Spring Ordeal - Aal-Pa


Spring Ordeal - Aal-Pa
Feb 2015
The Official Publication of Aal-Pa-Tah #237 Council 85
Spring Ordeal
Spring Ordeal is right
around the corner, come on
out on March 6-8 and help
welcome our new Brothers
through their Ordeal. We have
planned for the weekend and
some amazing food. From
bouncy castle to jousting, and
of course all our amazing
lodge sports, Ampt guard
lodgeball, and many many
more. Plus to top the night off
we will have a 237 Surprise for
the record books.
Nicholas Raymond
Spring Ordeal Chairman
Inside this issue:
- Spring Ordeal
- Chiefly Speaking
- Officer Reports
- Chapter Corner
- The Forum
- High Adventure
- Section Conference 8
Gator Tales Staff
Lodge Secretary
Jonathon Claridge
[email protected]
Chris Olbrych
[email protected]
Barry J.F. Ekle
Gulf Stream Council
(561) 694-8585
Visit us at
Please remember to pay your dues at Spring Ordeal or
online in order to keep getting your issues of Gator Tales.
aal-pa-tah237.org or
join us on Facebook
Chiefly Speaking
My Brothers,
For those who weren’t able to make it to the Banquet or Call Out, you missed a ton of
awards and a chance to welcome some of the newest candidates of our Lodge. I’d like to thank Mr.
Gallant for playing tunes and all those who helped decorate the Lassiter building area. A special
thanks to Aaron Gluck, our Banquet Chairman, and all the members of his committees that made it possible. All of the Lodge
Chairmen and Advisers received a portfolio binder as a token of appreciation for their service. Members were tapped out for
the Vigil Honor and others received their Elangomat Black Sash. Call out was a success to and I appreciate everyone who came
out and participated in greeting the newest Candidate of the Lodge, as well as the those Brothers who sealed their membership
in the Order by getting their Brotherhood sash.
Next on the planner is Spring Ordeal. We have an program packed with fun and service, including a 237 Surprise, that
will take you back in time. We have some meaningful and much needed work projects planned during the day and then we’ll
move to preparing for Section Conference in all competitions, and still wrapping the weekend up with an awesome party! I
hope to see everyone out at Camp Tanah Keeta for our the biggest Induction weekend of the Year! I’m glad to tell you all that I
have seen the weekend menu and it is definitely going to be amazing. Please pre-register as soon as possible and be sure to
bring your own cups as our ongoing initiative to Leave No Trace.
Right after Spring Ordeal, is SECTION CONFERENCE 2014! Hosted by Tipisa Lodge #326, this is going to be a really great
conference! Aal-Pa-Tah is bring one of the largest contingents we have ever brought to a Section Conference. If you cannot attend this weekend, you will definitely be missing out. The event only costs –$$$-- for the entire weekend (covers registration
fee, Fun Pack, patch, shirt, and gas money). We need everyone’s help to show the rest of Section S-4 the power and might of Aal
-Pa-Tah Lodge 237! Be sure to register soon!
Daniel Olbrych
Adviser’s Minute
Hello Aal-Pa-Tah,
I am slow to catch onto new technologies, but I have recently found a technology that has
changed my life – podcasts. I drive a lot, so I find listening to podcasts over my car radio really makes all that driving more entertaining. It is like Neflix for my radio. One of the podcasts I listen to is This American Life. On episode 544, the theme was about
expectations, and whether or not expectations can alter your life. The first segment was about an experiment done by some scientists. They took some rats of equally average intelligence (how they determine a rat’s intelligence I don’t know) and labeled their
cages, “dumb rat” and “smart rat”. They had people come in and put these rats through a maze. And even though the rats were
equally intelligent, the rat labeled “dumb” did far worse than the rat labeled “smart”. How could this be? The scientists theorize
that the expectations of the people handling the rats influenced the behavior of the rats. Meaning, there were ways in which the
handlers communicated with or handled the rats that influenced the outcome.
This really got me thinking about people…. If rats can be influenced by a label on a cage, how are people influenced by
labels? And even more important, how do we label others and influence THEIR outcomes? Stop and think about this a minute….
First, think about yourself. What labels do you think others have put on you that may be limiting you? Or maybe you are labeling
yourself and holding yourself back?
Now, think about people in your Troops (or at school, etc.) Do you have a boy who is shy, perhaps? Or maybe there is
someone who you think could not possibly be good at sports? Or are there others you think just can’t get along with the group?
How have the labels applied to them affected their potential? How are YOU affecting them by simply assuming the label is correct?
It feels to me that labeling people is like reading the ending of a book before reading the entire story. We assume the ending is
correct and then the story follows. I know what I am going to do with this newfound knowledge…. I am going to disregard the endings and focus on writing new stories!
Amanda Pantone
Officer Reports
Vice Chief of Program
Vice Chief of Inductions
Hello Aal-Pa-Tah lodge 237,
Thus far we have had an amazing year with program, I
am so happy to have had an awesome run this year. We have
had an amazing year, from pieing the LEC to snow cones and
Winter Fellowship. Our turn outs have been thus far really good
but we could do better. This coming couple events I want the
biggest turn out we've seen in Lodge history. Whether that is to
big of a goal or not, I always say go big or go home. I still want
to hear from all of you, let me know your ideas I want to always
hear from you contact me with all your ideas, or if you see me
don't be scared to shout them out. I've heard what you guys
want and I'm trying to deliver after all this is your lodge. Stay
classy Aal-Pa-Tah!
My Brothers,
Elections are finally over, and the Lodge is about to
grow immensely! All the better to serve our Council and Troops.
Come on out to Spring Ordeal which is coming up, March 6 th-8th.
I expect everyone to encourage all elected to attend this amazing weekend. I also expect to see all Brothers to attend and put
in some Cheerful Service around camp and in helping these new
Candidates come into our Lodge. Lastly, Brotherhood Day was
held February 7th and I would like to congratulate all those who
sealed their Brotherhood in the Lodge. I can’t wait to see everyone and if you are interested in joining ceremonies or you have
any questions for me, feel free to contact me at
[email protected] or (561)-866-1633
Michael Riley
Matthew Mirandi
Vice Chief of Service
My Brothers,
This has been an exciting start of the new year on a
service level. There have been many successful service days and
there are many still to come. Please attend Spring Ordeal and
give some cheerful service to camp. There will be upcoming
emails so please constantly check your emails for service updates. If you are in need of service hours for school, Tanah
Keeta service days are a great way to get active in the Lodge, to
have fun, and to get some hours. Remember, the OA is onethird Service.
Gregory Yentz
Lodge Historian
I hope all is well! The revamping of Kings Cup is beginning and hope you guys are going to be really impressed at Section Conference on April 11th. If you have any recommendations for what you guys would like to see in your Lodge’s Kings
Cup, time is running out! So contact me ASAP with you input
and it will be considered! Banquet was an awesome event! A
special thank you to Aaron Gluck for making it happen! And
congratulations to our latest Vigil Honor Class! I'm looking forward to an awesome weekend at Spring Ordeal on March 6th 8th at Tanah Keeta! I hope to see you all there! Until then!
Josh Ott
Lodge Secretary
My Brothers,
It's a great time to be a Gator! I hope you all are having
a AMAZING year and that you all are just as excited to meet all
the new members that are to be part of this great Lodge! If
you'd like to learn a principal in the ceremonies or get more
involved in the Lodge in general, I highly suggest talking to one
of the Lodge Officers (such as myself!). Always make sure you
have FUN.
Jonathan Claridge
Chapter Corner
Lowaneu Mawat
Ne-Kee-Wa Chapter has been doing great! I would like to thank
our Chapter's Unit Elections Team for volunteering and helping
me with our Chapter's unit elections. I hope to see everybody
at Spring Ordeal March 6-8 at TK. I would like to see all our
Brothers at Spring Ordeal to be Elangomats and help welcome
our new Brothers into our fantastic Lodge. Our Ne-Kee-Wa
Chapter t-shirts should be arriving shortly. Chapter leadership
is working on a new patch design and improving Chapter meetings.
Eric K.
Hello Brothers.
Oi-Ya-Tah Chapter is doing amazing, we just had 4 members
seal their membership with Brotherhood this past Brotherhood
day. We are still going for Best All Around Chapter, and implore all our members come out to our meetings and weekends. We still meet the second Thursday of every month 7:30
pm at district round table. So come on out.
Michael Riley
What's new? Well, Chapter t-shirts are now available to order
for $10. This price may change in the future, so reserve yours
today! Also remember, Spring Ordeal is approaching, so come
on out and support our new Brothers! We meet on the fourth
Monday of the month, Living Lord Lutheran Church at 6:30pm.
Hope to see you there.
Robert Ulrcih
Greetings Brothers
A-Bani-Ki Chapter is growing and performing at the
healthy rate as it has been for the past year. Chapter
meetings are holding good numbers. Event participation
is as large as ever. Our bake sale has proved to be overly
exceptional. We are in the process of designing a new tshirt. With all of this occurring in our Chapter, I can only
stress how important Spring Ordeal will be. As always it is
our largest event for the Lodge, and especially our Chapter. I myself will be at the weekend welcoming the new
candidates, and would like as many of you to join me.
Speaking of joining, for all members who received Brotherhood at the Trade-O-Ree, congratulations on truly securing your ties to the Order of the Arrow. A-Bani-Ki
chapter is truly exceptional, and I have no complaints for
our work.
Arren R.
OA Unit of Excellence Award
The Troop being the primary and most vital platform from which the Scouting Program is delivered, it is only right that the OA supports the units of our council to the
best of our ability. The OA Unit of Excellence Award is given to units that excel in
incorporating the OA into their annual planning and participate in the lodge in elections, lodge events and meetings, and conduct an OA troop representative program.
The award is broken into five major parts:
1) Leadership: Implement the OA Representative program in your unit
2) Participation: At least 50% of unit OA members attend a lodge event in addition
to their Ordeal
3) Elections: Hold an Election and have 100% of elected candidates complete their
4) Planning: Maintain an active planning process that prevents overlap between
lodge and unit events
5) Conversion: At least 30% of eligible Troop members seal their membership by
converting to Brotherhood.
The Forum
The Forum
The Forum is a place in GT where everyone from
Chairman to Arrowman can speak. We accept all submissions, so If you have something you want to say in the
next issue, please submit it to [email protected]
Help Wanted -Website Chairman
The website is going great but I am looking for help to
run the website if any of you are interested. No experience required!!! If you are interested you can email the
Lodge or see me during a weekend.
Brotherhood Chairman
The next upcoming event for Order of the Arrow we will be having
another Brotherhood counseling and Ceremony for those who missed
this weekend, I would also like to congratulate all who earned their
Brotherhood this past Brotherhood weekend we had thirty Arrowmen go thru and we had 30 Arrowmen into our Brotherhood.
If you need information on Brotherhood contact me at 561-797-3904
or email me at [email protected]
Travis Bassler
Evan White
Centuries of Service Award
Even if you can’t make it to NOAC, all Arrowmen are eligible for the Arrowman Service Award.
Feel free to cut this card out to help you track your progress and submit it to Mrs. P or myself when completed.
The work list for Advisers can be found at:
Summer OA Adventures
Have you ever wanted to attend a
National High Adventure Base? Do
you want to meet Arrowmen from around the country? Then you should go to OA High Adventure. There
are 4 bases that offer OA programs: Philmont
(backpacking), Northern Tier (canoeing), Sea Base
(snorkeling and other ocean activities), and Summit
(all other Scouting activities). For these programs, the
first half is full of Cheerful Service and the second half
is full of fun program. These programs are fun, cheap,
and are longer than normal treks. If you have any
questions about OA High Adventure, please feel free
to talk to me or any other people you know who have
Gregory Yentz
Lodge Banquet
Held on the lawn of the
Lassiter building, this
Lodge Banquet was one
of a kind and I appreciate everyone who came
together to make it
such a great event.
Congratulations to all
those who got awards
as they were well deserved. Many thanks to
the kitchen staff for the
great barbeque and all
of you who came out
and made it a true OA
event. See you next
Aaron Gluck
Section Confrence
Section Conference is right around the corner and is
April 10-12 at Camp La-no-che. This is going to be an
amazing event that Tipisa Lodge will be hosting and I
would love to see each of you there to show the rest of
the Section who the Best All Around Lodge is. We are
looking into doing a themed weekend so if you have any
ideas let me know ASAP so this way, we roll into Section
in style. Sign up online or in person at Spring Ordeal. I
hope to see each of you there. Let's go GATORS!!!!!!!
Mike McLoughlin
Section Leadership Summit Chairman
Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge 237
Gulf Stream Council, Inc.
Boy Scouts of America
8335 North Military Trail
Palm Beach, FL 33410-6329
“Change Service Requested“
Upcoming Events
March 7-9th
Spring Ordeal
April 11th-13th
Section Conference
May 16th-18th
Summer Pow-wow