FORM CM-37 CITY OF GLENDALE CALIFORNIA REPORT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 1, 2011 AGENDA ITEM Alex Theatre - Quarterly Report, Revised Capital Improvement Projects List and Front Fa9ade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects 1) Motion to note and file Glendale Arts Quarterly report for the period of October 1 to December 31 , 2010 2) Motion accepting the revised Capital Improvement Projects List 3) Resolution to authorize the preparation of specifications, bid documents, and solicitation of bids for specialized restoration services in connection with the Front Fa9ade Restoration Project at the Historic Alex Theatre AGENCY ACTION Public Hearing [ Approved for 1 Ordinance [1 ,31 J\ I \ Action Item [ X 1 Consent Calendar [ Report Only [ 1 calendar ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION Submitted Hassan Haghani, Community Development Director ... ......... Prepared Elena Bolbolian, Senior Administrative Analyst ......... Approved James E. Starbird, Executive Director ..... ................................................... . fjq;i~l\il1\~1~z:;~0 -- Scott Howard, City Attorney .............. .... ... .. .......... ...................................... Philip S. Lanzafame, Chief Assistant Director of Community - .."."" "N Development '~ ~ 6 8 ~ Alex Theatre Quarterly Report, Revised CIP list, Front Facade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 2 of 8 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Agency note and file the quarterly report for the second quarter of fiscal year 2010·11 , approve the revised CIP list, and adopt a resolution authorizing preparation of specifications and bid documents for specialized restoration services in connection with the front fagade restoration project at the historic Alex Theatre . SUMMARY Quarterly Report Each quarter, Glendale Arts reports to the Agency on the operational status of the Alex Theatre. This report (Exhibit 1) addresses the second quaner (October - December) for the fiscal year 2010·11 . During this quarter, Glendale Arts increased its cash account funds by 6.9% and had a net surplus of $219,891 after depreciation expense. Per the Management Agreement, Glendale Arts must maintain a General Reserve account with a cap of $100,000. As of this report, the balance of this account is $100,000, which meets the requirements of the Management Agreement. In addition, Glendale Arts must also maintain a Capital/Maintenance Reserve account to fund capital and maintenance projects for the Theatre and a Programming Reserve account to underwrite any programming losses. As of this report, both accounts have healthy balances of $44,035 and $88,335, respectively. Revised Capital Improvement Projects list The Agency conceptually approved the CIP list in April 2007 and in June 2008, the Agency took a step further and committed to funding the capital improvement projects as part of the current lease with Glendale Arts. The list is periodically reviewed and revised as some projects no longer need to be implemented, cost estimates are adjusted or implementation years/dates are revised . In October 2008 and 2009, the Agency reviewed and approved a revised list. Although the list is revised, the total funds committed as part of the lease remains the same. The current list identifying upcoming projects is attached to this report as Exhibit 2; completed projects have been removed. Parking Lot Expansion Study One of the projects identified in the Capital Improvement List when it was approved as part of the 2008 Lease was the Theatre expansion, presumably into the adjacent parking lot area. This project was never clearly defined nor did it have a projected date for implementation; however, one of the critical components of this project included addressing some of the Theatre's deficiencies, such as additional dressing rooms, a VIP reception room, and office and storage spaces. The $2 Million budgeted for the project was an estimated number when the list was prepared. Staff recommends that this project be moved up on the priority list in light of the proposed development project located to the south and its projected implementation timeline. Staff anticipates retaining the selVices of an architect experienced in historic theatre expansion to provide alternatives to accommodate the Theatre's many needs in anticipation of the new development in the adjacent lot and its potential impact on the theatre's backstage loading dock Alex Theatre Quarterly Report, Revised C1P List, Front Fa<;ade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 3 of 8 area. If the development project was not proposed for the site to the south, staff would focus on this parking lot expansion project in fiscal year 2011-12; however, in order ·to maximize the development opportunity on the parcels to the south, it makes sense to address all of the missing operational needs at this time. Staff anticipates bringing this item back to the Agency for a detailed review later on this calendar year. Front Fa~ade Restoration Project The front facade was originally restored in 1992 and after 18 years of exposure to the elements, the facade needs significant repairs. In 2010, Tatyana Thompson, a subcontractor with Randall/McAnany and a Historical Conservator, performed onsite investigation and research , which included an assessment of the original historic painUfinishes and the painted decoration found on the front facade and vestibule of the Theatre . Her findings and recommendations are outlined in the attached report (Exhibit 3). Staff is requesting Agency approval to prepare specifications and bid documents and to solicit bids to restore the front facade as the second phase of this project. Staff would like to complete this project in Spring/Summer 2011 . If the project is not implemented this summer, the report from Ms. Thompson may become outdated and require additional research and analysis to see if the conditions have further deteriorated since her report was prepared. The draft scope of services is included in Exhibit 4. Update on Forecourt Redesign Project In 2009, the Agency approved a contract with Architectural Resources Group (ARG) to improve the overall functionality, aesthetics, and rental flexibility of the forecourt. ARG developed a set of plans and presented them to the HPC in January 2010. Although HPC approved the project, they requested additional information on some of the design features. Since then , Glendale Arts has reevaluated the project in terms of Code restrictions, budget and long-range planning for the Theatre. As a result, the scale of the renovation has been reduced considerably and most of the items that HPC asked to review have been removed. The current proposal, although scaled back, carries the same desjgn and programmatic goals of the previous proposal. Overall, the new design (Exhibit 5) represents a tremendouS improvement over the existing condition. Specifically, the appearance of the concession and storage structures will be greatly enhanced by the new landscaping. The addition of a ·cyprus lounge" will make the area more welcoming . The glass doors will help the Theatre meet its goal of reducing street noise for patrons gathered in the forecourt while also meeting Fire Department egress requirements . The Alex Theatre Committee reviewed the plans and approved them on January 13, 2011 . HPC reviewed and unanimously approved the revised project at its meeting on January 31 , 2011 . As the Agency previously approved the release of specification and bid documents in March 2010, this report provides an update to the Agency on the revised plans and no further Agency action is necessary. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with the quarterly report. The Agency committed to funding the capital improvement projects in June 2008, totaling $4,605,450, as part of the current lease with Glendale Arts to operate the Alex Theatre. From 2007 to the present, approximately $800,000 has been spent on 9 projects. The remaining projects are anticipated to be completed by 2015 and are budgeted to fit within the total allotment authorized under the Lease. Alex Theatre Quarterly Report, Revised CIP list, Front Fayade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 4 of 8 Staff will request funding for all future projects with the corresponding fiscal year budget process. Funding for the Forecourt and Front Fayade Restoration Projects was previously approved and appropriated by the Agency and is available in the Alex Theatre Account #240701-50273. BACKGROUND Quarterly Repo rt Attached is the second quarter report for FY 2010-11 for the period of (October 1 to December 31, 2010) from Glendale Arts (Exhibit 1). The management agreement with Glendale Arts requires quarterly reports rega rding Alex Theatre operations to the Redevelopment Agency. The Alex Theatre second quarter results are as follows: • An overall increase of 6.9% in cash account funds over the previous year. The decrease in the Capital and Maintenance balance is due to funds having been withdrawn to underwrite the refurbishment of the stage fly system and repair of the marquee ceiling . • Alex Theatre operations ended the second quarter with a net surplus of $219,891 after depreciation expense, which includes income form the management fee paid to the Glendale Arts. This compares with a net surplus of $204,022 for the same time period the previous year. • Although the box office processed fewer tickets , it did generate more revenue in comparison to the same period last year. Per the Management Agreement, Glendale Arts must maintain a General Reserve account with a cap of $100,000. As of this report, the balance of this account is $100,000, which meets the requirements of the Management Agreement. In addition, Glendale Arts must also maintain a Capital/Maintenance Reserve account to fund capital and maintenance projects for the Theatre and a Programming Reserve account to underwrite any programming losses. As of this report, both accounts have healthy balances of $44,035 and $88,335, respectively . Revised Capital Improvement Projects List Since the initial rehabilitation of the Alex Theatre in 1992, there had not been a comprehensive effort to preserve or enhance the building systems and overall condition , therefore the Alex Theatre Building Committee along with City and Agency staff compiled a comprehensive list of long-term maintenance and capital improvements. The Agency conceptually approved the CIP list in April 2007 and directed staff to include the projects in the annual Agency budget process. In June 2008, the Agency took a step further and committed to funding the capital improvement projects as part of the current lease with Glendale Arts for the operations of the Theatre and asked staff to bring each project to the Agency prior to implementation. The list is periodically reviewed and revised as some projects no longer need to be implemented, cost estimates are adjusted or implementation years/dates are revised. In October 2008 & 2009, the Agency reviewed and approved a revised list. Although the list is revised , the total funds committed as part of the lease remains the same. The following is an update on completed projects: Alex Theatre Quarterly Report, Revised CIP list, Front Fayade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 5 of 8 • • • • • • • • • Emergency Waterproofing Repairs - completed in 2007 & 2008; Orchestra Shell Upgrade - completed in 2007 & 2009; Sound System Upgrade - Phases I, II & 111- completed in 2007 & 2010; Purchase and Installation of Lighting Control Console - completed in 2008; Purchase and Installation of Capstan Winch for rigging - completed in 2008; Purchase and Installation of automatic restroom plumbing fixtures - completed in 2008; Painting of North, East, South sides - completed in 2009; Refurbishment of approximately 1,500 Theatre Seats ~ completed in 2010; and Front Fac;:ade Restoration - (Phase I - research and investigation) - completed in 2010 The current list identifying upcoming projects is attached to this report as Exhibit 2; completed projects have been removed. Parking Lot Expansion Study One of the projects identified in the Capital Improvement List when it was approved as part of the 2008 Lease was the Theatre expansion , presumably into the adjacent parking lot area. This project was never clearly defined nor did it have a projected date for implementation; however, one of the critical components of this project included addressing some of the Theatre's long~term operational deficiencies, such as; • • • • • • Expansion of backstage , office and additional meeting space; Addition of dressing rooms , storage and shop space ; A new freight elevator to access street and subterranean levels; VIP reception area; Multi~purpose office space; and A new passenger elevator with access to all levels The proposed improvements will help enhance Theatre marketability and future financial viability as they will allow the Theatre to attract new performers and shows with specific needs, such as additional dressing room and VIP reception space. Furthermore, these improvements were also intended to begin to address some of the ADA issues with the historical building in anticipation of the expiration of the project area in 2015 and the termination of the annual management and CIP funds. The $2 Million budgeted for the project was an estimated number when the list was prepared. Staff recommends that this project be moved up on the priority list in light of the proposed development project located to the south of the Theatre and its projected implementation timeline. Staff anticipates retaining the services of an architect experienced in historic theatre expansion to provide alternatives to accommodate the Theatre's many needs in anticipation of the new development in the adjacent lot and its potential impact on the theatre's backstage loading dock area. If the development project was not proposed for the site to the south , staff would focus on this parking lot expansion project in fiscal year 2011~ 12, however, in order to maximize the development opportunity on the parcels to the south , it makes sense to address all of the missing operational needs at this time. Staff anticipates bringing this item back to the Agency for a detailed review later on this calendar year. Alex Theatre Quarterty Report, Revised CIP List, Front Facade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 6 of8 Front Fat;ade Restoration Project As part of the long term capital improvement projects list, the north, south and east sides of the Theatre were painted in 2009; however, the front fagade was separated from the scope of work as it required an intricate method to restore. The front fagade was originally restored in 1992 as part of the original restoration of the Theatre ; however after 18 years of exposure to the elements, the fagade needs significant repairs . The front fat;:ade restoration project was proposed to be completed in two phases: 1} investigative/research phase and 2} painting/ restoration phase. In August 2009, the Agency approved a sole source contract with Randall/McAnany for the first phase. Over the past two decades, Tatyana Thompson (a subcontractor with Randall/McAnany) has provided investigative services for several restoration projects at the Theatre. As part of the first phase, Ms. Thompson, a Historical Conservator, performed the field investigation and research . Her onsite investigation and field research was completed in November 2009. The report (Exhibit 3) was prepared in April 2010 and included an assessment of the original historic paint/finishes and the painted decoration found on the front fagade and vestibule of the Theatre. The recommendations in the report are based on the following: • • • • • Onsite examination of the front fat;:ade and vestibule areas; Examination of original sculptural elements (no longer present); Examination of historic photographs; Research of archival material, including copies of original construction drawings; and Examination with a stereoscopic microscope of a representative sampling of paint gathered from the front fagade and vestibule areas. Staff is requesting Agency approval to prepare specifications and bid documents and to solicit bids to restore the front fat;:ade as the second phase of this project. Staff would like to complete this project in Spring/Summer 2011 . If the project is not implemented this summer, the report from Ms. Thompson may become outdated and require additional research and analysis to see if the conditions have further deteriorated since her report was prepared. The draft scope of services is included in Exhibit 4. The original estimate for the Front Fat;:ade project in 2009 was $90,000, which included exterior painting on the east fa gade, vestibule and courtyard and the services of the historical conservator. Since then, the mural, lion heads and sunburst have deteriorated due to weather and exterior elements requiring their restoration; they have been added to the Scope of Work. The current estimate is approximately $160,000 to include the exterior painting on the east fagade , vestibule and courtyard, restoration of the mural, frieze and lion heads at parapet, and sunburst. In order to accommodate for the increased cost, changes were made to the planned Theatre carpet replacement project in 2014. The carpet replacement cost of $220,000 has·been reduced to $100,000 and will involve replacing the carpet in heavy traffic areas where it is showing the most wear as opposed to replaCing the entire carpet. The funds that are saved will be used towards the additional cost of the restoration effort. Alex Theatre Quarterty Report, Revised CIP List, Front Fayade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 7 ot8 Update on Forecourt Redesign Project In February 2009, the Agency authorized staff to proceed with the Forecourt Redesign Project in order to re-evaluate the current forecourt design and improve the overall functionality, aesthetics, and rental flexibility of the space as a reception and small performance area. In June 2009, the Agency selected Architectural Resources Group (ARG), who worked closely with Agency/City staff and the Alex Theatre Committee on the design. As the Alex Theatre is a designated historic resource, the design approval authority is with the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). In January 2010, HPC reviewed ARG's proposal for the renovation of the forecourt. HPC unanimously approved the proposed design and requested further design details for the paving pattern, sunshade device, new space heaters and additional lighting. Since then, Glendale Arts has reevaluated the project in terms of Building and Fire Code restrictions , budget and long-range planning for the Theatre. As a result, the scale of the renovation has been reduced considerably and most of the items that HPC asked to review have been removed from the project. The current proposal is new to the Agency, though many of the design and programmatic goals of the previous proposal remain the same. The revised plans are attached as Exhibit 5; the scope of work includes the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Remove existing vines, trellis, palm trees , and metal site furniture ; Remove existing entry gates below marquee and replace with new frameless glass door system; Remove outer sections of existing concrete slab paving; Install new colored concrete slab paving; Stain existing remaining sections of concrete paving; Add new planters, seat walls and irrigation between obelisks and theater on the north and south walls; Add new concrete ·cypress lounge- seating with urns and cypress plants; Add new vine planters and irrigation on north and south concession/storage walls; Infill existing window at concessions/storage on north wall; lnfill one bay of storage room door openings for single doors; Add new cocktail counters on north and south concession/storage walls; Add new up-lighting , forecourt area lighting and cypress lounge lighting; and Paint entire north and south outer concrete walls and box office/electrical/concession/ storage walls. Overall, the new design represents a tremendous improvement over the existing condition. Specifically, the appearance of the concession and storage structures will be greatly enhanced by the new landscaping, which will cover them with small-leafed vines. An existing opening at the north structure will be filled in, providing the location for a future donor wall. Small counters will project from the sides of the structures to provide table space for patrons. The glass doors will help the Theatre meet its goal of reducing street noise for patrons gathering in the forecourt while also meeting Fire Department egress requirements. The proposed door system is practically frame less, providing the highest level of transparency possible. It's important to note that the doors can be removed in the future without affecting the property's historic charact~r . Alex Theatre Quarterly Report, Revised CIP List, Front Fayade, Forecourt & Parking Lot Expansion Projects March 1, 2011 Page 8 of 8 On January 13, 2011 , the Alex Theatre Committee reviewed and approved the plans. As the designated review authority for historic buildings, HPC reviewed and unanimously approved the revised project at its meeting on January 31 , 2011 . Prior to HPC review , the Agency received a bi-monthly report on January 5, 2011 with the revised project scope and associated design plans. As the Agency previously approved the release of specification and bid documents in March 2010, this report provides an update to the Agency on the revised plans and no further Agency action is necessary. EXHIBITS Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit 1: 2: 3: 4: 5 Alex Theatre Quarterly Report for the period of October 1 to December 31 , 2010 Alex Theatre Revised CIP list - January 2011 Report on Front FaQade Restoration Findings & Recommendations (T. Thompson) Proposed Scope of Services for Front FaQade Restoration Project Forecourt Redesign Project Design Plans - January 2011 MQ!! Q~ Moved by Agency Member seconded by Agency Member that the quarterly report from the Glendale Arts on behalf of the Alex Theatre for the period of October I, 2010 to December 31, 2010, is hereby deemed noted and filed and ordered filed with the Director of Community Development. Vote as follows: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain: APPROVED AS TO FORM C~_ DATE G - :--' CITY ATTORNEY - Z2 -(I' J,\FIL£S\DOCFILES\PAcrFIND\Alex Thelltre\ART Bo",rd Glendal e .... na Fourth Quarter Report 03 1 11 wpd 6 B 1 MOIlON Moved by Agency Member _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ seconded by Agency Member _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ , that the revised Capital Improvement Projects list for the Alex Theatre be, and the same is hereby approved as outlined in the staff report and Exhibits from the Director of Community Development dated March 1, 2011 , including any comments and recommendations from the Agency_ Vote as follows : Ayes: Noes: Absent: Abstain : APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY ___2~-::.:::2~2;;...;.-.:./.;..~_ CAlC - J:\ FILES\OOCPILES\FACTI'1ND\Alex Thea l["e\R"vi.ed Capital 1"", Lut 201-1 IIItn.wpd 6 B 2 RESOLUTION NO,_ _ _ __ A RESOLUTION OF THE GLENDALE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF SPECIFICATIONS, BID DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE SOLICITATION OF BIDS UNDER SPECIFICATIONS NUMBER R- 41 FOR THE FRONT FACADE RESTORATION PROJECT AT THE HISTORIC ALEX THEATRE WHEREAS , since 1993 when the historic Alex Theatre was renovated and converted into a pertorming arts center, the Agency has committed to preserving and enhancing the Theatre; and WHEREAS , historic building conservator Ms. Tatyana Thompson recently completed an assessment and investigation to determine how restoration could be completed to ensure the Alex Theatre's historic front facade paint/finishes would continue to be preserved; and WHEREAS , historical conservation is a highly specialized service which in this case will involve a high level of skill and expertise in order to ensure restoration painting , stenciling, finishing , and finished decorations on the front facade in the forecourt area will maintain the historic integrity of the Theatre . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE, that the Director of Community Development is hereby authorized to prepare specifications, bid documents, and to solicit bids under Specifications number R-41 for the Front Facade Restoration Project at the Historic Alex Theatre. Adopted this _ _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2011 . Agency Chair ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FOR_M_ Agency Secretary L.:=>_ -- erN ATTORNEY DATE ...!.2~ - £:2",,3~,£./.:./., - 6 B 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ) SS ) I, ARDASHES KASSAKHIAN , Secretary afthe Glendale RedevelapmentAgency , dahereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was adopted by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Glendale, California , at a regular meeting held on the _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2011 , and that same was adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Noes: Absent: Abstain: Secretary 2 nfIL£S\DOCF!LES\FACIFINDWe~ ThealrelAgency 1Jl[) RF.50 alex Theatre facade ""mlm~ ele 2011 "pd Exhibit 1 ~f!~~ GLENDALE ARTS 116 West California Avenue Glendale, CA 91203 P 818 .552.ARTS 127821 1818.241.2089 [email protected] feb ruary 8, 2011 The Honorable Aro Najarian, Mayor The Honorable l auro Friedman, Agency Choir Glendale Redevelopment Agency 633 E. Broadway, Room 201 Glendole, CA 9 1206 RE: Alex Theatre Quarterly Report - Second Quarter of Fisca l Year 2010-1 1 Dear Mayor Najarian and Agency Choir Friedman: The Glendale Arts Boord of Directors is pleased to presenl this report to the Glendale Redevelopment Agency (GRA) outlining the Alex Theatre's stote of operations and financial affairs for the second quarter of fiscal year 2010-11. As you review the attached financial statements you will note the following: • Alex Theatre Cas h Accounts ~ An overall increase of 6.9% in cosh account funds over the previous year. The decrease in the Capital and Maintenance balance is due to funds having been withdrawn to underwrite the refurbishment of the stage fly system and repair of the marquee ceiling. Additional monies were drawn from the GRA Management Fee account to cover costs associated with a grant for which payment is sti ll outstanding. This money will be returned to the Management Fee account when the grant funds are received. • Second Quarter Statement of Activities ~ The second quarter of operations ended with 0 loss of $59,986 after depreciation expense compared to a loss of $40,286 the previous fiscal year. This was due 10 a reduction in event activities in November as a result of several event cancellations during the month. • Year-to-oate Statement of Activities ~ Alex Theatre operations ended the second quarter with a net surplus of $219,891 after depreciation expense, which includes income from the management fee paid to Glendale Arts. This compares with a net surplus of $204,022 for the same time period the previous year. Although we lost some financial ground during the second quarter due to the poor November results, aHendance, total days of event activities, and total net rental revenues continue to run ahead of last year. As of the preparation of this report, we are now at 98% of meeting our budget goal of $650,000 in net rental revenues based upon confirmed engagements and bookings for which contracts hove already been issued. Alex Theatre Quarterly Report- Fiscal Year 20 10·71 Second Quarter Page 2 In October, the Glendale Arts Board of Directors and senior members of the stoff participated in a planning retreat to discuss ways to address the pending loss of funding from the Redevelopment Agency in 2015. Out of that retreat come two distinct strategies that were adopted by the Boord. The first strategy is to continue to improve upon our current operations by controlling costs such as reducing energy consumption and increasing income streams such as rental income and box office service fees. The second tactiC" is to toke on the management of additional performance facilities, which will a llow us to spread our overhead expenses over a greater range of activities resulting in a cost savings to the Alex Theatre through economy of scale. The Glendale Arts Boord believes that by aggressively fo llowing these strategies we have a chance to realistically achieve self.sufficiency by the 2015 deadline. On behalf of the members of the Glendale Arts Boord and staff, and the thousands of patrons whose lives are enriched by offending performances at the Alex Theatre, thank you for your continued support of our efforts and activities. Sincerely, ~~,.w~ Chairperson, Glendale Arts Boord 2~~~ Chief Executive Glendale Arts SUMMARY OF ALEX THEATRE OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES October 7, 2070 to December 37, 2010 Following is a brief summary of Alex Theatre operational activities for the second quarter of fiscal year 2010-11 running from Odober 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. BOX OFFICE, • Adivities - Through the end of the second quarter, the Box Office processed a total of 34,548 tickets and generated $ 1,180,052 in gross ticket sa les compared with 36,558 tickets and $ 1,134,526 in ticket sa les fo r the some period lost year. The box office also generated $32,463 in service fees compa red with $33,394 the previous yea r. CAPITAL AND MAINTENANCE PROJE CTS, • Forecovrl Redesign Projed - Members of the Glendale Arts and Redevelopment Agency staffs worked with the project architect to create a modified design that better meets the budget parameters and revised project goals. The new design will be presented to the Historic Preservation Commission in January and the Redevelopment Agency in March for final approval. • Future Projeds - On Odober 19, the Redevelopment Agency approved issuing RFPs seeking consultants to conduct assessments of the theatre roof and of any building modifications required under the Americans with Disabil ities Act. As port of the roof assessment, the consultant will be looking at the feasibility of adding solar panels to reduce energy costs. COMMUNITY/ EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH, • Alex Theatre Public Tour - Glendale Arts hosted free public tours of the Alex Theatre on Odober 23 and November 27, 2010. This ongoing series oftours provides local residents and visitors with a historical overview of the Alex Theatre and tokes them backstage where the technical stoff demonstrates the lighting, sound, and film projection systems. • PATH Achieve Glendale Diaper Drive - Glendale Arts and the Alex Theatre partnered with PATH Achieve Gle nda le to participate in the Glendale Domestic Violence Task Force annual Diaper Drive in Novem ber and December. Patrons attending events were encouraged to bring diapers to donate to the drive. DEVELOPMENT / FUNDRAISING, • Annual Fund Drive - In November, Glenda le Arts launched its second annual Fund Drive for the Arlswith a goal of ra ising $73,000 through contributions from the community. The fund drive will run through May of 20 11 . FRONT OF HOUSE, • Theatre Volunteers - During the second quarter of operations, nine residents from the local commun ity joined the Alex Theatre volunteer usher program . •1• Glenda le Arts - Summory of Alex Theatre Operational Activities MARKETING, • Alex Theatre Web Site - Through the end of the second qua rter, the Alex Theatre web site attra cted 103,680 visitors. The overage visitor viewed 10 pages per visit and spent 7 minutes viewing the site. Year-Io-dafe, a tolal of 197,720 visitors have viewed the Alex Theatre web site. • Awards - The Alex Theatre was voted "'Best live Venue" in the Pasadena Weekly's Bes! of Pasadena issue, as well as the "Best live Theatre" in the Bes! Enferiainmenfcategory by the Glendale News·Press. RENTALS, • Theatre Adivities - During the second quarter of operations, the Alex Theatre had 46 days of activities and hosted 1 comm unity event, 1 educational school event, 8 film screenings, 6 days of TV and film shoots, 8 load-in/rehearsa l doys, 8 reception/business meetings, and 22 public performances. • Glendale Renaissance Orchestra - On December 8, the Glendale Renaissance Orchestra com pleted its inaugural season of four concerts with a special holiday performance ot the Alex Theatre. Ell iott Yamin, who was the special guest artist at the December performance, also gave 0 sho rt concert for the staff and pediatric patients of the Glend a le Adventist Medical Center prior to his performance at the Alex. When the GRO beg ins its second season in 201 1, the orchestra will change its name to the Glendale Pops Orchestra and will hire a full-time Music Director/Principal Conductor. The new season will kick-off on May 13,2011 at the Alex Theatre. • Rental Income - As of December 31, 2010, there were $580,883 in confirmed net rental revenues for the year compared with a budget of $650,000, which places the Alex Theatre at 89.4% of meeting its budget goal. As of De<:ember 31 , 2009 there were $568,771 in confirmed net renta l revenues, so confirmed bookings are currently running $ 12,112 ahead of the some period lost year. -2- G~nclale Arts ALEX THEATRE EVENT ACTIVITIES Year-To-Date Previous Yeal Comparison [July 1, 2010 - OKemller 31, 2010) FN FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 2.154 2.100 2.312 10.061 104,915 6.161 9,097 10,043 6,101 '.553 11.015 26,111 11.704 11.528 29,333 41,526 31,430 20 12 V...... % Ch.nae ATTENDANCE J"" AU9uSI September TOlallsl Quarter Attendance: ""'." November December 70ut 2nd Quarter Attend.nce: TOTAL ATTENDANCE: 6>, DAY OF ACTIVITIES J., August September TQtal1,t Quaner Days of Activities : "'",,", , November December Toul 2nd Quarter Days of Activities : TOTAL DAYS OF ACTIVITIES: MIX OF THEATRE ACTIVITIES Community 0utreiK;h Educational Outreach Film Screenings Film I TV Shoots L().iId-ln I Rehea rsal Meetings I Receptions I Graduations Performances TOUI tal Quarter Mix of TIMI.lre Activities: Community Outreach Educational Outreach Fnm Screenings Film / TV Shoots Load·ln / Rehearsal Meetings / Receptions/Graduations Performances Total 2nd QU<lner Mill of Thfltra Activities : 3 TOTAL MIX OF THEATRE ACTIVITIES : J., 9 ,• " 23 15 11 " 11 20 " " , 0 3 " ,• ., , ,, 6 «, 19.1% 1,482 3,894 239.8% 63.1% 5,818 61.0% 3,942 (6,llil) 64.6% -52.6% -4.5% j 5131 (2,722) 3.096 ,, , "• -9.3% 1.1% ...'" 125.0% 100.0% 17.0% (" 364% -26,7% 2 11.1% 4.5% 67 22 32.8% 2 I') ·50.0% 0 6 0 (31 -50.0% ." 15 , 0.'" , , •• ", " 237.5% 0 0 3 0.0% 0.0% 75.0% "I') 72.0% 2 ('I 0 6 (6) -50.0% 100.0% 100.0% -42,9% 100.0% -241% • ", • , ....'" 22 29 j71 " " "n 2 3.1% " 26.0% 11 11 9 3 0 6 6 12 0.0% 200,0% DAYS OF RENTAL ACTIVITIES August September TOI.ll11 OUi!lrter Days of Rantal Activities: om"" November Oecember Tolal 2nd Ouaner Days of Renlal Ac\lvilie-s: • TOTAL DAYS OF RENTAL A CTIVITIES : , " " 15 " .." ." (') " 65 " 11 11 15 • 85.7% 57.1% 36.<4% ·267% 5.6% 2.3% 20.0% ALEX THEATRE EVENT ACTIVITIES Year-To-Date Previous Year CompariSOl1 (July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2(110] FN FY 2009-10 FY 2(109-10 33.311 35,119 38.688 12,945 (5.311) 22,174 63.251 131,741 39.995 91,628 23.256 <10,113 11,906 50,176 47.336 85.851 2115,093 83.712 80.... 21,130 (36.376) 214,351 5.385 (9,261) 33&,834 305,982 30,952 3.034 3.902 4,665 3,992 3,517 (483) 4.315 5,114 4,3&3 (413) (848 (371) 4.794 4,561 4.303 5.561 Variance NET RENTAL REVENUE J.., A_' September lOUlltt Outrter Het Rental Revenues: "'.'" November "",",,,,", TOUII2nd Quarter Net Rental Revenues : 5 TOTAL NET RENTAL REVENUES : -13.7% 171.3% 58.1% 43.8% 43.3% --43.5% 6.7% ".3% 10.1% AVERAGE NET RENTAL REVENUES PER DAY July August September Total 1st Quarter Aver'ge Net Rental RevenLles: OCtotler November December TOIal2nd QLlarter Average Net Rental ReYenlH!$: 6 10TALAVERAGE NET RENTAL REVENUES: 4.518 4 .... 4,318 4,101 1 ", .. -13.1% -9.6% -14.8% ~.5% (1.278) 5.1% -22.11% 1.1% (314) -u% (389) ~.3"4 I FOOTNOTES The decrease In attendance In the 2nd qLl8fter was due 10 a redt.oction in event acllvtly In November. 2 The dec:rease In event aclivIIy In November was due to the loss of an annual week-long booking due to budget CUI-backs experienced by the 3 The Increase In total itClivi\ies is due primarily to the Last comic; Standing tapings In July.nd August 4 The Increase In total days of rental octtvities is primarilydu-e to the Last Comic SIIJIIdIng lllpings In July and AugLisl 5 The Increase In total nel rental revenLies would have been grealer. but film shoots generalliess Income than other types of events. 6 Average net rental revenLie 15 down becat.tSe 26% of aclivilles during tile flrst and second quarlel"$ were film shoots, whlctl generate less II'lcome than other types of events. produetng organization. ~, . GlendaJ~ Arts ALEX THEATRE CASH ACCOUNTS Previoos Year Comparison [Balances as of December 31, 2010] 12131/10 FN ,, 4 , , Reserve Accounts General Reserve Account Capijtal and Maintenance Reserve Account Programming Reserve Account 100,000 44,03S 12131109 97,690 Variance % Chanlle 2,310 (29.344) 18.329 (31.543) (40,248) ><% -40.0% GRA Management fee Total Reserve Accounts: SS.33S 150.842 383,212 73,379 70,006 182,385 423,460 Box Office Receipts Ticket Sales Receipts Rental Deposits Total Box Offlce Receipts 118,625 34,513 153,138 52.360 25.693 78,053 68.265 8.820 75,085 126.6% 34.3% TOTAL CASH ACCOUNTS 536,350 501,513 34,837 6.9% 26.2% -17.3% -9.5% ".'" I FOOTNOTES The General Reserve Account is held in a segregated Board restricted money market fund. 2 Funding to underwrite maintenance and capital improvements at the Alex Theatre. wtlk:h Is funded from a portion of th!'! $1.00 facility assessed to tickets distributed for !'!venls. 3 Funding to underwrite any losses incurred by Glendale Arts presentations at the Alex Theatre. which Is funded from a portion of the $1.00 facility assessed \(I tJck!'!1s distributed for events. 4 R!'!malnlng balance of annual 5415.000 management fee paid to Glendale Arts by the GRA. 5 Advance ticket sales on account for upcoming performances at th!'! Alex Theatre . 6 Event deposits on account for upcoming rental engagements at m!'! Alex Theatr!'!. ·7· Gle ndale AIls ALEX THEATRE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Sll~ond P ravkxl . Year Co mpa rison Qu.ner (Oetober 1, 2010 to O,umber 31, 20101 FN AI.. 0l!:!"'!ions .... Renllll, FY 2010-11 2nd au.lter Tolll' O ...rh. .d ln~ome ,, , , Contributions InleraS! Incom e MI,cel lan&ous Inco me GRA Management F&a Reve nue Tot.. ln~om, ; ,..., FY2009-10 2nd QUIIIt.r Varlanee 'foC ha!!ll! 0 0 0 0 0 10,484 289,862 0 0 10,699 289.862 8.125 lOt,688 330.156 (21 ,-470) -6.5% 17.967 71,787 0 0 0 .(9,291 1.967 199,()'(5 1,967 20,025 23,613 1.156 2Q7,740 2.171 20,9 75 22 .153 (8,695) (204) (950) (492) '"24' '.650 '" -<1.2% ·9 ..("10 -4.5% 7.5% -29.8% -11 .9% 54.5% 100.0% 100.0% 11 .2% 0.0% 24.1% " ,go 0 7,Osa 7.083 ' J< 50' 606 .60 '50 1,267 2.332 6.949 (661) (1 ,681 ) 0 0 300,348 326, 423 126 .0n ) 5185.8% -52.2% _72. 1% 0.0% -8.0% 0 Expen.. • ,,, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " " " " Salaries and Wages Accounting I Payroll Cha~. SABO/Credlt Card Ch, rgu Insurance M8rke~ng CUllS 3. Subscriptlon. Equipment Expense. Inlerast Expen_ lIo.ns.s 3. Pennits CllYlllopment 3. Fuooraltlng VOlunleer Coordination Professiona l Fees Contra ct Labor An lsl Fees PrinUng & Reproductlon Postage & Delivery Renl & Lease Telephone Offi~SuppWes U I .li~fIS Theatra Ma intenance Taxes - Other Employer Expense. Mealll Hospita lit)l TfJlYel & Entertainment Miscellaneous Tot" Expense' NET SURPl.USI(DEF1CIT) Cepre<:1atlon Expense NET SURPl.USI(DEFIC1T) [Alte r Depre<:1a tion] Lu. Annual GRA Man.gemenl F&a NET SURPl.USJ(DEFICrT) [wlo ORA Managemenl Fee) 19,303 65 0 994 0 0 0 0 6,683 0 0 0 ,,. 0 '" '54 23,801 14 ,092 0 ..'" 10.2~ 2 , 0 20,025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,510 1.093 6.534 1,554 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.453 0 9.9 12 (19) '"24' 536 1.530 '" 0 '" '"0 2,692 9,375 0 0 0 6 .53~ '" '" 6.525 2,288 1,011 1.0.(1 , 1,099 7,129 0 ,2< '" ".65 155.205 111,529 8.( ,008 !1<<, 5061 178,333 175.8831 17,945 1'62,,(5'1 0 1162,,(511 0 178,333 0 178,333 ,,369 1'5) 175 1868 1 0 1!5!!!!1 1,55~ 0 553 6.525 2.393 1,765 2.(.842 15.547 1,099 27.283 (79) 2.168 ',334 350,142 ° 9!10 0 0 394 0 .. '" 0 1.821 '50 2.~% 0 0 1.55~ 100.0% 0.0% -28.6% 32.8% 20.7% -6 ..(% -7.7% ,-"% -23.7% 7.3% -1,(2.2% 251.2% 25.6% H5 4,915 1,982 ,.... 26.927 15 .330 1,441 2 5-"26 '" 50' 1,656 351,891 121 ,735 1 18 .551 159,9861 1'(0,286 1 0 (65) 540 '46 1,554 6 .383 1,(2 1 561 17,930 159,986 1 '.600 0 ~40.2"1 0 (222) 1,610 ... (121) (2,085) '" (34 2) 1,857 (266) 1,561 '" (1 ,149) -0.3% 12°,321 1 93.5 % 1621 ) 19 1 ,700! 0 119,7001 ·3.3% ,(8.9% 0.0% .(8.9 % Glelldale Arts ALEX THEATRE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES F'revlou$ Year Comparison Second Qu.rur [October 1, 2010 to Cecember 31, 2010] IFOOTNOTeS Conlribullons from lound.lions, corpor.:lllons, and indMdu.!s. 2 Internt Income gene....led from the AJex Theatre casn ~rve aecoun1., capllaVmalnlenanee fund aecount, .nd Ule box offiee receipts accounl 3 MlseellaneotJs Income gen&releci !rom sources not dIrectly relatad 10 rental event aetMtl8l . .f Tna Management Fee pakl to Glendale Arts by the GRA for the operatkln of Iha ~ Incoma generated from rental feas, bo~ Ale~ Theatre Is recor;nlzed a. Ir>eome In July when the payment Is received. offlca faes, arld charge·backs to renla l users, arld Igcll ity fe8l. S S,la.-. and wages, which Inch.reI" admlnilrlreUve, labor costs associated with r,ntal events. and stage crew maintenaflCft wages . 7 Payroll service fe8lIand admlniltretlve lees lor the emplo)'8e -401 (k) reliremelll nvlngl plan . 8 Tlckellees paid to bo~ office software provider and 9 IOfUl1lOC8 premium expense for employee medlc6l.nd dental coYefllQ8, genaraillabllltv coverage, and directofl; & officers coverage. 10 Expense asSOCiated with m.rketlng the Alex Theatre to polen\ltll rental users arld patrons (advertisemenlS In tr1Ide publicationS. direct mall camp.lgns, W9b ,Ita development). fee. associated with the A1e~ Theatre merchant account through which credit card tnlnsactioos are proefllsecl . 11 Membership fees for professlon.1 organizations and subllCrip~ons for Indultry publicatlonl. 12 Leue e~pen$a for office copy machine and poSlilgl matar; purchase of computer loftware; rental of equipment for evants. for the office copy meehlne arld postage meter. 13 Inl4rBlt expense from 1M lene 14 Annual permit fees associa Ted with operating the Ala~ Theatre. 15 ~nn as.soeia\8CI wllh applying lot opemlioo;ll .nd Cflpltat gnllnlS and for .oIreiting corporaTe and indivldu.1 conTrIbutions. 16 ~ lor operabng the AIe~ Theatre voIut1l00f usher pmgrarn. 17 Expense assodated With the annual.udi\. atlomay'sleea, and oUlSlde coosultanlS luch as grant writers. The cUlT8flt year increase raflects cost of IT conSllltant. 18 ConTract stage and security labor for rental evenl8. 19 Artist fa., paid by Glandal' Art. on beha~ of rental users In connection with evants at \he Ale~ Theatre 20 Mltcellaneous prlnUng lor all AIe~ Theatre (jgpartments. 21 Postage expense for In AIe~ Theatre departmenTs. 22 AIe~ 23 Raneets Alex Theatre stlara of lelaphone (oftlce and IhNtre). OSL servic4l. and web sile hos~ng fees. 24 Puretlase of ~ct<et stock lor th' box offrc. and other mltcel l.neous office supplies lor use by the AIwt Tllealrt 2~ UWI~8I e~pense 26 E~penle 27 MIIIC8Uaneoulta~ea 28 Worker. Compenililtion, federal.Ad state em~.nT tall... Theatre stlare of lease lor Glendale Arts administration office In Ihe Orange Street Parking Garage .ta". lor e lectric. 9al and trash removal. for thealrll mainTenance and repel'll and annual resToration projects. assened to the AIg~ Theatre ane! the Gklodale Alta admlnllliration olllee 29 Ho.pitaliTy end food aAd beverage expense associ.ted with meetIngs and IlIfltal evenl act1v,lies. 30 Employee parking passes lor the Orange SIrgeI F'arklng Garage; employee mllNge driven; emplo~" professiOnal development seminars and classes. 31 Mitctllaneous expense all-SOClaled with \he operation 01 the Alex Theatre. 32 Net .urplus or deficit before depreciation e~pense. 33 Assat depreciation. 34 Net surplus or deficit after depreelaTkm expense . 35 /lleTlu'pllI! or deficit when income from the GRA ManagemenT Fee Is removed. -, - Glendalll Arb ALEX THEATRE STATEMENT OF AC T IVITIES Previous Year Comparison Vur·to·Oat. [July 1, 2010 t o O.c.mbtor 31, 20101 . ... " Operations Income ,, , , Con lr1buUons Intere!lt Income Miscellaneou. Income GRA Management Fee Revenue Total Income: "'" Rentals FV 2010·11 ym Total Overheed FV 2009-10 "'. '''''' Variance ,.. ','" "foC ha!!Jl! 7,058 -415,000 16.144 0 0 0 0 480,101 1,523 1.20-4 0 0 7,063 1,523 1.394 -415,000 496,245 6.510 415.000 457,395 6,715 (1,-465) (5.116) 0 38.850 431,359 480,101 9,785 ' 21 ,245 882,261 38,'84 162,958 0 0 39.770 28' 0 1,774 0 0 0 0 11.505 0 0 112.168 0 26.768 0 0 0 91,515 3.810 0 9.374 2.111 1,052 1,831 372,721 3.810 26.168 49,1 44 364,161 4.188 30.431 46,883 4.522 ',766 4,811 15 7,960 (978) (3.663) 2,261 (2.126) (214) (1.107) ,.," 0 182-4.7% .... 9.0% ·76.6% 0.0% 8.5% 4.4% £a pen.. • ,• " "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " "" "" 7 II 20 " " " " Salarie•• nd Wages Accounllng I Payroll Charges SABO/Ctedlt Card Cmorges Insulllnce Markeling Dues a Subscriptions Equipment Expens.. Interest E~penses Llcerl5e. & Permits DeveIopmenl " Fund...l,i"ll .... oIunteer Comt!llI3lfon Profenional Fees Contract Labor Afljst F_ P11ntlng a Reproduction Posl8Qe a Dellvary Rema Lease Telephone Olfi<:e Supplies UtiliV.. Theatre M'lntenaoce Taxes· 01het Employer Expense. Meals/ Hospitality Tra ....1& Enlerlalnment Mi$C8llaneous Tota l Exp, n .. : NET SURPLUSf(DE.FICIT) D-eprecla~on Expen,e NET SURPLUS/(OEFICIT) (After Depreciation] LtI$s Annual GRA Managemenl Fee NET SURPLU SI(DEFICITj [wlo GRA Management Fee) ...'" 0 '10 1.591 49,014 37,671 0 21,621 0 975 " "" 4" 1.052 3.704 '" 0 0 0 0 0 12.107 1.554 100 0 0 0 0 0 2.653 0 15.491 0 119 159 87. 0 6.701 0 0 0 '" 12,723 4.472 2.108 2.058 80 1,226 14,415 0 2,149 ·100.0% 202.0% 1.6% "" 41 255,146 240 ,028 15 118 1 ,8< 35,855 36.006 211.111 204.022 15,819 415.000 415.000 0 0.0% 119511011 1210.9761 15 869 1 ·7.5% 0 1 11 55.9311 0 11 55,9391 - 10· ,468, 4.113 (181) 2,169 40 53,499 j1 55,355 308 ,1&8 306,798 ~.816 (2,361) ',586 4,335 3.658 23 ,266 35,211 j3471968 1 ~,,", 18.6% 8.0% 1.1% .4.4% 16,0% -21.6% 642,233 102,303 0 (10) 1.997 2.~&8 165,140 1,~14 308.7N 32. 33.7'10 30.9% 0.0% 0,0% 665,499 171,30 3 61,032 1.121 12.723 4.682 3.899 51,132 40.404 1,228 51,527 0 '"'" (150) 0 4,595 2,861 1.554 1.696 47, 354 187 1,074 2,428 329,056 415,000 IT "0 0 13.617 9,246 0 0 1.131 10.726 32. '" 830 '59 .20 0 18.212 12,101 1,554 2.2% ·20.4% · 12.0% 4.8% -<11.0% -16,9% ·23.0% 3213.3% 835.3% ·15.5% 0.0% 3>4' (lSI) 8.8% 3.6% 6 .5'10 -0.4% 1.1" Glendale Arte ALEX THEATRE STATEMENT OF AC TIVITIES PreYiooe Year Comparison Year·lo·Oal l [J uly 1, 2.010 10 December 31, 2010J I FOOTNOTES I Contributions from foundalions, corporatlonl. and individuals. 2 Interest Income generated from the AIel( Theatre cash roSeNe 3CCQUnt, ca~tIIVmalntefWIIllCe funlj Iccounl, and the box office re<:elp\3 accounl 3 MiIIce..neous Income generated 110m IOWCeS nol d:re<:tty related to .entlll event acUvltles. .( The Management Fee paid \0 Glendale Arts by the GRA for the operation of the .5 Income generated from rentlll feel. boll office feel. and reimbursable charge·backs \0 rentlll users. and IaclUty feel. 6 Salaries and wages, which IncIU<Ie. adminlwa~ve wages • ..,bor CO$U auoclated with rental events. and slage crew maintenance wage .. AIe~ Theatru is recognlZIJd as Income In July when the payment Ie received . 1 Pa)'fOlt"Nice foo, and admlnl,1JlI\IYe foo, for the employee 401(k) retirement saYing, plan. 8 B Ticket fees paid to box office software provider and fees assoclaled with the Alex Theatre merchant account through wh1ch credit card trannction. are processed. 10 Expense asllDClated with markeUng!he Alex Theatre \0 potendal ranlat usera alld patrons (adwrtulements in Irade publications. d,reel mall campaigns, web.1te development). 11 Membel'shlp fee, fof professional Of\IanlUllion. and .ubscrlp\IDns fof Indusuy publications. Insul8nce premium expense for employee medlcll and dental coverage. general liability covera\j6. alld dlreelors & officers coverage. 12 Leasa expense for office copy machine and postage malar: purchase of computa. software: rantal of I'qulpmant fur avents. 13 Inte",,! expense from the "'8M lor tile office copy machine and postage meter. 14 Annual pem1it fee. . .socia ted wilt! operallng the Alex Theatre 1.5 Expen.. nsoeiated with applying for operational am:! cop1ta1 gfl'lnts and to •• ollcl~ng corporete and IndiVidual contributions. 16 Expenst tor operatirlg the AJax Theatre VOlunteer usher progr'llm. 17 Expense •• socIat&d with the .MUIII audit. attorney'. lee. , lnet ootskla con ..... tants such IS grant writers. The coo-ent year IfICflIaH raflects cost of IT con.ultlll'lt. 18 Contracl sta98 and IItICUIIty labor for rantal eventl. 19 Artist fees paid by Glendale An, on behalf of rental userliin conneclJon with e~enls althe Alex Theatill . 20 Misce/I.neous printing for all Alex Theatre depanments. 21 Poa. expefIH for I. Alex TheaIAt depanmenll. 22 Alex Theatre share of lea5-8 for Glendale Arts .dmlnlstratlon office In the Orange Street Parlling Garage. 23 Reflects Alex Theatre lhara of te~phone (offiCI and theatre). DSL service. Ind web sll4l hol~ng fee •. 24 Purchase oftk:kel stock lor the bo). office and oth&r miscellaneous office supplies lor un by the Alex Theatre stalf. 25 Utilltie. expen5-8 fofelectrlc, gal and nIh ramoval. 26 Expenle for theatre melntenance and repairs and annual raslOretion projects. 27 MI!lCellaneous taxes aQessed \0 the Alex Theatre and the Glendale Arts administration office. 28 Work.... compensallOn. federal lnet .tate employmenltaJ.8I Hospitality and food end beverage expense U$OClated with meetings am:! rantal evant actMtles. 30 Employee parlling paueslor the Orange Street Plrklng Garage~ emplo)'8* mileage drtven; employee attendance at profossional de~elopment .amina" and C~Ssel. 3 f M1sce1il1neous expense assocllted with the op8ll1tion of the Alex Theatre. 29 32 Net st/fplus ordet\clt befora d&preclatlon ekpBnse. J3 Asset depreciation. 34 Net ....rJ>/u. ordellclt 1ft&!' depreela\lon ""pen". 3:5 Net surplus or der.eot when income from the GRA Management Fee is removed. ·11- EXHIBIT 2 ALEX THEATRE LONG·TERM MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL PROJECTS Revised 216/11 Fiscal Year Project GRA Cost Total Proposed Projects: Paint & Restore Front Facade - Phase II Forecrout Project [Construction] - Phase II Replace Auditorium Roof - Phase II Replace Boiler and Chiller ADA Modifications 163,000 1,218,000 360,000 75,000 320,000 300,000 2012-2013 Replace Dimmer Racks & Stage lighting Fixtures 270,000 270,000 2013-2014 Replace Theatre Carpet [high traffic areas] Energy Efficiency (fixtures, lamps, wiring) 100,000 160,000 260,000 60,000 SO,ooO 110,000 Sound System Upgrade Paint Three Sides of Building (S, E, N) Tot,!1 Proposed Projects: 1,858,000 Additional Capital Projects : 2011-2015 Expand Facilities (parking lot area) 2,000,000 Total Additional Capital Projects : 2,000,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST: 3,858,000 Note: All cost projections are based upon today's construction costs. - - ----------- EXHIBIT 3 14jJ-U J ~rh Slr!;'CI S~1I 1.1 MOIlICI. C,l , !)O.j.O..j 3 10-45' .113 5 TA'lYANA M . TH OM PSON & ASSOCIATES, I NC. .11O-HI 1170 r. . x Im I COlUnvation@l'rod i ~y.'lct April 8, 2010 Alex Theatre 216 North Brand Boulevard Glendale, California 91203 Attn: Mr. Jack Allaway Investigation of Historic Color and Finishes in the East Fa~ade and the Vestibule The following report is an assessment of the original historic paint! finishes and the painted decoration found on the East Fa~ade and Vestibule of the Alex Theater. The areas investigated on the East Fa~ade include the stucco walls at the East elevation, the painted decoration (gray band, floral graphics and circle emblem), the four medallions, and the bas-relief muraJ. The areas investigated in the Vestibule include the stucco walls, small windows, columns and the low stucco walls and decorative shells at ticket windows. The East Fac;ade and Vestibule have sustained many interventions over the years and have been repainted numerous times. The current painted decoration is a recreation of the original design and was executed during a large-scale restoration/ rehabilitation in 1993 (see Historic Photograph 1993). The purpose of this investigation is to detennine historic color and design and provide recommendations for paint colors, design scheme, and colors for painted decoration and a treabnent plan for the bas-relief mural. The conclusions in this report are based on: 1) onsite examination of the aforementioned. locations, 2) examination of original sculptural elements that are no longer present on the fac;ade (lion's head relief and a remnant of the floral frieze), 3) examination of historic photographs (see attached photos for examples), 4) research of archival material including copies of the original construction drawings by Alex Theater architects, Lindley Selkirk, and 5) examination with a stereoscopic microscope of a representative sampling of paint gathered from the aforementioned locations. P A INTIN G CONSERVAT I ON I Alex Thealre Historic CDlor/Finishes Report March 20/0 Please note that the color recommendations, design and site are not meant as replication "draw-downs", but rather an expression of the pre-existing design. Please be aware that while every effort has been made to create the design and colors that will best achieve the desired result, adjusbnents may be necessary when the colors are scaled up to actual size. It is recommended that scaled up samples be produced before proceeding with the project. EAST FA<;:ADE Medallions There are four medallions situated on the east fatjade. Two medallions flank the upper left and right comers of the bas-relief mural. The two other medallions overlay the painted floral decorative border and are located directly above the two columns. The medallions are constructed of cast iron and appear to be painted. The paint strata are minimal indicating that the medallions were not repainted as often as other elements of the theatre fa~ade, The topcoat paint layer is reddish brown with some intenruttent gilding apparent. followed below by a red primer layer. Below the primer layer there is some evidence of pinkish copper gilding directly on the cast iron. There is some rusting present intermittently (see Medallion photo page). Original construction drawings indicate that the medaUions were designated as "Cast Iron Bronze Plated" (see construction drawing), The pinkish copper gildjng fOWld during excavation was probably a finish on the metal and may have formerly been darker in appearance. Examination of the one remaining cast plaster lion's head, an element of the missing sculptural frieze that originally lined the upper edge of the fa~ade, revealed a similar finish. Also the two cauldrons on the top of the theatre have a similar appearance (could not be examined closely due to access constraints). Historic photographs (see Historic Photographs 1925) show these three elements (medallions, sculptural frieze, cauldrons) having a similar unified appearance of metal ornamentation. Recommended Treatment Consultation with an objects conservator is recommended regarding the appropriate treatment involving the removal of overpaint, treatment of rust and appropriate final appearance of the finish. 2 -----Alex Theatre His/oric Color/Fin;.~hes Report March20JO Trompe l'Oeil Bas-relief Mural The mural is a two-dimensional replication of a "Greco-Egyptian" bas-relief. It is painted on fabric that has been marouflaged to the concrete wall of a recessed niche on the upper east facade. The entire mural was repainted at the time of the restoration iill993. Historic photographs suggest that it may have been painted out or removed during a remodel in the 19405 (see Alex Theatre Photographs 1948). The overall adhesion of the fabric to the wall appears very good and it was strongly attached where examined. The paint is extremely friable when subjected to mechanical action. There are two significant cracks, 50" and 32", with associated flaking paint (see Bas-relief photo page 1). Other smaller cracks are apparent but appear stable (see Bas-relief photo page 1). Bird droppings are present intermittently overall and there are scattered small losses (see Bas-relief photo page 1). A 2" in diameter void filled with discolored caulk is visible (see Bas-relief photo page 1). There is an overall layer of surface dirt present as well as whitish chalky deposits that are particularly apparent on the background pinkish-orange color (see Bas-relief photo page 2). Some small areas of dark discoloration are scattered intermittently (see Bas-relief photo page 2). Where tested the paint layer is soluble in both aqueous and solvent systems. Drying cleaning systems removed some superficial surface dirt and reduced the whitish chalky deposits resulting in a somewhat brighter appearance. The flaking paint requires consolidation and the voids require filling. The areas of dark discoloration could be improved with inpainting. Recommended Treatment See Treabnent Plan on Page 9. 3 Alex Theatre Historic Color/Finishes Report March 2010 Exterior Stucco Walls The exterior walls are textured stucco designed to imi tate Egyptian sandstone block construction. Historic black. and white photographs demonstrate that originally the individual blocks had tonal variations, giving the appearance of natural stone (see Historic Photograph from 1925). Numerous subsequent repaintings appear to have been done in single uniform colors that were variations of the original tonal palette. Excavated paint samples from several locations on the exterior stucco walls of the east fac;ade indicate that the original wall color was integral color stucco in muted warm yellow ochre from "Dakota Land" (ICl #20YY 70/138) to "Tuscan Tan" (ICl #20YY 53/238) to "Just Peachy" (leI #20YY 67/216) and was designed to imitate Egyptian sandstone bJock construction (see Exterior Stucco Wall photo page). Several locations were found that corroborate the identification of the original wall color: • There is a thin strip of exposed wall below the bas-relief mural that could possibly be original paint layer (see exterior stucco wall photo page). Because this color continues behind the mural, it can be assumed that it was applied prior to the attachment of the mural. There is also a lack of any overpaint along the bottom edge of the mural indicating that repainting was not done in this area (probably due to the fact that is not visible from the ground). • In the vestibule above the entrance doors, the ornate horizontal molding is painted with this same ochre color as a background with a gilded finish on the raised decoration (see exterior stucco wall photo page). • In an adjacent area, excavation reveals the same color as at the base of the paint strata (see Exterior Stucco Wall photo page). The paint colors in the above locations are all very similar, and in each case, are unlike both the existing wall color and the colors found in the excavated paint strata. Recommended Treatment It is recommended that the exterior stucco walls be painted it muted warm yellow ochre, exemplified by "Chamois" (Pratt & Lambert 9-25) which will unify the exterior wall color of the theatre overall. 4 Alex Theatre Historic ColorlFinishes Report March20JO Painted Decoration The current painted decoration on the east fac;ade is a recreation completed during the restoration of the theatre in 1993. The outer decorative border consists of repeating ochre circles on a terracotta band and follows the outer perimeter of the fac;ade. The inner decorative consists of a solid gray band flanked by a repeating floral or leaf pattern in alternating light blue and ochre. This decoration borders the vestibule opening. Two medalHons overlay the irmer band, directly above the mo large columns (see Painted Decoration photo page), Investigation of the paint strata in these locations revealed that little or none of the original design layer still exists. Early archival photograph indicates that the stenciled design had sustained damage and degradation as early as 1930 (see Historic Photo 1930). It is possible that at some point the fa~ade was sandblasted in preparation for repainting. Fragments of paint in a variety of colors were found in the intervening paint layers (see Painted Decoration photo page). Some of these colors do not correspond with the overall color palette of the theatre. They most probably represent prior repainting of the decoration. Yellowish green and dark terracotta colors were found on the columns in the vestibule and at the comers of facade. These colors may relate to the terrazzo floor colors in the vestibule. The original historic photographs establish that the existing painted decoration is a stenciled recreation that mostly replicates the original construction drawings design. However, in the original design the stenciled fonns appear to have more volume than the present decoration (see Comparison of Painted Decoration page). The present color palette appears to be drawn from the general palette of the theatre's other areas of painted decoration and is much lighter than the appearance in the historic photographs (see Painted Decoration photo page). Also, it is clear in the historic photographs that there was a greater value difference bemeen the repeating floral or leaf fOffils.. with the darker fonns matching the value of the solid band and the metal finish elements such as the medallions and the sculptural frieze (see Historic Photo 1925), The lighter forms appear intermittenliy brighter indicating that they may have been metallic and! or reflective. ReCOmmended Treatment A new design scheme that more closely replicates the original design has been attached. This design is based on investigation of archival photographs and construction documents. Due to the lack of original paint material, color recommendations are based on archival photographs and investigation of the original historic color palette. Two different variations have been provided for consideration. 5 ---------------------------------------------Alex Theatre Historic Color/Finishes Report March 2010 VESTIBULE Stucco Walls The wall paint strata reveals numerous paint layers in variations of muted yellow ochre. There is also evidence that the vestibule was painted green at one time, probably to match the terrazzo floor color. The original wall finish was textured integral color stucco in tonal variations of light warm ochre from "Dakota Land" (leI #20YY 70/138) to "Tuscan Tan" (10 #20YY 53/238) to "Just Peachy" (10 #20YY 67/216) and was designed to imitate Egyptian sandstone block construction. An example was found in an area behind electrical conduit that did not receive as much repainting (see Vestibule photo page), The painted. decoration on the stucco walls above the ticket booths does not appear to be original. The paint appears to be latex. The design and color palette relate to the painted decoration on the east fa~ade, indicating that it was completed as part of the same 1993 restoration (see Vestibule photo page). Recommended Treabnent It is recommended that the exterior stucco walls in the vestibule be painted a muted warm yellow ochre, exemplified by "Chamois" (Pratt & Lambert 9-25) which will unify the exterior wall color of the theatre overall. Small Windows The small windows above the entrance doors are comprised of a wood casing with an x-shaped design element secured to the casing in front of the glazing (see Small Window 1 photo page). A large gilded "sunbursf' sculptural ornamentation overlays the small windows. The paint strata on the windows are as follows: current topcoat is faded purple brown, followed by smoky blue, finally honey wood (see Small Window 1 photo page). Excavation and examination of paint samples indicate the original finish was an imitation bronze metal, similar to color on a molding above (see Small Window 2 photo page). The bronze metallic finish was also found on the reverse side of the "X" elements as viewed through the glass from the theatre lobby (see Small Window 2 photo page), There was no evidence of the smoky blue or brown on the reverse of the "X" elements, only at the edges, which could be a result of paint seeping between the wood and glass during repainting (see Small Window 2 photo page). 6 Alex Theatre Historic ColorlFinjsh~s Report March 2010 Recommended Treatment The small windows should be painted to match the coppery color of the straight elements in the sunburst sculptural decoration exemplified by Modem Masters "Antique Copper" #ME2OS. Columns Investigation of the paint strata in the columns revealed that little or none of the original color still exists. It is possible that at some point the columns were sandblasted/ stripped in preparation for repainting. Recommended Treatment It is recommended that the colunms in the vestibule be painted a muted warm yellow ochre, exemplified by "Chamois" (Pratt & Lambert 9-25) which will unify the exterior wall color of the theatre overall. Ticket Booth Low Stucco Walls The stucco walls of the ticket booths appear to be relatively new as evidenced by the texture difference from the other stucco walls of the theatre. Also the stucco does not have the same volume of paint strata as the other stucco walls both in the Vestibule and the East Facade. These walls may have been re-stuccoed at some point in the past. The existing topcoat is the same color as other walls in the vestibule (see Ticket Booth photo page). Recommended Treatment It is recommended that the low stucco walls in the vestibule be painted a muted warm yellow ochre, exemplified by "Chamois" (Pratt & Lambert 9-25) which will unify the exterior wall color of the theab.'e overall. 7 Alex Theatre Historic Color/Finishes Report March 2010 Decorative Shells There is a border of eight cast plaster fleur-de-lys (decorative shells) along the roolline of the ticket booth (see ticket booth photo page). They are painted to imitate a gilded finish with a pinkish ochre background (see ticket booth photo page). It is possible that they have been over-plastered as evidenced by the freshness of the materials and the nature of their construction (see ticket booth photo page). The unpainted plaster reverse appears overly white for its supposed age (see ticket booth photo page). It is possible that these sculptural elements were partially replastered and overpainted at the periphery during a previous restoration of the vestibule area that included the painted decoration on the stucco walls above the ticket booths. Recommended Treatment The shells should be vacuumed to remove surface dirt. It is recommended that the pinkish-ochre background around the shells be painted a muted wann yellow ochre, exemplified by "Chamois" (Pratt & Lambert 9-25) which will unify the exterior wall color of the theatre overall. 8 ---------------------_. -.~ Alex Theatre Historic Color/Finishes Report March 2010 TREATMENT PLAN FOR BAS-RELIEF MURAL • Arrange for scaffolding. • Arrange for delivery of supplies and equipment necessary for treatment. • Examine mural to verify condition. • Photograph mural to document the condition before treatment. • Remove surface dirt, accretions and whitish chalky deposits as possible using dry cleaning systems. • Consolidate flaking paint along the large cracks with appropriate adhesive. • Fill and texture paint losses with plaster filling compound. • Inpaint paint losses and darker discolorations with appropriate reversible paint • Photograph the mural to document the condition after treabnent. • Prepare final treatment report and documentation. • Arrange for dismantling of scaffolding. • Arrange for pick up of remaining supplies. Cost estimate: $25,000 (cost of scaffolding not included) Estimate is based on the following: An area will be provided nearby for storage of supplies and equipment. Electrical power will be accessible. The general work area will be blocked off so as not to have any disturbances and interference from the public. Treabnent of the mural is recommended but not urgent. 9 Alex Theatre Historic Color/Finishes Report March20JO Decorative Sculptural Frieze As evidenced by historical photographs, a decorative sculptural frieze was evident at the top of the east fa~ade when the Theatre opened (see Historic Photograph 1925). The decorative elements alternated between vegetal "fleur-delis" faons and four lions heads. The decorative elements were constructed of plaster and metal armature and were generally painted dark brown with gilding embellishment. Photos of the Alex Theatre show that these decorative elements had been removed during the renovation in 1948 (see Alex Theatre 1948 photograph). As part of the 1993 renovation these elements were partially replicated. (anecdotal evidence) and returned to their original positions (see Alex Fa~ade 1993 photograph). At present many of these elements have disappeared. Recommended Treannent It is recommended that the entire decorative sculptural frieze be recreated and reinstalled at the top of the east fa~ade. The elements should be replicated using existing original components as examples for the form and color. If no original elements are available, they should be replicated using historic photographs as a guideline. 10 ALEX THEATRE IN RECENT YEARS After the 1993 restoration Alex Theatre today MEDALLIONS Detail of medallion plnloislo copper glleR"" Paint strata -. .c .' ~ :; CONSTRUCTioN DRAWING • ji'> tON ZL, i'U ':::D', T. , ", \ 1\ " .~ L- r1,;, .. . '" ri .'\' " 1::.. ~."_ •. NT' I \_ ~ . ~' , " " ,' 1 r}. ,. - <,. . . ~. 'oJ -J,. -. '._ ~ ~ < 1 • " \ ., , r:, I ! : I ! • ,, . ,1 II H " • - HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPH 1925 ALEX THEATRE 1948 BAS·RELIEF MURAL page 1 Detail of crack with flaking paint Detail of stable crack BAS·RELIEF MURAL page 2 Dark discolo rati on Void f illed with d iscolored caulk Whitish chalky deposits Surface dirt layer • EXTERIOR STUCCO WALL --- - - Example of paint strata Moulding above entrance doors Below bas-relief mural Integral color stucco in warm yellow ochr. PAINTED DECORATION Floral or leaf border Circle border Examples of paint strata J Alex Theatre 1930 Alex Theatre 1926 COMPARISON OF PAINTED DECORATION ,> br(.·~~T .. ",1,'$',."".; :~ . ~, .. ' rc ~ . ,\((". ~"," • '":>0<' r " \ ~ . I-I/ " Jf" " :,_~ · (~ "'U·' · . , ., .. .~.' .;! ~"'" q.\ ~~ :-.. I~ " ~ \ '....'..." 1~)0..~=~J • i ' ·. ! """"'-"" .. -. -_ .' \= .\ " ~ .D-_. ~ ;\ ~) Ortgtn.' construction dr_lng Original palnt4>d decontion ,. Existing paint" decoration VESTIBULE STUCCO WALLS o Original wall color behind conduit , Exampl. of color palette used In repainted ciecoratictn Example of color p.'ette used In r.painted decoration Example of color p.'ette used In repainted decoration SMALL WINDOWS Honey wood Paint strata 'aint strata SMALL WINDOWS page 2 bronze mfttallic finish on window molding purple brown paint smoky blue remnants of bronze metallic finish TICKET BOOTH Decorative Shells Reverse of Shells· example of possible fe-plastering COLOR RECOMMENDATIONS Exterior facade Stucco Walls Stucco Walls in Vestibule Columns In Vestibule Ticket Booth Low Stucco Walls Decorative Shells Background Chamois (9-25) SMALL WINDOWS Antique Copper (Modern Masters ME205) COLOR RECOMMENDATIOI'IS Exterior Facade Painted Decoration Option 1 Statuary Bronze (Modern Master ME 190) Pale Gold (Modern Masters ME200) COLOR RECOMMENDATIONS Exterior Facade Painted Decoration Option 2 Black Coffee Pale Gold (Modern Masters ME200) PAINTED DECORATION 22" All element of design should be painted Statuary Bronze or Black Coffee except this alternating shape which should be painted Pale Gold CIRCLE BORDER DESIGN All dark element of design should be painted Black Coffee or Statuary Bronze (depending on option 1 or 2) EXHIBIT 4 Proposed Scope of Services for Alex Theatre Front Fat;ade Restoration Project Exterior Painting East Facade & Vestibule • • • • • • • • • Stucco wails at east elevation (east elevation is front entrance of theatre ticket area) including parapet walls at roof Two columns and capitals at east elevation Decorative items to match existing at east courtyard elevation to match existing: gray band , medallions (4), flower graphics, and circle emblem band Touch up around figures at east elevation Small windows at east elevation Columns at en trance doors Low stucco walls and Decorative shells at ticket windows Stucco walls at east and west elevations Clean and touch up burst above entrance Mural Restoration • • • • • • • • Examine mural condition Photograph mural to document condition before treatment Remove surface dirt, accretions and whitish chalky deposits as possible using dry cleaning systems Consolidate flaking paint along the large cracks with appropriate adhesive Fill and texture only the largest and most disturbing paint losses and darker discolorations with appropriate reversible paint Photographs the mural to document the condition after treatment Prepare final treatment report and documentation Provide additional scaffolding elements needed to complete work Frieze and lion Heads at Parapet • • • Replicate the following items using FRP with a paint grade smooth finish and general purpose resin with no gel coat o 4 12" lion heads o 10 closed palmeUes (24~ wide x 12" high x 2" deep) a 5 open palmettes (24"wide x 12" high x 2" deep) o 2 small closed palmettes at left and right (18' wide x 9"hight x 2" deep) Install new palmettes and lion heads using 2" x 2" x %" galvanized steel posts, epoxy anchors with stainless steel threaded rod Prime and paint palmettes and lion heads with a single color Sunburst • • • • • Replicate the following items suing FRP with a paint grade smooth finish and general purpose resin with no gel coat o 1 Center 30" wide x 15- high o 8 long rays (4" wide x 84" long) o 7 short rays (4" wide x 72" long) o 14 undulating rays (4ft wide x 66" long) Protect existing floor and partial removal of existing bird screen Selective removal of the existing Sunburst and one type of each ray Protect and transport of the existing parts to Moonlight Molds Installation of the new FRP parts with Dow 795 adhesive and/or screws Stencil Production Exhibit 5 o SIORAGE ~!ORAGf eoXOHlCE o \ , - ~~ rr=:=lf " 1 -- • ---:- • -- / ~ ·k " , -I 0 1~ o , I b / , , 0 o -- ,,,,, ... ft!0Ia1 , o ElECTRICAl STOR ....GE SC.... LE 114 2,-U LANDSCAPE MI\TERIAL SCHEDULE 0New 0E<i\''''O ,.....ouo 0 EiUliing POWlg Tf1Of1~" Oraln Con<:fele PaYing 0slOifl ~tng Cone,,,r.. Po...;ng 0F~'ing Sow·Cu' Iaiolts 0emrlng "'(>(Ie Break 0New PIonI. 1 Seat Wol /,}.vone f'Ior!e< 'Y '" ___ ... '_11""'" • • LANDSC,",PE MATERIAL SCHEDULE /0Vina on &isting Stucco Wol V ,IVCCO 10 be painted 0Roo,ing Codlo~ CO<Jnler 0New Planter I SeaT1'0'01 0Exi'ling Cor.ce,rons and Sioroge POR TO'S BAKERY HOSTS INDULGE FOR THE ARTS BENEFITING GLENDALE ARTS JI!JNE 6 AT 7:00 PM 818 - 243 - ALEX OR WWW.,GLENDALEARTS.ORG SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ALEX THEATRE GLENDALE - ELEVATION __ ........ EI\1\ .... ~ _L M .... &... . J a llluuy 2011