Facial and orbital fractures revisited with MDCT
Facial and orbital fractures revisited with MDCT
Facial and orbital fractures revisited with MDCT Poster No.: C-2195 Congress: ECR 2011 Type: Educational Exhibit Authors: R. Ukisu, S. Funaki, K. Matsunari, N. Sunaoshi, M. Tanisaka, K. Watanabe, K. Koyama, S. Yagi, T. Kushihashi; Yokohama/JP Keywords: Head and neck, Emergency, CT, Diagnostic procedure, Computer Applications-3D, Trauma DOI: 10.1594/ecr2011/C-2195 Any information contained in this pdf file is automatically generated from digital material submitted to EPOS by third parties in the form of scientific presentations. References to any names, marks, products, or services of third parties or hypertext links to thirdparty sites or information are provided solely as a convenience to you and do not in any way constitute or imply ECR's endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of the third party, information, product or service. ECR is not responsible for the content of these pages and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material in this file. 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Radiologic evaluation of facial injuries may be difficult due to the complex anatomy of the region. In contrast, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is useful in the evaluation of facial fractures and has become the gold standard for diagnostic imaging of facial injuries (Fig. 1). Images for this section: Fig. 1: 32-year-old male. Comparison between radiography and MDCT including 3dimensional image. Le Fort I with left ZMC fracture. Page 2 of 25 Imaging findings OR Procedure details Introduction What do clinicians want to know from the radiologist? Facial and orbital fractures are as a common consequence of motor vehicle accidents, assaults, falls, and other blunt trauma. The goal of surgical treatment of displaced facial fractures is to restore the alignment of the bony fragments by using rigid fixation. Therefore, the surgical team needs to know the degree and nature of damage to the facial bone including facial buttresses. Nowadays, MDCT is commonly used to evaluate patients with blunt facial trauma. Thus, radiologists have to evaluate imaging findings based on a clinical approach as well as a neuroradiologic approach. It is essential to envisage what the surgeons want to know, and give them their answers. Contents CT anatomy of facial bone and orbit with schematic drawing Overview Cross-sectional imaging 3D imaging Case presentation Nasal fx. Nasal-orbital-ethmoidal: NOE fx. Zygomatic-maxillary-complex: ZMC fx. Le Fort fx. (type I-III) Mandibular fx. Page 3 of 25 Orbital fx. (superior, medial, inferior) Postoperative CT evaluation Summary Anatomy of facial bone and orbit with schematic drawing The facial bones are bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the eye sockets (Fig.1). The facial skeleton can be conceptualized as a series of facial buttresses. These buttresses represent areas of relative increased bone thickness that support both the form and function of the face in an optimal relation, and interface with the skull base or cranium as a stable reference (Fig.2-4). If facial fracture breaks these buttresses, the surgeon typically treats any significant buttress displacement using reduction and rigid internal fixation with titanium plates and screws. Note. The 3D images are attractive, and most clinicians love them. For the patient, family education and general education in any respect, they are very visually pleasing (Fig.5). However, they do not seem to provide complete information for successful surgical planning. Why do we do CT in facial trauma? CT is fast, easy, safe, and widely available. In addition, CT reveals an excellent delineation of the bones and can detect small fragments. Multiplanar reconstruction: MPR coronal image with bone window is indispensable to detect small horizontal fractures, and 3D images sometimes help to evaluate the degree of deformity (Fig.6). Page 4 of 25 There are often other things going wrong in case of facial bone fracture, such as brain injury; spinal injury; abdominal and/or pelvic injuries. CT is useful to evaluate these concomitant injuries. MR is plagued with motion susceptibility and chemical shift artifact. Also, MR is unavailable in patient who has metallic or ferromagnetic foreign bodies and pacemakers. Case presentation: CT images including various pearls and pitfalls Facial fractures are classified as follows: Nasal fx. NOE fx. ZMC fx. Le Fort fx. (type I-III) Mandibular fx. Orbital fx. (superior, medial, inferior) Postoperative CT evaluation Nasal fracture Definition: Disruption of the nasal bone structure, due to trauma. Clinical findings: Deformity, swelling, epistaxis and periorbital ecchymosis. Bony crepitus and nasal segment mobility are diagnostic. CT findings: Fracture, deformity, and distortion of nasal bone. The majority of nasal fractures involve the thinner, distal third of the nasal bones, and the nasoethmoid margin remains intact. Nasal fracture is the most common fracture of the facial skeleton, and usually occurs as isolated injury. The majority of nasal fracture is caused by lateral blow (Fig. 7-9). Page 5 of 25 Approx. 15% of nasal fractures are accompanying with other facial fractures. Severe nasal fractures can result in superior extension via cribriform plate and orbital roof. Nasal-orbital-ethmoidal: NOE fracture Definition: Fracture of the central midface. They must include the bone to which the medial canthal tendon is attached and may be associated fracture of the frontal, nasal, lacrimal, ethmoid bones. Clinical findings: Eye, forehead & nose pain, epistaxis, clear rhinorrhea due to CSF leakage, epiphora, diplopia, flattened nasal dorsum, exophthalmos, and telecanthus. CT findings: Comminution of the entire NOE complex may occur. The widening between the two lacrimal fossae in coronal image (> 35mm). Disruption of the anterior cranial fossa may be disrupted. The ethmoid complex and nasofrontal recess may result in sinusitis (Fig.10). The nasal-orbital-ethmoidal (NOE) complex is the confluence of the frontal sinuses, ethmoid sinuses, anterior cranial fossa, orbits, frontal bone, and nasal bones. Precise diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment are essential to avoid complications and to obtain an aesthetic surgical result. If the primary struts of the NOE complex are violated, commination of the entire complex may occur. This may result in telecanthus, enophthalmos, diplopia, and apparent midface retrusion. Isolated medial canthal tendon disruption releases the tension on the medial canthus, causing telecanthus. Disruption of the anterior cranial fossa can result of a CSF fistula, whereas disruption of the ethmoid sinuses and nasofrontal recess can result of sinusitis. Zygomatic-maxillary-complex: ZMC fracture Definition: The zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) plays a basic element in the structure, function, and aesthetic appearance of the midface. ZMC fracture is any isolated or combined fracture of the malar eminence and/or zygomatic attachments. Clinical findings: soft tissue swelling in the area of fracture, diplopia, unilateral epistaxis, lower eyelid malposition, enophthalmos, telecanthus, trismus Page 6 of 25 CT findings: Evaluate the relationship to the temporal bone, maxilla, frontal bone, and skull base: a quadripod structure. Orbital volume: decreased or increased? Watch the zygomatic arch. Surgical exposure is indicated if the facture is severely comminuted or angulated (Fig. 11). ZMC complex provides normal cheek contour and separates the orbital contents from the temporal fossa and the maxillary sinus. It also has a role in vision and mastication. The ZMC provides lateral globe support necessary for double vision, and ZMC patients can have diplopia by disruption of the lateral canthal ligament. Successful repair of ZMC fractures requires a accurate diagnosis, prompt surgical treatment, and reconstituting the complex three-dimensional anatomy. Other major complications of ZMC fracture are: 1) V3 paresthesia, trismus due to impale the coronoid process of the mandible (15-27%) and impaled lateral rectus muscle by the displaced lateral wall of orbit. 2) Posttraumatic sinus disease: fractures of sinuses should be evaluated carefully. 3) Intracranial complications. Le Fort fracture In 1901, Rene Le Fort classified into three predominant types of midface fracture caused by blunt forces of various magnitudes and directions (Fig. 12). However, these fractures rarely occur as defined by Le Fort (Fig. 13-15). Le Fort fracture type I Definition: The fracture extends from the nasal septum to the lateral pyriform rims, travels horizontally above the teeth apices, crosses below the zygomaticomaxillary junction, and traverses the pterygomaxillary junction to interrupt the pterygoid plates. Clinical findings: Mobility of teeth, malocclusion and swelling of the upper lip and adjacent soft tissue with ecchymosis. Le Fort I fractures (horizontal) may result from a force of injury directed low on the maxillary alveolar rim in a downward direction. Page 7 of 25 Le Fort fracture type II Definition: A pyramidal, intermediate, horizontal fractures that transverse the orbital floor and nasal bones. Clinical findings: Moderate dislocation of midface. Midfacial depression with epiphora. Telecanthus or CSF leakage on some occasions. This fracture extends from the nasal bridge at or below the nasofrontal suture through the frontal processes of the maxilla, inferolaterally through the lacrimal bones and inferior orbital floor and rim through or near the inferior orbital foramen, and inferiorly through the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus; it then travels under the zygoma, across the pterygomaxillary fissure, and through the pterygoid plates. Le Fort II fractures (pyramidal) may result from a blow to the lower or mid maxilla. Le Fort fracture type III Definition: The most superior midface fracture and is characterized as complete craniofacial disjunction. Clinical findings: Facial tumefaction, hematoma, bleeding. Neurosurgical injuries, CSF leakage, significant orbital trauma. Dish face caused by multiple fractures of the craniofacial dislocation. These fractures start at the nasofrontal and frontomaxillary sutures and extend posteriorly along the medial wall of the orbit through the nasolacrimal groove and ethmoid bones. The thicker sphenoid bone posteriorly usually prevents continuation of the fracture into the optic canal. Instead, the fracture continues along the floor of the orbit along the inferior orbital fissure and continues superolaterally through the lateral orbital wall, through the zygomaticofrontal junction and the zygomatic arch. Intranasal, a branch of the fracture extends through the base of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, through the vomer, and through the interface of the pterygoid plates to the base of the sphenoid. Mandibular fracture Definition: Traumatic break in mandible. Page 8 of 25 Clinical findings: Jaw pain. Malocclusion by muscle spasm or hemaethrosis. Trismus (opening<40mm). Chin anesthesia from mental nerve palsy. Fracture across the mental foramen can cause severe bleeding and paresthesia. CT findings: Fractures tend to follow long axis of teeth. Although the majority of mandibular fractures do occur at a single site, multiple fractures with/without TMJ dislocations are common (Fig. 16-18). If TMJ dislocated, empty TMJ sign may be seen on axial CT images. Blow-out and orbital fracture Definition: Fracture of orbital floor, usually not an orbital rim; but also of medial or other orbital walls. Clinical findings: Diplopia, Enophthalmos, exophthalmos, Periorbital fat and extraocular muscles can become entrapped in the fracture, leading to problems of ocular movement. Blow-out fractures are usually caused by a large, low-velocity object. They occur when the eye is forced back into the orbit, causing the weak floor or medial wall to blow out into the maxillary sinus or ethmoid sinus. Sports-related injuries are common. When the medial wall is fractured, the medial rectus muscle becomes entrapped, leading to lateral gaze dysfunction (Fig. 19). Medial and superior wall fracture Medial wall fractures can occur either from direct injuries to the face or indirectly as blow-out fractures. Orbital emphysema is caused by the communication with the ethmoid sinuses. Severe orbital emphysema can lead to visual loss from ischemic optic neuritis and central retinal artery. Superior orbital fracture is a frontal bone fracture that associates with high-impact injuries to the brain and face (Fig. 20). Post-operative evaluation Postoperative CT can assess the adequacy of reconstruction. 3D images can simplify conceptual understanding of the improvement of skeletal deformity. Axial and coronal CT reveal the relationship of fixed facial buttresses and titanium plates in detail (Fig. 21). Page 9 of 25 Images for this section: Fig. 1: Anatomy of facial bone and orbit with schematic drawing. The facial bones are bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the eye sockets. Fig. 2: These buttresses represent areas of relative increased bone thickness that support both the form and function of the face in an optimal relation, and interface with the skull base or cranium as a stable reference. Page 10 of 25 Fig. 3: Coronal CT images (bone window) of facial butresses. Fig. 4: Axial CT images (bone window) of facial butresses. Page 11 of 25 Fig. 5: 3D-CT image of facial buttresses. Fig. 6: 32-year-old male. Le Fort I with left ZMC fracture. Page 12 of 25 Fig. 7: The nasal bones are two small oblong bones, placed side by side at the middle and upper part of the face. Fig. 8: Common type of isolated nasal fractures Page 13 of 25 Fig. 9: 13-year-old boy. Nasal fracture. Fig. 10: 10-year-old girl. NOE fracture. On CT, focal midface fracture that separates the lateral face is seen. T1-W CR image reveals concomitant brain contusion and traumatic SAH. Page 14 of 25 Fig. 11: 37-year-old male. ZMC fracture. Note that the volume of rt. Maxillary sinus is decreased. Page 15 of 25 Fig. 12: Le Fort fracture. Page 16 of 25 Fig. 13: 65-year-old male. Le Fort I+III. 3D images reveal outline of fractures nicely, however, we have all important preoperative information based on facial buttresses throughout cross-sectional CT evaluation. Fig. 14: 32-year-old male. Le Fort I fracture with left ZMC fracture. Coronal CT images show fracture lines, bony fragments, distortion of inner buttresses in detail. Page 17 of 25 Fig. 15: 53-year-old male. Right Le Fort I+II fracture, left ZMC fracture and superior orbital wall fracture…with intracranial complications: AEDH and pneumocephalus. In most case, you cannot check whole brain images. However, throughout careful evaluation of all CT images, you can identify some intracranial complication. Fig. 16: Prevalence of fracture site. Note. Mandiblar fractures may cause airway obstruction caused by hemorrhage from inferior palantine artery. Page 18 of 25 Fig. 17: 23-year-old male. Multiple mandiblar fractures. Although the majority of mandibular fractures do occur at a single site, multiple fractures with/without TMJ dislocations are common. Fig. 18: 34-year-old female. Right condylar neck fracture. In condylar neck fracture, condylar head pulled medially by lateral pterygoid muscle(*). MDCT provides clear delineation of the fragment relationships. Fig. 19: 25-year-old male. Rt. blow-out fracture. Periorbital fat and extraocular muscles can become entrapped in the fracture, leading to problems of ocular movement. "Blow out" results in a fracture, though it often prevents globe rupture. Page 19 of 25 Fig. 20: Medial wall fractures can occur either from direct injuries to the face or indirectly as blow-out fractures. The superior orbital wall (also known as the roof) fractures are usually the result of high-energy injuries. Fig. 21: Postoperative CT and radiograph (right images) show rigid fixation of six facial buttresses by titanium plates. Page 20 of 25 Conclusion Nowadays, MDCT is indispensable in helping to evaluate facial trauma. While you interpreting CT images of a patient with facial and orbital trauma, you should care of all the facial buttresses. In addition, please remind to ask yourself following five questions. 1) Will this injury cause any physiological malfunction? 2) Will this injury result in a cosmetic deformity? 3) Is there another significant fracture? 4) Is there a foreign body? 5) Is there an intracranial injury? Thank you for visiting our exhibit. Images for this section: Page 21 of 25 Fig. 1 Page 22 of 25 Personal Information R. Ukisu, S. Funaki, K. Matsunari, N. Sunaoshi, M. Tanisaka, K. Watanabe, K. Koyama, S. Yagi, T. Kushihashi Department of Radiology, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, 35-1 Chigasaki chuoh, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-8503, Japan. mail to: [email protected] Images for this section: Fig. 1: Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, Yokohama, Japan Page 23 of 25 References 1) Schuknecht B, Graetz K. Radiologic assessment of maxillofacial, mandibular, and skull base trauma. Eur Radiol. 2005; 15: 560-568. 2) Hopper RA, Salemy S, Sze RW. Diagnosis of midface fractures with CT: what the surgeon needs to know. Radiographics. 2006; 26: 783-93. 3) Linnau KF, Stanley RB Jr, Hallam DK, Gross JA, Mann FA. Imaging of high-energy midfacial trauma: what the surgeon needs to know. Eur J Radiol. 2003; 48: 17-32. 4) Tanrikulu R, Erol B. Comparison of computed tomography with conventional radiography for midfacial fractures. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2001; 30: 141-146. 5) Levy RA, Edwards WT, Meyer JR, Rosenbaum AE. 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