The CRDTS Report - Central Regional Dental Testing
The CRDTS Report - Central Regional Dental Testing
1 Volume 8, Issue 3 August, 2010 Central Regional Dental Testing Service, Inc. The CRDTS Report Acting Editor: Lynn M. Ray, BS, RDH Launch Team for Hygiene Electronic Scoring ! Back Row: Janet Primiano, HI; Dave McDermott, President, Premier One; Kim Laudenslager, Staff; Tunday Anday, GA; Cynthia Fretland, MN; Darlene Carritt, NE; Gwen Hlava, NE; Dr. Julie Marshall, NE; Front Row: Amber Riley-Burns, WA; Penny Fudally, ERC Chair; Marilyn Sailer, ND; Cathy Cornell, ND. DENTAL HYGIENE UPDATE by Penny Fudally, RDH, MEd, Hygiene ERC Chair The majority of the hygiene clinical testing is completed and we accomplished an incredible, successful examination season with the implementation of electronic scoring. To date we have tested over 1200 candidates in over 30 sites during this new technological era and more hygiene examinations for 2010 are scheduled in August, September and December. Teamwork, diligence and dedication made this a successful 2010 hygiene-testing year. Examiners worked hard to strive toward our goal of an outstanding national hygiene clinical examination. Through their collaboration, we continue to build a valid and reliable hygiene clinical examination and promote the high standards that CRDTS represents as a testing agency. The picture above shows the first hygiene clinical examination team for 2010 utilizing the electronic scoring technology at Argosy University. This team, as well as 70 plus other hygiene examiners, embraced the concept and technological application of using electronic scoring devices with professionalism. The CRDTS Hygiene Examination Review committee met on July 10-11, 2010, at the Kansas City Airport Hilton, Kansas City, Missouri. During the August Annual Steering meeting, recommendations from this committee regarding the 2011 Hygiene Examination will be addressed. This committee will continue to make every effort to address comments, suggestions and feedback given to this committee by examiners, candidates, patients and faculty. We place great significance on all input and value the information provided to this committee. 1 2 The CRDTS Report PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE My how time flies! It seems that only a short time ago, I assumed the position of CRDTS’ President and yet that occurred in November of 2008. In a few short weeks, I will turn the gavel over to Dr. Tony Malaktaris as he assumes the Presidency of CRDTS. I cannot think of a more capable person to lead CRDTS to new horizons. As I look back over the last two years, I think it is instructive to appreciate where we were at that time so that we can measure what gains our organization has made. Two years ago, we were part of a larger organization with its own committees, structure, bylaws, and governance. CRDTS had little control over our destiny as we were usually outnumbered and outvoted on many important issues. Without going into unpleasant details, the bottom line is that CRDTS could not provide the necessary service to its member Boards and our associated educational institutions. We were failing them, and fortunately, our membership decided to withdraw from the ADEX experiment and once again become an active, independent test development and administrative agency. We quickly reactivated our dental and dental hygiene Examination Review Committees, rolled up our sleeves, and went to work. Under the leadership of our committee Chairs Penny Fudally, RDH and Dr. Steve Holcomb, we recruited excellent, dedicated and extremely talented committee members representing our state Dental Boards. Our teams have created the best exam constructs that I have ever been involved with. Our professional staff, including Ms. Kim Laudenslager, Ms. Kimber Cobb, and Ms. Lynn Ray, have worked tirelessly making our examinations what they are today. Your Steering Committee approved the funding for an Invitational Conference meeting, at which important issues such as examination security and psychometric evaluation were explored as they relate to various components of licensure examination processes. CRDTS invited and funded participation from other testing agencies, including independent states. The professionalism and trust developed as a result of that conference will continue to pay dividends to CRDTS and our mission. The basic theme and tenets developed at that conference also provided the program for last year’s Annual Meeting. I hope you believe as I do that the program was of great benefit to those in attendance. One of the highlights of last year was the hiring of our Executive Director, Dr. Jake Lippert. Jake, a well-known CRDTS examiner, proves to be an excellent Executive Director with each encounter that I have with him. He has indeed brought our team together. As a result, our offices work seamlessly so that the goals established by our staff, our committees, and the Steering Committee can be achieved. You will hear about further developments including the electronic scoring systems and the development of the Dental Therapist exam for the Minnesota Dental Board elsewhere in this newsletter and at our Annual Meeting. Our accomplishments are many and our work continues. I thank you, the CRDTS membership, for allowing me to be a part of this success. MINNESOTA DENTAL THERAPIST TASK FORCE—Report by John Cosby, DMD, Chairman On November 7, 2009 the CRDTS Steering Committee authorized the formation of an ad hoc committee for the purpose of creating a dental therapist clinical examination at the request of the Minnesota Board of Dentistry. As Chair of that committee, I appointed Dr. Steve Holcomb, Ms. Kimber McCoy, and Mrs. Lynn Ray to the committee, pictured here with Minnesota Board representatives, Dr. Joan Sheppard, Dr. David Linde and Mr. Marshall Shragg. We began to study the Minnesota statute which defines the tasks, skills, and abilities in the scope of practice for this new dental mid-level provider. Two educational programs were created in Minnesota for the purpose of providing didactic and clinical training for the Minnesota Dental Therapist. Metropolitan State University’s program has seven students who are licensed RDH’s, currently have a BS degree, have at least 1000 hours of clinical practice, and are working toward their Master’s degree as a Dental Therapist. This program has a strong emphasis on public health and will graduate their first class in the summer of 2011. The second program has been developed by the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. Their program is de- signed to integrate the Dental Therapist with the dental students so that they are trained to be part of the dental team. One standard of care is taught and both dental and dental therapy students will work in the same clinical environment. The BS program in Dental Therapy requires a high school degree, 12 months of didactic prerequisites, and 28 months in the program. The Masters program is designed for adult learners, emphasizes public health leadership and education, and confers a professional degree at graduation with 28 months in the program. On June 19, 2010, the CRDTS representatives met with representatives from both dental therapy programs and the Minnesota Board of Dentistry at the Board’s office. The dental therapy scope of practice was reviewed along with the curricula 2 3 Volume 8, Issue 3 Dental ERC Update The 2011 dental examination format (manikin and patientbased) has been diligently reviewed and finalized by the Dental Examination Review Committee (DERC). The Summary of 2011 Changes includes combining the criteria for the anterior and posterior endodontic procedures (for scoring purposes only), medical history changes, updates to the amalgam and posterior composite criteria, multiple restorative treatment selection options and increased flexibility By Stephan Holcomb, D.M.D. within the open schedule format. The use of specific DERC subcommittees for meticulous scrutiny of the examination format has proven to be an increasingly effective mechanism for testing section review. The recommendations provided by the subcommittees are presented and discussed by the entire DERC before voting on the report submitted to the Executive and Steering Committees. All final decisions concerning the recommendations of the DERC are made by the CRDTS Steering Committee. The Dental Calibration Committee (DCC) has received the 2011 report of the DERC. The task of the DCC is to develop calibration and standardization materials that accurately reflect the President-Elect’s Message content and criteria of the approved examination format. The DCC is constantly in need of new clinical images of all parts of the examination. These images can include preparations, final restorations and radiographic images. The DCC welcomes all images of any level of performance – SAT, ACC, SUB or DEF. Please submit any images to Kimber McCoy and accept our appreciation!! Once again, thank you for the opportunity to work with the dedicated and incredible professionals on the DERC and DCC. We solicit input from all examiners through either direct comments/suggestions or through the current examiner feedback process. The CRDTS National Dental Examination is a product of all of our efforts! by Tony Malaktaris, DDS Greetings to all from the North Country; I hope everyone is having a great summer but the time is fast approaching for another annual meeting and the start of a new exam season. I for one am excited for both. As President Elect my primary job for the year has been to organize the annual meeting being held in Kansas City on Aug. 26th—28th. Once again this year’s annual meeting will concentrate on our Member States with speakers and break-out sessions devoted to educating and answering questions about CRDTS and our examinations. We will have Dave McDermott from Premiere One giving a Power Point Presentation on Electronic Scoring, showing what we have today and what we plan for the future. We will have Dr. Steve Holcomb along with Kimber and Lynn give another Exam Comparison to keep our Board Members current on what the differences are. We will have Joey Bly give a presentation on Central Office so we can show everyone what our great staff does to keep this organization running smoothly. Once again Dr. Marv Dvorak and Lynn Ray will give a presentation to our State Board representatives and new examiners. Lynn Ray and Kimber McCoy will provide examiner profiles this year and have worked tirelessly to gather the information needed to generate these reports. As for my term as President, I hope to continue where our past-president left off with major goals to include development and administration of an examination for the Mid-level Provider Program in Minnesota; further development of the electronic scoring system; continued efforts to reestablish examinations in Iowa and Missouri; consideration of examination opportunities in new states. My list will continue to grow as the year progresses but the foundation is set and we must continue to improve and develop relationships with our Member States. I would like to personally thank our staff at Central Office and in Oklahoma and Colorado for all they have done for CRDTS. Without these hard working and dedicated employees we would not have been able to bring CRDTS and our examinations to their current level and we will continue our work to take it to the next level. Minnesota Dental Therapist Task Force Report (continued) of both programs. Dr. Holcomb, CRDTS’ dental ERC chair, gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the basic constructs and requirements of the CRDTS Dental Examination. Kimber McCoy and Lynn Ray provided valuable input into this presentation. It was agreed by all participants that CRDTS would develop criteria comprising one standard of care that would not deviate from that required of dental candidates. The Minnesota Board of Dentistry would assist CRDTS in defining what content would be included in the clinical exam. This meeting of the Task Force was extremely productive, effective, and collegial. All participants benefitted and left with a clear understanding of our goals and processes that would be used in the examination development phase. Dr. Holcomb will create a special subcommittee of the ERC for the purpose of defining criteria and content of this exam. We will publish our candidate manuals in January 2011, Beta test the Manikin exam in February, then in April, CRDTS will offer the entire exam for Metro State candidates and perhaps the manikin exam for Minnesota candidates. In September/ October of 2011, we will offer the patient based exam for the Minnesota candidates or perhaps the entire exam. Much work needs to be done within this next year and CRDTS is committed to develop a valid and reliable assessment process for these Dental Therapist candidates. This project is a unique demonstration of CRDTS’ mission to serve the assessment needs of 3 our Member State Boards. 4 The CRDTS Report PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TOPEKA, KS PERMIT NO. 545 1725 SW Gage Blvd. Topeka, KS 66604 Phone: 785-273-0380 Fax: 785-273-5015 E-mail: CRDTS ANNUAL MEETING SPECIAL EVENTS TOUR of KANSAS CITY: Examiners, spouses, and guests are welcome to take part in a tour of Kansas City historical sites. We will view the Quality Hill area, Lewis & Clark Point, the Missouri River and many more. Stops will be made at Union Station, the National World War I Liberty Memorial and Kauffman Gardens. There is a $30 per person fee and space is limited so notify Central Office right away to reserve your spot. We will be departing the Hilton at 8:30am, Friday August PRESIDENT’S MEET & GREET: Friday, August 27th 7:30—9:00 p.m. Cash Bar and Snacks DINNER AND DANCE: Saturday, August 28th 6:00—10:00 p.m. Casual Western Attire Wildfire Dance Band Cash Bar 4