8-18-14 - Hi, Neighbor
8-18-14 - Hi, Neighbor
Wizard of Oz Premiered Aug. 18, 1939 - First National Women’s Rights Convention, Aug. 23, 1850 - Vitus Bering discovered Alaska Aug. 20, 1741 - National Sponge Cake Day Aug. 23 Cambridge Avenue Morrisville, NY 315-684-3073 Why KraftMaid Cabinetry? Because KraftMaid provides the quality you expect, the styles and functionality you want, all at a price you can afford. Have You Forgotten? FREE TAKE ONE! Hi, Neighbor PHONE/FAX:655-9431 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hineighbor.net Get The Hi, Neighbor By: EMAIL If you answered YES to one or more of the questions, Call Pure Water Source for a FREE water test (over $100 at a private lab). With 32 years experience, we can give you straight forward, no nonsense answers to all of your water quality questions. For a limited time you can have great tasting, no smelling, easy on the skin and appliances clean water for only $4.95/Month during a special 3 month introductory offer! Receive Hi, Neighbor+ (Print + Extra Pages of Content) In Your Inbox (Just Send Us An Email Requesting Delivery) Open On Your Smart Phone, Tablet or Computer So You Can Take Us With You Any Where You Go... DOWNLOAD Hi, Neighbor+ SPECIAL!!! From Our Mobile Site, Website or Our Facebook Page Enjoy a Dinner and Movie on us. PICK UP At Stores or Pick Up Boxes or U.S. Mail Call us for a FREE water test, and you will receive a voucher good for up to eight movie admissions and two large pizzas. . APULIA: The Nest CANASTOTA: Nice & Easy, SAVE ON Near Thruway, DUNKIN DONUTS, Red Apple Kwik Fill, Office of the Aging, Scrub A Dub (Tops), VFW, American Legion, Jreck Subs CAZENOVIA: Buyeas, Common Grounds CHITTENANGO: Beauty World, Nice N Easy, Stone Hearth Express, Kinneys, Roma’s Laundry, Rite-Aid, Dollar Store, Dunkin Donuts, Scrub-A-Dub II CINCINNATUS: Cincinnatus Home Center, Magro’s Pizza, Bennet Hotel, CORTLAND: Friendly’s, P&C Fresh, Frank & Mary’s Diner DeRUYTER: Countryside Hardware, DeRuyter Farm & Garden Coop, Quincy Square, DeRuyter Big M, DeRuyter Post Office Pick Up Box EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box FABIUS: Anna’s Country Store FENNER: Troyer’s Country Store GEORGETOWN: Predmore’s Store, Post Office Pick Up Box LAFAYETTE: Cindy’s Family Restaurant, M&T Plaza Drop Box, Dollar General, Nice & Easy MADISON: AnW Mart, Early’s Hardware MANLIUS: Dunkin Donuts, A Plus, Brugger’s Bagle, Tops Plaza Pick Up Box, Nice & Easy Rte. 92 MORRISVILLE: Cooleys Plaza Drop Box, Doughty’s Pharmacy NEW WOODSTOCK: New Woodstock Library ONEIDA: SAVE ON - Upper Lenox Ave, Price Chopper, SAVE ON - Rte. 5 By Pepi’s, Dunkin Donuts, SAVE ON - Rte. 5 & 46, Colonial Laundromat, Scrub A Dub, SAVE ON - Lower Lennox., SAVE ON - Patrick Road, Nice N Easy (Rte. 365). Dunkin Donuts (Rte. 365), Knotty Pine, Korner Kafe PETERBORO: Main Street By Post Office, Deli On The Green POMPEY: Kellish Tire & Auto Inside, Pompey Mall, Knoxie’s Pub SOLSVILLE: Solsville Hotel SOUTH OTSELIC: South Otselic Store TRUXTON: Cosmic BBQ, Across From Post Office TULLY: Tully Lumber, Tully Lakes Hardware, Tasty China, A Pizza & More VERNON: Post Office Pick up Box, Nothin Fancy, Apple Betty Cafe WEST EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box See Watermax At www.haguewatercny.com Pure Water Source Subscription ($25.00/Year) Or Saturation Mail WE DROP Papers Weekly In: The Doorway To The Perfect Kitchen. PRSRT STD. 42 US POSTAGE PAID Days ‘til HI, NEIGHBOR - Print August 18 Labor Day Your Locally Owned Shopping, Community Events & News Pennysaver Since 1962 2014 LCpl. Jared Ramsey 118 Albany Street Cazenovia, NY 13035 Hours: Mon.- Fri. 7:30 - 5, Sat. 7:30 - 2:30 655-3087 AMERICAN WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED New 6" Casing, Old & New Homes, Farms, Commercial Need Help? GIVE US A CALL ANY TIME! 315-837-4778 Fully Insured DEC# 10088 NOW Taking Classified Ads BY PHONE!!! Call 315-655-9431 ONLINE!!! www.hineighbor.net Have Your Ad Written & Your Credit or Debit Card JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing • Siding • Framing • Windows • Decks Kitchens • Bathrooms • Additions • Painting Masonry • Chimney & Foundation Repair Power Washing Deck Staining Free Estimates - Fully Insured - OSHA Certified READY!!! (315) 706-7867 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue ____________________________________________________________________________________________ MORRISVILLE MOTORS W. Main St., Morrisville, NY 13408 - 315-684-3737 BRAND SPANKIN' USED 2007 dodge caliber R/T,loaded......$4,995 2004 jeep liberty lmtd 4x4,loaded. . $5,495 20087 dodge caliber Se,loaded.....$6,995 2005 honda civic auto, 4 cyl., 77K...$7,995 2010 toyota corolla 4 dr. s auto, loaded. . . . $11,995 2009 toyota sienna le 7 pass....$11,995 2011 CHEVY CRUZE LT LT 4 DR, MOONROOF LDED. $11,995 2011 toyota camry se 4 dr. auto lded. . $13,995 2006 chevy trailblazer ls 4x4 sunroof. . $8,995 2009 subaru legacy 3.o R AWD sunroof. . . . $13,995 2008 chrysler T & C touring loaded. . . $9,995 2009 jeep patriot spt.4x4 auto lded.. . . . . . $13,995 2005 DODGE DAKOTA X-CAB, 4X4, SLT. . . . . $10,995 2009 jeep gr cherokee laredo, sunroof lthr.$15,995 All Prices Plus Taxes, Registration and Inspection Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net 2012 nisssan altima 2.5s cpupe 35k. . . . $17,995 2013 dodge dart sxt only 4,000 miles. . . . . $17,995 2013 dodge grd caravan sxt.loaded. . . . $17,995 2011 TOYOTA RAV 4, 4 WD, PW, PL, 1 owner, 33K...$17,995 2010 chrysler T & C touring DVD, Leather, 40k.$17,995 2012 toyota rav 4 4x4 30K moonroof. . . . . . $19,995 2014 chrysler T & C tour.DVD, LTHR, 6,000 MI. .$25,995 Craig Kelly Sales Manager, Morrisville Motors LLC 315.684.3737, Ext. 23 Fax 315.684.7474 Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net Our The Dance Studio CNY “SEE YOU THERE” In Manlius DATEBOOK Visit Our Website For Info & Online Registration TheDanceStudioCNY.com _____________________________________________ Our “See You There” Date Book consists of NOTICES FOR FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS plus COMPLIMENTARY LISTINGS FOR ORGANIZATIONS who have placed paid ads for fund raising events. AVAILABLE 24/7 AT WWW.HINEIGHBOR.NET _______________________________________________ - BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________________________ TUES., AUG. 19, 5:00-7:00 P.M. : RABIES CLINIC, EARLVILLE FIRE DEPT. - N. Main St.,**Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate.** All animals must be at least 3 months of age, and properly restrained (leash and collar/ harness or cage/pet carrier). “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department WED., AUG. 20, 12:00 P.M. : THE ERIEVILLE- NELSON - FENNER community luncheon will be held at the Erieville Fire House. Everyone is welcome to come and share good company and good food. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Also, a smile to pass around. Celebrating birthdays this month are: Pat Anthony on the 18th; Velma Pierce on the 19th; Lois Stauring, Bernie Jones and Shirley Miller all on the 24th. Happy Birthday to all. Making 60 look good! If you see Kathy Kent on Aug. 19 Wish her a Happy 60th We love you! SUN., AUG. 24, 12 - 4 PM. CONSERVATION CLUB OPEN HOUSE BARBEQUE - Bring your whole family. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs /Soda and Beer. Come see what a membership with our club has to offer you and your family. Club house with full kitchen and restrooms. Our facility has covered benches for 100, 200, 300 and 600 yard rifle ranges. Separate pistol berm with covered range house. 5 stand trap range. Web Site: http://www.canastotaclub. com/ Contact info on the “About Us” page. (j28-2) Fall Classes Begin Monday, Sept. 8th Classes In: • Ballet • Pointe • Contemporary • Jazz • Tap • HipHop • Tumbling ________________________________ Children's Program Starting At Age 2. Saturday Classes • Private Lessons Competition Team Home of Broadway Performers! _________________________________________ Linda Bell, Director • Over 25 Years In Manlius 1 Thermold Drive; Manlius. 682-7877 Email: [email protected] FRI., SEPT. 5: CASA NEWS - Trip to Merry Go Round Playhouse. Will Rogers Follies. Bus leaves Top at 10:30 a.m. Lunch at Sherwood Inn, Skaneateles. Choice of Scrod or Chicken. Play begins at 2 p.m. Reservations by Fri., Aug. 15. 655-0350 SAT., SEPT. 6, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the other women who have had some of the same experiences. For further information, call Midge 684-3615. SAT., SEPT. 6, 8:00-11:00 p.m.: Fritz’s Polka Band returns to the Fabius Community Center!, 7786 Main sT., Rte. 80, Fabius, NY SAT., SEPT. 6: CHITTENANGO LANDING CANAL BOAT MUSEUM WILL HOST TWILIGHT AT THE DRY DOCK. More information to come. For more information please visit www.clcbm.org. MORSE CONSTRUCTION 655-4745 All Phases of Home Remodeling & Maintenance - Certified Natural Gas Line Installer SAT., SEPT. 6, 10 AM - 5 PM & SUN., SEPT. 7, 10 AM - 4 PM: THE MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST ITS 50TH ANNUAL CRAFT DAYS. More information to come. TUES., AUG. 26, 6 - 7:30 PM: THE CHITTENANGO LANDING CANAL BOAT MUSEUM WILL HOST “TUESDAY ON THE TOWPATH. This month’s recreational bike ride will feature Canastota Canal Tome Museum. Helmets are required for this event. For more information please contact Chris O’Neil at [email protected]. WED., SEPT. 10, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING at MADISON BISTRO (Formerly Bub’s Subs), Court Street, Wampsville (Right across from the DMV). Local business people band together to help each other grow their businesses. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking. org. Bring your business card and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. WED., AUG. 27, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING at MADISON BISTRO (Formerly Bub’s Subs), Court Street, Wampsville (Right across from the DMV). Local business people band together to help each other grow their businesses. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking. org. Bring your business card and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. FRI., SEPT. 12 THRU SUN., SEPT. 13: THE MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL HOPS FEST. A paired beer dinner, beer sampling, brewing and hops presentations, and the taste of hops are just some of the fun events that are available throughout this historic weekend. For more information or to buy tickets please visit http://www.madisonhopfest.org. STUMP GRINDING TREE REMOVAL Lot Clearing • Brush Cleanup • Tree Trimming Fast Service • Reasonable Prices • Experienced Accept Credit Cards Ross Armstrong, 1751 State Rte. 173, Chittenango, NY [email protected] • www.armstrongtreeservices.com 315-289-4610 FRI., AUG. 29, 10AM-8PM - SAT., AUG. 30, 10AM-2PM: HAMILTON LIBRARY BOOK SALE SEPT. 1 - RESERVATIONS NEEDED: MECS ALL CLASS REUNION to be held at Quacks’s in Madison, NY on Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014 at noon. Call Harriett McNamara at 684-9200 before Sept. 1 to make reservations (you can bring a guest. The reunion is for anyone who attended MECS (j28-2) TUES., SEPT. 2, 7:30-8:30 AM; GREATER SULLIVAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING at the Sullivan Free Library, Genesee St. Chittenango WED., SEPT. 3, 8-9 AM: HAMILTON BUSINESS ALLIANCE MONTHLY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Colgate inn, Hamilton. All Hamilton area business people are welcome to come and share information about Hamilton’s activities. ELITE DENTAL + DENTURE P.C. Accepting New Patients ACCEPTING 13-15 CLINTON AVE, CORTLAND 607.758.7700 NEW PATIENTS Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm & Saturday from 9am-3pm WALK INS + EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Walk Ins + Emergencies Seen Same Day Waterlase Laser 13-15 Clinton Ave.,forCortland - 607.758.7700 __________________________________________________ hard & soft tissue surgery and caries removal Porcelain Inlay, Onlays & Crowns with Cerec Technology, within an hour w/ minimal or no requirement of local anesthesia MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Including T.M.D. + Facial $110 SPECIAL & Healthplex Medicaid, Dentaquest Full Exam Pain Treatment __________________________________________________ Bite Wings Cleaning Zoom Bleaching Permanent Crowns Bridges Cleanings Extractions Root Canals Dentures & Partials Fillings/Bonding 15% Senior Citizen cial 0 Spe m $ 110.0 xa gs E l l Fu Win Biteeaning Cl 15% Senior Citizen Discount We Discount ALDo Denta L on l Work ! Dentures & Partials On Dentures or Partials SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR DENTURES (white �illings) Invisalign Available __________________________________________________ Open Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Evening Hours -2- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 SAT., SEPT. 13, 9 A.M.-NOON: RABIES CLINIC, WAMPSVILLE HIGHWAY GARAGE - N. Court St. ,**Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate.** All animals must be at least 3 months of age, and properly restrained (leash and collar/ harness or cage/pet carrier). “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department ELECTRICIAN Tom Stevens Electric Residential & Commercial Wiring Servicing This Area Since 1977 Cell: 345-2753 Licensed for the City of Syracuse SAT., SEPT. 13, REG. 8 TO 8:45 AM: HOLY CROSS ACADEMY’S FIRST ANNUAL 5K RUN/WALK. Top male and female runners will win $100 prizes. Pre-register before Sept. 5 for a free tee shirt by visiting eventbrite.com or stopping by the school. Sponsorship forms can be downloaded from www.holycrossacademy.com or at the school at 4020 Barrington Rd., Oneida, NY. For more information visit the website above or call 363-1669. THURS., SEPT. 18, 12 NOON: CASA NEWS - Luncheon St. James Church. Kimberly Bukowski Program. Developing ice cream in Kenya. Potluck lunch bring a dish to pass and table setting. There will not be an entree furnished so bring some hearty dishes. 655-0350 THURS., SEPT. 18, 6 PM: THE CHOCOLATE TRAIN FESTIVAL WILL HOST A SPECIAL “CHOCOLATE-THEMED DINNER” AT THE POOLVILLE COUNTRY STORE, followed by a history of train wrecks in Madison County presented by Matthew Urtz, Madison County Historian. More information to come. NOTICE OF HYDRANT FLUSHING VILLAGE OF DERUYTER RESIDENTS: Hydrants will be flushed Monday Evening, August 25th. Please avoid using ample amount of water during this time, i.e. (watering gardens, filling pools, laundry, etc). If this causes water to be discolored, let it run until it clears. Thanks for your patience and help. "Join A League" League Meetings Tues., Men, Aug. 19, 7 p.m. START DATE SEPT. 7 ___________________ Wed. Women, Aug. 20, 7 p.m. START DATE SEPT. 3 ___________________ Sun. Mixed, Aug. 24, 6 p.m. START DATE SEPT. 6 ___________________ Mon., Men, Aug. 25, 7 p.m. START DATE SEPT. 8 SERVING LUNCHES MON.-SAT. 11-3 OPEN BOWLING MON.-THURS. 11- MIDNIGHT ROCKEN BOWL FRI. & SAT. NIGHT 9 P.M. CALL 315-655-3000 www.cazsportsbowl.com Rt. 20 - Town & Country Plaza, Cazenovia, NY SUN., SEPT. 21, 12:30 PM: THE SMITHFIELD COMMUNITY CENTER ANNUAL KITCHEN BLOOMER TEA. This year’s tea will commemorate “the Angel of the Battlefield,” Clara Barton. Learn the history of Clara Barton and the origins of the Red Cross. The event will be catered by the Copper Turret of Morrisville with hosts dressed in 1851 Bloomer costumes. Reservations are needed, tickets are $35 by September 1st and $40 by September 15th. For more information please email please visit www.inthekitchentea. com or call 315-546-5583. SUN., SEPT. 21, 2 PM: OAKWOOD CEMETERY WILL HOST “HERE COME DA JUDGE: JUDGES, LAWYERS & OTHER LEGAL REPROBATES.” Volunteer Sue Greenhagen will lead this tour which will focus on members of our legal community. This tour will start near start at the chapel on the west side of the cemetery. All tours are free, but donations are accepted. Allow two hours for tours which will take place rain or shine. For more information please call Sue Greenhagen at 315-684-3418. WANTED SCRAP CARS • TRUCKS • FARM MACHINERY HEAVY EQUIPMENT & ANY OTHER UNWANTED METALS FREE REMOVAL WE SELL DIRECTLY TO THE PROCESSOR TO INSURE YOU TOP PRICES Central Salvage 315-662-3898 or 315-560-1245 TUES., SEPT. 23, 7- 8:30 PM: THE CHITTENANGO LANDING CANAL BOAT MUSEUM WILL HOST LOCAL AUTHOR HANK LEO. LEO WILL TALK ABOUT AND SIGN NEW COPIES OF HIS NEW BOOK RETURN TO ALLEN PARK. For more information please visit www.clcbm.org WED., SEPT. 24, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING at MADISON BISTRO (Formerly Bub’s Subs), Court Street, Wampsville (Right across from the DMV). Local business people band together to help each other grow their businesses. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking. org. Bring your business card and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. WED., OCT. 1, 8-9 AM: HAMILTON BUSINESS ALLIANCE MONTHLY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Colgate inn, Hamilton. All Hamilton area business people are welcome to come and share information about Hamilton’s activities. SAT., OCT. 4, 1:00 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the other women who have had some of the same experiences. For further information, call Midge 684-3615. SAT., OCT. 4, 7:00-11:00 p.m.: Community Fall Dance, sponssored by the Fabius Pompey Sr. Citizens featuring Ray Randall and his Rhythmaires. SEASONAL FURNACE TUNEUP Prepare For Winter Now! Call For An Appointment Today ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS ACE FURNNING & S CLEA LLATION A T INS Fuel Oil - Kerosene Diesel - Gas F S ULL OPEERVICE RAT ION Automatic Utilities, Inc. 2830 Route 20 East, Cazenovia, NY (315) 655-9500 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 [email protected] We Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover 24 HOUR SERVICE When You Need Us, WE ARE THERE Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Wizard of Oz Premiered Aug. 18, 1939 - First National Women’s Rights Convention, Aug. 23, 1850 - Vitus Bering discovered Alaska Aug. 20, 1741 - National Sponge Cake Day Aug. 23 Madison County Homeowners Behind on your mortgage? We can HELP! We can TALK to your LENDER. We can help you MAKE a BUDGET. We can work to SAVE your HOME. E E FR Understanding & Preventing Foreclosure Workshop 3rd Wednesday of Every Month • 10am-Noon Community Action Partnership (CAP) of Madsion County 1001 New Market Dr., Canastota, NY Register TODAY! (315)474-1939 LEGAL NOTICES BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED FINANCING BY DELPHI FALLS FIRE CO., INC.: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Delphi Falls Fire Co., Inc. located in Manlius, NY (the Issuer), will meet on September 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM, at 2260 Oran Delphi Road, Manlius, NY for the purpose of holding a public hearing pursuant to the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, on a proposal that the Issuer enter into a contract in order to finance certain equipment. The www.homehq.org convenience of all residents, regular business hours will be extended on Thursday August 21 and 28 from noon to 7pm. The clerk’s office will also be closed September 1st in Observance of the Labor Day holiday. Mahaley Holl, Lincklaen Town Clerk (a18-1) REPUBLICAN CAUCUS - To all qualified enrolled Republican voters of the Town of Lincklaen. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 6-108.1 of the Election Law, that a Party Caucus of the Republican Party will be held in and for the Town of Lincklaen, Chenango County, NY for the purpose of nominating Republican candidates for the offices of said Town, indicated below, to be filled at the General Elections to be held on November 4, 2014 Date of Meeting: August 27, 2014 at the Lincklaen Town NOW Taking Classified Ads BY PHONE!!! Call 315-655-9431 ONLINE!!! www.hineighbor.net Have Your Ad Written & Your Credit or Debit Card READY!!! Phone No. 1-800-522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor & Associates, Inc. Est. 1977 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE We’re Lending! What kind of loan do you need? BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ HOUSES REAL ESTATE LAKEFRONT 5 Acres with Cottage, deck, dock $145K. 7 Acres Lakefront $49K Hamilton Area Cottage available for rent Jan 2015 $950 month. 516-3562298 (j21-13) GREENHOUSE PRICED TO SELL: WELL ESTABLISHED 40 YEAR OLD RETAIL GARDEN CENTER & GREENHOUSE FOR SALE: 12,000 sq. ft. of greenhouses. 6.9 acres set up for annuals, perennials and more. Active retail sales next to US Route 20. Also available - 4 bdrm. house on adjoining lot 315-655-3500, brookside4004@windstream. net. (j30-c) STATE WIDE FARMLAND SELL-OFF! 8/23! 1 DAY ONLY! 5 ac - $19,900, 15 ac - $29,900, 19 ac - $39,900. Trout streams, ponds, springs, valley views, apple orchards, pine forest, stonewalls! 3 hrs NY City! Owner terms! Cash discounts! Call 1-888-701-1864. www. Newyorklandandlakes.com DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property Barbara Houghton AVP, Banking Officer Regional Lender NMLS#786110 regular maintenance, reliable. $2000. 315-662-7576. (a18-2) TRUCKS FOR SALE: 2002 Chevy Silverado, excellent condition. Automatic, 4x4, V8, matching fiberglass cap. $7500 OBO. 315-662-3162. (a11-2) MOTORCYCLES BOATS Robin Gallup AVP, Cazenovia Office Manager NMLS#786107 RENTALS BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ APARTMENT Brooke Pickard Mortgage Consultant Residential Mortgage NMLS#1159638 1 BDRM APT. Fabius Country. Loft bdrm, Washer/Dryer H/up, LP gas Furnace, stove, H/W. Nice yard. $375.+ util, 1st/last/ sec, 315-677-9511 (a18-2) FOR RENT: 2 BDRM apartment in New Woodstock. All utilities included. No pets, year lease and references. 662-7035 or 662-7378. (j28-c) CAZ VILLAGE: Main St., 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ - BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE - OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue ____________________________________________________________________________________________ equipment to be financed consists of Refinance of #3344027: One (1) 2011 E-One Typhoon Pumper, VIN: 4ENRAAA88B1006883.To finance the costs of such equipment and to pay costs and expenses incidental to the financing, the Issuer proposes to enter into a loan contract not to exceed an aggregate principal amount of $230,000. The Issuer will be required to pay all taxes on the equipment. The Contract Payments due pursuant to the loan Contract will be secured by a security interest in the equipment. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place or may file written comments with the Delphi Falls Fire Co., Inc. prior to the date of hearing set forth heretofore. Dated: 8-18-14 (a18-1) Hall at 7:00 pm. Candidates to be nominated: Justice – 4 year term (a18-2) NOTICE TO LINCKLAEN RESIDENTS - The Lincklaen Town Clerk’s Office will be closed Monday August 18, 2014 and Monday August 25, 2014. As an alternative for the DIVORCE $350* No Fault or Regular Divorce. Covers children, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. Local & In-State MADISON CENTRAL SCHOOL TO HOLD INFORMATIONAL MEETING - The Madison Central School will hold an informational meeting for community members on August 26, 2014 at 6:30 pm in the school Cafetorium to review the construction schedules and safety plans for the Energy Performance Project and the Security Safety project which began in mid-August. For more information on this meeting, please refer to our website madisoncentralny.org under the Superintendent’s page. (a18-1) DeRUYTER MASONIC LANES Annual Fall Bowling Meetings " Join a League Today" for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny. com or call 1-877-275-2726 BOAT: 14’ aluminum with 10 HP motor. VGC. Asking $950. 315-744-2145. (a18-2) LOST & FOUND WANTED FOUND: 1. Wedding Ring. 2. cd case with dvds and cds. 3. sure system with cd. 4. key fob. Contact the Cazenovia Police Department at 655-3276 to claim. (a18-1) VEHICLES BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ CARS 2003 SUBARU LEGACY WAGON, 4 cyl., 5-spd. manual, 65K miles, AWD, A/C, CD, AM-FM, some rust and noise, 4 WHEELERS BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ CRAFTERS WANTED AUTOS WANTED CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS: Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208 SCRAP METAL WANTED ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETING, St. James Church, Cazenovia. Sundays 8:00 p.m. Open meeting. (j11-c) All Interested Bowlers Should Attend!!! Buying Cars, Trucks, Farm Machinery Tues, Aug. 26th - Men's @ 7 pm Wed., Aug. 27th- Women’s @ 7 pm R135 obert’s Scrap Processing Hemlock Hill Road, Whitney Point, NY Call 405-9038 or 560-2755 for more information. #7097231 If you a returning team please make sure someone is there to represent the team. Meetings will be held at the Bowling Alley And Various Other Metals 607-692-7510 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-4:30, Sat., 8-2 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net 1 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS EFFICIENCY APARTMENT available immediately. Recently renovated: new appliances, carpeting. Large windows for lots of natural lighting. No pets. $600/month. First and last rent plus security deposit required. Utilities not included. 315-6553409 between 8 AM and 6 PM (a11-3) ROOM FOR RENT, near DeRuyter. $200 mo, utilities free. Retired female preferred. Call for more info 315-852-3362. (a18-2) BDRM apt., 1 year lease, No animals. 655-9461. (a4-4) 2 BEDROOM apt., Fabius. Close to school, stores and churches. Includes stove and refrigerator. Apt. in great condition. Quiet area. $600 plus security and utilities. 683-5305. (a11-2) F O R R E N T: 2 b e d r o o m apartment in Erieville, heat included. No pets, year lease and references. 2 BDRM apartment in New Woodstock. All utilities included. No pets, year lease and references. 1 bedroom in New Woodstock. No pets, year lease and references. 662-7035 or 662-7378. (a11-c) Buyea’s True Value Hardware O FULL PAINT LINE O WATER HEATERS O PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES O BLUE SEAL FEED O STOVE PIPE O HAND & POWER TOOLS O APPLIANCES O PUBLIC FAX SERVICE __________________________ Store Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8-8 Fri. & Sat. 8-6 Sun. 8-4 131 Albany St. Cazenovia 655-3822 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 -3- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net WOW WOOD PELLETS BENEDICT 100% Premium Hardwood Pellets TREE & STUMP REMOVAL 439-8326 Why Buy 100% Hardwood? GARAGE SALE: Friday 8/22 and Saturday 8/23. 9-5 Annual 5 family sale at corner of 1554 DeRuyter Road and Route 80 (Goosville Corners) Pampered Chef Bakeware, furniture, household items, books, jewelry, toys, craft items. Childrens clothes: newborn-16 , womens and teen clothes. Baby furniture. Holiday decorations. (a18-1) H Low ash content H More complete burn, less waste H Higher heat output - more heat per dollar! H Less jams in your stove FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 The Way A Farm Store Should Be... Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday www.earleyfarm.com LEASE LAND LEASE LAND FOR DEER HUNTING, bow, gun or both, 15 min. south of Cazenovia. No more than 2 people. 315-6634162. (a11-2) COTTAGE COTTAGE AVAILABLE FOR RENT JAN 2015 $950 MONTH. Lakefront 5 Acres with Cottage, deck, dock $145K. 7 Acres Lakefront $49K Hamilton Area 516-356-2298 (j21-13) HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 BDRM house with lots of space, country, no pets, security and references required. Morrisville School District. $850 mo. 655-2351. (a11-c) MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT: 3 BDRM mobile home in country, private lot, Canastota school district. No pets. $675 plus sec. & dep. 655-2351. (j28-c) MOBILE HOME LOT FOR RENT: Mobile home lot in the country. 655-2351. (j28-c) ROOM FOR RENT GARAGE/YARD SALES THIS WEEK’S SALES BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD 351 County Rte 12 (607) 863-3968 Pitcher, NY 13136 Lee Bement, Owner Jean Mudge, Office Manager LEE’S TRUCK & CAR REPAIR • Custom Exhaust Systems • Regular & Heavy Duty NY Inspections • Four Wheel Alignment •Transmission Flush & Fill • Computer Diagnostic • Major & Minor Repairs • Air Conditioning Service •Cooling System Flush & Fill HOUSE FOR RENT: Small three bedroom house on Firetower Rd. Er i ev i ll e. C a ze n ov i a schools. Rural setting. No Cats. Available August 30th. $700/ month. First, Last and security deposit required. 2433841. (a11-3) FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house, private. Convenient with parking. No pets. $600 plus utilities and security deposit. 655-8757. (a18-1) FOR RENT: Nice 4 bedroom house in villa center. Walk to stores and schools. No pets, no smoking. $1200 plus utilities and security deposit. 655-8757. (a18-1) ROWE'S PENNSYLVANIA PEACHES MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Sat., Sun., Aug. 23-24, 9-3. Rte. 80 W, 1/2 mile from New Woodstock. Sewing supplies, some antiques, furniture, kitchen stuff, Syroco collector’s items, holiday decorations, 2 bikes - 1 women’s, 1 boy’s, boys clothes and much morel. (a18-1) SATURDAY, 8/23/14. 9:00AM TO 4:00PM. NO EARLY BIRDS. TOOLS,HOUSEHOLDGOODS, CAMPING GEAR, CLOTHES AND MUCH MORE AT 1537 RT. 173, CHITTENANGO, NY. (a18-1) Smith Funeral Home (Est. 1860) DeRuyter, NY (315) 852-3393 _____________________________________ Casket Selection Room on Premises Old Fashioned Service Keeping Funeral Costs Within Reason Is Our Constant Obligation We Encourage Comparison -4- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 MOVING SALES FUTURE SALES COMMERCIAL/FARM SALES PETS FOR ADOPTION CROSSBOWS & ARCHERY SALES & SERVICE LILY ISA4 YEAR OLD, SPAYED FEMALE, RED RETRIEVER/ CHOW MIX. SHE IS EASY GOING & AFFECTIONATE. MEET LILY AT WANDERERS’ REST! Wanderers’ Rest Humane Association, P.O. SALVATORE F. LANZA, ESQ. ATTORNEY AT LAW 5333 Midlum Road, Cuyler, N.Y. Phone 607-842-6888 office 315-427-5940 cell email:- [email protected] LARGE 3-FAMILY YARD SALE: 1863 BALLINA ROAD, CAZENOVIA - Snowmobiles, antique cash register, industrial woodworking equipment, gas furnace, pellet stove, lawn mowers, camping gear, furniture, power and hand tools, golf clubs, baby and household items, motorcycle and much more. 8/22-8/24--9 am- 4 pm (A18-1) GARAGE SALE: Kids clothes, toys, household items In Fabius, on corner of Rt 91 and Academy St. August 23 & 24 (a18-1) GARAGE SALE :1916 Delphi Road -New Woodstock Multi families Sale . Some new some used collectables and antique items. You won’t believe what DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ GARAGE/MOVING SALE. Fri. and Sat. Aug. 22 & 23. 8:00am to 1:00pm. 4812 Ridge Rd. Caz. 1 mile out of village. Household items, sofa, chairs, tools, camping stuff, antiques, mammy bench, magazine collections, and much more! No early birds please. Aug. 22 & 23. 8:00am to 1:00pm. 4812 Ridge Rd. Caz. 1 mile out of village. Household items, sofa, chairs, tools, camping stuff, antiques, mammy bench, magazine collections, and much more! No early birds please. (a18-1) glass ware. All in one printer-faxcopier, and lots of other items. Rick Hannafan Box 535 Canastota, NY 13032. Telephone: (315) 697-2796, Fax: (315) 697-4065. Website: http:// wanderersrest.org. E-mail: [email protected] GOODS FOR SALE BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ FIREWOOD SEASONED FIREWOOD pickup or delivery. 315-7500079. (s23-c) BUSINESS SERVICES Payroll Book Keeping Tax & Advice 138 Albany St., Cazenovia, NY 13035 Tel 315.655.2784 Fax 315.655.9391 Cell 315.440.8068 [email protected] www.hrblock.com LAWN SALE: 150 Lebanon St., Hamilton. Aug. 22-23-24, 9-5. New 50 gal. electric hot water heater, lamps, TV, antiques, A J ’ S A R C H E RY, Y O U R ONE-STOP PRO SHOP AND CROSSBOW HEADQUARTERS. Everything for bow hunters. Huge inventory. Factoryauthorized sales and service. Training and 60-yard ranges. NYSDEC certification and licenses available. Let our expert staff outfit you this season. AJ’S Archery, 3938 Nelson Heights Road, Cazenovia. 315-6552697. M-W 11-8; Th-F 11-6; Sat 9-4. (a11-4) affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 4/FREE for only $99! #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. 1-888-7968878 _______________________________ PRODUCE TOMATOES: $20 per bu. Bring boxes. Cukes, squash, potatoes. More. Millers, 3700 Baker Construction GENERAL CONTRACTING - HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchen/Bath & Basement Remodeling, Electrical Work, Additions, Garages, Windows, Siding, Replacement Windows _____________________________________________ MINI EXCAVATOR WORK _____________________________________________ Skid Steer Work/ Postholes/Brushhogging Peter Baker Owner 662-3002, Cell 289-2170 2749 Erieville Road, Erieville, NY 13061 VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS $225.00 INSTALLED. LIFETIME W A R R A N T Y. E N E R G Y STAR APPROVED. Emerson Exteriors and Remodeling. (315) 696-5730 (a7-c) WINDOWS $199 INSTALLED. Double Hung, tilt-ins. Lifetime warranty. (energy star package add $20) Includes insulated glass, low-e-glaze, argon gas. Why pay more? Call Rich @ 1-866-272-7533 Chaman Rd., Georgetown, NY 13072. Mail your order and we’ll confirm availability time. (a18-3) MISC. CANNING SUPPLIES: Jars, lids, canners and more. Countryside Hardware, DeRuyter, NY. 8523326. (a18-1) OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y, N o Investment, No Risk, No Monthly Fees. www.NAPower. com/708266 Pompey LATOCHA BUILDERS •Custom Built Homes •Building Lots Available •Renovations & Additions •Mini Excavation & Skid Steer Work •Land Clearing •Bush Hogging •Drainage & Driveway Work •Augur Drilling •Rototilling Email: [email protected] - www.latochabuilders.com 315-677-3042 Tax Advisor 2 is in this sale. Something for everyone. All Priced to go ! Lots of free items. Saturday Aug 23rd 9:00 to 3:00. We are just 1/4 mile off Rt 13 south of Cazenovia just past Critz farm look for sign. See you There! (a18-1) FINAL DAYS Mon. - Wed. , Aug. 18 - 20, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. If you desire large quantities or are coming from a distance, please call to confirm availability 315-852-9821 Middle Lake Rd., DeRuyter ________________________________ In honor of the legacy of Bob Rowe, The Family wishes to thank all of you who have visited the peach stand this year. It is our desire to continue the tradition in the years to come. Please look for our ad next summer. Charles Rowe FIREWOOD: $65 face cord delivered. Also we take HEAP orders. Mixed hard woods. Call Donald 315-837-4362. (a5-c) TROYBILT ROTOTILLER FOR SALE: Troy Bilt roto tiller. $100. 6 HP. Well cared for 6559802. (a18-1) FURNITURE i H l lage p a H SMALL LOADS SMALL LOADS: For driveway repairs, top soil needs, decomposed flower bed & garden material, driveway mix, shale, stone - #1’s & #3’s, stone dust, sand, mulch - delivered. 655-2351. (a28-c) HEATING FUEL FUEL OIL - KEROSENE DIESEL FUEL - PROPANE: Automatic degree day delivery, quantity discounts. GRIFFITH ENERGY, A Superior Plus Company. 337-5540. (n12-c) MEDICAL CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask about SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800826-4464 SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB.Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-886-1907 for $750 Off. REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole Satellite system installed at NO COST and ASPHALT & STONE Driveways - Parking Lots - Roadways - Sand - Stone - Gravel - Topsoil - - Call Today For A Free Estimate! - 794-1766 / 796-4860 STAND UP- Delivery PADDLE BOARD LESSONS & RENTALS & Pickup Available 315-751-7620 - www.nowavesnoworries.com Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Home Aides of Central New York Wizard of Oz Premiered Aug. 18, 1939 - First National Women’s Rights Convention, Aug. 23, 1850 - Vitus Bering discovered Alaska Aug. 20, 1741 - National Sponge Cake Day Aug. 23 AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS Hi, Neighbor - AUCTIONS Our Auctions Can Be Seen At Our Website Monday, August 18,www.hineighbor.net 2014 Check Daily - Some Auctions Are Posted Before & BETWEEN Publications JACK WOOD'S SALE BARN (2) DAIRIES (2) , HEIFERS & MACHINERY SALE FRIDAY AUGUST 22 , 2014 11:00 A.M. Directions: Sale to held at Jack Wood's Sale Barn, located 2 mi. north of Cincinnatus, NY, just off of Route 26. Watch for auction signs. David & Maria Murdi, Cazenovia, NY have consigned their 120 head dairy for this sale. 22,500 Herd Avg. Regular Herd health checks, all up to date on shots. All Holsteins- (8) are Registered; AI breeding; Year round herd; Cows go outside daily; (75) mature cows, (12) bred heifers, (33) from NB to breeding age; Tie stall trained. Fresh cattle with several milking over 100 lbs. (Last test 8-10-2014); (14) due Sept. & Oct. with cows still milking in their 80's & safe in calf. This is a young herd, with (41) 1st calf heifers; (23) 2nd calf heifers; (11) 3rd calf heifers. Last SCC 200,000. Bred & open heifers are in good condition & look sharp. TOP Holstein dairy. (25) Head Dairy with (14) mature cows and (11) open heifers. This dairy has not been pushed; has cattle in all lactations. Cows & heifers go outside every day. A good group to work with. Machinery: Selling for the Murdi's: Tractor: CASE-INT Farmall #125-A; 4WD-Cab-with CASEINT #L755 loader-only 800 hours-1 yr old; KUHN-KNIGHT #8114 Protwin spreader with tandem tires; WEAVERLINE # 521 feed cart-elec-new Jan. 2014; WEAVERLINE #420 hydrostatic feed cart. Also selling (7) DELAVAL DV-300's-automatic take offs- used daily. INT. 5088 w/ cab & 2 Wh. Dr - 2200 hrs on rebuilt motor; (Nice.) David Brown #1210 - Diesel: Massey-Ferguson # 65 Diesel; MILLER-PRO #9012 dump wagon; NH Super #717 Chopper; GEHL #970 forage wagon; MYERS #500 forage wagon w/tandem running gear- All forage wagons have roofs. NH #276 Baler w/kicker; (2) metal hay wagons on good Kory 8 T. running gears; WRAP 3 pt hitch round bale wrapper-hydraulic; VERMEET Hydraulic 8 wheel V-rake: JD #1290 haybine; NH #55 rake; NH #28 blower; BADGER BN-2054 blower; HARSH #240 mixer; GEHL #120 grinder / mixer; Sperry-NH 26 ft skeleton elevator on wheels: (2) running gears; gravity box on tandem running gear; Some good misc. items including a DocKash cook stove for wood or coal-Nice !; Portable milk pump; Gates ( 10 to 12 ft); Floor fans; Surge milkers with straps; SS buckets and more. 1985 INT. 1900 series -10 Wh dump truck Sale Co-Managed by: Gene Wood's Auction Service, Inc.& Dave Unger Cincinnatus, NY 13040 Tel: 607-863-3821 Visit our website at www.genewoodsauctionserviceinc.comm ADVANCE NOTICE: Sat., Aug. 30th - Patrick Wiley, Truxton, NY - AbsoluteReal Estate Sale to include - 4.5 acres (2) Airstream trailer/camper; 1984 Chevy C-30 stake rack dump truck; 8ft X 20ft Overseas container w/shelving & work bench; lots of brand name small tools; masonry tools, scaffolding, generators etc. Real Estate being sold by Posson Realty LLC. View property at WWW.possonrealty.net/auction.html; programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-492-1952 AIRLINE JOBS START HERE - Get FAA approved Aviation M a i n t e n a n c e Te c h n i c i a n training. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866-296-7093. DIRECTV STARTING AT $24.95/MO. Free 3-Months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE RECEIVER Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some exclusions apply - Call for details. 1-800931-4807 TRACTORS C a s e 5 3 0 Tr i p l e r a n g e diesel,model 32 loade r excellent condition,1350 hr. $6500.00 call 469-4782 (a11-3) FARM EQUIPMENT MISC. SERVICES LAND FOR SALE/RENT Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" FARM COMMUNITY EVENTS/NOTICES BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ HAY FOR SALE CHURCH NEWS SUNDAY AUGUST 24 AT 7 PM FENNER COMMUNITY CHURCH, corner of Nelson and Bingley Roads in Cazenovia, invites you to join us for worship and fellowship with Pastor Barney Freeborn from the Federated Church of New Woodstock BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ MADISON AUCTION SERVICE ANTIQUE AUCTION THURSDAY, AUG. 21 @ 65 PM Preview 5 pm, at 3605 South St., Madison, NY We are pleased to be selling without reserve estates from S. New Berlin & Vernon. Also, from an Eaton home. This is a very partial list. Expect surprises. Info. 315-893-1883. We will be selling Furniture (Chests-Stands-Table-Garden benches), Sterling (Compots-Silverware), Silver (Castor), Ladies accessories, Linens, Sewing, Prints, Lamps (Slag shade), Butter churns, Scales, Stoneware, Art pottery, China (Franciscan), Glass (Dep.-Blue), Toys (Lionel train-Farm), Bottles (Milk), Kitchenware, Paper, Radios, Black powder gun, Hunting misc., Jack knives, Bows, Fishing rods-reels & lures, Chipper, Roto tiller, Scroll saw, Tools, Saws, Garden misc.. TERMS: Cash, U.S. checks, MC, VI, & DI. Out of State bidders must register credit card number to bid. 15% Buyers Premium. 5% discount w/cash & check. Food avail. PHOTOS & DETAILS: www.madisonauctionny.com WELSH CHURCH - This Sunday, August 24th, the worship service will be led by the Rev. Mickey Keville. Just a few weeks left as the summer months wind down. So come and join your friends and neighbors in a peaceful evening worship. The service will start @ 7:00 PM. The church is located on Welsh Church Rd. off Route 20 just east of the hamlet of Nelson. COMMMUNITY LUNCHEON THE ERIEVILLE- NELSON FENNER community luncheon will be held at the Erieville Fire House on August 20, 2014. Home Health Aide Help aging individuals and pediatric patients stay in their own homes by assisting with every-day tasks such as dressing, bathing, meal preparation and light housekeeping. We are hiring reliable, compassionate and trustworthy individuals who are able to work independently. Free training program & full benefit package. EEO/AA/Females/ Minorities/Veterans/Disabled Home Aides of CNY 1050 West Genesee Street Syracuse, NY 13204 HomeAidesCNY.org/JOBS HELP WANTED BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ SHADOWBROOK BOARDING PART TIME KENNEL ATTENDANT Flexible Hours – Nights & Weekends required New Woodstock 662-7189 (j28-4) HELP WANTED: Full time with farm experience, Class A or B required truck driver. Reliable and reference required. Please call or leave message 315-6623006 (a4-3) TEACHING ASSISTANT AND SUB POSITIONS IN CAZENOVIA EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION CENTER WITH INFANTS AND TODDLERS. Full-time and part-time, some benefits. CDA or two degree in ECE, child studies or related fields prefered. Applicants should have experience teaching in group childcare settings. EOE. Please call 655-5437. (a11-2) Meade __________________ Floors Carpet - Tile - Vinyl • Shaw • American Olean • Mannington SHOWROOM 3273 Tuscarora Road Erieville, NY 13061 Sales & Service (315) 662-3225 Everyone is welcome to come and share good company and good food. Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Also, a smile to pass around. Celebrating birthdays this month are: Pat Anthony on the 18th; Velma Pierce on the 19th; Lois Stauring, Bernie Jones and Shirley Miller all on the 24th. Happy Birthday to all. (a11-2) RUN/WALK HOLY CROSS ACADEMY’S FIRST ANNUAL 5K RUN/ WALK WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 WITH REGISTRATION FROM 8:00 TO 8:45AM. Top male and female runners will win $100 prizes. Pre-register before Sept. 5 for a free tee shirt by visiting eventbrite.com or stopping by the school. Sponsorship forms can be downloaded from www. holycrossacademy.com or at the school at 4020 Barrington Rd., Oneida, NY. For more information visit the website above or call 363-1669. FLYHAWK KENNEL Dog Boarding, Country Comfort, Close By • Small & Quiet with Large Runs • Lots of Individual Attention & Exercise • Gentle, Safe, Quality Care Given • Knowledgeable, Experienced Owners • Heated & Air Conditioned Runs 1459 NYS Rt. 80 W, New Woodstock, NY HRS.: M-S 9-11 a.m. and 3 -5 p.m. Sun. 4 - 6 p.m. or By Appt. (315) 662-7828 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net The Pratts - -11 Ruth St., Vernon, NY 13476 - _______________________________________ SALE EVERY MONDAY 12:30 PM: Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Horses & Hay; 1:30 PM - Calves then Beef EVERY THURS. 1:15 P.M.: Dairy Cattle then Beef & Calves _________________________________ Thursday, August 21, 2014 - Sale Time: 12:30 pm 1. Our usual run of dairy cows, heifers and service bulls. All dairy cows & heifers will be nasaled & preg checked at our sale barn. Following Dairy Sale is our Fat Cattle and Feeder Sale: 1. 3 year old registered Trowbridge bull. 2. Nice group of Beef / Angus Mix 1- 16 month old; 2- 1st calf cows; 2 – 2nd calf Cows. 3. 15 Holstein Steers ranging in weight from 650 lbs. to 1,000 lbs. 4. 3 yr. old Holstein steer 1,000 + lbs. grass fed and ready to go. Nice boy. 5. Group 10 Holstein Steers ranging in weight from 400 to 600 lbs. 6. 2 Herford cows exposed to bull since May. 7. Local farmer sends group of feeders mostly Herfords. 8. Plus assorted fat cattle & feeders consisting of feeder steers & heifers; Yearling steers & heifers; bred cows; freezer beef & Service bulls. - Plan to attend. Market was excellent last month Feed, Water, Trucking and Overnight accommodations available. Empire Livestock/Burton’s is open Wednesdays from 8 AM to 5 PM to accept Cattle for our Thursday Sales. upcoming sales . *Note* August we will have no Machinery Sale. Thurs., Aug. 28 - Heifer Consignment Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Aug. 19. Monday, Sept. 1- Open Labor Day for regular sales 12:30 PM pigs, sheep, goats, horses and hay followed by Calves at 1:30 PM then our beef sale. Sat., Sept. 13 - Machinery Consignment Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Sept. 2. Thurs., Sept. 18 - Fat Cattle and Feeder Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Sept. 9. Thurs., Sept. 25 - Heifer Consignment Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Sept. 16. Sat., Oct. 11- Machinery Consignment Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Sept. 30. Thurs., Oct. 16 - Fat Cattle and Feeder Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Oct. 7. Thurs., Oct. 30 - Heifer Consignment Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Oct. 21. _______________________________________________ For Information Call Office: 1-800-257-1819 or 1-315-829-3105 _______________________________________________ Manager & Auctioneer: Tim Miller (cell) 315-440-9683 (home) 607-847-6475 Auctioneers: Ken Hughs 315-436-2215 David Sherwood 315-436-0804 CHECK OUR WEBSITE @ www.empirelivestock.com for a list of sales BBQ C O N S E R VAT I O N C L U B OPEN HOUSE BARBEQUE SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 FROM 12:00PM - 4:00PM. Bring your whole family. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs /Soda and Beer. Come see what a membership with our club has to offer you and your family. Club house with full kitchen and restrooms. Our facility has covered benches for 100, 200, 300 and 600 yard rifle ranges. Separate pistol berm with covered range house. 5 stand trap range. Web Site: http://www.canastotaclub.com/ Contact info on the “About Us” page. (j28-4) MISC. KNOTS OF LOVE FAIR NEWS: DeRuyter Fair 2014. Knots of Love received many beautiful crochet or knit Lap-a-ghans, hats, shawls, scarves made by Shirley Fuller, Pat Randall, AUCTION BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ STORAGE UNIT AUCTION! Saturday August 23 at 10AM. Sign in at 9AM. Clinton Moving & Packaging, 2464 State Route 12B, Hamilton, NY, Approximately 25 unopened storage containers, Whole households of items in these containers! Visit our website for more info www. MessiersAuction.com. (315) 225-3565, Vick with any questions. Do you need to have an auction, or have quality items you want to consign? Contact us today for a free consultation. (a18-1) WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY HOSKING SALES Weekly Sales Every Monday 11:30 with Misc. & Small animals, 1:00 Dairy, followed by feeders, sheep, lamb, goats, pigs. Calves start at 5PM followed by cull beef. Call for more info and note all times are approximate. Our volume is increasing weekly - join your neighbors & send your livestock our way! MONDAY, AUG. 11TH SALE- cull ave. $ .93, Top cow $1.20, Bulls/ Steers $1.25-$1.32, bull calves top $3.90, heifer calf top $3.75, Dairy Feeders $.30 - $1.24, boar hogs 394# - 716# $.30 - $.35, Dairy Grademilking age top $2050, bred heifers top $2025, open heifers top $1225. MONDAY, AUG. 18TH – Normal Monday Sale & Sheep, Lamb, Goat & Pig Sale. Group of goats from one farm. SPECIAL: 1PM Tioga County, NY Dairy. Retirement Dispersal 35 Head of Dairy Cattle. 20 Cows – 15 heifers. Mostly Jerseys a few Holsteins and Crosses. SCC 107,000 Popular AI sires used, DHI records at ringside. Heifers are well grown and slick. Farmer is 77years old and has always had a passion for good cattle – says its time to slow down!! MONDAY, AUG. 25TH – Normal Monday Sale MONDAY, SEPT. 1ST – Labor Day we will be open Normal Monday Sale and Fat Cow & Feeder Sale FRIDAY, NOV. 14TH – 11:30 AM. PREMIER ALL BREED SALE – 100 HEAD OF REGISTERED DAIRY CATTLE OF ALL BREEDS. CALL TODAY WITH YOUR CONSIGNMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN ADVERTISING. LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW – GIVE US A CALL. **Trucking Assistance – Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Watch website for any last minute updates. Directions: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. www.hoskingsales.com Call today with your consignments. Hosking Sales 607-699-3637 or 607-847-8800 - Cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771 Tom & Brenda Hosking 6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 -5- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net 5518 Nelson Road Canastota Quality Counts! Where VINYL IS FINAL! VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Custom Made with Vinyl-Tilt Sash! The Ultimate In: ✔ Precision Engineering ✔ Trouble-Free Maintenance ✔ Thermal Performance ✔ Noise Reduction ✔ We Install ✔ Free Estimates LOCALLY MANUFACTURED High Quality, Great Service & No Buying Pressure… Ask Your Neighbors! www.clearviewvinylwindows.com New Location! 5350 Cole St., Munnsville • (315) 821–2222 Email: [email protected] Barb McClure, Marion Haskins, Louisa Whitmarsh, Maggie LaPointe. Items will be delivered to the Oxford Home in October. Project coordinator. Rose WoodLallier 852-6079. (a18-1) THE MADISON COUNTY VETERANS SERVICE AGENCY: A representative from the Madison County Veterans Service Agency will be available on the third Wednesday of each month at the Town of Eaton Office Building, 35 Cedar Street in the Village of Morrisville. Information and benefit counseling will be available regarding federal, state and local veterans benefits, some of which include: FREE ADULT TUTORING PROVIDEDATTHEDERUYTER FREE LIBRARY. Call 852-6262 to set up an appointment. (a15-c) DON’T LET YOUR USED INK & TONER CARTRIDGES CONTRIBUTE TO THE 300 MILLION THAT END UP IN LANDFILLS EACH YEAR. Drop them off at the TOWN OF CAZENOVIA OFFICE, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia to be recycled. The rules are easy! We accept any quantity and brand of ink and toner cartridges. Cartridges from copiers, too! (a1-c) COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT SENIORS PHONE/FAX (315) 852-6254 BOWDEN PLUMBING & HEATING 27 Years Experience SERVING CAZENOVIA AREA PO Box 51, DeRuyter, NY 13052 Service-Connected Disability Compensation, Non-Service Connected Disability Pension, Vocational Rehabilitation & Education Benefits,Survivor Benefits, Military Records, Military Medals & Awards, VA Healthcare, VA Home Loan Guarantee, Veterans Property Tax Exemption,Return The FAVOR Veterans Discount Program,Appointments are recommended, however walkins will be accepted between 9:30 am - 3:30 pm (office closed from NOON -1 pm for lunch). The representative will only be at the Morrisville location on the third Wednesday of each month. Please contact the Wampsville office for appointments or to determine which location can best serve your needs. Madison County Veterans Service Agency, 138 N. Court St., P.O. Box 546, Wampsville, NY 13163, (315) 366-2395. TOPS CLUB: (Take Off Pounds Sensibly): Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6 p.m. weigh ins, 6 p.m. meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish House, 12½ Madison Street, Hamilton. For information, call 824-0965. (a18-c) Questions, comments or ideas about services for older adults in the Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner, NY areas? Call CRIS at 655-5743. www.callcris.org, email: [email protected] CRIS-CAT OFFERS FREE T R A N S P O R TAT I O N f o r Cazenovia, Fenner & Nelson residents over 55 and ambulatory. Call 655-0612. (Call between 7 am to 6 pm, 3 to 5 days in advance) (j19-c) 42ND ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW/SALE: 100 Dealers. Sat., 8/23/14 (9:30am-3:30pm). Yates County Fairgrounds-2370 Old Rt.14A, Penn Yan, NY. Free coin appraisals/purchases by Tom Gleason, 9:30am-1pm. Contact Katie Carno, 1-315536-5039. THE CORTLAND COUNTY HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY, located at the Truxton United Methodist Church basement is open to anyone in need on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Canned food donations are also accepted at that location at the same times. Emerson Exteriors & Remodeling Quality Roofing Protecting Your Biggest Investment Fully Insured Free Estimates Financing Available ● Windows ● Siding Doors ● Baths ● Remodeling ● Decks ● Kitchens Family Owned 20 Years Senior Citizen Discounts Available (315) 696-5730 50000 OFF $ SIDING or ROOFING Minimum 1200 Sq. Ft. W/ This Coupon 315-696-5730 -6- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 STONE PATIOS - LANDSCAPING RETA - LAWN MAINTENANCE WALINLSING - FULL TREE SERVICE 315-655-0346 Specials Run Aug. 21-27 Tr 315-750-5755 BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY BECAUSE OF OUR NEW PRODUCTION SCHEDULE OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS NOW THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________ PUMPED AND CLEANED. Prompt, reliable & reasonable rates. Serving the public since 1954. DEWEY NORTHRUP. Tully NY. 696-5691. (apr04) ADOPTION ADOPTION: UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Caring local licensed adoption agency provides financial and emotional support. Loving pre-approved families available. HablaEspanol. Call Joy 1-914-939-1180 or email: Adopt@ForeverFamili- AUTO REPA E T A T S OLDOld State Road, Erieville IR • Brakes • Tires • Struts • Shocks • Oil Changes & Lube • Auto Body & Collision Repair Free Estimates 662-3272 - Monday-Friday 8-5 OWNER: Alan Dailey HUNTING & FISHING LICENSES HOUSE CLEANING CLEAN YOUR HOME LIKE I CLEAN MINE! Attention to detail. Reasonable rates. All supplies included. Weekly, biweekly or a one time cleaning. References available upon request. 315-761-5153 (j21-7) ADVERTISING Reach as many as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-877-2752726 for details or visit fcpny. com BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. R e n e w a b l e E n e r g y, N o Investment, No Risk, No Monthly Fees. www.NAPower. com/708266 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR CHAINSAWS - Sharpened, cut to size for Oregon chainsaw esThroughAdoption.org RLM LANDSCAPING RLM LANDSCAPING: Dump truck, top soil & stone, bush hogging, odd jobs. Insured. Richard Marris. 662-3612, 4809669. (j23-o6) OLD OAK REFINISHING Custom stripping! Paint, varnish and lacquer removal. Call Matt at 315-256-7630. (j23-o6) MASONRY REPAIRS MASONRY REPAIRS in brick, block, stone, etc. Foundation to chimney. Retaining walls, sidewalks, etc., 38 yrs. experience, Insured. The Mason Shop 469-5256. (j28-4) HEALTH INSURANCE CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. TOM STRACK BACKHOE WORK Cazenovia, NY •Sand •Tree & Brush Removal •Gravel •Demolition •Crush-a-run •Clean Up (315) 655-9348 (315) 247-0015 chains at Moyer’s Sales and Service. 852-3367. (f8-c) 37+ YEARS EXPERIENCE in small engine power equipment, over 22,000 parts in stock. State of the Art Shop - Moyer’s Sales. 852-3367. (o3c) C R A F T S M A N L AW N & GARDEN PARTS & SERVICE available at Moyer’s Sales & Service, DeRuyter. 852-3367. (a18-c) SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SEPTICTANKS&CESSPOOLS Call today 1-800-413-1940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 4/FREE for only $99! #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. 1-888-7968878 FINANCIAL SERVICES ARE YOU IN BIG TROUBLE WITH THE IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 1-800-647-3031 oyer’s .49 Reg. 9 $ Troy ROAST BEEF 7 $ 79lb. er’s GREEN $ .99 Reg. 4 ONION 449 $ lb. T ro yer’s GERMAN $ .49 Reg. 4 BOLOGNA 349 $ lb. Farm Fresh Chemical Free TOMATOES 100% Grass Fed, No Hormone, No Antibiotic Freezer BEEF & PORK Fresh Baked Goods Friday & Saturday - Fresh Bread All Week Open Mon. 9-6, Tues.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-4 - < > INJURED? IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments and No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Not valid in TN. Call Now 1-888-888-5152 www. lawcapital.com GET CASH NOW for your Annuity or Lottery Payments or Structured Settlement. To Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! Call 1-855-419-3824 LEGAL SERVICES MISC. SERVICES SHEARS AND KNIVES SHARPENED: Cazenovia Lumber Co., 655-3417. (fc) DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask about SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800826-4464 BUNDLE AND SAVE! DIRECTV, INTERNET & PHONE From $69.99/mo. Free 3 months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE GENIE 4-room Upgrade LOCK IN 2 YR Savings. Call 1-800-782-3956 REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-492-1952 DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 3.3 million households and millions of potential buyers quickly and inexpensively! Only $489 for a 25-word ad. Place your ad online at fcpny.com or call 1-877275-2726 HOTELS FOR HEROES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL FULLY INSURED MDM Landscaping Edging Landscaping Mulching Lawn Mowing [email protected] C: 315-560-0947 Spring/Fall Cleanup Patios H: 315-662-3013 Driveway Retaining Walls Thank you for considering us Repair/Installation New Lawn installation for your landscaping needs. And Much More... Brush Cleanups Spiderman Movie At The Cazenovia Public Library The summer movie schedule at the Cazenovia Public Library wraps up on Friday, August 29th at 2:00 and 6:00 pm with The Amazing Spider-Man 2. In this film, Peter Parker finds that being Spiderman comes at a price, namely that he alone can protect his fellow New Yorkers from the formidable villains that threaten the city. Confronting a foe far more powerful than he is, Spiderman runs the gauntlet while the mysterious company Oscorp sends up a slew of super villains against him. (Imdb) Based on the Marvel comic book by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is rated PG-13 and runs for 2 hours and 17 minutes. As always, admission and popcorn are free. Mark your calendars: Draft Day on September 5th at 2:00 and 7:00 pm and Captain America: The Winter Soldier on September 12th at 2:00 and 6:00 pm For more information on the movie schedule or other events at the Cazenovia Public Library, call 655-9322 or visit www. cazenoviapubliclibrary.org. WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE! We need your eyes and ears to help make Madison County a safer, drug free community. Drug Tip Hotline 1-800-721-2429. All calls will be confidential. You do not have to leave your name or phone number. Furnished by: Madison County Drug Task Force and Madison County Sheriff’s department. (a15-c) Glisson’s Apartment & Home Furnishings, Tables, Lamps, Chairs … ! Fresh Picked Sweet Corn & Blueberries Also: Adirondack Furniture, Home Décor, Breads, Cookies, & More ! 260 E. Lake Rd, DeRuyter 315 . 391 . 6832 Open Daily 9 to 6 / Sun: Noon to 6 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net $$$ On Your Insurance Wizard of Oz Premiered Aug. 18, 1939 - First National Women’sST., Rights Convention, Aug. 23, 1850ALBANY - Vitus Bering • 132 ALBANY • 1715 ST.,discovered Alaska Aug. 20, 1741 - National Sponge Cake Day Aug. 23 ATWELL MILL P.O. BOX 459 azenovia rea of CAZENOVIA, NY 13035 DeRUYTER, NY azenovia rea hamber hamber of13052ommerce ommerce ember ember *A Local Independent Chamber* (315) 655-2878 (315) 852-6180 __________________________________________________________________ FAX (315) 655-4078 FAX (315) 852-9777 TThe he G Greater reater C C AA CC CC M M PPage age Moving in the Right Direction __________________________________________________________________ • 201 GENESEE ST. • 226 FAYETTE ST. Chamber Office: 315-655-9243 • 888-218-6305 • FAX 655-9244 CHITTENANGO, NY 13037 MANLIUS, NY 13104 [email protected] - www.cazenovia.com - [email protected] The Chamber Newsletter Is Now Available online at the GCACC Website, www.cazenoviachamber.com (315) 687-3901 (315) 682-5141 This Page Will Appear In The Third Week of Each Month. Chamber Members Appearing On This Page Receive A 50% Discount On The Cost Of Any Size Ad FAX (315) 687-5600 FAX (315) 682-5143 Look at us now! If We Don’t Beat Your Cur Policies by We’re pleased to announce the launch of our new website. The new LaboratoryAlliance.com is easy to navigate and takes full advantage of current web technologies – and it’s accessible from any device. Turn to LaboratoryAlliance.com for Patient Service Center hours and directions, to view our test menu and for other information you seek, quickly and with ease. WEB: www.Skeele.com INSURANCE SERVICES www.Skeele.com •Auto •Home •Farm •Business •Motorcycle 132 Albany St., Cazenovia 13035 (315) 655-2878 Shea Skeele CISR, CPIA Marty Quinn CISR, CPIA In Memory of John Haley dougherty Lunch is pharmacy Main St., Morrisville 684-3171 M-F 8-6; Sat. 8-4 Most Insurances Accepted *NO INSURANCE???* Bring In Your Prescription For A Price Quote _____________________________________ Locally Owned & Operated _____________________________________ •Nice Selection of Local Books & T-Shirts •Many American Made Gifts •Nice Greeting Card Selection GREAT CASH PRICES ON PRESCRIPTIONS Welcome New Chamber Members for the Month of July Project It Takes A Village, Inc. Joy Mutare 1 Hurd Street, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Phone: 315-436-4887 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pitav.org We serve as added support for school age children who have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS by paying their school fees. Members Renewing Their Membership in July’14 Carollee Dewey, Hunt Realty Medicare Choices Cazenovia Nelson United Methodist Church Gallery CNY The New 2014 Member Directory is in house August 1st They will be distributed to everyone during the month and feel free to stop in and pick up. All our members are also listed on the Chamber Website with full details of their business. ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH - Corner Hurd & Green Sts. Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Daily Masses Mon. & Thurs. 6:45 a.m.; Wed. & Fri. 9:00 a.m.; Tuesday Communion Service 9:00 a.m. CAZENOVIA AND NELSON METHODIST CHURCHES - Cazenovia. Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Adult and children Christian Education following worship. Nelson Sun. Worship Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School and nursery care during service. Both Sanctuaries are wheel chair accessible. LARGE CHEESE With Large Antipasto 20 $ 95 OR _____________________________ 10 Wings Like Us On Facebook For Our Daily Specials - WE DELIVER Open 7 Days @ 11:00 a.m. Find Our Menu At www.owahgenapizzeria.com We will remember John at the Chamber as always smiling and working summers plan-ning and Chairman of the Cazenovia CruisIn committee for the Wednesday evenings in Memorial Park. He wore many hats while in this community and will be missed by many. He was charter member of CAVAC, retired from DeWitt Fire Department paid fireman, 40 years with Cazenovia Fire Dept. and Chief in 1970. He also was a member of all of the NYS organizations. ~ FRIENDLY SERVICE ~ - LOCAL CAN & BOTTLE DRIVE - THE 3RD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH DROP OFF CANS & BOTTLES ANYTIME Flowers, Maple Products, Soaps and Woodworking Crafts Dizzy Lizzy’s Farm—Produce, Fruit, Garlic, Maple, Eggs and Flowers Drover Hill Farm—Beef, Pork, Lamb and Chicken Empire Buffalo, LLC—Bison Meat and Garlicky Goodness Fairie Valley—Handmade arts and crafts Fenner Alps Fiber Farm—Yarn and Fiber from Angora goats, Vintage Journals, and Crochet Jewelry HANICAL SERVICES, IN C E M S ' C. ART Cell315-893-9910 315-761-1192 Heating • Plumbing • Electrical 24 Hour Emergency Service "If You're Reading This Ad, We Cover Your Area" www.artsmechanical.com Office Address Billing Address 6708 Rte. 20, Bouckville 13310 3076 Rte. 26, Eaton, NY 13334 CAZENOVIA VILLAGE BAPTIST CHURCH – 7 Seminary St., Cazenovia, NY – Worship 10:30 am, fellowship following. Bible Study Wed. 7:00 pm; College night Fri. 7 pm handicapped accessible---Web Site: cazvbc.org—Tel. 655-9276 Summer Farmer’s Market is Open Aileen Randolph—Manager Visit the Market every Saturday 9 to 4 Shop Early for Best Selection: Summer Season Vendors: Adirondack Distilling Company—Vodka, Gin, Whisky & Bourbon Antimoc Craft Collection Jewelry—Jewelry, Aprons, Scarves, Tye-Dye T-Shirts, Hot Pot Holders and Decorated Flip Flops Brownson Family Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Honey and Maple Syrup Cazenovia Cut Block—Woodworking Boards & Bowls Creekside Meadows Farm—Meats, Vegetables, Plants, Save A Tree Sign Up For Hi, Neighbor Delivery To Your Computer @ www.hineighbor.net or Email Your Request To [email protected] Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Fishbellies -microwave/freezer corn bags for pain relief Frosty Morning Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, Flowers, Eggs, Baked Goods, and Hand Made Hula Hoops Goosegreen Farm—Pastured Chicken and eggs (starting July 5th) Hartwood Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, Flowers and Eggs Jewelry by Dolly—Handmade Jewelry Kriemhild Dairy Farms—Butter Life of Reilley Distilling Company—Spirits (Coming Soon) The Hi, Neighbor Publishes Announcements For Birthdays Births - Engagements Anniversaries - Weddings Graduations - Promotions In Loving Memory Memorials & Obituaries ___________________________ MASTERCARD-VISA-DISCOVER ACCEPTED Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 -7- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net TThe he G Greater reater C Cazenovia azenovia A Area rea C Chamber hamber of of C Commerce ommerce M Member ember P Page age *A Local Independent Chamber* __________________________________________________________________ Moving in the Right Direction __________________________________________________________________ Chamber Office: 315-655-9243 • 888-218-6305 • FAX 655-9244 [email protected] - www.cazenovia.com - [email protected] The Chamber Newsletter Is Now Available online at the GCACC Website, www.cazenoviachamber.com This Page Will Appear In The Third Week of Each Month. Chamber Members Appearing On This Page Receive A 50% Discount On The Cost Of Any Size Ad More coverage. Less spendage. Michael Nichiporuk, Agent 105 Nelson Street Cazenovia, NY 13035 Bus: 315-655-2886 [email protected] Collision Call 315-655-9431 ONLINE!!! www.hineighbor.net Have Your Ad Written & Your Credit or Debit Card READY!!! An Excerpt From An Early History of Cazenovia... Discounts up to 40% Get more. Spend less. It’s that simple when you get car insurance from us. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. ® 0901127 WW NOW Taking Classified Ads BY PHONE!!! State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL Local Roots—Vegetables, Syrup, Honey and Eggs Meadowood Farms—Cheese, Beef and Lamb Mountain Grown Farm—Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Honey Navarino Orchard—Fruits, Vegetables, Baked Goods and Home Canned Goods Paradise Gardens—Plants and Flowers Peanut Lane—Cold pressed Juices Refresh Farms—Greens RISE—Artisan Breads Simple Roast—Coffee Spruce Ridge Landscape & Design—Plants and Flowers Sweet Indulgences—Baked goods Talking Tricksters—Works in Clay Tartine Bake Shop—Baked goods Three Village Cheese Co.—Cheese Theresa’s Treasures—Handmade Arts & Crafts The Town of Cazenovia For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" Summer Occasional Vendors 2 Kids Goat Farm—Dairy Products, Soaps, Lotions and Lip Balms Fishbellies—Microwavable/Freezer Corn Bags for Pain Relief Primo & Mary’s Heritage Products—Jarred Salsa Trunk Rescue—Painted old trunks (37 Vendors have signed up for Market as of 7/31/14) CAZENOVIA FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH welcomes all to its Sunday morning service at 10 a.m. Church school and nursery care also at 10:00. Friendship gathering immediately following service. ERIEVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Sunday worship at 11:30 a.m. CAZENOVIA VILLAGE BAPTIST CHURCH – 7 Seminary St., Cazenovia, NY – Worship 10:30 am, fellowship following. Bible Study Wed. 7:00 pm; College night Fri. 7 pm handicapped accessible---Web Site: cazvbc.org—Tel. 655-9276 Repaired To YOUR Satisfaction! ____________________________________________ WW Collision Has Gone GREEN! Cazenovia is one of the five towns that were organized previous to the erection of Madison. It was formed from Whitestown and Paris on March 5, 1795, and was originally of very large area, containing the territory of what are now the towns of Georgetown, German, Lineklaen, Otselic and Pitcher, taken off in 1798; Sullivan, then including Lenox, taken off in 1803; Smithfield in 1807, and a part of Fenner in 1823. The town is on the west border of the county and is bounded on. the north by Sullivan, east by Fenner and Nelson, south by De Ruyter, and west by Onondaga county. The surface is high and rolling, through which extend the valleys of the Chittenango and Limestone creeks. Cazenovia Lake is a beautiful body of water in the north part, four miles long and from half a mile to a mile in width. Chittenango Falls is a picturesque cascade on that creek where the water falls 136 feet. The soil is gravelly loam in the north and central parts, and clay loam underlaid with hardpan in the southern part. Most of the town is underlaid with the rocks of the Hamilton group, with the Onondaga limestone appearing in the northeast part, where it has been extensively quarried for lime and building purposes. There are three post-offices in the town of Cazenovia, one at Cazenovia village, one at New Woodstock, and one at Chittenango Falls, The population of Cazenovia village was 1,918 in 1880, and in 1890 it was 1,987, showing a small increase. Cazenovia village is beautifully situated on Chittenango - Now Using Waterborne Refinishing Techniques - Cheese and butter are also manufactured at these stations from the surplus milk. Hops, the great staple of this county, have been raised in past years in Cazenovia, but not so largely as in many other towns, especially in recent years. The various grains and vegetables are produced for home consumption and to a limited extent for outside sale. The first records for this town that are in existence are for the year 1804, when the following officers were elected: Supervisor, James Green; town clerk, Eliphalet S. Jackson; assessors, Ebenezer Lyon, Oliver Bugbee, and Asa Dana; commissioners of highways, Isaac Morse, Asahel Jackson, Asa Dana; collector, Elisha Williams. At that meeting it was voted that the clerk should procure books for the use of the town, and twenty dollars was appropriated for the purpose. The clerk was also directed to transcribe from the old books such matter as he deemed advisable. It is probable that he did not do so, as the existing book, as before stated, begins with 1804. The proceedings of the first meeting of which there is a record are given in earlier chapters. COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT SENIORS Questions, comments or ideas about services for older adults in the Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner, NY areas? Call CRIS at 655-5743. www.callcris.org - Email: [email protected] Creek and at the foot on the east shore of the lake which bears the same name. It is located a little northeast of the center of the town and is a station on both railroads named below, giving it connection with Canastota, with Syracuse, and with Cortland and Elmira. The village was incorporated on February 7, 1810, the first corporation meeting being held on May 10 of that year at the house of Eliphalet S. Jackson. Elisha Farnham, a justice of the peace, presided, and A. D. Van Home acted as clerk. The following were elected the first officers: Elisha Farnham, P. G. Childs, Jonas Fay, E. S. Jackson, and Samuel Thomas trustees; J. N. M. Hurd, treasurer; Jacob A. Dana, bailiff and collector. Jonas Fay was chosen the first president of the village, and Caleb Ledyard, clerk. Following is a statement of the population of this town as shown by the census taken at different dates: 1835 - 4,647, 1840 - 4,153, 1845 - 4,675, 1850 - 4,812, 1855 - 4,495, 1860 4,343, 1865 - 4,157, 1870 - 4,265, 1875 - 4,240, 1880 - 4,363, 1890 - 4,182, 1892 - 3,803. These figures, like the record in most rural towns in the State, show a small decrease in population, the causes of which are now well understood. The chief agricultural interest of the town at the present time is dairying in its various features. Much of the land is well adapted for grazing and the production of hay, large quantities of which ai e shipped to distant markets. Along the lines of railroad are a number of milk stations, and a large part of the milk produced is taken to them, for shipment to New York and other points. Spotless Spaces Cleaning Service - Specializing In Deep Cleaning - _________________________________ Churches - Real Estate - Medical Professionals Moving - Renovations - Event Cleanup & More ______________________________ Call Today For A Free Estimate - Insured 315-436-1953 -8- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 655-2666 / 687-7842 Complete Body & Fender Work Like Us On Facebook 6036 East Lake Road Cazenovia, NY Following is a list of supervisors of Cazenovia from 1806 to the present time: 1807, Lemuel Kingsley; 1808-11, Eliphalet Jackson; 181213, Samuel S. Forman; 1814, E. S. Jackson; 1815, A. D. Van Home; 1816, Samuel Thomas; 1817, William Sims; 1818-24, E. S. Jackson; 1825-28, Samuel Thomas; 1829-31, Newell Wright; 1832-33, Elihu Severance; 1834-38, John F. Hicks; 1839-45, Talcott Backus; 1846-50, Albert Card; 1851-52, Charles Stebbins; 1853-54, Lewis Raynor; 1855, John C. Loomis; 1856, Albert Card; 1857, John F. Fairchild; 1858-59, John Stebbins; 1860-62, Silas L. Loomis; 1863, D. E. Haskell; 1864-66, C. H. Beckwith; 1867, Charles Stebbins, jr.; 1868-69, Silas L. Loomis; 1870, Charles Stebbins, jr. ; 1871-72, Marcus L. Underwood; 1873-78, Willard A. Crandall; 1879-81, J. Harvey Nourse; 1882-83, John Stebbins; 1884-91, William C. Sherman; 1892-97, Chauncey B. Cook. According to the State census of 1892 Cazenovia town has a population of 3,803. The census of 1890 gives the number as 4,182, showing a loss of nearly ‘200 during the preceding decade. The town is divided into fifteen school districts, with school houses in each, in which were employed in 1897 twentyfour teachers; all the schools are flourishing and notably well conducted. The whole number of children taught in 1897 was 718. The Chenango Valley branch of the West Shore Railroad crosses Cazenovia from northwest to southeast, and the branch of the Lehigh Valley road which was formerly the Cazenovia and Canastota Railroad, crosses the town in a southerly direction, the two forming a junction about a mile south of Cazenovia village. This branch was extended to De Ruyter in 1877 and subsequently continued on to Cortland, Ithaca, and Elmira. The town was bonded in aid of this road to the amount of $160,000. The present bonded indebtedness is $111,000. That part of Cazenovia included within the Gore, which was more than one-half in the southern part, was comprised in the Interested In Joining The Chamber in 2014? Email the Chamber Office today at [email protected] or call 315-655-9243 for membership application Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Wizard of Oz Premiered Aug. 18, 1939 - First National Women’s Rights Convention, Aug. 23, 1850 - Vitus Bering discovered Alaska Aug. 20, 1741 - National Sponge Cake Day Aug. 23 TThe he G Greater reater C Cazenovia azenovia A Area rea C Chamber hamber of of C Commerce ommerce M Member ember P Page age *A Local Independent Chamber* __________________________________________________________________ Moving in the Right Direction __________________________________________________________________ Chamber Office: 315-655-9243 • 888-218-6305 • FAX 655-9244 [email protected] - www.cazenovia.com - [email protected] The Chamber Newsletter Is Now Available online at the GCACC Website, www.cazenoviachamber.com This Page Will Appear In The Third Week of Each Month. Chamber Members Appearing On This Page Receive A 50% Discount On The Cost Of Any Size Ad HamiltonCazenovia Animal Hospital Animal Hospital 2316 Rt. 12B Hamilton, NY 13346 315-824-5412 www.hamiltonvet.com Dr. Frank Martorana Dr. Heather Highbrown 2750 Rt.20 East Cazenvoia, NY 13035 315-655-3409 www.cazenoviavet.com Dr. Jerry Kolb Dr. Alice Marie Donnelly Dr. Anne Galton Healthy Pets, Happy Clients Providing Quality, Compassionate Care For Over 35 Years purchase made by the Holland Land Company of about 120,000 acres, through the agency of John Lincklaen, in 1792-3. Mr. Lincklaen procured the survey of the Road Township (so called from the fact that the proceeds of the sale of lands therein were to be applied to the construction of roads), and in 1794 built mills near the site of Cazenovia village. Other settlers in the town in 1793 were Archibald Bates, Day Fay, William Miles, Noah Taylor, Isaac Nichols, Ira Peck, Nathan Webb, Shubael Brooks, Samuel Tyler, and one Augur. In the next year David Smith and Lewis Stanley settled in the town and were soon followed by Jonathan Smith, brother of David, William Sims, Isaac Morse, Chandler Webber, Abraham Tillotson, Walter Childs, Jacob Ten Eyck, Jeduthan Perkins, Francis Norton, James Covell, Hendrick De Clercq (from Holland), Levi Burgess, Joseph Holmes, Caleb Van Riper, Edward Parker, Phineas Southwell, Robert Fisher, Isaac Warren, John Savage, Samuel Thomas, Deacon Isaiah Dean,William Moore, Christopher Webb, Ebenezer Knowlton, all of whom settled before or in the year of the formation of Madison county, locating in various parts of the town. After that date settlement was very rapid, many of the incomers being noticed in earlier chapters and in Part III of this work. The first merchant in the village of Cazenovia was Samuel S. Forman, who came to the place in the employ of John Lincklaen in 1793, in the interest of the Holland Land Company. The store was for a time carries on by Mr. Forman with Mr. Lincklaen, representing the company as a partner. Mr. Forman subsequently took the business alone. Other early merchants were Jabish N. M. Hurd, who came about 1800; Jesse Kilborn, William M. and JosephBurr, Benjamin T. Clarke, E. B. and E. D. Litchfield, brothers; William Greenland and his son, William S.; William Mills, Charles Crandall and Frank Moseley who formed a partnership and conducted a bookstore from 1834; John C. Reymon, L. G. Wells, Henry Groff, John Hobbie, and others. The business of L. G. Wells was transferred in 1878 to his sons, Dwight W. and Edward G., and is now conducted by the latter. George Morse, dealer in drugs, began business in 1847 with John F. Irons and purchased his partner’s interest two years later; the firm is now George Morse & Son. Ebenezer Knowlton began the jewelry business about 1848 and continued more than thirty years; the business is now carried on by C. M. Knowlton. E. A. Blair purchased the harness and saddlery business of T. S. Whitnall in 1863 and continues to the present time; Bowman Stanley, grocer, started in 1863 in company with his brother, Benjamin F.; Tillotson & Nichols, who succeeded J. D. Beach about 1861 in a general store; H. B. Thomas, a pioneer and early harness maker; Jesse W. Hall, groceries, etc., who sold out in 1869 to David P. and James C. Dean; Will H. Cruttenden, jeweler, began in 1870; Nichols & Covell, clothiers, began in 1871; Colton & Webber, hardware, began trade in 1877, succeeding Colton, Johnson & Co.; Wells Bros., general merchants since 1872; J. W. T. and William Rice, druggists, began in 1873; Henry A. Rouse, general merchant; Samuel T. Jackson, hats and caps, commenced in 1877, with his cousin, Frank E. Jackson, and others who have been noticed in the earlier town history. The present merchants and business men of Cazenovia village are as follows: E. G. Wells, furniture and undertaking; H. B. Thomas, harness and trunks; Curtis Brothers, drugs; George Morse & Son, drugs; J. W. Howson, coal dealer; F. E. Wilson, baker; G. H. Atwell & Son, flour and feed; Mrs. F. D. Hoidridge, and Mrs. L. M. White, millinery; Marshall & Bumpus, Aikman & Norton, Driscoll & Marshall, and H. H. Colton, hardware; Hoidridge & De Clercq, musical instruments; S. B. Allen, news room and cigars; William Watkins, and H. F. Greenland, books and stationery; Charles R. Parkinson, bakery; W. W. Rice, drugs; W. S. Greenland & Son, merchant tailors; J. W. Hall, jeweler; H. N. Clark, jeweler; F. C. Phelps, general store; H. H. Hamilton, meats; W. W. Rainey, harness; R. A. Niles & Co., clothing; E. L. Riggall, meats; F. E. Richardson, grocer; C. W. Covell, boots, shoes, clothing, etc.; B. Voilmer, general store; D. S. Reidy, harness; Nichols & Loomis, general merchants; J. D. Warner, meats; H. A. Rouse estate, general store (managed by C. H. Rouse); Tillotson & Needham, house furnishings; Wells Brothers, dry goods and groceries; P. H. Donnelly, groceries; Clark & Mulligan, dry goods and general merchandise; Enright & Barrett, furniture and undertaking; Jackson Brothers, meats; John Wilson, ice. The early manufactures established on the water power of Cazenovia comprised the trip hammer forge of Luther Bunnell, established as early as 1811; Nehemiah White’s chair shop; a woolen mill built by John Lincklaen and Elisha Starr, which soon passed to Matthew Chandler & Son; a tannery started by Thomas Williams and his son, John, which was sold to R. & R. G. Allen; the saw mill of David B. Johnson; the fulling mill of Sidney Roberts; a tannery established by Elisha Farnham; the Cazenovia paper mill built about 1810 by Zadock Sweetland, which was burned in 1859 and rebuilt; the Cedar Grove woolen mill; the Fern Dell mills, originally built for a woolen mill, but not used for that purpose; the Crawford mower and reaper works, removed from Ilion in 1875; the Lake Mills, built by Dr. Jonas Fay in an early time; an oil mill operated by Edward Knowlton; a saw and planing mill operated by S. F. Chaphe and Reuben Parsons, all of which have been fully described. The present manufactures of Cazenovia consist of the carriage shop of J. H. O’Neil; the establishment of the Cazenovia Wool and Felt company, employing several men; the sash, door and blind factory of T. W. Thayer & Co.; Albert Chaphe’s flouring HOUSE JACKING STRUCTURAL LEVELING / STRAIGHTENING WOOD ROT REPAIRS / RENOVATIONS FOUNDATIONS INSTALLED: Poured walls, ICF, Blocks, Repair Bowed/Cracked Walls / Resurfacing EXCAVATION: Backhoe / Loader / Dozer / Trackhoe Skidsteer / Septics Installed / Repaired / 70’ Crane Service General Construction FREE ESTIMATES Call Bob Barrows 315-440-2762 EMAIL: [email protected] Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net mill; the foundry and machine shop of Marshall & Card; the planing mill established by S. F. Chaphe, recently partially burned and rebuilt; blacksmith shops of P. H. Calhoun, Charles Bordwell, Martin McCabe and Barney Oiley; and the Brooklyn Creamery. A private banking business was established by J. H. Ten Eyck Burr in 1880, and is still in prosperous existence. The village has three hotels-the Lincklaen house, built in 1835, now conducted by Walter H. Young; the Cazenovia House, built many years ago, now conducted by Charles E. Pratt; and the Stanton House, formerly until 1879 the Lake House, conducted by C. M. Stanton. The Cazenovia Republican is an able country weekly newspaper, established in 1854 by W. H. Phillips, and now conducted by J. A. Loyster, who purchased the establishment in 1890. Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor Pennysaver" There are five churches in Cazenovia, as follows: Presbyterian, founded in 1798, with Rev. Joshua Leonard the first pastor; the church was built in 1806 and extensively repaired in 1834. Present pastor, S. E. Persons. The Methodist church, formed as part of the Cortland Circuit in 1816, and incorporated in 1830; first meeting house erected in 1833, and the present one in 1873. The Baptist church, built in 1817, organized in 1820; church extensively repaired in 1868, burned in 1871, and rebuilt of brick in 1871 at a cost of $15,200; completed in 1880. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, organized 1844 and incorporated 1845; church erected in 1848. St. James’s Catholic Church, organized 1849 by Rev. Michael Hayes; brick church erected in 1849-52. The Universalist church was organized in 1853, and after many years of somewhat feeble existence, declined and ceased to exist. Cazenovia is the seat of the well known seminary, which has had an existence of about seventy-five years and is fully described in Chapter XXIV of this work. In the same chapter will be found an account of the Union school of the village, which was established in 1874. The first physician to settle in the village was Dr. Isaac Lyman, who continued in practice from 1799 until his death in 1854. Dr. Theophilus Wilson settled in the village in 1814, and Dr. Jonathan Silsby in about 1816, about which time Dr. David Mitchell located in the place. GET READY FOR FALL DRIVING WITH US! COLLIGAN & SONS SERVICE CENTER 117 Albany St., Cazenovia, NY 315-655-9211 IS READY TO TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS "Come see Dave for your domestic and foreign auto repairs" •Brakes •Diagnostics •Suspension •Exhaust •Emission •Air Conditioning •Tires •Lube Check Engine Light Barb Colligan- Proprietor • Dave Campbell - Manager "Family run since 1958" Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 -9- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net RICE COAL PRE SEASON SALE! Do Not Miss This Opportunity! 225 $ 00 /ton Bulk Rice Coal Only • Pick up only • Call ahead to speak to one of our sales professionals to determine the quantity you need, pay in full and pick up in 7 days • NO CHARGE – NO DEPOSIT ON TOTES or PALLET Sold in bulk in totes 1600-2200 lb. average - we will work with your needs. 30 DAYS ONLY Don’t Wait! The Way A Farm Store Should Be... Earley makes it easy! MARK SUNDERMAN 655.8993 315.374.3625 cell 315. [email protected] www.littlejonsplumbing.com Marris Tent Rental John Marris (Owner) (315) 662-3939 (315) 439-8499 One Price Covers It All ones organized as fully described in earlier chapters. Previous to the establishment of the present water works, there were two engine companies and a hose company maintained in the village, with adequate auxiliary apparatus. The department as now existing, established in 1893, comprises two hose companies and a hook and ladder company, with adequate apparatus for fire purposes. Alarms are sounded on the bell of the Baptist church by push buttons in different parts of the village, through electrical connections. The Cazenovia water works were established in 1890, and up to the present have cost about $42,000. A reservoir has been constructed with capacity of 8,000,000 gallons, elevated 178 feet above the lake. This is fed by springs and by a pumping station, with capacity of 280,000 gallons a day, taken from driven wells. The water is pure and amply supplied for public purposes. Cazenovia village supports an excellent public library containing about 5,000 volumes. It was formerly maintained by private subscriptions. The building in which it is located was given to the authorities by R. H. Hubbard. New Woodstock.- This is a pleasantly situated village in the south part of the town, and a station on the Lehigh railroad. Early merchants there were Harvey and Alvin Smith, brothers, who were in trade from about 1816 to 1830, and also operated a distillery. Joseph F. Clark was contemporary with the Smiths. Jesse B. Worden was an early merchant, and Harvey Morris opened a store about 1834. The village now contains two churches, Baptist and Methodist. The former was organized in 1800, with Elder James (315) 399-8734 #7110991 Georgetown, NY SMALL LOADS For Driveway Repairs, Top Soil Needs, Decomposed Flower Bed & Garden Material, Driveway Mix, Shale, Stone - #1’s & #2’s, Stone Dust, Sand, Mulch - Delivered. 655-2351 Honey and Spice Sautéed Pork Hand Tacos • For Junk Cars/Trucks, Salvage Construction Equipment • We Pickup Your METAL • FAST, COURTEOUS SERVICE -10- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 Recipe by National Pork Board “Zesty pork tacos let you have more fun with flavor. Made with tender pork chops, honey and chipotle peppers, they’re so delicious and so easy to prepare.” Ingredients Edit and Save Original recipe makes 4 servings. 1 pound boneless pork chops, thinly-cut (1/2-inch thick), cut into strips 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle pepper (or smoked or plain paprika) 8 small corn tortillas, warmed 1 cup romaine lettuce, shredded 1 cup pico de gallo* Light sour cream or crema, to taste Directions 1.In a medium sized bowl combine the honey, olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and ground chipotle pepper and whisk to combine. Add the sliced pork to the marinade and let it sit for 15 minutes. 2.Heat a skillet over high heat. Add the slices of pork to the skillet and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side, flipping with tongs in the middle of the cooking process. Once cooked, remove the pork to a plate and reserve. 3.Arrange 8 corn tortillas on a platter. Sprinkle each with equal amounts of shredded lettuce and pico de gallo. Arrange a few pieces of pork on top of each taco, and top with sour cream or crema if desired. Henry J. DeLap TREE TRIMMING & FELLING Cazenovia, NY 655-0309 30 Years Climbing & Rigging Experience Neat, Expedient Service Reasonable Prices Beautify and Improve with Selective Trimming and Removal U.S. Air National Guard Airman 1st Class Kourtney M. Wilson graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Wilson is the daughter of Michelle A. and Bryan L. Wilson of Chittenango, N.Y. and granddaughter of Keith and Donna Wilson of Manlius, N.Y., and Margaret Wilson of Chittenango, N.Y. She is a 2013 graduate of Chittenango High School, Chittenango, N.Y. AUTO/NF WORKMAN'S COMP POMPCO GUARDIAN USFW GHI DOAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Care For The Entire Family Specializing in the Treatment of Low Back, Neck, Disk Injury & Headaches Let Doan Chiropractic Be Your First Stop On The Road To Recovery Stanton Rd. 4317 East Genesee St. New Woodstock DeWitt 662-3508 449-4465 MEDICARE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD CIGNA EQUICOR MEDICARE TOP CASH Master Plumber License #198 Bacon, pastor; a log meeting house was built in 1802, and a little latter joined with the Presbyterians in building a frame edifice. The Baptists erected a larger church of their own in 1816. This old society has ever since maintained its existence. The Methodist Church was organized in 1830. www.earleyfarm.com The first lawyers in the village were Schuyler Van Rensselaer and Samuel Sidney Breese, who settled there before the close of the last century; Van Rensselaer remained only a short time. David Dearborn, David B. Johnson, and possibly others who remained only for brief periods, settled in the village during the first decade of this century. Perry G. Childs located in the village about 1807, and was prominent in the profession. Charles Stebbins was a settler in 1810, and Justin Dwinelle and William J. Hough a little later. Later lawyers were Charles H. S. Williams, Levi Gibbs, Sidney T. Fairchild, Calvin Carpenter, Richard Thomas and Robert G. Paddock. The present attorneys in the village are Burr Wendell, M. H. Kiley, and A. E. Fitch. The post-office at Cazenovia was probably established and maintained by John Lincklaen at his personal expense until there was sufficient revenue to support it. Records of its early history are wanting. It was kept for a time in Mr. Forman’s store and in that of his successor, J. N. M. Hurd, who was postmaster until 1821, when he was succeeded by Jesse Kilborn, who held the office nineteen years. The first fire engine in Cazenovia was purchased in 1810 at a cost of $100, and a company was organized the same year consisting of twelve members. The usual village regulations regarding the keeping of fire buckets by citizens were adopted, and as years passed the apparatus was slowly increased. The first hooks and ladders were purchased in 1827 at a cost of $20. Old companies were from to time disbanded and new Years Experience SPE CE All CCIA DA ol L 3 foR MUorLsC r$ H 10 FRESH FROM OUR FARM Over 40+ Plumbing & Heating Repair & Replacement Service USCW GHI FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday 24 Hours NEW RED POTATOES • SWEET CORN eggplant • beans • sweet & hot peppers broccoli •zucchini & summer squash ______________________________________ PENNSYLVANIA PEACHES • MELONS OPEN: Tues. - Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. CLOSED SUN. & MON. 6905 Route 80 East, Tully, New York (315) 683-5532 neilcaseysfarmmarket.com Temporary Tattoo Biobatteries Produce Power From Sweat Date: August 13, 2014 Source: American Chemical Society (ACS) In the future, working up a sweat by exercising may not only be good for your health, but it could also power your small electronic devices. Researchers will report today that they have designed a sensor in the form of a temporary tattoo that can both monitor a person’s progress during exercise and produce power from their perspiration. The device works by detecting and responding to lactate, which is naturally present in sweat. “Lactate is a very important indicator of how you are doing during exercise,” says Wenzhao Jia, Ph.D. MID-YORK 315-684-3049 CHIMNEY & STOVE,LLC Chimney Sweeping, Relining, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Caps, Prefabricated Chimneys, Stove & Fireplace Accessories Over 24 Years Experience - Insured - Member NYS Chimney Sweep Guild National Fireplace Institute (NFI) Certified Stove Installer In general, the more intense the exercise, the more lactate the body produces. During strenuous physical activity, the body needs to generate more energy, so it activates a process called glycolysis. Glycolysis produces energy and lactate, the latter of which scientists can detect in the blood. Professional athletes monitor their lactate levels during performance testing as a way to evaluate their fitness and training program. In addition, doctors measure lactate during exercise testing of patients for conditions marked by abnormally high lactate levels, such as heart or lung disease. Currently, lactate testing is inconvenient and intrusive because blood samples must be collected from the person at different times during the exercise regime and then analyzed. Jia, a postdoctoral student in the lab of Joseph Wang, D.Sc., at the University of California San Diego, and her colleagues developed a faster, easier and more comfortable way to measure lactate during exercise. They imprinted a flexible lactate sensor onto temporary tattoo paper. The sensor contained an enzyme that strips electrons from lactate, generating a weak electrical current. The researchers applied the tattoo to the upper arms of DOING BUSINESS LOCALLY MAKES BETTER COMMUNITIES Sponsored by Tioughnioga Ruritan 10 healthy volunteers. Then the team measured the electrical current produced as the volunteers exercised at increasing resistance levels on a stationary bicycle for 30 minutes. In this way, they could continuously monitor sweat lactate levels over time and with changes in exercise intensity. The team then went a step further, building on these findings to make a sweat-powered biobattery. Batteries produce energy by passing current, in the form of electrons, from an anode to a cathode. In this case, the anode contained the enzyme that removes electrons from lactate, and the cathode contained a molecule that accepts the electrons. When 15 volunteers wore the tattoo biobatteries while exercising on a stationary bike, they produced different amounts of power. Interestingly, people who were less fit (exercising fewer than once a week) produced more power than those who were moderately fit (exercising one to three times per week). Enthusiasts who worked out more than three times per week produced the least amount of power. The researchers say that this is probably because the less-fit people became fatigued sooner, causing glycolysis to kick in earlier, forming more lactate. The maximum amount of energy produced by a person in the low-fitness group was 70 microWatts per cm2 of skin. “The current produced is not that high, but we are working on enhancing it so that eventually we could power some small ROOFING ROOFING CARPENTRY / MASONRY ADDITIONS - GARAGES - POLE BARNS Kitchens - Bathrooms - Siding MINI EXCAVATOR SERVICE - DECKS Hardwood Floors - Tile - Trim Work - Sheetrock CULTURED STONE - BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Paver Patios -Retaining Walls - Driveway Pillars LAMP POSTS - AND MUCH MORE - Fully Insured - MINI-EXCAVATOR/SKIDSTEER PROJECTS - "We Take Pride In Our Work To Keep Our Customers Fully Satisfied" EMRICH CONSTRUCTION LLC Jason Emrich - 315-663-6447 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Wizard of Oz Premiered Aug. 18, 1939 - First National Women’s Rights Convention, Aug. 23, 1850 - Vitus Bering discovered Alaska Aug. 20, 1741 - National Sponge Cake Day Aug. 23 REPLACING Your WINDOWS? SHELBY Auto Sales Bill - 315-837-4911 REMODELING??? __________________ _______________ Check Out Our Line Of INTEGRITY WINDOWS ‘10 CHEVY* COBALT 2 DR, 5 SPEED '01 DODGE DURANGO SLT - 4X4 - 3RD ROW SEAT- ONE OWNER - SUPER CLEAN - NEW CAR TRADE 4500 __________________ '05 DODGE GR. CARAVAN SXT 7 PASSENGER – POWER DOORS – ONE OWNER – NEW CAR TRADE – RUNS LIKE NEW Fire House William St., Cazenovia HOURS.: M-F 7:30-4:30 Sat. 8:00-Noon 655-3417 / FAX 655-8800 Gas Station R e 13 N William St. t electronic devices,” Jia says. “Right now, we can get a maximum of 70 microWatts per cm2, but our electrodes are only 2 by 3 millimeters in size and generate about 4 microWatts -- a bit small to generate enough power to run a watch, for example, which requires at least 10 microWatts. So besides working to get higher power, we also need to leverage electronics to store the generated current and make it sufficient for these requirements.” Biobatteries offer certain advantages over conventional batteries: They recharge more quickly, use renewable energy sources (in this case, sweat), and are safer because they do not explode or leak toxic chemicals. “These represent the first examples of epidermal electrochemical biosensing and biofuel cells that could potentially be used for a wide range of future applications,” Wang says. The researchers acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research. A brand-new video on the research is available at http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=3_D7JOd07M8&feature=youtu.be. Boat Repairs Call Rov-a-tune for Boat Tune-ups, Starters, Props, Alternators, No Starts, Oil Changes, Winterizations and many other repairs. Available 7 days a week. Larry Webb - 655-3362 - rovatune.com The funny thing about life is that when you get something you badly want, you no longer want it. You badly want to go on that luxury cruise when you save up enough money. But when you finally have the opportunity, you no longer want to fulfill your desire. You want to marry this beautiful person you love, but when you are ready to tie the knot, your mind is filled with doubts. Life is funny in moments. If you want to enjoy life, you should not take it too seriously. Every worry, every fear, is a transient phase. This too shall pass. You will have many more ups and downs to experience. Read these funny quotes about life. Get inspired to enjoy life without being bogged down. $3450 __________________ '01 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT SILVERADO EXT CAB 4 WD, LT Z71 ‘12 CHEVY* TRAVERSE AWD 2LT, NAV., SUNROOF, 34K 24,990 $ 4 DR., MOON ROOF, CLEAN CAR ‘09 CHEVY* SUBURBAN LT, 8 PASS., 4 WD, $3950 65K 22,990 $ EXT. CAB, 2 WD, HTD. LTHR, 4 DR., CLEAN CAR – NEW CAR TRADE NEW CAR TRADE, ABSOLUTELY NEW, JUST IN ‘11 CHEVY* 23K SIERRA SLT ‘10 GMC 22K 16,990 $ 21,990 $ $2950 __________________ '01 MERCURY SABLE $2950 __________________ '00 BUICK LeSABRE IMPALA LT POWER ALL SLE, AWD, $ 2150 __________________ '96 DODGE RAM PICK UP TRUCK $3450 __________________ '03 CHEVY MALIBU ‘13 CHEVY* 51K TERRAIN ‘11 GMC• 4X4 - RUNS GREAT - NEW CAR TRADE REGULAR CAB – 4X4 – RUNS LIKE NEW – NEW CAR TRADE 12,990 14,990 $ 34K $ MAIN STREET $ 3250 __________________ '99 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER (E) Route 20 (W) 5 DR. HATCHBACK 67K GR. CARAVAN ‘11 DODGE LOW MILEAGE - SUPER CLEAN - NEW CAR TRADE POWER WINDOWS – TILT – CRUISE – 3RD ROW SEAT – ONE OWNER – 69K - SUPER CLEAN – NEW CAR TRADE FIESTA SES 8,950 $ $ $ 4550 __________________ '02 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER ‘11 FORD 23K 26,990 $ ‘11 CHEVY SILVERADO LT 3500 CREW CAB DURAMAX DIESEL 73K 30K Bill Gates - It’s possible; $ $ you can never know that the 26,990 42,990 universe exists only for me. If so, it’s sure going well for *GM CERTIFIED me, I must admit. Henry David Thoreau The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. SALES HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 8:00-7 p.m., Fri. 8:00-6:00 p.m., Sat. 8:00-3:00 p.m. Jack Handey - I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it. Rt. 12B North, Hamilton - 824-3610 or 1-800-540-1227 Friedrich Nietzsche - He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. “I shan’t,” promised Dorothy. Quentin Crisp - You fall out of your mother’s womb, you Perhaps no one ever beheld a more strangely assorted crawl across open country under fire, and drop into your grave. group than the one which now walked along the road, through Charles Schulz - I think I’ve discovered the secret of life pretty green fields and past groves of feathery pepper-trees - you just hang around until you get used to it. and fragrant mimosa. Polychrome, her beautiful gauzy robes Jim Carrey floating around her like a rainbow cloud, went first, dancing I think everybody should get rich and famous and do back and forth and darting now here to pluck a wild-flower or everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not there to watch a beetle crawl across the path. Toto ran after her the answer. at times, barking joyously the while, only to become sober again Richard Bach - Here is the test to find whether your mission and trot along at Dorothy’s heels. The little Kansas girl walked on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t. holding Button-Bright’s hand clasped in her own, and the wee Alice Roosevelt Longworth - I have a simple philosophy: boy with his fox head covered by the sailor hat presented an Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches. odd appearance. Strangest of all, perhaps, was the shaggy man, Karen Horney - The perfect normal person is rare in our civilization. George Bernard Shaw - Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when DEC. 16, 1954 people laugh. Masonic Lanes Bowling - John Dorward, bowling for Jones Bugs had a high single game of 231 on Thursday. Ken Warner, bowling for Deruyter Textile has a high single game of 231 on Monday. DenKellyCars.com www. 60 YEARS AGO Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" Alan Bennett- Life is rather like a tin of sardines - we’re all of us looking for the key. Carl Sandburg -Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. Charles Schulz - My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right? Charlotte Bronte - Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation. Elbert Hubbard - Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Bob Monkhouse - Personally, I don’t think there’s intelligent life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one? Douglas Adams - Life... is like a grapefruit. It’s orange and squishy, and has a few pips in it, and some folks have half a one for breakfast. Christopher Morley - Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it. Woody Allen - Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. The Road To Oz By L Frank Baum Chapter 7 - Continued That suited the boy better, but the shaggy man said he was content with his apples and sandwiches, although he ended the meal by eating Button-Bright’s pie. Polly liked her dewdrops and mist-cakes better than any other food, so they all enjoyed an excellent breakfast. Toto had the scraps left from the beefsteak, and he stood up nicely on his hind legs while Dorothy fed them to him. Breakfast ended, they passed through the village to the side opposite that by which they had entered, the brown servantdonkey guiding them through the maze of scattered houses. There was the road again, leading far away into the unknown country beyond. “King Kik-a-bray says you must not forget his invitation,” said the brown donkey, as they passed through the opening in the wall. Contributed by Darla Snyder, DeRuyter, NY with his shaggy donkey head, who shuffled along in the rear with his hands thrust deep in his big pockets. None of the party was really unhappy. All were straying in an unknown land and had suffered more or less annoyance and discomfort; but they realized they were having a fairy adventure in a fairy country, and were much interested in finding out what would happen next. Chapter 8 About the middle of the forenoon they began to go up a long hill. By-and-by this hill suddenly dropped down into a pretty valley, where the travelers saw, to their surprise, a small house standing by the road-side. It was the first house they had seen, and they hastened into the valley to discover who lived there. No one was in sight as they approached, but when they began to get nearer the house they heard queer sounds coming from it. They could not make these out at first, but as they became louder our friends thought they heard a sort of music like that made by a wheezy hand- NOW Taking Classified Ads BY PHONE!!! Call 315-655-9431 ONLINE!!! www.hineighbor.net Have Your Ad Written & Your Credit or Debit Card READY!!! Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: [email protected] or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 -11- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net Direct Factory FURNITURE - Route 5, Wampsville - NO TAX SALE WHATEVER YOU PURCHASE WE’LL PAY THE TAX - This Week ONLY, Aug. 17-23 ________________________________________________ “Home of the Everyday Low Prices” ________________________________________________ 231 Genesee Street Canastota, NY (RFT.5, Wampsville (315) 363-9185 Hours Mon-Wed 10-7, Thurs.-Fri 9-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 10-4 Open House ROOF PAINTING SPECIALISTS HOME - FARM COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL Roof Coating & Painting For All Steel Roofing Call Webb Professionals 363-8660 & RED BARN SALE VANITIES | KITCHENS | FURNITURE August 22–23 “What is it, a band or FRIDAY 9AM–7PM a mouth-organ?” asked SATURDAY 9AM–4PM Dorothy. “Don’t know,” said OCCASIONAL FURNITURE Button-Bright. BEDROOM SUITES “Sounds to me like a played-out phonograph,” TABLES & CHAIRS | CEDAR CHESTS said the shaggy man, lifting ES PICTURE FRAMES | BOOKCASES his enormous ears to listen. QUILTS & WALL HANGINGS “Oh,therejustCOULDN’T be a funnygraf in Fairyland!” PERSONALIZED GIFTS cried Dorothy. CHILDREN’S FURNITURE “It’s rather pretty, isn’t it?” & MUCH MORE asked Polychrome, trying to dance to the strains. Tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom, Oom pom-pom; oom pom-pom! 2509 Perry Shumaker Rd, Munnsville(315) 843–4234 | 1–800–843–3202 came the music to their ears, more distinctly as they drew nearer the house. Presently, they saw a little fat man sitting Tiddle-tiddle-iddle, oom, pom-pom, on a bench before the door. He wore a red, braided jacket that and they had to speak loud in order to hear themselves. The reached to his waist, a blue waistcoat, and white trousers with shaggy man said: gold stripes down the sides. On his bald head was perched a “Who are you, sir?” little, round, red cap held in place by a rubber elastic underneath The reply came in the shape of this sing-song: his chin. His face was round, his eyes a faded blue, and he wore I’m Allegro da Capo, a very famous man; Just find another, white cotton gloves. The man leaned on a stout gold-headed high or low, to match me if you can. Some people try, but can’t, cane, bending forward on his seat to watch his visitors approach. to play And have to practice every day; But I’ve been musical Singularly enough, the musical sounds they had heard always, since first my life began. seemed to come from the inside of the fat man himself; for he “Why, I b’lieve he’s proud of it,” exclaimed Dorothy; “and was playing no instrument nor was any to be seen near him. seems to me I’ve heard worse music than he makes.” They came up and stood in a row, staring at him, and he “Where?” asked Button-Bright. stared back while the queer sounds came from him as before: “I’ve forgotten, just now. But Mr. Da Capo is certainly a Tiddle-iddle-iddle, oom pom-pom, Oom, pom-pom; oom strange person--isn’t he?--and p’r’aps he’s the only one of his pom-pom! Tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom, Oom, pom- kind in all the world.” pom--pah! This praise seemed to please the little fat musicker, for he Why, he’s a reg’lar musicker!” said Button-Bright. swelled out his chest, looked important and sang as follows: “What’s a musicker?” asked Dorothy. I wear no band around me, And yet I am a band! I do not “Him!” said the boy. strain to make my strains But, on the other hand, My toot is Hearing this, the fat man sat up a little stiffer than before, always destitute Of flats or other errors; To see sharp and be as if he had received a compliment, and still came the sounds: Tiddle-widdle-iddle, oom pom-pom, Oom pom-pom, oom-“Stop it!” cried the shaggy man, earnestly. “Stop that Residential & Commercial dreadful noise.” Installation & Service The fat man looked at him sadly and began his reply. When he Large Discounts! CAZENOVIA ELECTRIC 662-3927 ACROSS 1. An ice pinnacle 6. Glances over quickly 11. Female sibling 14. Cognizant 15. A divided Asian peninsula 16. Father of Jehoshaphat 17. Embezzlement 19. Animal companion 20. Satisfied 21. Pertaining to milk 23. Attack 27. A particle of ash 28. Computations 32. Remains of a destroyed building 33. Pointed projection 34. Super Sonic Transport 37. Latin for “Behold” 38. A witch 39. An Ivy League university 40. Perceive visually 41. Hindu loincloth 42. City in Jordan 43. Dealings 45. Not awake 48. Expose to the air 24. Gravy 49. Supplications 25. Piece of bread 50. Twisted and tight 26. Skin disease 53. An evil-looking 27. Ice cream ____ woman 29. Bib 54. Exclusively 30. Jogs 60. Actress ___ Lupino 31. A region of western 61. Construct Asia Minor 62. Strange or spooky 34. A group of south 63. Delete (abbrev.) Pacific islands 64. Searches 35. Tilt 65. Absorbs written 36. Tight material 38. Fellow 39. A giant slain by Odin DOWN (Norse mythology) 1. Unhappy 41. Puts on clothes 42. 2. Female sheep Artist’s studio 3. Royal Air Force 43. Earl Grey or orange 4. Macaws pekoe, for example 5. Temperature scale 44. A heavy open 6. A three-handed card 2-wheeled vehicle game 45. Louse 7. A pigeon shelter 46. Cave or ravine 8. Dry 47. Not against the law 9. Prefix indicating 50. Mirth recent or new 51. Between the head 10. Smoothing with grit and shoulders 11. Full of flavor 52. Portrays 12. A valley in France 55. Before 13. Forest god 56. V 18. Phone 57. Historical period 22. Answer (abbrev.) 58. A removeable cover 23. Units of area 59. Affirmative organ; the music fell upon their ears in this way: Tiddle-widdle-iddle oom pom-pom! Oom, pom-pom! oom, pom-pom! Tiddle-tiddle-tiddle oom pom-pom! Oom, pompom--pah! Used Lawn Equipment For Sale $1800 - Zero Turn SO 42" LD JaZee 1 Country Clipper $525 - Sears Riding Mower $450 - 46" Huskee riding mower $1000 - 33" World Lawn walk behind mower $125 - Cub Cadet 4 cycle string trimmer $75 - 18" 42SO cc Sears LD Chain Saw $95 - Stihl FS 45 String Trimer New Lawn Equipment For Sale 42" 19.5 hp Poulan Pro Riding mower Poulan Pro 17" Rear Tine Rotor Tiller Zero Turns JaZee 48" Demonstrator Wrangler 48" Model # 21548KAJ-SR130 Wrangler 52" Model # 21552KAJ-SR130 Moyer's Sales & Service, Inc. (315) 852-3367 - 1686 Tallet Road, DeRuyter -12- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, August 18, 2014 6 Dewey Ave. DeRuyter DeRUYTER 315-852-3316 deruytercoop.com FARM & GARDEN CO-OP 15%OnOFF ALL Fruit Trees ONLY!!! spoke the music changed and the words seemed to accompany the notes. He said--or rather sang: It isn’t a noise that you hear, But Music, harmonic and clear. My breath makes me play Like an organ, all day-- That bass note is in my left ear. “How funny!” exclaimed Dorothy; “he says his breath makes the music.” “That’s all nonsense,” declared the shaggy man; but now the music began again, and they all listened carefully. My lungs are full of reeds like those In organs, therefore I suppose, If I breathe in or out my nose, The reeds are bound to play. So as I breathe to live, you know, I squeeze out music as I go; I’m very sorry this is so-- Forgive my piping, pray! “Poor man,” said Polychrome; “he can’t help it. What a great misfortune it is!” “Yes,” replied the shaggy man; “we are only obliged to hear this music a short time, until we leave him and go away; but the poor fellow must listen to himself as long as he lives, and that is enough to drive him crazy. Don’t you think so?” “Don’t know,” said Button-Bright. Toto said, “Bow-wow!” and the others laughed. “Perhaps that’s why he lives all alone,” suggested Dorothy. “Yes; if he had neighbors, they might do him an injury,” responded the shaggy man. All this while the little fat musicker was breathing the notes: natural are For me but minor terrors. “I don’t quite understand that,” said Polychrome, with a puzzled look; “but perhaps it’s because I’m accustomed only to the music of the spheres.” “What’s that?” asked Button-Bright. “Oh, Polly means the atmosphere and hemisphere, I s’pose,” explained Dorothy. “Oh,” said Button-Bright. “Bow-wow!” said Toto. But the musicker was still breathing his constant Oom, pom-pom; Oom pom-pom-and it seemed to jar on the shaggy man’s nerves. “Stop it, can’t you?” he cried angrily; “or breathe in a whisper; or put a clothes-pin on your nose. Do something, anyhow!” But the fat one, with a sad look, sang this answer: Music hath charms, and it may Soothe even the savage, they say; So if savage you feel Just list to my reel, For sooth to say that’s the real way. The shaggy man had to laugh at this, and when he laughed he stretched his donkey mouth wide open. Said Dorothy: “I don’t know how good his poetry is, but it seems to fit the notes, so that’s all that can be ‘xpected.” “I like it,” said Button-Bright, who was staring hard at the musicker, his little legs spread wide apart. To the surprise of his companions, the boy asked this long question: “If I swallowed a mouth-organ, what would I be?” “An organette,” said the shaggy man. “But come, my dears; I think the best thing we can do is to continue on our journey before Button-Bright swallows anything. We must try to find that Land of Oz, you know.” More Next Week Reclaim Your Lawn AND Your Weekend! 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