Trabajos 89-97 (Pitel, QWERTYCaster, Epizoo
Trabajos 89-97 (Pitel, QWERTYCaster, Epizoo
Sergi Jordà Discusión de trabajos interactivos 1989-1997 NB. En estas transparencias se incluyen tan sólo imágenes. La información textual complementaria se puede consultar en mi tesis: Jordà, S. (2005). Digital Lutherie: Crafting musical computers for new musics’ performance and improvisation. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Pitel (1989-1992) From Chapter 8 Pitel : Machine Listening and improvisation 1 i-k i yt = N y t - p + y t - p -1 2 N cells N cells noti = f(noti-N, noti-k) veli = f(veli-N, veli-k) duri = f(duri-N, duri-k) 1 i N A is the slave voice x a,i = x b, i - k x a,i = x a,i-N B is the master voice 1 i-k i M cells M Sólo Soles (1995) (chap. 8.8) 1Record pause/continue 2Transpose 3MIDI THRU ON/OFF 4Piano sustain ON/OFF 5Overdub/overwrite record mode Computer based MIDI sequencer (Cakewalk) MIDI 6Any program change (delays, echoes, transpositions…) and their corresponding parameters 7Volumes IN and OUT MIDI piano module AUDIO Multieffect rack (Yamaha SPX 90) AUDIO MIDI Pitch2MIDI (IVL pitchrider) 9moveme nt 8Volu me out 1Sensitivity 1Response mode (related to the speed of the detection) 1Transposition Amplifier The LowTech QWERTYCaster (1997) JoAn (1992) Epizoo (1994) (from Chapter 9)