ECOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF WATER BODIES IN SPAIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND EU IMPLEMENTATIONS Antalya 17 -20 November - 2014 Alfredo Corrochano Codorníu CONTENTS River Basin Disitricts Water Bodies Ecological status Reference conditions Design of WFD monitoring networks QA/QC tools River Basin Districts 3 River Basin Districts - Competences State vs Regions 4 Surface Water Bodies – 1st RBD Management Cycle RIVER BASIN DISTRICT RIVERS LAKES NORTE 478 GALICIA COSTA CUENCAS INTERNAS PAIS VASCO 20 ARTIFICIAL 64 5 436 30 0 34 14 0 DUERO 297 6 50 6 TAJO 183 1 85 49 GUADIANA 137 32 79 13 GUADALQUIVIR 273 4 52 0 CUENCA MEDITERRANEA ANDALUZA 82 3 37 3 CUENCA ATLÁNTICA ANDALUZA 88 4 15 10 SEGURA 64 1 23 4 JUCAR 227 10 78 1 EBRO 592 59 138 5 CUENCAS INTERNAS DE CATALUÑA 225 54 35 0 3 0 2 197 700 98 BALEARES TOTAL 5 HMWB 3.116 Water bodies identification criteria - Rivers • Hydrological criteria: (average flow > 100 l/s) 100 l/s • Geographical criteria: (catchment area > 10 Km2) 10 • Hydrological criteria: (>75% months with flow 0) 3.116 WB 6 Average size 21 Km Median size 13 Km P km2 Water bodies identification criteria – Lakes • Initial criteria: size > 50 ha But some high ecological quality ecosystems were excluded so… Additional criteria: size > 8 ha and depth > 3 m New water bodies considered: i.e. La Caldera • Other water bodies with special interest included 197 WB 7 Average size 0,95 Km2 Median size 0,21 Km2 RIVERS – TYPES OF WATER BODIES Número 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Denominación Ríos de llanuras silíceas del Tajo y Guadiana Ríos de la depresión del Guadalquivir Ríos de las penillanuras silíceas de la Meseta Norte Ríos mineralizados de la Meseta Norte Ríos manchegos Ríos silíceos del piedemonte de Sierra Morena Ríos mineralizados mediterráneos de baja altitud Ríos de la baja montaña mediterránea silícea Ríos mineralizados de baja montaña mediterránea Ríos mediterráneos con influencia cárstica Ríos de montaña mediterránea silícea Ríos de montaña mediterránea calcárea Ríos mediterráneos muy mineralizados Ejes mediterráneos de baja altitud Ejes mediterráneo-continentales poco mineralizados Ejes mediterráneo-continentales mineralizados Grandes ejes en ambiente mediterráneo Ríos costeros mediterráneos Ríos Tinto y Odiel Ríos de serranías béticas húmedas Ríos cantabro-atlánticos silíceos Ríos cantabro-atlánticos calcáreos Ríos vasco-pirenaicos Gargantas de Gredos-Béjar Ríos de montaña húmeda silícea Ríos de montaña húmeda calcárea Ríos de alta montaña Ejes fluviales principales cantabro-atlánticos silíceos Ejes fluviales principales cantabro-atlánticos calcáreos Ríos costeros cantabro-atlánticos Pequeños ejes cantabro-atlánticos silíceos Pequeños ejes cantabro-atlánticos calcáreos LAKES – TYPES OF WATER BODIES Núm. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Denominación Alta montaña septentrional, dimíctico, aguas ácidas Alta montaña septentrional, dimíctico, aguas alcalinas Alta montaña septentrional, frío monomíctico, aguas ácidas Alta montaña septentrional, frío monomíctico, aguas alcalinas Alta montaña septentrional, temporal, aguas ácidas Media montaña, cálido monomíctico, aguas ácidas Media montaña, cálido monomíctico, aguas alcalinas Media montaña, frío monomíctico, aguas alcalinas Alta montaña meridional, frío monomíctico, aguas ácidas Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, de origen fluvial, tipo llanura de inundación Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, de origen fluvial, tipo meandro abandonado Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, permanente, profundo, salino Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, permanente, profundo, no salino Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, permanente, somero, salino Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, permanente, somero, no salino Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, temporal, salino Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, temporal, no salino, aguas ácidas Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, temporal, no salino, aguas alcalinas Interior en cuenca de sedimentación, asociado a turberas alcalinas Litoral tipo marjal Litoral en complejo dunar, permanente Litoral en complejo dunar, temporal Cárstico, calcáreo, hipogénico Cárstico, calcáreo, hipogénico, tipo ojo o ullal Cárstico, calcáreo, mixto Cárstico, calcáreo, temporal Cárstico, evaporitas, hipogénico, grande Cárstico, evaporitas, hipogénico, pequeño ECOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION SCHEMA REFERENCE CONDITIONS – SPATIALLY BASED UNDISTURBED CONDITIONS OR MINIMALLY DISTURBED CONDITIONS Selection criteria GIS Project: IMPRESS, CORINE, REFCON Guidance and IC Reference conditions. RBD sharing types of WB Only 6 types are not shared between RBDs Need for coordination Nº RBD SHARING THE TYPE 9 8 7 N RBD 6 Types Present in 1 RBD 6 Present in 2 RBD 10 Present in 3 RBD 4 Present in 4 RBD 4 Present in 5 RBD 2 Present in 6 RBD 4 Present in 7 RBD 1 Present in 8 RBD 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 TYPE DISTRIBUTION OF REFERENCE SITES: Rivers REFERENCE CONDITIONS – LEGAL FRAMEWORK Design of monitoring networks Environmental management Data needs Objectives Information needed Available resources Strategy Definition Monitoring Program Redefine Monitoring Program Design Type Census Deterministic Probabilistic Statistical Design Criteria Nº of water bodies Water Bodies Frequency Management Criteria Sampling protocol Parameters - QEs Location of stations Assessment of results Decision making process Management Lab procedures Information management MONITORING PROGRAMMES (WFD) SURVEILLANCE Overview of water status within each RBD and long term changes . 1.576 sites in Rivers, 125 in lakes y 412 en reservoirs. OPERATIONAL WBs identified at risk. 1.462 in rivers, 91 in lakes y 312 en reservoirs REFERENCE CONDITIONS Establishment of the reference conditions for each water body type (267 monitoring sites in rivers) Data for the management of water bodies based on information with enough Quality and Comparability SURVEILLANCE MONITORING NETWORK – RIVERS AND LAKES QA/QC TOOLS Sampling protocols and common aggregation rules (indicators, spatial and temporal) TAXAGUA and ID –TAX Common database and validation rules Lay out of data – Managers and public Although most data gathering disciplines treat error as an embarrassing issue to be expunged, the error inherent in [spatial] data deserves closer attention and public understanding …because error provides a critical component in judging fitness for use. (Chrisman, 1991). SAMPLING PROTOCOLS: RIVERS Includes sampling and lab procedures Invertebrates: Quantitative Sampling Protocol (20 kicks) based on UNE EN 16150:2012 Guidance on pro-rata Multi-Habitat sampling of benthic macro-invertebrates from wadeable rivers. Non-wadeable rivers shore sampling (30 kicks) Phytobenthos: Sampling protocol based on UNE EN 13946 – Guidance for the routine sampling and pretreatment of benthic diatoms from rivers Macrophytes: Sampling protocol based on 14184:2004 – Guidance standard for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in running waters. Fish fauna. Electrofishing based on UNE-EN 14011:2003 Sampling of fish with electricity SAMPLING PROTOCOLS: LAKES Phytoplankton: Integrate samples from 2,5 * SD depth based on Draft proposal for “Water Quality - Guidance on quantitative and qualitative sampling of phytoplankton from inland waters” (CEN TC 230 / WG 2 / TG 3/ N118 15/04/2008). Invertebrates: Two sampling techniques: ABCO: multi-habitat sampling with a hand-net of 100 µm mesh size. RIC: multi-habitat sampling with a hand-net of 250 µm mesh size. Macrophytes: Estimation of macrophytes coverage in transects. Based on UNE EN 15460:2008 Guidance standard for the surveying of macrophytes in lakes BIOLOGICAL METRICS/INDICATORS PROTOCOLS TO ENSURE SAME PROCEDURES APPLIED TO CALCULATE METRICS AND INDICATORS. IBMWP, METI, IMMiT IPS, MDIAT IBMR, IM, IVAM IBCAEL MFIT (multimetric) OFALAM NEED TO STANDARISE TAXONOMY 32.000 taxa names Duplicate taxa Spelling mistakes Taxonomic heterogenity Open nomenclature NEED TO STANDARISE Sinonims TAXAGUA – Common taxa lists for all the RBDs Need to establish a common taxonomic “tree” TAXONOMIC RESOLUTION QUALITY ELEMENT Invertebrates Diatoms Macrophytes Fish fauna Phytoplankton METRICS IBMWP-2011 IPS IVAM IBICAT-2010 IGA KINGDOM PHYLUM CALSS ORDER FAMILY GENUS SPECIES VARIETY FORM ID-TAX: Common identification keys OBJETIVE: To establish homogeneous criteria for the identification of taxa used in ecological assessments COVERAGE: 14.000 taxa names selected with the following criteria: > 5 % occurrence >5 % abundance All the taxa used in metrics / indicators ID TAX – ONLINE APLICATION ID TAX – ONLINE APLICATION (2) DESCRIPTIVE FACT SHEET FOR EACH TAXA Photos and illustrations Identification data Ecological properties and metrics/indicators Description and ecology Location DISTRIBUTION OF TAXA NABIA – INFORMATION SYSTEM ON THE STATUS OF WBs STANDARISE DATA MODEL TO STORE INFORMATION PRODUCED IN teşekkürler MONITORING PROGRAMMES. RAW DATA STORED WHICH ALLOWS OTHER LEVELS OF AGGREGATION: Composition and abundance, indicators and status of WBs Estado Ecológico 8% 4% MUY BUENO 15% BUENO MODERADO DEFICIENTE MALO 28% 45% 60 % RÍOS Y LAGOS CUMPLEN OBJETIVOS AMBIENTALES [email protected]