HF960173 Tables Price List
HF960173 Tables Price List
HLF Furniture Function L I S T P R I C E Form, T A B L E S and Affordability in Office Furniture h l f p r i c e l i s t SHIPPING ZONES: ZONE 1 Shipments made to Zone 1 are generally via company truck or contract carrier, blanketwrapped. Freight charges are 10 percent of dealer net cost on orders exceeding $1,000.00 net. Freight costs on orders totaling less than $1,000.00 net are billed as incurred and will vary with location, weight and volume. The minimum freight charge on these smaller orders is $60.00 per delivery; on occasion costs may exceed $100.00 per delivery. Zone 1 dealers desiring shipment to other zones should consult the factory for possible packaging charges. ZONE 2 AND 3 Shipments made to dealers in Zone 2 and 3 may be via either contract carrier or common carrier. Wherever possible we prefer to consolidate orders for blanket-wrapped shipment via contract carrier. Cost for these blanket-wrapped movements generally average 10 to 12 percent of net order value on orders of $2,000.00 to $25,000.00 net, depending upon delivery location and order volume. In the case of orders exceeding $25,000.00 net, consult the factory for a specific freight quote. Orders under $2,000.00 net and those going to more remote locations within Zones 2 and 3 may be shipped via common carrier freight charges billed directly by the carrier, either COLLECT or THIRD PARTY BILLING. ZONE 4 Shipments to Zone 4 are generally via common carrier F.O.B. factory, Belleville, Michigan, and are billed directly by the carrier, either COLLECT or THIRD PARTY BILLING. 2 h l f HLF Furniture, Inc. • p r i c e l i s t Shipping Zones 1 Terms & Conditions 2 Finishes 3 Conference Tables 4 Conference a la Carte 5 Seminar/Training Tables 6 Seminar a la Carte 7 Special Use Tables 8 Conference/Training Support Furniture 9 Occasional Tables 10 Seating Chart 11 44001 Van Born Road • Belleville, Michigan 48111 (313) 697-3000 • FAX (313) 697-3008 3 TERMS & CONDITIONS t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ORDER INFORMATION PHONE ORDERS ACKNOWLEDGMENT Phone orders must be followed by written confirmation via mail or FAX transmission. It is the customer’s responsibility to clearly indicate confirmation to avoid duplication. It is our policy to acknowledge all orders in writing. The Acknowledgment will reflect as completely as possible our understanding of the order and will indicate the correct net pricing and approximate ship date. It remains the customer’s responsibility to check the Acknowledgment for accuracy and to promptly report any errors or discrepancies. DATE OF DELIVERY It is our firm intention to comply with requested delivery dates insofar as is reasonably possible; however, it should be recognized that the date of shipment listed on our Acknowledgment is an estimate only and not an essential term of agreement. Delays in shipment of an order do not constitute a valid reason for cancellation nor shall HLF be liable for any expenses arising from any delay in delivery or failure to make delivery due to unavailability of raw materials, labor, or supplies or any factor beyond our reasonable control which might hinder or impede the manufacture or delivery of all or part of any order accepted. CANCELLATIONS/CHANGES Orders may be cancelled or changed at any time prior to commencement of production. The customer will be responsible for any costs incurred up to the point of cancellation and for the cost of any changes. A minimum cancellation fee of the greater of $50.00 or two percent of order value will be incurred on any cancelled orders. No cancellations or changes will be accepted after production has commenced. PRICES All prices are F.O.B. factory, Belleville, Michigan. All prices are subject to change without notice. Orders are accepted at the price in effect as of the date of receipt of order at the factory. TERMS Terms on price list items are 1% 10 days/net 30 days for customers on open account. Open account is only granted upon approval of a completed HLF Credit Application by our credit department. A 50% deposit or Pro Forma payment may be required prior to processing an initial order. A 50% deposit may be required on custom items regardless of credit status. No orders will be processed for accounts having outstanding invoices more than 30 days past due. Credit terms are conditional upon satisfactory fulfillment of obligations. We reserve the right to revoke credit privileges at any time. RETURNED CHECKS 4 All orders are to be in writing to avoid errors and/or duplication. Orders are accepted subject only to the terms and conditions listed hereunder. It is expressly understood that variation from these terms and conditions shall only pertain on a per order basis when agreed to in writing by an officer of HLF Furniture, Incorporated. In placing an order, customer unconditionally agrees that terms and conditions listed hereunder shall supercede any and all terms or conditions listed on the customer’s purchase order. A returned check charge of $35.00 will be incurred on any check returned unpaid for any reason. SPECIFICATIONS RETURNS/RESTOCKING WARRANTY a n d TERMS & CONDITIONS t e r m s c o n d i t i o n s Sizes, as listed, are nominal and may vary plus or minus ½" from list. Where product construction and material specifications are listed in this price list, they represent materials and methods in use at the time this list was printed. HLF unconditionally reserves the right to change materials and construction methods without notice as part of our continuing efforts to improve products and techniques. HLF does not manufacture plastic laminates. Specifications for plastic laminate should be obtained directly from the appropriate laminate manufacturers. No returns will be accepted without the prior written consent of the factory. As all goods are manufactured to order, there is no provision offered for restocking merchandise upon payment of a restocking charge. Products are warranted to be free of manufacturing defects — cracks, chips, glue failure, and major scratches. Cracks, chips, and major scratches will be repaired or replaced at no cost only if reported within 48 hours of delivery. Glue failure within five years of delivery will be corrected at no cost to the customer. As gloss, semi-gloss, and dark solid color laminates are subject to minor scratches in any of several production and handling stages, both prior to and during our use of them, we are unable to warrant these finishes completely free of scratches and we suggest they be used discretely. Plastic laminate products, like fine wood products, are subject to environmental conditions. In particular, sustained relative humidity lower than 60 percent may result in cracking of laminate and bowing of doors, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may reactivate glues and cause delamination, and absorption of standing water may cause substrate swelling. We are unable to accept responsibility for damages resulting from these environmental conditions. HLF Furniture’s sole obligation and customer’s remedy under this warranty shall extend to the repair or replacement, at our option, of products which prove defective during the warranty period under normal usage for the purpose intended. Misuse, alteration, negligence, abuse or damage by accident shall negate this warranty. There are no implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose made by HLF in connection with the sale or use of any item. The warranty provisions listed above are expressly in lieu of any other warranties, express or implied by fact or by statute, and all other remedies for damages arising from the sale or use of any item of furniture. BACKCHARGES DROP SHIPMENT Charges incurred by the customer in expediting shipments or for the repair of goods will not be accepted by the company. Any back charges must be approved in advance in writing by HLF Furniture, Inc., via an HLF Credit Memo. We reserve the right to return goods to the factory for warranty repair rather than incur field service costs and shall be liable only for costs between the factory and the destination to which the goods were first delivered as indicated on our Shipper or Bill of Lading. Customers desiring drop shipment may arrange for merchandise to be delivered to a local transfer agent capable of delivery to the end-user. Zone 1 customers desiring shipment to a destination other than their own immediate geographic area should consult the factory for possible crating or cartoning charges. 5 TERMS & CONDITIONS t e r m s PACKAGING/CRATING CLAIMS STORAGE/DELAYS FINISHES 6 a n d c o n d i t i o n s Shipments made to Zone 1 are generally shipped blanket-wrapped. Shipments made to Zone 2 may be either blanket-wrapped or packaged depending on order size, geographic location, and other cost considerations. Refer to the inside front cover of this list for Zone definitions and further shipping information for your area. All shipments are F.O.B. factory, Belleville, Michigan. Minimum freight charges for Zone 1 are $50.00 per delivery. Claims for any damage must be filed promptly with the carrier. In case of damage, any packaging materials should be retained until the goods are inspected. We cannot be responsible for merchandise once a carrier has received and signed for merchandise in good condition. When shipment is delayed by the customer, we reserve the right to place the goods in storage at the customer’s risk and expense. Terms shall commence upon notification of the customer that goods are ready for pick-up or delivery. Prices in this list refer to Standard HLF Laminate Finishes as they may from time to time be designated. Refer to the finish selector chart in this price list for upcharges associated with non-standard finishes. f i n i s h e s FINISHES FINISHES: PLASTIC LAMINATES All prices in this list are based on matte finish solid colors or woodgrains from the four major laminate producers—Formica, Nevamar, Pionite, and Wilsonart, as well as standard HLF finishes. Finishes listed on our Palette ’95 Swatch Card are stocked at the factory and will expedite leadtimes. A listing of these finishes appears on page 6. For finishes other than those noted above, refer to the following Finish Selector Chart for appropriate upcharge. If you are uncertain about whether a particular finish or pattern would involve an upcharge, please consult the factory. We will not be able to assume responsibility for pricing errors due to finish specification errors. LAMINATE BRAND AND FINISH UPCHARGE HLF Standard Finishes As listed Pionite Matte Solids and Woodgrains Pionite Gloss Pionite other than listed above As listed +10% Consult Factory Wilsonart Matte Solids and Woodgrains Wilsonart Nebula Wilsonart Gloss Wilsonart other than listed above As listed +10% +15% Consult Factory Formica Matte Solids and Woodgrains Formica Grafix Formica Scorpio, Oxide, Patina, Volcano Formica Design Concepts & Lacquer Formica Color Core or equal Formica other than listed above As listed +10% +15% +35% Factory Quote Only, any quantity Consult Factory Nevamar Textured Solids and Woodgrains Nevamar Matrix Nevamar Gloss Solids, Natural Nevamar other than listed above As listed +10% +15% Consult Factory Laminart Matte Laminart Gloss Metals, Canes, Corks Other brands Other finishes (chemical resistant, ESD, dimensional, etc.) COM laminate, standard grade COM laminate, specialty grade +30% +40% Factory Quote Only, any quantity Factory Quote Only, any quantity Factory Quote Only, any quantity No upcharge, no credit Factory Quote Only 7 FINISHES f i n i s h e s L A M I N AT E S A M P L E S / S PE C I F I C AT I O N S Sample chains, oversize samples and specifications are available directly from the principal laminate manufacturers. Each maintains a toll-free number to access their sample program and samples are generally shipped within 24 hours of request. Numbers for these companies are as follows: Formica Nevamar Pionite Wilsonart 1-(800)-FORMICA 1-(800)-638-4380 1-(800)-PIONITE 1-(800)-433-3222 S TA N D A R D F I N I S H E S AS OF JUNE 1, 1996, THE FOLLOWING STANDARD LAMINATES ARE AVAILABLE: H-21 H-23 H-30 H-32 H-33 H-38 H-41 H-43 H-45 H-48 H-50 H-53 H-54 H-55 White Antique White Pumice Light Blue Platinum Fog Moss Green Dutch Blue Birch Pepperdust Juniper English Ivy Anthra Green Black H-62 H-63 H-64 H-65 H-66 H-67 H-68 H-70 H-71 H-72 H-73 H-74 H-76 H-80 Port Burgundy Birch Mix Teal Mix Navy Mix Sand Mix Charcoal Essence Maple Light Oak Pear Medium Oak Mahogany Cherry Blue Grey Mix H-81 H-82 H-83 H-84 H-85 H-86 H-87 H-89 H-90 H-92 H-96 H-99 Grey Speck Mouse Mix Charcoal Mix Charcoal Dust White Mix Grey Mix Grey Dust Beige Dust Firedust Green Mix Oxide Black Vortex In addition to our standard finishes, we are able to source and use virtually any other laminate finish available. In order to determine appropriate price adjustments associated with non-standard finishes, refer to the Finish Selector Chart on page 5. QUICKSHIP HLF Furniture offers the most extensive QuickShip program in laminate office furniture. Many conference and seminar tables as well as our entire range of a la carte self edge conference and seminar tops are available in ten working days in any of our eight Quick Ship colors. H-21 H-38 H-45 H-55 White Fog Birch Black H-71 H-73 H-82 H-83 Light Oak Medium Oak Mouse Mix Charcoal Mix QuickShip products are designated throughout the price list. When placing an order for QuickShip delivery, be certain that you clearly indicate QUICKSHIP to ensure that it is properly entered. CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS Plastic laminate is a durable, serviceable surface that with minimal care will provide many years of worry-free use. Everyday cleaning requires no more than a soft wipe with a damp sponge. Should dirt build up wash the surface with mild dishwashing liquid or powdered detergent and warm water and a soft cotton cloth; rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. If this should fail to dislodge the build-up use an all-purpose cleaner or bathroom cleaner (being careful to follow the manufacturer’s instructions), rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. FABRIC Products which are clad in fabrics are priced to incorporate standard selections in Guilford FR-701 Series, Pattern 2100. Fabric samples may be obtained by contacting Guilford. 1-(800)-544-0200. 8 f i n i s h e s FINISHES HARDWOOD EDGES WOOD SPECIES Standard pricing is based on red oak, mahogany and maple hardwood edges. Other species may be available on a special order basis. Consult factory for availability and leadtimes for non-standard species. STAINS Standard finishes include Light Oak (OAK-71), Medium Oak (OAK-73) and Ebony (OAK-55) on red oak; Mahogany (MAH-74) and Walnut (MAH-77) on Mahogany; and Maple (MPL-70) and Cherry (MPL-76) on Maple. Other than Walnut (MAH-77), these finishes are formulated to match our standard laminates of the same description; refer to Palette ’95 swatch card for representative samples. Our Walnut finish (MAH-77) matches Formica 492 Gunstock Walnut. CUSTOM FINISHES/STAINS To match a finish other than our standards, please submit a sample of the desired color and add $100 net matching charge to your cost. VARIATIONS IN COLOR AND TEXTURE As wood is a natural product, it should be recognized that variations in color and texture may exist within and between pieces. 9 FINISHES f i n i s h e s T-MOULD EDGES (200 SERIES) Sixteen colors of T-mould edge are available as a standard as the 200 Series edge. Additional colors are available on quantity orders. Consult the factory for price and availability if non-standard T-mould edges are required. Standard T-mould colors with their closest laminate match are as follows: 10 NUMBER COLOR CLOSEST LAMINATE MATCH T-01 T-02 T-03 T-04 T-05 T-06 White Black Light Beige Folkstone Grey Almond Pionite SW806-S Carnation White Pionite SE101-S Black Wilsonart D439-60 Wallaby Pionite SG241-S Folkstone Grey Wilsonart 1500N-60 Grey Wilsonart D30-60 Natural Almond T-07 T-08 T-09 T-10 T-11 T-12 Fog Shadow Chocolate Graphite Oxford Grey Slate Formica 961-58 Fog Wilsonart D96-60 Shadow Pionite ST637-S Chocolate Nevamar S-6-14T Black Pearl Formica 837-58 Graphite Pionite SG228-S Slate T-13 T-14 T-15 T-16 Green Cordovan Red Blue Formica 967-58 Hunter Green Formica 875-58 Cordovan Formica 839-58 Stop Red Formica 914-58 Marine Blue f i n i s h e s FINISHES 3 M M F L AT P VC E D G E S ( 3 0 0 S E R I E S ) Sixteen colors of 3MM flat PVC edge are available as a standard as the 300 Series edge. Additional colors are available on quantity orders. Consult the factory for price and availability if non-standard PVC edges are required. Standard PVC colors with their closest laminate match are as follows: NUMBER COLOR CLOSEST LAMINATE MATCH P-01 P-02 P-03 P-04 P-05 P-06 White Designer White Frosty White Black Eggshell Folkstone Pionite SW811-S White Pionite SW826-S Angel White Pionite SW806-S Carnation White Pionite SE101-S Black Pionite SW803-S Eggshell White Pionite SG241-S Folkstone Grey P-07 P-08 P-09 P-10 P-11 P-12 Fashion Grey Almond Dove Grey Fog Mauve Teal Wilsonart D381-60 Fashion Grey Pionite ST655-S Almond Wilsonart D92-60 Dove Grey Formica 961-58 Fog Pionite SR518-S Powder Pink Pionite SV712-S Blue Spruce P-13 P-14 P-15 P-16 Hunter Green Wineberry Red Blue Pionite SV704-S Boxwood Wilsonart D15-60 Wineberry Pionite SR505-S Navajo Red Pionite SB009-S Royal Blue 11 FINISHES f i n i s h e s U R E T H A N E E D G E S F O R S P E C I A L U S E TA B L E S ( 8 0 E A A N D 8 0 B N S E R I E S ) Forty-six colors of cast urethane edges are available as a standard in both the 80EA (Eased) and 80BN (Bullnose) profiles. Special colors are not available on this series in short runs of less than twenty tables. Consult factory for price and availability of special colors. Standard urethane colors with their closest laminate match are as follows: 12 NUMBER COLOR CLOSEST LAMINATE MATCH U-01 U-02 U-03 U-04 U-05 U-06 Forsythia Yellow Saffron Meringue Black Red Pionite SY913-S Forsythia Pionite SY914-S Primary Yellow Formica 7024-58 Saffron Wilsonart D392-60 Beachshell Wilsonart 1595-60 Black Formica 845-58 Spectrum Red U-07 U-08 U-09 U-10 U-11 U-12 Wine Cordovan Burgundy White Purple Blackberry Formica 966-58 Burgundy Formica 875-58 Cordovan Pionite SP402-S Plum Wilsonart 1570-60 White Formica 965-58 Royal Lavender Formica 842-58 Blackberry U-13 U-14 U-15 U-16 U-17 U-18 Light Purple Sky Navy Spectrum Blue Blue Grey Sea Nevamar S-3-24T Aster Purple Wilsonart D319-60 Blue Ice Formica 969-58 Navy Blue Formica 851-58 Spectrum Blue Nevamar S-3-23T Graphite Blue Formica 846-58 Grotto U-19 U-20 U-21 U-22 U-23 U-24 Teal Deep Green Green Light Green Nile Astro Green Wilsonart D351-60 Tyrol Green Pionite SV710-S Anthra Green Formica 967-58 Hunter Green Formica 897-58 Spectrum Green Formica 942-58 Nile Formica 427-58 Astro Green U-25 U-26 U-27 U-28 U-29 U-30 Victorian Teal Teal Grey Aloe Dusty Jade Mint Grey Formica 956-58 Victorian Teal Nevamar S-5-35T Sage Green Laminart 9053-T Aloe Formica 879-58 Dusty Jade Micarta 52M54 Spray Green Nevamar S-6-14T Black Pearl U-31 U-32 U-33 U-34 Moss Grey Pewter Fog Cool Grey Pionite SG240-S Moss Grey Wilsonart D73-60 Pewter Formica 961-58 Fog Formica 923-58 Surf f i n i s h e s FINISHES U R E T H A N E E D G E S F O R S P E C I A L U S E TA B L E S ( 8 0 E A A N D 8 0 B N S E R I E S ) U-35 U-36 Brown Brick Pionite SP401-S Royal Burgundy Formica 7202-58 Brick U-37 U-38 U-33 U-40 U-41 U-42 Rosedust Bordeaux Canyon Copper Beige Maplenut Beige Wilsonart D13-60 Rosedust Formica 876-58 Bordeaux Formica 7199-58 Pueblo Nevamar S-1-23T Rose Pearl Wilsonart D446-60 Mocha Java Pionite ST622-S Caramel U-43 U-44 U-45 U-46 Concrete Toast Pebble Rose Beige Formica 437-58 Concrete Wilsonart D50-60 Khaki Brown Wilsonart D337-58 Pebble Wilsonart D308-60 Ivory Rose Individual urethane edge samples will be sent for approval upon request. M E TA L B A S E F I N I S H E S VICTOR, EMBASSY, ALTA, AND FINESSE SERIES Metal bases for the Victor, Embasssy, Alta, and Finesse Series of Conference Tables and Seminar Tables are available in chrome and six standard powder coat finishes. All seven of these finishes are standard on Metal Base Conference Tables. The six powder coat finishes are standard on Seminar Tables; chrome bases are available for Seminar Tables with a nominal upcharge. In addition to the six standard powder coat colors, twenty-four custom colors are available at standard pricing on quantity orders of twenty or more tables. Consult factory for a listing of custom colors. Standard powder coat finishes for Victor, Embassy, Alta, and Finesse Series bases are as follows: NUMBER FINISH CLOSEST LAMINATE COLOR CH-00 PC-81 PC-82 PC-83 PC-84 PC-85 PC-86 Chrome White Black Birch Folkstone Putty Platinum Mirror Chrome Formica 459-58 Bright White Pionite SE101-S Black Formica 921-58 Birch Pionite SG241-S Folkstone Grey Pionite SG209-S Putty Grey Nevamar S-6-23T Platinum Grey 13 FINISHES f i n i s h e s NEWPORT AND SCHOLAR SERIES Eleven standard powder coat finishes are available on Newport Series conference tables and Scholar Series seminar and special use tables. Newport Series legs also incorporate molded trim rings in any of the eleven colors, either matching or contrasting. On the Scholar Series the lower base is only available in a black wrinkle finish; the upper leg section may be specified in any of the eleven finishes. Custom powder coat and trim ring colors are available on larger projects. Consult factory for quantity requirements, cost and availability. Color references for Newport and Scholar Series bases are as follows: NUMBER FINISH CLOSEST LAMINATE COLOR PC-81 PC-82 PC-83 PC-84 PC-85 PC-87 PC-88 PC-89 PC-90 PC-91 PC-92 White Black Birch Folkstone Putty Fog Graphite Charcoal Burgundy Red Blue Formica 459-58 Bright White Pionite SE101-S Black Formica 921-58 Birch Pionite SG241-S Folkstone Grey Pionite SG209-S Putty Grey Pionite SG213-S Opti Grey Nevamar S-6-14T Black Pearl Nevamar S-6-33T Raven Wilsonart D369-60 Burgundy Nevamar S-1-27T Liberty Red Formica 914-58 Marine Blue ICON AND CRUCIBLE SERIES BASES Icon Series metal bases are available in Polished Chrome (CH-00) finish only. Crucible Series metal bases are available in Black Wrinkle finish only. 14 c o n f e r e n c e CONFERENCE t a b l e s TA B L E S : CONFERENCE TABLES G E N E R A L S E R I E S F E AT U R E S • All top surfaces are high-pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density industrial grade particle board. • Edges as specified—self edge, solid hardwood, and vinyl t-mould edges are available. • Laminate bases feature high pressure laminate over 45 lb. density industrial grade particle board. • Unless otherwise specified, metal bases are chrome plated 14-gauge tubular steel; powder coated bases are also available—see page 11 for available standard colors. • Consult Conference a la Carte section for individual base specifications. • Leveling glides included on all tables. • All tops 120" or less in length are one piece unless otherwise specified. • All tops more than 120" in length are two piece with joining hardware unless otherwise specified. • All round tops exceeding 60" diameter are supplied in two pieces with joining hardware. • All tables 29"h. Custom heights are available, consult factory. • For in-between lengths use price of next largest size. O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N • When ordering, specify edge style with model number—e.g., RPNT 07236 (101) for a 72"x36" rectangular table with a trestle base and 2⅜" self edge top. • Wood Profiles and Species: #400—1¼" bullnose #401—2⅜" bullnose Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing #500—1¼" traditional Mahogany only #600—¼"x1¼" eased #601—¼"x 2⅜" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing #700—¾"x1¼" eased #701—¾"x 2⅜" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing • Standard Finishes/Stains: Standard pricing includes Light Oak (OAK-71), Medium Oak (OAK-73) and Ebony (OAK-55) on Oak; Mahogany (MAH-74) and Walnut (MAH-77) on Mahogany; and Maple (MPL-70) and Cherry (MPL-76) on Maple. Other than Walnut (MAH-77), these finishes are formulated to match our standard laminate colors of the same description; refer to Palette ’95 swatch card for representative samples. Our Walnut finish (MAH-77) matches Formica 492 Gunstock Walnut. • Custom Finishes/Stains: To match a finish other than our standards, please submit a sample of the desired color and add $100 net matching charge to your cost. • Variations in color and texture: As wood is a natural material, it should be recognized that variations in color and texture may exist within and between pieces. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE Portfolio Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Americana Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Victor Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Embassy Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Crucible Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Icon Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Newport Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Multiform Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 15 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4 " x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4 " x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 P O R T F O L I O S E R I E S — L a m i n a t e Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR WITH TRESTLE BASE CONFERENCE TABLES Standard trestle bases are self edge. Hardwood bullnose edge available on bases—add $350 for tables up to 120"l, $525 for tables 144"l, or $700 for tables over 144"l. Specify BHB. Eased hardwood edge available on bases—add $220 for tables up to 120"l, $330 for tables 144"l, or $440 for tables over 144"l. Specify BHE. 72x36 120 RPNT 07236 681 1244 917 992 84x42 170 RPNT 08442 806 1445 1077 1164 96x42 190 RPNT 09642 869 1558 1163 1258 96x48 200 RPNT 09648 939 1653 1245 1343 120x48 240 RPNT 12048 1090 1905 1443 1556 120x60 290 RPNT 12060 1264 2130 1641 1761 144x48 144x60 192x48 192x60 280 335 370 450 RPNT 14448 RPNT 14460 RPNT 19248 RPNT 19260 1438 1613 1958 2224 2354 2579 3386 3754 1839 2037 2570 2884 1966 2172 2766 3094 240x48 240x60 288x48 288x60 480 580 560 670 RPNT 24048 RPNT 24060 RPNT 28848 RPNT 28860 2258 2608 2977 3376 3890 4340 5119 5671 2966 3362 3895 4366 3194 3602 4189 4681 BOATSHAPE WITH TRESTLE BASE (xx) indicates width at end 72x36 (32) 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 96x48 (44) 120x48 (42) 120x60 (54) 120 170 190 200 240 290 BTNT 07236 BTNT 08442 BTNT 09642 BTNT 09648 BTNT 12048 BTNT 12060 831 956 1019 1089 1255 1429 1494 1695 1808 1903 2170 2395 1152 1312 1398 1480 1653 1891 1197 1469 1563 1648 1876 2081 144x48 (42) 144x60 (54) 192x48 (42) 192x60 (48) 280 335 370 450 BTNT 14448 BTNT 14460 BTNT 19248 BTNT 19260 1603 1778 2218 2484 2619 2844 3886 4254 2089 2287 3040 3354 2286 2492 3376 3704 240x48 (42) 240x60 (48) 288x48 (42) 288x60 (48) 480 580 560 670 BTNT 24048 BTNT 24060 BTNT 28848 BTNT 28860 2550 2878 3427 3826 4420 4870 5869 6421 3466 3862 4600 5071 3832 4242 5104 5596 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 6 for available finishes. 16 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4 " x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4 " x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 P O R T F O L I O S E R I E S — L a m i n a t e Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s RACETRACK WITH HALF-CYLINDER OR DRUM BASE 144x48 144x60 192x48 192x60 280 335 370 450 RSNT 14448 RSNT 14460 RSNT 19248 RSNT 19260 1838 2225 2628 3180 3532 4188 4749 5602 2324 2724 3230 3820 3419 3994 4304 5155 240x48 240x60 288x48 288x60 480 580 560 670 RSNT 24048 RSNT 24060 RSNT 28848 RSNT 28860 2864 3454 3457 4180 5167 6078 6744 7971 3540 4188 4460 5255 4646 5553 6518 7583 Tables 72" diameter and larger have two piece top and two piece base. 42 DIA 150 RYNT 4200 578 1850 48 DIA 175 RYNT 4800 653 2050 54 DIA 185 RYNT 5400 725 2310 60 DIA 200 RYNT 6000 872 2582 823 950 1069 1216 1793 1993 2253 2525 72 DIA 84 DIA 96 DIA 3100 3600 4200 4180 5056 5806 CONFERENCE TABLES All tables up to 120"l have half-cylinder bases. All tables over 120"l have drum bases. If drum bases are desired on tables under 120"l, they are available at no additional charge—please specify. Due to size considerations, drum bases are not available on 72"x36" tables. 72x36 120 RSNT 07236 967 2336 1260 2200 84x42 170 RSNT 08442 1101 2546 1429 2381 96x42 190 RSNT 09642 1137 2632 1488 2448 96x48 200 RSNT 09648 1219 2721 1610 2586 120x48 240 RSNT 12048 1337 2930 1765 2756 120x60 290 RSNT 12060 1622 3485 2084 3329 ROUND WITH DRUM BASE 255 345 420 RYNT 7200 RYNT 8400 RYNT 9600 1500 2000 2500 4294 5170 5920 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 6 for available finishes. 17 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Traditional 500 1 1⁄4" Traditional with 3" Apron 545 AMERICANA SERIES—L a m i n a t e Ba s e Tr a d i t i o n a l C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR WITH TRESTLE BASE CONFERENCE TABLES Tables with 500 edge have 1¼" thick trestle base with wood-trimmed traditional boot. Tables with 545 edge have 2⅜" thick trestle base with wood-trimmed traditional boot. 72x36 120 TPNT 07236 1047 1350 84x42 170 TPNT 08442 1207 1510 96x42 190 TPNT 09642 1290 1595 96x48 200 TPNT 09648 1375 1725 120x48 240 TPNT 12048 1572 1942 120x60 290 TPNT 12060 1769 2155 144x48 144x60 192x48 192x60 280 335 370 450 TPNT 14448 TPNT 14460 TPNT 19248 TPNT 19260 2074 2277 2830 3410 2499 2720 3550 4200 240x48 240x60 288x48 288x60 480 580 560 670 TPNT 24048 TPNT 24060 TPNT 28848 TPNT 28860 3224 3618 4285 4765 3995 4398 5135 5660 BOATSHAPE WITH TRESTLE BASE (xx) indicates width at end 18 72x36 (32) 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 96x48 (44) 120x48 (42) 120x60 (54) 120 170 190 200 240 290 TTNT 07236 TTNT 08442 TTNT 09642 TTNT 09648 TTNT 12048 TTNT 12060 1287 1447 1530 1615 1812 2019 1590 1750 1835 1965 2185 2410 144x48 (42) 144x60 (54) 192x48 (42) 192x60 (48) 280 335 370 450 TTNT 14448 TTNT 14460 TTNT 19248 TTNT 19260 2314 2619 3310 3630 2740 3250 4030 4420 240x48 (42) 240x60 (48) 288x48 (42) 288x60 (48) 480 580 560 670 TTNT 24048 TTNT 24060 TTNT 28848 TTNT 28860 3704 4024 5005 5650 4475 4810 5855 6545 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" Bullnose 400 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 V I C T O R S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s VICTOR SERIES BASES CONFERENCE TABLES Refer to page 11 for base finishes. Refer to page 37 for base specifications. ROUND WITH X-BASE—11⁄4" TOPS 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 115 120 135 150 160 180 VRNT 3000 VRNT 3600 VRNT 4200 VRNT 4800 VRNT 5400 VRNT 6000 435 461 575 629 702 737 453 486 596 671 764 787 1080 1106 1220 1357 1486 1576 619 666 801 903 1018 1053 1023 1049 1163 1300 1429 1519 425 456 563 615 687 720 451 484 594 668 760 782 636 699 838 922 1058 1091 552 604 732 804 918 951 579 634 765 841 961 994 SQUARE WITH X-BASE—11⁄4" TOPS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 125 135 150 165 180 195 VSNT 3030 VSNT 3636 VSNT 4242 VSNT 4848 VSNT 5454 VSNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH T-BASES—11⁄4" TOPS 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 VTET 4830 VTET 6030 VTET 7230 641 666 692 654 681 709 900 957 1015 800 845 892 831 880 931 48x36 60x36 72x36 105 150 170 VTET 4836 VTET 6036 VTET 7236 651 680 719 680 713 754 926 987 1058 822 869 929 853 906 971 Denotes Quick Ship item. QuickShip bases are available in Chrome or Black powder coat only. 19 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (WDH) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 V I C T O R S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s ROUND WITH X-BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS CONFERENCE TABLES 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 135 145 165 180 195 215 VRNT 3000 VRNT 3600 VRNT 4200 VRNT 4800 VRNT 5400 VRNT 6000 510 546 666 725 797 859 1782 1818 1938 2122 2382 2569 708 768 911 1022 1141 1203 1725 1761 1881 2065 2325 2512 490 524 642 697 767 825 851 936 1104 1209 1380 1437 631 689 830 909 1026 1084 678 743 891 977 1109 1167 SQUARE WITH X-BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 150 170 190 210 230 250 VSNT 3030 VSNT 3636 VSNT 4242 VSNT 4848 VSNT 5454 VSNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH T-BASES—2 3⁄8" TOPS 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30 100 135 150 175 VTET 4830 VTET 6030 VTET 7230 VTET 9630 691 737 764 836 1128 1226 1302 1475 868 937 989 1107 925 1002 1060 1194 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36 105 150 170 200 VTET 4836 VTET 6036 VTET 7236 VTET 9636 730 762 812 894 1192 1274 1375 1558 918 974 1048 1177 979 1042 1123 1267 Denotes Quick Ship item. QuickShip bases are available in Chrome or Black powder coat only. 20 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (WDH) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 V I C T O R S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s RACETRACK WITH T-BASES 135 150 175 VROT 6030 VROT 7230 VROT 9630 862 889 961 2157 2233 2406 1119 1171 1289 2049 2107 2241 72x36 96x36 170 200 VROT 7236 VROT 9636 937 1019 2306 2489 1230 1359 2170 2314 CONFERENCE TABLES 60x30 72x30 96x30 RECTANGULAR WITH DOUBLE-T BASES 84x42 96x42 96x48 96x60 180 190 200 210 VTNT 08442 VTNT 09642 VTNT 09648 VTNT 09660 1178 1214 1272 1386 1817 1903 1986 2151 1449 1508 1578 1716 1536 1603 1676 1821 120x48 144x48 120x60 144x60 240 280 290 335 VTNT 12048 VTNT 14448 VTNT 12060 VTNT 14460 1754 1865 1906 2024 2569 2781 2772 2990 2107 2266 2283 2448 2220 2393 2403 2583 BOATSHAPE WITH DOUBLE-T BASES (xx) indicates width at end 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 96x48 (44) 96x60 (56) 180 190 200 210 VBOT 08442 VBOT 09642 VBOT 09648 VBOT 09660 1328 1364 1422 1536 2067 2153 2236 2401 1684 1743 1813 1951 1841 1908 1981 2126 120x48 (42) 144x48 (42) 120x60 (54) 144x60 (54) 240 280 290 335 VBOT 12048 VBOT 14448 VBOT 12060 VBOT 14460 1919 2030 2071 2189 2834 3046 3037 3255 2357 2516 2533 2698 2540 2713 2723 2903 RACETRACK WITH DOUBLE-T BASES 96x42 96x48 96x60 190 200 210 VRAT 09642 VRAT 09648 VRAT 09660 1339 1397 1521 2834 2899 3283 1690 1788 1936 2650 2764 3166 120x48 144x48 120x60 144x60 240 280 290 335 VRAT 12048 VRAT 14448 VRAT 12060 VRAT 14460 1889 2000 2041 2159 3482 3694 3904 4122 2317 2486 2503 2658 3308 3481 3748 3928 Denotes Quick Ship item. QuickShip bases are available in Chrome or Black powder coat only. 21 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" Bullnose 400 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s CONFERENCE TABLES Refer to page 11 for base finishes. Refer to page 37 for base specifications. ROUND WITH X-BASE—11⁄4" TOPS 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 115 120 135 150 160 180 ERNT 3000 ERNT 3600 ERNT 4200 ERNT 4800 ERNT 5400 ERNT 6000 546 579 688 755 828 863 564 604 709 797 890 913 1091 1224 1333 1483 1612 1702 730 784 914 1029 1144 1179 1134 1167 1276 1426 1555 1645 536 574 676 741 813 846 562 602 707 794 886 908 747 817 951 1048 1184 1217 663 722 845 930 1044 1077 690 752 878 967 1087 1120 SQUARE WITH X-BASE—11⁄4" TOPS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 125 135 150 165 180 195 ESNT 3030 ESNT 3636 ESNT 4242 ESNT 4848 ESNT 5454 ESNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH T-BASES—11⁄4" TOPS 22 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 ETET 4830 ETET 6030 ETET 7230 873 898 924 886 913 941 1132 1189 1247 1032 1077 1124 1063 1112 1163 48x36 60x36 72x36 105 150 170 ETET 4836 ETET 6036 ETET 7236 883 912 951 912 945 986 1158 1219 1290 1054 1101 1161 1085 1138 1203 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s ROUND WITH X-BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS 115 120 135 150 160 180 ERNT 3000 ERNT 3600 ERNT 4200 ERNT 4800 ERNT 5400 ERNT 6000 621 664 779 851 923 985 1893 1936 2051 2248 2508 2695 819 986 1024 1148 1267 1329 1836 1879 1994 2191 2451 2638 601 642 755 823 893 951 962 1054 1217 1335 1506 1563 742 807 943 1035 1152 1210 789 861 1004 1103 1235 1293 CONFERENCE TABLES 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA SQUARE WITH X-BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 125 135 150 165 180 195 ESNT 3030 ESNT 3636 ESNT 4242 ESNT 4848 ESNT 5454 ESNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH T-BASES—2 3⁄8" TOPS 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30 100 135 150 175 ETET 4830 ETET 6030 ETET 7230 ETET 9630 923 969 996 1068 1360 1458 1534 1707 1100 1169 1221 1339 1157 1234 1292 1426 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36 105 150 170 200 ETET 4836 ETET 6036 ETET 7236 ETET 9636 962 994 1044 1126 1424 1506 1607 1790 1150 1206 1280 1409 1211 1274 1355 1499 23 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s CONFERENCE TABLES RACETRACK WITH T-BASES—2 3⁄8" TOPS 60x30 72x30 96x30 135 150 175 EROT 6030 EROT 7230 EROT 9630 1094 1121 1193 2389 2465 2638 1351 1403 1521 2281 2339 2473 72x36 96x36 170 200 EROT 7236 EROT 9636 1169 1251 2538 2721 1462 1591 2402 2546 RECTANGULAR WITH DOUBLE-T BASES—2 3⁄8" TOPS 84x42 96x42 96x48 96x60 180 190 200 210 ETNT 08442 ETNT 09642 ETNT 09648 ETNT 09660 1324 1360 1418 1530 1963 2049 2132 2295 1595 1654 1724 1860 1682 1749 1822 1965 120x48 144x48 120x60 144x60 240 280 290 335 ETNT 12048 ETNT 14448 ETNT 12060 ETNT 14460 1973 2084 2122 2240 2788 3000 2988 3206 2326 2385 2499 2664 2439 2612 2619 2799 BOATSHAPE WITH DOUBLE-T BASES (xx) indicates width at end 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 96x48 (44) 96x60 (56) 180 190 200 210 EBOT 08442 EBOT 09642 EBOT 09648 EBOT 09660 1474 1510 1568 1680 2213 2299 2382 2545 1830 1889 1959 2095 1987 2054 2127 2270 120x48 (42) 144x48 (42) 120x60 (54) 144x60 (54) 240 280 290 335 EBOT 12048 EBOT 14448 EBOT 12060 EBOT 14460 2138 2249 2287 2405 3053 3265 3253 3471 2516 2735 2749 2914 2759 2932 2939 3119 RACETRACK WITH DOUBLE-T BASES—2 3⁄8" TOPS 24 96x42 96x48 96x60 190 200 210 ERAT 09642 ERAT 09648 ERAT 09660 1485 1543 1665 2980 3045 3427 1836 1934 2080 2796 2910 3310 120x48 144x48 120x60 144x60 240 280 290 335 ERAT 12048 ERAT 14448 ERAT 12060 ERAT 14460 2108 2219 2257 2375 3701 3913 4120 4338 2536 2705 2719 2874 3527 3700 3964 4144 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" Bullnose 400 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 C R U C I B L E S E R I E S — Ca s t Iro n Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s CRUCIBLE SERIES BASES CONFERENCE TABLES Bases available in black wrinkle finish only. Refer to page 39 for Crucible base specifications. ROUND WITH X-BASE—11⁄4" TOPS 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 115 120 135 150 160 180 CRNT 3000 CRNT 3600 CRNT 4200 CRNT 4800 CRNT 5400 CRNT 6000 205 245 293 461 534 753 223 270 314 503 596 803 850 890 938 1189 1318 1592 389 450 519 735 850 1069 793 833 881 1132 1261 1535 195 240 281 447 519 736 221 268 312 500 592 798 406 483 556 754 890 1107 322 388 450 636 750 967 349 418 483 673 793 1010 SQUARE WITH X-BASE—11⁄4" TOPS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 125 135 150 165 180 195 CSNT 3030 CSNT 3636 CSNT 4242 CSNT 4848 CSNT 5454 CSNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH T-BASES—11⁄4" TOPS 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 CTET 4830 CTET 6030 CTET 7230 311 336 362 324 351 379 570 627 685 470 515 562 501 550 601 48x36 60x36 72x36 105 150 170 CTET 4836 CTET 6036 CTET 7236 321 350 389 350 383 424 596 657 728 492 539 599 523 576 641 25 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 C R U C I B L E S E R I E S — Ca s t Iro n Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s ROUND WITH X-BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS CONFERENCE TABLES 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 115 120 135 150 160 180 CRNT 3000 CRNT 3600 CRNT 4200 CRNT 4800 CRNT 5400 CRNT 6000 280 330 384 557 629 875 1552 1602 1656 1954 2214 2585 478 552 629 854 973 1219 1495 1545 1599 1897 2157 2528 260 308 360 529 599 841 621 720 822 1041 1212 1453 401 473 548 741 858 1100 448 527 609 809 941 1183 SQUARE WITH X-BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 125 135 150 165 180 195 CSNT 3030 CSNT 3636 CSNT 4242 CSNT 4848 CSNT 5454 CSNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH T-BASES—2 3⁄8" TOPS 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30 100 135 150 175 CTET 4830 CTET 6030 CTET 7230 CTET 9630 361 407 434 506 798 896 972 1145 538 607 659 777 595 672 730 864 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36 105 150 170 200 CTET 4836 CTET 6036 CTET 7236 CTET 9636 400 432 482 564 862 944 1045 1228 588 644 718 847 649 712 793 937 RACETRACK WITH T-BASES 26 60x30 72x30 96x30 135 150 175 CROT 6030 CROT 7230 CROT 9630 532 559 631 1827 1903 2076 789 841 959 1719 1777 1911 72x36 96x36 170 200 CROT 7236 CROT 9636 607 689 1976 2159 900 1029 1840 1984 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 C R U C I B L E S E R I E S — Ca s t Iro n Ba s e C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e CRUCIBLE SERIES BASES CONFERENCE TABLES Disc bases available in black wrinkle finish only. Refer to page 39 for Crucible disc base specifications. RECTANGULAR WITH DISC BASES 84x42 96x42 96x48 180 190 200 CTNT 08442 CTNT 09642 CTNT 09648 1246 1282 1340 1885 1971 2054 1517 1576 1646 1604 1671 1744 120x48 144x48 240 280 CTNT 12048 CTNT 14448 1856 1967 2671 2883 2209 2368 2322 2495 BOATSHAPE WITH DISC BASES (xx) indicates width at end 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 96x48 (44) 180 190 200 CBOT 08442 CBOT 09642 CBOT 09648 1396 1432 1490 2135 2221 2304 1752 1811 1881 1909 1976 2049 120x48 (42) 144x48 (42) 240 280 CBOT 12048 CBOT 14448 2021 2132 2936 3148 2459 2618 2642 2815 RACETRACK WITH DISC BASES 96x42 96x48 190 200 CRAT 09642 CRAT 09648 1407 1465 2884 2967 1758 1856 2718 2832 120x48 144x48 240 280 CRAT 12048 CRAT 14448 1991 2102 3584 3796 2419 2588 3410 3583 27 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (WDH) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 I C O N S E R I E S — C o n f e re n c e Ta b l e s w i t h Me t a l Dr u m Ba s e s ICON SERIES—METAL DRUM BASES CONFERENCE TABLES Available in chrome finish only. Refer to page 39 for Icon base specifications. ROUND WITH DRUM BASE—2 3⁄8" TOPS 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 115 120 135 150 160 180 IRNT 3000 IRNT 3600 IRNT 4200 IRNT 4800 IRNT 5400 IRNT 6000 1048 1171 1278 1321 1500 1562 2320 2443 2550 2718 3085 3272 1206 1393 1523 1618 1844 1906 2263 2386 2493 2661 3028 3215 RECTANGULAR WITH METAL DRUM BASES 84x42 96x42 96x48 180 190 200 ITNT 08442 ITNT 09642 ITNT 09648 2406 2442 2500 3045 3131 3214 2677 2736 2806 2764 2831 2904 120x48 144x48 240 280 ITNT 12048 ITNT 14448 2608 3707 3423 4623 2961 4108 3074 4235 BOATSHAPE WITH METAL DRUM BASES (xx) indicates width at end 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 96x48 (44) 96x60 (56) 180 190 200 210 IBOT 08442 IBOT 09642 IBOT 09648 IBOT 09660 2556 2592 2650 2960 3295 3381 3464 3825 2912 2971 3041 3375 3069 3136 3209 3550 120x48 (42) 144x48 (42) 120x60 (54) 144x60 (54) 240 280 290 335 IBOT 12048 IBOT 14448 IBOT 12060 IBOT 14460 2773 3872 3112 4325 3688 4888 4078 5391 3211 4358 3574 4834 3394 4555 3764 5039 RACETRACK WITH METAL DRUM BASES 28 96x42 96x48 96x60 190 200 210 IRAT 09642 IRAT 09648 IRAT 09660 2567 2625 2945 4062 4127 4696 2918 3016 3360 3878 3992 4599 120x48 144x48 120x60 144x60 240 280 290 335 IRAT 12048 IRAT 14448 IRAT 12060 IRAT 14460 2743 3842 3082 4295 4336 5536 4980 6255 3171 4328 3544 4794 4162 5323 4819 6080 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" Bullnose 400 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 NEWPORT SERIES—C o n f e r e n c e Ta b l e s w i t h M e t a l L e g s a n d Tr i m R i n g s NEWPORT SERIES LEGS WITH TRIM RINGS CONFERENCE TABLES Refer to page 39 for Newport leg specifications. All tables have 3" diameter legs with one trim ring (NL31) standard. For 4" diameter legs and two or three trim rings see Newport Legs in Conference a la Carte section. Powder coat legs are standard. For chrome add $40 per leg. ROUND WITH METAL LEGS 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 115 120 135 150 160 180 NRNT 3000 NRNT 3600 NRNT 4200 NRNT 4800 NRNT 5400 NRNT 6000 709 731 779 817 890 925 727 756 800 859 952 975 1354 1376 1424 1545 1674 1764 893 936 1005 1091 1206 1241 1297 1319 1367 1488 1617 1707 699 726 767 803 875 908 725 754 798 856 948 970 910 969 1042 1110 1246 1279 826 874 936 992 1106 1139 853 904 969 1029 1149 1182 SQUARE WITH METAL LEGS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 125 135 150 165 180 195 NSNT 3030 NSNT 3636 NSNT 4242 NSNT 4848 NSNT 5454 NSNT 6060 RECTANGULAR WITH METAL LEGS (5) 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30 100 135 150 175 NTET 4830 NTET 6030 NTET 7230 NTET 9630 900 925 951 999 913 940 968 1059 1159 1216 1274 1388 1059 1104 1151 1240 1090 1139 1190 1288 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36 105 150 170 200 NTET 4836 NTET 6036 NTET 7236 NTET 9636 910 939 978 1045 939 972 1013 1105 1185 1246 1317 1448 1081 1128 1188 1297 1112 1165 1230 1344 RACETRACK WITH METAL LEGS (5) 60x30 72x30 96x30 135 150 175 NROT 6030 NROT 7230 NROT 9630 1025 1050 1109 1058 1085 1169 1660 1718 1832 1261 1307 1407 1593 1644 1742 72x36 96x36 170 200 NROT 7236 NROT 9636 1088 1155 1123 1215 1761 1892 1355 1464 1684 1798 29 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (WDH) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 M U LT I F O R M S E R I E S — G A N G E D G RO U P TA B L E S CONFERENCE TABLES Permit multi-tasking. Use together as large conference table or separate into individual tables or reconfigure as needs require. Joined with heavy-duty SecureLock fasteners. Ganged arrangements with 401 bullnose edge have bullnose on outside edges only (in ganged position). Edges which abut other tables and inside edges are provided with 701 eased edge. RECTANGULAR WITH VICTOR SERIES BASES 120x60 144x60 168x60 540 600 660 GREV 12060 GREV 14460 GREV 16860 3203 3311 3599 5159 5463 6155 4003 4211 4683 4263 4495 5031 120x72 144x72 168x72 600 680 780 GREV 12072 GREV 14472 GREV 16872 3303 3503 3831 5351 5755 6487 4151 4447 4963 4423 4747 5323 180x60 216x60 810 900 GREV 18060 GREV 21660 4847 5009 7781 8237 6047 6359 6437 6785 180x72 216x72 900 1020 GREV 18072 GREV 21672 4997 5297 8069 8675 6269 6713 6677 7163 240x60 288x60 1080 1200 GREV 24060 GREV 28860 6491 6707 10403 11011 8091 8507 8611 9075 240x72 288x72 1200 1360 GREV 24072 GREV 28872 6691 7091 10787 11595 8387 8979 8931 9579 OPEN SQUARE/RECTANGLE WITH VICTOR SERIES BASES 30 90x90 108x108 540 600 GROV 09090 GROV 10808 3118 3418 5074 5670 3918 4362 4178 4662 120x120 144x144 810 1020 GROV 12020 GROV 14444 4677 5127 7611 8505 5877 6543 6267 6993 150x90 180x108 810 1020 GROV 15090 GROV 18008 4677 5127 7611 8505 5877 6543 6267 6993 210x90 240x108 1080 1360 GROV 21090 GROV 24008 6236 6836 10148 11340 7836 8724 8356 9324 180x120 216x144 1080 1360 GROV 18020 GROV 21644 6236 6836 10148 11340 7836 8724 8356 9324 240x120 288x144 1350 1700 GROV 24020 GROV 28844 7795 8545 12685 14175 9795 10905 10445 11655 c o n f e r e n c e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 M U LT I F O R M S E R I E S — G A N G E D G RO U P TA B L E S HORSESHOE WITH VICTOR SERIES BASES 675 850 GHSV 12020 GHSV 14444 3855 4230 6300 7045 4855 5410 5180 5785 150x120 180x144 810 1020 GHSV 15020 GHSV 18044 4677 5127 7611 8505 5877 6543 6267 6993 180x120 216x144 945 1190 GHSV 18020 GHSV 21644 5414 5939 8837 9880 6814 7591 7269 8116 210x120 252x144 1080 1360 GHSV 21020 GHSV 25244 6236 6836 10148 11340 7836 8724 8356 9324 240x120 288x144 1215 1530 GHSV 24420 GHSV 28844 6973 7648 11374 12715 8773 9772 9358 10447 CONFERENCE TABLES 120x120 144x144 RACETRACK WITH VICTOR SERIES BASES 120x60 144x72 540 680 GRTV 12060 GRTV 14472 3271 3690 5959 7381 4015 4678 5454 6792 150x60 180x72 675 850 GRTV 15060 GRTV 18072 4086 4580 7263 8834 5030 5804 6534 7993 180x60 216x72 810 1020 GRTV 18060 GRTV 21672 4901 5470 8567 10287 6045 6930 7614 9194 210x60 252x72 945 1190 GRTV 21060 GRTV 25272 5716 6360 9871 11740 7060 8056 8694 10395 240x60 288x72 1080 1360 GRTV 24060 GRTV 28872 6531 7250 11175 13193 8075 9182 9774 11596 31 c o n f e r e n c e a l a c a r t e CONFERENCE A LA CARTE: G E N E R A L S E R I E S F E AT U R E S CONFERENCE A LA CARTE • All top surfaces are high-pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density industrial grade particle board. • Edges as specified—self edge, solid hardwood, and vinyl t-mould edges are available. • Laminate bases feature high pressure laminate over 45 lb. density industrial grade particle board. • Unless otherwise specified, metal bases are chrome plated 14-gauge tubular steel; powder coated bases are also available—consult factory for available colors. • All tops 120" or less in length are one piece unless otherwise specified. • All tops more than 120" in length are two piece with joining hardware unless otherwise specified. • All round tops exceeding 60" diameter are supplied in two pieces with joining hardware. • All tables 29"h. Custom heights are available, consult factory. • For in-between lengths use price of next largest size. O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N • When ordering tops, specify edge style with model number—e.g., TRE 07236 (101) for a 72"x36" rectangular top with a 2⅜" self edge. • Wood Profiles and Species: #400—1¼" bullnose #401—2⅜" bullnose Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing #500—1¼" traditional Mahogany only #600—¼"x1¼" eased #601—¼"x 2⅜" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing #700—¾"x1¼" eased #701—¾"x 2⅜" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing • Standard Finishes/Stains: Standard pricing includes Light Oak (OAK-71), Medium Oak (OAK-73) and Ebony (OAK-55) on Oak; Mahogany (MAH-74) and Walnut (MAH-77) on Mahogany; and Maple (MPL-70) and Cherry (MPL-76) on Maple. Other than Walnut (MAH-77), these finishes are formulated to match our standard laminate colors of the same description; refer to Palette ’95 swatch card for representative samples. Our Walnut finish (MAH-77) matches Formica 492 Gunstock Walnut. • Custom Finishes/Stains: To match a finish other than our standards, please submit a sample of the desired color and add $100 net matching charge to your cost. • Variations in color and texture: As wood is a natural material, it should be recognized that variations in color and texture may exist within and between pieces. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 32 c o n f e r e n c e a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" Bullnose 400 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE Create your own conference table by specifying the tops and bases of your choice. Specify model number of top and desired edge treatment, e.g., TSQ 3030(100); then choose a base and specify its model number. SQUARE TOPS—11⁄4" THICK 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 36 54 72 96 126 150 119 146 187 223 295 328 145 174 218 276 368 390 330 389 462 530 666 699 246 294 356 412 526 559 273 324 389 449 569 602 TRO 3000 TRO 3600 TRO 4200 TRO 4800 TRO 5400 TRO 6000 129 151 199 237 310 345 147 176 220 279 372 395 774 796 844 965 1094 1184 313 356 425 511 626 661 717 739 787 908 1037 1127 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE TSQ 3030 TSQ 3636 TSQ 4242 TSQ 4848 TSQ 5454 TSQ 6060 ROUND TOPS—11⁄4" THICK 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA 36 54 72 96 126 150 RECTANGULAR TOPS—11⁄4" THICK 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30 60 75 90 120 TRE 04830 TRE 06030 TRE 07230 TRE 09630 175 200 226 274 188 215 243 334 434 491 549 663 334 379 426 515 365 414 465 563 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36 72 90 108 144 TRE 04836 TRE 06036 TRE 07236 TRE 09636 185 214 253 320 214 247 288 380 460 521 592 723 356 403 463 572 387 440 505 619 84x42 96x42 144 168 TRE 08442 TRE 09642 324 358 389 423 711 767 569 620 611 669 96x48 120x48 144x48 192 240 272 TRE 09648 TRE 12048 TRE 14448 405 495 586 475 560 666 840 994 1149 678 809 942 728 866 1005 96x60 120x60 144x60 240 300 360 TRE 09660 TRE 12060 TRE 14460 495 602 707 575 685 797 963 1142 1319 788 937 1083 842 997 1151 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 33 c o n f e r e n c e a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" Bullnose 400 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4" x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE CONFERENCE A LA CARTE RACETRACK TOPS—11⁄4" THICK 60x30 72x30 96x30 75 90 120 TRC 06030 TRC 07230 TRC 09630 300 325 384 333 360 444 935 993 1103 536 582 682 868 919 1017 60x36 72x36 96x36 90 108 144 TRC 06036 TRC 07236 TRC 09636 324 363 430 357 398 490 961 1036 1167 570 630 739 894 959 1069 84x42 96x42 144 168 TRC 08442 TRC 09642 434 468 499 533 1125 1181 736 787 1021 1089 96x48 120x48 144x48 192 240 272 TRC 09648 TRC 12048 TRC 14448 515 605 696 585 670 776 1275 1429 1583 873 1004 1137 1187 1326 1463 96x60 120x60 144x60 240 300 360 TRC 09660 TRC 12060 TRC 14460 605 712 827 685 795 917 1448 1627 1804 983 1132 1278 1367 1522 1676 BOATSHAPE TOPS—11⁄4" THICK 72x36 (32) 96x36 (32) 108 144 TBS 07236 TBS 09636 378 445 413 505 832 963 673 782 725 839 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 144 168 TBS 08442 TBS 09642 449 483 514 548 951 1007 779 830 831 889 96x48 (44) 120x48 (42) 144x48 (42) 192 240 272 TBS 09648 TBS 12048 TBS 14448 530 620 711 600 685 791 1080 1234 1389 888 1019 1152 948 1086 1225 96x60 (56) 120x60 (54) 144x60 (54) 240 300 360 TBS 09660 TBS 12060 TBS 14460 620 727 832 700 810 922 1203 1392 1679 998 1147 1293 1062 1227 1391 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 34 c o n f e r e n c e a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE SQUARE TOPS—2 3⁄8" THICK 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 66 90 114 144 180 210 TSQ 3030 TSQ 3636 TSQ 4242 TSQ 4848 TSQ 5454 TSQ 6060 184 214 266 305 375 433 545 626 728 817 988 1045 325 379 454 517 634 692 372 433 515 585 717 775 TRO 3000 TRO 3600 TRO 4200 TRO 4800 TRO 5400 TRO 6000 204 236 290 333 405 467 1476 1508 1562 1730 1990 2177 402 458 535 630 749 811 1419 1451 1505 1673 1933 2120 ROUND TOPS—2 3⁄8" THICK 66 90 114 144 180 210 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA RECTANGULAR TOPS—2 3⁄8" THICK 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30 99 120 141 183 TRE 04830 TRE 06030 TRE 07230 TRE 09630 225 271 298 370 662 760 836 1009 402 471 523 641 459 536 594 728 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36 114 138 162 198 TRE 04836 TRE 06036 TRE 07236 TRE 09636 264 296 346 428 726 808 909 1092 452 508 582 711 513 576 657 801 84x42 96x42 213 237 TRE 08442 TRE 09642 430 466 1069 1155 701 760 788 855 96x48 120x48 144x48 168x48 192x48 216x48 240x48 264 324 366 447 528 588 648 TRE 09648 TRE 12048 TRE 14448 TRE 16848 TRE 19248 TRE 21648 TRE 24048 524 632 743 1108 1128 1322 1342 1238 1447 1659 2531 2556 2949 2974 830 985 1144 1715 1740 2025 2050 928 1098 1271 1911 1936 2253 2278 96x60 120x60 144x60 168x60 192x60 216x60 240x60 318 390 472 554 636 708 780 TRE 09660 TRE 12060 TRE 14460 TRE 16860 TRE 19260 TRE 21660 TRE 24060 620 757 875 1300 1320 1574 1594 1385 1623 1841 2825 2850 3301 3326 950 1134 1299 1965 1980 2323 2348 1055 1254 1434 2165 2190 2563 2588 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 35 c o n f e r e n c e a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 701 3 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE CONFERENCE A LA CARTE RACETRACK TOPS—2 3⁄8" THICK 60x30 72x30 96x30 120 141 183 TRC 06030 TRC 07230 TRC 09630 396 423 495 1691 1767 1940 653 705 823 1583 1641 1775 60x36 72x36 96x36 138 162 198 TRC 06036 TRC 07236 TRC 09636 421 471 553 1739 1840 2023 690 764 893 1623 1704 1848 84x42 96x42 213 237 TRC 08442 TRC 09642 555 591 2000 2086 883 942 1835 1902 96x48 120x48 144x48 168x48 192x48 216x48 240x48 264 324 366 447 528 588 648 TRC 09648 TRC 12048 TRC 14448 TRC 16848 TRC 19248 TRC 21648 TRC 24048 649 767 878 1328 1348 1564 1584 2151 2360 2572 3444 3469 3862 3887 1040 1195 1364 1925 1950 2235 2260 2016 2186 2459 2999 3024 3341 3366 96x60 120x60 144x60 168x60 192x60 216x60 240x60 318 390 472 554 636 708 780 TRC 09660 TRC 12060 TRC 14460 TRC 16860 TRC 19260 TRC 21660 TRC 24060 755 892 1010 1540 1560 1814 1834 2517 2755 2973 3957 3982 4433 4458 1170 1354 1509 2175 2200 2543 2568 2400 2599 2779 3510 3535 3908 3933 BOATSHAPE TOPS—2 3⁄8" THICK 72x36 (32) 96x36 (32) 162 198 TBS 07236 TBS 09636 496 578 1159 1342 817 946 962 1106 84x42 (38) 96x42 (38) 213 237 TBS 08442 TBS 09642 580 616 1319 1405 936 995 1093 1160 96x48 (44) 120x48 (42) 144x48 (42) 168x48 (42) 192x48 (42) 216x48 (42) 240x48 (42) 264 324 366 447 528 588 648 TBS 09648 TBS 12048 TBS 14448 TBS 16848 TBS 19248 TBS 21648 TBS 24048 674 797 908 1368 1388 1614 1634 1488 1712 1924 3031 3056 3479 3504 1065 1235 1394 2185 2210 2525 2550 1233 1418 1591 2521 2546 2891 2916 96x60 (56) 120x60 (54) 144x60 (54) 168x60 (54) 192x60 (54) 216x60 (54) 240x60 (54) 318 390 472 554 636 708 780 TBS 09660 TBS 12060 TBS 14460 TBS 16860 TBS 19260 TBS 21660 TBS 24060 770 922 1040 1560 1580 1844 1864 1635 1888 2106 3325 3350 3831 3856 1185 1384 1549 2425 2450 2823 2848 1360 1574 1754 2775 2800 3203 3228 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 36 c o n f e r e n c e a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: Size (WDH) Weight Model No. 2 3⁄8" Self Edge 101 2 3⁄8" Bullnose 401 1 ⁄4" x 2 3⁄8" Eased 601 Suggested Top Sizes CONFERENCE A LA CARTE LAMINATED TABLE BASES Refer to suggested top size column to find appropriate base size. Bases come with metal or plywood mounting plates to attach top. Bases come with adjustable leveling glides. TRESTLE BASES—TWO PANEL 125 170 180 210 182 195 222 220 LTRB 3618 LTRB 4820 LTRB 4824 LTRB 4830 LTRB 6020 LTRB 6024 LTRB 6030 LTRB 8424 335 376 393 428 403 415 452 458 685 726 743 778 753 765 802 808 555 596 613 648 623 635 672 678 72x36 84x42 168x48 (2 req’d) 168x60 (2 req’d) 96x42 96x48, 192x48 (2 req’d) 96x60, 192x60 (2 req’d) 120x48, 240x48 (2 req’d), 288x48 (3 req’d) 120x60, 240x60 (2 req’d), 288x60 (3 req’d) 84x30x27¾ 250 LTRB 8430 507 857 727 LTRB 10824 LTRB 10830 695 738 1220 1263 1025 1058 LHCB 1800 LHCB 2000 LHCB 2400 LHCB 3000 248 273 285 365 36wx72–120l (2 req’d) 42wx72–120l (2 req’d) 48wx72–120l (2 req’d) 60wx72–120l (2 req’d) CONFERENCE A LA CARTE 36x18x27¾ 48x20x27¾ 48x24x27¾ 48x30x27¾ 60x20x27¾ 60x24x27¾ 60x30x27¾ 84x24x27¾ TRESTLE BASES—THREE PANEL 108x24x27¾ 108x30x27¾ 235 280 144x48 144x60 HALF CYLINDER BASES 18 DIA x27¾ 20 DIA x27¾ 24 DIA x27¾ 30 DIA x27¾ 30 45 70 85 DRUM/CYLINDER BASES 18 DIA x27¾ 30 LDRB 1800 259 40 DIA 36w x 96-120l (2 req’d) 20 DIA x27¾ 45 LDRB 2000 288 42 DIA 42w x 96-120l (2 req’d) 24 DIA x27¾ 70 LDRB 2400 320 48 DIA, 54 DIA 48w x 96–120l (2 req’d) 48w x 144–192l (3 req’d) 48w x 208–240l (4 req’d) 30 DIA x27¾ 85 LDRB 3000 405 60 DIA 60w x 120l (2 req’d) 60w x 168–240l (3 req’d) Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 37 c o n f e r e n c e Top Size Base Config. & Size a l a c a r t e No. Required CONFERENCE A LA CARTE METAL TABLE BASES CONFERENCE A LA CARTE Choose metal bases for your tops by selecting appropriate size and configuration from the chart below. Then find that size and configuration within the design series you prefer and specify the quantity required and the model number. “X-”, “T-”, and “TT-” base configurations may be found under the Victor, Embassy, Alta, and Finesse Series designations below. “CX-”, “CR-”, and “CT-” base configuration are found in the Crucible Series of cast iron bases. 38 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 54x54 60x60 X-22, CX-22 X-26, CX-30 X-32, CX-30 X-39, CX-36 X-39, CX-36 X-39, CR-28 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 54 DIA 60 DIA X-22, CX-22 X-26, CX-30 X-32, CX-30 X-39, CX-36 X-39, CX-36 X-39, CR-28 1 1 1 1 1 1 48x30 60x30 72x30 96x30x1¼ 96x30x2⅜ T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 2 2 2 3 2 48x36 60x36 72x36 96x36x1¼ 96x36x2⅜ T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 T-26, CT-22 2 2 2 3 2 84x42x2⅜ 96x42x2⅜ TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 2 2 96x48x2⅜ 120x48x2⅜ 144x48x2⅜ 168x48x2⅜ 192x48x2⅜ 216x48x2⅜ 240x48x2⅜ TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 TT-32, CR-28 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 96x60x2⅜ 120x60x2⅜ 144x60x2⅜ 168x60x2⅜ 192x60x2⅜ 216x60x2⅜ 240x60x2⅜ TT-39 TT-39 TT-39 TT-39 TT-39 TT-39 TT-39 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 c o n f e r e n c e Config./Spread Column Weight a l a Model No. c a r t e Per Base Price CONFERENCE A LA CARTE VICTOR SERIES BASES X-22 X-26 X-32 X-39 2" 2" 3" 3" 19 20 24 26 VX22 VX26 VX32 VX39 306 310 376 392 T-26 2" 18 VT26 233 TT-32 TT-39 3" 3" 19 20 VTT32 VTT39 374 383 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE Specifications: Base: 2" outer diameter, 14 gauge tube Column: 2" or 3" (see below), 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. EMBASSY SERIES BASES Specifications: Base: ½"x 2" bar stock, round end. Column: 2" or 3" (see below), 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. X-22 2" 19 EX22 417 X-26 2" 20 EX26 428 X-32 3" 24 EX32 489 X-39 3" 26 EX39 518 T-26 2" 18 ET26 349 TT-32 TT-39 2" 2" 21 22 ETT32 ETT39 447 455 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. Victor Series bases are available on Quickship in Chrome or Black Powder coat only. 39 c o n f e r e n c e Config./Spread Column Weight a l a Model No. c a r t e Per Base Price CONFERENCE A LA CARTE ALTA SERIES BASES CONFERENCE A LA CARTE Specifications: Base: ½" x 2" flat bar stock Column: 2" or 3" (see below), 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. X-22 X-26 X-32 X-39 2" 2" 3" 3" 19 20 24 26 AX22 AX26 AX32 AX39 473 508 562 589 T-26 2" 18 AT26 340 TT-32 TT-39 3" 3" 21 22 ATT32 ATT39 503 528 FINESSE SERIES BASES Specifications: Base: ½" x 2" curved bar stock Column: 2" or 3" (see below), 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. 40 X-22 X-26 X-32 X-39 2" 2" 3" 3" 19 20 24 26 FX22 FX26 FX32 FX39 496 530 585 614 T-26 2" 18 FT26 351 TT-32 TT-39 3" 3" 21 22 FTT32 FTT39 515 539 c o n f e r e n c e Config./Spread Column Weight a l a Model No. c a r t e Per Base Price CONFERENCE A LA CARTE CRUCIBLE SERIES BASES Specifications: Base: Heavy cast iron on CX and CT. Model CR-28 has cast iron disc. Column: 3" or 4" (see below), 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel, except CX-36 which is cast iron Glide: 1¼" round plastic Height: 28½" Finish: Powder coat. Thermoset industrial grade epoxy. 3" 3" 4" 19 23 30 CX22 CX26 CX32 76 94 224 CR-28 4" 65 CR28 408 CT-22 3" 15 CT22 68 CONFERENCE A LA CARTE CX-22 CX-30 CX-36 ICON SERIES—METAL DRUM BASES Specifications: Column: One piece 11 gauge cylinder on 15" and 18" Dia, four section construction on 20" and 24" Dia cylinders. Top plate: Four 1" steel tabs Glide: 1¼" round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. Cyl-15 15" 46 IC15 844 Cyl-18 18" 55 IC18 935 Cyl-20 20" 62 IC20 988 Cyl-24 24" 73 IC24 1095 NEWPORT SERIES LEGS WITH TRIM RINGS Specifications: Column: 16 gauge steel tube Top Plate: 6"x 6"x ⅛" steel plate welded to column Glide: 1⅝" round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Trim rings are thermally molded polypropylene, 3¼" or 4¼" diameter, ¼" thick. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. No. Trim Rings Column Weight Model No. Per Base Price 1 3" 10 NL31 145 2 3" 10 NL32 185 3 3" 10 NL33 206 1 4" 10 NL41 150 2 4" 10 NL42 190 3 4" 10 NL43 212 41 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g SEMINAR/TRAINING t a b l e s TA B L E S : O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N • HLF Seminar/Training Tables are designed to function individually or in combination to form customized, configurable conference or seminar areas. • Where tables are combined, abutting edges must be square or eased to ensure quality fit. Tables with bullnose edges may be customized to meet gang applications. Submit a plan view with your order, and edges which meet will be adapted to a ¾" eased edge while all perimeter edges will be bullnosed. • Specify SecureLock devices for firm attachment of adjoining table—one set typically required for each seam. • A variety of grommet and wire management options allow customization of individual tables for specific applications. • When ordering, specify edge style with model number— i.e., VTET 6024 (100) • Refer to pages 8 and 9 for Standard T-Mould and PVC Colors: • Wood Profiles and Species: SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES #400—1¼" bullnose #600—¼"x1¼" eased #700—¾"x1¼" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard • Standard Finishes/Stains: Standard pricing includes Light Oak (OAK-71), Medium Oak (OAK-73) and Ebony (OAK-55) on Oak; Mahogany (MAH-74) and Walnut (MAH-77) on Mahogany; and Maple (MPL-70) and Cherry (MPL-76) on Maple. Other than Walnut (MAH-77), these finishes are formulated to match our standard laminate colors of the same description; refer to Palette ’95 swatch card for representative samples. Our Walnut finish (MAH-77) matches Formica 492 Gunstock Walnut. • Custom Finishes/Stains: To match a finish other than our standards, please submit a sample of the desired color and add $100 net matching charge to your cost. • Variations in color and texture: as wood is a natural material, it should be recognized that variations in color and texture may exist within and between pieces. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE Victor Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Embassy Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Finesse Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Scholar Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 42 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 V I C T O R S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e Tr a i n i n g Ta b l e s GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • • • All top surfaces are high pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density three-ply industrial grade particle board. A phenolic impregnated balancing backer sheet is applied to the substrate simultaneous with the face sheet. A wide variety of edges are offered—self-edge, PVC, vinyl T-mould, eased and bullnose hardwood. Metal bases are powder coated 14-gauge tubular steel unless otherwise noted; standard colors are white, birch, platinum, pepperdust and black. Chrome plated bases are available for a $70 upcharge. Leveling glides included on all tables. All tables 29"h. Custom heights are available, consult factory. For in-between lengths use price of next largest size. For offset bases add $28. BASE SPECIFICATIONS: Base: 2" outer diameter, 14 gauge tube Column: 2" outer diameter 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES • • • • • • V I C T O R S E R I E S — Fi xe d Ba s e Ta b l e s R E C TA N G U L A R TA B L E S W I T H F I X E D B A S E 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 VTET 4818 VTET 6018 VTET 7218 502 518 535 513 531 550 513 531 550 729 777 826 640 677 714 668 708 749 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 VTET 4824 VTET 6024 VTET 7224 525 556 577 536 570 593 536 570 593 752 831 884 663 725 766 713 758 803 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 VTET 4830 VTET 6030 VTET 7230 571 596 622 584 611 639 584 611 639 830 887 945 730 775 822 761 810 861 605 660 641 710 641 710 982 1151 733 820 941 1053 627 735 669 785 669 785 1313 1514 796 914 1250 1397 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x30 90 135 VTHR 4824 VTHR 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x30 90 130 VTQC 4824 VTQC 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x24 72x24 85 100 115 VTTZ 4824 VTTZ 6024 VTTZ 7224 550 571 592 562 585 608 562 585 608 793 846 899 698 740 781 728 773 818 60x30 72x30 118 134 VTTZ 6030 VTTZ 7230 611 637 626 654 626 654 902 960 790 837 825 876 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. Quickship bases in black powder coat only. 43 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 V I C T O R S E R I E S — Sp a n n e r To p s • Spanner tops are supplied with two F-PLAT flat brackets for attachment to adjoining table. 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUSED 24x24 30x30 26 39 TQR 2424 TQR 3030 109 129 139 164 139 164 369 437 232 275 331 388 109 129 139 164 139 164 273 356 218 254 229 271 104 123 132 157 132 157 294 362 192 235 261 318 104 123 132 157 132 157 258 340 206 242 215 257 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 24x24 30x30 26 39 TQT 2424 TQT 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUSED SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES 24x24 30x30 20 29 TER 2424 TER 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 24x24 30x30 20 29 TET 2424 TET 3030 VICTOR SERIES—Motion Base Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 VXET 4818 VXET 6018 VXET 7218 730 746 763 741 759 778 741 759 778 957 1005 1054 868 905 942 896 936 977 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 VXET 4824 VXET 6024 VXET 7224 763 784 805 775 798 821 775 798 821 1006 1059 1112 911 953 994 941 986 1031 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 VXET 4830 VXET 6030 VXET 7230 799 824 850 812 839 867 812 839 867 1058 1115 1173 958 1003 1050 989 1038 1089 RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FOLDING T BASES 60x18 72x18 110 120 VZET 6018 VZET 7218 990 1007 1003 1022 1003 1022 1249 1298 1149 1186 1180 1221 60x24 72x24 125 135 VZET 6024 VZET 7224 1028 1049 1042 1065 1042 1065 1303 1356 1197 1238 1230 1275 60x30 72x30 135 150 VZET 6030 VZET 7230 1068 1094 1083 1111 1083 1111 1359 1417 1247 1294 1282 1333 NOTE: In order to accommodate folding mechanism, tables less than 72"W require that one leg folds over the other and are only stackable on edge. Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 44 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 833 894 869 944 869 944 1236 1372 961 1054 1159 1275 1132 1182 1182 1616 1292 1519 855 969 897 1019 897 1019 1567 1742 1024 1148 1478 1625 1099 1213 1141 1263 1141 1263 1815 1981 1268 1392 1722 1869 778 820 839 790 836 854 790 836 854 1021 1127 1130 926 1009 1018 956 1046 1053 1022 1064 1083 1034 1080 1098 1034 1080 1098 1265 1371 1374 1170 1253 1262 1200 1290 1297 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 V I C T O R S E R I E S — Mo t i o n Ba s e Ta b l e s HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 60x30 90 135 VXHR 4824 VXHR 6030 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FOLDING BASES 60x30 135 VZHR 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 60x30 90 130 VXQC 4824 VXQC 6030 SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FOLDING BASE 48x24 60x30 90 130 VZQC 4824 VZQC 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 72x24 60x30 90 135 135 VXTZ 4824 VXTZ 7224 VXTZ 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FOLDING BASE 48x24 72x24 60x30 90 135 135 VZTZ 4824 VZTZ 7224 VZTZ 6030 NOTE: In order to accommodate folding mechanism, tables less than 72"W require that one leg folds over the other and are only stackable on edge. 45 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e Tr a i n i n g Ta b l e s GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • • • All top surfaces are high pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density three-ply industrial grade particle board. A phenolic impregnated balancing backer sheet is applied to the substrate simultaneous with the face sheet. A wide variety of edges are offered—self-edge, PVC, vinyl T-mould, eased and bullnose hardwood. Metal bases are powder coated; standard colors are white, birch, platinum, pepperdust and black. Chrome plated bases are available for a $56 upcharge. Leveling glides included on all tables. All tables 29"h. Custom heights are available, consult factory. For in-between lengths use price of next largest size. For offset bases add $28. BASE SPECIFICATIONS: SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES • • • • • • Base: ½"x 2" bar stock, round ends Column: 2" outer diameter 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Fi xe d Ba s e Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 ETET 4818 ETET 6018 ETET 7218 662 678 695 673 691 710 673 691 710 889 937 986 800 837 874 828 868 909 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 ETET 4824 ETET 6024 ETET 7224 697 718 739 709 732 755 709 732 755 940 993 1046 845 887 928 875 920 965 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 ETET 4830 ETET 6030 ETET 7230 731 756 782 744 771 799 744 771 799 990 1047 1105 890 935 982 921 970 1021 767 822 803 872 803 872 1170 1210 895 982 1093 1213 789 901 831 951 831 951 1501 1674 925 1080 1412 1557 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x30 90 135 ETHR 4824 ETHR 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x30 90 130 ETQC 4824 ETQC 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 46 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 90 135 ETTZ 4824 ETTZ 6024 ETTZ 7224 712 733 754 724 747 770 724 747 770 955 1008 1061 860 902 943 890 935 980 60x30 72x30 90 135 ETTZ 6030 ETTZ 7230 771 814 786 819 786 819 1062 1120 950 997 985 1036 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Sp a n n e r To p s • Spanner tops are supplied with two F-PLAT mounting brackets for attachment to adjoining tables. 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUSED 24x24 30x30 26 39 TQR 2424 TQR 3030 109 129 139 164 139 164 369 437 232 275 331 388 109 129 139 164 139 164 273 356 218 254 229 271 104 123 132 157 132 157 294 362 192 235 261 318 104 123 132 157 132 157 258 340 206 242 215 257 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 24x24 30x30 26 39 TQT 2424 TQT 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUSED 24x24 30x30 20 29 TER 2424 TER 3030 SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 24x24 30x30 20 29 TET 2424 TET 3030 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Mo t i o n Ba s e Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 EXET 4818 EXET 6018 EXET 7218 890 906 923 901 919 938 901 919 938 1117 1165 1214 1028 1065 1102 1058 1096 1137 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 EXET 4824 EXET 6024 EXET 7224 925 946 967 937 960 983 937 960 983 1168 1221 1274 1073 1115 1158 1103 1148 1193 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 EXET 4830 EXET 6030 EXET 7230 959 984 1010 972 999 1027 972 999 1027 1218 1275 1333 1118 1163 1210 1149 1198 1249 RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FOLDING T BASES 60x18 72x18 110 120 EZET 6018 EZET 7218 1122 1139 1135 1154 1135 1154 1381 1430 1281 1318 1312 1353 60x24 72x24 125 135 EZET 6024 EZET 7224 1162 1183 1176 1199 1176 1199 1437 1480 1331 1372 1364 1409 60x30 72x30 135 150 EZET 6030 EZET 7230 1200 1226 1215 1243 1215 1243 1491 1549 1379 1426 1414 1465 NOTE: In order to accommodate folding mechanism, tables less than 72"W require that one leg folds over the other and are only stackable on edge. 47 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 995 1050 995 1100 995 1100 1398 1534 1123 1210 1321 1437 1211 1266 1247 1316 1247 1316 1614 1750 1339 1426 1537 1653 1017 1129 1059 1179 1059 1179 1729 1902 1186 1308 1640 1785 1233 1345 1275 1395 1275 1395 1945 2118 1402 1524 1816 2001 E M B A S S Y S E R I E S — Mo t i o n Ba s e Ta b l e s HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 60x30 90 135 EXHR 4824 EXHR 6030 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FOLDING BASES 48x24 60x30 90 135 EZHR 4824 EZHR 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FLIP TOP SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES 48x24 60x30 90 130 EXQC 4824 EXQC 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FOLDING BASE 48x24 60x30 90 130 EZQC 4824 EZQC 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 60x24 72x24 90 135 EXTZ 6024 EXTZ 7224 961 982 975 998 975 998 1236 1289 1130 1171 1163 1208 60x30 72x30 135 135 EXTZ 6030 EXTZ 7230 999 1025 1014 1042 1014 1042 1290 1348 1188 1225 1213 1264 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FOLDING BASE 60x24 72x24 90 135 EZTZ 6024 EZTZ 7224 1177 1198 1191 1214 1191 1214 1452 1505 1346 1387 1379 1424 60x30 72x30 135 135 EZTZ 6030 EZTZ 7230 1215 1241 1230 1258 1230 1258 1506 1564 1394 1441 1429 1480 NOTE: In order to accommodate folding mechanism, tables less than 72"W require that one leg folds over the other and are only stackable on edge. 48 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 F I N E S S E S E R I E S — Me t a l Ba s e Tr a i n i n g Ta b l e s GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • • • All top surfaces are high pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density three-ply industrial grade particle board. A phenolic impregnated balancing backer sheet is applied to the substrate simultaneous with the face sheet. A wide variety of edges are offered—self-edge, PVC, vinyl T-mould, eased and bullnose hardwood. Metal bases are powder coated 14-gauge tubular steel unless otherwise noted; standard colors are white, birch, platinum, pepperdust and black. Chrome plated bases are available for a $146 upcharge. Leveling glides included on all tables. All tables 29"h. Custom heights are available, consult factory. For in-between lengths use price of next largest size. For offset bases add $28. BASE SPECIFICATIONS: Base: ½"x 2" curved bar stock Centered column: 2" outer diameter 14 gauge tube Offset column: 1½"x 3" 14 gauge rectangular tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES • • • • • • • F I N E S S E S E R I E S — Fi xe d Ba s e Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 FTET 4818 FTET 6018 FTET 7218 656 672 689 667 685 704 667 685 704 883 931 980 794 831 868 822 862 903 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 FTET 4824 FTET 6024 FTET 7224 695 716 737 707 730 753 707 730 753 938 991 1044 843 885 926 873 918 963 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 FTET 4830 FTET 6030 FTET 7230 733 758 784 746 773 801 746 773 801 992 1049 1107 892 937 984 923 972 1023 765 820 801 879 801 870 1168 1312 343 980 1091 1215 787 903 829 953 829 953 1499 1676 935 1092 1410 1559 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x30 90 135 FTHR 4824 FTHR 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x30 90 130 FTQC 4824 FTQC 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FIXED BASE 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 135 135 FTTZ 4824 FTTZ 6024 FTTZ 7224 710 731 752 722 745 768 722 745 768 953 1006 1059 858 900 941 888 933 978 60x30 72x30 135 135 FTTZ 6030 FTTZ 7230 773 799 788 816 788 816 1064 1122 952 999 987 1038 49 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 F I N E S S E S E R I E S — Sp a n n e r To p s • Spanner tops are supplied with two F-PLAT flat brackets for attachment to adjoining table. 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUSED 24x24 30x30 26 39 TQR 2424 TQR 3030 109 129 139 164 139 164 369 437 232 275 331 388 109 129 139 164 139 164 273 356 218 254 229 271 104 123 132 157 132 157 294 362 192 235 261 318 104 123 132 157 132 157 258 340 192 242 215 257 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 24x24 30x30 26 39 TQT 2424 TQT 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUSED SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES 24x24 30x30 20 29 TER 2424 TER 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 24x24 30x30 20 29 TET 2424 TET 3030 F I N E S S E S E R I E S — Mo t i o n Ba s e Ta b l e s RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 FXET 4818 FXET 6018 FXET 7218 884 900 917 895 913 932 895 913 932 1111 1159 1208 1022 1059 1096 1050 1090 1131 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 FXET 4824 FXET 6024 FXET 7224 923 944 965 935 958 981 935 958 981 1166 1219 1272 1071 1113 1154 1101 1146 1191 48x30 60x30 72x30 100 135 150 FXET 4830 FXET 6030 FXET 7230 961 986 1012 974 1001 1029 974 1001 1029 1220 1277 1335 1120 1165 1212 1151 1200 1251 RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH FOLDING T BASES 60x18 72x18 110 120 FZET 6018 FZET 7218 1116 1133 1129 1148 1129 1148 1375 1424 1275 1312 1306 1347 60x24 72x24 125 135 FZET 6024 FZET 7224 1160 1181 1174 1197 1174 1197 1435 1488 1329 1370 1362 1407 60x30 72x30 135 150 FZET 6030 FZET 7230 1202 1228 1217 1245 1217 1245 1493 1551 1381 1428 1416 1467 NOTE: In order to accommodate folding mechanism, tables less than 72"W require that one leg folds over the other and are only stackable on edge. 50 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 F I N E S S E S E R I E S — Mo t i o n Ba s e Ta b l e s HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 60x30 90 135 FXHR 4824 FXHR 6030 993 1048 1029 1098 1029 1098 1396 1532 1121 1208 1319 1435 1264 1314 1314 1748 1424 1651 959 1131 984 1181 984 1181 1827 1896 1184 1302 1634 1779 1175 1347 1200 1397 1200 1397 2043 2114 1400 1518 1850 1995 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH FOLDING BASES 60x30 135 FZHR 6030 QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 60x30 90 130 FXQC 4824 FXQC 6030 SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES QUARTER CIRCLE TABLES WITH FOLDING BASE 48x24 60x30 90 130 FZQC 4824 FZQC 6030 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FLIP TOP 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 135 135 FXTZ 4824 FXTZ 6024 FXTZ 7224 938 959 980 950 973 996 950 973 996 1181 1234 1287 1086 1128 1169 1116 1161 1206 60x30 72x30 135 135 FXTZ 6030 FXTZ 7230 1001 1027 1016 1044 1016 1044 1292 1351 1180 1227 1215 1266 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH FOLDING BASE 60x24 72x24 135 135 FZTZ 6024 FZTZ 7224 1175 1196 1189 1212 1186 1212 1450 1503 1344 1385 1377 1422 60x30 72x30 135 135 FZTZ 6030 FZTZ 7230 1217 1243 1232 1260 1232 1260 1508 1566 1396 1443 1431 1482 NOTE: In order to accommodate folding mechanism, tables less than 72"W require that one leg folds over the other and are only stackable on edge. 51 s e m i n a r / t r a i n i n g t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 S C H O L A R S E R I E S — Ad j u s t a b l e He i g h t Tr a i n i n g Ta b l e s w i t h Ca s t A l u m i n u m Ba s e GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • All top surfaces are high pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density three-ply industrial grade particle board. A phenolic impregnated balancing backer sheet is applied to the substrate simultaneous with the face sheet. A wide variety of edges are offered—self-edge, PVC, vinyl T-mould, eased and hardwood. Leveling glides included on all tables. All tables 29"h. Adjustable in 1" increments to 23"h. Custom heights are available, consult factory. For in-between lengths use price of next largest size. BASE SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • Lower leg base: Cast aluminum Column: 1"x 3" 14 gauge steel tube Top plate: .187 steel flat plate Glide: 1¼" round plastic Height: Adjustable on 1" increments from 21¾" to 27¾" (add 1¼" for top thickness to determine finished table height) Finish: Lower base available in black wrinkle powder coat only. Upper leg column available in standard powder coat colors. SEMINAR/TRAINING TABLES RECTANGULAR TABLES WITH ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT BASE 30x18 36x18 42x18 66 71 76 STET 3018 STET 3618 STET 4218 466 474 482 474 483 492 474 483 492 645 669 693 574 592 610 596 616 636 48x18 60x18 72x18 80 110 120 STET 4818 STET 6018 STET 7218 490 506 523 501 519 538 501 519 538 717 765 814 628 665 702 656 696 737 30x24 36x24 42x24 72 78 84 STET 3024 STET 3624 STET 4224 485 498 505 494 505 516 494 505 516 680 706 732 603 623 643 627 649 671 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 STET 4824 STET 6024 STET 7224 515 536 557 527 550 573 527 550 573 758 811 864 663 705 746 693 738 783 36x30 42x30 48x30 60x30 72x30 85 92 100 135 150 STET 3630 STET 4230 STET 4830 STET 6030 STET 7230 519 532 545 570 596 530 544 558 585 613 530 544 558 585 613 746 775 804 861 919 656 680 704 749 796 685 710 735 784 835 621 690 621 690 988 1124 713 800 911 1027 HALF-ROUND TABLES WITH ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT BASE 48x24 60x30 90 135 STHR 4824 STHR 6030 585 640 TRAPEZOID TABLES WITH ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT BASE 52 48x24 60x24 72x24 90 125 135 STTZ 4824 STTZ 6024 STTZ 7224 530 551 572 542 565 588 542 565 588 773 826 879 678 720 761 708 753 798 60x30 72x30 135 150 STTZ 6030 STTZ 7230 585 611 600 628 600 628 876 934 764 811 799 850 s e m i n a r a l a c a r t e SEMINAR A LA CARTE: O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N • • • • • • Our a la carte selection allows you to build your own seminar/training environment. Combine any shape top with the base of your choice and accessorize as needed to meet specific needs. Select from an expanded range of tops and bases. When ordering, specify edge style with model number— i.e., TRE 6024 (100) Standard T-Mould and PVC Colors are listed on pages 8 and 9. Wood Profiles and Species: #400—1¼" bullnose #600—¼"x1¼" eased #700—¾"x1¼" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard • Standard Finishes/Stains: Standard pricing includes Light Oak (OAK-71), Medium Oak (OAK-73) and Ebony (OAK-55) on Oak; Mahogany (MAH-74) and Walnut (MAH-77) on Mahogany; and Maple (MPL-70) and Cherry (MPL-76) on Maple. Other than Walnut (MAH-77), these finishes are formulated to match our standard laminate colors of the same description; refer to Palette ’95 swatch card for representative samples. Our Walnut finish (MAH-77) matches Formica 492 Gunstock Walnut. • Custom Finishes/Stains: To match a finish other than our standards, please submit a sample of the desired color and add $100 net matching charge to your cost. • Variations in color and texture: As wood is a natural material, it should be recognized that variations in color and texture may exist within and between pieces. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE SEMINAR A LA CARTE Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Metal Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Options and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 53 s e m i n a r a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) Weight SEMINAR A LA CARTE — Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 TOPS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • All top surfaces are high pressure plastic laminate over 1⅛" thick 45 lb. density three-ply industrial grade particle board. • A phenolic impregnated balancing backer sheet is applied to the substrate simultaneous with the face sheet. • A wide variety of edges are offered—self-edge, PVC, vinyl T-mould, eased and bullnose hardwood. SEMINAR A LA CARTE RECTANGULAR TOPS 36x18 42x18 48x18 54x18 60x18 72x18 29 35 40 45 49 59 TRE 3618 TRE 4218 TRE 4818 TRE 5418 TRE 6018 TRE 7218 104 112 120 128 136 153 113 122 131 140 149 168 113 122 131 140 149 168 299 323 347 371 395 444 221 239 258 276 295 332 246 266 286 306 326 367 36x20 42x20 48x20 54x20 60x20 72x20 33 38 44 49 54 65 TRE 3620 TRE 4220 TRE 4820 TRE 5420 TRE 6020 TRE 7220 114 123 132 141 149 167 124 134 144 154 163 183 124 134 144 154 163 183 315 340 365 390 415 464 234 254 275 292 311 350 260 281 302 323 343 385 36x24 42x24 48x24 54x24 60x24 72x24 39 46 52 59 65 78 TRE 3624 TRE 4224 TRE 4824 TRE 5424 TRE 6024 TRE 7224 124 135 145 155 166 187 134 146 157 168 180 203 134 146 157 168 180 203 335 362 388 414 441 494 251 273 293 314 335 376 278 301 323 345 368 413 36x30 42x30 48x30 54x30 60x30 72x30 49 57 65 74 82 100 TRE 3630 TRE 4230 TRE 4830 TRE 5430 TRE 6030 TRE 7230 149 162 175 187 200 226 160 174 188 201 215 243 160 174 188 201 215 243 376 405 434 462 491 549 287 310 334 356 379 426 315 340 365 389 414 465 BOW FRONT TOPS 36x24 42x24 48x24 54x24 60x24 72x24 39 46 52 59 65 78 TBF 3624 TBF 4224 TBF 4824 TBF 5424 TBF 6024 TBF 7224 164 175 185 195 206 227 174 186 197 208 220 243 174 186 197 208 220 243 562 572 618 649 703 769 321 343 363 384 405 446 500 508 541 559 611 673 36x30 42x30 48x30 54x30 60x30 72x30 49 57 65 74 82 100 TBF 3630 TBF 4230 TBF 4830 TBF 5430 TBF 6030 TBF 7230 189 202 215 227 240 266 200 214 228 241 255 283 200 214 228 241 255 283 603 615 664 697 753 824 357 380 404 426 449 496 537 547 583 603 657 725 THR 3618 THR 4020 THR 4824 THR 6030 174 193 215 270 199 218 251 320 199 218 251 320 526 550 618 754 256 289 343 430 473 491 541 657 HALF ROUND TOPS 36x18 40x20 48x24 60x30 30 35 52 82 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 54 s e m i n a r a l a c a r t e Price EDGE TYPE: 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 1⁄4 Bullnose 400 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 3 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 700 94 99 109 129 119 124 139 164 119 124 139 164 323 335 369 437 188 205 232 275 297 306 331 388 94 99 109 129 119 124 139 164 119 124 139 164 226 234 273 356 181 200 218 254 200 205 229 271 89 94 104 123 113 118 132 157 113 118 132 157 248 260 294 362 148 165 192 235 227 236 261 318 TET 1818 TET 2020 TET 2424 TET 3030 89 94 104 123 113 118 132 157 113 118 132 157 211 219 258 340 169 188 192 242 186 191 215 257 30 35 52 82 TQC 3618 TQC 4020 TQC 4824 TQC 6030 181 209 237 345 206 230 279 395 206 230 279 395 860 901 949 1118 350 378 406 524 783 818 860 1001 36x18 42x18 48x18 30 35 39 TTZ 3618 TTZ 4218 TTZ 4818 119 127 135 128 137 146 128 137 146 314 338 362 236 254 273 261 281 301 48x24 60x24 72x24 52 65 78 TTZ 4824 TTZ 6024 TTZ 7224 160 181 202 172 195 218 172 195 218 403 456 509 308 350 391 338 383 428 60x30 72x30 82 100 TTZ 6030 TTZ 7230 215 241 230 258 230 258 506 564 394 441 429 480 Size (LD) Weight SEMINAR A LA CARTE — Model No. TOPS 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUS 18x18 20x20 24x24 30x30 15 20 26 39 TQR 1818 TQR 2020 TQR 2424 TQR 3030 90 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 18x18 20x20 24x24 30x30 15 20 26 39 TQT 1818 TQT 2020 TQT 2424 TQT 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—RADIUS 18x18 20x20 24x24 30x30 10 15 20 29 TER 1818 TER 2020 TER 2424 TER 3030 45 DEGREE SPANNER TOPS—TRIANGULAR 18x18 20x20 24x24 30x30 10 15 20 29 SEMINAR A LA CARTE QUARTER CIRCLE TOPS L D 36x18 40x20 48x24 60x30 TRAPEZOID TOPS L D Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 55 s e m i n a r Top Size/Config. M E TA L S E M I N A R a l a Base Size/Config. c a r t e Number Required TA B L E B A S E S SEMINAR A LA CARTE Choose metal bases for your tops by selecting appropriate size from the chart below. Then find that size within the design series you prefer and specify the quantity required and the model number. 56 18"d rectangular 20"d rectangular 24"d rectangular 30"d rectangular T-18, TOS-20 T-18, TOS-20 T-22, TOS-20 T-26, TOS-26 2 2 2 2 24"d bow front 30"d bow front T-18, TOS-20 T-22, TOS-20 2 2 18"d half round 20"d half round 24"d half round 30"d half round T-18 T-18 T-22 T-22 2 2 2 2 18"d quarter circle 20"d quarter circle 24"d quarter circle 30"d quarter circle T-18, TOS-20 T-18, TOS-20 T-22, TOS-20 T-26, TOS-26 2 2 2 2 18"d trapezoid 20"d trapezoid 24"d trapezoid 30"d trapezoid T-18, TOS-20 T-18, TOS-20 T-22, TOS-20 T-26, TOS-26 2 2 2 2 s e m i n a r Config./Spread Column Weight a l a Model No. c a r t e Per Base Price Chrome Powder Coat VICTOR SERIES BASES SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • Base: 2" outer diameter 14 gauge tube Column: 2" outer diameter 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. CENTERED COLUMN, FIXED T-18 T-22 T-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 VT18 VT22 VT26 215 224 233 191 195 198 VO18 VO22 VO26 229 238 247 205 209 212 VP18 VP22 VP26 329 338 347 305 309 312 451 460 469 427 431 434 OFFSET COLUMN (70/30), FIXED TOS-18 TOS-22 TOS-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 CENTERED COLUMN WITH FLIP MECHANISM 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 SEMINAR A LA CARTE TIP-18 TIP-22 TIP-26 CENTERED COLUMN WITH FOLDING MECHANISM TFL-18 TFL-22 TFL-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 VF18 VF22 VF26 Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. Victor Series fixed bases are available on Quickship in chrome and black powder coat only. 57 s e m i n a r Config./Spread Column a Weight l a c a Model No. r t e Per Base Price Chrome Powder Coat EMBASSY SERIES BASES SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • Base: ½"x 2" bar stock, round end Column: 2" outer diameter 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. CENTERED COLUMN, FIXED T-18 T-22 T-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 ET18 ET22 ET26 288 297 306 271 276 278 16 17 18 EO18 EO22 EO26 302 311 320 285 290 292 EP18 EP22 EP26 402 411 420 385 390 392 510 519 528 493 498 500 OFFSET COLUMN (70/30), FIXED TOS-18 TOS-22 TOS-26 2" 2" 2" SEMINAR A LA CARTE CENTERED COLUMN WITH FLIP MECHANISM TIP-18 TIP-22 TIP-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 CENTERED COLUMN WITH FOLDING MECHANISM TFL-18 TFL-22 TFL-26 58 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 EF18 EF22 EF26 s e m i n a r Config./Spread Column a Weight l a c a Model No. r t e Per Base Price Chrome Powder Coat A LTA S E R I E S B A S E S SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • Base: ½" x 2" flat bar stock Column: 2" outer dimension 14 gauge tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. CENTERED COLUMN, FIXED T-18 T-22 T-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 AT18 AT22 AT26 309 329 340 254 263 268 AO18 AO22 AO26 323 343 354 268 277 282 AP18 AP22 AP26 423 443 454 368 377 382 531 551 562 476 485 490 OFFSET COLUMN (70/30), FIXED TOS-18 TOS-22 TOS-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 CENTERED COLUMN WITH FLIP MECHANISM 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 SEMINAR A LA CARTE TIP-18 TIP-22 TIP-26 CENTERED COLUMN WITH FOLDING MECHANISM TFL-18 TFL-22 TFL-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 AF18 AF22 AF26 59 s e m i n a r Config./Spread Column a Weight l a c a Model No. r t e Per Base Price Chrome Powder Coat FINESSE SERIES BASES SPECIFICATIONS: • • • • • • • Base: ½" x 2" curved bar stock Centered column: 2" outer dimension 14 gauge tube Offset column: 1½" x 3" 14 gauge rectangular tube Top plate: Formed steel Glide: 1¼" Round plastic Height: 27¾" Finish: Plated (chrome) or powder coat (colors). Hand polished prior to plating or powder coating. Initial polishing with 240 grit (dry), followed by 320 (dry), 360 (dry), finished with 360 (wet oil). Chrome plating is nickel and chrome; 15 minute immersion in nickel followed by 2 minute immersion in chrome. Powder coat finish is electrostatic application of industrial/commercial grade epoxy. CENTERED COLUMN, FIXED T-18 T-22 T-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 FT18 FT22 FT26 320 340 352 268 275 279 17 18 FO22 FO26 340 352 275 279 FP18 FP22 FP26 434 454 466 382 389 393 542 562 574 490 497 501 OFFSET COLUMN (70/30), FIXED SEMINAR A LA CARTE TOS-22 TOS-26 2" 2" CENTERED COLUMN WITH FLIP MECHANISM TIP-18 TIP-22 TIP-26 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 CENTERED COLUMN WITH FOLDING MECHANISM TFL-18 TFL-22 TFL-26 60 2" 2" 2" 16 17 18 FF18 FF22 FF26 s e m i n a r Size (WDH) Weight a Model No. l a c a r t e Price OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES M O D E S T Y PA N E L S SPECIFICATIONS: • All modesty panels are high pressure plastic laminate over ⅝" thick 45 lb. density three-ply industrial grade particle board. • A phenolic impregnated balancing backer sheet is applied to the substrate simultaneous with the face sheet. • Modesty panels mount to the underside of the worksurface with metal mounting brackets (included). 48x3/4x12 60x3/4x12 72x3/4x12 TRIM KIT 20 25 30 STMO 4812 STMO 6012 STMO 7212 95 105 115 SPECIFICATIONS: • A modesty panel with a T-box with electrical outlets and wire management trough. Eight wires and four circuits. • Allows table to be powered individually or linked in a series. 48x3x12 60x3x12 72x3x12 40 45 50 SPMO 4812 SPMO 6012 SPMO 7212 342 393 445 POWER ENTRY KIT SPECIFICATIONS: • Required to attach electrical component system to building power. See page 67 for details. 72"1 180"1 PEK 72 PEK.C 180 189 153 SPECIFICATIONS: SEMINAR A LA CARTE SCREENS 3 4 • Screens mount to the top of training tables to provide a measure of visual privacy and acoustical properties. Pricing is based on Guilford FR701 Series fabric, Pattern 2100. 15" HIGH SCREENS 16-3/4x1-1/4x15 22-3/4x1-1/4x15 28-3/4x1-1/4x15 48x1-1/4x15 60x1-1/4x15 72x1-1/4x15 8 10 14 20 25 30 SCRN 1715 SCRN 2315 SCRN 2915 SCRN 4815 SCRN 6015 SCRN 7215 230 245 260 286 319 348 SCRN 1722 SCRN 2372 SCRN 2922 SCRN 4822 SCRN 6022 SCRN 7222 280 300 320 348 373 449 FIGROM(x 32 22" HIGH SCREENS 16-3/4x1-1/4x22 22-3/4x1-1/4x22 28-3/4x1-1/4x22 48x1-1/4x22 60x1-1/4x22 72x1-1/4x22 15 15 21 30 36 42 GROMMETS GROMMET 1 indicate location 2 3 Grommet Locator ELECTRIFIED GROMMET RPCGROM(x) 185 indicate location 61 s e m i n a r Model No. Price WIRE MANAGERS J-CHANNEL WIRE MANAGER Mounts to modesty J-MGR $29 per 48" length LEG MOUNT WIRE MANAGER Attaches to leg L-MGR $32 KEYBOARDS ARTICULATING KEYBOARD with molded tray ART-M $250 SLIDE OUT KEYBOARD with molded tray ZOK $150 JOINING HARDWARE SEMINAR A LA CARTE SECURELOCK TABLE LATCHES Priced per set (2 pairs) SECL $78 QUICKJOINT FASTENERS Priced per set (2 fasteners) QJF $63 FLAT PLATE F-PLAT $15 CASTORS CASTORS Set of 4 hooded dual wheel castors CAST $40 SELF-ADJUSTING GLIDES GLIDES Set of 4 self-leveling glides SADJ $20 62 a l a c a r t e S P e c i a l SPECIAL USE u s e t a b l e s TA B L E S HLF Special Use Tables facilitate fulfillment of many essential needs in the office or institutional environment. Need adjustability in a round or square meeting or cafeteria table? Three models of adjustable height tables offer adaptability from standard 29"AFF to 33"AFF (31¾" clear) wheelchair height, 42" bar height, and 20" nursery height with infinite adjustment in-between. Safe, forgiving urethane edges are offered as options in two profiles for each of these. Our Scholar base brings wheelchair adaptability to rectangular tables, again offered with the urethane edge options in addition to our broad array of standard edges. Mobile variations of our Newport and Victor Series tables are available in a variety of configurations affording flexibility in the workplace for multitasking applications. Our fully equipped training tables provide the ease of one item entry for a package that includes a Victor Series training table with modesty panel, grommeting, and end-to-end electical and data management wiring. Finally, the durability and impact resistance of cast urethane edges are blended with the today look of our Victor and Newport Series bases in several popular configurations. If you don’t find your special need addressed in this section, phone or fax your requirements. We can probably produce the unique table that will address that need. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE Adjustable Height Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Mobile Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Training Table with Powered Modesty Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 SPECIAL USE TABLES 63 s p e c i a l u s e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) A D J U S TA B L E H E I G H T Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80EA 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80BN TA B L E S STANDARD TO WHEELCHAIR ADJUSTABLE WITH VICTOR SERIES X-BASE Precision engineered lift mechanism with gas assist allows infinite adjustment from 29" standard table height to 33"AFF height. Heavy duty Victor Series X-base in Chrome or standard powder coat with flat black adjustable column section. ROUND WITH X-BASE 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 140 145 160 175 HARW 3000 HARW 3600 HARW 4200 HARW 4800 1260 1286 1400 1454 1278 1311 1421 1496 1444 1491 1626 1728 1583 1678 1797 1935 1621 1721 1845 1993 HASW 3030 HASW 3636 HASW 4242 HASW 4848 1250 1281 1388 1440 1276 1309 1419 1493 1377 1429 1557 1629 1529 1587 1741 1777 1560 1622 1784 1821 SQUARE WITH X-BASE 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 150 160 175 190 STANDARD TO WHEELCHAIR ADJUSTABLE WITH SCHOLAR SERIES BASE The Scholar Series adjustable height base permits manual adjustment of height in 1" increments from 30" standard to 36"AFF affording wheelchair adjustability in a classroom, training or seminar application. 30x24 50 HASS 3024 525 535 650 770 800 36x24 60 HASS 3624 529 539 656 791 813 42x24 70 HASS 4224 540 551 678 806 838 48x24 80 HASS 4824 550 562 698 816 848 60x24 100 HASS 6024 571 585 740 879 917 72x24 120 HASS 7224 592 608 781 932 975 SPECIAL USE TABLES 36x30 42x30 48x30 60x30 72x30 64 70 80 90 110 130 HASS 3630 HASS 4230 HASS 4830 HASS 6030 HASS 7230 554 567 580 605 631 565 579 593 620 648 692 715 739 784 831 838 861 899 1065 1075 872 897 938 1117 1128 s p e c i a l u s e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size (LD) A D J U S TA B L E H E I G H T Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" Self Edge 100 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80EA 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80BN TA B L E S NURSERY TO STANDARD ADJUSTABLE WITH VICTOR SERIES X-BASE Precision engineered lift mechanism with gas assist allows infinite adjustment from 20" nursery table height to 29" standard height. Heavy duty Victor Series X-base in Chrome or standard powder coat with flat black adjustable column section. ROUND WITH X-BASE 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 140 145 160 175 HARN 3000 HARN 3600 HARN 4200 HARN 4800 1672 1698 1812 1866 1690 1723 1833 1908 1856 1903 2038 2140 1995 2090 2209 2347 2033 2133 2257 2405 HASN 3030 HASN 3636 HASN 4242 HASN 4848 1662 1693 1800 1852 1688 1721 1831 1905 1789 1841 1969 2041 1941 1999 2153 2189 1972 2034 2196 2233 SQUARE WITH X-BASE 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 150 160 175 190 STANDARD TO BAR HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE WITH VICTOR SERIES X-BASE Precision engineered lift mechanism with gas assist allows infinite adjustment from 29" standard table height to 42"AFF height. Heavy duty Victor Series X-base in Chrome or standard powder coat with flat black adjustable column section. ROUND WITH X-BASE 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 140 145 160 175 HARB 3000 HARB 3600 HARB 4200 HARB 4800 1877 1903 2017 2071 1895 1928 2038 2113 2061 2108 2243 2345 2200 2295 2414 2552 2238 2338 2462 2610 HASB 3030 HASB 3636 HASB 4242 HASB 4848 1867 1898 2005 2057 1893 1926 2036 2110 1994 2046 2174 2246 2146 2204 2358 2394 2177 2239 2401 2438 SQUARE WITH X-BASE 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 150 160 175 190 SPECIAL USE TABLES 65 s p e c i a l u s e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size MOBILE (WDH) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80EA 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80BN TA B L E S Heavy duty locking castors enable multi-tasking and an instantly reconfigurable “office on wheels.” MOBILE TABLES WITH NEWPORT SERIES LEGS All tables have 4" diameter legs without trim ring. Tables have heavy duty 4" diameter locking dual wheel castors. ROUND WITH NEWPORT LEGS 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 140 145 160 175 HMRC 3000 HMRC 3600 HMRC 4200 HMRC 4800 727 756 800 859 727 756 800 859 893 936 1005 1091 1032 1123 1176 1298 1070 1166 1224 1356 725 754 798 856 725 754 798 856 826 874 936 992 978 1032 1120 1140 1009 1067 1163 1184 SQUARE WITH NEWPORT LEGS 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 150 160 175 190 HMSC 3030 HMSC 3636 HMSC 4242 HMSC 4848 RECTANGULAR WITH NEWPORT LEGS 36x24 42x24 48x24 60x24 72x24 60 70 80 100 120 HMSC 3624 HMSC 4224 HMSC 4824 HMSC 6024 HMSC 7224 714 726 737 760 783 714 726 737 760 783 831 853 873 915 956 966 981 991 1054 1107 998 1013 1023 1092 1150 36x30 42x30 48x30 60x30 72x30 70 80 90 110 130 HMSC 3630 HMSC 4230 HMSC 4830 HMSC 6030 HMSC 7230 740 754 768 795 823 740 754 768 795 823 867 890 914 959 1006 1013 1036 1074 1240 1250 1047 1072 1113 1292 1303 SPECIAL USE TABLES BULLET/SPANNER WITH NEWPORT LEGS 48x24 60x24 72x24 80 100 120 HMBC 4824 HMBC 6024 HMBC 7224 797 820 843 797 820 843 993 1035 1076 48x30 60x30 72x30 90 110 130 HMBC 4830 HMBC 6030 HMBC 7230 828 855 883 828 855 883 1034 1079 1126 48x48 60x60 190 240 HMBC 4848 HMBC 6060 1065 1165 1065 1165 1353 1463 915 943 915 943 1199 1246 RACETRACK WITH NEWPORT LEGS 60x30 72x30 66 110 130 HMAC 6030 HMAC 7230 s p e c i a l u s e t a b l e s Price EDGE TYPE: Size MOBILE (LD) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80EA 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80BN TA B L E S MOBILE TABLES WITH VICTOR SERIES METAL BASES All tables have Victor Series tubular legs in standard powder coat finish. For chrome base add $70. Tables have heavy duty 2¼" diameter locking dual wheel castors. ROUND WITH VICTOR SERIES X-BASE 30 DIA 36 DIA 42 DIA 48 DIA 115 120 135 150 HVRC 3000 HVRC 3600 HVRC 4200 HVRC 4800 533 566 676 751 533 566 676 751 699 746 881 903 838 933 1052 1190 876 976 1100 1248 531 564 674 748 531 564 674 748 632 684 812 884 784 842 996 1032 815 877 1039 1076 SQUARE WITH VICTOR SERIES X-BASE 30x30 36x36 42x42 48x48 125 135 150 165 HVSC 3030 HVSC 3636 HVSC 4242 HVSC 4848 RECTANGULAR WITH VICTOR SERIES T-LEGS 36x24 42x24 48x24 60x24 72x24 70 80 90 125 135 HVSC 3624 HVSC 4224 HVSC 4824 HVSC 6024 HVSC 7224 593 605 616 650 673 593 605 616 650 673 701 723 743 805 846 848 863 873 936 989 880 895 905 974 1032 36x30 42x30 48x30 60x30 72x30 80 90 100 135 150 HVSC 3630 HVSC 4230 HVSC 4830 HVSC 6030 HVSC 7230 636 650 664 691 719 636 650 664 691 719 763 786 810 855 902 903 926 964 1130 1140 937 962 1003 1182 1193 BULLET/SPANNER WITH VICTOR SERIES T-LEGS 80 100 120 HVBC 4824 HVBC 6024 HVBC 7224 676 710 733 676 710 733 863 925 966 48x30 60x30 72x30 90 110 130 HVBC 4830 HVBC 6030 HVBC 7230 726 751 779 726 751 779 930 975 1022 811 839 811 839 1095 1142 SPECIAL USE TABLES 48x24 60x24 72x24 RACETRACK WITH VICTOR SERIES T-LEGS 60x30 72x30 110 130 HVAC 6030 HVAC 7230 67 s p e c i a l u s e t a b l e s Price TERMS & CONDITIONS EDGE TYPE: Size TRAINING (WDH) Weight Model No. 1 1⁄4" T-Mould 200 1 1⁄4" PVC 300 1 ⁄4 " x 1 1⁄4" Eased 600 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80EA 1 1⁄4" Urethane 80BN TA B L E S W I T H P OW E R E D M O D E S T Y PA N E L The style of Victor Series bases coupled with five worksurface options and a Powered Modesty Panel bring electricity and data wiring to the surface. The complete table includes worksurface with grommet, modesty panel, attachment brackets, T-box with electrical outlets and wire management trough. The electrical and wire management system offered by the Powered Modesty Panel is a powerful tool used to bring electrical and communication components within easy reach of the worksurface. The electrical package has eight wires and four circuits and includes a self-contained wire management section. Tables may be used individually or linked in series. A Power Entry Kit (PEK) is used to attach the electrical component system to the building power. One Power Entry Kit is required for each set of tables wired in sequence. Consult local building code requirements regarding electrical specifications. A licensed electrician is required to attach the Power Entry Kit to the building power source. A ceiling Power Entry Kit (PEK-C 180) may require the use of a power pole or additional wire management device. 36"w and 48"w units have one worksurface grommet centered on the width; 60"w and 72"w units have two grommets, inset 15" and 18" from each end respectively. Bases are standard powder coat finish. For chrome bases add $70. 36x24 48x24 60x24 72x24 85 111 148 162 HVPM 3624 HVPM 4824 HVPM 6024 HVPM 7224 845 899 1013 1086 854 910 1027 1102 952 1037 1182 1275 1117 1195 1321 1426 1149 1207 1359 1469 36x30 48x30 60x30 72x30 95 121 158 177 HVPM 3630 HVPM 4830 HVPM 6030 HVPM 7230 886 945 1053 1131 899 958 1068 1148 1024 1104 1232 1331 1170 1264 1513 1575 1204 1303 1565 1628 POWER ENTRY KIT See notes above regarding power entry kit. 72"l 180"l 3 4 PEK 72 PEK-C 180 Power entry point OPTIONS 68 189 153 c o n f e r e n c e / t r a i n i n g s u p p o r t CONFERENCE/TRAINING SUPPORT FURNITURE: G E N E R A L S E R I E S F E AT U R E S • The items in this section may be combined with HLF Conference and Training Tables to complete a conference or training environment. • Edge treatments parallel those of our conference and training tables—self-edge, eased hardwood, hardwood bullnose, and traditional. • All units are constructed of high pressure plastic laminate over industrial grade particle board of 45lb. density. • Leveling glides are incorporated on all free-standing units. • Hardwood edges, where listed, may be ordered in Oak, Mahogany, or Maple. Note: Additional pieces for conference and training room applications may be found in our Modular Office Furniture Price List on pages 89 through 99. There you will find pricing and specifications for bookcases, wall units, wardrobes, tall storage cabinets and commercial cabinetry. O R D E R I N G I N F O R M AT I O N • Wood Profiles and Species: #400—1¼" bullnose #401—2⅜" bullnose Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing #500—1¼" traditional Mahogany only #600—¼"x1¼" eased #601—¼"x 2⅜" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing #700—¾"x1¼" eased #701—¾"x 2⅜" eased Oak, Mahogany and Maple are standard Other species—consult factory for availability and pricing • Available standard wood finishes are Light Oak (OAK-71), Medium Oak (OAK-73), and Ebony (OAK-55) on Oak; Mahogany (MAH-74) and Walnut (MAH-77) on Mahogany; and Maple (MPL-70) and Cherry (MPL-76) on Maple. Other than Walnut (MAH-77), these finishes are formulated to match our standard laminates of the same description; refer to Palette ’95 Swatch Card for representative samples. Our Walnut finish (MAH-77) matches Formica 492 Gunstock Walnut. • Custom stains and finishes are available to match your specification. Whether ordering one or several pieces with custom edge stains, a single $100 net per order matching charge will apply. Please submit a sample of the desired color with your order. • Variations in color and texture: As wood is a natural material, it should be recognized that variations in color and texture may exist within and between pieces. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE CONFERENCE/TRAINING Credenzas/Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Storage Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Telephone/Fax Stands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Visual Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Audio/Visual Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Lecterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Wall Mounted Display Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Service/Projector Cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 69 c o n f e r e n c e Size (WDH) Weight / t r a i n i n g Model No. s u p p o r t Price CONFERENCE ROOM CREDENZAS/SERVERS Two two-door cabinet sections with one adjustable shelf per section. Touch latch door mechanism. Concealed European-style hinges. Refer to various series sections (Express, Woodstock, etc.) in our Modular Office Furniture Price List for other credenza alternatives. SELF EDGE CREDENZAS (100 EDGE) 60x20x29 72x20x29 295 320 XS4C 6020 XS4C 7220 1246 1332 60x20x36 72x20x36 315 340 XH4C 6020 XH4C 7220 1325 1411 CREDENZAS WITH 11⁄4" EASED HARDWOOD TRIM (600 EDGE) 60x20x29 72x20x29 300 325 SS4C 6020 SS4C 7220 1531 1628 60x20x36 72x20x36 320 345 SH4C 6020 SH4C 7220 1630 1730 CREDENZAS WITH 2 3⁄8" HARDWOOD BULLNOSE TRIM (401 EDGE) 60x20x29 72x20x29 310 335 BS4C 6020 BS4C 7220 1745 1865 60x20x36 72x20x36 330 355 BH4C 6020 BH4C 7220 1855 1975 CONFERENCE/TRAINING TRADITIONAL STYLE CREDENZAS (500 EDGE, MAHOGANY ONLY) 70 60x20x29 72x20x29 300 325 TS4C 6020 TS4C 7220 1745 1865 60x20x36 72x20x36 320 345 TH4C 6020 TH4C 7220 1855 1975 c o n f e r e n c e Size (WDH) Weight / t r a i n i n g Model No. s u p p o r t Price STORAGE CABINETS Two door cabinet sections with one adjustable shelf. Touch latch door mechanism. Concealed European-style hinges. SELF EDGE CABINETS (100 EDGE) 30x20x29 36x20x29 42x20x29 175 195 215 XSTR 3020 XSTR 3620 XSTR 4220 892 922 950 30x20x36 36x20x36 42x20x36 190 210 230 XHTR 3020 XHTR 3620 XHTR 4220 1070 1107 1140 CABINETS WITH 11⁄4" EASED HARDWOOD TRIM (600 EDGE) 30x20x29 36x20x29 42x20x29 180 200 220 SSTR 3020 SSTR 3620 SSTR 4220 1153 1183 1223 30x20x36 36x20x36 42x20x36 190 210 230 SHTR 3020 SHTR 3620 SHTR 4220 1384 1420 1468 CABINETS WITH 2 3⁄8" HARDWOOD BULLNOSE TRIM (401 EDGE) 30x20x29 36x20x29 42x20x29 180 200 220 BSTR 3020 BSTR 3620 BSTR 4220 1249 1291 1330 30x20x36 36x20x36 42x20x36 190 210 230 BHTR 3020 BHTR 3620 BHTR 4220 1498 1550 1596 TRADITIONAL STYLE CABINETS (500 EDGE, MAHOGANY ONLY) 30x20x29 36x20x29 42x20x29 180 200 220 TSTR 3020 TSTR 3620 TSTR 4220 1249 1291 1330 30x20x36 36x20x36 42x20x36 190 210 230 THTR 3020 THTR 3620 THTR 4220 1498 1550 1596 CONFERENCE/TRAINING 71 c o n f e r e n c e Size (WDH) Weight / t r a i n i n g Model No. s u p p o r t Price T E L E PH O N E / FA X S TA N D S Trimmed for compatability with conference table edge treatment alternatives. 8" open shelf for telephone books, note pads, etc. 15"h one door lower cabinet with adjustable shelf, hinged right unless otherwise specified. SELF EDGE TELEPHONE/FAX STAND (100 EDGE) 24x20x29 85 XTFS 2420 695 TELEPHONE/FAX STAND WITH EASED HARDWOOD TRIM (600 EDGE) 24x20x29 85 STFS 2420 875 TELEPHONE/FAX STAND WITH HARDWOOD BULLNOSE TRIM (401 EDGE) 24x20x29 85 BTFS 2420 895 TELEPHONE/FAX STAND WITH TRADITIONAL TRIM (500 EDGE, MAHOGANY ONLY) 24x20x29 85 TTFS 2420 895 VISUAL BOARDS Two door cabinet opens to magnetic porcelain clad wipable writing surface, tackable panel, provision for flip chart. Attaches to wall with recessed wood cleat hanger. Doors trimmed in either matching laminate (100) or hardwood (600). Optional pull down projection screen—add $175. SELF EDGE 48x4x48 180 CRVB 4848 (100) 1270 CRVB 4848 (600) 1750 HARDWOOD TRIM CONFERENCE/TRAINING 48x4x48 72 180 c o n f e r e n c e Size (WDH) Weight / t r a i n i n g Model No. s u p p o r t Price AU D I O / V I S UA L C A B I N E TS Two door upper cabinet features retractable pocket doors to highlight TV monitor section. Fixed shelf 36" AFF defines bottom of upper section. Two door lower cabinet includes two adjustable shelves for VCR or audio components. Two wire management grommets provided—one center back of fixed shelf, one center back of lower cabinet just beneath fixed shelf. Available with either self edge (100) or eased hardwood (600) trim on end panels. SELF EDGE 36x24x60 36x24x78 220 260 CRAV 3660 (100) CRAV 3678 (100) 1950 2158 CRAV 3660 (600) CRAV 3678 (600) 2388 2660 HARDWOOD TRIM 36x24x60 36x24x78 220 260 LECTERNS Units fully laminated with high pressure laminate over ⅝" industrial particle board. Listed units are self edge. Consult factory for availability and pricing for hardwood trim, if desired. STANDING Includes speaker shelf with lip and lower storage shelf. 24x17x42 80 LECT 2417 695 30x17x42 98 LECT 3017 720 DESKTOP 24x17x15 30x17x15 40 48 LEDM 2417 LEDM 3017 480 510 CONFERENCE/TRAINING 73 c o n f e r e n c e / t r a i n i n g s u p p o r t Price EDGE TYPE: Size (WDH) Weight Model No. 3 ⁄4 " Self Edge 175 3 ⁄4 " Hardwood 175 WA L L - M O U N T E D D I S P L AY R A I L Facilitate presentations with sections of wall-mounted display rail. Available in two foot increments from four feet to ten feet in length or specify your exact size requirements and use the price of the next largest size. Specify top edge in self edge or eased hardwood to complement other furniture. 48x4x4 72x4x4 96x4x4 120x4x4 32 48 64 96 CRDR 0484 CRDR 0724 CRDR 0964 CRDR 1204 180 225 300 375 220 285 380 475 SERVICE/PROJECTOR CART Features 1½" gallery rail, powered grommet in top, 6"h open section, two door lower cabinet, and large locking castors. CONFERENCE/TRAINING 30x24x36 36x24x36 42x24x36 48x24x36 74 150 175 200 225 CRPC 3024 CRPC 3624 CRPC 4224 CRPC 4824 1060 1150 1270 1390 1240 1330 1450 1570 o c c a s i o n a l t a b l e s O C C A S I O N A L TA B L E S : G E N E R A L S E R I E S F E AT U R E S • Exterior surface finished in high pressure laminate. • Substrate is 45 lb density industrial particle board unless otherwise noted. • Glides on all units. • All edges hand filed for smoothness and consistency. • In between sizes are available on most occasional table models—consult factory for availability and pricing on non-listed sizes. TA B L E O F C O N T E N TS ITEM PAGE Coffee/Cocktail Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 End/Lamp Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Sofa/Console Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Decorative Pedestals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Gallery Benches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 OCCASIONAL TABLES 75 o c c a s i o n a l Size (WDH) Weight Model No. t a b l e s Price Features C O F F E E / C O C K TA I L TA B L E S 16 " H CUBE TABLES 16x16x16 24x24x16 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 20 35 40 44 50 60 CBCT 1616 CBCT 2424 CBCT 3030 CBCT 3636 CBCT 4242 CBCT 4848 252 285 318 352 384 418 30x18x16 30x24x16 35 38 CBCT 3018 CBCT 3024 272 284 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 38 40 42 CBCT 3618 CBCT 3624 CBCT 3630 285 310 320 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 42 44 48 CBCT 4818 CBCT 4824 CBCT 4830 320 325 363 FLOATING CUBE TABLES 16x16x16 24x24x16 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 30 40 48 51 60 75 FCCT 1616 FCCT 2424 FCCT 3030 FCCT 3636 FCCT 4242 FCCT 4848 340 380 417 454 493 536 30x18x16 30x24x16 40 44 FCCT 3018 FCCT 3024 365 409 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 44 48 50 FCCT 3618 FCCT 3624 FCCT 3630 376 402 410 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 44 51 55 FCCT 4818 FCCT 4824 FCCT 4830 421 427 485 • 3"h plinth base • Base recessed 3" on all sizes except 16x16 — 2" • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified OCCASIONAL TABLES Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 6 for available finishes. 76 o c c a s i o n a l Size (WDH) Weight Model No. t a b l e s Price Features C O F F E E / C O C K TA I L TA B L E S 16 " H RADIUS FLOATING CUBES 24x24x16 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 35 49 57 71 78 RFCT 2424 RFCT 3030 RFCT 3636 RFCT 4242 RFCT 4848 474 555 596 665 711 30x18x16 30x24x16 35 42 RFCT 3018 RFCT 3024 456 499 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 42 49 53 RFCT 3618 RFCT 3624 RFCT 3630 480 518 582 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 53 57 63 RFCT 4818 RFCT 4824 RFCT 4830 518 566 638 • 3"h plinth base • Base recessed 3" on all sizes except 16x16 — 2" • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified HI PROFILE FLOATING CUBES 24x24x16 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 40 48 54 59 69 HPFT 2424 HPFT 3030 HPFT 3636 HPFT 4242 HPFT 4848 350 387 422 499 536 • 8"h plinth base • Base recessed 3" on all sizes • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified 30x24x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 44 48 52 HPFT 3024 HPFT 3624 HPFT 3630 364 377 410 48x24x16 48x30x16 54 57 HPFT 4824 HPFT 4830 418 449 42 48 54 69 TSCT 3030 TSCT 3636 TSCT 4242 TSCT 4848 371 392 470 490 • 2½"apron • Base is one-half top size for maximum legroom RTCT 3030 RTCT 3636 RTCT 4242 RTCT 4848 545 568 665 688 • 2½"apron • Base is one-half top size for maximum legroom “T” TABLES 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 RADIUS “T” TABLES 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 65 75 95 110 OCCASIONAL TABLES 77 o c c a s i o n a l Size (WDH) Weight Model No. t a b l e s Price Features C O F F E E / C O C K TA I L TA B L E S 16 " H CYLINDER TABLES 24 DIA x 16 30 DIA x 16 36 DIA x 16 42 DIA x 16 48 DIA x 16 43 58 70 90 105 CSCT 2400 CSCT 3000 CSCT 3600 CSCT 4200 CSCT 4800 320 376 506 625 735 • Vertical sidewall is formed high density fibreboard CPCT 2400 CPCT 3000 CPCT 3600 CPCT 4200 CPCT 4800 426 491 621 740 850 • Vertical sidewall is formed high density fibreboard • 3"h plinth base • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified CTCT 3000 CTCT 3600 CTCT 4200 CTCT 4800 504 544 610 653 • 2½" apron • Base is one-half top size for maximum legroom • Base sidewall is formed high density fibreboard • 2½" legs and apron FLOATING CYLINDER TABLES 24 DIA x 16 30 DIA x 16 36 DIA x 16 42 DIA x 16 48 DIA x 16 71 85 107 135 155 CYLINDER “T” TABLES 30 DIA x 16 36 DIA x 16 42 DIA x 16 48 DIA x 16 65 75 95 110 PARSONS TABLES 16x16x16 24x24x16 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 20 23 38 45 55 60 PACT 1616 PACT 2424 PACT 3030 PACT 3636 PACT 4242 PACT 4848 414 442 476 517 586 606 30x18x16 30x24x16 23 30 PACT 3018 PACT 3024 449 462 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 30 38 42 PACT 3618 PACT 3624 PACT 3630 469 476 497 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 42 45 50 PACT 4818 PACT 4824 PACT 4830 498 510 538 OCCASIONAL TABLES Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 6 for available finishes. 78 o c c a s i o n a l Size (WDH) Weight Model No. t a b l e s Price Features C O F F E E / C O C K TA I L TA B L E S 16 " H PANEL END TABLES 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 73 75 83 98 PECT 3030 PECT 3636 PECT 4242 PECT 4848 545 572 650 675 30x18x16 30x24x16 60 66 PECT 3018 PECT 3024 483 510 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 62 69 72 PECT 3618 PECT 3624 PECT 3630 490 503 545 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 68 73 75 PECT 4818 PECT 4824 PECT 4830 503 540 572 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 48 60 70 85 RSCC 3030 RSCC 3636 RSCC 4242 RSCC 4848 680 780 885 938 30x18x16 30x24x16 40 44 RSCC 3018 RSCC 3024 662 674 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 44 48 54 RSCC 3618 RSCC 3624 RSCC 3630 674 680 728 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 54 59 65 RSCC 4818 RSCC 4824 RSCC 4830 747 806 872 16x16x16 24x24x16 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 10 30 35 40 45 55 TTCT 1616 TTCT 2424 TTCT 3030 TTCT 3636 TTCT 4242 TTCT 4848 290 310 341 410 446 472 30x18x16 30x24x16 30 34 TTCT 3018 TTCT 3024 322 341 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 34 38 40 TTCT 3618 TTCT 3624 TTCT 3630 345 349 380 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 38 42 45 TTCT 4818 TTCT 4824 TTCT 4830 370 385 415 • 2½" legs and apron • Short side is closed on rectangular sizes REVEAL SERIES • ¾" top, 1 ¼" reveal, 2" apron, 3½" leg • Reveal may be finished same as rest of table or any other standard laminate, specify TRIANGLE TABLES • All triangle tables have one 90° corner • Orders for rectangular dimensioned triangles must be accompanied by a plan view sketch OCCASIONAL TABLES 79 o c c a s i o n a l Size (WDH) Weight Model No. t a b l e s Price Features C O F F E E / C O C K TA I L TA B L E S 16 " H OPEN CUBE TABLES 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 54 66 78 85 OCCT 3030 OCCT 3636 OCCT 4242 OCCT 4848 631 690 769 842 30x18x16 30x24x16 48 52 OCCT 3018 OCCT 3024 578 604 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 52 56 60 OCCT 3618 OCCT 3624 OCCT 3630 606 631 662 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 57 61 65 OCCT 4818 OCCT 4824 OCCT 4830 684 723 763 • 2½" legs and apron WATERFALL TABLES 30x18x16 30x24x16 60 80 WRCT 3018 WRCT 3024 700 765 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 66 88 110 WRCT 3618 WRCT 3624 WRCT 3630 720 780 840 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 75 100 125 WRCT 4818 WRCT 4824 WRCT 4830 735 845 930 • 3" legs and apron SEMI-CIRCLE TABLE 36x18x16 36x24x16 36x30x16 66 88 110 SCST 3618 SCST 3624 SCST 3630 795 910 1010 48x18x16 48x24x16 48x30x16 75 100 125 SCST 4818 SCST 4824 SCST 4830 830 950 1050 PYCT 3030 PYCT 3636 PYCT 4242 PYCT 4848 516 590 680 725 PYRAMID TABLES OCCASIONAL TABLES 30x30x16 36x36x16 42x42x16 48x48x16 80 80 90 104 124 • 3" legs and apron o c c a s i o n a l Size END/LAMP (WDH) TA B L E S Weight t a b l e s Model No. Price Features CBLT 2424 CBLT 3030 CBLT 2128 280 320 308 FCLT 2424 FCLT 3030 FCLT 2128 368 415 398 • 3"h plinth base, recessed 3" on each side • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified FCDT 2424 FCDT 3030 FCDT 2428 648 785 705 • 3"h plinth base, recessed 3" on each side • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified • Interior finished in white • Hinge left unless otherwise specified • FCDT 3030 has a pair of doors RCCT 2424 RCCT 3030 RCCT 2128 495 585 545 70 80 75 RCCP 2424 RCCP 3030 RCCP 2128 515 607 566 • 3"h plinth base, recessed 3" on each side • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified 65 75 CELT 2400 CELT 3000 395 452 • Vertical sidewall is formed high density fibreboard 70 80 CELP 2400 CELP 3000 510 567 • Vertical sidewall is formed high density fibreboard • 3"h plinth base, recessed 3" on each side • Base finished same as rest of table unless otherwise specified 42 49 45 TELT 2424 TELT 3030 TELT 2128 353 385 365 • 2 ½" apron 21"H CUBE TABLES 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 32 45 42 FLOATING CUBE TABLES 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 52 59 55 FLOATING CUBE WITH DOOR 24x24x21 30x30x21 24x28x21 52 59 55 RADIUS CORNER CUBE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 65 75 70 FLOATING RADIUS CUBE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 CYLINDER 24 DIA x 21 30 DIA x 21 FLOATING CYLINDER 24 DIA x 21 30 DIA x 21 “T” TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 OCCASIONAL TABLES Custom heights—18"–20"h available at no extra cost, specify 22"–24"h available, specify and add 10% to price Denotes Quick Ship item. See page 5 for available finishes. 81 o c c a s i o n a l Size (WDH) Weight t a b l e s Model No. Price Features 55 65 RTLT 2424 RTLT 3030 526 543 • 2½" apron 28 42 34 PALT 2424 PALT 3030 PALT 2128 469 510 462 • 2½" legs and apron 38 55 45 PELT 2424 PELT 3030 PELT 2821 517 565 525 • 2½" legs and apron 38 55 45 CTLT 2424 CTLT 3030 CTLT 2821 560 620 580 • 2½" legs and apron 68 74 70 OCLT 2424 OCLT 3030 OTLT 2128 602 642 622 • 2½" legs and apron 24 30 28 TTLT 2424 TTLT 3030 TTLT 2128 345 375 350 • Submit plan view with 21x28 order indicating relation of 21" and 28" sides 50 60 55 WELT 2424 WELT 3030 WELT 2821 595 645 610 • 3" legs and apron QRLT 2424 QRLT 3030 QRLT 2128 490 559 540 • Submit plan view with 21x28 order indicating relation of 21" and 28" sides E N D / L A M P TA B L E S 21 " H RADIUS “T” TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 PARSONS TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 PANEL END TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 “C” TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 OPEN CUBE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 TRIANGLE TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 WATERFALL TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 QUARTER ROUND TABLE 24x24x21 30x30x21 21x28x21 30 43 40 OCCASIONAL TABLES Custom heights—18"–20"h available at no extra cost, specify 22"–24"h available, specify and add 10% to price 82 o c c a s i o n a l Size SOFA/CONSOLE (WDH) Weight t a b l e s Model No. Price Features TA B L E S PARSONS TABLE 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 40 45 49 54 62 PAHT 4814 PAHT 5414 PAHT 6014 PAHT 6614 PAHT 7214 524 545 558 586 593 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 44 48 52 57 75 PALT 4816 PALT 5416 PALT 6016 PALT 6616 PALT 7216 565 592 613 634 654 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 52 60 63 66 71 PEHT 4814 PEHT 5414 PEHT 6014 PEHT 6614 PEHT 7214 538 565 570 599 606 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 76 78 82 85 96 PELT 4816 PELT 5416 PELT 6016 PELT 6616 PELT 7216 565 590 595 630 635 • 2½" legs and apron PANEL END TABLE • 2½" legs and apron PANEL END TABLE WITH SHELF 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 62 70 73 76 81 PLHT 4814 PLHT 5414 PLHT 6014 PLHT 6614 PLHT 7214 618 665 670 719 726 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 86 88 92 95 106 PLLT 4816 PLLT 5416 PLLT 6016 PLLT 6616 PLLT 7216 685 740 745 790 795 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 50 55 59 64 72 RSHT 4814 RSHT 5414 RSHT 6014 RSHT 6614 RSHT 7214 787 832 885 892 945 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 54 58 63 67 85 RSLT 4816 RSLT 5416 RSLT 6016 RSLT 6616 RSLT 7216 832 885 951 958 991 • 2½" legs and apron • 1¼" shelf 6"AFF REVEAL SERIES • ¾" top, 1 ¼" reveal, 2" apron, 3½" leg • Reveal may be finished same as rest of table or any other standard laminate, specify OCCASIONAL TABLES 83 o c c a s i o n a l Size SOFA/CONSOLE (WDH) Weight t a b l e s Model No. Price Features TA B L E S WATERFALL TABLE 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 79 82 85 87 92 WSHT 4814 WSHT 5414 WSHT 6014 WSHT 6614 WSHT 7214 754 814 844 849 854 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 84 87 90 92 97 WSLT 4816 WSLT 5416 WSLT 6016 WSLT 6616 WSLT 7216 874 899 814 937 962 • 3" legs and apron SEMI-CIRCLE SERIES 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 79 82 85 87 92 SCHT 4814 SCHT 5414 SCHT 6014 SCHT 6614 SCHT 7214 830 918 950 956 962 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 84 87 90 92 97 SCLT 4816 SCLT 5416 SCLT 6016 SCLT 6616 SCLT 7216 975 1006 1026 1038 1063 HALF-CYLINDER SERIES 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 89 92 95 97 102 HCHT 4814 HCHT 5414 HCHT 6014 HCHT 6614 HCHT 7214 903 922 941 947 960 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 94 97 100 102 107 HCLT 4816 HCLT 5416 HCLT 6016 HCLT 6616 HCLT 7216 997 1017 1036 1042 1054 OCCASIONAL TABLES DOUBLE CYLINDER SERIES 84 48x14x25 54x14x25 60x14x25 66x14x25 72x14x25 94 97 100 102 107 DCHT 4814 DCHT 5414 DCHT 6014 DCHT 6614 DCHT 7214 1124 1143 1162 1168 1182 48x16x28 54x16x28 60x16x28 66x16x28 72x16x28 99 102 105 107 110 DCLT 4816 DCLT 5416 DCLT 6016 DCLT 6616 DCLT 7216 1225 1244 1263 1269 1288 • 3" legs and apron o c c a s i o n a l Size Model No. Price 12 15 24 30 36 42 SGPD 1218 SGPD 1224 SGPD 1236 SGPD 1242 SGPD 1836 SGPD 1848 199 213 239 253 294 335 18 DIA x 18 18 DIA x 24 18 DIA x 30 18 DIA x 36 18 DIA x 42 18 DIA x 48 20 25 30 35 40 45 CYLP 1818 CYLP 1824 CYLP 1830 CYLP 1836 CYLP 1842 CYLP 1848 351 394 438 483 636 636 24 DIA x 18 24 DIA x 24 24 DIA x 28 24 DIA x 30 63 66 69 70 CYLP 2418 CYLP 2424 CYLP 2428 CYLP 2430 413 499 515 517 30 DIA x 18 30 DIA x 24 30 DIA x 28 30 DIA x 30 75 80 85 90 CYLP 3018 CYLP 3024 CYLP 3028 CYLP 3030 478 582 602 605 (WDH) Weight t a b l e s Features D E C O R AT I V E PE D E S TA L S SQUARE 12x12x18 12x12x24 12x12x36 12x12x42 18x18x36 18x18x48 CYLINDERS GALLERY BENCHES • Panel end construction with 2½" end panels and apron • Units 60"w or longer have 2½"w center support 36x16x16 50 GABE 3616 435 42x16x16 55 GABE 4216 450 48x16x16 60 GABE 4816 465 54x16x16 65 GABE 5416 490 60x16x16 66x16x16 72x16x16 70 75 80 GABE 6016 GABE 6616 GABE 7216 660 685 700 OCCASIONAL TABLES 85 s e a t i n g c a p a c i t y TA B L E S E AT I N G C A PAC I T Y: GENERAL GUIDELINES Seating capacity is based on 30 inches per person. Actual space needed varies depending on chair width and tasks to be performed, e.g., conference room seating would require less space per person than technical classroom seating, where each person would need room for a computer and paperwork. SINGLE TA B L E S Use the 30"-per-person guideline to estimate table capacity. For example: A 60" x 36" rectangle table seats 6. 36" 60" A 48" dia. round table seats 5: Dia. x π (3.14) = circumference. 48 x 3.14 = 151"; 151 ÷ 30 = 5. 48" Rule of thumb: for rectangle, boat, racetrack and oval tables, the length in feet approximately equals the number of people that can be seated. For example, a boatshaped table 144" (12 feet) long seats 12 people. M U LT I P L E TA B L E S When ganging tables, use the 30"-per-person guideline to estimate capacity. For example: 60" 30" 72" 72" Two 30" x 60" rectangle tables are ganged with four 30"x 72" rectangle tables as shown. Add up the sides and divide by 30 to get the capacity of 18 people. 30" 204" 48" 96" 48" 24" 48" 86 Two 24" x 48" rectangles are ganged with four 24" x 48" quarter circle tops as shown. Again, add up the sides and divide by 30 to get the seating capacity: 96 x 3.14 = 301. 301 + 48 + 48 = 397. 397 ÷ 30 = 13.2. Capacity is approximately 13 people. s e a t i n g c a p a c i t y C A PAC I T Y B A S E D O N RO O M U S AG E : Room size Theatre 10 sq ft/person Classroom 20 sq ft/person Boardroom 30 sq ft/person 20' x 20' 40 20 13 20' x 40' 80 40 26 30' x 30' 90 45 30 30' x 40' 120 60 40 30' x 50' 150 75 50 40' x 40' 160 80 53 40' x 50' 200 100 66 50' x 50' 250 125 83 T R A I N I N G RO O M S PAC I N G G U I D E L I N E S : General spacing 4 feet between each row of tables 2½ feet between each participant 8 –10 feet from the instructional wall to the first row of tables Center aisle Under 100 people: 4 –5 foot wide center aisle 100 –200 people: 6 foot wide center aisles Over 200 people: 8 foot wide center aisles Space to rear wall Under 50 people: 7 feet between rear wall and tables 50 –100 people: 8 feet between rear wall and tables 100 –200 people: 10 feet between rear wall and tables Over 200 people: 12 feet between rear wall and tables Space to side walls Under 200 people: 4 –6 feet between side wall and tables Over 200 people: 8 feet between side wall and tables 87 HLF HLF Furniture h l f Furniture and in in l i s t Affordability p r i c e Affordability Office Office September 1, 1996 Function and t a b l e s Function Effective Form, L I S T P R I C E f u r n i t u r e Form, Furniture Furniture HLF Furniture, Inc. 44001 Van Born Road • Belleville, Michigan 48111 (734) 697-3000 • FAX (734) 697-3008 T A B L E S
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