Dorot Ag Catalog - JNM Technologies, Inc.
Dorot Ag Catalog - JNM Technologies, Inc.
Dorot Catalogue Agricultural Valves contents 2 Series 80 4 Globe & Angle Irrigation Valves 80-1, 80-3/4” Turf Irrigation Valves 4 6 SERIES GAL 8 Gal Plastic Valves 8 SERIES 100 12 Metal Hydraulic Control Valves Technical Data 12 14 3 SERIES 80 Globe & Angle Irrigation Valves Series 80, the most modern type of valve, was designed especially for greenhouse irrigation systems- as well as turf and field crops irrigation. The Mod.80 valves are equipped with the unique Labyrinth device that eliminates clogging while low- quality water is used. A built-in manual- activation unit allows override of the electric control at any control mode (opening without electric signal, and closure while the valve is operated by the electric controller). An option of Angle-pattern valves is available. Features and Benefits • Simple, reliable and economical • Angle or straight, globe- pattern valve, activated by a fully-supported diaphragm • Durable, corrosion free materials • Unique clog-free labyrinth inlet of the activation water on electric 2-way valves • 3 Position Manual override on electric 2-way valves • Operation at wide range of flow rates, from near zero to the maximal flow • Electric 2-way or hydraulic / electric 3-way actuation • All of the control system’s devices are assembled on the valve’s bonnet. No tubes are connected to the body • Removable flow control stem handle (optional) • Integral stainless-steel EasyClean® filter 4 Solenoid Valve (2-way model) Flow Control Stem (optional) 3 Position Manual Override (2-way model) Labyrinth Restrictor (2-way model) Diaphragm Support Rings Integral SST Filter Diaphragm & Plug Trim Technical Data Dimensions Pressure losses 40mm, 11/2” Pressure loss (3-way valves) 40mm, 11/2” 50mm, 2” Flow Angle Straight Angle Straight gpm m3/h psi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar 22 5 0.19 0.01 0.33 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.19 0.01 44 10 0.75 0.05 1.33 0.09 0.43 0.03 0.75 0.05 88 20 3 0.21 5.33 0.37 1.72 0.12 3 0.21 132 30 6.74 0.46 12 0.83 3.9 0.27 6.74 0.46 176 40 6.9 0.48 12 0.83 Height Width Length - Straight Center to outlet-Angle Angle Straight Angle Straight mm 171 159 171 166 inch 6.73 6.23 6.73 6.54 mm 163 163 163 163 inch 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 mm 88 165 88 165 inch 3.46 6.5 3.46 6.5 kg 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 lbs 1.8 2 1.8 2 A 2” Operation data 2” 1 /1 1 /1 2” psi mwc A, 2” Weight 50mm, 2” 10 8 10 9 8 7 6 6 4 Max. Flow 5 Pressure range 5 4 3 3 Max. Water Temp. 2 Max. Ambient Temp. m3/hr gpm 40mm, 11/2” 50mm, 2” 110 176 25 40 bar 0.5-10 psi 7-150 °C 60 °F 140 °C 52 °F 125 2 1 10 3 2 50 6 7 8 9 100 2-way controlled 4 5 2 6 7 3 3-way controlled 8 3 /h gpm 9 100 m 4 Electrical Specifications • Standard: 24 VAC 50/60 Hz. ±10% Optional: other voltage rating or latching DC operators • Current: 0.26 Amp Inrush; 0.12 Amp holding 5 SERIES 80 80-1, 80-3/4” Turf Irrigation Valves New electric valve for gardens, parks and golf courses Features and Benefits • Simple, reliable and economical • Globe- pattern valve, activated by a fully- supported diaphragm • Durable, corrosion free materials • Unique clog- free labyrinth inlet of the activation water • Operation at wide range of flow rates, from near zero to the maximal flow • Internal bleed manual override opening • Removable flow control stem handle (optional) No filters No cleaning needle 6 Solenoid Flow Control Stem (optional) Manual override Diaphragm Support Ring Flow rectifier Technical Data Dimensions Pressure losses flow 80-3/4” 20mm, 3/4” 25mm, 1” 109 112 inch 4.3 4.4 mm 75 75 inch 3 3 mm 98 103 Pressure loss 80-1” gpm m3/h psi bar psi bar 2.2 0.5 1.42 0.10 1.42 0.10 4.4 1 1.60 0.11 1.42 0.10 8.8 2 1.65 0.11 1.42 0.10 13.2 3 2.90 0.20 1.65 0.11 17.6 4 4.35 0.30 2.61 0.18 22.0 5 6.82 0.47 3.63 0.25 26.4 6 4.83 0.33 30.8 7 6.09 0.42 Height Width Length - Straight Center to outlet-Angle Weight mm inch 3.9 4.1 kg 0.28 0.29 lbs 0.62 0.64 7 6 5 4 3 mwc psi Operation data 3 /4” 25mm 0.5 1” 25mm Max. Flow 0.4 Pressure range 0.3 Max. Water Temp. 0.2 Max. Ambient Temp. 2 0.1 1 2 5 3 10 4 5 2 6 m3/hr gpm 20mm, 3/4” 25mm, 1” 6 10 26 44 bar 0.5-10 psi 7-150 °C 60 °F 140 °C 52 °F 125 7 8 9 10 m3/h 3 4 gpm Electrical Specifications • Standard: 24 VAC 50/60 Hz. ±10% Optional: other voltage rating or latching DC operators • Current: 0.26 Amp Inrush; 0.12 Amp holding 7 SERIES GAL Gal Plastic Valves Description Series 75, “GAL” plastic valves are designed for the control of irrigation systems of field crops, vineyards and orchards. The exceptional hydraulic characteristics of the mod.75 enable very high flow rates, at low head losses. Wide range of control functions, allows the design of the irrigation networks to optimal operation. The uPVC valves, models 95 (threaded) and 96 (solvent welded straight to the pipe) are made for high-flow irrigation plots and flood tables. The direct- attachment to the PVC pipelines, the optional underground installation, save cost of valve configurations and reduce head losses. Unique diaphragm design generates surge- free closure even at high velocities. Model 95 Model 96 Opened Valve Model 96-6 Closed Valve Advantages • Structural simplicity • Superb hydraulic performance • Reliable control of corrosive liquids • Light-weight, cost-saving • Minimum maintenance - maximum dependability Model 75-1-E/D2 Model 75-2-T-E/D2 8 Size Selection Guide This graph provides a guide, based on flow rate and pressure, for the proper selection of valve size. psi mwc psi mwc 140 100 Line Pressure 60 40 30 96-6 95/96-4 95/96-3 75-3 75-2 1 2 75-2 50 75-11 2 60 75-1 80 80 75- 3 4 120 100 40 30 20 #1 #1 #95 20 3w 15 10 10 8 7 2w #22 #22 #21 #21 #22 #95 #96 #22 #21 #21 6 7 5 4 1 2 5 6 7 3 8 9 10 4 5 20 6 7 8 9 10 30 40 20 50 30 40 60 70 80 90 100 50 200 60 70 80 90 100 300 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 mm/h3/h gpm gpm Locate the flow rate on the horizontal axis and draw a line upwards. Locate the line pressure on the vertical axis and draw a line to the right. The intersection point of the two lines marks the appropriate valve size. Example: line pressure 28m (40 psi), flow rate 23 m3/h (100 gpm), appropriate valve = model 75-2”. Principle of Operation 1) 3-Way Control This control device admits pressure into the control chamber, closing the valve, or relieves pressure to the atmosphere, fully opens the valve. 2) 2-WAY ELECTRIC CONTROL Model Selection Table Model Material Connection Size Structural Version Basic Throttling Integral 2-Way Electric Control (Dorot Solenoid) Integral 3-Way Electric Control (Gemsol Solenoid) Throttling + 2-Way Electric Control Dorot Sol. Throttling + 3-Way Electric Control Gemsol inch mm code T E/D2 E/B3 T-E/D2 T-E/B3 3/ 4 20 1 25 ● ● ● ● VALVE OPENED VALVE CLOSED A solenoid operator plugs the control chamber outlet. A permanent connection from the upstream to the control chamber ensures line pressure in the chamber and thus valve closure. Energizing the solenoid operator causes the control chamber to drain to downstream, opening the valve. DE - ENERGIZED VALVE CLOSED ENERGIZED VALVE OPENED 75 GRP TH 1 1 /2 40 2 50 2 1 /2 65 3 80 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 95 uPVC TH 3 80 ● 3 90 96 uPVC SW 4 110 6 160 ● ● ● * Non - Integral Solenoid Abbreviations: GRP = Glass - Reinforced Polyamide ● uPVC = Unplasticized Polyvinil Chloride ● TH = Threaded ● SW = Solvent Welded * For Non-Return Feature, please add “N” - E/D2-N 9 Headloss Chart (Blue area indicates recconended operating range) 2-Way electric control - model 75 3-Way control model 75, 95, 96 1 5 4 3 3 8 7 6 2 1å " 2" 3" 2å" psi mwc 96-6 96-4 1/2 95/96 -3 4 75-3 75-11 /2 6 75-2 75-2 psi mwc 3-WAY CONTROL MODEL 75, 95, 96 8 7 6 ƒ" 1" 5 4 5 2 4 1.5 1 .9 .8 1 .7 3 10 50 60 20 80 30 100 40 150 50 60 200 80 300 200 300 700 900 1300 100 400 500 400 m3/h 1700 gpm 3 m /h 3 2 2 gpm 1 2 Pressure Rating Model 75 Model 75 Model 95/96 Model 96 3 10 Sizes Sizes Sizes Sizes 15 5 6 20 8 10 30 40 50 60 20 30 80 100 40 50 60 m3/h 150 200 gpm 3/4”, 1” - 80m (115 psi) 11/2”, 3” - 100m (145 psi) 3”, 4” - 80m (115 psi) 6” - 80m (115 psi) Specifications Materials 4 Valve: Body Model 75: 30% Glass Reinforced Polyamide Models 95, 96: uPVC Bonnet 30% Glass Reinforced Polyamide Diaphragm Natural Rubber Spring SST 302 Spring Seat Polyamide Nuts And Bolts Coated Steel or SST 304 Solenoid Operator: Coil Polyester-coated Steel Plunger SST Seal BUNA-N or NR Connections Thread: Female ISO (BSP), ANSI (NPT) Solvent Welding: BS 4346.1/ASTM D2467/AS 1477 ISO 727, DIN 8063 Electrical Data 8 Watt Operator: Voltage 24vac 50hz, Others On Request, Inrush Current 1.1a, Holding 0.66a 3 Watt Operator: Voltage 24vac, 50hz/60hz, Others On Request, Inrush Current 0.3 A, Holding 0.15a Note: The Standard Coil is 24 Vac, 50hz. Others On Request The factory reserves the right to modify specifications without prior notice. Dimensions Model 75 75 75 75 75 75 95/96 96 96 10 Size mm 20 25 40 50 65 80 80 110 160 inch 3/ 4 1 1 1 /2 2 2 1 /2 3 3 4 6 mm 113 124 188 199 228 236 258 278 360 L L inch 4 1 /2 4 7 /8 7 3 /8 7 7 /8 9 9 1 /4 101/8 11 14 mm H 70 73 110 110 119 120 195 202 380 H inch 2 3 /4 2 7 /8 4 3 /8 4 3 /8 4 5 /8 4 3 /4 7 5 /8 8 15 H L SERIES GAL Typical Applications plastic Control valves Pressure Reducing Valve Model 80 Made to maintain a constant, preset pressure in greenhouses, turf and open field irrigation plots- regardless of pump pressure or demand variations. Pressure Sustaining / Relief Valve Model 75 The Sustaining valve maintains a constant, preset pressure in the inlet side, to protect pumps in case of excessive demand. It can also be used to prevent pressure drop in supply pipelines, when the flow exceeds the designed value. Relief valve drains water from the main 3-way Electric valve Valve model 75, 1.5”-3” sizes, three-way Electric control. Made for high- flow greenhouse irrigation, especially for control of Flood Tables, and of Field crops irrigation networks that are activated by sophisticated controllers. 11 SERIES 100 Metal Hydraulic Control Valves Features and Benefits • Structural simplicity • Superb design featuring exceptionally low pressure losses at high flow rates • Can be used for regulating from no-flow to maximal flow with no need for additional throttling devices or by-pass valves • For natural liquids, sea water and industrial effluents • A wide selection of materials, coating and diaphragm types • All valve models fit a wide variety of control applications using Dorot pilot valves 12 Main Components Series 100 Pilot valves for superb regulation at high reliability Series 100 Main Components: Technical Data 4 Unique Design Creating low losses at high flow rates 5 Flexible reinforoed Creating low losses diaphragm-no at high flow rates bearing, guides or intemal seals used Unique Sesign Technical Data 1 Pilot valves for Unique Sesign Intemal SST spring: superb regulation at high reliability allows the use of wide range 2 Pilot valves for of diaphragm superb regulation rubber types Main Components: Creating low losses at high flow rates Flexible reinforoed diaphragm-no Wide materials bearing, guides or 6 variety intemal seals used Flexible reinforoed diaphragm-no bearing, guides or intemal seals used at high reliability Intemal SST spring: allows the use of wide range Polymeric coating, of diaphragm UV and corrosion Intemal 3 SST spring: rubber types resistant allows the use of wide range of diaphragm rubber types Polymeric coating, UV and corrosion resistant Wide materials variety Polymeric coating, UV and corrosion resistant Wide materials variety Components Component No. Components Description 1 Body Component No. 10 8 7 9 6 2 4 5 10 8 7 9 6 2 4 5 Description 2 BodyBonnet Bonnet Diaphragm Diaphragm Description Spring Spring Body Spring DiscDisc Bonnet Spring Bolt Diaphragm Bolt Short Bolt Spring Washer Spring Disc Short Bolt Nut Bolt Washer Ring (Hook) Suspension Short Bolt 1 Components 2 3 3 No. Component 44 1 525 63 67 4 785 69 8 10 7 98 1 1 3 3 Nut Washer Nut Suspension Ring (Hook) Suspension Ring (Hook) 9 10 10 9 8 6 5 4 2 1 9 8 6 5 4 2 1 9 8 6 5 4 2 1 9 8 6 5 4 2 1 3 33 3 33 Dorot E V E R Y T H I N G I S U N D E R C O N T R O L 11 Dorot E V E R Y T H I N G I S U N D E R 13 C O N T R O L 11 CONTROL VALVES CONTROL VALVES SERIES 100 Technical Data Available Models: Pattern Connection Threaded Threaded Victaulic® Flanged Flanged Material Cast Iron Bronze Cast Iron Cast Iron Bronze Available Sizes Max. Pressure mm inch 20 3/4” 25 1” 40 11/2” 50 2” 65 21/2” 80 323” 80 3” 100 4” 150 6” 200 868” 200 8” 250 10” 300 12” 350 14” 400 16” 450 18” 500 20” 600 24” Flanged Threaded Victaulic® Threaded Ductile Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron Bronze Flanged 16 bar / 230 psi ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Flanged Threaded Ductile Iron Ductile Iron 25 bar / 360 psi ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Design Specifications: Materials Standard Optional* Connections Standard Optional* Body and Bonnet Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Bronze Cast Steel, Stainless Steel Flanges ISO 2084, 2441, 5752 ANSI B16 JIS B22 AS 10 Diaphragm Natural Rubber NBR, EPDM, Neoprene Spring SST 302 SST 316 Nuts and Bolts Coated Steel Coating Polyester SST Threads F-BSP F-NPT Epoxy, Nylon, Rubber Control Bores 1/8”,1/4”,1/2” NPT Epoxy, Nylon, Rubber * Others Upon Request Non Standard Bonnets: Throttling Bonnet 14 Position Indicating Position Indica Bonnet Diaphragm Selection Table* Diameter mm Type No. inch 20, 25 3/ ”, 1” 4 40 1 1 /2 ” 50, 65 2”, 21/2”, 323” 50HP 2”HP 80, 100 3”, 4” 80HP 100HP 3”HP 4”HP 150 6”, 868 150HP 6”HP 200, 300, 350 8”, 12”, 14” 200HP 8”HP 250 10” 250HP, 400HP, 500HP, 600HP 10”HP, 16”HP, 20”HP, 24”HP, Standard Low Pressure Standard S. Low Pressure Standard Low Pressure S. Low Pressure Extreme High Pressure Standard Low Pressure Extreme High Pressure High Pressure Standard Low Pressure S. Low Pressure Extreme High Pressure Standard Low Pressure Extreme High Pressure Standard Low Pressure High Pressure Low Pressure 18 85 13 82 03 02 12 60 69 32 05 61 70 71 62 09 91 35 72 36 37 63 73 40 50 78 92 Pressure Range mwc 12-160 5-100 12-160 5-50 15-160 7-100 4-50 20-160 10-250 12-160 4-100 20-160 10-250 10-250 15-160 5-100 2-60 20-160 10-250 7-160 2-100 20-160 10-250 7-160 2-100 10-250 2-100 psi 17-230 7-140 17-230 7-70 21-230 10-140 6-70 28-230 15-360 17-230 6-140 28-230 15-360 15-360 21-230 7-140 3-85 28-230 15-360 10-230 3-140 28-230 15-360 10-230 3-140 15-360 3-140 * Standard Diaphragm: Nylon Reinforced Natural Rubber. Optional Materials: Nitrile, EPDM, Neoprene Available Upon Request. ** HP = High Pressure Pressure Rating Pressure rating of series 100 valves is body strength, connection standard and diaphragm type. Pressure rating of valve body of standard models: 16 Bar / 230 psi. Pressure rating of valve body of high pressure models: 25 Bar / 360 psi. Connection standard is marked on the identification plate, assembled on the valve body. Diaphragms operation pressure range is presented at the above table. 15 SERIES 100 Technical Data L D H Dimensions and Weights w Straight Flow, Threaded Connection L Valve Size mm 20 25 40 50 65 80LF* 80 H Cast Iron inch 3/ 4 1 1 1 /2 2 2 1 /2 323 3 mm 115 120 170 188 219 225 316 Bronze inch 4.53 4.72 6.69 7.4 8.62 8.86 12.44 mm 112 119 149 184 212 221 316 Cast Iron inch 4.41 4.69 5.87 7.24 8.35 8.7 12.44 mm 43 52 93 115 118 126 135 D Bronze inch 1.69 2.05 3.66 4.53 4.65 4.96 5.31 mm 43 52 86 101 109 116 135 inch 1.69 2.05 3.39 3.98 4.29 4.57 5.31 mm 20 24 33 42 46 54 53 Weight W inch 0.79 0.94 1.3 1.65 1.81 2.13 2.09 mm 68 68 93 112 112 112 200 Cast Iron inch 2.68 2.68 3.66 4.41 4.41 4.41 7.87 kg 1 1 2.2 3.2 3.6 4.5 11 lbs 2.2 2.2 4.9 7 7.9 9.9 24 Bronze kg 1 1 1.8 2.6 3.4 3.9 lbs 2.2 2.2 4 5.7 7.5 8.5 * LF = Low Flow mm 26 33 47 47 60 82 inch 1.02 1.3 1.85 1.85 2.36 3.23 Angle Flow, Grooved Connection (Vic.) Valve Size mm inch 80 3 100 4 H mm 240 250 D inch 9.45 9.84 mm 170 185 inch 6.69 7.28 H mm 110 136 165 239 D inch 4.33 5.35 6.5 9.41 mm 75 90 114 145 inch 2.95 3.54 4.49 5.71 16 H mm 278 300 380 D inch 10.9 11.8 15 mm 174 185 230 Weight kg lbs 1.8 4 2.6 5.7 3 6.6 11 24.3 12 26.4 31 68.3 inch 7.87 7.87 Weight kg lbs 10.5 23.1 11.5 25.4 inch 3.66 4.41 4.41 7.87 Weight kg lbs 1.7 3.7 2.4 5.3 3.6 7.9 10.8 23.8 W mm 93 112 112 200 Angle Flow, Flanged Connection Valve Size mm inch 80 3 100 4 150 6 inch 3.66 4.41 4.41 7.87 7.64 11.81 W mm 200 200 Angle Flow, Threaded Connection Valve Size mm inch 40 1.5 50 2 80LF 323 80 3 W mm 93 112 112 200 194 300 W inch 6.85 7.28 9.06 mm 200 230 300 L w w H D inch 3.19 3.94 4.72 4.88 5.24 9.84 w Weight inch 7.87 9.06 11.8 kg 18 21 45 lbs 39.7 46.3 99.2 H mm 81 100 120 124 133 250 D H inch 6.97 7.48 7.91 11.26 12.48 15.43 D L mm 177 190 201 286 317 392 H Valve Size mm inch 40 1.5 50 2 80 323 80LF 3 100 4 150 6 D Straight Flow, Grooved Connection (Vic.) Straight Flow, Flanged Connection - Standard Models 16 Bar / 230 psi Valve Size mm 50 80LF 80 100 150 200LF 200 250 300 350 L inch 2 323 3 4 6 868 8 10 12 14 H mm 200 200 285 305 390 385 460 535 580 580 inch 7.87 7.87 11.22 12.01 15.35 15.16 18.11 21.06 22.83 22.83 mm 166 202 200 230 314 350 400 445 495 495 D inch 6.54 7.95 7.87 9.06 12.36 13.78 15.75 17.52 19.49 19.49 inch 3.35 4.13 4.13 4.33 5.71 6.69 6.69 8.07 9.45 10.6 mm 166 200 200 230 300 365 365 440 490 540 w Cast Iron inch 6.54 7.87 7.87 9.06 11.8 14.4 14.4 17.3 19.3 21.3 kg 7.2 11 17 22 46 50 80 117 156 182 Duct. Iron lbs 15.8 24.3 37.5 48.5 101 110 176 258 344 401 kg 7.7 11.8 18.2 24 49 54 86 125 167 172 L Bronze lbs 17 26 40.1 53 108 119 190 276 368 379 kg 8 lbs 17.6 19 24 51 42 53 112 89 131 147 180 196 289 324 397 w D D H H L mm 85 105 105 110 145 170 170 205 240 270 Weight W Straight Flow, Flanged Connection - High Pressure Models 25 Bar / 360 psi Valve Size mm 50 50TH 80 100 150 200 250 400 450 500 600 L inch 2 2TH 3 4 6 8 10 16 18 20 24 mm 228 250 310 356 436 530 636 715 715 900 900 H inch 8.98 8.98 12.2 14.02 17.17 20.87 25.04 28.15 28.15 35.43 35.43 mm 169 120 237 263 378 481 546 830 830 970 970 D inch 6.65 6.65 9.33 10.35 14.88 18.94 21.5 32.68 32.68 38.19 38.19 mm 85 42 105 120 150 180 215 310 340 490 490 W inch 3.35 1.65 4.13 4.72 5.91 7.09 8.46 12.2 13.39 19.29 19.29 mm 175 175 200 260 320 400 495 830 830 980 980 Weight inch 6.9 6.9 7.87 10.24 12.6 15.75 19.49 32.68 32.68 38.58 38.58 kg 10 6 30 38 75 123 190 433 460 674 696 lbs 22 13 66.1 83.8 165.3 271 419 955 1014 1486 1534 * TH = Threaded w L w H D D H L 17 SERIES 100 Technical Data Hydraulic Performance mm 20 3/ inch 4 m3/hr 6 Max. Flow Continuance gpm 26.4 m3/hr 16 Max. Flow Intermittent gpm 72 m3/hr Minimal Flow gpm Kv m3/hr @ 1 bar 17 Cv gpm @ 1 psi 20 Kv* m3/hr @ 1 bar Cv* gpm @ 1 psi Valve Size 25 1 10 44 27 120 40 1 1 /2 25 110 68 300 50 2 40 176 109 480 65 2 1 /2 40 176 109 480 80 323 40 176 109 480 80LF 3 90 396 245 1080 100 4 100 440 273 1200 17 20 - 64 75 - 95 110 78 91 95 110 - 95 110 - 170 200 120 140 220 260 200 230 150 200LF 6 868 350 350 1540 1540 955 955 4200 4200 <1 <5 600 670 700 780 550 640 - 200 250 8 10 480 970 2112 4268 1309 2645 5760 11640 300 12 1400 6160 3818 16800 350 14 1400 6160 3818 16800 400 16 2500 11000 6818 30000 450 18 2500 11000 6818 30000 500 20 3890 17116 10609 46680 600 24 5500 24200 10609 46680 800 930 800 930 1900 2220 - 1900 2220 - 2600 3030 2600 3030 2600 3030 2600 3030 4600 5370 4600 5370 4600 5370 4600 5370 1250 1460 1300 1520 * High pressure models P(Bar) = 3 3 2 ) P(Psi) = ( Q[gpm] Cv 2 ) 24” 20”, 18” 14” 16”, 12”, 10” 8” 6”, 8 4” 3” 68 1/2” ” 1 1/2 2”, 2 1” 3/4” psi mwc 10 9 8 10 7 9 8 6 7 5 6 4 5 4 m3 2 Q[ hr ] Kv , 323 Headloss Chart ( 2 1 10 100 10 5000 m3/hr 1000 100 1000 10000 gpm Cavitation Data psi bar 25 Upstream Pressure 350 Cavitation zone 300 20 Safe zone for Bronze valves 250 200 15 Safe operation zone 150 10 100 5 50 0 0 1 10 20 2 30 3 40 4 50 5 60 70 Downstream Pressure 18 6 80 90 7 100 110 8 bar psi SERIES 100 Typical Applications Pressure Reducing Valve Series 100 PR PR Pressure Reducing Valve Description The valve maintains a preset downstream pressure, regardless of upstream pressure or flow rate fluctuation. The main valve is controlled by either a 3-way pilot valve (allowing full opening when upstream pressure drops below the pressure set-point), or by a 2-way pilot valve (creating a minimal differential in open position). 5 4 1 2 3 4 Main valve Self-flushing filter Features Cock valve* • Accurate, stable control from no-flow to full flow Description Manual over-ride • Simple and reliable design The valve maintains a preset downstream pressure, selector valve* regardless of upstream pressure or5flow rate fluctuation. 3-way pilot valve • Exceptionally low losses at high flow The main valve is controlledPS by either a(other 3-way pilot valve Series 100 types are optional) • WRAS Approval no. 04251 3 2 Pressure Sustaining & Relief Valve (allowing full opening when upstream pressure drops below the pressure set-point), or by a 2-way pilot valve (creating * Optional component a minimal differential in open position). Optional Control System Components: Features Accurate, stable control from no-flow to full flow PS Pressure Sustaining & ••Relief Valve Simple and reliable design 1 Main Valve 2 Self-flushing filter 3 Cock valve* • Exceptionally low losses at high flow • WRAS Approval no. 04251 Description 1 The valve maintains upstream pressure, regardless Purchase Specifications of flow rate variations. The valve willThe bevalve in will the be hydraulic, direct sealing diaphragm type, which allows inline maintenance. No stem, shaft or guide “closed” position if the upstream pressure drops bearing will be located within the water passage. below the set-point and will fully open Thewhen valve will the be activated by the line pressure or by an 1 Main valve external hydraulic or pneumatic pressure. The valve will upstream pressure exceeds the set-point. 2 Self-flushing filter 5 * Optional component 4 be operated by a pressure reducing pilot valve to achieve valve* constant outlet pressure, regardless3ofCock upstream pressure 4 controls Manual or flow variations. The valve and the willover-ride be a Accurate, stable control from no-flow to full flow Dorot Series 100 valve or similar in all selector aspects. valve* Simple and reliable design 5 3-way pilot valve Description (other types are optional) Quick Sizing Exceptionally low losses at high flow The valve maintains upstream pressure, regardless Features • • • 4 Manual over-ride selector valve* 5 3-way pilot valve (other types are optional) 3 2 Series flow size rate100 variations. The valve will be in the Modulating Float Controlled Valve • ofValve same as lineFL or one size smaller * Optional component position if the upstream pressure drops • "closed" Maximum flow speed for continuous operation below the set-point and will fully open when the 5.5 m/sec (18 ft/sec) upstream pressure exceeds the set-point. Design Considerations • Features The valve should be suited for the maximal flow and allowed headloss • Accurate, stable control from no-flow to full flow • In case upstream pressure may drop to the required set • Simple and reliable design pressure, select 3-way control pilot • Exceptionally low losses at high flow • pressurelocated differentials may cause cavitation damage. floatLarge valve, Consult Dorot for solutions if such conditions are expected Purchase Specifications the required FL Modulating Float Controlled Valve Description The main valve is controlled by a in the tank or reservoir and set at The valve will be hydraulic, direct sealing diaphragm maximum water level. The valve maintains the type, which allows inline maintenance. No stem, maximum level continuously. shaft or guide bearing will be located within the Dorot water passage. TheEvalve activated V willEbe R Y Tby the H Features CONTROL VALVES Optional Control System Components: 1 Main Valve 2 Self-flushing filter 3 Cock valve* Typical Application *Dorot Optional component Pressure Reducing Valve reduces varying supply pressure to a stabilized downstream pressure. 5 4 I N G I S 1 Main valve line pressure or by an external hydraulic or pneumatic pressure. The valve will be operated a pressure 2 by Self-flushing filter Accurate and repeatable level control sustaining pilot valve to maintain3constant Cock inlet valve* Simple and reliable design pressure, regardless of flow variations. The valve 4 Needle valve Easy installation and maintenance and the controls will be a Dorot Series 100 valve 5 Modulating float or similar in all aspects. Description Adjusts the inlet flow to the reservoir’s outlet flow • • • • • WRAS Approval no. 0009092 • • • • • Accurate and repeatable level control Design Simple andConsiderations reliable design • The valve should suited for the maximal flow Easy installation andbemaintenance and allowed Adjusts the inletheadloss flow to the reservoir's outlet flow • Check for possible cavitation conditions and WRAS Approval no. 0009092 consult Dorot in case such conditions are expected Purchase Specifications The valve will be hydraulic, direct sealing diaphragm type, which allows inline maintenance. No stem, shaft or guide U N D E R C O3 N T R O L 3 pilot valve The main valve is controlled by a float valve, located in the Quick Sizing * Optional tank or reservoir and set at the required maximum component water level. valve the maximum continuously. • The Valve sizemaintains same as line or one sizelevel smaller • Maximum flow speed for continuous operation 5.5 m/sec (18 ft/sec) Features 4 Manual over-ride selector valve* 5 3-way pilot valve (other types are optional) 2 1 Optional Control System Components: 1 2 3 Main Valve 4 Needle valve Self-flushing filter 5 Modulating float pilot valve Typical Application Cock valve* Dorot Pressure Relief Valve relieving pump surplus flow from the system, thus preventing high pressure at low demand conditions. * Optional component 19 DOROT AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVES Founded in 1946, DOROT is a leading developer, manufacturer, and marketer of a wide range of superior quality control valves. DOROT’s experienced Research & Development Dept. has a long tradition of generating innovative solutions for the application of water control systems. These include: waterworks distribution networks, sewage and effluent disposal, fire protection, mining, and irrigation systems. DOROT’s commitment to excellence begins with using the highest quality materials. The company’s engineering experts are constantly working to provide customers with a broad range of valve patterns and sizes in a wide variety of metals and grades including: Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Cast Steel, SST, Bronze, Marine Bronze, Polyamide and P.V.C. The experts at DOROT custom-design each valve application according to specific control requirements. Most of the production process, which includes, machining, and coating, takes place in modern in-house facilities. Before leaving the factory, each product is hydraulically tested. An advanced testing laboratory simulates the anticipated field conditions. With distribution in more than 70 countries world-wide, a key component of the DOROT difference is its outstanding customer service. This includes field assistance, technical advice, training programs and follow-up consultations. It is all of these factors that make DOROT a leader in fluid control technology and customer satisfaction. w w w. d o r o t . c o m • E - m a i l : i n f o _ d @ d o r o t . c o m
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2-FLD Data Busbar (32A, 250V, L/N/PE, 150x40mx1000/2000m)
3-FLD Data Busbar, Internal Corner Kit (32A, 250V, L/N/PE, 150x40mm)
4-FLD Data Busbar, External Corner Kit (32A, 250V, L/N/PE, 150x40mm)
UPVC Valves
The uPVC valves, models 95 (threaded) and 96 (solvent welded directly to the pipe) are made for high-flow irrigation plots and flood tables. The
direct- attachment to the PV...