Calendario Cultural de febrero
Calendario Cultural de febrero
ARGENTINE INSTITUTIONS FUNDACIÓN EXPORT.AR CONSEJO FEDERAL DE INVERSIONES INSTITUTO DE DESARROLLO PRODUCTIVO DE TUCUMAN ALL LEMON - TESTED & CERTIFIED FOR EXPORT ARGENTINEAN BLUEBERRY COMMITTEE ARGENTINE COMPANIES AT FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 ACHERAL, AGRICOLA MARES, AGRO RUGGERI, ARGENTINIAN FRESH FRUITS & GOODS, ARGESA ARGENTINA EXPORTADORA, ARNO DANIEL NATALIO - FRUTAS CACHORRITA, AUSTRAL AGRIBUSINESS, CEREZAS ARGENTINAS, CITRICOLA AYUI, CITROMAX, CITRUSVIL, COEXCO, COOPERATIVA COLONIA SAN FRANCISCO, COOPERATIVA EXPORTADORA CITRICOLA DE CORRIENTES, COSUR, CTM COOPERATIVA TABACALAERA DE MISIONES, DELTA BERRIES, DIEGO ZAMORA E HIJOS, ECOFRUT GROUP, EXPOFRESH, EXTRABERRIES, FAMA IMPORTADORA Y EXPORTADORA, FGF TRAPANI, FRUTAS LANIN - AUSTRADE, FRUTOS DEL LITORAL, FRUTUCUMAN, GRAMM AGROPECUARIA, INGENIERIA PRODOL, JAS JET AIR SERVICE ARGENTINA, JET CARGO, KINGBERRY, KLEPPE, LA PATRIA, LATIN LEMON, LEDESMA, MAGNIFRESH, MFRUIT - MORRESI FRUIT, MOÑO AZUL, MONTEVER, PABLO JOSE PADILLA, PATAGONIA SUNRISE, PRODUCTORES ARGENTINOS INTEGRADOS, S.A. SAN MIGUEL, S.A. VERACRUZ, SERVICIOS FRUTICOLAS, TERRA UAQ, TIKAGROUP, TRAPANI HNOS., TREBOL PAMPA, TRES ASES, TREVISUR, UNITEC, VICENTE TRAPANI, VISTA ALEGRE, ZAMAGRO, 770 FRUITS. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] Institutions ARGENTINA - FUNDACION EXPORT.AR Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14 Products: Exports pomotion agency. Street / (PC) City Paraguay 864 / (C1057AAL) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 41147700 / 0054 11 41147718 Web page Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Patricio Pizzoglio / [email protected] Fundación Exportar is the Commercial Promotion Agency dependent on the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship. As a mixed institution comprising both the public and private sectors, Fundación Exportar assists the business community in selling its competitive products effectively abroad in order to access, increase and diversify its exports. CFI - CONSEJO FEDERAL DE INVERSIONES Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Economy pomotion agency for Argetine provinces Street / (PC) City San Martin 871 / (C1004AAQ) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 43170702 / 0054 11 43170708 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Ms. María Susana Bonnefon de Blundi CFI (Federal Council of Investments) is an institution for planning and technical cooperation, created by an initiative of the Argentine provinces. The CFI works constantly with each of the federal provinces by offering technical and financial cooperation. IDEP - INSTITUTO DE DESARROLLO PRODUCTIVO DE TUCUMAN Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16a Products: Lemons and other fresh fruit. Street / (PC) City Maipu 41 8º / (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4975050 / 0054 381 4975050 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Ms. Virginia Avila / [email protected] IDEP is the hinge between the State and the Private Sector that helps reach a consensus and create and implement tools and policies for the productive development of the province Tucuman. It also offers technical assistance to investors. Tucumán is the first leading world producer and processor of lemon and the second largest exporter of fresh lemon. It is also the main national producer of sugar. It is the largest exporter of frozen strawberries and blueberries in Argentina. Tucumán´s production supply is presented in several exhibitions around the world, through trade missions organized by the Institute for the Productive Development of Tucumán (IDEP). Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 2 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] ALL LEMON - TESTED & CERTIFIED FOR EXPORT Location on fairground Hall 25./ A 15m Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact Monteagudo 492, Piso 1 / (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán 0054 381 4212969 [email protected] / Ms. Martina Delacroix ALL LEMON – Tested & Certifed For Export is the quality seal created to control the argentine producers and exporters of lemons that endorses the quality of lemons for export. These lemons undergo strict controls, are 100% healthy, have a high content of juice, resistance to damage and durability, firmness, freshness, a uniform shape, balanced colour, an unblemished peel, traceability and safety. ALL LEMON controls the following companies: Argenti Lemon, Cauquen, Citromax, Citrusvil, Cecilia Martínez Zuccardi, FGF Trapani, Frutucumán, Juan Sigstad, La Moraleja, La Patria, Latin Lemon, Ledesma, Moño Azul, Pablo Padilla and San Miguel. ABC - ARGENTINEAN BLUEBERRY COMMITTEE Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-17 Products: Blueberries Street / (PC) City Paraná 552 / (C1017) Buenos Aires Phone 0054 11 43710547 E-mail / Web page info@ / Contact Mr. Carlos Estabile The ARGENTINEAN BLUEBERRY COMMITTEE is a nonprofit organization that was formally established in 2010 to promote a positive image for the Argentinean blueberry industry and to focus on communicating the quality, reliability and availability of Argentinean blueberries in the U.S. and around the world. The Committee represents over 80% of Argentina’s exports and it is made up of the key blueberry exporters of this country. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 3 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] Companies ACHERAL S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16b Products: Fresh lemons for export, concentrated lemon juice and esencial lemon oil. Street / (PC) City Ruta 38 Km 767 / (4134) Acheral, Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4080088 / 0054 381 4080089 Web page Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Jorge Martinez Zuccardi (President)/ [email protected] ACHERAL is a family company founded in the year 2003 by the Martínez Zuccardi brothers, a second generation of citrus growers and exporters. This entrepreneurship is the fruit of more than 30 years of experience of their associates in the industry, and it is oriented towards the full integration of the activities inherent to the citrus business. The company manages 1400 hectares of certified citrus plantations, 1000 at full production and 400 under development, a packing house with a processing capacity of 15 tons per hour which complies with Global GAP standards, and an industrial plant certified under BRC, HACCP, Kosher, SGP and GFSI (TCCC), SGF and ISO 14000 -in process-, which is capable of processing 25 tons per hour. AGRICOLA MARES S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16a Products: Blueberries, packing and cold fruit services, freezing of the fruit Street / (PC) City Pje. Las Montanitas / (4142) Famailla, Tucumán Phone 0054 381 4530618 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Ariel Ares / [email protected] The companies which form part of AGRICOLA MARES have been in the family for generations and so the company has a vast producing experience. They also cultivate sugar cane, citrus, potato, grain crops, avocados, raspberries and blackberries. The company’s fields are located in the Southern Hemisphere, in the Northwest of Argentina, Tucumán. AGRO RUGGERI S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./A-17 Products: Garlic and sqashes. Street / (PC) City Buenos Vecinos 4079, Colonia Segovi / (5532) Guaymallén, Mendoza Phone 0054 261 4913378 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Mariano Ruggeri / [email protected] AGRO RUGGERI, founded in the 80s, holds 300 hectares dedicated to the processing of different varieties of squash, sweet potato, garlic, water melon and melon. The main international market is the European Community. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 4 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] ARGENTINIAN FRESH FRUITS & GOODS S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-17 Products: Apples, pears, grapes and cherries. Street / (PC) City Laccara 213 7°B / (1407) Buenos Aires Phone 0054 11 44647369 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / ARGENTINIAN FRESH FRUITS & GOODS is a company recently created by producers of fresh fruits in Argentina. They are the third generation of a family dedicated to food production and distribution for over fifty years. The merchandise establishments are strategically located in various productive regions of the country. The producers of citrus fruits are located in different parts of the provinces of: Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Corrientes and Tucuman. The production sites of the different varieties of apples, pears, peaches, plums and cherries are located in Patagonia. ARGESA ARGENTINA EXPORTADORA S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-17 Products: Blueberries, lemons, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, table grape, cherries, garlic, onions and stone fruit. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact / direct e-mail Hipólito Irigoyen 434, 3º of. D / (C1086AAF) Buenos Aires 0054 11 43432200 / 0054 11 43432600 [email protected] / Mr. Ing. César Eduardo Madeo / [email protected] ARGESA was founded in 1973 as an exporter of fresh fruits and vegetables. Argesa exports its products to USA, Indonesia, Russia, and many countries in Europe, among others. The surveyors and cargo agents of the company, are prepared to guarantee the supply of the products required, under strict quality and safety controls, according to the argentine alimentary standards, and to the legal regulations of the countries of destination, including certifications, ORGANIC, USDA NOP, EUREPGAP, HCCP, BCS, FDA. ARNO DANIEL NATALIO - FRUTAS CACHORRITA Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Apples and pears. Street / (PC) City Phone Contact / direct e-mail Ruta 69, km. 6 / (8308) Villa Manzano, Rio Negro 0054 299 4973248 Mr. Arno Daniel Natalio Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 5 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] AUSTRAL AGRIBUSINESS S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ C-05a Products: Lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, pears, apples and grapes.. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact 1 / direct e-mail Contact 2 / direct e-mail Carlos Pellegrini 1175, 4º B / (C1009ABM) Buenos Aires 0054 11 43121737 / 0054 11 43121737 [email protected] / Mr. Miguel Gonzalez Balcarce Ms. Sofia Balcarce AUSTRAL AGRIBUSINESS, founded at the end of 2004, is a company dedicated to fruit and juice exporting, from Argentina and Chile. Austral’s fruit production has been certified under GMP, GAP and EUREGAP norms. These norms aim to develop a productive and competitive agriculture, able to efficiently use resources, thus assuring a minimal environmental impact. Their selected growers are located in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay. CEREZAS ARGENTINAS Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15h Products: Cherries. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact / direct e-mail Reconquista 1166 - 15th / (C1003ABX) Buenos Aires 0054 11 48726100 / 0054 11 48726100 [email protected] / Mr. Carlos Stabile / [email protected] CEREZAS ARGENTINAS, located in the Argentinean Patagonia, holds more than 750 hectares cultivated for the production and commercialization of cherries and other fine fruits, as well as seed-fruits, such as pears and apples. CITRICOLA AYUI S.A.A.I.C. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14c Products: Tangerines and oranges. Street / (PC) City Av. Monseñor Rosch 5005 / (E3201XAJ) Concordia, Entre Ríos Phone / Fax 0054 345 4251100 / 0054 345 4251515 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact 1 / direct e-mail Mr. Ignacio Schatz / [email protected] Contact 2 / direct e-mail Ms. María Cecilia Arias CITRICOLA AYUI was established in 1962 in the City of Concordia, province of Entre Rios. Since then the company's philosophy has been to supply top quality citrus products to both the local and internatonal markets, meeting their customer's most demanding needs. Owning 1.600 hectares of citrus groves with a total of 600.000 citrus trees in the provinces of Entre Rios, Corrientes and Misiones; Citricola Ayui produces and sells over 35.00 tons of oranges and tangerines a year. Applying the highest, latest technology and working under strict quality control, is what makes Citricola Ayui succesfully reach the most competitive markets of the world. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 6 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] CITROMAX S.A.C.I. Location on fairground Hall 25./ C-12 Products: Lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and blueberries. Street / (PC) City Ruta Pcial. 315 y Avenida Roca / (4103) Tafi Viejo, Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4513000 / 0054 381 4513020 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / CITROMAX installed its agro-industrial complex as well as the first plantations in the Province of Tucumán in 1964. Today, Citromax cultivates about 4,000 hectares of land and is one of the world’s biggest lemon producers. They process around 200.000 tons per year and export 50.000 tons of fresh lemons. The company also exports oranges, tangerines and grapefruit and is one of largest blueberries producers in Argentina, with 120 hectares of plantations. CITRUSVIL S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16g Products: Lemons (fresh fruit). Street / (PC) City Ruta 302 - Km 7 / (T4178XAX) Cevil Pozo, Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4515589 / 0054 381 4515515 E-mail / Web page [email protected];[email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Francisco José Rotella (Commercial Manager)/ [email protected] CITRUSVIL is one of the largest lemon producers worldwide. The company is a subsidiary of the Lucci group and was founded in the early 1970´s primarily as a lemons producer. At the beginning of the 1980´s, it expanded with the packaging and trade of fresh fruit, first in the national market and later exporting citrus fruit internationally. In 1989, with the launch of its industrial plant, the organization progressed with the added increase in lemon production. Through this ongoing process Citrusvil has become one of the Top International Lemon Producers an one of the more influential exporters in the Southern Hemisphere. The company has the following certificates: GlobalGap, HACCP, ISO 9001/2000, ISO 14001/2004, BRC. COEXCO S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14h Products: Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapes, pears, apples, peaches and nectarines. Street / (PC) City Av 3 de Febrero 235 / (2930) San Pedro, Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 3329 425452 / 0054 3329 498494 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Rafael Gomila COEXCO is a grower/exporter company, established in 2002. The Company is the successor of a family business and has maintained this tradition for over 90 years. The main activities are the production, packing and commercialization of fresh fruit, mainly oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapes, pears, apples, peaches and nectarines. The company has overseas offices located in Germany and Brazil and is GLOBALGAP certified. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 7 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] COOPERATIVA COLONIA SAN FRANCISCO LTDA. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Tangerines, oranges, lemons and grapefruits. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact Colonia San Francisco, sobre ruta provincial N°33 / (3220) Monte Caseros, Corrientes 0054 3775 499316 / 0054 3775 499316 [email protected] / Mr. Miguel Rosbaco SAN FRANCISCO COOPERATIVE was founded in 2002 by the joint effort of several agricultural producers from San Francisco Colony, Monte Caseros. It was established with the purpose of introducing the regional production to the international market. The Cooperative organizes small producers by guiding them into making all the necessary adjustments, by centralizing the harvest, packaging and marketing of the whole production. COOPERATIVA EXPORTADORA CITRICOLA DE CORRIENTES LTDA. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Oranges and tangerines. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail Contact Ruta Nacional 14 y Avenida España s/n / (3226) Mocoreta, Corrientes 0054 3775 498941 / 0054 3775 498941 [email protected] Mr. Ivan Marcel Chaparro COSUR S.A. Location on fairground Hall 2.2/ B-06 Products: Pears, apples, lemons, oranges and grapefruits. Street / (PC) City Ruta 22 - KM 1.128 / (8336) Villa Regina, Rio Negro Phone / Fax 0054 2941 461931 / 0054 341 4476157 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Augusto Rita (Commercial Office) COSUR is a company of the Battaglio Group. It is advantageously based in a high quality production region in Argentina. COSUR operates at the source, in strict partnership with the best farmers, ensuring the best harvest and facilitating logistic operations for export. Based in Villa Regina, beneath the Rio Negro Valley, the company selects, prepares and delivers more than 16.000 tons of quality fruit per year, mainly designated for Italy, Brasil and Russia. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 8 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] CTM COOPERATIVA TABACALAERA DE MISIONES LTDA. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14e Products: Tangerines, oranges, lemons and limes. Street / (PC) City Ruta Nac. 14 - km 852 - Lote 52 / (N3315FQA) Leandro N. Alem, Misiones Phone / Fax 0054 3754 423900 / 0054 3754 423946 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Jorge Ferreyra / [email protected] CTM was founded in 1984 by a group of 36 farmers. Today, more than 7.000 farmers spread over the different production areas are growing the finest tobacco and are engaged in a productive diversification program which involves a huge citurs fruit crop, forestation and the growing of stevia. The citrus diversification plan started in 1992. DELTA BERRIES S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Blueberries, dried fruit and nuts. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax Av. Libertador 6091 6° A / (1428) Buenos Aires 0054 911 44623484 / 54 911 44623484 DIEGO ZAMORA E HIJOS Location on fairground Hall 25./A-16d Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact 1 / direct e-mail Contact 2 / direct e-mail Av. Constitución 1400 / (4103) Tafi Viejo, Tucumán 0054 381 4616346 / 0054 381 4616348 [email protected] / Ms. Florencia Zamora / [email protected] Ms. Luciana Zamora / [email protected] DIEGO ZAMORA E HIJO is a company which principal activity is produce, packs and export lemons. Is a family firm which made its first export of fruit in the year 1994. Committed to its clients and the environment, in the year 2009, the packing incorporated a totally new system of post crop treatment that allows the use of less chemical products, offering fruit without treatment, with treatment without wax and normal treatment. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 9 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] ECOFRUT GROUP Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15d Products: Apples, pears and lemons. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact 1 / direct e-mail Contact 2 / direct e-mail Avenida Alem 690 / (8324) Cipolletti, Rio Negro 0054 299 4775313 / 0054 299 4775312 [email protected] / Mr. Denis Kloster (President)/ [email protected] Ms. Cecilia Alvez / [email protected] ECOFRUT was created in 1994 in San Antonio Este Port as a modern cooling plant with a capacity of 80,000 boxes of fruit, with a seasonal average rotation in the order of 7,000 pallets. In 1995 the company started as a single export group to unify quality guidelines, to book sea freight and organize overseas marketing. The target markets are Russia, USA and Europe. The European market includes Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Netherlands and Sweden. EMELKA S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15e Products: Pears and apples. Street / (PC) City Sarmiento 1405 / (8332) General Roca, Rio Negro Phone / Fax 0054 2941 435830 / 0054 2941 435830 Web page Contact 1 / direct e-mail Mr. Ariel Sabbag / [email protected] EMELKA was established in 1965 as a family owned company specialized in pears and apples of all varieties, conventional and organic production. The company’s production is 100% certified with GlobalGap. The principal varieties in pears are: Williams, Packhams, Red Bartlett, Danjou , Red Danjou, Abatte, and in apples: Royal Gala, Red Top, Red Chief, Red Del, Golden Granny Smith, Galaxie. EMELKA exports its fruits to more than 15 countries in Europe, USA, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, satisfying needs of the the most exigent supermarkets and importers worldwide. EXPOFRESH S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16a Products: Fresh and frozen blueberries and lemons. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact / direct e-mail Av. Sucre 1869, 1stº of 15 / (B1642AFG) Buenos Aires 0054 11 47372006 / 0054 11 47372006 [email protected] / Mr. Luis D`Andrea (Vicepresident)/ [email protected] EXPOFRESH is a company made up by a number of blueberry producers of different areas in order to guarantee an extended period of supply, as well as to assure the best fruit quality. All the farms count with advanced hail and frost protection. Expofresh produces and exports fruit under GAP and GMP norms for the United States and Globalgap, Tesco and M&S, for the European market. At the same time, the cold chain is guaranteed by Servifrio Ezeiza, owned by Expofresh’s partners. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 10 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] EXTRABERRIES S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15h Products: Blueberries. Street / (PC) City Reconquista 1166 - 15th / (C1003ABX) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 48726100 / 0054 11 48726100 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Matias Notti / [email protected] EXTRABERRIES is an Argentinian company owner of more than 400 hectares fully committed to the fine fruit market, particularly, sweet cherries and blueberries. Thanks to its plantation located at the Northwest of Argentina, the company can count with early blueberries – while its plantations at South Patagonia provide late cherries, allowing them to supply the global market. Both plantations are provided with state-of-theart technology. FAMA IMPORTADORA Y EXPORTADORA S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15b Products: Tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits and kumquats. Street / (PC) City Simón Bolivar 2765 / (E3228BFG) Chajarí, Entre Ríos Phone / Fax 0054 3456 420477 / 0054 3456 420478 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact 1 Mr. Alberto Lavino Zona (Commercial Manager) Contact 2 Mr. Oscar Panarotti FAMA is one of the most important firms in the production and export of fresh citrus from Argentina to the world. The protocol of EUREPGAP and NATURE'S CHOICE is implemented and certified in the packing facilities and farms to guarantee the quality, security and legality throughout the whole production chain. FGF TRAPANI S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-12 Products: Lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruits. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax Web page Contact / direct e-mail Ruta Nac. N° 9 km. 1303 esq. Constitución / (4103) Tafi Viejo, Tucumán 0054 381 4000388 / 0054 381 4000388 Mr. Ricardo Trapani (CEO)/ [email protected] FGF TRAPANI is one of the top 5 citrus fruit exporters in Argentina, collaborating with the best suppliers of the Northwest (Tucuman and Salta). The owners are involved in the areas of production, logistic and sales which enable them to guarantee an outstanding service. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 11 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] FRUTAS LANIN - AUSTRADE S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Fruit packaging. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax Web page Contact 1 / direct e-mail Contact 2 / direct e-mail La Pampa 1515 OF B / (8332) General Roca, Rio Negro 0054 2984 436880 / 0054 2984 436880 Mr. Jorge B. Cecowski (CEO)/ [email protected] Mr. Gustavo Diaz / [email protected] AUSTRADE is a fresh fruit producer, packer and exporter belonging to the Lanin Group. Created to carry out the marketing, logistics and quality control of the producing company, it also provides customized products. FRUTOS DEL LITORAL Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-17 Products: Blueberries, blackberries and raspberries (fresh, frozen and processed). Street / (PC) City Salto Uruguayo 536 / (3200) Concordia, Entre Ríos Phone / Fax 0054 345 4254241 / 0054 345 4254241 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Roberto Alfredo Varela / [email protected] FRUTOS DEL LITORAL is a young company with a staff that is widely experienced in fruit and vegetable issues, regarding both fresh and processed goods. FRUTUCUMAN S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16c Products: Fresh lemons. Street / (PC) City Maipu 50, 7º C / (4000) San Miguel de Tucuman Phone / Fax 0054 381 4301140 / 0054 381 4300467 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Mr. Diego Decima FRUTUCUMAN is a company that markets fresh lemons and was born through the integration of four producing companies with extensive experience and professional background. These companies are: Blazquez S.R.L., Delotte S.A., Donato Alvarez S.R.L. and Sucesores de Salomón Jalil S.R.L. These producers own a total of 650 hectares of farmland located in the province of Tucuman. They have packing plants equipped with the latest technology and in which they use high quality raw material and specialized staff. All processes, treatments and inspections are certified by Globalgap and HACCP standards. The production is about 12.000 Tns per year and the commercialized brands are: Productores de Tucumán, Alberdi and Escaba. All of them are packaged in cartons of different sizes. FRUTUCUMAN also has commercial agents in Europe with the firm Sabor Juice S.L. whose offices are located in Valencia, Spain. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 12 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] GRAMM AGROPECUARIA S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Blueberries (fresh and frozen). Street / (PC) City Av. del Libertador 6343, Piso 3A / (C1428) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 9 11 47875700 / 0054 9 11 40320272 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / GRAMM AGROPECUARIA offers fresh and frozen blueberries to the international market under the strictest quality rules of the sector (Global Gap 3.1 Nov 09 Version, USA GAP and TESCO NATURE Silver). It also contributes its own rule of individual traceability through a data gathering system developed by their communication engineers to monitor the features of each harvested fruit lot online. INGENIERIA PRODOL S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A- 15l Products: Packing line for fruits and vegetables. Smart chain electronic sizer & cup sizer sorting by: weight, diameter, color and defect. Street / (PC) City Ruta 25 km. 1,6 / (1625) Escobar, Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 3488 420175 / 0054 3488 421288 E-mail / Web page [email protected];[email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Ariel Zenzerovich PRODOL is totally integrated in the manufacturing of machines, and can ensure highest quality and the most competitive market price. The company owns over 10,000 m2 and is expanding to 16,000 m², together with the incorporation of new CNC machines to increase its production. Over 100 highly qualified workers are working in the plant. JAS JET AIR SERVICE ARGENTINA S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-07 Products: The main services for Imports and Exports are: 1) Air transport (consolidated and direct services from/to the main airports), 2) Ocean Transport (Fcl- full container load and Lcl less container load, regular container services, own weekly consolidated) an Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax Web page Contact / direct e-mail Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, 3rd Floor / (C1106ACX) Buenos Aires 0054 11 52771111 / 0054 11 52771112 Mr. Luis Busico (Regional Manager)/ [email protected] JAS WORLDWIDE GROUP is a company leader in the area of the commercial transport, that offers from 1978 logistics solutions in the five continents. Jas is present in more than 80 countries with a network of more than 240 own offices. Jas Jet Argentina was set in 1996 and the Buenos Aires office was established as its first head office in the country. Thanks to business progress, the Ezeiza, Cordoba, Rosario, Mendoza and Tucuman offices were subsequently opened. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 13 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] JET CARGO S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14 Products: Air and ocean internacional freight services. Specialized in perishable shipments from and to South America. Street / City Esmeralda 1080 3° / Buenos Aires Phone 0054 11 52399909 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Ms. Carolina Salvetti JET CARGO has over 45 years experience in the international transport of perishable cargo and works with a strict control policy to preserve cargo quality. KINGBERRY S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16a Products: Fresh and IQF blueberries, fresh lemons, fresh citrus and fresh berries. Street / (PC) City French 3360 5º D / (1425) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 48001369 / 0054 11 48001369 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact 1 / direct e-mail Mr. Francisco Joaquin Estrada (President)/ [email protected] Contact 2 / direct e-mail Mr. Pablo Ballazini / [email protected] KINGBERRY was founded in 2005 in Tucuman to develop the production of blueberries. Currently, the company supervises 100 ha. of blueberries located in Tucuman’s foothill area. With a yearly production of around 1000 tons its processing capacity allows the company to process 100% of its fruit production. In addition, KINGBERRY rely on its own facilities to carry out the fruit conditioning treatment before dispatch to any place around the globe. This includes the bromide treatment for fruit exported to USA. The production is certified under Fair Trade standards and Global Gap and Tesco standards as well. KINGBERRY covers several markets from around the world such as US, UK, European Union, Hong Kong and Brazil. KLEPPE S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14b Products: Pears, apples and cherries. Street / (PC) City O'Higgins 185 / (8324) Cipolletti, Rio Negro Phone / Fax 0054 299 4772834 / 0054 299 4777200 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact 1 / direct e-mail Mr. Fernando Moyano (Sales Manager - Europa)/ [email protected] Contact 2 / direct e-mail Mr. Javier Orti / [email protected] KLEPPE is a company with 80 years of recognized history in the national and international markets, specialized in the production of high quality apples, pears and cherries. The company's brand, Gaucho, is exported to more than 35 countries in four continents under the highest world class standards complying with all the required certifications (IFP, Global Gap, Tesco Nature’s Choice, HACCP, ISO 22,000). Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 14 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] LA PATRIA S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16a Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City República de Chile 643 / (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4228549 / 0054 381 4228549 Contact 1 / direct e-mail Mr. Francisco Adolfo Lizarraga / [email protected] Contact 2 Mr. Rogelio Lizarraga (Sales Manager Europe) LA PATRIA is a family company dedicated to the production of lemons as fresh fruits. The company was founded 40 years ago. Its orchards are located at the foothill of the Aconquija Mountains in Tucuman. They have an annual production of 12.000 metric tons of lemons under Globalgap certification. LATIN LEMON S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16 Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City Ruta Nac. 157 km. 23 / (4168) Bella Vista, Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4821113 / 0054 381 4821155 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact 1 Ms. Mercedes Young Contact 2 Ms. Soledad Omodeo LATIN LEMON is a company specialized in the packaging of lemons. The company comprises a set of citrus producers in Tucuman. LEDESMA S.A.A.I. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A- 14g Products: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, easy peelers, avocados and grapes. Street / (PC) City Av. Corrientes 415 - 7° / (1043) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 43781514 / 0054 11 43781645 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Luciano Santelli / [email protected] LEDESMA is an Argentine agricultural and industrial group with more than 90 years experience. Ledesma produces and trades fruits, concentrated citrus juices and essential oils. Besides, it produces sugar from its basic raw material. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 15 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] MAGNIFRESH S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14 Products: Tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, apples, pears, peaches, grapes and cherries. Street / (PC) City Lacarra 213, 7º B / (1407) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 3329 494200 / 0054 3329 494200 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Ignacio Santoro / [email protected] MAGNIFRESH produces and packs citrus, apples, pears, plums, cherries and peaches. The fields are certified with Global Gap, and the packing house is certified with HACCP. The packing house is located close to ports providing a good logistic service and the best conservation of the fruits. MFRUIT S.R.L. - MORRESI FRUIT Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15c Products: Tangerines, oranges, lemons and peaches. Street / (PC) City Bottaro 2885 / (2930) San Pedro, Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 3329 426473 / 0054 3329 430912 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Matías Nicolás Morresi / [email protected] MORRESI FRUIT is a family company that produces, packs and exports citrus fruit. The company has 30 years experience in the business and in the region. MOÑO AZUL S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14i Products: Cherries, table grapes, pears, apples, lemons, tangerines, oranges and organic products. Street / (PC) City Ruta 22, Km. 1188 / (8328) Cmte. Guerrico, Rio Negro Phone / Fax 0054 298 4459000 / 0054 298 4459061 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact 1 Mr. Nicolas Bonavento Contact 2 Mr. Marcos Scoffield MOÑO AZUL, founded in 1961, was pioneer in growing and exporting fresh fruit from the Upper Valley of Rio Negro and Neuquén, northern Argentinian Patagonia. In 2008, after several years of sustained growth, Moño Azul has become part of the Italian GF Group SpA, devoted to worldwide commercialization of fresh produce. With its growing, packing and storage potential Moño Azul meets domestic and foreign demands throughout the year. More than 5 mil boxes of apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, grapes and lemons are shipped to the most demanding markets worldwide. Moño Azul`s whole production is GlobalGap certified and its packing stations are GMP and HACCP certified. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 16 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] MONTEVER S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15 Products: Pears and apples. Street / (PC) City Av. Del Libertador 5478, 8° / (1426) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 47800777 / 0054 11 47801711 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Ms. Ines Gerlero MONTEVER is a company based in the Upper Valley of Rio Negro. It has more than 30 years experience producing and marketing pears and apples in the Patagonian region. The company trades all varieties of pears and apples exclusively for the brands “Don Elias” and “Los Andes”. The company produces over 2 million sacks per year, 95% of which are of own production. This guarantees the quality process from the beginning of production until the end of the supply chain. PABLO JOSE PADILLA Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14d Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax Contact / direct e-mail Ruta provincial 315 (Camino del Peru), Km 3.5 / (4105) Cevil Redondo, Tucumán 0054 381 4340867 / 0054 381 4342882 Mr. Pablo Padilla / [email protected] PABLO PADILLA produces and exports top quality lemons. The company is located in the province of Tucuman, which is internationally recognized as the main lemon producing region in Argentina. Established in 1968, PABLO PADILLA has experienced a sustained growth and become one of the majors exporters of the region. PATAGONIA SUNRISE S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15g Products: Pears, apples, lemons, oranges, tangerines, plums and grapes. Street / (PC) City Nave S2 puestos 9 a 32, Mercado Central de Buenos Aires / (1771) Villa Celina, Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 44622450 / 0054 11 44622450 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Mr. José Ozafran PATAGONIA SUNRISE is a leading fresh fruit & vegetables provider of the MERCADO CENTRAL DE BUENOS AIRES (Central Market of Buenos Aires). Growing, sourcing, exporting, importing, packaging, distributing and marketing over 10 lines of fresh fruits and vegetables, Patagonia Sunrise distributes more than 30.000 tons of fresh produce to the retail, wholesale, foodservice and processing sectors across local and foreign markets. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 17 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] PRODUCTORES ARGENTINOS INTEGRADOS S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ 15a Products: Pears, apples, organic and conventional. Street / (PC) City Juan Domingo Peron 185 / (8332) General Roca, Rio Negro Phone / Fax 0054 298 4430650 / 0054 298 4443651 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Daniel Saint Martin / [email protected] PAI SA is a fresh fruit export conglomerate, conformed by 12 packing companies from Alto Valle de Rio Negro and Neuquén which, in turn, unite more than 280 small and mid-sized producers. Thus, the group totals approximately 3.200 hectares in production areas, packing and cooling installations for 4.000.000 boxes. S.A. SAN MIGUEL Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-09 Products: Lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax Web page Contact / direct e-mail Cazadores de Coquimbo 2860 Edificio 2, 1° piso / (1605) Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires 0054 11 47218300 / 0054 11 47218313 Mr. Alejandro Moralejo (Commercial Manager)/ SAN MIGUEL is a grower, exporter; fruit processor; and integrated company founded in 1954. The company owns more than 7500 has of citrus plantations located in the province of Tucuman, Argentina, as well as fields in Uruguay and South Africa. With its recent adquisition in South Africa the company increased to nearly 400 has the amount of own land under production in Sundays River Valley area.This, together with the Uruguayan production enables the company to offer the whole range of citrus varieties including Oranges, Easy Peelers and Grapefruit. Four packing plants (2 in Argentina and 2 other in Uruguay) allow a total capacity of 1,250 tons per day, which enable us to process 140.000 tons of fresh citrus per year. The company handles every year approximately 400,000 tons of lemon: 25% is sold as fresh fruit whereas the remaining 75% is processed into industrial products (juice, essential oil and dried peel). S.A. VERACRUZ Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16e Products: Lemons, oranges and tangerines. Street / (PC) City Ruta 301. Km 12.7 / (4128) San Isidro de Lules, Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 3814 812533 / 0054 381 4812577 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Ms. Carolina Seleme (Sales Manager)/ [email protected] S.A. VERACRUZ is a medium sized family company, that produces, packs and exports fresh citrus fruits, mainly lemons, tangerines and oranges. The company has a modern industrial plant in which it produces essential lemon oil and concentrated lemon juice. The company is now managed by the 4th generation in lemon production and exports to all European countries, Easter Europe, Canada and Asia. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 18 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] SERVICIOS FRUTICOLAS S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Fruits. Street / (PC) City Phone San Patricios del Chanar Ramos Mexia y Chocón / (8305) Neuquén 0054 299 4855303 TERRA UAQ Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-17 Products: Grapes and raisins. Street / (PC) City Salmun Feijoo 735 / (1274) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 911 56780818 / 0054 911 56780818 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Mr. Guido Scioli (Export Manager) TERRA UAQ (ESTABLECIMIENTO FINCA LOS ALAMOS S.R.L.) owns 200 hectares located in Tulum Valley, province of San Juan in the Cuyo Region. Tulum Valley is an artificial oasis, bringing together a microclimate with ideal conditions (especially intense sun). The company’s main activity is the artisan production of fresh grapes, raisins, dried tomatoes and olive oil extra virgin. TIKAGROUP S.R.L. - ARGENTINA POMEGRANATES Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-17 Products: Fresh pomegranates, arils and pomegranate juice. Street / (PC) City Suipacha 531, 10º / (1008) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 43256202 / 0054 11 43250467 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Mr. Federico Bordi Uliana (Sales and Operations Manager) TIKAGROUP is a guidance company for the agricultural and agroindustrial investor. Its objective is to provide practical and profitable solutions for innovative alternatives of investment in the development of intensive productions. TRAPANI HNOS. Location on fairground Hall 25./A-16a Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail Contact Ruta Nac. 9 KM 1310 / (4101) Los Nogales, Tucumán 0054 381 4921086 / 0054 381 4921137 [email protected] Mr. Osvaldo Juan Trapani Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 19 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] TREBOL PAMPA S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14a Products: Tangerines, oranges, table grapes and blueberies. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact 1 Contact 2 9 de Julio 543 2° C / (B1642DLE) San Isidro, Buenos Aires 0054 11 47323537 / 0054 11 47321731 [email protected] / Ms. Patricia Roux Ms. Natalia Lomazzo TREBOL PAMPA produces, sells and exports tangerines, oranges, table grapes, lemons and blueberries to a great number of countries throughout the World. It markets the brands “Pampa”, “Yukisol”, “Oro Verde” and “Tres Estrellas” in more than 20 countries. TRES ASES S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-14f Products: Apples, pears and plums. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact 1 / direct e-mail Contact 2 / direct e-mail Lisando de la Torre 100 / (R8324COB) Cipoletti, Rio Negro 0054 299 4772183 / 0054 299 4771573 [email protected] / Mr. Gabriel Grisanti (Director)/ [email protected] Ms. Daniela Aburto / [email protected] TRES ASES is an integrated company with a head office, packing plants and orchards located in the northeast of the Patagonia region, Argentina. The company manages around 600 hectares in full production of pears, apples and plums and three packing plants with cold storage rooms (capacity of 1.1 million boxes), located in the three main growing areas of the Upper Valley of the Rio Negro province. The company processes around 2.1 million boxes yearly. Tres Ases is GlobalGAP, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) certified. TREVISUR S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A- 15i Products: Pears, apples, tangerines, oranges, blueberries and grapes. Street / (PC) City Jeronimo Salguero 2731 - 7°, oficina 74 / (1425) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 48070372, 0054 11 48070685 / 0054 11 48065621 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Ms. Maria Lourdes Raimondo / [email protected] TREVISUR has been in the fruit export business since 1996. The company started its activities as part of P.E.A. (Productores Empacadores Argentinos S.A.) which produces and packs fruit. It sells its production in the local market and it also imports fruit. TREVISUR is exclusively involved in exports as the export "division" of P.E.A. and also by exporting fruit bought from other growers. The company owns packing units located in Rio Negro, Neuquén (South Argentina),Entre Ríos (Citrus area), Mendoza (Cuyo area) and Buenos Aires Central Market. The commercial offices of the company are located in Buenos Aires and in the province of Neuquén. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 20 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] UNITEC S.A. Location on fairground Hall 4.1/ A-02 Products: Sorting and packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables. Street / (PC) City Tres Arroyos, 535 / (R8324JUK) Cipolletti, Rio Negro Phone / Fax 0054 299 4774044 / 0054 299 4777655 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / UNITEC is a company specialized in the design and manufacturing of technologies for processing, sorting, selecting and packing of over 35 kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables. Since 1924, UNITEC has been improving fruit and vegetable processing quality in countries all over the world, providing innovative technology and services at the highest standard of reliability and profitability. On the international level, UNITEC has a network of branches in some of the leading fruit- and vegetable-producing countries such as the U.S., France, Spain, Chile, and Argentina and a sales/aftersales organization that permits it to meet the requirements in the 23+ countries in which it operates. VICENTE TRAPANI S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ C-16 Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City Ruta Nacional 9 km 1308 / (4101) Los Nogales, Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4506100 / 0054 381 4506227 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Ms. Inés Trapani (President) VICENTE TRAPANI was founded in 1935, starting as a small non-profit grove. By 1965, it had managed to establish itself as a company fully dedicated to the integral exploitation of lemon. Today, the company is an international referential milestone. VISTA ALEGRE S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ B-14 Products: Cherries. Street / (PC) City Phone / Fax E-mail / Web page Contact Ruta 7 Acceso Vista Alegre Sur S/N / (8309) Vista Alegre, Neuquén 0054 299 4899758 / 0054 299 4899758 [email protected] / Mr. Carlos Enriquez (General Manager) VISTA ALEGRE started in 2012 as a new company held by a person who has been in the fruit business for more than 35 years. The company comprises growers, packers and exporters who provide mainly fresh cherries as well as other fresh fruits such as pears, apples and stone fruits, that meet the best quality and health requirements for the most demanding clients, consumers and international trade organizations. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 21 von 22 Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 Consulado General de la República Argentina en Hamburgo Mittelweg 141 · 20148 Hamburg · Tel.: 0049 40 4418460 · Fax: 4105103 · [email protected] ZAMAGRO S.R.L. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-16f Products: Lemons. Street / (PC) City 25 de Mayo 869 / (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán Phone / Fax 0054 381 4979222 / 0054 381 4979222 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact / direct e-mail Mr. Juan Pablo Zamora (Director)/ [email protected] ZAMORA was founded in 2008 by Juan Pablo Zamora, who belongs to the third generation of a family working with citrus. Mr. Zamora has succeeded in merging the heritage and the knowledge passed on by his family with the latest technologies and special care required both in dealing with fruits and customers. 770 FRUITS S.A. Location on fairground Hall 25./ A-15k Products: Apples, pears, cherries, tangerines, oranges, lemons and blueberries. Street / (PC) City Avenida Federico Lacroze 2542 piso 1101 / (1426) Buenos Aires Phone / Fax 0054 11 45549522 / 0054 11 4554 9522 E-mail / Web page [email protected] / Contact Mr. Damián Segal 770 FRUITS was born as a new concept in fruit business, providing its customers with fruit from various continents, 365 days a year. The company focuses on high quality products and operates in the major European markets, in the USA, Mexico, Brazil and Algeria, and in non-traditional markets such as Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Arab Emirates, among others. Argentine Companies at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2014 22 von 22