May, 2015 - Ohev Shalom of Bucks County
May, 2015 - Ohev Shalom of Bucks County
The Dove Tale M A Y 2 0 1 5 I Y Y A R - S I L V A N 5 7 7 5 VOLUME 32 ISSUE 9 In this issue: Rabbi’s Study 2 Hebrew School 3 B’nai Mitzvot 6-7 Inclusion 8-9 B’Kavod Calendar 10 Member Focus 11 Dave Zeitzer Good and The Rabbi’s Study On Becoming Forty Hebrew School Change "I think this is a great time for a child to grow up in Ohev Shalom." “There are no problems, only opportunities for growth.” So many of us feel the importance, the purpose, the beauty, the warmth of our synagogue in our hearts and souls. Creating an engaging Jewish space for learning is an opportunity for our students and our school to grow and thrive. Page 2 Pages 4 - 6 11 Welfare Sisterhood 12 Yom Hasoah 14-15 Candle Project Donations 16-18 Men’s Club 19 Family Game 20 Men’s Club Yom HaShoah Candle Project and Fun Day Come to the Annual Meeting For All Congregants The Men’s Club gratefully acknowledges the contributions that help preserve the memories of those who perished while sustaining the Jewish people. Wednesday May 13th 7:30 PM Pages 14 - 15 Ohev Shalom celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and welcomes diversity within our sacred community. P AGE 2 The Rabbi’s Study I remember realizing, as a child, that my mother would soon be forty years old. Old, I thought. Ominous, it seemed. Today, there are young people with whom I stood on the Bimah at their B’nai Mitzvah who are well past forty, reaching fifty. Take note that I write “young people.” Yes, forty is young and getting younger every year. Rabbi Eliott Perlstein Follow me on Twitter @EliottPerlstein "I think this is a great time to be a member of Ohev Shalom." We are now in our fortieth year. Our synagogue celebrated its 39th birthday, together with Jack Benny (if you say who is Jack Benny, you are just too young) on Purim. We are headed for that age I once thought to be ancient, the big Four 0. All of the different eras or decades of our synagogue had their own unique qualities. In the beginning, we were that new synagogue just starting out with dreams of being different than all preceding synagogues, idealistic and hopeful. We purchased our first building, we built our Sanctuary and Social Hall, and we expanded to two sessions of Hebrew School. Our growth was rapid and strong. We came to have the preeminent USY chapter in the area. We celebrated a Bar or Bat Mitzvah every Shabbat from September through June. Then two B’nai Mitzvah just about every Shabbat morning. Then two B’nai Mitzvah on most Shabbat mornings and one on Shabbat afternoon. There were times with two on Shabbat morning, one in the afternoon and one on Sunday morning. The challenge was just keeping up. In the nineties, we completed our Sanctuary, we built our school building and ten years later, we completed our synagogue campus. In each decade, our members contributed to their portion of the building of Ohev Shalom. In many ways, I find the feeling in our synagogue today resembling our earlier years. It is great celebrating Consecration with seventy Aleph students as we did for a number of years, but there is a sweetness with a class of twenty-five. That sweetness continues to the year of Bar and Bat Mitzvah. We can more fully focus on each child and celebrate more fully with each family. To be honest, it would be helpful if that number grew to thirty which our two Aleph classes can well accommodate. Our collective effort in reaching out to new members would pay dividends. I think this is a great time for a child to grow up in Ohev Shalom. I see first hand what a great Early Learning Center we have. Our teachers and On Becoming Forty director are talented and dedicated. Our Hebrew school today is one of the brightest lights in our synagogue again with a dedicated faculty and principal. That was not always the case. We are instituting an all new High School program beginning in the fall for students in eighth, ninth and tenth grade which is also Confirmation year. We think our new program is so compelling that for the first time ever, we are inviting back students who did not continue on to the High School to return and still be able to celebrate becoming Confirmed in tenth grade. I think this is a great time to be a member of Ohev Shalom. While we always strive to do better, the truth is there is much today to enrich each of our Jewish lives whether we to are turning forty or we did two, three or more decades ago. Our Men’s Club and Sisterhood are stronger and more impressive than ever and our Hazak (Seniors) group fills up the Social Hall with their events. With Adult Education, ongoing meaningful programming, fun fund raising events, our synagogue maintains its tradition of being the dynamic center of Jewish life in our area. In response to the question "what's new," there is much. You have heard much about our Inclusion B'Kavod initiative. While this focuses on those with all types of disabilities and different abilities, it expresses the commitment of our synagogue that each of us matters as an individual. Our interfaith family initiative demonstrates a seismic shift in embracing interfaith families in our community. Change is a constant and the direction of the change can vary. In ways our change takes us to a more progressive stance and in ways we can find ourselves more traditional. At our recent Consecration in April, a grandmother of one of our children approached me after the service. I know her as someone actively involved in the Jewish community. She said to me that she finds herself in many other synagogues because of her involvement. Never has she found a synagogue as warm and joyful that makes tradition come alive in as joyful a way as ours. I am told this after Bar and Bat Mitzvah services as well. Unfortunately it is always from someone who lives at least thirty or more miles away. I could have built a whole congregation with those who say “if I only lived closer, I would join.” I wish them a good trip back home to Florida or Massachusetts. Maybe they (Continued on page 19) P AGE Hebrew School Change In February, Gratz College made a surprising announcement, that beginning fall 2015, the branches of their Jewish Community High School would fold into their main campus in Melrose Park. This meant that come September 2015, we would not have a branch of Gratz JCHS at Ohev Shalom of Bucks County. This consolidation of branches left us with many open-ended questions: What was Ohev Shalom going to do for a Hebrew High School program? What about our teen population? How can a Hebrew High program be created in 5 months? Our educators took a step back and realized that this turn of events presented an amazing opportunity for us to reconsider the scope of our Hebrew High School program. A team was quickly formed and input was sought from within the Ohev community on how to best approach the creation of our new in-house Hebrew High program. Meetings, parent focus groups, one-onone conversations and in depth planning sessions took place in order to clearly define what was wanted and needed for our teens. Guidance and resources from outside sources were used to help develop a program that will be relevant, meaningful and enriching. Area synagogues dialogued together collaborating on how we might align our programing and share resources and experiences now and in the future. Barbara Glickman Principal Hebrew High will continue to meet on Wednesdays, and will consist of two classes, with dinner (yes, dinner!) included between sessions. Students will participate in a minyan of their own following dinner. The primary curriculum focus will be learning about our community, Israel, Jewish values and making connections through text. All classes will allow students to share information and ideas through discussions and projects, as well as group activities. We are proud of our new program and are excited as we finalize the details and bring this vision into being. Eighth and ninth graders will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Confirmation class students (10th grade) will meet with Rabbi from 5:30 to 6:30 pm and then participate in the first session, dinner and minyan, ending at 7:45 pm. For this year only, any students currently in 8th or 9th grade who have not previously participated in Hebrew High School will be able to rejoin their peers for our new program. Even more exciting … during the course of the year, special events, speakers and programs are planned to supplement and reinforce the curriculum. These events are open to the teen community at our Bucks County conservative synagogue partners. Rebbetzin Dena Weinberg said, “There are no problems, only opportunities for growth.” The teen years are challenging and rewarding for both parents and adolescents. Creating an engaging Jewish space for learning, wondering and connecting presents a rich opportunity for our students and our school to grow and thrive. Registration forms will be sent mid-May. Please direct questions to Barbara Glickman at [email protected] or Marnie Dratch, Education Chairperson, at [email protected]. When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now ... 3 P AGE 4 IRIS SEGAL, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES Take advantage of my 30 + years experience. I am a member of the Centurion Honor Society Specializing in Residential Resale & New Construction Proudly Serving Bucks, Philadelphia & Montgomery Counties From Your First Home to Your Dream Home, I Can Help! (ABR) Accredited Buyer Representative (CRS) Certified Residential Specialist (SRES) Seniors Real Estate Specialist Results Not Promises, When Buying or Selling Your Home OFFICE: 215-968-6703 CELL: 267-474-7030 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] IRIS is a proud and active member of Ohev Shalom since 1978. [email protected] David Geltzer, CLTC, LUTCF Agent CA Ins. Lic. # 0131975 New York Life Insurance Conpany 172 Evergreen Court Holland, PA 18966 Tel. 215 920 9194 Fax 215 525 4469 [email protected] The Company You Keep® P AGE FOR YOUR PERSONALIZED PRINTING NEEDS SEE MIMI POLLACK FOR INVITATIONS, STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES, HOLIDAY CARDS, KIPOT, ANNOUNCEMENTS BY APPOINTMENT, PLEASE 215-355-5069 WE CAN CREATE THE MOOD FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION 5 P AGE 6 B’nai Mitzvah Jordan Sabel Saturday, May 2nd Hello. My name is Jordan Grant Sabel. I will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 2, 2015. I am a seventh grade student at Newtown Middle School. My favorite subjects are math and social studies. I play trumpet in the Wind Ensemble and Jam Band. In the spring and summer, I play golf on the PGA Junior League Team at Spring Mill Country Club. This summer I will go to George School Day Camp for the second year, after five years at Newtown Day Camp. At camp, I enjoy playing tennis, gaga, and tennis racket baseball. I like to go to college football and basketball games with my father and the theater with my mother. My Hesed Project was volunteering with the Lupus Foundation of America, Philadelphia TriState Chapter. I worked in their office the day before the Lupus Loop, helped publicize the event, volunteered at the water tent on race day, and walked in the Lupus Loop two years in a row. I also organized a mini loop in my neighborhood for my family and friends. It felt good to support an organization that helps people fight against this chronic inflammatory disease. I would like to thank my Hebrew School teacher and Bar Mitzvah tutor, Iris Spector, for all of her encouragement, Cantor Frimark for teaching me trope, Rabbi Perlstein for answering questions about my Bar Mitzvah, and my parents for helping me with everything. Noah Frajerman Saturday, May 9th Hi, my name is Noah Frajerman. My Bar Mitzvah will be on May 9, 2015. I am in seventh grade at Richboro Middle School and in all honors classes. My hobbies are baseball, karate, drawing, reading, gaming, playing the piano and participating in shows. I have my Junior Black Belt. For my Bar Mitzvah project, I wanted to help animals at the SPCA. I made cat toys which I donated to the SPCA, held a pet food drive, and over several months I visited the SPCA and played with the cats waiting to be adopted to help them socialize with people. I am also donating books to Cradles to Crayons. I am proud to be a camper at Ramah. This summer will be my 7th year at Ramah Day Camp and my second summer spending 4 weeks at Camp Ramah in the Poconos. I would like to thank Rabbi Perlstein, Cantor Frimark and Iris Spector for all their help in preparing for my Bar Mitzvah. I would like to thank my parents, brother Brett and sister Alana for their love and support. Thanks also to my Bubbie and Zayde for weaving me a Tallit. Jackson Reiter Saturday, May 16th Hi! My name is Jackson Reiter and I am excited to become a Bar Mitzvah on May 16, 2015. My Torah portion is BaMidbar. I am in seventh grade and my favorite subject is Science. My favorite sport is baseball. I like to play video games and ride horses. My Hesed Project is to host a Family Game Day to raise funds for the Inclusion B’Kavod Endowment Fund which helps people with different abilities. I chose this project because I have to overcome challenges of my own and I’m grateful for the help I have received. I want to thank my parents, siblings, and grandparents for helping me to get ready for my Bar Mitzvah. I also want to thank Rabbi Perlstein, Cantor Frimark, and Rachel Saks for helping me prepare for my special day. I am excited to be having a Bar Mitzvah and super excited for the celebration. P AGE Jonathan Schwartz Saturday, May 16th Hi! My name is Jonathan Schwartz and I’m going to become a Bar Mitzvah on May 16th. I am in 7th grade and go to Richboro Middle School in the Council Rock School District. I love to play all different kinds of sports and activities but my true passion is for baseball, hockey, and basketball. Most of the time you can find me hanging out with friends, on the baseball fields, playing board games with family or playing Xbox or PlayStation online. During the summer, I go to camp with a lot of my friends from school and also enjoy meeting and making new friends. For my Bar Mitzvah project, I am doing buddy club at Richboro Middle School. Buddy club is helping out with autistic children. During buddy club, there are a lot of different activities, which are playing games, arts and crafts and doing other cool activities with these special children. Buddy club is really fun so if you have an opportunity to participate, I really think you should sign up for it when you go to Middle School. I would really like to thank Cantor Paul, Rabbi Perlstein, Marcia Webber and all of the teachers I have had over the years at Hebrew School who helped me prepare for my Bar Mitzvah. I also thank my Mom, Dad, brother Scott and my whole family for motivating me for this day. I look forward to having my Bar Mitzvah and a great time celebrating with my family and friends. Emi Levine Saturday, May 23rd Hi, my name is Emi Levine, I am currently at Newtown Middle School on the 7th Grade Fusion Team. I am looking forward to my Bat Mitzvah, on May 23, 2015. This will be a very special Bat Mitzvah for my family as it is the last one for all the grandchildren for both sides of the family. I enjoy singing, acting and dancing. I had a lot of fun playing Young Fiona in the Ohev Shalom production of Shrek The Musical. In the summer I go to camp at Laurel South in Casco Maine and go to the shore enjoying the warm weather of Margate. During the winter I enjoy going out west to ski. I am the youngest of three children. My brother Joey is 16, and my oldest brother Ben is 19. I have two dogs, Teddy and Ruby. For my Bat Mitzvah project I volunteered for the Jewish Relief Agency (JRA). I went to a warehouse once a month on a Sunday to pack and deliver food to Jewish families in the Philadelphia area. These families are in need and really appreciate the monthly deliveries. I enjoyed this experience; it was fun and felt good to help out our Jewish community. Ryan Cheifetz Saturday, May 30th Hey! My name is Ryan Cheifetz and I am so thrilled to become a Bar Mitzvah on May 30, 2015. I am a 7th grader at Newtown Middle School. I play two sports, soccer and basketball. When I play soccer my position is goalie and sometimes offense. I am the power forward when I play basketball. For my Bar Mitzvah project, I am volunteering at Friends Home. While there I play games with the elderly residents. I play games like chess, Wii, checkers, the word game and many more. After my Bar Mitzvah I will continue to go over and help out as much as possible. During the summer I will go back to Rockwood Teen Travel and CIT training at the NAC. I would like to thank my awesome tutor Liz Nover for helping me with my prayers, Torah and Haftorah portions. I would also like to thank all of my Hebrew School teachers, Rabbi Perlstein and Cantor Frimark for years of Jewish education that helped me prepare for my Bar Mitzvah. Most importantly, I thank my Mom, Dad and brother Ethan for encouraging and supporting me so that I would be ready for my Bar Mitzvah - they were there every step of the way. 7 P AGE 8 Inclusion B’Kavod “Shimon [the son of Rabban Gamliel] says: It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes all the difference in the world.” Pirke Avot 1:17 Inclusive Thoughts by Lindsay Miller I recently attended a yoga class where the instructor initiated the session by reading a selection that she had found to the class. She did not write it nor did she know the author, but she thought it was the definition of the word, “commitment,” and gave her permission for me to share it with all of you. While her intent was to stress the importance of commitment to the practice of yoga during the class, I found the words moving and relevant as well to our mission and vison of inclusion for our community at Ohev Shalom. See what you think: “Commitment is what transforms the promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions and the actions which speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none, coming through time after time after time, year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; The power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph over integrity over skepticism.” When the concept of Inclusion B’Kavod began at Ohev Shalom, a small group of congregants made a commitment to challenge ourselves and our community to become inclusive of all, regardless of strengths, weaknesses, ages, orientation, needs, abilities, challenges, and/or appearances. It could have been easy to say what we said and simply dance around an idea, but our community embraced our vision and rose with us, grew with us, to make our intentions our reality. Our congregations’ actions have truly spoken louder than our words. What we have done, together, has really made all the difference in our community. Not only are our precious children supported through our educational programs and supports, but also many adults of all ages have indicated their appreciation. They realize that as their needs, our needs, may change suddenly or over time because of age or just what life may throw at us, supports are in place. These supports continue to grow throughout our building and community so that all of our congregants may take place in all aspects of synagogue life and events. Our actions, your actions, do not go unnoticed outside of Ohev Shalom. I hope that you read the article in the Jewish Exponent that was written by one of the parents who participates with her son in our Celebrations! at Ohev monthly Shabbat program. On the same day that particular issue of the Exponent came out, the Jewish Learning Venture’s annual report was released and we were honored that Ohev Shalom was highlighted. You can still read that report by going to We are so excited to be entering Ohev Shalom’s 40th year as a truly inclusive community that practices what we preach … KAVOD: Kindness, Acceptance, Visibility, Opportunity and Dignity … for all. Come with us, join with us, be part of our commitment. Visit a Celebrations! at Ohev class, attend a program that is sponsored by Inclusion B’Kavod, join our committee, suggest an accommodation that you feel is needed, attend an event, volunteer … you will realize, as we have that it is possible to go beyond our own expectations and achieve what we may have previously thought might not be reached. Celebrations! at Ohev Shalom by Suzanne Gold “Walk in your footprints, leave your mark.” Rabbi Simeon Maslin, Rabbi Emertius, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, PA. These are powerful words. Celebrations! at Ohev continues to welcome new families to our monthly Shabbat morning events. We are looking for adult volunteers who would like to assist during a Celebrations! at Ohev event. The only requirement is you enjoy laughing, singing and positive energy. If you would like to volunteer for two hours during a Shabbat morning with us, please contact: Shelley Rubin at 215-355-7668 or Shelmr2@ Come leave your mark! At our April Celebrations! at Ohev session, the children were engaged in learning about our beloved state of Israel in honor of Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. To help set the mood that we were all spending time in Israel, the room was decorated with various posters highlighting famous landmarks, maps, and pictures of key leaders of Israel. After our special Kiddush lead by Cantor Paul, we began creating special projects. The younger children created trees with orange blossoms while the older children created their personal Kotel. In addition to listening to stories about Israel, our own Morah Barbara taught us the popular Israeli Dance, “Mayim, Mayim.” Scott Gordon led the group with games and movement activities, while the parents participated in their Parent Session led by Ayala Rahimi. Before our Shabbat morning ended, we tasted fruit and chocolate from Israel. It is still not too late to join us! Celebrations! at Ohev continues to seek new families and their children who have special needs, ages 4-18 to participate in our monthly Shabbat mornings. Our last Celebrations! at Ohev for the 2014-2015 season will take place on May 16, 2015. Celebrations! at Ohev is open to members of Ohev Shalom and the entire Jewish community, free of charge. For intake forms and information please contact: [email protected] or call Shelley Mattleman-Rubin at 215-399-7668. Ohev Shalom celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and welcomes diversity within our sacred community. P AGE 9 IBK Volunteer Focus of the Month … Trudi Wouch I am an Occupational Therapist, and for most of my career, I have worked with children who have special needs. For thirty plus years, I worked with children in the Philadelphia public schools in their classrooms and have consulted with their teachers. For 19 of those years, I have had the pleasure of working with Suzanne Gold, who is one of the best, and most creative teachers I have ever worked with. Suzanne told me about her work with the Celebrations! group at Ohev Shalom, and about the different themes each month and activities that the children were doing. I told her that if she needed any help the following year, when we both had retired from the School District of Philadelphia, I would be glad to help. And so, I have been a volunteer for the past year and a half, and I have found it to be a very rewarding experience. Helping the children with social skills, and fine and gross motor skills, are second nature to me due to my occupation. But watching the teen volunteers interact with the special needs children is really wonderful to see. They have no professional experience, and just come to help out, and I have seen them become real friends to our special children, who look forward to seeing their teen buddies every month. There are many different activities planned each month that are short, and geared to the limited attention spans of the children. From the Cantor’s musical Shabbat activities, along with the stuffed Torahs that the children get to carry each month, to the Kiddush and blessing over the challah, to the many craft activities, and edible projects that Suzanne designs to enhance their learning - the children become acclimated to the many holidays and customs of Judaism. The parents too, get to meet other parents, and have a short period of time away from their children to share ideas. Three of the boys in the program were students of mine in the Philadelphia school system. They are all almost Bar Mitzvah age, and it has been a pleasure to work with all of them again and to watch them discover what it means to be Jewish. One especially, who is non-verbal, was really enjoying the program last month, and it was so beautiful to watch him participating fully in the program and laughing and enjoying himself. The program is inclusive as it consists of children who have special needs, their typically developing siblings, teen volunteers, parents, and adult volunteers. New families are welcomed into the group every month. I know the children love this program, but I get a special warm feeling in my heart as I watch the children having such a good time every month learning and sharing their experiences with each other. Don’t Make a Move Without Me Nadine Simantov Top Agent 2014 Co-Owner/Realtor Cell:215-858-2068 Office:215-757-6100 x 125 [email protected] [email protected] Top Selling Real Estate Company in Bucks County the past 5 years P AGE 10 MAY 2015 Friday May 1st 12th of Iyyar 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Gan, Kesher and Mechina Shabbat 7:37 pm Candle Lighting Saturday May 2nd 13th of Iyyar 9:30 am Services - Jordan Sabel Bar Mitzvah 8:46 pm Havdalah Sunday May 3rd 14th of Iyyar Pesach Sheni 8:45 am Minyan 9 am Women’s League Spring Conf. 9:30 am Adult Education - Speaker Rabbi Robyn Frisch on "Lessons I've Learned working with Interfaith Couples and Families" 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Family Game & Funday Monday May 4th 15th of Iyyar Tuesday May 5th 16th of Iyyar 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday May 6th 17th of Iyyar 4:30 pm Hebrew School 5:45 pm Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan 7:15 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting Thursday May 7th 18th of Iyyar Lag B’Omer 7 am Minyan ELC Lag B’Omer Picnic 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7 pm Minyan Friday May 8th 19th of Iyyar 8 am ELC PTO Mother’s Day Brunch 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Sisterhood Shabbat 7:44 pm Candle Lighting Saturday May 9th 20th of Iyyar 9:30 am Services - Noah Frajerman Bar Mitzvah 10:30 am Celebrations! 8:53 pm Havdalah Sunday May 10th Mother’s Day 8:45 am Minyan Hebrew School Closed Monday May 11th 21st of Iyyar 22nd of Iyyar Tuesday May 12th 23rd of Iyyar 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Jewish Heritage Night at Citizens Bank Park Wednesday May 13th 24th of Iyyar 4:30 pm Hebrew School 5:45 pm Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan 7:15 pm Ohev Shalom Annual Congregation Meeting Thursday May 14th 25th of Iyyar 7 am Minyan ELC Parent - Teacher Conferences 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7 pm Minyan Friday May 15th 26th of Iyyar 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Installation of Officers Shabbat 7:51 pm Candle Lighting Saturday May 16th 27th of Iyyar 9:30 am Services - Jonathan Schwartz Bar Mitzvah 9:00 pm Havdalah - Jackson Reiter Bar Mitzvah Sunday May 17th 28th of Iyyar Yom Yerushalayim Hebrew School Last Day 8:45 am Minyan Men’s Club Goes to Phillies Monday May 18th 29th of Iyyar Tuesday May 19th 1st of Silvan Rosh Hodesh Silvan Election Day 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday May 20th 2nd of Silvan 5 pm Cook for a Friend 5:45 pm Confirmation Class 7 pm Gratz Hebrew High 7 pm Minyan 7:15 pm Board of Directors Meeting Thursday May 21st 3rd of Silvan 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7 pm Minyan 7 pm Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Event 7:15 pm Men’s Club Torah on Tap Friday May 22nd 4th of Silvan 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 7:57 pm Candle Lighting Saturday May 23rd 5th of Silvan Erev Shavuot 9:30 am Services - Emily Levine Bat Mitzvah 7 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot Service 9:06 pm Havdalah Sunday May 24th Shavuot I 8:45 am Minyan 9:15 am Confirmation 7 pm Yizkor 6th of Silvan Monday May 25th Shavuot II Memorial Day ELC Closed 9:15 am Yizkor 9:08 pm Havdalah 7th of Silvan Tuesday May 26th 8th of Silvan 12 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg 7 pm Minyan Wednesday May 27th 9th of Silvan ELC Wonderful Wednesday 7 pm Minyan Thursday May 28th 10th of Silvan 7 am Minyan 1 pm Sisterhood Canasta 7 pm Minyan Friday May 29th 11th of Silvan 5 pm Hebrew School Teachers Honored 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - Teacher Appreciation Shabbat 8:03 Candle Lighting Saturday May 30th 12th of Silvan 9:30 am Services - Ryan Cheifetz Bar Mitzvah 9:11 pm Havdalah Sunday May 31st 8:45 am Minyan 9 am Hei Aliyah 13th of Silvan Share a Shabbat There is no right or wrong way to “do” Shabbat - whether serving pizza poolside or chicken in the dining room. We are looking for hosts to help make new connections in the synagogue community this year. We provide the blessings in English, Hebrew and transliteration. For information or if you would like to host a Shabbat contact Rachel Betesh at [email protected]. P AGE Member Focus 11 Dave Zeitzer My name is Dave Zeitzer and on November 26th, I became a member of the inclusion B’Kavod. I suffered an incomplete spinal cord injury. I had my C3-C7 screwed together and 2 20 mm titanium rods placed into my spinal column at Y1-T4. I am currently in a mobile wheelchair. I had to have my house’s first floor turned into a triage unit. I have the hope of walking again by the end of summer or early fall. Being a part of inclusion is making me care even more for people who are less fortunate than others. Since this has happened to me, it has changed my view of freedom of movement as well as how I treat friends, customers, and my wife. Customers have called me just to see how I am progressing and to ask how soon before I walk into their offices to see them. I had thought that they only cared about prices, deals, and deliveries. The outpouring of affection from them has changed my mind as to how they need to be treated by me in the future. I have been in sales for 40 years and some of these people have known me for that period of time. The affection from them has overwhelmed me. My friends have stepped up to the plate to help by sitting with me when I need to send my wife out for some relief. Dinners, cards, hamentashen, thoughts and prayers come from everyone. Friends come to the house on Shabbat and have dinner with me. When I was in Moss Rehab, gaining my strength to get up on my feet, my poker guys would come to the Dave Zeitzer hospital to occupy my time and keep me busy. They would be the talk of the hospital. Those working hard at physical therapy friends would come bearing snacks and cards and they made sure that they would take my money in a game of poker! The hospital staff made sure I was there on Mondays to be ready to see them. I have since come home and my poker friends continue to come to the house. They even help me and my wife get me ready for bed when I need their help. Friends like them and my golf buddies will always be there for me as I will be there for them. Then there are the people that called when they heard of my accident and spoke to me, as well as those not knowing the extent of my injury, asking me when I will walk again. My wife has noticed how my attitude has changed towards life after the accident. First of all, my wife has been a rock through this ordeal. She has been asked to do jobs that no spouse should have to do for their affectionate other. I always would do the finances and give her a hard time when decorating the house. Since the accident, I have taken a laisse faire attitude towards these subjects. My wife now gets more affection from me than I have showed her for the past 40 years. She would complain about how I wasn’t affectionate enough and didn’t make public displays of affection. That has changed since this has happened to me. I LOVE YOU. Last of all to my Ohev Shalom family, thank you for the calls, cards and prayers. Thank you for the questions about my health and life when my wife goes to services that she shares with me when she comes home. I have told the Cantor and the Rabbi that I can’t wait to come up to the bimah for High Holy Days for people who have survived hospital stays. I can’t wait to thank everyone in person for their thoughts. Good and Welfare Bubby Gourmet We are here to cater Shabbat Kiddush luncheons for your simchas - everything but not limited to Auf Ruf's, special birthday and anniversary luncheons, and baby namings. Luncheons are served in our beautiful Social Hall. We are currently booking parties through June 2015. To see a Bubby Gourmet menu, pricing and other particulars, please go to our website at Please contact our Committee Chairperson Linda Barankin at 215-450-2405 or our Head Chef Jerry Kaplan at 215-698-9244 to answer any questions as well as to reserve your 2014/2015 date. Your simcha will help raise funds for our Ohev Shalom community, as all profits are going to our Ohev Shalom General Fund. Kol HaKavod to our March Torah/Haftarah readers Madison Dedieu, Deborah Seltzer Cohen, Adam Fields, Cantor Paul Frimark, Mitch Gerson, Mindy Goldstein, Diana Goodman, Elaine Goodman, Phyllis Halpern, Eric Kleiman, Jerry Kaplan, Barry Klein, Neil Mittleman, Jeff Pevar, Mike Rabinowitz, Austin Snyder, Morgan Snyder, Brianna Stein, Chad Stein, Jordan Stein, Craig Stoltz, Shane Stoltz, Al Torjman, Warren Verbit, Marcia Webber, Idelle S. Wood. Kol HaKavod to our March Minyan leaders Cantor Frimark, Jerry Gomberg, Sam Heller, Saul Jacobs, Jahn Nolan, Jeff Pevar, and Mimi Pollack. תודהto the Religious School The Jewish Federation has provided scholarship support for the religious school through the Keren Chinuch Scholarship Program. P AGE 12 Sisterhood of Ohev Shalom Spring has finally sprung, hope your Shaloch Manot flowers have started to bloom. Enjoy the beautiful weather and all the wonderful events we have planned. B'Shalom, Hedy & Linda Coming up Sunday May 3rd - Women’s League conference at Ohev Friday May 8th - Sisterhood Shabbat and dinner Thursday May 21st - Rosh Hodesh Thursday Jun 4th - Book Club Thursday Jun 11th - Sisterhood Closing Event Torah Fund The Mishpachah theme this year encourages us, Conservative Jews, to recognize the diverse character of families. It also encourages our communities to be pluralistic, welcoming and open hearted. Join us once again in supporting the Jewish Theological Seminary by purchasing a Mishpachah pin representing the Family and the Tree of Life. Contact Michele Bernstein at 215-741-9937 or [email protected] Simcha Boutique Remember to shop Simcha Boutique for bridal showers, engagement gifts, new baby gifts, hostess gifts, new house warming gifts, Judaica, or just about any gift you will need. Hours: Sunday 9-1 pm; Monday closed; Tuesday 11-3 pm; Wednesday during Hebrew School; Thursday 11-3 pm; and Fridays by appointment only Should you need us when our doors are closed please call … Gail Wiener - 215-293-0506 or Email us at [email protected] Mah Jongg Every Tuesday at Noon. 18 week sessions for a donation of $54.00 Bring your Mah Jongg card & set … $$$ Prizes Any questions call or email [email protected] / 215-322-1166 Sisterhood can be reached 24/6 by email at [email protected] Birthday Greetings Say 'Happy Birthday' in such a sweet way !!) Our Birthday Greetings Program is just .75 cents per greeting or $118.00 for the entire Sisterhood membership. Your name will be included on the beautiful Birthday card which we send. IT'S AN EASY, FUN AND THOUGHTFUL WAY TO WISH YOUR FRIENDS A SPECIAL DAY!! To participate contact Susan Berk [email protected] or 215-956-0432. Canasta Canasta Open Play for $2.00 each Thursday from 1 to 3 PM in the Ohev Shalom Social Hall. Lessons also offered for $5.00/ lesson or $18.00/4. Any questions or to request lessons please email Marsha Freedman [email protected] / 215-968-6755 Do you shop at SHOP RITE in Warminster? GREAT! Please write Ohev Shalom Sisterhood on your receipt & drop into the donation box in the Shop Rite. They will donate a percentage to our Sisterhood. Thanks to Shop Rite in Warminster! Honor & Memory Cards Such a wonderful way to support our Sisterhood. With a donation of $5.00 (or more) cards can be mailed for you or you can purchase them in advance. Call or email Joanne Babbitt at 215-968-0107 - [email protected] Book Club Please join us on Thursday June 4th at 7:30 p.m. at Ohev Shalom as we discuss The Book Borrower by Alice Mattison. On the day they first meet in a city playground, Deborah Laidlaw lends Toby Ruben a book called "Trolley Girl", a memoir of a trolley strike in the 1920s, written by the sister of a Jewish revolutionary. As young mothers in the 1970s,Toby and Deborah become instant friends, and remain so for decades, until an insurmountable argument takes the two women down divergent path. Please rsvp to Denise at 215-499-2123 or [email protected]. Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:45 P.M. Join the Ohev Shalom Sisterhood for SHIBOLET. Another in our series of Rosh Hodesh Holiday Celebrations. Share a light Shavuot supper followed by “A New Look into the Book of Ruth” (We are all grown up now) and more fun just in time to plan your home Shavuot celebration. Reservations: ($10 per person, payable to the Sisterhood of Ohev Shalom) to Ohev Shalom Sisterhood, 944 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954; or place under Simcha Boutique door. Questions? Contact: Holly at 215-364-8994 or [email protected]. ALL RESERVATIONS BY MAY, 15 2015. P AGE For boys and girls ages 3-15 13 Well-rounded camp experiences for kids since 1986 Lunch and snacks provided ACA Accredited Door to door transportation Rental facilities available for picnics and weekends 1380 Creek Road Furlong, PA 18925 (215) 598-7143 [email protected] FUN IN THE SUN! Arcade Archery Arts & Crafts Basketball Beach volleyball BMX bikes Boating Ceramics Drama/Dance Fishing Ga-Ga Gymnastics Hockey Lacrosse Miniature golf Nature Newcomb Rock wall/zip line Soccer (indoor and outdoor) Softball Swimming (3 pools) Tennis Wiffle ball RICHBORO Shop n Bag Murray Battleman, Owner and member of Ohev Shalom A full service Supermarket giving great value to our community 1025 N. Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954, (215) 355-5300 P AGE 14 Yom HaShoah Candle Project. The Men’s Club gratefully acknowledges the following contributions that help preserve the memories of those who perished while sustaining the Jewish people. Sponsors ($54 +) In Memory of Linda Barankin & Family Sylvia G. Band Harry, Pincus, Yaacov, Shmiel, and Hendel Berger Band The Baron Family Eileen Baron Bruce & Sandy Blumenthal Harvey & June Cantor Cantor Family & Others from Zagare, Lithuania Ellen & David Cohen Samuel Drescher and Esther Rabinovich Andi Leof-Davidson, Bob, Adam & Danielle Davidson Marsha & Harvey Goldberg The Glantz Family Roberta & Gregory Gordon Jerry Gottesman Bernie & Ann Grossman Neil & Hedy Hoffman Saul & Shelly Jacobs Denise & Mark Kolber Henry, Marcus, Leah, Aaron, Genia, Manya & Mena Kolber The Perrone Family Jeffrey & Gale Pollock Lorraine & Ed Rosen Keith Sadel, MD Julie & Chad Schieken and Bernice & Ira Berkowitz Solomon and Ilona Rosner Allan & Gail Silverberg & Sylvia Cohen Ileene Swerdlow Harvey Swerdlow, Zelda Freedman, and Nathan Katz Estera & Arthur Weiss David & Szejna Gotfryd, The Kushner and Gotfryd Families Ron Wolf & Joyce Tenenbaum Janet & Ron Zaritsky Marsha, Eliana & Michael Zimet Anna & Hermann Zimet, and the Family of Paul Zimet Donors Ana Andrusier Howard Apt Terri & Hal Barrow Irwin & Michele Bernstein & Family Janet & Dan Blyweiss Carol Bregman Gloria Brooks Jeffrey Camson Marsha & Aaron Cane Adrianne & Alan Cohen Gary & Sharon Delson Marvin & Soni Feld In Memory of Louis, Dorothy, Arthur & Anna Apt, Max & Arlene Dallas Savit Jessie Jacobs Edward Bregman Leonard Brooks, Clara Neidenberg, and Yuda Neidenberg Serena & Solomon Zelmanovich Herman Cane Leib, Tzvia, and Moshe Lan P AGE Esther & Steven Finer Mandi & Gary Freedman Judy & David Friedman Holly & David Goldberg Lynne Goldberg Marlene & Irv Goldfarb Arlene Goldman Sam & Gail Goldstein Nina & Lyle Goodheart Debbie & Larry Grant Mark & Marilyn Greenspan Phyllis & Mel Halpern The Handfinger Family Herb & Marlyn Harris Dave & Dena Horowitz Joe Hurwitz Phil & Nessa Indictor Barbara & Jerry Kaplan Tanya & Allan Katz Rochelle & Gordon King Eric & Madelaine Kleiman Alan & Harriet Kozak Loretta Kozak Steve & Marci Laderman Saul & Rose La Kier Diana & Marvin Lenetsky Harriet & Mark Levin Allen & Phyllis Marks Steve & Lindsay Miller Richard & Rochelle Noch Ilene & Mark Pachman Marvin & Lois Perel Ronald & Helene Peyton Barbara Ponczek Michael & Estelle Rabinowitz Arlene & Warren Roman Gail & Martin Rosenfeld Paula & Avei Rosenzweig Marv Rosner & Family Andrea & Ted Rothman Shelley & Len Rubin Marty & Roz Rudoff Steve, Iris & Jordan Sabel Mel & Bobbi Scharf Laurie & Marc Segal Lee Segal Morton & Iris Segal Fran & Roy Silverman Robert, Marla, Bryan & Alex Solarski Paula Spigler Morton & Sheila Tanenbaum Linda Tuber Enid H. Waldman & Family David Warren Gail Weiner David & Libby Weiss Yecheil and Rachela Frydman Avruhum Barag Stan Goldman Lil & Sam Winter, and Rose & Dave Harris Louis Weintraub, Bertha Weintraub, and Dorothy Movsovich Sylvia & Bill Indictor, and Thelma Monzo Herbert Blau, Toba Simon, Robert Simon, Sara and Nathan King Morris Kozak The Kozak and Bichman Families Bella & Izzy Rubin, Justin Rubin, and Lillian & Morris Lenetsky Lulek Solarski, and Cilli Gross Solarski Morris and Janet Koper Rafael Perel Kirk Ponczek Salamon and Ilona Rosner Bessie Rothman, Joe Silver, and Selma Dubin Families of Carl Balik and Sylvia Wirkerman Balik Erwin and Cilli Solarski Leon Spigler, My Mother and Father Allen I. Waldman 15 P AGE 16 We Thank Our Generous Contributors Dave and Libby Weiss Judy and Mike Wexler Irv Segal, by Richard and Rochelle Noch Bill Brack, by Fred and Anita Dorfman Louis Goldberg, father of Rick Goldberg, by Dave and Libby Wiess Hana and Larry Gershman Linda and Mark Blumberg Dana and Michael Green Rose and Saul LaKier Steven and Esther Finer Riva and Ed Feiner Bernice and Ira Berkowitz Raymond and Lana Skwer Beverly and Larry Samson Nina and Michael Surden Steven and Susan Gelfand AMY RO CKOWER Richard and Carol Zeitz MEMORIAL ART CENTER Lawrence and Arlene Blanck In Memory of Mort and Toby Kolman Shirley and Sidney Rafalowsky, by Ilene and Sy Rockower Rose and Fred Gold Janet Lundy, by Ilene and Sy Rockower Aileen Salus Lorraine Linsk, mother of David Linsk, by Ilene and Sy Rockower Fran and Kerwin Seiden Mother of Candy Figa, by Ilene and Sy Rockower Amy and Dan Heitzer Harriet Rellis ANN UAL APPEAL FUN D Joe and Barbara Zibelman In Memory of The Scamuffa Family Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Terri and Hal Barrow Sara and Fred Silverman Fran and Roy Silverman BENNET ZION FELD Betty Bloch MEMORI AL LI BR ARY Beryl and Elliot Drexler In Honor of Nella Brickman and Bill Thompson Thank you for your generosity and kindness, wishing you the best each & Marsha and Michael Freedman and Family everyday to Soni and Marv Feld, by Linda Barankin Reba and Izzy Grossman In Memory of Barbara and Bernie Hoffman Bennett Feld, by Don and Sally Messinger Rita Solofsky and Al Wiesner Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Jahn and Eileen Nolan Cheryl and Larry Karabell Soni Feld, Bernice Berkowitz, Meryl Lubchansky, Ilene Pachman, Julie and Rodger Levenson Judy Freidman and Helene Peyton, thank you for your kindness and Sherryl and Buzz Mustin Friendship, by Lynne Goldberg Richard and Sharan Rodgers Stella O’Donnell, mother, by Denise Kolber Doris and Paul Schor Melvyn L. Freid CANTOR FRIMARK’S Mike and Judy Wexler DISCRETION ARY FUND Merryl Pelberg In Honor of Rose and David Pustilnick Bara Frimark’s graduation from Nursing School, by Kate and Burt Korn Carol and Len Lebowitz Marsha and Barry Isdaner Support and encouragement during Bat Mitzvah training, by Debbie and Philip Klein The Goldberg Family Terri and Hal Barrow In Memory of Carol Bregman Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Carol and Len Lebowitz Sandy and Ray Savett John and Barbara Blickensderfer COOK FOR A FRIEND Phyllis and Steve Warshaw In Honor of Merle and Joel Neulight Complete and speedy recovery to Jerry Kaplan, by Mr. and Mrs. Phil Weinstein Michael and Estelle Rabinowitz Margo Clayman Dave and Libby Weiss David and Helene Zeitzer Birth of Romy, granddaughter of Dr. and Mr. Steven Specter, by Barry Corson by Dana and Michael Green Fred and Anita Dorfman Sandra Wohl, mother of Allen Wohl, by Linda Barankin Jerry Gottesman, in honor of his 2nd Bar Mitzvah Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Susan Devour on the new Baby, Mara Hailey, by Michael and Nina Surden Nadine Myerson Our dear friend, Lynne Goldberg, by Bernice and Ira Berkowitz Dave and Libby Weiss Continued good health to Jerry Kaplan, by Florrie Fisher Caren and Nat Bosk Bara Frimark’s graduation from Nursing School, by Fran and Roy Silverman David and Esther Fine In Memory of Esther and Steven Finer Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by David and Judy Friedman Michael and Nina Surden Shelley and Andy Rosen ADATH TIKVAH-MONTEFIORE CHAPEL FUND In Honor of Sheila and Steve Stein’s 50th Wedding Anniversary, by Alice and Sammy Heller Jerry Gottesman’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah, by Florrie Fisher Aliyot during November and December, by Elaine Snyder Alice Heller’s speedy recovery, by Roberto Steiner In Memory of Harvey Swerdlow, by Ilene Swerdlow Ruth Frankel, by Alice and Sammy Heller Manuel Roda, father of Rachel Goldstein, by Alice and Sammy Heller Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Alice and Sammy Heller Husband, Harvey Swerdlow, by Ilene Swerdlow Selma Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by Alice and Sammy Heller P AGE Scott and Fran Gordon Harriet and Steve Rellis Michael and Nina Surden David and Helene Zeitzer Scott and Francine Gordon Blanche Greenberg by Florrie Fisher Rose Cohen, mother of Helene Malenbaum, by Harriet and Steve Rellis COLL EGE CON NECTION FUN D In Memory of Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Harold and Sherri Middleberg Elaine Aronsohn, mother of Estelle Rabinowitz, by Bob, Lynda, Jonathan and Rachel Kerr EARLY L EARNIN G CEN TE R FUN D In Honor of Jerry Gottesman, in honor of his 2nd Bar Mitzvah Successful recovery to Gail Silverberg, by Jerry Gottesman Birth of Shalom Dovber, grandson of Greg and Roberta Gordon, by Joyce, Allen, Jessica, Heather and David Laiter Birth of Zoe Marblestone, granddaughter of Ken and Laura Marblestone In Memory of Sarah (Sally) Betesh, grandmother of Robbie Betesh, by Rachel, Brian, Samantha & Jake Saks Lindsay and Steve Miller Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Shelly and Saul Jacobs Jerry Gottesman Joyce, Allen, Jessica, Heather and David Laiter Andrea and Ted Rothman Paula Slutsky, mother of Amy Fisher, by Shelly and Saul Jacobs Joyce, Allen, Jessica, Heather and David Laiter Selma D. Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by Jerry Gottesman Andrea and Ted Rothman Florrie Fisher Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Leah and Jerry Gomberg Rose and Saul LaKier Ellen and David Cohen Melissa and Stu Caplan Jahn and Eileen Nolan Helene and Ron Peyton Arlene and Warren Roman Alice and Sammy Heller Jerry Gottesman Lindsay and Steve Miller Tanya and Alan Katz Randy and Janice Jacobson Miriam Peyton’s yahrzeit, by Helene and Ron Peyton FIN ANCIAL AID FUN D In Memory of Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Scott and Susan Wechsler HAZAK OF OHEV SHALO M In Honor of Jerry Gottesman in honor of his 2nd Bar Mitzvah In Memory of Rose Cohen, mother of Helene Malenbaum, by Lynne Goldberg INCLUSION B’KAVOD In Honor of Mimi Pollock being honored as 2015 Torah Fund Honoree, by Caren and Nat Bosk Complete and speedy recovery to Dave Zeitzer, by Lindsay and Steve Miller 17 Jacob Guba’s Bar Mitzvah, by Lindsay and Steve Miller Jerry Kaplan’s good health, by Lindsay and Steve Miller Jerry Gottesman, in honor of his 2nd Bar Mitzvah Birth of Shalom Dovber, grandson of Greg and Roberta Gordon, by Lindsay and Steve Miller Shelley and Len Rubin Successful recovery to Gail Weiner, by Jerry Gottesman Bar Mitzvah of Shane Stoltz, by Lindsay and Steve Miller In Memory of Sidney Kauffman, father of Susan Reiter, by Leslie and Ira Richards Barbara Glickman and Family and Annie Bloom and Family Lindsay and Steve Miller Shelley and Len Rubin Adar, Edelman, Laff, Podob, Saks and Stoltz Families Ivy and Eric Frajerman and Family Sarah Betesh, grandmother of Robbie Betesh, by Shelley and Len Rubin Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Arlene and Warren Roman Susan and Jeffrey Berk Shelley and Lenny Rubin Elaine and Ed Snyder Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by The Adar Family Barbara Glickman, Jacky Siegel, Annie Bloom and Debbie Band Silma Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by Barbara and Haim Glickman KOPPER/POLL ACK CAMP RAMAH SCHOL ARSHIP FUN D In Honor of Speedy recovery to Shelley Geltzer, by Alene and Gerry Markowitz In Memory of Louis Goldberg, father of Richard Goldberg, by Mimi and Bernie Pollack and Family MAX ADEL SBER G TORAH READERS’ FUN D In Honor of Birth of Shalom Dovber Gordon, grandson of Roberta and Greg Gordon, by Gail and Sam Goldstein Ida Newstat on her 100th birthday, by Gail and Sam Goldstein Mimi Pollack being honored, by Vivian Spector In Memory of Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Gail and Sam Goldstein Selma Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by Terri and Hal Barrow OHEV SHALO M GENERAL FUND In Honor of Complete and speedy recovery to David Zaitzer, by Nina and Michael Surden Jerry Gottesman becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Barry and Judith Klein Birth of Shalom Dovber Gordon, grandson of Roberta and Greg Gordon, by Barry and Judy Klein Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Good Health and Full recovery to Jerry Kaplan, by Barry and Judy Klein Good health and full recovery to Dave Zietzer, by Barry and Judy Klein Mimi Pollack being honored, by Shep, Annette, Zachary, Gabriel and Jeremy Smithline Birth of Zoe Marblestone, granddaughter of Laura and Ken Marblestone, by Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Terri and Hal Barrow In Memory of Miriam Wexler, mother of Michael Wexler, by Hal and Terri Barrow Gloria Kaiser, mother of Barbara Kaplan, by Hal and Terri Barrow Henry Geller, by Hal and Terri Barrow (Continued on page 18) P AGE 18 Sarah Betesh, grandmother of Robbie Betesh, by Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Sidney Kauffman, father of Susan Reiter, by Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Elissa and Ken Goldberg Barry and Judy Klein Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Rachel, Brian, Samantha and Jake Saks Bernice and Ira Berkowitz David and Shelley Geltzer Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Nadine Myerson Chad and Julie Schieken The Reiter Family Mona and Arthur Steiger Susan Maslow and Rich Goldhammer Florrie Fisher Sandy Wohl, mother of Allan Wohl, by Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Paula Slutsky, mother of Amy Fisher, by David and Shelley Geltzer Cantor Paul and Arlene Frimark Selma D. Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by David and Shelley Geltzer Scott and Susan Wechsler Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Bernice and Ira Berkowitz Fran and Roy Silverman David and Shelley Geltzer Ken and Laura Marblestone Al Goldstein, by Bob Steiner Tanya & Allan Katz Fran & Roy Silverman Denise & Mark Kolber Louis Goldberg, father of Rick Goldberg, by Linda Barankin Paula Slutsky, mother of Amy Fisher, by Linda Barankin Sandy & Bruce Blumenthal Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Sandy & Bruce Blumenthal Tanya & Allan Katz Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Sisterhood & Iris & Mort Segal Sylvia & David Linsk Roberta & Greg Gordon Syra & Norman Schutzbank Linda Barankin & Stephen Springer Amy Jaclin, mother of Bob Jaclin, by Joanne & Howard Babbitt RABBI ’S DI SCRETIO N AR Y FUN D In Honor of Birth of Zoe Marblestone, granddaughter of Laura and Ken Marblestone, by Stephanie and Len Arnold In appreciation of help at the passing of Sidney Kauffman, by The Kauffman Family Tzedakah, by Jason and Elisa Beckman Speedy recovery for David Zeitzer, by Robert Steiner Engagement of Evin Kizak and Brett Goldhammer, by Grandmom Loretta Kozak Bar Mitzvah of Chad Stein, by Aunt Elaine and Uncle Chet Goodman Support and encouragement during the Bat Mitzvah training, by The Goldberg Family In Memory of Sidney Kauffman, father of Susan Reiter, by Rose and Saul LaKier Carol and Harvey Edelman Sondra Teitel Sheila Kauffman Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Rose and Saul LaKier Louis Goldberg, father of Richard Goldberg, by Stephanie and Len Arnold Selma D. Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by Nadine Myerson Paula Slutsky, mother of Amy Fisher, by Terri and Hal Barrow Jim Kayleglan, by Sherwyn and Marilyn Tucker Jessie Jacobs, mother of Saul Jacobs, by Leah and Jerry Gomberg Mildred Kline Enid Waldman SISTERHOOD In Honor of Birth of Shalom Dovber, grandson of Roberta & Gregory Gordon, by Sandy & Bruce Blumenthal Speedy recovery for Gail Wiener, by Sandy & Bruce Blumenthal Birth of Zoe Marblestone, granddaughter of Laura & Ken Marblestone, by Sandy & Bruce Blumenthal In Memory of Selma D. Vogel, mother of Gail Goldstein, by Linda Barankin SOCIAL ACTION FUN D In Honor of Continuing recovery to Gail Silverberg, by Florrie Fisher Andy and Shelley Rosen In Memory of Alma Rosen, by Andy and Shelley Rosen Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Andy and Shelley Rosen SISTERHOOD KESHER FUND In Honor of Thank you for creating a gift that is both fun for adults and educational and exciting for children, by Lynne Goldberg In Memory of Manny Fisher, by Florrie Fisher Sidney Kauffman, father of Susan Reiter, by Terri and Hal Barrow Sally Betesh, grandmother of Robbie Betesh, by Terri and Hal Barrow Birth of Shalom Dovber, grandson of Roberta and Greg Gordon, by Terri and Hal Barrow Sally Betesh, grandmother of Robbi Betesh, by Rachel and Robbi Betesh YAHRTZEIT FUND In Memory of Bonnie Rosner, by Marvin Rosner and Family Elliot Kreeger, by Cookie and Michael Marks Robert Klein, father of Barry Klein, by Marv Rosner and Family Jack and Anna Goldman, by Elaine Snyder Rueben and Ricki Goldman, by Bill Goldman Martin Joseph Gruberg and Jeannette Gruberg, by Harriet Rellis Donna Levy, by Sidney and Audrey Levy Mae Goldman, William Goldman and Jack Goldman, by Arlene Goldman George Kline, beloved husband and Louis Diamond, beloved father, by Mildred Kline June and Bernard Lobe, by Lindsey and Daniel Heller Jerome Myers, Henrietta Hurowitz, Maurice Mittelman and Jeanette Mittelman, by Neil and Susan Mittelman Alex Ginzburg and Simia Ginzburg, by Cecelia Vlahakis YIZKOR FUND In Honor of Diane, Ron, Michael Lebby in honor of Sammy Heller For donations call 215-322-9595 or on-line at P AGE 19 Men’s Club I am pleased to report that the Ohev Shalom Men's Club has made two significant donations to the Synagogue. The first was a $5,000.00 donation to the general operating fund, and the second was a check for $500.00 to help defray the cost of the new stove and ovens in the kitchen. We're excited about the use of the new kitchen devices and look forward to the breakfasts supervised and prepared by our own Vice President of Catering, Chef Jerry Kaplan. This past May the Men's Club hosted a breakfast with speaker Jay Vogda, President and CEO of Nelson Creamery in Royersford, PA. Jay gave us insight to his ice cream manufacturing and distribution company, and brought two great samples for the Men's Club to taste – Dutch Country Vanilla, a great vanilla ice cream, and Bullwinkle, their version of "Moose Tracks", which was a vanilla ice cream with fudge and mini-peanut butter cups. Jay was insightful and entertaining. He also brought two large two gallon tubs of ice cream, chocolate and vanilla, and treated the entire Hebrew School to samples. Nelson’s Ice Cream is the closest ice cream manufacturer to Philadelphia city limits still known for crafting its own mix from fresh milk, cream and flavoring ingredients, and not using pre-made mixes – and with a 16% butterfat content, the ice cream is truly decadent. This has truly been a year with great speakers and programs sponsored by the Men's Club, and with one more breakfast to go with author and Ohev Shalom Congregant Eric Raskin, speaking about his book on poker; this truly was a stellar season. (And right after the breakfast the Men's Club will host its own Texas Holdem' Tournament as a fundraiser.) Last month we also had a great Torah on Tap session with the Rabbi and about 15 attendees. These sessions are open to the entire congregation and are not just limited to Men's Club members. The discussions are timely, informative, and enthusiastic. Generally the sessions focus on the weekly parsha, but our last session, held the week before Pesasch, was especially relevant. It focused on the question – "If you were in Egypt at the time of the departure, would you have chosen to leave?" With 15 attendees the diversity of the answers was fascinating – and then the discussion morphed into "If you were in Germany in the years following when Hitler came to power, would you have chosen to leave?" We're winding down the year with only a few events left – we will be going to the Trenton Thunder Jewish Heritage Night on August 25th. As always there will be excellent kosher catering at the event. And are we are still looking at a closing event. We're starting to plan our programs for next year and we could use more members turning out for our breakfasts as well as volunteers for our Board of Directors, the steering committee of the Men's Club. The Board meets once a month over dinner on a schedule that is convenient for all, and helps to plan programs, as well as other activates relative to our club. Mark Podob (Continued from page 2) know someone in Bucks County to whom they can spread the word. In June, we will set the synagogue calendar for the coming year. Our annual calendar meeting is a bit like Simhat Torah without the Hakafot. While we are completing the synagogue calendar year, we are setting the dates for next year’s events. If you have any ideas of special ways to celebrate our fortieth year or for special programming that would be most fitting, please send me a note at [email protected]. When we celebrate a birthday on the Bimah on Shabbat morning, we give the gift of a Gematria to the celebrant. A Gematria is a Hebrew word that contains letters that add up to the number of that particular birthday. All Hebrew letters have numerical equivalents. Aleph is 1, Bet is 2 and so on. The word coming from the Torah always comes with a message. A word in the Torah that adds up to 40 is the word ובלבu’v’lev. The meaning of this word is “and in the heart.” ובלבu’v’lev is found in Exodus 31:6. G-d is giving instruction on the building of the portable Sanctuary to be used during our forty year journey to the Promised Land. In detailing those involved in the creation of the Sanctuary, G-d says “ And behold, in the hearts of all who are wise hearted, I have placed wisdom that they may make all that I have commanded you.” So many of us feel the importance, the purpose, the beauty, the warmth of our synagogue in our hearts and souls. In our hearts. for sure, we feel the commitment to continue to build our synagogue spiritually for ourselves and for those decades younger than us. We feel in our hearts compelled to sustain our synagogue for us today and for many years to come. Yes, I once thought forty was old if not ancient. My perspective has surely changed. Rather than ominous, I see it as is propitious and promising. I see it as young enough to still need our nurturing, our care and our support. I look forward to celebrating our fortieth anniversary with you in many ways this coming year. Rabbi Ohev Shalom of Bucks County Non Profit Org. 944 Second Street Pike Richboro, PA 18954-1527 Phone: 215-322-9595 Fax: 215-322-8253 POSTAGE PAID UNITED STATES Southampton, PA 18966 Permit No. 164 Return Service Requested Save the Date! Family Game and Fun Day To benefit Inclusion B’Kavod of Ohev Shalom of Bucks County All ages are invited to join us for a day of games, crafts & fun! Sunday, May 3, 2015 immediately following Hebrew School from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Tickets Sold in Advance & at the Door! $10.00 per person/$18.00 per family (up to five people) Includes all activities and Pizza Lunch sponsored by the Ohev Shalom Men’s Club and Ice Cream Dessert sponsored by Alan Shandler! Be a friend of Inclusion B’Kavod! Sponsorships are available for this event! Chavarim: $36.00 Mispachah: $54.00 BFF (Best Friend Forever): $118.00 For Information contact our chairperson Jackson Reiter at 215-322-7679, [email protected], or call Ohev Shalom at 215-322-9595
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