2014 Annual Report


2014 Annual Report
Annual Report
a note from our director
our challenge
nancial information
dining room
health center
legal center
social services
children‘s programs
after-school program
summer camp
back-to-school readiness camp
key moments
management team
board of directors
These are the people that we lift up
with dignity and respect each day.
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a note from
our director
“Five hundred twenty- five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure a year?” (So poses the opening
lines of the musical Rent.) At Face To Face, we measure it in hungry bodies satisfied, frightened tenants averting eviction, anxious patients managing high blood pressure, emotionally challenged clients accessing benefits, tentative
children celebrating the wonder of reading.
This report is a quantitative assessment of Face to Face’s progress. However, behind each measurement there is a real
person and a real story. As you read this report, I hope you see Theresa, a woman living in a shelter where she receives
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and dinner daily. Theresa heard about Face to Face on the street and has
now become a regular dinner guest. After dinner at Face to Face one Sunday she exclaimed that she had just had one
of the best meals of her life! Romaine is a 20-year-old who grew up in foster care, alienated from his family. He came
to Face to Face for help with legal identification and immigration issues. The work for his documentation continues
as does Romaine’s daily service to Face to Face through help with meal prep, maintenance and other important
tasks. I hope you catch a glimpse of Gloria, a woman in her mid-sixties who struggles with mental illness leading to
intermittent homelessness. Gloria replaced the dead flowers in our pots with plastic ones she had purchased
because beauty is important and Face to Face is home for her. I hope you meet nine-year-old Andrew who worked so
hard during the Back to School Camp to achieve a well- written paragraph with careful spaces between each word.
How proud he was! These are a few of the stories and lives that Face to Face embraces daily.
The people who find welcome, dignity and hope at Face to Face depend on you. You “see” those who are so
often invisible, you donate generously, you volunteer. Your commitment to our sisters and brothers in deep poverty
enables Face to Face to create encounters of hospitality,
mutuality and transformation.
I am awed and humbled by your boundless generosity. It gives
me hope even as I acknowledge the daunting challenges our
clients face because of crushing poverty. Because of you, Face to
Face refuses to let poverty have the last word.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Executive Director
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our challenge
Nearly 30% of the Germantown community that we serve lives in DEEP
POVERTY which is defined
as living on less than 50% of the Federal Poverty level. Specifically, it means a family of four
living on $11, 700 a year, or less and a single person living on $5,700 a year, or less. The needs within
the Germantown community are varied and great. Countless mentally ill individuals who have been
abandoned by their families, or simply never had one, live in unheated, dank single-room
occupancies that frequently have no hot water or cooking facilities. Germantown is also home to families
with two working parents who cannot make ends meets. The elderly poor are ubiquitous in Germantown,
struggling with health issues on fixed incomes. The children of Germantown are born into intractable
Lastly, the homeless are among the most
destitute and marginalized.
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financial information
Foundations- $317,940 (35%)
Events- $244,183 (27%)
Individual donations- $166,747 (18%)
In Kind Donations- $143,869 (16%)
Community Organizations- $28,094 (3%)
Corporations- $8,404 (1%)
Other- $1,013 - (0.1%)
TOTAL: $910,250
Dining Room- $277,438 (33%)
Health Center and Social Services- $152,161 (18%)
Children's Programs- $103,032 (12%)
Legal Center $63,942 (8%)
Arts- $17,740 (2%)
General and Administrative- $215,433 (27%)
TOTAL: $829,746
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dining room
Hunger is the most insidious consequence of poverty.
Our first priority is to reduce hunger by providing meals to our guests in a safe, welcoming environment. This past
year we served 30,310 meals a staggering 46% increase over the 20,785 served in 2012. We welcomed more families,
single people and homeless individuals than ever before. Our new chef, Altenore Vaval, brought his many talents to
our kitchen beginning in July 2013. Since then, he has become renowned for his healthy, satisfying meals.
As always our volunteers enabled us to meet the ever increasing need in our dining room. Students from colleges
and high schools staffed our kitchen and served our guests. Families, church groups and individuals gave of their
time to insure that our guests enjoyed their meal in a dignified and hospitable setting.
Our Dining Room hosted a holiday party in
December, Irish Step dancing for St. Patrick’s Day
and a true feast for Thanksgiving.
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health center
“I have the audacity to believe
that people everywhere can have
three meals a day for their bodies,
education and culture for their
minds and dignity , equality,
and freedom for their spirits.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our Health Center provided care and referrals to 569 patients during 2,438 visits.
Our Health Center is often the only access our patients have to health care. One hundred and eighteen nursing students
provided 876 hours of volunteer service to the center. Beginning in July 2013, Dr. Derrick Graves, D.M.D. joined our Health
Center as a volunteer to provide dental assessments to our clients on the last Sunday of every month. Dr. Graves is a graduate
of the University of Pennsylvania Dental School and a Johns Hopkins undergrad. His volunteer service at Face to Face is
aimed at providing direct evaluation of our client population regarding the effects of dental health on overall well-being and
nutrition status. Dr. Graves refers patients to resources for preventive and restorative care for the under and uninsured.
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legal center
The Face to Face Legal Center protects the human, civil,
and legal rights of low income and homeless individuals.
Our Legal Center works both independently and collaboratively
with private attorneys, law students, and law schools.
Specific highlights from the
2013 program year included:
• 364 clients were assisted during 734 visits
to the Legal Center
• 96 clinics were offered in 2013
• 173 clients were assisted in securing
birth certificates and legal identification
• The Philadelphia Inquirer featured the
Face to Face Legal Center in a front page article
on March 27, 2014 as part of its series on
issues affecting poverty
Niki Ludt, Esq., the Director of our Legal Center poses with Laila Stone who holds
her newly obtained delayed birth certificate. Her smile says it all.
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social services
Collaboration among our programs is the key
to providing holistic care to our clients.
Our Social Services Center under the direction of Tara Monihan, MSW collaborated closely with our Health and Legal
centers resulting in a 28% increase in the number of clients assisted this past year. Ms. Monihan added a third morning of
hours to accommodate the needs of our struggling community. Ms. Monihan assists our clients with a wide variety of issues
including housing, utility shut-offs, employment and services for the disabled.
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children‘s programs
At Face to Face we believe that there is
no better way to improve the lives of our
impoverished children than through education
and relationships with positive role models.
Many of our children come from homes riddled with drug
use, alcohol abuse and absent parents. Our goal is to insure
that our children do not become our clients in the future but
rather enjoy happy fulfilling lives far from the reach of poverty.
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“Dignity is as essential to human life
as water, food, and oxygen.”
– Lauren Hillenbrand
after-school program
One of the most exciting developments at Face to Face this year was the re-opening
of our After School Program which had been on hiatus while improvements were
made to our building.
On April 22, 2013 we welcomed children back into the program
which runs from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Thursday.
We opened for the full academic year on Monday,
September 15, 2014.
Parents pick up their children from the After-School Program
(above and to the right)
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summer camp
In July, 78 children attended our Summer Camp each day
from 8:00am until 3:00pm.
The children experienced the magic of summer by learning yoga, dance, art and chess among many other activities.
Each week a guest performer entertained the campers with magic, story-telling or science experiments. The children
also took day trips to events like the Camden Riversharks vs. Sugarland Skeeters. The camp concluded on July 31,
2014 with a performance by the children which highlighted the many new skills they learned during the program.
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back-to-school readiness camp:
Our Back to School Camp offers children in grades K through 7th grade the opportunity to participate in
a 3-week-long intensive literacy and mathematics course to prepare for the new school year.
Closing The Acheivement Gap
Studies consistently show that over the summer months low-income students lose more than two months in reading
achievement, in stark contrast to their middle-class peers who make slight gains. Our Back to School Camp addresses this
achievement gap. Our staff included two certified teachers and one children’s behavioral health worker. Each of the 30 children in this year’s camp was individually assessed and then lessons were tailored to address their specific areas of weakness.
The teachers maintained portfolios of each child’s work which documented their progress through the camp. Breakfast and
lunch were served each day. Based on the success of last year’s camp which ran from 9am to 12 noon we increased the hours
this year from 9am to 2pm. The camp ran from August 4, 2014 through August 22, 2014.
“Overcoming Poverty
is not a task of Charity,
it is an act of Justice.”
– Nelson Mandela
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The 21st Annual Face to Face
Turkey Trot was held Thanksgiving morning in
Fairmount Park. Nearly 1,000 runners ran the 5 mile
race on a frigid and clear Thanksgiving morning. Mayor
Michael Nutter presented the prizes to the 6 winners.
Thanks to the Philadelphia Insurance Companies,
the run’s presenting sponsor, the Maguire family and
our many sponsors and volunteers, the event raised
$176,000 in support of our vital programs.
JANUARY Elfant Wissahickon realtors in conjunction with Martin Elfant, Inc., pledged to raise $30,000 for Face to Face
as part of its 2014 Anti-Poverty Initiative. In addition to contributing financially to Face to Face, Elfant Wissahickon, and
Martin Elfant Inc. employees have become regular volunteers in our Dining Room. This dynamic collaboration was featured
in the April 11, 2014 Chestnut Hill Local. See http://chestnuthilllocal.com/blog/2014/04/11/elfant-partners-face-facegermantown-feed-sou...
FEBRUARY Mickey Leone takes over as volunteer Director of Face
to Face’s Neighborhood Arts Studio. Mr. Leone has a master’s degree
in psychological counseling from Chestnut Hill College and training
in expressive arts therapy. The Face to Face art studio is a place where
the most marginalized of guests can reconnect with their humanity
through art and friendship. Mr. Leone and the art studio were featured
in a front page article in the February 20, 2014 issue of the Chestnut
Hill Local. See http://chestnuthilllocal.com/blog/2014/02/20/faceface-uses-art-build-self-esteem/
photo by Sue Ann Rybak
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MARCH The Face to Face Legal Clinic was profiled in a front page article in the Philadelphia Inquirer on March 27, 2014.
The article discussed the number of poor individuals who do not have legal identification and the challenges that poses in
all facets of modern life. Niki Ludt, Esq., the Director of Face to Face’s Legal Clinic, has become a recognized expert in
the field. Last year alone, over 173 clients received their legal identification through the Face to Face Legal Center. See
Philadelphia Inquirer, March 27,2014 at http://www.philly.com/philly/
APRIL Face to Face’s Annual Auction was held at Ancillae -Assumpta
Academy. Thanks to co-chairs Sherry Mischler and Tara Monihan the
event raised over $89,000. Thanks to the generosity of the Hand Maids
of the Sacred Heart, 240 people enjoyed an evening celebrating the
hospitality of Face to Face in the school’s lovely cafeteria and gym.
JULY Face to Face Advisory Board is formed. City leaders including
Bob Elfant, President of Elfant Wissahickon, Developer Ken Weinstein,
Betsy Longstreth, Executive Director of the Vincera Foundation
and Bill Ewing Esq., joined the Face to Face Advisory Board
to assist us in our efforts to combat the effects of poverty in
East Germantown.
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thank you to all of our
2,298 volunteers
We could not do it
without them!
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Our Volunteers make our motto of
hospitality, mutuality and transformation
come alive.
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4UDrew Foundation ~ ABC Insert Company ~ Abington Friends School ~ Abington Memorial Hospital
Irv Ackelsberg ~ Kimberly Adams ~ Nancy Agati ~ Allen Hilles Fund ~ Allstate Foundation ~ Alpha Pi Lambda Fraternity ~ Maryellen and John Alviti ~ Ancillae-Assumpta Academy ~ Lynne Anderson
Karl Andrek ~ David Andrews ~ William Anninger ~ Anonymous
~ Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Debi Armstrong ~ Susan Ashbaker ~ Thomas and Phyllis Asson ~ Rachel and Jeremy Bach
Michael Bamberger ~ Tinesha Banks ~ Banks Law LLC ~ Ann Marie Barnett ~ Barra Foundation
Ellen Baxter ~ Eileen Beale ~ Lawrence Beaser ~ Jane Becker ~ Marta Becker ~ Robert Beidler
Peter and Collette Bellwoar ~
Ben Franklin School ~
Beneficial Foundation ~ Richard Berk
Jordan and Deanna Berman ~ Frank Bernt ~ Sandra Berwind ~ Anthony Bianchini
Joanne and Joseph Bibik ~ Charlotte Biddle ~ Michael Bishof ~ Rosemary Naab, Principal
Bishop McDevitt High School ~ Theresa and Joseph Blanch ~
Blank Rome LLP ~ Gina Blasco
David Blask ~ Jane Bonner ~ Joseph and Robin Bonus ~ Botanical Expressions ~ Carl and Selba Boyd
Kenneth Boyden ~ Elizabeth Bracken ~ John and Jody Bradwell ~ Robert and Sylvia Brasler
Mary Evelyn and Paul Breslin ~ Celine Brett ~ Sharon Brokenbough ~ Carolina and Michael Bromberg
Brooklyn Bagels ~ Felicia Brown ~ Ingrid Brown ~ Sharon Browning ~ Alysia Bruno
Amy and Ed Buchanan ~ Linda Buchheit ~ Cynthia and Robert Burke ~ Lizabeth Burke
Mark and Charlene Burke ~ Sally Burke ~ Paula Burns ~ Robert Busser ~ Lawrence Byrnes
Harry and Kathleen Campbell ~ Ian Campbell ~ Leslie Campo ~ Rev. Gerald Canavan
Anthony and Renee Matson Caringi ~ Carmel Presbyterian Church ~ Guy Carpenter ~ Tara Carr-Lemke
Janice Carroll ~ Lynn Carroll ~ Terrence Carroll ~ Timothy Carroll ~ William Carroll ~ Lauren Caskey
Michael Cassidy ~ Mary
Castaldi ~
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Combined Courts
Patricia Cavanaugh ~ Central Association of the Miraculous Medal ~ Charles and Anne S. Genuardi Family Foundation ~ Sandy Chisholm ~
Chit Chat Charity ~
Christian R. & Mary F. Lindback
Foundation ~ Kevin and Cyrene Christine ~ Church of the Advent ~ Clarence Venne Foundation Trust
Joseph and Carroll Clay ~ Eugene and Kathleen Cleaver ~ John and Rosemarie Cleaver ~ Clemens Food
Group LLC ~ Gerald and Lydia Clemmer ~ Raymond Cline ~ Katherine Clupper ~ Mary Coady
Lisa Collins ~
Colonial Electric Supply ~
Comcast Corporation ~ Nora Concannon~
Congregation of the Mission ~ Jo Ann and Harry Connelly ~ Connelly Foundation ~ Mary Copelli
Corpus Christi Catholic School ~ Paul Crane ~ Mary Ellen Creamer ~ Jonas Crimm
Bernadette Cronin-Geller ~ Zeta Cross ~ Frances and James Crotty ~ Margaret and Jerry Crump
Ann Csink ~ Vincent and Janet Cuce’ ~ Nina and Sean Cullen ~ John and Aimee Curry
William and Lynne Curry ~ Kathleen and Stephen Curtis ~ Joanne D’Agostino ~ Dennis and Mary Daly
Glenda Daulerio ~ Andrea Davis ~ Marian Davis ~ Scott Davis ~ Deborah Deangelis ~ William Deasey
Stephen Deblasio ~ Michael Dechnik ~ Cathleen Decina ~ Anne Deely ~ Susan DeJarnatt ~ Johan DeJong
Faith and Mark DeLany ~
Delaware County Community Foundation ~ Mariann Dempsey
Betty DeStefano ~ Charles and Maryann Devlin ~ Coleen Di Fiore ~ Christina Diaz ~ Maria Diaz
Paul Diaz ~ John Difeo ~ Eileen and Lawrence Difranco ~ Donna D’Innocenzi
Mary and Charles Dolaway ~
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation ~ Jim Domenick ~ John Domzalski
Maureen Donnelly ~ Elizabeth Galbally Donohoe ~ Douty Foundation ~ Alice Doyle ~ Mike Doyle
Doylestown Dental Group ~
Doylestown Presbyterian Church ~ Sharon Drach ~ William Drayton
Eileen Duffey ~ Joseph Duffey ~ Rosemary Duffey ~ Michael Duffy ~ Brian Dulin ~ John Dunn
Mick Dunphy ~ Hugh Earls ~ Christine Eberle ~ Kathleen Eberz ~ Kathleen Egan ~ Kathlyn Egan
John Ehinger ~ Robert and Nancy Elfant ~
Elizabeth B and Arthur E Roswell Foundation Inc
Suzanne Emerson ~ Endeleo Project ~ Gregory Ensslin ~ Audrey Eveloff Berman ~ Helen Everette
Carmen Ezzo ~ Elizabeth Fabens ~ Robert and Eileen Fabiszewski ~ Craig Failing ~ Evelyn Fair
Connie Falcone ~ Kieran Farrell ~ Ronald Faust ~ Delphine Fecca ~ Leigh Feibish Gerson ~ Lisa Feix
Jeanne Felter ~ Caroline and Joseph Ferrara ~ Patricia Fiorella ~ James and Carol Fitzgerald
James and Leslie Fitzgerald ~ Eileen Flanagan ~ Martha Flegal ~ Sophia Fooskas ~ Magdalene Forgie
Rosemarie Forst ~ Thomas Forst ~
Forst Foundation ~ Mariellen Forst-Paulus ~ Adrienne Foster
FourJay Foundation ~ Walter Fox ~ LaVonne France ~ Susan Franchine Singer ~ Jennifer Franks
Nancy Freedman ~ Robert Furman ~ Timothy Daniel Gabrielle Halko ~ Lori Gallagher
Mary Gallagher ~ Terrence and Michelle Gallagher ~ William Gallagher ~ James Gannon
Stephen Gardner ~ Carol Garifo ~ Melanie Gavin ~ Tanya Geisler ~ General Reinsurance Corporation
General Wayne Elementary School ~ Maryann and Lawrence Genuardi ~ Rev Gasper Genuardi
Walter Gerhard ~ Germantown Academy ~ Germantown Friends School ~ Germantown Historical Society
Geruson ~ Mary Giannattasio ~
GIANT Food Stores ~ John Gianvittorio
Terence Gibbs ~ Charles Gillespie ~ Phillip Gilligan ~ Louise Giugliano ~ Janet Giuliani ~ Gerard Givnish
GlaxoSmithKline ~ Constance Gleeson ~ Glenside Pub ~ Michael Gliatto ~ Global Packaging Inc
John and Frannie Glomb ~ Maureen Glowacki ~ Robert Goldenberg ~ Heather Goldsmith
Diana Gomez ~
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church ~ Schuyler and Libby Gottwald
Grace S and W Linton Nelson Foundation ~ Michael and Cathy Grady ~ Margaret Graham
Mary Ellen Graham ~ Nancy Graham Smith ~ Sharon Tenesia Grayson ~ Gary Greco ~ William Green
Green Street Monthly Meeting ~
Green Woods Charter School ~ Kathleen Greenbaum
Greene Street Friends School ~ Jennifer Greenfield ~ Michael Grieser ~ Mary Lou Gross ~ Robert Groves
Steven and Mary Grzywinski ~ Margaret Guerra ~ Ronald Guerra ~
Gwynedd Mercy Academy
High School ~
H. Chase and Ana Maria Lenfest Foundation ~ Mark Haas ~ Mary Beth Haas
Francis and Mary Jo Hagan ~ Kathleen Hagee ~ Charles Haggerty ~ Francis Hahn ~ Joseph Halligan
Halligan’s Pub ~
Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin, Maxwell & Lupin ~ Brian Hamilton
John and Catherine Hank ~ John Hank ~ Hansen Charitable Foundation ~ Michael and Bernadette Hardiman ~
Rosemary Harley ~ Patricia and Robert Harrington ~ Robert and Christine Harrington
Margaret and Robert Havard ~ Hayden Real Estate Investments ~ Siobhan Hayes ~ Nancy Heffner
Judith Heimann ~ Stephen and Monika Heimann ~ Stacey Heindel ~ Michael Heinly ~ C. Dallett Hemphill
Eileen and Francis Heron ~ Bob Higgins ~ Charles Hill ~ Steve Hladczuk ~ James Hoban
Laura and Thomas Hochuli ~ Franklin Hoke ~ Maureen Holland ~ Frank Hollick ~ Nancy Holmes
Suzanne Homack ~ John Hoover ~ Daniel and Gretchen Horan ~ Rebecca Horner ~ Lynne Horoschak
Jenny Anne and Gaelen Horst-Martz ~ Caren Hosansky ~ Sabu Hubert ~ Stephen Hudak
Independence Foundation ~ Joseph and Kathryn Intrieri ~ Ronnie Jacobs ~ Jarrettown Elementary School ~ Michael
and Kathleen Jarvis ~ Maria and Martin Jeffers ~ Donna Jeffries ~ Brett Jenner
Thomas Jennings ~
Jewish Children’s Folkshul ~ Thilagar Jeyasingh ~
Joe Gavin Trust
Colleen Johnson ~
Johnson Controls ~ Keith Jones ~ Gloria Jordan ~ Karen Jordan
Bruce Jorgensen ~ Patricia Judge ~ Stephanie Judson ~ Christine and Paul Juestrich
Kathleen Kahlau ~ Cynthia Kane ~ Maureen Kane
~ William and Mary Kane ~ Jack Kasznel
Jeffrey Kee ~ Barb Keeney ~ Eileen Kelly ~ George and Kathleen Kelly ~ Patrice Kelly ~ Robert Kennedy
Patrick Kenney ~ Emily Kight ~ Alan King ~ Paul Kinsey ~ Christopher Kirchner ~ Charlie Klein
Dottie Higgins Klein ~ Lillian Klotz Foster ~ Patricia McGarvey and John Knebels ~ Sandra Knup R Daniel Koffel
Brenda and R. Edward Kolb ~ Richard and Diane Kolb ~ Arthur and Annemarie Koppisch ~ Julie Kring-Schreifels
La Salle College High School ~ La Salle University ~ Lacher & Associates ~ Ladies of Flaherty Knights of Columbus
John Lamond ~ Greg Landry ~ Christopher Lange ~
LAOH Montco Div 3 - Maire Drumm
Len LaRose ~ Lynne Lavelle ~ Mary Sweetland and Lance Laver ~ Colleen Law ~ Bob and Kim Lawn
Brenda Lazin ~ Rosemary and Guy Lee ~ Leo and Peggy Pierce Family Foundation ~ Mary Ellen LePere
Kyle Lewis ~ Sandra Lillis ~ Lincoln Investment Planning Inc ~ Gail Lindenberg ~ Lin-Mark Comp
Sports & Events Production ~ Ann Listerud ~ Thomas Lloyd ~ Arthur Loeb ~ Catherine Lombard
Sakuntala Longshore ~ Kathryn Lopez ~
Louis N. Cassett Foundation ~ Mary Loveland
Patrick and Jane Luddy ~ William Ludt ~ Fred and Rita Ludwig ~ Marjorie Lukens
Todd and Christina Lukens ~ Gerard Lutes ~ Dennis Lynch ~ Karen and Mark Lynch ~ Teresa Lynn
Charles Mackell ~ Josephine and Bernard Madden ~ Magarity Tennis Club ~ MaGerk’s Pub and Grill
Colleen Maguire ~ Jim and Frannie Maguire ~ Timothy and Julia Maguire ~ Maguire Foundation
John and Deborah Maine ~ Virginia Maksymowicz ~ Margareat Malley ~ Sean Mallon
Matthew Manion ~ Patricia and Steven Mapa ~
Marc David Foundation ~ Ramona Mariani
Nicholas Marino ~ Robert Marley ~ Clifford Michael Mars ~ Rita Martin ~ Joan Martini
Nancy Matthews ~ William Matthews ~ Sarah Mauthe ~ Barbara McAleer ~ Stephen McAndrew
Josephine and James McCabe ~ Marie and Charles McCabe ~ Patricia McCann ~ Patricia Ann McCann
Melvin McClellan ~ Doris and Edward McCool ~ Brian McCormick, Jr. ~ John McCrossan ~ Daniel McDaid ~ Sally
Ed and Mary McGinty ~ Florinda McGoldrick ~ Desmond McGowan ~ Joan McIlvaine
Robert McIntyre ~ Colleen McKenna ~ Daniel McKenna ~ Laura Kind and Mark McKenna
Jeanne McLaughlin ~ Margaret McLaughlin ~ William McLaughlin ~ Timothy and Joanne McLees
Mary McNichol ~ Gloria McNutt ~ Marian McPhillips ~ Katherine McSorley ~ Marjorie Medina
Patricia and Austin Meehan ~ Frank and Joan Meeks ~ Judy and Mark Meeks ~ Lizanne Meeks
Mary Kay Meeks-Hank ~
Merck Partnership for Giving ~
Merion Friends Meeting
Carolyn Stanton Merlini ~ Caleb Meyer ~ Laurel and Warrin Meyers ~ Dale Mezzacappa ~ Susan Miesnik
William(Lee) and Daniella Milam ~ Donald Miller ~ Douglas Miller ~ Judith Miller
Kelly O’Neill Miller ~ Mary Ellen Miller ~ Ruth and William Miller ~ Constance Mills ~ John Minger
Tom Mirabile ~ John and Sherry Mischler ~ Maryanne Mitchell ~ Tara and Neil Monihan
Anthony Monteiro ~ David and Lyn Montgomery ~
Morgan Stanley ~ James Morrissey
Judith and Mark Morrissey ~ Dale and Kathleen Moss ~ Billy Motto ~ Mount Saint Joseph Academy
Ignatius Mullen ~ Bruce and Anne Fitzpatrick Murray ~ Jean Murray ~ Kevin and Mary Murray
National Risk Managers Inc ~ Thomas and Jill Nerney ~ Nick’s Barbershop ~ Mark and Megan Nicoletti
Brian Nolan ~ Paul Nolan ~ Richard Nolan ~ Stu Nolan Painting Inc. ~ Guy Norcini ~ Marcia Norcini
Missy Norcini ~ Joseph and Mary Ellen Norpel ~ Judith Norton ~ Richard and Robin Nourie
Earl George Oakman ~ Charlotte O’Brien ~ Karin and Peter O’Brien ~ Sheila and Timothy O’Connell
Susan O’Hagan Marley ~
Olde Mill Inn ~ Patrick and Patricia O’Leary ~ Shaun O’Malley
Omron Foundation ~ Brian and Nancy O’Neill ~ Karen O’Neill ~ Mary and James O’Neill
Bonnie O’Rourke ~ Thomas and Jody O’Rourke ~ Gregory Osborne ~ Kathleen O’Shea ~ Michael O’Toole
Katy Otto ~ Our Lady of Good Counsel ~ Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School ~ Our Mother
of Consolation School ~ Alexis Ouseley ~ P & J Sports Enterprises ~ PA Zeta of Alpha Delta Kappa
Stephen and Lucy Paccione ~ James and Lizanne Pando ~ Cheryl Parker ~ Karen Pauciello
Stephanie and Chad Peddicord ~ Bruce Peiffer ~ Amy and Michael Peirce ~ Charlie and Pat Pelletreau
Michael and Christina Peterson ~
Pfizer United Way Campaign ~
Philadelphia Bar Foundation
Philadelphia Foundation ~
Philadelphia Insurance Companies ~
Phildelphia Waldorf
Adam and Tracy Piatkowski ~ Jen Pilling ~ Peter and Barbara Pinnola ~ Donald and Marcia Pizer
Christopher Plummer ~
PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program ~ William Pollard
Douglas Porpora ~ Mary Ellen Porreca ~ Kathleen Powell ~
PPL Service Corporation
John and Ann Pron ~ Michael and Kathryn Protenic ~ Bonnie Queen ~ Margaret Quigley
John and Susan Quirk ~ Paul Racette ~ Diane Radvansky ~ Andres and Mary Laura Ramos
Richard and Barbara Rapson ~ Carrie and Robert Rathmann ~ William and Donna Reardon
Patricia Redenbaugh ~ Gerald Reeves ~ Cecelia Regan ~ Gerard Regan ~ Mary Regan
Jeanne and Herm Reiche ~ Maureen Reilly ~ John Reiman ~ Gregory Reznich ~ Rhino Chiropractic
Anne Rife ~ Thomas Riley ~ Kristin Rimer ~ Morgan Risley ~ Miles Rittmaster ~ Jessica Riviere
Erin and Matt Rizk ~ John Rizzo ~ Madelena Rizzo ~ Jake Roak ~ Sean and Victoria Roberts
Mihaela Robitu ~ Stephen Rochford ~ Richard Rock ~ Lizabeth Rode ~ Debra Roessier ~ Evelyn Rogers
John and Theresa Rollins ~ Rotary Club of Springfield Township ~ Reconstructive Orthopaedic Ass.
Rothman Institute ~ Kevin Rowley ~ Shannon Rowley Lavelle ~ Joellyn Ruane ~ Aaron Rubin
Penny and Paul Rubincam ~ Daniel Ruderman ~ Lynne Rutherauff ~ Thomas Rutkowski
Benjamin Sacks ~ Michael Sacks ~ Robert and Ann Sacks ~ William and Nancy Sacks ~ Sacred Heart
Church ~
Saint Bridget’s Parish ~
Saint Genevieve Home & School ~
Saint Genevieve School
Saint Hilary of Poiters School ~ Saint Hilary of Poitiers Church ~ Saint Joseph’s University ~ Saint Mary
Magdalene Community ~
Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church ~
Saint Raymond of Penafort Church
Saint Vincent de Paul Parish ~ Lisa and Al Salazar ~ Michele Salute ~
Samuel S Fels Fund
Eileen and Matthew Sandifer ~ Deborah Sandrock ~ Melva Sanzon ~ Kirsten Schlenger
Francis Schluckebier ~ Ann and Carl Schmiedekamp ~
Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP
Peter Schneider ~ Gerard and Margaret Schorn ~ Irvin and Marilyn Schorsch ~ Nicholas and Shelly Schorsch
Peter and Bonnie Schorsch ~ Thomas Schrand ~ Sloan Seale ~ Seitz, Leatherman & Kolb LLC ~ Marguerite Sexton
Patricia and Thomas Sexton ~ Seybert Foundation ~ Erika and Francis Shea ~ John and Ellen Sheehan
Brian Shenkman ~ Violet Shenkman ~ Michael and Sharon Sherman ~ John Shoemaker ~ David and Krisitn Shoup
Siemens Caring Hands Foundation ~ Ruth Sigmund ~ Nancy Signore ~ Timothy Singer ~ Lynne Siqueland
Stuart and Karen Skinner ~ Robert Slipakoff ~ Robert L. Sloan ~ Brother Al Smith ~ Eileen Smith ~ Jerry Smith
Susan Smith ~ Jennifer Snyder ~ Mark Soffa ~ Elizabeth Alperin Solms ~ Harry and Lecie Solomon ~ Susan Sorenson
Carolyn Sorsio ~ Spring Garden Soup Society ~ Spring Mill Country Club ~ Springfield Middle School ~ Kate Stahits
Paul Standeven ~ Mary Stanton ~ Mike Stefanski ~ Stephen Marino Living Trust ~ Sheila Brenda Stevens
Mark Stewart ~ Joyce Streibig ~ Brian Sullivan ~ Joseph Sullivan ~ Marianna and Mike Sullivan ~ Deborah Sutton
Alison Swartley ~ Robert Swartley ~ Swartley Bros. Engineers, Inc. ~ Anne Swayer ~ Jeanne and Paul Sweeney
Sean Sweeney ~ Walter and Joelle Taggart ~ Mark and Kathleen Tanner ~ Tastefully Done II ~ Phyllis and Dick Taylor
Teenagers, Inc ~ Elizabeth Ten Have ~ Cheryl Terry ~ Louis Testa ~ The Lisa and Jamie Maguire Family Foundation
The Mill Spring Foundation ~ The Patricia Kind Foundation ~ Robert and Eileen Thomas ~ Barbara Thompson
Previdi ~ Christine Tierney ~ Tierney Communications ~ Therese Tiger ~ Blaise Tobia ~ William Toffey
Elissa Torre-Lewis ~ Frank and Kaythe Torrisi ~ Bernard Tracey ~ Joanne Trainer ~ Teresa Trudeau ~ Martin Tuzman
United Way of Southeastern PA ~ United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley ~ United Way of the Greater Triangle
UnitedHealth Group ~ Uniterian Society of Germantown ~ Upper Moreland Middle School ~ Utility Line Services
Valley Green Bank ~ Andrew and Lucy Van Kleunen ~ Margaret Van Natta ~ Wendy Vasoli ~ Emily Vener-Giszter
Verizon Foundation ~ Vertex Inc. ~ Villanova University ~ Richard Wade ~ Gregg Wagner ~ Waldorf School
of Philadelphia ~ Waldron Mercy Academy ~ Frederick and Elizabeth Walker ~ Barbara Wallace ~ Mary Walton
Damian and Joanne Ward ~ Keith Wardrip ~ Robyn Watkins ~ Barbara Watson ~ Faith Watson
Nora and Jim Weigold ~ Paul Weinberg ~ Sydney Weinberg ~ Carol Weisl ~ James and Janet Weiss ~ Ralph Wellington
Michael Wells ~ Wells Fargo Foundation ~ Richard and Mary Welsh ~ Caroline West ~ Western Association of Ladies
for the Relief and Employment of the Poor ~ Michael and Cynthia Weyand ~ Mary Eileen Whelan ~ Greg White
Nancy and Kirk Wiedemer ~ Ed and Laurie Wikoff ~ Jodi Wilenzik ~ William Penn Charter School ~ Sarah Williams
Sheppard Williams ~ Rhonda Willis ~ Willis North America Inc. ~ Kathleen Wissmann ~ Loretta and Thomas Witt
Alan Wohlstetter ~ Alison Wojkowiak ~ J Eustace Wolfington ~ Laurie Wolford ~ Nicholas (Nick) Woody
Jim and Joy Wuenschel ~ Katherine Wunschel ~ Mary Ann and Raymond Yannuzzi ~ Peter Yeomans
David Young ~ Stanley Zadrozny ~ Allen Zaklad ~ Kevin and Chyllene Zakrzewski
Zoetis Employee Charitable Giving ~ Marguerite Zuccarello
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management team
Mary Kay Meeks-Hank
Executive Director
Susan O’Hagan Marley
Director of Development
Marie McCabe
Director of Operations
Laura Woods
Director of Finance
Becky Messa
Director of Volunteers
Amy Koslowsky
Co-Director of Children ‘s Programs
Jai Howard
Co-Director of Children’s Programs
Sabu Hubert
Director of Security
Niki Ludt, Esq.
Director of the Legal Center
Tara Monihan, MSW
Director of Social Services
Altenore Valval
Chef and Director of the Dining Room
Donna Whitehead, RN, BSN
Director of the Health Center
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board of directors
Michael E. Sacks, Esq., Chair
Attorney, Hamburg & Golden, P.C.
Vincent Cuce’, Vice Chair
Manager, Advanced Metering and Data Ops, PPL Electric Utilities
James R. Domenick, Treasurer
President of Domenick and Company, Insurance Agency
Karen O’Neill, Secretary
Director of Transitions, Lincoln Investment Planning
Board Members:
Tinesha BanksMPH, Deputy Executive Director, Strategic Development
at Health Promotion Council of Philadelphia
Mary Dolaway
Dental Hygienist and Fitness Instructor
Patricia E. Harrington
Executive Director, Chestnut Hill Meals on Wheels
Peg Havard
Community volunteer
Barbara Keeney
Assistant Vice-President, Computer Programmer/ Analyst
PNC Bank
Todd Lukens
Vice President , Sales ,Tri State Orthopaedics
Tara Maguire
Maguire Foundation
Sherry Mischler
Information Systems Consultant
Dale Moss
Retired Chief Executive Officer of Open Skies Airline
Tom O’Rourke
Retired Banker, Philadelphia National Bank/
CoreStates Financial
Michael A. O’Toole
Principal, La Salle College High School
Sylvester Peterka, C.M.
Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Miles Rittmaster, Esq.
Attorney, Law Offices of Miles B. Rittmaster
Bob Swartley
President, Owner, Swartley Brothers Engineers, Inc.
Advisory Board:
Robert Elfant, President, Elfant Wissahickon Realtors; President, Martin Elfant Inc.
Ken Weinstein, President of Weinstein Properties, LLC and 5301 Development Associates, LLC
Betsy Longstreth, Executive Director of the Vincera Institute
William Ewing, Esq.
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109 E. Price Street | Philadelphia, PA 19144 | 215-849-0179