report of the president 2006-07
report of the president 2006-07
report of the president 2006-07 spokane, washington report of the president 2006-07 table of contents president’s message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 the vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 people with purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 year in review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 governance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 honor roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 The Report of the President and Honor Roll 2006-07 is produced for the president by the Marketing and Communications office. Marny Lombard, editor; Gerald Almanza, graphics editor. Photos by Amy Sinisterra, Dale Goodwin, Mark Bodamer, Dean Davis, Patsy Fowler, Ryan Hardin and Brad Striebig. Editorial team includes Margot Stanfield, vice president for University Relations; Chuck Leonhardt, assistant vice president for marketing and communications; Pat Reese, associate director of development; Laura Gatewood, director of stewardship; and Dale Goodwin, director of public relations. Cover: This photograph was taken for Gonzaga University’s WATER program in Benin, West Africa. For more information, contact Gonzaga’s School of Engineering and Applied Science. president’s message building gonzaga’s future THE FOUNDATION. During the last nine years, Gonzaga has built a solid foundation from which to launch its new Strategic Plan, Vision 2012. We have completed yet another successful year. Our total enrollment was 6,736, with an undergraduate enrollment of 4,278, a Law enrollment of 555 and a graduate enrollment of 1,903. This is a 50-percent increase over our total enrollment in 1998 (4,507) and a 55-percent increase in our undergraduate enrollment since 1998 (2,764). The undergraduate GPA has increased significantly since that time. This year’s entering freshman class had an average GPA of 3.72 and an average SAT of approximately 1200 (the highest in our history). We are most proud of our freshman to sophomore retention statistic (92.3 percent) which shows remarkable student satisfaction. Once again, Gonzaga has done well in the national rankings. We ranked third in the U.S. News & World Report Western Regional University Ranking, and received outstanding scores in the Princeton Top Ten Percent Undergraduate Schools Ranking. We were also ranked in the top 20 schools in the nation known for engaging students (student leadership) based on a comprehensive study at Indiana University. Our professional school rankings were also excellent. The Schools of Business and Engineering were nationally ranked and the GU Law School ranked second in state on the bar exam. Our accountancy, debate and mock trial programs were ranked among the very best in the nation. Our athletic teams performed quite well with men’s 2 – report of the president 2006-07 basketball winning the West Coast Championship and returning to the NCAA Tournament for the ninth year in a row; women’s basketball winning the WCC Championship and going to the NCAA Tournament; our baseball team winning 30 games and nearly making it to the NCAA Tournament; and women’s crew taking the WCC championship for the ninth time in 10 years. Gonzaga has constructed 13 new facilities/additions in the last nine years – five new academic facilities (Law, Science, Business, Engineering and Florence), five new residence halls and three new athletic facilities (McCarthey Athletic Center, Patterson Baseball Complex and Rudolf Fitness Center). We have begun construction on the PACCAR Center for Applied Sciences (to the south of the Herak Engineering Building), and a second apartment building to the west of the recently completed Kennedy Apartments. We plan to put a beautiful grass and paver mall on Boone Avenue between St. Aloysius Church and the Kennedy Apartments and we will refashion the Eric and Ina Johnston Mall with a 10-foot statue of St. Ignatius Loyola (by famous northwest sculptor George Carlson), a reflecting pool and a promenade. We have completed major renovations of four other facilities: tripling the size of Cataldo, and completely renovating Hughes Science Center, the third and fourth floors of the Administration Building and the student Chapel. As most of you know, we completed a $150 million capital campaign two years ago. As a result, the University’s annual cash donations have tripled from $5.5 million per year to $16 million per year and the number of its donors has increased by 5,000. We are now planning an even more ambitious endowment campaign report of the president 2006-07 – 3 to increase scholarships significantly and to fund our Strategic Plan (described below). This will guarantee Gonzaga’s continued success into the next three decades. THE FUTURE. The above initiatives have set the stage for our Strategic Plan for 2012 and beyond. The Board of Trustees passed seven strategic planning goals at the April 2007 meeting. We are now working on the operational plan and funding mechanism to assure that our plan becomes a real animating power for the University’s future. The first goal provides the context for all the others: to commit every area of the University to the reflective engagement of her Jesuit, Catholic, and humanistic mission ideals. This not only distinguishes Gonzaga from other universities, but also defines her raison d’être. In view of the centrality of “Jesuit,” “Catholic” and “humanistic” in our identity, we formed a committee to define these terms for our foreseeable future. We made it part of a vision statement which the Trustees passed in December 2005 (see the Vision Statement on page 6). This goal specifically affirms the University’s commitment to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola and education in mission for our whole community. The second goal emphasizes the centrality of our academic mission: to educate and transform quality students in an enriched, academic environment. The primary objective of this goal includes increased support for faculty excellence, development of new programs and preparation for engagement in a global community. It affirms the integration of our Jesuit mission into the academic environment, and acknowledges the strength and centrality of our liberal arts core curriculum. The most challenging aspect of this goal concerns future growth about which the Strategic Plan states, “develop a clearly understood and widely supported enrollment plan that preserves the fundamental nature and mission of the University, and fosters its financial well-being and Strategic Plan – with a concomitant review of resources to support this plan.” This requires a decision about growth. If the University is going to meet the challenges of a demographic downturn in 2012 and fund the initiatives in its Strategic Plan, it will have to move from a highly tuition-dependent University to a moderately dependent one. This will require a significant increase in our endowment. The administration has developed 4 – report of the president 2006-07 a plan to increase the development staff appreciably and launch an endowment campaign next year. We have identified thousands of uncultivated major gift prospects who may be interested in supporting endowment for scholarships and programs, but they need to be informed about Gonzaga’s current needs and status through personal visits, hence the necessity for increasing our development staff. The administration has determined that if we are to make this significant increase in our development staff while funding the initiatives in our Strategic Plan, we will have to grow by approximately 50 students per year over the next four years. Since growth is a significant challenge, we want to receive optimal input from all our constituencies (faculty, staff, students, etc.) before embarking on this or another course of action. We will be hosting input sessions throughout the fall semester and will be preparing a plan for constituency review in late January at which time we will make a determination of the size of our freshman class. At present, there is tremendous demand for admission to the University which is reflected in an ever-increasing waitlist of hundreds of wellqualified students and ever-increasing selectivity in our admissions, but this will change in 2012 when the demographic downturn becomes a reality. When this occurs, the competition for students from other universities will become quite acute, requiring that Gonzaga boost its financial aid packages considerably. Yet we will not be able to afford this by growing because the demographic downturn will not permit additional growth (while maintaining our academic standards). Therefore, we will have to rely upon endowment, and that endowment will have to be raised by an increased development staff which can be paid for by growth over the next four years (before the demographic downturn becomes a reality). Assuming that some part of the growth plan becomes a reality, we will hire sufficient faculty and staff to maintain all of our current ratios (e.g., our student-teacher ratio at 12:1 and our average class size at 24). We have formulated a plan to build new residence halls, parking lots, classrooms, faculty offices and a new signature student center (larger than the Administration Building) to accommodate this proposed growth. These facilities will very likely be a part of our campus within three years (without sacrificing important green spaces such as the Foley lawn, the Quad or the Jundt lawn). Our stakeholders continue to discuss this growth plan to assure that it will not disrupt the quality of our education and the closeness of our campus life. Whatever growth plan is implemented, it will be reviewed annually by our constituencies. The third goal is concerned with another central mission area and strength: to develop the engagement of the entire University in the development of the whole person. This goal will enhance programming and cross-functional integration in the promotion of all aspects of student development – intellectual, emotional, spiritual, oral and physical — in the Jesuit tradition. Proper execution of this goal will keep Gonzaga’s unique spirit and ethos fully alive. The fourth goal affirms and promotes a diverse globally oriented campus community: to increase diversity and to affirm the value of human difference. To assure that our students have a deep awareness and respect for a diverse, international community, we must be vigilant about hiring faculty and staff, recruiting students and providing a supportive environment for people who will constitute this enriched community. This will provide the foundation for our fifth goal: to develop men and women for a more just and humane global community. This will entail expanding student, faculty and staff participation in study-abroad programs with mission-related academic initiatives. The sixth goal is the condition necessary for all the others — mission, academic, student life, diversity and international goals, namely, to secure the financial future of the University. In order to fund the priorities of our Strategic Plan and remain competitive in (and even increase) our merit and need-based scholarships, the administration is preparing a growth plan (see above Goal Two), an endowment campaign (which will begin next year and begin producing significant returns in 2011 and beyond), and a multi-year budgeting process. We will continue to be vigilant in our investments, the building of our donor base, leveraging the reputation of our academic and athletic programs, increasing our academic and other grants, and improving our marketing. Current indicators suggest that Gonzaga’s financial future will not only be secure, but very bright indeed. The seventh and final goal reflects the true ethos of Gonzaga — to foster the tradition of life-long relationships with alumni, friends and the broader community. As you can see, the University has built tremendous momentum to deliver the highest quality mission-oriented education possible both now and in the future. We believe that we can be the very best educational institution of our kind in the nation. Our whole community, from Trustees and faculty to students and staff, are exceedingly capable of achieving this vision. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you for your trust, vision, wisdom and generosity which have laid the groundwork for building Gonzaga’s incredibly bright future. report of the president 2006-07 – 5 strategic plan vision state Deeply rooted in the centuries-old tradition of Jesuit education, Gonzaga University aspires to develop the whole person through contemplation, intellectual dialogue and engagement within a vibrant Jesuit, Catholic and humanistic learning community. We exist to develop generations of leaders whose actions reflect a faith that promotes justice, the pursuit of truth, a dedication to service, and a commitment to ethics and the common good. Preface The Gonzaga ethos, in practice, can be seen as one of “overlapping commitments,” where we as a community agree on values and principles, some of us for religious reasons (whether Catholic or Christian or from other religious traditions), some of us for humanistic reasons, and some from our grounding in the Jesuit spirituality. We see these three terms as informing and bounding our ethos, creating a common field. While each of us may have a different location within this field, closer to one boundary than another, depending upon our grounding inspiration, all of us are presumed to operate within the same field.3 The Mission of Gonzaga University is at once Jesuit, Catholic and humanistic. Our sense is that the Mission, and thereby the community, is better served when statements about these terms are also symmetrical. For example, we require a Jesuit way of proceeding that supports and complements Catholicism, and a Catholic Church that supports Jesuit education; a humanism that is supportive of Catholicism but also a Catholicism that is supportive of humanistic values, and so forth. References The term “Jesuit” refers to a religious Order of men within the Catholic Church, who have committed their lives to the service of God in specific works. Through the profound influence of the Jesuit intellectual tradition and the vision of the Spiritual Exercises, the Constitutions, and documents of its General Congregations, Jesuits and their colleagues participate in the work of the Society of Jesus. In the context of the University, “Jesuit education” includes major themes: helping students to find their own calling from God through the creation of a discerning heart that can identify their true desires; the cultivation of a faith that promotes justice; and the formation of “persons for others” — students who graduate with a desire to give something back to their community. “Jesuit” also means helping students recognize and confront the realities of sin and suffering in the world — not only through study but through solidarity with the marginalized in our society by direct, hands-on, face-to-face 6 – report of the president 2006-07 ement engagement. We should aspire to form committed Christians and engaged citizens allied in the building of a more humane and just society. The term “Catholic” refers to a specific Church, which expresses itself through living the Gospel of Christ, and understands itself through time in its Councils and traditions.1 The Jesuits and their colleagues carry out their Mission as a vocation within this Church. The Catholic Church provides the opportunity for the cultivation of a vibrant and mature faith life, and a means of reaching out to the world with a message of hope: a belief in the love of God. The Catholic Church includes a sacramental, moral and intellectual tradition which seeks dialogue beyond itself to reach that horizon of hope and love. A significant way in which the University serves the Church is by providing a forum in which Catholicism can enter into critical (that is, intellectually reasoned and responsible) dialogue with other voices and other fields of knowledge. It has been said many times over these last several years, that the Catholic university is a significant “place where the Church does its thinking.”2 The term “humanistic” is understood to include the quest for selfknowledge and the formation of a virtuous character. We impart to our students a critical understanding and appreciation of our common human nature, the moral heritage of their culture and society, as well as some exposure and education in cultures and societies different from our own. We also impart to students a similarly critically informed understanding and appreciation for their own religious traditions and an exposure and education to other religious traditions prevalent in our global community. Humanistic, in its original meaning, “of the humanities,” is meant beyond academics to include the development of the whole person, helping students to integrate their lives into a harmonious whole and learning to prize and respect the flourishing of others, however different from themselves. This latter sense links “humanistic” to both “Catholic” and “Jesuit,” which have a concern for the faith that promotes not only individual, but social justice. The integration of the three therefore requires an integration of faith, justice, ethics, service and leadership for the common good into a vibrant learning environment. The Catholic Church has most recently articulated its relationship to Catholic universities through the apostolic constitution, Ex Corde Ecclesiae. In addition, the Documents of Vatican II, and the Social and other encyclicals, have shed great light on the need for, and the value and nature of, Catholic higher education. 2 Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, former President, Notre Dame. 3 Within the Jesuit tradition, “humanism” is seen as distinct from “secular humanism” (see Preface). 1 report of the president 2006-07 – 7 What better way to think about the University’s Strategic Plan and future than by acquainting yourself with a handful of Gonzaga’s most remarkable people? We hope that the following pages help you do both. More like Gonzaga itself… The best you can be… Passion and vision… 8 – report of the president 2006-07 Responsible to higher ideas… goal one To commit every area of the University to the reflective engagement of her Jesuit, Catholic and humanistic Mission ideals. Sarah Meissel envisioned a new breed of Freshman Retreats as a catalyst for the transformation of Gonzaga’s students. Sarah Meissel (’04) worked three years for Gonzaga’s University Ministry as coordinator of the Freshman Retreats, which are held at Bozarth Mansion. She brought passion and a particular vision to the job: “I was hoping to make the retreats look more like Gonzaga itself. I wanted to run retreats where the students wanted to come, where they could feel great about themselves and connect with their spirituality. Where they could learn how to be a better version of themselves.” Meissel met her own challenge. Between 2004 and 2007, the number of freshmen participants per year more than tripled to over 200 attendees. Last year, nearly half were non-Catholics, including Baptists, Buddhists, Unitarians, atheists and others. What had been four retreats in a year became six. Student leadership multiplied exponentially, as well. The same five students used to serve as retreat leaders for an entire year. Last year, under Meissel’s leadership, 79 upperclass students participated as leaders. Eighty-six students applied for leadership spots this year, so many that some had to be turned away. Her first year was a bit rocky, as Meissel recalls it. Not everyone embraced the new model. But Meissel moved gently and surely, ensuring that students were actively involved in the Masses, instituting small-group activities, and creating icebreakers. Square dancing and hiking kept their places on the weekend schedule. Upperclass students talked about their spiritual journeys during their own first year on campus. Freshmen participants returned to campus with new purpose and new friends. Meissel calls her years at University Ministry among the best of her time at Gonzaga. report of the president 2006-07 – 9 goal two To educate and transform quality students in an enriched academic environment. “At Gonzaga, you’re responsible to higher ideas of what you could be or should be,” said English Associate Professor Patricia Terry. Each spring, English Associate Professor Patricia Terry watches the English department’s best and brightest students present their first formal, academic papers at Gonzaga’s annual Undergraduate English Conference. She thinks back to her first encounter with many of them, as sometimes awkward freshmen in Intro to Literature. “I find they’ve developed into these young adults with great potential and a demonstration of real academic ability, and I think, ‘Wow, I don’t know if I was any part of that transformation, but I’m impressed,’ ” said Terry, who was recently named associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. What’s at the root of these transformations? “It’s our smaller classes and the interaction with our faculty. It’s the personal quality of our education, creating a learning community that transforms you into a more responsible human being. You’re responsible to someone. You’re responsible to higher ideas of what you could be or should be.” Terry also points to Gonzaga’s service learning and social justice emphases, and international opportunities. She praises the new Center for Teaching and Advising, and advocates continued hiring of faculty to safeguard the University’s personal feel. One last thing: “If I could be another person in addition to what I do now, I would develop internships for students in the humanities. That way those students would have more choices.” In the mind of a great teacher, there’s always more to be done. 10 – report of the president 2006-07 goal three To deepen the engagement of the entire University in the development of the whole person. Many DeSmet Hall traditions trace their roots to Father Kevin Waters, S.J., chaplain of Gonzaga’s first men’s residence hall. For a quarter-century, the chaplain of DeSmet Hall has been Father Kevin Waters, S.J. Because of him — and surely in some cases despite him — a wealth of traditions has grown up around Gonzaga’s first residence hall. The group photos, for instance, seen behind him in the hall. In the early 1980s when Fr. Waters arrived, the freshmen and sophomore men were a scruffy lot. Long hair, casual dress. “They didn’t know what it was to be dressed up,” Fr. Waters said. He organized formal group photographs, collecting every young soul in DeSmet and convincing them all that a half-hour in a buttondown shirt was in their own best interest. The photos are still taken each year, and the walls of DeSmet’s lounge are filled with the evidence. In a few of the photos, the formality is belied by a couple of individualists who wore jacket, tie — and shorts. But Fr. Waters’ point is still made: These young men are going to be someone someday. Intent on building community, Fr. Waters holds Mass each Sunday in DeSmet. Residents sometimes bring their girlfriends, some from neighboring Welch Hall. One young couple became engaged, and prior to their wedding the priest who was to marry them asked where their home parish was. Their answer – “DeSmet parish.” That says it all. report of the president 2006-07 – 11 goal four To increase diversity and affirm the value of human difference. “I live in a hearing world where people presume you are normal,” said junior Adam Membrey. Sometimes it seems the word diversity has become a way to refer to different skin color and nothing more. But the Latin vertere is a verb meaning “to turn.” Dis- has several meanings, among them “aside” or “asunder.” Adam Membrey is a junior whose life turned onto a different path when he caught meningitis at age 4 and lost his hearing. “I live in a hearing world, where people presume you are normal.” Adam relies on lip reading. He’s also an ambitious writer, wicked smart, and spent part of this summer fretting over his first novel. Was it really ready to go to a publisher? Here’s an example of Adam’s worst days: He attended a lecture given by a restless guest professor, who didn’t know Adam, a pacer who walked circles. Adam got the first half of the professor’s story, but became hopelessly lost as the speaker kept turning away from the class. It got worse. Lecture over, the professor worked the room, quizzing each student. Adam used his best body language (ignore-me-I’m-invisible) and at one point was nearly ready to bolt from his seat. At the end of class he was one of two students who’d escaped the grilling. This articulate young man has his share of triumphs, too. As a freshman he organized a campus-wide book drive for international charities, gathering and shipping 1,500 textbooks. “I used to never put myself out there, not unless I was sure I would be comfortable,” Adam says. “Sometimes when I talk to people, I understand everything fine. Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, I have no clue. I can tell a lot from context, and I know body language really well. I can tell when someone’s telling a joke, for instance. “Sometimes, at the end of the day, I feel pretty crummy. But I wake up in the morning and have the chance to do it again, the chance to do it better.” 12 – report of the president 2006-07 goal five To develop men and women for a more just and humane global community. Into her life, Uma Selvanathan will weave a career in medicine, closeness to her family in Singapore and a passion for social justice. Uma Selvanathan (’07) is a social activist with a vigorous intellect and a remarkably international outlook. While at Gonzaga, she worked with AIDS victims in Africa and indeed she is seeking a career in medicine. But first she is spending a year at home in Singapore. One May afternoon before graduation, Uma sat on the front steps of the Administration Building and talked about her dreams. “I have not made any plans that are set in stone. Rather, I have a general idea of what I want to do. It involves being a doctor, being a good family member and friend, social justice and traveling.” Right now, she is taking experiences as they come. She is teaching secondary school in this transition year after graduation. Most important, though, is the time Uma spends with her family, including her grandmother, a Tamil woman who grew up in Malaysia, then followed her husband to Singapore where she raised six daughters. Those daughters and more so Uma’s generation, the granddaughters, grew up knowing that they were worthy of education. Often Uma heard her grandmother say, “You have to be the best you can be. You have no excuse. If I had your advantages, I would be sitting next to the prime minister.” Who will Uma sit across from one day? report of the president 2006-07 – 13 goal six To secure the financial future of the University. Patrick Mick and his parents created a tailor-made scholarship. Giving back to Gonzaga can happen in a million ways. Patrick Mick (’06) and his family found their own. Patrick is from Chicago, a child of the prairie who fell in love with the mountains. Oh, he fell in love with Gonzaga, too — the depth of the Jesuit mission, the professors who challenged him, and the students who became dear friends. But most especially Patrick says he found strength in the beauty of Idaho and Montana. Priest Lake, for instance, surrounded by the granite Selkirks. And the smaller Upper Priest Lake, where he often kayaked. No roads lead there; the only way is to hike or go by boat. Patrick learned that his Idaho and Montana friends were treasures, too. “They were the kindest souls, real people with nothing fake about them. And that allowed me to be exactly who I am.” Originally a business major, Patrick switched to sociology, the study of people. Helping others became his calling. Nursing is his chosen field. Patrick and his parents, Bill and JoAnn, have endowed a scholarship in his name. He chose the criteria, which is to help sociology majors with financial need from Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, in that order. This, from a young man from Chicago, who loves Gonzaga — and Mother Nature’s mountains. 14 – report of the president 2006-07 goal seven To foster the tradition of lifelong relationships with alumni, our friends and the broader community. “I love Gonzaga,” said Horace Lowe. “I’m just an old Bulldog barking the Gonzaga message.” Horace Lowe (’83, JD ’86) calls himself a “poor man’s attorney.” A Denver resident, he is also a grass-roots activist who works with youth and preaches the value of education. Lowe makes his point through his own story. He began college in the Air Force ROTC program at Tennessee State University, but withdrew during his first year to enlist in the United States Air Force. He was stationed at Fairchild Air Force Base for three years, during which he completed two years of study at Fort Wright College, now defunct. After his discharge in 1976, he found work as a bank courier and then at the Kaiser Aluminum Trentwood Mill. By 1981, newly married and looking to start a family, Lowe had been in Spokane for seven years. He knew it was time to complete his education. Lowe left Kaiser and enrolled at Gonzaga with no idea how to pay his tuition and expenses. One day during his first semester, Lowe was eating cold pizza in the cafeteria and worrying about money for heating oil for his furnace at home. A stranger approached and asked how he was doing. “Not great,” Lowe replied. The man, who cared enough to listen, was Charles Schaefer, Gonzaga’s financial aid director. That afternoon, Schaefer handed Lowe a scholarship fund check for $2,500 for living expenses and offered him a full scholarship, so long as he stayed on the Dean’s List. Lowe succeeded (magna cum laude) and graduated from the Law School in 1986, after receiving a Graduate Professional Opportunity Fellowship. “I could not be prouder. I am forever telling my Gonzaga story,” he said. “It’s my lead anecdote when I talk to young people about the importance of academic performance in high school and of challenging themselves in college.” Lowe’s advocacy has paid off. This fall, one of his protégées is enrolled in Gonzaga’s freshman class, with nearly a full academic scholarship package. “I may not come to any of our rah-rah reunions,” Lowe said, “but I love Gonzaga. I’m just an old Bulldog barking the Gonzaga message.” report of the president 2006-07 – 15 year in review chronology September: Robert Prusch announced his intent to step down as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, with the goal of returning to teaching biology and to champion the development of a Native American studies concentration. September: An environmental studies program debuted on campus, led by Jonathan Isacoff, assistant professor of political science. Sept. 12: Hon. Cynthia Imbrogno, U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District of Washington, received the 2006 Distinguished Judicial Service Award during the Red Mass at St. Aloysius Church. Sept. 22-23: On the 37th annual Pilgrimage more than 200 participants celebrated the origins of the University on the 14-mile trek to the Sacred Heart Mission at Cataldo, Idaho. Sept. 23: It was a big day at the Inchelium Elementary School when Gonzaga leadership students and basketball players gave their annual basketball clinic for children on the Colville Indian Reservation. September: Newly remodeled Modern Language Lab opened with expanded teaching and learning opportunities. The work was accomplished with the help of a $100,000 grant from PACCAR. 16 – report of the president 2006-07 September: First annual memorial golf tournament was held to honor Matt Madison, a junior who died from a fall while traveling in Scotland in January 2006. Oct. 10: Poet/scholar Jane Hirshfield read to a standing-room only audience at the Globe Room in Cataldo Hall, opening the English department’s new Visiting Writers Series. October: Bishop White Seminary celebrated its 50th anniversary. The seminary is raising funds to build a new facility on the Bishop White site. caution: verbal pyrotechnics Gonzaga Debate Institute, run each summer by Gonzaga University’s debate program, brought approximately 180 debaters to campus this year. That’s a lot of high school debate talent, said Glen Frappier, director of the University’s debate program. It’s also a terrific collection of prospective Gonzaga students. “The Institute provides a tremendous opportunity for recruiting,” Frappier said. “We basically get a month-long evaluation of students whom we feel might have potential. We generally begin tracking students as sophomores and juniors. This month proves invaluable for developing an accurate assessment of their skills, experience and potential.” Gonzaga’s summer debate program is second in size only to the University of Michigan’s. But one attending debater offered his take on how Gonzaga’s program reigns in terms of quality. High school senior Colin Caprera of Carlsbad, Calif., attended the UM program for two years before coming to Gonzaga this past summer. Caprera said he was amazed to find that he could choose from among three lectures each morning, versus one per day at Michigan. “Plus, the classes are a lot smaller and you have more chances to ask questions,” Caprera said. “I learned multiple tools to use, and I learned to keep my mind open to different arguments.” Most of all, he liked the way the institute’s faculty took a more critical – even philosophical – approach to the debate topic. This year’s topic for high school policy debates is whether the United States should increase public-health aid to sub-Saharan Africa. High school debaters spent up to a month on campus. To pull off this marathon, Frappier imported 24 faculty, including a few of GU’s top debaters and many out-of-state coaches and professors. The work is more than worth it. “Over the years many of our debaters attended the GDI as high school students. More than half of our current team members are alumni of our high school institute,” Frappier said. report of the president 2006-07 – 17 year in review learning with their hands About a half-hour’s drive from the powerful Mississippi River, with its locks and barges, its never-ending commerce and glitzy riverboats, is the little, bitty town of Jonestown, Miss. With a population of 1,701, Jonestown has a median household income of $14,900 and a median age of 21. Many of its families are headed by women. Some houses lack electricity or running water, or both. “I never thought of people in our country living in that kind of condition,” said Tiffany Malcom, a senior who has traveled to Jonestown, first as a participant of Mission: Possible and then as a coordinator. For eight years, Mission: Possible has taken students on service projects during spring break. This April, more than 100 students will travel to eight sites around the country, including Jonestown. Last spring, Malcom’s team included 18 students and a staff advisor. As is typical for Mission: Possible, their work was hands-on. They tackled several projects at the home of a matrilineal family, re-siding and painting the modest house, building a new back porch, patching the roof, putting in new windows. Oct. 19: Named to Distinguished Alumni Merit Awards were engineer Gene McKay (’59), the former president and CEO of Bovay Engineering; diabetes research, Mary Loeken (’77), who has taught at the Joslin Diabetes Center since 1988; entrepreneur Fred Brown (’82), who founded Next IT, a software firm focusing on artificial intelligence; and young alumnus Brady Strahl of Pacific Hospitality Group. Dec. 8: Gonzaga student singers Big Bing Theory helped to celebrate the renaming of Spokane’s Metropolitan Performing Arts Center to the Bing Crosby Theater to honor Gonzaga’s most famous alumnus. 18 – report of the president 2006-07 They also planted a garden — carrots, peas, watermelon and corn, squash, lettuce, radishes, potatoes. “And a lot of flowers,” Malcom said. Malcom remembers one moment in particular. It was Thursday afternoon, and the team had been working for five days. She had just gotten back from a supply run to town. “The house had completely changed. All the siding was done, the painting was finished, the porch was pretty much done. You wouldn’t even have recognized it. There were three or four people who were struggling to put in this one new window. It wasn’t working for them, and they would just laugh and start over again. There were three or four people in a paint fight with the kids. “I looked around and there wasn’t a single person there who wasn’t smiling. There were 18 students who hadn’t known each other before this, who gave up a week in their lives to come down and help people. And they didn’t just work. They got involved with the children, they wanted to know what their plans were for the future. “It was hard physical labor, eight hours a day, and having fun. I loved it. I loved everything about it.” Mission: Possible is a program of Gonzaga’s Center for Community Action and Service Learning. Dec. 21: Gonzaga’s New York alumni chapter was launched prior to the Gonzaga-Duke basketball game at Madison Square Garden. December: Ongoing renovation of the Administration Building led to unearthed treasures. Discovered by a construction crew were a wallet lost in 1942 and an early letterman’s jacket. January: Renowned artist and author Faith Ringgold exhibited her work in the Jundt Art Museum. Ringgold’s art has brought her international recognition. February: Gonzaga named Marc Manganaro as its new dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Manganaro previously served as dean of academic affairs for Douglass College at Rutgers University. January: Renowned author, filmmaker and GU alumnus Sherman Alexie spoke to students through the Visiting Writers Series. Alexie, who is a Spokane and Coeur d’Alene Indian, has written several books about life on the Spokane Indian Reservation. January: Christian filmmaker Barbara Nicolosi explained to Gonzaga students why movies and the arts at large should matter to Catholics and the Catholic Church. measuring success of the new Mulligan Field With its new artificial turf and powerful lights towering over the surface at 60 feet, Mulligan Field triggered an explosion in intramural and club sports. The field springs to life seven days a week, with play careening past midnight as if 8 a.m. classes the next morning were a figment of the registrar’s imagination. Built largely through student fees, Mulligan has seen intramural participation nearly double in the past three years. A significant portion of students sign up for intramural sports, including soccer, flag football, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, not to mention a host of indoor sports. “We just have a lot of athletic kids, and not just undergrads, either. They’re at all levels, Law School students, faculty and staff; they’re all involved in intramurals. When you reinvest in something, everyone becomes aware of it — that’s the best thing,” said Rip Horsey, director of Rudolf Fitness Center. Remember the old Mulligan? It was known as the mud-pit, where treacherous footing was routine, and falls and minor injuries occurred with dismal regularity. The new Mulligan? “The thing that strikes me is that everyone I see out here is smiling. They’re out here just having a great time,” Horsey said. How do you measure a great time? Here’s one way: Last year, close to 900 championship intramural T-shirts were given out to members of winning teams. “Everyone loves that shirt. It’s their prize possession.” report of the president 2006-07 – 19 year in review February: Gonzaga ranked fourth in the nation for universities its size for the number of alumni serving as Peace Corps volunteers. Feb. 28: In the Barbieri Courtroom, The Hon. Kazuo Tanaka, consul general of Japan in Seattle, spoke to law students about Japanese foreign policy. March: Professor Jon Sunderland was named dean of the School of Education. Sunderland’s roots at Gonzaga run deep. He has taught and held various leadership positions for 27 years. March 1: The Rukavina History of Philosophy Lecture Series opened with visiting Kierkegaard scholar Steven Evans of Baylor University. The series honors Professor Emeritus Thomas Rukavina, who joined Gonzaga in 1958 as the first lay professor in the philosophy department. particularly if you’re going for a Ph.D.,” said Associate Professor Molly Kretchmar Might a fungus someday stop the Hendricks, a comparative psychologist. proliferation of cheatgrass across the fire She and Visiting Professor Mark Bodamer prone West? Or will cheatgrass be reined in of Pacific University took 17 students to by bacteria that inhibit the growth of roots? Zambia this summer, where they stayed Student researchers Laura Street and Sandra at the Chimfunshi Refuge, a chimpanzee Dooley worked on research related to these orphanage and sanctuary. Students helped questions this summer with biology Assistant with ongoing research projects, videotaping Professor Julie Beckstead, whose research hand-clasping patterns and behaviors the interests include conservation biology. chimps use when drinking water. Gonzaga’s undergraduates have an Within the Gonzaga Science Research increasing opportunity to enter the world of Group (GSRP) summer program for biology, research, both in science chemistry and physics, and other disciplines. student researchers gather Those who do so find a each Wednesday for double pay-off. presentations by one or The short-term two of their peers. These benefit? Think summer mini-seminars are held on jobs. Out of 51 applicants the quad in front of Hughes for science research Hall. Pizza, sunshine and internships at Gonzaga, all, it’s an excellent way for 26 biology and chemistry students to get experience students landed positions in giving formal scientific this year. Most were paid; presentations, said Howard others received academic Laura Street and Sandra Dooley Glass, GSRP director. credit, or some combination of both. In addition to helping students gain What about the long term? Increasingly, valuable experience, Gonzaga’s research graduate schools are looking for applicants program also helps faculty obtain external with this kind of experience. “Undergraduate grants to support their research. research experience is essential — not just a “Both objectives strengthen our science nice thing, but essential — to getting into any programs and help us compete for the best of the more competitive graduate schools, students and faculty,” Glass said. cheatgrass to chimpanzees 20 – report of the president 2006-07 March 1: Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United States spoke to a standing-room-only audience about the war and rebuilding efforts in his country. April: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine rated Gonzaga 42nd on its list of 100 best college values. April: A dedication ceremony opened the new Patterson Baseball Complex, bringing baseball home to the Gonzaga campus after three years. April 20: Celebration of the 10th anniversary of Unity House precedes an announcement in May of the departure of longtime Unity House Director Bob Bartlett. April: A vivid performance of “The Crucible” by playwright Arthur Miller displayed the prowess of theater students directed by Assistant Professor Brian Russo, who joined Gonzaga’s theater arts program in September. April: The Men’s Violence Prevention Group formed on campus as one outcome of a $200,000 federal grant to Gonzaga for projects to prevent, educate about and respond to violence against women. April 24: Honored as untenured Faculty of the Year were Eric Cunningham, history; Ellen Maccarone, philosophy; Tod Marshall, English; Shannon Overbay, mathematics. Named as tenured Faculty of the Year were John Downey, religious studies; Tina Geithner, exercise science; Mark Shrader, business; and Nancy Worsham, psychology. president of the University, received the DeSmet Medal, Gonzaga’s highest honor. May: Named to honorary Doctor of Laws degrees were Sister Phyllis Marie Taufen, SNJM, a Holy Names sister and retired Gonzaga professor; Major General Jason Kamiya (’76) of the Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Va.; Alan Mulally, president and CEO of Ford Motor Co., father of graduating senior Molly Mulally and undergraduate speaker; William Neukom, president-elect of the American Bar Association and Law ceremony speaker; and Martin Favero (’59), director of scientific and clinical affairs in the advanced sterilization products area of Johnson and Johnson, and Graduate ceremony speaker. Norman L. Roberts (’59 J.D.), a University Regent and benefactor, received the Law Medal. May: Rebuilt after suspected arson delayed completion by a year, the Kennedy Apartments opened to upperclass students. About 220 juniors and seniors reside there this year. An in-house bistro and Zags apparel shop are located on the ground level. The second half of the complex, to house about 200 more students, is under construction. June: Margot J. Stanfield, vice president for university relations, was honored by the Jesuit Advancement Administrators with its highest award, the J. Barry McGannon, S.J., Award. This honor is reserved for individuals who provide exemplary service in advancement to Jesuit higher education. April 26: Ground was broken for the PACCAR Center for Applied Science. The 25,000 square-foot building will sit directly south of Herak Center for Engineering. The PACCAR Center will open for classes in Fall 2008. May 12 and 13: Graduation of Gonzaga’s 120th class created 1,830 new graduates, including 983 seniors, 649 master’s students, 15 doctoral students and 183 Law School students. This was, for the fifth consecutive year, the University’s largest graduating class. Harry Sladich, vice report of the president 2006-07 – 21 governance administration Chief Operating Officers Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J. Joan Y. Allbery Patrick J. Lee, S.J. Thayne M. McCulloh Charles J. Murphy Harry H. Sladich Margot J. Stanfield Sue D. Weitz Michael J. Casey President Chancellor Interim Vice President for Administration/Planning Vice President for Mission Interim Academic Vice President Vice President for Finance Vice President Vice President for University Relations Vice President for Student Life Corporation Counsel Board of Trustees University’s policy-making body Michael A. Patterson Chair Donald P. Nelles Vice Chair Harry H. Sladich Secretary Timothy Barnard Fred A. Brown Walter J. Conn Gerri Craves Donald Curran Elizabeth Hanson Donald H. Herak Jim Jundt Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. David Joseph Leigh, S.J. Rita Liebelt John J. Luger Harry F. Magnuson Shannon McCambridge Jack McCann Philip G. McCarthey Scott Morris Michael Moynahan, S.J. Joseph Rossi, S.J. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Peter F. Stanton John M. Stone Trustees Emeriti John Andrew James F. Aylward William Burch John Clute Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J. Luino Dell’Osso Sherwood L. Fawcett W. Brooks Fields T. Jerry Greenan John G. Hayes William E. Hayes, S.J. Daniel P. Hogan, Jr. Bobbie Huguenin Duff Kennedy W.P. Laughlin John B. Maughan Angelo R. Mozilo Carl R. Pohlad David A. Sabey Harry H. Sladich Thomas B. Tilford Board of Regents Advisory board to the President and Trustees Gregory A. Hubert President Robert J. [Jim] Day Vice President Peter Allison Richard F. Angotti Peter Arkison Anthony Bonanzino Paul W. Brajcich Gabriella Brooke Robert L. Burke 22 – report of the president 2006-07 Dr. Nancy S. Burnett Sharon Cade Rebecca A. Cates Gerard V. Centioli Tim Clancy, S.J. Craig T. Clifford Joseph A. Columbus Va Lena Curran Barbara [Bobbi] Daniels Kevin D. Daniels Angel M. Diez Richard Eymann Mary Fairhurst Al Falkner William Geary Theresa Gee Dale Goodwin Colleen Gould Josef E. Gray Donald Hackney Robert J. Hamacher John E. [Jack] Heath, III Mary Herche Lorelei Herres Ryan Hew Christine M. Hogan Stanton K. Hopper Gregory Huckabee Marcus Jundt James Kubacki Michael D. Lucarelli Lita Luvera John Madri Kathleen Magnuson Sheppard Simon Manning Robert McCambridge Dan McCann Thomas K. McCarthey Kevin D. McQuilkin Colleen Meighan William Mick John P. Moynier Molly Murphy John J. Parente Mary Jane Patterson Darren Plummer Richard Powers William Quigg Edward Ralph Gary Randall Jeffrey Reed D. Michael Reilly Irene Ringwood Norman L. Roberts Karen L. Sayre Reed Schifferman James Schumacher David R. Shea Kathy Sherrick Richard J. Shinder Bishop William Skylstad Patricia Smith Albert A. Stadtmueller Richard Taylor, II James S. Thompson Thatcher Thompson Timothy Thompson Dr. Diane Timberlake John C. Timm Michael Tobin Robert H. Tomlinson Michael F. Tucci Kevin P. West Fritz H. Wolff James J. Workland John L. Worthing William Wrigglesworth, Jr. Irving Zakheim Regents Emeriti Anne Aram Joseph P. Delay Dr. Thomas A. Driscoll Earl J. Gilmartin, Jr. Dr. Judith Gilmartin George A. Grant Donald R. Kayser John Kelly Bernard Levernier Wilfrid G. Loeken Claire McDonald Robert McDonald James H. Prince Philip M. Raekes L. Philip Reinig Charles M. Salina James P. Seabeck Charles H. Steilen David J. Taylor finance report of the president 2006-07 – 23 finance 24 – report of the president 2006-07 report of the president 2006-07 – 25 finance unrestricted operating expenses 2006-07 instructional 30% student aid 27% general administration & institutional 13% other 9% auxiliary enterprises 9% plant operations 5% student services 4% libraries 3% unrestricted operating expenses 2003 to 2007 26 – report of the president 2006-07 unrestricted operating revenues 2006-07 tuition & fees 83% auxiliary enterprises 12% gifts 2% other 3% fundraising 2003 to 2007 report of the president 2006-07 – 27 finance Statistical and Financial Highights Statistics Financial 28 – report of the president 2006-07 honorroll 2006-2007 major benefactors lifetime contributors Gonzaga University proudly recognizes and honors these major contributors whose outstanding generosity and spirit of lifetime giving demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the finest level of higher education available. == Deceased $5,000,000 and Above (Cumulative) Duet Technologies Jesuit Community of Gonzaga University Jim and Joann Jundt Fritz and Jeanie Wolff $2,000,000 - $4,999,999 (Cumulative) Alphonse and Geraldine Arnold Estate Comstock Foundation M. O. Flannery Estate Charles Gillingham Estate Don and Carol = Herak The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc. Independent Colleges of Washington Bob and Alice Jepson Duff and Dorothy = Kennedy Charlotte Y. Martin Estate Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation Phil and Sandy McCarthey Tom and Mary McCarthey Bob and Claire McDonald M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Oracle Corporation The Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation Carl R. Pohlad J. Merton = and Jessie Rosauer Sterling Software Tom and Camilla Tilford $1,000,000 - $1,999,999 (Cumulative) Louis = and Kathryn Barbieri Tim and Mary Barnard Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation The Boeing Company Bill and Nancy Burnett Cadre Technologies, Inc. Henry J. Casey = Marguerite M. Casey = Dr. Patrick J. Cavanaugh Estate Chester and Catherine J. Chastek = Harriet Cheney Cowles Foundation Fred and Barbara Curley = Bernard and Marsha Daines Sperry H. Goodman Estate The Theodore R. & Vivian M. Johnson Scholarship Foundation Kreielsheimer Foundation Tom Martin = and Noreen Hobbs Martin Jack and Mary McCann Jane McCarthey Family Joseph L. McCarthy Estate Microsoft Corporation Charlie and Doris O’Connor PACCAR Inc Dave and Sandy Sabey Sodexho Marriott Services Walter A. and Hazel Toly = Betty S. Wheeler $500,000 - $999,999 (Cumulative) Allegro Investments, LLC Avista Corporation Fred E. Bigelow Estate Horace and Christine Bozarth = Fred and Leslie Brown Gerard Centioli Ben B. Cheney Foundation Bill and Virginia = Clemens John and Nancy Clute Walter and Donna Conn Harry L. (Bing) Crosby = Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis Estate Bud W. Driessel Estate Anna Fahey Estate Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hennessey, Jr. Herak Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company Johnston-Hanson Foundation W. M. Keck Foundation Joseph R. Keys = KnowledgeWare, Inc. The Kresge Foundation Henry Luce Foundation Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera Esther A. McCoy Estate Dr. Earl Miller Estate Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo The Mozilo Family Foundation Robert and Carol (Smail) Palencar Robert and Ann Powers = Ed and Yvonne = Ralph Rational Software Corporation Norm and Rita Roberts Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation Rudolf Family Foundation John and Elizabeth Rudolf Mark and Katherine Ryland Sabey Corporation Dr. Scholl Foundation The Steele-Reese Foundation John and Suzi Stone Frank X. Suttey Estate John and Betty Tubbs = Union Pacific Railroad United Way of King County Elizabeth Van Sistine Estate Washington Trust Bank Carrie Welch Trust Estate Helen Welty Estate $250,000 - $499,999 (Cumulative) Theodore B. Albi Estate John and Jewel Andrew John = and Anne Aram Bank of America Corporation Bank of America Foundation Boise Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bolker Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation John E. Cannon, Sr. Estate Iris & B. Gerald = Cantor Foundation Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey Gerard Centioli Centioli Family, LLC Ben B. Cheney Foundation Comshare, Inc. Henry L. Day Estate Joe and Edna Deichl Joseph and Helen Delay Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr. Lawrence E. Duffy Estate Fluke Corporation Orlanta Franck = Gonzaga University Law Adjunct Faculty George and Marianne Grant 31 Jerry and Helen Greenan Jo and Patsy Hall = Ellen Healy Estate William Randolph Hearst Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. = Dan Hogan, Jr. Hooker Creek Ranch IBM Corporation Euretta James Estate George F. Jewett Foundation Johnston Foundation Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny Dr. Charles = and Margaret K. Larson Harry = and Harriet Leppek Wil and Pat Loeken John and Donna Luger Harry and Colleen Magnuson Jennifer Vertetis McCann Jack D. Miklos Estate The Mozilo Family Foundation Aloysius and Jody Mullally John = and Margie Murphy Next IT Corporation The Odell Fund Oregon Province Society of Jesus Mike and Emma Patterson Ed and Yvonne = Ralph Frances Salla Estate Stephen and Mary Shinn Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation Mary E. Stuart Estate Gertrude K. Sully Estate Sun Microsystems, Inc. Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci Union Pacific Foundation Pat and Carol West E. L. Wiegand Foundation Geraldine Wynkoop Estate thank you $100,000 - $249,999 (Cumulative) Dr. = and Mrs. John B. Adams Alcoa Foundation Altera Corporation Dr. Mansoor Al-Turki Peter H. Arkison Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc. Athletic Round Table, Inc. Daniel E. Bandmann Estate Don Barbieri Heather Barbieri Dr. Anne Baruch Battelle Memorial Institute Erma A. Bonge Estate Frank and Sharon Bouten Helen Brach Foundation Aileen Connolly Bratton Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger Bill and Gloria Burch Bob and Stevie (Cada) Burke Edward L. Burke Estate Josh Burrows Stewart and Molly Butler CPM Development Corporation William and Judy Carlin B. J. Carney Company Robert M. Carroll Estate Holly Louise Caudill Estate Mr. and Mrs. Gill Centioli = Harry E. Chisholm = Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Beverly Clegg Craig and Georganna Clifford Coleman Foundation Daryl and Michele Connell Gerri and Bob Craves Daniels Fund Bill and Tasia Davenport E.B. “Pete” and Daisy DeFeyter = Family Ted Druffel Estate Walter Duncan Estate William Eddleman = Emerson Quiet Kool Corporation Ernst & Young Foundation Farmers Insurance Group Francis A. Feider Estate Brooks and Lucy Fields John = and Lyla Fluke Mary Jewett Gaiser = Maurice Gales Garco Construction William Gaylor Estate Bud and Judy Gilmartin Gonzaga University Alumni Association Burgess Gordon Estate Margaret S. Gose = Joe and Stephany Gray Carl and Lori Grether Herschel and Betty Gustafson Larry L. Guthrie Robert and Roberta Halliday Carl M. Hansen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Daniel P. Harbaugh George Hardgrove Foundation Hecla Mining Company Horrigan Foundation Greg and Teresa Hubert Bill and Susana Huston Inland Northwest Community Foundation Interleaf, Inc. Isothermal Systems Research Jack and Kitty Jacobs Jerome and Vicki Jager Helen John Foundation Ina Johnston = The Johnston-Fix Foundation Herbert B. Jones Foundation Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation Don and Mary Kayser William V. Kelley = Klaue Family Foundation Roy and Violet = Knott Stanton and Jeanie Kramer John and Carrie Lapke Bernie and Mafalda Levernier David M. Lincoln Mike and Renee’ Lucarelli Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation Bob and Yvonne Lyons John and Phyllis MacKenzie Thomas and Jean Malott = John E. Manders Foundation Douglas and Kathrine Mantyla Esther Mark Estate Marsh Maryknoll Korea Region John and Alice Maughan Helen McDonald = Frank A. McMahon = Moloney & O’Neill, Inc. Eugene A. Monaco Moss Adams LLP Dan and Joyce Murphy Joseph = and Muriel Murphy Mike and Muffy Murphy Tim and Denny = Murphy Don and Jeanette Nelles John C. Nevin Trust John and Frances Nitkey William and Monica O’Connell = Olivetti North America, Inc. Richard and Margaret O’Neill = Guy and Madeline Ossello R. E. “Eddie” Page = Ruth Patchen Estate Terry and Pat Payne Ruth H. Pearson Ethel Peasley Estate Joseph = and Alice Peirone Dr. = and Mrs. Otto J. Penna Pfizer Stephen N. Pope Estate Ed and Helen Prevol = Bill and Carol Quigg Qwest Foundation Rauenhorst Family Foundation Mark and Barbara Ray Red Lion Hotels Jeff and Margaret Reed Phil and Bev Reinig Research Corporation Doug and Kathleen Rivard Donald Rockstrom Lucille Rooney Estate Kerm = and Fran Rudolf James and Lillian Ryan = Safeco Insurance Companies Jerry and Sue Schwalbach The Seattle Foundation Joseph M. Shabaz Estate Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan David and Linda Shea Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Sr. = Mary Constance Stanton Estate Chuck and Diane Steilen Bart and Sarah Stevens Jim and Liz Stewart Charles H. Stolz = thank you Irene Strachen Charitable Trust Stuart Foundations Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman Richard and Barbara Taylor, II Tektronix, Inc. John and Julie Thomas Charles A. and Helen Tilford = Dorothea B. Townsend Estate Mike and Mimi Tucci Verizon Foundation Sam and Emily Volpentest = The Welch Foundation, Inc. Peter and Carol Welk Patrick Wilson Estate Thomas Wynecoop $50,000 - $99,999 (Cumulative) ARCO Foundation Acme Materials & Construction Co. Lawrence D. Acre Estate George I. Alden Trust American Express Foundation Edith L. Anderson Estate Henry R. and Lucy Anderson = Ted and Elisabeth Angell Gene and Carol Annis Patricia Anselmi Joey and Norma August = Basic Resources, Inc. Paul and Colleen Brajcich Mike and Marj Brewer James and Helen Brown Hervy and Florence Brulotte Estate Bruce and Judy Butler Dennis and Peggy (Morton) Calfee Rebecca Cates Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Norton Clapp = Harriet Clarke Estate John = and Mary Close Coca-Cola Foundation Harold W. Coffin = Thomas and Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors Reanette Cook Estate Coopers & Lybrand Alberta Corkery = George Corkery Albert and June Corrado = Emmett J. Corrigan Estate Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Coughlin = and Family Marie Crabtree Pat and Jean Craigen = Bob and Bev Cross Cypress Advantage DAA Northwest Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels Harry = and Dorothy Dano Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day Walter and Denise Day Delay, Curran, Thompson & Pontarolo, PS Alan Dernbach and Rose Higgins Bob and Evelyn Dieringer Billy and Joan Dinsdale William and Kathleen (McFarland) Dobner Phil and Mary Dolan Patrick = and Leonore Doody Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation Tom and Karen Driscoll Isabel d’Urbal = EdFund Empire Health Services FAB Ventures, LLC George and Janet Fague Roger A. Felice John and Dee Fery Jim Finlen, Jr. Marion Finucane Estate First Interstate Bank James and Frances Flanagan = Dr. Howard and Maxine Floan = Neal = and Helen Fosseen 32 Foster Foundation Rick and Joan Fox Barbara and Jay Fritz Foundation Joe and Joan Gagliardi Jim and Margel Gallagher John and Sherry Gilbert Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Gillingham Global Credit Union Gonzaga University Faculty Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild James W. Grant Greater Gonzaga Guild Bob and Denise Greco Greg Green Foundation Greg and Shannon Green Bill and Norma Grismer Dorothy E. Guild Estate Don and Sherie Hackney Edmund, Blanche, and Flora Hamel Estate Harry J. Hanley Estate George and Debbie Hansen Harold and Mary Anne = Hartinger Stephen Haskell John Heily Lorelei and Phil Herres Hildebrand-Pease Estates John and Deborah Holleran Stan and Shirley Hooper Household International Greg and Susan Huckabee Edward and Marie Hughes = Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen Jacklin Investments, L.P. Doyle and Kathy (Graham) = Jacklin Duane and Susan Jacklin Don and Marilyn Jans Michael and Linda Jensen Frank and Maureen Johnson Joseph Family Foundation Michael and Lynn Joseph The Joyce Foundation KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc. KPFF Consulting Engineers KPMG Foundation George and Shari Kain Dan and Margaret = Keefe John and Pat Kelly Key Tronic Corporation Dr. Ferdinand and Dorothy Knechtel = Arlene E. LaMasters Estate Annemarie Lambert Estate Dwayne and Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane Dwayne Lane’s Chrysler Plymouth Milton J. Langlois Bill Laughlin Frank and Ethel Lenzie Estate Jack and Betty Leonard Levernier-Shea Construction Company Keene and Barbara Little George and Nancy Lobisser Lena Longo Pauline M. Love and Michael Love Joseph M. Lynch Virginia Maughan Estate Mary M. Mauro = Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation Robert and Shannon McCambridge Bob and Sandy McConkey Robert McCormick Estate Rev. Thomas J. Meersman Trust Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch John and Guelda Messina Larry Miller Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks Tatsuo Moriyasu = Moss Adams Foundation John and Melinda Moynier Bill Murphy Estate Timothy Murphy Tom and Joyce Murphy Della Murray = Smithmoore Myers and Sandy Sandulo-Myers National Asphalt Paving Association NetManage, Inc. Katherine Neupert Margaret M. Nigro = Nike, Inc. Northwest Area Foundation Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation Coletta O’Meara Estate Dean Lewis H. Orland PEMCO Foundation, Inc. Pacific Security John and Janis Parente Thomas and Cece Perko Dr. Arnold G. Peterson Jim and Rosemary Peterson Bonita Polich Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo David and Teri Pool Charles and Nancy Porter Jim and Marilyn Prince Protosoft Qwest Communications The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes Les and Clara Randall = Laurent Regimbal = Ed and Bunny (Suva) Renouard Clare (Kolloch) Rice Estate 2006-2007 major benefactors lifetime contributors Dennis and Kathryn (Cullen) Richardson, Sr. Gordon Ripple Robbins Company Jim and Beverly Rogers David and Maureen Rorick = SBC Foundation Dr. James and Mrs. Marilyn Sachtjen Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage Michael and Carol Schimmels Irene Schumaker Estate Virginia Schurra The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Mary Schweitzer Jim and Novia Seabeck Seabury and Smith Marsh Bill and Hilda Shanks Thomas N. Sharp Katherine Shaw Dick and Thalia Shorett Penn and Nancy Siegel Edward T. Simkins Estate Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda Jim = and Margaret Solan Douglas and Karen Sonneborn Spokane Food Services, Inc. Spokane Machinery Company Al and Lois Stadtmueller Philip and Margretta Stanton Sterling Savings Bank Ivan and Marlene Stewart Sunbelt Communications Co. The Hon. and Mrs. Dennis Sweeney Swig Foundation Teck Cominco American, Inc. Telect, Inc. Alice Tietgen Estate Ernest and Greta Toll = Jim and Sheryl Tomlinson TourneySport U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Triesch Estate Dick and Patricia Twiss The United Way of the Bay Area The Unova Foundation Albert Unrecht = Paul and Mary Vogelheim Bob and Diane Waitt Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay) Warrick Washington Mutual Savings Bank Washington Trust Bank Financial Corporation Wells Fargo Norman E. Wells, Jr. Tim and Jackie Welsh Kenneth Wenham Mildred Weston Estate Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. Wollenberg Foundation Jim and Joyce Workland John and Peggy Worthing Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth Lee and Barbara Wright John and Jane Zanol George and Mary Zeller = John and Ann Beutler Venora Bigelow Estate Black Rock Realty, Marshall Chesrown and Roger Nelson Kevin Blanchat Mrs. John M. Bloxom = David and Ellen Bolin, Jr. Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino James and Catherine Boyer Douglas Brajcich Brandonbrooke Partnership Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch Joseph and Peggy Brennan Jim and Pauline Bresnahan Bobby and Cathleen Brett Dean and Mary (Thiebes) Brett Olivia C. Briggs = Dean Brown and Marikay Gillingham Tim E. Bruya Carla M. Buck Estate Burdick-Craddick Family Foundation Loren and Janell Burke Burlington Resources, Inc. Joe and Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch Michael Busch Estate Timothy and Stephanie Busch CAPHE Joe and Sharon Cade Ronald and Theresa Caferro Callahan-Zeller Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 (Cumulative) A-Economy Storage A.M. Landshaper, Inc. AT&T Foundation Accenture Foundation, Inc. Kathleen A. Adkison Alaska Airlines, Inc. J.A. & Kathryn Albertson Foundation Albertson’s, Inc. Glen E. Alps Estate American College of Trial Lawyers Amgen Foundation Tom Anderl The Anderson Foundation Paul Rehberger, Tacoma Arthur = and Barbara Gonzaga Connection: BBA in Accounting ’76; married to Anderson Julie Rehberger, BA ‘76 Dr. and Mrs. Chapter: Tacoma Kenneth Scott Anderson Occupation: Partner and managing director, McGladrey Rich and and Pullen, PLLC and RSM McGladrey, Inc., an international Debbie Angotti accounting and consulting firm. Stephen and Sheryl What most inspires you about GU? “Gonzaga has a family Anthony atmosphere about it. The faculty and administrators at Gonzaga Archdiocese of strongly believe in the university and what they do.” Seattle Paul remembers in particular two people at Gonzaga who had Associated General a significant influence on him. The first was Dan Brajcich, who Contractors of taught accounting. “Professor Brajcich was a hard, demanding America instructor who was feared by many, but he was a kindThe Ayco hearted individual who knew, really knew, all of his students. Charitable Approximately 20 years after I graduated, he and I met in Foundation Jim and Joyce Seattle. We went to lunch and he proceeded to tell me about Aylward all the accounting majors from my class. He knew where they Dr. Robert D. were living and employed. It amazed me that he kept in touch Backer Estate over the years with so many alums.” The second was Father R.C. Baker Schwegman. “He was my advisor, and was another example Foundation of an individual who truly cared for his students,” Rehberger Barbieri says. “These types of individuals are what make up Gonzaga. Charitable Foundation People make the difference, and at Gonzaga the people are Barrier West, very special.” Inc. Paul and his wife, Julie, both volunteer much of their time in Edward J. Barulich the community. “GU promotes community service. As I get Joseph N. older, my appreciation, respect, admiration and commitment Behrens = for community service increases,” Paul says. Geoffrey Bellman and Why do you support Gonzaga? Sheila Kelly Edgar and Zita “I strongly believe in the benefit of a good education Berners = and and want to give back to the GU community.” Family 33 Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey Frank L. Ceserani = Chevrolet Motor Division David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen John Mang Chung and Virginia Tsoi Coffman Engineers James E. Collins Estate John Collins, Sr. Estate Walker and Marge Collins Columbia Management Co. Comcast Spotlight Richard and Janette Compton Connected Giving Continental Baking Co. Mr. Richard P. Cooley Jim and Terry Coombes Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney F. Daniel and Susan (Pomerleau) Corkery Norman = and Amarant (Kanzler) Cormier Stephen and Kathleen Corrick Patrick and Paula Costello Mrs. Patty Coughlin A. G. Cox Charity Trust James M. Cox Foundation Gary and Alea Culpepper William Cummings Trust Gene and Alice Cunneely Jack and Margaret Cunningham Dr. Barbara Daniels and Dave Laxson Vern Davidson Tine W. Davis = Walter and Betty Davis Richard DeBlieck Armand and Joy DeFelice Ernest de la Ossa = The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Family Foundation Dr. John Demakas William and Diane (Kakuschka) Diamond Francis and Patricia Ditter = Theophilus M. Dolle Mike and Winnie Doohan Harlan and Maxine Douglass Kevin and Jackie Driscoll Dr. Lewis C. Duncan Martin = and Lorraine Durkan, Sr. EPCO Carbon Dioxide John P. Egger Mr. Phillip and Dr. Nadine Egger El Paso Natural Gas Foundation Paul and Carol Eng Kathryn Epton Estate Robert A. Escure 2006-2007 major benefactors lifetime contributors Jim and Billie Etter Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. Richard and Susan Eymann Cliff = and Paddy Fahlgren Sonja Nordbye Fair Helen Keilbach Farrar = Mrs. Marcella F. Farrington Leo V. Feil = Joe Fennessy, Jr. = Robert and Katie Ferguson Joel E. Ferris Foundation I.S. & Emily C. Fetterman Foundation Fletcher Industrial Foremost Dairies Mrs. Yolanda Foubert Michael A. Frost Roger = and Marian Fruci George and Theresa Gee General Electric Foundation Jim and Dodie Gerding Gleason-Skok Foundation Gary Glenn Budd and Kathy Gould Michele Graham Vic and Paula Gray Mark and Mary Griffin Dr. Joseph F. Grismer Guidant Foundation James and Louisa Guise The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy Saul & Dayee G. Haas Foundation Dave and Susan Hamer Hanson Industries Alice Coulon Hanson Niles and Vicky Hanson Ray and Lois Hanson G. Thomas Hargrove Harvard University Michael and Karen Harwood John and Jean Hayes Michael T. Hayes Jack and Lisa Heath John and Mary Heath, Jr. Hennessey-Smith Funeral Home Henningsen Cold Storage Co. Tom and Mary Herche Tony and Cindy Higley Alan and Eileen Hogan Max H. Hollingsworth = Hollister-Stier Laboratories, LLC Holy Family Hospital Margaret E. Hopkins Estate Carl E. Hueber ICM Asset Management, Inc. Itron Bill and Nell Jacobs The Jeld-Wen Foundation Edward Jennings Estate Dennis and Katharine Jorgensen John and Gayle (Robins) Joyce Marcus E. Jundt K - L Manufacturing Company, Inc. Bob and Ginny Kane Melvin Kays Fr. Alfred Keane Kearns-Tribune Corporation Carolyn S. Kelly Kevin Kenneally Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy King Beverage, Inc. King County Bar Foundation James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King Terry Kissane Larry L. Knuth = Lorraine Shaw Koehm = Kootenai Medical Center Robert and Merna Kopriva = Marie Wilmer Kulzer = Jeff = and Shelly Kuney The Land Company, LLC Land Expressions, LLC Michael P. Lang Harold Larson Al and Nadine Lawton John and Ethel LeBret = Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lee John and Linnea Lee Rhoady and Jean Marie Lee Ellen (Kremer) Lenhart Levernier Construction Nelson Levi = Kenneth and Linda Leyde Herbert M. Lindholm Estate Roderick = and Norma Lindsay Bob = and Glennavon Loosmore Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc. Lydig Construction Company John and Christine Lynch Catherine MacPhee Trust Magis Institute Kevin and Christine Malone Dick and Jan Manning Simon S. Manning Mason Contractors’ Association Richard and Cheri Mast John R. and Brooke R. McCabe Mrs. L. H. McCormack Ivah M. McDonnell Estate Leo A. McGavick = Frances McGivern = John O. McLendon Mary McLeod Estate Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin Ed and Betty McWilliams Richard and Mary Lou McWilliams Jo L. Merwin John and Norma Michels Bill and JoAnn Mick Alejandra Mireles John and Lori Moloney, Jr. Mike and Mary Moloney The Montgomery Street Foundation Lyle = and Cherie Moore Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris Michael and Jadine Murphy The Hon. William and Lulu Murray = Joe Nappi, Jr. and Mary Nappi Nordstrom, Inc. Peter = and Vicki Norrie Northern Quest Casino Northern Technologies James and Sharon O’Connell John = and Margaret O’Connell Donald and Joan Olson Catherine O’Neill Jack and Kathy Ossello Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Pacific Gas Transmission Company Benjamin J. Page Lee = and Evelyn Parisot Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson Pearson Packaging Systems Mrs. R. A. Pearson The Pepsi Bottling Group David and Dorothy Pierce Trust Bill and Michelle Pohlad Jim and Gwen Powers Procter & Gamble Fund Providence Health & Services The Prudential Foundation Puget Sound Business Forum Don F. and Darlene Raftis Chris and Dianna Randall Gary and Sharon Randall Hubie Randall Dorothy Ray Paul and Barbara Redmond Reid and Priest Michael and Judy (Yeend) Reilly Renee R. Reuther Leonard Riley Patrick and Laura (Martin) Riley Irene Ringwood Rich and Christine Robinson John and Mary Roche Rockwell International Corporation James and Jean Roeber 34 R. C. and Connie Roland Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc. Jim and Lin Roscoe Lowell and Kathleen Ruen James and Patricia Ryan Sacred Heart Medical Center Sahlin Foundation St. Anne’s Infant Home Madeleine St. Marie Estate Angelo and Yvonne Sangiacomo Dick and Karen Sayre Edward and Karen Schaefer Christopher and Megan (Taylor) Schindler Bernard A. Schons = Sarah J. (Taylor) Schwering Sears Roebuck and Company Dale Sebo Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shanewise Elizabeth M. Sharp Estate Jay and Janet Shaw Shell Oil Company Foundation Steve and Susanne Shepard Dr. Thomas P. and Margaret (Peg) Sheridan = Hugh = and Shirley Sherrick Dr. S.E. Shikany = Richard and Marcella (Lazar) Shinder Sieben Foundation, Inc. Chuck and Rojean Siljeg Myron J.W. Sima Mrs. Robert G. Skok thank you Harry and Marguerite Sladich Elmer and Barbara Smith = Roger and Angelika Smith Lee M. Solomon Estate Spensa Development Group, LLC Gary Spiegler = Spokane Clearing House Spokane Produce The Spokesman-Review Michael Stebbins Steffens Foundation Stoneway Electric Supply Dr. D. Michael and Mrs. Geraldine (O’Melveny) Strong Patrick and Diane Sullivan Steven and Linda Swartley John Swendseid and Despino Hutton Swenson Family Foundation The Swinging Doors David and Kay Syre Robert = and Joan Taber Vic and Cynthia Tate Dave and Kathleen Taylor Doug and Theresa Tesarik think3 Don = and Ruth Thompson Terry and Molly Thompson Thatcher and Jill (Bethel) Thompson George = and Margaret Tiesse John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm Michael and Annie Tobin Michael and Winnie Todorovich = Toillion Pediatric Dentistry Terry and T.J. Tombari Bishop Bernard J. Topel = David and Joan Traylor Timothy and Barbara Tucci Jeff Turner and Susan Rauenhorst Turner UPS Foundation U.S. Bancorp Foundation U.S. Bank USI Columbia Lighting UST United Way of Benton & Franklin Counties Russ and Carole VanderWilde Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Colleen Van Vliet Edward Van Vliet Jerry and Donna Vermillion Mary L. Vingo Estate Sam and Mary Volpentest Shelley and Ginger Walsh Frank Walter J. Prentice Warner Estate Washington Mutual Foundation The Wasmer Foundation Charlie and Kathy Watson Wells Fargo Foundation Stan and Gina Welsh Robert G. Wendel Kevin and Jennifer (Prince) West Weyerhaeuser Co. Foundation Cary M. Williams Harry L. Williams Estate Lucy Williams Myrtle Woldson Dave Wollersheim Women Helping Women Fund 2006-2007 major benefactors annual contributors The benefactors listed below represent a distinguished group of individuals who made a gift of $1,000 or more from June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2007. Their outstanding generosity demonstrates a commitment to the tradition of yesterday and the vision of tomorrow. = = Deceased $500,000 and Above Tim and Mary Barnard Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis Estate Phil and Sandy McCarthey *PACCAR Inc Hazel Toly Estate The Odell Fund Gordon Ripple Jim and Beverly Rogers The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan Sodexho Services John and Suzi Stone Sunbelt Communications Co. Paul Vogelheim Kenneth Wenham $25,000 - $49,999 A.M. Landscaper, Inc. Basic Resources, Inc. *Frank and Sharon Bouten Bob and Stevie (Cada) Burke Iris & B. Gerald = Cantor Foundation Ben B. Cheney Foundation $250,000 - $499,999 Craig and Georganna Clifford Bill and Nancy Burnett John and Nancy Clute The Hogan Family Foundation, Cypress Advantage Inc. Richard DeBlieck The Theodore R. & Vivian *William and Kathleen M. Johnson Scholarship (McFarland) Dobner Foundation *Helen Keilbach Farrar Estate W. M. Keck Foundation Robert and Katie Ferguson Jack and Mary McCann *Fidelity Investments Charitable Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo Gift Fund M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Rick and Joan Fox Robert F. Gilb and Michele $100,000 - $249,999 Tiesse-Gilb Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation Gleason-Skok Foundation Citigroup Global Impact Gonzaga University Law Funding Trust, Inc. Adjunct Faculty Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) *Daniel P. Harbaugh Curran Jerome and Vicki Jager *Joe and Edna Deichl Don and Marilyn Jans Carl and Lori Grether Herbert B. Jones Foundation = Don and Carol Herak *John and Carrie Lapke Greg and Teresa Hubert Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera *Independent Colleges of Simon S. Manning Washington Noreen Hobbs Martin Bob and Alice Jepson William and JoAnn Mick Duff Kennedy Dan Murphy Foundation Patrick and Stephanie Moloney & O’Neill, Inc. Kilkenny *Ruth H. Pearson Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation Jim and Gwen Powers Bob and Claire McDonald Jeff and Margaret Reed The Mozilo Family Foundation Norm and Rita Roberts Aloysius and Jody Mullally Dr. James and Mrs. Marilyn Terry and Pat Payne Sachtjen *Ed Ralph Jerry and Sue Schwalbach Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation Mrs. Robert G. Skok Rudolf Family Foundation Frost & Margaret Snyder John and Julie Thomas Foundation *United Way of King County Telect, Inc. Washington Trust Bank Tom and Camilla Tilford Fritz and Jeanie Wolff Dick and Patricia Twiss U.S. Bancorp Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 *Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Arrowhead General Insurance Norman E. Wells, Jr. Centioli Family, LLC Gerard Centioli $10,000 - $24,999 Bill Clemens Coleman Foundation Amgen Foundation Costco Wholesale Tom Anderl Daniels Fund *The Anderson Foundation *Ernst & Young Foundation *Tony Arguinchona Maxine Floan Estate *Peter Arkison *Garco Construction Avista Corp. Johnston-Hanson Foundation Bank of America Harry and Colleen Magnuson *Bank of America Foundation Monica O’Connell Estate Jason and Kristen Bay John and Ann Beutler Black Rock Realty, Marshall Chesrown and Roger Nelson *The Boeing Company *James and Catherine Boyer Helen Brach Foundation Braitmayer Foundation Paul and Colleen Brajcich Mike and Marj Brewer Fred and Leslie Brown Zeke and Meghan Brown Bill and Gloria Burch Josh Burrows *Stewart and Molly Butler Century 21 - Beutler & Associates Comcast Spotlight Walter and Donna Conn Daryl and Michele Connell Jim and Terry Coombes *Gerri and Bob Craves Bob and Bev Cross Gary and Alea Culpepper DAA Northwest Dick and Vickie Davis Matt and Leslie Day Robert E. Day Estate Alan Dernbach and Rose Higgins Harlan and Maxine Douglass Walter and Kathy Egger Environmental West Exploration, Inc. Jim and Billie Etter *Joan Eugene = *Megan (Jagelski) Ewens Foster Foundation Maurice Gales Gary and Tracy Gerard Gonzaga University Faculty *Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild *Joe and Stephany Gray thank you Bob and Denise Greco Greg Green Foundation Greg and Shannon Green Don and Sherie Hackney Thomas Hammer Coffee Carl M. Hansen Foundation *Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Doug and Tracy Hauff Herak Foundation Highmark Developments, LLC Dan Hogan, Jr. John and Deborah Holleran *Inland Northwest Community Foundation Itron Jacklin Investments, L.P. Doyle and Kathy (Graham) = Jacklin Duane and Susan Jacklin Lon and Becky Jasper Mike and Linda Jensen Joseph Family Foundation Michael and Lynn Joseph KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc. Gregory Kunz The Land Company, LLC Lewis and Sarah Lee Harriet Leppek David M. Lincoln Mike and Renee’ Lucarelli 35 John and Donna Luger *Michael Mallea and Kim Lynch Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation Rocco and Barbara Martino The Rocco and Barbara Martino Foundation Robert and Shannon McCambridge Jack McCann Company, Inc. Bob and Sandy McConkey Pamela S. McKinzie William Miller Mike and Mary Moloney *Rev. John E. Moore Estate Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris Moss Adams LLP John and Melinda Moynier Dan and Joyce Murphy *Mike and Muffy Murphy Timothy Murphy Mike Myers and Carole Rolando Don and Jeanette Nelles Deron Nicholson *Charlie and Doris O’Connor *Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation Pearson Packaging Systems Jim and Rosemary Peterson Randle and Roxanne Phelps The Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family Foundation Charles and Nancy Porter *Procter & Gamble Fund Puryear Group, Inc. Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear Bill and Carol Quigg RAD Inc. Chris and Dianna Randall Hubie Randall *Raytheon Company Red Diamond Construction, Inc. *Phil and Bev Reinig *DonnaMarie and Matt Reno Ed and Bunny (Suva) Renouard *Renee R. Reuther Jessie Rosauer Roseco LLC Ron and Shelley Rosenberger Paul Roth Lance and Melissa Sadler *Michael and Carol Schimmels Steve Schmautz Mary Schweitzer *The Seattle Foundation Bert and Cindie Selva Katherine Shaw Myron J.W. Sima Douglas and Karen Sonneborn Spensa Development Group, LLC Spokane Produce Steffens Foundation Richard and Barbara Taylor, II Thompson Creek Metals Company George Thompson Terry and Molly Thompson Terry and T.J. Tombari TourneySport U.S.A. David and Joan Traylor Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci Mike and Mimi Tucci Russ and Carole VanderWilde The Vogelheim Family Charlie and Kathy Watson Steve and Dawn Watts Fred and Martha Weiss Wells Fargo *Tim and Jackie Welsh *Dave Wollersheim Women Helping Women Fund *John and Peggy Worthing $5,000 - $9,999 Accenture Foundation, Inc. Altera Corporation *Gregory and Carol Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott Anderson *The Harlan E. Anderson Foundation Stephen and Sheryl Anthony Craig and Patricia (Whitehead) Apregan The Ayco Charitable Foundation BSC Engineered Systems Bank of Whitman Barbieri Charitable Foundation Barbieri Family Foundation, Inc. Kathryn K. Barbieri Richard and Stephanie (Farrell) Bechtolt, Jr. Bonnie Black John and Kristianne Blake Kevin Blanchat Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino John and Linda (Hensle) Bowers, Jr. Tim E. Bruya Marsha Burns Byrd Real Estate Group, LLC Ronald and Theresa Caferro John and Mary Lee Calihan George Carlson Dr. Mike Casey *Rebecca Cates Center for Student Opportunity, Inc. David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen *Citigroup Foundation *Robert and Mary (Champagne) Clemens Estate Consumer Auto Liquidators David and Melody Coombs Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney John and Mary Jo Costello *Michael and Rebecca Costello Craft Brands Alliance *Dr. Barbara Daniels *Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels Brad and Pam (McNally) DeCounter The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Family Foundation Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr. *Paul Denning and Margie Hoffmann *Theophilus M. Dolle *John and Margie Donoghue *Tom and Karen Driscoll Steve Duvoisin Eastern Washington Masonry Producers Association Egger Good Meats, Inc. *Annual Fund Contributor John P. Egger Richard and Marjorie Ettinger Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. *Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. James and Becky Freer *Barbara and Jay Fritz Foundation Joe and Joan Gagliardi *Daniel J. Galligan John Goldman and Roslyn Bakst Goldman Michael and Cheryl Gossler Mark and Mary Griffin James and Louisa Guise The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy *Dave and Susan Hamer *Thomas and Patricia Hanrahan Robert Hanson George Hardgrove Foundation *James Hasson Michael T. Hayes Jack and Lisa Heath *Tom and Mary Herche *Lorelei and Phil Herres David and Allison Highmark Dennis and Sandra Horn Greg and Susan Huckabee *Bill and Susana Huston Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen Inland Orthopaedics of Spokane, PS *Megan L. Isenhower Trina Jacobson Jensen Distribution Services Jesuit Community of Gonzaga University KPFF Consulting Engineers *KPMG Foundation Dan Keefe John and Terri Kelleher *Carolyn S. Kelly *Kevin Kenneally Klaue Family Foundation Kraft Foods Richard and Stacy Kuhling Stephen and Jeannine Kurtela Milton J. Langlois Dave Largent Homes, Inc. Dave and Lori Largent Harold Larson Margaret K. Larson *Wil and Pat Loeken Michael and Dana (Sells) Love David and Cyndi Lucke MW Consulting Engineers Kevin and Christine Malone Earl F. Martin Richard and Cheri Mast Charlie McGivern *Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin Michael and Joely Meighan *Microsoft Corporation *Marie M. Miller Trust *Lawrence and Mary Miller John and Janet= Moffitt John and Lori Moloney, Jr. Mary Jo Moore Tom and Joyce Murphy Cajer and Jamie Neely Nextel Communications Michael and Kathy Nibarger Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists, PS Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll Robert and Maureen O’Brien *Donald and Joan Olson Frank and Barbara O’Neill *PEMCO Foundation, Inc. Michael M. Paine Thomas and Cece Perko Dr. Arnold G. Peterson David and Dorothy Pierce Trust David and Elizabeth Pinkerton *Jim and Marilyn Prince RPM Properties LLC Mark and Barbara Ray Red Lion Hotels *D. Michael and Petrea Reilly Irene Ringwood Doug and Kathleen Rivard Rotary Community Services, Inc. SBC Foundation Ronald Sagerson *Sahlin Foundation Gerald and Rita Schears Dale Sebo *Bill and Hilda Shanks David and Beverly Shaw *Jay and Janet Shaw Burton and Kathleen J. Sheppard *Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda Skip Smyser Spokane Computer, Inc. Spokane Food Services, Inc. Steve and Genene Staats *Pete and Denise Stanton Philip and Margretta Stanton Sterling Savings Bank Stevens, Clay, and Manix P.S. Patrick and Diane Sullivan *John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm Toillion Pediatric Dentistry James and Jeanne Tribbett JS Turner Family Foundation Udder Delight, LLC *United Way of Kitsap County *Jerry and Donna Vermillion Shelley and Ginger Walsh Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay) Warrick Fredrick O. Watson Foundation Richard D. Weigand, D.D.S., P.S. The Welch Foundation, Inc. Robert G. Wendel Pat and Carol West Whitworth College Widmer Brothers Brewing Myrtle Woldson *Wollenberg Foundation World Vision *Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth Sung Joo Yoo $2,500 - $4,999 Keller and Kathy Allen Allen & McLane, P.S. William Aller Aluminum Products, Inc. Dave and Deanna Anderson Dr. Eric Baer and Dr. Anne Hiltner Bill and Carol (Shea) Barber David and Leah Barbieri Don Barbieri Heather Barbieri Stephen Barbieri Tom and Eileen Barbieri Bob and Shonna Bartlett Jack Beaudoin David and Ann Amy Crismon Rainis, New York (Barbieri) Bell *Benjamin and Gonzaga Connection: BA in Special Education ‘01 Karen Bianco Tom and Catherine Chapter: New York (Ford) Black Occupation: Special education teacher Mike and Sherry Blair What most inspires you about GU? “Gonzaga not only Mark and LuAnn filled my educational needs and goals, but it also filled me Bray spiritually.” *Jim and Pauline Bresnahan Amy, a special education teacher for three years, is Bobby and currently a stay-at-home mom: “I am so happy that I am Cathleen Brett Katharine Witter able to be my daughter’s first teacher!” A native of Fullerton, Brindley and Calif., Amy says she could feel disconnected from friends Ralph Brindley and family now that she lives in New Jersey. “But with the Brad Brown Gonzaga chapter in New York I feel that I am back with an Loren and Janell Burke amazing community. Gonzaga is giving me a family away James Burns and from home.” Maxine Martell Burns It’s no wonder that Amy was eager to help start a Gonzaga *Joe and Mary chapter in New York. “I think the chapter is a great Ann (Schultheis) opportunity for graduates to reconnect and support Gonzaga. Busch It is also a great way to recruit future Zags,” Amy says. What Bruce and Judy Butler does she tell potential students interested in GU? “Gonzaga CBS Reporting, is a place where your teachers will not only know your name, Inc. but also take interest in your success, helping you whenever Dennis and Peggy you need it. Gonzaga is also a place where you can grow (Morton) Calfee Cameron spiritually. You will meet friends that will last a lifetime.” Contracting The Capital Trust Company of Why do you support Gonzaga? Delaware Brian Carney “I want Gonzaga to continue giving other Wade Carpenter students the same, wonderful experience *Mark and Kathy that I was so lucky to have.” (Evoy) Casey Catholic Charities, Inc. Centre Builders, Inc. Thomas and Heidi Ernest and Carol Fullmer Chevrolet Motor (Wohlschlegel) Drynan Doris Ganz Division *Vlasta Duffy Dale and Lisa (Desimone) Citadel Broadcasting Dan Dugan Foundation Garrett Company John and Allison Durkin *Clark H. Gemmill Jeffry and Susan Colliton EaglePointe Construction & General Nutrition Center Joseph and Gena Columbus Management, Inc. *Jim and Dodie Gerding John and Roselie Cooney Genevieve Edmonds The Gifford Foundation Rita M. Cooney Evan Everist John and Sherry Gilbert F. Daniel and Susan John and Nancy Everist Global Credit Union (Pomerleau) Corkery *ExxonMobil Foundation *Global Impact Cornerstone Property *George and Janet Fague Dale and Mary (O’Neill) Advisors, LLC Goodwin Stephen and Kathleen Corrick Susan M. Fandel *Farmers & Merchants Bank Gary and Nancy Gossett Patrick and Paula Costello Felice Law Offices Peter and Cheryl Grabicki James and Carolyn Craven Roger A. Felice *George and Marianne Grant William and Sharon Davis Brooks and Lucy Fields *Greater Gonzaga Guild *Henry L. Day Estate Brian and Carol Finegan Harry and Jann Green Dominic and Denise DeCaro David Finkbeiner *Juliette Prince Green and Armand and Joy DeFelice Scott Green Rich Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Dehmer *Jerry and Helen Greenan *James and Sharon *Deutsche Bank (McMaster) Flynn Dave and Kelly Hamad *Angel and Kathleen (Bonck) *Roger Fruci and Sharon Richard W. Hardan Diez (Vinson) Murphy Dennis and Stacy Harrington Armond and Kitty D’Inverno 36 2006-2007 major benefactors annual contributors Harold Hartinger *Jerry and Patricia Hein James Hodges Paul Hughes JBCM Foundation Jack and Dan Enterprises, Inc. Dr. Spencer and Jane (Holm) Jilek Frank and Maureen Johnson Richard and Janet K. Johnson Michael Johnstone *Dennis and Katharine Jorgensen Judicial Mediation Group Melvin Kays Don and Mary Kayser Charles and Linda Keturakat James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King Patrick and Maureen Kirby Gary and Joyce Kirchner Lawry and Wendy (Brown) Knopp *Larry and Laurie Koentopp Thomas and Melody Lavagetto Tom and Kathleen Ledda The Hon. Jerome and Mary Jo Leveque *Jim and Jan Linardos Karl Lohmann Pauline M. Love and Michael Love Lydig Construction Company Joseph M. Lynch Mackin & Little, Inc. Carroll and Patricia Martell Robert and Barbara Materne, Jr. Tom and Chere’ (Byrd) McKeirnan *Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan *Merrill Lynch *Jo L. Merwin *Ronald and Annamaria Miller Miller.Whiterunkle *Jesse and Lani Moore Morris & Morris, P.S. *Chuck and Linda Murphy Tim Murphy Dan Nagy *Kevin and Carol Neary Roger A. Nelson Jack Nevin Richard J. Niederegger Michael and Susan Nienstedt *Nordstrom, Inc. N.W. Beauty, Inc. *Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co. James and Sharon O’Connell Pat and Joan O’Connor Daniel and Sharon Olson Catherine O’Neill The Oregon Community Foundation Jack and Kathy Ossello Pacwest Home Corp. *Benjamin J. Page Paras Construction, Inc. Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks William and Joyce Patterson *Mrs. R. A. Pearson *Stephen and Cynthia PeaseBabel Mark Poe Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc. *Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo Bill and Debbie Poppy Jim and Klaire (Fulton) Powers John Preston Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP Dr. and Mrs. Miguel Pablo Prietto Principal Financial Group Rob and Susie Prusch James Psomas The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes *Don F. and Darlene Raftis Rainbow Racing System Gary and Sharon Randall Dermot Randles *Paul and Julie (Bourne) Rehberger *Scott and Mary (Snelson) Richards Randy and Kathy Ridgway *The Hon. and Mrs. J. Justin Ripley *Rich and Christine Robinson Steven and Lori Robinson *Richard N. Roccanova and Deborah Gaebe Roccanova James and Jean Roeber R. C. and Connie Roland Jim and Lin Roscoe Milton and Ingrid Rose Ruddell Auto Mall Howard and Amy Ruddell *Richard and Garldine Rudisile Lowell and Kathleen Ruen Ned and Nancy Rumpeltes Ryan and Lee Ann Saccomanno *Robert and Carla Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage John and Diane Scelfo *Jim and Novia Seabeck Serenity Group, Inc. *David and Linda Shea Garry and Mary Shea Mike and Mary Shields Penn and Nancy Siegel Silicon Valley Community Foundation Christopher P. Smith Monty Smith and Kathleen Campbell Scott Snider Jim Snow Christopher and Amy Spring *Al and Lois Stadtmueller *Chuck and Diane Steilen Richard and Madeleine Strahl Eric and Deborah Stucky Suntoya Corporation Steven and Linda Swartley Tim Swartout The Swinging Doors Michael and Shari Thompson Kelly Tilford *Timmco Insurance Company John Tonani Joan Totusek Tucci & Sons, Inc. *UBS UPS Foundation Vandervert Construction, Inc. *Sam and Mary Volpentest Bruce and Pam Walker Baker Construction & Development, Inc. Gilbert W. Baker = *Richard and Trudy Baldasty Damon and Debbie Ballantyne Robert J. Bankard Barnard Construction Company, Inc. Rod and Trish Barnett Barrister Winery James and Barbara Barry Michael and Linda Bashaw Tom and Sandra Bassett The Honorable and Mrs. Paul Bastine Carole Baumgartner *Jon G. Bauroth David and Nancy Bayley Ernie and Margaret = Becker Jim and Pam Becker James and Maria Beebe Michael Bell and Amy Trelease-Bell Ken and Eileen Bell-Garrison *Ben Bridge Jewelers Jim and Yvette Bendickson *Cindy S. Benson Gail Marie S. Beran $1,000 - $2,499 Gerald Bernhoft ALSC Architects *The Berwick Degel Family ASC Machine Tools, Inc. Foundation AT&T Foundation Rick and Diane Betts David and Vickie Abel Fred and Paula Bevegni Academy of Little Bears, Inc. Robbi Bielec *Advisor Charitable Gift Fund Laurie A. Bigej Jay and Amanda Affleck *Thomas and Elaine Bigley Paul M. Albright Eddy and TerryKay Birrer Elinor Alfano and Mary Alfano Craig Bishopp Steve and Joan Allbery Robert and Margret Bishopp *Ray and Helen Allen Richard and Jill Black *Roy Allen Blades Hair Design Alliance Title & Escrow Skip and Diane Blodnick Corporation Bret and LeAnne Bonham *Gail and Karen Allwine Joel and Dayna Bonvallet Alpha Sigma Nu, Inc. Bozarth Investment Dan and Anne Alsaker Management, Inc. Mike and Teri Ambach Robert and Dixie Bradshaw *American Express Foundation Dan Brajcich, Jr. American Pacific Brakebush Brothers, Inc. Construction, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch American Society of the Italian Ed Braune Legions of Merit Edmund & Darlene Braune Matt and Eleanor Andersen Foundation Barbara Anderson *Joseph and Peggy Brennan Anderson Bros CPA’s, PA Robert C. Brewster, Jr. Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson *Tim and Megan Brinson Kevin and Michelle Andres Mark and Brigid Britton *Rich and Debbie Angotti Michael A. Brochu *Gene and Carol Annis Janet Z. Brougher John and Betzi Antich James and Helen Brown The Apartment Broker Jeffrey and Loriann (Zent) Arby’s Roast Beef Brown *Norman Archibald Charitable *Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Brown Foundation *Steven and Mishal Brown Jack and Kelly Armstrong Thomas and Tamara Bryant Stephen C. Arredondo Buck Knives Chris and Christine Buggy Barn, Inc. Ashnbrener David and Bridget Bulger Associated General *Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Contractors of America Bulger Automotive Services Company *Paul and Pattie Buller Ed and Lynn Burke *Dr. and Mrs. Francis Burke *Thomas and Marguerite Burke *BP Amoco Foundation *H. J. Burns Company, Inc. Barry Baker Rod Burns David and Joyce Walsh Rusty Warwick Washington Judges Foundation *Washington Mutual Foundation Clifford and Karen Webster Weiand & Weiand DDS, PS *Wells Fargo Foundation Wendle Ford, Inc. Wendy’s Hamburgers BAR NZ, Inc. *The Wham Charitable Trust 2 *Paul Wham Russell White and Judith Qualy-White James C. Williams Wings International Investment Corporation *Jason and Heather (Kampp) Wolff Women’s Law Caucus Jim and Joyce Workland Justin M. Wylie *John and Cynthia Zapotocky Stu and Kathryn Zimmerman thank you 37 *Annual Fund Contributor Tim and Kathy Burns Lees and Gayle Burrows John and Rosemary (Walsh) Bury Timothy and Stephanie Busch Douglas and Karen Byrd Gregory and Kareena Byrd Guy and Shawna Byrd Matthew J. Byrd Daniel and Colleen Byrne Judy Byrnes CAD of Spokane, Inc. CPM Development Corporation Cables, Inc. *Joe and Sharon Cade Jay and Jackie Caferro *Matthew P. Call Callahan-Zeller Foundation Jim Cameron Randy Cameron Chris and Janet Camp Drs. John and Sharon Cannon James and Cynthia Cappello Kurt and Deborah Carlson Kay C. Carnes Benson and Deanna Carpenter Daniel and Patricia Carr Carr Sales Company Robert and Eleanor Carriker *Catholic Community Foundation *Timothy and Barbara Cerny Ken and Nancy Chadderdon Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC Patrick Chastek Craig and Scotta Christlieb David and Denise Christy *John Mang Chung and Virginia Tsoi Brent T. Church Jay Clapper Jay R. Clark, DDS John R. Clark and The Hon. Ellen K. Clark *Lincoln and Theresa (Schneider) Clark John and Carol Clemency Ryan and Beth Clements Rich and Mary Clemson Click Management, Inc. Kelly and Sharon Cline *Nathaniel and Margie Clinton William and Helen Close *The Cold Heading Foundation *Gene Colin Joseph and Gena Columbus *James and Norah (Flannery) Comerford Communication Management Partners *Richard and Janette Compton Computer Design & Integration Jeffrey and Kate (Houghton) Condill John and Wanda Condon *Conner Homes Company Robert and Linda Connor *Thomas and Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors *Robert and Beryl Coomes Mrs. Sadie Charlene Cooney Jeff and Mary (Coil) Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Corbett Claire Cordon Cornerstone Homes, Inc. Robert and Stacy Cossey Jack Couch Stacey and Anne Cowles *William and Paula Cowley The Hon. Kenneth L. Cowsert Michael and Vicki Craigen Roger and Roxie Cramer Crary, Clark & Domanico, P.S. Joseph Crimmins *Dan Cronen and Kimberly Brockbank Francis and Lori Crouch Clayton Crow *Gene and Alice Cunneely *Jack and Margaret Cunningham Michael and Linda Cunningham Reagan and Catherine (Hannity) Cunningham DCI Engineers Paul and Kelley Damon Garth Dano *Davidson Companies *Lew and Patricia Davis, Jr. Walter and Betty Davis Edward A. Dawson and Marcia M. Meade Law Offices of Dawson & Meade *Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day Dean Foods *Don DeFeyter Wade and Stacie DeGeest *James A. Degel and Jeanne E. Berwick David Dell’Osso Johan Delport Dr. John Demakas Mark and Mary Ann Derr The Hon. and Mrs. Paul M. De Silva James and Gayle (Neumann) Dever Patrick and Carol Dever Kevin De Vries *Dale and Christy (Smith) de Viveiros Craig A. Dickson *Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr. Doug Dietrich Michael J. Dinnen *DiPietro Family Foundation William and Melissa Dixon *Phil and Mary Dolan Timothy and Katherine Donaldson John Donnelly Thomas and Barbara Doran Gavin Doree and Katie King Doree Dorian Studios, Inc. *Ernest and Mary Dorn, III Terry and Denise Doyle Kevin and Jackie Driscoll *Steve and Sandi Druffel *Katherine Duarte *Joe and Ellie Dunn *Joseph & Eleanor Dunn Family Trust *Terrence Dunne Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William Suan Hales Gillingham Da Cam Duong Stephen and Marie Hall Gerald and Marietta Gilmore DuPree Building Specialties Duane Halliday *Dick and Kathleen Glassburn Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook Thomas Halvorson *Bill and Connie Glynn Emerson Electric Co. The Hamway Family Trust *Gene and Monda Godderis Engineered Control Systems George and Debbie Hansen *Edward and LeeAnn *Robert and Katherine Bryan and Julie Hanson (Hudspeth) Gottfried Erickson Ron Hanson Budd and Kathy Gould *Tammy A. Erickson Jim and Eileen Hargrove Michael and Michelle Grabicki Harris/Dean Insurance *Peter A. Erie Dale and Joan (Forsberg) Gregory and Dana Erigero William and Karen Harrison Grant *Joseph and Joyce Esposito Jeffrey and Diana Hartnett *Patrick and Nancy Gravine Bill Etter Michael and Karen Harwood *Brian and Leslie Green Frank and Patricia Etter Stephen Haskell Harry A. Green and The Ettinger Foundation, Inc. Ron Hawkins Associates, Inc. Hugh Evans Jason and Amy Jeffrey and Julie (Jensen) (Bobbett) Evans Hawthorne *Peter Evans and John and Allison Kathleen Orr Hayduk Robert Evans Frank P. Hayes Evco Sound & *James and Ann Electronics, Inc. Hayes Stuart and Mary Evey Jud and Beverly Heathcote Ewing Anderson, P.S. Denny and Paula Salvatore Faggiano (Fruci) Heck Law Offices of Farr, Doug and Jane Kaufman, Sullivan, (Manning) Heiskell Gorman, Jensen, Medsker, Nichols, and David Hellenthal Perkins The Dussault Society is named William and *Martin and Mary Clare Connie Hemmings in honor of the founder of the Favero Kevin and Jody Great Teachers Program, Arthur *Dennis M. Fazzari (Olsen) Henderson Dussault, S.J. Members of the Peter Feldenheimer Henningsen Cold Storage Co. Dussault Society are committed James Felice Herak Enterprises, Ferguson Enterprises, to the tradition of excellence that Inc. Inc. is Gonzaga University. With their Dick and Anita Peter and Susan Fern extraordinary unrestricted gifts Herdener Jonathan Ferraiuolo Jared and Kara of $10,000 or more to the Annual Maude and Richard Ferry (Svennungsen) Fund, Dussualt Society members *John and Dee Fery Hertz *I.S. & Emily C. Fetterman directly support Gonzaga’s strategic Steve and Victoria Foundation priorities and greatest needs. (Swain) Hertz Fifth & Browne Joe Herzog Pharmacy John and Judith The Anderson Foundation Nancy L. Fike Heusner Adrienne Fish Tony Arguinchona Kent and Virginia Rick Flamm and Vesna James and Catherine Boyer Hickman Somers John and Debbie Robert E. Day Estate Shaun and Sascha (Elloy) Hieber Joan Eugene Estate Flanigan Denny and Joann Dan and Karen Flynn Helen Keilbach Farrar Estate Higgins Zeke Fogal Garco Construction Rob and Barbara *Daniel and Judy Foley Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson Francois X. and Debra J. Gary and Lin Independent Colleges of Washington Forgette Higley *Fountainhead Michael Mallea and Kim Lynch Tony and Cindy Development, Inc. Higley Rev. John E. Moore Estate Bob Frank Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Mike and Muffy Murphy Eric Frank and Molly Higuchi Charlie and Doris O’Connor Murphy Kirk and Sallie Hill Freedom Financial LLC Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation Mike and Joni Blaine and Pamela Hirst PACCAR Inc French Alan and Eileen DonnaMarie and Matt Reno Eric and Margo Frimodt Hogan The Seattle Foundation *Jay and Barbara Fritz *Cornelius Hogan Sonya A. Funkhouser Mike and Garland Vision Source, Annemarie Hogan Michael R. Green Inc. *Dale and Mary Hoisington William and Maureen Green Mary Garvin, SNJM Kevin and Shirley Holcomb *Bill and Norma Grismer *Chris and Doreen (Konen) Kevin M. Holland Gropp Electric, Inc. Gavin James and Patricia (Graham) Tad Gropp Rodger and Ann Marie Hollingsworth Gazelle *Guardian Life Insurance Co. *Homestreet Bank Willy and Michelle Geary H&R Block Foundation Gary and Barbara Hordemann *General Electric Foundation Jack and Helen Hafner *Horrigan Foundation Mrs. James J. Gillespie David and Barbara Haid 38 Kim Hotstart Manufacturing Company Carl E. Hueber Daniel and Mary Hughes *Martin Hughes Mike and Margaret Hughes Bruce and Denise Humphrey E. J. Hunt Randy and Julie Hurst John and Monica (Menotti) Hyland ICM Asset Management, Inc. Thomas Illich Inland Northwest Bank Inland Northwest Dairies Instant Sign Factory Integrus Architecture, P.S. Scott and Jeannie Isaak James and Sandy Ivers Mark Iverson and Michaele Dietzel Darrell and Ruth Jackson Bill and Nell Jacobs Jack and Veronica Jacobs Jameson Commercial Property Management, LLC Frank Janosick Bruce and Maxine Johnson *Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Mary Lou Johnson and Daniel Schaffer Tina U. Johnson William and Jennifer Johnson Doug and Ann (Arthur) Johnston *Marc J. Johnston Robert M. Johnston *The Johnston-Fix Foundation Daniel L. Jones Jones Family Foundation Drs. Thomas and Louise Jones Todd and Wendy Jones K & N Electric Motors, Inc. K - L Manufacturing Company, Inc. KXLY Robert Kaatz Jeremy Kahn George and Shari Kain Bob and Ginny Kane *Ray and Barbara Kauer *Margel Foote Kaufman Carol Durkin Kearns John and Pat Kelly *Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy Keturakat Principal Financial Group Sadir Khan Grotto Humanitarian Fund Betty L. Kiemle Kiemle & Hagood Company Kermit and Patty Kilcup *Mike and Terri Killeen Seong-Hoon Kim Kimmel Athletic Supply King Beverage, Inc. Kevin and Mary Jo King *Richard and Kathleen Kirkendall Paul and Kris Kirkpatrick *James and Vicki Knapp *Thomas and Ellen Komadina Thomas G. Komadina, M.D. Ltd. David P. Kopp *Robert and Yvonne Kovacevich 2006-2007 major benefactors annual contributors *Donald Kramer Shelly Kuney Max J. Kuney Company Dr. Daniel and Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel Bill and Jane (Dore) Kuper L&M Truck Sales, Inc. Thomas LaLone Travis Lamb and Courtney Serpa William A. Lampe Bill and Carol Lampson Dwayne and Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane Alex and Karen Laughlin Bill Lawson Ledda, Inc. *Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood Lee & Hayes, PLLC *Gerald Lenocker and Sally Stickney Michael and Debra Leslie Bill and Suzanne Lindberg Marc and Kathleen (Moran) Lipsker John and Nancy Livingston *Charles Lloyd and Mary E. Wahl, M.D. Tony and Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli Luebbers *Allen and Diane Lund Allen and Kathleen Lund Maureen A. Lyden Jack and Paula (Rotar) Lynch *Bob and Yvonne Lyons Matt Mabus Bruce and Barbara MacIntyre Tim Mackin and The Hon. Tari Eitzen Payson and Kelley MacWilliam *Macy’s/Federated Department Stores Dr. John P. Madden *William A. Maddigan *George and Barb Maffeo Stephen C. Maher Michael Mainer Paul and Karen Malen-Hogle Kathleen Malone Logan Malouf *Glenn Malubay and Jeanne Freeman-Malubay John E. Manders Foundation Dick and Jan Manning John and Victoria (Rangan) Mantello Joseph and Yvonne (Koreis) Mark *Gregory and Maisie Marshall *Mike and Barbara Masterson The Hon. Craig Matheson Marshall and Tisha Mattingly *Dr. Dennis O. Mayer *William and Barbara Mazzei John and Brooke McCabe Thomas and Mary McCarthey *Kathleen McChesney *McCormack Foundation *Greg and Dina McCormack *Dr. Michael D. McCormack Pat McCormack Peter and Marie McDonald *Michael and Donna McDonnell David and Barbara McGann Daniel and Nancy (Wells) McGee Jim McGee Shane McGinn Morgan and Judith (Ziegler) McGrath Ray and Stacy McGriff Ryan and Liz McIntyre Nancy A. McKay Scott and Nicole (Annis) McKay *Dr. John and Molly (Parry) McKenna Kathryn Rae McKinley John and Margaret Ann (Fairhurst) McLane *Roy and Patricia McLaren Donald and Joyce McLean Denny and Jan McMonigle Daniel and Julia (Verhey) McNeal, II Casey J. McNellis Helen McNulty Bryce McPhee James and Dana (Reding) McPhee *Ed and Betty McWilliams Meadow Gold Dairy The Medicine Shoppe Meridian Construction Management Ward and Donna Merkeley Metals Fabrication Co. Stephen K. Meyer, P.S. Stephen and Pamela Meyer *Rich and Patricia Miailovich John and Norma Michels *Ronald and Debby Miciak Robert and Rose Milhem *Mary Milla Miller Engineering Gregory S. Miller John and Linda Miller Charles and Bonnie Millham Kathleen Minnerly Moffitt Children’s Dentistry Dr. Jason Moffitt *Fred Mollerus and Dorothy Lesyna Joe and Debbie Monaco *Arnie and Katie Mondloch MongoNet, Inc. Monroe Cleaning, Inc. Mark Monroe Don and Deanna Monson Lawrence and Donnette Moothart Joseph E. Moran Lyle and Linda Morehouse Morgan Stanley *Timothy B. Morin Jeff and Julia Morris Pat Morris = Daniel and Mary Beth Morrissey *Arleen Morton *Moss Adams Foundation Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy *Kathleen A. Murray and Ronald I. Apfelbaum Elaine (Morris) Myers *Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon Donald Nadvornick David and Judy Nail Joe Nappi, Jr. and Mary Nappi Lt. Col. and Mrs. Pat Naughton Melvin and Karen Neil Roy and Leona Nelson Foundation Wayne and Mary The President’s 5000 Council Nelson provides Gonzaga with the *Tom and Teresa inspiration and means for the Newbury University to flourish. Every year, *Ben Niedermeyer and Joanne Hidaka members of the President’s 5000 *James and Margaret Council provide Gonzaga the Niewiarowski flexibility to respond quickly to new Nintendo of America, Inc. needs and opportunities with their *Dr. and Mrs. Richard unrestricted gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 A. Nisley to the Annual Fund. *Pat and Everilda Nolan Northwest Gregory and Carol Anderson Industrial Services The Harlan E. Anderson Foundation *Paul and Teruko Noto Bank of America Foundation *John C. O’Brien, Jr. The Boeing Company *Mark P. O’Donnell Robert H. and Mary G. (Champagne) *Bill Ogle Jim and Kieran Clemens Estate (Murphy) Ohman Dr. Barbara Daniels Wes and Rian Paul Denning and Margie Hoffmann Oliver Expeditors International of Chris Olson and Denise Vill-Olson Washington, Inc. *Tom O’Neil Joe and Stephany Gray *Clement O’Neill Thomas and Patricia Hanrahan Donald and Daniel P. Harbaugh Christine O’Neill Shane O’Neill and James Hasson Patricia CoddTom and Mary Herche O’Neill Bill and Susana Huston Alvin and Georgina Ornellas Inland Northwest Community *William and Teresa Foundation O’Rourke Kevin Kenneally John Orr Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin Bernard Orsi Marie M. Miller Trust *John and Kathy Osborne Microsoft Corporation Guy and Madeline Lawrence and Mary Miller Ossello PEMCO Foundation, Inc. Charles and Carol Ott Phil and Bev Reinig Dale and JoAnn Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda Overfield Pete and Denise Stanton Fred Owen and Tim and Jackie Welsh Joanne Pottier P & O, Inc. Wollenberg Foundation Pacific Gas & Electric Co Mike Paioni Regina Paolucci Tom P. Mulcahy Pape Material Handling, Inc. Robert and Bonnie Mulvey *John and Janis Parente Prof. Ann Murphy Craig and Kathy Parks Daniel and Marchand Murphy Marty Parola The Hon. and Mrs. James M. Phillip and Cheryl (Harris) Murphy Parrish 39 *Scott Parrish and Loni Austin Pasta USA, Inc. Prof. J. Scott Patnode Mike and Emma Patterson *Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson *Dr. Donald R. Paugh *James and Pat Peaper James and Anne Pearson *Richard and Esther Pearson Ronald D. Pelton *Pepsico Foundation *John Perko Mark K. Perko *Wade and Beth Perrow Cathy and Clarence Perry Gregory R. Peterson Jeffrey and Ronda Petruso Nam-Thuan Phan *Kurt A. Phillips Bradley D. Pinney Pip Printing Rob Pluid Isaac and Beverly Pope Thomas S. Porter, Inc. *Joe Poss Gary L. Powdrill *Richard and Diane Powers, Jr. *Thomas W. Price The Prudential Foundation Quarry Tile Company *John and Gail Quigg Thomas R. Quigley John R. Quinlan *Tim and Sally Bulger Quirk RHE Trust RJ Rentals LLC RJS Investments David J. Rahmer Jean Rainey Amy S. (Crismon) Rainis Ramey Construction Ramsey Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Vivek Ranadive Clay and Carol Randall James and Maggie Randall Les Randall = Stewart Randall Robert and Judy Rangitsch Rapid Refill Ink Paul Reamer Charles Redmon *Paul and Barbara Redmond *Pat Reese Michael Reilly *Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly *David and Cathleen Reisenauer George and Lisa Renner Timothy and Patricia (Parker) Renouard Bette Lou Ressa Diehl and Anne Rettig *Thomas and Katha Reuss Kerry Riccardi Riener Foundation *Elizabeth and Clyde Ries *Patrick and Laura (Martin) Riley Jim and Gloria Ringwood, Sr. James and Beth Rivard *Bill Roberts *John E. Roberts Kevin and Mary (Wilkins) Roberts *Annual Fund Contributor 2006-2007 major benefactors annual contributors Mark Roff *Roger and Sharon (Rusing) Roman Michael and Marnie Rorholm *Dave Rorick, III *Robin and Sally Rosauer *Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosler *Bob and Amy Jo (Knapp) Rosson Brian Roth Mike and Linda Roth *Barry and Linda Rowan Dudley and Lisa Rowland John and Elizabeth Rudolf *Thomas F. Rukavina Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas Rulon Runners Soul, Inc. Eric and Jennifer Sachtjen Safeco Insurance Company of Spokane Safway Supply, Inc. St. Joseph’s Ambulance Service, Inc. St. Monica’s Guild Salina Sanger & Gauper Sara Lee Corp. Antoine and Heather Sarkis Michael J. Scarpelli Mark and Molly Schemmel *Drs. C. James and Jackie Scheurich *Reed and Robin Schifferman James Schlatter Bruce and Kendra Schmitt Donald and Anne Schmutz Ted and Chris Schnug Robert and Anne Schrempp The Hon. and Mrs. Richard J. Schroeder *John A. and Catherine Schultheis John and Penny Schultz Mark and Sarah Schultz Otto and Diana Schumacher *Dr. and Mrs. Lester Schwaegler SeaFire, Inc. John and Kimberly Seefried Rick and Sue Seefried *Bob and Liz (Davis) Sestero, Sr. Bo Severson *Michael and Sheila (Whetstone) Shaler *Richard and Marcella (Lazar) Shinder *Margaret (O’Brien) Shute and Rodger P. Shute Sean and Sandy Sieveke *Significance Foundation Chuck and Rojean Siljeg Silk and Associates Dick and Connie Silk Bill Simer and Renee Rolando Errol Simonitsch Ron and Carol Sims Sisters of Providence Gregory Skraznas *Harry and Marguerite Sladich *Bill and Mary Bea Sleeth *Dr. and Mrs. John B. Smead *Bill and Patricia (Eakin) Smith *Elmer and Barbara Smith = Steve and Reesie Smith Smith Skolnik Literary Management *James and Linda (Apple) Solan *Dr. Thomas Tachovsky and Dr. The Hon. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lynn Baird Thibodeau Mark Sole and Adina Safer Emily K. Talley *Grace Thielman Ron and Pam Soliday Jack Tawney Lisa Thoma Sonderen Packaging Co. *Jeff and Margaret (Weinand) Mr. Paul R. Taylor *Mark and Valerie Sonderen Thomas Walter and Mary Anne Teets *Delitha Z. Spear Jeff and Regina Thomas *Hobart Teneff Specialty Home Products The Hon. Tim and Molly Spilker and Mrs. Phil Scott and Kelley Thompson (Cunningham) Spink Robert Thompson, Spokane Athletic Jr. Supply *Ruth Thompson Spokane County Title Thatcher and Co. Jill (Bethel) Spokane Ditch & Thompson Cable, Inc. Thomas A. Spokane Eye Clinic Thompson Spokane Hardware Robert J. Thorson Supply, Inc. 360 Consulting Spokane Recycling Members of the Society of Founders Group Products, Inc. are the cornerstone of giving to Thrifty Car Rental Spokane River Rowing Gonzaga University, contributing *Thrivent Financial Association (SRRA) for Lutherans directly to the University’s Spokane Roofing *George = and Company excellence and tradition with an Margaret Tiesse Spokane School Dist unrestricted gift of $2,500 - $4,999 to Paul M. Tiesse #81 the Annual Fund. Richard C. Tilzey Spokane Teachers *Dr. Diane (Ballard) Credit Union Timberlake and Spokane Tribe of Michael and Rebecca Costello Todd Timberlake Indians Henry L. Day Estate James and Tenley Spokane Urology PS Tobin Deutsche Bank Jay and Janice Michael and Staebell Tom and Karen Driscoll Annie Tobin Stahl Optical, Vlasta Duffy *Jerry and Cathy Incorporated Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Tombari *Gerald R. Stahl Tombari Fund Chris and Julie (Haigh) Structural Standiford Clark H. Gemmill Products, Inc. *Margot J. Stanfield Global Impact Tomlinson Black *State Farm Companies Greater Gonzaga Guild Realtors Foundation Frank and Juliette Prince Green and Scott Green State National Bank Kathleen (Zenner) Jerry and Patricia Hein Michael Stebbins Tomsick *Mr. Jeffrey R. Steffan Larry and Laurie Koentopp William Tonani Tom and Gail John and Carrie Lapke James and Stevenson Debbie Topliff Jim and Jan Linardos Jim and Liz Stewart Cindy Tortorelli Wil and Pat Loeken Robert and Susan *Totem Ocean Stiger Jesse and Lani Moore Trailer Express, *Stockland Livestock Inc. Kevin and Carol Neary Exchange Donald Nordstrom, Inc. Jim Stone and Patricia Townshend Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co. Hastings-Stone Prof. Mary Pat Stoneway Electric Stephen and Cynthia Pease-Babel Treuthart and Mr. Supply Dan Webster Jim and Marilyn Prince Brady L. Strahl Trudeau’s Marina, D. Michael and Petrea Reilly Roland and Maria Inc. Richard and Garldine Rudisile Strick *Bill and Barbara *Joseph and Stacie Trudeau Robert and Carla Sanders Strong Eric and Julie John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm Daniel and Gina Stubbs Tucker Vanguard Charitable Endowment *Jonas and Cheryl Diane Tunnell Program Stutzman *Bob Turnley *Joseph and Parker Sam and Mary Volpentest *James and Barbara Sullivan Turro Jason and Heather (Kampp) Wolff Paul and Julianne U.S. Bank of Sullivan Minnesota Summit Electric United Way of Jon Sunderland Spokane County Your opportunity is coming to join Sunshine Dairy, Inc. University Appliance *Pat and Julie Sweeny Gonzaga’s Leadership Circle. Details Prof. James M. *John Swendseid and to follow later this fall! Vache Despino Hutton Jerry and Georgi Syngenta Valley David and Kay Syre *Beth Terrell and Mike Daudt Valley Transformer, Inc. T & A Supply Company *Doug and Theresa Tesarik Vandermeer Forest Products TCS Contract, Inc. Gaetano and Melissa Testini 40 *David and Karen Van Loan Colleen Van Vliet Edward Van Vliet Cyrus Vaughn, III Dr. George J. Velis Donald Verfurth Paul A. Verret Via Yoga Paul and Lisa Vogelheim Darren and Timannie (Ames) Volland *Dr. Loren N. Vorlicky and Mrs. Marie Vorlicky Bob and Diane Waitt *Robert and Deloris Waldron, Jr. *Walker Construction Inc. *Ed and Amy (Botsford) Walker Marc and Nancy Wallace Kurt and Tami Walsdorf Dr. Thomas G. Walsh *Lundy Wantland Joe Ward Lloyd Wardian Scott Warnica Washington Association of School Administrators Washington Mutual Fin. Group Washington Outpatient Rehab Curtis and Colleen Wasson David A. Watt Gary and Cathi Weber *Jim Weber *Bruce and Evanell Wellings *Stan and Gina Welsh *Kevin and Jennifer (Prince) West *Donald Westerman Western Beer Distributors Deborah Lang Westwood Wheatland Bank Steve Whiteside Howard S. Whitney Foundation *Robert and Barbara (McNulty) Wiest Cary M. Williams Guy Williams Josh and Carole Williams Michael and Carol Wilson *Maureen (Reidy) Witt *Thomas and Sharon Wobker *Eddie and Joy Wood Judy S. Wood *Jeff and Nancy Woodworth Dan and Sarah Workland *Chris and Lisa Wrolstad Steven and Tina Yentzer Yoke’s Washington Foods, Inc. *Mark Zachary Nick and Stephanie Zaharias Zak Designs Irv and Angela Zakheim *John and Jane Zanol Jack and Margaret Zinkgraf *Bill and Carole Zuppe thank you *Annual Fund Contributor heritage planned giving The Heritage Society was founded in 1980 to establish a legacy of giving at Gonzaga and honor alumni and friends who have made a commitment to the University through an estate gift. Estate gifts to Gonzaga are made in many forms, including bequests, charitable remainder unitrusts or gift annuities, lead trusts, gifts of life insurance or gifts of retirement assets. The individuals listed below and others, who wish to remain anonymous, comprise this group of benefactors. == Deceased Scott A. Ables Lawrence D. Acre = Dr. = and Mrs. John B. Adams Theodore B. Albi = Carol J. Albright Catherine Almquist = Glen E. Alps = Gary M. Alworth Edith L. Anderson = Harry E. Anderson = Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson Lucy Anderson = Ronald E. Anderson Valerie Anderson John and Jewel Andrew Gayle M. Andrews Lawrence and Lucille (Lemieux) Angell = Paul Anselmi = John = and Anne C. Aram Joe and Jammie Arbanas Peter H. Arkison Alphonse and Geraldine Arnold = Mr. and Mrs. James F. Aylward Dr. Robert D. Backer = Gilbert W. Baker = Daniel E. Bandmann = Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bangert Hugh and Rita Bargion = Frank and Dorothy Barich Lester Barnes = Evalyn Barrington = Mrs. Charles (Dolores) A. Barry Esther Louise Barton John A. and Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega Dauna L. Bauer = John Beck Joseph N. Behrens = Elvira Berners = Zita D. Berners = Jamie M. Berube Joe and Sharon Betzendorfer Mike and Sandi Beus Fred E. Bigelow = Venora Bigelow = Christopher Blackburn Katherine Blum = Anthony Boccaccio Erma A. Bonge = Carol Bonino Veronica Boos = Frank and Sharon Bouten Horace Bozarth = Joseph Bradley = Douglas J. and Helen A. Brajcich Joseph and Peggy Brennan Mr. and Mrs. James Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brewer Fred L. and Olivia Briggs = Leo and Mary Brockman = Marie I. Brown = Roger G. Brown Hervy and Florence Brulotte = Joseph W. Brunner = Alfred Bucheli John Bucher, Jr. Carla M. Buck = Eric Buckley Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger Edward L. Burke = William and Nancy Burnett Josh Burrows Michael T. Busch = Bruce and Judy Butler Joe and Sharon Cade Ron and Theresa Caferro Elizabeth G. Caley = Tom A. Calpin = John E. Cannon, Sr. = Fran Cardle Robert M. and Elaine Carroll = Mr. and Mrs. William Carsrud Mark and Kathy Casey Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey Holly L. Caudill = Dr. Patrick J. Cavanaugh = Stephen T. and Elaine Cavit Frank L. Ceserani = Jason and Tania Chaffee Chester and Catherine Chastek = Patrick Chastek Harry E. Chisholm = Scott and Patricia J. (Tiesse) Church Barbara Clapp = Harriet Clarke = Beverly Clegg Robert H. and Mary G. (Champagne) Clemens = James E. Collins = John H. Collins = John P. Collins, Sr. = Lawrence F. Connolly = Dr. John P. and Flo Ann Connors Reanette Cook = Thomas and Mary Corcoran = Norman G. = and Armarant M. (Kanzler) Cormier Dr. Albert G. Corrado = Emmett J. Corrigan = Donald J. Coughlin = Marie Crabtree C. Patrick and Jean Craigen = Gerri and Bob Craves Lily B. Critzer = Harry L. (Bing) Crosby = Mary T. Cullen = William J. Cummings = James and Eloise Cummins Frederick and Barbara Curley = J. Donald and Va Lena Curran Kevin and Mary Daniels Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davenport Vern G. Davidson Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis = Mary E. Davis = Henry L. Day = John T. Day = Joseph W. Day Robert E. and Margaret Day = Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day Joe and Edna Deichl Henry Delfeld = Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey Fred O. Dennis = John and Mary Dentone Rev. C. Depiere = Bob and Evelyn Dieringer Timothy G. Dieringer Dr. Francis J. A. Ditter = William R. and Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner Mary E. Doneen = Bud W. Driessel = Dr. Jack and Maggie = Driscoll Dr. Thomas and Karen Driscoll Theodore F. Druffel = Thomas A. Drynan James P. and Ahnna Dudley, Jr. Lawrence E. Duffy = Walter W. Duncan = John E. Dunn Theresa Dunne = Michael Durand Mrs. Isabel d’Urbal = Martin = and Lorraine Durkan, Sr. William Eddleman = Genevieve Edmonds 41 John P. Egger Bridget Ehorn = Dr. Richard E. Ellis, JD Kathryn Epton = Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson Joan and Eugene Eugene = thank you Bob and Bobbie Evanson Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell Megan (Jagelski) Ewens Anna Fahey = Sonja Nordbye Fair Stella Falkner = Helen Keilbach Farrar = William W. = and Marcella Farrington Francis A. Feider = Laura Cooper Fenimore Jim Finlen, Jr. James A. Flanagan = Maud O. Flannery = Dr. Howard R. and Maxine Floan = Myles F. and Henrietta A. Flood = Nick Fluge and Elizabeth Logsdon Gordon S. Fowlds = Edward N. Foxton = Orlanta Franck = Mary Margaret Frew = Esther A. Frost = Maurice Gales Julia Garrison = John W. Garrity = William M. Gaylor = Archie and Mary George Rex R. Gerlach Barbara C. (Geary) Gianos Dr. Charles Gillingham = Lt. Col. and Mrs. William R. Gillingham Patricia A. Gillis Hal and Alice = Gilmore Maurice Glassy Gary Glenn Thomas A. Glubrecht = Beverly (Haines) Goddard Thelma Goler Sperry H. Goodman = Burgess Gordon = Margaret S. Gose = Marv and Anne Grassl James P. Green = Juliette P. Green George and Florence Grismer Dorothy E. Guild = Herschel and Betty Gustafson The Honorable and Mrs. Richard P. Guy Karin Hagel = Earl J. Hall = Joseph T. and Patsy Hall = Susanne (Kraft) Hall Edmund, Blanche, and Flore Hamel = Dave and Susan Hamer Frederick and Diane (Kelly) Hamm Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hanlen Harry J. Hanley = Cecil and Molly Hannan John Hanrahan Robert and Donna = Hanson Grayce Schade Harris = Robert P. Harris = Suzanne M. Harris Edna D. Hartman = Kathryn E. Harty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauth G. Donald and Nga Hawker Frank J. Hawley Dr. Terry L. Haws Ellen Healy = Charles and Barbara Hennessey, Jr. Horton = and Mazie Herman Phil and Lorelei Herres Tony and Cindy Higley John Hildebrand and Bird Hildebrand-Pease = Donna L. Hill = Peter Hill Daniel P. Hogan, Jr. Edith A. Holmen Melanie A. Homan Stan and Shirley Hooper Blanche Hopkins = Margaret E. Hopkins = Gary and Barbara Hordemann John and Ellen Hough Ruth E. Hovenden = Frances E. Howard = Lt. Col. Gregory M. Huckabee Edward and Marie Hughes = E.J. Hunt Frederick W. Huppert = Willis E. and Euretta James = Don and Marilyn Jans Donald H. Jans Joseph Jantsch = Edward Jennings = Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepson, Jr. George F. Jewett, Jr. = Hugh C. Johnson = Shirley J. Johnson William F. Johnson = Ina Johnston = Emma H. Jones = Dr. Robert L. Kalez, M.D. Melvin Kays Dorothy Kelly Kevin Kenneally Duff and Dorothy = Kennedy Joseph R. Keys = Adolph G. Kijowski = Dale L. Kingman Dorothy Knechtel = heritage planned giving Roy and Violet = Knott Rick Koch Dr. John = and Gayle (Keenan) Kohls Nora G. Kommers = Margaret S. Konlock = Benjamin Koreski = Sarah Marie Kranz = Larry E. Krueger George Kulzer = Dr. and Mrs. William J. La Joie Arlene E. LaMasters = Annemarie Lambert = Dr. H. John Lane Michael Patrick Lang Dr. Raymond J. Langenbach = Milton J. Langlois Henrietta Larkin = Margaret K. Larson Dr. Lawrence R. Lawton John P. Leary, S.J. = Dr. and Mrs. Jack Lee Norma LeMieux-Foubert = Ernest Lennemann = Frank B. and Ethel M. Lenzie = Jack and Betty Leonard Dr. Robert Lewis and Marcia McGreevy-Lewis Jim and Jan Linardos Herbert M. Lindholm = Wil and Pat Loeken Robert = and Glennavon Loosmore Paula Lovas = Pauline M. (Herzig) Love William A. and Earleen Lowry = Mike and Renee’ Lucarelli George Paul Lucas Barbara J. Lund Robert and Yvonne Lyons Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy James and Jane MacDonald Cheryl L. Mack Catherine MacPhee = John F. Madden = Mr. and Mrs. Harry Magnuson Bertha Mahoney = Beverly Mahrt Laurence and Delta Maillet Thomas M. Malott = Dick and Janet Manning Esther Mark = Greg Marshall Charlotte Y. Martin = E. Thomas Martin = Loretta A. Martin = Lawrence M. Massey John A. and Mary Stuart Masterson = Kylie Masterson = Guy Matthews = Mr. and Mrs. Steve Matule John and Virginia Maughan = Mary Ann and Ed May C. Alex McCabe = The Hon. Patrick McCabe = Jack and Mary McCann Joseph L. McCarthy = Pat and Kathy McCarthy Dr. and Mrs. Neil G. McCluskey Florence McCormack Robert J. McCormick = Esther A. McCoy = Helen McDonald = Lowell H. McDonald = Robert and Claire McDonald Ivah M. McDonnell = Joseph P. McFarland = Gerald R. McFaul = Marge McFaul Leo J. McGavick = Mary McGrath Morgan T. and Judith A. (Ziegler) McGrath David P. McKibbin John D. McLaughlin = Mary McLeod = Ann T. McMahon John and Ann E. McMahon = Richard L. McMurdie = Richard and Mary Lou McWilliams Rev. Thomas J. Meersman = Donald L. Merrick Jo L. Merwin Linda L. Merwin Jack D. Miklos = Dr. Earl Martin Miller = Fred Mollerus Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Monks Rev. John E. Moore = Frank A. Morbeck = Andrew J. Morrison = David L. Morse = Joe Mostyn = Shirley A. (Pemerl) Mulcahy Tom P. Mulcahy Denny Murphy = John W. (Bill) Murphy = thank you Joseph = and Muriel Murphy Pat and Fran Murphy = Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy Myron A. Nachbar II Don and Jeanette Nelles Mr. and Mrs. James W. Nelsen Budd and Sally Neumann John C. Nevin = Edward J. Nichols = Raymond J. Niehenke = Frank and Margaret Nigro = Holly J. Norton Karen Norum Luverne W. Nott = John C. O’Brien, Jr. Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Connell William and Monica O’Connell = Msgr. Oakley F. O’Connor = Mark and Cathy Ohlstrom Angeline O’Leary = Mr. and Mrs. Verne Oliver Coletta O’Meara = Clement J. O’Neill Maude O’Neill = Richard and Margaret O’Neill = Clarence and Gladys Orndorff = William Osborn = Guy and Madeline Ossello Fred S. Owen and Joanne Pottier Eddie Page = Mike and Aileen = Paioni Robert Parker = Ruth Patchen = Ethel Peasley = Gregory R. Peterson Anthony Plager Stephen N. Pope = Louis Powell = Mark and Kim Powers Robert and Ann Powers = Edward and Helen Prevol = Sue-Lynn Price-Voigt Emil A. Proulx = John J. and Ruth C. Pugh = Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Raftis Ed and Yvonne = Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Gary Randall Herbert Redfield = Cynthia M. Reyes-Methvin Catherine Rhodes Clare Rice = Margaret S. Richards = Wilfred A. Richmond = Doug and Kathleen Rivard William P. Roach = Douglas W. Rohner Robert H. Rolfs = Dr. James F. Rooney Lucille Rooney = David and Maureen Rorick = Ed Rosicky Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosler John and Elizabeth Rudolf Kerm = and Fran Rudolf Agnes Russell = Madeline St. Marie = Frances Salla = Barry W. Santana, Ph.D. Michael Scaringella Elizabeth Scheeland = Steven Schenk and Gretchen Berning 42 Reed Schifferman Gertrude Schmitt = Bernard A. Schons = Herman and Hilda Schumacher = Irene Schumaker = Virginia Schurra Dr. and Mrs. Lester J. Schwaegler Lt. Col. Pequitte Schwerin Joseph M. Shabaz = Elizabeth M. Sharp = Mary Katherine Shaw = Fred Shelton = Steve and Martha Shepard Margaret M. Sheridan = William P. Sherman = Stephen and Mary Shinn Charles Siljeg Edward T. Simkins = Anne Simpson Robert A. Smith, Sr. = Petronella Sammis Sneider = Mary E. Snodgrass = Norma E. Solman = Lee M. Solomon = Mark and Valerie Sonderen Carol J. Springer = Judy A. Springer = Margot J. Stanfield Mary C. Stanton = Jerry A. and Patricia Stebbins Mr. Jeffrey R. Steffan Charles H. and Diane Steilen Bart and Sarah Stevens Ivan and Marlene Stewart Charles H. Stolz = Daniel Stoner and Anne Santee-Stoner Brady Lee Strahl John W. Strizich = Mary E. Stuart = Patrick and Diane Sullivan Dr. Robert W. Sullivan Gertrude K. Sully = Frank X. Suttey = Arthur D. Swanson = Robert = and Joan Taber Ernest E. Tabscott = Winston and Eloise Taggart = John W. Talmage = Tatsuo Tatsuuma = Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Tennant Frances Thomas George E. = and Margaret B. Tiesse Alice Tietgen = Charles A. and Helen Tilford = Tom and Camilla Tilford Hazel Toly = Francis and Dorothea Townsend = Rev. Eugene A. Tracy Rosemary Triesch = John and Betty Tubbs = Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Tucci Effie Tucker = Robert P. Turnley Dick and Patricia Twiss Marjorie Mauk Twohy Mary M. Twohy = Bernard Tyrell, Sr. = Albert Unrecht = David and Karen Van Loan Elizabeth Van Sistine = Steven = and Laurette C. Van Voorhis Jessie Vickrey = Mary L. Vingo = Leona T. Voell = Rupert Vogl = William J. and Kathleen K. Wagner Anna Waldron Robert J. Waldron, Jr. Arthur J. Waligura = Alexander Wallace III = Robert C. Wallace Roger C. Walsh = Robert G. = and Joan M. Wardian James P. Warner = Florence Wasmer = Ralph B. Way = Robert E. Wehmeir = Albert Weiser = Carrie Welch = Helen Welty = Kevin P. and Jennifer L. (Prince) West Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. West Verna E. West = Mildred Weston = Harry L. Williams = Karen J. Williams = John A. G. Wilson = The Hon. = and Mrs. John F. Wilson Patrick Wilson = Ryan Rodney Wilson Mary H. Winder = Alice G. Windsor = Marie P. Wittman = James and Jackie Wolff David Wollersheim Richard and Cathy Worner William J. and Elizabeth A. (Curry) Wrigglesworth, Jr. Lee and Barbara Wright Geraldine Wynkoop = Lucy C. Young = Dominic J. and Lisa Zamora Mary C. Zeller = Anthony F. Zeyen = alumni donors ALUMNI DONORS CLASS PARTICIPATION RATE & TOTAL DOLLARS RAISED (NUMBERS DENOTE INDIVIDUAL YEARS OF GIVING) == deceased CLASS OF 1931 150% Class Participation $56,000 Mrs. Charles Larson, 45 Mrs. Francis D. McGinn, 28 Mrs. Monica O’Connell =, 23 CLASS OF 1932 33% Class Participation $1,325 *Dr. Francis G. Burke, 26 *Mrs. Ignatius E. Morrison, 17 CLASS OF 1933 50% Class Participation $25,430 *Mrs. Robert A. Loosmore, 45 Mary Lou Skok, 20 CLASS OF 1935 25% Class Participation $10,000 *Mr. Robert E. Day, 6 CLASS OF 1936 27% Class Participation $1,120 *Bob Lyons, Sr., 26 *Dr. Edwin T. MacCamy, 49 *Mrs. Vincent Whelan, 33 CLASS OF 1937 29% Class Participation $18,350 Mrs. Louis L. Barbieri, 37 *John Canwell, 3 *Mrs. Eugene S. Eugene =, 40 *Lester Madsen, 36 *Bill Roberts, 44 CLASS OF 1938 50% Class Participation $3,300 *Robert H. Clemens =, 19 *Fred Eiguren, 19 *The Hon. James P. Healy, 2 *Mrs. Willard Roe, 20 *George Welch, Jr., 13 *Angela (Reisenauer) Wittman, 34 CLASS OF 1939 44% Class Participation $13,175 *Eric Anderson, 31 Norb Donahue =, 43 Ruby Donahue, 43 *Fred Dullanty, Sr. =, 36 *Lois Dullanty, 36 *Mrs. Gordon E. Merwin, 43 *John Moore =, 35 *Ralph Reynolds, 3 CLASS OF 1940 38% Class Participation $85,900 *Mrs. Henry J. Diedesch, 27 Mrs. Howard R. Floan =, 24 *Dr. Bert P. Jacobson, 29 *Mrs. Samuel Lamanna, 41 *John P. Meeks, 2 *Thomas Mering, 3 *Bill Roach =, 24 *Gene Roberts, 23 *Ralph Schlosser, 36 Alvin J. Wolff, Sr., 21 *Tom Zoeller, 32 CLASS OF 1941 16% Class Participation $4,950 *Mary G. (Champagne) Clemens =, 19 *Phil Dolan, 39 *Mrs. Robert A. Eugene, 46 Mrs. John F. Riordan, 22 *Dr. Francis L. Van Veen, 29 CLASS OF 1942 52% Class Participation $2,515 *Dr. Robert J. Casey, 36 *Dr. John P. Connors, 33 *Dr. Clayton K. Gross, 10 *Dr. William J. Hanley, 33 *Dennis P. Hayes, 19 *Harry Iwata =, 24 *Margaret Iwata, 24 *Tom Iwata, 29 *Leo Lott, 28 *George Mullins, 23 *Dr. John R. Mullins, 25 *Riley Powell, 10 *Joseph C. Tremblay, 47 CLASS OF 1943 32% Class Participation $166,483 *Lou Conyard, 42 *Jack Costello, 13 *Bob Crosier, 18 *Joe Deichl, 37 *Dr. Russell P. Esposito, 44 Frank Hayes, 26 *Willis McKeon, 15 *Ed McWilliams, 26 *James D. Merriman, 15 *Jack M. O’Brien, Jr., 32 *George Oxrieder, 22 *Mrs. Elmer Smith, Jr. =, 31 *Lai Boon Tang, 14 CLASS OF 1944 23% Class Participation $5,400 Mrs. R. David Brown, 7 *Mrs. John E. Coyle, 31 Mike Paioni, 14 *Robert Spurck, 17 *Hobart Teneff, 34 *Shunji Yuasa, 46 CLASS OF 1945 21% Class Participation $282 *Albert Keno, 21 *Martin Miller, 12 *Joe Tompkins, 17 *Walter Weeks, 8 CLASS OF 1946 36% Class Participation $115,250 *John Decker, 43 *Robert Hattrup, 6 Don and Carol = Herak, 44 *Frank Pavel, 27 V-12 Edward Barulich Dr. Paul A. Carlson Dr. Bernard John Drury Arthur A. Dugoni *Larry Gerstenberger Jack Hafner William B. Hayden *Thomas P. Lacy *Martin Miller *Mike O’Neil Mike Paioni *Frank Pavel Pierce A. Rooney, Jr. CLASS OF 1947 26% Class Participation $4,375 Harry Calbom, Jr., 14 Arthur A. Dugoni, 37 *William Eldenburg, 7 *Larry Gerstenberger, 4 *Gerold Lamers, 20 Dr. Lester R. Sauvage, 46 *Gordon Windle =, 48 *Hazel Windle, 48 *Robert Zappone, 16 CLASS OF 1948 36% Class Participation $211,065 Stanton B. Bennett, 10 *Thomas Gallagher, 16 *Paul Gottschalk, 21 *Bob Hyatt, 28 *Donald Kelley, 24 *Thomas P. Lacy, 48 *Frank Naccarato, 36 *John R. Nevers =, 28 *Ed Ralph, 45 *Mrs. Edmund J. Ripple, 2 *Allan Toole, 46 *Charles J. Warren, 2 *Harry N. Wellhouser, 46 CLASS OF 1949 48% Class Participation $30,415 *Joe Adams, 25 *J. Bartholet, 37 Jack Bennett, 18 Ed Braune, 8 *Al Budig, 19 *Vern Budig, 16 *Dr. Coral W. Cotterell, 22 *Duane Cotterell, 18 *Walter Deymonaz, 39 *Helen K. Feldhausen, 33 *Robert Flagan, 43 *Clare Kiefer, 16 *Deral Kurz, 16 Patrick Lettenmaier, 6 *Alouez Linehan, 9 Mrs. Gerald R. McFaul, 43 *Allen McKimmey, 25 *Thomas Moore, 45 Charles Morbeck, 16 *Dr. Raymond B. Myers, 30 *George Nakashima, 23 *Arthur Neumayer, 29 *Charlie O’Connor, 39 Robert Odom, 28 *Bill Ogle, 46 *William F. O’Rourke, 10 *Jim Peplinski, 44 The Hon. Eli B. Ponack, 7 *Jake Quinn, 31 *John E. Roberts, 27 *Mark A. Schuerman, 33 *Phillip Skok, Sr., 48 *Mrs. George E. Tiesse, 31 *Richard Unger, 29 CLASS OF 1950 41% Class Participation $85,841 *Ray Allen, 40 *Mrs. Leo J. Banasky, 35 *Dr. Frank Barringer, 18 *Robert P. Beard, 25 *Sten Bergman, 7 *Robert E. Brady, 27 *Mrs. Phil V. Brislawn, 36 *Mrs. Harold R. Clark, 18 *Dr. John F. Comfort, 43 *Donald Conley, 28 *Jack Curran, 38 *Phil Dellwo, 20 *John Dougherty, 46 *Bill Eng, 46 The Hon. Richard J. Ennis, 14 *Bob Escure, 46 *Rich Evans, 20 James Felice, 11 *Dr. John F. Gatton, 40 *Maury Glassy, 20 *Dr. Ed W. Gray, 44 *Dr. Walter D. Gray, 25 *Cy Harrington, 49 *Dick Harrison, 28 *Stan Hattrup, 24 *Dorothy (Eggert) Heinecke, 40 *Harold Himmelsbach, Jr., 21 Daniel P. Hogan, Jr., 25 *Ralph Hyneman, 11 *Mrs. Jay R. Johnson, 30 *Dr. Thomas H. Jones, 41 *Richard Kirkendall, 35 *Ed Korn, 15 *LaRue L. (Lawrence) Krumm, 16 *John Magee, 18 *Arthur Marsh, 22 *Louis Mastriani, 9 *Frank McCauley, 23 *John R. McGregor, 19 *George Migaki, 26 Pat Morris =, 35 *Mrs. Frank J. Morton, 33 *John O’Connor, 41 Leon Olney, 28 *Thomas O’Loughlin, 18 *Jim Parker, 34 *Bill Preusse, 26 *Dr. Chester E. Raun, 28 *Riley Raymond, 19 Gordon Ripple, 7 *Kenneth T. Sauve, 17 *Lewis Sciarillo, 31 Emmett Shearer, 22 *Donald Smith, 6 *Pete Suden, 49 *Dr. Henry J. Sudmeier, 10 *Charles Swenson, 19 *Jack Tellefson, 8 *John Tracy, 27 *Edward Walsh, 19 *John Warn, 22 *Jim Weber, 37 *John Winkler, 20 *Lee Wright, 15 CLASS OF 1951 41% Class Participation $25,455 *Roy Allen, 10 *Joseph Beckner, 36 *Robert Blair, 3 *Aldo Brigante, 32 *John Bryson, 30 William E. Burch, 36 *Mr. Donald L. Clarno, 21 *Robert Comfort, 28 *Dr. Bernard M. Coolbaugh, 10 Mrs. Joseph M. Cooney, 33 *Robert Doerr, 28 *Richard J. Dolack, 19 Leo Driscoll, 21 *Richard Ebel, 47 *Gene Erigero, 47 *Thomas Fennessy, 7 Lt. Col. (Ret.) William Gillingham, 44 *John Green, 18 43 Harold T. Hartinger, 42 Bill Hennessey, 30 *Richard Hire, 47 *Dick Hoskins, 21 Dolly M. Ito, 27 Frank Hayes Johnson, 27 *Wilbur Johnson, 14 *Dr. Dennis W. Kelly, 14 *Jerald Kelly, 25 *Norman Kilgore, 25 Paul Klasen, Jr., 28 *Mr. Donald R. Kramer, 34 *John Kriete, 13 *Frank Lattanzio, 20 *Mrs. Albert B. Mann, 32 *Don McBride, 42 *James R. McCaughey, 38 *Michael McDonnell, 19 *Haruo H. Nagaoka, 7 *Roy Okada, 42 *Patrick J. O’Neill, 10 *Austin O’Regan, 16 *Gladys (Cerenzia) Peretti, 41 *Phil Reinig, 31 *Richard Riley, 7 Fran Rudolf, 41 *Thomas Savage, 8 *Donald Schmitt, 31 *John Seymour, 44 *Victor Shuey, 4 Lyle Smith Stephenson, 4 *William Stordahl, 47 *John Tracy, Jr., 34 *Herbert Waggoner, 17 *Robert C. Weber, 44 Mrs. Dick Wright, 21 *Mr. John T. Yeats, 41 CLASS OF 1952 40% Class Participation $28,473 *Guido Andreano, 27 *Dr. Robert D. Backer Estate, 28 *Joan K. (Rowley) Bennett, 34 *Richard C. Bennett, 34 *William Bertrand, 15 T. Roger Billeter, 19 Mr. Michael J. Brewer, 38 *Barbara (Brown) Brundage, 17 *John Busch, 27 *Hope (Liggett) Caprye-Boos, 28 *Dr. Stuart A. Davis, 11 *Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr., 19 *Martin Dolan, 17 Frank J. Dorsey, 16 Donald Ericson, 19 *Stanley Fairhurst, 32 *Margaret Feist, 38 *Herman J. Geiger, 43 *Phyllis (Fischbach) Geiger, 43 Bud Gilmartin, Jr., 41 *Bill Greiwe, 30 *Jim Hutton, 26 Robert Johnson, 36 *James and Mary Ann = Jones, 34 *William Judge, 19 *Vaughn Keller, 48 *James Klise, 25 *Mr. Richard C. Knop, 33 *Dr. Robert G. Lancaster, 32 *John Long, 22 Mrs. J. Ben McInturff, 45 James Meyers, 10 *William H. Milam, 15 *Budd Neumann, 48 Warren Olson, 9 *Thomas O’Neil, 33 *S. James Perkins, 9 *John Perko, 23 *Dang Tai Pham, 13 *Donald Rielly, 44 *Richard Rose, 17 *Donna (McMillan) Schuerman, 7 James A. Simpson, 30 *John Mang Chung Tsoi, 13 *Anthony Vetre, 11 Jeanne (Foster) Wardian, 21 Lloyd Wardian, 21 *James Worley, 40 *Col. Lorenz F. Wustner, USAF, 5 CLASS OF 1953 43% Class Participation $17,420 Dr. Edward W. Anderson, 18 *Urban C. Bartholet, 12 *Sodelbia (Heade) Busch, 37 J. Gerard Cain, 27 Dr. Victor V. Carnell, 28 *Donald Connell, 12 Mr. Michael J. Cronin, 39 *Frank J. Dever, 10 Stew Eggers, 16 *Ray Enneking, 29 Don Etten, 34 *Jim Finlen, Jr., 28 *Kenneth J. Galbraith, 7 *Ed Gordon, 28 *Bill Grismer, 36 *Cornelius Hogan, 4 Bill Jacobs, 45 *Jim Kees, 48 *Joan M. (Treibel) Kilian, 39 *Akira Kishi, 3 *David Knight, 2 *Jim Krebsbach, 39 *Robert P. Lawrence, 19 *Wil Loeken, 41 *Jim McGoffin, 37 *Don Meehan, 28 *Thomas Miller, 6 *Nancy Mullen Moore, 21 *Dr. Joseph J. Murphy, 5 Raymond W. Murphy, 42 *Richard O’Donnell, 6 *Barbara A. (Redmond) Olson, 29 *Robert Olson =, 29 *Loren O’Toole, 14 Fred S. Owen, 10 Harve Phipps, Jr., 30 The Hon. Richard L. Pitt, 27 *John Powers, 5 *John Rand, 45 Stanley Riddle, Jr., 24 *Paul Riedl, 18 *Dr. James V. Rocca, 17 *Carol Peters Rooney, 12 *Jim Rooney, 44 *James P. Ryan, 3 *Thomas T. Sawai, 21 *Ed Sheldon, 10 *Gordon Simanton, 27 *Mike Tsoi, 21 CLASS OF 1954 48% Class Participation $44,253 Elinor Alfano, 9 *Ernest Arnaldo, 39 *Richard Bauer, 35 Cletus Beckman, 21 Marilyn Jans Before, 32 *Joyce H. (Vanairsdale) Bennett, 39 George Chalich, 20 William Clabby, 13 *Lewis Davis, Jr., 31 Mark Derr, 12 Robert L. Ferguson, 28 *Mr. Charles R. French, 10 Maurice Gales, 44 *David Gelb, 20 John Goodrich, 32 R. Dennis Goodwin, 20 *The Hon. William J. Grant, 18 Charles E Hennessey, Jr., 13 *Dr. Robert L. Kalez, 34 *Annual Fund Contributor *John Kelly, 33 *Max Leone, 34 *Donald L. Lewis, 26 *Mike Lynch, 27 *Dr. Keith A. McDuffie, 39 Keith McGoffin, 25 Robert J. McKanna, 33 *Roy McLaren, 31 James McNally, Sr., 16 John M. Michels, 34 *Fred Mollerus, 29 *Glen Morris, 23 Wesley A. Nuxoll, 38 *Mrs. Frederick J. Owens, 14 *Albert F. Porta, 5 *Patrick Riley, 45 *Frank J. Ross, Sr., 4 *Marilynn M. (Lievero) Russell *Lester Schwaegler, Jr., 42 *Irvin Smith, 17 *Patricia L. (Prague) Thomas, 22 *John Troup, 22 *Tom Troy, 37 *Hubert Vanairsdale, 34 Elvin Vandeberg, 43 *Harold Van Riper, 7 *Jerry Wells, 18 CLASS OF 1955 44% Class Participation $18,210 *David Allen, 13 *Paul B. Arnold, 9 *Dr. Arthur L. Barry, 9 *Joseph Brennan, 28 *Dr. F. Michael Busch, 32 *Lawrence Buse, 32 *Carl Canfield, 10 *William Cleaver, Sr., 9 *Darwin Delducco, 44 Mrs. Edgar G. Eichhorn, 14 thank you *Catharine (Hurd) Elliston, 5 *Barbara C. (Geary) Gianos, 20 Charles Goligoski, 7 *Mr. Robert Green, 14 *Helen (Shepard) Greenan, 47 *T. Jerry Greenan, 47 *Dave Hamer, 40 *Patrick Kenney, 22 Bill Kerley, 11 *Ray Lawrence, 39 *Norman Lehman, 16 *Robert L. Longman, 17 *Mildred L. (Wood) Lutge, 28 *Dr. Charles B. McGough, 17 *Colleen McHugh, 4 *Joseph McNabb, 9 Joseph G. Monks, 41 *John Morford, 8 Joyce M. (Boniface) Murphy, 24 *Harold Myers, 13 *Mike Nestor, 49 *Mert Neumann, 8 *Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann, 48 *Richard F. Noble, 18 *Mr. John J. Oien, 5 *Joanne E. (Slavin) O’Toole, 14 *Jill H. (Garland) Pendarvis, 16 *Joseph Pettibone, 23 *Don F. Raftis, 39 *Richard Rhodes, 39 *Mrs. Robert R. Richardson, 3 *Robert Rowles, 12 Rev. William Ryan, S.J., 4 *Rev. Rock Sassano, 2 *Virginia Swanson, 11 Mrs. Raymond R. Tanksley, Jr., 22 *Dr. Frank Vedelago, 22 *Bill Via, 28 *Joseph Whelan, 27 *Frank Windishar, 32 *Dr. Willard J. Wyman, 45 *Adonna H. (Nuxoll) Yuse, 35 Jack Zinkgraf, 16 CLASS OF 1956 50% Class Participation $67,723 Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson, 51 Bill Barber, 23 Carol (Shea) Barber, 23 *Mary C. (Albo) Bishop, 31 *William D. Botch, 8 Fran C. Cardle, 28 *Dennis F. Carey, 12 *Jim Cave, 21 Theresa M. (Montoya) Clabby, 13 *Mr. Richard L. Compton, 33 *Lawrence Connors, 25 *John Croteau, 8 *Alice C. (Culler) Crowley, 23 Edward Dawson, 19 *Robert Dawson, 6 Armand DeFelice, 28 Gayle (Neumann) Dever, 39 *Raymond Doyle, 18 *Patricia (Staunton) Etchart, 34 *Emil Feczko, 22 *George Fish, 46 *Eric Forner, 22 Robert Graham, 13 Robert Hall, 11 *Betty J. Harrington, 36 Don Jans, 44 *Bill Jobb, 19 *Guy Johnston, 25 Eleanor B. Judson, 3 *Bethine J. (Hess) Kenworthy, 43 *Bill Kite, 4 *Dr. H. John Lane, 36 *Patricia (Pierce) Lawrence, 19 *Leila (Roche) Lewis, 2 *Maurice D. Marsolais, 8 *Helen Ferry McDuffie, 40 *Dr. Claude Merrill, 17 Shirley A. (Duffner) Murphy, 42 Thomas R. Murphy, 24 *Shirley (McDonald) Nielsen, 4 *Gerald T. Nuxoll, 18 *Bob Popovich, 12 *Harold Ripple, 14 *Laurelyn (Schimmels) Rothrock, 20 *Edward Sand, 2 *Pat Schindele, 28 *Tom Scott, Sr., 11 *Betti L. (Guiles) Sheldon, 11 *Pat Shryne, 18 *Gary Smith, 13 *Dr. Ronald P. Smith, 24 *Mildred (Grow) Sprague, 19 Philip H. Stanton, 30 *Paul Stroschein, 29 *John Sullivan, 8 *James Super, 24 The Hon. Phil Thompson, 26 *Jerry Vermillion, 23 *Loren N. Vorlicky, 27 *Pete Walker, 36 *Cornelius Warren, 27 *Marty Weber, 45 *Geraldine Weller, 40 *Don Zemek, 11 CLASS OF 1957 50th Reunion Year 49% Class Participation $72,059 Pat (Lyons) Ahern, 10 *David Ayarra, 3 William Barker, 8 Ernie Becker, 40 *Bonnie J. (Koltenbronn) Bosworth, 29 *Harold Broenkow, 19 *Pat (Ellis) Busse, 18 *Robert Busse, 18 *Jack Butorac, 27 *Ann (Ackerman) Cannan, 13 Patrick Casey, 8 *Robert Clavel, 24 *Robert A. Coomes, 12 *Michael Davis, 26 *Michael A. Donlan, 43 *John Donoghue, 18 The Hon. Robert J. Doran, 42 Myra (McGillivrey) Farquhar, 3 *Lowell Freeman, 9 *Dr. John J. Graham, 29 Joe Grismer, 22 *Mrs. Regina S. Hamacher, 19 *Louanna J. Hembree-Keyes, 30 *Dr. John P. Henry, Jr., 22 *Rol Herriges, 22 *Leon Hill, 18 Jerry Jager, 23 *Dr. Bernard R. Johnson, 17 Leonard Jungers, 11 *Kenneth Kinzer, 21 *Dr. Thomas Little, 20 Joe Lynch, 30 *Donald L. Merrick, 24 Tom Mulcahy, 22 *Donald Olson, 46 *Robert O’Rourke, 16 *John Reed, 4 *Justin Ripley, 16 *John Robertson, 19 *Rosalie Roraff, 6 *Richard Rudisile, 14 *Joseph Rutten, 33 *Joseph J. Schauble, 48 *Gerald Shaw, 41 *Mr. Robert A. Sisk, Jr., 16 William Small, 3 *Al Stadtmueller, 35 *Jackie R. Stone, 18 *Robert Tinnon, 5 *Art Tondini, 18 *David F. Tri, 31 *Phyllis M. (Champoux) Tri, 31 *Bob Turnley, 9 Dr. Richard D. Twiss, 26 Mr. Robert K. Waitt, 43 Conrad Walla, 18 *Karl Walterskirchen, 2 *Dr. Robert G. Weigand, 29 CLASS OF 1958 53% Class Participation $76,898 *Frank E. Adams, 6 *Raymond Anderson, 30 *Bob Anselmo, 27 *Gerald Bauman, 21 *Gale Benoit, 9 Joseph Betzendorfer, Jr., 19 *Frank Bouten, 29 Sherrel Bradford-Roshdy, 18 *Gordon Brunette, 28 *Beverly (Rogers) Butorac, 27 *Patricia L. Canty, 7 *Katherine M. (Piedmont) Carr, 21 *Sheila Caskey Holder, 17 *Lila (Chun) Chrystal, 20 Maurice Clark, 32 *Carroll R. (Mingo) Cleaver, 9 *Dick Cormier, 16 Mr. John H. Courtney, 18 Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, 38 *R. E. “Dick” Dadey, 41 *COL Bruce H. Davis, 9 *Patricia L. (Alexander) Davis, 2 *Patricia (Skahan) Donlan, 43 *Robert Earnest, 20 *Gary Ebel, 18 *Betty A. (Reder) Ellis, 32 *Cathy (Costello) Elting, 22 *Jim Elting, 22 *Jacklin A. (Walter) Frangi, 12 *Joanne M. (Dalsanders) Girolami, 5 *Josef E. Gray, 28 *Mr. John H. Hanson, 41 F. Curtis Hilton, 34 *Gene Hogan, 9 Del Hoover, 28 *Bob Husser, 5 Charles Ircink, 25 George A. Kain, 33 *Terry Kelly, 9 Pete King, 17 *Gene Kosiancic, 25 *E. June (Evans) Kruse, 28 Rosemary (Dempsey) Lane, 21 Dr. Franklin D. Love =, 12 *L. Dean Lueck, 6 Cora Lee Mack, 20 Paul McNabb, 26 *John McNett, 42 *Dick McWilliams, 41 *Colleen (Kane) Meighan, 46 *Jacob W. Meighan, 46 Joe Monaco, 22 *Marilyn J. (Macnab) Murphy, 31 Elaine (Morris) Myers, 19 *Dr. Angelo Pizelo, 12 *Jim Quinn, 21 Charles Redmon, 3 Jim Ringwood, 40 *Roger J. Roman, 43 *F. Wallace Rothrock, 20 Albert Schauble, Sr., 34 *Dr. William M. Shanks, 34 *Karl W. Speltz, 31 *Jerry A. Stebbins, 8 *Ivan Stepan, 16 *Robert F. Thaden, 28 Patrick Thiel, 21 *Joe Thomas, 31 Patrick Tocher, 9 *Edward Torrison, 26 Mrs. Richard Q. Totusek Kenneth VanDerhoef, 4 *David Van Loan, 30 *Ernie Vollmer, 45 *Bill Wagner, 38 Dave Walsh, 29 *Clara A. (Shaw) Weil, 20 *Bill Weldele, 15 *Janet P. (Puccinelli) Wollersheim, 17 CLASS OF 1959 45% Class Participation $118,724 *Gene Annis, 33 *Patricia A. Bell, 18 *William D. Bell, 20 *John Byrne, 9 *Delpha J. (Stevens) Camp, 30 *Ed Charette, 17 *Dr. David G. Culver, 24 *Karen M. (Pedersen) Driscoll, 34 *Thomas A. Driscoll, 34 *Ann C. (Capaccio) Duby, 18 Jim Etter, 32 *Bob Fairbank, 32 *Dr. Martin S. Favero, 26 *Rev. Terence J. Fay, S.J., 11 Brian Finegan, 28 *Leo Finnegan, 47 *Denis Frie, 6 Joseph P. Gagliardi, 43 *Jim Garvey, 38 *Lt. Col. Robert H. Grassi, 14 44 The Hon. Richard P. Guy, 23 Robert Hanson, 29 *Dr. John E. Hench, 34 *Terry Inman, 33 *Lavonda K. (Bodeau) Ircink, 25 *Paul L. Ircink, 25 Melvin Kays, 18 *Larry Koentopp, 9 *Robert Kovacevich, 22 *Maxine M. Kremensky, 2 *Tom Kubota, 45 *Mary Lou Lane, 39 Pauline M. (Herzig) Love, 24 Paul N. Luvera, 45 *Dan McHugh, 11 Don Moore, 37 *Al Mousseau, 28 Donald P. Nelles, 39 James Nordale, 18 Robert W. O’Brien, 11 *Elizabeth L. (Traversi) Olszowy, 10 *Bob Pedersen, 24 *Denny Petek, 9 *John Powers, 21 *Delos Putz, 34 *Emmett Quinn, 37 The Hon. Philip M. Raekes, 37 *Paul Redmond, 25 Bernadette (Suva) Renouard, 38 Edward J. Renouard, 38 *Pete Rij, 29 *Edward A. Ring, 36 Norman L. Roberts, 28 *Dr. Victor C. Robisch, 26 *Joan Eraerts Rolling, 19 *Sharon K. (Rusing) Roman, 43 *Dr. Richard S. Rosler, 40 Laurence Ryan, 8 *Carolyn (Magee) Schauble, 48 *Harry Sladich, 42 *Carol (Brolin) Speltz, 31 Elizabeth (Hurley) Standiford, 31 Patrick Sullivan, 17 *Marvin Thomas, 17 *Tim Thornton, 31 *Mary (Murphy) Tuss, 29 *J. Michael Volk, 33 *Bill Warren, 10 *Bill Weller, 15 *Dave Wollersheim, 4 *James Yeager, 21 CLASS OF 1960 38% Class Participation $94,815 *John W. Armenia, 38 *Bill Boyd, 39 *Bill Broenkow, 26 *Judith M. (Petek) Camp, 27 John Clute, 44 Don Curran, 38 *Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey, 4 *Charles V. D’Hondt, 31 *Read E. English, 2 *Arthur Folden, 6 *Sylvia Friede, 40 Joan (Hively) Gagliardi, 43 *Mary L. (Abba) Gaston, 25 *George Gerard, 8 *Nora W. Gutoski, 18 Charles H. Hammer, 20 *Dr. Kathleen Whetstone Harte, 37 *Jerry Haupt, 28 *Bud Hazel, 11 Alex Herzog, 43 *Fred Hodge, 14 *Fred Hoene, 23 Gary Hordemann, 24 *Marilee (Beach) Hughes, 21 *Kay Ann (Rutter) Keltos, 18 The Hon. John M. Klobucher, 23 Mike Kobluk, 25 Milton Langlois, 12 *Barbara (Weldele) LaPietra, 16 *Mignon Manelli, 22 J. Richard Manning, 22 *Lynn (Willis) McAleer, 17 *Joan (Enders) Morgenstern, 42 *Richard Murphy, 3 *Linnet (Ries) Murray, 23 *Mutsuo Nakanishi, 5 Jeanette (Jenny) Nelles, 39 *Pat Nolan, 30 Peter Norrie =, 22 Vicki Norrie, 22 Guy Ossello, 45 *Pat (Martin) Paulson, 11 *Dale Percy, 17 Jim Peterson, 20 *Michael Peterson, 28 John Quinlan, 43 *Eleanor (Polutnik) Raschkow, 25 *Harold Rebenitsch, 34 *S. F. Rief, 30 *Paul Ries, 20 *Charles E. Riley, 10 Dorita Roberts, 7 *Philip G. Roethig, 25 *Edward Rosicky, 28 Joan S. (Sylte) Schween, 9 *Morie Shacker, 6 *Steve Shepard, 25 Mr. Chuck Siljeg, 45 *Ed Smith, 3 *Bob Stach, 34 *Robert Stupfel, 28 *Norb Trauba, 9 *Glen Uhlenkott, 22 *Raymond Urh, 18 Barbara (Ross) Vermillion, 29 *Richard J. Vielbig, 15 Kay D. (Jans) Walker, 13 *Victor R. Weil, 20 CLASS OF 1961 36% Class Participation $30,480 *Donald Anderson, Jr., 25 *Lawrence Atwell, 18 *Dr. Jerry Baruffi, D.D.S., 3 *Robert P. Bourbeau, 12 *Robert Boyd, 4 *Elizabeth A. (Botch) Buchanan, 13 The Hon. Frank Burgess, 20 *Rock Caley *James B. Comerford, 23 *Ruth R. (Burke) Cox, 26 *Roger Coyle, 24 *David DeFoe, 23 *James DeGon, 6 William H. Destefano, 6 *Richard Diven, 15 *Allan Ewing, 7 *Michael Farley, 19 *E.J. FitzGerald, 4 Arny Forner, 23 *Gene Godderis, 15 Lionel C. Greenwood, 13 *Ray Haeg, 9 J. M. Haggarty, 3 Frederick Halverson, 19 *Pat A. (Girouard) Halverson, 28 *Robert M. Halverson, 28 *Mr. John F. Hauer, 3 John Hughes, 14 *Ray Kelleher, 45 *John Kempfer, Sr., 17 John Krall, 15 *David Lamey, 20 *Richard Lewis, 6 Carolyn Gale Louthian, 33 *Dorothy Wichmann Maas, 31 Dr. William P. Mahrt, 13 *Susan (Allen) Manelli, 19 alumni donors *Michael McKinnon, 24 Lawrence McNerthney, 30 *Robert Meighan, 22 *Sharlene S. (Sharpe) Miller, 25 *Allen Morris, 8 *Jerome Olson, 31 *Col. Leland E. Prentice, 28 *James H. Prince, 30 *Marilyn C. (Zenner) Prince, 30 *Mike Ramos, 16 *Elaine (Maccaferri) Reese, 24 *Patrick Reynolds, 23 Kathleen (Acher) Riel, 23 *Dave Rorick III, 10 *Mr. Peter F. St. Denis, 16 *James Schmit, 6 *The Hon. John Schultheis, 16 *Michael Seubert, 36 *B. M. (Arbuckle) Severtsen, 11 *Michael D. Shaler, 18 *Mary Jo (Peterkin) Shaw, 16 *Roy Shaw, 14 Jack Sheehan, 20 *Ted Sivalon, 42 *Ronald H. Smith, 17 *Pat Tierney, 25 *Joyce M. (Duarte) Trask, 24 Michael A. Tucci, 34 *Diane M. Vanderzanden, 23 *Robert Vanderzanden, 2 Dennis Vermillion, 29 Jerome Wasson, 3 *Maureen (Concannon) Weinrich, 5 CLASS OF 1962 37% Class Participation $53,849 *Joanne E. Backer, 5 *Peter G. Banulis, 40 *William Bond, 25 *Mike Bowers, 21 Mr. Ronald N. Caferro, 23 Jeffry D. Colliton, 20 *Norah (Flannery) Comerford, 23 *Tom Correll, 38 *Margaret (Thompson) Deason, 5 *Anne (Baker) Dobson, 6 *John Edmiston, 12 *Charles Esposito, 20 *Susan C. (Nugent) Feldmann, 5 *Mary Finke, 28 *Ronald Frei, 11 *Gary Geiss, 28 *Phelps Gose, 19 *Michael Gross, 3 *Lawrence Hawkins, 2 Howard Herman, 21 *Mary A. (Leonard) Holden, 25 *Bob Hunt, 20 *Patricia L. (Connor) James, 24 *Wilson Jerue, Jr. *Helen (Pritchard) Joers, 8 *George Kleeman, 36 *Mike Klein, 39 *Joan M. (Vosholler) Knutson, 12 *George Kurka, 25 *Noreen A. (Geiss) Littman, 20 *Sally (Zongker) Mackey, 19 *Larry Maillet, 26 Mrs. Michael P. Malone, 18 *Gerald A. Manfred, 3 *Robert Maruca, 20 *Thomas McAndrews, 18 *Juliet (Raney) McCarthy, 16 *Richard M. McLane, 30 *Dr. Anthony J. Milan, 20 *Diane (Allnoch) Mohn, 5 John Moynier, 20 *Mrs. Duane D. Myers, 25 *Gary Myers, 25 *Bill Myrhang, 35 *Dr. Albert H. Nephew, 23 *Daniel Nordmark, 21 *Francene J. (Siers) Onzay, 7 *Donald Overlie, 3 *Albert Pasqualotto, 11 *Ann M. (Allen) Porter, 37 Ann Powers =, 34 *Gene Quinn, 37 *Ellen E. Reed, 30 Kathleen L. Mauk Reid, 11 Ronald E. Riel, 23 *Richard Ritzman, 9 *Rosalie (Meierotto) Ritzman, 2 *Paula M. (Mc Ardle) Rolleri, 4 *Jacquelyne (Kopas) Ruckwardt, 40 *Jeannie (Niedermeyer) Santos, 10 John Schultz, 26 *Jerry Simurdak, 16 Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci, 34 *Monda Van Hollebeke, 13 *Mary (Collins) Volpentest, 14 *Sam R. Volpentest, 14 *Richard K. Yorioka, 21 Stephen Zimmer *Ray Zugel, 24 CLASS OF 1963 41% Class Participation $53,380 *Forrest Amsden, 27 *Daniel S. Avey, 8 *John Battilega, 29 *John R. Black, 7 Don Bodeau, 36 *Robert Brewin, 2 *Molly E. (Condon) Butler, 31 *Henry J. Charvet, 25 *Joe Connors, 13 John Cooney, 26 *Joseph Dawson, 14 *Peggy Dempsey, 36 *William R. Dobner, 26 *James Ellison, 12 *Ben Engle, 21 *Father Robert Erickson, S.J., 3 *Joseph A. Esposito, 27 *Miguel Figueroa, 4 James Fischer, 4 Dr. Earl N. Forsman, 21 *Catherine A. Geraghty, 27 *Jack Hamlin, 24 *Bruce Hankins, 25 *Lorelei (Munroe) Herres, 30 *Phillip B. Herres, 30 *Neil Hoitink, 20 Mike Horwitz, 3 *Mr. William R. Hottell, 24 Dr. L. Michael Howell, 30 *John Humbert, 10 *Judith A. (Mondloch) Jiles, 6 Robert Johnston, 8 *Margel Foote Kaufman, 26 *Midge (McGreevy) Kuster, 29 *Sandra L. (Perkins) Labadie, 7 *Nick Lamanna, Sr., 7 *Anna M. Ledgerwood, 27 Daniel Lee, 26 *Patrick R. Lenon, 6 *Dr. Joseph D. Lynch, 29 John P. Madden, 30 *Terrence Matz, 25 *Dennis McCanna, 14 *Col. Frank E. McCormick, 15 Jack McElroy, 33 *Margaret (Doherty) McFarland, 2 *Don McNall, 9 *Walt Merrick, 9 *George Metcalfe, 25 James Michel, 18 Donald Nadvornick, 20 *Larry Plews, 22 *Celeste (Leino) Quinlivan, 11 *John T. Quinlivan, 13 *Margaret S. Reagan, 36 *John Rickman, 17 *Carl Ruckwardt, 40 *Dr. John B. Ryan, 16 The Hon. Richard Schroeder, 38 *Mary Anne (LeMay) Shine, 27 *Dr. Tony M. Sutey, 16 *John H. Thomson, 13 Ray Vollert, 5 *Richard Weaver, 7 *Bill Weigand, Jr., 25 *Melvin Wicks, 6 Jim Wickwire, 19 *Col. Wendelin Winslow, 4 *Edward Wolf, Jr., 21 *Anne M. (Rettinger) Zielsdorf, 13 CLASS OF 1964 44% Class Participation $25,885 *Janice (Anderson) Ashleman, 11 The Hon. Paul A. Bastine, 22 *Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega, 29 *Richard H. Beck, 16 George Binczewski, 28 *Mary Jean (Witmeyer) Carmany, 30 *Gary Cline, 8 *Dr. Joseph D. Codd, 35 *Richard Coles, 26 *Katherine F. (Huhtanen) Connors, 33 Rita M. Cooney, 14 *Tom Davis, 26 Dolores M. (Clarke) Desserault, 16 Ken Desserault, 19 *Patricia M. Dorgan, 23 Virginia (MacIntyre) Dubuque, 6 *Julia B. (Nicholson) Dugger, 23 *Dean Duncan, 32 *Ronald Dupas, 36 *William Edison, 14 *Joan (Manning) Ensign, 24 *Mary W. (Endom) Farinholt, 13 Victoria Flower, 16 *Mr. William P. Foran, 19 *Dr. Clarence Freeman, Jr., 16 *Craig Gage, 22 Laurence Gill, 5 *Don Goligoski, 13 The Hon. H. John Hall, 14 *Katherine E. Hammer, 5 *Thomas P. Hansen, 28 Michael F. Harrington, 15 *William Haynes, 18 *Mike Howson, 28 *Thomas C. Hufty, 18 *Patrick Hurley, 11 *John Keith, 29 *Patrick Keller, 21 *Michael Kennedy, 33 *Dianne M. (Wald) Klein, 39 *Douglas Krier, 35 *Robert H. Leeds, Jr., 24 *James T. Linardos, 8 *Ronald Little, 23 *Shannon (Doran) Marquand, 15 *Patricia Martin, 21 *Dr. Peter McGann, 13 *Raymond Miller, 6 *Karen (Edgett) Montecucco, 23 *Max Montecucco, 23 *Gary Myrene, 28 Joseph Nappi, Jr., 25 *Odette Noble, 16 *Jeanne M. (Ford) Nowlin, 2 Dr. James P. O’Connell, 12 *James Old, 17 *Sharon L. O’Neil, 10 *Richard Orfalea, 3 Vaughn B. Overlie, 8 *W. Murray Paterson, 2 *Jim Peaper, 25 *Jerry Pederson, 16 *Dr. Dennis E. Penna, 21 *Dr. Howard L. Platter, 26 Gerry Poulin, 5 *John A. Rea, 13 *Rosemary (Menzia) Rief, 30 *Herman Rossi III, 31 *Ron Schmidt, 24 *Charles Schoenberg, 25 *Sheila J. (Whetstone) Shaler, 18 *Donald Sharp, S.J., 9 *Kathleen A. Skeman, 18 *Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda, 41 Margan H. (Haley) Smith, 34 Maurice M. Smith, Jr., 34 *John Sooy, 21 *Fred J. Stanaway, 3 *Dave Stoltz, 13 *Lenny Taruscio, 11 Geri (Lucchesini) Thibodeau, 16 *John R. Thiel, 20 *Patricia (Galitza) Thiel, 20 Jeffrey Thimsen, 6 *Rosemary (Dellwo) Toft, 40 *Barbara J. (Schneider) Vadset, 24 *Dick Waitt, 25 Robert Welch, 4 Jim Workland, 21 CLASS OF 1965 32% Class Participation $54,881 *Ronald Adams, 14 *Norman R. Agostino, 40 *Louise M. (Wiele) Alia, 7 *Patrick Barry, 10 *Helen M. (Downey) Boedecker, 23 *Chris Canwell, 18 *Stephen T. Cavit, 38 *John Chilgren, 14 *Jim Day, 26 Diane A. DeFelice, 21 Paul De Silva, 13 *Carol (Jahn) Donnelly, 18 Jerry Downey, 6 *John E. Dugger, 23 *Shannon M. (Lynch) Dulac, 14 *Marilyn A. (Mischel) Elmquist, 14 *K. Nozaki Ewing, 37 Harvey Faurholt, 19 *Vince P. Fennimore, 9 *Mike Glatt, 28 *Nicholas Gray, 25 *Albert J. Gyllenhammer, 7 *Joanne (Herron) Hansen, 13 Beverly E. (Oswood) Harrington, 15 *Michael Hattrup, 4 *Mary Jayne (Page) Hellebust, 17 *David Hornbecker, Jr., 17 *Leila N. (Broz) Hufty, 18 *Patricia A. (Anderson) Hurt, 17 *Roger Johnson, 15 *John E. Keegan, 30 *Aslam Khan, 29 *Gale E. (Svoboda) Kolbet, 19 *James A. Krueger, 4 *Cheryl L. Mack, 25 Richard Mah, Jr., 8 Yvonne (Koreis) Mark, 10 Tom Martin =, 8 *John McLachlan, 15 *Terry Meehan, 26 *Carol L. Messinger, 6 *Don Milligan, 7 *Mary Ann (Luger) Montandon, 27 *Jim Muggli, 25 *John A. Mutter, 2 45 *Mike Navarre, 19 *Jeanette C. (LaShaw) Nicholson, 20 *Carol A. (Daus) Oberle, 8 Jim O’Connell, 32 *Mark O’Donnell, 22 Nick D. Papageorgiou, 20 *Dr. Andrew C. Peterson, 30 Isaac S. Pope, 20 Bill Poppy, 12 *Robert Powers, Jr., 7 *Mike Preston, 31 *Dick Prior, 9 *Michael J. Reilly, 31 *Gary Riley, 2 *Rosellen Ring-Easton, 24 *Lt. Col. Robert D. Rivers, 34 *Dennis Roberts, 23 *Janice A. Roberts, 24 *Robin Rosauer, 30 *Cathi (Shaw) Schafer, 27 *Donald R. Schafer, 27 *Roy L. Schiele, 28 Ted Schnug, 9 Lynn Seelye, 12 Mike Shanks, 23 *David R. Shea, 35 *David Shikany, 23 *Eugene D. Sloboda, 41 *David Sonnichsen, 22 *Carl Svoboda, 37 *Michael G. Taylor, 32 *Gary Walsh, 2 *Linda Yorba-Desch, 27 CLASS OF 1966 36% Class Participation $156,750 Molly Adolfae, 15 *Elena J. (Cinelli) Agostino, 40 *Virginia E. (Lux) Alexander, 18 *Colleen Flynn Anderson, 7 *Marianne (Petrini) Bales, 30 Janet E. (Harris) Bastine, 22 *Marilyn A. (Miller) Benson, 36 Paula G. (Gallagher) Blanchat, 18 *Barbara J. (Fagan) Blizzard, 34 *Mary J. (Van Loan) Boden, 17 *Elizabeth Anne Brewer, 28 *Janet (Gubanc) Buck, 23 *Chris Bulger, 36 Stephanie A. (Cada) Burke, 38 *Michael Busk, 25 *Elaine (Duffy) Cavit, 38 *Jerry Coughlan, 23 *John R. Curry, Jr., 18 *William Dahl, 15 *Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner, 26 *Susan (Paivine) Douglas, 14 *Marianne (Wesely) Duffy, 24 *Mike Duffy, 3 *Sharon K. (Perkins) Fennimore, 9 *Lynn (Vosholler) Finkel, 19 Denny Flaherty, 16 Charles C. Flower, 16 *Clark Gemmill, 24 *Jerry Geraghty, 27 *Mrs. Patricia J. Gilbert, 9 *Connie J. Gonyou, 34 *Edward J. Gottfried, 27 *LeeAnn (Hudspeth) Gottfried, 27 Mr. Larry L. Guthrie, 6 Margaret A. (Jansen) Hall, 14 *Molly (Roberts) Hannan, 25 *Bonny B. (Bryant) Hannigan, 33 *Thomas Harney, 4 *Caroline (Schibig) Hathaway, 22 *Leland Henrichs, 13 *Gene Henry, 34 Michael B. Herzog, 31 *Susan M. Hoffeller, 11 Kathy (Graham) Jacklin =, 4 *Bill Johnson, 8 *Ultan P. Johnson, 4 *Robert Kai, 18 The Hon. Thomas E. Kelly, 16 Theresa (Downes) Kerin, 5 *Ronald Kofmehl, 21 *Jeff LeMieux, 20 *Virginia (Rees) Low, 8 *Dr. Gerald B. MacDonald, 14 Michael Machida, 16 *The Hon. Eugene A. Marano, 3 Joseph F. Mark, 10 *Janine M. (Daly) Martin, 12 *Patricia R. Maruca, 27 *Dr. James J. McCarthy, Jr., 24 *Mike J. McChesney, 26 *Larry J. McDonough, 3 *Dennis McEwen, 22 *Mary Alice McGinn, 22 Charlie McGivern, 17 *Brian McKernan, 29 *Ann T. (Marsh) McMahon, 29 *John S. McMahon, Jr., 12 *Jeanne M. McMenamin, 7 *Don Miller, Jr., 22 *Veronica Mratinich, 16 *Vicki B. (Beck) Murphy, 31 Mary F. (Kane) Nappi, 25 Richard J. Niederegger, 18 *Richard Nisley, 12 *Thomas Old, 10 *Ann T. (Donihee) Parazin, 35 *Robert Parnell, Jr., 18 *Kenneth Perko, 25 Neil Pettigrew, 10 *Alberta J. (Jovick) Pilliod, 22 *Richard Pyne, 2 *Dennis Rooney, 29 *Tim Ryan, 11 Stephen P. Ryder, 6 *Susan Sander, 31 Christine S. (Callihan) Schnug, 12 G. E. Schnug, Jr., 12 Joanna (Makowski) Schumacher, 21 Patricia (Ardner) Scullary, 14 *Rita (Gard) Seedorf, 24 *Jay Shelledy, 4 *Patrick K. Shine, 27 *Dorothy Smith =, 16 Gary Smith, 16 Monty Smith, 8 John Stone, 19 *Teresa (Hart) Taylor, 32 George Terhaar The Hon. Joseph A. Thibodeau, 16 *Mrs. Richard J. Thomas, 5 *Pete Thompson, 23 Tom Tilford, 29 Mike Tobin, 17 *Catherine A. Trembley, 10 Dick Turner, 3 Jerry Valley, 21 Christine Vaughan, 3 *Margaret M. (Albi) Verhoef, 22 *Kenna J. (Edwards) Walton, 21 *Kathleen (Duffy) Ward, 4 *Gary Westerman, 2 CLASS OF 1967 40th Reunion Year 37% Class Participation $67,564 Bob Allen, 8 *Gary M. Alworth, 26 *The Hon. Robert Austin, 11 *Elizabeth (Hughes) Brant, 4 *JoAnn M. (Turner) Brown, 7 Larry Brown, Jr., 25 Robert L. Burke, 38 Marguerite (Kuder) Busch, 12 Michael J. Busch, 12 *Annual Fund Contributor *Joan (Guettinger) Carter, 4 Patrick Cerutti, 10 *Renee M. Charette, 19 *Larry Christiansen, 16 *Maureen (Mansfield) Conlen, 3 *James Crum, 8 *Dr. Cornelia E. Davis, 21 *Joan V. Dellar, 16 *Angel M. Diez, 30 *Patricia (Gilmore) Dito, 19 *Peter M. Dito, 19 *Gerald Dolezal, 22 *Steve Druffel, 28 *Sally Ann (Winslow) Eaves, 20 *Jon D. Evavold, 29 Victoria (Zlatich) Faurholt, 19 Dr. Dennis M. Freuen, 11 *Mary (O’Donnell) Freund, 31 *Richard W. Fung, 28 Gary Gainer, 11 Mr. Robert N. Greco, 35 *Dave Halter, 28 *James R. Harris, 17 *Lynn K. (Joyner) Harris, 17 *Douglas Head, 11 *Katharine D. (Carney) Hendrickson, 19 *Nick J. Herak, 4 *Dennis Hierath, 21 *Richard G. Hofmeister, 25 The Hon. Tany Hong, 28 *David J. Hughes, 27 *Dr. William J. Hunter, 14 *Kurt Hutton, 5 *Carol A. (Gerberding) Johnson, 4 *Dennis Jorgensen, 15 *Jerold Juliano, 2 Dan Keefe, 18 Margaret (Masiello) Keefe =, 15 *Michele Kingman, 2 *Melly M. (McGreevy) Kinnard, 31 *Gloria M. (Brown) Kittel, 27 Kjell Knudsen, 14 *Michael Koeferl, 14 *Ed Kopczynski, 6 *Oliver M. LaJoie, 8 Thomas LaLone, 7 Thomas Lavagetto, 19 *John Leaming, 12 *Cherryl Leeson, 13 Karen G. (Ford) Liere, 4 *Mr. James D. Logan *Karen M. Maloney, 11 *Karen E. (Pattison) Mathis, 24 *Robert M. Mathis, 24 *Dennis O. Mayer, 39 *Mike McAstocker, 2 John McCabe, 22 *Terry McLaughlin, 12 *Emil Mihelich, 8 *Robert Milliken, 7 *Myron A. Nachbar II, 25 *J. Patrick Nagle, 13 *Michael Nelson, 13 *Marlene (Wassmuth) Nickolson, 18 *Tom Nollette, Sr., 38 *Theresa O’Neill Nargiz, 12 *Robert Patterson, 10 *Dr. Michael T. Petersen, 26 *Archie Prieto, 28 *Bonnie L. (Sharp) Rawson, 15 Mark Ray, 15 *John L. Reichmann, 28 *Judy A. (Yeend) Reilly, 31 *Susan L. (Bruce) Robison, 8 *Mr. Stanley A. Roy, 13 *Terence M. Ryan, 19 *Joseph Saccone, Jr., 16 *Sue Ann (Pechtl) Schiele, 28 *Paul Seifert III, 9 *Elizabeth (Davis) Sestero, 24 *Mike Shea, 8 *Mary Shepard-Baker, 8 *James C. Singer, 8 *Paul B. Smith, 10 *Joseph P. Spielbauer, 27 Clark Stump, 4 *Michael E. Thuot, 26 *Virginia Trethewey, 25 *Harry Turenchalk, Jr., 14 *Samuel Via, 3 *Bob Waldron, Jr., 24 *Ken Wall, 23 *Kathy A. (Plachta) Wehrly, 29 *Donald Westerman, 10 *Mike Masterson, 28 *Merridy (Schreck) McChesney, 26 *Nancy D. McDonald, 37 *Mary Whittier Moffitt, 25 *Vikki P. (Lamb) Moormann, 26 *Lenna (Chester) Mulka, 17 *Kris (Laubacher) Murphy, 30 *Linda C. Oaksford-Lorenz, 28 *Meredith (Dano) Olson, 10 *Mrs. Margie Francisco Opitz, 22 Jack Ossello, 33 *Dr. Patrick J. Reagan, 25 *Roberta (Wittman) Reisenauer, 23 *Dr. Dennis Rickert, 13 *Donna M. (Colee) Ryan, 19 Richard W. Sanger, 11 *Paul W. Schafer, 27 *Susan K. (Phillips) Schimandle, 17 *Mike Schumacher, 18 Maureen Sheridan, 27 Mike Shields, 29 Stephen B. Shinn, 21 Michael N. Shoemaker, 13 *Bill Talkington, 16 *James Thielman, 12 *Mary Jane (Bilsborrow) Thompson, 23 Ron Tierney, 14 David D. Traylor, 21 *Michael J. Wanderer, 21 *John M. Ward, 4 *Marilyn G. Weeks, 8 *Karen (Sciarillo) Willis, 25 *Elizabeth A. (Welch) Wilson, 15 CLASS OF 1968 35% Class Participation $48,658 Mike Adolfae, 15 *Joe Albo, 11 Beverly J. (Cunningham) Austin, 13 *James Barney, 2 *Mr. Rowland Beaulieu, Jr., 3 *Phyllis J. Bongers, 11 Dan Brajcich, Jr., 27 *Gene Branson, 11 Lauraine Brekke-Esparza, 2 *Gerald Broderhausen, 17 *Mary (Martin) Brown, 28 *Dr. Ben W. Brucker, 14 *Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch, 30 Bruce Butler, 33 Judith Acher Butler, 33 Dennis Calfee, 13 *Lance Campbell, 16 Michael Casey, 34 Dee Ann (Leoni) Cerutti, 10 *Brian Corcoran, 8 *Nancy L. (Zodrow) Cressey, 27 *Paul Cummins, 4 *Paul E. Dahlberg, 23 *Gerry Davis, 20 John Demakas, 24 *Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros, 39 *Dale de Viveiros, 39 *Terry De Voto, 25 *Kathleen A. (Bonck) Diez, 30 *Eugene G. Dougherty, 3 John E. Dougherty, 26 *David W. Dowis, 23 *Janet A. (Mattie) Dowis, 23 *Nancy C. (Armstrong) Dunne, 22 *William Dunnigan, 19 *Marisue (Ebel) Fenton, 13 *Robert Feulner, 17 *Colleen (Eugene) Flynn, 37 *Kathleen A. Franz, 31 *Marcia (Valentine) Fung, 28 *Susan A. Glowacki, 17 *Gregory Greyerbiehl, 7 Dianne E. (Shea) Hammer, 20 *Richard A. Hill, 15 *Dr. Karen Krebs Ireland, 34 *Patricia J. (Oaklund) Jacobs, 26 *Rick Jaggars, 23 *Karen L. Keogh, 2 James B. King, 26 *Daniel Kinney, Jr., 10 H. Terry Lackie, 19 Dennis La Porte, 11 *Patrick Laskey, 18 *Joan (Conlin) Leeds, 24 *Tom Lengowski, 20 *Kathleen (Heslip) Ludgate, 5 Dr. Richard and Mary Ann = Luedtke, 21 *Dan Madden, 11 The Hon. John J. Madden, 29 *Bill Majerus, 22 *Michael G. Mandick, 25 *Susan A. (Adamson) Manfred, 3 Carroll Martell, 9 Patrick Ream, Spokane Gonzaga Connection: BBA ’95; married to Sarah (Somes) Ream, BA in Philosophy ‘95 Chapter: Spokane Occupation: Vice president of marketing for Next IT Corporation in Spokane What most inspires you about GU? “The profound and lasting impact it leaves on those associated with the university. Having recently moved back to Spokane, I now have an opportunity to broaden relationships with fellow alumni at work, within the community and with new friends. This increased exposure only reaffirms my belief in the community and in the excellent individuals the university produces.” Patrick and his wife, Sarah, a GU alumna, are focused these days on raising their twin boys, Ellliot and Keaton, who just turned 3. Patrick and Sarah met while on a Search Retreat offered through University Ministry. The Reams recently moved to Spokane from Portland. Getting involved in the Spokane Chapter was, according to Patrick, a great way to reconnect with Gonzaga and meet more Zags. His commitment to Gonzaga students and alumni is evident. He chairs the Gonzaga Alumni Mentoring Program in Spokane and is eager to strengthen the alumni community. “I have professionally and personally benefited from associations with fellow alumni,” says Patrick. Why do you support Gonzaga? “Because of my belief in the Gonzaga community, fondness of my university experience, and desire to ensure similar opportunities for future alumni. While many things and faces have changed at the university since I attended, I believe that the prevailing spirit remains because of the support of alumni, friends, families and faculty who share in this philosophy.” Kathleen D. (McLaughlin) Ossello, 33 The Hon. Mike Padden, 6 Andrea (Losh) Papageorgiou, 20 Scott Patnode, 31 Gregory R. Peterson, 6 *Carla M. Phillips, 26 Robert D. Rangitsch, 29 *Jo M. (Maierle) Smallwood, 13 Bill Snyder, 3 *Josephine C. (Fifi) Soublet, 31 *Carol J. (Muhich) Spear, 17 Richard J. Standiford, 31 *Carol (DeGeorge) Sterling, 18 *Michelle (Mack) Swanson, 10 *Dr. Thomas G. Tachovsky, 17 46 CLASS OF 1969 41% Class Participation $108,768 *Doug Anders, 11 Dave Anderson, 18 *Raeann (Tavella) Arias, 15 *Kristine A. (Kerr) Arnold, 2 Thomas K. Baffney, 29 *Catherine A. Bain, 14 *Richard Baldasty, 30 Hollis Barnett, 16 Patricia J. (Anderson) Barnett, 16 Frank Bartoletta, 13 *Robert A. Becker, 28 *Martha Beetley, 19 Eddy Birrer, 25 *Jim Bitter, 17 *Steve Blaser, 3 *Dennis D. Bly, 8 *Curt Braukmann, 10 *Jim Buck, 30 *Michael J. Buck, 23 Chuck Burgess, 16 *Michael Burgess, 8 *William B. Burke, 9 *Joe Busch, 30 Jay Caferro, 24 *Terrance Callan, 26 *Christian R. Casper, 26 *Wayne Chabre, 9 *Jim Clark, 34 *John L. Corrigan, 9 *Janis (Macready) Dahlberg, 23 Donna M. (Hansen) Dougherty, 26 *Anne F. Edwards, 17 Walter Egger, 10 *Sally (McCarthy) Epler, 27 *Shirley Ewing, 27 *Francine C. (Tomoso) Fernandez, 18 *Tim Fleethan, 10 Paula J. (Forgy) Gessler, 21 *Timothy D. Gierke, 15 *Pat Gilmore, 21 *Michael Grainey, 27 *Judy M. (Thyfault) Grunow, 26 Donald Hackney, 30 *Thomas M. Hagler, 19 *Bernie Halloran, 31 Patricia (Fouts) Harkins, 19 Timothy J. Harkins, 19 *Bryan P. Harnetiaux, 15 *Sue A. (St. Mary) Harnetiaux, 15 *Jeanne P. Harvey, 18 *Bill Hensleigh, 22 *Joseph H. Hermosillo, 8 Timothy M. Higgins, 11 *Ann Hillman, 12 *James D. Hinch, 6 *Pamela K. (Chong) Hinch, 6 Fred Hobbs, 13 James L. Hollingsworth, 13 *Susan (Hupf) Holt, 21 *Merrily M. (Hartz) Hornell, 11 *Gerald R. Hover, 27 *Carmela (Granier) Hughes, 27 *Michele (Boedecker) Hutton, 2 Shirley J. Johnson, 8 Doug C. Johnston, 19 *Frances (Messina) Jordan, 17 *Dennis A. Kamimura, 36 *Tom Kelly, 24 *William J. Kelly, 7 *Sheila Kern, 4 *Robert M. Koenig, 16 *Susan M. (Devlin) Koenig, 16 *George Kolbar, 22 *Janet K. (Reinig) Kruger, 5 Francis B. Ladenburg, Jr., 19 *Robert A. Lockrem, 14 *Judith (Imhoff) Long, 18 *Cheryl A. (Goold) Mandaquit, 12 *Robert McCarthy, 13 *Dr. Michael D. McCormack, 26 *James McGourin, 3 James S. McLean, 25 Marilyn (Potter) McWilliams, 13 Mike Meeks, 11 *Leo D. Mellon, 35 John Messina, 24 alumni donors Donald J. Migliuri, 22 *Mary E. (Kore) Mohr, 24 Stan Moore, 14 *Peter Morse, 15 Dan W. Murphy, 19 *Glenn Nachbar, 8 *Dr. Van B. Nakagawara, 29 Pat Naughton, 37 *Jerry Neal, 6 *Patrick O’Boyle, 31 *Mary Ellen (Stroebe) O’Donnell, 27 *Dennis O’Neill, 19 *Austin Pagnotta, 4 *James Patterson, 21 *Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson, 23 Michael A. Patterson, 29 *Paul J. Patterson, 23 *Tiffanie T. (Taylor) Pearson, 24 *Julie (Shea) Peha, 19 *Rick Petersen, 8 *Mike Pontarolo, 28 Gary Powdrill, 6 Vince Poxleitner, Jr., 14 *Jack Regan, 16 Diehl Rettig, 16 Karen (Sudol) Rittenberg, 6 *Susan M. Roberts, 16 *Charles Schafer, 23 *Dale Schoenberger, 4 Lee E. Schultz, 25 Sheila (Walsh) Schultz, 25 *Mike Shea, 12 *Steve Shepard, 36 Mary E. (Taylor) Shinn, 21 *Yvonne Shulman, 20 *Margaret M. (O’Brien) Shute, 31 *Mary Kathryn (Kronenberg) Simmons, 32 *John Simonson, 29 *Linda C. (Chesurin) Sliepen, 3 *Patricia (Eakin) Smith, 35 *Robert Sonntag III, 6 Joseph Staebell, 6 *John F. Sullivan, 15 *Rebecca E. Sullivan, 26 Terry Thompson, 9 Joan (Stetzner) Traylor, 21 Robert N. Turping, 8 Sheryl (Bettendorf) Turping, 8 *Gene Unger, 16 *Polly H. (Hudspeth) Venard, 10 Joe Ward, 2 *Stanley Welsh, 28 Nancy (Keplinger) West, 12 *Bill Wilson, 12 *Tom Woodley, 33 *Mike Young, 16 CLASS OF 1970 33% Class Participation $62,806 *Pamela Acuff, 11 *Kathleen Dyroen Adamson, 8 Paul Albright, 28 Rod Barnett, 13 *William R. Becker, 20 *Leo Berry, Jr., 32 *Marcia L. (Bloom) Bourget, 20 *Elizabeth Ann (Fessler) Braet, 25 *William J. Braet, 25 *Pauline (Martin) Bresnahan, 27 Mary K. Brooks, 16 *Diane (Van Driesche) Burke, 10 *Francis P. Burke, 10 *Claudia (Freer) Cahill, 28 *Daniel M. Cahill, 28 Peggy (Morton) Calfee, 13 Susan (Amato) Castagna, 34 Mark Castner, 26 *Marianne E. Cieryca, 10 *Margaret A. Coffey, 21 Robert Connor, 4 *Richard Cook, 24 *Paula J. Cowley, 23 *William L. Cowley, 23 *Mr. Gary M. Cuillier, 9 *Mr. Richard E. Dolezal, 24 *Patrick Dooney, 29 *Paul F.X. Dunigan, 27 *Terrence Dunne, 10 *Robert J. Erickson, 30 *Steve Feider, 25 Roger A. Felice, 19 *Antoinette Francisco, 14 Marcia Limper Fulham, 20 *Timothy Gaffney, 13 *Roger Gence, 14 *Suzanne P. (Prendergast) Gierke, 15 *Spike Gilson, 13 *Catharine M. (Marble) Glennon, 18 *Candy (Jones) Gormley, 25 *Edward J. Gormley, 25 *Dr. William Gromko, Jr., 22 *Susanne (Kraft) Hall, 21 *Diane (Kelly) Hamm, 29 *Marlene Hapai, 22 *Dan Harbaugh, 29 *Dave Heinze, 24 Patricia (Haley) Higgins =, 11 *James P. Hodgson, 22 Patricia G. (Graham) Hollingsworth, 13 *Susan R. (DeGagne) Huss, 18 Ann A. (Arthur) Johnston, 19 *Kelly (Florence) Jones, 15 *Kevin Kelly, 7 *Jean A. (Friedhoff) Kelly, 7 Alan Kempen, 12 Alan Lamia, 16 The Hon. Thomas P. Larkin, 28 Vincent A. Laubach, 23 *Patricia A. (Collins) La Voie, 24 *Cathy I. (Graff) Layton, 11 Roberta (Scott) League, 18 *Mary Anne (Thuot) Lynn John C. Mantello, 12 Victoria (Rangan) Mantello, 12 Robert Materne, Jr., 8 *Dr. John Paul McGahan, 15 *Dick McIntyre, 31 Kathleen (Koreis) McLean, 25 Alan McNeil, 25 *Dorothy J. (Schaffers) Mellon, 35 Gerald Moberg, 11 Frank Monasterio, 11 Michael L. Mooney, 19 William E. Morgan, 20 David Muggli, 22 *Duane Mullen, 15 *Joseph Mullins, 17 *Russell Niles, 28 *Joseph W. Olson, 3 *Bob Plachta, 33 *Kathleen J. (Bochsler) Polzin, 17 *Elizabeth (Onley) Pontarolo, 28 *Christine M. (Breitenbach) Quevedo, 34 *Ermel Quevedo, 34 *Kathy Quinn, 13 *Sally (Bulger) Quirk, 33 *Timothy W. Quirk, 33 David Rahmer, 23 *Mr. Charles P. Rupert, 12 *Donald Sand Mary Scarpelli, 35 *Robert L. Sexton, 16 Alexander J. Shogan, Jr., 24 *Camilla A. (Carlson) Shroff, 16 *Patricia M. (Taylor) Smith, 15 *Patricia R. Sorenson, 18 *Thomas Spielbauer, 3 *Mary M. (Shikany) Stachofsky, 20 *Gary O. Steeves, 13 The Hon. Richard A. Strophy, 17 *Carl Sturm, 6 *Mary Ellen (Prentice) Sullivan, 15 Daniel Sweeney, 10 *Theresa (Auer) Tesarik, 36 *John E. Uffelman, 28 *Michael J. Vanairsdale, 16 *Christopher Venne, 10 *Judith E. (Cox) Wall *Martin Wall III, 8 *Roy H. Warnick, 12 *Peter Weber, 12 *Georgia R. Wilkinson, 35 *Brian Williams *Kevin J. Williams, 10 CLASS OF 1971 34% Class Participation $56,823 Michael Agostinelli, 2 *Katherine J. (Bauer) Alzheimer, 19 *Bill Barkas, 35 *Steve Bombino, 21 *Pete Breiten, 33 *Jim M. Bresnahan, 27 Kirk Bromiley, 18 Marilyn (Healey) Bromiley, 18 *Thomas Budewitz, 9 *Donald Burke, 18 *Patrick Burke, 27 John F. Bury, 18 *Francis J. Callan, 13 *Suzanne M. (Lux) Callan, 13 *Mary S. (Simonson) Caravalho *Michele H. (Hughes) Carpenter, 22 John Ceserani, 11 *Mary T. Clark-Kaiser, 16 *Harold Cochran, 29 *Edward Coker, Jr., 9 *Thomas Combs, 8 Robert A. Comfort, 21 Kathleen (Ericksen) Corrick, 24 Stephen Corrick, 24 *Les Countryman *Luz Graciela (Martinez) Dano *Marlene K. (Bauer) De Voto, 25 *Sanford R. Dietzen, 7 *Margaret A. (Jones) Doering, 10 *Christine A. (Kelly) Donaldson, 16 John P. Egger, 28 *John Eret, 11 *Lawrence Evers, 10 *Richard E. Fagnant, 21 Susan M. Fandel, 9 *Signe M. Feeney, 23 *Margaret E. (Davenport) Fischer, 20 *W. Howard Fischer, Jr., 20 *J. Steve Garitone, 7 Nancy Gillespie, 19 Richard Goodson, 17 Michele Graham, 28 *Dr. Victor R. Haburchak, 11 *Suzanne M. Harris, 22 *Tom Hattrup, 31 *Gretchen Hayden, 15 *Jon Hayes, 6 *Mark Hennessy, 33 James B. Herbolich, 3 *Jeff Herrmann, 6 *Willy Herzog, 17 *Steve Hill, 12 *Marjorie C. (Henry) Hodgson, 22 *Janice C. Huttula, 26 *Lt. Col. James A. Ingrassia, 11 Erwin Jones, Jr., 11 *James Jones, 8 *Jeffrey Jones, 16 *Kevin Keenan, 31 *James M. Kilburg, 7 *Michael J. Killeen, 25 *Larry Kimmel, 28 Dale Kingman, 20 *Dawn Kuhlman *Dan Kuhlmann, 20 Kathleen Lackie, 19 Denise A. (Durkin) Ladenburg, 19 *Victoria A. (Urquidi) Laidlaw, 26 *Gary Larson, 21 *Mr. John Lizalde, 3 *Leslie L. Luxmore, 2 *Tim Maciel, 6 Douglas Marsh, 7 *Nelson Martin, 23 *Dennis M. McDonald, 33 *Michael T. McDonald, 22 Ronald McKay, 20 *Michael J. Meyer, 6 Stan Milkowski, 3 *Cathy T. (Tobin) Miller, 24 John A. Miller, 15 thank you *Thomas P. Miller, 24 Fritz Mondau, 16 *Brian D. Morse, 11 *Shawn Mosey, 16 *Kathleen Murphy-Carey, 6 *Ingrid M. (Bruton) Niles, 28 Matthew Noonan, 26 *William O’Brien III, 12 *Wayne M. Oien *Steve Palmer, 19 *Janis (Schmidt) Parente, 27 *John J. Parente, 27 Mark Powers, 23 Dr. Miguel P. Prietto, 12 Martin J. Pujolar, 24 *John Purcell, 19 William D. Quigg, 28 Skip Raschke, 8 *The Hon. Henry A. Rawson, 8 *Douglas L. Rehaume, 20 *James Reisenauer, 26 *Ronald Roth, 30 *Ken Sammons, 24 *Denise L. (Leppek) Schafer, 27 Dick Schomburg, 22 Mike Speer, 25 *Therese E. Staeheli, 3 Michael E. Stevenson, 8 Shanna E. (Schuetz) Stevenson, 8 *Joseph F. Stickney *Kari R. (Lavelle) Stoner, 3 *Lawrence J. Stuckart, 24 *Mary Anne (Brown) Stuckart, 24 *Sandra L. (Hilbert) Suilmann, 17 *Susanne Suksdorf, 18 *Padraic J. Sweeny, 19 *James Taylor, 13 *Douglas R. Tesarik, 36 *Jim Thompson, 16 Frank Tomsick, 21 Kathleen J. (Zenner) Tomsick, 21 *Kathleen Turcotte, 18 *Kevin Twohig, 18 *Patty (Buck) Uffelman, 28 *Deborah K. M. (Sadaoka) Vanairsdale, 7 James Waite, 7 *Lundy Wantland, 18 *Barbara J. (McNulty) Wiest, 29 *Joanne (Steeves) Wilcynski, 4 *John Wilcynski, 11 *Cathy (Harrison) Worner, 24 CLASS OF 1972 38% Class Participation $68,308 Pep Albi, Jr., 29 47 *Greg Arpin, 22 *Shawn Auld, 17 Catherine E. (Ford) Black, 13 Gary Bloom, 21 *Marguerite (McCarthy) Braeuer, 12 *Ellen (Corriea) Buller, 29 *James H. Buller, 29 *Mark Casey, 31 Rev. Thomas C. Caswell, 2 Catherine A. (Busch) Comfort, 21 *Elaine T. (Padgham) Cullen, 16 Brian Dano, 9 Cathy (Huntington) Danz, 21 Ed Danz, Jr., 21 *Bob Davis, 21 *J. Shirley (Draska) Davis, 35 Alan S. Dernbach, 19 *Randy De Voto, 25 Patricia C. Doherty, 12 *John J. Dooney, 15 *Dr. Joseph E. Dziados, 32 John M. Ennis, 12 Marlene (Velebny) Ennis, 12 *L. Kevin Evoy, 24 *Mary (Richardson) Evoy, 24 *Theresa R. (Kolar) Faerber, 22 *Dennis Fazzari, 25 John M. Flaherty, 9 Joan B. (Bowen) Forni, 14 *Cliff Fukuda *Patricia (Hagan) Gamache, 21 *Terry J. Gamache, 21 *Maryann E. Gaug, 32 *Brian Green, 16 *Mark S. Gryziec, 22 *Nancy A. (Wagner) Gryziec, 22 *Nancy (Clarke) Hall, 22 Kathleen R. Harkins, 26 Vernon W. Harkins, 26 Patricia Hastings-Stone, 8 *Katherine (Howerton) Hawley, 3 Michael T. Hayes, 24 Paula K. (Fruci) Heck, 9 Jerry Hertel II, 21 Steve Hertz, 23 Victoria K. (Swain) Hertz, 23 Dennis P. Hession, 23 Jane M. (McFaul) Hession, 23 *Peter Hill, 26 *Dale O. Hoisington, 26 Gregory M. Huckabee, 22 *William G. Jones, 13 Joanne Joyce, 6 *Kevin Kenneally, 29 *Greg King, 11 Walt Krueger, 17 Carol (Somerville) Lampson, 24 William N. Lampson, 24 *Bob Lasich, 8 *Guy I. La Voie, 24 Greg Lipsker, 6 *Michelle Lua, 23 *Stephanie A. Majoy, 17 *John Makens, 29 *Kathleen McChesney, 2 *Jean M. (Clarke) McDonald, 22 John McDonough, 9 John H. McLane, 31 Pamela (Eakin) Miller, 15 *Thomas A. Miller, 10 *James W. Moore, 3 *Thomas M. Murphy, 2 *Gary Nibler, 13 *Mary Carol Niland, 30 *Rita Nolan, 11 *Carla M. Nuxoll, 23 *John C. O’Brien, Jr., 20 *Mary (Broderick) O’Brien, 20 *Kris R. Olin, 17 *Rich O’Neill, 10 *Allison Patrick, Jr., 30 *Celeste C. Pentila, 11 Charles H. Porter, 23 *Jimmy Primm, 21 *Judy Quinlivan, 11 Stewart Randall, 4 *Robin A. Rego, 15 *Margaret E. Reh, 24 *Mark Rehberger, 18 *Susan (Uhlenkott) Reinhardt, 12 *Francis Rickman, Jr., 8 *Bert G. Robins, 15 *Mary (Heuberger) Robins, 15 *Richard N. Roccanova, 21 *Mark F. Rotar, 21 Martin L. Salina, 12 Rosemary D. (Wilking) Samuelson, 25 *D. Kathleen (Gallagher) Savord, 6 *George Schandelmier, Jr., 18 Joseph R. Schneider, 14 Shyla (Asher) Schneider, 14 *Margaret (Kosse) Schwede, 20 Darrell Scott, 4 Elizabeth (Matulka) Scott, 4 *Patricia A. (Daly) Scott, 24 *Sharon G. (Giles) Siegel, 24 *Brigid F. (Flynn) Spellman, 18 Steve Staats, 5 *John R. Straughan, 2 David Syre, 4 David J. Taylor, 30 *Anne (Davidson) Tilley, 25 *John C. Timm, 21 *Mary Beth Tormey, 8 Dennis Vanairsdale, 6 Larry Vance, Jr., 22 *Tamara L. (Love) Verby, 2 *Mr. Robert Wafstat, 9 *Richard A. Worner, 24 *Sue Y. Yorioka, 21 CLASS OF 1973 34% Class Participation $669,049 *Edward Andrus, 2 Tim Barnard, 23 Sally (Solan) Barnes, 13 Jim M. Beaulaurier, 15 Lynelle K. (Wahl) Beaulaurier, 15 *Barbara (Rugloski) Berry, 31 Gerry Bischoff, 17 Susan M. (Quigley) Bloom, 21 *Dennis Bogdan, 28 Rebecca A. (Hughes) Bowles, 3 Gary D. Brajcich, 29 *Donna Breidenbach, 9 Jim Brilz, 8 *Christine J. (Hansen) Bryant, 15 *Earl Burt, 15 Rosemary J. (Walsh) Bury, 18 *Rick Cappello, 22 Wade Carpenter, 15 *Kathy (Evoy) Casey, 31 *Tom Cave, 19 The Hon. Kenneth Cowsert, 4 Susan (Pheifer) Curalli, 12 *Mr. Michael B. DavidsonMaynard, 7 *Michael DeForeest, 6 *Brian Deichl, 17 *Cathy (Coriell) Dernbach *Ronald E. Donovan, 5 *Richard E. Driscoll, 2 *Debbie N. (Niehus) Fagnant, 21 *Mike Fitzsimmons, 2 Mike Flynn, 23 Thomas J. Flynn, 15 *David Fontaine, 13 *John Ford, 15 Simon Forgette, 11 Rodger Gazelle, 19 Michael Geraghty, 25 *Tom Gilson, 21 *Annual Fund Contributor *Carla M. (Novak) Gish, 28 Anne (Gaskell) Grassl, 30 Marv Grassl, 30 *Dave Greene *Joyce M. (Wassmuth) Griffey, 19 *Mr. Gerard Haag, 20 *Dr. James D. Haigh, 24 Marci (Felix) Harrington, 17 *James Hasson, 5 *Paula Hawks-DeLuca, 27 Jane (Manning) Heiskell, 9 James J. Helbling, 12 *Donna T. (Agnew) Henderson, 18 *Vince Herberholt, 32 Gregg J. Hersholt, 7 *Bill Hewes, 21 *Joanne Hidaka, 24 *John Hom, 2 Greg Hubert, 18 *Mark R. Iraola, 16 *Fred Johnson, 19 *Ann T. (McCarthy) Jones, 13 Edward Joy, 23 Robert Keefe, 15 *Michael Kiely, 16 Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King, 26 Gary P. Kirchner, 19 Ticia R. Kohls, 6 Chelsea Korte, 10 *Kristine A. Krebs-Gill, 30 Marilyn (Godwin-Austin) Larkin, 28 *Mary Ann (Mitchell) Larrea, 16 William Lindberg, Jr., 24 Rosanne Hall Lobitz, 18 Terry Lumsden, 9 *Jan M. (Janclaes) Luxmore, 2 Paula R. (Rotar) Lynch, 11 Dan Mallea, 28 *Mike Malone, 8 *Glenn Malubay, 24 Thomas K. McCarthey, 14 Barbara L. (Mahre) McCarthy, 6 *Julie R. (Roberts) McEnroe, 18 *Mary McGrath, 18 *Jim P. McNally, Jr., 12 *Larry Meyers, 29 *Elizabeth Mitchell, 7 *Linda Mullen, 15 *Chuck Murphy, 23 The Hon. James M. Murphy, 11 *Sharon M. (Vinson) Murphy, 15 *James R. Nickolaus, 2 *Kevin O’Brien, 20 *Greg O’Keefe, 23 William A. Paine, III, 13 *William J. Paver, 17 *Patricia S. (Bushue) Pebles, 18 *Patricia A. (Cloonan) Petersen, 21 *Steve Petersen, 21 Charles Phillips, 7 *David S. Radcliffe, 16 *Wendell Reddinger, 21 *Mike Reding, 11 *Fred Reinel, 15 Patrick Roach, 16 *Deborah L. (Gaebe) Roccanova, 21 Buzz Schaumberg III, 9 *Cary Seidel *John Sherrick, 18 *Steve Shrader, 12 *Barbara L. (Metz) Sluder, 23 *Alice L. Smethurst, 27 *Ronald G. Spieker, 5 *Marcia Stimatz Elchesen, 21 *Mary (DeFazio) Suarez, 15 Robert Thompson, Jr., 13 *Ann (Bramstedt) Timm, 21 *Jane (McNulty) Towle, 5 Joan F. (Curry) Trivison, 6 *Paul D. Werts, 15 The Hon. Richard Bell White, 13 *Randy Wiltgen, 13 *Joyce Ann (Fuchs) Yates, 28 *Randall W. Yates, 28 CLASS OF 1974 36% Class Participation $599,316 Steven Adelstein, 21 David A. Akana, Jr., 11 *Alberta J. (Vierra) Balangatan, 8 Kevin A. Blanchat, 10 Andrew C. Bohrnsen, 14 John Bowman, 11 Mary Margaret (McLafferty) Brajcich, 29 Myron Brixner *Richard A. Bush, 11 *M. Penny (Muus) Butts, 3 Charles Carroll, 22 Joseph Columbus, 8 David Condon, 2 *James A. Connolly, 20 Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney, 11 James Cooney, 11 thank you *Debbie Coscorrosa, 13 Nick L. Curalli, 12 *Sharon S. (Stephens) Davidson, 24 *Edward H. Davis, 8 P.J. De Benedetti, 17 *Carol S. (Stewart) De La Mater, 21 *Michael Depner, 15 *Dennis De Voto, 27 *Diane M. (Kakuschka) Diamond, 28 *William J. Diamond, 28 Gordon Dick *Chris Dirstine, 18 *Catherine (Haupt) Doerr, 5 *Terence Doherty, 6 *Mary (Joerg) Duffy, 17 *Donald W. Eagle, 5 *Ann (Shelledy) Eckardt, 22 *Robert M. Edwards, 7 Hugh Evans, 15 *John Evans, 16 James Feldman, 13 *Helen (Monahan) Fitzsimmons, 2 *Margaret (Peters) Fox, 28 *Dwight C. Gill, 30 *Jim Giudici, 28 *Kevin M. Griffin, 13 Charles V. Harrington, 17 *Jo Hathaway, 5 *Joseph Hollander, 22 *Kyra Maria (Clefton) Humphrey, 13 Thomas Illich, 19 Brian H. Johnson, 2 *Michael Jones, 19 Michael Jonson, 12 Carol Durkin Kearns, 7 *Richard K. Keenan, 13 *Carolyn S. Kelly, 18 *Larry Kezele, 23 Ellen (Pearson) Klohe, 5 *Cathy (Parker) Krieger, 23 *Toni Valentine Kuder, 22 The Hon. Frank L. Kurtz, 7 *Mary Ann Laubacher, 5 *Harry Leiferman, 16 *Edward C. Logue, 23 J. Michael Lovejoy, 17 Kathleen (Moriarty) Lovejoy, 17 David R. Lucke, 16 Tony Maucione, 23 Phil McCarthey, CLU, 13 *Kathy (Adams) McClafferty, 24 *Mary McFaul, 11 *Jack McLaughlin, 8 *Kathleen (Schofield) Messina, 24 *Peter M. Messina, 24 *Gregory Miller, 6 *Barbara L. (Strong) Mitchell, 10 *William Mitchell, 3 John Monahan, 20 Stu Morrill, 3 James Murch, 12 Timothy Murphy, 7 *Rick Naccarato, 11 *Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon, 19 Leonard J. Nelson, III, 13 *James J. O’Connell, 31 Kieran (Murphy) Ohman *Sharon Olson *William J. O’Shaughnessy, 18 *Harold Osterman, 5 *Frances A. Otto-Depner, 6 *Rhonda G. (Gardner) Paver, 17 *Terese K. (Pugh) Perez, 4 *Mr. Kent Power, Jr., 10 *Richard Powers, Jr., 14 *Suzanne (Dunsworth) Radcliffe, 3 *Kathleen M. Regele, 5 *Steven F. Riordan, 12 *Richard R. Rocks, 3 The Hon. Michael Roewe, 17 *Robert D. Schroeder, 24 *Geralyn M. (Yett) Schrom, 24 *Yvonne (Maier) Shimek, 7 *Diane (Glavich) Slaten, 21 Judith A. (Green) Smith, 22 *Kathleen A. (Stuckart) Smith, 18 *Mary (Sauve) Smith, 3 *Michael Smith, 3 Robert C. Smith, 22 *Jim Solan, 24 *Mark Sonderen, 30 *Valerie Sonderen, 30 *Rev. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., 4 *Mr. Richard J. Steil, Jr. *Jonas Stutzman, 20 *John Swendseid, 28 *Ken Tai, 5 *Joette (Wardian) Tanigawa, 14 *Scott Thwaites, 11 John Tonani, 8 Mary Lee Toney *Dick J. Triesch, 9 Robert Tull, 11 *Richard Ulring, 23 *Robert Valdez, 2 *Dr. James Valentine, Jr., 4 *Tim Wafstet, 12 George Waldref *Cindy Wall, 29 Curtis G. Wasson, 25 *Michael Weaver, 27 *Stan Weaver, 6 Thomas West, 12 Frankie L. (Gage) White, 11 *Patrick W. Yung, 10 *Lillian Zadra, 3 CLASS OF 1975 31% Class Participation $154,258 John Aiello, 5 *Dennis Anderson, 5 Dr. Jeffrey P. Arpin, 20 *John G. Barisone, 19 Charles Bean, 12 Craig Beles, 7 Fred E. Bevegni, 15 Drew Bodker, 17 *Nancy G. (Kelley) Bracken, 11 *Philip S. Brooke, III, 12 *Debra M. (Anderson) Burke, 8 Francis Burke, 7 John R. Burke, 8 *Michael J. Burke, 8 Patricia A. (Greany) Burke, 8 *William Burke, 6 *Judith Carl, 3 *Jan (Burlington) Chandler, 4 *Thomas Cochran, 16 *William Coester, 26 *Dr. Richard D. Cole, 13 *Cathy (Smith) Connolly, 20 *Dr. James S. Corum, 20 Lindsey Cotterell, 10 James Craven, 14 Pam (McNally) DeCounter, 21 *James A. Degel, 18 *Lita T. del Rosario-Swanson, 16 *John P. Depner, 11 *Maureen C. Dooney, 17 *Jerome Dunn, 11 *Michael Durand, 15 David Eash, 19 *Joseph R. Egan, 26 *Mary E. (Evoy) Egan, 26 *Eric Farden *Lawrence Finneran, 17 *Sharon A. Fischer, 21 *Stephen Fong, 17 *Mr. Jeffrey Freitas, 11 *Norbert Ganska, Jr., 6 *Mary A. (Baur) Goff, 30 *Neil M. Goff, 30 *Ramona S. (Hemphill) Griffin, 13 Stephen Harrington, 6 *Christine M. (Mahoney) Helton, 18 *James L. Helton, 18 Maureen (Cooney) Hersholt, 7 Gerald Horne, 13 *Daniel Howell, 13 Carl E. Hueber, 19 *James Jigliotti, 6 *Douglas Johnson Richard Johnson, 15 *Phyllis A. Kappus, 3 Ed Kauzlarich, 20 *Rosemarie Kearns, 6 *Susan E. (Marchi) Kellogg, 24 *Gary G. Kelly, 12 David D. Kilpatrick, 11 *David Kusler, 9 *Sheila Lang, 12 Larry Larson, 17 Paul Larson, 14 *Sherie T. Leadon, 17 *Maureen Leary-Campion, 10 *David E. Lentes, 15 Connie (Ruddell) Lipsker, 5 Tim J. Mackin, 16 *Timothy Mahoney, 23 *Michael Malone, 30 Edward McReynolds, 25 Marc A. Mendel, 3 *Karen F. (Denler) Miller, 3 *Paul Murphy, 15 *Mr. Gary O. Nickolaus, 5 *Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor, 29 *Thomas M. O’Connor, 29 *Amy Jo Para, 28 *Bridget (Ryan) Parker, 7 *David Parker, 7 Donna (Johnson) Pedersen, 16 Curtis Pintler, 10 *Frances L. Recor, 3 Jeff Reed, 16 *Gregory Richardson, 11 *Rich Robinson, 21 Bobbie (Bodensteiner) Salina, 12 *Diane Schaub, 4 Richard L. Sessions, 15 *Paul Sherfey, 18 Tom Silverman, 7 Scott Simpson, 9 *Theresa A. Skok, 11 48 The Hon. Berkeley Smith, 24 *Edward P. Smith, Jr., 12 *Linda (Apple) Solan, 24 *Christopher Spoerhase, 2 *Ronald Steiger, 9 *Sutton Stephens, 18 *Betsy Stimatz, 4 *Regina (Dunn) Suyderhoud, 18 Steven Swartley, 18 Michael Sweeney, 3 *Dr. Karen M. Taylor, 25 James Tobin, 10 Mr. Stephen W. Trefts, 19 Marc Wallace, 19 Kenneth Wenham, 16 *Robert P. Wiest, 29 *The Hon. Donna L. (Kamps) Wilson, 32 Linda (Lane) Wrenn, 7 *Elizabeth Ann (Curry) Wrigglesworth, 30 *William J. Wrigglesworth, Jr., 30 *Kerry C. Yen, 29 Linda M. Youngs, 12 CLASS OF 1976 31% Class Participation $109,533 Arch Ahern, Jr., 9 C. Matthew Andersen, 16 Patrick M. Andreotti, 20 Marshall C. Aungier, 3 *Susan A. (Atchison) Barisone, 19 *Jeanne (Hewes) Barnum, 16 Gordon Barry, 16 Thomas T. Bassett, 18 David Bayley, 27 Gerald Bernhoft *Frank Boyle, 5 *Gary A. Bracht, 6 *Joseph F. Cade, 31 *Sharon M. (McDonald) Cade, 31 The Hon. Norman Callan, 8 Molly Jo Campbell, 6 *John C. Campion, 13 *John K. Caputo, 2 Dr. William L. Carroll, 14 David Carter, 19 Gerard Centioli, 28 David P. Christiansen, 23 Patricia J. Chvatal, 6 Dennis Cohen, 5 Mitchel Cohen, 2 *Enedina G. (Avila) Conkright, 6 *Robert Cooney, 15 Judith A. Corbin, 27 Tom G. Cordell, 10 Daniel Corkery, 13 Everett Coulter, Jr., 20 Paul Counts, 12 Joseph Deckhut, 15 Greg Devlin, 16 *Michael Donich, 9 *Kathleen E. Dooney Foster, 18 *Arthur Dossey, 3 Terry Doyle, 9 Allison (Chow) Durkin, 24 John J. Durkin, 24 *John Dwyer, Jr., 15 *Mark J. Egerman, 23 *Mary A. (North) Egerman, 23 Mr. Robert B. Elhard, 3 Curtis Erickson, 3 James Farber, 20 Pat Flaherty, 7 Susan (Williams) Garvin, 33 *Gene C. Gerrard, 12 Terri Lee Gililland, 3 *Mark J. Gonia, 21 Stephen Hall, 9 Jeffrey Hartnett, 26 Gary Hebl, 26 Andrew C. Heinegg Tony Higley, 27 Deborah L. (Liddie) Holleran, 26 John W. Holleran, 26 *Marian McDonnell Horton, 28 Allen Hunter, 20 The Hon. James P. Hutton, 9 James Iles, 20 Thomas Jacobs, 5 Jane E. (Holm) Jilek, 14 *Lee Ann (Nickola) Kelly, 12 Mrs. Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel, 15 Norman Lau, 6 *Col. Thomas M. Leslie, 9 Marc Lipsker, 14 *Stephen Lock, 17 *George L. Maffeo, 13 *Daniel P. Malone, 3 *George Mastrodonato, 21 The Hon. Craig J. Matheson, 20 *Greg McCormack, 23 *Clinton McDuffie, 2 *Sheila (Tobin) McKannay, 2 *James McKeon, 5 Christopher Mecca, 17 *Mr. David L. Model, 10 *Jane Marie Morgan, 15 *Janet M. Mueller, 19 *Kathleen Ann Murray, 15 *Marie C. (Dieter) Murray, 14 *Virginia B. (Baptiste) Murray, 9 Michael Nienstedt, 14 *Jodi A. (Heintz) Obradovich, 20 *Tony Obradovich, 20 Catherine O’Neill, 12 *Stephen Patterson, 29 The Hon. Andrew Pearlstein, 8 Joseph M. Pellicciotti, 26 *Mary M. (Olson) Peterson, 19 Marc Phillips, 10 Kerry Pickett, 6 Virginia Pickett, 6 *Steven J. Price, 5 *Trina M. Radich, 18 *Julie (Bourne) Rehberger, 15 Gary Riesen, 3 Kenneth J. Rinehart, 9 *Marsha A. Ripple, 10 Dr. John W. Robinson, 16 *Susan M. Roe, 18 Lowell V. Ruen, 25 Barbara Savage, 14 Jerome K. Schwab, 6 Ron Shepherd, 8 *Bill Simonson, 15 *Teresa (Brown) Simonson, 15 Shephard Smith, 19 *Gerry Snow, 8 Michael Spencer, 3 *Dr. John W. Staeheli, 29 *Paul Stantus, 24 *Sharon M. (Cavanaugh) Swendseid, 17 The Hon. Gregory D. Sypolt, 8 *Carol (Meyer) Twombly, 3 Steven F. Unger, 16 *Cheryl Marie Vivian, 20 Larry Weiser, 17 *Vera M. (Hoene) Werner, 12 *Maureen D. (Gallagher) Williams, 8 *Loretta A. (Regele) Wiltgen, 12 CLASS OF 1977 30th Reunion Year 36% Class Participation $32,079 Edward Anson, 8 Tara (Mitchell) Barth, 16 Michael Bauer, 19 Jacke Blair, 12 Carl Butkus, 19 Daniel Byrne, 14 Mark Callen, 3 alumni donors William J. Connor, 9 *Mike Coombs, Esq., 10 *The Hon. Salvatore F. Cozza, 28 Patrick Cronan, 21 *John Cronin, 8 *Virginia Croswhite, 9 *Grace Elaine Crunican, 23 *Christopher Damore, 25 *Suzanne (English) Damore, 10 *Dr. Barbara Daniels, 29 Donald R. Davis, 6 The Hon. Richard Delforge, 11 Kenneth Devones, Jr., 19 *Joel DiGangi, 8 Ralph Dixon, 8 John Donnelly, 7 Thomas Doran, 10 *Sherri (Yaeger) Dow, 27 *Mary (Custer) Downs, 29 Christine A. Dunlop, 19 Thomas G. Dunlop, 19 *Lawrence Duyck, 17 *Mr. Mike Eggert, 7 *William Eling, 2 L. Diane Emmons, 5 John Erickson, 22 John Etter, 12 *Michael W. Fahlgren, 8 *Conrad Floeter, 8 L. Palmer Foret, 23 Francois Forgette, 16 Neal Fouts, 13 Jonathan Freed, 3 Scott Friedman, 16 Deanna J. Fuller, 11 Greg Fuller, 11 Mr. Christopher Gale, 3 *Patricia E. Gamble, 9 *Eugene D. George, 27 *Kathleen (Roth) George, 27 *Colleen M. (Reilly) Gonia, 21 Craig Gordon Michael Gossler, 25 John H. Grant, 9 James Graue, 3 *Nancy C. (Carter) Grucky, 17 *Kathi L. Hand, 20 Wayne Hardesty, 24 Judith Ann Harper *Jeanette (Carlson) Harris, 6 *Wayne A. Harris, 6 Stephen Haskell, 11 Molly K. Hastings, 2 William Hastings, 2 Charles Haviv, 8 *Art Hayashi, 14 *Kenneth R. Herold, 14 *Theresa M. (Freeburg) Hollis, 20 *Patrick Iona Spencer S. Jilek, 14 Catherine A. Johnston, 14 James Kalamon, 8 Bob Kane, Jr., 24 Steven Kaufman, 20 The Hon. John Kelly, 11 *Mary Susan (Heringer) King, 25 Thomas Knutsen, 11 Richard Kuhling, 12 *Jeff Lair, 6 *Catherine L. Larson, 7 *William A. Larson, 7 *Virginia (Stevenson) Law *Dave Ledyard, 8 John Liebert, 13 *Nancy L. (Maland) Lindgren, 8 *Dr. Patricia M. Locke, 22 *Mary Rose Loeken, 26 Lita B. (Barnett) Luvera, 45 N. Joseph Lynch, II, 3 *Retta A. (Don) Malone, 3 *Wesley S. Manaday, 19 John Matheson, 7 Paul McCullar, 10 *Susan M. McGee, 2 *MaryAnne (O’Malley) McGowan, 7 Philip A. Meyers, 3 Robert Micheletti, 18 Barbara Ann (Winston) Miller, 21 Robert D. Miller, Jr., 11 *Dr. Christopher A. Moreno, 18 Carlos Najera Rebecca A. Nappi, 2 Dennis Nelson, 4 Guy Nelson, 9 Gary Norton, 20 *Valerie Ohlstrom, 5 Donald O’Neill, 18 *Rick Orizotti, 14 *Max E. Patterson, 16 *Tula M. (Wonnacott) Patterson, 16 Ken Pedersen, 16 Gary Penar, 8 *Elizabeth A. (Leary) Pfeiffer *Michael Quinn, 30 Carolyn Rawles-Heiser, 7 Joseph Reha, O.S.F., 3 *Paul Rehberger, 15 *Buzz Rettig, 18 Tom Reynolds, 9 John Riseborough, 3 *Susan Adams Roberts, 6 *Colleen (Judge) Robisch, 15 Stewart Roll, 17 *Robert M. Rooney, 17 Kenneth Russell, Jr., 14 *Deirdre Sales, 17 *Reed Schifferman, 24 Frank Siderius, 10 *Dan Sloughter, 8 Skip Smyser, 13 *David T. Spangler, 3 *Susan (Snelson) Spiegel, 14 Richard Staub, 8 Mike Stebbins, 13 *Chuck Steilen, 37 Nicholas Streit, 15 *Elizabeth A. Strickland, 12 Leon Swerin, 10 Kathleen (Hedman) Taylor, 30 Steven Thomsen, 18 *Ty Thorpe, 20 *Wayne Tomei, 13 Paul Vogelheim, 17 Terry (Nathaniel) Webb, 10 Clifford Webster, 10 *Lucinda Whaley, 16 Peter Wilke *Maureen (Reidy) Witt, 20 *Robert Wodnik, 3 *Cynthia (Diaz) Yen, 29 CLASS OF 1978 31% Class Participation $42,585 *Matthew Alice, 8 Gary Amendola, 8 Phillip Armstrong, 3 *John Aspebakken, 21 Jeffrey L. Barth, 16 *Anthony Bawyn, 28 Ronald Beran Kevin E. Branson, 12 *Dennis Brislawn, Jr., 3 Janet Brougher, 17 Anne C. Buckley-Jones, 17 *Steve Burgess, 4 Paul Butler, 2 Anthony Cefalogli, 13 *Patti (Quinlivan) Claiborn, 5 Claire Cordon, 9 *Pete Craven, 18 Tim Cronin, 18 *Mrs. Mary Ann Cummins, 12 Craig B. Davis, 6 Robert Dutton, 5 *David Erickson, 4 Bill Etter, 16 *Patricia M. Evoy, 22 Mr. Thomas C. Feige, 20 Sue S. Flammia, 23 Nick Fluge, 5 *Terry Flume, 12 *Vicki J. (Dieffenbach) Flume, 12 Victor Forni, 9 *Kathleen Gale, 6 Michael N. Gendelman, 17 *Allen Gillette, 26 *Laura M. (Morgan) Gingrich, 17 *Patricia Gorman, 5 Geoffrey Grote, 3 *Gordon Grove, 3 Sherie (Henderson) Hackney, 30 Gregory F. Hamad, 5 Randy Harris, 15 *Collette M. (Rouleau) Heffner, 18 *Tim G. Hennessy, 14 *Jennifer (Meyers) Higgins, 16 *James Horne, 14 *Anthony M. Huss, 11 Melvin Inaba, 5 The Hon. Dale Isley, 20 *Jerome P. Jacobs, 20 Wayne Jenner, 19 *Clarence Johnson, 9 Jahn L. Johnson J. Gregory Jones, 17 Dorothy R. (Reisenauer) Katz, 23 *M. Diane (Graybeal) Kelley, 16 *Rick Koch, 17 Gregory R. Komp, 9 Linda (Johnson) Komp, 9 Stephen M. Kraft, 11 *Cathy (Collins) Kramer, 25 *Brenda Lee Levesque, 6 *Howard Levine, 17 Thomas Lies, 10 Kathleen (Moran) Lipsker, 14 Elizabeth Logsdon, 3 *Gerald Lui-Kwan, 3 *Steven Lund, 6 Kevin Malone, 16 *Dr. Sabrina M. Mandich, 19 *Charles Marr, 8 *Patricia Anne (Naigle) Martin, 25 Shannon M. Marting, 23 *Tamsin McDuffie, 3 *Jeanne Medeiros-Williams, 18 The Hon. Phillip Mendiguren, 9 *Thomas Michels, 12 *Frank Miller, 3 James Miller III, 5 *Larry Mitchell, 10 James Morgan, 11 *Duane Nathaniel, 7 *Rosemarie A. (Luchino) Nepper, 24 The Hon. Jack Nevin, 10 Robert O’Connell, 13 *Teresa O’Keefe, 13 *Mary (Burke) Orizotti, 14 *Patricia (Smith) Orizotti, 14 James O’Rourke, Jr., 13 Mike Perrizo, 15 Charles Plovanich, 17 *Richard Porter, Jr., 8 *Laura L. (Greany) Post, 14 *Charles N. Pray, 15 *Ron Prindle, 4 John M. Redenbaugh, 21 Donald Reed, 4 *Diane S. (Schaeffer) Reeves, 27 *Jo Reid, 24 John Richardson, 10 Randy Roach, 8 Steven D. Robinson, 13 Shannon M. (Sheldon) Russell, 12 *Robert Rutherford, 24 *Jim Ryan, Jr., 10 Scott Sage, 26 *Curtis Sasaki, 6 Edmund Sheehy, Jr., 21 Richard Singleton II, 18 *Mary E. (Mengert) Sullivan, 24 Dr. Kevin D. Sweeny, 21 *Mary (Geraghty) Talevich, 8 Michael D. Tewksbury, 24 Michele A. Tiesse-Gilb, 23 Dr. Nancy C. Unger, 28 *Charlie Vogelheim, 29 *Christine (Kelley) Vogelheim, 29 Gregory J. Wall, 11 *Bruce Wellings, 17 Phil Wetzel, 5 *Marty Wilcox, 12 *Loren J. Williams, 10 *Jan A. Wilson, 12 James Woods, 13 *Celeste E. Yen, 15 Robert Young, 14 CLASS OF 1979 33% Class Participation $116,089 *Matt Anderton, 22 *Michael Andrade, 11 James E. Baker, 25 Jon Becker, 7 Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell, 8 David Boyar, 6 Paul W. Brajcich, 22 Michael Branstetter, 18 *Dr. Patrick B. Brown, 15 Josh Burrows, 11 *Dr. Joseph Caravalho, Jr., 20 Gary Chang, 13 Marilyn T. (Scanlan) Chastain, 19 Louis Cianni, 14 *John Cizek, 18 The Hon. Harold Clarke III, 13 Ralph Cuculo, 11 *Jim Cunneely, 13 Pat Dalton, 17 *Kevin Daniels, 27 Glenn Davis, 10 Kurt Dehmer, 20 Daniel Dieckgraeff, 22 Erin (Comfort) Dobrinski, 10 *Ted Dolle, 24 Abraham B. Dorsman, III, 26 *Kathleen (Renner) Douglas, 2 *Mark Elmore, 8 *Mary K. (Judge) Emmick, 20 *Mr. Andrew Erstad, 2 Robert Evans, 3 *Scott Ewing, 23 The Hon. Mary E. Fairhurst, 16 Richard C. Flamm, 17 *Chris Gavin, 22 *Gail Geiger, 16 *Jamilia A. (Griffin) George, 8 *Kathleen M. Georgetti, 25 Steven Gillingham, 15 *Cathleen (Williams) Goodrich, 2 James R. Guise, 2 *Mr. James A. Hagglund, 3 *Phillip Hanford, Jr., 20 *Tim Harrington, 21 Bridget (McInerney) Harris, 15 *Terry Harris, 11 *Steven Hauschild, 14 Mary Rose (Wasson) Hawkins, 10 *Mary Kay (Quinn) Hayes, 6 *Rose (Winkler) Herold, 14 *Ellen (Holm) Higgins, 5 *Stephen J. Higgins, 5 *Michael Ho, 3 *Timothy W. Hoing, 4 Mr. Frank R. Hoover, 7 49 Melvin Howry, 7 Lois M. Hughes, 14 *Pam Ingalls, 7 *Micki (Grady) Jacobs, 17 Mike Jankovich, 9 *Ruth L. Jarvis, 3 *Tim Jensen, 6 Edward Johnson, 9 *Catherine (Ferguson) Joy, 13 *Anna Marie (Sangiacomo) Kane, 18 *Christine Kaufman, 17 Barbara J. Kertson, 26 *Greg Kopra, 14 *Charles Krahenbuhl, 19 Dennis Kreutzer, 26 *Jerry Lane, 7 Teresa Langfitt, 19 Patrick Leahy, 5 Kenneth Lebrato, 14 *Frances L. (Harrington) Leitch, 19 *Ronald W. Leitch, 19 Carol (Stone) Lokey, 8 William P. Lyshak, 13 Daniel McNeal II, 14 Julia (Verhey) McNeal, 14 Thomas Metzger, 10 Robert Milhem, 7 The Hon. Terri-Ann Miller, 5 *Rebecca (Garrett) Moak, 22 John Moloney, Jr., 15 *Jan R. Montanye, 11 Patrick J. Mullaney, 4 *Larry Murillo, 16 *Bob Newstrom, 9 Larry Nickell, 18 *Maureen E. Niland-Stokes, 11 William Nolan *Ms. Jeanine O’Connell, 4 Dianne E. (Lynch) Olsen, 5 *Mike Ormsby, 25 *Dr. Donald R. Paugh, 15 Jim Powers, 10 *Susan A. (Garber) Pray, 15 Vincent Ragosta, Jr., 11 Chris Randall, 4 Richard Relyea, 11 *Ross Rettenmier, 13 *Bill Rieger, 21 John Riley III, 6 James Rode, 10 *John Rokich, 10 *Sharon A. (Fitzgerald) Sanchez, 10 John Craig Savage, 14 *Kathleen Severson, 12 John Sheaffer, Jr., 11 John Sinclair, 2 *Dr. Lawrence J. Sladich, 21 Lowry Snow, 5 *Doug Strickling, 20 *Carol M. Stumpf, 19 *Robert Swann, 12 Ann (Whelan) Thompson, 6 Roy Thompson, 5 Phillip Thorn, 3 Gregory Timm, 5 *Leon Titus III, 14 *Leo Trask, 24 Keith Trefry, 8 Kaihehau K. Uahinui, 5 Paul Vogel, Jr., 7 Ross Wabeke, 7 *Dale Walls, 21 Joseph Walsh, 12 *Katherine (Baumstark) Zaring, 3 CLASS OF 1980 31% Class Participation $103,128 *Anne Marie (Kleinheinz) Andersen, 13 *Annual Fund Contributor Patricia (Whitehead) Apregan, 6 *Raemarie C. Arrigotti, 17 *Ferd Baricevic, Jr., 10 Richard Bartheld, 15 Mr. J. Peter Baumgarten, 16 Don Beaton, 10 Richard Bechtolt, Jr., 7 Stephanie M. (Farrell) Bechtolt, 7 Mr. Mark S. Beggs, 18 Bruce Blohowiak Dr. James Brasch, 18 *David Brookbank Thea (Gagner) Bruce, 8 *Evelyn A. (Parker) Brush, 4 *Milissa A. Burkey, 9 Doreen (Knutson) Butler, 2 *Mr. Paul S. Caver, 3 *Jeffrey Chester, 14 John R. Clark, 20 Ann T. Cockrill, 11 *Cynthia E. (Richardson) Coleman, 17 *Margo Shrack Combs, 23 Michael L. Crofts, 10 Garth Dano, 10 Mr. Marc T. Danon, 12 *Mr. Joseph J. Davey III, 22 Frank DeSantis, 16 *Eileen L. (Leonard) Diekemper, 13 Teresa Louise Donovan, 15 *Marron Dooney, 7 *Bradley Duda, 15 *James E. Elder, 17 *Lori J. (French) Erickson, 25 Brian Ernst, 7 Demetrius W. Fannick, 4 Gary Farrell, 19 Charles Finck III *Dean R. Fink, 8 *Mike Flitner, 13 Steven Frol, 12 Dr. Jodi Wardian Funk, 3 John Galbraith, 9 *Monica Galeucia, 14 Tom Golden, 16 Chris Gonfiantini, 3 *Candace (Subby) Gonzales, 3 *Patrick Gravine, 4 *Martin Gronberg, 19 *Marcella (Donovan) Hadeed, 13 *Patricia A. (Coutch) Hamilton, 2 *Barbara Harris, 7 *Christine S. (Standaert) Heckert, 10 *Catherine (Sutton) Hennessy, 14 Alfred Heydrich, 11 *Robert Heye, 2 *Christy Higgins, 7 *Jeanne M. (McLeod) Hoversten, 16 Mary Catherine Hughes, 10 E. J. Hunt, 4 Gary Hustad, 15 Bill Hyslop, 18 Steven J. Jager, 23 *Tamara (Thornton) Jones, 16 *Leif J. Kehrwald, 13 *Rene (Mehlhaff) Kehrwald, 13 *Lt. Col. Patrick A. Kelleher, USMC, 16 Stanley Kempner, Jr., 10 *Steve King, 20 James W. Knowles, 18 Neil Korbas, 9 *Kelly Kunsch, 18 *Katherine Lagana, 2 Charles W. Langfitt, 19 The Hon. Vincent LeBlon, 10 Linda Leonard, 4 Dave Lincoln, 26 Michael LoCicero, 13 *Terrence Long, 5 *Stuart Lowe, 8 Houston Putnam Lowry, 13 James Mallahan, 13 Mr. Maurice P. Mason, Jr., 9 *Joan McCarron, 9 *Jerome F. McDermott, Jr., 17 *Kevin McGoffin, 9 Judith (Ziegler) McGrath, 8 *Timothy McGreevey, 24 *Kathleen Knapp McKnight, 7 Tim McNeese, 9 Marcia M. Meade, 19 *James Mengert, 4 Robert Merriman, 17 Scott Miller, 15 *Robert Moe, 7 Janet (Anderson) Moffitt =, 6 Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris, 19 Scott Morris, 19 *Diane (Grell) Mueller, 11 *Tom Newbury, 9 Anne Noris, 10 *Patricia O’Connell, 2 *Tamera (Grady) O’Hara, 3 *Mark A. Ohlstrom, 25 *Stephen Olivet, 10 *John Olk, 3 Mr. Michael R. Osborn, 8 *Lauri L. (Stark) Overman, 16 *Monica (Gray) Pace, 3 *Jean M. Parietti, 17 Cheryl A. (Harris) Parrish, 16 *Elizabeth A. (McCleave) Patterson, 4 *Michael Pelfini, Ed.D., 7 *Mary P. (Kraus) Pragovich, 20 *Ann Price, 4 Karen Raab, 8 *Maria A. Ravarino, 8 *Greg Razo, 9 Steven Reich, 16 *Cindy M. Reopelle, 18 Mr. Thomas E. Richardson, 11 Robert Rosier, 7 Mr. Ivan A. Schertzer, 17 Charles Schumacher, 17 Mary (Owens) Shanahan, 17 *Elise C. (Benoit) Shearer, 10 *Carol M. (Seiler) Silvey, 17 *Russ Smoldon, 10 *Roberta J. (Schneider) Sobotka, 15 Susan Sockwell Bendlin, 16 Susan J. Tewksbury, 24 *Robert R. Thomas, 14 *Kyra Marie (Knight) Thompson, 22 Thomas A. Thompson, 7 *Joanne S. (Swiecki) Tickner, 10 *Mary (Neiter) Uecker, 19 *Sharon M. (Edwards) Urtaza *Frank Van Driesche, 10 *Kelly Varnes, 20 Bob Walker, 3 Norman E. Wells, Jr., 2 Arthur E. White, Jr., 7 Rick Wilson, 13 *Edward Wren, 9 Randy Zellmer, 9 CLASS OF 1981 32% Class Participation $64,184 *Pam R. Allen-Heringer, 12 Ken Anderson, 19 Walter Ayers, 12 *Marian Beaumier, 3 Cheryl A. Beckett, 6 *Sarah (Ward) Billing, 2 Mary Ann Brady, 4 Drew Brooks, 6 *Julie J. (Schmitz) Bunsness, 19 *Mr. John Frederick Busch, 2 Pete Chase, 3 Kevin Curtis, 10 Robert Curzan, 17 *James Daly IV, 5 *Edward Dawson, 5 *Donna M. De Lay, 10 *Bob Dellwo, 16 *Samuel Di Re, 13 *Suzy M. Dix, 8 *David E. Dorn, 12 Timothy M. Dougherty, 19 *Marie F. Doyle, 23 Linda A. Duda-Heydrich, 11 *Nick Durgan, 16 Steve Duvoisin, 11 *Joseph Dziwura, 19 *Barbara Williams Eckert, 21 *Ms. Tyna Ek, 12 *Carol L. Eng, 24 Gerard Falco, 7 James Fausone, 18 *Marie N. (Dieringer) Fessenbecker, 14 Anne (Riordan) Flaherty, 11 *Sharon M. (McMaster) Flynn, 15 Robin (Charters) Furth, 12 Mary Garvin, SNJM, 2 *Doreen (Konen) Gavin, 22 Bryan Geissler, 6 Fred Gillings, 6 Janice A. Grant, 6 *Thomas Griffin, 16 Jean A. Hall, 15 *Daniel Hamilton, 2 Gene E. Hamilton, 7 Joseph Harkrader, 20 Todd Harnetiaux, 6 Scott Hatcher, 10 *Jerry Herak, 23 *Michael Heringer, 12 Diane Hermanson, 13 Ed Hilfer, 26 *Mr. Edward Eugene Hill, 7 *Karen A. Hogan Bard, 6 Jack Jacobs, 22 Mike Janicki, 19 Joseph Jones, 8 *Carol A. (Burgess) Kelly, 10 *Marianne C. (Casey) King, 20 Dan Kocarnik, 10 Mary C. (Mauren) Kocarnik, 10 *Thomas Krentel, 12 Clayton N. Kubota, 5 Gary Kunihiro, 14 Terry Leaf, 4 Mario Ledesma *Donna (Steeves) Lenseigne, 16 *Eric Leonard, 8 *Stanford Lum, 24 Gordon C. MacDonald, 5 Jane Marie (Cadungug) Mahoney, 3 *Teresa M. (Herriman) McCallion, 4 Shannon K. (Kelly) McCambridge, 24 *Brian McDevitt, 23 *Marjorie McKisson, 20 Stephen McLean, 19 William L. Meyer, 12 *Kevin Miller Mike Moloney, 11 *Terence J. Moloney, 12 Chris Montgomery, 17 John Moritz, 15 *Marie (Voycheske) Mosley, 9 Daniel C. Murphy, 6 *Ms. Teresa Murphy, 7 *Mr. James R. O’Brien, Jr., 7 *Lynn Oligschlaeger, 8 *Mark Parkins, 4 *Frank Pastizzo, 18 *Mark Pavlik, 11 *Bethine M. (Weber) Payne, 14 Gair Petrie, 11 Linda Petrie, 11 Jim Pikl, 17 Kevin Potter, 24 *Mick Quinlivan, 19 Henry Quintero, 10 *Constance Ann Schaff Reid, 7 *Mike Reilly, 19 *Dwight P. Remick, 11 Pamela R. Resnick, 14 R. Denise Rodriguez, 5 *Douglas W. Rohner, 10 *Hamid Sarvi, 10 *Marianne Sasso-Caruth, 4 *C. James Scheurich, 7 Greg Schrag *Patricia Shannon, 4 *Thomas Smith, 15 Vesna Tereza Somers, 17 *Gerald R. Stahl, 26 *Mr. Jeffrey R. Steffan, 24 *Joseph M. Sullivan, 18 *Parker (Emmons) Sullivan, 18 *Natalie Frances (Cosco) Telck, 8 Nancy Jo (Erickson) Thomas, 11 *Brian A. Thompson, 26 Timothy C. Thompson, 5 *Diane (Ballard) Timberlake, 22 *Jerry Tombari, 18 James Topliff, 10 Tom Tracy, 15 Andrew Urban, Jr., 16 *Robert M. Urban, 10 *Patrick J. Walsh, 4 Mark Weisbart Robert S. Weisbeck, 11 Ross White, 8 *Linda Marie Wicks, 4 *Dr. Richard G. Witter, 22 Cheryl (Nokes) Wolfe, 19 Edward Wolfe, 19 *Dr. John M. Zanol, 17 CLASS OF 1982 25th Reunion Year 29% Class Participation $44,135 *Dannette (Watson) Allen, 4 *Eddie Ambriz, 4 *Richard F. Angotti, 15 Joann Auvil, 15 Marco Barbanti, 5 Mike Becky, 22 Shane Bengoechea, 9 Rick G. Betts, 4 Douglas Boe, 22 *Jane Boyd-McCracken, 19 *Holly Brajcich, 18 *Mr. Jon Brekke *Gabriella Brooke, 15 Fred Brown, 8 Daniel Bruce, 8 Paul W. Burbank, 13 *Sandra Bush, 3 *Harry Calhoun, 2 *Vickie M. (Callahan) Callson, 22 *Daryl Carbonari, 2 *Timothy Cassidy, 10 Margaret May (Gallal) Cate, 11 *Rebecca A. Cates, 25 *Michael Cerchiai, 18 *Mary Pat (Theiler) Cheng, 6 The Hon. Ellen (Kalama) K. Clark, 20 Patrick Clifford, Jr., 3 Dennis J. Colleran, 10 Sheila (Seitz) Connolly, 7 *Dean Criscola, 20 *Gene Cunneely, 29 *Kevin Delaney, 6 *Daniel Destito, 6 Mary M. Doran, 2 Kevin Driscoll, 14 John Dudley, 10 *Robert Dung, 12 *Mark Edwards, 7 The Hon. Tari Eitzen, 16 *Roberta (Stuckart) Elder, 17 *Donald I. Fowlkes, 12 Stephen French, 11 *Dan Gillis, 5 *Therese (Smidt) Granfelt, 3 Paul D. Greeley, 20 *Michael Patrick Griffin, 4 *Rick Hallett, 15 *Teri S. (Shira) Hanby, 19 *Nancy (Szott) Harmon, 2 Charles Hatcher, 3 *Thomas Hee, 5 Ralph L. Hetzel, 2 Raymond Burton Holland, 5 *Stacia (Reynolds) Hollar, 11 *Gary Holmesmith, 10 Lisa (Millison) Janicki, 19 Valerie D. Jolicoeur, 13 *Glenn Kellogg, 12 *Mary Ethel (Bermingham) Kellogg, 12 *Kelly (Whitford) Koenen, 8 *Katharine M. Kumangai, 4 Stephen Lamberson, 11 Namhan Le, 13 *Steve Lentini, 20 The Hon. Jerome Leveque, 25 Mary Jo Leveque, 25 Pat Lynch, 17 Joan M. (Rogers) MacDonald, 5 Jean Magladry, 3 *Mary Jill Magri, 19 The Hon. Edward Manibusan thank you John J. Mann, 7 *John M. McBee, 8 *Maureen McCarthey, 8 *Christine M. (Altman) McMurdo, 11 Daniel Mengert, 5 *Nancy (Walters) Miller, 3 *Glenn T. Mitchell, 3 *Randolph Mitchell, 16 *Mary Lou (McKelvey) Moffat, 16 *Barbara Morrison, 7 *Mary Anne (Swoyer) Murphy, 19 *Barry P.K. Nathaniel, 15 *Mariane C. (Alao) Nichols, 12 *Carol A. Nissen, 4 Brian C. O’Brien, 5 *Debbie E. Olson-Sevier, 8 Deborah A. (Rodgers) Oswood, 8 *Karl Palachuk, 9 *Mark Paris, 24 *Matthew Philip, 6 *Dr. Cassandra Pietrok, 16 *Pamela (Pacheco) Piro, 16 James Randall, 4 *David Reisenauer, 19 Donnie Roberts =, 27 James Rosenberger, 6 *John E. Sage, 17 *Douglas R. Sanders, 22 *James A. Sangiacomo, 17 *Mary Sauve, 5 50 The Hon. Donna Shipps, 7 Dr. John G. Shudy, Jr., 15 *Nora R. (Stack) Simmons, 9 *Mary Beth (Morehead) Smaldone, 10 *Greg Smith, 5 *Kristine A. Snow, 3 Laura Spradley, 21 *Mr. Bernard Sturgulewski, 14 *Kirsten (Van Dyke) Taylor, 19 *Robert Thagard, 6 *Christine Toomey, 3 Sherry Travers *Bruce A. Vincent, 10 *Shavaun M. Wadsworth, 24 Peter Wales, 5 Kathleen (Patterson) Webber, 3 *Kathy (Turner) Whealdon, 7 CLASS OF 1983 32% Class Participation $72,129 *Louis Anselmo, 5 *Margaret (Meltel) Atkinson, 2 *David A. Barbe, 7 *Christine (Vargo) Barnhart, 17 *Michael Barnhart, 17 Scott Bazzani, 17 *Lori A. (Sanberg) Becker, 15 *Dr. John Belknap, 6 Jeff R. Brown, 4 Janell S. Burke, 18 *Adam E. Caballero, 15 *Michael Charters, 2 *Grace (Ivers) Cier, 22 Leslie A. (Mitcham) Cloaninger, 8 *Mark Cowan, 13 *William Culbertson, 15 Michael Day, 6 Maureen A. Dever-Weisbeck, 11 Francis Donnelly, 3 Sheila Donovan, 3 *Scott Dorn, 17 Peter Drakos, 8 Richard Dressel, 3 *Peter A. Erie, 7 *Nancy Flagan, 6 Karen M. (Sly) Flynn, 22 *Leslie Fogelson, 12 *Erin K. (Riley) Foster, 7 *Susan (Byorth) Fox, 11 *John D. Freitag, 8 *Bill Frenger, 14 Dale L. Garrett, 12 *Timothy Golob, 9 Roy Gowey, 7 *Renee (Gallagher) Grandinetti, 20 Daniel Thomas Green, 4 *Shirley M. (Bjorge) Hanson, 13 *Robert J. Hensle, 14 *Patrick Herold, 9 *Sarah J. Hitch, 2 Elizabeth L. Hively, 14 Shirley Holcomb, 3 *Cynthia (Batungbacal) Jank, 3 *Patricia J. (Schmitz) Job, 5 Paul Johnson, 5 *Colin Joy, 4 *Robert C. Keasal, 16 *William M. Kegley, 11 Wendy (Brown) Knopp, 8 Thomas Lampson, 6 *John Lapke, 21 *Charles Lloyd, 22 Anthony J. Lucarelli, 20 *Barbara Petersen Lynch, 18 Bevan Maxey, 8 *Patrick McBee, M.D., 2 *Atsumi (Tsukimori) McCauley, 6 The Hon. Daniel J. McGee, 5 Nancy (Wells) McGee, 5 *Sandra McKee, 9 *John I. McKenna, 5 *Molly (Parry) McKenna, 5 Margaret Ann (Fairhurst) McLane, 31 *Carol McMenamy, 4 *Kevin McQuilkin, 21 *Julie A. Mills Mibach, 14 *David Michaud, 3 Harold Moberg, 5 The Hon. Maryann Moreno, 5 Joan C. Morningstar, 19 *Mark Musgrove, 7 *Maureen Neeley, 16 *Lisa J. (Hotchkiss) Nevitt, 6 *Brian Ormsby, 13 *Sylvia K. Page, 23 *Laura Esther Park, 2 Eileen (Brewer) Perkins, 3 *Katherine L. (Asson) Peterson, 22 *Margaret (Hedman) Philip, 6 Carey L. Polich, 6 *Molly A. (Lynch) Preston, 11 Theresa Rambosek, 6 *Laura M. (Gosselin) Readdy, 18 Timothy A. Reid, 10 *Kerry C. (Cussen) Retzlaff, 13 Thomas O. Rice, 10 *Ardelle (Allen) Rivera, 2 Carole Rolando, 11 Michael Ross, 2 Mike Roth, 21 *Helen A. (Aspebakken) Scherer, 24 *John Schiemer, 13 *Julie (Colby) Schiemer, 13 *Lindalou (Cady) Shea, 35 *Randy Small, 12 Karen Sonneborn, 15 *Mary E. (Cavanaugh) Stockinger, 3 *Brian Super, 22 John Trucco, Jr., 14 *Polly E. (Fox) Urban, 10 *James E. Weston, 2 *Michelle M. (Durkin) Wetzel, 3 *John Wingenbach, 9 Tom Wright, 6 *Karla A. (Vantosky) Wright Hayden, 5 *Dion Yahoudy, 8 *Michael P. Yeend, 16 Steven R. Yentzer, 5 *Laura L. Young-Campbell, 15 Emily Marie (Evers) Ziebell, 11 CLASS OF 1984 30% Class Participation $34,834 *Mr. Paul Abbott, 8 Raelene (Caferro) Albinson, 21 The Hon. John Antosz, 10 *Thomas J. Barbano, Jr., 16 *Mary (Kuncheff) Barnhart *Laynette A. Baron, 12 *Shannon (Eaton) Beard, 9 *Mark Benscheidt, 9 Helen Benson, 19 *Bruce Blackmer, 3 *Jon Bolling, 3 *Charlotte M. (McDonnell) Bosold, 3 John S. Bowers, Jr., 19 Janice Brown, 4 *Kathleen (O’Neill) Brunner, 13 Paul Burglin, 13 William Burns, 13 *Paul Byorth, 11 Gregory J. Byrd, 6 *Kevin Casey, 10 *Karen Lee (Zanck) Chuday, 2 *Mr. Barry Chun *Joan Colleran, 12 alumni donors Julie Rehberger, Tacoma Gonzaga Connection: BA ’76; married to Paul Rehberger, BBA in Accounting ‘76 Chapter: Tacoma Community commitments: Has been involved on school boards, women’s clubs, Habitat for Humanity What most inspires you about GU? “What I learned at Gonzaga, what most inspires me about Gonzaga, is how the dignity and sacredness of the individual is never lost, forgotten, or compromised. It’s a way of life that permeates the basic fiber of campus life.” Julie and her husband, Paul, help lead the Tacoma Chapter. Julie says that her experience as a GU student was so rewarding, becoming involved in the Chapter was sure to be fulfilling as well. Volunteering for such endeavors as the Tacoma Chapter is second nature for Julie. “I have found my true vocation in community service,” she says. “My community service has, to some extent, been an extension of my family life. I have seen where the need was greatest in the course of our journey, and concentrated my energies there.” Her work in the community truly is an act of faith, and she credits her Gonzaga education with helping to develop a deeper sense of faith and purpose. “At Gonzaga I received a foundation for my journey of faith,” Julie says. She chose Gonzaga because of its Jesuit, Catholic tradition. If she were asked by a prospective student why Gonzaga would be a good choice, Julie says she would reply that GU is ideal because of its academic quality, and because “Gonzaga is small enough to make a student feel welcome, yet large enough to offer an abundance of opportunities to find your own niche.” Why do you support Gonzaga? Great things can be done by many; greater things can be done by more. Gonzaga is a great thing.” *Joe Coyle Ruthie H. Dearing, 2 *Dr. Philip E. Determan, 3 Karen Darl (Felch) Dorsh, 7 Jack Driscoll, Jr., 8 *Katherine Duarte, 19 *Michael Easter, 10 *Susan A. (Vaughan) English, 6 *Charles John Estey, 4 Brent Fery, 17 *Eileen M. Flaherty, 14 *Julie A. Foerster, 14 *Catherine M. Foy, 6 *Rhonda Friedlander *Courtney C. (Corrigan) Galgani, 14 Lisa (Desimone) Garrett, 12 Mary F. (O’Neill) Goodwin, 23 *Juliette Prince Green, 9 *Delaine H. (Hess) Gruber, 6 *Lori A. Hanson, 9 Tilman Hasche, 15 Matthew Hegewald, MD, 12 *Thomas Hemesath, 4 Peter Herman, 4 *Nancy Hittner Sean Hogan, 11 *Monty Hoppel, 21 Ann Ikehara, 8 *Jeff Jacobs, 17 *Christopher Jones, 3 Lynn M. Jones, 3 Amrit K. (Whitlock) Khalsa, 15 *Walter J. Kim David P. Kozma, 4 Suzanne (Franks) Lamanna, 2 *Lori A. (Abraham) Lane, 16 *Jeffrey A. Langford, 6 *Cecelia (Sabala) Larson, 17 *Carol (Dietrich) Larvick, 6 Kimberly Ann Loranz, 6 Timothy J. Lynes, 19 *Mr. Michael V. Maronick, 16 *Michael Martin, 2 *Tim Marting, 18 *Troy McCormack Marie L. (Giradot) McDonald, 9 *Leonard McDonnell, 8 *Michael G. McDonnell, 22 Bryce McPhee, 6 *Michael Merritt, 10 Thomas P. Michaels, 10 *Elizabeth A. (Kellard) Miller, 9 *Sarah S. (Simpson) Moloney, 17 *Thomas B. Moloney, 17 *Arnie E. Mondloch, 19 *Elaine (Mead) Moore, 18 *Pierce Murphy, 19 *Shawn A. Murrow, 5 *Kathleen A. (Juenemann) Neer, 2 *Jennifer O’Loughlin, 2 *James O’Riordan, 2 *Layne D. Owens, 18 *Colleen A. (Crownhart) Palmer *William J. Palmer, 17 *Imelda M. Patterson, 25 *Miles Pellazar, 12 *Mark Perry, 14 *Maryann (Di Re) Philichi, 13 Joanna Jane (Vivian) Plimley Gregory Potter, 9 John T. Powers, Jr., 5 Laurie A. Powers, 13 *Anthony Puig, 6 *Karen Radella, 14 *Ted Rehwald, 6 *Clarissa R. (Altiveros) Reid, 7 *Timothy Reilly, 8 *Cathleen T. (Conley) Reisenauer, 19 *James Reith, 2 *Scott Rhodes, 5 *Richard W. Rice, 4 Irene Ringwood, 16 Daniel Roach, 14 *Christine M. Robisch, 9 *Dr. Mark Lee Rodkey, 8 *Dorothy G. Rollins, 5 *Barbara J. St. Hilaire, 16 *Richard Schmidt, Jr., 3 Robert Shimane, 15 *Stephen Signer, 10 *Kathleen A. Skillings-Stewart, 16 *Barbara A. Smith Scott Smith, 9 *Jody Stroh, 12 *Teri L. Stroschein, 21 *Paul Szerszen, 15 Paul R. Taylor, 16 *Laura (Stepovich) Tramonte, 16 *Bill Trudeau, 12 Susan Rauenhorst Turner, 17 *Michele A. (Calley) Vallor, 13 Joseph Waesche, 6 *Mark Walatka, 20 Kurt Walsdorf, 9 *Gary R. Weber, 17 *Anne C. (Koenig) Werth, 14 *Steven Wittau, 21 Katharine M. Witter Brindley, 19 Michael Wytychak III, 10 CLASS OF 1985 29% Class Participation $29,386 Thomas Albinson, 21 *Shawn Anderson, 7 *Laurel A. Andrechak, 5 Raymond Banasik, 8 *Mary L. Beechinor-Barbe, 7 Demetrius Bereolos, 8 *Steven B. Boyd, 17 Kevin Brodar, 15 Ronald Browning, 2 Doug Byrd, 16 *Christina (Leigh) Caballero, 15 *Keith Champeau, 20 John Charters, 8 *Susan E. (O’Connor) Clark, 2 Kelly Cline, 7 *Janice Louise Clusserath, 12 *Beth S. (Jensen) Cocchiarella, 13 *Dave Cochran, 12 *Jo Ann Cole-Hansen, 13 Phillip John Collaer, 6 51 *Patricia M. (Hoban) Collins, 16 *Jac Cooper, 12 *John Cowley, 6 *Michael S. Crews, 7 Mary (Collins) Cronin, 2 *Katherine S. Crowley, 5 *John Currie III, 17 *Mike De Benedetti, 18 James Diehl, 8 *Joseph M. Doohan, 14 Chris Drake, 9 *Camille T. Dunn, 2 *Michael J. Dunn, 12 Salvatore Faggiano, 4 Doris A. Ferguson, 9 Johnathan A. Ferguson, 9 Ann (Ouillette) Fitzmaurice, 9 *C. Peder Flaaen, 5 *Jeanne Flohr, 6 *Mary (Loonam) Foster, 2 Gina Ghramm-Tveit, 11 *Brian G. Gosline, 22 Dale R. Grant, 7 Patricia M. Greeley, 9 *Tim Greenan, 4 *Mary B. (Billig) Gunson, 12 Dave Hamad, 16 *Rockie (Ulrich) Hansen, 2 *Patricia L. (DuBois) Harris, 19 *Dale Heberling, 21 Kathryn Hughes, 4 *Patricia L. (Johnston) Hutchens, 9 Darrell Jackson, 8 *Milton Jacobs Rob Janicki, 7 *Tracey J. (Walsh) Junkermier, 18 *Sean Kelly, 4 Patrick Kerley, 7 thank you *Father Patrick Kerst, 11 Kathleen C. Greene Kilcullen, 9 Tamra King *Mike Kubani, 4 *Mike Kuester, 6 William R. Kuper, 19 Alexander Laughlin, 13 *William Lawlor, 4 *Dorothy (Fogarty) Lingren, 13 *David R. Lloyd, 6 Mark Lorenz, 5 Michael Lynch, 2 *Mike Lynch, 10 Glen MacPhee, 3 *James Mahaffey, 7 Teresa R. Martinson, 2 Michael McAuliffe, 3 *Joanne D. McCandless, 14 Christopher McGahan, 4 Colleen M. McQuaid, 11 *Ed Merrick, Jr., 20 *Jamie (Hertz) Miron, 6 *Theresa (O’Toole) Mitchell, 16 The Hon. Janis Moberg, 5 Daniel R. Murphy, 14 *Jean M. (Guerrero) Nelson, 4 *Jon Nuxoll, 18 *Maureen Ann O’Brien, 9 *Daniel K. O’Sullivan, 7 *Thomas Palmersheim, 10 Laurence Perkins, Jr., 3 *Jennifer M. (Sladich) Piani, 12 Stephen Poepoe, 3 *John Quesnel, 14 *Cynthia J. (Joy) Rapp, 3 *Christopher Reisenauer, 15 *Clara (Armstrong) Reisenauer, 15 Patricia P. Renouard, 16 Todd Ringwood, 6 *David Rodriguez, 9 Milton Rowland, 8 *Lori Kay St. Marie, 7 *Pat Sawyer, 9 *Mary Kay Schaefers, 19 Robert Schultz, 15 Michael Sclafani, 17 *Patrick Sheppard, 4 *Susan (Ward) Shoemaker, 19 Maureen E. (Gordon) Shogan, 24 *Gary F. Stadtmueller, 9 *Dina (Schiedinger) Stafford, 6 *Craig P. Stephens, 4 Carolyn Z. (Ziel) Sullivan, 6 John Sullivan, 6 Ronald Sutherland, 4 *Theresa L. (Lampkin) Tamura, 16 *Ronald Thomas, 8 John Tombari, 12 Mr. Joseph Tramuta, Jr., 8 Michael F. Tucci, 19 Donald Verfurth, 6 *Laurie (Stroh) Vickers, 10 *Steve Visintainer, 4 Dave A. Wall, 18 *Ann M. (Herriman) Waltier, 18 *Anthony Waltier, 18 Robert Webster, 9 *Kevin P. West, 20 *Jason M. Whalen, 14 *Michelle M. (Peloquin) Wiitala, 12 Roger Witt, 11 Bruce W. Worobec, 13 *Mary (Price) Yeager, 4 CLASS OF 1986 25% Class Participation $53,679 *Michael Barnett, 7 *Mr. James F. Bartholet, 8 Robert Battles, 10 Shannon (Egan) Battles, 10 *Trine S. Beach, 3 *LTC William L. Bialozor, 4 *Cynthia B. Bocoboc, 13 *James W. Bolwerk, 11 Linda (Hensle) Bowers, 19 *James M. Brantingham *Joseph C. Britton, 10 *Andrew Cabaccang, 8 *Steve Rino Carbonari Regina Maria Carnazzo, 8 *Tom Carney, 6 Marie Castronuovo, 3 Jill (Legel) Christiansen, 9 Jeff Condill, 3 *Lisa (Cooper) Cook, 7 *Kelly Ann (O’Brien) Corah, 6 *Tim Cossette, 12 Robert R. Cossey, 8 Julianne Curtis, 10 *Angela L. (Daniels) Davis, 10 *Fred DeCaro, 7 Paul Delay, 13 Craig A. Dickson, 3 Robert Downey, 19 *Monica J. (Kahrs) Dunlop *Kim T. (Taylor) Dunn, 4 Gregory J. Erigero, 16 *Donald Fairburn, Jr. Shawn Finnegan, 5 Daniel Garner, 12 William J. Geary, 12 Marcie E. Goldbloom, 10 Jean C. Gonzales, 4 Rafael A. Gonzales, 4 Dale E. Goodwin, 23 *Susan M. (Elia) Gosline, 22 Joan C. (Forsberg) Grant, 7 Mark Griffin, 18 Stephanie G. (Hanford) Groven, 7 Colleen M. Harmon, 3 Jody L. Henderson, 3 Kevin Henderson, 3 *Annual Fund Contributor *Rick Hendrickson, 2 *John Hobus, 15 C. Hogeboom III, 7 *Timberly Hughes, 7 *Maryanne Sangiacomo Iacomini, 7 *Marci D. (Hull) Jaman, 20 *Kevin P. Jones, 8 Meg (Reilly) Judge, 11 Fred Karau, 15 Roxy Kasman, 15 *Desiree A. (LaMear) Kellogg, 4 Paul Kelly, 5 Terinda Kay Kerley, 7 Paul Kirkpatrick, 9 Valerie A. (Stroschein) Kuntz, 18 *Douglas Lancaster, 12 *Mary E. Landers, 16 *Virginia Lee (Burns) Linwick, 5 Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli, 20 Mike Lucarelli, 14 *Charles Maple, 19 Marshall Mattingly, 16 *Russelle M. (Poirier) Mazulo, 4 *Timothy McDermott, 6 *Mary B. (Bucholz) McDougal, 15 *Jeralyn (Lewis) Mire, 21 *Valerie K. Morgan-Krick, 5 Carol A. (Grell) Morris, 14 *Michael Muirhead, 19 Thomas Murphy, 8 Molly A. (Campbell) Nave, 4 *Joseph Onley, 3 *Mary K. O’Toole, 9 Kevin Padon, 12 James Pearson, 15 *Salvador Piani, 12 John Plock, 13 *Rebecca L. (Hirschel) Prahl, 3 *Laura L. (Griffith) Rankin Edward Ratcliffe, 15 *Thomas F. Reuss, 11 *Steve Rice, 11 *Mary K. (Snelson) Richards, 14 *Scott A. Richards, 14 Randy Ridgway, 15 *Richard A. Root, 2 *Christopher Roth, 15 Anthony Rund, 8 *Sarah Anne Ryan *Cheryl M. Sackrider, 4 *Jeff Schmitz, 11 Rick C. Shanaman, 10 Vicky P. (Hooper) Shanaman, 10 *Natalie (Carlise) Sharpes, 11 *Gerard J. Silvernale, 2 *James H. Small, 8 Steve Smith, 11 Steven Soos, 12 *Cheryl Ann (Graham) Stella, 2 *Kenneth P. Steury *Douglas R. Stewart, 5 *Theresa A. (Zielinski) Taaffe, 17 Michael Thompson, 14 David A. Torres, 6 Timothy Tucci, 8 *Daniel E. Velasquez, 9 *Dorothy (Cates) Wagsholm, 20 Cherie A. (Riel) Wall, 18 *Ronald Warnecke *William Wratten *Chris Wrolstad, 14 *Lisa (Verstraete) Wrolstad, 14 CLASS OF 1987 20th Reunion Year 26% Class Participation $80,852 *Robert D. Acteson, 4 *Tony Arguinchona Shawn J. Aronow, 2 Bradley Axtell, 4 *Wendall Bauer, 3 Sharon M. (Feldman) Bradley, 9 *Karen E. Brasch, 11 Kelly A. (Cantwell) Brown, 6 *Edward Caferro, 6 *Mary Sara (Pfeifer) Casey, 10 *Theresa M. (Schneider) Clark, 18 *Patty A. Clusserath, 12 Shannon M. (Tierney) Corbett, 2 *Rosanne Delaney-Parry, 3 Timothy Donaldson, 9 *Richard Estep, 14 Patricia A. Etter, 3 Jeffrey Evans, 6 Julie L. Evans, 6 *Dr. Mary Ann (Henneman) Evans, 8 John Farver, Jr., 3 *Jane M. Ferguson, 6 *Kathleen M. (O’Connor) Gallant, 18 *Pierre T. Gallant, 18 *Kathleen M. Gardipee-Schur, 13 Timothy Geraghty, 3 *Joan (Hughes) Gianotti, 12 *Mr. John Z. Gibson, 5 *Jim Gonzalez *Paula L. Haberman, 13 *Thomas Hagan, 3 *Mary (Guerrero) Halvorson Jean Herzog, 31 Joe Herzog, 7 Kathleen (Hanifan) Hoke, 3 *Loretta M. Holthaus, 18 Joel Huppin, 3 John J. Hyland, IV, 5 Monica (Menotti) Hyland, 5 Greg Intinarelli, 23 William Isgrigg, 3 *Donald H. Jans, 13 *Marc J. Johnston, 4 *Richard R. Jordal Terrance Judge, 11 *Charlotte E. (Doogan) Kair, 16 Pamela L. (Frederickson) Kaperick, 5 *Dean Karcz, 18 *Karalee L. (Dewey) Keefer, 10 *Lawrence D. Keefer, 10 *Mrs. Brenda M. Kehoe, 2 *Richard Kendall, 12 *Jacki (Caferro) Konesky, 15 Jane M. (Dore) Kuper, 19 Debby J. Kurbitz, 3 *Mark Lally, 19 Ellen (Kremer) Lenhart, 14 Michael B. Love, 15 *Parker Lyons, 4 Mr. Kevin P. Mahoney, 4 Simon Manning, 2 *Trudy T. McCoy, 3 Timothy McKeon, 4 *Kevin S. Miller, 3 *Catherine E. (Rosa) Mirkin, 20 S. Ann (Tillery) Murphy, 14 *Mrs. Siobhan M. O’Malley, 5 *Margaret Cunningham Orse, 11 *Susan E. (Sramaty) O’Sullivan, 7 *Marty O’Toole, 17 *Cece (Byorth) Padon, 10 *Benjamin J. Page, 18 *Kasturi G. Patel, 2 *Kurt A. Phillips, 11 Jamieson N. Poe, 9 Bonnie S. Powers, 5 *Craig Ramella, 18 *Tim Ramsey, 10 *Debra Rappuchi, 7 *Michael Reitcheck, 7 *Renee R. Reuther, 11 *Jody (Hall) Richards, 4 *Colleen E. (Leigh) Rodland, 7 *Gina M. Romeo, 9 *Lisa A. (Allen) Rowan, 16 *Michael S. Rowan, 16 *Victoria T. (Porter) Scribner Patricia Corr Seidensticker, 8 *Jeri L. Self-Merritt, 18 *Mike Sharpes, 11 Christopher Spring, 16 *Jim Starkey, 18 *Debra L. (Williams) Stephens, 17 Brett Stewart, 4 Stacey Stockton, 3 Michele E. Storms, 9 *Monique A. (Lewis) Thometz, 2 *Paul Tran, 2 Paulette A. (Pettis) Triolo, 8 *Todd Ungerecht, 5 *Dorinda L. Upham, 7 *Deanne A. (Gustin) Vizurraga, 14 *Susan (Damiano) Warnecke Tom Watts, 4 *Joseph G. Weber, 10 *Jennifer L. (Prince) West, 20 *Allison E. (McKay) Williams, 2 Theresa (Cochran) Willy, 5 *Bev (Doupe) Yokoyama, 4 Nick Zaharias, 7 *Mr. Eric B. Zumstein, 11 CLASS OF 1988 22% Class Participation $17,811 *Anne E. Alkire-Couch, 11 *Jon G. Bauroth, 10 *Theresa M. Bean, 3 Michael Beegle, 9 Ken Bell-Garrison, 4 *Margaret (Bucholz) Birmingham, 2 *David G. Blohn, 19 *Susan M. (Kocvara) Blohn, 19 *Deborah M. (Click) Boatman, 3 Constance Jean (Peterson) Brady, 4 *Toby Brewer, 19 *Michelle P. (Pusateri) Britton, 10 Maureen H. Britton-Poole, 5 *Randy L. Bronson, 2 *Craig Charbonneau, 16 *Keith Cleek *Laverna L. Clemens, 12 Fr. Darrin D. Connall, 7 *Kathleen S. Crowner, 3 Mr. Jeff Cummins, 3 *James R. Day *Jim S. Deboo Mike Delay, 7 Carol M. Dever *Cathleen R. (Birgenheier) Dietrich, 2 Michaele E. Dietzel, 10 Michelle D. DimondSzambelan, 15 *Karen E. (Parker) Dobson Jeff Doering, 6 *Stephen J. Dumerton *Dana M. (Thoele) Dunham, 6 *Jacqueline (Michielli) Etter, 11 *Sheila M. Evans, 2 Bob Finn, 8 Joan C. Geraghty, 5 Jill D. Gibbon-Kiley, 13 *Christopher Gray, 4 Kathleen R. Gumaer, 2 Michael Hansen, 4 Karen E. Harwood, 19 Meishelle L. Haverkamp, 6 Jack Heath III, 13 David Hellenthal, 3 *Arthur F. Henderson, IV, 6 *Michelle Scully (Spiess) Hobus, 15 *Gene Hogan, Jr., 9 *Michelle M. (Palmer) Hunt, 16 *Natalie J. Hunter, 17 *Barbara A. (Birgenheier) Hunton, 5 *James J. Huss, 18 Mark R. Iverson, 10 Paul G. Kaperick, 5 *Joshua John Kelly, 2 Seong-Hoon Kim, 3 *Kevin F. Larose *Carrine M. (VanDyke) Leahy, 16 *Tom Leonard, 2 *Cynthia L. Luebbers, 6 *Linda K. MacDonell, 3 Shane McClary, 5 *Stephanie (Melchor) McIntyre, 8 Michael J. Mendiola, 4 Glenn Miller, 13 Michelle A. (Mulick) Mings, 10 Steve M. Mings, 10 *Margo A. (Hillestad) Nadler, 2 Mr. John E. Neirinckx II, 6 Mr. Michael Nibarger, 2 *Andrell M. (Ryder) Panconi, 7 Jeffrey D. Reed, 2 *Michelle K. (Daniels) Reitcheck, 7 *Danny S. Roe Michael P. Roney, 4 Nancy J. (MacDonald) Sanford, 16 *Mary D. Schumacher, 11 Adrienne E. Smith, 6 Joan Grey Smith, 6 Lura M. Smith, 12 Teresa J. (Smatlan) Stoddard, 5 *Jennifer M. Strand, 4 *Raymond N. Suganuma, 2 *Margaret M. (Weinand) Thomas, 9 thank you Regina Thomas, 8 *James P. Toner, D.D.S., 4 Timothy D. Trageser, 3 The Hon. Philip Van de Veer, 13 *Lisa R. Watkins Martin Wyckoff, 3 *Christopher Young, 11 *Joan M. Zook, 6 CLASS OF 1989 24% Class Participation - $23,190 *Cory A. (Leveque) Adams, 14 Keller W. Allen, 8 John M. Altman, 7 *Brian J. Baker, 6 *Michael J. Bayley, 10 *Annette M. (LeVesque) Becht, 4 *Kara (Wendt) Beck, 9 *Allison L. (Bylski) Binning, 15 Brenda Bodeau, 12 *Sean C. Boyd Mark Britton, 8 *Roger Broughton, 11 Christopher P. Brown, 5 Kate A. (Johns) Brown, 5 *Linda M. Bushinski, 2 *Karen R. Byorth, 11 Michael Candau, 4 *Christine L. (Briggs) Capponi, 6 Keith Carpenter, 3 *Walter Conn, 9 Jeffrey Corbett *Shannon M. (Kuster) Davis, 8 *Jennifer Deger, 15 *Gregory Detuerk, 6 *Tracy L. (Sloboda) Detuerk, 5 *Christa A. (McLaughlin) Duggan *Erica C. Duke, 2 52 *Michael Earnest, 16 *Glen E. Eidson, 4 *Jeanne M. Freeman-Malubay, 7 *Kristi Fuller, 19 *Daryl M. Gee, 10 *Jennifer M. (Bell) Gee, 16 *Chad G. Goelzer, 18 *Colleen M. Goodwin, 8 *Adam P. Greene *Dana C. Hackett, 11 Marie Hauge, 13 Jacklin C. Hawe, 12 *Patricia L. (Cunnington) Hines Gail E. Jennings, 4 *Bonnie A. Keenan Leslie E. Kemper, 6 *Karen A. (Bushey) Keturi *James R. Kinskey, 6 *Jay E. Knapp, 14 *Susana M. (Barber) Knapp, 14 *Sarah M. (Thomas) Koehler, 11 *William Koehler, Jr., 10 *James A. Lalonde, 2 *Kathleen A. (Howden) Lawrence *Tamara J. (Keating) Lindhout, 2 *Amy (Benson) Lofquist, 10 *Jean M. Lowry-Goderre, 15 Donald Lyon, 3 Bruce G MacIntyre, 12 *Kevin F. Mack, 4 Helen B. Maio, 8 Karen (Malen) Malen-Hogle, 8 *Melinda (Morin) Marsh, 4 *Gina M. (Hanson) Martin, 9 *Toby Martinez, 4 Thayne M. McCulloh, 13 *Joe McDermott, 8 *Cyril McDonald, 16 Dana M. (Reding) McPhee, 4 James McPhee, 4 Stephen K. Meyer, 8 *Andrew Miller, 2 Mary Jo Moltzen, 18 *Col. Robert E. Mullin, 15 Kent Mumma Christopher J. Nettleton, 7 *Andrea (Stepovich) Neville, 4 *William J. Parry, 3 Kristi Philip, 4 Sheryl Phillabaum, 9 Nicole C. (Fenz) Pierone, 3 Joseph Poole *Sarah Herres (Miller) Powers, 10 Kirsten H. (Larsen) Prud’homme, 11 *Lloyd Reitz, 7 *David C. Richardson, 7 *Doug A. Rossi *Debbie Rufener, 16 *Peter M. Ruffatto, 12 *Shannon (Casey) Scacciotti, 12 *Marcella (Lazar) Shinder, 17 *Richard J. Shinder, 17 *Anthony L. Shouse, 4 Jeri Simmons, 5 Tracey Singer, 11 *Nancy L. Smith, 2 Mark Sole, 15 Marlis Petersen Spawn, 7 *Margot J. Stanfield, 22 *Theresa M. (Obradovich) Stankovik, 8 Paul F. Stevens, 3 *Gary Strope *Molly M. (Baumann) Taylor, 7 *Verlie J. (Hembree) Thompson, 3 Susan Ann Thomson, 3 *Jeffrey Turner, 3 *Lucretia M. (Reed) Verbrugge, 6 Paul A. Verret, 8 *Lewis Walde, 18 Allison E. (Melton) Walsh, 3 *David Walters, 18 *Katherine (Beaton) Walters, 18 *Renee Wass, 11 Therese A. Watson, 2 Rick Wharf, 5 Thomas D. White, 8 Donna M. Williams, 11 Mary Sue Wilson, 9 *Caroline B. (Geiger) Wyatt, 5 CLASS OF 1990 25% Class Participation $38,435 *Conrad J. Albert, 5 *Steven Albert, 14 *Teresa A. (Beasley) Andersen, 8 *Lisa Anne T. Arakaki, 5 Stephen C. Arredondo, 3 Perri Ann Babalis, 11 *Patrick A. Bagley *John Barnhardt, 3 Mrs. Amy D. Basche, 2 *Richard A. Basta, 9 *Kimberly A. (Dickson) Bayley, 10 *Tanya (Taylor) Becker, 2 *Mark Bieter, 7 Laurie A. Bigej, 4 *Maureen A. Borba, 10 *Laura Brophy Gordon, 3 *Michel (Holyk) Brown, 5 *Patrice L. (Montagne) Brown, 3 Lisa A. Browne, 2 Nancy S. Burnett, 14 Karen Ann Calder, 11 *John Caley, Jr., 2 *Gregory S. Carpenter *Lareina A. (Crockett) Carpenter *Alison S. Clark, 2 Janet T. (Goldsmith) Cleary, 4 Kevin J. Cleary, 4 *Mary E. Connolly Karen Contardo, 2 Jeff M. Copper, 5 Mary D. (Coil) Cooper, 5 *Mark Cornwall Bradley P. Cossette, 3 Donn K. Cox, 5 *Lorne Dauenhauer, 3 Patricia K. Davis, 6 L. David Dell’Osso, 3 *Mark W. Doran, 7 Heidi M. (Wohlschlegel) Drynan, 8 Thomas A. Drynan, 10 *Clinton A. Dubois, 6 *Elizabeth (Smith) Dubois, 6 *Elizabeth M. Essex, 8 *Shawn Flaherty, 2 *Kelley M. Flatters, 7 *Polly A. Foley, 4 Lori D. (Allen) Fritz, 13 *Thomas R. Fuchs, 11 *Keith A. Fuller, 19 *Jerald S. Gerard *Maria Gianotti, 4 *Robert Gibson, 6 Keith Glanzer, 8 *James E. Gorman Elizabeth Graham, 8 *Julie (Raekes) Grewe, MD, 7 *Earl D. Hall, 3 *Mary Hamilton, 7 *Mary M. Hartman alumni donors Mary (Ritter) Heitkemper, 4 *Megan A. (Cobb) Hoefer, 4 *LeAnn L. Hooper *John C. Hoover, 4 *Elisa (Freeman) Hynds *Mrinalini Ingram, 4 *Jared W. Johnson, 6 Tina U. Johnson, 17 Michael T. Jonas, 4 *Teresa A. (Davidson) Joste, 12 *Pamela D. (Yamayee) Karais, 7 *Pola A. Kelley Jeritt Kent, 2 Carol L. Kerley, 7 *Holly A. Kevo *David Kleweno William J. Kochevar, 10 *Matthew Komar, 5 Eric J. Kufel, 5 Joseph Wayne Lee Richard Leland, 4 *Kathleen (Lowry) Lundy, 16 Vinetta A. MacPherson, 3 DeLora Ferlee Macphee *Karla (Huffine) Maguire, 6 *Dia J. (Hadley) Maurer, 10 *Glorilyn M. (Kimokeo) Maw, 15 *Scott H. Maw, 15 Darryl W. May, 3 *Heidi J. (Baum) McAllister, 6 *Mark W. McAllister, 6 Ray E. McGriff, 3 Scott S. McKay, 9 *Rebecca M. McKimmey *Colleen McManamon, 2 Richard M. Miailovich, Jr., 11 *William R. Michels *Todd Miles, 3 *Alice (McDevitt) Millward, 8 *Curt Mitchke, 9 *Kristine M. (Holwegner) Mitchke, 5 Susan Montgomery, 17 *Michael J. Mulick, 9 *Kathleen (Amick) Neary, 13 Sarah J. Gillies Nicholson, 4 William P. Nicholson, 4 Colleen E. O’Connor, 8 *Matthew P. O’Donnell, 16 *Corey D. Peterson, 9 John T. Prud’homme, Jr., 11 *Rebecca Ray, 6 *Trisa C. (Taylor) Robarge *Holly A. (Thielen) Robinson, 12 *Christina M. Rosman *Kevin Michael Roy, 2 Lance R. Sadler, 2 *Holly D. (Porath) Sanders, 13 *Catherine A. (O’Toole) Shedd, 4 *Joan E. (Onsager) Siegfried Katherine (Debruler) Stevens, 2 *Amy Still, 14 Jack Stone, 11 Michael D. Stone, 5 *Byron A. Stout, 2 Timothy E. Szambelan, 15 *Beth E. Terrell, 11 *Colleen L. Tigges Teresa J. Tombari, 8 *Captain Andrew W. Trout, 2 Timannie J. (Ames) Volland, 3 Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, 11 *Lisa M. (Wallace) Wardian, 2 *Nancy J. (Katus) White, 2 *Brian P. Wilkins George Cliff Yochum CLASS OF 1991 19% Class Participation $20,845 *Kathleen E. Adkinson, 2 Susan Alexander, 4 *Anthony Alfieri *Gary W. Allen, 4 *Maile A. (Arensdorf) Atay, 12 Barbie M. (Ward) Bailey, 5 *Sheila L. (Connolly) Beer, 4 *Amber (Myrick) Belew, 5 Eileen Bell-Garrison, 4 David P. Berry, 7 *Frank Blaz, 2 *Carol Bonino, 18 M. Lisa Bradley, 3 Elizabeth N. Bruskotter, 5 Mark A. Bruskotter, 6 Pat Bulger, 2 T. Bennett Burkemper, Jr., 10 *Ina J. Bush, 6 *Tina L. (Greco) Christianson, 3 *Bill T. Cobb, 6 *Monica M. (Tinder) Cosmos, 8 *Catherine Curtis, 2 *Richard C. Deck, 13 *William E. DeForeest, 9 *Shelly A. (Frei) Dempsey, 3 *Kathrine A. Door, 9 *Jill M. Duffy, 9 *Joyce Esposito, 27 *Gayle A. (Jacobs) Foote, 12 *Mark A. Gresbrink, 2 Thomas B. Hammer, 2 *Jason R. Hannawalt, 11 Kirk Hansen, 9 *Sandy J. Hanson Michael C. Hirst, 7 *Jennifer L. Horner, 3 *Thomas M. John, 3 *Mark E. Johnson, 4 *Sharon J. Johnston, 8 *Richard J. Jones *Teresa A. Jones *Jeffrey S. Kavadias, 5 *Cathy Kelleher, 45 Donald B. Kennedy, 6 *Mitchell E. Kettrick *Anne K. (Van Keuren) Kirk, 12 *Edward Kirk, 3 *Sherry (Willey) Klepec *Jolanta A. Kozyra, 11 *Kirsten R. (Hastings) Lancaster, 6 *Steven M. Lapke, 10 Richard League, 18 *Marlene (Visitacion) Leary, 2 *Noel W. Leary, 2 *Lynne M. LeBret, 11 *Sam J. Lee *Virginia E. Lewis *Tonya M. Lockman, 11 *Margaret M. (Flynn) Mahaffey, 6 *Greg Marshall, 15 *Liza T. (Tulio) McCafferty *John McDowell, 5 David F. McFaul, 11 *Angie K. (Doran) McGrath *Kathryn M. (Leonardini) Melancon, 11 Michael P. Mengert, 4 *Amy C. Miller-O’Brien, 3 Patricia B. Morgan, 6 *David Moseley, 7 Molly Murphy, 6 Ellen A. (Morin) Nessen, 7 *Lisa Nicholls, 12 *John O’Brien, Jr., 10 Neil J. O’Keefe, 3 *Kathy J. (Rue) Pacheco, 8 Mark K. Perko, 3 David P. Persyn, 3 *Stephen M. Pinza, 3 Klaire L. (Fulton) Powers, 6 *Kelly M. Price, 5 *Bethany A. (Eiesland) Prince, 6 *Greg C. Roberts *Joseph M. Rois, 3 Sherry D. Rux, 7 *Karen C. (Sargent) Sawyer *Robin A. (Lang) Schnuit, 13 Carol (Korb) Sheridan, 2 *Eric M. Siedentopf, 2 *Richard P. Siekawitch, 13 Christopher Standiford, 16 Nate Steilen, 9 *Michele (Kegel) Stewart, 3 *Sameena (Ansari) Syed, 3 *Anne E. (Livingston) Thomas, 13 *Angela L. (Hession) Thompson, 3 *Brad J. Thompson, 3 *Robert W. Thompson, 5 Thatcher Thompson, 15 *Rhett M. Tipton DMD, 4 *Paul N. Tranel *Deanna M. (Cheney) Troxel, 5 *Mark A. Ulvin, 5 *Mary (Guyette) Ulvin, 5 *Staci L. (Demko) Urquizo, 8 *Greta Utigard *Kristin L. Walker, 16 *Nichole A. (Gray) Ward, 5 *Thomas K. Ward, 5 Susan D. Weitz, 23 Ted Wellman, 3 *Grace E. (Beauchane) Whiteaker, 4 *Sara Williams, 10 Jack J. Winch, 2 A. Kristine Young, 2 Michael Shields, Tacoma Gonzaga Connection: BBA in economics ‘84 Chapter: Tacoma Occupation: Director of special events and corporate relations for MultiCare Health System What most inspires you about GU? “The spirit and camaraderie of Gonzaga students. To this day, the friends I made at GU are my best friends.” Mike comes from a family of Zags. A member of his immediate family was a student at Gonzaga every year but one between 1978 and 1996. A visit over Parents Weekend, when his family came to campus to see his sister Kathy, sold Mike on Gonzaga. “I felt really welcomed. Then, after I enrolled, my brothers Tim and Andy decided to go to Gonzaga as well.” It seems there are Zags everywhere in Mike’s life; even in his work. “Over time, I have met dozens and dozens of GU alums during the course of normal business,” he says. “Invariably, we have a common experience from our time on campus. Having a personal connection makes establishing a business connection much easier.” Mike is one who likes to make connections. So much so that he was a driving force behind Tacoma becoming the first active chapter. He rallied volunteers to establish the group and hold a kickoff event, and now serves as vice president of the chapter. Class of 1992 25% Class Participation $24,923 *Don Acheson, 5 *Stacey (Scissons) Adams, 5 *Mary Fran Maronick Albrecht, 6 *Karen Lee Allwine, 9 *John W. Anderson, 6 Tim Aukett, 16 *Sheila L. (Sleet) Bacon, 4 *Stephen Baran, 2 *Chris B. Barnes, 8 *Lester Beattie *Erin K. (McGillis) Beck, 6 Gregory Bever, 3 *Christopher M. Blackburn, 2 *Moria A. (Harrington) Blair, 9 Geoffrey M. Boodell, 5 *Robert D. Boulds, 2 *Lee A. Brand, 9 *Katie M. Branson, 2 *Ann Brown, 15 *Pattie (Bettin) Buller, 11 *Michelle A. Carr Cristine M. Cashatt, 6 *Christine Coers-Mitchell William Cook, 2 *Greg D. Craven Siobhan M. Daly, 6 *Catherine (Herrell) Deasy, 2 Paul F. Eagle, 2 *Todd M. Ernst, 10 *Paul V. Essex, 9 Meagan Flynn, 10 *Terri L. (Johnson) Fortner, 2 Eric C. Frimodt, 9 *Mary Ann Fritchie, 4 *Colleen A. (Thompson) Fuchs, 5 *Cynthia D. Gallegos, 3 Charles A. Gay, 2 *Valerie J. George, 6 *Marti D. (Buckingham) Gorman, 2 Karla M. (Luetkenhaus) Gray, 5 *Tiffany M. Greco, 9 *Megan A. (Doohan) Guinn, 6 Gregory A. Hanson, 8 Why do you support Gonzaga? “I want to support the people and programs that I benefited from in my time at GU.” Kathleen L. (Hahn) Hanson, 8 Patricia (Hunter) Hennessey, 8 *Dianne Henrickson, 2 *Mary Beth (Galluzzo) Hildahl, 8 *Wm. Scott Hislop, 10 Kevin Holland, 8 *David Huard, 9 *Robert W. Jimerson, 8 Mary Lou Johnson, 16 *Sabrina K. Jones-Schroeder, 12 *Kimberly S. (Drivdahl) Jordan, 12 *Lara R. (Mihelich) Kammereck, 4 Daniel L. Keppler, 10 Jennifer Kerley, 3 Betty L. Kiemle, 16 *Eric J. Kimball, 3 *Michele Ann R. (Reed) King, 14 Colleen M. Kinney, 4 *Joanna Klobassa, 3 *Kathleen M. Kragelund, 3 *Jonathan Kuzma, 5 *John Ladenburg, Jr., 2 Deborah Lahue, 3 53 *Mr. James T. Laidlaw IV, 6 Charlotte Lamp, 6 *Carrie L. (Ridgeway) Lawrence, 7 Cynthia J. (Popiel) Leaver, 6 *Jason Lee, 13 *Roseann M. Lemberger, 12 *Tresa (Bos) LeVasseur, 6 *Jennifer J. (Saunders) Liss, 4 *Sean Long, 8 Timothy M. Lovlyn, 4 *Debora S. Marino, 12 *Victoria A. (Ober) Marquis *Marilyn J. (Rossi) Mathis, 6 *Mark E. Mayeski, 8 Julie A. (Lopach) McCulloh, 11 Ms. Nancy A. McKay, 14 Nicole S. (Annis) McKay, 9 Chere’ (Byrd) McKeirnan, 8 *Helen M. McMahon, 4 *Gloria Middaugh, 3 *Anna M. Miller, 16 *Johnston Mitchell *Angela (Pfeifer) Mooney, 2 *Timothy Mooney, 2 *Patricia A. (Rosson) Moore, 7 *Glendon Morris, 2 Dale Anne (Severance) Napolsky, 2 Fabian Napolsky, 2 *Susan L. Norwood, 16 Darrell Overbay, 8 Shannon R. (Brod) Overbay, 8 *Jan M. (Nuxoll) Owen, 2 Eric C. Peterson, 2 Virginia V. (Dennis) Preston, 8 *Timothy Quinn, 10 *Jane (Alexander) Ratzer, 9 *Patrick Reed *Robert J. Ressa, 4 Robert C. Rich, 7 *Dennis T. Richardson, 2 *Charlene K. Robins, 4 *Michael Rodeen, 11 *Thomas M. Ross, 5 *Amy Jo (Knapp) Rosson, 16 *Robert S. Rosson, 16 *Joely K. (Jepson) Round, 16 *Ray J. Round, 16 Heidi Ruckwardt, 11 *Annual Fund Contributor *Glenn Russell, 15 *David Sabow, 8 *Jason M. Saldana, 8 *Jo Schafer, 6 *Tyler Schumacher, 9 *Robert D. Selle, 13 *Cheryl K. (Hoffman) Sikes, 3 Kathy Simmons, 15 Donna M. (DaSilva) Singer, 11 *Sylvia M. Soucy-Cooper, 5 Julie A. (Haigh) Standiford, 16 Brent Stanyer, 4 Daniel Summerfeldt, 6 *Luying Tan *Jennifer M. (Peterson) Tellers *James Thompson, 7 Jill L. (Bethel) Thompson, 8 *Toby W. Tobeck, 2 *Peter H. Tran, 14 *William Troxel, 4 Tina H. Ultican, 2 *Michael J. Ward, 5 *Brenda L. (Marchesseault) Weber, 6 *Joanne Welch, 2 *Mary A. (Buechler) Westphal, 5 *Dan Wilson, 9 *Donald J. Worthy, 12 Ana M. Zimmerman, 2 CLASS OF 1993 20% Class Participation $20,497 *William C. Abt, 6 *Brian J. Adams, 9 Rachel M. (Herres) Allen, 9 *Sandra Kay Ambrose, 15 *Lori J. Arpin, 22 Sean D. Bailey, 4 Mark Baines, 3 *Judith M. (Carroll) Baldus, 8 *John Paul Barinaga, 7 Heidi K. Barth, 12 *Gregory M. Bean, 2 Michelle C. Bengtson, 4 David A. Bianchi, 13 Karrin M. (Grutz) Bianchi, 13 TerryKay Birrer, 11 *Brad Boedecker, 15 *Kelley Bright-Larsen, 2 *Dawn Burmeister, DVM, 3 James Cappello, 3 *Colin A. Caryl, 13 *Nicole C. (Will) Chism, 2 *Ruth Clark, 3 Daniel Scott Classen, 4 *Natalie (Huesties) Claussen, 2 *Teresa A. (McKeirnan) Cooper, 2 *Christopher Corigliano, 7 *Susan A. Thompson Cowin, 8 David Crouse, 7 *Amra L. (High) Custer, 5 *Christopher James Custer, 6 *Stacy P. Cyr-Maddigan, 4 John C. Deasy, 4 William J. Dixon, 5 *Joanie K. (Simon) Dombrowski, 8 Ronald Evan Doty, 4 Dennis P. Dougherty, 4 Wendy S. (Campbell) Dougherty, 4 *Michael Drislane, 4 *Kimberly A. (Larson) Droppo, 5 Jamie Dudley, 8 Daniel Duffin, 12 *Tammy A. Erickson, 11 *Amy (Nebel) Fernandes, 9 *Ray Allen Fernandes, 3 *John F. Ferraro, 2 *Barbara K. (Moran) Flocke, 2 Blaine G. French, 4 *Jeffrey Garner, 8 Kimberly D. (Swallom) Gill, 7 Gregory Gores, 4 *Christopher Gray, 4 *Dianna L. (Bronson) Gray, 8 Maria Griffin, 7 *Ann M. (Martin) Grimm, 7 *Jeffrey A. Hagen, 4 *Timothy M. Hanigan, 2 *Tricia (Moerkerke) Hansen, 8 Ann N. (Clark) Heringer, 8 *Thomas R. Hitt, 7 *Michele E. (Gedrose) Hodges, 8 *Lisa M. Hordemann, 3 *Julie P. (Duggan) Hubbard, 4 Gayleen D. Isgrigg, 2 Becky Jasper Dave Keller, 6 Kathleen I. Kennedy, 4 *Joseph T. Kenny, 4 Patrick Kirby, 7 *Patrick S. Kirk, 3 Kathleen (Fogarty) Kittilstved, 8 *Sara D. Klinzman *Eric Kuester, 2 William C. Lapke, 2 *Edna L. Leamer, 6 *Thomas F. Leonard, 2 *Terri L. (Bonallo) Luce, 4 *Rhonda A. (Bodeau) Luiten, 5 *Mark Luthman, 6 Maureen A. Lynden, 10 *Gregory Maddigan, 4 *Tiffany E. Maulhardt, 2 *Tamara (Lehman) McGregor, 8 *Andrea J. Mize, 5 Joseph E. Moran, 4 Gwen Nyberg, 5 thank you *Shannon R. O’Dell, 7 Amma Oduro, 8 *Elizabeth A. (Evans) O’Reilly, 5 *David Osenga *Jeffrey S. Owen, 2 *Geraldine J. Paradee, 11 *Annette M. (VanDyke) Parker, 6 *Colleen A. Peloquin *Rocio C. (Leon) Peralta, 7 Bradley D. Pinney, 4 *Susan Pitchford, 2 *Phillip J. Price, 4 *Daniel R. Puckett *Wanda Gay Quinn, 7 *Dac K. Randall, 13 *Philip Ratzer, 9 *Tami (Jones) Ressa, 10 *Ilona Ringler, 2 *Claire M. (Lafargue) Roberts, 2 *Steven Roberts, 3 *Milena Robison, 11 *Shawn Russell, 3 *Suzanne J. (Kozlowski) Siekawitch, 13 Joanne Smatlan, 2 Rodney Standage, 10 *Donald J. Stewart, 8 *Nicole A. Stewart, 14 Joseph M. Stimatz, 12 *Scott A. Stingley, 9 *Sheila Sumner, 2 *Robert A. Trivitt, 4 *Tracy E. Weaver, 5 *Jonathan L. Wilson, 2 Christopher J. Wright, 4 CLASS OF 1994 21% Class Participation $28,710 *Amy K. Bahrman, 4 Rich Beaven *Keith Joseph Blakeman, 7 Daniel Blood, 6 *Wendy Boese *Christy L. (Holmdahl) Boesel, 8 *Alice M. Boyle Shepard, 6 *Clark Brekke, 2 *Kirk Brewer, 2 Jeffrey A. Brown, 4 Loriann C. (Zent) Brown, 8 Matthew J. Byrd, 10 *Hal Charvet, 3 *Cheryl A. (Giem) Connors, 11 *Janet Lee Constable, 5 *David Corlett, 9 *Victoria A. (Wilhelm) Corlett, 9 Michael F. Cronin *Dylan J. Cunningham, 6 Jason Cutts, 9 *Casey H. Delaney, 4 *Alison (Gibbens) Dice, 9 *Michael J. Doherty, 6 *Jasha G. Droppo, III, 5 *Mertie B. Duncan, 3 *Donna L. Duvon, 2 *Francesca F. Fabile, 3 *Matthew E. Fahey, 2 *Marci J. (Anthony) Fankhauser, 2 *Melissa J. Farmin, 10 *Jennifer Flaningam, 4 John S. Foertsch, 5 *Cory Fong, 12 Elizabeth A. (Wood) Fortunato, 7 *Tiffaney Fox Quintana, 5 *Ben Francis, 5 *Aida M. Fraser-Hammer, 9 *Shannon R. (Brantingham) Garlitz, 3 Sharon R. (Ladenburg) Gelbrich, 10 Travis R. Gelbrich, 10 *Heather Gibbons JoAnn Gibbs, 2 Geoffrey E. Goss, 7 *Daniel E. Greenan, 4 Mike Hogan, 9 *Gregg G. Hohman, 3 *Donna J. (Campbell) Hunt, 4 *Megan L. Isenhower, 13 *Gary L. Jenkins *Annika M. Jensen Megan M. (Burrell) Jensen, 3 *Laura (Peck) Keegan, 7 *Timothy Kelley, 2 Theresa M. Kochevar, 10 *Cheri A. (Brockbank) Krebs, 9 *Kristin Kukar, 7 Paul Kuntz, 5 *Lisa Ladenburg Graham Lang, Jr., 4 Madeleine (Brady) Lapke, 2 *Brian C. Larson, 5 Heather M. (Balakier) Larson, 4 Robert D. Larson, 4 *Brian P. Lawlor, 4 *Mollie Lesh *Lynn M. (Arfman) Liedle, 6 *Stacy E. Liedle, 6 *Brandi (Platt) Lisle, 2 *Lori A. Long Koleen M. (Kapptie) Lumpkin, 5 *Angela G. (Hendricks) Martin *Christopher Matto, 6 *Linda (Fiesinger) Matto, 6 *Jeffrey B. McDowell, 9 *Candice McHugh, 7 Molly Ann McQueen, 11 *Laurel McRae, 4 Heather L. (James) Miciak, 6 Ryan J. Miciak, 4 *Katherine Miller, 4 *Christine (Grimm) Milliron, 2 *William Moe, 9 *Judith Ann Moore, 6 *Charmaine K. Moss *Amy S. (Pedersen) Nelson Mark T. Neupert, 2 Ron K. Nichols, 7 *Guy Ossello Judith Marie Page *Carrie A. (Chamberlain) Parsons, 2 *Roman Peralta, 4 *Jay Phillips, 3 *Tracy (Tham) Pierce, 7 Gloria Finn Porter, 3 Christopher Pouley, 2 *Michelle (Land) Quinn, 2 *Julie A. (Nordeck) Randall, 13 *Heather B. (Hosford) Rees, 12 *Jason W. Rees, 12 Peter M. Rosman, 4 Melissa M. Sadler, 2 *Shannon Saldana, 4 *Kristy S. Schoonmaker, 14 *Shelly (Stephens) Schornick *Kathleen Schroeder, 2 Nathan P. Schwalbach, 9 *Scott Sevigny, 9 *Erika E. Soublet, 7 Kelley (Cunningham) Spink, 9 Scott Spink, 9 Matt Stanford, 2 Seth D. Stenseth *Carolyn P. Stone, 9 *Joseph C. Sullivan *Jennifer A. (Frei) Sund, 6 *Frank D. Swoboda, 6 *Jennifer L. Thomsen, 11 Matt Ukishima *Scott H. Waid *Amy (Botsford) Walker, 13 *Kristen J. (Petro) Wall, 9 *Martin J. Wall, 8 J. Trevor Werttemberger, 9 *Julie M. (Bryant) Westland, 8 *Devin Wickenhagen, 9 *Heather M. (Kampp) Wolff, 5 *Jason Wolff, 6 CLASS OF 1995 20% Class Participation $17,354 *Mary F. (Peterson) Actor, 9 *Peter Anthony, 5 *Douglas Ashbaugh, 5 *Susan Baran, 5 *Carmela M. Barinaga-Shirtcliff, 3 *William K. Barquin, 9 *Judith A. Beck, 9 *Aaron R. Blank *Chadwick Bogar, 5 Kenneth Borchers *Shelley Jo Brooks, 8 *Jay Buck *Jennifer L. Burdett, 9 *Gabrielle E. Butler-Parrish, 7 Debra J. Canaday, 5 *Heather J. Carlisle, 4 *Thomas Carroll, 7 *Edward Cattey, 5 *Elizabeth (Koch) Charvet, 5 *Jae Ho Choi *Eric Cline, 3 Patrick O. Corr, 11 Jennifer L. Damko, 2 *Britt-Marie (Bunch) DeForeest, 10 *Cindy J. (VanderStappen) Doebler, 5 *Kristyn A. (Yost) Eckert, 3 Padraic Damien Essex, 5 *Mary Ellen (Ganley) Ferguson, 7 *Darrell Fitzgerald, 3 *Craig Forster, 3 Eric C. Franks, 5 *Linda K. Gambill 54 *Gregory M. Gath, 9 Stephen T. Graham, 2 *Michelle (Busch) Green, 6 *Philip Green, 6 *Kathleen (O’Keefe) Gregg, 3 *Todd N. Gregg, 3 *W. Mitch Gruber, 4 *Eric J. Halvorson, 5 *Colin J. Hawkes, 7 *Renee M. (Kelln) Hawkes, 7 *Sandra K. (Robinson) Hays, 8 *Cary Heth, 3 Edward Hounsell, 3 *Catherine R. (Wolkenhauer) Huard *Nikki A. Hyer, 5 *Hallie (Cowperthwaite) Janssen, 3 *Joel G. Janssen, 5 *Joel Jasperson, 5 *Patrick Jefferies Kassi Kain, 10 *Jacquelynn B. Karsh, 6 *Brian Kealoha, 7 *Kristi M. Keller *Karina M. (Kutcher) Klein, 10 Mary J. Klubben, 4 *John Kohler, 4 *Tamara R. Korth, 3 Brian Ladenburg, 8 *Rachel A. (Pollard) Lalley, 10 *Stacie M. Lewton-Rice, 9 Colleen Little, 4 Peggy Sue (Lorang) Loroz, 10 *Ray Lucero, 4 Elizabeth (Barnum) McIntyre, 3 Kathryn Rae McKinley, 9 Thomas McLaughlin, 8 Michael D. Meighan, 3 *Rodolfo Mendoza Karen Anne Meyer Robert and Shirley = Meyer, 11 *James Mudd, 6 Denise M. (dePinna) Mullins, 9 *Rebecca B. Munro, 5 James Newman, 11 *Holly K. Nigrelle, 3 *Tracie R. (Traxinger) Oergel, 7 *Lynn M. Olson, 5 *Cora Rose (Bristow) Parker, 2 *Stephanie M. Parrish, 2 Marlis Pebles, 6 Shawn Peroff, 6 *Julia A. Peyton, 4 Jeremy V. Poxleitner, 8 Jeffrey A. Price, 4 *Jennifer K. (Sprute) Proctor, 8 Gregory Racca *Julie E. (Ward) Ragsdale, 5 *Jesus Ricardo Raygoza, 9 *Greg Reichlin, 6 *Nancy J. Reis Mary L. (Wilkins) Roberts, 8 Jeremy Robinson, 4 Howard A. Ruddell, 5 *Eric Ryan, 10 Dale Rycraft *Heather D. (Wall) Sabol, 6 *Roberta Salas, 12 *Andrea R. (Stoneberg) Schenk, 9 *Heather J. Schmidt, 4 *Heather C. (Roehl) Serres, 8 *Erik E. Simshauser, 4 Shane Devey Smith, 3 *Charlie Steinmetz, 8 *Lynn E. (Atwood) Steinmetz, 7 *Alice A. Stevens, 3 *Karna K. Sundsted, 2 *Travis Swenson, 3 *Jean-Paul Theriot, 9 *Kimberly A. Thompson, 5 Jody M. Tschritter, 7 *John Tsoukalas, 2 Mistee R. (Pitman) Verhulp Ellen G. Weiser, 17 Bryan Whitaker, 4 *Lynda S. Wolf, 13 CLASS OF 1996 23% Class Participation $32,553 *Blake Adolfae, 5 Patrick L. Allamandola, 6 *Daniel Allen *Katrina Allen John Allison, 3 *Ryan Anderson, 7 *Martha A. Arneson, 2 *Julian Ayer, 2 *Stephanie (Kennedy) Ayer, 2 *Amy Balderas, 4 *Mary K. (Kenny) Balen, 3 *Melinda K. Baran, 3 *Rebecca (Lynde) Bayless, 5 *Jonathan G. Belzer, 9 *Susan Blewett, 2 Mary Lynn Boardman, 8 Elisabeth R. Bollinger, 5 Steven R. Borchers, 6 *Bojana (Stojanovich) Bowermon, 2 *Jason Bowler, 4 Mary J. Bozman, 8 Maureen A. Branstetter, 4 Robert Burnett, 6 Kathryn M. Canfield-Davis, 6 Joann G. Caputo, 3 Darlene (Barrier) Caruso *Jill (Fitterer) Charrier *Daniel J. Cheyney Christopher Eric Christiansen, 2 *Michelle T. Cobb Zachery D. Collins, 5 *Brandy (Anderson) Conner, 4 *Michael Costello, 10 *Amanda J. (Allen) Cote, 3 *Rachel Cummins, 4 *Jennifer A. Curran, 9 *Kristin (Kollmann) Davis, 9 *Jon Deffenbacher, 3 *Ryan E. Dickey, 10 *Lorenz M. Doebler, 3 *Colleen (Meyer) Downey, 8 *Teresa A. (Gilman) Dugger *Chella E. Dunn *Daniel Edwards, 2 Kathy Edwards, 3 *Peggy Estey, 3 *John Evans, 11 *Franco Fabile, 6 Kenneth Farrow, 2 Timothy Fearnside, 2 Leah M. Fenwick, 3 *Brett M. Flajole, 5 *Tricia M. (McCann) Flajole, 4 *Dennis Flynn, 2 *Diane L. Frank, 4 Nicole M. (Kavon) Frye, 5 Sonya A. Funkhouser, 9 *Matthew Giannandrea, 2 *J. Michael Graglia, 4 *Jennifer L. Greene, 2 Cleatis J. Grumbly, 4 *Brandon Hansen *A. Trevor Harang, 4 Amy (Taylor) Harrold Gretchen Herbison, 4 *Joel Herman Rose Higgins, 19 Gary Hood *Sheri (Loranger) Houck, 8 *David P. Huberty, 5 Sally M. (Dickson) Hull, 2 *Susan Hunt *Elizabeth Huston, 6 *Teresa R. (Fiegl) Irving, 6 alumni donors *Brian T. Jones, 5 Daniel L. Jones, 6 *Joel Judy, 7 *Mary (McDonald) Kerfoot, 2 *Thomas P. Kerfoot, 3 *Jonathan J. Kinloch *Michelle Knokey Timo P. Korkeamaki *Renee A. Larsen, 4 *Joseph F. Laubach, 10 *Joseph Litchfield *Sherri A. (O’Neill) Lynch, 9 *Carolyn M. (Chey) Manhart, 3 *Chaela (McKelvey) Manning, 3 Jason R. Maughan, 6 *Colleen M. MazurekMcCowan *Christopher M. Miller, 8 *Dean T. Moorehouse, 7 *Kevin J. Murphy, 9 Jonathan Neill, 2 *Kayce Neumann, 6 David Novick, 3 *Patrick J. O’Connor, 3 *Chad T. Orebaugh *Tyler J. Oxley, 2 Marty Parola, 6 Dana S. (Cannon) Pedersen Seth C. Pedersen *Tammie L. (Williams) Perreault, 9 *Matthew Picking Daniel E. Price, 5 *Shelly Quinton, 2 Margaret Ransom, 3 *Richard J. Rehberger, 3 Andrew J. Rieder, 2 *Matthew L. Ringler, 3 *Sylvia B. Rojas *Joseph W. Rokoszewski, 8 *Barbra (Anderson) Ryan, 5 *Mark D. Ryan, 3 *Sydney C. Sambrano, 3 *Loanne E. Sankari, 3 Carli Schiffner, 3 *John D. Schmitz *Kevin J. Schultz, 9 Mari A. (Morando) Schwalbach, 9 *Jenny M. (Giampietri) Scott, 7 *Jody (Copeland) Shanbour, 2 *Matthew Short, 4 *Jack L. Smith, 5 Scott A. Snider, 5 *David Sonntag, 9 *Kristin Souers *Delitha Z. Spear, 4 *Cara M. (Clark) Spink, 5 *Tomson Spink, 5 *Judi Sposito, 8 *Mary Ellen (McGuire) Stephens, 5 *Robert J. Stephens, 6 *David Stimac, 2 *Scott J. Stokoe *Laura K. (Wall) Svarcs, 3 *Mary Alynn (Stone) Tatko, 9 *Margaret (Fatta) Tillman, 3 *Edna C. Vallecillo Garcia *Tiffany (Czuba) Van Horn, 4 *Patrick F. Van Inwegen, 11 *Victoria L. (Nicacio) Van Inwegen, 11 *David L. Vicevich *Daniel Vimont, 6 *Mandee E. (Madsen) Vimont, 3 *Joseph Wagele, 4 *Catherine M. Walton-Roques *Tyrone F. Ward, 4 *Michael Warner, 8 *Deborah Weber, 9 *Erica (Hickson) White *Todd E. Wood, 5 Justin Wylie, 9 *Randall J. Wyrobek, 9 CLASS OF 1997 10th Reunion Year 20% Class Participation $24,279 *Christopher Aleshire, 10 *Ivy Anderson, 3 Ruth M. Brennan Anderson, 2 *Megan J. Anderson-Reilly, 9 *Cheryl Anthony Aimee E. (Harper) Avison *Robert W. Balen, 3 Christopher J. Barnett, 4 Ryan Barrett, 2 *Mary Pat (McCutcheon) Belzer, 6 *Cindy S. Benson, 9 *Annie Bovone, 3 *Grigore Braileanu Chase W. Breckner, 11 Sarah S. (Schmidt) Brenkus, 6 *Kimberly J. Brockbank, 8 *Sheila Brunton, 5 Jennifer L. (Carr) Buhler, 2 Juliana T. (Kendall) Burnett, 6 *Brian C. Burton, 12 Jeffrey S. Busch, 3 *Meghan Campbell, 7 Christopher W. Carr, 2 *Tim P. Carr *Heather M. Carroll, 6 *Nathaniel Clinton, 9 Joel R. Comfort, 3 Eileen M. Conn, 5 *Marisa M. Connell, 9 *Rocky Conner, 2 *John O. Cooney, 3 *Matt Crotty, 4 Reagan P. Cunningham, 7 *Drew Dannels, 8 *Sarah (Higginson) Davis *Camille M. (Turner) De Marco, 3 *Marie L. (St. Laurent) Dickey, 10 Nicole A. Dyer Foncello, 3 *Liberty Ebright, 3 *Megan A. Ellingson, 10 Mary Ely, 3 Jacqueline M. (Flynn) Fearnside, 2 John M. Finn, 3 *Cynthia Fitzgerald, 7 Sascha T. (Elloy) Flanigan, 5 Shaun P. Flanigan, 5 *Heidi L. Gast, 9 Wade Gelhausen, 2 *Christopher Gozzano, 2 *Joel Graff, 7 *Katherine J. Grobe, 7 *Paul Halgren, 3 *Brian Hammond Catherine E. HannityCunningham, 9 Lunell Haught, 3 Allan C. Heller, 8 *Marjorie (McCanta) High, 6 *Paul D. Hill, 7 *Nancy L. Hobbs, 2 *John R. Honsky, 4 *Sean M. Hopkins, 2 Michael G. Hubbard, 6 *Sara (Rohrback) Hunt, 5 *John E. Johnston, 9 Rebekah J. Kaufman, 6 Doreen (Locher) Keller, 5 Michael J. Kittilstved, 8 *Karen R. Kowalski-Bianco, 4 *Martin R. Ledgerwood *Nicholas R. Long, 2 Dana (Sells) Love, 13 *Douglas Manning, 6 *Anne M. (Bucholz) Merrill, 3 *Michael W. Moreland, 4 *Timothy Morin, 9 *Kara Moss, 10 *Ryan D. Mullarky, 7 John M. Nemeth, 8 Keyonyu X. (Smith) O’Connell, 6 *Tiffany M. O’Neill, 5 *Joe Poss, 10 *Alana M. (Jelacie) Rehberger, 8 Angela (Mobley) Rieder Carol Lynn (Wolfe) Rison, 8 Marnie (Gerding) Rorholm, 6 Thomas A. Schappacher, 3 Sara (Esposito) Schultz, 4 Carie A. Schwede, 6 *Jay Seifert, 3 *Celeste J. Sessions, 2 *Aaron Shanahan, 3 *Marc Shea, 3 *Sheri Shields, 6 *Doris (Senger) Sonntag, 9 *Angela Splater, 11 Gordon R. Stoa, 4 *Michelle C. Storm-Carroll, 5 *Rachel E. (Rief) Suhm, 8 *Anna Symkowick-Rose, 5 *Heather A. Tomsick, 7 *Pete Tormey, 13 *Mark Van Loan, 3 *Michael J. Walsh, 7 *Molly J. (Vernon) Ward, 7 Stacie (Defrate) Webb, 3 *Jenny M. (Verzani) Wilcynski, 5 D.J. Wilson, 6 *Madelynn C. Wilson, 2 *Maile Wilson, 4 Ryan R. Wilson, 7 *Aaron M. Wolfe, 2 Eric S. Wong, 3 Robin Wood, 2 *Chris J. Zambukos, 5 Carolyn R. Zorich, 5 CLASS OF 1998 16% Class Participation $10,443 *Theresa M. (Feulner) Anderson, 3 Jane L. Aras, 2 *Jason E. Baca *Daniel R. Baker, 2 Christine L. (Baus) Blandford Stephanie Bonanzino, 7 Anne J. (Cannon) Boroff, 4 Shannon B. Boroff, 3 *Eugene Borstel *Kami K. Brant, 2 Ann (Epler) Bryant, 8 Chelsea C. Bushnell, 3 Carol M. Caletti, 5 *Garrett T. Call, 9 *Matthew P. Call, 7 *Sebastian E. Charbonneau, 2 Melissa K. Chilson, 9 Jonathan P. Clement, 2 Derek D. Crick, 2 Ryan D. Crockett *Jocelyn M. Custodio Sean Dannen, 3 *Claudia J. Davis, 7 *Heidi K. Deffenbacher, 6 Louise Ann Desgrosellier, 7 *Sonja S. Devaney, 9 *Christopher J. Dorrington, 3 *Annie M. (Stoeger) Edwards, 2 *Christopher A. Edwards, 2 *Lynette M. Escallier, 7 *Rachel K. Ferguson, 8 *Angela (Koelsch) Fish, 2 *Jennifer A. Gence, 3 *Elena T. Grassl, 8 *Erin M. (Wong) Green, 9 Eileen T. (Sullivan) Harasimowicz, 4 Angela Hayes, 4 Sarah T. (Metzler) Hogan, 2 *Bret N. Houck, 6 *Chih-Neng Hu, 2 Lisa A. Hunter Schauer, 2 Kenneth J. Hydzik, 4 Emily C. (O’Brien) Jasiak, 4 Cheryl C. Jordan, 10 *Jennifer (Robisch) Jordan Amy M. Jordens, 10 Andrea Juhl-Janney, 3 Erin E. (Weeks) Kerr, 6 Craig W. Kidwell Anita Kotik, 8 Jill A. (Espy) Krueger, 5 Brian C. Linden, 3 *Steven P. Lodzinski, 8 Matthew B. Martin, 5 Traci A. (Thiemann) Martin, 5 *Matthew V. McCarty, 4 thank you Timothy J. McGuire, 2 Pamela S. McKinzie, 4 Byron L. McLean, 3 Maria Theresa S. (Solis) Metz, 9 Gregory S. Miller, 3 Jennifer (Majerus) Morales, 2 Jenner L. (Fritz) Morrison, 5 *William Nolan *Laura L. Norris, 6 *Karin Olsen, 8 *Ursula E. Panagiotou, 3 Kerry J. Patrick *Shawna D. (Guthrie) Peterson, 2 Dan T. Phelan, 8 *Emily A. Posedel, 7 *Heidi J. (Gerding) Pouley, 5 Alice M. Rahoi, 2 Sharon Randall, 4 Angela (Frey) Ripke, 7 *Lindsey D. Robertson, 2 *Janet H. Rudnick, 10 Elizabeth (Gailis) Rulon, 4 *Christine Scagliotti, 4 *Paula M. Schmitz, 9 *Deana M. (Ingram) Schuler, 2 *Sheri L. (Perko) Scott, 2 Marjorie Ann Sebesta, 4 Erin K. Simmons, 9 Daniel A. Sjolund, 4 Mandrea L. Stebbins, 2 *Jake E. Sullivan Karen Teel, 5 Jeremy L. Thomas, 9 Mary E. Tillery, 3 Eileen M. Twomey, 7 Kevin L. Van Vleet, 5 Ryan E. Verhulp David Watt, 5 Jamie (Platt) Watt, 3 *Nancy K. Wilimek, 10 Brigette (Livaudais) Yates, 4 Jeremy P. Yates, 4 *Daniela E. Yau, 4 Jolene M. (Glosenger) Young John J. Zappone, 3 *Jennifer J. Ziolko, 8 CLASS OF 1999 19% Class Participation $11,042 *Brian E. Alegria, 7 Kristy L. AlldredgeBartlett, 8 55 *Derek A. Ames, 7 *Susan K. (Timm) Ames, 8 Anthony N. Anselmo *Kristi A. Aoyagi, 2 *Kainoa Arsensdorf, 2 Jennifer D. Auchterlonie, 7 *Laura (DeGeer) Baca *Roberta M. Bagley, 4 Laura A. Belknap, 3 Steven M. Bennett, 5 *Benjamin D. Bianco, 4 *Michael P. Birch, 3 *Elizabeth I. (Hicks) Boileau, 6 *Farrah F. Braileanu *Heather M. Brett, 4 *Alicia E. (Sandoval) Brewer, 4 Katy J. Bruya, 9 *Corey A. Buchanan, 5 *Madelyn S. Bumanglag *Michele D. (Tran) Burke, 2 *Stephanie A. Callan, 2 Virginia R. Carter, 2 *Bethany Clay-Klant *Courtney A. Coe, 4 *Matthew D. Colley, 2 *Rowena Marie Dagdag, 4 *Annette Davis, 16 Michael J. Dolmage, 3 *Siobhan (Bell) Ecker, 2 *Donna M. Elliott, 9 *Nicole M. Etcheverry-Sarkany, 3 *Shannon Mary Feeney, 6 *Marites D. Fiesta, 8 *Sarah Foley, 3 Christopher D. Frye, 6 *Holly H. Fugate, 3 *Michael R. Gamache, 2 Scott D. Gambill, 3 Christina Garcia Kyle Jay Geditz *Eric A. Gerst, 2 James S. Gibson, 8 Samantha P. Giugno Michael R. Green, 3 Peter N. Green, 8 *Lynette M. Hamilton, 4 Young alumni are invited to join Gonzaga’s most distinguished and loyal supporters as members of the Young Alumni President’s Council. It is through the gifts and leadership of these members that Gonzaga ranks as one of the best private universities in the nation. Young alumni can join at special gift levels depending on the year of graduation. Fiscal year 2008 levels include: 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 $50 $100 $100 $200 $200 $350 $500 $500 $750 $1,000 Trevor James Hatfield, 2 Amy N. (Jensen) Hawthorne, 2 Jason R. Hawthorne, 2 *Miranda Helm, 2 *Jennifer C. (Weber) Henderson, 5 Christopher W. Herzog Mercedes M. (Barsotti) Hjorth, 2 Peter J. Hjorth, 3 *Elizabeth C. (Quigg) Hoss, 7 *Jami L. (Labissoniere) Jablonski, 5 *Leanne F. Johns, 5 William Johnson, 6 *Danielle R. (Dey) Johnston, 9 *Laurel A. (Mitchell) Juergens, 5 *Elizabeth N. Kupko, 4 *Amy N. (Welsch) Lane, 9 *Alicia (de Artola) Latham *Sandra Lindsey, 2 *Samuel A. Little, 2 *Marycate Lumpp, 2 *Jake D. Mark, 4 *Jessica S. (Sanders) Mark, 5 *Lisa J. Mason, 4 *Kim L. (Knight) Mathis, 7 *Jennifer (Withers) Miller, 9 Jordan L. N. Miller, 3 *Charles M. Moore, 8 *Kari (Leland) Moore, 8 *David J. Mullen, 3 *John Z. Nicol, 2 *Kathryn M. Nowak, 6 *Benjamin T. Peterson, 2 *Bryan V. Pham, 2 *Juli M. Pierce, 5 *Gaylene P. Popp, 2 *Sarah H. (Gregg) Powell, 7 *Thomas W. Price, 4 *Mackenzie J. Rainaldi-Sullivan *Abraham J. Ritter, 3 *Michelle L. Roy, 4 *Alicia J. Ruckwardt *Meghan E. Ryall, 5 Eric James Sachtjen, 4 *Rita J. Schoenheit *Rochelle Schultz, 9 *Jeff D. Sebenik, 5 *Stephanie Serventi, 9 *Sheila D. Stone, 2 Shannon B. (Stanford) Strahl, 4 *John G. Stuppy *Don Thomas, 7 *Sabrina L. Thurman, 2 Sarah E. Trautman-Eslinger *Peter O. Tuenge, 7 Jennifer C. (Rappe) Van Vleet, 8 Mary B. Verner *Carrie R. (Lemieux) Vernieuw, 4 John M. Voight, 2 *Robert Mark Waggy, 4 *Laura M. Wagner, 6 Matthias G. Watkins, 5 Rebecca M. (Gibbons) Watson, 2 Cathi Weber, 4 *Tyler K. Williamson, 5 John M. Wunderling, 2 CLASS OF 2000 16% Class Participation $14,759 Michael D. Aguilera, 6 Kevin T. Andres, 8 *Chi L. Ashbaugh, 2 *Louis A. Aumaitre James E. Barry, 5 *Dawnell M. Bivins, 4 *Matthew M. Blasdel, 6 *Timothy F. Bow, 2 Douglas J. Brajcich, Jr., 3 *Lon Brown, 6 *Annual Fund Contributor *Michael A. Smith, 2 *Staci E. (Garrett) Smith, 3 *Steven E. Smith, Jr, 3 *Jessica N. Smith-Shine, 2 Anthony R. Splater, 5 *Holly M. (Kraemer) Stewart, 7 *Clayton A. Strong *Theodore D. Teske Gaetano J. Testini, 6 *Colin J. Thalhofer, 5 *Catherine A. Tyrrell, 5 Lisa A. Wasinger, 7 John D. Watson Steven P. Wee, 4 *Teri J. Wiese *Andrea J. (Cline) Zambukos, 5 Brandon Stanley, Anchorage Gonzaga Connection: BA in Accounting ’04, Young Alumni President’s Council Member Chapter: Anchorage Occupation: Staff accountant at Thomas, Head, & Greisen, a CPA firm in Anchorage What most inspires you about GU? “Gonzaga develops the whole person. The Jesuits, faculty, staff and students combine to create a unique Gonzaga Experience.” CLASS OF 2001 16% Class Participation $42,138 When you’re a Zag, you’re never alone. Just ask Brandon Stanley. “After graduation I moved 2,500 miles away from family and friends to start my new job,” he explains. “Before long, my family-away-from-home became other Gonzaga alumni. The family-like connection that GU grads share is one of the things which makes Gonzaga great.” For Brandon, the most valuable part of his Gonzaga education was the liberal arts-based core curriculum. “It has provided me not only with the ability to answer the question, but also with the ability to solve the problem.” As president of the Anchorage Chapter, Brandon has taken a leadership role to better serve his alma mater. “I don’t believe I can ever fully repay what Gonzaga has given me. Serving as president is just one way I can give back to a place that has given so much.” Why do you support Gonzaga? “Those before me gave to Gonzaga so my generation would have the same opportunity to have the amazing experiences that they did. My support helps carry on that tradition, making my experiences available to those who follow me.” *Patrick M. Buchanan, 5 Brendan J. Burke, 2 *Mark A. Burrus *Brian D. Cestnik, 2 *Keely R. Chapman, 2 Brent T. Church, 7 *Jessica L. (Hochstein) Colley, 2 Joshua R. Comfort, 3 Kirsten J. (Otness) Conrad, 5 Bonnie F. Corbin, 4 *Stacie M. (Baumann) Davis, 6 *Zachary P. Davis, 2 Dominic S.N. DeCaro, 5 *Wendi Ann (Helmick) Dickman, 3 *Jamie L. Dills, 2 *John J. Dooney, 2 *Christopher D. Downey, 5 Susan (Behnke) Dunfield, 5 Todd Dunfield, 5 Da Cam Duong Mary K. Evoy, 4 *Abigail K. (Gouveia) Ferguson, 2 *Alinna L. Figueroa, 3 *Paula J. Fortier, 8 Antje K. Frychel *Ryan J. Gallagher, 4 *Rachel L. Gardner, 4 Georgia Gauron, 5 *Barbara Giem, 14 *Shannon M. Gilronan, 8 *James M. Graham, 2 *Julie A. Grebb, 3 *Bradley J. Green, 4 Shannon Leigh Green, 7 *Brendan J. Haddock, 4 *Keith M. Hankins, 3 *Kerry P. (Kelso) Hankins, 4 Michael F. Higgins, 2 *Kristyn M. Ho, 7 *Lynn P. Hogan, 3 Pamela S. Howland, 2 *Justin D. Hufnagel, 2 *Lindsay D. (Ramsey) Hufnagel, 3 *Camisha M. (Pauli) Hughbanks, 6 Robert C. Hyta, 3 *Damion D. Jablonski, 3 Jill E. (Vimont) James, 5 *Jessica J. Kelley, 2 Matthew L. Kopp, 3 *Philip A. Kornachuk, 6 *Katherine E. Kull Daniel G. Lloyd, 4 Heather D. (Haney) Lund, 2 Suzanne Marie Lussier, 2 Leisa A. Lybbert, 3 *Joseph R. Marks *Scott R. Marshall, 4 *Davene McCoy, 2 *Francisco C. Mesch, 3 *Glen R. Miller *Joel D. Miller, 6 *Thomas P. Moran, 3 Joel A. Morgan, 3 Steven L. Morris *Juliet M. Mousseau *Sean M. Mulholland, 3 *Teresa C. (Specht) Mulholland, 3 *Ursula C. (Kortuem) Mullen, 3 *Mary C. Murphy, 6 Michael B. Nilson *Randy L. Oaks, 3 *Jennifer C. Ochsner, 3 Rian Oliver, 5 Wes D. Oliver, 5 Benjamin Powell, 2 Amy S. (Crismon) Rainis, 4 *Marcus M. Riccelli, 3 Danielle L. Riggs *Rikki E. (Opheikens) Roden, 3 *Kirsten L. (Horrobin) Ruchaber, 2 *Sondra K. Ruckwardt, 7 *Beau J. Ruff, 3 Erin L. Sauer, 5 *Emily R. (Hubbert) Schlettert, 7 *Caryn M. Sears, 2 Joseph A. Sicilia Tina M. (McDermott) Sicilia Frances E. Simonet *Anthony A. Smith, 3 Meghan S. Anderson, 4 *Christa M. Antoncich, 2 *Paul M. Babbitt, 4 Jacob-Lee W. Baker, 4 Tena J. Merkel Baker, 4 *Sara J. Becker, 2 *Carrie (Chidsey) Borda, 4 *Eileen A. Bow, 2 Paul Brown, 3 *Suzanne M. Buchanan, 5 *Kathleen Carpenter, 3 Brigit M. Ciccarello, 4 Andrew R. Cooper, 2 *Rachel N. (Allen) Cragar *Melody Crick, 6 *Fianna M. Dickson, 5 *Sarah S. (Ust) Dix, 2 *Maurissa C. Fisher Damian P. FitzRoy, 4 *Benjamin T. Freeburg, 4 *Daniel J. Galligan, 7 *Andrea M. (Burns) George Johanna T. Gomez Harold Hakes, 4 *Timothy J. Harding Jim R. Harris, 4 *Marisa L. Hastie, 4 *David Heitstuman, 4 Jared W. Hertz, 6 Kara M. (Svennungsen) Hertz, 3 Aaron D. Hill, 4 *Ryan Hutcherson, 2 *Rachel A. Jessop, 2 Cynthia A. John, 5 *Mark E. Johnson, 5 Jason Kennedy, 4 *Paul J. Kenney *Daniel T. Kerr Nicholas R. Knapton, 6 *Daniel E. Kolbet, 2 *Tana D. Kornachuk, 3 Jessica C. Kuchan Travis S. Lamb, 5 *Brianna C. Lehman James M. Lipp *Andrew Lockwood, 3 *Kathryn (Harris) Lockwood, 3 Victoria G. (Olson) Lord, 6 Casey L. Lund, 2 *Melissa Martin, 3 *Siobhan E. McDonald, 3 Casey J. McNellis, 4 *John McSmith, 2 *Darlene R. Mitchell-Cowdery, 5 *Kimberly T. Moller *Sandra L. Monaghan-Schultz, 3 *Jon Morris *Lindsey R. Morse, 3 *Jan Moseley, 4 Rhiannon L. (Fabian) Nilson *Ryan C. Nordlund, 3 Scott O’Brien, 4 Brent A. Odom, 2 56 *Christopher O’Neil, 3 *John G. Owens, 2 Michael M. Paine, 3 *Jason S. Pankow Jeremy M. Peterson *Judith H. Pham *Jennifer Rose Porto, 3 *Jonathon D. Reilly *Monique Guadalupe Rizer, 2 Malcolm A. Ryerse, 4 Brian J. Saeman, 3 Ramona M. Sanderson-Burglin, 5 Gabriel Saucedo, 6 *John B. Sauer, 3 Barrett Jonas Scudder, 4 *Brett C. Shepard *Christopher Smith *Honalee R. Smith, 4 *Joseph T. Souther, 2 *Kellie A. (Berube) Spratlen, 4 *Michael Stephens *Tracy S. Struble *Rachel A. Svenson, 3 *Erica L. Thomas, 4 Theresa M. Timms, 5 *Veronica L. Valdez, 5 Andrea (Soth) Vandehey, 4 *David Vanni *Tyson C. von Guenthner, 2 Ryan G. Wade, 6 *Joel R. Wilkie, 3 *Frances J. Wong, 2 Judy S. Wood, 4 *Michael D. Yates Barbara McGann, 5 *Martin H. Merrill Taio Miller, 2 Louis Moore *Donna Nagrone, 2 *Ryan W. Navrat Regina M. Ord, 2 Jennifer M. Pursley, 5 *Lois Quinn, 8 *April M. Rasmussen, 3 *Samuel J. Reed Maureen A. Rieckers *Danielle M. Sanders, 3 *Jason Schaefer, 2 *Duane F. Schafer, 3 Brian C. Shea Erica R. (Heinz) Shea *Katherine Sherrick, 18 *Aleah L. Smith *Catherine Smits, 3 *Eric Sorlien, 2 *Kathryn D. Stevens, 3 *Lesli Swanson, 3 *Brian J. Timm, 2 *Neil Tocher, 3 *Barbara (Nuess) Twohig, 5 Rita A. Waldref *Daniel Wessman *Anne M. Wheeldon, 2 *Paul Wolfe, 2 *Brent J. Yamamoto CLASS OF 2002 15% Class Participation $17,388 Alicia Anne Adornato, 4 Theresa Arrigotti, 3 *Garrett Barker, 4 Elizabeth A. Barry, 2 *Theresa M. Bauman, 5 *Nicole Rene Behrend, 2 Adam M. Besagno, 2 *Stephen Joseph Bibbens, 2 Michael A. Bjordahl, 7 *Marie (Ratliff) Bolstad, 3 Sean P. Boutz, 3 Andrew Michael Brajcich, 4 *Jennifer Bredeson, 3 *Dana S. Broderson, 2 Stephanie Ann Brown, 3 Kellie Buller, 2 Jennifer Byrd, 4 *Peggy Cannon, 4 *Sheila R. Cherry *Jacinta Elena (Caballero) Connall, 5 *Andrew M. Coughlin, 2 Vicki Craigen, 4 Roger J. Cramer, 5 *Timothy G. Curtis, 3 Larry D. Curtright, 2 *Anita Dahmen, 3 *Gregory Francis Dorrington, 4 *Jessica Beran Dorrington, 4 *Ryan M. Dwyer *Darla Eaton, 4 Dawn W. Emery Becky (Milligan) Evans, 2 *Megan (Jagelski) Ewens, 2 *Mercedes M. Falk Tory R. Fantozzi *Kate Fatta, 2 David M. Fineran, 2 Joshua G. Gana, 3 Ryan M. Gee *Julianne R. Gehlen, 2 *Bernard Gerding *John P. Gillilan Stephanie Kathleen Glassburn, 2 *Thomas Gleason, 3 Heather Gores, 3 *Jesse Graunitz *Jason J. Hagglund *Tracy M. Abdo, 3 *Stefanie Balakier, 2 Phillip J. Banta, 4 Shonna Bartlett, 2 Jason Bay Stacy A. Bjordahl, 3 Tony Bonanzino, 12 *Tricia Boyer, 4 Edward J. Bruya, 2 John Andres Cadwell, Jr., 2 *Julie Carssen *Melissa Carstens, 3 *Sara E. (Yenchesky) Carver *Amber (Vocelka) Choy, 3 *Camden Christine Clay, 2 *Kevin Collins, 2 Matthew S. Cox, 4 *Shaun B. Culler Elizabeth A. DeLong *Hannah M. Wood) Donohue *John M. Donohue Johnathan J. Evans, 2 Daniel J. Fagnant *Andrea (Sari) Felton, 2 *Brett Felton, 3 *Sarah J. Gilcher, 2 *Adelina Grageda *Melody P. Habon, 2 *Erin M. Hamor *Megan (Sandberg) Hazel *Nicholas Hazel, 3 Siri A. (Fischer) Herzog *Gail Hicks, 4 Heidi L. Hunt *Joan M. Hynes, 2 *Paul J. Kallmann, 2 Elizabeth R. Keaney, 3 *Michelle L. Kincaid-Reinbold James D. King, 2 Rozalind A. Kitt, 2 *Ryan Kuss, 2 Nicole H. Lustig, 3 *Matthew J. Malinowski, 4 Barry Matthews, 4 *Brady C. McDonald, 2 CLASS OF 2003 19% Class Participation $27,904 alumni donors Susan Hales, 5 *Rachel L. Henrickson Joshua J. Herrin, 4 Samuel Hess, 2 *Ryan F. Hodgkinson *Larissa F. Holland, 3 *Jennifer A. Holstein David A. Holt, 2 Bradley J. Hughes, 4 *Oksana A. Ivashchenko *James A. Jarosz, 2 *David M. Johnson, 2 *Kurt A. Johnson, 2 *Andrew P. Kalapaca *Natalie C. Keller, 2 *Michael Kelly Brian M. Kittredge *Brian A. Lay *Sarah M. Lenneman, 2 *Lindsay Jill Leonetti *Dan Raymond Loyola, 4 *Rebekah J. Lunden, 2 Gina Marchini, 4 *Brooke A. Marshall *Kiesha A. Marusa, 4 *Hayley L. Matteson *Jeannette M. Mawhirter *Michael P. McCarthy, 2 *Megan Marie McDermott, 2 *Mary Katherine McNair Kammi L. Mencke, 3 *Nicholas P. Michael, 4 *Keith A. Michels, 2 *Lindsey Anne Miller, 3 *Courtney E. (Coughlin) Misterek, 2 Brian Munhall, 4 *Graciela Navarro, 2 *Rya B. Naylor, 2 Marvin Nelson, 6 Audrey N. Nutt, 3 *Charles F. O’Brien, 5 *Sean B. O’Connor, 2 *Kathrine C. O’Farrell, 2 *Lisa Louise Olson, 2 *James Osborne, 4 Regina Paolucci, 4 *Krissy (Wood) Peck, 3 *Leah Marie-Jessica Peck, 3 Eileen C. Peth, 3 *Nicholas Joseph Pontarolo *Randell S. Potter *Edmund P. Quaglieri, 2 *Connor W. Quinn, 3 *Tom Reese, 12 Kevin Reimers, 5 *Katherine R. (Beedle) Rice, 3 Kurt Rowland, 4 *Jennifer A. (Tullis) Russell, 2 *Stephen G. Russell, 4 Jennifer Sachtjen, 3 Michael J. Scarpelli, 3 *Craig T. Schaefer, 4 Megan L. Schaffner, 4 Christopher P. Schlueter *Margaret F. Schott, 3 *Tana Marie Small, 4 Christopher P. Smith Kimberly Ann Smith, 4 *Peter M. Sterk, 2 *Bernice Stime, 2 *Mark D. Stoltz, 4 Brady L. Strahl, 5 Anne M. Suminski Holt *Christine Taylor, 2 Matthew Teske, 4 *Brian James Thompson, 3 *Michael B. Tilford, 4 *Christopher Anthony Tomassi, 3 *Pam J. Travis *Jordan J. Turel, 2 *Katherine Anne Volpe *Nathan L. Vore, 4 *Catherine M. Wainio *David M. Wakeman *Sonja (Goodman) Warren, 2 *Morgan M. Weber, 3 *Carlene E. (Bobbe) Wells, 4 *Nicole M. Baca, 3 *Steven J. Barbaro, 3 *Tiffany L. Barber, 3 *Michelle N. Bell Gonzaga’s distinguished leadership giving society for graduates of the last ten years. Kristi M. Aamodt *Theresa M. Bauman *Cindy S. Benson *Benjamin and Karen Bianco *Stephen and Erika (Oaas) Bibbens *Anthony and Katherine Blaine Maria H. Bokulich *Tricia Boyer *Jennifer J. Bredeson *Courtney B. Brunette Kimberly Bunkers Brendan J. Burke *Matthew P. Call *Danielle C. Cendejas Sylvester D. Chatman, Jr. Brent T. Church *Nathaniel and Margie Clinton Joshua R. Comfort Bonnie F. Corbin Matthew J. Cordes *Dan Cronen and Kimberly Brockbank John M. Cummings, III Reagan and Catherine (Hannity) Cunningham Patrick E. D’Ambrosio and Kelly Shaw D’Ambrosio *Daniele K. Daugherty Dominic S.N. and Denise DeCaro Michael and Melinda Dolmage *Kristen L. Doyle *Mary A. Wetzel, 3 Claire E. Whitfield, 2 Kenon Willis, 2 *Melissa S. Wood, 3 *Russell J. Yost, 3 *Erin R. (Barrett) Yount, 2 Jennifer L. Zelko, 2 *Molly Helen Ziegler, 3 CLASS OF 2004 15% Class Participation $11,352 Kristi M. Aamodt, 3 *Kristen L. Doyle *Amanda L. Dugan Ross N. Eide *Michelle E. Eppich *Randall L. Johanson *Nicholas M. Johnson *John and Danielle (Dey) Johnston *Ashley A. Joyce Elizabeth R. Keaney Julie Keller James and Eleri (Oley) Kerian *Zakary A. Kessler Jeffrey Kiely Richard D. Kladis Cathleen M. Knutson Kari Durgan *Ross M. LaCombe *Jennifer L. Elder Travis Lamb and Courtney *Ryan Oliver Erickson Serpa *Megan (Jagelski) Ewens *Anna Marie Lampson Thomas D. Fagnant Elizabeth W. Lee Jim Lipp and Mary Farrell Justin T. Lew David and Elizabeth Aaron M. Lewer (Buchanan) Fineran *Steven P. Lodzinski *Sean T. Fitzgerald Daniel and Victoria (Olson) Peter FitzRoy Lord Shaun and Sascha (Elloy) *Dan Raymond S. Loyola Flanigan Kyle A. Malloy *Daniel Futrell *David M. Mandick Nancy Gallant *Nathan and Ashley *Daniel J. Galligan (Thayer) Martin *David and Tracy (Kunkel) *Kiesha A. Marusa Garcia Stephanie A. Mattocks Andrea Genord *Dominique McCarthey Grant M. Glaze Casey J. McNellis *James M. Graham *Brian J. Meeuwsen Caitlin M. Grom *Nicholas P. Michael *Natalie Hardin *Michael S. Miller Courtney Hasse *Jeremy and Courtney Sarah Hawkins (Coughlin) Misterek Jason and Amy (Jensen) Robert Mix Hawthorne Cherrilyn J. Molder *Patrick J. Healey *Brianna Morin Joshua J. Herrin *Timothy B. Morin *Marcine Herron *Jon and Monica (Corrigan) Jared and Kara Morris (Svennungsen) Hertz *Sean and Teresa (Specht) *Gail S. Hicks Mulholland Aaron D. Hill *Crystal Nieves *Brett A. Hoffman *Patrick Nixon Christi A. Hofland *Charles F. O’Brien David A. Holt and Anne Scott O’Brien Suminski Holt Karen O’ Hagan *Christopher and Camisha Wes and Rian Oliver (Pauli) Hughbanks Michael M. Paine Bradley J. Hughes *Jason S. Pankow *William and Robyn (Smith) *Mario J. Paolucci Itule, III *Scott W. Bertram, 2 *Erika R. (Oaas) Bibbens, 2 *Belinda Bobko, 4 Maria H. Bokulich Brian M. Bradford *Dorothy A. Brown *Courtney B. Brunette, 3 *Danielle C. Cendejas, 2 *James L. Cooney, 4 Patrick E. D’Ambrosio, 3 Kathleen M. DeWilde, 3 *Erin K. Dineen, 2 Nanette K. Dockum, 3 *Kimberly Erickson, 2 *Ryan Oliver Erickson, 3 *Ryan K. Everson, 2 Thomas D. Fagnant Elizabeth B. Fineran J. Corrigan Fray Angela C. Fry *Elizabeth A. Galaviz *Allison S. (Tuszynski) Gillis, 2 Cara M. Gish, 2 Blythe Robin Goodell, 4 Joan T. Goodman, 3 Courtney Haase, 3 57 *Shannon M. Haines, 3 *Tara M. (Boyer) Halko, 3 *Amanda Hanson, 2 Dennis Harrington, 5 Regina Paolucci *A. Joseph Peil Casey M. Pettersen *Kelli M. Piper *Jennifer Rose Porto *Joe Poss *Thomas W. Price Amy S. (Crismon) Rainis Krista K. Rammelsberg *Katherine Louise Rassette *Samuel and Shelby (Ratto) Reed Matthew Reding *Shantay Sabin *Paul Sari Eric and Jennifer Sachtjen Megan L. Schaffner Carolyn Schepper Sarah J. (Taylor) Schwering *Emily Terese Shaffner *Darci K. Simons *Ann M. Sisk Daniel A. Sjolund *Blake and Andrea Slonecker Christopher P. Smith *Sean Milan Sosnovec Tony R. Splater *Brandon Stanley *Mark D. Stoltz Brady L. Strahl *Mr. Owen Edward Strecker, IV Tomasz C. Szelagowski *Brian James Thompson *Michael B. Tilford *Bridget K. Tobin *Christopher Anthony Tomassi Bridget Troy *Mary Kay Truong *Amy Turnipseed Justin W. Votava David A. Watt *Brandi Weekes *Charles and Carlene (Bobbe) Wells *Mary A. Wetzel Nathaniel R. Williams Andrew and Kelsey (Posedel) Wilson *Anna Wuitschick Amanda R. Yocum *Leah M. Hasenoehrl *Brett P. Hawkins *Ondria M. (Valerio) Hitt, 5 *David F. Hogenhout *David Ito, 2 *Randall L. Johanson, 3 Jeffrey Kiely, 3 Joyce M. Kirchner, 19 *Brian N. Klos, 3 *Stefani L. Knudsen, 2 Cathleen M. Knutson, 2 Brooke C. Kuhl Joshua J. Kurz *Anna Marie Lampson, 4 *Melissa Leary, 2 Justin T. Lew, 2 *Sara B. Linnertz, 3 Amanda M. Loran *Rebecca N. Lumley, 2 Kyle A. Malloy, 3 *John Mantello, 2 *Megan K. Marson, 2 *Nicole T. Matthews *Kevin C. Meihaus *Brian Michaelson, 2 *Evan R. Miller, 2 *Johanna E. Miller *KayLynn J. Montgomery, 2 Megan E. Morgan *Monica T. (Corrigan) Morris, 3 *Raymond J. Moseley Amelia R. Nevis, 2 Patrick S. Nicholes *Elizabeth S. Nicholson, 2 *Christopher M. Niemi, 2 *Maureen R. O’Hara, 3 Erin O’Neil, 2 *Francis X. Owens, 2 *James D. Owens, 2 *Joseph Owens, 3 *Brittanie J. (Harrison) Pacquette *Piaget G. Pauli, 4 *Benjamin A. Paulson *Colleen Gardner Paver *A. Joseph Peil, 2 Michael J. Pellicciotti, 3 Casey M. Pettersen, 2 *Megan K. Pickens, 2 *Kelli M. Piper *Susan M. Poindexter, 2 *Stephen J. Pomeroy Krista K. Rammelsberg, 2 *Shelby M. (Ratto) Reed Matthew Reding *Quinn R. Rosborough, 3 *Shantay Sabin, 4 *Adrienne R. Sale *Kathleen J. Schaefer *Matthew J. Scheelar, 2 Courtney Serpa, 4 Errol Simonitsch *Blake D. Slonecker *Julie R. (Fanning) Smith, 2 Jacob N. Standerfer *Brandon Stanley, 3 *Owen Edward Strecker, IV Tomasz C. Szelagowski, 3 *Bailey Catherine Taylor Sarah J. Taylor, 2 Bridget Troy, 2 *Mary Kay Truong Randell Vansant, 2 *Sara Varela-Acevedo Justin W. Votava, 2 *Zhen Wang *Charles S. Wells *Hilary A. Whittington, 2 *Kali E. Wicks, 3 John H. Wilkinson Kelsey (Posedel) Wilson, 4 *William A. Yount, 2 CLASS OF 2005 15% Class Participation $10,589 *Valeri Adolph, 3 Liezl Alcantara, 2 Joan Allbery, 22 Christine Angtuaco *Thomas Arnold, 11 *Taylor K. Arthur Linda Axtell, 2 *Brian D. Babb, 2 *Emma C. Babin Stephanie Bacon *Annual Fund Contributor alumni donors *Jonathan Barber, 3 *Veronika Baur, 4 *Rowena M. Beaudry *Katherine (Howell) Blaine, 2 *Adria J. Brieske *Gregory Brooks Kimberly Bunkers, 4 *Andrew Caley *Steve V. Carnell Jessica G. Celigoy, 2 Cassandra N. Cerny *Katie E. Chamberlin *Rebecca Chateaubriand *Andrew M. Clayton *Renee T. (Towler) Clayton Georganna Clifford, 3 *Jeffrey R. Contolini *Christina M. Cook Matthew J. Cordes *Kristina A. Crawley, 2 John M. Cummings, III *Daniele K. Daugherty, 2 John B. DeBenedetti, 2 *Steven W. Derrig *Adrean Dills, 2 *Matthew J. Dolliver *Ellen M. Donlin, 2 *David Donovick, 2 *Jennifer L. Draggoo *Stephen C. Engelhardt *Sean P. Farrell *Gregory M. Feeney Lisa M. Ferrara *Samantha J. Fritz *Daniel Futrell *Jennifer Gavin Jenifer Gehlsen, 2 Andrea Genord, 2 Jennie Gilpin Grant M. Glaze, 2 Courtney B. Goche *Elliott F. Golnar *Jennet R. Gray, 2 Jeremy J. Gugino *Megan E. Haberman, 2 Douglas A. Halamay, 2 *Natalie Hardin, 2 *Patrick J. Healey, 2 *Melissa Heid, 3 Alex Heinze Kathryn A. Hengesteg Brad E. Herr, 5 *Marcine Herron, 3 *Brett A. Hoffman, 2 Janelle K. Hood Dominic C. Hubert Jennifer L. Hudson, 2 *Alicia A. Innes, 2 *Robyn C. (Smith) Itule, III *William Itule, III, 3 Jordan Janicki, 2 *Jennifer Johnson, 3 *Laura Jones, 2 Rob Kavon, 5 *Justin N. Kelly *Patrick F. Kelly James D. Kerian *Zakary A. Kessler, 4 Richard D. Kladis, 2 *Josh Koehnke, 2 Bea L. Koempel-Thomas, 2 *Brendan B. Kolding *Sarah LaRiviere, 2 *Matthew Larkin, 3 Daniel Lauth Elizabeth W. Lee *Kevin Allen Lee, 2 *Christopher Leinweber, 3 *Julie A. Lemieux *Ryan MacDonald, 3 *Tom M. Malamakal *Ashley N. (Thayer) Martin, 2 John A. Mascardo Stephanie A. Mattocks, 2 *Dominique McCarthey, 5 *Kevin J. McKenna, 2 *Julie E. McNee *Chad M. Meyer Jonathan A. Meyer Weston B. Meyring, 2 Robert Mix, 3 Nathaniel D. Moore Shaun Morgan, 2 *Shelby Morrison *Kawika A. Mortensen *Crystal Nieves, 3 *Patrick Nixon, 2 Karen O’Hagan, 3 *Christa R. Olson Elaine Parry, 2 *Kelly Pearce *Daniel M. Pearson *Lauren Pelascini, 3 IngaTara Perry, 2 *Ellen Peters, 3 Jeffrey S. Pollock, 2 *Matthew J. Poth Brittany Price, 2 *Monica M. Price *Kempton Quackenbush *Michael Rafferty, 3 Sally J. Reynolds *Michael B. Richter *Claudia I. Rios Quintana, 2 *Zaida C. Rivera Castillo, 2 *Dean M. Robbins *Paul Sari, 3 Paul W. Schafer Carolyn Schepper, 2 *Stephanie C. Schlaich, 2 *Cynthia A. Schurter, 2 *Robert Seale, 3 *Lisa M. Sekulich, 2 *Robert Silvernagel *Laurie Slonecker, 3 *Robert L. Smart, Jr., 2 *Megan M. (Miller) Solberg *Gianna M. Spicciati, 2 Gail Stevenson, 3 Aaron M. Streepy *Sarah T. Strong *Mary Colleen Sweeney, 2 *Jacob W. Tessendorf, 2 Jessica (Meloy) Thomson, 3 *Bridget K. Tobin, 3 James F. Twining David Uhl, 5 Jessica Valder, 3 *Hana Van Huffel, 3 *Shelsea Voigt, 2 Kenneth Votava, 2 *Monica L. Waitt *Jeremy M. Walliman *Brian Wheeler, 2 *Melanie R. Wilkes *Rebecca Wood, 3 Peter A. Woodburn *Erin M. Worthing Amanda R. Yocum Trevor A. Zandell, 2 CLASS OF 2006 8% Class Participation $7,876 Ashley E. Alford *Sydney Leigh Anderson *Jennifer M. Bachand Timothy D. Bruce Steven Byerly Sylvester D. Chatman, Jr. *Claire M. Davis *Rachelle Davis *Kerry L. Driscoll Kari Durgan, 2 *Alison Eastwood, 2 *Jennifer L. Elder *Richard Enright, 2 Christina Estes-Werther, 2 Evan Everist, 2 *Ricky J. Farstad *Sean T. Fitzgerald *Emily Gaia, 2 Nancy Gallant, 2 Javier F. Garcia *Tracy N. (Kunkel) Garcia *Joseph R. Gardner *Keith M. Grimes Caitlin M. Grom John Haberland, 2 Laura Haberland, 2 *Bradley R. Hagelin Sarah Hawkins, 2 Logan R. Hilkin Paul J. Hodgson *Dane W. Hofbauer Christi A. Hofland *John Jessop, 2 *Nicholas M. Johnson *Ashley A. Joyce Julia Keller, 2 Eleri D. Oley Kerian *Ross M. LaCombe Aaron M. Lewer *Jacob M. Lingo *Alicia M. Maffeo *Anna M. Maloney *David M. Mandick *Ryan Michael B. McAteer *Patrick M. McGah *Brian J. Meeuwsen *Michael S. Miller *Jeremy Misterek Cherrilyn J. Molder *Brianna Morin, 2 *William T. Nash Jessica Nestor *Jaquelene Newsom, 2 *Kathleen O’Looney, 2 *Mario J. Paolucci *Barbara E. Peterson, 3 Kelsey Raap, 3 *Katherine Louise Rassette Paige Roberts, 2 *Courtney J. Robinson Mike Rorholm, 6 *Caitlin A. Ross *Emily Terese Schaffner *Ann M. Sisk *Sean Milan Sosnovec *Aaron M. Stratton *Breanna Tarufelli, 2 *Falin M. Turner *Amy Turnipseed, 2 Darcy Wagner, 2 *Brandi Weekes, 2 Nathaniel R. Williams Ranil Wiratunga, 2 *Anna Wuitschick, 2 *Gregory F. Wylie Sara Yeoman CLASS OF 2007 16% Class Participation $4,704 Each year, seniors and their parents make a collective gift to the University through the Senior Class Gift Program, presented during graduation weekend. This year the Class of 2007 raised funds for The Senior Scholarship, Matthew Madison Scholarship, Great Teachers Program, Student Life Activities, and the Department/Major of choice. Joanna Ames, 3 Brianne Anderson Jessica Araas Lynn Backer Cornelia Ballou Frank Barich Bradley J. Baumgartner Mary Bayci Chelsea Beck Kimberly Bestrom Jamie Billetdeaux Taylor Thomas Black Randy Brennan Timothy Brennan Kristina Bross Brittney Burke Kerry Burke Kathryn E. Burns Cory Campbell Bradley Carlson Kathryn Carney *Rebecca Chamberlain Angela Chatterton Alexandra Clare Ryan Clausen Christen Clemency Amy Clerget Sarah Coburn Shaekira Collins, 3 Meaghan Corbett Nicholas Coss Emily Cox Laura Cox Amanda De La Mater Michael Demmert Erinn Dresch Allison Drobnicki Cassandra Echer Samara Encke Cal Erwin-Svoboda Michael Esbenshade Rebekah H. Eskandari Thomas Fabrizio Rachel Forte Cameron Gibelyou Ali Gilson *Nicole Glockner Kaitlyn Gorrindo Britne Diane Gose Garrett Grieb Kevyn Groot Amanda Haase Kathleen Hanley Daniel Hennessy Megan Ho Renee Holl Courtney Hopkins Mikaela Houck Theresa Hunziker *Gregory M. Hynes Cathleen Ito Monica James Michael Jansa Mckenzie Juarez Erin Keegan Mark Kellogg Rachel Kelly Kimberly Knees Nicole Knott John Knutson Jacob Koopmans Melissa Kowalchuk Matthew Kristek *Kelly Kuolt Matthew Langedyke Stephanie LeDoux Bonnie Anne Leko Tanya Lingle Edwin Litteneker Joey Lonjers Jenessa M. Lucia 58 Kathryn Maguire Jarir Mallah Kathleen Mangan Erin Mansfield Mariacristina Masalunga Alison Mattix Elizabeth Maushart Nancy Mayalu Meaghan McAuley Nandini McCormick Robert S. McEwen Lacey McGarry *Melissa McPartland Cole Mercer Kelsey Merwick Jessica Michaels, 2 Melanie Morrison Joseph Nelson Michelle Nilsen Aubri E. Nixon Jennifer Norman Lauren Ochenduszko Jill Okihara Sara E. Orrange Blair Ostrem Kelly Ostrem Jennifer Overturf Jennifer Palmer Christina Parker Kristen Paul Audrey Peterson Lauren Phillips Stacy Piggott Amanda Pinder Angela Pontarolo Wiley Post Megan Purcell Kelly Marie Revard William J. Rivers Daniel Robinson Jolyn Rowland Scott Schomaker Samuel Schroeder Heidi Sedra Megan Sherman Dana Skoog Colin Slaybaugh Adam Sobieski Eric Soles, 2 Kara Stowell Kelly Sullivan Mingni Sun Anna Sundberg Kristy Terry Lara Thompson-Kravik, 2 Joseph Tomascheski Megan E. Tweedy Sarah Urlacher Krystle Valli Scott Venn Natalie Verlinich Lucas Walker Richelle Wall Jenna Walsh Bryce Wenker Matthew White Trevor White Rebecca Wike Sheriann Wirkkala YeeMeng Xiong *Kathleen Yalung Brian Young Brian Zapotocky Teal Zega CLASS OF 2008 Dustin Colclough Paolo A. Guttadauro Kimberly McGree, 3 Kyle Pifer Elaina Renius, 2 Jessica Turpin Allison Ulman, 3 Deborah Lang Westwood, 4 Vinny A. Zito CLASS OF 2009 Katelin Cannon, 2 Christopher Filios Alexandra Graeve Patricia Haddock Kyler Hood Ronda L. Marcy Caitlin McKenna, 2 Mary Jo Moore, 2 Pedro Zugazaga CLASS OF 2010 Marion Aebersold Amanda Louise Affleck John Berg Katie Crane Sheri Deist, 4 Ashley Humphries *Bradford Merkle Adam Miller Nicholas Nohner Kelly Nolan Drew Smith CLASS OF 2011 Jeffrey Holden Shane Maggart Andrew Robideaux Lauren Swalm CLASS OF 2012 *Michael A. Arkoosh, 2 Michael Joseph Brewer Other Alumni Kathleen M. Albi, 3 David Barbieri, 3 Stephen Barbieri, 3 Ann (Barbieri) Bell, 3 *R. Scott Berry, 31 Ed Burke *Corinne (Coombs) Burton, 7 *Janet Callis, 2 Bob Davis = Armond D’Inverno, 2 *Mary (Kinzer) Doohan, 14 Carol (Rogers) Ferguson, 6 Katie Ferguson, 28 thank you Gale Ferguson, 6 Andre Vincent Gallant *James D. Havey, 2 Eric Heringer, 4 James Ivers, 4 Julie Jones Collette Leland *Megan (O’Toole) Lyons, 2 Julia Marshall Morgan T. McGrath, 8 *James Owens Theresa (Craven) Parks, 3 Jaclyn Pelton Marilyn Phalen James H. Pissot James Rivard, 7 *Geraldine (Kiep) Sangiacomo, 17 *John Scacciotti *Darci K. Simons, 3 Pamela Small Brett W. Stetzner *Fr. Joseph Sullivan Kelly Tilford Michelle (Bass) Tucci, 6 Steven Venezia, 14 Karalee Walker Karen (Lindsay) Warrick, 14 Michael Frederick Wilson, 2 parent donors == Deceased *Simon Abeid, 9 David and Vickie Abel, 4 *Jerry and Michele Abrams, 13 *Henry and Carol Ackels, 4 *David and Mary Acosta, 2 Juan R. Adams, 3 Maxy Adams *James and Sheila Adamson, 6 Gary Agatep and Christine Hennig-Agatep, 2 *Edward and Dawndra Ahart, 13 *Joseph and Diane Ahern, 5 *Dr. Richard E. Ahlquist, Jr., 26 Robert L. Aigner Allen and Lois Akiona, 3 *John and Katherine Akstin Larry = and Causna Albin, 2 *Romeo and Fe Alcantara, 3 *Gordon and Lora Aleshire, 7 *Mark Alfino and Michele Pajer, 17 *Jill Allen, 2 Freddie and Becky Allers, 2 Steven and Beverly Allnatt *Gail and Karen Allwine, 12 *Grant and Nancy Altenburg Kevin and Alice Amatuzio, 3 *John and Elaine Ames, 4 *Alfred and Milagros Amos, 4 *Andrew and Margaret Amstrup *Dale and Danna Anderson, 2 *Gregory and Carol Anderson, 3 *John and Emie Anderson, 2 Jon and Tiena Anderson, 3 *Mark and Patricia Anderson, 2 *Patricia A. Anderson, 2 *Rodney and Valerie Anderson, 5 *Stanley and Vicki Anderson, 4 *Bruce and Mary Jo Andreu, 2 Jennifer Andrews Douglas and Cathy Angell Dr. and Mrs. Khyruddin A. Ansari, 2 John and Betzi Antich, 5 *David and Patricia Apy *John and Carol Araas *Takashi and Debra Arai Marc and Cynthia Archuleto *Patrick and Suzanne Arend, 4 *Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Arensdorf, 20 Joe and Janet Armijo, 6 *David and Stephanie Armstrong, 5 *Roger and Roberta Arre *Patrick and Janis Arruda, 4 Thomas and Peggy Ask, 6 Jerome and Ann-Marie Asuncion Tommy and Nancy Atkins, 2 Carol Aubry, 3 Keith and Sharon Aubry, 3 *Peter and Nannette Auriemma, 2 *Jan and Susan Austermiller, 4 *Kathy Austin-Robinson, 2 David and Ann Avenell *Steven and Ada Azuma, 2 *Wyman and Donna Babby, 23 Theresa Babler *Thomas and Mary Baca, 4 *Gregory and Linda Bachand, 5 *Dario and Kay Baciocco, 25 *Karen Bacon *Richard and Linda Bacon, 2 Troy and Emma Bacon, 2 *Stuart and Yvonne Bader, 3 Steven and Jacqueline Bailey *Andrew and Lorraine Balogh *Stephen and Margo Balzarini, 13 *David and Margaret Baranski, 3 *Lewis and Eileen Barbe, 19 *William and Lilia Barber, 5 Don Barbieri, 6 *Donald and Abigail Barden, 11 *Russ and Chris Barfuss, 2 *Allen and Laura Barison, 15 Dr. Clarence Barnes, 30 *Michael and Nancy Barnes, 3 Stuart and Susan Barnes *James and Susan Barnett, 11 Mary Herche, Seattle Gonzaga Connection: Regent and GU parent; daughter, Katie, BA in Economics ‘06 and MBA ‘07. Chapter: Seattle What most inspires you about GU? “Gonzaga is a community in every way. Respect for all permeates the environment.” Mary explains why her daughter, Katie, chose Gonzaga: “She was looking to continue her Catholic education at a school with a great sense of community. The Gonzaga family is so close, no matter where you are. She wanted to be a part of that.” So why did Mary choose Gonzaga to serve as a volunteer? “As the parent of a current student I wanted to show other parents and friends of Gonzaga that you don’t have to be an alum to become part of the community. This is my way of helping to give back to Gonzaga for the wonderful education and experiences that the University has given to my daughter.” Mary’s many years with the Junior League have helped her serve Gonzaga’s Seattle chapter as it has integrated a community service component into its activities. Last spring a team of chapter volunteers helped complete their first home “makeover” for a 95-year-old woman who lives with her 60-year-old disabled son. It was the first of many such community service projects that the chapter intends to complete in the coming years. Why do you support Gonzaga? “I love the community; it is inspiring to me. My daughter gained so much from her education and the GU experience.” Stephen and Mary Barnum, 6 *David and Mary Barrett, 2 *Geraldine Barsanti, 3 *Robert Barsanti, 13 *William Barsanti *Dick and Debbie Barsotti, 10 Danny and Judith Bartelheimer, 3 Thomas Barth and Marilee Lopez Barth, 2 Bob and Shonna Bartlett, 11 *TerriLee Bartlett, 2 *James Bascom D. Michael and Linda Bashaw, 6 *Millard and Geraldine Battles, 19 Millard and Janet Battles Gary and Sharon Baumgartner John and Gina Bauroth, 5 *Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bauter, 12 *Linda K. Baxter, 4 *Randy and Rayne Beach *David and Marcy Bean, 2 *Roger and Leanora Beardsley, 4 *John and Jeanette Beaumier, 3 *David and Marilyn Beck, 3 Bruce and Sharon Beers-Green *Bradley and Gina Begalka, 3 *Robert and Joan Behlman, 7 *Jack Behrens, 4 *Robert and Georgeann Bell, 2 *Michael and Susan Beller *David and Martha Benadom, 3 *Parker and Bonney Bence, 19 *Ronald and Mary Bender, 18 *Richard and Karla Benedetti, 2 *Craig and Diohn Benedict, 3 *Mr. Jimmy Bennett, 3 *Mrs. Lois A. Bennett, 11 *Robert and Mildred Bennett, 12 *Warren and Cynthia Bennett, 6 *Ronald and Marilyn Benson, 3 Gail Marie S. Beran, 8 *Evangeline Berg *Brent and Stephanie Berge, 4 *Charles and Kimberly Bergen, 2 *Thomas and Mary Berger, 3 *Lawrence and Judy Bergerson, 4 *James and Darlene Bergeson, 15 *Myron Berglund *Gary and Patricia Bergren, 3 *Alan and Kathy Berk, 2 Gregory Berry and Susan Knowles Berry, 2 *Keith and Andrea Berryhill, 2 *Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bersani, Jr., 8 *Michael and Robin Besagno, 7 David Bessey and Karen Bond *Michael and Anne Best, 3 *Bryan and Monica Bestemen *Michael and Jeanne Bestrom, 3 *Douglas and Deana Beyer Gene and Susan Bielemeier, 2 *Thomas and Elaine Bigley, 3 Daniel and Leslie Bigos Nancy Billetdeaux *Jake Bippart and Susan Sohrakoff, 2 *Alvah and Nancy Bittner, 5 *Al Bjordahl, 14 Bonnie Black, 2 Peter and Prudie Black, 22 Richard and Jill Black, 2 Chance Blank, 2 *Mary K. Blohn, 22 Charles and Jacqueline Blood Kenneth and Linda Bloom, 2 *Thomas and Catherine Bobbe, 8 *Lane and Kathleen Bockman, 2 *Garry and Mary Boevers, 2 *Paul and Patricia Bokulich, 6 *Warren Boldt and Patricia Binkiewicz-Boldt, 10 *Gordon and Barbara Bollinger, 10 *Harry Bondi, 2 *Jan and Sofia Booker, 2 59 *John W. Borchard, Jr., 16 Noel E. Bormann *James and Frances Borquist, 5 Stanley and Catherine Borries, 3 Randall and Lori Boscow, 3 *Bruce and Carol Botsford, 16 *Steven and Mary Bouchee, 2 Ronald and Dana Bouldin *Jo Bowers, 2 *Robert Bowie Clay and Bonnie Boyd, 3 *James and Catherine Boyer, 9 *Charles and Roberta Boyle, 4 *Terrence and Catherine Boyle, 17 *Tom and Kathleen Boyle, 4 Stephen and Elise Brabeck, 3 *John Braden *Kathleen Braden William and Kathleen Bradley, 8 *Douglas and Ann Bradshaw, 2 Robert and Dixie Bradshaw, 6 James and Mary Brady *Mark and Nancy Brady *John and Judy Brady-Finke, 2 Grigore and Raluca Braileanu *Robert and Aileen Bratton, 20 *Eugene A. Braun and Mary Gail Sullivan, 4 *Brian and Carol Breazeale, 2 *William and Mary Ann Brennan, 3 *Robert and Carolyn Bretsky, 2 Pamela Brewer *Dennis W. Brieske, 5 *Julie Brinson, 2 *James and Barbara Brisbois, 11 Michael A. Brochu, 3 *Rod and Mary Jean Brod, 17 *Jeffrey and Michelle Brodie, 4 *Brad and Joan Brolsma, 6 *Tom and Nancy Brooks, 7 *Keith and Mary Brophy, 3 *Norman and Dianne Bross, 2 *Richard and Laura Bross, 2 *Tom and Judith Brosz *Allman and Pearl Brown, 16 *Benjamin and Kathleen Brown, 2 James and Helen Brown, 3 Keith and Rebecca Brown Leonard and Debra Brown *Michelle Brown Robert and Mary Brown, 2 Robert and Pamela Brown, 5 *Stephen and Jeannette Brown *Steven and Mishal Brown, 2 *Thomas and Diane Brown *Anthony Browne and Christine Spika Browne, 2 *James and Theresa Browne, 3 *Leonard and Debra Brutocao, 2 J. Michael and Jane Buchanan, 6 *Donald and Lori Buckley, 2 *Jay and Lynn Buckley *Tony and Lucy Budde, 3 *Jerome and Bette Buechler, 5 *George and Rebecca Buergel, 3 *Robert and Deborah Bugni, 2 David and Bridget Bulger, 12 Roger and Lorraine Bulkley *Paul and Pattie Buller, 15 *Richard and Suzanne Burbidge, 2 *Robert and Mary Burfeind, 7 *Steve and Shelly Burke, 4 Ted and Teresa Burke *Thomas and Marguerite Burke, 4 *Jim and Lisa Burkhardt, 5 *Robert and Susan Burky *Marilynn Burningham, 13 *Allen and Kathleen Burns, 6 *Ann Louise Burns, 2 *Michael and Deborah Burns, 3 Tim and Kathy Burns, 8 *Mitchell and Jane Burright, 2 *Byron and Margaret Busch, 6 *Gabriele Busch, 2 *Kathleen M. Butcher, 3 *John and Donna Butler Daniel and Kathie Buttry, 2 William and Shannon Byerly, 4 *Kevin and Nancy Cahill, 2 *Charles and Mary Caillat, 11 *William and Patricia Caldwell, 3 *Robert and Judith Caletti, 11 John and Mary Lee Calihan, 6 *Kevin and Kathleen Callaghan *Clifford Callahan, 3 R. Brian and M. Margaret Callahan, 2 *Sean and Teddi Callahan *Roger and Kathryn Calvary, 5 *Melvin and Cecelia-Rose Camarillo, 3 *Douglas and Kathleen Campbell, 10 Mark and Shelly Campbell, 5 *Michael and Dawn Campbell, 4 *Peter and Ann Cangany, 2 *Verl and Marilyn Canterbury, 2 Dr. and Mrs. John S. Caputo, 16 *Michael and Shauna Carette, 3 *Charles and Susan Carlise, 17 *Thomas and Mary Carlon *John and Marra Carlson, 3 Michael and Julia Carlson, 4 *Neil and Carol Carlson, 4 *Francis and Jolene Carman, IV, 3 *Patrick and Nancy Carney, 5 Benson and Deanna Carpenter, 9 *Mike and Jayne Carper, 7 *Alan and Nancy Carr Daniel and Patricia Carr, 5 Robert and Eleanor Carriker, 9 *Daniel and Monica Carter *Daniel and Michelle Cartmell, 2 *Brian and Janet Casciari Angelo and Nancy Cassaro, 2 Bart and Deborah Castellitto, 2 John and Kathleen Castiglia, 3 *Ramiro and Theresa Castillo *Claudia C. Catlow, 2 George and Linda Cattey, 11 *Patrick and Noreen Caycayon, 2 Bruno and Snjezana Cekovic *Daniel and JoAnn Cendejas, 3 Lou and Del Centanni, 2 *Timothy and Barbara Cerny, 6 *Darwin and Mary Chaffin Michael and Mary Chamberlain, 3 William and Mary Chambers, 5 *Alan and Mary Chappron, 3 *Ronald and Linda Charlebois, 9 *William and Linda Charters, 2 *Craig and Jeane Chase, 9 Sylvester and Stacey Chatman, 5 David Chawes and Joan Tierney, 3 *Barbara J. Cheney, 17 Craig and Anne Cheney *Joseph and Stella Cheng, 3 *Ying and Rowena Cheng, 2 *Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Chenovick, 13 *Paul and Agatha Chey, 15 *Mr. Elmer Chilson, Jr., 9 *Steven and Susan Chirhart, 2 *George and Wendy Choi, 4 *The Hon. and Mrs. Don Christensen, 18 *Don and Laura Christensen, 15 *Mary K. Christensen, 8 Timothy Chriswell, 2 *Donald and Lisa Chrzan, 2 Mark and Carol Churchill, 5 *Michael and Karen Churney, 7 Kenneth and Marietta Clare, 4 *Alexander and Lisa Clarizio, 3 *Cindy Clark, 2 *Marilyn Clark, 4 *Shelley Clark *Steven Clark, 2 *Byde Clawson and Patricia Conolly, 2 Brian and Gayle Clayton, 20 John and Carol Clemency, 3 Charles and Karyn Clemmensen, 4 *Annual Fund Contributor *Daniel and Wendy Clerget, 2 *Daniel Cleveland and Debra Unruh, 3 *Ronald and Mary Anne Cleveland, 2 Mr. Larry S. Cline, 3 *Gregory and Kathleen Close, 2 *Terry L. Coad, 7 *Gary T. and Diane E. Cobb, 4 *Bruce and Julie Coburn, 8 William and Diane Codd, 3 *Gene and Marian Coil, 15 David and Janice Colclough, 2 Ronn and Michele Coldiron, 8 *Patrick and Geri Cole, 3 *Thomas and Jayshil Coleman, 2 Doroteo Collado, Jr., 3 *Gordon and Christina Collins, 5 *John and Lydia Collins, 2 Russell Collins *Lauren and Margaret Colman, 3 Bruce and Nancy Colton *Diane Concannon, 4 Walter and Donna Conn, 21 Daryl and Michele Connell, 13 *Chris and Janell Conner, 2 John and Therese Connolly, 4 *Maddy Connolly, 18 *Michael and Karla Connor Neil and Nancy Connors, 3 *Arthur Conrad and Sandra Berge, 2 *Ernest and Marjolyn Conrad, III, 4 Carl and Karen Conroy *Paul and Margaret Constantino, 2 *Robert and Judith Contolini, 4 *Barbara A. Cook, 6 *Jeffrey and Anne Cook, 2 John and Janice Cooley, 10 Jim and Terry Coombes, 23 *Craig and Karen Coombs *Marcus and Joan Coomer, 2 John and Barbara Cooper, 2 *Robert and Paula Cooper, 10 *John and Ann Corbett Rick and Nancy Corbett Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Corbett, 4 *Gregory and Stephanie Corcoran, 2 *Patrick and Penny Corcoran, 11 *Richard and Judith Corona, 6 *Mrs. Therese Corr, 4 *Ronald and Nancy Corter *Jorge and Dora Cortez, 2 Florence Coss *John and Esther Cote, 13 *James and Anne Coulson, 2 *Alfred and Karen Court, 6 *Daniel and Mary Coussens, 4 *John = and Sue Cowley, 17 Timothy and Jenny Cowley, 3 Douglas E. and Donna C. Cox, 3 *J. Neal Cox *John and Diana Cox, 3 *Michael and Danelle Crabtree *Timothy and Lynne Crabtree, 7 *David and Debbie Craig, 4 *Timothy and Martha Craven, 3 *Gina Crews Gregory and Mary Cripe, 2 *Virgil and Dorothy Criscola, 27 *Christopher and Clarissa Crisologo, 3 *Patricia Crittenden, 3 James and Charlotte Croley *Blair and Penne Crook *Glenn and Susan Crossley, 3 *Robert and Nancy Crotty, 8 *Keith and Jeanne Crouch, 5 *Ted and Kathleen Crowley, 2 *June and Juliet Cruz, 3 *Michael and Roxanne Cull *David and Susan Cullen, 4 Gary and Alea Culpepper, 4 *John and Helen Cummings, 3 *James and Eloise Cummins, 15 *Jack and Margaret Cunningham, 13 *John and Judith Curran, 12 *Theresa Currivan, 2 *George and Marion Curtis, 7 Austin and Rose Cushman, 12 *James and Diana Cutsforth, 2 *Richard and Tina Cygrymus, 2 *Nina Dague *William and Sarah Dakin, 4 Michael and Ruth Daley, 3 *Dr. and Mrs. Michael Daly, 16 Ralph and June D’Amour Erin Damron *Stephen and Karen Daniel, 6 *James and Michele Daniels, 2 Benjamin and Deborah Danner *James and Francine Danson, 3 *Merle and Patti Dargus, 2 Don and Melissa Dascenzo, 2 *William and Patricia Davidge *Bob and Laurie Davis *Damien and Carol Davis, 3 *Mark and Sarah Davis, 5 *Robert and Terrie Davis, 6 Donald and Joan Davison *Douglas and Marion Dawirs, 2 *Andrew and Margaret Deak, 5 *Louis and Linda Deal, 8 *Seymour and Diane Dear *Nicholas de Chadenedes, 2 *Jennifer Dee *Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Foreest, 15 James and Miyuki DeFranco, 2 *Steven and Patricia Degracia, 3 *Anna de Jesus, 3 *Dr. and Mrs. Richard De Klotz, 15 *Paul and Karen DeLappe Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr., 21 *Mark and Vivian Delsman *Jerald and Deborah Del Toro *Thomas and Elsa Bettina Dembinski, 2 *Karen Rancich Demmert, 2 *Steven and Karen Demmert, 3 *Tom and Kathleen Denig, 4 *Paul Denning and Margie Hoffmann, 3 *Margaret S. Dennis, 6 *Daniel and Susan Denton, 2 *James and Linda Derrig, 2 *John and Paula DeRusso, 3 *Paul and Kathleen DeSantis, 2 *Allen and Chelsa Despot, 2 *Ross and Terry Dessert, 6 *Pat and Valerie DeVoe *Edward and Paula Dey, 13 *James and Monica Diamond, 2 *Paul and Lorilee Diaz, 5 *Sergio and Eleanor Diaz *John Dickson, Jr., 8 *Jerome and Rosanne Didier, 2 *Marcia Dietz, 2 *Jim and Joan DiJulio, 20 Thomas and Stephanie Dills, 4 *Stephen and Pamela DiLucca, 2 *James and Janet Dingel, 5 *Francisco Discerni Thomas and Sharon Dobson *Kent and Rebecca Dodge, 8 *Jack and Kathy Dollard, 2 *Susan Donaldson, 2 *Ms. Donna Donohue, 7 Mark and Mary Donovan, 2 *George and Khrys Dooley, 2 Steve and Jennifer Doolittle, 18 *William and Judy Dooris, 22 *Donald and Cynthia Dootson, 2 *Fran Doran, 10 *Mary Dore, 21 *Ernest and Mary Dorn III, 24 *Donn and Susan Dorsett, 9 *William and Charolette Dorsett Alan and Karen Douglas, 5 *Emery and Laura Douville *Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Doyle, 10 *Mary T. Doyle, 22 *Patrick and Mary Doyle, 10 *Robert and Janet Draggoo, 4 *Richard and Mary Dreifuerst, 2 Kathy Drescher *Michael and Karin Drew, 4 *Robert and Helen Drislane, 18 *Michael and Saraciel Drobka, 6 *Susan Anderson Drougas *Paul and Sara DuClos, 19 Timothy and Susan Dudley, 3 *Terrence and Susan Duffey, 2 *J. Brian and Mary P. Duffy, 5 *Patrick and Gail Duffy, 3 *William and Susan Duffy, 18 *Daniel and Julie Dugan, 4 Ron Duggan, 12 *Denis and Linda Du Nann Bill and Pamela Dunfield, 9 *Francis and Margaret Dung, 37 *Joe and Ellie Dunn, 23 *Randolph and Jane Dunn, 13 *Peter and Patricia Dunphy Carl and Mary Dutli, 2 Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook, 5 *Michael and Heidi Dykman, 2 *Raymond and Belen Dziwura, 17 *Stephen and Mary Eastwood, 5 Paula Eaton *Robert Eaton, 2 thank you *Dr. and Mrs. James Eberle, 8 *Scott and Kathleen Edman, 2 Genevieve Edmonds, 6 Debbra Eggemeyer *Ronald and Shirley Eike, 2 *Adolf and Irma Eitner, 27 *John and Linda Elder, 3 *Thomas and Carin Eling Robert and Sandra Elkin James and Peggy Ellingson, 14 *Dennis and Mary Ellison *David and Sheila Ellsworth, 2 *Marie R. Elu, 14 *Robert and Jo Ann Emery, 2 Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Engel *David and Valerie Enger, 2 Cynthia Engle, 2 Douglas Engle *Aaron and Michelle Engleman *Bradley and Cheryl Ennis Neil Enright, 3 *Adolf and Vida Eppich, 7 *Davis and Kim Erbey *Charles and Barbara Erle, 16 *Paul and Sharon Escallier, 12 *Marc Espinoza *John and Jan Espy, 3 *Jeffrey and Margaret Estes, 3 Debra Evans, 3 *Peter Evans and Kathleen Orr Mark and Carrie Everett, 2 John and Nancy Everist, 2 *George and Janet Fague, 11 *Al and Vicki Falkner, 2 Patricia Fama, 2 Gail Puamana Farden, 2 *Bonnie A. Farmin-King, 7 *Anthony and Christine Farrell, 5 *Edward and Mary Farrell, 21 *Niles and Pamela Farris, 3 William and Lynn Fass *John and Tatiana Fassieux, 5 *Gasper Fatta, 4 *Joseph and Kimberly Fay *Gary Fedie *William and Bambi Feehan, 2 *Edward and Sylvia Feicht, 6 Denise Fell, 3 Andrew and Mary Frances Fenady, 13 Deborah A. Fenello-Williams, 2 *Terence and Tiina Fennessy, 2 *Tyler and Patti Fenton, 2 *Michael and Nancy Ferland *Kurt and Barbara Ferré, 2 *Michael and Joanne Ferris Michael and Margaret Ferriter *John and Dee Fery, 23 *James and Roanne Fiedler, 3 *Twyla Field, 4 Brooks and Lucy Fields, 34 Mark and Joni Fields, 3 *Anne Fife-Fahey and G. Scott Fahey, 3 *Stephen and Christie Filios, 4 *Theodore and Deborah Fincher, 11 *Mark and Cindy Fineran, 3 Stephen and Lydia Finerty *Michael and Linda Finney, 5 *Albert and Tamra Fisher, 2 *Christopher and Judith Fitzgerald, 5 *Dr. and Mrs. Kieran Fitzpatrick, 18 Rita Fitzpatrick, 3 *Kenneth and Debra Florian, 4 Jamie and Tamra Floyd, 12 *Michael and Maureen Fohn, 2 *Daniel and Judy Foley, 6 Thomas Foley and Charlene Padden *Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fong, 6 *Ronald and Marilyn Foreman, 13 *Michael and Andrea Forner, 2 *Steven and Leslie Forness *Mick Forsman, 12 Mario Forte and Kristine Keough-Forte, 3 *Charles and Zoe Foster, 10 James and Sandra Fox Rick and Joan Fox, 7 Paul and Kristi Fracolli, 3 *Douglas and Joy Frahm, 9 *Thomas and Rebecca Frame Peter Franceschi and Catherine O’Shea Franceschi, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Franciscovich, 2 *Philip and Margaret Franco *Steven and Angela Francois, 7 *Alfred and Susan Franzoia, 2 *David Freels and Jinx Godbey Freels, 6 James and Becky Freer, 7 Allen and Raina Frei, 3 *Mr. and Mrs. David V. Frei, 10 *Franklin and Julie French, 2 *Daniel and Christine Friedhoff Thomas and Rosemary Friedman *Jay and Barbara Fritz, 2 *Daniel and Nancy Fry, 3 *Robert and Anne Fuchs, 2 Ernest and Carol Fullmer, 17 Dennis and Lucinda Fulton, 3 *Casey Funk *Robert and Mary Funk, 12 *Clinton and Anita Funkhouser Larry and Elizabeth Gable Bryan and Carol Gadeken, 4 *Beth Gaffney, 2 *Glenn and Ursula Gailis, 12 *Michael and Patricia Gaines *Elizabeth A. Gale, 15 Dana Gallagher, 2 *Ellen and Jerry Gallagher, 15 Vincent and Phyllis Gallant, 3 *Fran and Olivia Galles, 17 *Peter and Suzanne Galligan, 7 *David and Sue Galvez *Marie Galvin, 20 Gary and Patricia Gamache, 13 *Philip and Isabelle Gamble, 10 *John and Susan Gamboa, 2 Doris Ganz, 3 *George and Elsie Ganzkow, 27 Carlos Garcia *Ronald and Barbara Garcia, 8 *Dayne and Laurie Gardner, 3 *Richard Gardner Robert and Tracy Gardner, 2 *Scott and Catherine Gardner *Steven and Lucinda Gardner, 3 *Michael and Debra Garnreiter, 3 Daniel and Jennifer Garrity, 3 Lawrence and Patricia Garvin, 10 Rosario and Addina Gaspar *John and Mary Jo Geidl, 24 Darlene Geist *Charles and Martha Gentry, 3 60 *Richard George, 2 *Patrick Geraghty, Jr., 7 *Jim and Dodie Gerding, 17 *Gregory and Margaret Gerlach, 3 *Robert and Nancy Gherardi, 2 *Alfred and Clara Giannini, 22 Tom and Sherrie Gibelyou, 3 *Terry and Kim Gieber, 15 *Kathleen Gierzak, 2 John and Sherry Gilbert, 2 *Jack and Lynn Giles, 14 *Daniel and Linda Gilliland, 2 *Robert and Elizabeth Gillingham, 2 *Mr. and Mrs. David Gilman, 5 Gerald and Marietta Gilmore, 4 *Gordon and Gloria Gilmore, 9 James and Mary Gilroy *Gregory and Colleen Girard, 3 Robert Girvan *Dick and Kathleen Glassburn, 11 *James and Joyce Glaze, 2 *Alice C. Gleason, 13 *Wayne and Carol Gleixner, 4 *Pamela Glen Gary and Janis Glenn *Donald and Carol Glockner, 2 *Bill and Connie Glynn, 15 *Nick and Katy Goddard, 2 Orrin and Delia Gode, 2 *Randy and Barbara Goehner, 2 Roland and Elaine Goertzen, 3 *Peter and Janet Goglia, 2 Jeffrey and Leslie Golden, 2 *Kevin and Jeanne Goldrick *Donald and Suzan Gonzales, 2 *Nelson Goodsell, 3 *Miles and Mary Jo Goodwin, 7 *Rudolf Goossen *Aliya Gordon, 4 *Gregory and Carol Gordon, 6 *Harold and Georgia Gordon, 34 Leslie and Lena Goto, 4 Peter and Cheryl Grabicki, 7 *William and Brency Grabowski, 4 *Thomas and Marvella Grady, 13 Robert and Carol Granly, 4 *Mark and Nancy Grannemann, 2 Gregory and Sherrie Granrud, 3 *George and Marianne Grant, 30 Gerald and Kimberley Grant, 2 Glenn A. Gredvig, 4 Harry and Jann Green, 5 *Ellen Greenblum *Peter and Margaret Greene, 12 *George and Martha Gregg, 16 *Marc and Carol Gregory Donald and Jean Grell, 15 Carl and Lori Grether, 3 Stacy and Sheryl Grieb *Art and Norma Griff, 18 *Susan Griffin, 3 *Jeffrey and Sharon Griffith *Jeffrey and Sharon Griffith, 2 Rudy and Linda Grigsby, 22 Caithlin Grimes *Gerald and Annette Grimm, 3 Randall and Debra Grimm, 2 *William and Amelia = Gromko, 39 *Norman and Marcha Groot, 2 Carl and Karen Grotts *Robert and Sharon Grover, 6 *Thomas and Janet Gruber *Kimberly Grusenmeyer, 2 *Frank and Kathryn Guarascio *Colleen E. Gudreau, 2 *Robert and Linda Gullette, 2 *Eileen Gumaer, 16 Kurt C. Gustafson *Michael and Carol Gutesha *Roberto and Evangelina Gutierrez, 2 *Gaetano and Ellen Guttadauro Gordon and Helen Guzenski, 3 *Robert and Raquel Haas, 3 *Daniel and Monica Hacker, 2 *Richard and Susan Haener, 7 *Thomas Haeuser and Antoinette Kuhry, 12 Andrew and Marietta Haffey, 6 James and Julie Haguewood *Douglas and Lesley Hahn, 2 *Jeffrey Hahn and Maureen O’Hern Hahn, 5 Thomas A. Haia, 3 David and Barbara Haid, 2 James and Terry Hake, 5 *Steven and Trudy Thompson Haley, 2 *Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Halgren, 16 *David and Yolanda Halik, 5 *Douglas Hall, 2 *Timothy and Patricia Hall, 2 William Hallerman *Donald and Joyce Hallstone, 5 *James and Elizabeth Halverson, 2 *Clyde and Gail Hamai, 5 *Grady and Arlene Hamblen, 2 *Robert Hammel and Rorie Rettler-Hammel *Larry and Cynthia Hanna, 2 *Thomas and Patricia Hanrahan, 4 *Ronald and Anne Hansen, 2 *Steven and Jo Marie Hansen, 6 *Gary and Paula Hanson, 2 *John and Carol Hanson, 2 Ron Hanson, 3 *Lawrence Harada and UnChu Yun, 2 Richard and Kathyrn Hardesty, 2 *Joseph and Barbara Harding, 6 *Thomas and Ella Harkins Charles and Margie Harmon, 3 *David and Julia Harmon, 2 *Malcolm Harnois and Catherine Gibbons *Michael and Mary Harrell, 5 *Francis and Eileen Harrington, 24 Richard and Linda Harrison, 5 Charles and Barbara Hart, 3 *Kevin and Ann Hassett, 2 Larry and Rachel Hause, 2 *Michael and Denise Hause, 2 John and Jenny Hawkins, 5 James and Patricia Hayes, 3 *Winslow and Rita Hayes *James and Barbara Healey, 7 *Patrick Healy John and Mary Heath, Jr., 26 *Robert G. Heeren, 10 *Don and Laurie Hege *Michael and Peggy Hegewald, 5 *Jerry and Patricia Hein, 2 *Darrell and Linda Heinemann, 2 Thomas and Joan Heinrich, 2 *Tim and Pam Helfrich, 15 Stephen and Vickie Hempelmann *Arthur and Pat Henderson, 11 *Lyn Morgan Henderson, 5 *Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hendrickson, 8 *Roy and Christine Hendrickson, 2 *Corinne Henley, 2 *Steven and Kathie Henricksen, 3 *Kenneth and Cynthia Henry, 4 *Tom and Mary Herche, 5 *Edward and Lorraine Herinckx, 2 William and R.L. Hertz, 13 *Robert and Lori Hervatine, 5 *Roger and Cathy Hess, 2 *Steven and Kay Hess, 3 *James and Nannette Heye Richard and Susan Heye Kevin and Marguerite Hickey *William and Darlene Hickman, 11 David and Sheila Higby, 2 Ronald and Deborah Higgins, 2 David and Allison Highmark Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi, 8 *Garold and Karla Hill Mike and Joni Hirst, 6 *Virginia S. Hislop, 17 Arlene Hobson parent donors Bruce and Coleen Hocking, 5 Rodney and Donna Hodel, 2 *Roger Hoell, 2 *Ronald and Marilynn Hoff, 5 *Lee and Lynne Hoffman, 3 Richard and Nancy Hoffman, 4 *Mark Hoffmann, 3 *Valerie Holcomb David and Melissa Holcombe, 2 David and Joanie Holden *Thomas and Darlene Holmes, 9 *Stan and Shirley Hooper, 17 *James and Debra Hoover *Charles and Barbara Hopewell, 2 *Willis and Cheryl Hopkins, III, 9 *Ronald and Paula Hopper, 4 Dennis and Sandra Horn, 3 *Richard and Helen Horn, 3 *Kenneth Horwitz and Brigitte Schran-Horwitz *William and Jean Hotchkiss, 19 Michael and Dianne Houck, 3 Peter and Kathleen Houtsma *Bruce and Thu-ha Howard, 3 Alvin and Sharon Hrubes, 3 *Dennis and Lisa Hruska, 4 *Michael and Carolyn Huber, 5 *John and Mary Huberty, 16 *Mitchell and Wendy Hudson, 2 Daniel and Mary Hughes, 15 *Edward and Roberta Hughes, 7 John and Beatrice Hughes, 7 *Martin Hughes, 2 *Tom and Lori Huling *Lori Hume, 3 *David and Julia Humpherys, 3 Bruce and Denise Humphrey, 2 *John and Wendy Hunter, 5 *William and Patricia Hunter, 6 *Calvin and Elisabeth Hunziker, 3 *Martin and Mary Helen Hurd *Bill and Susana Huston, 25 Carol Huston *Teresa Hutchens, 2 *George and Sue Hutcherson, 8 *Dennis and Theresa Hutchins, 2 *Keith and Paula Hyde, 6 *Richard and Nancy Hydzik, 20 *Marc and Joan Hynes, 4 *Vince and Mary Pat Iaci, 4 *Louis and Hilaire Iani Earl and Allison Ichimura, 3 *James and Patricia Infantine *Craig and Teresa Innes, 12 *Judith Inouye *Don Iodice, 2 Thomas and Linda Isaacson *John and Pat Isaksen, 24 *Thomas and Linda Jaeger, 2 Thomas and Elizabeth Jagelski, 2 *Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Jagodzinski, 10 *Michael and Juanita James Mark and Frances Jansa John and Elizabeth Jenkins, 3 *James and Mary Jensen, 5 Bob and Alice Jepson, 24 Gregory and Claire Jewell, 4 *David and Josie Jewett, 13 Walter Johansing, 3 *Bruce and Barbara Johnson, 3 Daniel and Joan Johnson, 2 Jay and Jenny Johnson, 2 *John and Rhoda Johnson, 9 *Judith Johnson, 4 *Martin Johnson and Margaret Powers, 5 *Ralph Johnson and Melissa Crowell, 2 *Rodney and Phyllis Johnson, 2 *Steven and Diana Johnson, 3 Susan Johnson Susan Johnson, 3 *Evan and Susanne Jones, 2 *Peter and Kathleen Jones, 3 Rick and Julie Jones, 23 Sandra E. Jones, 5 *Stancil G. Jones, 4 Drs. Thomas and Louise Jones, 8 *Daniel Jordan, 2 *Eric and Susan Jorgenson, 2 *Jerry and Nancy Jorgensen, 2 *Nick and Karie Josten, 3 Jeffrey and Karen Joy *Dr. and Mrs. Terrance Judge, 16 *Antanie and Maria Jumanca, 2 Thomas and Nimnual Jurgensen *Kent and Ann Kading, 2 *David and Maryanne Kaessner, 7 *Jim and Mary Kaip, 20 *Scott M. Kancilia *David and Laura Kane, 4 *Bert and Beverly Kaneshiro, 4 *Twink Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Kennard J. Kapstafer, 30 *Steven and Nanci Kawa, 2 Don and Mary Kayser, 22 *William and Patricia K’Burg *Susan Conway Kean, 2 *Paul and Mary Kearney, 22 *Thomas and Barbara Keefer, 14 Charles and Jean Keegan, 7 *James Keegan and Eleanor Lamb, 2 Cynthia Keen *Mrs. William Keenan, Sr., 5 Mark Keener and Ann Hendrick Michael and Janet Keirns *William and Mary Keller, 5 *Richard and Nancy KellerScholz, 3 *James and Elizabeth Kelley, 7 *Joseph W. Kelley, 9 Mike and Virginia Kelley, 2 *Paul and Mary Kelley, 13 *Tom and Mary Ann Kelley *Benjamin and Eileen Kelly, 2 John and Pat Kelly, 30 Kevin and Julie Kelly *Dan Kelsey Dennis J. Kelsh, 28 *Edgar and Goldie Keniston, 3 *John and Christine Kennedy, 11 *Stephen and Louise Kennedy, 2 *Kevin and Sherrill Kennelly, 2 *William and Janice Kenney *Francis and Mary Keogh, 3 *Timothy and Mary Kerber, 8 Gregory and Debra Ketchum, 3 Charles and Linda Keturakat, 2 *Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kiefer, 7 *J. Kiesel, 3 Earl and Elizabeth Kilian, 4 *John and Diane Kilkenny, 3 *Georgia W. Killeen, 33 *Timothy and Ana Killeen, 3 *Paul and Chris Kilzer, 4 *Lloyd and Jennie Kimura, 7 *Robert and Ellen Kinamon, 3 *David and Robin King *Paul and Trudy Kinney *Kevin and Virginia Kirk, 7 *Lawrence and Christine Kirven, 3 *Edward and Virginia Klein, 11 *James and Cheryl Klein *Edward and Lisa Kleist, 5 *Thomas and Kitty Kleppert, 4 *Charles and Dana Klimas, 3 *Terry and Carolyn Klinger, 3 *Larry and Lorraine Klompien *Larry and Angela Knackstedt, 3 *James and Vicki Knapp, 18 *Merle and Melissa Knapp, 5 Robert and Terry Knott, 2 *Thomas and Nancy Knowlton *Steven and Mary Knox, 2 Dr. and Mrs. James H. Knutson, 3 *Robert Kocarnik, 17 Malia Koehler David and Heather Koenig, 3 Kosanne Kohli *Wayne Koike and Frances Lew-Koike Barbara Kolbet, 7 *Thomas and Ellen Komadina, 4 *Milton and Kim Kono, 5 *David Kosley, 2 Kathleen Ann Kovis Karl Kraber, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Kraemer, 5 *Gene and Janet Kranc, 6 *Rodney = and Esther Krause Victor Krcma and Mercedes Loprinzi *Dr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs, 39 *Wesley and Mary Krivonen, 5 *Jeffrey and Laura Krum, 2 *Kenneth and Patricia Krupski, 2 *Joseph and Patricia Krusee, 7 *Jeffrey and Laura Krusel *Scott and Laura Kubale *James and Barbara Kuchan, 7 *Francoise D. Kuester, 14 *June and Megumi Kumagai, 2 *Kenneth and Sharon Kunkel, 2 *Mark Kuolt and Jeannine Torlai-Kuolt, 4 Stephen and Jeannine Kurtela Frederick and Susan Kurtz, 3 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Edmond LaBissoniere, 11 *William and Joy LaCombe, 3 *Frances H. Lally, 20 *Kelvin and Susan Lamb, 3 *Robert and Cynthia Lamb, 10 *Larry and Robin Lammers, 3 Douglas Lampe William and Patricia Lamphere, 6 *Lester and Teresa Lamug, 2 Lorene K. Langeberg, 2 *William and Patricia Langley, 8 *Reid and Ellen Langrill, 2 *Jovic Lapena *Gary and Cora LaPlante, 3 Bob and Karen LaPointe, 15 *Robert and Janet Larkin, 3 Lawrence and Alana LaRock, 6 *John and Jeannine LaRouche, 3 *Lawrence and Mary Larson, 4 *Stephen and Marcia Larson, 17 Scott and Diana Lartz William and Kathleen Lasseter Patrick and Vicki Lau, 2 Robert and Diana Lauderbach, 5 *John and Patricia Laughery, 4 *Martin and Virginia Lauth, 7 *John and Ninh Lawhon, 4 Kevin and Peggy Lawson, 2 *Michael and Gail Lawson, 8 Mark and Patricia Lazzaro *Lan and Mac Lan Le, 4 *Norman and Cathy Ledbetter, 3 *Dell and Bernadette Lee, 4 *Vernon and Carie Lee, 5 Sharon Leifer *Howard and Deanna Leinweber, 5 *John and Leslie Leitch, 2 *Daniel Lemiere *Gerard and Carol Lemieux, 3 *Joseph and Marion Lenneman, 8 *Gerald Lenocker and Sally Stickney *Jack and Betty Leonard, 27 *Richard and Margaret Leonard, 9 *Don and Elaine Leong, 6 *Raymond and Linda Leopold Harriet Leppek, 24 *Peter and Susan LeRoy Tom and Joan Leslie, 2 *Glenn and Paula LeVan, 7 *Michael and LuAnn Leverson, 3 Edward and Joanne Lewis, 8 *James and Joni Lewis, 2 Larry and Cindy Lewis Lawrence and Adele Lewis, 9 Richard Lewis and Julie Aadland-Lewis, 4 *Roger and Cathy Lewis, 3 *Trudy Patton-Bigham Lieb, 8 Richard and Susan Lightfoot, 4 *Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Linde, 7 *Russell Lindsay, 2 *James and Grace Link, 6 *Allen and Peggy Litzenberger, 7 *Gregory and Maryjo Lobdell *Ann M. Lobosky, 11 *Carl and Debra Lockwood, 7 Robert and Claire Loe *Dr. and Mrs. Jose Loera, 7 *Paul and Joan Lofgren, 2 David Logue and Clarisa Rosales-Logue *David and Susan Lombard Robert Lonjers and Cherie Stehula-Lonjers *Valerie Loo, 2 *Rubelio and Sheelegh Lopez, 11 *Lloyd and Nhu Lorenz, 3 *Patrick and Dana Lorenzo *Karen Louderback *Mark and Johanna Loury, 3 *Chris and Jill Loutsis *John and Kimberly Love, 2 *Danilo and Victoria Loyola, 5 *Robert and Maryanne Lucia, 3 *Stephen and Elizabeth Luizzo, 5 *Allen and Diane Lund, 2 *Michael Lundy *Jean and Anh Luong, 3 *Elmer and Virginia Luthman, 12 Loren and Patricia Lyall *Michael Lydon, 14 James and Susan Lynch, 2 *John and Ruth Lynch, 14 *Thomas and Joanne Lynn *Steven H. Lyons, 5 *Douglas and Karol MacDonald, 3 Thomas and Jan MacIntyre Lachlan and Kim MacLean, 3 *Donald and Marianne Mackay, 8 *Melvin and Anita Mackay *John and Kathleen MacMillan *Harold and Barbara Macomber, 21 Payson and Kelley MacWilliam *William A. Maddigan, 16 *Daniel and Marlyn Madison, 3 Rick and Carol Magnuson, 5 *Arnar and Jacqueline Magnusson Daniel Maguire and Peggy Parker-Maguire, 3 *Dennis Maher and Catherine Thompson-Maher *Timothy Mahoney and Susan Curley *Vera Mahre, 7 *Steven and Leslie Maki, 5 *Esteban and Becky Malaexechebarria, 6 *Everett Malama, 22 *James and Marynel Malcom, 4 *Kevin and Victoria Mallahan, 2 *Gary and Camille Mallon, 3 Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Malloy, 7 Ann Malman, 2 *Paul and Kathy Maloy, 7 *Helen Manaras, 19 *Martin Mandel and Duree Dunn Gregory and Joanne Mandick, 2 Joseph Mangan and Carol Cooke, 2 John and Carol Manix, 4 John and Kari Manning *John and Mary Manning, 6 *Baden and Laura Mansfield John and Sue Marciniak *Arturo and Marchia Maria, 2 Jon and Gretchen Marsh *John and Dianne Marshall, 9 *Steven and Mary Marshall, 5 *Leopoldo and Celia Masalunga, 2 *Gregory and Donna Mashburn, 2 *Doris Massart, 23 *Stanley and Linda Massey, Jr., 8 Kenneth and Marilyn Mathern *Richard and Virginia Mathews, 19 61 *Winston and Susan Matsuura, 2 *Judith Maushart, 3 *Carl and Beverly Maw, 17 *Randy and Debra Mawhirter, 4 *Daniel and Wendy May *Kathleen Mayer *Veronica Mayo *Don and Paula Mays, 4 *William and Barbara Mazzei, 2 *James and Judith McAteer, 22 *Alexander and Maren McBarnet, 9 *Scot and Rosanne McBeth, 2 *David and Cheryl McBride, 5 *Lawrence and Carolyn McBride *Michael F. McBride, 9 *Sarah McBridge Ronald and Patricia McCaffery, 2 Kenneth and Carol McCall, 2 *Mac and Teri McCandless, 5 Jack and Mary McCann, 11 Kevin and Michelle McCarthy, 2 Kevin McCarthy, 5 *Betty McChesney, 27 *Neil A. McClanahan, 3 Bruce and Kathryn McClintock, 2 *David and Christine McCloy, 5 Fred and Lorraine McClure, 2 *Paul and Donna McClure, 3 *Mariwyn McComb, 21 *Bill and Lynn McConnell, 6 *Mel and Patricia McCormack, 11 *John and Deborah McCormick Thomas and Nalini McCormick, 3 Mark and Stacy McCoy, 2 Matt and Mary McCoy *James and Susan McCracken, 8 *Thane and Mary Ann McCulloh, 15 *Donald and Gloria McDermott, 17 *Aaron and Judith McDonald, 3 *Randall and Linda McDonald, 2 *James and Katherine McDonnell, 3 *Dwight and Jan McDuffee Robert and Gail McEwen, 3 *Terence and Lisa McEwen, 2 *Vincent and Miriam McFadden, 14 Richard and Paula McFadzean *William and Ann McGah, 4 *James and Clare McGovern, 16 *Felix and Debra McGowan, 16 thank you Thomas and Jan McGree, 8 *Michael and Jean McGuire, 7 *Keith and Denise McKenney *Myron McKenzie and Maria Camacho-McKenzie, 3 *Michael and Nancy McLafferty, 2 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin, 23 *John and Barbara McLoughlin, 5 William McMillen Denny and Jan McMonigle, 23 *Cecelia A. McMullen, 2 *Gregg and Darlene McMurray, 8 Ken and Sophie McNair, 5 *Peter and Janice McNeal, 2 *Michael and Susan McNevin, 3 Helen McNulty, 9 *Gail McNutt William and Marla Mebesius *Ernest and Elizabeth Medeiros, 31 Larry and Patricia Medin, 4 Marcia Medler *Kenneth and Barbara Meehan, 2 *Allen and Kelleen Meeuwsen, 8 Peter and JoAnn Mendenhall, 4 *Caroline Mentele, 3 *Linda K. Mentock, 12 *Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Menzel, 7 *Michael and Gayle Merkle, 4 Nicholas and Stephanie Merriman, 3 *Edward and Mary Mertens, 5 *Steven and Patricia Merwick *Kevin and Suzi Merz, 2 *Don and Fern Meseberg, 15 *Shayne and Dani Meskimen *Ronald and Katherine Messer *Jack and Roberta Mezzanatto, 2 *Robert and Charlot Mezzera, 2 *Chris and Cheryl Mgebroff, 6 *Rich and Patricia Miailovich, 16 *Terry E. Michaelson, 6 *Ronald and Debby Miciak, 10 Bill and JoAnn Mick, 3 Chris and Kris Mikkelsen, 21 *Mark and Marcia Miletich, 7 Walter and Lois Millar, 10 *Bruce and Gail Miller, 2 Delbert Miller *Donald Miller and Susan Mitchell-Miller Doug and Penny Miller Gregory and Erin Miller *John Miller and Rebecca Brown, 5 John and Linda Miller, 14 *Lawrence and Mary Miller, 3 *Malia Miller, 4 *Michael and Barbara Miller, 4 *Richard and Susan Miller, 5 *Robert and Susan Miller, 9 *Ronald and Annamaria Miller, 2 *Timothy and Therese Miller, 3 Michael and Roxanne Milne, 5 *Robert and Catherine Minor, 2 *Frank and Catherine Miraglia, 21 *Benito Miranda, 2 *Glen and Jill Mitchell, 9 *Michael and Cheryl Mittelstaedt, 6 *Keith and Jennifer Miyata *Raymond and Cecelia Mizzoni, 9 *John and Linda Moffatt, 2 *Robert and Felicitas Molder, 5 Douglas Molitor and Ann Valentine *Victoria Moller, 2 *Mal and Mary Monahan, 15 *Stephen and Barbara Mondau, 4 *Michael Moneta *Carlos and Julie Montgomery, 6 Brian and Debra Moore, 2 *Jesse and Lani Moore, 4 Patrick and Delores Moore, 2 *Patrick and Susan Moore Lawrence and Donnette Moothart *Dennis and Marikae Moraski, 7 *Gilbert and Pauline Moreno, 3 *David and Shannon Morgan, 3 Lonnie and Sandra Morgan *Daniel and Laurie Morin, 5 *Perry Morris and Gloria Ybarra, 3 *Julia Morrison *Ken and Jenni Morrison, 4 Robert and Sandra Morrow Scott and Camille Mortensen, 2 Louis and Susan Moscato, 2 *Susan Mosich, 2 Derek Moss and Kathrina Tobias, 4 Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo, 24 *Timothy and Christine Mruz *Robert and Laurie Mueller, 6 *Stephen and Sharron Mueller, 2 *Paul and Yolanda Mui *George and Mary MulcaireJones, 3 *Michael and Mary Mulcrone *Kenneth and Margaret Mulhall, 6 *Daryl and Cheryl Mulick, 7 *Annual Fund Contributor Jack Smith, Phoenix Gonzaga Connection: BBA in Marketing ’96, married to Joan Jakel, JD ’96 Chapter: Phoenix Occupation: Business owner,; independent software consultant What most inspires you about GU? “The people.” Jack credits his business education for helping him become a successful business owner and entrepreneur. He credits Gonzaga’s core curriculum – i.e. courses in religion and philosophy – for helping him become successful in all aspects of his life. “I am truly a believer in the benefits of a liberal arts education!” Jack also says his experiences in University Ministry retreats were transformational: “A very powerful part of the GU experience.” In his free time Jack likes to throw around a Frisbee. Seriously. He plays in a an Ultimate Frisbee league and has competed throughout the North and Southwest. Last year he captained a team that qualified for the national championships in Sarasota, Fla. “We received some great publicity for the way we played the game and our spirit,” Jack says. “Those are lessons I learned at Gonzaga watching how the GU basketball team competes and how Mark Few leads. It’s very inspirational watching them, and full of life lessons about how to be an athlete, a leader, and a member of a community.” Jack has always loved gathering fellow Zags to watch basketball games and socialize. It was a natural fit for him to take the lead in forming an alumni chapter in Phoenix. “Helping to start a new alumni chapter is a great way to give back. Besides, who wants to watch the Zags alone when you can surround yourself with other great Gonzaga alums?” Why do you support Gonzaga? “I believe that you need to support those who support you. The lessons I learned at Gonzaga -- some I understood when I received them on campus, others I am just beginning to understand as I move through life -- have helped me realize how important my GU experience has been in becoming the person I am today. GU has always been there to support me and that type of relationship is one where you want to give as well as receive.” *James and Sheryl Mullaney, 2 Douglas and Lorraine Mullins *Richard Mullins and Barbara Lenfesty, 2 Fletcher and Karen Mulvaney, 4 *Craig and Anne Murphy, 3 *Jerry and Marlene Murphy *Patrick and Anna Murphy Tim Murphy, 14 *Beverly Murray, 23 *Brent and Maile Murray, 2 *William and Kathleen Murray, 2 *Benjamin and Catherine Muse, 3 Raymond and Joann Nagata *William and Donna Nash, 3 *Robert and Karen Naylor, 5 *Kevin and Carol Neary, 5 *John and Julie Nebel, 16 *Bernadette Neeley, 16 *Lester and Susan Neff, 4 *Ann Marie Neil, 9 *Karen E. Nelsen, 12 *Kenneth and Lyudmila Nelson Marlene Nelson Paul and Lisa Nelson *Roy Nelson and Nancy McKee, 2 *Ward and Pamela Nelson, 7 Wayne and Mary Nelson, 3 William and Mary Catherine Nelson, 3 Robert and Bibiana Nertney *The Neumann Family Limited Partnership, 5 *William and Kathleen Neumayer, 3 *Patricia Newkirk *William Newland *Henry and Presentaction Ngan Mai Nguyen and Yenngoc Duong, 3 *Warren and Lisa Nicley, 2 *John and Marita Niemann, 7 *Charles and Joan Niemeier, 8 Ralph and Patricia Nietrzeba *Jose and Gladys Nieves, 5 *James and Margaret Niewiarowski, 4 *Joseph and Dorothy Nilles, 16 *Roger and Luanne Nilsen, 4 *Sybil Nishime, 3 *Ricky and Jeanne Nixon, 3 *Charles Norlin and Marcia Feldkamp, 2 James and Melinda Norman *James and Margaret Normandin, 2 Michael and Julia North, 3 Irene Norwood *Paul and Teruko Noto, 19 *Norbert and Carole Nowak, 15 *Frank and Cori Nunez, 7 Jerry and Rosemary Nunogawa, 11 *Joseph and Anne Nusse, 9 *Donald Nyrop, 21 *Florian = and Mary Oberhauser, 8 *Vincent Obradovich, 17 *James and Cynthia O’Brien, 6 *John and Jane O’Brien, 15 *Kevin P. O’Connell, 6 *Margaret O’Connell, 9 *Ronald and Kathrine Odom, 5 Jack and Margaret Oehlke, 3 *Craig and Julie Oeser *Damon and Margaret Ogle, 3 *David O’Keeffe and Lindy Stormbert-O’Keeffe *Jaime and Consuelo O’Leary, 4 *Jarlath and Diane Oley, 5 *Gordon and Patricia Oliver, 7 *Robert and Roberta Oliver, 13 *John O’Loughlin and Mary Mann, 2 David and Maria Olson, 9 *Jesse and Carol Olson *Gary Omai and Necitas Obaob-Omai *Clement O’Neill, 23 *Michael and Laura O’Neill, 12 Edward Orizotti *Dan Orne and Betsy Osburn, 4 *George Ornelas Alvin and Georgina Ornellas, 6 *Dermot and Pauline O’Rourke, 5 *Carl and Cynthia Orr, 3 Eric and Cynthia Orr, 2 William and Marie Orrange *John and Kathy Osborne, 4 Mary Ann Oselinsky, 2 *Vallina and Richard Ostrem, 8 Michael and Margaret Ouellette, 3 *Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Oury, 3 *Andrew and Martha Oven, 3 Dale and JoAnn Overfield *Doug and Nancy Overturf, 3 *Barbara Ovitt, 3 *Raymond and Marlyce Owen, 12 *Sally Owen-Schademan *Connolly and Michelle Oyler, 5 *Jeffrey Packard and Debbie Young, 3 *James Padden, 3 *Cynthia Palermo, 2 *Dennis and Laurinda Palmer, 3 *Douglas and Michelle Palmer, 2 Gregory and Linda Paolino, 5 *Anthony and Patricia Paolucci, 7 *Dan and Candi Pariseau, 2 Kathy Parker, 4 *Richard and Sharon Parker, 2 *David and Cecelia Parks, 4 *Scott Parrish and Loni Austin, 2 62 Michael and Diane Parrott, 3 *Ronald and Joann Parsons, 2 *John Pastizzo, 8 David and Marianne Patnode, 10 William and Michelle Patrick, 3 *Stephen and Portia Pauli, 10 *Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pavlik, 27 *Howard and Judith Pay, 3 *John K. Payne, 13 *Leo and Olga Payne *Douglas and Karla Pearman, 2 *Ruth H. Pearson, 8 *Stephen and Cynthia PeaseBabel, 3 *Robert and Susan Peck, 6 *Gordon Peckham, 20 *Dick and Cecilia Pelascini, 3 Michael and Tracey Pemble, 4 Sheldon and Cheryl Perala, 2 *Leo and Arsenia Peralta, 2 *Scott and Anne Perkins Thomas and Cece Perko, 20 Garry M. Perno, 10 *Jack and Colleen Perrault, 2 *Wade and Beth Perrow, 8 Cathy and Clarence Perry, 17 *Christopher and Julie Perry, 7 *David and Susan Persing, Jr., 4 *Dr. and Mrs. William Peters, 7 Donald and Luann Petersen, 2 Dale J. Peterson *David and Marilyn Peterson, 15 *Kertis and Kathleen Peterson, 5 *Vincent and Karen Petosa, 7 *Kent and Martha Petrie, 10 *Jerry Pfarr, 2 *Lyle and Susan Pfeifer, 2 *Timothy H. Pfister, 3 *George and Lyn Pflaum *Thomas and Marianne Phelan, 4 Christopher and Maria Phelps, 2 Debbie Phelps, 3 Randle and Roxanne Phelps, 2 *Bruce Phillips and Carol Hering Phillips, 2 *Krystopher Phillips and Yolanda Garcia Phillips, 2 *Sandra Phillips, 2 *William and Kathleen Phillips, 4 *Allen and Dianne Pickens, 4 Gregory and Pauline Piepel, 3 *Douglas and Patricia Pierce, 6 Jeffrey and Janet Pierce, 3 *Marc and Sherrie Pierce, 2 *John and Lilli Pietromonaco, 2 *Rori and Nancy Piggott, 4 *Louis and Kathleen Pilloni, 3 John and Marie Pinder *Roland and Eileen Pinza, 22 *Francis Piscopo and Maureen Foley-Bensen, 5 *Michael and Kathleen Plass, 5 *Maury Plumlee and Nancy Bakkensen Plumlee *Richard and Barbara Poe, 23 *Robert and Janice Pohl, 11 *Warren and Mary Polensky, 11 *Mitchell and Cathy Pomeroy *Paul and Judith Pompili Bradley and Michele Pope, 3 *Richard Porter, 11 Gary and Joanne Poss, 6 Mark and Anne Post, 3 Clark and Mary Potter Stephen and Elaine Potter, 7 *Kenneth and Helen Pravitz, 2 *John and Mary Praznik, 2 *John and Marilyn Pricco, 3 *Charles and Joan Price, Jr., 6 *Ellis and Carol Price, 7 *John and Deborah Price *Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Price, 17 *William and Linda Price, 14 *Margaret Z. Priest, 26 Russell and Gay Pritchard *John and Dianna Propson *Mary T. Proznick, 4 *Tracey Prpich *David and Regina Ptolemy *Edward and Marjorie Puccinelli, 9 *Joseph and Georgeanne Pucillo, 10 *Wayne and Mary Puetz, 5 David and Laurie Purcell, 3 *Gary and Susan Purdy, 14 *Lloyd and Marilyn Pursley, 9 *Aldis and Ayn Quan, 2 Gene and Deborah Questad, 4 *Yusuf and Kathleen Quidwai, 2 *John and Gail Quigg, 2 *Dennis and Rosemarie Quinlan, 10 *Hal Quinn and Teresa Hildebrandt, 2 John and Diana Quinn, 3 Joseph and Deborah Radakovich *Dennis and Madelyn Railing *William and Mary Anne Rainey, 15 *James and Nancy Raleigh, 6 *Michael and Suzanne Ramey, 3 *Gil and Julie Ramil *Michael and Diana Ramires, 2 *Raymond and Norma Ramos Clay and Carol Randall, 8 Hubie Randall, 23 Les Randall =, 31 *Mark and Cindy Randleman, 9 Guy and Kimberly Randles *Jerry and Nida Rania, 4 Margaret Rassette, 2 Rock and Martha Ray *Herbert and Janice Raymond, 7 *Sam and Marianne Ream, 15 *James and Barbara Reding, 33 *Nancy Reed, 2 *Col. and Mrs. Stacy Reeves, 13 *Joe and Bernadine Reichlin, 11 *Wayne and Kathleen Reid *Margaret A. Reidy, 16 *Rosie Delgadillo Reilly, 10 *Mark and Lori Reiman Paul and Margaret Reimers, 6 *Kurt and Catherine Reinke, 2 *Theodore and Louise Reitz, 17 Claude and Claire Remy, 2 *Craig and Gail Renius, 3 *Greg Renton Mr. Orlando M. Ressa, 12 James and Catherine Revard John and Sharon Rhoads, 3 Martin and Mary Rhodes *Mark and Kathleen Ricci, 2 *Edward and Patricia Rice, 9 Jimmy and Kathleen Rice, 2 *Michael and Paula Richard, 7 *Timothy and Tonda Richards *Thomas and Josephine Richardson, 12 *Darwin and Mary Rieck, 8 *Elizabeth and Clyde Ries, 49 *William and Victoria Rinck, 6 Jane Rinehart, 28 *Mr. and Mrs. David Ringler, 2 Pat and Mary Jo Ringwood, 8 Susan Ripp William and Evelyn Ripp *Howard Ritter and Karen Lorhan Doug and Kathleen Rivard, 34 *John and Pamela Roark, 4 John and Lois Robbins, 2 *Timothy and Gretta Robert, 5 *Douglas and Marlene Roberts, 2 *Michael and Martha Roberts *William and Gretchen Robertson, 4 Marcus and Barbara Robins, 3 *Walter and Deborah Robinson, 5 Peter and Janet Robison, 2 James and Jean Roeber, 9 *Stephen and Virginia Roehl, 11 *Craig and Sue Roessler, 3 Franklin Roller, Jr., 2 *Dr. and Mrs. Sam Romeo, 19 *David and Shannon Ronald, 4 Jessie Rosauer, 34 Jim and Lin Roscoe, 20 *Lynda Rosenbaum William and Barbara Rosenberger, 2 parent donors *Adam and Colleen Rosenblatt, 3 *Michael R. Rosman, 9 *Ann G. Ross, 20 *Charlie and Catherine Ross, 4 *David and Patricia Ross, 7 Scott and Vickie Ross, 4 *Andy and Marge Rosson, 18 *Evelyn Rost, 17 *Douglas and Pamela Rostron, 4 Paul Roth, 11 *Harold and Betty Rotter, 24 *Barry and Linda Rowan, 2 *Paul and Becky Rowan John and Mary Rowlands, 5 *Debra Rowsell-Sachet Bill and Odette Rubright, 13 *Paul and Janet Ruckel, 2 *Richard Rucker, 2 *Karl and Lorna Rufener, 2 *Jon and Kathleen Runnalls, 5 *Richard and Rose Russell, 20 *Michael and Mary Russo, 4 *David and Jan Rust, 4 *Patrick and Elaine Ryall, 12 *Thomas and Caroline Ryan, 10 *Thomas and Joan Ryan, 7 P. Terry Rypien, 15 *Frederick and Margaret Sacha, 3 Dr. James and Mrs. Marilyn Sachtjen, 8 *Robert Sadler, 5 *James and Kim Safranski, 14 *Lyle and Yvonne Saiki *Kirk and Kathleen St. Andrew, 8 *JoAnn St. Pierre, 4 *Susan Sakaguchi, 4 *Margaret Sakata, 31 *Daniel and Renee Salvemini, 2 *Ronald and Chris Sanchez, 3 *Janet Sandefur *James and Judy Sanders *Robert and Carla Sanders, 10 *Steven and Kerri Sanders, 2 William and Joanne Sanders, 2 *Atilla and Ruth Sarar, 3 *William and Susan Sari, 9 *John and Catharine Sauer, 10 *Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Saunders, 8 *William and Catherine Savage Alvin Savio, 8 *Ralph and Mary Scaramella, 3 *Nicholas and Mary Scarpelli, 11 Allen and Diana Schafer, 2 *Louie and Ann Schaffer, 2 *Paul and Kathryn Schaffner, 8 *Robert and Rene Scharber Steven Schennum Ted and Laurie Schepper, 6 *James Scherzinger and Claire Carder William and Margaret Schickler, 7 *George and Eva Schiel, 5 *Michael and Carol Schimmels, 18 *Stephen and Diana Schiro *Charles and Julie Schisel, 3 *David and Jane Schlosser, 3 *Robert and Rosemary Schmid, 14 *Dr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt, 9 Steve and Deanna Schmidt *Dorothy E. Schmitz, 22 J. David and Kathy Schmitz, 2 Rose Schmitz, 10 *Glenn and Laura Schnell, 6 *J.D. and Anne M. Schnell, 8 Mark and Terry Schnitger *Steven and Pamela Schnoor, 3 Van and Kari Schoessler, 3 Paul and Susan Schofield, 3 *Steven and Lilian Schomaker, 4 *Daniel and Dorothy Schott, 5 *Brigitte Schran-Horwitz *Donald and Jean Schroeder, 16 Frederick and Annabell Schunter, 22 Jerry and Sue Schwalbach, 15 *Anthony and Penny Sciascia Craig and Nancy Scott, 2 *Don and Leslie Scott, 2 *Linda Scott, 9 Martin and Nancy Scott, 3 *William and Cynthia Scrivens, 2 *Connie I. Searles Michael and Patti Seely, 2 *Richard and Martha Seger, 3 *Mauro and Gina Seghetti, 24 *Stephen and Patricia Sein, 3 *George and Sandra Sekulich, 3 *Sandra K. Sekulich, 2 Bert and Cindie Selva *Stephen and Mary Semel *Richard and Elizabeth Semke, 2 *Francis and Mary Senecal, 2 James and Gayle Serventi, 8 Carmen and Teresa Severino, 6 *Alan Seybold *Terrance Shaefer, 4 *Gary and Debbie Shahbazian, 2 *Robert and Patricia Shangraw, 2 *Kenneth and Barbara Shank *David and Diane Shannon *Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Sharp, 2 Katherine Shaw, 7 *Ted and Mary Shaw, 5 *Randall and Patti Shearer, 4 *Barnard and June Sheffield, 2 *Scott and Susan Sheldon *James and Susan Shellooe, 4 *Daniel and Mary Sherman, 5 *Richard and Patricia Sherry, 2 Larry and Cynthia Shockey, 2 *Donald and Sandra Shrewsbury *David and Daina Shutte *Loren and Mary Siddell, 7 Penn and Nancy Siegel, 8 *Tom and Leslie Silver *Daniel and Rebecca Simmons, 6 *Gerald F. Simmons, 17 *Gerald and Joyce = Simmons, 17 *James and Carolyn Simpson, 2 *William and Teresa Sims Mark Sisk and Laura Chandler, 3 *Samuel and Christine Skinner, 9 *Karen Skoog, 3 *Daniel and Rosemary Skorich, 5 *James and Pamela Skorpik, 5 *Myron Slobogean, 7 *Stephen and Sheila Slomski, 3 *Caroline Sloniker, 8 *Roland Small, 2 T. W. and Mary Small, 7 *Ray and Fredda Smasne, 4 Joseph and Joanne Smatlan, 3 Paul and Nadia Smetana, 3 Andrew and Mary Smith *Bradford and Jean Marie Smith *Gregory and Susan Smith, 3 *Joseph and Judith Smith, 3 Kim and Robin Smith *Philip Smith, 36 Stephen and Contanza Smith *Steven and Merri Jo Smith, 5 *Nick and Nancy Snider, 9 *Reidar and Lynda Solberg, 2 Ron and Pam Soliday, 4 *Segundino and Cecilia Solis, 11 *Mike and Kelly Soltwisch, 2 *Rick and Cindy Sommerfeld, 4 *Ruth A. Sorensen, 5 *Phillip and Pamela Soth, 7 *Joseph and Susan Sottile, 7 *Donald and Elizabeth Sparks *Dr. and Mrs. Louis V. Spicciati, 6 Tim and Molly Spilker, 15 *Donald and Madeline Sprague, 12 *Thomas and Ann Spratt, 11 *Douglas Stacey Dr. and Mrs. Eric G. Stackle *Mrs. Ann Staeheli, 9 *Alton and Anne Stafford, 2 *Laurie A. Staley, 9 *Kim and Nancy Stanbery, 4 Daniel and Joan Standerfer, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stanford, 4 *Doug and Diana Stanton *Jerry L. Staton, 3 *David and Denise Stefani *Debra Steffes, 2 Bruce and Laurel Steinhaus, 2 *John and Kathleen Steinhaus, 2 Gerald and Terese Stempson Mark and Patricia Stender, 6 *Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Stenstrom, 9 Dean and Judy Stepp, 5 *William and Maureen Sterk, 4 *Theodore and Marilyn Stevens, 4 *L. John and LaVern Stevenson, 2 *Don and Anne Stewart, 16 *Ivan and Marlene Stewart, 17 *Jerry and Mary Stewart, 8 *John and Kathleen Stewart, 4 *Patrick and Anna Stewart, 2 Jeffrey and Judy Stokes, 3 *Dean and Angela Stone, 2 Kenneth and Dawn Stone *Terry and Kathryn Stoppa, 8 *Zachary and Vasiliki Stoumbos Richard and Madeleine Strahl, 8 Kraig and Julianne Strand, 5 Richard and Diana Strasburg, 5 *Garry and Parvin Strong, 4 Eric and Deborah Stucky, 14 Mark and Kathy Stumbaugh Timothy and Beth Stumetz *James and Susan Stuppy, 13 *William and Carolyn Sturgeon, 2 *Garrett Sugai and Kitt LeeSugai, 2 Kirk and Lynda Sulenes *Jerome Sullivan and Linda St. Peter, 8 *Maurice Sullivan, 12 Mollie E. Sullivan, 4 Timothy and Patricia Sullivan, 2 *Peter and Susan Super, 8 *Mark and Patricia Susbauer, 2 Joseph Svoboda and Tanya Erwin, 2 *Spencer and Marleen Swalm Mark and Wendy Swanson, 3 *Michael and Barbara Swanson, 4 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Swanson, 4 *James and Ann Swegle, 2 David and Carol Swihart, 2 *Paul and Christine Swinehart, 6 *David and Patricia Sykora, 2 *Robert and Rochelle Sypowicz, 5 *Carl and Paula Tadaki, 15 *Carol Tadrowski, 19 *Ross and Noella Takahashi *Michael and Palma Talamantes, 2 Frank and Elaine Tambone, 2 *Anthony and Donna Tarabochia Michael and Katherine Tarbox, 2 Bert and Patricia Tavelli, 6 Carlos and Mary Tavora, 8 *Douglas and Melanie Taylor, 2 Richard and Barbara Taylor, II, 5 *Robert and Lyndi Taylor, 6 Walter and Mary Anne Teets, 9 *Kurt and Mary Teichmann, 5 *Josefina Tellers, 2 Michael Templeman and Lin Holley, 2 *Mark and Teresa Tennyson Gayle Terry, 5 *Lester and Renate Teschner, 13 *Robert and Lorraine Thalman *Gary and Linda Tharp, 2 *James and Cathy Theen, 6 Allen and Marilyn Thibeau Craig and Tonia Thielman, 8 *Grace Thielman, 20 *Collette Thomas *Gregory and Joyce Thomas, 3 Roger and Barbara Thomas *Ryan and Karen Thomas, 4 *Charles and Cindy Thompson, 2 *Edna Thompson, 4 *Fredrick and Kirsten Thompson *John and Melody Thompson, 5 *Einar and Melanie Thorarinsson, 10 George and Mary Thurtle, 4 Susan Tillery, 18 Joseph and Jacqueline Tinney, 3 *John and Marilu Tipps, 4 *Mike Tiwanak, 2 Melinda Todd *Steffan and Carol Tolles *Frank Tomajko, 2 *Daniel and Jeanne Tomascheski, 4 *Lee and Merry Jean Tomasello, 11 *Anthony and Katherine Tomassi, 8 Deborah Tomson, 3 Jeffrey and Cynthia Tonner *Jeffrey and Barbara Toraason, 5 *Daniel L. Torgrimson, 2 *Karen A. Torgrimson, 2 *Carol Townsend, 4 *Denise Travis and Cary Childress, 9 *J Coleman and Dolores Travis, 4 thank you *Kenneth and Linda Trickey, 6 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tripp, 4 John and Andrea Tritt, 9 *Larry and Teresa Trivett, 2 *Daniel and Barbara Trochta, 4 *David and Mary Truax, 3 *G. M. and Judy Tuatagaloa *Charles and Dolores Turner, 18 *Edward and Lucy Turner *Joseph and Virginia Turner, 2 *Paul and Rebecca Turpen, 2 *James and Barbara Turro, 4 *Susan Tuszynski, 5 *David and Mary Ann Tuthill, 4 *Brady and Elizabeth Twohy, 7 *Thomas and Kaye Ukestad, 2 Rich and Barbara Umbdenstock, 7 *Anthony and Kristy Umek, 2 William and Mary Underriner, 2 *Richard and Esther Underwood, 3 *Gary and Patricia Unger, 2 *Milton and Treva Upham, 19 *Dennis Uphoff and Pauline Worell-Uphoff, 4 Janet Urlacher, 3 *Paul and Paula Ust, 6 *David and Shirley Vacanti, 2 Prof. James M. Vache, 21 *Antonio and Guadalupe Valdez, 9 Adam and Andrea Valenzuela, 2 Mark R. Van Brunt, 4 *Randall and Lora Vance *William and Rita Van Cleve *Jay and Ellen Vancura, 9 *Craig and Anita Vanderah, 2 *Willem and Maris van der Lee, 6 *Michael and Denise Van Horn, 2 *Floraine Van Orden, 21 Raymond and Marianne Vansant, 2 Rick and Lori Van Winkle, 2 *Jose Varela-Chavez and Edith Acevedo de Varela *Brent and Heather Varriale John and Jane Vaudreuil *Daniel and Tracy Vaughn, 2 *Gregory and Catherine Venrick Ray and Martha Verlinich 63 *Tom and Jane Vimont, 15 *Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Virant, 7 *J. Malcolm Visbal, 16 Paul and Mary Vogelheim, 9 *John and Patricia Wadden, 28 Ronald and Carol Waeckerlin, 2 *Arthur and Judith Wagner, 11 Carl and Sherry Wagner, 4 *Michael and Patricia Wagner, 2 *Richard and Catherine Wakefield, 4 *Karen Walatka, 26 Gary Walker, 2 *Gary and Janice Walker, 3 *Lance and Beverly Walker, 4 *William and Margaret Walker, 8 *Dr. and Mrs. William O. Walker, 6 *Richard and Michelle Wall, 4 Angela Wallace, 2 *James and Linore Wallace, 3 Darroll and Darlene Waller, 16 *John and Suzanne Walsh, 12 *Mark and Rita Walsh, 6 Shelley and Ginger Walsh, 9 *Debra Walsh-Yargus, 3 *Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Walther, 7 *Xiaoling Wan *Adele R. Ward, 6 *G.P. and Patricia Ward, 3 *Harvey and Dotty Ward, 9 *Joseph and Lori Wargacki, 3 *Brian and Sharon Wartman, 3 *Wayne and Faith Washington, 2 Emma Wasson, 15 *Evart and Aloha Watson *Robert and Judith Watson *Stanley and Lisa Watters, 2 Robert and Karen Wayt, 3 *Jonathan and Alice Weaver, 7 *Brien and Gayle Weber, 7 Gary and Cathi Weber, 4 *Gerry and Terri Weiler, 4 *John and Darlene Weisen Jeffrey and Christine Welch, 4 Mark and Colleen Wells, 2 Richard Wemhoff and Frances Regdos *Joseph and Ann Wenger, 9 Don and Teg Wenker, 3 *Bruce and Maryann Wenrick, 6 *Karen Wensel *Francis and Barbara Wernette, 4 Pat and Carol West, 38 Alan Westfield *Robert and Diane Westmeyer, 2 Carl and Janet Wheatley, 2 *Dan and Janet Wheeler, 5 Michael and Judy Whitaker, 2 Gerald and Deborah White, 2 Russell White and Judith Qualy-White, 4 *James and Rosalia Whitehead, 14 *Marc and Sheila Whitehead, 4 *Paul and Elizabeth Whitehead *David and Kathryn Whitener, 2 *Susan Whitney-Kurtz, 7 *William and Barbara Whiton, 3 *Dennis and Melissa Wick, 4 *Russel and Maureen Wicks, 2 *Robert and Calista Wiebusch Russ and Julie Wiegand, 2 *Scott and Nancy Wigren *Frederick and Louise Wike, 4 *Roger and Jill Wilbur, 2 *John Wildermuth and Loretta Koerner-Wildermuth, 5 *Andrew and Sylvia Wilhelm, 2 *Olive Wilkins, 15 *Delmar and Susan Williams, 3 *Richard and Carol Williams, 6 *Thomas and Alice Williams, 5 *Patrick and Maggie Williamson, 2 *Peter and Patricia Williamson Ronald and Laurel Williamson, 2 *Gregory and Kathleen Wilmes *Annual Fund Contributor *Paul and Pamela Wilson, 2 *Steven and Laurel Wilson, 6 *Jack and Patricia Winch, 18 Vince Winston, Jr. and Patricia Neidhold-Winston, 2 *William and Amparo Winter, 2 *John and Michelle WinterNolte, 2 *Ben and Teresa Wintler *Alfred and Molini Wiratunga, 4 *Ken and Roberta Wise, 17 *George and Elizabeth Withers, 2 *Lawrence and Velvet Withers *Lon and Victoria Withrow, 2 *Thomas and Sharon Wobker, 7 Cindy Wolf, 4 *Thomas and Lori Wolf, 2 *Leo and Marian Wolfe, 4 *Eugene and Elizabeth Wolfel, 3 Fritz and Jeanie Wolff, 12 *Amy Wood John and Janet Wood *Michael Wood and Angie Deichert, 2 *Thomas and Cathleen Wood, 2 *Jeff and Nancy Woodworth, 2 *Carol L. Wopschall, 2 *John Wortham and Cynthia Johnson, 2 *John and Peggy Worthing, 6 *Bill and Angela Wright, 23 *Daniel and Deborah Wright, 2 *Robert and Kathleen Wright, 2 Wayne and Janie Wright, 3 *William and Pamela Wright, 2 *Christopher and Pamela Wroolie *Kenneth and Margaret Wunderling, 12 *Stanford and Shane Wyatt, 9 *Paul and Susie Wyckoff *Sally Wyffels, 6 *Michael and Mary Wynne, 10 *Rosito and Rosemary Yalung, 2 Joe and Dorothy Yamamoto, 10 *Jane Yates *Warren and Iris Yen, 32 James and Colleen Yeoman, 2 *James and Karen Yost, 3 Jeffrey and Sheryl Young, 3 *Maria Young *William and Karen Young, 2 *Mark Zachary, 4 Irv and Angela Zakheim *Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Zambukos, 8 *James and Elaine Zant, 6 *John and Cynthia Zapotocky, 5 Nicholas and Joan Zega, 2 *James and Mary Ziegler, 8 Terry and Nancy Ziegler, 4 *James and Maura Zimmerschied, 2 *Mike and Susan Ziolko, 9 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Zizza, 19 *James and Ruth Zollner *Mike and Mary Zubovic, 5 *Ron and Carol Zuckerman, 3 *Ramon and Jane Zugazaga, 2 *Dennis and Elaine Zuiker, 4 *Thomas and Angela Zumek, 6 *Joseph and Terri Zura faculty & staff donors Upendra D. Acharya Juan Adams Jeanne Agostinelli *Mark R. Alfino *Sajt Alijagic Joan Allbery Keller W. Allen C. Matthew Andersen Ken Anderson Khyruddin Ansari Philip Appel *Stacey Avery Juan Bala, Jr. *Stephen E. Balzarini Bud Barnes Bob Bartlett Shonna Bartlett Carole Baumgartner *Marian Beaumier Cheryl A. Beckett James Beebe Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell Eileen Bell-Garrison Steven M. Bennett *Daniel Berryman Eddy Birrer Julia M. Bjordahl Peter Black Carolyn Boese Tony Bonanzino *Carol Bonino Noel E. Bormann Scott Bozman M. Lisa Bradley *Holly Brajcich *Gabriella Brooke Janet Brougher *Mary (Martin) Brown *Michael Brown Paul Brown Kim (Hauserman) Brus Katy J. Bruya *Pattie (Bettin) Buller *Paul Buller Kathryn M. Canfield-Davis Max Capobianchi John S. Caputo Kay C. Carnes Robert C. Carriker *Melissa Carstens *Joan Cassano *Theresa Castillo Stacey N. Chatman Dr. Brian B. Clayton Gayle M. Clayton John Clute *Jacinta Elena (Caballero) Connall Karen Contardo Jim Coombes Terry Coombes Rev. Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J. *Therese J. Covert Vicki Craigen *Annette Davis *Claire M. Davis Sharon Day Pam (McNally) DeCounter *Sally Ann Delger Steve DeLong *Dale de Viveiros Katie King Doree Tana Dugan Todd Dunfield *Terrence Dunne *Debbie Eldredge *Carol L. Eng Sheri J. Engelken *Susan A. (Vaughan) English *Sheila M. Evans *Jon D. Evavold Mary Farrell *Bambi Feehan Shann Ferch Jonathan Ferraiuolo Nancy L. Fike Bob Finn *Cynthia Fitzgerald *Darrell Fitzgerald *Mike Fitzsimmons Anne Hoban Foreman Maribeth Frazier Regina Freuen Ken Frybarger *Jackie Fulton Sara Ganzerli Dan Garrity Blaine M. Garvin Mary Garvin, SNJM *Laura Gatewood Daniel L. Gehn *Kim Gieber *Terry Gieber Bob Gilmore *Barbara J. Goehner *Colleen M. Goodwin Dale E. Goodwin Heather Gores *Brian G. Gosline *Allison Grass Robert Gray *Sharon R. Griffith Linda P. Grigsby D.J. Gurule Courtney Haase Donald Hackney Susan J. Harmon *Bryan P. Harnetiaux Karen E. Harwood Jeanne A. Hayes *Bud Hazel *Kathleen M. (Morig) Hazel Scott R. Hedin *Melissa Heid *Dave Heinze Mary (Ritter) Heitkemper Jared W. Hertz Kara M. (Svennungsen) Hertz Steve Hertz Michael B. Herzog Jane M. (McFaul) Hession Kent Hickman *Patricia L. (Cunnington) Hines Eileen Hogan *Cheri Hollenback Barbara Hordemann Gary Hordemann Dennis R. Horn *Teresa R. Hudak Carl E. Hueber Daniel Hughes Carol Huston Gail E. Jennings Daniel L. Jones Rick Jones *Sabrina Jones Diana Justice Kassi Kain Dennis J. Kalina Roxy Kasman Rob Kavon Alison Keck Amy K. Kelley *Michael Kelly Bill Kerley Anwar Khattak *Astrid Kingsford Nicholas R. Knapton Barbara Kolbet Timo P. Korkeamaki *Jolanta A. Kozyra *Francoise D. Kuester Richard Kuhling Bob and Karen LaPointe Diana Lartz *George LeBret *Lesley L. Lee Linda Leonard Mary Jo Leveque Brooke Sullivan, Seattle Gonzaga Connection: BBA in Accounting ’03, MBA ’04; married to Matthew Sullivan, BA in History and Political Science ‘03 Chapter: Seattle Occupation: Senior accountant/auditor, Deloitte & Touche What most inspires you about GU? “There are so many people who have a connection to Gonzaga who are out in the world really making a difference. Also, the relationships you make at Gonzaga are so important.” Brooke fully expected her Gonzaga education in accounting to serve her well in the workforce. She didn’t expect it to be so easy and enjoyable to stay involved with Gonzaga after finishing her studies here. “It was helpful being able to join the Seattle Chapter and get involved with alumni activities,” Brooke explains. “I really enjoy being around fellow Gonzaga graduates and their friends and family.” Community service has always been a big priority for Brooke. “I knew I wanted to be involved in the Service and Mission committee (of the Seattle Chapter) because I think this is one of the most important things that we gained from our time at Gonzaga: commitment to serving others, and gathering to have Mass together as well.” When she left Spokane after graduation, Brooke wanted to get involved in community service but found it hard to find the right projects at the right time. She noticed that other GU alums were experiencing the same thing, so she decided to help organize group community service projects for fellow Gonzagans through the Seattle Chapter. Why do you support Gonzaga? “I think it is important to give back to Gonzaga because Gonzaga has given me so many gifts.” Mike Loroz Peggy Sue (Lorang) Loroz Dana (Sells) Love *Victoria Loveland Maureen A. Lynden *Ellen M. Maccarone Carol Magnuson Rick Magnuson John J. Marciniak *Nancy J. Marcus Earl F. Martin Tony Maucione John Maurice *Mac McCandless *Linda Sue McClure Patrick McCormick Julie A. (Lopach) McCulloh Thayne M. McCulloh *Linda McDonald Nancy A. McKay Dr. Thomas McLaughlin Denny McMonigle *Cecelia A. McMullen Alan McNeil Matthew McPherson Kammi L. Mencke *Laura Michels, SNJM Scott Miller *Thomas A. Miller Cheryl Mitchell *Andrea J. Mize Joseph G. Monks *KayLynn J. Montgomery Joel A. Morgan Daniel Morrissey Ann Murphy *Chuck Murphy *Linda Murphy *Thomas M. Murphy Norma J. Norton *Susan L. Norwood *Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor Rian Oliver Wes Oliver 64 *Carol Osenga Suzanne Ostersmith Shannon R. (Brod) Overbay Regina Paolucci Scott Patnode Molly Pepper Laurence Perkins, Jr. Cathryn Perry Oliver Pierce Kyle Pifer *Mike Pontarolo *Joe Poss *Ann Price *Ron Prindle Robert D. Prusch Susie Prusch Stanley G. Putyrae Gary Randall *Shari Rasmussen Jeffrey D. Reed *Pat Reese *Christine Rehwald Bette Lou Ressa Leon Rice Maureen A. Rieckers Angela (Mobley) Rieder Jane Rinehart Marnie (Gerding) Rorholm Mike Rorhohm Mike Roth Milton Rowland *Thomas F. Rukavina Jessica L. Russo *Donna M. (Colee) Ryan Rev. William Ryan, S.J. Eric James Sachtjen *Ken Sammons Edward E. Schaefer Steven D. Schennum Carie A. Schwede *Sharon Sewell Erica R. (Heinz) Shea Maureen Sheridan *Kathy Sherrick Joanne Lee Shiosaki Larry Shockey *Harry Sladich *Joanne Smieja *Dori Sonntag Molly Spilker *Rev. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Christopher Standiford *Margot J. Stanfield Mike Stebbins Sonja Steele *Debra L. (Williams) Stephens Buck Sterling Daniel G. Stewart Shannon B. (Stanford) Strahl Jon Sunderland Kathleen Tanksley Carlos Tavora Walter Teets *Anne E. (Livingston) Thomas *Don Thomas *Anne-Marie Thompson The Hon. Phil Thompson Robert Thompson, Jr. *Virgil Thompson, Jr. *Einar T. Thorarinsson Sima T. Thorpe Tom Tilford Theresa M. Timms *Pete Tormey Mary Pat Treuthart Diane Tunnell Kaihehau K. Uahinui James Vache Rose Mary Volbrecht Sharon Wade Joy Wagner Joann Waite Gary Weber Dan Webster Larry Weiser Susan D. Weitz *Daniel Wessman Alan Westfield *Patti Whitcomb The Hon. Richard Bell White Vickie J. Williams *Sandi Wilson Heidi Y. Wohl Fritz Wolff, Jr. Timothy Woodard Kathie A. Yerion friend donors == Deceased ACI Washington Chapter Zohar Abramovitz Nick Accardo, Jr., M.D. Upendra D. Acharya, 2 George and Alana Ackels Gregory Ackels Joseph Ackels Lawrence Ackels, Jr. Patricia Ackerman Barbara Adams, 2 Catherine Adams, 2 Robert Adams, 2 Rick Adamson, 4 Michael Adcox and Mary Chivers Adcox Deborah Adelman Carlton Adkison Earl and Maryellen Adolphson, 7 Carmen Fatima Africa Jeffrey and Leanne Ager, 4 *Nancy Agres Michael Aguilera John Ahern, 2 Janet K. Aigner Martha Ann Aigner Paul and Cristi Aigner Richard and Alexandra Albers Dana Albert Carol Albright, 2 Doug and Sue Alburger Leila Alder Angela Alers, 2 *Delores H. Alexander, 5 Paul Alexander *Nevzeta Alijagic, 2 *Sajt Alijagic, 2 Brock Allen, 3 Charles Allen Debbie P. Allen John Allen Russell and Marlene Allen William Aller Les and Dianne Allert, 3 Peter N. Allison, 5 Dan and Anne Alsaker, 14 Albert and Martha Alves Christopher Alves Linda Alves Mike and Teri Ambach, 3 American Society of the Italian Legions of Merit Aaron Ames, 3 Tom Anderl, 3 Barbara Anderson, 16 David Anderson Gustaf Anderson, 2 *James Anderson, 2 Julie Anderson *Loren and MaryAnn Anderson, 3 Lyle and Sara Anderson Rob Anderson David and Linda Andrew Jay D. Annis, 3 Timothy and Leslie Ansett, 5 Henry W. Anthony Stephen and Sheryl Anthony, 5 Philip Appel, 2 Dorothy F. Applegate Apruzzese Living Trust, 3 Richard Ardoin Henry and Karlene Arguinchona, 5 *Peter H. Arkison, 4 Bernice Armstrong Jack and Kelly Armstrong Debra Asakawa Chris and Christine Ashnbrener, 5 Barbara Aspen *Everett and Demaris Astleford, 3 Shirley Atchley Ralph and Darlene Atkinson, 2 Robert and Hope Atkinson, 2 Joy and Wayne Attwood, 6 Bob and Norma Atwell Nancy Atwood Roberto Auffant, 3 Andrew and Marsha August, 2 Vere Aulie David and Heidi Austin, 3 Robert Austin Thomas Auther Phillip and Lauren Autrey, 3 Kim Avalos *Darrell and Stacey Avery Frank and Ginger Ayala David and Marianne Ayers, 5 Ray Ayers, 3 Ann Lee Babler Christopher and Shirley Babler Fran Babler John and Ruth Babler Joseph P. Babler Tom and Lucille Babler Aimee Bachmeier Dr. Eric Baer and Dr. Anne Hiltner Emil and Joan Baijot Josh and Jolene Baijot Cheryl Bailey *Dale and Pam Bailey, 6 Robert and Kathy Baillie, 3 Barry Baker E. Goreth Baker Gilbert W. Baker =, 8 Janice Baker Kenneth and Sue Baker, 2 Randy Baker Juan and Teresita Bala, Jr. Damon and Debbie Ballantyne, 8 Verne Ballard Dennis Baltzell *Dick and B.J. Bangert, 11 Robert J. Bankard, 3 Blaine Banker Tony and Marcia Banks *Bob Banta, 7 Heather Barbieri, 6 Tom and Eileen Barbieri, 4 Gray Barbour, 2 Denise Barnecut, 2 Bill Barnes, 5 Brandt Barnes Larry and Linda Barnes Bob and Marcia Barnett Laura Barnett Robert Barnhart Lois Barrell, 2 Georgianna Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barrett *George D. Bartell, 9 Russell and Patricia Bartels, 2 George and Rufina Barth Bruce and Deanna Bartholomaus, 3 David and Amy Bartley Michele Bartoli Esther Louise Barton, 6 Joanne M. Bates Braden and Lisa Batkoff, 3 Era Batmanis Jim and Cherilyn Batt James Battles, 2 Deborah D. Bauer Richard and Mariann Baum Carole Baumgartner, 3 Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Baur William and Tambrie Beardsley Barbara Beatty Dan and Kathleen Beaudoin Jack Beaudoin James and Deborah Beck, 2 Jon Beck Jim and Pam Becker, 9 Daniel and Joanne Bedrosian James and Maria Beebe, 6 Leslie Begert, 2 Laura L. Bell Laurie Bell, 2 Michael Bell and Amy Trelease-Bell Noreen Bell Betty Lou Bellessa Richard Bemm Larry and Pamela Bender Jim and Yvette Bendickson, 3 *Aldo Benedetti, 2 Rob Benedetti and Maria Yurasek, 2 Verne Benedict Steven Bennett Mary Lou Bennington, 3 Katherine F. Bensen Anthony Benyola, 4 Deborah M. Benz, M.D. Helen Benz Meri B. Berberet, 2 Alan and Dolores Berg Annette Bergevin Robert and Barbara Berkley Stephen and Jody Bernard R. K. Berg and Lynnae Berg, 2 *Daniel and Charlotte Berryman David Bertsch, 4 Teresa Bertschinger Victor Betita Mike and Sandi Beus John and Ann Beutler, 3 Georgina Beyer, 2 Glen and Paula Beyer Troy Bidwell, 2 Robbi Bielec, 5 James and Joan Bielemier, 2 thank you Theodore and Karen Billman Ruth Bindler Jerome and Brenda Birnbaum David and Sandra Bishop Bishop White Seminary, 2 Craig Bishopp, 4 Robert and Margret Bishopp, 4 Chris Bitterlin, 2 *Kathy and Bruce Bixler, 10 Mike and Julia Bjordahl, 11 Catherine Black Joe Black, 2 Walter and Diana Black, III, 2 *Jim and Ann Blaine, 2 John and Mary Blair Mike and Sherry Blair, 3 Suzette Blair John and Kristianne Blake, 7 Andrew Bland, 3 Keith and Ann Marie Blankenship *Joan Blanusa, 2 Robbin and Janice Blatt, 2 Philip Blauchard Candace Block Skip and Diane Blodnick, 4 James Bloom *Jim and Jeanne Bloom, 2 Melanie Bloom David Bluhm Bruce and Ann Blume John and Maralyn Blume Dale C. Bobb, D.D.S. Peter Bock and Donna T. Herak, 2 Richard Bockemuehl Bockemuehls Wayne and Carolyn Boese, 8 Terry and Peggy Bogart James and Shawna Bold Dona Bonaiuto C. Scott and Renae Bond Bret and LeAnne Bonham, 9 Salvador and Treena Bonilla, Jr. Joel and Dayna Bonvallet, 5 Suzanne R. Booth Darrell and Shelley Borden Garry Borders, 3 Elma Bordwell =, 9 James and Joan Bos Fred and Dianne Boschee, 2 Shoneen Bosio Michael J. Bowie Patricia Bowie Thomas G. Bowie, Jr. Dwight Boyd, 2 Jon Boyd Kimberley Boyd *Violet Boyer, 8 Paul E. Boyle Karen Boze George and Elise Bozzo Joanne Braden Devon Bradley Dr. and Mrs. Scot Bradley, 11 Tom Brady Traves Brady Suzanne Brainiff Karen Branscom Timothy Brasel Rev. Donald Braukmann Mark and LuAnn Bray, 4 Fred and Colleen Brenize Carol Brentano K’Lyn Brentano Richard and Fabia Brentlinger, 2 Bobby and Cathleen Brett, 9 Frances Brewer, 2 Robert C. Brewster, Jr., 3 Barney Brewton Doug Brien William and Paula Brill Clyde and Kathleen Brinegar *Tim and Megan Brinson, 4 Paul Brooke, M.D. Brad Brown Dale Brown Darren and Sally Brown, 2 Donald and Jeanne Brown Larry and Debra Brown, 2 Mondo Brown, 4 Raymond and Caroline Brown Richard Brown Richard and Virginia Brown, 2 William Brown and Amy Gibler Brown, 2 Zeke and Meghan Brown, 2 Susan Browne Richard and Suzanne Brue, 2 Tevet Bruhn, 2 Kim Brus, 4 Steve Brustkern, 2 Tim E. Bruya, 8 Suzanne Bryan David Bryant Lincoln Bryant, 5 Thomas and Tamara Bryant, 2 Kenneth Bryner, 2 Joann Buchanan Fred Bucher Paula Buck Shannon Buck Joanne R. Buckley Kevin and Elizabeth A. Budig, 4 Mary Beth Buescher, 2 Gerald and Rebecca Bugas Dorothy Bugni Patsy Bulkley Josephine Bunt Cheryl Burdett Robert and Senia Burgess Bob and Mary Ann = Burke, 24 Catherine Burke Ed and Lynn Burke, 10 Richard and Kerry Burke 65 Evelyn Burns James Burns and Maxine Martell Burns, 6 Jeffrey Burns Marsha Burns, 2 Rod Burns Mahliella Burrill Lees and Gayle Burrows, 5 Mary L. Busch, 3 Timothy and Stephanie Busch, 4 Brad and Danielle Butler Karen Butler, 2 Dwayne and Kathryn Butler Rodney and Doris Butler, 3 Clare E. Buttry Tod and Michele Byers, 4 Michael Byram, 2 Guy and Shawna Byrd, 5 Dorothy J. Byrne Eric Byrnes Jim Byrnes Judy Byrnes Shea Byrnes Joanna Cable *Ruth N. Cahalan, 13 Bill Camarda Jim Cameron, 3 Randy Cameron, 3 Chris and Janet Camp, 9 Glenn Campbell, 3 Susan Campbell Dr. John and Dr. Sharon Cannon, 10 Robert and Janice Cantley, 3 Dan and Melanie Cantu, 3 Massimo and Anna Capobianchi Kenneth Capps Richard and Janice Cardoza, 5 Bruce and Kathleen Carlile, 2 George Carlson Kurt and Deborah Carlson, 4 James and Patricia Carlton, 3 Teresa Carmack Kay C. Carnes, 14 Brian Carney, 4 James and Teresa Carpenter Denise Carr, 2 Michael and Lynne Carrick, 3 Sara W. Carrigan Robert Carroll, 4 Bruce and Maureen Case Joyce Casey *Joan Cassano Catholic Charities, Inc., 2 *Paul Caton, 3 Jack Caughey Paul M. Caviezel Richard Caviezel Ralph Centioli Ken and Nancy Chadderdon, 5 Julia Chalios Heloise Chambers, 7 Lee and Carole Chambers, 4 David and Cynthia Chandler Candy Chapman, 3 Leon and Edith Chapman Doris Charles Mark and Julie Charvat Kevin Chase Roger and Kathleen Chase, 3 Steve Chastain, 4 Patrick Chastek, 5 Cathie Jane Chatham Samuel Chavez Rick Cheadle, 3 Brian and Joelle Chester, 3 Mark Chester Bill and Jane Childers, 3 Michael A. Chimenti, 4 Srae Christensen Jeff and Eileen Christenson, 10 Jacqueline Christiaens Margaret Christiaens Barbara Christie Craig and Scotta Christlieb, 3 David and Denise Christy, 4 Dan and Karen Chriswell, 2 Shirlee Chriswell, 2 Ruth C. Chulick *Michael and Karen Churney, 4 Susan V. Ciao Mark Claerhout Jay Clapper William and Marlene Clare Christi Clark Jaclyn Clark Jay R. Clark, DDS, 4 *Scott and Diane Clark, 6 Stephen and Betty Clarke, 2 William and Margaret Clarke Diane Clausen Randy and Robin Clausen Bill Clemens, 11 Ryan and Beth Clements, 3 Rich and Mary Clemson, 4 Jack and Aileen Clevinger Craig and Georganna Clifford, 11 William and Helen Close, 2 Troy and Karri Clute Michelle Coe Robert E. Coffey Cindy Colantonio Arlus Colclough, 2 Joseph and Mary Cole Schuyler and Marilyn Cole, 2 Cathy Coleman, 3 *Gene Colin Stephen and Valerie Collette, 3 Pat and Mary Collins, 2 Tom and Kristy Collins, 2 Brett Colton Joseph A. and Gena Columbus John and Wanda Condon, 5 *William M. Conner, 5 Marjorie Conroy Mary Kay Conroy, 2 JoAnne Cook, 3 Oliver and Jill Coolidge David and Melody Coombs, 6 Norma Coonan, 2 Jennifer Cooper *Paul R. Cooper, Jr., 19 Angela Cormack Alan Cornell David Corral Daniel and Denisse Corral, Jr. Laura Corral Tawny Corral Judy Corrigan, 3 Mark Cosgrove, 21 Betty Costello John and Mary Jo Costello, 3 Patrick and Paula Costello, 6 Jack Couch, 3 Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Coughlin = and Family, 14 Herbert and Michell Coulter, 2 Tom Courrier John and Patricia Courtney *John and Therese Covert, 8 Stacey and Anne Cowles, 10 Karen Coziahr Curtis and Mary Kay Craig Anita Kane Cramer *Gerri and Bob Craves, 8 Willie and Ella Crawford, Jr. Rick and Janna Cresswell, 14 Joseph Crimmins, 4 Haylee Cripe Richard Crist Roy and Jaime Crocker, 4 Stephen Croley Thomas and Susanne Croley Lonnie R. Crone, 4 Brian Cronin, 3 Steve and Meg Cronin, 4 Alaine Crosby *Annual Fund Contributor Kim and Claudia Crosby, 5 Patricia A. Crosby Bob and Bev Cross, 4 Kimberly Crothers Francis and Lori Crouch, 3 Clayton Crow, 3 Craig Crowley and Beth Chappel G. Lindsay Crump Rev. Chester Cudnik, 3 K. J. Cumiskey *Alice Cunningham Art Cunningham, 2 Kevin Cunningham Michael and Linda Cunningham, 7 Greg and Ann Cuoio Frank and Nancy Curatolo Richard Curnow Mike and Leslie Curtis Edward and Patricia Cushing Jo Ann and Norbert Cvengros, 8 Richard and Terri Dahm, 5 John and Ann Dal Santo Jeanne Dam Clay Damon, 4 Paul and Kelley Damon, 4 Melanie D’Amour Thanh and Le T. Dan, 23 *Michael and Patty Daniels, 3 Daniel Danner Chris Danson James and Patricia Danson, 2 Donald and Sandra Darling Jennifer Darling Susy Darm Nancy Davidson, 6 C. Anthony and Lauri Davis Dick and Vickie Davis, 2 Gilbert and Mariann Davis James and Barbara Davis Lance Davis Laurie Davis Sue Davis Thomas Davis Walter and Betty Davis, 35 William and Sharon Davis, 14 Bradley N. Dawn Doug and Sharon Day, 12 Gary A. Day, 2 Matt and Leslie Day, 11 Sharon Day *Henry L. Day Estate, 39 Matthew A. Debell Richard DeBlieck Joe DeBruyne, Jr., 2 Dennis and Tana Defa, 2 *Don DeFeyter, 9 Wade and Stacie DeGeest, 4 Kathi DeGrosz Joanie M. Deis Ron Delaney and Kathy Paras Delaney, 2 Steven Delashmutt, M.D. James P. Del Carlo John and Janet Deleo, 2 *Sally Ann Delger, 2 *Joe and Mary Anne Dell’Aquila Donald and Barbara DeLong, 6 Kurt Delong Steve and Kaye DeLong, 19 Johan Delport, 3 Raymond and Jessie DeMarais Brian Dempsey John and Dianne Denenny, 4 Dan and Susan Denton Fred and Gayle DePell, 4 Nancy A. Dermerritt John Derosa Stacy Destito Kevin De Vries, 3 Walter Diaz Daniel and Lynn Dickinson, 2 Paul Diehl William and Susie Diehl, 2 Jack Diem Doug Dietrich, 3 Louis and Diane Di Giovanni, 2 James Dijulio, Sr. Lee Dinges Michael J. Dinnen, 4 Mary Dinning Diocese of Helena Brian Dirks, 4 Michael and Pamela Dixson, 8 Arthur Dobson, Jr. Sara Doenges Andrew and Anna Domek Eugene and Katherine Domek thank you Joe Domine Liane S. Donald Elsie Donaldson, 4 Susan W. Donohue Gavin Doree and Katie (King) Doree, 6 Christopher and Rebecca Dorn Jodi Dougal Kenneth Dougal Shane Dougal Thomas and Suzanne Doughty Ronald and Barbara Douglas, 3 Harlan and Maxine Douglass, 8 Ida Doverspike Mary Doverspike J. Scott Dowling Genelle Doyle, 2 Patrick and Marla Doyle Sharon Doyle, 6 Philip and Alison Drain Thomas Drake, 7 Gerry Drehobl, 3 Patrick Dreves Laurence and Virginia Drew Melanie Drew, 3 *Dr. John F. Driscoll, 39 Kevin Choi Driscoll Jason C. Druffel, 3 Collette N. Dryden Richard and Ann Du Bois Donald Duffy, 3 Jo Ann Duffy *Vlasta Duffy Tana M. Dugan, 5 Mike and Linda Dunford, 4 Charles and Barbara Dunlap *John Durbin, 10 *Ruth MacMahon Durbin, 11 Paul and Mary Durbrow Dean and Paula Durham, 3 Jeff Durrell Dana Duzan, 4 *Jon L. Dybdahl, 3 Danette Dyes, 2 Daniel Eagle, 3 Daniel T. and Karen M. Eakin, 3 Dennis and Gayle Earling, 3 Todd Ebert Jennifer Ecclestone, 2 Bill Edelson and Cynthia Menna Edelson Patricia Edenfield Phyllis L. Edsall Stanley and Shirley Eggert, 2 Craig and Jani Ehlo, 4 Bruce and Rosemary Ehr Bruce and Janet Eldredge, 3 *Debbie and Curt Eldredge, 2 J. Steve Elert, 2 *Frank and Jodi Elgaen, 3 Jacqulyn Elio Colin Elliott Catherine Ellis Ritch Ellis, 4 Donna Ellsworth Dr. George Elmstrom Edgar Enciso and Carol Graham-Enciso, 2 Tom Engdahl, 2 Dale and Shelly Engel, 4 Sheri J. Engelken, 2 Karen Engelschall Glenn and Kathleen England, 3 Earl and Carol Engle, 2 Joseph Englert S. Edward and Virginia English, 6 J. R. Ennaro, 4 Janet Erickson Dave Ericson Cindy Erikson, 2 Carl and Rilla Esbjornson Arminda Escobar Patricia Esparza Benjamin Estes, 4 Richard and Marjorie Ettinger Tamara Eubanks Martha Ann Evans Barbara Everett Stuart and Mary Evey, 10 Michael Ewens Rachel Fabrikant-Botnick Alice Fairbanks-Wilcox, 2 Craig and Sally Falkenhagen Ilona Falvy, 2 Frank Falzon, 2 Dominic and Margaret Fama, 2 L. H. Farden Dr. Robert Farner David Farr *Helen Keilbach Farrar Estate, 3 B. A. Farrell *Mrs. Marcella F. Farrington, 24 James Fasino, 4 Junior and Donna Feddersen Merlyn Feddersen Peter Feldenheimer, 3 Denis and Judy Felgenhauer Edward and Mary Fell, 3 Kim and Patricia Fell, 2 Thomas and Linda Fennessey Ritch and Loretta Fenrich, 2 Mark Fenter, 4 Shann R. Ferch, 5 Peter and Susan Fern *Edward Fernandes, 2 Kelli L. Fernando Ron and Margaret Ferniuk Jonathan Ferraiuolo Justin Ferrandi Andrew Ferreira George Ferreira Maude and Richard Ferry Debra Fessler, 3 Carol Fiebing Julie Field Kasey Fields Ralph and Jean Fields, 3 Nancy L. Fike, 13 Jerry Finch Arthur and Joanne Fine Mara Finerty Martin and Emma Finerty Rhonda Fink David Finkbeiner John and Miriam Finnegan Timothy Finnegan John and Evelyn Fischer Adrienne Fish, 5 Darrell and Lisa Fisher, 5 Keith and Terri Fisher, 8 Margaret Fisher Rich Fisher Matthew Fitts, 2 F. John and Nancy Fitzgerald, 2 Jamie Fitzgerald, 4 Scott and Juniper Fitzwilson Dan Fix, 4 Michael and Tonya Flaming Edna Flanery Stanley and Kathleen Fleming Ann Fletcher Ann Flinn, 2 Alan and Lorraine Flint, 4 John and Kristen Flory Tim Floyd, 4 E. J. and R. Elaine Foerster Zeke Fogal, 3 Mr. Stanley Fong, 7 Rita Ford, 4 Anne Hoban Foreman, 21 Frank and Barbara Forrest, 2 LTC Michael Forsyth S. Peter Forsyth and Kathryn Genteman, 3 Howard and Del Fortune Stephen and Mary Ann Foss Larry and Eileen Fotheringill Robert and Dorothy Fouty Frank Franciscovich, 6 Bob Frank, 3 Mark Franzen and Shere Kahn Mary K. Fraser G. Brooke and Mary Frederick, 2 Cortlandt Freeman R. A. Freeman, 2 Marjorie Freer William and Linda Freeze William Fremming and Marta Nielsen, 5 Robert French, 3 Erik Friedman Jennifer Friedt James and Patricia Frost Scott E. Frost, 3 *David and Jeannine Fruci, 4 Ken and Carole Frybarger, 4 Ken and Connie Fuher, 7 *Lesley Lee L. Fuke, 2 *Jackie Fulton, 5 Julie Fulton Peter and Donna Furlong, 3 Dale and Patsy Furnish Virginia Gable Jacqueline Ann Gacek Tim and Sue Gaebe, 2 G. Joseph Gagliardi Aloha Gagnon Harvey and Patty Gagnon, Jr. Sigrid Galgon, 2 Dick and Joanna Gall Jeffrey and Sally Gall George and Teresa Gamboa Gloria Gamboa Sara Ganzerli Guy and Frances Garcia, 2 Jon and Judy Gardner, 2 Benjamin and Denise Gardner-Young Raydell Garrett and Beatrice Beverly, 4 *Chris and Laura Gatewood, 15 Paul and Georgia Gauron, 8 Christopher Gayte, 2 Daniel L. Gehn, 12 John and Helen Gehn, 11 Becky Gehret Bernice Geist David Gelles, 2 Mike Genova, 3 Judith George, 3 *Kathleen Geraghty, 4 Marlene Geraghty, 4 Gary and Tracy Gerard, 2 Francis and Carroll Gerding, 2 Ray Gerk Richard and Judy Marie Gervey, 4 Bradley and Jody Gettleman Ignacio and Melissa Giacalone Gayl Giannik 66 Edward and Geraldene Gibbs, 2 Jamie Gibson G. Michael and Cathy Gidley Ken Gilbreath Ramond and Carolyn Giles Jennifer Gill Steve and Jan Gill, 3 Robert D. Gills Robert Gills L. E. Gilman, D.D.S. Prof. Bob Gilmore, 32 Linda L. Girany Robyn Girard George and Lila Girvin, 4 Joe Girvan Terry and Debbie Gittel John Glantz Kenneth and Sandra Glass Stephen Glassman Tom Glaze Kevin and Patrocina Gleason, 2 Michael and April Glover, 3 Chris Goelz Julia Goelz Alice R. Goetz Doris Gogan Louis and Mary Gogela, Jr. Drew Goldman John Goldman and Roslyn Bakst Goldman, 3 Joel Goldstein Gonzaga University Faculty, 9 Gonzaga University Law Adjunct Faculty, 17 *Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild, 9 Jack and Esther Goodwin, 5 Nels and Sharon Gordon, 3 Marilyn C. Gorman Gary and Nancy Gossett, 10 Joel and Sarah Gott Budd and Kathy Gould, 2 Duane and Jessica Gourley, 2 Jack and Charlotte Gourley, 2 Michael and Michelle Grabicki, 4 William and Roxanne Grady, 3 Doug and Candace Graham Gary and Jane Graham, 3 Diana Granat *Allison Grass Constance Gray, 3 Margaret Gray, 4 Robert Gray, 5 Lisa A. Grayson *Greater Gonzaga Guild, 40 Angelina Grech Bernie and Jo Marie Green David D. Green Roy and Anina Green, 3 William and Maureen Green Richard and Lynda Greene Gary and Cindy Greenslitt James and Marsha Greenslitt *James Greenwell, 2 John and Patricia Greenwood John Gregg and Catherine O’Connor Gregg Steve Gregg, 5 J. Lance Griffith Margaret Griffith Marie Hummes Griffith, 3 Mark and Lisa Griffith Robert Griffith Tad Gropp, 3 *Rick and Pamela Gross, 2 Duane Grummons, 2 Thomas Gryp William S. and Maureen H. Guido, 5 Ernie and Norma Guillaume, 4 Shawn and Jennifer Gumenberg, 2 Robert Gunderson Stephen and Dawn Gunnels David Gurule David and Cindy Guthrie, 9 Michael Guthrie Debbie Guzenski, 2 Steve Haas Wendy Hackett Kyle Hadley Don Haffner and Carol Benson Todd and Susan Hagen, 3 James and Mary Hagerty, 6 Barbara Haia Lynn Haia Al Haimson Bill Haley Harry Hall Jonathan S. Hall, 3 Steven Hall, 2 Duane Halliday, 4 Lance and Cami Halsey, 2 Thomas Halvorson, 3 Christina Hamilton Frances Hammond Marc Hammond, 3 John Hanley =, 3 Tim Hanlock Alf and Solveig Hansen, 4 Eric and Julia Hansen, 3 George and Debbie Hansen, 25 Greg Hansen, 4 *Terrie Hansen, 2 Bryan and Julie Hanson David and Sherry Hanson *Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson, 29 James and Dianne Hanson, 2 William and Bette Hanson, 2 Kathy Hara, 5 H. Wayne Harala, 3 Richard W. Hardan, 4 *Jack Hare, 3 Jim and Eileen Hargrove, 5 Monty and Lorraine Harmon Robert and Gina Harmon, 3 Susan J. Harmon, 5 Cathleen Harnett Joyce Harnett, 2 John W. Harper Clayton Harrington, Jr. Mark and Leslie Harris Nathaniel and Jessica Harris William Harris Lawrence Harrison William and Karen Harrison, 2 Don and Mary Harshman, 2 Arthur Hart Jeff and Melanie Hart, 2 Katherine Hartley Mike Hartman Brian Hartnett John and Patricia Hartnett, 10 Annie Harvey Steven Hase Greg and Julie Hasenoehrl, 3 Jonathan and Jennifer Haslam Mike Hathaway, 4 Marc and Stefanie Hattenburg, 3 Ray and Sarah Hattenburg, 2 Doug and Tracy Hauff Bill and Peggy Hawkins Ron Hawkins, 3 John and Allison Hayduk, 2 *Catherine W. Hayes, 19 Clifford and Jeanne Hayes *James and Ann Hayes, 2 Jerry and Mary Kay Hayes Melissa Hayes Jeffrey Hayward Thane Head David Heath, 3 David Heath and Carol Hunter, 4 Jud and Beverly Heathcote, 12 Sabrina Heaton Dave W. Heaverlo, 5 friend donors Mark Heckel, 3 Scott R. Hedin, 7 Inga Hedlund Anne Heeren Bridget Heffele *John and Barbara Heffernan Frank Heilman Martin and Helene Heinrich Benjamin Heldfond Mike and Rachel Hellman, 3 *Steve and Theresa Helmbrecht, 2 *Chris Heman William and Connie Hemmings, 11 Carol Henderson Eric and Rita Henkels Chris and Alex Henning Robert and Gale Henshel George and Barbara Henson Dick and Anita Herdener, 14 Elaine Herin Tommy Hernandez, Jr., 2 Tommy Hernandez, Sr., 2 William Herron, 3 John and Mary Ann Heskett, 4 Barbara Hess Thora Hess, 2 Bryce and Elke Hesselgrave Col. Daniel Hessman John and Judith Heusner, 6 S.R. and Laura Jean Hevel, 3 John Hewton *Rita Heye, 23 Helen Marie Hickisch John R. Hickman Kent and Virginia Hickman, 9 Marcelle F. Hickman John and Debbie Hieber, 4 Denny and Joann Higgins, 7 Ken and Karen Higgins Rob and Barbara Higgins, 12 Stuart Higgins Daniel and Janis Highley D. Scott Highmark Duncan and Debbie Highmark Louis Highmark Gary and Lin Higley, 3 Gary Hill Gwen Hill Kirk and Sallie Hill, 8 *Hillyard Senior Center John and Darlene Hilsen, 8 Michael Henry and Barbara Hilty, 2 David Himebaugh, 3 Frank and Carol Hines Charles Hinzman, 2 Anna L. Hirsch Steve Hirsch, 3 Harold and Gladys Ho, Jr., 3 M. Leanne Hoadley Steven Hoberg Bonna Lee Hobson Triscia Hochstatter, 2 James Hodges, 3 Marc and Stephanie Hodges Keith Hoekema, 3 Eric and Sharon Hoffman *William and Margaret Hoffmann, 3 Marilyn Hohbach George and Kathleen Holland, 5 Harry Holland, III and Julie Abbott Holland Karl Hollander, 2 *Cheryl L. Hollenback Jack Hollenback Darren and Cindy Hollenbaugh, 2 John Hollis Phillip and Susan Holloran Roger and Carol Holmlund, 2 Gregory Holmstrom, 2 Dennis Holt, 3 Betty Holtzclaw, 3 Erin Honeycutt Terry and Debbie Hontz, 4 Ann E. Hood, 3 Clareen Hooper, 4 Frank Hopewell Phyllis Horner Roger Horner Stephen and Cathy Horrell Curtis Horton, 3 Patricia Hosemann Edward and Lynne Hosken Cecile Hostetler Charles Hough Korman Houglum, 2 Irene Houle Maureen A. Houston Robert and Lori Howard Jack Howell, Jr. Dave and Janet Howes Lane and Joan Hubbard, 8 Brian Hubbell, 4 *Teresa R. Hudak Pamela Huddleston James Hudock Liz Hudon, 6 Pamela Huebner Daniel Huesgen, 2 *Tom and MaryAnn Huff Mike and Margaret Hughes, 9 Paul Hughes, 2 William and Mary Ann Hughes Roger and Janet Hughey Brett and Martha Hulbert, 2 Ann Hull Charles Hull Mrs. John L. Hulteng, 4 Mary Lynne Hummes, 3 Patrick and Suzanne Hund C. Marchane Hunt Dale and Lisa Hunt Virginia L. Hunt Dave and Jeanne Hunter Hunting and Shooting Club of Spokane Patty Hunzie Michael and Jill Hurst, 2 Randy and Julie Hurst, 3 *Klaus O. Huschke, 7 *Kenneth and Marjorie Huss, 35 Bruce Hutchinson Dave and Barbara Hutchison, 3 Walter and Kari Hutchison Andrea Hyndman, 3 William and Wynema Hyndman Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen, 33 Kathleen Irvan, 2 LeRoy and Judi Irwin Joel Isaacson Pamela Isaacson Peter Isaacson Richard Isaacson Sara Isaacson Steven Isaacson Scott and Jeannie Isaak, 3 Edward and Carla Israel Joshua and Mary Anne Israel Duane and Susan Jacklin, 3 Gary and Susan Jackson Robert and Sharon Jackson Sherri Jackson Dave and Jan Jacobsen David Jacobsen Jeff Jacobsen Trina Jacobson Peter and Helga Jahr John and Katherine Janicki Stanley and Annie Janicki, Jr. Nathan and Brittany Jankov Frank Janosick Wayne and Lorie Janosky, 4 Beth Jarrett and Eric Dull, 5 Joan Jarvis, 2 Elizabeth Jebbia Nathan Jeffries, 3 Cathy Jeney, 2 Edward and Bonnie Jennings Bruce Jensen, 2 Grant Jensen, 3 Joseph Jensen, 2 Lois Jensen, 3 Mike and Linda Jensen, 11 Thomas Jensen, 2 Larry and Maryln Jerue Mr. Richard D. and Anna M. Jessen, 5 Jesuit Community of Gonzaga University, 25 Gordon Jewett, 3 Greg and Gwynn Jobb David and Carol Johns, 4 Andrea Johnson, 2 Bradley and Judy Johnson Brandon Johnson Bruce and Maxine Johnson, 4 Elinor Johnson, 2 Eric Johnson Gary and Linda Johnson, 5 Keith and Janet Johnson, 5 Kenneth and Laura Johnson, 2 Kristy Johnson, 2 Martin Johnson and Olinda Young Mildred Johnson, 3 N. Richard Johnson Dr. Robert S. Johnson, 7 Steve and Dana Johnson Walter and Margaret Johnson Charles Johnston and Ann Bauman Johnston, 2 David Johnston, 2 *Dennis G. and Anna Johnston, 5 Edward and Elizabeth Johnston, 4 Beverly Johnston-Stone Michael Johnstone Jessie Jonas Andrea Jones Barbara Jones Craig and Donna Jones, 3 Franklin and Debbie Jones, Jr., 3 George and Bonnie Jones, 2 Lee and Dorothy Jones Margaret A. Jones Rosemarie L. Jones *Sabrina Jones Todd and Wendy Jones, 4 Tom and Conita Jones Michael and Lynn Joseph, 4 Peter and Diane Joss, 6 Peter Martin Jouflas Joseph and Dorothy Joyce Tameka Joyner Doug Julian and Janine Stockton-Julian, 3 Sonja M. Juricic Terry and Diana Justice Robert Kaatz, 3 Katherine Kaffer Jeremy Kahn, 3 Michael and Eileen Kain, 5 Lance and Laura Kaino Machelle Kalb Dennis and Dina Kalina Edward and Diane Kallaway, 3 Janet Kamlin James and Juanita Kane James M. Kane Rebecca J. Kane Carol Kanetzke Albert Karam, M.D. Guy E. Katz, 4 *Ray and Barbara Kauer, 2 Douglas Kearsley Mike and Barbara Keating Alison Keck, 3 Justin and Angela Keebler, 2 Barbara Keefe Jerid L. Keefer, 4 Gail Keeling Gregory and Constance Keibler, 2 Dr. and Mrs. Orris S. Keiser, 3 Rick and Shirley Keith, 4 John and Terri Kelleher David Keller Amy Kelley, 12 William Kellough Andrea Kelly Jo T. Kelly Mike and Patti Kelly, 3 Terry and Vickie Kelly, 4 William Kelly Gary and Theresa Kemp Duff and Dorothy = Kennedy, 23 Timothy and Teddi Kennedy, 2 Carmela Kenney, 2 Donald Kenney, 2 Davina Kent Joseph and Marilyn Kent, 4 Mark and Yolanda Kern Robert Kerrigan Sadir Khan Grotto Humanitarian Fund, 3 Anwar S. Khattak Rod Kiefus Ken Kiehn, 2 Kermit and Patty Kilcup, 9 Mike and Cathy Kilgore, 4 Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny, 10 Patrick and Margie Killien John A. Kilpatrick James Kimmel Jim and Lynn Kimmel, 4 Paul Kimmel, 4 Gary R. and Diane King, 4 Kevin and Mary Jo King, 3 Roy and Jean King Curt Kinghorn *Scott and Astrid Kingsford, 4 Steven J. Kinn, 4 Dana Kinsy Nino Kiraly, 2 John W. Kirby Jeanette Kirishian, 7 Kerry Kirking, 2 Danny and Kay Kirkland Dave and Doreen Kishel, 3 *Hilda Kissane, 3 thank you Rebecca Klaege, 2 Robert and Dorothy Kleeman Brian Klein Dale Kleist, 3 Nora Klessens Dean and Erin Klinger Anthony and Leta Klutz, Jr. Lorinda Knight and Harry Silverstein, 8 Knights of Columbus Minnesota David and Cara Knode Karin Jahr Knott Robert Knowles, Jr., 2 Ruth Knowles, 2 William and Carolyn Knowles Jennith Knox, 2 Leroy and Phyllis Knox, 2 Scott and Michele Knutson Kurt and Mary Koehler Donald and Ruth Koenig, 3 James and Linda Kohli Martin Kohli Mary Kohli Sharon Kohli Jim Kolva and Pat Sullivan 67 Esther Komadina, 2 Miro Kondryszyn, 4 David P. Kopp, 3 *Korean Catholic Church of Spokane, 2 Steven Kossler James Kostelecky Dean and Lois Kovacs John and Lois Kovacs Susan Kraber Daniel and Nancy Krahn Joseph and Rebecca Kramarz Larry and Sharon Kramis E. Michael Krieg Randall and Colleen Kroha Scott J. Krueger William E. Krueger Harry Krug, 5 Richard and Mary Krutch, 2 Mary Kubiak, 2 Kally Kuchynka Kristi Kuhlman John and Mary Kuhnmuench, Jr. John R. Kulseth, Jr. Shelly Kuney, 6 Marcella Moore Kuntz Gregory Kunz John Kuramoto Timothy Kurkjian *Roy Kurtz, 3 Michael and Janice Kutschera Don Kvingedal Mike Kwiatkowski Carol Kyser *Salvacion P. Labella, 6 James and Karen Labovick Mary Lou Lacina T. Patrick Lacy, Jr., 3 Dwight and Heather LaLone, 5 Wing Lam *Ms. Isabelle S. Lamb, 11 Terryl L. Lamberson Vicky Lamont William A. Lampe, 4 William and LuAnn Lancton Victoria Landavazo, 2 Larry and Kathy Landsverk May F. Landsverk Annette Lane, 2 David and Cheryl Lane, 2 Melissa Lang Joshua Langdon Clayton and Deborah Lange Leo Lange and Sheila Edwards Lange Pamela Langham Lowell Lanouette, 2 Terre Lantzy Jim LaPointe, 3 Eve Laraway Dave and Lori Largent Jim and Barbara Larkin Robert and Patricia Larkins Melissa Larratt Barbara Larsen, 2 Lisa K. Larsen Margaret Larsen Sharyl Larsen Harold Larson, 6 Philip Larson *James and Lisa Lasswell, 5 W. Michael and Patricia Last William and Jacqueline Last Chester Latcham Donald Latimer Grace Latimer Kenneth Latimer Mike and Betsy LaTorre, 2 Kelsey Lau Kathleen Lavallee John and Martha Lavelle Thomas and Karen Lavelle *Annual Fund Contributor *Dale Lavigne, 14 Edward and Kathryn Lawler Bill Lawson, 5 Jeannette Lawson, 3 Brian and Dinah Layton Ryan and Erica Layton, 2 W. J. Lazerus, 2 Gerald and Stephonna Leahy, 6 Todd Leanues Tom and Kathleen Ledda Sydney Lederhouse John Ledgerwood, 2 Thomas and Kim Ledgerwood James Lee Lewis and Sarah Lee Brad Lees, 2 Fred and Julie LeFriec, 3 Robert and Pam Legg, 2 Mary S. Lehman Daniel Leifer Steven Leiser Leroy W. Leland Tamara J. Leman Steve Lengle Dan and Theresa Lennon, 5 James and Roxanne Leon David and Mary Lerps, 4 Ron and Rita Lertora Michael and Debra Leslie, 6 Dennis Lesniak John and Joyce Lewellen Mr. David D. Lewis, 2 Lorraine Lewis, 2 Jocelyn B. Libby Eric and Anne Lider Greg Liekhus, 2 John and Claudia Lima Ray and Julie Lind Barbara Lindberg Donald and Ginger Lindsay, 3 Robert Linebarger, 4 Clayton and Lonna Linnell, 2 Steve Linnenkamp, 4 Jim Lipp and Mary Farrell, 2 Joel and Karen Livingston, 5 John and Nancy Livingston, 2 Michael and Susan Livingston Wendy LoPiano Renae Lochert Donnie and Kim Loerwald Thomas D. Logue Karl Lohmann, 4 Gay Longinotti Jose and Irma Lopez Cheryl Loran James and Charlotte Lovchik, 2 Michael and JulieAnn Lovchik *Victoria Loveland, 12 Robert Lovering Ian and Aiko Low Dean and Lori E. Lowe, 4 Stephen and Lorie Luber Chris and Debra Lucas, 2 Jeffrey Lucas and Jeanne Peffer Lucas Nancy Lucas Michael and Mary Luce Thomas H. Ludlow Ben Luebbers SMS William Luedtke, 3 John and Donna Luger, 9 Scott and Betty Lukins, 20 Allen and Kathleen Lund, 2 Gloria Lund Marc and Cheryl Lund, 2 Terry Lundeen Larry and Kathy Lunke, 3 Mary Lusin James Lyerly *Amy Lyttle Matt Mabus Philip Macafee *Ellen M. Maccarone Regina Mack, 2 Margaret MacLeod Vicki Macy, 2 Mark and Lizanne Madgett, 2 thank you Molly Madson Charles Maffey, 2 Natalie Magistrale Harry and Colleen Magnuson, 41 *Tom and Melissa Magnuson, 3 G. Brock and Kathleen Magurder, Jr. Stephen C. Maher, 5 *Tom and Charlene Maher, 30 Tim and Dawn Mahoney, 3 Doug and Vicky Main, 2 Michael Mainer, 8 Greg and Doris Maki Charlynn Malcom, 2 Stephen and Gail Maletz *Michael Mallea and Kim Lynch, 2 Lynne S. Malone Sean and Alicia Malone, 4 Logan Malouf John and Tracey Mangels David Mans and Patricia Spector *Daryl and Nancy Marcus C. J. and Susan Marker, 2 Todd Marker, 2 Carolyn Marmo, 2 Kim Marquardt Dr. Richard G. Marquardt, Jr., 4 Ronald and Lisa Marsh James Marshall Virginia Marshall Earl F. Martin, 3 Larry Martin, 8 Matthew and Cecilia Martin Shawn Martin Marc and Janette Martinez *Joseph and Pola Martino, 5 Rocco and Barbara Martino, 4 Sally Maslansky Hannah Mason Jerry Mason, 4 Richard and Cheri Mast, 6 Virginia Matejka, 2 Brian Mather, 4 Larry and Joanne Mather, 4 Sharon Mather, 2 Pius and Dorothy Mathern *Charles and Kim Mathis Daralyn Mattei Charles Matthews and Paula-Ann Pricken Brent and Abigail Mattson, 3 Robert Maudlin, 4 Gerald Mauer, 3 Prof. John Maurice, 25 William Maxwell and Julia Walker Jim May Maureen May, 3 Jean McClintock, 2 *Linda Sue McClure, 19 Winifred Naomi McCluskey Bob and Sandy McConkey, 8 Pat McCormack, 2 Patrick T. McCormick, 2 Riley McCormick Matt and Marnie McCoy, 6 Sean P. McCoy Sean T. McCoy Thomas McCoy Bob and Claire McDonald, 20 Colin McDonald, 4 Dave McDonald James McDonald Thomas McDonough Kim McEwen Larry and Kristi McEwen, 4 Robert and Marjorie McEwen, 4 James and Mary McFadzean, 2 Katharine McFadzean Greg McFaul Jim and Chrystal McFeeley, 2 Doug and Jean McGee Jim McGee, 2 Shane McGinn, 4 Florence McGinty Helen McGinty, 2 Mary McGinty, 2 *Joanna McGovney, 2 Teresa McGuinness, 3 Deirdre McHugh Lance and Joy McIntosh, 3 Jackie McKenney Diane McKenzie Yvonne Brenda McKernan Jerry and Eleanora McKim Michael and Ingrid McKim John and Maureen McKinnon, 4 Victoria McLaughlin, 2 Donald and Joyce McLean Carolyn McNairn James and Mary Ann McNally Patricia McNally Travis and Heather McNamee, 3 Brad and Nancy McPhee Matthew and Jennifer McPherson, 2 LTC Anne McRory Ivan and Sandra Meador, 2 Richard and Reva Meadows, 2 *Anne Mealey, 3 Leonard and Frances Means Jeffrey and Tracy Means, 3 Rose Mebesius Ruth G. Meckley, 2 Dean W. Medler Tom Meenach and Renee Goffinet Bruce Mehlhaff, 3 *Harold and Mary Kay Meili Joseph and Lisa Menapace Steven and Astrid Menatian Marian Merandi Peter and Robin Merandi Ward and Donna Merkeley, 4 Michael Merz Mrs. Robert F. Merz Robert and Sharon Merz Michael and Kaite Metcalf, 8 Louis Miacolo, 4 Arthur and Sally Michaels, 2 *Laura Michels, SNJM Victoria Micu Kevin Middaugh Randall and Karen Miles Catherine Mileson *Mary Milla, 22 Donald and Joan Miller Douglas Miller, 2 Kelli Miller, 3 Rebecca A. Miller Rosalee Miller Terry Miller, 3 William Miller, 2 Charles and Bonnie Millham, 6 Richard and Kathleen Millison, 2 Guy and Lorene Mills, 2 Jeffrey and Mary Jo Mills Marvin and Kristina Mills Michael and Kelley Mills, 2 Sam and Jayne Minamoto, 2 Nancy Minard Nola D. Minkner Kathleen Minnerly, 3 John and Amy Mires, 3 Keith and Karla Mitchell, 3 Marty and Cheryl Mitchell, 5 William Mitchell William and Johanna Mitchell Joel Moberly Meradene Moehrle Dr. Jason Moffitt, 4 John and Janet Moffitt, 14 Wayne and Jeanne Moller, 2 Emmet Monahan Cyndy Monasmith, 4 *Monday Night AFG Richard and Irene Moniz Mark Monroe, 3 Don and Deanna Monson, 16 David and Sandra Moore, 3 Debbie E. Moore William Moore, Jr. Barbara Moran, 2 *Jim and Eve Moran, 2 Lyle and Linda Morehouse, 4 Dr. David G. Morgan, 5 Monte and Cheryl Morgan, 2 Jeff and Julia Morris, 2 Susan Morris John E. Morrison, 7 Daniel and Mary Beth Morrissey, 6 Rich Moser, 2 R. S. Moss Cynthia Mostala Rial and Tami Moulton, 3 Arlene Mountin John Mountin and Judith Rosso-Mountin Charles and Nancy Moxcey Dr. Gerhard Muelheims, 3 Mary C. Mulcrone Aloysius and Jody Mullally, 8 Robert and Holly Mullen Yvonne F. Mullins Robert and Bonnie Mulvey, 4 Charles Munden Charles and Connie Munden, IV Marjorie Munden Michelle Munden Deborah Munroe Cynthia Munson Prof. Ann Murphy, 7 *Jean Murphy, 2 *Mike and Muffy Murphy, 25 *Rena Murphy, 2 Robert and Claire Murphy, 4 Victoria Murphy, 3 Janet Murray Christine P. Myers Edward and Eva Myers, 7 Dan Nagy, 3 David and Judy Nail, 3 Dr. Gregory C. Nail, 5 Bunny Nance Joshua and Pam Narode Cajer and Jamie Neely, 10 Maureen Neidhold, 2 Melvin and Karen Neil, 4 William and Anita Neil Darin and Joelle Neiwert, 4 *Gary Nelson, 2 *Joe and Carolyn Nelson, 5 Linda Nelson, 2 Marilyn Nelson Mary Nelson Roger A. Nelson, 2 Janice Nemmers Shawna Nemmers Salvador Nero Robert and Lois Neswick, 8 Diem Hong T. Nguyen, 2 Jessica Nguyen Linh Nguyen Phu Tran Nguyen Deron Nicholson John Nickell, D.D.S. Ted and Colleen Niedermeyer, 4 Brad Nielson *Robert and Carol Nielson, 2 Sherree Niepomnik Katarina Niewiarowski Louise Niewiarowski Richard and Catherine Nixon Jeffrey Nohner Elvera Nolde Robert and Christine Nolde Richard and Martha Noll, 2 Bernard and Launa Norman, 6 Ted and Norma Norton Douglas Nos, 2 Maria Novak Nicole Novak, 2 Bart Nuxoll *John and Charlotte O’Brien, 5 Peter O’Brien, 3 *Robert E. O’Brien, 5 *Mike and Jenifer O’Callaghan, 4 Mary Anne O’Connell John O’Connor and Celeste Maris Pat and Joan O’Connor, 4 Patrick L. O’Connor Marc Odenweller Patrick O’Donnell William and Janie O’Dwyer Douglas and Josephine Ogilvie John and Kathleen Olney, 9 Richard and Lanette Olney, 3 *Dennis and Sara O’Loughlin, 4 Arlane M. Olson Arlen Olson, 4 Chris Olson and Denise VillOlson, 3 Craig and Barbie Olson Daniel and Sharon Olson, 4 Ken and Lora Olson, 4 Mike L. Olson Theodore and Susan Olson, 14 W. Larry Olson John and Kim O’Neil Frank and Barbara O’Neill, 7 *John and Fran O’Neill, 5 Shane O’Neill and Patricia Codd-O’Neill, 12 Therese O’Rourk, 2 John Orr, 3 Bernard Orsi, 2 Brian O’Shea, 2 Michael and Vicki Osborne, 3 Roger Osborne, 4 William and Patricia Osebold Amy Oselinsky Mark and Suzanne Ostersmith, 3 Jerry and Becky Oswald, 2 Charles and Carol Ott, 2 Jason Ovadia Lorraine Paine Jack and Suzanne Palazzolo Helen Panasewicz Andrew and Pamela Pansini, 2 Gregory Pappas Vic R. Parcher, 8 Michael and Tracy Parent, 2 *Robert and Jeanne Parker, 28 Rosalyn Parker Craig and Kathy Parks, 14 William Parks III, 3 James Parmenter Frank and Nancy Parra *Stan and Stephanie Parrish, 2 Kristin Parrott David and Karen Parsons, 5 68 Don Parsons and Sheila Maraigh, 2 Craig and Joni Parthemer Thomas and Kathleen Passios, Jr. Jim Paton, 3 David Patterson Jeffery and Deborah Patterson William and Joyce Patterson, 3 Teri Patton Joe and Cynthia Paulson Keith and Kathy Payne, 4 Terry and Pat Payne, 3 Joanne Peake-McCollough Deanna Pearson, 3 *Mrs. R. A. Pearson, 26 *Richard and Esther Pearson Robert and Heather Peeler Ronald D. Pelton, 8 Sylvia Pena Jay Penick, 4 Joel and Elizabeth Penoyar David Pepper Molly Pepper Hanny Perbetsky Ronald Perry, Jr. Richard and Karen Person Virgil and Jennie Peters, 2 Dr. Arnold G. Peterson, 14 Jesse Peterson, 4 Mary Peterson Randy and Amy Peterson, 3 Terry and Leslie Peterson, 2 Jeffrey and Ronda Petruso, 3 Nam-Thuan Phan Gregory and Judith Phelan Paul and Lucille Phelps, 2 E. Wayne Phillips Richard and Cynthia Phillips Molly Philopant, 3 Gerald S. Phipps, 5 Dean P. Phypers John Picchetti, 2 William Pickerel, 3 Dave and Janet Pier, 2 Oliver Pierce and Maribeth Frazier, 17 Mark and Cindy Pigott Geraldine L. Pillings Julio Pineda David and Elizabeth Pinkerton Francis Piscal Alfred and Tina Piscop Rauli Pitkonen Boyd Plager, 8 Roy Thomas Pleas Rob Pluid, 3 Mark and June Pluth, 13 Mary Ann Podegracz, 3 Mark Poe, 3 Todd and Kate Polk *Albert and Alice Pontarolo, 9 Frank and Patricia Pontarolo, 4 Bell Ponte Robert Ponti, 2 *Benson Porter, 2 Tom and Marybeth Porter, 7 Jeffrey C. Possick Charles and Gayle Powell, 2 Dean Powell Richard and Lauren Powell Roger and Ruth Ann Powell Susan Powell, 2 Demmi Pracna Julie Prafke Claudia Pratt, 2 Sharon Prendergast, 10 Cynthia Presnell Robert and Joan Presnell Frances Preston John Preston, 22 William and Rebecca Prevatt Jason and Amy Priebe, 3 Connie Cox Price Geri Proctor *Rodney and Constance Proctor Jean Prouty Rob and Susie Prusch, 9 James Psomas, 4 *Wayne Puckett, 2 Thomas and Marina Purcell, 2 Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear, 2 Stanley G. Putyrae, 6 *Elizabeth Qualy, 2 Jimmy and Sharon Queen Anne D. Quigg, 2 Mary Ann Quigg Patrick and Kathleen Quigg, 2 Thomas R. Quigley, 13 F. Elaine Quimby, 2 Cecelia Quirk, 6 Michael Radakovich William Radakovich Patrick Radetzky Bill Radovanovich Jean Rainey Timothy and Gloria Ramberg, 2 Vivek Ranadive Kathy Randall *Willetta Randall, 2 Dermot Randles Shirley Parker Randles Thomas and Joanne Rannells Duane and Deanna Ranniger Roxy Rapp Amy Rasmussen *Shari Rasmussen, 17 Ted Rauscher, 3 Byron Rayburn Leland Read Paul Reamer, 3 Carlton and Sharon Reames Glenn and Patricia Rebne William and Sandra Redd John Redpath and Kathleen Smith-Redpath Jim and Traci Reed, 4 *Evelyn Reese, 6 *Tom and Pat Reese, 12 *Teodoro and Florentina Refuerzo, 4 Jacob and Gina Reidt, 8 *Bernice Reilly, 2 *Mary G. Reilly Michael Reilly William and Darlene Reilly, 8 William and Eileen Reilly Gerald A. Rein, 6 Lucinda Reinke James Reiter, 5 George and Lisa Renner Robert Renner *DonnaMarie and Matt Reno Kenneth and Barbara Requa Bette Lou Ressa, 3 Wendell Reugh, 4 Didier Reugsegger and Tamara Bellessa Joan Reveno Donna Marie Reynolds Stuart and Helen Reynolds Casey Rhodes Earl and Cynthia Rhodes Jack and Cheri Lynn Rhodes, 2 Max Rhodes Kerry Riccardi, 3 Ken and Victoria Rice Laila Rice Leon and Robin Rice, 6 Dennis and Kathleen Rich Craig Richards John and Mary Ruth Richards Robert and Ann Richards John and Susan Richardson Mary Richardson Melanie Richardson, 2 Bernard H. Rickert Donald R. Rickert friend donors Nancy Rickert Thomas B. Rickert Victor S. Rickman Rick Rieger and Sarah Carlson Rieger, 6 Rick Rielly, 3 Jeffry A. Rigelman *Phillip and Cynthia Rigelman, 3 Terry and Tawnya Rigelman Ray Riggin, 3 Carole Roberts Charles and Leann Roberts Gary and Patricia Roberts Andy and Stephanie Robideaux, 2 Rick and Marilyn Robinson, 5 *William and Bonnie Robinson, 4 Dan Robison Sheri Rockey Dave and Cherie Rockstrom, 3 Ron and Shelley Rosenberger Thomas and Danielle Rosenberger *Sr. Kathleen Ross, 2 Lorraine Ross, 2 Randy Ross, 2 Randy and Shirley Ross, 3 Ted Rossi Nancy Rosvall-Beach Brian Roth, 3 Mike Harrington, Tacoma Gonzaga Connection: BBA ’87, MBA and JD ’92; married to Heidi Harrington, BBA in Management ’90 Chapter: Tacoma Occupation: Director of labor and employment law at Group Health What most inspires you about GU? “The care and concern shown by everyone at the school for everyone at the school.” It wasn’t Mike’s original plan to come to Gonzaga. A native of Oregon, he actually had planned to attend the University of Oregon. That is, until he accompanied his then-girlfriend on a visit to Gonzaga, where she had applied. He liked what he saw at GU, applied for scholarship support, and the rest is history. Mike is happy he chose Gonzaga. “I have always been pleased with what Gonzaga prepared me to do. I can’t say I was the best student, but I know that I can write well, think critically, speak cogently, and participate in the special relationship that God calls us to have with Him,” he says. “What I am surprised about is how much greater my appreciation is for these things now versus when I was actually receiving my education!” He became involved in the Seattle Chapter to “channel my enthusiasm (or as my wife calls it, ‘fanaticism’) about Gonzaga,” Mike says. He also serves on the board of directors for the African American Cultural Center in Kent, Wash. AACC works with schools and provides coaching to at-risk students. Why do you support Gonzaga? “Just trying to return the favor.” Sandy Riggs, 4 John and Claire Riley, Jr. Keith Riley *William and Ann Riley, 5 Geoffrey Rinehart and Christine Matter-Rinehart Lt. Col. Howard Ringley and Jeanmaire Wilkinson Rena M. Ritchey Mary Jane Rittenhouse, 2 Johanna P. Roach, 4 Stephen D. Roach Fred and Jacquie Robanser Linda Roberson *Bill Roberts, 39 Bruce and Shirley Roberts Matt Rodrigo Dorothy Roeber Robert Roemer Mark Roff, 3 Jim and Beverly Rogers, 3 Lea Rogers, 3 Scott and Donna Rogers R. C. and Connie Roland, 21 Franklin Roller, M. D., 2 Bobbi Rollins, 2 Angelita Romero-Wollnick Doug and Marcy Romney Cecilia Rosales Milton and Ingrid Rose, 4 John and Susan Rosenberger Tom and Kim Roth, 3 James and Tanya Rottle Jeanese Rowell Dudley and Lisa Rowland Mary Ruby, 2 Amanda Ruch W. Frank and Delila Ruch Daniel and Stacey Rud, 4 Raymond and Jeannie Rudalph John and Elizabeth Rudolf, 19 Michael Rue *Thomas F. Rukavina, 31 Ferdinand Rullan Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas Rulon, 9 Catherine Rulon-Miller, 2 Ned and Nancy Rumpeltes, 5 *John and Regina Runyan, 8 Ann Rushing Loren Russell Jessica Russo, 6 John Russo, Jr., 2 Kyle and Sarah Rutherford Don Rutkowski Carlton Ryan, 2 Lorraine Ryan Robert and Linda Saarela, 2 Suzie Sabati Debra Sabin, 3 Rich and Jeanne Saccomanno, 5 Ryan and Lee Ann Saccomanno, 4 Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart Society Edward Saffer *Robert and Jean Sagerson, 36 Ronald Sagerson, 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sahlin, 7 St. Cecilia’s Parish Patricia A. St. John St. John’s Cathedral St. Monica’s Guild Yasue Sakuma John and Eloisa Salas, Sr. *Doloros Saletic, 3 Greg and Deborah Sanders Roger and Mary Sandvold Ryan and Angela Sapp Walter Sapp Antoine and Heather Sarkis, 3 Robert G. Sarlo, 3 Dave Satterfield Lester and Catherine Sauvage, Jr. Tamara Scarpa John and Diane Scelfo, 3 Edward and Karen Schaefer, 20 Charles and Barbara Schafer, 3 W. Dan and Lee Ann Schafer Jim Schaller, 4 Lori E. Schanche Gerald and Rita Schears, 2 Ellen Hohbach Scheetz *Greg and Cynthia Scheiderer Patrick and Mary Schelle Mark and Molly Schemmel, 7 Diana M. Scherer, 6 Hank Scherf Sharon Schermerhorn Richard and Cynthia Schiedler Donna Schifrin Ryan C. Schifrin Ernest and Colleen Schillinger, 5 Doug Schindler, 3 Jim and Ellen Schindler, 4 Jewels Schirmer, 3 James Schlatter, 4 Jeff and LuRae Schlect, 3 E. Rick and Denise Schlenker Steve Schmautz, 2 Judy Schmid Karl Schmid Debbie and Jerry Schmidt, 3 Joan Schmidt Keith Schmidt, 3 Leonard and Lizabeth Schmidt, 2 Mike and Lori Schmidt Ronald and Cindy Schmidt, 2 Bruce and Kendra Schmitt, 4 John P. Schmitz Steven and Peggy Schmitz Donald and Anne Schmutz, 3 Daniel and Kristy Schneider James and Kim Schneider, Jr., 4 Dale and Ann Schnibbe, 2 Dennis and Linda Schoeneberg 69 Joe and Margie Schoener *David and Lisa Scholz, 2 Robert Scholz, 2 Ken Schrader Robert and Anne Schrempp, 8 John Schrote Bryan Schubert Ed and Patricia Schultz, 2 Mark and Sarah Schultz, 3 Otto and Diana Schumacher, 3 Hoyt and Edith Schuyler Mary Schweitzer, 3 Lt. Col. Pequitte Schwerin, 16 Robert and Ada Scofield, 2 John and Shonnie Scott, 2 Kelli Scotto *Jim and Novia Seabeck, 21 Dale Sebo, 16 Paul R. Seebeck, 3 John and Kimberly Seefried, 8 Rick and Sue Seefried, 17 Alissandra Seelaus Floyd and Betty Seeley Raymond and Luella Seely Ann Sees Daniel Segel, 2 Dan and Vicky Seid, 4 Lillian Selchau John and Becky Seldon, 2 Kevin and Shannon Selland, 3 Michele Sellers, 2 Sheila Sello Fernando Selva Judith Selva Dr. Manuel and Lyla Selva Marciana Selva William Selva Esther Semel Tonya Jo Senini, 2 Ken and Barbara Serafin Robert Sestero, 8 Gordon B. Severance Bo Severson, 5 *Steve Seward, 2 *Sharon Sewell Rick and Holly Shamberger, 4 William and Patricia Shanks Howard and Judith Shapiro Ed and Elizabeth Sharman, 4 William Sharon, Jr., 3 Marion Sharp David and Beverly Shaw, 5 Garry and Mary Shea, 18 Peter and Deborah Shea Wayne Shelley Robert and Colleen Shelton Jacqueline Shepherd R. Mark Shepherd Burton and Kathleen Sheppard Thomas Sherak Edgar and Margaret Shields Jean Shields Michael A. Shill, 4 Tom and JoAnn Shill, 3 Pat Shine Joanne Lee Shiosaki, 7 *Dolores Shipley, 2 Kevin D. Shorts Allen and Marie Shotwell Jean M. Shoulberg Keith and Holly Sides Scott and Kathy Siebe Mark Siegenthaler Edward and Mary Siegwart Ted R. Siekerman, 5 Sean and Sandy Sieveke, 3 Dick and Connie Silk, 6 Myron J.W. Sima, 6 Bill Simer and Renee Rolando, 4 Brian Simmerman, 3 Joseph and Carolyn Simmonds Steven and Teresa Simmons Dino Simone Ken Simpson, 2 Edwin Sims Ron and Carol Sims, 20 The Sinsinawa Dominicans #6511 Jerome Sinsky, M.D. Stephanie Sisson Sister Church Ministry *Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, 2 Sisters of Providence, 2 Sisters of St. Benedict Dr. Dan Skinner, 4 Gregory Skraznas Butch and Barb Slaughter, 3 Mary F. Slaughter *Bill and Mary Bea Sleeth, 14 Patricia Sloan Richard and Ann Smart, 3 *Dr. and Mrs. John B. Smead, 4 Tom and Karen Smestad Allan Smetana, 2 George and Carolyn Smetana, 2 Karla J. Smetana *Joanne A. Smieja, 10 Justin and Darcie Smiley, 3 Brian and Mary Smith Dale Smith, 3 Don Smith *Eleanor J. Smith, 3 H. Jack Smith and Val Marschall, 4 Jeff and Esther Smith, 3 John and Thelma Smith Kyle Smith, 2 Mark Smith Mark and Jeannine Smith Raymond and Kathy Smith Sarah Smith Steve Smith Steve and Reesie Smith, 6 John Snedden, 4 Janice Snorteland, 3 Jim Snow, 3 Karen Snow, 3 Linda Snowden, 2 Keith and B. J. Snyder, 4 Paul and Laurie Snyder Andreas and Laurie Sobisch James and Ellen Sokolis, 4 Cindy Solberg, 2 Bill Solum, 4 Anthony and Ragnhild Som Henry and Marjorie Somers, 2 Ed Sonneborn, III, 3 Lisa Soong Elena Sparrow V. Arnold and Lucy Spinelli, 2 Christine Spittell Spokane Canoe & Kayak Club Spokane Tribe of Indians, 3 Richard and Ellie Sprague, 3 Thomas and Beverley Sprague Ray Spratt Eric D. Sprunk *Rod Stackelberg, 23 Frank and Sharon Stadler Susan Stagliano Eric Stalboerger David Staley Steve and Judi Staley Justin Stanger Joe Stanley, 4 Pamela Stanley, 3 *Pete and Denise Stanton, 5 Joan M. Starr Nancy J. Starr Mark and Mirka Steele Shane and Sonja Steele, 3 Richard and Julie Steery Leann Stein *Annual Fund Contributor friend donors David W. Steinhaus Eric D. Steinhaus Liberty Helen Stempson Leslie and Carolyn Stephens, 6 Timothy Stephens Buck Sterling, 5 M. L. and R. E. Sterling Matt Sterling Marta Stern Dan Stevens Tom and Gail Stevenson, 3 Anna R. Stewart Daniel G. Stewart Jim and Liz Stewart, 2 Roger and Patricia Stewart, 5 Leslie Stift Mr. and Mrs. William Stifter, 3 Robert and Susan Stiger, 2 Montgomery F. Still Edgar Stisser Kevin and Brooke Stocker, 2 Leona Stolte Jane Stoutenborough Elizabeth Strand Anngi Strick Roland and Maria Strick *Joseph and Stacie Strong David and Barbara Strote George Struble, 7 *Kenneth George Struever Dean Stuart, 3 Bill Stubbs Daniel and Gina Stubbs Craig and Mary Stucky, 4 William Stumbaugh Daniel Stumetz D. Scott and Patricia Stumetz Donald and Evelyn Stumetz George and Joan Such Richard and Kathleen Suey Mrs. Maribel Sullivan Paul and Julianne Sullivan, 4 *Thomas and Mary = Sullivan, 9 Jon Sunderland, 11 Randall Svendsen, 2 Lynn and Margo Swan Nathan M. Swanson Stephen and Patricia Swantek Tim Swartout, 3 Erin M. Sweeney Mike and Gail Sweeney, 8 Deborah M. Sweeton Richard and Vee Anne Sykora William Symmes, 4 Frank and Melissa Szarban Howard and Susan Taekman, 2 Jarod Tait, 3 Santiago and Barbara Talamantes John Talbot Thomas and Rosemarie Talkington, 3 Bob Tallan, 2 Emily K. Talley, 3 Ron Tan, 4 James and Deborah Tanasse Ken Taniguchi, 2 Robert and Mary Tanner Jim Tate, 2 Phyllis M. Taufen, SNJM Jack Tawney, 3 David and Jacqueline Taylor Greg Taylor, 3 Jean Taylor, 2 Jeffrey Taylor Fred and Paulette Tedesco, 2 Michael and Carla Teegarden, 5 Matt Terple Glenn Terry, 6 Marisu Terry, 3 Eleanor Thackaberry Erin Tharp Kelley Tharp Lee and Kathleen Theisen, 6 Steve and Anna Thennis, 2 Carolyn Thibeau John W. Thibeau Karen Thiebes Lisa Thoma, 2 John and Julie Thomas, 2 Mary Thomas *Ronald and Mary Thomas, 2 Susan Thomas *Anne-Marie Thompson, 10 Billie Jo Thompson Charles Thompson Dave Thompson and Judy Jesiolowski, 2 George Thompson, 2 Norm Thompson, 3 *Ruth Thompson, 31 *Virgil Thompson, Jr., 2 Mark and Joanna Thomson, 2 Sima T. Thorpe, 3 Robert J. Thorson, 7 Eric Thun, 3 *Jackie Thurman, 2 Mike and Liz Tiernan Paul M. Tiesse, 3 Richard C. Tilzey, 7 Donald and Nancy Timm, 10 Lace Williams Tinajero Lucille Tittle Tom and Jane Titus Larry and Barbara Tobin, 4 *Yukio Toguchi, 12 Charles and Julie Toillion, 2 Donna Tokunaga Hazel Toly Estate, 39 *Dorothy Tombari, 13 William Tonani George and Elizabeth Tonner Deborah Toole Laurence and Elizabeth Toole William and Jean Toole Cindy Tortorelli, 3 Richard J. Toth Edwin and Marie Totten Lance and Barbara Tower, 8 Robert and Joan Towhey, 2 Donald Townshend, 2 Vincent Tracey and Carole Barbour-Tracey, 3 Greg I. Tracy, 2 Sam and Carla Travaille Lynn Bonilla Traver Mark and Allison Trenter, 4 Prof. Mary Pat Treuthart and Mr. Dan Webster, 10 James and Jeanne Tribbett, 8 John and Alice Tripp, 3 Thomas and Lissa Tripp, 2 Allison Tripp-Russo, 2 Deborah Tschudy, 2 Thomas Tucci, 3 Kim Tuccio, 4 Don and Cathy Tucker, 2 Eric and Julie Tucker, 3 *Tuesday Night AFG, 31 Tumwater Youth Basketball Diane Tunnell, 8 Dale and Stephanie Turner Larry M. Turner Ronald R. Turner, 7 *Ober Tyus, 4 Kevin Uhl Loren Ulrickson Kevin and Mary Unangst *John F. Underwood, 5 Eleanor Urrutia Todd Vaccarello Kathleen Valdez, 2 Brad Van Blois Russ and Carole VanderWilde, 9 Joanne Vanderzanden Peter and Michelle Van De Sande Brad and Gina Vandiver, 3 Erik Van Kuijk and Virginai Van Kuijk Brooke, 2 Carron Van Laar David Van Laar Diane Van Quill Colleen Van Vliet, 8 Edward Van Vliet, 8 Richard and Betty Van Winkle, 2 *Helen R. Vardalos, 20 John and Vivian Vaudreuil Joseph Vaudreuil Sarah Vaudreuil George and Sharon Vaughan Cyrus Vaughn, III, 4 Gwilymn and Laura Vaughn, 2 Dr. George J. Velis, 8 Alice T. Venrick *Verby Ventures, Chtd. David Verwolf and Lou McKee thank you Dick and Laurel Vester, 2 Joseph and Susan Vicars, 2 Barbara H. Vigo Conrad and Mary Vigo Thomas and Cheryl Vincent Peter and Allie Vogt, 4 Rose Mary Volbrecht, 7 Michelle Volckmann Steven and Jane Volckmann Ken and Rea Walker, 3 Nancy Walker Oreon R. Walker, Jr. Todd and Jami Walker Michael Wallace Robert and June Wallace *Ellen Wallach James and Lyn Wallis Douglas Walsh W. Jeffrey Walters, 2 *Eleanor H. Ward, 34 Jerry and Lynn Ward Ronald and Diane Ward, 2 Jason and Helen Warnerer Scott Warnica, 4 Mike and Patricia Warpenburg, 2 Rusty Warwick, 10 Verna and Alton Washington Washington Operation Thank You Kevin and Anne Watne Charlie and Kathy Watson, 4 Evart Mike Watson *Ina Jean Watson, 3 Andrew Watters Steven Watterson, 3 Lindarae Watts Steve and Dawn Watts Gary and Linda Wayt Quinn Weaver and Krystaal Bulkley-Weaver Rob and Janet Webster, 2 Parry Ann Weet Marisa Weingarten Thomas and Janet Westbrook Sarah Westergard Robert Westermann Dave and Brenda Wetstein Carlyn G. Wever Wilma G. Wever Leslie Whalen *Paul Wham, 2 Jason and Jennifer Wheaton, 3 Mark and Ellen Wheeler Craig Whetter Denis and Eileen Whitcomb *Patricia Whitcomb Daryl and Susan White Howard and Linda White, 2 Karin White John and Colleen Whitehouse, 5 Steve Whiteside Douglas Whitneybell, 2 Daniel and Patricia Wick Jerry and Carolyn Wicks Henry Wiegand, 2 SGT and Mrs. Aaron Wight Steve and Tina Wilkins, 3 Christina Wilkinson, 2 Beverly Williams Cary M. Williams, 5 Denis and Paige Williams Dennis Williams, 3 Fran Williams, 2 Frank and M. Eleanor Williams, 2 Garnett Williams Guy Williams, 3 Why Chapters? Since 1918, the Gonzaga University Alumni Association has served to connect members of the Gonzaga family with their alma mater. The Chapter Program was established in 2006 to: • Provide greater opportunities for alumni to stay involved and engaged, • Enhance the variety of services to alumni, parents and friends by adding additional opportunities to socialize, • Eheer on the Zags, • Host University speakers, • Mentor and reach out to current and potential students. Chapters are for all Gonzaga alumni, current and former parents, and friends of Gonzaga. There are no fees or dues – chapter membership is free. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Kara Svennungsen Hertz ('01) in the Alumni Office at (509) 323-5999 or [email protected]. Ron and Joy Vold, 4 John and Mary Anita Volker Peter and Esther Voordepoorte, 2 Sharon Wade, 16 Ruth Wagar *Charles A. Wagner, 10 Joy Wagner Michael Wagner Robert and Pam Wagner *Robert and Cheryl Wahl, 7 Evan and Joann Waite Bruce and Pam Walker, 5 Carolyn Walker *James and Carole Walker, 8 Michael and Betty Weinstock Fred and Martha Weiss, 3 Walt Weller Matt Wells Rich and Diane Wells, 4 Timothy and Bobbie Welpott, 2 Clancy Welsh, 3 Ron and Christine Welsh *Tim and Jackie Welsh, 26 Elizabeth Welty, 3 Robert G. Wendel, 8 Kari Wernette Paul Wert, 4 Henry West Jennifer West 70 James C. Williams, 4 John and Kellie Williams Josh and Carole Williams, 4 Ricky Williams Roger and Trudy Williams, 7 Tim and Linda Williams Vickie J. Williams, 2 Harriet R. Willis Kathleen R. Wilmes Bruce and Patty Wilson, 2 Bryan Wilson Gordon and Angelika Wilson, 3 James and Patricia Wilson Michael and Carol Wilson, 7 Steven and Lillian Wilson, 3 James and Elizabeth Wimsatt, 4 Alfred Winegard Ronald Winkler Lori Winston, 2 Vince and Ida Winston, 2 James and Chrisitne Winter, 4 Margie Wisegarver Daniel and Cynthia Withers Julie Withers Mary Ann Withers Timothy Withers Lawrence Witt Stephen and Shellie Witter, 6 *Robert H. Wituschek, 4 Jerry and Penny Woelk Carolyn Wofford Christopher and Lynn Wofford, 2 Jonathan and Heidi Wohl, 10 Myrtle Woldson, 8 Walter and Barbara Wolf Katherine A. Mountin Wolfe Danette Wollersheim Lindsey A. Wood Ronald and Laurie Wood Patricia Woodard Timothy Woodard, 3 Paul Woodberry John and Gloria Woodhead, 2 Holly Woodruff Robert Woodruff Aj Woods, Jr. Victor Woodward John and Amy Wooldridge, 4 Clover Workland Dan and Sarah Workland, 4 Brett and Sandy Wright Cecil and Linda Wright Daniel Lee Wright Fred and Patricia Wright Russ Wright and Andrea Knoblauch-Wright Kenneth and Karen Wuestenfeld Joseph and Donna Wujek, 4 Sherrye Wyatt D. Mark and Sue Wykes Donald and Ann Wykes Terry and Jean Wynia, 3 Steven Yabusaki and Cathy Kuwamoto Chris and Michelle Yardley Charlotte Yates, 2 Douglas Yates Gordon and Jean Yates, 2 Judy C. Yee Ronald and Marcia Yep, 5 Kathie A. Yerion, 4 Gregory and Viola Yochum, 6 Sung Joo Yoo Janet Yoss Darren and Susie Young, 5 Joan Youngblood Robert and Ardyce Zaback Gary Paul Zagelow, 5 Peter and Doris Zagorda Jerry and Kathryn Zahl, 4 Laura Zalunardo Blanche Zarchin, 2 Carl and Winnie Zeamer Donald Zech, 2 Dana Zentz, 3 *Christine Ziegler, 2 David Ziegler Jack and Sharon Zielsdorf Chuck Zigmund, 4 Paul Zilm, 4 Stu and Kathryn Zimmerman, 10 Robert and Carla Zink Cecilia Zoghby Miriam Zoghby *Bill and Carole Zuppe, 12 Joseph and Dorothy Zwettler *Annual Fund Contributor Engineering a legacy Babe Toly 1913 – 2005 Still giving to today’s Gonzaga engineering students. Babe Toly loved Gonzaga. She chose to leave her mark by establishing two endowed scholarship funds for engineering students. Nearly 25 years later, 423 students have benefited from her act of generosity; and thanks to a bequest in her will many more students will achieve their dreams, today and tomorrow. Be inspired. Plan your legacy. Learn how you can leave your legacy by contacting a Planned Giving representative today at 1.800.388.0881.
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