The Voyages of - Gelatinous Dudes


The Voyages of - Gelatinous Dudes
The Voyages of
the Red Spear
Players Handbook
A Freebane Campaign by Orcdoubleax
To honour Akim I will rise above all others.
To spread the word of Akim I will crush my enemies.
To serve Akim I will dedicate my life.
Table of Contents
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….. pg. 5
Background Information
World of Freebane ………………………………..…………….………………………pg. 6
The Live Side
pg. 6
The Soulless Side
pg. 6
The Center
pg. 7
Other Plains
pg. 7
pg. 7
The Dead
pg. 8
The Holy Empire of Zohran …………………………………………………………….pg. 8
History of Zohran
pg. 8
Geography and Population
Major Cities and Location
Gender Roles
The Caste System
o MuKun
o MuRudg
o MuNodx
o MuTonr
o MuSat
o MuTmenx
o MuSxanoz
o MuRubk
o MuZesk
o MuMish
o Grum Zar Akim
o MuQurk
Technology Level
Main Trade Goods
Religion of Akim
Notable People
Rules information
The Pathfinder Rules Set ………………………………………………………………
Modern Character Generation
Racial Starting Hit Dice
Slow Experience Point Progression
General House Rules……………………………………………………………………
No Laptops
Lethal Critical
Death Threshold
Total Class Limit
Restriction on Raise Dead
No Alignments
o Class Requirements
o Smite Class Ability
o Paladins
o Weapon Abilities
o Direct Damage Spells
o Detect Good and Evil
Available Feats
Character Sheets and Experience
Small Dice
Campaign Specific House Rules………………………………………………………….pg.47
Available Races
Available Caste/Classes
Buying and Selling of Magical Items
Restriction on Raise Dead
Level Drag
Monk weapons
Campaign Specific Items and Equipment………………………………………………
The Schooner
New Arms & Equipment
New Magic Items
Appendix One – Kimish Law
Appendix Two – Kitar Law
Appendix Three –Common Zohran Words
The Voyages of the Red Spear is going to be a long running open ended game. As such
I wanted to be very careful about what type of game I created. What I have ended up
with is a game based on two things.
The first is a very unique and alien (to our western perspective) society. Zohran is a
Female controlled, fanatically religious, Caste divided, naval based empire of goblinoids.
It is my goal to as a DM to present the many aspect of this society clearly and
consistently to the players. It is my hope that I will see this reflected back in the actions
and motivations of the players.
The second thing is the closed and unifying environment of a ship. In this case a 120’
three mast top sail schooner. The Red Spear will serve as a micro chasm of Zohran
society and will also allow the crew great flexibility to explore the rest of the vast world of
FreeBane. The part of the Red Spear will be played by the “Kathleen and May”. She can
be seen below with her original sails and on the front page with her standard sails.
There will be a multitude of things different about this
game; from the fact that the party will not be made up of
equals to the elimination of alignments. I have created
this document in order to give the players a sound
understanding of what they are getting into. I tried to
make it as simple and concise as possible. To that end I
have clearly failed. So instead I have added pictures to
make the pages seam not as long.
There is a fair bit of self indulgence in the creation on this game, but I am very conscious
of the fact that the game must be fun for everyone one involved. For those that wish to
board the Red Spear and join the game I say May your efforts serve Akim.
Akim is The Master
Background Information
The world of Freebane does not use the standard D&D cosmology. It is instead a
classical flat world. Both good and evil gods float above the world. Their citadels form
the stars that can be seen in the night sky. Both demons and devils share the underside
of the world. The sky of the underside is filled with dark dead moons. These moons are
the abandon citadels of dead and forgotten gods of times past. The Sun is the citadel of
which ever god is currently most powerful. This is based on the number of worshippers.
The Gods
Mortal Races
The Edge
The Edge
Demons & Devils
Dead & Forgotten Gods
The Live Side
The topside of the world is known as the Live Side. It is the home of all the mortal races.
Freebane is approximately 30,000Km north to south and 10,000Km east to west. There
is a large central continent and a few significant sided islands. The further north you go
the colder it gets. The further south you go the warmer it gets. The central continent is
surrounded on all sides by the great ocean. The great ocean is in turn surrounded by the
edge. The exact nature of the edge is not clear. It has never been possible to get close
enough to it to be able to understand it.
The Soulless Side
The bottom side of the world is known as the Soulless side. It is the home of all manners
of fiends who constantly war an eternal war
among themselves. It also has one large
central continent. A devastated waste land
scared by chaos and war. Pools of random
magic and dangerous chemicals combined
with toxic gas clouds to make it extremely
inhospitable. In the center of this land in an
ancient and massive circular fortress. It
measures 5,000 Km across and is divided
into eleven sections by a massive pentagram.
It is here that the eleven Arch Devils defend
against the horde of demonic forces that
cover the rest of the soulless side.
The Center
Halfway between the Live Side and the Soulless Side is an impenetrable solid sheet of
an undetermined material. It appears at first to be adamantine, but it is much harder and
100% impervious to magic. It is the sole defence of the Live Side against being overrun
by the fiends below.
Other Plains
Because of the nature of Freebane most of what you know about planes from standard
3.5 does not apply. In Freebane you can not travel to other planes. In fact no other
planes exist. This leads to several questions that I hope to answer here.
Ethereal – you can still become ethereal. Ethereal is treated simply a form of being. You
do not actually enter the ethereal plane. In all game mechanical ways it functions exactly
the same.
Shadow plane – There is no shadow plane. Like becoming ethereal you can still enter and
leave shadow form, but it is a form of being not a separate plane of existence.
Elemental plains, positive and negative plains – The elemental plains and the positive and
negative plains are replaced with the 5 natural forces. These are like static electricity and
exist everywhere, but are not planes and can not be travelled too. They are Spirit, Air,
Fire, Water and Earth. Summoning spells still work, but they create a creature instead of
bringing a creature from another plane.
* In the case of a paladin’s mount you can still sent it away with gear and it will return with the
same gear. It is simply created again with exactly what it was last sent away with. The only thing
you could not do this would is an artifact. Any artifact would remain when the mount is dismissed.
Teleportation – still works, but can not be used to
travel between the Live Side and the Soulless
Side or to the floating cities of the gods/dead
Plane Shift – This spell exists and allows you to
travel between the Live Side and the Soulless
Side or to the floating cities of the gods/dead
Astral Projection – Does not exist
Always Serve Akim
The Dead
Dead People – Dead people can go to several different places based on their religion. If
they lived honest lives they can end up living on the citadels of their gods or their souls
can end being reincarnated into newborns. Some evil souls
also end up on the citadels of their god, but dark gods are not
always the most trustworthy.
Unclaimed souls end up in the dark depths of the ocean where
they eventually past into the center and reform on the soulless
side. There they form into the next generation of fiends or
simply become a source of power and amusement for the
existing fiends.
Most undead come from the unclaimed souls. The deep dark of the ocean is not where
you want your soul to end up. Because of the connection between the ocean and death
burial at sea is extremely rare in Freebane. It is generally reserved for a form of
punishment in most societies.
Souls that are tied to forgotten gods die with them and end up on the soulless side.
The Holy Empire of Zohran
Until about 700 years ago the goblinoids of the Zohran islands lived like goblins
anywhere. Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears were always at war with each other and
with the ogres and hill giants who lived in the more mountainous interior of the islands.
There were only a few large cities and mostly just fortified encampments.
This changed with the birth of Rank Nor. In the goblin tongue it means brave warrior.
Rank Nor was a raider who sailed his Kerr (as was the style of hobgoblin ships at the
time) to raid both the Northern and Western coast of the mainland. He found prime
targets among the Northern Kingdoms.
He was inquisitive and quick to learn from his enemies. One thing he envied among the
humans was how much more organized their society was. They were often able to beat
back his raids because they worked together, share information and had central
He desired that strength for himself. He wanted to unite all of the Hobgoblins on Inisca
(the southern most of the four large Islands) into a single powerful nation. He did not
dream of possibly uniting the larger Inixsca let alone all of Zohran, but destiny had a plan
for Rank Nor.
Using his natural military mind and his already significant resources he began a three
year war of conquest on Inisca. By the end of the three years he had all but united the
hobgoblins and goblins of the island under his banner, and he had forced the more
chaotic bugbears, ogres and hill giants back into the inhospitable mountain regions.
There was only the small Hobgoblin stronghold of Black Cove left.
Rank Nor marched on Black Cove with an advantage of twenty to one. He was confident
that the stronghold would quickly surrender and his conquest of Inisca would be
complete. What happen that day was far different then what Rank Nor had expected.
The 5000 Hobgoblins of Black Cove refused to surrender and forced Rank Nor to attack.
It of course was a massacre, but still they would not surrender. The last remains held
out in a temple to some obscure God. For three weeks they held off the might of Rank
Nor’s forces until there was nothing left to defend.
Rank Nor had to see first hand what could make people fight so fanatical. At the end he
went personally to finish the last survivors. What he found was a single Hobgoblin cleric
and 20 Bugbear Berserkers. Surrounded by thousands of his Hobgoblins they still
refused to lay down arms. One by one the tired and starving berserkers attacked Rank
Nor and one by one he cut them down until only the cleric remained.
The cleric he did not kill. The histories of the Goblinoids recorded very clearly what was
said between them that day; for this was the moment that shaped all that was to come.
Rank Nor “Why did so many died here?”
Mahlash “So that you could see the power of faith.”
Rank Nor “how could I have this power?”
Mahlash “You must give up all to the one true god.”
Mahlash taught Rank Nor of the god Akim. Akim is a god of domination and tyranny. His
followers believe that he is the only true god and that the entire world will one day fall
under his control. It will never be known if Rank Nor was a true believer or not, but from
that day on Mahlash never left his side.
The religion of Akim swept across the Inisca and soon the traditional worship of
Maglubiyet falls away. With Mahlash’s help Rank Nor conquered the bugbear tribes and
brought them into the fold. The ogres and hill giants, however, would not be so easily
intergraded. So after only two years of peace the island of Inisca was again plunged into
a bloody war. Unable to get the giants to submit to his will he instead destroyed them.
Within a year the few giants left were ether hiding deep in the mountains or were in
chains as slaves.
After the victory over the giants Rank Nor declared Akim to be the only religion that
would be tolerated on Inisca. With the advantage of a central government Inisca soon
became the dominate force in Zohran. Mahlash was quick to claim that the success of
Inisca was due to their proper and true faith. Rank Nor saw this and fuelled the fire as
much as he could. He built great monuments to Akim and made sure that the young
were taught by Mahlash’s fanatics at a very early age. Soon the population was crying
out for the faith to be spread among the heretics on the other island of Zohran, and Rank
Nor was happy to accommodate them.
This was the beginning of the war of unification. In only 4 years, two less that what it
took to unite Inisca, Rank Nor was seating on the granite throne as the newly crowned
Emperor of Zohran. Mahlash declared himself the first “chosen” leader of the great
church of Akim.
Unification of Inisca 2378 the lost age - 0 age of Akim
The 3 year war united Inisca under Rank Nor
War of unification 3-7 age of Akim
The 4 year war united the entire empire
The cleansing of the giants on Inixsca 12-17 age of Akim
The brutal and costly campaigns finally ended the
threat of the giants on Inixsca. What few giants
survived have never been able to be more then a
nuisance to the empire. The Hobgoblin Kugort killed
the giant king FearTracker [Right] and began his path
to sainthood.
The formation of the Castes 20-50 age of Akim
This was a natural evolvement from the increase
influence of the church.
The official start of the Caste system 52 age of Akim
This made the Caste system law.
Death of Rank Nor 54 age of Akim
Natural causes. His tomb is one of the most visit sites in Zohran.
Formation of the MuQurk 55 age of Akim
After Rank Nor death the few trusted generals that knew the truth of Akim formed the
The development of the Caraval 60-65 age of Akim
These replaced Kerrs and longships as the standard of the empire.
Death of Mahlash 71 age of Akim
His natural passing was helped along by the MuQurk. He was
wallowing in guilt and wanted to allow the secret out. The
MuQurk could not allow this. No one outside the MuQurk
knows of this.
The three year voyage of the Micar 91-94 age of Akim
The voyage of the Micar was the first great voyage in the
history of the empire. They not only successfully navigate the eastern ocean, but
traveled as far as the keali-dei (Seven Stars) empire. It also was the first ship to bring
foreign born slaves to Zohran
Formation of the Grum Zar Akim 150 age of Akim
Bugbears who worship the saint Krod started to become a problem in the cities of
Zohran. The formation of the Grum Zar Akim was the church way of containing the
problem, and also gave them a powerful force loyal to them as opposed to the empire.
The slaying of Terrorfang 242 age of Akim
The ancient wrym red dragon
Terrorfang [Right] had spent
countless centuries on the
northern Pack Ice hunting and
killing white dragons for some
wrong he suffered at the claws of
their kind. When he at last grew
bore, or could find no more prey
he ended up coming to Zohran.
His presence was devastating to
the Island of Inrasca. The
emperor knew action had to be
taken but he could sent a 1000
goblinoids against Terrorfang
and they would be unable slay
the mighty beast. He instead put
the task to the MiaHar (goblin
sappers). The full story of how
the MiaHar achieved this goal is
to be told elsewhere.
The invention of the Sexton 305 age of Akim
This invention allowed for far better navigation far from land than
was possible before.
The invention of the compass 313 age of Akim
This combined with the sexton allowed navigation reach a new
height of precision.
The use of coal replaces wood 320-350 age of Akim
This gradual change lowered the demand of Zohran forest by 80%
The conquest of Steadwick 365 age of Akim
Nearly three quarters of the kingdom of Steadwick was seized during this conflict.
Zohran occupied the kingdom until 373 when they were defeated by a combined army of
Deverriy, Kerr, Rosenberry, Gallos and Steadwick.
The unsuccessful Curn assassination of the Queen 460 age of Akim
The Curn family tried to seize the throne by assassinating the queen, who had yet to
produce a female child. The attempt coup left the capital in blood. The Curn family was
killed and all their lands, slaves and possessions went to the queen. This solidified the
Nor families place at the top of empire.
The development the schooner 500-530 age of Akim
The schooner is the best and fastest ship in the world. They are never sold outside the
Empire on pain of death.
The voyages of the Bradir “black
sword” 601-610 age of Akim
The Bradir made three
hugely successful and
famous voyages where they
traveled far and wide. They
returned with many exotic
items and stories on the first
two voyages. They raided as
far as the empire of the five
gods and found ancient lands
filled with snake people and
giant reptiles and many other
strange sights. The Bradir
didn’t return however from
her third voyage. No word of
her appeared until 645 when
the Nugmar spotted a low
black schooner near the dangerous coast of Kussano that could have been the Bradir.
As they approached closer they soon realized that the ship was now crewed, by the
undead. The fled quickly and only barely managed to out run the sleek Bradir.
NOTE: What exactly happen to the Bradir is uncertain. She is a sleek black low sided
three mast top sail Schooner. When she disappeared she carried 30 goblin sailors, 10
Hobgoblin officers, 2 hobgoblin navigators, a goblin warmage, a hobgoblin cleric, and 2
full squads of MeaRusk bugbear rangers (30 bugbears in all).
The building of the flagship DirTunekm 660-663 age
of Akim
This seven mast schooner is the pride of the
Zohran navy. What is unknown to all but a
select few is that her massive haul is made of
metal not wood. It has a thin outer coating of
wood for appearance only.
The current Emperor takes the throne 685 age of
Tor Mangz is current emperor and first mate to the queen. He was chosen after proving
himself as a military officer.
Geography/ Population
Zohran is located in the northern sea 1500 km northeast of Steadwick. There are four
Islands and 12 minor ones. It covers a large area of Approximately 600km by 900 km or
540,000 square km, but the actual island land base is about half of that. 95% of the
population lives within 25 km of the coastline. The climate is a northern temperate with
harsh winters and cool summers. It would be most similar to Labrador
The total population is 750,000 free goblinoids with an equal number of slaves. .
Note: The large population is partially due to the
high birth rates among Goblinoids.
Population (Races) - 35% goblin; 25%hobgoblin;
15%Bugbear; 25%various
Slaves make up a massive 50% of the total
population of Zohran.
The breakdown of slaves is
50% Various (100% of total various population)
30% Goblins (43% of total goblins population)
15% Hobgoblins (30% of total hobgoblins
5% Bugbears (17% of total bugbear population)
Breakdown of Free population by Caste (total 50% of population)
MuKun (Those that work)
10% free 5% total
MuRudg (Those that fight)
36% free 18% total
MuNodx (Those that sail)
10% free 5% total
MuTonr (Those that build)
6% free 3% total
MuSat (Those that serve)
10% free 5% total
MuTmenx (Those that craft ships)
4% free 2% total
MuSxanos (Those that follow the stars)
1% free .5% total
MuRubk (Those that own)
10% free 5% total
MuZesk (Those that cast)
.5% free .25% total
MuMish (Those that pray)
10% free 5% total
Grum Zar Akim (The sins of god)
2% free 1% total
.5% free .25% total
MuQurk (Those that guard)
approx: 75,000
approx: 270,000
approx: 75,000
approx: 45,000
approx: 75,000
approx: 30,000
approx: 7,500
approx: 75,000
approx: 3,750
approx: 75,000
approx: 15,000
approx: 3,750
These numbers included both Mu and Ru. Percentages vary by caste.
Rome had 11% of the free population in the standing army so the 36% MuRudg is very high.
The MuKun, MuSat and MuTonr are lower then could be expected because of the amount of work
done by slaves.
Because of the smaller crews needed for schooners the 75,000 MuNodx represent nearly 2000 ships.
The high number of MuRubk is a function of the success of the empire and the number of slaves
Major Cities and locations
The four major islands are:
Inisca - The southernmost island and home to the capital and the Grand temple
Inixsca – The largest of the four Inixsca has most of the cultivated farmland and heavy
stand timber of the empire. Its interior mountainous region also has most of the still wild
lands of the empire.
Inrasca – The Western island is less populated than Inisca and Inixsca, but still has a
significant population. It is home of the largest of the Grum Zar Akim abbey plus three
other smaller ones. Inrasca has the highest percentage of Bugbears. They make up over
30% of the population of the island.
Inzusca – The barren northern island is hardly fit for habitation,
but it is home of a major strategic resource for the empire. The
island is rich in the coal that the empire burns in it homes and
forges instead of wood. These brutally cold coal mines are a
death sentence to the slaves that work them. Because wood is
scarce on Inzusca the bones of the dead slaves often form the
supports within the mines.
The five most important cities:
Stonewall (Inisca) - 200,000 people live in Stonewall including slaves. Like most Zohran
cities it a port city that is partly above and partly below ground. Stonewall is the capital of
empire and home to many of the most important families. It is also the power center for
the church.
Southern Passage (Inisca) – The
southernmost major port in Zohran.
150,000 including slaves.
Bay of Crows (Inixsca) [right] – The largest
city in Zohran and the most important
trade center. On the western coast of
the large island it has a population of
250,000 including slaves.
Rivers End (Inixsca) – City of 150,000 on
the north coast of Inixsca. Center of
shipbuilding in the empire.
The Brown Waters (Inrasca) – Largest city
on Inrasca. 150,000 live in this port city.
On the east coast of the western island.
Areas of Note
Black Cove – Site of the final battle in the unification of Inisca, and where Rank Nor and
Mahlash first meet. The entire area is forbidden as a sacred shrine.
The Granite Throne – The seat of power of the emperor. It is a fortress more then a palace
and is cut into the side of a mountain over looking the capital. Designed to hold off
assaults from every angle and heavily staffed with troops.
The Cathedral of Truth – A Jewelled and gold inlayed structure that seams so out of place
in the grim stone buildings of Stonewall. The Cathedral is home to the current chosen
and center of the church’s power.
The Grand Abby of Fury – The largest abbey of the Grum Zar Akim. Nearly 3000 bugbear
fanatics live at this abbey. Located on the island of Inrasca it is one of 10 such abbeys
and the unofficial head of the movement.
The academy of arcane might (Below) – located on an unnamed island halfway between the
cities of Bay of Crows and Brown Waters. It is the center for all magical training in the
The Monastery of justice - Located deep below the palace of the Granite Throne. This is the
power center for the MuQurk.
All Things in Place
Gender Roles
Zohran society is divided into two very different roles. The Mu or path of males and the
Ru or path of females. The path of the males will be described in more detail below in
the Caste section. The path of the Ru is to take care of the home and children. Females
can choose to forgo this life. Young females live as do the males. They do the duties
presented to them as per their caste. At a certain point they come to the age of choice.
This is generally at full adulthood, but sometimes sooner if her mother is arranging future
possible mates. They can then choose one of two paths they can continue to live as do
the males or take up the path of the Ru. Males have no such choice
Females who choose the path of males are then considered male in all regards from that
point on. Fully 50% of females chose the path of Mu.
If they chose the path of Ru they then become heirs to their mother’s lands and
positions. (Please note that ownership of real property is only possible by RuRubk.
In the lower caste Ru’s can acquire wealth, but not land, businesses, slaves or
ships) How much they will inherit depends on how many sisters she has and where in
the order she stands. With the high birth rates of goblinoids she many have as many as
twenty sisters. One of the most common reasons for a female to choose the path of the
Mu is that she is low ranking among her sisters. All ownership and titles are
controlled by females. Everything is passed from mother to daughter. Once a she
chooses a mate she also owns everything that he has acquired such as ships and
wealth. Males have the right to refuse an offer to become a mate, but they must wait for
one to be made.
Ru may have up to three mates. It is not uncommon for one of two or even all three of
them to be chosen purely because they are successful and will add to her wealth. A Ru
will choose a female that has taken the path of Mu just as likely as a male if it is
profitable to do so. Ru must of course choose their mates from within their own Caste.
The only exception is the MuZesk. Ru from any caste may choose a MuZesk as second
or third mate.
Mu can never truly own anything. An unmated Mu may have possessions, but he does
not own them. There is no recourse for an unmated Mu who has items stolen from him.
If however items are stolen from a mated Mu then they have stolen from his Ru and by
both Kimish and Kitar law compensation is required.
An important note here is that it is the queen’s eldest daughter who chooses the way of
Ru that inherits the throne of Zohran and she decides who will be emperor by her choice
of a mate. If choose a second mate he will be emperor if the first mate dies.
“The males must take care of Zohran and rule it, but it is us that own it for it is from our
wombs that all things come.” A hobgoblin mother speaking to her young daughters
In cases of illegitimate children they always belong to the caste of their mother
irregardless of who their father is.
If a female who have chosen the way of the Mu bears a child it is taken away and sold
into slavery. If she is unmated the money goes to the government.
The Castes
Caste 1: MuKun – (Goblins/Hobgoblins/Bugbears)
Translation: “those that work”
MuKun do many of the same menial jobs as slaves but are paid for them. They are often
hired for short term work where it does not make sense to buy new slaves. For instance
a farm owner might hire MuKun to supplement his slaves during harvest. If he bought
extra slaves for this he would have little or no use
for them after the harvest is completed.
MuKun are the lowest caste in society, but enjoy a
higher level of freedom then the other caste. They
move around the empire following work and have a
variety of jobs open to them. It is however a
marginal living and they can end up with long
periods without work. In some ways it is worst then
being a slave because no one is obligated to feed
Besides being born as a MuKun there are several
ways to end up at this position in society.
Goblinoids of any strip that were granted freedom
from slavery for any reason become MuKun. Also
orphans who are not taken in by other family will
often end up as MuKun or they may also be sold
into slavery. You also end up here if you are kicked
out of your former caste for some indiscretion.
It is possible to leave the MuKun caste to become ether a solider or a sailor. Because of
the naturally high fatality rate among soldiers and sailors these caste often have to
reinforce themselves from the MuKun. This generally happens just at the start of the
winter fishing season for sailors and in the spring for soldiers. In either case they start at
the lowest positions on their new caste.
Never Question
Caste 2: MuRudg – (Goblins/Hobgoblins/Bugbears)
Translation “those that fight”
MuRudg are the solider caste of the empire. There are actually many sub groups within
this caste. Solider can move between the different sub groups as their skill change or
become necessary elsewhere. Solider can rise in the ranks to the level of Master Sgt.,
but can not become officers.
The Empire
does not
between land
based and
sea based
troops. All
soldiers are
trained to fight
from ships as
well as on
land. They all
learn to swim
and climb.
The army also
get additional
support from the MuZesk (those that cast) and the MuMish (those that pray).
The majority of the Zohran Military is made up of the MuRudg, but the MuRudg does
more than just fight for the empire. They also hire out to private MuRubk as guards,
pirates, mercenaries or what ever is needed.
The emperor has the ability to mobilize all the MuRudg, but the crown only has to pay
the ones currently on duty for the government. This allows Zohran to train and have far
more fighting men available that would otherwise be possible.
This also means that a large proportion of the MuRudg has actually combat experience.
Most kingdoms when they fully mobilize have a core of veterans and a mass of
untrained rabble. When Zohran calls the MuRudg they get Goblin warriors that have
made their living by the blade.
If a “trading” ship is expecting that there will be danger on a voyage they will usually hire
a squad or eight of the MuRudg to accompany the ship. The nature of the voyage and
the coin purse of the MuRubk usually determine who they hire. Every ship also must by
law have at least one MuZesk and MuMish aboard
There is also plenty of work for the MuRudg to be found within the empire. Mines need
protection from wild ogres and giants in the mountains. Slavers also have work in the
transportation and guarding of slaves. Merchants need guards to protect against their
competitors or spies to infiltrate them.
Sometimes when MuRudg work within the empire they will come into conflict with their
own counterparts. This is acceptable and expected. If outside the empire two groups
came into conflict they will not fight. They will work out a compromise and show a united
front for the empire. All MuRudg know that if they fight each other and in doing so show
any division to the world outside the empire they would never be able to return home.
The list below is the types of troops in the MuRudg
MiaTok “Goblin Fighters” – (Goblins) [Left] MiaTok
are goblin foot soldiers. They are the most basic
rank and file soldiers and often used for guard duty
and other low priority duties.
• MiaTrok “Goblin Elite” – (Goblins) MiaTrok are the
veterans of the MiaTok. Since they have proven
themselves they are better equipped and trained.
• MiaDak “Goblin Scouts” – (Goblins) MiaDak are the
goblin spies, scouts and espionage experts. The
empire trains a lot of these as they have proven
very useful.
• MiaHar “Goblin Sappers” – (Goblins) MiaHar are
specialty troops trained in undermining enemy
fortifications, or building their own battlefield fortification and defences.
MiaNaruz “Worg Riders” – (Goblins) Zohran does not keep as many Worg riders
as would be expected. This is a reflection on their heritage of being a naval
MoaTok “Hobgoblin Fighters” – (Hobgoblins) Since
the beginning of the empire the MoaTok have been
the back bone of the army.
MoaTrok “Hobgoblin Elite” – (Hobgoblins) [Right]
The cream of the crop in the army. The MoaTrok
represent the most disciplined of Zohran troops.
MoaXadn “Hobgoblin Archers” – (Hobgoblins) Most
of Zohran troops carry range weapons, but the
MoaXadn are the specialized archer. They favour
composite longbows and are train to shot multiple
arrows in rapid succession.
MoaGuzr “Hobgoblin Artillery” – (Hobgoblins) The
MoaGuzr are train in the use of most heavy,
medium and light siege weapons. They favour Ballista because of how well they
adapt to ship board use.
MoaNemk “Hobgoblin Pikemen” – (Hobgoblins) Zohran actually have relatively
few pikemen. Since they have little naval use and Zohran has not had much
opportunity to fight many mounted foes. The Emperor will not allow the
MoaNemk to disappear completely in case Zohran is ever invaded.
MeaTok “Bugbear Fighters” –
(Bugbears) [Right] MeaTok are
Zohran’s shock troops. They are one
of Zohran best weapons to demoralize
an enemy.
MeaTrok “Bugbear Elite” – (Bugbears)
MeaTrok are the veterans of the
MeaTok. Despite small numbers they
can devastate enemy positions.
MeaRusk “Bugbear Rangers” –
(Bugbears) The MeaRusk are trained
to be self sufficient. These versatile
warriors can operate alone or in small
groups for weeks or months with
support. They are idea for seek and
destroy missions and operations
behind enemy lines.
MeaNu “Bugbear Fist” – (Bugbears)
The disciplined fist is a small group of
bugbears that have turn away from
their chaotic nature. These disciplined warriors make excellent bodyguards.
Caste 3: MuNodx – (Goblins)
Translation “those that sail”
The MuNodx represent the skilled seaman of Zohran's navy and private ships. They
work all jobs on the ships except command and navigation positions. Goblins are
naturally suited for lift on ship their small size and
high dexterity make them very agile on deck. With
their natural darkvision Zohran ships sail 24 hours a
In the fall after harvest the MuNodx determine if they
need additional sailors. If they do the RuNodx of
each town and village gather and determine who
among the MuKun will be chosen. They usually
choose unmated MuKun, but very rarely they choose
MuKun that are already mated. In these cases the
RuKun, her mates and her children all become Nodx.
Of course only goblins are chosen from the Kun.
Caste 4: MuTonr – (Goblins/Hobgoblins/Bugbears)
Translation “those that build”
MuTonr are the craftspeople of the Zohran
Empire. Each Particular craft has it own
sub-caste. If necessary, children from one
craft can be trained to do another so that
the availability of craftsman always meets
the demand. This is always done at an early
Much of the actual work is done by slaves
under the watchful eye of MuTonr.
Despite being goblinoids the MuTonr are
highly skill craftsman. They dedicate their
entire lives to the perfection of their craft. It
is commonly said that a MuTonr can be born in a workshop, spent his entire life there
and died in the same one without ever knowing that there was anything on the other side
of the door. This is an exaggeration, but it is not uncommon for MuTonr to sleep in their
workshops for weeks at a time.
A MuTonr life is judged by his single greatest masterpiece.
Example Crafts by race
Goblins – Brewing, Narcotics, Alchemy, Tanning, Cobbler, Tailor, Carpentry
Hobgoblins – Metal Smiting, Weapon/Armour smiting, Gem cutting
Bugbears – Stonework, Carpentry
Caste 5: MuSat (Goblins/ Hobgoblins)
Translation “those that serve”
MuSat are the skill non-craft trades of the Zohran Empire. This
Caste includes everything from butlers & cooks to scribes and
accountants. Each Particular trade has it own sub-caste. As
with the MuTonr children can be move between them as
necessary. Normally MuSat oversee slaves or MuKun that do
the actual work.
MuSat can sometimes rise to very powerful positions. A MuSat
could run a household of hundreds or be the chief advisor to a
Example of trades by race
Goblins – Cooks, Cleaners, Carters, Grooms, Drovers, Drivers
Hobgoblins – Scribes, Butlers, Clerks, Civil Servants
Caste 6: MuTmenx (Hobgoblins)
Translation “those that craft ships”
Shipbuilding in Zohran is considered an art form. The empire is very dedicated to
maintaining it superiority in marine technology. The MuTmenx are the most important
aspect of this.
The MuTmenx constantly refine and develop improvements in ship design. Shipbuilding
in Zohran is literally hundreds of years ahead
of any where else in Freebane.
But this is not enough the research of the
MuTmenx never stops.
They are so protective of the technology that
no slaves are used in the construction of
ships. All Shipbuilding is done in one of three
yards. They are heavily guarded and highly
restricted areas. The most important is
located at the city of River’s End.
Caste 7: MuSxanoz (Hobgoblins)
Translation “those that follow the stars”
MuSxanoz are the very secretive Navigators of the Zohran Empire. They have
developed many technological advances that they would never share with outsiders.
They have developed both the magnetic compass and the astrolabe. They have a
massive collection of maps and charts. Including what is known as the Master Chart.
The exact details of the Master Chart can not be
shared here as it is a MuSxanoz secret that is not
shared with anyone.
Every Zohran ship even if it is just a fishing vessel
has a MuSxanoz on it. They are an expensive, but
necessary crew member. Larger vessels or one on
long voyage always have at least one assistant that
could take over if the MuSxanoz dies
Caste 8: MuRubk (Hobgoblins)
Translation “those that own”
The MuRubk are the ruling class of Zohran. They, or more accurately the RuRubk, own
the ships, business, lands, farms, and mines of Zohran. There is no division in the
MuRubk clan so anyone could rise to importance if they are successful.
Because they do not inherit the wealth of their parents MuRubk are not born wealthy and
many must earn a living. They have many very good careers to choose from in order to
become successful. They make up all the officers in the military and aboard ships. They
also fill all the important government positions.
The goal of any MuRubk is to prove himself so that he will be chosen by a wealthy
RuRubk and thus move up in society. A successful RuRubk can do quite well for
himself, but to truly gain real
wealth and power he must mate
A MuRubk has a second reason to
try to attract the offer of a RuRubk.
Until he is mate a RuRubk is
vulnerable to assassination or
robbery. It is not until he is mated
and his possessions are under the
ownership of a RuRubk are
protected by Kitar and Kimish
It is not only wealth that attracts
mating offers, but also fame and
daring. A MuRubk can gain a fortune with fishing ships or farms. This will secure him a
decent second or third mate position, but if you truly want a prestige first mate offer you
have to do more then just be rich.
This is one of the reasons that Zohran has such a tradition of trading and piracy. Many
MuRubk see the trade routes as a path to success. First on ship own by others and then
hopefully on their own vessels.
Not all Rubk families are successful and sometimes they decline over several
generations. If a Rubk family can not afford to pay their bills they lose their caste
standing. Anything they own is sold and then their children are sold as slaves to pay
their debt. If this covers their debt the parents become Kun if not they are also sold as
Many MuRubk fail into bankruptcy before they ever gain a decent mating offer. This
creates a natural limitation to the size of the ruling caste. Many others are killed by rivals
to increase their own chances at a favourable mating.
MuZesk (goblins/hobgoblins)
Translation (Those that Cast)
Zohran does not have the magic users that other kingdoms
have, but what they do have is a strict academy that turns
out casters that are more ready for battle then they are for
research. Most goblinoids that study at the academy actually
become warmages. The best pupils stay at the academy to
eventually become the teachers of the next wave of
The Zohran magical school has such a strict focus on
practical battle magic that truly gifted students often fell
confined. Here more that anywhere else in Zohran
individuals have tried to flee the empire. Most want too study
more advanced magic abroad. The emperor has decreed
these renegade mages be killed on sight.
Females of any caste can choose a mage as a second or third mate. They can not
however be a first mate. Mages represent a great stable source of income for any Ru.
MuMish (goblins/hobgoblins/Bugbears)
Translation (Those that Pray)
The MuMish are the official members of the Church of Akim. The Church is extremely
powerful in Zohran and will be explained in more detail elsewhere.
Besides cleric and Acolytes the church also has the MuManish “those that teach”. The
MuManish are responsible for teaching the children
of Zohran to make sure that they are firmly rooted in
Kimish law and practice. It is the MuManish that
choose children that will become new members of
the church.
Both male and female members of the MuMish
undergo surgical castration at puberty. The church
itself retains ownership of all property of the MuMish.
All members of the MuMish are loyal to the chosen
first the emperor second.
No Exceptions to the
Law of Akim
Grum Zar Akim (Bugbears)
Loose Translation (The sins of God)
This group of fanatical bezerkers is 100% loyal to the church. They live apart from
society in isolated abbeys until needed. By there doctrine they are the fury of god and
represent darkness and chaos. They are believed to rejoice in vile and self-indulgent
acts. They indulge
heavily in drink and
narcotics. Slaves are
delivered to the abbeys,
but it is unknown what
happens to them.
Many of the Kimish and
Kitar laws do not apply to
the Grum Zar Akim. As
long as they do not
attack the general free
public they are free to do
as they like.
When the church calls
for them they are fierce
and devastating force.
They have no fear of death and seam unable to feel pain. (This is partly because of
narcotics used before battle) They are both feared and revered among population of
The Grum Zar Akim’s patent saint is Krod. Krod was on of the bugbears that stood
between Rank Nor and Mahlash. It is the belief among the Grum Zar Akim that anyone
of the bezerkers there could have defeated Rank Nor, but they die on purpose to serve
the glory of Akim. This belief is generally not known to those outside the cult.
The Emperor would love nothing more than to see these fanatics gone. However, The
Grum Zar Akim is a significant enough force that it would be very costly for the emperor
to remove them. Also their status as religious symbols would cause huge divisions in the
empire if he moved against them.
The Grum Zar Akim will randomly visit communities and take the strongest of the
Bugbear children to be new members. They only ever choose males, and may choose
from any Caste. Many Bugbear Ru consider it a great honour to have their offspring
MuQurk (hobgoblins)
Translation (Those that Guard)
The MuQurk are emperor personal force of imperial guard and agents. They protect the
royal family and act as sort of a counter point to the Grum Zar Akim.
This military order of monks is guardians of the biggest secret in Zohran. Only those
deepest within their order know that Akim is a lie. The original Mahlash died at the battle
of Black Cove. The person that posed as him for the years following was an impostor.
The entire religion was created by Rank Nor as a way to unite and control the empire.
They have Rank Nor actual logs where he talks openly about
creating the religion. There are even many variation of Akim in
there that he decides against.
In an empire that is so set in religious belief this information is
very dangerous. If it was to ever become public knowledge it
could likely destroy the empire. They will protect this information
at all cost. Not even the current emperor knows of this.
They can not destroy it however. If the church and the Grum Zar Akim ever try to move
against the empire the logs could turn out to be a devastating weapon.
The MuQurk are chosen from the young MuRubk. They chose the MuRubk because
they are less controlled by the church then any other caste. They are trained in solitude
from an early age and only learn of the monk’s secret knowledge after they have proven
their loyalty. Many MuQurk are never told the complete truth.
Technology Level
Most of the technology of Zohran is standard expect for three exceptions.
The schooner:
Zohran developed and perfected the
schooner. They come in variations from
two to four masts, but most Zohran
schooners are nimble three mast
schooners of about 200 tons. The
Flagship of the Zohran navy is the seven
masts 5000 ton DirTunekm “sword of the
holy empire”. What is unknown to all but
a select few is that her massive haul is made of metal not wood. It has a thin outer
coating of wood for appearance only.
Schooners have a shallow draft and low narrow hull. They are not able to carry as much
as square rigged ship of the same length, but are much faster and more agile. Schooner
also require less crew to operate and can tack far closer to the wind. They are extremely
sea worthy and right at home in the rough northern waters
of Zohran.
The Zohran schooner represents the most advanced
sailing ship in the world. They are large enough to carry a
full raiding party of goblinoids, but fast enough to out run
enemies that they do not want to face.
Schooners are far more advanced sailing ships that are
typically found in a D&D world. They are faster, more sea
worthy and better able to handle long voyages. Schooners
appeared in the real world in 17th century, but most of the
development was during the 19th century in Quebec, the
Atlantic Provinces of Canada and New England. Schooners were used up to the
introduction of the steam engine.
By comparison the most advance ship normally found
elsewhere in the world is the Carrack [right]. These
large long range vessels may have helped explore the
world in the 15th and 16th century, but they are slower,
less seaworthy and nowhere near as versatile as the
Zohran schooner. The only advantage that they have is
they are generally larger in size. Carracks have been
as large as 1600 tons, but generally were between 800
and 1000.
Statistics for schooners can be found on pg.54
They have developed both the magnetic compass and the astrolabe. They have a
massive collection of maps and charts. These developments allow Zohran ships to be at
sea for months at a time.
Compass on Freebane do not point north, but they
do always point in a set direction that allows them to
be used for navigation. Instead of pointing towards
Magnetic north they point towards a point in the
reaches area of the kingdom of Hamour. The
MuSxanoz refer to this point as Null point.
Magnetic compasses were the most important
development in marine navigation history. They
began to see use in Europe in the 12th century AD.
Without the compass long voyage navigation was
almost impossible.
Not really a technological development, but certainly outside the norm. Because of the
demand for lumber, by ship building and other industries, Zohran has turn away from
using wood as the primary form of fuel. Coal is mined on the northern island of Inzusca
and used through out the empire. Burning coal creates a lot more soot and pollution then
burning wood. This makes the cities of Zohran dirty and smog filled. Coal also burns
hotter then wood and this means most homes would have metal stoves as opposed to
stone fireplaces.
Smog from the use of coal during the 1800’s in London caused the deaths of hundreds
of people. On hot humid days the smoke could not rise and would become trapped over
the city. This problem occurs in all the major cities of Zohran. Luckily for the goblinoids
Zohran’s cold climate negates this to some extent.
Sacrifice of Yourself to Akim
Main Trade goods
Grain – Despite the agriculture on Inixsca Zohran does not produce enough grain. Grain
generally comes from the Northern Kingdoms and Bane Lands. Despite it mundane
nature this is an extremely important import for Zohran.
Citrus, tropical and sub-tropical Food stuffs – Items that can not be grown in Zohran i.e. –
lemon, oranges, limes, sugar cane, olives, olive oil, wine, figs etc These items are
expensive because of their exotic nature. Many have to come 15,000 Km or more.
Textiles – Notably cotton materials and sail canvas.
Narcotics – Zohran both imports and exports a significant amount of Narcotics. Most
Narcotics imported will find it way to other lands. Narcotics are the largest gold value
trade item for Zohran.
Slaves – Zohran both imports and exports slaves. Currently there is a net importation of
slaves at a margin of 4-1. Slaves are an annoying cargo. They take up a lot of room and
can’t be stored in normal extra-dimensional space.
Miscellaneous exotic goods – Items from the far corners of
the world always hold some interest for the wealthy of
Zohran. i.e. -spices, jade, art objects, silk etc Expensive
Exotic item make great gifts for Mu trying to gain a
marriage proposal.
Narcotics – The narcotics exported consists of both
domestically produced and imported. Narcotics are the
largest gold value trade item for Zohran. Beside those
imported or partial imported the following are
domestically produced for export.
Slaves – Zohran both imports and exports slaves. Currently there is a net importation of
slaves at a margin of 4-1.
Fish – Zohran exports it excess fish. It is usually exported salted. The primary types are
cod, turbot, salmon and halibut.
Seal pelts – Taken from the ice flows in the spring refined seal pelts can be a very
profitable business. It is also extremely dangerous with the shifting ice an uncertain
Whale Oil – Whale oil can be used in lamps but is generally used as an additive in the
production of other items. Whaling is a dangerous occupation and requires a lot of hard
Politics/GovernmentThe Rulership of Zohran is divided between the Emperor and the Church. In the early
days of the empire the Emperor held a lot of sway and could direct the church. Over the
years the ability for the emperor to influence the church as all but disappeared. Now it is
a balancing act between the goals of the emperor and the goals of the church.
The Emperor has control over military matters, foreign relations, and economic matters.
The Church has control over social and moral issues. Both the Emperor and the Church
have a large number of administrators and civil servants.
Below the emperor there are appointed positions of administrators.
The nine chief administrators each manage the rulership of a caste.
There are three exceptions. The MuMish handle their affairs and
those of the Grum Zar Akim. They answer to the chosen. The
MuQurk answer to the emperor directly. All the other caste answer
to the office of their chief administrator.
The chief administrator can in turn appoint as many additional administrators as they
need. All Administrators are appointed from the MuRubk. These appointments are very
political in nature. An Appointment as an administrator is a huge feather in the hat of
any MuRubk and can raise the fortunes of a family for generations to come.
Despite the fact that all the administrators are MuRubk much of the actual rulership is
done by the MuSat who are the majority of the civil servants who work for the
administrators. The rest of the civil servant jobs are held by slaves. In a society where
slaves are on the lowest social rung it is a strange irony that some hold position of great
The other very important government position that a MuRubk can be appointed too is
that of a Magistrate. Magistrates oversee the enforcement of Kitar law. Magistrates use
members of the MuRudg to enforce Kitar law. They employ as many as they need at any
given time including a lot of MiaDak that investigate crime.
Alliances- Zohran has a shaky peace treaty with upper and lower Crawdor. It has no other
official treaties or alliances.
It does trade with most empires in it sphere of influence. Often however this trade is with
more seedy elements of the society. The shallow draft of Zohran schooner allows for
meetings in small isolated coves and river openings
Known Enemies- Zohran has had several wars with Steadwick and the other Northern
Because Zohran ships also raid for slaves along the shore of Trinval they are hated by
the clans of the harsh lands and generally attacked on sight.
Zohran ships have travel along the far eastern shore of Freebane's main continent and
have come in conflict with the elves and aquatic elves of the Sapphire forest.
Akim is the god of Zohran. Worship of Akim is the only religion that is allowed within the
empire. Cleric of Zohran may chose from the domains Destruction, Nobility, Water,
Weather, and War. The church of Akim is now 700 years old and its history is the
history of the empire. No other religious belief has
been tolerated for 5 centuries.
The church of Akim is led by the Chosen from the
Cathedral of the Truth. He is the spiritual leader of
Zohran and his word is treated as divine. The
chosen has the ability to add to or alter Kimish law.
Followers of Akim believe that there is a place for
all things and all things must be in their place. He
is a strict god of control and order. His followers
must live by the nine tenements and the Kimish law
that is derived from them.
The MuManish begin to install the nine tenements
in to the youth of Zohran as young 2 years old. The lessons of the church become as
well know to the goblinoids of Zohran as their own names. This strict religion education
helps to reinforce the caste system and keeps the population under control. This benefits
not only the church, but the emperor also. The populace of Zohran is easily controlled
and directed.
The grand inquisitor is tasked with enforcing the tenements and the derivate laws. He
has a virtual army of enforcers that can be found everywhere in the empire including on
every ship. These enforcers have full leeway in judging violations of Kimish law. They
also determine and deliver the punishment with the full authorization of the church. The
true enforcers of Kimish law however are the general population of Zohran. There own
fanatical belief will not abide by any infraction among their friends or neighbours.
All Are Fighters for Akim
The saints of Akim:
There are nine saints in the Akim church and many followers worship a saint as their
path to Akim. Non-Goblinoids must worship a Saint as they are deemed unworthy of
worshiping Akim directly.
Rank Nor –Champion of Akim -Rank Nor is the founder of Zohran and by far the most
popular saint. He is almost universally revered by the MuRubk, but is also widely popular
among all the caste especially the MuRudg who see him as the ultimate military leader.
Rank Nor is a popular saint among those who want to honour the power of the empire.
Mahlash –Prophet of Akim- The church recognizes Mahlash as the most important of the
nine saints, but have never been able make him more popular then Rank Nor. Mahlash
is the saint worshipped by the strictest of the Akim followers.
Liatra “RuaAkim” –Mother of GodLiatra [left] is a saint of the church,
but no-one other then the church’s
very inner circle know why. All that
is known about LiaTra is that she
was some sort of witch and was
one of the first Ru in Zohran to
have multiple mates. She was
considered quite ugly by hobgoblin standards. She didn’t even have facial hair and her
fangs were tiny. Liatra is saint of choice of the AkimZest sub-caste of the MuMish.
Isiea Nor – Mother of the empire- Isiea Nor created quite a shock when she choose to mate
with a young privateer with little reputation. Her wealth started Rank Nor on the path that
would lead to the foundation of the empire. Isiea often said that she knew he was
destined for greatness. Isiea is a very popular saint among the Ru of all caste.
Krod – The First Martyr- Krod is second only to Akim in the eyes of the Grum Zar Akim.
They believe that this bugbear was the greatest warrior that ever lived. They also believe
that he and his followers laid down their lives on purpose at Black Cove to prove the
power of Faith to Rank Nor. He is not followed much outside of the Grum Zar Akim.
Kugort –Killer of Fear Tracker- [Right]
This great warrior was a loyal
servant to Rank Nor and killed many
of the leaders most dangerous foes
including Fear Tracker. Kugort is
also part of the reason that The
MuRudg can not rise to become
officers. Every time Rank Nor tried
to promote Kugort he refused. He
was a fighter and he knew his place
was on the battle field. Kugort is a
popular Saint among all who have to
take up weapons.
Jrud-Pgar –Mother of slavery- The first foreign born slave came to Zohran on the Micar-Tar,
but it was the ships of Jrud-Pgar that truly revolutionized slavery in the empire. Slavery
has always existed in Zohran, but the supply of slaves was limited to those born in
slavery or people that couldn’t pay their debts. Jrud-Pgar was in desperate need of
slaves for her iron mines. When the Micar-Tar returned with foreign slaves her prayers
were answered. She immediately mandated her 1st and 2nd mates with the duty to gather
as many foreign slaves as possible forever changing the economy and society of the
Empire. Jrud-Pgar is a generally worshiped by the more ambitious Ru who her success
as an example to try to emulate.
Mar-Jrad –Writer of Kimish law- Mar-Jard [right] was a scholar
member of the Mu-Mish who over was tasked with recording
the teachings of Mahlash. These became the nine
tenements of faith. After Mahlash death Mar-Jrad spent the
next 5 years creating concrete laws from the abstract
tenements. What Mar-Jrad had written as a scholarly paper
quickly became the basis of teaching in the church. Kimish
law has been change and refined over the years, but it is still
based on Mar-Jrad’s writings.
Ka Draik –Slave who refused to rebel- Ka Draik was a goblin
slave during an uprising in the town of Blood Falls. He
worked within the keep and refused to open the doors to the
revolting slaves. After the revolt was put down and the
slaves involved were killed Ka Draik was granted his
freedom. Slaves often claim to worship Ka Draik, but few
actually do.
Akim or Death
The lowest rung of society in the empire is the huge slave population. Slaves are used to
do all the menial or dangerous jobs in the empire. They mine the mines, the farm the
fields, they clean the streets, they prepare the meals etc, etc, etc. The entire economy of
the Empire would collapse without the use of slaves. Slaves are so valuable that they
represent a form of currency and wealth. Prized or highly skilled slaves can be worth
several thousand Marks where as one only suitable for the mines might be worth only a
hundred Marks.
The life of a slave in Zohran can vary from the comfortable life of a trusted servant in the
court of the emperor to working in a coal mine where the life expectancy is measured in
days. The only place you will not see slaves is working
aboard ship or as armed soldiers.
Slaves can be from any race, but almost half are goblin,
hobgoblins and bugbears. They would have become
slaves due to a crime, a bad debt, their parents were
slaves, their parent sold them into slavery when they were
children, or they displease the church or the throne. Slaves
also come from people that were captured during raids.
They could be human, halfling, gnome etc. Their children
also become slaves. The only race that would never be
taken as a slave is an elf. For some unknown reason it is
forbidden by the church. The remaining slaves are made
up of the descendents of ogres and hill giants that were
enslaved hundreds of years ago.
All goblinoids slaves can earn their freedom. Non-goblinoids can not become free. This
is normally done by the owner, but in some rare cases the crown or church steps in. In
those cases they compensate the owner the market value of the slave.
One of the biggest things that keep the slave population
in check is the promise of a better life or the threat of
unimaginable punishment. A better life may not
necessarily mean freedom. There are many good
positions that a slave may rise too. This is easier for a
goblinoids slave, but possible for any type of slave. (With
the exception of Giant kin) In fact a Halfling slave actual
become a professor at "the academy of arcane might."
This is a unique situation, but it does show how high a
non freed slave might rise.
The slave’s worst enemy is the slaves themselves. They
will betray each other to secure some reward for them
selves. This is especially true among the goblins,
hobgoblins and bugbears who could possible earn their freedom. Second or third
generation slaves are even more likely to betray other slaves because they have lost
much of the independence and have become more docile.
One of the worst things that can happen to a slave is to be sold to “the sins of god”. It is
unknown exactly what this cult of fanatics does to the slaves they buy, but it is
universally accepted to be a very bad way to die.
There are no laws that protect a slave from the actions of his lawful owner, but slaves
are protected to some degree by the actions of others. If a free person arms or kills
someone else’s slave then he could be held responsible to reimburse the owner for his
lost. If another slave cause the damage then that slave’s owner would be responsible.
The empire also trade slaves with other people that also allow the practice. They never
trade goblinoids slaves to outsider. The slave trade is second only to narcotics as the
largest export of the empire. Most of the slaves for trade come from freshly captured
prisoners, but second generation slaves are available at a much higher price.
The Trade in Narcotics is huge in Zohran, but the actual use of them is tightly controlled.
Goblinoids are forbidden from using narcotics with just a few exceptions.
Slaves: Slaves may use what ever narcotics their owners
choose to provide them with. Certain slaves may be
constantly drugged in order to maintain control over them.
This could be true with any type of slave, but especially giant
and ogres. Mordayn Vapour is the drug of choice for
controlling problematic slaves
MuKun, MuRudg and MuNodx: All three castes are allowed
to smoke devil weed and use Redflower leaves.
MuZesk: Because of it benefit to arcane casting the MuZesk
are allowed to use Mushroom Powder.
MuMish: The use of Baccaran is considered a sacrament to
certain orders within the church. It is mainly used in rituals of
enlightenment and not often outside of the confines of the church. All members of the
MuMish do have the right to use the powder if they so wish.
Grum Zar Akim: These fanatics are free to use what ever Narcotics they wish. Most
members are almost always under the influence of at least one powerful drug or another.
Some of their favourites include Vodare, Sannish, Luhix, Devilweed and Agony.
Specific Narcotics
Agony – The production of Agony has grown significantly in the last few years it may
surpass Mordayn vapour as the chief export drug in the near future. The favourite
victims for pain extraction are giants due to naturally high constitutions. A large Agony
operation could have a dozen or more pain extractors running constantly.
Baccaran – Most of the ingredients for Baccaran can be acquired within Zohran, but two
must be imported. Blue agave cactus can be easily gotten from the Unkerland desert.
The Nixist flower is found deep in forest. It can sometimes be obtained in limited
amounts in both the Bane Lands and the Northern kingdoms, but the only large supply
comes from the Sapphire Forest. The elves of the Sapphire Forest are difficult to trade
with at the best of times and certain do not condone narcotics.
Devil Weed – Used for export and domestic consumption. Devil weed is grown mostly on
Luphix – A few ships have brought back the stalks of the Luphix plant. None have
revealed their source.
Mordayn Vapour – Imported from the
nearby Bane Lands Mordayn
Vapour is a huge business. Besides
being exported to most of the known
world Mordayn Vapour is also use to
pacify ogre and giant slaves.
Mushroom Powder – Grown in the
southern caves of Inisca. The
MuZesk use much of the domestic
crop. The rest is exported.
Redflower leaves – These flowers grow
in Trinval. Since Zohran ships are
attacked on sight in Trinval
expeditions to acquire the flowers
are usually combined with ones to
raid for slaves.
Sannish – The power of the desert lily is imported and mixed with local wolf’s milk to
produce the drink.
Terran Brandy – This is very hard to acquire, but can sometimes be found in the southern
Bane lands where they get close to the Sapphire forest. It is a dangerous cargo because
the elves would kill anyone they catch with evil drink.
Vodare – Vodare flowers grow on most graves in Zohran. Vodare is a favourite of the
Grum Zar Akim and also a strong export.
The citizen of Zohran must follow two sets of laws. Kitar laws are the laws that govern
civil and trade issues Kimish laws are the laws that are decreed by the church. The
government and the church both administer their own laws separately, but with equal
The government use the magistrates and their hired MuRudg. On board of ships it is the
Captain and officers duty to enforcer Kitar law. It is the Captain responsibility to make
sure that the crew and officers follow all aspect of Kitar law. It is the first officer’s
responsibility to make sure the captain follows it. A Captain going against Kitar law is the
only reason his officers can use to disobey him.
The church uses specially traded
enforcers [Right] to make sure
Kimish law is followed. They
answer directly to the Grand
Inquisitor. All ships must have at
least one enforcer of Kimish law.
These imposing members of
society are judge, jury and if need
be executioner. They are trained
to follow Kimish law to the letter
and punish any infraction even if it
was unavoidable.
For Example: A Mu has to put his
hands on a RuRubk without
permission to pull her out of the
way of a run away wagon. He will
still be whipped for his infraction
despite saving her life. If he didn’t
do it he would guilty of not helping
her and her daughters would likely
have had him killed.
Punishment: There are no prisons
in Zohran. The entire idea is
foreign to them. Minor
punishments consist of fines and
corporeal punishment. Serious punishment usually involves losing Caste status, being
sold as a slave or death.
Kimish law can be found in appendix one, Kitar law can be found in appendix two.
Notable People
Emperor - Tor Mangz: Chosen by the Queen for his military success. Has been a careful,
but effective Emperor
The Chosen – The head of the Church on Akim does not keep his name after assuming the
position. The current chosen is one of the strictest interpreters of Kimish law in the last
100 years.
The Grand Inquisitor – The head of the branch of the church that deals with violations of
Kimish law. The current grand Inquisitor (Grum Tuasd) has been too lenient for the
chosen’s liking and may soon be replaced
The Queen – The true power in the empire. The queen is a direct decedent of Rank Nor.
Smuzd – Fleet admiral of the Zohran navy. A cunning and daring commander
Tbem Lar – The most famous privateer and slave trader in the empire. He now has
fourteen ships and has yet to accept and offer from any Ru.
Craw – The most important of the Grum Zar Akim. The cult has no official structure, but
he is the closes thing to a leader they have.
Zeneith Nor - Senior monk of the MuQurk. He has a lot of influence with the emperor. He
also is the only MuQurk with the power to allow someone to learn the order’s secrets.
The Yar Family – Based in Bay of Crows they are the most powerful family on Inixsca.
They hold one of the two commissions for currency exchange. The only other
commission for currency exchange is held by the Nor family. They also control one of
the three commissions for incoming slave markets.
The Pgar Family – The Pgar family is still hugely powerful
in both slaves and mining. They control much of the
Inzusca coal fields and one of the three commissions for
incoming slave markets. They have also recently moved
into the Narcotics trade making some fear their growing
The Zreth Family – Based in the capital a rich, but until
recently an unimportant family. They have recently
acquired much to everyone’s surprise a commission to
run an incoming slave market. It is rumoured that this
commission was granted in order to limit the power of the
Pgar Family.
The Ruck family – The leading family of narcotics the Ruck
family has accumulated a vast amount of wealth.
So far they have stayed out of the political circles, but
they are beginning to get a lot of attention.
Pain is the Teacher
The Ship is your home, your life and your love.
Treat her as you would your Ru.
Serve her as you would Akim
Rules Information
This game will be played with the Pathfinder Beta version rule set. I will have two copies
of the rules set available at each session. The Bata PDF is available for free download at
the Pazio web site.
Modern Ability Score Generation
We will use the standard modern ability score generation. 4d6 drop the lowest arrange
as desired.
Racial Starting Hit points
We will use the racial hit points system for starting hit points. 1st level hit points will be
class maximum + fort modifier + plus racial bonus. Goblins receive a +4 racial bonus,
Hobgoblins receive a +6 racial bonus and bugbears receive a +8 racial bonus. This
bonus is only applied at first level.
Slow Experience Progression
We will use the Pathfinder slow character progression. That is the first column in the
chart below.
General House Rules
No Laptops
This is just my personal preference. You will be allowed to bring your laptops, but they
will not be allowed at the table. I know some people like to have their laptops so if you
have any questions or concerns let me know.
Lethal Critical
As in my other games if you score a critical hit on any non-lethal attack it does lethal
damage. The player has no choice in this and must roll to confirm the hit. The only
exception is the sap which I allowed as a compromise in the Shield of the North and will
continue here.
The Death Threshold
I have moved the threshold for death from –10 to – (15+1/level). This gives a larger
window for the near death experience. I am doing this because it is going to be harder to
raise a character that dies.
Total Class Limit
Multi classing is always at the DM’s discretion. I am allowing multi classing but each PC
will have a maximum of 4 classes. This included prestige classes. You also must finish
any prestige class you take before you take a 2nd one. This limit applies until 20th level.
Raise Dead
As in Shield of the North Raise dead does not work on character
below 5th level and resurrection does not work on characters below
10th level.
With either spell there is now a third party involved. This is the
petitioner. This can but does not have to be the person casting the
spell. It can not be the person that is dead.
During the spell the deity involved request a service from the
petitioner. If the petitioner does not accept the spell fails and the
material component is used up. It the petitioner does accept he is
now under an unbreakable Geas/Quest to fulfill the request.
You can use commune to determine what quest would be required in advance.
You can try again, but generally the same deity will request the same Quest.
No Alignments
We will be playing this game without alignments. The players will base their actions on
their characters. Once of the main reasons I am doing this is to give the players more
freedom to find a place for themselves in Zohran culture. I think it would have been
difficult to apply our concepts of good and evil to this campaign.
Class requirements: Class requirements that call for a certain alignment will be ignored.
Smite Evil/good: All Smite class features simply become smite and will work on anyone.
This includes people of the same fate.
Paladins: Paladins still have a code of conduct, but it is based on the strict interpretation
of Akim. They can not willingly associate with unbelievers.
Weapon abilities: Alignment based weapon abilities simply do not exist.
Direct damage alignment spells: These spells (i.e. chaos hammer) simply do not exist.
Certain creatures may have other abilities to compensate for the lost of these abilities.
Any spell that you are uncertain about will be handled on a case by case bases.
Detect good/Detect evil: These spells do not exist they are replaced by the following four
spells and 2 counters spells.
Level: Wiz/Sor 2
Components: S, M
RANGE: CLOSE (25’ + 5’/2 LEVELS)
This spell functions like detect hostile intent, but works on NPC’s who are helpful
Level: Clr 1
Components: V, S, DF
RANGE: 60’
This spell functions as detect fiendish influence, but detect celestial influence
Level: Clr 1
Components: V, S, DF
RANGE: 60’
You can detect the presence of fiendish influence. Fiendish influence comes in several
forms. The presence of actual creatures of the soulless side, ongoing spells casted by
creatures of the soulless side, Clerics and cultist who worship the creatures of the
soulless side, or items tainted by creatures of the soulless side. The spell may detect
other occurrences of fiendish influence at the DM discretion.
The amount of information you can determine depends on how long you concentrate.
1st Round: Presence or absence of fiendish influence.
2nd Round: Number of occurrences and the strength of the most powerful occurrence.
The caster is at risk of being stunned by particular strong occurrence of fiendish
influence. If the HD/Level of the strongest occurrence is overwhelming and twice your
level you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends.
3rd Round: The power and location of each occurrence. If you do not have line of sight
you can detect the direction but not the exact location.
4th Round: You can tell if each occurrence is a primary source or a secondary source.
Primary sources are creatures of the soulless side, or powerful relic or artefacts from the
soulless side. Everything else is a secondary source.
Strength of occurrence
11 or higher
Creature of the
soulless side HD
1st- 2nd
3rd -8th
9th -20th
21st higher
(caster level)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cleric/ Cultist
15 or higher
Residue: An occurrence of fiendish influence often leaves a residue that can be picked
up by this spell. Only strong and overwhelming occurrences leave residue. Strong
occurrences leave a residue for 1d6 days. Overwhelming occurrences leave a residue
for 1d6 weeks. In special cases residue can last much longer. Residue detects as Dim
weaker then a faint occurrence.
This spell can penetrate barriers, but is block by 1’ foot of stone, 1” of metal, a thin sheet
of lead, or 3’ of wood or dirt.
Level: Wiz/Sor 2
Components: S, M
RANGE: CLOSE (25’ + 5’/2 LEVELS)
This spell allows you to determine if NPC’s or creatures you encounter wish to do harm
to you or your allies. The spell will not detect someone who is simply unfriendly. The
person must actually wish you harm.
This spell returns you four possible answers for each target
Yes – The target is hostile towards you or your allies and has immediate plans to act on
those feelings.
Hostile – The target is hostile towards you or your allies, but has no immediate plans to
act on those feelings.
No – The target is not hostile towards you.
Failure – The target passed their save or was unreadable
The material component is a Pfennig or other cooper coin.
Level: Brd 1, Clr 2, Pal 2
Components: V, S
RANGE: CLOSE (25’ + 5’/2 LEVELS)
This spell protects a person or object from determine intent spells
Level: Clr 3
Components: V, S
RANGE: CLOSE (25’ + 5’/2 LEVELS)
This spell protects a person or object from detect influence spells. It of course doesn’t
help if you are a 15’ high winged arch devil, but there are other spells for that.
Mika – Arch Devil
and former ruler
of the 9th Citadel
of Hell fortress
Available feats
The original plan was for each Caste to have a list of available feats that a player in that
caste can take. After taking a closer look at this I have determine that it would be
impossible to keep balance with this plan.
Instead all players will have access to the feats listed in the Pathfinder Beta version
source book except leadership. Leadership is not going to be available in the game.
To take a feat that is not in the Pathfinder Source Book will cost the player 10% of the
total experience needed for your next level and Dm's approval.
Character sheets and experience
I will be keeping a spread sheet of everyone current experience. (I had thought about not
telling you how much you had until you levelled, but changed my mine.) I also will
require a current character sheet of each Character for each level. This may be
electronic or hardcopy.
Small Dice
Standard dice are 16mm. The smallest dice allowed are 12mm. This is a hold over rule
from a previous situation and I don’t expect it to come into play. The dice by the 3” mark
is a 12 mm the one by the 4” mark is a 16 mm.
Campaign Specific House Rules
Available Races
There are only three available races in this campaign. All players must be a Goblin, a
Hobgoblin or a Bugbear. Each race has it own advantages and disadvantages not the
least of which is which Caste and class are available to you.
These Three races are altered from there Monster Manuel versions to better fit into the
campaign. All three races are fairly powerful and adaptable choices. They are all better
then the standard traditional PC races and would not be balanced against them.
Goblins are the smallest and
weakest of the goblinoids race.
They are found in most Caste
especially the working Caste.
They make great choices for
rogues and scouts.
Favourite class is determined by
caste not race.
+4 Starting Hit Point Bonus
Ability Adjustments: -2 Strength,
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution
Size: Small +1 AC, +1 Att, +4 on
Stealth, -4 on grapple, Carrying
limits ¾
Speed: 30’, 60’ Darkvision, +4 save vs. Pain effects
+4 racial bonus on Perception, +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics
Starting age – (Adulthood – 8) +1d6
Middle age: 25, Old: 35, Venerable: 50, Max +2d10
Height: 3’ + 2d4 Weight 40 x1lbs
Hobgoblins are the dominant race in Zohran.
They are the only race in the MuRubk or ruling
caste. They are also the dominate race in the
MuMish meaning that both power centers are
Hobgoblin dominated. Hobgoblins are the most
versatile of the three races available.
Favourite Class is determined by caste not
+6 Starting Hit Point Bonus
Ability Adjustments: +2 Dexterity,
+2 Constitution
Size: med Speed: 30’, 60’ Darkvision,
+4 save vs. pain effects
+4 racial bonus on Stealth,
+2 to any two skills of your choice.
Starting age – (Adulthood – 15) +1d8
Middle age: 35, Old: 53, Venerable: 70, Max +2d20
Height: 5’ + 2d10 Weight 150 x (2d4)lbs
Bugbears are the largest of the goblinoids races,
but only have a few castes open to them. This
Bugbear does not have the extra Hit Dice of the
monster manual version. Bugbears are a good
choice for martial oriented characters.
Favourite Class is determined by caste not race.
+8 Starting Hit Point Bonus
Ability Adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2
Constitution, -4 Charisma
Size: med Speed: 30’, 60’ Darkvision, +1 NA
+ 4 save vs. pain effects
+4 racial bonus on stealth
Starting age – (Adulthood – 15) +1d6
Middle age: 30, Old: 45, Venerable: 60, Max +2d10
Height: 5’6” + 2d12 Weight 200 x (2d6)lbs
Available Caste/Classes
Your Caste determines what classes and positions on ship you will be able to take.
Each caste only has a limited number of classes open to it. Your first three class level
must be from the list of available classes. After that you are free to take other classes
keeping in mind the total class limit of four. At all times your Caste’s available Classes
must make up at least half of your total non-prestige class levels.
Race: goblin, hobgoblin or bugbear
Colour: Red
Favourite PC Class: Warrior or Commoner
NPC Class: Commoner
Bonus feat: Endurance
Available classes - Warrior, commoner, rogue, fighter
Available position on ship -cleaners, cooks assistant, carpenters
Race: Goblin
Colour: Red
Favourite PC Class: Rogue or Swashbuckler
NPC Class -Expert
Bonus feat - Sea Legs
Available classes - Expert, rogue, fighter, warrior,
Available positions on ship - Sailors (also can do any
other job except navigation or command)
Race by Craft
Colour: Green
Favourite PC Class – Expert or Rogue
NPC Class -Expert
Bonus feat -Skill Focus (craft)
Available classes - Expert, warrior, rogue, fighter
Available position on ship -Ship carpenter -Goblin
Race by profession
Colour: Green
Favourite RC Class: Rogue or Bard
NPC Class: Expert
Bonus feat: Negotiator
Available classes - Expert, rogue, warrior, bard,
Available positions on ship - Ships cook -Goblin,
Steward –Hobgoblin, Trade advisor - Hobgoblin
Not a playable PC caste for this campaign
Race: Hobgoblin only
Colour: Blue
Favourite PC Class: Rogue or Ranger
NPC Class: Expert
Bonus feat: Skill Focus (navigation)
Available classes - expert, rogue, ranger, swashbuckler
Available position on ship - navigator and assistance
Race: Hobgoblin only
Colour: Gold
Favourite PC Class: Choice of Fighter, Warblade,
Swashbuckler or Knight
NPC Class - Aristocrat
Bonus feat - Open minded
Available classes: fighter, rogue, warrior, Samurai,
aristocrat, expert, swashbuckler, knight, warblade
Available position on ship - Captain and officers/
Grum Zar Akim - Not a playable PC caste for this
MuQurk -Not a playable PC caste for this campaign
Race: Goblin or Hobgoblin
Colour: Blue
Favourite PC Class -Sorcerer or Wizard
NPC Class: Sorcerer
Bonus feat: combat casting
Available classes: Warmage, Sorcerer, wizard
Available positions on Ship - Ships mage
Race: Goblin, Hobgoblin or Bugbear
Colour: Gold
Favourite PC Class: Cleric or paladin
NPC Class: Cleric
Bonus feat: True Believer
Available classes: Cleric, monk, paladin, warlock, fighter, expert, warrior, rogue,
Position on Ship: Ships healer and Ship enforcers of Kimish law (may be same person)
Race: Variable
Colour: Red
NPC Class -Fighter
Bonus feat - Weapon focus
Position on ship - Mercenaries, security and scouts
Favourite PC Class/Available classes: As per list
• MiaTok – Fighter or warrior (warrior/fighter)
• MiaTrok –Fighter or ranger (warrior/fighter/ranger/swordsage)
• MiaDak -Rouge or Scout (rogue/ninja/scout/ranger/expert)
• MiaHar -Rogue or Expert (expert/rogue/ranger)
• MiaNaruz -Ranger or fighter (ranger/fighter)
MoaTok-Fighter or warrior (warrior/fighter)
MoaTrok -Fighter or warblade (warrior/fighter/knight/samurai/warblade)
MoaXadn –Fighter or Ranger (ranger/fighter/scout)
MoaGuzr –fighter or rogue (expert/rogue/fighter)
MoaNemk -Fighter or warrior (fighter/warrior)
MeaTok -Fighter or barbarian (fighter/warrior/barbarian)
MeaTrok-Barbarian or Barbarian (fighter/warrior/barbarian)
MeaRusk-Rangers or Scout (ranger/scout/barbarian)
MeaNu – Monk or Ninja (Monk/Ninja/Samurai)
Buying/Selling of Magic Items
The buying and selling of magical items will work differently in the red
spear. Each time you find a business that sells magical items they
will have an inventory. What this means is that if you sail into a small
port with a gold limit of 5000gp every magical item under 5000gp is
not available.
In larger centers you will be able to commission items to be created,
but this may mean that you will not be able to pick them up until you
are back in that port. A ship can not afford to sit idle. Also regardless
if an item only takes two days to craft it may be a week or more
before the craftsman even starts to work on it. They are not at your
beck and call.
You may not take craft skills yourself. Crafting mages are a very
specific branch of the MuZesk who do not leave their underground
labs and workshops.
Restriction on Raise Dead
In addition to the restriction on raise dead under the general house rules there is a
further campaign restriction. There is an understanding between the gods that allows
their clerics to raise followers of any faith. This
understanding does not extend to followers of Akim.
Clerics of Akim can not raise non-followers of the one
god. Followers of Akim can not be raise by clerics of
any other god.
Level Drag
Because this game is design with the idea that not all
players will be available each session it is
incorporating a level drag. Hopefully the level drag
will never come into play, but what it does is prevent
any player from falling more then 2 levels behind the
highest level character.
When the highest experience player reaches fourth
level any player that has not reached 2nd level is
bumped to 1xp more then what is required for 2nd level.
Monk Weapons
The StarKnife is considered a special monk Weapon in Zohran
Campaign Specific Items and Equipment
The schooner
Far more advanced then anything else available in the world this campaign is defined by
the schooner.
Schooners have a specific game mechanical advantage to any other type of ship
available. Schooners can tack closer to the wind. As per standard 3.5 rules most sailing
ships can go at full speed as long as they are going at least 90 degrees away from the
direction of the wind. They can proceed at half speed as long as they are going at least
45 degrees away from the direction of the wind. They cannot go directly towards the
wind. For game purposes schooners can maintain full spd up to 45 degrees from the
wind and half spd at 22.5 degrees from the wind. This is an oversimplification, but work
well to represent the advantage of the design.
The Chart below is based on the wind coming directly out of the North.
Ship Heading
South South West
South South East
South West
South East
West South West
East South East
West North West
East North East
North West
North East
North North West
North North East
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Half Spd
Half Spd
Generic Ship
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Full Spd
Half Spd
Half Spd
Half Spd
Half Spd
There are five standard types of schooners that are available based on size. I am not
making any distinction in the game stats of gaff-rigged, stay rigged or Bermuda rigged
schooners. I am also not making any distinction in game stats of top-sail, bare headed
or knock-about sail configuration. A schooner may be described using this terms, but it
is purely for flavour text.
For reference the picture of the Red Spear on the front page is as a bare headed gaffrigged. The picture in the introduction shows her with top sails. For game Statistics she
is classified as a light three mast schooner.
The Sloop or Single mast schooner – This fast little ship is mostly used for fishing and
transport within the empire.
Gargantuan Vessel
Seaworthiness +6
Shiphandling +4
Speed Wind x 35’ or 3.5 mph (Good)
Overall AC 1
Hull Sections 3 (Sink 1)
Section HP 50 (hardness 5)
Section AC 3
Rigging Section 1
Rigging HP 80 (hardness 0)
Ram 3d6
Mounts 1 light
Space 30’x10’
Height 5’ draft 5’
Complement 3
Watch 1
Cargo 20 tons (spd 25’ if 10 or more tons)
Cost 10,000 Marks
2 mast schooner – The smallest of the true schooners the 2-masted is extremely efficient
for short haul voyages.
Colossal Vessel
Seaworthiness +6
Shiphandling +4
Speed Wind x 40’ or 4 mph (Good)
Overall AC -3
Hull Sections 30 (Sink 10)
Section HP 80 (hardness 5)
Section AC 3
Rigging Section 2
Rigging HP 80 (hardness 0)
Ram 4d6
Mounts 2 light and 1 heavy
Space 100’ x20’
Height 5’ draft 10’
Complement 10
Watch 3
Cargo 100 tons (spd 30’ if 50 or more tons)
Cost 20,000 Marks
Light 3 Mast Schooner – The standard ship of the empire has a combination of speed and
size that is hard to match.
Colossal Vessel
Seaworthiness +6
Shiphandling +4
Speed Wind x 40’ or 4 mph (Good)
Overall AC -3
Hull Sections 64 (Sink 21)
Section HP 100 (hardness 6)
Section AC 3
Rigging Section 3
Rigging HP 80 (hardness 0)
Ram 4d6
Mounts 2 light & 1 heavy
Space 120’ x25’
Height 10’ draft 10’
Complement 30
Watch 4
Cargo 150 tons (spd 30’ if 75 or more tons)
Cost 30,000 Marks
Heavy 3 Mast Schooner –Larger then the light this ship is slightly slower, but if extra cargo
space is required it is way to go.
Colossal Vessel
Seaworthiness +6
Shiphandling +4
Speed Wind x 35’ or 3.5 mph (Good)
Overall AC -3
Hull Sections 75 (Sink 25)
Section HP 100 (hardness 6)
Section AC 3
Rigging Section 3
Rigging HP 80 (hardness 0)
Ram 4d6
Mounts 2 light & 2 heavy
Space 150’ x25’
Height 10’ draft 10’
Complement 30
Watch 5
Cargo 250 tons (spd 25’ if 125 or more tons)
Cost 40,000 Marks
4 Mast Schooner – 4 mast schooners are actually more inefficient then the three mast
ships, but they are suitable grand ship for the flag ship of a Ru’s fleet.
Colossal Vessel
Seaworthiness +6
Shiphandling +4
Speed Wind x 35’ or 3.5 mph (Good)
Overall AC -3
Hull Sections 180 (Sink 60)
Section HP 100 (hardness 6)
Section AC 3
Rigging Section 4
Rigging HP 80 (hardness 0)
Ram 6d6
Mounts 4 light & 3 heavy
Space 200’ x30’
Height 15’ draft 15’
Complement 50
Watch 10
Cargo 400 tons (spd 25’ if 200 or more tons)
Cost 80,000 Marks
Note: because of sail design Schooners are not suited for catapults. So heavy mount
positions cannot be used for Mangonel, Trebuchet or Catapults.
Larger designs are certainly available, but all such ships are unique and have their own
specific statistics.
New Arms/Equipment
Currency – Zohran currency is made up of Pfenning (Pf) and Marks (M). 100 Pfennig
equals one Mark. Pfennigs come in copper coins of 1Pf, 5Pf, 10Pf and 50Pf. There is no
need to keep track of specific coins just your total number of Pf. Marks come in paper
currency of 1M, 5M, 10M and 100M. Again there is no need to keep track of specific
bills. Zohran marks are the only legal currency accepted in the empire and are basically
useless elsewhere.
Belaying Pin – This simple light club is of course a standard backup
weapon for sailors. There are not as many belaying pins on a
schooner as on a square rigged ship, but they are still readily
available. Belaying pins are a simple light club that is balanced for
10 Pf
1 lbs
For Siege Engines used the list from pg 67 of heroes of battle. With the following
Stationary Crossbow (Does not require a mount) – This weapon falls between the traditional
heavy crossbow and the light Ballista. It can be used by anyone who can use a
crossbow. It is too cumbersome to be fired will carried. It has a built in brace and is fired
from a prone position. It requires a full round action to reload and it cannot be done from
the firing position. Meaning the shooter would have to move and then reload the
following round. Generally a 2nd person reloads after the weapon is fired. Allowing the
weapon to be fired every round. It is idea to be shot from behind cover. Bolts cost 20 Pf
19-20 x2
Scorpion Rapid Fire Ballista (Light Mount) –
Not to be confused with the scorpion
compact Mangonel this is the Roman
style anti-personal weapon. It holds 30
stationary crossbow bolts at a time and
can be fired three times before being
reloaded. It is a full round action to fire.
This is an artificial game mechanic to
represent its rapid fire ability. It requires
a 3 person crew and 10 full round
actions to reload. (More then 3 people
do not help) It is a line effect. The crew
makes an attack roll at square 60’ away.
It then affects everyone in the resulting
line. Scorpions are designed too literally
shot through multiple ranks of enemies.
RF Ballista
4d8 Reflex half
DC = Att Roll
1000 lbs
Great Ballista (Heavy Mount) – Larger and more robust then the heavy Ballista. It has a
crew of 4 and requires 8 full round actions to reload.
Great Ballista
3000 lbs
Pronged Collar – Originally used as
a tool for the training of wolves
and dogs. These collars have
become the holy symbol of Akim
the prong collar and are now worn
by all of the faithful.
When the small chain is pull at the
front of the collar the prongs dig
painfully into the neck. It does not
cause any real damage, but does
force the wearer to make a save
vs. pain of DC15 or be staggered
for the round.
Generally when the goblins are in
situations where they will face enemies they wear high collars or scarves to prevent their
collars from being used against them. If an opponent can use the collar during a grapple
they gain a +2 bonus on their grapple roll.
New Magical Items
Captains Box – The captains box is a small chest
about 1’x6” with the name of a particular ship
engraved into the top. It has three
compartments. The top can be opened to
reveal an extra dimensional space 1’x1’ by 4’
deep. There are two pull drawers on the front
that open to an extra dimensional space 1’x6”
x1’ deep. In addition to being extra dimensional
space the Captains box can only be open by
the current legal captain of the ship whose
name it bears.
Moderate Conjuration and Divination; CL13th Wondrous Item, Leomund’s Secret Chest,
Arcane lock, Legend lore; Price 3000M Weight 5 lbs
Foot Locker - The Foot Locker is a 2’x1’ heavy wooden chest weighing 50lbs. The top can
be opened to reveal an extra dimensional space with a 2’x2’ opening. The space inside
is 3’x3’x4’ or 36 cubic feet and can hold up 300lbs. In all other aspects it functions like a
bag of holding.
Moderate Conjuration, CL 9th, Wondrous Item, Leomund’s Secret Chest, Price 2,500M
Ship’s Chest – The Ship’s Chest is a 3’x1 ½’
heavy steel chest weighing 100lbs. The top
can be opened to reveal an extra
dimensional space with a 3’x3’ opening.
The space inside is 7’x7’x5’deep or 245
cubic feet and can hold up 2000lbs. In all
other aspects it functions like a bag of
Moderate Conjuration, CL 9th, Wondrous
Item, Leomund’s Secret Chest, Price
Storage Hold – The storage hold looks like any other deck hatch that you may expect to
see on a ship. It however does not open up to the lower deck instead it opens to a
10’x10’x10’ extra dimensional space. It includes a ladder and shelving inside of the
space. It weights 45lbs and is normally bolted to the deck of a ship. It otherwise
functions like a portable hole.
Moderate Conjuration, CL 12th, Wondrous Item, Plane Shift, Price 17,500M
Slave Hold - The slave hold looks like a grated deck hatch that you may expect to see on
a ship. It however does not open up to the lower deck instead it opens to a 10’x20’ extra
dimensional Barracks capable of handling 40 prisoners. It includes a ladder and
manacles and irons for the prisoners. Unlike other extra dimensional space the grated
opening allows air to enter the space. It weights 45lbs and is normally bolted to the deck
of a ship. It otherwise functions like a portable hole.
Moderate Conjuration, CL 12th, Wondrous Item, Plane Shift, Price 35,000M
Main Hold - The main hold is a large double deck hatch. It however does not open up to
the lower deck instead it opens to a 15’x30’x10’ extra dimensional hold. It weights
150lbs and is normally bolted to the deck of a ship. It otherwise functions like a portable
Moderate Conjuration, CL 12th, Wondrous Item, Plane Shift, Price 70,000M
Sure – Magical Weapon Special Ability – Sure adds a +1 to attacks rolls with the melee or
range weapon. It can not be combined with cruel – Cost 2,500M
Cruel – Magical Weapon Special Ability – Cruel adds a +1 to damage rolls with the melee
or range weapon. It can not be combined with sure – Cost 2,500M
Appendix One – Kimish Law
The Tenement of Faith
“Akim is the god of all goblinoids. The eyes and hearts of all the faithful must turn
only to him and his nine saints. To acknowledge any other deity’s power is to
deny Akim. To deny Akim is death.”
The tenement of faith is one tenement that you do not want to break. Any transgression
against this Tenement can be punished by death. Even the slightest violation will result
in severe corporal punishment.
1: Worship of any other deity is forbidden within the lands of Akim. The only penalty is
death by torture.
2: No goblinoids may ever admit to the existence of another deity.
3: No goblinoids may accept the casting of a beneficial spell by a cleric of a pagan god.
4: No goblinoids may ever question the law or word of Akim.
5: At all times the faithful must wear the collar of Akim.
6: All the faithful must spent 9 min each day in worship of Akim.
7: You must always acknowledge the role of Akim in all personal success and in the
success of the empire.
8: During worship you must face the light of Zohran
The Tenement of Servitude
“A goblinoids role is as a servant of Akim. In all aspects of life it must be
acknowledged the servitude to the one true god.”
The tenement of servitude is not one that has spawned a lot of laws. It is however likely
the most quoted tenement. It was meant as a reminder to all goblins that no matter how
high they rise they are still servants. It also is used to justify that slavery is the right and
natural order of the world.
1: All people are slaves to Akim. To deny this is to attack Akim
2: You may not help slaves escape from or undermine their masters
3: Must always acknowledge Akim domain over you in your daily life.
4: You Must cast yours eyes down in servitude when the speak the holy name of Akim
5: The first words of any greeting must be a show of humility to Akim. Some common
greetings and responses are:
o May you serve Akim for years to come
ƒ A servant of Akim Always
o May Akim benefit from your service
ƒ As Akim has from yours
o May your life Serve Akim
ƒ My life for Akim
o In service of Akim
ƒ In service of Akim
The Tenement of Order
“For all things there is a place. In their place all things must reside. You must
accept and fulfill your place. By such acceptance the glory of Akim is served.”
This tenement has been used has the foundation of the Caste system. It has spawn
hundreds of laws, but we will only cover the ones that have a direct bearing on the PC’s.
1: You shall fulfill the role you were born into. No one may leave the caste they were
born into. There are a few exceptions to this that were covered already.
• The Grum Zar Akim recruit from any caste they want
• The MuQurk recruit from the MuRubk
• The MuZesk recruit anyone with magical talent
• The MuMish recruit from any caste except the MuRubk
• Both the MuRudg and MuNodx can replenish their numbers from the MuKun
• It is also always possible to end up as a slave or MuKun by way of misfortune.
2: You cannot speak of desire to change caste or sow discontent among your existing
3: You may not taunt or degrade a caste that you consider inferior to your own.
4: You may not lie about your caste or try to pretend to be a member of another caste.
This offence is only punishable by death.
4: You must fulfill the role of your caste to the best of your abilities.
5: You must wear as a visible part of your attire colour of your caste.
• Gold for the MuRubk, MuMish and MuQurk
• Blue for the MuSxanos and MuZesk
• Green for the MuTonr, MuTmenx and MuSat
• Red for the MuKun, MuRudg and MuNodx
6: Members of the red or green castes may not eat in front of members of the blue or
gold castes. The members of the blue and gold castes may give permission to bypass
this law, but only of no other option is available.
7: You may not learn the skills and ways of a caste you do not belong to.
8: A Ru may have sex with unmated Mu of a different Caste if she so wishes, but she
may not choose to mate to him. A Mu does not have to agree with the request, but
depending on the situation he may not have much choice.
9: Only members of the RuRubk may own real property such as land, business, ships or
slaves. The Ru of the other caste may only own direct wealth such as gold, gems or
accounts with money lenders. There is one exception the MuQurk, MuZesk, MuMish and
Grum Zar Akim hold property as a caste.
The Tenement of Superiority
“The goblinoids races have been chosen by Akim to be the first to hear his
message. They alone hold this sacred spot. All other races will be subservient to
the goblinoids as the message of Akim spreads to the world”
The tenement of superiority is very important to goblinoids relations with other races. It
teaches goblinoids that they have been chosen to one day led the world and that all
other races will be their slaves. It also effects how they view slavery in general. There
are as many goblinoids slaves as there are of other races in Zohran, but generally
goblinoids slaves are treated much better.
1: All non goblinoids are slaves by their very
nature. They can never be free citizen of the
2: Any member of another race that is not
currently owned is considered unclaimed. Any
MuRubk may capture and claim such creatures
as slaves on behalf of their Ru.
3: You can not commit a crime against an
unclaimed member of another race. Crimes
against owned slaves are covered by Kitar
property law.
4: Only Goblinoids may worship Akim. Those of
the slave races may only worship the nine
saints. They are not worthy to worship Akim
5: It is the responsibility of the owner of a non
goblinoids slave to make sure the creature
behaves in accordance with both Kimish and
Kitar law. Such creatures can not be expected
to understand or follow the true path on their
6: Non goblinoids may ever have sex or mate
with a non goblinoids. The penalty for this is
The Tenement of Pain
“Pain is the true teacher of all things. Lessons learn in pain are those that are
remember best. Fear not the pain for it is applied with the just an even hand of
This is one of the favourite tenements of the church, not so among the children of
Zohran. But it does offer the adult of Zohran an interesting advantage. All goblinoids of
Zohran have a learned bonus of +4 versus pain effects.
1: Punishment for any infraction of Kimish
law must always involve pain. Even the
smallest infraction is dealt with by use of
corporeal punishment.
2: Punishment for infractions of Kimish
law must be dealt out by trained enforcers
who must administer evenly as per the
black book of pain.
The Tenement of Failure
“Your deeds define you not your
intentions. To fail a task is the same as
betrayal and shall carry the same
This harsh tenement has caused the goblinoids of Zohran to sometimes be cautious
about what they try to do, but at the same time once they take a task on they will do
what ever they can not to fail at it. The tenement of failure is the main reason that the
empire has not tried to conquer any areas and force them to convert to Akim. The failure
to hold Steadwick was a bitter pill for the empire. No further conquests are permitted
unless it is clear that the gains will be able to be held.
1: If a goblinoids fails at a task he is to be punished the exact same as if he abandon the
task. i.e.: a guard who let a thief sneak pass him is executed just as if he was working
with the thief.
2: A MuTonr is responsible for items that he makes, and will be punished for defects.
3: If a goblinoids sets unrealistic goals on those under his command it is considered a
failure of command and he must accept the punishment of the failure.
The Tenement of the Ru
“It is from the womb that all things flow. It is to the womb that all things belong.”
The Tenement of the Ru is the basis of the male and female roles in Zohran. The
concept that the mother is the most important thing is fundamental to Zohran society.
Females have always had a strong position in Zohran society, but it has grown
exponentially with the rise of Akim and Kimish law.
1: There are no Rus among slaves
2: No Mu may disrespect or insult a Ru
3: A Mu may not touch a Ru without her permission regardless of her caste.
4: Any Mu guilty of any type of sexual assault against a Ru will be put to death by
torture. The family of the offender may also have to compensate the Ru. A Ru cannot be
guilty of sexual assault against a Mu. A sexual assault among Mu is treated like any
other common assault.
5: All ownership belongs to the senior Ru of a family
6: The daughters inherit the wealth of the mother. The eldest first followed in order, by
her sisters. The mother decides the exact division. Younger daughters can be
completely frozen out of inheritance making nearly impossible for them find decent
mates and forcing them to chose the path of the Mu. A female who chooses the path of
the Mu cannot inherit.
7: The property of a Ru is protected by law. If any property is stolen the Ru can demand
8: All property acquire by a Mu before mating becomes the property of the Ru. This
includes the mate himself.
9: Once mated a Mu most obey all the commands of his Ru.
10: Despite being very rare a Ru can decide to divorce a mate. A Mu has no such
choice. She does have to allow him to leave with everything he had when he became
her mate. She must also give him at least 3 days before she sent anyone to kill or rob
11: A Ru can also give away a Mu to another Ru. The Mu can refuse this, but if he does
it will likely mean divorce. There is usually compensation in such cases. Either a Ru will
pay to gain a useful mate or pay to get rid of a not so useful one.
12: A Ru may have sex with anyone she wishes. It has no bearing on who she is mated
to. If a Ru wants to have sex with a mated Mu she must have the permission of his Ru.
13: It is the duty of a Ru to bear as many children as possible. If a Ru goes 5 years after
inheritance or mating without children she can be stripped of all property and it given to
another more fertile member of her family. She herself is given to this Ru as a slave.
The Tenement of the Dead
“Akim is master of all things and the faithful need not cling to the old
superstitions. We are a people of the sea and need not fear it watery deeps. The
bodies of the faithful shall be buried at sea weighted down with nine heavy
1: Bodies are to be buried as per the tenement if they are of the faithful. Other bodies
are dump into the ocean, pits or left where they lay it does not matter.
2: Lucky charms and token are symbols of the old ways and are forbidden.
3: The old rituals of scaring and tattooing are symbols of the old ways and are forbidden.
4: Any one on ship must carry nine small lead balls on them in case they are lost at sea.
5: Folktales and the old stories from the time before Akim are not to be told.
6: Fortune telling and the reading of signs is forbidden.
The Tenement of Sacrifice
“Do not ask for boons from the lord Akim. Instead ask how you may serve his
glory. Bring not sacrifices of gold or valuables instead sacrifice of yourself.
Whenever you serve the glory of Akim before the glory of yourself you are
fulfilling your role. It is easy to serve Akim when it does not cost you, but it is
more important when you must suffer to fulfill his glory.”
1: You may not pray to Akim to grant you personal gains. You only pray to Akim in
2: Those that would try to buy favour of the church with wealth pay for prideful foolish
with a lash for every Mark in the offer. This likely would mean death if more then 50
Marks were offered. On any repeat offence the offender would get 1 lash per Pfennig.
Often very devout followers will make small donations of 5-10 Pfennig and then gladly
accept the lashes as a show of servitude.
3: At least once every five years all adult goblinoids have to make a confession of sorts.
During this confession they have to relate how they have served Akim. They walk into
this confession facing a penalty of five lashes per year since their last confession. Items
of service to Akim that they can relate lower the amount of lashes they receive.
Appendix Two – Kitar Law
There are hundreds of Kitar laws. In this Appendix I am just highlighting the ones that
may have a direct effect on the players
1.78.92 – Citizens of Zohran may not resolve internal conflicts outside the borders of the
empire. They must always project a unified front to outsiders regardless of type of
conflict involved.
1.79.02 – Any time an unmated MuRubk is killed in order to claim his possessions you
must pay the larger of 5000M or 10% of the claimed items to the crown.
1.79.65 – Slaves may never be armed or trained to fight. Anyone who violates this law will
be slowly boiled to death in oil.
1.79.69 – All imported slaves must be sold to state approved clearing houses at the going
Pgar rate.
1.79.73 – All slaves regardless of their record of service must be secured when being
transported aboard ships.
1.79.97 – All Foreign currency must be converted to Zohran currency at state approved
money changers.
1.79.98 – No commerce may be done with foreign currency within the borders of the
1.82.02 – In the event of an Imperial general call to arms all MuRudg must answer it
regardless of prior contractual obligations.
1.99.78 – You may not enslave a free goblinoids without a sign Magistrates warrant of
2.13.62 – The use of mind altering substance by free goblinoids is not permitted.
2.13.63- Members of the MuKun, MuRudg and MuNodx may use the substance of devil
weed and Redflower leaves irregardless of law 2.13.62.
2.13.64- Members of the MuZesk may use the substance of Mushroom powder
irregardless of law 2.13.62.
2.13.65- Members of the MuMish may use the substance of Baccaran irregardless of law
2.27.17 – All written contracts are enforceable as if they were law.
2.32.32 – All contracted workers must be paid every two weeks.
2.32.33 – When at sea payment to ships crew can be withheld until the end of the
2.32.45 – Contracted workers must be paid before debts are paid.
2.32.49 – no ship may sail out of the sight of land without a MuSxanoz.
2.39.91 – Ship and ship technology may never be traded outside of the empire. Anyone
who violates this law will be slowly boiled to death in oil.
2.39.92 – Navigation charts and Navigational technology may never be traded outside of
the empire. Anyone who violates this law will be slowly boiled to death in oil.
2.50.01 – If the case of failure to pay debt the injured party must register the debt with the
caste office. Magistrates will verify the debt and seek out any additional creditors. They
will go to the debtor and allow the Ru 9 days to pay the outstanding debt. She may do
this by selling property this includes her slaves, children or mates. At the end of nine
days if the debt is still not paid the magistrate steps in and seizes all remaining property.
Appendix Three – Common Zohran Words
There is no real structure to Zohran words, but here are some of the words I made up
and their meaning. I have only included this so that if you come across something where
I have used a Zohran name you might have an idea what the term means.
A – One or only
depending on usage.
Anish – teacher
Ar – no
Arhou – Never
Bra – Black
Ca – A suffix meaning
sea (when used with In
it means island)
Dak – Scout or Spear
depending on usage
Di – A prefix meaning is
years it has also come
to mean Sin. It is the
general all around
swear word and is the
closes thing to fuck in
Nos – follow
Nu –
Fist or
Guzr – Fire
Har – Sapper or
Huit – Things
In – A prefix meaning
Keeree – Question
Qurk – Guard
Rank – Brave
Ru - Womb or woman
depending on usage
Rubk – to own
Rudg – Fight
Kim – God or of god
depending on the
Sat – Serve
Kimish – Law of God
Sxa – Stars
Kun – Work
Tonr – Build
Eh – A prefix meaning
Manish – to teach
Tok – fighters or solider
Mea – Bugbear
Trok – Champion
Franar – Death
Mia – Goblin
Fratile – Sacrifice of
Mish – prey
Tune – Empire or World
depending on usage
Moa – Hobgoblin
Uy – or
Mu- Male
Upito – Exception
Naruz – Worg
Wee – All
Nawt – Place
Xadn – Archers
Nemk – Pike
Yurt – Pain
Nodx – Sail
Zar – The
Nor - Warrior
Zesk – cast magic
Dir- sword or blade
depending on usage
Fu – Master
G- - A prefix meaning in
Grum - This word has
several meanings and is
used a lot. Its original
meaning was shit but it
has also come to refer
to sodomy, rape or to
general hurt some one
severely. In the last 500
Rusk – Alone or Single