Welcome to Meeker! - Meeker Chamber of Commerce
Welcome to Meeker! - Meeker Chamber of Commerce
‚ ‚ 4> 66 _ " _ ! ! " 6 Hollidays ; M a Famiglia < M eeker Cafe = M eeker Drugs Soda Fountain M exican House Restaurant Ol' Crows Beer & Beverage W att's Ranch M arket W hite River Convenience > ? 4) 44 ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 43 45 46 4; Aura of Peace Full Service Beauty Salon (5 blocks north of Park Ave.) (970) 234-0076 Mon - Fri 8 - 5 888 8th St. Full Service Beauty Salon Rocky M ountain Hairbenders (970) 878-3433 Mon - Fri 8 - 5 Natural Hair, Hand, Foot, and Skin Care Tips To Toes Salon (970) 878-0505 Mon - Fri 9 - 6 Just Teazin' Hair 4? 3) 34 33 35 36 3; 3= 3> 3? 5) Automotive Care and Maintenance (970) 878-3700 Mon - Fri 8 - 5 Full Selection of Retail Auto Parts (970) 878-9855 Mon - Fri 7:30 - 6; Sat 8 - 4 Quality and Competitively Priced Auto Parts M eeker Auto Parts (970) 878-3651 Mon - Fri 7 - 6; Sat 8 - 4 Service, Tire Shop, 24 Hour Towing and Rental Vehicles Northwest Auto (970) 878-5026 Mon - Fri 8 - 6; Sat 8 - 12 Service, Tire Shop, 24 Hour Towing, Flat Bed Wrecker Valley Repair (970) 878-3316 Open 7 Days 8 - 5:30 Jason's Automotive M cGuire Auto Parts 1ST ST ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 2ND ST 3RD ST Automotive Service and Parts 3< Spa and Massage (970) 878-9258 ‚ ‚ 5TH ST 6TH ST 7TH ST Salons and Spas 4> ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Cuppa Joe 4= Meeker's Newest Hotel, Fitness Room, Hot Tub, WiFi (970) 878-0777 Motel, Pet Friendly, Smoking or Non-Smoking, Grills, WiFi Elk M ountain Inn (970) 878-3656 Vacation Rentals in a Historic Home on Town Square Jensen House (970) 878-3432 Historic Hotel est. 1896, World Renouned Deer/Elk Mounts M eeker Hotel (970)878-5255 M eeker Riverbend Full Hookups, pull-through, shade trees and park RV Park (970) 220-2150 910 Water St in Meeker Comfortable, Clean, Gourmet Breakfast, Sitting Room, WiFi Rambullinn Bed & Breakfast (970) 878-5483 789 8th St. (4 blocks north of Park Ave.) Full hookup RV & cabins, among the trees with lovely views Rim Rock Campground (970) 878-4486 3 miles west of Meeker on Hwy 64 Motel and Log Cabins, Pet Friendly, WiFi Rustic Lodge (970) 878-3136 Scenic RV park, pull-through, full 30/50 hookups, showers W ilderness Rendezvous (970) 878-3404 1/2 mile north on Hwy 13, then left on CR 8 Motel, Smoking or Non-Smoking, WiFi W hite River Inn (970) 878-5031 Blue Spruce Inn 54 Kacey's Kloset 53 M eeker Drugs 55 56 5; 5< 5= I M eeker General M ercantile Shepherd's Office Outfitters The Upstairs Gallery W endll's W ondrous Things W yatt's Sports Center Meeker's Top Consignment / Thrift Store (970) 878-0909 Mon - Fri 9 - 5; Sat 10 - 2 Pharmacy and Gifts (970) 878-9988 Mon - Fri 9 - 5:30; Sat 9 - 12 Tack, Clothing, Gifts, Sporting Goods, and Housewares (970) 878-3333 Mon - Fri 8 - 5:30; Sat 8 - 2 Office Supplies, Copy, Fax, Notary, and Money Orders (970) 878-5587 Mon - Fri 8:30 - 5:30, Sat 9 - 2 Paintings, Ceramics, Jewelry and Fine Furniture (970) 878-5164 Wed - Sat 11 - 5:30 A Divine Retail Gift and Home Interior Store (970) 878-3688 Mon - Fri 6 - 6; Sat 7 - 5 Hunting, Fishing, and Camping Gear and Souvenirs (970) 878-4428 Summer Mon - Sat, Fall Mon - Sun Banks with ATM ‚ ‚ 5 4< 64 Shopping 5> 5? First Nat'l Bank of the Rockies M ountain Valley Bank Founded as The First National Bank of Meeker in 1904 (970) 878-5073 M-F 8-5; Drive-up: M-F 7:30-6, S 9-12 A Modern Bank with Old Fashioned Values (970) 878-0103 M-F 9-5; Drive-up: M-F 7:30-5:30, S 9-12 Information ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Chippers ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 3 Deli and Meat Market (970) 878-5085 Mon - Fri 8 - 6; Sat 9 - 3 Meeker’s Newest Bar (970) 878-3661 Coffee, Tea, and Smoothies (970) 878-3688 Mon - Fri 6 - 6; Sat 7 - 5 Upscale, Casual, American Dining with Full Service Bar (970) 878-0900 Family Restaurant Featuring Italian and Continental Cuisine (970) 878-4141 Mon - Sat 11 - 9 Restaurant and Bar Serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (970)878-5255 Mon - Sun 8 - 8 Old Fashioned Soda Fountain (970) 878-9988 Mon - Fri 9 - 5:30; Sat 9 - 12 Homemade Mexican Food with Full Service Bar (970) 878-5535 Mon - Thu 11-9; Fri-Sun 11-10 Full Service Liquor Store With Drive Through (970) 878-5485 Mon - Thu 9 - 9; Fri - Sat 9 - 10 Full Service Grocery Store (970) 878-5868 Mon-Sat 7 - 8; Sun 8 - 6 Gas Station and Convenience Store (970) 878-5353 Open 7 Days 5 -11 4) 5) " d ! 36 " d ! WATER ST Lodging ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ Brothers Processing ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 4 Town Park 13 r s 3; 35 ! " 3) Food and Beverage 3= ; ‚ 8TH ST 9TH ST ST 10TH MARKET ST 4TH ST ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 4< > 6) 55 4 3? 4= b 33 ! " ? 5? ‚ ‚ ‚ 63 SCH OOL ST 5> ‚ 44 5< 4? < 5 5; ‚ 5= ‚ ‚ ‚ 46 56 3 MAIN ST ‚ For a full business directory, visit us on the web at MeekerChamber.com Courthouse ‚ Chamber Members 65 43 = 4; 54 53 ‚ ‚ ‚ 6 ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 34 45 Visit Our Downtown 3> Map by Joy Surveying Co. 970.878.5292 PARK AVE ‚ ‚ Welcome to Meeker! 6) 64 Chamber of Commerce Forest Service and BLM 63 Library 65 Post Office 66 W hite River M useum Visit Us for Area Information (970) 878-5510 Mon - Fri 9 - 5 (970) 878-4039 Mon - Fri 7:45 - 4:30 Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30 - 5:30; Tue, Thu 9:30 - 9; Sat 9:30 - 2 (970) 878-5911 (800) 275-8777 Mon 9 - 12; Tue - Fri 9 - 4:45; Sat 10 - 12 Local History Museum and Book Store, Free Admission (970) 878-9982 7 Days; Summer 9 - 5; Winter 10 - 4