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darlington - News and Press
BURRY BOOKSTORE 1B 2A OPINION 4A OBITUARIES 6A SPORTS 2B PUZZLES 4B BOOKINGS News&Press TWO SECTIONS • 20 PAGES DECEMBER 2, 2015 6B CLASSIFIEDS QUOTE ESTABLISHED 1874 ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE 75¢ Vol. 141, No. 47 Darlington, S.C. W W W. N E W S A N D P R E S S . N E T Darlington Food Bank seeks community help By Samantha Lyles Staff Writer [email protected] Hunger doesn't take a holiday, and those in the Darlington area who are unemployed, homeless, or in a financial bind know they can find help at The Lord Cares, but the little food bank needs your help to keep serving the community. For almost three decades, The Lord Cares has provided emergency food supplies, hygiene and toiletry items, and sometimes financial help to those in demonstrable need. Volunteers say those needs only intensify when the weather turns cold – bringing higher energy bills and sometimes health problems. “We have people come in asking for help to pay their light bill or their water bill, and we've had several lately asking for help to buy medicine, people who weren't eligible for the (Darlington County) Free Medical Clinic because they didn't have any income,” says vol- unteer Mary Butler, noting that financial donations are needed as much as donations of food. Butler, a volunteer with The Lord Cares for nearly 27 years, was the self-described “loudmouth” who pushed Rev. Olin Whitener to establish the food bank to catch people who were falling through the cracks of the social service system. She says there are still many people who need a helping hand to feed themselves and their families during rough patches, and The Lord Cares serves that purpose. Donations of food are needed and welcome, with non-perishable items like powdered milk always in short supply. Canned meats are also needed, along with muffin mix and cereal. Hygiene items like soap and shampoo, deodorant, and toilet tissue are always needed. Kitchen items like paper towels, paper plates, and plastic cutlery are also wanted, along with an item most donors wouldn't think of: a manual can opener. HELP ON 3A Mary Butler stocking shelves at Darlington food bank The Lord Cares PHOTO BY SAMANTHA LYLES Mayor elect Gloria C. Hines announces transition team In a press release sent to the News and Press, mayor elect Gloria Cheeseboro Hines announces a transition team. “Mayor Elect Gloria Hines is honored to announce her transition team. She views this as an imperative step to move Darlington forward. Mayor Hines is excited that this highly qualified diverse group of community leaders has agreed to join her transition team. The team includes the following:” The family of Mrs. Elouise Greene and Darlington ReStore manager visits her future home PHOTOS BY JANA E. PYE Mrs. Greene’s new home for the holidays By Jana E. Pye Editor [email protected] Mrs. Elouise Greene has a reason to rejoice this holiday season; thanks to the efforts of her family and volunteers with the Darlington County Habitat for Humanity she and two of her grandsons, Michael and Tracy, prepare to move into their beautiful new home on Gandy Drive in Darlington. Mrs. Greene, who recently celebrated her 91st birthday on November 10, is very happy to move into her new home. She recently stopped by the house after one of the last inspections before Thanksgiving to meet with the News and Press with the two grandsons that will be moving into the home with her. She was joined by several of her children and extended familyall of whom helped with the 300 hours of “sweat equity” required for new homeowners of the Habitat homes. Lavinia McAllister and her sister in law, Lenora Greene, completed the initial application for the home to begin the process. Once an application is approved, a waiting family begins the process of working on the “sweat equity” hours. With such a large family, this was no problem, as they all chipped in. Another daughter, Melvetta Gilbert, said, “We jumped on the hours pretty quickly.” Michael and Tracy, the lucky grandsons that will be moving in, are first cousins. They both assisted with the hours by working in the Habitat ReStore in Hartsville. “I unloaded the trucks,” said Michael. “And I helped people there in the store.” Tracy helped in the store too. Both young men have already chosen which room they will occupy, and have promised their family that they will keep not only their rooms clean, but the bathroom that they will share. This will be Mrs. Greene’s very first brand new home and she is eager to begin living across the street from her son Wheeler, and his wife Lenora. “It was very exciting watching the building construction from the ground up, and watching the foundation being laid and all,” said Wheeler. “We worked with all kinds of people from different states. We had crews from Alabama, from all over. They were so nice and friendly - we didn’t have a trouble in the world.” Wheeler also had a special thanks for the director of the Darlington County Habitat, Mark Haenchen: “I really enjoyed working with Mark from start to finish,” said Greene. “He is a hard worker and I tell you, we are blessed to have him. He loves his work, and when we had all the different groups of young people working we all got along. Everything went smooth. We didn’t have a slow time. I thank God for him, and the other guys that helped; they were all really nice. Mark is a real nice person.” In addition to help from Habitat and the family, Mrs. Greene also received tremendous support from her church family at Bethel A.M.E. of Darlington. Mrs. Greene will have her own master bathroom, which will be wheelchair and handicap accessible. HOME ON 3A 1. Rev. Dr. Cecil Bromell – Pastor, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. 2. Rev. Coleman Cannon – Pastor, Cedar Fall Missionary Remember the old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?” Well, it's still true - especially around the holidays. Busy, distracted people make ideal targets for criminals, and home safety standards can slip when we're tired. Observe these precautions this Christmas and help keep the season merry and bright for you and yours. By Samantha Lyles Staff Writer [email protected] Crime statistics for 2015 indicate that major crimes in Darlington continue to decline, and that's truly something to be thankful for this holiday season. City of Darlington Police Chief Danny Watson attributes the low crime rates to a combination of factors, including proactive officers, strong training, and deployment of modern equipment to enhance public safety and improve accountability. “As we put a camera on every officer, put a TASER on every officer's belt, and continue to improve tactics and Shop Safely • Try to avoid going shopping alone or at night. If you must shop at night, park in a well-lighted area. When possible, use the buddy system and “To a criminal, even two people can look like a crowd and make it not worth their while to approach you,” says Darlington Police Chief Danny Watson. SAFETY ON 3A technology, our police department gets better and better,” says Chief Watson. The numbers seem to bear this out. Here are several major crime statistics charted over the course of a decade: Rape: 2004 – 6, 2009 – 3, 2015 – 0 Aggravated Assault: 2004 – 59, 2009 – 48, 2015 – 28 Homicide: 2004 – 1, 2009 – 0, 2015 – 0 Robbery: 2004 – 17, 2009 – 15, 2015 – 4 Burglary: 2004 – 131, 2009 – 89, 2015 – 37 Larceny: 2004 – 220, 2009 – 188, 2015 – 171 CRIME ON 3A Darlington Middle hosting Pee Dee qualifier for robotics state championships take a friend with you. • Park as close as possible to the store and remember where you parked. Lock car doors, roll up your windows, and be sure to set your alarm or security system if you have one. • Be visible; don't park next to vans, trucks with tall camper shells, or large vehicles that can provide cover for robbers. • Don't leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car. Lock tempting items in the trunk or hide them out of sight. • Get your keys out and ready before going to your car, and hang on to your purse and packages. TEAM ON 3A Darlington crime rates continue to drop Holiday safety tips By Samantha Lyles Staff Writer [email protected] Baptist Church; and mayor pro-tem for City of Darlington. 3. Dr. Thelma Dawson – Dentist and Darlington County School District Board of Education member. 4. Dr. David Eads – Chiropractor. 5. John Isgett – President & CEO, Raceway Ford; and past chairman of the board of directors of the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce. 6. Will Isgett – Freelance writer and local executive director of the Miss South Carolina Sweet Potato Festival Pageant. Participants of the recent Career Fair at Darlington County Institute of Technology. DCIT hosts Career Fair On November 20, 2015, over 300 students from Hartsville and Lamar High School participated in an Interactive Career Fair at the Darlington County Institute of Technology. An Interactive Career Fair was also held on October 2, 2015 to accommodate students from Darlington and Mayo High School. During the career fair, students learn about career and educational opportunities that will aid them as they pursue their future career goals. These events are a collaborative effort between the Darlington County Institute of Technology (DCIT), each of the Darlington County high schools, and numerous members of the business community. The purpose of the Interactive Career Fair is to provide opportunities for career exploration to students on their “Pathway to Success. FAIR ON 7A Darlington Middle School will transform into a hub for robotics on Saturday when the school hosts the Pee Dee Area Qualifier for the 2016 South Carolina First Lego League State Championships. Students from five public school districts and one private school who are passionate about science and engineering will participate in the competition. This will be the first time Darlington Middle has been selected to host the Pee Dee Area Qualifier. FlorenceDarlington Technical College previously hosted the event at the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology. ROBOTICS ON 7A The Pee Dee’s Oldest Independently Owned Newspaper opinion Word of the Week paragon: a model of excellence or perfection Merriam-Webster.com DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 2A the NeWs ANd press, dArliNGtoN, s.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET op-ed December 7, 1941 I remember! By Bill shepard Seventy-four years ago, I remember! It was the day that President Roosevelt said, “Would live in infamy!” The announcement came from the small radio that was on a shelf in the crowded room where this writer was seated. The President was telling America about the attack by the Japanese on the American Naval Fleet at Pearl Harbor. As he spoke, it is doubtful, but that any person in that room had ever heard the words, Pearl Harbor, before. The President told of the devastation of the attack upon the Fleet, and declared that the enemy would pay for its sneak attack. His words were spoken with deliberateness and resolve. The enemy would be defeated, and nothing short of “Unconditional Surrender” would be accepted! It was a stunned and somber group in that place where my oldest brother and I were present. Some in the group, including my brother, were home on a weekend pass from Fort Bragg where they were stationed. They were members of Battery F, a National Guard Unit from Darlington that had been mobilized into the Army just weeks before. The voice continued, “All military personnel absent from their base are requested to return as early as possible!” There were no TVs in those days, and not everyone had a radio, but word of the happenings spread rapidly from home to home. The small group that had gathered for an evening of fun dispersed quickly. My brother and I left immediately for home to gather his few belongings and return to Fort Bragg. We had done this on other occasions, but this one was different. We were now at war! I shall never forget the moments following my brother’s departure, after saying goodbye to the family gathered about him. My brokenhearted mother fell to her knees weeping and praying. My saddened Dad stood by, while this writer and his two younger sisters looked on. Another brother was somewhere else in the world, serving in the Navy. He had enlisted in the Navy two years earlier. We had to wonder where he was, and what was happening to him. My two little sisters and I were left to watch the lines of worry and concern spread across the faces of our parents. I would be of little comfort to my mom and dad as they both knew as they both knew how much I wanted to join the military and go away! As I grew more restless, my Dad grew more determined that he would not sign papers for me to enlist! I had been a member of Battery F, a National Guard unit, but when the Unit was mobilized, Dad had insisted that I be discharged. Because of my young age, I needed Dad’s permission to join. I had no choice but to accept his decision. Unless the reader could have been a young boy at that time, it would have been hard to understand the feeling that I felt each time I saw another young boy in military uniform! When I would hear the stories they would tell of their adventures in places far away, I would beg my Dad to allow me to enlist. His answer was always the same, “No!” The war had begun on that day in December in gathering momentum. Recruiting offices were jammed with young men enlisting. Posters with the words, “Uncle Sam Needs You” were placed in store windows and street corners everywhere. It seemed that every time I saw one, the finger of Uncle Sam was pointing straight at me! Oh, how I wanted to wear a military uniform! If I could change the ending of this story by rewriting it, I would gladly do so! If I could make amends and erase the tears I caused to flow on the cheeks of my Mama and Dad, I would! I cannot. Regret is a terrible partner, with which to spend a lifetime. My only comfort has been in knowing that my parents forgave me a long, long time ago. It has taken me much longer to forgive myself; sometimes, I wonder if I have! On February 18, 1942, less than three months following Pearl Harbor Day, I joined the Army, along with three of my Darlington friends. None of us had our parent’s consent. Therein lies the guilt! I have never regretted one day that I served in the Army! As I write, my mind goes back to that day in February o 1942, when Don, Charles, Earl and I were off to play our part in bringing the enemy to an unconditional surrender. It would be 62 years later before the four of us would be together again! The war that had begun on that December day in 1941 had come to an end. Victory had been won, August 14, 1945 and Japan surrendered, unconditionally! The ceremony was held aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, moored in Tokyo Bay. The war being ended, America seemed quick to forgive its hated enemy and to embrace it with an unbelievable kindness. Today, Japan is one of our closest allies. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from this event in our nation’s history. Settle your differences, forgive and move on! Today, as I write, history is writing again. The world is engaged in battle with a new kind of evil. The end is to be determined. Straight Ahead! Mr. Shepard is a native of Darlington, S.C., and a current resident of Piedmont, S.C. and author of “Mill Town Boy” and “Bruised”. He has been sharing his tales of growing up in Darlington for decades, and we are delighted to share them each week. His mailing address for cards and letters is: Bill Shepard 324 Sunny Lane, Piedmont, S.C., 29673 letters to the editor Mark your calendar for the Geminid meteor shower Dec. 12 - 14 The constellation of "Gemini", the Twins, is famous for its prolific meteor shower called the "Geminids." Every December, for a few days centered around the 12th through the 14th, the earth passes through a stream of meteoric material, which is the rocky debris from Asteroid 3200 Phaethon. Entering the atmosphere at speeds of 22 miles per second (80,500 mph) these bits of iron and stone heat up and become incandescent. Some of the meteors will appear as barely visible streaks, while others are much brighter. And sometimes you'll see large, bright, and slower moving, "Fireballs." They can really light up the sky!! These "shooting stars" appear to radiate near the star Castor, in Gemini. The radiant rises higher throughout the evening, and will be almost overhead at 2 a.m. Actually, the best time to watch is between midnight and sunrise. This year the best nights to watch will be Sunday night the 13th and Monday night the 14th. The two-dayold waxing crescent moon sets early, causing no problem at all. The International Meteor Organization predicts that the Geminids could reach 120 per hour. This is the number a single observer would see per hour under dark skies, away from our ever-present and, unfor- tunately, increasing light pollution. The best time to start observing is between 10 and 11 p.m. You might see a meteor a minute, on average, as Gemini rises higher and the earth rotates into the meteor stream. Binoculars or telescopes aren't needed for meteor watching. The best way to look for meteors is to scan the sky in all directions. Don't stare at one section of the sky; you'll end up missing meteors that are overhead or behind you. If the weather is clear, dress appropriately, and try observing this famous meteor shower. You just might find yourself getting hooked on stargazing. Francis Parnell Darlington, SC OP-ED ‘Trump-itis’ a revealing symptom of modern culture By Kathleen parker WASHINGTON — Surely he’s finally gone and done it now. Donald Trump, insulter extraordinaire, was bound to cross a line too far. Two days before Thanksgiving, he made many people feel nostalgic for the merely obnoxious Trump when he mocked a reporter with a physical disability, displaying a level of cruelty and meanness heretofore only suspected. Not surprisingly, Trump denies doing what he plainly did, as anyone can see in the video. Flailing his arms and hooking his hand into a claw, Trump appeared to be doing an impression of Serge Kovaleski’s uncontrollable arm movements, which are caused by a congenital joint condition. Trump’s display was rem- iniscent of Rush Limbaugh’s similar mockery of Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s disease. Like Limbaugh, who accused the actor of exaggerating his symptoms for effect (yeah, playing Parkinson’s is tons of fun), Trump has argued that Kovaleski, who writes for The New York Times, is using his affliction to grandstand. What swell guys. Though their critics may revile them in private, few are willing to call either of them out for their callousness — for the same reasons. Both el Trumpo and el Rushbo have legions of fans who, if you’re a political candidate, must not be offended. It is hard for many, including yours truly, to fathom Trump’s success as a presidential candidate. What sort of people abide — even applaud — a man The News & Press 117 S. Main St., Darlington, SC 29532 Phone (843) 393-3811 Fax (843) 393-6811 STAFF General Manager: Morrey Thomas [email protected] Editor: Jana E. Pye [email protected] Staff Writer: Samantha Lyles [email protected] Design: Duane Childers [email protected] Advertising: Charlotte Berger [email protected] Office Manager: Judy Rogers LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We encourage letters to the editor on any subject. Please include your name, location and phone number for verification. Mail to P.O. Box 513 Darlington SC 29540 or e-mail [email protected]. Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinions of the News and Press, and content may be edited prior to printing. Letters containing overtly malicious comments or personal attacks on your fellow citizens will not be printed. SUBSCRIPTIONS In-state subscriptions: One year $30 Out-of-state subscriptions: One year $40. Sorry, but we cannot give refunds for canceled subscriptions. PRESS RELEASE AND EVENT SUBMISSIONS All press releases are welcome and will be considered, but the News & Press reserves the right to edit as necessary for space or other requirements. Please contact us by phone at (843) 393-3811, by fax at (843) 393-6811 or by e-mail at [email protected] with your Darlington area news. with such a gargantuan ego whose sole accomplishment is having made a bundle of money with lots of help from strategic bankruptcies and a rather lavish loan from his father? At first it was a show — a bad show, but better than an “Apprentice” rerun. Most non-fans assumed he’d either fizzle or eventually get bored. A cynic might even have wondered if Trump wasn’t trying to get himself fired by blurting ever-more-outrageous statements. But the worse he got, the more some people liked him, even when he insulted them to their faces. When I wrote recently that a cursing, meandering Trump had veered into a ditch after he more or less insinuated to an Iowa audience that Iowans are stupid, his fan club got in touch. Oh, yeah? Apparently, any negative media commentary is a gift to Trump followers, who’d rather ignore, or, in some cases, cheer the taunting of a disabled reporter than recognize what would otherwise be repugnant. Demonizing is Trump’s specialty — and the media are chum in the shark tank of the bedeviled hard right. The truth is, Trump isn’t really sui generis, much as he’d like to be and much as it makes sane people feel less anxious. He’s just the richest person with a foul mouth and a mean streak to stalk the podium. If political ad man Fred Davis of Christine O’Donnell’s “I’m Not a Witch” fame were making a pitch for Trump, we’d be looking into the mad mogul’s perfect ring of a mouth and hearing: “I’m not a mean, narcissistic, bloviating SOB. I’m you.” He’s the ultimate personification of a variety of vices (greed, intemperance, gluttony, wrath, pride) that we have embraced as a culture with the certitude of the for- given — or of the bedamned, anyway. These past several days marking the season of gratitude have been emblematic of the moment when someone like Trump could become king of the heap. Consumerism run amok is what we tamely name Black Friday, the super-sale day when you’re as likely to be trampled (occasionally to death) in a stampede for The Deal, the art of which is in the eye of the beholder. Consumer-itis seems to become more acute with each passing year, infecting even our relationships. We quantify other people as we would any commodity, making them into things, not quite human. She’s not this enough; he’s not all that. Indulging and gratifying ourselves, instantly and without reserve, we’re no longer subject to the traditional inoculations of conscience — shame, embarrassment and fear. We never judge because this would be to suggest objective standards in a subjective world of relativity. Alas, even our national feast day is a contrivance of mindless gorging, a mere appetizer to the galloping consumption to follow thanks to the greatest marketing scam on Earth. Celebrants seem impervious to irony as they buy massive quantities of stuff to celebrate the birth of a Savior who had and wanted nothing. This is the table we’ve set and to which we’ve invited Trump, an extreme businessman who speaks in extreme language about extreme solutions for an angry world endangered by extremists. If you spot a pattern of dots here, they might be worth connecting. Meanwhile, surely, he’s gone and done it — this time? Kathleen Parker is a columnist for the Washington Post Writers Group. NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 3A Habitat for Humanity: myths and truths By Jana E. Pye Editor [email protected] “Everyone—all of us, every last person on God’s earth— deserves decent shelter. It speaks to the most basic of human needs—our home—the soil from which all of us, every last person, either blossom or wither. We each have need of food, clothing, education, medical care, and companionship; but first, we must have a place to live and grow.” Millard Fullard Founder of Habitat for Humanity International “To tell you the truth, some people don’t really know what we do at Habitat for Humanity.” said Mark Haenchen. “And we really want to share our mission with all of Darlington County. We are here for everyone.” The Darlington County Habitat for Humanity began in 1996 as part of the global, nonprofit housing organization that was founded in twenty years earlier in Georgia. Since they began, the local Habitat has built 43 homes, and 61 homes overseas. Major sponsors for the organization include Nucor Steel, Darlington Raceway, Wells Fargo & The Byerly Foundation. The next homeowner workshop will be sometime after the first of the year. Interested families are encouraged to call to be placed on their list to contact for the workshop: 843383-8500. At the workshop, information about the program will be discussed, and participants will have the opportunity to apply for a home. Assistance with the application is available. To speed up the application process please bring copies of the following documents: driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, most recent tax return and pay stubs. Be sure to attend the workshop as you must attend to receive your application. The following are common “myths and truths” of Habitat: Myth: Habitat for Humanity gives houses away to poor people Fact: Habitat for Humanity offers a homeownership opportunity to families unable to obtain conventional house financing – generally, those whose income is 40 to 80 percent of the area’s median income. In most cases, prospective Habitat homeowner families make a down payment and contribute 300 - 400 hours of “sweat equity” on the construction of their home or someone else’s home. Because Habitat houses are built using donations of land, material and labor, mortgage payments are kept affordable. Myth: Habitat houses reduce property values in a neighborhood Fact: Low-cost housing studies in the United States and Canada show affordable housing has no adverse effect on other neighborhood property values. In fact, Habitat houses have increased property values and local government tax income. Myth: Habitat builds houses only for minorities Fact: Habitat builds houses in partnership with families in need – regardless of race, religion or any other difference – who meet three criteria: need, willingness to partner; and the ability to repay the no-interest, no-profit mortgage. Myth: You have to be Christian to become a Habitat homeowner Fact: Habitat for Humanity is a Christian organization. However, homeowners are chosen without regard to race, religion or ethnic group. Habitat also welcomes volunteers from all faiths, or no faith, who actively embrace Habitat’s goal Crime Safety Vehicle Theft: 2004 – 31, 2009 – 14, 2015 – 15 Arson: 2004 – 2, 2009 – 2, 2015 – 0 Theft From Vehicle: 2004 – 62, 2009 – 59, 2015 – 33 • Be aware of your surroundings. If you see suspicious people hanging around your vehicle, ask store security if they could help you to your car. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; use checks or credit cards where possible. Secure all receipts from retailers, restaurants, and ATMs, and watch out for misplaced cards and ID. Keeping these items organized in your purse or wallet now can cut down on stress later. “It helps if you always put your credit cards, ID, and receipts in the same place every time,” says Chief Watson. “That way, even if you're distracted, you automatically put them away and don't lose track of them.” Continued from 1A Continued from 1A Another key statistic has also seen a major reduction in recent years – resisting arrest. In 2004, there were 29 resisting arrest charges, compared with only 8 in 2015. Watson attributes this drop to the presence of body cameras worn by Darlington Police Department officers and the use of Less Than Lethal weapon systems. “These body camera systems have become a vital tool in protecting the truth. (The camera) has no opinion, it does not forget, it is simply what happened frame by frame,” Watson says, noting that DPD has been using body cameras since 2006, long before many other agencies recognized their potential benefits. Chief Watson says traffic enforcement is a key component of DPD's public safety mission, observing that unless a city's streets are safe to drive, it's hard to lure new residents or economic development to the area. He says Darlington's burgeoning reputation as a speed trap is short-sighted, and notes that active patrols and traffic stops stops do more than generate ticket revenue, they discourage unsafe drivers and give pause to criminals. Watson says the obvious upside to rigorous traffic enforcement is the dramatic reduction in auto collisions in Darlington over the past decade. “No one likes getting a ticket – no one. However, back when we started our traffic enforcement program around 2003, in the City of Darlington we had 500 traffic collisions a year. That's 500 in a town of just over 6,000 people. Now we have on average about 150. That is success,” says Watson. Home Security • Lock doors and windows when you leave the house, even if you're heading out on a short errand. • Arrange mail and newspaper pick-up with neighbors if you'll be away from home for several days. • Put indoor and outdoor lights on timers. • Don't tempt burglars by leaving piles of wrapped gifts in highly visible spots, where they can be seen through windows or doors. • Remember that daylight offers little to no protection from burglars. Chief Watson says that many Christmas season break-ins take place during the day when residents are out working, running errands, or visiting friends. Be Wary of Strangers at Your Door Criminals have been known to pose as couriers delivering gifts. If you don't see their delivery vehicle, ask to see some identification before you open the door to sign for the package. Fake charity drives are a growing concern around the holidays, with clipboard-wielding crooks hitting up folks for Christmas donations. If you're suspicious, ask to see some ID and quiz them about the charity – how the money will be used, etc. But remember its safer to donate only to recognized charity organizations. Holiday Parties • Be sure to eat before consuming alcoholic Midway Storage $ISJTUNBT Special 10 ft x 10 ft Unit $50 For December Located in Pine Ridge Community on Hwy 151, midway between Hartsville & McBee across from Kelley Tax Service 8FMMMJUBSFBt*OBOFJHICPSIPPEXJUI $SJNF8BUDI$PNNVOJUZ $BNQFS4QBDFT"WBJMBCMF 843-332-6084 of eliminating poverty housing. Myth: Habitat houses allow people to move from poverty to fancy new houses Fact: Any newly build house is going to be a dramatic change for a family that has been living in poverty. But Habitat houses are not extravagant by any standard. Habitat’s philosophy is to build simple, decent, affordable homes. Myth: Habitat for Humanity was founded by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Fact: Habitat was started in 1976 in Americus, Ga., by Millard Fuller along with his wife Linda. President Carter and his wife Rosalynn (whose home is eight miles from Americus, in Plains, Ga.), have been longtime Habitat supporters and volunteers who help bring national attention to the organization’s house-building work. Each year, they lead the Jimmy Carter Work Project to help build houses and raise awareness of the need for affordable housing. For more information on the local Darlington County Habitat for Humanity, contact: 843-383-8500 www.darcohabitat.org. beverages, preferably fatty and protein-rich foods that will slow the absorption of alcohol. • Know your safe drinking limit and remember that even a little buzz could mean you are over South Carolina's .08 Blood Alcohol Content limit. • If you plan to indulge, or end up over consuming, use a designated driver, a sober van, or call a taxi. It's worth the extra expense to get home safely. Ten More Tips from the Electrical Safety Foundation International 1. Inspect electrical decorations for damage before use. Cracked or damaged sockets, loose or bare wires, and loose connections may cause a serious shock or start a fire. 2. Do not overload electrical outlets. Overloaded electrical outlets and faulty wires are a common cause of holiday fires. Avoid overloading outlets and plug only one highwattage appliance into each outlet at a time. 3. Never connect more than three strings of incandescent lights. More than three strands may not only blow a fuse, but can also cause a fire. 4. Keep tree fresh by watering daily. Dry trees are a serious fire hazard. 5. Use battery-operated candles. Candles start almost half of home decoration fires. Keep combustibles at least three feet from heat sources. A heat source that was too close to the decoration was a factor in half of home fires that began with decorations. 6. Protect cords from damage. To avoid shock or fire hazards, cords should never be pinched by furniture, forced into small spaces such as doors or windows, placed under rugs, located near heat sources, or attached by nails or staples. 7. Check decorations for certification label. Decorations not bearing a label from an Independent testing laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL) have not been tested for safety and could be hazardous. 8. Stay in the kitchen when something is cooking. Unattended cooking equipment is the leading cause of home cooking fires. 9. Turn off, and unplug all decorations when going to sleep or leaving the house. 10. Extinguish candles. Unattended candles are the cause of one in five home candle fires. Half of home fire deaths occur between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Home Continued from 1A Jerry Dickey, one of her son in laws, said, “It is a blessing for her to be here. She’s been through a lot.” Mrs. Greene recently had some health difficulties including a stroke, and amputation of both her legs. The driveway is uniquely sloped so for ease in moving her wheelchair directly from the front door out, without a separate ramp. According to Ben Schmeltz, Manager of the Darlington ReStore, these are specially designed for homes with someone in a wheelchair Help Continued from 1A “When we have homeless people come in, sometimes the canned food we give them doesn't have a pop top, so they need a can opener,” says volunteer Sandra Timmons. “That's an affordable thing people can buy several of for just a few dollars.” If you can manage to donate some goods or funds to Team Continued from 1A 7. James Jackson – Business owner and community leader. 8. Jannie Lathan – President & CEO, Lathan Consulting Corporation; and chairman of the board of directors, Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce. 9. Marvin Lawson – Probate Judge for Darlington County. 10. Denny Neilson – Former South Carolina House of Representative member. 11. Willie Pearson – Retired or walker. Traditional homes have steps to the doors. The floor plans are very similar for all of the local Habitat homes. Hot water heaters are provided by A.O. Smith, appliances – refrigerator, washer and dryer – are all Whirlpool; cabinets and countertops are purchased from Lowes, and all the paint is from Valspar. The homeowners are responsible for a down payment, and for payments on the affordable home loan. For more information on how to apply for a Habitat home, contact the Darlington County Habitat for Humanity at: 843-383-8500 www.darcohabitat.org. help others, perhaps you might consider chipping in a few dollars more to help The Lord Cares with a facility improvement. Longtime volunteer Bryant Gardner has told the News and Press that the TLC building, located at 201 Grove Street, needs a new roof and any help the public could provide is welcome. To learn more about The Lord Cares, call (843) 3951001. They are open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 am until 12 noon. educator and local business owner. 12. Elaine Reed – Retired S.C. Department of Health & Human Services; radio personality at WPDT radio station. 13. Jim Stone – Former City of Darlington Fire Chief. 14. Charlie Weatherford – Local business owner. 15. Chip Wile – President, Darlington Raceway. “Mayor elect Hines is confident the transition team will be successful in setting Darlington on a course that assures our great city will reach its greatest potential.” Notice of Appeal A meeting of the City of Darlington Board of Zoning Appeals will be held in Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 400 Pearl Street, Monday, December 7, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of those interested in the Appeal to the Board, as listed below. Item # 1 (Case 11/06/15) Property of Wal-Mart Real Estate Business, Tax Map No. 165-16-02-013; bordered on the North by the properties of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church of Darlington Inc., Tax Map. Nos. 165-16-02-012 and 165-1602-010, and the property of Margie Thomas, Tax Map No. 16516-02-014, and the property of Elissa J. & John K. Kimbrough, Tax Map No. 165-16-02-009, and the property of Daisy Mack, Tax Map No. 165-16-02-008, and the property of Darlington Woods LLC, Tax Map No. 165-16-02-007; bordered on the South by the property of O’Reilly Automotive Stores, Tax Map No. 165-16-02-022; bordered on the Southeast by the property of Darlington Woods LLC, Tax Map No. 165-16-02-018; and bordered on the Southwest and West by South Main Street. PROPOSAL: REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO INSTALL A DIGITAL SIGN WITHIN 300 FEET OF A DWELLING. Individuals may submit comments in writing by Thursday, December 3, 2015, to City Planning Department, P.O. Box 57, Darlington, SC 29540, or they may provide comments in person at the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. Info: 843-398-4000 x 103 or [email protected] Feast your eyes on a healthier alternative to fast food! “Your Choice - Your Taste” • Build your own Pita • Smoothies • Made fresh to order daily Enjoy any of our amazing Pitas Meat Pitas, Veggie Pitas & Breakfast Pitas! Three Locations to serve you better Florence, SC 843-667-4820 Hartsville, SC 843-332-4820 Let us cater your holiday parties. We deliver! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram www.pitapitusa.com Sumter, SC 803-773-4820 QUOTE The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 obituaries FRIDAY DEADLINE FOR OBITUARIES email [email protected] call (843) 393-3811 or fax (843) 393-6811. DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 4A The News AND Press, DArLINGTON, s.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET KISTLER HARDEE PLACE YOUR AD IN 107 S.C. NEWSPAPERS FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY and reach more than 2.4 million readers using our small space display ad network “Serving the communities of Darlington County for three generations” • Traditional Funerals with a Personal Touch • Funeral Pre-Planning • Immediate Cremation and Cremation with Memorial Service • Aftercare Services - Social Security, Probate, V. A. Paper Work & Insurance Claims 229 W. Broad St., Darlington 217 W. Main St., Lamar 393-2824 326-5890 Carolyn Hicks Caul Ms. Carolyn Hicks Caul, of Smith Station, AL, passed away on November 21 at the age of 64. Carolyn was preceded in death by her mother, Mary Lena Hill, of Lamar, South Carolina. Carolyn is survived by her father and step mother, Carroll and Ruth Hicks; her aunt, Katherine Amerson; three sisters; her children, Jessica Weber and Matthew Caul; and grandchildren, Andrew, Holden, and Adisynn. Carolyn was a retired AAFES employee of 25 years. She will be missed by all who knew her. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to Columbus Hospice, 7020 Moon Road Columbus, GA 31909. Frank Bell Frank Bell, age 70 of passed away Hartsville, Monday, November 23, 2015. A memorial service was held 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 27th in the chapel at Belk Funeral Home, with a visitation following the service. Frank was born in Lamar January 8, 1945, and grew up in Leavensworth Community. He was the son of Henry Bell, and the late Anita Jones Bell. He worked for Perfection Gear Company for more than 25 years until the plant closed. Frank attended Dovesville Church of God for many years. Surviving, in addition to his father, are his siblings, Susan Hall, Henry Bell, Jr., Bobby (Diane) Bell, Wanda Gainey, Robert Bell, Carolyn (Ray) Atkinson, Angle (Rodney Poole) Bell, Jerry Bell, Timmy Bell, and Ruth Ann (Jimmy Statewide or regional buys available Alanna Ritchie 888.727.7377 scnewspapernetwork.com 315 Pearl Street Darlington South Carolina Newspaper Network death by a son, Rodney Larymore; a grandson, Christopher Glenn Larymore; two sisters, Marie Watford, and Marlene McCaskill; and a brother, Leon Odell Terry, Jr. Memorials are suggested to Mechanicsville Baptist Church, 2364 Cashua Ferry Road, Darlington, S.C. 29532. An online guestbook is available at www.belkfuneralhome.com. death by siblings Henry “Sonny” Gainey, and Peggy “Peg” Gainey. Memorials are suggested to her church, Flat Creek Pentecostal Church, Pastor Lon Howle, 1072 Harmony Hall Road, Darlington, S.C. 29540. An online guestbook is available at www.belkfuneralhome.com. Ella Larymore Jenny Howle Ella Louise Terry Larymore died at her home November 27, 2015. Funeral services were held 2:00 p.m. Monday, November 30 at Mechanicsville Baptist Church followed by burial in Swift Creek Cemetery directed by Belk Funeral Home. The family received friends Sunday evening at Belk Funeral Home. Born December 23, 1932 in Darlington County, Mrs. Larymore was the daughter of late Leon Odell Terry and Bessie Mae Boan Terry. She was married to the late Willard T. Larymore, Sr. She was a housewife, member of the Lower Cherokee of South Carolina, and a member of Mechanicsville Baptist Church. Surviving are her sons: Willard T. Larymore, Jr., Michael S. (Rena) Larymore, and Glenn S. (Frances) Larymore; her daughters: Linda L. (Joseph) Clark, and Brandy M. Larymore, all of Darlington; eight grandchildren; thirteen great-grandchildren; two great great-grandchildren; and three brothers: Johnny Terry, Lewis “Bud” Terry, and Donald “Joe” Terry, all of Florence. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Larymore was preceded in Virginia “Jenny” Gainey Howle, age 70, passed away Saturday, November 28, 2015. Funeral services were held 2:00 p.m. Tuesday at Flat Creek Pentecostal Church followed by burial in the church cemetery directed by Belk Funeral Home. The family received friends Monday evening at Flat Creek Pentecostal Church. Born in Darlington County, July 28, 1945, she was the daughter of the late Lawrence and Ollie Mae Gainey. She was a housewife, and a loving mother and grandmother. Jenny was a member of Flat Creek Pentecostal Church. Surviving are her husband of 51 years, Lonnie “Lon G” Howle; sons: Pastor Lon (Robbie) Howle, Jr., and Timmy (Amy) Howle; a daughter, Jenny Lynn (Ronnie) Winburn; eight grandchildren: Bradley Howle ,Corey Howle, Mikayla Howle, Carson Winburn, Gavin Howle, Trevor Howle, Seth Winburn, and all of Drayton Howle, Darlington; sisters, Katie (Harvey) Byrd, and Betty “Bet” Kelly; a sister-in-law, Jean Gainey of Hartsville; and a brother-in-law, Robert Gainey of Dovesville. Mrs. Howle was preceded in Jimmie Rae Windham, age 81 of Gastonia, N.C. (formerly of Lamar, S.C.) died Friday, November 27, in a North Carolina hospital. After funeral services in Fort Mill, S.C., graveside services were held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 1 at Lamar Memorial Cemetery, Lamar, S.C. Mr. Windham was born in Lamar, April 20, 1934 to the late Leon G. and Annie M. Reynolds Windham. He was retired after a long employment with Merita Bakeries of Charlotte, N.C. and Florence, S.C. He is survived by a son, Kenny (Susan) Windham of Belmont, N.C.; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and former wife and mother of his sons, Martha W. Slaughter. Mr. Windham was predeceased by sons, Jimmie “Gene,” and Linwood A. Windham; brothers, Leon L., James C., and Harold E. Windham; and sisters Louise, and Annie L. Windham. Belk Funeral Home of Darlington/Lamar is in charge of local arrangements. Memorials may be made to one’s choice. An online guestbook is available at www.belkfuneralhome.com. Blake) McLain; a special niece, Lynn O’Neal; many other nieces and nephews; and a special friend, Helen Petty. Preceded in death, in addition to his mother, are his wife, Beatrice Bell; his brothers, Alan Wayne Bell, Albert Bell, and Gerald Lee Bell; and his sister, Marilyn Bell. A guestbook is available online at www.belkfuneralhome.com. Jimmie Rae Windham Preparing for Christmas: Tips for keeping the holiday season holy Are you ready for Christmas? Instead of worrying, what if we thought about Advent a little differently, and our “getting ready” could more of a holy time. Most of us strive to “keep Christ in Christmas,” but the busyness has a way of encroaching upon our joy and worship. We might benefit from deciding to make time for some important activities, as we get ready for Christmas. Adopt a new season of Advent Attending worship is an important part of the Advent season. If you do not currently have a church home, plan on trying a new service this year. Worship and devotion Worship with your church. Your congregation will probably hold some special services throughout the Christmas season. In addition to Sunday worship during Advent and Candlelight Christmas Eve services, plan to attend the children’s Christmas pageant, the choir concert, and the Longest Night/Blue Christmas services. If you do not have a regular congregation with whom you worship, find one near you. If you used to attend and have not been lately, this the perfect time to return. Worship with your family Purchase or make an Advent wreath and hold a small service each Sunday night to help everyone in the family get ready for Jesus’ birth. Worship privately Spending time alone with God can be a great way to draw closer. Decorating and baking Pray through your decorating. Many of our Christmas decorations have religious significance. The wreath is round reminding us of the constancy of God. The Christmas tree is an evergreen, a reminder that God’s promises never fail. Even the lights can serve as reminders that Jesus is the light of world! Not to mention the nativity scene on the coffee table and the angels on the special Christmas party napkins. Whether decorating yourself or enjoying others’ displays, let the images spur you to prayers of gratitude. Bake some extra. When baking for guests, the cookie swap, or to give as gifts, take a few extra moments and make one more batch to give away. Then visit the local homeless shelter, food bank, first responders, or others with whom you want to share. Set up a Jesse Tree A Jesse Tree can be used as different kind of Advent calendar. Each day an ornament is added to the tree. The ornaments are reminders of the story of our faith from creation to the birth of Jesus. As the tree fills, we are moving closer and closer to Christmas Day. Remember. These preparations are sometimes filled with memories—ornaments from our childhood Christmas tree, recipes your first learned from your grandmother, and more. Take the time to savor the memories and give thanks for the saints who have lived before you. Education Join a Sunday school class or Bible study. Many congregations will offer special Advent education opportunities. These are wonderful times to learn something new, and to connect with others who are getting their souls ready for the coming of Christ. Study the Bible The story of God coming to us in the person of Jesus—the incarnation—is central to our Christian faith. Get a good, devotional Bible study guide and delve into the meaning of Christmas from a new angle. Read a book Maybe you have always wanted to know more about the theology of the incarnation or have always wanted to reread Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. Set aside some time every day to dive into a good book just for fun, or to learn something about Christmas. Serve Serving others is a wonderful way to celebrate Advent. This group is making sandwiches for people in need. Give fair trade Fair trade gifts support companies that pay their workers a livable wage. These workers are then able to support their families and contribute to a just and sustainable economy. Give time Find a mission that your congregation supports, or a neighbor who needs a hand and make a gift of your time. You might rake leaves, drive to doctor’s appointments, work at the soup kitchen, or take a meal over once-a-week. Give money Support the ministries and missions of your congregation, and your community. Celebrate Sing Christmas music is everywhere. Join in the song. Be creative Write a poem or song. Paint. Create a collage. Crochet. Work with wood. Use your talents and abilities in celebration of the season and thanksgiving for the gift of Jesus. Throw a party! Children love birthday parties, so have your kids invite some of their friends to your house for a birthday party for Jesus during winter break. Play games, have some cake and ice cream. Mix birthday and Christmas traditions. Or invite friends over to celebrate Las Posadas, remembering that as Jesus has welcomed us, we are to welcome others. Enjoy the food You may not need to be encouraged for this one, but remember the gift of food— even holiday treats—though not to excess. Let the abundance of good food be a reminder of the provision of God. “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8). Be kind to yourself Sometimes we put a lot of pressure on ourselves during this busy time. Give yourself permission to miss a party or two. Choose to be with family, to spend time alone, to see your child's Christmas choir concert at school, and enjoy the season. Adapted from www.umc.org “Our family serving yours since 1922” 843-393-3851 www.kistlerhardeefuneralhome.com ChurCh News Please send your church news to: [email protected] The Lord Cares: please remember to help With the temperatures dropping, please continue to assist The Lord Cares in caring for those in need in the Darlington area. T.L.C.’s food bank is located at 201 Grove Street in Darlington. They are open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Donations of non-perishable food items (especially canned meats) are needed, as are toiletries, bathroom tissue, and paper towels. Monetary donations are always needed, and are tax deductible…so be sure to make an additional one before December 31, 2015! Special Friends Choir Christmas Concert Please join the congregation of the Darlington Church of God for a Special Friends Choir Christmas Concert December 5 at 6:00 p.m. A love offering will be received. Darlington Church of God is located at 702 N Governor Williams Hwy. in Darlington. Miracle on Main Street Enjoy a children’s musical at Central Baptist Church on Sunday, December 6 at 6:00 p.m. Free admission, and enjoy a special Christmas Party in the Activity Building afterwards with a very special guest. Church is located at 512 Spring Street in Darlington. For more information, contact: 843-3938581 or visit online at www.cbcdarlington.com Come Home: A Family Christmas Enjoy the music and drama of “Come Home: A Family Christmas” at Central Baptist Church on Sunday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Activity Building. Central Baptist Church is located on 512 Spring Street in Darlington. For more information, contact: 843-3938581 or visit online at www.cbcdarlington.com Macedonia seeks information on Dr. Brockenton Deacon Patsy Y. Sawyer is in search of relatives of Dr. Isaac P. Brockenton, former pastor of Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. Brockenton served at Macedonia from 1866 – 1908. Mrs. Sawyer is currently researching the history of the church, and any information on this pastor will be most appreciated. You may contact her at the church: 843-393-6361, or via email at: [email protected] Bible Study Bible study at Mt.Zion Tabernacle Believers Church 426 W. Broad St. Darlington, on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m. Bible study led by Rev.Larry Scipio. Contact Deacon Z.Frierson at 843992-3158 or church 843-9928125. Come join us. St. Catherine's Episcopal Church 3123 W. Palmetto St., Florence Worship Time: 11 a.m. (4th Sunday 8:30 a.m.) Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.Phone: 843-601-3672 Facebook: StCatherinesEC Vicar: The Rev. Jeffrey R. Richardson Black Creek Baptist Church Black Creek Baptist Church, located 139 Mont Clare Road, Dovesville, announces their hours: Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11a.m. Worship Services and 6 p.m. Evening Worship. Wednesday: 6:30 Adult Bible Study; Youth Bible Study, Children (Children In Action) 7:30 Adult Choir Practice Mt. Zion Tabernacle Ministries Mt. Zion Tabernacle Ministries 426 W. Broad St. in Darlington announces their hours 1st/3rd Sunday Pastoral Sunday: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Church Services 11:00 Elder M. Frierson 2nd/4th Sunday: Sunday School at 9:30 by Deacon Z. Frierson Service at 11:00 a.m. Min.Gerald Green. The community is invited to attend. Come expecting to hear the anointed Word. Contact Deacon.Z.Frierson 843-229-3158. Christine Annette Moses Addison In Loving Memory Alpha Nov. 19, 1954 Omega Dec. 5, 2013 Gone, but never forgotten! (Rest in Peace) Love, your devoted mother, Mrs. Minnie M. Gandy of the home, your sister, Ms. Mary Anne Moses of the home, and family and friends WE WANT COMMUNITY NEWS Email [email protected], call (843) 393-3811 or fax (843) 393-6811. Subject: COMMUNITY NEWS community DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 5A THE NEWS AND PRESS, DARLINGTON, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET PETS Of THE WEEk Darlington Square on Sunday, December 6th. Parade begins at 4:00 p.m., and the CarolLighting begins at 5:30 p.m. Hagen is a beautiful, sweet girl who loves everyone she meets. She was a great leash walker and would love a running buddy to help her stretch her legs. After living on a lead for most for her life she sure does deserve it. She met a few cats during her time out but decided they might be a little too fun when they start running away, but who can blame her? She just wants to play catch! 1-2 yrs old; 48 lbs; blue pit; female The Darlington County Humane Society is located 0.5 miles from Darlington Raceway off Highway 151 in Darlington. Darlington County Council Meeting The Darlington County Council meets on Monday, December 7, and the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m., at the Courthouse Annex/EMS Building, 1625 Harry Byrd Highway (Highway 151), Darlington, SC. The Council encourages citizen participation and provides an opportunity for citizens to present their concerns at the beginning of each regular meeting. Those wishing to make a presentation should contact the Clerk to Council at 843-398-4100 or [email protected]. This handsome hunk, Esteban, is so sweet! He was so excited to get out for a while for his photo session. He met a few cats along the way, but was only interested in sniffing them a bit before giving his person all the attention again. He was so happy to hang out with people and enjoyed getting lots of kisses and belly rubs too. 2-3 yrs old; 54 lbs; lab mix; male Have you lost or found a pet? If you have lost or found a pet, go online to www.darlingtonhumane.org and click on the link Lost/ Found Pets. You will be directed to the www.thelostpets.com Web site where you can register your missing pet. You will be able to provide a detailed description of your missing pet, as well as attach a photo. Upon registering your lost pet, an e-mail alert will be sent to the Darlington Shelter’s e-mail address. This will allow the Shelter staff to recognize your lost pet should it arrive at the facility. Area Happenings Weekly events: Story Time at the Library Darlington: Thursdays at 10 a.m. Info: 398-4940 ext. 305. Hartsville: Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Info: 332-5115 ext. 7. Society Hill: Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Info: 378-0026 Lamar: Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. Info: 326-5524 Library Youth Programs: Darlington Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. Lamar Family Movie Day: Tuesdays 4:00 p.m.; Youth Program: Thursday at 4:00 p.m. Crochet & Knit Club at the Library Lamar: each Monday at 4:30 p.m. 326-5524 Society Hill: each Friday from 2-4 pm 378-0026 Darlington: 2nd Friday of the month 10 a.m. - noon 3984940 Hartsville: “The Stitchers” group meets the 1st & 3rd Mondays and 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 5 pm. Pee Dee SCORE Pee Dee SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) offers Free confidential counseling to America's small business, serving Darlington, Florence and surrounding areas. Existing and start-up businesses can schedule an appointment by calling the Hartsville Chamber of Commerce at 843-332-6401. Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous will hold an open meeting of big book and traditions studies weekly at 8 p.m. Monday nights at Trinity UMC on Pearl Street. Use Orange Street entrance. Info: 843-395-6897. AA meets at at the Hartsville AA Hut, 310 S. McFarland Street: 12 noon and 6 p.m. Monday/Wednesday; 12 noon and 8 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; and 8pm Sunday. Al-Anon Meetings Al-Anon is a fellowship of adult relatives and friends of alcoholics for mutual support. Visitors are welcome. Childcare is not available. AlAnon meetings: Thursday evenings at 6 p.m. at St. Luke UMC Parlor, 302 Dunlap Dr., Hartsville. Info: 843-992-2981. Thursdays at 8p.m at the Hartsville AA Hut, 310 S. McFarland Street. Bethea Fellowship Hall at 12:00 p.m. Topics Include: Understanding Diabetes; Short & Long-Term Effects of Increased Blood Sugar; Healthy Options and Alternatives for Dining During the Holidays. RSVP to Shane Bailey at (843) 395-4402 or [email protected] by Wednesday November 25. HCC Annual Christmas Concert The Hartsville Community Chorus and Children's Chorale will present their annual Christmas Concert at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 1, at West Hartsville Baptist Church. There is no charge to the general public although a freewill offering will be taken. Swamp Fox Quilters Guild The Swamp Fox Quilters Guild monthly meeting will be on Thursday, December 3rd, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 2000 Marsh Ave., in Florence (corner of 3rd Loop Road and Marsh Ave). New members and visitors are welcome. Members reminded of the covered dish luncheon. Annual Mayors Christmas Tree Lighting The City of Hartsville's official Christmas Tree Lighting arrives Friday, Dec. 4 in Centennial Park, featuring dance and vocal performances, the unveiling of the Santa Claus mailbox and finally the lighting of the City of Hartsville Christmas tree! Please note the new location for this year -- the tree lighting is happening for the first time ever in Centennial Park. ( Fifth Street and Carolina Avenue) Come To Bethlehem Bethea Retirement Community and local churches present Come To Bethlehem Friday and Saturday December 4th and 5th 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. both nights FREE and open to the public! Church buses are welcome. • See Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Christ • Sights and sounds of the first Christmas will be demonstrated with actors, angels, shepherds, and villagers • Join Herod's Court, the Wise Men, Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child in the true meaning of Christmas • All who attend will be able to walk or drive through the Town of Bethlehem • Proceeds will benefit Child Evangelism Fellowship Event location: Bethea Retirement Community 157 Home Ave., Darlington. Bluegrass Concert Come listen to great bluegrass music on Saturday, December 4th at 4:00 p.m.! The Southeastern Bluegrass Association of South Carolina will hold monthly concerts on the first Saturday of every month at The Darlington Music Hall, 1931 Harry Byrd Highway, Darlington. Doors open at 4 p.m. for jamming, socializing, and open mic. Info: www.sebga.org. Trip to Mullins Webster Manor Join the fun with the Darlington Area Recreation Department as they visit the Mullins Webster Manor on Thursday, December 3! Price is $7. Bus leaves at 9 a.m., return at 1:00 p.m. Lunch is on your own. Please sign up for trip 1 week in advance. Contact Crystal Gibson at 843-3980340 for more information. Historic Christmas Open House at Kalmia Gardens Christmas Open house with the Hart House naturally decorated by the Darlington County Master Gardeners will be held Sunday December 6 from 35pm. There will be visits with Santa student pianists and mule drawn carriage rides. Cookies and punch will be served. This celebration also includes the Jacob Kelly House and the Hart Cottage. Darlington’s Christmas Parade & Carol-Lighting Usher in the beauty of Christmas with the annual Christmas Parade followed by Carol-Lighting on the Parkinson's Disease Support Group A meeting of the Pee Dee area Parkinson's Disease Support Group will be held Tuesday, December 8th, between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm. The meeting at 121 E Cedar Street, Florence is open to people with Parkinson's, caregivers, family, and friends. The group meets the second Tuesday of each month. For more information call 843673-0854 or email: [email protected] Hartsville City Council Meeting City Council holds their regular council meeting on December 8th on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, found on the first floor of City Hall, 100 E. Carolina Ave. Notification of special meetings is provided at least 24 hours in advance, and agendas are posted in the alcove outside of Council Chambers. Work sessions are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. No action is taken at work sessions. Society Hill Town Council Meeting The Society Hill Town Council will hold their monthly meeting on December 8th and the second Tuesday of each month. All monthly meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall of Society Hill 280 South Main Street. * NOTE: This month a special Public Town Meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the use of St. David's Academy by S & S Productions. The 2015 Christmas Parade will take place Saturday, Dec. 12, beginning at 10:30 a.m. on South Fifth Street and Carolina Ave. 843-917-0602 or [email protected] to learn more. Dec. 9 - 15 Recreation Dept. Senior Christmas Luncheon Share the Christmas spirit with the combined Darlington Area and Hartsville Area Recreation Department’s Senior Christmas Luncheon at the Coach T.B. Thomas Center in Hartsville at Wednesday December 9 from 10 a.m. – 12 noon. *NOTE DATE CHANGE Trip to Theater of the Republic Join the fun with the Darlington Area Recreation Department as they visit the Theater of the Republic to watch “The Christmas Story” on Thursday, December 10! Price is $30. Time to be announced. Please sign up for trip 1 week in advance. Contact Crystal Gibson at 843398-0340 for more information. American Legion Post 13 American Legion Post 13 of Darlington meets December 10, the second Thursday of each month at the Post on Harry Byrd Highway next to the South Carolina National Guard Armory. A meal is served at 6:00 p.m. with a monthly meeting that follows. The nation's largest Veterans organization invites its members, eligible Veterans, and active National Guard/Reserve personnel to attend. The Darlington Branch NAACP meets December 8th and on the second Tuesday every month, 7:00 p.m. at 109 Pearl Street. New members are always welcomed. For more information contact President Anthony Hall at 843-229-1274 or email to [email protected]. Darlington County Autism Support Group is having an event called "Winter Festival 2015" for individuals and their families who are affected by Autism on Saturday, December 12, 2015 from 11:00 a.m.. to 2:00 p.m. at Temple Free Will Baptist Church located at 1660 North Governor Williams Highway, Darlington, SC. (Right across from Citi-Trends Distribution Center) We are asking that each child in the family bring a wrapped gift labeled girl or boy. Price range of the gift is from $5.00 to $15.00. This event is free to the families. Activities included, games, a craft, movie etc. Food includes pizza, chips and drink. Door prizes will be given away. Fun for the whole family! Registration is required. To register, please contact Coretta Bailey at (843)-307-3386. You do not have to be a resident in Darlington County to attend this event! Free Films: It's a Wonderful Life The Darlington Area Recreation Department will hold a free showing of the film, It's a Wonderful Life, at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, on the Public Square in Darlington. Darlington Rec. Dept. Bingo: Christmas Bingo Black and White Gala Care Innovations, a division of CareSouth Carolina, is planning their 6th Annual Black & White Gala on Thursday, December 10 from 6 - 10 p.m .at the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology (SIMT) Building, 1951 Pisgah Road, Florence. The purpose of the event is to raise funds and awareness of HIV/AIDS in our local communities. For additional information, contact La'Quantia Goodman, Assistant Director of Care Innovations, at 843378-3441. Downtown Christmas Market Enjoy a wonderful Christmas shopping experience here in Darlington on Saturday, December 12th from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Trinity UMC Fellowship Hall, 126 Pearl Street in Darlington. Music, Arts, and Vendors – free facepainting for the kids! Presented by Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association. For more information contact DDRA at: 843-398-4000 ext. 103 or email: [email protected]. Hartsville Farmers Market Darlington Branch NAACP Winter Festival 2015 Farmers market with local meats cheeses vegetables and milk delicious fare like breads cookies and coffees. Musicians and artisans showing off their hand-crafted specialties. Vendors: $25 for artists $10 for non-profit and farmers. Saturday, December 12, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Enjoy Bingo at Darlington Rec. Dept. Monday, December 14 at 10 a.m. Contact Rec. Dept. for more information: 843-398-4030. Lamar Town Council Lamar Town Council will meet December 14th at 5 p.m. the second Monday of the month at town hall. GARB Meeting at CRC The Golden Age Resource Bank (GARB) is meeting Tuesday, December 15 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., third Tuesday of each month, at the CRC Vision Center, 302 Pearl Street in Darlington for meetings, workshops and planning for all generations. Refreshments will be served. For more information, contact: 843-393-9762 or 843-3950431. Mrs Irene Singletary, GARB Leader, Wilhelmina P. Johnson, Executive Director. Dec. 16 Trip to Brookgreen Gardens “Night of the Thousand Candles” Join the fun with the Darlington Area Recreation Department as they visit Brookgreen Gardens for “Night of the Thousand Candles” on Thursday, December 17! Price is $28. Bus leaves at 3 p.m. Please sign up for trip 1 week in advance. Contact Crystal Gibson at 843-398-0340 for more information. DARLINGTON Dec. 2 - 8 DARLINGTON PACKING COMPANY Healthy for the Holidays Bethea Retirement Community will host a Healthy for the Holidays Diabetes Seminar sponsored by Advantage Health & Wellness Center on Wednesday December 2, 2015. The event is free and open to the public, and lunch will be provided! Event will be held in the School Board The Darlington County School District Board of Education will meet December 7th at 6 p.m. the second Monday of the month in the board/community conference room at the Darlington County School District Administrative Annex I in Darlington. The Hartsville Christmas Parade Please visit our Facebook page: Darlingtonnaacp. MANAGEMENT & EMPLOYEES 250 Old Society Hill Road Darlington, SC 29532 207S. S.MAIN MainST. St.• 222 • 393-0885 393-0885 For information: (843)332-8978 206 Second St., Hartsville (Old Medical Arts Pharmacy) H&S Floors & Furnishings 393-0456 210 Russell St., Darlington Subscribe Today! INDUSTRIAL PAVING, INC. $26/yr in-state $36/yr out-of-state (843)393-3811 Industrial, Driveways, Parking Areas, Subdivisions, Patching, Sealing, Pavement Marking 712 Mineral Springs Rd. 393-3922 S ADS THAT SELL Grow your business with aSubscribe little help from your friends Today! at the News Press. $26/yr& in-state (843)393-3811 Charlotte 393-3811 $36/yr out-of-state THAD WEINBERG’S SAUSAGE CO. You’ve tried the rest; now try the best! Whole Hog, Country Sausage, Fresh Pork Cuts 393-2544 1014 Pearl St., Darlington NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. PAGE 6A | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 Darius Green Marquis Green Donovan Johnson Elmo Johnson Frankie Johnson Jaraskie Richardson Tyshawn Ross Isaac Simmons Tyriq Smith Tabias Dixon Sa'Von Williams Jalian Smith Ken Howle, Head Coach Herb Carraway, Asst. Coach Anthony Heilbronn, Asst. Coach Bradley Knox, Asst Coach, JV Coach Jamar Shefton, Asst. Coach Chance Brockington, Staff Asst. Darlington looking to settle some unfinished business By Drake Horton Contributing Writer Can three become four, and can none become one? Those two questions are the only ones fans want answered as the Darlington Falcons boys basketball team gets ready to embark on a new season. Coming off its third straight lower-state title appearance, the Falcons are looking to make one last run with a senior led group that is responsible for a majority of the success the program has enjoyed over the last three years. “I hope it is an expectation for our guys,” Darlington boys head coach Ken Howle said on the season. “We want to get one more in.” Led by senior Frankie Johnson, getting to start his fifth year of varsity basketball, Darlington not only wants to make it back to the Florence Civic Center, a home away from home for the Falcons it seems, it wants to get back to the Colonial Life Arena and compete for that coveted state championship. The Falcons won the lowerstate championship two years ago before falling to A.C. Flora in the fourth quarter of the state championship and Darlington wants nothing more than to get back to that stage and finish the job. We have high expectations,” Howle said, explaining what is expected and why it is expected. “You have four starters basically coming back, 11 of the 12 played last year. We had one kid transfer in that played with them in middle school (Isaac Simmons). Over the last three years, especially the last two, Darlington has become more and more of a guard heavy, outside shooting team with last year’s team setting records for attempted three pointers and made three pointers. This year’s team is going to be no different. Darlington is going to only be carrying 12 men instead of the normal 14 to 15 and the reason for that is simple. It’s about the experience. “We are just carrying 12 guys and all of them were on the team last year except for one,” Howle said, describing how experienced his roster is. “So everybody is experienced.” Alongside Johnson, Darlington is returning fellow starting guards Marquis Green and Tyriq Smith and stretch forward Donavan Johnson to give the Falcons a deadly combination of outside shooters that should once again make the Falcons the best threepoint shooting team again in the state. Having that much experience courtside at Howle’s disposal, the Falcons are considered by most to be the team to beat in the lower state and outside of Seneca from the upstate; Darlington is seen by most as the best team in all of 3A regardless of lower or upper state. Howle and his coaching staff are looking to take full advantage of all of the experience especially due to the fact that four players, including Johnson have not been able to practice as much because of football. With every player on the roster except for one already knowing the ins and outs of Howle’s system, he and the coaching staff do not have to worry as much about teaching and can instead just call a play and know that the players on the court are ready to run it effectively. “We feel like we have experience,” Howle said on that status of his roster and what it means in terms of preparation. “We don’t have to do as much teaching and putting stuff in, like I can call something we haven’t worked on and they know what I’m talking about.” Going into this season Darlington is going to have nine seniors on the roster so for most of the players this is their last chance to win that exclusive state championship Fields embraces the challenge, looks to change the culture last year with my previous team which is a good sign because last year we made it pretty far.” But how can Fields expect such a season with so many unknowns? It is because of the one known; Darlington is the underdog and completely undercover. “No one is going to expect us to win, I like being the underdog,” Fields said on what propels her to have such high expectations in her first year at Darlington. “At Lakewood we were the underdog and we got to state, we are the underdog at Darlington, hopefully we will get back to state. So I like being the underdog. It makes you want to fight even harder.” But if something is such a challenge what drives a person to leave something that is already successful, especially when that “something” is all the person knows? According to Fields, whose entire coaching career has been at Lakewood, it’s all about the opportunity present. “The opportunity to work with a whole new group and work with a whole new staff,” Fields said on what led her to Darlington. “Coach Jones and Dr. Harrison, they have good communication with me and it’s just that business vibe that you want. Constantly, if there is something wrong I am able to talk to them about it and get it done.” Starting against West Florence on November 30 Fields will get that opportunity and many more as the Lady Falcons have a tough schedule ahead that will not only measure where they are currently, but where they need to get for the future. Come get your Falcon basketball season passes in the main office tomorrow. $55 includes all varsity games and JV games. Admission is $7 otherwise. Wilson and Hartsville games you will need to be inside the doors by 6:00 with your season pass. n s i t e r w ling o n s t sil i te . ver The word challenge; what does it mean? According to Webster’s dictionary it means to say or show that (something) may not be true, correct, or legal or to question the action or authority of (someone). That is exactly how new head coach Frances Fields describes the Darlington girls program she is now taking over: a challenge. “The key word, challenge,” Fields said. “It’s a challenge to change the culture, it’s a challenge to change the attitude and behavior of before and honestly the girls have taken it as a task that everyday there is an improvement.” Changing culturing, changing attitude and changing behavior is not something that can be changed at the snap of finger. Instead, it is a process; it is something that takes time and effort and not be corrected overnight. So what is Fields process? How does she look to reverse a problem that appears to be prevalent in the Lady Falcons program? “Mindset, the attitude,” Fields said on what she looks to change in the Darlington locker room. “Once you can believe it in your mind and once you know what it takes in your mind to actually get it done and compete at that level of state championship then you can change a program. It takes an everyday fight to get that mind right.” It has been a long time since the Lady Falcons have been truly competitive and Fields, who took the Lakewood Lady Gators, a region six, 3A rival of Darlington’s to the state championship last year, wants to change that and she knows more than anybody it is going to be that key phrase; a challenge. Darlington is going to be without some key components it had last year. Gone is Deanna House, gone is Heidi McNeil and in is a new group of players ready to prove they not only belong, but that they can accomplish things that have not been accomplished before. Fields, though, is not willing to say who she looks to step up and contribute this season. Instead, she said the team and her are focusing on the word “team” and in order to do that she is refraining from naming any players by name. “In my emphasis of them is it is a team effort so I don’t want to standpoint one because I’m preaching to them every day, team, team, team, so if we get it done as a team that’s the goal.” Fields said on why she will not name any players as key contributors. So with a team with so many new faces and so many challenges what are reasonable expectations for the Lady Falcons? While the mass contingents would say a rebuild process and learning phase is going to have to take place before successful results are seen, Fields, coming from a successful program, sees it differently. “Honestly my expectations are very high for the girls,” Fields said on her idea of how the season will go. “I don’t think they even know or understand it yet. But I see fight in us already, I see a drive that I saw Support your Falcons with a Basketball Season Pass! L By Drake Horton Contributing Writer that each one so desperately want. The down fall of having so many seniors means that next year will be a fresh start for the Falcons, but that is something Howle and his staff knows and they have already began preparing for it with how the junior varsity team is set up; it is comprised of mostly ninth graders meaning that next year’s Darlington team will look a lot like this team did three years ago. But that discussion is for next year, because these Falcons are not in a rebuilding phase at this moment. They are in a “lets win now” phase and with the returning talent that possibility can easily become fact. It is going to be a very exciting season for Falcons basketball. Member of the Swarovski Group 3XEOLF6T 'DUOLQJWRQ6& NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 7A Lamar advances while Hartsville gets eliminated By Drake Horton Contributing Writer The Lamar Silver Foxes made it back to the promise land this past Friday with its win over Ridge Spring-Monetta while the Hartsville Red Foxes perfect season came to an end with its heartbreaking defeat to Myrtle Beach. Lamar 40, Ridge Spring-Monetta 14 Lamar – The Lamar Silver Foxes are advancing the division II, 1A state championship game against C.E. Murray after it defeated Ridge Spring-Monetta 40-14 this past Friday in Lamar. Lamar struck first when Tre Ceasar busted off a 74-yard touchdown run at the 8:58 mark in the first quarter and from there it was all Silver Foxes. Up 21-6 at the end of the first quarter, Lamar added one score each for the final three quarters all while holding Ridge-Spring Monetta scoreless in the second half. As it has been for most of the season, Lamar dominated on the offensive side of the ball outgaining its opponent 423 to 214 with 371 of those yards coming on the ground. Quarterback Decobie Durant was the leading rusher for the Silver Foxes, finishing the night with 115 yards on 10 carries and two touchdowns. Ceasar was the second leading rusher with 86 yards on four carries and that one touchdown in the first quarter. Lamar is looking to win its first state title in football since the 2004 season when it completed its three-peat. Hartsville 49, Myrtle Beach 52 Myrtle Beach – The Hartsville Red Foxes perfect season came to an end this past Friday, losing in shocking fashion to the Myrtle Beach Seahawks. Up 42-28 going into the fourth quarter, Myrtle Beach outscored the Red Foxes 24-7 in the final period and advanced to the lower-state championship all while ending Hartsville’s season disappointedly. Tied at 49 with less than a minute to go, Hartsville had a critical turnover that set the Seahawks up for the game-winning field goal. The Red Foxes overall record finishes at 12-1. Darlington Girl Scout Troop 88 welcomed City Councilman James “Jimmy” Cooper to their meeting as Junior and Brownie scouts learned about local government. Councilman Cooper explained the various rolls and functions of the Darlington City Council, how Darlington elects its council, and how citizens can take an active part in their community’s government as the Junior scouts began working on their Inside Government badge and the Brownie scouts began working on their Community Involvement badge. The scouts sat attentively and asked a lot of questions of Councilman Cooper as he explained city government in an engaging and easy to understand manner. Troop 88 would like to say an extra thank you to Councilman Cooper for spending this time with them. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Continued from 1A “We are extremely excited and look forward to having an amazing time,” DMS Principal Eddie Shuler said. “Hopefully, we will continue to host the event each year. We will have a DMS team that will participate in the event. This group has been working since the beginning of the school year to assure it represents our school and district well.” Two other Darlington County School District schools will send teams to the competition: the Darlington County Institute of Technology and Spaulding Middle School. Saturday’s competition will begin at 8 a.m. and continue until 3:30 p.m. at Darlington Middle School, which is located at 150 Pine Dale Drive in Darlington. The Pee Dee Area Qualifier will be one of 15 qualifying competitions held statewide during December and January. The East State Championship will be held Feb. 13 at Carolina Forest High School, and the West State Championship will be held at Easley High School on Feb. 6. The competitions are sponsored by S.C. First Lego League and Robotics Education Inc. (S.C. FLL), which partners with FIRST LEGO League and Junior FIRST LEGO League in South Carolina, according to the S.C. FLL website. The all-volunteer group’s mission is to “stimulate students’ interest and capabilities in STEM fields, thereby increasing the pool of talented and skilled students who pursue careers in these areas.” For more information about S.C. FLL, visit scrobitics.org. The teams that will compete at the Pee Dee Area Qualifier on Saturday include: • Darlington Middle (The Ninja-neers) • Spaulding Middle (Spaulding Tigers) • Darlington County Institute of Technology (Technivators) • Williams Middle (Williams Middle School) • Henry L. Sneed Middle (Sneed) • Delmae Elementary (Delma Robo Recyclers) • North Vista Elementary (Tigerbots) • Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate School (TBCS Team 1 and TBCS Team 2) • Aynor Middle (Aynor Blue Bots) • Alice Drive Middle (STEMBOTICS) • Heath Springs Elementary (Robo-Hornets) • A.R. Rucker Elementary (A.R. Rucker Middle School) Please join us for this exceptional day of scientific and engineering exploration and friendly competition at Darlington Middle School. For more information, contact the Darlington County School District’s Office of Communications at 843-3982284. #shop pdarlington Shop at Dar Darlington lington Businessess b between etween Thanksgiving hanksgiving sgivi & C Christmas hristmas and Enter En ter to to Win Win One of Three $100 Fuel Cards h c h w Continued from 1A Tenth grade students are given interest assessments and participate in Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) conferences to determine their career cluster. Individuals from industry are grouped together according to these clusters and speak to students about their career. Some of the presenters bring equipment they use in their job for students to see. Students attended presentations by Darlington County Institute of Technology teachers who shared with them educational opportunities available to them while they are still in high school. These program areas included Agricultural Education, Auto Collision Repair, Automotive Technology, Business and Marketing, Computer Service Repair, Electricity, Engineering, Graphics, Health Science, Machine Tool, and Welding. Industry presentations were provided in the following career clusters: Agri-Science and Biotechnologies; Arts and Mass Communication; Business; Education, Government and Human Services; Engineering; and Medical Sciences. Industry presenters are listed below: Allen J. Rabon - Sand Hills State Forest-Forest Technician James Brunson - Pee Dee Region Stewardship Forester Hunter Thomas - Public Relations/Marketing Specialist Knapp Andrea Photographer/Business Owner; Photographs by Andrea Mitch House - Business Instructor, FDTC James Cooper - Business Girl Scout Troop 88 Robotics Fair of five (5) receipts ffrrom Darlington ted 11-26-2015 to 12-25-2015 to Box 57, Darlington, SC 29540. his is a pr project of the ntown Re vitalization Association. Owner ; Cooper’s Barber Shop TSgt. Marcheita Graham Production Recruiter; SC Air National Guard MSgt. Michael Burgess Training; SC Air National Guard Courtney Phillips Community Specialist; SC Department of Juvenile Justice Latasha M. Hodge Intensive Supervision Officer; SC Department of Juvenile Justice Deputy. Ken Sumner School Resource Officer; Darlington County School District Tim Watford - Fire Fighter; Hartsville Fire Department Jason Brown - Darlington High School Career Specialist Cheryl Lewis Coordinator; Pee Dee Regional Education Center James Kizziar Mechanical Designer; Nucor Steel Tim Bausmith - Electrical Engineer; Nucor Steel Johnson Jeffrey Maintenance Mechanics; Nucor Steel Ricky Bazen - Welder; Tulsa Welding School Dino Chavis - Machine Tool Technology Instructor; Florence-Darlington Tech. Sgt. Phillip Cox Recruiting and Retention; NCO Brad Davis - Auto Collision Mechanic Marc Robinson - Auto Collision Mechanic Gregg Forlini - Physical Therapist and Program Coordinator; Florence Darlington Tech Jake Webster - Certified Athletic Trainer; McLeod Tavvy Smalls - Healthcare Recruiter/Careers Instructor; McLeod Sgt.Justin Sattele - Medic; US Army Reserve Barbara Brown, RN, BSN Health Care Provider THE NEWS & PRESS AD DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY TO PLACE AN AD, CALL (843) 393-3811. NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. PAGE 8A | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES Darlington Hartsville Fresh Family Pack Ground Beef Fresh Family Pack Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops ..................... $1.99 lb $1.99 lb und ily o r G Da sh e Fre Stor in Fresh (Great on the Grill) Pork Tenderloins ........... $2.99 lb Fresh Family Pack Pork Steaks or Country Style Pork Ribs ........................ $1.89 lb USDA Select T-Bone or New York Strip Steaks .... $7.99 lb Certified Angus Beef Cowboy Fresh Family Pack Boneless Quantity Rights Reserved - We Reserve The Right To Correct Printer’s Errors Fresh Sliced Quarter Pork Loins ...................... $1.49 lb 1 lb Carl Buding all varieties Sliced Lunchmeats ..... $3.99 each Fryer Breast or Tenders $1.99 lb Fresh Family Pack Fryer Drumsticks or Fryer Thighs .................... .99¢ lb Fresh Family Pack Rib-Eye Steak ................. $9.99 lb Sausage Links ...................... 2/$5 Fryer Wings .....................$2.49 lb Alaskan Certified Angus Bottom Round or 12 - 14 oz Hillshire Farms reg or beef Rump Roast .................... $3.99 lb Cocktail Smokies ................. 2/$5 Snow Crab Clusters ........ $8.99 lb 12 oz Swaggerty Fresh Sausage Patties or 12 oz Sunnyland reg or thick Sliced 8 oz Bar S reg or polish 1 lb bag Nature’s Best 41/50 ct Large 12 oz Carolina Pride Meat Franks or 26 oz Piggly Wiggly Family Pack 1 lb Nature’s Best Wild Caught Hotel Bacon .......................... 2/$6 Smoked Sausage ................. 5/$5 Cooked Shrimp ........... $7.99 each Sliced Meat Bologna ........... 5/$5 Sausage Biscuits .......... $5.99 each Salmon Fillets .............. $5.99 each 6 pk 16 oz 24 pk 16.9 oz Pepsi Cola Aquafina Limit 5 w/PFC card & $20 order Limit 2 w/PFC card & $20 order 5/$10 $3.99 48 oz 59 oz Bright & Early 2/$6 .98¢ Turkey Hill Ice Cream 10.7-12.25 oz General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios, Breakfast Beverage 48 oz Piggly Wiggly Vegetable Oil $1.99 4 lb bag 14.5 - 15.25 oz Libby’s $1.99 4/$3 Dixie Crystal Sugar Canned Vegetables 14.75 oz - 15 oz Chef Boyardee 7.25 oz Piggly Wiggly 5 lb bag Piggly Wiggly 24 oz 40 oz Castleberry American Originals 46-50 oz Tide Liquid 24 oz 20 lb Purina Bonus Bag 8 ct Piggly Wiggly 4 ct Hunts 12.5 oz VO5 Conditioner or 12 ct Cottonelle Ultra Double Roll 1.5 - 2.1 oz Kellogg’s 4 oz Trix and Cocoa Puffs .......... 2/$5 Ready to Eat Pasta ............. 5/$5 Mac & Cheese Dinner ........ 2/$1 Long Grain Rice ................... 2/$5 Hunts Ketchup .................... 5/$5 Beef Stew ............................ $3.99 Laundry Detergent 2x ...... $5.99 Hunts Spaghetti Sauce ....... 5/$5 Dog Food ........................... $9.99 Paper Towel ....................... $4.99 Snack Pack Pudding ........... 5/$5 VO5 Shampoo ..................... 5/$5 Bath Tissue ........................ $5.99 Cereal in a cup ..................... 5/$5 Sensodyne Toothpaste ...... $4.99 1 gal plastic Piggly Wiggly ••• FROZEN FOOD AND DAIRY ••• 26-32 oz Lean, Sub, Croissant or 16 oz Daisy 12.3 oz Pillsbury 22 oz PF Chang’s 8 oz Dutch Farms Chunk or 12 ct Piggly Wiggly 1 pt Ben & Jerry 12 oz Kraft Sliced 25 oz Bridgford Frozen 90 ct Totino’s 1 lb quarters 4 - 8 oz Banquet 5.2 oz Orange Juice ..................... $2.99 Piggly Wiggly Fries ............. 2/$4 Hot Pockets ........................ 5/$10 Sour Cream ......................... 2/$3 Piggly Wiggly Waffles ........ 3/$5 Frozen Dinners .................. $6.99 Shredded Cheese ................. 3/$5 Ice Cream Sandwiches ....... 2/$6 Ice Cream .......................... $3.49 American Singles ................ 2/$6 Parker House Rolls ............. 2/$5 Pizza Rolls ......................... $5.99 Imperial Margarine ............ 4/$3 Value Meals ......................... 5/$5 Piggly Wiggly Pizzas ........... 5/$4 ••• SNACKS ••• 10 - 10.5 oz Frito Lays ••• BEER & WINE ••• 24 pk 12 oz ••• MEAT SALE ••• 10 lb bag Carolina Fresh Foods Potato Chips ................. BOGOF Natural Light .................. $13.99 Fryer Leg Quarters .......... $4.99 each 3 lb bag Mulberry Farms Spicy Wings ........ $8.99 each Kettle Chips ......................... 2/$5 Miller High Life .............. $10.99 Cooked 3 lb bag Mulberry Farms 7-8 oz Lays 18 pk 12 oz Icehouse or 8.5 - 15.25 oz Nabisco 6 pk 12 oz 6-7 oz 1.5 ltr Golden Flake .75 ltr Oreo Cookies ...................... 2/$5 Sweetwater Beer ................ $7.99 Cheez Its .............................. 3/$5 Barefoot Wines .................. $7.99 Dandy Wings .................... $6.99 each 36 - 45 oz Swaggerty Family Pack Sausage Patties or Sausage Links .................. $7.99 each 5 lb Gusto Chopped Ham or Spiced Luncheon ............. $9.99 each Cheese Puffs or Curls ......... 2/$3 Clos Du Boise Wines ........ $8.99 Smoked Sausage ............ $14.99 each Nature’s Best Seafood Bush’s Baked Beans 16 oz ...................... 1.5 Greenbax Gatorade 32 oz .................................................. 1.5 Greenbax Piggly Wiggly Hot Sauce 12 oz ................ 1 Greenbax Piggly Wiggly Vegetable Juice 46 oz ........ 2 Greenbax Piggly Wiggly Tea Bags 100 ct ................. 2 Greenbax Aquafresh Toothpaste 5.6-6.4 oz .......... 2.5 Greenbax Dew Fresh Spread Patties 8 oz ............... .5 Greenbax Kraft Cool Whip 16 oz ................................. 3 Greenbax Piggly Wiggly Sherbert 64 oz ................ 2.5 Greenbax Ajax Liquid Dish Detergent 12.6 oz ........ 1 Greenbax Little Debbie Snack Cakes $1.99 or less ........ 2 Greenbax Russet Potatoes $2.99 each $3.99 each Jumbo Cantoloupes .................... 2/$5 ••• PRODUCE ••• Red Delicious Apples 5 lb bag Washington State 6.5 lb Big Daddy’s California Navel Oranges .................. 3/.99¢ each Farm Fresh Yellow or Crisp Green Cabbage ............... .49¢ lb 24 oz Fresh Express Garden Salad ..................... $1.99 each Vine Ripe Tomatoes ............ $1.49 lb Farm Fresh Yellow Squash ........................ $1.49 lb 3 lb bag Medium Yellow Onions .... $1.99 each GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES WITH GREENBAX •• GET FREE GROCERIES 2B 4B 5B 6B SOCIETY BOOKING REPORT LEGAL NOTICES CLASSIFIEDS lifestyles DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 1B THE NEWS AND PRESS, DARLINGTON, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET The little bookstore that evolved Burry Bookstore thrives under new owner Sandi Brown By Jana E. Pye Editor [email protected] We book people, we are a different breed. Let us wander into a bookstore or a library, and you may not be able to coax us to leave. Even with the advent of e-readers, such as Kindle and Nook, we still like the feel of a book in our hands, and enjoy the discovery of finding a book that almost seems meant for us to find at a particular time. And with the monster bookseller Amazon dominating the market, stores are closing; finding a bookstore to shop in is a delight. That is what makes “new” Burry Bookstore in Hartsville so very special. The bookstore received a transformation, much like their new logo of a Monarch butterfly emerging from its chrysalis designed by local artist Jennifer Webb. But what some shoppers may not realize is that the new owner had undergone quite a transformation herself. “Little did I know what was ahead for me,” said new owner, Sandi Brown. “I was on a whole different track. It was wonderful and rewarding, and the sense of accomplishment was great. I loved it, but it was just time for me to shift gears and do something different. Now, the joy inside my heart has been phenomenal.” The bookstore that had been part of the community since 1972 from Charles Burry, and his daughter Emily Burry Phillips “I, like many in town when we saw the email from Emily in January (that said that the store was either going to be closed or be sold), it just really struck me,” said Brown. “It was like I felt God pressing on my heart and I just remember thinking, but I can’t do anything about this. I know I feel like I have to swoop in and save everything because that’s just my nature. It’s silly and I know I can’t save everything. But I always feel like I want to try to save things and I remember thinking… you know nothing about retail. You know how to operate a nuclear plant, you know how to lead an organization, and what is involved in the operation of a nuclear plant, but you don’t know a thing about retail. And you don’t know a thing about a bookstor,e except for the fact that- like many others- you love books.” Brown had recently taken a Burry Bookstore on Carolina Avenue in Hartsville. Sandi Brown, owner of Burry Bookstore. leave of absence from her career in nuclear power. “I was trying to reinvent myself looking for what my calling was, what was going to really fulfill me… where I could really give back. I was done striving. I had done enough for me, and achieved what I wanted to achieve. I’d done for me for 20 years. It was time to figure out where I was I best able to do for others.” She went on to apply for several positions, and firmed up what she felt was her personal mission statement based on a Bible study she completed called “Dare to Dream” which encourages people to come up with their life purpose. “And that really struck me,” continued Brown. “I was trying to figure out how do I manifest doing that, so I was looking for different jobs. I had this one possible opportunity that felt like ‘this is an area where I can share my skills and it won’t be PHOTOS BY JANA E. PYE about me, it’ll be about others.’ But, there were a few things I was going through in my life where I wasn’t sure I could balance the pressures of that position and what was going on at that time and be fully effective in helping. Right about that time, in early March, I had emailed Emily and said, ‘The Lord has been pressing on my heart about potentially buying this business - I don’t understand it but if you are willing to talk to me, I would love to see whether this is something that might happen’.” At the time, two investors were interested in Burry Bookstore, so Brown took it as a sign that the bookstore was fine. But, by the end of March, she received an email back from Emily that the investors had decided not to purchase. “She asked, ‘would you like to talk on Friday?’ - which was Good Friday, at Easter. I already had plans to go out of town so I said, ‘how about the following week’ then I headed to bed. But, I could not sleep. I could picture the store, and I could picture what I wanted to do with it, and picture how it would be giving back,” continued Brown. “It would be my personal mission statement of developing others, and finding ways to help women or girls in leadership and in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and also others. I could see how this could be the vehicle for that potentially- I couldn’t sleep.” Brown went on to contact Phillips, and the two women later met and spent 2 ½ hours discussing how the sale could work with a twist; one of the interested investors, used book seller Walls of Books, was happy to do a franchise. Brown went on to secure financing, work with Walls of Books for assistance on setup and layout of the store. “So I kept stepping, and every time I would take the reins and make things happen, it would be like the brakes would go on. And every time I would surrender to God, everything would start flowing again. It was amazing. And then when we shut down, I am using nuclear terminology,” Brown laughed. “But, it totally felt like an outage. We were committed to opening on August 31st (the original date of the opening of Burry Bookstore in 1972) We shut down on August 6th and it just started happening. It was amazing to watch the team pull together, and to see how we all helped each other out. We didn’t get all bent out of shape when something didn’t work out, we just said okay what is the solution? and we worked as a team. And it was amazing how committed everybody was to the date. People were stepping out of role – we had electricians helping us unload the refrigerator, you know, that kind of thing. People had the bigger picture in mind the whole time and it was just really heartwarming to see everybody do that.” Former owner of the Midnight Rooster, Jessie Avant Smith assisted with the redesign of the interior, which features lovely wood floors and a warm color palette of natural hues, including an accent wall in the rear of orange that is a the perfect backdrop for story telling and musical performers. BURRY ON 3B Holiday Decorating & Cooking: Cottage at the Crossroads By Samantha Lyles Staff Writer [email protected] As Christmas approaches, most of us tend to haul out the same old decorations, hang them in the same old spots, and make the same old holiday recipes. Some of that is tradition and probably shouldn't be tampered with, but there is room for innovation, improvisation, and creativity. These are three attributes Lamar resident Jane Windham embodies, and encourages in others through her popular blog, The Cottage at the Crossroads Jane and husband Leo Windham moved into their beloved cottage – located at the intersection of Hwy 403 and Hwy 401 – about six years ago. The house was Leo's childhood home, located on land the Windhams have owned since the 1700s, and it seemed the perfect spot for the couple to downsize, unwind, and enjoy their retirement. Little did they know that they were beginning a whole new career centered around gardening, cooking, decorating, and beautifying that sweet little house, or that documenting their efforts online would win them a sizable number of fans who appreciate their hard work and dedication. Christmastime offers a chance for Jane's decorating instincts to shine, and she spends weeks searching online for inspiration (Pinterest is a frequent stop), planning her indoor and outdoor themes, and gathering supplies to bring that vision into reality. Frugality is a virtue at the Cottage, and Jane says she tries to recycle items from previous years to extend their usefulness and keep costs down. “I don't have the money to buy all new stuff every year, so I try to reuse things whenever I can,” says Jane, noting that last year's gardening décor simply migrated from the interior to the front porch, clearing the way for this season's living room theme: Peace. “With all the terrible things that have happened around the world this year, I though this was appropriate. We could all use more peace in our lives,” Jane says. Improvising around that premise, Jane decked out the Cottage living room in shades of green, the color of life and renewal, and white to represent purity and serenity. Long-leafed pine garland (artificial but realistic) strung through with fairy lights surrounds the fireplace mantel, enhanced by snowtipped pinecones and customsewn stockings bearing the Windham's names. Jane found a pair of rustic wooden reindeer at a garden center and dressed them up for the season, and gave the mantel display some vertical interest with lit green spire trees. Bargain hunting was key in assembling the display, and Jane says she searches for deals online and at local spots like the So-Lina Auction Market on the Lamar Highway. While items found in auction bargain bins might initially look like throwaways, Jane says its important to evaluate what that junky item could become with a little cleaning and a touch of paint. CROSSROADS ON 12B Jane Windham in her Lamar home with many of the decorations featured on “Cottage at the Crossroads” PHOTO BY SAMANTHA LYLES GOT SOCIETY NEWS? Email [email protected] or call Jana 843-393-3811. society DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 2B THE NEWS AND PRESS, DARLINGTON, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET CROSSWORD Recycler of the Month – November 2015 Mamie Kelley is the City of Hartsville’s Recycler of the Month for November 2015. She said she has been careful to recycle items for a long time, especially plastic bottles and paper, and keeps a bucket in her kitchen to collect recyclables until she’s ready to move them to her outside roll cart. “It’s very easy to carry it out in a bag, and it helps keep things clean around your house,” Kelley said. As the Recycler of the Month, Kelley received a yard sign as well as a gift certificate to Shoney’s Restaurant, 905 S. Fifth Street in Hartsville. The award program highlights those city residents participating in the City of Hartsville’s recycling program, a partnership between the city and Sonoco. To learn more about guidelines for recycling in Hartsville, visit www.hartsvillesc.gov. To request a recycling roll cart, call Environmental Services at 843-383-3019. Engagement Mercer - Mims Mitch and Donna Mims, of Pawley’s Island, (formerly of Darlington) are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, Chad Mitchell Mims, to Valerie Dawn Mercer, of Murrells Inlet. The groom is the grandson of Virginia James of Darlington and the late Richard James, and Joe Mims of Florence and the late Nan Mims. He is a graduate of Darlington High School, attended Florence-Darlington Technical College and the University of South Carolina. He is employed with Waccamaw Management. The bride to be is the granddaughter of Louise Canady of Andrews and the late Harry F. Canady. She is a graduate of Andrews High School, and Horry-Georgetown Technical College with a degree in Radiology and a graduate in 2013 with a nursing degree. She is employed with Primary Medical Associates. An April 2016 wedding is planned at Belin U.M.C. in Murrells Inlet. The couple plans to honeymoon in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, and will make their home in Murrells Inlet. McLeod Tree Lighting Ceremony McLeod Hospice will celebrate the 12th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, "A Light for Someone You Love,” on Tuesday, December 8, at 5:45 p.m. at McLeod Darlington. The family of Frankie Harrison, mother of Sidney, Karen and Dean Belk, will light the trees. A musical presentation will be performed by the Hartsville Chamber Ensemble. In addition, Pastor Bernard Page with Heart of Zion Outreach Ministry will offer the invocation and closing prayer. The program is sponsored by the McLeod Health Foundation to directly fund items needed for the McLeod Hospice House, to help patients remain comfortable in their homes, bereavement care for families being served as well as others in the community, and the children’s grief support program. Lights and sponsorships are available with tax deductible gifts to McLeod Hospice; for more information, please call 843-7772564 or visit online at: www.mcleodfoundation.org. Across 51. Disease of the bone 1. "La Boheme," 55. "___-Team" (2 e.g. wds) 6. Pillbox, e.g. 56. Scarecrow 9. Fills stuffing 14. Heat-resistant 57. Considers glass, brand name 59. Aged 15. Bauxite, e.g. 60. Italian dry 16. Accommodate white wine 17. That which pro- 61. Principal routes tects (2 wds) 19. Daring 63. Anesthetized 20. CD follower 64. Balaam's 21. Fare reductions mount 22. Bounty 65. Come to mind 23. Auspices 66. Chaotic 25. Artist with no 67. After expenses long-term contract 68. Brute 27. Couch 29. Crackers Down 30. Contemptuous 1. Crush look 2. Substance that 31. Shoestring produces fever 34. Fourposter, e.g. 3. Recluse 35. Barrel for col4. ___ gestae lecting rain (2 5. Canned wds) 6. Hang 39. "How ___ Has 7. Narrow mounthe Banshee Cried" tain ridge (Thomas Moore 8. Brusque poem) 9. Flatbottom 42. Regrets Asian skiff 43. Anger 10. Prettifies 47. Spanish dish 11. Hack 50. Crested Old 12. Lacking vigor World bird 13. Guided 18. Abounding 24. Hasenpfeffer, e.g. 26. In ___ of 28. Victorian, for one 31. Basic monetary unit of Romania 32. "___ we having fun yet?" 33. "60 Minutes" network 36. Mouth, in slang 37. Couple 38. Gait between walk and canter 39. Pogo, e.g. 40. Deceitful act (2 wds) 41. Groups of four 44. Loss of voice 45. Like sandals 46. Device with earphones and microphone 48. Departs 49. Cloudy and dark 50. Mass number 52. Pitcher, of a sort 53. Bait 54. Bank job 58. Concrete section 62. Anger WORD SEARCH Absorb After Assembly Barley Based Beauty Being Depth Ditch Elbow Empire Ended Escapes St. John’s High School Alumni Class of 1983 The St. John’s High School Alumni Class of 1983 participants donated canned foods to the Lighthouse Ministries on Saturday, September 26th PHOTO CONTRIBUTED during their Alumni Weekend Celebration. Happy Belated “92nd” Birthday ™ John C. (JC) Washington November 26, 2015 May God Always Bless You! Love, Your Family “Simply the Best for Less” Call Today for a FREE Estimate VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT 131 Causey Street Myrtle Beach, SC www.windowworldofmyrtlebeach.com (843) 445 - 9921 445-9921 800-NEXT-WINDOW Estimate Exact Excited Facts Gentle Graph Guess Habit Hawaii Image Juicy Lesser Milky Mouth Mustn't Necks Paths Paved Ports Relay Rungs Sandal Sandy Seeds Shapes Shark Answers on 5B Shone Sighted Slide Sport Stings Swamps Swims Tells Timer Today Using Waved Wiping NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 3B CHURCH OF THE WEEK: Center Methodist Church By Bill Segars Guest Writer My hope is that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Because of the holiday, I've chosen to write a short one this week. It will be short because not much is known about Center Methodist Church in Oakway. Yes, I know, not many of you know where Oakway is. I didn't either until I drove through it, very quickly. Center Methodist is located at 6645 West Oakway Hwy. (SC 24) in Oconee County, south east of Westminster. Do you know where I am now? Since I first saw Center Methodist on October 15, 2004, I have been able to obtain a couple of printed documents pertaining to its history. Most of what I know about this little building was told to me by a person that experienced the growth and decline of the church firsthand, and the printed documents simply confirmed what I was told. The delightful person that I was fortunate to meet that beautiful fall day in 2004 is "The Story of Center Methodist Church". I was not looking for Center Methodist that fall day, I was driving from point A to point B, looking at the beautiful fall foliage of upstate South Carolina. Even when I saw it, I didn't know what I was seeing. There was no church sign, no steeple with a cross, and just a few tombstones behind the building that could be seen from the highway. That was the only hint that this little 30 ft. by 44 ft. white lap siding building sitting on top of a red clay hill in a grove of hickory trees could possibly be a church. Feeling rather sure of the possibility that it could be a church, I turned around and went back. As I parked, I saw a lady raking leaves in the front yard of the house across the road. When we made eye contact, she waved and I waved, at which time she began walking towards me. The closer she got to me I could tell that she was an elderly lady, possibly wondering what I was doing. When we greeted each other, I sensed very quickly that I was in the presence of someone special, a sweet lady. I took my hat off, introduced myself, told her what I was doing, and asked her if this building was a church. From this point, 89-year-old Zelma Mason took over the conversation. She asked if I would like to go in the building. Of course, I said yes. She shuffled back across the highway to retrieve the key. When we went in, everything was there: the pews, the pulpit and the potbelly stove. We sat on a pew and Miss Zelma began to tell me the story of Center Methodist Church. I don't know who enjoyed our time together more, Miss Zelma or me. It was a reward- Burry Continued from 1B The book collection is huge; the first shipment from Walls of Books was over 24,000 books, added to the 5,000 already in the store. “Since then we have increased the number,” said Brown. “We continue to get trade ins all the time which is wonderful because we are getting books we know people are going to like, and allows it to be shared again.” A large selection of children’s toys is available for purchase; most are from toy company Melissa and Doug, but Brown is going to sell GoldiBlox, a company that makes engineering blocks marketed to little girls that is decidedly not pink, but delights Brown in the fact that they encourage STEM play, something that she holds near and dear. Neighbors of the bookstore Crema Coffee Bar (owned by Church of the Week Center Methodist Church PHOTOS COURTESY OF BILL SEGARS ing day that I'll never forget. Some of her exact dates were a little uncertain, but remember, Miss Zelma was 89 years old at the time, born in 1915. Between the printed information that I've found and the fact that Miss Zelma had lived across from the church with her blind twin sister, Thelma, since birth, this is what I've learned about Center Methodist: The first mention of a church in the Center Community is noted in the Pickens Circuit records, dated August 8, 1851. There is no mention of a building, but as a "camp meeting under a brush arbor." Miss Zelma had been told that the building we sat in was built sometime between 1860 and 1870. In 1878, Center Church was transferred to the Townville Circuit with a membership of 81 and a building valued at $200. Miss Zelma told me that the church was well maintained and the congregation grew until 1934. That was a pivotal year for the Center Church; a weeklong tent revival service was held in the neighboring community of Townville. She said after that, Center Church was never the same. All of the Center Church members moved to the new church in Townville and the Center Church closed, never to hold a regular service there again. There is a record of a reunion service being held there on July 30, 1944. After that, the church fell silent again. When the building began to fall into disrepair and conversation circulated that the building might be torn down, the Mason sisters put $1,000 of their money along with $4,000 that they raised to repair the building's windows, roof and siding. Miss Zelma told me, "I didn't want the families of the folks buried here not to have a church building beside their loved ones." They did this because they loved the little church building across the highway from their house. Keep in mind, the Mason sisters were never members of Center Church, they were members of Bethel Baptist Church. In 2009, the United Methodist Conference of South Carolina donated Center Church to the Oconee Heritage Center. When work began to repair Center again, at the age of 94, Zelma and Thelma were there to "supervise" from their front porch. I was fortunate to be able to keep up with this work over the next four years as the Heritage Center readied the building for a Christmas service on December 24, 2013, the first service in 69 years. Christmas Eve is a busy time for everyone and Oakway is a long way from Hartsville, but this service was a "must be there" for me. I could not think of a better place to be that year to celebrate the birth of Christ, and the rebirth of Center Methodist Church. At the age of 98, Miss Zelma was not able to attend this service due to declining health. I recalled our first meeting in 2004, and her telling me how pleasing it was to see the churchyard full of the members' horses and buggies when she was a child. That gave me peace of mind knowing that she must have been pleased to again see the parking lot full, this time with cars, from her bedroom window. If you happen to be in the area, or can see your way clear to attend the 11:00 a.m. service on December 24 at Center Church, you'll experience one of the best country Christmas Tiffany Moan) and Frets and Necks (owned by luthier Boot Arreola) frequently collaborate on events; delicious free coffee from Crema is available for customers to enjoy while they browse books, gifts, and items from Tin Can, and music is often performed inside the bookshop as part of an ongoing concert series from Frets and Necks. Brown also will be partnering with Black Creek Arts Center to host author events in conjunction with art events, as the camaraderie of the downtown grows larger than the confines of just one area. “Promoting literacy, promoting growth, and all of that comes back to my personal mission statement,” said Brown. “The vision, well, what was put into me - it’s not my vision, but the vision of this being a place where the community becomes a family, and the family’s dreams grow wings. And that’s the key. And I am already getting to see that happening,” Brown leans in and whispers, “And that is really, really fun.” Burry Bookstore’s new hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Future plans include regular storytellers, and monthly music events called Shop Hop; the next will be December 19th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The store can assist schools and churches in ordering books and supplies; a free book is available for book clubs to help choose books for their club, and they may use either of the two cozy sitting areas in the store or the conference room for their events. A conference room is available for hosting events, meetings, and birthday parties; it is equipped with a preparation area available for caterers. The “Dare to Dream” Bible study that inspired Brown will be held at Burry’s sometime in January. Burry Bookstore is located at 130 W Carolina Ave, Hartsville, S.C. 843-332-2511. www.burrybookstore.com. services of your life. Unfortunately, Miss Zelma will not be there; she died peacefully on August 30, 2014 at the age of 99. Bill Segars has a strong love and appreciation for history, having grown up on a farm in Kelleytown on land that has been in the family since 1821. He uses his 40-year building career to combine with his love of history to develop a passion for historical restoration. Segars was able to find, photograph and research more than 750 religious edifices throughout the state. If you have comments or questions, please feel free to contact him at: [email protected]. Miss Zelma Mason, inside Center Methodist Church in Oakway, S.C. BOOKINGS REPORT NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. PAGE 4B | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 DARLINGTON COUNTY DETENTION CENTER NOVEMBER 23 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 2015 INMATE NAME/AGE/BOOKING OFFENSE Editor’s note: The booking report represents a list of persons arrested given to the media from the Darlington County Detention Center under the S.C. Freedom of Information Act. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Please be advised there are many people with similar names. If listed here erroneously, please contact the detention center, which will send us any corrections. If a person is found not guilty in a court of law, that person may have that printed here as well by providing court documents to us to that effect. l Quavius Tyshawn Rogers, 22, of 335 Sumter Ave, Hartsville, Unlawful Carrying of Weapon; Poss Firearm by Convicted Violent Felon l Steven Earl Shaw, 39, of 2592 Robinson View, Hartsville, Domestic/Domestic Violence 3rd Degree l Zamarde Christopher Wingfield, 21, of 105 Beaver Creek Drive, Columbia, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st; Traffic/Headlights Improper Lights Altered l Suzella Rena Charles, 30, of 1375 Green Pine Rd, Darlington, Under the DUI/Driving Influence .08 1st; Open Container of Beer/Wine l Bobby Calhoun Griggs, 36, of 3413 Powerline Rd, D a r l i n g t o n , Telephone/Unlawful Use of Telephone l Alma Maria IsgettReynolds, 43, of 1816 Hope Rd, Darlington, Public Disorderly Conduct l Tony Anthony Mitchell, 53, of 714 Hudson St, Hartsville, Bench Warrant (Drunkenness) l Jesse Logan Rhinehardt, 21, of 1213 Ousleydale Road, Hartsville, Breach of Peace; Public Disorderly Conduct l Dozier Anthony Cannon, 30, of 409 1st Street, Darlington, Driving Under Suspension; Traffic/No Tag Light; Fail to Stop for Blue Light l Scottie Edward Sanders Jr., 23, of 539 Jim Isgett Road, Hartsville, Driving Under Suspension l Patricia Bethea, 59, of 2038 Tomahawk Road, Lamar, Public Disorderly Conduct l Brandon Blackman, 48, of 216 Law Plantation Road, Darlington, Entering Premises After Warning l Dozier Anthony Cannon, 30, of 409 1st Street, Darlington, Driving Under Suspension; Traffic/No Tag Light; Fail to Stop for Blue Light l Roosevelt Evans, 29, 2000 Highway 15, Myrtle Beach, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Brittany Nicole Gainey, 18, of 1216 Millton St, Hartsville, Fail to Stop for Blue Light; Poss Other Controlled Sub in Sched I to V 1st; Poss Other Controlled Sub in Sched I to V 1st; Poss Other Controlled Sub in Sched I to V 1st; Manuft Possess CHARGES ABHAN: Assault and battery, high and aggravated nature DUAC: Driving under unlawful alcohol concentration DUI: Driving under the influence DUS: Driving under suspension CDV: Criminal domestic violence CDVHAN: Criminal domestic violence, high and aggravated nature PDC: Public disorderly conduct PWID: Possession with intent to distribute SPOM: Simple possession of marijuana Schedule IV Drugs WITD 1st; Drugs/Man Dist Etc of Cocaine Base 1st; Unlawful Carrying of Weapon l Willie Berard Huggins, 22, of 300 Security Dr Apt P5, Hartsville, Poss Other Controlled Sub in Sched I to V 1st;Poss Other Controlled Sub in Sched I to V 1st;Poss Other Controlled Sub in Sched I to V 1st; Manuft Possess Schedule IV Drugs WITD 1st; Drugs/Man Dist Etc of Cocaine Base 1st; Unlawful Carrying of Weapon; Littering l Toney Leverne Mason Jr, 24, of 904 Mondora, Hartsville, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st; Family Court Bench Warrant l Kevin Antoine McClelan, 36, of 3263 Watts Rd, Loris, Safekeeping l William McCray, 31, of 61 Lunn Cr, Lynchburg, Forgery Less Than $10,000 l Thomas Hunter Moore, 24, of 105 Shawnee Lane, Darlington, Attempted Murder; Poss Sched I (B) C) LSD Sched II 1st; Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l James L Robinson, 59, of 117 Duke St, Lamar, Public Disorderly Conduct l Scottie Edward Sanders Jr, of 539 Jim Isgett Road, Hartsville, Driving Under Suspension l Mark Alan Shaw, 52, of 90 Southern Ln, McBee, Safekeeping l Jamario Demor Simmons, 25, of 4014 Lake Russell Dr, Florence, Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st l Maleeke Raheem Toney, 17, of 5410 Trinity Road, Lynchburg, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Siaunne Trey'Shaune Toney, 20, of 2339 South Point Rd, Florence, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Sharon Torres, 35, of 601 Barefoot Street, Hartsville, Domestic/Domestic Violence 3rd Degree l Dimitri Aham Williams, 24, of 733 Cale Yarborough Hwy, Timmonsville, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Jobie Celeste Barker, 41, of 1349 W Egg Hill Rd, Johnsonville, Fraudulent Checks >$500 <$1000 1st l Leshone Labelle Broadnax, 37, of 346 LMS Dream Circle #1, Darlington, Shoplifting <$2000; Shoplifting <$2000; Entering Premises After Warning l Randy Jay Brown Jr, 38, of 223 West Smith Ave, Darlington, Simple Assault and Battery l Brandon Ricardo Cockfield, 30, of 1699 Cameo St, Hartsville, Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 2nd; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 2nd l Richard W Hinson, 49, of 807 W Home Ave, Hartsville, Family Court Bench Warrant l Mary Denise Poston, 52, of 1033 Sugar Creek Circle, Florence, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 2nd Off l Shikeem R Purcell, 22, of 125 Carolina Dr, Bennettsville, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st; Paraphernalia/Unlawful Poss Sell Advertise Etc l George Clarence Stokes, 57, of 320 Davis St, Lamar, Breach of Peace l Robert Lee Thomas Jr., 23, of 105 Cannon Dr, Darlington, Assault/Battery by Mob (Serious Inj) 2nd Degree l Joseph Edward Wiggins Jr, 36, of 105 Syracuse Street, Darlington, Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st; Manuf Possess Other Sub Sch I II III WITD 1st l Robert Lee Davis, 42, of 1429 Centrol Pt Park, Darlington, Driving Under Suspension; Disregard Stop Sign l Jennifer Holland Hilliard, 34, of 3034 Sunnypoint Road, Florence, Assault and Battery 3rd Degree; Petty Larceny <$2000 l Ashley Williams Holliday, 33, of 165 St David's Street, Society Hill, Bench Warrant (Shoplifting) l Danny Mullins, 53, of 200 Washington Sq, Darlington, Petty Larceny <$2000 l Raheem Shammal Antwan Poston, 20, of 908 F Street, Hartsville, Fail to Appear After Release for a Misdemeanor (SPOM) l James William Smith III, 22, of 2484 Hubb Kelley Road, Bishopville, Drugs/Man Dist Etc of Cocaine Base 1st l Brett Tedlea Stratton, 27, of 729 Memory Ln, Hartsville, Shoplifting <$2000; Entering Premises After Warning; Pedestrian Under Influence of Alcohol or Drugs; Fail to Appear After Release for Misdemeanor l Tavon Demarcus Tyler, 24, of 2484 Hudd Kelley Rd, Bishopville, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Brian Nathaniel Walta, 22, of 932 Inglewood Drive, Florence, Breach of Trust >$2000 <$10,000 l Michael Lorenzo Williams, 20, of 1747 Cameo St, Hartsville, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Christopher Alex Brown, 28, of 2359 Trails End, Lydia, Driving Under Suspension l Anthony Danell Goodson, 35, of 405 Wells St, Darlington, Bench Warrant (CDV) l Chadwick Wayne Johnson, 36, of 1713 Lakeview Blvd, Hartsville, Shoplifting <$2000 l Kareem Bernard Jones, 35, of 1818 Afield Rd, Darlington, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st; Driving Under Suspension l Hassan Henry Lee, 25, of 1440 Anita Dr, Hartsville, Public Disorderly Conduct l Markquell Tony Moore, 23, of 385 W Broad St, Darlington, Driving Under Suspension l Johnny Samuel Jr, 47, of 545 David St, Lamar, Darlington, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st; Driving Under Suspension l Rykeem Rochell Wilson, 26, of 267 Syracuse Street, Darlington, Public Disorderly Conduct l Tyler Andrew Emory Bailey, 23, of 1116 Hunt Drive, Hartsville, Weekender l Tajhal Makayl Bradley, 18, of 1719 Tapper Drive, Darlington, Driving Under Suspension l James Michael Dority, 37, of 5916 Oates Hwy, Timmonsville, Driving Under Suspension; Operating Uninsured Motor Vehicle 1st Off; Shoplifting <$2000; Shoplifting $2000 or Less (Enhance 16-0-157) l Kimberly Teneka Greene, 24, of 516 Catfish Rd, Darlington, Weekender l Johnnie Warren Hodges Jr., 50, of 481 Petrowood Ln, Hartsville, Weekender l Robert Anthony Leak, 52, of 8986 Savannah Hwy, Adams Run, Speeding >15 but <25 MPH Over the Speed Limit; Operating Motor Vehicle w/o License l Shakelya Moashia Moultrie, 23, of 1027 Columbus Rd, Georgetown, Forgery Less Than $10,000 l Bennie Rush Jr, 42, of 132 Pepperidge Drive, Darlington, Weekender l Stephen Deshon Segars, 23, of 916 W Washington St, Hartsville, Fail to Pay l Hannah Stevens, 18, of 508 Keith Town Rd, Society Hill, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st l Justin Corey Anderson, 28, of 2849 Patrick Hwy, Hartsville, Public Disorderly Conduct; Entering Premises After Warning l James Phinney Brunson IV, 33, of 312 Wyandot St, Darlington, Burglary Second Degree; Grand Larceny >$2000 <$10,000 l Dyneka Tykia Ervin, 23, of 320 Brewer Ave, Hartsville, Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Paul Ford Jr, 34, of 121 Evergreen Court, Bennetsville, Transp Alcohol in Motor Veh Midway Storage Located in Pine Ridge Community on Hwy 151, midway between Hartsville & McBee across from Kelley Tax Service Have your business featured here for only $20 per week. Call Charlotte at 393-3811. 8FMMMJUBSFBt*OBOFJHICPSIPPEXJUI $SJNF8BUDI$PNNVOJUZ $BNQFS4QBDFT"WBJMBCMF 843-332-6084 • Sales & Support • Custom Built & Pre-Built Computers • On Site Service 843-383-8831 WANTED 10 GOOD PEOPLE WITH BAD CREDIT None Established l Bankruptcies l Judgments l Charge Offs l Repossessions l Tax Liens New Test Program For Automobile Financing, Special Allocation of funds NEED A CAR - CALL NOW We have all makes & models available - Hurry, these funds won’t last forever! Call Mr. Mason Today QUALITY AUTO SALES 843-332-4416 QualityAutoSalesHartsville.com 423 S. 5th Street, Hartsville • Complete Photo Restoration • Video Conversion www.warp3computers.com [email protected] w/Seal Broken l Hallie Jackson, 68, of 1005 Stephenson Cir, Hartsville, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st; Driving Without a License l Olivia McCrea, 42, of 1207 Cowboy Ln, Darlington, Weekender l Kevin Andrews Odom, 39, of 753 Branhams Airport Rd, Darlington, Assault and Battery 3rd Degree l Benjamin Howell Sikes, 24, of 246 Wood Street, Darlington, DUS (License Not Susp DUI) 2nd l Anthony Antonine Smith, 36, of 247 Daniels Ln, Bennetsville, DUI Per SE/DUAC >10 <16 1st Offense; Driving Under Suspension; Fail to Stop for Blue Light; Littering l Justin Merle Spell, 28, of 415 North Main Street #7D, Darlington, Resisting Arrest; Public Disorderly Conduct l Dustin Matthew Vanhouse, 25, of 1320 Hemlock Rd, Scranton, Criminal Conspiracy; Grand Larceny >$2000 <$10,000 l Quashawn Tyrell Woodham, 18, of 929 Brentwood Dr, Hartsville, Unlwaful Carrying of Weapon l Julie Flowers Atkinson, 49, of 709 Legacy Street, Hartsville, Poss <1 Gram of Meth or Cocaine Base 1st l Joseph Carl Brewer, 33, of 1305 Timmonsville Hwy, D a r l i n g t o n , Domestic/Domestic Violence 3rd Degree; Assault and Battery 3rd Degree l Elissa Rolfe Burr, 54, of 511 Quack Rd, Darlington, DUI/Driving Under the Influence 1st; Transp Alcohol in Motor Vehicle w/Seal Broken l Arthur Lee Coe, 63, of 202 Washington St, Hartsville, Domestic/Domestic Violence 3rd Degree l Kimberly Hope Coker, 50, of 10 Sparrow Swamp Rd, Hartsville, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st l David Austin Elixson, 22, of 610 Potato House Rd, Darlington, Public Disorderly Conduct l Antonio Deon Kelly, 29, of 2776 Welling Farm Rd, D a r l i n g t o n , Domestic/Domestic Violence 3rd Degree l Mark Alden Parker II, 36, of 200 Law Plantation Rd, Darlington, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st; Operating Motor Vehicle w/o License l Timothy James Phillips, 42, of 3148 Sand Oak Dr, McBee, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st l Marisol Pineda Rodriguez, 26, of 11301 Long Hedge Lane, Charlotte, Operating Motor Vehicle w/o License l Davyon Jaquel Pooler, 22, of 720 Oleander Drive, Darlington, DUI/Driving Under the Influence .08 1st; Open Container of Beer/Wine; Poss 28G or Less Marij/10G or Less Hash 1st l Brandon Demario Robinson, 29, of 113 West Robinson Ct, Timmonsville, Trespassing l Robin Reane Todd, 42, of 503 Dovesville Hwy, Darlington, Public Disorderly Conduct FEMA reminds flood survivors: one call gets you in Survivors of South Carolina flooding Oct. 1-23 can get help with one phone call. Call the Federal Emergency Management Agency helpline at 800-6213362 for information about many federal disaster assistance-related matters. Lines are open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week. Survivors who use TTY may call 800462-7585; those who use 711/VRS can call 800-6213362. They can also visit www.disasterassistance.gov. During the holiday period, FEMA encourages residents to assist South Carolina recovery by passing along to those affected by storms and flooding the various ways the helpline can assist them. They can: Register for federal disaster assistance by the Friday, Dec. 4 deadline. FEMA allows one registration per household. Households should register only once. • Ask questions about FEMA decision letters. • Learn how to appeal FEMA decision letters. All applicants may appeal. • Inquire about the status of a registration. Provide change of • address, telephone and bank account numbers and insurance information to avoid disaster assistance processing delays. • Receive information about FEMA home inspections. • Get questions answered about federal disaster assistance and the application process. • Applicants should have their nine-digit FEMA registration number available if they want to discuss their application. • Survivors should have the following information before registering: • Date of loss • Social Security number • Current mailing address and damaged home address, including Zip Codes • Telephone numbers • Names of household members at the time of the disaster • Insurance information • Total gross income for the household • Bank account numbers if they want to have money deposited directly if eligible • Loss descriptions For the latest information on South Carolina flood recovery operations, visit scemd.org and fema.gov/disaster/4241. FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. M&M Connections (Prepay Wireless/No Contract) • Bill Pay Service • Net 10 • Verizon • Budget Mobile • Page Plus • Boost Mobile • AT&T and more! Save $ [email protected] Refill online or call 843-203-0384 New Phones available for purchase or we can activate your device. 1567 S. Main Street - Darlington - 843-395-1450 Flowers Furniture 1929 Harry Byrd Hwy. between Hartsville & Darlington Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon.-Sat. • 393-0495 Six buildings full of all new furniture and bedding. Over 5,000 pieces in stock at wholesale prices. NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. SPECIAL REFEREE NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF FLORENCE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NO 2014-CP-21-1167 BY VIRTUE of a decree heretofore granted in the case of: Branch Banking and Trust Company vs. Lloyd C. Miller, Jr., MD a/k/a Lloyd C. Miller, Jr.; Deborah T. Miller, et al., I, the undersigned Haigh Porter, Special Referee for Florence County, will sell on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 11:00 AM, at the Florence County Courthouse, 180 N. Irby Street, Florence, SC 29501, to the highest bidder: FLORENCE AND DARLINGTON COUNTIES PROPERTY Parcel One: Tract 1-A: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land with improvements thereon situate, lying and being in the County of Florence, State of South Carolina, shown as Tract 1-A containing 5.07 acres as shown on that certain map of the same prepared for Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. by Engineering Consultants, Inc. dated March 30, 1992. Said property may be more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron located 254.86 feet South 84° 00` 00" East of the southeastern corner of the Sidney Farmer tract shown on a map recorded in Florence County records in Plat Book 44, Page 142, thence proceeding North 50° 46` 20° East for a distance of 359.94 feet to an iron; [thence turning and running South 39 13` 40" East 470 feet to an iron]; thence turning and running South 50° 46` 20" West for a distance of 470 feet to an iron; thence turning and running North 39° 13` 40" West for a distance of 470 feet to an iron; thence turning and running North 50°46` 20" East for a distance of II 0.06 feet to the point of beginning. See also plat dated June 13, 1996, recorded in Plat Book 61, Page 78. Also, an easement appurtenant to the property above described easement appurtenant to Tract 1-A containing 5.07 acres for purposes of ingress and egress, over and across that certain twenty foot wide strip of land partly in Florence County and partly in Darlington County, beginning at the southeastern corner of the Sidney Farmer tract shown on a plat recorded in Plat Book 44, Page 142, Florence County records, proceeding thence S 84 degrees 00` 00" East for a distance of 254.86 feet; thence turning and running S 50 degrees 46` 20" West for a distance of 28.17 feet; thence turning and running N 84 degrees 00` 00" West for a distance of 994 feet, more or less, to the eastern margin of State Road S-16-49; thence turning and running generally North along the eastern margin of State Road S-16-49 for a distance of 20.0 feet; thence turning and running S 84 degrees 00` 00" East for a distance of 739.11 feet, to the point of beginning. This being a portion of the property conveyed to the Mortgagor herein by deed of Burnt Branch Properties, Inc. dated March 8, 1988, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Book A-280, Page 1991 and in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Book 924, Page 691. See also deed of Lloyd C. Miller to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Deed Book A-340, Page 2167 and deed of Lloyd C. Miller to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Deed Book 1022, Page 125. Parcel Two: Tract 1-B: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land with improvements thereon situate, lying and being in the County of Florence, State of South Carolina, shown as Tract 1-B containing 1.43 acres as shown on a map prepared for Lloyd C. Miller by Engineering Consultants, Inc. dated October 1, 1998 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Plat Book 69, Page 317, Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County. Also, an easement appurtenant to the property above described, for purposes of ingress and egress, over and across that certain twenty foot wide strip of land partly in Florence County and partly in Darlington County, beginning at the southeastern corner of the comer of the Sidney Farmer tract shown on a plat recorded in Plat Book 44, Page 142, Florence County records, proceeding thence S 84 degrees 00` 00" East for a distance of 254.86 feet; thence turning and running S 50 degrees 46` 20" West for a distance of 28.17 feet; thence turning and running N 84 degrees 00` 00" West for a distance of 994 feet, more or less, to the eastern margin of State Road S-16-49; thence turning and running generally North along the eastern margin of State Road S-16-49 for a distance of 20.0 feet; thence turning and running S 84 degrees 00` 00" East for a distance of 739.11 feet, to the point of beginning. This being a portion of the property conveyed to the Mortgagor herein by deed of Burnt Branch Properties, Inc. dated March 8, 1988, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Book A-280, Page 1991 and in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Book 924, Page 691. See also deed of Lloyd C. Miller to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Deed Book A-340, Page 2167 and deed of Lloyd C. Miller to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Book 1022, Page 125. Parcel Three: 167.9 Acres: All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land with improvements thereon, lying partly in Darlington County and partly in Florence County, State of South Carolina, having a combined acreage of 167.9 acres and being shown on a plat made by R.N. Whelchel, dated May 27, 1933, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Plat Book 13, Page 52, as Tracts Nos. 1 and 2; also recorded in Plat Book "H" at Page 97 as Tracts Nos. 1 and 2. Reference being had to said plats for a more and accurate complete description. Less and excepting 11.70 acres previously conveyed to Sidney N. Farmer by deed recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Deed Book 923, Page 185 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Deed Book A-278, page 903. Less and excepting Tract 1-A and Tract 1-B from the 167.9 acres, said parcels being described individually above (Parcel One and Parcel Two). This being a portion of the property conveyed to Lloyd C. Miller by deed of Burnt Branch Properties, Inc. dated March 8, 1988, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Book A-280, Page 1991 and in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Book 924, Page 691. See also deed of Lloyd C. Miller to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Deed Book A-340, Page 2167 and deed of Lloyd C. Miller to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr. as recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Book 1022, Page 125. LESS AND EXCEPTING: Parcel Two above - the parcel known as Tract 1-B, which was subsequently released by that Partial Release of Mortgage dated September 12, 2006 and recorded October 20, 2006 in Book B049 at Page 993 in the Register of Deeds Office of Florence County and recorded On October 23, 2006 by the Clerk of Court of Darlington County in Book 1045 at Page 9069, more fully described as: ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the County of Florence and partly in the County of Darlington, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated as Tract 1-B containing 1.43 acres, more or less, as shown on a map prepared for Lloyd C. Miller by Engineering Consultants, Inc., dated October 1, 1998 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County in Plat Book 69 at Page 317, in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Florence County. Also, an easement appurtenant to said 1.43 acres for purposes of ingress and egress, over and across that certain twenty foot wide strip of land partly in Florence County and partly in Darlington County. THIS being a portion of the property conveyed to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr., by Deed of Lloyd C. Miller dated May 10, 1991 and recorded May 14, 1991 in Book A340 at Page 2167, Office of the Clerk of Court, Florence County, S.C. See also Book A280 at Page 1991, March 9, 1988. See also Deed recorded March 9, 1988 in Book 924 at Page 691, Darlington County Records. Corrective Deed filed in Book 1022 at Page 125, Darlington County Records. TMS No. 00097-01-015 Florence County TMS No. 187-00-02-081 Darlington County Property address: 1420 N Ebenezer Road, Florence, SC 29501 TERMS OF SALE: The successful bidder, other than the Plaintiff, will deposit with the Special Referee, at conclusion of the bidding, five percent (5%) of said bid is due and payable immediately upon closing of the bidding, in cash or equivalent, as evidence of good faith, same to be applied to purchase price in case of compliance, but to be forfeited and applied first to costs and then to Plaintiff's debt in the case of non-compliance. In the event of a third party bidder and that any third party bidder fails to deliver the required deposit in certified (immediately collectible) funds with the Office of the Special Referee, said deposit being due and payable immediately upon closing of the bidding on the day of sale, the Special Referee will re-sell the subject property at the most convenient time thereafter (including the day of sale) upon notification to counsel for Plaintiff. Should the last and highest bidder fail or refuse to comply with the balance due of the bid within 30 days, then the Special Referee may re-sell the LEGAL NOTICES property on the same terms and conditions on some subsequent Sales Day (at the risk of the said highest bidder). No personal or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the date of sale, but compliance with the bid may be made immediately. Purchaser to pay for documentary stamps on Special Referee's Deed. The successful bidder will be required to pay interest on the balance of the bid from the date of sale to date of compliance with the bid at the rate of 5.240% per annum. The sale shall be subject to taxes and assessments, existing easements and restrictions of record. This sale is subject to all title matters of record and any interested party should consider performing an independent title examination of the subject property as no warranty is given by the Court, Plaintiff or its counsel. The sale will not be held unless either Plaintiff’s attorney or Plaintiff’s bidding agent is present at the sale and either Plaintiff’s attorney or Plaintiff’s bidding agent enters the authorized bid of Plaintiff for this captioned matter. In the alternative, Plaintiff’s counsel, if permitted by the Court, may advise this Court directly of its authorized bidding instructions. In the event a sale is inadvertently held without Plaintiff’s Counsel or Counsel’s bidding agent entering the authorized bid of Plaintiff for this specifically captioned matter, the sale shall be null and void and the property shall be re-advertised for sale on the next available sale date. Neither the Plaintiff nor its counsel make representations as to the integrity of the title or the fair market value of the property offered for sale. Prior to bidding you may wish to review the current state law or seek the advice of any attorney licensed in South Carolina. ALSO, BY VIRTUE of a decree heretofore granted in the case of: Branch Banking and Trust Company vs. Lloyd C. Miller, Jr., MD a/k/a Lloyd C. Miller, Jr.; Deborah T. Miller, et al., I, the undersigned Haigh Porter, Special Referee for Florence County, will sell on Monday, December 7, 2015 at 11:00 AM, at the Clarendon County Courthouse, 102 South Mill Manning, South Street, Carolina, 29102: CLARENDON COUNTY PROPERTY All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in School District No. 1 of Clarendon County, State of South Carolina, containing 1.20 acres and being bounded now or formerly as follows: On the North by lands of the South Carolina Public Service Authority; on the East by the waters of Lake Marion which is owned by the South Carolina Public Service Authority; on the South by White Oak Section II Subdivision, by a cul-de-sac of Wyboo Drive and by a right of way by Shoreland Developers; and on the West by a right of way of Shoreland Developers. Reference is also made to a plat prepared by Robert G. Mathis, Surveyor, dated June 25, 1998, recorded in Clarendon County records in Plat Cabinet A, Slide 40, Page 1, said plat being incorporated herein by this reference. This being the same property conveyed to Lloyd C. Miller, Jr., by Deed of Shoreland Developers, Inc., dated June 30, 1998 and recorded June 30, 1998 in Book A-350 at Page 140 in the ROD Office for Clarendon County. TMS No. 161-15-02-034 Property address: 1315 Conestoga Street, Manning, SC 29102 TERMS OF SALE: The successful bidder, other than the Plaintiff, will deposit with the Special Referee, at conclusion of the bidding, five percent (5%) of said bid is due and payable immediately upon closing of the bidding, in cash or equivalent, as evidence of good faith, same to be applied to purchase price in case of compliance, but to be forfeited and applied first to costs and then to Plaintiff's debt in the case of non-compliance. In the event of a third party bidder and that any third party bidder fails to deliver the required deposit in certified (immediately collectible) funds with the Office of the Special Referee, said deposit being due and payable immediately upon closing of the bidding on the day of sale, the Special Referee will re-sell the subject property at the most convenient time thereafter (including the day of sale) upon notification to counsel for Plaintiff. Should the last and highest bidder fail or refuse to comply with the balance due of the bid within 30 days, then the Special Referee may re-sell the property on the same terms and conditions on some subsequent Sales Day (at the risk of the said highest bidder). No personal or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the date of sale, but compliance with the bid may be made immediately. Purchaser to pay for documentary stamps on Special Referee's Deed. The successful bidder will be required to pay interest on the balance of the bid from the date of sale to date of compliance with the bid at the rate of 5.240% per annum. The sale shall be subject to taxes and assessments, existing easements and restrictions of record. This sale is subject to all title matters of record and any interested party should consider performing an independent title examination of the subject property as no warranty is given by the Court, Plaintiff or its counsel. The sale will not be held unless either Plaintiff’s attorney or Plaintiff’s bidding agent is present at the sale and either attorney or Plaintiff’s Plaintiff’s bidding agent enters the authorized bid of Plaintiff for this captioned matter. In the alternative, Plaintiff’s counsel, if permitted by the Court, may advise this Court directly of its authorized bidding instructions. In the event a sale is inadvertently held without Plaintiff’s Counsel or Counsel’s bidding agent entering the authorized bid of Plaintiff for this specifically captioned matter, the sale shall be null and void and the property shall be re-advertised for sale on the next available sale date. Neither the Plaintiff nor its counsel make representations as to the integrity of the title or the fair market value of the property offered for sale. Prior to bidding you may wish to review the current state law or seek the advice of any attorney licensed in South Carolina. _________________ Haigh Porter Special Referee for Florence County Scott and Corley, P.A. Attorney for Plaintiff (18c3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Elizabeth Jackson AKA Elizabeth Bradford Jackson Date of Death: 8/20/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600438 Personal Representative: Suzette Ursula Jackson Address: 325 Logan Avenue, Hartsville SC 29550 (18p3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Mae L Hilderbrand Date of Death: 9/26/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600410 Personal Representative: Kevin Lee Hilderbrand Address: 2570 Willamette Road, Bennettsville, SC 29512 (18p3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE OF APPLICATION Notice is hereby given that Sisters To Brothers Life Org, intends to apply to the South Carolina Department of Revenue for a license/permit that will allow the sale and on premises consumption of Liquor at 937 Timmonsville Hwy., Darlington, SC 29540. To object to the issuance of this permit/license, written protest must be postmarked no later than December 4, 2015. For a protest to be valid, it must be in writing, and should include the following information: (1) The name, address and telephone number of the person filing the protest; (2) The specific reasons why the application should be denied; (3) That the person protesting is willing to attend a hearing (if one is requested by the applicant); (4) That the person protesting resides in the same county where the proposed place of business is located or within five miles of the business; and, (5) The name of the applicant and the address of the premises to be licensed. Protests must be mailed to: S.C. Department of Revenue, ABL SECTION, P.O. Box 125, Columbia, South Carolina 29214-0907; or faxed to (803) 896-0110. (18p3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Bonnie H Burkett Date of Death: 10/30/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600441 Personal Representative: Lisa Dawn Walker Address: 3420 Laredo Drive, Lexington, KY 40517 (18p3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on #371ES with the Form Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Naomi J Blackmer Date of Death: 10/31/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600445 Representative: Personal Martha Joan Carr Address: 1132 Fox Hollow Drive, Darlington, SC 29532 (18p3 leave in thru 12-2-15) SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING OF COMPLAINT STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DARLINGTON IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NO. 2015-CP-16-00739 Mortgage Champion Company, PLAINTIFF, VS. Lewis Anderson and The United States of America, by and through its Agent, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, DEFENDANT(S). (151145.00064) TO THE DEFENDANT(S) LEWIS ANDERSON ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action, copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve copy of your answer upon the undersigned at their offices, 2712 Middleburg Drive, Suite 200, P.O. Box 2065, Columbia, South Carolina 29202, within thirty (30) days after service hereof upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to the foregoing Answer Summons, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Reference of this cause to the Special Referee for Darlington County, which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53(e) of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a final judgment in this cause. TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND/OR MINOR(S) UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON WITH WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem to represent said minor(s) within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Notice upon you. If you fail to do so, application for such appointment will be made by the Plaintiff(s) herein. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the original Complaint in the above entitled action was filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County on September 22, 2015. SCOTT AND CORLEY, P.A. By: _________________ Ronald C. Scott, SC Bar #4996 Reginald P. Corley, SC Bar #69453 Angelia J. Grant, SC Bar #78334 Vance L. Brabham, III, SC Bar #71250 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 5B William S. Koehler, SC Bar #74935 J. Harrison Rushton, SC Bar #100406 Andrew M. Wilson, SC Bar #72553 Andrew M. Sullivan, SC Bar #100464 Jessica S. Corley, SC Bar #80470 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 2712 Middleburg Drive, Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29204 803-252-3340 November 3, 2015 (18c3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE OF SALE Docket No. 2015-CP-16-00634 By virtue of a decree heretofore granted in the case of U.S. Bank, N.A., as trustee for MidState Trust XI against Cedric L. Spann, I, the undersigned Special Referee for Darlington County, will sell on Monday, December 7, 2015, at 11:00 A.M., at the Darlington County Probate Courthouse, Courtroom, One Public Square, Darlington, South Carolina, to the highest bidder: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with the improvements thereon, situate, located, lying and being in the County of Darlington, State of South Carolina, the same being a Lot containing (1.22) acres, more or less, upon that certain Plat prepared by Prosser Surveying Company for Ricky Holloman dated August 16, 2002, which Plat is incorporated herein by reference; and having the following boundaries and measurements: North by Property N/F Foster Johnson, whereon it measures (255.90') Feet; East by Property N/F Linda G. Cagle, whereon it measures (200.00') Feet; South by the remainder of a Three (3) Acre Tract, whereon it measures (301.12') Feet; West by Blackwell Lane (a dirt road), whereon it measures (185.00') Feet; all measurements being a little more or less. Being the same property conveyed to Cedric L. Spann by deed from Walter Mortgage Servicing, Inc. dated April 12, 2006 and recorded May 25, 2006 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Darlington County in Deed Book 1043 at page 8230. TMS No. 022-00-01-126 CURRENT ADDRESS OF PROPERTY IS: 1232 Car Care Road, Hartsville, SC 29550 SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENTS, COUNTY DARLINGTON TAXES, EXISTING EASEMENTS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, OTHER SENIOR AND ENCUMBRANCES, IF ANY. TERMS OF SALE: The successful bidder, other than the Plaintiff, will deposit with the Special Referee, at the conclusion of the bidding, Five per cent (5%) of the bid in cash or equivalent, as evidence of good faith, same to be applied to the purchase price in case of compliance, but to be forfeited and applied first to costs and then to Plaintiff's debt in the case of non-compliance. Should the last and highest bidder fail or refuse to make the required deposit at time of bid or comply with the other terms of the bid within thirty (30) days, then the Special Referee may resell the property on the same terms and conditions on some subsequent Sales Day (at the risk of the said highest bidder.) No personal or deficiency judgment being demanded, the bidding will not remain open after the date of sale, but compliance with the bid may be made immediately. Purchaser to pay for preparation of the Special Referee's deed, documentary stamps on the deed, recording of the deed, and interest on the amount of the bid from date of sale to date of compliance with the bid at the rate of 9.25% per annum. ________________ Eugene P. Warr, Jr. As Special Referee for Darlington County Plaintiff's Attorney: J. Kershaw Spong Post Office Box 944 Columbia, South Carolina 29202 803/779-8900 (18c3 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Maxine M Wanzer Date of Death: 9/1/2015 Case Number: 2015ES1600430 Personal Representative: Arthur Jamal Wanzer Address: 611 W Broad Street, Darlington, SC 29532 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC within eight(8) 29532, months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Jacqueline W Jones AKA Jackie W Jones Date of Death: 10/24/2015 Case Number: 2015ES1600451 Representative: Personal Rhonda Windham Fender Address: 199 Lorans Drive, Lamar, SC 29069 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on #371ES with the Form Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Virginia Miller Floyd Date of Death: 10/12/2015 Number: Case 2015ES1600450 Representative: Personal Tamara L Smith Address: 1509 Young Farm Street, Darlington, SC 29532 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on #371ES with the Form Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC within eight(8) 29532, months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Juanita Andrews Morrell Date of Death: 11/03/2015 Case Number: 2015ES1600446 Personal Representative: Patricia Morrell Hoffman Address: 2208 W Billy Farrow Highway, Hartsville, SC 29550 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Henry C. Norris, Jr. VS. SCDOT AND STATE ACCIDENT FUND WCC NUMBER 1515626 SF NUMBER 2015-3606 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above styled action is presently pending before the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission in connection with the death of Henry C. Norris, Jr. Any person or persons having information concerning the identity and/or location of anyone who is, or claims to be, an heir at law of the said, Henry C. Norris, Jr. or any person who was or claims to have been dependent upon the said Henry C. Noorris, Jr., at the time of his/her death on October 20, 2015, please contact Paul Jefferson at Post Office Box 102100 Columbia, South Carolina 29221-5000 Telephone number (803)-8965922 no later than December 9, 2015 (19c2 leave in thru 12-2-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Allen Stevenson Estate: Russell Date of Death: 6/16/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600453 Personal Representative: Kay Norris Address: 1516 Woodspond Drive, Darlington, SC 29540 Attorney: Sonja N Friedman Address: 3115 Alameda Street, #4, Medford, OR 97504 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC within eight(8) 29532, months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Lynn Howle Andrews Date of Death: 5/03/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600389 Personal Representative: Joseph Christopher Andrews Address: 316 Abbott Road, Darlington, SC 29540 Attorney: Ervin Law Office Address: 50 Public Square, Courthouse, Darlington, SC 29532 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Thomas R Taylor Date of Death: 7/22/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600456 Personal Representative: Martha Eloise Taylor Address: 4911 Oates Highway, Timmonsville, SC 29161 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on #371ES with the Form Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC within eight(8) 29532, months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Kim Louise Benjamin AKA Kim Benjamin Date of Death: 10/20/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600452 Personal Representative: Johnny Edward Benjamin Address: 605 W McIver Road, Darlington, SC 29532 (19p3 leave in thru 12-9-15) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Sidney Till Griffin Date of Death: 11/19/2015 Case No: 2015ES1600461 Personal Representative: Faye F Griffin Address: 151 Wentworth St #3A, Charleston, SC 29401 Attorney: Eugene P Warr, Jr Address: 2917 W Palmetto St, Florence, SC 29501 (20c3 leave in thru 12-16-15) Legals on 6B classifieds DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 6B NOON FRIDAY AD DEADLINE Call 393-3811,fax 393-6811or e-mail [email protected]. THE NEWS AND PRESS, DARLINGTON, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET 117 Erinvine Court, Darlington, SC 29532 843-393-4010 RESIDENTIAL 114 Alabama Drive—3 BR, 2 BA, 203 Spring Street—3 BR, 2 BA, 2625 SF—$154,900 2285 SF—$134,500 321 Wyandot Street—3 BR, 2BA, 134 N. Ervin Street—4 BR, 3 BA, 3225 SF—$349,900 1343 SF—$139,000 408 Twin Oaks Court—3 BR, 121 Alabama Drive—3 BR, 2 BA, 2.5 BA, 3611 SF—$299,900 1748 SF—$139,500 124 Alabama Drive—5 BR, 2.5 309 Gilchrist Road—2 BR, 1 BA, BA, 2865 SF—$199,900 900 SF—$54,900 509 Cashua Ferry Road—4 BR, 107 Oakview Drive—3 BR, 2 BA, 2 BA, 1952 SF—$129,000 2250 SF—$184,900 115 Maryland Drive—3 BR, 2.5 402 Cashua Ferry Road—3 BR, BA, 2043 SF—$179,900 2 BA, 2110 SF—$119,900 101 Circle Drive—3 BR, 2 BA, 738 N. Main Street—3 BR, 2 BA, 1585 SF—$134,900 1650 SF, 14 MH Lots-$75,000 LAND Lot 65 Nez Perce Drive-1.2 Acres—$40,000 201 & 202 Redwood Dr—.42 Acres—$12,000 203 & 204 Redwood Dr—.5 Acres—$12,000 TBD Timberlake Dr—Palmetto Shores,.69 AC—$40,000 Lot 1 Wyandot—1.35 Acres— $50,000 Lot 17 Wyandot-1.07 Acres$40,000 Wildshall Subdivision-Call for info TBD Evangeline-.31 Acre$25,000 Tract A, 52 By-Pass & Rd 409— .70 Acres—$12,000 Tract B, 52 By-Pass & Rd 409— 1.38 Acres—$25,000 TBD Smith Avenue—7 Acres— $325,000 COMMERCIAL 207 Siskron Street—$125,000 311 Society Hill Rd—$112,000 901 Pearl Street—$149,900 300 S. Main Street—$330,000 142 Cashua Street—$89,000 200 A Avenue—$145,000 PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE FOR INFO ON ALL OF OUR LISTINGS! FOR FULL LISTINGS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CALL 393-4010 OR LOG ONTO WWW.BURTJORDAN.COM Burt Jordan Lola Early Broker-In-Charge Realtor - ABR, GRI Realtor Realtor 260-4138 Tommy Bryant 615-1795 616-1499 Ginger Perry 307-1428 Housing Opportunity. Rents start at $500. 20c2 YARD SALE 10 family yard sale Saturday, Dec 5, 7 am until, inside Darlington Moose Lodge, 1056 N.Governor Williams Hwy. Furniture, new Vera Bradley items, women and men clothing. ladies shoes, kitchen items, Christmas decorations, something for everyone. You don't want to miss this one. Our goal is to have a monthly yard sale with spaces available for $10 per space. a table will be included. Call 230.4779 or 393.2311 for more information 20p1 1554 Jamonica Lane, Darlington, 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1 acre lot, financing available with low down payment to qualified buyer. Call 1855-847-6807, ask for Ronnie. 20p2 133 Norwood Circle, 3 bedroom brick home, 1 1/2 bath, $550.00/month (843)393-7545 18ctfn 409 Eastburn Court, 3 bedroom brick home, 1 1/2 bath $600.00/month (843)393-7545 18ctfn 210-1 B Avenue, one bedroom duplex, $250/month, 393-7545 18ctfn 541 Jessamine Street, small 2 bedroom house, $300/month, 3937545 18ctfn 105 Reservoir Street - 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with central heat & air, stove & refrigerator provided, washer/dryer hook up, upstairs completely remodeled in 2012, large front porch, outside storage, $550.00/deposit, $550.00/rent, Call 843-393-8084 14ctfn APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments for Rent APARTMENTS - Available, 2BRs. Call Timmons and White. 3935411. 17ctfn HARTWOOD VILLAGE APTS is conveniently located minutes from downtown Hartsville. Now renting spacious 2 bedroom units. $100 Move-in incentive ……off your first month’s rent if qualified! No water bills! Units designed for persons with disabilities and/or rental assistance subject to availability. Credit and criminal check required. Housing Assistance accepted. Call April today at (843) 383-4121 for more info or stop by the office at 725 E. Carolina Ave, Apt. 10-B in Hartsville. Managed by Partnership Property Management, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENTS Struggling with DRUGS or ALCOHOL? Addicted to PILLS? Talk to someone who cares. Call The Addiction Hope & Help Line for a free assessment. 866-604-6857 Tuesday, December 8, 2015 is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Game: (SC 738) Easy Money CPAP/BIPAP supplies at little or no cost from Allied Medical Supply Network! Fresh supplies delivered right to your door. Insurance may cover all costs. 800-764-8051 Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a painrelieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1800-815-6016 Therapeutic Foster Parents Needed Statewide! SC MENTOR is seeking committed individuals willing to provide a safe, nurturing, caring environment for children and teenagers who have been traumatized, abused, abandoned, and neglected; 24-hour professional clinical support, preservice and ongoing skill development provided. Monthly stipend provided; must meet requirements for foster parent licensure. If interested, please contact 1-877-852-4453; a Program Recruiter in your area will follow up with you! www.sc-mentor.com AUCTIONS ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.3 million readers. Call Alanna Ritchie at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. FINANCIAL SERVICES Sell your structured settlement or annuity payments for CASH NOW. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-446-9734 HELP WANTED HIGH-TECH CAREER with U.S. Navy. Elite tech training w/great pay, benefits, vacation, $ for school. HS grads ages 1734. Call Mon-Fri 800-662-7419 HELP WANTED - DRIVERS ATTN: Drivers $2K Sign-On Bonus Make $55k a Year Great Benefits + 401k $500 Holiday Bonus CDL-A Req - (877) 2588782 www.drive4melton.com Corporate/Home Office Payroll Clerk About Us: Backed by more than 30 years of experience and one of the industry's leading safety performance records, PPM, helps clients address the complex challenges inherent in today's manufacturing and industrial facilities enviromnent. Our wide experience in meeting industrial plant maintenance needs enables us to implement systems and processes that keep your facilities and equipment running at consistently optimum levels. Job Title: Corporate/Home Office Payroll Clerk Job Summary: Process weekly payroll for company, including packaging weekly payroll for delivery as well as miscellaneous garnishments for employees-i.e child support, tax levies, etc. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Data entry of weekly time for ongoing sites and project sites that do not maintain an onsite time keeper. Process and print weekly payroll to be mailed out weekly. Verifying and setting up all employee garnishments. Field calls from the field time keepers and employees concerning payroll check issues. Issuing all replacement checks for payroll errors and/or missing checks. Qualifications: Proficient in MSOffice (specifically Excel), previous work experience in a payroll department with large number of employees, prior experience in JDEdwards is a plus, but not required. We offer our employees a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package and are always looking for individuals with the talent and skills required to contribute to our continued growth and success. EOE MIF/Vet/Disabled Send resumé to: [email protected] THE NEWS & PRESS AD DEADLINE NOON FRIDAY TO PLACE AN AD, CALL (843) 393-3811. Join our Team! Guaranteed pay for Class A CDL Flatbed Drivers. Regional and OTR. Great pay /benefits /401k match. CALL TODAY 864.299.9645 www.jgrinc.com ADVERTISE YOUR DRIVER JOBS in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.3 million readers. Call Alanna Ritchie at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377. HELP WANTED - SALES EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed • Leads, No Cold Calls • Commissions Paid Daily • Lifetime Renewals • Complete Training • Health & Dental Insurance • Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020 HELP WANTED - SKILLS & TRADES PIPEFITTERS and COMBO WELDERS with tig and stick experience company in Georgetown. Local dependable fulltime Fitters and welders. Welders must pass coupon test call 843-546-2416 to schedule. Fitters can complete applications at 181 Industrial Dr Georgetown SC NO PERDIEM MISCELLANEOUS AIRLINE CAREERS begin here Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-367-2513 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Call Today and Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 844-250-6595 AT&T U-Verse Internet starting at $15/month or TV & Internet starting at $49/month for 12 months with 1-year agreement. Call 1-800-618-2630 to learn more. DIRECTV Starting at $19.99/mo. FREE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO SHOWTIME CINEMAX, STARZ. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-291-6954 Dish Network – Get MORE for LESS! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) PLUS Bundle & SAVE (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) CALL Now 1800-635-0278 SCHOOLS MEDICAL BILLING SKILLS IN DEMAND! Become a Medical Office Assistant! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online training can get you job ready! HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet needed! 1-888-512-7118 SERVICES - MISCELLANEOUS DIVORCE WITH OR WITHOUT Odom’s Mini Storage 1009 N. Main St. Darlington, SC 393-1327 or 393-9071 Answers from 2B Pam T. Sherrill & Co. www.pamsherrill.net 100 Exchange St., Darlington 843-393-3231 Real Estate Appraisals Auctions Estate Sales NEW LISTINGS 569 Gilchrist Rd---Custom Built home sitting on 4 acres of land. Home has 2,134 sq ft of living area, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large den with fireplace, formal dining room, home office, Kitchen has tile back splash and an island, & Breakfast area. Master bedroom has his and her walk in closets. Master bath has double sinks, tub/shower combo and large garden tub. Hardwood floors in main areas and carpet in bedrooms. Large screened porch on rear of house over looks inground pool and pool house. 2 car attached garage. Large circular concrete drive. 60 X 30 workshop/garage area and 32 X 36 Shop. This home is a must see to appreciate. Priced @ $279,900.00. RESIDENTIAL 1177 Wildshall Rd --- 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, 4,367 sq ft - $460,000 2119 Summerville Blvd --- 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 2,100 sq ft --$229,900 1029 Spring Acres Dr -- 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2,400 sq ft -- $229,900 110 Virginia Dr -- 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, 2,765 sq ft -- $199,900 2132 E. Paces Trail --- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,830 sq ft $194,900 4831 Lullwater Dr --- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,600 sq ft --- $169,900 4843 Lullwater Dr --- 3 bedrooms, 2 --- $164,900 baths, 1,665 R NT RA CT DE sq ftCO UN 632 Andrews Mill Rd-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,574 sq ft, 5 acres of land $162,000.00 202 Woodhaven Dr- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large den, living room, home office, big laundrey room with lots of storage, renovated kitchen, 2,032 sq ft, Sun room overlooking in ground pool--$159,900 207 Barfield Rd---PRIVATE Large Bonus Room upstairs in this 2 bedroom and 2 bath brick home. Hardwood floors, 12 ft ceilings, plaster walls. Fenced in back yard with Large inground pool, 3 huge pecan trees & grapevines. 60+ additional acres available for purchase. Must see to appreciated. $149,900 220 Belvin St-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2,215 sq ft-$139,900 - REDUCED 4880 Lullwater Dr --- 3 bedrooms, NT RA CT 2 DEsqRftCO UN1,460 baths, --- $136,900 313 Lawson Rd--3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,460 sq ft--$139,900 1341 Rogers Rd-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,713 sq ft-$111,000 413 Mustang Rd-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,428 sq ft -$110,000 – REDUCED 1039 W. McIver Rd-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,632 sq ft $92,900 1621 Cashua Ferry Rd--3 bedrooms 1 DE R CO NT RA CT UN 1/2 baths-$87,900 417 Eastburn Ct -- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,021 sq ft -- $79,900 Seller will pay buyer's closing cost with an acceptable offer. 314 Lawson Rd- 3 bedrooms, 1/2 NT RA1CT R ftCO DE sq UN1,363 baths, - $68,000 2048 N. Governor Williams Hwy NT RA CT - 3 R CO UN DE bedrooms, 2 baths, 1,632 sq ft $49,900 LAND AND LOTS Owner financing available on some lots Lot J Remount Heights II - cleared with Lot F Jeffords Mill Rd---cleared, .70 acres-----$12,000 septic tank - $15,000 Lot A Jeffords Mill Rd---cleared, .72 acres---- Great Cypress Rd-1.50 acres, septic tank and county water, --- $8,000 -$12,000 Lot D Jeffords Mill Rd---cleared, .72 acres----$12,000 COMMERCIAL LAND Williams Hwy--Great opportunity to own prime real estate on Hwy 52. Septic tank and water $39,900 COMMERCIAL LISTING 110 Blue Street--Commercial building with 600 sq ft and batting cage. Great opportunity to own your own business. Located directly across from the recreation ball field. Motivated seller bring all offers $25,000 2244 Harry Byrd Hwy - Commercial bld. 11,684 sq ft metal building. Sits on 4+ acres of land. 6 ft fence around perimeter of property. Currently used as an office, warehouse, & Restaurant/lounge. Plenty of office area. 5 restrooms. 5 car detached garage at rear of property. Lots of potential uses. Conveniently located 4 miles from Darlington Raceway. Close to Hartsville and I-20. Owner will do some financing with a substantial down payment. Call today to see this property. Priced at $850,000 – REDUCED 121 Sanders Street – 16 unit apartment complex. 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, 871 sq ft in each unit. Great Investment opportunity. 100% occupied with great rental history. Property also has office space available. Apartment complex is on the corner of Sanders and Wells Street. Within walking distance to downtown Darlington. – Priced at $530,000. Bring all offers. children $125.00. Includes name change and property settlement agreement. SAVE hundreds. Fast and easy. Call 1888-733-7165, 24/7 SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW - Georgia's Largest Dec. 5 - 6 Sat. 9-5 & Sun. 10-5 Atlanta Expo Center (3650 Jonesboro Rd SE) BUY-SELLTRADE INFO: (563) 927-8176 VACATION RENTALS ADVERTISE YOUR VACATION PROPERTY FOR RENT OR SALE to more than 2.3 million S.C. newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Alanna Ritchie at the South Carolina Newspaper Network, 1-888727-7377. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES All persons having claims against the following estates MUST file their claims on Form #371ES with the Probate Court of Darlington County, the address of which is Room 208 Courthouse, One Public Square, Darlington, SC 29532, within eight(8) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors or within one (1) year from date of death, whichever is earlier (SCPC 623-801, et seq.), or such persons shall be forever barred as to their claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements on the prescribed form (FORM #371ES) indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the claim and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate: Rodenia Rose Williams Date of Death: 9/12/2015 Case Number: 2015ES1600458 Personal Representative: Keisha Chamone Rose Address: 10024 Baxter Caldwell Drive, Charlotte, NC 28213 (20p3 leave in thru 12-16-15) 435 Sartor Dr--60 X 40 metal building, 6" concrete floors, front and back walk through doors, 3-16 ft rolling doors on front of building, 1-16 ft rolling CTa 6 ft chain link fence RAhas door on the backside toUN allowDE drive-thru. Property R CO NT around the property lines. Great place for a construction company or trucking Company. 3-4 acres of land. Exact acreage to be determined. $75,000.00 PAM T. SHERRILL To view these properties visit www.pamsherrill.net BIC/Owner/Auctioneer SCAL#3103 - Cell: 339-7505 CASEY RHEUARK Realtor 843-307-4035 JESSICA EVANS Realtor 843-206-4187 CHARLES WATSON Appraiser CR-2868 Cell: 245-3103 INVITATION TO BID Darlington County Water and Sewer Authority is accepting sealed Bids for the following vehicles and equipment: ID# Description 1124 2006 Ford Ranger Vin # 1FTYR10U56PA70630 1107 2003 Ford Ranger Vin # 1FTYR14VX3PB05094 1140 1999 Ford Ranger Vin # 1FTYR10V2XPB72266 1132 1998 Ford F-750 Vin # 1FDXF70JXWVA24800 1169 2003 New Holland Back Hoe Vin # 31034998 These vehicles and equipment will be sold to the highest bidder, as is, with no guarantee or warranty. Interested parties should submit sealed bids with ID#,Vin # of vehicle and description of equipment. Envelopes must be marked with the following:VEHICLE BID, Darlington County Water & Sewer Authority, Attention: Julie Johnson, PO Box 968 Darlington, SC 29540. All bids shall contain bidders full name, address, phone number, the item(s) with the vin. # and amount of the bid(s). The Authority has the right to refuse any or all bids. Bids must be received at Darlington County Water & Sewer Authority Office by 2:00 p.m., Tuesday December 15, 2015. The successful bidders shall pay the bid amount by cash or certified check within 5 days of notification of award and remove equipment within 10 days of payment. These vehicles are available for viewing December 10 and December 11 during normal business hours at Darlington County Water & Sewer Authority at 1701 Harry Byrd, Hwy., Darlington, SC. NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 7B DELINQUENT TAX NOTICES UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF TAX EXECUTIONS ISSUED BY THE TAX COLLECTOR OF DARLINGTON COUNTY FOR TAXES PAST DUE AND UNPAID. PROPER LEVY HAS BEEN MADE ON THE REAL ESTATE HERINAFTER DESCRIBED AS DESIGNATED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR. I WILL SELL THE SAME AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER BEFORE THE FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE IN DARLINGTON, COUNTY OF DARLINGTON, AND STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. AT 10:00 A.M. ON MONDAY, December 7, 2015. ANY PERSON INTERESTED IN PURCHASING REAL ESTATE AT THE AUCTION SHOULD COME BY THE TAX COLLECTORS OFFICE, ROOM 207, IN THE COURTHOUSE AND SIGN THE PROPER FORMS BY 5:00 P.M., DECEMBER 4, 2015 AND WILL RECEIVE A NUMBER ON THE MORNING OF THE SALE . YOU CANNOT SIGN UP ON THE DAY OF THE SALE. IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED ANY PROPERTY WITHIN THE LAST TWO YEARS, PLEASE CHECK FOR THE PERSON’S NAME THE PROPERTY WAS PREVIOUSLY IN. IN MANY CASES YOU WILL FIND THERE WILL BE DELINQUENT TAXES ON THE PROPERTY IN THE PREVIOUS OWNER’S NAME IF THE PROPERTY WAS PURCHASED AFTER JANUARY THE 1st OF THE TAX YEAR. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED. NO TAX PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON DAY OF SALE. FINAL TIME FOR PAYMENTS IS DECEMBER 4, 2015, BEFORE 5 P.M. DARLINGTON COUNTY REAL ESTATE TAX SALE WILL BE HELD DEC. 7, 2015 AT 10AM IN THE COURTROOM ON THE FIFTH FLOOR. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED. NO TAX PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON DAY OF SALE. FINAL TIME FOR PAYMENT IS DECEMBER 4, 2015, BEFORE 5 P.M. IF THERE ARE ANY ERRORS, PLEASE CONTACT THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY-398-4170. TAXES ARE BASED ON LEGAL OWNERSHIP AS OF JANUARY 1ST, 2014, OF THE DELINQUENT TAX YEAR. PLEASE CONTACT THE TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE-398-4180-FOR ADDRESS CORRECTION. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS WERE THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED: 1 – 2-1 – 2-2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6-1 – 6-2 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13-1 – 13 – BETHEL INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF DARLINGTON OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF DARLINGTON QUIETUDE NEWMAN SWAMP POND HOLLOW INDSIDE TOWN LIMITS OF LAMAR OUTSIDE TOWN LIMITS OF LAMAR MECHANICSVILLE SWIFT CREEK BLACK CREEK KELLEYTOWN LAKE SWAMP HIGH HILL INSIDE TOWN LIMITS OF SOCIETY HILL OUTSIDE TOWN LIMITS OF SOCIETY HILL 14 – 15 – 16 – 17 – 18 – 20 – 21 – 23 – 24 – 27 – 28 – 29 – 30 – 32-1– 32-2– MONT CLARE LYDIA LEAVENSWORTH NEW MARKET ANTIOCH PHILADELPHIA PALMETTO INDIAN BRANCH LYNCHES RIVER OATES CLYDE BURNT BRANCH DOVESVILLE INSIDE CITY LIMITS OF HARTSVILLE OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS OF HARTSVILLE TERMS; CASH, MONEY ORDER OR CASHIER’S CHECK AT TIME OF SALE; NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED. MAE HELEN BURCH, TAX COLLECTOR, DARLINGTON COUNTY PROPERTY IN NAMES OF THE FOLLOWING HAS UNPAID TAXES AS OF 5 P.M., NOVEMBER 25, 2015: RECIEPT 000058-14-3 000285-14-3 000983-14-3 001026-14-3 001053-14-3 001061-14-3 001072-14-3 001110-14-3 001148-14-3 001156-14-3 001157-14-3 001159-14-3 001211-14-3 001420-14-3 001540-14-3 001603-14-3 001604-14-3 001605-14-3 001606-14-3 001607-14-3 001608-14-3 001610-14-3 001611-14-3 001612-14-3 001613-14-3 001691-14-3 001692-14-3 001693-14-3 001694-14-3 001695-14-3 001696-14-3 001841-14-3 001922-14-3 001999-14-3 002047-14-3 002050-14-3 002101-14-3 002143-14-3 002198-14-3 002493-14-3 023942-14-5 002670-14-3 002680-14-3 002691-14-3 002725-14-3 002785-14-3 002825-14-3 002889-14-3 003123-14-3 003136-14-3 003191-14-3 003192-14-3 003193-14-3 003212-14-3 003318-14-3 003345-14-3 003347-14-3 003348-14-3 003610-14-3 003670-14-3 003788-14-3 003826-14-3 003848-14-3 003874-14-3 003879-14-3 003970-14-3 004068-14-3 004119-14-3 004120-14-3 004174-14-3 004205-14-3 004212-14-3 004228-14-3 004243-14-3 004244-14-3 004246-14-3 004250-14-3 004251-14-3 004252-14-3 004253-14-3 004254-14-3 004256-14-3 004294-14-3 004366-14-3 004499-14-3 004553-14-3 004555-14-3 004576-14-3 004655-14-3 004706-14-3 004761-14-3 004839-14-3 004880-14-3 004909-14-3 NAME ABRAHAM ESTELLE ADDISON IONA & JAMES JR ALEXANDER JOSEPHINE & IRA WILLIAMS ALFORD FRED EST ALFORD MARY ALFORD WILLIAM ALLEN BENJAMIN ETAL ALLEN LEROY CHALMERS SR ALLIANCE REALTY CAPITAL LLC ALLSBROOK TRESSIE ALLSBROOK TRESSIE ALLSBROOK TRESSIE W AMERICAN EQUITY FUNDING INC ANASTOPOULO AKIM NOW: TINA SEQUI ANDERSON JAMES M NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON MILTON H III ANDERSON VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDERSON VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDERSON VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDERSON VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDERSON VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDERSON VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ANDREWS LOUIS ANTLEY ALLEN ARNOLD ALLEN D ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ARTHUR CURTIS NOW: RONALD GRIGGS ARTHUR EDWARD J ASC INVESTMENT GROUP ASR OF FLORENCE INC ATKINSON BERTHA S AUSTIN ROBERT BACHMAN AUDREY ANN NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BACHUS EDDIE J BACOTE BARBARA A BACOTE CHARLES BROCK BACOTE JESSIE M & FRANCES BROWN NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BACOTE SUSAN A BAILEY CHARLES JR & SONIA A BAILEY RETHA EST BAREFOOT GRADY H & MAGGIE L BAREFOOT VENTURES OF HARTS. LLC BARNHILL LETHA G ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BARNHILL LETHA G ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BARNHILL LETHA G ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BARNO SHERMAN L JR BASS VIVIAN JEANNE WILEY & MARGARET ROSE WILEY WOMACK BATH INC BATH INC BATH INC BECKHAM WALLACE H NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BELIN JONAFAYE BELL TINA BENJAMIN CAROLYN C & ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BENJAMIN DELAUNDA & DEON BENJAMIN HOWARD BENJAMIN JAMES BENNETT HATTIE JACKSON & SAMMIE L JACKSON JR BERRY TINA BESS SARAH H BESS SARAH H BEY KHAILIL A KAREEM BISHOP CHARLIE BISHOP FRANK JR BISHOP THOMAS & THEOLA BISHOP SHEBA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BISHOP SHEBA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BISHOP SHEBA BISHOP SHEBA BISHOP SHEBA BISHOP SHEBA BISHOP SHEBA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BISHOP SHELBA BISHOP TERRY JEROME BLACK CONNIE TAYLOR BLACKMAN JAMES K BLACKMON THOMAS BLACKWELL JOHN S BLACKWELL KATHIE S BLACKWELL SAM ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BLAKNEY BILLY BLATHERS GEORGE F BLUFF STREET INVESTMENT LLC NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BOCTOR FADY BOLT JEAN BONNOITT JEROME A NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DESCRIPTION 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 10.00 ACRES 1.15 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 21.32 ACRES 1 BLDG 31.47 ACRES 46.39 ACRES 5.16 ACRES 101.73 ACRES 33.25 ACRES 128.80 ACRES 35.86 ACRES 36.69 ACRES 16.84 ACRES 6 BLDG 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 LOT 2 BLDG .22 ACRES 3 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 10.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 11.58 ACRES .64 ACRES 1 LOT 6.08 ACRES .64 ACRES 1 LOT .47 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.88 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .47 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1.18 ACRES 13.54 ACRES 1 LOT .78 ACRES 1.32 ACRES 1 LOT .84 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG DISTRICT 16-F 2-1 32-1 14-F 2-2DF 14-F 12-F 23-F 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 14-F 2-1 32-1 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 11-F 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 2-1 18-LF 2-2DF 2-2H 16-F 32-1 11-F 32-2 18-HF 14-F 15-F 30-F 32-1 2-1 16-F 2-2DF 1 2-2DF 32-2 32-2 32-2 32-2 2-1 2-1 32-1 11-F 11-F 29-HF 16-F 32-2 32-1 18-HF 32-1 18-HF 18-LF 32-2 2-2H 2-2H 14-F 32-2 32-2 32-2 15-F 32-2 32-1 16-F 2-2DF 2-1 13-1 32-1 32-2 9-F 15-F 32-2 9-F 9-F 32-2 28-F 6-2F 32-1 2-1 21 2-2F MAP NUMBER NET TAX 162-00-01-010 164-09-03-015 178-00-01-042 108-00-01-129 127-00-01-166 056-09-03-056 057-02-02-004 057-02-02-056 057-06-03-077 196-00-01-167 164-14-02-083 056-14-07-023 201.37 194.46 198.07 465.06 239.51 1010.12 1201.74 271.86 644.29 354.22 1356.46 523.39 100-00-01-073 165-11-02-008 057-02-02-116 111-00-01-100 111-00-01-149 131-00-01-077 131-00-01-160 132-00-01-010 132-00-01-021 132-00-01-059 132-00-01-158 132-00-01-159 132-00-01-165 056-14-01-054 056-14-01-055 056-14-03-068 056-14-05-062 057-02-01-042 057-06-03-083 165-02-02-082 095-00-01-103 164-09-05-026 166-00-04-072 100-00-01-054 057-06-03-057 133-00-01-106 055-05-01-028 052-00-02-185 180-00-01-030 060-00-01-082 140-00-01-113 056-10-03-049 165-06-03-020 162.39 278.23 1157.13 192.19 198.32 235.93 1095.94 377.23 204.72 442.86 210.99 210.85 414.22 996.40 1524.43 1533.54 3300.05 1464.10 523.39 1177.95 137.97 879.50 1093.61 417.49 1625.12 237.12 258.18 770.65 1061.09 178.56 217.54 862.67 922.44 100-00-02-072 164-09-06-007 102-00-01-034 164-13-03-018 057-00-03-108 055-07-03-024 159.04 1072.37 144.99 217.24 6388.08 1065.49 055-07-03-068 288.32 055-07-03-065 165-10-01-042 165-07-02-009 056-14-02-052 151-00-03-000 151-00-03-009 038-00-01-008 100-00-02-243 054-15-01-100 057-06-03-021 052-00-04-047 057-02-02-107 053-00-01-026 118-00-01-007 055-03-01-036 167-00-01-081 167-00-01-083 180-00-03-014 055-07-02-051 055-07-02-031 055-07-03-060 041-00-01-129 055-07-02-023 056-14-06-069 123-00-01-032 164-04-01-034 165-09-03-045 172-09-01-009 056-14-03-088 055-07-03-013 011-00-01-194 039-00-02-013 057-06-01-052 019-00-03-027 019-00-03-026 055-09-02-001 008-00-01-014 090-00-01-017 056-10-04-004 165-03-03-013 186-00-03-045 147-00-05-141 326.81 1309.43 1136.86 1041.47 757.56 900.75 233.19 510.38 1001.66 523.99 169.14 275.94 208.45 250.08 393.37 323.26 584.35 198.07 580.39 172.33 217.93 627.26 1144.55 289.31 139.52 560.21 190.53 976.55 146.74 134.49 686.04 154.56 149.37 188.31 666.28 392.17 165.45 263.06 1522.12 206.33 609.92 299.39 RECIEPT 022933-14-5 005040-14-3 005045-14-3 005051-14-3 023254-14-5 005166-14-3 005358-14-3 005469-14-3 005597-14-3 005599-14-3 005600-14-3 005662-14-3 005767-14-3 005773-14-3 005835-14-3 005849-14-3 005919-14-3 005986-14-3 005989-14-3 006194-14-3 006262-14-3 006339-14-3 006347-14-3 006386-14-3 006431-14-3 006457-14-3 006675-14-3 006679-14-3 006688-14-3 006689-14-3 006702-14-3 007061-14-3 007088-14-3 007272-14-3 007346-14-3 007427-14-3 007441-14-3 007498-14-3 007510-14-3 007576-14-3 007616-14-3 007617-14-3 007621-14-3 007645-14-3 007743-14-3 007744-14-3 007751-14-3 007889-14-3 007964-14-3 007966-14-3 007969-14-3 007972-14-3 007979-14-3 007990-14-3 008022-14-3 008024-14-3 008327-14-3 008530-14-3 008549-14-3 008629-14-3 008769-14-3 008848-14-3 009035-14-3 009069-14-3 009077-14-3 009150-14-3 009169-14-3 009223-14-3 009238-14-3 009433-14-3 009455-14-3 009483-14-3 009559-14-3 009561-14-3 009563-14-3 009568-14-3 009679-14-3 009880-14-3 009900-14-3 009992-14-3 009996-14-3 010225-14-3 010226-14-3 010373-14-3 010377-14-3 032717-14-5 010675-14-3 010751-14-3 010752-14-3 010773-14-3 010778-14-3 NAME BOSCH MARK STANLEY BOSTON ERNEST L & SHALA F BOSTON LUEBIRDIE BOSTON WALLACE L & LUEBIRDIE E BOYD EMORY P BOYKIN HAYWARD & LORETTA RICHARDSON NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BRAILEY JOHNNY BRASINGTON B A III BRISTOW HARVEY BRISTOW HARVEY BRISTOW JIMMY & ELIZABETH BRITT THOMAS E & CATHY KEMMERLINE BROCKINGTON JOSEPH DARRELL BROCKINGTON OLIVIA & MARGRETT BROCKINGTON BROWN ANTHONY C BROWN BARBARA & WILSON CARRIE BROWN DAVID & LORETTA B BROWN GEORGE BROWN GEORGE E ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BROWN NANCY B & GEORGE M III NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BROWN SIDNEY T & ELLEN BRUCE JAMES & ETALS BRUCE LEON BRUNSON AMANDA BRUNSON TYWANNA DIX NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BRYAN SHIRLEY J ETAL BULL JAMES E BULL COLEMAN EST NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BULL JAMES E BULL JAMES E BULL SHIRLEY M BYRD DANA L NOW: CYNTHIA CROWLEY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED BYRD DORIS L ETAL BYRD MICHAEL SCOTT BYRD TYRONE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAIN ANGEL CAIN PETITIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAMERON SHANNON S CAMPBELL ANNA E EST CAMPBELL JACKIE L NOW: TONYA HUNTER CAMPBELL MARY LOUISE & ETAL CAMPBELL MARY LOUISE & ETAL CAMPBELL PATRICIA ANN NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAMPBELL THOMAS L NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAPERS CHARLIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAPERS CHARLIE & MARTHA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAPERS GARRY ETAL CAROLINA MOSES & REBECCA CARRAWAY JOHNNIE JR CARRAWAY JOHNNIE JR & VANESSA CARRAWAY JOHNNY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CARRAWAY JOHNNY CARRAWAY JOHNNY JR CARRAWAY VANESSA CARROWAY JOHNNY CARROWAY KISHA L NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CAULDER JUDY CERNE LARRY & FREDA CHAMBERS ANDREW & LOIS CHAPMAN CATHERINE SINGLETARY CHARLES CATHY RENEE & MARIO S MAYSHACK CHERRY RUFUS & JOHNNY CHERRY CHURCH OF GOD HOUSE OF PRAYER NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CITIFINANCIAL INC NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CLAIR MARSHA D CLARK JAMES RUFUS ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CLARK LAMIBIA SENTELL CLENDENIN ANDREW R & PAMELA L CLIFTON LESLIE E III COEFIELD CALVIN COFFIN LUCILLE G COKER ANTHONY L & WENDELL COLCLOUGH HARRY & SAMMIE LEE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED COLCLOUGH HARRY L COLCLOUGH HARRY LEE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED COLCLOUGH SAMMIE LEE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED COLLINS CHARLES H CONYERS PATRICIA COOK CLEVELAND COOPER ERICA COOPER GENEVA COUNCIL RUDOLPH & BESSIE M COUNCIL RUDOLPH & BESSIE MAE CRAFT JAMIE NOW: EVA CRAFT CRAFT PATRICIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CRAWFORD WILLIAM E CUFFIE ALVIN NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED CURTIS ALTHEA ETAL CURTIS ALTHEA ETAL CURTIS SAM CURTIS SAMUEL C DESCRIPTION 5.06 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .46 ACRES 1 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOTS 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 2 LOTS 1.96 ACRES 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 2.50 ACRES 1 LOT 2.00 ACRES 1 BLDG 3 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1.87 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.41 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.50 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.95 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.14 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOTS 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.01 ACRES 4.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.70 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 79.00 ACRES 6.00 ACRES 2.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 3 BLDG 1 BLDG DISTRICT 11-F 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2F 32-1 MAP NUMBER 133-00-01-019 165-03-02-036 165-11-02-033 165-11-02-032 144-00-01-167 056-14-05-012 NET TAX 32-1 32-1 038-00-01-025 164-15-03-069 051-00-04-043 053-00-01-027 165-07-05-086 165-05-01-069 057-02-01-113 056-09-03-053 185.23 331.57 185.46 237.88 1008.06 557.12 033-00-05-037 056-14-01-052 155-00-01-100 056-14-07-070 057-06-01-005 292.27 399.50 563.46 751.28 134.24 262.92 404.98 29-H 2-1 5-F 18-HF 2-1 2-1 32-2 32-1 13-F 32-1 32-2 32-1 32-1 2-2DF 13-F 2-2DF 16-F 32-1 16-F 2-2DF 16-F 16-F 16-F 28-F 15-F 13-F 11-F 32-1 32-1 21 32-1 28-F 2-2DF 2-1 15-F 32-2 2-1 2-1 32-1 16-F 32-1 15-F 32-1 18-LF 1 18-HF 14-F 18-HF 2-2F 16-F 2-2DF 13-F 27-F 32-1 32-2 32-1 32-1 32-2 18-HF 21 8-F 2-2H 28-F 12-F 15-F 32-1 15-F 15-F 23-F 11-F 32-1 4-F 2-2H 11-F 11-F 12-H 8-F 14-F 32-2 2-2F 7-F 2-2F 2-2DF 056-03-03-052 432.29 261.51 178.67 651.10 148.69 1484.63 435.09 057-02-01-046 164-13-02-009 154-16-01-025 164-04-01-017 100-00-02-195 2938.82 276.92 185.73 308.82 421.33 100-00-01-008 100-00-01-037 100-00-04-001 012-00-01-036 328.01 1077.51 168.76 562.08 056-14-07-069 100-00-02-139 163-15-02-021 751.81 230.56 371.11 060-00-01-075 137-00-01-013 152-00-01-093 056-13-04-022 057-02-02-079 218-09-02-028 056-14-07-068 012-00-09-002 483.52 335.27 483.60 1063.44 1129.44 403.77 1249.35 179.77 034-00-01-048 1592.81 165-08-01-061 391.90 163-15-02-023 165-07-05-031 039-00-02-039 165-08-01-060 056-14-02-046 142-00-02-088 057-02-01-008 039-00-04-035 057-06-02-025 073-00-01-081 058-00-04-024 052-00-02-181 179-00-01-033 052-00-03-155 217.24 237.55 312.32 569.97 275.94 198.07 657.65 486.70 475.51 471.34 168.62 192.16 308.69 622.34 146-00-01-014 143-00-01-096 163-15-02-007 155-00-01-075 062-00-01-104 571.33 1352.08 60.95 165.53 181.90 056-14-06-062 897.36 056-10-04-016 057-02-01-128 056-13-04-003 055-15-01-067 052-00-04-045 218-13-01-015 126-00-01-041 165-16-01-030 006-00-03-008 149-00-01-025 039-00-01-105 182.69 733.28 876.04 275.69 383.10 166.68 3145.40 294.13 145.17 1186.15 435.60 056-09-03-062 039-00-01-037 805.08 1232.33 128-00-03-008 132-00-01-077 057-06-02-013 043-00-02-006 166-00-02-012 112-00-01-031 112-00-01-030 168-00-01-152 103-00-01-034 315.19 145.17 356.53 167.82 303.79 1137.37 1222.00 176.01 768.66 039-00-04-006 181-00-02-012 055-11-01-032 182-00-01-039 182-00-01-062 182-00-01-044 163-15-02-066 327.93 491.66 204.50 314.28 135.74 298.87 201.14 PAGE 8B | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 RECIEPT 010779-14-3 010782-14-3 010783-14-3 011092-14-3 011117-14-3 011273-14-3 011305-14-3 011313-14-3 011387-14-3 011388-14-3 011525-14-3 011557-14-3 011558-14-3 011559-14-3 011560-14-3 011574-14-3 011801-14-3 011803-14-3 011854-14-3 012125-14-3 012126-14-3 012129-14-3 012130-14-3 012131-14-3 012132-14-3 012133-14-3 012134-14-3 012135-14-9 012136-14-3 012137-14-3 012138-14-3 012148-14-3 012175-14-3 012176-14-3 012222-14-3 012249-14-3 012250-14-3 012251-14-3 012252-14-3 012277-14-3 012344-14-3 023499-14-5 012381-14-3 012495-14-3 012569-14-3 012743-14-3 012865-14-3 012866-14-3 012891-14-3 012892-14-3 012893-14-3 012895-14-3 012902-14-3 012903-14-3 012908-14-3 012918-14-3 012920-14-3 012924-14-3 012941-14-3 012952-14-3 013293-14-3 013633-14-3 013650-14-3 013656-14-3 013723-14-3 013763-14-3 013782-14-3 013847-14-3 013851-14-3 013852-14-3 013855-14-3 013862-14-3 014073-14-3 014125-14-3 014177-14-3 014297-14-3 014382-14-3 014430-14-9 014484-14-3 014485-14-3 014586-14-3 014629-14-3 014775-14-3 014850-14-3 015101-14-3 015117-14-3 015129-14-3 015130-14-3 015138-14-3 015176-14-3 015235-14-3 015377-14-3 015378-14-3 015485-14-3 015549-14-3 015579-14-3 015641-14-3 015642-14-3 015745-14-3 015853-14-3 015874-14-3 015875-14-3 015876-14-3 015883-14-3 015898-14-3 015929-14-3 015942-14-3 016028-14-3 016096-14-3 016149-14-3 016155-14-3 015549-13-3 016331-14-3 016348-14-3 016444-14-3 016483-14-3 016751-14-3 016790-14-3 016804-14-3 016860-14-3 016923-13-3 016956-14-3 016957-14-3 017145-14-3 017165-14-3 017184-14-3 017188-14-3 017189-14-3 017190-14-3 017191-14-3 017192-14-3 017193-14-3 017194-14-3 017195-14-3 NAME CURTIS SAMUEL C CURTIS SAMUEL C CURTIS SAMUEL C DARLINGTON COUNTY HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DARLINGTON FUEL COMPANY DAVIS CHESTER G ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DAVIS DISHEDA A DAVIS E W & F M NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DAVIS IKEYBRA & BRYAN DAVIS INEZ PEARSON DAVIS MAZARINE DAVIS PERRY ETAL DAVIS PERRY ETAL DAVIS PERRY ETAL DAVIS PERRY ETAL DAVIS RHETT DEAS JOHNNY M & ANGIE E DEAS JOHNNY M & ANGIE E DELAINE MAVIS ANN NOW: CONNELL DELAINE DICKEY CHARLES W SR DICKEY CHARLES W SR DICKEY CYNTHIA DICKEY CYNTHIA H DICKEY DAVID A NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DICKEY HENRY J DICKEY JAMES H DICKEY JAMES H DICKEY JAMES H DICKEY JAMES H DICKEY JAMES H DICKEY JAMES H DICKS PATRICIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DILLON FREDDIE AND DOROTHY DILLON FREDDIE L DIXIE MECHANICS CLUB DIXON EDDIE J DIXON EDDIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DIXON EDDIE JAMES DIXON EDDIE JAMES ETAL DIXON GWEN L & SHERRI T DIXON JOE JR DIXON JOSEPH C JR & CHRISTINE RENEE DIXON MAUISE N & RUFUS JR NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DOLFORD MILDRED & ELIZABETH FRAZIER NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DORITY RICHARD JOHN JR DOWN TO EARTH CONTRACTORS LLC NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DUBOSE GEORGE DUBOSE GEORGE DUBOSE JOSEPH SCOTT DUBOSE JOSEPH SCOTT & LEE WEBER DUBOSE DUBOSE JOSEPH SCOTT & LEE WEBER DUBOSE DUBOSE JOSEPH SCOTT & LEE WEBER DUBOSE DUBOSE KENNETH L DUBOSE KENNETH LEE DUBOSE LINDA DUBOSE NELLIE DUBOSE OPHELIA DUBOSE RAYMOND & WILLIE M B DUBOSE S E DUBOSE TYRONE DUVAL MARGIE S NOW: WESLEY A STEPHENS EDWARDS PERRY EDWARDS STEVE & MARY EDWARDS TIMOTHY TYRONE SR NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ELLERBE HERMAN ELLIS HENRY LEE ELLISON WILLIAM H NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ENGLISH JAMES ET AL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ENGLISH RONNIE & MARY ENGLISH WINGATE ENGLISH RONNIE & MARY ENGLISH WINGATE ENGLISH WM JR & BERNETHA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ENOCH SEAN & ANDRENA EVANS FRED NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED EVANS LARRY EVANS SANDRA LOUISE FAILE RENNEE' FARMER ALICIA FAST POINT FOOD STORES INC FELKEL KENNETH C FELKEL KENNETH C FIELDS LAURA A FINK FRANCESCA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED FISHER AMANDA FLO-ROSE LLC FLOYD CURTIS D FLOYD LEGRAND & MARY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED FLOYD PINCKNEY SHANE FLOYD PINCKNEY SHANE FLOYD SHARON H FLYNN ROOSEVELT FORD DARIOL NOW: JAMES MANNING FOUNTAIN LUELLA H ETAL FOUNTAIN LUELLA HAWKINS ETAL FRANKLIN ADRIENE FRAZIER EDITH FRAZIER T G JR ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED FREEMAN JAMAL ROLANDO FREEMAN JAMAL ROLANDO FRIERSON BONNIE M FUNDERBURK IRA DALE & IRA BRUCE FUNDERBURKE IRA DALE & IRA BRUCE FUNDERBURKE IRA DALE & IRA BRUCE FUNDERBURKE RONNIE E FURNESS MACK FUTRELL SHAWN HUNTER GABEL KENNETH & LAURA NOW: SABREE HAFEEZAH GADSON ROSEMARY & MARTHA WHEELER GAINEY DARRELL MCKINLEY GAINEY H B NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GAINEY HOWARD GAINEY HOWARD B GAINEY JASON D & ROBERTA L NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GAINEY PAUL GAINEY RAY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GAINEY TOMMY GAINEY WILLIAM GERALD NOW: SILAS HINES JR GANDY EVELYN ETAL GANDY JESSIE M GANDY LEON GANDY ROBERT SR GIBSON CHRISTINE GARDNER CHARLES RAY GARDNER CHARLIE RAY GARRISON RUTH T NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GASKINS JULIAN R ETAL GATES B I GATES B I GATES B I NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GATES B I GATES B I GATES B I NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GATES B I GATES B I NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED GATES B I NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.95 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .37 ACRES 9.40 ACRES 1.50 ACRES 1 LOT 9.50 ACRES 1.50 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.15 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 13.33 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.00 ACRES 13.00 ACRES 1.00 ACRE 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.22 ACRES 1.03 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .20 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 15.10 ACRES 16.38 ACRES 163-15-02-075 165-12-03-044 165-12-03-051 056-10-04-094 NET TAX 1 BLDG 2-2DF 2-1 2-1 32-1 1 BLDG 18-HF 6-1 052-00-02-112 066-15-01-073 237.94 1993.73 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2.00 ACRES 1 LOT 6 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG .54 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.17 ACRES 1 LOT 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 26.75 ACRES 1.37 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.47 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOTS .66 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 8.90 ACRES 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT .30 ACRES .31 ACRES .27 ACRES .42 ACRES .42 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT .25 ACRES 1.53 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .85 ACRES 1 LOT .86 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.01 ACRES 3 LOTS 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .17 ACRES 1 LOT 1.40 ACRES 2.19 ACRES 1 LOT 3.05 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 057-02-02-036 165-10-03-064 032-01-03-004 051-00-01-036 052-00-02-028 052-00-02-059 075-00-01-062 052-00-02-201 147-00-06-010 147-00-06-017 174-00-01-019 32-2 32-2 32-1 32-1A 32-1A 18-LF 18-LF 11-F 055-07-01-069 055-07-03-058 056-10-04-020 056-14-04-030 056-14-04-031 138-00-01-002 138-00-01-003 151-00-07-003 32-2 32-1 32-1 1 32-1 32-2 32-2 2-2F 27-F 27-F 27-F 27-F 27-F 14-F 32-2 18-HF 16-F 2-2F 28-F 29-H 29-H 2-2F 2-2F 2-1 11-F 11-F 12-F 16-F 2-1 2-1 2-2F 11-F 2-2F 17-F 1 1 13-F 18-LF 32-1 32-1 32-1 2-2DF 12-F 18-H 18-LF 32-1 17 32-2 32-1A 9-F 9-F 2-1 32-1 32-2 32-2 11-F 29-HF 32-1 32-1 12-F 2-1 18-HF 18-LF 5-F 28-F 16-F 16-F 1 BLDG 32-2 32-2 15-F 32-2 32-2 32-2 8-F 6-1 17 18-LF 1 BLDG 9-F 1 32-1 17 32-1 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 165-09-01-005 052-00-02-139 32-1 2-1 17 5-F 18-HF 18-HF 18-H 18-HF 2-2F 2-2F 13-F 32-1 1 LOT 1 LOT 2-2F 18-HF 16-F 5.06 ACRES 1 LOT 1.08 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.86 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT DELINQUENT TAX NOTICES MAP NUMBER 1 BLDG DISTRICT 6-2F 32-2 18-H 23-F 1 14-F 30-F 9-F 2-2DF 2-1 2-1 2-2F 21 8-F 17 6-1 18-LF 23-F 2-2F 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 055-11-02-029 056-10-02-002 057-02-02-073 058-00-01-004 056-10-02-067 256.15 214.04 284.57 860.21 705.56 629.55 354.27 194.28 686.87 316.57 316.32 208.45 306.00 218.28 659.97 344.46 1849.80 291.90 343.16 836.13 275.60 573.37 182.05 182.12 742.56 383.10 868.82 354.22 422.53 364.33 055-10-01-011 055-06-01-046 164-07-02-001 063-00-01-006 063-00-01-109 063-00-01-190 063-00-01-009 063-00-01-198 180-00-11-004 056-04-02-050 052-00-03-157 139.58 613.06 746.99 411.73 1473.11 201.43 211.05 158.25 207.83 558.83 634.48 146-00-07-008 012-00-04-039 168.89 2354.39 162-00-01-096 220.80 100-00-02-038 036-00-03-010 036-00-03-013 162-00-01-069 162-00-01-071 165-07-08-030 257.27 270.26 227.73 157.63 160.69 167.02 151-00-01-054 151-00-01-059 150-00-01-176 142-00-02-068 165-07-05-035 165-15-01-009 165-09-01-102 151-00-01-011 146-00-07-005 1124.26 342.41 167.82 240.46 217.80 1160.87 168.77 214.24 165.45 172-06-01-002 052-00-02-019 056-14-07-065 341.13 315.19 375.11 033-00-16-000 081-00-03-007 081-00-03-002 056-14-01-044 056-10-04-035 056-10-04-093 165-00-01-007 827.64 256.15 473.39 575.83 275.94 319.04 958.70 148-00-01-129 055-04-01-063 075-00-01-064 057-06-03-046 033-00-02-013 058-06-01-023 057-06-03-100 011-00-02-022 011-00-02-111 165-10-02-031 056-14-06-022 616.08 832.22 519.20 137.72 315.88 512.79 5999.28 185.70 235.93 231.16 594.43 056-04-03-056 056-04-03-057 168-00-11-015 165-07-03-006 053-00-01-009 052-00-01-017 052-00-01-018 011-00-01-173 100-00-01-088 100-00-02-016 271.86 307.58 194.12 261.07 215.06 321.86 372.38 198.07 168.79 332.72 078-00-07-011 057-06-01-014 132-00-01-134 037-00-01-022 055-15-01-087 055-15-01-088 039-00-02-164 078-00-03-095 078-00-03-094 078-00-03-053 104-00-01-060 067-07-02-031 032-00-02-050 051-00-01-016 067-00-03-011 011-00-01-125 081-00-04-006 056-14-02-020 032-00-04-017 056-04-02-020 056-04-02-053 077-00-01-123 127-00-01-149 058-00-03-066 180-00-02-014 140-00-01-090 012-00-02-015 164-13-02-023 165-11-02-048 165-12-02-024 166-00-01-072 202-11-01-024 126-00-03-037 032-00-02-097 067-07-01-064 117-00-01-096 126-00-01-090 146-00-01-023 164-14-01-041 165-05-02-084 165-06-01-082 165-07-05-015 897.86 168.97 239.54 1448.49 198.35 178.77 139.52 217.93 217.93 250.54 190.52 232.68 273.49 298.07 685.09 198.07 371.62 160.11 198.35 1107.23 325.78 246.45 611.30 288.66 191.58 243.54 262.38 184.75 295.85 178.67 158.25 610.08 754.28 129.71 474.34 524.13 256.63 315.19 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B HALL MICHELLE B NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HALL MORGAN HALL PATRICIA M HALL SARAH NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HALL SHEILA HAM ASHLYN Y HAM CELESTE HAM THEO N HAMLIN DALLAS & TERRI HAMLIN TERRIE HANKINS ROBERT ETAL HANKINS ROOSEVELT & ETHEL HANKINS ROOSEVELT & ETHEL HANNIBAL ALPHONSO HANNIBAL JAMES J & RAINEY HARDWICK GLORIA HARDWICK ASHLEY RAY JR HARDWICK VIRGINIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HARRINGTON GEORGE W & JOANNE HARRIS GEORGE & LETHA HARRISON EMMA L ETAL HARRISON ERNEST NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HARRISON SHERMAN HARTSVILLE COMM. DEV. FOUNDATION NOW: FLORENCE-DARLINGTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOUNDATION HATCHER DOROTHY & HAROLD WILSON HAWKINS EVA HAWKINS GLORIA HAWKINS LIDE HAYES E P & AGNES T HEAPE ERNIE HEATH FANNIE ELIZABETH HEIDT JOHN HEIDT JOHN HENIGAN CHRISTINE HOLLOWAY HENIGAN CHRISTINE P ETAL HENSLEY DONALD B & ETAL HERRINGTON MARGIE H HERRON DAVE EST HICKMAN BARBARA HICKMAN BEATRICE J HICKMAN BILLY HICKMAN BOBBY HICKMAN ROBERT & ETAL HICKS KATHERINE ELIZABETH T HICKS RAYMOND W HICKSON BELVA HIGHLAND CHARLIE MAY HILL MARY NOW: ST MATTHEWS UNITED APOSTOLIC CHURCH HILTON JASON L & JANEE KAY HINES ANNA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HINES ANNA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HINES ANNA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HINES ANNA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HINES ARDELLA B HINTON ALLEN WAYNE HODGES VALARIE B HOFFMAN BRIAN K & RACHEL HOFFMAN JIMMY C HOFFMAN JIMMY C HOFFMAN KEVEN R NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HOFFMAN KEVEN R HOFFMAN VIVIAN HOLIDAY SUSAN HOLLIMAN RONNIE D HOLLIMON RONNIE HOLLIMON RONNIE D HOLLIMON RONNIE D HOLLOMAN CALVIN LEE HOLLOWAY CATHERINE HOLLOWAY JAMES WILLIAM HOLMES JAMES HOLMES JAMES NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HOLMES JAMES HOLMES JAMES JEROME HOLMES JAMES JR HOME NET HOME-NET INC HOOKS ANNA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED HOOP DREAMS ENTERPRISES LLC HORNE KASSIDY BRIANNE HOUGH MAJOR HOWARD CLEVELAND ETAL HOWLE JEENINGS H JR NOW: VANESSA HOWLE HOWLE JOY BYRD ET AL HOWLE K GLENN NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 2.55 ACRES 1 LOT 2.00 ACRES 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 3.30 ACRES .74 ACRES 1 LOT 49.23 ACRES 141.46 ACRES 4 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 3.13 ACRES 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 7.70 ACRES 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .42 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 12.79 ACRES 1 LOT 1.34 ACRES 1 LOT 3.41 ACRES 1 LOT 1.15 ACRES 2.47 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 4.97 ACRES .96 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.06 ACRES 3.77 ACRES 5.11 ACRES 1 LOT 1.21 ACRES 1 LOT 1.81 ACRES 1 LOT 4.88 ACRES 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .15 ACRES 1 LOT 2.11 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.39 ACRES 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2.35 ACRES .80 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 9.14 ACRES .56 ACRES 1 LOT 8 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.37 ACRES 1 LOT 1.75 ACRES 2.32 ACRES 6.38 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 14.65 ACRES 1 LOT 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG DISTRICT 2-1 2-1 14-F 14-F 15-F 2-1 MAP NUMBER 165-08-01-066 165-10-01-020 180-00-02-031 181-00-01-100 039-00-01-108 165-05-01-030 NET TAX 2-1 2-1 165-10-01-057 165-05-01-042 261.07 1351.10 169-00-01-064 146-00-01-066 165-01-02-007 198.07 786.03 1188.79 2-1 2-1 12-F 12-F 2-2F 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2DF 2-2DF 12-F 18-HF 17 2-1 1 2-1 12-F 11-F 32-2 32-2 16-F 32-1 13-F 13-1 13-1 13-1 21 13-1 2-2DF 7-F 2-2DF 2-1 32-1 16-F 2-2H 21 14-F 32-2 18-LF 32-2 32-1 6-1 16-F 15-F 17-F 17 1-F 28-F 16-F 30-F 4-F 1-F 11-F 11-F 2-2DF 2-2F 2-2F 1-F 1-F 32-2 8-F 2-2F 21 6-1 13-F 2-2H 32-1 32-1A 12-F 18-LF 2-1 32-2 32-2 30-F 11-F 18-LF 18-LF 7-F 7-F 32-2 17-F 6-1 12-F 32-1 32-2 14-F 32-2 2-2F 32-2 12-F 32-2 2-2DF 2-2DF 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 12-F 17 8-F 8-F 32-2 32-2 2-2F 21 32-1 32-1 32-1 2-2H 29-HF 7-F 21 20-F 20-F 20-F 12-F 12-F 14-F 17 15-F 32-2 28-F 32-1 24-F 16-F 18-LF 2-1 165-05-01-043 165-06-01-050 169-00-01-059 1065.18 844.17 194.83 263.39 217.59 333.42 656.92 1011.32 485.87 165-01-02-011 1237.99 164-04-01-005 108-00-01-118 052-00-02-116 152.51 471.34 333.63 165-12-02-082 164-04-01-004 155.26 496.12 032-00-01-125 183-13-01-029 080-00-01-019 354.75 1323.14 941.39 131-00-01-008 131-00-01-012 056-08-01-072 057-10-03-009 143-00-02-045 056-14-06-055 154-16-01-017 245.55 1014.32 1023.14 418.56 217.59 379.03 270.53 165-11-02-048 295.85 173-00-01-007 173-00-01-009 173-01-01-032 218-01-01-076 154-08-01-027 165-01-01-012 214-00-01-092 165-01-01-019 165-07-02-029 056-10-01-072 126.16 147.77 163.21 265.21 200.29 236.70 148.69 314.50 914.02 3349.13 218-05-02-021 178-00-01-029 034-16-02-023 073-00-01-010 034-12-02-021 056-09-02-002 067-07-02-018 162.01 368.70 803.72 149.27 1040.29 840.00 579.15 032-00-02-056 106-00-01-043 006-00-04-018 100-00-02-207 159-00-01-132 043-00-02-025 082-00-04-002 151-00-01-004 151-00-01-177 165-00-01-006 147-00-02-081 147-00-02-123 059-00-01-055 059-00-01-090 054-15-01-102 103-00-01-059 145-00-07-007 237.53 325.05 417.79 178.56 227.35 276.15 420.04 153.34 273.16 233.51 136.39 158.25 188.45 136.86 501.85 1313.03 504.99 057-02-01-138 056-07-01-033 310.14 133.44 100-00-02-133 165-16-01-025 100-00-02-171 041-00-01-028 016-00-02-009 186-00-02-090 067-03-03-064 154-16-01-016 184-00-03-015 108-00-01-178 074-00-01-142 165-09-03-087 055-11-01-009 057-09-01-035 159-00-01-063 151-00-01-046 074-00-01-179 074-00-01-190 212-00-01-032 212-00-01-035 055-06-01-092 018-00-02-050 067-07-01-034 130-00-01-029 056-14-07-045 079-00-02-045 180-00-03-053 057-06-01-035 163-14-01-007 057-05-01-043 168-00-08-007 058-02-01-009 163-15-02-028 165-01-01-017 165-06-03-032 165-06-03-097 165-07-08-034 165-07-08-035 130-00-01-018 18-H 11-F 033-00-09-022 102-00-01-005 102-00-01-006 033-00-03-031 368.37 497.96 150.06 186.40 487.64 229.60 364.66 263.19 526.09 757.13 217.59 214.04 289.72 217.87 168.83 298.89 363.98 266.38 276.15 181.76 178.77 234.71 229.65 625.98 3629.81 1496.69 143.91 566.14 477.27 217.93 412.78 381.34 223.64 299.34 589.79 422.55 298.94 438.37 233.91 054-11-01-034 151-00-03-011 230.95 246.87 256.63 630.92 033-00-03-036 146-00-03-049 218-05-04-033 057-02-02-067 056-14-03-053 057-02-02-066 165-16-01-013 022-00-01-087 212-00-01-034 187-00-02-162 108-00-01-131 108-00-01-147 388.54 256.63 216.74 929.72 662.34 356.53 532.38 302.15 564.75 197.40 269.59 4782.42 074-00-01-064 165-09-01-104.401 874.81 1854.09 108-00-01-130 108-00-01-008 108-00-01-133 196-00-01-037 032-00-03-037 039-00-01-099 056-08-01-074 012-00-01-129 057-02-02-089 046-00-01-007.301 142-00-02-085 1156.89 259.98 188.31 1137.37 494.35 713.19 827.34 207.83 258.41 284.94 252.16 NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. RECIEPT 032575-14-5 022796-14-3 022797-14-3 023067-14-3 023078-14-3 023108-14-3 023164-14-3 023199-14-3 023246-14-3 023484-14-3 023504-14-3 023737-14-3 023881-14-3 024160-14-3 024308-14-3 024311-14-3 024313-14-3 024314-14-3 024315-14-3 024340-14-3 024393-14-3 024462-14-3 024525-14-3 024532-14-3 024540-14-3 024541-14-3 024562-14-3 024596-14-3 024597-14-3 024598-14-3 024599-14-3 024617-14-3 024618-14-3 024695-14-3 139.52 024696-14-3 024701-14-3 024705-14-3 024709-14-3 024775-14-3 024777-14-3 024803-14-3 024885-14-3 024926-14-3 024956-14-3 024957-14-3 024958-14-3 024959-14-3 024960-14-3 515.67 024962-14-3 024965-14-3 023611-14-5 024990-14-3 025009-14-3 025012-14-3 025036-14-3 025070-14-3 025087-14-3 025123-14-3 025132-14-3 025142-14-3 025207-14-3 025221-14-3 025276-14-3 025278-14-3 025347-14-3 025462-14-3 025465-14-3 025466-14-3 025468-14-3 025469-14-3 025510-14-3 025545-14-3 025553-14-3 025687-14-3 025761-14-3 026000-14-3 026002-14-3 026003-14-3 026004-14-3 026005-14-3 026023-14-3 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WELDING JACKSON CHARLES JACKSON CHARLES E JACKSON CHARLES E JACKSON CHARLES E JACKSON CHARLES E JACKSON DARRELL JACKSON EFFIE JACKSON JACK ETAL JACKSON KECIA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JACKSON KIMBERLY CROWLEY JACKSON LEO JR JACKSON LEO JR JACKSON LOUIS JACKSON MINNIE JACKSON MINNIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JACKSON MINNIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JACKSON MINNIE M JACKSON NEWTON & KECIA L & JUSTIN MARTIN JACKSON JACKSON NEWTON & KECIA L & JUSTIN MARTIN JACKSON JACKSON SHIRLEY NOW: HARRIS B LAMBERT III JACKSON SHIRLEY JACKSON SHIRLEY RUTH JACKSON SYLVESTER JACKSON TARA M NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JACOBS CLINTON JR JACOBS CLINTON JR & VICKIE G JACOBS JAMES E ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JAMES VALERIE B NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JAMES BEVERLEY G & FONTA JAMES CORNELIUS JAMES CORNELIUS JAMES CORNELIUS JAMES CORNELIUS JAMES CORNELIUS JAMES DANIEL W & DENA A JAMES DAVID ET AL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JAMES ERNESTINE ETAL JAMES FRANKIE JAMES JEFFREY E & LESA M JAMES JEROLD DEE & VALERIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JAMES JOSEPH JR JAMES PERRY L & GAIL B NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JAMES RICHARD E & DEBRA L JAMES SHIRLEY W NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JAMES TONY JAMES WANDA P JEFFERY DAVID JEFFERY LANDES NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JEFFORDS LUAN S JEFFORDS LUAN S JEFFRY THELMA JETT HELEN MILES JETT JARVIS NOW: THE NEW COVENANT ASSEMBLY IN CHRIST JESUS JETT JARVIS L JETT JARVIS L JETT JARVIS L JLS VENTURES LLC JOE ANNIE MAE ETAL JOE JAMES L JOHNSON CHARLEY JOHNSON DENNIS & ANNETTE L NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JOHNSON KATHERINE JOHNSON KATHERINE D JOHNSON KATHERINE D JOHNSON KATHERINE D JOHNSON KATHERINE D NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JOHNSON LARRY JOHNSON LOUSIE JOHNSON MAMIE LEE JOHNSON MAMIE LEE & MINNIE LEE JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON RICHARD L JOHNSON ROLAND & ALMENA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JOHNSON ROY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JOHNSON RUSSELL/HENRY/ADLINE JOHNSON RUSSELL WAYNE JOINT MARY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JONES BEULAH WILDS JONES BEULAH WILDS ETAL JONES COLLEEN JONES LARRY JONES MARGARET JONES MARK JONES RICHARD JONES RICHARD JONES RICHARD JONES ROSEMARY JONES SHIRLEY JONES WESLEY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED JORDAN BONNIE H JORDAN JOSEPH & BONNIE JORDAN JOSEPH & BONNIE H JORDAN LOUIS MITCHELL JOSEPH MICHAEL JOYNER MESHELLA J JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE JUNE REGINA HARDEE KEARNS SILOLA L & CLEVELAND NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED KELLY LARRY EDGAR ETAL KELLY RUTH NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED KERZNER ROBERT G C/O THOMAS & DIANA SPITTLE KETTER JOHN EST KHALFANI JACADELE & OMARI KHALFANI JACKIE & OMARI KHALFANI JACKIE & OMARI KINARD JOSEPH & DANA M KING JOSEPH & VICKIE NEEDS TO REDEEMED KING TARA JO KINLEY MICHAEL & SADINE SMITH KIRBY KENNETH E & LAMOND C DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 2 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 6.90 ACRES 1 LOT 5.90 ACRES 17.90 ACRES 1.67 ACRES .42 ACRES 1 LOT .64 ACRES 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.11 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .50 ACRES 8.50 ACRES 1 LOT .75 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .16 ACRES 1 LOT 3.44 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 12.19 ACRES 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.14 ACRES 1 LOT 1.19 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.34 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 97.65 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 7.36 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.93 ACRES 1 LOT 1.10 ACRES 1 LOT 1.19 ACRES 1 LOT 2.26 ACRES .84 ACRES .75 ACRES .62 ACRES .66 ACRES .80 ACRES .65 ACRES .80 ACRES 4.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT .75 ACRES 2.00 ACRES 1 LOTS 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG DISTRICT 32-1 2-1 2-1 2-2DF 7-F 2-1 7-F 7-F 15-F 32-2 23-F 17 32-2 18-H 32-1 15-F 32-1 32-1 32-1 2-1 12-F 2-1 7-F 2-2F 16-F 16-F 30-F 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-2 2-2DF 2-2DF 16-F 16-F 29-HF 2-1 32-1 32-1 2-1 5-F 14-F 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2F 1 BLDG 21 2-2F 2-1 2-2F 27-F 5-F DELINQUENT TAX NOTICES MAP NUMBER 056-14-02-067 165-06-01-072 165-06-01-073 164-13-01-003 213-00-01-070 165-07-02-070 213-00-01-098 213-00-01-096 039-00-01-168 033-00-02-117 126-00-02-041 032-00-04-009 058-02-02-010 077-00-01-079 056-10-02-048 041-00-01-044 057-02-01-044 057-02-01-047 057-02-01-147 165-11-02-046 150-00-01-212 165-07-05-063 181-00-01-041 146-00-07-007 100-00-02-132 100-00-02-140 140-00-01-156 056-13-03-012 056-13-04-031 056-14-06-046 055-07-03-043 164-04-01-011 164-04-01-012 16-F 142-00-02-040 142-00-02-005 036-00-03-049 165-06-01-092 057-02-02-019 057-02-02-018 165-08-01-029 052-00-01-004 NET TAX 338.34 462.90 471.38 243.63 253.29 1663.97 237.12 491.63 237.12 227.73 148.83 139.31 208.14 1615.10 920.88 1715.56 501.88 582.00 539.29 194.28 315.19 690.66 435.60 185.18 510.38 266.38 217.59 339.49 1365.87 1143.85 277.68 155.56 321.91 100-00-01-087 331.57 253.50 155.94 266.19 521.15 813.63 543.32 249.31 181-00-01-055 210.84 165-08-01-040 571.04 165-08-01-041 561.36 165-08-01-044 514.35 167-00-01-043 331.51 2-2F 167-00-01-043.301 202-16-01-048 162-00-01-124 445.91 556.18 165-07-04-022 162-00-01-203 063-00-01-046 052-00-01-039 335.77 217.59 2152.34 251.79 2-2F 2-1 144-00-01-105 165-06-02-010 430.86 3443.09 32-2 32-1 32-2 2-2H 2-2DF 055-16-01-017 056-13-01-032 057-06-01-026 184-00-04-048 165-09-02-035 984.04 1981.47 748.95 152.67 330.76 2-1 9-F 18-HF 28-F 2-2H 32-1 21 21 21 15-F 21 21 30-F 32-2 2-2H 21 7-F 7-F 7-F 18-LF 32-2 6-2F 20-F 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 32-2 18-H 2-2F 2-2F 30-F 2-1 2-1 7-F 5-F 32-2 32-2 30-F 30-F 30-F 12-F 2-2DF 32-1 15-F 29-HF 10-LF 32-1 20-F 16-F 2-2F 2-2F 2-2F 2-2F 2-2F 2-2F 2-2F 2-2F 7-F 11-F 32-1 32-2 32-2 6-2F 6-2F 6-2F 32-2 20-F 28-F 30-F 32-2 165-12-03-023 010-00-01-008 053-00-01-022 006-00-02-007 166-00-02-068 056-14-03-004 202-12-02-047 202-12-02-087 218-06-01-031 039-00-04-063 218-05-02-033 218-05-01-005 161-00-01-039 055-15-01-057 186-00-01-009 186-00-03-105 198-00-03-007 198-00-03-008 198-00-03-016 117-00-01-102 057-14-01-015 067-00-03-015 109-00-01-063 165-02-03-029 165-02-03-030 165-02-03-031 165-08-01-003 165-08-01-004 165-08-01-005 165-08-01-048 058-01-01-046 077-00-01-002 165-09-01-071 165-13-01-068 140-00-01-007 165-07-07-006 165-07-07-008 182-00-01-013 051-00-04-046 057-13-01-028 057-13-01-029 140-00-03-001 140-00-03-081 140-00-03-098 108-00-01-081 164-04-01-009 056-13-04-021 039-00-01-189 023-00-01-075 021-00-01-077 035-15-01-050 108-00-01-139 100-00-02-179 163-00-07-000 163-00-07-030 163-00-07-031 163-00-07-042 163-00-07-043 163-00-07-044 163-00-07-045 163-00-07-049 182-00-01-068 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RAYMOND LIGON ANDRE B & TYWANDA P NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED LISBON LENETTE LITTLE CORINTHIAN M LITTLEJOHN DORIS M LITTLES ROSA M LOCKAMY DORIS L S ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED LOVE JAMES L LUCAS BERNARD & TAMMY LUCKY WOODROW JR LUMBEE LLC LUNN ANDREA W ETAL LUNN ANDREA W ETAL LUNN JOHN A ETAL LUNN REBECCA S LUNN REBECCA S LUNN REBECCA S ETAL LUNNON JOSEPH JR ETALS LYNCH GLENN MACK BERNETHA ETAL MACK FURNESS MACK HENRY O & RUBY R MACK J D & MARGIE A MACK MARGIE J ETAL MACK SHELTON MADISON ELIZABETH & JOHNNIE MANLEY SHEILA MITCHELL MARCUS CLEVELAND MARINE KIMBERLY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MARK BENNY & PHYLLIS MARK BRENT VANDYKE MARK ESTATES LLC MARK ESTATES LLC MARK ESTATES LLC MARK ESTATES LLC MARK ESTATES LLC MARK WAYNE MARK WAYNE D/B/A MR FIX-IT MARLOWE BOBBY NOW: WANDA HOWLE & MICHELLE WEST MARSH SHIRLEY MARTIN ROSETTA ETAL MARTIN ROSETTA ETAL MARTIN ROSETTA ETAL MARTIN ROSETTA ETAL MASHACK JACKIE MASOUD LEE GRIGGS MATTHEWS TINA L & DONALD W MAYHEW EDWIN NOW: STEVE EDWARDS MCALLISTER ANN MCCALL LEROY SR MCCALL MICHAEL & ELOUISE BENJAMIN MCCALL PATRICIA MCCALL PATRICIA MCCALL PATRICIA MCCALL REGINALD MCCALL REGINALD MCCALL TOMMIE L & MARTHA A MCCALL WILLIAM ETAL MCCALL WILLIAM ETAL MCCLEOD MAGGIE L MCCOY DOROTHY MCCOY RUBY LEE JETT NOW: SHALIKQUAWA & IMMANUEL MCCOY MCDANIEL BERTHA MCDANIEL DANNY MCDANIEL PECOLA W MCDONALD BEULAH MCDONALD JOANN MCDONALD KENNARD MCDONALD LEISA RAMON MCDOUGAL LEISA MCDOWELL JASON B MCDUFFIE YOLANDA V MCELVEEN TINA DAVIS MCFADDEN ANTHONY J MCFADDEN ANTHONY J MCGILL LEO MCIVER JAMES E MCIVER JAMES E MCIVER JAMES M ETAL MCKENZIE PAUL N MCLEOD JESSIE DBA VESTCO NOW: CLEVELAND B SAMUEL MCLEOD JOHNNY LEE SR ANGELA TAYLOR & J MCLEOD JR NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MCLEOD LULA MAE MCNEIL JOHNNIE H JR MCPHAIL MODESTINE MCRAVIAN WILLIE ETTA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MCWHITE BEN & PEARL M MCWHITE BEN J OR PEARL M STEVEN MEDLIN FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST NOW: EL ROI MINISTRIES INC MELTON DEBORAH DAVIS & WILLIAM CLAYTON DAVIS NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MILBRODT SARA F & KRISTY K WEATHERLY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MILES KAREN N ETAL MILLIGAN STEPHEN K MIMS CHARLES NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MINNICK AMANDA C MITCHELL GAYLE MITCHELL JACKIE L & ETAL MITCHELL MATTIE J MOBLEY MICHELLE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MOBLEY MICHELLE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MONKUS RACHEL & HARRISON MOODY JIMMY MORGAN KATHY MOSES LAKIDA F MOSES LAKIDA F MOSES LILLIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MOSES MARY L DARGAN MOTTER FRANK C NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MOZINGO INVESTMENTS LLC MOZINGO INVESTMENTS LLC MOZINGO INVESTMENTS LLC MOZINGO MARK E NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MULDROW ANNIE R & FREDDIE C WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 9B DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES .74 ACRES 1 LOT 2 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 5.00 ACRES 1 LOT 6.00 ACRES 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 BLDG 2 LOTS 2.02 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 BLDG 1 LOT 1.02 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT .50 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT .20 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .89 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 8.37 ACRES 8.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 8.00 ACRES 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT .35 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237.12 237.12 206.07 664.19 354.22 256.59 168.79 289.86 235.16 360.70 350.51 450.65 642.68 313.48 295.67 290.83 460.22 136.20 224.12 039-00-06-017 056-13-04-011 152-00-01-032 167-00-01-075 057-06-03-065 059-00-01-105 108-00-01-003 099-00-01-114 2406.09 903.04 493.24 2692.31 258.41 373.75 126.43 408.69 149-00-01-113 056-03-02-048 165-12-02-031 377.05 903.04 698.17 057-02-02-126 147-00-05-120 081-00-01-085 057-00-02-140 012-00-01-161 1042.62 1670.79 217.24 146.54 334.51 100-00-02-242 039-00-04-061 039-00-04-008 056-13-03-001 057-00-02-062 057-00-03-027 079-00-03-044 039-00-04-062 057-00-02-063 218-05-03-058 1300.05 217.59 395.66 1590.91 863.25 1117.14 168.97 405.68 511.76 265.11 140-00-04-008 196-00-01-110 141-00-01-032 168-00-04-011 112-00-01-057 112-00-01-059 164-13-02-004 112-00-01-044 112-00-01-065 112-00-01-045 151-00-01-142 088-00-01-101 067-07-02-061 067-07-02-011 032-01-03-011 142-00-02-063 142-00-02-038 067-03-04-060 100-00-02-194 055-11-01-074 067-07-02-021 057-00-02-119 253.39 237.12 298.07 448.91 405.52 138.66 644.55 259.99 298.89 135.61 220.80 534.79 604.67 232.68 175.55 224.01 317.08 241.35 154.73 155.81 160.97 270.95 056-11-02-007 110-00-01-020 111-00-01-035 111-00-01-036 111-00-01-038 166-00-01-084 034-12-02-050 162-00-02-058 080-00-01-070 108-00-01-180 079-00-02-092 180-00-05-010 617.88 393.26 217.59 292.53 292.47 227.41 805.57 217.59 2325.90 266.38 217.93 237.12 039-00-01-158 184-00-03-035 166-00-01-086 056-13-03-036 012-00-01-074 077-00-02-103 055-11-01-053 012-00-01-067 166-00-01-115 055-15-01-062 056-10-03-110 058-01-01-051 058-02-02-025 186-00-02-024 140-00-04-005 140-00-04-006 140-00-04-004 057-00-03-055 140-00-03-036 266.38 294.13 201.27 395.05 143.91 151.53 201.57 163.04 217.66 670.64 2393.22 266.90 576.91 297.56 557.59 172.00 210.99 798.05 198.07 012-00-01-075 180-00-02-001 057-02-01-030 165-06-04-068 151.07 665.57 356.53 309.97 100-00-01-071 100-00-01-076 100-00-01-077 055-11-01-062 055-11-01-063 012-00-01-139 140-00-03-086 162-00-01-008 057-02-01-087 057-06-03-066 166-00-01-102 100-00-01-031 230.56 153.48 188.31 165.61 191.84 243.66 321.74 577.87 200.22 258.06 656.60 504.99 202-07-01-029 202-07-01-030 019-00-04-010 294.13 410.21 1710.98 218-09-04-029 689.75 180-00-03-028 270.53 017-00-01-090 080-00-01-115 055-11-02-026 1360.36 560.71 476.48 218-06-01-003 412.82 202-07-02-041 055-07-03-003 056-10-02-063 053-00-01-021 202-11-01-056 165-02-04-069 180-00-01-052 202-04-01-042 164-05-04-005 164-05-04-006 067-07-02-064 067-07-02-051 056-04-01-026 163-00-03-044 166-00-01-041 202-07-01-013 163-15-04-014 165-09-01-112 670.91 359.57 222.81 149.47 408.12 1282.18 204.49 352.17 276.15 168.79 272.14 549.54 1395.85 1883.35 154.50 135.61 2399.26 318.33 PAGE 10B | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 RECIEPT 034570-14-3 034628-14-3 034638-14-3 034691-14-3 034717-14-3 034739-14-3 034740-14-3 034741-14-3 034895-14-3 034902-14-3 034933-14-3 034997-14-3 035323-14-3 035658-14-3 035659-14-3 035751-14-3 035753-14-3 035987-14-3 035998-14-3 036007-14-3 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040859-14-3 040936-14-3 040940-14-3 040941-14-3 040942-14-3 040950-14-3 040988-14-3 032732-14-5 041003-14-3 041004-14-3 041019-14-3 041036-14-3 041037-14-3 041062-14-3 041063-14-3 041065-14-3 041066-14-3 041067-14-3 041068-14-3 041089-14-3 041119-14-3 041120-14-3 041121-14-3 041254-14-3 041325-14-3 041382-14-3 032721-14-5 041502-14-3 041533-14-3 041577-14-3 NAME DESCRIPTION MULDROW BESSIE 1 LOT MUMFORD ERNISTINE 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED MUMFORD SHAWN 1 LOT 1 BLDG MUNN THURSTON CLARK SR 77.37 ACRES 1 BLDG MURPHY BERTHA MAE FOX 1 LOT MURRAY ANNIE J & MARTHA L SMITH 1 LOT 1 BLDG MURRAY ANNIE JO 1 LOT MURRAY ANNIE JO 1 LOT NANCE MERLE NOW: LEAH NANCE 1.61 ACRES 1 BLDG NANCE THOMAS 1 LOT NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 1 LOT 1 BLDG NOW: KAJA HOLDINGS 2 LLC NELSON LEWIS COOK JR & JOYCE 1 LOT 1 BLDG WARD NELSON NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED NICKELSON ELLIE H ETAL 1 LOT 1 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED NORWOOD ANNIE EST 1 LOT NORWOOD ANNIE EST 1 LOT NUTTER DENISE .40 ACRES NUTTER GERALD DAVID 1 LOT ODOM RANDY NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED 1 LOT 1 BLDG ODOM ROBERT TERREL 1 LOT 1 BLDG ODOM THERESA G 1 LOT 1 BLDG OLIVER MARIA LINNETTE 1.00 ACRES 1 BLDG ONEAL RUTH NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED 1 LOT OUTEN DOROTHY T 1 LOT OUTEN DOROTHY T 1 LOT OUTLAW VICKI B 1.00 ACRES OUTLAW VICKI B 1.08 ACRES PAITSEL FREDDIE & DOLLETA .71 ACRES PARKER B C JR 1 LOT 1 BLDG PARKER JACK KENT .03 ACRES PARNELL KATHLEEN H 1 LOT NOW: WAYNE GAINEY JR PARNELL KATHLEEN H 1 LOT NOW: WAYNE GAINEY JR PARNELL KATHLEEN H GAINEY 1 LOT 1 BLDG NOW: WAYNE GAINEY JR PARROTT BAXTER RANDOLPH 1 LOT 2 BLDG PARROTT BAXTER RANDOLPH 1 LOT 2 BLDG PARROTT BOYD 1 LOT PARROTT DEAN J 1 LOT 1 BLDG PATE CHANDRA F 2.00 ACRES PATTERSON DEWAYNE & MARY A .46 ACRES 1 BLDG PATTERSON ERIC 1 LOT 1 BLDG PATTERSON KISHA 1 LOT PATTERSON KISHA L 1 LOT 1 BLDG PATTERSON STANLEY M 1 LOT PENDERGRASS SANDRA H 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED PENDERGRASS SANDRA H 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED PETERSON ISAAC JR 1 LOT PETERSON MILDRED EARSHALI 1.00 ACRES PETERSON QUEEN ESTHER B 1 LOT PETERSON ROBERT EST 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED PETREL INTERNATIONAL LLC 12.30 ACRES 3 BLDG NOW: LIN HAIYAN PETTIGREW ANGEL MARIA 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED PETTY JAMES D 1 LOT 1 BLDG PHILLIPS BRENDA W 3.14 ACRES PHILLIPS BRENDA W 2.43 ACRES PHILLIPS REBECCA & NATHAN 1 LOT 1 BLDG PHILLIPS WILLIAM CODY .47 ACRES PIERCE LINDA BRUCE 1 LOT 1 BLDG PIERCE MICHAEL JOE 2.00 ACRES PIERCE PROPERTIES MGMT CORP 1 LOT 1 BLDG PITMAN ERICA 1 LOT 2 BLDG PLYLER VIRGINIA G& FRANK HOUGH 1 LOT POOLE WANDA ANN 1 LOT POOLER CEDRIC ETAL 1 LOT 1 BLDG POOLER JAMES 15.00 ACRES POSTON LOUISE S 1 LOT POSTON ROSTELL JR 1 LOT 1 BLDG POWELL JEFFERY L & ROSE H 1 LOT POWERS CHARLES H 1 LOT NOW: BILLY BALDWIN POWERS JANE HUGGINS AS TRUSTEE 1 LOT FOR CHARLES H POWERS NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED PRESCOTT SILAS 1 LOT 2 BLDG PRICE LULA MAE 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RABINOWITZ JASON 1 LOT 1 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RAINWATER PROPERTIES NOW: LINDA 1 LOTS 1 BLDG EVANS ABLE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RECA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1 LOT RECA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1 LOT RECA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1 LOT REED CHESTER & BERNETHA 1 LOT 1 BLDG REED SUSAN NOW: DONALD REED JR 3 LOTS REYNOLDS WAYNE & RENA M 3.61 ACRES 1 BLDG RHODES JOSEPH P 2.50 ACRES 1 BLDG RHODES JUNIOR LEE JR 1 LOT 1 BLDG RICHARDSON CLAUDE & LORRAINE 1 LOT HOLLIDAY RICHARDSON ETHELINE W 1 LOT RICHARDSON NANNIE L 2 LOTS 2 BLDG RICHARDSON WILLIE SR 1 LOT 1 BLDG RIDGILL CECIL N 1 LOT 1 BLDG RIDGILL CECIL N 1 LOT 1 BLDG RIVERS WILLIAM J III 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RJTS PROPERTIES LLC 1 LOT 1 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ROBERTSON DAVID & ETAL 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ROBINSON ANASTASIA & LATONYA .71 ACRES MCFARLAND ROGERS CHRIS L 1.13 ACRES ROGERS GERTRUDE 1 LOT 1 BLDG ROGERS JOSEPH ANTHONY 10.00 ACRES 1 BLDG ROGERS MALCOLM 1 LOT ROGERS MARY J & MARTHA JACKSON 1 LOT ROGERS RANDY W 1 LOT 1 BLDG ROGERS ZANE H 8.39 ACRES ROLAND GERTRUDE & ET AL 1 LOT 1 BLDG ROLLINGS JOSEPH M JR 2.07 ACRES ROLLINGS PAUL EDWARD & WILLENE 1 LOT 1 BLDG ROLLINS ELVIN LEE 1 LOT ROOTS MONICA L 1 LOT NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ROSS CLARA ADELINE ETAL 1 LOT 2 BLDG ROSS JIMMIE L NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED 1 LOT ROUSE JAMES EST 1 LOT ROUSE LEON T 1 LOT ROUSE LEON T 1 LOT ROUSE LILLIE MAE GRANT 1 LOT 1 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ROUSE SAMMIE & EVELYN A 1 LOT ROWELL MCLISTER 2 LOTS NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED ROWLEE LESLIE A & RENEE A 1 LOT 2 BLDG ROYAL GEORGENE ETAL 1 LOT 1 BLDG ROYAL GEORGENE ETAL 1 LOT 1 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RUCKER SYLVIA 1 LOT RUMMELL KATHY 1 LOT RUMMELL KATHY S 1 LOT 4 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RUSH MAXIE J 1 LOT 3 BLDG RUSH MAXIE J 13.11 ACRES RUSH MAXIE J 1 LOT RUSH MAXIE J 1 LOT RUSH MAXIE J 1 LOT RUSH MAXIE J .53 ACRES RUSSELL BESSIE S ETAL 1 LOT 1 BLDG NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED RYAN ROBERT J NEED TO BE REDEEMED 1 LOT 1 BLDG RYAN ROBERT J NEED TO BE REDEEMED 1 LOT RYAN ROBERT J NEED TO BE REDEEMED 1 LOT IMP(S) SALMOND SAQUAN RENEE 2.00 ACRES SAMUEL JUANITA C 1 LOT SAMUEL WILLIE & EVALINA CHARLES 1.70 ACRES SANDERS REGINALD O & 1 LOT 1 BLDG JUDY C PETERSON SANSBURY BRENT 1 LOT SANSBURY JIMMY R & JOANNE E 8.90 ACRES SANTEE-LYNCHES COMM DEV CORP .29 ACRES 1 BLDG DISTRICT 2-2H 32-2 32-1 23-F 2-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 12-F 32-1 32-1 6-1 32-1 2-1 2-2DF 21 20-F 30-F 21 2-2F 11-F 18-HF 32-2 32-2 28-F 28-F 17-F 32-2 32-2 30-F 30-F 30-F 2-1 2-1 2-2H 2-2H 32-2 15-F 32-1 32-2 32-1 6-1 5-F DELINQUENT TAX NOTICES MAP NUMBER 184-00-04-010 057-13-01-038 056-14-01-070 128-00-01-003 164-16-01-036 056-14-01-063 056-10-04-054 056-10-04-055 168-00-01-219 056-10-02-004 056-10-04-067 067-03-01-045 056-14-01-064 165-07-06-036 165-09-02-023 218-13-01-051 086-00-01-073 140-00-01-088 185-00-02-086 144-00-01-047 132-00-01-132 053-00-01-011 058-02-01-001 058-02-01-002 008-00-01-019 012-00-02-114 016-00-04-021 054-15-01-005 054-15-01-109 160-00-01-038 160-00-01-039 160-00-01-001 NET TAX 152.67 529.29 492.74 529.96 198.52 263.37 275.94 275.94 390.23 356.53 1032.12 644.66 874.14 237.55 184.93 313.48 159.04 524.31 600.31 300.49 820.38 456.31 149.37 139.58 184.98 178.56 198.63 481.22 129.87 142.72 142.72 198.18 165-07-02-004 165-10-01-003 166-00-02-007 165-14-01-041 032-00-02-082 039-00-02-107 056-10-01-065 055-03-01-009 056-05-01-060 067-06-01-003 052-00-01-040 376.82 1111.77 352.17 349.05 237.53 185.73 983.26 276.70 681.74 184.95 420.70 16-F 5-F 2-1 2-2DF 100-00-02-167 051-00-04-062 165-10-03-034 165-09-02-044 159.04 218.28 237.55 289.44 32-2 057-05-01-005 32-1 20-F 056-10-02-003 667.06 087-00-01-031 2075.07 056-04-02-116 019-00-03-091 019-00-03-092 008-00-01-022 032-00-01-063 213-00-01-032 022-00-01-104 057-01-02-003 153-15-01-020 079-00-02-042 165-09-03-037 059-00-01-029 059-00-01-068 118-00-03-020 218-09-04-017 070-00-01-059 163-13-03-001 277.50 257.11 315.88 354.21 208.45 590.84 277.25 1732.08 940.11 139.54 210.53 359.97 218.58 191.66 1283.77 133.16 315.19 6-1 16-F 067-07-01-009 100-00-01-066 795.29 409.89 2-2F 165-09-01-023 32-2 17 17 28-F 17-F 7-F 29-HF 32-1 13-1 32-2 2-1 15-F 15-F 18-LF 21 24-F 2-2F 2-1 32-1 15-F 2-2F 13-1 32-1 2-2DF 16-F 30-F 16-F 21 16-F 21 30-F 2-1 2-1 2-1 32-1 32-2 15-F 15-F 2-2F 21 16-F 32-1 15-F 28-F 2-1 21 29-H 32-2 2-2H 2-2H 2-1 2-1 2-2F 2-2F 2-2DF 2-2H 16-F 10-H 2-2DF 2-1 5-F 2-2DF 21 13-1 13-F 13-F 13-F 13-F 13-F 32-1 32-2 16-F 2-1 32-2 30-F 6-2F 32-2 2-1 27-F 6-1 165-06-03-061 424.21 372.92 056-11-02-021 8819.58 041-00-01-027 145-00-07-004 173-01-01-027 057-01-03-004 164-13-01-034 142-00-03-060 140-00-05-005 100-00-01-052 202-16-01-031 250.21 266.38 169.47 465.55 191.04 318.39 463.08 288.65 274.78 727.08 122-00-01-019 202-16-01-021 140-00-03-003 165-03-02-068 165-03-02-070 184-01-01-014 237.12 255.94 1030.01 578.49 254.78 323.88 055-10-01-057 320.80 057-01-03-010 039-00-07-004 039-00-04-068 165-09-01-027 202-00-01-080 100-00-04-007 056-14-01-016 041-00-01-097 011-00-01-188 165-10-01-007 168-00-01-172 036-00-03-007 036-12-01-007 166-00-02-085 165-16-01-035 165-07-02-022 165-10-03-062 162-00-02-036 162-00-02-037 165-09-02-041 183-00-02-026 100-00-02-099 035-13-01-003 165-09-02-052 165-09-03-038 051-00-04-041 165-01-01-027 218-13-02-006 154-04-01-036 155-04-01-004 155-04-01-013 155-04-01-015 155-04-01-018 155-04-01-023 056-13-04-047 055-11-02-019 100-00-03-022 165-07-04-043 079-00-02-063 141-00-01-043 067-00-05-011 078-00-07-004 164-10-02-068 062-00-01-050 067-07-06-023 2329.81 356.62 276.15 691.58 1091.81 204.61 258.41 332.70 162.75 1378.33 255.44 786.03 374.64 560.06 276.63 422.15 194.28 140.38 159.39 497.03 152.67 575.25 343.65 576.39 1828.34 185.46 275.60 1250.05 955.74 151.21 198.07 168.83 237.12 217.59 1209.13 1307.51 504.99 817.11 237.53 172.11 334.71 69.79 249.31 253.43 2209.19 RECIEPT 041586-14-3 041627-14-3 041628-14-3 041629-14-3 041630-14-3 041631-14-3 041671-14-3 023102-14-5 041774-14-3 041832-14-3 041839-14-3 041854-14-3 041868-14-3 041889-14-3 041913-14-3 041917-14-3 041918-14-3 041920-14-3 041967-14-3 041968-14-3 042048-14-3 042057-14-3 042128-14-3 042143-14-3 042275-14-3 042288-14-3 041775-14-3 042373-14-3 042404-14-3 042408-14-3 042410-14-3 042417-14-3 042472-14-3 042523-14-3 042675-14-3 042686-14-3 042715-14-3 042716-14-3 042719-14-3 042725-14-3 042966-14-3 043031-14-3 043037-14-3 043111-14-3 043127-14-3 043150-14-3 043166-14-3 043313-14-3 043339-14-3 043381-14-3 043393-14-3 043415-14-3 043469-14-3 043470-14-3 043486-14-3 043488-14-3 043504-14-3 043526-14-3 043584-14-3 043588-14-3 043637-14-3 043641-14-3 022848-14-5 043942-14-3 043951-14-3 044016-14-3 044017-14-3 044054-14-3 044158-14-3 044631-14-3 044738-14-3 044742-14-3 045004-14-3 045105-14-3 045107-14-3 023447-14-5 045344-14-3 045347-14-3 045348-14-3 045389-14-3 045443-14-3 045444-14-3 045445-14-3 045490-14-3 182.19 045597-14-3 045610-14-3 045697-14-3 045727-14-3 045732-14-3 045733-14-3 045734-14-3 045801-14-3 045867-14-3 045916-14-3 045935-14-3 046004-14-3 046125-14-3 046159-14-3 046160-14-3 046187-14-3 046191-14-3 046212-14-3 046245-14-3 046254-14-3 046300-14-3 046315-14-3 046342-14-3 046351-14-3 046352-14-3 046399-14-3 046411-14-3 046417-14-3 046418-14-3 046419-14-3 046420-14-3 046435-14-3 046452-14-3 046478-14-3 046517-14-3 046568-14-3 046571-14-3 046594-14-3 046809-14-3 046811-14-3 046862-14-3 046863-14-3 047288-14-3 047348-14-3 NAME SARDIS TRUST HOLDINGS LLC SAVERANCE BONNIE W EST SAVERANCE BONNIE W EST SAVERANCE BONNIE W EST SAVERANCE BONNIE W EST SAVERANCE BONNIE W EST SAWYER DELORIS JACKSON SAWYER VERNON ETAL SCHARK HERMAN G SCIPIO BENJAMIN F SCIPIO DAVID JR ETAL SCIPIO LARRY & HATTIE NOW: TETANICH INVESTMENTS LLC SCOREFIELD MANAGEMENT SCOTT ELIZABETH H M NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SCOTT JESSIE B SCOTT JOHN NOW: KESHA S THOMPSON & JONTE D SCOTT SCOTT JOHN NOW: KESHA S THOMPSON & JONTE D SCOTT SCOTT JOHN SCOTT ROOSEVELT M JR & LOUIS BOWMAN SCOTT SAM EST SEALEY LARRY HEATH SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN NOW: PATTY CONTEE SEGARS JESSE SEGARS MARTHA M SESSOMS ROBIN M NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SEXTON MELISSA MCCOY SHARPER BETTIE SHAW TONY DEVON NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SHEFFIELD BOYD M SHEFFIELD MERRILL SHEFFIELD MERRILL BOYD SHEFFIELD WILLIAM ETAL SHEPPARD CHARLIE EST NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SHIRLEY FLASEAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SIMMONS SUSIE EVELYN SIMMS LUCILLE ETAL SIMON JIMMIE SIMON JIMMIE SIMON LASHAWNTA & ADRIAN S NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SIMON MARY J SLATER ROBERT SMALL PAUL ETAL AS TRUSTEE OF GREATER MT TEMA CHURCH SMALLS ALONZO SMITH BRIA D SMITH CASSANDRA ETAL SMITH CLIFTON G & JANICE S SMITH CYNTHIA EPPS AND ETAL SMITH JAMES LEVERN SMITH JOE SMITH LILLIE MAE ET AL SMITH LOUANNE ELIZABETH SMITH MARY ALICE SMITH REGGIE SR AND ETAL SMITH REGGIE SR AND ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SMITH ROGER SMITH ROGER WAYNE SMITH SARAH B SMITH TALISSA N & JOE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SMITH WILLIE & LORENZO TONEY NOW: SMITH WILLIE & ETALS SMITH WILLIE MAE & GRAHAM NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SMOTHERS MATTHEW NOW: MBH REAL ESTATE LLC SMOTHERS MATTHEW H & RAEGAN D SMOTHERS MATTHEW H & RAEGAN D NOW: RAEGAN D SMOTHERS & MBH REAL ESTATE LLC SC DIST UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SOUTH MAIN ST PANTRY & LIQUORS OF DARLINGTON LLC SPANN ADELL L SPANN ADELL L NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SPARKS SAMMIE LEE III SPIRES WILLIAM EUGENE STEPHENS WESLEY A NOW: DARRELL JACKSON STEVENSON LESLIE STEVENSON NAOMI F STONEROCK ELIZABETH E STRICKLAND LINDA J STRICKLAND PEARL E SUGGS JANICE B & ETAL SUMNER ANGELA COOPER ETAL SUMNER HOWARD SUMNER HOWARD SUTTON ANTIONETTE M SWIFT TOM NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SWIFT TOM NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SWIFT TOM NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED SWINNEY SALLIE A TADLOCK PENNY C TALBERT CHRIS DARRELL & DICKIE LEE TARTE DEBORAH TAYLOR CHARLES & CONNIE TAYLOR CONNIE H & CONNIE T JONES TAYLOR CONNIE K NOW: MICHAEL & APRIL VOS TAYLOR CONNIE K TAYLOR LANNIE & LATONYA PETERSON NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED TEAGUE RON NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED TEDDER BETTY RUTH TEDDER HERMAN P III & MELINDA CALLIHA TEDDER TRENT L THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH MCALL AND ETAL THE ROGOL LAW FIRM LLC NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED THE ROGOL LAW FIRM LLC NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED THOMAS ANNIE M NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED THOMAS BARNEY E THOMAS BEVERLY J THOMAS CREOLA NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED THOMAS DONNA & CECIL JR THOMAS JAMES E THOMAS JIMMY A & BETTY THOMAS LAWRENCE THOMAS LISTON & VERNITA W THOMAS LISTON & VERNITA W NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED THOMAS REDIS NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED THOMAS ROBERT LEE & REBECCA D THOMAS RUBY J ETAL THOMAS RUBY J ETAL THOMAS RUBY J ETAL THOMAS RUBY J ETAL THOMAS THERON THOMAS WILBUR JAMES THOMPSON ARNESE B ETAL THOMPSON JANNIE S THOMPSON TERRANCE L THOMPSON TONEKA THOUSAND OAKS DRIVE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION TIMMONS NATASHA GATTISON TIMMONS RENA NEED TO BE REDEEMED TISDEL VENUS TISDEL WILLIE T & VENUS J NOW: VENUS JAMES TISDEL TUCKER ARTHUR & LILA TURBEVILLE HOYT D & BETTY C NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. DESCRIPTION 33.61 ACRES 80.00 ACRES 5.61 ACRES 48.00 ACRES 235.00 ACRES 130.00 ACRES 8 BLDG 1.01 ACRES 6.81 ACRES 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 6.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT .58 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .69 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.02 ACRES 1 LOT 5.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.00 ACRES 37.38 ACRES 1 LOT 1.20 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.15 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 3 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 LOTS 1 BLDG 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 LOT 3 BLDG 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1.30 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .17 ACRES .45 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 3.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT .79 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.14 ACRES 1 LOT 1.78 ACRES 1 LOT 2.56 ACRES 3.15 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 15.49 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1.36 ACRES 2.31 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOTS 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 2.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 2.90 ACRES 1 LOT 1.16 ACRES .50 ACRES 1 LOT 1.00 ACRES 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 LOT 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 3 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG 2 BLDG 1 BLDG 1 BLDG DISTRICT 28-F 24-F 24-F 24-F 24-F 24-F 21 21 12-F 16-F 2-2DF 2-2F 2-1 2-2H 14-F 32-2 32-2 32-2 2-2H 32-1 28-F 12-F 6-1 6-2F 7-F 6-2F 16-F 12-F 18-H 2-2F 18-H 18-H 12-F 1-F 17 2-2H 13-1 13-1 2-2H 2-2H 18-LF 20-F 2-2H 15-F 16-F 2-2H 2-2F 18-LF 18-LF 30-F 28-F 16-F 32-1 32-1 18-LF 18-LF 21 5-F 30-F 32-2 17 32-2 32-2 MAP NUMBER 008-00-01-004 069-00-01-004 069-00-01-008 069-00-01-014 069-00-01-028 070-00-01-006 186-00-01-068 186-00-01-034 149-00-01-043 142-00-02-008 164-04-01-006 167-00-01-095 164-15-03-012 165-16-01-009 180-00-07-001 057-00-02-070 057-13-01-009 057-13-01-010 183-00-02-041 057-02-02-081 012-00-03-066 168-00-09-023 066-15-01-070 067-08-03-002 214-00-02-017 067-08-03-007 143-00-02-002 108-00-01-012 077-00-01-024 144-00-01-027 077-00-01-023 077-00-01-047 167-00-01-060 059-00-01-097 032-00-03-002 166-00-07-009 154-04-01-037 154-04-01-046 166-00-07-050 185-00-01-057 095-00-01-012 109-00-01-116 166-00-03-074 041-00-01-105 143-00-02-038 183-00-02-035 163-00-02-028 116-00-01-037 095-00-02-001 159-00-01-037 006-00-04-011 143-00-02-006 056-14-03-063 056-14-07-028 073-00-01-103 073-00-01-113 202-12-01-010 051-00-04-029 140-00-04-016 057-05-01-012 032-00-01-049 NET TAX 204.72 320.65 132.68 238.99 794.05 618.88 171.68 1228.90 961.79 344.46 152.51 1671.19 1062.57 396.04 153.48 217.93 237.53 752.21 436.68 186.84 217.59 577.83 385.16 327.92 942.80 396.13 612.98 390.75 436.83 766.51 644.43 615.10 689.19 250.01 399.77 274.78 172.59 211.77 594.38 437.80 629.82 204.70 245.75 276.15 790.25 162.15 276.15 279.47 276.15 352.96 167.82 649.40 506.49 838.11 136.58 198.07 358.37 322.34 990.98 488.56 227.73 055-05-01-007 055-05-01-006 217.93 1650.03 2-1 165-07-05-061 2518.04 32-2 32-2 32-1 057-13-01-004 078-00-03-022 035-16-03-021 598.73 549.76 724.21 32-2 6-2F 6-2F 32-1 18-HF 21 2-1 2-1 8-F 8-F 27-F 27-F 32-2 20-F 20-F 20-F 6-2F 32-2 32-2 8-F 21 8-F 21 24-F 32-1 30-F 32-2 15-F 14-F 2-1 2-1 32-1 18-LF 2-2DF 18-HF 1 18-LF 7-F 32-2 11-F 11-F 32-1 30-F 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 11-F 2-2H 18-LF 32-2 18-LF 28-F 16-F 14-F 2-1 7-F 7-F 18-HF 21 054-00-02-005 089-00-01-039 089-00-01-106 366.24 171.96 372.08 056-10-04-031 052-00-02-099 202-08-02-022 165-05-01-054 165-06-01-074 102-00-01-003 124-00-01-010 062-00-02-095 062-00-02-098 055-11-01-052 087-00-01-113 087-00-01-119 087-00-01-122 18-HF 782.68 156.09 176.01 250.47 355.55 295.71 357.87 1369.20 315.19 181.97 248.49 313.03 420.41 052-00-02-108 187-00-02-082 070-00-02-012 335.73 993.06 089-00-01-043 056-12-01-038 054-00-01-102 105-00-01-004 187-00-02-161 105-00-01-036 056-14-03-049 159-00-01-089 056-08-01-009 061-00-01-013 181-00-01-057 165-03-02-029 165-03-02-032 056-14-03-080 118-00-01-025 164-04-01-079 052-00-03-021 081-00-03-017 118-00-01-026 182-00-03-032 057-10-03-026 151-00-01-235 151-00-06-009 151.07 168.90 201.67 315.19 783.90 668.92 635.34 140.47 309.98 521.57 786.03 381.53 295.14 791.09 139.50 236.70 851.21 214.10 641.96 165.41 463.52 286.14 500.13 056-14-05-025 140-00-05-009 067-08-01-032 067-08-01-039 067-08-01-040 067-08-01-041 151-00-07-009 165-15-01-069 098-00-01-058 057-10-01-002 098-00-01-057 011-00-01-171 100-00-02-244 561.15 198.07 188.45 170.99 157.35 901.26 276.15 255.44 160.64 276.70 1735.97 198.07 217.59 052-00-03-067 168-00-03-013 208.45 291.03 180-00-02-091 165-06-04-066 182-00-03-005 182-00-03-009 178.56 991.76 453.51 198.07 NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 | PAGE 11B Cozy up to a good book By Jimmie Epling Director Darlington County Library System Winter is not far away according to the calendar. It starts December 22nd this year. The days will get gradually shorter until then. The nights will get nippier too, requiring you to find that jacket in the back of your closet and frost scraper under the car seat. The good thing about this week is we are in the midst of the holiday season. The shopping hype of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” is now behind us. And, while the weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful, when you’ve got no place to go, why not cozy up with a good book..ho…ho…ho? (If those words sound familiar, they are my clever…or not…rewording of the Christmas carol “Let It Snow”). If you are still reading this article, the Darlington County Library invites you to participate in our first “Winter Reading Program.” The “Cozy Up to a Good Book” winter reading program is for all ages. It begins on December 7th and will go through February 29th. As always, the Library offers a variety of free reading, listening, and viewing experiences for you during the winter. This year, we encourage you during these chilly days to curl up with a good story you have found at one of our four locations, Darlington, Hartsville, Lamar, or Society Hill or the “digital branch” (www.darlington-lib.org). When you do this winter, you have a chance to win prizes from the Library by playing “Book Bingo.” The Library’s “Book Bingo” is just like regular bingo in that you have to get four or five blocks in a row. The difference from regu- Once you get your first “Book Bingo” by completing four blocks in a row, take your card to the Library to exchange it for prizes and to be entered in prize drawings. The prizes at each location will vary. At the Darlington Branch for the youngest group, each child that gets a “Bingo” on their card can exchange it for a free book and a prize from the “prize bucket.” A prize drawing will be held at the end of the program for a “library bag full of goodies.” The Hartsville Branch will be giving away a free book to everyone who gets a “Bingo” and two free tickets to a Coker College athletic event. Bingo winners will also get a chance to experience something unique at the Hartsville Branch, an indoor miniature golf course. Depending on your age group, you will receive a ticket to play a round of Library miniature golf on either February 20th or 21st. The grand prize drawing at Hartsville will be for a $25 gift card from Burry Book Store and a library book bag. The winter reading program prizes and activities are made possible by the Friends of each branch library. During the “Cozy Up to a Good Book” winter reading program, there will be some special additions to our regular story times, family movies, teen activities, books clubs, and “Paws to Read” program (children reading to therapy dogs). Hartsville will have a special adult craft time on the first Wednesday of the three winter months. Discover what you can create on December 2nd, January 6th, and February 3rd, all starting at 3 p.m., by calling Hartsville Branch and then drop by to join in the fun. The Darlington and Lamar lar bingo is that you have a choice of the type of book you read or listen to as an audio book to fill the blocks. To encourage readers of all ages, we have a bingo card suitable for every age group. The youngest group is for those from birth through six years old. Among the reading choices are books about colors, family, bears, holiday award winners, bilingual (give the Tumble Book Library a try), easy reader, silly stories, and more. Parents can read to their youngest or read with their oldest in this age group. The pre-teens age group, made up of seven to twelve year olds, has a bingo card of its own. This age group will find choices like biography, funny stories, fantasy, realistic fiction, and graphic novels on their card. Teens are not forgotten in our winter reading program. Reading choices for teens include science fiction, paranormal, steampunk and historical fiction. Adults can also participate by picking up a bingo card. The squares on the adult card include reading choices more to their liking, such as romance, suspense, thriller, how-to, and large print. branches will host a “Cookies with Santa” program on Saturday, December 12th beginning at 11 a.m. Stop by to meet the jolly guy and share some holiday treats with him. A local authors’ book fair will be held at the Darlington Branch on December 12th as part of the winter reading program. The fair is an opportunity to meet local authors, talk to them about their work, and have them sign their books. The local authors who will be at the Darlington Branch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. are Kara Adams (Christian Yoga), Ron Baxley, Jr. (Fantasy), Charlotte Berger (Children), Wynnette Fraser (Local Historical Fiction), Shawn Hudson (Humor and Graphic Novels), Christy Mumma (Animals), and Regina Smeltzer (Christian Suspense). Also, Darlington Branch will host a “Read-a-Thon” on Saturday, January 9th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be children’s stories read during the entire time. Come and listen to the stories and even take a turn reading if you like. Looking ahead to the winter months, while the weather outside will be chilly, the Darlington County Library warmly invites you to join in the “Cozy Up With a Good Book” winter reading activities. Don’t forget, you have a standing invitation all year long to visit one of our four locations or our “digital branch” (www.darlington-lib.org) to browse our collection of hundreds of thousands of great reads and borrow what you like. You don’t need to wait until wintertime to curl up with a good story to pass the long nights of the season. You can pass the time in any season with a good read from the Library. Darlington County contracts with CodeRED to provide emergency notification services to community Following an extensive and thorough evaluation and review of alerting systems, Darlington County has implemented the CodeRED system, a high-speed emergency notification service provided by Ormond Beach, FL-based Emergency Communications Network. The CodeRED system will serve as the backbone of the County’s emergency planning and communications outreach to both citizens and County personnel by using the system capabilities to send telephone calls, text messages, emails and social media alerts in an effort to effectively inform residents to protect life and property. CodeRED, among other notification systems available, was selected for its unrivaled reliability and accuracy, as well as the system’s global use. “CodeRED’s robust system will provide County officials with a reliable, easy-to-use interface to quickly disseminate critical information to our citizens during emergencies. We are very eager to use this technology to enhance our emer- gency preparedness plans,” said Emergency Management Director Mike McDonald. The County anticipates using the system to notify residents in specific geographic locations of fires, floods, drinking water emergencies, missing children notices and other emergencies. The County has been provided an initial database of residential and business telephone numbers, however all residents living within the city and town limits of Darlington, Hartsville, Lamar and Society Hill and all residents living in the county’s jurisdiction are encouraged to visit www.darcosc.com and click on the CodeRED logo to enroll additional contact information including cell phone numbers, text and email addresses. Public safety officials across the United States have credited CodeRED notifications for many successful events including locating missing children, apprehending wanted criminals and issuing timely evacuations. Basketball Registration Sign your future Falcon up for basketball at the Darlington Area Recreation Department for the 2015 – 2016 season by December 4 – there will be no late registration! For girls and boys ages 5 – 14, according to age on September 1, 2015. Sign up at the office at 300 Sanders Street in Darlington. Cost is $25 for new participants, and $20 for previous football or fall softball players, or cheerleaders for the 2015 season. For more information on basketball or other programs, call: 843-398-4030. Like them on Facebook: Darlington Area Recreation. Trinity-Byrnes welcomes a speaker for all history buffs Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate school students were in for a special treat when Mary Ellen Donovan Fuller spoke to the student body about her father, James B. Donovan. Donovan was a New York lawyer who engaged in many of the 20th century’s most intense historical events. Fuller shared with the student body how she personally met Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. She told the students about the planning of the RECIEPT 047398-14-3 047551-14-3 047552-14-3 047832-14-3 047888-14-3 047937-14-3 048026-14-3 048057-14-3 048177-14-3 048337-14-3 048410-14-3 048463-14-3 048488-14-3 048489-14-3 048509-14-3 048547-14-3 048617-14-3 048673-14-3 048848-14-3 048885-14-3 048886-14-3 048887-14-3 048888-14-3 048915-14-3 049039-14-3 049149-14-3 049189-14-3 049215-14-3 049275-14-3 049295-14-3 049332-14-3 049349-14-3 049427-14-3 049709-14-3 049882-14-3 049942-14-3 050053-14-3 050054-14-3 050167-14-3 050177-14-3 050257-14-3 050258-14-3 050279-14-3 050575-14-3 050580-14-3 050611-14-3 050614-14-3 050621-14-3 050624-14-3 050655-14-3 050764-14-3 050774-14-3 050794-14-3 024669-14-5 movie, “Bridge of Spies”, which depicts one of her father’s exploits. Spielberg calls Donovan his hero. Jim Donovan defended the Russian spy – Col. Rudolf Abel. He also made the exchange in Berlin on a bridge and traded him for America’s U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers. He had been captured when his plane was shot down over Russia. discriminatory, collegepreparatory day school serving students in grades seven through twelve located in Darlington, South Carolina. Trinity-Byrnes fosters development of every student’s intellect and character through strong academics, a wide variety of athletics, and extra-curricular activities. For more information contact April Munn, Director of Admissions, at (843) 395-9124, [email protected]. Trinity-Byrnes Collegiate School is a coeducational, non- NAME NOW: VALERIE L COX TURNER DOUGLAS TYNDAL SHANNON TYNDALL GLEN U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOC NOW: MARK ESTATES LLC UZAMERE ETHEL VANDEVANDER MICHAEL NOW: TOMMY HICKS VELAZQUEZ TRINIDAD ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED VFS LENDING JV LLC VONKEYS STACIE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED WALKER HAROLD WALLACE BOYKIN JR WALLACE JUNE A WALLACE NORRIS NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED WALLACE NORRIS WALLACE RUTH NEED TO BE REDEEMED WALTERS CHRIS WALTERS SANDRA OWENS WARD JEANNETTE A WARREN SARAH & ETAL NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED WASHINGTON DORIS WASHINGTON DORIS WASHINGTON DORIS WASHINGTON DORIS WASHINGTON ROBERT JR WATFORD JAY W & JUDY W WATFORD WILLIAM & STEPHANIE WATKINS GEORGE HANEY & ET AL NOW: 1525 LAKEVIEW LLC WATKINS MARLO DANIELE WATSON JOYCE M P WATSON ROBERT L WATTS REBECCA WEATHERFORD BARBARA & JESSIE WEATHERFORD JOHN DARRELL WELCH JUDITH G WESTENBERGER ROBERT L WHEELER MABEL L WHITE FRANKLIN C JR WHITE FRANKLIN C JR WHITE ROXIE S NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED WHITE THELMA HAM WILDS BESSIE WILDS BESSIE WILDS FRANKIE NEED TO BE REDEEMED WILLIAMS ANGELA PAULETT ETAL WILLIAMS ANNELL & ANGINOLA 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row: Tyler Cook, Weston Nunn, Jan Bays Front Row: April Munn, Reid Saunders, Mary Donovan Fuller 2-2DF 11-F 16-F 2-1 13-F 14-F 32-2 12-F 12-F 30-F 15-F 23-F 32-1 30-F 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-1 32-2 20-F 15-F 17 5-F 13-F 13-F 2-2DF 2-2DF 32-2 32-2 3-F 32-1 30-F 30-F 32-2 12-F 2-2H 2-2H 32-2 32-1 32-1 8-F 11-F 21 15-F 2-2F 2-2F 13-F 7-F 2-1 165-09-02-013 152-00-02-002 168.62 544.36 142-00-02-001 165-07-08-056 2357.28 705.57 108-00-01-115 159-00-01-036 041-00-01-051 126-00-02-026 056-10-04-036 140-00-03-070 237.12 1259.54 214.28 246.87 352.43 1281.34 155-00-01-128 180-00-02-046 036-16-01-021 108-00-01-010 056-14-07-001 056-14-07-004 056-14-07-005 056-14-07-006 079-00-03-069 088-00-01-048 062-00-01-148 032-00-03-027 227.35 337.49 234.31 801.24 417.31 849.55 262.61 245.06 257.11 974.67 256.63 325.78 031-00-01-075 174-00-01-006 174-00-01-024 163-00-03-018 165-01-01-004 056-03-02-015 054-00-03-019 092-00-01-073 056-14-07-071 159-00-01-051 159-00-01-057 055-10-01-026 150-00-01-091 199-00-01-032 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217.66 217.59 757.00 517.61 194.28 573.57 056-02-03-038 062-00-03-006 131-00-03-008 3791.35 237.12 220.80 202-04-01-031 710.09 NEWS AND PRESS | DARLINGTON, S.C. PAGE 12B | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2, 2015 Crossroads Continued from 1B Anchor Club Pie Sale Delicious, homemade pies were up for grabs as the Darlington Anchor Club held their annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25, at the Darlington County Courthouse. Pies were priced from $8 to $12 with many varieties available, including sugar-free apple, Japanese fruit, coconut, sweet potato, pumpkin, Million Dollar, lemon chess, Derby, and pecan. Proceeds from the Pie Sale fund Anchor Club activities throughout the school year. PHOTO BY SAMANTHA LYLES Where is this in Darlington County? The photo from last week was of the corner of the lovely clock in Lamar! We had plenty of readers that guessed the one in Society Hill, and several guessed it was the one on the intersection of 5th Street and Carolina Avenue in Hartsville, but no one actually guessed the Lamar clock. Sylvia James and Mike and Gail Beckham knew that last week’s photo was of the Hartsville American Legion Post former building on Society Hill on Prestwood Lake, but were inadvertently not mentioned. Can you guess where in Darlington County this week’s photo was taken? Please send your guesses to: [email protected] or call 393-3811. Good luck! Shop Darlington this holiday season for a chance to win The Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association will hold a contest to encourage people to shop in Darlington this holiday season by giving them a chance to win one of three $100 fuel cards. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, shop at five different Darlington businesses; mail the DDRA copies of your receipts with an entry form, and then you will be entered into the drawing. “We want to encourage people to purchase their gifts in town rather than traveling to Florence for Christmas shopping,” says Lisa ChalianRock, director of DDRA, Planning & Economic Development for the City of Darlington. “Our businesses try very hard to diversify their inventory to please changing consumer tastes, and we need to reward them with our dollars if we want to continue to have and to grow our retail sector.” While you are out shopping, take a break to stop into one of Darlington’s restaurants for another receipt to add to your entry, as restaurant purchases during this time period will qualify as part of an entry. Gift cards or gift certificates at local eateries or at other service-based shops like salons or gyms qualify too. “We wanted to give people as many options as possible, so, as they go through their holiday shopping list of names, they could accommodate everyone,” Rock says. “Some people prefer to go out for a meal rather than get a sweater, and who doesn’t like being pampered at a salon? These are all great gifts that can be purchased right here in Darlington.” Entry forms will be located at area businesses, the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce, and City Hall. You can find copies in The News & Press through Dec. 23 or download forms from the DDRA Facebook page. A drawing of all the qualifying entry forms received will be held by January 6. The winners will be contacted by phone and by email. Gift cards will be presented in person at a location to be determined by the DDRA for a publicity photograph. Complete rules can be found online at www.facebook.com/ DowntownDarlington. “I'm a scavenger... there are things I use that I just picked up for free at the end of an auction, things that were just kind of cast aside and nobody wanted,” Jane says. For example, a somewhat gaudy porcelain Christmas town set from the 70s became an elegant, snow-capped mountain village through liberal application of chalk paint, glitter, and Epsom salt. A bargain bin reindeer statue now looks like a department store display item, nestled salt-andglitter snow under a half-price glass cloche. A wooden curtain ring became a tree ornament with the addition of a paper backing and some tiny greens and pinecones plucked from an old potpourri assortment. On the blog, Jane offers tips for making your own holiday decorations to celebrate special occasions all year long, and provides projects you can do yourself or share with youngsters who enjoy crafting. “This year, I'll be putting up instructions for how to make a little handsewn gingerbread man,” says Jane, adding that the gingerbread man sewing project is easy enough to share with young children. While Jane has the decorating instincts, Leo focuses on maintaining the Cottage's amazing garden, where the Windhams grow a beautiful variety of fresh produce – much of which they cook up in their own kitchen, sharing recipes with readers along the way. Their blog offers lots of great recipes and cooking tips for appetizers (the Lowcountry One of the whimsical decorations Jane created this season. PHOTO BY SAMANTHA LYLES Crab and Pimiento Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms look amazing!), entrees from seafood gumbo to pot roast, and dessert ideas for pies, cakes, and pretty parfaits. Canning recipes include spicy pear chutney, creole sauce, cucumber relish, spicy pickled okra, and a recipe for homemade canned spaghetti sauce that drew more than 150,000 page views – a figure that proved eye-opening for Jane and Leo. “We just never expected that many people would be reading,” says Jane, noting that the generous public response makes it worth all the work to stage and photograph and write up new posts every week. Visit cottageatthecrossroads.com online to see more of Jane and Leo's gardening tips, recipes, and decorating ideas. And if you're up for some great music programmed by Leo (a veteran radio personality), tune in Crossroads Radio by clicking the “Radio” button on their homepage. Something big is in the air at Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center. And once in place, it will be a big advance in healthcare for the Hartsville region. On a recent fall day, GE’s latest, state of the art MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine was unloaded and crane-lifted into Carolina Pines RMC. Installation is underway inside the hospital’s beautiful new MRI Caring Suite, which will open later this month. Bringing the best in medical technology to the Hartsville region. That’s one more way we’re caring for our own, right here at home. 1304 West Bobo Newsom Highway Hartsville, South Carolina 29550 t (843) 339-2100 www.cprmc.com This hospital is partially owned by physicians.
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