December 2011 - Charolais Banner
December 2011 - Charolais Banner
National Champion Female Cornerview Willow 7W • Sired by Sparrows Coach National Reserve Champion Bull Cornerview Xcalibre 27X Sired by Sparrows Coach National Heifer Calf Champion Cornerview Your Fave 9Y Sired by Sparrows Coach National Reserve Heifer Calf Champion Cornerview Yannis 18Y • Sired by Sparrows Coach National Reserve Junior Champion Female Miss Cedardale 44X • Sired by Sparrows Alcatraz Sparrows Landmark 963W Sired 3 of the 4 Bull Calf Champions at Agribition, Reserve Grand Champion Bull and Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion at Agribition, and Bull Calf & Heifer Calf Champions at Saskatoon Fall Fair CML Encore 4Y Edmonton Farnfair Legends of the Fall Supreme Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Bull Sired by Sparrows Sanchez Vanscoy, Saskatchewan 306-668-4218 ROLLIN’ ACRES LIZZIE 7S • BECOMING A BREED LEGEND TORONTO ROYAL NATIONAL SALE Langstaff Charolais, ON AGRIBITION Medonte Charolais, ON; McCormack Family Farm, SK ALBERTA SELECT Grant Farms, AB; Hunter Charolais, MB; Rainalta Farms, AB; Billy Fleming, AB; Johnson Charolais, AB PRIVATELY Elder Charolais, SK; Wilgenbusch Charolais, SK; Harcourt Charolais, SK Plan to attend our 2ND ANNUAL BULL SALE, March 3, 2012 at the farm For more information give us a call CLEAR LAKE CHAROLAIS Box 9, Tiger Lily, AB T0G 2G0 780-674-5992 • [email protected] Loretta Facette 780-305-8589 • Tim Facette 780-880-7766 John Fitzgerald 780-880-7762 3 Charolais Banner • December 2011 December 2011 VOL. 45, NO. 5 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 546-3940 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email: [email protected] ISSN 0824-1767 Helge By, Manager/Publisher Features Candace By, Managing Editor email: [email protected] Autumn Prestige .........................................................................................8 Obituary – Murray Oram ..........................................................................12 Fall Show Highlights.................................................................................14 Maritime Show..........................................................................................18 Three Rules of Vaccination .......................................................................19 Charolais Calendar ....................................................................................31 Erin Show ..................................................................................................59 Expo Boeuf ................................................................................................62 Manitoba Livestock Expo .........................................................................63 Toronto Royal National Charolais Sale ....................................................64 Toronto Royal National Charolais Show .................................................65 Obituary – Dorothy Geddes .....................................................................67 Genotyping Technologies.........................................................................68 Farmfair .....................................................................................................70 Canadian Western Agribition Show........................................................71 Canadian Western Agribition Sale ..........................................................73 Alberta Select Show and Sale ..................................................................75 Sterling Collection.....................................................................................76 Susan Penner, Production/Design email: [email protected] Departments From the Field .............................................................................................6 Du champ.....................................................................................................6 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News ...........................................7 Herd Health ..............................................................................................10 Breeder Profile – Medonte Charolais.......................................................20 Keeping Track............................................................................................27 Charolais Life.............................................................................................60 Industry Info..............................................................................................74 Calendar.....................................................................................................84 Index ..........................................................................................................86 On the cover… are photos showing the excitement as Bernie Legaarden finds out CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W won the RBC Beef Supreme Champion at Canadian Western Agribition. Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 email: [email protected] Scott Kasprick, Web Design Ph 204-573-2250 email: [email protected] FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 5107 42nd Street, Olds, AB T4H 1X1 Res. (403) 507-2258 Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 email: [email protected] Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546-3940 Office Fax (306) 546-3942 Res. (306) 584-7937 Cell (306) 536-4261 email: [email protected] Liaison française and Web Co-ordinator Cynthia Beck (306) 436-2007 email: [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS: Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher. The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Photos: GRP Ltd. Design: Susan Penner 4 Payable by credit card at All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. $42.00 3 yrs. $105.00 USA 1 yr. - $75, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $115 3 yrs. - $200, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $320 Overseas 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $120 3 yrs. - $210, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $330 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810 Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada [email protected] 5 Charolais Banner • December 2011 POINTS TO PONDER From the Field Helge By Since my last article nearly two months ago, things have been steadily getting more exciting in the cattle business and in particular the Charolais industry. I am writing this just after another very successful fall show circuit and just before the December fall sales. The renewed interest in Charolais by the rest of the seedstock and commercial industry has been very interesting. As Craig Scott told me he feels in the industry’s eyes it is once again cool to be in the Charolais breed. Charolais have won many Supreme Championships this fall, including Supreme Bull at the big one, Canadian Western Agribition. The number of out of breed people that have been asking questions, requesting catalogues and going through the Charolais barns has been very encouraging. By the time you read this we will know better how it all turns out, but even if it isn’t this fall the seeds have been planted and we will see many new breeders entering the breed. Candace and I went to the National Charolais show at the Toronto Royal and we saw lots of enthusiasm and excitement and a very solid sale. We continued to Louisville, Kentucky for the U.S. National Show. We had never been to this show and really enjoyed seeing it and many acquaintances we hadn’t visited with in years. In the National sale a bred heifer sold for $76,000. The next day this heifer was Grand Champion but the interesting thing was that she sold to a prominent Shorthorn and Club calf operation. We were told that she will be flushed to club calf bulls to produce Charcross show calves. It is hard for me to get my head around this industry, but I heard a couple of weeks before this a prospect calf out of a steer bull and a Charolais cow had sold for $51,000, so the economics are there. Even at Agribition the high selling prospect steer at $7,000 was a steer bull sired Charcross. Silver does seem to be becoming the favorite colour. The commercial calf market has been very strong with reports across Canada of some great prices. The futures have also been setting new highs recently and all indication is that this is not a short term situation. One report out of the states headlined that feeder cattle will get scarce. With fewer numbers of cattle going forward this will become an even bigger problem. The tightest supplies will happen when heifers start being held back to rebuild the herd in Texas and Oklahoma after the severe drought this past year. A Canadian analyst recently predicted that feeder calf prices would move up strongly in the next month and feed grain and corn prices are expected to trend lower, longer-term. This is all good news as the feeders’ cost of gain will drop and the new highs of the choice wholesale beef prices have given the packing industry better margins. Many breeders have seen more traffic through the bull pen earlier than normal. There is greater interest in the bull market and this should lead to higher prices being paid in the spring for the high quality Charolais bulls. Don’t sell your bull pen short of its profit potential. With the commercial prices higher, now is the time for you to reap some of the rewards being paid to the industry. Bull sale season is just around the corner and now is the time to plan your pictures, advertising and promotion of your bull pen. Craig and I will be hitting the road right after the new year so contact us early. All of us thank you for the support over the past year and wish you a very Merry Christmas and may 2012 be the most profitable Charolais year ever. Until next time, Helge POINTS À RÉFLÉCHIR Du champ Helge By Les affaires de bétail étaient plus passionnantes pendant les deux derniers mois, en particulier dans l’industrie du charolais. J’écris ceci juste après une autre série d’expositions d’automne réussie et juste avant les ventes de décembre. L’intérêt renouvelé pour le charolais est très intéressant. Il se sent dans les yeux de l’industrie que c’est de nouveau « cool » à être dans la race du charolais indique Craig Scott. Les charolais ont gagné beaucoup de championnats suprêmes cet automne, y compris Taureau suprême chez Canadian Western Agribition. Le nombre de personnes qui ne possèdent pas le charolais qui a posé des questions, a demandé les catalogues de vente et a regardé par les granges du charolais encourage très. Nous ne savons pas en ce moment lesquelles de ces personnes intéressées achèteront le charolais, mais l’idée est là et nous verrons beaucoup de nouveaux éleveurs se lancer dans la race. Candace et moi nous sommes allés à l’exposition nationale du charolais à Toronto Royal et nous avons vu beaucoup d’enthousiasme, excitation et une vente très solide. Nous avons continué à Louisville, Kentucky pour l’Exposition nationale des États-Unis. Nous n’avions jamais été à cette exposition et nous avons eu vraiment le plaisir à voir l’exposition et beaucoup de connaissances que nous n’avions pas rendues visite avec en des années. Dans la vente nationale une génisse multipliée s’est vendue pour 76.000$. continued on page 7 6 Charolais Banner • December 2011 CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION NEWS Semen Auction Success Sarah Weinbender, Secretary I am your newly elected Secretary on the National Board. This is my first year on the National Board and I am very excited to experience what the National Board is all about this year. I am currently enrolled in my first year at the University of Saskatchewan in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, working towards a degree in Animal Science. I recently returned home from Agribition 2011 in Regina. It was great to meet up with old friends and even meet some new youth and breeders in the barns. Our annual Semen Auction was held at the Agribition National Sale. Great job to Kirstin for putting CCYA National Board • [email protected] President: Michael Hunter 780-581-9005 • [email protected] Vice-President: Luke Marshall • [email protected] Treasurer: Kirstin Sparrow • [email protected] Secretary: Sarah Weinbender • [email protected] Director: Autumn Jackson • [email protected] Director: Travis Jozwiak • [email protected] Director: Candace Alexander • [email protected] Director: Michael Hogg • [email protected] Le lendemain cette génisse était couronné grande championne. Intéressante qu’elle s’est vendue à un opération de Shorthorn et de veau de club. Nous avons été dits qu’elle sera donneuse multipliée à des taureaux pour produire les veaux croissé Charolais. Il est difficile que j’obtienne ma tête autour de cette industrie ; mais j’ai entendu un couple des semaines avant qu’un veau de perspective d’un taureau de boeuf et d’une vache charolaise avait vendues pour 51.000$, ainsi sont là les sciences économiques. Même chez Agribition le bouvillon de perspective a vendu pour le plus haut prix de 7.000$. Il était un boeuf engendré par un taureau Charcross. La couleur argent semble être la couleur de favori. Le marché commercial de veau a été très fort avec des rapports à travers le 7 together a great auction! The National Board would like to send a huge thank-you to our Semen Auction sponsors: Elder Charolais Farms, Wilgenbusch Charolais, McLeod Livestock, Temple Farms, Clear Lake Charolais, Hicks Charolais, Hunter Charolais and High Bluff Stock Farms as well as our Semen Auction buyers: Gold-Bar Livestock, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Borderland Cattle Co., Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Laurel Creek Ranch, HEJ Charolais and Harcourt Charolais. Without you the Semen Auction would not have been the success it was. All proceeds from the Semen Auction go right back to our youth. If you see any of these breeders at an upcoming show or sale, please don’t forget to thank them for their support and generosity! I hope everyone received their Canadian Charolais Youth Newsletter in the mail recently. The newsletter is one way that the we keep youth up to date with what is happening with your National Board reps and programs. Look for another in Spring! Make sure to check out our website for updates on the Genetics Program, as well as National Board Member bio’s and more information! Keep a look out for your National Board members at upcoming Charolais sales. We would love to catch up and get to know the youth of our industry! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year! CCYA 2011 Conference Executive President: Brandon Sparrow Vice-Pres: Sarah Weinbender Secretary: Kirstin Sparrow Treasurer: Katie MacMillan CCYA Provincial Presidents AB: Russell Gallelli 403-804-7442 MB: Haylan Jackson 204-564-2547 ON: Candace Alexander 519-353-5029 SK: Brandon Sparrow 306-292-9820 CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Darwin Rosso 306-693-2384 ON: Katrina Coughlin 613-897-0044 MB: Donna Jackson 204-564-2547 Barb Airey 204-328-7103 AB: Loretta Paget 780-877-3985 Youth Coordinator: Katrina Coughlin [email protected] Canada de quelques grands prix. Le futur également avait placé de nouvelles hautes récemment et toute l’indication est que ce n’est pas une situation à court terme. Un rapport qui vient des États-Unis a mis en vedette que le bétail de fabrication deviendra rare. Les approvisionnements les plus serrés se produiront quand des génisses commencent à être tenues pour reconstruire le troupeau dans le Texas et l’Oklahoma après la sécheresse grave l’année passée. Un analyste canadien a récemment prévu que les prix de veau d’engraissement augmenteraient fortement le mois prochain. Aussi les prix de céréale fourragère et de maïs tendent plus bas pour le plus long terme. C’est toutes les bonnes nouvelles car le coût de gain des engraisseurs chutera et les nouvelles hautes des prix en vente en gros de boeuf ont donné les marges mieux d’industrie d’emballage. Plus tôt que la normale beaucoup d’éleveurs ont vu plus de trafic par l’enclos de taureau. Il y a un plus grand intérêt pour le marché de taureau qui devrait apporter des prix plus élevés aux ventes ce printemps pour des taureaux charolais de bonne qualité. Ne vendez pas votre enclos de taureau pour moins de son potentiel de profit. La saison de vente de taureau arrive bientôt et maintenant est l’heure de projeter vos images et planifier la promotion de votre enclos de taureau. Craig et moi voyagerons bien après la nouvelle année ainsi contactez-nous tôt. Pour votre soutien nous vous remercions et vous souhaitons un Noël très joyeux. Laissez 2012 être l’année du charolais la plus profitable que jamais. À la prochaine, Helge Charolais Banner • December 2011 UP NEARLY 20% Autumn Prestige Sale Autumn Prestige Sale October 15, 2011 Lindsay, ON Gross Average 3 Cow/Calf Pairs $12,650 10 Bred Cows 20,97 16 Bred Heifers 36,175 12 Heifer Calves 28,350 2 Bull Calves 5,700 $4,217 2,098 2,261 2,363 2,850 43 Lots $2,415 $103,850 Auctioneer: Jeff Redmond Blockman: Barry Potter 11 consignors were part of this year’s annual sale. The quality was good with a nice cross section of bloodlines and types. A good crowd filled the sale arena and saw cattle sell into three provinces with higher top end prices and the average up. High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 1, KIRLENE MISS EVA WIND 7R (Polled, -.2 BW EPD), sired by DJLM SRC Highwind 2H, out of a SXK Mr Mountain Top 12C, bred to Kirlene Dockage 58X. Sold for CYPRESS HILLS CHAROLAIS BREEDERS President: Darwin Rosso Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Blake Cedarlea Farms Garner & Lori Deobald Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 T/F: 677-2589 • [email protected] Wood River Charolais Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 T: 478-2520 • [email protected] N3 Stock Farms Lyle & Lynn Wilson Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0 T: 297-6263 Rosso Charolais Darwin & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave. SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 T: 693-2384 • [email protected] Char-Top Charolais Glen & Lyn Sauder Box 569, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 T: 672-3979 Prairie Sky Farms Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0 T: 868-4429 8 $2,400 to Ranch Du Coyote, Nedelec, QC. Consigned by Kirlene Cattle Co., Brighton. Lot 2, KIRLENE THE DOCK 72Y (Double Polled/s, 82 YW EPD), sired by Kirlene Power Dock 12W. Sold for $3,000 to Scott McFaul, L’AngeGardier, QC. High Selling Bred Cow Lot 13, LAND O’LAKES MONTDUKE 22W (Polled, 0 BW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 22.7 Milk EPD), sired by Land O’Lakes Montduke 77S, out of a Land O’Lakes Chinook 35R daughter, bred to Land O’Lakes Havana 3U. Sold for $2,975 to Emily Simms, Clarendon, QC. Consigned by Land O’Lakes Charolais, Madoc. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 46, SHARODON X SPECIAL RUTH 8X (Polled, 27.6 Milk EPD), sired by HBSF Specialist 108U, out of an RC Budsmydad 225 Polled daughter, bred to Sharodon Wyatt 3W. Sold for $3,400 to Gary Hadwyn, Cavan. Consigned by Sharodon Farms, Peterborough. Lot 31, BAKER FARMS 9X (Polled, 82 YW EPD), sired by Cedardale Trademark 33T, out of a Land O’Lakes Bobkat 26F daughter, bred to Gerrard Montezuma. Sold for $2,950 to B Bar D Charolais, Mount Forest. Consigned by Baker Farms, Madoc. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 45, SHARODON YUPPIE 6Y (Polled, -.9 BW EPD, New York State Fair Reserve Grand Champion), sired by Sharodon Wyatt 3W, out of a Cedardale Montana 3M daughter. Sold for $4,400 to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK. Consigned by Sharodon Farms. Lot 41, LAND O’LAKES BOBBIE 2Y (Polled, 22.1 Milk EPD), sired by HBSF Specialist 108U, out of a WCR Prime Cut daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Hicks Charolais, Arthur. Consigned by Land O’Lakes Charolais. Lot 21, ECHO SPRINGS MIRABELLE 174Y (1/2 French), sired by Rolling Acres Target 804U, out of a PCFL San Antonio 131N daughter. Sold for $3,450 to Kirlene Cattle Co. Consigned by Echo Springs Charolais, Hawkestone. Charolais Banner • December 2011 Gary Hadwyn selected the high selling bred heifer Bryan Hicks purchased two including the second high selling heifer calf Bev Rae added a good bred heifer to his B Bar D herd Emily Simms bought another top female in this year’s sale Sofie Foster & Yves Marcoux were consignors and buyers for their Ranch Du Coyote herd Arlene & Angela Hakkesteegt purchased a high selling heifer calf for their Kirlene operation Sharon and Tony Prentice were volume buyers taking four nationaL chamPion FemaLe reserve nationaL chamPion buLL cornerview Willow 7W sparrows coach 467s daughter cornerview Xcalibre 27X coach son - semen rights owned by genex. Possession owned by ForsYth bros. charoLais nationaL chamPion buLL caLF nationaL chamPion heiFer caLF cornerview Young gun 2Y rio blanco x coach purchased by sunrise charoLais cornerview Your Fave 19Y sired by coach ur oTher o l l a o T Thanks pporT: u s r u o y or ct Sale: buyers f nal Sele Natio s Eastern r Farm Loube males: Ante Fe e th in oLais Upp a char r a b g (2) rockin caskie c m t a P Lais charo F F a t Langs r Farm Loube rm est Fa kracr Lais charo r e k c Pa man t hoFF rober : lite Sale Royal E s e Farm aridaL 9 nationaL reserve heiFer caLF cornerview Yannis 18Y coach purchased by kirLene cattLe co. 1012 snake river Line, cobden, on k0J 1k0 brian, heather & family 613.646.9741 brett & stefanie 613.312.1378 [email protected] Charolais Banner • December 2011 At the Uppin’ the Ante Sale, ELDER CHAROLAIS purchased Xternal Affairs 5X (Freedom bred Firewater) as the high selling bred heifer. Congratulations on their purchase being crowned National Junior Champion Female. Also at Uppin’ the Ante CM Cattle Co. purchased Medonte Risque 7R (Freedom bred Firewater) Echo Springs Charolais purchased Medonte Xceptional 11X (Ad Invincible bred Revelation) Taylor Charolais purchased Medonte Xclusively 4 Better 8X (Cigar bred Revelation) Langstaff Charolais purchased Medonte Xrated 3X (Freedom bred Firewater) Canadian National Sale EMB Charolais bought out our share of Medonte Too Hot To Handle 14X (San Antonio bred Firewater) MEDONTE XTERNAL AFFAIRS 5X 4967 Line 5, N RR 1, Hillsdale, ON L0L 1V0 Allan Brenda & Lindsay Miller • 705-835-3310 Shane & Allison Cramp • 705-835-7665 [email protected] • All the best in 2012! HERD HEALTH Abortions in Beef Cattle Roy Lewis, DVM Abortion can be one of the greatest losses to the cow-calf and purebred beef producer from fall onwards. There are a great number of causes for abortion. Unfortunately some 24 - 50% of these causes go undiagnosed. The article that follows outlines the most common causes of abortion in beef cattle and discusses those factors that are responsible for obtaining a definitive diagnosis. Abortions may occur in the early stages of pregnancy and are revealed at pregnancy checking time as open cows. If a high percentage of open heifers or cows are found at this time your veterinarian may want to pursue various forms of testing to identify the cause. If bull evaluation does not reveal any deficiencies then the cow herd becomes the focus. Nutritional 10 status of the herd is questioned as deficiencies of selenium, copper, vitamin A, phosphorous, and iodine can be responsible for open cows. Should the open cows go for slaughter the veterinarian may ask that the reproductive tracts of these cows be obtained, examined, and tested for certain infectious reproductive diseases. It is important to realize that abortions stem from problems not only with the individual fetus, but with environmental and maternal problems also. Because most aborted fetuses do not reveal any gross abnormalities, further diagnostic workup is required to identify the cause of death. Microscopic evaluation of fetal tissues and culturing of stomach contents are two such workup procedures. It is important that the aborted fetus be as fresh as possible. This can be vital to obtaining information. Charolais Banner • December 2011 Submission of the placenta doubles the chances of a diagnosis. Once again, it should be as fresh as possible. The fetus and the placenta should be placed in separate clean plastic bags and kept cool. If the cow still has some retained placenta it is best to pull out this portion ensuring it contains a cotyledon, snip it and submit it. Obtaining a diagnosis from aborted fetuses and placenta contaminated with soil, straw, and manure is truly a diagnostic challenge and often unrewarding. An abortion rate of two to three percent over the latter stages of pregnancy is considered normal. However abortions which occur close together may be a concern. Watch closely around six months gestation for telltale signs of abortion such as a wet tail or retained placenta. continued on page 17 Rollin’ AcReS oh YeAh 8X 2011 NATIONAL CHAMPION BULL • 2011 BOSS SHOW BULL OF THE YEAR SUPREME CHAMPION Over All Breeds at Erin, Peterborough & Owen Sound shows GRAND CHAMPION Meaford, Orangeville & Shelburne Shows PCFL Ultimate 14R x PCFL Norduff 38H 15/16 French – OhYeah has the meat, docility and bone of the French He is very sound and free moving and will add red meat to any program Thank you to these progressive breeders who have already purchased semen: • Wilgenbusch Charolais • Clear Lake Charolais • Kay R Charolais • Ferme Louber • Tri N Charolais • Payne Livestock Semen Available – 25 Straws/$1250 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. Gord & Shauneen Tomlinson RR 4, Norwood, ON K0L 2V0 T 705-696-3567 C 705-930-0156 [email protected] 11 Give us a call... Rollin’ AcRes chARolAis LOVAL FARMS Chester & Karla Tupling RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 T 519-925-2938 C 705-627-0672 Scott Honey RR 5, 127 Honey Line Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 T 705-931-3810 Charolais Banner • December 2011 OBITUARY Winning Genetics For us and our customers… Murray Oram Reserve National Champion Female Cedardale shadow 69s Sharp Hills 26K – calf WDZ Firemaker 6062P aGa X-TreMe Girl 67X Cedardale Tyrant x Miss Cedardale 67T, Produce of Dam winner at National & Agribition Shows 2011, purchased in our 2008 sale. Congratulations to Jamie Wade, All Girl Acres, for showing X-Treme to be Champion Charolais heifer at the Toronto Junior Beef Show and All Girl Acres showing her to Reserve Junior Champion Female at Agribition. Miss Cedardale 44X Sparrows Alcatraz x Cedardale Spellbound 7S, purchased in our 2011 sale. Congratulations to Jack Oattes, Oattes Charolais, for showing 44X to Reserve National Junior Female and Reserve Champion Charolais Heifer at the Junior Beef Show at the Toronto Royal. You, too, can let our genetics work for you at our 9th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale, April 21st at the farm. C C edardale harolais Trevor, Scott & Ryan Nesbitt 17100 Cedardale Road Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 905-986-4608 See more on our website at 12 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Murray Oram, aged 60 years of Central Butte, Saskatchewan, passed away in a car accident Sunday, November 27th, 2011. He was predeceased by his father, Reg; brother Chris and his wife Anne; and by his wife, Barb. Murray is survived by his three children: son Ryan (Melissa), daughter Audra, and son Cole (Cathy); grandchildren: Christopher and Nicole, Greg and Tristan; his very special friend, Donna Brewster and her son and daughter and their families; his mother, Elizabeth (Betty); brothers and sisters: Kathy Martin (Ken Piller), Judy (Ian) MacMillan, Kim (Don) Harder, Mark (Deb) Oram, Kerry (Dianne) Oram and Shane (Doris) Oram; and all his nieces, nephews and their families. His beginning goes back, as many Charolais stories do, to a basis in 4-H. In 1966 Murray raised a Charcross 4-H calf purchased from Wendel Schinold. Murray started in the Charolais breed in the late sixties and was a founding member of the original junior association in the early 70s called the Canadian Youth Charolais Association. He sat as the junior representative on the SCA board at the time as well. Murray and his family were Valley’s End Ranch and worked closely with Edgar Philpott and the Butte Lee Charolais operation when they got started. 13 Charolais Banner • December 2011 NEWS Fall Show Highlights Charolais Wins All Breeds Bull Calf Champion at Brandon WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y, (DWK Till’s Echo 3N) exhibted by Whitecap Charolais Moose Jaw was named All Breeds Jackpot Bull Show Champion in Manitoba Livestock Expo, in Brandon. Charolais Wins Supreme at Lloydminster CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W (KAYR Grid Grid Iron 430S), exhibited by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, Char Mo Charolais, Edmonton, AB and CSS Charolais, Paynton was named Supreme Champion bull at the Lloydminster Stockade and Roundup Show for the second year. Charolais Wins Legends of the Fall was crowned Legends of the Fall Champion Bull at Farmfair 2011, Edmonton, Alberta. McLeod Wins Farmfair Junior Supreme Megan McLeod, McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB, won Supreme Champion Female in the Farmfair Junior Show, in Edmonton, with CML PLD Ginny 6U. Charolais Win Supreme at Saskatoon MVY WYNONA 95W (PCC Balistik 441P) exhibited by McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, was named Supreme Champion Female at Saskatoon Fall Fair 2011. ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X (PCFL Ultimate 14R) exhibited by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelbourne; Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood and Loval Farms, Warkworth, Ontario, was named Supreme Champion Bull at the Erin Show, Erin, Ontario. Charolais Wins Supreme at Maritimes Show CORNERSTONE WHAT-A-GAL 2W (WCR Sir Fa Mac 2244) exhibited by Cornerstone Charolais, Cornwall, PEI won Supreme Female honours at the Maritime Fall Fair in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Royal Agricultural Winter Fair National Junior Beef Show Charolais Highlights Erin Briggs, EMB Charolais, Hawkestone, was named Reserve Champion Senior Showperson MVY WYNONA 39Y (Pleasant Dawn Hybrid 37W) exhibited by McAvoy Charolais was named Reserve Champion at this year’s Cinderella Classic at Saskatoon Fall Fair. Jamie Lea Wade, KLH County, was named Reserve Champion Junior Showperson Charolais Wins Supreme at Erin CML ENCORE 4Y, a Sparrows Sanchez 715T son, exhibited by McLeod Livestock, Balzac, Alberta, 14 continued on page 16 Charolais Banner • December 2011 15 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Brad MacIntyre, Huron County was named Champion Intermediate Showperson Sparrows Receive SCA Honour Scroll JMB Wins Reserve Supreme Bull Pen at Canadian Western Agribition Wade Beck, who presented the award, said “The only thing Cam and Kerrie Sparrow wanted to have said about them was that they were too young to receive a Saskatchewan Charolais Association Honour Scroll”. They are still young but have left their mark on the Charolais industry not only in Saskatchewan but across Canada and around the world. Besides having the high averaging bull sale in Canada for many years they have contributed their time and talents to the Saskatchewan Charolais Board with both of them being secretary of the association for many years combined. They have also been big promoters of the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and helped with organizing of past conferences. Cam also has been president of the Saskatchewan Charolais Association and the Canadian Charolais Association. One of his biggest impacts has been in the revamping and building of the promotional ads that have been used in the past number of years in the Cattlemen's Magazine. Orams Receive SCA Honour Scroll JMB BOOMER 108Y, JMB BOOMER 106Y and JMB BOOMER 101Y, all out of SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T, with an average weight of 1,228.7 lb. and an average age of 319 days won the Charolais division. This pen exhibited by JMB Charolais, Brookdale, Manitoba, went on to be Reserve Supreme Pen. Wilgenbusch Win Reserve Charolais Pen at Agribition JWX MR. BULLET 930Y, JWX DREAM WALKING 601Y and JWX BROKEN ARROW 179Y, all out of JWX Silver Bullet 524W, with an average weight of 1132.7 and an average age of 308 days won Reserve Charolais Pen. They were exhibited by Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. Mark, Dane, Kelsey and Deb Oram, Valley’s End Ranch, Central Butte, received an SCA Honour Scroll from Orland Walker and Garner Deobald. Mark and Deb Oram have been dedicated supporters and workers for the Charolais breed for decades. Mark sat on the Saskatchewan Charolais Association board of directors for 10 years with eight years as SecretaryTreasurer. He also sat on the Canadian Charolais Association Board for four years and has been a member of numerous committees over the years. Deb was instrumental in producing the SCA Newsletter for over six years. She has also been a large part of the Canadian Charolais Youth Association planning committee whenever the conference has been held in Saskatchewan. They have not only been active at the provincial and national level but they and their family has been and still are very involved with 4-H with Mark being a leader for many years. They have been tireless promoters of the Charolais breed at all levels including internationally with their genetics finding their way to many countries. Agribition’s Junior Beef Extreme Challenge LAE BAZINGA 113Y (Landmark 963W) exhibited by Calina Evans, Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, was Champion Charolais in the Junior Beef Extreme Challenge. SVY FLIRTIN FOR CERTIN 133Y (D R Revelation 467), exhibited by Katie Serhienko, Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co., Maymont, was Reserve Champion Charolais. CCYA Members Win Reserve Senior Team Grooming at Agribition Shae-Lynn and Shelby Evans, Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston and Emma Sparrow, A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy took second place honours in the Senior Team Grooming Competition at Agribition. This is quite an accomplishment considering Shae-Lynn and Emma are only first year seniors and Shelby has two years left in the intermediate division. Charolais Wins RBC Beef Supreme Challenge Bull, Female Makes Top 10 CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W (KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S), exhibited by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; Char-Mo Farms, Leduc, AB and CSS Charolais Paynton, won the RBC Beef Supreme Challenge at this year’s grand finale Canadian Western Agribition Show. continued on page 18 16 Charolais Banner • December 2011 HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 If several abortions have occurred together your veterinarian will want to pursue several avenues in an attempt to diagnose the problem. A history detailing nutrition, vaccination protocol, introductions of new heifers or cows to the herd, and the environmental conditions are vital to understanding the nature of the problem. The body condition of those cows/heifers that have aborted and their herd mates are evaluated. Aborted cows and their herd mates will have blood samples taken and one or two caruncles (uterine biopsies) may be taken from recently aborted cows. The most common infectious causes of abortion in our region are IBR (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis) and BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhea). IBR is a virus and causes abortions primarily in the last trimester (6 to 9 months). Even though exposure may have been months earlier, abortion usually does not occur until the sixth month of gestation. Calves carried to full term may be born weak. The consequences of BVD infection depends on when contact is made with the fetus. If the fetus is exposed to the virus before 100 days of gestation, abortion and mummification are the consequences. If contact with the virus occurs in the middle third of the pregnancy, congenital abnormalities of the nervous system and eyes are evident. Contact in the last trimester of pregnancy generally results in normal healthy calves with titers against BVD or other times the fetus is born alive but persistently infected meaning it is shedding the BVD virus. Other infectious causes of abortion include leptospirosis, vibriosis, neospora, listeriosis, brucellosis, and trichomoniasis. These are less common and methods to prevent these causes would be dealt with at the time of diagnosis. Now very accurate DNA tests on blood semen from bulls or manure can help pinpoint if infection is present. It is pretty much standard for beef producers to vaccinate for the IBR and BVD viruses. Two types of products are available. A killed vaccine product is safe to give pregnant animals but requires two shots the first year and annual vaccination in subsequent years. The second, a modified live vaccine, gives better immunity than the killed vaccines, is less expensive and is best given just before the breeding season. If the BVD and IBR vaccine status is protective cows can even be vaccinated in late pregnancy with most of the live vaccines. Get the okay from your veterinarian first before proceeding with this. The product that is chosen is dependent upon the management practice of the producer. Vaccines should be selected based on how individual herd conditions mesh with the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of vaccines. Most research on the new vaccines prove fetal protection on their labels. Your local veterinarian can best advise you as to continued on page 25 17 Charolais Banner • December 2011 MVY WYNONA 95W (PCC Balistik 441P, calf - Pleasant Dawn Hybrid 37W), exhibited by McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, made the Top Ten Finalists in the Female division. CHARHAVEN / CORNERSTONE WIN Maritime Charolais Show Maritime Fall Fair October 8, 2011 • Halifax, NS Judge: Dale Black, St. Stephen, NB 12 entries (A BOSS Show) Bulls Born in 2011 1. CHARHAVEN YAMAHA 111Y (Bar J Silverado 14S), Charhaven Farms, Cornwall, PEI; 2..CORNERSTONE YARIS 9Y (Crosby’s Sir William 916W), Cornerstone Charolais, Cornwall, PEI. Champion Bull Calf CHARHAVEN YAMAHA 111Y, Charhaven Farms Reserve Champion Bull Calf CORNERSTONE YARIS 9Y, Cornerstone Charolais Grand Champion Bull CHARHAVEN YAMAHA 111Y, Charhaven Farms Reserve Grand Champion Bull CORNERSTONE YARIS 9Y, Cornerstone Charolais Females Born in 2011 1. CORNERSTONE YOURS TRULY Grand Champion Bull – CHARHAVEN YAMAHA 111Y, Charhaven Farms 18 7Y (LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld), Cornerstone Charolais; 2. LXL SILVER DOLLAR 3Y (Bar J Silverado 14S), LXL Charolais, Haute Aboujagane, NB; 3. LXL BABY-BEL 16Y (Bar J Silverado 14S), LXL Charolais; 4. CORNERSTONE YAMAGUCHI 5Y (Sparrows Birmingham 758T), Cornerstone Charolais; 5. LXL CHIKITA 1Y (DBAR Intuition 805U), LXL Charolais. 2W (WCR Sir Fa Mac 2244, calf-LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld), Cornerstone Charolais Champion Heifer Calf CORNERSTONE YOURS TRULY 7Y, Cornerstone Charolais Senior Champion Female LXL BABY CHUNKER 9U, LXL Charolais Reserve Champion Heifer Calf LXL SILVER DOLLAR 3Y, LXL Charolais Grand Champion Female CORNERSTONE WHAT-A-GAL 2W, Cornerstone Charolais Female Born in 2010 1. CHARHAVEN X-POSE 102X (SVY AD Invincible P 745T), Charhaven Farms Reserve Grand Champion Female LXL BABY CHUNKER 9U, LXL Charolais Junior Champion Female CHARHAVEN X-POSE 102X, Charhaven Farms Female Born Prior to 2009 with Calf LXL BABY CHUNKER 9U (DBAR Survivor 220M, calf-Bar J Silverado 14S), LXL Charolais Senior Champion Female CORNERSTONE WHAT-A-GAL 2W, Cornerstone Charolais Breeder’s Herd Cornerstone Charolais Premier Breeder Cornerstone Charolais Female Born in 2009 with Calf 1. CORNERSTONE WHAT-A-GAL Premier Exhibitor Cornerstone Charolais Grand Champion Female – CORNERSTONE WHAT-A-GAL 2W, Cornerstone Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female – LXL BABY CHUNKER 9U, LXL Charolais Charolais Banner • December 2011 MANAGEMENT The Three Rules of Vaccination Bryan Hicks, DVM Being both a veterinarian and a Charolais breeder, I am asked regularly what vaccination program I use on my own cows. It is the same program I recommend to all my clients. I use a killed vaccine program, namely Triangle 9 (not that I am promoting a specific product). I vaccinate in the fall with Triangle 9 and a scour vaccine. I vaccinate again with Triangle 9 in the spring prior to turn out. The leptospirosis component of the vaccine will protect against abortion while on pasture. I have three rules for vaccinating. Rule #1: Vaccinate with something because anything is better than nothing. Independent research studies indicate that a combination of modified live vaccine (MLV) and killed vaccine given three times gives the optimal protection. But disease protection only needs to be adequate and you will never see any difference in health issues between adequate and optimal. When calves where coming to town unvaccinated and neither they nor their mothers had any immune status, then the MLV stimulated a strong enough response to protect the calf with one dose – even though a second was recommended. But those days of animals with zero exposure and immunity are gone - especially if you have a vaccination history. All animals have some level of immunity and any vaccine will elicit an adequate immune response. Rule #2: Vaccinate with something because anything is better than nothing. MLV vaccines should be given prior to breeding. But sometimes life gets in the way and a birth, death, wedding or special person gets between you and your program. In contrast, killed vaccines may be given at any time to any animal without any unfavourable response. I am long enough in the tooth to remember using MLV vaccines to abort feedlot heifers in the early days of vaccination. These vaccines contained the same agents used in MLV vaccines today. I talk to people who missed vaccinating on time and then quit because they had missed some animals. I talk to people who thought they had vaccinated with a MLV vaccine, or thought their employees had. They found out later that they had a huge problem with abortions because no one had vaccinated. I talk to people that have several abortions after vaccinating who wonder “if the vaccine runs down the neck after needling does it still work?”. Yes, I talk to a lot of people. I also listen to them. I maintain that the risks of MLV vaccines do not outweigh the perceived benefits. If you Most Proven Multi Trait leader in the U.s. is aVailable heRe VCR siR dUke 914 Fall 2012 AICA Top 25 Multiple Trait Leaders report shows: • VCR Sir Duke 914 has 1467 daughters in production. All other 24 bulls in the top 25 have a combined total of 1018 daughters in production. • VCR Sir Duke 914 has 3781 progeny. All other 24 bulls in the top 25 have a combined total of 7137 progeny. • VCR Sir Duke 914 is ranked #5 • His full brother is ranked #2 • He has 7 sons and 2 grandsons in the top 25. • 914 was the 1st Multiple Trait Leader and only bull in the breed to hold that spot for three consecutive years. semen available: $200 per unit Fob eastern breeders inc. (semex) VCR Miss Duchess 151 Pld, a Duke daughter who is now a top donor at Double H Charolais VedVei ChaRolais RanCh Alan & Deb Vedvei • 44213 204th St Lake Preston, SD 57249 [email protected] Tel 605/847-4529 • Cell 605/860-1135 continued on page 25 19 Charolais Banner • December 2011 BREEDER PROFILE Candace By Medonte Charolais Quality – Not Quantity – Is Their Motto s ome people consider a boat and a tackle box their ideal entertainment, but for Allan Miller, a stock trailer and tack box is a source of enjoyment. Allan was raised on a farm with a commercial cow operation. He never participated in 4-H but when he was 16-18 years of age he took an interest in purebreds. “The performance of the Charolais was just so impressive, I pressured my Dad to get some. He bought a few over the next couple of years and I bought my first female in the fall of 1980 at a sale in Lindsay from Bud Burgess of Wheelin’ B Charolais,” Allan states. In 1988 they bought one of the family farms from Allan’s parents one half mile down the road from where his parents continue to farm. “Having that family support over the years has been essential.” In the spring of 1990 he took an A.I. course and has bred his own cows ever since. “Conception rates went up and there is a greater sense of satisfaction breeding your own and not relying on a unit technician. With the cowherd numbers, going out and spending good money on a quality walking bull couldn’t be justified, so A.I. was the way to go. You also soon find out which are your most fertile cows and cull accordingly.” 20 The addition of SVY Freedom Pld 307N in the fall of 2003 to the A.I. lineup has had a huge impact on the Medonte operation and he was used again this year for the 8th consecutive year. “Freedom has had the ability to produce a superior product regardless of the type of cow.” Last fall in the Agribition sale, Medonte were part of a group of breeders that bought the Canadian semen rights in TR Mr Firewater 5759R. “His impact has already been felt this fall, with his service to sale heifers averaging $5200. We anxiously await his calves in early 2012.” Embryo transplant is also being used as a tool for advancement, with 5 or 6 Simmie x Red Angus commercial cows used as recipients. The SVY FPF Starstruck 569R cow is now in their transplant program. She produced two ET Freedom sired heifer calves in 2011 and they anticipate three more in 2012. She’ll be flushed again this fall to Firewater and again to Freedom after that. “Right from the start it had to be about quality not quantity. Brenda and I have always worked full time off the farm and we knew quantity Charolais Banner • December 2011 Allan and Brenda at Agribition in 2004 just wasn’t an option. We have traveled to work together every day 25 miles to Barrie. Brenda has worked in the office at Barrie Welding & Machine for 30 years and I have worked for the City of Barrie for 25 years this December. I started as a labourer and applied for an opening in the water department shortly after I started. It was easy for farm kids to get jobs because employers knew farm kids weren’t afraid of a little hard work. When I was 27, the supervisor of the department retired and they offered me the job. I didn’t even apply. Looking back now, I was way too young. I was supervising men 20 years my senior and that had been there a lot longer. I survived by not asking anybody to do anything I wouldn’t do myself. You quickly become thick skinned in a supervisory position and I was burning out after 18 years in that position. Being able to come home after a rough day at work and work on the show string has always been a source of stress relief. I was ready to quit and look for something else when they created a new position for me, Water Operations Technical Advisor. It’s great, now I review all proposed water infrastructure, from building permits, site plans, subdivision development to redevelopment of older areas. I’m out of the supervisory role and am enjoying my work. Now it’s all about the pension,” he says with a grin. With their full time employment work load, they can only handle 20-25 females, but they have to be really good. “In 1995 we bought a truck and trailer and we have been showing ever since.” It was their daughter Allison’s first year in 4-H. Back then, it was nothing to do 12-15 shows each year ending at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Many a Labour Day weekend they would show in Kinmount on Saturday, Orangeville on Sunday and drive 4 hours to Belleville to show on Monday; only to be home to go to work Tuesday morning. “The thought of it now just blows me away,” Allan says shaking his head in amazement of their energy and dedication. Although Allan was never in 4-H and has some regrets about it, he feels he has lived the whole experience through Allison. “The need to have good ones became more important because I wanted her to have a good one in the ring.” Lindsay, their youngest daughter, also knows good cattle and what it takes to win, but doesn’t share the interest in having an upfront, participatory role. “She can sit in the stands and tell us which animal should have won the class, and why, but the only time we’ll get her to lead an animal in the ring is when we don’t have enough people for a group class and we can put her in the middle. She’s much happier looking after things at the stall.” 21 In 2002, Allison was Champion Showman in the National Junior Show at the Toronto Royal. “It was such a great moment, I think I had tears in my eyes. I definitely lived the 4-H experience through her.” Allan attributes her success in part to the CCYA program. He feels the kids that do well in these competitions are the purebred kids and it’s because of their depth of training. Not being in 4-H, they did have a steep learning curve when they started to show. Alan Ross and family, of Rossdale Charolais, were a lot of help. They used to travel the show road together. Everybody in the Charolais business in Ontario gets along. There is no animosity and everybody helps each other out. “We know that if we pull together, everybody benefits. There are new people in the barn showing at the Royal for the first time this year and that is good for the breed.” “Now we only do four to five shows a year. It’s all about getting ready for the Royal. If we could do it in two to three shows we probably would. We’re in a transition now. Allison and Shane have small children and we don’t take the normal 8-10 head we used to take to shows. Now we only have four or five. We’ll continue with this until the grandchildren are a little older and I can become the truck driver and cheer on their involvement. Brenda has Allison earned the Champion Intermediate Aggregate buckle at CCYA 1998 in Brandon Allison showed Medontes Lavender 6L at CCYA 2001 and received Reserve Heifer Calf Champion Charolais Banner • December 2011 Medonte Lace 7L won the Agribition First Lady Classic and went on the following year to be Reserve Grand Champion Female at The Royal already transitioned to enjoying being a grandmother more than enjoying showing cows. Shane also has purebred sheep and does well breeding and showing them. The future direction of Medonte Charolais will depend on their interest.” Allison and Shane live five miles away and their two and a half year old daughter, Brooklyn, can't go by Grandma and Grandpa's house without asking to stop. “It is always on the way home from work and Brooklyn wants to help me feed the cattle – and she knows what gets fed what. Many times Brooklyn is waiting for us to get home from work so she can help with chores. It won’t be long Medonte Untouchable 8U was Reserve Senior Yearling Heifer Champion at CCYA 2009. She was shown by Erin Briggs who has been partners and shown with Medonte over the years. 22 Charolais Banner • December 2011 and she will be on the show road with us. Recently Allison went into her room and saw her with a piece of hose pointing it all around her rocking horse. When she asked what she was doing, the response was ‘washing cows just like Grandpa’,” Allan shares with pride. Son-in-law Shane Cramp shared with philosphical amusement, “there are two things that make Allan smile, his cows and his grandkids.” For the size of their herd, they have done very well. They have competed along side and above herds of considerably larger numbers. Brian, Wanda and Lyle Dudgeon were also very helpful in their early years on the show road. They were instrumental in getting them to attend Agribition for the first time in 1996. They took a yearling heifer and won the Upjohn All Breed Supreme Championship, with Medonte Elegance 7E. Allan thought it was all too easy, but their focus on quality was paying off. In 2002, they had the Charolais Champion in the 1st Lady Classic, with Medonte Lace 7L. In both cases these females stood second in class in Allan volunteered to judge Team Grooming at CCYA 2009 in Peterborough Allan, Allison and Lyndsay at the Royal 2011 Allan and Shane visit with Neil Gillies in Toronto 23 Charolais Banner • December 2011 the Charolais show and Allan was very proud of their showing. At the time they only had ten to twelve cows in their herd and were able to compete with the best in the country. The show highlights don’t stop there. In 2003 they exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Female, with Medonte Lace 7L, and Reserve Grand Champion Bull, with XAL Letterhead 9L, at the Royal. In 2005 they exhibited the Grand Champion Female, with Medonte Lace 7L, at the NABC in London. Also in the fall of 2005 they were fortunate enough to purchase SVY FPT Starstruck 569R in the Agribition sale from Voegeli Bros and Footprint Farms, as the high selling lot. She went on to be crowned Reserve Grand Champion Female the following day at side of her dam. In 2007 they exhibited the Reserve National Champion Female, with Medonte Rumours 9R, at the Royal and sold a half interest in her to Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont, Alberta. They have continued to be friends with the Cholaks and keep in frequent contact. It is one of the special bonuses they have experienced in the business. The friendships mean a lot. “We sold the high selling bred heifer to Elder Charolais at the Uppin’ the Ante sale this year. We want to have good cattle that we know will go and do the job for their new owners. We want to sell cattle with a good conscience, knowing they will go on and perform. I was so happy she won National Junior Female Champion for them. It’s what we expect our cattle to do. I am sure we have made new friends with the Elders and will continue the friendship for years to come,” Allan states confidently. It is what he feels the business is about, producing a product that will keep producing, building relationships between people across the country. This year they bred 31 and found it just to be too many. Although it did allow them the opportunity to offer six breds in sales this fall through the Uppin’ the Ante and the National Sale at the Toronto Royal. Their cattle averaged $3850 in the Uppin’ the Ante sale and their high selling bred heifer in the National sale brought $7750. The downsizing of their show string had its disadvantages this year. Allan felt he could have sold four or five heifer calves as show prospects this year. Through diligent efforts to select and breed stronger and improved cattle and showing them to promote the herd name with the quality, he has created a demand for his product that is now reaping the rewards. Since the inception of their website a year ago, they have received inquiries for embryos and seedstock. “We haven’t done anything different. We have the same quality and show history, we’ve just raised our awareness and profile a notch higher. The website has been good for the program.” So where does Medonte go from here? Well, they will continue to show and stress quality over quantity. Until the grandchildren become more involved the show string may be smaller, but keeping things in the family, Allan’s cousin, Erin Briggs, has given them a fresh sense of enthusiasm with her keen sense of competitiveness. She's filling that gap right now and I find myself attending shows to watch her compete, even if we don't have cattle there. You know when the Medonte crew comes to town, there will be intense competition and the cattle will be ready, but the warmth, friendship and support they offer fellow breeders only raises everyone higher. When you visit the Medonte home, the love of Charolais is ever present. Within arm’s reach of “Allan’s chair” is a multi shelf book stand with all the Charolais Banners in it. “Looking back at some of those issues in the 1980s, I wonder what in the world we were thinking! We have it right now though with the maternal side of the breed having made huge strides in the last decade. We also need to remember what made this breed and that’s performance. We have to ensure the paternal side of the breed continues to make strides with performance, while 24 Allison shows at the National Charolais Show in Toronto 2011 Allan in the Championship drive at the Royal National Charolais Show 2011 Medonte External Affairs 5X, 2011 Canadian National Junior Champion Female Charolais Banner • December 2011 maintaining calving ease, and keep Charolais in the forefront with the commercial cattlemen. Charolais have been a big part of our lives for over 30 years now and there's no reason to believe they won't continue to be for many more years to come. 5 Allan showing at CWA, 2011 6 Brody Cramp is the latest addition to the crew 4 Medonte Charolais – Shane, Allison & Brooklyn Cramp, Brenda, Lyndsey & Allan Miller HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 additional vaccines that may be recommended against reproductive diseases in your geographic area. Purebred herd managers may need to exercise particular caution as most purebred herds are considered open herds. Cattle are often taken to shows and displays, all of which increases their exposure to both respiratory and reproductive diseases. Many abortions are incidental and due to trauma, stress, twinning, maternal illness causing death of the fetus, and congenital defects of the fetus with subsequent abortion. Therefore abortion is a common encounter for many producers. Cooperation between the producer, the veterinarian and the lab will maximize the opportunity to diagnose the cause of an abortion. A diagnosis is very important as future recommendations are often based upon this diagnosis. Preventive measures can then be undertaken where applicable. Keep in mind if cattle are trucked, go to shows or auction markets the additional stress and potential exposure to disease can cause the abortion rate to raise. Also with purchased bred cattle try and get some history of their vaccination status against reproductive diseases. 3 RULES OF VACCINATION, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 smoke in the haymow long enough, sooner or later you will burn the barn down. Rule #3: Vaccinate with something because anything is better than nothing. Killed vaccines come ready to use. You should use the entire bottle at once but if you don’t get done today 25 you can finish tomorrow provided you used a new needle to enter the bottle each time. MLV vaccine should be used within 6 hours. A rough estimate is that 40% more MLV vaccine gets mixed than used due to package sizing. This is not such an issue in the bigger herds but certainly has an Charolais Banner • December 2011 economic impact in the smaller groups. A good working relationship with your veterinarian means that you follow his or her recommendations for your herds’ needs and disease pressure. If geography or circumstances do not allow you to have such a relationship, just remember the 3 rules of vaccination. LOTS OF PEOPLE COME TO US FOR INFORMATION Craig Scott Bus. 403-651-9441 Res. 403-507-2258 26 Helge By Bus. 306-546-3940 Cell 306-536-4261 Charolais Banner • December 2011 DECEMBER 2011 REGISTRY DEPARTMENT REMINDERS JUDY CUMMER 2012 memberships are due January 1st, 2012 and will be billed to your accounts on January 2nd, 2012, only if you have a valid credit card on file or a credit for the total amount in your account. If the funds are not there you will not receive your February Charolais Banner. 2012 Whole Herd Enrollment is due January 1st. Instructions will be mailed/emailed to you. Remember an N in the WHE HOLD column enrolls your females; a Y puts your female on hold and does not enroll her. Any enrollments received after the deadline of January 1st, 2012 will be billed a late fee of $25.00 plus GST/HST, plus the regular enrollment fee of $25.00 plus GST/HST. “W” heifers (2 year olds) need to be enrolled by December 31st, 2011, any enrolled for the 2011 year after this date will be billed late charges. Contact the office to have them enrolled. Please keep the office updated on new credit card numbers, expiry dates, mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Apple or Mac users will be able 27 WHAT’S NEW On the weekend of October 22, 23 & 24 the board of directors held their fall meetings at the CCA office. These meetings are the largest face-to-face meetings conducted through-out the year, also provincial representatives attended and the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) convening for the first time in three years. The SPC held meetings on the first day with a series of questions being listed for discussion and possible outcomes with their recommendations forwarded to the BOD for consideration on the second day. Between the two committees approximately 10 hours was spent in deliberation with the discussion going to and fro on most topics. Although we were not able to unearth a magic bullet to cure all ills, the recommendations that were forthcoming could lead to some positive results. In a review of the all of the SPC meetings since 1990 it was striking how many of the same topics had been thrashed out over a 20 year period. Due to the length of the SPC minutes they will be posted on the CCA website in due course. Other highlights included the financial report presented by finance chair Brent Saunders. Brent provided an update on the year to date by presenting the September month-end figures, which revealed two areas still unclear. The unrealized income Charolais Banner • December 2011 or loss which is derived from the CCA’s investment portfolio has been an item that our auditors have included in our financial statements for about 4 years now, and with all of the financial upheaval in the world today it literally has performed like a yo-yo in the past 4-5 months. We had projected a small positive income in 2011; however as of the end of September it was posting a loss. Where it ends this year will not be known until December 31. The BOD did pass a motion that as of January 1, 2012 the auditor’s unrealized profit/loss requirement will not be included in a yearly budget although it will still be included in the audited financial statements of the CCA. The other item that is still unsure is the number of “W” females that will be enrolled before the end of 2011. As many breeders had bred animals for the highly touted export to Russia in 2010, which as yet has not happened, the CCA considered it reasonable to allow breeders until the end of 2011 to determine which of those heifers they would actually retain in their herds. John Wilgenbusch as chair of the Breed Improvement Committee (BIC) informed the BOD that although he had nothing specific to report at this time, Dr Bob Kemp as the genetic consultant for the CCA has been working on two developing reports regarding EPDs and a Residual Feed Intake proposal due for the committee’s review in March. to access the “online registry” sometime early in the new-year. Programming is in progress to enable this. New Disposal code sheets will be mailed out to our members and will be available to “online” users shortly. We have shortened the disposal code list to make it easier. The CCA staff would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our members and Charolais friends an enjoyable family season. 2320 - 41st Avenue N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T: (403) 250-9242 F: (403) 291-9324 E: [email protected] 28 One of the SPC questions regarded genomic research; Dr Kemp is also reviewing. The Ad & Promo committee chaired by Wade Beck reported that a new ad, a new poster and a new brochure would be ready early in the new-year. Bryan Coughlin chairs two committees – the Market Development Committee (MDC) and the Education, Youth and Export Committee (EYEC) The MDC is developing an updated version of a Feeder Cattle Buyer’s Handbook. The last time this publication was printed was back in Milton Weise’s time, probably 1992-1993. Basically it is a handbook using a series of tables to calculate break-even prices for feeder cattle. We were approached approximately one year ago by Andy Fowling, a cattle buyer in southern Alberta, with a suggestion that we spilt costs on the production of a new version. This version along with a smart phone app should be ready early in the new-year. For the EYEC the focus of attention at his time of year is the awarding of CCA scholarships to the 2011 winning applicants. For background information; in 2009 & 2010 the CCA had recorded significant positive positions on the audited financial statements and as a result the BOD agreed to commit $50,000 to the CCA scholarship account at a BOD meeting in June 2011. Coupling this amount with $15,000.00 committed by the 50th Homecoming committee at the conclusion of the 2010 event and the $20,000 already in the account provides an aggregate of $85,000. At the same meeting it was agreed to increase the scholarship amounts from $500 to $1,000 starting in 2011. Charolais Banner • December 2011 Further action was taken as a result of the fall meetings when the EYEC agreed to increase the Dale Norheim scholarship to $1,500 from $1,000. The EYEC convened a meeting at the National Show in Toronto and decisions were made to award the Dale Norheim scholarship to Megan Rosso and two $1,000 scholarships to Michael Hunter and Travis Jozwiak. Also from the BOD meetings it was agreed the CCA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA) Conference will run simultaneously in Olds, Alberta, in 2012. This was approved primarily to help reduce costs and the intent is that the CCA does not infringe on any activities planned by the CCYA. On an unrelated issue, DNA requirements enshrined in the CCA by-laws were enacted to protect the authenticity of the herd book and provide buyers with a reasonable guarantee they are getting what they paid for. They may seem onerous on occasion and easily get put off for another day; however they are the biggest problem for breeders that we encounter on a daily basis. Usually an unexpected death occurs and the consequences are always expensive and sometimes involve a considerable loss of income. Our recommendation to any buyer/seller is to pull double digit tail switch hairs and enclose them in a regular envelope, mark the tattoo on the envelope and store in a shoe box in a reasonably dry place. If the situation arises that DNA is required it can be retrieved. NEIL GILLIES DÉCEMBRE 2011 RAPPELS DU DÉPARTEMENT D'ENREGISTREMENT JUDY CUMMER Les adhésions de 2012 sont du le 1er janvier 2012. Si vous n’avez pas une carte de crédit sur le dossier de l’association ni vous n’avez pas envoyé votre paiement au bureau vous ne recevrez pas votre abonnement de la revue Charolais Banner. L’enrolement complet de troupeau « WHE » est aussi du le 1er janvier 2012. Les instructions sont à la poste. Rappelez vous que dans la colonne de ‘HOLD’, un ‘N’ enrol ou inscrit vos femelles. Un ‘Y’ n’enrol pas vos femelles. Les éleveurs vont payer les frais de retards lorsque leurs enrolements sont reçu au bureau après le 1er janvier. Génisses qui a deux an d’âge, né pendant l’année ‘W’, peuvent être enroler avant le 31 décembre 2011 pour le frais de 25$ plus le TPS. Si vous enrolez vos femelles de la lettre ‘W’ après le 31 décembre 2011 vous payerez le frais d’enrolement plus le frais de retard à enregistrer leur veaux. Entrez en contact avec le bureau ou Cynthia Beck à enroller vos femelles de l’année ‘W’. Svp mis à jour nous avec vos détails de nouveaux chiffres de les 29 La réunion d’automne du conseil d’administration avait lieu en octobre au bureau à Calgary. C’est la seule réunion que le conseil a tête à tête à l’exception de la réunion annuelle. Les représentants provinciaux ont assisté aux réunions cette année ainsi que le Comité de planification stratégique « SPC » s'est réuni pour la première fois en trois ans. Le « SPC » a posé une série de questions pour la discussion le premier jour des réunions et il a fait suivre à leurs recommandations pour la considération du conseil pendant le deuxième jour. Des heures ont été passées discutant les matières et pourraient mener à quelques résultats positifs les recommandations suggérées. Dans un examen de toutes les réunions de « SPC » depuis 1990, il étonnait lesquelles des mêmes matières ont été discutées sur une période de vingt ans. Les détails de réunion de « SPC » seront signalés sur le site Web de CCA. Directeur du Comité de finance est Brent Saunders. Il a présenté que nous avions projeté un petit revenu positif pour 2011 mais à fin septembre il y a une petite perte. Ceci est provoqué par le portefeuille de placement du CCA exécutant comme un yo-yo ; le revenu ou la perte n’est pas clair en raison du bouleversement dans le monde. Nous ne connaîtrons pas les figures financières finales jusqu'au 31 Charolais Banner • December 2011 décembre. Le conseil a adopté un mouvement qu’au 1er janvier 2012 le bénéfice de l'auditeur/condition latents de perte ne sera pas inclus à un budget annuel, bien qu'il soit encore inclus dans le relevé de compte financier du CCA. John Wilgenbusch, directeur du Comité d'amélioration de race « BIC », a informé le conseil que DR Bob Kemp, le conseiller génétique pour le CCA, travaille sur deux rapports en voie de développements concernant les EPDs et une proposition sur la résiduelle de prise d'alimentation. Cette proposition est due pour la revue du comité en mars. Le comité de relations publiques présidé par Wade Beck a rapporté qu'une nouvelle annonce, une nouvelle affiche et une nouvelle brochure seront prêtes tôt en nouvel-année. Bryan Coughlin préside deux comités - le Comité de développement du marché « MDC » et le Comité d'éducation, de jeunesse et d'exportation « EYEC ». Le « MDC » développe le manuel d'acheteur de bétail de fabrication « Feeder Cattle Buyer’s Handbook ». La dernière fois que cette publication a été imprimée avait lieu pendant le temps de Milton Weise comme président, probablement 1992-1993. Fondamentalement c'est un manuel en utilisant une série de tables pour calculer des prix équilibrés de bétail de fabrication. cartes de crédits, les dates d’expirations pour vos cartes de crédits, vos nouvelles adresses postales, adresses courriels ou nouveaux numéro de téléphone. Si vous avez un ordinateur d’Apple ou Mac, vous pouvez utiliser le système de l’association ‘online’ dans la nouvelle année. Les fournisseurs de notre program d’enregistrement travaillent maintenant sur la programmation. Il y a une plus efficace nouvelle liste de codes de réforme. Elles sont à la poste et pour les utilisateurs de notre système ‘online’ elle sera bientôt disponible. Le personnel de l’association vous souhaite une saison de Noël et de famille merveilleuse. 2320 - 41st Avenue N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T: (403) 250-9242 F: (403) 291-9324 E: [email protected] 30 Nous avons été approchés par Andy Fowling, un acheteur de bétail dans Alberta. Il a proposé que nous partagions les coûts de production d'une nouvelle version. Cette version avec une application du téléphone intelligent devrait être prête tôt en nouvel-année. Attribuer les bourses de CCA aux candidats réussis est le centre d’attention cette fois d'année pour « l'EYEC ». À vous mis à jour, en 2009 et 2010 le CCA a eu des positions positives significatives sur le relevé de compte financier audité. En raison de la position financière du CCA, en juin de 2011 le conseil d'administration accepté pour engager 50.000$ au compte de bourse de CCA, ajoutant aux 20.000$ déjà là. À la conclusion de la célébration du cinquantième anniversaire du CCA en 2010, le comité d'organisation de la célébration a donné 15.000$. Cela apporte le montant total du compte de bourse de CCA à 85.000$. La quantité de bourse indiquée aux étudiants est 1000$. L'EYEC était également augmenté la bourse de Dale Norheim de 1000$ à 1500$. L'EYEC a eu une réunion à l'exposition nationale à Toronto et décidée à donner la bourse de Dale Norheim à Megan Rosso. Les deux bourses de 1000$ vont à Michael Hunter et Travis Jozwiak. En outre des réunions du conseil on l'a convenu que l'assemblée générale annuelle de CCA (AGM) et la conférence canadienne de l'association de la jeunesse du charolais (CCYA) soient tenues simultanément dans Olds, Alberta, en 2012. Ceci a été approuvé principalement pour aider à réduire des coûts et l'intention est que le CCA ne viole sur aucune activité prévue par le CCYA. Charolais Banner • December 2011 Un nombre qui est encore peu clair pour l'association est le nombre de femelles de l’année « W » qui seront enroles avant le 31 décembre 2011. Beaucoup d’éleveurs ont maintenu des femelles pour l'exportation vers la Russie qui ne s'est pas encore produite. Le CCA l'a considéré raisonnable pour permettre aux éleveurs de déterminer quelles femelles ils ont voulu garder dans leurs troupeaux à la fin de 2011. L'ADN est l'un des plus grands problèmes pour les sélectionneurs que nous rencontrons quotidiennement. Oui les conditions d'ADN peuvent sembler onéreuses occasionnellement et sont faciles à mettre au loin pour un autre jour ; cependant l'authenticité de notre livre de troupeau fournit à des acheteurs une garantie raisonnable qu'obtiennent ils ce qu'ils ont payé. Les conséquences sont chères de ne pas avoir l'ADN sur le dossier et peuvent impliquer une perte considérable dans le revenu si vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer un animal parce qu'il n'y a aucune ADN sur le dossier. Notre recommandation à n'importe quel sélectionneur, acheteur ou vendeur est de tirer des poiles, les mis dans un enveloppe régulière, d'écrire le tatouage sur l'enveloppe et le stocker dans un endroit sec. Si une situation surgit que l'ADN est exigé, il peut être facilement recherché et vous sauvez beaucoup de temps, l'argent et le mal à la tête ! NEIL GILLIES Maximize your bull pen’s earning potential – advertise in the Charolais Connection February deadline: January 19 • Mailing February 2 March deadline: February 10 • Mailing March 1 HELGE BY Bus 306-546-3940 Cell 306-536-4261 Family Tradition Bull Sale March 16, 2012 CRAIG SCOTT Res 403-507-2258 Cell 403-651-9441 FEBRUARY 2012 DECEMBER 2011 S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 JANUARY 2012 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY Oct. 13 CCA & CCYA Memberships Due Whole Herd Enrollment forms due for spring & fall calvers TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 SATURDAY 2 Oct. 14 3 Oct.15 4 Oct.16 5 Oct. 17 6 Oct. 18 7 Oct. 19 New Year’s Day 8 Oct. 20 9 Oct. 21 10 Oct.22 11 Oct.23 12 Oct. 24 13 Oct. 25 14 Oct. 26 15 Oct. 27 16 Oct. 28 17 Oct. 29 18 Oct. 30 19 Oct. 31 20 Nov. 1 21 Nov. 2 25 Nov. 6 26 Nov. 7 27 Nov. 8 28 Nov. 9 CCYA Genetics Program Application Deadline 22 Nov. 3 23 Nov. 4 24 Nov. 5 29 Nov. 10 30 Nov. 11 31 Nov. 12 YEAR LETTER FOR 2012: Z Moon Phases January 1 & 30......1st Quarter January 9 ..............Full Moon January 16 ............Last Quarter January 23 ............New Moon 9 6 7 8 Charolais Power Bull Sale ?????, 2012 MARCH 2012 JANUARY 2012 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 FEBRUARY 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 Moon Phases February 7 ............Full Moon February 14 ..........Last Quarter February 21 ..........New Moon February 29 ..........1st Quarter 5 6 Nov. 13 THURSDAY 2 7 8 9 Nov. 17 S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY Nov. 14 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 SATURDAY 3 Nov. 15 4 Nov. 16 10 Nov. 22 11 Nov. 23 Groundhog Day 6 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 7 8 Nov. 20 9 Nov. 21 P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Bull Sale, Innisfail 12 Nov. 24 19 Dec. 1 13 Nov. 25 20 Dec. 2 14 Nov. 26 15 Nov. 27 16 Nov. 28 17 Nov. 29 18 Nov. 30 22 Dec. 4 23 Dec. 5 24 Dec. 6 25 Dec. 7 Valentine’s Day “Tip the Scale Angus & Charolais Bull Sale’” Vikse Family Farm, Donalda 26 Dec. 8 Pro-Char 1st Annual Bull Sale, Glenevis 27 Dec. 9 21 Dec. 3 Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Regina HEJ Charolais Bull Sale, Chomiak 8th Annual Charolais Bull & Female Sale, Viking Innisfail 29th Annual Performance Tested Charolais Bull Sale, Rawes Ranches, Strome 28 Dec. 10 29 Dec. 11 FAMILY TRADITION BULL SALE March 16, 2:00 p.m. at Rolling D Charolais • Dropmore, Manitoba Carman & Donna, Erin, Fawn, Haylan, Autumn & Tomina Jackson Box 75, Inglis, MB R0J 0X0 • 204-564-2547 HORSESHOE E CHAROLAIS Layne & Paula Evans Shae-Lynn, Shelby & Calina Box 390, Kenaston, SK S0G 2N0 T: (306) 252-2246 F: (306) 252-2009 [email protected] • APRIL 2012 FEBRUARY 2012 S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 MARCH 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 6 7 8 9 Dec. 15 4 Dec. 22 FRIDAY Dec. 12 5 Dec. 16 6 Dec. 17 7 Dec. 18 12 Dec. 23 Dec. 19 8 Char Power Bull Sale, Veteran 13 Dec. 24 14 Dec. 25 21 Jan. 1 15 Dec. 26 Dec. 29 19 Dec. 30 20 Dec. 31 22 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Best of the Breeds, Leross 26 Jan. 6 Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, Olds 27 Jan. 7 Steppler Farms Ltd. 1st Annual Bull Sale, Miami 28 Jan. 8 Hi Weigh Breeders Bull Sale, Neepawa Dec. 20 9 3 29 Jan. 9 McKeary & Guest Bull Sale, Brooks Elder Charolais Bull Sale, Coronach 10 A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, Vanscoy Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie 16 Dec. 27 23 Jan. 3 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 Dec. 14 30 Jan. 10 Dec. 21 Range Ready Bull Sale, Yorkton Horseshoe E Bull Sale, Moose Jaw Dec. 28 St. Patrick’s Day Sandan Charolais Bull Sale, Erskine Pleasant Dawn Farms Bull Sale, Virden Lanoie Bros. Charolais Bull Sale, Moose Jaw Rollin' Acres & Patton Charolais Bull Sale, Hanover 17 24 Jan. 4 31 Jan. 11 Forsyth/TeeMJay Bull Sale, Ashern Southland Breeders, Rockglen North of the 53rd Bull Sale, Paynton Transcon's Mountainview Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail Diamond W Bull Sale, Minitonas Maple Leaf Charolais Bull Sale, Lakedell Wawedash Farms Bull Sale, Veteran 25 Dec. 13 2 T 3 10 17 24 SATURDAY Northern Alliance Bull Sale, Spiritwood Double L Ranch Bull Sale, Innisfail Family Tradition Bull Sale, Dropmore McTavish Charolais Bull Sale, Moosomin 18 M 2 9 16 23 30 High Country Bull Sale, Pincher Creek Clear Lake Charolais Bull Sale, Tiger Lily Palmer Charolais Bull Sale, Bladworth 11 THURSDAY 1 Moon Phases March 8 ................Full Moon March 14 ..............Last Quarter March 22 ..............New Moon March 30 ..............1st Quarter S 1 8 15 22 29 Perrot-Martin Charolais Bull Sale, Naicam Gilliland Charolais Bull Sale, Alameda Impact Bull Sale, Saskatoon High Point Bull Sale, Singhampton MAY 2012 MARCH 2012 S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 APRIL 2012 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY Jan. 12 2 Cattlemen's Classic Bull Sale, Virden 8 Jan. 19 TUESDAY Jan. 13 North of the 49th Bull Sale, Halbrite 9 Jan. 20 16 Jan. 27 WEDNESDAY Jan. 14 3 Cedarlea Farms Bull Sale, Hodgeville 10 Jan. 21 17 Jan. 28 4 Jan. 15 15 5 White Cap/Rosso Bull Sale, Moose Jaw 11 Jan. 22 18 Jan. 29 Easter Sunday Jan. 26 THURSDAY M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY Jan. 16 6 Hunter Charolais Bull Sale, Roblin 12 S Jan. 23 T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 SATURDAY Jan. 17 Good Friday Jan. 18 7 Saunders Charolais Bull Sale, Keady Vermillionaires, Vermilion 13 Jan. 24 14 Jan. 25 20 Jan. 31 21 Feb. 1 Size Matters Bull Sale, Canora 19 Jan. 30 Cornerstone Bull Sale, Whitewood 22 Feb. 2 29 Feb. 9 23 30 Feb. 3 Feb.10 24 Feb. 4 25 Feb. 5 26 Feb. 6 27 Feb. 7 28 Feb. 8 Moon Phases April 6 ..................Full Moon April 13 ................Last Quarter April 21 ................New Moon April 29 ................1st Quarter 6 7 8 9 Increase your program’s profile. Be part of the 46th Annual Herdsire Edition. Craig Scott Res 403-507-2258 Cell 403-651-9441 Helge By Bus 306-546-3940 Cell 306-536-4261 JUNE 2012 APRIL 2012 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 MAY 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Moon Phases May 5 ....................Full Moon May 12 ..................Last Quarter May 20 ..................New Moon May 28 ..................1st Quarter 6 7 8 9 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY S M T W T 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 SATURDAY 1 Feb.11 2 Feb. 12 3 Feb. 13 4 Feb. 14 5 Feb. 15 6 Feb. 16 7 Feb. 17 8 Feb. 18 9 Feb. 19 10 Feb. 20 11 Feb. 21 12 Feb. 22 13 Feb. 23 14 Feb. 24 15 Feb. 25 16 Feb. 26 17 Feb. 27 18 Feb. 28 19 Mar. 1 25 Mar. 7 26 Mar. 8 Mother’s Day 20 Mar. 2 27 Mar. 9 2012 Calving Data due 21 Mar. 3 22 Mar. 4 23 Mar. 5 24 Mar. 6 29 Mar. 11 30 Mar. 12 31 Mar. 13 Victoria Day 28 Mar. 10 E Saskatchewan Charolais Association BAR 7 EASY CHAROLAIS Pat Silbernagel Site 5, Box 7, RR1, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 • Ph. 403/224-2027 email: [email protected] “Specializing in Full French Cattle” Orland Walker, President Donna Ross, Vice President 306-865-3953 306-267-4986 Layne Evans Glen Mangels 306-252-2246 306-769-4131 Greg Gilliland Mike McAvoy 306-928-4841 306-237-4464 Visit us at Dave Blechinger, Sec/Treas 306-882-4081 Dennis Metz 306-731-2800 Carey Weinbender 306-563-6678 Photo by Jill Sparrow, Vanscoy Experience the warmth of Saskatchewan and its people. Attend the SCA Annual Meeting in June and tour some herds across the province. JULY 2012 MAY 2012 S M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 S 1 8 15 22 29 JUNE 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Moon Phases June 4 ..................Full Moon June 11 ................Last Quarter June 19 ................New Moon June 26 ................1st Quarter M 2 9 16 23 30 6 7 8 9 T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 SATURDAY Mar. 14 2 Mar. 15 3 Mar. 16 4 Mar. 17 5 Mar. 18 6 Mar. 19 7 Mar. 20 8 Mar. 21 9 Mar. 22 10 Mar. 23 11 Mar. 24 12 Mar. 25 13 Mar. 26 14 Mar. 27 15 Mar. 28 16 Mar. 29 17 Mar. 30 18 Mar. 31 19 Apr. 1 20 Apr. 2 21 Apr. 3 22 Apr. 4 23 Apr. 5 25 Apr. 7 26 Apr. 8 27 Apr. 9 28 Apr. 10 29 Apr. 11 30 Apr. 12 Father’s Day 24 Apr. 6 Alberta Charolais 2011-2012 ACA Board of Directors We invite you to visit our many breeders and watch for these events in 2012: • Canadian Charolais Youth Conference and Show, July 9-13, Olds • Alberta Designate Show, Olds • Alberta Select Bull & Female Sale, Farmfair Internation, Edmonton Juniors don’t forget to apply for the two $500 scholarships Back row: Sven Jensen, Warburg; Tim Facette, Tiger Lily; Wade Meakin, Westlock; David Prokuda, Glenevis; Bob Burla, Salmon Arm; Darryl Shuttelworth, Balzac. Front Row: Don Grant, Bowden; Frank Cholak, Lamont (1st Vice President); Lyle Bignell, Stettler (President); Jeralyn Rasmussen, Innisfail (2nd Vice President); Tracee Vikse, Donalda. Photo by Luke Marshall AUGUST 2012 JUNE 2012 S M T W T 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 JULY 2012 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY Apr. 13 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 SATURDAY 2 Apr. 14 3 Apr. 15 4 Apr. 16 5 Apr. 17 6 Apr. 18 7 Apr. 19 9 Apr. 21 10 Apr. 22 11 Apr. 23 12 Apr. 24 13 Apr. 25 14 Apr. 26 Canada Day 8 Apr. 20 15 Apr. 27 22 29 CCYA Conference CCYA Conference CCYA Conference CCYA Conference 16 Apr. 28 17 Apr. 29 18 Apr. 30 19 May 1 20 May 2 21 May 3 May 4 23 May 5 24 May 6 25 May 7 26 May 8 27 May 9 28 May 10 May 11 30 May 12 31 May 13 CCYA Show, Olds Moon Phases July 3 ....................Full Moon July 10 ..................Last Quarter July 19 ..................New Moon July 26 ..................1st Quarter 6 7 8 9 Wendall & Leanne Weston Whitney, Nicholas & Brock • Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 Tel/Fax: (306) 893-4510 SEPTEMBER 2012 JULY 2012 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 AUGUST 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 Moon Phases Aug. 1 & 31 ..........Full Moon Aug. 9....................Last Quarter Aug. 17..................New Moon Aug. 24..................1st Quarter S 6 7 8 9 May 14 THURSDAY M T W T F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 /30 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY S 1 8 15 22 29 SATURDAY 2 May 15 3 May 16 4 May 17 Deadline for adding/removing fall calving females from WHE 5 May 18 7 May 20 8 May 21 9 May 22 10 May 23 11 May 24 12 May 25 13 May 26 14 May 27 15 May 28 16 May 29 17 May 30 18 May 31 19 June 1 20 June 2 21 June 3 22 June 4 23 June 5 24 June 6 25 June 7 26 June 8 27 June 9 28 June 10 29 June 11 30 June 12 31 June 13 6 May 19 Civic Holiday Ferme Réal Poirier et Fils Éleveurs Charolais (418) 599-2392 1064 rg St-Pierre, Ste-Agathe de Lotbinière OCTOBER 2012 AUGUST 2012 S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 W 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 S SEPTEMBER 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 7 14 21 28 THURSDAY FRIDAY T 2 9 16 23 30 1 7 8 9 6 2 June 15 9 June 22 10 16 June 29 23/30 July 6 July 13 June 16 W 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 SATURDAY Moon Phases Sept. 8 ..................Last Quarter Sept. 15 ................New Moon Sept. 22 ................1st Quarter Sept. 29 ................Full Moon M 1 8 15 22 29 June 14 4 June 17 5 June 18 6 June 19 7 June 20 8 June 21 June 23 11 June 24 12 June 25 13 June 26 14 June 27 15 June 28 17 June 30 18 July 1 19 July 2 20 July 3 21 July 4 22 July 5 24 July 7 25 July 8 26 July 9 27 July 10 28 July 11 29 July 12 3 Labour Day ONTARIO Yours to discover Ontario’s many Charolais breeders invite you to tour their herds and attend the myriad of shows they sponsor. Visit for a listing of all Ontario Charolais breeders and upcoming events – it’s a happening place! Doris Aitken, Secretary/Treasurer RR 3, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0 Tel 519-323-2538 Fax 519-323-4053 Whitewater Charolais 2001 Kerr Line RR 1, Foresters Falls, ON K0J 1V0 Kurtis Black H 613.646.2120 • C 613.732.6129 NOVEMBER 2012 SEPTEMBER 2012 S M T W T F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 /30 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 OCTOBER 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY Moon Phases October 8 ..............Last Quarter October 15 ............New Moon October 21 ............1st Quarter October 29 ............Full Moon 7 8 9 6 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 SATURDAY 1 July 14 2 July 15 3 July 16 4 July 17 5 July 18 6 July 19 8 July 21 9 July 22 10 July 23 11 July 24 12 July 25 13 July 26 7 July 20 14 July 27 15 July 28 16 July 29 17 July 30 18 July 31 19 Aug. 1 20 Aug. 2 21 Aug. 3 22 Aug. 4 23 Aug. 5 24 Aug. 6 25 Aug. 7 26 Aug. 8 27 Aug. 9 28 Aug. 10 29 Aug. 11 30 Aug. 12 31 Aug. 13 Thanksgiving Day Weaning Data due Hallowe’en Merv, Joanne, Jesse & Brittni Nykoliation Box 899, Lenore, MB R0M 1E0 204/838-2107 DECEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 2012 S 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 W 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 NOVEMBER 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 Moon Phases Nov. 6....................Last Quarter Nov. 13..................New Moon Nov. 20..................1st Quarter Nov. 28..................Full Moon S 7 8 9 6 M T W T F 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 /30 24/31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY S 1 8 15 22 29 SATURDAY Aug. 14 2 Aug. 15 3 Aug. 16 4 Aug. 17 5 Aug. 18 6 Aug. 19 7 Aug. 20 8 Aug. 21 9 Aug. 22 10 Aug. 23 11 Aug. 24 12 Aug. 25 13 Aug. 26 14 Aug. 27 15 Aug. 28 16 Aug. 29 17 Aug. 30 24 Sept. 6 Remembrance Day 18 Aug. 31 19 Sept. 1 20 Sept. 2 21 Sept. 3 22 Sept. 4 23 Sept. 5 25 Sept. 7 26 Sept. 8 27 Sept. 9 28 Sept. 10 29 Sept. 11 30 Sept. 12 Cedarlea Farms Garner & Lori Deobald Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 Phone/Fax (306) 677-2589 [email protected] David & Kristina Prokuda Box 275, Glenevis, AB T0E 0X0 • (780) 665-3450 [email protected] • JANUARY 2013 NOVEMBER 2012 S M T W 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 DECEMBER 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY M 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 FRIDAY T 1 8 15 22 29 W 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 F 4 11 18 25 S 5 12 19 26 SATURDAY 1 Moon Phases Dec. 6 ....................Last Quarter Dec. 13 ..................New Moon Dec. 20 ..................1st Quarter Dec. 28 ..................Full Moon S 7 8 9 6 Sept. 13 2 Sept. 14 3 Sept. 15 4 Sept. 16 5 Sept. 17 6 Sept. 18 7 Sept. 19 8 Sept. 20 9 Sept. 21 10 Sept. 22 11 Sept. 23 12 Sept. 24 13 Sept. 25 14 Sept. 26 15 Sept. 27 16 Sept. 28 17 Sept. 29 18 Sept. 30 19 Oct. 1 20 Oct. 2 21 Oct. 3 22 Oct. 4 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 25 Oct. 7 26 Oct. 8 27 Oct. 9 28 Oct. 10 29 Oct. 11 23/30 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 24/31 Christmas Eve New Years Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day ADVERTISER’S INDEX ALBERTA CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOX 4, SITE 13, RR1, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 (403) 556-2695 (JULY) AMABEC CHAROLAIS RR1, WARKWORTH, ON K0K 3K0 (705) 924-2936 (OCTOBER) ANCHOR J CHAROLAIS RR1, COCHRANE, AB T4C 1A1 (403) 637-2240 (JULY) ASPENDALE CHAROLAIS BOX 460, ASQUITH, SK S0K 0J0 (306) 329-4414 (JUNE) BAR PUNCH RANCH BOX 418, MEDICINE HAT, AB T1A 7G2 (403) 528-4150 (DECEMBER) BAR 7 EASY CHAROLAIS SITE 5 BOX 7 RR 1, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 (403) 224-2027 (JUNE) B BAR D CHAROLAIS RR 2, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 323-1270 (NOVEMBER) BAR H CHAROLAIS BOX 459, GRENFELL, SK S0G 2B0 (306) 697-2901 (JUNE) BEAVER CREEK CHAROLAIS BOX 1664, VIRDEN, MB R0M 2C0 (204) 748-1265 (JANUARY) BECK FARMS BOX 5, LANG, SK S0G 2W0 (306) 436-4600 • 436-4564 • 436-4503 • 538-2051 (NOV) BE-RICH FARMS RR#2, KITSCOTY, AB T0B 2P0 (780) 846-2643 (MARCH) BLACKBERN CHAROLAIS FARM 2056 KERR LINE, RR 1, FORESTER’S FALLS, ON K0J 1V0 (613) 646-2673 (OCTOBER) BO-JAN ENTERPRISES BOX 9, SYLVANIA, SK S0E 1S0 (306) 873-5220 (JULY) BORDERLAND CATTLE COMPANY BOX 418, ROCKGLEN, SK S0H 3R0 (306) 476-2439 (JULY) BRICNEY STOCK FARM BOX 206, MAIDSTONE, SK S0M 1M0 (306) 893-4510 (AUGUST) BRIDOR CHAROLAIS RR#3, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 323-2538 (OCTOBER) BRIMNER CATTLE COMPANY BOX 123, MANOR, SK S0C 1R0 (306) 448-2028 • 448-4814 • 448-2278 (AUGUST) BUFFALO LAKE SHORTHORNS & CHAROLAIS BOX 1055, STETTLER, AB T0C 2L0 (403) 742-6792 • 742-4709 (AUGUST) BUYAGRO.COM #9, 3342 MILLAR AVE. SASKATOON, SK S7K 7G9 (306) 933-4200 • (306) 934-0744 (NOVEMBER) CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOC. 2320 - 41 AVENUE N.E., CALGARY, AB T2E 6W8 (403) 250-9242 (DECEMBER) CAREY AUCTION SERVICES BOX 27, STAVELY, AB T0L 1Z0 (403) 549-2478 • (403) 646-2967 (JUNE) DUBUC CHAROLAIS 184, DES CEDRES, STE-EULALIE, PQ G0Z 1E0 (819) 225-4298 • 225-4452 (SEPTEMBER) ELDER CHAROLAIS BOX 91, CORONACH, SK S0H 0Z0 (306) 267-4986 • 267-5709 • 267-5655 (AUGUST) ERIXON CHAROLAIS BOX 113, LYLETON, MB R0M 1GO (204) 649-2303 (JANUARY) EVERVIEW CHAROLAIS BOX 29, BINSCARTH, MB R0J 0G0 (204) 532-2357 • (204) 821-5141 (NOVEMBER) FAWCETT CATTLE CO. INC. BOX 396, CONSORT, AB T0C 1B0 (403) 577-2531 • (403) 577-3256 (MARCH) FERME A LAROUCHE 2648 CHEMIN DE LA GRANDE LIGNE, SAINT NAZAIRE, QC G0W 2V0 (418) 718-7305 (SEPTEMBER) FERME COUJO 3680 RG 10 WINDOVER NOTRE-DAME-DU-BON-CONSEIL , PQ J0C 1A0 (819) 336-2511 (SEPTEMBER) FERME LOUBER ENR. 1630 RANG ST0MARTIN, STE-MARIE BCE G6E EA8 (418) 387-7514 (SEPTEMBER) FERME REAL POIRIER & FILS 1064 RG ST-PIERRE, STE-AGATHE DE LOTBINIERE (418) 599-2392 (SEPTEMBER) FISCHER CHAROLAIS BOX 362, IRMA, AB T0B 2H0 (780) 754-2382 (MAY) FOOTPRINT FARMS BOX 406, ESTHER, AB T0J 1H0 (403) 664-3167 (MARCH) FORSYTH BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 3, ERIKSDALE, MB R0C 0W0 (204) 739-2678 (JANUARY) FUTURE FARMS RR 3, INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T8 (403) 227-2594 (FEBRUARY) GERRARD CATTLE CO. RR#2, INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T7 (403) 227-5632 • 227-2503 (DECEMBER) GILLILAND BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 254 CARIEVALE, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4841 • (306) 928-2118 (MAY) GRANT FARMS BOX 4 SITE 13 RR 1, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 (403) 556-2695 (APRIL) GRANT ROLSTON PHOTOGRAPHY LTD. BOX 1562, VULCAN, AB T0L 2B0 (403) 593-9441 • (403) 651-9441 (AUGUST) HAPPY HAVEN BOX 266, OAKBURN, MB R0J 1L0 (204) 234-5425 • (204) 365-6010 (JULY) HARCOURT CHAROLAIS BOX 637, QUILL ALKE, SK S0A 3E0 (306) 383-2346 (AUGUST) HARVIE RANCHING RR# 2, OLDS, AB T4H 1P3 • (403) 335-4180 (403) 944-0379 • (403) 994-1324 (NOVEMBER) HEJ CHAROLAIS RR#2, INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T7 (403) 227-2824 (DECEMBER) LETNIAKS CHAROLAIS BOX 519, CONSORT, AB T0C 1B0 (403) 575-2214 • (403) 575-2183 (FEBRUARY) MACK’S CHAROLAIS RR#4, CAMPBELLFORD, ON K0L 1L0 (705) 653-3221 (APRIL) MANNINGHAM, ÉRIC 705 RANG 7 QUEST, LAURIERVILLE, QC G0S 1P0 (819) 365-4895 (SEPTEMBER) MAPLE LEAF CHAROLAIS RR 1, FALUN, AB T0C 1H0 (780) 352-4817 • 352-5902 (FEBRUARY) MARTENS CATTLE CO. B0X 85, GLENBUSH, SK S0M 0Z0 (306) 342-2099 (FEBRUARY) McAVOY CHAROLAIS BOX 93, ARELEE, SK S0K 0H0 (306) 237-4464 (MAY) McKEARY CHAROLAIS BOX 10, COMPEER, AB T0C 1A0 (403) 834-2938 • 501-1326 (MARCH) McLEOD LIVESTOCK BOX 310, BALZAC, AB T0M 0E0 (403) 932-4622 (AUGUST) McTAVISH CHAROLAIS BOX 1047, MOOSOMIN, SK. S0G 3N0 (306) 435-4125 • 435-4925 (JANUARY) MEDONTE CHAROLAIS RR#1, HILLSDALE, ON L0L 1V0 (705) 835-3310 (MAY) MEGA CHAROLAIS BOX 702, RUSSELL, MB ROJ 1W0 (204) 773-3422 (NOVEMBER) MILLER LAND & LIVESTOCK RR 1, JARVIS, ON N0A 1J0 (519) 587-2755 (JUNE) MISTY HILLS CHAROLAIS BOX 5490, VERMILLION, AB T9X 2B5 (780) 853-2648 (MARCH) MRF CHAROLAIS 342, RTE 255, KINGSEY-FALLS PQ J0A 1B0 (819) 839-1433 (SEPTEMBER) MURPHY LIVESTOCK BOX 7383, BONNYVILLE, AB. T9N 2H7 (780) 826-5477 (JUNE) MUTRIE FARMS BOX 57, GLENAVON, SK S0G 1Y0 (306) 429-2711 • (306) 424-2961 (MAY) NAHACHEWSKY CHAROLAIS RR 1, NORQUAY, SK S0A 2V0 (306) 594-2627 (AUGUST) NEILSON CHAROLAIS BOX 29, WILLOWBROOK, SK S0A 4P0 (306) 783-0331 (JANUARY) ONTARIO CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION RR#3, MOUNT FOREST, ON N0G 2L0 (519) 323-2538 (OCTOBER) P & H RANCHING CO LTD. RR 3 SITE 18 BOX 17 • INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T8 (403) 227-2348 (FEBRUARY) ROSSO CHAROLAIS #78, 325 - 4TH AVE. SW, MOOSE JAW, SK S6H 5V2 (306) 693-2384 (DECEMBER) RRTS CHAROLAIS 1515 P.V. ROAD, ARMSTRONG, BC V0E 1B2 (250) 546-6411 (AUGUST) SADDLERIDGE CHAROLAIS BOX 105, ROSEMARY, AB T0J 2W0 (403) 378- 4480 (JULY) SANDAN CHAROLAIS BOX 397, ERSKINE, AB T0C 1G0 (403) 742-3337 (NOVEMBER) SAND ROSE CHAROLAIS BOX 473, FT. QU’APPELLE, SK S0G 1S0 (306) 331-0110 (MAY) SASKATCHEWAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOX 6, ROSETOWN, SK S0L 2V0 (306) 882-4081 (JUNE) SAUNDERS CHAROLAIS RR#3, MARKDALE, ON N0C 1H0 (519) 986-4165 (FEBRUARY) SCARTH CATTLE CO. BOX 1558, VIRDEN, MB R0M 2C0 (204) 748-2000 (DECEMBER) SHARODON FARMS BOX 8604, RR 2, 4925 HWY 7, PETERBOROUGH, ON K9J 6X3 (705) 742-4062 • (705) 799-1345 (OCTOBER) SILVER FOXX STOCK FARM BOX 129, SILTON, SK S0G 4L0 (306) 731-3248 (APRIL) SLIDING HILLS CHAROLAIS BOX 1809, CANORA, SK S0A 0L0 (306) 563-6678 (DECEMBER) SNAKE TRAIL CHAROLAIS BOX 268, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 628-2108 (APRIL) A SPARROW FARMS BOX 504, VANSCOY, SK S0L 3J0 (306) 668-2825 • (306) 668-4508 (306) 934-1621 • (306) 668-4218 (MARCH) SPRINGSIDE FARMS 1731 50TH STREET SW, ARMSTRONG, BC V1E 3C3 (250) 832-8209 (NOVEMBER) SPROULE CHAROLAIS BOX 1180, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-2764 • CELL 627-6662 (DECEMBER) SPRUCE VIEW CHAROLAIS BOX 37, ANDREW, AB T0B 0C0 (780) 365-2079 • (780) 719-0264 (JANUARY) STEPHEN CHAROLAIS FARM BOX 26, MOOSOMIN, SK S0G 3N0 (306) 435-2087 • CELL 435-7383 (NOVEMBER) STEPPLER FARMS LTD. BOX 7, MIAMI, MB R0G 1H0 (204) 435-2021 (JUNE) SULLIVAN LAKE CHAROLAIS 93 GATEWAY DRIVE S.W., CALGARY, AB T3E 4K1 (403) 863-0847 • HERD MANAGER 783-2773 (AUGUST) SUNBLADE CHAROLAIS BOX 26, FOXWARREN, MB R0J 0R0 (204) 847-2213 (JULY) SUNRISE CHAROLAIS 1287 CONC 6, RR# 4, STAYNER, ON L0M 1S0 (705) 428-3205 • (705) 888-5061 (DECEMBER) CAY GRAIN & CATTLE CO. LTD. BOX 155, KINISTINO, SK S0J 1H0 (306) 864-3696 (AUGUST) CEDARDALE CHAROLAIS 17100 CEDARDALE ROAD, NESTLETON, ON L0B 1L0 (905) 986-4608 (MARCH) CEDARLEA FARMS BOX 294, HODGEVILLE, SK S0H 2B0 (306) 677-2589 (DECEMBER) CHAR LEW RANCH BOX 1191, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-3558 (MAY) CHAR-MAINE RANCHING BOX 2263, CARDSTON, AB T0K 0K0 (403)653-3914 / CELL 653-7228 (DECEMBER) CHARLA MOORE FARMS BOX 116, REDVERS, SK S0C 2H0 (306) 452-3708 (AUGUST) CHAR-TOP CHAROLAIS BOX 569, GULL LAKE, SK S0N 2M0 (306) 672-3979 (AUGUST) CHARWORTH CHAROLAIS FARMS RR#2, BALZAC, AB T0M 0E0 (403) 226-0813 • 226-0541 • 226-0056 (AUGUST) CHOMIAK CHAROLAIS 163-TWP RD. 520 R.R. 1, MUNDARE, AB T0B 3H0 (780) 632-7108 (MAY) CIRCLE CEE CHAROLAIS BOX 86, LAMONT, AB T0B 2R0 (780) 796-2108 • 796-3328 (FEBRUARY) CLEAR LAKE CHAROLAIS BOX 9, TIGER LILY, AB T0G 2G0 (780) 674-5992 (FEBRUARY) CORNERVIEW CHAROLAIS RR 3, 1012 SNAKE RIVER LINE, COBDEN, ON K0J 1K0 (613) 646-9741 • (613) 312-1378 (MAY) COUGARHILL RANCH BOX 40, MELVILLE, SK S0A 2P0 (306) 728-2800 (MAY) CREEK’S EDGE LAND & CATTLE BOX 71, YELLOW CREEK, SK S0K 4X0 (306) 279-2033 (JULY) C M CATTLE CO. 706098 COUNTY RD. 21 BOX 38, HONEYWOOD, ON L0N 1H0 (519) 939-0561 (OCTOBER) CSS CHAROLAIS BOX 201, PAYNTON, SK S0M 2J0 (306) 895-4316 (MARCH) C2 CHAROLAIS BOX 237, LA RIVIERE, MB R0G 1A0 (204) 242-3467 • (204) 242-4448 (MAY) DBL-J CHAROLAIS BOX 218, LUMSDEN, SK S0G 3C0 (306) 731-2800 (MAY) DEFOORT STOCK FARM BOX 76, CYPRESS RIVER, MB R0K 0P0 (204) 743-2109 (FEBRUARY) DEPAUL FARMS RR 2, OIL SPRINGS, ON N0N 1P0 (519) 834-2790 (OCTOBER) DIAMOND W CHAROLAIS BOX 235, HUDSON BAY, SK S0E 0Y0 (306) 865-3953 (JANUARY) DOUBLE L RANCH CHAROLAIS RR#4, INNISFAIL, AB T4G 1T9 (403) 227-4749 (MARCH) HICKS CHAROLAIS BOX 130, ARTHUR, ON N0G 1A0 BRYAN (519) 766-2816 • AARON (519) 820-3904 (OCTOBER) HIGH BLUFF STOCK FARM BOX 75, INGLIS, MB R0J 0X0 (204) 564-2547 (JANUARY + MARCH) HORSESHOE E CHAROLAIS BOX 390, KENASTON, SK S0G 2N0 (306) 252-2852 • 252-2246 (MARCH) HTA CHAROLAIS BOX 790, RIVERS, MANITOBA ROK 1XO (204) 328-7103 • (204) 328-7153 (JANUARY) HUNTER CHAROLAIS BOX 569, ROBLIN, MB R0L 1P0 (204) 937-2531 (JUNE) AIME JACOB 222, CH. AUDETTE, RR1, ST. SABINE, CTE MISSISPUOI, PQ J0J 2B0 (450) 293-0769 • CELL (450) 531-8854 (SEPTEMBER) JAYDAWN FARMS RR 2, BOX 5, SEXSMITH, AB T0H 3C0 (780) 568-2202 • 568-2647 (JULY) JMB CHAROLAIS BROOKDALE, MB R0K 0G0 (204) 354-2267 • (204) 354-2118 (FEBRUARY) JORDAN RIVER CHAROLAIS RR 1, ARBORFIELD, SK S0E 0A0 (306) 769-4132 (APRIL) JORGENSEN CHAROLAIS DEL BONITA, AB T0K 0S0 (403) 758.3726 (JANUARY) KAISER CHAROLAIS FARM BOX 221, HUSSAR, AB T0J 1S0 (403) 787-2440 (JUNE) KAY-R CHAROLAIS BOX 420, WASKATENAU, AB T0A 3P0 (780) 358-2360 (MAY) KIRLENE CATTLE 13 LAWSON SETTLEMENT RD #3, BIGHTON, ON K0K 1H0 (613) 475-3532 (NOVEMBER) KRUK CHAROLAIS BOX 2849, VIRDEN, MB R0M 2C0 (204) 748-3089 (AUGUST) LA FERME PATRY DE WEEDON 1981, RANG 2 NORD, WEEDON, QC J0B 3J0 (819) 877-2450 (SEPTEMBER) LAND O’ LAKES RR 2, MADOC, ON K0K 2K0 (613) 473-4743 (OCTOBER) LANGSTAFF CHAROLAIS RR 5, WALLACEBURG, ON N8A 4L2 (519 627-3464 (OCTOBER) LANOIE BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 91, ST. VICTOR, SK S0H 3T0 (306) 642-4005 • 642-4093 (JUNE) LEEMAR CHAROLAIS RR1, SITE 8, BOX 14, THORSBY, AB T0C 2P0 (780) 389-3314 (NOVEMBER) LEJ CHAROLAIS BOX 882, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB R1N 3C3 (204) 252-3115 OR 2287 (JULY) LEMAY, CLAUDE 551 DES ERABLES, ST GÉRARD DES LAURENTIDES PQ G9R 1H1 (819) 697-7868 • (819) 539-7616 (SEPTEMBER) PALMER CHAROLAIS BOX 17, BLADWORTH, SK S0G 0J0 (306) 567-5460 • (306) 567-5545 (FEBRUARY) PARKLANE CHAROLAIS RR#2, TROCHU, AB T0M 2C0 (403) 442-2504 (APRIL) PATTON CHAROLAIS RR2, SHELBURNE, ON L0N 1S6 (519) 925-5243 (MAY) PEEVEE CHAROLAIS FARM 80 BAKER TALC RD, SOUTH-BOLTON, PQ J0E 2H0 (450) 243-0249 (SEPTEMBER) PERROT-MARTIN CHAROLAIS FARM BOX 479, ST. BRIEUX, SK S0K 3Y0 (306) 874-5496 • (306) 874-2186 (APRIL) PINE BLUFF CHAROLAIS BOX 34, LOVE, SK S0J 1P0 (306) 276-5976 (JULY) PITTMAN CHAROLAIS BOX 275, MILK RIVER, AB T0K 1M0 (403) 647-3511 (JANUARY) PLEASANT DAWN FARMS BOX 40, OAK LAKE, MB R0M 1P0 (204) 855-2402 • (204) 855-3078 (MARCH) POPLAR BLUFF STOCK FARM BOX 310, CHAUVIN, AB T0B 0V0 (780) 858-2435 • (780) 858-2234 (APRIL) POTTER CHAROLAIS BOX 554, EARLTON, ON P0J 1E0 (705) 563-2752 (APRIL) PRAIRIE COVE CONSULTING BOX 297, BOWDEN, AB T0M 0K0 (204) 224-3341 • CELL 350-9858 (JANUARY) PRAIRIE GOLD CHAROLAIS BOX 6, ROSETOWN, SK S0L 2V0 (306) 882-4081 (JULY) PRAIRIE SKY FARMS BOX 185, AVONLEA, SK S0H 0C0 (306) 868-4429 (MAY) PRO-CHAR CHAROLAIS BOX 275, GLENEVIS, AB T0E 0X0 (780) 665-3450 (DECEMBER) QUALMAN CHAROLAIS RANCH BOX 25, DUNDURN, SK S0K 1K0 (306) 492-4634 (APRIL) QUEBEC CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 965 RTE 275 SUD, FRAMPTON, PQ G0R 1M0 (418) 479-5487 (SEPTEMBER) RAMMER CHAROLAIS BOX 73, CARDALE, MB R0K 0J0 (204) 566-2314 (MAY) RANCH OSTIGUY CHAROLAIS 334 RANG GRANDE BARBUE, ST-CESAIRE, PQ J0L1T0 (450) 469-4472 (SEPTEMBER) RAWES RANCHES BOX 208, STROME, AB T0B 4H0 (780) 376-2241 (FEBRUARY) REYKDAL FARMS CHAROLAIS BOX 96, WINNIPEG BEACH, MB R0C 3G0 (204) 389-5548 (JUNE) ROCKING BAR A CHAROLAIS BOX 62, RIVERS, MB R0K 1X0 (204) 328-7704 (JULY) ROLLIN’ ACRES CHAROLAIS RR#3, SHELBOURNE, ON L0N 1S7 (519) 925-2938 • 925-6794 (OCTOBER) T BAR C CATTLE CO. #9, 3342 MILLAR AVE. SASKATOON, SK S7K 7G9 (306) 933-4200 • (306) 934-0744 (APRIL, NOV) TEMPLE FARMS BOX 171, CARROT RIVER, SK S0E 0L0 (306) 768-3218 • CELL 768-8000 (JANUARY) TRI-N CHAROLAIS BOX 899, LENORE, MB R0M 1E0 (204) 838-2107 (NOVEMBER) TURNBULL CHAROLAIS BOX 208, PINCHER CREEK, AB T0K 1W0 (403) 627-4535 • (403) 627-6951 (JANUARY) VALLEY’S END RANCH BOX 386, CENTRAL BUTTE, SK S0H 0T0 (306) 796-4651 • (306) 796-4460 (APRIL) VIKSE FAMILY FARM RR#1, DONALDA, AB T0B 1H0 (403) 883-2461 • CELL (780) 608-4460 (FEBRUARY) VOEGELI BROS. CHAROLAIS BOX 130, MAYMONT, SK S0M 1T0 (306) 389-4605 • (306) 389-2136 (APRIL) WALKING PLOW CHAROLAIS BOX 55, WOODMORE, MB R0A 2M0 (204) 427-2589 (NOVEMBER) WESTERN LITHO PRINTERS 300 DEWDNEY AVENUE, REGINA, SK S4N 0E8 (306) 525-8796 (FEBRUARY) WAWEDASH CHAROLAIS BOX 202, ALSASK, SK S0L 0A0 (306) 968-2414 (MARCH) WHERE EAGLES SOAR CHAROLAIS 500192 GREY RD 12, MARKDALE, ON N0C 1H0 (905) 487-6250 (DECEMBER) WHISKEY HOLLOW CATTLE COMPANY RR#4, NORWOOD, ON K0L 2V0 (705) 696-3567 (OCTOBER) WHITECAP CHAROLAIS #183, 325 - 4TH AVE. S.W. , MOOSE JAW, SK S6H 5V2 (306) 691-5011 • (306) 693-2163 • (306) 693-2127 (JANUARY) WHITEWATER CHAROLAIS 2001 KERR LINE RR1, FORESTERS FALLS, ON K0J 1V0 (613) 646-2120 (OCTOBER) WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS BOX 4, HALBRITE, SK S0C 1H0 (306) 458-2688 (JANUARY) WOOD RIVER CHAROLAIS BOX 86, MCCORD, SK S0H 2T0 (306) 478-2520 (AUGUST) WRANGLER CHAROLAIS BOX 5554, WESTLOCK, AB T7P 2P5 (780) 349-2982 (JUNE) About Your 2012 Calendar The 2012 Charolais Calendar was produced as a joint effort between the Canadian Charolais Youth Association and the Charolais Banner. The calendar features 286 day gestation period dates in each day box (upper right corner); and the different coloured “weeks” coincide with the 21-day heat cycling period. Calendar compliments of: SIX TO BREEDERS Erin Charolais Show Erin Charolais Show October 9, 2011 • Erin, ON 50 entries (A BOSS Show) Peterborough; 2. ECHO SPRINGS BLACK JACK 21W (LT Bluegrass 4017P), Echo Spring Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 1. ECHO SPRINGS YAGERBOMB 11Y (Jezabel), Echo Spring Charolais, Hawkestone, ON; 2. HDR JSR ONE AND ONLY 4Y (Jezabel), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne; 3. HICKS WHY FOR 4Y (WESC Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais, Arthur; 4. HICKS DAIKON 22Y (WESC Hicks Revolveer 14R), Hicks Charolais; 5. SUNRISE SUNBURST 21Y (LT Bluegrass 4017P), Sunrise Charolais, Stayner. Senior Champion Bull SHARODON WYATT 3W, Sharodon Farm Bull Calf Champion ECHO SPRINGS YAGERBOMB 11Y, Echo Spring Charolais Reserve Bull Calf Champion HDR JSR ONE AND ONLY 4Y, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Bulls Born in 2010 1. ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood & Loval Farms, Warkworth; 2. BRIDOR BLUEGRASS 7X (LT Bluegrass 4017P), Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest. Junior Champion Bull ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. & Loval Farms Reserve Junior Champion Bull BRIDOR BLUEGRASS 7X, Bridor Charolais Bulls Born in 2009 1. SHARODON WYATT 3W (LT Bluegrass 4017P), Sharodon Farm, Reserve Senior Champion Bull ECHO SPRINGS BLACK JACK 21W, Echo Spring Charolais Grand Champion Bull ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. & Loval Farms Reserve Grand Champion Bull ECHO SPRINGS YAGERBOMB 11Y, Echo Spring Charolais Females Born in 2011 1. ECHO SPRINGS FAMOUS 8Y (Jazabel), Echo Spring Charolais; 2. SHARODON YUPPIE 6Y (Sharodon Wyatt 3W), Sharodon Farm; 3. ECHO SPRINGS JAZZ 97Y (JSR Unite 41U), Echo Spring Charolais; 4. MOYER’S SNOWDROP 11Y (SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S), Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co.; 5. ROLLIN ACRES DASH 5Y (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Rollin’ Acres Charolais. Heifer Calf Champion ECHO SPRINGS FAMOUS 8Y, Echo Spring Charolais Reserve Heifer Calf Champion SHARODON YUPPIE 6Y, Sharodon Farm Females Born in 2010 1. JSR JUNIPER 32X (SVY Freedom PLD 307N), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 2. MOYER’S SNOWFLAKE 29X (Sparrows Alcatraz 18N), Moyer Cattle Co., Guelph; 3. MEDONTE XQUISITELY YOURS 6X (SVY Freedom PLD 307N), Parkland Cattle Co., Hillsburgh; 4. BRIDOR GOLD DUST 40X (Sunrise Awesome 4T), Bridor Charolais; 5. ROLLIN ACRES CHARISMA 20X (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Stephen Charolais Farm, Moosomin, SK. Junior Champion Female JSR JUNIPER 32X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female MOYER’S SNOWFLAKE 29X, Moyer Cattle Co. Female Born in 2009 with Calf 1. MEDONTE WISHFUL THINKING 7W (SVY Ad Invincible P 748T, calf D R Revelation 467), Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale. Females Born in 2008 with Calf 1. SHARODON 2B TALULA 4T (EC No Doubt 2022P, calf LT Bluegrass 4017P), Sharodon Farm; 2. JSR DIGNITY 47T (SVY Freedom PLD 307N, calf - PCFL Whiskey-Jack 21T), Rollin’ Acres Charolais. Senior Champion Female SHARODON 2B TALULA 4T, Sharodon Farm Reserve Senior Champion Female JSR DIGNITY 47T, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Grand Champion Female SHARODON 2B TALULA 4T, Sharodon Farm Reserve Grand Champion Female JSR JUNIPER 32X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Breeder’s Herd Rollin’ Acres Charolais For all the latest news and new marketing tools visit 59 Charolais Banner • December 2011 NEWS Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email [email protected] for print in upcoming issues. Welcome Dallas McAvoy Dallas Meagan McAvoy was born March 14 weighing 8 lb., to Dean and Britney McAvoy. Proud grandparents are Mike and Moira McAvoy, McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, Saskatchewan. Charolais Wins Supreme in Sweden Bartley By, CCYA Alumni, was invited to Sweden by Gustaf Sturesson, Fogdegarden Charolais, to prepare and show their cattle for the national show, Elmia 2011. They won Heifer Calf Champion as well as Grand Champion Charolais Female with a yearling heifer that went on to be Supreme Champion Female. This female goes back to imported Canadian live cattle and embryos on both sides of the pedigree. In the Red Angus show they also received Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Female. Bart clipped the Champion Black Angus bull which ended up being Supreme Bull in the show. The two Supreme animals, bull and female went head to head for Best in Show Honours with the Charolais named Champion. 60 By – Alder Wed Natassja By and Nicholas Alder were married on August 19 in Regina, Saskatchewan. They reside in North Vancouver where Natassja is the Choral Director at Mulgrave High School and Nic is finishing his Tourism degree at Capilano University. Natassja is a CCYA alumni and daughter of Helge and Candace By. McDonald Receives Victor Rosso Scholarship The Dr. Victor L. Rosso Memorial Award, at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, was presented September 30th. The award is in memory of Victor, a veterinarian graduate of the W.C.V.M., CCYA Past President, from Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. The award is given annually to two applicants in first Charolais Banner • December 2011 year, who meet criteria set out by Victor before his passing. Some of the critera is based on 4-H experience, involvement in youth beef breeds, community organizations involving volunteer activities and interest in larger animals. Marshall McDonald, JMB Charolais, MB, and CCYA Past President was presented an award by Darwin, Shirley and John Rosso. Paul Hardes, of Paradise Hill received the other award of $1000 and a plaque from the generous donations made to the fund set up in Victor’s name by his family and friends. Martinson Wins Agribition Scholarship Logan Martinson, CCYA Alumni from Midale, Saskatchewan, was presented a Canadian Western Agribition $1000 Scholarship at this year’s event. Logan is studying animal science technology at Alberta’s Lakeland College. Logan’s five-year involvement with Canadian Western Agribition has seen him compete in the Polled Hereford Show, Junior Hereford Showmanship and 4-H and Youth Team Grooming. As well, he showed a bull in the RBC Beef Supreme Challenge and participated in Agribition’s Spring Steer and Heifer Show. Rosso Wins CCA Dale Norheim & Agribition Scholarships Megan Rosso, of Rosso Charolais and a CCYA Alumni from Moose Jaw, was presented the $1,500 Canadian Charolais Association Dale Norheim Scholarship at Agribition. Megan was also a Canadian Western Agribition $1000 Scholarship recipient. She is studying Agriculture Management at Olds College in Alberta. Megan has had a three-year involvement with Agribition, including the National 4-H and Youth Judging Competition, Junior Beef Extreme, National Charolais Show, Commercial Youth Judging Competition, Showmanship and Team Grooming, and the Spring Steer and Heifer Show. Aitkens Win Don Turnbull Award Brian & Doris Aitken, Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest, Ontario, won the Don Turnbull Memorial Award for the second time and won both the Charolais Herdsman and Toronto Royal Winter Fair Herdsman of the Day Award. Hunter Wins CCA Scholarship Michael Hunter, CCYA President from Hunter Charolais, Roblin, Manitoba, received a $1,000 Canadian Charolais Association Scholarship. Michael is currently enrolled in the Agriculture Degree program in Saskatoon. He is the son of Doug and Marianne Hunter. Jozwiak Wins CCA Scholarship Travis Jozwiak, CCYA Director from Calgary, Alberta, received a $1,000 Canadian Charolais Association Scholarship. Travis is the son of Brian and Grace Rudiger-Jozwiak and is currently attending Mount Royal University in a Bachelor of Science program. Alder (By) Convocates Natassja Alder convocated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education. This compliments her Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies. She received the Outstanding Practicum Award at the ceremonies. Natassja is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of Helge and Candace By, Regina. Welcome Carter Wilgenbusch Carter Henry was born September 13, weighing 7 lb. 10 oz. to Colin Wilgenbusch and Ashlee Demitor and brother Cash. Colin is a CCYA alumni and son of John and Brenda Wilgenbusch, Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, Saskatchewan Bar-Lin Acres Says Farewell After over 30 years in the Charolais business, we have sold the farm and are fully retiring. We want to thank all our Charolais friends for the great memories and invite you to stop and see us whenever you are in southern Ontario. ~ Charlie & Linda Barker 45 Mulberry Lane • Port Dover, ON N0A 1N3 • 519-583-3622 61 Charolais Banner • December 2011 FERME LOUBER/RANCH OSTIGUY WIN Expo-Boeuf Charolais Show Expo Boeuf October 8, 2011 • Victoriaville, PQ Judge: Bryan Hicks, Arthur, ON 43 entries (A BOSS Show) Bulls Born in 2011 1. DUBUC YOUNGY 101Y (Shelco Made Easy 512R), Dubuc Charolais Senc, Ste. Eulalie; 2. POST YMO DOUBT 56Y (EC No Doubt 2022P), Ranch Ostiguy, St. Césaire; 3. WHITEWATER YARDMASTER 3Y (Winn Mans Lanza 610S), White Water Charolais, Foresters Falls, ON; 4. BLACKBERN YORK 6Y (Winn Mans Lanza 610S), Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls, ON; 5. BLACKBERN YARDLEY 4Y (Winn Mans Lanza 610S), Blackbern Farms. Bulls Born in 2010 1. LOUBER MR MONGO 39X (ProChar Mongo 57U). Ferme Louber; 2. LOUBER MR TREZEGOAL 36X (Trezegoal), Ferme Louber; 3. MR LOUBER DOUBT 941X (EC No Doubt 2022P), Ferme Louber; 4. LOUBER MR RANCARD 950X (Rancard), Ferme Louber. Bull Born in 2010 Split 2 POST XEN SHOW 22X (MXS Vermillion 527R), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais, St, Césaire Grand Champion Bull – LOUBER MR MONGO 39X, Ferme Louber Reserve Grand Champion Bull – DUBUC YOUGY 101Y, Dubuc Charolais, Ste Eulalie 62 Junior Champion Bull Split 1 LOUBER MR MONGO 39X, Ferme Louber Reserve Junior Champion Bull DUBUC YOUGY 101Y, Dubuc Charolais Senc Grand Champion Bull LOUBER MR MONGO 39X, Ferme Louber Reserve Grand Champion Bull DUBUC YOUGY 101Y, Dubuc Charolais, Ste Eulalie Females Born in 2011 1. DUBUC YOURIE 103Y (Marquis CR), Dubuc Charolais Senc; 2. WHITEWATER YAHTZEE 6Y (Bridor Travis 15T), White Water Charolais; 3. BLACKBERN YOU TUBE 2Y (Winn Mans Lanza 610S), Blackbern Farm; 4. POST YSABELLA 12Y (Mr Louber GreatNoDoubt 664U), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais; 5. DUBUC YATA 113Y (Shelco Made Easy 512R), Dubuc Charolais Senc. Females Born in 2010 Split 1 1. CMED TIMAY SABRYNE 61X (Palestro), Claude Lemay, St. Gérard des Laurentides; 2. CMED TIMAY WANDA 32X (Rancard), Claude Lemay; 3. MISS LOUB BUCKLE 52X Grand Champion Female – POST MISS WAKITI 56W, Ranch Ostiguy Reserve Grand Champion Female – MISS LOUB SANCHEZ 836W, Ranch Ostiguy Charolais Banner • December 2011 (JWx Silver Buckle 524U), Ferme Louber; 4. CMED TIMAY JADE 95X (Louber MrSuper-Doubt 497T), Claude Lemay. Females Born in 2010 Split 2 1. CMED TIMAY LOISE 59X (Louber MrSuper-Doubt 497T), Claude Lemay; 2. MISS COUJO CAT 18X (WKL Mr. Big Shot 212S), Ferme Coujo, NotreDame-du-Bon-Conseil; 3. DUBUC XOLLIE 1218X (GGD Package 439P), Dubuc Charolais Senc. Females Born in 2010 Split 3 1. CMED TIMAY BAHIA 295X (Iroy), Claude Lemay; 2. DUBUC XABINA 3X (EC No Doubt 2022P), Dubuc Charolais Senc; 3. LOUB MISS SNOOPY 854X (Snoopy), Louber Ferme; 4. DUBUC XAMA 20X (JLP Patry Haddock 71N), Claude Lemay; 5. POST XALIE 61X (EC No Doubt 2022P), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais. Female Born in 2009 MISS LOUB SANCHEZ 836W (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais Junior Champion Female MISS LOUB SANCHEZ 836W, Ranch Ostiguy Reserve Junior Champion Female CMED TIMAY BAHIA 295X, Claude Lemay, St Gérard des Laurentides Females Born in 2009 with Calf 1. POST MISS WAKITI 56W (Sparrows Eldorado 361L, calf - EC No Doubt 2022P), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais; 2. DUBUC WILLIE 911W (EC No Doubt 2022P, calf - Shelco Made Easy 512R), Dubuc Charolais Senc; 3. BLACKBERN WYOMING 6W (LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD, calf - Winn Mans Lanza 610S), Blackbern Farm. Females Born Prior to 2009 1. GGD PARADISE 478P (Sparrows Cossack 11L, calf - Shelco Made Easy 512R), Dubuc Charolais Senc; 2. POST TAMARA 102T (Sparrows Eldorado 361L, calf - Mr Louber GreatNoDoubt 664U), Ranch Ostiguy Charolais; 3. COUJO MISS 103N (Baldridge Fasttrack 82F, calf - WKL Mr. Big Shot continued on page 64 JMB / WILGENBUSCH WIN Manitoba Livestock Expo Charolais Show Manitoba Livestock Expo Charolais Show November 4, 2011 • Brandon, MB Judge: Glen Vargo, Kipling, SK 38 entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2011 Split 1 1. JMB MS MERIT 133Y (Merit 8671U), JMB Charolais, Brookdale; 2. JWX STERLING LADY 512Y (JWX Sterling Silver 313U), Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite; 3. JMB MS DATELINE 114Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 4. C2 MS 41Y (MWX Reality Red 73U), C2 Charolais, LaRiviere; 5. C2 MS 49Y (High Bluff Hank 41R), C2 Charolais. Females Born in 2011 Split 2 1. BWP YOU BETCH 1Y (Elder’s Stinger 115S), Connection Cattle Co., Lorette; 2. DRD MUFFIN 14Y (Pleasant Dawn Sudoku 145W), DRD Charolais, Sintaluta, SK; 3. JWX FANTASY 819Y (JWX Reality Red 73U), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 4. JWX YOURS TRULY 919Y (SVY Kaboom 7113T), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 5. STA HOT STUFF 106Y (SVS Nobleman 25N), Rocking Bar A Charolais, Rivers. Heifer Calf Champion JMB MS MERIT 133Y, JMB Charolais Grand Champion Female – JWX XANDRA 708X, Wilgenbusch Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female – MVY WYNONA 95W, McAvoy Charolais 63 Reserve Heifer Calf Champion JWX STERLING LADY 512Y, Wilgenbusch Charolais Grand Champion Female JWX XANDRA 708X, Wilgenbusch Charolais Females Born in 2010 1. JWX XANDRA 708X (Pleasant Dawn Twister 32U), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 2. PLEASANT DAWN MAGGIE 85X (Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T), Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake; 3. TWN XENA 7X (Pleasant Dawn Volcano 3T), Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren; 4. KCH MALIBU 20X (SRK Solid 12U), KCH Charolais, Rapid City; 5. FOX FIELD FOXY LADY 7X (Crystal D Paavo 39P), Fox Field Charolais, Carroll. Reserve Grand Champion Female MVY WYNONA 95W, McAvoy Charolais Junior Champion Female JWX XANDRA 708X, Wilgenbusch Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female PLEASANT DAWN MAGGIE 85X, Pleasant Dawn Charolais Female Born in 2009 with Calf 1. MVY WYNONA 95W (PCC Balistik 441P, calf - Pleasant Dawn Hybrid 37W), McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, SK. Senior Champion Female MVY WYNONA 95W, McAvoy Charolais Grand Champion Bull – JMB DATELINE 104Y, JMB Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull – PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y, Pleasant Dawn Charolais Charolais Banner • December 2011 Bulls Born in 2011 Split 1 1. WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y (DWK Till’s Echo 3N), Whitecap Charolais, Moose Jaw; 2. STA BENELLI 110Y (Merit 5323R), Rocking Bar A Charolais; 3. C2 YKOHAMA 11Y (JWX Reality Red 73U), C2 Charolais; 4. JMB DATELINE 131Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 5. C2 YAZAMTAZ 32Y (High Bluff Hank 41R), C2 Charolais. Junior Bull Calf Champion WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y, Whitecap Charolais Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion STA BENELLI 110Y, Rocking Bar A Charolais Bulls Born in 2011 Split 2 1. JMB DATELINE 113Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 2. PLEASANT DAWN SNIPER 103Y (SVY Kaboom 7113T), Pleasant Dawn Charolais; 3. PLEASANT DAWN RELIC 4Y (Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W), Pleasant Dawn Charolais; 4. DRD RASCAL FLATS 350Y (Pleasant Dawn Sudoku 145W), DRD Charolais; 5. JWX YUKON 237Y (JWX Silver Bullet 524W), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 3 1. JMB DATELINE 104Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 2. PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y (Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W), Pleasant Charolais Charolais; 3. JMB DATELINE 107Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 4. STA WINCHESTER 103Y (SVS Nobleman 25N), Rocking Bar A Charolais; 5. SRK CANYON 2Y (SRK Solid 12U), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Senior Bull Calf Champion JMB DATELINE 104Y, JMB Charolais continued on page 64 SMALL NUMBERS GOOD QUALITY Canadian National Sale Canadian National Sale November 5, 2011 • Toronto, ON Gross Average 2 Bred Heifers $12,650 $6,317 6 Heifer Calves 20,200 3,383 1 Yearling Bull 7,000 7,000 9 Lots $39,850 $4,428 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Manager: Bouchard Livestock The Canadian National Sale was held as part of the Royal Elite All Breeds Sale this year. Although the numbers weren’t big the quality was very good and the prices strong. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 14, MEDONTE TOO HOT TO Andre Steppler bought the second high selling bred heifer Erin Briggs bought out the other half of Too Hot To Touch TOUCH 14X (Polled, 1/2 French), sired by PCFL San Antonio 131N, out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N daughter, bred to TR Mr Firewater 5792R. Sold for $7,750 to EMB Charolais, Hawkestone. Consigned by Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale & EMB Charolais. Lot 15, WSS X-GIRLFRIEND 21X (Polled, .9 BW EPD), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of a CAD Ladies Man 12P, bred to LAE Extreme Blue 12X. Sold for $4,900 to Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB. Consigned by Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 18, ROLLIN ACRES Tim Facette & John Fitzgerald purchased the high selling heifer calf DELIGHTFUL 8Y (Full French, 24.5 Milk EPD), sired by Harnois, out of a PCFL Jupiter 65D daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily, AB. Consigned by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 13, CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X (Homozygous Polled, 2011 Res. National Champion Bull, 93 CE EPD, 1.1 BW EPD), sired by Sparrows Coach 467S, out of an MNE Levi 5L daughter. Possession sold for $7,000 to Forsyth Bros. Charolais, Eriksdale, MB. Consigned by Cornerview Charolais, Cobden. Campbell & Molly Forsyth added Xcalibre to their herdbull battery MB LIVESTOCK EXPO, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 63 Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y, Pleasant Dawn Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y, Pleasant Dawn Charolais Bull Born in 2009 1. LAE WICHITA 911W (LT Blue Grass 4017P), Sunblade Charolais Breeder’s Herd 1. JMB Charolais; 2. Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. C2 Charolais Senior Champion Bull LAE WICHITA 911W, Sunblade Charolais Get of Sire 1. JMB Charolais (BXB Dateline Son 65R) Grand Champion Bull JMB DATELINE 104Y, JMB Charolais Premier Breeder JMB Charolais Premier Exhibitor JMB Charolais Herdsman Award Sunblade Charolais Fellowship Award C2 Charolais EXPO BOUEF, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 62 212S), Ferme Coujo. Senior Champion Female POST MISS WAKITI 56W, Ranch Ostiguy Reserve Senior Champion Female DUBUC WILLIE 911W, Dubuc Charolais Senc 64 Grand Champion Female POST MISS WAKITI 56W, Ranch Ostiguy Breeder’s Herd 1. Ranch Ostiguy; 2. Dubuc Charolais Senc; 3. Ferme Louber; 4. Blackbern Farm Reserve Grand Champion Female MISS LOUB SANCHEZ 836W, Ranch Ostiguy Premier Breeder Dubuc Charolais Senc Charolais Banner • December 2011 Premier Exhibitor Dubuc Charolais Senc CORNERVIEW / WHISKEY HOLLOW, ROLLIN’ ACRES, LOVAL FARMS WIN Toronto Royal National Charolais Show Royal Agriculture Winter Fair National Charolais Show November 4, 2011 • Toronto, ON Judge: Layne Evans, Kenaston, SK 100 entries (A Double Point BOSS Show) Females Born in 2011 Split 1 1. HICKS INCREDIBLE 39Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais, Arthur; 2. ETR EYE CANDY 9Y (Beach Valley Excalibur 1T), Beach Valley Farms, Pembroke; 3. HICKS JEWEL 34Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais. Females Born in 2011 Split 2 1. CORNERVIEW NASCAR 22Y (Sparrows Coach 467S), Cornerview Charolais, Cobden; 2. ETR CHEYANNE 6Y (Beach Valley Excalibur 1T), Beach Valley Farms; 3. BRIDOR YARDENA 25Y (SVY Freedom PLD 357N), Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest; 4. HICKS RUBY 20Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais; 5. ECHO SPRINGS JAZZ 97Y (JSR Unite 41U), Echo Springs Charolais, Hawkestone. Females Born in 2011 Split 3 1. CORNERVIEW YOUR FAV 19Y (Sparrows Coach 467S), Cornerview Charolais; 2. CORNERVIEW YANNIS 18Y (Sparrows Coach 467S), Kirlene Cattle, Brighton & Cornerview Charolais; 3. MOYER’S SNOWDROP 11Y (SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S), Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood & Moyer Cattle Co., Guelph; 4. SHARODON YUPPIE 6Y (Sharodon Wyatt 3W), Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK & Sharodon Farm, Peterborough; 5. WSS YASMINE 147Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley. Females Born in 2011 Split 4 1. ROLLIN’ ACRES WHY NOT 6Y (PCFL Whiskey Jack 21T), Stephen Charolais, Moosomin, SK & Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne; 2. ROLLIN ACRES DYNASTY 10Y (PCFL Whiskey Jack 21T), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 3. ECHO SPRINGS FAMOUS 8Y (Jezebel), O’Neill Cattle Co., & Echo Springs Charolais; 4. KIRLENE JOYCELYNE 10Y (JLP Patry Haddock 71N), Kirlene Cattle; 5. ROLLIN ACRES DELIGHTFUL 8Y (Harnois), Rollin’ Acres Charolais. Females Born in 2011 Split 5 1. AGA YUMMY GIRL 67Y (JDJ Smokester J1377 P), All Girl Acres, Little Britain; 2. ANNUROC MISS YOKO 2Y (WKL Terminator 227W), Annuroc Charolais, Mooretown; 3. ROLLIN ACRES DASH 5Y (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 4. JDP YOKO PACK 3Y (Wat-Cha Nth Degree 50N), Packer Charolais, Chatsworth; 5. WSS YELLOW ROSE 113Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle. Heifer Calf Champion CORNERVIEW YOUR FAV 19Y, Cornerview Charolais Reserve Heifer Calf Champion CORNERVIEW YANNIS 18Y, Cornerview Charolais & Kirlene Cattle Females Born in 2010 Split 1 1. MISS CEDARDALE 44X (Sparrows Alcatraz 18N), Oattes Charolais, Cobden; 2. MEDONTE TOO HOT TO TOUCH 14X (PCFL San Antonio 131N), Medonte Charolais, Hillsdale & EMB Charolais, Hawkestone; 3. BRIDOR AWESOME PEARL 37X (Sunrise Awesome 4T), Bridor Grand Champion Female - CORNERVIEW WILLOW 7W, Cornerview Charolais Heifer Calf Champion - CORNERVIEW YOUR FAV 19Y, Cornerview Charolais Reserve Heifer Calf Champion CORNERVIEW YANNIS 18Y, Cornerview Charolais & Kirlene Cattle Grand Champion Bull - ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Loval Farms Reserve Grand Champion Female CEDARDALE SHADOW 69S, Cedardale Farms Reserve Grand Champion Bull CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X, Genex & Cornerview Charolais 65 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Bull Calf Champion - CORNERVIEW YOUNG GUN 2Y, Cornerview Charolais & Sunrise Charolais Senior Champion Bull - SHARODON WYATT 3W, Sharodon Farm Reserve Senior Champion Bull ECHO SPRINGS BLACK JACK 21W, Echo Spring Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female MISS CEDARDALE 44X, Oattes Charolais Junior Champion Female - MEDONTE XTERNAL AFFAIRS 5X, Elder Charolais & Medonte Charolais Reserve Bull Calf Champion - ECHO SPRINGS YAGGERBOMB 11Y, Echo Spring Charolais Charolais; 4. SUNRISE PAYTON 7X (SVY Kaboom PLD 7113T), Sunrise Charolais, Stayner; 5. TR MS FIREWATER 14X PLD (TR Mr Fire Water 5792), Oattes Charolais. Females Born in 2010 Split 2 1. AGA X-TREME GIRL 67X (Cedardale Tyrant 31T), All Girl Acres; 2. MEDONTE XCLUSIVE TO YOU 7X (SVY Freedom PLD 307N), Echo Spring Charolais; 3. JSR JUNIPER 32X (SVY Freedom 307N), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 4. ROLLIN ACRES CHARISMA 20X (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Stephen Charolais Farm; 5. MOYER’S SNOWFLAKE 29X (Sparrows Alcatraz 18N), Moyer Cattle Co. Females Born in 2010 Split 3 1. MEDONTE XTERNAL AFFAIRS 5X (SVY Freedom PLD 307N), Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK & Medonte Charolais; 2. WSS XO XO 5X (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), DudgeonSnobelen Land & Cattle; 3. CEDARDALE X-TRAVAGANT 7X (Sparrows Alcatraz 18N), Echo Spring Charolais; 4. BAKER FARMS XCEPTIONAL 3X (Cedardale Trademark 33T), Baker Farms; 5. HICKS COOEY 6X (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais. Elder Charolais & Medonte Charolais Junior Champion Female MEDONTE XTERNAL AFFAIRS 5X, Senior Champion Female CORNERVIEW WILLOW 7W, Cornerview Charolais Reserve Senior Champion Female CEDARDALE SHADOW 69S, Cedardale Farms Grand Champion Female CORNERVIEW WILLOW 7W, Cornerview Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female CEDARDALE SHADOW 69S, Cedardale Farms Bulls Born in 2011 Split 1 1. CEDARDALE REVIVAL 110Y (Sparrows Alcatraz 18N), Cedardale Farms; 2. ETR OVERLOAD 4Y (Beach Valley Excalibur 1T), Beach Valley Farms; 3. HICKS DIAKON 22Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais; 4. HICKS PRINCE 13Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais; 5. HICKS YAZIMAMNZ 29Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 2 1. ECHO SPRINGS YAGERBOMB 11Y (Jezebel), Echo Spring Charolais; 2. WSS WI-FI 132Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 3. WHITEWATER YARDMASTER 3Y (Winn Mans Lanza 610S), WhiteWater Charolais, Foresters Falls; 4. BRIDOR YANKEE DOODLE 20Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), Lipsett Charolais, Markdale & Bridor Charolais; 5. CEDARDALE MAGNUM 29Y (LT Wyoming Wind 4020 P), Cedardale Farms. 66 Reserve Junior Champion Female MISS CEDARDALE 44X, Oattes Charolais Female Born in 2009 with Calf 1. CORNERVIEW WILLOW 7W (Sparrows Coach 467S, calf Cornerview Wallstreet 3W), Cornerview Charolais; 2. MEDONTE WISHFUL THINKING 7W (SVY AD Invincible 748T, calf - D R Revelation 467), Medonte Charolais; 3. BLACKBERN WYOMING 6W (LT Wyoming Wind 4020 PLD, calf - Winn Mans Lanza 610S), Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls; 4. ANNUROC MISS WITCH 2W (Annuroc Repo Man 2R, calf - WKL Terminator 227W), Annuroc Charolais. Females Born in 2008 with Calf 1. CEDARDALE SHADOW 69S (Sharp Hills 26K, calf - WDZ Firemaker 6062 P), Cedardale Farms, Nestleton; 2. JSR DIGNITY 47T (SVY Freedom 307N, calf - PCFL Whiskey Jack 21T), Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 3. WSS POPSICLE 406P (HFCC PLD Bond 19L, calf - Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle; 4. SHARODON 2B TALULA 4T (EC No Doubt 2022P, calf - LT Bluegrass 4017 P), Sharodon Farm. Charolais Banner • December 2011 Bulls Born in 2011 Split 3 1. CORNERVIEW YOUNG GUN 2Y (LT Rio Blanco 1234P), Cornerview Charolais & Sunrise Charolais; 2. HDT JSR ONE AND ONLY 4Y (Jezabel), Rollin’ Acres Charolais & Saunders Charolais, Markdale; 3. CRG TAKIN’ NAMES 3Y (CRG Total Control 36T), Oattes Charolais; 4. SCF YOU BETCHA 94Y (Repair), Stephen Charolais Farm; 5. SUNRISE SUNBURST 21Y (LT Bluegrass 4017P), Sunrise Charolais. Bull Calf Champion CORNERVIEW YOUNG GUN 2Y, Cornerview Charolais & Sunrise Charolais Reserve Bull Calf Champion ECHO SPRINGS YAGGERBOMB 11Y, Echo Spring Charolais Bulls Born in 2010 Split 1 1. JHR X-RATED 11X (JSR Usher 32U), Blue Mountain Charolais, Clarksburg; 2. ETR WILDFIRE 901X (BeachValley Excalibur 1T), Beach Valley Farms. Bull Born in 2010 Split 2 1. ROLLIN ACRES OH YEAH 8X (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Rollin; Acres Charolais, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. & Loval Farms, Warkworth; 2. CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X (Sparrows Coach 467S), Genex & Cornerview Charolais; 3. KIRLENE DOCKAGE 58X (JLP Patry Haddock 71N), Kirlene Cattle; 4. HICKS MOSSBERG 7X (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais; 5. PCFL COTANO 4X (Pitt Prince), M & L Cattle Co., Indian River. Best Pair of Bulls 1. Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 2. Cornerview Charolais; 3. Sharodon Farm; 4. Beach Valley Charolais. Junior Champion Bull ROLLIN’ ACRES OH YEAH 8X, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Loval Farms Breeder’s Herd 1. Cornerview Charolais; 2. Cedardale Charolais; 3. Rollin’ Acres Charolais; 4. Echo Spring Charolais; 5. Kirlene Cattle. Reserve Junior Champion Bull CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X, Genex & Cornerview Charolais Bulls Born in 2009 1. SHARODON WYATT 3W (LT Bluegrass 4017 P), Sharodon Farm; 2. ECHO SPRINGS BLACK JACK 21W (LT Bluegress 4017 P), Echo Spring Charolais; 3. HICKS SIR WINSTON 33W (Sparrows Vintage 75R), Hicks Charolais; 4. WKL TERMINATOR 227W (WKL Terminator 102T), Langstaff Charolais. Senior Champion Bull SHARODON WYATT 3W, Sharodon Farm Reserve Senior Champion Bull ECHO SPRINGS BLACK JACK 21W, Echo Spring Charolais Grand Champion Bull ROLLIN’ ACRES OH YEAH 8X, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Loval Farms Get of Sire 1. Cornerview Charolais (Sparrows Coach 467S); 2. Rollin’ Acres Charolais (PCFL Ultimate 14R); 3. Beach Valley Farms (Beach Valley Excalibur 1T); 4. Blackbern Charolais (Winn Mans Lanza 610S); 5. Kirlene Cattle (JLP Patry Haddock 71N). Progeny of Dam 1. All Girl Acres (Cedardale Miss 67T); 2. Moyer Cattle Co (MXS Snow White 806U); 3. Bridor Charolais (Bridor Tamara 27T); 4. Rollin’ Acres Charolais (Cave Miss Delta 155M); 5. Sharodon Farm (Sharodon 2B Talula 4T). Premier Breeder Cornerview Charolais Premier Exhibitor Cornerview Charolais Herdsman Bridor Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull CORNERVIEW XCALIBRE 27X, Genex & Cornerview Charolais OBITUARY Dorothy J.A. Geddes 1924 – 2011 Dorothy Jessie Alice (McTaggart) Geddes passed away on July 5th with her family by her side. Dorothy is survived by her husband Clare, children Pamela Salzburger, Eric, Earl and his wife Helen-Ann, Michael, and Maurice and his wife Jane as well as 10 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Dorothy and Clare went for a walk and talked about all the blessings they had received on their 64th wedding anniversary just two weeks before her passing. Clare and Dorothy were Charolais 67 pioneers starting their Char-O-Clare Stock Farm herd in 1958, Pilot Mound, Manitoba. They both worked tirelessly promoting Charolais locally and nationally. Dorothy was First Lady of the Canadian Charolais Association in 1964-1965 when Clare was president. Dorothy is fondly remembered for her hard work and commitment to others. She was very involved in the Pilot Mound United Church at all levels. Dorothy was a great cook and her pies were always a favourite at the Fall Suppers and of course with her family on all occasions. Dorothy’s biggest commitment was to her children. She would take them Charolais Banner • December 2011 on driving trips around Manitoba and into the United States making sure they knew the world was bigger than just the farm at Pilot Mound. She was always teaching them the important little lessons of life. She never stopped loving her children and many grandchildren no matter what they got up to. She was known for her hard work and creative nature. She was often asked to write a poem to celebrate special occasions for family and friends, and made whomever the poem was designed for feel like they were the most important person in the world. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Routine Human Genotyping Technologies Have Applications for Cattle Breeders Grant Woronuk, PhD, Research Scientist, Quantum Genetics Canada Inc. Many parents will remember the heel prick test for their newborn child soon after delivery. This procedure is common practice in modern neonatal medical diagnostics for the detection of various genetic disorders, enabling parents to take appropriate action, if necessary. The neonatal heel prick test is primarily used to diagnose human genetic disorders, including phenylketonuria (PKU). The PKU test allows for a blood sample to be assessed for the proper functioning of the gene coding for the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Should these tests indicate improper phenylalanine hydroxylase function, caregivers can take action by adjusting the child’s diet in such a manner that ameliorates some of the more serious effects of this disorder, thereby improving the health and longevity of the child. Using the heel prick test for genetic testing of newborns for PKU and other diseases (like cystic fibrosis and hypothyroidism) is critical revealing information prior to onset of symptoms, enabling caregivers to address these special growth and development issues. The necessity of genetics testing is not limited to infants, as diagnosing the predisposition for certain diseases is useful in adults as well. In some disorders, such as Huntington’s disease, where genotyping elucidates the malignancy in the Huntington gene, there is no cure. Huntington’s disease serves as a rare yet striking example of how fate can be completely determined by our genes, as symptoms for Huntington’s disease are almost completely masked in young people, but for those unfortunate enough to possess the malignant Huntington genotype, disease onset is an absolute certainty. Since no action can be taken with regards to mitigating the effects of Huntington’s disease, people at risk are left with the philosophical dilemma of whether or not they want to know if they possess the 68 malignant Huntington genotype. Many other genetic diseases, however, empower decision makers to take action to mitigate severity. For instance, genotyping of BRCA1 & BRCA2 yields information regarding possible carcinogenic mutations in these genes that increase the likelihood of breast cancer. Early BRCA1 & BRCA2 genotyping offers people who are diagnosed with carcinogenic mutations in these genes, and thus a predisposition for breast cancer, the opportunity to take proactive therapeutic avenues to reduce the likelihood of the onset of breast cancer. These examples highlight the power of genotyping technology in predicting the future, thereby arming people with accurate information such that they may take appropriate action. How do genotyping technologies assist cattle breeders? Cattle genotyping is an extension of the same technologies used in human genotyping, as breeders take advantage of these modern technologies to not only mitigate genetic diseases in their herd, but also to optimize the production of cattle with key market characteristics. With regards to diagnosing cattle genetic disorders, one commonly used genotyping assay utilizes DNA markers to identify carriers of Curly Calf Syndrome (CCS). CCS is a disease in which calves are stillborn as a result of a form of arthrogryposis multiplex (AM), and these “curly” calves inherited two copies (one from each parent) of the lethal genotype and are homozygous for the AM gene. However, cattle may be living, symptomfree carriers of CCS if they possess only one copy of the lethal genotype of AM gene (heterozygous), while other cattle can be homozygous with two copies of the benign AM-free genotype. Cattle breeders use genotyping to determine the status of the AM genotype such that they can make informed herd management decisions, such as culling the AM-carriers or strategically breeding with AM-free homozygotes, to Charolais Banner • December 2011 avoid the production and perpetuation of curly calves in their herd. Efforts to develop tests for other cattle genetic disorders, including neuropathic hydrocephalus (NH, also known as “Water Head”), contractural arachnodactyly (CA, also known as “Fawn Calf Syndrome”), mannosidosis (MA), and osteopetrosis (OS) have been successful and are now commercially available to assist cattle breeders in herd disease management. Genotyping is not solely for purposes of diagnosing genetic diseases, however, as cattle breeders also use molecular genetics technology as another tool towards the production of cattle with enhanced market characteristics. The most well established and widely used fat-related cattle genotyping assay is the diagnosis of the leptin single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), where a single nucleotide shift in the leptin gene significantly impacts a cattle’s predisposition for rapid fat accumulation. SNP-based genotyping is also effective for the diagnosis of another gene, IGF2, that codes for insulin-like growth factor 2 which is associated with increased rib eye area (REA) in cattle. Research conducted at the University of Saskatchewan has shown that cattle who are homozygous for one version of the IGF2 SNP have 10% more REA than cattle with other versions of IGF2 SNP. Application of genotyping and selecting bulls homozygous for key characteristics can improve a breeder’s calf crop in as little as one year. Through the application of modern genotyping, breeders can better equip themselves with information about their herd, enabling them to make informed breeding decisions. Just as genotyping is critical for determining cattle (and human) predisposition for certain genetic disorders, modern breeders also employ genotyping technologies such that they make accurate and efficient herd management decisions when targeting key markets. 69 Charolais Banner • December 2011 MCLEOD/CEDARLEA, CHAR-MO & CSS WIN Farmfair Charolais Show Farmfair International Charolais Show November 10, 2011 • Edmonton, AB Judge: Wayne Burgess, Carstairs, AB 30 Entries (A BOSS Show) Females Born in 2010 1. KAYR MISS 128X (MVX Cougarhill Jake 767G), Kay-R Charolais, Wasketenau; 2. HEJ HONEYBEE 79X (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), HEJ Charolais, Innisfail; 3. CML PLD GINNY 1X (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), McLeod Livestock, Cochrane; 4. KAYR MISS 126X (Rolling D Classic 878U), Kay-R Charolais; 5. RUSS TRIPLE X 33X (SDC Radar 116R), Gallelli Charolais, Crossfield. Junior Champion Female KAYR MISS 128X, Kay-R Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female HEJ HONEYBEE 79X, HEJ Charolais Female Born in 2009 with Calf 1. HEJ DALE 66W (HEJ Vanilla Ice 57T, calf – Sparrows Fargo 811U), HEJ Charolais. Female Born in 2008 with Calf 1. CML PLD GINNY 6U (Merit Vintage 4065P, calf – Sparrows Sanchez 715T), McLeod Livestock. Senior Champion Female CML PLD GINNY 6U, McLeod Livestock Reserve Senior Champion Female HEJ DALE 66W, HEJ Charolais Females Born in 2011 Split 1 1. VFF PRIME LADY 34Y (SDC Time Out 88T), Vikse Family Farm, Donalda; 2. KAYR COVERGIRL 26Y (Rolling D Classic 878U), Kay-R Charolais; 3. ANJOU YVETTE 157Y (Anjou Tresor 713T), Valanjou Charolais, Clyde; 4. ANJOU YANITA 164Y (BKJ Buckaroo 836H), Valanjou Charolais. Females Born in 2011 Split 2 1. GERRARD EVETTA 2Y (Gerrard Montezuma 6T), Gerrard Cattle Company, Innisfail; 2. NINA MOLLY 3Y (HEJ Vanilla Ice 57T), Marina Rasmussen, Innisfail; 3. HEJ VIVACIOUS 21Y (Sparrows Fargo 811U), HEJ Charolais. Heifer Calf Champion GERRARD EVETTA 2Y, Gerrard Cattle Company Reserve Heifer Calf Champion VFF PRIME LADY 34Y, Vikse Family Farm Grand Champion Female CML PLD GINNY 6U, McLeod Livestock Reserve Grand Champion Female GERRARD EVETTA 2Y, Gerrard Cattle Company Bulls Born in 2011 Split 1 1. VFF TIME OUT 172Y (SDC Time Out 88T), Vikse Family Farm; 2. KAYR CRUSADE 33Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), KAY-R Charolais; 3. ANJOU YOUNG 161Y (Anjou Tresor 713T), Valanjou Charolais, Clyde; 4. RUSS FRONTLINE 33Y (JSR Trophy 88T), Gallelli Charolais; 5. ANJOU YZERMAN 169Y (Anjou Tresor 713T), Valanjou Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 2 1. CML ENCORE 4Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), McLeod Livestock; 2. NINA ALL YOU NEED 44Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Marina Rasmussen; 3. ALT PILGRAM 66Y (SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S), Vikse Family Farm; 4. ALT PILGRAM 56Y (SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S), Vikse Family Farm; 5. RUSS BROADSIDE 3Y (JSR Trophy 88T), Gallelli Charolais. Bull Calf Champion CML ENCORE 4Y, McLeod Livestock Reserve Bull Calf Champion VFF TIME OUT 172Y, Vikse Family Farm Bull Born in 2010 1. ROCKING HEART POWER 11X (SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S), Vikse Family Farm. Junior Champion Bull ROCKING HEART POWER 11X, Vikse Family Farm Grand Champion Female – CML PLD GINNY 6U, McLeod Livestock Grand Champion Bull – CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W, Cedarlea Farms, CSS Charolais & Char-Mo Farms Bull Born in 2009 1. CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W (KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S), Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK, CSS Charolais, Paynton, SK & Char-Mo Farms, Leduc. Senior Champion Bull CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W, Cedarlea Farms, CSS Charolais & Char-Mo Farms Grand Champion Bull CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W, Cedarlea Farms, CSS Charolais & Char-Mo Farms Reserve Grand Champion Bull CML ENCORE 4Y, McLeod Livestock Reserve Grand Champion Female – GERRARD EVETTA 2Y, Gerrard Cattle Co. 70 Reserve Grand Champion Bull – CML ENCORE 4Y, McLeod Livestock Charolais Banner • December 2011 Get of Sire 1. McLeod Livestock, (Sparrows Sanchez 715T); 2. Valanjou Charolais (Anjou Tresor 713T) ROLLIN’ ACRES / CEDARLEA, CHAR-MO & CSS WIN Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show November 25, 2011 • Regina, SK Judge: Darren Paget, Red Deer, AB 106 entries (A BOSS Show) 117Y (Stauffers Solution Pld 38W), Future Farms, Innisfail, AB; 4. C2 MS 41Y (JWX Reality Red 73U), C2 Charolais; 5.MUTRIE YANKA 6Y (KBK Rally 24T), Mutrie Farms. Females Born in 2011 Split 1 1. SVY SO PERFECT 156Y (Sparrows Landmark 963W), Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co., Maymont; Mills Charolais, Kenaston; Double T Charolais, Holdfast; Palmer Charolais, Bladworth; 2. WHITECAP LADY GRACE 112Y (HBC Everest 914W), Whitecap Charolais, Moose Jaw & Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake; 3. MUTRIE YEVA 58Y (HTA Connection 743T), Mutrie Farms Glenavon; 4. C2 M2 49Y (High Bluff Hank 41R), C2 Charolais, La Riviere, MB; 5. BDT RIO YAZMIN 9Y (LT Rio Blanco 1234P), Temple Farms, Carrot River & LEJ Charolais, Portage la Prairie, MB. Junior Futurity Champion Female GERRARD EVETTA 39Y, Gerrard Cattle Co. Inc. Females Born in 2011 Split 2 1. GERRARD EVETTA 39Y (Gerrard Montezuma 6T), Gerrard Cattle Co. Inc., Innisfail, AB; 2. JMB MS MERIT 133Y ((Merit 8671U), JMB Charolais, Brookdale, MB; 3. JIL DREAM GIRL Grand Champion Female – JSR JUNIPER 32X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Junior Futurity Champion Female SVY SO PERFECT 156Y, Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co., Mills Charolais, Double T Charolais, Palmer Charolais Females Born in 2011 Split 3 1. G.BROS SINDY 250Y (SOS MB Symdicated 138P), Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale; 2. LAE Y SO SASSY 136Y (Sanchez 715T), Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston; 3. ELDER’S SEBASJIN 60Y (Elder’s Wahkamo 919W), Elder Charolais Farm, Coronach; 4. LAE STANDOUT 135Y (Landmark 963W), Horseshoe E Charolais; 5. NINA MOLLY 3Y (HEJ Vanilla Ice 57T) HEJ Charolais & Marina Rasmussen, Innisfail, AB. Grand Champion Bull – CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W, Cedarlea Farms, Char-Mo Farms & CSS Charolais Females Born in 2011 Split 4 1. SVY FLIRTIN FOR CERTIN 133Y (D R Revelation 467),Serienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.; 2. LAE BAZINGA 113Y (Landmark 963W), Horseshoe E Charolais; 3. JMB MS DATELINE 114Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 4. JWX STERLING LDAY 512Y (JWX Sterling Silver 313U), Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite; 5. SHARODON YUPPIE 6Y (Sharodon Wyatt 3W), Mutrie Farms. Females Born in 2011 Split 5 1. ELDER’S MISS DUTCHESS 20Y (SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T), Elder Charolais Farms; 2. JWX FANTASY 819Y (JWX Reality Red 73U), Wilgenbusch Charolais; 3. GERRARD EVETTA 9Y (Gerrard Montezuma 6T), Gerrard Cattle Co. Inc.; 4. SKW CYNTHIA 19Y (Steppler 83U), Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek; 5. LAE MISS PRIM 110Y (Sparrow’s Landmark 963W), Horseshoe E Charolais. Females Born in 2011 Split 6 1. GERRARD EVETTA 2Y (Gerrard Montezuma 6T), Gerrard Cattle Co. Inc.; 2. AGA YUMMY GIRL 67Y (JDJ Smokester J 1377 P), All Girl Acres, Little Britain, ON; 3. SVY STARSTRUCK 112Y (JDJ Smokester J 1377 P), Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.; 4. ELDER’S ECHO 12Y (SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T), Elder Charolais Farms; 5. JWX YOURS TRULY 919Y (SVY Kaboom 7113T), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Senior Futurity Champion Female GERRARD EVETTA 2Y, Gerrard Cattle Co. Reserve Senior Futurity Champion Female SVY FLIRTIN FOR CERTIN 133Y, Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. Reserve Grand Champion Female – GERRARD EVETTA 2Y, Gerrard Cattle Co. 71 Reserve Grand Champion Bull – SVY LIBERTY 128Y, Serhienko/ Voegeli Cattle Co., Kay-R Charolais Charolais Banner • December 2011 Females Born in 2010 Split 1 1. HEJ HONEYBEE 79X (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), HEJ Charolais; 2. ELDERS MYSTICAL MADAME 154X (SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T), Mutrie Farms; 3. LAE X-TRA SASSY 38X (Sanchez 715T), Horseshoe E Charolais; 4. JWX XANDRA 708X (Pleasant Dawn Twister 37U), Wilgenbusch Charolais & Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler, AB; 5. PLEASANT DAWN MAGGIE 85X (Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T), Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake, MB & McTavish Charolais, Moosomin. Females Born in 2010 Split 2 1. JSR JUNIPER 32X (SVY Freedom 307N), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne, ON; 2. AGA X-TREME GIRL 67X (Cedardale Tyrant 31T), All Girl Acres; 3. MEDONTE XTERNAL AFFAIRS 5X (SVY Freedom Pld 307N), Elder Charolais Farms; 4. SKW HANNA 47X (Steppler 83U), Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle; 5. HICKS COOEY 6X (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais, Arthur, ON. Junior Champion Female JSR JUNIPER 32X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Female AGA X-TREME GIRL 67X, All Girl Acres Females Born in 2009 with Calf 1. MVY WYNONA 95W (PCC Balistik 441P, calf - Pleasant Dawn Hybrid 37W), McAvoy Charolais & Dean McAvoy, Arelee; 2. HEJ DALE 66W (HEJ Vanilla Ice 57T, calf - Sparrows Fargo 811U); HEJ Charolais. Senior Champion Female MVY WYNONA 95W, McAvoy Charolais & Dean McAvoy Reserve Senior Champion Female HEJ DALE 66W, HEJ Charolais Grand Champion Female JSR JUNIPER 32X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Female GERRARD EVETTA 2Y, Gerrard Cattle Co. Inc. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 1 1. WHITECAP TIMELINE 111Y (HBC Everest 914W), Whitecap Charolais; 2. ELDER’S HAWKEYE 102Y (Elder’s Wahkamo 919W), Elder Charolais Farm; 3. MCTAVISH CHINOOK 30Y (Rolling D Design 730T), McTavish Charolais; 4. ROSSO ROUNDUP BILLY 9Y (Merit Roundup 9508W), Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw; 5. HICKS DIAKON 22Y (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais. 72 Bulls Born in 2011 Split 2 1. SVY NORTHSTAR 153Y (Sparrows Landmark 963W), Serhienko/Voegli Cattle Co.; 2. JMB DATELINE 131Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 3. WHITECAP REVOLVER 69Y (DWK Till’s Echo 3N), Whitecap Charolais; 4. ELDER’S WAHKAMO JUNIOR 74Y (Elder’s Wahkamo 919W), Elder Charolais Farm; 5. ELDER’S TAMARAC 97Y (Elder’s Wahkamo 919W), Elder Charolais Farms. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 6 1. SVY BLITZ 125Y (Sparrows Landmark 963W), Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. & Gerrard Cattle Co.; 2. JMB DATELINE 107Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 3. MCTAVISH BRAUN 53Y (Rolling D Desgin 730T), McTavish Charolais; 4. PLEASANT DAWN SNIPER 103Y (SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T), Pleasant Dawn Charolais; 5. SRK CANYON 2Y (SRK Solid 12U), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 3 1. ELDER’S RAPTOR 43Y (Elder’s Wahkamo 919W), Elder Charolais Farms; 2. BNE LANDSLIDE 3Y (Landmark 963W), Horseshoe E Charolais; 3. SKW OUTLAW 81Y (Steppler 83U), Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle; 4. SKW PARDNER 78Y (Steppler 83U), Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle; 5. MCTAVISH TRUE GRIT 89Y (Gilliland Diago 7R), McTavish Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 7 1. JMB DATELINE 104Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 2. PLEASANT DAWN RADAR 25Y (Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W), Pleasant Dawn Charolais; 3. SKW OVERLOAD 6Y (Steppler 83U), Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle; 4. BWP YOU TUBE 2Y (Elder’s Stinger 115S), Connection Cattle Co., Lorette, MB; 5. JWX YANKEE 973Y (JWX Silver Buckle 524U), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Junior Futurity Champion Bull SVY NORTHSTAR 153Y, Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. Senior Futurity Champion Bull SVY LIBERTY 128Y, Serhienko/ Voegeli Cattle Co. & Kay-R Charolais Reserve Junior Futurity Champion Bull ELDER’S RAPTOR 43Y, Elder Charolais Reserve Senior Futurity Champion Bull SVY LANDSHARK 134Y, Serhienko/ Voegeli Cattle Co. & Footprint Farms Bulls Born in 2011 Split 4 1. SVY LIBERTY 128Y (Sparrows Landmark 963W), Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. & Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau, AB; 2. SVY LANDSHARK 134Y (Sparrows Landmark 963W), Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. & Footprint Farms, Esther, AB; 3. LAE YUKON 122Y (Landmark 963W)., Horseshoe E Charolais; 4. JMB DATELINE 113Y (BXB Dateline Son 65R), JMB Charolais; 5. JWX FINAL DRIVE 830Y (JWX Silver Bullet 524W), Wilgenbusch Charolais. Bulls Born in 2011 Split 5 1. SVY EPIC PLD 127Y (Sparrows Landmark 963W), Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.; 2. NINA ALL YOU NEED 44Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T); 3. G.BROS XCEPTIONAL 628Y (JWX Quicksilver 421U), Gilliland Bros. Charolais; 4. PLEASANT DAWN RELIC 4Y (Pleasant Dawn Spawn 765W), Pleasant Dawn Charolais; 5. DRD RASCAL FLATS 350Y (Pleasant Dawn Sudoku 145W), DRD Charolais, Sintaluta. Charolais Banner • December 2011 Bulls Born in 2010 1. KCH RED LABEL 15X (SRK Solid 12U), Gilliland Bros. Charolais & KCH Charolais, Rapid City, MB; 2. ROLLIN’ ACRES OH YEAH 8X (PCFL Ultimate 14R), Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Norwood, ON & Loval Farms, Warkworth, ON; 3. HICKS MOSSBERG 7X (Hicks Revolver 14R), Hicks Charolais; 4. G.BROS NAPOLEON 214X (SOS MB Syndicated 138P), Gilliland Bros. Charolais. Junior Champion Bull KCH RED LABEL 15X, Gilliland Bros. Charolais & KCH Charolais Reserve Junior Champion Bull ROLLIN’ ACRES OH YEAH 8X, Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co. & Loval Farms Bulls Born in 2009 1. CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W (KAYR Grid Grid Iron 400S), Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville; Char-Mo Farms, Leduc, AB & CSS Charolais, Paynton; 2. LAE WICHITA 911W (LT Bluegrass 4017P), Sunblade Charolais/SunTek Livestock, Foxwarren, MB; 3. HICKS SIR WINSTON 33W (Sparrows Vintage 75R), Hicks Charolais. Senior Champion Bull CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W, Cedarlea Farms, Char-Mo Farms & CSS Charolais Reserve Senior Champion Bull LAE WICHITA 911W, Sunblade Charolais/SunTek Livestock Grand Champion Bull CSS SIR GRIDMAKER 2W, Cedarlea Farms, Char-Mo Farms & CSS Charolais Reserve Grand Champion Bull SVY LIBERTY 128Y, Serhienko/ Voegeli Cattle Co., Kay-R Charolais Produce of Dam 1. All Girl Acres (Miss Cedardale 67T); 2. Horseshoe E Charolais (LAE Sassy Spur 660S). Breeder’s Herd 1. Elder Charolais Farms; 2. JMB Charolais; 3. Horseshoe E Charolais; 4. Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle. Get of Sire 1. JMB Charolais (BXB Dateline Son 65R); 2. Elder Charolais Farms (Elder’s Wahkamo 919W); 3. Horseshoe E Charolais (Sparrows Landmark 963W); 4. Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle (Steppler 83U). Premier Breeder Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. Premier Exhibitor Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co. Herdsman Award Hicks Charolais SOLID SALE Agribition Sale Canadian Western Agribition Sale November 24, 2011 • Regina, SK Gross Average 6 Bred Heifers $28,200 $4,700 5 Heifer Calves 17,100 3,420 1 Pregnant Recipient 5,400 5,400 12 Lots $50,700 $4,225 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock An enthusiastic crowd was on hand for the pre-show sale. Although the number of lots weren’t high the quality was good throughout with some new consignors and new buyers. Cattle sold across four provinces. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 566, Pick of Gilliland Bros. Charolais bred heifer pen (48 white and red factor heifers to choose from after they have calved). Sold for $6,700 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Consigned by Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale. Lot 568, SKW HANNA 47X (Polled, 1,598 lbs., 96 YW EPD), sired by Steppler 83U, out of an LLW Double Take Pld 104H daughter, bred to Merit Roundup 9508W. Sold for $5,200 to Kurtis Phillips, Estevan & Gilliland Bros. Charolais. Consigned by Creek's Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek. Lot 569, PLEASANT DAWN MAGGIE 85X (3rd Gen. Polled, 1,589 lbs., -.3 BW EPD, 27.2 Milk EPD), 73 sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T, out of a Pleasant Dawn Sonic 173M daughter, bred to Merit Roundup 9508W. Sold for $5,000 to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin. Consigned by Pleasant Dawn Farms, Oak Lake, MB. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 574, LAE STANDOUT 135Y (880 lbs., -.4 BW EPD, 95 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. High Selling Pregnant Recipient Lot 565, Pick of the Recipients carrying Rollin’ Acres Lizzie 7S X TR Mr Fire Water 5729R progeny sold for $5,400 to Medonte Farms, Hillsdale, ON & McCormack Family Farm, Grenfell, SK. Consigned by Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily, AB. Kurtis Phillips & Cody, Ron & Greg Gilliland teamed up on the second high selling bred heifer Charolais Banner • December 2011 Andre Steppler took home the high selling heifer calf Jared McTavish selected a high selling bred heifer Allan Miller & Scott McCormack teamed up on the pregnant recipient from Clear Lake Mike & Ron Elder bought the pick of Gilliland’s bred heifers NEWS Industry Info Trace Minerals Improve Semen Quality Scott Laudert, PhD Fresh and frozen sperm quality was enhanced in bulls fed an organic trace mineral supplement compared to bulls fed a more traditional inorganic mineral supplement. Mature Angus and Balancer bulls were fed zinc, copper, cobalt and manganese from inorganic and organic sources by University of Arkansas researchers. These minerals are most commonly fed to livestock as inorganic molecules of sulfates or carbonates. More recently, however, organic sources (complexes of a mineral and an amino acid or carbohydrate) are more often being utilized, due to improved bioavailability. The inorganic diet contained only the test trace minerals from inorganic sources, while the organic diet contained trace minerals from both organic and inorganic mineral sources. The organic portion was supplied by Availa-4® from Zinpro Corporation. All other ration ingredients were identical for the two treatment groups. Bulls were fed the supplemental trace minerals from mid May to September. Because sperm production in bulls requires 60 days, weekly semen collection began in mid July and continued for nine weeks via electro-ejaculation. Samples were evaluated for motility, either fresh or following a freeze-thaw procedure, by computer-assisted sperm analysis. Fresh-semen sperm motility was increased from 55.2% to 69.1% in the bulls fed the organic trace mineral supplement. Frozen-semen sperm motility also increased at zero and two hours post-thawing. Natural vs. Conventional Beef With the exception of price, there’s little to no difference between conventionally raised and natural beef, University of Arkansas researchers report. 74 Beef ribeye rolls were purchased from five naturally-raised, brandedbeef programs and two commodity beef suppliers. The natural-fed beef requirements were an all-vegetarian diet, no implants, and no dietary antibiotics. The conventionally raised beef was produced according to FDA and USDA guidelines. Ribeye steaks from both production types were evaluated for pH; moisture; intramuscular fat; color; Warner-Bratzler shear force; cooking loss; consumer panel evaluation including flavor, juiciness, tenderness, texture and overall acceptability; and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid content. All measured traits were similar between conventional and natural beef steaks with the exceptions of higher cooking loss and greater taste panel-rated juiciness for the conventional beef. The results show consumers can’t distinguish natural beef from conventionally raised beef based solely on palatability. Variations in the fresh and cooked attributes were greater among brands than production type. Beef is beef, no matter how it’s raised. Distillers Grains Feeding Loss Feeding dry distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in bunks compared to feeding on the ground reduced pasture feeding waste by 36-41%. University of Nebraska researchers evaluated feeding DDGS in meal form as received directly from the ethanol plant to yearling steers grazing subirrigated meadow pastures in feed bunks vs. on the ground. The steers were fed 3.5 lbs. DDGS/head/3X/week. The ground-fed steers were fed in a different location within the pasture at each feeding. Bunks were not moved within the pastures for the duration of the study. The steers fed in bunks had greater daily gain, 1.2 vs. 0.9 lbs./day, with the difference in gain being equivalent to the ground-fed steers being unable Charolais Banner • December 2011 to consume 0.85 lb. of DDGS due to ground wastage at each feeding. At $200/ton for DDGS, the cost of ground wastage in animal performance would be about 8.5¢/steer/day. This value can be used to determine the breakeven cost to purchase feed bunks. Is Chicken Helping Out Beef Prices? Troy Marshall, BEEF Contributing Editor It sounds like an oxymoron but the poultry industry may actually help beef prices rise this next year. The fact is that the high price of ethanol-based corn has hit the poultry industry much harder than the beef industry. Cattle have options to grain; poultry don't. For instance, Tyson recently reported a 54% drop in quarterly profits due to higher feed costs. And, projections are for poultry production to decline by 4% next year, as that industry adjusts to higher corn prices. In fact, Tyson's feed cost in 2011 increased by $675 million compared to last fiscal year, which puts its feed costs at over $4.5 billion next year. Tyson's poultry division also saw a profitability swing of more than $200 million on a year-to-year comparison for this last quarter! The good news is that the total meat protein supply is expected to decline by 2-3% in 2012. Despite the astronomical increases in feed prices, Tyson and others are still expecting to remain profitable, if not as profitable as previously, as prices move higher as a result of tighter supplies. The market continues to be powered by declining supplies and increasing export demand. If we can ever get the domestic market to respond, we should be on really good footing. With December 2012 corn hitting new recent lows and coming in at $5.50/bu., there is good reason for price optimism in 2012 beyond the first quarter. AN ENTHUSIASTIC EVENT Alberta Select Charolais Bull and Female Show & Sale Alberta Select Charolais Bull & Female Show and Sale December 3, 2011 • Red Deer, AB Gross Average 1 Cow/Calf Pair 5,900 5,900 3 Bred Cows 15,750 5,250 9 Bred Heifers 38,400 4,266 24 Heifer Calves 71,600 2,983 1 Flush 5,750 5,750 1 Pregnant Recipient 4,750 4,750 1 Yearling Bull 4,500 4,500 4 3/4 Bull Calves $49,250 $10,368 46 lots 1 Embryo lot Total Gross $195,900 800 $196,700 $4,378 800 Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock Auctioneer: Don Oberg Despite a winter storm the Alberta Select turned out to be an outstanding event. It is great to see this much enthusiasm in the Charolais breed again. The offering from start to finish was very strong which helped to build a great average. Cattle were sold right across western Canada and into two states. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, ANJOU PURE POWER 184Y (Full French, 99 lb. BW), sired by NAV Napoleon 25N, out of an NAV Leif 59L daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Charmark Ranches, Gem for 3/4 interest and full possession. Consigned by Valanjou Charolais, Clyde. Lot 5, CIRCLE CEE FIRED UP 104Y (Polled, Red Factor, 96 lb. BW), sired by MXS Irish Cream 973W, out of a Crystal D Pierce 40P daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK; Thomas Ranch, Harold, SD; Polzin Cattle Co., Darwin, MN and Slack Farms, Harrisburg, SD. Consigned by Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont. Lot 51, KAYR CRUSADE 33Y (Polled, 96 lb. BW), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an SFL Jade 26J daughter. Sold for $9,250 to McKeary Charolais, Compeer. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau. 75 High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 15, PRAIRIE COVE MISS 3Y (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1.8 BW EPD, 79 YW EPD), sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W, out of an ABC Latoro 263G daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Billy Fleming, Spruce Grove. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais, Bowden and Clear Lake Charolais, Tiger Lily. Lot 26, HARVIE REESE MOLSON 11Y (Polled, Red Factor, 88 lb. BW), sired by Pleasantdawn Spawn 765W, out of a Harvie Jager 65J daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Reese Cattle Co. Didsbury. Consigned by Harvie Ranching, Olds and Reese Cattle Co. Didsbury. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 20, SCF XOLANI 65X (Full French, 94 lb. BW), sired by Jumper, out of an MR Fergus 21F daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Maple Leaf Charolais, Falun and Bar Punch Charolais, Medicine Hat. Consigned by Stephen Charolais, Moosomin, SK. High Selling Flush Lot 19, THE RIGHT TO FLUSH ANY FEMALE IN THE CLEAR LAKE HERD. Sold for $5,750 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Consigned by Clear Lake Charolais. High Selling Bred Cow Pick of any bred female in the Footprint Farms herd. Sold for $10,750 to Prairie Cove Charolais; Serhienko Cattle Co. Maymont, SK; Clear Lake Charolais; Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK and Glen Mills, Kenaston, SK. High Selling Recipient Lot 18, A RECIPIENT CARRYING THE PROGENY OF ROLLIN’ ACRES LIZZY 7S AND TR FIREWATER 5792R. Sold for $ 4,750 to Grant Farms, Bowden. Consigned by Clear Lake Charolais. Alberta Select Bull Show Champion Pen of three bulls Vikse Family Farm, Donalda Reserve pen of three bulls Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler Charolais Banner • December 2011 Don Grant selected the recipient from Clear Lake Billy Fleming bought the high selling heifer calf McKeary Charolais selected a high selling bull Legacy Farms was the volume buyer taking 5 lots home Single Bull Champion KAYR CRUSADE 33Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau Reserve Single Bull NINA ALL YOU NEED 44Y (Sparrows Sanchez 715T), Marina Rasmussem, Innisfail Steve Saruga, from Alliance, had his name drawn for the Select-A-Bull and picked Grant’s Fancy Hank 101Y, a Cougarhill Hank son from Grant Farms. Grants receive $10,000 and Steve gets the bull. On the Commercial side of the show, Dale Johnson, Wetaskiwin, had his name drawn and selected Circle Cee Fired Up 104Y a MXS Irish Cream 973W son from Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont Dale received the bull and Circle Cee received $10,000. AVERAGE UP NEARLY $1000 Sterling Collection Sale Sterling Collection Sale December 2, 2011 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 3 Cow/Calf Pairs $30,650 $10,217 21 Bred Heifers 85,300 4,062 7 Heifer Calves 23,450 3,350 1 Flush 6,500 6,500 32 Lots $145,900 $4,559 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Manager: By Livestock The six consignors to this 32nd sale brought out another high quality offering. A good crowd was in attendance and gave these top breeders a very good sale. Bidders from five provinces and two states participated in this sale known for its tradition of quality and value. High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 2, LAE UNFOCUSED 8107U (3rd Gen. Polled, 1,850 lbs., 95 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Misty Creek focus 5F daughter, bred to Sparrows Landmark 936W. Sold for $10,750 to Cornerview Charolais, Cobden, ON. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. Lot 2A, LAE Y-FI 157Y (Polled, 910 lbs., 58 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Landmark 936W. Sold for $5,300 to Ferme Palerme, Gatineau, QC. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 8, HC GEORGIA 9X (Polled, 1,118 lb. YW, 1,750 lbs., 26.4 Milk EPD), sired by SVS Nobleman 25N, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter, bred to Merit Roundup 9508W. Sold for $7,500 to Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON. Consigned by Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Lot 15, MXS SNOW WHITE 25X (3rd Gen. Polled, 86 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 1,420 lbs.), sired by SVY Ad Invincible P 748T, out of a Sparows Alcatraz 18N daughter, bred to MXS Craftsman 910W. Sold for $6,300 to Swistun Charolais, North Battleford. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush. Lot 23, LAE X-IKKI 81X (Double Polled, 1,495 lbs., 1.3 BW EPD), sired by LAE Shockin Y’All 659S, out of a 76 Sparrows Matador 7K daughter, bred to Merit Roundup 9508W. Sold for $6,250 to Saunders Charolais, Markdale, ON. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais. Lot 9, MXS MADISON 5X (4th Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, 20.7 Milk EPD), sired by SVY Ad Invincible P 748T, out of an SVY Deliverance Pld 401P daughter, bred to DR Revelation. Sold for $5,750 to ASF Farms, Bjorkdale. Consigned by Martens Cattle Co. Lot 13, HC WINDY RIVER 22X (3rd Gen. Polled, 1,046 lb. YW, .6 BW EPD, 24.8 Milk EPD), sired by Sparrows Sanchez 715T, out of an LT Wyoming Wind 4020 daughter, bred to CS Pld Junction 4J. Sold for $5,500 to Sunrise Charolais. Consigned by Hunter Charolais. Lot 18, LAE X-PRESSIVE 44X (3rd Gen. Polled, 1 BW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 1,385 lbs.), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of an HTA Commander 5126R daughter, bred to CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W. Sold for $5,000 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth. Consigned by Horseshoe E Charolais. Lot 17, JWX SOLID MISSY 704X (Double Red Factor, Double Polled, 7. BW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 1,300 lbs.), sired by SRK Solid 12U, out of a Crystal D Pierce 40P daughter, bred to Langs Red Soldier 22S. Sold for $4,750 to Slack Farms, Harrisburg, SD. Consigned by Wilgenbusch Charolais. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 34, MVY WYNONA 39Y (Double Polled, 855 lbs., 22.3 Milk EPD), sired by Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W, out of a PCC Balistik 441P Brett Coughlin purchased the high selling female Charolais Banner • December 2011 daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Ferme Palerme. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais, Arelee. High Selling Flush Lot 1, Right to Flush ACC FLIRTINFORCERTIN 606S, sired by SVY Freedom Pld 307N, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Swan Lake Farm, Stoughton. Consigned by SVY/Voegeli Charolais, Maymont; Palmer Charolais, Bladworth; Glen Mills, Kenaston & Todd Thauberger, Holdfast. Jim & Susan Baker selected two including the high selling bred heifer Brent Saunders took the third high selling bred heifer to ON Etienne Palerme purchased the two high selling heifer calves Velon Herback was volume buyer taking four to Palmer Charolais Donnie Swistun bought the second high selling bred heifer Do you want to Lease your Cows? We have some younger producers, who would like to expand with some quality purebred cattle. If you are interested in leasing your herd or selling them over time, give us a call. Helge By CraIg SCott 306-536-4261 403-651-9441 AD RATES Charolais Banner Charolais Connection Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 45 n/a Classified 80 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • $400 sale attendance fee, plus 2 pages in the Charolais Banner or 1 page in the Connection • Business Card in the Banner & Connection $350/yr Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a Classified 80 n/a 1”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) Classified 140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request PUBLISHING DEADLINES ISSUE AD DEADLINE February Connection Jan 19 March Connection Feb 9 MAILING Feb 2 Feb 28 ISSUE Feb Banner AD DEADLINE Jan 31 MAILING Feb 15 The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution. 77 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Be Wise... Advertise! Services 306.546.3940 Be Wise... Advertise! 306.546.3940 78 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Alberta Breeders 79 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Manitoba Breeders British Columbia Breeders 80 Charolais Banner • December 2011 High Bluff Stock Farm Carman & Donna Jackson Box 75, Inglis, Manitoba R0J 0X0 Ph. (204) 564-2547 Maritime Breeders Kirby & Arlene Hakkesteegt Bryce & Dana Hakkesteegt T: 613.475.3532 F: 613.475.5128 Cell: 613.848.6917 Ontario Breeders 81 13 Lawson Settlement Road, RR #3, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 Charolais Banner • December 2011 M & L CATTLE COMPANY Full French Charolais • Simmental Roger Maloney • 2420 Jermyn Line RR1 Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 Ph 705-295-6439 Cell 705-761-6316 email: [email protected] Quebec Breeders Saskatchewan Breeders 82 Charolais Banner • December 2011 USA Breeders Caught you looking... Advertise Here! 306.546.3940 83 Charolais Banner • December 2011 IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES IN OUR INDUSTRY Calendar of Events January 20-21 Canadian Bull Congress Camrose, AB January 28 M.C. Quantock “Canada’s Bull Sale”, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds February 4 Lac St-Jean Test Station Sale, QC February 4 Hill 70 Quantock Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lloydminster, AB February 11 P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Bull Sale, Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 4 & 5 93rd Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds March 17 Rollin’ Acres & Guests 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON March 5 Palmer Charolais & Neilson Cattle Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Bladworth, SK March 17 Lanoie Bros. Charolais Bull Sale, 2: 00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK March 8 Charolais Power 2012, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Cattle Trading Corp., Veteran, AB March 17 Vinoy & Quyon (Quebec) Test Station Sales February 18 St Martin (Quebec) Test Station Sale March 9 South Central Alberta Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart February 20 “Tip the Scale Bull Sale”, Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB March 9 A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Vanscoy, SK February 21 29th Annual Performance Tested Charolais Bull Sale, Rawes Ranches, Strome, AB March 9 9th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie, AB February 24 HEJ Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 10 Horseshoe E Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK February 25 Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Optimum Genetics, Regina, SK March 11 107th Annual Regina Bull Sale, Evraz Place, Regina, SK February 25 Chomiak 8th Annual Bull Sale, Viking (AB) Auction Market February 25 Asbestos (Quebec) Test Station Sale February 26 Pro-Char 1st Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Glenevis, AB March 3 Ferme Louber Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Saint-Marie de Beauce, QC March 3 High Country Bull Sale, Pincher Creek, AB March 3 Clear Lake Charolais Bull Sale, Tiger Lily, AB 84 March 13 McTavish & Guests Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Moosomin, SK March 15 Buffalo Lake Charolais and Shorthorns Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart March 16 Family Tradition Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Rolling D Charolais farm, Dropmore, MB March 16 Double L Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 16 Northern Alliance Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Spiritwood (SK) Stockyards March 17 Pleasant Dawn Farms 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB Charolais Banner • December 2011 March 17 Sandan Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Erskine, AB March 17 26th Annual North Central Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Nilsson Bros. Livestock Exchange, Clyde, AB March 19 White is Right Bull Sale, Perlich Bros. Auction Mart, Lethbridge, AB March 20 Provost Bull Sale, Provost, AB March 21 Wawadash Farms Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Cattle Trading Corp. , Veteran, AB March 22 Maple Leaf Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Lakedell (AB) Ag Center March 22 Diamond W Charolais 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Valley Livestock Sales, Minitonas, MB March 23 Winn Man Farms 11th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Winnipegosis, MB March 24 Transcon’s Mountainview Angus and Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB March 24 Wilgenbusch Charolais North of the 53rd Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the CSS Charolais Ranch, Paynton, SK March 24 Forsyth Bros. & Tee M Jay Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Ashern (MB) Auction Mart March 24 Southland Breeders Bull Sale, Rockglen, SK March 25 Murphy Livestock Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Western Pride Auction Mart, Bonnyville, AB March 25 Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Parkland Livestock Auction, Leross, SK March 26 North West Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Kramer’s Big Bid Barn, North Battleford, SK March 26 Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olds, AB March 27 Steppler Farms 1st Annual Bull Sale, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB March 28 Hi-Weigh Charolais Breeders Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Neepawa (MB) Fair Grounds March 29 Elder Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Coronach, SK March 30 Perrot-Martin Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Naicam, SK March 31 Gilliland Bros. Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Alameda (SK) Auction Mart March 31 Impact Angus & Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales March 31 1st Annual High Point Bull Sale, 6 p.m., Carmarthen Lake Farms, Singhampton, ON April 1 Cattleman’s Classic Multi-Breed Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB April 2 9th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK April 4 White Cap/Rosso Charolais & Howe/Cockburn Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw, SK April 5 Hunter Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Roblin, MB April 7 Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale, at the test station, Carberry, MB April 7 Saunders Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Keady (ON) Livestock Market April 7 Vermillionaires 26th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Nilsson Bros. Livestock Exchange, Vermilion, AB April 12 Size Matters Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at Sliding Hills Charolais farm, Canora, SK April 14 S.E. Sask Breeders Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Square D Sale Site, Langbank, SK Plan to attend these leading events in 2012! January 28 M.C.Quantock “Canada’s Bulls” Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK February 4 Hill 70 Quantock “Barn Burnin’” Bull Sale, Lloydminster, AB February 24 HEJ Charolais Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB February 25 Beck/McCoy Bull Sale, Regina, SK March 9 A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, Vanscoy, SK March 17 SanDan Charolais Bull Sale, Erskine, AB April 21 Cornerstone Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart March 25 Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Leross, SK March 28 April 21 Cedardale Charolais 9th Annual Bull & Select Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Nestleton, ON March 30 March 31 Hi-Weigh Charolais Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB Perrot-Martin Charolais Farm Bull Sale, Naciam, SK Impact Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK June 4 Pasture Ready Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK April 21 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 30th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD April 28 Wienk Charolais 43rd Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lake Preston, SD April 29 Asbestos 2 (Quebec) Test Station Sale June 10-27 World Charolais Congress, United Kingdom July 9-13 Canadian Charolais Youth Conference & Show, Olds, Alberta Keep in touch 24 hours a day through “the shortest drive to your next herdsire is your hard drive” • Previews • Sale Catalogues • Breeder Pages PROVEN WEBSITE DESIGNS What are you waiting for? To showcase your program, call Bryan Kostiuk at April 3 Cedarlea Charolais Bull Sale, Hodgeville, SK 85 TED & MINA SERHIENKO • CHRIS POLEY #4, 3342 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G9 Office: (306) 933-4200 Fax: (306) 934-0744 Email: [email protected] Ted Cell: (306) 221-2711 Chris Cell: (306) 220-5006 (306) 933-4200 Charolais Banner • December 2011 LOOKING TO FIND SOMEONE? Advertisers Index Alta ................................................................78 Foat Valley Stock Farm .................................79 Parklane Charolais ........................................80 Altwasser Charolais.......................................80 Footprint Farms ............................................79 Patton Charolais............................................82 Amabec Charolais .........................................81 Forsyth Bros. Charolais (HiWeigh) ...............81 Perrot-Martin Charolais ................................83 Anchor J Charolais ........................................79 4-G Charolais Ranch......................................83 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ..............................81 B Bar D Charolais ..........................................81 Future Farms .................................................79 Poley, Chris ....................................................78 Bar H Charolais..............................................82 Gerrard Cattle Co..........................................79 Potter Charolais ............................................82 Bar Punch Ranch ...........................................79 Gilliland Bros. Charolais................................83 Prairie Cove Consulting ................................78 Bar 7 Easy Charolais .....................................79 Grant Farms ...................................................79 Prairie Gold Charolais ...................................83 Bar-Lin Acres..................................................61 GRP Ltd. .........................................................78 Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress) .............................8 Beau Char Charolais......................................79 H.S. Knill Company Ltd. ................................78 Beck Farms.....................................................82 Happy Haven Charolais ................................80 Be-Rich Farms ................................................79 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.........................80 Blackbern Charolais ......................................81 Harvie Ranching ...........................................79 Bo-Jan Enterprises.........................................82 HEJ Charolais ................................................79 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. ..............................78 Hicks Charolais ..............................................81 Bricney Stock Farms ......................................82 High Bluff Stock Farm (HiWeigh).................81 Bridor Charolais.............................................81 Horseshoe E Charolais ..................................83 Brimner Cattle Company ..............................82 HTA Charolais Farm (HiWeigh) ....................81 Buffalo Lake Charolais .................................79 Hunter Charolais (HiWeigh) .........................81 Canadian Charolais Association..............27-30 JMB Charolais (HiWeigh) ..............................81 Rosso Charolais (Cypress)................................8 Carey, Brent ...................................................78 Johnstone Auction ........................................78 RRTS Charolais...............................................80 Castine Cattle Co...........................................79 Jordan River Charolais ..................................83 Rudiger Ranch ..............................................80 Cattle In Motion............................................78 Kaiser Charolais Farm ...................................79 Saddleridge Charolais ...................................80 Cavandown Charolais ...................................81 Kanewischer, Jerry ........................................78 Sand Rose Charolais......................................83 Cedardale Charolais .................................12,81 Kay-R Charolais ............................................79 Sandan Charolais Farms................................80 Cedarlea Farms (Cypress)................................8 Kirlene Cattle ................................................81 Saunders Charolais........................................82 Charhead Ranch ............................................82 Kruk Charolais ...............................................80 Scarth Cattle Co. ...........................................81 Charla Moore Farms ................................17,82 La Ferme Patry de Weedon ..........................82 Sharodon Farms ............................................82 Char-Maine Ranching ...................................79 Land O' Lakes Charolais................................81 Skeels, Danny ................................................78 Charolais Journal...........................................78 Langstaff Charolais .......................................81 Sliding Hills Charolais ...................................83 Char-Top Charolais (Cypress) ..........................8 Leemar Charolais ..........................................79 Snake Valley Farms .......................................80 Charworth Charolais Farms ..........................79 LEJ Charolais..................................................80 A. Sparrow Farms.........................................IFC Chomiak Charolais .......................................79 Lindskov-Thiel Charolais Ranch...............13,83 Sproule Charolais ..........................................80 Circle Cee Charolais Farms............................79 LiveAuctions.TV.............................................78 Spruceview Charolais ....................................80 Clear Lake Charolais ..................................3,79 Loewen Charolais..........................................79 Stephen Charolais Farm................................83 Cornerstone Charolais ..................................81 Loval Farms....................................................11 Cornerview Charolais.................................9,81 M & L Cattle Co.............................................82 Cougar Hill Ranch .........................................82 Martens Cattle Co. ........................................83 Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co. ...................82 McAvoy Charolais Farm ................................83 CSS Charolais ..............................................5,82 McKay Charolais............................................80 C2 Charolais...................................................80 McKeary Charolais ........................................80 Davis-Rairdan ................................................78 McLeod Livestock ..........................................78 Diamond W Charolais...................................83 McTavish Charolais...................................17,83 Dorran, Ryan .................................................78 Meadows Charolais.......................................80 Double L Ranch .............................................79 Medonte Charolais...................................10,82 Dubuc Charolais ............................................82 Miller Land & Livestock ................................82 Wawedash Farms Ltd....................................83 Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle ...............81 Murphy Livestock ..........................................80 Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company ...........11,82 Eaton Charolais .............................................83 Mutrie Farms .................................................83 White Cap Charolais .....................................83 Elder Charolais Farms ...................................83 Nahachewsky Charolais ................................83 White Heather Charolais ..............................80 Ericson Livestock Services .............................78 N3 Stock Farms (Cypress) ................................8 Wienk Charolais ............................................83 Everview Charolais (HiWeigh) ......................81 P & H Ranching Co........................................80 Wilgenbusch Charolais .........................83,OBC Fawcett Cattle Company Inc. .......................79 P Bar 3 Charolais Inc. ....................................80 Wood River Charolais (Cypress) .....................8 Fischer Charolais............................................79 Packer Charolais ............................................82 World Charolais Congress.............................15 Fleury, Michael ..............................................78 Palmer Charolais ...........................................83 Wrangler Charolais .......................................80 86 Charolais Banner • December 2011 Pro-Char Charolais ........................................80 Qualman Charolais ......................................83 Rammer Charolais (HiWeigh) .......................81 Ranch Ostiguy Charolais...............................82 Rawes Ranches ..............................................80 Reykdal Farms Charolais...............................81 Ringuette Charolais ......................................81 Rollin' Acres Charolais.......................11,82,IBC Ronos .............................................................82 Steppler Farms Ltd. (HiWeigh) .....................81 Stock, Mark ...................................................78 Stockmen's Insurance....................................78 Sunrise Charolais ...........................................82 T Bar C Cattle Co...........................................85 Temple Farms ................................................83 Transcon Livestock Corp. ..............................78 Turnbull Charolais .........................................80 Vedvei Charolais Ranch ................................19 Canadian Western Agribition Grand Champion Female JSR JuNiPeR 32X Thanks also to these buyers… Uppin’ the Ante Sale - STEPHENS CHAROLAIS, Moosomin, SK, purchased the high selling bred and open heifers, both Full French 5 PCFL Cheyanne 9X Rollin’ Acres Why Not National Charolais Sale - CLEAR LAKE CHAROLAIS, Tiger Lily, AB, purchased Rollin’ Acres Delightful 8Y (Full French) who was the high selling heifer calf Thanks also to PARKLAND CATTLE CO. (2), HILLSBURGH & M&L CATTLE CO., Indian River RoLLiN’ ACReS ChARoLAiS Chester & Karla Tupling • RR 3, Shelburne, ON L0N 1S7 • T 519-925-2938 C 705-627-0672 Thank you to BUFFALO LAKE CHAROLAIS, Stettler, Alberta, for purchasing this MANITOBA LIVESTOCK EXPO CHAMPION FEMALE at the Agribition Sale! Thanks to our other buyers EASTERN NATIONAL Slack Farms, Land O’ Lakes Charolais AGRIBITION Jordan Martinson STERLING Kurtis Phillips (2), Bo-Jan Enterprises, Slack Farms, Whiskey Hollow Cattle Co., Prairie Gold Charolais, Langstaff Charolais, Hunter Charolais, Vee R Bar Charolais, Norheim Ranching, C2 Charolais PRIVATELY Slack Farms (3) We invite you to stop by anytime to see our bull pen which will be selling in our two spring sales: 1ST NORTH OF THE 53RD BULL SALE at CSS Ranch, Paynton, SK 9TH ANNUAL NORTH OF THE 49TH BULL SALE, at the farm, Halbrite, SK
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