Multiple particle break-up studies in neutron rich Li isotopes
Multiple particle break-up studies in neutron rich Li isotopes
Multiple particle break-up studies in neutron rich Li isotopes M. Madurga MAGISOL collaboration meeting, January 18-19, 2007 MMF13 β-delayed break-up of 11Li Qβ=20.4 MeV T1/2=8.5 ms 3/2- 20.4 11Be 10Be+n d energy distribution γ & n →The 0.50 MeV 1974 17.9 11Li β may depend on the halo wave 97% function. 9Be+2n 7.31 MeV 1979 Charged particles (and n) →β -strength distribution: core6He+α+n and halo components? 7.90 MeV K Riisager, NPA 616(1997)169 ∼0.3% 15.72 MeV d spectrum 17.91 MeV n 1996 8.9 2α+3n 7.9 1980 1983 9Li+d 8Li+t 6He+α+n n 2α+3n 8.98 MeV Better knowledge of BGT of 1980 ∼3%9 Li and 11Li is needed 8Li+t Charged Obtain the particles 9Li+d 15.7 γ 0 9Be γ 1/2+ 11Be 0.5 3/2- 7.3 0+ 10Be Diapositiva 2 MMF13 El nucleo que estudiamos el 11Li se encuentra junto a la linea de goteo de neutrones, cuyas dos caracteristicas mas notables es la presencia de un halo dineutronico y la variedad de canales de desintegracíon que presenta. El alto valor de Qbeta hace que todos (mostrar) estos canales sean energeticamente posibles, con lo que desde el descubrimiento del 11Li se espero obervarlos. Las fechas muestran el año de primera observacion del canal. Primeos canales, desintegracion beta seguida de gammas y emision de neutron seguida de gammas. Este modo de desintegracion ha sido muy umportante para estudiar el 10Be. En el segundo grupo tenemos la ruptura de los niveles, tanto secuencial, en 10be como directa EL ultmo grupo es el de lso 2 canales que no eiten neutrones. Desintegracion del nivekl a 18 MeV de 11Be. El espectro de deuterones es especialmente interesante para detereminar si la desinegracion es traves de 11be (beta en el core) o directa (beta del halo). Miguel Madurga Flores; 11/05/2006 MMF14 Experimental set-up •Charged particle detection: •4 DSSSD’s + thick silicon pads •Compact cubic geometry: 4x 4% 4π •Neutron detection: •TONERRE time of flight. 20% 4π Diapositiva 3 MMF14 Miguel Madurga Flores; 06/02/2006 Break-up of the 2.43 MeV state Eα (coincidences) Eα Eα En vs Esum 7% branch to 8Be(gs) E(9Be)=1.57+Esum D.R. Tilley et al., NPA 745(2004)155 Proposed decay through 8Be(2+) Y.S. Chen et al., NPA 146(1970)136 Y. Prezado et al., PLB 618(2005)43 Monte-Carlo simulations R-matrix formalism Γ ( e' ) / 2 2 low energies P (e − e' ) / at Detector efficiency 2 2 ) − ( Γaccount / 2) (e0 '− Δ − e' ) 2 − ( Γ( e' ) / 2) 2 has to be(etaken 0 − Δ − einto w( e, e' ) = f β (Qβ − e) O.V. Bockarev et al., NPA(505)(1989)215 Hyper-spherical harmonics L=3 DSSSD2 Neutron TOF spectrum PRELIMINARY 8Be(2+) 200 5He(gs) 1000 β 600 n 400 10 4 10 3 10 2 Low gate Direct DSSSD2 gated n(tof)-spectrum 800 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Zone 1: 200Æ350 keV Zone 2: 760Æ5650 keV 0 100 200 300 400 500 140 120 High gate 100 10 80 200 60 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Core+Halo decay •Obtain the 11Li BGT distribution at energies above 10.6 MeV. ? H.O.U. Fynbo, NPA 736(2004)37 M.J.G. Borge et al. NPA 613 (1997) 119 BGT known from •Comparison withβ-γ-n the 9Li experiments distribution. MMF3 β-delayed charged particle emission 11Li Coincidence spectra M. Langevin et al., NPA 366(1981) 449 EvsE plot Sum spectrum Diapositiva 8 MMF3 In the plot is show the data in the back to back geometry. It is clearly seen between the two black lines the three body decay through an intermediate state. If we take now all data and project the sum energy of the two charged particles we get an spectrum similar to the one obtained 25 years ago, expected as langevin had two detectors in close geometry as we have in our set-up. The two main peaks, coincide with the following regions (show) in the e vs e spectrum. Miguel Madurga Flores; 06/02/2006 α-α & α-6He resonance states ¾No evidence of feeding the 8Be(gs) or 8Be(2+). α-α ¾The high energy peak corresponds to the 9.5 MeV state in 10Be E(10Be)= E(α-6He)+7.4 α-6He (MeV) α-6He α-α in 9Be 700 600 500 400 300 gs 2+ 200 100 α-α (MeV) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 MMF1 11Be break-up: Charged particle coincidence spectrum -M. Langevin et al., NPA 366(1981) 449 -M.J.G. Borge et al. NPA 613 (1997) 119 Diapositiva 10 MMF1 En el esquema de niveles se muestra en rojo los niveles que Langevin propone para explicar el esspectro suma. Los dos picos corresponden a la desintegracion de un nivel estrecho a 9.4 MeV en 10Be, canal a 3 particulas y canal a 5 pariticulas, mientras que el fondo suave correspondera a la desinegracion directa a 5 particulas del nivel a 18 MeV en 11Be. Nuestro objetivo es corroborar esta afirmacion, pero incluyendo una descripcion mas precisa mediate simulaciones. Miguel Madurga ; 07/12/2006 Break-up of 11Be(18.5) 10 3 10 2 10 SIMULATION DATA α+6He+ n 2α+3n ¾Breitt-Wigner shape (fermi function included): Γ=200 keV ¾Excellent agreement with the sum spectrum 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ¾EvsE scatter plot poorly reproduced The 7He channel 9The shape hints mass-7/mass-4 involvement P2 m2 P2 m2 E1 = = = E2 2m1 m1 2m2 m1 M. Meister et al. PRL 88(2002)102501 7/4 4/7 α-6He-n Break-up through 7He(gs) R-matrix formalism 7/4 10 3 9Scatter plot shape 4/7 9High energy end of sum energy spectrum 10 2 10 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 7He and 11Be spectra analysis 14 6HeÅÆα 12 10 8 →The 6He-α relative energy indicates low (if any) presence of the first two states in 7He decaying into 6He+α 6 E(11Be) MeV 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 →The exctitation spectrum implies that the 18.5 MeV state do not 11Be decay through low-lying states in 7He 11Be E 11 Be = Eoffset ⎛ m + m2 ⎞ 2 ⎟⎟ P + ⎜⎜ 1 ⎝ 2m1m2 ⎠ ⎛ m2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ E1 E 11 Be = Eoffset + ⎜⎜ ⎝ m1 + m2 ⎠ 20 17.5 15 12.5 10 7.5 Eoffset=8Æ9.28 MeV 5 2.5 α-6He 0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2α3n Break-up through 7He ¾Test of different mechanisms 2α3n break-up ¾The EvsE scatter plot shape do not match the experimental data Summary and conclusions on the break-up of the 18.5 MeV state • Pure phase-space decay cannot explain the EvsE scatter plot • The shape of the EvsE scatter plot hints possible role of 7He intermediate states – The E(11Be) rules out the 7He channel in the 6He-α-n decay of the 18.5 MeV state. – Possible decay of lower energy states? – R-Matrix formalism not appropriate? MMF9 Break-up of 11Be(10.5) 10 3 Simulated channels (red=sum) 11Be*(10.56)Æ10Be*(9.48)+nÆ6He+α+n 10 11Be*(10.56)Æ10Be*(9.48)+nÆ2α+3n 2 10 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Diapositiva 17 MMF9 with this data we performed a simulation with the known alpha-alpha and 6he and alpha channels. in ths data we can see the contribution through the 9.5 meV level into 6he+alpha, and the decay of this level into 4 particles. on the contrary the break-up into 5 particles of the 18.15 level in 11be is this broad (show) distribution. Miguel Madurga Flores; 06/02/2006 Energy reconstruction problems 40000 E(6He) E(α) 20000 35000 17500 30000 15000 25000 12500 20000 10000 15000 7500 10000 5000 5000 2500 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 0 1800 E(6He) E(α) ¾Particle identification based on energy discrimination. E(6He)<E(α) 0 500 1000 7000 1500 2000 2500 1400 E(11Be) 6000 1200 5000 1000 4000 800 3000 600 2000 400 1000 200 0 9.4 9.6 9.8 10 E(11Be) 10.2 10.4 10.6 10.8 11 11.2 0 Low energy tail! 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 MMF19 The 6He+α+n channel Non-interfering Multiple-level single-channel R-matrix formalism w(e, e' ) = f β (Qβ − e) P (e − e' ) / 2 Γ (e' ) / 2 (e0 − Δ − e) 2 − (Γ / 2) 2 (e0 '−Δ − e' ) 2 − (Γ(e' ) / 2) 2 11Be excitation energy 10Be excitation energy Parameters: ln=11 Γ(e)=2P(e)γ2 γ2(10.56) = 0.210 MeV2 γ2(9.48) = 0.045 MeV3 45 140 40 120 35 100 30 80 25 20 60 15 40 10 20 0 1 Y. Hirayama et al., PLB 611(2005)239 2. F. Ajzenberg-Selove et al., PRC 17(1978)1283 3. D.R.Tilley et al., NPA 745 (2004) 458 5 9 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 0 10 11 12 13 14 Diapositiva 19 MMF19 using two resonances in the single-channel aproximation of R-matrix theory The transition probablity depends on the The fitting for the 9.5 MeV sate in 10Be is good, and if we implement the neutron energy to reconstruct the 11be energy the fit is not as good and we can see a contribution at high energies that must be due to feeding from levels at energies above the 10.6 considered in this analysis. Miguel Madurga Flores; 06/02/2006 New decay simulations 45 45 45 120 What can we do? E(11Be) 40 4040 1. Increase the level’s width. ¾ reasonable agreement 2. Add new levels. ¾ Ratio adjusted to reproduce the shape 100 35 3535 30 3030 80 2525 25 60 2020 20 1515 15 40 11.4 1010 10 5 0 20 55 000 9.5 10.6 10 10.5 11 10 10 11 10 11 11 11.5 12 12 12 12.5 13 1313 13 13.5 141414 14 15 85% 1.4 MeV More levels? 15% 1.4 MeV 11Be n 9.5 10Be Summary • Objectives: • 9Li – Complete the knowledge about the 9Li and 11Li β-decay. – Study the β-delayed 11Li d spectrum. β-decay – The simulated alpha coincidence and singles spectra favor the democratic break-up described by hyper-spherical harmonics (L=3) of the 2.43 MeV levl in 9Be. – The preliminary analysis of the neutron tof spectrum favors the sequential decay through the tail of the first excited state in 8Be • 11Li β-decay – Decay of the 18.5 MeV state in 11Be: The pure phase-space break-up cannot explain the EvsE scatter plot. The shape hints the role of 7He resonances, although no direct evidence of 6He-α-n break-up is found – Decay through the 10Be 9.5 MeV resonance: The simulations indicate the role of a 11.4 MeV level in 11Be. β-delayed break-up of 9Li Y. Prezado et al., PLB 618(2005)43 9LiÆ9BeÆ2α+n •Successfully determined spin and parity of levels y 9Be. •New level at 5 MeV determined •Break- up of the 2.43 MeV not thoroughly studied 7% branch to 8Be(gs) D.R. Tilley et al., NPA 745(2004)155 Proposed decay through 8Be(2+) Y.S. Chen et al., NPA 146(1970)136 Astrophysical interest: α(αn,γ)9Be and 9Be(α,n)12C 5/2- 11.2 MeV 1/2- 8.9 MeV 3/2- 8.4 MeV α 7He+α n 7.9 MeV 6He+α+n 5/2- 11.2 MeV 3n α 9.7 MeV 2+ 1/2- 8.9 MeV 3/2- 8.4 MeV 7He+α 2n 3n 8.9 MeV α+3n n 7.9 MeV 6He+α+n 11.4 1.4 MeV 10.4 n 11Be 9.5 10Be
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