- Swanmead Community School
- Swanmead Community School
F o r t i ss i m o Perfqrniog Arus Bvlletio Svmmer Tern 2015 – 2016 Szaomead Has Taleot Cqogratwlatiqos tq the Szaomead Has Taleot Wiooers aod a hvge zell dqoe tq all the rvrils zhq tqqk raru. There zere sqme faotastic rerfqrnaoces zhich raoged frqm daociog aod siogiog tq trwmret sqlqs aod iostrwmeotal dvets. Szaomead Has Taleot Wiooer 2016 Jemimah Dicker 2016 Rvooers vr : 2. Kierao Mackay 2. Hattie Lvffnao 3. Sqrhie Gibbios, Geqrge Lezis, Chlqe Park, Isabelle Arrlegate, Jasmioe Pierce Shakesreare Qvqte qf the Tern Phrases aod Wqrds created “Veogeaoce is io my hearu, death io my haod, Blqqd by Shakesreare aod rexeoge are hammeriog io my head” Aarqo - Titws Aodrqoicvs Refw he ice Break t Hearu qf gqld se tq bvdg e ao ioch Wear my hearu vrqo my sleexe Thaok yqv tq exerzqoe zhq atteoded Film Clvb this year aod alsq tq the rvrils zhq rwo it exerz zeek; Charlqtte O’Neill, Charlqtte Wellmao aod Mqlly Cqozay. With yqvr helr ze haxe raised qxer £150 fqr the PA deraruneot. First Film Clvb mqxie Sertember 2016: Bvgsy Malqoe Arus Azard - Babbacqmbe Trir Pvrils had a zqoderfwl time io Babbacqmbe zhere they tqqk rhqtqs at Keot’s Caxerp aod sreot time zith cast, the stage maoager aod backrqqm staff befqre zatchiog a faotastic rerfqrnaoce at the Theatre. The staff here zere zqoderfwl aod shqzed the rvrils arqvod backstage aod exslaioed hqz thiogs zqrked at the Theatre. Thaok yqv tq the Babbacqmbe Theatre staff fqr beiog sq accqmmqdatiog. Mqxie Madoess Cvrreot Mqxies: Fiodiog Dqrz After helriog revoite Marlio aod his sqo Nemq, Dqrz is settled iotq her oez life. Bvt zheo sqme childhqqd memqries resvrface, she sets qvt qo a missiqo tq fiod her rareots, zith helr frqm her oez frieods. The Secret Life qf Pets: Wheo hqme-lqxiog ret Max aod his qzoer’s oez dqg Dvke get lqst io Nez Yqrk, the rest qf the aoimal crez io their araruneot blqck head qvt iotq the citz qo a rescve missiqo tq fiod them. Cqmiog sqqo: Ghqstbvsters-((12A)): Erio Gilberu aod Abby Yates are a rair qf vo-heard qf avthqrs zhq zrite a bqqk sayiog that ghqsts are real. A fez years later, Gilberu laods a teachiog rqsitiqo at Cqlvmbia Uoixersitz, bvt her bqqk resvrfaces aod she is lavghed qvt qf the Uoixersitz. Wheo ghqsts ioxade Maohattao, Gilberu revoites zith Yates, teamiog vr zith a ovclear eogioeer, Jilliao Hqlt{maoo aod a svbzay zqrker, Pattz Tqlao, tq saxe the zqrld frqm a mysteriqvs exil aod rqzerfwl demqo koqzo as Rqzao zhq cao exercise cqotrql qxer aoy hvmao. Briogiog it back: Siogiog io the Raio: A decisiqo mvst be made by film star, Dqo Lqckzqqd – chqqse the xaio zqmao cq-starriog io his films, qr the mischiexqvs chqrws girl zith real taleot? The film zhich rvrsves is cqmedic, amvsiog aod teaches all the xalves qf mvsic. Soqqry, Cqme Hqme: The adxeotwres qf Lvcy, Liovs, aod qf cqvrse, Charlie Brqzo. This time Soqqry disarrears, aod zhere cqvld he be? All his frieods meet tq fiod him, bvt zill they??? ‘A bit qf a lavgh fqr all the family, qf aoy age!’ Thaok yqv tq Grace Deao, a Wqrk Exserieoce Stwdeot frqm Wadham Schqql, zhq kiodly created this aruicle. Star Perfqrner qf the Grqvr Cqogratwlatiqos tq all qf the rerfqrners zhq zere chqseo by their class/ actiog grqvr tq be Star Perfqrner fqr the Shakesreare Picoic Perfqrnaoce! Fred aod Shirley Kyao Harupell 8W Histqrz Play Jqserh Galfio Hamlet Lezis Hqle Year 6 Temrest Charlqtte O’Neill Kiog qf the Cqvru Hattie Lvffnao 5RP Belle Miller 5AW Caitlio Parsqos Ilmioster Cqmedy qf Errqrs Cissie Hvot Macbeth Lavreo Brqadzay Titws Aodrqoivs Kailem Hqdge Assemblies Backstage! Orgaoisatiqo qf Rehearsal Rqqms Perfqrniog Arus Cqocerus Scrarbqqk The Stage Crez at Szaomead haxe beeo zqrkiog Backstage hard this year tq eosvre the smqqth rwooiog qf the Cqocerus/Plays Perfqrniog Arus Deraruneot. Belqz are a list qf Bqards/ Nqtices thiogs Stage Crez haxe beeo vr tq qxer the last fez Prqrs aod Cqstwmes Catalqgwiog years tq dexelqr the deraruneot. Fqruissimq Nezsletter Alsq a hvge zelcqme tq qvr oez stage crez members Kelsey Pavl aod Richard Gvllidge. Stage Crez Meetiogs Perfqrniog Arus Badges We are xerz sad tq see sqme qf qvr year 8 stage crez Plaos fqr 2016/2017 leaxe vs aod zill miss them oexu year. Thaok yqv Schqql Radiq Emily Bvtler, Charley Jefferz, Erio Male , Lvcy-Leah Perfqrniog Arus Mvsical Hqqdies/Shirus 2017 Pearsqo aod Brzqoy Skelsey fqr all yqvr hard zqrk Stage Crez Website aod ama{iog qrgaoisatiqo. Alsq thaok yqv tq Kailem Hqdge fqr alzays beiog qo haod tq helr. We zish them all the best. Cvrreot Stage Crez jqbs Stage Crez qf the Mqoth Lights/ Sqvod Fvodraisiog Jqke qf the Tern “It zas xerz stressfwl tq qrgaoise, rz svccessfwl, it xe s a z ic o ic P re ea “The Shakesr rerfqrned io q h z e o q rz xe E t. v had a hvge twrp q aod did ao es lx se em th d ye Shakesreare eojq bvt the actwal rerfqrnaoce zas zqruh dqiog” Charley Jefferz Shakesreare Picoic ama{iog jqb. zay, zhether itThvrsday 23rd Jvoe 2016 e m sq io d te a ir ic Exerzqoe raru . Whatexer it es eo sc e th d io eh rb zas rerfqrniog q latiqos. Alsq tw “It rao xerz smqqthly aod ra g o cq a ye er es zas they d “The ac r cqmiog alqog tq zas eojqyable tq zatch” fq ts o re a r e tiog frq th tq thaoks m the il ch r ei th h tc a c z h tq Brzqoy Skelsey ildreo z l aod as qvts svrrqru the schqq taodeo v yq e r q h iog aod e W t. es b r ei th they re dreo rerfqrn fqrned rt “ q . id d t e h z s eir best jqyed it as mvch a abilitz; zas xer it z e ojqyabl te a g le r r A e tq za Isabelle Emily B tch.” vtler Pv{{le Page Crqsszqrd Qvestiqos Mvsidqkv Acrqss 3. A grqvr qf iostrwmeots rlayed by seodiog air thrqvgh them 5. A tzse qf mvsical strwctwre zhich fqllqzs AB 7. Meaoiog xerz lqvd io Italiao terns (ff) 9. A strwctwre qf mvsic zhich fqllqzs ABA Dqzo 1. Tysically qoe melqdy lioe, qr sqvodiog tqgether. 2. Maoy sqvods, qr melqdies tqgether. 4. “Tq be, qr oqt tq be: that is the tvestiqo:'' Which qf Shakesreare's rlays dqes this lioe cqme frqm 6. Ao Italiao tern fqr a tviet rhrase qf mvsic 7. The oame qf Baotvq's sqo io Macbeth 8. The largest raru qf ao qrchestra. This ioclvdes the xiqla. Thaok yqv tq Grace Deao zhq has created this faotastic Pv{{le Page.