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ALL INDIAAGARBATMI Nfl ANUFAGTUIRERS' ASS@G[A[[@N FRAGRANT FRAT ER N : : Fax : Grams Phone Federalion of Karnataka Chambers ol Commerce & Industry Buildings KEMPEGOWDA ROAD. BANGALORE 560 OO9. . ITY Date.. Ref. No. sllndrlgs A.Slalo of Karnalaka This ntmor.rxlrm crm applcstlon lN brhg submltrd by lhc An lndh Ag.rbalti Mendecluen Arrocbtion (AlAlrA) , FKCCI Bulding, K.G.Roed, Betprbro 500 009 subslarlble and sil.blrh lhrl Oodsbelhl Aeerbslhl abo lffiown lnlcrnallonaty s! Incansc rtbk / Josc rlhk, lrrcc?r8or producl lo Dasanga and Dhoopa orlghsl|d h lho |Islwttf pr*rely slelr of lly*oru norv known a$ lh3 $|!le of Karmlaka. lo . / - The earlcr prhcely slole of Myrore ceesed lo eild on lhe bnh ot Kamalrka il8le on 18r l'lovember 19?3. The morl url knorn rdars of lly*rc u33 TFpu Sdan, celcd afitclionsltly Ttger of Ityrorc, son of Hydrr AI. Srlaryapatans wa3 lhc caplal of hh ktrgdom. Tho tuodryar famlly rubd ths ltalc, |r{t ttp accrd.d to lhc lrdhn udon. Sone of tha olher hporlinl dyn.3lbs whlch nded ornr old Myrore kttrtlom uere llF Gangal, lhc Cholrr, lhc lbyilfre. Thc Vilyrnrgtrs E,r?prlca wlich lilpd tha rrlcuilf Gtealtd by lhc faf of lhc tby$rb dynrcly wt b. rcmrmbuill for Krhtnedrwaya (1509-29) conc6erad lo bG one 0t lhs moit cnlghlmad lfiUs. B. Dascrbllon of ooodr Osdabalti / agarbalt* b producl whhh dfrusrs fragrancc, when thlrd and wlich has bcsn h cor{[xrouE l|3egs owr clnl|'rica, wa3 mafi{y usod in pbcg3 of rslgbui woBldp ar wct as al lhc rcsucnce of noblec. lt emlttrrl lrrgrencr rfirce ll was fasl{oncd slh eromelh hawi, rools, flowsn, arometlc olt cts. wlrlch garr-ort fligrrnce whan . I. C. Proof of Orloh The Kernrlrlr slale Gtzetle {1988) deler lhd 'lhc manrfeclwars of egarbrll{ (lo** stkki) hrgcty depcrdad on a ilrnb.r of forarl brsod rarv mdctLk, U(e Saill.l, Speil Woorl Dust. While Cl{po, Fbhaddl €lc. b63Has p|,rr Sandalwood and Saftlal oif". Tho epocbr whhh prodwcd lhs barf Sendel ot i.c Sanlal^m abun ard lhel wtich producrs lhhaddi i.s m.bbaricm can be found to bo mlu.ty grswhg h lhh slale. ll furlhBr goss on lo slele lhal 'lhe msnt'8clure of agarbalhl we3 ttailed approrlnately h 1885 at Myrora - T.L.tDadyaya of Ttrhlhahall Taht of Sffinoga dlslrkl and Allar Khaah Seh6b ot Theqa$r wffs tlre fotndsr3 of thh lnd$try. AIAMA 2268608 2380559 AIAMA Continuation Sheet No.,..,............... -2ln 1924, Agarbalhis wcra oxhbllad by tho lats T.L.thedyaya h Wambby Exh|ibnbn London, and won a Gsrlificale ol Hsril'. "tm Sadevaldyasala Pvl. Ltd., establi$hsd in 1913 el l.lanlans|.d lr manf,aclwtrg iooth powdcr, hdhcnou3 medlche, perfwnery end agarbelHe'. D. Mcthorl of Producllon l.lalwal aromath rubstanctr, as mcnllonod h the pracerlilq paragraph wrrc mado mo I pa3le, lh€n roled orilo I lhin bamboo slkk, end lhsn drlod h lhe sun. However cerlah lype of belhb vrcre mantaclwcd ar vrel bathb. They bwrd sbwly. Dacanga wae ard emfls frsgrance. rwn loday h h powder form. Thls posder whrn spril*lad over tirE. Doopr were rmrlar elhkc, whkh dld nol haw brmboo rl lc core. Ths raw matcrhls r,Frd lo fashion agarbathi, {thoopa and daranga Tredfibnely, lhey srre roled by hand. arr ram.. l,lole: lh|glralhn llrl of raw malerlab enclosed. E.{fihuBncss of lho grg{rucl Agarbathl wilch orqhated from Kermlak wes uilque gfrrce tta r.w materlel$ used ln llf mantlfaclure wai orlglnafiy fotnd ln tHr stale only. For erample whlle sandalwood qrovs ln many parls of lndb and rarlous olher cornlrles, lhe sandalwood spacbs Sadahm ahrm grow nalualy h ltis rlats on[y. Akrr{trlr HaLb.ricum wlt'ch'ybHe l-hhaddi aleo known as ma||hal, originalsd h tt$ stato. In lhc slokas which wgre foruarded lo AlAiliA by Hlr Hohrti3, Srl-Sar*aracharya of Kanct{ Kamakoil peetam, lheea two Ngredbilr thd meillon eg const{ueilr of Dacanga, Dhoopa and Agarbalhl. The preeence oflhese ilqredbdr as wel os olhers, corferred ur&lueneesF.Quany Canlrole Thc AIAUA along slh lhe Gowmmoil of Krfn8leka hrl promol€d FAME RtO Ccr{re, tb.18/3. lst Mah, Srmpargbrmnrgar. Barqrlore - S80 02?. Seilor members of lhe lndusiry perlodlcaily asssmble here lo evatnle lhe ollactory quafihe ol these protlucts. FAIIE alro Gordrrcls chsrus h perfu[rry. lt has atso conmsnced dblanea lsardng programmcs. Encloeed: CFeubr and brocfrre.