Fossil Teeth of Maryland


Fossil Teeth of Maryland
Other Fossil Teeth of the Maryland Miocene
Ray Dental Plates and Spines
Spotted Eagle Ray
Aetobatus sp.
Stingray Tail Barb
Eagle Ray
Myliobatis sp.
Myliobatis sp.
Land Mammal Teeth
Crocodile teeth
Thecachampsa sp.
Cynorca proterva
Prosthennops xiphidonticus
Toothed Whales (Odontoceti)
“Dolphin” teeth
Shark Toothed Whale
Sperm Whale
Squalodon sp.
Clark, W.B., et al., 1904, Miocene Plates, Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore, MD
Wright, David B., and Ralph E. Eshelman. "Miocene Tayassuidae (Mammalia) from the Chesapeake Group of the Mid-Atlantic coast
and their bearing on marine-nonmarine correlation." Journal of Paleontology (1987): 604-618.
Stephen Godfrey, ray plate line drawings
Fossil Shark Teeth of the Maryland Miocene
Thresher Shark
Mako Shark
Alopias sp.
Isurus hastalis
Giant White Shark
Carcharocles megalodon
Tiger Shark
Galeocerdo aduncus
Tiger Shark
Physogaleus contortus
Lemon Shark
Negaprion eurybathrodon
Angel Shark
Gray Sharks (Bull, Dusky, Silky)
Squatina occidentalis
Carcharhinus sp.
Sand Tiger Shark
Carcharias taurus
Snaggletooth Shark
Hemipristis serra
Cow Shark
Notorynchus primigenius
Kent, Bretton W. "Fossil Sharks of the Chesapeake Bay Region. Egan Rees & Boyer." Inc., Columbia, Maryland (1994).

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