Newsletter Spring 2012


Newsletter Spring 2012
Laurel Leaves
Spring 2012
ll of us on the Fleur de Lis Council are looking forward to the summer of 2012. This past year has
been an exciting one for Fleur de Lis. We know that change can sometimes be hard and unsettling, but
it can also be hopeful and energizing as well as open new doors that you didn’t even know were there.
When there is a new director at Fleur de Lis there is always change. But how do we move forward while at the
same time maintaining all that is good about Fleur de Lis? The Council recognizes this and so does Carrie.
Carrie chose to take a step to the side this past summer and observe our girls, their families, our staff, and our
program so that she could learn who Fleur de Lis is and what we are about. We could have told her those
things, and we did, but there is no better way to know what a place really is and who the people really are than
to be immersed in it and experience it firsthand. Carrie needed to have her own data and
recommendations to share with the Council, and she needed that first season to gather her thoughts.
For many years, the Council has wanted to engage in strategic planning for camp, but capital campaigns and
director searches among other things have gotten in our way. Our noses have been to the grindstone for too
long. This year, we knew we must step up to this task; without a strategic direction, Carrie could not align her
goals to our expectations for camp. In October , the Council and Carrie had its first all-day strategic planning
session at camp with a facilitator skilled in working with not-for-profits. We identified six areas of focus, and
in the subsequent two months created action plans for each one. Our focus remains on camper recruitment but
also on camper retention and program development. We also are looking to improve camp volunteerism, our
development efforts, and our need to revitalize the Corporation along with getting our 8th week program for
deserving girls up and running. This may seem like a lot to bite off, but we are ready for this challenge and
these change efforts. Change is good, and Fleur de Lis’s Council and Director are embracing it.
As always, if you have questions or comments or just want to chat about camp, please feel free to email me
([email protected]) or call me (603-924-0448). I’d love to hear from you.
by Jane Lawson, President
Inside this issue:
Nancy White—2
Corporation Meeting—2
Director’s Report—3
Tennis Court Renovation—4
Camp Fairs —5
2012 Events: Kimball Farm
& Fall Festival—7
Friends Gifts— 8-10
Friends Update—10
Important Dates—11
Fitzwilliam’s 250th—11
Big and Little —11
Winter Pool Party—12
Wish List—12
Day of Service and
Mission Statement—14
Fleur de Lis
ancy White has been the face of the Friends of Fleur de Lis for a very
long time. In 1984, Diane Haessler, then President of Fleur de Lis, asked
Nancy if she would be the keeper of all things “Friends.” For 28 years,
Nancy has logged in your gifts to Friends, she has promptly sent you a thank you
card, and she has gone to the bank to deposit your donations.
In 1984, Friends' donations totaled approximately $1,700. In 2011 Friends’
donations were $91,000. As you can imagine, keeping track of our Friends’
donations has become more and more time-consuming as the years have gone by.
Est. 1929
Jane E. Lawson
This past year, Nancy and Carrie decided that the time had come to automate our
Friends’ process. With this change, Nancy will step down from her role as the
caretaker of Friends. We only hope that our automated system will be half as
gracious and accommodating as Nancy has been for these 28 years.
Thank you, Nancy. You truly are our Best Friend Forever.
by Jane Lawson
Vice President
Diane Foster
Chris Creelman
Ingrid Scanlon
Liaison to the
Christine Cressey
Ruth White Keogh
Nancy White
Camp Director
Carrie Kashawlic
Fleur de Lis Core Values
Service to Others
Caring Community
Page 2
he Fleur de Lis Corporation meets yearly to elect new Corporation
members as well as to elect officers to the Fleur de Lis Council and to
review the past year through various reports from the Treasurer, Director,
and President. This year, we met on Saturday, March 3, at the Longwood Cricket
Club in Chestnut Hill, MA. Nineteen of the 35 Corporation members were able
to make the meeting. The morning was taken up with the Annual Business
Meeting. The afternoon involved a working lunch and various working sessions
on critical issues pertinent to the future of Fleur de Lis. This year’s topics were
the following: Volunteerism, Development, and Corporation Revitalization.
New members elected to the Corporation this year were Madeleine Ouellette and
Rebecca Newhall. The following Officers were elected to the Council: Jane
Lawson, President; Diane Foster, Vice President; Chris Creelman, Treasurer;
Ingrid Scanlon, Secretary; Christine Cressey, Liaison to the Corporation;
Members at Large: Ruth Keogh, Nancy White.
We would like to thank Anne Korjeff, Tracy Isom, and Jennifer Maynard as they
stepped down from the Corporation. Also stepping down from the Council but
remaining on the Corporation are Lauren Carney and Julie Carson. All have
given many years of service to Fleur de Lis while serving on the Corporation or
Members of the Corporation: Kristy Hofmann Arredondo, Elizabeth Howe Baker, Ellie
Bates, Richard Briggs, Kathy Davis Cadigan, Nancy Carney, Lauren Carney, Julie
Cannistraro Carson, Pam Clark Cochrane, Ken Cochrane, Chris Creelman, Sarah
Henebry Crespin, Christine Hassig Cressey, Diane Foster, Pam Fricke Holbrook, Laura
Geary, Leslie Harrison, Linda Hatch, Kate Kelly, Ruth White Keogh, Marcia Somers
Krause, Lynne VanDusen Lawhead, Jane Lawson, Claudia Geary Miller, Mary Colt (CJ)
Navins, Linda Wickenden O’Malley, Laurie Harding Polese, Elizabeth Ramos, Howard
Russell, Ingrid Haessler Scanlon, Shauna Moynihan Simpson, Nancy White, Libby
Williams, Liz Young, Jeanne Emerson Young
ummer 2012 is almost here. It’s been a very mild winter compared to last year—I cannot believe I’m in the same
location that I arrived to last year—what happened to all the snow? The weather has given us a great opportunity
to get started early on some camp projects like scraping the infirmary for new paint for the 2012 season, and we’re
excited to do the finishing touches for the new tennis courts!
It’s been a busy fall and winter as we prepare for 2012. Our Board met to create a Fleur de Lis vision, and we’ve been
working hard at setting goals to help us grow to meet the needs of our current campers while maintaining the traditions
and activities so beloved by our campers and alumnae.
Our Farmhouse team met in Florida for a weekend to start to plan and prepare for the 2012 season, and collectively we
cannot wait for the summer to arrive! It was a great time to plan pre-camp training, talk about tweaks that individuals
want to make from last season, collaborate, and have the time to research and gather additional ideas and supplies before
the craziness of aquatics camp and pre-camp descends upon us. We’re excited!
The American Camp Association (ACA) has issued new standards for the 2012 season. Our team has been working hard
to adjust our documents to ensure continued compliance so that we may remain an accredited camp. I attended a visitor
training course in the fall (I also volunteer with the ACA to visit other camps seeking (re)accreditation), and we’ve
started collecting our documents and making tweaks before our visit this summer. In addition, Lady Tierney Martin
(Assistant Camp Director) and I will attend the New England ACA Conference this spring to stay up-to-date on industry
trends and keep Fleur de Lis at the forefront of camping.
As I become a member of the Fitzwilliam community, I’m so pleased to say that I recognized many more faces at Town
Meeting this year. Last season, Lady Chip and Danny Baker and Gene Cumo (Lady Lydia’s dad) were kind enough to
help me feel welcome since I had been snowed in all winter and unable to meet other residents of Fitzwilliam. Since that
time, I’ve volunteered on the town’s School Committee and been involved with a regional leadership training program
called Leadership Monadnock, sponsored by the Keene Chamber of Commerce, learning all about our region of New
Hampshire. In addition, I have been studying to become a volunteer EMT with the Fitzwilliam Fire Department, and I
continue to be active with the Rotary Club in Keene. In addition, the weather has been great for getting around and being
active in our camp’s hometown without the ice and mud “incidents” I weathered last year—or at least, so far so good!
It’s been a busy fall and winter, but it’s been fun and exciting as I get ready for my second season at Fleur de Lis.
There’s still much to be done, but we have a great team and I am so blessed to have joined such a good community; it is
only through the continued support and dedication of our alumnae, families, camp staff, Corporation and Council that
Fleur de Lis has the strength that
she does. I thank each of you for all
your support, and I hope to see you
at Kimball Farm on May 5, at camp
on June 2 for Lady Nurse’s Day of
Service, at camp this summer, or at
the Fall Family Festival, October 57. I know there are still many faces
I have not had the opportunity to
meet, so I hope to see you at camp
by Lady Carrie Kashawlic
Fleur de Lis Farmhouse Staff in Florida
Page 3
Court Construction: The
refurbishing of the two tennis
courts in the senior field began in
the fall and will be completed this
spring and ready for the opening of
the camp season. The courts are
being done by Wilson and
Lawrence of Grafton, Vermont,
who prepare our courts for use
every season. A big THANK YOU
to all of you who donated to Fleur
de Lis Friends for this project; it is
your generosity which makes this
New Counselors to Head Tennis
Program: Lady Carrie has hired
two new counselors to oversee the
tennis program this summer. Lady
Sophie Dickson comes to us from
Scotland. She has taught tennis as a
Level 1 Tennis Coach in addition to
her competitive tennis experience.
Lady Katherine Hampton comes to
us from New Zealand where she
has competed in Level A tennis
tournaments. We look forward to
having them at FDL this summer to
run our enhanced tennis program.
USTA Coaches Workshop: On
June 21st FDL will host a USTA
Coaches Workshop to train both
our staff- counselors and CTs - and
staff from other camps and clubs.
The program will focus on how to
teach tennis to groups, including the
QuickStart tennis program. If any
alumnae or parents would be
interested in attending this workshop please contact Lady Carrie at
[email protected].
by Chris Creelman
Page 4
ince January, the recruitment camp fair season
has been busy! By the time you read this, Fleur
de Lis will have attended twelve events. We give
special thanks to Richard Whipple, who helped design
a lightweight display that was utilized in a camp fair
outside of New England and was easily ship-able to
volunteers when there was more than one camp fair on
the same weekend.
We’d like to extend a THANK YOU to the following
people who assisted at camp fairs and represented Fleur
de Lis to the community during the 2012 camp fair
recruitment season: CT/Lady Kate Gladstone; Melissa
Jones and her mom, Lisa Jones; Whitney Ball and her
mom, Dede Ball; Rachel Cass; Grace Walton; Holly,
Elizabeth, Kevin, and Kristina McGee; CT Cori
Crisfield; Ellen and Katie O’Malley; Julia Frazee; Lady
Emily Smith; Lady Tierney Martin; and Lady Grace
Left to right: Katie O’Malley, Ellen O’Malley, Lady Carrie, Holly
McDonough. Thank you all for sharing your
McGee, CT Cori Crisfield, Elizabeth McGee, and Julia Frazee
experiences—it means so much, and perspective
campers and parents enjoy meeting you and learning about camp from someone who can articulate the impact it has
made on your or your daughter’s life.
Don’t worry if you didn't get a chance to volunteer to help recruit at a camp fair in 2012 -- there is always 2013! Look
for an update in the fall about Fleur de Lis’ 2013 camp fair schedule.
n February 4th, a few friends from camp (including some alumni, supporting parents, and Lady Carrie)
gathered at a Camp Fair in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and then enjoyed a small party afterward. Some of us
started out volunteering at the Camp Fair that afternoon, which was held at a local school called Chestnut Hill
Academy. Fleur De Lis joined several other camps, all hoping to share what was great about their own camp through
brochures, posters, and photos. Some camps, including Fleur De Lis, had some of their own
campers around to talk about the friendships,
spectacular activities, and the fun times you can
have at a summer camp.
Front Row: Katie O’Malley, Ellen O’Malley, Julia Frazee, CT Cori
Crisfield, Lady Emily Smith, Peggy Schneider, Lady Carrie Kashawlic
Back Row: Linda Wickenden O’Malley, Deborah Merker
After the fair, local campers, staff, and alums
gathered at my family's house. We had a
wonderful potluck dinner (including a cream
cheese and crab dip in the shape of a fleur de lis!)
and then shared some funny jokes and camp
memories. It was fascinating to hear some stories
from several decades ago as well as to discover
that other traditions still exist today.
by Ellen O’Malley (2nd year Mid)
Page 5
s part of our strategic vision to keep Fleur de Lis strong, we are working hard on our recruitment and retention
goals at camp. As you may already know, we have tried to make registering for camp even easier. We had
pre-filled out registration forms at check-out for all campers, and in January 2012 we began an on-line
registration system. The system allows for the registration form to be completed electronically and the use of a credit
card to pay the deposit. Although the system only allows for the deposit to be paid on-line in 2012, we hope to be able
to expand this service for 2013 to accept the tuition payments.
We also offered a retention incentive for 2011 campers and their families. If a camper or a sibling of a 2011 camper
signed up for the 2012 camp season we offered a $100 discount on the 2011 tuition rate. This discount was ONLY
available to our 2011 campers and their families. We followed up this discount with an early registration discount of
2011 tuition rates for the 2012 season for all campers registered by October 31, 2011. This discount was open to all
campers—returning and new.
Above and beyond this, we know that the best recruitment tool available to us is when campers and alumnae talk about
Fleur de Lis with their friends and neighbors. To try to assist with the “ease” of sharing camp, we made a recruitment
video during the summer of 2011. Lady Marisa Ramos used her video expertise to video-tape, direct, and edit a short
five-minute DVD about camp. We mailed this DVD to all our current campers as a thank you for being great on-screen
stars, and we have been making it available at camp fairs during the recruitment season. The pictures of songs in the
dining hall, activities on the lake, and smiles of campers having fun are worth the proverbial 1,000 words! Thank you to
everyone who helped make this video a success!
And most of all, we’d like to give a THANK YOU to the following campers, families, alumnae, and friends of Fleur de
Lis who recommended camp to a new camper or family that has already registered for the 2012 season. Your
willingness to share your memories of camp makes us even stronger; special thanks to all of you.
Current Campers: Mia and Kelsey Redman’s family; Marisa, Elena and Carina Ramos’ family; Whitney Ball’s family;
Melissa Jones’ family; Mina Ekstrom’s family; Emily Noonan’s family; Amelia and Adelaide Evans’ family; Meredith
Griffin’s family; Kristen and Lauren Burnette’s family; Grace Lamendola’s family; Glennie LeBaron’s family; Emme
Schewe’s family; Maddie Hayes’ family. Alumnae: Carrie Bither Palmer; Diane Foster; Karen Haessler; Sarah Evans;
Betsy Roguet; Rachel Schewe; Brenda Delsiner; Margaux Burnham; Beverley Baldwin McCoid; Marne Saunders;
Peggy Schneider.
Our camper numbers are strong for 2012; we have not yet met our 2012 goals, but we’re on our way. We are seeking a
high retention rate of our 2011 campers, and we’re getting closer each day. And we’re just under 50% of our new
camper recruitment goal. Again, we’re on our way, but not quite to the finish line yet. Thank you for all your help in
keeping Fleur de Lis strong, YOU help our traditions and the love of the experience endure for another generation of
girls. Thank you & keep up the GREAT work!
by Lady Carrie
Photos from the 2011 Fall Festival & Kimballs Outing - Join us at these events in 2012—See pg. 7 for more info
Page 6
Did you hear? The first Fall Family Festival was a great hit! Generations of Fleur de Lis campers
returned to camp for a reunion weekend.
All campers (current & alums) and families are welcome to camp on Saturday, October 6, 2012, for
favorite camp activities like riflery and archery…and pumpkins! Pumpkin doughnuts, pumpkins to paint
and all kinds of fall fun! Visitors have the option of bringing a picnic lunch on Saturday or reserving a
lunch in the dining hall for $5 per person.
Beginning on Friday night, alums (age 18+) are welcome back to camp for an overnight weekend with
their childhood camp friends. The weekend begins with dinner on Friday night followed by fun in the Barn
and in the fields. Saturday, we welcome our friends and family who are visiting camp for the day, and then
we relax after dinner with a campfire. The weekend includes meals (Friday dinner through Sunday
breakfast), and lodging for approximately $40.
Lady Sarah Heller has agreed to be the volunteer coordinator for this event again this year. THANK YOU
for being of service to Fleur de Lis, again, Lady Sarah! She is gathering a multi-generational alumnae
steering committee; please contact Lady Sarah, [email protected], if you’d like to
volunteer to assist.
Look for more information to come out as the summer season ends, but mark your calendar now! The
weekend promises to be fun, and we cannot wait to peep at the changing leaves and enjoy one last
weekend of camp before the winter’s blanket of snow tucks camp into a deep slumber before the 2013
season. Look for an e-mail invitation as well as a Facebook invitation and updates on the Fleur de Lis
website, See you at camp this fall! Save the date!
Come celebrate spring with ice cream and fun at Kimball Farm in Westford, MA,
from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 5, 2012. Alums and current families are
invited to mix and mingle with new families and perspective families as we share in
the fellowship of our community with ice cream, games and fun like bumper boats,
a petting zoo, arcade and putt-putt golf.
This annual event held the first Saturday of May has been a real treat for our community in the last
several years. We encourage those who are participating in the Buddy Family program to join us to
exchange packing tips and meet to share their excitement for opening day.
Everyone is welcome, and yes, bring a friend!
We hope to see you at Kimball Farm…and a small ice cream cone is on Fleur de Lis!
Page 7
We would like to thank everyone who gave so generously to Fleur de Lis from December 1, 2010, to
November 30, 2011! Every gift is important and appreciated. Thank you again!
(We have made a sincere effort to recognize everyone who was kind enough to send in a donation in 2011.
If we have inadvertently omitted your name or misspelled it, please accept our apologies and let us know.)
Leadership Circle: $5,000 -
Green Circle: $100 - $499
Patty & John Ladany
Nancy (Vignone) & John Ackermann
Sally Adams
Lisa Merker Allen
Emily Amorello
Karen Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Mrs. Steve Anderson
Carol Anthony
Kristy (Hofmann) Arredondo
Elizabeth N. Means & Stephen H. Gardner
(Ayco Charitable Foundation)
Natalie Baggett
Whitney Scofield Bagnall
Antony Baker
Cynthia Baker
Ellie Bates
Debra & Joseph Belanger
Wendy Korjeff Bellows
Sheridan Bishop
Patsy J. (Lady Bug) Brown
Jennifer Bumford
Carolyn Bump
Lesley Butler
Camp Wa-Klo for Girls
Mr. & Mrs. David Carney
Julie (Cannistraro) Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman
Carol (Ludlum) Collier
Cheryl & David Cotney
Elizabeth Jones Crafford
Mr. & Mrs. James Crawford
Sarah (Henebry) Crespin
Christine (Hassig) & Brian Cressey
Debbie (Wickenden) & Jim Crisfield
Kara (Jessup) Della Croce
Linda Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Decker
Suki Bishop DiGrande
Nancy & Jonathan Donaldson
Patricia (Hope) Edmonds
Carrie Egan
Hillary (Jones) Egan
Steven Englander
Gold Circle: $2,500 - $4,999
Roehr Family Foundation
Red Circle: $1,000 - $2,499
Christine Creelman
Alicia (Davis) Downs
Leslie D. Harrison
Lexy Heatley & Neal Cass
Goff Family
Phyllis (Burnham) Heerwagen
Natalie (Cull) Joslin
Marcia (Somers) & Charles Krause
Anne (Briggs) Smith
Jeanne (Emerson) & Art Young
White Circle: $500 - $999
The Bakers
Jane Keeler Bennett
Beth (Grosvenor) Boland
Stacey Haughey Braatz
Janet (Nichols) & David Brown
Elizabeth & Peter Caulo Family
Joan M. Cook
Sharon & Paul Davis
Janie & Bradford Denning
Mrs. Lee Garrett
Laura F. Geary
Anne Kemper
Ruth (White) & Robert Keogh
Mona & Brian P. Kirby
Jane Lawson & Howard Russell
Ann Miller
Sue Hardman Nordstrom
Winnie O'Keefe
Linda (Wickenden) & Brendan O'Malley
Elizabeth & Fidel Ramos
Amy (Bowen) Rebbechi
Diane & Ben Robinson
Hannah (Newhall) & Matt Sanger
Page 8
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Eschholz
Ellie (Gaudin) Everts
FactSet Research
Sarah Federman
Stanley Federman
Arthur Fenske
Rebecca Horst- Feran
Mr. and Mrs. James Ford
Kay Ford
Diane Foster
Marie Ann Delafuente & Paul Foster
Pamela (Holbrook) Fricke
Meredith (Nichols) Friend
Gartner The Matching Gift Center
Katharine (Harris) & Michael Gibson
Brian Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gladstone
Mrs. Richard Gookin
Todd Greenberg
Elizabeth Greene
The Zachary & Lindsey Gund Foundation
Dr. Herbert Haessler
Laurie Holbrook Hardwick
James Harkins
Craig B. Heatley Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hofmann III
Marcia & George Holbrook
Gwen (Davis) & Emmett Holt Jr.
Priscilla (Chace) & Robert Horst
Elizabeth & Jonathan Howe
Jean (MacMillan) & Ernest Howell
Barbara Flaws-Ivos & Jake Ivos
Cindy Jansson
Annie Jenkins
Anne (Huff) Jordan
Melissa Kanovsky
Carrie Kashawlic
Robert D. Keiver
Mary Beth Kemper
Carol Ann Killian & Thomas Burnette
Cindy & Joseph Kirtland
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kofsky
Anne (Rayner) & Michael Korjeff
LB & Steve Kussick
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Laing
Lynne (Van Dusen) Lawhead
Nancy Lawson
Una-May O'Reilly & Blake D. Le Baron
Kim (Showstead) Leckie
Mary W. Tuttle & David M. Lemonick
Meredith Lewis & Jeffrey Smith
Karen & Curtis Libby
Debbie Glendinning Light
Virginia Lindburg
Lisa (McBride) Logan
Phoebe B. Lowell
Anne Lundsten
Mickey Chehames Lutz
Robyn MacDonald
Emily & Stephen Magowan
Jennifer Maynard
Shirley Maynard
Nancy (Dean) Maynard
Mr & Mrs. Steve McCormack
Susan Fenske McDonough
Uncle Bob (Robert C. McQuillen)
Debbie (Saybolt) Merker
Sue (Lennox) Millard
Claudia (Geary) Miller
Laura (Wicki Hardwick) Mitchell
Nichole (Law) Moody
Gisela & Cedric Nash
Tabitha Nash
CJ Navins
Robin (Van Ness) & Clint Nelson
Katharine & John Newhall
Frances (Lawson) Newton
Caitlin O'Keefe
Megan O'Keefe
Pat Judah Palmer
Sharon & Brian Paul
Pepsico Foundation Matching Gift
Debbie & George Pfeiffer
Julia R. Pfeiffer & Sarh M. Pfeiffer
Jean (Falk) Poole
Jean (Garner) & Ralph Pope
Charles & Sara Pozner
Betsy & Michael Raymond
Carol (Ingraham) Redden
Tara & Phil Redman
Mallory Robinson
Betsy (Johnson) Roguet
Judy Lister & Chris Roland
Cherrill (Smith) Rowell
Laura (Gilman) Ruhe
Janet Santos
Nancy H. & Timothy K. Saunders
Margaret (Allen) Scamman
Ingrid (Haessler) & Stephen Scanlon
Margaret Fritz Schneider
Kathy Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sherman
Clara DeMallie Sherwin
Dana Aley Smith & Kenneth Smith
Emily McCall Smith
Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott Stephens
Joanna Stephens
Jane & Payson Swaffield
Geraldine Taylor
Diana & Lillian Thyssen
Heather & Stephen Tingle
Priscilla & Phil Trussell
Molly Couch Ward
Winifred W. Webster
Lucy Weiss
Jeanne (Vignone) Wentzell
Linda F. Wentzell
Mr. & Mrs. John Wheatley III
Laurie Whitley
Martha & James Wickenden
Mary (Maynard) Wilson
The Defoe / Wilson Family
Jessica Wojslaw
Abby Worrall
Council Circle: $25 - $99
Virginia E. Archer
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bailey
Judith Ball
Chris Anne & Tom Banks
Sue & Jim Belanger
Mr. and Mrs. David Blythin
Meredith G. Boone
Kathy D. Cadigan
Lisa Carangelo
Theresa & Richard Carey
Rosalina & William Cheung
Charlotte Lamson Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Clinkenbeard
Ruth Crane
Mary (Gannett) Crowell
Jackie & Rick Dana
Pamela Dayle
Liz (Leyon) Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Doublet
Susan (Means) & Daniel K. Drake
Kenly Drake
Catherine Dunbar
Sarah (Peanut) Holbrook Evans
Sally Williams Farrow
Erin (Fiedling) Baffuto
Anne Berkley Ford
Courtney & Peter Fugere
Noelle Givler & Bob Green
Meredith Child Greenlaw
Barbara (Stark) Grosvenor
Sarah Haessler
Tammy & Scott Harvey
Sarah Heller
The Hickey-Sullivan Family
Heidi Hofmann
Mrs. Leland B. Howe
Gretchen Hunsberger
Gail Mahan Johnson
Alice Jones
Juliana & Dylan Jones
Sigrid Bergenstein and Bill Joseph
Joan & Jeffrey Karelis
Sandra (Chadwick) Keegan
Leslie Henchey Kehoe
Katherine Kelly
Sarah Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kraus
Jane & Peter Kuniholm
Cindy Tower-Loewen & Oliver Loewen
Ginny Macy
Pamela (Berndt) & Charles Mark
Sara Farragher Massari
Nancy D. Means
Ann Bullock Moses
Sarah (Korjeff) Mumford
Ms. Rebecca Newhall
Katie Nye
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ordway
Christy Orshak
Mr. and Mrs. John Orshak
Maddie (Jenkins) Ouellette
Louise Packard
David Pollard
Elisa & John Pollard
Mary & Joe Rahal
Del Ressler
Diane & David Risko
Carol Ann & Martin C. Rocheleau
Page 9
Katherine (Russell) Rogers
Dr. Jordan Ruboy
Megan Russell
Heidi Sandecki
Barbara Maynard Scollan
Bryher Scudamore
Sandra Seibert
Shauna Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Skilton
Jean Sparks
Lynn Stahlberg
Miriam Shaw Strong
Laurie C. Switzer
Annie Talbot
Mary & Tim Tiches
Harriet (Johnson) Toadvine
Diane (Doviak) Webb
Judith Maclean White
Carolyn Cowan, Abby Melissa &
John Wilpers
Tish Womack
Sarah B. Young
Annie Brown
Leslie Griffin Carroll
Jennifer Brady Cieszko
Patricia Baker & Phil Dunn
Pamela Fearing
Jacqueline & David Fogarty
Kristen Schaefer & Tad Gallion
Jane (Evans) Hamilton
Elizabeth Hayes
Tammy Nelson & Bruce Hirshfield
Lisa & Stuart Jones
Glenna Keogh
Samantha Keogh
Margaret (Schneider) MacLay
Neely Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Newhall
Jane Pauley
Polly & Rob Shuman
Mollie & Scott Stikeleather
Lindsey Varney
Alla & Mark Webster
Nancy & Steven White
Donations in Kind
Ellie Bates
Wendy Bellows
Jane Blake
Lauren Carney
Chris Cressey
Jane Lawson
Ruth Keogh
Marcia (Somers) & Charles Krause
Michael Schuchard
Debra Sidebottom & Rick Villaume
Valerie & Richard Stoppe
Fiona Warner
Gifts in Memory Of:
Scott Creelman
Pamela Trussell Duggan
Diane Haessler
Patricia Keiver
Katie Ladany
Betty Ann Trayner Pollard
Isabella Rowe
Grace Vignone
Henry Whipple
Gifts in Honor of:
Nancy Vignone Ackermann
Ansley Baker
Gabrielle Blythin
Annie Brown
Kristin and Lauren Burnette
Allie Decker
Nancy Greenberg
Isabella Ivos
Rebecca Joseph
Sophie Laing
Tierney Martin
Grace McDonough
Linda Wickenden O’Malley
Hilary Robinson
Mallory Robinson
Joanna Stephens
Lexi & Dana Swaffield
Elizabeth Young
The 2011 CTs
Caroline Elizabeth Anderson
Carol Anthony's parents
2011 Annual Fund: THANK YOU to the over three hundred alumnae and friends who contributed more than $90,000
to the 2011 Annual Fund, the largest Annual Fund ever! Who gives to the Fund? You can see the list in this issue of
Laurel Leaves. The gifts ranged from $10—$22,000 with the average gift of $290. What do these Funds go towards?
Last year we used the funds to fix the dock, to start the tennis courts, to complete the Director’s House, as well as to
provide tuition assistance for campers and to help fund other operating expenses not met by tuition. These funds are
tremendously important to the operation of the camp. Again, thank you to all of our donors.
New Address for Friends: The 2012 Annual Fund is underway. As noted in this issue, Council Member Nancy White
is stepping down as the Friends Coordinator, and her daughter and Council Member Ruth Keogh is stepping in as the
new Friends Coordinator. Thank you Ruth! Please send your donations to Ruth at the following address:
Fleur de Lis Friend * Ruth Keogh * 11 Hamlin Street, Unit 1 * South Boston, Ma 02127
Gifts can also be made at the FDL website , We thank you all for your support!
Page 10
May 5: Kimball Farm Gathering, 11am-2pm
June 2: Lady Nurse Service Day, 10am-3pm
June 12-16: Aquatics Camp
June 16-22: Pre-Camp
June 23: Opening Day
July 7: First 2-Week Session Ends
July 8: Visiting Day
July 8: 5-Week & Second 2-Week Campers
July 20: Senior Banquet & Campfire
July 21: July Session Ends
July 22: August Session Begins
July 29: Summer Corporation Meeting
August 4: Family Day
August 4: Third 2-Week Session Ends
August 11: Senior Banquet & Campfire
August 12: August Session Ends
August 13: CTs Depart
August 14: Staff Depart
August 17-19: Big & Little Weekend
October 5-7: Fall Family Festival
The town of Fitzwilliam is celebrating its
250th birthday this year. The town is
preparing a special event this summer,
and Fleur de Lis is excited to participate in
the parade and hopefully the
fireworks display. The town has also made
available birthday memorabilia like coffee
mugs, T-shirts, and hats. If you are
interested in ordering items or learning
more about the celebration, please visit
the website for this special event,
August 17-19, 2012
Check in Friday 3:00-5:00
& Check out Sunday 1:00
Is there a special 6-11 year-old girl in your life with whom you would like to share the experience of camp?
Fleur de Lis welcomes aunts, mothers, godmothers, grandmothers, and mentors to come to camp with a
Bigs & Littles will live in cabins or platform tents and take part in family-style meals. Enjoy a relaxing rock on
a porch, learn to shoot an arrow, or participate in an activity on the water. Both instructional and recreational
times will be available.
Enjoy a weekend filled with activity choices for adults and children: archery, campfires, canoeing, crafts,
dancing, kayaking, pottery, riflery, singing, swimming, tennis, and lots of fun!
Introduce your camper to an overnight camp experience through this special weekend. You do not have to be a
current parent nor an alumna to participate. Encourage other Big & Littles to attend! To obtain a registration
form, visit the camp website at; on-line registration is now available!
For additional information, contact Big & Little Coordinator Jazmin Belcoure at [email protected]
or Director Carrie Kashawlic at [email protected] or (603) 585-7751.
Page 11
Fancy Duct Tape
Galilean Candles- Floating Tea Candles
Ping Pong Paddles, Balls, & Net
Water Balloons
Kid Friendly DVDs (Disney etc)
Embroidery Floss
Pony Beads
Shrinky Dinks
Large Paint Brushes for painting Back
Life Jackets: Two <50 lbs., Two 50-90 lbs.,
and Two >90lbs
Masking Tape (.5”-1”)
Mid-Birthday Gifts
14 Count Aida Cloth- 1 Yard (for cross
Cross Stich Needles (size 24 or 26)
Knitting Needles (sizes, 8, 10, 12)
Plastic Canvas
Plastic Canvas Needles
Hot Glue and Glue Guns
Playing Cards (Standard, Uno, Skip-Bo)
Activity Related Stickers (rifle, archery,
swim etc.)
Jacquard Tie-Dye
Squirt Bottles (ie: 3-pack red/yellow/clear
for tie dye)
White Tee-Shirts in Assorted Boys Sizes
(to tie dye)
White Pillow Cases (to tie dye)
Rubber bands (for tie dye)
Post-It Brand Sticky Notes- Various Sizes
# 2 Pencils
Black Ball-Point Pens
Black Sharpie Makers
Poster Board
Pirate-Themed Items
I-Home (MP3 player docking station w/
leur de Lis gathered for
another winter water event
this past February 11, 2012,
at the Peabody, MA, YMCA for
swimming and pizza. We had fun
in the water and out of the water as
we devoured an entire bag of
Oreos and ate some of the biggest
slices of pizza we’ve ever seen
while talking and enjoying friendly
Fleur de Lis faces. A big thank you
to Lady Ruth Keogh for organizing
this event.
We still hope to possibly hold a
Father-Daughter Ball in February
2013, but we are looking for a
committee to help plan the event.
If you are interested, please contact
Lady Carrie at
[email protected].
Page 12
Photo: Isabela Cheung, Cris Cheung, Hannah Loewen, Devon Haessler,
Carly Haessler
lease join us for the Lady Nurse Service Day at Camp Fleur de Lis on Saturday, June 2, 2012, from
10:00 am – 3:00 pm. We offer this annual gathering day of service to Fleur de Lis in honor of all that
Lady Nurse gave of herself to us and to camp as we share in friends, laughter, memories, comfort
food, and on-going service.
We will have several service project options available at 10:00 am, with a break
for a Visiting Day picnic-style lunch from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, and then wrapping
up with a “Galilean” gathering at the end of the day. Please feel free to bring your
family and invite your camp friends to celebrate the summer season and honor
Lady Nurse through your service to camp.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 21, 2012 at [email protected]; or accept
our invitation on Facebook.
Photo from the 2011 Day of
Remembrance and Service
Ellie Bates' daughter Amy
Bates is working for Peer
Health Exchange training
college students to work in
Chicago high schools on
health education issues.
Carlin Dacey is a senior at
Northwestern University
where she is captain of the
diving team and in the
women's swimming and
diving team. She spent the
summer interning at Saturday
Night Live.
Morgan Sewall is a figure
skater of renown and skates in
the Nationals in January
(2012) at St. Jose California.
(Granddaughter of BA
Margaret (DeMallie)
Goodnoe's daughter Carley
E. Goodnoe Farnum had a
baby names Lucy Gillian
Farnum on November 10,
Ann Huff Jordan recovered
from early breast cancer. Her
daughter married and is living
in Utah and is an Associate
Professor of Psychology and
is the head of the infant lab.
Her son lives in Somerville
and is pursuing his clinical
psychology certification to
added to his academic PhD
and post doctorial research
and teaching at Dartmouth
and Tuck. Her husband has
retired, and her parents are
doing well and living in
Send news via snail mail to
120 Howeville Road
Fitzwilliam, NH 03447,
email Linda O’Malley at
[email protected],
or post news on our Facebook page!
Page 13
Fleur de Lis Camp
120 Howeville Road
Fitzwilliam, NH 03447
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Worcester MA
Permit No. 254
Address Service Requested
Fleur de Lis Camp Mission Statement
leur de Lis Camp promotes the well being of girls and young women
socially, educationally and physically. We provide opportunities and
experiences to help them become self-sufficient and productive members of
their community and the world.
Fleur de Lis’s program is conducted in a natural environment, both safe and
nurturing, with the intention of fostering leadership skills, citizenship, and
self-confidence, while helping each girl reach her full potential. The girls and
young women of Fleur de Lis are developed in a spirit of cooperation and respect
with a focus on friendship, mentoring, positive example, and challenges
appropriate to the individual girl.
Fleur de Lis affirms its responsibility and obligation as a not-for-profit,
non-partisan organization serving the welfare of girls and young women. In this
spirit we strive to make our program affordable to all.