The Grand Lodge of Texas
The Grand Lodge of Texas
the Volume XXII Issue 3 Fall 2013 Pride • Respect Communication magazine Official Publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. 178th Grand Communication Issue Grand Communication December 5-7, 2013 Volume XXII • Issue 3 • Fall 2013 the magazine Table of Contents Page 1..................................................................................................................Grand Master’s Message Page 2..................................................................................... Message from the Deputy Grand Master; Reminders for the Grand Annual Communication Page 3...................................................................................................................................Horses4Heroes Page 4.......................................................... Timing of Events During Grand Lodge, Ladies Activities Page 5......................................................................................................... Summary of 2012 Resolutions Pages 6 through 9.............................................................................................Statements of Availability Page 10 and 11............................................................................................. 2013 Photo Contest Winners Page 12......................................................................................................Message from Grand Secretary Inside Back Cover............................................................................................... 2013 Merchandise Sales Outside Back Cover........................................................ 2013 Grand Master’s Homecoming Banquet The Texas Mason Magazine is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas A. F. & A. M. It is published three times a year for the members of Texas Lodges and subscribers. Opinions expressed by the Editor and contributing writers do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Grand Lodge of Texas Copyright 2010, by the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Texas. All rights reserved. Publisher The Trustees of The Grand Lodge of Texas Editor Benjamin Franklin Linduff Copy editor Clinton M. M. McKenzie. The Texas Mason Magazine encourages submission of articles and photographs of general interest to Masons in Texas, reserving the right to edit and use the articles and pictures as needs and policies dictate. News and articles from around the state will continue to be published in a web based format on the Grand Lodge of Texas website The Grand Lodge website is accessible at texasmasonmagazine. Please continue to send your articles and Lodge events and news to the Editor of The Texas Mason Magazine. The preferred method of submission is via email with an attached Microsoft Word document. Pictures should be separately submitted in JPEG format to [email protected]. If you do not have email, submissions may be sent to the Grand Lodge of Texas, Attn.: The Editor of Texas Mason Magazine, PO Box 446, Waco, Texas 76703. All materials become property of the magazine and cannot be returned. Subscriptions $6.00 per year U.S. and Canada, $15.00 for three years; $10.00 per year in foreign countries, $25.00 for three years Permission to reprint Permission to reprint original articles appearing in The Texas Mason Magazine is granted to all recognized Masonic publications, provided that credit is given to the author and attribution to The Texas Mason Magazine. On the Cover: Grand Lodge of Texas Building, Waco, Texas GRAND MASTER’S MESSAGE Pride • Respect • Communication Brethren: As I said when I went to the microphone to accept the election as Grand Junior Warden in 2009, “I am a common man, I drive a common van and my dog ain’t got no pedigree, what you see is what you get.” Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday that I sat in the Grand South as Grand Junior Warden and now the journey is fast coming to an end. I will always be eternally grateful to every Mason in Texas for allowing a member of Bedias Lodge No. 651 to ascend to the Grand East (even though it is the premiere Lodge in Texas). When this journey began four years ago, I began to assemble a team to assist me in accomplishing all of the plans for furthering Masonry in Texas that I had dreamed of in the past thirty-five years. Believe me when I say, “the credit for the total success of this Grand Lodge year goes to the team”, who planned and implemented the total program. I thank each of them for their total dedication. Our Photo by Jerry Smith team constantly reminded each other that, together everyone achieves more. To my Lady “Miss Ardith”, thank you for giving me your total support, you have sacrificed so very much to assure the success of this Grand Lodge year. Even though you could not attend a lot of the activities, you supported each of them. Thank you for being the First Lady of Texas Masonry, but more especially, thank you for being “my First Lady”, I love you very much. To my family, thank each of you for understanding what we were doing. I know we have missed some very important events in your lives, but each of you have given us your total support and we love you very much. To the Grand Lodge Officers, Brethren you have served this Grand Lodge admirably during this year. You have been present when possible and performed every task assigned to you with “pride and respect”. I thank each of you for your service and dedication. To the District Deputy Grand Masters of the several Masonic districts, R:W: sirs and my Brethren all, “you are the best”. You have given your total dedication and devotion to this Grand Lodge year, starting with the reception of Grand Lodge Officers inside the Alamo in December, where forty-two of you were in attendance, to the seventeen conferences where there were thirty to forty of you in attendance. I am sure that every Grand Master would say that his District Deputy Grand Masters were the best, but I say the proof is in the pudding and to me, each of you are #1, the very best. To the Grand Secretary and all of the office staff, we will never be able to thank you for all you have done to make this year a total success, each of you have bent over backwards to assist us and we thank you for your dedication. I would plead with each of you to study the resolutions to be considered at Grand Lodge on December 5-7. Remember, “You ARE Grand Lodge”. I only have one vote, as each past master has, come to your Grand Lodge aware of what you should or should not support for the progress of Masonry in Texas. Thank each of you for your generous support for the project of refurbishing our Grand Lodge Temple, we are well underway in accomplishing this goal. In conclusion, I would say once more, thank you for allowing Miss Ardith and I this fabulous opportunity to serve each of you! God Bless America, God Bless Freemasonry, and God Bless each of you. Sincerely and fraternally, Walter W. Rogers Grand Master 2013 Chairman, Conference of Grand Masters in North America The Texas Mason Magazine Fall 2013 • Page 1 A Message from the Deputy Grand Master First Time in the History of the Grand Lodge of Texas Brethren, there is a special treat for all attending the Grand Annual Communication this year. I have arranged for the George Washington Inaugural Bible to be at our Grand Lodge on Thursday through Saturday of our Annual Communication for all to see and hear about. This is the Bible on which our Brother, George Washington, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States of America. The exact location for the display is not yet firmed up, but signs will be posted as to where it will be located in the building. The Bible is the property of St. Johns Lodge No. 1, A.Y.M. of New York. Three Brothers from the Lodge must accompany it on its travels, and keep watchful care upon it when it is on display and not locked in a safe. These Brothers will be rotating turns standing with the Bible and sometime during Grand Lodge when time allows, will give a brief history of the Bible to all in attendance. When you go to see the Bible, please take the time to thank them for allowing it to come to our Grand Lodge. On the Thursday morning before Grand Lodge opens, the Bible will be at Tennyson Middle School for an open Assembly for the children to see and hear about the Bible. After the Grand Annual Communication is over the Bible will travel to Austin where it will be on display at the State Capitol, and the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library. I hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to see this priceless artifact that is not only a national treasure, but also a Masonic one. See you at Grand Lodge. Reminders for the Grand Annual Communication Article 169. Avoid Moving About. Every member shall avoid moving about, except the Grand Deacons and other officers whose duties may call them, to different parts of the room. Article 170. Rules Governing Speakers. A.Every member who speaks shall rise and address the Grand Master; and when two or more rise at the same time the Grand Master shall name the one who shall speak first. B. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject on the same day unless to explain, or when granted permission to speak by the Grand Master. C.While a member is speaking no member shall interrupt him unless he is willing to yield for a question. But if he wanders from the subject under consideration, or is personal in his remarks, the Grand Master may call him to order, and he shall not proceed in his remarks without permission. D.If any member shall be twice called to order for a violation of the rules, the Grand Master may order him from the room. NOTE: During the Friday and Saturday sessions, any Lodge that has a Civil Law question is invited to visit with the Committee in Room No. 5 behind the Grand East. Page 2 • Fall 2013 www.grandlodgeoftexas.orgThe Texas Mason Magazine Horses4Heroes by Jerry L. Martin, Deputy Grand Master Many Masons do good deeds simply because that is part of what we do, and they ask for no recognition for doing so. However, I believe it is good to share some of the things that they do because I think that you want to know about them just as I want to know about them. Randy Stratton is one of those Masons, who along with the assistance of his wife Nancy provide a great service of which all Masons can be proud. They own and operate Flying S Ranch, which is a horse ranch north of Luling, Texas. They are a member of “Horses4Heroes” which is a national nonprofit organization that is making the dream of affordable horseback riding a reality for our troops, veterans, wounded warriors and their families. Horses4Heroes uses horses as teaching partners to empower, engage and inspire our nation’s military heroes, First Responders, and their families. The Flying S Ranch is the only Gold Star facility for Horse4Heroes in Texas. Every second Saturday of the month from noon to 6 PM they host an event for some group. They have hosted the Austin and San Antonio Veterans Center Days, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and National Guard units. At these outings they have horseback rides, dominoes, cards, horseshoes, kids games, and food. In cooler weather they have camp fires and hay rides. When I asked Nancy Stratton why they do this her reply was, “This has been the most rewarding thing we have done. The more we give, the more we receive. It has been amazing seeing the positive impact this has had on so many people.” Randy Stratton is the Junior Past Master of Hardeman Lodge No. 179, in Luling, Texas. I had the pleasure of installing him as Master in 2012, and his son Ryan as Master in 2013. The Texas Mason Magazine Fall 2013 • Page 3 Timing of Events During Grand Lodge Thursday, December 5, 2013 1:00 p.m. Prelude of Organ Music 1:30 p.m. Pre-formal Opening Ceremonies Entrance – GL Officers/Ladies; PGM/ Ladies; Distinguished Guests. Colors – National Sojourners; GSW & GJW Address of Welcome and City Certificate – Malcom Duncan, Mayor Memorial Service (Memorials Committee) Vanguard Awards – GM Masonic Service Awards – GM Roll Call of Grand Lodge Officers Roll Call of Past Grand Masters Roll Call of DDGMs Roll Call of Representatives of Other Grand Lodges Presentation of Grand Lodge Awards – GM W.B. and Brandon Carrell Humanitarian Award Sam Houston Medals William M. Beck Medal 6:30 p.m. GM Hospitality Room, Hilton 8:00 a.m. Friday, December 6, 2013 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:50 a.m. Noon 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. Asst. Grand Tilers’ Briefing, Basement Practice Room (Jackie Smith, as directed by Robert Podvin with 2014 Grand Tiler observing). Opening of the 178th Grand Annual Communication Required Resolutions GM Report GT Report GS Report Report of GL Trustees, Tom Guest Grand Librarian Report, Tom Guest Report of Board of Directors, Library & Museum, Tom Guest Building Preservation Power Point Presentation, Mike Wiggins Ladies tour departs for Salado & returns at 4:00 p.m. (Reservations) Call from Labor Sam Houston Hall of Fame Luncheon, Lee Lockwood (Tickets) Organ music prelude GL is called to Labor in open session. 1:30 p.m. Grand Oration – Larry FitzPatrick (Open Session) 2:45 p.m. GL called to Tiled session and continue Resolutions and Committee Reports 5:15 p.m. Call GL to Refreshment Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:00 a.m. Grand Lodge called to Labor GL Resolutions, GM Recommendations, and Committee Reports Continue 9:00 a.m. Coffee honoring Miss Ardith Rogers and Betty Martin in Lower Level. 10:00 a.m. Elections Resolutions and Reports Continue 2:00 p.m. Open Installation of Grand Lodge Officers 4:30 p.m. Close the 178th Grand Annual Communication Ladies Events: Ladies, please join us during the Grand Annual Communication in Waco, December 5 - 7, 2013. As you can see from the schedule below, there is much to do and see in Waco !! Thursday, December 5 1:30 PM Pre-Opening Ceremonies & Grand Lodge Awards Friday, December 6 9:30 AM Bus Tour - WILDLY POPULAR EXCURSION TO SALADO. Trip to Salado for lunch at the Stage Coach Inn & shopping ($30) 1:30 PM Grand Oration by R: W: Larry M. FitzPatrick, Grand Orator Saturday, December 7 9:00 AM Coffee honoring Miss Ardith Rogers, 2013 First Lady, and Betty Martin, 2014 First Lady. 2:00 PM Installation of Officers of the Grand Lodge of Texas All Activities take place at the Grand Lodge Memorial Building, 715 Columbus Avenue. The Ladies tour departs from the 7th Street entrance, lower level of the Grand Lodge Building. Transportation is available for boarding 15 – 30 minutes prior to departure. Tour registration deadline is November 20! 2013 Grand Annual Communication Summary of 2013 Resolutions & Recommendations 2012 Holdover Resolution No. 7: Amends Article IV, Constitution to change the name of the Grand Organist to Grand Musician. 2012 Tabled Resolution No. 17: Amends Masonic Form 26 and Masonic Form 28 to permit criminal background reports be part of the investigation of applicants for the Degrees of Freemasonry. Resolution 1: Amend Article 417 to permit only members of the Lodge vote. Brazoria No. 327 Resolution 2: Amend Article 318a.2 and Form 76b be amended so the increase in purchase price shall not void or adversely affect installment plan purchases. PM Blaine Eiben, San Marcos Lodge No. 342. Resolution 3: Amend Title V of the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Rescind the current Title V and replace it with the Title V that was in effect on December 4, 2004. PM Roy Dean Foster, Lake Worth Lodge No. 1410 Resolution 4: Amend Article 318a.2 to require Lodge Endowments be not less than $1,000 (10 endowment units). PM Terry Owens, Brookshire Lodge No. 1066. Resolution 5: Amend Sec. 2, Article IX and Art. 163 to reallocate Annual Contributions currently provided to the MHS to the L&M for repair and refurbishment of GL Building. PM Michael Wiggins, Liberty Lodge No. 48. Resolution 6: Amend Art. 163.7 reallocate Annual Contributions currently provided to the TMCF to develop a fund for the refurbishment and repair the GL Temple. PM Michael Wiggins, Liberty Lodge No. 48. Resolution 7: Amend Art. 201, paragraph 5, to define distinguished service in the Lodge of Research. PM Michael Wiggins, Liberty Lodge No. 48. Resolution 8: Re-align Masonic Districts 98, 101, and 102. Submitted by Lodges in each District. Resolution 9: Amend Art. 318a.2 (d) to permit an endowed member to add to his endowment in units of $100. PM Roland G, Havens, Alamo Lodge No. 44. Resolution 10: Add a new Article 163a (15) to restrict the Lodge’s annual return on endowed members to be no more than the return on the Endowed Membership Fund. Matagorda Lodge No. 7. Resolution 11: Require Grand Lodge to mail all correspondence to any Lodge that requests the service. PM Billy Sherrill, Post Island Lodge No. 181. The Texas Mason Magazine Resolution 12: Add Art. 32(b), Restored Charter: Amending Name, to permit a restored Lodge to amend its name, provided that the original chartered name is preserved by hyphenation. PM Floyd Trammell, Prairieville Lodge No. 253. Resolution 13: Amend Article VII, Manner of Voting in the Grand Lodge, to restrict all voting to “Lodges and Members.” PM Wm. Harold Collum, Sam P. Cochran Lodge No. 1335. Resolution 14: Amend Article 142a, Degree Team Recognition, for demonstration purposes only. Llano Grande Lodge No. 1173. Resolution 15: Amend Article 505-20 to prevent the use of the cipher book or any media or technology displaying such data when instructing the candidate. (Keeps Social media from being used). Mount Hiram Lodge No. 595. Resolution 16: Amend the Laws or Monitor to permit Lodges to deliver degree lectures by using the Master’s Carpet or the various murals within the Lodge. Brahan Lodge No. 226. Resolution 17: Amend Article 47b. Smoking in Grand Lodge and prohibit smoking on the grounds of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Gus Garrison Lodge No. 1273. Resolution 18: Amend Article 268, Temporary Vacancies How Filled to ensure that an Entered Apprentice or Fellowcraft shall not fill the vacancy caused by the absence of a Warden. PM Thomas A. Little, Jr., Chambers Creek Lodge No. 499. Grand Master’s Recommendations Recommnedation 1: Table Lodges. Recommends a moratorium on Table Lodges until an approved procedure is determined at the 2014 Grand annual Communication. Form a special Committee to prepare uniform procedures and amend Art. 127(a) so that Lodges may conduct and observe traditional Table Lodges in accordance with the procedure approved by the Grand Lodge as maintained in the Grand Secretary’s office, and none other. Recommnedation 2: Grand Lodge of Texas Ritual. Clarify the intent of conformity to the ritual approved by the Grand Lodge and amend Art. 127 by adding “nor shall paraphernalia except as listed in Article 223 of the Lows of this Grand Lodge be used, nor shall preparation of Candidates for the tree degrees conferred in this Grand Lodge include other than that provided in the Monitor of the Lodge or otherwise required by any provisions of the laws of this Grand Lodge…” 2013 Grand Annual Communication Fall 2013 • Page 5 Statements of availability Grand Junior Warden JERRY NELSON KIRBY NASH LODGE NO.638 Raised - April 13, 1968 Endowed Member Past Master - 1971, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1995, & 2011 Golden Trowel - 1998 PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Red Oak Lodge No. 461 - Past Master 2012, Endowed Member Sweet Home Lodge No. 576 - Member Midlothian Lodge No. 584 - Past Master 2000, Endowed Member Blum Lodge No. 607 – Member Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 - Member Texas Lodge of Research - Member GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric “A” Certificate - current District Deputy Grand Master - Masonic District No. 18- 1982 Grand Chaplain – 2011 Public Education Committee – 1995, Chairman 1995-1999 & 2008-2013 Public Education Committee - ViceChairman - 2007 BUSINESS / PROFESSIONAL Retired School Superintendent 43 years FAMILY Wife, Suzanne (46 years), 2 Children, & 6 Grandchildren. Grand Junior Warden Trowel Award - 2009, All-Life Counselor - 2003-Present Tranquility Lodge No. 2004 – Member Masters Wardens and Secretaries Association - President - 2000-2001 WILLIAM GERALD HARRIS LANDMARK LODGE NO.1168 Raised - March 28, 1977 Life Member - 1981 Past Master - 1981 Funeral Master - 1978-1991 Merged With Oak Cliff # 705 PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS League City Lodge No. 1053 – Funeral Master - 1995-Present, Secretary - 2003-2005, Past Master - 2000, Endowed Member - 2000, Golden GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric “A” Certificate 1978 - Present District Deputy Grand Master-Masonic District-31-A – 2002 District Instructor - 2003-2009 Special Assignments - Member 2008, Chairman - 2010, Vice-Chairman 2011 Lodge Assistance Mentor - Member- 2008 Hurricane Disaster Relief - Member 2008, 2009 PERSONAL PROFILE BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL Entered and Completed Apprenticeship/ Management role in field projects nationally and Internationally 1973-1981 Served as Superintendent/ Special Projects Manager /and Sales Representative of a Major Boiler Concern in Dallas Texas - 1981-1991 Gulf Coast Regional Manager of a Major Boiler Concern located in Houston - 1991-1995 General Manager / President of a Major Boiler Manufacturer and Service Concern located in Houston, Texas - 1995-2013 G.M. & Sales Rep. of a Major Boiler Concern located in Houston, TX 2013-Present Serving the State of Texas as a member of the “State Boiler Board”- 2009Present COMMUNITY/ CIVIC ACTIVITY League City United Methodist Church - Member Chairman of the Board of Trustees 2005-2009 2013 Grand Annual Communication Page 6 • Fall 2013 www.grandlodgeoftexas.orgThe Texas Mason Magazine Statements of availability Grand Junior Warden J. WELDON CLAMPITTE BELLAIRE LODGE NO. 1336 Raised - February 5, 1959 Life and Endowed Member PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Holland Lodge No. 1 - Endowed Member Hubert Lodge No. 67 - Active Post Oak Lodge No.-181 - Active Gray Lodge No. 329 - Past Master, Endowed Member Lone Star Lodge No. 660 - Active Park Place Lodge No. 1172 - Active West University Lodge No. 1292 - Active Bellaire Lodge No. 1336 - Past Master, Golden Trowel Award - 1994, William Life & Endowed Member J.W. Chandler Daylight Lodge No.1452 Endowed Member GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS William M. Beck Award - 2003 Grand Senior Deacon - 1983 District Deputy Grand Master- Masonic District No. 30 E -1987 Grand Marshal - 1990 Grand Orator - 2006 Return of Lodges U.D:2006 Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Oregon, 2006-present Grievances & Appeals - Member -1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 Grievance & Appeals - Chairman - 1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 Grievance & Appeals - Vice-Chairman 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Regional Coordinator for the Grand Master Workshops and Conference Programs in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1996 Area Coordinator for the Southeast Texas for the Grand Masters Workshops and Conference Program (Fred Allen) in 1991 Assistant State Coordinator- 2000 (Burk), 2001 (Dibrell), and 2002 (Nanny) Served on Grand Master’s Planning Committee Teams: 1987 (Kelly), 1992 (Schnell), 1996, (Walker), 1997 (Regian), 1999 (Gower), 2000 (Burk), 2001 (Dibrell), 2002 (Nanny), and 2006 (Dodson). PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Houston Community College, Associate of Arts Degree UNITED STATES NAVY Reserves – 1954-1967 BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL Retired from the Houston Police Department, Sergeant of Detective; 17 years in the Homicide Division, 6 years in the Juvenile Division, with a total of 27 years of service retiring in 1983 Retired from the Harris County District Attorney’s office as a Senior Investigator with 19 plus years as an Investigator in the Felony Courts of Harris County, retired in 2004. COMMUNITY/ CIVIC ACTIVITY Created the Texas Masonic Youth Foundation - 2003: for the benefit of DeMolay and Rainbow Executive Officer of DeMolay - 20012013 Junior High 7th grade Police Department football team coach for 3 years FAMILY Wife, Laura (29+ years) 4 Daughters, 4 grandchildren. One son ( Deceased). Board of Directors of the Masonic Home and School JAMES D. NYFELER, SR. CONCORD LODGE NO.307, VIENNA, VA Raised - May 31, 1983 PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Allen Lodge #1425 - Worshipful Master, 20032004; Endowed Eagle Lodge #41 - Worshipful Master, 2011-2012; Endowed Knox-Corinthian Lodge #851 - Endowed Tranquility Lodge #2000 Texas Lodge of Research The Texas Mason Magazine GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS District Deputy Grand Master - Masonic District 9A - 2006 Grand Senior Deacon - 2007 Grand Marshal - 2009 Committee on Audit - 2004 Committee on Finance - Member, 2005 to 2012; Chairman, 2013 Sam Houston Hall of Fame - Member Masonic Home and School of Texas - Director, 2010 to present; Strategic Planning Committee - Chairman, 2003-2007 2013 Grand Annual Communication Fall 2013 • Page 7 Statements of availability Grand Treasurer A.W. “ARCHIE” SCOTT HILL CITY LODGE NO.456 Raised - December 22, 1953 Endowed Member PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Austin Lodge No. 12 - Endowed Member Washington Lodge No. 18 - Endowed Member Point Isabel Lodge No. 33 - Endowed Member La Fayette Lodge No. 34 - Past Master, Golden Trowel Award - 1992, Endowed Member Caledonia Lodge No. 68 - Past Master, Endowed Member Colorado Lodge No. 96 – Endowed Member Texana Lodge No.123 - Past Master, Endowed Member Lexington Lodge No. 138 - Past Master, Endowed Member Post Oak Island No. 181 - Past Master, Golden Trowel Award - 2008 Lyons Lodge No. 195 - Past Master, Golden Trowel Award - 1999, Life & Endowed Member Blanco Lodge No. 216 - Active Parsons Lodge No. 222 - Endowed Member Round Rock Lodge No. 227 - Endowed Member Fayetteville Lodge No. 240 - Past Master, Golden Trowel Award - 2013, Endowed Member Henry Thomas Lodge No.278 - Past Master, Endowed Member Moulton Lodge No.298 - Past Master, Endowed Member Live Oak Lodge No. 304 - Endowed Member San Marcos Lodge No. 342 - Endowed Member Eagle Lake Lodge No. 366 - Past Master, Endowed Member Cuero Lodge No. 409 – Endowed Member Weimer Lodge No.423 - Past Master, Endowed Member Flatonia Lodge No. 436 - Endowed Member Buda Lodge No. 800 - Endowed Member El Campo Lodge No. 918 - Endowed Member Mina Lodge No. 1456 - Active Member, Golden Trowel Award - 2013 Tranquility Lodge No.2000 - Endowed Member Texas Lodge of Research GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS District Deputy Grand Master - Masonic District No.33 - 1994 Fraternal Relations Committee -1998, 1999 District Masonic Relations Officer – Masonic District No.33 - 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996 Masonic Graduates’ Advisory Committee - 2002, Chairman - 2003 Grand Junior Steward - 2003 Grand Representative – United Grand Lodge of New South Wales A.F. & A.M. - 2006 Grand Representative - Hawaii F. & A.M. - 2007- Present Grand Treasurer – 2004-Present PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Texas Lutheran College – 1941 Georgia Tech University – 1942 University Of Texas – 1946- 1947 – Electrical Engineering UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS WW II –1942-1946 (2 Bronze Stars, 2 Purple Hearts) Korea – 1950-1952 BUSINESS / PROFESSIONAL Scott Radio & T.V Repair - Owner - 19461950 Scott Garrison CO. – Partner - 1953-1956 A.W. Scott CO. – Founder & CEO - 1956Present Tinkertronics - Founder &CEO - 19651998- CFO 1998 to Present EEPSCO - Founder & CEO - 1998 to Present Developed typing teaching method used by Junior colleges, etc. 1967 Developed cooling charging/recharging systems for A/C units 1954 COMMUNITY / CIVIC ACTIVITY St. Marks United Methodist Church Founding Member 1958 and Member of the Boards of Trustees 1958-Present Walnut Creek Elementary School P.T.A 1965-1982, Past President - 1971 Eagle Scout (1938) and Scout Master Troop 5 (1972-1975) – First Methodist Church Austin Junior Chamber of Commerce 1955-1959 Austin Chamber of Commerce 1960-1998 FAMILY Wife, Edith (67 Years), 4 Children, 8 Grandchildren & 2 Great Grandchildren. Committee on Work TIMOTHY KENT ANTHONY HARLANDALE LODGE NO.1213 Raised - July 10, 1976 Worshipful Master - 1982-1983; 1990-1991 Golden Trowel - Jan 29, 2011 – Harlandale No. 1213 Life Member - 1987 Endowed Member - 1991 25 Year Service Award Esoteric Work - Life Certificate - Class A - 2003 Funeral Master - 1980 to Present PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Rising Star Lodge No. 429 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS District Education Officer - Masonic District No. 39 C - 1996 District Deputy Grand Master - Masonic District39C – 1997 District Masonic Relations Officer - Masonic District No. 39C-2002 Committee on Work - 2003 to Present; Chairman 2005, 2006 & 2013, Secretary 2004, 2007-2012 2013 Grand Annual Communication Page 8 • Fall 2013 www.grandlodgeoftexas.orgThe Texas Mason Magazine Statements of availability Grand Treasurer CHRIS ANDREW MOYSEOS JUSTICE & LIBERTY LODGE NO. 5923 (UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND) Raised - March 7, 2000 Worshipful Master - 2007-2008 PLURAL & ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Austin Lodge No. 12 - Chaplain 2012-2013 Texana Lodge No. 123 - Restoration Master 2009-2010, Worshipful Master 2009-2011, Endowed Member 2010 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Trinity Independent High School, London, England - Graduate 1986 University of Greenwich, London, England - Graduated 1989 Cass Business School (City University), London, England - Graduated 2001 QUALIFICATIONS B.A. (Hons) Economics - 1989 Masters of Business Administration (Finance) - 2001 License: Series 7 - General Securities Representative Examination - 2008 License: Series 66 - Uniform Combined State Law Examination - 2008 License: Series 31 - Managed Futures Funds Examination - 2012 License: Texas Department of Insurance - 2008 Registrations (Self Regulating Organizations): FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) NASDAQ - Stock market NYSE MKT LLC New York Stock Exchange National Futures Association State Broker Registrations: Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois, Michigan, Maryland, Washington, & Colorado BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL 2011 - Present: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, Austin – Financial Advisor 2009 - Western Equity Group, Austin – Financial Advisor 2008 - Merrill Lynch, Austin- Financial Advisor 2001 - Squaring the Circle, Management Consultants- Senior Consultant in: Corporate Finance/ Balance Sheets Restructuring, Real Estate Finance, Advanced Credit Analysis, Fundamental and Technical Analysis, Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Procedures, Fraud Investigations/ Financial Forensics, Risk Management, Alternative Risk Transfer and Reinsurance, Repurchase Agreements, SWAPS, Geopolitical and Socioeconomic Forecasting and Analysis, Conflict Resolution, Advanced Negotiation Skills 1998 - The Chubb Corporation - Senior Surety Underwriter at Lloyds of London 1994 - HSBC - Corporate Account Manager/ Senior Credit Analyst 1989 - Bank of Cyprus- Senior Credit Analyst COMMUNITY/ CIVIC ACTIVITY Freeman of the City of London Awarded in 2004 Austin Downtown Founders Lions Club - Director The Austin Club - Member Mathews Elementary School, Austin, TX - Campus Advisory Committee Member St. Stephen’s Church, Austin, TX Volunteer MILITARY British Army (Reserves) - 10th Parachute Battalion FAMILY Wife, Angele & Son, Andrew Committee on Work W. KEITH REYNOLDS Angelo State University, San Angelo San Antonio College, San Antonio DAVY CROCKETT LODGE NO.1225 Raised-August 26, 1986 Endowed Member Worshipful Master - 1994 Golden Trowel Award - 2004 Life Member - 2010 BUSINESS / PROFESSION Washington National Insurance, Life and Disability Insurance Sales, 1982-1988 Employers Insurance of Texas Property and Casualty Insurance Sales, 1988-1992 Gillit’s Duct Cleaning, - General Manager, 19922008, Owner, 2009-Present PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Rising Star Lodge No. 429 - Active GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Class “A” Certificate - 1991-Present District Instructor - 2010-Present PERSONAL PROFILE FAMILY Wife, Terri Gwen in -1979 2 Children – (W. Burt, Wife Ana) & (Michael L., Wife Jessica) 4 Grand Children - Jenifer Ann, Leila Marie, Jackson Lee, W. Alexander EDUCATION Thomas Edison High School The Texas Mason Magazine 2013 Grand Annual Communication Fall 2013 • Page 9 2013 Photo Contest Winners Best of Show “Becoming a DeMolay” - Photographer: Bill Fortney, Reagan Lodge #1037 Landscape Category - 1st Place “Magnolia Plantation” Photographer: Roger S. Bell, Knox-Corinthian Lodge #851 Page 10 • Fall 2013 Landscape Category - 2nd Place “Sunset_Maridain2” Photographer: Yancy Marteney, M. Denton Stanford Lodge # 594 www.grandlodgeoftexas.orgThe Texas Mason Magazine Portrait Category - 1st Place “Jane & Granddaughter” Photographer: Bob Followell, Billie Mosse Lodge #1152 Snapshot Category - 1st Place “Masonry around the World” Photographer: Dan Gilbert, Haltom City-Riverside Lodge #1331 Portrait Category - 2nd Place “Ret. Dallas Police Detective” Photographer: Roger S. Bell, Knox-Corinthian Lodge #851 Snapshot Category - 2nd Place “Degree setting” Photographer: Scott Brosi, Hill Crest Lodge #1318 2013 Judges: Dick Brown, Rob Kyker, Jeff Haven, Eric Stuyvesant, JDarrell Kirkley Thank you to all our participants! Visit the Grand Lodge website to view 3rd place and honorable mention photos. The Texas Mason Magazine Fall 2013 • Page 11 Message from the Grand Secretary... If These Microphones Could Talk As we prepare for the 178th Grand Annual Communication (GAC), I have reflected about my conversations during the past five years with the Wardens Retreat classes who took the opportunity to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge Library & Museum special tours of the Grand Lodge Building. The classes ranged from 65 to 100 people of whom only about 30% had previously been to the facility. My station on the tour was in the Grand Lodge Auditorium and I spoke from the Grand Master’s seat about the history of the building, its condition, and the upcoming Grand Annual Communication. I encouraged them to be attentive to the material from their Retreat and solicited their commitment to come to Waco in December and learn how the Grand Lodge really operated. After securing the building I often wondered if I had made a positive impression on the next generation of leaders. A recurring thought usually entered my mind that the ghosts of Grand Lodge could really be useful in imparting knowledge to the future generations, if these Grand Auditorium microphones could talk. Imagine the understanding that could be gained by hearing the thoughts and ideas of Masonic greats like Governor Pat Neff, Texas Governor and Grand Master 1945-46; Horace Jackson, GM 1948-49; Lee Lockwood, GM 1938-39 and others who created the magnificent edifice we now have when they started the Grand Communication in 1949. Other distinguished speakers in this Grand Auditorium added knowledge about the meaning of Freemasonry and its influence that include Tom Connally, U.S. Senator, 1949; Burl Ives, Entertainer, 1988; Tom Landry, Head Coach, Dallas Cowboys, 1994; Bernard Rapoport, Philanthropist, 1997; Laura Bush, Texas First Lady, 1999; and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, U.S. Senator, 2005. Imagine the issues that have been discussed and adopted over the past 64 years by the various speakers using these microphones. Since microphones can’t talk, I implore you to attend the many events of the 178th GAC and continue your education about the Grand Lodge. Registration begins on Wednesday, December 4, at noon. Masons and nonMasons will attend the pre-formal opening ceremonies at 1:30 p.m., Thursday, December 5 during which time the Vanguard Lodge Awards and the Grand Lodge Masonic Service Awards will be presented. In addition to the Thursday activities, ladies that attend will be given the opportunity to shop in Salado on Friday, attend a coffee honoring Miss Ardith Rogers (2013 First Lady) and Betty Martin (2014 First Lady) at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, and observe the installation of the Grand Officers at 2:00 p.m. In 2013 you will find the City of Waco a very busy and interesting place. Downtown will be the site of a “Waco Wonderland” Festival that will have special venues from November 30 until December 7. Baylor will play their last 2013 football season game hosting the University Of Texas on December 7. The Lee Lockwood Library & Museum (2801 W. Waco Drive) is hosting a special stained glass windows event, “In Company of Angels” by the Historic Waco Foundation; and their “Stars Over Texas Jamboree” event will be on Thursday, December 5, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. featuring secular Christmas songs, county, and Gospel music (tickets). In addition, we expect perhaps the largest gathering of other Out-of-State Grand Lodge attendees in the past decade. Rooms are already scarce! Lodges, encourage your members to attend the GAC, learn how Grand Lodge operates, meet old comrades, and make new friends that will last a lifetime. See you in December!! Sincerely and Fraternally, Tom Guest Grand Secretary Page 12 • Fall 2013 www.grandlodgeoftexas.orgThe Texas Mason Magazine 2013 MASONIC MERCHANDISE Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City/State: __________________________________ Zip: ______________ Title: ___________________________________ District: ______________ QTY ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION 521WR Lapel Pin – w/Grand Master’s Logo 521WR-C Charm – w/Grand Master’s Logo 532WR Button Hook Tie Chain – with Charm 532WREXP Expandable Tie Chain – with Charm 531WR SIM/LTHR Embossed Writing Folder w/Handles KNF-SM 4 Function Pocket Knife KNF-BX Commerative Knife, Boxed & Numbered 520WR Bronze Coin 524WR Enamel Coin 525WR Silver Coin 526WR Large Buckle – Enamel w/ Grand Master’s Logo 522WR Small Buckle – Enamel w/Grand Master’s Logo 527WR Bolo Tie – w/ Grand Master’s Logo 530WR 3” Car Emblem – w/Grand Master’s Logo 528WR Logo Decals 529WR Tail Light Decals (pair) – Member S&C 529WRPM Tail Light Decals (pair) – Past Master 529WR-8 8” Window Decal – S&C 528WR Bumper Sticker – Wear Apron 528WRC Bumper Sticker – Binding Contract 528WRC3 Bumper Sticker – Binding Contract 3” RND 545WR Dominoes (Set) w/Grand Master’s Logo 536WR-MSH Cap – Black - Mesh Back 536WR Cap – Black COST* TOTAL $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 8.00 SOLD OUT $ 5.00 $ 10.00 SOLD OUT $ 30.00 $ 25.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ 1.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 1.00 $ 30.00 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 533WRBLK Shirt – Black/4 Button Specify: : M : L : XL : XXL : XXXL $ 30.00 533WRBLU Shirt – Lt. Blue/4 Button Specify: : M : L : XL : XXL : XXXL $ 30.00 540WR-NV 540WR-NVZ 540WR-R 540WR-RZ LT-HS LT-HS-C T-HS FAN BAG Tie – Navy w/Grand Master’s Logo Tie – Navy w/Grand Master’s Logo Zipper Tie – Red w/Grand Master’s Logo Tie – Red w/Grand Master’s Logo Zipper Ladies Lighthouse Pin/Pendent Ladies Necklace Chain Gold or Nickle Tone Collapsible Fan w/Lighthouse Logo Ladies Black w/Red, Pink or Royal S/H under $50.00 S/H over $50.00 526WR 532WR 531WR 545WR KNF-SM : Visa Card Number __________________________________________ : MC Exp. Date _____________________________________________ T LD O 528WR T D OL City/State:_______________________________ Zip:___________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ Mail this ENTIRE PAGE to: Grand Lodge of Texas, P.O. Box 446, Waco, TX 76703 Please reproduce this order form and retain the original for your records. Questions? Call 254-753-7395 OU S 520WR 529WR 529WRPM 524WR 525WR 529WR-8 527WR 533WRBLK 528WRC3 533WRBLU 536WR 536WR-MSH 528WRC 528WR 530WR T-HS FAN Name: _______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________ Apt # __________ OU S KNF-BX 540WR-NV 540WR-NVZ 540WR-R 540WR-RZ TOTAL (*Sales Tax Included) Enclosed (Make Checks payable to Grand Lodge of Texas) 522WR 532WREXP $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 20.00 $5.00 $10.00 : Check 521WR-C 521WR BAG Miss Ardith’s Lighthouse The Lighthouse Shines It’s Rays Out Direct Guiding The Ships With Pride And Respect Communicating Care And Direction To All And Just Like The Lighthouse Texas Masons Stand Proud And Tall All proceeds from the sale of the pins will go toward the restoration of the Grand Lodge Memorial Temple Miss Ardith Rogers First Lady 2013 LT-HS The Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. P.O. Box 446 Waco, Texas 76703 ! ! NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID WACO, TX PERMIT NO. 903 ! 2014 Grand Master’s Homecoming Banquet Saturday, January 11, 2014 TICKET ORDER FORM Saturday, January 11, 2014 Social hour 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. TICKET ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 5, 2014 Social hour 6:00 p.m. • Dinner 7:00 p.m. Embassy Suites Hotel and Name:_______________________________________________ Convention Center Embassy Suites Hotel & Convention Center 1001 East McCarty Lane, San Marcos, TX 78666 1001 East McCarty Lane, Address:_____________________________________________ 512-392-6450 San Marcos, TX 78666 "#$%&'#()*+!!,-!./!0(1'23(1)4!'56%!%7#'!89:;!()'(!*%$<#&%!$(54!'(!=&>5$'?!@5)%!5)4!'1$)!A%B'!1)4%$!,-! City:________________________________________________ 512-392-6450 ./!5)4!-('%A!#*!()%!3A(&6!()!A%B'C!!,-!./!D($'23(1)4!'56%!%7#'!8!9:;!()'(!*%$<#&%!$(54!'(!=&>5$'?!@5)%! State:__________________________ Zip:__________________ 5)4!'1$)!$#E2'C!!-('%A!#*!()%!3A(&6!()!A%B'C! Directions: IH 35 Southbound take exit #201 onto service road to McCarty Lane and turn left under IH ! Email address:________________________________________ open seating tickets orNorthbound a reserved table for $300 for your Lodge and/or your friends. 35 Buy and Hotel is one block on for left.$30 IH 35 [call or email Sharonroad Mosmeyer (contact below) for reserved table availability] take exit # 201 onto service to McCarty Lane information and Phone:______________________________________________ Suggested Dress: Coat and Tie for Men and Sunday Dress for Ladies turn right. Hotel is one block on left. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If ordering multiple tickets please list all additional names Buy open seating tickets for $30 or TICKET a reservedORDER FORM below and/or include on a separate sheet. table for $300TICKET for your LodgeMUST and/or ORDERS BEyour RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JANUARY 5, 2014 ____________________________________________________ friends. [Call or email Sharon Mosmeyer for Name:__________________________Address______________________________________________ reserved table availability] ____________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________State:__________________Zip:__________________ Suggested Dress: Coat and Tie for Men and ____________________________________________________ Email address:____________________________________Phone:______________________________ Sunday Dress for Ladies ____________________________________________________ If ordering multiple tickets please list all additional names below and/or include on a separate sheet. Indicate your choice of meals, include a check made Meal Choice ________________________________________ ________________________________________ payable to Sharon Mosmeyer, and include a self-addressed stamped envelope so that tickets can be mailed to you. London Broil (Beef) ______X $30 = $ _______ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Orders must be received by January 5, 2014. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mail to: Sharon Mosmeyer, 19019 Cochran Road, Chicken Breast in Lemon Sauce ______X $30 = $ _______ Hempstead, TX 77445 phone: 281-389-3091 ! Email: [email protected] Total $ ________________ ,)4#&5'%!?(1$!&2(#&%!(B!F%5A*G!#)&A14%!5!&2%&6! F54%! H5?53A%! '(! 025$()! =(*F%?%$G! 5)4! #)&A14%!5!*%ABI544$%**%4!*'5FH%4!%)<%A(H%!*(! !"#$%&'()*"! ! @()4()!U$(#A!VU%%BW!XXXXXP!Y.:!!Z!YXXXXXXX!