SDD 70' 70' SDD 114TH ST 2009043181 TR A WD 527.99' 2010018241 55' 2010019979 916 114TH ST 55' 10' WD 132.01' ' 2009041281 TR C 1385.15' 3 R= 42 2009042600 .4 7' SDD 2010018241 SDD 2009041283 501.99' FLINT AV 238.23' 10' UWE 65' 69.85' 2009041281 TR B 45.03' 10' WD 55' WD V6068 P295 55' 1' .4 65' 114TH ST SDD 328' 41 0' UNSUBDIVIDED UNSUBDIVIDED WD 200.25' 574.77' SDD 2009041281 TR D 2009042598 WD 209.02' 65' 2009041281 TR E 55' LOCATOR MAP 2 3 4 Miles 528' WD 2009041281 TR F SDD 2009041282 WD SDD 165' 15' DRE 330.27' 2009043181 TR B WD 2009041281 TR H SDD 2010013025 330' 132' WD-CITY PROPERTY 2009041281 TR L 835.13' WD 2009041281 TR G WD 2010005371 TR B 99.88' City Limits Closed/Abandoned by Ordinance WD 639.96' 2010005371 TR A Drainage Easement 200' Park Dedication Deed Plat Dedicated Right-of-Way 102' 1 2010002275 2122.08' Alley Dedication Deed 80' 2009043181 TR C 60' 20' UUE Property Acquisition Deed !! !! !! !! 440' !! !! 60' WD-CITY PROPERTY 132' 116TH ST 87' 2009041284 50' .2 2009041281 TR K 21 35' DRE 50' DRE 50' 1' WD-CITY PROPERTY 425' 55' 1 LEGEND !! 350.09' 55' !! 2009042602 0 !! Property Divestiture Deed Railroad Deed or Spur Easement 2011021536 E P S 915 600' Use License Utility, Access, or Garbage Service Easement Utility Equipment Easement XXX 20' UUE 60' 55' 100' .2 1 1289.91' 21 118TH ST 165' 30' 30' 425' 55' AC - Closed Alley ACE - Access/Public Access Easement ADD - Alley Dedication Deed AUL - Alley Use License BSE - Bus Shelter Easement CAE - Closed Access Easement CDE - Closed Drainage Easement CEE - Communications Equipment Easement CGE - Closed Garbage Service Easement CUE - Closed Utility Easement DD - Dedication Deed DRD - Drainage Ditch Easement DRE - Drainage Easement DUE - Drainage & Underground Utility Easement DWOW - Deed Without Warranty EDE - Emission Disposal Building ESMT - Easement (Unspecified) EUL - Easement Use License EVAE - Emergency Vehicle Access Easement EXCH - Exchange Deed FE - Fence Easement FHE - Fire Hydrant Easement FPE - Fire Line/Protection Easement FSUWE - Fence Setback and Utility Working Easement GD - Gift Deed GFE - Gas Facilities Easement GSE - Garbage Service/Collection Easement GTE - Gas Meter and Telephone Pedestal Easement GWE - Guy Wire Easement IEE - Ingress-Egress Easement JUD - Judgment/Agreed Judgment LNDSE - Landscape Easement LSE - Lift Station Easement LUL - Land Use License MAE - Maintenance Access Easement MHE - Manhole Easement MWP - Monitor Well Permit NAME - Street Name Change OCE - Overhead Communications Line Easement OHE - Overhang Easement OPE - Overhead Power Line Easement OPNSP - Open Space Easement ORD - Ordinance 146' 131' 55' 41.06' ' 80 4. 16 ' SWS & DRE 1832.00 2009042598 SDD 1017 50 100 200 300 400 500 Feet PLEASE VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND RIGHT OF WAY INFORMATION WITH OFFICIAL PLATS AND SEPARATE INSTRUMENT DOCUMENTS. 1252.41' ST N E L L A C O SWS & DRE 225.05' 660.23' UNSUBDIVIDED WD 2009041281 TR I TR A 0 Neighboring Map Number NOTES: 1. All radii are 15' unless otherwise noted. 2. See plat files for curve data and misc. dimensions not shown for clarity. 3. Abbreviations: 4 WD 2009041281 TR J State Deed or Right-of-Way Easement Street Dedication Deed 1323.00 41.17' Section Line Stormwater Line Easement 110' 3 5 440' 55' Right-of-Way Easement 242' 600' 242' 10' UWE 423.64' S E R C A Y ED 2 110' INDIANA AVE 917 Railroad Track 60' 55' 42 WD V5936 P47 200.25' . 42 75' 5' 65' ' SDD 2009035381 654 14' .4 208.04' 26' 42 SDD 2009043182 .4 ³ 55' 42 203.72' 65' UNSUBDIVIDED PAE - Pedestrian Access Easement PDD - Park Dedication Deed PED - Pedestal Easement PETE - Petroleum/Oil Line Easement PFP - Primary Flexibility Point Easement PUDD - Public Use Dedication Easement QCD - Quit Claim Deed REL - Release RES - Resolution ROE - Release of Easement ROW - Right of Way Easement RPZ - Runway Protection Zone Easement RRD - Railroad Deed RSE - Railroad Spur Easement RSV - Easement Reservation SAI - Service Area Interface Easement SBST - Substation Easement SC - Closed Street SDD - Street Dedication Deed SEE - Switching Enclosure Easement SIGN - Sign Easement SKE - Sidewalk Easement SLP - Slope Easement SLT - Salt Water Line Easement SSE - Sanitary Sewer Easement SUL - Street Use License SWE - Underground Stormwater Line Easement SWS - Stormwater Storage Easement TAC - Telephone Apparatus Cabinet Easement TPE - Transformer Pad Easement UCE - Underground Communications Line Easement UE - Utility Easement UEE - Underground Electric Line Easement UGE - Underground Gas Line Easement USE - Underground Street Light Cable Easement UUE - Underground Utility Easement UUPME - Underground Utility, Pedestal, & Meter Easement UVE - Underground Vault Easement UWE - Underground Water Line Easement UWSE - Underground Water & Sewer Line Easement VAC - Vacated Plat WD - Warranty Deed WELL - Well Easement WWE - Underground Waste Water Line Easement Public Works Engineering P O Box 2000 1625 13th Street Lubbock, TX 79457 Reference Scale: 1:1,200 Base Map As required by SECTION 1. CHAPTER 2051, SUBCHAPTER D. GEOSPATIAL DATA PRODUCTS of the Government Code, the City of Lubbock hereby provides notice that the data on this map was created by the City of Lubbock. Any data that appears to represent property boundaries is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. Date: 9/2/2015 ROW SECTIONAL MAP Block-Section 190 E2-21 916
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