2011 Top 100 Courses You Can Play – #34 - We-Ko
2011 Top 100 Courses You Can Play – #34 - We-Ko
1 YouQ Your Guide to the Finest I TomDoak (lODI) JacJc NevilleJDooslds Grant (/919) Pele Dye (/997) Pet1!Dye(/99/) David McJ.iJy KIdd (1999) MY. TllUns/JaSt (/936) Donald Ross (1907) Raben Trent Jones 51. (/966) Pete Dye (1980) Tom DoaklJlm UrbIna 00/0) m·S275 $495-S530 5340-$400 1214-S338 S75-S275 S65-S150 S329-S410 S350-$385 $275·$315 $75-$215 Pasatlempo Golf Club Blackwolf Run (River) Chambers Bay Golf Course Harbour Town Golf Links Bandon Trails Cog Hill Golf Club (No.4) Shadow Creek World Woods (Pine Barrens) Mauna KeaGolfCourse Torrey Pines Golf Course (South) Santa Cruz. CA Kohler, WI University Place. WA Hilton Head Island. SC Bandon. OR Lemont.IL North LasVegas. NV BrooksVille. FL Kamuela. Big Island, HI La Jolla. CA Alister MacKenzie (/929) Pete D~ (1988) Robert Trent Jones /I (2007) Pete D~ (1969) BI/I CoorelBen Crenshaw ODDS) DTcJc WilsonIRees Jones (/96412008) Tom Fazio (/990) Tom FazIO (1993) Rabert 7lent Jones Sr/Rees Jones (l964Il00B) William F. BelllRees Jones (1957IZOO/) mO-5250 pasatlempo.com 5230-$25B destlnatlonkohler.com $89·5175 chambersbaygolf.com SI45-$250 seaplnes.com $75-$275 bandondunesgolf.com $155 coghillgolf.com $500 shadowcreek.com $40·$119 worldwoods.com $155-5250 maunakeagolf.com 541-$279 torreyplnesgolfcoull>e.com 21 20 19 17 16 24 29 25 28 26 Troon North Golf Club (Pinnacle) Princeville Resort (Prince) Kapalua Resort (Plantation) The Homestead (cascades) Sea Island GolfClub (Seaside) Red Sky Ranch Golf Club ( orman) Fallen Oak at Beau Rlvage Resort caledonia Golf and Ash Club Paa-Ko Ridge Golf Club Arcadia Bluffs Golf Club Scottsdale. AZ Princeville, Kaual HI Kapalua. Maul. HI Ho Springs. VA Sl SImons Island. GA Wolcott. CO BiloxI.MS Pawleys Island. SC Sandia Park. NM Arcadia.MI Tom We1sl<0pfiJayMorrish (/991) BI/J CooIe/Ben Crenshaw (/991) William Rynn (19)3) Coit-AIisonITom Fazio (/92811999) Greg Norman (2003) Tom Fazio (2006) MikeStJanlZ (/994) KenDye(2000) Rick StnlthlWarren Henderson (/999) $45-S215 $125-S200 $158-$268 S250-$280 $175-S295 S195-S250 5200 $90-SI65 $47-5114 $75-$180 troonnorthgolf.com princeville-com kapaluamaul.com thehomestead.com sealSland.com redskygolfclub.com fallenoak.com fishclub.com paa orldge.com arcadlablurts.com 34 32 Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles Dancing Rabbit (Azaleas) The Golf Club at Cuscowllia We-Ko-Pa Golf Club (Cholla) Erin Hills Golf Course Bulle Rock Reynolds Plantation (Great Waters) Bay Harbor Golf Club (Links/Quarry) Crosswater at Sunriver Resort Black Mesa GolfClub Rancho Palos Verdes. CA Choctaw.MS Eatonton, GA Fort McDowell, AZ Erin. WI Havre de Grace, MD Greensboro. GA Bay Harbor, MI Sunriver. OR La Mesllla,NM Donald J. Trump (2005) Tom Fazio/JerTY Pate (/9971 Bitt CDorelBen Crenshaw (1998) Scott Miller (2001) Michael HurdzaniDana Fryll?on Whitten (2006) Pete D~ (/998) Jack Nicklaus (/992) ArthurHflts (/996) Bob CupP/John Fought (/995) Baxter Spann (2003) 5215-$275 SI35-$150 $85-$140 $45-$195 $160 $79·$125 $150·5260 $99-5159 S95-$175 $62-S87 trumpnalionallosangeles.com danclngrabbltgolf.com cuscowilla.com wekopa.com erlnhllls.com bullerock.com reynoldsplantatlon.com bayharborgolf.com sunriver-resorlcom blackmesagolfclub.com WIlliamstown. MA Pebble Beach. CA Fort McDowell A2 Scottsdale. AZ Roscommon. MI La Quinta. CA North Plains. OR Myrtle Beach, SC Meadows of Dan. VA Lana! City, lanai. HI Wayne Sbles (1928) Rabert Trene Jones Jr. (/987) BI/I CooreIBen Crenshaw (2006) Tom WeJsJtopflJay Morrish (1991) Tom Wl!ISkoP( (ZOOZ) Peee Dye (1986) Bob Cupp (/992) Robert Trenl Jones Sf. (1948) DonaldS!Pe1 (2006) JacJc Nicklaus (1993) S145 5260-5295 $45-S195 $45-S215 $85-S15O 569-S179 S50-5166 $110-S200 $75·S2OO 5210-$225 taconicgolf.com pebblebeach.com wekopa.com troonnorthgotf.com forestdunesgolf.com pgawest.rom I 2 3 4 6 7 5 9 10 NEW 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 8 14 15 NEW 13 18 NEW 23 21 22 23 24 25 211 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 50 bandondunesgolf.rom pebbtebeach.com destinatlonkohler.com Bandon. OR Pebble Beach, CA Whistling StraIts GolfClub (Straits) Haven. WI The Ocean Course at Kiawah Island Resort KIawah Island. SC Bandon Dunes Bandon. OR Bethpage State Park (Black) Farmingdale. NY Pinehurst Resort (No. 2) Pinehurst NC Spyglass Hill Golf Course Pebble Beach. CA TPC Sawgrass (Players Stadium) Ponte Vedra Beach. FL Old Macdonald Bandon. OR 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 35 27 30 42 31 33 36 41 40 44 45 Taconic Golf Club The Unks at Spanish Bay We-Ko-Pa Golf Club (saguaro) Troon North Golf Club (Monument) EW Forest Dunes Golf Club PGA West (fPC StadIUm) 37 Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club (Ghost Cleek) 38 47 Dunes Golf & Beach Club 62 The Highland Course at Prlmland Resort 39 The Challenge at Manele Rober! Tren! Jones Jr (/991) ~iawahresortcom bandondunesgolf.com nysparks.com plnehurstcom pebblebeamcom tpc.com!sawgrass bandondunesgolf.com pu~inrldge.com thedunesclub.net primland.com golfonlanal.comImanele
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