Caribbean Directory - Government of Grenada


Caribbean Directory - Government of Grenada
Results of an Institutional Mapping Exercise of the
OAS Caribbean English-Speaking Member States
for the CICAD/OAS Training and Certification
Program (PROCCER)-Caribbean
P R O CC E R 0 0 0 6
The Training and Certification Program (PROCCER)
Effective action on the issues of drug abuse and gang violence in the Caribbean, is
hampered by the lack of properly trained and certified frontline personnel. An innovative
program, now being implemented throughout the Caribbean by the Demand Reduction
section of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), of the
Secretariat for Multidimensional Security (SMS), of the Organization of American States
(OAS) is helping to remedy this problem. The Training and Certification Program
(PROCCER) was designed to develop and strengthen OAS member state institutions,
public policies, and strategies regarding prevention, treatment and rehabilitation for
individuals with problems stemming from drug abuse and violence.
The objective of the program is to contribute to optimizing the quality of care in
prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of drug abuse and dependence and drugrelated violence. This will be accomplished in working with both governmental and nongovernmental front line organizations that provide drug abuse and violence prevention,
treatment and rehabilitation services that target people suffering from drug abuse and/or
dependence and their families, as well as other high-risk populations.
The PROCCER Caribbean initiative, launched in May 2011, not only targets drug
treatment and rehabilitation service providers, but also those working in the area of drug
prevention. Additionally, PROCCER Caribbean is being adapted, developed, and
implemented on a regional level, while meeting country-specific needs and capacities.
This is the first PROCCER initiative to include a drug prevention component and be
implemented on a regional level.
The regional approach adopted by PROCCER-Caribbean fosters harmonization of
human resources in drug prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation throughout the
region. This approach calls for:
A regional Mapping exercise to identify the key stakeholder agencies in-country;
A Regional training needs assessment to identify specific priority needs and
capacity across the Region;
The development of Regional standards and competencies
ü Development of the prevention curriculum;
ü Adaptation of PROCCER treatment curriculum;
The delivery of competency-based training courses in prevention and treatment
counseling, therapy techniques, and management skills to service providers;
The establishment of a regional certification board for professionalization of
prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation service providers;
The implementation of Internet-based information management and patient
tracking systems;
The collaboration with Regional political and technical organizations;
The collaboration with Regional academic institutions:
ü The University of the West Indies, St. George’s University.
This Directory shares the results of the initial regional mapping activity.
Directory of Caribbean Drug Prevention, Treatment, Rehabiliation, and
Gang and Youth Violence Focused Institutions
The Directory of drug prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and gang and youth violence
focused institutions in the English-Speaking Caribbean was compiled from the results of
an agency mapping exercise conducted for the CICAD/OAS Training and Certification
Program (PROCCER).
The directory involved the data gathering from PROCCER Point Persons of thirteen
OAS member states, through a Diagnostic Regional Coordinator. The coordinator was
also responsible for ensuring that the various datasets were cleaned, performed any
necessary data analysis, and drafted the initial report.
The PROCCER Point Persons were directly appointed by the national authorities from
13 OAS member states of the Caribbean and are professionals from the national drug
councils, government ministries, government organizations and non-governmental
organizations. The Point Persons assist in performing project-related activities and
representing their countries, as they are considered specialists in the area of drug
demand reduction.
The PROCCER Program operates through the Demand Reduction Section and under
the authority of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), of the
Secretariat for Multidimensional Security (SMS), of the Organization of American States
Funding for PROCCER Caribbean comes from the Bureau of International Narcotics
and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the United States Department of State; and the
Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP) of the Foreign Affairs and International
Trade, Government of Canada.
List of Caribbean Point Persons .................................................................................. 1
Country-Specific Results .............................................................................................. 3
Antigua and Barbuda .................................................................................................... 3
Bahamas ...................................................................................................................... 6
Barbados .................................................................................................................... 10
Belize.......................................................................................................................... 12
Dominica..................................................................................................................... 14
Grenada...................................................................................................................... 16
Guyana ....................................................................................................................... 20
Jamaica ...................................................................................................................... 21
St. Kitts and Nevis ...................................................................................................... 24
St. Lucia...................................................................................................................... 27
St. Vincent and The Grenadines................................................................................. 31
Suriname .................................................................................................................... 33
Trinidad and Tobago................................................................................................... 37
List of Caribbean Point Persons
Norma Jeffrey-Dorset
Substance Abuse Prevention Officer,
Substance Abuse Prevention Division,
Substance Abuse Prevention Division,
Ministry of Health, Social Transformation
and Consumer Affairs
St. Johns Street,
St. Johns, Antigua
PH: (268) 562-6758, 464-3530
[email protected]
Terry Fountain
National Anti-Drug Secretariat
National Anti-Drug Secretariat
Ministry of National Security
PH: (242) 326-4118, 326-4123
Email: [email protected]
Paulavette Atkinson
Program Officer
National Council on Substance Abuse
National Council on Substance Abuse
Ministry Of Home Affairs
Cnr. James & Roebuck Street
Bridgetown, Barbados
PH: (246) 429-6272
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Amelio Matura
Unit Coordinator
School and Community Programs
National Drug Abuse Control Council
National Drug Abuse Control Council
#25, Amara Avenue
Belize City, Belize
PH: 00-501-227-1143
Fax: 00-501-227-0520
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Malcom Dean St. Rose
Drug Abuse Prevention Officer
National Drug Abuse Prevention Unit
National Drug Abuse Prevention Unit
Ministry of Health
Government Headquarters
Kennedy Avenue
Roseau, Dominica
PH: (767) 266-3343, 266-3345
Email: [email protected]
Dave Alexander
Drug Control Officer
Drug Control Secretariat
Drug Control Secretariat
Ministry of Education
Botanical Gardens, Tanteen
St. George's Grenada
PH: (473) 440-7911
Email: [email protected]
Angela Correia
Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation
Georgetown Public Hospital
Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation
Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation
Ministry of Health,
New Market Str.
Georgetown, Guyana
PH: (592) 231-6936, 223-7355
Email: [email protected]
Roneka Joseph
Drug Demand Reduction Programme
Adolescent and Young Adult Health
and Wellness Unit
Adolescent and Young Adult Health and
Wellness Unit
Ministry of Health
Lot 1 Brickdam
Georgetown, Guyana
PH: (592) 231-6936, 223-7355
Email: [email protected]
Dr Roger A. Malary, Psychiatre
Email: [email protected]
Michael Tucker
Executive Director
National Council on Drug Abuse
National Council on Drug Abuse
2-6 Melmac Avenue,
Kingston 5, Jamaica
PH: (876) 926-9002/4
Fax: (876) 960-1820
Email: [email protected]
Antigua and
St. Kitts and
St. Lucia
St. Vincent
and the
Sislyn Malcolm
Director of Field Services
National Council on Drug Abuse
PH (Cell): (876) 470-3519
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Sharon Halliday
Consultant Psychiatrist
St. Kitts and Nevis Mental Health
JNF Hospital
St. Kitts and Nevis Mental Health Team
JNF Hospital
Ministry of Health
Buckley's, Basseterre, St. Kitts
PH: (869) 465-2551
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Clement Edward
National Committee for the Prevention
of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
National Committee for the Prevention of
Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
5 Chisel Street,
Castries, St Lucia
PH: (758) 456-0000
Email: [email protected]
Patsy Wyllie
Chief Health Educator
Health Promotion Unit
Health Promotion
Ministry of Health, Wellness and the
Ministerial Building
Kingstown, St. Vincent
PH: (784) 456-1111, Ext- 468/513
Email: [email protected]
Primnath Ritoe, Lic. MPH
National Coordinator
Drug Control Policy
Drug Control Policy
Cabinet of the President of the Republic of
Kleine Combéweg 2 – 4
Tel: (597) 874-6188
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Marie Bunwaree
Executive Office of the National Drugs
Executive Office of the National Drugs
Ministry of Health
Letitia Vriesdelaan 1-3
Paramaribo, Suriname
PH: (597) 42-4514, 47-2414
Email: [email protected]
Wendy-Ann Wattie
Coordinator (Acting)
National Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Prevention Programme
National Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Prevention Programme
Ministry of Community Development
62 Abercromby Street,
Port of Spain, Trinidad
PH: (868) 627-3506, 627-3527,
Ext. 200 / 203 / 205
Email: [email protected]
Trinidad and
Antigua and Barbuda
Name of Organization: Ministry of Education
Acronym of Organization: MOE
Full Postal Address:
Government Complex,
Queen Elizabeth Highway
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-4959
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-4970
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Andrea Airall
Position of Contact Person: Education Officer Guidance Counseling and Family Services
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 720-4065
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention
Name of Organization: AIDS Secretariat
Acronym of Organization: AIDS Sec.
Full Postal Address:
Suite #5, Weathered Building
Redcliffe Street
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-5975;
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-5039
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Delcora Williams
Position of Contact Person: AIDS Program Manager
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 728-4980
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Crossroads Centre Antigua
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box 3592,
St. Johns, Antigua, West Indies
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 562-0035
Organization Fax Number: (268) 562-0036
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Kim Martin
Position of Contact Person: Executive Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 562-0035
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Royal Police Force of Antigua
and Barbuda
Acronym of Organization: ABPF
Full Postal Address:
Police Headquarters
American Road
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-0125
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-0954
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Vere Browne
Position of Contact Person: Commissioner of Police
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 720-6088
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Substance Abuse Prevention
Acronym of Organization: SAPD
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Social Transformation
St. Johns St.
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 562-6758
Organization Fax Number: (268) 562-2678
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Social
Name of Contact Person: Norma L. Jeffrey-Dorset
Position of Contact Person: Substance Abuse
Prevention Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 562-6758; 4643530
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Citizens’ Welfare Division
Acronym of Organization: CWD
Full Postal Address:
Redcliffe Street and Corn Alley
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 562-1509/9
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-6368
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Social
Name of Contact Person: Cindy Price
Position of Contact Person: Chief Welfare Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 562-1508/9
Core or main business of the organization: Social
Name of Organization: Clareview Psychiatric Hospital
Acronym of Organization: CPH
Full Postal Address:
Skerritt's Pasture
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-1229
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-9665
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Jizelle Dore
Position of Contact Person: Matron
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 462-1229
Core or main business of the organization: Mental
Health Treatment
Name of Organization: Directorate of Gender Affairs
Full Postal Address:
Redcliffe Street
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-9664
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-9664
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education,
Youth, Sports and Gender Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Sheila Roseau
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 462-9664
Core or main business of the organization: Promotion
and Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Name of Organization: Department of Youth Affairs
Acronym of Organization: DYA
Full Postal Address:
Prime Minister’s Drive
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 481-5314
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]; [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education,
Youth, Sports and Gender Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Cleon Athill
Position of Contact Person: Director of Youth Affairs
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 481-5314; 7836858
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
Name of Organization: Boys' Training School
Acronym of Organization: BTS
Full Postal Address:
Comfort Hall, Willikies Village
St. Phillip's, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 463-2029
Organization Fax Number: (268) 463-2278
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Garolyn Hector
Position of Contact Person: Principal (ag)
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 723-9693
Core or main business of the organization: Care,
Protection and Rehabilitation
Name of Organization: Probation Unit, Citizens'
Welfare Division
Full Postal Address:
John Henry Building,
Dickenson Bay Street
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 562-5668
Organization Fax Number: (268) 562-5369
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health, Social
Transformation, and Consumer Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Alethea Byers
Position of Contact Person: Principal Probation Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 562-5668
Core or main business of the organization:
Investigate and write reports for the courts and supervise
Name of Organization: Diocesan Youth Office
Acronym of Organization: NECA
Full Postal Address:
Redcliffe Street
P.O. Box 23
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-0151,
Organization Fax Number: (268) 462-2090
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Diocese of North Eastern
Caribbean and Aruba
Name of Contact Person: Vancia Hade
Position of Contact Person: Diocesan Youth Worker
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 462-0151, 5620089
Core or main business of the organization: Holistic
Youth Development
Name of Organization: Community Development
Full Postal Address:
John Henry Building
Dickenson Bay Street
St. Johns, Antigua
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 562-5533
Organization Fax Number: (268) 562-5369
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health, Social
Transformation, and Consumer Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Brenda Odlum
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 562-5533
Core or main business of the organization:
Community Development
Name of Organization: Health and Social Welfare
Full Postal Address:
Codrington Village
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 460-0585
Organization Fax Number: (268) 460-0410
Name of Host Organization: Barbuda Council
Name of Contact Person: Calsey Beazer-Joseph
Position of Contact Person: Drug Educator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Telephone Number: (268) 462-7788,
Name of Host Organization: The Salvation Army
Name of Contact Person: Rosemarie Brown
Position of Contact Person: Administrator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 462-0115, 4627788
Core or main business of the organization: Care and
Protection of Girls
Contact Telephone Number: (268) 720-4782
Core or main business of the
organization:Administration of Health and Social
Name of Organization: Sunshine Home for Girls
Full Postal Address:
Johnsons Point,
Organization Fax Number: (242) 333-3074
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Jackie Percentie
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 554-6145
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Central Eleuthera Community
Action Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 332-2077
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Gail Griffin
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 332-2786
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Central Andros Community
Action Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 225-8181
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Paul Collie
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 225-58181
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Dr. Corolyn Hanna Summer
Enrichment Programme
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box N-325
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 327-7417
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Corolyn Hanna
Position of Contact Person: Program Administrator
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 327-7417
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Mayaguana Community Action
Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 339-3001
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Tanya Collie Rolle
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 339-3001
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Psychological Health Services,
Grand Bahama Health Services
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box F40071
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 350-6700
Organization Fax Number: (242) 352-6791
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Public Hospital's
Authority, Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Michelle Lundy
Position of Contact Person: Clinical Psychologist
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 350-6700; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Inagua Community Action
Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 339-1271
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Evamae Palacious
Position of Contact Person: President
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Alcoholic Anonymous
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box N-7522
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 322-1685
Name of Contact Person: Mr. David Knowles
Position of Contact Person: Supervisor
Core or main business of the organization: Alcohol
and Narcotics Prevention
Name of Organization: Acklins Community Action
Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 456-5601
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Malinchea Emmanuelle
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 456-5601, 3443250
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: North Eleuthera Community
Action Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 325-1277,
Name of Organization: South Eleuthera Community
Action Development Committee
Acronym of Organization: CODAC
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 334-0077
Name of Host Organization: Bahamas National Drug
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Clara Williams
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 334-0104
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
P.O. Box SS-5372
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 356-2274
Organization Fax Number: (242) 356-5252
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Terry Miller
Position of Contact Person: Director
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment, empowerment agency obtaining work day
labour for its residents.
Name of Organization: The Haven
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box SS-6106
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 328-7576
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Mark Lacy
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected], [email protected]
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
treatment, home and Christian Rehabilitation
Programmes for Drug addicts and alcoholics.
Name of Organization: Adolescent Health Centre
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box N-3729
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 328-3248/9
Organization Fax Number: (242) 328-2114
Name of Host Organization: Department of Public
Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Patrice Hanna
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 328-3248/9
Core or main business of the organization: Provides
comprehensive care for adolescents between the ages
of 9 and 19.
Name of Organization: Anglican Youth Department
Acronym of Organization: DYD
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box N-656
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 322-3015/7
Organization Fax Number: (242) 322-7943
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Anglican Diocese
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Tiffany Hall
Position of Contact Person: Assistant Youth Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 322-3015/7; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Education
Training – Program Planning, Sports Development and
Peer Education.
Name of Organization: Family Life Education Division
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box N-3913/4
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 502-2700
Organization Fax Number: (242) 322-8491
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Glenda Rolle
Position of Contact Person: Senior Education Officer
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 502-2700; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Youth Against Violence/Hope
Full Postal Address:
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 356-6549
Organization Fax Number: (242) 356-6549
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Carlos Reid
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 356-6549
Core or main business of the organization: Outreach
programme for gang members and youths.
Name of Organization: National HIV/AIDS Centre
Full Postal Address:
P.O. BOX N-3730
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 323-5968
Organization Fax Number: (242) 332-6610
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Nurse Marva Jervis
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 323-5968
Core or main business of the organization: HIV/AIDS
drug treatment, education/training, support, prevention
and laboratory services.
Name of Organization: School Attendance Unit
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box N-3913/14
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 502-2929
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Organization: Bahamas Association for Social
Health (BASH)
Full Postal Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Anzlo Strachan
Position of Contact Person: Chief School Attendance
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 502-2929
Core or main business of the organization: Education
and ensuring all children attend school.
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Troy Clarke
Position of Contact Person: President/CEO
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 525-3749
Core or main business of the organization: Life
management training for men in crisis that offers male
empowerment via pre and post-release programme for
Name of Organization: Teen Challenge Bahamas
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box SS-6754
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 341-0613
Organization Fax Number: (242) 341-0829
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Eric Fox
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 434-8111
Core or main business of the organization: Housing,
Education, Training and Treatment
Name of Organization: Sandilands Rehabilitation
Acronym of Organization: SRC
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box FH-14383
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 324-9322
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Public Hospitals Authority
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Nelson Clarke
Position of Contact Person: Medical Staff Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 364-9601
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Simpson Penn Centre for Boys
Full Postal Address:
Fox Hill Rd.
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 324-2025
Organization Fax Number: (242) 364-8687
Name of Host Organization: Rehabilitative Welfare
Department of Social Services
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Whitfield Neely
Position of Contact Person: Superintendent
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 324-1126
Core or main business of the organization:
Reformation facilities for Boys
Name of Organization: Community Counseling and
Assessment Centre
Acronym of Organization: CCAC
Full Postal Address:
Market and McPherson Sts.
P.O. Box FH-14383
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 323-3293
Organization Fax Number: (242) 356-6551
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Sandilands Rehabilitation
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Timothy Barrett
Position of Contact Person: Consultant Psychiatrist
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 323-3293
Core or main business of the organization: Provide
mental health services to the community; including
outpatient drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation
Name of Organization: Williemae Pratt Centre for Girls
Full Postal Address:
Fox Hill Rd.
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 324-1375
Organization Fax Number: (242) 324-6793
Name of Host Organization: Rehabilitative Welfare
Department of Social Services
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Salomie Gibson
Position of Contact Person: Acting Superintendent
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 324-1375
Core or main business of the organization: Detention
to rehabilitate female residents between the ages of 12
and 18 years.
Name of Organization: Bahamas National Drug Council
Acronym of Organization: BNDC
Full Postal Address:
Royal Victoria Gardens
P.O. Box N-9348
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 325-4633
Organization Fax Number: (242) 325-8442
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Bridgette Rolle
Position of Contact Person: Administrator
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 325-4633
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: LEED
Full Postal Address:
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 328-LEAD
Organization Fax Number: (242) 326-0085
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Youth, Sports
and Culture
Name of Contact Person: Patty Miller
Position of Contact Person: Sr. Youth Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 502-0631
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
development and empowerment.
Name of Organization: Drug Action Service (Narcotics
Acronym of Organization: DAS
Full Postal Address:
Genesis House
Winchester and Mt. Royal Avenue,
P.O. Box N-4937
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 322-2308
Organization Fax Number: (242) 326-7688/9
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Stanley Marshall
Position of Contact Person: House Manager
Contact Telephone Number: (242) 322-2308
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Her Majesty’s Prison
(Challenge Drug Therapy Programme)
Acronym of Organization: HMP
Full Postal Address:
Fox Hill Rd., Fox Hill
P. O. Box N 504
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 324-6404,
Organization Fax Number: (242) 324-4941
Name of Host Organization: Her Majesty’s Prison
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Elliston Rahming
Position of Contact Person: Superintendent of Prisons
Core or main business of the organization:
Sanctions/Punishment agency with treatment and
rehabilitation programmes designed to curb demand and
treat and rehabilitate inmates in order to better prepare
them for re-integration into society.
Name of Organization: Ministry of Youth, Sports and
Culture (Youth Leadership Certification Program)
Full Postal Address:
Department of Youth
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture
Thompson Blvd.
P.O. Box N-3913
Nassau, Bahamas
Organization Telephone Number: (242) 502-0600
Name of Organization: National Task Force on Crime
Acronym of Organization: NTFCP
Full Postal Address:
Alphonso House
2nd Avenue, Belleville,
St. Michael, Barbados
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 436-4742
Organization Fax Number: (246) 426-6258
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Office of the Attorney
General [OAG]
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Cheryl Willoughby
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 436-4742
Core or main business of the organization: Crime /
Violence Prevention
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Wayne Gibbons
Position of Contact Person: Operations Manager
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 423-8273
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Verdun House
Acronym of Organization: VERDUN
Full Postal Address:
St. John, Barbados
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 433-3488
Organization Fax Number: (246) 433-5499
Organization Email Address: verdunhouse
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Substance Abuse
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Ruth Parris
Position of Contact Person: Clinical Administrative
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 433-4388
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Inmate Drug Rehabilitation and
Counseling Programme
Acronym of Organization: IDRC
Full Postal Address:
c/o Her Majesty's Prison, Dodds,
St. Philip, Barbados
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 416-6900
Organization Fax Number: (246) 416-6934
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Cephus Sealey
Position of Contact Person: Clinical Psychologist
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 416-6900
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: National Council On Substance
Acronym of Organization: NCSA
Full Postal Address:
Cnr. James and Roebuck Street
Bridgetown, Barbados BB 11133
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 429-6272
Organization Fax Number: (246) 427-8966
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Yolande Forde / Ms.
Paulavette Atkinson
Position of Contact Person: Manager / Programme
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected] /
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 427-8962, 4296272
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: The Centre For Counseling
Addiction Support Alternatives
Acronym of Organization: CASA
Full Postal Address:
Cnr. St. Leonard’s Avenue and Westbury Road,
St. Michael, Barbados
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 427-5953
Organization Fax Number: (246) 228-3797
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Orlando Jones
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 427-5953
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: National Committee for the
Prevention of Alcoholism & Drug Dependency
Acronym of Organization: NCPADD
Full Postal Address:
c/o Dr. Clarence Beverly
Brigade House Medical Centre, Garrison
St. Michael, Barbados
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 421-3784
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Organization: Teen Challenge Barbados
Full Postal Address:
Mapps College, Sanford,
St. Philip, Barbados
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 423-8273
Organization Fax Number: (246) 423-8248
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Victor Roach
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 421-3784
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
General Post Office
Bridgetown, St. Michael
Organization Telephone Number: (246) 271-9443
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Roger Husbands
Position of Contact Person: Chairman / Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (246) 235-3843
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Drug Education and Counseling
Acronym of Organization: DECS
Full Postal Address:
P.O. Box 486
Name of Organization: Jacob’s Rehabilitation Farm
Acronym of Organization: J.R.F.C
Full Postal Address:
Patchakan Village
Corozal District
Belize C. A.
Organization Telephone Number: 501-607-8408
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Ismael Vallejos
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: 501-661-5854
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Full Postal Address:
Complex Building, Mahogany Street
Belize City, Belize
Organization Telephone Number: 501-202-4096
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Of Education and
Name of Contact Person: Dianne Finnegan
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Telephone Number: 501-202-40-96, 501-6349659
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: UWI Open Campus Belize
Acronym of Organization: UWI OC BZ
Full Postal Address:
Princess Margaret Drive,
PO Box 229
Belize City, Belize
Organization Telephone Number: 501-223 -0484
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Jane Bennett
Position of Contact Person: Head of Dept
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: 501-610 -0234
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Kolbe Foundation
Acronym of Organization: K.F
Full Postal Address:
Kolbe foundation
P.O. Box 88
Belize City, Belize
Organization Telephone Number: 501-225-6190
Organization Fax Number: 501-225-6188
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Earl Jones
Position of Contact Person: C.E.O.
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: 501-2256190; Ext. 139
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Belize Bureau of Standard
Acronym of Organization: B.B.S
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Works Compound, Power Lane,
PO Box 430
Belmopan City, Belize, C.A
Organization Telephone Number: 501-822-0446, 501822-0447
Organization Fax Number: 501-822-2571
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Rhanda Tillett
Position of Contact Person: Inspector
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: 501-822-0446
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: National Drug Abuse Control
Acronym of Organization: N.D.A.C.C
Full Postal Address:
#25, Amara Avenue,
Belize City, Belize
Central America
Organization Telephone Number: 501-227-1143, 501227-1121
Organization Fax Number: 501-227-0520
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address: none
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Amelio Matura
Position of Contact Person: Schools and Community
Program Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
Contact Telephone Number: 501-227-1143
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Pharmacy Dept
Acronym of Organization: P.D
Full Postal Address:
Third Floor, East Block Building
Belmopan City, Belize
Organization Telephone Number: 501-822-0809
Organization Fax Number: 501-822-2942
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Sharon Anderson
Position of Contact Person: Chief Pharmacist
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Organization: Apprenticeship and Community
Service Program
Acronym of Organization: A.C.S.P
Organization Fax Number: 501-802-3812
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Belize Police Dept,
Ministry Of Police and Public Safety
Name of Contact Person: Desiree Phillips
Position of Contact Person: Commander Community
Contact Person Email Address:,
Contact Telephone Number: 501-802-2222; Ext. 6
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Contact Telephone Number: 501-822-0809; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Belize Police Dept
Acronym of Organization: B.P.T
Full Postal Address:
1172 MayFlower Garden,
Buttonwood Bay
Belize City, Belize
Organization Telephone Number: 501-203-0115
Organization Fax Number: 501-203-0143
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Of Police and
Public Safety
Name of Contact Person: Lincoln Hemsley
Position of Contact Person: Commander Anti-Drug
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: 501-610-5582, 203-0143
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: National Youth Cadet Corps
Acronym of Organization: N.Y.C.C
Full Postal Address:
21 1/2 miles Western Highway, Belize District
Organization Telephone Number: (501) 220-6050
Organization Fax Number: (501) 220-6050
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Sandra McLaren
Position of Contact Person: National Programme
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (501) 623-0023
Core or main business of the organization: Education
/ Violence prevention
Name of Organization: Community Policing
Full Postal Address:
Independence Plaza,
Belmopan, Belize, CA
Organization Telephone Number: 501-802-2222
Commonwealth of Dominica
Name of Organization: Acute Psychiatric Unit
Acronym of Organization: A. P. U.
Full Postal Address:
Princess Margaret Hospital
Goodwill, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 266-2140
Organization Fax Number: (767) 448-6086
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Griffin C. Benjamin
Position of Contact Person: Consultant Psychiatrist
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 235-7979
Core or main business of the organization: Treatment
(Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation Or Reinsertion)
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Of National
Security, Immigration and Labour
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Dennis Blanc
Position of Contact Person: Superintendent of Prison
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 235-3329; Ext. 30
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Wisdom To Know Inc.
Acronym of Organization: W. T. K. INC.
Full Postal Address:
High Street
P. O. Box 2108,
Roseau, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 440-6911
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Bonty Liverpool
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 245-2757
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: National Drug Abuse
Prevention Unit
Acronym of Organization: N. D. A. P. U
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Health, Government Headquarters,
Kennedy Avenue
Roseau, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 266-3343
Organization Fax Number: (767) 448-6086
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Of Health
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Jacinta Bannis
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 225-8753
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Drug Squad
Full Postal Address:
Police Headquarters, Bathroad,
Roseau, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 266-5184
Organization Fax Number: (767) 448-7456
Name of Host Organization: Commonwealth Of
Dominica Police Force
Name of Contact Person: Insp. John Carbon
Position of Contact Person: Inspector In Charge
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 276-0401; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: National Drug Advisory Council
Acronym of Organization: N. D. A. C.
Full Postal Address:
Ministry Of Health, Government Headquarters
Kennedy Avenue
Roseau, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 266-3260
Organization Fax Number: (767) 448-6086
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Ogf Health
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Helen Royer
Position of Contact Person: Chairperson / Permanent
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 265-9835, 2663260
Core or main business of the organization: Policy
Name of Organization: CariMan (Dominica) Chapter
Full Postal Address:
45 Virgin Lane,
Roseau, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 277-7799
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Thomas Holmes
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 277-7799
Core or main business of the organization: Violence
Prevention (Associated With Substance Abuse)
Name of Organization: Dominica Prison Service
Acronym of Organization: D. P. S.
Full Postal Address:
Stockfarm, Goodwill,
Roseau, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 448-2631
Organization Fax Number: (767) 448-6738
Name of Organization: Customs Department
Full Postal Address:
Customs House, Woodbridge Bay,
Fond Cole, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 266-3712
Organization Fax Number: (767) 448-7950
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Finance
Name of Contact Person: Roderick Dejeans
Position of Contact Person: Controller of Customs
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 225-2271, 2663730
Core or main business of the organization: Supply
Reduction (Interdiction, Seizure)
Name of Organization: Alcoholics Ananymous
Acronym of Organization: A.A
Full Postal Address:
Loubierre, Dominica
Organization Telephone Number: (767) 448-2282
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Carmel Agar
Position of Contact Person: Cordinator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (767) 448-2282
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Child Protection Authority
Acronym of Organization: CPA
Full Postal Address:
Child Protection Authority
Scott Street
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 435-3396
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Anderson Simon
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 435-3396
Core or main business of the organization:
Child/Crime/Violence Prevention
Name of Organization: Rathdune Psychiatric Unit
Full Postal Address:
Mt. Gay Mental Hospital
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-1228
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Nurse Avis McBurnie
Position of Contact Person: Nurse-in-Charge
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-1228
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Drug Control Secretariat
Acronym of Organization: DCS
Full Postal Address:
Drug Control Secretariat
Ministry of Education
Botanical Gardens, Tanteen
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-7911
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-6650
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]; [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Dave Alexander
Position of Contact Person: Drug Control Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-7911; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Domestic Violence Unit
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Social Development
Ministerial Complex, Botanical Gardens
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2269
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Social
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Elaine Henry-McQueen
Position of Contact Person: Senior Program Officer
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2269
Core or main business of the organization: Social
Development/Crime/Violence Prevention
Name of Organization: Mt. Gay Mental Hospital
Full Postal Address:
Mt. Gay Mental Hospital
Mt. Gay
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2607
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Nurse Joanna Humphrey
Position of Contact Person: Nurse-in-Charge
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2607
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Legal Aid and Counseling Clinic
Full Postal Address:
Legal Aid and Counseling Clinic
St. John's Street
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-3788
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-4595
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Jacqueline Sealy-Burke
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-3788
Core or main business of the organization:
Education/Training/ Para Legal
Name of Organization: Carlton House Treatment and
Rehabilitation Centre
Full Postal Address:
Carlton House Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre
c/o Mt. Gay Mental Hospital
Mt. Gay
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2469
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Nurse Brenda Scott
Position of Contact Person: Nurse-in-Charge
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2469
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Grenada National Organization
for Women
Acronym of Organization: GNOW
Full Postal Address:
Grenada National Organization for Women
St. John's Street
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-6257
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Jacqueline Lorice Pascal
Position of Contact Person: Project Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-6257
Core or main business of the organization:
Organization Fax Number: (473) 444-3041
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Omowale AmuleruMarshall
Position of Contact Person: Professor
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Grenada Community
Development Agency
Acronym of Organization: GRENCODA
Full Postal Address:
Grenada Community Development Agency
Depradine Street, Gouyave
St. John's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 444-9490
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Judy Williams
Position of Contact Person: General Secretary
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 444-9490
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Student Support Services Unit
Full Postal Address:
Student Support Services Unit
Ministry of Education
Botanical Gardens, Tanteen
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Pauline St. Paul
Position of Contact Person: Head
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Grenada Save The Children
Acronym of Organization: GRENSAVE
Full Postal Address:
Grenada Save The Children Fund
St. John's Street
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-5120
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]; [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Cecilia Ann John
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]; [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-5120
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: National Infectious Disease
Control Unit
Acronym of Organization: NIDC
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Health
Ministerial Complex, Botanical Gardens
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2649
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-4127
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Jessie Henry
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2649
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Curriculum Division, Ministry of
Full Postal Address:
Curriculum Division
Ministry of Education
Botanical Gardens
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-6650
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Hermione Baptiste
Position of Contact Person: Officer Responsible for
Health and Family Life Education
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: HIV/AIDS Unit
Full Postal Address:
Student Support Services Unit/HIV/AIDS Unit
Ministry of Education
Botanical Gardens, Tanteen
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-6650
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Arthur Pierre
Position of Contact Person: Officer Responsible
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Grenada Conference of
Seventh Day Adventist
Full Postal Address:
Grenada Conference of Seventh Day Adventist
Grand Bras
St. Andrew's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 442-7450
Name of Organization: St. George's University
Acronym of Organization: SGU
Full Postal Address:
St. George's University
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 439-2000
Name of Contact Person: Veronica Alexander
Position of Contact Person: June Salhab, Directory of
Laboratory Services;
Veronica Alexander, Laboratory Technologist
Contact Person Email Address: Veronica Alexander:
[email protected];
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2051, 4351975
Core or main business of the organization: Other
(please specify): Laboratory Testing
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Clinton Lewis
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 442-7450
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Community Relations
Department, Royal Grenada Police Force
Acronym of Organization: CRD
Full Postal Address:
Community Relations Department
Royal Grenada Police Force, Fort George
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-3765
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: ASP Dunbar Belfon
Position of Contact Person: Officer-in-Charge
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]; [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-3765
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Criminal Investigation
Acronym of Organization: CID-RGPF
Full Postal Address:
Criminal Investigation Department
Royal Grenada Police Force, Police Headquarters
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-3921
Name of Host Organization: Royal Grenada Police
Name of Contact Person: Theophilus Richards
Position of Contact Person: Corporal
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 417-7721
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Royal Grenada Police Force
Acronym of Organization: RGPF
Full Postal Address:
Royal Grenada Police Force, Fort George
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-3999
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mr. William Thompson
Position of Contact Person: Commissioner of Police
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2823
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Criminal Records Office
Acronym of Organization: CRD
Full Postal Address:
Criminal Records Office,
Royal Grenada Police Force
Corner Gore & Greville Street
St. George’s, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 435-2923
Organization Fax Number: (473) 435-6906
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Royal Grenada Police
Name of Contact Person: Alfred T. Pierre
Position of Contact Person: Police Sergeant
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 457-5134, 4352923
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Her Majesty's Prisons
Full Postal Address:
Her Majesty's Prisons
Richmond Hill
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2298
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-7425
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Don McKenzie
Position of Contact Person: Commissioner of Prisons
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2298
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Social Work Department,
T.A. Marryshow Community College,
Acronym of Organization: TAMCC
Full Postal Address:
T.A. Marryshow Community College
Social Work Department, Tanteen
St. George’s, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 438-2622
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Calisha Hyacinth-PurcellCharles
Position of Contact Person: Lecturer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 415-0865
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Pathology Laboratory
Full Postal Address:
Pathology Laboratory
General Hospital
St. George’s, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2051,
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-8892
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Organization: Special Education Desk
Full Postal Address:
Special Education Desk
Ministry of Education
Botanical Gardens, Tanteen
St. George’s, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Tonya Hyacinth
Position of Contact Person: Speech Therapist
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 440-2737, 4047992
Core or main business of the organization:
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Kriss Davies
Position of Contact Person: Secretary
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 536-4823
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: District 2, Ministry of Education
Full Postal Address:
District 2 Education Office
St. Patrick's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 442-2698
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Eduction
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Maudlyn James
Position of Contact Person: Education Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 414-7711
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Financial Intelligence Unit
Acronym of Organization: FIU
Full Postal Address:
Financial Intelligence Unit, Financial Complex
P.O. Box 2028 Carenage
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 435-2373
Organization Fax Number: (473) 435-2372
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Inspector Senneth Joseph
Position of Contact Person: Head
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 435-2373
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Grenada Pharmacy Council
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Health, Ministerial Complex
Botanical Gardens
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-4955
Organization Fax Number: (473) 440-4127
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Anthony Kester Cyrus
Position of Contact Person: Chairman
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 457-0265
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Drug Squad
Full Postal Address:
Drug Squad
Royal Grenada Police Force, Fort George
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 435-5191
Organization Fax Number: (473) 435-5193
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Royal Grenada Police
Name of Contact Person: Superintendent Rodriquez
Position of Contact Person: Head of Department
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 435-5191
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Lifestyle Productions
Full Postal Address:
Lifestyle Productions
Mt. Hartman
St. George's, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 406-8655,
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Jeanette McEwen
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (473) 406-8655, 4187102
Core or main business of the organization:
Media/Public Relations
Name of Organization: Grenada Association of
Professional Social Workers
Acronym of Organization: GAPSW
Full Postal Address:
c/o PAM
Heritage House, Mt Parnassus
St George’s, Grenada
Organization Telephone Number: (473) 440-0002
Full Postal Address:
6-7 Water Street Kingston
Georgetown, Guyana, SA
Organization Telephone Number: (592) 226-1235
Organization Fax Number: (592) 225-0893
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: The Salvation Army
Territorial Headquarters (Jamaica)
Name of Contact Person: Major Ulrick Thibaud
Position of Contact Person: Administrator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (592) 227-0523
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Pheonix Recovery Project
Acronym of Organization: PRP
Full Postal Address:
Lot 90 Block “CC” Mon Repos
East Coast Demerara, Guyana, South America.
Organization Telephone Number: (592) 220-6825
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Clarence Young
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator Pheonix
Recovery Project
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (592) 623-1437, 6257597
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Drug Demand Reduction
Acronym of Organization: DDRP
Full Postal Address:
Lot 1 Brickdam Stabroek,
Georgetown, Guyana, South America
Organization Telephone Number: (592) 231-6936,
Organization Fax Number: (592) 223-7355
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Roneka Joseph
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected], [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (592) 628-4111, 6654298
Core or main business of the organization:
Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation
Name of Organization: The Transitional House
Acronym of Organization: TTH
Full Postal Address:
31 Penitentiary Walk, New Amsterdam,
Berbice, Guyana, South America.
Organization Telephone Number: (592) 333-2229
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Eskar Adams
Position of Contact Person: Founder/Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (592) 614-2742
Core or main business of the organization:
Prevention and Treatment
Name of Organization: The Salvation Army Drug
Rehabilitation Centre
Acronym of Organization: SADRC
Name of Organization: Rise Life Management Services
Acronym of Organization: RISE
Full Postal Address:
57 East Street,
Kingston, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 967-3777/9
Organization Fax Number: (876) 967-3779
Organization Web-site Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Sonia Abrahams
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 967-3777/9
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Sunshine Pharmacy
Full Postal Address:
3 Sevens Avenue,
May Pen,
Clarendon, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 986-9085
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Winsome Christie
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Clear Brook, Sunny Brook,
Mountain Brook
Full Postal Address:
2 Walker's Hill Road,
St. Andrew, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 977-1108
Organization Fax Number: (876) 702-2299
Name of Contact Person: Tasha Phillips
Position of Contact Person: Administrator
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Faithmed Pharmacy & Medical
Full Postal Address:
2 Musgrave Road,
Brown's Town,
St. Ann, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 975-2230
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Donovan Johnson
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address: (876) 975-2230
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Dispute Resolution
Full Postal Address:
5 Camp Road,
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Organization Fax Number: (876) 754-9769
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention
Name of Organization: University Hospital of the West
Indies Detox and Assessment Unit
Acronym of Organization: UHWI
Full Postal Address:
Kingston 7, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 977-0705
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Winston Del La Haye
Position of Contact Person: Psychiatrist
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 927-1620/9; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Royale Pharmacy Limited
Full Postal Address:
10 Lewis Street,
Savanna-La-Mar P.O.,
Westmoreland, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 918-1030
Organization Fax Number: (876) 955-2373
Name of Contact Person: Carol Muschette
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Richmond Fellowship (Patricia
Acronym of Organization: RFJ
Full Postal Address:
6 Upper Musgrave Avenue,
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 978-2324
Organization Fax Number: (876) 978-1670
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Howard Gough
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 978-2324
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Southsea Pharmacy
Full Postal Address:
10 Lawrence Plaza,
Whitehouse P.O.,
Westmoreland, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 963-5489
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Portland, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 396-2336,
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Barbara Harry
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Teen Challenge
Full Postal Address:
10 Shaw Park Road,
Ocho Rios,
St. Ann, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 974-5818
Organization Fax Number: (876) 974-4598
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Anthony Richards
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 974-5818, 3096789
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Marverley Gospel Hall
Full Postal Address:
100 1/4 Molynes Road,
Kingston 20, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 320-1775,
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Benita Morrison
Position of Contact Person: Counselor
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Bellevue Hospital
Full Postal Address:
16 1/2 Windward Road,
Kingston 16, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 928-1380
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Myo Oo
Position of Contact Person: Chief Medical Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: National Council on Drug Abuse
Full Postal Address:
2-6 Melmac Avenue,
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 926-9002/4
Organization Fax Number: (876) 960-1820
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Michael Tucker
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 926-9002/4; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Maxfield Park Health Centre
Full Postal Address:
89 Maxfield Avenue,
Kingston 10, Jamaica
Organization Fax Number: (876) 968-7615
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. L. Watson
Position of Contact Person: Parish Administrative
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 968-7578
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Caribbean Regional Drug Law
& Enforcement Training Centre
Full Postal Address:
Twickenham Park,
Spanish Town, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 943-9111,
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Bertram Milwood
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Mico Counseling Centre/Mico
Community Mental Health Centre
Acronym of Organization: MICO
Full Postal Address:
3 Manattan Road,
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 960-1282
Organization Fax Number: (876) 960-4777
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Paulette Lewis
Position of Contact Person: Administrative Assistant
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (876) 960-1282
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Trans National Crime Division
(Police Narcotics)
Full Postal Address:
230 Spanish Town Road,
Kingston 11, Jamaica
Organization Fax Number: (876) 758-3575
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Senior Superintendent
Warren Clarke
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Correctional Services
Full Postal Address:
5-7 King Street,
Kingston, Jamaica
Name of Organization: Folly Education center
Full Postal Address:
Folly Grounds, Folly,
Core or main business of the organization: Guidance
and Counselling
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 922-0021
Organization Email Address:
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Lt. Col. G.S. Prendergast
Position of Contact Person: Commissioner
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Health and Family Life Division
Full Postal Address:
37 Arnold Road,
Caenwood Centre
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 886-2712
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Anna-Kaye MagnusWatson
Position of Contact Person: National Coordinator HFLE
Core or main business of the organization: To
reinforce the connection between health and education
using a holistic approach within a planned and
coordinated framework.
Name of Organization: Guidance and Counselling
Full Postal Address:
37 Arnold Road,
Caenwood Centre
Kingston 5, Jamaica
Organization Telephone Number: (876) 967-0146
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Fern McFarlane
Position of Contact Person: Assistant Chief Education
St. Kitts and Nevis
Name of Organization: Financial Intelligence Unit
Acronym of Organization: FIU
Full Postal Address:
Financial Intelligence Unit
P. O. Box 1822
2nd Floor Ministry of Finance, Church Street
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 466-3451
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-4945
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of finance
Name of Contact Person: Jacqueline Somersall-Berry
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected],
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 665-9338, 4663451
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention
Name of Organization: Ministry of Justice and Legal
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs,
Government Headquarters, Church Street
P.O. Box 164
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 465-2127
Organization Fax Number: (869) 465-5040
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Justice and
Legal Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Karen Hughes
Position of Contact Person: Parliamentary Counsel
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 662-3812, 4671186
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Royal St. Christopher & Nevis
Police Force
Acronym of Organization: RSCNPF
Full Postal Address:
Royal St. Christopher & Nevis Police Force
Cayon Street
P.O. Box 189
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 465-2241
Organization Fax Number: (869) 465-7078
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: Mr Robert Liburd
Position of Contact Person: Assistant Commissioner
of Police
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 662-4578
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Alternative Healthcare and
Research Solution Inc
Acronym of Organization: AHRS
Full Postal Address:
Alternative Healthcare and Research Solution Inc,
P. O. Box 623,
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 662-4160,
(919) 961-8377
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Alternative Integrated
Methods Health Services Inc (AIM Health Services Inc)
Name of Contact Person: Basil Halliday
Position of Contact Person: President and CEO
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (919) 961-8377
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: St. Kitts and Nevis Mental
Health Team
Full Postal Address:
JNF Hospital, Buckley’s,
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 465-2551
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr Sharon Halliday
Position of Contact Person: Consultant Psychiatrist
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 662-9956
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Reinsertion). In addition to drug use prevention,
education and training.
Name of Organization: Operation Future
Full Postal Address:
Operation Future
P.O. Box 822
Charlestown, Nevis
St. Kitts and Nevis
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 469-7040
Organization Fax Number: (869) 469-7042
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: A Joint Initiative by
members of the Royal St. Kitts and Nevis Police Force
and Community Members
Name of Contact Person: 1. P. C. Lauston Percival 2.
Daniel MacMullin
Position of Contact Person: 1. President 2.Member
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 662-9888, 4697040
Core or main business of the organization: The focus
is on crime/ violence prevention, education and training
and drug use prevention. Operation Future focuses on
early intervention through education and educating the
community about the problems of youth, crime, and
violence. The Programme includes direct intervention
programs such as Discovery Club as well as an
extensive education programme on gangs, drugs and
sexual abuse
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: Colonel Patrick Wallace
Position of Contact Person: Colonel
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 762-9934, 6624611
Core or main business of the organization: Defense
of country and assist with law enforcement and crime
and violence prevention.
Name of Organization: St. Kitts and Nevis Customs
and Excise Department
Full Postal Address:
St. Kitts and Nevis Customs and Excise Department,
Bird Rock
P. O. Box 1
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 466-7227,
Organization Fax Number: (869) 465-8519
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Finance
Name of Contact Person: Jomo Butler
Position of Contact Person: Assistant Comptroller of
Customs (Enforcement)
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 466-7227; Ext. 265
Core or main business of the organization: Revenue
collection and protection and border security
Name of Organization: Probation and Child Protection
Acronym of Organization: PCPS
Full Postal Address:
Probation and Child Protection Services,
Ministry of Social Services, Community Development,
Culture and Gender Affairs, Victoria Rd.
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 467-1379
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-1522
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Social
Services, Community Development, Culture and Gender
Name of Contact Person: Ms Debra Matthew
Position of Contact Person: Director of Probation and
Child Protection Services
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 669-5440
Core or main business of the organization: Probation
services for juvenile delinquents, child protection
services, parenting training, maintenance/access
supervision, and crime/violence prevention through
Name of Organization: The Counseling Centre
Full Postal Address:
The Counseling Centre
c/o Ministry of Social Development, Victoria Road
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 465-5000
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-6246
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Social
Name of Contact Person: Mrs Michele De La Coudray
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 662-4491, 4655000
Core or main business of the organization:
Counseling and drug use prevention, education and
training and drug treatment.
Name of Organization: Youth Empowerment
Full Postal Address:
Youth Empowerment Department, Church Street,
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 467-1393
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-7443
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Youth
Empowerment, Sports, Information Technology and
Communications and Post
Name of Contact Person: Geoffrey Hanley
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 467-1517
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
Name of Organization: St. Kitts and Nevis Defence
Acronym of Organization: SKNDF
Full Postal Address:
St. Kitts and Nevis Defence Force Headquarters,
Camp Springfield
P.O. Box 380
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 466-9279
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-9273
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Organization: Ministry of Education
Acronym of Organization: MOE
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Education, Church Street,
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 467-1105
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-8974
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Trecia Esdaile
Position of Contact Person: Education Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 763-5365
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: National Council on Drug Abuse
Acronym of Organization: NACDAP
Full Postal Address:
Counseling Centre, Greenlands
Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 466-7929
Organization Fax Number: (869) 466-6246
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Of Foreign
Affairs, Homeland Security, Labour and Gender Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Karimu Byron
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 664-9994
Core or main business of the organization: To
centralize coordination of all anti-drug activities relating
to the prevention, abatement, rehabilitation, and other
incidental matters of victims of the misuse and abuse of
illicit drugs throughout the Federation of St. Kitts and
Name of Organization: Department of Sports
Acronym of Organization: DOS
Full Postal Address:
PO Box 878,
Warner Park, Victoria Road,
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Organization Telephone Number: (869) 466-1450,
467-1242, 467-1293
Organization Fax Number: (869) 465-8919
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry Of Youth
Empowerment, Sports, Information Technology and
Telecommunications and Post
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Dave Connor
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (869) 663-8436
Core or main business of the organization:
St. Lucia
Name of Organization: St. Lucia Crisis Centre
Acronym of Organization: SLCC
Full Postal Address:
PO Box CP-5570,
Castries, St Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 453-1521
Organization Fax Number: (758) 458-1447
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Antonia Jean
Position of Contact Person: Managing Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 453-1521
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention
Gros IsIet, St Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 518-7310
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: NCPADD- St Lucia
Name of Contact Person: Estelle Blanchard, Julietta
Position of Contact Person: Programme Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 285-9125, 5187310
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: St. Lucia Cancer Society
Acronym of Organization: SLCC
Full Postal Address:
2 Mongiraud Street
PO Box 452
Castries, St Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 452-1538
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Sonjette Rodrigues
Position of Contact Person: Administrator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected],
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 452-1538
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Substance Abuse Advisory
Council Secretariat
Acronym of Organization: SAACS
Full Postal Address:
Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat,
Ministry of Health,
High St.,
Castries, St Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 451-8990
Organization Fax Number: (758) 453-1205
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health Human
Services Family Affairs and Gender Relations
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Cyprian Yarde
Position of Contact Person: Acting Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 451-8990, 4516784
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Turning Point Alcohol and Drug
Detoxification & Rehabilitation Centre
Acronym of Organization: Turning Point
Full Postal Address:
Turning Point
Ministry of Health, Human Services and Gender
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 453-1087,
Organization Fax Number: (758) 453-1041
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health, Human
Services and Gender Relations
Name of Contact Person: Joanna Joseph
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 453-1087
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Heads UP Drug Free Club
Acronym of Organization: HUDFC
Full Postal Address:
Fond Assur Post Office, Babonneau,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 450-5840
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Fond Assur Primary
School, Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Madona Florentville
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 486-3695
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: RISE (St. Lucia) Inc.
Acronym of Organization: RISE
Full Postal Address:
PO. Box GM-7473
Castries, St Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 451-7473
Organization Fax Number: (758) 459-2302
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Organization: St. Lucia Youth Talent on
Acronym of Organization: SYTOP
Full Postal Address:
Reduit Park,
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Stephen King
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 451-7473
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention
Organization Fax Number: (758) 456-0000
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Clement Edward
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 456-0079
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Vieux Siccra Youth Drug Free
Acronym of Organization: VSYDFC
Full Postal Address:
c/o National Committee for Prevention of Alcoholism
and Drug Dependency
Chisel Street
P.O. Box 957
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 453-6897
Name of Host Organization: National Committee for
Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
Name of Contact Person: Nelly Amedee
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 453-6897
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
Name of Organization: Police Marine Unit
Acronym of Organization: PMU
Full Postal Address:
PO Box 109
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 456-3870
Organization Fax Number: (758) 452-2261
Organization Web-site Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs
and National Security
Name of Contact Person: Finley Leonce
Position of Contact Person: Sergeant
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 456-3870
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Heart Lung and Blood
Acronym of Organization: HLBF
Full Postal Address:
Choc PO Box 8264
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 460-4046
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Delia Octave
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 285-1505
Core or main business of the organization:
Emergency Cardiac Care/Tobacco-related issues
Name of Organization: Upton Gardens Girls Centre
Acronym of Organization: UGGC
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Health, Human Service and Gender Relations
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 452-5094
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Human
Services and Family Affairs
Name of Contact Person: Prisca St. Paul
Position of Contact Person: Director
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Division of Gender Relations
Full Postal Address:
Division of Gender Relations
Ministry of Health, Human Service and Gender Relations
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 453-0557
Organization Fax Number: (758) 453-0938
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health, Human
services and Gender Relations
Name of Contact Person: Charms Gaspard
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Core or main business of the organization:
Advocacy, Public Awareness of gender issues
Name of Organization: La Bayee DFC
Acronym of Organization: LAB-DFC
Full Postal Address:
La Bayee Drug Free Club,
Bexon Post Office,
Castries, St. Lucia
Name of Contact Person: Tricha Emanus
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 519-7646
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Rising Star Drug Free Club
Acronym of Organization: RS
Full Postal Address:
C/o National Committee for Prevention of Alcoholism
and Drug Dependency
Chisel Street
P.O. Box 957
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 453-6897
Name of Organization: National Committee for
Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
Acronym of Organization: NCPADD
Full Postal Address:
Chisel Street
P.O. Box 957
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 456-0000
Name of Host Organization: National Committee for
Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
Name of Contact Person: Nelly Amedee
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 453-6897
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
Full Postal Address:
c/o Elina Marcel
Conway Post Office
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 460-2665
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Elina Marcel
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 723-1275
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
Name of Organization: St Lucia Planned Parenthood
Acronym of Organization: SLPPA
Full Postal Address:
21 Jeremie Street,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 452-45335
Organization Fax Number: (758) 453-7284
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Audrey George
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 452-4335, Ext. 22
Core or main business of the organization: Sexual
Reproductive Health
Name of Organization: Community Relations Branch,
Royal St. Lucia Police Force
Acronym of Organization: CRB
Full Postal Address:
Bridge St.,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 456-3713
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Royal St. Lucia Police
Ministry Of Home Affairs and National Security
Name of Contact Person: Ted King
Position of Contact Person: Officer-in-Charge
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 456-3765
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Name of Organization: Bocage Young Hustlers Drug
Free Club
Acronym of Organization: BYH-DFC
Full Postal Address:
Bocage Post Office,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 384-4061
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: NCPADD
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Cherohdica St. Clair
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 519-1720
Core or main business of the organization: Youth
Name of Organization: St Lucia Boys Training Centre
Acronym of Organization: BTC
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Social Transformation, Govt. Building,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Email Address: [email protected],
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Social
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Leonard Terrance
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 720-8006
Core or main business of the organization:
Rehabilitation - care and control
Name of Organization: Youth Advocacy Movement
Acronym of Organization: YAM
Full Postal Address: /o St. Lucia Planned Parenthood
21 Jeremie St.,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 458-1612
Organization Fax Number: (758) 453-7284
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: St Lucia Planned
Parenthood Association
Name of Contact Person: Samantha Alexander
Position of Contact Person: Youth Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 458-1612, 7125944
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Volunteers in Action Youth
Acronym of Organization: VIA
Full Postal Address:
Chisel St.,
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: (758) 284-8900
Organization Fax Number: (758) 456000
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Pam Layne
Position of Contact Person: Asst. Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 461-8520
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Changes 4 Chances Drug Free
Acronym of Organization: C4C DFC
Name of Organization: Positive Vibes Drug Free Club
Acronym of Organization: PV DFC
Full Postal Address:
c/o Anse Ger Secondary School
Micoud, St.Lucia
Name of Host Organization: National Committee for
Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
Name of Contact Person: Mrs Raynia Joseph
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 718-1013
Core or main business of the organization: Education
training - drug abuse prevention
Name of Organization: Purple Lighters Drug Free Club
Acronym of Organization: PLDFC
Full Postal Address:
C/o Castries Comprehensive Secondary School
Castries, St. Lucia
Organization Telephone Number: 758 7236190
Name of Host Organization: National Committee for
Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
Name of Contact Person: Debra Charlery
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (758) 723-6190
Core or main business of the organization: Education
training - drug abuse prevention
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Name of Organization: National Commission on Crime
Acronym of Organization: NCCP
Full Postal Address:
2nd Floor Ministerial Building
Halifax Street
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 457-2194
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: Dionne John
Position of Contact Person: Director NCCP
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 457-2194
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention
Murray's Road
PO BOX 610
Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 456-1183
Organization Fax Number: (784) 456-1251
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Deborah Dalrymple
Position of Contact Person: Head
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 456-1183
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Health Promotion Unit
Acronym of Organization: HPU
Full Postal Address:
Health Promotion Unit
Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment
Ministerial Building
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 456-1111; Ext.
Organization Fax Number: (784) 457- 2684
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health,
Wellness and the Environment
Name of Contact Person: Patsy Wyllie
Position of Contact Person: Chief Health Educator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 456-1111; Ext. 468
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Mental Health Centre
Full Postal Address:
Mental Health Center
c/o Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment
Ministerial Building
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 458-4240
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health,
Wellness and the Environment
Name of Contact Person: Ynolde Smart; Dr. Amrie
Morris Patterson; Dr. Karen Providence
Position of Contact Person: Senior Nursing Officer;
Physician; Physician
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 458-4240
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Ministry Of Education
Acronym of Organization: MOE
Full Postal Address:
Ministry of Education
Halifax Street
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 457-1104
Organization Fax Number: (784) 457-1114
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Chief Education Officer
Position of Contact Person: Chief Education Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 456-1111; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Drug Abuse Resistance
Acronym of Organization: DARE
Full Postal Address:
Police Head Quarters
P.O. Box 835
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 457-1211
Organization Fax Number: (784) 456-2816 / 784-4561022
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Royal St. Vincent and the
Grenadines Police Force
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Keith Miller
Position of Contact Person: Commissioner of Police
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 457-1211
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Marion House Incorporated
Full Postal Address:
Murray Road, Sally Spring
P.O. Box 361
Kingstown, St. Vincent
Organization Telephone Number: (784) 456-2161
Organization Fax Number: (784) 456-1318
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Organization: University of the west Indies
Open campus
Acronym of Organization: UWI OC
Full Postal Address:
Contact Telephone Number: (784) 456-2161
Core or main business of the organization: Social
Service Agency
Name of Host Organization: Marion House
Name of Contact Person: Barbara Matthews
Position of Contact Person: Acting Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Organization: Victory Outreach Suriname
Acronym of Organization: V.O.S.
Full Postal Address:
Limesgracht # 87
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 892-0380,
Organization Email Address:
[email protected], [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. Davina AlexanderWiebers
Position of Contact Person: Counselor and social
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected], [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 892-0380, 8608683
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: National Anti-Drug Council
Acronym of Organization: NAR
Full Postal Address:
Letitia Vriesdelaan # 1
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 424514
Organization Fax Number: (597) 472414
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Mr. S. Alfaisi
Position of Contact Person: Chairman
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 424514
Core or main business of the organization: Policy
and Advisory body to the Government
Name of Organization: Ministry of Justice and Police
Acronym of Organization: MINJUSPOL
Full Postal Address:
Henck Arronstraat # 1
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 475103
Organization Fax Number: (597) 475103
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Chandra, Algoe, LLM
Position of Contact Person: Policy Advisor to the
minister in national and international Drugs Related
Matters; Coordinator Division International Relations
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 475103
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Enforcement, Sanctions/Punishment, Crime/Violence
Name of Organization: Foundation De Stem
Acronym of Organization: De Stem
Full Postal Address:
De Boerbuitenweg # 76
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 441-649,
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Carlo Lansdorf
Position of Contact Person: Chairman of the Board
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 852-2414
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: “Geloof en Liefde “ (Faith and
Love )
Acronym of Organization: TOFAL
Full Postal Address:
Kwattaweg # 96
P.O.B 12624
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 475901,
Organization Fax Number: (597) 426500
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mrs.S. Jagdew
Position of Contact Person: Acting-manager &
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 475901
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Bureau Alcohol en Drugs
Acronym of Organization: BAD
Full Postal Address:
Letitia Vriesdelaan nr. 1
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 411011,
477190; Ext. 278
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Psychiatric Center
Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Cynthia Brahm
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 411011, 477190;
Ext. 278
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Executive Office of the National
Drugs Council
Acronym of Organization: UBN
Full Postal Address:
Letitia Vriesdelaan 1-3
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 424514
Organization Fax Number: (597) 472414
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Marie Bunwaree
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 424514
Core or main business of the organization: Assisting
the National Anti – Drug Council and working closely
with the Ministry of Health and the stakeholders from the
primary, secondary and tertiary drug prevention.
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 477190
Organization Fax Number: (597) 477072
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. S. Rootharam
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 477190; Ext 314
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Jeugd Doorgangscentrum “Opa
Acronym of Organization: Opa Doeli
Full Postal Address:
Ministerie van Justitie en Politie
Jeugd Doorgangscentruk “Opa Doeli” Limesgracht 90
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 404744
Organization Fax Number: (597) 404675
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Justice and
Name of Contact Person: Ms. Danielle Beeldsnijder
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 404744
Core or main business of the organization: Law
Enforcement AND Sanctions/Punishments AND
Name of Organization: Forensisch Maatschappelijke
Acronym of Organization: F.M.Z.
Full Postal Address:
Gongrijpstraat 1-3
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 420052,
Organization Fax Number: (597) 424484
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Justice and
Police Unit Delinquent Care
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. J. Fredison; Mrs. G.
San A Jong
Position of Contact Person: Social Workers
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 874-7386, 8523115
Core or main business of the organization:
Counseling and Social Work
Name of Organization: Foundation Neighborhood Work
Full Postal Address:
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 483664
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Koster, Wilgo,R
Position of Contact Person: General Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 861-4181
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Loving Hands Foundation
(Stichting Liefdevolle Handen)
Acronym of Organization: SLH
Full Postal Address:
Kwattaweg nr. 96
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 854-0332
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mrs. D. Blinker-Warnert
Position of Contact Person: President
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 854-0332
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Prevention and counseling for women with an addiction
Name of Organization: Foundation Het Klankbord
Full Postal Address:
Julianastraat # 56
Nw Nickerie, Disctrict Nickerie
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 816-1411
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Morsen, Lloyd
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 816-1411
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Psychiatric Centre Suriname
Detox Clinic
Acronym of Organization: PCS/Detox
Full Postal Address:
Letitia Vriesdelaan 1-3
Name of Organization: Foundation Bureau of
Homeless and Desolate (Headquater)
Acronym of Organization: BDT
Full Postal Address:
Wicherstraat # 26
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 475805
Organization Fax Number: (597) 475805
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Winson, Deborah
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 854-1190
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Core or main business of the organization:
Reconciliation, remission with victims and Drug Use
Name of Organization: Medical Mission Primary Health
Care Suriname
Acronym of Organization: MZ
Full Postal Address:
Zonnebloemstraat 45 – 47
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 499466
Organization Fax Number: (597) 432655
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Small, Julie
Position of Contact Person: Head of Training
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 499466, Ext 322;
(597) 852-4972
Core or main business of the organization: Primary
Health Care in the interior of Suriname and Drug use
Name of Organization: Foundation Bureau Of
Homeless And Desolate – Division Latour
Acronym of Organization: BDT-L
Full Postal Address:
Latourweg 34 bv
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 486508
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Alspeer, Christin
Position of Contact Person: Location Manager
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 850-0592
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Surendu Netwerk Nickerie
Acronym of Organization: SNN
Full Postal Address:
Julianastraat # 56
Nw. Nickerie, District Nickerie
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 816-1411
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Doebe, Radha
Position of Contact Person: Secretary
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 895-8565
Core or main business of the organization: Data
collection and Drug prevention in district Nickerie (
border district with Guyana)
Name of Organization: Cocaine Anonymous Suriname
Acronym of Organization: CA
Full Postal Address:
Leatitia Vriesdelaan # 1
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 477190
Organization Fax Number: (597) 477072
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Psychiatrisch Centrum
Name of Contact Person: Bisoina, John
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 881-3890
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Prevention and counseling for persons with an addiction
Name of Organization: Korps Police Suriname Division
of Information
Acronym of Organization: KPS
Full Postal Address:
Duisburglaan 43 – 45
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 433211
Organization Fax Number: (597) 492681
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Justice and
Name of Contact Person: Naarden, Humphrey
Position of Contact Person: Deputy Head of
Information and Publicity
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 851-1275
Core or main business of the organization:
Information and publicity and drug prevention in schools
and the community
Name of Organization: Prison Fellowship Suriname
Acronym of Organization: PFS
Full Postal Address:
Gravenstraat 39a
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 521552
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Parisius, Reidi
Position of Contact Person: Chairperson
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 823-4519, 521552
Name of Organization: Jongeren Commissie UBN
Acronym of Organization: JCU
Full Postal Address:
L. Vriesdelaan # 1
Paramaribo, Suriname
Organization Telephone Number: (597) 858-1212
Organization Fax Number: (597) 472414
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: UBN
Name of Contact Person: Manbodh, Sharmila
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (597) 858-1212
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Trinidad and Tobago
Name of Organization: Substance Abuse Department,
Acronym of Organization: SAPTC
Full Postal Address:
Independence Avenue
Paradise Pasture
San Fernando
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 652-3581/6
Organization Fax Number: (868) 653-4259, Ext,. 2301
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: South West Regional
Health Authority,
Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr. G. Fortune; Ms Indra
Position of Contact Person: Medical Officer; Mental
Health Officer I
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 652-3591/6; Ext.
3331 (Mondays); 3315 (Tue - Fri)
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Serenity Place
Full Postal Address:
1562 Southern Main Road
Cochrane Village, Guapo
Pt. Fortin
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 648-5401
Name of Contact Person: Garvin Cole; Beverly Morson
Positions of Contact Persons: Programme Director;
Programme Manager
Contact Persons Email Address: [email protected];
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 364-5621
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: The READI Centre
Full Postal Address:
Toco Main Road,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 668-0660
Name of Host Organization: Loveuntil Foundation
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Keith Stewart
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 355-2951
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Families-in-Action
Acronym of Organization: F.I.A
Full Postal Address:
82 Maraval Road
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 628-2333;
Organization Fax Number: (868) 622-5365
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Kemba Marcano
Position of Contact Person: EAP Coordinator
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 622-6952
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Piparo Empowerment Centre
Acronym of Organization: PEC
Full Postal Address:
Dindial Trace,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 656-0797;
656-0764; 656-0764
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of the People and
Social Development
Name of Contact Person: Jessie Joseph
Position of Contact Person: Programme Director
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 656-0328
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Helping Every Addict Live
Acronym of Organization: H.E.A.L
Full Postal Address:
Milton Road,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 636-2354
Organization Fax Number: (868) 636-3372
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Centre for Drug
Prevention Rehabilitation and the Development of
Healthy Lifestyle
Name of Contact Person: Chaitram Kapoor
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator/Counselor
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 683-9582
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: New Life Ministries
Rehabilitation Centre
Full Postal Address:
Mt. St. Benedict,
St. Augustine
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 662-1797,
Organization Fax Number: (868) 662-1797
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Ms Huslie Bhagan
Position of Contact Person: Administrator/Clinical
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Gideon St. Bryce
Position of Contact Person: Youth Director
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 662-6121; Ext. 216
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Lifeline
Full Postal Address:
84 St. Vincent Street,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 645-2800;
Organization Fax Number: (868) 645-3253
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]; [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Lucy Gabriel
Position of Contact Person: Chairperson
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Rescue Mission
Full Postal Address:
113 Tenth Street,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 674-0567
Organization Fax Number: (868) 674-0567
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Merle Ali
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 673-2042
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: Teen Challenge of Trinidad and
Acronym of Organization: TCT&T
Full Postal Address:
146 Bonair Road Off Guaico Tamana Road,
Sangre Grande, Trinidad W.I.
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 393-7338
Organization Fax Number: (868) 675-9071
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Global Teen Challenge
Name of Contact Person: Nyron Dinoo
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 373-9902
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: National Alcohol and Drug
Abuse Prevention Programme
Acronym of Organization: N.A.D.A.P.P
Full Postal Address:
62 Abercromby Street,
Port of Spain, Trinidad
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 627-3506,
627-3527; Ext. 200 / 203 / 205
Organization Fax Number: (868) 627-4471
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Community
Name of Contact Person: Wendy-Ann Wattie
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 625-7055; 7622376; 684-4597; Ext 200
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: The Love Foundation
Full Postal Address:
LP 2c Upper Church Street,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 627-3369
Organization Fax Number: (868) 626-1800
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Dale Jones
Position of Contact Person: Progamme Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 487-2086
Core or main business of the organization: Drug Use
Name of Organization: UWI Open Campus
Full Postal Address:
Head Office, Gordon Street,
St. Augustine
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 645- 3127
Organization Fax Number: (868) 645-3127
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Roger Watts
Position of Contact Person: Administrator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 645-3127
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Friends Forever
Full Postal Address:
South Caribbean Conference of SDA,
P.O Box 66,
1 Deane Street, St. Augustine,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 662-6121;
662-6122; 662-5356; 662-7024
Organization Fax Number: (868) 645-3551
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Organization: ChildLine
Full Postal Address:
1 Robinson Ville,
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 624-7604,
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 645-4630
Core or main business of the organization:
Treatment, Rehabilitation, Outpatient, Counseling
Organization Fax Number: (868) 632-0783, 627-6844
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Contact Person: Mary Moonan
Position of Contact Person: Programme Coordinator
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 733-0842
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Laventille Drug Abuse Demand
Reduction Committee, Resource and Information Centre
Acronym of Organization: LDADRC
Full Postal Address:
c/o Laventille Youth Facility,
LP 89 Upper Laventille Road East Dry River,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 624-8829
Organization Fax Number: (868) 624-6582
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Trever Mc Meo
Position of Contact Person: Chairman
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 624-8829
Core or main business of the organization: Referrals,
Counseling, Community Programmes, Support Groups
Name of Organization: St. Ann's Hospital
Acronym of Organization: SAH
Full Postal Address:
45 St. Ann's Road
St. Ann's
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 624-7834
Organization Fax Number: (868) 624-7834
Name of Host Organization: North West Regional
Health Authority
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Ian Hypolite
Position of Contact Person: Medical Chief of Staff
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 624-7834
Core or main business of the organization: Mental
Health Care
Name of Organization: New Horizons
Full Postal Address:
Dindial Road,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 656-0096
Organization Fax Number: (868) 656-0096
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of the People and
Social Development
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Don Douglas
Position of Contact Person: Programme Director
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 290-1966; 2901962
Core or main business of the organization:
Rehabilitation, Counseling and Referrals
Name of Organization: The Wellness Centre
Full Postal Address:
135 Eastern Main Road,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 638-8562
Organization Fax Number: (868) 638-8562
Name of Host Organization: North West Regional
Health Authority
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Samuel Shafe
Position of Contact Person: Consultant
Core or main business of the organization:
Assessment of patients with actual or potential mental
health and follow-up treatment
Name of Organization: Student Support Services
Acronym of Organization: SSSD
Full Postal Address:
66 Pembroke Street,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 625-7935;
Organization Fax Number: (868) 625-7935
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Education
Name of Contact Person: Steve Williams
Position of Contact Person: Guidance Supervisor
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Core or main business of the organization: Career
Guidance and Counseling
Name of Organization: OASIS Drop-in Centre
Full Postal Address:
No. 22 Duncan Street,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 627-5687
Name of Host Organization: Rebirth House
Name of Contact Person: Joseph Mejaris
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 760-8188
Core or main business of the organization:
Assessment, Referrals for Rehabilitation, Harm
Reduction Services for the Homeless (toilet and bath,
change of clothes, drinking water, temporary rest and
relaxation off the street).
Name of Organization: House of Hope
Full Postal Address:
No. 2 L'Anse Mitan Road,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 633-5972
Organization Fax Number: (868) 633-5972
Name of Contact Person: Dane Mapp
Position of Contact Person: Coordinator
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 481-0233
Core or main business of the organization: Half Way
Home; Referrals
Name of Organization: Substance Abuse Prevention
and Treatment Centre, Caura Hospital
Full Postal Address:
Caura Royal Road,
El Dorado
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 662-2211
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Winston Gopaul
Position of Contact Person: Medical Doctor
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Organization: Centre of Socially Displaced
Acronym of Organization: CSPD
Full Postal Address:
1 Town Council Street,
Riverside Car Park, East Dry River,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 623-4926
Organization Fax Number: (868) 623-6987
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Society of St. Vincent De
Name of Contact Person: Roger Watson
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 306-7937
Core or main business of the organization: Walk-in
Shelter, Counseling, Referrals and Re-Socialization
Name of Organization: Rebirth House
Full Postal Address:
Apt. 005f, Charford Court
Charlotte Street
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 623-0952;
Organization Fax Number: (868) 627-8894
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Steve Richards
Position of Contact Person: Project Director
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 789-4799
Core or main business of the organization:
Treatment, rehabilitation, detoxification, outreach
services and counseling.
Name of Organization: Court Shamrock Centre for
Socially Displaced Persons
Full Postal Address:
Rushworth Street Extension,
San Fernando
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 653-7239
Organization Fax Number: (868) 653-7239
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Trevor Braithwaite
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 740-3124
Core or main business of the organization: Shelter,
rehabilitation, counseling and referrals
Name of Organization: Alcoholics Anonymous
Acronym of Organization: AA
Full Postal Address:
General Service Office,
LP 52 Rivulet Road,
Brechin Castle, Couva
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 679-0066
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Majanlal Sieunarine
Position of Contact Person: Office Manager
Core or main business of the organization: Group
Support, Public Awareness, Education and Information
Name of Organization: Narcotics Anonymous
Full Postal Address:
97C Street,
Fanny Village,
Pt. Fortin
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 648-0258
Organization Fax Number: (868) 648-0258
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Donald Wills
Position of Contact Person: Chairperson
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 396-0836
Core or main business of the organization: Group
Support and Education/Information
Name of Organization: National Drug Council
Acronym of Organization: NDC
Full Postal Address:
52-60 Abercromby Street,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 625-5160;
625-3394; 625-1874
Organization Fax Number: (868) 625-3394
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:;
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Name of Contact Person: Ms Esther Best
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 625-5760
Core or main business of the organization: National
Agency for Drug Control; Implementation of National
Drug Plan
Name of Organization: The Trinidad and Tobago
National Council on Alcoholism and Other Addictions
Acronym of Organization: TTNCA
Full Postal Address:
16 O'Connor Street,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 627-8213
Organization Fax Number: (868) 627-8213
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Contact Person: Cheryl Edwards
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 627-8213
Core or main business of the organization: To create
awareness and sensitize the national community on
Name of Organization: Caribbean Institute on
Alcoholism and Other Drug Problems
Acronym of Organization: CARIAD
Full Postal Address:
C/o Trinidad and Tobago Council on Alcoholism and
Other Dug Problems,
16 O' Connor Street,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 632-9874
Organization Fax Number: (868) 632-9874
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Sandra Reid
Position of Contact Person: Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 638-4748
Core or main business of the organization:
Prevention and Treatment Institute on Addiction Study
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 638-5011
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Andy Burkett
Position of Contact Person: Director
Core or main business of the organization: Public
Education on Alcohol and Community Programmes
Name of Organization: Psychiatric Department,
Scarborough Hospital
Full Postal Address:
Fort Street,
Scarborough, Tobago
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 639-2551/6;
Ext. 130
Organization Fax Number: (868) 639-4173
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Department of Health and
Social Services, Tobago Regional Health Authority
Name of Contact Person: Mr. Anthony Parillon
Position of Contact Person: Consultant Psychiatrist
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 639-2551/6; Ext
Core or main business of the organization:
Detoxification, Counseling and Referrals
Name of Organization: St. Michael's School for Boys
Full Postal Address:
Diego Martin Main Rd.,
Diego Martin
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 637-7886; 6339546
Organization Fax Number: (868)637-7984
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Gender, Youth
and Child Development
Name of Contact Person: Alison Salandy
Position of Contact Person: Manager
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 632-1736
Core or main business of the organization:
Name of Organization: Psychiatric Unit, Couva District
Full Postal Address:
Couva Health Facility
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 636-4024,
Organization Fax Number: (868) 636-4043
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Health
Name of Contact Person: Dr. Celia Ramcharran
Position of Contact Person: Senior Medical Officer
Core or main business of the organization: Drug
Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or
Name of Organization: Probation Services
Full Postal Address:
3rd Floor ANSA House,
Corner Queen and Henry Street,
Port of Spain
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 623-8248
Organization Fax Number: (868) 624-3988
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Justice
Name of Contact Person: Ms Claire Blandin
Position of Contact Person: Chief Probation Officer
Contact Person Email Address:
[email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 623-8248
Core or main business of the organization: Referrals,
Name of Organization: St. Jude’s Home for Girls
Full Postal Address:
30 Belmont Circular Rd.,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 623-6334
Organization Fax Number: (868) 625-0540
Organization Email Address:
[email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of Gender, Youth
and Child Development
Name of Contact Person: Sr. Joanne Browne; Sr.
Allison Mitchell
Position of Contact Person: Manager; Deputy
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 623-6334
Core or main business of the organization:
Rehabilitation of young girls between 12 years to 18
years who are beyond control
Name of Organization: Social Displacement Unit
Acronym of Organization: SDU
Full Postal Address:
ABMA Building,
55-57 St Vincent St.,
Port of Spain. Trinidad and Tobago
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 627-8687
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Organization Web-site Address:
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of the People and
Social Development
Name of Contact Person: Loraine Reyes-Borel
Position of Contact Person: Executive Director
Contact Person Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 627-8687
Core or main business of the organization:
Assessment and referral of street dwellers with
substance abuse issues to rehabilitation programmes
Name of Organization: Youth Training Centre
Acronym of Organization: Y.T.C.
Full Postal Address:
Golden Grove Rd.,
Organization Telephone Number: (868) 624-4169
Organization Fax Number: (868) 642-5970
Organization Email Address: [email protected]
Name of Host Organization: Ministry of National
Security (Prisons Division)
Name of Organization: Better Citizen Bureau
Full Postal Address:
18 Sunshine Avenue,
San Juan
Name of Contact Person: Trevor Aaron
Position of Contact Person: Prisons Officer I
Contact Telephone Number: (868) 642-4169; Ext.
Core or main business of the organization:
Crime/Violence Prevention

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