Summer 2010 - James Werner
Summer 2010 - James Werner
THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RAILROAD MUSEUM OF LONG ISLAND The Postboy Preserving Long Island’s Rich Railroading Heritage Summer 2010! Celebrating 20 Years! 1990 - 2010 In This Issue: Page 2: A Message From the President • Page 6: Equipment Restoration Progress • Page 10: A History of Speonk Station • Page 12: Miles of Smiles Book Signing T H E P O S T B O Y A Message from the President By Don Fisher Summertime is in full swing and your Museums are open and ready to accept visitors! Memorial Day weekend was a beautiful weather weekend to start our season and our initial visitor numbers look very good for 2010. May we continue to enjoy fair weekend weather and happy patrons! On May 22, twenty-eight RMLI members attended our Summer Membership Meeting at the Greenport site. There, everyone had an opportunity to preview the New York Transit Museum Exhibit, “The Long Island Railroad, 175 years of History” before it opened to the public on May 29. 2" Reports were heard from the various Museum Committees, fresh donuts from the Salamander Bakery and cold soda were served and following the meeting, everyone went to the Peconic County Miniature Railroad on Webb Street where Frank and Ruth Field hosted rides on their G-16 park train. Thank you Frank and Ruth for a wonderful end to our meeting day! Early June saw classes of Elementary School Students from Southold and Greenport Schools tour and learn at our Greenport site and youngsters from Our Church of the Redeemer Lutheran School visit our Riverhead site. All the children were fascinated with our trains and exhibits. Lou Caruso and Scott McCarthy have been working since Fall 2009 scraping and painting our backshop building in the yard beside 1556 and Engine #39. Lou reports that he is just about finished with this project and the building looks beautiful. He replaced many pieces of rotted wood and painted the trim and side boards. When in Riverhead please stop by to admire the paint job and give Lou a “Tip O the Hat!” Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E Beginning in the Fall of 2010, Lou will be managing the prep and painting of the first floor of the RMLI Visitor’s Center. Please consider coming out on the weekend and joining Lou in this important maintenance work. The Museum will look so much the better for your efforts. Restoration work on LIRR switcher #399 continues behind the backshops on Saturday mornings. Bill Raynor, Tom Collins and Anthony DeBellis have been replacing steel panels on the rear bulkhead and engineer’s side wall. Repairs have been made to the battery box and electric cabinet doors, primer paint has been applied and Smoke Gray finish paint has been ordered to put the loco in LIRR World’s Fair Livery. Painting of LIRR Caboose C-68 is nearing completion. Project Manager Anthony DeBellis reports that all three coats of safety orange paint and two coats of black roof paint have been put down. Yellow highlights on steps and railings and the black painted equipment on the underbody are all that is left for the painter’s brush. Lettering and Dashing Dan decals will follow and C-68 should be looking quite fine for Riverhead Railroad Festival. The work crew on C-68 included Anthony, John Henry, Joe Costa, Justin Bashe, Neil Feldman, John Thompson and Greg Kruszeski. Railroad Museum of Long Island" P O S T B O Y BEDT 16 restoration is on track and we hope by the Riverhead Railroad Festival to have her back on her drive wheels. Painting will commence in the fall. Once again Engine #39 is stalled, this time for lack of funding. We continue to search for $250,000.00 a year for eight years to “git ‘er done!” The current economy isn’t helping us – if you, gentle member, have any leads or resources please contact me at [email protected]. On June 13 I had the pleasure of attending a Public Run Day at the Long Island Live Steamers located at Suffolk County’s Southaven Park in Brookhaven. This is an outstanding train riding experience, if you have not had the opportunity to ride these 7 !” gauge railroad trains, make it a point to do so this year. The Club maintains two huge block signal controlled layouts that meander through the woods. They operate multiple train sets throughout the day and while I was there I saw live steam, gasoline and battery operated locomotives. Many thanks to my hosts, LILS President, Walter Poppe, Secretary, John Mehrling and member Stuart Greenberg for showing me their first class operation. Visit the LILS at to find directions and their next Public Run Day! August 1st begins another membership year for RMLI. Our annual membership renewal letter may have reached you already. Please consider joining us again for 2010 -2011. We have many exciting plans afoot for your Museum in 2011, not the least of which is the Grand Opening of the historic Lionel Visitor’s Center layout in our Freeman Building. Don’t miss out on all the fun and excitement. Renew early, ask a friend to join the RMLI, and as 2010 marches on, consider a tax deductible donation to help keep your Museums operating. 3 T H E P In closing I would like to invite each of you to celebrate RMLI’s 20th Anniversary at the 2010 Riverhead Railroad Festival. Saturday and Sunday, August 28 and 29 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM each day. Visit and see all the work that is going into your Museums, ride the 11:25 AM LIRR Scoot to Greenport and be back in time to enjoy a hearty lunch from the Maple Tree Gourmet Caterers. Listen to live bluegrass music provided by Eastbound Freight and visit the many vendors, railroad preservation and O S T B O Y historical societies, train layouts and guest exhibitors at the Festival. This year, in partnership with the Twin Forks Chapter NRHS, we will be dedicating a plaque to the Town of Riverhead that commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Riverhead Railroad Station. Don’t miss the ceremony at 2:00 PM on Saturday, August 28. Mark your calendar now and plan to join us as a patron or enjoy a day or two of volunteering! Cut and Save! Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Railroad Museum of Long Island Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Riverhead Railroad Station Riverhead Railroad Festival ~ Happy Anniversary Days ~ The Railroad Museum of Long Island 416 Griffing Avenue, Riverhead NY Saturday, August 28th and Sunday, August 29th, 2010 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Adults $6.00 - Children $3.00 Children under 5 yrs. FREE • Refreshments available from “Maple Tree Gourmet Caterers” • Live Bluegrass Music • Railroad related vendors • MTA Police • Try your hand at the “railcar switching puzzle” • See many operating toy train layouts in “G,” “O,” “HO,” and “N” scale • Speeders • Visit the Museum Gift Shop • Engage in the “locomotive races” • Historic Passenger cars • Ride the 1964 - 1965 LIRR Pavilion World’s Fair Train • Historic railcars and locomotives • View working machines of the “Long Island Antique Power Association” • LIRR M-1 cars • Cabooses • Visit railroad preservation groups • Locomotives • Ride the LIRR “Scoot” and visit our Museum in Greenport then return to Riverhead “Scoot” tickets are purchased separately onboard the train from the LIRR Conductor. Admission to the Riverhead Railroad Festival allows you to see both sites on the same day of purchase. 4" Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y Freeman Building Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Installation Railroad Museum of Long Island" 5 T H E P O S T B O Y Equipment Restoration Progress by Anthony DeBellis Presidents’ Aide de Camp Now that summer is here and the weather is warm, we are in progress at your Riverhead museum site maintaining our collection of rolling stock and locomotives that once proudly served the communities of Long Island. This is a lot of work and will be the first in a series of columns that will keep you informed as work progresses. Volunteers are always wanted and needed. Many hands make light work, which in the long run, gets more work accomplished and equipment restored. Please contact myself at [email protected] or Don Fisher at [email protected] to find out about contributing in any capacity possible. As your Presidents’ Aide de Camp, I am fully dedicated to the well being of our equipment, and seeing they are preserved for future generations. Long Island Rail Road 25 Ton “Dinky” 399 The only currently operating standard gauge locomotive in the Museum, #399 has been receiving a lot of recent metal work to the cab. The rear of the cab along with the side and front of the engineer’s side have had large sections of metal removed that were rotted, replaced, and welded into place with new metal. #399 has also received a lot of decay removed from the cab floor. A major step was removing the battery box, and while a new one is constructed, we are working on the new metal in the back of the cab. Both of the engine doors have also been removed and restored. A small ‘box’ that helped to protect the engine of the locomotive has been removed, repaired, painted, and put back in the locomotive. #399 will also be getting a fresh coat of paint after the removal of old paint left over from the many years working in Morris Park Shops. 6" Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y Long Island Rail Road Caboose C-68 On Saturday June 19th, I single handedly applied a second coat of orange paint to the car body and a second coat of black to the roof and under carriage. The caboose looks great, with now only minor detail work remaining on the handrails in addition to any touch up work required along with the application of the Dashing Dan logos, C-68, and LONG ISLAND across both sides. It will be determined later in the summer if C-68 needs another coat of orange paint. A once polkadotted primer caboose is now a nice bright orange that can be seen up the street on Griffing Avenue as you come to your Riverhead Museum, proudly telling the story of the Long Island Rail Road. Riverhead West Backshop In the fall of 2009, Lou Caruso and Scott McCarthy started the removal of the old paint from the building we use as our backshop at the Riverhead site. After years of use it finally needed some TLC. Many of the rotted wood pieces were removed and replaced. Windows and doorways also received extensive work with a new coat of green and tan paint. The building is just about done and is no longer an eye sore in the Riverhead Yard, and it looks great! Railroad Museum of Long Island" 7 T H E P O S T B O Y BEDT 0-6-0T 16 One of our more popular exhibits at the Museum, and the first thing you see when you pull up to your Riverhead Site, is Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal #16. After many years, #16 is getting some much needed care. A new metal cap has been installed under the boiler. This is to hold the old metal is in place. It has been washed and primed at this point. #16 will also be lifted and placed once again on top of the engine’s wheels. This is all part of a major cosmetic restoration that will include new paint applied to the locomotive, along with the replacement of rotted wood and metal. #16 will also have many extra parts added such as opening cab windows, steps for cab tours, lighted head lamps, bells, and more that will be added to the engine. #16 will be lettered in yellow, as per the lettering of the BEDT. #16 was the last steam engine to operate in New York City, where it worked down at the water in Brooklyn. It is a very important artifact that helps to tell the story of railroading in Brooklyn. Railroad Museum of Long Island" 8 T H E P O S T B O Y Long Island Rail Road BM-62 Baggage Car 7727 Work has not yet started on this car, but will commence in the Fall. Once other RMLI projects have ended, 7727 will get some care. There is much rust removal to be done. 7727 will get one coat of primer and two coats of PRR Tuscan Red with Black being applied to the roof. She will be lettered in the traditional PRR style with LONG ISLAND lettering. 7727 is currently used as our Tool Car in Riverhead. Spring 2010 Crossword Puzzle Answers Railroad Museum of Long Island" 9 T H E P O S T B O Y A History of the Speonk Station by George Wybenga Trackside Cafe, Phillips Ave. Speonk While we celebrate the 100th birthday of the Long Island Rail Road Riverhead station I would like to tell you about the Speonk depot. Originally built in 1870 the station was struck by lightening and burned in 1901. The current depot was opened in December 1901, thus predating Riverhead’s depot by nine years. The station was manned by a telegraph operator and a block operator until 1958. Since then Dell Donovan operated a snack bar in the station until 1973. Subsequently there were a few other owners who eventually closed the restaurant. In 2003 Bob Nidzyn started the renovation, restoration, and finally reopening the station as he remembered as a youth it in 1961. These days the Trackside Cafe has many artifacts of the Long Island Rail Road, some marvelous historic photographs as well as the writer’s LIRR caboose watercolor prints. The menu of the Trackside changes every day as Ms. Tara Oliver, chef and manager develops new specials. The menu’s focus is on freshness; the eggs come from Mr. Nidzyn’s own chickens, the tuna never comes from a can, and Ms. Oliver purchases fresh fruit and vegetables in season from farm stands on her way to the restaurant. Ms. Oliver’s granola pancakes are a real treat as are the various deserts such as home made key lime and chocolate mousse pies. The restaurant is open for breakfast and lunch and recently started serving three course Prix Fixe diners on Thursday and Friday evenings from 5-9 PM. I highly recommend the Trackside with its great food and ambiance while you watch the trains go by. George 10" Railroad Museum of Long Island T !"#$%&'()! "#!$%&'()'&!"*'+,(%-.! ! *(&+,,! /! /012()!%3!'!&'4! 5! 6%7*89,-:88&!48:,%&! /2! ;<=<!,.*!(%>&! /5! ?*,('&-8!@8(>88&!(>%! @:*AB8!(%>8:,! /C! "'@#94%>A8:!'AA*(*78! D2! E)'&.!#%FG!*&!CH9?%>&! D/! IJ=?JK!F&*(! DD! L'F,8!%3!'!(*-.8(9>*&A%>! A8+'#! DM! =4%(!*&!'!:%('(*%&! D1! D22C!I<N<!-)'O4,¶!,(:88(! D5! P+%>8:94%(!O'(8:*'+! DQ! R':A8&8AG!',!B+',,! DC! L)'++8&B8,! M/! S*()!TC9J-:%,,!'&A!MQ9 ?%>&G!>)'(!()*,!4FUU+8¶,! (*(+8!'-:%&#O!,('&A,!3%:! MD! "'-.,(:88(!VVVVV! MM! W8,8O@+*&B!'!XF:%48'&! 48'.! M1! R*B)+'&A,!:83F,'+! M5! R8@:8>!,-)%%+! MT! Y%!%78:!55! MC! Z8:O'&8&(+#!'(('-)8A! 1M! W%#'+!L':*@@8'&!,)*49 &'O8!8&A8:! 11! 6%78,!'@%F(! 1H! ZF++!'!(%%()! 1C! P:8&-)!A8&*'+! 52! L%%:A*&'(894+'&8!A*7*A8:! 5/! J3:*-'&!>'(8:>'#! 5D! Z8:*%A,!(%!@8!:8O8O@8:8A! 5M! ?*,-%+%:'(*%&!%3!'!-':!A%%:! 51! ;U*!%:!=F48:!=%'.8:! 55! L?9W[6!,(*-.8:,! 5Q! 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Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y Miles of Smiles: Roxey the Long Island Rail Road Dog Book Signing Event by Don Fisher On Saturday, June 12, your RMLI sponsored a new and unique event. To raise funds for the Museum and to celebrate a historical LIRR story we had our first ever booksigning! We are fortunate here on the North Fork of Long Island to have living many talented and creative people. Interest in local history is very high in Riverhead and Southold Townships as evidenced by our numerous Museums and Historical Societies. It is a natural setting for elementary school teacher and author, Heather Hill Worthington of Southold, to explore the story of “Roxey,” the Long Island Railroad Dog. On one train trip the dog even had a friendly encounter with President Theodore Roosevelt! News Butcher & RMLI member Evelyn Fisher introducing “Roxey” to a young admirer. Author Heather Worthington & son Breton Ms. Worthington heard of the little dog that was loved by all railroaders and who rode the trains all across the LIRR at the turn of the Century. Roxey’s travails were known by Long Island’s public through numerous newspaper articles and celebrity gossip columns of the day. 12" Heather’s research took her to LIRR historian and RMLI member Dave Morrison and photo historian Ron Ziel. She delved the written word on Roxey and fashioned a lovable children’s story that is historically accurate. Mr. Bill Farnsworth created beautiful illustrations to bring Roxey’s adventures to life. When we at RMLI heard about the book, “Miles of Smiles – the story of Roxey the Long Island Rail Road Dog” we knew we needed to do something special to celebrate our railroad history and our local author! Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E Evelyn and Don Fisher with Miles of Smiles With the help of Long Island Rail Road marketing and development personnel, Mr. Adam Diaz and Mr. John Persico, we were able to create an event that included a round trip ride on the Greenport Scoot from Riverhead to Greenport and back, a reading of the book to our visitors by authentic “News Butchers” on the Scoot, a personal signing of books by Ms. Worthington at Greenport, visits to both Museums with special LIRR garden trains running on our Freeman Garden Railway P O S T B O Y LIGRS enjoyed a bar-b-que at RMLI, President Ed Assaf mans the grill. courtesy of the Long Island Garden Railway Society - and grand appearances by book characters: “The Mysterious Parasol Lady” 13" Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E and President Theodore Roosevelt, recreated by Mr. James Foote of Oyster Bay. Over eighty youngsters and patrons young at heart enjoyed the day’s activities. Thirty-one books were sold by RMLI and signed by Ms. Worthington. Trustee Dick Horn manned the soda concession at Riverhead and Greenport and Trustee Bob Mintz handled the finances for the day. A successful event such as this does not happen without many helpers Many thanks go to our RMLI volunteers! At Greenport we had George and Lynn Summers, Lil and Bob White, Marilyn Corwin, Joe Capuano, and Dave Fisher. 14" P O S T B O Y Riverhead staffing was handled by Stan Urban, John Peck, Richie Miller and Greg Kruszeski. On the LIRR Scoot and all about were Don Fisher, “News Butcher” Evelyn Fisher and Anthony DeBellis. Special guest volunteers for the day included “News Butchers” Breton Worthington, Hugh and Owen Schmidt and “The Mysterious Parasol Lady,” Janet Hentschel. Teddy Roosevelt waves to the passengers on the Worlds Fair Train These wonderful books are available in the RMLI gift shop. Stop by your Museum and pick one up for that young person in your life. Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y RMLI President Addresses Long Island Metro Business Action by Ernie Fazio Don Fisher, President of the Railroad Museum of Long Island was our speaker this morning, (July 9, 2010). He began by emphasizing the business side of operating a local museum. Raising money to create the museum environment is not easy, but it is important. In 2007 the museum hired Long Island Association Economist, Pearl Kamer to study the multiplier effects of money spent by the railroad museum. She calculated that for every $1 spent by the museum there is a ripple effect of $2.25 returned to the community. In other words jobs are created. On the soft benefits there are the educational considerations, a sense of place, and the inspirational aspects that children can appreciate. Mr. Fisher pointed out to us that whether we support his museum or some other local museum, it is important that we do so, museums are part of the fabric that makes our communities interesting. mechanisms. There is a special train that was operated at the 1964 - 1965 World’s Fair that is available for short rides. The museum is actually two locations, one in Riverhead and one in Greenport. You can visit either one, but merely by coincidence the Long Island Rail Road has a scheduled train that stops at Riverhead on Saturday and Sunday morning at 11:24 AM" and terminates at Greenport. It laysover at Greenport for an hour and ten minutes and then returns again to Riverhead. Your $5 museum entrance fee in Riverhead allows you to see the Greenport division on the same ticket. The LIRR ticket is $5 for adults and $1.50 for children round trip. This provides a great day of history education, entertainment and recreation for a family with children, without Dad forgoing lunch for the next week. Don Fisher, Bonnie Cornett, LIMBA Pres. Bill Miller Later in his prepared remarks Don gave us an overview of available activities. There are tours of the vintage models they have on the premises where you will see the actual operating 15" Everyone at the meeting received a video of historic rail systems from various places in the world. Much thanks to Bonnie Cornett and the Boncor Group for sponsoring this interesting event. Railroad Museum of Long Island T H E P O S T B O Y Railroad Museum of Long Island P.O. Box 726 Greenport, NY 11944 631.477.0439 • 631.727.7920 THE POSTBOY! Summer 2010 Dates to Remember Riverhead Railroad Festival August 28th and 29th • 11AM-4PM Both Days Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Riverhead Station and the 20th Anniversary of the Railroad Museum of Long Island Moving? Don’t forget to send us your updated address! Email your contact information to Dick Horn at [email protected] or mail us at: Railroad Museum of Long Island P.O. Box 726 Greenport, NY 11944
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