance
between them is displayed.
• Measure distance in kilometers – if checked measures the distance in kilometers otherwise in miles. This option refers
to “Distance Search enabled”.
• Maximum users returned for Distance Search – specifies the maximum number of users that will be showed when a
distance search is applied. This option refers to “Distance Search enabled”.
• Maximum distance from User for Distance Search – specifies the maximum distance from user for distance search.
Measures in kilometers or miles depending on the selection made for “Measure distance in kilometers” option. This option
refers to “Distance Search enabled”.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Third Party Services
7.15.16 SEO settings
• Enable Url Rewriting – if checked uses the meta tags set for title, description and keywords.
• Template for ShowUser.aspx title – here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the User’s Title.
• Template for ShowUser.aspx meta description – here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the User’s
• Template for ShowUser.aspx meta keywords – here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the User’s
• Template for ShowGroup.aspx title - here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the Group Title.
• Template for ShowGroup.aspx meta description - here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the Group
• Template for ShowGroup.aspx meta keywords - here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the Group
• Template for ShowGroupTopics.aspx title - here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the Group Topic
• Template for ShowGroupTopics.aspx meta description - here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the
Group Topic Title.
• Template for ShowGroupTopics.aspx meta keywords - here you can specify the meta tags that will be used in the
Group Topic Keywords.
7.15.17 Third Party Services
• Google Maps API key - If you use any of the Google Maps integration features you would need to enter your API key
• Get Missing Coordinates From Google Maps - When enabled AspNetDating will use Google Maps to obtain the
lat/long coordinates for any address not in the database. The coordinates are used in the distance searches.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
User Scores and Levels
• Show Google Maps for Group Events - Check to show Google Maps for Group Events.
7.15.18 User Settings
Contains all the main settings related with the users.
7.15.19 User Scores and Levels
• Enable user levels - if checked enables user levels.
• Show level icons - if checked level icon is shown under the user's photo.
• Score for login (once per day) - specifies the score given to the user for logging in. The points are given only once per
day regardless of the number of logins.
• Score for viewing profile - specifies the score given to the user for viewing a profile. The points are given only for
different profiles.
• Score for viewed profile - specifies the score given to the user when someone views his/her profile. The points are
given only for different users.
• Score for left comment - specifies the score given to the user for posting a comment.
• Score for received comment - specifies the score given to the user for receiving a comment.
• Score for received message - specifies the score given to the user for receiving a message.
• Score for sent message - specifies the score given to the user for sending a message.
• Score for reply to message - specifies the score given to the user for replying to a message.
• Score for approved photo - specifies the score given to the user for approved photo.
7.15 Settings
Administration Guide
Change Your Password
• Score for rejected photo - specifies the score taken from user for rejected photo.
• Score for approved video - specifies the score given to the user for approved video.
• Score for rejected video - specifies the score taken from user for rejected video.
• Score for approved audio - specifies the score given to the user for approved audio.
• Score for rejected audio - specifies the score taken from user for rejected audio.
• Score for new topic - specifies the score given to the user for posting a topic.
• Score for new post - specifies the score given to the user for new post.
• Score for new post in users topic - specifies the score given to the user for new post in other user's topic.
• Score for deleted topic - specifies the score taken from user for deleted topic.
• Score for deleted post - specifies the score taken from user for deleted post.
7.15.20 Change Your Password
Changes the current administrator’s password.
8.1 Browse Admins
Administration Guide
8 Admin Management
Often there is the necessity of more than one person for administrating the different site contents, options and features. In
this section YOU can create users and set the corresponding rights for the site administration.
8.1 Browse Admins
Often there is the necessity of more than one person for administrating the different site contents, options and features. In
this section YOU can create users and set the corresponding rights for the site administration.
For every account are showed the user name and Last Login time. Every account except the “admin” can be edited and
deleted. The “admin” account can not be deleted because it is used mainly for sending system messages.
When editing the account there are two main directs.
The administrator password can be changed by providing the old one.
The most important feature for managing the site administrators is setting the appropriate read/write rights. It helps allocate
8.1 Browse Admins
Administration Guide
the site management to more than one person and set different access to the administration sections for each one.
9.2 Credits Packages
Administration Guide
9 Payment Management
Choose any of the available payment processors. Define your own payment plans in terms of price and duration. Your users
will be able to pick one payment plan and subscribe to it. Non-paid users will be able to register and browse/view profiles but
will be unable to send messages.
9.1 Billing Settings
Choose any of the available payment processors. Define your own payment plans in terms of price and duration. Your users
will be able to pick one payment plan and subscribe to it. Non-paid users will be able to register and browse/view profiles but
will be unable to send messages.
If you want to run a free site you can disable all payment-related functionality from the "Settings (
see page 54)" screen:
The Billing Plans are displayed in a table:
9.2 Credits Packages
The site can work with either monthly payments or credits packages. To enable Credit packages check the "Require credits"
option in Settings ( see page 54). The users will be charged one credit each time they send a message.
If "Charge credits one time per member" is checked the user will be charged only the first time he/she sends a message to
an user. The next messages to the same user will be free.
This feature allows you to manage the credit packages.
9.2 Credits Packages
Administration Guide
You can set "Name", "Quantity" (it takes one credit per action) and "Price" for the whole package.
10.1 Edit Meta Tags
Administration Guide
10 SEO Management
ASPnetDating helps you with the search engine optimization for your dating site. This tool provides the means needed for
meta tags to be generated automatically depending on the users’ profile.
10.1 Edit Meta Tags
ASPnetDating helps you with the search engine optimization for your dating site. This tool provides the means needed for
meta tags to be generated automatically depending on the users’ profile. Click on “Edit Meta Tags” from SEO Management
section on the menu. A list of available meta tags is provided:
You can specify the meta tags that will be used in the User’s Title, Description and Keywords.
11.1 Browse Affiliates
Administration Guide
11 Affiliate Management
This option allows you to mange the affiliates details, payment request, view affiliate payment history and commissions and
uploads your banners that will be available for them to use.
11.1 Browse Affiliates
To browse available affiliates click on “Browse Affiliates” from Affiliate Management on the left menu. An extended filter is
available for searching affiliates:
To view all affiliates click on search button without specifying any filters.
11.1 Browse Affiliates
Administration Guide
1. Username – shows the affiliate’s username.
2. Name – shows the affiliate’s name.
3. Site URL – shows the affiliate’s site URL.
4. Balance – shows the current affiliates balance from commissions received.
5. Request Payment – shows if the affiliate have reached the minimal sum for payment and can request it.
6. Commission – shows the affiliate commission.
7. Edit – you have the rights to edit your affiliates details: username, password, name, email, site URL, Payment details,
Deleted (from this option you can restore a deleted affiliate entry by setting the value to “No”), Active (here you can
change the active status of the affiliate, when a affiliate is created by default his status is set to “Inactive”, you must
activate it from here), Percentage (here you can edit the commission an affiliate will receive in percentage), Fixed
amount (here you can edit the commission an affiliate will receive as a fixed amount), Recurrent (specify if the affiliate
will recurrently receive commission for each payment of the user), Balance (you can manually change the affiliate
balance due to fraud user registration or bonuses you would like him to receive ).
11.2 Payment Requests
Administration Guide
8. Delete – here you can delete an affiliate. The affiliates entry is not permanently deleted it can be restored by setting
“Deleted” field when editing an affiliate to “No”.
11.2 Payment Requests
To manage affiliates’ payment requests select “Payment Requests” from Affiliate Management on the left menu. “Affiliate
Request Payment” page shows the username, balance and payment details of the affiliate who has requested a payment.
This page does not process payments! It is only for detailed logging affiliates’ payment history.
After the payment is processed (based on the payment details given by the affiliate) click on “Mark as Paid” button. You will
11.4 Affiliate Commissions
Administration Guide
be redirected to Affiliate Payment Notes page for more detailed description of the payment. The description entered in
“Notes” field will be visible to both the administrator and the affiliate. The notes entered in “Private Notes” are visible only for
the administrator.
11.3 Payment History
If you want to view all processed payment select “Payment History” from Affiliate Management on the left menu.
1. Affiliate – contains the affiliate’s username.
2. Amount – shows the amount paid to the affiliate.
3. Date Paid – shows payment date.
4. Notes – contains description from the administrator for the payment visible to both administrator and the affiliate (this field
is not required)
5. Private Notes – contains private notes from the administrator for the payment visible only for the administrator (this field
is not required)
11.4 Affiliate Commissions
This page contains detailed list of the commissions an affiliate has received. If you want to view the commissions of a
specific affiliate select his/her username from “Affiliate:” dropdown list.
11.5 Affiliate Banners
Administration Guide
1. Username – contains the username of the member who has registered through this affiliate’s web site.
2. Amount – shows the commotion the affiliate will receive for the corresponding user.
3. Date – the date the affiliate has won this commission.
4. Notes – contains the subscription fee and the date it was paid for the corresponding user.
11.5 Affiliate Banners
Here you can upload the banners your affiliates will advertise you with. The page shows the banner, its’ name/description,
edit and delete actions.
To add a banner, click on “Add banner” button. Browse to the image, type name of the banner if you want and click upload.
If you want to edit existing banner click on “Edit” from the available actions.
11.5 Affiliate Banners
Administration Guide
For more information about Affiliates please refer to “Affiliates Guide”.
12.1 New Users Stats
Administration Guide
12 Statistics
ASPnetDating software now provides statistics to monitor users' activity. Just select the time period to view the new
registrations and the number of online users online at any given time.
12.1 New Users Stats
New Users Stats feature helps you to keep in track with the new registrations on your site.
Use the filter to determine the time period you want the statistic for. And choose the type of the statistic from the "Type"
12.1 New Users Stats
Click on "Show Statistics (
Administration Guide
see page 82)" button to view the statistic.
Depending on the selected statistic type the chart and the table shows the new registrations for the time period you have
You can also download the report table in csv format if you want to keep it in archive or view it in excel. Just select the
"Download as CSV" button.
12.2 Online Users Stats
Administration Guide
12.2 Online Users Stats
Online Users Stats feature allows you to view the number of online users online at any given time.
Use the filter to determine the time period you want the statistic for. And choose the type of the statistic from the "Type"
Click on "Show Statistics (
see page 82)" button to view the statistic.
12.2 Online Users Stats
Administration Guide
Depending on the selected statistic type the chart and the table shows the number of online users for the time period you
have entered.
You can also download the report table in csv format if you want to keep it in archive or view it in excel. Just select the
"Download as CSV" button.
12.2 Online Users Stats
Administration Guide
13.1 Sideshow Gadgets
Administration Guide
13 Extras
Our software now supports Vista Sideshow Gadget. It shows the pending photos and answers waiting for approval and
number of new users.
13.1 Sideshow Gadgets
Use this section to generate and download admin Vista Sideshow Gadget:
It shows the pending photos and answers waiting for approval and number of new users:
Administration Guide
Abuse Reports 20
Abuse Reports Settings 55
Admin Management 71
Affiliate Banners 80
Affiliate Commissions 79
Affiliate Management 76
Affiliate Settings 55
Approve Answers 15
Approve Audio Uploads 14
Approve Blog Posts 16
Approve Classifieds 28
Approve Groups 32
Approve Photos 10
Approve Salute Photos 12
Edit Bad Words 43
Edit Banners 47
Edit Content Pages 48
Edit Content Views 49
Edit e-card types 51
Edit Google Analytics 46
Edit Languages 33
Edit Meta Tags 75
Edit News 40
Edit Question 36
Edit Templates 43
Edit Topic 34
Edit Topics & Questions 34
Email Templates 43
Error Logging 58
Extras 87
Approve Video Uploads 13
Approve Videos 13
Group Management 30
Group settings 59
Billing Settings 73
Browse Admins 71
Browse Affiliates 76
Browse Groups 31
Login and Home page 2
Browse Members 4
Browse Messages 6
Browse Photos 6
Mailing settings 60
Browse Spam Suspects 7
Maintenance 61
Browse Video Uploads 8
Manage Categories 30
Manage Classifieds Categories 27
Change Your Password 70
Classifieds 27
Classifieds Settings 56
Manage Contests 24
Manage Polls 41
Miscellaneous settings 61
Miscellaneous Templates 45
Community Face Control System 56
Community Moderated System 57
Contest Entries 25
New Users Stats 82
Contests 24
Credits Packages 73
Credits Settings 57
Online Users Stats 84
Administration Guide
Overview 1
Payment History 79
Payment Management 73
Payment Requests 78
Photo Settings 64
Profile Settings 65
Rating Settings 65
Search Settings 67
Send Announcement 17
SEO Management 75
SEO settings 68
Settings 54
Sideshow Gadgets 87
Site Management 33
Spam Check 19
Statistics 82
Text Management 52
Themes Manager 53
Third Party Services 68
Upload Site Logo 47
User Levels 22
User Management 4
User Scores and Levels 69
User Settings 69